#hunter x hunter discussion
mistleaneous-chaos · 2 years
Ok so now that Hunter x Hunter has started to pick back up and Togashi has gotten back to ripping our hearts out and shooting us down like dogs while telling us to read his manga (which we will), I wanted to talk about the significant number of parallels between aspects of Yu Yu Hakusho and parts of Hunter x Hunter that show how much Togashi laid the groundwork for HXH in YYH. As well as how he improved and revised many aspects of his previous work.
Originally, I was going to make this one whole post, but because of how much I wrote in this one, I figured I would just make it multiple parts.
Spoilers for HXH and YYH
Part 1: The Power Systems and their similarities/differences, and how Togashi demonstrates Limits
Nen and Spirit Energy are both very similar in multiple ways. For example, both have very similar sources, with Spirit Energy being something all humans have, and Nen being something all beings have.
Now then, what I want to talk about is the differences between them first.
Spirit Energy is something everyone can use, but unlike Nen, signature techniques are just that, techniques. For example, let's take a look at one of the best examples of this and wasted potential: Rando
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Rando is a demon whose whole thing is that he steals techniques, but not like Chrollo(Trust me, we will get into Chrollo), but in that he just learns them. To put it in a way that makes sense, Spirit Energy is malleable, anyone who has Spirit Energy (or Demon Energy) can replicate and learn other techniques with the only setback being that you would run the risk of not mastering them and not knowing how to use them all efficiently like Rando did.
Unlike another character who is a master with Spirit Energy without overextending themselves: Genkai
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Despite knowing nowhere near as many techniques as Rando, Genkai is a much better fighter than him, able to use her techniques in nearly every situation in ways that allow her to fight on a level that is nearly unbeatable, or at least was before she gave away the majority of her power to Yusuke, but even then she was able to go toe-to-toe with Shishiwakamaru, a demon who had the ability to summon hundreds of dead souls to attack indiscriminately.
Genkai is a master of Spirit Energy, even if she doesn't have as much power as the rest of the main characters.
Meanwhile let's take a look at a Nen User from Hunter x Hunter, a character you may or may not know (/j): Hisoka
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Now setting aside Hisoka's.... """tendencies""", when it comes to his proficiency in Nen, he's one of the best in the series, with his Nen Type being Transmutation, which would make his nen chart look something like this
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Now then, his Main Nen Ability is known as Bungee Gum, which contains the properties of Rubber and Gum, which is known. He Transmutes his Aura into an elastic and stretchy material which he can stick onto anything, and can do multiple things such as catch objects, immobilize opponents, or create flail-like weapons to swing around with. That is Hisoka's Hatsu, his personal expression of Nen. That is his main weapon until the day he dies, and cannot be changed as far as we know.
But that doesn't mean he can't do things that aren't too far from Transmutation, such as Conjuration, which he exemplifies with Texture Surprise, a technique which allows him to create images and textures on top of flat surfaces, such as paper, and can change its appearance. He uses this technique in creating fake tattoos or even fake skin all over his body to make himself look normal, when really he looks like this
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So needless to say, Hisoka is an extremely adept Nen user. But the fact is, like everyone else, he has to stay in his lane, or else he'll end up like another Nen User in the series: Kastro
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Kastro is an Enhancer, he was born one, which means that his potential is limited to that of an Enhancer's, which looks like this
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According to an extremely talented Nen Teacher: Wing, Kastro could have been a master of a technique that most Enhancers can use, the Tiger Bite Fist, which may have helped him achieve his goal... But instead of developing his Hatsu and enhancement abilities he chose to use a technique that was completely incompatible with his own: The Double Technique.
The Double Technique is fairly self-explanatory, you make a double of yourself out of Nen, and manipulate its actions into fighting alongside you. It's an amazing technique, but the fact of the matter is that for a majority of Nen Users, it's one that is either lopsided, or just more trouble than it's worth, because it is a combination of Manipulation and Conjuration. The only type of Nen User that it would work perfectly for is a Specialist, which are one in a million in the world of Hunter x Hunter, and even then it requires an extremely high amount of focus due to the amount of precision the management of an entire second body requires, because it is not an automated body, or a clone of your mind, you have to use Manipulation Nen in order to make it do anything, and that is why Kastro was doomed when he tried to make it work.
Because of his status as an Enhancer, while Kastro technically has an equal amount of proficiency in Conjuration and Manipulation Nen, he is restricted to mainly lower-level techniques, or he has to use every bit of his Nen if he wants to even touch higher level techniques of those types, which is what he does with the Double Technique, and because of it, he dies.
In both series, Togashi demonstrated the consequences of overreaching when it comes to the amount you can do, and the consequences of trying to do more than what you can handle, but he demonstrated it in Hunter x Hunter in a much more detailed way than Yu Yu Hakusho, not to discredit Yu Yu Hakusho, as it also does a swell job of it. But yeah, that's all I wanted to say about the power system for now.
For Part 2, I'll be discussing the differences between the dynamics of the Main 4 in each show, With Yu Yu Hakusho having Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei, and Hunter x Hunter having Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio
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depravitycentral · 8 months
This is a continuation of my last post, where anon asked about whether Kikyo and Silva would ever share a darling
Tw: kidnapping, dehumanization, pet-play ish, Kikyo is freaky, objectification, their marriage is as strange as the family they've raised, weird jealousy dynamics, weird sexual competing (?), Milluki is a creep
I think Silva and Kikyo could potentially keep a darling together, but the relationship is - odd, to say the least. Silva is significantly more emotionally attached than his wife - he's the one to even bring up the idea, actually, because his marriage to Kikyo has always been about convenience and offspring. And so, when he happens to run into you while he's out on a mission and you catch his eye for whatever reason, it's not exactly hard to bring you back to the mountain, dressing you up in pretty, expensive clothing and luxury lingerie sets underneath.
And frankly, Kikyo is not pleased - she's not exactly in love with Silva either, but she feels that her place as his wife is threatened by your presence, that her position within the Zoldyck family is hanging on by a string because Silva is obviously more charmed and affectionate with you than he is with her. At first she hates you – she’s doing everything in her power to drive you out, to make your life enough of a living hell that you’ll beg Silva to let you leave. (Or perhaps you’ll fall victim to the multitudes of ways she attempts to end your life.)
But though Silva doesn’t like upsetting Kikyo, his feelings for you – romantic, a foreign concept – are strong enough that he’s putting his foot down and stopping Kikyo from doing anything too terribly reckless. He’s always able to tell when she’s poisoned your food, or when she’s rubbed poison ivy all over your nice dresses so that you’ll become swollen and inflamed and hopefully he’ll toss you to the side because he’s disgusted by your appearance. Her attempts don’t work, and if anything it only draws your relationship with Silva closer – because suddenly he’s got you on his lap, your face pressed against his chest while you both ignore the very, very insistent bulge pressing against your crotch, his voice as soft as he can get it while he tells you that Kikyo will not hurt you, I won’t allow it.
And as time passes and he stays true to this promise, Kikyo finds herself slowly giving up. You really aren’t going, huh? He seems to really like you for some unknown reason, and so she instead turns her attention to making sure that even if her status as Silva’s wife is threatened, her status as the mother of the Zoldyck children stays in-tact.
And frankly, once she makes this shift, things change – because Silva spends a majority of his time with you, there’s no insinuations or attempts at stealing Kikyo’s motherly role. You’ve literally never even met most of the kids except for a few brief words over silent, uncomfortable family dinners, and Kikyo is smug about this. At least in this way she’s better than you – she’s a good mother, and you’re what? A good hole for her husband to settle into at night?
It makes her scoff.
Until one day, she notices that you are, begrudgingly, a bit attractive.
Not the beauty Silva seems to believe you are, but there’s something about you that she can’t deny is charming, even if she wants to. And so, as time passes, she slowly warms up to you; except, Kikyo’s version of ‘warming up’ – developing romantic feelings, yet again foreign to her – is transitioning from belittling and yelling at you out of anger to belittling and yelling at you because she wants your attention. She’s clingy, especially since Silva hogs so much of your time, and she relies on criticizing you and ‘reteaching’ you basic manners, skills, even how to dress as she sees fit. Her obsession manifests in making you unwavering obey her every command, the power making her feel giddy and oddly aroused.
And really, that’s a facet of your life as their shared darling that can’t be ignored – while some of the affection and attention you get is as innocent as it can be, given their profession and the fact that you were kidnapped, most of the touches and words and looks you get are anything but. And from both of them, too – each is equally guilty of constantly sexualizing you.
Silva is more traditional in his approach – he requests your presence most nights, staying in his own private chambers with the wooden doors locked tightly, the massive bed with its eerie blue lighting and satin sheets all bunched up and stained with his cum and your slick because he just can’t keep his hands off of you. He’s got you dressed up in nice clothing – revleaing dresses and garter belts hiding just above high slits in the fabric, the sight making him lick his lips and actually want you in a sexual manner, something he’s not used to experiencing. Every moment you spend with him involves his hand on your body somehow, whether it be steady and firm at your hip to remind you of his presence, or pressed against your stomach as he holds you in his lap, his cock stuffed as deep inside as possible while you cockwarm him, your sweet voice filling his ears as he commands you to speak to me, about whatever you like. Just don’t stop talking.
It's strange and it’ll make you think he only wants you as a glorified sex doll, but then he’ll do something small and unexpected that’s almost sweet, that almost seems like a genuine attempt to make you happy – a copy of your favorite book, or a beautiful necklace, or even an offer to spoil you with a private, intimate vacation to a destination of your choice. It’s strange, and while the lingerie sets are not ideal to wear around the mansion (particularly when Milluki is home – the staring is not subtle), Silva is tolerable. At least he normally preps you well before he fucks you.
Kikyo, on the other hand, expresses her attraction to you with much, much more humiliating methods. She’s naturally a bit sadistic, and while she isn’t actively trying to make you uncomfortable, she isn’t afraid to act on some of her more outlandish kinks. In contrast to Silva’s lingerie sets, you’ll be given pretty collars and ball gags and plugs to wear, all in varying shades of purple. (She favors purple because it’s both the family color and her favorite color, making her feel slightly better about her infatuation with you. Plus, she can’t deny how good you look in the eggplant, stain set she got you a few weeks ago, with a crotchless panty and material so thin stretched over your breasts that your nipple is fully visible.
She’ll treat you like a glorified dog at times, physically forcing your head between her legs and telling you to be good, make me feel good, or forcing you to your knees while she steps onto your thighs, a smile curling at her lips when you squirm in discomfort below her. Her overt sexual favors with you are less obvious than Silva’s, but there’s something about her’s that makes you feel weak and horrible and pathetic. And yet, similar to her husband, every once in a blue moon Kikyo is actually nice to you – after you’ve made her come a few times with your mouth, fingers and the toy she’d forced you to use (first in yourself, then in her – without washing it, a concept that’d made her blush heavily under her bandages), she’s breathlessly telling you how good you did, her nails digging into your skin a bit as she clutches onto you, her post-orgasmic high leaving her brain scrambled and praise for you slipping past her lips.
(One time she even tells you that she loves you – she hadn’t spoken to you for a few days afterwards, diligently avoiding you, though you were sure you caught her peeking into Silva’s room one of those night’s her lips parted, cheeks blushed so strongly pink that it extended down to her neck, a hand slipped up her skirt and visibly moving under the fabric. He hadn’t noticed, of course, because he was too busy bouncing you on his cock, eyes too busy staring as your ass jiggled and smacked against his navel as he fucked you in reverse cowgirl, but swear on your life that as soon as you made eye contact with Kikyo through the gap in the doorway, she made this high, whining noise and her knees buckled.
She’d come, from watching her husband fuck you.)
The situation is messy, quite honestly, but with time you’ll settle into it – you don’t have much of a choice, after all, and your presence fills a need that neither of them have been able to find in each other. And isn’t it just so nice to be loved by two people so thoroughly?
Even if you feel like a glorified pet more often than not?
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notllorstel · 1 year
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First date
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imagone · 8 months
togashi: writes a compelling arc where the lines between good and evil gradually blur and the “well raised”, naive yet humanly selfish child protagonist gives into his negative emotions, to the point of breaking down under the gruesome circumstances he encounters, almost losing his life on the path of revenge while tunnelvisioning on his rage because he’s not fully developed yet and not prepared for the pain he experiences. similarly the cruel, “inhuman” antagonist learns compassion and the worth of every life with every episode ultimately showing us depending on the right conditions, we are capable of being both.
some white weeb somehow: gon has always been a problematic piece of shit, I can’t believe he would treat killua like that. he should have stayed comatose
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chaztalk · 2 months
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roodles03 · 1 year
Huntlow Pet Names
Willow to Hunter:
Wolf Cub
Maple Syrup
Little Wolf
Hunter to Willow:
Teddy Bear
Chubby Puppy
Flower girl
Fairy Pie
Fairy Dust
Snuggle bug
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killupops · 7 months
Like what is the one you think of when you think about hxh ships. You don’t have to ship it for it to be The One. This is to settle an argument
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mirroredmemoriez · 9 days
Got bored so it's time to yap about Saw characters, today on the chopping block is Gabriela! Mainly Gabriela is compared with either Adam or Amanda, for similar and also different reasons. When it comes to the comparisons, with Adam it's usually down to the fact she and him both ''won'' their traps but were both still killed at the end (Also their wet pathetic demeanour said with all the love)- Then with Amanda, it's how both were drug addicts... Amanda basically seeing herself in Gabriela and seeming to root for her to win.
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She's likely is most peoples fav new character coming out of Saw X, she has the most content produced out of all of the other introduced characters for example. However, I think one thing I don't always agree with from my own perception is how she's painted to be almost an angel (Within the fandom)? Gabriela is by no means an evil person, it's very easy to be sympathetic to her situation and I don't think that's a bad thing. But also- SHE IS IN HER TRAP FOR A REASON? Just the same as Valentina and or Mateo or someone like Adam/Amanda.... But the reception she gets to me at least seems different. First I'll get it out of the way that this is slightly due to the fact she's shipped with Amanda, which I do believe shipping generally sometimes changes fandoms perceptions of characters or tries to put them more so into labels? With that said, I also am aware of power imbalances between the character (Such as Mateo being the one who supplies Gabriela oxycodone even if he states in the movie he will no longer be doing so going forward).
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It's hard for me to exactly pinpoint and or explain why I think this is when I look at peoples portrayals slash discussions of her character... If I had to narrow it down, I believe it's because I feel as though people don't put the same effort into analysing characters and exploring the nuance of them when it isn't a VERY VERY beloved/popular one- And the argument to that is screen time, which does make sense? We get more of a feel for characters such as Amanda, John, Mark, Lawrence and yada yada, due to them being recurring characters... Then with Adam, even though he dies in the first movie? That first movie is solely focused on his and Lawrence's story mainly and not multiple characters, so the audience forms more of an attachment to him and his personality... However! I personally love looking at all characters so here I am. To me and likely everyone, Gabriela is a young and lost woman... She's basically going through what we as the audience would assume as the roughest patch of her life. She seems to be pretty early 20s and is obviously stated to be a drug addict, joining Cecilia's scam to feed her addiction with any money she gets paid with. Outside of this, we have no backstory to any previous occupations and or her education. Nor do we have any insight to friends and or family. This probably comes down to screen time and also the fact exploring any of this wasn't central to the story and the portrayal of her character- But generally, this paints Gabriela to be a quite isolated person outside of the scam. Personality wise, it goes with out saying Gabriela would have a manipulative streak from all the scamming and needing to be able to source drugs. Interacting with John she uses very basic speech to interact and lie to him, but in reality she seems to have no issue speaking fluently in English. It makes perfect sense with the knowledge she is apart of The Pederson Project, Cecilia wouldn't have chosen someone who's terrible at lying or putting on a façade at the end of the day. This doesn't make her an evil person though, as I've said before. Even though Gabriela is choosing to source her money by being a simple pawn in a big scam- She still holds noticeable humanity to a degree, seeing as she encourages those around her in traps and has a more considerable reaction to their deaths than compared to someone like Cecilia. I think when it comes down to the cancer patients before John, Gabriela had the thought process of out of sight out of mind and would probably not dwell too much on the ethics of what she was doing.
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I think one thing for her character I'd have wished to see, is more interactions with people outside of a drug transaction and scamming an old man.... Oh and obviously outside of being in a death trap too- It isn't exactly an issue, but I think people spend too much time comparing or labelling Gabriela's character as a version of Adam or Amanda, more so than her being a separate person? Don't get me wrong, she very much so is a good comparison to make between the previously stated characters. However, I think I more so see her as a domino effect and even a symbol than being very alike to Amanda or Adam. Gabriela is one of the reasons Amanda starts losing belief in John's philosophy, which through that results in her murdering Adam.... In these ways? Amanda becomes what Cecilia was in that moment and within Saw X, Cecilia and Gabriela were a minor foil for John and Amanda too.
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There are so many what ifs with her character and how that would impact the story moving forwards. What would've happened if Gabriela had just died in her trap? What would've happened if she survived her trap- Or if she had never been tested in the first place. She as a character is one of the biggest stepping stones (whistles at myself) in the franchise when it comes to the outcomes of others, as her death is a catalyst to Amanda's future erratic behaviour and killings.
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But enough about Adam and Amanda- I can't likely explain this well either, but Gabriela gives off Laura Hunter vibes so much... And both of these women I just feel so bad for at the end of the day? Them and their fashionable coats... The wettest eyes and demeanour. Anyways! These are all just my opinions, you don't have to agree with them of course but I like yapping and discussing things like this, so feel free to reblog or comment if you've got your own opinion on what I've brought up here. If you've read this far down- Thanks? HAHAHAHHAH
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thunderstomm · 1 year
When For The Future airs we’re gonna go from being the “HuntLOSERS” to the “WINters” I can feel it in my heart y’all
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lamentingmidna · 6 months
okay you know im all for Meruem enjoying komugis interest (aka Gungi) because that matters to her so much…but i KNOW komugi’s got an earbud in listening to an audiobook he enjoys
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theangstyboiblog · 1 year
The Spy and Her Hunter | Part 2
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Hunter x Fem!Reader
Description: After six months apart from a certain bad batcher, he comes to your rescue when your mission to steal data from the Empire goes wrong. Unfortunately you’re not exactly happy to see him.
#Lovers to Enemies
Warnings: 18+, Future smut, Language, Angst!
Table of Contents: Part One
You’re crawling across the floor like an infant before he can stop you, your dazed gaze scanning for the black ball of metal. You ignore Hunter as he calls your name.
“I’m trying to focus here,” you growl out as you place one hand in front of the other. It’s harder than it sounds.
Finally, your fingers meet metal and you shove a fallen slab of plaster out of the way. The droid unit is busted, but you don’t need it. Biting your tongue, you blink and shake the blurriness from your vision before prying off the dented door to the drug compartment.  You fish through the rotation cuff and pull out a dust covered injector.
You notice that Hunter is next to you for the first time when his hand comes into your view, reaching out for the syringe. “That’s not sterile anymore,” he tells you, but like a child you push at his hands, turn away, pull down the collar of your shirt and lift the syringe up, needle pointed at your throat. “For kriffs sake, Y/N, don’t—”
Hunter’s hand grabs your wrist, but he’s too late as you stab yourself with the needle. You wince, listen for the hiss of the injection and immediately drop your hand with a sigh. Your body slumps to the side as your energy seems to seep into the floor beneath you. The syringe clatters on the floor as you close your eyes and literally feel the weight of sobriety hit you upside the head.
Footsteps sound behind you, each one a loud drumbeat reverberating through your skull. “What is taking so long?” a voice calls.  
“She just injected herself with something from the droid, Tech. I know as much as you do,” Hunter’s voice answers.
Gritting your teeth, you breathe in through your nose, push your hands against the floor and rise up on legs that don’t entirely listen to you. “It was an ileothol suppressant,” you say over your shoulder as you step towards one of the fallen troopers. You stumble and ignore the way Hunter’s hands seem to follow after you, ready to play catch at a moment’s notice.
“Ileothol was used by separatist black site interrogation units in the war,” Tech rambles in that way of his and you sigh. “It was banned halfway through the war due to fatalities, however.”
Bending down, you pick up a blaster and a loose silver orb. You look both weapons over, before stashing the detonator on your belt. Then you glance back at the clones watching you. “Good to see you too, Tech,” you say before turning on your heel and heading for the hole in the wall. “Is it just the two of you?” you question as you round the corner.
You glance both directions, and find that no one is in the corridor. Which way was it? You narrow your eyes as you try to remember the building layout. Right? Left?
“The others are waiting along the exfiltration route,” Tech says. “More troopers are being pulled in from the city. We have to leave.”
You turn left. You take two steps before Hunter is calling after you. “Y/N, the way out is that way,”
You pivot, finding them both holding a hand out to the hall behind them, but you keep walking backwards, “And my data is this way,” you call back. You don’t have to see either of their faces to know what they’re thinking. You can see the annoyance in the way Hunter’s helmet tilts. “I can get myself out from here,” you say, turning your back on them. “Tell the others I said thanks for the jailbreak.” Hefting the rifle in your hands, you make your way around another corner at the end of the hall and leave them both behind.
In your defense, you did make it to the databanks on your own. The roving patrols weren’t something you’d really planned on though. But you can deal with that.
“TK-1238, report your position, over…” static cuts over the comm as the last trooper in front of you crashes to the ground, a red-hot hole burning through the back of his armor. Lowering your weapon you step around him, gaze settling on the console at the center of the room. Rubbing the back of your neck, you set your blaster on the console and begin typing, eyes flitting across the screens as you work double time. You don’t have long. Someone is going to come looking for those guards.
Bending down, you slip your finger along the cuff of your boot, fingernails digging into the ripped fabric before you pull out the data disc. You insert it into the console and get to work. It’s silent, save for the hum of the server fans and the clack of your nails against the keyboard.
You’re just putting in the commands to begin the data transfer, when a rush of footsteps echoes through the room. Eyes still locked on the screen, your hand grabs your blaster. You lift your arm and point it towards the door, just as it slides open. You don’t look. You don’t check your target. Your finger pulls the trigger. A flash of red light and a pang of sound leaves the gun in your hand, and hits the side of the door as a shadow leaps out of the corner of your eye.
“Y/N, it’s me!”
Your free hand stops keying in the final sequence for a second as you turn your head. Hunter stands barely out of sight behind the doorframe. You shake your head and turn back to the computer.
“I told you I can handle this,” you tell him as he enters the room. The door shuts behind him. “You should have left already.” He moves across the room until he’s standing opposite you.
“And I told Rex I’d get you out of here. I’m not leaving you.” He reaches up and pulls off his helmet. You keep your eyes focused on the screen in front of you.
You let out a snort as his words hit. “You could just say you wanted to see me.” A long time ago, that would have been a sweet, flirty joke. Now the silence that follows it nearly drowns you. No one is laughing. No one is speaking.
Looking down, you hit one last button, before holding out your hand as the data disc ejects. For the first time in half a year, you pay him a glance, stomach twisting at the sight of his face, your gaze naturally falling on the slope of his lips. Stop it, you tell yourself as you look away.
Pointing your gun at the computer console, you give a quick command. “Move.”
He steps to the side and you let off three shots, sparks flying as you cover your face with your free hand. The screen flickers before going completely dark and you reach up, slipping the data disc inside a secret pocket in your jacket.
“And done,” you murmur as you look up at him. He’s studying you in that way of his. Little micromovements in his facial muscles give it all away. It’s like he can see every single thing you’ve done and thought since that last time you saw one another. “What?” you say with a frown, flinching as his hand rises up, thumb brushing the side of your face.
“That’s new,” he says, jutting his chin to the thin scar that cuts along your jaw. Shrugging your shoulders, you push his hand off and turn away.
“Had a run in with a rodian. You should’ve been there,” you say, wincing at just how bitter your words sound, at how you know you’re looking for a fight, for an argument. Because you’ve spent the last half of a year arguing with yourself.
Hunter lets out a sigh behind you as you walk down the steps from the center of the room. You twist around and find him following after you.
“You know why I wasn’t,” he says, helmet resting under his arm.
You force out a laugh and shake your head. You purse your lips and look up at the ceiling, stepping up to meet him before he can reach the bottom floor. You crane your head back and peer up at him.
“According to what I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like you managed to stay out of fighting the Empire after all.” You reach up with your free hand and slip your arm over his neck. He stiffens against you and you can see him gritting his teeth. As for yourself, it’s like there’s not enough oxygen in the room the closer you get to him. “So here we are now, Hunter. What was the point of any of it?”
You start to pull back, fingers tracing the line of his collar. Just when your skin leaves his, a hand catches you by the wrist. You jerk back, but his hold is too tight. Your stomach twists into knots upon knots.
His upper lip twitches and he lets out a huff of air as he stares down at you. And you’re frozen, waiting to hear what he has to say for himself, for you… You’ve wondered how this would go, seeing him after so long apart. But reality is disappointing. His next words aren’t the ones you want to hear.
“You don’t get to act like I’m the one that walked away, Y/N.” He bites the inside of his cheek and you would swear his grip grew even tighter. “You always knew where to find me. For all I knew, you could’ve been dead.”
“Hmm,” your gaze falls and you swallow, before finally pulling your hand out of his hold. You nod quickly. “You’re right, I did walk away.” You turn so your body is perpendicular to his, watching as he moves off that last step and puts that damn helmet back on, hiding his face, his thoughts, his eyes. And the second he’s out of sight, you nearly beg him to take it off again, to let you see him, feel him – you’d kiss him, tell him that you’ve missed him – if only he would give you another chance. You gulp down a quick breath. “Hunter, I have so much—”
Your words are cut short by the sound of blaster fire and the heat of an energy bolt shooting just past the left side of your head. The two of you jump apart. You duck low and make for a wall of servers on the right as he slides to the left. He shoots back before falling behind cover. You make sure you’re not going to get hit, before you even think about seeing who is shooting at you. Leaning to the side, you peer around the corner. The doorway is a fog of smoke and blaster fire.
And there’s the reinforcements, you think bitterly, cursing yourself for wasting so much time talking when you should have been running.
“Got a plan to get out of here?” you ask as you reach for your belt, thumbing the round orb hanging on the side. You can’t see Hunter’s face behind the newly painted helmet, but you can see the exasperation in his shoulders. You pull the popper out, and flip back the activation cover.
One chance. Better hope this works.
On the other side of the walkway, Hunter tilts his head, peeks around the corner and looses a stun shot at the lone trooper trying to cross the threshold. The man hits the floor and Hunter turns back to you as a series of shots-to-kill fire down on his position. “I thought you could ‘get yourself out of here’,” he yells across the walkway.
You bite back a remark that being a smartass isn’t cute on him. “If you’re here, you might as well be a little useful,” you shout back as you roll the charge detonator to the door.
You duck back behind cover, before the tell-tale sound of electricity, men shouting out in surprise, and the smell of burnt hair fills the room. Then everything is quiet again. You look across the walkway as you and Hunter move for the door. A pile of TK-troopers is laid just over the threshold. You step over them as best you can, before turning to wait for Hunter to join you in the hallway.
“We can argue over my ability to estimate odds and whatever else we need to hash out later,” you tell him, your arms crossing over your chest as he comes to a stop next to you, “preferably when people aren’t trying to kill us. For now, let’s lock it down and focus on getting out of here.” You start down the hall without him.
Footsteps echo behind you and you don’t turn to see if he’s following. He lets you know he’s there with something akin to a growl, that almost stops you in your tracks. It’s that tone, the one where all his focus is on you and you’re not sure if this is going to end badly or not.
“Yes, ma’am.”  
Read Part 3 here
I've decided this is gonna be a, "Hunter wanted a normal life, Y/N wants to fight the Empire," story. Any questions?
Will have flashbacks of happier days, and of course the big break up, soon!
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depravitycentral · 11 months
what would be a yandere like feitan's reaction to his darling squirting the first time they finally are intimate?
Tw: squirting, virgin Feitan, no protection, implications of stalking, Feitan is insecure, Stockholm Syndrome, you're very sexually pent up and the months of being stuck with Feitan and only Feitan has really affected you, one extremely brief mention of vore, Feitan walks in on Nobunaga jerkin' it, fem reader
Listen, I know this is wistful daydreaming, but if we're being honest here, this would never happen. Feitan is a stone cold virgin; the kind that's never even willingly watched porn - or, at least, any porn not featuring a grotesque amount of vore, questionable consent, and moans so high pitched and frequent that it might actually be screaming. That, coupled with the fact that he's so awkward and nervous around you - especially in the context of sex - results in, frankly, less than mediocre sex. At least, the first time.
But it's fun to fantasize, so let's discuss!
Feitan knows what squirting is - loosely. He's heard about it before, sure, and accidentally walked in on Nobunaga doing something that really, really should've prompted him to wear headphones and lock the door. He's aware of what it is, but it's a combination of surprise, confusion, and a sudden and suffocating wave of arousal when it actually happens that leaves him with wide eyes and his lips slightly parted - the closest thing to shock you'll ever see on him.
There's surprise, because Feitan had been so hesitant the whole time he was touching you. He'd bent you over and practically shoved your face into the mattress, too busy staring at the curve of your ass and your pussy to really notice the telltale signs of his nerves. He wanted to seem confident, dominant, knowledgeable, but there's this ever so slight tremble in his fingers as he runs them up and down your sides, this hesitation in his hips when he's fucking into you, this sense of anxiety surrounding him because he really, really needs you to like this as much as he does. And the first time you come - because it takes much, much more than once to squirt - Feitan's honestly shocked.
He's heard how difficult it is to make women orgasm (mostly from Phinks and Nobunaga who, frankly, aren't particularly reliable sources of information), and the fact that he'd managed to do it with just his fingers, some eye contact, and a few careful, purposeful rubs at your clit has him feeling equal parts amazed and proud, because he did that. All those months of stalking you, watching you touch yourself and analyzing the speed and positioning of the toys you used has truly paid off. He's boastful, and it helps boost his confidence just a bit and lessen the tension in his shoulders.
Because now, he doesn't have to worry about making sure you like this. You came, so you'll want to do this again - and now, he can come without feeling pathetic because he's only just moved on from fingering to fucking, and it's been about a minute but he's already ready to burst.
But then you come again, and Feitan freezes up again.
This isn't supposed to happen. He's suspicious, now - there's no denying that your muscles spasmed around him, you cunt fluttering and sucking him in, and your cries and the way you trembled and writhed are certainly convincing. But how did you reach your high for a second time? He was just fucking you; quick, rabbit-like thrusts while he half-heartedly rubbed at your clit, and surely that's not enough, right? He starts to wonder if you're faking it - maybe you're a really good actress, and maybe he shouldn't feel so confident that he was actually able to do it and make you feel good.
He's hesitant to keep going, but he'll be damned if he doesn't finally get to come inside you, so his hips start moving again.
But then you come for a third time, and Feitan decides that you must be making fun of him. There's no fucking way he's making you feel this good - his insecurities (things that've been buried for a very long time, and things that he tries not to think about) come rushing to the surface and he crawls back to that closed off, distant persona, effectively rebuilding any sort of barriers that he's managed to break down between you for the last few months of your captivity.
He's literally pulling out, his expression turning sour (though his cheeks are bright pink from exertion, pleasure, and embarrassment), shame creeping up his spine along with anger because god, is he really so bad at this that you have to pretend to such an extreme degree?
But then you're reaching out behind you, your sweaty hand wrapping around his wrist, your voice strained and breathy as you look back at him and say no, please, give me more, please Feitan! And it's difficult, really, for him to decide what to do - on the one hand, he won't stand for having you humiliate him like this. He's a fully grown man, your captor, an internationally feared criminal, and the one indisputably in charge. But on the other hand, you're begging for him, asking him to stay inside you and keep making you feel good, and he's never seen you look at him with such yearning, such honesty, such need.
He'll scoff under his breath (though there's no malice) and settle back into you, his hips rutting noticeably faster, balls clapping against your clit over and over again, his eyes squeezing shut as the pleasure begins mounting fast, almost too fast.
He wants to hold off, to prolong this feeling - this warmth, this soft, fluttering feeling in his chest because you want him, but you just feel too good, the friction and warmth of your walls making it impossible for him to hold off any longer.
Except, right as he nears the edge, his eyes going wide then fluttering closed again, his lips catching between his teeth and his breath getting heavy and harsh and labored, he feels it.
It's wet, it's warm, and it's foreign. It's like something is spraying him, right on his balls, dripping down his thighs and leaving him sticky. Immediately he jerks back, cock slipping out of you, concern and discomfort making him stare wildly down at your shaking hips and ass, only to freeze.
There's this clear liquid gushing from you, landing on him while you tremble and shake and - he's now realizing - you're practically screaming his name. Your voice is strained and your face is pressed into the mattress, your arms having gone limp as you babble and cry out. He can't move, even as it peters out, your whimpers getting quieter while your shaking stays.
You squirted.
You just fucking squirted.
Because of him, and the pleasure he was giving you.
That's not something you can fake. He doesn't care how good of an actor you are - that was real. That was for him. He was making you feel good enough that you'd just done something he was mostly convinced was only possible in porn - all because of how good he was making you feel.
You can't see him, but suddenly you feel him - his cock is in you, hips moving so fast you can only gasp and let out something between a yelp and a gasp. He's fucking into you so fast that it's leaving you dizzy and disoriented, the aftershocks of the pleasure making your fingers and legs feel numb. You're shaking again, a constant stream of cries falling from your lips, but he doesn't relent.
How can he? You - the woman he thinks he's in love with, the woman he's spent literal months fantasizing about and thinking of every waking moment - and your body just showed him exactly how he affects you. You just showed him how badly your body craves him, how he makes you feel, how much you need him.
And as his orgasm descends upon him, his hips moving at an animalistic pace, uneven and stuttering, the sensation of warm cum flooding you only heightens the sensitivity running through your system, your brain feeling like mush and your muscles limp.
And Feitan, as the pleasure fades and the liquid coating his thighs starts to dry, can only heave, his chest rising and falling quickly. He's still staring down at you, dark eyes studying the curve of your back, your pretty ass, the way your hair is messy now from being rubbed up against the pillow your cheek is smooshed up against.
You're pretty, he thinks, in a way he hasn't really thought of before. Of course he's attracted to you - it's something he's tried to deny for months and has only recently really fully accepted - but something's different now. You're different.
You're different because you want him now. You showed him that, even - just how badly you crave him, just how much his touch affects you. It makes him giddy, this boyish, weird pride and warmth swelling in his chest, and it has Feitan rushing to the bathroom, wetting a rag (the rag is stained pink from previous hand washings, the blood mostly having been removed but the color remaining) and returning with quick footsteps, too fast to be considered normal.
He pauses for a moment and simply stares - you're still out of it, ass perched up in the air and face buried into the modest pillow, your legs still shaking, and he can see the remnants of both you and him. He can see his cum leaking from your quivering little hole, white standing out against your skin and a glisten coating the inside of your thighs from your little show. It makes him swallow, the wet rag in his hand feeling refreshingly cold against his body - his body that's growing much, much too hot.
The sight might just be enough to get him slotting himself inside you again, really working at your clit and maybe even pinching your nipple, his lips at your ear and voice husky, dark, strained as he tells you do that again, we won't stop until you do it again.
In short, although he's initially skeptical, Feitan really, really likes it. It gives him the vailidation he's craving, because it means that he was successfully able to get you feeling good, and this means you'll probably be eager to strip down and spread your legs for him again. And just that thought alone makes him jittery, his fingers tapping against his palms and his weight shifting from one leg to the other because god, it felt so good to be inside you.
It makes him feel proud and more comfortable around you, to the point where it's frankly a massive positive boost in your relationship. He's a little less nervous and jumpy around you, and he'll get more confident with touching you in general - whether that's sexual, intimate touches, or even just interlocking your fingers or idly resting his hand on your thigh.
It's a step in the right direction, surely - but be warned, once it happens, Feitan is expecting it to happen again. Every time. No exceptions.
And you - who'd really only even managed to squirt because it's been months since you've been touched in any way by another human being, and the Stockholm Syndrome has kicked in now and almost makes you like him - will have to deal with an insatiable Feitan.
Good job, you've created a monster.
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alien-from-planet-zog · 11 months
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I am going insane.
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spaceyeehaw101 · 6 months
Hey so just random question that I feel hasn't been answered yet uh so what is/was Brad/X-5's relationship with General Dox?? Like was it portrayed to be a parental maternal and kid type deal or was it supposed to be romantic?? I've always viewed it as more parental and kid since Brad Wolfe in the comics does have a not good relationship with his mom as to compare with in canon which might supposed to be different but to still show the major part of Brad's character like in the comics (if that makes sense) I know yes, technically X-5 is just a Variant of Brad and isn't technically the sacred timeline Brad but their backstories could still be that same and was somehow projected into seeing Dox as a parental figure. But hey that's just me. If anyone does know if any interviews discussed this plez DM me or something cuz I've been thinking about this since the season ended. And course Brad's one of my BIGGEST cc rn and just need to know, also like idk they feel more like a mother/son type deal to me than anything else really
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mayxo-hxh · 11 months
Its 6 am and all I can think about is the fact that Illumi and Hisoka canonically spent the night together on an airship in the election arc. Because they had to like. Go to padokea and reach kukuro mountain where theyll carry their silly mission out together to stop killua. so they flew there together. and they spent the night together on that airship. in that bar. together. all night. alone. just the two of them. h.
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what if they shared one room one bed because illumi hides his relationship with hisoka from the family and booking two rooms would look suspicious............................................
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twinkylilstar · 2 years
Hunter x Hunter Discussion, Hisoka Theory
I cant help but wonder if Hisoka will eventually "change his ways" later on in the manga. Not entirely, perhaps. But in a sense of Hisoka finding his own worthiness on a deeper spectrum.
Due to the fact Hisoka is probably a protagonist (Togashi's Hxh's birthdays = protagonist layout), the thought of Hisoka making an entire 180° (or close to it) and becoming "good"/"improving" in some way, lives in my mind rent free. Leaving Hisoka's strange and inappropriate strength attraction out of the matter, maybe a character such as Gon, for example, reminds him of a person he wants to be or a persona he presented in his past before his upbringing?
(I'm fully aware that we may never learn about his past)
In addition, there must be some sort of symbolism with Hisoka's views on a person's strength and how he deems those possessing it as attractive or worthy. SPOILERS below,
Possibly, his near death experience via Chrollo altered his perception on those qualities, and applied them to himself. That could explain the chastity belt get up, right? He isn't focusing on others anymore, he's focusing on himself- besides being a sexy clown slut with a horse penis
This device eliminates the SCHWING!
Hisoka is well known for exhibiting self-destructive and impulsive acts in order to carry out his passion; his love for fighting strong opponents. What if this event triggers Hisoka into changing, but it's only the tip of the iceberg? He finally realizes that it isn't logical to "play" while fighting. He changes in the sense of being able to fight others, while also reflecting on himself to feel that "thrill". He wouldn't allow himself to make rash decisions that leads to injury or death if he found himself worthy.
The thought of Gon inspiring Hisoka to change or even sacrificing himself (on his own terms) in the future is STRONG. I feel as if this would happen after Hisoka "kills the Phantom Troupe" on the Black Whale.
Gon is well known for impacting others in a positive nature, including his enemies, and its tends to be unexpected. It's plausible to say that this is possible, right?
Hell with it. Maybe the character that changes him wouldn't be Gon, but someone associated with him. But, it just feels right to say that it would be our sun child that often brings darkest people/situations to light.
Feel free to have a discussion with me or add your thoughts 😉 nicely.
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