#huffle puff
nowimhaunted · 1 year
me waiting for my coworker to do something mean so I have an acceptable reason to dislike them
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deadghosy · 2 months
Can you do light/sunny Huffle Puff and Dark/moon Raven clave
(sorry if i writed this wrong)
𝐒𝐮𝐧 𝐇𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐱 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰
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The sun and the moon creates the balance the earth needs. Every ravenclaw needs their warmth and light, and the peacefulness is their Hufflepuff. Who also needs the ravenclaw’s glooming light on calm nights.
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sionisjaune · 9 months
🎁 brocedes... lewis yearning for nico is like hot chocolate to me
🎁mutuals get ficlets for the holidays!🎁
Lewis finds himself pacing the apartment, sweeping from the bedroom to the balcony and back again. He lights a candle. Fetches wine from the rack and sticks it in the fridge. Lifts Roscoe off of the ottoman when he hauls his wrinkly ass onto it because Nico has a no dogs on the furniture rule. 
“Sorry buddy,” says Lewis, scratching Roscoe apologetically under his chin. “You know the rules.” 
Roscoe puffs out a warm sigh and lets a string of gooey drool drop from his mouth onto the carpet. 
“Thanks for that,” says Lewis, inspecting the dark spot on the carpet. “Really classy.” He heaves himself onto the sofa, Roscoe pawing forlornly at his shin for not being allowed up. “Jeez, why am I even talking to you? I must be going fucking crazy.” Roscoe side-eyes Lewis like he agrees. “Don’t look at me like that,” says Lewis, pointedly. Roscoe just sighs again, too human-like, and lays his head on Lewis’s feet. 
Lewis confines himself to the sofa, counting the passing seconds and attempting to nap. It doesn’t really work. He arrives at second six hundred before he admits to himself that he’s too anxious to fall asleep. He could take an edible—that would help. But then he’d be down for the rest of the evening, too useless to do anything but giggle and paw at Nico’s chest. It’s impossible, missing someone so much. It’s only been three weeks. 
Lewis is staring at the ceiling when he finally hears the sound of keys in the door and nearly trips over Roscoe’s head in his haste to get off the sofa. Nico’s only halfway through the door when Lewis gets there, a bag under one arm and his car keys in his hand. Lewis pulls him through the door, tosses his keys in the vague direction of the bowl on the credenza, and kisses him hard with Nico’s bag crushed between them. 
Nico pulls back first, something like surprise on his face. There’s a bit of stubble on his jaw, and his hair is less styled than usual. When Lewis glances at the bag, he notices it’s full of pink paper, drawn on and dotted with glitter. 
“You’re in early,” says Nico, shutting the door behind him and toeing off his loafers. 
“Caught an earlier flight,” says Lewis. “Thank fucking God.” 
Nico hums, maneuvering around Lewis in the entryway. “If I’d have known I would have made my excuses. I was dropping the girls off at Vivian’s, but Amelie insisted I stay for her tea party.”
Lewis imagines Nico hunched over a child-sized table sipping imaginary tea from a plastic teacup. Something aches inside his chest, like a loose rib. “No—that sounds… cute,” he says. He gives Nico a tug on the sleeve to prompt him into the living room and onto the sofa with Lewis. He pulls Nico on top of him, draping him across his own body like a blanket. Nico laughs into his neck. 
“Did you miss me?” he says, muffled, his lips brushing Lewis’s jugular. 
Lewis wraps an arm across Nico’s back and hauls him impossibly closer. It’s a spaceless kind of proximity, like sharing a slim bunk. Every jut of Nico’s fits into every crag of Lewis’s. Somewhere on the carpet, Roscoe huffles loudly, obviously feeling excluded.
“That damn codependent dog,” says Nico, against Lewis’s skin. 
“Yeah,” says Lewis. “The dog.” 
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hasanabisbookie · 10 months
YALL THE WAYYYY, the way that i have been day dreaming of mean hot nerd jordan li in the harry potter au is crazy, this is like angst but not enemies to lovers and lemme tell you it gets SPICYYYY, like as a huffle puff whihc its not really what i automatically give but deep down ya girl is jst a ball of luv fr and wanna be happy AND MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY BESIDES THE POINT, uptight HOT nerd jordan (ravenclaw) x reader,,,,,, wat r we thinkinh bc i know i would actually die LIKE thinking of them being stuck up and smaft asf jst does somthing to me
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zerogravityinq · 3 months
I am going to write this one day but lets sort the bats!
Bruce - Ravenclaw with a high chance of slytherin.
Kate - Gryffindor but i could see her in Hufflepuff.
Babs - Ravenclaw but also a high chance of for fucks sake all the bats could be slytherin.
Dick - Slytherin but a hatstall because the hat wanted him in hufflepuff but dick showed it what would happen if it did and it was like NOPE
Cass - Hufflepuff. I shouldn't have to explain this one! But she would scare her housemates unintentionally
Jason - ravenclaw but BUT I see a slight chance of him being Gryffindor or Hufflepuff
Harper - Ravenclaw. Idk since I haven't seen much of her but she gives that vibe? That or like Gryffindor.
Stephanie - Gryffindor but also ravenclaw
Tim - Slytherin but could easily slide into Ravenclaw
Duke - Gryffindor with a chance of Ravenclaw.
Damian - Slytherin but much to his offense, he could wind up in Gryffindor lmao
Jarro - The most huffle of puffs! Or like...gryffindor.
Alfred - Slytherin. Like do you see him ANYWHERE ELSE???
Martha Wayne - Ravenclaw (we stan a smart kween)
Thomas Wayne - Hufflepuff
Bette Kane - Gryffindor
Helena Wayne - Ravenclaw
Selina Kyle - Slytherin
Renee Montoya - Gryffindor
Comissioner Gordon - Gryffindor
Harvey Dent - Ravenclaw (or Slytherin or really Gryffindor)
Harley Quinn - Ravenclaw
Pamela Ivy - Ravenclaw
Should i do the JL after this?
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sillymoonboi · 2 months
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Okay so for earth huffle puff- and for lunar?
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yaimay-day · 4 months
So , i have been playing A LOT of Hogwarts Mystery recently and i Just couldn't lose the opportunity to draw my oc from the game
Her name is Amelia windergold and she is a huffle puff student
I in the middle of the game so plz dont spoil It on the comments-
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saudosos · 9 months
Que prato magnífico! Lindo demais! Será que enviam para onde moro? Ah, essas coisas legais quase nunca chegam aqui…
Acerca do bolo, estou cortando agora, está servida? O vinho foi erro meu, devia ter te convidado. Quanta grosseria de minha parte… Não é digno de Lord esta atitude…
Sua avó foi uma pessoa incrível!
Ah, Avril também foi paixão pra muitos adolescentes! Crush, como os mais novos diriam. Inclusive eu… Ela não envelhece. E olha que já tem 39 invernos!!
E como está passando seu tempo de sábado? A neve já alcançou a altura dos joelhos?
Espero que esteja bem!
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Meu Pinheiro de natal, também tem ornamentos dignos de quaisquer potterhead! Creio, que não deu pra ver bem, mas logo abaixo das bolas de Slytherin e Gryffindor, há as bolas de ravenclaw e huffl puff!!!!! E como está ornamentada o seu pinheirinho ?
Concordo em gênero ,número e grau, não foi uma atitude nada digna de um Lord Ingles… Mas, já que estás a cortar o bolo agora, já estou indo com meu pratinho das casas de Hogwarts aí buscar, e se faz favor, coloque 1/3 de vinho em uma taça para mim.
A Avril, sem dúvida alguma, é o meu crush supremo! Inclusive, aprendi a andar de skate por causa dela. Tenho um arsenal de skates profissionais…
Como está a correr o seu sábado ?
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sleepy-sinz · 2 years
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Hogwarts Legacy is fucking amazing!!! Fan art coming soon. So far, I love the characters within Huffle Puff. I rewatched all of Harry Potter and Snape and Sirius have to be my fav characters. I absolutely LOVE magic. I also watched Star vs the forces of evil for the first time and MY GAWD!! I loveeeee Eclipsa. Will be making fan art of her soon. Okie, have a good day.
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symphobunnie · 2 years
Rules: 10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, and 10 Tags
(Basically say 10 fandoms you are in, Your favorite characters from each of those fandoms, and then tag 10 others to do this)
Tagged by: @oo0lady-mad0oo 💖
(I know this is SUPER late, I wrote all of this in my drafts and forgot to post it)
Harry Potter: Professed Lupin, do I need even need to explain? This man was the best teacher they had and you can quote me on that.
Percy Jackson: My favorite character here is kind of tricky, cause there are so many that I love but I have to say Leo Valdez.
Night in the woods: For anyone who doesn't know this game I wanna say you should check it out. My favorite character is the protagonist, Mae.
Warrior Cats: Either Graystripe or Jayfeather, kind of depends on when. After Graystripe came back after being taken by the Two-legs I didn't like him as much. He kind of mellowed out I guess, if that makes since. Pre-Two-leg kidnapping Graystripe is my favorite, otherwise it's Jayfeather.
Yuri on Ice!!!: I wanted to avoid animes but this was my first anime so it holds a place in my heart. My favorite character is Phichit Chulanont, the one that likes hamsters and who's dreams of performing in a circus on ice... There is a reason he's my favorite character.
BBC Sherlock: Unpopular opinion but Greg Lestrade, he's trying his best okay...
BBC Merlin: You know, a big part of me wants to say Gwaine, but I think if I re-watched the show it would probably change. I've changed since i watched it, and I feel like I just don't vibe with Gwaine as much as I used to. (Nope, just re-watched, it's definitely Gwaine)
Voltron: This is also like Merlin in the since that it has probably changed. If you asked me while I was watching the show I would have said Lance, but I think now it's Pidge.
Inside job: Brett, hands down. Golden retriever men all the way. He is literally the sweetest and he is refreshing compared to the other main characters.
Rules and Regulations for meditating, myths, and magic: I'm at least 89% sure no one has heard of this, but it's was my favorite book as a kid so I thought I should add it. My favorite character from this book is Bridger, I think I'm seeing a pattern in how i like the protagonist.
Well now its time for the part I was kinda worried about, time to tag ten other people. I was concerned that I wouldn't have enough people to tag. If I tagged you and you don't know who I am, I'm sorry. (Though I really love your posts)
Tags: @cleverpsychicstatesmanbiscuit @skyewolf23 @b0r0wski @huffle-puff-ego @lupinthehowlingwerewolf @morbidmelody @viannaheus @marksandrec @littlemystolemypie @cuddlesworks
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mendesxruel · 2 years
Hey I hope your going to have a good day!
I was wondering if you could ship me with someone from Harry Potter? (Pref a boy kinda confused rn) (im a huffle puff)
I am a female korean who is 4'11 (im not a child i swear just short i aint going no more either) I have black shaggy medium length hair. It's kinda like a wolf cut but with a side part. I have pale skin and wear black circle glasses. I'm about 98 pounds and pretty small ahem chest area.

I'm a shy distant person and very awkward at first. But get to know me i can be sorta funny and goofy. Also a bit weird i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. I have major social anxiety and ADHD well im not that hyper anymore but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. Im also adopted from korea by a german family. For being shy im not afraid to stand up for what i believe in but not when being bullied. I'm a feminist to the core! I have mommy issues and im very insecure about myself. Also my scars from things on my body.

Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot (im sorta a nerd). I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. My music taste is all over the place only thing i wont listen to is country. I mostly listen to vintage, indie, piano, metal, and rock. I play dnd still to this day i first did as a kid. I love reading comics or poetry.
-Thanks in advanced
i ship you with...
George Weasley!
i think george would be patient with you and would always be there for you if you ever needed him, like in social gatherings he'd be your safe person; he'd also think ur so cool for your music taste and your interests!<3
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dadjokestop · 3 days
If you’re a fan of magic, mischief, and the occasional spell, then you’re in for a treat with these Harry Potter jokes! From the halls of Hogwarts to the Quidditch pitch, these jokes will make you laugh until your wand wobbles. Whether you're a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, everyone can appreciate a good laugh. So, grab your broomsticks and let’s dive into this magical collection! 1. Why did Harry Potter go to the doctor? Because he had a bad case of “Hogwarts”! 2. What do you call a wizard who’s really bad at magic? A “Huffle-puff”! 3. Why was Hermione always so good at math? Because she had all the right spells! 4. How does Voldemort prefer his tea? With a splash of “death” and a hint of “murder”! 5. What did Ron say when he couldn’t find his pet rat? “I guess he’s a ‘no-show’!” 6. Why did the broom get a promotion? Because it swept the competition away! 7. What do you get when you cross a wizard with a soccer player? A “goal” of the Gryffindor kind! 8. Why did Dumbledore get a new job? He wanted to be a “head” of the class! 9. What’s Professor Snape’s favorite potion? “Laughter, it’s a real ‘knee-slapper’!” 10. How did Harry Potter get to Hogwarts? By “flying” through the acceptance letters! 11. What do you call a magical owl? A “Hoo-dini”! 12. Why don’t wizards like to play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you can’t see the “spell”! 13. What did the Sorting Hat say to the nervous student? “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re in the ‘right’ place!” 14. Why was the broomstick always tired? It had too many “sweeping” engagements! 15. How do you know if a wizard is lying? His wand is “shaking”! 16. Why was Harry always so calm? Because he knew how to “Expecto Patronum” his problems away! 17. What do you get if you cross a wizard with a garden? A “spell-binding” plot! 18. Why did Voldemort break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his “dark” sense of humor! 19. What’s the best way to catch a magical creature? With a “spell-check”! 20. Why did Harry Potter bring a ladder to the bar? Because he heard the drinks were on the house! There you have it—20 delightful Harry Potter jokes that are sure to enchant you and your friends! Share them at your next gathering or use them to break the ice in any magical conversation. Remember, laughter is the best spell, so keep spreading the joy!
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thesuperiorfeeling · 2 months
Hey beautiful 😏 Do you mind if I slyther-in?
Only if I can huffle your puff 👀
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scarletlizzard · 5 months
rosie i can confirm i am a huffle puff! you are too good at reading us anons chill please 😔
how have you been?? hope your doing good! are you gonna do anything interesting this weekend?
(omg wait i just thought about it but what if 🍯 is the knock knock anon LMFAOO sorry ok let me behave myself!)
(to dearest 🐈, giving you lots of head pats! also find it so funny you have a whole tier list of your harry potter houses! idk why 😭😭)
I told y'all I'm good and no one wanted to believe me!!
Hahaha I'm good! There is an event at beach I went to today that was fun. How about you, how are you? 😄
(That's a good question actually!)
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juicedphrog · 2 years
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THE FIRST SESSION OF KIDS ON BROOMS!!:))) IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! this is my my freinds character and mine, their dynamic was so fun and my freind and i were so hyped to be in huffle puff together, we were most hyped:))))
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