I hate you Black Friday. I hate you overcrowded areas. I hate you extreme sales that last for one day. I hate you corporate who rakes in the money while the employees still get paid the exact same amount as any other day. I hate you customers who destroy stores just to get a few items. I hate you customers who forget how to treat someone like a fucking human being just because they’re a Black Friday retail worker. I hate you shitty backed up three hour wait time traffic. I hate you people who become so selfish and vile just because it’s Black Friday. I FUCKING HATE YOU BLACK FRIDAY
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isogenderskitty · 4 months
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this is ruining my fucking life rn
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swingingthehatchetnow · 5 months
I love the way Jeff and Jon hate each other
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dyrdeer · 11 months
Eventually there will be no "black Friday". The entire month of November you'll be pelted with advertisements for all the deals they definitely can't give you any other day! Then it'll extend to other months and we'll make an online version so you can buy even more-... you're telling me they've done this already??
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blasvemous · 10 months
Retail work on Black Friday... If y'all don't hear from me in 8 hours, I've been trampled by old ladies and over zealous teenagers
This is the vibe I will be providing to my capitalist overlord today:
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@bewilderedbunny in case I don't make it: I love you bitch never forget it shiiiiiyaaaah
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msfcatlover · 8 months
#Seriously#''Raised in a cult'' baby his cult is so spread out they don't have a compound; he PHYSICALLY could not be raised IN the cult!#He didn't even know they EXISTED until his dad died!#JPV had a normal fucking childhood (in Gotham) with a single dad he loved very much who just happened to be devoutly religious#with a not-even-that-weird religion (for Gotham.)#Everything about him is conceptually hilarious if DC would let him be Just Some Guy who /happens/ to be able to go toe-to-toe with Batman.#The most stressful experience this man ever had before his dad stumbled in to bleed to death in his arms & send him off on a quest#(of brainwashing & loss of identity)#was working fucking retail on black friday probably#This man does not know the proper terminology for /ANY/ of the moves he can pull off.#This man has not had to practice the way everyone else in Gotham has.#This man has stealth so deeply ingrained in his brain he probably subconsciously positions himself in every teacher's blindspot#and wonders why he never gets called on#He hates detective work. He's incredibly impatient. He talks a big game about being tough & alone but melts when he sees a baby.#He's a fucking murder machine who can't stand the sight of blood.#He's just SO MUCH FUNNIER if you let him be /normal/.#...Also his itty bitty glasses are stupid and I love them so much.#They're so tiny they can't be much help seeing anything. They're too thick to be anything but prescription.#(This man is absolutely blind without them. Fight Me.)#More personality in those glasses than in 90% of the literally thousands of pages worth of Knightfall omnibuses.#//#jean paul valley#dc azrael#azbats#batman#knightfall#batman knightfall
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sunrayretriever · 10 months
holy freakin crap lois
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rosalie-starfall · 2 years
Actual Footage of my bills forcing my ass to work tomorrow:
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corneille-moisie · 1 year
i really did not expect to have to fully re-socialize my cats, this weekend 🤦🏻‍♀️
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stevethehairington · 2 years
oh i am about to LOSE IT. i just got a notification that two things have been delivered to me, but when i went downstairs to check the mail there was NOTHING there. nothing in my actual mailbox and nothing sitting in the hallway. and now i am EYESEYESEYESEYES because where the fuck is my mail?????
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computersucker · 2 years
got a great Black Friday deal 50% off a used scratched and battered dvd copy of THE USUAL SUSPECTS DIR. BRYAN SINGER a bottle of ibuprofen and a groupon for getting shot in the back of the head behind the toolshed
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God it'd be cool if there was this dude who had a fridged wife arc except his wife was abusive and his whole deal is trying to accept that
#random thoughts#like okay hold on#and im gonna talk about this in terms of rick and morty cuz i just watched a few episodes of it#so like i hate rick's backstory right#fucking hate how they gave him a dead wife and called it a day#but like. i think it'd be interesting if OKAY SO YOU KNOW BECKY BARNES FROM BLACK FRIDAY#I WANT RICK TO BE BARNES EXCEPT 250% MORE FUCKED UP#okay so like diane and rick got together when rick was in high school and she was in college#and they met at a party and started dating and diane started seperating rick from his friends and family#and started pressuring him into getting into the science field#because even though rick liked and was really good at science he didn't want to pursue it professionally because like#you know how artistic kids will have adults asking them 'oh are you gonna be an artist when you grow up?'#and then they try it and they burn out? rick was like that#he was trying out an internship and it wasn't going great but diane pressured him to keep at it and go to college and get a degree and shit#anyway so she seperates him from his friends and family when they move to a new city#specifically because the whole thing about trauma is the severity of it depends on what your safety net is like#and rick is like humongo bananas fucked up so he had like no safety net when diane died#and so diane gets pregnant and they get married and have beth and diane keeps pressuring him because he can't get a steady job#and rick is like so stressed about it he starts to control the only thing he can: his daughter#so he becomes like OBSESSED with protecting beth from the world#so he's designing this like safety backpack thing? that she can put in her backpack to and from school in case anyone tries to attack her#and she's like. a baby at this point so MEGA unneeded so whatever#and so diane is physically abusive but that kind where it only comes out in huge bursts followed by crying and 'you know i didnt mean it'#so he's working on robopack and diane comes into the garage and it like slowly builds into yelling and she shoves him#and the backpack. basically degloves her#and that's how rick killed his wife!!!#guess what motherfuckers it's blue man time#and then you know he's all fucked up about it because he killed his wife!!! he can't be allowed around a fucking baby!!!#so he abandons beth and like everyone just assumes it was an animal attack because the pack basically rampaged through the house#so beth gets placed with her grandma and grandpa
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roomfullofgoblins · 2 years
IHATEBLACKFRIDAYIHATEBLACKFRIDAY I fucking hate this bullshit holiday that corporations have created. What even is the fucking point of Black Friday, literally just Consumerism the holiday
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singharit · 2 years
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thoughtvoid · 10 months
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At least schedule more than one person the day after major sales and not just the day of (if that), you stupid sadists. Or, y'know. More than just two people for the entire day, trying to fill the pit you're providing excavators for.
#Black Friday? Three people per shift all day; actually wasn't a problem; so little work people did filler jobs#Cyber Monday? Like 150 fluctuating orders and manageable with the two people per shift#Literally the day /after/ Cyber Monday? When people are known to be ordering up until midnight?#One person in the morning shift; one person closing#With a 'surprise coupon that we don't even tell our storefronts about beforehand because f you'#We ran out of shipping boxes this past week. Our supply orders are delayed. Triple digit orders all day#Can barely dent it before the number goes up. Fucking UPS has just. Not picked up packages a few times.#One was after a weekend; when they don't pick up anyway; so an extra no show was just. Us drowning in packages#Why is it that the stress test I'm prepared for (Black Cyber) isn't what makes me want to commit arson#I told myself I wouldn't volunteer for the Hours ever again after last year but I have weak conviction and bad memory#Usually I go for it because it means I do overnights but we didn't even /get/ overnights this year#Instead I was bounced between openings and closings and having to work with /customers/ roaming around#Overnights have fucked up my family time and probably my mental state before#But not as badly as me having constant mental shutdowns because /there are people everywhere/#/And I hate getting stopped 10+ times per shift when I'm trying to focus on an already overwhelming task/#Price check? That's fine; I just scan something and leave. Bare minimum helpfulness#But 'do you have this product'; 'can you help me find my size'; 'when do you get [product] in'#Sometimes I wanna be honest instead of helpful#I wanna say 'I just know where to look for stuff; I don't actually know anything about this department or what we have'#'Do I work here; in the shoe area? No. I work at the store and search for very specific products'#'I can't even browse and shop for myself because I am laser focused on what I'm looking for for other people'#'I know we have nobody on the floor and I'm the only one wandering around for you to see'#'But I'm not wearing a nametag for two reasons and one is to dissuade people from flagging me down'#(I am not mean and do help people; but then there's also 'I want to help but I can't because you don't even know what you want')#('Or because what you want doesn't exist and I don't know how else I can say 'we don't even seem to have it online; sorry'')#(Which is also demoralizing on top of my social interaction tolerance already being drained)#(Please stop making online orders; people; you already missed the famously good sales; I don't even know why you bother)#/I/ feel like there should be a lull; we don't even have anything good right now#The next big sale is Soon; and really no one should feel like buying right this second#Please stop making me deal with hundreds of orders on my own for no discernible reason
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bedcorpse · 10 months
if im not off on christmas eve i will straight up call out sick i dont fucking care anymore
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