#husbands love your wives
orthodoxsoul · 2 years
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riacte · 4 months
I have a feeling Iskall+Joel duo is gonna blow up immensely so I pray Twitter won’t assign them a [noun] duo name. Like SwedishBeans is cute already. Or I dunno. Smallskall. Which sounds like a joke Iskall would make tbh. Even worse, Ismall.
Anyways I very much enjoy watching them circle around and getting used to each other lmao. Giggling at each others’ puns. The competent mean girlies of HC. If they join forces it’s gonna be so Yoelover for the sad soggy crowd.
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sentientsky · 7 months
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Anne Carson // unknown (pls lmk) // also unknown (I’m so sorry)
thinking ab the Starmaker again,,, (this is your fault, @actual-changeling)
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clownsuu · 1 year
it is i, one who drew mob rob for your other blog. remember when i said i couldnt draw old men? yeah apparently i fuckiNG LIED-
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what happened to me. first gilf ive ever drawn. i drew these both in one sitting. this man has consumed me. i like his hair but drawing it makes me wanna cry. probably helps that i found a new lineart pen. i like drawing his hands. im writing fanfic about this motherfucker. thanks for infecting me im having a great time. thanks im losing my shit fr fr
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enbycupcake · 5 months
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[ID, copied from ALT text: a digital painting of liu mingyan and ning yingying from scum villain, but as their proud immortal demon way counterparts. both of them have luo binghe's red on their robes. ning yingying is laying on her side, arm yearnfully caressing liu mingyan's arm. liu mingyan is looking down at her fellow wife, gaze hard to read and fist clenched. end ID]
pidw wives committing adultery on their lord husband–
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i can’t draw plaits/braids to save my lifeeeeeeee - but have some sweet ineffable wives!
@goodomensafterdark would you care to join this picnic date?
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peitho-is-here · 11 months
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1960s Innefable Wives bc this series built me up and broke me back down again.
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chaoticamelay · 7 months
Thinking about why i love aziracrow AUs so much when the original story is so rich and fantastic, and i think it's because i find comfort in the thought of them finding each other in every universe <3
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chaoticgayomens · 6 months
so i was listening to mitski’s “i’m your man” and OH MY GOD.
“you’re an angel / i’m a dog / or you’re a dog and i’m your man / you believe me like a god / i destroy you like i am”
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coquelicoq · 11 months
Delin looked up. "I do not understand how they can take a man away from his wife when he does not wish to be parted from her. Especially when his wife has such big teeth and claws." (The Siren Depths, p. 136)
rb if you think it's total ass to take a man away from his wife when he does not wish to be parted from her. especially when his wife has such big teeth and claws
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queer-reader-07 · 8 months
few things bother me more than people saying that it’s “dumb” or “intentional ignoring” or “impossible” to have interpreted crowley and aziraphale’s relationship platonically.
and look i could go on about all the things that do point to romance but enough people have done that so i’m gonna defend myself here and explain why i read them as platonic for so long and why i think it’s perfectly reasonable to have read them platonically.
and a disclaimer that all of this is from my perspective and my opinion. so if i make a statement as though it’s matter of fact, know that i’m speaking from my perspective and just can’t be bothered to preface every sentence with “in my opinion…”
and it mostly boils down to one thing: their love reflected the love me and my friends have for each other.
so no shit i interpreted them platonically because they looked like my real life platonic relationships!!
i’ve talked at length about how i think there’s a specificity to the way queer people love. i think there’s something special about the way queer people show love, especially platonic love.
here’s the thing. i’ve been mistaken as my best friend of 16 years’ girlfriend more than once. i’ve been mistaken as one of my other best friend’s partner so many times her friends were genuinely shocked when she got a boyfriend because they thought she was dating me.
i understand the whole “being so platonically in love that people think you’re also fucking” situation. i unironically live that situation on the regular. so naturally i assumed that’s what was happening with aziraphale and crowley.
my thought process was basically this
1) they love like i love (specifically, crowley loves like i love). therefore, they’re platonically in love.
2) weird, everyone on the internet is convinced they’re dating. something something everyone values romantic love over platonic love
3) well whatever they’re still platonic in my heart
and it stayed like that quite literally until i watched episode 6 of season 2. and you can tell me i was being oblivious all you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that i genuinely believed they were platonic. queer platonic? sure. but definitely not romantic.
i saw all the witty quips and banter between the two of them and didn’t read any sexual or romantic tension, i read friendship. i saw aziraphale damsel in distress-ing himself on the regular so crowley could save him and thought “well it’s the only way he can spend time with crowley. checks out”. and i saw the bandstand breakup and the burning bookshop and “you told my only friend to shut his mouth and die and i did. not. care. for it.” and aziraphale so desperately trying to shield crowley from the horrors of the world and obviously i saw love. a love that is deep and profound, yes. it just never read romantic to me because i would do and say all of those things for and to my friends.
one of the few things i will never cease to find joy in is my friendships. i will ALWAYS love loving the people close to me, i will ALWAYS support them, and most importantly, i ALWAYS want to protect them. even when i know what is going to happen is inevitable, i don’t want to see them hurt. i want to shield them from the cataclysmic experience of the human condition and only have to experience in the moments of joy that await them. i don’t want to see the people i love hurt or in pain or jaded by how fucked up the world is.
because i already am those things. i am jaded by the world, i’m constant falling into the pit of cynical despair that the state of the world can manage to throw you down. and i know how fucking hard it is to pull yourself out of that place, to find hope and move forward and allow yourself to even enjoy the love and support you do have in life.
and the last thing i ever want is for the people i love dearly to experience those things.
so yeah. i related hard fucking core to crowley and the way he loves aziraphale SO. FUCKING. DEEPLY. and of course i read it platonically because it’s platonic for me. so deeply platonic in the best way.
and i could go on about how a lot of this stems from how much i value platonic love. how much i don’t adhere to social norms of love and how people express love. i will loudly proclaim my love for my friends, because i love them. i’m in love with them. but that doesn’t mean i want to date them or kiss them. and that makes perfect sense to me, and if it doesn’t make sense to you. well then, idk what to tell you.
this is longer than i intended but my point is that it hurts seeing people who act like those of us who did genuinely read aziracrow as platonic the first go around are stupid or that we chose to ignore the romance.
because, to me at least, it always felt like people were calling the way i love stupid or that i’m actually ignoring my “real” feelings
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actual-changeling · 3 months
y'know watching a show with two people who are deeply committed to each other while ALSO having a healthy relationship, respecting boundaries, and constantly striving to communicate better really puts the absolutely clusterfuck of crowley and aziraphale into perspective.
like no offense, but to anyone who thinks that their relationship is anything except unhealthy and disastrous (with crowley being overly co-dependent and aziraphale intentionally hurtful) needs to watch some other shows for once.
the final fifteen would have been impossible and unbelievable with pretty much anyone else, meanwhile it is perfectly in-character for those two—that's how bad their relationship is.
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ghouljams · 1 year
Love acting like LIEBLING is the weird one is so funny (also, I’m gonna beat up whoever cancelled your flight. If it was because of weather, I’ll fight God) - ☀️
Love and Liebling are like... only friends because of their unique situation lol. I like to think their contact names for each other are Crazy Bitch and Freak💖 respectively.
Liebling is always so confused as to why Love thinks she's the weird one because by all manners of weird Love is definitely the least sane of the two. Nothing she can say or do will change Love's mind on this though.
König thinks they're friends, Ghost is under no such impression. König also thinks he and Ghost are friends, Ghost hasn't corrected him.
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sentientsky · 6 months
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here, have a silly little rough sketch inspired by this post from @fellshish <3
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phantomram-b00 · 9 months
I love the “Crowley look at Aziraphale’s eyes since it look like stars that he made” since Aziraphale’s eyes shift colors reminiscent of the Galaxy from the blues to gold to brown and even sometimes green. ‘Gorgeous’ as he would think when looking at Aziraphale’s hazel eyes like he look at the stars before and even sometimes now (though I do believe the headcanon that he can’t see the stars because of his snake eyes so looking at Aziraphale’s eyes is his only way).
Now I want to present you something, Aziraphale looks into Crowley’s yellow eyes not just because it his favorite color. But because it remind him of the sun and what he look forward to at any given time of the day; sure you can say he can look at the sun still but if you look too long it’ll burn your eyes. So why not look at the eyes that give you hope each day and what shape you as a person from the moment you laid your eyes on only your eyes won’t burn so look at the pretty color as much as you want like it was a sunrise or sunset.
(This was just an excuse to give them Astrological love as they not only deserve the World but the Galaxy. I love these two and the show.)
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brabe · 2 years
jake is a high maintenance husband and bradley an enthusiastically doting one.
“here you go, princess,” bradley says, half teasing half fond, fully gone on jake.
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