#hybrid lloyd
senseigrace · 10 months
Take These Broken Wings and Learn to Fly (Part One)
Lloyd knew that he was a hybrid. He was an Oni, a Dragon, and a human. However, he wasn't ready for all of the changes that came with being a hybrid, both emotionally and physically.
But he would figure it out. He's the Green Ninja.
(Or Lloyd suddenly getting a whole bunch of Oni/Dragon features, and he has to come to terms with it.)
Kai couldn’t help but notice Lloyd’s absence at the breakfast table. 
Maybe missions before breakfast were becoming normal for the youngest member of the team, but that didn’t make them a good idea. Or something that they should be getting used to. 
“Hey, Pixal? Did Lloyd go out on a mission this morning?” he asked as he carried his bowl to the sink. It was Nya’s day to do the dishes. 
Pixal looked up at him, then shook her head. “I am not aware of any disturbances in Ninjago that would require his attention this morning,” she told him. “Perhaps he is still asleep?” 
Kai nodded, but something in the back of his head disagreed with Pixal’s words. It wasn’t like Lloyd to sleep in, and it definitely wasn’t like him to skip breakfast if there wasn’t some sort of mission. 
“I’ll go check,” he said as he tried to keep the worry out of his head. 
He knew he was overprotective of the youngest member of the team, it was something that had come with realizing what his full potential was. His job was to protect Lloyd, everything else came second. 
He made his way through the monastery, then knocked on the door to Lloyd’s room.
He couldn’t hear anything from inside of the room, but that didn’t really mean anything. With the exception of an occasional nightmare, Lloyd was extremely quiet. 
Kai opened the door, and peered in. As soon as he did though, he frowned at what he saw. 
The room was a mess, which was unusual for Lloyd. The sheets were torn off of the bed, a teacup had been shattered, and in the middle of the room… 
“Lloyd?” Kai asked as he walked in. “Lloyd, what’s wrong?” 
Lloyd sat in the middle of the room, his legs pulled up to his chest and the sheets from his bed wrapped around him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a year… 
Instead of looking up at Kai, Lloyd looked away. 
“Go away,” he whispered. 
A part of Kai wanted to be hurt, but instead, his body was filled with worry instead. Lloyd didn’t act like that. He never pushed Kai away unless something was seriously wrong. 
He didn’t take Lloyd’s advice. Instead, he walked over to his little brother and sat down on the floor beside him. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” He tried to make his voice as gentle as possible, so he didn’t make Lloyd shut down anymore than he already had. 
“I said go away!” Lloyd shouted as he looked up at Kai. 
Kai gasped when he saw his little brother’s face. There was blood on his lips, cuts on his cheeks, and his eyes… 
His eyes were glowing purple. 
Before Kai had a chance to say anything, Lloyd made a noise of distress. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” he repeated over and over again as he reached out to stop Kai from leaving. 
Lloyd’s hand didn’t look normal. Where once there had been gentle fingertips, there were now claws as sharp as swords. Claws that could tear through flesh without a second thought. 
Kai reached out to wrap his arms around Lloyd, the way he always did when his little brother was having a bad day, but Lloyd recoiled. 
“I-I… I don’t wanna hurt you,” Lloyd said as he curled himself into an even smaller ball. 
Kai didn’t know what to do. This had never happened to Lloyd before, he didn’t even know that it was possible. Sure, the kid was some sort of hybrid, but… 
He scooted a little closer to Lloyd, as close as he could be without intruding in his personal bubble. He wanted his little brother to know that he was close by, even if he couldn’t touch him. 
Besides, it wasn’t the first time Lloyd had gone through a phase where he didn’t want to be touched. It had happened right after the Tomorrow’s Tea incident, when his body ached from the sudden changes that had taken place over seconds instead of years. And again after the Overlord had drained all of the power from his body, the only person who had been able to touch him after that was Garmadon. 
So Kai sat as close as he could, a reminder to Lloyd that he was there and that he wasn’t alone. 
Finally though, Kai knew he had to break the silence that was forming between the two of them. “Do you want me to go get your uncle?” 
He wasn’t sure how much Sensei Wu could actually do, but he definitely knew more about this dragon and oni thing than he did. 
Lloyd shook his head, but didn’t say anything. Kai didn’t know if he was scared to talk, or if he just didn’t want to. 
Resisting the urge to reach out and hold his little brother the way he was so used to doing, Kai looked down at the ground and began to count the lines in the polished wood. “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
A soft gaspy sound came out of Lloyd’s mouth. “It started last night,” he whispered. “Eyes first, then the horns, claws, and teeth… My back hurts so bad, I can’t stop my fangs from cutting open my lip, the claws keep scratching me… Kai, I don’t know what to do. I just want m-my dad… I need him.” 
A shuddering sob wracked Lloyd’s body, and Kai watched as his little brother broke down. 
His mind was running a million miles an hour, but it was blank at the same time. He had no idea what he could do to help, but he knew he had to do something to calm Lloyd down. 
Kai resisted the urge to reach out and pull him into his arms again. Lloyd didn’t want to be touched right now, or at least not yet. Doing so would probably only make everything worse. 
But then a thought popped into his head. There was nothing he could do to bring back a Garmadon that loved his son and was there to help at the drop of a hat, but the memories still existed. And even though Garmadon had never told Lloyd anything about his hybrid nature and how it affected his body, he had taught Lloyd a lot about his powers. 
And he had taught him about how to control fear. 
Kai swallowed. There were three ways this could go. 
The first was that his suggestion would work and help Lloyd get through whatever was going on. 
The second was that it would make Lloyd cry even harder, which Kai didn’t really want. 
The third was that it would make Lloyd angry, and Kai had to admit that he didn’t really want to be on the receiving end of those sharp claws. 
“Lloyd?” he began, his voice as gentle as it could possibly be. “Do you remember the breathing exercises that your dad taught you for when you were scared?” 
Lloyd looked up at him, tears still pouring out of his glowing purple eyes. He hesitated for a second, then nodded slowly. “Uh huh.” 
“Do you want me to help you do them?” Kai asked. They were the same ones that Sensei Wu had taught him after they had saved Nya from the skeletons, and he had been having nightmares and panic attacks. 
Lloyd nodded again, then reached out his shaky clawed hand and placed it on Kai’s leg. His hand trembled even as it rested against Kai’s leg, an obvious sign of the anxiety the younger ninja was filled with. 
“You ready?” 
Kai nodded. “Okay. Breathe in, two, three, four…” he said slowly as he prompted his little brother to follow the exercise. “Hold, two, three, four…” 
The exercise was simple. An even amount of inhaling, holding, exhaling, and resting. It was easy for Kai to remember when he needed it most, and was easier to do than some of the longer ones. 
It took a few minutes of doing the exercise before Lloyd’s hand stopped shaking. It took longer for the last of the tears to stop falling. 
But it didn’t matter how long it took to Kai. He would do this for days on end if it helped his brother feel better. 
The claws disappeared at some point. Kai wasn’t really sure when, but all that was left was what looked like long, sharp fingernails. They didn’t resemble the claws that had been there earlier at all. 
When Kai finally felt comfortable with saying something that wasn’t guiding Lloyd’s breathing exercises, he found himself only able to ask one question. 
“When did you last eat, Lloyd?” he asked. 
Lloyd opened his eyes and looked over at him. They still glowed purple. It was a color that looked so familiar on villains like Garmadon, but not on his son… The color barely registered as anything other than evil in Kai’s mind, though he knew his little brother was the furthest thing from that. 
“Last night,” he responded, though Kai noticed it took him a minute to remember when. “After I got home from my mission.” 
That settled that. The kid needed food. 
Kai stood up, then held out his hand to Lloyd. “Let’s go get you some food,” he said. 
Lloyd stared at him, his eyes still glossy with tears even though he had finished crying. Kai couldn’t help but notice the hesitation in his eyes. 
“They’ll see me…” 
Kai felt a surge of protectiveness rush through him. On top of the pain, Lloyd was embarrassed to be a hybrid. Kai had watched him push those parts of him away, but he hadn’t realized the harm it must have been doing. 
But their team wouldn’t bully him, not for this anyway. 
“Lloyd, they aren’t going to make a big deal out of it. They aren’t going to freak out, and they aren’t going to make fun of you,” he said. “Cole was a ghost, Jay was a snake, Zane’s a robot, and Nya was the sea… We’ve all had our moments.” 
Lloyd seemed to contemplate that for a second, and then reached out and grabbed Kai’s hand. 
Kai gently pulled Lloyd up, the blankets that had been wrapped around Lloyd falling down to the ground. 
As they fell, they revealed one last thing.
It was all Kai could do not to gasp. 
Lloyd had wings. 
Wings with golden and emerald scales that glittered in the sunlight that was peaking through the window, wings that would maybe allow Lloyd to fly one day, wings that were so cool it made sense that only the grandson of the First Spinjitzu Master could have them.
And Kai had to admit, he was insanely jealous of them.
Lloyd caught his gaze, then looked over his shoulder. After a second, he looked back at Kai. 
There was a smile on his face, a mischievous smirk. A sharp fang that hadn’t there before was just barely visible. “Jealous?” 
Kai let out a soft chuckle. “Honestly?” he said. “Yeah, really jealous.” 
“Not really a fan of everything else, but I gotta admit… I like the wings,” Lloyd admitted. “Although, my back does hurt a lot cause of them…” 
Kai winced. He remembered Lloyd saying that his back hurt earlier, but he never would have guessed that it was because of the wings. 
“Maybe it’s because they’re just coming in?” he suggested. “I mean, I know you aren’t human, but you’re growing wings.” 
A pained look flashed on Lloyd’s face for just a second, and Kai realized what he had done wrong. 
“Lloyd, I didn’t mean…” he started. He hadn’t even thought about the words he had been using. Sure, Lloyd was a hybrid, but it wasn’t just Dragon and Oni, he was human too.  
Lloyd cut him off with a shrug, and gave Kai a tight-lipped smile. “It’s okay,” he said. “It probably is just cause they’re coming in.” 
Kai swallowed. A part of him felt like he needed to apologize, but he also knew that it would make it worse. The best thing he could do was drop it. Lloyd was already struggling with it today, and he always did better if they didn’t focus on it. 
So he mustered up a smile and hoped that Lloyd wouldn’t internalize the accidental words used. “Let’s get you some food.” 
Kai wasn’t sure if Lloyd was off balance because of the wings or if he just needed something to ground him, but Lloyd held tightly to Kai’s hand for the entire walk to the kitchen. 
They didn’t say anything though, the only sound was their footsteps against the wooden floors. 
When they reached the kitchen, Kai could hear the sounds of Nya doing the dishes. He wasn’t worried about how she would react to Lloyd’s current state, she was always great at using the right words and making the kid comfortable. 
“Hey, Nya,” he greeted as he and Lloyd walked in. 
“Hey,” she said back, but she didn’t turn towards them. Instead she just kept washing the dishes. “How’s Lloyd?” 
“I’m okay,” Lloyd told her as he sat down. “Definitely been worse in the past.” 
Nya turned towards him, and for a second, Kai could see the shock in her eyes. She masked it pretty quickly with a grin. 
“Bet Kai is pretty jealous of those wings,” she said, her voice playful as she walked away from the sink. 
Lloyd’s wings opened up a bit as a slight blush covered his cheeks. Kai wondered if the movement was something that Lloyd had done on his own to show them off more, or if it was automatic. 
“Just a little bit,” Lloyd told her. 
Nya sat down at the table. “They wouldn’t look good on him though,” she said, and Kai allowed himself to not fight their playful banter this time around. “Green isn’t his color at all.”
Nya looked over at Kai and gave him the most subtle nod she possibly could. They two of them had tag teamed Lloyd enough over the years to be able to say things to each other through nods and shakes. 
Nya had Lloyd. Kai could focus on getting him food or anything else he needed. 
So he let them keep teasing him as he walked over to the kitchen cabinets and began trying to find something to make the kid. 
Kai grabbed a bowl and a packet of instant oatmeal. Lloyd tended to crave warm things when he was upset. Blankets to wrap around himself, someone warm to cuddle, warm things to eat… 
It had always been adorable, but now Kai was wondering if it was the dragon inside of him. The dragons that the ninja had owned had all been different, but Kai would never forget the way Flame had always wanted warmth. 
He missed that dragon… 
Kai looked back over at Lloyd. He still looked sad and paler than normal, but in the few moments Kai had been focused on something else, Nya had cleaned up his bloody lip and the scratches on his cheeks. 
The purple glowing eyes were gone now too, his bright green eyes replacing them with a glow that was almost as bright. 
Kai poured the boiling water over the oats and stirred. 
Their conversation had moved onto something different. Something about dragon wings and fight moves. Definitely something that Lloyd would be interested in, though it worried Kai. 
Lloyd’s hybrid nature would put him at risk now that the physical traits were showing up. A pair of tiny horns covered by his blond hair would rarely be noticed, but wings? 
Kai swallowed at the thought. He was Lloyd’s sworn protector, and he would give his life to keep him safe… But the risk was so much higher than before, and he had failed Lloyd before. 
There had always been a target on Lloyd’s back, but would people actively seek out the blood of a Dragon, Oni, and Human hybrid? Especially when some part of that blood was also related to the First Spinjitzu Master?
He tried to push it away. He would leave it in the back of his mind until he was with the rest of his team. Then he could talk to the others and get their opinions on it. 
Would they have to force Lloyd to hide what he was? That didn’t seem fair… 
He knew that Lloyd would take it like a champ. He would smile his golden smile and mask the pain as he was forced to hide away parts of himself that should be free. Parts that none of the other ninja would have been forced to hide away. 
Just the thought of forcing his little brother into that position made Kai feel sick. 
Then Kai remembered what he was supposed to be doing. He was supposed to be taking care of Lloyd. He was supposed to be getting the kid food. 
He carried the bowl of hot oatmeal over to Lloyd and placed it in front of him. Then Kai handed him a spoon. 
Lloyd nodded, then began to eat. 
“Have you told Sensei Wu yet?” Nya asked. Of course, Kai knew that the answer was no. He had been the one to find Lloyd like this, and Lloyd hadn’t wanted to get his uncle involved. At least, not at that point. 
“Told me what?” 
All three of them jumped as they turned towards their master. 
“Uncle!” Lloyd exclaimed, and Kai could hear the nervousness in his voice. 
Sensei Wu looked over at Lloyd, and like always, his expression was unreadable. Kai couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or not. 
“I see your Dragon and Oni heritage has caught up with you,” he said. 
Lloyd nodded. “It happened last night,” he whispered. “Kai calmed me down this morning.” 
Sensei Wu hummed for a moment. “Did you get any sleep?” His voice was gentle, and Kai had no idea why he had expected anything else from his master. 
While he had pushed Lloyd to perfection and beyond, he had always been a good uncle. And besides, if Lloyd had Dragon and Oni heritage, Sensei Wu would have had it too.
Lloyd shook his head. “No, Sensei,” he said. 
Sensei Wu nodded. “I see,” he said, then turned to Kai. “Once he is done eating, help him to bed.” 
Kai knew what his sensei was asking of him. He was asking for more than just putting Lloyd to bed and leaving him. He was asking for him to help Lloyd be as comfortable as possible, then stay with him as he slept in case anything else happened. 
Kai hadn’t just tag teamed Lloyd with Nya before. He’d tag teamed him with Sensei Wu too. 
“Yes, Sensei,” he said. 
Sensei Wu turned back to Lloyd. “Get some sleep,” he said. “Then I would like to speak with you.” 
Lloyd nodded, but he didn’t say anything. To which Kai couldn’t decide if he thought that was a good thing or a bad thing. 
Sometimes Lloyd was just quiet, but normally he would respond to his uncle… 
Sensei Wu left the room after that, and it wasn’t long before Lloyd finished his food. 
“Get some rest,” Nya told Lloyd gently as she reached across the table and squeezed his hand. “Use this as an excuse to get a good nap and take some time off of training. You need it, kid.” 
Lloyd nodded, and Kai could tell how exhausted he was just by how slow the movement was. “Okay,” he whispered. 
Kai stood up, then turned to his little brother. “Let’s get you to bed,” he said as he held out his hand. 
Once again, Lloyd took Kai’s hand and allowed himself to be led across the monastery and into his bedroom. 
Kai quickly made Lloyd’s bed, then looked over at the sleepy green ninja. “C’mon,” he said. “Bedtime.” 
Lloyd nodded, then climbed into the bed and rolled onto his side. He didn’t say a word as he closed his eyes. 
Kai walked over to the chair at Lloyd’s desk and sat down in it. If Lloyd needed anything, he would be right here. It was all he could do for the kid. He couldn’t change DNA, he couldn’t change the fact that people would hunt him down for another reason now. 
All he could do was be an anchor. All he could do was be what Lloyd needed. 
It was quiet for a long time, and Kai was completely convinced that Lloyd had fallen asleep, but then he heard his name. 
Kai looked up and towards Lloyd. “You okay?” he asked. 
Lloyd didn’t move from where he was still laying on his side. “Do you think Uncle Wu is mad at me?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper as he spoke. 
“Why would you think that?” Kai asked. Sensei Wu had seemed pretty normal to him, but maybe he had missed some underlying tension earlier. 
Lloyd let out a shuddering breath. “He said he wanted to talk to me alone, and all of this wasn’t really convenient, and now I’m supposed to be sleeping instead of training, and…” Lloyd suddenly stopped. 
Kai stood up and walked over to Lloyd’s bed. He sat down on the edge of it and placed his hand gently on his little brother’s arm. “What?” 
“What if he hates me?” Lloyd’s voice was barely above a whisper. “I-I’m an Oni now… I look like one, what if I… What if I can’t control myself? What if I become like Garmadon?” 
Kai swallowed, then squeezed Lloyd’s arm. “He cares about you, Lloyd. He wants you to rest because you didn’t get any sleep,” he tried to reassure him. “He’s not gonna hate you just because you have horns and sharp teeth. You’re his nephew.” 
Lloyd let out a sound that was a mix between a whimper and a sob. “I just wanna be normal again…” 
“I know,” Kai whispered. “I know you do.” 
Kai didn’t remind him that he had never been normal. He was the grandson of a god, the child of an Oni, an Elemental Master, and the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master. His childhood had been ripped away from him, he was destiny’s favorite child… 
The last thing that could be used to describe Lloyd was normal. 
But still Kai sat by him, trying his best to soothe his little brother. He stayed quiet as Lloyd cried out tears that had been held in for too long, rubbed his arm and shoulder to remind Lloyd that he wasn’t alone… 
And when Lloyd’s eyelids finally closed, and his breathing evened out, Kai breathed a sigh of relief. 
“It’s all gonna be okay,” he whispered to his sleeping brother. “I promise. Dragon and Oni or no Dragon and Oni, you’re still our Lloyd.”
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sweet-stims · 1 year
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hybrid!lloyd garmadon stimboard! ♪
💚🎾💚 - 🪀🐾🪀 - 💚🎾💚
veeerry self-indulgent
i love this boy so much. expect more ninjago stimboards cuz i just finished it and OH BOY
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zagreusapollyon · 2 months
OK headcanon that Lloyd gets a lot more dragon characteristics than people expect.
Like this man is insanely protective over arin and sora, he downright growls at people when they even look at them the wrong way.
He has this weird sense of parenthood toward these kids, sometimes subconsciously referring to them as 'his hatchlings' in his head, before snapping back to reality and becoming an embarrassed puddle of dragon goo as he registers his own thoughts.
He has wings, bc I said so, and he uses them to shield people under them, "them" being the little shits he adopted along the way.
He runs warmer than the average 6 and is literally a goddamn living heater. There was a poll between the others on the fact that between Kai and Lloyd, who is the better cuddle spot.
Sometimes during his panic attacks, he reverts to basic dragon instincts. He once saw Arin and Sora and started freaking out at their lack of draconic features. Because oh my FSM why don't my hatchlings have wings are u ok are u dying-
Arin and Sora are amused.
And it doesn't stop on the kids either, the rest of the ninjas suffer too. Lloyd wakes up Kai by plopping down on him in the morning, purring and telling him to get the hell up-
He has bitten Jay's ankle before, no you will not get an explanation. (It was his fault.)
Lloyd regularly rubs his face against the kids and other ninjas, kinda like a claim. He got extremely frustrated when his scent wouldn't remain on Zane. Zane was sad he couldn't help :(
More in part 2 when I feel like making it.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
¹⁵.⍭ 𝐏𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Ari Levinson x bunny hybrid!reader (to Major Crossover—Ari Levinson, Andy Barber, Lloyd Hansen and Steve Rogers x bunny hybrid!reader)
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | bunny hybrid!reader, owner!Ari, Mob AU (loosely implied), dom/sub undertones, DD/LG undertones. boss!Ari, mean daddy!Ari and daddy’s mean friends!Andy, Steve & Lloyd. AGE GAP, power imbalance, size difference, breeding programs (for hybrids). SMUT - minors DNI, boot riding, daddy kink, dirty talk, degradation, dumbification, finger sucking/gagging, dacryphilia, size kink, fingering (f, v & a), spit kink, bulge suckling (over pants?), p*ssy slapping, balls sucking, oral (m), squirting, overstimulation.
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | Every pet needs an owner and in your case, your daddy loves sharing you. Written for Kinktober 2022, loosely based on this ask. 
𝐨𝐧 𝐀𝐎𝟑
𝗪/𝗖 | 4.53K
𝗔/𝗡 | *reposted bc it was causing me problems.* consider this my crossover fic for kinktober if my other one doesn’t come in time. aside from the mafia, ari and his friends work in the breeding industry too. dear anon, i'm so sorry i basically changed your whole request !! ari owns me !! Title from Put Me in a Movie by Lana Del Rey. No gifs/photos belong to me, check the Pinterest board on my kinktober masterlist, all credits go to the original creators. All mistakes are my own. [all asks]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
˗ˏˋ𝐊𝐢����𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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There are a lot of things that Ari is thankful for. From his respected family name, his close friends, and the luck or diligence that has gotten him this far. Given the number of bullets he’s dodged growing up, it’s a wonder he ever got to the top in the end. But right now, he’s most grateful for you, his little pet, on your knees and drooling all over his knee. He loved when you were a pathetic mess. 
Another whimper slips out from your lips, drawing all eyes to you once more. 
“Bunny, what did I say?”
You quickly wipe the spit from your face and strain to meet his eyes, your hips stutter when he raises his foot as you grind down, torturing your soppy folds with a single motion. 
“To b-be quiet…” You clutch at his pants, dropping your head in submission. “Sorry, daddy.”
Ari’s gaze softens. He reaches out and pets your head, lightly brushing the soft fur of your ears, making you purr. “It’s okay, baby. I know you’re just a dumb little bunny. You’re lucky daddy’s friends are so patient with all of your interruptions��” He slips his digits into your mouth and forcefully turns your head, “—you should apologize to them.”
Your gaze falls on the man next to him and those thick thighs straining against his wool slacks. “I-I’m so-wwy…” Your eyes drift over each of them, shivers crawling down your spine at their intimidating stares. “I—” Ari jams his fingers to the back of your throat, making you gag and saliva drip down your chin. “So-ugh-rry! I’m sorry for interruptin’!”  
“I don’t know if I forgive you, pet.” Mr. Hansen tsks from the other couch, “why don’t you show me if all of that wasted time is worth it?”
His words would’ve gone ignored if Ari didn’t choke you on his fingers again, pulling you out of that dizzy headspace. You suckle on his digits and heave, tears well in your eyes as your panties get slicker. Rocking faster and harder, you chase that euphoria that makes your clit tingle. Pitiful whimpers escape your full mouth, you don’t want to stop, it feels too good. 
Ari’s fingers withdraw from your mouth with a lewd pop, “C’mon, we don’t have all day.” He points up his foot, making you cry out. 
You quickly raise your hips and bend over, nuzzling your owner’s crotch while the other men leer at the shiny leather and soaked fabric covering your mound. Just spotting the sticky outline of your swollen folds and your needy button begging for relief. 
“We can’t see anything with your wet panties in the way, dummy.” Mr. Rogers chuckles, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. “Take ‘em off.” 
With a final nod from Ari, you slip off your underwear. The rush of cold draws a gasp from your throat, and your hot, weepy centre is not only victim to the cool air, but the eager eyes of your owner’s friends. Cream coats your pussy and your hole clenches around nothing, your puffy clit showing just how much you’ve been teased. After all, you have been riding Ari’s boot since the ‘meeting’ started. 
Your knees are sore but you don’t care, you wanted any piece of Ari he would offer. Aching for him and his warmth, you whine and feebly attempt to get closer from your position between his spread thighs. Your cheek presses against his stiff bulge and your mouth waters for his heavy weight on your tongue—but you’ve been a bad, interruptive bunny, you don’t deserve playtime with daddy. 
“Poor baby, why are you crying?” Mr. Barber asks, dark eyebrows furrowed in concern. 
“Want—I want daddy’s cock,” your bottom lip trembles, “wanna suck his dick and taste his cum.” 
A switch flips and Mr. Barber smirks, all of the worry replaced with sick glee. “Are you sure you just want his cock? I’ve heard you love having his sack on your face and sometimes you just suck on his balls.” His words only make you cry harder out of pure want. You nod helplessly, making all of the men chuckle. “Sweet bunny wants daddy’s milk so bad, you’ll just—what did you call it, Ari?” 
“Nurse on my balls,” Ari answers smugly, rubbing your head. “She’ll just wait until I’m close and shove my cock down her throat. I’m surprised she has room in her tummy at all—pretty thing always wants to taste my cum.” 
“What a slutty cum-bunny.” Mr. Hansen’s eyes are still locked on your drippy cunt. “She has cum for brains, I bet.” 
“Curtis and Bucky are gonna be pissed when they hear about what they missed.” Mr. Rogers snorts, “they both have a thing for little cum dummies.” 
“Well then, maybe next time they should keep their word.” Ari rubs that special spot behind your furry ear, making your eyes glaze over and your jaw go slack. They could almost see every thought leave your head. “Right, pet? Aren't Curtis and Bucky just so mean to forget about you?”
You nod in a daze, staring up at him with so much love and trust that he almost devours you right there. “So m-mean, daddy…” 
You don’t notice that the other men have moved closer, Steve and Lloyd looming behind you while Andy inches closer. His fingers trace to your other sweet spot behind your other ear and you nearly forget to breathe. Their gentle touch could soothe you to sleep like a lullaby and also make you immensely needier from the sensitivity. You know it’s more of the latter considering the heat fluttering in your stomach. 
“Sweet, submissive girls like you shouldn’t ever be pushed aside. You deserve the spotlight.” Mr. Barber coos gently, “Don’t you agree, fellas?”
“She’s meant to be a star.” Lloyd crouches down behind you, slowly slicing your nightie with his knife, the silk falling to the floor and exposing more of your glowy skin. He leans close, inhaling your sweet, heady scent. “You wanna be a star, bunny?”
Again, you nod. “Yes, pl-please.” You say politely, jumping when Steve’s hand lands on your ankle, prompting you to spread your legs wider. 
“I think you need to ask your daddy, dummy.” The blond tuts. 
You lean forward, arching your back just like your daddy taught you—your owner liked it and his friends did too. A broken whine flows from your lips when someone brushes your puffy tail at the same time one long finger pierces your tight cunt, sliding knuckle deep and teasingly brushing your spot. 
You turn just in time to watch Lloyd spit, his saliva runs down your puckered hole to your cunt, joining your creaminess. You moan and bite your lip, wiggling your bum in a silent plea. The brunet smirks knowingly and spits twice more, this time, getting close enough for it to harshly splatter on your rosebud and sticky pussy.
“Dirty bunny, you’re such a good little set of holes.” He praises, pulling out his finger to trail up and down your slit, smearing your wetness. “Been too fuckin’ long since I’ve had a taste.” 
Your head snaps up, “Can Mr. Hansen taste me, daddy?”
Ari makes a thoughtful hum, “You want him to lick your pussy?”
“And o-other things…” You exhale shakily when Lloyd’s fingers return to your hungry hole, penetrating and easily building a slow and steady pace, “I want him to, uhm, suck on my thingy…”
“On your what?”
You squeeze your eyes shut, “my bunny button.” You were his plaything, his obedient pet, but you could never get used to saying nasty things. “I want—can Mr. Hansen suck on m-my bunny button, daddy?” You give him your best pout and even tuck your hands under your chin, “can he?” Your white ears fall slack against your cheeks, framing your face.  
He always said that if you were a real bunny, your ears would drag on the floor and you’d trip on them. 
Ari stares down at you, his head cocked to the side and his long brown hair brushing his cheekbones. “No. You didn’t say please.” 
Your ears perk up in distress, “But—” Your voice breaks into a squeal when Steve grips your tail firmly. 
“Better watch your next words, bunny.” 
“I-I wasn’t gonna say something bad…” You shrink under all of their hard gazes, trapped under the shady blue. “Never say anythin’ bad to daddy… I promise, just ask him. Right, daddy? I don’t say anythin’ bad?”
Ari squints playfully, “but were you thinking of saying something bad?”
“No! Always thinkin’ nothing!”
The men laugh at your cluelessness. 
Steve loosens his grip and threads his fingers through the soft fur of your tail, “You’re so soft, bunny. Your daddy takes such good care of you, keeping you all clean, healthy and pretty. You know how many other bunnies would be jealous that they don’t have a good daddy like you do?” 
You don’t want to think of that. Regardless if he meant it, your mind instantly went to other bunnies taking your daddy. You’d never let that happen! You despised being away from him for more than a day and couldn’t handle losing him to someone else. 
You hated thinking about it, but your short time in the breeding program was the loneliest you’ve ever felt. The silent darkness would eat you up, only to spit you out when your next appointment came. Thankfully, you were never bred because Ari saved you before that, but you heard horror stories about the sessions from his friends. 
Those tales are lived nightmares for some, where your kind is reduced to nothing but a hole, fucked and tossed aside until a more fertile subject came along. 
Hybrid numbers have been declining for decades, and in turn, the breeding industry has been steadily growing until recent years when the business started booming. Your kind was bought and sold, traded around until landing in the breeding program put in place to fix the diminishing numbers. 
That’s where you were before Ari found you, unowned and desperate for any sort of connection. That’s why you latched onto him so tightly, clung to him like he was your lifetime—because that’s what he was. You never had an owner before him, so you didn’t know what was expected of you. Ari, as patient as can be, taught you everything you know and continues to give you lessons every day. 
You’ve only made it this far because of him. Of course, you wanted to save the other hybrids, but you refused to give up your daddy. 
Craving that sugary-sweet intimacy, you start pawing at his crotch but fail to unbuckle his belt. “Your cock please, daddy.”  
“I think Steve asked you a question.”
Frustrated and upset, you faceplant on his dick dramatically, you wanted to at least mouth at his bulge, but he didn't give you permission yet. You weren’t a naughty bunny, but you didn’t want to think, you didn’t want to speak, you just wanted to feel close to Ari and have him in your mouth. “Ugh! Don’t know! L-Lots?!”
“All of them.” Another finger slips in alongside Lloyd’s and both slowly stretch out your hole, prying you open. “All those whores in the breeding industry wish they could be you. Getting coddled, loved on, and given everything you could ever ask for…” 
“Your daddy saved you from there, bunny.” Andy finishes with a pointed look, “You better be grateful or else he’s sending you back.” 
Ari wouldn’t ever do that, but he doesn’t correct his friend. He wants to see those fat tears pour from your eyes.
“No, daddy! Don’t send me back!” As if on cue, you start crying again. Not only from the fear of going back to that terrible industry and losing your daddy but the four fingers stuffed into your pussy and working you open thoroughly. They hit deep and in sync, splitting you wide as more spit splatters on your core. Your stomach tightens as a mixture of their saliva and your slick dribbles onto the floor. 
Daddy was gonna make you clean that up later, you just knew it. 
“Where are your manners?” A palm collides with your ass and the pain sizzles up your spine to your foggy head, shoving you deep under. 
You struggle to meet your owner’s gaze with most of your upper body weight on his lap, and if you could, you’d crawl into his warmth. Even now, your body has a mind of its own and thrusts against the two hands behind you, “Please, daddy, don’t send me back… I love you.”  
The three other men snicker about how cute you are. 
You can’t hear them very well over the rush of blood flowing through your head. You squeak when a finger circles your rosebud, and doesn’t waste any time in sliding to the hilt. Your bones turn to sludge and your face lands on Ari’s hard cock again. 
His teeth dig into his bottom lip as he smiles, “And, I love you, bunny.” He pets you before securing a hand on the back of your head, shifting his hips until his dick rubs against your lips. Your mouth opens automatically and you suckle at his bulge, tongue gliding over the denim. 
“Look at that, bunny still wants daddy’s milk,” Andy murmurs, wiping your tears before sucking them off his fingers, groaning lowly at the bitter taste. 
“She’s gonna get a lot of milk today,” Ari growls. 
With your eyes shut in bliss, you fuck yourself on Lloyd and Steve’s fingers, muffled ah, ah, ah’s pouring out into the hot air, harmonizing with the sopping wet sounds. Their fingers are so big and thick, and even though they aren’t your daddy’s, they’re good in a different way. Good enough to make your thighs quiver as they speed up. 
“Little bunny is going dumb.” Lloyd mocks, increasing his pace as your juices run down his arm, “Steve, fit two more.” 
You see the light for a millisecond as all touches abandon both of your holes. The air fills your lungs with a deep inhale before you’re plunged into the depths again. Lloyd has replaced Steve’s two fingers in your cunt, filling you up with four of his, immediately hooking inside you to hit that rough patch. He pumps into you, feeling awfully tempted to slip his thumb in and give you something to really cry about—none of this you didn’t say please bullshit.
A warmth brushes your face before the familiar musk seeps into your head. Your eyes shoot open and you latch onto Ari’s sack, nuzzling your nose into his pubic hair to take one of his balls in your mouth. Low purrs ripple from your throat, sending vibrations through his body. 
“Fuck, that’s it.” He jerks his leaky cock, breathing heavily. “Good bunny, such a good little pet for daddy. Finally getting what you want. Thank me for all the fuckin’ cum I’ve given you.” 
Andy is unable to look away from your full mouth struggling to both of Ari’s balls, you’re trying so hard but you’re so small and dumb, nearly choking yourself. Your saliva smears down your chin, following in the trails of your previous tears, making you look like the perfect slutty pet. 
“Look at you, nursing on daddy’s sack.” Ari grunts, tapping your temple until your eyes flutter open. “Stupid baby loves having all of her holes filled, she’ll just cry if she doesn’t get daddy’s milk.”
You nod dumbly, blinking up at him through watery eyes, still messily suckling his sack. You sneak a few licks up his length, tracing those prominent veins with your tongue. 
Ari gathers the droplets from your face and brings them to his mouth again, “Fuckin’ cumdump crybaby, keep those tears coming, you know how much we love the taste.”
You hope you’re giving them all that they want— your tight holes, your salty tears, and giving your daddy his special thank you. You don’t realize you’re close until someone tugs on your tail, prompting a rush of slick to flow down your thighs and the elastic in your tummy to tighten. 
Steve’s fingers prod at your puckered hole before penetrating, he works you up to it. Starting with one that’s soaked with your arousal and his saliva before adding the next and spitting some more, then repeating until he has four fingers in your tightest hole. 
Too much, you try to say but your mouth is occupied. 
“I know you can take four, dumb bunny. You’ve had two cock’s up here before.” His Brooklyn accent rings in your head, along with your daddy’s deep groans. 
You fall further forward, trying to escape the eight fingers spearing you open. 
Ari grabs both of your ears and pulls you off his balls. A string of saliva connects your lips to his wet skin. “Why are you being bad, sweetie?” 
You struggle to speak with swollen lips and a sore jaw. “N-Not, daddy!”
“Now you’re being a liar too?”
You sniffle, hiccuping a quiet sob. “It was just—too much, daddy…”
Beside Ari, Andy rubs over the tent in his slacks, hungrily eating up your sad little face. “Sounds like you really want to go back to the breeding program. Is that what you want? Because I’ll have my friends take you back there tonight, you won’t even get a final sleep in your princess bed or your pretty cage.” 
“No, no, please.” You beg, pressing your face into Ari’s thigh. “Don’t wanna go back ever, daddy.”
He pets you gently, calming you down and moving your face back to his crotch. “Better make it up to those nice men behind you then, bunny.” 
Now a sniffling mess, completely caught between the pleasure of their dexterous fingers and the nervousness filling your heart, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry—please, forgive me—” Your tail is tugged and you’re forcefully pulled back onto their rough hands. You mewl, arching your back before you latch onto Ari’s sack again. 
From this angle, the two men look enormous. Their wide shoulders squared, and the light fanning around their heads like a halo. They’re all you can see, your daddy is all you can taste, and Steve and Lloyd are all you can feel. 
You don’t know how long they play with you, all you know is that Steve and Lloyd have successfully covered you in their spit, stretched you open, tortured your clit and spanked your ass raw. One after the other, their palms strike your behind, turning you into a stupid, blubbering mess. 
Ari has alternated between pulling your sensitive ears and squeezing them. Right now, your furry ears are held back by his hand so he could watch you slobber all over his heavy sack. “You gonna come, bunny? Show daddy’s friends how messy you can be, how much you fuckin’ love being used like a little fleshlight.”  
Your gaze falls onto Andy, and more importantly, his unbuttoned shirt and massive length dwarfing your hand. Your fingers can’t meet around him entirely, but that doesn’t stop him from fucking into your fist. He controls your pace too, guiding your hand with his larger ones, making you squeeze his base and rub over the drippy tip. 
“Cocksleeve, cumrag, cumdump, fleshlight—wish there was something we could call you for loving balls so much.” 
“Sackslut.” Lloyd chuckles cruelly, “ballsbitch.”
“Ain’t that cute? Are you gonna thank Lloyd for giving you such pretty names, bunny?” Ari asks. 
You would if you could but you were so all over the place, stretched out between four dominant men until you were a thin sheet of silk, floating in the wind and going wherever the breeze took you. 
This particular breeze brought you to garbled moans and unstoppable tears. 
Ari and Andy’s dark eyes lock on your face contorted in helplessness, their jaws clenched tight under their thick beards. 
Just barely, you recall when they passed you around like a doll, making you ride their faces one after the other, rubbing your poor folds raw with their facial hair. You couldn’t walk for days after that, Ari had to carry you around like a real pet and bring you to all his meetings. Oh, and you had to look at all of his business partners that day, knowing well enough that five of them—counting Mr. Everett and Mr. Barnes—would be staying back because of Mr. Levinson’s famous hospitality. 
They were as big and bad as your daddy, and just like him, they could be mean and cold-hearted but also sweet-talkers who gave the best kisses and cuddles, always bringing you gifts and turning your world into an array of colours and tingles. 
Ari was everything you could have wished for, and his friends only multiplied that. 
You’ve never had an owner or a daddy, and now it feels like you have six. 
All it takes is Ari roughly tugging your ears when Steve pulls your tail for the wave to crash over. You cry out obscenely as blinding white erupts in your mind. Ari and Andy hiss when your nails pierce their thighs, locking them close as tremors rock through you. 
Your juices spurt out, coating Lloyd’s hand and adding to the pathetic mess below. Your cunt convulses, forcing his fingers out as Steve becomes relentless, hungry for those little twitches and gasps you do whenever it gets too much. Right now, he wants it to be too much. 
“Keep sucking on daddy’s balls, bunny.” 
Pre cum smears on your face as you nuzzle deeper, suckling on his sack greedily through irregular breaths and sobs. Your knees are numb from the position and when Steve finally yields, you collapse forward. 
“M-Milk, daddy.”
“Not yet, baby.” Ari hisses, his arm veins tense as he fists his base, fighting off his high but you’re greedy. You sloppily kiss up the underside of his length, just reaching the bulbous tip before he shoves you away. “I said not yet. You’re lucky if you even get a drop after that.” 
“But I want you, daddy.” You weep, gnawing at his pant-clad thigh, your spit soaks the fabric. “Please, want you so bad—need you.” 
Despite your pleas, he halfheartedly tucks himself away. Your bottom lip trembles when his throbbing flesh is back in his pants, the bulge still proudly prominent but you can’t see him, taste him. Andy follows suit and soon, you’re the only one still exposed. Sweaty, aching and ruined, knelt between the four of them like vulnerable prey. 
Ari pets your spot. “I know you do, but remember what we were talking about before?”
Disoriented, you shake your head. Your orgasm still prickles at your skin, low vibrations flowing through your system as it dies down. You're about to ask him to clarify when a harsh spank lands on your clit. The burn is soothed by two, rough fingers. They circle your nub harshly, making you weakly squirt again.
“Poor bunny button—so swollen, huh? I bet it hurts if I just—” Steve is cut off by your whimper as he pinches your clit. Meanly rolling the nub between his fingers, bullying your most sensitive spot. 
“Steve, she can’t think if you’re doing that.” Ari chastises. 
“She doesn’t think anyway.” Lloyd rubs up your back, feeling the heat of your flesh. “She’s just a dumb and ditzy baby.” 
Steve begrudgingly obeys. He just loved your bunny button—playing with it, sucking it, he loved watching it get swollen and responsive. He has yet to convince Ari to try out other methods of stimulating your tasty nub, but he refuses to give up. 
After giving you a final pinch, he pulls away and licks his fingers, unable to resist your taste. “Remember last time, pet? Just you, your daddy and me.” 
“She wanted you instead of me.” Ari scowls bitterly, “you like him more than me?”
“No, daddy! I just—” It was Ari’s beard. He had ruined you the previous night, eating you for dessert in the car back home and for breakfast the next morning. You couldn’t handle that coarse treatment thrice in a row. 
Steve pinches your button again. “She thought she took the easy way out.” 
Out of all of your daddy’s friends, Steve was always clean-shaven, so he was less brutal on your cunt, but he loved to torture you. Overstimulation was his favourite thing and he’d draw orgasm after orgasm out of you, making you fall into a heap of sweat, spit, and cum. And while you’re half-conscious, he’d torment your clit until you fully woke up again. 
Lloyd crawls next to you, cupping your face with the same hand that was knuckle-deep inside you. “Ask your daddy to make you a star.” 
Another slap on your cunt has you falling forward and tears springing from your eyes. Your cheek lands on Ari’s thigh and his muscles flex under his slacks. You’re so close to his cock, a few inches more and you could suck him through his pants. 
“God, what are these fuckin’ ears for.” Lloyd huffs, “did you hear me? I said to ask daddy to make you a star.” 
You gulp nervously, “Can I, uh, please be a star, daddy?”
“How could I deny you when you ask so nicely…” He trails off, his voice leading the way for the rest of your senses to slowly flood back in. 
They come in pieces, from the sunlight pouring in through the sheer blinds, to the feel of the velvet couch before you, and to the smell of sweat and sex in the air. 
“To make you a star, we’ll have to make a movie, bunny.” Ari tilts your head up with his knuckle, “You wanna make a movie with daddy and his friends?” 
Making a movie? Like the ones you’ve seen on television with the explosions, convoluted storylines and ambiguous endings? You couldn’t imagine yourself in one of those. 
“What kind of movie?”
“Oh, just a special one. It’ll show how close we all are, and how much we love you.” Ari explains loosely in a low tone, “how much you love us… how much you love what we do to you.” 
Without much thought, you agree. “Okay, daddy, we can make a movie.” 
All of their faces break out in matching grins, brighter than the sun and stars combined but with endless sin lingering behind. 
Ari raises his hand and the tall, glass french doors open, and two men enter. One is younger with frosted tips and circular glasses. The other has long hair that brushes his swaying shoulders and a sick twinkle in his eyes. 
You wonder how long they've been waiting, or if they saw what just happened, but your short attention span brings you to the strange things they’re carrying in. 
It’s a bunch of equipment you’ve never seen before, from cameras to lights and a discrete black box. 
“That’s Jensen and Mr. Pronge. Daddy picked them just for you, they’re the best in the business and they’re gonna help us make you a star.” Ari pets your special spot again, making your head fall slack on his thigh, inches from his clothed throbbing length. “Because my bunny is so perfect that the whole fuckin’ world deserves to know it.” 
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: my kinktober should’ve just been called Aritober bc he’s taking over my life. I also wrote another character coming to ‘help make the movie,’ a certain Dr. D but took it out, I wouldn’t mind posting the little drabble though 👹
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! check my kinktober masterlist for the doctor ransom drabble !!
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this and I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback !! <3 — ☼ 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ☼
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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dandelion-blues · 6 months
Ninjago One-shot
An Adult? (not really)
Now also on Ao3
Lloyd Garmadon didn’t notice at first that he wasn’t really aging. He didn’t really think much about it at first. After all, he was already so much older when the Tomorrow's Tea aged him up. Except his voice hardly even deepened. Then, 8 years later, when Lloyd was chronologically 16 but supposed to be in his twenties physically, his voice finally deepened, as evident by the ninja’s teasing.
Zane predicted that perhaps Tomorrow's tea worked differently on him and that perhaps Lloyd’s age was now aligned. After all, Zane is a nindroid and isn’t supposed to age like humans, and yet he did.
Except Lloyd discovered that he wasn’t even fully human. He was a part oni-dragon hybrid. It’s fine. Everything is fine. Lloyd had bigger things to deal with than his weird aging. After all, he had a father villain to defeat.
5 more years passed. The Overlord, or should Lloyd say the Crystal King, is finally defeated. Garmadon isn’t quite as evil anymore and is actually staying around. 
And now that they believe the Overlord is finally never returning, all the venom from the Great Devour that the Overlord orchestrated for Garmadon to have just left his system. 
Now Garmadon is just an oni-brand of evil and has purple eyes. They remind Lloyd a lot of the human version of his father, his dad, but apparently that was a lie too because it’s just shapeshifting since the oni-version is his dad’s natural form. But everything is fine. He got his dad back. Really, he’s just a little rough around the edges, and his memories still aren’t fully back, but it’s a process. Everything is fine.
Anyways. What else? Oh, and all the Ninjas are alive and together.
It’s been a long journey. Cole just had his 30th birthday, and after all the pestering from his fans about dating, he decided to get married to a triple-layer chocolate cake so they would finally back off. Because. He’s. Not. Interested. Honestly, Lloyd can relate. He thought he liked Brad, and then Harumi and Akita when he was younger, but it was actually just wanting to be friends with them (though Harumi long since lost her chance even if she joined their side in the end), and it’s really making him uncomfortable with how many people are asking about his dating life.
Moving on…
Zane and Pixal are running a school open to all types of people and beings to learn about all manner of things.
Kai and Skylar finally got engaged! Lloyd teased his big brother endlessly for that. It took them long enough!
Nya and Jay got married and are happily exploring ninjago for their honeymoon!
Of course all the ninja stay in touch and make sure to meet up at the monastery at least monthly if not more in case another realm ending disaster pops up, but everyone is enjoying the peace while it lasts, but still staying in shape and being vigilant. Not wanting to be caught off guard again.
And well, Lloyd’s the same staying at the monastery for now and trying to avoid the limelight and all his crazy fans. Lloyd’s also trying really hard to reconnect with Garmadon, but part of himself still flinches whenever he gets too close. Remembering cold red eyes, saying he has no son, and slamming him into a wall. His body breaking and blood pooling around him. And everything is cold and dark. And Lloyd feels so alone and scared. He was dying.
Uncle Wu is also staying with Lloyd and Garmadon and really trying to be a good brother, but centuries, if not millennia, of strained relations, and polar personalities and ideals, make it hard for them to bond over, well, anything. 
Though they did finally make a breakthrough recently. Lloyd just wishes he wasn’t at the center of it.
“Son,” Garmadon's deep gravelly voice says behind Lloyd, and Lloyd jumps; swearing, he almost hits his head on the ceiling by how far he jumped.
“Where is your mother?” Garmadon’s purple eyes have an unknown glint in them. The oni looks at Lloyd like his dad used to look at him when starting a serious conversation, and Lloyd swallows.
“Why do you want to know?” Lloyd says, his voice definitely not cracking. It’s been years. Why is his voice still cracking?!
“Well, I wanted her to sign these divorce papers so I could happily pursue a relationship with Vinny.” Garmadon says and pulls out divorce papers like it’s just a random Tuesday.
“What?!” Lloyd shrieks. And he expects Garmadon to say he’s joking. Divorce?! And who’s Vinny?!
Instead, Garmadon says in a worried tone, his voice sounding so close to the dad that Lloyd misses, “Now son. I’m sure it’s not easy to accept that your parents are getting divorced, especially since you are so young, but your mother and I are mature adults and need to get this done, so we can move on in our lives.”
Lloyd sputters, “I’m in my twenties! I’m not a kid.” It’s been 13 years since Lloyd’s been magically aged up to around 14. And even then, he was 8 before he magically aged up, so he would be in his twenties either way! Sure, he has an extreme baby face, but he is an adult! Even if he doesn't feel like it. And why does Garmadon suddenly care now? He can't try and parent him years too late and expect everything will be fine!
Thus, Lloyd yells at Garmadon before he can answer “Also, I have no idea where Misako is, and honestly I don’t give a damn! I hardly even know her! She left me when I was a baby! And she only came back into my life when I had to fight the Overlord for the first time. Then she just disappeared for years on end till she suddenly pops up with some cryptic message for a day and leaves again! So honestly good on you for getting a divorce! But don’t pretend that I care!” And Lloyd stomps out and slams the door to his room and screams into his pillow.
Eventually, Lloyd fell asleep, but it wasn’t long before a knock interrupted his rest, and he had to face reality again.
“What?” Lloyd answers, his voice muffled by his pillow.
“Lloyd,” Uncle Wu says softly, “Can Garmadon and I come in?”
‘Ugh, please no,’ Lloyd wants to say more than anything, but he relents, and sits up in his bed and tries to comb through his messy blond hair. 
Lloyd finally sighs, “Come in.”
Uncle Wu and Garmadon enter Lloyds room, and they stand opposite him. Lloyd looks at them and waits for them to start speaking, but they just glance worriedly at Lloyd.
Lloyd rolls his eyes, “What do you guys want to talk about?”
Garmadon clears his throat, “Well after you… talked about Misako,” he says her name with venom, and Lloyd has to hide his flinch. Somehow, though, Garmadon seems to notice and breathes in deeply before continuing, “I went to talk to my brother, and neither of us knew about what you told me earlier. We just want to know where exactly you were raised and who raised you since Misako didn’t.”
Lloyd scowls, “Stop talking to me like I’m a child. I’m already in my twenties. I’m an adult for crying out loud! Also, why do you two suddenly care so much? It’s not like it’s hindering my ability to be the green ninja.” 
Garmadon raises an eyebrow in disbelief and looks at his brother in worry.
“Lloyd,” Uncle Wu reaches over to Lloyd, but Lloyd pulls away, and Wu's golden eyes look so sad, “You are still a child, and you will be one for quite some time. And we care about you more than just being the green ninja. You are family, and we are worried about you.”
Lloyd shakes his head in disbelief. Just because Wu’s like a thousand years old doesn't mean that Lloyd deserves to be treated as a kid just because he’s so much younger.
“Besides you haven’t even lost your baby fangs or even molted your first dragon skin. You're still just a pup,” Garmadon gruffly replies.
“Hatchling.” Uncle Wu corrects.
Garmadon's purple eyes narrow at his brother, “Pup.”
Wu’s golden eyes narrow back, “Hatchling.”
“ENOUGH!” Lloyd shouts over the two brothers, and they shut up in shock. “Is this seriously about my oni-dragon heritage?! What does that even matter? I’m still half human and obviously take more after my human half, and therefore, I age like a human. SO. I. AM. NOT. A. CHILD!”
“Oh son,” Garmadon’s voice breaks, and it truly sounds exactly like his dad’s, and it’s like the last piece finally clicks in Garmadon’s mind to fully remember. “I am so sorry I haven’t been able to teach you about your heritage and that I missed that your mother wasn’t in the picture since I was hardly there. I’ve truly failed you son.”
Garmadon goes closer to Lloyd and goes to embrace him in a hug, and Lloyd lets him, too shocked because Garmadon’s apologizing?! Is his dad finally back? Does he remember everything?
And then Garmadon’s sitting next to Lloyd on his bed and hugging him for dear life, and he starts sobbing, “I’m so so sorry, my son. I’ve hurt you, and I don’t know how I can ever make up for that.”
And Lloyd's shock fades away, and he embraces his dad back just as fiercely, “Dad. I-I’ve m-missed y-you. I’d t-thought you’d n-never truly be b-back!” And he sobs into his dad’s chest. Except Lloyd doesn’t just sob, but whines. Though Lloyd hardly notices as he's too busy focusing on the overwhelming emotions he’s feeling right now.
Garmadon, though, notices and instantly tightens his embrace on his son, and deep purrs start emitting from him to help his pup calm down. He puts his son’s head in the crook of his neck, and Garmadon instinctually broadens his shoulders as if to seem bigger and threatening to outsiders to protect his pup.
Wu smiles sadly at the scene, tears escaping his eyes, as he stares at his brother and nephew.
Eventually, their crying dies down, and Lloyd tries to pull away, but his dad holds onto him. Lloyd sighs but relents since he feels so warm and comfortable. Still, Lloyd looks down embarrassed. He’s not a child anymore. He can't be with all he's faced.
Garmadon lifts Lloyd’s chin up, and Lloyd glances at his dad’s comforting purple eyes, and Garmadon gently wipes some tears out of Lloyd’s face with his thumbs, the dark scales of his dad’s fingers surprisingly soft, and Garmadon hugs Lloyd gently.
Lloyd sinks into his dad’s embrace, feeling a deep rumble from his dad’s chest. It makes Lloyd’s eyes start to close as he feels warm and safe. But then Lloyd furrows his brows confused. What is that? It’s like…
Lloyd pushes away, shocked, “Dad are you purring?!” 
“Of course, Lloyd, and you are too, you know. It’s just part of our oni heritage.” Garmadon says softly, as if speaking to a child.
And Lloyd, to his growing horror, does indeed feel himself purring, a soft purr emitting from within his chest following his dad’s. And Lloyd whines in distress. Did he really just whine. What is this happening to him right now?! 
Garmadon pulls Lloyd closer, trying to calm his pup’s distress. But now that Lloyd is aware of the sounds, his distress is growing further, and he is starting to panic and wants his dad to let him go, but at the same time, he doesn’t. Lloyd is just so scared and confused.
Wu coughs loudly, getting his family’s attention. “Garmadon you need to let Lloyd go, he’s not used to his oni heritage right now, and it’s just further distressing him right now.”
Garmadon growls at his brother, his mind fogged up too much to think of anything else except protecting his pup.
Except Wu growls back just as hard and hisses in his dragonic tongue, “Let Lloyd go.” 
Garmadon, shocked, loosens his grip just enough for Lloyd to get out of his grip and run to Uncle Wu.
Garmadon growls deeply as Wu holds Lloyd and growls in oni, “Let go of my son.”
“No, brother.” Wu states calmly in Ninjagon but prepares to defend himself.
Just before Garmadon can attack, Lloyd whispers, his voice breaking, “Don’t fight, please.”
Garmadon instantly snaps out of it and stops growling as his mind clears up. He whispers brokenly, “I’m sorry.” 
Garmadon falls back on Lloyd's bed, looking down. He’s messed up again. 
‘Why can’t I be a good dad for my son, just once?!’ Garmadon thinks. Agony felt in his heart once again for his inability to not mess up with Lloyd.
Lloyd breathes in and out and calms himself down in his uncle’s hold, and then he looks over to his dad and sees him with the saddest look on his face.
Lloyd gingerly gets out of his uncle’s hold and nods when Uncle Wu asks if he’s okay.
“Dad. I’m sorry I panicked. I just…” Lloyd gulps, “I thought I was human. Or well, mostly human. I didn’t want to accept that I wasn’t aging like one. And I think deep down I knew. FSM, I still look basically the same age as I did after I used the Tomorrow's Tea!”
“I just thought that I could finally be normal.” Lloyd’s voice breaks.
Garmadon looks at his son, so heartbroken. He doesn’t know how to help his son. He’s not normal, and he’ll never be.
And then Lloyd clears his throat, his bright green eyes shining, “But normal's overrated anyways, and I don’t have it in me to keep rejecting myself and you to believe that I’ll ever be normal. I finally have my dad back again, and I’ll hate myself if I don’t take this chance to learn more about you and about our heritage while I still have the chance.”
Lloyd laughs bitterly, “Because destiny will eventually decide to fuck with me again and I won’t have time, so I can’t just continue to ignore this. Because one day it might be too late to learn this from my d-dad.” Lloyd's voice breaks at the end.
“Oh, Lloyd, I’ll gladly tell you whatever you want to know,” Garmadon agrees and smiles sadly, praying to his father just this once that his son can find peace.
Lloyd smiles, tears in his eyes, and looks back to his uncle, “A-and I think Uncle Wu needs to be here to help explain some things too.”
Wu looks at his nephew in shock, he answers, “If that’s what you want nephew.”
“It is.” Lloyd nods his head.
“Alright, what do you want to know first?” Garmadon asks and pats the bed for both his son and brother to sit next to him. Lloyd gladly goes over, and his dad embraces him in a side hug, while Wu sits next to Lloyd and looks to Garmadon, wondering how he’s going to explain their heritage.
“Well as long as you make sure you include the dragons, brother. You always seem to forget them when discussing our heritage.” Wu says with a mischievous voice.
Garmadon rolls his eyes, “As long as you don’t forget the oni.”
Lloyd laughs brightly, the weight of the world seeming to lift from his shoulders, and his family joins him and starts laughing as well, and Misako is all but forgotten, for now, to the small family of the First Spinjitzu Master’s descendants.
Next Ninjago One-shot
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sexiestwerewolf · 5 months
"Dragons can be ninja?"
"We cannot train non-dragons,"
Lloyd who's part dragon and who's grandfather was half dragon and literally the first ninja:
Tumblr media
45 notes · View notes
kassycreations · 1 year
Brad Tudabone, Echo Julien and Akita are all like “I love my partner.” And their partners are horrors beyond mankind’s comprehension
(This post is about citrus, greenflower and jadewolf)
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goldenavenger02 · 8 months
found my place
His heart was pounding when the darkness allowed him to come up for a quick moment, just a few seconds to let him thoroughly panic before a hand tightly grasped onto his with the hushed voice insisting, “hey, hey, it’s okay.”
And with that, he was pulled back under.
For @senseigrace, edited by @21st-century-ninja
Lloyd’s thoughts had been hazy since the final battle.
He knew it wasn’t his final battle with the tight rope that destiny had around his neck, but he couldn’t help but hope that it was the last time.
That this was the last time he would have to fight The Overlord, the last time he would have to see Harumi and the last time he had to see Garmadon.
He tried to find the bright spots in all of it, like how Nya was back and even had regained her powers, how Ninjago was rid of the persistent darkness that tried to engulf it, but despite that, his mind just kept wandering back to the darkness that lingered inside of him.
Even the sunrise exercises, training hours and meditation sessions that he was still expected to show up for despite being the only participant were unable to center his absent mind; nothing could erase the memories of the mental and physical pain that was associated with becoming something that he wasn’t, even if there was a small voice inside of him begging him to forgive his father.
Which had led Lloyd to where he was now, standing outside of Master Wu’s bedroom with his hand knocking lightly on the doorframe; he highly doubted his uncle was awake, given that the time was nearing two in the morning, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t lull himself to sleep.
But, to his surprise, it only took a few rapid, soft knocks for Master Wu to open the sliding door and given that he was still wearing the clothes he had spent the entire day in, Lloyd couldn’t help but wonder if he wasn’t the only one who was struggling to sleep in the eerily quiet monastery.
“Come in, Lloyd,” his uncle insisted as he stood to the side, allowing Lloyd to walk inside; his usual meditation setup with the tray of burning incense and the red, fraying carpet was still out as well as the secondary brown carpet that was reserved for lessons, “I’ve been expecting you.”
‘Why am I not shocked?’ Lloyd thought as he sat down on the familiar brown carpet, crossing his legs when he had fully brought himself to the ground.
“You haven’t been sleeping,” Wu called him out, “because something is troubling you.”
“Have you heard from the others?” Lloyd asked, hoping that his lie would be enough to quell his master’s prying, only to get the head shake that he had been expecting along with a sigh.
“Not since they left. But we both know that’s not what is keeping you awake, if anything, you should be sleeping better without the late-night video game sessions.”
Lloyd pulled in a breath to try and calm his nerves, pressing his palms into each other so they wouldn’t shake before the truth spilled from his lips, “I just…I’m worried, Master Wu.”
“About the others?”
“Well, yes, but no,” Lloyd stopped to bring in another shaking breath, feeling his heartbeat pound in his ears, “I’m worried about becoming like my father” those words resulted in Wu raising his eyebrow with what he hoped was curiosity instead of disappointment, “and the whole Oni form thing isn’t helping me feel better about that.”
“My brother was slowly corrupted by the darkness inside of him from the Great Devourer, the Oni inside of him simply propelled it,” Wu insisted, his voice growing eerily steady like it did every time he spoke about Garmadon, “we each follow our own paths, Lloyd. Paths that we are not even aware that we are on.”
“So, you have no idea if I’m going to end up like Garmadon.” Lloyd sighed as defeat seeped into his bones, “or if I’m going to turn into an Oni and get stuck like that.”
“I’m afraid I do not, nephew,” Wu agreed, “but, what turned your father into what he is now, was corruption of what once was truly good. The things that turned him into what he is now, they no longer exist.”
Lloyd nodded; he knew that the Devourer was long gone, that the Oni masks were destroyed and that the Golden Weapons had been returned to raw, elemental energy. 
Nothing existed that could corrupt him the same way it had destroyed his father.
“But, and you’re not going to like this, you should continue to work on controlling your Oni form.”
“Have you not been listening to me?!” Lloyd couldn’t stop himself from shouting as he stood up, “that sounds like doing exactly what Garmadon wanted me to do! He wants me to be like him, you know that, right?! He wants me to let go of all of my emotions, my sentimentality, anything that makes me human!”
“I can’t end up like him, Uncle Wu!” 
And with those words, Lloyd felt like he was eight years old again; terrorizing Ninjago, releasing the Serpentine and being everything that he thought would bring his father back to him only to get taken in by the ninja, screaming and fighting as they made him board The Bounty.
He hadn’t even noticed the hot tears rolling down his cheeks until his uncle approached and brought his hand up to wipe them away before pulling Lloyd into a tight hug which only made him cry harder.
His chest heaved harshly, his body shook and all he could do was grasp tightly onto his uncle, burying his head into his shoulder.
Master Wu didn’t speak, he just kept one hand on Lloyd’s back and let the other one gently brush through the golden wisps of hair, but it didn’t do much to quell the sobs of what he had been keeping in longer than he should have.
But, when his eyes started to sting and his ears started to hurt, he finally managed to pull himself away from Wu’s shoulder, wiping his face on his sleeve.
“I-I’m sorry,” he muttered under his breath, “about yelling at you.”
“I would rather you aim your anger at me then someone else, nephew,” his uncle insisted before putting his hand on his left shoulder, “now, even though I don’t assign bedtimes any more, it is much too late for the two of us to be awake. No sunrise exercise tomorrow, but I expect to see you awake before noon.”
“Goodnight, Master Wu.” Lloyd nodded, letting his shaky legs guide himself to his bedroom.
But as he walked, he couldn’t stop the thoughts of worry from creeping back into his mind to try and narrow down any object that could possibly corrupt him.
The post-battle haze didn’t leave Lloyd’s brain when he awoke the next morning; in fact, between the throbbing directly in his forehead and the heat in his cheeks, the haze was only stronger than it had been in the last few weeks.
His vision was blurry as he squinted in the darkness, trying to gain his bearings only to see the familiar form of his uncle hovering over his bed; even though there was a look of worry covering his face, he couldn’t help but feel relief when he identified him.
“Master Wu?” Lloyd’s voice cracked as he spoke, making his cheeks feel more flushed than they already were and his jaw started to ache, “is everything okay?”
“Everything except for you, nephew,” Lloyd knew that when he was referred to by “nephew” instead of his name that Wu was worried about him but it wasn’t until he felt Wu’s familiar hand rest on his forehead that he was able to process that he was sick, “you’re running a temperature.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’s nothing,” Lloyd insisted as he started to sit up, only to be met with what he could only describe as a stab of pain directly in his shoulder blades, “ah!” the cry of pain tore out of his throat and tears sprang into his eyes involuntarily.
He tried to slow his breathing as he was gently pushed back onto the mattress with a hand on his shoulder, but when the pain in his back dissipated, he was met with the throbbing in his forehead returning with a vengeance and nearly making him sick along with a chill starting to seep into his bones and spread throughout his body.
He couldn't stop himself from shaking as he pulled his legs inward toward his chest and pressed his head harder onto the pillow to try and muster up some relief.
“W-what’s…” Lloyd managed to pull a painful breath into his aching chest and fought the urge to cry out again from the ripples of agony, “w-what’s wrong with me?”
The last words Lloyd heard before the darkness pulled him down deep into unconsciousness were the unmasked, terrified words of his master, “that’s what your mother and I are trying to figure out.”
“-is going to have to hold him still.” 
“I’ll do it.”
Lloyd couldn’t move, he couldn’t speak. All he could do was listen in on the words spoken by his bedside as pain continued to make its way through his back, his head, his teeth, his hands and his sides and he was pulled into someone’s comforting arms.
He could tell that despite the rough hands seemingly trying to press on every area that throbbed or stung, he was being supported by someone’s chest against his back.
“This is bad, Wu.” The smooth yet deep voice finally broke through his hearing, “this wasn’t supposed to happen for years.”
Lloyd could recognize that voice anywhere; whether that was in the deep recesses of his childhood, those few good years followed by the worst years of his life, only to be face to face with something that was everything but what he needed. 
He could recognize the voice of Garmadon anywhere.
But, despite his harsh touch against his aching shoulder blades, there was the gentle hand in his sweaty hair that gently made its way from the top of his scalp all the way to where his thin, blonde wisps touched the bottom of his neck. 
It was the only thing that kept Lloyd from fighting the paralysis that held him tightly in its grasp because he knew that no matter how much his uncle wanted to continue to foster a relationship with Garmadon, he would never let him put an unnecessary hand on him.
If he had asked a question, had managed to make his lips move or even had found it in him to try and move, he didn’t know.
All he knew was that his uncle knew, because the touch somehow became even more gentle as his familiar whisper lulled him back into the darkness.
“Everything's okay, just go back to sleep."
“You need to call them, Wu.”
“If this is what Garmadon says it is, then it will pass.”
“Regardless of whether it will pass or not, you know as well as I do that they will want to know what’s going on.”
“They are all in the process of trying to regain their elemental powers, Misako.”
“And they all left you their contact information if they were needed. My son needs them right now.”
A long heavy sigh and the same gentle touch running through his hair before his uncle finally responded.
“Very well.”
Darkness enveloped Lloyd yet again almost as quickly as it had let go.
His heart was pounding when the darkness allowed him to come up for a quick moment, just a few seconds to let him thoroughly panic before a hand tightly grasped onto his with the hushed voice insisting, “hey, hey, it’s okay.”
And with that, he was pulled back under.
When Lloyd awoke again, his head was throbbing and even though it was now centered in the top of his skull, it still made the pain radiate throughout his face; despite that, he finally managed to pry his eyes open once again.
The lights were off, making it difficult for him to focus on anything.
In fact, he considered going back to sleep for a moment when he didn’t see his mom, uncle, or even Garmadon when his eyes flicked downward toward the pressure surrounding his left hands and saw the familiar, scarred hand with the red fabric of a gi nearly covering it.
“K-Kai?” he managed to croak, only now realizing how much his throat burned and his jaw ached, only to feel a soft hand on his blanket-covered leg that belonged to, “Nya?”
“Lloyd!” Kai shout penetrated his skull in a way that he couldn’t do anything but wince, resulting in the sound of a hard ‘smack’ against skin that he could only guess was Nya, “my bad, bud” he added in a much softer voice.
“H-how?�� He couldn’t help but ask even though he vaguely remembered his mom and uncle discussing calling the others.
“Master Wu called us,” Nya said with a nod of confirmation coming from Kai, “he said that you weren’t doing too great.”
“Granted, I don’t think anyone would be doing well while they were turning into an Oni-”
‘No, no, this isn’t happening,’ the anxiety started to swell at the thought of looking like, of turning out like Garmadon, at the mere possibility of his worst fear coming true, ‘not now, not now, this is not happening.’
“Lloyd?” Nya’s muffled voice tried to break through, “Lloyd, we’ve got you.”
‘I’m a monster. I’m turning into everything that’s wrong with me. They’re going to leave me again.’
“Lloyd,” the pressure around his hand tightened, forcing him to look up at Kai’s amber-colored eyes, the eyes that he associated with safety, “Lloyd, take a deep breath and hold it in. I need you to do that for me, okay?”
Lloyd couldn’t do anything but comply, the salty tears breaking away from his tear ducts and streaming down toward his ears as he pulled in a shaking breath.
‘In, hold, out, hold.’ He repeated the breaths that he was coaxed through like a mantra until his chest stopped shuddering and his cheeks grew sticky from the drying tears.
Eventually, Kai loosened the pressure on his hand enough for him to push himself upwards on his elbows and slowly prop his aching body against the pillows; his head felt way too heavy for his neck but the angle allowed him to take in the fact that Nya and Kai were really there.
“Here, let me just…” Nya paused as she reached forward with a soft tissue and wiped down his cheeks before running her hand across the top of his scalp while avoiding the two prominent sources of the pain that pulsed throughout his head, “there you go.”
“Thanks,” he smiled, despite the ache it sent throughout his mouth before letting it fall, “what do you mean, about what you said?”
Kai’s sigh was long, the kind he reserved when he regretted what he had said, as he responded, “your uncle and your da-Garmadon want to talk to you about it.”
“First Spinjitzu Master,” Lloyd cursed as he rubbed his hand over his face; the thought of having to talk to Garmadon about how he had become exactly what he had tried to mold him into and hearing him gloat about how he had been right the whole time made Lloyd’s headache come back with a renewed throb to it, “do I have to?”
“They’re gonna have more answers than us, Lloyd,” Nya shrugged hopelessly, “but we can always stall for you, say you’re still asleep.”
“Yeah, we don’t wanna push you,” Kai insisted before his free hand became alight with fire, “and you know, just say the word and I’ll hurl this at Garmadon’s face.”
“You got your powers back?” 
“We all did, big shot,” Kai’s grin continued to widen as he extinguished the flame, “and I’ll give you all the details after you get some more sleep.”
Lloyd nodded, scooting himself carefully back onto the mattress so he was laying down before rolling onto his side and letting his eyes flutter shut. He felt Kai pull the blanket over his shoulder and Nya gently squeeze the same shoulder, but he just let himself welcome the darkness that engulfed him once again.
With help from Kai and Nya’s stalling and his first peaceful sleep for the first time in a long time, Lloyd managed to hold off the conversation for a solid five hours.
And despite that, when he finally managed to stand on his shaking legs and look at himself in the bathroom mirror, he still didn’t want to do this when he still had the option to lay down for a few more hours.
But the sharp fangs that protruded from his gums in the place of his canines and the nubs of horns that would have been fully hidden by his hair if he hadn’t just been victim to a raging fever and sweat reducing the natural volume worried him.
‘If I keep putting this off, are more things going to change?’ he couldn’t tell if he was imagining the red that had always made up his eyes trying to push through the bright green, if the Oni inside of him was fighting its way to the surface, ‘will I continue to turn into a monster until there’s nothing of me left?’
“Lloyd?” Nya’s voice was soft as it broke through the spiral and forced him to turn away from the mirror to see her slouched against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest, “do you want me to go with you?”
As much as Lloyd wanted to say yes, he had a feeling that this was meant to be a private conversation between himself, Master Wu and Garmadon, something that the others would hear from him as soon as his father made his way out of the monastery.
“No, but…” he looked down at his fingertips, wincing when he saw the dark stain of dry blood under and around his fingernails from his claws forcing themselves out which sent him to the sink to try and scrub some of it away.
Nya approached silently, her hand coming down to rest on his shoulder as she spoke, “that promise I made to you, about protecting you? I still intend to keep it, and so do the others.”
“I know.” Lloyd agreed, knowing fully well that the others wouldn’t hesitate to take Garmadon down at the first sign of danger, that they had all been very uncomfortable with his methods of trying to teach him how to control his Oni form to the point that the insult toward Master Wu was the breaking point for them.
“Do you need anything before you go talk to them?” She asked while he pulled his hands away from the sink and wiped them dry on the brown towel that hung next to the sink.
Lloyd nearly bit his tongue in order to keep himself from saying ‘I need to get out of this conversation’ until he remembered that he had fangs now and he would actually like to keep his tongue, so he settled for looking up at Nya’s grayish-blue eyes and asking.
“If it’s not too much to ask, there’s a new Starfarer movie. It’s the reboot series, so it’s not as good as the original ones, but-oomph” he couldn’t hold the sudden wince of pain as Nya hugged him tightly, but she pulled away nearly as fast as she hugged him.
“I’ll let the others know, we’ll be waiting for you,” she insisted, leaving the room with one more look and a “good luck”.
Lloyd forced his legs to bring him towards his master’s quarters and as he brought his hand to the door in a series of swift knocks, the only thought that filled him was ‘here goes nothing.’
No one opened the door, but it was unlocked when he gently nudged it, so he let himself in; he wasn’t surprised to see Master Wu and Garmadon both sitting down at the small table pushed into the back of the room, talking softly over cups of tea.
He cleared his throat, instantly gaining both of their attention from their private conversation, but he kept his attention focused on Wu’s face despite his father’s voice being the first to speak directly at him.
“He lives.”
Lloyd swallowed back his anger as he crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to look him in the eyes and keeping his attention on a slightly darker spot on the hardwood floor.
“The least you could do is sit down with us.”
“I’d rather stand.” Lloyd tried to keep back as much of the bite in his tone as possible, if only for Master Wu’s sake of having to mediate between the once-close father and son.
“How are you feeling, Lloyd?” Wu asked while filling a third teacup which he reached over to hand to Lloyd once it was three–fourths full.
He took it gratefully, the warmth from the light brown liquid warming his palms while the scent of chamomile and vanilla worked through a few of his nerves; it smelled like Steep Wisdom, like coming into his uncle’s room late at night when something was keeping him awake; above all, it smelled like home.
“I’m feeling better,” Lloyd finally looked back up at his uncle with a nod before glancing over at his father, “do you know what all of that was? Is that why you were brought here?”
“That’s exactly why I was called here,” Garmadon insisted as he stood and approached Lloyd, “Wu and I may have similar genetics, but when it comes to the Oni side of it, I have much more experience.”
The lightest touch in his hair had him flinching away from the hand that was more than likely trying to get a closer look at the horns that had emerged from his skull, and the shame only really hit him in the chest when he saw the confusion and what seemingly was regret on Garmadon’s face.
“I didn’t mean to-”
“I’ve changed, Lloyd,” Garmadon cut him off, “and you still think that way of me? You still think I would hurt you?”
“I’m trying.” Lloyd swallowed to keep the tears from falling out of his eyes, “I’m trying to let you back into my life, but after that stunt you pulled, I…” Lloyd reached his free arm up to his face to wipe the tears off of his cheeks even though he knew they would quickly be replaced.
He was angry at his father, yes, but the real emotional weight of just how hard it was for him to have him and then lose him, only for him to come back but not as the father he remembered only for him to act as though he was losing him again, was finally smacking him across the face right in front of the man himself.
“The transformation you went through, that wasn’t supposed to happen until you were much older, when you aged from an adolescent Oni to an adult Oni,” Wu filled in, letting Lloyd’s unfinished sentence hang in the air, “but between your genetics and the Tomorrow’s Tea, Garmadon and I have come to the conclusion that your body assumed you were ready.”
‘Damn Tomorrow’s Tea,’ Lloyd couldn’t help but think as he nodded along with what his uncle was saying while setting down his untouched tea, “but that’s the end of it, right? The horns and the teeth, that’s it?”
“Well, that’s part of the reason that it was so hard on you, that I was so hard on you, aside from you being too young,” Garmadon cut in, only now Lloyd could find it in himself to actually look at his father’s glowing, red eyes, “the Oni side of you will always fight to let itself out unless you learn to control it. If you keep fighting against it like you have been, there is a high chance that more of your Oni features will end up like your horns and teeth. Permanent.”
“So the purple eyes, the claws, the wings and the extra arms?” Lloyd swallowed at the sight of the mental image he was faced with, the ruthless Oni that fought for dominance, “they would always be there?”
“Precisely,” Garmadon confirmed, making Lloyd’s stomach twist, “but you are closer to controlling it between this transformation and unleashing your Oni form, you just have to learn how to bring it out when you want it to come out.”
He didn’t respond to his father but focused his attention on his uncle as he asked, “I don’t suppose you could teach me that.”
Lloyd couldn’t help but deflate when Master Wu shook his head, “Your father is the most equipped to guide you through this training, Lloyd.”
He nodded and turned back to Garmadon, bringing his eyesight upwards to look at his glowing red eyes, the ones that used to remind him of home the same way the scent of his uncle’s tea did now, before finding it inside of himself to ask, “when do we start?”
“Once your horns finish coming in, you’ll have better balance that way,” Garmadon’s voice was unwavering and void of any emotion that Lloyd could try and pick out, “should be about three days from now.”
“Okay,” Lloyd nodded in agreement and hoped that he hadn’t just signed up for hours upon hours of misery, “is there anything else that you need to tell me?” 
“No, nephew,” Wu assured him, “you may leave now.”
Lloyd had never left a room faster, even if it was just to breathe in some less stuffy air and avoid having to process everything that had just happened. ‘Processing can happen later.’
And with that thought, he made his way downstairs toward his promised movie viewing and the others all while trying to keep his mind clear of any thoughts about his dad, the Oni or the pain that still occasionally radiated through his head and down his neck.
He had never been so relieved to see the others in their usual places, PIXAL and Zane setting up the movie, Cole holding the popcorn bucket that Jay had gotten when the two of them and Nya had gone to see the last Starfarer movie that had starred Cliff Gorden in the titular role, Jay and Cole already starting to eat it despite the fact that the movie hadn’t even started.
Given that Nya and Kai were sitting on the couch, leaving the spot in between them for him, Lloyd could only assume that Jay and Cole’s playful bickering had resulted in the two of them being banished to the floor like always.
Lloyd took his spot on the purple couch and shamelessly rested his aching head on Kai’s warm shoulder, his eyes already trying to flutter shut.
“Lloyd, the least you could do is try and stay awake long enough for the movie to even start.” Kai joked while wrapping his arm around him and gently rubbing his hand up and down his right arm.
“I’m gonna stay awake, ‘nless you put me to sleep.” Lloyd mumbled from where he laid, but made no move to sit up which only continued to enable Kai.
“Be nice,” Nya chastised as she finally got Cole to move the popcorn bucket upwards so she could reach some, “he’s been sick, he can sle-” she cut herself off after putting a few kernels in her mouth, “who the fuck seasoned the popcorn with ranch?”
Nya and Cole bickering about the ethics of putting ranch seasoning on popcorn was only stopped by the familiar intro music that indicated that PIXAL and Zane had finally gotten the movie started.
Lloyd tried to pay attention to the newest installment in his favorite franchise, but his eyes continued to try to flutter shut, Kai’s warm hand on his shoulder was the closest thing to a comforting embrace he had gotten in days and the blanket that someone had tossed over his body was so soft that he couldn’t help but wonder how he managed to stay awake during the first fight scene.
All he could really focus on before he drifted off wasn’t the classic “Fear? Fear isn’t a word where I come from” line, it wasn’t Jay saying that the design of the spaceship wasn’t comic accurate only to get loudly shushed by everyone else.
It was that for the first time since standing on that floating rock next to his father and Harumi, his thoughts were no longer hazy; for the first time in a long time, Lloyd’s thoughts were clear and for the first time in a long time, he welcomed the veil of sleep with open arms.
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kaiaden · 6 months
Lloyd Hybrid Au
I love hybrid au’s when I comes to Ninjago, I just had to make art
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senseigrace · 9 months
Maybe I just want a headcanon where Lloyd attracts dragons.
Hear me out, Lloyd walking around doing whatever it is that the green ninja is supposed to be doing and he just has these tiny dragons following him around.
Idk, I haven't seen Master of the Mountain but Chompy is cute and is like a dog. I haven't seen Dragons Rising but Riyu is also the cutest thing in the world.
Lloyd trying to come up with lesson plans and Riyu curls up in his lap, or Chompy wanting to play with him.
I can come up with more reasons for why they like him so much, but it would be even more headcanons, lol.
Idk, but this is today's thought. Give me part-dragon Lloyd being followed around by baby dragons.
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toastingpencils37 · 1 year
I'm a "the Overlord's the First Spinjitzu Master's Oni side" truther.
However, I don't feel like his split his sides with any malicious intent towards the Oni side.
Remember, especially at this time, the FSM is the only one of his kind. And according to Mytake's tale of The Oni & The Dragon, his genetics gave him a whole heap of trouble. So, he probably split his sides so that he would be less hated & gone after.
But, it went wrong, permanently damaging his Oni side & probably temporarily damaging his Dragon side. This would probably be due to how attached his sides are to each other, because he had years with both sides.
His motivation could also explain why he made his sons embody two different sides, so that they would never suffer the things he did. However, unlike how the split damaged him, his sons probably weren't damaged, because they probably weren't split in the first place. Instead, he probably just altered which genes would appear when they were born, before they were born, & then completely created them (probably with the genetics of a human as well)
Aaaand, based on how Garmadon was before the venom was in his body & after it was eradicated from his body, his Oni side may not have affected him as much as it did after his resurrection.
Because it appears Oni can have good in them, based on both Mystake, Lloyd, & pre-resurrected Garmadon. It honestly probably depends on how they're raised & what they're morally told to believe/do.
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evilgoosegoose · 5 months
a new artstyle has been unlocked
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Was doodling Lloyd and thought he should look cooler and my hand agreed, so now here we are, very proud of these drawings tbh
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lostbunnygoddess · 2 years
Sooo… Ninjago brain rot is a thing. But bit from the hands of time season.
Wu takes about one to three? Weeks to die after the time punch right?
Ray takes like two to three hours.
This Implies that:
1. The comments in later seasons about wu and garmadon being thousands of years old holds water here. Because Wu goes from roughly slightly old to dying age in 100 times the amount of time it takes ray to age roughly the same age gap(growth rate)
2. The elemental masters do age a a slower rate and live overall longer than the average human by at least a bit. Ray and maya look identical to at least ten years ago. They haven’t physically aged much in that time frame.
3. It was confirmed that Wu’s white hair showed up in his teenage years and his current form is possibly a choice? (Misako aging, wanting to match her?)
4. Wu is middle aged and is pretending to be a old codger to make sure the ninja listen to him?
5. Lloyd aging is very messed up; mostly due to the tomorrow’s tea, but also just weird hybrid aging. As the later flashbacks showed that wu and garmadon stayed tiny for awhile. Lloyd seems to not age physically that much for a few seasons until his mental age catches up???
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dandelion-blues · 6 months
#3 What if...
Garmadon becomes aware that Misako abandoned Lloyd when he was still at Darkly's?
Lloyd knew from a young age that he wasn’t normal. That glowing red eyes and long, sharp canines were inhuman, but they also brought him close to his father.
After all, it was the skulkins that worked at Darkly’s School for Bad Boys that told him (well in not so quiet whispers he happened to overhear) that they thought Lord Garmadon was looking at them when Lloyd peered at them with his red eyes. However, that’s where much the similarities ended, for no evil warlord was a short eight year old boy with a bowl-cut. However much he tried to imitate his father from the terrified rumors he heard of him, he always fell short. He couldn’t be an evil genius, or a merciless warrior, or a cruel warlord because he was too good, but what could they know? He was going to rule by his father’s side and they would bow before him someday.
“Muwahahahaha,” Lloyd laughs evilly.
‘Then, the other students and teachers would fear me for my power and respect me as my father’s son. They would stop calling me a monster, or else they would pay!’ Lloyd thinks practicing his evil laugh some more.
‘But then if I hurt others would I finally be a monster on the inside too if I did that?’ Lloyd thinks. ‘No, thinking of others is bad! That’s how I failed my Bad Ethics 101 class!’
‘Ugh, that’s not important, what’s important is delivering this letter, no message, to my dad.’
Lloyd scrambles down the hallway quickly trying to avoid the other students, lest he’ll be on the bad end of a vicious prank. Lloyd had burning questions, no missives, he needed answered! Missives he hoped would get answered on this letter:
Dear Lord Garmadon,
This is Lloyd Garmadon your son and future right hand man to your dark empire! I was just wondr wand thinking if I could skip school and come work with you now. Now I no I am only 8, but I have a lot of pott potanc potencial, and would love like to start working with you!
Oh and I have your red eyes! And fangs! Does your skin ever feel really itchy too? Like your um too big or is it too small? I don’t now but I think you get it, cause you now every thing.
But if you no every thing why didn't you ever come see me?
I’m sure whoever my mom is left me here so I could work with you when I gradate, but I want to start now and I am ready. I was left here at 3 so I had lots more time to learn and prak practa practice being evil than the others. So please please let me work with you!
Love From Lloyd Garmadon,
Son of the Super Evil Lord Garmadon
and Future Dark Ruler
Lloyd spent the whole day in the library perfecting his letter. He wanted it to be perfect. Thankfully, he knew how to read and spell somewhat well, but the teachers never thought learning how to read or write beyond the minimum was that important.
But Lloyd finished his letter, and it was finally ready to be delivered to his dad. He just hoped that his dad would answer, and even better if he could get out of this school and work with his father!
Lloyd clutched the letter carefully as if it was his most prized possession, and hurried to the mailroom. After all, even evil kids have parents and guardians and need a way of sending things to and from the school.
The letter has grammar and spelling mistakes on purpose, but I felt it necessary to include, as I feel that Lloyd hasn’t had the most well-rounded education, not to mention that I sure didn’t spell too well when I was 8 either.
Needless to say, this letter does reach Garmadon, and he is furious with Misako. He will do whatever it takes to take care of his son since apparently no one else will!
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numberonepartyboy · 6 months
short lloyd to me is funny.....that guy is 8'7 ft tall.
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lilacevans · 2 years
can’t stop thinking about vampire ari chasing you around his manor, having too much fun with the sound of your desperate cries and whines after you try locked door after locked door. maybe he’ll keep you forever. 🫠🫠🫠
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