#how to reduce higher creatinine level
bharathomeopathy778 · 24 days
Comprehensive Guide to Treatment for Kidney Failure: Options, Approaches, and Care
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About Kidney Diseases and Natural Medication
The most obvious reason for impairment in kidney function is the presence of too much creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is a waste product usually removed from the body by the healthy kidneys and excreted through urine. The presence of higher levels could suggest that the kidneys aren't functioning as they should, which is not healthy for general health. In this respect, homeopathy can be a comprehensive solution to high creatinine treatment and, possibly, the restoration of the efficiency of kidney function.
How Elevated Creatinine Levels Impact Kidney Health
Kidneys are charged with cleaning blood, removing waste, and ensuring the balance of fluids throughout the body. When kidney function starts to slow lower in function typically, it is evident by an increase in creatinine. A rise in creatinine can indicate that it could be an early sign of organ dysfunction and, therefore, fails to supply the required filtering by these vital organs.
Many health issues arise because of elevated levels of creatinine:
Fluid Retention: An insufficient elimination of waste by the kidneys could cause an accumulation of fluids which can cause swelling, which is typically in ankles and legs.
Electrolyte Imbalance: The kidney is responsible for electrolytes that include sodium and potassium that can become wildly out of balance due to decreased organ function. That's risky.
Toxin Accumulation: When the kidney function is reduced the toxins and wastes accumulate in blood. due to this the person experiences fatigue, nausea and fatigue as a result of the accumulation of these waste products in the bloodstream.
Progression into Kidney Failure: If the creatinine levels are not controlled, it can lead to CKD and eventually progress into end-stage kidney disease, which will require replacement therapy, which can be in the form of dialysis or transplantation of kidneys.
Benefits of Homeopathy in Preventing Kidney Failure
Homeopathy is a complete method of kidney problem medication. The use of highly diluted substances to stimulate the body's healing process naturally. In the field of kidney health, homeopathic treatments are used to help improve kidney function and stop any further deterioration.
Below are the advantages of homeopathic treatment for kidney failure: reducing high levels of creatinine and ensuring kidney health
A Holistic Approach: Homeopathy aims at treatment for physical as well as emotional and mental wellbeing and creates a treatment program that is completely customized to the individual.
Individualized Medicines: The medicines for homeopathy are administered following a careful analysis of the specific symptoms of each patient and their general health status.
Non-Toxic and Natural remedies: These are natural in homeopathic medicine and are derived by extracting herbal compounds from plants and are highly dilute, making them a non-toxic, gentle alternative for managing kidney health.
Well-being for the whole body: The treatment can address all fundamental body imbalances and assist in returning general health and an effective effect on kidneys, by reducing the creatinine levels.
Prevention of progress: Treatment with homeopathy at an early stage may help prevent the disease process from highlighting nephropathy, which is what causes the need for dialysis required later, and also other interventions to treat the problem.
Bharat Homeopathy Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Gurgaon
The chronic kidney disease treatment is available through Bharat Homeopathy, which is located in Gurgaon. The method of treatment at Bharat Homeopathy is focused on individual treatment and includes a broad range of techniques designed to tackle the many challenges associated with kidney care.
Clinic with Experienced Homeopaths has experienced homeopaths who are able to identify and treat CKD with the best methods of homeopathy.
Individualized Treatment Plans: For all patients who come to Bharat Homeopathy A treatment plan that is designed and tailored to the patient's symptoms, their history, and the nature of the problem being treated is offered.
Integrative Treatment: Bharat Homeopathy blends homeopathic treatments with lifestyle and diet guidelines for integrated treatment, promoting kidney health and offering cure for chronic kidney disease.
Monitoring and Assistance: This involves monitoring and checking in regularly to assess how the patient is doing and whether there is any reason to modify the treatment program.
Patient Education: Education of the patient regarding the management of their health in The clinic will be encouraged which allows the patient to take an active interest in maintaining their health. In the previous discussion, it is clear that the presence of high levels of creatinine may be a major problem for the kidney, especially when it suggests the possibility of a kidney failure treatment without dialysis. This could lead to more or more serious problems if proper care isn't followed. The homeopathic approach is an integrated treatment and offers a great deal to treat kidney-related problems, which could help prevent the onset of more serious phases of kidney disease. Hospitals such as Bharat Homeopathy located in Gurgaon, focus on the needs of people who are looking for something different or an alternative beyond what conventional therapies can provide. By addressing kidney health in an integrated and proactive way, homeopathy can be beneficial in maintaining kidney functions and improving the quality of living.
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kidneytreatment01 · 1 year
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Creatinine Levels That Are Too High: Causes, Signs, and Treatment
Creatinine is a crucial indicator of kidney function within your body. This is the waste product produced by creatine, which is found in muscles and broken down. Healthy kidneys effectively remove creatinine from the bloodstream and excrete it via urine. Thus, measuring creatinine levels is vital for evaluating kidney health. Knowing the BUN/Creatinine ratio (Blood Urea Nitrogen/Creatinine Ratio) can give additional insight into kidney functions.
Creatinine is a compound continuously created in the body, and levels of it can change. The normal levels of creatinine vary based on sex, age and the size of your muscles. In general, the normal range of creatinine in blood is 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for males who are adults, while 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL for females who are adults. These values are used as a reference to determine kidney function.
In contrast, the ratio BUN/Creatinine compares the amounts of two waste products found in the bloodstream: BUN, also known as blood nitrogen from urea (BUN) and creatinine. BUN is a product that occurs as the body degrades proteins. The BUN/Creatinine ratio in a healthy state generally falls between 10:1 and 20:1. A high or low ratio could indicate various health issues.
A high ratio between BUN and creatinine may indicate kidney problems or dehydration. Dehydration can lead to a rise in BUN levels, whereas creatinine levels can remain steady. This imbalance could increase the ratio. In addition, conditions such as congestive heart failure and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract can result in an increased ratio because of reduced blood flow to the kidneys.
In contrast, a lower BUN/Creatinine ratio could indicate malnutrition, liver disease, or even muscle breakdown. The liver cannot effectively process proteins in these instances, which can result in lower BUN levels compared to creatinine levels.
If creatinine levels are out of the norm, It is crucial to look at factors like gender, age, and the size of your muscles. Seniors or those with smaller muscle mass could naturally have lower creatinine levels, whereas bodybuilders and athletes could have higher levels because of an increased muscle breakdown.
If there is concern over kidney function, medical professionals typically employ a creatinine clearance calculator to determine how well the kidneys clear creatinine out of the blood. The test involves taking a urine sample to assess the amount of creatinine emitted. A lower rate of creatinine clearance could indicate a decreased kidney function.
High creatinine levels can signal kidney dysfunction or other health problems. A chronic kidney condition, such as glomerulonephritis or obstruction in the urinary tract, may cause an increase in creatinine levels. Recognizing the cause of high creatinine levels and taking the necessary measures to treat and manage the issue is vital.
In the end, levels of creatinine and the BUN/Creatinine ratio are useful instruments to evaluate kidney function and general health. Maintaining normal creatinine levels within a healthy range is vital for optimal kidney function. Regularly scheduled check-ups and monitoring these levels and other relevant tests can aid in identifying and treating kidney problems early and increase the chance of successful intervention and treatment. Remember that individual variations are possible, and a consultation with a healthcare expert is crucial for a thorough evaluation of the health of your kidneys.
If you want to know for kidney treatment homeopathy, then you can visit my original blog. The link has been provided below: 
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dietnourish · 1 year
Bizarre How to Increase GFR Facts You Need to Know
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Increasing Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is a critical concern for individuals with kidney disease or compromised kidney function. GFR is a measure of how well the kidneys filter waste and excess fluids from the blood. A higher GFR indicates better kidney function. In we will explore various strategies and lifestyle changes that may help How to Increase GFR maintain kidney health, and slow the progression of kidney disease.
Understanding Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR):
GFR is a measure of the kidneys' ability to filter blood. It is typically expressed in milliliters per minute (mL/min). A normal GFR is approximately 90 mL/min or higher, but this value can vary depending on age, sex, and other factors.
Factors Affecting GFR:
Several factors influence GFR, including:
Age: GFR tends to decrease with age.
Kidney Disease: Various forms of kidney disease can lead to a decreased GFR.
Blood Pressure: High blood pressure can damage the kidneys and lower GFR.
Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can cause kidney damage and decrease GFR.
Medications: Certain medications can affect kidney function.
Diet and Lifestyle: Diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices can impact GFR.
Strategies to How to Increase GFR
Increasing GFR involves a combination of medical management, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. Here are key strategies to consider:
1. Medical Management:
Consult a healthcare provider: If you have concerns about your GFR or kidney function, consult a nephrologist (kidney specialist) for a thorough evaluation.
Manage underlying conditions: If you have conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes, work with your healthcare provider to keep them under control.
Medication review: Some medications can affect kidney function. Discuss any concerns about medications with your healthcare provider.
2. Dietary Changes:
Limit Protein: In some cases, reducing dietary protein intake may be recommended to reduce the workload on the kidneys. However, protein intake should be individualized, and it's essential to consult a registered dietitian.
Phosphorus Control: High phosphorus levels can harm the kidneys. Limit phosphorus-rich foods like dairy products, processed foods, and certain nuts.
Sodium Reduction: Excessive sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure and fluid retention, stressing the kidneys. Adopt a low-sodium diet.
Potassium Monitoring: In some cases, individuals with compromised kidney function may need to limit potassium intake. Avoid high-potassium foods like bananas, oranges, and potatoes.
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial, but consult a healthcare provider for specific fluid intake recommendations.
3. Lifestyle Modifications:
Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help manage blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, and support overall kidney function. Consult your healthcare provider before starting an exercise program.
Stress Management: Chronic stress can contribute to kidney problems. Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing.
Quit Smoking: Smoking can worsen kidney function and increase the risk of kidney disease. Seek help to quit smoking if necessary.
Alcohol Moderation: Excessive alcohol consumption can harm the kidneys. Limit alcohol intake to moderate levels or avoid it altogether.
Weight Management: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of kidney disease and improve overall health.
4. Medications and Supplements:
Some medications or supplements may be prescribed to manage specific kidney conditions. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations and be cautious about over-the-counter supplements.
5. Regular Monitoring:
Regularly monitor kidney function through blood tests, including serum creatinine and GFR calculations. This allows healthcare providers to assess progress and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
6. Kidney-Healthy Diet:
A kidney-healthy diet is crucial. Focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats. A registered dietitian can help create a personalized meal plan.
7. Avoid Nephrotoxic Substances:
Certain substances, including some pain medications and illicit drugs, can harm the kidneys. Avoid these substances to protect kidney health.
8. Blood Pressure Control:
Managing blood pressure is vital for kidney health. If you have hypertension, work with your healthcare provider to monitor and control your blood pressure effectively.
9. Diabetes Management:
If you have diabetes, closely manage your blood sugar levels to prevent kidney damage.
10. Stay Informed:
Educate yourself about kidney health, GFR, and your specific condition. The more you know, the better you can collaborate with healthcare providers to manage kidney disease effectively.
Increasing GFR and maintaining kidney health are essential goals for individuals with kidney disease or compromised kidney function. Achieving these goals requires a multi-faceted approach that includes medical management, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and regular monitoring. Always consult with healthcare providers and registered dietitians to create a personalized plan tailored to your specific needs and condition. By taking proactive steps and making informed choices, you can support kidney health and potentially slow the progression of kidney disease.
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drnishagaur123 · 1 year
Symptoms, stages, and treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD)
What is Chronic kidney disease?
The main function of the kidney is to filter blood and chronic kidney disease means the kidneys are impaired and can’t able to filter the blood as per expectations. There are many reasons behind developing kidney diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease sometimes it is genetic and may depend upon the family’s health history. Only health practitioners can evaluate how a patient develops chronic kidney disease by doing certain tests.
Facts about Human kidneys
• Human kidneys are as small as a mouse or a computer.
• It filters all the blood of the body every 30 minutes.
• Our kidneys work hard to remove toxins, wastes, and excess fluid.
• Our kidneys facilitate the production of red blood cells.
• They handle blood chemicals that are important for human life.
• They keep all the bones healthy.
How to recognize chronic kidney disease?
The only way to find out what’s wrong with the functioning of the kidney of the patient is through tests. Your practitioner will do certain tests and can only identify the cause after going over the reports of that tests.
You have to get checked your diabetes level, blood pressure, and heart health because these are the main reasons behind chronic kidney disease. The reason behind finding out the cause of CKD is it affects the treatment a patient will be going to receive for CKD.
There are two types of tests mainly done for identifying Chronic kidney disease
• Urine test:- That checks the amount of protein in the urine which is also an early sign of a kidney issue.
• Blood tests:- These checks the creatinine level in the blood which is a waste product.
Symptoms and side effects of Chronic kidney disease include
• Anemia or low blood cells.
• It increases the chances of infections in the body.
• Loss of appetite.
• Weakness and dizziness.
• Depression affects the quality of life.
• Low calcium levels in the blood.
• Changes in the pattern of urination
• Edema or swelling of limbs.
• Shortness of breath.
• Irregular heartbeats.
• Secretion of blood in the urine.
• Skin itching.
• Muscle cramping.
Stages of Chronic kidney disease
There are mainly 5 stages of Chronic kidney disease and depends upon the eGRF which is the estimated glomerular filtration rate that shows how well your kidneys are filtering the blood and other waste products.
This means – impairment in the kidney but still functions normally.
Signs and symptoms –
• High blood pressure.
• Urinary tract infection.
• Edema.
• Abnormal urination.
• Fatigue. 
Signs and symptoms –
• High blood pressure.
• High diabetes level.
• Changes in the color of urine.
• Swelling in hands and legs.
• Dizziness.
This means – Impairment of kidneys with mild to moderate loss of functioning.
Signs and symptoms –
• Changes in urination
• Fluid retention
•  high blood pressure
• Low Red blood cells.
• Loss of appetite.
This means – Severe loss of functioning of both kidneys.
Signs and symptoms –
• Anemia
• Bone disease
• Loss of appetite.
• Abnormal calcium levels in the blood.
• Abnormal phosphorus levels in the blood.
• Dizziness.
This means – close to failure, loss of all the Kidney Biopsy or failure of one of both kidneys.
Signs and symptoms –
• Fatigue.
• nausea.
• Vomiting.
• Shortness of breath.
• Loss of appetite.
• Anemia.
• Swelling in hands, legs, and back.
• Back pain. 
Treatment of Chronic kidney disease
Treatment of CKD involves:-
Treatment of chronic kidney disease
• High blood pressure medication
Generally, people with CKD have higher blood pressure. So,  doctors prescribe medicines that lower the blood pressure and reduce the kidney functioning this may require frequent blood tests. Normally, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers are prescribed by doctors to maintain normal kidney function.
• Fluid retention
Patients with CKD generally suffer from edema (swelling in hands and legs) or water retention to treat edema doctors prescribe diuretics that help maintain the fluid balance in the body.
• Medications to treat anemia
Supplements of the hormone erythropoietin sometimes with added iron, help stimulate more red blood cells and decreases the weakness, fatigue, and dizziness related to anemia (lower HB levels).
• Medications for phosphate balance
Normally phosphate binders are given to maintain the phosphate balance in the body.
Drugs given for phosphate binders are
• Sevelamer carbonate at 800 mg dose (6–12capsules)
• Lanthanum carbonate 250–1000 dose (3–6 chewable tablets)
• Bixalomer at 250 mg dose (6–12 capsules)
• Ferric citrate at 210 mg dose (3–5 tablets)
is generally prescribed by doctors. 
• Skin itching
Commonly calamine and menthol are the two cooling agents which are given in the form of a lotion to reduce itching caused by chronic kidney disease. Doctors also recommend ice packs and oatmeal baths to treat the itching.
• Dialysis
Dialysis involves the removal of waste products and excess fluid artificially either by a dialysis machine or outer filters.
In hemodialysis, a machine filters all the blood and waste products from the body.
Whereas in peritoneal dialysis a thin tube is inserted in the abdomen cavity of the patient with the dialysis solution that absorbs excess fluid and removes the waste from the body. 
• Surgery or Kidney transplant
The process of placing healthy kidneys taken by the donor into the patient’s body is known as a kidney transplant or surgical procedure for the fifth stage of chronic kidney disease. The kidneys either came from a deceased person or a healthy living donor. You have to take lifelong medications to maintain the acceptance of new organs by your body and will not need any dialysis after that.
Chronic kidney disease is a serious illness if you keep ignoring the symptoms it even worsens with time if left untreated,  so it is important to talk to the general health practitioner The more you delayed the more it became difficult to treat chronic kidney disease stages.   If you are facing severe Most Common Kidney Diseases, then you should consult Dr. Nisha Gaur. Dr. Nisha Gaur is the most reputed Nephrologist doctor in Jaipur and has years of work experience and is the Best Nephrologist in Jaipur for Chronic Kidney Disease Care and also for treating ailments such as Kidney Transplantation, Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and Kidney Biopsy.
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pooma-health · 2 years
John Korsah
Clearance Creatinine blood test, purpose, procedure and results.
A creatinine blood test is a common laboratory test used to measure the amount of creatinine in your blood. Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscles as they break down. The kidneys filter creatinine out of the blood and excrete it in urine. A creatinine blood test is used to evaluate kidney function and to diagnose and monitor kidney disease.
1. The purpose of a creatinine blood test is to measure the level of creatinine in the blood. This level can indicate how well your kidneys are working. The test is often ordered as part of a routine health screening or if your doctor suspects that you may have kidney disease or another condition that can affect kidney function. The test may also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatments for kidney disease.
2. To perform the test, a healthcare professional will draw blood from a vein in your arm using a needle. The blood will be collected in a tube and sent to a laboratory for analysis. You do not need to prepare for the test in any special way, but you may be asked to avoid eating or drinking for a certain period of time before the test.
3. The results of a creatinine blood test are reported as a number indicating the level of creatinine in your blood. Normal ranges may vary depending on the laboratory that performs the test, but generally, a normal range for creatinine in the blood is 0.6 to 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for men and 0.5 to 1.1 mg/dL for women. Higher levels of creatinine in the blood may indicate that your kidneys are not functioning properly. Your doctor will interpret the results of the test in the context of your overall health and medical history.
¶ Suggested ways of bringing the abnormalities to normal both in natural ways and the use of medicine.
The treatment for abnormalities in creatinine levels will depend on the underlying cause of the problem. Here are some ways to help bring creatinine levels back to normal:
1. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated can help improve kidney function and lower creatinine levels.
2. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help improve kidney function and lower creatinine levels.
3. Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet that is low in sodium and protein can help improve kidney function and lower creatinine levels.
4. Manage underlying health conditions: If your high creatinine levels are caused by an underlying health condition, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, managing those conditions can help improve kidney function and lower creatinine levels.
5. Medications: If necessary, medications may be prescribed to help lower creatinine levels. For example, medications that lower blood pressure or reduce inflammation may be prescribed to improve kidney function.
It's important to note that the specific treatment for high creatinine levels will depend on the underlying cause, so it's best to consult a doctor or healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options.
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sriaaschronickidney · 2 years
How To Reduce Creatinine, Improve Kidney Function, and Avoid Dialysis?
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Creatinine is seen as an essential factor while concluding the health of kidneys, but why is it important for kidney patients to keep it under control? What are the methods that kidney patients can apply on their own to manage creatinine and kidney health? So let us know it from the basics.
What is Creatinine? Creatinine is a waste product our muscle produce when they perform any work. It comes from the breakdown of a natural substance in the body known as creatine. Whenever the muscle does some work, creatine is broken down to provide energy, and in the midst of this, creatinine is produced. All the creatinine body flows with the blood and is filtered out by the kidneys to be excreted through the urine. However, When the Kidney function is hindered and they do not filter properly, levels of creatinine rise. The higher amount of creatinine also affects kidney functioning and could lead to Chronic kidney disease. That is why creatinine levels are measured to determine whether kidneys work correctly.
How Reducing Creatinine can Increase Kidney Functioning? Creatinine is a marker of kidney health, and its high values indicate kidney disorder, but it does not directly affect kidney health. Then how reducing creatinine levels can improve kidney health? When kidneys are damaged, they cannot filter out all the waste in the blood. Over that, if the amount of creatinine increases, it overloads the kidney to filter out more and can cause further damage to the kidneys. That is why kidney patients must keep creatinine as low as possible to prevent further kidney damage.
Methods to reduce creatinine naturally
As we know, creatinine is essential in preventing the kidney from further damage, and kidney patients must know how to manage it. Although you are taking treatment for kidney disease and medicine for creatinine clearance with medications, you must control its production by knowing and eliminating causes of increased creatinine within the body, providing a helping hand to your kidneys and letting them recover faster. Kidney patients must follow the tips given below to strictly manage their creatinine level.
Diet The most basic thing that significantly impacts your creatinine levels is your diet. Conditionally customized dietary changes can help reduce creatinine production within the body and thus lower it in the blood. Specifically, the amount of protein defines the risk factor for creatinine production. High protein foods make the chances of alleviated creatinine levels higher. Therefore, red meat, Fish, Chicken, and Dairy products that are higher in protein should be avoided. Diet for kidney patients should also be low on sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, so kidney patients should include vegetables good for high creatinine which includes fiber rich vegetables. A combination of all the restrictions makes up a diet that restricts the waste material production within the body. It reduces stress over the kidneys and lets the organ use the energy to improve its ability and functioning.
Controlling Root Cause Treatment of kidney disease can only be accomplished after controlling the root cause of it. Kidney damage progression can only be stopped after having control over the thing that caused the damage in the first place. In most kidney disease cases, High Blood Pressure and High Sugar Levels (Diabetes) are the cause. High blood pressure causes contraction of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow pressure which over time damages the kidney's filtering unit (Nephrons). Kidney patients whose kidneys are damaged due to hypertension are given medications to control their blood pressure and medicines for kidneys. By this, any further damage to the kidney is prevented, and kidneys have a chance to recover more quickly. Diabetes (High Sugar Levels) for a long time affects kidney functionality. Alleviated sugar levels damage the blood vessels carrying blood to the kidneys and negatively impact the kidney filtering unit. Therefore, a Kidney patient having diabetes is given sugar-controlling medications to manage the sugar levels along with the kidney medications. This ensures any further damage to the kidneys. Ayurvedic kidney treatment fundamentally focuses on curing the cause of the disease first and boosting the healing ability.
Following precautions There are some other precautions that a kidney patient should follow to ensure better results from the medications they are taking.
Avoid Heavy Exercising Creatinine is released when muscles work and are one of the major causes of increased creatinine. Because if the work intensity is more, the creatinine will produce more. Thus a kidney patient should avoid heavy exercises; however, light physical activities are unbounded.
Evade staying in cold environments A cold environment makes muscle use more energy to use in shivering, thus producing more creatinine. Therefore, avoiding colder climates is necessary for kidney patients.
Avoid Alcohol Alcohol creates more waste in the body, which the kidney has to filter out. It can also promote creatinine production and cause high blood pressure, which causes further damage to the kidneys.
Drink adequate water quantity A dehydrated body has the tendency to generate more waste, like creatinine. In addition, a habit of staying dehydrated puts strain on the kidneys and negatively influences the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
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sriaashospital12 · 2 years
How To Reduce Creatinine, Improve Kidney Function, and Avoid Dialysis?
Creatinine is seen as an essential factor while concluding the health of kidneys, but why is it important for kidney patients to keep it under control?
What are the methods that kidney patientscan apply on their own to manage creatinine and kidney health?
So let us know it from the basics.
What is Creatinine? Creatinine is a waste product our muscle produce when they perform any work. It comes from the breakdown of a natural substance in the body known as creatine. Whenever the muscle does some work, creatine is broken down to provide energy, and in the midst of this, creatinine is produced. All the creatinine body flows along with the blood and is filtered out by the kidneys to be excreted through the urine. However, When the Kidney function is hindered and they do not filter properly, levels of creatinine rise. The higher amount of creatinine also affects kidney functioning and could lead to Chronic kidney disease. That is why creatinine levels are measured to determine whether kidneys work correctly.
How Reducing Creatinine can Increase Kidney Functioning? Creatinine is a marker of kidney health, and its high values indicate kidney disorder, but it does not directly affect kidney health. Then how reducing creatinine levels can improve kidney health?
When kidneys are damaged, they cannot filter out all the waste in the blood. Over that, if the amount of creatinine increases, it overloads the kidney to filter out more and can cause further damage to the kidneys. That is why kidney patients must keep creatinine as low as possible to prevent further kidney damage.
Methods to reduce creatinine naturally As we know, creatinine is essential in preventing the kidney from further damage, and kidney patients must know how to manage it. Although you are taking treatment for kidney disease and medicine for creatinine clearance with medications, you must control its production by knowing and eliminating causes of increased creatinine within the body, providing a helping hand to your kidneys and letting them recover faster. Kidney patients must follow the tips given below to strictly manage their creatinine level.
Diet The most basic thing that significantly impacts your creatinine levels is your diet. Conditionally customized dietary changes can help reduce creatinine production within the body and thus lower it in the blood. Specifically, the amount of protein defines the risk factor for creatinine production. High protein foods make the chances of alleviated creatinine levels higher. Therefore, red meat, Fish, Chicken, and Dairy products that are higher in protein should be avoided. Diet for kidney patients should also be low on sodium, potassium, and phosphorus, so kidney patients should include vegetables good for high creatinine which includes fiber rich vegetables. A combination of all the restrictions makes up a diet that restricts the waste material production within the body. It reduces stress over the kidneys and lets the organ use the energy to improve its ability and functioning.
Controlling Root Cause Treatment of kidney disease can only be accomplished after controlling the root cause of it. Kidney damage progression can only be stopped after having control over the thing that caused the damage in the first place. In most kidney disease cases, High Blood Pressure and High Sugar Levels (Diabetes) are the cause.
High blood pressure causes contraction of blood vessels and an increase in blood flow pressure which over time damages the kidney's filtering unit (Nephrons). Kidney patients whose kidneys are damaged due to hypertension are given medications to control their blood pressure and medicines for kidneys. By this, any further damage to the kidney is prevented, and kidneys have a chance to recover more quickly.
Diabetes (High Sugar Levels) for a long time affects kidney functionality. Alleviated sugar levels damage the blood vessels carrying blood to the kidneys and negatively impact the kidney filtering unit. Therefore, a Kidney patient having diabetes is given sugar-controlling medications to manage the sugar levels along with the kidney medications. This ensures any further damage to the kidneys.
Ayurvedic kidney treatment fundamentally focuses on curing the cause of the disease first and boosting the healing ability.
Following precautions There are some other precautions that a kidney patient should follow to ensure better results from the medications they are taking.
Avoid Heavy Exercising Creatinine is released when muscles work and is one of the major causes of increased creatinine. Because, if the work intensity is more, the creatinine will produce more. Thus a kidney patient should avoid heavy exercises; however, light physical activities are unbounded.
Evade staying in cold environments A cold environment makes muscle use more energy to use in shivering, thus producing more creatinine. Therefore, avoiding colder climates is necessary for kidney patients.
Avoid Alcohol Alcohol creates more waste in the body, which the kidney has to filter out. It can also promote creatinine production and cause high blood pressure, which causes further damage to the kidneys.
Drink adequate water quantity A dehydrated body has the tendency to generate more waste, like creatinine. In addition, a habit of staying dehydrated puts strain on the kidneys and negatively influences the glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
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Natural treatment of AKI in Ayurveda
What is Acute kidney injury (AKI)?
Acute kidney injury (AKI), otherwise called Acute renal failure (ARF), is an unexpected scene of kidney disappointment or kidney harm that occurs inside a couple of hours or a couple of days. AKI causes a development of side-effects in your blood and makes it hard for your kidneys to keep the right balance of liquid in your body. AKI can influence different organs like the brain, heart, and lungs. Acute kidney injury is normal in patients who are in the emergency clinic, in escalated care units, and particularly in more seasoned grown-ups.
What are the signs and indications of Acute kidney injury?
Signs and side effects of Acute kidney injury differs, contingent upon the reason and may include:
Too little urine leaving the body
Swollen legs, lower legs, and the eyes
Weakness or sleepiness
Short breaths
Seizures or unconsciousness
Chest agony
Sometimes, AKI causes no indications and is just found through different tests done by your medical services supplier.
What causes Acute kidney injury?
Acute kidney injury can have a wide range of causes. AKI can be caused by the below mentioned factors:
Diminished blood flow
A few diseases and conditions can ease back blood flow to your kidneys and cause AKI.
These infections and conditions include:
Low pulse (called "hypotension") or shock
Blood or liquid misfortune (like dying, extreme the runs)
cardiovascular breakdown, and different conditions prompting diminished heart work
Organ disappointment (e.g., heart, liver)
Abuse of agony drugs called "NSAIDs", which are utilized to reduce swelling or relieve pain from headache, colds, influenza, and different ailments. Example-ibuprofen, ketoprofen.
Serious hypersensitive responses
Direct Damage to the Kidneys
Certain diseases and conditions can harm your kidneys and may lead to AKI. A few examples include:
A kind of extreme, hazardous infection called "sepsis"
A kind of cancer called "different myeloma"
An uncommon condition that causes inflammation and scarring to your veins, making them stiff, powerless, and narrow(called "vasculitis")
An unfavorably allergic reaction to certain types of drugs (called "interstitial nephritis")
A bunch of disease (called "scleroderma") that influence the connective tissue that upholds your inner organs
Conditions that causes inflammation or harm to the kidney tubules, to the little veins in the kidneys, or to the filtering units in the kidneys, (for example, "cylindrical corruption," "glomerulonephritis, "vasculitis"
Blockage of the urinary tract
In certain individuals, conditions or disease can shut the entry of urine out from the body and can prompt AKI.
Blockage can be caused by:
Bladder, prostate, or cervical malignant growth
Developed prostate
Issues with the sensory system that influence the bladder and pee
Kidney stones
Blood clumps in the urinary tract
How are tests done to see whether I have Acute kidney injury?
Depending upon the reason for your Acute kidney injury, your doctor will run various tests if the doctor suspects that you might have AKI. It is significant that AKI is found quickly in light of the fact that it can prompt chronic kidney disease, or even kidney failure. It might also affect heart and can lead to death.
The accompanying tests might be finished:
Measuring urine quantity: Your medical care supplier will follow how much pee you spend every day to assist with discovering the reason for your AKI.
Urine tests: The lab assistant will take a look at your urine quantity (urinalysis) to discover indications of kidney failure.
Blood tests: Blood tests will assist with discovering levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen phosphorus and potassium ought to be done in addition to blood tests for protein to see kidney work.
GFR: Your blood test will likewise assist with discovering your GFR (glomerular filtration rate) to estimate the decrease in kidney work.
Kidney biopsy: In certain circumstances, your doctor will perform a method where a little piece of your kidney is eliminated with an extraordinary needle, and looked under a magnifying instrument called microscope.
What is the treatment for Acute kidney injury?
Treatment for AKI for the most part expects you to remain in a medical clinic. The majority of people with Acute kidney injury are as of now in the medical clinic for other reasons. How long you will remain in the hospital depends upon the reason for your AKI and how soon your kidneys recover. In more genuine cases, dialysis might be expected to assist with supplanting kidney work until your kidneys recuperate. The fundamental objective of your doctor is to treat what is causing your Acute kidney injury. Your doctor will attempt to treat the symptoms and complications until your kidneys recuperate.
In the wake of having AKI, your chances are higher for other medical issues (like kidney infection, stroke, heart disease) or having AKI again later on. The chances for developing kidney disease and kidney failure increase each time AKI happens. To ensure yourself, you ought to circle back to your medical care supplier to monitor your kidney function and recovery. The best ways to bring down your chances of having kidney damage and to save kidney work are to prevent Acute kidney injury or to discover and regard it as ahead of schedule as soon as possible.
Ayurvedic treatment for AKI
Believe it or not, Ayurvedic medications are proven effective in curing any type of kidney complications that range from mild to severe. Ayurvedic treatment is safe, reliable, and equally effective for people of all ages. The formulation of Ayurvedic medicines is derived from the extraction of several highly potent herbs, fruits, and leaves that have a unique ability to promote healing in the affected area. Apart from tenderizing internal wounds, the Ayurvedic treatment for AKI also includes the spiritual form of medication. Yoga, asanas, and kriyas are essential segments of Ayurvedic treatment that maintain and strengthen the connectedness between your mind, body, and spirit, promoting good health and disease-free life.
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mcatmemoranda · 4 years
Going through questions:
The most common pediatric leukemia is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). T cell or B cell ALL can occur. In T cell ALL, mediastinal masses occur.
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma causes B symptoms (weight loss, night sweats). Epstein Barr virus infects B cells and is associated with NHL. HIV infection is associated with NHL.
Multiple myeloma - plasma cell cancer-> monoclonal immunoglobulin (M-spike); presents with osteolytic lesions. Radiolucent bone lesions will be seen. Metastatic prostate cancer causes blastic bone lesions.
Bleeding time tells you about platelet defects. Von Willebrand disease-> prolonged bleeding time and PTT. vWF is needed for platelet adhesion and it is needed to stabilize factor 8. So No vWF-> no platelet adhesion (causing increased bleeding time) and unstable factor 8 (which is part of the intrinsic pathway, so increased PTT). I remembered that Von Willebrand's disease is the most common heritable bleeding disorder, which is why I got the question right. But now the increased bleeding time and PTT going with it make sense. It's AD.
Blood loss, not decreased nutritional intake, is the cause of iron deficiency anemia to rule out first in post-menopausal women. It could be an occult GI bleed.
LMWH binds to factor Xa and prevents it from converting prothrombin to thrombin. Unfractionated heparin can bind to factor Xa and to thrombin. So LMWH (e.g. enoxaparin) doesn't bind thrombin like unfractionated heparin does. LMWH is like heparin, but has fewer molecules than heparin.
Pyruvate kinase converts PEP to pyruvate in glycolysis. Pyruvate kinase deficiency-> hemolysis. Pts with pyruvate kinase deficiency have splenomegaly because cells in red pulp have more damaged RBCs to filter out.
I didn't know what a minor red blood cell antigen was. It's an antigen on the RBC that may not be screened for, thus a week later, pts have a reaction to it in delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions. He didn't mention this one in OnlineMedEd. The pt was initally exposed to the minor RBC antigen and developed memory B cells. The next time the pt is exposed, the B cells release antibodies (anamnestic response). Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction occurs more than 24 hours after transfusion. Anamnestic response = delayed response
G6PD deficiency is X-linked recessive. I knew that's what the pt had in a question, but I forgot it's inheritance pattern. D: Heinz bodies are the hemoglobin that got damaged by oxidative stress because G6PD wasn't around to help regenerate the NADPH that is needed to make reduced glutathione, which prevents oxidative damage.
Herditary spherocytosis has AD inheritance pattern.
Schistocytes = hemlet cells. Thes occur in microangiopathic hemolytic anemia and in pts who have had heart valve surgery, which damages the RBCs. Artificial heart valves can damages RBCs-> schistocytes on blood smear. HUS, TTP, and DIC cause fibrin stands in small blood vessels-> schistocytes.
LMWH (e.g. enoxaparin) can be given for DVT in pregnant women. I remembered that heparin doesn't cross the placenta. But it is renally cleared, so if you have renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance less than 30 mL/min), then LMWH is contraindicated and you can give unfractionated heparin instead.
Azathioprine is a prodrug of 6-mercaptopurine. It gets metabolized by HGPRT into active 6-thioguanine, which is a purine analogue that disrupts DNA synthesis and thus prevents cell proliferation. 6MP is inactivated by xanthine oxidase and TPMT. Xanthine oxidase is inhibited by allopurinol and febuxostat. Some people have genetic deficiency of TPMT. If neither xanthine oxidase nor TPMT can inactivate 6MP, more of the 6MP gets converted to active 6-TG-> toxicity and increased immunosuppression. So some pts get genetic testing for TPMT before starting azathioprine and some pts need to avoid being on 6MP and allopurinol or febuxostat simultaneously.
Sickle cell is autosomal recessive, so you need 2 bad alleles to have it. If each parent is a carrier, then 1/4 kids will have it and 24 kids will be carriers. 1/4 kids will be normal. Glutamic acid (polar) is replaced by valine (non-polar) in sickle cell anemia. A point mutation in one of the codons for beta globin causes this substitution. This causes HbS.
One of my classmates mentioned rasburicase to me last year and I know it was between two answers in this question, but I chose the wrong one. D: It makes uric acid more soluble. In tumor lysis syndrome, more cells are being lysed by the chemotherapy. Since cells have high levels of K+ and phosphate, this can lead to hyperkalemia and hyperphosphatemia. Also, more protein needs to be broken down. Therefore, there's more purine catabolism. And purines end up as uric acid, which can precipitate in the kidneys and cause kidney injury. Rasburicase turns uric acid into allantoin, which is more soluble than uric acid and can be eliminated in the urine. Yeah, I remember my friend telling me that rasburicase is in certain animals. Rasburicase is recombinant urate oxidase. Animals have urate oxidase, but humans don't. So rasburicase turns uric acid into soluble allantoin, which is eliminated in urine. Allopurinol prevents formation of uric acid; it looks like purine and prevents xanthine oxidase from breaking down hypoxanthine. Febuxostat inhibits xanthine oxidase and has fewer adverse effects than allopurinol.
I didn't know heat stroke causes increased procoagulants. But it does and that leads to DIC due to increased coagulation factors; then you get increased fibrinolysis to get rid of the clots that form. Because the platelets and clotting factors all get used up, pts will bleed.
Multiple Myeloma = B cells become plasma cells that make a ton of useless immunoglobulin light chains. Treated with bortezomib, which causes increased apoptosis of plasma cells. Multiple myeloma causes lytic bone lesions, anemia, AKI, fatigue, constipation, weight loss. Myeloma kidney = light chain casts. Tons of kappa and lambda light chains being filtered by the kidney combine with Tam-Horsfall proteins (pretty sure I never heard of that) and cause casts that damage the tubules-> AKI. 24 hour rine protein is elevated.
Myeloma cells makes RANKL and destroy osteoprotegerin, which cause more activation of osteoclasts, hence the lytic bone lestions. I already reviewed RANK and RANKL and I know it pretty well. Glad I posted about it before. Multiple myeloma cells also release IL-3, IL-7, and Wnt pathway inhibitors, which inhibit osteoblasts.
I knew that this baby in this question had dactylitis, which occurs in sickle cell anemia, but I didn't understand what they were asking. If you have sickle cell, the sickled RBCs get destroyed, releasing hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is toxic and needs to be bound to haptoglobin. So the haptoglobin leven in the baby would be abnormal (decreased) because it would be all bound up by the Hgb coming from the hemolysis of the sickled RBCs. It had mentioned the baby's brother dying from an infection and I wasn't sure how that was related. It was because the brother also had sickle cell and therefore he probably had autosplenectomy due to the sickle cell. No spleen leaves you susceptible to encapsulated bugs like strep pneumo and the brother died from strep pneumo sepsis.
Hepcidin is an inflammatory mediator and it also decreases absorption of iron. So in anemia of chronic disease, hepcidin plays a role.
I knew this pt had beta thalassemia minor, I just didn't know what initiates it. It's a problem with mRNA. You see target cells and hypchromic, microcytic RBCs on blood smear. Pts have increased HbA2 (2 alpha chains and 2 delta chains; an alternate form of adult Hgb because they lack beta globin chains) and sometimes increased fetal Hgb (2 alpha chains and 2 gamma chains). If you try to treat these pts with iron, it doesn't do anything because they aren't iron deficient. Beta thalassemia is due to mutations that affect the transcription of mRNA for beta globin. Usually, there's messed up splicing of pre-mRNA or premature translation termination.
In obstructive sleep apnea, the kidney doesn't get enough oxygen, so it releases erythropoitein-> polycythemia (increased hematocrit).
Chemotherapy Induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV) can be treated with 5HT3 receptor antagonists (ondansetron) and neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists (aprepitant). Early CINV is due to release of serotonin from enterochromaffin cells in the intestine that are damaged by the chemo. This leads to stimulation of 5HT3 vagal fibers-> vomiting reflex. Delayed CINV is due to substance P in the blood and CSF-> substance P binds neurokinin-1 receptor in the nucleus tractus solitarius and area postrema-> vomiting. Aprepitant can block the neurokinin-1 receptors and is therefore used for delayed CINV.
Low oxygen level leads to sickling of HgbS. High acid or dehydration also trigger the cycling. 2,3-BPG stabilizes the taut form of Hgb, which also would cause sickling. Low 2,3-BPG would increase Hgb's affinity for oxygen and thus decrease sickling. So high oxygen, high pH, and low levels of 2,3-BPG would prevent sickling. The opposite causes sickling. That's why pts with sickle cell anemia can't do as much strenuous activity--their HgbS starts sickling when they have less oxygen, more acid (from working muscles), and more need to unload oxygen to tissues (facilitated by 2,3-BPG) during exercise.
Fetal Hgb has replacement of histidine (positively charged amino acid) for serine, which is less positively charged. This prevents 2,3-BPG from binding for fetal hemoglobin, thus fetal hemoglobin has higher affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin. This helps baby take O2 from mom's hemoglobin in utero.
AML = Acute Myloid Leukemia = blasts (large nuclei, little cytoplasm) with Auer rods (rods seen in the blasts; not present in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, so look closeley to see if there are Auer rods--if there are, it's AML). Pts have pancytopenia. More than 20% myeloblasts in bone marrow. Chronic myelogenous leukemia = more mature cells.
Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization (FISH) = cytogenetic test; finds deletions, translocations, and chromosome duplications in cells. FISH probes = ssDNA; they're added to the cell and combind with complementary DNA. FISH is more sensitive than karyotype.
Abixaban is a direct factor Xa inhibitor. It prevents conversion of factor II (prothrombin) to factor IIa (thrombin). I got the question wrong and so did 58% of respondents. It doesn't prevent conversion of factor X to Xa--it prevents factor Xa from converting prothrombin to thrombin. Wow. -_-
You need mitochondria to make heme. The precursors for RBCs have nuclei and mitochondria. After a certain division, they lose their nuclei, then they lose the mitochondria. So if they're at the point where they lack mitochondria, they can't make heme. Heme is made in the liver and in the erythrocyte precursors in the bone marrow.
Polycythemia can be relative (due to dehydration or diuresis), in which case plasma volume is decreased, but RBC mass, SaO2, and EPO levels are normal. Primary polycythemia = polycythemia vera; increased plasma volume, increased RBC mass, normal SaO2, and decreased EPO level. Secondary polycythemia can be physiologic or inappropriate. Physiologic = due to hypoxia; normal plasma volume, increased RBC mass, decreased SaO2, increased EPO level. Inappropriate = tumor that make EPO; normal plasma volume; increased RBC mass, normal SaO2, and increased EPO level.
Polycythemia vera = myeloproliferative disease of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC); mutation of JAK2 wherein valine is replaced with phenylalanine-> HSC are more sensitive to growth factor (EPO and thrombopoeitin, growth factors that stimulate erythrocyte and thrombocyte production). Pts can have itching after they shower due to release of histamine from basophils; plethora (red face), splenomegaly. Dx with low serum EPO and bone marrow study that shows the JAK2 mutation. Tx: phlebotomy.
I got confused about hepcidin. I know how it works and made a post about it before. I thought it came from the intestinal cells, but it doesn't. It comes from the liver and it can affect intestinal cells by preventing the absorption of iron from the gut. Hepatic parenchymal cells secrete hepcidin, which controls the storage and release of iron from other cells. Hepcidin is high when there's already enough serum iron. Hepcidin is also an acute phase reactant and is elevated during inflammation. Increased erythropoiesis and low oxygen lower hepcidin levels. Ferroportin-1 allows iron to come in on the basolateral side (the side of the intestinal cell that faces the blood) of intestinal cells. Ferroportin-1 is also located on macrophages. High serum iron or inflammation causes hepcidin to increase and hepcidin causes breakdown of ferroportin-1, preventing iron from coming into the blood. On the apical surface of intestinal cells (the side facing the gut lumen) is Divalent Metal Transporter-1 (DMT-1), which allows Fe2+ to be absorbed from the small intestine into the intestinal cell. Inside the enterocyte, the iron is either maintained inside ferritin, or it goes through ferroportin-1 into the blood, where transferrin binds to it and carries it to whatever cells have transferrin receptors, which allow the iron to be taken into said cell.
Nephrotic syndrome = loss of protein in urine; can lose anticoagulation factors, like antithrombin III in the urine-> hypercoagulable state-> renal vein thrombosis. Renal vein thrombosis-> hematuria, flank pain, increased LDH. So nephrotic syndrome is a hypercoagulable state.
Heparin is found in mast cells. LMWH enhances the effect of antithrombin III and inhibits factor Xa. Unfractionated heparin not only inhibits factor Xa, it also inhibits thrombin.
Ugh! There was a question about cancer and I knew breast cancer was more common in women but also knew that lung cancer has higher mortality. Most common cancers (by incidence) in women are breast, lung, and colorectal cancer. Breast cancer is more common in women, but not as deadly as lung cancer.
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hiidlife · 4 years
Learn Nettle Tea Health Benefits To Relieve Kidney Problems
Nettle leaf, root, and the stem is a natural herb that has been used for centuries as a medication. It is used to treat allergies, skin problems and various infections. Besides, the various nettle tea health benefits, these days, the demand for nettle is tremendously increasing due to the effects of improving kidney function. Let’s learn how nettle leaf tea has been beneficial in relieving kidney problems?
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Treats Hyperplasia
Nettle limits the activity of dihydrotestosterone with sterols. The leaf slows down the growth of prostate cells, preventing the enlargement of the gland from hyperplasia. Nettle tea leaf also reduces the symptoms such as incomplete or dripping urination, obstruction caused while urination, or constant urge to urinate.
Cures Kidney Stones and Urinary Tract Infections
Nettle leaf removes excess bacteria and uric acid that prevents urinary tract infections. It acts as a renal detox that dilutes kidney stones and washes out the gravel from the urinary bladder. It helps in improving obstructing urinary flow and discharge higher level of water, washing out toxic and metabolic wastes from the body. This ultimately alleviates the excess load on kidneys and reduces the needs for dialysis. Edema is also prevented with regular use of good energy healing tea since it removes excess fluid from the body.
Treats Nephritis and Reduce Creatinine Levels
Nettle leaf controls inflammatory factors that cause damage to the kidneys. It helps in reduction of creatinine levels and improves the clearance of uric acid. Nettle is rich in iron content which promotes the production of heomoglobin. Sometimes, blood cells also leak due to nephritis. Nettle leaf increases the production of red blood cells and restores vitamins and minerals that might get released due to kidney issues.
Reduces the need for dialysis
Dialysis is required when the kidneys lose the ability to purify the blood. Amongst other nettle tea health benefits, this is the most significant advantage. Nettle leaf reduces the need or frequency for dialysis by naturally treating kidney problems and functions.
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bharathomeopathy778 · 25 days
Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment: A Guide to Treat Chronic Kidney Disease By Natural Medication Strategies
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About Kidney Diseases & Natural Cure
The primary reason for impairment in kidney function may be the presence of too much creatinine in the blood. Creatinine is a waste product usually removed from the body by the healthy kidneys and eliminated in urine. Its higher levels suggest that the kidneys aren't functioning as they should, which is not healthy for general health. In this respect, homeopathy can be a comprehensive solution to high creatinine treatment and may even help restore the effectiveness of kidney function.
How Elevated Creatinine Levels Impact Kidney Health
Kidneys are responsible for the process of filtering blood, eliminating waste, and ensuring the balance of fluids within the body. If kidney function begins to go down, It is usually evident by an increase in creatinine. A rise in creatinine can indicate that it could be an early sign of organ dysfunction and, therefore, fails to supply the required kidneys with the necessary filtration.
Numerous health issues occur because of elevated levels of creatinine:
Fluid Retention: An insufficient elimination of waste through the kidneys may result in an accumulation of fluids which then causes swelling, most commonly around the ankles and legs.
Electrolyte imbalance: The kidney is responsible for electrolytes that include sodium and potassium which can get wildly out of balance due to decreased organ function. This is risky.
Toxin Accumulation: If kidney function is reduced then toxins and wastes accumulation in the blood and as a result one experiences fatigue, nausea and fatigue as a result of the accumulation of these waste products in the bloodstream.
Progression into Kidney Failure: If the creatinine levels are not controlled, it is likely to increase into CKD and eventually progress into end-stage kidney disease, which will require replacement therapy, which can be in the form of kidney dialysis and transplantation.
Benefits of Homeopathy in Preventing Kidney Failure
Homeopathy is a complete treatment for kidney problem medication. In the homeopathic system, substances that are highly diluted are used to help the body's healing process naturally. In the field of kidney health, homeopathic treatments are used to help restore kidney function and to prevent the deterioration of the kidney.
Here are some benefits of homeopathic treatment for kidney failure; decreasing the levels of high creatinine and ensuring kidney health:
The Holistic Method: Homeopathy aims at treatment that addresses physical as well as emotional and mental well-being. Homeopathy creates a treatment program that is completely customized to the individual.
Individualized Medicines: The medicines to treat homeopathy will be given in conjunction with the individual's specific symptoms and general health status.
Non-Toxic and Natural Remedies: The natural remedies offered by homeopathic medicine are derived by extracting herbal compounds from plants and then diluting, making them a safe, non-toxic alternative for managing kidney health.
General well-being and support: The treatment can address all issues that cause imbalance in the body, thus improving general health and leaving an effective effect on kidneys by reducing creatinine levels.
Preventing the progression of disease: Treatment with homeopathy at an early stage may stop the process of disease from highlighting nephropathy, which is what causes the need for dialysis necessary later on and may require other therapeutic interventions.
Bharat Homeopathy Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment in Gurgaon
The chronic kidney disease treatment can be obtained through Bharat Homeopathy, located in Gurgaon. The method of treatment at Bharat Homeopathy is centred around individual care and includes general strategies designed to address the numerous challenges that come with kidney care.
Clinic with Experienced Homeopaths has experienced homeopaths who are able to diagnose and treat CKD using the most effective way possible.
Individualised Treatment Plans: For each patient who comes to Bharat Homeopathy the treatment plan is developed and adapted to their specific symptoms, their history, and the degree of the illness that they are facing.
Integrative Health Care: Bharat Homeopathy combines homeopathic treatments with lifestyle and diet guidelines for integrated treatment, promoting kidney health and offering the cure for chronic kidney disease.
Monitor and support: It entails keeping track of and monitoring regularly to assess how the patient is doing and whether there is a need to alter the treatment program.
Patient Education: Education of the patient regarding the management of their illness in the Clinic is encouraged which allows the patient to take an active interest in maintaining their health. Based on the discussion above, it is clear that the presence of high levels of creatinine may be a major problem for the kidney, especially when it suggests the possibility of kidney failure treatment without dialysis. This can lead to additional and more serious problems if proper care isn't followed. It is a holistic treatment and offers a great deal to treat kidney-related issues, and could help prevent the onset of more serious forms of renal nephropathy. Hospitals such as Bharat Homeopathy located in Gurgaon, focus on the requirements of patients who are looking for something different or an alternative beyond what conventional therapies can provide. By taking care of kidney health in a holistic and proactive way, homeopathy can be beneficial in the ongoing maintenance of kidney functions and improve the quality of living.
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kidneytreatment01 · 1 year
Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Elevated Creatinine Levels
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It is an essential compound that can be used to determine kidney function and overall health. It is a compound formed during the breakdown and excretion of creatine - a muscle molecule. Monitoring creatinine levels can give insight into kidney function and reveal underlying medical problems.
The kidneys filter waste and excess substances out of the blood. Creatinine comes from the metabolic waste of muscles. Its constant creation ensures that the body has a constant supply of energy. The kidneys are responsible for its elimination since creatinine does not undergo further metabolism in the body. This is why the glomerular filtrate rate (GFR), an indicator of how effectively the kidneys remove waste from the blood, is directly related to creatinine levels.
It is common to measure serum creatinine levels to determine kidney function. The unit of measurement for creatinine is milligrams/deciliter (mg/dL). A high level may indicate reduced kidney function or impaired filtration. This could be due either to chronic kidney diseases or acute kidney conditions. Early detection of high creatinine levels can lead to further investigation and interventions to prevent further damage.
You should be aware that other factors can affect creatinine. Age, gender, diet, and muscle mass can all affect creatinine levels. Due to the increased muscle metabolism, people with greater muscle mass will typically have higher levels. The "normal" range of creatinine is what accounts for the variations. A creatinine clearance calculator, which measures creatinine levels in the blood and urine, accurately estimates kidney functions when these factors are considered.
Doctors use estimated GFR to measure kidney function. This factor takes into account age, gender, and race, as well as serum creatinine. Treatment for kidney problems can vary depending on underlying causes and stage of the condition. In some cases, kidney dialysis or kidney transplantation might be suggested. To help recover from ongoing kidney disease, you can try Homeopathy Medicines.
It is important to note that creatinine can indicate kidney function and general health. Through blood tests, it can be measured to gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of kidney waste filtering. Monitoring creatinine levels can detect kidney disease early and initiate appropriate interventions. The interpretation of creatinine depends on the person's characteristics and medical background. Many factors can affect its level in the body. Regular medical checks and consultations with kidney specialists are essential for optimal kidney function.
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drferox · 6 years
Old cats and protein
Anonymous said to @ask-drferox:  “Older cats will typically require a higher digestibility of protein than they could handle as younger cats as their digestion changes”         ->Dr. Ferox<- How DOES a cat with kidney disease handle this, if protein in food is bad?
I really, really wish people would stop trying to simplify nutrition by saying certain nutrients are always bad or always good. It’s just not. The macronutrients in food are water, carbohydrates, protein and fat and they’re all good in some situations and all not ideal in others.
All proteins are not created equal, and all cats are not equal in their ability to handle the metabolic breakdown products of proteins across the course of their lives.
Cats require a high protein diet compared to other species. They have an absolute, not negotiable requirement for protein which is higher than for other species and cannot be substituted. Protein intake higher than that level is something of a bonus.
Cats can digest carbohydrates. Glycogen, the carbohydrate storage molecule of muscle and liver would be the most common one, but they handle cooked starch in a very similar manner.
The bioavailability of different protein sources vary, as not all proteins are created equal. Bioavailability refers to how much of a molecule is actually available and able to be used by the organism that eats it. You, a human example, can eat as much cellulose as you like, which is full of glucose molecules, but you wont get a single calorie from it.
Plant proteins, things like peas and legumes, are much, much less bioavailable for cats than animal proteins are. Plant protein is only about 40-50% bioavailable depending on the source, while animal proteins are 90-95% bioabailable. That’s a huge difference. And some of the bits that cant be used will be excreted as byproducts, some are just never absorbed.
When we’re talking about digestibility, we’re often talking about bioavailability, plus the ability to actually digest those complex protein molecules in the first place, and elderly cat intestines typically lose some of their surface area and function.
A cat with kidney disease is unable to clear the protein breakdown products (urea, creatinine, phosphorus) from the blood as well as it used to. And urea and phosphorus in particular will make that cat increasingly sick.
So most veterinary renal diets are limited protein. Not ‘low protein’. They’re aiming to cover the base metabolic requirement for protein but not much more, to reduce the buildup of these byproducts in the blood.
Because you’re unlikely to be putting a cat with kidney failure onto renal dialysis. And in the natural course of the disease, the urea builds up until the cat feels sick and stops eating, or develops gastric ulcers, then dies, or the phosphorus builds up until it causes acute haemolytic anaemia and death, or a whole bunch of nausea along the way.
So a cat with renal disease is in this balancing act between having an absolute requirement for protein that it must have, and not having too much excess to minimize the  breakdown products.
Hence, quality, highly digestible, highly bioavailable protein, but not excessive amounts of it.
These diets will of course use some carbohydrate for energy, but a lot of them will have higher fat content too. Animal fat is tasty for a cat, and energy rich, which is important when these ill cats often don’t want to eat that much.
In fact if you’re doing a homecooked diet, the simplest thing you can do to make most of them more kidney-friendly is to swap the lean meat for fatty meat.
Assuming the patient doesn’t get pancreatitis, because that’s a potential problem with a fattier diet.
Like I said, nutrition gets complicated, especially nutrition of the sick animal. And if you have a patient that can’t handle excess protein, and can’t handle excess fat, carbs are all you’ve got left to give the thing energy. Might not be perfect but will hopefully keep them alive for a while.
And it will reach a point where a kidney cat just can’t handle that protein any more... that protein that it also absolutely requires to stay alive... and this is a state that we often call ‘circling the drain’ and we will be having that Quality Of Life discussion.
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karmaayurveda · 7 years
बढे हुए क्रिएटिनिन Level को कम करने का अचूक उपाय || How To Reduce Higher Creatinine Level ||
#How_To_Reduce_Higher_Creatinine_Level ? karma ayurveda provide treatment of #kidneyProblem like #ChronicKidneyDisease (stage 1to 5) , acute kidney disease, renal kidney disease, pkd nephrotic syndrome with help of ayurvedic medicine with #kidneyDietChart like pkd diet chart nephrotic syndrome diet chart with all type of #kidney_failure_diet_chart. The best #AyurvedicTreatmentForKidneyFailure leads to reduce higher creatinine level. This #kidney_Treatment #AyurvedicMedicine firstly reduce the frequency of dialysis and after somemonths it can stop kidney dialysis for ever.
क्रिएटिनिन एक रक्त रासायनिक अपशिष्ट उत्पाद है जब आप अपनी मांसपेशियों का उपयोग करते हैं और बहुत से प्रोटीन खाने से छोटी मात्रा में उत्पादन हो सकता है आपका रक्तप्रवाह क्रिएटिनाइन को आपके गुर्दे में स्थानांतरित करता है, जहां आपके शरीर को आपके मूत्र के माध्यम से फिल्टर किया जाता है। लेकिन अगर आपकी गुर्दे ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहे हैं, तो आपके रक्त में क्रिएटिनिन का स्तर बढ़ सकता है। इससे यूरिमिया हो सकती हैI बेहतर ढंग से काम करने के लिए आपके शरीर को साफ रक्त की आवश्यकता है अपने क्रिएटिनिन स्तर को कम करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका अंतर्निहित कारणों का इलाज करना हैI आयुर्वेदिक ट्रेमटेन्ट गुर्दे के मुद्दों के लिए एक सामान्य उपचार है। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण चिकित्सा प्रक्रिया है जिसका उपयोग आपके गुर्दे आपके शरीर से अपशिष्ट उत्पादों को नहीं निकाल सकते हैं। लेकिन आप इन उपचारों को अलग-अलग उपचार और जीवन शैली में बदलाव के साथ कम कर सकते हैं अपने क्रिएटिनिन कर्मा आयुर्वेद गुर्दा के उपचार प्रदान करते हैं गुर्दा के साथ आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा की मदद से क्रोनिक किडनी डिसीज (चरण 1 से 5), तीव्र किडनी रोग, गुर्दे की गुर्दा की बीमारी, पीकेडी, नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम जैसी समस्याएं जैसे कि पीडड आहार चार्ट नेफ्रोटिक सिंड्रोम आहार चार्ट जैसे सभी प्रकार के गुर्दे की विफलता आहार चार्ट किडनी फेलर के लिए सबसे अच्छा आयुर्वेदिक उपचार, उच्च क्रिएटिनिन स्तर को कम करने की ओर जाता है। यह गुर्दा उपचार आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा सबसे पहले डायलिसिस की आवृत्ति कम करती है और कुछ घटने के बाद यह कभी भी किडनी डायलिसिस को रोक सकता है।
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In this video, Dr. Puru Dhawan shares the information of polycystic kidney patients regarding their diet in kidney failure.
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder which causes cysts to grow inside the kidneys. Polycystic kidney disease leads to kidney failure. Kidney failure can be controlled by following a proper diet. Dr. Puru Dhawan gives a Diet chart for patients with Polycystic kidney disease as the loss of kidney function is one of the serious complications of polycystic kidney disease. Diet plays a very important role in making kidneys better in polycystic kidney disease patient and also helps them from getting worse. In polycystic kidney patients, Creatinine, urea and potassium levels can be managed by 2 ways : 1. Removal of the previous amount of creatinine and urea 2. Intake amount of protein and sodium should be less GFR and KFT reports are basically based on creatinine levels of the patient. Creatinine is a waste product produced by the muscles, which is usually excreted by the kidneys. High protein intake and vigorous exercises lead to an increase in creatinine levels. How to control creatinine levels : 1. Moderate protein intake (patient should not stop protein diet) The patient should take such protein which makes less waste material and gets absorbed in the body. Animal source proteins are to be avoided by polycystic kidney patients like milk, eggs, poultry, dairy and fish products. • The patient should take 1cup pf milk per day. • Egg whites can also be taken by patients. • Moong daal without the skin is recommended. Creatinine can be removed from the body only through urine. For which we provide KFRT (Kidney Function Restoration Treatment) treatment at Sai Sanjivani, Which helps in the functioning of the kidney and removes waste material through urine. Another is Potassium levels which need to control in a patient as high potassium levels can lead to a heart attack. Potassium is a mineral that helps the body to work properly and also helps nerves to function and muscle to contract. And high Potassium leads to Fatigue, Tiredness, weakness, and nausea. Potassium is present in every food item, either in higher amount or in lower. It is important for polycystic kidney patients to reduce potassium intake in the diet. High Potassium vegetables that are to be avoided by patients : Potato Arbi Beetroot Turnip Sweet potato Leafy vegetables like Cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, methi, and coriander are to be avoided. Exceptions are onion, radish, and carrot. Low potassium vegetables that are to be eaten by the patient are : Tomtato Karela Brinjal Okhra Bottle gourd Snake gourd Pumpkin Parwal Leaching of vegetables is important to lower its potassium level. Low hemoglobin levels are the most frequent complication of polycystic kidney disease. Some of the symptoms of low Hemoglobin are : Shortness of breath Tiredness Weakness dizziness
 Erythropoietin injections are given to patients with low hemoglobin but when the levels do not get increase even after that then the patient is recommended for a proper diet. Patients are recommended to eat only 1 cup of fruits, and patients with low hemoglobin are advised to drink the juice off each seed before spitting pomegranate seeds.
 Polycystic kidney patients also have the problem of uncontrolled blood pressure. Pomegranate helps to lower blood pressure but patients potassium level should be normal. Reducing salt intake lowers blood pressure in people with kidney failure. unless there is low blood pressure, a patient should avoid salt or salt intake should be less. A patient should drink water according to thirst rather than an elaborate schedule. How KFRT works : 1. Treats the causes of kidney failure (diabetes, high blood pressure, allopathy medicines) 2. Restores Kidney  functioning 3. Reduces the high levels of Creatinine, Urea, and potassium
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alldaygeneric1 · 2 years
Know About How Critical Health Issues Leads To Hypertension As A Major Silent Killer
Why Is High Blood Pressure Termed As a ''Silent Killer''?
In most cases, in the late 30, people suddenly go through a few uncanny symptoms, which make them ready to consult a doctor. Then doctors check blood pressure rates and diagnose hypertension as a growing risk for heart and other organ damage. But the dangerous fact about hypertension is the patients never experience any noticeable discomfort while blood pressure crosses the normal range gradually. Thus, hypertension is vital in leading to sudden heart attack or stroke. Therefore, healthcare professionals recommend high blood pressure as a silent killer.
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So, after 30, everyone should maintain a routine check-up for blood pressure. And while doctors detect the higher range of systolic and diastolic heartbeat, they prescribe Spironolactone 25 mg to reduce the high-pressure level to normal. 
What Are The Symptoms of Different Types of Hypertension?
 Ninety-five percent of people in this world have hypertension symptoms. Though the exact cause of high blood pressure can be multifactorial, hypertension is classified into two categories - essential and secondary.
 ●     Essential Hypertension
When patients consult a doctor with an uncanny feeling, and the doctor detects a high range of blood pressure, it is essential hypertension. Generally, patients have to go through severe symptoms such as frequent headaches, dizziness, and nosebleeds while blood pressure reaches peak levels. Many researchers claim obesity, an unhealthy diet, and alcohol are responsible for essential hypertension. 
●     Secondary Hypertension
While another severe health condition is a catalyst in promoting blood pressure levels, called secondary hypertension, the difference between essential hypertension & secondary hypertension lies in its causes.
Essential hypertension results from an unhealthy diet, uncontrolled lifestyle factors, and stress. But serious health complications such as diabetic nephropathy, polycystic kidney syndrome, etc., cause Secondary hypertension.
Now, look at how critical health issues lead to high blood pressure.
How Is Hypertension Interlinked With Chronic Kidney Disease?
 ●     Chronic kidney dysfunction is a common factor behind secondary hypertension. The kidney plays a vital role in flushing out toxins, waste compounds, and excess fluid from the body through urine. So, the kidney is such an organ that regulates blood pressure levels keeping blood vessels free from strain. With the crucial sensory system, the kidney reacts through a vicious cycle while it faces a lack of nutrients, oxygen, and blood. Dehydration, while the kidneys receive inadequate blood circulation, produces unhealthy hormones and instigates the body's water and sodium retention cycle. As a result, the blood vessels become stressed with excess fluids, which promote blood pressure. This type of hypertension is categorized as secondary hypertension. 
●     Generally, a high amount of Creatinine leads to major kidney dysfunction. Creatinine is a wastage compound by muscle. The elevated level of Creatinine affects kidney functions in diverse ways. So, high Creatinine level makes the clearance system of the kidney vulnerable. Thus, while doctors detect high amounts of Creatinine through blood and urine tests, it hints at kidney malfunction, gradually making blood vessels stressed and leading to hypertension.
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Doctors prescribe Losartan Potassium 50 mg to decrease the blood pressure level. As this medication contains angiotensin receptor blockers, it is highly effective in keeping blood vessels stress-free and preventing kidney failure. 
How Is Diabetes Responsible For Hypertension? 
Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder that damages the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. In cases of type 1 diabetes, the body suffers from inadequate insulin production. And in type 2 diabetes, body cells fail to react to diabetes. Both conditions are dangerous as low insulin production & insulin resistance-related issues lead to glucose accumulation in the blood.
Insulin is a hormone that prepares body cells to synthesize glucose from food and turn it into energy. But diabetes affects insulin functionality. As a result, accumulated glucose in the bloodstream severely damages tissues and organs. Thus, the damage to internal tissues affects the overall circulation in the blood vessels. Therefore, oxidative stress and inflammation in tissues and organs trigger blood pressure.
Diabetes always instigates organ damage directly and indirectly. Therefore, doctors recommend Losartan Potassium 50 mg, which resolves hypertension issues and effectively prevents kidney problems' risk factors among diabetes patients. 
Both essential and secondary hypertension affects health. Therefore, people need to maintain a balanced diet stress-free lifestyle to avoid the risk factors of hypertension such as cardiovascular diseases, sudden heart failure, stroke, etc.
SOURCE URL: https://www.reddit.com/user/alldaygeneric2/comments/xfvvac/know_about_how_critical_health_issues_leads_to/
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