#how to play XDefiant
gamernews · 1 year
The Decline of Call of Duty: What Happened?
I've been a Call of Duty fan since Black Ops 2, and I've seen the franchise rise and fall. In its heyday, Call of Duty was the undisputed king of first-person shooters. But in recent years, the series has lost its way.
There are a few reasons for Call of Duty's decline. One reason is that the games have become too formulaic. Every year, we get the same basic experience: a new campaign, a new multiplayer mode, and a new zombies mode. There's nothing wrong with that, but it's not enough to keep fans engaged.
Another reason for Call of Duty's decline is that the developers have become too focused on microtransactions. In recent years, the games have been filled with loot boxes, battle passes, and other ways to spend money. This has turned off some fans who don't want to have to pay extra to get the full experience.
Finally, Call of Duty has also been hurt by the rise of other first-person shooters. Games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Valorant have offered new and innovative experiences that have captured the attention of gamers.
As a result of these factors, Call of Duty is no longer the dominant force in the first-person shooter market. It's still a popular franchise, but it's not the same as it used to be.
I'm still a fan of Call of Duty, and I hope that the developers can turn things around. But I'm not holding my breath. The series has been on a downward trend for years, and it's hard to see how it can recover.
But hey, at least we still have the memes.
What do you think? Is Call of Duty a dying franchise? Or can the developers still turn things around?
I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
P.S. If you're looking for a new first-person shooter to play, I highly recommend checking out XDefiant when it releases.
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ragequitgamer · 26 days
How To Unlock DedSec In XDefiant
Do you want to show off your inner hacker skills and shake things up in XDefiant? If so, the DedSec group is perfect for you. However, unlike the other groups you can play as, DedSec is not available right away. This guide will explain the two ways you can unlock DedSec and become a top player by using their special hacking abilities. Short Answer Want to play as DedSec, the hacker faction in…
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maximuswolf · 27 days
The u in Ubisoft stands for unplayable
The u in Ubisoft stands for unplayable 😂😭 Me, le minding my business, watching everyone cm all over their own chests over xdefiant and how good it is (it's literally just free, that's the game changer for Ubisoft): *goes to download it** Xdefiant: turn controller settings on to use a controller pls Turns on controller Controller literally doesn't work in the game. Everyone on interwebs confirming it doesn't workLiterally unplayable unless you're a K&M Chad (I just play better on controller) Literally they had one job and got a 50% 😂😭 Submitted May 28, 2024 at 10:40AM by dg2793 https://ift.tt/NyaXKGi via /r/gaming
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valorousflower · 1 month
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This blog has turned a year old! Goes to how far I've come in writing Fumiko.
Friends wanted to play XDefiant with me, so replies will be held off for now. Will also try to get some other stuff going for this blog in the future!
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40splishsplash · 8 months
Shatterline is a free to play fps game that has been struggling when it comes to keeping players in the game, and soon another free to play shooter will be released and therefore compete in the somewhat same realm; XDefiant by Ubisoft! How will this affect Shatterline, that is developed by a small studio, and the game is still in early access?
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Ubi Forward Part 1
Ubi Forward has officially finished streaming and in the stream, we were shown some fantastic trailers and gameplay, in this first of two blogs I'm going to unpick some of the most incredible moments in the show Avatar Frontieres Of Pandora 
The first big game title was Avatar Frontiers of Pandora, the game was shown as a mix of trailer and gameplay, and from what we've seen the game is shaping up to be a fantastic title. Not only did the world like vibrant and alive it also invoked the same amount of wonderment that the movies give, the game also features a lot of fat movement and verticality. They also showed a few mounts and mounted combat but the highlight for me was the character leaping off a high floating island and summoning their flying mount, it looked like a lot of fun and something I want to try. The gameplay showed a lot of 3rd person movement and also intractable environments, but also action gameplay from guns to bows and arrows. This mix could allow us to tailor our combat experience, there was a skill tree briefly shown but I'm unsure how that will play. The game officially launches in December this year 
Xdefient The next title was the amazing free-to-play FPS Xdefient which I did a small write-up about the closed beta here:https://www.tumblr.com/letstalkassassinscreed/719949858963881984/xdefiant-by-ubisoft?source=share   they did announce some news like an open session on June 21st, this open session will feature a good amount of content from; 14 maps, 4 factions with a 5th unlockable and that is the dedsec faction, 5 game modes and 24 weapons. We were also shown their ambitious year 1 plan which featured 4 new factions 12 new weapons and 1w new map. I'm very excited and hoping to make this my main competitive shooter. Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown The next trailer shown was one of the 3 titles I was hoping to see and that is Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown, this new title is a 2d Metroidvania combing the acrobatic and fun combat of the action Rpg Sands of Time Trilogy. The trailer started as a cinematic highlight of bosses' anime types and combat and it looked amazing. But the ending showed more gameplay that highlighted the fun traversal and puzzling features, there is also a time mechanic which I cant wait to test out, I don't want to say too much now as I'm currently writing more detailed thoughts and impressions. But safe to say on January 18th 2024 I will be playing this. Captain Lazerhawk I don't have much to say on this as it wasn't a game title but more an animated show by the creator of Castlevania based on the far cry 3 blood dragon expansion, it did not get my attention as I don't have Netflix. The Divison Resurgence A mobile title based on the division is all I can say on this, it does look cool and I have had my eye on it since the announcement but I'm waiting for a full reveal and a chance to play before I update my thoughts on it. The trailer we did show was cinematic and fun and there was some gameplay mixed in which is always a nice touch. We had some smaller updates here with a song from the Skull and Bones game, brawlhala and Mario Rabbid's Sparks of Hope. The Crew Moterfest I'm not a big racing fan but this game looks amazing and I did try The Crew 2 and enjoyed it, so I'm excited to see what's next for this franchise. This section showed some amazing visuals and gameplay on the isle of Hulu. it featured some cool biomes from beaches and rainforests. The cars also looked cool, I will be paying attention to this title over time. The biggest announcement was the ability to port your The Crew 2 collection into Motorfest for free. This title will also be launching on September 14th 2023 Assassins Creed Nexus 
This was a very surprising title as it's a Vr exclusive, as someone who has 0 experience with Vr it may be a title I miss. From what we did see it looked pretty fun and it showed to have 3 characters to choose from which is a cool detail. I'm excited to see how this game develops Assassins Creed Jade
Mixed into the Nexus segment was Jade a title im excited to play as im an avid mobile gamer, the game will be free to play which is a great starting point for all fans to test it and hopefully enjoy it. The gameplay shown blew my mind I want this game and hope my phone can run it haha im still sceptical of the free-to-play model and if it'll have a pc port, but im signed up for the beta so I have more news soon I hope. Assassins Creed Mirage 
I could talk for hours about how excited I am for this game haha the showcase featured a phenomenal story trailer you have to see it, I like the mix of old and new and the callbacks to AC1.  there is a lot more I want to say but I am leaving that to an upcoming podcast episode where me and James can fully unpick it, but the story does look to be very gripping, emotional and amazing. The gameplay was perfect if im being honest there is a strong sense of parkour in this game with a lot of paces to move, there was also a destructible environment that helps break the line of sight to get away which is a great feature to see. Tools being back is much needed if im honest, I cant wait to do a few more updates on the gameplay trailer as there is a lot to unpick 
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jcmarchi · 26 days
XDefiant Review - Defying No Tradition - Game Informer
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/xdefiant-review-defying-no-tradition-game-informer/
XDefiant Review - Defying No Tradition - Game Informer
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XDefiant’s core modes offer temporarily fun stabs at the competitive multiplayer arena shooter, but Ubisoft’s latest attempt at carving out a slice of the lucrative esports pie feels half-baked. Core modes like its practice mode and ranked queue are gated off by construction tape at the time of writing. This leaves a bland battle pass with head-scratching progression decisions and standard weapon-based leveling systems as the only tangible means of rewarding you for playing the game or doing well beyond an individual match. And with questionable netcode and missing mainstay features and modes, not even its interesting hero shooter-like abilities and small tweaks on the run-and-gun, low-time-to-kill formula coined by Call of Duty make me want to return to XDefiant.
Ubisoft’s crossover shooter couldn’t have picked less interesting properties to kit-bash together. Though each of the five factions currently available in the game adds a cool approach to gameplay, they’re not exactly the superstars you think of when you hear Ubisoft. Instead, players step into the arenas as unfamiliar characters from Ded Sec (Watch Dogs), The Cleaners (The Division), Libertad (Far Cry), Echelon (Splinter Cell), or The Phantoms (Ghost Recon); there’s no Sam Fisher or Dani Rojas for you to recognize or get excited about picking because you liked their game. Each faction has three playable characters (two or more of which you need to unlock in each faction) but they have no differentiating traits between them aside from some cosmetic stuff. 
Combat is fast-paced, with a quick time-to-kill to make each shot count and almost nonexistent respawn timers constantly pushing you back out of the gate to chase down the objective and juice up that K/D ratio with its hyper-realistic arsenal of guns and devices. The standout here is XDefiant’s selection of 14 maps, each boasting plenty of cleverly laid out lanes and chokepoints, with open areas and tight corridors in different spots to encourage and reward different playstyles.
Getting enough kills in one life unlocks a cool ultra ability to help your team out in battle and stack up some extra kills or extra time on the objective. Here’s where things start to change from the familiar: Ultras, alongside a less powerful but still useful secondary ability and a helpful passive, vary based on the faction you choose. Each faction is based on an organization or group from another Ubisoft property and has its own set of specialties and abilities. You can switch between them anytime during a game, letting you adjust your strategy based on the task at hand.
Let’s say you’re playing Domination, but the other team has a sniper in a perfect sightline to pick you and your teammates off one by one, keeping you from capturing the point. Setting up one of the Phantoms’ Mag Barriers might help absorb some sniper fire long enough for your team to grab a reliable foothold and return fire. But as tactical as these abilities can be, XDefiant’s basic setup doesn’t do enough to encourage strategic play over simply rushing the objective and trying to beat the enemy team to the draw until the score limit is reached.
That game of quickdraw doesn’t always feel right, though. XDefiant’s netcode and hit detection are way off; I can’t tell you how many times my game has registered a shot on an opposing player as a hit, only for them to kill me and the game to tell me that they had full health after I’d been downed. Even with a wired connection and the best ping in my lobby, I’ve been shot through walls as I move and even been killed while hiding behind cover that should block my entire body.
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It’s barely been a week since I first installed XDefiant, but I don’t think I’d miss it from my hard drive. While the gameplay at its core is fun enough, the game is barren compared to most other shooters—including the free ones—with even bare-basic modes like team deathmatch and free-for-all or features like a ping system or skill-based matchmaking nowhere to be found. Its maps are well-made, sure, but with no rank to strive for, daily missions that ask me to commit to playing ten whole matches, and very little to look forward to in the battle pass, I don’t understand why this game would gain any traction over others beyond the fact that it’s free.
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ragequitgamer · 27 days
How to Find Your Skill Rating in XDefiant
This guide explains how to locate your Average Skill Rating (ASR) in XDefiant, a valuable metric for players, especially those interested in Ranked Play or if you’re just curious about how you are doing! Below are two options you can choose from a quick guide that only tells you how to find your skill rating or a more detailed guide that explains other aspects of skill rating. The choice is…
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maximuswolf · 1 month
XDefiant: I witnessed what I thought was impossible
XDefiant: I witnessed what I thought was impossible My friend (25 years old) and I have been playing video games since we were little kids. While I am an avid gamer who plays many different genres, he absolutely loves Call of Duty; he isn't simply a "COD player" he is THE COD Player.Since I've known him, the only thing he plays is Call of Duty. He likes and plays ONLY Call of Duty. Starting from Modern Warfare, he has played every single game in the series and has spent God knows how many hours on them.He’s not even a "casual" player who follows trends. He’s very good at it, and I see him online almost every day. But yesterday, things changed.For the first time in 15 years, I saw him playing another game: XDefiant. I’m playing it too, and I must admit that it’s really good; it reminds me a lot of old-school CoD but with a modern twist.I asked him about it, and he said that this game is what he hoped Call of Duty would return to. He’s loving it, apparently.Dear Ubisoft, if you managed to lure this guy into playing your game, it really means you have something good on your hands. Don’t mess it up! Submitted May 23, 2024 at 10:22PM by Selecto_ https://ift.tt/a4lJKws via /r/gaming
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maximuswolf · 1 month
The worst thing you can do for a game you like is get on its subreddit
The worst thing you can do for a game you like is get on its subreddit This doesn’t apply much to games with very niche and small communities, those tend to have more stable minded conversations, but man can a subreddit kill your excitement for a game quick.This really applies to any social media, but Reddit seems the worst for it. Recently I noticed this with Helldivers 2 which had a sub at the beginning who was loving the game, posting funny memes, clips, etc. and now all you see is a dumpster fire of raging threads. Part of the fun I had with the game at first was interacting with the HD2 community on here but that changed quick.Yesterday, I tried out Xdefiant and loved it! I used every weapon I had available to me and they all felt good and generally balanced (when you use them how they should be used). It felt like an older COD to me (think Ghosts). I jumped on the sub at night and all I saw were complainers not liking it or already saying “if you aren’t using the M4 or AK you basically have no change” which is crazy to me because it felt so balanced when I was playing without hearing all people online were saying.I’ve also experienced this in the recent past with The Finals. Even Grounded, a PvE game where you fight ants and spiders as a shrunken child can have toxic subreddits sometimes which is so crazy to me.At this point I’ll check once in a while, but I’m staying off of these subreddits for anything other than single player games 😂 Submitted May 22, 2024 at 08:09AM by S_Squar3d https://ift.tt/oFVvIji via /r/gaming
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Ubisoft's Free-To-Play FPS XDefiant Finally Gets Release Date And It's This Month
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ubisofts-free-to-play-fps-xdefiant-finally-gets-release-date-and-its-this-month/
Ubisoft's Free-To-Play FPS XDefiant Finally Gets Release Date And It's This Month
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XDefiant, the free-to-play first person shooter starring factions across Ubisoft’s catalogue of franchises, finally has a release date and it’s out very soon. Ubisoft announced today that XDefiant drops onto PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC (via Ubisoft Connect) on May 21. 
This is the day the XDefiant preseason will take begin, giving players a chance to enjoy the shooter before its official first season begins. This release date reveal follows various betas and tests for the game, which at one point, resulted in the game getting indefinitely delayed last year. 
“Thank you to everyone who participated in the Server Test Session,” an XDefiant blog post reads. “It was exciting to see all the love for the game and the great feedback that was shared. Coming out of the test, we are excited to say that we will launch our Preseason on May 21 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S. Preseason will last 6 weeks before going into our seasonal cadence.” 
As for that seasonal cadence, Ubisoft has already outlined the first four season, which together will encompass the game’s Year 1 roadmap. You can check it out below: 
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As for what to expect in XDefiant’s preseason, there’s a lot of content on offer, and it’s all free: 
Echelon (Splinter Cell)
Phantoms (Ghost Recon Phantoms)
Cleaners (The Division)
Libertad (Far Cry 6)
Dedsec (Watch Dogs 2, after unlocking or purchasing)
Attica Heights
Echelon HQ
Times Square
Hot Shot
Zone Control
Ubisoft says a new Ranked Mode Practice Playlist will be live in the preseason, too, giving players a practice go at the game’s upcoming ranked mode where players battle it out in 4v4 competitive matches. This playlist will include 4v4 versions of Domination, Occupy, Escort, and Zone Control. 
All rewards earned during the previously held Server Test Sessions and Insider Sessions will be available at launch in the preseason. 
Here’s another look at what to expect in XDefiant’s 6-week preseason:
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For more about the game, read Game Informer’s XDefiant impressions after going hands-on with the game, and then check out this XDefiant New Gameplay Today for a look at how it plays. 
Are you hopping into XDefiant later this month? Let us know in the comments below!
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XDefiant By Ubisoft
Over the last few days I got to try the closed beta for Ubisoft's next free to play title, Xdefiant. And in this blog I want to share my thoughts on the game and how I feel about its future.
The first thing that grabbed me about the beta was, despite the few bugs and server issues there was a fully fleshed and decent-looking game. That offered a fun experience that left me wanting more, and in its state I don't think a full release isn't too far away. So what type of game is Xdefiant? Well from what I played it kinda feels like a cross between old school call of duty, and the tactical hero based shooting of overwatch. Essentially you pick a character from a roster of iconic Ubisoft ips, each with there own abilities, kit them with a weapon load out and then jump right In. The game modes available in the beta were simple base defence type modes and a push objective mode, there was also a linted hot shot mode that I didn't get to try sadly.
As it's a beta I'm happy with what was on offer as each game mode was fun, fast paced and the maps played out from some iconic locations and I enjoyed it. But I hope there is more expansion of the game modes at launch, I was actually hoping for a good old team deathmatch mode as I'm nor very good with objective based challenges haha. What I did enjoy a lot about the matches I played, was how fast paced and tactical they felt, there were a lot of moments where I had to choose when and where was the best place to drop my abilities. And as confirmed by one of the lead team members on twitter, there was a lot less bunny hopping so gun fighting felt fair and wasn't a challenge of how to hit a bouncing kangaroo with a gun. And this could be a big win for the game, as I feel games where players can bunny hop out of range is annoying.
So with a lot of positive experience with the game, I feel the future is bright for this.little game but it won't be easy. First of speaking from a console point of view as that's where I play, there isn't too much competition for a free hero based shooter, the only 2 games I know of that feel similar are overwatch 2 and rogue company. But Xdefinet doesn't feel like any of them, it feels unique and its own thing, so with this in mind unlike Hyperscape that had to compete with other big battle royals, like fortnite, Apex legends and War zone. There isn't room for this game to fail by being dwarfed by bugger games, and this puts less pressure on the devs to try and do something better than what's on offer.
But there are 2 areas I feel this game could stumble with, the first is the biggest one in my opinion and that's transparency. For any game to succeed players and communities need a little transparency on bug fixes, known issues and updates to playlists and features. What I saw during the beta gave me hope, as the twitter socials were very active in spreading news about the server issues and responding where they can. If they can do this on a more manageable scale for them, I could see there being a tight knit community around the team that feels heard by the developers. The second issue that I know feels odd to be less important than transparency is monetisation. All free games need to make money as games aren't free, and with hero shooters there are 2 pitfalls that I don't want the team to fall into. First is the hero's only earnable through cash, this is a big issue as It can tip the game into pay to win territory. And pay to win is essentially how it sounds, giving advantage to players.with cash this can form a sorta of meta where non paying players use free heroes and skilled players with cash can use bought hero's. This creates an unfair balance.
The second pitfall is non-earnable currency. We can guess the bread and butter of this game's monetization will be cosmetics and battle passes. These have been proven to be successful and fun in certain games, but sometimes players may not have cash at hand to get a new skin or a shiny emote. So having events where players can earn currency could be useful then that way both paying and non paying players can invest in skins and potentially battle passes.
Overall I think this game is already on track to success, what I played in the beta was a lot. more than I expected. It was fun, fast-paced and tactical, there are also plenty of Ips in the Ubisoft portfolio they could.dip into, and this makes me excited to see what's on the horizon for this game.
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40splishsplash · 1 year
Today I'm talking about the upcoming free to play shooter called Xdefiant, that I believe is an overhyped game! How come, and is that a bad thing? I explain it all in the video!
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