#hypocritical fans
bciwasinlove · 5 months
I keep seeing the most eye rolling posts from "those" wrestling fans. Some of the ones who used to complain that roman was champion for far too long are now complaining about cody's reign and how it's "boring" or how he hasn't dont x thing and how they want roman back now. It hasn't even been that long since fans were still rooting for cody to become champ and then become champ, and now there's already some turning on him and hating his championship reign. 😭😭 I just know if roman magically came and took the belt back, these same people would complain about cody being cheated out of a well-deserved longer reign. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 It's always the ones who are massive tribalist wrestling fans that act like this and quickly turn on someone.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
wait i’ve missed a lot what is the alcohol poisoning rumor and what tweet dude someone make that was “the equivalent of i didn’t administer narcan to ja”
Let me see if I can sum up...
Someone tweeted yesterday about hearing a rumor Jensen had to be revived at JIB one year because he passed out in the bathroom. Some people wondered if it was because of a mix of pills (no clear indication of prescribed or otherwise) and alcohol. The tweets got very little attention and as most things, would have been forgotten by today but...
The organizer of JIB, Daniela, was sent screenshots and decided to go on a tweeting spree attempting to discredit the source and deny the rumor, and in doing so, basically fanned the flames of a rumor that had mostly been ignored. During one of her responses, she tweeted the following (which, up to this point, no one had even referenced individual drugs or measures taken to "revive" Jensen):
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It all adds up to a very vehement defense of Jensen while ignoring or deflecting anyone who mentions she doesn't defend Jared that way. (This, coming from the same person who called out Jared on Twitter instead of just talking to him when he had to cancel the next JIB for work.)
Anyway, now Daniela's arguing with Misha fans about why he's not attending JIB (she says she can't afford it) and it's just a whole bunch of crap Daniela should have kept her nose out of and is only making worse with every tweet.
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lordofwought · 2 years
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fizzierolli · 6 months
rewatching Ozzie's now is soooo fucking funny like they really were so bad at keeping this a secret 😭
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landinrris · 4 months
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Lando and his ever-enduring need to press himself into other men | x
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fabuloustrash05 · 22 days
The hypocritical irony that us new fans say the older fans should give the new versions like MM and Rise a chance but then new fans won’t do the same with the older iterations like the 1987 series or the 90s movies
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liauditore · 4 months
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idk how many of these captions i can just make "completely normal guy who does not kill people" but cub really is the completely normal guy who is not a cannibal guy
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haunted-xander · 8 months
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They really should've talked about it at some point
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wumbletumblebumble · 1 month
I'm not gonna comment on whether you should or shouldn't boycott the works of people who turn out to be shit. I will say you should be consistent, which some of you aren't.
If you want to say the work transcends the creator and belongs to the fandom now so it's ok to still like things, fine. You don't get to apply that to things you like but judge people who apply it to something else.
If you think we should all stop interacting with the material because it supports a person who does bad things, fine. You better be prepared to ditch the fandoms you've grown attached to and not just call for everyone else to do it.
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idk if anyone needs to hear this but if you've forgiven rayla for being sent to kill the princes, you cannot turn around and yell at soren for the same thing
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violetdisasterzone · 1 year
me standing at the podium: "Luo Binghe is not actually manipulative! Shen Qingqiu's love being transformative is the whole point of the book! Bingqiu canonically have good sex that makes sense for both them and the narrative themes! Shen Jiu is still an abuser even if it's a result of the horrible abuse he was put through! The extras are a vital part of the story and analysis of canon without including them is-"
* I am dragged from the room and beat up in the parking lot *
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buddie911abc · 1 month
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I have so much I want to post about, but I don't want to overload my own dashboard. I'm going to try and fit all of this into one post. I'm tagging this post as potential spoilers, but really these are part of fan theories. I'm throwing spoilers in there because if by some crazy thing, any of it happens to be right, I don't want to ruin it for others. However, a theory is just a theory, so let's suspend disbelief and dig into this one.
Most of you probably have heard or read some of these fan theories. One is that episode one or two is some sort of coma-induced alternate reality. There is a photo floating around somewhere that has the fire engine labeled 119 instead of 118. There is the mustache. etc. Someone pointed out, in the photo above, that the man on the magazine cover is Ryan Guzman but manipulated in some way. I would like to take it a step further. I looked at all the headlines and noticed that the one that likely matches with the manipulated photo says, "From a bedroom to an Empire." Is this a reference to a former porn star now running some sort of empire? (Bahahaha. if the manipulated photo is Ryan G. what a great play on the pornstache he is sporting.) I love it.
Anyway, if Eddie was stung by a bee and had a coma-induced alternate-reality dream, I love that he has reimagined himself in this way. It's a great nod. Another fan theory is that Eddie dreams he chose Chicago over LA. (but since it is not real, Buck, Chim, Hen, and the gang would all still be there, but they all live in Chicago instead.) I like the Chicago idea because it would allow them to do that crossover with Abbot Elementary (which is one of the shows that a cast member said they would love to do a crossover with.) It is a comedy show so it would lend itself to a comedic alternate reality episode.
The possibilities and directions they could take in this type of episode are broad, but I'm hoping for either an Eddie realization moment or for a planting of the seed in his head moment. (If I were writing it, I would do it like this.) In this reality, Buck and Eddie are already 'Buddie,' so after a day of work or whatever Buck could possibly drive Eddie home, but then not leave. Eddie isn't too concerned because Buck has practically wrapped himself around Eddie's neck since everything went down with Chris. However, later when Eddie is lying quietly in bed the covers shift and Buck gets in bed with him. Eddie jumps and flounders around for the light, and Buck just says, "Sorry. I was trying not to wake you." He finishes crawling under the covers and cuddles close to Eddie. Eddie is shocked and frozen to the spot. Buck doesn't notice. He just says, "Hit the light Papi... unless... you're not feeling tired." And gives Eddie that look that says, "Are you ready for it." AND it brings
THIS energy.
[Small break to apologize for the Papi line. I do not like the whole Daddy thing. I don't kink shame, but the Daddy thing is not for me. That said. Papi just HITS differently. I can't explain it forgive me.]
Also, here is a photo of Buck in the alternate reality. (Again, if I were writing it, I would let the tattoos stay. I would also let him speak with his real accent.) Bonus, if I were writing it, at the end of the episode when Eddie is back to himself, he may not admit to Buddie right away, but he would ask Buck to speak with an accent. Buck thinks it's a weird request, but he does it. However, he does it with the worst possible British accent you can imagine. Like Gandalf chewing marbles. Eddie stops him and tells him to never do it again, so we are back to Buck's American accent. lol
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Oh, and here is that "if you aren't tired expression" I was referring to earlier when he asked if Papi was tired or not.
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This post is so long, and I haven't even touched on the theory of Eddie having a hurt arm or hand... A few weeks ago, Ryan G. said something about, "when you have to fight one-handed." So he hurt his hand and is still so mad, that he's trying to fight with just one... Lawd, help me.
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While I still maintain that I do not hate that Tommy guy, I am so down with a jealous Eddie fighting him because he thinks that Tommy has somehow hurt Buck. Equally okay, with Eddie punching Gerard and hurting his hand.
Edit and reblog because I have one more thing to add. If I were writing it, and if this is actually one of Oliver S.'s tattoos. I would 100% make sure this tattoo got screen time, and regardless of the real meaning of the tattoo. For an alternate reality Buck, THIS WAS his aha moment.
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
Team Green calling Rhaenyra every misogynistic slur under the sun for the crime of having sex just for Alicent to be having sex with Criston while Blood and Cheese happened is pure comedy
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dr-mp3 · 5 months
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me every single time I'm in the middle of dunking on eddie fans and then I remember I like coyle
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ask-fan-ii · 2 months
What do you think of other people who write fanfictions that include you? Would you react if it was inaccurate? :3
I think people should include me in more fanfictions! I am always a great asset to stories when it's done right.
I will admit, I have seen several fanfictions where I am not written too accurately. I mean- I see a lot of it actually. (Then again, what's accuracy if not something that can also hold back passion and creation?) But, during those rare moments where I stumble across one where it’s a little too accurate, that’s a little scary, isn’t it? I definitely appreciate being understood, but hey- how did they even find out all of these things about me, y'know?! Really makes me think about just how much they pay attention. I do appreciate the effort though, I can understand it.
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(Of course, I go out of my way to ensure my fanfictions are as accurate and reliant on canon as possible, I never write anything out of character. Trust me.)
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colinspens · 5 months
The Polin fandom needs to stop putting Debling on a pedestal when we know nothing about this man. I’ve seen horrible takes by “Polin fans” saying Debling will be Penelope’s knight in shining armor and teach Colin how to treat her right. That she needs to be properly courted and romanced before “settling” for Colin. These are the same people who campaigned for Debling and Penelope having sex the SECOND the fake Sun article dropped. There is a fine line between being a Polin fan and a Penelope only fan. You only see Colin as a prize Penelope earns instead of his own person. That’s why as soon as he doesn’t act according to your standards, you start rooting for the other guy. This season is about Penelope AND Colin. I’m tired of his own fans being his biggest haters.
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