#however. LOOK AT THE BABIESSSSS so I had to
kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Cal (and Nugget) via almondmilkhunni's IG Story
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takenbypeter · 3 years
Tired of Hiding
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Loki x reader
Word Count: 885
Summary: You and Loki have had a relationship for awhile now and you’re tired of hiding. 
First Loki story babiesssss! I’m excited for this one cuz I absolutely love Loki 💚 also I suck at angst so I hope you don’t cringe reading this
You were fine.
Everything was fine.
At least that’s what you kept telling yourself, but you knew better than that. At first the idea of a secret relationship was exciting; sneaking around with only moments shared between the two of you. It was special. But soon, the things you used to enjoy about having a hidden relationship were now the things you hated about it.
You tried to keep these thoughts to yourself, not wanting to stir the pot, but if you kept it in any longer you were going to explode. So you decide to bring it up. Casually, of course.
You wait until he’s in a good mood. Easy day, no issues, it was the perfect day. You two were currently nestled against each other, enjoying a cuddle session. With nothing except the sounds of your breaths intermingling in the air.
“Loki?” You asked, earning a delicate hum from him. Voice soft, you push through the worries that fill your head. “I want to tell the others about us.”
The room fills with silence and you begin to worry feeling his chest stiffen against you.
“Y/n, we both agreed it was better this way.”
You frowned. Already sensing how this was going to go. You scoot away from him and perch up on the bed. “We agreed that we didn’t want to be bothered by others. But this—hiding our feelings. It’s getting tiring, I want to hold your hand—hug you—kiss you, in public.”
“We can’t.”
“Why not? What are you afraid of?”
“I’m not afraid of anything. I’m a god.” He exclaimed the last sentence with such confidence, as if him being a god was the most important thing.
This earned a look of shock from you, which then shifted into anger, “and I’m a human—that’s what this is about, isn’t it?”
His eyebrows connect, making his forehead crease, “what are you going on about?”
You press your lips together, while simultaneously puffing your cheeks out. Not wanting to dig deeper into this, you push yourself off from the mattress and head for the door. Your escape plan however, gets ruined when Loki appears in front of you.
“Pet, what are you going on about?” He repeats slightly louder while lowering his head to match yours. You make a point in avoiding his peering eyes.
“Loki, I know what this is really about.”
“Tell me, so I know what this really is about?”
“You’re gonna make me spell it out?” You ask, voice matching his.
“Please spell it out for me!”
Again you puff air into your cheeks. You didn’t want to do this—but you knew you had to.
“Loki, it’s no secret how much you hate earth. How often you’ve made fun of Thor for liking a “silly little Midgardian,”” you made sure to put air quotes around the last phrase. “I know you don’t want anyone to know about this—“ you waved your hand towards him then back at yourself, “because you’re ashamed!”
His creases deepen, “ashamed?”
“Yes. Ashamed! Of me—because I’m just some silly midgardian and you’re some perfect, flawless god.”
“Perfect, flawless god?” He backs away from you, spitting his words into the air. “Yes I am a god. But have you forgotten that I am the most hated god on this planet.”
You hold your tongue while he continues.
“Or the fact that I hurt those who love me.”
“You’ve never hurt me.”
“And I’m not going to.” His voice suddenly lowers. “That’s why we can’t tell anyone. Do you know how people would view you if they found out you were with me? The looks you would get? The things people would say?”
You shake your head, stopping him from continuing, “I don’t care what people say.” You take your hands and cup his cheeks, “I only care about you and me.”
Closing his eyes he leans into your touch for a moment before looking back into your eyes. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You can see it. The pain, the unsure look on his face. “I won’t. I know you’ll be here to protect me.”
Holding your gaze he takes in your words willing them to be true. You press your foreheads together, eyes never leaving his, “I don’t want to hide anymore.”
He locks onto your eyes and you hold his gaze. After what seems like minutes he finally speaks up, “okay. No more hiding.”
“No more hiding.”
“Is everyone here?” You asked after gathering the other Avengers into the living quarters.
Looking around the room you confirm everyone’s appearance, before you nod towards Loki. He takes a step towards you, and you reach out taking his hand. “We’re together. We’ve been together for a while now and never told anyone but we’ve decided it’s time to just put it all out there.”
The room fell into a hush and you felt Loki squeeze your hand under the pressure.
Sam was the first to break the silence, “It’s about time. Goddang!”
You looked at them confused.
“You owe me twenty dollars.” He added turning towards Bucky.
“Wait. You knew?”
Some murmured while others nodded. “Wait, you all knew?” Said one booming voice through the murmurs.
You looked to where it came from seeing Thor, “you all knew and didn’t tell me!?”
I hope you all enjoyed that and have a magical day ✨
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Double Date
(a blurb from the Flatmate series)
…in which “I don’t want whoever I end up dating to feel second to you.”
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Word count: 2.4k
This is inspired by the song ’gold rush’ from Taylor’s new album ‘evermore’. This song reminds me so much of the flatmate babiesssss.
Harry didn’t believe in his own ears.
His flatmate?
Going on a date?
No way.
But why would she lie about that? And he knew she hadn’t made that shit up, because the guy existed, and Harry had spoken to him and seen Y/N have a conversation with him several times before. However, never would Harry have thought that the two of them would go on a date. He couldn’t even imagine them holding hands. It was just bizarre. Also, Y/N never went out, and she hated people. Did she know that ‘dating’ required being around a person all the time? It would never work.
“You’re going on a date?” Harry asked as he followed her into the kitchen.
“No,” she answered flatly.
“Okay, then can I come with?”
“No!” cried Y/N as she shoved him aside to get to the fridge.
Harry huffed like an angry child as he leaned back against the wall, arms crossed. “If he’s just a friend, why can’t I come with you?”
“Because it’d be weird! You don’t know my friend.”
“Not true. I had two classes with him last semester.”
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?”
Harry’s mouth froze as he opened it and realised he didn’t know the answer. Y/N shut the fridge door and started drinking her milk slowly with an eyebrow raised, waiting for the answer that he didn’t have.
“Okay, fine,” he sighed. “Who the fuck cares what his name is? It’s shady that you don’t want me to hang out with him.”
“He didn’t invite you.”
“But he wouldn’t mind if you did because we’re all friends, aren’t we?”
Y/N rolled her eyes. She didn’t comment and just brushed right past him. Harry knew it was her way of ending the conversation, so he hurriedly followed her out of the kitchen. She flopped down onto the couch and he came to sit beside her. She grabbed the remote to turn the telly on. He snatched it away, forcing her to stay in the conversation. He wasn’t going to let this end so easily. His need to win all the time was his most toxic trait, according to Layla. But oh well, nobody’s perfect. He had to have at least one flaw.
“Are you ashamed of me?”
“No.” Y/N scrunched up her face and reached for the remote. Harry immediately sat on it. “Hey!”
He ignored her reaction. “Then why don’t you want me to go with you and your ‘friend’ to this concert?”
“It’s not a concert. It’s an acoustic night at a cafe.”
“I still wanna go.”
“You’re annoying.” Y/N aggressively hugged a pillow to her chest and turned away from him.
Harry felt guilty. He might have said too much. If he was aware of him being annoying, it must be worse for her. And he never wished to upset her. He just didn’t want her to go on this ‘not really a date’ date.
“What if I bring someone?” he asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N glared at him. “Like...a girl?”
“Or Niall.” He shrugged. “Depends.”
He expected her to be jealous or at least showed that she was jealous. To his disappointment, she gave a nonchalant shrug and said, “Okay.”
“Okay I can go if I bring someone?”
“Sure, then you’ll have someone else to annoy.”
Harry chuckled as he looked at her while she looked somewhere else. “You could be so mean sometimes.”
She rolled her eyes and gave a smirk. “Thank you.”
AJ. That was Y/N’s date’s name.
Why would anyone want to name their child AJ? It was like his parents didn’t even try. Harry hated to be an arsehole. Well, not really. But yeah, he fucking hated this dude.
“I can’t believe you dragged me into this,” Layla mumbled and shot Harry a glare as they followed AJ and Y/N to their table.
“It’d be embarrassing if I’d gone with Niall,” Harry whispered to Layla as they took their seats facing the other two, who were too caught up in their conversation to pay attention to all this shady whispering.
“Just pick another one from your long list of hoes,” Layla said.
“Well, I don’t want to make anyone think I’m taking them on a date.” He flashed her a smile. “So I picked you.”
Layla rolled her eyes and picked up the menu. “Wait. They don’t have anything with alcohol?” she asked aloud.
“Try this vanilla drink. So you wouldn’t be so fucking bitter all the time.”
Layla smacked Harry on the arm for his comment. Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw Y/N holding back a laugh by biting her lip. If only she knew how cute she looked tonight wearing that babydoll dress and her hair up in a ponytail. He wanted to tell her, but it’d be weird, wouldn’t it? They never complimented each other. And knowing how anxious he’d get, he’d probably say some dumb shit like comparing her to a ghost or something.
“The drinks aren’t the best,” AJ said after the waiter had left with their orders. “But the music is great. My favourite band is playing tonight.”
“Oh, what’s the band’s name?” Y/N asked.
“The Muse.”
“Never heard of them,” Harry said nonchalantly and received a glare from Y/N. He gave her a subtle shrug.
“Well, they’re a small band. But they’re great,” AJ said, smiling.
Layla tapped Harry on the shoulder and leaned in to whisper to him, “He’s handsome and respectful. You don’t stand a chance.”
“You don’t think I’m handsome and respectful?” he asked her, raising an eyebrow.
Layla scoffed. “Handsome, yes. But you’re a hoe.”
Harry was so used to Layla’s sense of humour, he didn’t find these comments offensive at all, just funny, and kinda true. He was far from a saint. “Is that coming from a certified hoe?” he jokingly asked.
Layla smirked and pushed his face away. “Shut the fuck up.”
Harry let out a laugh, shaking his head. When he looked up, he caught Y/N staring. She turned away as quickly as she could but was unable to hide her blushing. Had she been checking him out? He wasn’t complaining. It was flattering, to say the least. With her date sitting right there.
He flinched and turned back to Layla. “What?”
“Stop looking at AJ like he murdered your cat. You’re being embarrassing right now.”
“We’re not actually on a date, Layla.”
“I know.” Layla sighed. “That’s why I’m tolerating you.”
Their drinks were served just in time the opening act - a lady singing Taylor Swift songs - ended, and the main act arrived. Four men stepped on the stage and started setting up their instruments. The main singer introduced themselves as The Muse, and the first song they were going to sing had some weird symbolistic name that Harry forgot as soon as he’d heard it. He was too busy watching Y/N. AJ whispered something into her ear, making her giggle and Harry’s blood boil.
He was most familiar with that laugh. He’d made her laugh like that all the time. Well, yes, it was kinda weird to be gatekeeping someone’s laugh. But the fact that Y/N found this boring bloke funny made Harry’s skin crawl.
Suddenly, Harry caught Layla’s warning stare, so he swallowed his jealousy and took a sip of his coffee, which had already got cold.
The Muse sang two or three songs in a row and interacted with the audience in between little breaks. Meanwhile, AJ entertained Harry, Y/N, and Layla with his boring stories about his academic achievements. Also, he kept bragging about him being able to cook. We get it, Ratatouille, Harry thought. Go open a restaurant in Paris or something!
What Harry found more annoying than this guy having all the qualities a woman would look for in her future husband, was the fact that Y/N was completely infatuated. If she was just being nice, she should win an Oscar for Best Actress.
“Question,” Layla whispered to Harry when AJ and Y/N were lost in their own world again. “Will I be your plus one to their wedding?”
“Shut up,” he scoffed.
Layla shrugged. “I hear wedding bells ringing. Don’t you?”
Fuck bells. Fuck weddings. Fuck AJ. Fuck Layla. Harry wanted to say fuck Y/N, too. But he had a crush on her so he couldn’t hate her. Fuck this whole place. Fuck everyone except for his Y/N.
“Would any of you like to come on stage and perform with us?” asked the lead singer of The Muse.
“Ooooh, this is my favourite part!” AJ said, his green eyes twinkling.
Fuck this dude, Harry thought bitterly, for being handsome.
“You’re gonna sing?” Y/N asked AJ.
“Nah, I suck at singing,” AJ said. “I play the drums, though.”
“I bet you do,” Harry muttered, but it seemed like everyone had heard him. He responded to Y/N’s questioning look with an awkward grin.
“What about you, Harry?” Layla suggested, obviously wanting to start some shit as always. “Would you like to sing?”
“Harry can’t sing,” Y/N said quickly.
Harry blinked at her in surprise. “Hey, I can sing. It’s just I don’t want to.”
“Oh, it’d be fun.”
“No, thank you, AJ,” Harry said between gritted teeth.
AJ looked quite offended. Fortunately, Layla came for the rescue. “I’ll do it,” she shouted with her hand raised. Everyone broke into applause as she got up and made her way to the stage.
“Can she sing?” Y/N asked Harry.
He sighed and lifted his shoulders in a half-shrug. “We could only hope.”
Layla strutted up the steps and waved at Harry, Y/N, and AJ. Suddenly, her heel was caught by a wire, and she tripped, falling headfirst into the lead singer. She knocked them both right off the stage against one of the tables and had the drinks spilt all over them.
Harry was frozen in shock until Layla’s cries snapped him out of it and sent him to his feet as he rushed up to help her.
“You got drunk on vanilla?” Harry asked while trying his best not to laugh at Layla being covered in strawberry smoothies.
“Shut the fuck up!” she cried. “I wanna go home!”
“Is she okay?” Y/N asked.
“No, bitch. Do I look okay to you?!”
“I’ll take her home,” Harry said, helping Layla up and receiving angry looks from the other band members, who were checking up on their friend. The lead singer didn’t break any bones. Thank God. Sighing, Harry turned back to Y/N and AJ. “You two...stay. Carry on with your date. Don’t worry about us.”
Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but AJ didn’t let her. “No, we can’t just stay when Layla’s hurt,” he said, eyeing Layla up and down in concern. “You live in the dorm, right?”
“So do I. I’ll take you home.” To Y/N, AJ said, “I’m sorry, Y/N. Next time?”
Y/N pressed her lips into a smile. “Sure. Drive safe, all right?”
“He seems nice,” Harry said as he walked home with Y/N. She’d been so quiet since they’d left the cafe, he was afraid she was mad at him or something.
She gave a nod. To his surprise, she said, “I’m sorry about Layla.”
He gave a dismissive wave. “She’ll be fine. That was probably karma for pushing Liam off the stairs.”
Y/N looked horrified. “On purpose?”
Harry shrugged. “We don’t know. Possibly. I mean, it’s Layla.”
They both laughed together and suddenly went quiet.
“I’m kind of mad at you, though,” Y/N said after another moment.
“Why?” Harry chuckled.
“You shouldn’t have asked to come with us.”
“You said I could if I brought someone.”
“Yes, I didn’t think you’d bring Layla,” she said and rolled her eyes. “Are you two like...hooking up?”
“Ew no, she’s like a sister to me. An awful one.” He laughed and nudged her with his shoulder. “Why? Are you jealous?”
She glared at him. “No. But you two are both attractive. It’s weird that you don’t find each other attractive.”
“You think I’m attractive?” Harry smirked, loving how quickly her face turned red.
“I mean, conventionally attractive.” She cleared her throat, refusing to look at him as they spoke. “Your hair’s always so nice. It falls into place like...dominoes…”
“Dominoes?” Harry chuckled. “Aww, someone’s flustered. Just say you have a crush on me.”
“No,” Y/N said timidly, as if she was unsure. “But...you should stop teasing me like this.”
“Why? It’s fun. I like teasing you.”
“People would think I have a crush on you for real.”
Harry maintained his nonchalant expression, but the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy. “You don’t?” he asked with mock surprise. “And what’s wrong with people thinking you have a crush on me? Everyone has a crush on me.”
That was meant to be a joke. Harry didn’t expect a serious answer from Y/N.
“I don’t want whoever I end up dating to feel like they’re second to you. Because sometimes I–” Her mouth clamped shut. She squeezed the strap of her handbag and walked a bit further away from him.
Harry found it amusing. “You what?”
“Y/N, you can’t just say something and never finish it.”
Y/N gave him a glance, biting her lip. “Sometimes I feel like...I care about you too much. It makes me uncomfortable.”
“Why’s caring about me makes you uncomfortable?” He smiled, unable to hold it anymore.
She said nothing and only walked faster to get ahead of him. Harry sped up and fell into steps beside her again as he cleared his throat into his fist. “Just so you know,” he said slowly. “I care about you a lot, too. Don’t worry.”
She didn’t look at him, but he could see her cheeks turning red. He loved it. Her shyness when she was around him made his heart swell. Maybe that was why he enjoyed teasing her. He wanted proof that he could make her feel something, no matter how insignificant it was.
“Okay,” was all she said.
It made him laugh. “You’re being mean.”
“Only to you,” she replied.
“Good,” he said, hoping she’d heard him.
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