#i accept this blame
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"You and me, Ethan. Together we go save Rose, and then we can grind Miranda into paste!"
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sunfoxfic · 11 months
We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore. We were so close. Then they flavored it mango and now it's taboo to criticize it anymore. People don't ask if they're allowed to vape indoors, they aren't considerate of people who may have health problems that are triggered by the chemicals or if it just bothers them, people don't care that they're supporting an industry built on corruption and greed, they can't see it draining their pockets and much less their health. We were so close to smoking not being cool anymore.
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hinamie · 2 months
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close again and closer still
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valtsv · 2 years
the older and weirder i get the more i'm beginning to realize that i was actually a very cool kid who had no shame or fear until i was taught that i'd be punished for it and everything since then has been a slow uphill battle to get that part of myself back
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The player opening undertale post no mercy route fr
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 9 months
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Adam raised a Cain
BBC Merlin, The Beginning of the End (1x08) /// Cut by Catherine Lacey /// BBC Merlin, To Kill the King (1x12) /// Comfort Me With Apples by Catherynne M. Valente /// BBC Merlin, The Crystal Cave (3x05) /// Someday I'll Love by Ocean Vuong /// BBC Merlin, The Witch's Quickening (2x11) /// Cassandra, Florence and the Machine /// BBC Merlin, The Coming of Arthur: Part 1 (3x12) /// The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde /// BBC Merlin, The Coming of Arthur: Part 2 (3x13) /// Adam Raised a Cain, Bruce Springsteen /// BBC Merlin, The Sword in the Stone: Part 2 (4x13)
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"If this sort of genocide happened in somewhere like America people wouldn't be ignoring it."
*stares at the camera in Native American*
this isn't to downsize the the slaughter of Palestinians but to point out that America is more than comfortable with slaughter not only overseas but on its own soil so long as it secures their efforts in colonization. If you call me a Zionist for this post I'm taking your bones.
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anti-terf-posts · 11 months
hot take but plus size/fat people shouldn't have to sexualize themselves for you to be accepting of them.
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
hayo I just want to say your art convinced me to watch rebels and I just finished THAT episode in session 4 and while I knew it was coming the minute he cut off his hair I’m still distraught over it and currently blame you for my grief (affectionate)
no he's literally fine. see look here's a real image of him getting back from the mission safe and telling his wife he loves her
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gremblim · 4 months
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Now hear me out
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mirroredmasquerader · 13 days
So I made a series of vital errors and I am hyperaware that no one followed me for this content.
There's this game-
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dirtytransmasc · 6 months
no matter how hard they tried to pit you guys against each other, they could never make me hate any of you
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just cause I like one, doesn't mean I have to hate the others. I love all 4 of my silly little babies.
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princessdarth-vader · 4 months
I think my ultimate thoughts re; Kipperlilly is that I wish we got a scene where a character was allowed to show her... sympathy. I know there's a tone you wanna hit with a victorious season finale, and a somber note of a teenager falling into a deep well of rage doesnt match that tone but it would've been nice to see.
In my dream world, we get an extra epilogue scene where Riz goes to see Jawbone to go and talk to him, and brings up the thing he mentioned about "seeing Kipperlilly in himself" -- relating that to what Jawbone said at the beginning of the year, and wanting to talk about that deeply set in need for control, and the latent anger he has, and all the ways he is like Kipperlilly, and doesn't want to be.
And in response, Jawbone is able to address the ways in which he failed Kipperlilly, and let her down. That she needed more help than he could provide, that she needed someone who wasn't too afraid of their own biases to shut down her anger, someone who could maybe have given her a support system to turn to instead of Porter. Someone external to the school and the social dynamics within it. Just an acknowledgement from, as far as we know, the only adult in Kipperlilly's life who earnestly tried -- and earnestly failed -- to help her find a better path than her rage.
Just a small moment of acknowledgement that Kipperlilly was a child, an angry, scared, biased and deeply insecure child who was looking for help when she first walked into Jawbone's office, and because of all the adults who failed her, she was turned into something unrecognisable by the time she was 17.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 26 days
“everything about kaiser is tragic” yeah especially that fucking haircut
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titanic-1997 · 1 year
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Jack Dawson + accepting his fate in Titanic (1997)
After Jack fails to stay on the wooden paneling with Rose, his expression indicates that he's accepted his fate. He knows he is going to die so she can live.
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lunar-years · 1 year
Something about how quickly and firmly Keeley told Jamie this wasn't his fault when he first started apologizing, and how Jamie persisted and in being like no, it is my fault, I need to tell you this, I need to explain. How genuine and honest he was with her (the part about how he thought Keeley and Roy only started dating to mess with him or get back at him was so loaded) and how desperately Keeley launched her arms around him.
Basically, I think both of them really, really needed that hug. And you can tell they both care about each so freaking much.
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