#hubris too big brain too smooth
thyandrawrites · 1 year
if I ever say I'll write another post canon character study piece, kick me in the face and remind me of this post
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tunashei · 7 months
First Impressions of Animorphs!
I'm listening to the Animorphs series while I work, through Animorphs Aloud - a fan made reading of the series. Here are my first impressions/random thoughts about them! Spoilers below if you haven't read them.
Book 11: The Forgotten
Been a while since I done one of these huh? I caught up with all the recorded books so pace is gonna slow down considerably.
Advantage of having smooth brain -> no place for yeerk to hide
We gonna have monkey morph in this book? In a jungle? How are they gonna get to a bloody jungle
Hm interesting that we're being given a specific time. I'm guessing there's going to be time travel in this book, which is always a tricky subject
The fly and cockroach morphs definitely feel over-represented. Could have been a seagull or a pigeon. Then the cars and rain would be no problem.
Do you guys ever wonder what things are too big to have meaning with our human perception?
Serious doubts that Ax can drive this thing. I smell hubris.
Well, goal achieved of having humans see the spaceship? That's something!
The sound effects of this audiobook are delightful I must say
Having two dracon beams hitting one another is a pretty easy feat to achieve if you put your mind to it. I wonder why sario rips aren't more of a problem. Or do they happen all the time and there's protocol.
Don't worry guys, all the animals are just poisonous. Just don't eat any of them and you'll be fine! I expect better from you animal-expert Cassie
There's been a lot of emphasis on Jake making decisions in this book so far. And all of them seem to be the wrong one
Pfff piranhas?? I've worked with piranhas they're absolute cowards, takes them ages to approach a dead bit of meat. You guys are fine. I guess they were a big trope back in the day, still kind of funny to see though knowing what they're really like.
Oooooh. Ax is the space cadet monkey. I legitimately got confused when this was said in the earlier flashback. Thought we were gonna meet some new alien that looked like a monkey ha.
I wish humans had evolved to keep more of our climbing capabilities instead of being so ground based. We're not even very good on the ground except with stamina.
Sudden jungle natives! They might not be able to tackle a Hork-Bajir head on but I bet those guys are susceptible to venom/poison. Also really lucky that a monkey spirit is something good to them and not some horrible demon.
Jaguars eat bloody crocodiles man. Funny how piranhas are hyped up as super scary but not the jaguar which is honestly the most badass of the big cats. They can bite through SKULLS.
Obviously a trap.
Called it.
Wait so the way to get out of the sario rip was straight up dying. That's...dark. But what would an animorph book be without a little bit of trauma?
So I guess ultimately nothing mattered in this book since it was all erased? Shame they lost the monkey morph.
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shinebrite97 · 3 years
Part 3
Read Part 2 here      
  Her phone had seen no action since her message to Lucifer, and with no little check mark to indicate he’d seen it, she figured he was still up to his eyeballs in papers and backlogged work.          Now her phone sat beside a fancy little appetizer plate along with too many forks and spoons, hidden behind a basket of steaming rolls between the two of them.          A quick dinner at Ristorante 6?
        Her mind was racing, taking in the sites of well-dressed demons giving her judgmental looks as Diavolo simply smiled and buttered a roll.          “So,” She said. “It's been some time since we’ve spoken...hasn’t it?” She asked.          “You’re absolutely right, Yuri,” He replied. “In fact, I don’t think I’ve spent time with you at all since you returned.” He glanced up, golden eyes boring into her from across the table as he busied himself unbuttoning the long sleeves of his uniform. “Tell me, how are you settling in as a returning student?”          “I...it’s been…” She trailed off, wondering how to respond. “I’m enjoying myself.”  When he didn’t say anything more, she shifted awkwardly in the chair. Its back was too high, the velvet cushion too firm, the space between her and the table suddenly felt very restricting.         "Um…" Yuri bit her lip, considering all the things she could gush about. The food, the people, the things she was learning. "I don't know…" she replied. "I'm just...happier here." She turned her head, stifling some comment about Stockholm Syndrome, and looked back when Diavolo opened his mouth. He closed it again, and her eyes flitted down, seeing him grip a golden soup spoon.          "Are you and Lucifer expecting another paper from me at the end of term?"          Diavolo laughed.         "No," he said. "No. I just wanted to know."          "Okay," she replied. "But I know you didn't bring me to this beautiful restaurant to ask about my stay."          "No, I suppose I didn't." His words ended in a trill, almost as if he was waiting for her to make the next move, but with a distinct lack of details as to why she was here, she bowed her head, letting the awkward silence fill in, hoping this chair would come to life and devour her.          “I’m not really sure how much help I’ll be for anything, to be honest.” She said. “I’m flattered, but…”         “Yuri, I need you to marry me.”         Dead air. That's what came of her parted lips. She hadn't even closed her mouth when Diavolo processed his words. He shook his head, feeling a bright burn in his cheeks as he cleared his throat.         "I could have said that better," he said.          "Sir?* She asked.          "I can explain," he said. "You are aware that I am the next in line for the throne, correct?"         "Yes."         "I have been raised for this position for thousands of years, and I've always done as instructed, learned all there is to learn, and the powers that be have decided that I'm ready."         "That's amazing!" Yuri replied with a big grin. "Congratulations Lord Diavolo!"          "Thank you," his smile took up the majority of his face, a bright beam that overtook the single candle at their table, and Yuri blushed.         I'd give anything to see that smile…         "However," he added. "There is one condition I seemed to have overlooked in all this, a requirement of ascension is to have a partner, one who can ensure the successful production of an heir."          "That's...awfully practical." Yuri replied. "And you're asking me to...take that spot?"         "I am," he murmured. "Now I'm not asking you out of convenience. I am asking because you have become a trusted friend, and because...well...you are the only woman who isn't afraid to be seen with me. The only person, aside from Lucifer and Barbatos, who will speak to me...who isn't afraid of me."         "Dia…" she whispered. The turn of his lips at her response made the pit of her belly burn. It was something so guarded, an attempt at hubris that didn't quite reach his eyes. Eyes that glimmered with tears in the flickering light of their table's candle. She saw his knuckles clenched above the table, fingers wrapped around the soup spoon, and without thinking, she felt his warm skin under her hand. Smooth as marble, strong and still. He barely noticed at first, but once he did, he cleared his throat and averted his eyes, but very pointedly did not move his hand away.         "Basically," he said. "I need your help with the ceremonial side for things. My coronation with take place during my wedding, and if you accept...it would also be your coronation...and wedding."          "Coronation?" She asked.         "Yes…" he said quietly. "Even at the lowest level of royalty, it would  involve changing your title, you would become Lady Diavolo, and I would become King...you would take on the responsibility I currently possess, and...well, the rest of the logistics could be decided later."          "I see…"         "Now I will not force you to agree, I will not hold you against your will, I am simply asking you...because...well to be perfectly honesty with you, Yrui...there isn't another lady I would want to ask.'         "Diavolo?" she asked.         "Not to mention, Barbatos told me. I asked him to look into the futures, the realities where this takes place, and I either forfeit the crown, or I live in a loveless arrangement with some other demon nobility, or I ask you...and he swore we were happy."          "Wow…"         "Is this too much?" He asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean…."         "Here you are," a raspy voice broke off his apology as the horned waiter set down plates at the table for them.          Carved Shadow Hog was the only food item on the plates that Yuri recognized having enjoyed it with the brothers before. However the cup holding an odd-looking relish had bits resembling pineapple. Diavolo smiled in thanks as he lifted his fork.          "It looks delicious," Yuri said carefully. The waiter bowed his head before slithering away to the next table and Yuri picked up her fork, first going for the medley of steamed bitter vegetables.         She learned early on not to judge meals by name or appearance, because the one she feared most, the Quetzalcoatl brains had ended up becoming a comfort food for her. She recognized the prickly cucumber and the odd little root vegetable, one that Asmo seemed to favor, always saying that it was good for reducing puffy skin under one's eyes.          Diavolo paused his words long enough to take a bite of his shadow hog topped with the pineapple relish, though the second his mouth closed, he frowned, lips pursing and mouth scrunching as his eyes squinted into slits. He chewed hard, quickly swallowing and shuddering before taking a longer-than-necessary sip of red wine.          "Is everything okay, sir?" She asked.          He nodded, using the napkin to wipe his top lip.          "There are...pickles...in the pineapple relish." He grumbled.         She laughed. A loud sound that traveled through the dining room and left her quickly covering her mouth in embarrassment         "Oh, I see…" she smirked, hiding a giggle behind her napkin as she dabbed at her lips. Fondly, she remembered their conversations, the first time Diavolo ever confessed his hatred for pickles, and the time Barbatos and Lucifer devised a plan to slowly incorporate them into his meals. He'd been weary of any food prepared by them for months following the incident.          "You like pickles, don't you, Yuri?" He asked.         "I do, in fact." She replied. He smiled politely, using just his thumb and index finger to hastily pick up the small glass bowl and placed it gingerly on her plate.          "For you, my dear." he said softly.         Yuri giggled, accepting it and placing it beside her own. After a quick sample of it with the tip of her fork, she beamed.          "This is delicious!" She said.         "Ah the perks of partnership…" Diavolo mused. "One to enjoy the foods you do not."         "If I accept this deal," she said. "I know there is more than just a title and a dress. What are the things I will be learning?"         "Good question! I'll admit even I hadn't thought that part all the way through yet," he blushed. "You would require at least a crash course of everything I learned growing up... considering I have six thousand years of knowledge...and you only have two months to learn everything…"         "I'm sorry," she interrupted. "Two months?"          He had the decency to look stricken as he took in her response.         "Yes…" he said. "I know that is hardly any time, and I wished I had more time to offer you," His fingertips drummed against the surface of the table as he willed himself to he devoured into the chair behind him now. "I, myself, only found out about all of this today."         "I see…" she replied.         "Well, I think I have said everything I can on this topic, and I believe my last method of persuasion is simply begging on my knees, but I do hope you wouldn't have me do that here."          Yuri blushed at the idea, waving away the mental image and nodded.         "If I may...do I have time?" She asked. "At least tonight...just to think about it?"          "It is only right to grant you that," he said. "Very well. Once we finish our meal I will walk you back to The House of Lamentation."          "Thank you." She smiled.          
         Yuri was surprised at how nice it was to spend time with Diavolo alone. It was a thought that at one point intimidated her, but now more than ever she realized just how lonely the young demon prince was.          Their dinner conversation often shifted quickly, and once she used her DDD to find a Devilgram post he told her about, she finally saw the list of comments under each post.         Under one of Mammon and Leviathan, Diavolo had commented "That looks like fun!"          Under one of Asmodeus with shopping bags. "How wonderful!"         A post from Simeon where Luke seemed to be nudging Solomon out of the Purgatory Hall Kitchen. "Come have tea sometime!"
I'd like to join next time! Hope you enjoyed yourself! We should get together!
        Listening to him animatedly discuss things regarding those around him, all as heresay, made her realize how little he was in on others' lives.          He needed someone. A social buffer, the small cute thing that made him seem more approachable.          He needed a friend who appreciated him as much as he appreciated other.         He needed a partner.         And he'd asked her to be just that.         After dinner, and a bill he didn't even let her look at, he kept his word and walked with her right up to the gate, a quick goodbye and a quicker tight hug, and he watched as she walked up the steps and used her key to open the door.          I'll do it. 
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eluminium · 4 years
Raid (hehe fanfic)
So i made a Masqueraiders (belongs to @reginaldcopperbottom) fanfic because i could. Yes it’s about 3k words. This one has been a long time in the making and I’m happy i finally got it done!
Please enjoy!
A groan escaped his throat as the car sent vibrations throughout his tired body. This was 100% not his day.
Scratch that, this was 100% not his week.
Although he knew that from the glorious hour he rose from his bed, with soreness traveling down his spine like a waterslide. These past days had been hell for the department, with criminal organizations raiding places left, right, and center. Good sleep was a rarity, and many fellow cops were falling asleep by their desks, only to be woken up by a call to action. And now it was his turn to deal with these crooks.
"The museum of Geology...A prime raiding target for any thief with common sense" mumbled his partner while taking a turn.
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock..." was his grumpy response. 
"Who do you think it is this time?" his partner joked.
"I bet on the Crownminals, from what we got these thieves are well organized, and that's their brand"
"That makes sense, although could always be Toppats too. Y'know one time-"
As the words kept spilling out of his partner's mouth, his eyes wandered afield, out towards the rearview mirror. A fog gathered in his eyes as the blinking red and blue lights burrowed into him and the world around him faded a bit. Maybe he could get some quality sleep after this. Just gotta take out these criminals and then drop dead like a ragdoll. God, some good sleep was gonna be heavenly, he could almost feel the plushness of his bed calling out to him.
"We're..he...re! ...Hel..lo? yo..u the..re?"
So soft...He could almost pretend...
"Dude! You there?"
"Ugh, yeah yeah I'm here, stop snapping your fingers in my face" he murmured angrily as his feet touched the ground outside the car. 
The cold metal of his pistol dug into his hand. The museum and everything around it was engulfed in chaos. He picked up on various orders coming from colleagues, but it didn't seem to contain the animalistic anarchy around them.
A tired breath flowed out of his lips, this was not gonna be simple or coordinated, was it? Welp, better just get a good position and-
The ground rumbled angrily as an explosion tore through the museum. His body swayed violently as screams echoed in his ears.
"Shit! They need backup! C'mon, don't just stand there!"
Before he could even respond, a tight grip had grasped his shirt and his body was traveling faster than his mind. Dear lord, the guy was fast! In through the entrance, through the gunfire, people people people screaming loud loud-
The door's impact echoed in his ears as his mind tried to catch up with whatever the fuck just happened. The sleep deprivation wasn't helping at all.
"What...the HELL...did just happen?"
"Oh, sorry dude, went a bit too fast there!" his partner cheered.
"You could say that again..." he grumbled.
His disapproving stare tore through his partner, who could only respond by scratching the back of his neck with sweat dripping down his face. So awkward he was, with his apologetic smile and soft-looking face- Nope, that was NOT what he was gonna focus on. 
They stayed locked in that position, staring at each other stiffly until the sound of someone clearing their throat reached their ears. Both their gazes turned towards this new presence.
"Hello gentlemen, thank you for finally noticing us!" A masked fellow cheered.
His lips remained sealed as his gaze wandered over the man. The man's mask seemed to resemble two shining suns, and a well-kept sun hat covered up his head, even though it was mid-October. His arms, however, were tied up with a rope across his stomach. But even then, a bright and shrewish smile adorned his face.
"Alright, you can stop starring at me now pig, It was way more entertaining to watch you two play gay chicken."
"Agh! N-No, we weren't! I-I'm not even gay!" his partner exclaimed with embarrassment.
Suddenly, a strange protectiveness surged through his veins. His feet moved before his mind did, and he unexpectedly found himself between his partner and these fowl mask people.
"Oh yeah, that kid is definitely gay. Maybe the grump is gay too. Mad respect." the masked man chuckled to someone behind him.
He felt his face morph into a sneer as flustered squeaks clawed their way out of his partner's throat. His eyes turned to the woman behind the masked man, and they narrowed as he noticed more masked people tied up behind them. 
This had to be a temporary cell, and these are its inmates. A bunch of weird...mask people.
Mask people...Mask thieves? No that couldn't be right. Mask heisters? Maskings? Mask sneakers? Masquerade raiders? No that was stupid no-one in their right mind would choose that-
"Hey, big guy~"
He quickly snapped away from his thoughts with all his attention focused on the masked lady. Her hair was long and slightly curly, with the texture of the darkest night in December. Although, there were spots of color too. A purple crown with a white moon rested on her raven head. She was, factually, a beauty.
But something about that...seductive tone made his skin crawl, and not in a good way. More in an 'i'll pay you to never speak to me like that again' way.
"Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you got fine written all over you~"
Nope. Nope nope nope nope ew NO.
His mind was blank, and he looked like a fish out of water. It felt like disgusting bugs were crawling around inside his skin. Wait, was she wiggling her hips-?
"Dude? You online?"
He snapped back to reality and averted his stare. That was his partner. Right he still had a job to do. Criminals first, thinking about why he felt so uncomfortable with a woman flirting with him later. Luckily for him, a name got caught in his brainwaves.
He turned back towards the masked woman, his face stitched into a more serious expression.
"Masqueraiders correct?" he questioned with a head tilt.
The masked lass took a second to compose herself. Her purple gloved hand reached up and pushed her just as purple star marked mask back into place. It only took a single glance at the cop's "serious" face for her resolve to break, and the laughter burst out of her mouth like a botched dam. 
The gaze of the sun mask fellow, which had settled on his slightly less flustered partner, turned to him. And the cackling flowed out of his mouth not long after.
Ouch, that was a hit to the ego. The expression of seriousness faltered a little bit as his gaze turned to the ground. Wow, was he letting these crooks get under his skin?
Yes, he was.
He was tired! What can he say?
The laughter kept echoing in his ears for a bit, really destroying any hubris he had beforehand. The feeling of his partner's worried stare really didn't help. It actually made it more embarrassing. If this was 100% not his day before, now it was 150% not his day. The flow in his brain had practically stopped as he tried to reboot his thinking process. Okay, okay, he's got this. Just gotta-
An abrupt and intense movement in front of his eyes caused the mental reboot to speedrun through the last stages. The click of a gun bounced between the walls of the room, and the mocking laughter ceased abruptly. He couldn't make out the faces of the tied up convicts who mocked him or see them at all, for that matter, because his partner's body was standing protectively between him and the Masqueraiders. Well wasn't this familiar? I guess bros gotta protect bros. He didn't have to see it with his bare eyes to know that there was a gun pointed at the crooks. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife.
"Hey, dudes, ladies, and thudes. Didn't we all learn that you should treat the police with an ounce of respect when we were younger?"
His partner's voice was smooth as a bead, yet it still possessed that edge of "dudebro" that was so unique to him. It was such a lovely song to his ears. God, what he would do to hear it more...
His head quickly swung side to side as if he was trying to shake that thought out of his head. No homo, no homo. Right?
The still but tense air that settled after his partners' words broke with a snort and some giggles. 
"Oh? Mind filling me in on the joke dude?" his partner quipped while the gun clattered in his hands.
"Don't you hear it lad?" The sun-masked fellow whose name apparently was Aieden responded confidently. Well, confidently when you consider that there was a gun in his face.
"Hear what?"
Now that he mentioned it, there seemed to be footsteps approaching their little hideaway spot. Very quick yet...heavy steps. Oh fuck. Could it be-?!
"Get down-!"
He felt his hand instinctively clutch the sleeve of his partner before they made contact with the hard floor. The seconds ticked on, and on, and on.
The wall by their side crumbled into pieces as an unstoppable force smashed into it. He felt the fabric of his partner's sleeve crack as he dragged them both out of the way of this brute.
"Freeze! This is-"
The gun rattled in his hands, his eyes dilated with fear. Because now he saw this person, this giant, clearly. Holy mother of God.
The man in front of him bore clothes in brilliant green and black. On his face rested a mysterious black mask that only covered one half, and a white spot resembling an eye covered the spot on the mask where his actual eye would be. Emerald green boots, teeth sharp as stalactites... 
And this fowl criminal was enormous. He dwarfed everybody else in that little supply closet, probably standing at around 7 feet tall! Jesus Christ, was he dealing with crooks or actual mythical beings?!
Luckily for him though, this gigantic force of nature didn't seem to pay any attention to his intimidation attempt. He seemed more focused on freeing his fellow Masqueraiders from their imprisonment, the leaf color feathers on his hat bouncing side to side. 
"There ya' are Ricardo! I'm surprised it took this long!"
He knew he couldn't go up against a beast like that. He'd get pummeled into the ground and lose every tooth he had left. His gaze wandered back to his partner's still face as he tried to think up a plan. A slight panic flowed down his spine when he noticed that his partner wasn't moving, but a quick check revealed that his heartbeat was strong and his soft breathing still there. Must have been knocked out...
He felt his arm reach for a spare curtain that was discarded next to them, and soon his partner rested under it, hidden from view. It was best to keep him secured until he woke up again.
As he observed the big green man whose name was Ricardo do his big green man things, a sudden flash of vibrant red caught his gaze. Someone had rushed past the big hole in the wall, someone clad in crimson. There was no doubt about it. It had to be the Masqueraiders leader himself, Sylvester Wesley. He knew it had to be him. And if he could capture their leader, maybe he could gain an advantage over these masks who mocked him. Although maybe it wasn't Wesley, maybe there was another red-clad mask bastard. But even then, capturing any Masqueraider would be a victory at this point. His pride was on the line after all!
He glanced back at his partner, still unconscious. A seed of doubt grew in his chest, should he really leave his partner like this? After everything that had happened...
Once again, his head bounced side to side. No, he had to do this. He had to apprehend SOMEONE. His partner would be fine, he just had to be! He was hidden, they'd never find him, right? He made his decision. It was time to round up some criminals.
Yet, the feeling of doubt and worry only grew stronger as he sneaked out through the hole made by the giant. Was he doing the right thing? Is this justice? To leave an unconscious man vulnerable? He didn't know, but he pushed those thoughts to the side as he spotted the red-clad criminal again. He seemed to be rounding up the last of their loot, with a big potato sack slung over his shoulder. It was certain now, that was the Masqueraiders leader himself. The black mask and red hat gave it away.
He cleared his throat before once again pointing his weapon at the crook.
"Freeze! Police!"
He met the gaze of the black-masked man and expected to meet a pair of eyes drowned in confusion. Yet all he could spot was a slight hint of surprise and then a kind of...playful mockery. A very familiar sight by now. 
"Catch me if you can!" The Masqueraiders leader sang out as he bolted down the hallway with the goods.
He took off after him, uselessly chasing the nimble and quick Wesley. Gunshots echoed off the walls as he unleashed a salvo aimed at the leader, yet all the shots either missed or were reflected by the skilled swordsman's weapon. Every bullet, no matter where he aimed. Time after time after time again, nothing seemed to be hitting this disgustingly fast weasel. Frustration boiled in his guts, come on now! He was so tantalizingly close to regaining his dignity and getting revenge on the Masqueraiders. Yet still NOTHING!
A roar of anger escaped him, his feet moving even faster. All he got back from Wesley was a coy grin and just...the most punchable expression ever.
"Hah! You're way too slow, ever considered hitting the gym?!" 
"Shut up!"
"You're not my dad so you can't tell me what to doooo~"
He was gonna crack Wesleys skull open like a watermelon. He was gonna do it, nothing could stop him from squeezing that stupid overconfident head in like a pimple. And he actually seemed to be closing in on him! His gun had run out of ammo by now, but he was hot on his heels now!
Wait, was he deliberately slowing down? Was Wesley running slower to ridicule him even more? Oh, this motherfucker...
He was laser-focused now, not considering where his feet were taking him. So when he ran into an open exhibit, he didn't notice the danger lurking by the stage lights. He just wanted to commit some nice ol' murder on the man who kept taunting him.
"Veronica! Now!"
But that, that stopped him a bit. What? Was Wesley calling for backup? But, there's nobody here. Or is there? Wait who was Veronica? He followed Wesley's gaze and noticed a lady dressed in purple sitting by one of the stage lights. She had a very similar mask to the big green-
He couldn't see any more details of her, or see at all for that matter. A scream clawed its way out of his lungs, his eyes feeling like they were burning. His body swayed from side to side, and his sweaty hands were covering his eyes. The empty gun clattered to the floor. That bitch, she'd used the stage light like a flashbang! The force against his face provided by his hands harshened, trying to block out as much as he could.
"Oh, how the turntables turn!"
He felt Wesley's presence next to him, teasing him. Oh, he wanted nothing more than to beat his ass, but he couldn't get his hands off his face without causing worse pain. An angry gurgle was what he gave in response.
"Aw, how cute. Did you really think you could catch the great Sylvester Wesley? One of the sneakiest sneakers who have ever sneaked? With your rancid vibes? Don't make me laugh! Or well, I'm already laughing, so jokes on you!" Ugh, that dumb tone...
"I can't believe you managed- What Veronica? ...Aw come on can't I just mess with him a little more? Yeah yeah, I know there's probably- Veronica can you make a little exception- OKAY okay FINE I'll knock him out and we'll leave with the loot. You owe me a pop tart now."
"Toooo deee looo turtle, have fun in dreamland!"
Before he could even fight back, something hard impacted the side of his head. He was swallowed up by the sweet release of unconsciousness, something he'd been craving all day. The last thing he knew was the cold feel of the floor, and the faint sound of footsteps burrowing into his ear.
Darkness...A rumbling noise of somebody talking to him...He slowly felt himself returning to the land of the awake, a killer pain pounding in his head. The first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is his partner with a few bandages tied around his head. He talked, and talked, and talked. He looked kinda cute like this, hair all fluffed up and features so soft. But he's talking too fast for him to pick anything up.
Although all those thoughts disappear when he notices something on his stomach. His hand closes around the object, his partner's worried squawks becoming nothing but background noise. It was a black velvet mask.
He couldn't take his gaze off it, it was locked to this replica of Wesley's famous mask. As his partner finally got a grip on him and started carrying him out of the destroyed museum, there was only one thought on his mind.
"I'll get that bastard, I'll throw him behind bars myself."
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
July 17: 2x26 Assignment: Earth
Finally finished up S2 of TOS yesterday. That was... a rough episode tbh. I’m just gonna say it: back door pilots are bad! They’re bad. If I wanted to watch that other show, I’d watch it.
Wow, they’re just really jumping right in, huh? “Here we are, on a routine mission into the past, using a time travel method that we invented nbd.”
Investigating desperate problems in the year 2020...2016.... no wait 1968.
Ooh, Spock in the transport room today. Does he have a whole extra random station there? That’s so weird; I’ve never seen that before. It’s like hidden in the corner.
Cat!! Cat!!
What a good actor. I’m still bitter that wikipedia has a whole section about the casting for “Isis the cat” that talks entirely about the human who played Isis for 2 minutes and nothing about the talented feline actor. Where did they find her? How did they teach her to act?
She has a lot of thoughts about Kirk.
I wrote down “Scully, you’ve got to see this” in my notes and I’ve already forgotten what it refers to lol. Some moment that I thought would fit well with my favorite x-files meme.
Change history, you say? Spock is intrigued. ...Admittedly, Spock is often intrigued.
“What if it turns out you’re an invading alien from the future?” Honestly...let him invade. You’re not supposed to be here anyway.
I’m pretty insulted by this. The aliens went through all this trouble to help in 1968...where are our alien helpers NOW?
The cat straight up attacked his face.
Kirk is so fond of Spock being fond of the cat.
“It’s a lovely animal. I feel myself strangely drawn to it.”
Kirk is way too confused by Seven--an allegedly human person with super-human abilities that he says come from aliens--and yet, he’s met Charlie X so??? Is this not the same?
Kirk’s got the whole crew checking in on zoom.
(I actually do like this sequence of him getting video calls from different parts of the ship.)
“Weren’t orbiting H-bombs a huge problem in 1968?” Looks at the camera like he’s on The Office. Not the subtlest bit of writing in the “social commentary” genre. I do say this with love, though. I always enjoy when they comment on contemporary problems.
“He has a totally perfect body.” Lol don’t distract these two bisexuals.
[soft meowing]
“The prisoner has escaped.” The way this is shot, it looks like he’s talking about the cat.
Hmm, I do love the decor. Very 60s. This honestly immediately feels like a different show, and a much more dated show; even when the Enterprise time travels, it tends not to time travel to... office space.
Love the little sounds the computer makes.
So is Isis supposed to be one of the fancy aliens? It’s never explained but one must assume she is.
Aw, he’s petting her paw.
So I assumed the cats sounds are real, but just dubbed. They’re not lol. Which I guess isn’t surprising: this cat makes a lot of noises! They were provided by a human voice actress.
Damn.... I want a secret bookshelf that turns around to reveal a super computer with a big screen. “Computer... play Netflix.”
That’s what Seven does in his spare time.
The computer is an AI. “Beta 5 snobbery” lol.
Where are OUR alien overlords to stop US from destroying ourselves before WE can mature into a peaceful society?
This is really masterful exposition lol. Not forced or awkward at all.
ST sure does love the snooty female computer trope.
“Get us the proper costumes.” Yes, get Spock his Requisite Hat.
Omicron IV....that’s one of the names they use in Futurama lol. Such nerds.
Another excellent Spock Hat.
I love Seven’s various IDs. Great style. I wish my driver’s license looked like those.
“Who do you think you are?” He hasn’t decided yet. That’s why he was shifting through his IDs.
Seven is not smart lol. Like, he should have figured out way faster that this lady isn’t one of the Alien Overlords. He asks her the code question, she doesn’t understand it, and he... assumes she’s just really in character? Dude, that’s what the code questions are for!!! To help you identify people! Otherwise you could just straight up ask: are you an alien?
Instead he’s like “oh, you silly alien, you’re playing with me,” and then is forced to trap her, reveal his whole mission, and ultimately ensnare her in his plan.
I want that typewriter. Voice recognition typewriter.
"My incompetence has made you aware of very secret devices." Well at least he knows.
Trained cat!
The alien overlords were killed in a random car accident. That’s ironic.
Oh look, a real rocket!
Brown pants + short sleeved shirt + tie is such a Classic 60s look.
This security guard doesn’t think it’s weird that this random dude has a cat with him? Is this part of Isis’s alien power?
Except for the part where it’s a weapon, it’s pretty cool to see all this build up to, like... launching stuff into space. Exciting.
Isis likes to be on shoulders. Just like Little Guy.
New hat for Spock. His outer wear hat, and now his fancy hat. There is something to be said for this ep, and that is Kirk and Spock in suits.
Amazing how they literally launched rockets with computers that old. Like seeing the big bank of primitive computers is totally wild. We put people on the moon that way! Amazing.
“Meow.” Lol, Isis is stressed so she’s speaking like a cat. That’s a pretty funny joke actually.
Seven is so incompetent. If he’d just let the Enterprise help, Scotty could have fixed that rocket issue in like 3 seconds.
Lol everyone’s just pulling Gary through space. Now on the Enterprise. Now in the office.
Why does this computer have a hug black screen if it only displays images on the small white circle?
"Spock and  I in custody. Main characters, doing nothing, knowing nothing, totally useless and irrelevant. I have never felt more helpless." Literally what is even the point of them today? Does Spock even have lines outside of “I like the cat”?
Isis is jealous of Roberta. Is she.. in a relationship with Seven lol?
Uhura is listening to everyone in the world. She probably has a universal translator on, but I do feel like this scene implies she just...understands all the languages.
So now the warhead is armed and heading to somewhere vague... in other words, everyone has collectively made the situation worse.
....Or this was Seven’s plan all along? To scare people into ceasing to be so careful with nuclear weaponry? As someone who knows humans better than this guy, I think this is a dumbass plan.
“That’s why so many people in my generation are kind of crazy and rebels.” Same, sweetheart.
Really this is just a story about bad communication. If Seven had told Kirk his plan upfront, Kirk would have helped him. And if Kirk weren’t so insistent on involving himself in something just because he happens to be somewhere he probably shouldn’t be, we wouldn��t have this issue either. The hubris of everyone.
Overall, just a really forced narrative imo.
Or that’s how it was supposed to be lol. The Irony of time travel. By it’s nature, everything has already worked out.
Kirk and Spock are like “You’re welcome. Peace out.”
Honestly... Isis was the only good part. Such a talented cat actor!! Or trio of cat actors, I guess. Had to do all those stunts and stuff.. .amazing. I also liked the concept of Isis. How she turned into a human later just to troll Roberta. How she’s never really explained--one must assume, an alien? Plus I pretty much never get tired of human + animal teams where the animal makes animal noises and the human just understands and answers in English.
As a stand alone sci fi concept...it was okay. Kinda dated by now. The alien tech was nifty and Roberta could have grown on me. Maybe even Seven, though he left a lot to be desire. That said, the narrative relied a lot on people getting in each other’s way for no reason, which I find very frustrating.
But as a Star Trek episode....no. The main characters were just nuisances on the side lines!! I’m not even sure what Kirk’s mission here was--to try to figure out what Seven was doing? And stop him if necessary? But he never really decided if it was or not, until the point where not trusting him would basically cause a nuclear war? I don’t know, I found it all very frustrating. The melding of the original show and the spinoff was not smooth.
If I were watching this in 1968, I’d feel very cheated. THIS was the season finale? That’s it? I don’t even get a real Star Trek episode and now I have to wait months for anything new?
And what I get after all that waiting is Spock’s Brain?? I’d be tempted to quit. If I had a tumblr in 1969 I’d be writing multi-paragraph rants about how the best show on television has completely nose-dived lol.
But then there’s The Enterprise Incident, which is one of the best episodes... I don’t know, man. It’s a conundrum. I’ve only seen maybe half of season 3 but from what I remember it’s very uneven: some of the best eps (The Enterprise Incident, For the World Is Hollow, Day of the Dove) mixed in with some of the worst (Spock’s Brain, The Paradise Syndrome), plus some that are good concepts but shoddily executed (The Way to Eden). So we’ll see what I think about it when I see it all in one piece, in air date order.
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mymymadeline · 5 years
• Someone New 
Tumblr media
pairing: Hallmark Christmas Movie Au! Poe Dameron x Reader
word count: 2.7k words
summary: He’s instantly beautiful in an almost familiar way, like you could call his features home.
warnings: none! :)
notes: look... isn’t this what we all want? big shoutouts to my sun and stars Cat for making this fic baby with me, couldnt have done it without you love. Enjoy!
Adore You series: 01, 02, 03, 04, ... - AO3
“Well I don’t care how it gets done, it just needs to get done! As long as it’s legal, I'm fine with it, and if it’s illegal, well I'm sure we can find a way to work around that.” 
 If you hadn’t already kicked off your heels behind your desk twenty minutes ago, you’re sure your feet would be aching from the frantic pacing that’s now ruining your office carpet. The curtains are open to the bustling concrete metropolis outside, the massive height of the building giving you all the privacy you need. Uncertain sunshine slips from massive clouds and tentative rays rest on your carpet. 
“Enjoying your final day at work, I see.” Kylo smiles mockingly at you from the doorway of your office. Your frantic strides come to an irritated halt and you squeeze the phone next to your ear a little tighter.
“Just text me when it’s done. Don’t even call, I don’t care.” Hanging up before they can answer with a firm, unsatisfying press of your finger, you level your gaze with Kylo’s irritatingly smug face.
“What could you possibly want right now, Kylo?” You have to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes. Letting him onto your annoyance would only spur him on and you really don’t need that right now.
He crosses his arms and leans on the doorframe, carefully crafting the picture of power. “It just seems to me like leaving town is causing you so much stress. It might just be easier to stay.” He shrugs. 
“Ha. And you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You raise your brow at him, putting as much taunting venom in your voice, hopefully without devolving into an actual argument. “Me giving up my first real vacation in years to stay and do more busywork, while you gallivant around with some… hmm more models, will it be this year?” 
Kylo scoffs, obviously enjoying this sparring much more than you. But a rare softness takes over his tone. “You know, you could always come with me.”
This catches you off guard. You haven’t seen this kind of tone from him in a long time. Not since before everything went down in burning wreckage between you two. 
You level your gaze with his meaningfully, keeping your voice smooth but unemotional. 
 “I think that would be a bad idea.”
Any sincerity in Kylo’s features goes as quickly as it came, he shrugs it off like it disturbed him to even know it still exists within him. His petulant yet teasing smugness takes over as natural as the clouds over the sun. 
“Yeah, well, don’t say I didn’t try. Anyway, hardly a vacation, spending a month in that pathetic, run-down rat-hole. I forgot, did they get wifi there yet?” 
Moving away from Kylo, you pace back over to your desk, turning your phone meditatively between your hands. “You act like you didn’t grow up there too.” 
Echo Basin was not a major town by any means. In fact, both you and Kylo spent all of graduate school telling people you were from Yavin just to spare the confused looks and odd questions. But while Kylo only ever pulled further away from your hometown and the people in it, you often pondered what life would have been like if you’d stayed. But it was never more than a thought, as the business at hand was always more pressing and besides, you were successful here. What more could you ask for?
 “We lived there for the first 18 years of our lives. We grew up at Imperial U.” Kylo snaps you out of your brief reverie and brings your attention back to his now clearly disinterested demeanor, as he scrolls through his phone. “Whatever, it’s your ‘vacation.’ As long as you don’t end up like that traitor.” He pauses, about to elaborate before he shakes his head and continues scrolling. “Still, we have a meeting with Hux approximately... four minutes ago. So, whenever you’re ready, princess.”  
You turn away from him, to the window and look out among the bustling streets and impassive skyscrapers of the city. The few rays of sunshine in your office have taken off, leaving the room colder than usual. Dark clouds look to be rolling in from the east. You faintly recall the weatherman standing next to a big snowflake on the TV this morning. You didn’t believe him before.  
“Sure. I’ll meet you there.” 
You give your best death glare to the array of lights flashing at you from the dashboard. They blink meaningfully, as if you have a clue what any of them mean, as snow continues to pelt the windows of the car. The hours long drive has exhausted your vision and the windshield is slowly becoming a wall of white. Maybe you should have invested in those 5 Hour Energies after all. Your assistant had offered to buy you an array of energy supplements or drinks for the trip, but in a foolish attempt to not show any weakness in front of employees and peers, you refused. Ah, hubris. 
Still, you drive on, heat blasting to offset the nearly year-round chill of your hometown and do your best to keep a positive attitude. But that attitude only proves more difficult to keep as the wheels of your precious TIE give an unpleasant bump and the sleet lined road is finally starting to make you chew your lip. 
“Come on. Only a few more miles to go.” You gently goad your car, pointedly ignoring the GPS and its remaining 80 miles. 
 The car answers only with another lurching screech. Then a sputter. Then a whine.
 The noises pause, as if waiting for a reply. 
“Don’t you dare,” you whisper. But your threat only comes out as a plea. 
Without your permission and seemingly out of spite, the car sputters and begins to slow, your frantic attempts on the gas giving no support. Continuing forward with only your momentum, you manage to gently steer your beloved, stupid car off towards the snowy treeline purely on instinct.
Out in the snow, on this one-lane highway, as the sun sets at 4:00 PM on a Friday, your car stops moving. 
 You sit in the stalled vehicle, as frozen as the miles of nothingness around you. You’re going to die here. Your shaking hands clutch the steering wheel in a white knuckle grip and you let out an angered scream worthy of an Academy Award. You just wish you were acting. 
 You manage to scream yourself out of breath, but the stupid thought won’t go away. You’re going to die here. What a stupid childish thought. You’ll be fine, just act like an adult. 
“Ok, ok. Calm down. You’re not far from town. Grow up and find out what’s wrong with your car like a reasonable car owner.” You reach for the door handle and are met with only another gust of wind, pushing all of the snow it can carry in your direction and your body shivers at the mere idea. 
“Ok, maybe just call someone.” 
Your phone is a lot of things. You’ve spent countless hours with it scrolling through stocks, shouting at people, being shouted at, scoffing at idiotic articles that don’t know the first thing about you. In fact, it's probably your only friend. And now, in the middle of nowhere, it feels like a lifeline.  
Your brain briefly recalls the fuzzy image of the old auto shop you would sometimes pass while getting groceries all those years ago, but whatever name was on the sign escapes you. So you’re left with dialing the first place that shows up on Google and crossing your fingers.  
“Pick up.”
“Rebel Auto, this is Rose. How can I help you?” 
A cheerful woman’s voice answers at the end of a laugh, as if joking around had kept her from picking up. You sigh in relief, but are quietly alarmed as the fact that you can see your breath already. The car is cooling quickly. 
Without a second thought, you put on the ‘phone call voice’ you’ve mastered for over a decade and get straight to the point. 
“Yes, Hi. My car has just broken down on the main highway, just after mile...” you turn around try to note the mile marker, but the fog on the inside and the snow on the outside are doing everything they can to make your job impossible. “77? I believe? Anyway, I need a tow into town and a repair as soon as possible. Thank you.”
“Oh.” The woman seems caught off guard at your brusk and smooth tone. There’s a sound of shuffling papers and she clears her throat. “Yes, ma’am. We’ll send someone out immediately. I-In the meantime can you identify your make and model?”
Immediately. Perfect, at least if you freeze, there will be someone close enough to find your body. With another breath of relief, you allow yourself to actually relax, even examine your nails. Damn, when did you get that chip on the thumb?
“Yes, it’s a 2021 TIE Striker. And if you’re going to ask me what the problem is, I don’t know. I don’t know anything about cars. It was driving and then it wasn’t.” 
“A… TIE Striker? Wow… Uhm-” Rose seems at a momentary loss for words, you’re not quite sure why. “Not often people drive TIEs and not know anything about cars.” She laughs. You don’t. 
“Well, Rose if that’s all I-” Something about the name coming out of your mouth gives you pause. Dots that you didn’t know were there start to connect. 
“Wait, Rose? Rose... Tico?” 
“Uhm…” her gulp is audible through the phone. “Yes?”
Now is when you laugh. You almost feel dumb enough to smack yourself on the forehead. Almost.
You clear your throat and put on your best impression of Ms. Holdo.
“Ms. Tico this is Honors English, not shop class. If you could please put away your… creation. ”
You wait with bated breath. You’re not even really sure if you remember how to make jokes anymore but you do remember this one from so long ago. Don’t make me look crazy.
You get the reaction you were looking for and then some. 
“ NO WAY ! ”
It’s your only warning before something your pretty sure is your name is squealed out on the other end of the line, so loudly in fact that you have to hold your phone a good distance away to avoid permanent ear damage. 
A grin, half pleased, half cringing, spreads across your face as the squealing continues.
“Yes, it’s me,” you laugh. 
“Oh my god. Are you back? Does this mean your back? I saw you on the cover of Wired! You looked hot !”
“Rose, one question at a time!” The bombardment usually irks you, interviewers or paparazzi stumbling over themselves just to get some dirt. But this kind feels oddly… nice? It feels genuine. Like she’s asking because she likes you. But… that can’t be the case, can it?
“Sorry, sorry!” You can practically hear her calming herself down. “Ugh, it’s just so cool to have you back in town. You are back in town right? That’s why you’re stuck on the highway?” 
“Yeah. It’s my parents' thirty-fifth anniversary and I haven’t been back in about fifteen years… I thought it might be time.” 
“Oh man, I can’t wait to see you! This is going to be so fun.” The heartfelt warmth of her tone makes the chilling air around you just that more bearable. But a sound cuts through from wherever she is and she turns back to friendly business. “Anyway, I’ll let you go, but I’ll see you at the shop soon! Poe left about five minutes ago, so he’s on his way. Bye!”
“Oh, alright. Uhm, bye.”
 You hear a few excited giggles before the beep cuts them off, leaving you in the silent car once again, with a strange hollowness sitting sickly in your chest. It wouldn’t have been so bad to just talk a little longer. But, that was odd, wasn’t it? Maybe it only felt odd because... you couldn’t remember the last time a friend had called. When was the last time you spoke to someone who seemed to actually care about you?  
Shaking your thoughts from the uneasy turn of conscious, you turned out to the sunset that has been steadily falling for the past half hour. Blinking tiredly, you hope that whoever is coming for you is quick. You attempt to recall the name she gave but it has already fallen to the back of your mind. Closing your eyes, you think it might not be a bad idea to get a tiny nap in meanwhile. Just a tiny one. Not a big -
A rumbling that shakes the car jerks you out of your peaceful rest, and you shiver, the car much colder than you remember. Looking around, it’s quickly apparent your nap was much longer than the ‘tiny’ one you had so stupidly planned. It’s pitch black, the forest completely dark around you, and the only light comes from the bright headlights heading straight your way. Blinking groggily, you shield your eyes to the approaching vehicle, but the lights begin turning away, as the large truck appears to pull a U-turn, pulling in front of your car.  
Oh, thank god. Your savior has arrived.
A figure steps out of what you can now see is a tow truck. A flashlight leads their way in the treacherous snow as they approach, and you step out to greet them. The bitter chill hits you instantly causing a visceral shiver to overtake your body. 
“You alright there?” A warm, slightly scratched voice cuts across the wind, and your assuring smile only comes out as a grimace. 
“It’s just freezing is all.”
“We’ll see if we can get you warmed up then.”
You and the man meet halfway, only a few feet apart, and with your eyes steadily adjusting and the bright moonlight above, you can now make out his features.
Dashing is the only word that comes to mind as your brain short circuits. He is handsome. He’s instantly beautiful in an almost familiar way, like you could call his features home. Warm and gorgeous dark eyes blink back in their own caught-off-guard way, as you finally come back into the moment at hand and the man standing before you.
“Wow.” He speaks in something close to a whisper, and it’s almost lost to the wind. But he clears his throat before you can ask what has him so thrown.  
“You -uh- called the auto shop right?” He drags his eyes away from you and over to your sad, slumped over TIE behind you. You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear and drop your gaze, nodding. 
“Yes. That was me. Sorry for all the trouble.” 
You suddenly feel very foolish and very embarrassed. You had expected some no one townie, not this heartthrob that could have easily replaced Errol Flynn in any of his biggest features. Having him drive all the way out in this weather just to take care of your stupid car feels very rude, and you suddenly wish you knew more about cars.
“Why don’t you get situated up front and I’ll get this set up back here?”
Sneaking a glance back up, you meet his eyes and quickly look away again, nodding once more. 
You go to move past him, making a good few feet of footprints in the snow when a thought shoots through your brain at light speed and you’re jogging back to your car as fast as your designer boots will take you. You should have invested in a better pair of boots for the snow it seems because you don't make it very far before your front foot slips out from under you and your arms fly out looking for anything to grasp onto.
But Poe’s are quicker, instantly their firm grasp has a hold around you and your fall is cut short as you are held tightly against him.  
His breath comes out as a chuckle and he looks down at you, “What’s the hurry?”
You laugh slightly too, quickly righting yourself and trying to purge the memory of his arms around you and how nice it felt. 
“I forgot my bags is all.” 
Without a second glance, you march, much more carefully this time, towards the back of your car.
Poe runs a hand through his curly snow-flecked hair, smirking to himself.  
Ok, this could be interesting. 
notes: thanks for reading!
Chapter 2 should be up soon, though I can't guarantee a strict schedule. I have this whole fic plotted out though, so we ain't winging it! We'll finish this thing!
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galfridus1 · 5 years
Escalin Week Day 7: Free Day
And happy birthday to @bertazsleepyhead !!!’ Ely you are a wonderful person and artist and everything about you is amazing. Hope you like this fic @jacklynnfrost and I have penned :)
And thank you for writing this with me Sam! You are amazing to work with!
Fallen Pride
While he still has his wits about him, he strolls into the padded cell having to tilt sideways to fit into the ridiculously narrow doorway. He is growing by the minute and, no matter how slow the change actually takes, inside it feels as if his body is tearing apart, stretching with an almost unbearable burn as it makes room for more muscle, more height, and more power. It is a change he has become familiar with, but even after all these years, he is still not used to it.
“Before I slip,” Escanor begins as he shuts the door on himself and peers through the barred window at the beautiful woman he is trusting with such an important task, “I want to inform you just how honored you are that I permit that you study such a- I mean...” He stops as he catches her sardonic expression, her lips curving at the corners and her eyes bright with mirth that has his face burning in a way that has nothing to do with the change to his form. “What I mean to say is, ahem, thank you for helping.”
His eyes dart away, tensing as he looks around his new accommodation. The cell is getting smaller by the minute, the bed standing against the cushioned wall only big enough for his leg at his peak, but he knows he will not be sleeping here. Merlin’s soft voice chimes through the bars as she seals the magic around him. “Of course Escanor, we are just grateful you requested such a small thing in exchange for you joining us. The King himself foresaw-”
Escanor’s chuckle booms, his lip twitching as he regards the beautiful creature through the door, his eyes straying to her cherry red lips. “A small thing?” he mocks. He looks around at the room, feeling the strength of the magic woven into the stones. It is powerful, certainly, but whether it will withstand his own magnificent might remains to be seen. His night self would cringe in humiliation at the prospect of turning part of Liones castle into a mess of rubble but at present, as he pictures the ruin in his mind and the cross faces of the king and his subjects, all he can think is, I told you so.
Merlin is looking at him and the silence rings a little in his ears so, eyes darting from side to side, he mutters, “I have scoured the world in search of anyone who can contain me. All I have learned from this tedious experience is that promises mean nothing. I have not met a soul who can withstand even a poke from my index finger when I am fully charged.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.” Merlin’s voice vibrates with a sonorous warmth and Escanor once more feels his face flush. Why does the woman have to be so… delectable? “But I’m not just anyone. You will learn that in time.”
“I know that now,” he mutters to himself.
Merlin’s smile broadens. “What did you say? I didn’t quite catch it.”
“Nothing,” says Escanor quickly, then he grits his teeth hard, Merlin’s beauty forgotten as a volcano of power erupts through his form. “It’s coming,” he warns, his words strained as they reluctantly leave his clenched jaw. “You… you had better…”
“I told you, I am here to observe.” Light streams into the room, turning the dust in the air to gold specks as it spills across the polished stone floor. The sun is almost at its peak, and so is he. Escanor looks at Merlin, trying hard to control the mounting arrogance, the impossible urge to lash out and he clenches his hands hard into fists at his sides. “Oh, you needn’t do that, not on my account,” Merlin says, “just let yourself go. Do what you normally would. I am confident this room can withstand whatever you throw at it.”
And he does. Escanor shoots out a fist to punch the wall hard, his knuckles white and throbbing as he pummels the stone. It feels so good, so right, as he exercises his power by unleashing strike after strike on the walls, the window, the ceiling, whatever is in his reach. The bed smashes under his might, only to reform before his eyes, splinters of wood coalescing in the air before setting themselves back on the floor. He does it again and again but it rebuilds itself each time. He looks around, breathing hard, his lungs screaming in his chest with his exertion, but the room looks exactly the same as when he first entered.
“I told you. I’m not just anyone,” says Merlin smugly.
Escanor nods. His arms are like tree trunks, huge and wide and he wants to use them, to punch, kick, destroy. The sun is even higher now. It is so close to noon he can feel the white light of his power flash through his veins turning him from a man into an instrument of aggression. But perhaps it will genuinely be alright this time. The room has withstood all but his most brutal of attacks. Perhaps…
His jaw drops as Merlin appears before him, her form at first just an impression on the air, shimmering magenta, until her body solidifies. Long, lithe limbs clothed in… nothing at all to speak of, just a few wisps of royal purple cloth draped like wallpaper over her satin-smooth skin. Frozen, he stares at her in disbelief. “Merlin,” he manages to rasp out past the sudden lump in his throat. “Merlin! Get out of here now! Before I destroy you!”
Softly, she shakes her head no, her onyx hair shimmering from the light streaming in and it has an alluring sheen, just as all of her seems to awaken in him deeper thoughts. He’s taken for a moment with the sight of her before he feels how close he is to noon, the sun that sets Merlin aglow, sets him ablaze. “Get out!” he hollers, his voice booming in the room growing smaller by the moment. “Go!” His roar more resembles a lion than a man, “I don’t wish- Annihilation is all I’m capable of and you- Get the fuck out!” He reaches as if to force her to go but thinks better of it. If he so much as puts his hands on her while so close to his zenith, the only fate in store for her will be certain death.
At the last moment before noon, while resisting grabbing her, his hands rise to his hair to pull at his roots as he struggles to contain himself and save her from himself. “You think you can contain me?” he sneers, leering through narrowed eyes. “Do you know how many have tried?” His laugh echoes off the stone, he stretches, his fists connect to the opposite walls and his head cracks the ceiling above as he grows too large for the space. “The absolute arrogance it takes to put me in this box- to assume there is anything wrong with me! I have evolved beyond you, the masses are mere cattle in my presence and they are lucky I consider any of their tiny problems worthy of my attention.”
Merlin simply watches, eyes alight with curiosity and fascination. She’s not seen this kind of transformation before and it is not often she finds something that surprises her or stimulates her brain in such a way. The mage raises her hand, points her finger and twirls it in a clear indication that she wants him to spin. Escanor’s eyebrow quirks, his lip curving cruelly and a snort exhales from his nose. “You have the audacity to demand anything from me?” he asks and, rather than argue with him over such a small thing, Merlin levitates into the air by a few inches so that she can perform the circle herself in a hover.
She assesses how he grows, how his change goes beyond physical. His personality compared to the previous evening is, well, night and day. The man before her is clearly intrinsically linked to the sun: his power has bloomed as the orb has risen in the sky, and now that it is high noon she feels as if she is standing in a blistering sauna. But surely, this is a power she knows, one she has seen wielded by a shining goddess. How has Mael’s Grace found its way to a mere human, one with little intrinsic power of his own?
But that is a question that will have to wait. The immediate problem is how to enable this man, and any unfortunate enough to find themselves near him during the day, with the necessary protection to allow Escanor to join the Sins. A few possible solutions come to mind. Perhaps she can design a kind of liquid sunblock that he can rub on himself each night and so ward off the effects of the sun? But no. They will need Escanor in this state sometimes, however much of a strain it places on his body. Such a potion would make it too difficult to allow Escanor the ability to transform when required.
Merlin pauses in her perusal to look at the enormous human, biceps quivering and knuckles white. In this state, Escanor rivals Meliodas in sheer strength and power. Wasting that would be unthinkable.
The challenge thrills Merlin, a kind grin brightens her face. She has worked out how to contain demons through the goddess amber and now with Escanor before her she must work out how to do the same with Mael’s Grace. Only, this is more complicated as what she needs must be easily removed or this man's usefulness with be null.
When she completes her orbit around the sun-blessed man, she taps down to the cracking floor once more to peer up at him. The crumbling of the ceiling has not healed yet and she isn’t sure if his head did permanent damage or it simply can’t reform with Escanor having grown so large. She gives a flinching start when she sees his eyes trained on her, aggression coloring his expression when she has grown used to him looking softly upon her.
“You have made a mistake, Mage.” Escanor chuckles, eyes narrowing in as the air around him bends from the heat he is exuding. “The hubris it takes to follow me inside this containment unit!” His laugh bounces his bulging chest with each hissing inhale. “I suppose I cannot blame you, you are not the first moth drawn to my flame. You, of all people, will understand how graced you are to witness me at my best before your inevitable death. It is rather poetic.”
Merlin’s eyes grow wide, her heart races and she takes a step back remembering how at night, Escanor had warned her that he expelled as much of his excess energy as possible during his peak to make the next day a tad better, easier to manage. Here, that outlet is gone. It’s just her before him. “Escanor,” she scolds, acting stronger than she feels, “get ahold of yourself.”
“I am The One,” he intones and Merlin’s jaw drops as she looks at the man who is not a man. He is a monster: a shining, beautiful, terrible monster. “Behold my power and despair.”
Quick as a flash, Merlin waves a hand in the air, sealing herself inside a Perfect Cube. The roar, the rush of the blistering hot air, is suddenly stilled. Inside the cube, it is calm, cool and she watches with interest as Escanor flings a fist into her magic, the walls of her creation withstanding the might. He is an interesting specimen, certainly. Mael had not been subjected to the change in personality; this must be a sign that the human is controlled by the Grace and not the other way around. This would make sense of the man’s deep sense of shame when the moon is up and he is his true self: he knows that he is just a tool, an instrument manipulated.
Then a huge splintering smack resounds in her ears. Merlin stares in horror, blood freezing in her veins despite the onslaught of sudden heat as her Cube breaks, a visible crack spreading like a spider web from Escanor’s gigantic fist. “No,” she whispers, her eyes wide and her breathing shallow. “This is… impossible.” And she feels fear, fear such as she has not known since the day all the power of the Gods was hurled towards her home and the towers of Berialiun crumbled like dust to the floor.
Escanor’s face is stark, the light of the goddess clan circling like a halo as he peers down at her with a cold sneer. She feels as if she is inside the apex of a storm as if thunder is booming and lightning crashing before her. It is all she can do not to whimper as he places a giant finger on either side of the crack and pulls the Cube apart with his bare hands. She cannot speak, cannot cry out, the only thing running through her mind, This is a stupid way to die. She remembers that she cannot die, then wonders if even her immortality can survive the upcoming assault.
Her fear peaks as a jolt of electric adrenaline floods down her spine, the cube shatters and flakes like glass shards in the wind, it’s fallen. As she watches the Cube disintegrate into dust around her, twinkling as it fades, the man suddenly pulls back. He is still enormous, his head bowed so that he can look at her, but the expression he wears is suddenly less terrible and more tentative. He is breathing hard, his hands rigid at his sides as he takes several large gulps of air, his barrel of a chest heaving with considerable effort. He is winning the fight. The Grace inside him is burning, searing, but he does not give in.
He stands completely still, his form shrinking minimally with each passing second until he is back in the room, the roof reforming over his head, brightness falling as noon recedes further and further into the past. She does not speak - does not dare to interrupt Escanor’s effort - merely watching, absorbing every little detail of the transformation. The stillness inside the containment cell makes it seem as if time isn’t passing at all as the two stare, each having their own internal battles. It is imperative that she find some means to help, else the human will have little time left to him. The strain this change must have on his body is greater than any mortal can bear. It is, in fact, a miracle he is still alive.
“I have frightened you.” His voice still carries the booming qualities the Grace gives, and in spite of his attempt at calming her, she flinches. The stillness is broken. Merlin takes a deep breath to slow her racing heart as she reminds herself that the danger has passed and to never get near Escanor when he is in such a state without a clear escape route ever again.
“No, no, I was just surprised, it’s fine.” Merlin lies smoothly, finding her balance once more. Her kind smile returns but Escanor frowns as she is paler than she was before this started. He tries not to move too much as he is still large while he is coming down from the effects and scaring her further is unacceptable to him. “Good news though. From my observations and these new unveiled discoveries, I have an idea.” To him, her voice is a soothing balm on the burns left inside.
The spark of interest returns to her eyes and he can practically see her thinking as she vaguely looks over his body once more. He does not fool himself as he figures it is the prospect of experimenting that enlivens her so and not he, himself. “I cannot save you, but I can give you many more years that you would not have otherwise.” She looks to him and in his stillness he doesn’t understand that she is waiting for his answer, wanting an affirmation. He ponders her words before her expectancy becomes apparent to him.
He nods, slowly dipping his head forward and resisting the encroaching disappointment he has in himself for being unable to resist his own power. “Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated.” With his words, she gives a brilliant smile, one that starts a fire while the others are dying within, the flame of hope. Her backside is out of his magic prison in a blink and as she disappears the door stays cracked open in a clear invitation that he can leave when he desires.
It’s something he feels he hasn’t earned as with Merlin gone, in her pursuit to help him and prolong his life, his own failure pulls him under. He moves, sagging to sit on the slab bed provided, the mattress bending under his still-excessive weight. Though the peak of the danger has passed, he is still a monster, still an object of pity and fear, still less than a man, less than the prince he was born to be. As he mentally berates himself for not being strong enough to stay in control, the only comfort he has is the memory of her hopeful face and when he finally feels like himself enough to exit his prison he does it with faith in Merlin.
“That woman can do anything.” His voice still booms, louder than he intended but softened with the beginnings of a true affection that glows through him and does not fall with the passage of time.
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tracies-tales · 6 years
Letter by Letter
Dear Arin...
Dan’s pen paused. He pinched the tip and wiggled it as he surveyed his work. He’d written plenty of love songs in his day, comedy variety though they were. Writing out an actual love letter was basically second nature. Although, it wasn’t helping him get his feelings out and onto a tangible page as he’d hoped it would. He’d heard that pouring one’s soul out in words was a way that helped some people manage their emotions.
Looking at the letter again, Dan was pretty positive this had only deepened his infatuation.
It reminded him of everything he loved about Arin. It was filled end to end with the feelings that he tried to convey to Arin every day. Once he’d begun spilling the things he desperately wished he could find the courage to say out loud, he’d found it difficult to stop.
Because this letter also contained his terror.
As much as his heart was laid out in ink, so too was the underlying fear that this letter could mean the end of their friendship. He didn’t truly believe Arin would shun him if he knew how Dan felt, but he knew things would never be the same. Not really. You can’t just confess your undying love for a person and not experience a change one way or another. 
A sigh parted Dan’s lips as he folded the paper and laid it on his chest beneath his hand. Somewhere, deep down, a piece of him yearned to give Arin the letter. The worst that would probably happen was Arin would apologize and say he didn’t feel the same way. Then they would go back to their lives, recording Game Grumps sessions, laughing at dick jokes, doing his best to hide the pain behind a smile.
He shifted to lay down on the Grump couch, utilizing the space while everyone else was absorbed in their own projects. He rubbed his hands over his face and groaned into his palms. He tried to get himself to accept the fact that Arin’s gay jokes were just that--jokes. But he said them too often, the inflection of his tone always just lilted enough to make Dan’s heart flutter and his thoughts turn to static. The way Arin’s hand would always linger on Dan’s arm or shoulder, or ass, on special occasions, made Dan unable to help but wonder. 
“Whatcha got there?” Arin asked.
Dan jumped and snatched the letter off his chest, crumpling it into his fist. “What’s what?” he asked, far too quickly to be convincing. He hadn’t even heard the door to the studio open.
Arin’s eyebrows shot skyward. “Ooohhh, secrety secrets?” he prompted as he shut the door behind him.
Dan snorted, unable to help but chuckle at his tone. He figured he might as well play along. “Yes, the tippitiest toppest of secrets.”
“My favorite kind!” Arin walked over. Dan didn’t miss the way his eyes glanced to Dan’s hands as he sat up.
Dan shook a finger at him, “No siree, they’re secrets for a reason, Ar.”
A pout immediately overtook his features. They almost made Dan feel guilty enough to show him right then. “Dannyyy,” Arin whined, sitting next to him and leaning heavily into his shoulder. “Come on, at least give me a hint.”
Dan hated when he called him Danny--it was so damn cute. “Dude, cut it out,” he smiled, ruffling Arin’s hair with his free hand. 
“Not until you tell me,” Arin looked up at him.
Dan pursed his lips. He was distracted just long enough by Arin’s puppy eyes for the letter to be snatched from his grip. “Hey!” Dan yelped, leaning to try to grab it back.
Arin stretched his arm to its maximum limit and leaned away from him, holding the paper out of reach. “Dan, come on, how bad can it be?”
“It’s just stupid song lyrics!” Dan blurted, immediately cursing himself for such a blatant lie.
“You’re never ashamed to show me your ideas for new lyrics,” Arin retorted. However, he relented and shifted back up, holding the letter out. Dan grabbed it, but it felt like some otherworldly force was stopping his hand from yanking it away.
Dan frowned down at it, refusing to meet Arin’s eyes. “I know,” he said, feeling his cheeks warm up with a tingling blush. 
“So...what is it?” Arin asked, his tone much less jovial than it was a minute ago.
Dan bit his lip. He shut his eyes and said, “It’s...a letter. To you.”
That made Arin’s brows knit in confusion. “To me?” 
“To you.”
“So why the hell were you so adamantly against showing it to me?”
“Because, I-” Dan’s voice got caught in his throat. “I wasn’t...sure if I was ready for you to know,” he replied, letting the paper go.
Arin glanced to his hand and back up to him. Waiting for approval. Dan grinned in spite of himself, through all the roiling fear tearing his guts apart; he was touched that Arin was actually double checking to make sure he had permission. Dan nodded, but he couldn’t meet Arin’s eyes. He tucked his knees up to hug them as he heard the crinkle of the paper being unfolded and straightened out. Then Arin began to read aloud, which only made Dan’s grip on his legs tighten.
“Dear Arin, 
Where do I begin? I guess all letters have to start somewhere. So here it is, greatest intro to a letter there ever was. Smooth, Avidaniel
How was I supposed to know? I need to stop starting lines with questions How could I have known how big of a part you were going to play in my life? 
Maybe it was your charming smile. Maybe it was your musical resounding laugh. Maybe it was the way you wanted me, a 38 year old nobody, to be your Game Grumps partner in crime. I don’t fucking know, but somehow you took a hold of me and never let me go.
No amount of words in pen, text, audio recording, or verbal assault will ever be able to quantify what it means to me. What you mean to me. Because, fuck dude, you mean the world. 
You deserve everything you have. I mean it. The internet popularity, the lovelies, the job, you’ve worked your ass off for this. Everyone is so proud of what you’ve accomplished, and I couldn’t be happier or luckier to get to see you shine so brightly. I don’t care that the spotlight isn’t on me--you’re more of a star than I’ll ever be.
Shit, I’m running out of paper already. Curse my own large-print hubris! 
I suppose there is one way I could have summed this up rather than write a whole ass essay about the subject.
What I’ve been struggling to write this whole time, because once I’ve written it I’ll know for sure it’s true:
I love you, Arin. 
Nothing’s ever going to change that, whether or not you do, too. 
You can count on it, Big Cat.”
The silence in the room that followed gnawed at Dan’s stomach like acid. Maybe giving him the letter wasn’t the best idea after all. Was he mad? No, he was probably thinking of the gentlest way to turn him down. The waiting was agonizing, driving Dan insane.
The horrendous ache was quelled by Arin’s arms wrapping around him. They encompassed Dan entirely, legs and all, into a snug embrace. Dan was shocked enough that he forgot to adjust to help as Arin hauled him into his lap. The paper had left Arin’s hand and fluttered to the floor.
A sniffle made Dan turn his head. “Arin? Are...are you crying?” he asked.
“Fuck you, what do you mean am I crying?” Arin laughed, the sound broken up with gentle sobs. “How the fuck am I s’posed to read shit like that and not get emotional?”
“I’m...fuck man, I’m sorry, I didn’t even mean to give it to you, I...”
“So you were just gonna bottle it up like some kind of dumbass?”
Dan blinked, “What?”
“Like I haven’t been hinting this at you for years,” he scoffed. “Years, Daniel! I spent this entire damn time thinking the same shit, more or less.”
Dan was dumbfounded. He felt tears start to well up in his eyes, as well, “Really?”
“Of c--of course really! What the hell do you think I was implying? I was hitting on you but really what I wanted was to bang Ross?”
The curse of the static-brain returned. “Hitting on me?”
“Holy fuck, you really were clueless,” Arin laughed, snuggling his face into Dan’s shoulder. He sniffled again and said, “This is only about a couple years too late, but I love you too, Dan.”
Warmth blossomed in Dan’s chest, and his heart raced with no indication of slowing any time soon. He had succumbed to tears as well, beaming at Arin before he shifted his torso and threw his arms around his neck. When Arin lifted his head in curiosity at the adjusted posture, Dan pulled him into a kiss. 
When they parted, Dan noticed Arin now shared his blush. “I’m glad,” Dan said, unsure that he could manage to say anything else.
They both turned their heads when they heard the door opening to Ross, who said, “Woah, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt.” His gaze drifted to the floor as he noticed the letter. “What’s that?”
“Nothing,” Dan and Arin said.
cliche? maybe a little
regrets? none
this was inspired by the book “to all the boys i’ve loved before" :) ps i know dan’s 39 i just picked 38 bc idk
edit: this additional little note is to let y’all know i really am taking writing suggestions almost always so if you have ideas or a prompt from somewhere else you want me to tackle, pitch it to me! the worst i can do is say no (and I probably won’t, unless it’s too terribly nsfw) :D
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realitv · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
FULL NAME.  the mass media. NICKNAME.  media. GENDER.  genderfluid, identifies with both the male and female binaries as well as neither binary. they/she/he.  HEIGHT.  6′1″ / 185 cm. AGE.  old. very old. older than they’d care to admit. likely over 6,000. looks to be around 45 - 50 when unglamoured. ZODIAC.   media came into being during the great dionysia in early march. they’re either a pisces or an aries. i vote aries. SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  media can speak any language so long as it is still spoken by humankind. in the event they speak a language someone does not speak, helpful subtitles will appear on them to translate in real time.
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 !
HAIR COLOUR.  naturally, their hair is a mousy, dull brown. they’ve been bleaching it to honey-blonde since the 1920s. it’s pretty fried at this point, honestly. it’s not something you want to touch. EYE COLOUR.  neon blue and luminous. their eyes are leds.  SKIN TONE.   pale. waxy. there’s a slight flush to their cheeks to give the illusion of life but it’s utterly smooth and cold to the touch. BODY TYPE.   long, lanky. like a fucking insect.  VOICE.  gillian and/erson but it’s aggressively chipper and sounds like someone is dragging a knife against your throat while they speak. DOMINANT HAND.  left. POSTURE.  perfect. they stand with their feet in first position and their shoulders are always down, chest up, spine straight. they enjoy using this posture to tower over anyone shorter than them. SCARS.  none. what scars they did have vanished after their upgrade from flesh to new flesh. TATTOOS.  none. they consider them ‘unprofessional’.  BIRTHMARKS.  none. MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  their smile. it’s a soulless, too wide, too wet, and too red grin that’s all teeth. it’s incredibly unsettling. just wide and large enough to creep you out; it never reaches their eyes at all -- and god, those eyes. they’re acid bright. those eyes are a thousand cameras and spotlights, those eyes carry the audience with them. those eyes are ones you don’t want to be seen by.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 !
PLACE OF BIRTH.  athens, greece. like.... A While Ago. HOMETOWN.  ....athens? SIBLINGS.  none. PARENTS.  mankind, if you really think about it.
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 !
OCCUPATION.  mr. world’s right hand, world’s general, unofficial baby sitter of technical boy and social media, the mass media as we know them, upholder and dictator of.... reality as we know it. CURRENT RESIDENCE. boston, where the evil concentrates.  CLOSE FRIENDS.  I Don’t Need Friends They Disappoint Me RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  common in law with the law himself, in something with mr world, is messy enough to have several other flings and one night stands. FINANCIAL STATUS.  Wealthy(TM). DRIVER’S LICENSE.  has the fakest looking license ever. can drive. is usually chauffeured.  CRIMINAL RECORD.  honestly theirs is likely a mile long but they’ve never been arrested. manslaughter, murder in the first degree, cannibalism, infanticide, violence, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, impersonating an officer of the law, impersonating a member of the clergy, impersonating a member of the aristocracy... et cetera.  VICES. smoking. they love to smoke. i doubt it really does much for them but it’s something they’ve picked up through the years. they drink socially, but smoking’s the big one. that and some hard drugs. 
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  bisexual.  PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch LIBIDO. High. like, really high.  TURN ON’S.  warmth, because they’re a fucking lizard, other dominant partners, suits, large hands, dainty fingers, anyone who looks like they came from an art movement. TURN OFF’S.  Rejection(TM).  LOVE LANGUAGE.  they can’t.... say the word love. they use very specific endearments that have been gifted to reoccurring partners that will never be used for anyone else. if they must say anything, they prefer to say ‘adore’.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  hardass is going through some emotions but is still a hardass. literally cannot process it.
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.  we want your soul by adam freeland.  HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  ....they literally just sit and go through screens. their mind is so loud and never stops or shuts up so sometimes it’s just good for them to go through and compartmentalise / digest what’s going on in the world.  LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  right. PHOBIAS.  fear of being forgotten, fear of dying, fear of being left alone. god.... they’ve been alone for so long. Never Again.  SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  the size of jupiter. hubris is sexy and they’re full of it. VULNERABILITIES.  their own hubris. their ego. their affection for certain partners and younger entities in their life. .  . . . ..
tagged by :   the loml @crowily <3
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feedit · 7 years
All the Small Things
 “All the small things True care, truth brings I'll take one lift Your ride, best trip…
Say it ain't so I will not go Turn the lights off Carry me home
(Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na)”
 ~ Blink 182, All the Small Things
I listen to terrible music when I exercise. When someone asks for my workout mix I am a bit hesitant to share, it’s that bad. It’s full of stuff that makes my husband give me that look that says, “Who. Are. You?” when it’s on in the kitchen when I’m making dinner. Mindless 80s tunes, a few boy bands, random one-hit-wonders, a-ha. Yes, that a-ha. Take On Me, a-ha. Is there another? Anyway, it distracts me while I’m running on the treadmill and that’s really the point. 
And that’s what it was doing for me in the early hours of a recent Monday morning.
Funny thing about running: Sometimes it’s just easy, and sometimes it’s really, really hard. No matter what music is playing. And you never really know what kind of run you’re going have to get until you begin. Runners like me keep coming back for more, because sometimes we find that sweet pace that feels effortless and there’s nothing like that I-could-run-forever feeling. I prefer to run outside, but with the subzero Chicago temperatures upon us, even inside workouts in our cold basement are a challenge. At least there’s no wind to deal with, just a few tumbleweeds of cat hair.
That morning, Blink 182 provided the motivation for my workout. I wasn’t feeling terrific, but at least it was done before the kids got up. I pulled the right earbud out, slowed to a walk for a brief cool down and took a drink of water.
I heard a noise from upstairs and called out, “Who’s there?” It was my littlest boy. A tiny voice called out from the top of the stairs, “Mommy, Lucas is sick.”
Say it ain’t so, indeed.
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I wiped my face on a towel and slung it over my shoulder as I headed to the boys’ rooms to investigate.
Upstairs in his room, my older son was curled in a ball under his Spiderman bedspread. His head was on fire when I brushed it with my hand and he had sweated through his footed pajamas. I grabbed a thermometer from his top drawer. 103.5 degrees. 
Oh baby, are you OK?
“No Mommy!” he cried, “And my head really hurts and OH NO I will miss the field trip and art class today!” Tears streamed down his flushed face. 
The field trip, right – crap. The week ahead was typically busy, starting with chaperoning a field trip for the first grade class, haircuts for the boys on Tuesday, a long-postponed medical appointment for me on Wednesday, some writing to do, class party to get planned for Valentines’ Day, Super Bowl party to bake for… Normal, busy-Mom-Wife-Friend stuff coming up.
This calendar of events was running through my brain as I went to the bathroom and ran water on a washcloth, grabbing the Children’s Advil and a sticky dosage cup from the medicine cabinet.
“Let’s get you cooled down and we’ll figure it out, baby. It will be OK.”
I got him into cooler pajamas and dosed him with the magic purple elixir (damn that illegibly-tiny chart on the box… how much do you weigh?) and resettled him into bed, under a cool sheet. I turned my attention to his brother who had been running up and down the hall shooting the cat with the laser of the thermometer. I rescued the device and got him dressed and situated downstairs with Cheerios and a sippy cup of milk and the Big Box of Legos. 
And it strikes me that this week is going to be very, very different from the last one.
Last week we really killed it. I worked out, I took some time to meditate, we had family dinners together. The kids had a great week of school and friends and we had mostly calm mornings. It always takes us a few weeks to get back in the swing of things after Holiday break but yeah, we had finally hit our stride.
Some weeks it all just clicks and it seems so easy, you don’t even think about it.  
I tend to subscribe to the Dire Straits Theory of Parenthood: Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug.
Last week, windshield for sure. This week, it looked like were seriously going to be that poor, squished bug.
As I opened my laptop to email teachers, ask for help getting little brother to school, apologize for missing the field trip, and what seemed like a million other little tasks I needed to sort through, I thought about a study I’d heard about on the Freakonomics podcast. 
Two psychologists, Tom Gilovich from Cornell and Shai Davidai from The New School for Social Research, wrote a paper in 2016 called “The headwinds/tailwinds asymmetry: An availability bias in assessments of barriers and blessings.” 
The idea is that when you face a challenge, it’s like having the wind is in your face (headwind), you can’t stop thinking about it and it’s quite distracting. But when the wind shifts and it’s giving you a push (like a tailwind, or some other advantage that behooves you), are grateful for about a minute, if that – and then you don’t notice it anymore. What’s true in running/cycling is true in life generally, the study concluded. When things go don’t well, people feel strongly that there’s some broader force working against them. When things are good, it doesn’t register as forcefully, if at all.  
More broadly, the study shows that people who show gratitude are generally happier, in many ways. They sleep better, they experience overall better health and they are more able to overcome obstacles instead of simply deciding the deck is stacked against them and it does no good to fight the headwind of opposition.
I realized that last week had been the tailwind week. So easy, so fun, and I’d barely noticed. I’d even chalked it up to – pardon my hubris – parenting skill and artful scheduling. The truth was, I’d had luck and privilege on my side in countless ways. But this week was shaping up to be something quite different. The headwind was swirling around, and it wasn’t even 7 am yet on this Monday morning.
On auto-pilot, I began the morning routine: Turn on the coffee, empty the dishwasher, feed the cats… and I realized that I was still in my smelly workout clothes. And now I had a headache, too.
No no no no, I can’t get sick… I retreated upstairs for a grown-up Advil nd checked in on the patient who by now wanted to move downstairs. I resettled him on the couch with a pillow, cup of orange juice, his favorite stuffed guy, his blanket. I smoothed his damp hair and sighed to think how much he still looked like my baby when he closed his eyes. I kissed his forehead. My throat burned.
Yeah, I’m gonna get sick.
And so started the week of complete shut down. Other than a trip to the doctor to confirm my worst suspicions (The Flu), I pulled the plug on everything: Field Trip, Haircuts, my own doctor’s appointment. By Wednesday I was officially ill, and for the next two nights I retreated to bed almost immediately upon my husband’s arrival home for 12 hours of fever-dream-filled sleep.
We spent our week in three lumps on the couch, cocooned in our favorite blankets, drinking juice, watching way too many hours flipping between Puffin Rock and Angry Birds and, during Nap Time, maybe a West Wing episode or two.  We napped and got saltine crumbs everywhere and somehow the week passed in our pod of viral isolation. 
By Friday, the boys were wrestling/playing/fighting with each other again and I felt good enough to shower and find fresh sweats. We all needed space and sun by the weekend, so on Sunday I bundled them up and let them roll around in the freshly fallen snow, even though it was in the low double-digits and colder with the wind chill. The icy wind burned my lungs but I breathed it in deeply, filling my body with clear, cool air. Breathing out the old, breathing in the new. Filled with gratitude for this cold, cold, fresh air and the blinding daylight.
Monday morning I woke up early and lay in the dark silence of a sleeping house. I thought of our week of Down Time and was deeply grateful that it was an anomaly in the normal flow of our lives.
During last week’s headwind, when things were so easy, my gratitude practice should have included thanks for health, thanks for school schedules, thanks for family dinners and regular bedtimes. And during my week of tailwind challenges, there was still so much to be thankful for: The flu passed through our house quickly with no residual effects; we can afford the care of doctors and the cost of medicines and treats to help them go down; we live in a safe, warm house where we can hide until the viral storm passes.
This week I’ll march the boys off to schools, try to make it to my rescheduled appointment. But each night I’ll take a moment to thank my lucky stars that all seems right in the world again. In our little world, anyway. The wider world can fend for itself.
Hopefully, this week we’re the windshield instead of the bug. And I’ll be hoping for a bit of a tailwind to push us along. But if not, I’ll be grateful that there’s a song for that, too.
“Sometimes you're the windshield Sometimes you're the bug Sometimes it all comes together baby Sometimes you're a fool in love Sometimes you're the Louisville slugger baby Sometimes you're the ball Sometimes it all comes together baby Sometimes you're going to lose it all.”
~ Dire Straits - The Bug
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