#huldrekall oc
zoethehead · 1 year
So, here's my illustration of trent the huldrenakk
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Voice claim: Werewolf cookie (cookie run kingdom)
Theme song: "Until it sleeps" by Metallica
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mainprotagonist · 6 months
ok ill bite, tell me about your ocs!
YES PERFECT... IVE GOT MANY!!!! You can see all of them on my toyhouse!!! A lot of them are WIP until I get their basics down but theres a lot of them that have icons so at least you can see what they look like
I do fandom ocs but since these stretch from fandom to fandom i wont go all over them but my Big OCs I talk about the most are Kelsey (one piece oc) or Prince (osomatsu san oc).... and i love oc/canon pairs sooo much and the biggest reason I make fandom ocs.... But look out for me making a dungeon meshi oc bc its def gonna happen.
as for my other ocs, I've currently have uhhh (checks hand) 8 'verses' I talk about which is basically just different worlds with different settings and stories that I jump around with working on.. EXPIER, Danger, OI!, Kingdom, Rampage, Red Wire Burn (RWB), V•RSE and Virus.....
I'll put descriptions in a read more so i dont spam up the dash <:)
EXPIER - newest verse of mine where all the characters are some sort of glee performer, drag performer so on so forth. all based on a very specific emotion and I'll give them playlists for songs that fit them. these guys help connect my love for music and ocs. Story follows the whole cast.
Danger, OI! - My oldest verse that I havent worked on in years and obvs needs overhauling and planning but its about people called animal whisperers who can command demons and free them from having no self control that cause them to attack civilians. Follows main character, Bibion.
Kingdom - A verse I work on with my bff milo most of the time and a lot of it wouldnt be possible without him. A world divided into multiple kingdoms: Astral, Angel, Dragon, Lava, Shadow, Spirit, Glacier, Flora n Fauna, Underdwelling and Reef.... All separated by lands considered neutral territory that many live outside of influence of the rulers. Story focuses on the aftermath of a long running war against the Shadow Kingdom rebelling against the others, which had left them devastated and leaving the rest to start anew to deal with their scars and rebuilding what was lost.
Rampage - Follows a train hopping, nonbinary shapeshifting duo named Fyle and Garrett!! Very casual loose verse I also havent worked on in a bit. They are thieves and pick up jobs that involve petty thievery in order to make ends meet.
Red Wire Burn - Usually abbreviated to RWB. Focuses on a vampire run bar and the entertainer that performs there and is given room and board, Desta who is an introverted magician; loves people but needs a lot of alone time, especially after his performances
Seasons - A family of huldrekalls living and surviving in a group or separated depending on the season. Huge plant motifs as they are tree creatures. They help local farmers with their fields and other tasks plus protecting them. Focuses heavily on Melian; the middle child of the family who catches the attention of a half giant by the name of Rexus (belongs to @not-amh). Lore related is that their names are chosen by their significant other as they are born n found no need for a name. Formerly simply known as Huldrekall until he meets Rexus and is given his name.
V•RSE - second oldest verse and arguably the more developed with almost all the ocs having their profile finished.... Its my fictional fashion industry, queer led and many of the workers are LGBT.... Creating clothes for all shapes and sizes regardless of gender; only separating the genres of clothing by the style and size rather than gender. Focuses a lot on Kåre who is the newest worker and learning the ropes of working at V•RSE
Virus - My lil scifi horror verse... An exploration team is sent to an inhabited planet as a means to research the lands. Jason, the teams head researcher, wakens a long dead alien virus, becoming infected and killing the rest of the crew and turning them into almost unrecognizable monsters; the only way to tell theyre the original crew is because of distinct physical features. A team is sent to rescue them or to find what happened to them.
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teinarhen · 2 years
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idk how many of the people that follow me remember Dag, he's the main character of the webcomic I've been working on for a really long time. I haven't drawn him in years!!!! The parts of the webcomic I've been working on the past few years don't really feature him so I kinda stopped drawing him. I miss him ;^;
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divan-daikon · 2 years
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my yandere hurldekall necromancer Myles Marigolde
i love my victorian fashion yandere Scandinavian <3
[not really he a hoe]
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mustapartart · 4 years
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A Christmas Greetings card I made for a friend, featuring his DnD character! 🔮
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gibbonribbon · 5 years
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a huldrekall mid-transformation
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belleeverygreen · 6 years
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Eric Einar Denham character sheet 1                                                             
Eric is quite and aloof young man, who just wants to get the any job at hand done fast but efficient. Usually is the no nonsense person in the group, he’s even like this on parties too. He’s a very cheerful fellow to be around.
Yes I finely gave him a name he is sliver Huldrefolk it’s normal for his kind to able to see in dark as well as cats do. Along with being able to see underwater think of how crocodile have second eye lids, and claw like nails that help them clam trees and rocks, their are also weak to sliver.
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cosmilkshake · 7 years
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I decided to draw a Huldrekall and here he is. His name is Leif and he is my precious forest boy. I worked realy hard on this so please reblog it.
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merchandiice · 4 years
I thought I’d compile of lists of blogs I own and give short synopsis of who each character is in terms of personality? You’ll see what I mean
merchandiice aka this blog: Sterling Davenport (soft, fully colorblind, owns a shop that sells ice cream/shakes/... + merch and games)
disorganisedcriime: Devon O’Neal (gang leader, a total asshole and a bit of a creep, can become overprotective if he gets along with you)
orchideae: Florian De Villiers (witch, owns a plantshop, soft character but just don’t get him angered)
theanciientone: Sage (genderless ancient being, they can be evil or good though usually they love to torment others)
memcntomcrii: multimuse oc’s: 
Orion Zheng (twin brother of Keion, mercenary, energetic and cocky) 
Keion Zheng (twin brother of Orion, also mercenary, wants out of the family business, soft but has dark secrets, bubbly)
Kasper (huldrekall, a seductive forest creature, has a twin, gentle, soft but can certainly be ruthless when necessary, wouldn’t harm a fly unless they’re his meal)
Jesse Dexter (conman and also painter, sly, a bit of an ass, has dark secrets, rich brat)
hexersnvexers: multimuse witcher blog, canon and oc:
Geralt of Rivia (self explanatory, witcher of the wolf school, cold nature but is capable of warming up to few)
Julian Alfred Pankratz aka Jaskier (also self explantory, bard, flirtatious and competitive, a bit of a fool)
Dymitr (OC, witcher of the bear school, distant, usually not much of a talker, aggressive yet loyal)
Ozur (OC, a berserker, a happy jolly guy, loves parties, strong, a danger when angered)
Those are blogs I try to be active on, however I am always willing to RP on Discord as well. Just ask for my user and I’ll gladly give it to you. or go ahead and check out these blogs if there’s any of them that you fancy.
I also have more canon character blogs in the fandoms of: RDR2, DBH and Borderlands
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memcntomcrii · 5 years
My OC’s, sorted by name, who they are and blog url:
Kasper, huldrekall (memcntomcrii)
Orion Zheng, mercenary (memcntomcrii)
Keion Zheng, mercenary (memcntomcrii)
Jesse Dexter, conman (memcntomcrii)
Sterling Davenport, shop owner (asimii)
Florian De Villiers, witch (orchideae)
Devon O’Neal, gang leader (disorganisedcriime)
More will be added when I think of them
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chibilostsoul · 5 years
Info Dump: Marcus
Name: Marcus Caligula
Species: Huldrekall
Height: 5′6’’
Bio: Marcus is an easily lovable guy that just loves to surf and swim. He gets along with many people, but will be very cold to those he dislikes. Marcus is a male, using he/him pronouns and is pansexual. Marcus is also a rather confident individual, especially after getting top surgery, and likes making friends with his extroverted personality. As a huldrekall Marcus does have a hollow back, and he also has a fear of needles.
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zoethehead · 2 years
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So, I redid an old oc.
also, first time doodling Armpits............
*Tiny voice* yeeeeeeeeeeyyyy
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(also, this oc is yet another fish boyfriend, that of Agnar Erikkson, my Demisexual huldrekall oc)
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teinarhen · 5 years
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‪I’ll try and scan this tomorrow but look at all these trees I drew‬
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teinarhen · 5 years
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Idk if I ever posted this here or not, but I wasn’t happy w the original colors so I’m going to recolor it soon
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teinarhen · 7 years
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It’s my boy Daerad 💗
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teinarhen · 7 years
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Had an idea for a sketch when I drove home this morning
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