#however i have recently decided that fuck it i ball i'll just think of a new name sometime later and for now i'll just use:
roseverdict · 1 year
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she's staring at me lmao
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zooone · 2 months
" OH, SATORU ?! "
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in which ?! - gojo doesnt show up to an extremely important meeting, and you find him passed out on his desk. poor guy.
words ?! - 2.2k
warnings and content ?! - swearing, teacher!reader, gojo is pathetic, reader hates gojo in the beginning but she takes care of him after 🙂‍↕️
an ?! - someone said gojo wants to be a sugar baby cuz he just wants to be taken care of for once and i went insane. also requests r open so plz send some!!
masterlist ?!
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satoru gojo,
satoru fucking gojo,
of course he wouldn't show up to the meeting that she was pestering him about for days. of course he wouldn't show up to the meeting that she stressed was probably the most important hour or two of his life. of course he would leave the seat next to her empty and completely embarrass her.
she made it extremely clear to him, even going so far as to make sure he didn't have any missions in that time slot. but even with the the reminders and the sticky notes she left on his desk, he still somehow managed to be a no-show.
"satoru, don't forget about the meeting in two days!"
"i'll be there, don't worry" a fucking lie now, "you gotta stop worrying so much."
her immediate thought was that he assumed the meeting was below him. that the almighty satoru gojo was just far too important for mandatory meetings. she was seething in her chair thinking of all the excuses satoru gojo could possibly make, and how she could argue about each and every one of them. throughout the meeting, she scribbled a few into her notebook, fingertips turning to a near white as she gripped her pen with such hatred.
and as she lurched herself through the door, bag nearly falling off her shoulders, she would stomp down the hallway. her fists clenched and her shoulders to her earlobes.
as she spotted his classroom, she noticed that his classroom's lights were still on. and a million other thoughts fueled her angered mind, making her eyebrows clench. he skipped on a crucial meeting just to hang out in his classroom?
clicks and clacks of her heels echoed throughout, and she hoped satoru could hear it as a warning.
satoru gojo, however, could not hear it,
as he was face down against his desk, drool dripping onto the wood. his blindfold was halfway off, making for a nice barrier between the hard desk and his forehead. a pen laid between his fingers, along with the papers under him.
"satoru! you're-" she yelled, before stumbling back a bit and covering her mouth. she gazed her eyes upon his sleeping figure (half surprised that he was a being who was able to sleep), and she sighed softly. "satoru?"
more clicks of her heels as she walked in front of his desk, examining the full scene. he was in the middle of lesson planning, his messy chicken scratch all over a spare piece of paper. he was practically the only one who could understand his notes. but he preferred it that way. it felt more personal.
although his snowy hair covered his face, she could see the tips of his ears as they were a slight reddish tone. and as if on instinct, she sighed out a soft, "oh satoru."
her eyebrows furrowed even more now, however not due to anger but due to pity. she frowned, looking around the room. crumpled up balls of paper scattered around the classroom, of course accompanied by unsharpened pencils and erasers with poked holes in them.
on satoru's desk was a small schedule or to-do list, and it looked like he had to report a million different missions. he's been on so many lately with the recent influx of curses, and it didn't register in her head how tiring it must've been. after all, satoru came to work everyday with a smile on his face and a joke on his lips. he was always so happy. this was a completely different side of him. it made her frown.
she decided she would help, starting with picking up miscellaneous items from the ground. her heels had been removed at this point in order to keep the noise to a minimum.
but the plan was ruined,
the moment she got up from practically crawling on the floor, her head clashed with a nearby desk. it caused a loud thud to echo around the classroom, followed by her faint "ouch."
"hey!" and satoru sprung his head up, blindfold covering one eye and spit running down his chin. his voice was raw and raspy. it had a sort of weak undertone. but weak and gojo couldn't possibly be in the same sentence. "hey - put - putit down - i got- it-"
he was delirious.
"satoru - oh - go back to sleep -" she spoke, voice adjacent to that of a mother. it had the tenderness yet urgency that reminded satoru of his youth.
"y- y'can't tell me what to do!" his mouth barely opened as he laid back in his chair with his head thrown back. a soft groan escaped his dry lips.
"satoru-" she got up, one hand holding the painful sting on her head, the other reaching out for the man in front of her. "gosh, you're burning up, satoru -"
"no - no 'm not - im fine -" he tried to swat her hand away with a weak gesture, but ultimately it failed. his eyelids felt like they were too heavy, even for the strongest sorcerer of the modern day. "'m not sick-"
"you are," the corners of her mouth bent downwards. "i think you're overworking yourself."
his ivory lashes fluttered open slightly, squinting at the sudden light that met his cerulean eyes. "no- 'm just fine -"
"how much sleep have you been getting?" now she really sounded like a mom.
"ten hours!" satoru whined, trying to put his blindfold back on. "heheh. just kiddin'."
"free hours. maybe. sorta." even his chuckle was raspy. a good chug of water would feel like heaven to him. "six eyes 're tellin' me you're worried. i - i told'ya ta stop worrying-"
even through a delirious fever and a couple hours of sleep, he was the one trying to put the spotlight on her. it made a sinking feeling in her stomach, one that made her bottom lip stick out.
"three hours is not good, satoru. especially with your technique and all -"
"i've got rct-" he whined, his arm resting over his blindfolded eyes. his pen was still in his hand, and a mere twitch would cause it to hit the floor. "im not in highschool anymore, 's okay - im- the strongest-"
she didn't want to argue back at an incoherent satoru, so she just continued to pick up items from the ground. but satoru, even with his blindfold and arm over his eyes, noticed her doing so.
"h-hey - hey, stop-" he pouted, a small cough following. "don't do that-"
"im just trying to help you, satoru." she gently spoke, like she was hushing a child. there was dust and gunk all over her fingertips. he definitely hadn't cleaned up in a while.
satoru nervously chuckled, using weak and shaky hands to unbutton his uniform. "heh, is it hot in here or 're you just happy to - see me?"
"that's- not how it goes," she scrunched her eyebrows at him, watching as he struggled to fiddle with his buttons. "let me help you."
she expected him go start whining and arguing again, but he didn't. without words, he let her slowly take care of the buttons of his uniform. the silence could be pierced with one of the dull pencils on the ground. his body heat radiated onto her fingertips, making her palms slightly sweaty.
by now, his blindfold was loose and falling off his face, and she could catch a glimpse of his feverish grin through her peripherals. thankfully, he had a thin tank top on underneath his uniform.
her touch stayed gentle as she removed the sleeves, her nails grazing upon his biceps. his laugh was small and whimpery. "hey, that tickles."
"s-sorry," she stammered, gulping down a bit of her saliva. his arms were hard as a rock, even when he was relaxed, and it didn't help that his skin was burning hot. literally, and figuratively. she noticed some faint, almost translucent hairs on his arm.
"'s okay. its nice." he rasped, his head tilting slightly. "you're nice."
"thank you. i just want to help you." and his uniform top was finally off. he let out a groan as the colder air stung his searing skin, and she noticed his abs clenching underneath his thin tank top. "better now?"
"mhm," he responded, his delirious smirk turned into a toothy grin. "y'might get sick if - if you stay 'round me."
"that's okay." she let out a shallow breath. her top priority was him at the moment, so she wasn't thinking about the busy days ahead of her. "don't you have a spare room here?"
"the floor above." he wiped his lidded eyes, an idle pout still on his lips. she couldn't believe that the same man who always had color on his face and a honeyed voice was here now like this. she felt like she should've seen the signs coming. "i shouldn't sleep i have - i have to lesson plan -"
"you're going to sleep, satoru." she said sternly, yet with a soft edge to her tone. "c'mon, get up."
"ugh, don't t-tell me what ta do-" he groaned, but he still stood up. his tall figure wobbled as he felt his blood rush. his joints fell weak, like he wasn't supposed to be even standing up. he collapsed against her, body weight and heat pressing up against her.
she was strong, there was no denying how she fought during missions, but him falling onto her caught her off guard. he sandwiched her between himself and the chalkboard, exerting a yelp from her throat.
"woah, i got you -" she grunted, pushing him upright. "i got you, satoru."
"'m tired." was all he could muster from his lips. "so tired."
"i know, i know, its okay." she whispered. he was more straightened out now, but he still leaned slightly towards her. she put his arm around her shoulder to help him walk adequately. "we're gonna take you to your room, okay?"
he hummed a response, eyes drooping again. his feet were practically dragging behind them, but she was able to guide him properly through the hallway.
"careful, we're turning," she would warn everytime there was an abrupt shift in the hallway. and he would just groan softly to show that he was still alive.
by now, she was sweating. the exertion of his warm skin rubbing up against hers made such a friction, not to mention the fact that she was basically carrying the taller man. but it felt good. it felt right.
once they reached his room, she fumbled around his pockets to get his keys. he groaned low in his chest, almost sounding like a purrr, as he felt her touch through his pants.
she recognized the layout to be similar to the student dorms, and she was able to locate his bedroom easily. of course, not without examining his place. the walls were surprisingly bare for his colorful personality. the big fake plant in the corner was the only noticeable thing about the whole living room. however, it was too dim to see.
she set him down onto his bed (and of course, his sheets were blue) and laid his soft blanket on top of him. he looked like he went back to sleep within two seconds, but as she was halfway through his doorway, he heard him and his blanket stir.
“stay,” he whispered over the decently loud ac. but she could still hear the desperation in his voice.
“oh,” she turned around, seeing his blue eyes barely open from underneath snowy lashes. “i was gonna go back to your classroom to clean up more-”
“stay, please.”
she let out a shallow sigh through downturned lips. she stared at the strongest sorcerer as he scooted over in his bed, allowing her room to lay. her heart stung a little bit at the sight, the dryness in her throat just adding to the sensations she felt.
“i have spare clothes you can borrow,” he frowned, lazily gesturing to his large closet. “they’re comfy.”
it was clear he was trying to use anything to convince her to stay, despite him being worried about her health. even if it was selfishly, he just wanted her near.
a small smile laid on his chapped lips when she went into his closet, picking out a t-shirt of his and going into the bathroom. through the white door, he could hear her softly humming to herself, and it felt like a lullaby to his reddened ears.
his gaze softened when he saw her, despite the piercing bathroom light. she just looked so beautiful. he knew that, of course, he’s known ever since they first met. but when she had her hair up in a bun and his shirt draped over her shoulders, she looked like a goddess. he would’ve said so even without his feverish state. she was just so perfect to him.
she walked over to the other side of his bed, flopping herself down. she didn’t realize how much her muscles ached until her body met the soft mattress. all of their surroundings smelled like him, a minty sort of scent flooding her nose. he was about to doze off again, back flattened against his sheets, but she scooted over and hugged him. the blanket plus his body heat was enough to make her start sweating again, but she still wiggled up against him. her fingers were idly tracing shapes on his chest while she continued to hum.
“thank you,” he whispered, voice crackling so much she nearly missed his words. he snaked his large hand to her back, pulling her impossibly close. it felt so intimate that small tears began to prod behind his eyelids.
“you’re welcome, satoru.” she responded, her tone still gentle. “goodnight.”
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masterlist ?!
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pascaloverx · 5 months
Forbidden Romance (+18)
Summary: You are in love with Prince Thor. He will soon be King and is hosting a ball between Kingdoms so he can find his future bride. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Asgard is not ready to accept the Chief of the Royal Guard as the new Queen.
Warnings: inappropriate language, use of violence and adult content in the future of fanfic. some characters belong to the Marvel universe and others were created by the author. This chapter has adult content (smut). Minors do not read or interact with this fanfic.
chapter seven chapter nine
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Chapter Eight
Your anger over recent events had to be left behind. It wasn't that you didn't want to yell at Thor, or even Loki. The problem is that King Odin passed away just a few hours after his wedding to Thor.  Which made you and Thor, King and Queen of Asgard. You, however, have not yet made your union with Thor official for Asgard. So at the moment everyone is waiting for Thor to say something.  As if that wasn't enough, Prince Steve disappeared. After he recovers from Thor's attack, he asked to think about what had happened and after that he disappeared.
"What do you intend to do?" Heimdall asks. He was a great advisor to King Odin. Somehow he knew that you had married someone, so he came to find out who it was.
"I have to prevent people from knowing that I married Thor. I'm going to Kyrax and begging Prince Steve not to take revenge on Asgard." You say as you finish arranging your dress on your body. Heimdall doesn't seem to support your idea. You can bet there's something you didn't take into consideration. 
"Without you here, the Kingdom of Asgard will be too fragile. Thor needs a partner and Asgard needs a Queen. You know this better than anyone." Heimdall speaks as you watch him. You the hates to admit it but he's right. If you move away from Asgard, the entire Kingdom will probably collapse.
"Is there no way to annul my union with Thor and make him marry Princess Jane?" You ask, trying to appeal to Heimdall's knowledge of Asgardian rules.
"You would be banished. And our future King would have to annul the union himself. My advice is that you arrange for the consummation of the union with Thor and assume your role as Queen." Heimdall speaks and you don't know how to react. 
"You mean that after I married someone who didn't want me until then, I'll have to sleep with him?" You can't imagine being with Thor. As much as you still have feelings for Thor, in this  moment your anger is greater than your love or lust. 
"I'm sorry child, but your husband and you must return to the sacred fire and swear from your heart that you have consummated the union. The sacred fire will change color and then Asgard will celebrate the possibility of a future heir to the throne. This is the tradition. And considering the fact that Thor's coronation will be soon, you have until then to consummate the union."  You tense up at what Heimdall is saying, feeling like you have no choice but to fuck Thor. 
"Understood. Then I need you to do me a favor. You go to Kyrax, tell Prince Steve I'll be waiting for him on the border between Asgard and Kyrax. Tell him I need to talk to him." You look firmly into Heimdall's eyes and then he nods positively. He left your room quickly, while you looked in the mirror before going to look for your husband. You look at yourself and ask yourself how much you are willing to do for Asgard. Now is the time to make a choice. And you do. Without even noticing, your body moves towards Thor's room. 
"Are you going to stand in front of the door?" Thor asks as soon as he sees you approaching.
"I'm trying to decide if it's worth it. Entering your room, making our union official, becoming Queen. I imagine your head is full of questions too." You respond by looking at him, without showing any reaction. He, on the other hand, seems a little lost, perhaps confused.
"All this wasn't supposed to be happening. Now I should be getting a lecture from the King for marrying you. But instead, my mother just warned me that I should move on with you. That our marriage could be the salvation of Asgard." Thor speaks with his head down, but you feel that he is shaken. 
"Another time we can talk about how wrong this all is. But right now, we must..." You can't say, it seems too impersonal to treat sex with Thor as a duty.
"Come here." Thor speaks asking you to come closer, while he is sitting on the edge of his bed. You come closer, he holds your waist. Thor then brings his head closer to your belly. 
"As much as everything is in chaos and I'm angry with you. Know that I will be by your side and I believe that you will be a good King." You say, stroking Thor's head and he seems to feel the comfort you want to give.
"I'm sure you'll make an excellent Queen." Thor speaks and you approaches him. He turns his face towards you and then you lean in to kiss him. 
"Do not interpret what I am about to do as forgiveness." You say while kissing him. He smiles slightly as if embarrassed and continues to kiss you.
"I wouldn't dare interpret, my Queen." Then you climb onto Thor's lap while you take off your dress and feel Thor undo his pants. Your breathing becomes decompensated to the same extent, while you don't say anything. You finally sit on Thor, feeling him enter you with some haste. It's like he misses you. You move up and down on Thor's cock. Until he pulls your waist closer and lays you down on the mattress. Keeping the rhythm of his thrusts, he kisses you sweetly as he fucks you under the  bed. You hold tight to his back, helping him keep the pace. In the room you can only hear moans. Your moans and Thor's mixing together. The feeling of him holding your waist to feel you more was making you more excited. You wanted more from Thor so you grabbed his face and kissed him. As he continued to fuck you. 
"I love you." Thor speaks, breaking the kiss and kissing your neck delicately. You don't respond, you just kiss him one more time. For you, this is no time for sentimentality. 
"Thor, I'm almost there." You whisper close to his ear feeling like you're going to cum soon. Thor increases the speed of his thrusts and lightly touches your back to feel you better. 
"Come to me, my sweet dove." That's all Thor says before thrusting into you one last time before you reach climax. Thor actually thrusts twice more and then cums inside you. 
"I know you must be tired, but can we take a shower together?"  You say sweetly, while you feel your legs get a little weak. Thor smiles muffledly as he takes his dick out of you  and goes to prepare the bath for you two. It seems that now you have truly become a Queen. 
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vbug · 1 year
life update + where i've been and demotivation
august 11 2023
11:11 pm
i've been pretty quietly recently across all social media and i'm sure no one has particularly asked where veronica went on here lol (i speak to myself most of the time). however this isn't saddening to me, almost no one has noticed because i still interact the same amount, i believe, with my closer mutuals and my family. i didn't take a break purposely in order to find a meaningful answer to life or to combat depression, i just felt demotivated to write or go out, ive just sat here most of summer rotting in my bed and sleeping through the day. perhaps i had a bit of a depressive episode but im back now and i think that's what matters most.
i reached 4 months with my boyfriend august 9. we went through a lot last month but we made it out really well and i think we will have a better month going forward. we almost broke up and then the day we worked things out i had dinner with his family for the first time (this had been planned months in advance please don't think it was a rash decision). things went really well that night. his sister is so cute and fiery and is a ball of fun, his mom is beautiful and mature and the epitome of womanhood/adulthood. i appreciate their family dynamic. it all just makes sense. the next day i went back over and we all watched star v the forces of evil and then me and my boyfriend drove around a bit and fucked in the movie theater parking lot and then we went and watched insidious (which i considered horrendous plot wise but the gore aspect was pretty well done). i love my boyfriend and i'm excited for our future.
tonight i just feel so much joy and happiness and i feel like things have gotten so much better and im doing so much for myself by myself and with help from so many amazing people. housing, transportation, advice... so many people supplying me with great tools for a smooth transition into adulthood. im blessed and will continue to be.
i start school august 21, so i stocked up on school supplies today. i was finally able to purchase my big girl laptop!!! it comes in tomorrow and im practically jumping with pleasure. i got all these accessories i wanted as well, which is great, and i plan on giving my ipad to my cousin once i get some money to buy a new case and screen protector for it.
as for school supplies i think i will make a list on what i bought specifically in case anyone is interested, so i'll leave that haul for later. what i got, what i major in and what i think some essentials are. keep in mind this is my first year so i'm not very well versed in college life.
with all this said i couldn't be more excited for the future. i go on another family trip in september and then a birthday trip a weekend after. still deciding on what gift to give her. and i pray i will be able to set up my teas exam soon so i can take it in order to apply for the lpn program in january. i'll be studying for it as well. has to be before september 30th! thank you all and GOOD NIGHTTTT!!!
0 notes
fandomscombine · 3 years
Heartbreak Woman [Cho/Cedric Ending]
Warning: Angst! Brokenhearted!Reader
I proposed 3 varying endings and the response was across the board so I decided why the heck not write ALL 3 choices!
a/n: I haven't been active on tumblr this past month. Motivation to read & write wasn't really there. Feelin pretty crap. I don't think it's my best work- I actually wrote this ending last month but delay posting it since I promised to post all 3 endings back to back- but with the recent burnout, my progress is slow. Proofread it and push the insecurities & anxieties away and here we are. Love was put into this, I hope you enjoy it! Don't worry, the other 2 endings are on the way.
I tried posting this 9 times now and it keeps saying error. this is me testing it with mobile so formatting is hard but I hope it posts
BG: You were hoping that your best friend, Cedric to ask you to the Yule Ball. Instead you were roped into helping him ask Cho out. It broke your heart, but at least this way while helping him out you could pretend that he was doing all the sweet things to you. On the other side of the picture, Harry was too heartbroken upon learning that Cho is going out with Cedric.
Read the main story before it diverges ending here!
>>>Heartbreak Woman [Main]
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Did Harry Potter really just ask you out and you said yes?
Touching your forehead, it wasn’t bleeding anymore but there is still a slight sting to it from the collision with Harry’s broom. Yes. That definitely happened. You thought to yourself, this isn’t some delusion from the injury.
 This is good. This is good. Hyping yourself up. You enjoy his company and that should be enough to stop your thoughts from going about a certain Hufflepuff boy. The same boy you had abruptly left alone in the greens. It’s not his fault nor it is Cho’s for wanting to date each other. You have nothing against them, they are both such lovely and kind people and not to mention popular- it was only a matter of time that they got together, Hogwarts’ Power Couple.
No, it’s just you and your stupid feelings falling for your best friend and agreeing to help with the courtship.
‘Y/n? Hii.” The voice reels you back to reality.
You blinked. “Cho! Hi!” Greeting her loudly had been taken by surprise. You dial down your volume. “What can I do for you?”
“It’s actually what you did, really… I just wanted to say thank you.”
You were confused, why was she thanking you?
“For helping Cedric I mean” She clarified. “He mentioned that you helped him with the picnic idea. It was very sweet. It was what made me finally say yes.”
“That’s awesome.” You force yourself to smile. “I’m glad you guys are together, I can finally get that git to stop bothering me with date ideas. That’s 3 weeks of my life I’m not getting back!” There was some truth to that statement, now that she and Cedric are together you don’t have to go through the pain of practice dates with Cedric.
“You y/n are the absolute wingwoman! Legend material!” Cho praised. “You're like my fairy godmother!” She continues, wrapping you into an embrace.
“yayyyy….That’s me…” You mumble into her luscious hair. Grateful that Cho couldn’t see your face.  Pulling apart, you don’t let her go quite yet. With hands on her shoulder, you stare unwavering. “Just don’t break his heart yea? He’s really smitten by you, promise you won’t hurt him.”
Cho is taken aback a bit, your words clearly coming from a strong emotional bond with the boy.  Thoughts of love, Eros, passed through her mind but brushed it away - It can’t be y/n help them get together. Y/n’s words must come from Philia love, y/n and Cedric had been best friends since before they could talk! Everyone knows that. They have a soul connection that can’t be replicated.  “I promise.”
14th February.
Valentine’s Day.
This holiday sucks.
No, not for the reason that you’re single. Nah.
Today is a downer as you won’t be able to do your annual tradition.
See every since 3rd year you and Cedric would be in a pink ensemble outfit complete with red heart sunglasses. Spreading chants of self love and showering fellow single students and professors with compliments. This all started out when your roommates teased you for not having a date for Valentine’s day.  When Cedric had heard about it, he went all out. The boy basically made sure that every single person knew how wonderful, beautiful and intelligent you are.
It was this day onwards that 2 things happened.
Complementing and advocating for self love, Philautia, in a pink get up became an annual Valentine’s tradition. (Even a couple of students joined the cause, expanding from you just both into an association/group of sorts.)
 You started to see Cedric in a new light. In other words, you were falling in love with your best friend.
Scanning the Great Hall for pink cladded pupils, you were glad that the group had saved you a seat however a certain Hufflepuff was out of sight. Taking a deep breath, you cleared your head. Get it together y/n. Today is about sharing love and do NOT think about Cedric and Cho going on a romantic date in Hogsmeade.
You were about to take a step forward when-
“Argh!” Shutting your eyes as the hall spun around.
“Relaxx!! Relax! It’s just me.”
Feet back on solid ground, you turned towards the perpetrator, the one boy you did not want to see right now. “What the fuck Ced! Don’t scare me like that!”
“I’m sorry…” Cedric raises his arms in surrender. “Is everything alright?”
“Yea everything’s fine.”
Cedric raises a brow. You forget that this boy can see through your bullshit.
“Only had a couple hours of sleep, that’s all.” It wasn’t a lie, in fact you’d only gotten 3 hours of rest last night, it was just the case of omitting that his upcoming date with Cho was the reason for your restlessness. You don’t want to blame it on jealousy, but it is.
Grabbing hold of your hand, he pulls you towards the group. "Alright then, I've got some spare sleeping potion if you need."
You wave to your fellow singles as you sit down."uh..thanks Ced." You couldn't stop vocalizing your confusion as to why Cedric is still right next to you. Normally you wouldn't complain, but today was Valentine's Day.
"Ouch y/n!" Cedric sassed, eyes focused on piling food onto his plate." Just because I have a girlfriend now doesn't mean I would disappear on my best girl."
My best girl. It hurts to be called that in another context than you wanted.
"Don't you have a date with Cho today?"
"Yea but Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop  doesn't open until 11am. Which gives me time for our annual Valentine's tradition!"
"But you're taken."
"Yes….but I could still help spreading the love!" Cedric glanced around. "No one minds that I come to join you right?"
A murmur of Nos filled your eyes.
"Haha! See I told you!" Cedric brags, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Looks at you straight in the eyes, those gorgeous grey irises melting away your defenses."You can't get rid of me that easily." He whispers, loud enough only for you to hear. You could feel the heat filling up your face due to his closeness. Too busy lost in the rapid beats of your heart, you failed to notice his face getting even closer.
A softness like cotton grazes your cheek.
Cedric kissed you!
Your mind is close to being short circuited. The area of where Cedric's lips were a nanosecond ago is cold as ice. The cold contrasted with your now burning hot, blushing face.
You could live in this forever. All external environments quiet, blocked out of focus. Cedric's arms around you while the butterflies in your stomach bursts out, occupying your whole body with sheer giddiness from having his lips on you.
But the daydream breaks.
"Hey Love! You ready?"
"Morning!" He greets, kissing her. "Uh…" It's only 9:34am. You nod, silently telling him that it was okay to miss your annual tradition. You weren't expecting any quality time today, yet he managed even if it was just for breakfast. "Yea.. give me 10 minutes to go change and I'll pick you up at the courtyard?"
"Sounds great. Be quick cause I miss you already!"
"Sure will sweetheart." He pecks her lips again then waves goodbye to the table and he's off, running.
The tension changes once Cedric is gone.
"Can I talk to you outside y/n?"
"uh yeah" Once outside. "What's up?" Trying to sound casual. Cho inviting you to speak privately isn't usual-seeing that you were the couple's go to accomplice for surprises.
"I see the way you look at him."
"I'm sorry?"
"I know.you like him. y/n. I know you like Cedric."
"Cho.. you can't be serious, he's my best friend!"
"I wasn't sure then.but just now..the way you act around him. the way you look at him. y/n is undeniable. It’s  so obvious-I had assumptions then but everyone just brushes it off as your childhood friend with each other. heck even both of you say that."
"I didn't bring this up before because I felt insecure, jealous even that I can't live up to the standard of relationship you and Cedric have.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. There were too many revelations bombarding you all at once, that you are having trouble processing what is going on.
“But I am tired of what ifs and worrying.” Voice quivering, she continues. “You've got to tell him, y/n."
The words snap you back into place.
"Cho… I can't. I can't ruin your relationship."
If you love someone and they love someone else, you let them go.
Everything Taglist :@gruffle1
HP Taglist:@onlyfreds
Heartbreak woman Tagist:
@joalinbenefits @the-natureofme @romanoffs-heart @justmesadgirl @plumso @gleefulleve @wolf-phoenix-lover @ceofcedric @savvy7392 @cedricsfluffyhair @thewayilookatbacon @LIONLIKEWOLFLIKE @mellifluous-cosmos
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levixreader · 3 years
Lemon!Modern!AU (Levi x Reader) - Dirty Talking - Joy Ride
Warning: Mature content, public exposure, blowjob
Summary: After leaving you hot and bother, you decide to have some fun while Levi is driving.
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Story 16: Joy Ride
Today was the company's getaway weekend. One that you had actually pushed for. In your previous workplace, they used to do a getaway weekend every six months. It had helped your team a lot, you bonded and just got in the same vibe and page. Every once in a while a reset was needed and you could feel that the Corp's needed a hard reset.
Everyone was stress all the time. And even if upper management was actually very productive and helpful you didn't think it normal for a whole division to be left with almost 60% of all the work required in the company. Especially because the Corp's had a high attrition rate (staff turnover). In your short months there, around 10% of the whole floor had left, which was problematic as you got few recruits and the best talent chose to go on an easier division.
But, right now, at this moment you wished you hadn't pushed for a getaway weekend.
"Stupid Levi", you thought groaning sitting on the front seat of the car next to him. You glared quietly at the man in question. He was wearing a grey long sleeve that clung to his muscles as if they were water. "Maybe I will rip your stupid shirts this time", you muttered to yourself. of course, Levi had heard you and smirked quickly stealing a glance your way. "Stop acting like such a brat", he said putting his free hand on your thigh. His thumb started drawing small circles on the inside of it. You looked down at his hand and glared at it. He had left you hot and bothered in the morning and now his stupid hand was near where you had wanted him earlier. "I can feel you glaring", he called out squeezing your skin. You pouted, the sensation felt very nice.
You looked up to watch him again. There was little to nothing that could compare how sexy he looked driving with one hand. "I am not", you argued. Still not looking at you, he offered you a small shy smile.
The getaway was at the beach and boy you were going to have fun. You had a plan. An evil plan. If he didn't like your dresses, well, he wouldn't like your swimsuits either, or any of your wardrobe for that matter. You smirked at the thought. Last time you had been at the beach, well, he had done something to ensure you require a cover-up. Not this time. If he did something then you would just... you know... show it off. And if someone asked about it, he could deal with it.
"What are you smirking about", he asked looking poignantly at you. You were at a red light which allowed him a moment to look your way. You looked at him mustering all the innocence you could. He, however, knew the look you were giving him. It was the same one you did when you were about to push his buttons. "What are you planning?", he asked his eyes narrowing. He didn't like that look. It would result in him getting horny and you winning. And he could not allow that. He had been winning recently and was enjoying leaving you, for a change, frustrated and aroused. "I'm not planning anything", you quickly interjected feeling his hand stop its movements. His eyes narrowed even further. He wasn't buying it. You raised your hands as if you had nothing to hide. "Don't try any funny games", he warned narrowing his eyes even more. It was already difficult enough that he wouldn't have you for the weekend. He didn't need any extra impediments.
"When I have I ever", you responded feigning offence. He glared pushing the gas as the light turned green. You crossed your arms, turning to look ahead. "You're no fun", you said pouting. He rolled his eyes giving your thigh another squeeze, "Behave". You closed your eyes frowning. You didn't want to "behave". You wanted retaliation.
And that's when it hit you.
Sure, you could behave, but before that...
He took away the hand on your thigh changing gears. You smirked. Your left hand sneaked towards his lap. He frowned as soon as he felt your palm on him. "Braaat", he warned feeling your finger inching towards his own shift gear. Your smirk widened, he was half hard already. "Yes?", you said sweetly. Still driving he turned to look at you glaring, you, on the other hand, stared at the road ahead. His jaw clenched as you rubbed your hand against his growing problem.
"Stop", he said. You bit the corner of your lip. Your hand momentarily stopping its movements. He clenched his jaw again. Then your fingers touched the metallic circle of his pants. "Stop what?", you asked with phoney naivety. He groaned your hand had undone his button and lowered the zipper. "If you don't stop, I will stop the car and fuck you", he threatened.
You stopped.
That didn't sound like a bad idea.
Your hand reached into his pants earning you another groan. "Or", you said offering an alternative, "We can just enjoy the ride". Your fingers wrapped around his girth. He didn't answer. You smirked again, moving your hand upwards the best you could. "Maybe", you said earning his ears attention, "We could stop so that you could loosen up", you proposed. "We're almost at another light", he countered gear changing again. Goddam he looked so hot doing that.
True to his word, you reached yet another light. You removed your hand from his pants as he lowered them to allow you enough space to work. You stared down his cock already half hard. "Well?", he asked expecting you to say or do something. You stole a quick look to his eyes before returning your gaze down to the little corporal. "Yeah little", you mocked yourself. Levi was big, but as you had discovered many, many, times he grew too. You knew he was getting impatient, but that didn't matter. You could afford the wait to admire him for a second longer. His cock twitched. Your eyes widen and he groaned, it was turning him on that you were staring at him. "Brat", he called out for you his tone beastly. "Yes?", you said taring your eyes off him. His eyes bore holes into your skull. "I want your mouth on my cock", he said crudely. His hand reaching out to grab your face.
His fingers held your chin between them as he pulled you closer to him. You could feel your mouth fill with saliva. "Open", he ordered his nose cuddling against yours. You swallowed the pooled drool in anticipation. You loved when he got like this, ordering you around, it was sex inducing. His low almost growling voice made you want to just comply with whatever he told you to do or say. Without even thinking about it, you pressed your lips together, making him frown, before opening it slightly. "Wider", he said, his tone more militant. You opened your mouth slightly wider. You felt his fingers pressure your chin, "My cock can't fuck your mouth if you don't make room for it", he said eyes narrowing.
Your lower stomach clenched. This man, could tell you to get out of the car and that he would fuck you by the tree outside and you would answer "What position?".  You wanted him to melt in your mouth, you wanted him to be the one at your mercy. You opened your mouth wide enough that you knew you could take him. He smirked, "That's my girl". His hand changed spot so that his index finger was under your chin and his thumb was on your lower lip. You felt as his thumb stroked you. Your teeth biting it seductively. He smirked wider and removed his hand moving it behind your neck.
You heard the car behind you honk. Levi looked a the light, it had turned green. "Tch", he said glaring at the car behind him through the rearview mirror. "Suck", you heard him say before gently guiding your head down at his cock. Your lips eagerly welcomed him, your tongue ready to attend. "Fuuck", he groaned into your throat. He pressed the gas pedal zooming way above the speed limit. It took a second to adjust to the moving car, your hand tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ears and then moving on his thigh so that you had more stability. "You okay?", he asked lowering the speed. He felt you smile on his cock and smirked. His free hand stroked your head encouraging you to move. Your other hand grabbed him by the base making him bite his lip as your fingers wrapped around him. His fingers tangled themselves on the back of your hair. Before he could even prepare himself, you raised your head up to the tip of his cock letting your tongue swirl around it before plunging back down. "Fuck!", he bellowed, his cock twitching inside your mouth.
Deep, dark sounds came from his throat. You were going to make him cum faster than he had anticipated. You felt him buck his hips trying to get to your throat. But, you weren't going to choke, not now that you had him quite literally by the balls. You moved upwards and allow your hand to work him while you recuperate and tease his tip. His hand on your hair clenches, grabbing a good handful and twisting it around his wrist. It was your turn to moan. You rolled your eyes upwards, maybe you were the one who was being held by the balls. He pushed your head down feeling his release close.
"I'm-gonna", he moaned out. You sucked the head of his cock pushing it against the roof of your mouth. Your jaw hurt. You could hear him panting and breathing quickly, "Yes", he screamed, your head lowering taking him in until you felt him close to the back of your throat. "fuCK!, he half cried, half moaned realising himself in you. The car slowed down until it came to a stop. He was heaving. You painfully slowly pulled his cock out of your mouth. He closed his eyes, trying to calm down his erratic heart.
You smirked watching the proud and mighty Levi crumbled in his seat.
"Don't worry, I'll behave", you taunted sitting back in your seat.
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schweiggiemydear · 3 years
Regarding the Super League - A Rant
Ok, since the League was more or less officially announced today, I want to talk about it. If you haven't heard about it, you can read the Sky Sports article explaining it here.
I want to add a disclaimer that since I am an Arsenal and Real Madrid fan, my views are biased since both teams have been selected for the league.
However, there are a few things I want to address as a general football fan that are not affected by my club loyalty. I'll include a section at the bottom of this post on my opinion on the new league just because. Editing to add another disclaimer that I do NOT support the Super League. I am just discussing the issues I have seen brought up about it.
Fan Response
A lot of football fans have taken to social media to voice their opposition to the league. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but I haven't actually seen any reason for this hatred towards the new league other than "It will ruin football" and "It's just another way for the clubs to make more money." Again, maybe I just haven't seen it, but these two "reasons" aren't really explained at all:
"It will ruin football": It's another competition that only the "elite" and "best" clubs of Europe will be a part of. This is basically the Champions and Europa leagues already. These two competitions will not be eliminated and you can still see underdogs play European football.
Is the concern here that this elevates top clubs at the expense of smaller clubs? (like Champions League already does?) Is the concern here that mechanisms for fair competition will be dropped for the sake of greed? (like Champions league already does?) (Like FIFA does every time they make a decision?) Is the concern here that it undermines the concept of competition and the idea that any team can win a trophy in Europe? This is the only valid criticism I can understand and support, but when was the last time a big club didn't win the Champions league? When was the last time a small club Leicester or Roma held the trophy? If you can count Olympique de Marseille as a "small club", then the answer is 1993.
"It's just another way for the clubs to make more money.": I hate to break it to you folks, but football is a business. (I have a lot of opinions on this - mainly regarding women's v. men's football and equal pay - but that is not the point of this post.) Clubs are always looking for ways to make more money and this pandemic has killed revenue for every club, even top league clubs, and they are looking for new and more steady sources of revenue.
Is the concern that without a ruling body like FIFA, the money for the competition will not be handled fairly? Is the concern that fans will have limited access to matches? If you take even a cursory glance at what FIFA/UEFA done regarding finance, transparency, match fixing, and fan access, you would know this isn't a valid criticism. Well, it is valid. But only if you also regularly call out FIFA, UEFA, Premier League/FA, Bundesliga, La Liga, League 1, Serie A, etc., for these same infractions. Which people don't.
Now if the criticisms were closer to "I think this brings unnecessary competition to top clubs already vying for European trophies", "This competition will make these clubs think they're better than everyone else", or "This puts a strain on players in these clubs who already play for club and country", I'd understand the concerns and would absolutely agree. But right now, the actual fan backlash seems more guided by a general misunderstanding on how football really works. Which leads to the next issue I want need to address.
FIFA/UEFA Response
Now here's where things get interesting because the backlash from FIFA and UEFA has been swift and aggressive to say the least. They are refusing to allow players who play in the Super League to be eligible for the 2022 World Cup and will likely impose fines or even ban clubs from the leagues that do participate. The Premier League/FA and the other major European leagues have issued a joint statement condemning the league. The statement mentions solidarity, a united front, fair competition, and sporting merit and claims that this new league is greedy and self-serving.
Ironic words come from institutions that are all well-known for their own corruption. Absolutely banger response from institutions that milk fans, players, and leagues every year. In fact, people on twitter made really great points and I'm going to provide the tweets here because they said it better than I could:
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(including the last one because of Slavia Prague specifically)
We all know the main reason FIFA and UEFA are against the Super League is because they wouldn't get a cut of the revenue. I don't have any money to bet, but know that if I did, I would bet it all that if the Super League offered FIFA and UEFA each a significant cut of the continued revenue, they would get the green light immediately and that trophy would be physically bigger than the Champions League cup.
I just cannot get over the irony, hypocrisy, lack of awareness, and just BALLS of these organisations to make claims of greed and lack of fair play when they are guilty of these exact things. I think Toni Kroos said it best:
"European Super League? We are just puppets of FIFA and UEFA. If there was a players' union, we would not be playing the Nations League or Supercopa de Espana in Saudi Arabia." (Kroos in a podcast on 11/11/2020)
My Humble Opinion
Now here's what I think. And again, my teams would be involved in this Super League so I do have a stake in the game here.
Firstly, I absolutely agree the Super League is elitist in nature and affects the fair play nature of European football competitions and domestic leagues. No doubt that smaller clubs would be financially hurt by this new league and it puts these "top teams" on a pedestal, especially when the last thing they need is an even more inflated ego (Arsenal included). Every club has been hurt by this pandemic and needs funds. Every club has been hurt by FIFA's practices and there's a good chance this will really mess with smaller teams' chances of earning revenue themselves.
Second, FIFA and UEFA can go fuck themselves.
Third, FIFA plans to ban players and clubs who participate in this Super League and to that I say good fucking luck with that because those clubs are your biggest earners. Absolutely no hate or shade to the Bundesliga or League 1, but they just don't bring in the same revenue as Barca, Real Madrid, or Premier League teams. Bayern Munich did recently overtake Man United as the 3rd richest club in Europe, but they are still vastly out-earned by RM and Barca. PSG is #7 (after 3 english teams) and Juventus is #10 (after 5 english teams) (source). The revenue FIFA and UEFA would lose from banning Super League teams would be astronomical. Not just in the domestic leagues themselves, but the Champions League, Europa League, and the World Cup. I mean, what's a World Cup without Messi? (personally, I'm okay with that but you get my point)
Fourth, and hear me out, I genuinely believe that the Super League is a good TEMPORARY idea. The Super League should be used as an experiment to see how competitions would function outside the influence of FIFA and other regulatory agencies. This would be a League run by clubs and players and is a better representation on how football SHOULD be organised. If these clubs take a stand against FIFA, maybe, just maybe, we can get rid of some of the corruption inherent in football. Don't get me wrong, the Super League is definitely meant to be revenue generating for sure. But it's also a middle finger to FIFA and, if its done well, the rest of Europe might take a harder look at how much they don't actually need FIFA. Do I think this is the right way of doing it? No. But has it clearly stirred things up and now people are talking about the issues? Yes.
Lastly, I want to talk about Kroos' comment above. A players union is a brilliant idea and I think the European Super League is actually a great way for players to argue for it. They can use the leverage of the new league to bargain for better rights and a union that actually tells FIFA to go fuck itself when it decides things like revenue gouging Brazil in 2014 or a Qatar World Cup. Or the many hundred other shitty things FIFA has done. For a full list, please see John Oliver's amazing coverage of FIFA in his series "Last Week Tonight" (found on YouTube or HBOMax).
If you made it to the bottom of this post/rant, thank you! Let me know what you think about this Super League and what would you do if you were one of the teams involved?
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etaerealjin · 4 years
promises || jikook
genre: fluff, angst (!!)
pairing: jimin x jungkook + the rest of bangtan
background: ex-lovers, wedding preparations, wedding planner, brokenhearted!pjm, angst, (a bit of homophobia will be present, not much).
word count: 3.7k
– [ those in italic are set in the past ]
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"Jimin!" A friend called out from behind the young man while he was folding the tripod used for the photobooth. He turned around and was soon engulfed in an embrace by his friend, Taehyung.
"Success!" They both say in unison and Tae soon helped him with wrapping up things. Of course, he's the one who arranged all of these so he's also in charge of cleaning up. Luckily, Taehyung was there to help him.
Ever since he was a college student, he's always dreamed of arranging events because it was his forté, and he really adored seeing people happy during their birthdays. His huge dislike was arranging funerals but of course he had to take those, for the money – but what he loved most is arranging weddings.
He thought, “If I can't have it, then might as well watch people fulfill my dreams for me.” Sure, he was an absolutely beautiful, handsome, amazing man but since he grew up in a highschool wherein gays or lesbians or bisexuals would often get bullied or made fun of because of their sexualities, he sulked and thought no one would ever wanna marry him, considering his sexuality.
He was gay and out, and he's absolutely proud of it. If it wasn't just for those homophobic people who bullied him back then. However, college changed his life. Taehyung was there ever since they were in middle school, and he's the only person who accepted Jimin in being gay, including his family also – but Tae stuck with Jimin through it all. From his rejections, to Jimin rejecting other people, from his first heartbreak, and his first boyfriend.
His first ex fucking boyfriend.
"My honeymoon would probably be at Los Angeles, I'll have him take pictures of me, and we'll spend a day in our hotel fucking, and then we'll stroll around and–" He got cut off when he heard a chuckle from behind, making it the reason why Taehyung had his eyes behind Jimin the whole time he was talking.
Jimin turned around to see Jeon, a varsity player who had – well, low grades, but he was a pretty fucking boy and he had manners, and he wasn't homophobic, and he's really skillfull with balls.
"So, spend a day in your hotel fucking and strolling around Los Angeles, huh?" Jungkook chuckled and sat beside Jimin cooly, but in the inside, he was going nuts and wanted to scream. He was so nervous but he got ahold of himself, unlike Jimin who had his eyes open wide.
It was just his fourth week of being a third-year college student, yes – he was now more out and proud of his sexuality but he didn't really like it when people confront him about it, especially boys, because he grew up being made fun of by them. He ended up just rolling his eyes and staring at Taehyung, completely ignoring the basketball player beside him, but his forehead creased when he saw Taehyung wink at him before leaving.
"Why not spent a day in my hotel – not fucking though, and lets stroll around the city for now?" Jungkook asked after a few minutes of silence, still stuttering through his words, but Jimin was left dumbfounded.
He wasn't going to make a decision anytime soon, and he thanked the bell for ringing. "Shoot, I still have basketball practice." Jungkook grew problematic, wanting to spend time with Jimin and wait for his answer, but also wanting to attend practice. "Can I borrow your phone?"
"Uh, yeah, of course." Jimin said while Jungkook stood up. Of course Jungkook knew Jimin wasn't going to give his number that fast, so he thought of another way to do that. "Just know I'm not giving you my nu–"
"I know, I need to call my mom."
Jimin bit the inside of his lips and waited for Jungkook to return the phone until he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Got it, see ya!" He shouted and sprinted off to the field with a wide smile on his face. Jimin got confused but he then scurried off to his recent calls, only to see his last dial was Jungkook, basically giving Jungkook his number which wasn't his intention at all.
"Wow, I despise basketball players who always get their way with anyone they want!"
Turns out, Jungkook wasn't that kind of player Jimin was expecting him to be.
He puffed his cheeks and let out a big breath, getting up from his couch and cutting of the hours he spent staring at his wallpaper and thinking about things and what could've been.
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He had a frown on his face, as always when he's alone, that got cut off and was soon replaced by panic when he heard his phone ring. He answered the call and was greeted with a loud "Hey!" from Hoseok, Taehyung's and his' friend who also helped him with his job.
"Lower your voice, bitchass–"
"Please, please, come to the office now, like right now!"
"Why? What happened?"
"Just go!" He heard two voices which were Taehyung's and Hobi's shout that in unison and his brows furrowed. He grabbed his keys in an instant and drove his car to the office. Jimin could say that he's a successful man now, he really is. There aren't much event planners and organizers in the city so when he started small, he already knew his goals and that it was gonna get attention. He's been with this job for a two years now and he loved it so much, considering that he's earning money for charity and he was working with his bestest friends.
Two years, yes – of course.
Somehow, Jimin was also not regretful with the part that he chose to fulfill his dreams despite what he went through. What they went through. There was a small part of him which was a bit thankful for the breakup, because if not, then he wouldn't be doing what he loved right now.
Was it even a breakup?
Was there even a breakup?
He pulled up in front of the office and went inside the building, taking the elevator to go upstairs. He hurried off to open the glass door but what he saw brought shock to his whole self.
By the back of the man sitting on the waiting sofa, who was reading magazines, he recognized who it was in an instant. It's been over two years but the memories still flashed by when he saw just a small look of the back of the man, Jeon Jungkook, his man. Used to be his man.
He stood there, stunned and didn’t know what to do but when he got to his senses, he realized how fast his heart was beating. All kinds of emotions rushed by him but he quickly got a hold of himself. He didn’t want to see Jungkook. He also didn’t want Jungkook to see him, well at least not right now.
He scurried off to the door behind the lobby only to be greeted with Hoseok's pitiful eyes and Taehyung biting his nails.
"Jimin.." Taehyung started and bit his lip. He let a deep breath out before starting his own apology speech but was cut off by Hoseok when he noticed how Taehyung was stuttering inaudible gibberish.
"Look, w-we didn't know that it was his voice. We didn't even know that it was him by the caller ID until he came here. With her. With a woman." Hobi started and fiddled with his fingers.
Jungkook and Jimin's breakup was a rather sensitive topic for them, including the fact that both Taehyung and Hoseok was there to witness how they both got ruined by each other. Though they tried getting them to work it out again, they all lost contact of Jungkook after that incident which led to Jimin being more devastated.
Jimin was silent. He didn't know how to react and what to even say, he wasn't hurt but there was a huge part of him that was nervous. He decided to gather his senses and breath out.
"Look, it's okay. I can face him. Why can't I? I mean, it's been two years and I was the one who caused this so..." He trailed off and unintentionally, his voice got muted on the last part. "Besides, it's not even a wedding. Who knows? It might be a – uh, a party! Or like, a funeral? Or a debut!"
"You don't have to do it if you can't."
"I can, Tae." He said and slowly placed his belongings on top of the table. He sighed and faced them, ready to talk to his ex-boyfriend and almost fiancé. He sighed and went behind Jungkook and the woman beside him and coughed, minding them of his presence while Taehyung and Hoseok stood behind him. 
“Oh, hi!” The girl who was sitting beside Jungkook stood up and stretched her hand out. “My name’s Park Jisoo, are you Mr. Park? The event organizer?"
The guy in the black leather jacket slowly turned around upon hearing the surname, and there, they locked eyes. Jimin felt his whole body weakening and he's still in a state of shock. Jungkook changed a lot over the few years, physically. He became more buff and well, hotter. Jimin wouldn't deny that. But that doesn't change the fact that he broke that man's heart.
"Oh yeah, this is Jungkook. My–"
"Oh yeah, I know. He called the office yesterday, right, Mr. Jeon?" Jungkook stood up and nodded. He didn't say a word, let alone know that Jimin already achieved his dreams of becoming an event organizer, let alone know that Jimin was the owner of the business they contacted.
Jimin let out a shaky breath and gestured his hands towards the table. Jisoo sat down across Jungkook and Jimin was in front of them. He got his notepad out, ready to take down notes, obviously hurting from the inside but he collected his shit and forced a smile.
"So what's the event? Like, is it a debut? Or a party? You know we do all kinds of–"
"It's a wedding."
And that was the time when Jimin shouldn't feel anything anymore, after two years, but he still did. What hurt him more is that the answer came from Jungkook's mouth.
"Our wedding."
"I want it here in Korea, Gguk." Jimin said as he dipped the paintbrush in the pot of brown paint, coloring the hair of the man in the painting.
"What? Why?"
"Don't you want to? I mean, Korea feels like home. It's where we came from. I don't want it to be a hassle for everyone to fly to another country just for a wedding."
Jungkook nodded and painted the sky, agreeing to Jimin's plans as he should and as he wanted to. After all, he's the aspiring organizer here so he knew what was right.
"I want to get married on a beach, babe. The aisle and the flowers should be pink, and the theme of the wedding should be floral. Oh! What if I wear something bright pink? But, Seokjin-hyung wouldn't like that, he'll say that it's his idea, right. I'll wear something baby pink, and you'll wear a white suit. It should be a windy day, we'll be saying our vows while the wind is–"
"Yes? I want our cake to be red velvet–"
"Look at me." Jimin turned around and locked eyes with Jungkook. "No matter what the wedding is gonna be like, I want it to be with you, okay?"
Jimin chuckled and held Jungkook's waist, tiptoeing and giving his lips a light peck. "Of course, who else would it–"
Jimin smiled and let out a shaky breath. "Yeah, promise."
I guess promises were meant to be broken after all. Jimin shut his eyes and drank the banana milk from his side table, biting his lip after that and letting out yet another deep breath from crying. His eyes were bloodshot and he had tear-stained cheeks that were puffy – and apparently, a broken heart.
Ever since that day, he spent most of his nights crying after arranging things for their wedding. Busy months had already passed ever since he promised himself that he wasn't going to cry about it, that he wasn't going to let it get to him, but again, promises were meant to be broken.
Taehyung even suggested that they shouldn't take the offer, but Jimin insisted, saying that he's fine and it'd be a good money for them, and that he loved doing the work – but in reality, he was hurting so fucking much. His heart would feel like it was being torn apart by every arrangement he was doing for the wedding – from the cake, to the place, to the the theme and to the location. It all hurt.
But he wanted to do it.
He really did. Maybe a way of accepting the consequences of his actions back then, and also to be with the love of his life for the last time before they go on their own ways. Jimin obviously had the worst path.
On a good note, Taehyung and Hoseok, even with Yoongi, Hoseok's boyfriend were all supporting Jimin's decisions and helping him. They had four months to arrange the wedding, and now they're only down to a week. It was all close to being finalized but the designs for the event still weren't fixed, and that's what Jimin is going to take care of today.
He started the engine and drove to the shop where he had to get designs, but as soon as he halted because of the stoplight, he received a text from an unknown number.
"Can you go to the beach?"
Jimin's forehead creased, but he instantly knew who it was. He gulped and left the message on read, turning the other way to go to the place since Jungkook and his fiancé might say something they want for the wedding. Though he knew it was going to hurt a lot, putting himself in between the two of them, but he endured that and kept in mind that after all of this, he's going to get money and well, at least, closure for himself.
He walked to the sandy beach and got confused when he saw Jungkook on the sand, sitting there alone. He wondered where his fiancé was but a part of him was somehow grateful. "Hey!" 
 Jungkook turned around after hearing Jimin and he stood up with an enlightened face. "Where's Jisoo? I though she'd be here because I was also about to–" 
 "Oh, n-no. It's just me. She's at home." Jungkook said and bit the inside of his lips upon seeing Jimin's expression. "Did you think that I made you come here because of the preparation?"
"Uh, yeah? What else could it be?" He gulped and shook his head lightly, staring over at the ocean in front of them and letting silence take over them once again. It was nothing for Jungkook. But, it was a lot for Jimin. He needed it. The love of his life's presence beside him, the wind hitting their faces and ruining their hair, and just the sound of the waves. That was enough for him to feel at peace, it was enough for him before they go on their own ways – before Jungkook gets married. Jimin obviously had the difficult path. 
 They looked at each other after saying that in unison. Jungkook chuckled and hugged himself, feeling cold. "You know, for achieving your dreams of becoming an event organizer. From the start, I knew you were gonna be successful." 
Jimin's whole face lit up at that. He was delighted inside. So happy because he wanted to hear that– he needed to hear that because Jungkook was the only one he wanted to receive it from. The side of his lip rose up but his gaze was still at the ocean, but inside, his heart was fluttering crazily. The last time he felt that was two years ago, and still from the same person. 
 "You too, I guess. On your engagement." He said even though a part of him wanted to say their engagement, which could have been. "So, uh – did you make me come here to congratulate me?" He chuckled. 
 "Oh, no! I uh– I wanted to give this." He rummaged in his pocket to bring out a box, and Jimin's face had an unexplainable expression. His lips parted and felt his heart weaken. 
 "You still have this?" He asked and gently grabbed the small pink velvet box from Jungkook's hand. 
 "Well, yeah. I-I thought it was beautiful and I didn't know what to do with it so I decided to.. yeah." Jimin nodded and stared at the box in silence before putting it inside his own pocket. He bit his lip and mustered up all the courage he had to say that one thing he's been dreading to say. 
 "Hey, I'm sorry." 
Jungkook chuckled, not sarcastically, but he really didn't know what to say. "Hyung, that was like two years ago. I wouldn't have proposed to Jisoo if I still haven't moved on from it, and you did too, r-right?" 
Jimin remained silent because he didn't want to lie. He didn't nod, he didn't shake his head, he didn't say anything. He just let the wind ruin their hair and they both remained silent. 
"Jungkook, I–"
"Shhhh, just follow me." He said and intertwined his fingers with Jimin's. They entered the small arch and Jungkook quietly got the bouquet from Namjoon. 
"Ready?" He removed the blindfold covering Jimin's eyes.
"Happy second anniversary, love." Jungkook said and handed Jimin the bouquet with pastel flowers. He was still in awe at what he saw and he was speechless, but he let Jungkook carry him away with his hand as they walked to the middle of the indoor garden with their friends circling around the room, all anticipating for what's next. 
Jungkook grabbed both of Jimin's hands and sighed deeply before beginning to say his short speech. "Jimin, I love you. I love you so much to the point that I want to give you every good thing on this earth but unfortunately, I can't – and the only good and pure thing I can give to you right now is myself." He said that while staring into Jimin's eyes, and he looked back with pure adoration as he felt tears coming. 
"When I met you it all just felt right, it felt like my problems came to an end, really. It felt like our red strings were connected, and yes, I did say that because I know how much you believe superstitions." Jungkook giggled and breathed deeply once again, slightly shaking. 
"I also know how much you hate it when people don't go straight to the point so, Park Jimin.." Jimin's face contorted into so much awe and adoration, but he still didn't know what to feel and how to describe everything. He felt his knees weaken more when he saw Jungkook get down on one knee.
"Make me the happiest man on earth? Wear a pink suit on a windy day in a beach here in Korea, and marry me?" He looked up at Jimin with hopeful, teary eyes and the latter looked back with his teary eyes as well. Soon enough, Jungkook's hopeful expression switched to a worried one when he heard Jimin sobbing hardly. 
Jimin took his hand back from Jungkook and covered his face, sobbing and crying hardly, enough for the whole room to hear and everyone in there started getting worried as well. 
"Baby, what's wrong?" 
"Jimin removed his hand from his face and wiped his tears a bit. "Jungkook, I love you, I really do, please trust me on that, but–" 
And that's when Jungkook knew what was about to come.
He bowed his head down, still on one knee. "I'm not ready for this."
"Yes!" Taehyung and Hoseok cheered in unison as Yoongi watched them from the side. "Jimin–"
His call was cut off when they all turned around to see Jimin sitting on the lobby couch, tracing a pink box with his fingers. They exchanged nervous expressions but Taehyung was the one to approach and the couple stayed behind. 
"Hey, the bake shop called me and said they just got stuck in traffic, but they're on their way now." Taehyung gently said and sat beside Jimin. 
"Oh, yeah! Thanks!" He said and kept the box inside his pocket, standing up to fix his white button-down. "Lets go? The event's starting." 
He then jogged out of the lobby and to the beach. He stopped at the side and Yoongi and Hoseok followed beside him. Taehyung was separated from them and he was one with the crowd because he's the wedding photographer, so the three stayed behind. 
They all watched in awe when the flower girls and ring bearers walked down the aisle, as well as the bridesmaids and Jungkook's best men, Namjoon and Seokjin.
Jimin felt like his world was crumbling down, but in reality, it was right there – fulfilling his dreams, their dreams, but with another person.
It hurt. It hurt so fucking much for Jimin to the point that he could no longer pretend to be happy. His lips started getting wobbly from the biting, his way of concealing his tears from coming out, until he no longer could and just let a tear fall out from his left eye. 
"For richer and for poorer, 'til death do us part." 
Jimin whispered that the same time Jungkook did through the microphone, feeling his whole self getting weak. He then got the small pink velvet box Jungkook gave him from his pocket. 
He got the ring out and slipped it on his own ring finger, watching how Jungkook slip another into his wife's. 
"You may now kiss the bride." Jimin heaved a huge breath and felt Yoongi's hand pat his shoulder, telling him something – and that is that he needed to let go now. 
 "Thank you." Jungkook mouthed swiftly which only the two of them knew. He forced a small smile through his miserable tears, and brought out two thumbs–ups.
A part of him didn't want to let go just yet, but he needed to. He needed to be happy for the love of his life, even if that happiness no longer included him.
 "Always have, always will."
inspired by: “the one that got away” by katy perry + “never not” by lauv.
rly rly satisfied with this one !! and i’m feeling angsty as fuck so :’)
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setaripendragon · 5 years
14. If I were to write a sequel to this fic, what would it be about? For Light of a Pole Star, it's currently my favorite story, so I'll always want more, lol :D
Oh! I love this question XD I’m honestly terrible about sequels. What I mean by that is that I plan sequels to most of my fics, I just never write them because effort. I am literally that bad at finishing things that even when I do finish something, my brain is immediately like ‘but what if it wasn’t finished, huh?’
So, I have a couple of ideas for a sequel to The Light of a Pole Star =D
The first one is basically; what’s Ed and Roy’s next life like? They’d be born (roughly) in the 70′s, which could make for a kind of hilarious 90′s high school setting. I’ve tried not to indulge myself with thinking about it too much, honestly, because it would be so far removed from most of FMA that it would, basically, be original fiction, except there’d be automail and alchemy.
But it would be really interesting to play with the politics, especially given the fact that Amestris has just recently (in the last fifty years or so), gone from a military state to a trade-hub. I’d honestly like to make one of them Ishvalan again, probably Roy, because that would give me a chance to play with that whole ball of issues and take a look at what that’s like fifty years later, how things have changed or not changed, etc. And I kind of like the idea of Drachman exchange student!Ed, idk why, probably because of the idea of him coming across all volatile and anti-social when actually he’s a huge nerd that just doesn’t know how to people, and Roy being the only one who’s figured that out and finds him hilarious instead of frightening.
Anyway, I still don’t know if I’d want to have them, somehow, find out about their past lives all over again, but the answer is probably not, because that would take them attempting human transmutation, and... while it could be fun to maybe have them try it together, like the arrogant self-sacrificial twits they are, it could also be fun to not. What I would honestly love to try and include, though, is someone who knew them before, perhaps a very old Elysia Hughes, meeting these two snot-nosed kids and knowing.
The second one would be Al/Nina centric, and focused on, you know, a decade or so later, and Nina dating left right and center to try and get over this quiet but persistent little crush she has on her ‘big brother’, and Al trying to be all dignified and noble and suffering in silence as he pines uselessly over her from afar, and Ed getting very frustrated with this and playing match-maker (possibly with Hughesian help).
I was just very tempted, when I came up with the ship, to come up with a bunch of past lives for the pair of them, like I did for Ed and Roy. So far, all I have is the lives mentioned in the story, but I was really tempted to expand it and try to figure out a dozen more. I also really like the idea of writing a grown-up human-chimera!Nina who was raised in a brothel.
One of the main plotlines of the story, I think, would be that Al has decided to publish a series of historical ‘fiction’ romance stories. =D As you said in your comment, it would be awesome, and, honestly, I can’t see any of the others who remember actually writing them. Ed, I think, honestly wouldn’t want to share that much of himself with the world. With his friends, it’s different, but sharing his past lives with strangers? I really can’t see him wanting to. And Izumi is the same, with an even bigger helping of ‘fuck you that’s private’ than Ed. The only people she’s ever really talked to about her lives are Sig and Ed (and probably eventually Al). And Roy... Roy would talk about it, but I can’t see him actually doing it? He’s busy as hell anyway, but also, sharing his past lives means sharing Ed’s, and he wouldn’t do that to Ed when he can tell Ed wouldn’t like the idea.
But Al? Nina doesn’t remember, and he’s resigned himself to never actually being with her in this life. He hurts, even if he’d never admit it, and it would be a romantic sort of catharsis for him, a way to feel closer to Nina. It’s a little difficult to figure out the logistics, though, because my initial idea for Al/Nina was that most of their lives tended to be very tragic and cut-short, so Al wouldn’t have as many lives as I’d like to draw on, but that could easily be fixed by having him remember more, and/or making it less an overwhelming tragedy and having it more that a not-insignificant number of their lives were tragic and cut short, maybe a little less than half, sort of thing. Still, however I’d decide to do it, if I did decide to write it, Al would write these books (one of which would be Meir/Perry, of course), and Nina, telling herself it’s only what a supportive little sister would do, buys and reads them all without actually telling Al that she’s doing so.
And eventually, it dawns on her that every single one of these books is a love-letter to characters very much like her. And then, obviously, she finally does something about it, much to Ed’s relief. (Also, just picture Al’s face the first time he sees Nina’s bedroom, and there, sitting pride of place, is every last one of his books, imagine his face when Nina admits she loves them, that they resonate with her in a way no other book ever has, and Al has the same revelation that Ed does; she doesn’t know she knows, but she does know.)
Those are the two that are the most solid in my head, but there are honestly so many aspects of this story that I love and want to explore more that I could go on for hours with ‘what if I wrote a sequel/spin-off/prequel about...’ XD
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch.9)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: None. Pure Fluff 
Note: If you’d like to be added to the tag list let me know! Also I love talking with you guys about the chapters and story to please don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought! :) 
Word Count:  2735
Summary: The first stop on the engagement tour is Fydelia, Madeline’s home! Will she be able to recruit her as a press secretary and Madeleine’s family’s support? Emma and Drake find a moment to themselves and she tries her best to teach him the waltz.
Chapter 9: I don’t Dance (Lee Brice)
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I’ll never settle down, That’s what I always thought Yeah, I was that kind of man, Just ask anyone
I don’t dance, but here I am Spinning you around and around in circles It ain’t my style, but I don’t care I’d do anything with you anywhere Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand girl 'Cause, I don’t dance
Love’s never come my way, I’ve never been this far 'Cause you took these two left feet And waltzed away with my heart
Once he cleared the hall she went back into her room and started packing, it was the first day of the unity tour. She had just finished packing when there was a knock on the door.
“Maxwe- Bertrand?” She was surprised to see the elder Beaumont at her door. Now she was really glad that she had made Drake leave.
“I'm glad to see you're already packed and ready. Today is a very important day, it's the first stop on the unity tour.”
“Where are we going exactly?”
“Fydelia.” Emma laughed and looked at Bertrand whose expression didn't change.
“Good one, where are we really going?”
“We're going to Fydelia. It's an important stop, even more important since it's the first. It shows that you, Madeleine and Liam can put aside your differences and get along, and we're going to be recruiting Madeleine as your new press secretary.” Emma felt like she had walked into a nightmare.
Later that day in the boutique with Bertrand and Maxwell, Emma still hadn't wrapped her head around the idea.
“Of all the press secretaries in Europe, why does it have to be Madeleine?” Emma was getting desperate, she was willing to beg and grovel if it meant she didn't have to recruit Madeleine, her least favorite person in Cordonia.
“As you know Justin isn't an option because he was injured and is still in the hospital, he recommended Madeleine though. He was impressed by the way she handled the press during her brief engagement to Liam.”
“You have to admit she did manage to spin everything in a favorable manner.” Emma shot Maxwell a look, he was not helping her case. Maxwell being Maxwell however, took it in stride, he'd rather have Emma be upset with him for a few minutes than have Bertrand lecturing him about the impending doom of House Beaumont.
“If I must. I suppose it will be good to have her evil, snake charming powers working for me rather than against me.”
“Yes! The unlikely hero-villain team up against a greater threat.” Maxwell grinned.
“Exactly. She still holds much influence at court and is frankly far greater an asset than enemy.” Emma really couldn't argue with that, even if she tried it would be futile, Bertrand had made up his mind.
“This is all assuming we can convince her to help me. We never exactly had a close relationship, especially after everything that happened.”
“Precisely why you will need every advantage you can get, and why we are here.”
“A dress with the color of Madeleine and Adelaide's house. A dress as green as her envy towards you and as black as her shriveled heart.” With a flourish Maxwell pulled a dress off the rack. Emma grabbed the dress and slipped into the changing room. It was a club style dress, tight fighting so it hugged her curves but a halter, so it wouldn't slip while she was dancing. It appeared to be black with a patterned green lace over it, some of which extended past the end, just long enough to be classy. It was beautiful, as always.
“Don't forget this isn't only about Madeleine, you also must convince Adelaide to attend the wedding.” Emma brushed off Bertrand's concern.
“Adelaide won't take any convincing, if there's a party she's there.”
“Yes, but you will also need the support of Adelaide's husband, Madeleine's father which will be far more difficult.” Emma raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“Adelaide is married?”
“Duke Godfrey doesn't reside in Cordonia. He spends most of his time in England at his duchy.”
“The rumors at court are that Adelaide and Godfrey don't exactly get along.” Maxwell whispered as if someone may overhear.
“Which means his attendance at your wedding will be so important and hold a lot of sway, further into this tour.”
“So, do the impossible. Sounds like a normal day at this point.”
That evening Emma approached Madeleine's estate with her friends, but she hung back as they gushed over it, not feeling in much of a party mood.
“What's on your mind Barnes?” Drake fell into step beside her.
“What do you know about Godfrey and his relationship with Adelaide?” Drake sighed.
“Not much. Married for political reasons, as far as nobles go, he's as uptight and pretentious as they come. All he cares about is titles. My least favorite kind of noble.”
“Well I guess I have my work cut out for me then.”
“If anyone can do it Barnes, it's you.” Emma reached over and squeezed his hand, releasing it before they entered the ballroom which was…surprisingly empty.
“Wow, this place is like a ghost town.”
“Father mentioned that there would be a lot turn out. Fear is still high along the nobles after the attack on the palace and more recently the video.”
“They're afraid to be seen supporting the monarchy.” Drake scowled. He hated the idea that his best friend and love of his life had to put their lives in danger while the other nobles hid like the cowards he always thought they were. Scanning the room, Emma saw Adelaide speaking with Constantine and Regina, and a man with white hair, a permanent scowl on his face who she assumed was Godfrey as he took a seat right next to Adelaide.
“You'll win then over though, you always do. It's like magic!” Maxwell inserted himself into the conversation.
“It'll be easier to talk to them alone though.” Emma noticed Madeleine on the other side of the room, clearly not interested in the party. She approached Madeleine who properly greeted her for the sake of tradition.
“You've been greeted, could you leave me alone now, for once?”
“Actually, I needed to speak to you about something, an opportunity for you.”
“I'm sure it's of no interest to me.” Madeleine tried to leave.
“I want you to be my press secretary on this upcoming tour.” Madeleine stopped and turned, a satisfied smirk on her face.
“I knew it. You've come crawling back to me, begging for help because you've dug yourself too deep into a hole. Good luck getting yourself out. I'll be sitting at the top watching.” Madeleine hissed, and this time didn't stop as she walked away from her. Emma explained what happened to her friends and they decided to take a break. While they were getting some food, Drake accidentally bumped into Neville. Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes as she approached, he was amongst her least favorite people. He droned on and on while still managing to find a way to insult them all. Drake stepped in to defend Emma, some part of her loved that Drake would defend her even if publicly she was with Liam, but another part wanted to be able to elevate Drakes status so people like Neville would leave him alone. When Neville had the audacity to compare Drake to a dog she could see him losing it, Emma almost lost control of her own temper, it took all of her will power not to.
“He's not worth it Drake.” She whispered in his ear. As much as he hated Neville, he couldn't make things more difficult for her or his best friend and so he backed off, Emma was right. Drake had a feeling that Neville would get what was coming to him, even if that day wasn't today.
“We still need his support though. We need all the nobles we can get.” Hana said. The idea that Drake would have to watch Emma get married to Liam, knowing Neville would be in the crowd to mock him made his anger spike again. He needed a moment to himself and so he made a beeline for outside, hoping he wouldn't be followed. He turned when he heard soft footsteps, relieved to see it was only Emma.
“I'm sorry, I just needed some fresh air. I couldn't let my anger get the best of me. He was right, if I do something rash it only hurts you and Liam.” Emma gave him a sympathetic smile.
“For the record, I want to punch him too.” Drake chuckled.
“I don't suppose there's a metaphorical way I could punch him.”
“Maybe if you knew what fork was for what purpose.” Drake smirked.
“Guy like him, he'd know all that stuff. I did have one idea though.” Emma raised her eyebrows at him.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, something you could help me with.”
“What would that be?”
“Don't make me say it Barnes. You know what I'm talking about.” Emma really had no idea though, she shrugged.
“Dancing. Maybe you could teach me some fancy court dances.” Emma grinned.
“The Drake Walker is asking for dancing lessons?”
“I know. Can you help me or not Barnes?” Emma smiled and grabbed Drake's hands.
“Let's start.” He led her to a secluded part of the gardens under an arch filled with twinkling lights.
“Why dancing?” Drake sighed.
“We'll be going to a lot of balls, dancing is usually involved.”
“Neville got to you. Fuck what he thinks Drake.”
“It's not just Neville. I want to do this for you! For Liam! You guys need all the support you can get, and I can't be just the commoner friend who sticks around, I need to show them that I'm an asset.”
“Drake you don't need to change. You don't need to earn their respect to be helpful. I could never ask you to change for me.” He lifted her chin gently.
“I want to Barnes.”
“I love you Drake. Despite what anyone else thinks.” Drake kissed her gently and smiled.
“Okay, where do we start?”
“What do you know?”
“You know me Barnes, I don't dance. I know the starting position and that's it.”
“Let's start there then!” Drake gently placed his hand on her waist and grabbed her other hand with his, holding it out. She put her hand on his shoulder and slowly began gliding him through box steps, as she sped up, he struggled to keep up with her. His footwork became sloppy, almost stomping on her toes. Drake sighed in frustration, breaking hold.
“This is hard. You always make it look so effortless.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“That's because I'm not stomping like I'm part of some military marching band, you need to glide. Your movements need to flow together rather than stiff, and individual.” Drake just stared at her like she was speaking another language.
“Imagine you're dancing on glasses of whiskey, every time you stomp you break a glass.” Drake gasped.
“That's a tragedy Barnes.”
“Then I guess you better learn to glide.” It only took Drake a few more steps to finally learn to glide.
“Am I good? A perfect dancer now?” Emma smiled and shook her head.
“You still need to correct your frame, you have to hold it at all times.” Emma waited for Drake to find the correct frame.
“When you hold your frame, it helps your partner react to your movements accordingly.”
“Like this?” Emma pretended to be checking over Drake's frame and snuck in for a kiss. Drake immediately broke hold, falling into the kiss before pulling away.
“That's not the next move.” Emma giggled.
“You don't know that. You said yourself you don't know anything about dancing.”
“I've been around court for years Barnes, nobles don't go around kissing each other. That was a cheap move.” She winked.
“You loved it though. Anyways, my point was that you need to be able to focus through distractions. Your partner is trusting you to lead them through the dance, especially this next step.” Emma demonstrated and explained the next step before Drake took his place with her. Drake glided forward, and Emma took a step back, spinning under Drake's arm.
“What's the last step?” Emma grinned and jumped into Drake's arms, catching him off guard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed the quiet moment together.
“As much I love this, what's the real move?”
“A simple spin.” Drake began twirling and Emma giggled until he lost his balance and they tumbled into the bushes.
“Aah!” Drake hissed and grabbed his shoulder. Emma rolled off him and looked at him, worried.
“Drake I'm sorry! Are you okay?” He nodded and let out a deep breath.
“I'm fine.” He pulled Emma back on top of him who wasn't convinced.
“Your shoulder, Drake.” He silenced her by kissing her. Her protests immediately stopped as his tongue slipped into her mouth.
“Drake? Emma!” Maxwell's voice forced them apart just as Drake's hand began wandering up her dress.
“We've been gone too long.” She whispered. Drake sighed and helped her up.
“Right here Maxwell.” They brushed each other off and stepped out from the gardens.
“What were you doing out here?” He looked them up and down.
“I was teaching Drake to dance.” Maxwell clearly didn't buy it.
“She was Maxwell.” Everyone dropped the subject.
“Thanks Barnes. I never wanted to learn because I didn't want court to change me. You've done it all though, you're going to be queen, but you're still the New York waitress that I fell in love with. If you can do it, then so can I. For Liam, for Cordonia, for you.” He gave her a meaningful look and she returned it, walking back inside to the ball behind Maxwell.
“Lady Emma!”
“Bertrand!” She mocked his rushed tone and waited for him to explain.
“I've been looking everywhere for you. Adelaide and Godfrey are alone, you should talk to them now.” Emma made her way over to Adelaide and tried to recruit her with no luck, she also had no luck with Godfrey, but she was able to figure out why everyone was so tense. It was something at least, she needed to talk to Madeleine again though, Bertrand would be furious if she didn't recruit her.
“Any luck?” Hana asked. Emma shook her head.
“I need to talk to Madeleine again, I know what's bothering them all.”
“I think that's going to have to wait.” Emma followed Maxwell's gaze to where Neville was asking Madeleine to dance. Emma's lips curled into a smile, Liam was nowhere to been seen.
“Let's show them how it's done Drake.” He looked at her wide-eyed and shook his head. “You want to give him the courtly middle finger, this is how you do it. You've got this.” Emma grabbed his hand and dragged him on to the dance floor. Drake took one look at Neville and his demeanor changed, he deftly began guiding Emma through the steps. She looked over her shoulder and saw him scowling at them, Emma turned back to Drake and grinned.
“We're definitely getting to him.”
“Guess he can't handle a little competition.” Neville grew increasingly showy, twirling Madeleine and gliding her across the dance floor, his scowl never leaving them.
“I think he's going to do something big. Can you do a lift?” Emma looked at Drake and was genuinely concerned, she wasn't going to ask him to do something that would hurt him. He nodded and met her gaze, he could do it. As the music crested, Drake lifted Emma by her waist and spun her as she threw her arms back, he gently set her down as the music stopped.
“That was amazing Drake!” Emma wrapped her arms around him and laughed as their friends rushed over.
“I guess she really was teaching you to dance. Stop holding out on me Drake!”
“Where'd you learn to do that Drake?” Hana joined them as Neville stormed over. Again, he tried to pick a fight with Drake and the others.
“Just because you did one waltz doesn't mean you belong here with us.”
“Why are you so threatened by Drake? It it because you know that no matter what you do in your sniveling life you'll never be as good as the commoner who took a bullet for the future queen.” Emma got in Neville's face and he took a step back sneering.
“That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard.”
“Really? Then why are you running with your tail tucked between your legs?” Neville huffed and walked off, at a loss of words.
“Thanks Barnes.” Before Emma could say anymore, she heard a commotion and turned to see what it was. Madeleine and her parents had begun arguing in raised voices.
Tag List:  @notoriouscs @sleepwalkingelite @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo @princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore @leelee10898@roonarific @indigo39 @skyila @speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad @blackwidow2721 @drakewalkerfics@findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] The Peaches
Gerald pulled his Geo Tracker up to the house fifteen minutes early to his appointment with Mrs. O'Brien. He hated to be late. His baseball coach in high school preached the same motto to his team during his four years at the school; "To be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late, to be late is to be dead". Gerald liked that axiom.
He pulled the dusty sun visor down and slid the mirror open to give himself a final glance before going to the door. His blue scrub top had a small dirt smudge on the shoulder, probably from the seat belt. The car had more rust than metal, the interior upholstery was falling apart, and the transmission slipped more often than not, but the old Neon had done well the last two years. Just one job left. After that, Gerald could by whatever car he wanted. He just had to make sure to make this one count. Gerald's gaze then drifted up to his slim, oblong face. He forgot to shave this morning and his dark stubble peppered his pale skin. His eyes gave away his late nights, with dark bags hanging like loose teeth flanking his long crooked nose. Gerald drew back his lips like a dog snarling to expose his pearly white teeth. He held this look in the mirror for some time before deciding it would be best to tone down the smile a few degrees. Yes, that's it. The perfect used car dealer's smile. Mrs. O'Brien would either like him or she wouldn't, but it would not matter for long anyway. People in his line of business tended to die often. Gerald opened his door with a loud creak and climbed out to take a good look at Mrs. O'Brien's humble abode. His car had some trouble climbing the mountain roads leading out of Maggie Valley to Mrs. O'Brien's cabin. Her log home sat at the very precipice of the mountaintop community, overlooking all the other homes sitting on the hillside and the valley town of Waynesville below. From this vantage point, Gerald could see Shady Lane Trailer Park, the place he called home. He laughed. Not only was his car out of place on the slopes, he was as well. The air was still chilly this morning, his breath coming out in little white puffs. The closest cabin from Mrs. O'Brien sat two hundred yards below, and being this late in the season Gerald doubted anyone else would be living in the hillside community. Out-of-towners and old rich fucks are the only ones that could afford these homes sitting like castles overlooking the peasants. It made for a quiet morning atop the mountain, though. Gerald liked quiet. Gerald stepped up onto the wrap around deck, his footsteps amplified by the mountain acoustics making each step sounding like a giant monster making it's way down the slope. He liked that, it was appropriate. He rounded the corner and stopped at the heavy oak door. Gerald gave two hard knocks on the door. Nothing. He knocked harder this time. Gerald thought he heard something stir inside but once again, silence. Christ, he thought, don't tell me the bitch died already. This time Gerald did hear something, faint, but definitely there. Then again, louder this time, with more sense of urgency, as if she were afraid that she might not make it to the door in time. "Come in! Yes, please, come right in, dear!" Good, Gerald thought, with his teeth bared in malicious smile, Too feeble to make it to the door. This should make things rather easy. He hid the smile and replaced it with what he considered a genuine look of concern and care then creaked open the door a few inches. Unlocked. She's the trusting type, too. Gerald poked his head into the house, "Mrs. O'Brien?" "Yes, yes, dear. Please, come in," she responded before breaking into a coughing fit. Gerald slipped into the home and closed the door gently behind him as he placed his bag on the hardwood floor. His eyes were immediately drawn to the wall of windows that overlooked the valley below, still barely visible through the morning fog. Stuffed animals heads hung on every wall, each with it's dead eyes staring at him. He liked that. The great room consisted of living space, dining area, and kitchen. A staircase climbed up to a loft that ran the length of the great room to a walled off second story room which Gerald guessed would be the master bedroom. Still no sign of Mrs. O'Brien. "Hello?" he called out, his voice amplified in the great space. Shuffling came from the hall just passed the kitchen area. "Yes, hello? Is that you, Gerald?" A walker with tennis balls on both beet appeared from around the corner of the hallway followed by the woman that appeared in the file Gerald read before making his trip up the mountain. "Yes, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. O'Brien," he lied. Mrs. O'Brien flashed him a smile that revealed more gums than teeth. "So you're here to kill me, right?" Gerald's fake smile faltered and a genuine look of surprise took its place. "Excuse me, ma'am?" he asked. Mrs. O'Brien's nearly toothless smile grew wider and she let out a tremendous laugh that surprised Gerald. She let go of her walker briefly to clap her hands together softly before she lost her balance and returned both hands to the safety of the handles. "Oh, goodness," she said, still chuckling, "You should have seen your face, kiddo. Did the good people at Horizon Home Health not warn you of my morbid sense of humor? I figured my last helper, Jackie, would have given you the scoop on ol' Mrs. O'Brien." Gerald relaxed a little and his faux smile and look of care returned to his face. "I'm afraid not, Mrs. O'Brien. I just didn't want you to think I was some kind of monster." Not yet, at least. We'll save that for later. "Actually, Jackie hasn't been into work the past few days. That's why they sent me today." Mrs. O'Brien's smile turned sour and her eyes had a glimmer of tears. "Oh, goodness. When the scheduling folks called me I just assumed she finally got her vacation she asked for. Is she okay?" "Well, she did put in for the vacation but our boss never signed off on it," Gerald replied, "I'm sure we'll her from her any time now, we have a pretty relaxed atmosphere at Horizon. My boss was just happy that I was able to come in her place." Gerald picked up his bag and motioned with it to the table, Mrs. O'Brien nodded and Gerald made his way over to set up his gear. "If I hear anything from her, you'll be the first to know." Mrs. O'Brien looked assured. "Well I appreciate that. Everyone there seems to be so close, like a family. That's why I like when you pay me your visits." "We are fairly tight-knit," Gerald lied. In reality, Gerald didn't give two shits about Jackie or her whereabouts. She was an airheaded cunt who was frequently late. To be late is to be dead. Jackie's recent absence did have its benefits, though. One last job, Gerald thought. "Well, honey," Mrs. O'Brien started, "If you're going to be with me for any amount of time we better get one thing straight, cut the "ma'am" and "Mrs. O'Brien" bullshit, please? I'm Cheryl to to my friends, and with such a handsome face as yours, I'm hoping I can call you a friend. Gerald gave a short, forced laugh. "Very well, Cheryl, I think I can manage that. Now, what can we do for you today?" Cheryl O'Brien fought with her walker, placing it in an angle to the kitchen table before plopping her fat body into the chair. Her nightie slipped shortly, flashing her hairy snatch at Gerald. He gave a slight grimace, she gave no notice. "Could you get me my afternoon snack, dear? I know that's a bit below your usual duties, but I am quite hungry. I usually go for peaches at this time of day. I keep them in the pantry, first door on your right down the hallway." Gerald gave a polite smile. "I would be happy to, Cheryl." She gave him a weak smile before breaking into another coughing fit. Gerald turned into the hall and opened the pantry door. His hand fumbled for the switch on the wall next to the door. He found it. A fluorescent light flickered alive with a hum. Gerald stood in the doorway, confused by what he saw. The pantry had three shelves, each running the length of the eight-foot long walls and coming together at the back on a five-foot wall. A single fluorescent light fixture with two bare-tube bulbs illuminated the room. It was very plain as far as pantries go; the contents, however, were the confusing aspect of the space. Peaches; well over three hundred cans of peaches lined each shelf. The shelves were stacked four high on each shelf, not a single can out of place. A voice broke Gerald out of his confusion. "Diced or sliced, dear, I don't mind!" Cheryl called from the dining room. "I'll see what I can come up with," Gerald called back playfully. Gerald walked back into the great room area where Cheryl waited for him. Her nightie slipped again in his absence, this time exposing a sad, sagging breast. Gerald politely shielded his vision. "Oh, goodness," Cheryl started, pulling the gown up to her chin, "I'm so sorry. Jackie usually isn't as punctual as you were today; I'm usually very-well put together." "No harm," Gerald replied, faking a forgiving smile. He set the can of peaches on the table. "Now, where can I find a bowl or-" "No matter," Cheryl cut in, "This will do just fine." Before Gerald could offer once more, Cheryl reached across the table and pulled the tab on the can of peaches. She turned the can on end and slurped the peaches straight from the can. Most made their way into Cheryl's mouth where she chewed them with an open mouth, while others down on or under her nightie. Gerald watched hiding a look of disgust as Cheryl overturned the orange mass in her mouth, thrashing every peach against the few teeth she still had in her repulsive mouth. She continued gobbling until she slurped the last diced peach from the can and placed the can on the surface of table, now littered with the half-chewed bits that escaped her repugnant hole. "You'll have to excuse me, dear, "she said licking her lips, "I was hungrier than I thought." She belched. Gerald gave her a half-assed smile this time. "No matter. I needed to have a record of food intake today, looks like we can cross that off the list." Cheryl smiled at him, masses of peach clung to her few teeth and the water from the can gleamed on her chin, neck, and cleavage. This may be the easiest one I've done, Gerald thought. "It also has a shower on your list for the day, Cheryl. Would you like to take care of that now?" Gerald asked, trying to hide his sarcasm. "That would be lovely, dear. The bathroom is the second door on the right. Go ahead and run the water for me, please? The water heater has an element that's been acting up and the water takes forever to heat up." Perfect, Gerald thought, The dumb bitch is giving me an opportunity to scope out the place. "Of course, Mrs.- ...I mean Cheryl." Used-car salesman smile. Cheryl's smile widened before she broke into another coughing fit. "Please excuse me," she said after regaining control of her breathing, "I'm still getting used to the air up here."
Gerald turned the corner into the hall. "Beautiful place you have up here, Cheryl. I love the location." For once, that was the truth. It would be days before anyone would be up here to check on the broad, plenty of time to get what money or valuables he needed.
"Isn't it beautiful? Jackie said the same thing the first time she came here. She was delightful."
"Yeah, we are all hoping she comes back after the weekend," Gerald called back. He looked back on habit to see if she made it into the hallway yet. With that walker and cough, she will be like a cow with a bell. He stole a glance into an open doorway, her bedroom by the looks with a hospital bed, daily medication containers, and pill bottles that littered her bedside table.
"I certainly hope so," she called back, still struggling to get to her feet in the dining room, "When I had her for lunch on Tuesday she left her purse here. I wouldn't think she could get too far without it!"
"Odd," Gerald called back, uninterested. He found what he needed. Tucked under an old rocking chair in the corner of her bedroom was a Sentry Safe lock box. The key was hanging from the lid. "Are doing alright in there, Cheryl?", he called back to her.
"Yes, dear, these legs just aren't what they used to be."
Gerald, satisfied with what he had found, made his way into bathroom where he would spring his trap on the old bitch. He flicked on the lights, felt through the curtain of the shower and turned the water on full blast. He slid behind the door and wrapped an end of a towel in each hand, a crude but effective garrote. "Ready whenever you are, Cheryl," he shouted into the hall.
Gerald smiled at his own wit. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. He heard splashing water and his smile faded. The water from the shower was flowing over the tub walls, forming small rivers on the floor that led to his feet. He hadn't bothered to open the shower curtain, the water effects were just for show to lure the old cunt in. Gerald looked into the bathroom mirror to get a look of what was obstructing the drain and he dropped the towel.
He felt his feet splashing in the water that now covered the entire bathroom floor as he staggered to the shower curtain. He blinked slowly, grabbed curtain, and shoved it aside.
Gerald killed before. He travelled often and travelled far. He always had a different name and background when he applied for these jobs, he was good a forging, faking, and acting. His kills were clean, usually strangulation. Sometimes he used insulin if the client required it for controlling diabetes.
This was not clean.
He covered his mouth and fought the urge to vomit or scream.
Jackie's blonde hair was red with the bloody water that surrounded her. Her face, what was left of it, secreted pus from the sockets that once contained eyes. Her nose was bitten off and floating by her shoulder. Each breast was a gory stump and her intestine hung out like tentacles for the lower half of her body was gone.
"Yes," a mangled voiced said from behind him, "When I had her for lunch Tuesday she forgot her purse."
Something whizzed by Gerald's head and a purse splashed into Jackie's watery grave, spraying Gerald with carnage. He did not dare turn around, his feet were rooted the linoleum floor.
The mangled, distorted voice continued, like a some alien child trying to emulate the English language; "I've killed before. I travel often and I travel far, always with a different name and background. Turn and face me, you may recognize my kind."
Gerald felt a warm fluid spread across the front of his pants. Something slithered around his feet be he did not look; he locked his eyes shut and began a pathetic cry. "You'll have to excuse me," the voice snarled, "These legs aren't what they used to be," the creature let out a tremendous cough, "And I'm not quite used to the air up here."
The being was close now. Gerald could feel its heat on his back.
"Face me, Human. Does mies jeschet boene doesef douvema enitemaus. What do you call me, Human?"
Gerald felt himself rotating and forced his eyes open.
He looked into the mouth of madness and saw the black maw of the universe stretch and grow exponentially without end or beginning.
Then, he knew nothing.
submitted by /u/kirkmaneuver [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2VCpp7A
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