braveclementine · 2 months
Niklaus Scares us Shitless
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
I just stared for a moment. It had settled back into quiet, everyone watching the two of them cross the field.
Aro let out an exaggerated- in my opinion- gasp upon seeing her.
"Alice." Edward whispered.
"Alice!" Aro gasped.
Alice glanced at us for one long glance before turning her attention to Aro. She was still wearing the same clothes that she had worn when she'd left- so was Jasper- though they looked brand new.
Jasper didn't even look at us, his spine straight with nerves. I wished I could comfort him, comfort both of them. I shifted on my feet uneasily, leaning into Carlisle a little.
And then, a few of the guards were moving, Felix stopping Alice from getting to close to Aro. Two hooded figures moved, their faces hidden and Caius moved to the side.
"My dear, dear Alice, we're so glad to see you here, after all." Aro said joyfully.
"I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind." Alice said, trying to talk to Aro while one of the guard kept a hand to her throat.
Carlisle took a few steps forward, away from me. I hesitated, not entirely sure what he was planning. Surely he wouldn't move against them.
"Let me show you." Alice draped her arm over the shoulder of Felix.
"Brother?" Caius said sharply.
Aro held her hand out and Alice shoved past the others. One of them slapped Jasper across the face and I hissed, standing by Carlisle's side now. Carlisle threw his arm out, stopping me from going any further, my eyes seething in rage.
Jasper struggled in the guards arms, Felix turning his back on them. I could feel horror pulsating through my veins. I readied myself, hands with palms down to the snow, ready to sweep vampires off their feet.
Aro took her hand. I felt a strange warmth go through me, blinding me for just a second and I stared around, confused. Everyone else was staring around too, even the witnesses and Volturi. But no one seemed to know the cause behind it- as both sides were equally confused- and nothing happened except turning our attention back to Alice and Aro.
"It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see." Alice said angrily, yanking her hand out of Aro's. "You still won't change your decision." Alice turned to face Bella and said, 'Now.'
And then Bella was turned towards Jacob and Jacob lunged past Benjamin and Tia, sprinting away.
"Get them." Caius ordered Santiago.
Alice turned around, doing a ninja flip, sending Aro high into the air.
I gasped, knowing that we had just started war.
Aro landed on his feet as I watched Garrett's eyes widen, Kebi grabbing Amun's arm, and Carlisle's own horrified expression out of the corner of my eye.
Everyone was suddenly lunging forward as Alice went to run, two guards grabbing her.
"Take her away." Aro demanded in a cold voice.
"Let her go!" Carlisle demanded and before I could even comprehend what was happening, he was charging over the snow towards Aro.
I had frozen, watching with wide eyes. What was he doing?
Two black hooded vampires came out to meet him but Carlisle swept them off their feet easily, making way for Alice.
Carlisle lunged for the two that were holding Alice, flying high into the air. Aro clashed with him and then his body fell. Aro's hand- holding Carlisle's head.
A scream ripped from me, worse than I had ever screamed before.
I found myself running now as the torch was being lit. If I could stop the torch from falling on Carlisle's body, I could put him together at the end of this.
I called up a snowstorm as I ran, aware that the others were slowly moving behind me, getting ready to join me. Sam had snarled, his pack moving into motion. The snow storm threw the holder of the torch high into the air, landing on top of some other vampires, effectively setting the rest of them on fire. They started to burn alive.
I grinned, victorious until Caius deftly threw Carlisle's body on top of the pile, his head too.
Pain ripped through my body as I clashed with the first vampire that dared get in my way.
I could see the other people fighting too. I could see Jasper and Rosalie taking down vampires themselves, ripping heads off of the bodies. The wolves clashed in too, tearing into the vampires like they were nothing.
Garrett let out a battle cry as he sent a vampire off his feet.
Leah and Seth worked together as well, taking down another witness vampire.
Edward and Demetri were starting to fight.
Jane turned her power on Jasper, but Bella was there, using her power to block Jane's.
I ripped another head off, biting furiously into the neck like a wolf. I could feel anger consuming my body.
Alec tackled Bella, taking her down so that Jasper was free for Jane's picking.
Jasper cried out in pain, Felix grabbed him, and Demetri ripped his head off.
I growled, leaping for Demetri and we tangled on the ground.
"For what it's worth." Demetri said sympathetically as my hands pressed into his neck and his hands had my own neck in them. "I am sorry about Carlisle."
And in that moment, we let go at the same time, knowing we couldn't kill each other. We both slowly backed away and turned for other targets.
Bella kicked out at Alec, sending him backwards while she fell on her own ass. Emmett was destroying everyone who tested him and turned his attention on Alec, eyes narrowing.
Emmett growled, running for Alec who ran straight at him as well. He took Alec down, pinning him to the icy surface. Emmett pressed his foot into Alec's neck before tugging his body away from his head. Then he threw his body away from his head for Jane to see.
Alice escaped at that moment, pulling another flip move and pulling the arms straight from her captors.
Tanya and Kate worked as a duo, kneeing vampires in the face before ripping their heads off, flinging bodies every which way- Kate electrocuting them too.
I was trying to make my way to Aro. I was going to kill him with my bare hands. I was going to burn him to ashes and paint my face with them in memory of Carlisle. My beautiful Carlisle.
Demetri and Edward were both fighting now and I was really hoping I didn't regret letting Demetri go.
Another vampire flew through the air, Seth colliding with him, ripping his head off in a messy fashion.
And then Jane was standing over him, making him cry and whimper in pain, his legs buckling underneath him.
I snarled, ripping another head off tossing it towards the bonfire that was starting to appear. I ran for Seth before another vampire snuck up behind him, crushing his ribs. Seth let out a whimper, and fell to the ice, dead.
Leah knew immediately, whining as she finished off one of her kills, howling in the air in sorrow.
That did it for me.
I let out a terrible scream before suddenly- I was no longer human. I was a wolf now. I lunged, ripping one of the vampires heads off it's body. And then I lunged for Jane in hatred, sending her flying backwards into the crowd of vampires. I stalked forward, glaring.
All around us, our family was being beaten. Three of them had hands on Bella, Edward was being punched into the ground, Garrett was on his knees.
So, Benjamin did the only thing he thought he could do- He yelled and slammed his fist into the Earth.
A dividing line suddenly opened up in the Earth's crust, causing vampires to fall in. Two of the ones that had been holding Bella fell through and she kicked the last one in. I skittered away, my mind panicking, unsure of how to become human again.
I whined in fear.
Sam! Help me! I begged.
It's all right. Just stay calm. Accept it.
I lunged for another vampire, knocking him into the crevice that Benjamin had created. There was lava down below. Instant death upon falling.
It suddenly became the strategy to simply knock them in. Wolves working together to kick them in, before backing away from the edge.
I could suddenly see from the perspective of several wolves. There was Embry, fighting alongside Bree against Felix. Emmett and Rosalie were helping them too, fighting a few other vampires. Quil and Jared were working together. Leah was taking down another vampire. I could feel her sorrow of losing Seth. It was ten times my own.
And then there was Esme. Her and an enemy vampire were clinging to the snowy edge. It seemed he was trying to push her off- even though he was behind her- in hopes that he could get over the edge.
Marcel struggled with three vampires trying to hold him down as he tried to get to Esme. He punched one in the face, the others trying to rip his head off until Bree launched herself at him, detaching the vampires head.
And suddenly, Leah was there, leaping the gap to pull him off of Esme.
NO! my mind shouted and I raced for the crevice, suddenly turning human, trying to grab Leah's fur, her leg, her tail, anything to pull her back up.
I had failed, watching as her somewhat white fur disappeared into the lava. I screamed in despair, while helping Esme over the ridge.
Meanwhile, Edward had nearly fallen down the hole himself before leaping upwards and displacing Demetri's head from his body.
I felt a new type of anger wash over me as Alice started to stalk Jane with the help of Bella. It was a quiet fury as I leapt the crevice, making my way directly for Aro, Caius, Marcus, and the few that stood by their side.
Jane ran as Alice approached her until Alice landed in front of her, cutting her off, grabbing her by the throat and making her kneel. I watched, through my own rage, as Sam approached her stealthily.
Alice dragged Jane to meet Sam where Jane met her end.
I saw Aro shove his hand and Caius went to run for Tanya.
I finally released all the water that I had collected and it swept through the camp as I stood my ground. It picked up every enemy, leaving the wolves and our friends alone. Amun's mouth dropped at my power. Benjamin grinned.
Soon, all of the leftover Volturi were left in a ball of water floating just slightly above the ravine. Their eyes were wide with fright. Caius looked rather angry. I churned the water, letting it rip and tear apart their bodies with fury. I left Caius, Marcus, and Aro alone, leaving them to float in the middle while the water on the outside tore apart the other Volturi and witnesses on the outside.
And then I tilted my head, moving the ball- with a little difficulty- above solid ground and everyone looked at me.
"Vlad?" I asked.
"Yes?" Vlad asked, a grin going over his face.
The water opened up to show narrow channels that Vladimir and Stefan could intercept.
"They're all yours." I said.
Vladimir and Stefan made very quick work of dismantling Aro, Caius, and Marcus, relishing their work.
Soon, all of the Volturi were left in pieces and we scooped all of them up, putting them into the fire.
And then, there was that light in our eyes again and I stumbled, looking around.
Carlisle stood next to me, looking shaken. As did everyone else, including the Volturi.
Our kids were here, Seth and Leah were here, still alive, though they looked rather disturbed like everyone else.
Aro was still standing there, Alice in front of him. He looked the most shaken, probably because he hadn't expected to die.
I finally saw what had happened. Niklaus had used his ability to read minds to see the vision inside Alice's head. Then, he had used Renesmee's method of showing through amplification. That way, we had all seen it.
Without even bothering to see if what had happened would happen anyways, I wrapped my arms around Carlisle tightly. I was shaking and his arms were just as tight around me. "It's okay. I'm right here. And you were. . .amazing just so you know." He whispered in my ear.
Aro stared at us. We stared back at him.
"Now you know." Alice finally broke the silence. "That's your future. Unless you decide on another course."
Jane looked very much like she wanted to interject and say she did want another course. Demetri looked a little abashed as we locked eyes, nodding to me slightly. Now everyone knew that we would both have left each other alone.
"We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat." Caius interjected and I almost laughed.
He had seen all of that- and yet he still wanted to fight?
"But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world?" Edward interjected. "Could we leave in peace?"
"Of course. But that cannot be known." Caius said.
I wondered if he had a death wish.
"Actually, it can." Edward said as Alice started to walk away.
Three more figures started to walk across the snow. Barefoot, both of them. The male was not wearing a shirt or pants. They were some sort of Indian, and they were certainly dressed like it. The other was dressed more like Senna and Zafrina and I realized this must be the Kachiri that was mentioned every so often.
Kachiri stopped when they reached her sisters, but the other two continued to walk on.
I tried to figure out what they had to do with the child- and then I noticed the male had a strange heartbeat that matched Renesmee's. His eyes were also brown.
"This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel." Alice introduced.
"Speak, Huilen. Give us the witness you were brought to bear." Aro commanded.
"I am Huilen. A century and a half ago, I lived with my people, the Mapuche. My sister was Pire. Our parents named her after the snow on the mountains because of her fair skin. And she was very beautiful- too beautiful. She came to me one day in secret and told me of the angel that found her in the woods, that visited her by night. I warned her. As if the bruises on her skin were not warning enough. I knew it was the Libishomen of our legends, but she would not listen. She was bewitched. She told me when she was sure her dark angels' child was growing inside her. I didn't try to discourage her from her plan to run away- I knew even our father and mother would agree that the child must be destroyed, Pire with it. I went with her into the deepest parts of the forest. She searched for her demon angel but found nothing. I cared of her, hunting for her when her strength failed. She ate the animals raw, drinking their blood. I needed no more confirmation of what she carried in her womb. I hoped to save her life before I killed the monster."
"But she loved the child inside her. She called him Nahuel, after the jungle cat, when he grew strong and broke her bones- and loved him still. I could not save her. The child ripped his way free of her, and she died quickly, begging all the while that I would care for her Nahuel. Her dying wish- and I agreed. He bit me, though, when I tried to lift him from her body. I crawled away into the jungle to die. I didn't get far- the pain was too much. But he found me; the newborn child struggled through the underbrush to my side and waited for me. When the pain ended, he was curled against my side, sleeping."
It sounded almost sweet. It also made me wonder if Samuel and Niklaus were venomous.
"I cared for him until he was able to hunt for himself. We hunted the villages around our forest, staying to ourselves. We have never come so far from our home, but Nahuel wished to see the children here."
Huilen bowed her head, moving backwards a little.
Aro's lips were pursed and he stared at Nahuel with curiosity, "Nahuel, you are one hundred and fifty years old?"
"Give or take a decade. We don't keep track." He said. His voice was not as heavily accented as Huilens.
"And you reached maturity at what age?"
"About seven years after my birth, more or less, I was full grown."
"You have not changed since then?"
"Not that I've noticed." Nahuel said.
I would have my children forever.
"And your diet?"
"Mostly blood, but some human food, too. I can survive on either."
"You were able to create an immortal?"
"Yes, but none of the rest can."
There was a shocked murmur, not only between ourselves, but between the Volturi and also their witnesses.
"The rest?" Aro questioned quickly.
"My sisters." Nahuel said with a shrug as though it were normal.
"Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more." Aro said, his curiosity not sated.
I snuggled into Carlisle's arms, "If this does come to a fight, don't leave my side like that."
"I won't." Carlisle swore. "I promise."
"My father came looking for me a few years after my mother's death. He was pleased to find me. He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had. He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that's due to gender or a random chance. . . who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested in making a chance. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister; she reached maturity about ten years back."
"Your father's name?" Caius asked.
"Joham. He considers himself a scientists. He thinks he's creating a new super-race."
Caius turned to Bella, "Your daughter, is she venomous?"
"No." Bella responded.
Caius turned to me and Carlisle next and our arms tightened around each other automatically, "And your children?"
"No." I said firmly even though I truly didn't know the answer.
Caius looked to Aro. Aro wouldn't look at Caius, absorbed in his own thoughts most likely. He stared at Carlisle, and then me. Then Edward and then Bella. Caius literally growled and said, "We take care of the aberrations here, and then follow it south."
"Brother. There appears to be no danger. This is an unusual development, but I see no threat. These half-vampire children are much like us, it appears." Aro conceded.
"They are not all half-vampire." Caius pointed out, his eyes darting to me. I gritted my teeth. We were never going to win.
Aro studied Carlisle and I for a long moment and then said, "There is no danger."
"And this Joham? This immortal so fond of experimentation?" Caius demanded, eyes bulging like he'd thought Aro had gone soft. I wondered if he'd even paid attention to the fact that I let Vlad and Stefan kill him in a little water bubble.
"Perhaps we should speak with him." Aro assented.
"Stop Joham if you will. But leave my sisters be, they are innocent." Nahuel said in a flat voice.
Aro nodded.
"Dear ones. There is no danger here. We will not fight. . . today." Aro said.
Caius was the first to leave, storming away through the crowd. Jane and the others were quick to follow, although Marcus and Aro remained for a moment later. Suddenly, they were all gone with vampiric speed, leaving the field empty of any enemies.
"We have them on the run, now is the time to attack." Vladimir said.
"Not today." Carlisle said, swinging me off my feet to give me the biggest kiss he'd ever given me in public. "I love you so fucking much."
"I love you too." I murmured, kissing him back.
He put me back on my feet and I clapped Vlad on the shoulder, "But it was almost satisfying seeing it play out in the head, no?"
Vlad grinned, "You are one powerful woman, that's for sure."
"You are all fools!" Stefan complained, "The Volturi might be gone, but they will never forget what happened here."
Carlisle just smiled, a few people laughed, and then he pulled me in for another kiss. The two Romanians were gone almost immediately.
I let go of Carlisle, hugging Seth and Leah tightly around their fluffy necks, "I am so glad you two aren't dead." I muttered.
They both nudged me with wet noses. Caroline and Samuel were by their side in an instant, throwing their small arms around them.
I searched out Marcel and Bree before finding Sam who was reigning his pack in so they could go home. He stopped when he saw me and became human. I flung my arms around him, burying my face into the crook of his neck.
"You're alright Davina." Sam said softly.
"What colour was I?" I questioned.
"White. Pure white. White as the snow, maybe whiter." Sam whispered. "There's never been a white wolf like that before." He paused and then added, "Then again, there has never been a pure black wolf before either."
I smirked, "Yin and yang brother."
"Do you think they'll come again?" Sam asked quietly.
"Yes." I said honestly, "But hopefully by that time, there won't even be a pack here and we'll have moved somewhere else. So you won't have to worry about this ever again."
Sam's eyes were sad as he brushed his thumb over my cheek, "I wish I could always protect you."
"I don't think she needs protection." Benjamin said from behind me. "That was some pretty wicked stuff."
I turned away from Sam slightly to grin at Benjamin and Tia. I jerked my chin a little, "What do you know. Amun stayed."
"And he survived." Benjamin pointed out.
I turned back to Sam, kissing his cheek, "I'll come down to the Rez when everything has calmed down, alright?"
He nodded, becoming a wolf once more as the other wolves started to head out.
I turned back to Benjamin. "You know," I said, smirking slightly, "You're pretty cute Ben."
"Oh really?" Ben asked with a grin.
I had long established with Tia that I had no romantic feelings for Ben and was simply teasing him.
"Yeah, but you know what?"
"I think you'd look better with yellow eyes."
Ben grinned, "Well, I think we might just give it a try." He pulled Tia to his side and I smiled gently.
"Good." I said. "Maybe everyone here will try and go for some yellow eyes."
"Maybe." Benjamin said, looking around.
Suddenly- everything felt lighter.
I pulled Tia in for a hug, and then Benjamin. "I hope we get to see each other some day. Under better circumstances of course."
"Likewise." Tia said softly.
"Well maybe we can all have one big happy Christmas get together every year." Garrett said, strutting over with Kate on his arm.
"I see you finally got yourself a girl." I quipped.
"She's not British." Garrett pointed out.
I grinned, shaking my head.
I could tell Carlisle was eavesdropping and I did an exaggerated sigh and said, "I so wish Vladimir had stayed. . . so many things I wanted to talk to him about."
Carlisle was there in a flash, arms wrapped around my waist, lips on the side of my neck, "You're horrible, you know that?"
I grinned, leaning into his embrace, "I know."
The next day I was down with Sam and the others at the beach. The six new werewolves that had joined were Christian, Clayton, Shaun, Raoul, Colby, and Ian. I was glad for their help yesterday.
But I mostly spent my time with Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil, Seth, and Leah. What I liked to call 'the original pack'.
I found that I could turn into a werewolf if I desired and that I had quite a bit of control over it. I doubted I would ever turn again.
It was a lazy afternoon. The kids were running on the beach. Seth, Leah, and Quil watched with anxious eyes, but they really only needed to worry about Claire. Caroline, Samuel, and Niklaus didn't fall.
Meanwhile, I rested against Sam peacefully. I probably could've fallen asleep if I wasn't so worried about something magically happening to my kids.
And right on cue, Niklaus turned into a puppy like werewolf. The others heads spun to me.
I shrugged, "He can mimic anyones super power once he touches them. He's been bragging about this one all last night when he found out he could do it."
"What about the other two?" Leah asked with both curiosity and fear. "Will they be able to turn?"
"Maybe when they get older." I said, resting back against Sam. He wrapped an arm around me, his warmth was comforting. His familiarity was relieving.
I thought back to my first day in Forks. Innocently wishing I could be a vampire and werewolf hybrid, becoming friends with the Cullens first before they moved into the 'kid' zone for me. Meeting Carlisle, so determined to hate him because of Karen and yet- we were married with three kids now.
I chuckled and Sam looked down at me. "What?"
"Just thinking." I whispered.
Sam looked back out over the ocean, "Me too." 
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bunnis-monsters · 4 months
So hybrid bulls and cows are actually separate species in MY fantasy world, not male and female.
So you work on a farm specializing in male cows and bulls, the only woman that’s allowed there due to… how the hybrids behave around any females.
You milk them… but not in the normal way. As the only woman on the farm, you’re the only one they’ll allow to milk their cocks. They produce a special semen that’s a milk alternative, and very yummy!
The cow’s are fine enough, following you around and nuzzling into you, wanting cuddles and extra attention when you’re milking them… they behave so well, blushing and mooing softly, gently moving their hips against your hand as you milk their cocks dry.
The bulls however… are a different story. They’re very territorial and protective over the cow hybrids, who they’ve formed a friendship with. They don’t like most people, and tend to be loners that only come around when it’s milking time.
But your pay is upgraded when the farm owners notice that the bulls have started warming up to you, even starting to treat you like a heifer, keeping you safe and guarding you from the other employees.
It wasn’t a surprise to anyone but you when the bulls started being a bit… too handsy with you. They viewed you as a heifer now… but you were so small compared to any female cow they’d ever seen. A runt, stunted, maybe…
But you had that chubby tummy and plush hips, those plump breasts that would look so pretty full of milk…
Within a month of starting work, you find yourself being bent over by one of the bulls, the cows mooing in distress and trying to comfort you as a fat cock enters your cunt.
“D-don’t be rough with her! She’s little!” one of the cows protests, stroking your hair and cooing softly to you. The bull huffs, hot air hitting the back of your neck as he fucks into you.
“Being as gentle as possible… little thing, couldn’t take me being rough even if I wanted to be…”
Your cunt was stuffed full with cum, several bulls mounting you until you were a blubbering mess. Once the bulls were done, you were surrounded by cows, getting kisses and snuggles… but they wanted to mate as well…
They pressed down on your belly, cum pooling between your legs as they cooed and gently fucked their own seed into you. By the end of the work day, you were spent, curled up in the hay with several cow hybrids as the bulls guarded the door.
You were payed handsomely for your efforts, and offered an even bigger paycheck to let them mount you at least once a week to let out their sexual frustrations.
They became more territorial around you, but when you weren’t in the picture, the bulls were much calmer and didn’t attack anyone that brought out food or came to give them check ups.
And when you became pregnant… well… let’s just say you were tucked away in the barn, living there with the cows and bulls as your belly grew heavy and swollen.
The cows tended to you, making sure you received all the human comforts you wanted along with their endless affections, and the bulls kept you safe.
A/N: omg… ask me more about this concept because… I’m in love
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @chubbumblebee @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden
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frankiethedarkangel · 4 months
Being intimate with your werewolf boyfriend for the first time.
Not understanding his unfathomable desire to claim your body and breed you. You innocently brought condoms with you, thinking he’d use them.
Oh sweetheart, you were so wrong. That man has wanted to breed that sweet cunt of yours the moment he first smelled your arousal.
When you pulled out a magnum condom for him, he couldn’t help but laugh at you. Not only did you not understand that a magnum condom was far too small for him. You never realized his cock was different from any other man you’ve been with.
As soon as he pulled his throbbing knot from his pants you looked bewildered.
“How is that even going to fit?!”
“Oh my sweet girl. It’s going to fit and you’re going to take every last inch in that beautiful pussy of yours.”
And he made sure he did. He lapped his tongue in your pussy, sucking your juices and replacing it with his own. Lubing you up with his saliva. Your pussy taste so good to him you have him drooling like the dog he is.
Slowly he replaced his tongue with his knot. Your whimpers and moans kept him going until he was fighting to not breed you and fill you with his pups.
Monster Masterlist
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obsessivevoidkitten · 6 months
Lox the Fox
Male Yandere Fox Hybrid x Gender Neutral Reader CW: Noncon, somnophilia, implied cum in food, magic, drugging, biting, claiming bites, knotting, manipulation, chasing, kidnapping, general yandere behavior, references to an incident with a sweet potato Word Count: 5.6k (I am so sorry that this comm took so long, though I was dealing with a number of different issues. Hope you all enjoy it!)
You were but a humble trader. Once somewhat prominent in the medium sized town of Ridgespire, humiliating rumors began circulating about being caught in a compromising position with a sweet potato. The totally baseless story spread throughout the entire town. You were a laughing stock. When you could no longer handle it you left for a fresh start and new opportunities.
You decided to set up shop in the town of Westwend. It was a small village now, but you saw some serious potential. It was situated in the center of many newer villages and small towns and would serve as a good hub for you. But the best part about your new home was that it was too far for any pernicious lies about you and a sweet potato to have followed.
The locals were very accepting of you as a new traveling trader, though you hadn't had a chance to get close to any of them. Once you had moved in you immediately began planning your trip through the forest to reach a tiny village on the other side. You'd stop there to rest and see if there were any trade opportunities then head north to a larger town.
You stuffed a huge pack full of food, currency, and trade goods before putting it on and setting off on your journey. The village you were heading for was through several miles of forest and the forest itself was a mile or so away itself. You could be there by evening.
You were warned about an infamous fox-man named Lox that lived in the woods. Supposedly he helped or hindered travelers depending on what mood struck him at the time. The local villagers were always wary about crossing through the forest. That is part of what made this trade route so potentially lucrative. Not many were willing to cut straight through the forest.
The weather was cooperating and making your trip quite pleasant. The morning air was fresh and brought with it the scent of honeysuckle, and other prairie flowers. You took the unused and overgrown path and managed to make it to the woods just before the heat of the day, the dense canopy of leaves providing ample protection from the sun.
Though you didn't know it, you had rapidly crossed into the territory of the fox-man, Lox. And with his magic he knew exactly when any human neared the proximity of what he considered to be his land. He had nothing better to do, and delighted in meddling with humans, so with great grace and dexterity he weaved through the tree tops and quickly came upon you. He used his magic to stay silent and invisible so that he could observe you a while before deciding what to do.
It did not take long for Lox’s careful observation of you to lead him to the conclusion that he was intrigued. He used his magic to peep into some of your thoughts and memories to get just a glimpse of the type of person you were. He saw bits of your travels, vague impressions of your views, and something about a sweet potato. He couldn’t quite make it out to be honest. But it didn’t matter. He could tell from your aura that you were a lonely person with few friends and no current ties to anyone.
He decided that instead of hindering you he was going to help you more than he had ever helped anyone else before you. Not just for your sake, but for his as well. He thought maybe he could be your mate. Though he still needed to get to know you a little better though before he was totally sure. He could only get to know someone so well through his magic, so he really needed a more direct method.
Rather than simply introduce himself, which he was sure would fail, he devised a cunning plan to get you to see him as your hero. First impressions were immensely important, so if your first time seeing him was when he was saving you then that would make it a lot more likely that you would fall for him.
You continued through the forest, laughing to yourself about how easy a trip this was. You couldn’t believe how the small village dwellers had cut themselves off from such an easy trading route just because of some stories about some magic fox guy. You could believe that beast men existed, you had never seen one yourself, but their existence was never refuted, but magic? That was just too much for you.
Belief in the supernatural and heading the warnings of the villagers would have served you well, but instead the trap was laid and you bumbled right into it.
As you continued on the forest path, nearly gone due to disuse, you came across a clearing with a small cabin. It looked wildly out of place in the wilderness. Perhaps this was the home of the fox man all of the villagers had been so wary of. After gawking for a moment you resumed your journey. You had been traveling for hours and were probably halfway through the woods by now.
As you neared an old but sturdy bridge that marked the final leg of your travels through the forest, you heard a bone chilling growl and your path was suddenly blocked by three snarling wolves. You knew you couldn’t fight them, but the cabin that you had passed wasn’t too far. Maybe, just maybe, you could outrun them and take shelter.
Thinking fast you through your pack towards them, hoping the food in it would distract them enough for you to flee to safety. But no such luck. They weren’t distracted by it at all. At least without it you weren’t so weighed down though. But you were tired from all the walking and the wolves were at your heels. You imagined that you could feel their hot sour breath at your back, but you didn’t look back to confirm it.
Just when you were sure that you were going to find your end in the jaws of the ravenous beasts an orange flash came out of the trees from the direction of the house and stood between you and the feral wolves. There was no mistaking it, it was the fox man of local legend.
The hybrid man stood before the wolves with his back towards you, you could see that he was of a lean build and average height with two triangular ears on his head that were the same color as his wavy red hair. And he had a fox-like tail to match the ears.
As confident as he seemed you seriously doubted that he could take on so many enemies at once. And then you saw why he was so confident. A red tinged gust of magic left his hands and blew the wolves several feet away, making them smack into the trees. With a frightened yelp they scattered. You were in awe, magic was real after all!
When Lox turned to face you he could tell right away by the admiration and gratitude in your eyes that he had made the right decision in conjuring the convincing wolf illusions to scare you back towards him.
Normally seeing your first hybrid man may have at least startled you, but when you met his orange eyes and sharp-toothed smile you could only feel relief. You almost wanted to hug the guy.
“Thank you so much! I really thought I was a goner. I have no idea what I would have done had you not shown up when you had…”
Your stomach turned just thinking about it.
“No problem friend, I just happened to be gathering fruit up in the trees when I saw your predicament.”
Now Lox just had to convince you to stay the night with him. Get to know him better. Once you saw how good of a provider he was and how kind he was you would surely fall for him. He just knew it.
“Well uh… I better go and get my things. I dropped them to flee. And then I gotta keep traveling. Thanks again!”
No no no, that wouldn’t do for Lox at all!
“Don’t be silly! Those wolves could be lurking anywhere, you should just stay at my home while I collect your things. You can always set off tomorrow, I will even escort you through the forest!”
Your heart was still beating at an intense pace with adrenaline leaving you shaky. You didn’t really want to just set off alone so soon after such a scare. But you really should set out again, and you had doubts that the wolves would try anything again so soon.
“I really don’t think that I should, if I keep going I can make up for lost time and make the village well before sundown.”
He couldn’t reveal his true intentions yet, but no matter what happened, now that he had taken such a liking to you, he was never going to be far from you.
“Well, those wolves can be pretty persistent, they aren’t really normal. And it would be really nice to have a bit of company. It doesn’t come very often out here. I don’t think that humans like me all that much to tell the truth...”
Lox put on his best pouting face to elicit your sympathy. To be honest he didn’t mind his loner lifestyle one bit. Though he did want just one person in his life. A good partner. And whether or not you wanted it, that partner was going to be you.
His deception worked wonders on you. Instantly you felt immense sympathy for him. He was helping you so much so you should be happy to offer him your company, if just for a day. It wasn’t like it was a great imposition on you. You wouldn’t even be alive right now if not for Lox and all he wanted was a bit of companionship in return. Besides, you really didn’t want to come across as some sort of bigot…
“Well… if you’re sure it won’t be burdensome, I guess I can stay the night. Thanks for the hospitality, but I think I should go with you to get my pack. It would be pretty rude to make you go and get it for me.”
This also wouldn’t do for Lox, he wanted to enchant your belongings to be able to keep tabs on you even if you left his immediate vicinity. He did not want to run the risk of you ever escaping him, he doubted he would be unable to track you, but it was good to be prepared. The spell was rather loud and involved flashes of magic, he couldn’t take the risk that you could wake up and catch him in the act so having you at his house while he went off to do the enchantment on your stuff was his best solution.
“Don’t be silly, I can zip along through the trees much faster than you can walk! It will be much faster if I go alone.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true… Okay, if you really don’t mind getting it for me.” You felt bad that he had done so much for you already and was now doing more, but his logic made sense.
On the way there you introduced yourself and the two of you chatted a bit about how you both got to where you were currently. He explained the tragic tale of how he had been orphaned as a young teen and had to raise himself in the harsh wilds. The two of you were already pretty close to his humble home so it didn’t take long at all for him to lead you there.
The inside was about what you would expect from the home of someone living the lifestyle of a secluded forest hermit. Not messy, but cluttered in a cozy sort of way. Not a lot of open space, every inch utilized in some way. There were some shelves filled with books and various ornaments and objects of unknown purpose, there was a desk in the corner littered with arcane looking scrolls, a small dining area with dried aromatic herbs hanging from the ceiling, and there was a doorless bedroom attached with an equally well stuffed bedroom, you could see a large bed with red covers and more shelves.
Before he went off to get your pack for you he offered you some miniature sandwiches and some tea and set them on a small table for you.
You thanked him as he left and nibbled on the food he had provided you. You were hungrier than you had realized though and before you knew it, there wasn’t a crumb or sip left.
Meanwhile Lox had already located your belongings and busily casting his little spell on your things. He was hoping he could convince you to stay with him, but realistically it could take a few encounters. This would help ensure that those encounters kept happening. He considered it the “dating” phase of your “relationship.”
He also hoped that you would eat as much of that sandwich as possible. He had sprinkled in just a little something to help you be a bit more compliant with the “romance” he had planned for later that night. He could have relied on it to keep you from being too alarmed at him casting a spell on your belongings, but he couldn’t be sure how much you would ingest. Lox didn’t want to be pushy about you consuming the food either, that would be suspicious.
No, it was better if he just enchanted your things now and then he wouldn’t have to worry about if you had eaten enough magic flake powder that he had given you. And if you did happen to consume enough of it then he could have plenty of fun with you.
The fox-man briefly considered whipping up a love potion, but they were often temporary, wearing off at inconvenient times and requiring reapplication. And he really wanted you to actually be in love with him, not just be under the influence of all consuming magic.
When Lox entered the home it had startled you right off the couch and you fell to the floor. Lox quickly helped you up, relishing the chance to make physical contact with you. He was beyond thrilled to see that the plate your food had been on was now empty.
“Thanks! Sorry, you coming in so suddenly just startled me. You weren’t wrong about how fast you were, I hadn’t expected you back so soon.”
“Told ya I was fast.” He beamed proudly as he handed you your belongings.
Over the course of the next couple of hours the two of you chatted while you taught him a card game with a deck that you always traveled with, but you became fatigued much sooner than you usually did. Surely that was just from all the travel followed by the excitement of earlier though.
Lox offered you use of his bed while you used his couch, but you wouldn’t hear of it. He had already shown you such kindness you weren’t going to just kick him out of his own bed. Finally he relented and just let you use the couch.
Sleep came to you with unusual ease, something that Lox was greatly anticipating. Now you’d be at his mercy and even if you woke up, the mind altering effects of what he had fed you would make sure that you didn’t remember it or if you did you'd think it was only a dream.
Lox lubed you up carefully and slid into your sleeping form which he had tenderly stripped bare. He bred you slowly and lovingly, deep strokes into you so that he could edge and enjoy every possible second of making love with his partner for the first time.
It was difficult, but he managed to restrain his instinct to bite your neck all over and make his claim on you visible to the world. He also held his cock at the base to prevent his knot from slipping in and swelling within you. Lox didn’t want to leave you with any suspicious soreness.
But the hardest thing for the fox man was pulling out and not filling you up full of his seed, especially when your eyes fluttered open and you moaned and babbled incoherently while drooling in pleasure even if your mind couldn’t make sense of anything that was happening.
After that, he came in you quickly and meticulously cleaned you up so that no evidence was left behind.
When you woke up your head was a bit fuzzy, light filtered in through a little circular window and by the angle of the sun it seemed that you had slept all morning. You thought you probably had overstayed your welcome.
You yawned and began to get off the couch when suddenly Lox appeared as if from nowhere with a hot plate of food. Had he been watching and waiting for you to wake up? You didn’t entertain the thought long, you were just being paranoid. He was a fox-man; he clearly had enhanced senses and was just keeping the meal warm for you when you finally got up.
"Quail egg omelet before you leave?"
Lox seemed refreshed and energized, and though you couldn't quite place why something about him gave you just the slight twinge of anxiety in the back of your mind. It was easy to push away though.
"Thanks, you didn't have to make me breakfast. I have rations in my pack"
"Nonsense, you're my guest. And I was making one for myself anyway."
It did smell rather enticing and he had gone through the trouble of cooking it so you relented and ate it happily. It was among the best dishes you had ever eaten. You wondered if he used his magic to enhance it. He had, actually, added his own "special ingredient" to the food he made for you, but it wasn't something magical and you really didn't want to know what it was.
After you finished the meal Lox, true to his word, happily joined you on your trip out of the forest. You tried to insist that you didn’t need him, that the wolves probably went off in search of easier prey, and that you were prepared now, but the fox wasn’t having it.
The trip out of the forest was largely uneventful, filled only with Lox’s chatter and questions focused on you. You supposed most people would have been annoyed by it all, but you knew he didn’t get much company and you were still so touched by the kindness that he had shown you.
Overall it was going well.
Until it wasn't. As you crossed the old, but up until this point, very sturdy bridge, it suddenly collapsed beneath you. With a scream you flailed desperately, luckily Lox was able to reach you, hold onto you, and jump back up the side that you had come from. After you caught your breath and let your nerves settle in silence you looked at the damage. The bridge was beyond repair. It would add a couple hours to your journey to go around to the shallow part of the river, but you certainly couldn't go across here anymore.
"God damn! That was... scary! Thanks for... saving me. Again..."
You were still shaking a bit.
"It's no problem! I thought the bridge was a bit sturdier than that. Good thing I caught you... I guess we'll just have to go back for now..."
"No it's fine, I saw an old map of the area, there's a place I can cross if I follow the river. Will just take a few extra hours."
You looked up at him.
"Don't worry, you don't need to escort me the extra distance."
That was, of course, the exact opposite of what Lox planned. He would be at your side for eternity. Whether you said you wanted him there or not.
"No, no! It's not a bother. Really. I'm usually so bored I just sleep most of the day!"
"Well if it isn't a bother, I'm glad to have a traveling buddy for a bit longer."
The two of you sat down for a couple minutes before resuming your newly extended route out of the forest. It went about as well as it had been going before the incident with the bridge, though Lox kept shooting you nervous looks, like he was holding back from saying something to you. Poor guy, he was probably just sad that the two of you would be parting ways soon. You made a mental note to reassure him when you got to the end of the forest.
This wasn't the end at all, you'd see him a couple times a month if this trading exchange worked out. Maybe even once a week if things got really busy.
The fox hybrid was a bit more distant in conversation, focused more on his thoughts. He had been sure that after he collapsed the bridge with his magic and then saved you from the disaster that you would be head over heels in love with him. Clearly he had shown you he can keep you safe from any peril... even if he had to make the danger himself. At the very least you should have agreed to stay at his home a bit longer so that he could get you to like him more.
Sadly, Lox could not glean any notions of love emanating from you using his magical abilities. But he absolutely couldn't accept that you weren't at least somewhat attracted to him by this point. He had, as far as you were concerned, saved your life twice. Then he had been very amicable and hospitable towards you. You must have been in such strong denial that your true feelings were unknown even to you. But he wasn't going to give up on his beloved, he just knew the two of you were meant to be together. No matter what.
His first priority had to be making sure you never made it out of the forest. If you left and he wasn't with you then you could get hurt. Or maybe someone else would take you! But he didn't want to scare you or tip you off.
As the two of you continued on your way the amorous man couldn't help but stare at you and think of all the things he wanted to do to you. Seeing a lack of claiming bites on you almost sent his instincts into overdrive, he had to actively stop himself from fucking you into the dirt, biting all over you, and having his knot tie the two of you together.
The two of you crossed the river and with each step Lox grew more fidgety as his desire to claim you grew, as did his worry that you may escape him if he didn't think up another plot soon. Then he had a great idea. Quicksand! He'd save you from it and you'd be so frustrated, messy, and grateful that at the very least you'd want to go back to his house for another night to rest and clean up!
Lox used his magic to create a patch of quicksand on the path ahead and used his power of illusion to make sure it looked just like the surrounding terrain until disturbed, just like natural quicksand.
And sure enough it fooled you. With a loud scream you suddenly plummeted through what you had assumed was perfectly solid ground. You fell forward and struggled to orient yourself in the thick muck. Lox grabbed your pack from behind and plucked you easily from the quicksand. You gasped for breath and wiped the mud from your face.
"Holy fuck, I would have drowned if not for you! You're a real lifesaver, Lox."
This time you didn't waste more than a few seconds trying to catch your breath before getting up.
"I guess we should head back to my place, we can get you all cleaned up and try again tomorrow."
"Oh don't worry! We only just passed the river, we can go back and I can rinse off there!"
You started to head towards the water with Lox at your side.
"Are you sure? You must be tired after all the excitement we just had..."
You stopped and looked at Lox. He seemed almost panicked. The gears in your head finally started turning. The dots were connecting.
"Every time something happens you are very quick to suggest we head back... and it's pretty convenient that you are always right there to save me from these sudden disasters..."
"What are you saying?" The fox asked with a surprising darkness.
The question hung unanswered, heavy in the air, as the two of you stared at one another. Then you bolted into the dense foliage. But this was Lox's forest, he had years of experience tracking and keeping eyes on any humans who wandered through it, and he had never been so motivated.
Every time you made a turn Lox would appear in a puff of smoke in front of you, using his magic to teleport short distances. He grabbed you, but you struggled out of his grip.
"I love you babe, but I am getting tired of this little game. Let's go home now okay?"
He used a wave of magic to animated the vines near you, they snared you easily. You wriggled and writhed like a maniac as he slowly approached you with a creepy smile on his face.
"You must be tired after that little chase. You need a nap."
Then he pulled out a pouch of shimmering blue powder from his pocket and blew it over you. You fell asleep instantly.
When you woke up from your fitful sleep full of nightmares and fear in Lox's bed. You had no pants on and a thick sticky fluid leaking from your entrance. You realized those nightmares may not have been dreams at all, and you felt instantly nauseous.
Luckily, he wasn't in the room with you. The sick freak seemed to be in the kitchen, you could hear him humming faintly as he went about cooking. He probably thought he'd bring you a meal in bed and you'd be grateful and everything would be just peachy between the two of you. But you had other plans.
The window was large enough to leave through, you hoped you could do so quietly. You wiped yourself clean as best you could and put the clothing that Lox has removed back on. You raised the window slowly and it didn't make any noise at first, but you came to a point where it was stuck and more force had to be used. It squeaked like it was shrieking out your desire to escape to the four corners of the world.
Since your cover was clearly blown you gave up being quiet and forced it open with all due expediency. You quickly scrambled out the window, falling forward into the dirt. You wasted no time at all in getting up and darting away as fast as you possibly could. But the eyes of the fox were on you from the window, watching you speed further away. He wasn't worried though.
Lox was delusional and arguably even completely insane over you at this point, but he was no idiot. He knew your denial about how you felt over him may still be too strong and you may try to run away. He had taken extra precautions. Precautions you learned of in a  very direct way when you slammed face first and at full force right into some sort of invisible barrier that Lox had erected a good distance around his dwelling.
You fell rather hard on your ass and cupped your face in pain. Then you heard a voice approach behind you.
"Are you okay darling? I didn't intend to hurt your pretty face." He waved a hand and green sparks from his fingertips healed up your injury.
"What the Hell, Lox!? You can't just keep me prisoner like this!"
"You're not a prisoner! You're my partner, and this is just to keep you close by. You're really fragile judging by how you handled all the dangers recently."
You stared at him for a moment, unable to think of a response to this complete lunatic, as he got closer and stared down at you with that freaky smile of his.
"I realize you are used to being really independent, but you really need to admit it already. I am the perfect mate for you. You have to know that deep down."
You started to object, but he sealed your words with a sudden rough kiss. He was deceptively strong, a fact you learned while trying unsuccessfully to push him off of you. He pinned you down on the ground with ease and smirked down at you.
"If showing off how good of a protector I am isn't enough to get rid of your denial, then I will just have to show you how good our union feels~"
Lox ignored your protests. His nails grew sharp and he sliced off your clothing as easily as if he was cutting through paper.
"I'm gonna make you feel soooo good."
He bit possessively at your neck. It hurt slightly but the unpleasantness was overridden by pleasure. For someone who was rarely around humans except to randomly help or hinder an occasional traveler he sure knew how to pleasure you. Then you remembered how he had violated you in your sleep. He had practiced. You redoubled your efforts to get free but the resistance only seemed to excite him more.
Lox's claws returned to being normal nails as he fingered your entrance, despite his increasingly feral state of mind he was still focused on making this as pleasurable as possible for his beloved little human. He used a small bit of magic to create an oil from his fingers to apply a generous amount of lubrication to you.
Shouts, screams, and the tears rolling down your face were all met with calming shushing noises and promises that you'd be moaning soon enough with fear replaced by delight.
His fingers wiggled within you, causing you to buck unwillingly in the throes of carnal stimulation. You gasped and whined at your body's betrayal. Lox pulled out his fingers and held your hips tight while aligning his cock with you and slamming into you with the perfect amount of force.
Your moan was captured by his lips as he kissed you again, biting your lower lip as he pulled away.
"I have wanted my knot in you for so long, you're gonna fit me like a glove~"
All you could manage was to grunt in defiance as you drooled dumbly. Lox began thrusting into you again and again. Each movement of his could only be described as perfection. He rolled his hips and plunged in deeply with slow strokes that steadily increased in pace.
It really didn't take long at all for Lox to feel your body throb around his large prick as you climaxed. If this had been a willing encounter, and if you also had not been fucked silly, you would have been embarrassed by how quickly Lox had made you orgasm.
The fox looked at you in awe, observing every detail of your face as you came. Your flushed face, the rise and fall of your chest as you panted, your eyes glazed and lost in sexual bliss.
"Wow, you finish even faster and more beautifully than you did while sleeping!"
Lox bit at your chest and up to your neck, delivering a harder bite there to mark you as his. You were so out of it that it didn't register in the way that it should have. What little pain there was Lox quickly dispersed with more magical healing and gentle kisses.
He continued pumping into you for well over an hour, eliciting enough moans, whimpers, shakes, and shudders from you until your voice was hoarse and your body limp.
And then, just when you thought you would die from all the overstimulation, Lox painted your walls white with a hot load of cum before his knot swelled and kept the two of you together.
"See? No one else can make you feel like this! And you take me just so well my beloved~"
When his knot finally went down he had to stop himself from diving back into you, the sight of you glistening with sweat and leaking his seed went straight to his cock. But he settled for just slipping it between your thighs and grinding into you while you sat on his lap in the bathtub.
Your comfort was the priority and you clearly needed special care after that mind shattering sex.
When you were all cleaned up, he carried you bridal style to his bed and bundled you up in soft blankets, he pressed a loving kiss to your cheek before going off to get you some food and water. Maybe something easy to get down. Perhaps some soup? Since you were still pretty dazed he wondered if you would let him feed you.
You were such a sweet fragile thing and would need to recover your energy for all the activities he had planned for the two of you.
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yandere bunny hybrid x reader
A/n: the Intro was rushed because I got too excited to write the smut. Not proofread 🌺
Tw: noncon turns to dubcon, androgynous breeding kink, little dirty talk, he's a horny bastard. Mommy kink but it can be applied to any gender. Slapping body parts, he has a minor lactation kink. Mdni please!
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★you met the little furball while you were out on a evening walk. It was the middle of winter and being cooped up inside the house all day was starting to get a little claustrophobic
★you didn't notice him at first since he blended in with the snow. Stopping mid-walk when you heard a weak little whine coming from behind you. Slowly turning around, you saw a pair of red eyes staring at you from beneath the snow
★approaching them slowly, you could finally see him more clearly. Milky white skin turning a light blue due to hypothermia. He didn't have the strength to run when you picked him up. Patting his head, you headed back home.
★giving him a warm bath and setting him next to the fireplace, you slowly nursed him back to health. He was very reluctant at first, but your touch was too comforting to pull away from. He hasn't felt this safe since he was just a baby bun! He stayed with you nearly the entire winter
★midway he starts to get himself familiar with your home, peeking under furniture and into rooms, he seemed to understand you when you'd ask him questions in English
"what's your name little fella?"
★eventually you had to let him go back into the wild, just a month before spring arrived. He was reluctant but with enough convincing he finally left. Looking back at you from the forest edge, watching you wave goodbye with that beautiful smile he loves
❣️cotton who goes into heat early because he can't stop thinking of you. Burrying himself in his burrow, humping the air. Nothing is as soft as you and your bed. Nothing can make him feel as safe as your touch does
❣️he shoos any females who wish to mate away. Claiming he already has a mate. Oh he wished you'd come into the forest looking for him, to take care of him again as he fills your tight little hole up with his cum
❣️he spends most of his time shamelessly masturbating to the thought of you. His entire heat cycle has been on loop since he left, so finally gathering the balls he heads back to your cottage. Watching you from a distance, lazily stroking his already sensitive cock.
★just minding your business, you don't notice the certain bunny hybrid approaching slowly. You don't have much time to react before a familiar mop of white hair tackles you to the ground. Desperately humping your clothed sex as he whines and grunts.
"cotton!? What the hell are you doing!?"
"hah- nhg need.. mate.. pretty mate.. need to breed! Ohh!"
★you tried pushing him off, but when did he get so strong!? Pining your arms down and ripping your clothes off, wasting no time in lapping at your genitals. Eating you out like a starved man, sucking and nipping your inner thighs until he's sure you're nice and lubed up
★he carefully pressed the tip in, but he doesn't last long as he slowly sinks deeper into your gummy walls. Letting go of your arms and roughly grabbing your hips, which were sure to bruise later, brutally fucking your brains out. Slapping your chest and privates as he grinds his cock deeper
★he keeps going even after he's ripped multiple orgasms out of you. The pleasure slowly chipping off your resistance. Leaving you a blubbering moaning mess under the bunny. A pool of his cum under where your sexes kept meeting.
★it doesn't matter what gender you are, he's determined to breed you until you're swelling with his children. He couldn't wait to suck and bite your chest once it was swollen with milk!
"gonna be so pretty- mph! So pretty, all swollen 'n fat with my babies.. gonna be a good mate, right? G-gonna give me lots of 'em right? Oh ohhh! Cumming again! 'Yer squeezing all my cum out! Mommy!!"
★let's just say that you should get use to your new roommate husband, because now there's no way of getting rid of him. Ever.
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dragonsholygrail · 2 months
Heads or Tails?
Dragon bf x fem!reader— messy, cock riding, tail fucking, covered in cum, cum eating, after care, cuddles, fluff
You sit on your Dragon bfs giant underbelly, pouting as you look up at his moaning writhing form. Having spent countless hours teasing your bf and getting nothing to show for it except for a body covered head to toe in his thick pre-cum.
Throwing your little tantrum, wanting the pleasure only your Dragon bf can provide, you lightly slap your hand down on him. Gaining his attention even through the haze of lust clouding his mind.
“Want you to shift,” you whine, your pout jutting out further once his eyes fall on you. Gyrating your hips onto the textured skin of his underbelly you show him just how deeply you desire his cock.
You close your eyes briefly and whimper, the rocking of your hips feeling so good. Yet you want more. Getting him all worked up was causing arousal to gush out of you to the point you were dripping down your thighs. Seeing just how he reacted to you and knowing only you can ever get him to this point.
Dragon bf moans in return, the fog in his head only growing stronger. He shakes his head at you, body carefully rocking in time with your own small movements.
“Can’t, my love. I-I just can’t,” he pants out, so clearly not in any state to gather the focus he needs to shift into his smaller dragon form. So here he is, stuck as a ginormous dragon, leaving both of you wanting.
Dragon bf groans, feeling how wet you are as your pussy grinds against him. An idea slowly sifts through the fog and makes its way to the front of his thoughts.
“But I can give you my tail,” he breathes out, a mixture of lust and excitement swirl through his eyes.
With only one finger, Dragon bf drags your little body back up to his cock. Your limbs immediately wrap around it and he growls out his pleasure. Seeing your tiny form around his ginormous girth has his chest not only swelling with pride but also love for his beautiful mate. Knowing you’ll do anything to bring such pleasure to you both.
You angle your hips and wait with bated breath, so turned on you aren’t sure how long you’ll be able to last. And with how much you had teased your Dragon bf who knows how long he’ll last either.
A moment later you feel the large tip of his tail meet your slit. Dragon bf groans, feeling your heat emanating from your core onto his sensitive tail. He shivers and you hold tighter onto his cock, making him hiss.
Dragon bfs tail slides through your folds, gathering up your slickness. You moan, its girth spreading your lips. When his tail is all lubed up, you spread your thighs, allowing him easier access as his tail plunges into your depths, splitting you open just as deliciously as his cock does.
You and Dragon bf both moan, the nerves of your hole and his tail meeting and forming into an explosion of pleasure. Your bf pants, small bursts of smoke spilling out of his nose as he tries to control his fire.
“Please! Fuck me,” you beg, sliding your nails up and down the hard ridges of his length. Dragon bf roars, even the smallest forms of stimulation coming from you drives him to insanity.
“Yes, my mate!”
Without another word, Dragon bf starts thrusting his tail relentlessly into your pretty drooling cunt. Coating his tail with your essence and making a further mess of you both. With your body already soaked with his pre-cum, it makes it far too easy for your bf to push your body up and down his huge length.
Dragon bf moves your body back and forth along his cock, fucking his tail into your sloppy pussy with every downward jerk of your form.
You cry out, your body buzzing with the feeling of the ridges on his dick rubbing against you with every snap of his hips. Dragon bfs tail hitting along every nerve along your pussy walls. You can’t help but clench down and roll back into every movement.
Dragon bf snarls, his claws pricking at your back in the most delicious way as he delicately uses you however he wants. You both get lost in the momentum, the pleasure never ending as it sends sparks down your spine and straight into your cores.
You hold on tighter and tighter to his huge length practically drooling on it as his tail fucks you into oblivion, the furious pounding of his tail as it slips deeper inside you to the point where you can feel him in your throat.
A long mewl escapes you and with one more rut of his tail, your jaw drops and your body seizes. Your climax washing over you like a tidal wave of ecstasy. Dragon bf looks down just in time to see you experience one of the most intense orgasms of your life.
The moment your parted lips fall limply onto his pulsing cock, Dragon bf grunts loudly and explodes. His cum shooting of his dick and spraying all over his underbelly. Once again soaking you with his release. You bask in it, opening your mouth for however much you can get.
Still working through your orgasmic highs, Dragon bf brings you up onto his chest and uses his long tongue to lick his cum off of you. Giving you some interesting ideas about what you could do next time this happens.
“Thank you for being so understanding, my mate,” Dragon bf purrs. He nuzzles his giant snout into the area between your chest and your neck.
You sigh dramatically, reaching up and caressing however much of his jaw that you can. A rush of contentment moving through you as you cuddle with your big Dragon bf.
“Oh, it was nothing,” you tease, a grin playing on your lips. Your bf blows a harsh breath out of his nose, wiping your hair back. Leading both of you to burst out into a small fit of laughter.
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lackablazeical · 2 months
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Struggled so fucking much with this UGH
Anyway Skywings are my fave tribe 1000% so had to redesign my old skywing oc!!!
He grew up in da mountains so that's why he's good at rock climbing, not very connected to their rainwing side at all, kinda does view em as lazy vegans n such
Uhhhh yeah idk what else 2 say lolz
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heartfullofleeches · 5 months
"Marry me!"
Witch Reader: No, thank you - I have a cat.
"We could be so happy together..."
Witch Reader: My cat puts a smile on my face every other day, I'd consider that all happiness I need in this lifetime-
"Aren't you lonely?"
Witch Reader: My cat keeps me company... whether I like it or not.
"What makes this cat of yours so much better than me?"
Witch Reader: They are obedient...at times, if I desire peace and quiet I can quite literally zip their mouth shut, and, most importantly, they rid me of pests like you-
[A large, humanoid shadow towers behind the witch's admirer - claws hooking onto their shoulders as its head tilts to get a better look at its prey's face]
"Strike four...If only the little rats who chased after you aimed their efforts towards someone they had an actual chance with. Per our agreement I can eat this one, can't I, master~"
Witch Reader: Hm... not quite. Their liver could be useful to me in coming days so please keep that intact for me.
"Wh....what's standing behind me?"
Witch Reader: [smiles] My cat.
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sky-high-standards · 3 months
Yandere dragon x knight reader
Warning!!!: mild smut capturing
Just a twist on the yandere knight x dragon reader my single pringles~💜
Yandere dragon~ Who's the most feared dragon in all the land and has destroyed many Kingdoms with his wrath.
Yandere dragon~ Who, like any other dragon, collected precious and beautiful things and kingdoms would normally offer treasures in return for mercy and that's exactly what your kingdom did.
Yandere dragon~ Who soon got bored and displeased with the treasures offered and decided to take the princess instead and you had to rescue her since you're the most honored knight in the kingdom.
Yandere dragon~ Who was amused to see you demanding he release the princess. It was cute to see a tiny little knight facing the most feared dragon and he decided to toy with you for a bit before devouring you.
Yandere dragon~ Who was quite impressed with your skills but easily wore you out and was about to burn you to a crisp when suddenly your helmet fell off.
Yandere dragon~ Who is temporarily stunned by you. You were astonishing the most beautiful treasure he's ever come across.
Yandere dragon~ Who watches you ride away on your stead while he's distracted to safety his deep amber eyes lingering on your form.
Yandere dragon~ Who flies to your kingdom and makes s deal with the king, the princess in return you.
Yandere dragon~ Who grins at how the king immediate agreed and the villagers quickly give you to him and have you tied up so pretty like a gift on Christmas morning.
Yandere dragon~ Who shows you his human form in order to scare you a little less and in hopes it'll be easier for you to take him as your mate since he knows how captivating he is in that form.
Yandere dragon~ Who treats you like glass humans do tend to be quite fragile after all and he could never harm his little treasure.
Yandere dragon~ Who breeds you as soon as you warm up to him and makes sure to be extra gentle with you if he's just a little too rough he'll be sure to break you.
Yandere dragon~ Who covers you in jewels and rubies as a way to show you're his you didn't seem to like the love bites, but he still gives you some on occasion.
No one will ever harm you or our family my treasure…I'll make sure of it~
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ghosts-post · 1 year
Yandere farmer x sheep hybrid reader
Yan farmer that's absolutely obsessed with your wool. Takes excellent care of it. Even the slightest spec of dirt means you're getting a bath.
Both weeps with joy and sadness when its summer time and the weather gets warmer knowing he has to sheer your wool. On one hand he gets to collect your wool and do as he pleases with it. On the other hand you will no longer need to spend as much time with him because your wool will no longer need help being managed.
Does have other hybrids on his farm but you are the only one that's allowed into his home. And by allowed he means necessary to come in at least once a day but will always drag you into his house at night. Why would he let you sleep with the other sheep hybrids when you could be sleeping with him?
One time he accidentally mixed up the bag that had your wool with everyone else's and ended up donating it for people to use in crafts, clothes, etc. Cried about it for over a week.
He's actually extremely strong seeing as he does manual labor around the farm everyday. Can and will pick you up when you aren't being compliant with him.
If you are a type of sheep that grows horns he makes sure those are perfect as well. Will wax them and make sure nothing happens to them. He freaked out the one time your horns got stuck in the fence and ended up destroying the fence so he didn't have to cut them. Yes he knows they'll grow back but you'd just look so wrong without them being completely there!
Yan farmer: your wool is so perfect. Every curl sits just right on you. How is that possible?
Sheep hybrid reader, who just sat through hours of yan farmer brushing their wool: *blank stare*
Yan farmer, holding a bucket: its time for milking!
Sheep hybrid reader: you mean the cows right?
[Yan farmer's smile slowly widens]
Sheep hybrid reader, sweating: y-you mean the cows right???
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nikodart · 5 months
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🩷 wanna go somewhere? 🌷
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demoniika · 4 months
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albatross shearwater. pirate dragon !!
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bunnis-monsters · 5 months
Monster boyfriend that loves his chubby gf. Adores your fat tummy and pussy, can’t get enough!
He makes you feel so small, lifting you up and settling you on his cock as if you don’t weigh a thing. Rutting into your fat pussy, loving the squelching noises it makes as it gets all slick with arousal…
Your lover doesn’t love you despite your appearance, he loves your body and it makes him FERAL! Everything about you makes him horny.
Your love handles, plump belly, fat ass and thick, meaty thighs make his cock strain against his pants.
He can’t help but slip himself between your thighs, fucking them until they’re sticky with his cum! You’re just so cute, whining and begging him to actually fuck you… don’t worry, he can’t go without that perfect, warm fat pussy for too long! He’s got plenty of cum for your pretty kitty!
And he loves filling you with load after load, wanting to see your belly swell even further with his young <3
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2-dsimp · 4 months
I want to tie up Temothy and ride him until his balls are empty, maybe tease him by edging him a little bit here and there
『Featuring how to prep up your yandere bull hybrid for a rodeo』
Cw: NSFW 🔞, Fem reader! Titjob, blowjob m! Receive, praise, overstimulation, Temothy being a messy stud, copious amounts of precum,
PSA Reminder: Before you get to riding your Assistant Temothy you must first go through the precaution of pregaming your bull for maximum performance✨
"Fuck y-yes…You're driving me i-insane with how p-pretty you look s-struggling to fit my cockhead inside that t-tiny mouth of yours b-buttercup!”
Temothy whimpered under the sensation of your lips barely wrapped around the leaking head of his penis. The feel of your tongue sliding along the underside of his oozing bulbous tip. Caused the bull hybrid’s hips to jerk erratically against your tits of which you sandwiched his monstrous cock around.
And he was tearing up from the softness enveloping his pulsating length. Barely refraining from tossing his head back and groaning since he’d much rather fuck into your breasts. While looking down at you in a teary sinful manner to spout bold filthy praises as opposed to how timid he usually is around you.
"Y-you're sucha sweet cowgirl…. Always takin care of your Bull~ Makin sure t-that my h-heavy balls are e-emptied out of all the precum I’ve got backed up in my s-system first. before milkin me of every drop of my thick bull cum!"
Without warning the Bull Hybrid rocked his meaty dick forward sharply pushing past your mouth. So that his cockslit rubbed against your small pilant tongue. Coating it in rivets of sticky fluids, the amount he was spurting inside of your mouth damned near made your cheeks puff up like a chipmunk.
His breath hitched into a low pleased moo from the sight of his precious darling boss. Before he begrudgingly pulled his hips back from your plush lips not wanting to drown you in his spend. And instead opted to shower you in a translucent spray of his thick congealed pregame.
“Mmh—Shit I’m so sorry darlin, f-fer makin such a big mess in your office b-but you like having your gorgeous s-skin covered in my m-milk right? My little heifer?"
Temothy apologized unevenly, sniffling from how fucking overstimulated he was from the revelation. That his throbbing shaft was actively covering you, his boss, in his creamy pre-spunk. The Assistant’s heart hammered loudly within his heaving chest in a rambunctious rhythm. As shaky pants escaped his lips, while he stared unblinkingly at your body.
Getting painted all over in ropes of glistening pre-ejaculate. His swollen testicles twitching violently as his every nerve ending release seemed amplified by ten fold. With every splatter of his seminal fluid against your breasts, face, thighs, and hair. Leaving you utterly dripping from the sheer backlog he possessed.
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obsessivevoidkitten · 10 months
Animal Farm: Tuesdays
Three Yandere Dog Men x Gender Neutral Reader
CW: Noncon, knotting, nonhuman genitals, cum swallowing, spitroasting, biting, male harem, dog men, reader fucked silly, general yandere behavior, licking, scent marking Word Count: 555 (The next long awaited installment in my farm series. I hope you all love it. <3 I did not bother having this beta read, sorry for any mistakes. The original fic can be found HERE along with the links to the other installments)
You were still tired from the thorough orgy that the harpies had given. At least they provided you with plenty of gentle aftercare. But now it was Tuesday. And that meant that you were the property of the dog-men. Another day in the endless cycle of being a cumdump for horny monster men. You really dreaded time with the dogs. They always ended up biting the hell out of your neck. You entered the small cabin that the dog men inhabited and one of the cat men, Lionel, came stumbling out with a dazed look on his face and cum dribbling down his thighs. Good… maybe that would mean there urges were already taken care o- Your train of thought was interrupted when you were thrown on the bed by the most assertive of the three dog men, the one that had the ears and tail of s German Shepherd, Thorn. His claws slid under your waist band and partially pulled down to reveal your hole which he lapped at like a treat. “Fuck, I have been waiting a week for this farmer~” Apparently breeding Lionel did nothing to quell the desire to bury their knots in you. When he got tired of fucking you with his tongue he slid his dick in to the base, the bone in it jabbed you painfully until it mercifully swelled to full size. The stretch was only mildly uncomfortable. After bringing you to climax his knot inflated in you and kept the two of you tied with him periodically humping gently to enjoy the sweet friction against his knot as he plied you full of his hot seed. He gave your neck a quick bite before sliding out of you and then before you knew it one of the other two, this time the husky-like dog man, Corr, was slamming into you. But the third, Len, the fluffy one that had the features of a Newfoundland, couldn’t wait his turn. So while Corr was busy breeding your overstimulated hole Len took it upon himself to slide past your soft lips. The smell of his musky cock filled your nostrils as his nuts slapped your chin with every thrust. You whimpered and moaned lustfully into his cock as Corr started to knot you. Corr bit you on your shoulders and back as he began the long process of slowly depositing cum in waves into you as dog men did. Your body shook as you came again, but you started gagging a bit as Len knotted in your mouth. His dick twitched periodically as it sent another wave of bitter cum down your throat, leaving you no other option but to swallow. If you thought you were done you were sorely mistaken. Thorn had gotten hard again and plunged his cock right back into your now cum-lubed hole the second Corr had pulled out of it. A few hours later, when the fuck fest was finally done, the dog men all turned very loving and gentle. They licked you clean of their seed and bathed you, but they rubbed your clothes with their scent before allowing you to get dressed again. They spent the rest of the day feeding, cuddling, and caring for their little mate who was too dazed and tired from all the sex to really do much.
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cotton and the magic vagina
for my beloved 🐁 anon 💋
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🐰cotton got a 9 incher I kid you not. He may be 4'9, but that monster in between his legs needs to be taken care of every half hour or else you'll have a needy bunny humping your thighs
🐰he wants lots of kids. So he'll try to make as many as possible without thinking of how to provide for them. About half of each litter makes it through infancy, the rest dying in their sleep. It makes you sad whenever you see the little graveyard you made in the backyard
🐰 he's a good father but it's hard teaching him not to fuck you Infront of the kids. Have some decency young man. You're completely appalled when he said his parent's use to do the same Infront of him and his siblings.
🐰the only clothing he doesn't immediately take off is his underwear, saying he likes the way it rubs against his dick. Weirdo.
🐰some days you can't even walk properly with how often he demands sex. He's not a one pump chump, going atleast 4 rounds before he lets you go back to work
🐰don't let him catch you lactating, he'll go ape shit begging to drink some of it. He'll sometimes get jealous of his own kids when he sees them get more attention. Immature brat.
Silly doodle ↓
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