#i actually have a full list of marauders patronus's
tentaclecats · 4 months
guys i dont care about hp canon lily's patronus was NOT a fucking doe it was a snowy owl, they fit her sososososo well and they symbolize knowledge / intelligence and protectiveness and fearlessness... so uh screw jkr and her "lily was a doe to match james's🥺🥺" NO!!!!!
on another note, hedwig is also a female snowy owl. so take that as you will
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maruke2003 · 2 years
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I posted 1,154 times in 2022
That's 1,153 more posts than 2021!
173 posts created (15%)
981 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 329 of my posts in 2022
#severus snape - 121 posts
#pro snape - 88 posts
#harry potter - 55 posts
#elloona - 39 posts
#anti james potter - 38 posts
#anon ask - 33 posts
#anti marauders - 30 posts
#snape - 30 posts
#severitus - 28 posts
#the elloona fam - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#smh you're probably some old ass man in his mothers basement telling teen girls to kill themselves because you can't get laid
My Top Posts in 2022:
Ugh something that infuriates me about the marauder stans is when they say Harry should have named his second son 'Remus Regulus' or 'Rubeus Remus' or 'Regulus Remus'.
Do they not realize that Harry named his children after the people who have impacted his life in some way or another.
James Sirius- James, whom he's been compared to his entire life. Both the good and the bad. Harry's patronus takes his father's animagus form. And Sirius his Godfather who tried his hardest to be there for Harry despite his own shortcomings and short time together. He did everything for Harry (except when he ran after Peter instead of dealing with Harry but that's a different story).
Albus Severus- Albus after Dumbledore. Dumbledore (despite all the headcanons out there) who care for Harry and was sort of like a father/grandfather figure in his life. Severus after Snape. Snape who literally saved Harry's life more then we all probably realize, who used his last dying breath to give Harry the last piece of information to finish the war. (He quiet literally stopped trying to stop the blood flow once he saw Harry). On top of that remained in a spying position for 17 years. Snape also was childhood friends with his mother.
Lily Luna- Lily after Harry's mother of course. Luna isn't actually in her name to be named after Luna Lovegood. Luna means moon (in some language I don't remember and am too lazy currently to google) so Luna is essentially named for Remus.
147 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
I've been itching for awhile to argue with a Tik Tok Snater 👀. I've finally got one so let's goooo.
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First of all, James didn't slay, he never did. He was canonically a bully, no matter who they're bullying it's still wrong. Second of all the whole "what sa" or "it wasn't sa" is so wrong. Because it is, it is sa. Saying it wasn't or blaming it on Snape is horrible. I'm not even going to go down the road of the victim blaming that goes on here.
"walking on a corpse to hug a dead girl he was obsessed with"
Girl- calm down. First of all that's movie canon not book canon. Even if it was book canon do you really think Snape would have stepped on James's body, stepped on him?! Like do y'all hear yourself. The man would probably slip and fall on the stairs if he had stepped on him 😂.
See the full post
155 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
What are your thoughts on the fact that marauders stans are essentially taking all of Snape’s character traits and shoving them into Regulus
I love this question 👀.
Honestly it's not even the only character they've done it for.
They've taken Snape's spy position and given it to Regulus
They've taken his abuse and neglect story and given it to Sirius. (Not saying Sirius wasn't abused, he was, they just like to take Snape's story and give it to Sirius as if it's his when he himself already has an abusive childhood)
They've taken The Half Blood Prince's book and claimed it was James'
It's stupid. It's delusional. Like you claim you don't like a character and list all their faults and then give it to other characters.
They claim Snape was still a Death Eater/blood supremacist despite defecting because of Lily. He remained in a position to spy on the dark side for almost two decades of his life. And in the process he started believing in her cause. They claim it's bullshit and call him a Neo Nazi or a Wizard Nazi.
But then.
Then they turn around and say Regulus who defected for his house elf, who was a known blood supremacist, who was obsessed with Voldemort, is not a Nazi. "Regulus black was an abused boy who joined the death eaters to take him down from the inside. He was never a blood supremacist. He was in love with James Potter and was friends with all the marauders"... Like girl no.
They also claim that if Regulus was the spy and not Snape and that Regulus taught potions and was head of house he would have been nice to the students, including Harry and Neville and Hermione. No. Snape wasn't nice because the remaining death eaters wouldn't like to hear Snape playing daddy figure to the boy who lived. Or the child to both a known light family and the boy who could have been the chosen one. As well Hermione a muggleborn, need I say more? He couldn't have been nice because of his position. He would have lost it.
Don't even get me started on the whole "James is the Halfblood Prince thing" anyways I've gotten off topic.
Marauder fans/stans know Snape is amazing and badass but because he doesn't fit into their "hot/attractive" ideology he isn't worth it. So they take his entire life, his personality, his accomplishments and give it to his tormentors (not Regulus).
My final opinion is that it's far fetched and ridiculous. Regulus Black decided to defect in a single moment and when he did he died. If Voldemort hadn't used his house elf to plant his horcrux he wouldn't have known any better and nothing would have changed for him.
162 notes - Posted August 9, 2022
I'm on Pinterest doing a thing with Seph (@halfblood-princes-crown) and found this and I'm wheezing 😭😭😂😂
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Apparently this art belongs to @waterlouper so credit to them (if I'm wrong let me know)
314 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
James Potter didn't "change" he didn't stop bullying Severus Snape. He just graduated and supposedly never saw him again.
617 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Severus Snape being an awesome teacher and human being
Au Volant - Elsa & Emilie
He makes sure to let students work on their own when they brew Amortentia. They only have to pass in a list of things they smell and he draws little smiley faces on them because he knows a lot of kids are very insecure about their feelings. (Once a kid passed in a list that just said, I’m sorry Professor but it doesn’t smell like anything, and on their paper Severus drew an ace and aro flag and a time for the student to be at Mcgonogall’s office that weekend for tea, along with a smiley face and an O grade.) (The student was Newt.) (Hailee’s just read, People are gross and if I fall in love with one I want you to kill me, to which Severus responded, Valid, and drew her a picture of a turtle.)
He makes fake batches of Felix Felicis and gives one to every student secretly before their O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s so they feel extra confident going into the test but aren’t actually cheating.
He knows his area is Potions, but he teaches defense spells to students who come after class or report bullying anonymously. Severus Snape does not fucking stand for bullying in his classroom or outside of it. If you dare to pick on one of his students, he will burn you so hard with his mere words that you will wish you were dead. Do not fuck with Severus Snape’s kids.
On parent-teacher day, he drinks different batches of Polyjuice Potion to imitate certain students, all of whom hide away in their dorms after drinking a fine batch of invisibility potion. He then follows these select parents around and endures their horrifying, demeaning remarks about their “failure of a child” so his students don’t have to. He makes sure to give these students glowing praises to their parents when it’s his turn to offer feedback (after making up an excuse to go to the bathroom as the student), and takes mental notes of the parents’ most prominent criticisms so he can be sure to compliment those parts of his students during their next assignments (and also just because).
He brews sleeping potions for students he knows stay up all night studying and sometimes slips it into their drinks if they refuse to take it willingly. He then gives them back their (usually almost flawless) tests with the note that if they want a full O they need to sleep more.
He invites kids he knows don’t have many friends to have dinner and lunch and breakfast in his classroom whenever they’d like. He tries to make friends with some of them too, hoping to make their lives a little less lonely than his was.
He keeps an eye out for abusive home situations. He does his best to come up with excuses for those unfortunate students to stay at Hogwarts over breaks or to visit often over the summer. He tries to find them friends that will help them the way James helped Sirius and Regulus, and speaks to Mcgonogall about opening a home for these kids on campus. He does his best to be the parent he knows these kids don’t have, and is open about his own horrid past in hopes of getting some of them to fess up so he can help them better than he can without hearing it explicitly from their mouths.
He uses his Pensieve to collect happy memories of and for his students to reflect on when they need to and they sit in the corner of his classroom. (Among them are his wedding day to James and Lily, the day Harry was born, a couple playdates with the other Marauder children, Sirius and Remus’ wedding day, studying with Remus, pranking James with Sirius, Sirius and James asleep cuddled together with Remus on the couch in ugly Christmas sweaters, his son and many nieces and nephews playing dress-up, reading with Hermione and exploring with Luna and Newt, dancing with Draco (he likes to dance but was always ashamed to do it at the Malfoys), going on long drives with Regulus, the Blacks’ funeral (Regulus and Sirius performed a very gay stripper dance on top of their graves, it was beautiful), and many, many more.) Sometimes he can see his saddest students watching them and smiling, and their sad eyes twinkling make him smile.
He brings in a box of small kittens, puppies, and bunnies one day and lets them wander around the classroom. Some kids start crying because they haven’t felt this loved in years. After an incident with a bad potion and a rainbow puppy, he stops bringing them all out during class, but they’re there on the weekends and whenever a student needs to hug one (or borrow one, much to Mcgonogall’s chagrin).
He works to break down House biases and help students develop inter-House relationships and friendships. He wants every student to be proud of their House and not to treat anyone differently because of theirs. He creates (with Dumbledore, Sirius, and Regulus’ help) an annual House Pride, in which every student dresses up in their House colors and has their nails and skin painted and everyone is smiling and laughing and waving flags with their House emblems in the air. Even the teachers get in on it.
He stresses the importance of friendships, communication, and choices. He urges students not to make his mistakes by treating their friends well, talking about their feelings even if they’re ugly, and making the right choices in life for you and your loved ones, even if those choices are hard. He invites Lily in to talk about this too sometimes.
He sends out his Patronus every night to wander around the school. Often it comes back to him with nothing, but sometimes he can hear a student crying through it. He’ll instruct his doe to sit with the student until he gets there, and then he’ll walk around the castle, pretending to “accidentally” happen upon the crying student. He’ll sit with them until they’ve calmed down and listen if they want to talk and then take them to their dorm, bidding them goodnight and get well soon.
He gives students hugs when they want them. He didn’t want to originally, but Harry would greet him every class with a hug, and then one day Draco came in crying and attached himself to Severus like a sloth, so he patted him on the back and continued to hug him. Not long after, Hermione couldn’t figure out a potion and burst into tears out of frustration, turning and burying herself in his chest. After Luna wrapped her stick arms around his neck for no reason, Severus just accepted his fate and let his students hug him.
A lot of first years get scared in the hallways, since the staircases move and everywhere is incredibly crowded and they are oh so very small. Severus will often hold the hand of the most anxious ones for the first few weeks and walk them to class. Eventually they become more confident with the castle and themselves and stop needing it, but the occasional sixth year will slip their hand into his just because sometimes.
He walks around campus with students sometimes. He can tell when they’re nervous or sad or angry and he takes them on walks around the outskirts of campus and lets them vent. He also teaches them how to throw curses at the Whomping Willow just because (it’s for Remus but nobody’s gonna say it out loud).
He teaches students how to walk dramatically (as he should). He puts on student drag shows in the Great Hall with James’ help (who always kisses him way too enthusiastically because of it) and Dumbledore’s permission (so long as he gets to be the finale). The students work with Sirius on their drag looks and Sirius and Remus both join in the drag show for the opening act. Sirius’ job is to design and create the students’ looks while Remus tells them they look pretty and tames their stage fright. Severus just sits in the audience smirking while Lily screams in delight. (Regulus also shrieks with excitement eventually, though he does usually spend the first half trying to look disinterested.) (Peter’s job is to get the cookies and sweets (and underage alcohol).)
He turns into his snake Animagus form sometimes without warning when his students aren’t looking and just slithers around the classroom scaring the crap out of people. His favorite students are the ones brave enough to pet him. Harry and Newt are the only ones brave enough (and allowed) to wind him around their shoulders. Severus and Harry sometimes have conversations in Parseltongue.
He invents spells to help with dyslexia and other learning disabilities in his spare time. When he’s done with that he plans to try looking into some cures to mental illness. He’s thinking possibly a potion that treats PTSD by replacing traumatic memories with pictures of puppies, unicorns, bunnies, cats, and parrots. What do you think?
He tries hard to come up with solutions and modifications to his lessons for students with ADHD. He often talks to James about what the best steps to take are because James has ADHD. (So does Sirius, but his insecurities are bad enough that he won’t talk about it with anyone but Remus and James.)
He plays the violin sometimes during tests and uses Sonorus to make it echo throughout the classroom. Occasionally he cancels class and just plays until most of his students fall asleep. Those who want to work on extra work can, but he tries to keep their stress and general teenage angst to a minimum. (Though he encourages the emo phase.)
One of the first things he does after the Prank is get to work on a lycanthropy solution for Remus. After a couple years he invents the wolfsbane potion, but it doesn’t quite do the trick. Eventually he manages to figure out the cure, and when Remus finds out he cries so hard he can’t breathe right for days. (Sirius also cries. So does James. And Peter. And Lily and Regulus and Mcgonogall. Seriously, everyone cried and everyone hugged him and Severus tried to get away by transforming into his snake form but toddler Harry just grabbed him and refused to let go, so that didn’t work.) (He also helps Remus become a wolf Animagus when he asks almost a year later.)
He teaches certain kids Occlumency and Legilimency after school. It’s strictly for kids he knows come from abusive homes, whether they’re open about it or not, so they can tell when it’s going to be a bad night and get away or protect themselves. He teaches Occlumency for those who need to hide things from their parents (like Sirius and Regulus used to) and Legilimency to all, just in case. He focuses on stealth and untraceable versions of the craft to earn the kids as much time and protection as he can.
He figures out how to remove the Dark Mark from his own arm after the war. The next person he calls is Regulus, whose he also removes. He writes down the entire process and when the war starts up again, he keeps an eye out for students suddenly wearing long sleeves. He speaks with those he does find and helps them to make the right choice and join the right side of the war, starting with removing that horrid tattoo. (Draco bawls uncontrollably when Severus removes his.)
When they do the lesson on Veritaserum, he’s extra careful to make sure students don’t test it, especially on themselves or their friends. It, along with Amortentia, is the most guarded potion in his stash. The only times he uses it is when a student from an abusive home is too scared to tell him what’s going on, in which case he finds them somewhere private, asks them if they’d be okay with it and if so which teacher they want to be there to ask the questions (usually Remus, Sirius, or himself), and then administers the potion and leaves or begins to ask yes or no questions. It’s helped a lot of kids escape their families.
He tries to ease trepidations about himself early in the school year, since he’s aware he can be intimidating and the rampant stories regarding his time under Voldemort (though entirely as a spy) do not help. His friendships with Remus and Sirius often serve to alleviate students’ fears though, as they tend to tell embarrassing stories about him from their own Hogwarts days that make him seem more human (and make him want to strangle them, but that’s neither here nor there).
Every year, he works with Remus and Lily to arrange Muggleborn Pride. It’s an incredibly popular event with tons of Muggle inventions and artifacts floating through the air over students’ heads. At any time they can reach up and pull one down to study it. Many students dress as their favorite Muggle icons and characters. Because of this, Muggleborn students are more comfortable being who they are than ever before. (Some have even reclaimed the word Mudblood by setting up mud pits during their Pride.) (They also have more Slytherin Muggleborns now than any other time in recorded history.)
He tells Regulus’ story to every class of students, to teach them what true bravery is and how love and family, even if not blood, can change the course of history. Regulus survived his encounter with the Horcruxes and worked to destroy them and eventually Voldemort, but now lives away from the public eye in a secluded part of Muggle London. He and Severus are friends and visit often, and Regulus will occasionally come back to Hogwarts to say hello to his brother and mum (Remus), but for the most part he keeps his life intensely private. He allows his family to tell his story because he wants other kids to know they are not alone and that there is a way out, and that you are not a bad person for things you did in your childhood. Severus does his best to do it justice.
He has incredibly loud arguments with Dumbledore until he finally agrees to implement sex ed as a mandatory class at Hogwarts. Severus works with the other Marauders on the curriculum and they try to include multiple angles and identities in their lesson plan. At first they try to trust Remus with it, but Remus doesn’t go anywhere without Sirius who is less than tactful and Remus himself has some deadpan sarcasm and a lack of shame to rival James Potter’s, so. They try Lily. She can’t stop giggling. Finally they beg Regulus to come back and teach it. He’s surprisingly… perfect for the job. (He steals parenting books from Amir, that’s his secret.)
When James visits, everything becomes chaos for a bit. While he mostly hangs out with Sirius and Remus and causes trouble with them, he certainly seems to enjoy sitting in the back of Severus’ classroom and bothering him during lessons. The only way to get him to leave is to turn into a snake and wind himself around his shoulders, which makes James shriek and sputter and run away (James has always had an irrational fear of snakes; odd that he married one then, innit?). But when James isn’t causing chaos, he’s following Severus around adoringly and grabbing at his hand, whispering jokes in his ear and kissing his cheek. Despite all of the times he’s a pain in the ass, there are always these little moments that remind Severus why he fell in love with him in the first place (entirely unwillingly and with much stubborn pride on both ends, but, well. It is what it is and they got here eventually, so that’s all that matters).
When Lily visits, everything is calm. She reigns all of the Marauders in and forces them to have picnics under the tree where they all used to do homework. She often holds Severus’ hand and dances with him there, turning his insides to useless goo. She’s always full of laughter and fairy bells, and though she makes every student question their priorities and life decisions, she’s a favorite of them all. Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t pull him aside and say, “You’re a lucky, lucky man.” (Or, in James’ case: “Fuck, love, how’d we bloody manage that?” (Severus just shrugs. It’s not like he knows.))
He helps kids with autism feel more like they belong. He also works to educate non-autistic students how to better socialize and respect those who are, and takes extra care to dispel myths about autism and its causes, effects, and characteristics. Lily helps when she can.
Above all, Severus tries to give his students the education he never had. Anything he can provide for them he will. He’s been given a second chance and by Merlin is he going to bloody use it.
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sageandthestars · 3 years
how the marauders take their coffee
loves to buy all the weird fancy flavoured coffees and he is always surprised when they taste awful (‘how was i supposed to know nettle and rhubarb wasn’t a good flavour combination?’)
is such an annoyingly natural morning person he never needs coffee out of necessity, but caffeine actually helps him focus so he normally has a big mug at breakfast in the great hall and at lunch time too. no sugar, big splash of whole milk and never stirred - he likes to watch the milk marble and mix with the coffee much to everyone else’s amusement. dinner is a strict no-coffee zone because…well pre-existing ADHD driven insomnia + caffeine is not a good combo.
lily gave him one of those crappy plastic reusable costa cups on their first visit to muggle london together and he puts it in pride of place on his bedside table in their dorm room ever since. no matter how notoriously messy he may be, that cup gets dusted every weekend. almost every weekend at least.
wants everyone to think he’s an edgy black coffee drinker but secretly dumps like five sugar cubes in his cup when he doesn’t think anyone’s watching.
physically cannot function before midday if he hasn’t had a good few mugs (peter once bought him one of those awful millenial t-shirt’s that says ‘don’t talk to me before my morning coffee’ for christmas as a joke and to this day it’s the only thing he’ll wear to breakfast at the weekends when they don’t have to be in uniform).
LOVES iced coffee more than anything and by now the house elves have learned how to make frappes for him; 90% cream and syrup, just the way he likes them. it isn’t unusual to find him slumped over some half-finished homework the night before it’s due surrounded by glasses with drinks that had had no where near enough actual caffeine in them to keep him properly awake.
obviously prefers coffee chocolate to actual coffee because, well duh it’s chocolate but especially after or before a rough moon he’ll be drinking buckets of the stuff to replace sleep…and an immune system.
prefers the smell and warmth to the taste and so a lot of the time he’ll just be sitting there with his hands wrapped around a steaming mug and not actually bothering to drink it at all. speaking of mugs, he has his own collection in his trunk and they’re all HUGE. like his criteria for a good mug is one he can hold in both hands without his fingertips touching.
puts a good spoonful of honey in each cup, but isn’t very good at gaging how much to fill them up and so most of his papers have big coffee-rings staining then from where he’s either overfilled or knocked over his mug with a lanky elbow.
when he has the time, he likes to go to the kitchen and make coffee from scratch, the muggle way because it reminds him of his mother. it’s a therapeutic, almost ritualistic thing for him as he grinds up the beans and waits for the water to boil in a pan on the stove (no kettles because of the whole no-electricity thing) and more than once sirius has walked in on him bent over a french press next to the house elves and just paused there, deciding to walk out in the end and leave him in peace with his memories.
defo uses coffee as a coping mechanism during OWLs - “no remus i didn’t stay up ALL night, i swear i slept between like, 6 and 7am when i finished my potions revision” - and loves to use the cheap, nasty coffeemate creamer stuff. he can only get it from muggle supermarkets though, so he buys in bulk in the holidays and then hoards it all under his bed.
caffeine gives him really bad anxiety symptoms though, and after james noticed his hands shaking more than usual when they were ‘studying’ in the common room he took him into hogsmede that weekend and bought him a load of decaffinated pepper up potions to put in his pumpkin juice in the morning because ‘sometimes i’m too jittery to sleep but i can’t stay awake and i know how much it sucks to be that tired’.
that was when peter realised james was actually a lot more perceptive and caring than most people gave him credit for and the first time he cast a patronus he was thinking of the two of them sitting in the three broomsticks that afternoon, arms full of pepper-up potions with james listing off all of the peeves-safe routes inside the castle he liked to wander when he couldn’t sleep.
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breaniebree · 4 years
Can you show us some of your planning process? How do you organize your notes/timelines/spreadsheets? ASC is such a complex and intricate story I'm curious to see how such an enormous project is organized
I am not as organized as one would think.  I do not plan ahead very well, but I’m very good at organizing what I do have.  I’ve said it before but I don’t write chronologically, I usually am writing 2-6 chapters at the same time because I am constantly jumping around.  I wrote chapter 218-219 almost two full years before I got to the part in the story to use them.  I write what I want and what I feel like writing at that moment.  I don’t really have a chapter guideline, I have no idea how long this story will go, and my WIP notes are very limited.
But once I am into the story, my notes are EXTREMELY detailed.  I do have a time line and separate documents for the following:
Character lists and family trees
General notes on: Political stuff, bills I’ve written, the sacred 28 document I wrote, tattoos mentioned, important dates, moon cycle dates of Remus’ life, classes I’ve invented (what they are about, who teaches them etc), textbook list per school year, notes on each Animagus form and information about their animals, actual time tables I wrote up Monday to Friday for Harry’s third/fourth, and fifth year, details of Zee and Tonks’ engagement rings, history and outline of Dante’s circles of hell with notes on how to incorporate into story, notes on pregnancy, character’s wands, geographic locations of characters, and any other little notes I think are important but don’t belong in the bullet points at the end of my current WIP chapter
History and ancestry of each family (from Harry Potter Lexicon, Pottermore, Harry Potter wiki, and my own personal creations).  This also includes manor information for Potter, Black, Longbottom, Nott, and Malfoy.
Hogwarts lay-out including stuff I’ve added or made up
Ministry of Magic departments and people (known and created)
List of spells (including ones I’ve made up and which chapter and which character introduced it to who)
List and pictures of Sirius’ motorbikes with information on each one
List of Pensieve memories and marauder moments (crossed out which ones I’ve shared already, some are written and waiting to be used and others just a general idea)
Terms and phrases from different languages I’ve used in the past
My playlist of songs I have mentioned in the story
An entire document dedicated to Operation FUVP including a Voldemort timeline which I have now shared in the story itself (also includes when and where each character found the Horcruxes)
A list of some of the recipes I mentioned, and
I have a 72 page document that is literally just detailed chapter summaries to help me remember what the hell I’ve written LOL (also highlights introductions to new characters in a different font colour to help me find out when people were introduced).
Here is my organized documents if that helps -- the Chapter Summaries is most important lol.  And this is my current storyboard:
Hinny rain
Wandless Magic — class in 6th year
RS scene
Patronus? Good vs. dark?
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Hope that answers your questions!  As I said, my current writing is really not that well organized.  
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theacerbicprince · 5 years
Answering Harry Potter Tag Questions
So my darling @xweofmanyfaces answered this in video form but I don’t do videos because I don’t know how to edit and stuff. Really, all I can do is type and prance so I’m going to type out my answers to these questions. It may be long, I apologise in advance. If there are any other questions you’d like to ask me that I haven’t answered then let me know. 
What house are you in?
I am a Gryffindor which surprised me initially but if I think about it makes a lot of sense because I am very loyal to the people I care about and I don’t think I’m brave but I know people who would disagree with me just based on the challenges in my life. 
What is your Patronus?
My patronus is a white stallion according to pottermore. I read up on what it meant on the lexicon and it was amazing how similar it was to me. 
What is your wand?
My wand, as on pottermore, is Pear wood with phoenix tail feather, 13 and 3 quarter inches, slightly yielding flexibility. According to pottermore, there has never been a recorded instance of a pear wood in possession of a dark witch or wizard. 
Favorite book?
I liked the Deathly Hallows because it gave us so much and it wasn’t as badly paced as some of the other books were and it moved me emotionally, very much so and it revealed so much of my darling boy. 
Least favorite book?
Probably the Chamber of Secrets if I’m honest. 
Favorite movie?
From an aesthetic point of view, the Half Blood Prince. Overall favourite movie in terms of soundtrack is the Deathly Hallows Part 2 but overall, tying everything together would probably have to go to Order of the Phoenix. I live for Imelda Staunton in that movie and ugh, just that bit where Alan manages to inject that much snark and sass and condescension into the one word ‘obviously’. 
Least favorite movie?
Goblet of Fire, I think a lot of people might agree with me on that one, it’s not universally that well received. 
Is there a movie you preferred over the book?
The Chamber of Secrets movie is better than the book for me. I actually feel very emotional about the ending of that movie probably because of Chris Columbus to be honest and some of the shots are amazing and the music too, John Williams excellent. 
Favorite quote?
I love this so, so fucking much. 
“It is good to see that six years of magical education haven’t been wasted on you Potter; ghosts are transparent.” 
Favorite character?
Severus without a shadow of a doubt. He’s my boy even when he’s being a total jackass and he just brings so much joy to me because he makes me laugh so much. 
Least favorite character?
Ron. I hate getting on the ship in that sense but yeah, I don’t like Ron as a character although a lot of that comes from the fact that I just don’t see him ending up with someone like Hermione. This does not mean I don’t want to write with Ron because Molly loves all of her children regardless of their flaws but I don’t personally like him. I like him even less in the movies because they took away some of his kinder, more human moments and he was like 95% jackass. 
Favorite professor?
Minerva is an absolute boss, always, that never changes. She teaches the kids so much and she’s so supportive but at the same time she doesn’t take any shit. I will always have to defer to my home boy though because he’s an amazing teacher even though he is a giant asshole about it. He is multi talented because he can teach more than the one subject and he can teach them well. He fully understands his subjects and he takes them both so seriously, more seriously than his other professors I would say. He doesn’t express it the right way but he cares a lot about the welfare of the students. There’s a reason he loses his shit when Neville fucks up so badly at Potions that Severus is practically apoplectic, because the boy is dangerous and he doesn’t want to be responsible for a death or severe disfigurement. 
Favorite villan?
Bellatrix Lestrange. She’s a great villain in that she is so unstable and you don’t know what she’s going to be doing next really. She is the sort of villain where you are constantly on edge around her and we actually get to see her in action properly and we get a full, real sense of why she’s so terrifying. A lot of that was missing as far as it went for Voldemort because we didn’t get to see much of him or how he earned his reputation. 
Favorite weasley?
Molly, she is my girl but she is also super strong, super loving and she has dealt with so much in her life and so deals with it all with barely any complaint. She is so giving to everyone, she takes everyone in and is so welcoming and approachable and it’s not something that she thinks about doing, it’s just natural to her. 
Favorite marauder?
Remus because he isn’t a giant douche. Remus is also the one that seems more understandable to me. I think we’ve all been there at one point or another where we have seen an injustice and we have to decide what we are going to about it. He didn’t actually want to kill anyone, he didn’t take a savage delight or really any delight in what was going on and he’s apologetic about it. He doesn’t come up with excuses for his actions or lack of actions, he accepts the responsibility of what he’s done. 
Are there any characters you felt differently about in the movies versus the books?
Gilderoy Lockhart and that is just because Kenneth Branagh is just amazing, he is a stunning actor and I admire him greatly as a professional and he made Lockhart far more likeable.I actually enjoyed watching him in the movie whereas I hated reading him in the books. 
Which character do you think you’d have the closest relationship with?
Probably Molly if I’m being honest, we are quite similar in some senses. Severus would struggle to tolerate me but I think he still would put up with me. 
Which class would be your favorite?
I am a huge history fan so yeah, History of Magic would probably be quite high up on my list. I think I’d like DADA too, combat you know. 
What would your boggart be?
My daughter (from my dreams) desperately wanting my attention because she needs me but I’m too out of it to be able to help her, my darling Penny with my health conditions. Oddly specific I know but it is a massive fear. 
What position would you play in Quiddich?
Seeker probably, I have good eyesight and good hearing too. 
Would you be a pure-blood, half-blood or muggle born?
I would be half blood, just makes sense for me. My mother is Scottish and my father is English so it makes sense that I’d be half and half magically. 
What job would you want to have after leaving Hogwarts?
It really depends on what my specialisation would be to be honest. I might teach for a while, I really enjoyed being a tutor (which was my job up until September last year). 
Which of the Deathly Hallows would you choose?
The invisibility cloak. I don’t need great power in my life and my loved ones would drive me insane because I would want to see them so often, to touch them and I couldn’t. The invisibility cloak is remarkably useful. 
Which spell would be the most useful to learn?
A healing spell of some sort, always useful. 
Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series?
MY HOME BOY IS A GOOD MAN! It is not creepy that he was in love with Lily for that whole length of time. Stop having a go at my man, he’s not a creeper. 
Either or/if, would you rather:
Wash Snape’s hair, or listen to Lockhart ranting about himself for a day?
Do you even have to ask that question? I would massage that scalp aaaall day.   
Duel an elated Bellatrix, or an angry Molly?
Angry Molly would be terrifying but an elated Bellatrix is guaranteed to torture me to the point that I am desperately crying out to die. 
Travel to Hogwarts via Hogwarts Express, or a flying car?
Hogwarts Express, you can get up and walk around the train, stretch the legs which is good for me because of my nerve damage and pains in my hips etc. 
Kiss Voldemort or give Umbridge a bubble bath?
Kiss Voldemort, I do not want to see Umbridge naked. 
Ride a Hippogriff or ride a Firebolt?
Probably the Hippogriff, I think it’d be far more comfortable and I could actually talk to the Hipprogriff and not feel like a lunatic. Who talks to their broomstick eh?
Hallows Or Horcruxes?
The horcruxes are a fascinating and interesting concept especially when you look into the whole process and splitting the soul. Is the soul split every time that you kill? 
If you could own one of the three Hallows, which one would it be and why?
Invisibility cloak, this was addressed earlier. 
If you could bring one character back to life, who would it be?
This motherfucking question right here. I’ve been thinking about this question for hours, honest to Lords hours. You’d think I would want to bring Severus back to life but there is one person in particular who comes to mind because it’s just so tragic and I would want to change it so badly and that is Tonks. I want Teddy to grow up with his mother and Andromeda to not have to deal with the loss of her daughter as well as her husband. 
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fehnwick · 6 years
COLIN FORD —— Well, if it isn’t BENJY FENWICK, the RAVENCLAW superstar. For those of you who don’t know HIM, you can spot them sitting with the other SEVENTH years. Most people think that they’re DRIVEN and PROACTIVE, but they can also seem pretty COMPETITIVE and RECKLESS. Sometimes people call them the BLOWHARD. Sure, they’re a MUGGLE-BORN, but that doesn’t define them. 
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benjy vc: stop saying i look like chicken little. he’s dumb and he’s a coward, and i’m not a coward
benjy’s kind of an amalgamation of past characters i’ve played that didn’t go anywhere so bear with me as i like, get into the swing of things
about here. wanted . . . someday lmao. messy af pinterest board here. 
born benjymin bc of a spelling error on his birth certificate but he will murder u if u call him anything except benjy!!!! so i highly recommend doing exactly that 
he can be really soft and chill but he will get really intense and angry at the drop of a hat 
just kind of an intense guy overall 
benjy was born to two muggles in a small village in ireland 
they were super religious and conservative
big fans of the whole “children should be seen and not heard” 
benjy did not vibe, as hard as he tried — always wanted to make his parents happy and just never could 
so they did not take it very well when it was discovered that he was a wizard!!! 
doesn’t go home for holidays and dreads going home in the summers 
getting tf out as soon as he’s done at hogwarts even if he’s living in a cardboard box in diagon alley
so like needless to say he never felt like he belonged at home so he was thrilled to come somewhere he could fit in!!! 
except surprise, some people don’t like you when you’re not of magical blood 
it’s kind of hardened him around the edges a little?? he used to brush it off but he’s Tired™ and ready to fight anyone who says shit 
first year he discovered he was a natural on a broom.  became an alternate on the ravenclaw quidditch team in third year. joined the team fully fourth year.  mysteriously quit at the beginning of this school year — has yet to give a straight answer as to why
spoiler alert: he’s not a team player
he’s always been at odds with other players bc of how he wanted to do things 
his ass wholly believed he would be named captain and he wasn’t and he’s pissed
he knows a lot of people think it’s why he quit but he’s not gonna confirm that shit!!!
let people think what they want
also in retrospect, he’s highkey fed up with how quidditch players are treated like gods around the school even tho he misses that treatment 
prides himself on being one of the first in their year to have gotten apparition down eveN THOUGH IT’S USELESS until they’re out of hogwarts!!! fun lil headcanon
his patronus is a fucking buffalo 
backstory: one of the many things i pinned for him is “i was not made to be subtle”
and somehow when i was thinking of his patronus i was like ok i need something big and obnoxious
and buffalo was the first thing on the list of known patronuses to fit that bill so here we are
he’s honestly one of the worst ravenclaws to pass through ravenclaw tower but he wouldn’t have it any other way
all that dumb tumblr shit about ravenclaws having bad grades bc they like learning but not like . . . school stuff???
a million unfinished projects 
hella procrastinator
lazy perfectionist
hella gay.  it’s hard for him to talk about sometimes bc of his family history but he’s working on it. 
total hoe and not ashamed of it 
benjy’s intense sometimes and he gets grumpy and moody very easily but he hates being along more than anything else!!! would rather sit around in angry silence with friends than actually be alone 
he feels very strongly about a lot of things but is really bad at expressing emotions sometimes
he considers himself an optimist bc even though the world is full of shit, he wants it to be less shitty!!!
but he’s really bad at being optimistic!!! damn it benjy!!!
oh and also benjy wants to be a healer!!! we love a man who knows what he wants
uhhh too lazy for wanted connections but some basic shit:
ex boyfriend
best friends rivaling the marauders
regular friends
literally... y’all know how bad i am at plotting... just come to me and we can brainstorm some shit i guess
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pixistarjem-blog · 7 years
Strange Magic
Chapter 1: Rebel Rebel
"You got your mother in a whirl
She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl
Hey babe, your hairs alright
Hey babe, lets go out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing and we look divine
You love bands when they're playing hard"
Fuck it.
Say what you like about muggles, you can't argue that they make better music than us. That in itself is it's own strange kind of magic. This year Sirius was on a mission to drag Hogwarts into the 20th century, even if he had to do it on his own. He was going to get the student body to listen to decent music, not the tripe their parents did.  
The past year had been a bit shit to say the least. Culminating in being kicked out of the Black family abode the night he had arrived back from his fifth year at Hogwarts for being a blood traitor. Sirius had spent the holidays with the Potter's, when he wasn't at yet another festival getting wasted on muggle drugs, shagging randoms and generally having a helluva time.
"What the fuck is this wank?" Asked James as he entered the room Padfoot had taken residence in.
"Bowie, man, show some respect." Sirius turned from the window fag hanging from his mouth unlit. He was good looking and he knew it. With his shoulder length shaggy black hair, lithe body and manic energy he could pretty much get anyone he wanted, especially with those smouldering grey eyes of his. "There's a muggle festival at Knebworth this weekend – let's go. It'll take you mind of Evans. Pink Floyd are playing, it'll be immense. You might actually meet someone who'll pop that cherry of yours."
James frowned. He was still pissed off at Snivellus for getting him into trouble with Lily. Snivel deserved everything he got for calling her that word, mudblood. Lily was Snape's oldest friend and he'd sold her out. It didn't mean he didn't feel regret about the way Lily responded to the incident. She had a lot in integrity and empathy, far more than James did himself. He huffed and flung himself on to Sirius' unmade bed.  
Sirius flopped next to him. "Come on, Prongs, we'll have the best time. You could develop decent taste in music, that'll help you out with the girls." James rolled his eyes.  
"I don't think my chances will be helped any if I'm sharing a tent with you."
"'Course it will, I'm magnet for muggle chicks."
James coughed, Sirius was pretty sure it sounded like wanker.
"Plus with that undetectable extendable charm I have on the tent, it's big enough to host a party for thirty people. Trust me."
"Bet Moony and Wormtail would be up for it." Mumbled James warming to the idea.  
"Fuckin' hate being under age. We could just send a patronus to the other Marauder's. Now I have to actually write letters and send an owl. It's utter bollocks." Grumbled Sirius grubbing around for quill and parchment. Letters wrote Sirius took his owl, Ziggy, from her perch and tied them to her legs.  
"On the plus side, mate, at least we learn to apperate this year." Said James still lolling on the bed.
Sirius snorted "This year might not be an utter waste after all..."
"This is muggle music?" Shouted Peter with his fingers in his ears, over the sound of Jumpin' Jack Flash.
Sirius rolled his eyes and continued to move to the music with the crowd. James and Remus seemed to be having an ace time, they had two girls on of their shoulders and were pretty pissed. Sirius himself was bombed on some weed he'd scored. The weekend so far had been wicked, especially when he'd watched Moony crowd surf to The Who and Pete had finally come out the closet by snogging that fey looking bloke whilst tripping his tits off on acid.
The Stones hand finished their set and the crowd was milling about as they waited for Pink Floyd to finish off the festival, it was then he spotted Marley McKinnon. Sirius would notice her anywhere. Her wild light blonde curls, skinny frame and goofy grin always got him, not that he would admit that to anyone. He had never seen anyone from Hogwarts at any of the festivals he'd been to that summer. He felt a new found respect for the girl, who was blatantly off her face and enjoying the filler music between sets.
"Where's Padfoot off to?" Said Remus as Sirius wandered away.  
Marlene had her eyes closed and was getting her groove on to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds when someone hugged her from behind.
"What the actual fuck!" She squawked turning to deck the person harshing on her high to find Sirius beaming down at her. "Holy shit! What's a knob like you doing at a muggle festival?" Marley smiled in surprise.
"Taking Potter's mind off Evans." He said holding her tiny hips, a broad grin breaking out on his lips. "Who are you here with?"  
Looking about Marlene couldn't see either Lily or Alice she seemed a bit bewildered. "Um, Evans and Milton. They were here..." Sirius didn't want to her to get upset and have a bad trip, so he took her hand and dragged her over to the Marauder's.
"Look who I found, dudes." He said pulling Marley in front of him.
"No way!" Lupin and Pettigrew exclaimed. James pulled out of the snog he was partaking in mid-action. On seeing McKinnon he quickly scanned the crowd before visibly turning pale.  
"Fuck sake, James. Lily doesn't care who's face your eating." Marlene grinned on seeing how uncomfortable he was. Potter may have felt unhappy that one Lily's best mates had seen him snogging some random. He did, however, notice that Black had yet to let go of the sylph like teen's hand and that his smile lit his friends face in a way he hadn't noticed before. He exchanged a knowing glance with Lupin.
"You joining us for the main event, Marley?" Enquired Remus.
"Can't wait. It's why I'm here. Pink Floyd are amazing." She was almost vibrating with anticipation. Sirius skinned up and offered her a toke on his joint, which he then passed around the group as Pink Floyd began their opening number. He indicated that Marley should get on his shoulders. She climbed on.  
The pounding music seemed to fill his heart as their bodies moved as one. The other Marauders didn't hold back, dancing through every number with enthusiasm. Sirius felt the joy of sharing something he loved with his friends. Pink Floyd ended their set to screams for more from the crowd.
Marley was safely back on the ground. "I'm going to head back to the tent to see if I can find the other two."  
"We'll walk you." Chimed Sirius and Remus. Marley smiled. She didn't fancy walking back to the tent on her own this mashed. The group walked through the festival following her lead chatting about the most ridiculous thing they had seen that weekend.
"I saw some muggle bloke dressed as a fairy, holding a stick with a star on the end shouting 'shazzam' at passers by." Said Moony giggling at the memory.
"I found some poor chap stuck down in the cesspit after a bet with his mates that he couldn't actually fit down the hole of the toilet." Peter laughed  
"There was that group of very hairy, burly guys who looked like mini Hagrid's dressed in wedding dresses." Added James. The group laughed helplessly.
"I was wide awake last night, the others were asleep. I was skinning up in front of our tent when some ancient naked dude walked past with the biggest hard-on you ever saw, and a giant grin plastered on his face. I had to hide in the tent! I thought I was going to die laughing." Marley's legs gave out, she had to sit down she could hardly breath just thinking about the memory. Tears rolled down her cheeks as laughter racked though her body.
"Nooo!" The boys chorused, Marley could only nod.
"See, I told you. It was so worth coming." Crowed Sirius pleased with himself. He pulled Marley to her feet, his arm round her shoulder. They walked for another ten minutes before Marley spotted her tent, laughing at more of the Marauder's antics. As she pointed, two girls ran over.
"Thank fuck we found you!" Shouted Alice slurring slightly as she reached the gang. Lily stumbled into a very pleased James who held her up as she looked at them blearily.
"You know, when we found Marley I didn't think she would be the most sober of the three of you." Said James with concern. "It explains a lot."
"Never mind me, I got us some Marauder's" cried Marley.
"Fuck the boys! I got us more booze" shrieked Lily holding up a nearly full bottle of vodka
"Well, I'll drink to that." Laughed Remus taking the bottle from her with a wink, as Sirius danced provocatively. They moved towards the girls tiny tent.  
"I hope it's bigger on the inside." Moaned Pete.
Marley slapped him on the arm "Of course, it is. I'm not a complete amateur."  
Once through the opening of the tent, you came into an open living space with a small kitchenette, off that a sleeping area you could easily sleep 5 people in. The floor was filled with comfy cushions, the sink had a weeks worth of dirty cups and plates in it.
The teens flopped on the floor in various states. Lily falling over James in a tangle. The vodka was passed around along with a joint. Marley sat on Remus' lap earning him some side eye from Sirius. They talked of their summers. Finding out what everyone had been up to. Alice had done some Saturday work at Fortescue's. Lily's parents had made her take a typing course "in case Hogwarts didn't work out" earning a collective groan of 'muggles'. Marlene had done factory work to pay for a summers worth of festivals and drugs. Remus smirked when Marley reeled off the list of festivals she had been to. Sirius then dominated her attention as he'd been at the same ones. "How come Hestia didn't come?" Asked Remus. She was always with the other three girls.
"Her dad found out she was on the Pill and grounded her for the rest of the summer." Complained Alice. Remus had always had a soft spot for Hes.
Lupin had spent a pretty lonely summer at home with his parents occasionally seeing the other Marauder's. Peter said he was working shifts in the Leaky Cauldron as a glass collector. Only James and Sirius had the funds to have a summer filled with acers of free time. Talk turned to going back to Hogwarts.
"Merlin, term starts in two days. We're going to be a right mess on the Express." Said Alice feeling her hangover already starting. This drew a communal groan from the group. Alice noticed that Lily was being particularly quiet despite her proximity to her least favourite Gryffindor. "You know, James, just because Lil's has passed out on you doesn't mean she likes you." Potter was trying to reign in a look of delight, as he ruffled his hair to make it messier than it already was.
"Her dribbling on your chest does not count as an exchange of bodily fluids, mate." Added Sirius looking at the inebriated pair. James gave up being upright at that point, carefully leaning back to embrace both his drunken stupor and Lily.
Pete suddenly fell forward comatose having downed most of the vodka to himself. "He could never hold his drink." Commented Remus. "Good job there's enough weed to go around."
Alice and Remus began to talk about herbology, a subject they both found interesting. Marley moved to snuggle next Sirius as she found the subject too dull to focus on in her mashed state. The two chatted in to the night about muggle music and who was the best live act. Sirius thought Black Sabbath, Marley the Stones. Black couldn't believe his luck running into her this evening, he felt like he'd downed a bottle of Felix Felicis. The four talked into the night before falling asleep where they sat.
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Remus Lupin Application
Name/Alias: Admin Sammy
Preferred pronouns: She/Her
Age: 21
Timezone: CST 
Activity: 8/10 - As a full-time student and a part-time worker I am going to be around but cannot give myself a 10
Do you have RP experience? I have 10 years of roleplay experience but this is the first group I’m admin for.
Triggers: Blood & Needles
Full Name: Remus John Lupin
Face Claim: Nat Wolff (lol Wolff)
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age/DOB: 17/ 10 March, 1960
House: Gryffindor
Affiliation: Order of the Phoenix -- Remus Lupin was a man of brilliance whose life seemed to revolve around danger. He had never intended to go looking for trouble until it found him and grasped onto his heart with no intention upon releasing him. On the contrary, Remus Lupin’s life would only grow more and more troublesome as years went by. When a war broke out and all of his friends insisted that they were going to join the Order it was only right that he tag along with them. It was both the right thing to do and only fitting that such a trouble-ridden boy dig his grave ever deeper.
Species: Wizard/Werewolf
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Patronus: A great big wolf -- Remus hates it because this means the creature is not only an infliction of the flesh but also of the soul.
Boggart: As a small child it was wolves, then the full moon, it’s currently seeing his friends’ corpses with their blood on his hands, and will eventually change back to the full moon given that his friends will either be dead or in prison for killing them but hey, at least Remus didn’t kill them.
Quote: “I can’t go back to yesterday, I was a different person then.” --Lewis Carroll
Hot Cocoa with Whipped Cream
Star Charts
Over-sized Sweaters
Cottage in the Woods
Worn-Out Books
Laugh Lines
Frosted Tree Branches
Pet(s): Barn Owl named Noctua
Occupation: Bookstore Keeper in Muggle London
3 Positive Traits/3 Negative Traits: 
If you were to approach Hope Lupin and ask her about a characteristic of her son’s the first one she would list would be inquisitive. From the moment he opened his eyes for the first time, Remus was always studying the world around him and attempting to figure out how exactly things worked.
Remus quickly learned how to listen once he had been bitten. He was shuffled from treatment to treatment, cottage to cottage, told not to speak to the neighborhood children. Any time he broke that rule they were forced to leave again. He had started to learn how to speak up once he got to Hogwarts. However, old habits die hard.
Remus Lupin does not know how to take care of himself when he does not have others checking upon him. That is not to say that he cannot survive but his standard of living goes down. However, when others are involved anything he puts his mind to improves immensely. Look at all that the Marauders had accomplished throughout the years, the achievement he is most proud of being the Marauders Map due to the skill it required to create.
Waiting is painful for Remus. When he has a goal in mind he wishes to rush in and get it done. People expect him to be the level-headed planner but the truth remains that he is as impulsive as his friends despite Dumbledore’s attempts to make him more responsible by naming him prefect. He supposes that is why James was made Head Boy.
To pair up with the fact he is not the level-headed boy everyone expects him to be, Remus is rather temperamental. He tends to fly off the handle at even the most minor inconvenience, though that is usually of the self-deprecating variety.
Remus’ life has been riddled with so many secrets that he has become somewhat of a pathological liar. The added negative for this trait? He’s a terrible liar. 
Example: In Prisoner of Azkaban when asked if he knew Sirius Black he threw his suitcase across the room and shouted “SIRIUS BLACK? NEVER HEARD OF HIM!” Despite all of the hullabaloo surrounding Black’s escape from prison.
4 Headcanons: 
Remus Lupin is not a morning person. He is used to late nights whether that was spent with his nose stuck in a book, out pranking in the corridors, or thrashing around the Shrieking Shack as a bloodthirsty beast. He does not seem to have a healthy sleep schedule so waking up before eleven in the morning is a struggle for our friend Remus. If you see him before he’s had his coffee it’s even worse.
Remus is considering actually getting a pet rabbit who he wishes to name Fluffenstein so that the rumors won’t be entirely incorrect. In the future he would joke with Harry about his classmates being under the impression of him having a badly-behaved rabbit as his “furry little problem” but every time he enters a pet shop he has to look at the bunnies and contemplate the decision for a good while. So far he has had enough self control to not pull off the act but we all know how impulsive he is.
His parents had been rather well-off until after he was bitten. After the attack they funneled most of their funds into experimental treatments for their son to no success. This led to a strained relationship between him and his father Lyall. Hope loves him unconditionally but Lyall resents his son, fueled by his own guilt for causing Greyback to target Remus in the first place.
Remus is rubbish at potions and baking but cooking is where he excels. He loves to experiment with recipes and flavors, which is especially convenient when on a budget and unable to afford a lot of foods.
Remus John Lupin was born to Hope and Lyall Lupin on March 10th, 1960 as a healthy baby boy. He was the pride and joy of his family, the prodigy. That all changed once Lyall shot off his mouth about werewolves in front of Fenrir Greyback, the most sadistic of the species that the Wizarding World knew about. At age five, Remus was tucked into bed, read a bedtime story, and left to dream about the stars. What they had not known was that Greyback had hidden himself inside the child’s closet to attack once the full moon had risen.
After that he was dragged from experimental treatment to experimental treatment, being let down time and time again and having to move from one village to the next with no roots to be planted. He learned to keep himself distant from those around him, learned to observe more than he participated. None of the Lupins would have expected that he would ever be allowed to leave home for even a night. When Dumbledore arrived at their doorstep on Remus’ eleventh birthday, everything changed.
He was brought to Hogwarts with tremendous caution and instilled with a level of fear of his classmates that Lyall considered healthy. Hope told him the opposite: that he was supposed to make friends and live his life as much as he could. While Remus had intended upon following his father’s instructions it appeared fate admired Hope a little more.
Throughout his time at Hogwarts, Remus grew out of his shell more and more until reality set in as to what life would be like once he left the castle’s walls. He had to face the fact that, as a werewolf, he would have little-to-no future in the Wizarding World’s society. When it came time for his O.W.L.s and his N.E.W.T.s he admitted to Professor McGonagall that he would take everything available in the hopes of perhaps landing some form of job upon graduation.
Now that his time at school has come to an end, Remus has been thrust into an unforgiving world ravaged by war. How will he survive in this world that has already taken so much from him?
Para Sample: 
(600 Word Minimum) -- Will be redacted upon acceptance
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targarryen · 8 years
My full name is Romana but I go by either Romy or Rooms!
“I don't know anything about science, other than it's really good for you.” - by my actual mom, Katya Zamolodchikova.
“After a long night of hooking, trade didn't like the session so he had gutted me and set me on fire. But you know I didn't die. I had crystallized. And now I'm a glamazon, bitch, ready for the runway.”  - The one and only Miss Kennedy Davenport. (can you see my drag race obsession coming through already?)
“Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.” - from the Godfather.
“Into the garbage chute, flyboy!” - from Star Wars.
I’ve been playing Phoebe Tonkin since I was 12, so it wouldn’t be right not to list her first, but other favorites include Alfie Enoch, Bill Skarsgard, Alejandra Alonso, Zhenya Katava, Emeraude Toubia, Eiza Gonzalez, Josephine Skriver and Simon Nessman.
I love the Marauders era with all my heart but have to admit I also really enjoy the Next-Gen era!
The Greek - Roman eras and the Renaissance, even if it’s solely for the ART. I love it so much.
As you can tell by my url, obviously Hufflepuff. Nah, just kidding. Hiss hiss motherfuckers.
My patronus is a crow, actually! Or well, according to Pottermore it is.
Not really a class but QUIDDITCH. I love it so much.
I want to say Hogwarts but my heart is at Durmstrang with Victor Krum tbh.
I’m so torn but I’m going to have to go with Knights seeing as evil-murderous types are more my forte.
I’m a real eager beaver for all this gas! (this was weak but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to do it, I’m sorry Risa it was too much for my poor heart)
I’m always a slut for a bad-bitch kind of character, but other faves include naive / clueless kinds of characters, morally ambiguous characters, characters that seem very tough but have a heart of gold and wild, reckless, party-crazy kind of characters.
GOSH SO MANY. But I’m particularly excited to see Electra, Kitty, Declan and Cygnus tbh!!
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