#hug a tree or smell a flower or take a photo of something beautiful
dearabby1990 · 3 months
Chapter 38: Loving you forever
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The next morning you & Eddie both decided to take a break & go away for a bit a small getaway at your aunts cabin so that you could both enjoy some peace & to pan over details together without interruption. Pulling into the driveway you smile at Eddie as his eyes scan his surroundings. “Wow princess this is something..” you laugh “I know it’s perfect here I can’t wait to show you all my favorite spots” throwing the car into park & popping the trunk you & Eddie put your bags onto the porch before taking him by the hand & showing him the wood pillar just by the front steps. Several measurement lines with initials along almost the entirety of it seeing little J.B,G.E, M.B & R.B mixed together “sugar I know the J.B’s are you but who are the rest of these people I thought you didn’t have siblings” you shake your head and giggle “Ed’s this is where we’d camp as kids we’d set up tents outback while the adults stayed inside J.B me Jamie Baker R.B & M.B my cousins Rachel & Matthew Baker & G.E honey Gareth Emerson” you turn to him “shit I keep forgetting you two a damn near related this is so cool I always knew he was a short shit ahaha” you slap his arm “you leave my Gare near be he used to save me from boogeymen and wild animals” eddie throws his head back in a whole heartedly filled laugh “wild animals?!” You turn red “my uncle used to tell us there were bears up here it’d scare me every time gareth made sure I wasn’t afraid outback he’s always been the brother I wished I had & I know you know what I mean” you take his hand ushering him inside the living room cozy & littered with photos of you kids throughout the years. Eddie carefully looking at each one until he stops at one in particular a young you, gareth & Rachel in a small pool splashing each other & a woman with long blonde hair and eyes so blue itd make the sky jealous. You walk up behind him to see what he’s looking at “that’s before she started getting sick the first time… she beat it the first time around but the second time she got it.. she just left so fast it was like my brain couldn’t comprehend what was happening until it was all over” Eddie turns to you your eyes red and puffy as tears roll down your cheeks “is this her honey” he rests a hand on your shoulder before pulling you into a hug “yeah that’s my mom… I just… I miss her so much Ed’s so much it hurts” you rack a sob into his chest curling his shirt into your fist “I know the feeling sweetheart but just know how proud they are of us” his kisses the top of your head holding you tight to his chest rocking back and forth before leaning back to tuck a hair behind your ear a peck your cheek “okay sunshine a house tour come on love” he tugs you along. “Well here’s the kitchen it’s huge i know you should’ve seen us kids in here in the mornings you had to beat gareth and Matthew to the table or they’d eat everything hahah” you pull him out in the yard “I wanna show you something” pulling him out of the perimeter of the yard through a bunch of trees & shrubs to a beautiful body of water with a waterfall surrounded by the most gorgeous flowers it looked like something out of a fairytale. “This is amazing” he whispered as you leaned against the side of him wrapped up into each others sides “me & Rachel would come here when my dad would Call being a jerk it was a special hiding spot our secret garden in a way” you take in the smell of Mother Nature before kicking off your shoes & turning to Eddie “come on love let’s go” he kicks his boots off you both take off everything but your underwear & jump into the water taking his hands back kicking towards the falling water “sweetheart are you sure this is safe?” You smile looking into those chocolate eyes & nod continuously pulling him to where you wanted him.
Pulling him through the waterfall until you make it into the small cavern like area just behind. Everything glowing with hues of blue light sparkling off of you both and everything surrounding. Pulling him flush to your chest snaking your arms around his neck before pressing your lips against his soft & slow yet needy. His fingers dancing up from the small of your back until the reach the nape of your neck tilting your head as he slides his tongue across your lips without hesitation your both matching each others movements suddenly you feel Eddie’s fingers brush across the band of your panties before sliding them completely to the side and tapping your ass with a simple word not needing to hear anything else after to get what’s getting ready to happen “Up” you wrap your legs around his waist & before you know it his inside of your heat & crashing his lips into yours teeth hitting off of one another’s before he works his way down your jaw to your sweet spot on your neck thrusting up into you. Cupping his face staring directly into his brown orbs both panting and moaning into each other’s mouths his eyes glossed over but in your heart it looks as though he’s about to cry you try and retreat a bit with worry on your face but he grips you tighter seeing the first tear fall down his cheek before you can get a word out he throws his face into the crook of your neck lips close to your ear & like a mantra “I love you I love you I love you” you match his rhythm now understanding what’s happening you both have never really known what it’s like to be truly loved before being with each other & in this moment you know whole heartedly that this is your true soulmate. Afterwards you pull him to shore taking him back into the house wrapping him in a warm towel & running a bath for the both of you. No words are said as you guide him into the bathroom towards the tub taking his wet clothes off then yours getting him to sit so you could fit between his legs. You place a hand upon his cheek running your thumb along his cheekbone “I love you too eddie with everything that I am I love you. I’d give my life if it meant your eternal happiness” resting your forehead against his you both hold each other surrounded by bubbles & each other. You both relax for awhile then you get out to sit behind him “where ya going beautiful?” You caress his arm “nowhere my love now relax while I take care of you” you took your time washing his hair conditioning it getting out all the tangles & then wash his body for him. Letting him relish in being pampered you quickly wash yourself & head to get clean towels & you & Eddie’s pajamas “i ordered some takeout honey I just wanna spend time with you & stay in bed we can watch a movie or something if you want” he nods kissing your forehead “you pick princess I’m gonna get dressed & set up the bed why don’t you do one of your face masks & I’ll let you know when the food is here” you smile how’d you get so lucky “okay handsome love you” “love you more gorgeous” shooting you a wink ”baby we will be here all day we both love each other infinitely so we’ll leave it at that!” You shout from the bathroom. Enjoying your mini spa you think & can’t wait to pan out wedding details with the man god has graced you with & thank your mom & every shooting star you’ve wished on for getting you to this very point in your life & you couldn’t be more thankful for him & your new family you’ve gotten made up of the most amazing friends. Wonder if Eddie would care that you don’t wanna wear white? We’ll leave that stuff for tomorrow though. Tonight is just the two of you becoming more of 1 then separate beings. Heading back to the bedroom Eddie set up fairy lights and dinner on the bed laying there shirtless you pop in Vision Quest into the VCR hit play & slide next to your loving fiancé enjoying a night of Chinese food movies laughs tickle fights & those endless talks that are about everything & nothing all at once. You can’t wait until you’re finally Mrs Jamie Antoinette Munson.
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Bambi and the Devil chapter 11
Ever since he got the music room , Alastor has been playing in it. Learning every instrument. However he spent even more times outdoors. And Lucifer was now starting to join him. As they played in the snow a song went to both there minds
Alastor: There's something sweet, and almost kind, but he was mean and course and so refined. But now he's dear, and so unsure. I wonder why I haven't seen it there before.
Alastor taught Lucifer how to feed some birds as there hands touched Lucifer thought
Lucifer: he glanced this way, I couldn't tell, and when we touched he didn't shutter at my paw, how can this be, I'll just ignore , but then he has never looked at me that way before.
Alastor hides behind a tree, his heart was beating so loudly.
Alastor: New and a bit alarming who had ever thought this could be, true that he is definitely not the phantom, but there something I definitely didn't see before.
The others were watching the two play in the snow and fall in love.
Cherri " Well who would of thought"?
Angel" Why yes indeed"
Both" it's so peculiar just wait and see. A few days more and then there is something there that wasn't there before.
Vaggie" well perhaps there is something there that wasn't there before ".
Nifty" what's there guys"
Cherri" there maybe something there that wasn't there before".
Nifty was confused" What guys what". Cherri giggles" you'll understand one day". Nifty nods.
Lucifer had taken Alastor to the West wing. " I thought I wasn't allowed up here"? Alastor said confused. Lucifer shrug " true but you already know about the Rose what is there to hide from you now". He said smiling cheeky. Alastor blushes. They approach a giant book. Lucifer puts his hand on it. " This was a gift from my ex wife. Crafted from angels in heaven, this book can transport you wherever you wish. Even the living world".
Alastor blinks " wait the living world like as in earth it can transport me there". Lucifer nods. " And wherever, of course they won't see you, or hear or feel you". Alastor cocked his head. " Have you ever tried it before "? Lucifer nods. " Yes I've been places in this book. My favorite has to be England". Alastor smiles. " Of course it would be".
Lucifer takes Alastor hand in his own and smiles that Alastor wasn't flinching. " Why don't you try it, go to the place of your desire". He places the hand on the book and gets behind him. He could smell the strawberry scent on the deer as.he whispers in his ear". See it with your minds eye and go there".
Alastor did as told and when he opened his eyes he gasped as a very familiar looking place shone before his eyes. There were willow trees that had beautiful purple flowers on them, a small pond with water Lilys and a frog hopped on it. To the right however was a wooden cabin. Alastor could smell the cedar wood from the distance. His eyes watered. " So where are we exactly ". Lucifer asked. Alastor smiled a true smile. " My home, in New Orleans Louisiana".
Lucifer gestures to Alastor" Well go ahead and explore ". Alastor didn't need to be told twice. He quickly took Lucifer hand and ran excited showing him the bayou and the house. However upon closer inspection the door looked to be broken open. It was barely hanging on its hinge. Alastor heart starting beating fast.
" Alastor is everything ok". Lucifer asked concerned. He looked inside and froze. The house looked like it was ransacked. Dishes were on the ground broken, pictures that were obviously once on the wall was shattered on the floor. " My father what happened here". Lucifer asked. He picked up a picture of a Black woman hugging a tan young boy. " Who are these people Al"? He asked. Alastor eyes water " That woman is my mother, and the boy was me". He takes the photo and caress it. Lucifer frowned when he suddenly saw a white cloth as he picked it up he suddenly recognized the hood of a horrible racist group.
" Alastor do you recognize this hood"? Lucifer asked. Alastor looked at it and nodded. His eyes filled with terror. " Yes I do, my father was a part of that klan". Lucifer sighed grimly" The Ku Klux Klan". Alastor turns away from the hood. He felt like he was going to throw up. Several memories he buried in his deep subconscious now emerged.
Suddenly the room changed as the memory played out. Alastor held onto to Lucifer as he saw his father and followers storm the house. They grabbed his child self and mother straight from there beds. His mother shrieked and pleaded with the group not to hurt her baby. Alastor saw a man strike his mother and his eyes filled with rage.
He went to destroy the man but Lucifer held him back. " It's no use Alastor this only a memory, you can't change it, they can't see you remember". He stroked Alastor hair as he buried himself in Lucifer chest. He felt so helpless.
They watched as the klan dragged a bleeding Mother and a Screaming child towards what looked like a post. The father tied the mother to the post. Alastor whimpers " I don't watch this, not again". He closed his eyes trying to take them back but when he opened them he saw his father grab a torch. " NO PLEASE TAKE ME BACK I CAN'T WATCH THIS AGAIN". he pleaded tears streaming down his cheeks. He saw his younger self being held back and forced on his knees his small head was snapped up as he was made to watch.
Lucifer sighed sympathetic " I'm sorry Alastor but I can't stop it. I know it's hard but maybe you need to see this. It's the only true way you can move on". Alastor fell to the ground sobbing he could hear his father talk about Witchcraft and how his mother was a witch. How she had tempted him and now they had the devils son. Which PISSED Lucifer off. He made a mental note that if he ever saw the father to torture him brutally. Then the torch was thrown at the mother. Whose screams caused the younger Alastor to try and save her. " MAMA MAMA STOP SHE IS BURNING PLEASE STOP"!! the child sobbed. Lucifer held onto the current Alastor as he sobbed from the traumatic memory.
" Shh shh it's only a memory Alastor it can't hurt you". Lucifer held him tight and gently rocked him as the screams filled the air. Eventually the mother screams ran out. Lucifer watched horrified as the father beheaded the woman and threw her head to the child. The others laughed evilly. " Now what do we do with this child. Should we burn him too". One guy suggested. Another licked his lips staring hungrily at the child. " Nah why don't we keep him alive I'm sure he would be very valuable". He stroked the child's cheek.
Lucifer and Alastor then watched as the young Alastor growl. " In your dreams pig". The child spat. The man backhand the child to the ground. " Filthy Half Breed". He said. The father approached. " Leave him for now. We will collect him later. We got other places to go". The man growled and shrugs. " Fine," he whispers in the child's ear". I'll be back darling". Lucifer nearly threw up when the man LICKED the child's cheek. Eventually they all leave.
Traumatized young Alastor sobs. He tries to put his mother's head back on her body but it kept falling off. Blood now soaked the child. He heard footsteps and feared for his young life. So he took one last look at his home and ran away.
Alastor and Lucifer could feel the place going back. Soon they were back in the castle. Alastor rocked himself back and forth sobbing uncontrollably. Lucifer held him tight. " I'm sorry I didn't know that would happen". He sighed solemn.
Alastor dried his tears". No you were right, I needed to see that. I've been ignoring it even since it happened. The trauma was just too much I was only 10 at the time. I was terrified. I blocked the memory for years. Now that I saw it again, it hurts so much, but I'm free, free from the pain. And it will always be there but it reminded me. How strong I was how strong I still am". He looked at Lucifer. " So thank you for showing me". Lucifer nods. " Of course I'm am truly sorry for what has happened but rest assured your mother is safe with the angels now".
Alastor smiles " I know it was comforted me all these years. Knowing she was finally safe and happy". His eyes water. " Rosie reminds me so much of her. That's why I took her place. I couldn't lose another person I deeply loved". Lucifer spoke. " I am so sorry I called her a trespasser". Alastor smiles. " Thank you ".
Lucifer" May I ask what happened afterwards then." Alastor nods. " Yes , I ran for a long time before sneaking on a train. I made it to another part of Louisiana, this is where I met Mimsy, her family took me in and was very kind to me. Mimsy became like a little sister to me. We spent many hours together, dancing and singing. Unfortunately my past caught up to me when my father stormed the house. But I was 17 at the time. Almost a man. I remember he taunted me. Then something in me snapped. I took a gun and shot my father in the forehead. I admit i was scared for my life again. I knew I would of been hung no doubt. So Mimsy helped me hide the body. Then the both of us ran away together".
Lucifer spoke" sounds like you've been running for a very long time". Alastor nods. " Indeed I have, but I met many people along the way. Eventually becoming a radio host. And a part time serial killer, but I only murdered those that deserve it. Other serial killers , predators, racists, etc. My reign eventually ended when I was burying a body, and some hunter mistook me for. A deer. The next thing I know I'm being eaten by hound dogs. Thankfully when I arrived Mimsy eventually found me. We got back together until she disappeared one day".
Lucifer blushes" yes sorry about that I had no idea my ex wife would curse everyone". Alastor shrugs. " All is forgiven your majesty, you obviously didn't know". Lucifer smiled. " Thank you Alastor". Alastor kisses his cheek. " No thank you for opening my eyes and reminding me how strong I am".
Lucifer blushes as they finally left the room a question came to his mind. " Hey you like dancing right"?
Alastor beams " of course I do". Lucifer notices his eyes shone brighter than ever. " Well I was wondering if you like dance with me tonight at the ballroom"? He felt so shy. Alastor nods enthusiastic. " YES OF COURSE "! Lucifer was stunned when Alastor kissed his cheek again and ran off saying that he needed the perfect outfit. Lucifer looked up the roof pleading. " Please father don't let me mess up". He ascend the stairs smiling.
Maybe there was hope for him yet.
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suvidrache · 1 year
A Social Life
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 531 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad | Event List
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Reno loves being spontaneous. He thinks organizing is too boring. So things like dates were often random and never boring. He would take you to things, like the top of a building, in a helicopter, or an island in the middle of nowhere. Things that many people often didn't do. Enjoying how sometimes, the things you both did made the news. Although it was often, he still enjoyed the chaos that ensued.
He also loves luxury and wouldn't hesitate to give you the nicest and the best things that he could. He didn't want his significant other to not have luxurious things. You deserve the best.
He always had an idea, something different from the previous things he's done. He texted you, letting you know that he was on his way and that he had a surprise for you and to wear something nice if you wanted. He wasn't sure how these things went, but if you wanted some photos; he wanted you to be prepared.
You were almost done and ready to go by the time Reno landed his helicopter. Reno went inside, greeted you, took a quick shower, and changed. He didn't want to wear his work suit. Instead, he wanted a different one.
When you both had finished and were ready to go, Reno would take you up in the helicopter. If you were afraid of heights, then he would take you in the car. In the helicopter, he would take you to a beautiful island that no one lived on or touched. In the car, he would take you to the nicest place he could find, a beach or a garden, a place where it would only be the two of you. He didn't want to attract a crowd and possibly ruin the moment.
When you arrived at the island, there were palm trees, flowers, a nice ocean breeze, nothing too bad. It was beautiful. The weather wouldn't ruin your look. 
In the garden, there were butterflies, some harmless bumblebees, flowers, a pond with fish, and a small waterfall. 
You wandered around the place but stuck close to Reno, as you didn't want to get lost.
You look around slowly, taking in the beautiful scenery, smelling the flowers or the ocean air.
Reno's hand slipped from your grasp and you turned to look at him. He had dropped to one knee, an open ring box in hand, and a smile on his face.
"Y/N, will you make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?"
He asked, his eyes shined with hope as he watched your movements.
You nodded slowly, surprised that he had asked for your hand in marriage. You weren't prepared, but finally, you spoke.
"Yes, Reno, I will."
You reached a shaky hand out to him and he slipped the ring on your finger.
He rose and held you close, his smile remaining.
You hugged him back and pulled your phone out. 
"Let's take some photos."
Together, the both of you would take photos of your engagement ring, the scenery, and cute couple photos. Reno would have no problem with it being posted to social media as long as you both looked good.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko & @thevoidwriting / To join my tag list apply here!
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saviorscrossed · 3 years
due to a busy schedule & a lack of muse, i’m going to be putting my blog onto a hiatus. i’m feeling really burnt out/drained & my creative drive is suffering as a result so it’s better for me to just take a complete break than force myself to work through it. 
i’m not exactly sure when i plan to come off hiatus, so if we have threads and you’d rather not wait around for me to come back, i completely understand if you want to drop them. same goes for anyone following me who i may not interact with yet-- i won’t be hurt/upset if you decide to unfollow while i’m gone. 
hopefully see you all again soon! take care & stay safe out there x
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
the warmth of your love
summary -> there are more ways to say i love you than just i love you. you and bucky share a few.
words -> 2.2k
warnings -> pining, friends to lovers, back to my fluffy bucky roots, female!reader
notes -> i wrote a harry s. piece similar to this years ago & it’s so interesting to see how my writing has changed since then. based off of this list. items from the list are italicized!
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“I’m sorry for your loss.”
They’re simple words that Bucky has become accustomed to.
Steve Rogers departure has left a hole in the world and a gap in Bucky’s chest that aches. They were best friends, brothers, and Bucky wasn’t sure how to navigate this world without him.
Bucky has grown used to the pity filled eyes of the Avengers, or at least what’s left of them, and the apologetic tone of voice.
The way the words came from your mouth though was different. Your eyes full of kindness and a small smile on your face that offered comfort.
“Th..Thank you.” Bucky says quietly. The two of you have only known each other for a couple years now, but Bucky finds comfort in you more than he does people he’s known since Steve and Sam had saved him. “It means a lot.”
Your hand squeezes his right forearm gently. “If you need anything, I’m here for you.”
He knows the words hold true; That if he called, you’d be over with dinner or movies to help him. It makes Bucky feel warm in a way he hasn’t in almost a century.
“I know.” His left hand covers yours. “I appreciate it.” You both share a smile, small and private, before the moment is over.
“I was in the neighborhood.”
There’s a knock on his door that makes Bucky jump. He’s been working on his reactions, logically he knows not everybody is out to get him, but it’s something ingrained in his mind.
He’s working on being better about it, he is, but it’s almost ten at night and Bucky doesn’t really have many friends left.
His hand wraps around the hilt of his knife as he creeps towards his apartment door. There’s another knock and Bucky moves to look through the peephole.
It’s you. Covered dishes in your hand and scarf wrapped tightly around your neck. Bucky’s lips quark up at the sight, fall was starting and fall in New York was a bitter cold. His hand falls from his knife as he moves to unlock the door.
“What are you doing here?” He asks incredulously as you step inside. Bucky’s eyes find his makeshift bed on the living room floor and he shifts in embarrassment.
You gently place the glass dish on his counter and shrug your coat off. “I was in the neighborhood.” It’s an obvious lie, if the meal for two is anything to go by, but Bucky doesn’t dispute it. “Thought you might be hungry.”
You move around his kitchen like you belong there, pulling out plates and utensils. Bucky watches with his mouth parted in awe. “You didn’t have to-“
“-I wanted to.” You move over, making room for Bucky to stand beside you, and hold out a fork for him. “Now, come on. It’s a new recipe.”
Bucky holds a finger up. “Let me get you a drink. I have some wine.” He shuffles through his cabinets until he comes across a bottle of white wine, a housewarming gift from Sam.
“Now it’s a date.” You giggle and Bucky can feel his cheeks heat, not at the insinuation of it being a date but the fact that he so desperately wishes it was.
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
Bucky knows you’re not his girlfriend. It’s a painful observation he makes every time you bring something over or offer to go out. The way your hands brush but never intertwine and how you give him a hug and press a kiss to his cheek instead of his lips.
Bucky knew you weren’t his girlfriend, but he didn’t know you were dating.
“I’m so sorry to bother you,” Your voice is choked up and you struggle to get the words out, “I just, I didn’t know who else to call.”
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Bucky’s mind has slipped into panic mode as he jumps up from his couch. He moves around his apartment, hastily pulling on pants and socks while holding the phone to his ear and listening for any signs of pain. “Where are you?”
You sniffle. “I’m fine! I’m not hurt! Well, not physically anyway. I had a date tonight and he stood me up.” You suck in a deep breath and Bucky freezes.
A date?
“So, my pride is injured.” You joke, but Bucky’s stuck frozen in the middle of his living room with one shoe on and a broken heart.
He knows, okay, he knows you never told him you had feelings for him. That you didn’t owe him anything, but he thought maybe…
“…But physically I’m okay.” You’re still talking and Bucky is only half listening. “Can I come over? I’m, like, five blocks away. Bad Moon bar. I can walk to your place. I just need a friend.”
The word rings in Bucky’s ears, but he forces himself to speak. “Stay there. I’ll come get you.” Bucky moves to pull his second shoe on and pulls on a coat.
He hears your sigh of relief. “Thank you so much. I’ll be outside.” Bucky swallows thickly when you hang the phone up.
“I think you’re beautiful.”
You have another date. This time with a man who asked what your favorite flower is and has decided to take you out to dinner instead of a bar.
Bucky’s chest hurts, but he stays silent. He’s unwilling to break this friendship up by telling you how he feels, especially when it seems clear to him that you do not feel the same way.
“Okay! Okay!” You come barreling down your hallway and into the living room. Bucky looks up from his phone and his mouth almost falls open in shock.
You look lovely in the dress that flows to your feet. It fits around your curves and Bucky can’t stop his eyes from trailing over you in awe.
“Wow.” He murmurs. Your eyes shift and you glance down at your hands fiddling in the front of your stomach. “You look…”
You cut him off before he can get anymore words out, “I look ridiculous! I knew it. I look far too dressed up.” You spin on your heel, but Bucky shoots up to stop you.
“No! You look…” He trails off nervously. Bucky looks at you, really looks at you, someone warm and full of light and understands what this feeling he has around you is. “I think you’re beautiful.”
“Happy Birthday.” & “I made this for you.”
Bucky walks into his apartment and is immediately hit with the smell of vanilla. He can hear your voice, reading ingredients to yourself, from his entryway and smiles to himself.
“I knew there was a reason Sam kept me out all day.” Bucky laughs when you jump and drop the whisk in your hand. “What’re you doing here, sweetheart?”
Your shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath. “It’s your birthday!” You smile brightly as Bucky presses a greeting kiss to your cheek.
“I’ve had too many of them, no need to bring attention to it.” Bucky dips a finger in the whipped frosting in your hands and laughs when you smack it away.
“We have to celebrate!” You exclaim with an affronted look. “No ifs ands or buts! Happy birthday, Bucky!”
The bowl of frosting is dropped on the counter as you move to wrap your arms tightly around Bucky’s waist. He settles in your arms as his own come up to wrap around you.
The poems and stories talk about being in the arms of the one you love as rapid heartbeats and butterflies but all Bucky feels is calm. It’s like the worries of his day to day life just slip away when he’s with you.
It’s good, so wonderfully good to have an anchor like that. He didn’t need the butterflies that made him feel sick or the rapid heartbeat that worsened his anxiety. He just needed the warmth.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Bucky presses another kiss to the top of your head. You pull away to look up at him excitedly. “What’s that look for?”
You pull away completely and move around to pull your bag off of one of his kitchen stools. “I made this for you.” Your voice is quiet and nervous as you push a wrapped box towards him.
It’s a small book, one with no title to indicate what’s on the inside, but Bucky can tell it’s something personal from the way you’re rocking back and forth nervously on your feet.
When he opens it to the first page, tears almost spring to his eyes. His lungs burn with effort to not cry as he flips through picture after picture. Him, you and him, him with Sam and Steve and all of you together.
Each photo has a small note next to it too. Hearts and smiley faces decorate the edges. Bucky looks up at you with his mouth open in awe.
“This is… Nobody has ever done something this special for me before.” He admits quietly. “I love it.”
A sigh of relief escapes you as Bucky moves to pull you into his arms again. “Happy Birthday, Buck.” You murmur into his chest.
It’s the best birthday Bucky’s had since he was a child.
“You can tell me anything.”
You’re nervous.
It’s obvious in the way your eyes shift to Bucky before back to the sidewalk in front of you.
Your nervousness is making Bucky nervous. His fingers twitching every so often and he finds himself shifting around as if he expects something to hop out from behind one of the trees.
“Are you okay?” Bucky finally asks when he notices your hands tangled together in front of your stomach. “You’re being fidgety.”
You look up with wide, shocked eyes like you had forgotten Bucky was there entirely, too caught up in your own thoughts. “I’m okay!” You say quickly.
Bucky feels his eyes narrow and he forces you to a stop beside him with a gentle hand on your elbow. “Are you sure?”
“Yep! Just busy overthinking.” You laugh awkwardly as you glance down at the hand still wrapped around your elbow. Bucky drops it quickly, but your hand reaches out to intertwine your fingers with his. “I just… I’ve been wanting to ask you.. No. Tell you something.”
Bucky squeezes your hand gently. “You can tell me anything.” He says quietly. You look at him with wet eyes and Bucky feels himself panic. “No judgement, not from me, not ever.”
“Promise?” You ask quietly. Your voice sounds so unlike you, so nervous and uncomfortable that Bucky isn’t sure what he can do to make it better.
So he nods. “Promise. I’m the last person to judge, sweetheart.”
“I love you.”
It’s right out of those romantic comedies that Bucky pretends to dislike. The way you stand in front of him, wrapped up in a winter coat and scarf, with trembling hands and admit to Bucky how you feel.
“I’ve felt like this for a long time. A really long time now, I don’t think I could even tell you when because it just happened.” You ramble when you’re nervous, a habit Bucky thinks is adorable. “And I knew you were going through a lot, so I never said anything. I love being your friend, I do, but I had to tell you. It’s tearing me up having this secret because I hate secrets.”
Bucky says your name in an attempt to cut you off, but you don’t seem to hear him. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I-“
Your lips press shut when Bucky’s hands come up to cup your cheeks. “Will you shut up for just one second?” He asks sweetly.
You nod with wide eyes. “I feel warm around you,” Bucky starts off, “I don’t feel butterflies or sweaty palms. I used too, sometimes when you look at me a certain way I still do, but most of the time I just feel warm. I… I feel like I can breathe again. I feel calm. You make me calm.”
“What?” You ask softly. It’s obvious you’re trying to not get your hopes up as Bucky talks.
“I love you too.” Bucky says clearly. Your hand comes up to rest over his on your cheek as you press into the pressure. “You make it easy for me to breathe again.”
Bucky feels the sigh of relief you let out. “You make it easy for me too.” You say quietly, your tone much lighter than before.
“Can I kiss you?”
When you nod, Bucky can feel his entire face brighten. He’s sure there’s a nervous blush there as you tilt your head up towards him and leans to meet you halfway.
It’s just as warm as you are, the way you kiss. Slow and pushing all of your emotions into it. Your lips are cold, but Bucky’s sure his are too.
It’s everything he’s wanted with you. Despite the snowflakes beginning to fall around you and the wind nipping at his skin, all Bucky feels is warmth.
Bonus -> “Can I have this dance?”
A winter wedding seemed fitting when you had suggested it. Something small, intimate and warm. Just a few of your closest friends and family to bear witness.
You’ve been wandering around the venue for the past hour, saying hi to family and catching up with people you’ve been too busy to hang out with the past couple of months. Bucky’s sick of not having you by his side.
His arm wraps your waist from behind and he presses a kiss to your cheek, immediately cutting off what you were saying to Pepper.
A slow song starts, Bucky won’t admit until later that he told the DJ to start it once Bucky reached your side.
“Mrs. Barnes, can I have this dance?”
— ➶ —
me: has ten pieces in the drafts that need to be worked on
also me: just writes this fluffy disaster
907 notes · View notes
nicka-nell · 2 years
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Atsumu's route - Epilogue (End)
≡ Masterlist |  ∇  prev | chapter 72
Pairing: Osamu x reader (main route), Atsumu x reader
Genre: Social Media-AU, text
Warning: mdni
Note: So that’s the final chapter of Atsumu’s route. 🥺 I wanted to thank everyone who was there until the end and supported me on these ups and downs of the readers’ feelings. 💚 It’s kind of strange that it’s over now… but I’m happy that both ends are finished. I really thank you so much, and I hope you all stay safe and healthy. 🤗💖🥰
My sexy Miya bride: 2022/06/17 - 2026/04/30
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Atsumu can’t remember the last time he was so nervous. He keeps looking at his cell phone, checking the time because he doesn’t want to pick you up too late in Osamu’s store. 
The last pictures he hangs on the cord. It’s all there, pictures from your school days, pictures from the common days off where you spent your time together after school, to the days when you moved in with him, the days as a couple and also the days as parents. The picnic blanket lies on the floor. He placed two glasses and a few drinks in a basket, the food still under a plastic wrap. Is there anything missing? Step by step, he goes through everything in his head again, as a hand lying down on his shoulder pulls him out of his thoughts. 
“Hey, relax. Ya can do that, Tsumu.” His brother tries to calm him down with a smile. 
Yes, yes, he can do it. 
“C’mon, go down to the store. I’ll do the final preparations and then leave as soon as I can see ya both. You won’t notice me.”  
Nodding, Atsumu hands him a few more fairy lights to spread on the ground and around the big tree before he makes his way to you. 
In the shop, it is quiet. Today are surprisingly few people in the store. You close the shop and write to Osamu that you are now going home, already turned off the light everywhere and locked the door when Atsumu’s voice suddenly gets your attention. 
“Ah damn, and I was just on my way to the store to order some food. I heard today there’s this incredibly sexy woman in the shop helping the shop owner.” He greets you sulking before he gives you a kiss. 
“Tsumu, hey, what are you doing here?” You just laugh and find yourself in his arms. He smells different, like flowers. But he probably just washed himself with your shower gel again. 
“I thought you and I could get some dinner together. There’s a new restaurant. Ya wanna go there with me?” 
“And what about our little mouse? We can’t leave her with Sakusa forever.” 
 “Aahh, don’t worry about that. Omi-Omi sent me a picture earlier and wrote that the two have super much fun.” Atsumu answers you as he shows you a photo on his phone with Sakusa and your little girl trying to hold a pen. You feel warm around your heart when you see them like that. You never thought that Sakusa of all people could handle toddlers so well and that he was so happy to take care of her. 
“All right, if it’s not a problem for him. I gladly accept your offer.” You answer him and follow him to a place you actually shouldn’t know. But every step closer to the goal makes you more puzzled. You are no longer sure if you are really going to a new restaurant. Remain speechless when you see where he takes you. 
At your favorite place, you both stay there watching the sunset as you follow a path full of memories embedded in beautiful, colorful fairy lights. In the end, there’s something to eat, a bouquet of yellow and white tulips from your favorite store, and a few candles flickering in the sundown. Still amazed, you look at the scenario, not knowing what to say, think or feel when Atsumu hugs you from behind and gives you a kiss on the shoulder. You love his closeness, no matter where you are. There is nothing more beautiful than to feel his warmth on your body, as his muscular arms wrap around you and his deep, smiling voice creeps into your ears. 
“Hey babe, turn around for me, okay?” he whispers quietly to you as you turn around, notice how your eyes are already wet because you can guess what is happening now. Nervous, yet with a broad smile, he takes your hands in his, presses his forehead against yours before giving you a kiss on the crown. 
“You know Y/n, I’ve been thinking about writing it all down, but I figured I don’t need to, ‘cause I know what I wanna tell ya. Back when you first came to our school, I knew you were different. I knew ya were a strong woman with her heart on the right side. Back then I was really an extreme volleyball freak who always said freely what bothers him, without paying attention to the feelings of others. And yet, you wanted to be friends with me. I always thought my brother was the one who challenged me, who I always fought with, who was the better. That may be true in sports, but with all the other things, I wanted to keep up with you. I didn’t want to go ahead. I wanted to walk next to ya.” 
Briefly he pauses. You see him swallowing, his hands slowly sweating and how he’s struggling to hold his voice. 
“When you moved away… Shit, I was really sad, but I tried to be happy because you were happy there. I never wanted to stand in the way of yer happiness. I always wanted to support you, no matter how and even if it was out of the shadow. But when ya wrote to me what yer ex had done, that he had cheated on you, I really couldn’t understand. I still can’t understand. How can someone who doesn’t even deserve you treat you like this when you’re the greatest person I’ve ever met? When I saw ya crying in front of the house, I wanted to punch that idiot in the face. But it was more important for me to keep you around and show you that I was there for you. And from then on, day after day, I realized that I didn’t want to keep up with you because I wanted to be as good as you, but because I wanted to be good enough for you, because I wanted to be by yer side. I didn’t want to be the one to protect you when you were sad. I want to be the one who doesn’t even make you sad. Y/n, you are the woman I love more than anything, anyone else.” 
Again he pauses, briefly closes his eyes as if he is remembering something before he opens them again, smiles broadly and chuckles. He squeezes your hands tighter, gives them a gentle kiss before looking at you again and continues with his sugar-sweet declaration of love. 
“When I wake up in the morning, when I see you lying next to me, it makes me so happy that I have to brush your hair to make sure that’s really true. That you’re real. I love being able to laugh with you about any nonsense, that we complement each other and that you get along so well with all my friends. I love it when you’re dressed in my shirt, standing in the kitchen, making some food and turning to me with your coffee cup, wondering if I want one too. I love your smile, which always shows me how happy you are, your voice that tells me how much you love me, your humor and everything about you. Really… everything about you, and you being so strong, raising our sunshine with me and being such a great mother. Y/n, you are the woman I love more than anything, the love of my life, and I wanna ask you if ya want to make me the happiest man on earth a third time and become my wife? My sexy Miya lady… will you marry me?” 
His voice is trembling from word to word, his eyes as glassy as yours as he goes on his knees and looks at you, the few seconds until your answer seems like an eternity to him. His heart beats wildly, just like yours, when you fall happily around his neck, both of you sinking backwards onto the soft meadow. 
“Yes Tsumu, yes Tsumu! I would love nothing more than to become the wife of the man I love most. I want to be your sexy Miya bride. Your wife from now on and forever.”
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Taglist: @xmyshya @boosyboo9206 @alienvarmint @namyari @koukamisblog @zlatanakermann @bloombb @tia827 @creepykawass
43 notes · View notes
positivityfortoday · 3 years
☀ PositivityForToday’s 10K Celebration ☀
There are SO many things worth living for and reasons to smile and be happy! With the help of my lovely followers/friends, I have compiled a list of 1,000 things that make people happy, for my 10,000 amazing followers! Hopefully, this list is able to help you, make you feel better, or give you a reason to smile today! 
☀ 1,000 Happy Things ☀
Seeing cows while driving
Moss on really old fallen trees 
Seeing a lil baby you don't know in public, and they smile at you!!!
Parents doing their kids hair or just people doing someone they care about’s hair
Really ragged old and well-loved stuffed animals 
When the dandelions start blooming
Spring blossom
When you're sitting outside your house or something and people passing by wave and say hi
That feeling in the summer when you have your window open and you're listening to your favorite music
When someone does a hobby just because they enjoy it even if they aren't the best at it
Comfort shows and books
People speaking their native languages
When my brother gets something to eat and always gets me something he knows I like
When I finish a crossword 
When I see something that reminds me of someone I care about
My best friend (I love her so much shhhh don't tell her)
My dog! I love him 
My little sisters! Adorable, creative, and very witty. I love them
Music! I get the happy shaky feelings and just,,, y e a h/listening to songs
Singing! Especially for band practice!
Sunlight beams in the morning
The moon
That feeling when you’re with friends and you’re all laughing so loudly, and you just feel complete
Talking to my favorite people/talking to my best friend
Sunrises and sunsets
Seeing the stars
Warm sunshine
Purple gel pens
My children
Sunny days
Beautiful views
Spending time with my family and friends
Playing badminton
Playing with little kids
Playing with dogs
Animals doing daft things 
Talks and walks with my son 
Morning breakfast and coffee 
A good spicy lunch
Laying in my bed at night and just checking on current affairs and news
My boyfriend
My friends 
Voice acting
Petting my dog
Smelling Flowers 
Feeling a cold thing when I’m warm or a warm thing when I’m cold 
Giving and getting kisses
Random texts from friends
Coffee flavored chocolate 
Moths with big white wings
Underdone scrambled eggs
A rainy night
That first warm day of spring
Going on hikes
Being outdoors
The smell of playdoh 
Taking photos
Getting new clothing 
Going on picnics
Writing poetry
Reading books
The holidays
Making people smile/laugh
A nice warm blanket
Eating ice cream
Snow globes
Lightning bugs
Flowers after the snow melts
The smell of rain
Sitting on the steps early in the morning
Being the first to wake up
The feeling I get after running
The comfort of a favorite shirt
My girlfriend 
Random acts of kindness
When I play with my dog by pretending to run at her and she goes crazy with excitement 
My cat 
Piano (playing or listening)
Small flowers
Flowy skirts/dresses
Wholesome romances
Hearing a song for the first time and loving it immediately 
Playing my flute
Listening to vinyls on a record player
When someone remembers a little detail about you
Painting my nails
Doing yoga
Doing exercise
Beating a personal record
Making crafts
Taking a shower after a long day
Going to the zoo
Going on vacation
Being at the beach or near water
Watching Netflix
Going to the movie theatre
Watching a live play at a theatre
Learning something new
Teaching someone how to do something 
Toasting marshmallows and eating S’mores 
Seeing a shooting star
Taking a nap
When someone compliments me
Decorating my room
My favorite band
My favorite celebrities
My favorite actors
Setting a new goal
Collecting rocks
Putting on fresh clean sheets
Seeing Christmas lights
Listening to birds chirping
Sitting by a bonfire
Eating mashed potatoes
Bullet journaling
Driving in the car with the windows down
Looking at pretty pictures
Funny jokes/puns/memes
Pretty clouds
My favorite shoes
Getting new art supplies
Making photo edits
Making gifts for my friends and family
Getting gifts from people 
Playing an instrument
Drinking a nice cup of tea
Iced tea on a summer day
Eating fresh fruit
Getting my hair braided 
Eating at a restaurant 
Being on a boat
Making new friends
Finding an animal in nature 
Pumpkins and pumpkin patches
Carving pumpkins 
Autumn and all the beautiful colors
Acting for theatre
Making video edits
Wearing a costume for Halloween
Dressing fancy
Finding four leaf clovers
Pressing flowers
Scrap booking
Handwritten letters
Eating breakfast 
Inspirational quotes
Wearing my favorite necklace 
Baby animals 
Little streams and ponds
Sun shining through trees
When it’s foggy out and you can see dew drops on plants and spider webs
Being on a swing
Finally accomplishing a goal you’ve been working on 
When a new season of your favorite show comes out
Doing my makeup
Cleaning and organizing 
Taking a bath
Watching funny videos
Wearing sweaters and hoodies
Fuzzy socks
Helping people 
Little figurines and objects
Looking out the window 
Opening a window for fresh air
The smell of coffee 
Watching YouTube videos 
Getting a haircut 
Seeing a deer in the woods 
Watching birds fly
Finding shapes and objects in the clouds 
The smell of fresh laundry
When someone tells me something reminded them of me
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Animal crossing
My switch
Seeing cool cars/old cars
Drawing with chalk on a sidewalk
Going to bed early
Making progress
Checking things off my to-do list
Taking Polaroid pictures
Going for walks
Going to the library
Starting a new book
Finishing a good book
Playing board games
Big trees
Sunlight coming through the windows
Waking up on Christmas morning
Getting book, song, movie, etc. recommendations from my friends
Making music playlists
Finally receiving packages I ordered in the mail 
Baking desserts
When my favorite song comes on
When people make playlists for each other
Finding new characters to ship
Having free time
Sticky notes
Peace and quietness
Alone time
Meeting my step/exercise goal for the day
The people who love me
Coloring books
Getting into bed after a long day
How unique and different everyone is
Getting a lot of work done
Looking forward to my future dream job
Playing video games
Being on Tumblr
Taking time for myself
Practicing self-care
Face masks
Finding money you forgot about
Holding hands
The smell of apple pie
Starting a new tv show
Getting letters in the mail
When the seasons change
Mugs and teacups
Breakfast food
Going into the woods/forest
Trying new creative outlets
The smell of sunscreen
Eating the food you’ve been craving
Knowing and feeling that people care
Telling a good story
Laughing so hard can’t stop and your stomach hurts
Late summer nights
Late night drives
Listening to people I love talk about their favorite things and what they’re passionate about
Listening to podcasts
Turning up the volume of my music
Putting my headphones in
Blasting my favorite songs through my speaker
People accepting and supporting others for who they truly are
Wearing something cozy
Soft light
Warm weather
A well-rested night
Waking up in the morning and feeling refreshed
Knowing that every day is a fresh start
Well written characters
A book I can get lost in
My parents
My siblings
My grandparents
The feeling of sand beneath your feet
Heated blankets
Getting something for free
Mason jars
Practicing a new skill
Finding a new hobby
Lazy weekends
Mac n cheese
French fries
Having deep conversations with my best friend
New jeans
Going to IKEA
When other people are happy (especially people I know and love)
Marching band
Sleeping in
Having the day off
Getting new books
Playing guitar
Playing ukulele 
Random compliments
A change of scenery
Waking before the sun is up
Reading old letters
Building Lego sets
Using photoshop to make edits
Walking along the seafront and breathing in time with the waves
A good rom-com or nostalgic show
Writing lists
Pinterest boards
Looking back at my accomplishments
Talking on the phone with a friend or family member
Wrapping presents
A blue sky
Loving someone 
Washi tape
The color yellow
Cooking dinner
Kind gestures
Inside jokes
Songs that make you feel nostalgic
Seeing other people’s art
Comfy clothes
Wearing pajamas
When someone calls you by your nickname
Going to Target
The first sunburn of the summer
Ramen noodles
Chinese food
Thrift shopping
Flower fields
Flowers growing in random places, like through a crack in the sidewalk
Sparkly snowflakes
When it snows on Christmas
Mixing paint colors together
Perfectly shaven legs
The color red
The smell of flowers
The ocean 
Adult sized onesies
Driving a golf cart
The color blue
Crickets chirping
Seeing everyone’s houses decorated for the holidays, especially Christmas
Other people sharing what makes them happy
Being understood
When someone texts to make sure I got home safely
Iced coffee
Becoming better at communicating with others
Seeing a friend for the first time in a while
Good morning and good night texts
Drinking a cold glass of water
Deep conversations in the middle of the night
Collecting sea shells
Building blanket forts
Tan lines
Being under lots of blankets
Making better health and money choices
Getting chills from a song even after hearing it countless times 
Liking how I look
Hot chocolate
Finding new music
Buying cute things
Wearing an outfit I really like
When someone tells you how glad they are to be your friend
Watching raindrops race down a window 
Trying new food
Finding exactly what I was looking for 
Planning my future
Finding a song that perfectly fits my mood or describes how I’m feeling
Writing little notes to people
When someone tells me I did something good
Eating ice cream on a hot day
Making friends with animals
Going to football games
Seeing people genuinely interested in something
Snow days
The last day of school
Winter break
Spring break
New Year’s Eve
Sitting outside on a cool summer day
Watching rain
Watching the ocean waves come in
Netflix binges
A new movie release I really want to watch
Driving with a window down for the first time in the spring 
Taking a cruise
Giving helpful advice
Getting helpful advice
Doing a favor for someone who needs it
Someone referencing one of my fandoms or something I love out of no where
Learning and knowing stuff
Doing something physically challenging or scary
Listening to my bedroom fan while I fall asleep
Coming up with a new creative idea 
Finding something I wanted at the store on sale for a good deal
Finishing all my assignments on time or even early
Hugging my dog
Taking my dog for a walk
Teaching my dog a new trick
When strangers stop to say hi to my dog
Listening to audiobooks
The weekend
Finding a new flavor of chapstick
Drinking Kool-Aid, it makes me feel so nostalgic
Watching nature shows on a weekend morning
Watching cartoon shows on a Sunday morning
A good TV show, most likely something I've watched before because that way I know it ends well
A good, delicious comfort meal on a Friday night by myself 
A café in the city centre at noon when it's not filled with the morning rush or afternoon coffee breakers
The stars from my childhood bedroom because they're the brightest here
Listening to my favorite playlist really loud on a long road trip and singing to myself loudly in my car
Having an entire day to myself without interruptions from anyone
Opening the curtains first thing in the morning 
A new jacket
Going to the cinema on a first release day because it's always super exciting and full of people anxious to see a movie they've been waiting for forever
Listening to live music
Riding roller coasters
Going to amusement parks
Eating fair food
Feeling an instrument vibrate when you’re playing it
Hearing my dog snore
When my dog dreams in his sleep 
Wearing a new piece of clothing for the first time
Feeling the sun on you
Eyes in the sunlight
Seeing city lights
Singing in the shower at the top of my lungs
Looking at someone and them knowing exactly what they’re going to say
Laughing till you cry
Being under a blanket
Going to craft stores
Watching boats
The idea of traveling the world
When my dogs let me lay my head on them
Listening to an old song and having it bring back memories
Candy corn
Crazy socks
Fall and the leaves changing color and the crisp feeling in the air
Making snowmen
Making gingerbread houses for Christmas
Making videos with family
Burning a candle
Booping a dog’s nose
Getting letters/notes from people; writing them
Snow globes
Dr. Pepper
Doc martens
Fortune cookies
Finishing something
Skipping rocks
Warm rain
When someone opens up to you
Finding the right words to say exactly what you wanted
Animal footprints
Eating outside
Fairy lights
The smell of a hotel
Meeting a new dog
Getting magazines in the mail
Being in the woods as the sun starts to rise and the animals wake up
Warm days
Adirondack chairs
A warm breeze
Clothes and blankets hanging outside to dry
Feeding birds
The color green
Tie dying things
Going to art museums
Going to science museums
New albums from my favorite artists 
Seeing moss in nature
Finding cute little mushrooms 
When a dog wags its tail a bunch and is excited to see me
Playing fetch with my dog
Obsessing over something and having someone to talk about it with
Going on a walk with my best friend and talking about life
Looking at old pictures and reminiscing on good memories
Reading a book that's so good your brain wants to read faster than it can
Laughing with friends about the weirdest things
Being appreciated for doing small things you wouldn't even have thought about yourself because it's something you *just do*
Being creative
Watching animals
A story I can't put down
The moment when you listen to a new song/album by your favourite artist
When you're at a concert and anticipating the moment before the band comes out
When at a concert and they play your favourite song live
The moment when someone compliments your outfit 
When you see someone wearing merch of something you like 
Seeing the sunrise/sunset 
Watching the sun rise out of the water or sink down into it as it’s setting
This ecstatic feeling in general when you're just living in the moment with people who love something as much as you do
Hugging my cat and smelling his fur
Listening to my music by myself and singing to it 
Making edits I’m really proud of 
Losing hours in a good book or fanfiction
Writing sentences that I actually like 
My siblings and my parents when they're being chill and funny
Watching my favorite tv shows and movies and yelling about them into the void 
Finding a new good song 
Fresh out of the shower + fresh clean sheets feeling when you go to bed
When I come downstairs in the morning and my dog greets me right at the bottom step with her lil’ tail wagging
Knowing that if I ever needed someone to chat with, someone would be there to lend an ear
When you shuffle your music and the exact song you want to hear plays
When all my family is around the outdoor fire on a summer’s evening
When my nieces and nephews give me squishy kid hugs
Being home alone and being able to cook or bake in the kitchen without disruption
Driving around with a friend in the evenings and just belting our favorite songs
Seaside walks
Disney World
Seeing live theatre
The sun shining on leaves and stone buildings
Dancing when I'm alone
Color-coordinating my outfit
Floating on my back in the sea
The smell of summer nights
The smell of winter mornings
Colorful things/environments
Walking along lakes/rivers/the sea
Spending time in nature
Taking care of my plants
Giving affection to my loved ones
Listening to other people's stories
Reading about people I've never met before or places I've never visited before (especially if they are now just a part of history)
Swimming in a river or the sea
Stargazing (my favorite moments usually happen an hour before sunrise)
Feeling the breeze when I spin and my heartbeat when I dance for an hour at a time
All the wonderful smells of flowers and colours that nature has to offer
Sharing good laughter with someone
Feeling like I belong
Travelling and discovering new customs of different cultures
Hiking or foraging
That feeling when I'm approaching the end of a really good book and I let myself be engulfed by the fact that it's a unique experience, that I'll never experience as the first time again
Observing my local fauna
Petting and taking care of an animal (double the joy if it is friendly with strangers)
Drinking a good cup of honey tea
Finding a perfume that suits me
Eating something sweet
Enjoying a meal with others
Cat paws tapping on the floor
Dipping a biscuit into tea
Trying to catch leaves falling from the tree
Having sunlight hit your face when you’re napping
Objects that cast a rainbow when the sun shines through them
Seeing patterned shadows
Ambient mood lighting
Wearing jewelry 
Playing chess
Fresh air
Going somewhere new
My Mom’s cooking
Being inspired
When someone holding your hand rubs their thumb lovingly in circles
Picking strawberries
Painting the walls of my room
Wind chimes
Seeing that your favorite people are active online
Finally understanding something you were struggling with
The excitement you get when someone reblogs your writing or art
Getting a new notebook or journal
When someone tells you they love you and mean it
The smell of freshly baked bread
When my dog falls asleep on me
Making new online friends
Found family
Finishing cleaning my room
When someone lays their head on your shoulder
Doing something right on the first try
Finally sitting down after standing for a long time
Getting goosebumps from hearing or seeing something you love
Seeing a gorgeous view
Loving someone and them loving you back
Freshly baked gooey cookies
When a song comes on and everyone starts singing
When I’m out for a run and it’s hot and it starts raining. Nothing makes me feel more like a human than getting caught in the rain on a run
Swimming in the ocean
When people are talking about something they really love and get carried away trying to explain it all to you
Being in the middle of nowhere and actually getting to see the whole sky of stars that you never get to see in a city
Finding people that love the same things you do
 When something silly reminds you of someone you love; like every time I see an orange and green gummy worm I think of my sister
When you’re hugging someone and they squeeze you a little bit before they let go
Weather where you can leave all the windows open in your house
Driving with no destination in mind
Falling asleep to the sound of rain
Hearing other people laugh
Laughing only because you hear someone else laugh and it's just so contagious
The first snowfall of the year
Disney movies
Listening to someone tell stories and they have like 15 side stories in between the main one
Romantic movies
Bubble baths
Smiling between kisses
Wearing sweatpants
A clean house
My computer
Cheesy pickup lines
When people tell me they miss me
Cool spring mornings after a storm
My job
New shoes
Oversized shoes
Caramel apples
Running my blog
Finding sea glass at the beach
Getting my nails done 
Planning vacation
Hot cider
Telling people I love them
Writing in my gratitude journal
Eating homegrown vegetables, fruit, and herbs
Remembering a good dream I had
Happy endings
Colored pens
Decorating for the holidays
Finishing a really good tv show
Summer rain
Thunderstorms where I can just open my window to the full extent and just watch and listen
Calls with my best friend
Seeing a meme and sending it to my friends
Getting an email from AO3
That moment when you get an idea for creating something
Walking barefoot on the grass
Sending thank you notes
Writing events I’m looking forward to on my calendar
Dippin' Dots
Spicy food
Seeing a full moon
Eating cookie dough
Eating seasonal food
Bubble wrap
Going to the car wash and getting rainbow soap
Dark chocolate
Soft blankets
Weighted blankets
Soft drinks with crushed ice
When I get an unexpected phone call from someone I love
Wearing flip flops
Longer daylight hours
Having a BBQ
Frosting cookies
Making cupcakes in the microwave
Watching the Hallmark channel during the holidays
Taking selfies or photos with people I love
Putting on lotion
The smell of a baby’s head
The Office
Online shopping
The smell of freshly cut grass
Surprising my family or friends
Looking at the clock when it’s 11:11
Being productive
Doing good on an exam
Someone doing a favor for me (especially when I didn’t ask)
Eating pancakes with syrup
Waving at people
Giving high fives
Complicated Handshakes between you and your best friend
Naps/feeling well-rested
Eating one of my favorite foods
Hearing good news from/about a friend or family member
Looking at nature (these days it's seeing squirrels in my neighbour's garden and looking at my plants and trees)
When make someone happy or feel like I made a difference (including a satisfied client)
Success (good grades, a gifset that does well)
Hugs from my mom
Learning new things
Chatting with my friends because they’re all amazing people
Group watches of my favorite tv show or movie
That feeling when the house has just been cleaned/when I’m freshly showered
Making jokes/laughing with people
Reading fluffy fanfics
Driving on the road to a destination far away, I love the trip as much as (if not more than) arriving at the actual place
Reading affirmations
Green tea
Getting breakfast or lunch from a nice restaurant 
Learning about topics that won’t benefit me; like Chinese history, geography, ancient flora and fauna, etc. just things that I find cool 
The jokes my girlfriend makes, especially when they’re the same ones she always makes
Stories from the past! Stories from history from people who actually lived through it
Stories in general, just hearing the life experiences of people in completely different positions from me. I love hearing people’s stories
Drawing intricate things, like old buildings, landscapes, and plants
Cooking a nice meal
Grocery shopping and farmers markets especially 
My cat! All of her weird little habits too, like how she stands in front of my feet so I’ll push her where she wants to go 
Botanical gardens
State parks
Art galleries
Listening to stories my grandparents tell
When people tell me about their life goals and dreams
Being surrounded by the people I love 
Living the best life I can
Partying hard the night away
Sunflowers always make me smile
Warm tea
Big fluffy clouds in a blue sky
Friendly babies
Hearing a past favorite song
Singing karaoke 
Biking riding
Helping others
Chocolate milk
Sweets and fruits
Having fun doing things I love
Video games
My favorite things
Being on Tumblr
Looking at flowers and plants
Playing with my cats
Chatting with my friends (at the moment it’s through zoom, of course)
Finding new ways to decorate my room
Window shopping
Spending time with my boyfriend
Wearing my favorite outfit/accessory
Eating something delicious
The cool side of my pillow 
Tears of joy
Reading poems
Hugging trees
Tree houses
Playing frisbee
Making sculptures
Puppy ears
The first day of spring
The first day of summer
Sending silly photos to my friends
Building sand castles
Winning prizes at the fair or arcade
Scrolling through my phone
Writing fanfiction
Seeing someone you haven't seen for a really long time
Putting together collages
Printing out photos I love
DIY projects
Listening to steel drums
Haunted houses
Going through a corn maze
Picking fresh fruit or vegetables
Bubble tea
Dunkin donuts
Disney Princesses
Climbing trees
Finishing errands
Rewatching my favorite episodes
Ice cream blizzards
Listening to acoustic versions of songs
Hot tubs
Rubber ducks
Coconut flavored food
Dipping fries in ice cream
Discovering a new type of animal
Seeing hot air balloons
Splashing in puddles 
Having plants inside my house
Teddy bears
Iridescent/holographic things
Bird houses
Breakfast in bed
Dew drops
Glow sticks
Flower crowns (especially handmade ones)
Spring rain 
Watching other people make art
Finding heart shaped things in nature
Thinking of getting my own apartment
Coming up with a new recipe for food
Cookbook recipes passed down through families
Making pretty yogurt bowls
Seaside houses
Flying on planes and being in/above the clouds
Flower bouquets
Looking at and learning about the planets
Fruit snacks
Palm trees
Weeping willow trees
Cherry blossoms
Eating cake
Decorating cakes with eccentric icing designs and colors
Whipped cream
Having snowball fights
Hearing Christmas music
Wearing rings
Green grass
A tidy organized desk with cute desk supplies
My craft room
Little cottages
Cotton candy (and cotton candy flavored things)
Looking at all the paint pallet colors in paint stores
Taking silly photos in photobooths
Going to the mall
Making jam, especially strawberry jam
Reading outside
Finding a bird nest and watching eggs hatch
Looking at photos of my family and friends 
Finding old flora and art books
Eating fresh corn on the cob with butter on a summer day
Lily Pads
Inner peace
Sitting under a tree
Not having to turn on the light in your room when the sun is shining through
When restaurants have patios you can dine at
Fishing on a pier
Seeing old couples in public
Making gifs
Trees swaying in the wind
Dying Easter eggs
Laying in the trunk of a car and watching the clouds or stars
Night lights
Flower shops 
Outer space
PB&J sandwiches
Toasted Cheese
LoFi music
Listening to/watching ambience videos
Turtle necks
Looking at old maps
Figurines of the earth/globe
Honey and bees
Seeing footprints in sand and watching them be washed away by waves
Anything related to the moon, stars, and sun
Reading my horoscope (even if I know it’s not real)
Archways decorated with hanging flowers
Knowing that I’m not alone
Ancient roman sculptures
When someone tells me they care about me
Birthday parties 
My brother
My sister
When my dog leaves his bed to lay in the sunlight
Doing mini photoshoots with my friends
Hand making bracelets/necklaces (friendship bracelets)
When someone calls me darling or honey
Love letters
Game night
Stress balls and squishy toys
Starting something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time
Playing cards
Doing puzzles
Word searches
Ordering takeout
Stepping out into the fresh air
Creating vision boards
Getting a massage
Writing positive affirmations
Lunch dates
Standup comedy
Listening to classical music
Nature/animal documentaries
Having someone there to listen to me
Listening to someone when they need it
Accepting myself for who I am
Looking back and seeing how far I’ve come and all the progress I've made
Doing something my future self will be thankful for
Speaking up for myself
Being near loved ones
Finding time for my hobbies
Giving myself time to rest
Saturday mornings
Marrying the one I love
Discovering new things
Going to new cities
My idols
Feeling the wind on my face on a car ride
The sensation of music in my ears and like nothing else matters
People who have my best interest in mind
Fulfilling my dreams
Discovering a new ice cream flavor
Making myself a priority
Knowing that I am important, and I matter
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Thank you all so much for following me and supporting my blog! It means a TON! I never expected for this blog to become popular, especially because I originally started it to help myself get through some mental health issues. I am so happy to be able to share my journey of healing with you all! It means the world to me to help or make a positive impact on even just one person’s life! Each and every single one of you is amazing!! You matter and you are SO important! Thanks again for your everything! Have a great day!!! Sending sunshine your way!! 
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} – Cherry Blossom & Tangerines – Trafalgar Law x Y/n – Part 2
Modern AU. Living in Seoul, Sk. Trip to Jeju Do (Island). Everybody is alive. No spoilers. Female reader. No physical descriptions. Everybody is +18, canon ages. Chopper is human.
Tw: anxiety, fear of flying. No further tw warnings. Mostly SFW. Nami x Vivi & and some ZoSan.
A/N: The AU is inspired on Jeju Island, SK. I've made some research on cute places from there, such as touristic attractions and coffee shops. Even though, it may not be 100% accurate, so keep in mind is mostly inspired♥
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31059467
Word Count: 4K
» List of parts: {P1} {P2} {P3} {P4} {P5} {P6}«
Chapter 2. “Law?!...” I said surprised. “Y/n-ya?...” he asked, also surprised, but before I could say anything else, Luffy came running through the aisle and hugged Law, and I came to the conclusion that he was, indeed, Zoro and Luffy’s friend.
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I moved my stuff out of the way, and after he got rid of Luffy, Law helped me to put my backpack on the overhead locker and then sat next to me.
I remained silent for a little bit, waiting perhaps for him to talk, but he didn’t. The flight attendant announced the takeoff was about to happen, so we fasten our seatbelts as the plane started moving. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, and I could see how he seemed a little bit nervous. I thought it was my imagination, but when the plane gathered a little more speed through the runway, he began to breathe faster.
I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and I had to ask, “Law, are you ok? Are you feeling bad?”. He directed his gaze at me with blushing cheeks, and after a few seconds, he said “Y-Yes. I just tend to get a little nervous during the take off, but I’m… ok”. Poor thing, he was trying to cover his heavy breathing… “Don’t worry, it's completely normal, would you like me to hold your hand? You can squeeze it as much as you can”, I said kindly, keeping my cool just for him to see how it wasn’t a big deal, and nothing to get embarrassed of. I placed my hand, palm up, over the armrest that separated our seats and waited for him to hold it. He doubted a little bit, but he finally did it, first softly, still ashamed, but then firmly. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon, try to focus on your breathing”, I guided him, with a calm speech, and looking directly into his deep grey eyes, smiling kindly. He slowly calmed his respiratory frequency, and a few minutes after the plane was already flying at cruise level, he sweetly let go of my hand. Our palms were a little sweaty, but I couldn’t care less.
“T-Th- Thanks…” He said, looking at the floor. “Don’t worry, you saved me three times the other day, now I owe you only two” I said, winking an eye at him. Law smiled a little, but kept looking at the floor. I was about to point out the fact that he was Zoro’s friend when Nami peaked through our seat backs saying “Oi Torao, you finally decided to come with us!! You normally don’t go anywhere, I’m glad you separated from your books for good!... Oh, and you two must know each other, right Y/n?” she said pointing at us, “Both of you study at the same U and are becoming doctors soon”. Vivi who was next to Nami began to giggle covering his mouth. Suddenly I realized that both of my friends already knew who Law was, and began to suspect that for some reason they wanted to perhaps pair us up.
“I know him from other circumstances”, I said smirking at them, but with an underhand expression of “I’m gonna kill both of you for not telling me”. Law smiled at them, but didn’t say much, and the girls returned to their seats.
“So, your surname must be Trafalgar, right? I thought you were a Donquixote…”, I asked him. “Yeah, is a long story…”, he said with no emotion at all, and I realized it wasn’t a good topic, so I changed the curse of the conversation. “Oh, you were the one who was complemented by Dr. Marco? You are amazing, doc!”.
“Uhum, but I’m not that good. Dr. Phoenix is just an amazing teacher”, he replied. “Indeed, he is”, I said. The small talk came to an end when the flight attendant offered us something to drink. I opted for a glass of plain water, and so did Law. He then grabbed a manga from his little bag, and began to read. “Maybe he doesn’t wanna talk to me…” I thought, put my air pods on and turned on the music. Some minutes after I regretted not having any sleep last night, as my eyes were trying to close...
The voice of the captain announced over the speakers that we will be arriving on Jeju Island in a few minutes. I was being lazy to open my eyes, as I felt extremely comfy sleeping in that position… until I realized I had my head - and almost the right side of my body - over Law’s shoulder. “Oh my… I’m sorry!” I said gaining composure and sitting properly on my spot. Law gave me a smile with kind eyes, and said “Don’t worry, I was asleep too, I used your head as a pillow, I didn’t want to wake you up, though”. Behind us a few laughs from the girls were heard, and I asked, confused, “You… what?. But the landing was already happening and the cabin crew asked us to prepare, so I decided to shut my mouth. I gazed at Law to see if he needed any help with the landing, but he didn’t seem as scared as he was with the taking off.
We all descended the plane, waited for our luggage and headed to the car rental picking point. I’ve booked three cars, so we distributed perfectly on each one. Franky picked the blue Hyundai Venue. Usopp, Chopper and Brook went with him. Law chose a yellow Hyundai Sonata, of course he would, he looks so cool… Zoro, Sanji, and of course Luffy followed him. I chose the white Tucson, for me and the girls.
We left the airport and drove through the streets of Jeju, admiring the beauty of the cherry blossom trees and the yellow flowers on the side of the road. Law’s car was behind us, and sometimes I spied through the rear mirror, just to see his face fully concentrated on the road.
I asked Nami to put the GPS for me, because our Airbnb was a little bit remote from the center and I was afraid of getting lost. The girls and I sang the whole drive to the songs the radio was playing.
We finally reached the house. It was just as the photos, a white two-story house, big enough for all of us. The beach was next to our patio, the typical style of grey rocks of Jeju Do garnished the entrance and the sound of the waves crashing on the shore with a few seagulls squawking made the whole atmosphere unique.
I gave the entrance code to Robin and she opened the door. Luffy entered first running excited and went directly to the garden to see the beach. We followed him, pretty excited too. Inside, the house had a minimalistic style, everything was white and the floor and furniture was made of light wood.
There were four rooms, so the guys distributed in two of them, Robin and I went to another and we let Nami and Vivi have a room for them. We took turns to use the shower and got ready to explore the island right away.
Sanji suggested that we should go first to Dongmun traditional market to buy fresh ingredients for him to cook for us. He became a professional chef a few years ago and works with his father Zeff, on his well-known restaurant, “The Baratie”. His cooking skills are heavenly, and he loves to cook for us, so we agreed immediately.
We arrived after a 10 minute drive, the market was extremely busy, the food stalls offered a variety of typical korean dishes, kimbap, tteokbokki, tteokgalbi and fresh and canned ingredients, such as typical fishes from the island and the famous kimchi.
Luffy, as always, drove by the smell of the delicious food, ran desperately inside and tasted every single sample the sellers offered to him. Nami, Vivi and I, decided to try the famed tangerines of the island. Nami, who is an expert on tangerines, would give us the final verdict on if they are good as people say. The juicy mandarin slices we tried were exquisite, the sweetness mixed with a little bit of tartness made us want to buy bags of them.
I saw Law approaching us, he had separated from Zoro’s group who were trying the variety of Sojus. I called him with a big smile and some tangerine slices on my hands, “Law!! Come here, you should try this!”. He came closer also with a little grin. I stood on tiptoes and said, “Open your mouth!” and without any shame I offered him a big juicy slice of mandarin. He opened his mouth surprised, but accepted the fruit and while taking it, his lips softly touched the point of my fingers. It felt almost as if he was kissing them, or for a moment I wished it was the case… A little drop of juice ran from his mouth through the commissure of his lips, so I immediately rubbed my thumb over it to clean it. He fixed his eyes on mine, and for a few seconds it seemed as if the rest of the world stopped existing around us. He swallowed up the fruit and thanked me still without taking his gaze off me. The moment broke when the old lady at the tangerine selling stall asked us if we wanted a box or a bag for the fruits. I turned to her, and saw Nami and Vivi looking at the lady wanting her to shut her mouth. My cheeks thanked the interruption, though, because they couldn’t get any more flushed.
“A box would be great, thanks!” I told the seller. Law carried the box himself, and we reunited with the rest of the group.
Sanji had already gathered everything he needed, Zoro had bought his alcohol provision for the next few days, Luffy had his face completely stuffed with some meat, Franky had a cola on his hands, Brook a milkshake, Robin a bag of tangerine tea, Chopper of course some candy cotton on both of his hands and Usopp was eating some type of ramyon. We left the market and headed to our temporary house to leave the provisions and decide the plans for the afternoon and night.
“I want to go to Bomnal Cafe, I heard they serve delicious pastries! Can we go there?” suggested Chopper. “We can go there for the afternoon, and then have a picnic with a bonfire at the beach for the night. What do you think, guys?”, I proposed. “BONFIRE! BONFIRE! Sanji, you could also make some barbecue!!” screamed Luffy, excited, and everyone agreed that it would be a great idea.
Some of us headed to the coffee shop, while Sanji, Zoro, Law, Usopp and Franky stayed at home to prepare everything for the night.
The little coffee shop had a minimalistic, all white and grey, and maybe a little vintage atmosphere. We ordered a few pastries, puddings and lattes that tasted exquisite. We sat by a big window that let us admire the beauty of a little garden with cherry trees and a little pond with some fishies swimming peacefully. We were making stories for Instagram, taking photos, having fun. “Oi, Y/n, pose for me!” said Nami and took a photo of me with her iPhone. I didn’t have time to pose properly, so it was a pretty casual photo of me drinking a matcha latte. Brook insisted on me posting it, because he said it was cute. Chopper and the girls agreed with him, so I uploaded it to my Instagram.
Suddenly, a new notification popped up on my screen, “@DrHeartSteeler liked and commented on your photo”. “Hey guys, do you know who is @DrHeart…” I was asking them while opening the notification and realized it was no other than Law. “@DrHeartSteeler > Beautiful… place. Can you bring me one of those when you come back home?”. I hadn’t had the chance to say anything else when my friends began to make a fuss about the comment. “WHEN YOU COME BACK HOME?, Torao what the fuck?” said Nami laughing out loud. Chopper who was a little innocent, started asking why everyone was laughing, and it only fanned up the flames that were blushing my cheeks. “Yohoho… I guess you have to bring him “home” a matcha latte, Y/n, he probably misses you already…” mocked me Brook. Robin, who is the most mature of all of us, simply laughed and looked at me with kind eyes.
“Stop it guys, he is just asking for a latte…” I said, fanning my face with my hand. “Oh, yes, of course. He wasn’t even following your account. Before we left home, he asked Vivi for your user, right babe?…” said Nami and Vivi nodded with her mouth full of chocolate cake. I didn’t want to show the excitement I was feeling on my insides, so I simply replied that he probably wanted to follow me because he was already following everybody in the group. We decided to come back before the sun set, so we could see it on the beach and after buying Law his tea, and some pastries for the guys we left the pretty tea room and drove home.
“Guys, we are home! we brought you some pastries!!” I said, while carrying the papers bags, and Law’s latte on the other hand. Everyone came running to me and grabbed the bags, while Law, who was sitting on the couch reading, looked at me above his manga, as if he was waiting for me to say something. I tried to act cool, so I said “And oh, uhm, Law your matcha Latte. I hope it’s the right size for you”. He smiled at me, left the book on the armchair and stood up. He walked towards me slowly, I didn’t know if he was trying to be sexy or it was just how he was… Because he certainly was, only using black with yellow spots, swim shorts and a yellow open shirt, that let me admire his tattooed chest and abs.
“Thanks, Y/n-ya. When I saw your picture, I craved for…” he made a little pause, and continued while grabbing the plastic cup, “some matcha latte”. Well, now I crave... you… I thought. I gave him a look from head to toe, and said smirking “It’s nothing, now I only owe you only one favor, so, you tell me if you need something more”. “Mh... I’ll keep it in mind”, he said with his low sexy voice and a little side smirk. I smiled at him and went upstairs.
I threw myself on the bed and sighed loudly. My heart was racing, my lower parts were feeling funny and the sexual tension I’ve just experienced was too much to handle for me. “How hot he is, damn it”, I expressed out loud covering my eyes. “Who is hot, Y/n?” asked Zoro, who apparently was entering my bedroom to ask me something. I almost had a heart attack, but calmed myself down and asked him what he needed. He told me that we were getting ready to go to the beach to prepare the picnic and watch the sunset and if I could bring some blankets. I told him ok and he left my room laughing.
“I came here to rest, and I’m getting more stressed than during finals”, I thought, annoyed, while gathering for a few blankets and pillows to bring to the beach. I headed downstairs. Everybody has already left the house and I could see them walking towards the beach from our patio. I was about to leave and closed the door trying not to throw the blankets I had in my hand, when someone scared the hell out of me. “Oi, you almost let me locked in..., let me help you with that”, said Law who was still inside. “God… Law, you scared me… what are you doing? I thought I was alone…”. “Sanji forgot the salt shaker, I returned to bring it to him”, he calmly answered. “Oh, I see… Well let’s go” I said, still breathing fast from getting scared, and handed him a few blankets to help me carry them.
The chilly sea breeze kissed our cheeks, and the sound of the beach began to fill my ears. I was wearing a long silky dress that danced with the wind, as well as my hair. The sun was going down, everything was golden. Oranges, violets, reds, were the colours that tinted the clouds above the sea. Law was walking right by my side, and both were admiring the beauty of the evening lights that bathed the cliffs. I decided to stop, and take a picture with my analog camera, and as I did, Law kept walking a few steps more until he realized I had stopped. He turned around and looked at me, just when I pressed the shutter. “I’m sorry, I… didn’t know…” Law excused himself for appearing in the photo, but I wasn’t mad at all. I gave him a smile and told him, “It’s ok, you are part of the trip, I’ll give you a copy when I develop the film if you want”. “Thanks…”, he said, and we kept on walking admiring the beauty of the sun setting.
We finally arrived at where everybody else was. Law gave the salt to Sanji and helped him with the barbecue. I started to set up the blankets with the girls and told Brook to play some music with his guitar. The boys had already put up the bonfire and some torchlights that lit up our night.
The night was lovely, it was a little cold, but a few beers after I was dancing with the girls barefoot on the sand to “A lovely night” from the movie Lalaland. Suddenly, Robin said to me “Hey, Y/n… it seems that Torao-kun can’t take his eyes off from you tonight”. “Huh?” I told Robin, confused. She pointed to where the boys were cooking and I turned my face to them. Law was indeed looking at me, with a beer in his hand. I smiled gazing at him over my shoulder, and he did too. I turned back at the girls and kept on dancing covering my mouth, giggling a little. Vivi, Nami and Robin also giggled and gave me a complicit smile.
“Dinner is ready, everybody! “announced Sanji and we gathered all around the grill to receive the plates that surprisingly Zoro helped Sanji to serve. I guess alcohol and food made them somehow get along, at least for a few hours. I wonder when they are going to stop the fighting and begin the kissing… fufufu…
The brochettes were heavenly, we ate them sitting around the bonfire while singing “Binks no Sake”, one of Brooks classics. He is the musician of the group, and even started his professional career a few years ago as “Soul King”. He is such a talented guy.
As the night passed Law and I sometimes interlocked eyes, or exchanged little smiles. I took some more photos during the picnic and we kept on dancing until 3 am, when we decided to raise camps and head to our beds.
I was exhausted, yet, the idea of stalking Law on Instagram was on my head and didn’t let me sleep. I covered myself completely with the sheets and searched for his user on my phone. He has no more than 5 photos posted. One of them was with Luffy and Zoro, after training, another one of him and Rosinante -he called him “Cora-san” on the image caption, how cute - when he was a little boy. The rest of the photos were with some friends dressed up as pirates for Halloween and in the comment section they called themselves the “Heart pirates”, ha-ha funny.
I suspired whenever I zoomed the photos over his eyes. I was starting to like this man, way too much... I tossed and turned in bed trying to fall asleep, but I simply couldn’t, so I thought drinking some tea would help me. I went downstairs, trying not to wake anybody up and got to the kitchen. From the big glass door that looked at the beach I saw how the moonlight lit up the waves crashing on the cliffs and the whole kitchen. The scenery and the chamomile tea were slowly fading away the image of Law’s eyes, until I felt someone placing a hand over my shoulder. I slightly gazed at it, and it only took me a few seconds to know it was the tattooed hand of the guy who was keeping me awake. He was wearing black shorts, and a loose white shirt. His hair was more disheveled than ever. What is it with this guy that looks so good no matter what he looks?...
“I see I’m not the only one who can’t sleep”, Law whispered. “Yeah, I’m exhausted but somehow I can’t fall asleep… I guess it must be the bed, I don’t know. Do you want some tea?”, I offered him. “Yes, that would be great”, he accepted.
I was turning on the electric kettle when we heard some noises coming from the living room. I looked at Law and both of us peaked through the kitchen entrance to see what was going on…
“Shitty cook… we shouldn’t….”, “What? are you afraid, idiot Marimo?”. Sanji and Zoro seemed a little drunk and were somehow hugging and walking at the same time. At first I thought they were trying to help each other to go upstairs, so I started walking towards them to help. I couldn’t walk any further because immediately Law grabbed me by my waist, and pulled me back into the kitchen covering my mouth. “Shh… just wait”, he whispered into my ear and let go of me. What I saw next was something we’ve all been waiting for. Finally, Zoro and Sanji accepted how much they loved each other, and went upstairs kissing as two teenagers in love.
I opened my mouth and looked at Law with a surprised expression, that soon turned into a happy face. I started making little jumps in my place. “I knew it!!” I said and Law giggled almost without making any sound. With the excitement I didn’t notice how near we were from each other, until Law softly caressed my face with one of his soft hands. He, of course had the hands of a surgeon, long fingers, soft skin, perfectly cut nails. “Why don’t we do the same as them?” he asked me, and I gasped and stood still in front of him. He slowly approached his face to mine until the point of our noses were almost touching. I got lost into his grey eyes, my mouth was ready to receive his lips. The sweet torture of the moments before a first kiss, I wished I could make it last as much as I could, but at the same time, I wanted him to kiss me, passionately, now, right now.
My eyes probably showed how desperately I was for him to kiss me, that he smirked and finally planted his luscious lips against mine. He explored my mouth with his tongue, with no modesty at all, and as we were passionately kissing he lifted me up and sited me over the kitchen counter.
Without stopping the kissing, I open my legs to allow him to come further and as he did, he slid a hand to my sex…
Part 3
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Entwining Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an incredibly s p i c y date which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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Valentine’s 2020 Collection: Gavin // Lucien // Victor
The date begins with MC watching a live broadcast of an annual award ceremony, which announces that Kiro has won the grand award.
MC grabs the congratulatory card and present she prepared, heading out to decorate Kiro’s house for a mini celebration party.
Along the way, she receives news that for some unknown reason, Kiro was absent from a product launch that he was supposed to be a spokesperson for.
She enters Kiro’s house using the keys Savin gave her and starts decorating. 
After a while, Kiro enters the house looking melancholic, with Savin nagging behind him. Savin tells her to keep an eye on Kiro to ensure he gets proper rest and not exert himself.
After Savin rushes off to deal with the press, Kiro explains that he is unable to move his neck and back.
Kiro: I just finished dance practice and heard Savin calling me at the door. I turned my neck using too much force and couldn’t move my neck afterwards. The doctor said it’s a sprain.
Saying this, he despondently grabs a pillow and hugs it to his chest in a state of utter devastation.
Kiro: [pouting] I wasn’t even doing any big movements.
Even so, Kiro is happy that he gets a day of rest.
He suggests that they slip out to visit an interesting shop nearby. While Kiro’s puppy eyes cause MC to hesitate, she refuses so Kiro can rest. Despite his unwillingness, Kiro rests on the bed. She sits on a chair next to the bed so she can watch over him.
He grabs my fingers and plays with them restlessly. It feels ticklish. I try to draw my hand back but he refuses to let go.
Kiro: I can’t sleep. When you spend time with me, I can’t bear to close my eyes.
Kiro’s words soften my heart. Due to our busy schedules, it has been a long while since we last spent time alone together.
MC: When we’re less busy, let’s go to the interesting shop you mentioned, okay?
Kiro: Yes, let’s!
The corners of Kiro’s lips lift. As though discovering a new form of amusement, he patiently plays with my fingers one by one. 
His fingers are soft and smooth. I experience a strange palpitation whenever our fingers meet. I avert my gaze, the outer rim of my ears turning red.
Kiro: Miss Chips has very soft fingers.
MC: [blushing] They’re all right…
I’m unable to control the acceleration of my heart rate. In order to loosen my hand from his, I grab the phone off the bedside table and hand it to him.
MC: Since you don’t want to sleep, I’ll let you use your phone.
Looking as though he can’t bear to let go of my hand, he takes the phone and sees that the screen is filled with tons of notifications.
Kiro guesses that his fans are worried about the sudden cancellation of the product launch and decides to post something on his Weibo account to dispel their concerns. He tries but fails to take a selfie in his injured state, so MC helps.
On the screen, there is an incredibly adorable combination of Kiro lying on the soft bed, his messy golden hair, and the teddy bear next the pillow.
Kiro: Why is my hair so messy?
His eyes widen, dismay written all over his features. I reach out and tidy his messy hair, suppressing the urge to mess it up even more.
Kiro obediently leaves his hair to me, a smile appearing on his lips.
MC: It’s going to be perfect this time.
I look him over, satisfied, and snap three consecutive photos of Kiro before showing them to him.
MC: Don’t you look very handsome now?
Kiro has a look of satisfaction as he starts typing, reading his words aloud.
Kiro: “Even though I can’t move, it’s because of this incident that I can have an afternoon of leisure”…done!
Comments start flooding in after mere seconds:
“Does such beauty truly exist?”
“Oh my god, I can lick this face for a lifetime.” 
“I’m there, I’m that bear!”
While he’s overjoyed at the compliments, he reads on:
Kiro: “Just look, it’s obvious he has put on weight again”…I definitely did not gain weight, it’s just the angle!
In a huff, Kiro readies himself to respond to this comment with a retort. I hurriedly take the phone away from him.
MC: You should rest and not respond to these comments! Let me read them to you instead.
Kiro: Since you put it that way…
With a “hmph”, he gives up on the idea. I clear my throat and begin reading the comments.
MC: “Congratulations to Kiro for winning the award! Please rest well today! To commemorate Kiro’s face, I danced a Waltz of love!” Haha, what an expression. “My heart is in critical condition! Hugging… my husband… feels like a 100 meter sprint.”
I pause when reading the words “my husband”, feeling my face heat up. Kiro smiles as he looks at me, his eyes brimming with contentment.
MC: The next one says, “Who took the photo? Why does Kiro…”
…have such a sweet look in his eyes?
I look at the photo I had taken - Kiro stares into the camera with a sweet look in his eyes, like a little bear hugging a honey pot.
Kiro: MC? Why have you stopped?
Kiro curiously sneaks a peek at the screen, but I react immediately and lift the phone so he can no longer see it.
Kiro: Very suspicious… why aren’t you letting me see?
Kiro gets even more excited, stretching out his hand for the phone.
Kiro: Ouch!
He groans and falls back onto the bed. I get a fright, no longer caring about the phone. I immediately check on his condition.
Half of his face is buried under the covers, the corner of his eyes brimming with tears. I carefully touch his arm.
MC: Are you okay?
Kiro: [groans]
MC: Is it very serious?
I start panicking. Seeing that my guard is down, Kiro uses this opportunity to pull me onto the bed with him.
Kiro: [laughing] Did I scare you?
He laughs while reappearing from under the covers. It is only now that I realise he was joking, and I let out a sigh of relief.
At this point, MC remembers that she prepared a present for Kiro. She retrieves and gives it to him. He opens it excitedly.
The box is filled with small stars folded using fluorescent paper. In the middle of these paper stars is a golden-coloured glass bottle with moving sand.
Kiro: This is so pretty…
He carefully shakes the bottle, and the gold-coloured sand slowly drifts, reflecting sunlight.
Seeing him engrossed with it, I drop him a hint.
MC: The bottle itself isn’t the main thing. There’s something in it.
Kiro: Is it a drink? Or perfume?
Kiro twists the bottle open, and a faint pine tree scent wafts into the room.
Kiro: This is… a scented bottle?
MC: Nope. This is a special essential oil I had an expert masseur make during a shoot. I heard that it’s effective for relaxing one’s muscles. I didn’t expect that it’d be of use now!
Kiro: Essential oil…
Kiro recalls that the shoot involving essential oil took place when the list of shortlisted candidates for the award was just announced. He is surprised that MC had prepared the gift so far in advance.
MC: …That’s because I knew you would definitely win! And even if you didn’t win, it could be used to comfort you.
There is a smile in Kiro’s eyes, and he takes my hand in his, such that my palm faces upwards.
MC: W-what are you doing?
Kiro: I want to try this gift.
A drop of oil lands on my palm and he rubs it slowly, spreading it across my palm evenly. The pine scent permeates the room, and the fragrance of fresh flowers soon follows. The liquid is quickly absorbed into my skin, and my palm seems to heat up.
Kiro holds my fingers gently, then brings himself closer to them. He sniffs my fingers lightly, his lips curling into a smile.
Kiro: It’s a nice smell. It’s a scent I like.
MC: !!
I am taken aback by Kiro’s sudden breath on my palm, and my heart beats at an unnatural rhythm.
Kiro doesn’t let go of my hand. He picks up the black ribbon resting on the gift box, taking his time to wrap them around my wrists.
His gaze shifts to me, his vibrant eyes making me forget how to react, and I let him continue.
Kiro: And like that, it’s done!
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After saying this, he holds my wrist and pulls me closer, planting the side of his face on my palm before gently leaning into it.
As his soft golden hair brushes against my fingertips, my fingers involuntarily tremble. My palm is coated with his body temperature.
He tilts his head slightly, pressing his lips onto my palm, as if branding me with a permanent kiss.
Kiro: Actually, you are the best prize and gift to me.
Sunlight streams in from between the curtains and onto his eyes, giving me a clear view of the gentleness and adoration in them. My heart feels like it has melted into a puddle. At the same time, his transparent emotions cause my heart to heat up.
MC: I… how about I give you a massage…
I feel like biting my tongue after the words leave my lips. What am I saying!
Kiro: Sure!
Before I can change my mind, Kiro has already agreed without hesitation.
Kiro: Do I need to take my clothes off for the massage?
Saying this, he shrugs off his jacket, and both hands start pulling the ends of his t-shirt to reveal his sculpted abdomen.
MC: Wait!
Heat floods into my brain and I immediately grab the bottom of his shirt to pull it back down.
Kiro: I don’t need to take them off?
Kiro blinks, looking at me innocently.
MC: I’m just giving it a try. If you remove your shirt, it’d be easy to catch a cold.
With an “ohh”, he lets go of his shirt, his face betraying a hint of disappointment.
MC: …Go lie down on your stomach.
While Kiro obediently turns to lie down, I place my hands on my chest to calm my rapidly beating heart.
MC begins the massage, applying what she learnt from the massage expert
She does it gently and Kiro is on the verge of falling asleep
She calls Kiro’s name to check if he’s asleep, and he snaps out of his daze
Feeling bad for disturbing him, MC continues:
MC: …You can sleep if you want to.
I speak gently. Noticing that a strand of hair near his eyes makes Kiro slightly uncomfortable, I reach out to sweep it away.
Kiro: But I don’t feel like sleeping anymore.
He blinks, his voice slightly nasally and coquettish.
Kiro: I felt too comfortable just now, so I almost fell asleep.
He grabs hold of my hand. In a playful manner, he gently pinches my palm twice.
Kiro: Thank you, Miss Chips.
MC: No need to thank me. It just shows that my technique is not bad, right?
Kiro: Mm, this is a great present.
His eyebrows are curved upwards and he smiles softly.
Kiro: I like the feeling of you touching me.
He interlaces our fingers together, then hooks my thumb with his.
Kiro: I realized that humans, like animals, like to be touched and have their hair combed through.
MC: Is it because it’s very comfortable?
Kiro: It is really very comfortable. If that person is a loved one, her hands and body temperature would have an even more addictive effect.
A warmth emanates from our joined palms, and I can feel myself starting to sweat.
MC starts ruffling Kiro’s hair, and they banter for a while.
Kiro: I feel very happy whenever you’re by my side. Although sometimes, I do think of being a little closer to you.
Even before I pick out the hidden meaning in his words, I instinctively seek to change the subject.
MC: My massage techniques are quite mediocre though. I’ll introduce you to the masseur another time.
Kiro: I don’t want anyone else.
Kiro pouts, turning to face me.
Kiro: I only want my Miss Chips…
His voice trails off, and I am rooted to the spot. I am leaning over him, face-to-face with Kiro. Just a slight lowering of my head would be enough for me to kiss him.
Our breathing becomes ragged, and the initially peaceful atmosphere in the room seems to turn into boiling water.
Although Kiro doesn’t speak, I can feel his quickening breaths on my face. His grip on my hand tightens.
As though being in this position is too dangerous, I come to my senses and straighten up, putting distance between us.
Kiro sits up, his hand still on mine, giving me no chance to escape.
MC: We…
Kiro: I have not finished unwrapping my gift.
His words leave me frozen.
MC: What present?
Anticipating that I would respond this way, he laughs. 
Kiro: My present… is you of course.
His voice carries an evident smile. I look into his blue eyes, which hide within them the expansiveness of the sky.
A black ribbon appears in his hands, and he wraps them around his fingers, the colour of the ribbon striking a sharp contrast against his pale skin.
MC: …Why do you say that I’m the present?
He doesn’t respond. His abrupt silence leaves me not knowing what to do. Before I repeat my question, he suddenly hooks the ribbon over the back of my neck, and my heart skips a beat.
MC: W-what are you doing?
Kiro: Make a guess?
He arches an eyebrow. His usual playful expression is replaced with a sudden sexiness.
He resumes his work with the ribbon while I remain kneeling on the bed. He slowly pulls me closer to him. Although he isn’t exerting much strength, I can’t help but give in to the tug of the ribbon.
Our breaths mingle and we can no longer tell them apart.
Kiro: Since this is a present for me, I will open it very, very slowly.
He says this languidly, curling his words with the tip of his tongue, ending his sentence in a low voice.
At this moment, the ribbon has become a string encircling my heart, letting it beat only for him.
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Kiro is unwilling to stop here. He takes one end of the ribbon into his mouth and bites it firmly, the corners of his mouth lifting with a certain look.
The light descends onto the bridge of his nose, the clear lines of his jaw, spreading to his Adam’s apple. He oozes hormones of a different kind than usual.
His free hand rubs my thigh gently, and the sound of my skirt ruffling is especially clear.
Such unobstructed physical contact feels like fire, setting every inch of my skin ablaze. My body involuntarily trembles.
My breathing becomes increasingly ragged as he continues his upward motions. My heart beats rapidly, and my mind is completely blank, only remembering to shout his name.
MC: Kiro…
Kiro: It is time to receive my present.
The corner of his mouth is raised as he slowly releases the black ribbon on my neck. The ribbon slides down my body. I look into his wide eyes and let down my defenses. In a moment, the distance between us is barely visible.
Kiro: Miss Chips, you are a gift sent from heaven, a gift that I have awaited for my whole life, a gift that is most precious to me.
His gentle voice disappears into the space where our lips meet, melting into a quiet whisper.
Unlike his gentle tone, his kiss resembles a storm, forcefully entering and occupying all available space, leaving not a single crevice untouched.
The temperature rises sharply between our intertwining lips and tongue. Our exchange of breaths strips away all my senses and thoughts.
The almost inaudible sound of water echoes in the quiet room. The arm encircling my waist pulls me even closer against his body.
All the blood in my body is set ablaze, engulfing the little rationality I have left.
Suddenly, there is the sound of a door opening in the living room, followed by a conversation between Savin and the assistant.
Savin: Kiro should be resting. You can head to the kitchen to wash the ingredients for our hotpot later.
Assistant: Sure, but isn’t this a little too much…
I snap out of my daze after a few seconds and realise the situation Kiro and I are in.
MC: They’re back!
My panic completely dismantles the earlier atmosphere, and I muster the strength to tear myself from Kiro’s arms.
Even before I shift to the edge of the bed, Kiro wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me backwards.
We both fall onto the bed, a tangled mess of sheets beneath us. The teddy bear has fallen off the bed.
Kiro holds me tightly from behind, and my back is pressed against his chest.
Sweat soaks the fabric, which clings to our closely connected skin, bringing with it an intimate and sticky feeling.
I feel his scorching breath on the nape of my neck. It weaves through my sweat-drenched hair, lingering on my skin.
The sound of footsteps outside grows louder, causing me to tense up. I open my mouth to speak, but can only let out an inaudible gasp.
Kiro’s lips are pressed against the back of my ear, and a low and raspy voice follows.
Kiro: There’s no need to be nervous. The room is locked.
Phone Call
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from the bottom of my heart
(Hi @dumpsteramy! I am your Secret Santa, and I have finally arrived with your Christmas gift! 🎅🏼 I hope you enjoy xx)
from the bottom of my heart 
For a detective that had - a mere five hours ago - participated in the takedown of one of Brooklyn’s most notorious killers, Jake Peralta knows that he is feeling way too nervous about the tiny parcel that is currently sitting inconspicuously on his kitchen counter.  
He reminds himself of this fact, hands obsessively wiping down each surface one last time in preparation for Amy’s arrival - running through his memory bank of various moments of bad-assery - but try as he might; every single time he glances at the box, wrapped in brown paper and too small to be anything but innocent, his heart leaps back up into his throat all over again.  
It’s possible, he reasons; as he grabs the last pair of dirty socks off the floor and throws them in the direction of the hamper, that it’s because this year is one of the few times that he’s actually had a girlfriend over the holiday season.  
(The reason behind that detail, he’s not entirely sure hasn’t been deliberate, however that’s just a little too much to unpack right now.)
But it’s also possible (and honestly, curse his impeccable detective instincts, because sometimes ignorance truly is bliss) that it’s because of who his girlfriend is this year; and how much he’s already hoping for a hundred or more Christmases together, that his nerves just plain refuse to take a chill pill for a minute or two.  (Or was it whom?  Seriously.  He cannot tell.)
And then, there’s also the minor fact that he’s kinda sorta already completely fallen in love with her - a tiny nicety that he cannot bring himself to say out loud just yet, because that really is a bell that one cannot unring.  But there were implications within that little brown box, connotations of many more years together that hasn’t yet been suggested but that he wants to imagine could actually be possible, and right now he could really do with Terry’s magic 8 ball to give him some kind of sign that everything is going to turn out just fine.  
Just be cool, Peralta.  No biggie if Amy doesn’t like it.  Jake winces, head shaking at his own thought; checking on the takeout keeping warm in the oven.  He really is a terrible liar.  
It’s only the sound of a key sliding into the lock - AMY’S key, because they are dating and have each other’s keys and it really shouldn’t make him this giddy two weeks later but it really does - that pulls Jake’s mind away from his slightly obsessive thoughts, and his face morphs into a happy grin as Amy lets herself in to his apartment.  
Her face is flushed from the cold, half hidden behind a layer of scarves and jacket collars, but then their eyes meet and she smiles and oh, he really is the luckiest guy in all of New York.  
“Hey!  Sorry I’m a little late.  Just got completely swept up in that last bit of paperwork, you know?”  Letting his front door swing shut behind her, she uses her free hand to unwrap the layers of wool, craning her neck to meet Jake’s welcome home kiss.  “But!  I made us some cookies for dessert.  Santa ones, with lots of icing.  You’re gonna love them.”
He gives Amy what he hopes is a convincing smile, helping her slide the last sleeve of her jacket off and casting it on a nearby barstool as her hands wrap around his waist.  “Sounds amazing, babe.”
“Mmm.  More kisses, please.”
It’s a polite request - honestly, he’d have responded the same even if it been a demand - and as a contented smile lifts Jake’s lips he leans in for another kiss, letting this one linger for a moment or two, purely because he can.  
She sighs against his mouth, shuffling closer and planting her palms against his hoodie; reaching up for the zipper as their lips press together once more.
His eyebrows raise as the zipper descends, pulling away slightly as her hands wrap around his now free middle with a secret smile.  She dips her head into his neck, that perfect mixture of flowers and ink that he’s come to know as Amy washing over him, and even though Jake’s technically been here for hours, finally it feels like he’s home.  
The hug continues for a beat, and despite the fact that he’d probably stand here for hours if Amy only asked, Jake breaks the comfortable silence to voice a nagging suspicion.  “Can’t tell if this is a sweet hug from my girlfriend, or a brazen attempt to steal all of my body heat.”
“You know I’m an excellent multi-talker, Peralta.  Clearly, it’s both.”  Her soft lips press against the base of his neck as though offering payment for his services, and Jake’s grip on his girlfriend tightens.  “You’re just so warm, and Brooklyn is so cold tonight.”
“Oh, so this is like a two-for-one deal kinda sitch.”
Amy nods, the soft edge of her chin rubbing along Jake’s collarbone and truly, he could have a thousand more nights just like this.  
Her head lifts slightly, sniffing the air before turning her attention back to Jake.  “Can I smell Thai Guy’s Tom Kha Kai?”
“You can.”
She grins, giving his waist a quick squeeze before releasing him from her warmth-stealing hug.  “Wow.  You definitely win Best Boyfriend for today.”
“Best Boyfriend?  Noice.  If I’d known it was that easy, I would’ve ordered double on standby for future awards.”
Amy grins, chuckling softly before noticing the parcel (because she honestly is the best detective - even if he’ll never say it out loud), letting her hands run along the edges of his hoodie as she pulls away to make a closer inspection.  “What’s this?”
His heart has most definitely returned to it’s seemingly new home at the base of his throat, but somehow Jake manages to persevere.  “Oh, it’s some-nothing really … just something I picked up and it’s nothing really it doesn’t matter.”
Her right eyebrow twitches up, throwing him that look she gets whenever she senses a lead, and Jake sighs. 
“So … I know you know how my mom used to work a lot, since my dad was a leaving jerk who left like a jerk and whatever.”  Amy nods, remaining silent.  “Well, the holidays always paid really well so I spent a lot of them with Nana or Gina or sometimes just me and the tv.”
“And Die Hard.”
“Naturally.  It’s the only Christmas movie worth watching.  And we’d make our own holiday day, somewhere in the week, so the whole actual date thing really wasn’t that big of a deal.  But … we did have this one tradition, that actually started the first Christmas after my dad left.”   
He watches nervously as Amy rounds the counter, using the tip of her perfectly manicured fingers to shuffle the parcel closer to her position, and takes a heavy swallow.  “My mom would buy - and sometimes make - ornaments, and put pictures of us from throughout the year in them.”  Running one hand through his hair, Jake moves until he’s leaning against the opposite side of the bench.  “She said that way, we were celebrating the year that was and making wishes for more of the same.  As you can imagine, as time went on the tree had a bunch of photos of her and I.  It was actually kinda cool.”
“It sounds really lovely, Jake.”
Nodding, Jake points at the package Amy’s nimble fingers have begun toying with, silently encouraging her to lift the lid as he continues.  “Yeah, so … I sort of had this thought that maybe … this year there could be one with us on the tree.”
Giving Jake one last curious glance, Amy lifts the lid of the small brown box, chewing her lower lip as the contents come into view.  
With his stomach feeling like it’s dropped to his feet, Jake leans into the counter, waiting with bated breath for Amy’s response; and she lifts the tiny wreath ornament from it’s resting place, letting the trinket spin as a selfie Jake took of the two of them two months ago flickers in front of their eyes.  
It’s the silence that’s killing him, the need to explain and deflect and pretend everything is fine too strong, and even though Jake knows he’s rambling, the words just start tumbling out of his mouth.  “It’s no biggie, really.  Just something that I thought might be cool.  It’s okay if you hate it, we don’t need to bother next year, thats if there even is a next - ” The gentle press of two of Amy’s fingers against his lips throws Jake into silence, and she holds them in place as she rounds the corner of the kitchen counter again, only pulling away once she’s by his side again.  
“Jake.  I think it’s wonderful.  I could never hate this.”
With the sense of relief flooding through his veins, Jake manages a smile, tucking the strand of hair that’s fallen from Amy’s work appropriate up-do behind her ear.  “Yeah?"
“Yeah.  It’s amazing, actually.”  Her hands come to rest on either side of his neck, the sheer familiarity and comfort of the move subsiding any linger nerves as she looks up at him with the softest gaze.  “A really special tradition, that I cannot wait to continue.  And honestly, I just feel so lucky that you’d want to share it with me.  Thank you, babe.”
Her lips press against his as she pulls him in for a grateful kiss; and even as his hands slide along the smooth edges of Amy’s back, Jake can’t help but think that if there’s anyone in this kitchen that’s lucky, it is most definitely him.  After all, not only does Amy love the tradition, she cannot wait to continue it - and what could be greater than that?
He wraps his arms around Amy completely, pulling her in for a tighter hug as the kiss breaks, and with her chin resting against his shoulder she takes in the rest of her surroundings.
“Hey.  You cleaned!”
Feeling a tiny glimmer of pride at her observation, Jake nods to play it cool.  “Well, you know.  Tis the season, and all that.”
“The cleaning season?”  Gasping, Amy tilts her face back up to Jake with a giant smile.  “Oh my gosh, can you imagine!?  There could be a different cleaning method each day!” 
Her eyes are bright, taking on that special sparkly quality that just takes her beauty levels from one hundred to one thousand as she describes all the different products that could be used, and he is most definitely, absolutely, totally and utterly, head over heels in love with Amy Santiago.  
“Look, all of that sounds amazing, Ames, and I’m sure one day if you wish really hard it might even come true.  But … for now, how about we eat this Best Boyfriend Award winning dinner I ordered and watch some top quality movies on the couch?"
Amy nods, raising one finger in a friendly reprimand.  “But no Die Hard, we watched it just last week.”
“It’s a vintage classic, babe!  The kind of movie that never grows old.”
Her responding eye roll is good-natured in it’s delivery, a gentle slap landing along the line of shoulder.  “Vintage or not, I get to choose the movie tonight.”
Letting out an exaggeratedly defeated sigh, Jake decides that a pre-dinner commiseration cookie is in order, and he lifts the lid to the container as Amy removes their food from the oven.
“Uh, babe … are these the cookies you made?”
“They look … neat.”  Jake smiles, one that he knows isn’t very convincing, but he’s also not entirely certain that the lumps he’s discovered in the container are actually cookies - even out of technicality.
Amy’s eyes narrow, abandoning her serving of rice to gaze over Jake’s shoulder, jabbing a finger into his spine.  “Out with it, Peralta.”
“No, it’s nothing, it’s just … have you ever seen that show, Nailed It?”
Her jaw drops, brows raising in obvious indignation as she reaches for one of the lumps.  “Hey!  Eat your damn cookie, detective.  Or don’t go expecting anything to happen with your candy cane tonight.”
“My candy ca- oh!  My ‘candy cane’.  Ha.  Nice euphemism, Ames.”  Winking, he snatches the cookie out of Amy’s protective grip, snarfing it down in one bite.  “Mmm, yummy.  Don’t mind me, just standing here enjoying this deliciously amazing cookie that my incredible girlfriend made for me with her bare hands and doesn’t taste like a salt lick at all.”
Casting a side-eyed glance at Jake as she returns to serving their dinner, Amy mutters something about how she really thought the extra icing would hide the salt taste; and even though it’s probably completely insane, he feels strangely excited at the thought of many more years pretending to enjoy his girlfriend’s cooking.  
The idea of it all - of a mixture of Christmases, Hanukkahs and Noche Bueanas alike filling up their years - makes Jake’s face break out into a stupidly wide grin; and without thinking he reaches for another cookie, this time making no complaint as the salty sweet combination begins to grow on him.  
And truly, there could not be any greater sign that he is completely in love with Amy if he tried.
(A few or so years from now, there will be a Christmas tree standing tall in the living room of the  Santiago-Peralta home, covered in ornaments and memories alike.  Their son Mac will place the very last decoration on the tree - a tiny little sonogram of his soon-to-be-born little sister - and Jake will ruffle his hair and remember a time when all of this had only been an unspoken dream.)
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demigodreading · 3 years
Baby Benson: Seven To Nine Months
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Summary: Ella’s life from seven to nine months is full of major developmental milestones, lots of smiles, and many tears not only from her but her mother as well.
Characters: Olivia Benson, Ella Alina Benson, Original Character
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Original Character (Mother/Daughter)
Warnings: N/A
*Also I will now be posting Baby Benson every Thursday! I have a lot of ideas and I want to work through them as quickly as possible for y’all. So enjoy. My heart and soul fic is now going to be on display every week.
Seven Months (May)
Olivia awoke on her first mother’s day to Ella’s smiling face and the smell of fresh coffee and pancakes. She sat up in bed pulling Ella to her lap as Megan settled down next to her. Between the two of them she placed the plate of heaping breakfast, handing a fork to Olivia. Once Olivia was fully settled Megan handed her the coffee she had prepared.
“Happy Mother’s Day my beautiful daughter,” Megan smiled.
“You really didn’t have to Mom. You already do so much for me,” Olivia said before taking a sip of her coffee.
“It’s your first mother’s day! I had to make it special,” Megan replied pulling a bag from beside the bed, “Ella and I got you a gift.”
Olivia took the black box carefully in her hands pulling it close to her chest. Ella reached out for the box giggling happily. Olivia let her help take the lid off before peering inside. A gold necklace greeted her with Ella’s name and birthday etched into a heart. Tears began to fall slowly down Olivia’s face as Ella took the necklace into her hand and reached it up towards her. Olivia kissed Ella’s forehead gently and then reached over to take Megan into a hug.
“I love you Mom.” “I love you too sweetheart,” Megan said kissing Olivia’s cheek.
After breakfast everyone got dressed to take their usual walk through Central Park. Every time they passed a large flower bush Ella would lean out of the stroller to try and grab for the flowers. Finally Olivia leaned over and plucked a large flower from a tree, handing it to her daughter. She took it in her hands and began to babble quickly while pushing the flower to her nose. The whole scene made Megan laugh as Olivia stopped to take a photo. After their usual route they sat together in the grass watching Ella roll around on the blanket.
When she finally drifted off to sleep curled up against Olivia the older woman looked at each other. Olivia reached out and took Megan’s hand.
She squeezed it gently, “How was your first mother’s day?”
“My first mother’s day? I guess I never realized that,” Megan laughed, “It was wonderful because I got to spend it with my favorite girls.”
Eight Months (June)
Eight months was a rough time for Ella. Her first tooth was already starting to poke its way through causing constant tears unless she had one of her ice pack toys. Megan had run out to the store and had stocked up on ten of them when they realized that two was not enough to keep a constant rotation. Most days Ella spent rocking back and forth trying to make her way across the floor with a toy hanging from her mouth. When it would drop a long line of drool would follow it making Ella laugh. 
The worst part of Ella’s first months, however was something that broke Olivia’s heart. Ella now cried and screamed hysterically anytime that Olivia left for work. As soon as she started to walk towards the door without Ella beside her the tears would begin. On more than one occasion Olivia even called in sick so that she could soothe Ella and stay home with her. Finally Megan said enough was enough. Olivia had to go to work and Ella had to cry it out. So every time Ella left the door and she could hear the screams of her daughter she would pause just outside the door for a moment. In this moment tears would rush down her face and her heart would ache for her baby girl. 
One day when she got into work she looked at Elliot who was pouring himself into his paperwork. He finally put his pen down and looked up at her, “Liv. Just ask your question instead of trying to stare a hole into my head.”
“Does it get easier? Leaving the kids behind,” Olivia whispered looking down at her phone to see a picture of Ella.
Elliot let out a small sigh, “A little but not much.”
“I feel like a piece of my heart is always on the outside of my body,” Olivia sighed before Cragen called to both her and Elliot. 
Nine Months (July)
Olivia made sure she was not on call for Ella’s first Fourth of July. She was fearful that her daughter would be up screaming all night with the loud noises and didn’t want to leave Megan to deal with it. Ella spent the whole day crawling around on the living room carpet showing Liv all of her favorite toys. They spent over two hours playing peek a boo. Every time Liv poked her head out from behind the baby blanket Ella would start to hysterically laugh. It was Liv’s favorite sound. Anything that made her child happy was something that she wanted to keep forever. As the night started to grow darker, Olivia's fear began to grow. However, after Ella had pointed and made excited babbling noises at the first couple of fireworks she passed out in Olivia’s arms. When Olivia tucked her into the crib she gently kissed the top of her forehead. Ella let out a small smile before drifting back into her dreams. Olivia spent the rest of the night on the fire escape of her apartment watching the fireworks bursting into the air trying to figure out the bigger picture. 
She was taken from her thoughts as she heard Megan call out to her from her window next door, “Olivia Margaret Benson. What are you doing hanging off the fire escape like that?”
Olivia laughed and scooted back so she was no longer on the edge, “I’m trying to see the bigger picture mom.”
“The bigger picture?” Megan mused,. “I think you are overthinking it sweetheart. You are living in the picture right now. You are creating it as you go. If you try to plan it out to much you will miss the art that you are making now.”
“When did you become so wise?” Olivia smiled.
“With age honey! With age! Now try to get some sleep in all this ruckus. You have work tomorrow.”
With that Megan and Oliva said their final I love you and the window shut. Olivia stayed outside for another moment watching the bright colors come to life in front of her. Maybe her mom was right. There was no need to plan the future when everything she needed was right in front of her.
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justcafewriter · 4 years
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pairing : Oda Sakunosuke x Reader
genre : a mix of fluff and angst (only a little bit of angst i guess ^^;)
warning : contain death
prompt : roasting sweet potato
summary : a bittersweet memory always find its way to you whenever winter come
word count : 2.4K
a/n : another story from a different prompt for the 12 days of cheer collab. the general idea was to have Makoto as the main character and fluff as the genre but I recently have Oda brainrot thanks to my dear friend, Clio :') so here we go.
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The sound of your kitchen timer ringed loudly, making you swiftly walk to the kitchen and stop where the oven is and turn it off before you put on your kitchen gloves and open the oven's lid. The smell of roasted sweet potato filled your nostrils, a satisfactory smile appeared on your face as you're checking if it's properly roasted and it did. You look at the clock, it's now 9am and you just need to change your clothes before you're finally ready to go. 15 minutes later, you're already in your bestest outfit, a necklace with a home-shaped pendant decorating your outfit nicely, you're wearing a bit of makeup and let your hair loose. You look at your reflection, smiling as you think that you look the way someone you'll meet like.
After you put on your shoes, you're ready to go with a box of roasted potato in one hand and a bouquet of flowers that you've already arranged yourself in another. A mix of Pink Camelia, Pink Carnation, Red Chrysanthemum and Forget-Me-Not. You look at the bouquet in your hand before your eyes drift to the frames that's standing on the table not too far from the entrance of your apartment.
One of the frames contained a photo of a young man with reddish-brown hair, his azure eyes seemed so gentle as he was smiling happily. Another frame contained a photo of you and that young man, there's a little scribble on that photo saying "first date with Oda ♡". You smile upon seeing those photos, a warm feeling crept inside your heart as you see the smiles both of you wore in that sacred moment.
With a heavy sigh you finally get out from your apartment. The weather is not that nice but you can say that it's not bad either, especially since it's December now. As you're walking, you see a lot of people around, some busying themselves buying gifts for Christmas and you're giving note to yourself to not forget searching for one.
It doesn't take long until you finally arrive at your destination. You're walking toward a big tree and lay a small blanket before you sit on it. You're smiling as you see the one who you want to see resting there.
"I'm here, Oda." You whispered as a gentle smile appeared on your beautiful face. "And I bring roasted potatoes too!"
Suddenly, your mind traced on the first day he finally has courage to talk to you.
7 years ago
You were eating your favorite curry at your favorite small shop like you usually do when suddenly a tall man with stubble came and asking for 'usual'. You look at his figure before you try to continue eating your food. Yes, try. Because the man who just came was also the reason why you keep coming back to the shop. He gave you this mysterious aura which told you to not get too close to him but also at the same time you drew to him and your eyes landed on nothing but him.
Silent filled the room, only the sound of the chef (also the owner) cooking could be heard when suddenly the man beside you asked, "How's the kids?" which was answered with, "Like usual." By the chef.
Again, silence filled the room. You try to continue to eat when suddenly the man beside you said, "Do you like sweet potatoes?" You paid him no mind since you thought that he was probably talking to the chef again but then you felt a pair of eyes looking at you, so you were looking at your right only to be watched by a pair of beautiful azure eyes. You tried your best to not spit on your food because you swear that the curry seems like entering the wrong hole.You tried to gulp down that damn curry before you sipped the cold water beside your plates.
"You're asking me?" You asked, looking at him with your doe eyes, you saw a tint of pink appear on his cheeks.
"Ah, sorry if I'm being rude and yes I was asking you." He said as he rubbed his hair.
"I.. I like sweet potatoes." You said again, you weren't lying, it's not like you love them by lots but you enjoy eating them.
"Good. So you wouldn't mind to join us later? If you have time of course." A sheepishly smile appeared on his face.
Your face brightened at the invitation, not gonna lie, you were so interested at this man so having him inviting you was something that you'd like to have.
"Well, what time is later?" You asked, no matter how happy you feel you need to play it cool.
"Uhm.. later as in after we finished our meal." He answered. "I heard a saying that said, 'women have another stomach for dessert'."
"Well it's very much true and I feel like I need to accept your invitation, especially if it's coming from a gentleman like you." You said and the moment you said it, that man knew that you were a very special person and he knew that you would change him in any way possible.
"My name is Oda Sakunosuke." That man said while stretching out his hand.
"My name is Y/N." You said, while gripping that man's hand. The moment his large hand wrapping yours, you knew that you couldn't escape to fall for him more deeply.
"Y/N-san! Odasaku! come here, come here. Sakura has practiced her singing skill and she will sing for us!" Kousuke, the oldest kid of orphaned children who Oda adopted said as he was welcoming you and Oda. It has been a year since you were dating Oda and you've met the kids countless times so they already welcomed you like you're always belonged there. Oda never knew why he introduced the kids to you and told you that he adopted them all. Well, he knew why. He wanted to know how your reaction would be. He was glad when he saw that you were very much okay with him having kids despite he was only 21 years old at that time.
"Oh, Y/N-san! You brought a lot of sweet potatoes!" Another child named Katsumi said after he appeared from nowhere.
"Yes, I'm gonna make roasted sweet potatoes because Odasaku said that you guys like them and we couldn't enjoy them that much last year."
"Your roasted potatoes taste so delicious." The youngest kid, Sakura, said as she approached you. The rest of two kids also joined you and Oda while they were agreeing to what Sakura said.
"Okay, okay. Odasaku and I will clean the sweet potatoes before we roast them so you all can prepare things in the living room and clean it up a bit. You say you will help uncle right?" You said and all the kids accepting your guidance before they stormed into the living room.
"How can they listen to you so well?" Oda said once the kids left the kitchen as he approached you. He wrapped his hands around your waist before he inhaled your scent and put his lip close to your jawline before he kissed it, that gesture made you turn around so you were facing him and process to kiss his lips before saying, "It's a secret."
A laugh erupted from both of you. Oda then pulled you closer to him before he planted a kiss on your lips, a passionate one if you could tell. The kiss made your feet feel like jelly and your lips burned in sensation of his sweet, honey taste lips. His stubble roughly rubbed the skin around your mouth but it didn't give you any effect to pull away.
"Uhm!!" You heard someone try to disturb the moment you have with Oda so you broke the kiss only to find the oldest kid, Kousuke gave you a 'what-the-hell-are-you-doing' look. "Sorry to interrupt but the potatoes won't roast themselves aren't they?" He snickered.
You and Oda were stuttering as you both tried to reasoning your action. Fast forward, all the seven of you were already in the living room with a warm roasted potato on the table and warm green tea accompanied it.
You were listening to Sakura singing a Christmas song then after that you were just listening to the kids rumbling about their days before finally the show that the kid wanted to watch has started. It was suddenly quiet, you were sitting in the back with Oda sitting beside you and his hand was around your waist. You put your head on his shoulder as you also lingered your hands around his torso. Both of you sit there in silence, watching the kids immersed in the movie that they watched.
After the movie finished, you saw the kids were all sleeping. Oda then moved them one by one to their bedroom with you helping him by preparing their bed and tucked them once Oda put them on their bed. After you tucked the last kid, both of you look at the sight of five angelic kids sleeping figures and you couldn't help but feel the warmness inside your heart and you knew Oda felt the same because you felt a pair of strong arms lingering around your waist as he hugged you from behind.
"One day… One day we will move from this town, we'll move to another place near the beach, where the kids can run as far as possible, where the kids can enjoy much sunshine while they're playing outside, where they will have baby siblings and play with them and teach them one thing or two. I, I'm sorry for being so selfish but please bear with me a little more. I promise you everything will be better." You heard Oda say those words before he kissed your crown. You, on the other side felt your tears run down to your cheeks.You knew about his occupation yet you still accept him and love him with all your might. Mafia who doesn't kill. That was what his colleagues called him. And you knew the reason why, he told you about it, about his dream, about how he wanted to be a writer, how he wanted to have a house with a window facing the ocean as he wrote the continuation of his favorite book. He shared his dream with you, shared his obsession and you were very much so supporting to his idea.
"I will wait as much as possible if it's come to you. To the kids that I thought of my own. That's how much I love you, Oda." You whispered but it was loud enough for Oda to hear.
You felt Oda broke the hug before he asked you to close your eyes and you did. Suddenly you felt a cold metal at the crook of your neck, then he told you to open your eyes. The first thing you did was to look down and there you saw a necklace with a house-shaped pendant. You ask him what it was about and he told you that it was a token, a token to what he promised to you; the next stage of relationship.
You couldn't help but crying at his explanation, he was so shocked because that wasn't the reaction that he expected.
It was less than a year when you heard news from Oda's friend, Dazai, that Oda was seriously injured. Your head was spinning like crazy and your heart was beating so fast it felt like it'd burst out from your body anytime. The time when you come to where Dazai told you, Oda was long gone, his body already cold and lifeless. That was when your world sinked into hell, when your heart broke into pieces it couldn't be repaired, when you couldn't even scream in pain as you saw a lifeless body that belonged to a man who you loved dearly.
A single tear escapes from your eyes as you reminisce the memory of your now deceased fiance. You saw his name engraved on the tombstone in front of you before you put the bouquet that you bring on top of his grave. It has been 4 years since Oda left you, and you also learnt about the kids he adopted, that they were also already dead because they caught up in Oda's last mission. Another tears escapes and run down to your cheeks, you try to hold it because you already swore to only show Oda your happy side, to not make him worry when he's watching you from heaven above.
"It's okay to cry." You hear a familiar voice of Oda's friend, Dazai. "I bet that's what Oda would say to you." He says again as he's walking towards your direction.
You saw him holding a small bouquet of flowers.
"Zinnia. Thoughts of absent friends." You say as you look at the flower.
"Longing for you, I'll never forget you, I love you and True love memories." Dazai says after he placed his bouquet next to yours. "Odasaku was so lucky to meet you." He says again.
"Both of us are lucky to meet each other, but not lucky enough to be together in this life." You smile bitterly as you spit on your last words. The words are surely hurt and the reality you're facing now is surely cruel and Dazai knew what kind of hell you've been through after you learnt a sadistic truth 4 years ago, after you learnt the fact that you lost the most important person in your life.
"I still feel thankful that you live your life to your best, that you carry out Oda's dream and even you're doing more than he can do. You build an orphanage, you're taking care of unfortunate children and I'm sure Oda is gonna be proud of you." Dazai says as he pat your head, like a big bro he is.
"That's the only thing I can do." You say.
"It's getting cold now, let me take you home." Dazai offers and you decide that it's the time you need to go.
"Till then, Oda." You says before you rub his tombstone and accepting Dazai's offer to take your hand and walk with him, leaving a bittersweet memory behind you as you leave the cemeteries.
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collab taglist: @animatedarchives @azxmii @yamaguchi-stan
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mayraki · 4 years
The Trained Assassin
Spencer Reid series. Part 11 (The End)
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Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Summary: Life’s not easy when you found out that instead of being trained to be a spy for the CIA, you are being trained to be an assassin, a killer. The people you wanted to stop, they were making you one. That’s when you joined the BAU to become someone new, you didn’t want to be someone’s toy. You wanted your past to be arrased, that’s all. But it’s not easy to hide a past like that.
Note: Well, the end is here! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who followed the story since the beginning. This is my first series and I couldn’t be more grateful for every comment, like and reblog. This has been a really beautiful journey as a writer and thank you for being a part of that. I love you all and see you at another one of my stories!
warning: graphic descriptions!
“The Family Grows”
Time flies when you are having a good time. Six months passed since you and Spencer decided to be together. At first, as you two suspected, it was weird. Morgan and Garcia teasing you about it, and you were pretty sure you heard Emily said at least four times the phrase “I was right.”
When you told your little brother, Max, he was so excited and started to talk about a future with Spencer and all the magic tricks he was going to learn from him.
“You are a great cook, Spencer.” Max said when dinner was over.
“Yeah, you never stop learning things about each other.” You said surprised at him.
After spending almost an hour watching Spencer make magic tricks to Max, you told him that it was time to go bed.
“But I’m on vacation!” He protested and you lifted your eyebrow.
“Max, bed.”
He sighed and hugged Spencer goodbye. He let out a little smile and looked at you once Max was our of your sight.
“You know, we don’t have to wake up early tomorrow either. We can do something.” He said getting closer to you.
“Right... what do you have in mind?” You let your arms rest on top of his shoulders and he grabbed your waist to pull you closer.
“Uh, I don’t know.” You smiled and kissed him slowly.
“I have an idea, but we have to go to the bedroom.”
You lifted your eyebrow and smiled “Oh, we do?”
He nodded and you kissed him again, but when his phone rang he sighed.
“It’s JJ.” He said confused looking at the screen.
“That’s not good.” You said and walked to your room to get changed, because you knew you had to leave soon.
After taking Max to one of his friend’s house to stay for as long as you were working on the case, you drove to the BAU. Spencer and you ran to the meeting room because you knew you were late.
“Sorry we’re late!” You said once you entered the room but noticed that JJ and Hotch weren’t there.
“Now, what were you two doing that made you late?” Morgan asked with a smirk on his face and you punched him in the arm.
“Nothing, we had to do something before coming in here.”
“Yeah, and is that thing you had to do, be connected to the fact that Spencer has shiny lips gloss all over his lips?” Garcia said and you quickly looked up to Spencer.
“Wow, that really is a a long lasting lip gloss.” You said but you turned to the team. “But that’s not what we were doing, now, drop it.”
No one could say anything else because JJ entered the room and without hesitation said quickly “Grab your go bag and let’s go. I’ll explain everything in the plane.”
“A kid has been abducted ten minutes ago. They want us because they had similar cases, once a week a kid’s reported missing. Now, her name is Julia Porter. She’s eight years old.” JJ said once the plane started to move.
“Like we all know, the first hours of an abduction are the most important. So let’s act quick.” Hotch said and everyone nodded.
The team arrived at the destination and once you were able to get to the police station, you started to do your job.
“Julia’s father is here.” JJ said.
“I’ll talk to him.” Emily offered.
“There’s going to be a bonfire this afternoon for the lost children, if this person is capable of remorse he’s going to be there. Y/n and Morgan, I need you to go there.” You nodded and turned to the board Spencer was building.
“Do you have something?” You asked him.
“Well, all of his victims are the same age. But they go for boys and girls. And the fact that they still haven’t found them, that indicated that, maybe, they’re still alive.”
“Yeah, let’s pray that and not that they’re keeping the bodies..” you said and felt your stomach turned at the thought of that.
The smell of fire came into your nose once you arrived at the bonfire. A ton of pictures and toys were on the floor, people were leaving flowers and you started to look at their behaviour.
You walked to the side of the fire and Morgan to the other. Then, you noticed a guy with a black jacket on. He wasn’t talking to anyone and he seemed nervous. He was looking down and he had a single flower on his hands.
He approached the fire and let the flower close to the photo of the most recent girl who went missing. That made you even more curious about him, that’s when you locked eyes with him and you noticed that his nerves went up. He tried to not look at you but he kept glancing. He was trying to keep calm but when you started to walk to him he quickly turned to the other side and ran towards the houses.
You ran after him and tried to get Morgan’s attention, but then you decided it was best for him to keep looking at the people there. He was fast and while he was running, he turned to you to see if you were still following him.
“Stop! FBI! Stop!” You sreamed at him but he didn’t listened to you.
It was extremely difficult trying to not lose him, the houses were big and he kept turning in weird ways around the houses. The trees didn’t let a lot of day light trough so that didn’t help either. He turned to the left and lost him on the trees.
“Fuck.” You whispered and headed back to where Morgan was.
“Where did you go?” He asked once you got next him.
“There was this guy, he seemed suspicious. He left a flower for the last girl who disappeared, and then he started to run. That’s when I followed him but I lost him on the trees.” Morgan nodded. “I’m not sure is he’s the unsub, but I’m going to find out more about him.”
“Yes, I’ve seen him around. He’s a pretty weird kid, he always uses the same jacket.” A neighbor told you “But I don’t think he’s capable of doing such a bad thing, I think he’s a little bit slow.”
“Slow?” You asked.
“Yeah, one time I tried to talk to him because he was in the middle of the road, but he couldn’t take a word out. He was shaking and couldn’t keep his posture straight.”
“Was he drunk?” Morgan asked.
“No, I don’t think so. I’ve never seen him with a bottle in his hands.” The neighbor said and you thanked her.
“So he lives here.” Morgan said and you nodded while walking towards the car.
“Yeah, but his house has to be behind the trees. Otherwise, out of all the neighbors we interviewed, at least one would’ve been able to tell us where he lives.”
You arrived at the police station and noticed Spencer looking at the board where all the clues were hanged.
“Is there anything new?” You asked him once you stood next to him.
“The father told us that he saw a white van across the street a couple of times.” He said without taking his eyes from the board.
“Does he remembers the type of van?”
He shook his head “he said a normal looking van.”
You slowly nodded and felt a headache appeared in your head. You sighed and closed your eyes, trying to ignore the pain.
“You ok?” He asked and you opened your eyes. His sweet eyes were looking at you concerned.
“When I don’t sleep I get this headaches. It’s alright.”
“Maybe you should take a break.”
You shook your head. “No, I won’t stop until we find this little girl.” He nodded and went back to the board.
After going back to the neighbourhood, this time with Spencer, you decided to go and look around at the houses that were hidden by the trees. They looked old and rusty, like no one took care of them. They were far away from each other.
“It looks like they are abandoned.” Spencer said and you slowly nodded.
“This is the last house?” You asked once you arrived at the end of the little road.
“Looks like it.”
You didn’t see anything strange and that made you frustrated. Because, maybe that meant you were looking on the wrong place.
“Wait, there’s a house down there.” Spencer said and you looked to where he was pointing.
There was a house behind another one. To go to it, you had to drive in a little road next to the house. But that seems to be blocked by some branches.
“That looks intentional.” You said and Spencer nodded.
You got out of the car and headed to the house that was in front of it. You knocked on the door and seconds later a old lady appeared on the door.
“How can I help you?” She asked with a sweet voice.
“Hi, we’re the FBI and we would like to ask you some questions.” The lady nodded “What can you tell us about the house you have behind yours?”
“That old thing? No one has come out of it in years. But I’m sure someone lives there.”
“How are you so sure?” Spencer asked.
“They get a lot of mail. There’s always a van that comes every morning, stays for a couple of minutes and then leaves.”
“A white van?” You asked and the lady nodded. You looked at Spencer and he had the same expression. You thanked the lady and grabbed your phone while you were walking back to the car.
“Y/n.” Hotch said on the phone.
“We talked to a lady and found out that a white van comes to a house down the road every morning.” You said while getting inside the car.
“Can you see the house and notice if anyone is inside?”
“No, the house in front of it hides it perfectly.”
“Ok. Approach it and wait for a response. Be careful. Keep me posted.”
You hanged the phone call and told Spencer the orders Hotch gave you. He nodded and just when you were about to open the door, you heard a car driving to you. That’s when you saw a van passing you by and going trough the branches.
“Didn’t the woman told us they came every morning?” Spencer asked.
“What’s so special about today?”
“I’ll call Hotch.” He said and you didn’t take your eyes off the van.
It was moving slowly and then you lost it because of the house in front of it. You sighed and then heard Spencer talking to Hotch.
“He says that we stick with the original order, if there’s nothing to hide. They won’t panick.” You nodded and got out of the car.
Once you were close enough to the house you saw the van parked next to the porche. There was completely silence taking over your surroundings and you got closer to Spencer. You stood in front of the door and knocked on it. But no response. Knocked on it again and no response.
“FBI, open up.” You said and still, no response. That’s when you heard a noise coming from the van and you walked towards it. A louder noise came to your ears and you pulled out your gun, Spencer did the same and walked towards the door of the van, you nodded when he looked at you. But when he was about to open the door, the van started and it drove backwards.
“Stop!” You didn’t want to shot the van because maybe whoever was inside could be of help.
But the van, instead of driving away, it drove into the trees and smoke started to come out of if.
You walked towards it next to Spencer, with your gun out. Once you got next to the van you headed to the door and Spencer walked to the other side.
“FBI! Get out of the van with your hands where I can see them!” You yelled but no noise came out of the van. “Spencer, I’m going in.” You said and he nodded.
You opened the door and quickly pointed your gun. Nobody was in the front seat. There was a curtain that covered the back of the van, so you slowly grabbed it and then quickly pulled. A man was laying there in pain and you pointed your gun towards him. It was the man from the bonfire.
“Don’t move!” You yelled and you heard Spencer ran to you. You walked towards the man and handcuffed him. “You have some explanation to do, buddy.” You said and got out of the van.
“There’s no way this kid could pulled out an abduction by himself.” Hotch said while the team watched Morgan interview him.
He couldn’t say a word and you noticed his hands were shaking. He looked like he was under a drug and he consumed way more than his body could handle. Hotch was right, but something didn’t add up.
“Then I don’t know what to think anymore. There’s no more clues.” You said and sighed.
You felt frustrated. This never happened to you, you always knew your next move. You were always ahead of time and never felt like the case was winning you, but this time, it was.
You walked out of the room and felt Spencer follow you. “Hey..” he said and you felt his hands touch your arms. “Don’t let it get to you, we are going to find her.”
“Did I just waist time by going after this guy?” Spencer shook his head and got in front of you.
“You’re doing the best you can, Y/n. We all are.”
“And sometimes that’s not enough, and that sucks.” Spencer nodded and hugged you.
“Yeah, our job sucks sometimes.” He said and you let your head rest in his shoulder.
“I don’t know why I’m letting it get to me so much, I’m not usually like this.” You said.
“It’s ok, kids cases can be difficult sometimes.”
You slowly nodded and tried to keep yourself together and continue with the case.
After a couple of hours trying to get the kid to talk, Hotch decided to let him go because he didn’t fit the profile and there was no way a kid like him could commit something so difficult like an abduction. And he was right.
You offered yourself to take the kid back to the house, and Spencer told you he was not going to let you go alone. So, when everything was ready, you got to the car and started to drive it back to the house.
The ride was silent and you could feel the kid looking at you most of the time. But it wasn’t a serious look, he had sweet in his eyes, but you don’t want to let him know that you noticed that, because that could be pretended.
Once you arrived at the house, you let the kid out and went to the door to knock on it again to see if anyone was there. And this time, a woman open the door. He had a messy bun and had cleaning clothes on.
After the woman let Spencer and you in, you explained the situation and the woman nodded. “You know, I’m sorry he did that. I told him a million times to not drive that van.”
The woman put his arm around the kid’s shoulder and you noticed he flinched for a second. You looked at Spencer, and for the look on his face you knew he saw the same thing.
Something about this house and the woman made your suspicious about the situation go up.
“Ben, why don’t you go to your room and let me talk to the agents?” The woman said and he slowly got up from the couch and Spencer did the same thing.
“It’s alright if I go with him? You know, for kids like him this situations can be a little bit traumatic, I just want to let him know it’s alright.” He said and the woman hesitated, but then she nodded.
Once he was behind the woman he gave you a look letting you know that he also thinked that something was wrong.
“Does he get in trouble a lot?” You asked once Spencer and Ben were out of the living room.
“Yeah, sometimes. But he doesn’t mean it, he doesn’t understand why he does stuff, you know?” She said and you felt like she wasn’t telling the complete truth. “He’s been like this since he was a kid, it’s hard for me. I’ve been his tutor since his mother passed away.”
“And what about his father?” You asked and looked around. The were no photos. No mother, no father, not even her and Ben.
“He left his mother when he found out she was pregnant. He was a bastard. A told Lily to stay away from that man. But she never listened.”
“How did you knew his mother?”
“We were best friends.” She said quickly. “I knew here since I can remember. I’m Ben’s godmother.” You noticed that it was barely any reaction in her face.
If she was so close to his mother, how come there’s no pictures of her?
“I’m going to check on Ben, if he’s alone with strangers he gets a little bit nervous.” She said and you slowly nodded.
Once she was gone, you got up and started to look for details in her living room. Everything was so clean, for a house that was surrounded by trees and dirt it was very difficult to keep the house clean. But there was definitely not sight of dust. When you were about to walk to the kitchen you heard a noise coming from the back of the house and Spencer came into your mind.
You walked towards the noise and saw the kid laying on the floor, but he was not hurt, he was shaking more than before.
“Hey, Ben, you’re ok?” You entered the room and your eyes went immediately to the body that was laying on the floor.
“Spencer!” Before you could do anything else, something hit you hard on the head and you fell on your knees.
The pain in your head came like a fast truck and you closed your eyes trying to get over the pain. You tried to pulled out your gun but the same thing that hit you before, made it’s way to your arm and you screamed in pain. That’s when you noticed the woman trying to get your gun. When she did it, she throw it across the room where you noticed Spencer’s gun was also there. She hit you again on your back and this time, you fell entirely on the floor.
“You’re being more difficult than this one over here.” She pointed to Spencer. ���One hit and he was all over the floor. Men. They are weak. But you... you are strong.” The pain in your head was getting harder to ignore and everything was becoming blurry. She tried to hit you again but you avoided it by moving to you side, and then punched her in her knee with your foot.
You tried to go towards your gun but she hit you again in the back. This woman was extremely strong. The pain in your back was hard to ignore and you coughed. You noticed blood on the floor and touched your head, your hands were covered in blood.
The woman walked to the guns and grabbed them. Walked away for a second and then she came back, with nothing but a baseball bat on her hands.
“Oh, you’re a really trying hard to stay awake. I like that.” She said and you remembered that Ben was still in the room. You were trying to get his attention but the woman got in front of him, kicking you in the face with her foot. You hit the floor by the impact and everything was starting to get black. You moved again and you noticed the woman was getting frustrated.
“I’m starting to get bored with you! Go to fucking sleep!” She hit you again in the back and your insides moved. You pretended to black out, so you could see what the woman was going to do. “Finally!” She said. You heard her walked to the other room and you slightly opened your eyes. Ben was still shaking but this time he was looking at you. You tried to move but the pain made it impossible.
You locked eyes with Ben and you noticed he was trying to say something to you. He slowly moved his hands and pointed to the floor with his index finger. When you were trying to understand what he was saying, you heard that the woman was coming back so you closed your eyes.
“C’mon, Ben, we’re going to continue with our daily routine. Just because this two stupid agents are here, I’m not going to stop. I’m pretty sure they are not going to wake up before we get back.” She said and you heard two people heading out the room. You waited for the van to start and drove away, before you open your eyes and try to move. The pain was still there but this time you were able to get up.
“Spencer..” you tried to say but the pain inside of you made it so difficult. You slowly walked outside and noticed that your car was still there.
You lifted Spencer and you screamed in pain. Once he was up, you noticed blood where his head was. You felt a tear coming down your face and you didn’t know if it was for the pain you were feeling or for Spencer. Probably both.
You walked towards your car and carefully left Spencer in the back seat. But when you were about to opened your door, you noticed a door that leaded to an outside basement. You remembered Ben pointing to the floor and it hit you. He was telling you to go to the basement.
You hesitated, should you trust him?
But the woman was gone, so you decided to go and check it out. You pulled out the gun you had hidden in your leg, and walked slowly to the door, trying to not scream in pain.
You walked down the stairs once you opened the door and grabbed the flashlight you had on your back pocket.
Clothes were all over the place and the smell of blood came into your nose.
“Hello?” A kid’s voice said and you looked to where it came from.
“Julia?” You asked and the kid coughed.
“Yeah.” You walked to her and pointed your flashlight at her. She had bruises all over her arms and legs.
“Julia.” You kneeled down at her. “Hi, I’m Y/n, I work for the FBI. You’re safe now. Can you walk sweetie?” She nodded and when you gently grabbed her arm you noticed needle marks on her arm. She was drugged.
Once you walked to your car, you noticed Spencer was still not awake and that made your heart sink. That was not good.
You helped Julia get in the car and you got in after everything was ready.
You started the car and drove quickly out of there. You looked at Julia and she was falling asleep.
“No! No! Julia, don’t go to sleep. Don’t let the drugs take over your body, sweetie.” You said quickly and tried to drove as fast as you could.
You felt blood coming down your face and tears started to drop down your cheeks. “Spencer! Wake up! Please!” You tried to control your emotions but the pain you felt inside made you break down. “Spencer!”
You remembered the car phone and you marked Hotch’s number.
“Y/n? Where are you?” He said and you noticed the concern in his tone.
“Hotch! Hotch! I need you to listen to me! I have Julia with me, it was the kid’s godmother. There’s no time to explain, but Spencer and I are really hurt and I’m heading to the hospital. Julia was drugged.” You said as quickly as possible and tried to keep your breathing normal.
“Y/n, which hospital?” He asked.
“No! Hotch, listen to me! I’ve got this, you go with the team after the woman. It’s the same van, I think they are going after another kid. You go after her, Hotch.”
“Y/n! I’m not going to let you do this alone! Where are you? Tell me, that’s an order!”
“I’m sorry, Hotch.” You hanged the call and the tears were coming fast down your face.
When you arrived at the hospital, you left the car and ran inside.
“Please! Help!” You said and tried to get anyone’s attention.
“Doctor!” A woman yelled and got close to you.
“The car! Outside!” You said but felt your stomach shut down at the pain. The last thing you heard was people runing outside.
You opened your eyes and immediately felt the pain in your body appeared again. You tried to sat down but a lot of cables were connected to you so that made it impossible.
“Hey, hey” Emily said next to you. “You need to rest.”
“Where’s Spencer?” You asked.
“He’s ok. He’s in the next room.” She said with a half smile.
“I need to see him.” You tried to disconnect the cables but Emily was quick and stopped you.
“He’s fine. I promise you.”
“What about the little girl?”
“She’s fine. You saved her life. Hers and Spencer’s.” You were about to ask another question but Emily stopped you “Yes, we got her.” You slowly nodded.
You closed your eyes and your body immediately fell asleep.
You opened your eyes once again and this time the person who was there with you was Garcia.
“Hi, sweet girl, how you feeling?” She asked you once she got up and was close to you.
“I’m better now.” You said and gave her a little smile. You drank from your glass of water you had on your side table and heard someone walk inside the room. It was Hotch.
“I’m going to let you two talk.” She said giving you a smile and walked out of the room.
“Hotch, I’m sorry.”
“You ignored my order.” He said with a serious face and you looked down. You were preparing yourself to hear him fire you but what he said next, surprised you. “You risked your life to save others. And at the same time, helped us catch the unsub. Now, I don’t know how you’re still alive, I have to be honest. But I do know that thanks to you, one of my agents and a little girl are alive. You saved them, Y/n.” He gave you a little smile and you gave him one back.
“You’re not going to fire me?”
He shook his head “No, but I do know that you’re going to make the right decision.”
You looked at him confused but he walked out of the room.
You let your hand rest on your stomach and closed your eyes. That’s when you heard your phone buzz and looked at it.
“Your period it late: four weeks!” You read on the little screen. You never gave much thought into it. You were used to getting your period late, for the stress you felt at work, it was common. But this time you felt different.
So, you decided to call Garcia and ask her for a little favor.
“Spencer..” you said once the doctors let you two walked out of the room to see each other. You walked towards him and gave him a soft hug. You were still in pain and didn’t want to mess things up for the two of you. “How are you feeling?”
“Better. But the headache doesn’t go away.” He said and gave you a little smile. “Does Maxim know?”
You shook your head. “I never tell him when I’m at the hospital, it’s pretty often with this job.” You let out a little laugh “I don’t want to concern him.”
Spencer nodded and hugged you once again. “You saved my life.” He said almost in a whisper.
“Of course, I would never hesitate.” You said in the same tone as him.
“Next time, it’s my turn.” He said jokingly but you didn’t laugh. You had another thing in mind.
“You already did.” He looked you in the eyes “You make me happy, Spencer.” He gave you a little smile and united his lips with yours. “I think the universe is telling me to stop.” You said once the kiss was over.
“Maybe.” He said and gently grabbed your cheeks. “This is our job.”
“Spencer, I’m not talking about our job.” You said and Spencer lifted his left eyebrow confused.
You reached your back pocket and grabbed the positive pregnancy test. He looked at it and it took him a second to get it together.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked in a whisper and you nodded. You were afraid of his answer but he smiled went as bigger as his face allowed it. He had tears coming down his face and that made you teared up. He grabbed your cheeks and gave you a big kiss. “I’m going to be a father.” He said with excitement.
“And I’m going to be a mother.” You said and you let out a little smile but then reality just hit you. You were going to be a mother. “I don’t even know how to be one.” Your face changed with fear and Spencer made you look up to him.
“Hey, hey. I don’t know either, how to be a father. But we’ll figure it out together. I’ll read as many books as I can in 9 months and...”
“That’s probably a lot.” You said and let out a little laugh.
He nodded giving a little smile “The important thing is that we’re a team. We have Max too. He’s a little genius, he’s going to be a great uncle.”
“Oh my god, the baby’s father and uncle are both nerds, it’s destiny is already written.” You said jokingly and Spencer smiled at you.
He united his lips with yours and hugged you. “You make me so happy, Y/n. And I can’t imagine my life without you.” He kissed you again. “You’re my entire world. And I can’t believe your mine. You’re so damn beautiful... I can wait to meet this little baby and give it this awesome life. And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, my little trained assasin.”
Well, here’s the ending! Did I cry when I finished it!? Yes, absolutely. I hope y’all liked it and you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This has been amazing. Again, thank you so much for every like, comment and reblog. It means the world to me. So, thank you. See your later :)
taglist; @itsarayofsunshine @whothefuckstolemykeds @haykayhesson @introvertedsin @mylovehes @infires420 @uwu-sebastianstan @my-life-is-here-soo @spencersdolore @oldspirit @l0ve-0f-my-life @nanocoool @throughparisallthroughrome @aerialdinosaur @enigma-xlii
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Meeting and Dating Rafe McCawley
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(My gif) (Requested by @minigranger )
(I’m so sorry this took so long! I’m trying really hard to write more often on all my blogs!)
- You and your family lived in the same town as Rafe so even though you didn’t directly meet him until you were older, you still saw him around a lot growing up. 
- For as long as he could remember, he had always had a massive crush on you. No, not just a crush, this boy was in love with you ever since he first saw you at the general store when you were kids. 
- Anytime he saw you, he’d stop and stare like an angel just walked past him. And to him you were an angel, one he needed to have for himself. If only he had the guts to talk to you. 
- He did in fact gain the courage to ask you out on a date but only after he got older and grew out of his awkward gangly teenage phase. 
- You were genuinely surprised when he approached you for the first time, introducing himself with such urgency and determination that you couldn’t help but feel as though you were the most important thing in the world. He really powered through his confession like his life depended on it which was honestly pretty adorable to you. 
“Ma’am? My name is Rafe McCawley and please excuse me, but I just need to get this off of my chest. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, inside and out, and you would make me the happiest man on Earth if you were to say you’d join me on a date.” 
- Who could say no to that?
- The smile you gave him once he was finished made his knees weak. He almost couldn’t believe his ears once you agreed, it was like all his dreams had come true. He quickly told you he’d pick you up at noon the next day before clumsily making his exit, running home to tell Danny everything that had happened. 
- He was so excited for your date that he literally arrived at your house thirty minutes early and waited outside, checking his watch until he deemed it appropriate to ring your doorbell. He was nearly speechless when you answered, handing you a bouquet of flowers before finally forcing out a “god, you are so beautiful”. 
- He took you to a gorgeous lake where the two of you sat in the shade of a big  willow tree and had a pretty little picnic. He was adorably clumsy throughout your whole date which only made you fall for him even more. He confessed that he’d liked you for a long time now and you confessed the same which caught him completely off guard. 
- The thing about Rafe is that deep down, he’s a shy loser. He can’t flirt for the life of him but god can he make a girl swoon without even trying. He wins your love with earnest compliments and sweet nothings that come straight from his heart. 
- You have your first kiss that same day, bathed in the setting sun and surrounded by the smell of warm dry air and flowers. It’s deliciously soft and beautifully slow, making your heart race and your mind stop. 
- You’ve been two fools in love ever since and you’ve got no intention of stopping anytime soon. 
- He wants everyone to know that you’re together so expect a lot of pda. Handholding, soft kisses, hugs, his arm wrapped around you, etc. It’s all very innocent but it sends a message and makes you both happy. 
- You catch him watching you a lot, often with this little smile on his face that tells you exactly what he’s thinking. How did I get so lucky. 
- Passionate kisses. 
- Spontaneous and adventurous dates and decisions. Most of them get ruined somehow but neither of you mind, the temporary thrill is amazing and the get-away is always amusing. 
- Even though you don’t come from much, he tries his best to make you feel like the classiest woman alive. Champagne, roses, diamonds, whatever he can get his hands on. 
- Folded cranes and other sentimental gifts. Both of you smile every time you see them. 
- He likes pressing kisses all over your face before he finally captures your lips in his. He adores the little giggles you make whenever he does it.
- He wraps both his arms around you in a bear hug when the two of you cuddle. He can hardly sleep without holding you close, almost as though he’s afraid you’ll disappear in the night
- He’s pretty clumsy so you’ll have to take care of your fair share of cuts and bruises. 
- Hearing about all of his adventures with Danny. Some of them are so outrageous that you can’t believe they’re real no matter how much he laughingly assures you they are. 
- He’s going to give you a complex with how much he compliments you. It’s kind of funny though because as much as he compliments you, he often gets pretty flustered when you do the same. 
- He uses a lot of pet names on you but you think you like it best when he calls you by your name. There’s just something so nice about the way he says it. 
- Sitting on his lap and snuggling close. 
- Soft caresses, he can never seem to keep his hands off of you. 
- Pulling his hat off his head so that you can kiss him. When you pull away, he likes to teasingly place it on yours, calling you captain and asking what you feel like doing. 
- There’s a lot of teasing in your relationship but it’s the “so sweet it’ll rot your teeth” kind of teasing. 
- Getting carried around bridal style. 
- Taking long walks together. He likes having a chance to get away from everybody and just spend some quality time with you. 
- He’s taken you on a plane ride at least once, he’s either very glad that you share his love for flying or finds it cutely amusing when you get scared. 
- Even though he’s fond of thrills, he does enjoy just spending a quiet night in with you. 
- Whenever he goes to order food or drinks for the two of you, he’ll hand you some money to go spend on the jukebox while you wait for him. He thinks it’s cute when you skip off all excited to pick a song. 
- Going to the cinema together. 
- Photo booth pictures.
- Going dancing. 
- Sneaky butt touches, he tries his best to act innocent but you know he’s a liar. 
- Tight hugs, he often lifts you up and spins you around whenever you wrap your arms around him. 
- He always tries his best to act like he isn’t sick or hurt but he rarely manages to do so convincingly. A lot of the time he can’t help but give up, apologize and admit that yes, he feels about ready to die. He want’s you to think he’s all tough and macho but he doesn’t have quite the pain tolerance or acting skills for it. 
- He likes for everything to be special when he’s with you, he loves making memories together and having things to look forward to the next time he sees you. 
- It always warms his heart to hear you talk about your future together or how much your parents like him. He loves knowing that you’re planing to stay with him and that he’s already a part of your family. 
- At the start of your relationship, he tried desperately to hide his disability from you, thinking that, for some ungodly reason, you’d stop loving him and think that he was stupid. You reassure him that that would never happen and help him whenever he needs you to. 
- Sometimes he just likes having you read different books to him or recount the plots of books that you’ve read. He loves your voice and being able to experience stories without the difficulty of trying to read them. 
- He’s insecure but in a secretive, no one would know, type of way. Anyone who doesn’t know him well would never be able to tell but you can see through the cracks and know exactly what he’s thinking most of the time. 
- He’s a pretty jealous guy, he takes people flirting with or being interested in you very personally and has definitely gotten into fights over you. He just cares about you too much to let someone “disrespect your relationship” like that. 
- He might be willing to let you go if you don’t love him anymore but god will it be hard for him. He firmly believes a part of him will always love you no matter what happens between the two of you. 
- You rarely ever fight, there’s hardly ever a reason to, your relationship is pretty much perfect. But on that rare occasion that you do, you’ll both just calmly get everything off of your chest before you resolve whatever needs to be resolved. 
- He doesn’t lose his temper with you very often. The very thought makes him sick so if he feels he’s like he’s going to snap, he’ll take a few moments to calm down on his own before attempting to fix things with you. It doesn’t take long for everything to be sorted out and for you to go back to your happy, in love selves. 
- He always tries his best to be there for you, offering you reassurance and a shoulder to cry on whenever you need. 
- He often treats you very gently even though he knows you won’t break. It’s just been drilled in his head that you treat a woman with care because they’re “gentle creatures”. 
- He’s very protective of you, he always makes sure you know that he’d never let anything happen to you. 
- He does everything he can to see you as much as possible especially after he gets accepted into the army.
- Sending each other letters when he goes away. 
- He keeps a picture of you on him at all times. He’s probably kissed it a few times. 
- He also has a necklace of yours that you gave to him when he first went away. It helps to keep him from missing you too much. Whenever he see’s it shining in his reflection he can’t help but feel better yet melancholy at the same time. 
- No matter how many times he has to do it, saying goodbye never gets any easier. He hates having to leave you, not being able to see you for such long lengths of time is torture. 
- He always promises to come back as soon as possible and you hold him to that promise, saying you’ll drag him back yourself if you have to. 
- Having your entire world shatter around you when you receive the news of his death. You bawl your eyes out for weeks, not being able to believe that it’s true. 
- Thinking you’ve died and went to heaven when he arrives at your door safe and sound. All you can do is fall into his arms and refuse to let go. Nothing will ever top the feeling of getting him back. 
-  Constant “I love you’s” not a day goes by when he doesn’t say it to you, at least when you’re together in person. He can’t help but swoon every time you tell him the same, especially when you say it out of nowhere, 
- He dreams of settling down with you, starting a family and living on a cozy little farm together. A future with fields of green, laughter and love. What more could a man ask for? 
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Am anon who wanted to request Dark and Eric x reader dnfjfjfjfj y/n getting overwhelmed by how much they love the two and just wanting express that love but not being sure how?? (Take as long as you need to write it no pressure cncncn)
ANON I WROTE IT AND I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! IT IS SWEET FLUFF and I really like how it turned how but yee I hope it is okay, especially the ending anyway here’s the story! :D 
Love was an overwhelming,  pink tsunami that dragged you out to sea in its foamy claws and swallowed you whole. It left you trapped in an underwater world filled with butterflies that swirled into your stomach and nestled there. You were shocked by heart shaped eels and they sent  jolts of electricity down your spine. Love is torture, sometimes, people say, but all the people who’ve said that forget what it’s like to be in love. It doesn’t feel like torture, and it never should. When those eels electrocuted you it felt like your whole body was laughing, and when those underwater butterflies emerged from the deep, it felt like they left playful kisses inside you.
 People have said  love is torture because it’s so overwhelming, so joyful, and for the first time in your life, you felt it. 
You wanted to show Eric and Dark that, wanted them to see how you felt-- how they made you feel, like you were full of blooming flowers and sunshine. You wanted them to know-- but how could you? There were so many things they did for you! Dark would always give you roses, and candy, or he’d give you sweets he brought from the bakery, or just little tiny antiques he’d thought you like. Eric was much simpler, he cooked breakfast for you, or cleaned the house when you were feeling down, and sometimes, he’d just go outside for a while and come back with a hand full of wildflowers. What gifts could you buy, or make, or find to compare to those? 
There was always psychical affection, but when it came to them, it seemed that for every kiss you gave them, they’d come back for a thousand more! What could you do for them? Where would you even start? Maybe with kisses and hugs? Or flowers? Or maybe you could go to the bakery and get their favorite? Or.. you huffed in frustration, before throwing your phone onto the mattress you sat on and flopping down onto it. What could you do? The anniversary was a week away, and you didn’t know what to do. Dark had a restaurant reserved already, and all of you were supposed to go out to lunch on the anniversary, and Eric said he was making a special morning breakfast-- you were responsible for dinner. 
What could you even do? You sighed, before deciding to google some ideas for dinner. You picked up your phone, turned it on, and then went online. There wasn’t much, nothing was enough! You groaned, before deciding to go to your gallery, thinking that maybe you had some recipes saved there, but instead, you found..a lot of pictures and videos of you, Eric and Dark. You thought for a moment, a foggy image of an idea starting to form-- you needed to save those photos to a hard drive, but you kept forgetting! Maybe you could do that, no wait! You should print them instead! Duh! It would make a great anniversary present, and you could always figure dinner out later, anyway! 
Getting up, you grabbed your wallet and keys before heading to a local store, which luckily had a machine where you could print photos on your phone. You went out the door, to the car, and drove. Once you were there, you entered the building, taking in the white tile and the stocked shelves, before noticing the craft aisle. You..you could make a scrapbook-- no, scrapbooks! Why didn’t you think of it sooner? Eric and Dark would each have their own! You rushed over, grabbing an orange photo album and a black one, before loading up on stickers, colorful paper, paint, markers and glitter glue. You put that all in the small cart before going to print your photos (which..cost a lot, surprisingly) you then went around the store,buying a polaroid camera and two boxes of film. Then, you paid and went home, stashing the supplies under your bed. 
The week passed by in a blur of late nights, coffee and energy drinks, cutting up construction paper, kitten stickers, glitter glue, paint stained clothes, and ink stained hands, but the day arrived, and by that time, the albums were done. You also ordered a projector, which also conveniently arrived on time. 
You awoke on the special day to the smell of bacon. 
Unwrapping yourself from Dark’s arms, almost rushing out of the room, before you realized you forgot your polaroid camera. You grabbed it and adjusted the settings, making sure it wouldn’t flash by taking a picture of Dark sleeping. You then went to the kitchen, where Eric was calmly making breakfast and brewing coffee, even making homemade muffins as he hummed through the kitchen, flipping pancakes. He saw you and smiled. 
“G-good morning!” You gave him a sleepy smile, “Good morning Eric.” 
He turned his back towards the stove, where you took a quick picture, you then turned away, hid the camera in the big shirt you wore, and then let the picture develop, before managing to hide the pictures you took  underneath the coffee table, where the scrapbooks lay. You then scurried to the table, sitting at the comfy loveseat you three often used. 
Dark then came into the kitchen, his hair a mess, “Good morning..” You chuckled, “Good morning sleepy head.” “G-good morning Dark!” Said Eric, turning off the stove and getting the muffins out of the oven, he then served three big plates for all of you, stacked with pancakes, eggs, and bacon. After that, he grabbed three cups of coffee before sitting  in the middle of the both of you, receiving kisses on his cheeks as he did. 
“Thank you for breakfast!” You cooed, giving him another kiss on the cheek, before reaching over for the syrup on the table, and pouring it all over your pancakes. “Thank you for breakfast, darling.” Said Dark softly, before giving him another kiss on the cheek you managed to somehow snap a photo of the two before hiding your camera again. 
After that, you all were so full that you just.. Ended up going to bed and watching movies till lunch time came, Eric was in the middle again, and cuddling next to Dark, who was petting his hair gently. After the third movie, you noticed that.. They were both asleep. You smiled, before taking the camera out again and taking a quick picture. You then snuck out of the bed, going to hide the picture you took once more. 
You all got dressed in fancy clothing before going into Dark’s car, and driving to the place. 
When you arrived, you were greeted with the sight of a fancy building surrounded by trees, the outside looked like a mansion, and you could see the multiple chairs and fancy tables inside. Dark took both of your hands and led you down the path, going to a waiter and saying his name, after that, you all were taken to a private section of the restaurant and then sat down at an exquisite table next to a window, where you could see a view of a beautiful garden. After ordering a fancy version of your favorite meal, Dark ordered a steak and fries, while Eric ordered chicken fried  steak topped off with gravy and with potatoes. 
The three of you ate in relative peace, talking and chatting, going over memories. After the meal was done, Dark whispered something in the waiter’s ear, they then left, going to get something. After a few minutes, they came back with two huge bouquets of roses and two boxes of chocolate. You were given a box and bouquet, while Eric was given the same. You both smiled at Dark and thanked him, which caused him to smile as well. 
After the roses, you all ordered dessert and chatted more, laughing-- your boys smiling, you managed to take a few secret pictures, since you took a handbag with you, you got the pictures and hid them once more, along with the camera. Then, once the deserts were eaten, you all went home. You felt nervous as you did, but you hid it the best you could, talking and chatting with them as you did.. You hoped they would like dinner.. You just decided to order from their favorite restaurants, and then also order a custom cake from a local bakery, which was also going to be delivered. 
You immediately got to work setting up the bedroom by telling Dark and Eric you were going to take a quick nap, which was a lie. Instead, you decorated the ceiling with string lights, fixed the bed up, and hung a sheet on one wall, using bluetooth to connect the projector to your phone. By the time you were done sprucing the room up, the doorbell rang. You rushed to answer it, wallet in hand, as you gave the deliverers their money, taking the four bags. You got French cuisine for Dark and some good ol southern food for Eric, while also getting your favorite and a pizza too. Just in case nobody wanted the other food. Five minutes after that, the cake came. It was chocolate, and wonderfully decadent. You even had the top decorated in gold, with happy one year anniversary-- here’s to making more memories! Scrolled on top. 
You set up all the food in the bedroom and put the cake on the desk. You then made sure the projector was working. After everything was set up to your liking, you lead Dark and Eric into the bedroom, told them to put on their pajamas, and then went to go get your scrapbook. You scrambled to peek underneath the coffee table, getting the scrapbooks and grabbing your handbag, you fished out all the pictures and camera before rushing off to the bedroom. 
You came inside to the sight of Eric and Dark wearing matching pajamas, you smiled at how adorable they looked. 
“Don’t look at these until I’m done changing!” You said, placing their gifts on the bed before going into the same pajamas they were wearing. Once you were done, you grabbed the scrapbooks, and sat in the middle of them, before giving them each of their scrapbooks, Eric’s was a soft orange, covered with cute stickers of kittens, puppies, and other baby animals, along with flowers, you then gave Dark his, a dark black book, covered with cute little kitten stickers and roses as well. 
They looked at you in surprise, and you smiled shyly, your cheeks heating up as they opened their photo albums. 
Eric gasped softly, “I-it’s the selfie we took on our f-first date together! And look! It’s us at the p-park! And at d-disney land!” 
Dark looked at his, and you glanced at him, noticing the smile on his face, as he pointed at a photo of him with a dog filter on, “I thought I told you to delete that.” You smirked, “And I thought I told you I wouldn’t delete it!” 
You all laughed and smiled at the colorful, lovingly made, albums, pointing and laughing at memories as you did. Pictures of Eric and You in messy clothes, covered in flour, brought up the memory of you and him trying to make Dark a homemade cake. Another photo had Dark and Eric cuddling on the couch, another was at the beach, of you and Dark playing in the water-- there were so many, many memories. All of them happy. You held the photos from today in your hands, Eric smiling at the stove, Dark kissing his cheek, the food you ate this morning and at lunch, the garden outside the restaurant..you had so many happy memories. 
“Darling, these..are wonderful!” Dark whispered, rubbing his finger over a picture of you and him, which was surrounded by the date (thank goodness for your phone, or you wouldn’t have remembered it) and the occasion, all written in beautiful cursive. The page was also filled with stickers and glitter, and pieces of construction paper cut into hearts. 
Eric meanwhile, was looking at the scrapbook with tears in his eyes, before sobbing out, “I-I love it!” and giving you a hug. You had put so much work into it and he loved it! You scribbled lyrics from his favorite song, and even the lyrics of the first song you danced to together! He couldn’t help but cry! You even put baby duck stickers! He loved baby ducks! 
You hugged him back, smiling and almost crying yourself, feeling so, so happy! 
You sniffed, and then turned to the projector on the floor, before turning it on and going to your gallery, where all your videos were. You selected one, playing a home movie. It was of all of you, having a mini sleepover together, laughing and giggling as you started a pillow fight with Eric. 
The next video played, featuring you snickering in the background as you caught Dark and Eric kissing, and teased them. Dark ran after you, which caused you to shriek. The next one was of you and Eric pranking Dark, mostly you, though. You tickled his nose and put whipped cream on his hand as he slept. He ended up with whipped cream all over his face. Videos of all three of you played, happy memories, wonderful memories-- full of giggles and kisses, laughter and cuddles, pull of pure pink waves of love, the happiest moments. 
The last one was of you, talking to the camera, “Happy anniversary, you guys-- I-I um, just wanna thank you for making this the best year of my life,” both video you and real you teared up as it played, “I’ve never been so happy before,even when times got hard, and we got into arguments.. I was still happy, because I had you.   I want to thank you for that. Here’s to another year-- no, another ten years! Happy anniversary, Dark and Eric, I love you.” Then, you brought a hand to your lips and blew a kiss to the camera, which caused them to chuckle, teary eyed.
Then, the video cut off, and they both looked at you, Eric was crying while Dark tried to hide it. They both hugged you, giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
“I lo-love you so much!” Eric sobbed, “I love you both so much.” A few tears slipped out of Dark’s cheeks as he hugged the both of you, “I love you both so much.” 
You smiled, looking at the both of them, “And I love the both of you. Happy anniversary!” “Happy anniversary!” They said, before giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
Dark sniffed, crossing his arms, “Enough of this sappy stuff. Let’s eat.” 
You and Eric giggled, cuddling close to him and opening up the food before digging in. You put on a movie as the three of you cuddled, gorging on food as you did. After dinner was done, you opened the cake up, and you three each got a slice, when everything was done, you all were too sleepy to put it up. Dark ended up snapping his fingers, and everything disappeared into the fridge, he also turned off the projector. You all cuddled close together in the cozy blankets, exchanging kisses and going over memories until you fell asleep in their arms, the happiest person in the world.
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sleekervae · 3 years
Suck It And See [0.1]
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"Attention all passengers, next stop is:"
"Sheffied Station,"
There was a notable shiver that ran through the air as the soft, feminine introduction was cut short by the blunt, robotic voice that muffled out the train's next destination. The pit of jitterbugging nerves in Jade's stomach reached a new boiling point as she felt the mobile car gradually begin to slow. She pulled her earbuds out and grabbed her luggage case, yanking it through the tight aisle with all the might she had in her tiny body. The conductor was kind enough to hold the sliding door open for her as she came into the pass and hopped out of the side door. The smell of burning coal and engine oil wafted into her nose and made her shiver in disgust.
The station was teaming with people, all of them buzzing back and forth in order to catch their departing train or eager to head home for the day. Jade reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper; it was a portrait of the family that was supposed to be taking care of her. Her mum's sister, Aunt Joy, as well as her Uncle Cosmo, and her cousins, Oliver, Noah, Charlie, Alfie, and Flora; relatives whom she hardly knew growing up as they lived roughly three hours away by train.
They're faces in the photo were off to her, perhaps it was the fact that nobody was smiling? Perhaps it was that the photo was about five years old and the faces were younger? Regardless, Jade's eyes scanned the crowd until she was able to just make out the familiar face of an older, but gorgeous, well-dressed woman standing by the turnstiles; looking absolutely appalled to be standing so close to the mechanisms. Meanwhile, her teenage daughter was sitting on a bench as she flipped through some random fashion magazine.
Pulling her luggage behind her, Jade tentatively approached the older woman. Once her eyes landed on the teenage brunette, her face lit up.
"Oh, my stars! Jade!?" she exclaimed, seemingly enthusiastic to see her. Jade nodded slowly and cracked a shy smile.
"A-Aunty Joy?" she stammered back.
The older woman wrapped Jade into a tight hug, engulfing her in her pungent, suffocating rose-scented perfume. The teenager -- Flora, she presumed -- was reluctant to put away her magazine and stand up, but she did anyhow and forced a smile onto her face. Flora was wearing tight, ripped jeans and velvet sweater with a black tank top underneath. Her long, honey blonde hair was tied into a tight ponytail atop her head with pom-pom elastics keeping it in place. She had shimmery, silver eyeshadow dusting her eyelids and shiny pink lipgloss smeared over her lips. To Jade, she looked like a washed up circus performer.
Aunt Joy meanwhile held herself with pride. She was dressed in a fine black pantsuit and three-inch pumps. Her voluminous, mousy brown hair was loose and curly, brushing over her shoulders, and every inch of her face was covered in fine, sophisticated makeup. Needless to say, this woman stood out like an onion in a bean dip within the station.
Aunt Joy released Jade from her bone-crushing hug and held her face in her hands, seemingly studying her. Her semi-wrinkled hands were surprisingly soft against Jade's skin, "Aw, you look just like your mother," she gushed, but the soft, kind expression in her eyes suddenly shifted to something more... indifferent, "We'll have that fixed before you leave, dear,"
Jade wasn't sure how to respond to that, besides an awkward "okay,". She turned and looked at Flora, who still had her nose buried in the magazine. Aunt Joy snapped at her.
"Flora!" her posh accent boomed at her, "Put that trashy thing away and say hi to your cousin," she requested -- no, demanded.
Flora rolled her eyes and stood, then she wrapped her weak little bird arms around Jade. Flora wasn't much younger than Jade, only by a few months. Regardless, she was short enough to be confused for a twelve-year-old.
"You've grown up," Jade forced herself to say, hoping that Flora might take her as genuine. Instead, she quickly dropped her arms from the hug and stood back. She glared down at Jade's chunky, dirt stained, white converse sneakers and snared at her.
"Why are your eyebrows so big?" she asked.
Jade, once again, wasn't sure how to respond. She subconsciously ran her fingers over her right eyebrow, feeling at the little hairs that brushed against her skin. They were only a bit longer than  Flora's smaller, nearly bleached blonde eyebrows.
"Whatcha' mean?" she could only reply.
Aunt Joy glared at her daughter before she turned on her heels, "Flora, there is nothing wrong with Jade's eyebrows. If wants bushy eyebrows, that's her prerogative,"
Jade wasn't sure whether she should thank her Aunt for standing up for her, or shudder at the sly insult.
Nevertheless, Aunt Joy lead the two girls out of the station and into the parkade. There they all walked towards a silver, classy Mercedes Benz. Aunt Joy popped the trunk and rounded to the driver's side door, while Flora went for the shotgun. Neither of them helped Jade as she struggled to pick up her luggage and put it into the car's small trunk. Once she slammed the door shut, she jumped into the backseat just as the engine roared to life.
The car ride was mostly silent, the only exception being when Joy would asked Jade about her mother. Ruth Carswell was sick, too sick for a few doctor's visits here and there and drug store prescriptions for a quick-fix. Jade didn't like to talk about it much; hence why she chose to come to Sheffield to continue her school. With the medical bills piling up, as well as some bills left over from her parents' divorce, Aunt Joy and Uncle Cosmo were kind enough to take Jade into their home and pay for her school, right up until she would graduate.
"She needs a stable home environment!" Uncle Cosmo would say over the phone. Ruth Carswell was gracious to her sister for taking in her only daughter, while Jade's father, Peter, wasn't as ecstatic to have his fifteen-year-old daughter living three hours away from home.
Jade continued to stare out the window, glaring at the passing dull brick buildings and wet streets. Few people were out; cycling, smoking, sitting on benches and not doing much of anything for entertainment. At least in Newcastle, there was some life that was always breathing its way into the city; this town seemed half-dead.
As they passed a large sign that read Rotherham in white, cursive lettering, the dark, boring brick buildings soon emerged into flatter plains and larger townhouses. They were regal, conservative, and clean, as though just built and painted in a fresh coat. But just as before, nobody was on the streets. It was eery to Jade.
Aunt Joy turned into a cul-de-sac and pulled into a driveway just as the end of the ring. Before them was a beautiful, victorian-style dark green and red house. Its colours matched in tandem with the bushy coniferous trees and bustling flower gardens. The curtains were all drawn open and the grass was a gorgeous, rich green, still damp. On the porch was a darling little bench swing built in rustic, varnished wood. It appeared as a happy home, to Jade and the rest of the world, at least.
Aunt Joy marched up the small staircase while Flora hopped behind her; again, neither of them bothering to help Jade. Luckily for her, Uncle Cosmo opened the door, puffing on his pipe with a big, joyous smile on his face.
"There she is!" he awed. He swept passed his wife and daughter and went right up to Jade, wrapping her in a bear hug. Unlike Aunt Joy, Uncle Cosmo's hug was comfortable, familiar to Jade. His expensive, subtle cologne mixed with his pipe smoke, delicious and bubbly as the scent wafted up Jade's nose. Despite how little she did get to see Uncle Cosmo, she enjoyed spending time with him. He was a kind man with a heart of gold and a hand that was constantly open.
It made Jade wonder why on Earth he would've married Aunt Joy.
"Yeh're growing faster than a weed, darlin'!" he exclaimed, "Last I saw yeh, yeh was just knee-'igh to a grass'opper,"
Jade finally felt herself relax in Uncle Cosmo's embrace, "It's been a while, hasn't it?" she replied.
Uncle Cosmo took the luggage from her and hauled it up the stairs with ease with Jade following. Flora had long disappeared inside her home with Aunt Joy stood off to the side of the door, watching her husband with a derivative of adoration. Her gaze followed them inside before she slammed the door shut, making Jade wince at the sudden cacophonous calamity. Aunty Joy and Uncle Cosmo gave Jade a brief tour of the large house, the sitting room, the kitchen, the basement, rooms she could and could not enter due to 'privacy reasons'.
Her uncle excused himself to his office soon after, his pager had gone off. That left Jade alone with her Aunt. She struggled to pull her luggage up the two flights of stairs Aunt Joy was leading her. They descended down a brightly lit hallway with gorgeous, crisp white panelled doors. One of them was covered in Hot Wheel and Transformers stickers, no doubt that room belonged to her youngest cousin, Alfie.
"The boys are just out at their lacrosse practice, dear. They should be back by dinner time and you can all get reacquainted," Aunt Joy said to her. The older woman turned the corner in the hallway and came to another white door, seemingly decayed and left abandoned by the the passing of time. She wrenched the knob and turned it with a loud creak and pushed it open.
"And here we are. Home, sweet home," Aunt Joy seemingly sang. Jade followed her in, and she found herself standing in a small bedroom. It was perched in the back roost of the house, with dull, beige walls, stained and scratched floorboards, and a single window that overlooked the backyard. The bed was turned down with plump, freshly cleaned sheets and linens, and in the corner was a small desk, chair, and lamp. In the opposing corner was a four-foot long clothing rack. To put bluntly, the room lacked any personality whatsoever.
Jade looked around the room, finding disturbing patterns on the floor. They were boxy in shape and a few shades lighter than the rest of the floorboards. The room smelled of mothballs and lemon pledge, as well as something stuffy. Perhaps it would have been better once she had opened a window?
Jade didn't dare ask her aunt, but she had a creeping suspicion that she had placed her in what was once the attic.
"Now then," Aunt Joy stood by the door as Jade looked around, "House rules: no running down the halls, no loud noises, and if you're going to have friends over, you must approve with myself first. Oh, and no smoking in the house,"
Jade felt her nerves fizzle as she turned around, seemingly dumbfounded, "I'm sorry?" she quipped.
The older woman simply giggled as though she had told a silly joke, "Oh please, dear. I know nicotine when I smell it. You get that awful habit from your mum," she said, "Nevertheless, I'll let you get yourself settled. Dinner's at seven-thirty, I expect you to be downstairs by seven-fifteen. You need to use the bathroom, it's just down the hall. Just be sure you knock first; Flora likes to experiment with her makeup in there," she said.
"Alright," Jade replied tentatively, "Erm -- is there somewhere for me to plug in me phone?" she asked, noting that there were no outlets in the walls. Perhaps, since this was really the attic, the family figured they wouldn't need any electrical outlets.
"Oh," Aunt Joy brought a hand to her face as she looked around in thought, "Well -- I'm sure Cosmo has one in the office you can use. He shouldn't mind too much," she said.
Jade only nodded in reply. Aunt Joy left the shut the door behind her, giving her time to get herself settled. Jade looked tirelessly around the joyless room, figuring out ways in which she could liven it up. Perhaps with some old movie posters or art pieces? Jade placed her luggage at the foot of the rickety-looking clothing rack, pulled off her jacket and let it fall to the floor, and she took a seat on the bed. Despite the plush linens, the bed was hard, creaky, and uncomfortable. Cold and uncomfortable -- just like the rest of the house.
She let out a heavy sigh and laid back on the bed, immediately her eyes landed on a crack in the angled ceiling. Maybe by luck, a poisonous spider would come down from said crack, bite her, and take her out of this wretched situation? Because the Lord only knew how badly she wanted to be at home, with her own loving, but broken family.
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