#human owca
humanowca · 1 year
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The Doofenschmirtz family works at the OWCA! Vanessa's contribution to the fight against evil is fighting to get the agents health care.
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whenuwishuponastar · 2 months
I liked you right from the start
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mammalsofaction · 7 months
I've been having a lot of thoughts lately about Human Perry headcanons as I read a bunch of fic and rewatch phineas and ferb. You know you're hitting the nail on the head when scenes from a fic you might never write dog your every waking step and haunts your dreams so, I thought putting it on paper will help.
A lot of fics like to suggest that Perry's full name is Peregrine, which is understandable, but ever since I've rewatched 2D and found out their first name for him was actually Bartholomew my life was never the same. So Perry's actual name is Bartholomew. But nobody actually calls him that least of all himself.
-I really like winding headcanons that Perry is Ferb's biological mom's BROTHER, which honestly makes so much sense as to why both he and Ferb have green hair. Here are some add-ons that may get depressing;
Ferb's mom was Eve, or Evelyn. Her codename was E, for Echidna...because egg-laying mammals native to Australia. They were both orphans, and attached to the hip. They were each other's partner in crime.
-They were scouted for OWCA one day, bc the agency liked picking up kids with potential as young as possible. So Perry and Eve were trained for the agency since the start (which is why Perry is such a good agent at what seems to be a young age)
-Owca is a largely independent authoritarian enterprise with branches all over the world. They aren't the only ones, obviously.
-OWCA also prefers training agents as early as they could. Sometimes that entails scouting talent. Sometimes that means taking in kids of employed agents. Either way, this means OWCA has elementary and high schools that are more akin to militant training camps. It's not cruel. The kids are well cared for and well fed, but OWCA prioritized competency, obedience and discipline.
On every level of OWCA recruitment, training and employment, there is a fedora, and band to mark whichever level you are on the totem pole.
1) Middle school kids are given a bandless fedora.
2) High school kids (soon to be graduates) are given a white band
3) Fresh graduates, training into full employment, are Yellow Bands. Here you start being assigned to full branches, and trained by field work professionals. Think OWCA Files.
4) It's fairly easy to graduate from Yellow Band into a Purple Band. Purple Bands are largely refereed to as Junior Agents, but that's not quite accurate. Purple Bands are the highest reporting authority in any division that ISN'T FIELD WORK. The OWCA Tech, Clerks, RnD and Science Divisions all have Purple Bands to signify they are fully employed, or Superior Officer. Pinky has a Purple Band.
5) It's VERY DIFFICULT to graduate from a Purple Band to a Black Band, not least because there IS NO PREDETERMINED TEST. Black Band agents are Superior Agents, only one level below Division General. There's no telling what could turn you from a Purple to a Black, because the agent has to prove unwavering obedience and faith to the agency in dire circumstances. It's saying "I am willing to do anything for the Greater Good."  Often it entails a death of some sort. OWCA often says Black is the band soaked in blood. Black Band agents have licenses to kill. It's why Black Band Agents are few and precious far in between.
6) After a black band, and you live long enough to retire, you can choose a bunch of things. Most agents choose to become Division Generals or Branch Managers: think Major Monogram. They're basically glorified "Guy in the Chair". Some agents choose to become educators, in which case they are given White Fedoras. White fedoras arent exclusive to black bands though; there are plenty purple band white fedoras. In fact most educators are purple band white fedoras.
-Perry's Black Band Event was Eve's death
-At the time of Eve's death, she had already been married to Lawrence. Ferb was barely a year old, maybe 10 months old?
-Lawrence was told it was a car accident: drunk driver. Truthfully it was a mission gone wrong, involving an underground child trafficking ring, and she stayed behind to give them all the chance to escape. She didn't have the chance to escape when security explosives around the building detonated, and she got caught in the crossfire. Perry had to leave her behind.
-This is why Perry refused to get a partner btw, aka his Lone Wolf tendencies come from.
-In the aftermath, OWCA agents approached the family to give them their condolences, and offer to take Ferb into the fold. For the first time since Eve's death, Perry practically lost it. He didn't hurt anyone, he's much too professional, but he knew Eve didn't want Ferb to get wrapped up in OWCA, and for good fucking reason. Due to their training, neither he nor Eve had much of a childhood, and he refused to subject Ferb to the same kind of life experience.
OWCA was NOT happy. Things were tetchy for a while, at least until Perry was approached by Major Monogram. Francis had a wife, and a son, and he understood where Perry was coming from. He suggested taking a permanent residence in Danville, which was his branch division. It was more stability than Perry ever had working in England, where he and Eve was originally stationed, and it was easy enough to come up with a work-related story to convince Lawrence, who was more than ready enough to leave the house where he and Eve originally lived.
-It was after moving did Lawrence meet and fall in love with Linda.
Edit; I've decided to change Ferb's bio mom's name bc I found something that fits better to me :) She's Eve now
End Backstory.
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kii7ov · 1 month
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I have been a fan of OWCA animal agents for about 10 years. I was too embarrassed to show my work back then, but I finally got the courage to show my paintings, so I'm posting them here.
I like the original form, but I also like the humanization. (The last one is an illustration from 10 years ago. Many things are strange. lol)
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owcaunion · 2 years
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i liked my last doodles with my human! peter the panda so now i imagine him and perry being in a dysfunctional friendship after meapless in seattle
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platypus practicpus. close-ups and IDs under the cut!
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[ID: Drawing of Perry and Dr. Doofenshmirtz mid-battle. Perry is perched on Doof’s shoulder and has a fist pulled back; Doof’s nose is already bloodied. Perry is looking away from Doof, out the window, with a smile and a shine in his eyes—it’s snowing outside. Doof watches, expression annoyed or amused. Text beside him reads, “Hey! Are you gonna hit me, Perry the Platypus, or are you just gonna stare at the snow? …Hello? (Ow! Okay, you can do both! Jeez!)” end ID]
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[ID: Drawing of Pinky the Chihuahua, Perry the Platypus, and Peter the Panda standing beside each other. Pinky is watching Perry wide-eyed and trembling, Perry is glaring at Peter with folded arms, and Peter is holding a mug with what might be Doof’s face on it, appearing slightly uneasy. Text above the three reads, “Agents P!” end ID]
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[ID: Three drawings of Perry. One has him trudging along with a downcast expression, teary-eyed, tail dragging, and the label “Sadapus.” The next has him jetpacking away with a cheerful expression and saluting, labeled “Platybye!” The third shows him disguised in a white buttoned shirt, yellow scarf, purple pants, brown shoes, cactus hat, and star sunglasses, labeled “Fabupus.” end ID]
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[ID: Perry behaving as a pet, all fours, eyes unfocused, text above him reading “grrrrk!” An arrow points to Perry as an agent, standing straight, hands balled into fists, fedora on, eyes narrowed. end ID]
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[ID: Phineas, Ferb, and an oddly small Perry. Ferb is holding Perry, who is positioned almost like a baby, and looking down at him. Perry is peacefully asleep. Phineas points at Perry, appearing mid-laugh, with text beside him reading, “Aww! Look, Ferb, the artist drew Perry too small! (He must’ve been too cute to erase…)” end ID]
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shima-draws · 2 years
Thinks about Perry covered in the blood of his enemies and swoons
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agentlizardofowca · 1 year
Store your nemesis under your bed
>>Human Perry<<
Perry grabbed Doofenshmirtz, put a finger to his lips to shush him, and quickly added in ASL. "O.W.C.A. doesn't know yet."
Heinz's eyebrows rose comically as the man realized what his nemesis was telling him. "O.W.C.A. doesn't need to know."
Perry nodded in agreement. "I'm going to sneak you out."
A mistake made by Phineas and Ferb results in Doofenshmirtz ending up at The Flynn-Fletcher residence. All Perry has to do is keep Heinz hidden from his family and O.W.C.A. till he can sneak him back home. How hard could it be?
This one was super fun to write, and also got a lot of response from the Perryshmirtz fandom.
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humanperryfic · 2 years
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of course he doesn’t like-like Heinz, how preposterous!
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Perry: I don’t know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes.
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humanowca · 2 years
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Some updates to their designs based on my new arcane knowledge (my art skills got better lmao)
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Leyendecker has always been someone I've admired a lot, and until now, I hadn't dared to try to do something that approximates his style.
I think Perry in his human version fits perfectly with the aesthetic that this artist followed. I'm looking forward to trying something more!
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mammalsofaction · 23 days
39. Perryshmirtz kissing as....time runs out
From the prompt list here.
Sugar, we're going down swingin'
Rating: T
Relationship: Heinz Doofenshmirtz/Perry the Platypus
Add tags: Angst, ambiguous ending, human Perry the Platypus, OWCA Files AU, PTSD flashbacks
A/N: Bit of a cliche but I loved getting to stretch my minute made writing muscles again. I considered a fluffy alt but I know Lex loves a bit of grief in her morning coffee.
Canon compliant to my Human Perry lore. Eve had been his sister (Ferb's biological mother), who died in the line of action about 12 years ago here.
There was something to be said, Perry thinks, of panicking.
(Every sound rang clear as crystal, as murky as dirt. He can feel his own pulse beating beneath his skin like every artery connected straight to his heart. It’s almost tranquil.
We've been here before.)
"Agent P," Harry yelled. It's difficult to hear over the sound of falling rubble, and the blaring alarms resonating through the inside of the volcano, and through the sheer rushing of blood through his ears. "Please, we need to leave!"
"Perry?" Heinz whispered. Perry looks up to him then, numbed of all feeling, save for the bleeding wound on his hip, stinging enough to remind him that he was, at least, still alive. He's looking up, he's staring, but he's not quite seeing. Perhaps physically, they were all trapped inside the lair of an alchemist madman, set to collapse above his head any minute, and to be fair it is all terribly exciting. But Perry was, in truth, bearing down a steel doorframe of an old warehouse stinking of gunpowder, dust and sweat, cradling two small bodies against himself, praying for the mercy of a God he doesn't believe in for a few minutes he could no longer afford 20 years ago.
"Can you walk?" Heinz asked. Right, yes, because he'd asked that question too, that fateful night of fire and gunpowder. What had Eve said to him then?
I can fight. He signed, and he pushes himself off, handing over the briefcase containing what they'd all come here for. The evidence, the antidote, the killing blow. Go, I'll catch up.
(He'd thought about what she'd said, there, in hindsight. He thinks it was meant to be funny. That was how she defaulted to things, on account of Perry not having a single humerous bone in his body, in stark comparison. She was the good cop.
We'd learned to fight before we'd learned how to walk, that was what she always said. There was pride in that, to mask the sadness underneath.)
The henchbots kick against the hinges of the only door holding them back, and bolts come flying. It won't be too long now. Heinz had frozen, briefcase pressed into his chest as he stares a bit dumbly at how Perry attempts to hold himself up, checking the ammo of his guns, so Perry gives him a little push to emphasize his point. He catches Perry's outstretched hand, instead.
"You can't be serious." He hissed, and Perry shook his head. "Come on."
There was only one pod left out of here, and Karen and Maggie had taken the only other one. Between their bulk, the briefcase, and the sheer speed they had to push for in order to make the gate closing any minute now, Perry would only slow them down.
Go, Perry said, and for a second his guard comes crashing down. His hand trembles, pressed against the side of his chest, and it is closest he'll ever get to a wobbly lip. Please?
"You-," Heinz said, but with one mighty kick the door finally bangs open under the assault of manic steel feet. Heinz flinched, but Perry opened fire, trigger finger cool and steady. Two simple headshots. He had 5 bullets left, and a mob to deal with.
"Guys, come on!"
"I'm not leaving you here." Heinz hissed, the grip on Perry's wrist almost crushing. "We're leaving together, or I'm not going anywhere, you hear me?"
Oh, Heinz.
As rubble falls and crushes the control panel of the exit gates behind them, and the echo of a dozen feet barrels down the corridor, Perry tugs him closer, and their lips meet like an electric shock, still every bit of a thrill as the first. He feels it tingle right down to the tips of his toes, and slick swipe of his tongue down on Heinz's bottom lip like a promise.
They part with a gentle smacking sound, breathing the same air. Perry wants to remember this. He wants to leave on a good note.
"Perry," Heinz chokes, either on dust or on his own heart. "What do you-,"
I'll catch up. Perry lies, and presses on the trigger for the grappling hook on his belt. Heinz grunts, wide eyed, as it latches on the exit way of the foyer, right next to Harry himself, and Perry treats himself to one last look of his baby blue eyes wide open in fury as it pulls him back hip first.
5 bullets. Perry uses one of them to shoot a hairline fracture down the side of the wall, and the support beam keeping the lighting features aloft gives up the ghost. No way out. No way back in.
"Counting down, lair self destruct." The robotic overhead intercom announces, pleasant and calm. "T minus 10 seconds."
"Trespasser located." The henchbots declare, stepping into the foyer, falling apart. Perhaps one of them. Perhaps a bunch of them at once. He can hardly tell--blood seeps down his side in rivulets, and his head feels heavier by the minute. The edges of his vision begins to blur, and he can't quite tell what's up from down.
But Perry's got a gun in a steady hand, and he's got 4 bullets.
"Resistance is futile." The bots warn, the last of their cogs whirring. It's all appropriately dramatic.
Perry grins.
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kii7ov · 19 days
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owcaunion · 2 years
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Carl, to Peter the Panda : "You said here in your OWCA coworker evaluation sheet that 'Agent P, although professional and civilized around you during joint missions, gets to be a bit...territorial whenever Dr. Doofenshmirtz is involved.'"
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