saryasy · 4 months
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We Are Lady Parts - 2.02 Malala Made Me Do It
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sepyana · 3 months
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I'm rewatching SKU rn and it fucks me up that they cut this scene right before you can see Wakaba's reaction
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guess who rewatched she ra and the princesses of power (me it was me)
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archervale · 2 years
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Suptober Day 12: Crossover 
I can’t believe I still remember how to sorta draw in this style ahah
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velveteenbard · 7 months
Best quotes of book 1:
“And this is katara, my flying sister” ~ Sokka
“Aang, the entire village. Entire village, aang” ~ Katara
“I sense he is filled with much wisdom” cut to Aang with his tongue frozen on his stick
“I haven’t done this since I was a kid” katara “you still are a kid” aang
“I haven’t cleaned my room in 100 years, not looking forward to that” ~ Aang
“I’m just a guy with a boomerang. I didn’t ask for all this flying and magic” ~ Sokka
“Statues? That’s it? Where’s the meat?” ~ Sokka
“You have the scar to prove it” Zhao “maybe you’d like one to match” Zuko
“Can’t talk, must eat” ~ Sokka
“Where we’re going, you won’t need any pants” honestly cannot remember who said this or what the context was but it made me laugh
Zuko’s “I’ll save you from the pirates”
“I’m too young to die” “I’m not but I still don’t wanna” Sokka and a random dude
“Can your science explain why it rains?”
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ratstuckinamarble · 7 months
Time for first impressions of season two! (Some mild spoilers will be here, obviously)
Aaand starting right off with a new werecreature character (Foxford?) and Clawdeen in her wereruler get up, which seems... Entirely inconvenient, she can barely get about, someone free her.
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I feel like this dude will have his fans. My feelings are: he needs to chill.
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Aww Cleo and Frankie are going back to school together... Goodness, I missed these two. And Hissette is there! Yay! (Plus Twyla and Manny in the background)
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The happiness of seeing each other again is adorable, but they're building up some potential conflicts I'm not necessarily looking forward to... We'll see.
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Oh? Together? That's so cute, I wish we could have seen a little of that.
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Travel by garbage goblin. I repeat, TRAVEL BY GARBAGE GOBLIN. I love that so much-
Alright, I'm not gonna go into more detail so people can experience this for themselves, but my overall feelings are... Positive, I'd say, if a little apprehensive, but that's to be expected. I'm really excited to see what this season will have in store for us.
(you can find the video I got the screenshots from on the monster high YouTube channel)
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kimjunnoodle · 7 months
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peroxxideprincexx · 10 months
I’m rewatching Sgt. Frog and I forgot how fucking hilarious this show is oh my god
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ae0nx · 10 months
Fourteenth Doctor: Donna can’t remember me, if she remembers me her mind will burn up and she will die ‼️‼️‼️
Later on: Fourteenth Doctor immediately runs to Donna’s yells, gleefully shows off his timelord skills of resonating concrete to Donna and fam and trying to talk to Donna more because he can’t help himself 🤷🏾‍♀️
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graceling95 · 1 year
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ranger-kellyn · 6 months
was inspired to catch up on ladybug thanks to @gemsofthegalaxy and i'm pretty behind, so i'm just now up to the episode that introduces zoé and........y'all................👀🏳️‍🌈
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waffle-bubbles · 6 months
Got a Hulu account so I could watch my silly little first responder show
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cherrybeetle · 2 years
Naw idc what anyone says aggretsuko S5 was a good watch
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peachheavycream · 8 months
Oh you say he loves you? But will he orbit a super nova and burn up a sun just to say goodbye?….
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graysbullshit · 2 years
Ok, so it had been years since I last watched doctor who. I'm not sure why but every time I rewatched it I always stopped when I got to season 8. So I accidentally watched everything twenty times but never even watched season 9 and never even got close to season 10 or 11 or 12 or 13. So, when I tell you I SCREAMED when I saw River Song and Susan's picture in the Doctor's office it's because I DID.
The way he talked to them when he was trying to decide whether he wanted to take another companion or not literally broke my heart. He loves them so fucking much, it's driving me insane. And to think that only two episodes ago River was making a whole speech about how she didn't expect the Doctor to love her back... They are my whole world fr.
Also, I don't know why I was so apprehensive about Bill. They work so well together, and I always wanted a companion that has my hunger for knowledge.
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partiallypearl · 10 months
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Open Heart Season 1 Episode 1 - Last Things First
Every ticket, every drawing, every movie receipt. If he was having an affair, there'd be evidence. Maybe dad left mom, and maybe there is another woman, but he wouldn't leave you and me. Not like this.
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