#hypokit challenge
irisdances · 8 months
38 Fireheart x Nightshade for the FE hypokit challenge meme? 👀
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And this marks the end of the FE hypokits which took a year to complete, thank you all for joining me to this ride, I can promise next time it will probably take less time… hopefully, at the least I am glad that I got to explore a lot of ways to design characters!
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
yellowfang x bluestar hypokits...
ack finally got these two! got busy while cleaning them up :') i thought some twins would be a nice fit for these old ladies
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theanoninyourinbox · 2 years
For a hypokits request, Hollyleaf/Cinderheart where Holly survived the great battle and returned to the clans? Other than that, feel free to get wild with it.
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Kitties for everyone!
In the first AU, when Hawkfrost attacks Hollyleaf, Brambleclaw tackles his undead brother off of his daughter before the blow is fatal. Tended back to health in the medicine den, Cinderheart, who did not date Lionblaze, keeps her company, and they grow close.
In the second AU, Snowy the albino housecat has just beaten up Longtail when the bushes erupt. A pair of cats, both heavily injured, burst into camp - Redtail and his apprentice Ravenpaw. Chaos reigns, and Redtail explains that Tigerclaw attacked Redtail, and Ravenpaw bravely helped fight off the traitorous cat. A patrol is sent off to pursue Tigerclaw, and the newly named Snowpaw helps Spottedleaf treat the injured cats. Ravenpaw and Snowpaw become close, and no one is surprised when they become mates.
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morningmask27 · 1 year
Hypokits ok. Either Thistleheart x Icecloud or HollyCinder hypokits
ANON YOUR MIND! ThistleIce has now been added to RDA as a testament of how much I love this ship now
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meet Asterleaf (creamer one) and Ferretchase (the technically a calico)
Fetterchase (alt names are Hareskip, Blizzardrun) is a smart and daring cat. Xe is kind and funny usually, but is quickly in serious mode when bad things happen. Xe can become a bit too strict then, but xe never means any harm and will back down when told to. Xe's also incredibly fast, like The fastest cat in WindClan right now. 
Asterleaf (alt names are Lacebreeze, Swanwing) is someone that always tries to please everyone. They're withdrawn and kind and struggle with their emotions a lot. They struggle to properly express them most of the time and bottle up a lot of emotions. This can lead them to make irrational decisions as they want the bad thing to Stop Now. 
Both are deaf since by a funny coincidence I headcanon both their moms to be deaf too. 
(Assume this is a world where both survive the great battle/between-book greencough)
Icecloud and Thistleheart bonded over being deaf in Clans that at best were being clumsily supportive. They were often talking about the latest dumb stuff they had to endure and always had endlessly long conversations about everything. 
The two slowly fell in love over the years they spent together during gatherings. Then one night at the border between Wind and Thunder, Thistleheart asked Icecloud to become mates. Ice accepted and so it began. 
This happened slightly before the start of avos (when I do slow burn, it burns sloooooooow). 
These two lovely kits were born during the darktail fiasco in a WindClan that was growing more restless by the day. These kits being born definitely did not help at all and it made Onestar be very rude to Thistleheart, but like, bordering on verbally abusive rude. This was when the borders were already closed, so Thistleheart couldn't even go see Ice anymore and this was the last straw. 
Thistleheart took her kits and went to ThunderClan with them. She wasn't going to stay in that damned Clan if Onestar was like this. This was the thing that finally forced Onestar to open the borders and tell everyone about Darktail. Thistleheart would stay in Thunder until Dark was defeated, but then Harestar wanted to prove he was a strong enough leader and demanded the kits back. Things weren't going to lead to a conflict just yet, but Thistleheart and Ferretkit were sent back to WindClan while Asterkit would stay in ThunderClan with Icecloud. (the leaders didn't listen to the protests of Violet, Twig, Alder and a few others about how bad it is to split littermates like that). 
Asterleaf (name courtesy of Bramblestar's shitty naming capabilities) replaces Brissie as the protag of TBC. 
Their painfully unrequited feelings for Plumstone (who is in love with Thriftear, and inherited xenophobia from blossomfall) and the frustration they felt about being torn away from their littermate made them a prime target for the impostor. They're technically called a codebreaker, but could save themselves by renouncing Icecloud. They were being pressured and forced by the impostor and did so. Ferret was horrified by everything and confronted Harestar to stand up against the impostor And confronted Aster about their actions in regards to their own mom. 
Side note, Fetter had grown up to be a vocal warrior that would Not back down from a challenge. And was always arguing for things to get better. 
Anyways, Harestar was already somewhat unwilling to follow the impostor, but Ferret berating Hare in front of the whole clan, and even using some spoken language, made him kinda forced to actually go against the impostor fully. 
With Aster things were a bit more complicated. They felt terribly bad about Ice boing banished because of them (Ice was safe and sound in WindClan tho, dw), but the impostor had promised them it would only be for the best as they know first paw how bad things become when half clan kits are born and they need to make an example out of the cats that made them have such an unpleasant kithood. (Ice was a good mom, but ThunderClan isn't the kindest, especially to a kit like Aster, even if kind cats like Daisy or Twigbranch were there). Ferret starts to become aggravated. Bramble and Hare were the reason their kithood was bad. Sadly tho xe could not get Aster to understand that and a Thunder patrol showed up, which forced Ferret to run. Obviously the patrol were never going to catch xir, but it was still close anyway. 
TBC continues as Aster starts to feel very stressed about "Bramblestar's" actions and they think about what Ferret said about Bramble and Hare being the actual reason they struggled. 
More cats begin to be banished, things are becoming very uneasy in ThunderClan and Ferret goes to find Rootspring to know more about what is happening. Ferret had heard about the rebellion from Smokehaze, xir good friend, and xe wanted to know more in case anything could help convince Aster to side against Bramble. Ferret learns about the possession stuff and again tries to convince Aster to stop. They didn't believe it could be true, so, mission failed. 
The rebellion decides it's too much, and plans a murder attempt on Bramble. It goes as poorly as in canon and a few cats die, including Smokehaze. Ferret is devastated and furious and runs all the way to the ThunderClan camp to kill Bramble xirself and it fails, but Ferret somehow still has some time to let Aster know xe's feeling all those things. Ferret has to flee again and by some miracle they escape yet another ThunderClan patrol into the WindClan border. 
Aster is still in ThunderClan and helps treat Bramblestar's wounds as they think about what happened. That the murder attempt failed was technically their fault (for not believing Aster, for not helping the rebellion, for having led a patrol to bramble) and they are starting to feel serious remorse for their actions there. Like in canon bramble is angry, banishes Berrynose and makes Asterleaf deputy. Many cats from all sides of the argument are unhappy with this choice, but they can't complain or they'd be banished. 
Aster actually goes to find Ferret after that. Ferret is livid obviously and doesn't want to talk to Aster, but they plead and Ferret begrudgingly accepts to talk with them. Ferret doesn't forgive them, not yet, but xe agrees to get them up to speed with the rebellion. Aster is determined to help and one of their first acts was to tell the rebels about Bramblestar's plans to attack WindClan for helping the rebels. They had the task of fully planning how the fight would go themselves, so they could tell every detail to prepare the camp as well as possible. Aster also intentionally didn't make their plans perfect to give more advantage to WindClan. 
The day of the fight Aster stands right besides "Bramble", as the fight commences. They split up eventually and that's when they see Icecloud being threatened by a RiverClan warrior. Aster jumps to their mom's defense and gets a heavy blow to their face as a reward, but Icecloud is safe at least. They keep fighting and cats from all clans die. In the end the battle is ended by Ferretchase violently attacking Bramble before running out of reach and that until bramble was too tired to continue. That's when a few rebels pin him to the ground and the battle is over. 
Most cats return to their camp. Aster isn't one of them as Squirrelflight took the deputy position back over and led ThunderClan back to camp. Aster needed to talk to Icecloud and Thistleheart first. Aster apologized to their moms about everything that happened. Aster even broke down tears because of the everything of feelings that was hitting them. Harestar allowed Aster to stay in camp for a few days. They got their wound treated and helped diligently to guard Ashfur. Ash still tried to get them to his side, but Aster wouldn't budge anymore. No they won't, never again. 
Or at least that was until Ashfur began over the fact that no-one would forgive them for what they've done. How they had broken the code and hurt their loved ones and they were an unlovable monster now. This began making Aster uncomfortable again until they couldn't deal with it anymore and lashed out, accidentally letting ash escape mostly to get rid of him. This was a bad idea as Ash immediately dragged Squilf in the dark forest. 
Aster was also starting to be tired of their bad decisions and set out to stop ash. Aster arrived at the Moonpool alone and entered the dark forest. 
Ferret was caught in a mess as both Ash and Aster were missing and cats were starting to think the two were in this plan together since the beginning. Ferret had xir own doubts, but wanted to trust Aster, so we defended them and began looking for them. Rootspring was so kind as to be a useful npc and tell Ferret about ash dragging Squilf in the dark forest and Aster following them. Ferret hurried over there and with Root's help entered the dark forest too. 
The dark forest was decaying, like in canon and Ferret nearly experienced it first pawed as we nearly dropped in a puddle of the black goop. Xe looked for any of the living cats they were looking for, but couldn't find any. Dark forest spirits found them instead. Ferretchase found xirself face to face with Sparrowfeather. Xe immediately positioned themselves in a fighting pose, but Sparrow wasn't going to attack xir. Sparrow wanted to know what was going on with all those living cats in the dark forest. Ferret briefly explained and Sparrow decided to help Ferret, if not just to get rid of Ash and have the dark forest be slightly less of a mess that's destroying itself. 
Aster on the other hand was not having such a great time. They met with some slightly less kind cats there and had to flee. They did see one of the cats accidentally fall in a pit of goop and disappear forever, which did not help with their worries. Eventually they found Ash and Squilf. The two were surrounded by dark forest spirits and Aster assumed it'd be a bad idea to fight Ash then and there. (it definitely would have been. See, Aster can make good decisions sometimes). 
Back in WindClan Thistleheart and Icecloud are worried about their kits and go look for them and arrive at the moonpool. Rootspringe also helps them enter and they find Asterleaf. Ice hurries over to her kit while Thistle follows, worried too, but slightly more hesitantly. Aster explains what happened and Thistleheart assures them they aren't an unlovable monster. They did terrible things, but that can all be repaired now. Thistle wants to know how things are going exactly with Ash and proposes to quickly spy, but not too long and Discreetly. The family go back to where Ashfur is harassing Squilf. Ash was too busy, but one of the other spirits saw them and called alarm. Ash immediately began shrieking (not that they could hear it) and sent a few spirits to deal with the three cats. 
They fled, but the spirits were closing in. Aster didn't want their moms to be hurt so they stopped right in their tracks as Thistle and Ice kept running. They faced down the three spirits that rapidly approached them. One of them was already lunging at them, but they were slammed to the ground by a white shape. A tortie sprang behind it and barred the path of the other two spirits. Aster was ready to fight and both Thistle and Ice had returned as they had realized Aster wasn't with them anymore. The family recognized Ferretchase and a happy reunion happened after the three spirits were dealt with. Sparrowfeather simply politely looked away while they were busy. 
The little family was together again and they were ready to finish this. They gathered some allies from StarClan, and from the living that Rootey got in the dark forest and prepared to launch a full-on assault of Ashfur to finish this once and for all. 
The group reunited and the battle began. It's honestly not very epic, but Ferret does specifically avoid hurting Smokehaze's spirit. Then Ashfur was threatening Squilf again, but too close to the goop and Aster had enough of it. They ran towards Ash and pushed him in the dark water. Aster followed him. Ash fought back to escape, but for good measure Aster gave them a massive push to deeper in the water. 
They were starting to drown too. The water was slowly making them fade away, the memories of their past flooding in. The WindClan camp they barely remembered from their kithood. The ThunderClan camp with all its cats, kind and mean. Thistleheart and Icecloud curled up together around them and Ferret. The pain of losing Ferret again, the joy of seeing xir as a kit when Icecloud took them out. The painful love they felt for Plumpaw when the only thing she cared about was teasing Aster. The anger they felt when cats mistrusted them, the distress of being manipulated by the impostor and the pain of hurting their loved ones time and time again because of their dumb decisions. 
Aster straightened up, the water was making them feel very light, but a sudden burst of emotions made them aware of what was happening and what they definitely did not want to happen. They got their paws to move and pushed through the water, slowly moving up. It was terrible as the water wasn't going to let them escape so easily. It craved their emotions, but Asterleaf was not going to die a traitor. They pushed harder and harder until they neared the surface, but then everything disappeared. Their body was gone, they barely could move anymore and they couldn't form coherent thoughts. Instinctively they knew they were about to die, but that was before they felt teeth grabbing their scruff. They couldn't look up, but they felt themselves being hoisted up, out of the water and back in land. 
Asterleaf took a deep breath. They could open their eyes again and saw their family surrounding them, looking at them with worried eyes. They didn't know what was going on until they looked down. They could see through their paws. They nearly took a step back into the water from the shock, but Ferretchase stopped them. Thistleheart and Icecloud slowly pressed themselves on both of Aster's flanks as they tried to understand. 
It took them a while to fully accept it, but in the meantime they had followed the other cats to StarClan. There one cat had said they needed a guardian for the new opening that had been made. Asterleaf immediately volunteered. Many cats were surprised, but the StarClan spirits accepted. 
Asterleaf now waited by the border. It was mostly a lonely job, but sometimes a kit would wander too far away, or a cat would desperately want to see their loved one. They could never let them pass, but they gave comforting words and guided them away. 
Moons had passed. Honestly more than Aster had counted. It wasn't too bad out there alone. They could be with their thoughts and start making peace with them. 
One day though they had a special visit. They saw two white starry shapes approach. They became so happy when they saw Icecloud and Thistleheart. They couldn't go too far from the border, but they hurried to greet their moms. Asterleaf hugged them for a long time, so happy to see them again. The three cats sat there, catching up on everything. Aster learned Ice had moved to WindClan after the dust was settled. This was now allowed by the code. The two had simply spent their last few years as warriors before enjoying their retirement together. Then they died peacefully next to each other. 
From then on Aster would have visit from time to time. Usually both Thistleheart and Icecloud came to visit, but sometimes it was only Thistleheart or only Icecloud. Then one time another cat came to visit. Aster couldn't believe what they saw. A wide grin and starry fun wasn't usual on xir, but they would recognize Ferretchase everywhere. 
The two siblings hugged each other tightly. They had been separated for so long. Ferret told Aster all about their life. The fights, the fun moments in camp, the deputy position xe had been offered but refused, Rootspring, everything actually. Ferretchase told Asterleaf everything. Some parts were a bit more awkward, but things were told anyway. Aster was done with not telling things to cats. 
Both siblings avoided the topic at first, but Aster apologized for everything again to Ferret. Ferret accepted the apology and told Aster things would be fine again. 
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exocynraku · 2 years
hi yall! even since i finished drawing all the warrior cats i've really wanted to keep drawing wc related stuff, but hypokits & other challenges just aren't cutting it! so i had the idea to start one of those like ask-(charcter)-anything blogs (ex: @/askravenpaw and i think theres a jaypaw one thats been posting lately) but i don't know who to do it with! my main idea is harestar because i have SO many headcanons for him, but i was wondering if there's any other characters yall would think i'd be good at making stuff for? ps my 2nd idea was cinderheart...
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mousetoe-wc · 2 years
If hypokits are still open, can I have Firestar x Ravenpaw hypokits?
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Crowkit, Chickadeekit and Cherrykit!
Raised in thunderclan these three would be the protagonist trio in a Warrior cats arc. Maybe born near the end of TPB or TNP? Which would either make them the older or younger siblings of Squirrelflight and Leafpool if their still Firestars in this hypothetical au. If where going with TPB, then maybe Chickadeekit would go live in the barn with Ravenpaw if he doesn’t stay in thunderclan.
Cherrykit, named after Ravenpaws sister, would be the do first, think later kind of gal and takes everything as a challenge. Chickadeekit would be the more timid, but voice of reason one. Crowkit would be the more chill one of the group, just a vibe.
There warrior names would be Cherryfire, Crowfall and Chickadeefur. :)
Used this as a sort of reference photo vvv
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letyachan · 5 months
Icecloud x lionblaze hypokits
sorry for the wait
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This time I don't have a short story, but I have some points about each one!
Chaffinchpool - he is shy and insecure, as well as being a bit clumsy. When he was a paw, he got two scars, one from a rogue and the other from a bush, as an adult he was attacked by a fox and his tail was badly injured, then it became infected, so they had to rip it off. he received the flower from his mother, she says he is resilient and beautiful like the flower. poor boy, so unlucky.
Goldenbush - blood blood blood! he is bloodthirsty and protective, he has already challenged the entire clan and outside cats to a battle, in fact, it was Breezepelt who took a piece of his ear off, Lionblaze is not happy about that.
Seedheart - they are so tired, they can't take their troubled brothers anymore, they just want a simple and peaceful life.
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lux1fer · 6 months
im so excited to design ferncloud and feathertail in my az challenge when i do im gonna make hypokits immediately after and nobody can stop me
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wc-confessions · 1 year
i really do enjoy your art you should be more proud about it. also when u do make ur art sideblog you should do those little warrior cats challenges where you design like. firepaw, graypaw, ravenpaw, bluestar, etc etc. if you know what challenge i’m referring to. or just design canon wc characters cus i really do like some of the designs u showed!!!! u also talked about ocs here one time and i would love to see them too maybe… idk. BE MORE CONFIDENT WITH UR ART CUS ITS LOVELY!! 💓💞
MWAH THQNK UUU!!! i rlly cant wait to like post my designs actually ive always kept them to myself but id love to show others! also i really wanna do hypokits someday too that looks fun :] but thnx so much this is so nice to hear as i havent been confident with my work for a loong time ♥ im trying to do better tho
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trans male!adult! talonpaw x trans female!leafpool hypokits
(talonpaw warrior name in this au is talonpelt and crowfeather in actually in love with nightcloud instead of him wanting to be loyal to windclan )
Warriors Ship Hypokits: Adult!FTM!Talonpaw x MTF!Leafpool Edition
In this AU, Squirrelpaw is the one who dies killing Sharptooth instead of Feathertail, and Crowpaw asks to be named Crowtail in her honor instead (because Crowsquirrel doesn't sound right). Talonpaw completely breaks down when his brother Smokepaw plummets to his death. He can't bring himself to keep going and just tells the others to just go on without him. He refuses to move another step and no one really knows what to do- Rowanclaw doesn't want to leave their apprentice, but the mountains are dangerous at night and the clans need to keep moving. ThunderClan's Medicine Cat apprentice Leafpaw solves the problem by just picking him up and slinging him over her shoulder. The two end up traveling like that every day while on the Journey. They both bond over the deaths of the closest cats in their lives, and continue to meet up once the clans all separate in their new territories. Talonpaw also doesn't get killed by Jaques and Susan, another ShadowClan apprentice does. Leafpool and Talonpelt earn their names and soon fall in love with each other. When Talonpelt realizes that he's pregnant and the two panic, breaking off their relationship. Talonpelt later has a litter of three kits, not disclosing the identity of their other parent:
Alderleaf- brown tabby molly with amber eyes. Cis molly, aromantic asexual lesbian. This universe's version of Hollyleaf. Alderleaf is very different from her canon self. She doesn't care too much about the Warrior Code, seeing it as something archaic that needs to have many changes and revisions done to it, although she does respect it to a degree. She also is pretty uninterested in StarClan as well. She often challenges authority out of the desire to improve the world around her and better the lives of other cats. Her power is future sight, and she would be the one with the dreams about The Ancients. She is not too happy about getting a power from StarClan but accepts it with relative grace. She is a Night-Stalker, then Deputy, and then eventually becomes Leader after Rowanstar steps down (replacing Tigerstar 2).
Ravenwing- dark-gray-and-white tom with blind amber eyes. Cis tom, demisexual demiromantic. This universe's version of Jayfeather. Ravenwing is still a snarky, prickly cat who doesn't let others in easily. While he was trained as a warrior apprentice for a time, he suddenly decided to apprentice under Littlecloud as a MedCat alongside Flamepaw. Why? Well, it's because Ravenwing is the one with the cross-clan romance. He became close to the WindClan Medicine apprentice Kestrelpaw after they met and decided to become a MedCat so the two could be together (MedCats can have romantic relationships with each other as long as no kits are involved). It also doesn't hurt that he's actually very good at being a Medicine Cat as well. His power is dreamwalking and sensing the emotions of others. He's uncomfortable with his powers because he is constantly invading the privacy of other cats. As stated above, he is a Medicine Cat.
Panthersmoke- massive dark gray, almost black, tabby tom with amber eyes. Cis tom, heteroflexible polyamorous. This universe's version of Lionblaze. Panthersmoke is mostly the same as canon Lionblaze except he is much more interested in battles and fighting. When he discovers that he is somehow invulnerable to physical wounds he is very happy about it. He ends up training in the Dark Forest much longer than he does in canon due to a combination of general lust for battle and just not being the smartest cat, and is the sibling that gets trapped in the tunnels with Fallen Leaves (maybe he still accidentally kills Russetfur in a fight? because killing a cat in battle is fine but this is a cat in the same clan as him so its bad). He'd come back for the final battle against the DF like Hollyleaf does in canon, but wouldn't die because he is invulnerable. He is a Warden.
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irisdances · 9 months
Hi!! For the FE hypokits challenge, can I suggest Brindlestripe x Rubblepaw or Marigoldnose x Teatail? 💖
How about… both?
Lichenkit and Goosekit!
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starredeclipse · 1 year
A work in progress
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This is a sneak peak to what I'm working on, I'm drawing the cats of my Clan WildClan and putting them together as a group picture. It's a small Clan but yet the cats are taking longer than expected to draw and complete.
I want to start up drawing my mewtwo comics next page but I also want to draw more of my Detective AU, maybe I'll design a few hypokits of my characters or something for fun. With drawing all these big projects its takes a lot of time and energy so sometimes doing an occasional Challenge or designing something small is a welcome break.
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
for when you finish up with the challenge recs, can I have some firestar x spottedleaf hypokits? in an au where firestar is older and joins the clan right before tawnyspots's illness, and runningwind and stonefur take the places of graystripe and ravenpaw (stonepaw, mistypaw, and mosspaw move to riverclan instead of the barn bc of thistleclaw shenanigans) so it isn't creepy xdd
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free au for spottedfire shippers
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the-owl-tree · 2 years
smoke x sasha hypo kits maybe please :}}
this is such a godtier pairing omg
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send me a wc pairing and i’ll make them some hypokits!
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dog-leg-designs · 2 years
for hypokits is it ok if u do littlecloud x cinderpelt? thank you!
au where cinderpelt ends up on shadowclan territory after getting hit and ends up with littlecloud lol
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Elkrunner (she/they) : A battle scarred brown mackerel tabby molly with a white underbelly and deep blue eyes
Pipitcall (they/it) : A smoky gray feline with light blue eyes
design notes: Elk got Littlecloud's color palette with Cinderpelt's eyes, she also got Cinder's side head fur, also battle scars cause yuh. Pipit got Cinder's color palette but with Little's eye color, also got little's capes.
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cheerclaw · 2 years
Ashfur x hawkfrost hypokits?
try not traumatize ur childs challenge
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they're the complete opposite of their parents, and they're just trying to live a normal live, poor boys
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