#hunter x jake
lokalny-menel · 2 months
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natsuswagn33l · 4 months
Hunter and Jake doing the Niagara Brawls challenge from World Tour
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nana-fubuki · 1 month
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"Life has a different flavor there..." Musical!Huntake AU: Basically they're actors in "Dance of the Vampires" (not the Broadway version). Jake auditioned to play Alfred but ended up having to play Sarah. The director and actor who used to play that role thought he was perfect for it, RIP Jake. Hunter plays Alfred obviously, I wonder what's going on behind the scenes? ~ Ayo so I started shipping Hunter and Jake as a joke but now it's serious. I have stuff planned out for this AU, idk if I'll ever get to draw it. I accidentally deleted a small comic where Jake finds out which main role he's gonna be playing (tell me if you want to see the unfinished thing, I really like how I drew him pouting lol). Ya boi reminds me so much of Sarah, I simply had to draw this. Taniec Wampirów is my all time favorite musical, I grew up on it. The Polish version is so fire, whole soundtrack is up on Youtube. Praying tumblr doesn't mess with the drawing, take care y'all!
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tinka-tank · 5 months
do u have any huntake headcanons 😁😁
Sorry this is such a late response I had a very busy day and then had a beach day today so yayyyyy
Which actually got me to think about one thing I thought of and that's that Huntake would love beach dates like
- Beach Dates 🏖 🌊
I really take the greetings to heart and in one greeting Jake spoke about his dream date I believe ? (Correct me if I'm wrong) and how it was at the beach and I know they'd end up there on a date...
Like Hunter needs 84 pounds of sunscreen on him and I know Jake would gladly apply sunscreen on him, which probably makes me think Hunter would like to play beach games like volleyball with Jake, but probably has to be under the shade for a bit watching Jake run around and in Hunters head its all in slow motion to take in all the glory
I think of simple things, them on a blanket preferably a magenta one... eating sandwiches they packed with small laughs since there's definitely some sand in the sandwiches from all the shit they got up to... THE SUNSETS... WATCHING THE SUNSET W SMALL SMILES WHEN THEY TURN TO FACE EACH OTHER
- Jake is more cleanly 🧹🧺
What I mean is this:
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I like to think Hunters a bit more messier... probably sleeps on an air mattress or a mattress with no bed frame and shirts lying around.. and I think Jake would tweak out if he saw a roach living there and need to clean everything somehow... there's only so much mess he can tolerate the mess, but it makes for cleaning days and excuses for Jake to come over often to see him
- Jobless Brokeass (me) Hunter, Employed Jake 👔📋
Hunter gives off employed, like he went to college w no job just vibes and I always hced as Jake coming from a family with a businessman father or something like that, a more stern family that doesn't tend to understand his emotions and paranoia, so I think Jake is more likely to pick up jobs to make money and to feel fulfilled in someway despite Miriam having the damn mil...
Things like Hunter getting bored of being at home and watching movies and he gets up and goes to wherever Jake works to bother him and ask about his day, sweet things that show to Jake that Hunter cares in his own way
But like also the thought of Jake doing professional only fans or mlm schemes appeals to me so Hunter is probably behind the camera recording and taking photos bc at the end of the day the money means Jake will buy Hunter a new album or plushie
But also ALSO I do like the idea of Jake in a corporate job and starting off as a secretary that sees way too much and is on the phone with Hunter a lot to someone working higher up later... I can forsee Jake in his office and Hunter coming in for his lunch break to eat with him
- (controversial) Big Spoon Jake, Little Spoon Hunter 🥄 💕
This might be controversial to some in our unruly society, but I don't think muscular or buff or taller = top... I really think Hunter would enjoy being snuggled and being treated sweetly and enjoy just. No arguing and no bickering... no problems... just the sweet, tender embrace of the person he loves... and I know Jake ass probably possessive asf and would provide that sweet, strong hug or cuddle to make Hunter feel at home with him... the love Jake can provide with his sweetness is not just verbal or mental, but can be physical. We've seen how sweet Jake can be in canon with Tom and I know he wouldn't leave Hunter feeling any worse
- (more in line w my hcs) Jake helps Hunter with fashion and sewing 🛍🪡
I have a hc of Hunter doing drag so naturally he'd need certain outfits made and I think he isn't rich soooo he probably complained about having no resources and in my eyes Jake probably has experience with sewing and is good at it OR he isn't that good but TRIES to learn more for Hunter... I really like the idea of Hunter wanting to perform something but thinking he can't due to having no outfit and at the last minute Jake surprises him with the custom outfit... you can't tell me Jake wouldn't be that mf dedicated to some shit... he's really intense as is
Like imagine him hand beading an outfit, purposely remeasuring Hunter often just to feel him again... like I know they'd end up having matching outfits at some point...
- Hunter loves to do karaoke 🎤 🎶
Why his ass always singing Lady Gaga songs in greetings. I know his ass wants to sing the entirety of Artpop and will 💯% make Jake watch him and sometimes participate in duets... this also ties into my drag hc thing because Jake getting to remake certain Gaga outfits for Hunter is real...
Hunter is muscular SOMEHOW and Jake appears to be athletic in some way and his fit kind of suggests it unless he fucking robbed someone which I wouldn't put past him... anyways
Hunter getting Jake into new sports and activities !! Imagine them trying out things like frisbee or soccer, dates at parks avidly being an annoying gay couple... if they took on boxing I can imagine Jake getting too intense and accidentally clobbering him or the coach... one punch = k.o. type shit 😭 but them trying tennis too or some other crap and if they suck ass at it they say oh well and get some food...
E yeah I think that's all I can think of FOR NOW bc my mind is kinda empty but TRUST I thought of more before
I would've added a Miriam hc in here but I have a tough time deciding if she'd like Hunter or want him dead
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definitelynotriana · 5 months
Shipping Question
For me, I prefer Tom and Jake. They have a strong bond and the strongest couples are the ones that tend to argue but make up and find a solution to whatever problem they have. And this season, I have high hopes that Tom and Jake will develop and become better people for each other.
As for Hunter with Jake instead, I just feel like they don’t fit together. I don’t hate it, and I of course respect their ship. But I feel like he could potentially mend things with Ally. Maybe. Not sure yet haha.
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accirax · 6 months
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a collection of DCAS memes so far
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conniechiwal · 7 months
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Black hair dudes with white dress shirts who can throw hands supremacy who's with me
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joshsindigostreak · 1 month
Chapter One
Nine of Swords, Upright: sleepless nights, worry and anxiety.
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Vampire Hunter!Jake x Witch!OC
Authors Note: Hey y’all!! I hope everyone enjoys the next chapter in Jake’s story! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! If you need to catch up on the Prologue, do so here.
*Set prior to the events of I See Hell in Your Eyes. This is the beginning of Jake’s story. This can be read independently from ISHIYE but there will be cross references as it’s in the same universe.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Not very many just some swearing.
Description: When a young affluent hunter finds himself taking an unexpected detour in Tucson, Arizona, he finds himself drawn to a local dive bar with a rather ecclectic clientele, situated on an equally intriguing location adjacent to a cemetery. Cemeteries are neutral ground, so even if he found a Vampire to snuff out, he couldn’t. Especially with the owner of the bar being a Witch and watching him like a hawk.
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Jake’s dreams were always distinctly under two categories: either he’d find his dream self walking down an empty city street, head on a swivel for any Vampiric activity, trailing one he had found earlier that kept evading him. Or, he’d wake up in his childhood bedroom, realize that he was seven years old again, hearing footsteps in the hallway growing closer.
His mind would not let go of the night that Vampire broke in and found the twins’ room first on the upper floor. The Vampire’s appearance had morphed over the years, steadily gaining more grotesque. But the feeling of its mangled and dirty fingers tangling in his hair and violently pulling upwards, sending white hot pain into the boys’ scalp as his feet lifted off the ground, was always the same.
This night was no exception, and unfortunately for the young hunter it was the latter scenario.
A distant creak of the hardwood floors down the hallway always startles him awake. His large and curious brown eyes would always pop open at the sound, and he’d strain his ears to try to figure out who was walking towards his shared room with Josh. It couldn’t have been his little brother Sam; he was too light to make the floorboards move like that. Josh was snoring above him, oblivious to everything, so that ruled out him. Maybe his parents? But he could hear the heavy thuds of shoes as the sound got closer, and why would his parents have their shoes on in the middle of the night? The realization that it was someone else in the house besides his family made his blood run cold and had him pulling his covers up to his chin as he tried to make himself as small as possible on the bottom bunk.
A few agonizing minutes later, the footsteps were right outside his door, and his younger self was stiff as a board, bracing himself for whomever would enter. Sure enough, the doorknob would slowly twist and a stream of light from the hallway would stream in as the door opened. All he saw before he screwed his eyes shut was a large, intimidating silhouette peering into his room. Jake tried to keep his breathing even, not wanting to give it away that he was awake. The intruder made his way into their room, kicking a few toys out of the way in the process. He could feel their presence near his bed, and it took everything in him to not flinch at the putrid breath that was being exhaled into his face.
But Jake was a frightened child, and his instinct was to get to his brother as quickly as possible. When the creature whispered, “jackpot…” his eyes shot open and he opened his mouth to yell for his twin, all while trying to scramble down his bed and make it to the ladder leading up to Josh’s bunk. His tiny hand had just reached one of the bottom bars when the all too familiar sensation of fingers in his hair and being yanked backwards and upwards rattled his system. Distantly he would hear his brother startle awake and barely touching the ladder as he flew down to come to his rescue.
The creature paid Josh no mind while he lifted up the younger boy to his eye level, his mouth twisting into a sadistic smile and revealing the long jagged fangs that extended from his gums.
A Vampire had somehow broken into their extensively guarded house.
Jake kicked and squirmed midair, trying to get the Vampire to drop him, but it was no use. The creature stared into his eyes, hunger clearly on his mind. The young boy couldn’t take it anymore and as he clawed at the Vampire’s wrist he took a deep breath and released a shrill, high pitched shriek that rattled the-
The now adult Jake shot up in bed, silver knife white knuckled in his fist. Through his own personal training, he had taught himself how to sleep with his hand curled around a knife under his pillow, and not letting go of it until he was awake.
His skin was damp and clammy, feeling especially chilled from the ceiling fan spinning above. In spite of this sweat gathered on his hairline, threatening to spill down his face. His eyes darted around the room for any threats, as if he was ready to face off with the Vampire from his memory. But the hunter was alone in the tiny motel room, and when he deduced this he rolled out of bed, still holding the knife. He padded over to the sink in the miniscule kitchenette and poured a glass of water from the sink. He gulped it down but it took two more glasses to finally get some relief in his dry throat.
After setting the glass down and abandoning it next to the sink he went around the room to check his security measures. His crossbow lay still on the other side of the bed, with a wooden arrow locked and loaded, ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice. With Josh off doing whatever it was he was doing, the weapon was the closest thing he had to a partner in crime.
The solitary window was covered by curtains, and Jake carefully pulled back one of the panels to look out onto the parking lot. The sun was freshly risen, giving him solace in the fact that his ultimate threats were locked inside and away from the light. Sunrises had always been Jake’s favorite for this reason. His shoulders relaxed as he opened the curtains as far as he could, letting in as much natural light as possible. Now that he was awake and definitely not going back to sleep any time soon, he turned his attention to getting a shower and washing off nightmares as best he could.
It had been over four days now, and Jake still could not get his night at The Tipsy Tumbleweed out of his head. He went to other bars around town to kill time, but all of them were so basic to him. They were too loud, or the drinks sucked, or the TV’s weren’t on anything interesting, or the bartenders would try way too hard to flirt with him for better tips. He wanted to go back, he wanted to see her, he wanted to at least get her name.
But Jake was full of an unfamiliar feeling of intimidation he wasn’t used to. He couldn’t remember the last time he had walked into a situation where he wasn’t the top dog, even when surrounded by Damned corpses who were decades older than him. His exposure to other supernatural creatures was limited. Growing up the focus was so heavily on Vampire’s that he rarely took the time to learn much about others. He usually just relied on Sam to info dump about whatever creature he was obsessed with that month and he’d tuck any useful information into the back of his mind and kept on moving.
Sam’s best friend happened to be a Werewolf, which was a secret that all three Kiszka boys kept to themselves out of respect for Danny, who always seemed like a good kid regardless of his DNA. The twins were just glad that their little brother had finally made a true friend, which was something they always worried about given Sam’s nerdy and introverted nature. The change in Sam after that first summer with Danny was like night and day, and his confidence and ego hadn’t stopped growing since. It was a gift and a curse, Josh would say in exasperation.
Witches however? Jake hadn’t truly met one in person before. He knew of them, and had gotten a few lectures on how to watch out for them. His mother in particular emphasized that they were simply untrustworthy and never expounded beyond that. Once again his brother would fill in the blanks sometimes. He mentioned a few who had gone to his university but he wasn’t particularly close to them. That hadn’t stopped Josh from making cracks about Sam going to Hogwarts whenever he got the chance, or asking if he had any classes with Hermione. This usually resulted in the nearest object thrown in the oldest sibling's direction.
The most Jake knew about them was that they were definitely not human, and most had innate abilities that were passed down via genetics. Covens were a thing but not a requirement, and most were very secretive as to what they got up to. One thing Jake would never openly admit is when he was out of his depth on something, but he couldn’t just accept defeat like this and twiddle his thumbs until he could get out of town.
Which was why he was sitting in the parking lot of The Tipsy Tumbleweed, staring at the entrance from the drivers side of his shitty rental. He mulled over the vague threat she had given him days prior. She didn’t say he couldn’t come back…just that he couldn’t come back and pull any shit. He could do that. He could just walk in, sit down and be good. He could potentially apologize.
The hunter repeated these affirmations to himself as he walked inside, immediately greeted by the familiar music, the glow of the various neon signs, and the scowl of the owner of the bar he was standing in.
She was behind the bar, writing something in a notebook of hers on the bar top when those big hazel eyes looked up and locked onto him. It took a conscious effort on Jake’s part to not trip over his own feet under her gaze.
He settled on the bar stool directly in front of her without a word, and the two stared at each other wondering who would flinch first. Her hazel irises were all he could focus on, and he took the opportunity to map out the different ways the green blended into light brown.
“Are you going to behave tonight?”
“Is there any reason I shouldn’t?”
Her right eyebrow slowly raised, “not in my bar there isn’t.”
The hunter nodded at the Witch, falling back into silence.
She reached to her left and brought a low ball glass in front of her on the bar and her other hand grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured about two fingers worth into the glass. It was the same order from that first night, this time untampered with.
“We’re going to try this again, but if you even look at Lou for too long I’ll physically toss you out myself.”
The hunter's eyes swiveled slightly to the right, his peripheral catching sight of the Vampire who was focused on the TV. Jake quickly snapped his eyes back to the bar owner’s,
“Got it,” he replied in an obedient tone that he rarely spoke in.
She nodded and replied, “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some regulars to greet.”
The Witch turned on her heel and walked out from around the bar, passing behind Jake and making her way to one of the two-top tables towards the front of the bar. As she passed, a sweet yet earthy scent wafted around him. Was that her perfume? He pondered. Or was that just her?
He racked his brain as he tore his eyes away from the swing of her hips and turned back to his glass. Whiskey was always his go-to at bars, because no one could truly fuck it up, but in truth, he was a Pinot Noir guy. It started when he was a teenager and the only alcohol he could get his hands on was the wine in the basement. His parents collected bottles from their travels and had so many at this point that they never actually drank that Jake sneaking a bottle or two every so often went unnoticed. He quickly figured out what he liked so by the time he was actually of age it became his private staple.
Jake continued to fire off questions in his head as he outwardly minded his own business.
He was brought back to reality when a familiar young voice answered, “her name is Cecilia, by the way.”
Jake looked up and saw the young bartender named Stacey standing in front of him.
“How did you-”
Her eyes went wide once again, just like that first night, “oh shit I’m so sorry! Sometimes it's hard to differentiate people’s inner voices from their outer voices and it sounds like someone asked me something out loud and-”
Jake raised his hands slightly off the bar, palms facing outwards to show he wasn’t mad, “hey, you didn’t do anything wrong it’s ok.”
Her face relaxed slightly, but she was still clearly embarrassed, “Cecilia’s been helping me get better at it but I still fuck up some times.”
Jake looked at her with warm eyes, “I’m assuming that you heard me thinking about him,” he cocked his head in Lou’s direction, “and went off and told her the other night?”
She looked down at the bar top and fiddled with her fingers, “yeah…we’ve just never had any trouble in here before and Lou is just really special to us and I didn’t want anything to happen to him.”
Stacey kept her voice low, as to not let Lou hear her saying that he was special to her. However, it didn’t work and the Vampire kept facing the TV and he suppressed a small smile while his face turned pink.
“Well you don’t have to worry about me, I'm not going to mess with him.”
“I guess that truth serum worked,” she looked up, trying not to smile.
Now it was Jake’s turn to look embarrassed, “yeah…yeah it did.”
“Well she’s still letting you sit here so she can’t be too mad still.”
“I’m on thin ice but I promise I’m just here cause I like the place, that's all.”
Stacey looked down and saw that Jake’s glass was empty, “do you want another drink?”
Jake looked down at the glass, but decided to do something different tonight, “do you have a good Pinot here?”
She looked at him blankly, “wine?”
“Umm…I think we have a few bottles in the back.” She turned and disappeared behind the Employee door.
Jake sat there softly tapping his thumbs on the edge of the bar, inwardly hating that he was making a fuss over something as arbitrary as a drink. It was another reason why he always fell back on his “usual.” He hated being “that guy” in situations.
After a few minutes the young bartender busted through the Employee door and nearly jogged over to Jake’s spot at the bar. It was clear she wasn’t used to using a corkscrew, but after cussing a little under her breath the cork popped from the bottle. She threw Jake a triumphant smile as she poured him a glass.
“Thank you, Stacey,” he said warmly.
“Any time,” she replied before leaving the bar area to ask if anyone else needed refills or new drinks around the bar.
He studied the glass closely, grasping it by the stem and tilting it to the side and then back again to see what kind of legs it had before bringing it to his nose to see what flavors he could pick up. The alcohol itself was pretty strong, but he had had worse. It was medium bodied, with tannins that weren’t too overpowering due to the bright acidity from the-
“Are you detecting the grapes?”
A silky voice startled him and his eyes left the glass to look in front of him. It was Cecilia. His face reddened slightly, again, but her face broke into a smile as she wrote some figures down in the notebook she had placed on the bar.
“Oh umm-”
“Relax, I’m just fucking with you,” her smile stayed fixed on her face and Jake felt his shoulders relax. He hadn’t even realized how tense they had been. “You’re the first customer to order any of the wine we have, by the way.”
“I imagine people aren’t really thirsty for wine right off the highway,” the hunter said as he took his first sip. Oh, that’s not too bad, he thought, surprised at the texture and flavor of the wine.
The Witch nodded, “yeah people are more interested in their usual beers or liquor. You know the whole, ‘candy is dandy but liquor is quicker’ mentality.”
The corners of Jake’s mouth almost turned into a smile, “my brother likes to say that a lot.”
Cecilia’s eyebrows raised in curiosity, “you have a brother?”
Jake nodded, “three, actually. Two are biologically siblings and the other one we all kind of adopted over the years. He’s a good kid.”
She smiled, “oh that’s nice. Are they all hunters too?”
“Only one of them is; Josh.”
“Is he older or-?”
Jake grimaced slightly, “well…older…by five minutes. The other two are younger than me.”
Her lips formed an O, “so you’re a middle child? I can see that with you.”
Had it been anyone else, Jake would’ve gotten offended by that, but he let it slide for Cecilia.
“Only technically.”
“I can’t relate, I just have a little sister, Astrid. Or Ass-strid as I called her growing up.”
At this point they were both smiling softly at each other.
“What’s she like?” Jake asked before taking another sip of wine.
The Witch started to roll her eyes but stopped, “oh she’s the picture perfect Witch my mother always wanted, except that neither one of us inherited Moms psychic abilities. Astrid can enter people’s dreams, which was so fun growing up.” This time Cecilia let herself complete the eyeroll.
Jake’s eyes softened as he looked at her, the question clear in his expression.
“As for me, I do this…,” her eyes swiveled down towards Lou, who was once again minding his own business. His usual glass sat idly as he paid attention to the commercial on the TV, and immediately slid down the bar towards the Witch like a hockey puck, directly into her curled hand.
Lou was unimpressed and let out a short, “hey,” towards her and she sent the glass back, not spilling a drop.
Jake had never seen a telekinetic in person before, and sat there dumbfounded.
“Wow…” was all he could say.
She shrugged, “I can also read Tarot pretty well.”
Something inside the hunter was very interested in it all. Witches were something that weren’t brought up a lot, and when they were it was never in a positive light. He was mainly taught to focus on the Undead more than any other creature.
“...and your mom?”
Cecilia leaned in towards the hunter, closer than she had been before and whispered, “my mom talks to dead people.”
Jake blinked at her.
“She heads a Necromancy coven in Northern California where I grew up,” the Witch leaned back towards her side of the bar, “it's not as exciting as you think.”
He wanted to ask more questions, but the way Cecilia’s expression soured at the mention of her mother gave him enough of a hint to drop that part of the subject.
“How did you end up in Arizona?”
This time, her eyes softened wistfully, “my dad was from here.”
The word ‘was’ stuck out to him.
“Oh yeah?”
She nodded, “yeah.”
The two stared at each other, allowing the silence to wash over them. Jake swallowed the last of his wine, and before he could open his mouth another question was thrown his way.
“I just realized I am a terrible bar owner and have been talking to you this whole time without getting your actual name?”
Jake smirked, his eyes staring into hers, and slowly extended his hand over the bar, “Jake Kiszka, hunter of the Undead and at your service.”
The Witch held out her hand and wrapped it around his to shake. The warmth of his skin rippled up her own arm, over her shoulder and down her back, settling at the base of her spine
“I hope you don’t tell your baristas that,” she retorted with a crinkle in her nose, “Cecilia Addington, bar owner with First Born Daughter problems.”
Jake never wanted to let go of her hand. The firm grip of her fingers and the softness of her skin had his head spinning.
He wanted to know if all of her skin was just as soft.
Reluctantly, they both dropped their hands at the same time each taking a second to flex their hands under the bar out of each other's sight.
Jake was the one to speak first, “so how does-“
“No more questions until you buy another drink, Jake.”
The butterflies from sixth grade swarmed in his gut at the sound of her saying his name.
She turned her head and gave Stacey a Look and a nod towards the hunter, before giving Jake one last smile before slinking around the bar to greet a few patrons that had just walked through the door. Jake watched her the whole time, listening to the volume of her voice and appreciating the fact that she was a hugger just like he was. Fuck.
It was going to be a long night.
To be continued….
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Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema, @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @childinthegardenn , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace , @lipstickitty , @jjwasneverhere , @josiee-gvf , @peaceloveunitygvf , @musicislove3389 , @gretavanhockey , @gretavanazula
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go-river-flows · 1 year
The Lone Hunter
Summary: After telling the children more of the story from earlier in the day, the children want to hear the last of the story. So much so that they get a suprise visitor. Featuring Tsu'tey, who is not dead after avatar 1.
<–Previous Chapter
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That evening after Jake and the family had finished their meal, constantly bombarded by all the questions about the lone hunter, Jake finally relented. Letting the children know that he’ll tell the final part before bed time.
“Tell us the rest of the story!” Neteyam tugged on his father’s loincloth.
“Okay, settle down everyone,” Jake sat his family in a circle, Neytiri and Tuk on his right. Kiri, Lo’ak and Neteyam shuffled closer.
After Jake told Grace and Norm the story of the possible origin of the lone hunter, Grace became slightly concerned for the lone na’vi. The politics of the na’vi culture wasn't unheard of, such as arranged mating. But this was the first time that the two scientists were troubled by the story.
“We’ll go talk to her tomorrow, you can come if you want,” Grace offered to Jake, who only looked at Grace and Norm with genuine fear. The idea of meeting a thanator after being chased twice, gave him ptsd. 
“Don't worry, the thanator is actually friendly. But…Im not so sure about–”
“Just come along. If you feel uncomfortable, you can just leave,” Grace cut Norm off.
“That's true,” Norm yawned, wanting to go to bed.
“Okay, okay,” Jake grumbled.
  The very next morning, Jake met up with Grace and Norm’s avatar half-way between Hometree and the spring. His nose instantly catching the scent of a thanator, that was on the two. They trekked the seven miles on foot arriving to the same spring and waterfall. After looking around for a moment, they realised that the lone na’vi wasn't around. 
“We’ll wait for five minutes, see if she will show up,” they sat on a fallen log.
They waited for five minutes. Then ten. Thirty minutes had passed and Norm was getting restless, so he called out to the thanator, Hona. Smacking his lips loudly, making a Pah Pah sound, hoping that the thanator was nearby. An hour had passed and the lone na’vi and her thanator had not arrived. 
“Maybe, they’re hunting?” Norm questioned.
“Or, they’re not in the area.”
“Gee, you think?” Grace sarcastically replied. Norm’s expression faltered.
They would return to the spring the next day, and the next, but Jake had to return to his training with Neytiri. So day after day, when Grace and Norm weren't collecting samples for research would return to the spring. Eventually they came to the conclusion that the lone na’vi had moved on. Even the scent of the thanator faded, their protection, undone.
  Months passed, and when Grace and Norm were invited back into the Omatikaya clan, where they were greeted with both warmth and trepidation. They went back to their research and teaching the young na’vi. When finally, Jake confessed that he was sent by Quaritch. But he also confessed that he had fallen in love with Hometree, the people, the culture, and Neytiri. He couldn't convince them to leave Hometree. He would betray the sky people. 
  And when the day that the sky people struck Hometree, was when a war was declared. When Eytukan died. Tsu’tey taking his place as Olo’eyktan. And when Jake became Toruk Makto. Grace unfortunaetly died. They gathered troops, warriors from neighbouring clans to help fight in the war, setting up their camp near the Tree of Souls. 
  The night before the war, a scout found tracks. Tracks of a thanator and warned the other na’vi of a predator nearby. More scouts gathered at the edge of the camp, spreading themselves out but they didn't see anything. For hours they kept watch, sometimes catching distant footsteps of a thanator in the shrubbery, but it didn't approach the scouts. 
The very next day was the day of attack. The na’vi and the sky people, fighting within the Hallelujah Mountains. It rained bullets and arrows, and when the sky people wanted to destroy the Tree of Souls with big explosives. Tsu’tey swooped in!
“Uncle Tsu’tey! Yay!” Neteyam excitedly screeched.
“Go Uncle Tsu’tey!” Kiri joined in.
“Yayayayay!!” Lo’ak piped up.
“Mawey, mawey. Let me continue,” Jake calmed them down.
He shot two arrows at the sky people, swinging his bow at another. But oh no! He was shot with sky people weapons. 
“Nooooo!” the kids yelled out. Jake dramatically fell, rolling his eyes as Neytiri laughed at his acting. Jake sat up chuckling, but continued…
Tsu’tey began falling from the sky. Down into the jungle below–
“And survived!!!” Tsu’tey jumping into their family nest laughing heartily, scaring the whole family. Neteyam, Lo’ak and Kiri tackled their uncle to the floor of the nest, Neteyam lightly punched his uncle with his tiny fists, as Kiri and Lo’ak tugged at their uncle’s arms. After calming down, kiri finally asked.
“But how did you survive? Surely you would have died from the fall,” she cocked her head to the side, as they remained on the floor.
“Oh, but I didn't,” Tsu’tey looked to Jake, as if asking permission to continue,
“How about I finish the story?”
  The children looked at each other before nodding their heads.
(Tsu’tey POV)
I was falling, my body felt very heavy from being wounded. I thought I was going to die when I collided to the ground, but in my haste, I managed to slow down my fall using the large leaves, but still it was very painful when I landed on the ground below. Unable to move, and finding it hard to breathe the sound of sky people machines came closer. There was no other na’vi around, either dead or have pushed forward so I couldn't call for help, when a metal suit came closer, there was a demon inside. In that moment an atokirina floated down. As the demon came closer so did the seed of the great tree.
  The demon in the metal beast pulled me up from my braid, it was very painful and I couldn't do anything, when all of a sudden I could smell in the air, a palulukan. Still staring at the demon, I could see the reflection of the beast racing toward us and on top of it was a na’vi. Painted with the colours of the surroundings, she held tightly in her hand a bow and arrow. She let go. And it struck the demon in the chest. The demon let go of my braid and I fell back onto the ground, the palulukan lept over me and attacked the metal machine with full force. The na’vi and her beast roaring out the most fearsome war cry. Smashing the glass as the na’vi pulled the arrow out with her strength, she fired the same bow at the demon again killing it. 
  When she was done with her kill, she disconnected her queue, sliding off her palulukan and rushed to my side. The Palulukan Makto pulled to sit me up and bandadged my back before laying me back down, I felt like I was going to pass out but then I heard her gently hum. She took out salve from her pouch applying a paste to my wounds then brought out a needle, there and then she fixed me up, the song she sang sounded so sweet and kind. I could hear her palulukan prowling around beside up attacking stray sky demons, but she continued her song to distract me. I could feel my eyes close just as a cloud of atokirina floated down. As if Eywa herself had come to intervene. 
  I thought I died, but I was woken by na’vi surrounding me. They slowly leaned me against a log as Neytiri and Jake arrived. But I lost consiousness again. But later I would wake up in the healing tent. Neytiri was by my side as the healers checked my wounds. I asked her where the female na’vi was, the one who saved me. The Palulukan Makto? Neytiri only looked at me confused. 
  She told me, “Our warriors found you, you were alone. You were wounded and someone had patched you up. We asked around, but everyone there denied it. Said that they just found you like that.”
  Days, then weeks flew by. My injuries healed, but the pain was still there. I could not lead the people when I was still weak. So I passed on my role of Olo’eyktan to Jake Sully, our Toruk Makto. He moved the clan somewher safe, near a spring, with a waterfall in the middle of the jungle. Fifteen miles away from where Hometree once stood. It was beautiful, like a….a…iknimaya? 
One day I decided to go on a walk to the waterfall, and Jake came with me for some reason. As we reached the treeline, an atokirina floated down. Drifting to the bank of the spring landing in a spot of the dirt. We both looked down as it rested on a paw print, a palulukan. When my ear caught a sound, it was near and when we turned to look, there in the distance poking through the tall bush was the face of a palulukan, but it didn't charge at us. Just sniffed the air and disapeared into the bush.
“Was it the lone hunter? Did you see the lone hunter?” Neteyam questioned.
“We didn't see anyone, Or I don't think we did?” Jake answered.
That night, two hunters were going to catch a sturmbeest for communal dinner. But as they came to the edge of the village, they found carcasses of two sturmbeests, with a pile of leaf wrapped meat, and even puffballs, utumauti (banana fruit), fyìpmaut (squid fruit), tumpasuk (cannonball fruit) and kllpxiwll (lionberry). A meal for the village. So that no one is hungry. The two hunters brought everything to Mo’at showing them all they’ve brought, told her how it was just out in the open, next to the village. And when Mo’at learnt of this, she took off in that direction, the two hunters following behind her. Many hours passed. Everyone gathered that night, except for Mo’at who had yet to return. The two hunters came back just before the meal began. 
Neytiri who was looking for her mother, questioned them and was only told.
“It seems that Mo’at has found our provider,” as they gestured to the pot on the fire and pile of fruits. Mo’at would return at that moment, riding on the back of a palulukan with a female na’vi sat behind her. The Palulukan Makto. Everyone was startled by the presence of the beast but it did not growl, it did not intimidate. 
And as Mo’at climbed off the beast, she announced to everyone, “This is your Palulukan Makto! Your provider! Your protector! An Omatikayan! Treat her as your sister!” Mo’at would greet her with formality, “Oel ngati kameie, child”. Everyone greeted her with formality. She returned the greeting to us as she came closer into the light.
“Oel ngati kameie. I see you all.”
“Wow!” Neteyam, Kiri and Lo’ak clapped in awe.
“So the lone hunter is in the village now?” Kiri’s little voice asked, yawning.
“Oh yes, little Kiri. She is here watching over us, she will always be looking over us. Much like your father, our Toruk Makto,” Tsu’tey’s voice sure and righteous. Jake cringed a little at his title, his wife already sleeping with her head resting on his shoulder. Lo’ak had fallen asleep beside his uncle, still holding his arm.
“Wow. Have we met her before?” Neteyam questioned his uncle, “Even in passing?” To which Tsu’tey smiled, nodding. A comfortable silence fallen on them.
“Do we know her?” Kiri pressed further, unsatisfied with her uncle’s silent nod. Tsu’tey nodded again.
“Well who is it?” the kids impatientness made Tsu’tey chuckled.
“Tell us. Tell us. Please?” Neteyam pressed his palms together, begging to know.
“Ma yawntu,” a voice called from below the Sully’s nest. What impeccable timing, Tsu’tey thought to himself, looking at Jake who gave him a wide smile, barked out a loud laugh, catching himself he slapped his hand over his mouth as not to wake his wife and two sleeping children. His children looked at their father with confused expressions.
“Okay kids, story’s over. Time for bed,” Jake stifled a laugh calling for his two oldest. As the children groaned out, they lazily crawled to their parents, Tsu’tey picked up Lo’ak and gently handed the child to his father. Giving Jake a crooked smile as the children yawned.  “Good night, brother Jake,” Tsu’tey took his leave climbing down from the tree.
“Ma Yawne,” Tsu’tey greeted his wife at the base of the Sully’s nest.
“Ma Tsu’tey, why are you still up? You should be resting,” his mate poked his shoulder. But Tsu’tey could only look at his mate with nothing but endearment, bringing her closer to him, he rested his forehead on hers. They stood like that for a moment when a palulukan nudged his and his wife’s elbow. Purring at them. Tsu’tey pulled away and gave the big cat a rub on it's head.
“Ma Hona is going to give birth soon,” Tsu’tey’s mate rested her head on his shoulder.
“As will you my dear,” he placed a hand on her pregnant belly, giving a quick kiss on her cheek. “Come, let us return home.” Tsu’tey rested his hand on her back, guiding her back to their nest.
“So, what were you doing just now?”
“Oh, telling a story to the children,” Tsu’tey explained.
“What was the story about?”
“The Lone Hunter.”
<–Previous Chapter
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Danny Phantom x Moon Knight
Been obsessed with the idea of the crossover between these two shows! Mostly because it’s Danny Phantom cannon that Tucker is the reincarnation of an Egyptian pharaoh!! And the crossover would come in with Tucker’s past life having being one of Khonshu’s previous avatars. Hell it could even be that Tucker was Konshu’s first ever avatar!
Like I’m just picturing a scene where the Moon Knight System and Khonshu meet team Phantom and Khonshu takes one look at Tucker and just has a stroke cause that is one of his previous avatars who died thousands of years ago wtf is he doing here alive and looking like a teenager. And if we’re going with the whole Danny is the king of the ghost zone via conquest, his next thought would be and why the hell is he hanging out with the king of the dead?!!!!
Meanwhile the whole of team Phantom can see Khonshu, Danny because he’s half ghost, Tucker because he’s a reincarnated pharaoh who was a previous avatar, Sam cause she was once given ghost like powers for a short time by Undergrowth and is now not fully human anymore, and Jazz because she’s lived in Amity Park exposed to ambient ectoplasm in the air for so long that she’s now liminal as hell!!!
Team Phantom is just staring up at this giant bird skull person in absolute confusion. And then Tucker just kind of squints at him for a moment and goes “hey I know you!” And the Moon Knight system is just standing there in the background confused as all hell, looking back and forth between this group of kids and Konshu.
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sanzosin · 2 months
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A damn fine catch, Jake!
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natsuswagn33l · 5 months
more Huntake
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glitterxdeath · 1 month
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tinka-tank · 5 months
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rainbowratsstuff · 1 month
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Redraw of the comic at the end of Tallstars Revenge because I love that book and Tallstar is one of my favorite characters ^^
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Relieved Hug
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