#huening kai blurb
tangerinelovez · 2 months
mtl: txt asking for your meal to be remade when made incorrectly at a restaurant
pairing: txt x female-implied reader with dietary restrictions (they've been dating for six months) tw; food allergies, veganism, confrontation, uncomfortable social experience, social anxiety........ also I didn't proofread this so that's a warning itself word count: 2394 disclaimer: This is all fictional and just for entertainment purposes. This is not based on any fact and is just my own interpretations of how I think the members would act if their girlfriend's order was wrong at a restaurant and they had some kind of dietary restriction. note: I did make my decisions based on a combination of factors. I think some members would be very sympathetic about your order being wrong, but may be uncomfortable expressing your concerns to the waiter, leaving you to be the one to voice your dissatisfaction with your meal. On the other hand, some members may be more willing to speak up on your behalf, but may not fully offer the emotional support you may be looking for in this situation.
Yeonjun -> you can always count on him to speak up for you when your meal isn't right... but you will have to explain to him what's wrong with it
you have been a vegan by choice for a few years, and by this point, you had gotten pretty used to great service and creative food options when going out. Not to mention, you had been pleased to find that being vegan hadn’t deterred nearly as many guys from dating you as everyone had made it sound.
to make a long story short, it had been a while since you’d been faced with a vegan’s worst nightmare: an inedible pool of steaming hot vegan cheese falling off the edge of your pizza slice in rivulets while on a rare night out with your boyfriend. on the bright side, he would be quick to fix the issue, hating to see you so sad and disappointed with your meal while he's enjoying his own so much. he'd drop his own slice of pizza, and his brows would furrow as you explain why your vegan pizza was not made correctly, and he'd nod attentively, eyes wide as he listens. he'd reassure you that he'd handle it for you and then flag down the waiter, politely explaining why your pizza isn't correct as it appeared to be drowning in a river of non-dairy cheese instead of the typical sprinkle you'd come to expect when eating at this restaurant. when the second pizza comes out, he'd study it and your face closely, and lean in and assertively ask if he needs to go talk to the kitchen himself, or if it looks right for you this time. part of you wonders how he can't seem to fully recognize this pizza looks entirely different than the first one that had been swimming in rivulets of cheese, but he's so cute and concerned, you hold down your urge to point out just how different the two pizzas look from each other.
when you smile and reassure him the dough looks cooked thoroughly and there's an appropriate amount of vegan cheese and the correct toppings, he'd let out a big sigh of relief and pick up his own forgotten slice, saying he doesn't mind eating his pizza cold as long as it means he can share a nice meal with you and shooting you a wink as he takes a bite. a bizarre expression crosses his face suddenly, prompting you to ask what is it before he says we're getting ice cream after this right? and you nod, loving how his mind is always on food, even when eating.
let me look up the best vegan ice cream around here then... he says, pulling out his samsung as he wipes his face.
you're always eating some fruit pop at the place we normally go to, and I know you say you like it... but you deserve ice cream tonight. you laugh, finding it amusing how he seems to be more impacted by all of this than you are, but smile as you eat your well-crafted pizza, feeling lucky to have found a man who is eager to keep you fed and happy. Taehyun -> your attentive and observant boyfriend will always do what it takes to make you happy, even if he doesn't fully get the "vegan" thing as soon as your order hit the table, terry noticed that your face didn't light up as it normally does when the two of you go out for tacos. why the long face baby? he'd say, leaning in over the booth. you'd hesitate, feeling a little apprehensive about bringing up your concerns. You don't really like inconveniencing others over your dietary restrictions, and try to not make a big deal of them.
as you tell terry your order is wrong and why, he nods in understanding, but hesitates before saying baby... can't you just eat it this one time? I just don't get why you wont have the real thing sometimes... it's much healthier than that fake meat...
you sigh, shaking your head slightly, a slightly amused smile on your face. your gym bro boyfriend still maintained a slight skepticism towards your diet even after all these months of dating. you know i'm vegan for reasons other than just health reasons, terry.
he nods and reaches for your hand across the table, an earnest look in his eyes. you know I don't mind that you're vegan, (y/n). let me ask them for your fake meat and fake cheese tacos.
he raises his free hand to signal the waiter back over, and calmly explains that you need the tacos remade without dairy and with the vegan meat crumbles. he smiles widely as the waiter apologizes and offers to discount your bill, apologizing profusely for the mistake.
when the remade tacos arrive, terry inspects them heavily, even offering to take a bite to ensure it's not real meat and cheese on these, as well. you can feel yourself fall in love even more when his eyes widen in amazement after he takes a bite and says, it's definitely vegan, but wow, it's good... maybe next time you can convince him to share some vegan appetizers and entrees. Beomgyu -> he teases. a lot. but at the end of the day, he would do anything for you if you really needed him to yeah I mean they definitely have a couple options for you here, right? your boyfriend of six months had asked on the way to the ramen restaurant he had recently taken a liking to. you had bitten your lip, unsure if your dietary restrictions would really be accommodated here. due to some health reasons, you were unable to eat gluten or dairy. taking into account your other allergies, it could often make eating somewhere feel impossible. now that the steaming bowl was in front of you, it was clear that your concerns had been valid. you watch beomgyu carefully eat some of his own ramen for a few seconds before sighing softly, prompting him to look up from his bowl and to your blank expression and untouched food. Is something wrong with yours? he asks after swallowing his soup. you nod, feeling a bit embarrassed. it had been a really long day, and you had just wanted to eat something that sounded good without worrying about all of your restrictions and allergies, but now that it was in front of you, and you could see just how much gluten, soy, and sesame was in the ramen, you knew you could not eat it.
he quirks his brow. ah, is today a day you spontaneously care about your diet again?
you feel heat rush into your face, knowing he's just kidding, but feeling embarrassed and not wanting to be an inconvenience all the same. hey, i didn't realize they'd put so many huge chunks of tofu in here... It didn't list tofu as an ingredient in here... and there's so much soy sauce already in the broth... not to mention, sesame seeds randomly in here...
you move your spoon around sadly, not feeling like making a scene at the small family-owned ramen restaurant. I'm pretty sure my noodles aren't gluten-free either... you sigh. I can't eat this, gyu. he looks up from his meal to look at you and your bowl again. ok... he says, looking over to the kitchen before looking at you again. do you want a new one or something?
you look down with a slight shrug.
he looks at you blankly for a few seconds as he stirs his ramen before saying ...do you want me to tell them you need a new one?
you sheepishly nod and he scoffs. alright, i'll tell them my girlfriend decided to take her allergies seriously today, and to please take that into account when remaking the bowl.
he raises a hand and furiously waves it around to get your waiter's attention.
anything for you, you big old karen. i'll make sure you get the best gluten-free, soy-free, everything-good-free ramen they have here. and maybe even get us a discount! he loves to be dramatic... but at the end of the day, he will always step up when it really matters to you.
Soobin -> he loves making you vegan food at home, but can get a bit embarrassed in restaurants soobin loved to cook for you at home or take you to familiar restaurants, but sometimes, for special occasions, he would try to take you somewhere new and exciting that seemed to be getting good reviews as a date night spot online. normally, he would double and triple check to ensure there were vegan options, or at the very least, vegetarian options that could be made vegan, but he had told you tonight's restaurant was a bit of a gamble... and the overly cheesy burger in front of you seemed to be indicating a loss. are you sure you can't just... eat around it? soobin's wide eyes stare into yours as he makes the suggestion.
I mean, it's baked in... you take the bun off of your burger to show your boyfriend how the veggie burger appears to have real cheese and breadcrumbs baked into the patty.
both food items you could not have as a vegan. I mean... the waiter wrote down no cheese or breadcrumbs on this veggie burger. i'm sure it's just vegan cheese... he says, looking down at his own burger with a quick glance before looking back up at you.
just eat your burger, soobin. you say with a smile, not wanting him to go hungry just because you can't eat your meal. he shakes his head quickly, taking a sip of his cola. no, no... it doesn't feel right for you to just sit and watch me eat... you smile as you see his ears start to get a bit red. you look at him reassuringly with a smile. soob, come on. it's fine. i'll just ask them for a new one. you move to raise your hand, getting ready to deal with the awkward confrontation with the waiter before soobin puts his hand on top of yours.
no... we're out tonight to celebrate six months of you being my girlfriend. I... I can ask them to remake this burger but without the cheese or breadcrumbs like they said they could do for you. besides... I know how stressed you've been with your semester starting.
your heart skips a beat as soobin takes a deep breath and raises his hand, a tight-lipped smile on his face as he looks around the restaurant for your waiter. you really didn't mind speaking up for yourself, it was part of being a vegan, but it really warmed your heart to see soobin doing something for you even though it made him uncomfortable.
and when he quietly and politely explained the error to the waiter, you couldn't help but be endeared by his good manners and appreciation not only for you, but for service workers.
the waiter apologized profusely for bringing a vegetarian burger instead of vegan burger to the table, heavily discounted your meal, and even offered a complimentary dessert. to which soobin inquired, are any of your desserts dairy-free?
when the answer was no, he smiled cheekily and said the two of you were fine on desserts then, which confused you until a few hours later, when you entered his apartment and noticed a table full of intricately-decorated cookies, that he assures you are vegan.
your mouth can't help but fall open in shock over the pile of handmade cookies to which soobin cheekily says, why are you so surprised? his sudden confidence charming you even more. Kai -> he feels terribly that you can't eat your meal... but the best he can do is offer emotional support and advice when your pita comes out to the table in a tray with checkered paper, it is just filled to the brim with olives. though you're not one of those people who is super picky, you have to admit you've always had a massive aversion to olives.
though you'd normally just opt to pick the olives out of the pita, there are so many throughout it, in addition to pepperoncini and copious amounts of greek dressing... in all honesty, the whole pita just has to go. it's so soggy and poorly wrapped, you really don't know how you'd even manage to eat it. you look across the table to your boyfriend, shocked to find he is nearly done with his own pita. you watch him eat for a few seconds, amused by how absorbed he is in the flavors of the pita, before he finally fishes his and almost seems to come back to earth, looking at you with a stunned expression. (y/n), is something wrong? does your stomach hurt? you shake your head, feeling a little embarrassed over the fact you can't just suck it up and eat the soggy and overloaded-with-olives pita.
oh... it's just... this is really soggy. i'm not even sure I could pick it up without it falling apart. and it's filled with olives. he sucks his teeth, soft eyes looking at you with concern. oh no! maybe you can just use a fork and knife? you furrow your brows, knowing the flaws with the pita go beyond its structural weakness. It's also just full of olives and pepperoncini... I can't really eat this... kai looks around awkwardly, pulling on the strings of his hoodie before suddenly his face lights up and he eagerly offers a solution.
how about you order something else, and i'll just eat this one?
your eyes widen at his suggestion, and you can't help but laugh. but... you don't really like olives either? and it's so messy?
he shakes his head, already pulling your soggy pita towards himself. I don't mind eating it... and just ask the waiter for the menu again and order something else... I don't want to ask them to remake anything...
you laugh as you watch him pick up a fork and knife to eat the offending pita, and catch eyes with the waiter from across the restaurant to signal him to come back to the table. at least nights out with kai always have you laughing.
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500 Followers = 500 Words: Huening Kai
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-> Pairing: Huening Kai x Reader
-> Requested by: Anon
-> Prompt: Prompt 30 - Asking to fake date reveals real feelings. 
-> Warnings: friends to lovers. mentions of petty school rivalry.
-> Word Count: 587
-> Request: Closed.
500 followers = 500 words Masterlist | Main Masterlist
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. reblog instead
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"I need you to be my boyfriend," Y/N says as she takes a seat across from Kai, her best friend since training days. 
He looks up from his phone, his eyes wide with surprise, trying to process her words. “M... Me?” he stammers. "You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?" he clarifies, making sure he’s not imagining things. When she nods at him with a hopeful expression, he asks, "W... why me?" 
“It’ll be more believable,” she replies. “It’s just for tonight,” she assures him before going on to explain what happened, "I ran into that girl from high school—the one I mentioned before. She thinks life is a competition. So, she was going on and on about how amazing her life is. She fell for some guy from some wealthy family, they recently got married, and they’ve just returned from Paris with a trip to Australia coming up," she says, scrunching her face in distaste. It wasn’t that she disliked her rival’s life; it was the way she bragged about it that bothered her. 
“I’m sure her parents are proud,” Kai comments as Y/N pauses to catch her breath. Being the supportive friend he is, he lets her vent about the whole situation. 
"And then she made a comment about me being single and how sad that must be for my parents!" she exclaims, her voice rising in frustration. "I don’t know what got into me, but I blurted out, ‘Who said I’m single?’ then I started talking about you like you’re my boyfriend and suggested the four of us have a double date tonight," she sighs, resting her arms on the table and dropping her head on her arms, her next words muffled by the sleeve of her top. "Of course, she agreed to it. She even offered to pay.” 
“I won’t say no to a free meal,” he says more to himself as he continues to listen. 
“I’m such an idiot! Like she’d actually believe I’m dating you. I don’t know why I thought it would be more believable. You’re way out of my league. She’ll see right through it." 
"Well, who says we have to pretend?" He speaks. 
Y/N's head snaps up, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What do you mean?" 
"I mean, why can't we make it real?" He shrugs, trying to sound casual, but inside, his heart races at the thought of being more than just friends with her. It was a few years into their friendship that he realized he felt something more for her. "That way we won't have to pretend," he continues and then quickly adds, "But only if you want too. I don't want to pressure you if you don't feel the same." 
"What do you feel?" She asks him, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. She needed to hear him say it. 
He takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of her question settle between them. "I feel... I feel like there's something more than friendship between us," he begins to tell her. “I feel like I love you.” 
“I feel that too,” she admits, her voice barely above a whisper, but it’s enough to send a rush of warmth through him. “So, what do we do now?” she asks as he takes one of her hands in his own and holds it. 
“I won’t have to be your pretend boyfriend tonight, if you’ll have me as your real boyfriend,” he says with a hopeful smile. 
She nods, also smiling, “Let’s not pretend.” 
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@staytiny2000 - @hollxe1 - @laylasbunbunny - @everythingboutkpop - @oddracha
@rainydayteacups - @http-gyu - @skittyneos - @deltamoon666 - @katsukis1wife -
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
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featuring — TUBATU & THEIR AUTHORS | g — headcanons, fluff, angst, slice of life, coming of age | w — NO PAIRING !! mention of food ++ not proofread
a/n — v much tried not to cry during soobin's,,,, watched this clip of him getting emotional during a live while reading moa's supportive comments & genuinely have sm respect for this man
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a schoolboy who just wants to be amongst the class. a teenage boy outgrowing his youth, and beginning to realize he's pushed everyone in his circle away, and panicking because maybe it's too late to mend relationships. the boy who's watching everyone grow with him, yet not with him. a boy watching his distanced friends link arms as they jog towards the canteen, watching the girls sit together as they absorb each other's quiet in the library, watching the group of friends sneak out of class and sit by the benches. a boy realizing he's not like everyone else; pictures of friends taking trips together on social media, envying the respective bonds of friends underneath a girl's post— her girlfriends commenting “you look amazing!!” “god, marriage when!?”, and then boys who'd tease her with throwing up emojis.
yeonjun is written by a boy who watches people partake in street fashion, groups of friends catching the train after school and falling asleep on each other's shoulders. yeonjun is the result of a boy who's learning to refuse isolation, a boy who's accepting his flaws and embracing them, a boy who's working on himself. a boy slowly realizing what beauty he can hold in himself, a boy realizing he's alone— but refuses to stay that way.
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a woman who's watched her lover change into a cold person. a woman who's craving the warmth of an old lover, the comfort of a relationship that was too good to be true. a woman whose emotions get the better of her, a woman who misses the twinkle in the eyes of their lover. a woman who realizes that her love isn't being reciprocated the same way anymore, who watches her lover's skin turn colder by the second. a woman watching her lover be consumed by the winter of the universe, to be changed completely and transformed. and she can't do anything but cry— watch them and cry and hold their cheeks and beg for them to come back.
soobin's eyes reflect what love was lost after being savored for a while, soobin's smile thaws hearts of those like his author. soobin is not picture perfect; but he cups teary wet cheeks and empathizes like no other.
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a peter parker who's just gotten bitten by his spider. beomgyu is everything that peter's expectations for himself are. peter, who wants to bury the factor of his own fear, who wants to be the hero everyone feels reassured to see. peter wants for his first instinct to not be panic, confusion, or to start making a far-fetched calculation that doesn't help him in the task at hand. peter wants to shrug at the face of danger— to not be afraid for his own leap of faith. peter wants to be carefree, a cheerful soul who doesn't have time to worry because of how fast he moves.
but as time moves on, maturity is what peter sought, not a pretty face with a cocky smile. and peter gives beomgyu depth as he grows himself, a sense of responsibility sharpening the features of a new spiderman, learning the ability to accept his own fear instead of just pushing it below. peter writes beomgyu to be brave; not fearless. someone who's humbled at his wins, who grows stronger at his loss.
but peter unknowingly soon manages to parallel the expectations he never thought he'd meet— and instead of building beomgyu to be someone he'd wish he were, he grew him to be just like him. to know when to laugh and to accept his own emotions when necessary, beomgyu turned out to be a carefree soul who believes in justice and his right to his own story.
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a young lady who was nit-picked by the beauty standards of a black and white society. a young lady who never understood where her greys would fit. a woman who is growing to shun away a mold she is aware she would never fit. taehyun's unique beauty is a result of a mind curious to sculpt their own standard. a stubborn soul, who embraces their differences, who moves on from the fact that they are not like the others, and recognizes that it's what catches everyone else's attention.
taehyun's emotions are quick to reach his features, moulding themselves to reflect what his heart feels. his eyes turning softer, the corners of his lips growing into a smile, the tension in his forehead dissolving as he grows fonder; taehyun was written to be observed by those who were just like his author. those who recognized their own place in a community, or the lack of said position, and always embraced it. taehyun was the result of self indulgent art that stood as a symbol for those who appeared to not fit a “beauty standard” — whatever beauty standard meant, anyway. subjectivity was never meant to be moulded into a standard, and taehyun stood to be a reflection of that.
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two 5 year olds who met at preschool and now have distance in their friendship due to one of them moving out of town. a pair of children who sneakily panic when they realize they scribbled on the wall with crayon. children who struggle to throw snowballs at each other because of how cold snow feels. two kids who stare out the window and guess the cost of cars passing by based on how expensive they look. two kids who announce that they'd like to get married as a way to show their tight knit bond.
two kids who always left the corners of their sandwiches, and argued if the head or the butt of the dinosaur nugget should be eaten first. two kids, who'd cry if the other cries. two kids who are now too far apart from each other; overwhelming sadness only emerging from a tiny body in the form of incomprehensible tears.
two kids who begin writing to each other in colorful crayons, whose journey of writing to each other never reaches its end. two children who exceeded the height marks on their walls, who grew up to be able to fit more words in their letters. hueningkai is the spark of their relationship, the cursive and the colorful. an innocence which never grew into maturity when it came to each other, a pair of kids who were too old to sit on the porch and swing their legs, or watch clouds.
hueningkai is the tears prickling in their eyes when they run to each other after years, an embrace that sends heart palpitations towards toes. hueningkai is the innocence they never grew out of, a pair of former children crying in each other's arms, an overload of sensory, a platonic kiss to each other's forehead. a soulmate bond, and an unspoken understanding.
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi @bangchansbae
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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cloudykaii · 2 years
little things: txt
the second installment of the little things series.
includes: sixth member of txt
genre: cute, platonic, personal headcanons
you have a significantly different relationship with each of them, but none of them are lesser. it’s very obvious that the six of you have a very deep amount of love and respect for each other, and that doesn’t change. you have been through a lot with the support of each other, and also suffered together. there are so many moments to remember and choose from, but some of them just stick out more than the others.
i just feel like you and yeoniun have a very funny relationship. He's definitely like your pretend sworn enemy. You'll joke together all the time. His favorite one to tell is that he raised you yet you constantly disrespect him. There is even a viral video of him talking to the camera about how you're his least favorite member because all he's done his best to teach you wrong from right and you just couldn't get it, and then immediately followed by clips him letting you do whatever you want, like putting random clips and pins all over his hair while he's talking.
He's notoriously known for lying about you lol. Notoriously known for pretending he's not soft for you. There are viral videos of things like him yelling about who ate his leftovers and being mad then seconds later soobin tells him it was you and he's just deflating and going, "just ask next time, I'll order you your own fresh."
 He's also your favorite to prank yourself. It's always a war; he'll put salt in your drink, you'll saran wrap yeonjun's door so that he has to run through it to leave his room. If anyone ever asks about why yeonjun dyes his hair so much, you always say because you're sneaky and yeonjun doesn't buy his own shampoo. Despite all of that though, whenever anything goes too far, he is always the first to apologize
Soobin best brother is my favorite agenda. He's very attentive and protective. Possibly a little overbearing but not in a "you can't be around anyone" way. He's just always concerned. He makes sure that even if you say you're fine that you pack a sweater or something when it is cold, always making sure your favorite snacks are stocked up.
He's kind of like your moral compass because he's definitely the one to be like "hey not tonight we have an event in the morning" and definitely makes you take care of yourself, but also, he does in fact lie for you in a heartbeat. one time yeonjun ran into his room covered in whipped cream, "where's y/n, I know she did this" and soobin just patted the pile of pillows under the blanket next to him and shook his head. "sorry to burst your bubble but she's been in here all night"
Coordinates matching outfits with you all the time. You probably steal his clothes claiming they will help in your mission to make your outfit iconic. Which..honestly you could tell him you needed it for any reason and he'd give it to you. Soobin is physically unable to tell you know unless it is a matter of your health. There are lots of videos of you wearing soobin's jacket whenever the stylists give you a dress or something. He's definitely the one to lay it over your lap when you're sitting
Gyu is a tough nut to crack. I think that you guys are probably shipped the most, but it's ironic because the usual shippable moments that fans latch on to either don't happen or are very lowkey the two of you are.. unique. For a better insight into your relationship with beomgyu, a list of viral moments/thins relating to your and your third oldest brother are:
You are constantly copying him. Most of the time it's not even direct or on purpose so most fans find it adorable how you're wearing the same outfit he wore two performances ago.
You jumping over a table to full body tackle him over a game of uno, him picking you up in the air by your ankle because he asked if you wanted to go somewhere and you said no so he literally took you anyways. Beomgyu going in for a hug only to turn it into a chokehold. The two of you sharing one blanket at a little campfire thing and him holding your hands to keep them warm. Beomgyu pouting and asking you to dye your hair to match him, you falling asleep with your head in his lap
The two most iconic moments that no one ever forgets, is when beomgyu said he was proud of you without knowing that a camera was filming, and when he was crying because his family was in the audience, and you just hugged him the entire time the guys were talking onstage. These are the famous moments because despite how much you two mess with each other it is obvious that you both love each other.
Very soft best friends. Lots of inside jokes, very hands on. It is far from uncommon for the two of you to be found giggling about something found totally mundane by anyone else. And when I say you guys are soft I mean it's literally like the famous dynamic between you both. Countless images of you guys being cute together are spread, first most shipped duo where you're concerned
He's an absolute sucker for you. Would let you get away with burning the world down and stop anyone trying to hinder you. Lets you practice things on his hair like braiding or pins. Whenever he buys something like food or a souvenir and you're not there you can always hear him mumbling to himself, "should I get y/n one?" usually then turns to ask kai for advice if he's there.
Tbh, would probably also egg on the shippers. Never in a way you're not comfortable with or is obvious, but he'll do things like hold your hand for extended periods of time, pat your head. One time, he had been extra bold and kissed you on the head and slid his hand into your back pocket. That little move is a rare occurrence, but he does it because he loves fueling the running joke of your being his girlfriend lol.
Also loves when you baby him and make him feel completely taken care of. You carry around extra water and snacks- or sometimes they're just for him and the way you remember little things he tells you always reminds him that even if he has no one else he has you.
If you and Taehyun are soft best friends, you and kai are soft soulmates. He is your biggest fan, and I will in fact die upon this hill. He loves you so much, and he sees the way you go out of your way to care for literally everyone else, and he has enough people taking care of him. For every one thing you do for him he does three for you.
Carries around three hair ties on his wrist. If stylists say he has to take it off he makes sure to keep them in his pocket just in case. He has a pack of bobby pins and he bought you a jacket to match his favorite that he keeps in his bag for you. Has a list of all your favorites; movies, shows, snacks, colors, materials, restaurant orders. Has a list of things you hate that he keeps both on his phone and printed and posted on a wall in the kitchen so mistakes never happen. Ever since the great pumpkin fiasco of 2020.
Has previously sat with you in his lap, bundled up in his coat because you fell asleep. I think everyone who knows the two of you and like k-moa ship you, nit international fans think it's all platonic. Very touchy, finding moments where the two of you just so happen to be linking pinkies or high fiving each other while performing is like the moa equivalent to finding easter eggs in taylor swift songs.
I mean literally soulmates, whether platonic or romantic is yet to be found, but the two of you are attached at the hip, sharing the same brain cell and everything. Ironically, I think he would also be the most protective. He has sisters and after hearing about their struggles within their groups and knowing that things are already different for you as the only girl in an otherwise boy group, he tries to be like your advocate, wanting things to be easier for you.
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bluhourz · 1 year
when he realises
Kai let out another heavy sigh as he looked at his phone. No new notifications. He turned the phone around and put it down harshly on the table, huffing loudly. Yeonjun raised his eyebrows at the maknae from across the room. Deciding to ignore him at first, he continued silently on his own phone. However, when it happened again, he decided to say something.
"Hyuka? Is something wrong?"
"No, everything is fine," came the low reply.
It wasn't very difficult to see he was lying so Yeonjun got up and walked over to sit next to Heuningkai.
"You seem frustrated. Talk to me. What's happening?" he tried again.
Another sigh. The younger boy rubbed his hands over his face a few times before casting his eyes down to avoid his huyng's eyes.
"I'm just waiting for someone to message me. They said they would but I've just not heard from them yet," he started softly, but his voice ended up getting louder the more he spoke. "This is kind of important, you know? Like, I'm also busy. They know my schedule. I can't just wait around the whole day, right?"
Heuningkai's shiny eyes looked up at his hyung, looking for some sort of affirmation. The older of the two ended up letting out his own little sigh at these words.
"It's Y/N, isn't it?" Yeonjun asked gently.
Kai's whole body shot up at this question.
"How do you know?" he blurted out, "I mean... no?"
Yeonjun laughed slightly at the answer. Kai was very obviously caught out. To be honest, they all knew for some time now. Kai's whole face would light up the second you entered the room. He would always make sure you were okay and would nearly run the moment you let him know you needed something. Any person would be able to see how he is feeling.
"What do they need to let you know?" Yeonjun decided to start slowly.
"Just... we were talking about this new cafe we want to visit this weekend. But we were still talking about the time. They might have something else to do as well."
Kai's voice turned soft and defeated the more he spoke. His head had lowered completely and he was avoiding eye contact with his hyung.
"Ah, I see," Yeonjun nodded, "So you were waiting for their message about that?"
Heuningkai grunted as a response. Yeonjun decided to stay quiet for a while, hoping the words would sink into his younger member's brain. Did he realise how insane he sounded right now?
After what he felt was an appropriate amount of time, he spoke up again.
"You know, that kind of sounds like you're in love."
Seeing the shock on Kai's face, he realised it did not in fact sink in.
"What do you mean I'm in love? It's not like I care that much about the plans. It's just that we have been talking about it for so long. And we agreed we would go together. And I think they would really like this one. And I really want to see their face when they try their favourite coffe-"
"What is their favourite coffee?"
"Easy, caramel macchiato."
The silence that followed was deafening.
"Do you see what I mean?" Yeonjun asked gently.
"No, but... In love?" Kai stayed silent for a while longer, "Really? You think so?"
"I'm nearly positive," Yeonjun patted Kai's shoulder gently as he stood up, "Just something to think about."
Kai was left alone with his raging thoughts after that. Staring at his phone's black screen, his mind raced. Was he really in love with you? He always thought he just cared about you a lot, but as a friend. But his hyung's words made him realise. Maybe those were feelings weren't normal towards someone who was just supposed to be your friend. Maybe Yeonjun was right. Maybe he was in love with his best friend.
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3raaaachachacha · 1 year
4:41 pm 
Choi Beomgyu x female reader / 630 words / angst / fluff
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, panic attack
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It had been a long day of promotions for the boys. It was back-to-back interviews and live performances, and you could see a few of them losing their energy. You had been a part of TXT’s team since they debuted and you had grown close to the members by being just slightly older than them. They looked up to you since you always encouraged them and somehow understood how they felt, even when they didn’t seem to quite know. 
You were closest to Beomgyu after being the first person to notice his severe underlying anxiety. He always acted happy and crazy on camera, but in reality, he was quiet and didn’t need to be in the spotlight all the time. He felt like everyone always would judge him, that he wasn’t good enough to be in TXT, that he was a filler member, but you knew better. 
After an uncomfortable interview, Beomgyu quickly moved to the van, while the others stayed to mingle, not noticing Gyu slipping out the back. You, on the other hand, did notice and followed him at a quick pace, knowing what was about to happen.
He opened the door, shutting it behind him as his breathing became ragged, feeling as if there was no escape from the panic and tightness in his chest. He gasped for air, holding onto the roof handle. You opened the door with wide eyes, entering and moving towards him carefully.
You took his hand in yours, feeling his grip tighten around you, “Gyu, it’s me, Y/N. It’s okay, everything is going to be okay, even if you don’t think it will. I’m here for you. No one is going to hurt you.”
Gyu lazily opened his eyes as he turned to you, still trying to breathe, but failing miserably. He moved towards you as you opened your arms to engulf him in your warm chest. He buried himself there, trying to find your heartbeat to calm his rapid one. 
You ran your fingers through his soft locks as your other hand held him steady, “It’s okay Gyu. You did amazing, even though I know you are exhausted. You did so great, remember that.” 
He slowly began to breathe at a normal pace with your help as he move to sit up. You steadied him to make sure he wouldn’t fall over or faint. Beomgyu smiled down at you with happiness in his tired eyes, “What would I do without you?”
Your eyes went big. This was the first time you’d ever heard something like that come out of his mouth. Usually, he would be embarrassed after having a panic attack, but something was different about him.
“Gyu,” You began, not knowing what words you needed to say as he smiled more lively at you.
Before you could say anymore, you felt his lips attach to yours in a soft peck, catching you off guard, “Thank you for always being here for me, even when I pushed you away.”
A red blush lit your cheeks up as you tried your best not to stutter, “I was only doing my job.”
He chuckled lightly, taking your hand in his as he began to play with your fingers, “No other staff has ever helped me like you have. No one has ever been so supportive and caring toward me. It’s more than just your job and you know it.”
You met his eyes as you smiled shyly, “Okay, you caught me red-handed.”
He pulled you closer to him as you heard his heartbeat relax, “I’ll make sure I’m there for you more too. That’s what boyfriends do,” Your eyes went wide as he winked at you with a sweet smile on his face. That was the face you loved to see on him.
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🦋
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planetaryonhigh · 5 months
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prince hueningkai’s name is always on the tip of someone’s tongue. though his princely duties are most often left untouched, he thrives in the life of a socialite. no ball or even small celebration is complete without his presence. a lethal combination of his natural musical talent and overflowing charisma ensure he’s always the center of attention; just the way he likes it. one would struggle to find a soul he hasn’t befriended and a secret he doesn’t know.
yeonjun | soobin | beomgyu | taehyun
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imaginidol · 2 years
POV: [YEONJUN + SOOB] The Heartbreak.
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“Yeonjun?” you look up from your phone towards the sound of your door opening to reveal your boyfriend walking in, completely drenched in rain water. His eyes were puffy, he’d been crying, but you wouldn’t know for how long.
“Y-Yeonjun!” You sprint up, swinging your phone to the other side of your couch. Thump. It lands somewhere between a throw pillow and a cushion.
“Yeonjun, honey, are you okay?” You look him up and down, placing your gentle hands on his arm and dragging him inside, locking the door behind him. He doesn’t say a word, but keeps his gaze on the floor. You quickly sprint towards the kitchen to grab a hand towel and run back to Yeonjun, who was now staring at his hands. “I’m sorry,” is all he can bear to say.
“Yeonjun,” you say, tears forming at your eyes. What in the world happened? You start patting him dry all over, your hands touching the side of his face, only to see tears stream down uncontrollably from his eyes.
Those precious eyes, what a story they told.
“I’m sorry,” he croaks again, unable to hold your eye contact before finally speaking again, “I have to go.”
“Go where?” You look up, unable to comprehend what he could’ve possibly been talking about.
“I have to leave…” he chokes out a sob, “I have to leave… you.”
“You’re… you’re leaving?”
“I have to break up… with you,” he whispers, his face growing redder by the second.
“Why…” his cold words are not processing yet thoroughly, “why are you leaving me, Jun?” You ask quietly, patting the towel closer to his cheeks, your hands now shaking at the sudden realization that the person you loved dearly was…
…was admitting to leaving.
“I can’t tell you why,” he looks down at his hands again, and this time you do so as well, only to see that he was holding something.
In between his palms, a small, drenched Polaroid sat. You couldn’t make out the picture in it at first, so you took the picture from his palm to inspect it closer. Your heart froze.
The picture revealed Yeonjun pinned against a wall with another person on top of him, his lips parted and smashed against the stranger’s neck. His hands were wrapped around their waist, and the content stranger was smiling at their camera, milliseconds before taking the frozen snapshot of that heated, drunken moment.
Yeonjun had done the one thing he swore he’d never do.
“Oh,” is all you can say, the sounds of the thunderstorm outside growing harsher, beating down against your windows like a madman waiting for you outside.
Yeonjun breaks out into a sob, his face falling into your shoulder, his arms embracing tightly around you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he repeated over, and over, and over, and over…
But, as much as it was repeated, they didn’t process through you.
Nothing in that moment did. Nothing could fill you with emotion, with wonder, with empathy, with regret. You were numb. Completely and utterly numb.
The picture falls from your hands, and now you’re pressing your hand towel against your own cheek to stop your tears from streaming. They run longer than the raindrops falling against your windowsill. The sobs of a shamed Yeonjun fade out into the harsh thunderstorm behind you. The sound of the picture hitting the floor, somewhere far, far away, is somehow louder than the overstimulation around you.
“Yeonjun,” you somehow manage to speak up.
“I’ll do anything to have you forgive me,” he says, but it is clear in the sound of your voice that you are no longer available emotionally in this very moment.
“Please leave, just as you said you would,” you say to him. Your eyes look up to his, your gazes interlocking completely. His lips quiver in regret and wonder, unable to comprehend how he allowed himself to fall far from the tree you had both planted together at one point.
Your eyes remain locked into each other. His orbs seem to glisten, his pupils dilating at the sorry sight of you, and yet he can’t tell if he still loves you or not. Why would he, after having cheated? All he can do now is look into your draining, emptying eyes, a pair he may never be able to fulfill wholly with trust again.
And so, your eyes agree to remain locked into one another. Not a word said, because thousands are already being held through the shattering stare you both can’t seem to cut away from.
A couple seconds pass, then three, then four. A minute floats by, then two, and almost three. Not a word is said, until Yeonjun bends over to pick up the shameful Polaroid from the floor. He turns to unlock the door, the sound of the harsh rain and wind outside flooding into the otherwise now quiet and empty apartment.
“I hope you know,” he turns over his shoulder, avoiding eye contact. “I still love you.”
And with that, he closes the door behind him, never to be opened again.
You feel your knees shake, and you carefully allow yourself to sit on your floor, back against the door, towel shielding your face. And you break down, over and over again, once harshly, second time softly, and the third time you don’t shed tears at all. It was all so…
The boy you waited for every day after your own work and tasks, the boy you went out of your way to comfort the extra mile, you’d even had the scary thought of actually planning a lasting future with,
and he cheats on you.
At least he was honest enough to admit it.
But fuck, how you loved him still. However, there is no way you deserved any of it. Regardless of the excuse, the circumstances, all of it.
Yeonjun is standing outside your door, leaning his head against it, hearing the muffled sounds of your crying and weeping. It breaks him more to know he caused it. One foolish night of arguments, and he completely betrays you without validity. Once he composes himself, he drags himself back into the car from which he came. A black, sleek Audi sits at the edge of the parking lot, awaiting his return.
He opens the door to the passenger side and slumps himself in, water straining from all parts of his clothes, almost ruining the beautiful leather interior within.
The car is shifted to reverse, but the driver doesn’t move.
“Hey,” the driver speaks up, and Yeonjun looks up with a face so beautiful but so completely defeated. Soobin greets him with a sad smile. “At least you were bold enough to admit it.”
Yeonjun’s eyebrows furrow. “Why’d you make me say it? We could’ve kept my dirty secret between us—”
“Because,” Soobin heaves, but can’t think of what to say. His right hand rises to the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows furrowing and eyes shutting completely as he tries his best to hold back his own tears.
The thing is, Soobin knew the moment his friend Yeonjun cheated on you, because he had known of your argument shortly beforehand. Yeonjun decided he would party for the rest of the night to get his mind off his stresses, but Soobin knew that Yeonjun had been having too many stresses all around for this night not to have some shit-show go down.
Soobin had been keeping a careful eye on Yeonjun for you.
Let me say that again,
for you.
The truth is, Soobin loved you. Loves you. More than any of the other partners you’ve ever had, or ever will have. But why’d you choose Yeonjun over him? Well, maybe that was due to the fact that he’d never been upfront with his feelings. And he loved you too much even then for him to allow anyone you were dating — inclusive of his friends — to disrespect you behind your back.
He spoke with Yeonjun and told him that if Yeonjun didn’t rightfully tell you of his wrongdoings, that he would, and it would be too shameful for Yeonjun if that were the case otherwise.
And now here you are, three heartbroken souls all sitting in otherwise unfortunate conditions, the sounds of the thunderstorm outside washing over harder and harsher against any windows, walls, trees in sight.
Love can hurt, or be hurt. But having the privilege to feel it, whether it is good or bad, is in itself a very beautiful, raw, and uncanny experience.
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spookyji · 2 years
# masterlist !!
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minors do not interact with any of my works !! works are for entertainment and are not intended to depict the artist accurately !!
# series !!
perv!txt mini series (completed, 5/5)
sugar rush ride (valentines day series, in progress)
# choi yeonjun !! 최 연준
bunny pet play (mini fic)
innocence kink (fic)
bunny hybrid yeonjun (fic)
maid dresses (fic + perv!txt series work)
corruption kink (thought)
tattoo artist / tattoo artist 2 (thought)
drunk yeonjun (thought)
bunny hybrid heat (thought)
size kink (thought)
jerking off (thought)
husband 1 / husband 2 / husband 3 / husband 4 / husband 5 / husband 6 / husband 7 (thought)
# choi soobin !! 최 수빈
church smut (xmas special 2022) (fic)
oversized sweaters (fic + perv!txt series work)
husband!soobin (fic)
making out (mini fic)
thigh riding (mini fic)
messy blowjob (mini fic)
baby trapping (blurb)
sub soobin (thought)
himbo!soobin (thought)
dollification (thought)
size kink (thought)
somnophilia / somno 2 (thought)
possessive / baby trapping (thought)
husband soobin / husband 2 / baby fever (thought)
nerd gamer / perv soobin (thought)
lazy college soobin (thought)
prince soobin (thought)
size training (thought)
# choi beomgyu !! 최 범규
thigh highs (fic + perv!txt series work)
puppy hybrid (fic)
morning sex (fic)
perv gyu / perv 2 (thought)
arms (thought)
biting (thought)
make it fit (thought)
rich gyu (thought)
degradation + loud (thought)
bad boy (thought)
husband beomgyu / husband 2 / toxic husband (thought)
drunk beomgyu (thought)
size training (thought)
# kang taehyun !! 강 태현
night wear (fic + perv!txt series work)
studio smut (fic)
cat hybrid (bday special 2023) (fic)
possessive (thought)
perv roommate (thought)
size training (thought)
husband taehyun (thought)
honeymoon (thought)
toxic fwb (thought)
# huening kai !! 휴닝 카이
library smut (fic)
dom kai (fic)
miniskirts (fic + perv!txt series work)
come a little closer (fic + sugar rush ride work)
backstage quickie (mini fic)
himbo kai / himbo 2 (thought)
soft dom kai (thought)
perv / perv 2 / perv 3 (thought)
needy (thought)
pussy drunk (thought)
size kink / size kink 2 / size training (thought)
gamer (thought)
bulge kink (thought)
sick and hoodies (thought)
prince kai (thought)
spider-man kai (thought)
# ot5 / collection
txt + hybrids (collection)
txt + sex while sick (collection)
txt + mafia smut (collection)
txt + baby trapping (collection)
taehyun + yeonjun cockblock by cats (collection)
soobin + yeonjun threesome (thought)
soobin + beomgyu threesome (thought)
soobin + kai threesome / sookai 2 / sookai 3 (thought)
2K notes · View notes
weeeeeekly · 3 months
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are “our love” & princess, & not edited.
wc: 1.8k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! This is fiction!!! this is made up!!! I do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life. I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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The rest of the night consisted of tossing and turning due to the news. Not only were your legs restless but so was your mind. As it approaches the early hours of 3 AM, you truly do think you’re losing it as you swear you hear Huening Kai’s laugh through the walls. The laughing stops once you put your ear against the shared wall, you huff as you step down from the chair. The sound of the front door opening startles you to fall off the chair.
“What are you doing up?”
You look up from the floor to your roommate looking concerned at you.
“Thought I heard something, but it’s just my mind playing tricks on me.”
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After finally getting 2 hours of sleep, which was basically a nap, you thought a quick workout would help wake yourself up. It had been a while since you worked out before work but since you had a restless night hopefully walking on the treadmill will fix something.
You wish your roommate a good night as they go to bed to work the night shift again. As you’re locking the door, the neighbor’s door opens, and you’re greeted by the sight of Taehyun. Not just any Taehyun but just-woke-up-with-fluffy-hair-and-no-makeup Taehyun.
Oh, you were in trouble.
He waved at you as you will yourself to not embarrass yourself. You flash him a polite smile as you turn to walk towards the elevator when you hear him call out “wait up”. You pause as you turn around to see him walk up to you.
“Are you going to the gym too?”
You nod as you stare at his beautiful face. You’re surprised you haven’t started crying or shaking out of nervousness/excitedness, but you were running on 2 hours of sleep, half of an iced matcha latte, and pure adrenaline.
“Yeah, are going to box?”
Taehyun raises an eyebrow at you, so you immediately scramble for an explanation, “The gym here has expensive boxing equipment…”
“Oh, really?”
Taehyun smiles at you with his beautiful Taehyun smile and sparkly eyes that you feel your calm demeanor slipping away, “Oh wow would you look at the time! I got to go to work!”
“You have work at,” Taehyun checks his watch. “5:30 AM?”
“Yeah? I mean yeah. So, I’ll just–” You flash a quick smile and immediately turn around to head to the stairwell.
Taehyun stands where you left him wondering why you were in a hurry to get away from him, but the realization hits him as he rushes back to the shared apartment. He flings the door open to his members falling backwards from leaning against the door to eavesdrop.
“Hyung, the door is made of great wood!”
“You’re right!”
“Our love is a MOA.”
Yeonjun and Beomgyu shoot up from the floor as they talk over each other to ask questions to Taehyun about their soulmate. Soobin stays on the floor as a loopy smile graces his features as he comes up with baking ideas. Kai paces back and forth while on his phone, looking up date ideas nearby.
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“I saw the news.”
Your head whips around to see your boss looking at you sadly with a box of cookies. You shake your head as she approaches you to give you a hug. You freeze as you accept the hug as you stare in shock at the rest of coworkers standing behind her with a sign that says, “Sending Our Condolences”.
“What is happening?”
Your coworker that is closest in age to you speaks up, “Your favorite group.”
“This is really sweet and confusing, but they’re not like One Direction, they’ll be back.”
Everyone just sends you an even sadder look than your boss did as they pile the pity gifts into your arms. You stand silent after they head back to their offices to start the day. Your mind can’t move on from the thought that what if TXT doesn’t come back.
The thought looms over your head of what you would do if TXT aren’t coming back. If this is them silently disbanding. The thought spirals you so much that your heart feels like it’s going to burst out of your chest and tears are threatening to stream down your face. Before finding some solace in the farthest restroom from your desk, you quickly place the pity pile of gifts on your desk.
You have a legitimate reason to not be working on another massive spreadsheet and stare at a bunch of numbers at this very second. You are having a mental breakdown of sorts.
You keep your head lowered as you walk past offices down the hallways to get to your favorite secluded bathroom, nothing special to the average person but to you the pale-yellow walls with knock off van Gogh paintings meant everything to you. This was the last restroom in the building to not yet be demolished and renovated into an ugly, modern look, destroying any remnants of the past.
The version of yourself in the mirror is a sad one as red-rimmed eyes stare back behind your tear-stained glasses.
And suddenly, you feel like you’re 18 again. Back to winter break of senior year, extremely depressed due to the way school was going. Your grades were barely passing and having to keep studying to get any scholarships for college. Pushing all your friends away, crying in the bathroom, praying to any higher power in the universe to not let anyone walk by to hear or see your current state. Clutching your shirt with shaky hands as every negative thought is screaming inside your head.
The only difference is that you can’t go home and lock yourself in the bathroom in the early hours of the night to self-harm.
There’s only so much you can do to calm yourself down inside the tiny bathroom with two stalls, including the accessible stall, and sink counter. Pacing back and forth while counting your steps isn’t slowing your breathing and every time you look in the mirror you cry harder.
The guys sit around the new table and matching chairs they bought earlier after you left for work. Taehyun looks up from eating the bento box they ordered. Soobin tilts his head at his member’s weird reaction until they all sense it.
“Something’s… wrong and I think it’s our love.”
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The rest of your shift passed painstakingly slowly from your sluggish movements. It also didn’t help that your vision was blurred by the constant presence of tears threatening to fall.
The second the clock hit 4 PM, you shut the desktop off and slung your bag over your shoulder to rush out the building. You don’t remember driving home as your body went on autopilot, but next thing you know you’re in the elevator on the way up to your apartment.
The sad walk to your apartment door would have been like any other if it weren’t for your neighbor’s door opening and five heads poking out to jumpscare you.
You let out a shriek as the metal water bottle in your dominant hand is ready to be a makeshift weapon as Beomgyu and Taehyun let out matching shrieks.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
The harsh whisper leaves your mouth as you bend down to pick up your belongings that ended up on the floor from the startle. Soobin beats you to it as he hands you your bag and obnoxious keychain of your favorite childhood character that holds your keys. You thank him as his ears turn red from making physical contact with you.
You’re unlocking your door as the other four watch you with their undivided attention and the feeling makes you pause, “Wait…”
You slowly turn your head to look at them – Yeonjun smirking at you while trying to act cool by leaning against the doorframe, Soobin hiding behind the doorframe while covering his ears, Beomgyu smiling so hard that you’re afraid he might crack a tooth, Taehyun staring at you with his beautiful boba eyes like you offered the universe to him, and Kai giggling at your comically confused expression.
“We never introduced ourselves, but we’re your new neighbors! I’m Daniel, by the way.”
“Daniel” extends out a shaky hand towards you. You accept the handshake and make sure to firmly shake his hand while making direct eye contact which causes Yeonjun to lose his cool and keep sending out looks of “help” to Beomgyu.
Beomgyu takes the hint and steps in, “I’m Ben.”
“Hi Ben. What’s that short for? Benjamin, Benward, Bennet, Bennet with 2 t’s and 2 e’s, Benedict?”
You continue listing names that could possibly use the nickname while keeping Yeonjun’s hand in a death grip as Beomgyu grows increasingly uncomfortable. You turn your attention to Taehyun who just mumbles “Terry” and Kai is busy trying to coax Soobin back inside the apartment.
“Drop the act. I don’t know what’s going on, so you all are going to explain to me why you’re here.”
Finally dropping Yeonjun’s hand, he lets out a sigh of relief as the rest of TXT go back inside the neighboring apartment as you follow behind them. Kai holds the door open for you as you mumble a “thank you” and hear him close it behind you. You follow the guys and take your shoes off to wear an extra pair of indoor slippers that are conveniently in your size.
You cross your arms as your eyes narrow, “Okay, spill.”
Yeonjun and Taehyun, the members with the most confidence in their English, jump at the chance to explain the story their protocol team came up with about how they’re here to film content for In the Soop: Together. Your eyes switch every few seconds from one to the other as they speak over each other, virtually making the story unintelligible.
A single hand raise from you quiets them both as you speak, “Let me make sure I’m getting this right. TXT as in Tomorrow By Together are in my random ass city in my random ass state that no one famous ever comes to – not even for concerts – but one of the biggest musical acts from South Korea is here?”
Kai’s head tilts, “You know Tubatu?”
Your eyes widen as you suddenly turn your head to stare at the fire alarm on the ceiling, “I never said that.”
Yeonjun opens his arms wide for a hug as you’re frantically shaking your head to pretend that you don’t know that your favorite group in the world is right in front of you, talking to you, and seemingly excited to see you.
Like they knew you.
Which would be crazy and fueling your delusions, so you chalk it up to their amazing fan service that you only dreamt about after seeing and reading on social media.
Turning back to the group of guys – they’re literally just guys (but your favorite group of guys) – you muster up all the courage inside your body. “Can we be friends? Can we start over like it’s our first-time meeting and just be friends?”
They all nod their head as you smile.
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author's note !!! get well soon, beomgyu! weverse notice he got a bad ankle injury :(
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thetxtdevil · 3 months
Peachy Keen
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Huening Kai x Reader
summary: Having class during the summer is not fun, but energy drinks and a cute boy will help you through it.
content: fluff, college au
the fruit collection
early morning communications class
during the summer semester
you're not happy
you get into the classroom finding yourself a seat
you look over at the small group of students
you notice a guy with his hoodie on his head and immediately judge his choice of attire
it's extreme temperatures and he's wearing a hoodie???
the professor goes on and on about who knows what
you reach into your backpack and take out an energy drink
the loud crack of opening the carbonated drink awakens the room
everyone stares at you
even the hooded boy
you finally saw his face and all judgment faded away
he's really cute...
he smiles at you while he sips his own energy can
you take a drink from the can acting like no one was disturbed
class continues
a few weeks of the class
the students has gotten used to your religious energy drink consumption
one monday you came upon the seat that you made your own and found a can patiently waiting
the can was decorated a bright pink
cold to the touch you lift the can to see it was peach flavor
oh how much you love peach flavored things
you look around to see if anyone left their drink
you made eye contact with the cute student
he smiles and just like before he takes a sip of his own can
when class ended you got the courage to talk to the boy
"now how did you know I like peach?" you say as you sit on top of a desk
"i guess i have good instincts" he smiles
you drop your head trying to hide your blush
"since the professor just wanted to be the only one to communicate and we never got to meet each other,,, my name is y/n"
the boy chuckles at your claim "i'm kai"
"well cheers to summer school yeah?"
kai gives you a smile that makes your heart flutter
he tilts his can towards yours and you tap your drink against it
kai sips his drink
you notice a hint of peach color in his face and hesitation
"humm..." he clears his throat "would you like to communicate more outside of class?"
you giggle at his sentence
"yes, i would very much like to"
authors note: sorry this one is so short :/ i kinda lost motivation with this story and became more invested with my vampire aus, but if you liked this short blurb let me know if you want a full story. ;)
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil 🍑
Taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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ryxiez · 1 year
Subby Kai Hard Thoughts
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➛ just a little blurb with sub!Huening Kai because he had infected my mind for a long time now.
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I can't stop thinking about how needy Huening Kai would be at all times omg. Constantly needing to hold onto your hand or even the back of your shirt at crowded places. Then after arriving back home after a nice date, he would demand a lot kisses and cuddles to make up for the ones you didn't give him in public.
He wouldn't just be innocent though. Imagine finding him in your bedroom humping your pillow (or plushies because we know he loves those) because he missed you so much while you were at work. Once he finally noticed your presence, he would be at your feet and on his knees while begging for you not to punish him. How could you even think of such a thing when he looked so cute on the verge of tears already?
I feel like Huening Kai would just be into humping things like the needy puppy he is. Give him your thigh and he'll be drooling from the feeling in minutes.
He would also love dressing up in the prettiest clothes for you. Imagine him in a short pink skirt with matching thigh highs on. That would be to die for. Get him on his hands and knees until he can't hold himself up anymore just for being so cute.
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hueningsloverr · 9 months
౨ৎ alone !
happy new year loves! this is just a short blurb i’ve been holding onto whilst i'm writing something a bit longer :3 only 164 words :( completely gender-neutral reader, no race mentioned, or anything like that - only specified as "you"
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they say there is nothing worse than knowing how it ends. though, being the only one left when it ends is arguably worse. there is no one to talk to. not one other person alive who understands what you are going through. people say "i know how it feels, i'm here for you." yet they never fully know. losing kai came out of the blue, and through losing him you seemingly lost everyone else you knew - including yourself. the person you used to be no longer existed, for they were gone the second kai walked out the door. no amount of crying or begging would ever bring him back. he was set in his ways. his lifestyle - being an idol, being famous, simply being the huening kai - was too much for you, or so he felt. and so he left, for you. yet there you sat, more alone then ever. and there was no way to change that. you were the only one left.
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authors note : my next work may or may not be inspired by olivia rodrigo’s "making the bed" :3
©2024 — all rights reserved to hueningsloverr , please do not plagiarise or translate any of my work
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cloudykaii · 2 years
OOOOOH, any of these please: Skz meeting 9ths tall siblings, Kai introducing you to the band or tae meeting celebrity crush at awards show
sorry the plot for this one got away from me im listening to soft music to ease some bad news i got today so it affected it a little lol but tell me what you think!!!
If there was one lesson being an idol could teach anyone, it was how to read people. Over the last few years, Kai felt like he had learned how to have a pretty good read on people and their intentions. Most of the time with just a few words, he could tell if people were talking to him because he has an idol they liked, or because they just thought they could utilize his fame to get someone a little more popular. But he was thrown for a loop when he met you, and you were the first person to not meet any of the criteria for either category.
Spilling a drink on his shoes, you had panicked and tried to help him, mumbling something about how maybe you did him a favor by destroying the ugly part of his outfit. He had laughed at that, and he remembered you looking up at him with wide eyes when you realized he could hear you.
He wasn't sure when his train of thought changed from lets take it slow, make sure no one gets hurt to oh yeah... she's the one. But the two of you had only been together for six months before he decided to introduce you to his closest friends.
"Angel, would you relax?" he chuckled. "They'll love you."
"That's what I'm worried about," you huffed. "Then on your days off they'll wanna hang out and I won't get to just have you to myself anymore." His head tilted back into a loud laugh as he reached out and pulled you against his chest.
When he first introduced you, you had actually been against it, claiming that you didn't want to know if the guys were nice and like them so you could still blame them for taking all of his attention.
Throughout his life, Kai figured he had done a lot wrong. He had made lots of mistakes, and while most of them could just be blamed on being so young, they still existed. But fuck, he had to have done something right to get you in his arms. He laid on the couch with you, and when your head tilted back into loud, unashamed laughter at whatever joke he missed from Beomgyu, he couldn't help but smile a little. And when you kicked him in the knee for trying to mess with Kai like it was the easiest thing in the world, everyone could see the heart eyes he wore for you.
He didn't know what he'd done, but as you leaned up and pressing your fingers to his cheek to keep his head turned to you so you could kiss him sweetly, he knew he was doing something right.
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bluhourz · 2 years
may request a reverse comfort heuning kai x female reader where heuning kai feels jealous of y/n’s friendship with beomgyu and heuning kai is afraid of losing her, so y/n comforts him with reassurance and kisses and cuddles, leading to a heavy makeout session?
thank you so much for the request! I kind of got carried away... oops :)
I hope you enjoy anon!
when he is scared of losing you
Kai woke up as the sunlight started to tickle his eyes. Who even left the curtains open? He was grumbling as he reached out to pull you closer. However, his hand only met the cold sheets where you once laid. Confused, he decided to get up and look for you. How dare you not be in bed with him?
"Y/N?" he called with an ever-present pout on his lips.
"Y/N-ie?" his pout tried once again.
He finally reached the kitchen. And that's where he saw it. A cute little cat sticky note on top of a neatly covered plate of breakfast.
"Hey bub! I'm going out with Gyu today. Didn't want to wake you up. I'll see you later. Love you! ♡"
He scoffed at the note. Out with 'Gyu'? Without your loving boyfriend at your side? Kai huffed as he sat down. Really? His mood was soured now. His wasn’t even hungry anymore. But he knew he couldn’t resist your food. Although, the frown never left his face as he ate.
Heuningkai spent the day moping around the house. Nothing he did was right. The show he wanted to watch suddenly irrirated him. The music he wanted to listen to was too loud. Even the plushies weren't comfortable when he lied against them.
He groaned outloud in frustration. He wondered how your day has been so far. Probably great seeing as you were with Beomgyu. He always made the time spent together fun. Like always. Maybe too much sometimes. Wait. Was Beomgyu more fun than him? Did you enjoy spending time with Beomgyu more than with him? Is that why you didn't invite him with you two today? Did you prefer being alone with Beomgyu..?
Without thinking, he had lied down sideways on the bed and grabbed a plushie. He only realised how much these thoughts freaked him out when he noticed his white knuckles gripping the material harshly. Slowly he let go and tried to relax. You loved him right? Right?
His last thoughts were anxiety filled as his mind raced to even more possibilities. Mumbling your name, he fell asleep again.
Later ~
"Baby! I'm home," you announced as you entered through the front door.
Met with an unusual silence, you were quite stunned.
"Kai?" you asked again as you walked to the bedroom, knowing he was probably there.
"Baby, are you.." your voice trailed off as you were met with one of the most adorable things you have ever witnessed.
Kai was surrounded by plushies, as always, and one was clutched close to his chest as he slept. Soft snores left his mouth, showing you he was sleeping deeply. But the frown on his face concerned you.
You tiptoed around the bed and sat down softly, facing him. Pushing some plushie friends away you made space for yourself next to him and lied down. Your eyes stayed glued to his beautiful face as you tried waking him up. You started by slowly brushing his hair back and whispering his name. Next, your hand wandered to the side of his face as you cupped his cheek. A series of cute nicknames were uttered gently as your hand moved. After a few attempts his eyes fluttered open. Usually Kai's eyes would brighten up the moment he saw you. This time his gaze was dull as your eyes met.
Knowing instantly that something was wrong, you asked, "Did something happen while I was away?"
He only shook his head, not trusting his voice.
"Then what is it? Why do you look so sad bub?" you kept your voice soft as your hand kept working through his face and down his face, trying to comfort him.
You gave him a few minutes to compose his thoughts. Finally, he sighed and closed his eyes before he started speaking.
"I.. I don't really know. I just had a bad day. I woke up and you weren't here. It made me sad to wake up without you. And then I saw your note saying you were out. With Beomgyu. And you didn't ask me to join. I know he is super fun and you enjoy spending time with him. And I just had a lot of stupid thoughts and I scared myself and..."
His eyes stayed closed the entire time he spoke. He didn't want to show just how much he was hurting and he knew you would immediately see right through his soul.
"And I'm just so scared of losing you."
If you weren't as close to Heuningkai as you were right now, you are sure you wouldn't have heard the last part. You felt your heart break a little more with each word he spoke.
Finally, he opened his eyes to look at you.
"I'm so sorry bub," you whispered, trying to convey your feelings through your eyes.
You pulled him closer, letting his head rest on your chest. You rubbed your hands down his back to comfort him and felt his arms wrapping around your waist.
"I'm really sorry we didn't invite you today. We went to the amusement park to try the scary rollarcoasters and I knew last time you felt sick afterwards so I didn't think you would want to go. I should have asked, I'm sorry. But please don't ever think I would just leave you like that. I love you so much Hyuka. You are my person, my everything. Yes, Gyu is a great friend, but just that. A friend. You are the one I love," you pushed him away slightly as you finished talking, "No matter what I'll always choose you."
A small smile broke out on his face at your words.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
Suddenly Heuningkai pushed himself up a bit and met your lips with his. What started out a soft and slow kiss filled with love for each other, quickly turned into something with urgency and need behind it. You layed down and he hovered over your frame. His hands slid up to rest on your hip under your shirt.
Breaking away breathlessly, your boyfriend looked at you, "So ypu agree I'm more fun right?"
"Of course, baby," you smiled, pulling him into you again.
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3raaaachachacha · 2 years
10:02 pm
Choi Yeonjun x female reader / 442 words / angst / smut
Warnings: cursing, use of a vibrator, unprotected sex, hands binded, dirty talk
Disclaimer: contains 18+ content; minors do not interact
Day twenty of kinktober - choi yeonjun x degradation
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“Baby girl, you should fucking know better by now,” Yeonjun smirked as he increased the speed of the pink vibrator that was pressed roughly against your clit. Your hands wanting nothing more than to clutch tightly onto the fabric beneath you, but instead they were tied behind your back, “You know what happens when sluts like you act like fucking brats. They don't get what they want, they get punished.”
Although, you wanted to confess to your boyfriend that your plan all along was to intentionally rile him up at the party, though your moans and whimpers got the best of you once his slender fingers prodded at your entrance. With your mouth hanging wide and your eyes rolling to the back of your head, Yeonjun felt himself get painfully hard at the sight of you once he slowly entered two fingers.
“Fuck,” He groaned deeply at the sight, “You know I can’t resist you when you sound like that, look like this.”
You managed to scoff at his words and grind your hips against his fingers to ride them, not satisfied with the slow pace he was setting, “M-more,” You stuttered breathlessly, “Fuck me hard, Jun, don't I deserve that at least for being a brat.”
You didn’t have to say much before Yeonjun had flipped you over to your stomach with your ass up in the air, your drenched pussy on full display and the vibrator dropped somewhere on the bed during the process. Swiftly, Yeonjun entered you without warning or letting you adjust, you were wet enough for him to easily slip in.
"No matter how fucking wet you are or how many times I fuck you," Yeonjun groaned, his hands gripped harshly on your hips, sure to leave marks tomorrow, "You are always so fucking tight, take me so fucking well."
You went to respond, but instead, you let out a broken whine at the rough pace Yeonjun abruptly set. The room smelt of sweat and sex, and all that could be heard were broken moans and skin slapping against skin. To others, it would have sounded feral, but to you, this was what you had been craving for all night.
You felt your high approaching, inching closer and closer by the second once Yeonjun found and placed the vibrator against your clit from under you, his pace only getting rougher. You were about to let go when suddenly Yeonjun pulled out and let go of the vibrator, making you whine out in protest.
"You didn't think I'd let you cum already, did you doll?" Yeonjun chuckled devilishly, "You're in for a long, rough night slut. Knees, now."
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- Admin 🌶️
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