#how would they react if they accidentally hurt that person. because like the last post i reblogged
archivist-the-knight · 10 months
love looking at the "who would win in a fight" memes and going "they'd all be friends and have tea NEXT"
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muffinsin · 8 months
Hey hey. How do you think the sisters would react to a s/o who gets hurt stupidly? Like for instance and totally not based of off anything irl, one who accidentally stabbed themself while trying to cut a carrot? You obviously don’t have to use that, it was just an example lol. Also, your posts are kicking ass in my mind. You’re an amazing author and a great person!
Wheepsies hoping this will gemme out of my writer’s block again XD time to catch some zzz’z
I’m glad you like my posts! :D thank you, you’re a great person too🙌
Let’s get into it!
You don’t dare meet her golden eyes as she takes the lid off the blue cream container
Still, you know they’re set on you
She’s silent for a moment, as though processing your words after you explained how you sustained these injuries
Nothing major, really, just a few scratches on your knees and legs, and a scratched open chin when you made friends with the floor
You watch her index fingertip dip into the cream, and hiss when she gently smears it across your bruised knees
It’s cold, but comfortably so. Like Aloe Vera cream, you think
She’s gentle with her movements, precise and calm
You know, she was freaking out immediately when she found you on the floor of the main hall, clutching your knees tightly because they burned so much
Now, with the cream covering the red bruises, they hardly still sting
Her touch is so soothing, so calm and soft, you almost feel lulled to sleep
Your eyes close for a moment, too comfortable and just right and cozy in this moment
“So let me get this right…”, she hums
Your eyes open up again immediately
You bite your bottom lip, nervous, and still don’t dare look at her golden eyes
You wonder, though. Are they scolding? Are they mean? Are they playful?
Bela can be so intimidating at times!
…even as she is literally kneeling with you sitting on the bed in front of you, her fingers gently applying cream to your sore knees and legs
She’s so gentle…yet you feel so embarrassed for getting hurt in such a way
It’s a little silly, and so you feel the tips of your ears reddening with a warm blush even as she recollects what you’ve told her
“So…you raced down the stairs…with a sledge…because Cassandra said it’s just like racing down a snow covered hill?”
You gulp
You don’t think you have the strength to answer her. Bela sounds so stern…
You feel your cheeks heating up in embarrassment
“And you fell off the sledge…rolled- down the stairs- and hit your head on the floor?”
You gulp again, her light fingertips suddenly feeling so hard
You feel her apply some cream to your other knee
“Draga, you realize Cassandra has never ridden a sledge?”. She sighs, and tips your head up
She leans close, and for a moment you think she’ll kiss you, and you smile eagerly
Instead, she focused on the small scratches on your forehead and wipes some of the cream over it
You whine, which catches her attention
With a roll of her eyes and a fond smile, she kisses you
She tips your head up again, your eyes at last finding golden ones
She looks at you, a playful smirk on her lips
“Don’t let me catch you do something like that again”
She’s staring at you- no, not merely staring
“Good morning”, you whisper nervously, even though you know the clock reads 3:29am
Cassandra eyes your finger, and groans at the blood that runs down your index fingertip
“Why would you poke my fangs?”, she grunts out, a long and loud sigh passing her lips when you shrug
“Stay.”, she groans, her flies buzzing in irritation as she rises from the bed and retrieves bandages
You can’t help but grin to yourself; Cassandra is such a grumpy bug when she’s woken up
Still, she looks adorable with the frown on her face and her hair uncombed and rough looking from twisting and turning in bed
She licks her teeth clean subtly, a small smile coming to her lips when she tastes your blood in her mouth
She huffs as she sits back on the bed, her golden eyes blinking tiredly at you
You’d think a predator like her is ready to be up at any time, ready for whatever
Clearly not. The brunette is eying her pillow yearningly
You hiss a little as she licks the blood from your finger and sucks the wound clean, never one to pass up on a snack
“Help yourself…”, you mutter, yet only blush and look down at the bedsheets when golden eyes glare are you
“T’is the least you can do…after wakin’ me…”, she mumbles
Again, you almost laugh a little. It seems your girlfriend is one grumpy little thing in the morning at night
Still, with care and precision, she works on wrapping first a small, then a slightly bigger bandage around your finger
Soon, you feel the bleeding stop and even the stinging pain is reduced again
Thankfully, you haven’t cut yourself too much, just enough for your fingertip to bleed
“Will you now give me an explanation as to why I’m waking up with your finger in my mouth?”, she asks again
You force yourself not to smile. Her flies are buzzing in irritation and it’s adorable to you
You shrug again, and at last can’t fight the small smile that makes it to your lips
“I wanted to feel how sharp your teeth are”, you simply reason
Cassandra rolls her eyes at this
Naturally, they were sharp as blades. She makes sure of that, after all, each day
“Next time this happens, I’ll bite your finger off”, she warns
Really, it’s a surprise she didn’t automatically bite down upon feeling you prod her tooth
With a final adjustment to your bandaged finger, swarms back under the warm blanket, her butt wiggling as she basks in the warmth, her eyes closing contently
Well, for a moment anyway
You watch her get comfortable yet again, and stare wide eyed when golden eyes open to look at you
“Are you gonna watch me sleep next?”
At her statement you quickly lay down as well, chuckling as she rests her head on your chest
For a few moments, it’s quiet
Still, you can’t refrain from asking:
“Do you think it’ll scar?”
“I should hope so…”
She smells your blood, even rooms away, and is immediately on her way
As she calls for your name, your face flushes pink
This is going to be embarrassing…
“My love! Are you all-right? What happened?!”, she gasps, her hand grasping yours, the other holding your injured one
Daniela raises an eyebrow
She notices, no one else is in the kitchen. Just you, a cutting board, a large knife, and a carrot
You grit your teeth as you see it
Maybe you’re losing it, but you could swear it’s mocking you!
Her head pulls back a little as she seems to understand
“You cut yourself?”, she gasps, sweet, bright eyes widen at her discovery
You wince as she grasps your hand tighter, the blood flowing from it
Immediately, she presses a stack of napkins against the wound
This makes you hiss again, and has her golden eyes set on you apologetically
“My poor, sweet love…”, she coos, and you can’t help but grin at the small kiss that’s set to your chin.
She’s fast to drag you with her, your uninjured arm grabbed to tug you after her
“It’s really nothing!”, you insist, despite the throbbing pain in your hand
Maybe it’ll heal on its own? You don’t want to get stitches, you really don’t
Daniela is fast to explain the situation to the castle’s doctor, her hand moving to your back to steady you
For a moment, you feel lightheaded
Then, you’re sat down
Daniela holds onto your uninjured hand as the woman moves around you, collecting this and that you have no idea about
Thankfully, you haven’t had many run ins with the castle’s doctor yet
Still, she seems kind, and skilled
Using a lollipop as bait, she gently guides Daniela’s hands from you in order to have a better look at the injury
You whine momentarily as she cleans the wound, and groan when she already reaches for a syringe, then a needle
Of course…
At last, a kiss pressed to your cheek cheers you up again
“My brave little human”, she coos
Daniela nearly plops down on your lap, as if forgetting your injuries and where you are
A pointed stare from the woman has her stand straight again
“Perhaps, you could bring some water and a snack, Lady Daniela?”
You smile when the redhead immediately follows the sweetly spoken command and buzzes off
You gulp as you look at the woman in front of you. Her reassuring smile does little…
Shortly after your head stops throbbing and the pain starts to fade at last, Daniela returns
The bright smile on her face is enough to make you grin back at her from your position on the chair
“I’ve got you something that’ll cheer you up!”
You don’t know whether to laugh, scoff, cry or groan when Daniela holds out a plate with neatly cut carrots on top
“I brought you your snack!”
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 6 months
HI! Love the game demo! Please pardon my english as it is not my first language. How would the LI react if they accidentally hurt MC or took something too far? Like if they were arguing, and only noticed MC crying/sad after they said something. It could be on a emotional or sexual sense as well.
I'm so happy to hear that you love the demo! Please don't apologize about your English, I'm bilingual and i know how tough it can be to switch languages sometimes haha. That being said, I appreciate the effort you put into playing the demo and reading my posts!
For this post, I'll focus on the emotional aspect and if they got into an argument with MC. If you want to know about the sexual aspect, please feel free to send another ask!
Garret can be pretty stubborn when it comes to certain things. He tries his best to be kind and understanding, but if he'd holding his ground about something, he really digs his heels into the ground and will refuse to budge. His reaction to finding MC hurt/ crying after an argument would vary depending on the topic and what was said, but generally he would pause. He'd replay the argument in his head several times and eventually come to the conclusion that he was probably too harsh on you. Once he came to that realization, he'd approach you with some water and sit down next to you. He would then apologize for his delivery, not for the argument itself or for being wrong (because he's never wrong), but for saying it in a way that upset and hurt you. It probably wasn't his intention, and he would apologize for expressing his viewpoint so harshly.
Marcelo tends to cool off pretty quickly after a fight, so if he saw you upset and crying he would immediately be wracked with guilt. He'd never want to hurt you or make you cry, so he'd feel absolutely terrible seeing you so upset because of him. It would take him a little bit before he gathered the courage to approach you, but when he did he'd immediately apologize for everything. He'd probably admit to being wrong ( even if he wasn't) and do everything he can to comfort you. Speaking of comfort, if you allowed him he would be holding your hand or somehow touching you throughout the apology.
Camilla tends to take a while to cool off after a fight. However the guilt would start creeping in when she saw you crying after a fight. It would take her a little while, but she would reluctantly swallow her pride and approach you. She'd apologize for hurting your feelings and do her best to talk it through in a calmer and more rational manner.
Rita probably holds grudges the longest after a fight compared to the rest of the cast. Granted, it takes a lot for her to get into a heated argument, especially one where she's actually saying hurtful things. She tends to shut down whenever she becomes upset and gives everyone the cold shoulder. The most it'll last is a few days, but once she's worked past her own emotions, she'll reach out and talk things through. By the end of the conversation, she'll probably be in tears apologizing for lashing out at you, the one person she loves the most in this god forsaken world.
Teagan, true to form, is probably the most toxic compared to the cast. If they saw you crying after an argument, they would feel vindicated. That's right, you should be upset. It's what you deserve for being so stubborn. They'd also take some joy in seeing you so upset over them and their actions. Your reaction just validates how important they are to you, how much power they have when it comes to your emotions. Once they felt as though you've suffered enough, they'd approach you and twist the scenario so that you end up apologizing to them first. Then they'd offer an "apology", one of those fake non-apologies that really blame you for what happened. ( Ex. "I'm so sorry YOU felt that way." " I apologize I wasn't clear and YOU misinterpreted my words" etc)
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sea-owl · 2 years
Hi sorry for bothering you again but I was curious
On your last post you said that there was a reason why you mix the shows canon and the book canon, is it because there are parts in both that you don't like, or something?
Also how do you think each of the yandere Bridgertons would react if they find out that their spouses match their energy?
Thank you!
Lovely you are not a bother.
So yeah, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. There are aspects of both books and the show that I dislike, so I make my own canon by mixing the two. The biggest thing I tend to leave out is the Queen. I don't really care for how the writers use her character as it mainly has to do with the fact that the writers have turned her into this deus ex machina that makes everything better because true love. I much prefer the books approache where the ton figures out their own shit. I know it's gonna happen next season, too, because we're gonna have the Whistledown vs. the Queen showdow as the writers have been building up. I'm hopeful, though, that after season 3 with the Queen Charlotte show coming out and the next three siblings love stories not being that centered in London they pull back on her character.
On to your other question I have thought long and hard about how the Bridgertons find out that their spouses are just as fucking crazy as them and this post here ( Link ) probably has to have my favorite reveal.
The kids accidentally out their non Bridgerton parents.
It's not like the spouses were really hiding it on purpose, by the time they got married it was a habit. Obviously the children knew, but the children didn't know their non Bridgerton parents to be anything different. After all both their parents gave lessons in crazy.
Their children are going to one day ask their Bridgerton parent for yandere advice and then look confused or dissatisfied by the Bridgerton parents' answers. "Nevermind I'll just ask Mom/Dad. I forgot they out crazy you and have way better methods when it comes to killing/weapons/driving someone insane/manipulation/stealing/torture/clean up."
Immediately the Bridgerton parents yank back their kids and demand to know what they're talking about.
Anthony learns the story of how his wife permanently ended a singer's career, who also happened to be one of his past mistresses, after she ripped out the singer's vocal cords. How she used her title to her advantage to protect her family, after all it would be rather rude to turn down a personal invite from a viscountess would it not?
Benedict learns how his wife had not only broke a rival artist's hand, but also cut a few fingers off and burned down the rival's art studio. How she used her knowledge from her time as a maid to find secret accesses into the homes of those who have wronged her family.
Yeah Colin knows his wife was Lady Whistledown but did he know how far her well of information went? Did he know she forever ruined several lords who made moves against her family? Sometimes just by leaving the right information in the right hands.
Daphne learns that her husband had beaten a lord to disfigurement after he made unsavory jokes about her. She also learns why her husband makes those random visits to the pig farms in his territory.
Eloise learns about about how her husband drove others to insanity after comments were made about Eloise's non bio connection to the twins, something that hurt Eloise at the time. Eloise found out why there was so many poisons plants at the ready, or how her siblings and in-laws had so many as well.
Francesca had a feeling that there was more to her husband than what he showed, something more like her. After all he was the one to encourage her darker impulses, showed her how to be wicked. Though she was pleased to learn that he used his charming ways to manipulate others to cause their own end or to self destruct.
Gregory learns his wife has a thing for torture. When the other spouses need certain information his wife is the one to step in to force it out of people through force.
Hyacinth learns her husband has an eye for sparkly things and sticky fingers. If someone tries to do their family wrong her husband is sent to make sure the offending lord has only that title to his name.
So I could see how they react going a few ways, first I think it would be denial. All these years of marriage and children and now the Bridgertons are learning their soulmates actually match their energy? After they had time to sit on it I think they would probably think that their spouses crazy was hot and probably fall more in love with them now knowing they're just like them.
Then the Bridgertons want to know how good their spouses were at hunting. They ask their children to be quiet about this for a little while until they had a chance to surprise their non Bridgerton parents. During the next family trip to Aubrey Hall a game of manhunt was suggested during night time. The Bridgertons would be the hunted while their spouses would be the hunters.
Each Bridgerton was captured by their spouse.
Now they kinda wanted to see what their spouses would do if they made them jealous on purpose.
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silver-heller · 9 months
So um, I've been vaguely informed (the details aren't really my business) there's been a situation so I just want to clarify something:
My vent posts are just that, vent posts. They're not me making an educated callout on an individual and they shouldn't be seen as THIS PERSON IS JUST A TERRIBLE PERSON AND HERE'S THE 100% LOGICAL REASONS WHY. I only put it in caps to clarify I think that's how I came off, my vents don't reflect how I actually see people, they reflect how I see people in that hurt state.
Does that justify not adding clarity to begin with? No, and I will definitely do so in the future, but I feel clarifying now is better than just leaving this confusion in the air. So here it is.
I will be more careful in the future that my vents don't breach containment, I tried to be clear the goal was not harassment and I do genuinely feel bad that apparently someone saw and took it as quite genuine. In this situation, it was less about the person and more a trend of people accidentally making a character's "evil side" into an alter like entity because they think it's cute, funny, or hot. People are often way more willing to accept that than actual system relationships.
It ended up hitting on a sour spot because for a long time I've had a deep and extremely important relationship with an alter of mine, but I'd constantly worried due to the nature of said alter, it would be heavily judged and not as accepted as if I just saw him as a fictional character. This is not a justification, but an explanation for the layers of hurt on top of it being a very bad stereotype. The fact I haven't been more open about the relationship is on me, and you know what? I should be, even if others will look down on me for it. That's their damage.
I can't speak for the original intent of the user I was venting about, and I should have been clear I was reacting to how it all came across rather than knowing their full intent. Which yes, it came across really bad but, people make mistakes. People get scared and do dumb things. It happens, so again, should have been clear their intent was unknown, it just came off bad in a way that made me feel like I had to block to protect myself.
I'm not going to tell you not to "tattle" on me. That's really 100% up to you, but I do ask you to keep in mind the point of my vent posts before you do. Cause yeah, me venting because I am upset or triggered or what the Hell ever is going to sound really bad, but if you asked me once the dust was settled I'd probably just say, "yeah that user made a mistake, and it was enough to deeply hurt me to the point I don't want to talk to them anymore. I don't think they're a bad person, I just don't want them in my space to avoid future issues". But, next time I will try to cool down and be more open about my process, as I realize how bad some of the things I said sound.
I shouldn't have painted them as a bad moot, I should have just explained I didn't think they were very conscious of the fact I was plural, so I wanted to be more careful about moots from now on to ensure that part is understood loud and clear in ALL its regards before I accidentally put myself in (unintentionally) triggering spaces.
So uh, if it wasn't clear please don't harrass this person. Also please don't judge my friends for just trying to be supportive. Most of them only vaguely knew about the situation and only two of us were involved. They were responding to what they knew at the time and were extremely protective due to the hurt I was feeling.
I'm gonna try to make this the last post I make about this, but I just genuinely never meant to hurt anyone so I wanted to say my peace.
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iheartred · 2 years
the blackphone x reader
how they react to you coming out to them as queer
part one ! / part two ! / bonus (?)
cw : slight ooc !! / hurt/comfort / Reader has no gender!
a/n : GUY IGNORE MY LAST POST I WAS SO TIRED I DIDNT REALIZE I POSTED THAT 😭😭 anyways here's part two you weirdos ☆☆
Vance Hopper :
" I don't really care "
That's all you remember hearing before getting up to leave, pretty much abandoning him in the parking lot that evening
Its been a few days and it's almost like that conversation never happened, he never talked about it and you not wanting to awkwardly try to bring it up yourself you stayed quiet
He knew something was off and what it was about, he just didn't know how to bring it up either. He tried telling his mom about it without accidentally telling her that you were queer
He'd talk to his mom about how one of his friends told him something really really personal
" Well how did you respond, dear? " his mom asked
" I said that I didn't really care, it doesn't matter to me because it wouldn't change the way I feel about them "
" Well does your friend know you meant it that way? "
" oh "
He asked his mom if he could go over and apoligize, worrying that he may lose another friend of his because of his own ignorance
You continued to do your chores while you heard the doorbell ring almost a million times before finally getting to it
" I'm coming I'm coming jeez " you said to yourself in an annoyed manner
" I'm sorry, wha- " was all you could really get out before getting dragged out to the front on your lawn. By who? You don't know or really care just panicking that you may have just been getting kidnapped
" shut up jeez " said a familiar voice
opening your eyes, you see a flushed and annoyed vance. You brushed yourself off and cleared your throat
" oh- uhm sorry " before you stood up straight
You looked up to see him fidgeting with his hands, you doing the same. Standing there for a good minute before you said something
" I really gotta get back to doing my chores before my parents get home to see me outside talking with you "
You continued on and said goodbye before he grabbed your wrist
" I'm sorry I said I didn't care " he said that in such a hushed tone
He was scared that if he talked any louder than that, that he'd burst even his own eardrums
" what I really meant was that it wouldn't change anything about our friendship, you'll always be my best friend.. " ofcourse he said that last part more to himself than out loud for your ears to hear
" I uhm " you stuttered, punching yourself for doing that
Clearing your throat once more before continuing on
" thanks for clearing that up, vance "
What he failed to notice was how anxious you were, you were so sure he was gonna call you later that week telling you that you were a freak and that he no longer wanted to be friends
He nodded and proceeded to walk off before shouting something
" I'll see you tomorrow you weirdo bye y/n " he said in his usual annoyed tone
Without responding you went back inside and laid down smiling that you still had your closest friend to see tomorrow
Billy Showalter :
He couldn't get himself to really say anything
The only thing that could be heard between you guys would be the big dog separating the two of you
You look at him, hoping he'd have some look of comfort instead of discomfort.
In that moment your the worst case scenario came to reality
He looked away embarrassed, you look down defeated and walk off. He tried to stop you but knew it'd only be worse if he even tried saying anything in that moment, so he let it go.
A few days had gone by and you guys haven't talked since that whole incident. All you guys did was share awkward glances when passing eachother, the casual hello when you guys had to go to your lockers. Which couldn't get any closer from how it felt standing there
He wanted to talk to you, about that conversation. If he could even really call it that
He thought about talking to you after-school, or calling you. But scared that if he did, that someone would listen in on the conversation.
You decided to take things into your own hands and just resolve the whole situation.
but before you could ring the doorbell to the boys house, the door opened
" uh " he stopped in his tracks
" oh " you responded, doing the same
You guys stood there frozen for a bit before his dog ran up to you almost pushing you down to the grass below you.
" ah I'm sorry, forgot to put him in his kennel haha " awkwardly laughing it off before you laughed too
" Hey I'm sorry for making things weird, what if we just- just forget it happened in general hm? " you said unsure of yourself even though you practiced this whole conversation like 5 times before walking there
" uhm " scared and a little bit worried because he was just about to tell you that he supported you
Immediately letting his intrusive thoughts take over, he rushed over to where you stood and hugged you really tight
" I'm sorry for making you feel like you needed to hide yourself from me " he paused before continuing on
" I jus- just didn't know how to get my word across, you know I love you so much right? " he said before seeing a light blush cover your face.
You laughed at him a bit while he anxiously tried to say it was meant to be in a friend-like-manner
" pfft I love you too you big dork " you lightly punch him in the shoulder before saying goodbye to him and his dog
☆ ☆ ☆
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charliedawn · 3 years
Hey there! I absolutely love your slasher posts❤❤ I was wondering (when you have the time, no rush)..I suffer from severe depression and ptsd. I was wondering how they(the slashers) would react if they accidentally saw some self-harm scars? (If that's a no then I completely understand since it could be a trigger thing for some people) my favorite out of the slashers is probably Arthur Fleck..and Dennis from the Horde..or maybe Freddy too..lol they're all great and I love 'em to pieces. Take as much artistic freedom as you wish with it ❤ ♥
Warning : mention of self-harm.
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Jason didn't know what he was looking at at first..but then, he understood when he saw how fast you covered your wrist and the terror in your eyes.
He sits beside you and seems conflicted as he looks at your wrists before extending a hand towards you.
"Show me.."
After a moment of hesitation, you obey and he looks even sadder as sees the different carvings on your skin. He gently caresses your inner wrist with his thumb before looking up at you with tearful eyes.
"I'm sorry..You had to suffer so much. Do they..Do they hurt ?"
You shake your head with a small reassuring smile.
"Not anymore.."
He nods understandingly before looking back at the scars and presses his forehead against them, his tears rolling down your arm.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop you.."
Your own tears blurry your vision as you hug him.
"It's not your fault."
He then feels a fire ignite in him as he asks, his voice barely a whisper.
"Who..made you do this ?"
You laugh nervously and shake your head, knowing what would happen if you tell him.
"It was a long time ago, Jason..It doesn't matter."
He suddenly takes you by the shoulders so you have to look at him as his eyes seem to darken with rage.
"Yes ! It does ! To me !"
Your heart beats faster as he seems so angry, ready to cause chaos just because he saw your scars.
You chest fills with warmth as you kiss his cheek lovingly.
"Thank you, Jason. But, really ? I'm the one who decided to do this. There's no one else to blame than myself."
His eyes soften as he looks back at the scars and mutters.
"It isn't fair..You're so nice. Nice people shouldn't get hurt."
You laugh humorlessly before kissing his cheek.
"Unfortunately, that's not how the world works..But, thank you, Jason. I'm glad that you see me as a nice person. You are too."
He looks away as you say that last part and vividly shakes his head.
"No. Not like you. I wish I could have been though ?"
You feel the bitterness in his voice and gently place your hand on his cheek for him to look back at you. When you're sure you've got his full attention, you say confidently.
"You are. You're an amazing person. Believe in yourself."
He smiles as he sees the genuine feeling in your words before closing his eyes, enjoying the closeness and the feeling of your hand on his cheek.
For the first time in his life, Jason has hope. You give him hope..This is why it makes him so unhappy to know that—at some point—you didn't have any..Nice people shouldn't suffer..but, sometimes they do. He thinks it's unfair, but he will make it right by making sure nothing wrong ever happens to you again.
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Freddy sees one of the fresh scars bleeding through the fresh bandages and grabs your arm before you could hide the scars from him.
He pulls your sleeve up and his eyes widen as he sees the multiple scars bearing your skin.
"What the f*ck is that ?!"
He's not angry at you, he is just angry at whoever or whatever made you do this to yourself. He then whitens as he sees the most recent ones.
He looks truly worried when he looks up at you and you can't help but burst into tears as he seems so disappointed.
All anger vanishes from his face and he quickly takes you in his arms and rests his chin on top of your head while stroking your hair soothingly.
"Hey hey hey..No. Ssh..It's okay. I'm not mad at you, sweetheart. It's just..I can't believe you would do that to yourself.."
You clench your fists in the fabric of his shirt and try to apologize, but the tears just won't stop. Freddy tightens his hold on you before taking your arm and kisses your scars.
The affectionate gesture makes you stop crying and he smiles down at you.
"You're beautiful..Just, please, don't do that again, okay ? I would lose it if one day you cut too deep and.."
His words get stuck in his throat as he imagines life without you. It makes him so mad and his glamour slowly falls as his burns come back and his eyes stare far ahead, thinking of what would happen. He grits his teeth and shakes his head at the multiple end-of-the-world scenarios playing in his mind.
"I would kill everyone and reduce this world to ashes.."
You shiver as Freddy seems dead serious when he says that, his voice having dropped a couple octaves and his eyes glowing a soft orange, like flames burning bright in the dead of night.
He picks up on your uneasiness and he immediately puts his glamour back on before giving you a reassuring smile.
"Don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything. Just, stay alive, alright ?"
Your lower lip trembles and you feel tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you see Freddy so determined on your survival..You want him to feel better, so you nod.
His smile seems unlike any of the others you've ever seen so far: he seems truly relieved.
"Good girl/boy.."
You blush a little at the praise, but don't dare mention it and just hold onto him longer, as you feel safe in his arms.
Freddy may be rough in his way of showing that he cares, but it's only because he only knows the tough kind of love. He will protect you and make sure you never attempt to your life again.
He will get rid of everything sharp in the house, including his own special gloves if it means no more scars. He can't bare seeing you suffer and won't allow it.
You have to be safe, no matter what.
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Kevin was just getting out of the bathroom when he saw you changing..
He was about to turn around and run back inside when he saw the scars.
He waits until you have a t-shirt on before making his presence known by coughing.
You turn around to face him and want to cover your scars, but he quickly takes your arm and raises it next to his and there, you see his own scars.
"Don't hide. See ? We match.."
He smiles sadly at you before kissing your forehead.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of.."
The words make you cry as you lower your head and wrap your arms around him. Somehow ? The body of Kevin seems slightly thinner and more fragile than when the other personalities take over. You're afraid that if you tighten your hold on him, he might actually break.
You know that Dennis, Patricia or even the Beast would stop you..But, knowing that Kevin went through all this as a child ? And had to endure the scars before Dennis or Patricia even existed ?
He seems so..different like this.
He used to never show up when you first met the Horde. It took months for him to be confident enough to even say hi.
The amount of suffering he must have gone through..It makes you relate to him in so many ways, more ways than you would ever relate to any of the other personalities.
You both start crying in each other's arms and Kevin never thought he would allow himself to cry again..He feels the Horde around him, embracing him, as if accepting the pain and telling him that they understand.
He smiles and looks at his arm again..He thought the scars were so ugly. But, seeing them on you ? He can't help but adore you more, knowing how strong you are.
"You're so strong..So very strong. More than I'll ever be."
He had Dennis and Patricia early in life, so he didn't have to worry about them so much..But, you had to endure them.
You had no Dennis or Patricia to take the pain away. You were alone.
The thought itself is painful..knowing that you were alone.
He feels Dennis at the back of his neck, asking him to take over. But, no.
He would handle the pain this time. For you. He would let the pain take over him without any of the others help.
He'll be there for you. From the beginning to the end.
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Pennywise doesn't do "subtle". He will not wait for the right opportunity. He will talk to you. He doesn't care if you have other things to do, not when he can see that something is definitely wrong.
He takes you apart and confronts you.
"I know what they are. The sleeves aren't enough to hide them from me, sugar. I'm not gonna tell you what to do..But, just so you know, there may be someone out there who wouldn't want you to do that..Who would want you to stick around a bit longer..Well..I mean..that would be me. You're tolerable, as a human. So..please..don't do that to you, and to me."
It's the most you've heard Pennywise say since you met.
You can't help but smile and tears start flowing as you extend your hand for him to grab.
He hesitates before grabbing it and you rest your forehead against his knuckles, tears staining his glove and sleeve as you try to talk.
"I'll..I'll try."
Pennywise smiles fondly at you before pulling you into a hug. You're so shocked you don't dare question him as he wraps his arms around you.
"Just for today..I'll allow you to hug me, okay ?"
You close your eyes and raise your arms to wrap them around his neck. It's very soft there, and he smells like candy and gingerbread. It's comforting.
You start feeling sleepy and you wonder if this is how his trick works for his victims ?
He gets close to a kid and when they smell the sweet fragrance; they fall asleep to never wake up again.
Somehow, it feels almost like mercy ?
Pennywise grants them mercy by not making them suffer through the pain awake.
However, Pennywise then starts humming and this is when you feel the pull to go to sleep become stronger.
So..This is how he does it, huh ?
It's your last thought before sleep completely takes over you.
Pennywise carries you to your bedroom and lets you rest. He also makes sure that nobody comes looking for you. You need rest and a few hours away from any kind of stressful situations or from work.
He would never admit it to his brother, but he never hated any of the kids he killed. He just had to get food and the easiest way to do that was just to look at them as if they were useless pieces of meat, ready for slaughter. They would grow old and die anyway..So, what was the problem with hurrying the process a bit ?
But, his favorite part was always when he made them sleep and could look at them while they peacefully dreamt of wonderful things. Then, he would have to wake them up and make them afraid again. But, just for an instant, he could pretend that he wouldn't have to kill a child.
Maturin had told them that it was a blessing to be chosen, as they wouldn't have to suffer all of their adult's problems and suffer like both him and Penny had.
But, it took him a while to pierce through the turtle's lies. Being chosen wasn't a blessing, it was a curse. Their souls wouldn't depart, they would stay with them forever, until death do them apart.
He doesn't want another soul to add to the collection, especially not yours.
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Stares. Deep and long stares all day long.
Penny knew from the beginning.
His sense of smell is very developed and he could smell the blood.
This is why he spends a lot of time making sure you don't do it again. Never.
He will even check on you in the middle of the night, crouching at the foot of your bed and staring at you with his big blue eyes glowing in the dark.
You noticed, but never dared ask him to stop..until you accidentally cut yourself while cooking.
He ran to you and was by your side in a flash, his eyes glowing orange with worry and dread as he looked at the cut on your hand.
He smelled the blood and growled as your eyes widened in surprise. He didn’t let you run away and grabbed your arm to look at your injured hand.
You didn’t know what he was saying no to until he stared right into your eyes before raising your hand significantly, repeating.
The sudden raise in his voice surprised you, but you quickly nodded.
"Okay..I won't do it again. I promise."
His eyes turned back to blue and he then took you to a nearby doctor, ignoring your protests.
The cut was not deep and it only took the doctor a few minutes to take care of it, under the stressful murderous stare of Penny.
As soon as he was finished, Penny followed you and didn’t even try to hide it as his brother and his slasher friends became more and more confused.
Pennywise : "Hey..What's going on, kiddo ? Why are you following this one around ?"
Penny doesn't allow you to leave his sight, but still replies enigmatically with a dark growl.
"I won't let them leave me.."
It only leaves Pennywise more confused as he looks at you, but he suddenly understands when he sees the bandage on your hand and the way you seem to be hiding your wrists more than usual when you take quick worried glances at Penny.
Pennywise : "Oh.."
He doesn't add anything else after the realization and doesn't stop Penny when he continues to follow you around after that. He even keeps the others at bay for a while, leaving you and his brother time to discuss.
Penny waits until you're both alone before stopping and asking.
"Is it because of me ?"
You stop as well and sigh loudly before turning around to face him with a small reassuring smile.
"No. Penny. It isn't you. It was an accident.."
Penny frowns as he stares at your wrists, unconvinced.
"An awful lot of accidents..You must be very clumsy."
You bite your lower lip as you understand that he knows and take a step back instinctively.
"No..These weren't accidents. They were mistakes."
Penny feels that you are about to start crying and immediately hugs you.
"Mistakes that won't happen again, right ?"
You smile at Penny's concern and return his hug.
"No..Never. I promise."
He feels relieved and happy as you promise him, knowing that you aren't lying. You wouldn't lie to him. Never to him..Right ?
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Michael enters the room you're in, about to ask what you want for dinner when he sees you getting your pull-over off, the red scars visible now.
He steps forward, the floor boards underneath his feet crack and he sees the terror in your eyes when you turn around.
You quickly try to hide the scars, but the way he looks at you clearly makes you understand that it's too late.
"W..What do you want, Michael ?"
You try to get out of the conversation you know will eventually happen by pretending nothing happened, but Michael only writes on his notebook :
"Are you okay ?"
You smile sweetly at his concern and nod, but Michael doesn't get fooled as he sits down next to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. His eyes almost seem to say :
"Really ?"
He doesn't believe you.
You can't hold back your tears as you feel the heavy weight on your shoulders, heavier than ever before as everything that's been on your mind seems to rush back in your brain and you can't hold it back as you start telling him everything: all of your pain and woes.
Michael listens and doesn't interrupt you.
When you're finished, you feel breathless and the tears are still running down your cheeks, but you have nothing else to say and Michael seems to understand as he wordlessly takes you in his arms.
"Here..Ssh..It's okay. I won't let you feel so bad ever again. We'll do this together."
His words make you relax into his hold as you feel less alone..
"Thank you, Michael.."
Michael feels the monster at the back of his neck, begging to get out when he starts talking, but Michael won't let him. He won't let him hurt you.
He will protect you. He will protect you from yourself and him.
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Brahms noticed that you always pulled your sleeves down when you thought no one was looking and it didn't take him long to piece the pieces together.
He waits until you're both alone before grabbing your arm and pulling your sleeve up to look at them. He couldn't just pretend anymore..
He looks at the scars and then looks back up at you, silently asking for an explanation.
You try to get out of his hold, but to no avail.
He won't let you go, not until you explain yourself.
"Brahms..Don't. It's nothing."
Your words only frustrate him further. Nothing ? Nothing ?! How could you say that ?!
He doesn't understand what he's doing until you let out a yelp of pain. He then sees that he's hurting you and immediately releases you.
"I'm sorry..I..I just don't..I didn't want to hurt you..I just.."
He's panicking and takes a few steps back. You could run away, but one look at Brahms and you know that you would only hurt him.
You don't hesitate before wrapping your arms around his neck, stroking his head soothingly.
"Ssh..It's okay, Brahms. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. You're just afraid."
He hides his face in the crook of your neck and only nods affirmatively. You smile and don't even notice that your feet are not touching the ground anymore as he stands up straight and holds you in his arms.
"Please..Don't hurt yourself. I don't like it.."
You nod in agreement.
"Okay. I promise. I'm sorry that I worried you.."
He doesn't answer, but he doesn't let you go either and you're happy to just stay there in each other's arms.
You feel better in Brahms presence and knowing that someone cares about you ? It warms your heart.
You hear crying, but it isn't you.
You look down and see that it's Brahms who is crying and you can't believe that he would cry for you.
"I don't want to lose you.."
He finally utters weakly and you feel him shaking at the prospect. You smile tenderly at him and kiss his temple lovingly.
"You won't. I'm here, Brahms. As long as I have you, nothing will happen to me..I promise. I love you, Brahms." (it could be platonically or not.)
He sniffles and looks up at you with his big chocolate brown eyes before smiling widely as he replies.
"I love you too.."
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Five didn’t say anything at first, he used to have the same scars on his old body: one for each kill.
He wouldn't want to sound indiscreet and would wait until you talk about them on your own or sound as casual as possible when mentioning them.
"Do they still hurt ?"
He would make it sound like it's not a big deal, but he would still insist on you telling him about them. He knows the burden that comes with the scars.
You know immediately what he is referring to and understand that there is no point hiding them from him anymore.
You pull your sleeve up and show him with a small bittersweet smile.
"Not as much as they used to.."
He looks at them and can't help the pang in his chest, knowing that you suffered through each of them.
Five understands and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable by insisting too much, but he has to know.
"Did you do it again ? Since I arrived ? And, most importantly, will you do it again ?"
You want to say that these scars are old and they're just old memories of bad times..but, truth is ? You don't know. There is no telling when another one of your episodes may happen and when you will feel the need to hurt yourself again.
Five takes your silence as an admission that you don't know yourself.
He takes your hand and tries to find the right words to tell you..He traces circles on your skin and opens his mouth to speak. But, he quickly closes it as he can't exactly force you to stop..So, he settles for the truth instead.
"Listen..I may not be the best person to give you advice right now..But, I can promise you this. As long as I will be here, I will try to keep you safe. I'm not going to let you face this on your own, and I'm not gonna run away either. I will stay with you. This is my promise to you."
You smile and nod before closing your fingers around his hand to give it a light thankful squeeze.
"Thank you, Five.."
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He laughs and you don't understand what he's laughing at until he says.
"What doesn't make a sound, doesn't have a shape, but is known by all and feared by even the greatest ?"
The way he asks you sounds so different from all of his other jokes that you don't dare answer.
He looks up at you, a knowing twinkle shining in his eyes and his smile looks so fake as he answers his own question.
"Death..Y/N. It's death."
In an instant, he is by your side and grabs your arm, not even looking at what he knows is already there.
"You don't come back from death, Y/N. I want you to remember that."
He wants to be harsh, he wants this discussion to stay engraved in your mind. He's thought of ending it before..He won't let you do the same.
If the only way to get you to stop is to confront you with the harsh truth and making you hate him ? So, be it.
"You're important to the slashers. You're important to me..Do you really want to throw away whatever you have to see what's on the other side ?! I'll tell you what's there. Big fat nothing. Darkness and a missed opportunity."
You feels tears in your eyes and Arthur feels the need to comfort you and soften his words or apologize..but, he knows that this won't stop you.
"Don't cry, darling. You can cry when I'm six feet under, not before. The tears are for the dead. The only people who will feel the pain when you're gone ? It will be the ones you left behind. Do you really want us to suffer through the loss ? Do you want me to cry ? Is that it ? Do you hate me so much that you feel the need to tempt fate and shorten your life ?!"
Your heart feels heavier with each word he utters, but you know why he's doing this.
You cry out.
He replies as emotionally as you, his own voice shaking as he is on the verge of tears.
"I want you to promise me ! No more harming yourself ! Say it !"
He tightens his hold on you, not allowing you to leave until you've said it. He can't let you leave until he is sure. He won't let you die. It is not an option.
You understand his intention and you aren't mad at him, but at yourself for worrying him so much..
"I promise !"
You finally scream and he releases you. He pulls you into a hug and you then cry in his arms.
"This is all I wanted to hear.."
He whispers, holding you firmly as he's afraid to let you go. From the moment he knew about the scars, he only had one objective in mind: making you stop.
He wanted to be gentle and subtle about it, but he knew it wouldn't work if he wanted it to stop. He had to come up with something else.
He hates that he had to yell at you, but he just had to make you understand.
It isn't worth it..Putting an end to your life wouldn't solve anything and only cause pain to people around you.
Death can be merciful, but it is also merciless to the ones left behind.
He wouldn't let you leave him behind..
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Nothing escapes Norman. He noticed that you weren't wearing any short sleeves anymore and became worried when he saw you go to the bathroom regularly.
One time, you took too much time and you didn't answer when he called your name, so he decided to knock down the door.
When he saw your bloody wrists, his eyes widened and he immediately phoned the hospital. But, as soon as he gave them his name, they hung up on him.
He cursed and tried multiple times, but they wouldn't pick up. He rushed to the hospital with you in his arms and as soon as he got there, some nurses took care of you.
When he was sure you were out of danger, he thanked the nurses before going to the reception. He then made sure that the people there wouldn't make the mistake of not picking up ever again..
When he came back to your room a few hours later, you were awake.
You were so happy to see him, until you saw his blood-stained hands.
"Norman..What did you do ?"
You asked, your face whitened as you saw his smile, insanity shining in his eyes as he answered you.
"They hung up on me, my little monster..They were going to let you die."
You felt tears forming at the corner of your eyes and ran out of your bed to jump in his arms.
"I'm sorry, Norman ! I'm so sorry ! It's my fault ! I caused you trouble again !"
His smile vanished as he saw how worried you were about getting him into trouble and not about you almost dieing.
He wiped the blood on his pants before using his thumbs to dry your tears.
"I love you, my little monster. Never forget that. The past doesn't matter. Don't worry about me. But, if you really want me to be happy ? Never hurt yourself again, got it ?"
You couldn't stop crying as you nodded.
"Yes ! I promise ! I'm sorry !"
He smiled fondly at your determination before standing up again and carrying you bridal style.
"Come on. It's time to go."
You nodded before he ran away, hearing the police sirens. Fortunately, he was already prepared and everything was in the car. It wasn't the first time you were running away from the police, nor would it be the last.
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science-lings · 3 years
LU & BOTW Fic/ WIP List
UPDATED 11/5/2022
Of Dubious Sophistication: 6/? posted chapters, Wild meets the chain on a day where he has to act like a person and decides to fuck with their misconceptions of him.
Another Second Chance: 2/? classic Wild gets pulled into the AOC timeline and is tasked to help prevent the calamity. But he looks different enough from his counterpart that he doesn’t reveal his true identity. He accidentally parallels Astor in the whole mysterious sorcerer/ seer vibes as he both knows the future and popped out of nowhere in a dramatic cape and ancient technology. Lots of interaction between Wild and the champions and there is both angst and hijinks. There’s also stuff about the new champions as most of it follows the plot of AOC. Also Wolfie is there because I thought it would be funny for him to bop around the baby egg guardian.
The Silence of the Knight: BOTW pre-calamity fic that’s mostly an introspective fic about why Link went silent and how everyone around him reacts to his lack of outward emotions. I just saw the concept of people seeing him as not quite human because of his refusal to show any emotions and wanting to catch a glimpse of how/ if he reacts when tragedy strikes, just to see if he has the ability to feel anything at all.
Heavy in Your Arms: Wild hated getting his memories back. They could be triggered by seemingly anything, they forced the entire group to stop or have someone stay with him until he got over it, which mostly ended up being Twilight, and he tended to end up feeling terrible. Even the good ones were bittersweet, when he saw glimpses of a family that was long gone or a fleeting moment when his life wasn’t destined to be a nightmare, only to open his eyes a century later having lost everything.He knew it was starting to become a hindrance on their quest and the last thing he wanted to be was a burden. (part of a series focused on the Wolf Trio)
I’ve Seen Hell (But This is a Bit More My Style): BOTW Fem!Link fic focused on how being the first female incarnation of the Heroes Spirit would be treated with a little bit of Zelink as a forbidden relationship. Link is angry and all of her past lives are just as pissed as she is. She’s seen as a harbinger of the calamity rather than the hero sent to stop it. And she’s seen as a mistake of the goddess and proof that the 10,000 years of peace was now at an end. General woman problems you know? (Sequel incorporating LU in progress) also please mind the tags.
Swordcrossed Lovers: Fluffy oneshot of the above au, Link and Zelda go to Gerudo Town and flirt while sword fighting. Zelink Week 2022 prompt: Sparring. 
Champions Possessing Wild Oneshot Collection: The champions possess Wild sometimes, it leads to some shenanigans 
The Unironic Magical Properties of True Love: totk role swap, Zelda find where Link has been hiding since being stuck in the past.
Requests/ short oneshots:
The Idiots of the Wind: Wind makes friends with the spirit of Revali and they team up to mess with Wild, mildly traumatizing him in the process. 
A Waste of Pretty Faces: Wild and Warriors bond over something they didn’t expect (mind the warnings and tags)
To Kill What’s Already Dead: Set after sunset pt.7, Wild deals with not being allowed to see Twilight and with the very real possibility that his mentor is dying.
A Mosaic of Broken Glass: Link has a lot of scars, they don’t like them very much. Zelda is determined to help them work on loving themself. Non-Binary BOTW Link and I accidentally made Zelda asexual.
On Top Of The World: Day 1 prompt for Zelink week 2022- One Last Look, Link and Zelda reunite after the final battle with the calamity. Idk what to say it’s just pure fluff. 
Frightful & Delightful: Wintery LU fic that is Hyrule-centric for a secret santa. Hurt/comfort, but mostly fluff. 
3 Sentence Fics: Lots of short fics in one place, including LU, botw Zelink, and my own AUs!
The Many Duties of the Princesses Appointed Knight: Fluffy pre-calamity zelink hair braiding, not me basing a whole fic off of a vague idea... 
The Caretaker of Holy Things: OC fic made for a zelda creators collab, the Priestess of the Temple of Time remains at the great plateau while the calamity rages around her, unfortunately, she’s due to have visitors. 
Whumptober 2022:
Prompt 2: Nowhere to Run: Aryll from my priestesses AU meets the Fierce Deity for the first time.
Prompt 5: Hypothermia: Link and Zelda from my Golden Priestesses AU journey up to the Temple of Nayru to the spring of wisdom.
Prompt 9: Caught in the Storm: Zelda spends one hundred years fighting the calamity, even though he’s slumbering in the shrine of resurrection, Link still finds a way to help her keep her head above water.
Prompt 10: Whipping: Wild from my Fem!Wild AU has to reveal some things about her past after having a panic attack post-battle. Kind of a rewrite of part of the comic where Wild throws himself in front of Wind during a fight, you know the one. 
Prompt 15: Emotional Damage/ New Scars: Wild visits the forgotten temple after the events of LU, he mourns. 
Zelink Week 2023: 
Day 1: Yearning: All In Good Time: Fem! Zelink AU during the events of LU, Wild misses her Princess. 
Day 2: Forbidden: The Ballad of Frost and Flames: Fem!Zelink AU, pre-calamity while Link is still in hiding, they meet at a masquerade ball. 
Day 4: Hand in Hand: The Fable of the Dragon and the Phoenix: MAJOR TOTK SPOILERS, Zelda makes and eternal choice and Link learns to rise from the ashes.
Unpublished fics under the cut, please let me know if any of them interest you so I can prioritize what I should focus on writing!
Free to Hide: Zelda and Link attend a festival in disguises unbeknownst to each other and they end up spending the whole time together without knowing that there are eyes in the darkness watching them. Spy thriller/ romcom vibes. Also there’s gender stuff because Link wears a dress and Zelda is almost exclusively referred to with neutral pronouns.
The Last Champion: Wild gets all the champions abilities after their spirits move on, but in a more similar way to how they used them, mostly just Hyrule and him becoming magic buddies and Wild learns how to use his new magic abilities.
Between the Doors of Death: A mix of both LU and BOTW as it takes place while Wild is dead and he hangs out with his ghostly incarnations and dead family members. Lot’s of family headcanons and an appearance from the 10k hero.
No Goodbye is Forever: How the last day with the chain happens and everything after. Meeting up in the afterlife and a little bit of keeping Wild company during BOTW2.
Tainted Blood: Time, Twilight, and Wild are related. How they find out and how the magic that they used affects the bloodline. Malon as Malanya because I love the idea that she just turns into an eccentric horse god and was waiting for a child she had already met.
Son of the Storm: BOTW fic centered around Urbosa and Link because I love her and her mom energy is perfect. Definitely some gender stuff and found family vibes. Link deserves a mom and Urbosa saw this short blond child and didn’t even ask if anyone else was going to adopt him she just did it.
Hylia’s Chosen Children: BOTW Link and Zelda catch up on being shitty kids after the Calamity and preparing for it stole their childhoods from them. Pure fluff, let them be kids please. Lots of pranks and sleepovers with Riju and stuff like that. They’re both trying to learn how to be regular people without absolutely massive responsibilities.
The Bloodline of the Wolf: Similar to the one before as it’s focused on Time, Twilight, and Wild and how they’re biologically related but this one is more about their canon relationships and answering questions that the comic gave me. Like why only Twilight and Time know about Wild’s memories despite how we are to assume that the entire chain kind of came together at once, why them and all that.
When You Can’t Die: Wild and his strange relationship with death, as someone who has been resurrected countless times and literally cannot die. He still has the champions abilities and kind of forgets that it is very much not normal to die as much as he does.
What was Killed for Good: Wild and his struggle to be human, the shrine took more from him than his memories and replaced them with something else. He’s just very odd and the people around him notice more than he does. He doesn’t know what’s normal and he feels alienated because of how people react to him. He just wants to vibe in the woods and ride bears.
Breaking, Broken: You know how all the weapons in BOTW break and it’s super annoying? What if that was a curse and also applied to people? Anyway, Wild is touch starved and desperate not to accidentally hurt his friends. Fortunately, magic has loopholes.
A Strange Kind of Self Reflection: Wild has identity issues and gets stuck in beast form after catching Twilight’s Shadow crystal. I have the perfect idea for what animal he would be and you guys are not ready.
The Heroes Before: Pre-Calamity Link learns about his predecessors through artifacts and very old records in his attempt to prepare for Ganon’s return.
Damaged: Literally every Link is a little fucked up and this fic is an exploration about how it manifests.
Some Kind of Sauce: Wild Genderfluid fic featuring Lullaby/Sheik and sexism.
Age of Heroes: AOC but with the entire chain, idk, I don’t have much for this one other than wanting to have my own take on the trope.
Untitled fics ideas:
Kid!Wild series- Giving the child champions powers and accidentally touching the shadow crystal
Modern with magic AU
Wild gets sick and mistakes Four to be his long forgotten little sister
Pride fic
Gerudo Town fic
Masquerade Ball fic
Soulmate/ Soulmark fic
Cursed Animal fic
Superhero AU
Once Upon a Time AU (mostly in the way that it’s a mixture of a modern au and a fantasy world kind of thing)
Indiana Jones/ the Mummy AU: Zelink but Zelda is an archeologist and Link is an Adventurer/ Explorer type and they need each other but go from reluctant allies to lovers due to plot
BOTW roleswap AU: Prince Link and Champion Zelda, maybe I’ll add some trans vibes but who knows, not me
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 37
Shout out to @asongeverlasting for beta reading for me and making sure I actually got this out.
Check her writing out on AO3 as Ramblingwren
(Master post)
(Read the fic in a more condensed on Ao3)
(The latest chapter will be up on there once this reaches over 300 notes on tumblr)
Simularé looked out over the city from the top of the school.  Using her replicated powers, she took the form of Volpina so they'd be able to alter the illusion quickly should something pop out and accidentally reveal the true form of the school. Thankfully the sentimonster didn’t need to do much in order to maintain the illusion; Paris was a surprisingly quiet city.
As far as they could tell, no one in the city outside of the school had any idea what was going on. And that worked out perfectly for them.
“So, this is where Lila has you stationed,” a voice called out, resulting in the faux fox turning around. The figure behind them was a woman clad in dark blue, with blue skin and a feathery fan. She looked confident and the sentimonster instinctively felt that this individual was very much aware of what it was.
Mayura had quickly deduced it was the sentimonster as it was in Lila’s previous akuma form, Volpina. With Lila now Masquerade, it was unlikely she would choose to take such a form. She would likely want to stay in her new form to show it off.
“Do not be alarmed, Simularé, it is your creator. Mayura,” Mayura spoke again.
The shapeshifter leveled a sharp glare at the woman. What made her so certain of that?
“How do I know that is true?” Simularé questioned.
The villainess took a moment to examine the sentimonster. Mayura had to admit that this sentimonster was her finest work to date. The amount of emotion harnessed from Lila to create it made it far more unique, much less of a mindless creature than her previous creations. Amoks were created much like akuma were, locking on to intense emotions before sending off. But unlike akuma, amok can be shaped and tailored with enough focus. Simularé was a special case, as it was made from the conclave of emotions that Lila was experiencing during her breakdown. It had been quite difficult to focus on one specific feeling but Mayura had pushed through. Simularé was sculpted to be Lila’s ideal ally, but it was also so much more than a simple asset. This Amok embodied Lila’s core personality. Her cleverness, her cunning, her mistrust of others, her playfulness, her pride and so much more. To put it simply, this Sentimonster was Lila’s spirit given a new form.
“Trust me Simularé, you would be best not to ask that,” Mayura warned.
The sentimonster felt as if it was being talked down to and clearly did not approve of anyone talking to them in such a tone, save for its master. It charged at the peacock villainess, ready to make contact, But, before it could get close, Mayura stuck out her hand and pinched her fingers together, causing the sentimonster to feel as if some force was pulling its essence out. The pain it felt was indescribable! It felt as if its very being was being ripped out. Mayura was in range to sense the Amok and could easily remove it without difficulty, much like Hawkmoth could with an akuma. Though Mayura had a feeling that letting the Sentimonster know that keeping her out of range of the item was the key to its survival would not be wise. It was best in this moment to display power.
“Stop! Please!” Simularé begged. “I … I believe you! I will do whatever you ask, just please stop the pain!”
The villainess smiled, it seemed there was even more to this Sentimonster than Mayura had anticipated. It had a powerful sense of self preservation, something controlled sentimonsters didn’t seem to have. She took note of that.
“Good. Now, you are going to explain to me your master’s end goal and where Ladybug and Chat Noir are in the building.”
Simularé felt the grip that Mayura had on its essence and held back its burning resentment towards the blue bird villainess. She would behave. For now.
“Okay… I will tell you everything.”
“Duck!” Ladyice called out as she had Ice Noir lower their bodies to avoid oncoming ice projectiles.
“Surprising that she's only attacking us with ice. She's Stormy weather. You'd think she would be attacking with more, maybe some rain or like a vol....” Ice Noir commented.
“Don't talk about that! Do not give her any ideas!”
The two had skated out of the room and made their way through the now icy hallway while Stormy Weather gave chase.
“I was just saying it seems weird how...mediocre her attacks are.
“It’s like we saw before, the akuma servants are like robots, they can’t react quickly so changing up her powers is likely just as much of a problem. She's probably not as dangerous as we initially thought.”
“So maybe we should face this problem head on now that we aren’t cornered?”
Ice Noir changed direction and began skating towards the umbrella-wielding akuma.
Stormy Weather noticed the approaching cat and raised her umbrella, creating a mighty gale to blow him back and ending him flying past Ladyice to the end of the hallway.
“She can use her other powers… can confirm,” Ice noir commented as he got off the wall, still dazed.
Ladyice skated up to the dazed cat and helped stabilize him. Despite seeming like a wasted effort, the cat’s brash antics actually inspired Ladyice with a way to take her out.
“I just figured out how we can stop her, think you can give her one last charge for me?”
“Why Bugaboo, asking me to rush headfirst into danger? How heartless.” He feigned hurt.
Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“Silly Kitty. Just be ready to hang in there when she blasts you with wind. Don’t get blown back this time.”
“Got it.”
Ice Noir quickly skated across the ice as he drew his weapon. He was ready for her this time.
“Hey breezy weezy! The weather today was supposed to be sunny with a 20% chance of raining Cats and Dogs!” Ice Noir called out, clearly happy with his lame joke.
Stormy Weather saw the cat approaching once again and prepared to send another wind blast at him.
But the cat was prepared this time around and extended his staff to anchor himself to the walls on either side.
“Nice try!” Ice Noir snarked. “But a small little puff of wind won't blow me back again.”
The storm akuma decided instead of creating just another wind blast, she was going to step it up with a cyclone attack! A powerful tornado tunnel would surely blast the cat down for good.
“We were wrong! She can amp up the power too!” Ice Noir exclaimed as he held onto his staff with all his might while his body was being blown back by the massive winds. “This was not well thought out!”
He focused on digging his claws into his staff and doing his best to remain in the wind tunnel. The powerful winds blew into his face and he could see Stormy Weather slowly approaching.
“I don’t think I can hold on much longer, Ladyice!”
He felt his grip slipping. Any second now, he was going to get blown back.
“Don’t worry, Kitty. I got this.”
Stormy Weather didn’t get a chance to react when she felt something tackle her full force and rush her into the wall on the opposite end of the hallway.
The wind died down and Ice Noir was able to land on his skates. He released his grip on his staff and fixed his windblown hair to resemble its original state before quickly skating down the hall to help his partner.
“Nice job, Ladyice.”
The red-clad heroine stood up from her grapple with the storm akuma.
Ice Noir looked up to see that his partner had shifted power ups. Her skates and ice skater aesthetic were replaced with a suit that had red spacesuit-like plating, a jetpack with retractable wings with red and light blue colors that matches her helmet.
She had changed into her space form, Cosmobug.
“Space power up! Because you can fly through the wind! Genius!”
Cosmobug smiled.
“Well, Stormy Weather is dazed but probably not for long.”
The two heroes noticed her about to grab her umbrella, but Chat Noir’s cat-like reflexes helped him snatch it first.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Ice Noir broke the umbrella over his knee.
“I don’t think she will be as mobile without her powers.”
Stormy Weather tried to stand but slipped on the icy floor she had created.
“Let’s just make our way to the boss,” Cosmobug said. She used the jet on her back to swoop up Ice Noir and fly slowly down the icy hall.
“Just like you to sweep me off my feet. But don’t think I will be a smitten kitten like usual.”
“Oh? Is that so?” The bug heroine raised an eyebrow. “It’s hard to imagine that you haven’t been dreaming about this scenario.”
“It helps that you aren’t riding a horse with the wind blowing in your hair,” Chat Noir joked back, catching Ladybug’s teasing.
Cosmobug quickly moved them to a part of the hall where there was no ice. Both undid their potion transformations, reverting back to their usual hero forms.
“Not keeping the jetpack?” Chat Noir asked. “It is really cool.”
“The room halls are pretty limited, and there's not much mobility, otherwise I might have,” Ladybug confessed.
The two heroes took a moment to catch their breaths and figure out their surroundings.
“We should thank Stormy Weather.”
The cat looked at his partner skeptically, remembering how a few minutes ago, the wind had nearly sent him flying through a brick wall.
“What makes you say that?”
“Lila probably had Stormy Weather out and about to flush out other people in the school and make sure the area was difficult to traverse. She likely sent out a bunch of other akuma to do the same, which means her forces are scattered and we have a better shot of dealing with her with fewer obstacles.”
Chat Noir nodded. He would not have deduced such a thing from one encounter with a weather akuma.
“Good to know, so the plan is to locate her and save the day.”
“No need to figure out where she is, I already have a good idea where she should be.”
Chat Noir noticed Ladybug had already started moving. He quickly followed behind, though he didn’t need an explanation this time. He already knew where Ladybug was heading — to his homeroom class, but he couldn’t say that without revealing what he knew.
‘This was a ridiculous decision.’
That was the thought running through Chloé’s mind as she ran for her life from a large group of Reflekta clones.
The two or three she had run into early were easy to avoid, but now it seemed like a horde of those tacky clones. And all of the ice that surrounded certain hallways made it impossible to traverse. She was limited in her running space and she was running out. But what made it all worse was that now those Reflekta copies had adjusted to running.
“HOW CAN YOU RUN IN THOSE HEELS!?” Chloé screamed as she ran down the hall.
She just had to try and be a hero. Why was she even doing this? The assistant probably got turned into one of those gross clones or got masked like those other students. She could have just sat back and just waited for Ladybug and Chat noir to find her or let them handle it.
“You can’t run forever” The crowd of clones sang in Rather impressive and creepy harmony.
Chloé took a turn down the hall and went into the door of the nearest room.
She closed the door and locked it before smelling the musty wet air.
“What the… EWW!” She spat in disgust as she realized she had locked herself in a janitor’s closet.
“Why did it have to be in such a gross smelly room?” she moaned.
Unfortunately, her comments caught the attention of the crowd chasing her.
She heard banging on the door.
“You can’t hide, we will find.”
Chloe put her back to the door to keep them out and felt herself slide down it in despair.
Was this how it was going to end? Getting turned into one of those fashion nightmares after hiding out in such a rank smelling closet? She didn’t even save… wait. She did save someone. She saved that old man. It hadn't been glamorous, but she did manage to save at least one person.
“I guess I did do something good after all. May not have been exceptional… but it was something.” Chloé smiled for a brief moment.
She took a moment to look at the positives, Ladybug and Chat Noir would likely come in and save the day, plus there were those other two heroes. Perhaps that would be enough. But she had to admit, finding solace in that was getting harder to do when the smell of the closet was destroying her nostrils. Just then, she remembered she had some nice perfume in her bag that she could spray to alleviate the smell.
“Well, at least I won’t smell awful when they capture me.”
She put her hand in her bag and felt around for her perfume. As she searched, she felt an unfamiliar object in her designer handbag. She pulled it out.
“What is this?”
She noticed a note on top of it. It was a bit dark to read so she pulled out her phone and turned on her flashlight.
“Return to Ladybug after mission?”
Chloé’s eyes went wide. Could this be what she thought it was? How was it possible? She didn’t have time to question it.
She opened the box and out came a floating bee creature, who Chloé recognized right away. It was real.
“Pollen!” Chloé exclaimed with cheer.
“It has been a while, my queen.” the bee kwami said.
Chloé would have loved to revel in this moment more but she knew that door was going to burst open any minute. She needed to be the bee heroine.
“As much as I would love to talk more, we need to hurry. We have some akuma clones that need bashing.”
“Right away, my queen!”
Chloe put the bee miraculous in her hair.
“Pollen, Buzz on!”
“It is a good thing there are so many copies,” Ryuuko stated as she leaped over a few Reflekta copies.
Viperion swerved and dodged the replicas of his sister’s akumatized form while avoiding getting caught in the bubbles that froze them and floated them up in the air.
Deadzone had been doing a lot of friendly fire thanks to its single minded obsession.
“After this, I really hope I never have to see my sister take this form again,” Viperion commented.
“Right, Adrien mentioned that you were Juleka’s brother. Older brother, right?”
“Older twin brother. But yes.”
“Really? You seem older.”
“I am a grade ahead of her, but we are the same age,” he explained.
“Could have sworn you were at least a year or two older.”
“A lot of people think the same thing. Even my mom forgets, sometimes. Rose, my sister’s girlfriend, says I radiate ‘big brother energy’ or something.”
“You learn something new.”
“What about you? Any siblings?”
“Sadly no. I was an only child.”
“Too bad, I think you would have made a great older sister,” Viperion encouraged
“A snake charmer, are we?”
“Well I am the snake, and I am not charming myself, so I think the more correct term would be dragon charmer.”
“Change that to fun killer because you killed my fun right there.”
Before Viperion could retort, they had made their way down to the end of the hall and noticed that it was frozen off.
“Dead end,” they say at the same time.
“No, Deadzone.”
The two turn to see the deadly akuma amalgamation pointing its blaster at them.
The two heroes looked at the deadly akuma.
“Any ideas?” Ryuuko questioned.
“Just one.”
Viperion moved his hand to his bracelet.
“Second chance!” Viperion activated his power.
“Now we have some options.” Viperion explained.
The akuma fired a bubble blast at Ryuuko, and she was frozen.
“Second chance!”
Things reset to how they were a few seconds before. Viperion grabbed Ryuuko and pulled her out of the way of the oncoming bubble blast.
“Thanks. For a minute there, I thought that thing had me.”
“It did, but I used my power to stop that. we still have to get out of here.”
“Look out!”
Ryuuko got hit with another bubble as they got up, protecting him from an attack.
“This might take a few attempts…”
Hawkmoth paced inside his lair.
Mayura was out there, his son was out there… and things were not going the way he planned. Masquerade seems to be building a base for herself and was more concerned with that than getting the miraculous. Adrien is MIA, and Mayura isn’t responding.
“I might need to step in. But there is a lot of risk in this. Far too many variables that I can't account for”
Hawkmoth never liked leaving his lair. It had too many risks to it. After Heroes' Day, he had nearly been exposed. And after that fiasco in Shanghai he didn’t want to risk getting taken out by his own akuma. He had already taken plenty of risks that had blown up in his face. Would this be another one of those times he would need to risk his miraculous?
“But it could also be just what is needed to beat Ladybug and Chat Noir once and for all.”
With an akuma this powerful, the two would likely have to use their special powers multiple times. If he can just locate them and wait for them to do so, he could potentially gain the advantage. Maybe Mayura was on to something with her actions.
Hawkmoth walked to the window.
“There will be a right time. I just need to wait for it.”
He felt an itch in the back of his neck. He wasn’t sure what it was but he could tell one thing, something big was going to go down, and he needed to figure out the right call soon or it could cost him dearly.
“…And that’s her plan.” Simularé finished. “As for Ladybug and Chat Noir… I am unsure. I lost track of them before I was given a new assignment. But they are in the building and they have not tried to leave.”
Mayura smiled at the information. While it was quite unfortunate that she didn’t have the exact location of the two heroes, it was good to know that they were still in the building, and Lila’s plan was certainly something interesting.
“Indeed, that is quite a clever plan. Ensuring everyone in the school couldn’t escape was pretty smart. You likely had a few escapes anyway, with how clumsy some of the akuma were. You are fortunate that neither one was Ladybug or Chat Noir. Still, though, it isn’t your master’s fault for that. They are basically mindless puppets. But then again, it seems that there might be zero escapes since there seems to be no new reports on the subject of a school takeover.”
Simularé let the peacock villainess muse, analyzing her movements as if trying to figure out any advantage it could handle.
“So, the next step now that all communications are cut is to send out a message that Ladybug and Chat Noir have already been defeated, so as to cause massive despair in order to create even more minions. Sounds a bit derivative, don’t you think?” Mayura mused.
Simularé said nothing. It held its tongue. Deep down, it knew that starting any dispute with this peacock was not wise. Especially given that crazy power she had over their being.
“Still, it is quite a plan. And with all those extra akuma recruited and Ladybug and Chat noir cut off from their guardian, they wouldn’t be able to get any sort of back up. They wouldn’t be able to put up much of a fight before all of Paris is under Masquerade’s thumb. I approve of the plan.”
“I am glad you do,” Simularé stated with a forced smile.
Their conversation was cut short when an akuma appeared. Seeing one it did not recognize, the artist akuma prepared to fight. But thankfully the shapeshifting sentimonster stepped in.
“Stand down Evillustrator, this one is not our enemy,” Simularé ordered.
Evillustrator eased and walked over.
“Masquerade has ordered that we start reinforcing the building. She wants this place to be like a fortress,” he parroted.
Mayura looked at the artist.
A fortress? Yes, Simularé mentioned that Masquerade wanted to reinforce the school so that she could ensure Ladybug and ChatNoir would have less chance of escape.
Simularé nodded at the akuma servant.
“Alright, so she wants us to drop the illusion, then?”
“She wants the place to be like a fortress.”
“Go ahead and start,” Simularé motioned. She figured that her master likely didn’t care about the illusion much as she was prepared for stage two. But she would maintain it for a bit.
The akuma moved to the end of the roof and begins working to reinforce the walls
Mayura began moving to the door of the roof to get back down into the school.
“Tell your boss I will be heading to her, and she best be welcoming,” Mayura ordered.
“As you command,” Simularé replied, hiding a large amount of anger and resentment towards the blue bird.
As soon as the blue peacock is out of sight.
Simularé contacts its master.
“Simularé, what is going on? Did Evilustrator reach you?”
“Yes. He is working to make this place a fortress. You want me to maintain the illusion, right?”
“I am about to go public shortly. After I make the announcement. Drop the illusion and make sure this place is a full-on fortress. After that is done, report back to me.
“Yes master. By the way, I had an idea.”
Simularé smiled sinisterly. She was going to show Peacock why she was sorely mistaken.
“I will report the details to you shortly.”
“Everything is set up,” Robostus noted.
“Excellent. Let’s do it now.”
The Reflekta camera crew was all set, and Gamer had set it up so the moment they went live, every screen in Paris would show Masquerade.
Masquerade got off her call with Simularé. Something seemed a bit off with her sentimonster but she was intrigued that she had a plan.
“We are live in 5….4…3….2…” the gamer stated before pressing the go live button.
Masquerade smiled.
“Good afternoon, citizens of Paris. You may not know who I am, but don’t worry! You will be very familiar with me very soon. I am Masquerade, and I have decided to make Paris my personal kingdom.”
She paused to let that sink in.
“Now you are likely very alarmed by this declaration and that is normal. It will only be a matter of time before I spread my influence to everyone in Paris.”
She paused to let her words hang in the air before continuing.
“Do not be afraid, I am no monster. I plan on being a fair leader. All I ask is for your undying admiration and absolute loyalty. After that, you are free to live your lives as you normally would. Do not resist and you will have no problems. However, if you do… well, I can’t guarantee your safety.”
Masquerade took a calm breath before finishing.
“This last message goes out to the heroes of Paris, Ladybug and Chat Noir. I know you are here, I know you believe you will stop me, and I know you have allies here. But you will fall to me. Your days of superheroing have come to an end, your miraculous will be taken from you, and I will expose you as the failures you are,” Masquerade finished with venom.
She ended the transmission.
“Now make sure that it is being looped,” she ordered.
“Already is,” Gamer confirmed. “And panic is starting to rise.”
Masquerade smiled. Her plan was already working.
It may have seemed like a simple ego boost, but that speech of hers was a crucial part of her plan. Her charm bracelet could hyper focus on anyone that was akumatized in the past and have their biggest insecurities exposed. But that one by one process took far too long, if the hope of the entire populace of Paris was already demoralized. Then all she needed to do was send out her masks and let them take hold. And all she needed to do was go out there and send the masks.
She could already feel massive amounts of negative emotion from outside of the school. As soon as she headed out of the school, she could easily go and get more akuma soldiers. She could feel her bracelet trembling with all the potential additions.
She was prepared to leave, activating one of the charms to give her black angel wings, but something she remembered caused her to stop.
“Simular�� I am moving to phase two of my plan. Get down here.”
It only took a few seconds for the sentimonster to jump from the roof and knock on the window.
One for the Reflekta copies opened the large window to let in what appeared to be Dark Cupid, before it shifted into the phantasm form that was its base.
“Right on cue. So, what is this plan you wanted to suggest?” Masquerade inquired. “And be sure it is not a waste of my time.”
“What if I told you I could get you a Miraculous?”
The sentimonster could feel that Masquerade was very pleased with that idea.
37 attempts.
It took thirty-seven resets before Viperion figured out what they needed to do.
“Ryuuko, follow my directions exactly,” Viperion instructed. “I know how to win.”
He quickly pulled her towards him to make sure she dodged the first bubble.
The akuma was surprised by the avoidance.
Viperion smiled.
“Your next line is, ‘How did you know I was going to blast at her?'” Viperion stated confidently.
“How did you know I was going to blast at her?” Deadzone parroted in shock before realizing they had said exactly what Viperion had said they would say.
The dragon heroine looked at the determined expression of the snake. She could see experience and certainty in his posture. All her years of fencing taught Kagami the art of reading body language, and the hero in front of her was someone that exuded an aura of confidence. She knew she could trust him.
“Alright, Sassy Snake, I will let you take the reins.” Ryuuko responded.
“Jump to the left in 2 seconds and start running.”
Ryuuko followed the instructions and sure enough avoided yet another bubble attack from Deadzone.
“Head to their left and bounce off the locker at the end.”
Ryuuko dashed past the akuma and jumped as Viperion instructed, perfectly avoiding the barrage of blasts sent her way. Viperion had perfectly mirrored her motion as he explained the next steps.
“Now somersault twice and draw your sword.”
Ryuuko somersaulted as Viperion leaped over her and the dragon turned to draw her sword, now on the other side of the hall.
“Now as soon as it fires a bubble at you, activate your wind! No matter what! I believe in you Ryuuko.”
The last words seemed a bit strange to the fencer. What did he mean by that?
“Will you shut up!?” Deadzone shouted before sending a bubble at Viperion.
“For my final glimpse into the future, you will say, ‘Not so tough now are ya?'”
The bubble contacted Viperion.
“Viperion!” Ryuuko cried out.
The bubble enveloped the snake and floated to the ceiling, taking his frozen form along with it.
“No…” Ryuuko muttered. She looked down in sorrow.
I failed to protect him. He ended up protecting me. He had been backing me up to make sure I wouldn’t do anything reckless.
Ryuuko felt her mind flashback to a few days ago which now seemed almost like it happened a year ago. They had made such a good team back then and now… they get a chance to be heroes again and she couldn’t cover him like he did her.
“Ha, not so tough now are ya?” Deadzone stated with confidence.
Ryuuko’s ears perked up at the statement. That was the line Viperion predicted they would say. That means… Viperion knew this would happen! Which meant his previous statement was to show he planned this. She knew what to do.
Deadzone turned its attention to Ryuuko.
“Don’t worry, you will join him shortly.”
Deadzone fired another bubble right at her, but this time Ryuuko wasn’t moving. She was at the perfect distance to do what she needed to do.
Ryuuko smiled.
“Wind dragon!”
The dragon-themed heroine turned into a cloud and blew the bubble right back at the akuma.
The bubble encapsulated the akuma, causing it to freeze in place and then float to the ceiling.
Ryuuko returned to her original form and smiled, seeing how they had finally incapacitated the akuma.
“We did it, Viperion. We took them down. I'm sorry it cost you so much… I won't let you down!”
She raised her blade, upon realizing that her partner was indeed trapped in a bubble.
“Wait a minute…”
Ryuuko walked underneath Viperion’s bubble. She wasn’t entirely sure if this would work, since akuma magic was weird and often unpredictable, but it would make a lot of sense if it did.
“It is a bubble, so this should work right?” Ryuuko questioned as she used the tip of her sword to touch the bubble. She pushed it forward a bit causing the bubble to pop.
Her partner dropped to the floor.
“Ugh… my head.”
“You’re okay!”
Ryuuko hugged her friend, but then realized her sudden action and quickly jumped back up. A bit flustered, she could swear Marinette was rubbing off on her.
“I am glad you are alright, friend. You had me concerned — slightly,” Ryuuko corrected herself.
Viperion was surprised by the quick motions but managed to steady himself.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course. But make it quick, we will need to get a move on.”
“Okay… Who am I?”
Ryuuko froze at the question. She could see the confusion on his face. He was completely serious.
“Oh… that is not good at all.”
Masquerade is on phase two of her plan and Simularé is starting to make waves.
Who will get to the akuma first, Mayura or our heroes.
What will happen to Viperion now that his memory is gone?
Will Queen bee be the right choice?
Reblog and Comment . Your support is invaluable in keeping this fic alive. And I love hearing your thoughts on it
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deadly-departed · 4 years
Awwww thank you for appreciating my request!! I actually love it when you do one of them so I come and check if there's anything new everyday lol. Ok ok so how about some fluffy headcanons with Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru and Akane (male) and how they would react when s/o is on her period? I'm currently on mine rn and I. AM.DYING.
Qfohsxohwgjpvshpcd OMFG YEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!! I love your requests much! I didn't expect so many of them at once lmao but I love them!!! Also if you wanna know when I post you can turn on notifications for my acc if you're on moblile-
You are by far my favorite anon that I've had over the course of my Tumblr HC days, which honestly hasn't been too long, at most a few months over all my accounts but still!!! I love you-
Hanako-kun The Bathroom Ghost, Wonder No. 7
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He'd be pretty confused and worried
You're bleeding??? Out of your baby maker hole??? Why?????
Once you explain to him what's going on and that you're in pain he'll be the sweetest little ghost boyfriend ever
Are you craving something? He'll do his best to get it. And by that I mean he'll ask Kou or Yashiro to get it for you.
Do you want cuddles? He's not exactly warm but he'll happily cuddle you whenever you want!
Having mood swings because hormones? He'll understand and not hold anything against you!
He is kinda clueless as to why you are on your period and why it's so necessary but just give him time, he'll understand eventually.
He can't exactly do much for getting pads or tampons so guess ya gotta ask Yashiro or Aoi-chan for those but you can't blame him, he's dead.
If he notices blood on your skirt before he understands what's going on his have a panic attack, thinking someone hurt you.
But hey, at least it was him who noticed and not a classmate or teacher.
Just so that he doesn't seem dumb, he'll ask Yashiro questions to help him understand. That leads to her being a blushing mess though.
But you really gotta give him some credit for trying
He never got to learn this when he was alive!
He's just really trying his best, comforting you when you're cramps are bad, playing with your hair to call you down if you get upset, whatever
He's always there for you, even if he doesn't completely understand what's going on with your body
Tsukasa Yugi, The Rumor Spreader
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You will never see this boy more confused then when you tell him you're on your period
Like, fr, he would be absolutely clueless and wouldn't understand a single word you say
Use small words, like you're talking to a 4 year old
"Me go hurtie hurtie, body want make baby." You say, trying to hold in your laughter as you watch Natsuhiko in the background losing his shit
"Well then tell it to stop." Tsukasa says, smiling like he had just solved a cold case that has been ongoing for 23 years.
"I can't do that." You say, laughing as Natsuhiko wheezes behind Tsukasa.
"I have to just wait it out. And while I do, I'm going to be in a lot of pain." You explain, trying to help him understand what you're going through.
He nods a bit, seeming to understand.
And like that, he brought you literally everything he thought would help you.
Some of it was nice.
Like tea, sweets, heating pads, a stray cat to pet and keep you company.
Other things, not so much.
"Why did you bring me homework? It's not even mine."
"How did you get a hold of an Exorcist's Staff? It can't even work, it has a seal on it!"
"Did you just bring me someone's shirt?"
Meanwhile Natsuhiko is desperately trying not to fall onto the ground as he laughs.
Sakura has the look of 'yep, same old shit'
Once you leave to go home, he'll ask Sakura questions about periods and for some reason the questions get more and more personal???
"Why do they happen?" "Will I have them?" "What are they like?" When was the last time you had one?"
Yeah after that last question Sakura just noped out of school for the rest of the day.
But like, the boy has a morbid sense of curiosity, what do you expect?
When you come back to school, hell hopefully have a better grasp on the concept (thanks to Natsuhiko being shameless in talking to him about it)
So he'll be better at comforting you
Akane Aoi, The Time Keeper
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Gets exceedingly flustered when you mention that you're on your period
Like wow ok that's something to hear at 7 in the morning
Will try to help out as best he can, grabbing a pad or something out of your backpack for you, getting you something to snack on
Just like, not around Teru.
He'll try to laugh it off then immediately feel really bad and just silently get up and get the thing you asked for.
Akane will also cuddle the life out of you if you want, he will never he able to get enough of you
Probably has a stash of your favorite foods somewhere in his room for you to eat when you start to get cramps
His moods will swing with yours.
Are you happy bouncy and giggly? So is he! Are you crying because you just accidentally dropped a pop tart on the floor? He'll be on the floor with you, crying.
But!!! If you get angry for any reason, he'll be so calm and understanding and just let you get all that angy out of you.
Once you're done he'll hug you and kiss the top of your head and ask if you feel better now
Man's really out here, buying a heating pad or a heatable stuffed animal if your cramps get too bad
Cannot tell me that Akane wouldn't make an excuse for you if you have to skip school because of the pain
"Sorry sir, she can't come in today, she has a doctor's appointment."
Teru Minamoto, The School Prince
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Surprisingly knows very little about periods
Like yeah he has a sister but she's like, 5 so-
Hes probably red in the face when you told him
He's not grossed out or anything! Just wasn't something he expected to hear when he walked into school that morning.
Has absolutely no shame in asking one of his female classmates for a pad/tampon if you need one
Besides, what are they about to do? Tell the school prince no?
Yeah that's what I thought.
We know this man can't cook for his like so he'll ask his little brother to make some cookies or something.
He's not going to be specific, he doesn't want to embarrass you.
Hell just be like 'hey, would it be alright if you make my girlfriend some cookies? She really likes your baking'
And Kou will just 'yeah why not?' And do it
He'll bring them to school along with one of those stuffed animals that are also a heating pad and hand them to you with a smile on his face and fidbdj-
Just an overall nice experience. Kinda. Youre on your period after all.
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Hi ! Hope you're doing fine !! I don't know if you still take requests... if not don't worry you can just ignore this ! Otherwise, I really like your post about Niragi and Aguni reacting to the reader having BPD/C-PTSD attacks... Now I'm very curious and interested about how you'll see the others characters ??
Have a great day ! And thank you if you did this !! Love your writing btw ^-^ ♥
Sure I can write this! Thanks so much for requesting! ♥
Alice In Borderland | Comforting the reader when they’re having a bad C-PTSD episode
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Arisu, Karube, Chota, Usagi, Chishiya, Kuina, Last Boss (Niragi and Aguni’s is here)
Warnings: BDP and PTSD episodes
*reader is gender neutral
He’s definitely the type to get so worked up and worried
Arisu is such a sweetheart and seeing you in such a vulnerable situation would make him so scared
When you have a physical reaction to an attack (shaking, crying), he wouldn’t know what to do
He wants to help you but he would hate feeling so helpless and not knowing how to bring your breathing back to normal
He’d be the type to just keep you in a tight hug and run his knuckles along your cheek to try and calm you
Not being able to stop it would bring him to tears, so he would burry his face in your hair and sob quietly while at the same time shushing you with a quivery voice
Afterwards, he’d be willing to do anything for you
“What do you need? I can carry you to bed or bring you water or even cook you some food.” “Arisu, I’m fine. Just stay with me for a bit.”
*rest is under the cut
Ultra-protection mode on
But no joke, he would get so defensive and guarding of you
Since he seems like the type to get very worked up when the people he loves are upset or in danger
He’d be the type to act all tough and calm when you have an episode but in reality would actually be so shaken up and worried
Would make you keep eye contact with him to make you remember that he’s with you and that you’re okay with him
He would try his absolute best to stay calm because he knows panicking about you would only worsen the situation
Afterwards, he would be much more fragile around you
Even if you tell him you’re absolutely fine, he would just shake his head and pull you closer to him
I get the feeling he would know exactly how to deal with PTSD attacks
He’d be completely calm about it
He would be the first person you should go to if you were feeling stressed or if you thought an episode was building
During it, he would make you keep a hold of his hands and squeeze them to release tension
Brings you things like water and wraps his jacket around you
Makes you do breathing exercises and rubs up and down your arms to soothe you
After you had calmed down, he’d distract you by showing you something funny on his phone or telling weird stories about Arisu and Karube
But afterwards, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight
Wouldn’t let go of your hand and always be asking if you’re okay
He’s too sweet for his own good
She would be really good in terms of comforting you
Sometimes she doesn’t seem like she conveys a lot of affection for the people she loves
But as soon as you’re put in danger or you’re having an episode, she would get so protective and motherly
She would notice as soon as you begin to feel stressed
Would hold your hand and bring you away from other people (like in an empty hallway at The Beach)
She’d keep your head on her shoulder and run her hands through your hair, giving you a soft kiss every now and then
You both would just wait it out, and when you’re finally calm, she would take you to the bathroom and clean your face with a towel and give you comforting hugs
If still weren’t feeling good, she would bring you to her room and lay in bed, cuddling with you until you both fall asleep
Chishiya’s not that amazing in terms of empathy and comforting, but he for sure would try his absolute best to make sure you’re okay
He would give you space, feeling as if touching you during your episode wouldn’t help much
He’d probably just rub your arm and keep a protective hand on your head so you don’t accidentally hit it on something
Says a few quiet words like “It’s okay, you’re safe now. You don’t have to worry.”
Afterwards he wouldn’t leave you alone
Like he would follow you around for the rest of the day and keep reminding you to drink water and making you steer clear of stressful situations that could potentially trigger you again
Shows his love through actions like tucking you into bed that night and bringing some food to your room so you don’t have to leave the comfort of it
Also very good with it
I think she’d be a mix of both Arisu and Karube
Like super stressed and worried about keeping you safe but literally not letting anyone get near you because she’s so scared of your episode getting worse than what it already is
She’d be the type to bring you close to her and keep your head tucked into her neck, whispering reassuring words about how you’re with her and that she’s not going to let anything hurt you anymore
She’d carry you to her bed so your more comfortable and place soft blankets around you and give you something to squeeze
When you’ve calmed down, she would let out a breath of relief and give you a million kisses all over your face, telling you how much she loves you
Spends the next few hours relaxing with you, continuing to reassure you that you’re safe in her arms
-Last Boss-
Definitely the very quiet but caring type
Like when it happens, he wouldn’t say anything
He’d just pull you towards him and keep your head against his chest
Glaring at anyone who’s staring and telling them to piss off
He would wrap his jacket around you and push his face into your hair to comfort you
Pushes your hand under his shirt and against his chest so you can feel his heart beat and warm skin and focus on that instead
Becomes very clingy actually
Like he wouldn’t take his hands off of you
Always checking your hands to see if your shaking had decreased and wiping his thumbs under your eyes to gather the left over tears
Kind of like Karube, he would be concerned but wouldn’t show it much
Panics on the inside
Author’s Note: I don’t know a lot about BPD/C-PTSD episodes. I did a bit of research while writing this, but if there’s anything I’ve written here that’s incredibly misleading about this situation, please let me know and I can change it. I don’t want people to have an incorrect perception about these disorders due to reading this ❤
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msevelynsilver · 3 years
The way Gates’s and Silver’s betrayals of Flint parallel just blows my mind. They’re both, at the point of their betrayal, Flint’s quartermaster and closest friend. And they come up with nearly identical plans. Gates is going to let the crew believe that they are putting Flint on trial while secretly helping Flint and Miranda escape to Boston to accept a pardon and start a new life. Gates is offering Flint a chance to run from his goals for Nassau in order to live happily with his loved one. A few years (a year? I’m never clear on how much time this show spans), Silver makes Flint almost exactly the same offer. He betrays Flint, with the help of allies (this time Rackham, Bonny, Max and the men loyal to Silver rather than the Walrus crew), and offers him a chance to run from his war in order to live happily with his loved one.
And Flint, who killed Gates for making the LITERAL SAME SUGGESTION, takes it. Why?
There are four key differences in Gates’s and Silver’s suggestions. 1) Flint is theoretically closer to achieving his goal. If you believe him that they will win and that there will be a good life after the war, then he is much closer than he was when they were chasing the Urca de Lima. 2) Gates’s offer involves his hope that Flint takes a pardon, something that Flint told Miranda in 1.07 is unthinkable to him. 3) Gates offers Flint a future with Miranda while Silver offers Flint a future with Thomas. 4) The traitorous quartermaster is Silver instead of Gates.
So let’s unpack that.
1) Flint is closer to his goal than ever and should just kill Silver for suggesting he give up his war. This is not the reason for his change in behaviour.
2) Silver is offering slavery instead of a pardon and frankly I don’t know how to account for that. Does Flint find that preferable? At the very least, Silver knows Flint’s backstory and knows better than to suggest Flint take a pardon or do anything that could be construed as apologising to England. Gates accidentally sealed his fate because he said exactly the wrong thing at the wrong time. He couldn’t have known that Flint was so opposed to the pardon because he viewed it as admitting that his love for Thomas was wrong. He thought Flint merely needed a pardon for being a pirate. I think the lack of pardon in Silver’s plan might have played a minor role in Flint’s reaction, but it is not the main reason.
3) The partner Flint is being offered changes from Miranda to Thomas. In my reading of the show, he loves them equally. Perhaps not in the same way (that’s up to debate and an entirely different post) but equally. This is proven when Miranda betrays Flint by sending the letter asking for a pardon and Flint does nothing to her. Anyone else would have been killed (as is proven by Hal Gates). In Flint’s life, no one except Miranda and Thomas is above being expendable. If he has to kill Gates for betraying him, he will. I’m fully convinced that if Eleanor had presented a big enough personal threat, he would have killed her as well. But Miranda and Thomas are above reproach. They can inconvenience him, disagree with him, betray him, and he will never stop protecting or loving them. So does that change Flint’s reaction to his quartermaster’s betrayal? I think an argument can be made that since Thomas was the cause of Flint’s crusade against England, only a life with him could end it. But I think if Silver had found Miranda alive in the finale, and offered a life with her, Flint would have also at least considered the offer (not in the least because by that point, England has taken Miranda from him as well). So the change from Miranda to Thomas is not the reason for the change in Flint’s behaviour.
4) Which means that it’s Silver. Flint loved Gates and was friends with him for 10 years (I think) and somehow cared for Silver more. Silver did what Gates never managed to do and reached the upper echelons of Flint’s inner circle. He became, like Thomas and Miranda, someone Flint would never hurt regardless of their actions. In that final episode, Silver literally tries to kill him. He sends 6 men after Flint with the order to murder him. And Flint’s only retaliation is to reason with Silver. He does not try to hurt him or kill him. He reacts like he did in season 1 to Miranda’s betrayal, not Gates’s.
And I know not murdering someone shouldn’t be a beautiful sign of love. But for Flint, that’s how it works. Every single person who is opposing his war effort is expendable. Everyone but Miranda, Thomas, and Silver. And the way Silver manages to reach that place in Flint’s heart where he is loved above all others and their story ends in a betrayal in the greatest tragedy* of the whole show.
This is why that last episode kills me. Because Silver takes away Flint’s war, and Flint JUST LETS HIM.
*relationship tragedy. The fact that they all didn’t get to create a new world without slavery, homophobia, racism, and with less sexism is the Great Tragedy. But I’m team Silver on that. I don’t that is a war that Flint could have won.
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lizbotw · 4 years
Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima Discovering Their S/O’s Last Partner Abused Them
Anonymous said:
hiii! could you write headcanons for bakugou, todoroki, and kirishima on how they would react to discovering their s/o’s last partner abused them, if you’re not comfortable it’s totally fine though!
hello! i hope these are fine and i hope i portrayed everything properly. if not, someone please let me know. i wasn’t that sure about posting these so please read at your own discretion! also, if you or anyone you know is stuck in an abusive situation, please reach out to someone :( these ended up pretty long once again, so there are some scenario-like sections in a few parts. please let me know what you think and i hope you like them!!! ♡
warning: mentions of/references to abuse and abusive relationships (if it helps, i didn’t explicitly describe/go into detail about what happened? it’s more so alluded to and there’s a heavy focus on the comfort aspect)
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Bakugou Katsuki
He started to notice that something was wrong whenever you would flinch when he raised his voice. He didn’t mean to yell at you and most of the time it was just him talking at his normal, fired up volume. He didn’t like fighting with you, just playful banter in his own intense way, so it was even weirder that you were reacting like that.
But even if he was just ranting to you about his day, getting a little too into the story and his voice getting a little louder, he seemed to be constantly making you anxious, as though you were waiting for him to break bad news to you or something.
It was confusing and it frustrated Katsuki, always one to want to be in the know and be in charge of situations, but he wasn’t sure how to approach it. His usual blunt and gruff manner of demanding you tell him what was wrong would most likely only serve to worsen the situation exponentially, so he was sort of stuck.
After a while of going back and forth with himself, he came to the conclusion that he needed to change into the more caring boyfriend you deserved—soft spoken and sensitive to your emotions.
Although you had known what you had been getting into with his blatantly brash personality, he figured that actually dating him now and seeing it up close constantly were simply too much, and he really liked you so a bit of compromise here and there wouldn’t hurt.
But when he consciously lowered his voice, there seemed quite a few possibilities of what would happen.
You would likely seemingly relax and listen to his soothing tone at first, something he enjoyed because of the soft smile that would paint your features, but then it seemed as though you would snap back to reality, remembering that this was Bakugou Katsuki—resident hothead—who was suddenly using his “inside voice” unprompted, and would give him a suspicious look, as though you thought he was planning to reveal this had all been the cover up for some sort of trick.
You always seemed to catch yourself when you did that though and would look embarrassed, turning away and excusing yourself, as though hoping he hadn’t noticed your shift in emotion—which he thought was fucking stupid because of course he’s going to notice if something is up (he was always watching for little details when it came to you, admiring the tiny things that made you up because he was head over heels in love).
(Truth be told, you had had one too many startling surprises in your last relationship where you thought things were going good and finally getting back to normal, until you realized it had all been a trick—a sinister grin coating the face of your ex being all the confirmation you needed to realize how naive you had been. They always seemed to love watching your face crumble in mortified realization.)
(Every time you thought about that now around Katsuki, you always felt so guilty even associating him with something so horrible that you always had to step away and take a moment to breathe and re-organize your thoughts.)
(Under your breath, you always mumbled a quiet ‘sorry’ as you walked away, even though you knew he couldn’t hear you. It made you feel better—someone like him didn’t deserve to be remembered alongside something so horrible.)
Eventually, Katuski had enough. He had no idea what to do at this point. Perhaps you really didn’t like being around him all that much?
Your contact prior to dating had been frequent since you two were good friends, but it had been fairly controlled and in minimal amounts compared to the long hours you frequently spent stuck to each other’s sides now. Maybe he was better off just being your friend.
You seemed to think that his rough exterior could be funny at times, especially because you liked to poke fun at him a lot, and found it overall charming how it roped back into his determined mindset.
Funny—that’s what it was. You could joke around playfully with him easily, but it seemed that when it came to a stable, (hopefully) long-term relationship, that sort of thing just wouldn’t cut it. The relationship was fairly new but he was already totally flubbing it. He couldn’t keep acting like your “friend” anymore, he was supposed to be your boyfriend, so he had to up the romantic act if he really wanted to make that clear.
But then you didn’t seem to be at ease if he tried being a lot more gentle though, so what should he do?
There wasn’t much else remaining as an option but to ask you directly what you wanted from him.
He didn’t want to make you unhappy, but if it was true that you two weren’t compatible in that way well… maybe he would have to… lose this one. And he never lost.
It was his attitude of striving for perfection and for a winning outcome in this relationship that he set aside his fear of the unknown and instead put you first.
A quiet evening front of the T.V.—you staying over at his house for an impromptu movie night—had the scene perfectly set for him asking you once and for all what was wrong.
He’d made a pact with himself—if you seemed even the slightest bit unsure, he’d… maybe have to let you go. But only for your own sake. He knew it was very likely he just wasn’t made for love, versus everyone else he knew that seemed very in-tune with both theirs and others emotions.
A commercial break had him drawing in a deep breath, your head shifting comfortably against his chest as he breathed in and you closed your eyes briefly as you felt the comforting rise and fall—only to snap your eyes back open within seconds once you heard his next words. That breath hadn’t been one of quiet comfort on a romantic evening, it had been him inhaling all of the courage in the room that he could before he asked you the question that had been burning in his chest for so long—“What’s wrong?”
It came out as more like a whisper than he would have liked and he almost wished it had been drowned out by the generic ad that was currently flashing across the screen, but of course with his luck it hadn’t. At least it was out in the air now, waiting for you to strike it down from the sky and puncture it with your answer.
A few beats of silence passed and he wasn’t sure if you were going to answer—wondering if you had even heard it—but truthfully you were trying to figure out if you had heard him correctly. You decided to play it safe. “What do you mean?”
Katuski wasn’t sure what else you wanted him to say—he’d done his best, you knew he wasn’t good with this sort of thing. “Don’t play dumb, babe, you know what I’m talking about.”
Unfortunately, his voice was louder this time, mostly from his irritation at not knowing what to do to get you to tell him. But then you were slinking away from the arm he had wrapped around you, breath caught in your throat. “Kat…”
“Wait, fuck, stop, fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap like that.” The words tumbled out of his mouth and he was quick to gather you back up in his arms, turning to face you on the couch. “I’m just… I’m just worried about you, baby. Is it something I’m doing? I know I’m not always the perfect boyfriend so… if you want to break up…” You had to rush to stop him from finishing, the mere thought of that tugging at your heartstrings.
And so it was there, on that same couch you had spent so many afternoons together as friends falling in love with each other, that you tearfully told him about your last relationship—a shameful past you wished to completely forget, erase, pretend didn’t exist. But Katsuki coaxed it out of you gently, the light murmur of the T.V. with it’s volume low in the background (you had asked him not to turn it completely off, afraid of what the deafening silence would bring forth in you) and you felt so, so good despite the tears dripping down your face. So fucking happy to finally get it out. And when you had finally said your piece, he was on you in seconds, warm arms encasing you and your face firmly pressed into his t-shirt, the fabric already quickly dampening from your crying, and that felt like home.
As Katuski comforted you, he was internally fuming with anger—he was careful not to let it show and accidentally end up stressing you out further, but once his reassurances of how he would never, in a million years, ever want to hurt you seemed to ease you back down to Earth—you even managing to crack a smile that made his heart do somersaults—he was already composing a plan to track down the idiot that had hurt you.
He would be extra clingy in the coming days, which was saying a lot for your boyfriend who normally liked to grumble about how stop, you’re bothering him, no hugs right now while simultaneously pulling you closer to him every single time.
If it was someone he knew, next time he saw them he wouldn’t hesitate to pull them aside and unleash a slew of threats that were definitely not empty in meaning. He had a reputation and he knew how to use it, sadistic satisfaction creeping across his face in the form of a smirk as he watched the other person cower, withering under his intense gaze.
He restrained himself and didn’t resort to violence, as much as he would have liked, knowing that you would be more upset with him if you found out he had punched your ex’s lights out and risked getting in trouble just because of you.
You always encouraged him to be a better person and rise above letting others get to him, so it was only because you were such a nice person that the person who had hurt you was able to get away with all of their teeth still in tact after facing your explosive boyfriend—and Katsuki made sure to tell them you were the reason too. Making sure to let them know that they had lost the best person in the world and even in spite of all they had put you through you more forgiving than you ever should have been.
And if it wasn’t someone he already knew? Well, it wouldn’t be long until the two got acquainted. Katsuki was smart enough to figure out who exactly it was using his grapevine of connections and it wasn’t long until he was pulling aside the person for a little talk that went similar to the one he would give if he already knew them.
Whoever hurts you would never be allowed back in your life as long as he has a say in the matter, and while sometimes you may be more forgiving towards most people than he is (it’s really not that hard to surpass him in this aspect), he makes sure to put down his foot when it comes to even giving your ex an ounce of kindness that would let them think that everything is fine now, the past is forgotten, and that they were justified in their action. Yeah, no fucking way did they deserve closure.
Katsuki is usually stubborn, but he bends easily when it comes to you—even if it comes with a bit of complaining once in a while—although this matter? Just let him have his way with this. He’s just trying to protect you, even if he knows you can handle yourself well. That’s just the way it is between you two. You give each other the space to do whatever the other wants, but at the same time, if either of you sees the other person going astray and about to make a terrible decision, a little reality check is well deserved.
Any guilt or doubt you may feel accompanied by worrying if you were too harsh to your ex when you ended on bad terms would be immediately stomped out by Katsuki followed by his attempts at motivational words (paired with a string of curses every so often) and a (huge) sprinkle of slandering your ex’s name. The whole thing was pretty endearing, especially because you could tell he was really trying, plus his insults about anyone who ever hurt you (not just your ex) were always funny to listen to.
He looked cute when he was mad, you had to admit, and with your mood greatly improved, you really have no choice but to give your boyfriend a kiss, both to shut him up and as a thank you. The short press of your lips against his would have him leaning in for more before you could even fully pull away. You never knew how long you spent in each other’s arms like that, your heart soaring higher every moment with amazement that this was finally your life, but you did know that you gave Katuski countless kisses within that time frame—each one yet another silent thank you for being your rock through thick and thin, cheesiness be damned.
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Todoroki Shouto
Shouto knew he was reserved at times—never wanting to burden you with his troubles or have you worry alongside him about some trivial thing he suddenly decided had some semblance of importance. But he was trying, okay? He knew you knew that.
If anything, he confided in you the most out of anyone else in his life. His hidden thoughts about certain subjects were easily spilled when you two were alone and talking, the words flooding out of his mouth and crashing in waves over the remains of the crumbled walls you had broken down in him. His insignificant worries became easy to discuss with you and you always smoothed over his fears—in fact it usually hurt more not to tell you things now than it did to just keep it all bottled up.
Displays of affection increased in boldness as his comfort grew with you—no longer silently wondering to himself if you thought his professions of love were too much, or if you were simply being nice to him when you returned his spontaneous kisses.
He felt a sense of security with you that had warmth coiling around his heart with every smile you gave him, a new feeling that both left him pondering the implications late into the night while simultaneously lulling him to sleep with the comfort it brought. It was confusing and he absolutely loved it.
Once he got over his initial reservations about entering a relationship, Shouto was able to see you for what you really were—someone who genuinely loved him. There was no doubt about it and he felt silly for ever questioning your bond at the start and thinking you would ever want to leave him for someone better any time soon.
As he shared more with you, slowly letting himself be consumed by your presence, your unwavering support became more and more apparent.
He was someone you trusted even before you officially started dating, sure (you two had had your fair share of late night over sharing more times than he’d like to admit), but this was different. Relationships could make or break anything. He had seen it himself with his parents after all.
It was terrifying at first, like falling in an endless black hole, but once he let himself relax—really lean into the fall—he came to appreciate the weightlessness, the wind carding through his hair.
Something still felt off though. Not necessarily wrong per say—nothing was ever wrong when you were around as far as he was concerned.
Shouto doesn’t know exactly when it was that he noticed it—it may have been when you dodged a question about what you did over the weekend, or maybe when you didn’t offer details about your own thoughts on a particular hero rescue mission video you two had seen online, or maybe it was the way you seemed painfully conscious of watching how much you revealed about your plans for the future. Or maybe it was a combination of all of those things.
Whatever it was, it was obvious you were hiding parts of yourself, almost as if you didn’t want to get too attached to him—that couldn’t be right, could it?
You really did seem to like him and he didn’t think he had misjudged your affection, but the more Shouto thought about it the more he realized how little he truly knew about you. It was as if you were prepared to disappear from his life at the drop of a hat. What was going on?
Once it became apparent to him, he began to notice it more and more, doubt creeping up in his mind with each and every incident. How had he never noticed this before? Perhaps it was because you revealed enough that he never questioned it—most surface level things seemed fair game, more or less, but it was the deeper things you seemed hesitant to share. The things in your life you held near and dear to your heart were always hidden under convoluted answers that blanketed the fact that everything you were saying was intentionally vague.
He had to get to the bottom of this and soon, otherwise he was sure he would combust from the overthinking.
Shouto was fairly straightforward and blunt at times, so he asked you point blank one night as you two sat out on his porch swing one night, facing his backyard with a giant blanket draped over both of you as you curled your legs up on the swing under it and leaned back on the array of fluffy pillows lining the back of the swing. The night was clear and the stars glimmered in the sky, which was the whole reason you two had planned this little “date” anyway—to do a bit of casual stargazing while relaxing together and enjoying each other’s presence.
Shouto couldn’t seem to completely relax though. There was something that kept tugging at his mind.
“You didn’t answer the question.” The biting statement had come out soft because he didn’t mean to sound like he was outright accusing you of anything, but you seemed to tense up all the same, turning to look at him bewildered.
‘Is it really that big a deal?’ he wondered. You seemed apprehensive at him “catching you,” as though being forced to reveal the information to him would have some sort of terrible consequence.
“W-what?” You blinked at him and he turned to fully face you, rather than glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
“I asked if you ended up going to the arcade or amusement park last weekend. I remember you told me that none of your friends could agree on which one to choose,” he said simply, eyebrows furrowing in confusion now—for some reason, he didn’t think it would go like this. You were reacting differently from how he thought you would, seeming more paranoid and anxious than ever. It made him worried. He genuinely wanted to know the answer as well. He had been contemplating an amusement park date, having heard his fair share of others gushing about sharing a romantic Ferris wheel ride at the end of the day, and he’d like to know if you enjoyed the experience if you did go, if you’d like to go with him if you didn’t end up going with your friends, or if he shouldn’t take you there at all because you’d already went and didn’t want to go back again.
“Um…” You looked away from him and back up at the stars illuminating the sky—your eyes swiped over them as you tried to count a few and calm the racing in your heart. “We, uh… we didn’t end up going to either of them. I just went over to one of their houses for a pizza night with two of the others. Not that many people, don’t worry.” That last detail of not interacting with a ton of people seemed important to include for you, but Shouto was simply puzzled by the way you spoke it—as though you were trying to convince him you hadn’t done anything wrong, rather than just mentioning as a causal detail. The emphasize on it had him wracking his brain, trying to decipher what cryptic meaning there was behind your words.
“Oh… but I saw you with a wristband when you came back. I just didn’t get to see if it said it was from the arcade or from the amusement park.”
It wasn’t like he was trying to set a trap for you—he had just simply remembered at that moment the purple band wrapped snugly around your wrist when you came back from your hang out session—the telltale sign of an admission bracelet to some sort of event. You were allowed to have fun of course—hell, he didn’t care, he wasn’t much of one to try and stop you from doing what you wanted anyway. He was just curious. To you though, the words took on a completely different meaning as you searched for the underlying truth of what he was really thinking and you felt cornered and small with the presentation of this new information. It was suffocating. What would he do now that he knew you lied?
“Ah… yeah, I forgot about that… must’ve slipped my mind…” You couldn’t bring yourself to say much more, not sure what else you would say anyway.
You glanced back at him and could see that he was still watching you. You looked away quickly, heart beating fast.
You heard him breath out through his nose and you could tell he was thinking. “It’s okay. You didn’t have to tell me. I was just wondering,” he spoke quietly and you instantly felt bad for hurting him like that and making him think you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Shouto, I-” You let the words die on your tongue, not knowing where you were going with them anyway.
“(Y/N)…  you know, truthfully, I’ve been noticing it a lot.” You were looking at him fully now while his gaze was focused downwards, playing with the soft fabric of the blanket that was keeping you two warm. “You don’t have to tell me things if you don’t want to. It just feels like there’s a lot you’re not telling me. I just wanted to ask why. At first I thought it was just once or twice it happened, but now I see there’s a lot of little details I don’t know about you.” He was back to staring at you now, blanket still clenched between his hands as his fingers continuously soothed over the fabric. “Is there anything I can do better? I don’t know if you feel comfortable around me… but I feel comfortable around you if that helps…”
It was as though you were in a trance as you listened to him speak, hanging onto each and every word, and you bit your tongue lightly to break you out of your speechlessness and shake yourself back to reality.
You sighed and shifted uncomfortably in your seat, running your finger along the seam of one of the pillows you were leaning back against. “I, uh… just have a hard time trusting people… I don’t know…”
Shouto took your hesitation as a sign that he was digging into something much deeper than he originally thought and he decided he shouldn’t force it—if it really was something deeper than a surface level bump in a relationship that could be solved relatively quickly, then he would give you the time to tell him on your own.
He felt like such a jerk for how he brought it up—it seemed that this was tied to a deep issue and a sensitive topic for you and he had just brought it up like it was nothing. What kind of boyfriend was this obvious to your struggles?
He released his grip on the blanket and looked back at the stars, choosing instead now to fidget with his hair, running his fingers through it twice before realizing he should probably stop doing that. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but… I’d like to be someone you could trust.” He planned to leave it at that, aside from apologizing later again and showering you with affection, hoping you could forgive his embarrassing moment of pure insensitively and selfishness. His plans of how to smooth over the tension hanging thick in the air were put on hold though when he heard you speak again.
“No… you know what? You deserve to know. I’m sorry for all of this. I do trust you. I don’t know what got into me. If anything, I trust you the most to tell about this. I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.” Your bitter laugh at the end surprised him and he met your eyes. With you both looking at each other, you felt emboldened and ready to make the truth known.
You reached over to lace his fingers with yours and he let you, automatically moving so he could sit closer to you. “(Y/N)?”
“Shouto…” And with that you revealed the true reason you had always been so careful with your words around him, the source of your guardedness, and the experience that left your heart wounded—your last relationship.
Shouto, already having berated himself before for approaching the situation so brashly, knew to stay quiet now and let you speak, only reacting with twists of his face in shock, horror, or disgust because he was appalled that anyone would ever treat you like that. He could feel his blood boiling.
At last you were done—your hands staying intertwined and resting on the blanket between you two the whole time—and just in time too, because he couldn’t take any more of hearing the heart-wrenching things you had been through. And yet here you were, still standing strong after having experienced it. Meanwhile, just the words and the way the vivid descriptions came to life in his mind were enough to make him reel, thoughts flashing back to his own childhood.
As you had spoken, you two had somehow shifted closer together, the proximity comforting you as you told the story. Now Shouto closed the distance to reach over and pull you firmly into his arms, burying his face in the crook of your neck. You could feel the soft brush of his lips there and his warm breath as he held you close, causing you to shiver involuntarily. You blinked for a second, shocked at his sudden display of affection, before tightly wrapping your arms around him as well. The tears you had been holding in the whole time and masking under your wavering words full with emotion all flowed out now, the dam broken and nothing holding you back from sobbing against his shoulder.
Shouto was apologizing for how harsh he had been with you before and you could tell he really meant it—it sounded like he was mentally beating himself up over the whole thing and he was. He felt even more stupid now. Something this serious and he had never pick up on it? He really felt like the worst and vowed to always protect you. His own childhood trauma had left him with no one to console him and he refused for the same to happen to you. Neither of you were sure which one of you started it, but there was a constant back and forth of “I love you”s professed as you sat there, tangling in each other’s arms. That little reminder meant everything to you.
Now that Shouto knew why you seemed to have difficulty telling him things, he knew not to try to pry information out of you, but rather let you know you had his constant trust and support, hoping that you would slowly come of your shell yourself—and you did, feeling as though you were able to be more open with him now. His reassurances that he would never try to control you in any way set your mind at ease and with each day that passed you felt lighter and more carefree, no longer cherry picking at your speed and wondering what you should say.
It took a bit for you to break out of the habit that you had so carefully accumulated and improved to protect yourself, but Shouto was patient and willing to help, and you found yourself falling in love with him all over again.
Shouto is someone with a lot of power, influence, and money at his disposal, all thanks to his father—as much as he hated to admit it (although he would say that it came in handy at times like this). He would never outright tell you that he now had a personal bone to pick with your ex but… let’s just say you won’t have to worry about accidentally running into them ever again.
It’s likely you may not even notice the change, having already cut that person completely out of your life and being used to avoiding them like the plague or flat out ignoring them.
Although if you did notice them appearing less in your life, you may mention it offhandedly to him, maybe even questioning him if he knew anything about it.
He would answer cryptically, either saying “Huh, that is strange,” or “Don’t worry about it,” if you were eyeing him suspiciously, taking a sip from the cup of tea he had been nursing in order to hide the small, knowing smile that he couldn’t keep off of his face.
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Kirishima Eijirou
Eijirou had always been a touchy guy, and you knew this, yet it still didn’t make it any easier to completely relax when you were snuggled against his chest, or when he would drape an arm around you without warning.
During the dates you had gone on before officially entering a relationship, he was always careful with his touches, but still made mild gestures—asking if he could hold your hand, or sometimes resting his hand on the small of your back when leading you out of a restaurant. You liked that—his touches were sincere and made you feel wanted again. He really was perfect.
A gentleman at heart it seemed, Eijirou was always respectful, yet those baby steps towards increased physical contact still set your heart aflame, no matter how hard you tried to stomp the fire out and remind yourself to be careful, heart beating fast because what did you do to deserve something so wonderful (it was the type of adoration that seemed to continuously bloom, beginning from the very first time you met him).
It took a while before he worked up the courage to ask you to put a label on whatever it was that you two had. He had sensed your cautiousness from the start when you two went on your first date—although he didn’t know the true reason behind why you were so closed off to love—and he had kept that initial impression of you in mind the entire time.
Usually he was one for breaking down barriers, pushing past the tough exteriors of others, and he did the same to you, but he also knew the guarded feeling you carried seemed different and he didn’t want to pry, so he was careful in his approaches.
Those slow steps that you loved so much from the start (the small touches and the gradual opening up to each other), truly resulted because 1.) he really was a gentleman (you were correct in that assumption), but 2.) unbeknownst to you, his mind was always working around you and when he picked up on your initial coldness (you may try to hide it, but he knows how to read people well), he made sure to be extra careful when it came to advancing things with you.
Forwardness cast aside, he took things at the pace you wanted, hesitant to ask you the burning question to make it all completely official in case that scared you off. He absolutely loved you and it would take him forever to get over it if he really did mess this up.
There was also the issue of him not wanting to wait too long and make you think he was stringing you along or wasting your time. He wanted to make his intentions clear sooner rather than later, but it always felt too soon and he was constantly trying to gauge your reactions.
Stuck in this limbo, Eijirou ended up asking you to be in a relationship before he even truly realized what he was saying.
Hanging out together on yet another fairy tale date, the thought occurred to him that with the way you two were already so close, to not be dating would be pretty weird. It was the obvious next step now more than ever.
And then the words were tumbling out of his mouth before he even realized it and you were laughing—his heart sunk for a moment at that because oh my god he’s so stupid no way you’d actually want to date him, he’d totally misread the situation, but also sent his heart fluttering because your laugh and smile and everything about you was so cute and beautiful and amazing and-).
His fears were put to rest when you leaned over to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, lacing your fingers with his where they rested on the park bench you two were currently sitting on, laughter still spilling out of you, although a bit more controlled now.
You told him that honesty? You thought you two were basically dating already and he was just the type to not say anything and just assume you knew, so you’d been going along with it this whole time.
His mouth was hanging open at first, but then a giant dopey grin crossed his face and you were wrapped up in his arms, pulled to his chest in a bear hug.
You sighed contentedly—this felt right.
Your floating on cloud nine didn’t last forever though and soon you were spiraling back down to Earth, plummeting harder towards it than you had floated up.
It seemed that now that things had been said out loud and it was confirmed that you were really together, the whole thing began to weigh a little heavily on your heart. You were still head over heels in love, and being with him was definitely what you wanted to do, but you couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if you accidentally did something wrong and completely ruined everything, whether due to your paranoia grating on his nerves eventually (as patient as he had proven to be, you knew everyone had their limits) or because he simply got fed up with you and things turned out like last time.
You had deluded yourself into believing you were fine before, but you really knew that the only reason you allowed yourself to be so comfortable around him during those first few dates was because he hadn’t officially asked you out yet. Now that he had and this relationship was a real thing, your breath caught in your throat the more you thought about how things went the last time—it had started off just like this, perfect… maybe even too perfect.
Eijirou wasn’t like that, you knew it, but you kept wondering what if this is the day that the switch flips?
Stuck in your own mind over the issue and reluctant to talk it out left you jumpy around your new boyfriend—fuck, you hated it, but you couldn’t stop your body from reacting before you mind could soothe it with rational thoughts that he was one of the most caring people, if not the most caring person, you have ever met.
He, of course, took the whole thing wonderfully like the perfect person he is, even if he didn’t know the real reason why you suddenly seemed so opposed to physical contact, just causing you to feel worse because how could you keep making him think that this was his fault.
Hugs, hand holding, and cuddling on the couch still seemed among his favorite things. You liked them too—the security and warmth was addicting—but what had been normal during the pre-dating phase, now became a sore spot for you.
You had felt butterflies at this touches before (now you wondered if perhaps the reason that you were able to lean easily into those touches were because you could just imagine he was one of your friends—a hot friend with soft lips who you kind of, sort of wanted to spend forever with—rather than some guy that held your heart in his hands), but now your mind was kicked into overdrive each and every time.
There were times where he would immediately pull away if you seemed overly stiff and unsure, apologizing profusely. You didn’t know how to explain that it wasn’t him that was the problem—you wanted to be in his arms, protected and warm, you were just having a hard time adjusting to the intense love he always provided.
He was always so attentive, noticing if you had a distant look in your eye, asking you what was on your mind. You felt bad, absolutely horrible. Why were you always so tense around him? You had taken time to heal on your own, waiting a while before getting back into the dating scene. You knew what you needed, you knew how much time you needed, and you most of all knew that you didn’t need some big strong guy to save you from your thoughts. You just needed him to understand that. You thought you could forget the past, bury it—you were independent and didn’t need the support.
You briefly wondered for a while if perhaps you weren’t as ready for a relationship right now as you thought—maybe you need more time?
But then that idea was immediately squashed—no, you would not let what happened to you rule your life any longer. You deserved to have someone as great as Eijirou, and he deserved someone as amazing as you, and most of all, you really, really liked him. And it was because of the reasons you liked him—his caring attitude, his innate understanding, his watchful eyes that were always soft with emotion—that you decided to take the leap and just outright tell him everything.
A quiet evening of domesticity felt like the right time—a relaxed mood set as you two winded down from the day at his house. You were seated across the kitchen table from one another with him typing on his laptop and occasionally pausing to scroll or contemplate something (he would interlace his fingers, elbows propped up on the table and hands resting against his lips with a small frown before his eyes suddenly lit up with an answer to whatever question had been plaguing his mind). You, on the other hand, you very much attempting to write in your notebook, but so far all you had accomplished was to mark the edges of the pages with senseless scribbles, not even able to bring yourself to properly doodle little stars or hearts like you usually would.
You flicked your pen between your fingers, either quietly tapping it against the blank page in front of you (you wanted to tap it against the table to hear the satisfying thumping of the wood, but you didn’t want to disturb Eijirou) or against your cheek. You could feel his eyes on you every so often when he would very briefly glance up. He probably thought you were deep in concentration because he never said anything about your troubled look, although it seemed like he wanted to. Ah, damn, you really did love him—why was he always so caring, even if it came in little gestures like this? You hid a smile to yourself as you thought about how at times he could seem conflicted between always checking up on you but also loving to watch you work. Cute.
Truth be told, you were deep in concentration, but it wasn’t about what he thought it was. Rather, your initial concentration had been broken so many times by your incessant thoughts that you finally decided to give them the attention they had been demanding. There was no way you could work like this, as told by the tug on your heartstrings. There was really only one thing to do at a time like this and you just knew it was the right time. It’s now or never.
You chewed on the tip of the pen cap for a second in quiet contemplation, before steeling yourself and speaking. “Hey, um… can I talk to you about something?” You didn’t tear your gaze away from the page in front of you—eyes tracing the lines of scribbles as though they would give you courage—until you had finished your sentence. The words rang in your ears as they pierced the comfortable silence that had only been broken by small noises of shuffling before. As the last syllable slipped out, you looked up, watching to see what he would do.
Eijirou snapped his head up to you with wide eyes and blinked. “Of course, babe, what’s up?” He shoved his laptop to the side, but then after a quick moment seemed to decide that wasn’t enough and pushed the top down for good measure to make sure you knew you one hundred percent had his attention.
His immediate reaction to your words was both because he had heard the ting of worrying in your voice—your tone serious—and also because he always hung onto your every word anyway, always listening carefully to what you had to say. His attention was always yours.
You glanced away from his intense gaze and hummed in thought, twirling your pen around. You motioned for him to come sit next to you, which he did without hesitation, rounding the table and pulling out the chair next to you with a quiet squeak against the floor. While he did that, you pushed out your chair a bit also so you could comfortably turn to face him at your side.
As he sat down, he dragged his chair closer to yours until they were almost touching, and then when you pulled your legs up and angled yourself so you could sit crossed legged on your chair, he did the same, taking your cue—he was watching your moves so carefully, wondering what was wrong, that he mimicked the action barely thinking. Your knees rubbed together and you cracked a smile at that—one he mirrored—but then your solemn expression returned.
A deep breath and you let the pen slip from between your fingers, roll out of your hand, and land back on your still open and still embarrassingly blank notebook. Then, you turned to look Eijirou in the eye, determined not to back down now, and gave him another small grin to set his nerves at ease because he looked so worried (once again, cute).
“So…” And that was the shaky, uncertain word you began on before your story began to flow out of you, the words whistling past your lips with gradually increasing confidence as you went on—the way you saw it was that even if it was hard, you had gotten this far in the retelling so you might as well see it through. It took a lot of willpower, but you had set your mind to this and would not allow the past to ruin your current relationship. Eijirou was silent throughout it, although just having him there and watching his facial expressions (twisting in anger, sorrow, disbelief, and million other emotions that you didn’t know the names of but could feel deep in your heart with just one glance at him) was enough to keep you grounded and continuing to let it all out.
Despite your best efforts, tears managed to escape your eyes, increasing in ferocity the deeper you went , but you quickly wiped them away—a signal to him to just wait, give you a moment, you could handle this, even though it was very clear that he simply wanted to comfort you.
And then, as abruptly as you had started, you were done, the last tortured word coming out. “And, um, here we are I guess…,” you simply shrugged as you awkwardly tried to wrap up your monologue. “I don’t know…”
Eijirou was quiet for a moment, lips slightly parted, as though he was waiting for you to say something else and he didn’t want to accidentally interrupt you and stop the stream of raw emotions you had been so vulnerable to share and entrust with him—he wanted to know everything about what had been torturing this whole time so you would no longer have to step on eggshells around him. When you breathed out a deep sigh of relief, chest suddenly feeling airy and light, your head clear, only then did he accept that you were done and ready for his reaction.
He almost reached out immediately to pull you to his chest, but stopped himself quickly before his arms could even shoot out. You could see how his hand had twitched from where it lay in his lap—it was about to reach out, but he had stopped it almost right away, and it was clear that he really wanted to wrap you in a hug right now. As much as he wanted that though, he also knew that he didn’t want to suddenly grab you after you had just opened up to him and relived that horrible experience in your mind.
Memories of when he had so casually pulled you to his chest before without knowing what was wrong filled his head and he felt so guilty. How could he never have noticed this before? Would you even want his comfort right now?
You found his current display of just wanting to be supportive endearing though and gave him a slight nod to signal that it was okay. That was all the confirmation he needed before he had you pressed against him, arms tight as they looped around your back and warmth radiating from his chest. You took a breath in and could smell the soft, comforting scent that he always seemed to carry. Just being held like this as he rubbed soothing circles on your back with his thumb seemed to open the floodgates and soon you were openly sobbing, embarrassed because he had never seen you like this before, but also feeling encouraged to finally let everything out as he coaxed the tears out of you with quiet murmurs of “It’s okay, babe,” and “I’ve got you, baby.”
Not long later, after you guys had both calmed down—you from the overwhelming emotions that had taken over you, and him from his anger at your ex and his heart-aching feelings at thinking about what you had been through—you two were cuddled up in his bed.
Eijirou had made you a hot cup of tea and after you had chosen to burrow under the blankets, he followed suit as you asked him to join you (he was still being cautious about not doing anything you didn’t want).
You two discussed your relationship and what the new information you had shared meant for you both. Assurances of how much you loved each other were sprinkled throughout the conversation and Eijirou said he would ease up on the spontaneous touches for a little bit until you felt more comfortable (they still weren’t completely gone though because you loved them—it’s just that he now knew to be a little more cautious about that sort of thing), and you made sure to let him know that all those times you had tensed up before hadn’t been because of him but rather because of your memories. He knew what to look out for now and as observant he was about you, you knew that he would even pick up small cues of discomfort, although you could already feel yourself slowly letting go of your tension.
Now that you had explained everything and that weight was off of your chest, you felt so much better. Plus, hearing him directly assure you that he would never dare to hurt you like that gave you a feeling of relief and greater trust in him. Just something about you being open about the whole thing made you feel that things could finally be normal now.
Your suspicions were right, things were a lot better after that, and Eijirou could tell that you saw physical touches as a sign of comfort now, rather than something you had an internal struggle with, and through slow steps again like you had taken at the start, you were able to get to a place where you no longer felt apprehensive about the topic.
Eijirou would be your protective safety blanket whenever you needed it, although he also knew you were strong-willed and didn’t always need his help either, so he was content staying on the sidelines if you really seemed like you could work through something on your own, although he was always ready to comfort you if need be.
The tipping point when it was really confirmed that Eijirou would protect you no matter what it was when you two ran into your ex at a convenience store one day.
Eijirou was browsing the snack aisles not that far from you while you were looking over the sweets they had lining the counter near the door. You could still see each other over the top of the mini-aisles since the shelves were short, and Eijirou was talking to you about all the snacks he was contemplating on getting, asking your opinion as you occasionally replied to his chatter over your shoulder, piling the things you wanted into your arms as he no doubt did the same.
You were about to call back out to him and turned to look over your shoulder, stepping towards his direction automatically, having found one of his favorite flavors of a certain sweet you two always ate, when you noticed someone standing behind you, probably looking at the shelves for things they wanted as well since the place was pretty small and everything was cramped together.
“Oh, ah, sorry…” You awkwardly turned back to what you were doing, tucking the package of what you were going to show Eijirou under your arm to bring to him later, and shifting away so that the other person would have more room to continue shopping, feeling a little embarrassed. You hadn’t noticed their presence before because you had been so busy eyeing all of the delicious goods right in front of you.
“Hm? Oh, that’s alright,” they replied nonchalantly and you just nodded silently and gave them a small smile and a sideways glance in response.
You froze when you saw that they were looking back at you intensely and recognition flooded your senses. You knew that voice sounded familiar, plus when you had glanced at them before when you first bumped into them something seemed to ring a bell but you had simply brushed it off.
While you were filled with instant dread at realizing who it was, the other person, now able to see your face clearly, seemed to light up with delight at seeing that it was really you—as if they had just run into an old friend. “(Y/N)! Woah, is that you? Long time no see!” What was your ex doing here? What were the chances? It just seemed like the universe cursed you with bad luck.
You could vaguely make out Eijirou’s voice under the ringing in your ears as you took a step back, away from your ex—which they just seemed to take as cue to turn more fully towards you, both of you now facing each other.
Eijirou seemed to have noticed you not replying and came over to you, arms piled high with bags of chips and other packages of both of your favorite snacks. “What’s wrong, babe? Ooo, what’s that you’re holding, it looks g-” He paused, having followed your gaze to see you staring at another person, and finally noticing the newcomer just as they went on talking about how great it was to see you. Eijirou took this as a cue that you knew this person. “Who’s this? One of your friends?” he asked with a grin, looking back at you.
You ignored his question, unable to think, and shakily greeted the mysterious person back. Eijirou could tell something was wrong, but he didn’t know what. But then you said the name of the other person in your greeting and something clicked in his mind—that was the name of your ex. How could he have forgotten? The memory of when you had told him all of the horrible things they had done to you was now at the forefront of his mind and he swiftly moved in front of you, gripping his snacks closely to his chest to prevent them from toppling out of his arms at the sudden movement. His warm expression had melted into one of distaste, glaring at the person in front of both of you, blocking them off from your path.
Eijirou tried to get your ex to leave peacefully with thinly veiled threats, making it know he knew exactly who they were and what they had done to you, but your ex fought back, saying that they were simply talking to you and refusing to go just yet. You were cowering behind Eijirou, still shell shocked, and tugging on his arm lightly, trying to get him to just forget about it and leave with you, not feeling up to deal with conflict of any sort right now, especially any involving your ex of all people.
“Who the hell are you anyway?” your ex bit out, fire in their eyes.
“Me? You mean the boyfriend who’s about to beat a nobody like you’s ass?” You could see how Eijirou’s fists clenched as he said that, packaging crinkling under his fingers.
Your ex scoffed and peered around Eijirou to look directly at you. “Boyfriend, huh? Can’t believe you managed to snag someone else.”
You had to grab Eijirou to hold him back after he heard that comment, trying to juggle your mountain of snacks in one arm while firmly gripping onto him with your free hand.
The look in your eyes when he glanced over at you in confusion and the way you refused to let him go made it clear that you didn’t want him to get in trouble just for you.
That didn’t stop him from slandering the other person with a healthy dose of threats though and despite your ex’s stubbornness, Eijirou finally managed to get them off your back. You two quickly paid for everything you had already picked up and left the store not long after. Eijirou would make sure to shoot your ex one final warning glare if they were still in the store or if he saw them right outside.
Expect him to check up on you after the incident as soon as you’re far away enough from the store, offering to carry all of the bags for you and do whatever you needed him to do. “Are you okay, babe?” he would ask and would keep assuring you that he loved you and would never let that person near you ever again until he was sure that you had calmed down. He had seen the panic-stricken expression on your face back there and never wanted to witness it ever again. A kiss on the temple would be his way of sealing the deal and his promises to keep you safe.
Following that day, if you still had any previous reservations about your boyfriend’s loyalty, they all dissipated after seeing how fired up and serious Eijirou had become when it came to protecting you. He would give you all the comfort you needed after the run-in if you were still shaken up and would be very clingy and attentive. He would give you space if you asked, but would be at your beck and call for a while, wanting to ease the pain of the traumatic experience.
“Don’t worry, babe. I’ve got you and I’ll never let you go,” he would mumble into the top of your shoulder as he held you close, hands on your sides and thumbs slowly soothing the skin there with small strokes. And you completely believed him with all of your heart, and your trust was the best thing he could ever ask for and receive from you.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Barbatos
I know I haven’t posted in a while, but since today’s Barb’s b-day, I decided I would
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The thing is, he actually really loves giving affection. He’s usually just busy, so he never has the time. But when he does have time, expect him to be all over you (respectfully of course). His favorite form of affection is when one of you is cooking and the other will come up and give a hug from behind. He melts no matter which position he’s in. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Most of y’alls hangouts include baking or having tea. He also likes when you follow him around while he works so that he has company. In his free time, he likes to take you to different stores and restaurants in both the Human World and the Devildom so that you two can sample what they have. He’s also lowkey chaotic, so he might drag you into pulling pranks every now and then. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Again, he’s actually really affectionate, so cuddles aren’t off the table. For him, cuddling after a long day is a great way to unwind. It’s also one of the few times he lets his guard down a bit and actually begins to relax. Basically what I’m saying is, please give this man cuddles. He deserves it. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s honestly one of the best choices if you want to settle down. He can cook, clean, and any other chores you so desire. And he also loves the idea of settling down. He’s been working for so long and, while he loves his job, it can be pretty taxing on him sometimes. The idea of just leaving it all behind to settle down with the one he loves sounds like a dream to him. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Probably the bluntest out of anyone. Like, he does not care about how the other will react. He’s more used to people breaking up with him since he cares about his job more than them in most cases, so if he’s the one initiating the break up, then it’s for a reason. And that reason is probably not a good one. He will probably make the person cry. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Marriage isn’t all that interesting to him. he doesn’t find it all that necessary like others do. To him, just being together is enough, so he doesn’t need anyone to certify it for him. However, if you wanted to get married, he would never refuse.  
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s surprisingly gentle. He understands how sensitive emotions can be, so he’s super careful with the one’s he cares about. The last thing he wants is to hurt someone he loves, so he’s super gentle. He’s also aware of how physically strong he is, so he tries his best to control himself so that he doesn’t accidentally lash out and hurt you. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He doesn’t have a lot of time, so hugs are usually rare. But he loves them anyway. they’re a great way for him to recharge throughout the day. Just pop in every now and then and give him a quick hug and he’ll just die but you won’t know that.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a long time to say it. Not necessarily because he’s scared or not ready, but just because he doesn’t see the point in rushing it. He knows you love him and that he loves you too, so he knows the words themselves aren’t needed. When he does say it, it’ll be absolutely perfect. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He may seem like he doesn’t get jealous, but he does. In fact, he gets insanely jealous, especially of the brothers. You spend so much time with them, and he never has any time to spend with you since he’s always working. He hates that you two never seem to have time to be together, and that ends up making him jealous. Just give him some attention and he should calm down some. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are so amazing. He always knows just what to do and when/where to do it. You will always be satisfied with him. His favorite place to kiss you is the nape of your neck since he likes the reaction it gets out of you. He also likes when you kiss his cheek since he finds it cute. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Oh, he hates kids. Absolutely despises them. The only exception is Luke since he is tolerable for the most part. But other than that, kids are one of his least favorite things. They’re messy, loud, and distract him from his work like Dia and the brothers lol.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He usually has to wake up pretty early in the mornings, so they can go one of two ways. If you’re an early riser like him, you two will get ready and go to the kitchen to have breakfast together before he has to start work. If you tend to sleep in, he’ll get out of bed without waking you and send in another servant to bring you breakfast in bed with a schedule of where he has to be today so that you can come find him. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Night time is pretty much the only time he ever gets to just relax and not have to worry about work. Expect to be pulled away to his room and not leave until morning. This is maybe the only time he can spend with you without the fear of being pulled away from you, and he’s going to enjoy it damnit. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I doubt he’d ever reveal everything about himself. After all, he is quite mysterious. Obviously, he’d trust you enough to open up about some aspects of himself, but mostly just surface level things. If you really want to know something about him, your best bet is going to Diavolo, and even then it’s most likely a lost cause. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This man is the definition of patient. It takes a lot to rile him up enough to actually snap. He’s been working a Dia’s butler forever now, so he knows how to keep his emotions under control. He may feel irritated or annoyed fairly often, but he will not let it show unless he is truly angered. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Of course he remembers absolutely everything about you. You so much as mention something you enjoy, he already has it to give to you. He has a great memory, and that’s only enhanced by how in love with you he is. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He isn’t one to have any one specific favorite, but he does love any time you two bake together. It’s such a calming thing, and you two can simply just have fun alone without having to deal with Dia or the brothers. It always brings such a smile to his face when he remembers all of the baking sessions you two have had. Even if you don’t know how to bake, that’s fine with him, cause he’s with you. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He’s very protective, but in a subtle way. He’s never one to be bold or over the top, but he still feels the need to protect you if he ever feels you’re in danger. Honestly, he’s scary enough on his own, so most other demons tend to leave you alone if you’re with him. And because you’re always around him, his scent started to rub off on you, alerting other demons to stay away even when he isn’t there. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s used to planning huge events, so he can go as all out as you want. You want a party with every demon in the Devildom? It’s done. You just want a lowkey date alone with him? He can do that to. It all depends on what you want him to do. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He has a hard time separating himself from his work. After all, he’s been working for Dia for so long, so it makes sense that it would be hard for him to leave it alone, even for a few hours. Sometimes, you may have to pull him away from his work and force him to rest. If that doesn’t work, you might have to talk to Dia about getting him some time off. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is concerned with his looks, but only because of who he works for. He knows that he has to keep up appearances lest he embarrass Dia at all. Other than that, he could honestly care less about his looks. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Quite honestly, he was already incomplete before he even met you, and he’s still somewhat incomplete now. He’s never once felt whole, and that didn’t change very much when you arrived. Yes, he loves you, but you didn’t change much of how complete he feels inside. So, yeah, he’d feel incomplete without you, but he feels incomplete regardless. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
This isn’t so much a headcanon as just me being an angsty mess, but I just love the idea of him being lowkey jealous of Lucifer. I mean, ever since Luci fell and started working for Dia, he’s been getting so much credit for basically everything. I like the idea that maybe he gets a bit jealous of Luci and the attention and praise that he gets despite doing the same amount of work. (and yeah, I know this totally isn’t the case at all, and I’m sure he gets plenty of attention, but I love the idea of jealous, and kinda sad Barb). 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He doesn’t like someone who's lazy and doesn’t take work seriously. he also doesn’t like anyone who consistently distracts him from his work without legitimate reason. Also anyone who insults Dia or presents any possible threat to him. Other than that, he’s surprisingly chill with almost anyone. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
More like lack of sleep habit honestly. I genuinely don’t believe that he sleeps. And if he does, it’s for a couple hours at the most. Really, he just works too much to sleep that much.  
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
hihi!! could i get some sbi + bee hybrid reader? idk i just think hybrid readers are cool lmao (ps: can i be 🎮 anon?) (pss: i really hope i did this right i don't really request things often so sorry if it's bad or wrong)
(Of course!! Welcome 🎮 anon!!!!! This idea is so cute! As well as, I know you said SBI but we’re also including Tubbo in this because how could I talk about a bee reader and not include the bee man himself???) (P.S. This was not bad or wrong in anyway!!!!)(P.P.S. Last post of the night because I’m very tired! Maybe more tomorrow, I’m unsure because of my schedule)
So I picture that you would have little wings that would poke out of your back. You wouldn’t really be able to fly with them, but you would be able to hover and move from place to place if need be. Philza would help you take care of your wings because he also had wings. Of course they were very different, his had feathers and made it so he could fly and yours did not have feathers, but were translucent and made it so you could hover and travel short distances off the ground, but he knew how to take care of wings and was always willing to help you take care of yours. The boys also love looking at your wings. As I have mentioned, they’re translucent and just really cool too look at and so they would spend a lot of time looking at them and if you were okay with it, running their hands over it. 
You would love honey. Love making it, collecting it, eating it, you would love it. Tubbo would also love honey and would love to help you collect it and make it as well. You would sometimes get protective over your honey and wouldn’t let him near it but once he gives you a little pout, you’d let him have some. Your house would always smell like honey and you would always have at least three bottles in your home. 
Something very sweet that all the boys would do is they would constantly bring you flowers. You would always have vase upon vase of fresh flowers. This became a tradition when one time Wilbur handed you a flower to hold onto for a second and your face just lit up so brightly and you clutched the flower so tightly, bringing it to your nose and smelling so deeply that by the time you pulled your face away, pollen coated your nose. You were just so happy to have a new pretty flower in your possession. Wilbur wanted you to hold onto it for a second but he couldn’t take it away after seeing how happy it made you. Wilbur told his family about your reaction and so now at least once a day you get a new flower. Technoblade even built a greenhouse out in the middle of the tundra where he can grow flowers so he’ll always have one to give you if you come over. 
For my next trick I will now be telling you what type of flower that the boys give you the most often with no further explanation as to why I feel this way. Philza gives you poppies. Wilbur gives you cornflowers. Techno gives you dandelions. Tommy gives you tulips. Tubbo gives you sunflowers.
I imagine that sometimes when anyone accidentally bumps into you, you get mad. Like if you’re walking somewhere and your shoulder gets bumped, anger stirs up inside you and you glare at the person and your wings flutter a bit. Philza, Wilbur, and Tubbo all feel really bad when they do this. They will apologize and promise to give you an extra flower the next time they see you and you calm down. Techno just kind of stares at you and chuckles a little bit before murmuring a very small apology before moving on. When this happens, it takes a little longer for you to calm down, but once Techno brings you a small thing of honey, you calm right down. Tommy on the other hand will purposely bump into you to get you mad and then he will act like he did nothing wrong and that you’re over reacting causing you to get even more mad. It sometimes get so tense that Philza has to step in and make Tommy apologize to you and give you a flower. You huff, but accept the apology and the flower, ignore Tommy for a few hours but eventually get over it. 
Another thing that makes you mad is when people disturb your nest. You don’t have a traditional bee’s nest. It’s a little nest in it’s own room of your home where there is a bunch of shelves full of honey and lots of windows with vases of flowers sitting in them. There is a small couch in the room with many blankets and a table in front of it that you use to make honey. You spend a little bit of time in the room everyday just to settle down and relax. One time Tommy was over and he found the room and accidentally knocked over a bunch of honey bottles and messed up your blankets. You got so mad that you almost bit him (more on that in the next paragraph). Tommy was really scared of you in that instance and he bolted out of your house, you chasing behind him. He ran to Phil’s house and explained what was going on. Once again, Philza had to calm you down and tell you it would be alright. He would follow you back to your house and help you fix the nest before giving you flowers, honey, and sugar water. 
So back to the biting thing. So I imagine that you wouldn’t have a stinger. No instead you would have the urge to bite the things that annoy/scare you. The bite would hurt as much as a bee sting and would leave a little bump like stings do. Sometimes if you’re really pissed off, you would pump a little bit of the venom that bees have. Each of the boys have definitely received a bee bite from you because they made you very upset. They would just be talking and you would reach out, grab their hand, bring it to your mouth, and just give their arm a bite. Once you had bit someone, the anger and frustration would leave your body and you’d be okay. Tommy would let out a little scream and go running off to Phil screaming “they bit me! They bit me!” But Phil, who has also been bitten by you is just like “What did you do to piss them off?” Phil when he got bit was shocked but instantly asked you what happened. You would explain to him how he was upsetting you and the only way you could express that was through your ‘sting’. Phil would then learn to read your body language and know when you were reaching that point and would pull back on whatever was happening. Wilbur would pretend that he was offended, just to make you laugh. After you bit Phil, he had explained to all the boys what had happened and not to freak out if it happened to them and to try not to get you to that point. But when Wilbur accidentally did, he would let out a fake gasp of offense, “You dare bite me? Your absolute favorite person in the world?! How dare you!!! I think you need to be taught a lesson” He would then throw you over his shoulder, causing you to giggle like a madman, no longer mad at the man who had you captive. Techno would just accept it and continue on with whatever he was talking about. He would just keep talking as you bring his arm to your mouth and bite him. He doesn’t even react, just lets you do it. After you let him go he pauses and quietly goes, “Feel better?” And you feel slightly guilty but you nod, and he nods too and says, “Okay then good… Back to what I was saying” Tubbo would just be so confused when it happened. He was there when Phil told them, but he didn’t really understand. “You bit me!” He’d exclaim in surprise as you pull your mouth away. “Yeah and you were irritating me… Now we’re even” He would then go back to Philza and he would have to explain to Tubbo again what had happened. Once he understood, he would go back to you and apologize. 
No matter your gender identity, the boys call you “Queen” (Unless you are completely uncomfortable with that, then they will call you ‘Your Highness or your majesty). But if you don’t know, bee’s have a hierarchy where the queen is the top most important bee that is to be taken care of at all costs. So the boys affectionately call you their queen. You are very precious to them and you are the ruler of the hive. Sometimes when they’re joking around and messing around with you they’ll just go “Oh Queenieeeeeeeee” which makes you roll your eyes but also smile at the cute nickname. 
Thank you for this request! I really loved writing it and I really hope you enjoyed reading it!!!
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memeadonna · 3 years
You are an intern working at Fatgum’s Agency alongside our favourite Hard Himbos: Tetsutetsu and Kirishima. Your quirk allows you to control metal, which attracts the attention of a certain someone. 
Alternatively: I thought Tetsutetsu might have a thing for piercings and then @malicealieness bullied me until I posted this because we Tetsutetsu simps are starved for content (and don’t worry guys she promised to post more of her own writing if I posted this so I’m more than happy to do so (I love you mom ❤️))
Word Count: 5,971
This story is NSFW. Minors DNI. 
Warnings: Switch Tetsutetsu and Reader, Piercings, Size difference/Kink, Mentions of Blood, Biting and Scratching, Loss of Virginity, Vaginal Intercourse, Creampie, mentions of birth control, Tetsutetsu being a Simp, mutual pining, this boy deserves more love. 
Update: Part Two is Out! 
When Tetsutetsu was in his last year at UA, an underclassman joined him and Kirishima at Fatgum’s agency. She was in class 2-A and went by the hero name Metallica. That was you, and you were certain he was terrified of you when you first met. To start with, your quirk was metal manipulation; you could control anything metal and, as the name implies, manipulate it however you’d like – changing its shape, sending it flying, or even adjusting its hardness – and that meant if he were to ever fight with you, he would be at a major disadvantage. It wasn’t like you wanted to hurt him (unless you counted raking your nails down his back and biting his collarbone), but the threat was there. 
Tetstutetsu spent a lot of time staring at you, especially when you were in your hero costume or when the two of you had been left alone for a moment. On the rare occasions you met up with him on campus, he always stared at your piercings while you talked. You had ended up fighting with UA over their dress code: students in the hero course were supposed to be limited to only earrings (which you had several of) and small necklaces as jewelry, but due to your quirk you preferred to wear as much metal as you could. Different metals reacted differently to your quirk, and because of that your piercings, bracelets, and rings had been a mix of many different types that you had painstakingly organized so it was stylish rather than garish. It was hard to pull off so many different colours, but you managed. The school wanted you to only wear the piercings in your earlobes during class (the rings were fine), but after a long argument, you managed to convince them to let you wear something so your holes didn’t close up. The stainless steel you ended up with was much less flashy than the other colours you had had before, but you didn’t mind. It was a versatile metal, and the ability to shape and change it to your will was an asset. Besides that, your piercings were not technically support items, so you could use (and had used) them at the sports festival. 
The first time you met Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, Fatgum had insisted the three of you go out for food together. Kirishima had spent the whole time talking and laughing with you, trying to get to know you, and Tetsu had just spent his time staring like he was in a trance. You were used to people staring – like someone with a mutant quirk, the large number of piercings you wore every day was unusual, and you had gotten used to stares and comments. You tucked your hair behind your industrial and sipped on some boba. His eyes never left your face, scanning over the barbell bisecting your eyebrow then down to the one on your tongue as you took another sip. 
“So, metal,” Kirishima spoke, kicking Tetsutetsu under the table and shooting him a glare that said Pay Attention. “Tell us about that.” 
You waved your hand, the ring on your index finger unwrapping itself and forming into a bowl shape. You concentrated as it dipped into your parfait and brought a delectable scoop of vanilla ice cream up to your mouth and took a bite. Tetsutetsu’s brain was all but short-circuiting as you casually dunked the ring into your untouched glass of water and wrapped it back around your finger. As you explained how your quirk worked to his companion, all he could think about was being bent to your will like that. His legs felt weak and shaky, and he was so, so glad you were all sitting in a dark restaurant. 
He seemed skittish around you – never wanting to be alone with you, always fidgeting when you used your quirk. Even Fatgum noticed his strange behaviour and pulled you aside to ask if anything was wrong. You felt so guilty as he asked you if the two of you had had a falling out and what he could do to help – was the transition into working at his agency smooth? Were you happy in the position? Why does one of his interns hate you? He hadn’t asked that of course, but the question was there. 
In the end, you had cornered your colleague. “I’m not going to hurt you,” you had told him softly. “I don’t think my quirk would even work on you. I don’t want to find out though, because if it did hurt you, I don’t think I could forgive myself.” You told him. “I want to be your friend, Tetsutetsu. I don’t want you to be scared of me.” 
Scared? It had taken him almost ten entire seconds to process this as you tried to make yourself look as nonthreatening as possible. “I – I’m not scared of you,” he had answered dumbly. 
Your friendship blossomed from there. He had to hide a boner whenever you used your quirk in front of him (which was a lot, you tended to overuse it if anything), but now he got to see you smiling and make you laugh, which melted his steel heart every time. He felt extraordinarily guilty whenever he’d sneak off to the bathroom, shove his shirt into his mouth, and beat his dick like it owed him money. This resulted in more than one shredded shirt and several raised eyebrows from Kirishima, but he learned to pack a spare change of clothes in his bag. At least his frantic two-minute tangos were almost enough to get him through patrol with you. Almost. 
His situation became more difficult when the agency was working towards a major drug bust. You and your coworkers were excused from school for two weeks and were living out of the agency’s basement. There were three rooms set up there – one for Fatgum with a massive bed, and one for each off-duty intern. Someone was supposed to be patrolling at all times, and all four of you were feeling exhausted. Esuha was not a horribly busy city, but as the dealers you were after were backed more and more into a corner, they began to lash out and take matters into their own hands. 
Tetsutetsu was so ready to slide into a comfortable pair of pyjamas, eat a quick dinner and pass out, but the zipper on his hero suit was stuck. Of course it was. Kirishima had taken up residence in the room Fatgum normally slept in, and was snoring loudly, so he shuffled his way over to your door and reluctantly knocked. 
You answered the door after a few moments, wearing only a tight tank top and a set of loose pyjama shorts. You were rubbing sleep from your eyes, and if he wasn’t so hyper-focused on what he was sure was the outline of a set of nipple piercings through your tanktop he would have felt bad for waking you. “Zipper,” he said quickly, fighting to tear his eyes from your chest. “My zipper is stuck.” 
You reached out your hand and activated your quirk, but frowned slightly. “Your zipper is plastic. Wonder what moron made that design choice. If it gets too hot, it’ll melt,” He was about to agree, but then your hands were on him and he was so, so thankful it was plastic. “Come over here, the light is better.” Your hands unclasped the steel straps across his shoulders, and you used your quirk to send it across the room to rest gently on your nightstand as you worked to get him out of his jumpsuit. He barely registered the door closing and the sound of the lock sliding into place as his brain once more began to short circuit. 
You pressed closer to see the zipper better, which only gave Tetsu a great view down your shirt. He had to be hyper aware of his hands, so he didn’t accidentally touch you. He was a gentleman, after all. He had to be a gentleman, even when you once more tugged him towards yourself to get him closer to the light on your desk. Yup. Had to be a gentleman. 
You continued to fiddle with the zipper, tugging it this way and that. You stuck out your tongue and dragged it backwards along your lip so the little ball on it clacked against your teeth, and he had to physically stop himself from letting out an unmanly noise. 
You triumphantly grinned as you finally got the zipper unstuck, and then your tongue was back in your mouth. “I think the fabric got caught in the teeth!” you told him with a grin. “It was no match for me.” he was so close to you now. You were all but pressed against the wall by him, and as you looked up into his eyes, a lazy smirk crept its way onto your face. “What? Embarrassed that you had to ask me to help you out of your clothes? Aren’t you at least going to say thank… you…” your voice trailed off as he leaned in closer, one arm bracing himself against the wall above you. You weren’t a small person, but he had hit a growth spurt in his time at UA and was now almost 6’6. He made you feel small. 
He didn’t lean in to kiss you like you hoped thought he would but instead leaned over to your ear. As you felt his lips ghosting against the shell of your ear and his warm breath prickling the hairs on the back of your neck, you felt your heart fluttering in your chest. “Do you have any idea how much you make me want you?” he growled out, voice gravelly and low. “Are you doing it on purpose?” he pulled your earlobe and the trio of studs it housed into his mouth, and you had to place your hands on his shoulders to stop your knees from buckling. 
He was so warm as his tongue teased at your earlobe and one hand came up to run itself up your side, splaying itself over your ribs before slowly trailing upwards. “Well, this is one way to thank me,” you smirked to yourself as he pulled away, snapped out of his trance. “Not even going to kiss me first? No, you’ve just gotta fondle my piercings, don’t you? You have such a one-track mind.” 
You ran your hands up from his shoulders to his hair, pulling him closer and standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. It wasn’t heated or anything, just a simple brush of your lips against his. He leaned into it, and for the briefest moment, as you pulled away, he chased your lips. He caught himself as he did, a bright blush spreading over his cheekbones. “I’m sorry, I-” 
You kissed him once again to shut him up, deep and slow and filled with passion. He relaxed above you, letting himself become putty in your hands and against your lips, pushing his body flush with yours and pinning you to the wall. He was strong enough to keep you there – he could easily snap your neck if he wanted – but the way he held you was so gentle. Like you would break if he wasn’t careful. 
That was nice, but it wasn’t what you wanted. You bit his lip which made him yelp and took the momentary parting of his lips to conquer his mouth, tugging his hair as you took control. He let out a sweet little whine as he felt the barbell against his tongue. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the ground, holding you by the ass and thighs as he stumbled backwards towards the bed, kissing you more and more frantically. As you wrapped your legs around his body you felt him throbbing against the soft skin of your inner thigh and smirked triumphantly to yourself. He sat down on your bed and you peeled his jumpsuit off, grinding down into his lap as you kissed. 
Once the fabric was pooling around his waist, he flipped you over onto the bed, pinning you beneath his hulking form. “You’re awfully bold,” he rumbled. “Thinking you can get off domming me.” 
He kissed you deeply, a rolling kind of pleasure that made your knees weak and your toes curl. A wave of desire swept you away and made you almost forget your name. Then, you remembered you were Metallica and you had a series of bracelets on your nightstand. Maybe it was time to put them to good use. 
He was back to mouthing at your ear and teasing your numerous piercings, then trailing his hot mouth down your neck, before grazing sharp fangs along your collarbone. You squealed as he gripped the collar of your tanktop in his teeth and ripped it violently off of your body. The animalistic look in his eyes sent a lightning bolt of pleasure through you, and his hands left your wrists to rip the remaining shreds of your top off of your body. He sat back to admire you, letting out a quiet “Fuck” as he took you in. 
He was right, you had a set of matching barbells in your nipples, but he hadn’t known about your belly button piercing. It was one of the more basic piercings, but he seemed enraptured by it for a moment before his hands reached out to cup greedy handfuls of your breasts. One of your bracelets clicked around his right wrist and yanked his arm upwards, sending his body crashing down onto yours. You giggled at the “oof” he let out, and wrapped your arms and legs around him, mouthing at his ear. “I am bold. That’s why you like me,” you held his cheeks in your hands and gave him a commanding kiss before returning to his ear to whisper: “I’m also going to get off with your pretty mouth.” as you sank your teeth into the shell of his ear he full out moaned. What a glorious sound that was. You formed your bracelets into hooks to pull off his boots and his hero suit, careful not to tear it. He did need the thing after all. 
Pressed up against you like this, he could feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathed, and also the drag of cold metal across his body. He began to kiss and suck at your neck and shoulders, relieved that the bodysuit you wore under the armour of your hero costume would hide this come tomorrow. He resisted the urge to sink his teeth into your warm flesh. That was probably too much for your first night but in the future…
Yielding his right arm to you, he used his left to finally grab one of your breasts and caress the barbell with the pad of his thumb. He felt you shift underneath him, and then your thigh was between his legs and he allowed himself to hump it out of desperation. “God you are such a needy bitch,” you laughed into his ear. “Do you really want me this much?” 
You were winning. You were winning and he knew it. But if there was one thing Tetsutetsu was, it was hard-headed. In more than one sense of the word. He redoubled his efforts on your collarbones, leaving dark hickies that would probably take days to fade. You raked your nails down his back to get a reaction and he bit you. Hard. The strangled wail you let out was more than enough to make him come back to his senses and he pulled away with a hundred apologies on his lips. “I didn’t mean to-” 
“Fuck that was hot. Yes please, more,” you sat up with him and gave him a kiss, ignoring the taste of your blood on his tongue. The feeling of your tongue piercing against him once more made him lightheaded, especially as he felt your bracelets closing around his neck like a collar. You pulled away from the heated kiss with a sly smirk, your lips just barely grazing his as you murmured: “You want to act like a dog then I’ll treat you like one.” 
His response was to lift you up a bit so he could get his mouth around one of your nipples. You squirmed in his arms, letting out breathy groans, tugging at his hair and struggling to keep hold of your quirk. He switched breasts, falling backwards so you were on top of him. One hand grabbed the meat of your ass and as you finally released your psychic grip on the bracelet restraining his other hand he was squeezing and fondling the tit he had just been sucking. It was like he couldn’t get enough of your body, and that thought made you gush.
He pulled away from you, grinning triumphantly. “Not so tough now, are you?” he teased, pulling you into another kiss as his big hands roamed your body, squeezing and touching and sometimes just holding certain parts of you. You couldn’t help but feel grounded and safe in his arms, even though you were still bleeding from the shoulder. The warm, fuzzy feeling of safety spread across your body, mixing with arousal, and you smiled into the kiss because he was yours. 
Fucking finally. 
You then squealed as he ripped your shorts in half, tearing the thin fabric off of your thighs and laughing to himself as you slapped his chest. You pulled back to pout at him. “You asshole I liked those!” 
“Fuck, baby,” he answered, hands exploring the newly exposed skin. “I’ll buy you new ones to show you just how sorry I am.” Based on that grin, the amount was zero. You rolled your hips down into his just to wipe that smug look off of his face, and the way he gripped your body to help you made sparks dance inside of your core. You could feel him throbbing against your sex, and based on what you could feel pressing up into you, you were almost sure you would be sore tomorrow. 
You made a show of crawling down his body and snapping the waistband of his briefs against his toned stomach. You peeled the garment off and tossed it over your shoulder. In the two seconds you were turned away the smug bastard had folded his hands behind his head and had leaned back into your pillows like he was presenting himself to you. 
Your eyes took in his muscular frame, sweeping from his toned arms down to the throbbing cock between his legs. You tapped the tip. “This is bullshit,” you told him. 
“What?” his brows furrowed. “Bullshit?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, what exactly I supposed to do with this? It’s as thick as my wrist what the fuck. Can it even fit in my mouth? Of course you would have a magnum dong,” you rolled your eyes at him as you pressed a kiss to his tip, wrapping your hands around it. “Fucking bullshit. You’re lucky I brought lube.” 
As he processed your words you licked his tip, and that damned piercing grazed his sensitive skin, drawing a strangled gasp out of his lungs. You smirked up at him, giving him another slow lick as you showed off the tongue piercing. He spread his legs a bit and bit his lip, closing his eyes as he slipped one hand into your hair. “You’re good at that,” he mumbled, pleasure washing over him as you finally slipped him into your mouth and gave him an earnest suck. He was absolutely mesmerized by his cock disappearing into your mouth, and the position of your body between his legs (face down ass up – something he hoped to explore more later). 
You worked more and more of him down your throat. You reached over and tugged his hand away from his body to bring it gently over your head. You winced as he stretched your throat open for himself, moaning happily as you gagged around him. “Shit, sweetheart…” he let you pull off of him and a hot bolt of guilt shot through his chest as you coughed. “Princess, did I hurt you?” 
After coughing a bit more you offered him a sweet grin. “I’m okay, just-” you coughed again, “-your stupid horsecock is too big for me to blow.” 
“Oh,” he turned bright red. “Sorry.” 
“I have another idea,” you grinned at him, taking his free hand and kissing his fingers before pinning it back behind his head. “Harden it.” 
“What?” his eyes widened and his cock visibly throbbed. “O-okay.” He obeyed you, and you licked your lips as you watched the grey steel colour spread across his dick. It was pretty, which was a weird way to think about a dick. It was also way too thick, and you were sure was going to mess up your insides, which only made you want him more. 
You raised your hand over him and met his eyes. “Tell me how this feels,” you told him. He nodded at you, and you activated your quirk. His heavy eyelashes fluttered as his back arched, and his breathing picked up speed. 
“Tetsu, baby, talk to me,” you cooed. 
“Feels good!” he moaned, spreading his legs more. “So good!” 
His eyes were all but rolling back into his head as you played with him, and his cock pulsed hard beneath your ministrations. It was almost strange, really, because normally when you manipulated metal it was obeying you and nothing more. With Tetsutetsu, you could feel his nerves lighting up with pleasure, and you smirked to yourself as you twisted your wrist to make him vibrate. He let out a loud moan as you did, and you giggled to yourself. 
He squirmed more as you stroked him with your psychic grip, careful not to change his shape. Lord knows that would happen if you did that. “Gonna cum!” he moaned, back arching. “Fuck, what are you doing to me Sweetheart?” you looked up at him, at how wanton he was for you, and your insides clenched around nothing. 
You straddled him and leaned up to kiss him again. “I’m ruining you,” you answered lowly. “You’re mine from now on.” 
You could feel how his throbbing changed as he came. You felt the thick streams painting your ass and back, and smirked to yourself. He arched up into you and moaned loudly, before slumping backwards, limbs jelly, and panting loudly. “Fuck,” he moaned. “Sorry.” 
You reached down to yourself and gathered some of your slick on your fingers. You spread them for him, showing off how wet you were. “Looks like we both enjoyed that,” you told him, watching as his eyes widened once more. He leaned upwards desperately, and you watched in amusement as he sucked your fingers into his mouth. You once more clenched around nothing, and the slick between your legs only got slicker. You wondered if you could take him with how wet you were. 
Probably not, but you wanted to try. 
Once your fingers were clean you leaned down to give him a kiss, your hands gently tracing themselves over his pecs and down his abs. He had released his hardening after he had finished, but he was still hard beneath you as you continued kissing him, your tongue piercing clacking against his teeth every so often. You slid back down his body and he reached his free hand out to cup your ass. “You’re covered in it, baby,” his voice was gruff and husky. 
You brought his massive hand up to your mouth and then it was your turn to suck his fingers clean. He watched you with hooded eyes, and as you pinned his wrist behind his head alongside his other one, he watched you with growing trepidation. You were also a little nervous – would he even fit? You should probably stretch yourself out first, but it just looked so delicious to you. You wanted to feel him. Now. 
You wrapped one hand around his thick shaft and guided the tip up to your lips. You were so slick it was practically gushing out of you, and as you ran his head along your lips and thought “I’m going to take all of this,” your lust only grew. 
You started to lower yourself down onto him, holding him steady. The pressure of him trying to push inside gave way little by little, and he threw his head back with a ragged moan as you slid the tip inside. It was so thick it was hard for you to breathe, but the stretch felt euphoric. You coaxed more of him into you, bit by bit, but stopped suddenly and pulled off. You used a bracelet to bring over your lube bottle and you squirted a generous amount onto his cock. 
“Where do you get off on having such a stupidly huge dick?” you asked him. “Are you trying to split me in half?” 
“You’ll learn to take it,” he purred at you, and that thought made you clench once more. You imagined him one day effortlessly able to slide it inside of your ruined pussy, imagined how the stretch would burn so good as you eased him back into you. You could feel him tugging against his restraints like he wanted to grip your hips and help you. You braced yourself against his pecs as you sank further down onto him, and he grinned smugly at your efforts. “Your face is so fuckin’ cute when you’re stuffed too full.” He purred, groaning as you sat back up and slid him in once again. “Not even halfway down yet and you already look like you’re about to break.” 
“In your dreams,” you teased back, riding him slowly as you slid his too-big dick further and further inside. Your body swallowed him up like it was made to, and the stretch burned the way you had hoped it would. He was quite a bit bigger than the toy you normally used on yourself, and you wondered briefly if you should get a new one to train your body better. You raked your nails down his chest and slid a bit further down. “Just shut up and enjoy this.” 
He looked down and watched his dick disappearing inside of you, and licked his lips. Even with all of that lube, you were still the tightest thing he had ever felt, so tight he could barely move. Even tighter than he had imagined. As he watched you take him, he noticed the slightest tinge of red on his dick. As he realized it was blood, he was not proud that his first thought was to thrust up and ram as much of himself as he could inside of you. You let out a choked sound and clenched around him, scrambling for something to hold onto. “Fuck baby, you okay?” he asked, apologies tumbling out of his mouth in a borage. “You’re bleeding, did I hurt you?” 
You had released your psychic grip as you lost focus, and he was instantly up with his arms around you, peppering your face with kisses. “I’m sorry princess,” he cooed, running his hand down your back. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” you answered, looking down between the two of you. “Just surprising. Guess that was my hymen breaking or something.” 
He thrust up into you as you said that, once more attacking your neck with bites and hickies as he carefully rocked your bodies together. He growled at you as you tugged on his hair and let out a strangled sound. He rolled you over, so he was on top, and kissed you hard as you wrapped your legs around him. The drag of his cock inside of you hit all of your nerves at once, and in this position, you were almost certain you couldn’t push him off even if you wanted to. 
You once more restrained him, pinning his hands on either side of your head and using his bracelet-collar, brought his face down to you. You kissed him sloppily, once more tugging on his hair as he moaned and panted into your mouth and sucked on your barbell. The feeling of being stuffed beyond what your body could take was absolute euphoria, and as your toes curled and you held on tightly, moaning as he kissed and bit you, you knew you would have to do this again. “Princess,” he cooed. “You feel so good! Fuck!”
“Y-you too,” you hissed, scratching at his back. He tugged at his restraints once more, but as you held his hands firm you smirked up at him. “What’s wrong, want to touch me?” you slid your hands down your body and began to tease your clit, back arching as he sped up his thrusts. 
“The things I’m going to do to you,” he growled. “Gonna make every inch of you mine!” he carefully lowered his body so he was in a push-up position over you, and lavished your breasts with his tongue, sucking on your nipples like he was trying to pull out your barbells. He worked them with his tongue, which made you moan and keen and scratch. You could feel his arms shaking with the effort of holding himself up, and at the same time felt the drag of his abs against the back of your hand with every thrust. You used your free hand to tangle in his hair, and he bit down again as if on instinct. You let out a surprised yelp and he kissed your sensitive flesh as an apology, licking at the little beads of blood he had left on one of your breasts. Your cunt clenched around him as you heard the gravelly noises he was making, although he was stretching you so open you weren’t even sure it could be called clenching. You were too overstuffed and it was everything you had ever wanted. 
“Please,” he groaned. “Please let me fucking touch you. I need-” he cut himself off as he kissed you once again, sloppy and full of passion. “-I’m gonna cum. Need you to first…” you released his hands and he was immediately pulling you up into his lap, kneeling on your bed and bouncing you on his dick while he kissed you hard. Your legs were too high off the mattress to kneel on it, so you settled for wrapping them around his waist instead. He slid a hand over your abdomen. “I can feel myself!” he growled, pressing down. “Right here.” You kissed him back, moaning because you could feel it too. Feel him destroying your insides. 
His fingers found your clit and roughly began to abuse it. He was so hot inside of you, pulsing like he was happy to be there. You panted against one another, lips connecting and sliding apart as he bounced you for all you were worth. It was wild, it was feral, and he was grunting like a caveman as he claimed you. You gripped his muscular shoulders desperately, looking up into his eyes as he smirked down at you. He kissed you again, long and hard and slow, and you felt his tongue turn to steel in your mouth. You tightened your grip on his shoulder, activating your quirk on him. 
The change swept across his entire body, including his dick, and as he jackhammered even faster into you, you manipulated his body to send twinges of pleasure zinging through him. You could just about hear his thoughts, every “Yes!” “Good!” and “More!” and then the word “Mate!” popped into your mind and you once again clenched hard around him. 
He let you fall backwards a bit, once more kissing at your chest as he fucked your plaint body. Your back arched from the new angle, and you gripped at him desperately, insides twitching as they waited for that last push over the edge. You trusted him to hold you and released your death grip on his shoulders, splaying your hands in the air and making his entire body rapidly vibrate. That feeling threw you into an orgasm almost instantly, and your insides clenched around him. You leaned backwards and he held you close. It was so intense you couldn’t even scream. All you could do was lie there stiffly, unable to even breathe as the feeling washed over you. He kept fucking you through it, burying his teeth in your shoulder once again as he pumped you full. As you came down from your high, you gasped for breath and wrapped your arms around him once again. You kissed him desperately as he held you, and as he leaned back into your pillows he kept you in his arms, his cock still buried deep inside of you. You panted against him, aftershocks making your pussy twitch around him. 
The metal beneath your fingers softened to skin, and he ran his fingers gently through your hair. “Fuck me,” he croaked. 
“What, again?” you laughed a bit, drunk on the euphoria flowing through your body as you reached up to kiss him again.
“I should get my zipper stuck more often,” he grinned, running his fingers gently over the bite on your shoulder. “Does it hurt?” 
“A bit, but I like it,” you looked at him flirtatiously, before lifting yourself on shaky limbs and reaching down to pull him out of you. The wet Schluck! sound made both of you giggle, and so did the wet slap of his softening dick hitting his abs. 
He let out a gasp as his cum began to pour out of you now, dripping heavily all over him. “Fuck, we didn’t use condoms!” he looked absolutely mortified. 
“Relax,” you gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ve got an IUD.” 
He pulled you back down to rest on his chest, tracing patterns into your skin. His eyes drifted from the piercings in your ear down your jawline and up to your lips, and he gently ran his thumb over them. “You’re my girlfriend now, right?” 
“Mhm,” you mumbled sleepily, nuzzling further into his chest. 
He resisted the urge to do a happy dance or pump his fist in the air. “We should get cleaned up,” he kissed your shoulder as he sat up and carried you to the western-style shower. You clung to him as he turned it on, and finally put your feet down as the water warmed. 
You removed the bracelets from around his wrists and neck very carefully, and as you smiled up at him, he smiled back. He then blasted you full in the face with the showerhead and the two of you were giggling again. He washed your body carefully, reverently, and even somehow made hosing you out with the shower head feel intimate. 
By the time you were done with your shower, you were putting on your hero costume to go out for your patrol. He helped you zip up your padded bodysuit, and his dick stirred back to life beneath his towel as you gently draped your armour-esque hero costume over your body. “You should go rest in your own room, Fatgum will get suspicious,” you gave him a kiss and used your quirk to slide his hero suit onto him, doing up the zipper with a flick of your finger. 
“H-huh?” he stared down at it as you clasped his chest straps. “But I thought the zip was plastic!” 
You chuckled a bit. “How else was I supposed to get you alone in my room?” you teased, before offering a wink and slipping out the door. 
“Clever girl,” he whispered to himself, grinning like a moron. 
Taglist: @malicealieness 
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