#food balance diet chart
tiktokparrot · 5 months
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fitnesflag · 6 months
The Balanced Diet
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dumbbellguider · 9 months
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fwam0511 · 10 months
Unveiling the Power of Nutritional Diet Charts: Your Key to Weight Loss and Body Transformation
Embarking on a journey towards weight loss and body transformation can be both exciting and challenging. While exercise plays a crucial role in sculpting your body, the foundation of any successful transformation lies in the realm of nutrition. A carefully crafted nutritional diet chart is your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of choices and helping you achieve your desired goals. In this article, we'll explore the benefits and pivotal role of a nutritional diet chart in your transformative journey.
Precision in Caloric Intake: A nutritional diet chart serves as a roadmap for managing your caloric intake. Understanding the balance between calories consumed and calories burned is essential for weight loss. By meticulously planning your meals, you can create a calorie deficit, prompting your body to tap into its fat reserves for energy.
Optimized Macronutrient Ratios: Achieving the right balance of macronutrients—proteins, carbohydrates, and fats—is vital for effective weight loss and muscle preservation. A personalized diet chart ensures that you get the optimal ratio based on your body type, activity level, and goals. Proteins support muscle retention, while carbohydrates provide energy, and healthy fats contribute to overall well-being.
Steady Blood Sugar Levels: Nutritional diet charts emphasize the importance of choosing complex carbohydrates that release energy gradually, preventing sudden spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels. Stable blood sugar levels not only aid in weight loss but also help regulate hunger, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking.
Nutrient-Dense Foods for Vitality: Weight loss should not be synonymous with nutrient deprivation. A well-crafted diet chart includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, ensuring you receive essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients not only support overall health but also enhance the body's ability to burn fat and build muscle.
Enhanced Metabolism: Certain foods have thermogenic properties, meaning they increase the body's metabolic rate. A nutritional diet chart can strategically incorporate these foods, giving your metabolism a natural boost. A revved-up metabolism aids in more efficient calorie burning, even during periods of rest.
Sustainable Habits: Crash diets and extreme restrictions may yield rapid results, but they are often unsustainable in the long run. A nutritional diet chart promotes sustainable habits by allowing flexibility and variety within a structured framework. This approach fosters a positive relationship with food and encourages long-term adherence to healthy eating patterns.
Supports Exercise Performance: Physical activity is a cornerstone of any body transformation journey. A well-balanced diet chart provides the necessary fuel for your workouts, optimizing performance and aiding in faster recovery. The right nutrients contribute to increased stamina, strength, and endurance.
In the pursuit of weight loss and body transformation, a nutritional diet chart is not merely a tool—it is the cornerstone of your success. By understanding the significance of balanced nutrition, you empower yourself to make informed choices that align with your goals. Remember, the journey is not just about shedding pounds; it's about cultivating a lifestyle that nourishes both your body and your spirit. Embrace the power of a nutritional diet chart, and witness the transformative magic unfold in your life.
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dieticianankita · 2 years
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When you consume enough protein and engage in regular strength training, the protein in your diet can help repair and build new muscle tissue. As muscle tissue is denser than fat tissue, an increase in muscle mass can lead to a weight gain, even if your body fat percentage remains the same.
How does protein help in weight gain ?
Every day, eat three to five meals
It may be simpler to boost calorie intake if you eat at least three meals every day. The number of calories consumed during snacking can also be increased.
Weight training 
Healthy weight gain requires weight training at least three times a week. This will support the development and preservation of lean muscle mass.
A person must vary and enhance their workouts to keep building lean body mass by either increasing the amount of weight they lift or the quantity of reps or set.Effective muscular growth can be achieved through compound exercises. These include weightlifting exercises like the deadlift, squat, and bench press that work several different muscular groups. Regular exercisers must monitor their calorie intake to make sure they are giving their bodies the right amount of fuel.
Consume adequate protein.
Muscle growth is supported by a diet that contains the correct amount of protein. Consuming 0.8 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogramme of body weight along with consistent weight training will improve a person's muscular mass. To gain weight in a healthy way, you must do this. Eggs, meats, seafood, nuts, and legumes are some examples of foods high in protein.
Consume meals that contain healthy fats and dietary fibre.
Every meal should contain foods high in nutritious fats and fibre carbs to assist improve the intake of calories and nutrients. These foods give you the vital fuel you need to keep up a regular exercise schedule and encourage muscular growth. Instead of using refined and processed sources of carbs, people should use whole-food alternatives, like brown rice and beans. It is crucial to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fats. Healthy fats are typically monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats, which can be found in foods like fish, avocados, nuts, and vegetable oils. Saturated and trans fats are examples of unhealthy fats .Saturated fat intake should be kept to a minimum, and additional trans fats should be avoided. 
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venusiancharisma · 6 months
Astro Remediation: Skin Conditions
Ever wonder if you can identify which aspects and placements in your natal chart can indicate skin conditions? Well, in Vedic Astrology, I can do this for you as well as customize a remediation plan for your personal road to recovery.
This is based on Ancient Astrology and Auyrvedic Healing. I struggled with acne as well as back acne for most of my good years. Nothing ever worked but then I tried the Eastern Medicine approach and implemented my knowledge of Astrology to help create a regimine for myself. It's truly magical what Astrology can reveal to us and even remedy for us. Everything can be alchemized as long as you have the tools and knowledge in front of you.
So, message me if you're interested in a consult and Remediation plan, personalized for you!
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In Vedic astrology, skin conditions can be assessed by analyzing various placements, signs, and aspects in a natal chart. The primary houses and planets to consider are the 1st house (self, physical body), 6th house (health, diseases), and the ascendant (physical appearance, constitution). The Moon, Mars, and Saturn are also important planets to consider when evaluating skin health.
Here are some possible aspects and placements that may indicate skin conditions, along with potential remediation measures:
Facial acne, cystic acne, back acne, and body acne:
Mars or Saturn in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Moon afflicted by Mars or Saturn, particularly in the 1st, 6th, or 8th house
Ascendant or 6th house lord afflicted by Mars or Saturn
Rahu or Ketu in the 1st or 6th house
Wear a red coral or bloodstone gemstone to pacify Mars
Chant the Gayatri mantra or the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra for spiritual healing
Practice stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, or pranayama
Maintain a clean, healthy diet and avoid oily, spicy, or processed foods
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Psoriasis and other autoimmune skin disorders:
Moon afflicted by Saturn, Rahu, or Ketu, particularly in the 1st, 6th, or 8th house
Saturn in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
6th house lord in the 8th house or 8th house lord in the 6th house
Weak or afflicted Sun in the chart
Wear a moonstone or pearl to strengthen the Moon
Chant the Mahamrityunjaya mantra or the Surya mantra for healing
Practice stress-reducing techniques and maintain a regular sleep schedule
Follow a sattvic diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
Eczema and other inflammatory skin conditions:
Pitta (fire) dominant constitution, with a strong presence of Mars, Sun, or Ketu in the chart
Mars or Ketu in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in fire signs
Ascendant or 6th house lord afflicted by Mars or Ketu
Moon afflicted by Mars or Sun, particularly in the 1st, 6th, or 8th house
Wear a moonstone or pearl to balance the Moon and reduce Pitta
Chant the Shiva mantra or the Durga mantra for spiritual healing
Practice cooling pranayama techniques like Sheetali or Sheetkari
Follow a Pitta-pacifying diet, avoiding spicy, sour, and fermented foods
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Fungal skin infections:
Kapha (water and earth) dominant constitution, with a strong presence of Moon, Venus, or Jupiter in the chart
Moon or Venus in the 1st house or 6th house, especially in water or earth signs
Ascendant or 6th house lord afflicted by Moon or Venus
Weak or afflicted Mars in the chart
Wear a red coral or bloodstone to strengthen Mars and reduce Kapha
Chant the Hanuman Chalisa or the Durga mantra for spiritual healing
Practice invigorating pranayama techniques like Bhastrika or Kapalbhati
Follow a Kapha-pacifying diet, avoiding cold, heavy, and oily foods
It's important to note that these are general guidelines. I will not be revealing every remediation or chart indication in this post as there are a lot more nuances that go into harsher conditions, such as ones developed due to issues such as auto immune diseases. Additionally, while astrological remedies can be helpful, it is always advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of any skin condition.
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blues824 · 1 year
Hello! I love your TWST work and thought of dropping a request. May I see headcanons of our charming Azul, sweet Kalim, sleepy Silver, darling Vil, and handsome Jamil with a female s/o who eats LOADS of food (both healthy and unhealthy) yet will NEVER. EVER. Get fat? I feel like this would upset Vil the most. TYSM! Keep up the good work and stay awesome!
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Azul Ashengrotto
Definitely very jealous when he sees you order one of the largest platters that the Lounge has to offer and you don't have to worry about gaining weight. 
However, now he knows how to spoil you
He will gift you your favorite foods, both healthy and unhealthy
But he knows that even though you have a faster metabolism, you need healthier foods to remain healthy
So he makes sure that your meals are well-balanced
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Kalim Al-Asim
He also has a high metabolism, I think. I picture him at the dinner table eating like Luffy from One Piece, just gobbling food up
But he also maintains a somewhat healthier diet because of Jamil
You are always welcome to dine with him, as the food is always delicious!
Your place at the Scarabia table is always right next to him, and he doesn’t mind sharing the food on his plate either because he loves sharing with people he loves
Gives you plenty of snacks, by the way
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Jamil Viper
Even though he doesn’t like cooking for Kalim, he does like cooking for you
Because he needs to make sure that all of Scarabia eats healthy, he has a few of the underclassman helping him, and you can as well
Is surprised at your high metabolism, but he has it as well since he moves around and exercises constantly 
Likes to spoil you with your favorite meals from time to time, when he has the opportunity
Makes sure that your meals are well-balanced as well
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Vil Schoenheit
I picture him with high metabolism as well, considering all the things I learned about him on the Wiki. His diets are mostly based on concerns of breaking out in acne
However, when he sees how much unhealthy things you eat, he lets out a loud shriek
Man pulls out a chart about how unhealthy foods are a ‘sometime food’ (Elmo reference lol) and that your meals need to be balanced
He understands your high metabolism, but just because you don’t gain weight doesn’t mean your body is not being harmed from the unhealthy foods
Thus, he makes sure you get actually good nutrients that help you
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He has to eat a lot to maintain energy for training, but you cleared off a plate from his father and now he’s worried you’re going to be terminally ill
That incident aside, he also makes sure that your meals are balanced and won’t make you sick (AKA the food is not from Lilia)
With how much you are constantly doing for Crowley and NRC as a whole, Silver is not surprised that you have a higher metabolism
It concerns him how many people think that their healthy just because they don’t gain weight after eating a lot 
But because of his knowledge about nutrition, he knows better
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obsidian-pages777 · 6 months
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Persophone in your Astrology chart
Persephone, the beloved daughter of Demeter in Greek mythology, holds significance in the Eleusinian Mysteries, symbolizing themes of life, death, and rebirth. Known as Kore or Proserpina, she embodies both youthful fertility and mature sovereignty as Queen of the Underworld. In astrology, the asteroid Persephone reflects themes of agency and choice. An uninitiated Persephone is passive, allowing others to dictate her relationships and decisions, often deferring to external authority figures like her mother Demeter.
Persephone's influence in your astrology chart is shaped by its placement in different houses and signs, along with its interactions with other planets through aspects. Here's a brief overview of Persephone's potential impact:
Persephone in the 1st House or Aries: You possess a captivating charm that can positively influence others. Embrace your independence and assertiveness in choosing partners, refusing to be controlled by parental figures, even in challenging situations.
2. Persephone in the 2nd House or Taurus: You seek sensual pleasures and financial stability in relationships. However, true fulfillment requires genuine emotional connection, as merely material security may leave you feeling unfulfilled.
3.Persephone in the 3rd House or Gemini: You are naturally inquisitive and social, but may struggle to assert yourself verbally, especially within family dynamics. Finding your voice is crucial for expressing your needs and experiences. Your communication skills can be valuable in guiding others through their own inner journeys.
4. Persephone in the 4th House or Cancer: Family ties may be deeply significant to you, potentially leading to a sense of entanglement with maternal figures. However, breaking free from familial influences is essential for personal growth and self-discovery, even if it feels challenging.
5. Persephone's placement in the fifth house or Leo suggests a passionate nature, craving romance and artistic expression. You may exude a youthful energy throughout life, but there could be challenges in balancing personal desires with parental responsibilities, potentially impacting your children's growth. Embrace the evolving phases of your life, transitioning from youthful exuberance to a more mature and enthusiastic approach to living, inspiring others to share the spotlight with you.
6. In the sixth house or Virgo, Persephone's influence is tied to diet and health, with a need to establish individual lifestyle choices for optimal well-being. This placement may reflect struggles stemming from maternal nurturing or using food for emotional comfort. Despite an aversion to conventional work, you may excel in creative, spiritual, or psychological endeavors, finding renewal through unique approaches to your craft.
7. In the seventh house or Libra, there's a potential tendency to allow others to shape your identity, leading to passive compliance in relationships. However, embracing equality and individuality within partnerships can awaken a deeper sense of engagement and passion.
8. Persephone in the eighth house or Scorpio may signify past trauma or abuse affecting sexual awakening and transformation. Healing and self-awareness are key to reclaiming personal power and achieving profound life changes.
9. In the ninth house or Sagittarius, Persephone seeks freedom and truth, facing challenges that prompt a shift from denial to a realistic outlook on life. As you seek meaning and wisdom, you may become a bearer of insight and positivity, offering a broader perspective on life's journey.
10. Persephone in the 10th house or Capricorn may struggle with setting personal goals and asserting her desires, often overshadowed by others' expectations. With maturity, she gains clarity about her career path, finding courage to pursue her ambitions later in life, which brings a sense of renewal and growth. Solitude during darker times can provide rejuvenation.
11. Persephone in the 11th house or Aquarius exudes glamour and may attract public attention, yet she might not initially recognize or desire this. During adolescence, she must carve out her unique identity, distinct from external influences. This placement fosters intuition and intelligence, leading to a renewed sense of self-awareness and originality.
12. Persephone in the 12th house or Pisces is a dreamer, sensitive and introverted. She finds solace in nature, possibly exhibiting psychic abilities or a deep connection with the environment. However, excessive spaciness can lead to difficulties, requiring cultivation of inner strengths to harness her intuitive receptivity without becoming overwhelmed or victimized.
Marilyn Monroe's Persephone in Cancer reflects her complex relationship with her mentally ill mother, seeking love and validation from romantic partners.
Frida Kahlo's Persephone in Capricorn, heavily influenced by Mars and Uranus, suggests her life-changing accident and the overshadowing presence of her husband Diego Rivera, yet her inner strength persists despite external challenges.
Oprah Winfrey had her Persephone in Libra in her 9th house.
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spidvrbatz · 4 months
CG!Harley & CG!Ivy
Gender Neutral Reader - no specified age / use of gear (ex. paci, baba)
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Harley lets you eat all the candy in the world but once you get a tummy ache realizes that she should probably be more careful + concerned with your diet 
loves wearing kandi- makes some for you when she’s not planning world domination 
B-A-B is her favorite place ever- 99% of the time you guys just go to look 
likes to match outfits with you 
puts a bunch of clips in her hair--when you come to her asking for the same she’s so enthusiastic 
you help her dye her hair n think up new styles 
sometimes Ivy comes around n rewards you with little flower bracelets that never seem to die 
sticker charts!! 
Ivy is the one that makes sure you're in good physical health- she helps to make sure you eat a balanced diet and get lots of water n sunshine 
Nicknames (from Ivy & Harley): Leaflet, Nugget, Rose, Poppet, Bug
Ivy lets you help cultivate plants
“A bit gentler Poppet, this one will show you where it wants to be pruned..hm?” 
Ivy sings lullabies to you and Harley at night 
Harley likes to play with your hair- she watches tons of videos so she doesn’t hurt you while giving you fun styles 
Supervised play with Hyenas, she’s very stern with them and they know not to hurt you - they nudge you with their snouts and nuzzle you - if you want, their weight is very comforting, they’ll lay their head on your tummy while watching cartoons
Harley in the middle of a panic attack? It’s scary but you lead the Hyenas into the room and sit with her while they work their magic, eventually you're able to hold her hand. 
“Thank you…” she says as she nuzzles your cheek against hers 
Ivy likes to keep you away from Harley during those episodes but she’s not always around- you’ve been taught what to do and the idea of helping her out during those times makes you feel good. 
Ivy says she doesn’t have favorite plants but you secretly know she does. If Ivy is going through an episode you’re able to bring the plant (they react to you) to her n it calms her down. The smell/chewing on peppermint leaves also helps her. 
“Always so helpful aren’t you, Leaflet?”
Ivy's breath always smells like peppermint
Pets your head afterwards, you lean into the touch n she giggles slightly. 
Harley kisses your forehead n cheeks- not frequently but enough to where it’s expected
Naps frequently take place on Saturday’s- all of you- Ivy, the Hyenas, Harley and you pile into one big bed and snuggle up- you don’t like to be crowded so you end up comfortably sleeping on the edge. The Hyenas sleep at the foot of the bed but sometimes you wake up and one of their heads is on your tummy. Harley sometimes throws an arm over your shoulders or holds your hand. Ivy’s nightstand plant snakes up your arm nearest the dresser n that’s her way of showing physical affection from so far away. - these tend to be the best naps ever, all of you wake up well rested a couple of hours later and it’s either Ivy or Harley that gets up to make or order food- you’re very often last to get up. 
You know whether or not it’s Ivy or Harley who gets up first because Ivy goes out to get food and Harley cooks it. 
Nicknames (from you to them): Ms. Ivy (but only when you really need/want something cuz she’s weak for your puppy dog eyes), mama, nonnie
when ivy gets takeout she uses glass containers and goes to places she knows are environmentally friendly 
ivy teaches you to thank nature for whatever it gives n to not take more than you need 
harley loves playgrounds and arcades but understands it can sometimes be overstimulating - takes you to the mall
all of you guys go on nature walks- harley cheers you on as you climb the trees and ivy makes sure you ask permission first and thank it afterwards 
both make sure you use your aids when you need them 
“Come here nugget, wear these for Ms. Ivy, okay?”
Harley n u at a parade n she notices you start to get overstimulated- 
“Woah there lil bug, how bout we go take a break?” “but-“ “We’ll still be able to see the floats, n i pinky promise that we’ll get you a souvenir okay?” she smiles when you nod, teary eyed.
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chester-god-0 · 6 months
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(Not My Art)
SNEAK PEEK INTO "Ace's Manual to Becoming a Diamond"
“Well then, today I am teaching you about BEAUTY! Atsushi, what do you think beauty is?”
Atsushi thinks for a bit. “Isn’t it something you’re born with-”
“AHA!”, Ace exclaims. “That is where you’re wrong, my inexperienced junior! For you see, the body you were born with is but simply the starting point!”
“...I see.”
“To better understand, I’ll use the point system. You see, one's natural body is like a clean cut 0. Never see your natural body as ugly. See what you do to your natural body critically! Is it clean? Well groomed? Is your skin smooth? Do you clean your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair? That is where your main beauty comes from! Why do you think it's called ‘beauty sleep’?”
Atsushi sees a young man walking his dog stop and stare at Ace.
“A good diet is pivotal to a good complexion!”, Ace continues his rant. “So many people drink sodas for every meal, eat baked goods covered in cheap chocolate and forget the importance of the food chart!”
A group of girls also stop and listen.
“What people need is meat, eggs or milk, fresh fruits and vegetables, and yes, sweets too! But be careful of the fried food! I know I would die for some golden fried chicken, which is why I only eat it on special occasion!”
“And chazuke!”, Atsushi adds.
“And chazuke!”, Ace repeats. “If you manage to find a balance, it will lead to beautiful skin, vitality and fluffy hair! And let's not forget about exercise and being outdoors. I even had a gym built for this very purpose! You don’t want to look too buff, but a bit of muscle never hurt anyone and a good circulation is always good for your health. If you even do the most mundane things with vigor, like walking up the stairs quickly, back straight and knees up, it will make your movements more graceful.”
By this point, Ace’s speech has amassed a crowd.
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spiritboxxhoe · 1 year
General Tips for people with EDs
Water :
We absolutely must drink water to survive, and it has zero calories, so there's no excuse to not drink it. As we typically get much of our water content through foods, when we reduce food intake we begin to dehydrate ourselves, which is dangerous. Also, cold water chills the body and may raise metabolism to get warm again.
Reasons to drink water:
It lubricates the joints
It forms saliva and mucus
If delivers oxygen throughout your entire body
It boosts skin health and beauty
It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissue
It regulates body temperature
Your digestive system depends on it
It flushes body waste
It maintains your blood pressure
Your airways need it
Prevents kidney damage
Weight loss
Finally, it reduces the chance of a hungover
Vitamins and Minerals:
We must have these, too, to survive and so again there is no excuse to not take at least a basic daily multivitamin (which may help reduce some cravings as well). Vitamins are vital in keeping our bodies functioning and our skin / hair / teeth nice. Particularly be aware of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, salt, along with water balance) and calcium.
Reasons to take to help with weightloss....
Vitamin C: it has been proven that people with low vitamin C status tend to burn less fat when exercising
Vitamin B12: Faster metabolism
Omega 3: Increases fat breakdown, decreases muscle inflammation, large amounts are usually taken by big time athletes
Ashwagandha: Increases muscle mass which results in a faster metabolism, improves sleeping patterns(Lack of sleep = High blood sugar = weight gain)
Vitamin B2: Helps your body break down fats, carbs, and proteins
Fenugreek: it’s an herb that works as an appetite supressant, just be careful with it and do research
Vitamin D: Helps with hairloss, dry skin, and depression
Protein is necessary, particularly if you're exercising. It maintains and repairs our muscles, including heart muscle, which is (last I heard) kind of a requisite for continued survival.
Reduces appetite and hunger levels
Increases muscle mass and strength
Good for your bones
Reduces cravings and late night binging
Boosts metabolism and increases fat burning
Lowers blood pressure
Helps maintain weight loss
Helps your body repair itself after injury
Helps you stay fit as you age
Fat Intake:
Fat has, per gram, more calories than any other source of energy and is stored more easily. Switch to low fat everything, then progress to nonfat. Nonfat food tends to taste like crap (in my opinion) and you may end up eating less because of that.
While caffeine can be an appetite suppressant and can increase your metabolism, it will also act as a diuretic. Drink a glass of water for each cup of tea, coffee, or diet soda you have. Again, dehydration is a potentially serious problem.
Always read labels to avoid nasty surprises. This happens to me all the time and makes for some panicky stress-moments. Also, look up food charts and be aware of the caloric / nutritional content of everything you eat.
Understand yourself. Learn what you need, and when, and why. Everyone is unique and there are no hard-and-fast universally applicable laws. Our bodies are very good at telling us what we need, and knowing what you need gives control over how you choose to satisfy those needs.
Find your binge triggers, be they food or places or people or feelings. Avoid them at all costs. Figure out more acceptable ways of dealing with those triggers than stuffing yourself silly.
Learn when you tend to eat and why you eat then in particular. Plan to be doing something unrelated to food at those times. Many of us find night to be the hardest time to avoid food.
Get plenty of sleep. Steal naps whenever you can and rest when you need to rest. Sleep deprivation increases appetite and makes you age faster.
The end! Thank you for reading <3
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dumbbellguider · 9 months
Balanced Diet Chart
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Fruits: Include a variety like apples, bananas, berries, citrus fruits, etc. Aim for 2-3 servings per day.
Vegetables: Eat a rainbow of veggies like leafy greens, carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, etc. Aim for 3-5 servings per day.
Proteins: Sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, beans, or lentils. Aim for 2-3 servings per day.
Whole Grains: Opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat bread/pasta, oats, etc. Have 3-4 servings per day.
Dairy or Alternatives: Milk, yogurt, cheese, or fortified plant-based alternatives like almond or soy milk. Aim for 2-3 servings per day.
Healthy Fats: Include sources like nuts, seeds, avocados, and healthy oils (olive oil, coconut oil) in moderation.
Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for at least 8 glasses (8 ounces each) daily.
Remember, portion sizes matter, and it's beneficial to vary your choices within each group to get a wide range of nutrients. Adjust portions based on your age, sex, activity level, and specific dietary needs. Consulting a nutritionist or a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance.
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healthy2bfit · 2 months
How Brides Can Get Naturally Glowing Skin Through Diet Alone!
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As a bride-to-be, your wedding day is a momentous occasion where you want to look and feel your absolute best. Why would anyone not want to be the star in their own wedding? 
While skincare products do play a role, getting that coveted Bridal Diet Chart For Glowing Skin glow starts from the inside—specifically, with what you eat and drink. 
Keeping that in mind, we have made this guide on how you can enhance your skin's radiance naturally through a thoughtful diet that includes just the right things and omits what your body hates.
Understanding Skin Health
Healthy skin isn't just about appearance; it reflects overall well-being. Factors like hydration, nutrition, and lifestyle choices significantly impact your skin's vitality, glow, and radiance. By nourishing your body with the right foods, you can support its natural processes and get a clear, glowing complexion. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn’t. Years of science and anecdotal evidence have shown us that what you eat is perhaps the most important factor in how you look.
Essential Nutrients for Radiant Skin
Hydration is key. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps flush out toxins and keeps your skin hydrated from within. Alongside hydration, antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables protect your skin from oxidative stress. All of these result in a healthy glow that any bride would want to have!
Foods That Promote Skin Health
Incorporate a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables into your meals. Try to make your plate look as vibrant as possible, and no, it’s not just for the aesthetics. These fruits and veggies are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for skin repair and rejuvenation. Omega-3 fatty acids from sources like salmon and walnuts help maintain skin elasticity and hydration which also make your skin smooth and supple.
Hydration Tips for Bridal Radiance
Aside from water, herbal teas like chamomile or green tea are excellent choices. They not only hydrate but also provide antioxidants that combat free radicals, keeping your skin looking fresh and radiant. However, don’t count out on water! It’s so important to drink a lot of water every day, at least the amount specified by health authorities all over the world. 
The Impact of Diet on Skin Conditions
Avoiding excessive sugar and processed foods can be difficult, but trust us it is well worth it. Sugar can trigger inflammation and breakouts, compromising your skin's clarity. Rather you should go for whole foods and limit refined sugars to maintain a balanced complexion.
Probiotics and Skin Balance
Support your gut health with probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and fermented vegetables. Yes, even our desi aanchar works as long as you are not consuming a whole lot of oil with it! A healthy gut microbiome contributes to clear skin by reducing inflammation and enhancing nutrient absorption.
Healthy Fats for Skin Elasticity
Incorporate sources of healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, and nuts into your diet. These fats nourish your skin cells, improving elasticity and moisture levels for a supple, youthful appearance.
Superfoods for Bridal Beauty
Include some superfoods like spinach, blueberries, and almonds in your meals. These foods are loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients that help boost collagen production and shield your skin from environmental stressors. Superfoods are really the Superman to protect your skin!
Avoiding Skin Irritants
Be cautious of any food allergies or sensitivities that could potentially affect your skin. Common culprits often include dairy and gluten. Giving up dairy seems impossible? Don’t worry, the dairy alternatives we now have in the market are as good, if not better! Identifying and eliminating these triggers can prevent unexpected breakouts or reactions in the lead-up to your wedding day.
Crafting Your Skincare Diet Plan
When planning your meals, strive for a diverse mix of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. A well-rounded diet gives your skin all the necessary vitamins and minerals to maintain its natural glow. Consider seeking guidance from a nutritionist for personalised recommendations tailored to your specific needs. For the smoothest experience, just reach out to Healthy2bfit on Instagram!
Exercise and Stress Management
Regular physical activity enhances blood circulation—we all know that. It also gives your skin better oxygen and nutrient delivery. Pairing exercise with stress-relieving practices such as yoga or meditation can effectively mitigate stress-related skin issues and give you that wow skin!
Consistency is Key
Start the incorporation of these dietary adjustments into your daily routine early on. Consistency plays a pivotal role in achieving sustainable results. Remember, your dietary choices do impact your skin's appearance and texture—and they do so significantly! So prioritize wholesome foods that support your journey toward bridal beauty.
By focusing on a diet rich in hydration, antioxidants, and essential nutrients, you can achieve naturally glowing skin for your wedding day and beyond. Embrace these dietary changes as part of your bridal preparation and you will be walking down the aisle with confidence and radiant skin in no time!
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scarletooyoroi · 11 months
Muse Favorites: Preferences.
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Animal:   Genuinely too hard for him to pick. Animal life has been a favorite for Thoma since he was a youngin'. Dogs, Cats and now Blubberbeast are at the top of the charts however.
Flowers:  Windwheel Asters. They hold a special place in his heart.
Scent: Lightly smoked wood, the sort carries a gentler scent. Primarily Amur Maple from how long he frequented around it in Ritou in his early days. 
Coffee:  Personally they tend to avoid it. Messes up their equilibrium a bit much for him to like it. Will sample some for the novelty.
Tea: Sakura and Amakumo blends steals his top spot. For Mondstadt, the tops would be Misty Afternoon alongside Laughter and Cheer.
Drink:  Grape juice. Sparkling Berry Burst. Gray Valley Sunset. Primarily, drinks that have a sweetness and decent kick to complement each other. Sort of like breaking the surface of water.
Alcoholic Beverage:  Not a fan at all. However, on rare instances he would be willing to indulge in Dandelion Wine for novelty's sake.
Food:  He holds a preference for the hearty brand of meals. Rice Cake Soup being one such example. Tonkotsu ramen, Mondstadt's steaks or pizza. He wants to be enriched himself by the flavors that intend to impact. That said however, this preference doesn't make him forgo a healthy diet balance. Some good flavor just gets the mood up.
Dessert: Padisarah Pudding. Sakura Mochi. Ice creams. For Thoma in terms of dessert, he loves those melt in your mouth builds that is just easy to down. Cold or warm matter little to him.
Article of Clothing:  Jackets. Thoma really enjoys such brand of covers for stylish and beneficial reasons. (More pockets!) Otherwise, His hitai-ate is a naturally top contender. Light armor pieces for both stylish and protective reasoning as well. He loves a balance that holds personality and flexibility.
Candy:  Nothing much outside of chocolate. Those fruity gummi bears would be a hit however, long as it's not hard on the teeth.
Left or Right Handed?:  Right handed. Does have Ambidextrous mastery however with swords and polearms due to extensive training.
Sloppy or Neat Writing?: Neat handwriting. It was a pre-requisite for being a retainer at the Kamisato House during his stay.
Clean or Messy Home?:  Clean spaces. Thoma's own hobbies involve actively keeping his spaces tidy and organized. Overall for comfort factors and always having a sound mind of seeing his are materials slotted where they should be. A tidy space is a relaxing and accessible space. Not to mention, he loves to organize a special space for his personal gifts. 
Shower in Morning or Night?:  Loves to take them in mornings, yet he usually does so at night. For Thoma's lifestyle two showers are often involved. One to clean the daily stresses away at night, while another is to ensure the sweat and grime during training doesn't stick after a round of training. That said, he loves seeing the shine of the sun and clouds when he bathes. It's a treat from nature.
Tasks Done Early or Last Minute?:  Early. Thoma is schedule oriented when it comes to work/business matters, so effectively slaying his quota in order to open up his day is pivotal. It also shows good conduct to any employers about his serious nature for tasks.
Love Language?:   Giving genuine attention to whatever you say. He doesn't enjoy being a passive listener and often engages with his own thoughts, perceptions if the moment allows. Gift creation: personal handmade items (if possible) of your favorites is another clear signal. That said, love languages for Thoma keep in the platonic/romantic spectrum in general. Romantic actions normally being reserved solely for such.
Believe in Love at First Sight?:  He does not. To Thoma, he believes the initial attraction of 'love' comes from some element you enjoy about the person. Whether it's appearance, what they're doing, or whatever you've made up in your mind. Love truly approaches when those barriers come down and you truly get to learn about them. Even lust for those who prefer serves as one layer of many, acceptance of another's heart should naturally take time. (And a desire to give more time still.)
tagged by: No one! Seen it on the dash and saw it as a one activity.
Tagging: If you stared at this for more than five seconds. You. You're the tagged. I'm making the rules this time. :skull emoji:
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flock-talk · 2 years
Tbh the only thing I can think of that would make the food companies change is to stop giving them profits. Spread the word in different groups, forums, etc. about how awful their diets are, spread the word about food studies and what the parrots natural diet would be in the wild. And don't do it silently, email the companies and make sure they KNOW why you're no longer buying food from them. If they get a few emails like that I'm sure they'll just go "lol ok" but if they get hundreds and thousands? They'll notice.
Rat people were unhappy with the trash diets on the market and straight up just made their own diet (Shunamite diet) and feeding biologically appropriate raw diets has become so popular that I'm now seeing commercials for raw fed cats/dogs. So making up homemade recipes that are easy to follow like that would be a real help for people.
for sure!
if science catches up and actually does studies on the natural parrot diet that's honestly the route I would take, at the moment we don't have that complete picture though which is why it's a bit more challenging than just not giving them profit!
At the present moment pellets are considered the healthier choice due to seed + veggie diets lacking consistent nutrients/ trace minerals and being high in fat. Since we don't know what a nutritionally balanced wild parrot diet looks like we can't accurately formulate our own safely.
With where we stand right now I'd opt for feeding what works best for your bird/ lifestyle/ budget and consult with your veterinary team. Spread knowledge of feeding trials, nutrient profiles, and digestibility charts to bird keepers so it becomes common knowledge and the general public will know what questions to ask/ companies may be more inclined to do testing to get more profits.
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Meeting Your Daily Protein Needs: A Guide for Diabetic Patients
Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including building and repairing tissues, producing enzymes and hormones, and supporting a healthy immune system. The amount of protein one should consume daily depends on several factors, such as body weight, activity level, and individual goals. In this article, we will explore the recommended daily protein intake based on these factors and highlight 10 excellent vegetarian and non-vegetarian sources of protein.
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Additionally, we will discuss important considerations for individuals with diabetes.
Determining Daily Protein Requirements:
When determining your protein needs, it's important to consider your body weight and activity level. The general recommendation for sedentary individuals is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, for those who engage in regular physical activity or strength training, higher protein intake may be necessary to support muscle repair and growth.
For active individuals, a range of 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is often recommended. Athletes or those engaging in intense training may require even higher amounts, typically around 2.0 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight. It's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian to determine the ideal protein intake based on individual needs and goals.
Top  Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1. Legumes and Pulses: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans, and other legumes are excellent sources of plant-based protein. They also contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice.
2. Quinoa: Considered a complete protein, quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids. It is also rich in fiber and minerals like iron and magnesium.
3. Tofu and Tempeh: Made from soybeans, tofu and tempeh are versatile sources of protein. They are low in saturated fat and can be used in a variety of dishes.
4. Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds are packed with protein, healthy fats, and other essential nutrients.
5.  Yogurt: This dairy product is an excellent source of protein, calcium, and probiotics. Opt for low-fat or non-fat varieties and avoid added sugars.
6. Cottage Cheese: Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product that is high in protein and calcium. It can be enjoyed on its own or added to salads and recipes.
Top  Non-Vegetarian Protein Sources:
1.. Chicken Breast: A lean protein source, chicken breast is low in fat and high in protein. It is versatile and can be prepared in various ways.
2. Fish: Options like salmon, tuna, and trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein. They also provide essential nutrients like vitamin D and iodine.
3. Lean Meat: Lean cuts of meat, are excellent sources of protein and iron. Moderation is key due to their higher fat content.
4. Eggs: Eggs are a convenient and cost-effective protein source. They contain all essential amino acids and are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
Considerations for Diabetic Patients:
Individuals with diabetes should pay attention to their overall carbohydrate intake when incorporating protein-rich foods into their diet. It's important to choose protein sources that are low in saturated fats and added sugars. Here are some additional considerations for diabetic patients:
Balanced Meals: Include a variety of protein sources along with complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fiber to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid excessive calorie intake. A registered dietitian can provide guidance on appropriate serving sizes.
Timing and Distribution: Spread protein intake throughout the day to support blood sugar control and enhance satiety.
Protein Powders and Supplements: If necessary, diabetic patients can consider incorporating protein powders or supplements into their diet, but it's important to choose those specifically formulated for diabetics and consult with a healthcare professional.
Protein is an essential component of a balanced diet and plays a vital role in overall health and well-being. The amount of protein needed daily depends on factors such as body weight and activity level. By including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, you can meet your daily protein needs. For individuals with diabetes, it is crucial to consider the quality and quantity of protein sources while maintaining an overall healthy eating pattern. Consulting a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations to ensure a well-balanced diet that meets individual needs.
Visit our official website: https://www.bestdiabetologistindelhi.com
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