#i aint done with him yet haha
flowerprintundies · 1 year
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He didn't have the guts...
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lnkedmyheart · 1 year
This is rambly but my thoughts so far:
Someone said this is Sigma's entrance exam and that could be it. Dazai leaving the rest of the mission to Sigma, Sigma's whole arc.
Dazai falling to his death in an elevator is funny cause that guy is unkillable. He aint dying and anyone saying otherwise is being deliberately obtuse.
We have good reason to believe Chuuya has broken free from the vampirism/mind control situation and it would be a stupid decision to not have him play any role here. So far Chuuya has done the bare minimum. Him working with Fyodor parallels Sigma switching sides. Except we know Chuuya would never betray his people, be it the PM or Dazai whereas Sigma had good reason to turn on Fyodor.
Fyodor seems a bit too cocky rn. A little TOO cocky if you ask me.
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Chuuya is still behind Fyodor. Fyodor underestimates Sigma, doesnt know about Chuuya's anti mind control hat, appears to believe Dazai is about to die.
Fyodor has made the biggest mistake he could have made by calling skk's connection shallow, which is a set up for future pay off cause that was so out of left field and ridiculous and would be bad writing without said pay off.
Chuuya can control gravity/control the cables to slow down the descent of the elevator without his ability being nullified.
We didnt see Chuuya in the shot which showed the elevator with Dazai in it free falling, Fyodor losing his shit and Sigma being terrified. No Chuuya. It makes no sense to not have him in the shot. Where are you gravity boy? Off to rescue the damn fish again?
Sigma rescuing Dazai takes are actually quite interesting but I highly doubt Sigma would be able to rescue Dazai in any way. He also would have no reason to believe Dazai survived that fall. So honestly unless we get a character comeback it has got to be Chuuya. The latter also makes sense in regard to the skk bond slander from before.
I doubt we will see the Meursault girlies next chapter or anytime soon. Dazai is falling to his death, its a good time to take a year long break to switch POVs.
Anyway Chuuya, Fyodor abd Sigma are the major players left on the scene and if Dazai doesnt return soon for a "haha I lived bitch" reveal we have Sigma who has to now single handedly take on Fyoya, Fyodor who thinks Dazai is dead and Chuuya who is still a wild card that hasnt been used yet.
Also sigmazai moments for my bizai agenda. Yes Dazai, go around and kiss as many boys as you like. Live your boy kisser fantasies before mounting an elevator and falling to your almost death.
Yes I do be bullshitting about the sigmazai smooch but its close enough to looking like one. Imma be delulu and believe my brain farts cause bizai is more important to me than acting sane.
Fyodor brought in Chuuya because he knew it would get under Dazai's skin, which it did, Dazai proceeded to *drown* Chuuya (as if he didnt know Chuuya is an excellent swimmer since sb) while giving a gay ass speech and actually reminiscing all their moments (it meant something to him cause we were shown the moments as an audience, it wasnt just for show on his part), fyoya escaped and Fyo gave a whole "he's my tool now" speech and mocked skk's bond, something Dazai prides himself about) thereby confirming that Fyodor was convinced Dazai did not value Chuuya at all, meanwhile Chuuya is silent and hidden in the shadows this whole time clearly not a vampire, wearing his anti mind control hat, dazai proceeded to enter an elevator and fall to his death in a machine that has several parts not in direct contact with him. Fyodor lost it thinking Dazai died and Chuuya, the gravity manipulator is not in frame.
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ygodmyy20 · 7 months
For the fanfic ask: 3, 12, 14, 25, 27
3. Fav line/scene I wrote this year
OUgh!!! Which one...some of my fav scenes are not yet posted (one of which I shared with you the other day!) But of the ones posted....fav scene I think is the end of Float, with Shigeo laughing and getting chocolate milk up his nose hehe
Fav line probably is this one from Blackhole:
"Galaxies in his chest, pulsating outwards from his ribs, white bone shining marigold, like sunflowers—vessel breaking, reforming vessel unraveling, reforming vessel exploding reforming dead-black-dead-blackhole space in his heart.
I just was so happy with the intensity of that fic.
12. favorite character to write about this year
Dude you know who it is hahaha Shigeo 1000% is my favorite character to write. BUT I gotta give props to Shou on his bday, writing him so far in Black Sweatshirt has been SO FUN. I am excited to write him more.
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
Kinda all of them? Heh. The intensity of writing again hit me like a god damn freight train.
I am not kidding when I say I haven't written a single word of fiction in the last 8 years until July. I read some fanfics here and there (like I got into a few gravity falls fanfics, still YGO, a little dr. who) but. But nothing like this.
Black Sweatshirt is the biggest surprise. I expected to write a few one shots and that would be it. I'd be done, move on, read some fics and just kinda...do my real life thing again
And then I kept reading
And kept writing
And started to talk about my ideas
and suddenly its like I can't stop the train. The train left the station the train is GOING AND IT AINT STOPING
25. A fic you would recommend everyone read
God I don't know.....everyone has different tastes. My fav fics are terumob, but I know that isn't everyones ship. I am trying to think of a gen fic that I would recommend...
I really don't know which to pick. So instead I am gonna share some that I know I have re-read
Issho Childlike Wonder In The Palm of Our Hand Trolly Problem if it wasn't for the nights (the mp100 fic that started it all, the first one I ever read) Butterfly Effect Area Hysteria Rainspeak (and recondite which quirkle is currently posting!!) MOM (also in progress but so damn good) Old Habits Die Hard
These are just a few! I have many others I have re-read bits of hahah
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I gotta give it Toasty (heeeeeeey toasty haha). I have already spammed you with all this but yeah, your post-cannon terumob fics. I am not sure if it was the place i was in in life or what but like I read them. And then my brain did the "Oh boy we're connecting dots in here!" And I think I stared at a wall for days.
Same thing happened when I first read Nightjar hahah so again, god damn I am so excited to read more of that fic (and love that I can get little teasers now hehehe so exciting)
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mollyolikeme · 4 months
my reactions to the netflix adaptation baby!
it's long-winded as hell!
and also just a stream of consciousness, BEWARE.
good start. 
beautiful bending. way to go animator team or cgi or like all those people that i don’t know their job title or descriptions but who have done a great job. (big step up from the adaptation we shan’t name!) 
really being like, 'this aint your fun kids show' outta the gate with the burning people alive multiple times in a row, but sure. 
katara shoulda been pissed and broke the glacier but fine i guess
v cool symbols within the arrow
weep for gyatso. beautiful representation. upsetting visuals.
‘relatively’ painless first ep changes, i enjoyed myself! 
sticky rice. perfect.
Kyoshi warrior make-up????? AHHHHHH IT IS BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT! Suki is gorg!
kayyyyy but we don't need to make suki weird and awkward around sokka just because he's 'no longer sexist' (or whatever we wanna call that choice) and they need some reason to interact. why not ‘hey we’re both hot, lets flirt’
the warriors training is beautiful 
what if, we were training, and we looked in each others eyes, then we kissed *giggle giggle giggle*
Its giving, ‘I knew i shouldn't have asked kyoshi’ lololol
stealing roku’s thunder…….i’ll forgive it because Kyoshi absolutely KILLED! (and she’s a giant. we love)
kay this Zhao works, Ken is turning it out. His crazy energy is on display.
no need to give us rebels within the fire nation. literally no point at this time in the story. we just entered this world, there can be one bad side without getting into the grey yet. leave it.
is that who? or is it? can it be?
jet intro woooooork
tao is SO SERIOUS. a bit much
the mechanist by our boy Danny pudi is decent 
azula mai ty-lee. DOES NOT EXIST TO MINE EYES
holy fuck TOO MANY PLOTS and CHARACTERS like RELAX. (why are they all in this episode?)
jet doing jet tho. his hair is soooooooo fluffy haha
fuck it up zuko aang fight. boots the house down with that fight choreo! THE SCARVES?!Love!!!
Bumi being angry at aang WHY? No fucking need for that. 
unnecessarily convoluted bumi. it’s like they wanna change plot and character, just to change plot and character? it doesn’t work and it makes them look bad (the writers)
bumi plot didn’t need to go down like that 
to take the cave of two lovers out of season two. why?
the minstrels are lovely, i like them, good job actors yay! 
separating story lines though… makes us miss out on gems like ‘no one react, but i think that kid is the avatar’ BIG LOSS
pretty story of omashu animation, holding to the roots in the og episode. as they should 
Give one of the earth benders who captures Iroh a full on new backstory why?
iroh backstory, well done. leaves from the vine music?????? tear jerk reaction is instant.
bumi bumi bumi smh…... see above. 
dawwwwww our scarred boy. uncle is here for you.
Should we name an episode spirited away? ……….    ._.
Why does aang automatically know the lost villagers are in the spirit world? He doesnt really know that shit yet so…… 
NO AZULA IN SEASON ONE. GTFO. Why give her a fucking monologue to her father advising him on the war without being asked and then he snaps at her for kissing ass!? And defends zuko? Mf hates zuko! And now azula has a story arc about being constantly compared to zuko? Thats fucking backwards BITCH. if this plot line sticks imma burst into flames and set the writers on fire with my burning body.
Also lay off on the serious serious tone dumb fucks. 
kid who plays zuko gets it. whine whine whine.
Why bring sokka and katara to the spirit world? You split them up during other adventures but when he’s doing the things that are legitimate avatar duties, they come along….. 
Arden Cho can do NO WRONG. My love. 
THE KNOWLEDGE SPIRIT NOW!?! WTF are you doing!? Embarrassing. 
TOO EARLY FOR AZULA! And mai and ty-lee are cardboard!?!?! WHY???
Paul as Iroh is correct. 100% correct. Kid who plays zuko (dallas?) has been v good. 
Heibai looks slay. 
VERY STUPID THAT YUE GOES TO THE SPIRIT WORLD AS A THREE TAILED FOX. OMG. (i spoiled my self for that kinda but also its obvious and bad) 
Kay we're gonna skip bato of the water tribe I guess. 
Adding conflict with Hakoda and sokka for what reason? honestly curious. 
Doing katara’s story with her mom early is fine. its v heartbreaking and well done.
Why Koh now? Why add to that plot line? Changing the way Koh works with the fog?….. 
koh design though? AMAZING. TERRIFYING.
Also instead of LIGHT filler episodes they go SAD filler……  -_-
ooop. gyatso! okay…. i guess. that’s alright.
Not Iroh’s bun! how dare you archers?!
'he cares too much' okay caring about whether a soldier's life is lost is not too much.... but alright.
How many more times you think they could fit the phrase ‘saving the world’ into this adaptation?
Honest question. What was this latest attempt at an atla adaptation’s goal for the overarching message for this season based on their changes? like.... hmmmmm?
what is on the firebenders soldiers hands? anyone? i haven't looked close enough or paused it to see.
the blue spirit mask is perfect. if they got that wrong i would have thrown up
blue spirit escape on point!
lol zuko *slaps aangs hand away*
first fun goofy, non directly plot driving convo between zuko and aang for about two seconds this episode. about damn time.
lol every episode having a voice over, like why.
koh would not be giving people back though. facts.
good zuko backstory. hits the feels just right. curious, they have been leaving this arc as is more than all the other arcs…… is it per chance, perhaps, mayhaps because zuko’s character journey is one for the history books and is as close to perfection that any story teller can hope for? hm? maybe? YOU THINK?! 
team avatar should be sokka's line....
aang has yet to water bend..........
NOOOO NO NO NO NO NO so dirty they did Yue SO dirty. 
enough Azula plot. just stop. it's embarrassing to attempt to change this. she hasn’t HIT as a character at all. Theres no punch. VERY embarrassing. and Mai and ty-lee are CARICATURES of themselves. 
your 'the one’ what azula? that makes no sense. 
Yue is a bender?.......
yue fox bullshit is stupid. sorry not sorry. not that she could go to the spirit world but that they teased her early in the first place. it’s not interesting or new just taking the whole swamp ep and revamping it for this season.
'wise to focus on your training during the journey'???? from what teacher was he gonna learn MF?! are you fucking dumb? 
aang Keeps. On. Saying. 'i need help' but the fucking master water bender isn't like 'yo, lets get training right away!’ …..where am i!? 
don't rewrite the koi fish. DO NOT REWRITE THE KOI FISH.
unforgiveable wig. 
'boy of my dreams' bitch you had one dream. (yea you have a connection or whatever but ew. don’t say that)
take sokka's sexism out but AMP the northern water tribes sexism up to 1000% ??? WHY? 
Bad bad bad bad bad. do not have aang tell katara not to fight. that is fucking stupid. SUCH WEIRD DECISIONS. GUYS. netflix writers. please. fucking RELENT! stop fucking with magic. 
LOL Iroh and zuko are my biggest highlight. easily. 
'my plan? my plan is to reclaim whats mine!’  ‘so no plan then?’ HA!
get azula and firelord plot OUT of here! FUCK OFF. i get it. i get they are good characters. great characters! and you wanna write them. but for the love of all story telling, you are going to burn yourselves out of plot too soon and then just start dishing out trash as if its a meal. i won’t eat your trash. I’m telling you now. 
Daniel dae kim is good shit. (still wish he wasn't in the season but he's got the energy. and i love him) 
YES Katara's hair during the Pakku fight. that's on point. 
Good little scene about family at the end there. very cute scene and dialogue.
final ep!
do not name it legends. just. yuck.
to bring the blimp in during the war of the northern water tribe? kayyyyy. i'll allow it.
pakku gave crumbs to the women......
cuuuute the young water benders reporting to Katara and calling her master. i like that a lot.
I'm sorry ICE MOON??? (is this a real thing that i don’t know about or did they make it up? AITA)
one night in the physical world? noooooooooooooo. nope thats actually incorrect. your welcome for the correction. (odd detail to change in the first place. maybe someone has a better reason why they would do that? no?) 
why the fuck would you hurt momo?
amazing round doors. love. love. love the sets.
beautiful oasis. crushed that.
BEAUTIFUL scene design, costume design, make-up and hair artists, and overall art department! Fucking Killed It! They're the real heroes! 
zuko and iroh having the most word for word lines as any other characters, can't mess with fucking iconic bitches!
VERY excellent colour effects when the moon spirit dies. 
im fine with Hahn not being a dick. dats cool.
silly to say that aang 'can't come back' from merging with the ocean spirit. was that a threat in our OG? No.
The ocean spirit looks good. that was fucking tough to do im sure.
no need to make it look like the firebenders can face the OCEAN SPIRIT. it's an easy battle for him not the puny humans.
good final war. they did it quite well. lovely atmosphere and intensity. the good stuff.
omg. you killed the teen and Hahn?! whu wha? 
yes, sorry… WHY on earth did Aang not bend a single GD drop of water?! why in gods name in vain?! who, who fucking decided that? WHO?!
LOL little Aang actor needing a tear stick (he’s using) 
'northern water tribe was never the target' how many times can you fucking say that. no one is THAT infinitely clever. you're not pulling the wool over their eyes. one fight happened in one location and one in another, no one can ever be everywhere at once so…….. enough with the smug.
why have azula take omashu now? because they are giving azula plot early for no reason and because they are gonna fuck with ba sing se? literally fuck off. 
STOP stealing shit from other episodes, the calendar is in the library. season two. same with the knowledge spirit. if you didn’t know. 
okay done! (overall, a lot of good work went into this by people who i’m sure cared a lot. but no one should be surprised when everyone gives their harshest critique. source material with a steadfast fandom my loves. you had it coming <3) 
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darylsgirl · 3 years
He’s just like the sun, Part 3  Daryl Dixon x Reader 18+
Summary: Daryl had broken you again, You had turned to rick for comfort finding a different kind of life with his family. Negan finding you in Rick’s home ends up bringing you back to Daryl. For Always <3
Part one                    Part two
*Hey lovelies! If any of you have stuck with this story this long then i really appreciate you!! Apologies in advance for the extreme roller coaster of this chapter! I decided not to proof read this one and just go with my gut on the progression, So if there’s any mistakes or anything you didn’t like as always please let me know! Also let me know if you liked it and if i should right some more Daryl/Norman stuff as i don’t think i’m ready to let it go yet aha! Also! I decided to add pictures of the people when the pov changes and for the reader i added my own pictures from a shoot a few years back. If it’s too cheesy let me know haha! 
I hope you enjoy my crazy mind!
Love to you all! Love Jen x*
Warnings: References to abuse, Smutty smut!, Talks of violence, Lots of cussin! 
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You had tried to talk to Daryl after that and he had pretended you didn’t exist. You were grateful that because of your growing friendship with Rick he had let you stay with him and the kids. 
You found yourself spending more time watching Daryl wishing he would just look at you but he never did. 
It was on one of these nights watching him that you saw it and he broke you all over again..
This was worse than anything Spencer ever did to you, You could handle him hurting your body because he was never able to get your heart. Your heart had always been safe with Daryl until now….
You turned to leave when your clumsy self managed to kick the plant pot over, His eyes met yours. You couldn’t stop now, You couldn’t look at him. You carried on and ran back to Rick’s house bolting the door behind you and ran straight to your room. 
Rick followed you “Y/N, What’s going on?” As he was about to reach you, The pounding on the front door started. “Please don’t let him in” Rick looked confused and walked to the front door unbolting it. 
Your eyes met again as you slammed the bedroom door locking it behind you and hid inside your closet locking that too. 
You tore at your hair, He lied. Spencer was right! He was right and you were a fool. You could hear them now getting closer shouting at each other, You held your hands over your ears, You couldn’t hear any more of his lies! You knew it was only a matter of time before they were in the room and he would find you. Without a second thought you left the closet and left through the open window. 
You went to the only place you could think of that he wouldn’t look for you. 
Rick’s Pov
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The kids were in bed and he was enjoying a few minutes of peace for a change. He was always running off for some reason or another. It was nice to just have a typical family night. He didn’t think these were going to be possible once the end came. He and Y/N had made dinner for Carl & Judith and played a board game with Carl occupying Judith by pulling silly faces at her. When Judith started to get tired Y/N put her down and came back to finish the game with Carl before sending him to bed too. 
You and Y/N had sat in comfortable silence in the living room before she had decided to go take a walk and He had stayed back to keep an ear out for the kids, He’d cleared up after dinner and now just sat in his living room enjoying the peace. 
Before he could let out another contented sigh the front door flew open. Y/N Slammed the door behind her and had locked the deadbolt. Within a flash she was flying down the hallway to her room. 
Rick jumped to his feet chasing her “Y/N What’s going on?” He reached out to her as she got to her doorway when the sound from the front door made him spin around.  “Please don’t let him in” Y/N begged. He shot her a confused look before heading to answer the door. 
They weren’t knocking any more they were trying to kick it in, You flung the door open in between kicks seeing who was there “What the hell brother! My kids are sleepin and you’re bringing this shit to my door?” 
Daryl tried to push past Rick but he caught him and pushed him out of the house. “Your not comin in here like this, What’d you do. Why she tell me not to let you in”
“Get outta ma way Rick. Ya don’ understand” Daryl yelled. 
“I’m tryna understand, brother, Tell me what happened?” 
“Y/N, Y/NNN PLEASEE” Daryl rushed Rick again and got past this time. 
Rick rushed past him down the corridor and blocked Y/N’s door. 
“You needa calm down Daryl, She don’t wanna see you right now” 
Daryl had seen read and spat “Oh yeah? And she wants to see you does she? I seen the way you look at each other. I seen her rushin into ya arms all the time, Good ol’ boy rick. Moving in on another man’s woman!” Daryl was pacing now clenching his fists.
“Woah now buddy, I haven’t moved in on anything. It aint even like that. She needed you but you were off with Nicole so I was there for her. She’s family we all needa look out for each other” 
“I don’ wanna do this with ya now Rick, Get outta ma way or ill move ya my damn self!”
Daryl pushed past him again and easily broke the lock. Searching the room Rick’s eyes locked on the open window. He pointed it out to Daryl. “Ya gonna have to look somewhere else - She’s gone” 
“Cant have gone far” Daryl said before taking off out the window after her. Rick put his hand through his hair and walked back into the living room, He looked through the front door and saw Nicole standing there. He glanced over her and shut the door. 
Not dealing with that shit too he thought, Taking his seat back on the couch. 
Daryl’s Pov
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He knew you had been watching him since your fight, He had been watching you right back, Wanting more than anything to just run to you and keep you safe, But you would never be safe with him, He was a virus turning everything around him to shit. 
Nicole was becoming less of a welcome distraction since she had kissed you before Y/N was found, She was now everywhere he turned, She changed her shifts to match his and would try and walk with him home after trying to get him to invite her in. 
He hated her incessant nagging, How she always found a way to touch him. Pawin at him. He tried to tell her to stop but it only seemed to make her more determined. 
Y/N understood when to push and when to back off and Nicole just wasn’t understanding the back off part. 
Between Nicole’s naggin on shift and Carol’s nagging at home he was starting to lose it. He wanted to go on a long ride out and be alone but he couldn’t leave again. Even though Spencer was now dead he couldn’t risk leaving Y/N alone in this town without him to keep a watch on her. 
Carol had caught him staring at Y/N’s usual spot at the table and huffed “How many times have i told you to go get that girl back hmm? You need to apologise and make it right! You treated her bad Daryl but she still needs you. If you go to her now, She’ll forgive you” 
He knew she was right but he couldn’t fight the feeling that this was still all his fault he had done this to her, He hadn’t fought hard enough to have Spencer from the community and had let his guard down around him. 
His daddy was right, he was worthless and didn’t deserve love. 
He wondered what Merle would’ve thought of all this, Probably would have told him to stop being such a pussy and go get his woman. 
He looked over at Carol. “You really think she’d forgive me now?” She nodded yes “Now go get our girl back” He looked over at the clock he had a few hours before shift. He could do this. 
He ran through the streets until he made it to Rick's house and stopped in his tracks when he saw you through the window, Happy. 
You had your arms around Judith and Rick had his arms around you both while Carl was pulling faces at her making you all laugh. 
Looking through that window was like looking into the home he had always wanted. Y/N just slotted right in to their family like she was always meant to be there. Making him think she was never meant to be with him. 
He watched for a while, watching how comfortably she took Judith to bed, Then lay back in Rick’s arm’s laughing with Carl. 
He couldn’t watch it anymore. He couldn't watch you be happy with your best friend, Giving him that smile you had previously reserved only for him.
You stormed off into the dark towards the tower and watched Nicole send the previous shift home waiting at the bottom for you as she always did. 
Once the other guys had left he went for it, Storming forward he grabbed Nicole and pushed her up against the tower. 
“Guess it’s your lucky day aint it girl” He kissed her harshly feeling her submit to him instantly She tried to wrap her arms around him and he held her hands back. He moved his hands to her jeans impatiently wanting to get this over with and feel something other than regret and shame. 
She helped him now pull her jeans off and then his. Lifting her into his arms he plunged himself into her, Clasping his hand over her mouth to stifle her moans. He fucked her, this wasn’t the gentle love making he would have with Y/N this was transactional and he was regretting it already. 
All he could do is wish it was Y/N in his arms in his bed holding her body close to his loving on him. He didn’t want this. He started pulling away Muttering that he was sorry to Nicole when he heard a smash to the right of him. 
Instantly meeting her eyes. Shit. 
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Sitting on the floor with the door open you drank, Drank that big bottle of special whiskey he was saving for a “Special occasion” Fuck special occasions the only special occasions left were the days you were still breathing. 
You were finally able to look at the mattress, You were surprised it was still there, You were surprised anything was still here in this house. You thought when you had come in that they would have set to work on it already clearing it out to make use of it again but no everything is still exactly where it was left when you were last here. 
You weren’t sure how long you had been there before Rick had found you. He came and sat on the floor next to you taking the bottle from your hands and taking a swig. You sat in silence like that until you’d finished the bottle between the two of you. Shaking the empty bottle to show you, Rick took your hand in his. “You ready to go home now?” 
You nodded at him both standing feeling a little more than tipsy now he wrapped his arm around your shoulders guiding you up the stairs and out of the house. You walked back to his house like this taking comfort from the warmth of him on the chilly night. When you reached the porch you settled into the swing outside.
Rick nodded at you understanding, He walked inside and sent Rosita home who must have come to keep an ear out for the kids. She smiled at you when she left. Rick came back out to you a few minutes later with a fresh bottle and a blanket. He sat down and threw the blanket over the two of you and handed you a glass. You took it gratefully your original buzz was already wearing off. 
You wrapped yourself back up in Rick again sighing into his chest, Drinking your whiskey and just enjoying the moment. These were the only moments that you could feel your mind pause and go numb, Rick had that effect on you. He was uncomplicated, simple and you could never question his loyalty to his people and how far he would go to protect any one of you. 
You smiled into his chest now, Rick stiffened slightly. “Wanna tell me what happened earlier?” 
You took a deep breath and offloaded - Something you were learning to do quite well. 
“I saw Daryl with Nicole. They were behind the guard tower. They were” You choked on the next words “Let's just say they had moved past first base running straight for a home run” 
“What a Dumb ass, I’m sorry you had to see that Y/N” he murmured into your hair kissing it. 
“I’ve told you before your welcome with us, The kids love you and i can’t say i mind you here either” 
You looked up at him now moving your head onto his shoulder “You sure Rick? I don’t want to be bringing any more drama to your door, The kids need a simple happy life now” 
He smiled down at you hearing that he brought his hand to your cheek caressing it.
“I’m sure if you are Y/N, The kids will be ok. Little bit of excitement will keep em on their toes” He chuckled. 
Maybe Rick was exactly what you needed right now, You knew you would never want to be without his little ones now they were making you feel whole again and given you a new reason to carry on. You loved them.
You both stared into each other's eyes leaning in ever so slightly to him, You saw him lean in also when you heard someone clear their throat. Both of your heads span towards the noise. 
Daryl was leaning against the rail of the porch. “So this is what not moving in on another’s girl looks like huh Rick?” You stood up from the swing about to defend yourself and then realised you had nothing to defend. He did.
“What do you want Dixon? Come here to Lie to me some more or just trying to further ruin a nice evening?” 
His eyes went dark “I aint ever lied to ya Y/N” You Scoffed “Yeah okay after today you think i’m going to believe anything you say?” 
Rick saw this as his queue to leave he grasped your hand slightly “Gonna go check on the kids, You gonna be ok?” You nodded and smiled up at him “Yeah i'll be ok, He may be an asshole but he won’t hurt me...Not Physically anyway. I’ll be in soon” He let go of your hand, walked into the house and shut the door. 
You walked past Daryl into the street and away from the houses knowing he was following you. Once you had walked far enough away you span around to him. “What, Could you possibly have to say to me?”
“It’s like that now is it Y/N?” His eyes looked hurt. 
“Don’t you try and turn this on me Daryl. You ignored me for weeks, When I needed you! And if that wasn’t hard enough to take, You completely abandoned me. Making me watch you with her for weeks! Then!!! I had to see you Fucking her! In the open! What the fuck is wrong with you Daryl!!” 
He stayed silent staring at the ground. “Every moment for two months i thought about being back to you desperate for you to love me again, But you were full of shit. You lied you fucking lied to me. Just tell me the truth now. Why did you even bother coming tonight, What more could you possibly want from me?”
“How many times i have to tell ya, I aint ever lied to you. I do love ya and ya love me!” He looked down ashamed. “She was just easy I -” You scoffed “Yeah i saw how easy she was” 
He continued “Will ya listen to me woman!” He seethed, He waited until he was sure you were listening “I couldn’t face you knowin it were ma fault. Feelin like i did this to ya. I couldn’t even touch ya without feeling sick, I heard ya know. I heard ya tell Carol what that vile bastard did, I wanted to go back and rip his heart out. I would of ripped mine out and given it to ya, If it would of helped” 
“What good is any of this now Daryl, You’ve betrayed me on every level” 
“Let’s talk about betrayal naw should we? That was my best friend you were cozying up to back there”
“Nothing happened Daryl, I can’t say it wasn’t going to but at that point it hadn’t but so what you’ve moved on with her” You spat the word her with as much venom as you could. 
“I only did what i did because i saw you two tonight, Cuddled up like one big family his arms around ya, I couldn’t take it i needed to feel somethin other than shame and pain….She don’t mean nothin to me -” 
“That makes it so much worse, That someone who means nothing to you could take you from me”
And like magic there she was lurking in the shadows approaching “I meant nothing to you D? Then what was that back there?” 
He rolled his eyes groaning “Crawl outta ma ass woman!” 
You glared at the two of them “I hope your happy together, Stay away from me Daryl” 
“No Y/N no I won’t I love ya! And you love me. I know you do” 
You stormed off back home now aware he was still following you begging you to stay with him. He was still on your heels when you got home Rick met you on the steps hearing the commotion outside you ran to him letting him pull his arms around you and take you inside, You looked back at him, He was crying now “Y/N please, Please Choose me” 
“You didn’t leave me a choice Daryl” You shut the door behind your both and Rick guided you up to his room, He lay there just holding you until you had cried it out and fell asleep in his arms and for the first time in a long time when you woke you weren’t alone. 
Daryl’s Pov
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Nicole had had the gone sense to leave him the fuck alone after last night, Yeah he felt bad for using her then abandoning her like that, He hadn’t meant to be an asshole and he would apologise. He just couldn’t face it yet. 
He lay in their bed facing her pillow and closed his eyes imagining she was still there beside him, Why couldn’t he have gotten over his damn ego sooner and just been there like she needed. 
Carol had given him the ear chewing of a lifetime when she had found out what had happened. He didn’t care, He didn’t care about nothing anymore there was only Y/N and now she was gone. He had driven her into the arms of his friend like a fucking idiot. 
He had tried not to watch them after that night. He had tried to do as she had asked and stay away from them but he couldn’t bare not seeing her face everyday. He watched as she held his hand and he brought her dinners to the infirmary. He watched as she played with Judith and read to her. 
He watched as their family nights became more frequent, All around the table like the perfect All American Family. The one thing he didn’t ever see was them kiss, Don't get him wrong he didn’t want to see that but he still thought it was odd. All those nights with both of them cuddled up on the porch and not one kiss? Maybe there was still hope? 
Y/N Pov
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You weren’t sure if you were happy that Daryl had listened to you and stayed away. You missed him, He had hurt you sure, but you still missed those eyes and that irritatingly gorgeous southern drawl. 
Carol had started coming to the house more to see you, You had missed her too. She had become such an important person in your life and it had made you laugh watching her being so curt with everyone but you, With you she let her walls down she was loving and kind. 
It was on one of these days sat on the porch with Rick, Carol, Carl & Judith that it happened. 
You were all laughing having Judith point to each of you and say your names, She pointed to Rick “Dadddieieieee”, Then to Carl “Carrrrullll” then to Carol “aun carell” and finally to you.
“Mummmyyyy” The group fell silent now.
You froze not knowing whether to laugh or cry. It had made your heart swell with joy and sorrow. 
You looked up at Rick who seemed to be in the same torment as you, Shock across his face. 
You turned Judith to face you “No Baby its Auntie Y/N” She grumbled at you grabbing on to your hair “mamamamama” You looked back up at Rick, He just shrugged standing up “Anyone need another drink?” You handed Judith to Carol “I’ll just be a minute” You looked at Rick’s back going into the house, She nodded in understanding. 
You followed him in and saw him leant against the kitchen counter with his head in his hands.
“I’m so sorry Rick, I didn’t mean for that to happen” You stuttered “I never told her that’s who i was” You said approaching him and putting your hand on his arm. 
His head shot up “Course you didn’t. But that’s basically who you have become to her now. She loves you” He pulled you into his arms looking into your eyes. “We all do” 
The moment you had waited for again for weeks was here again he softly pressed his lips to yours looking for approval, You smiled and kissed him back. It hadn’t felt electric like it had with Daryl; you hadn’t even felt your core stirring as it did with him, But it was nice and it made you happy and helped you forget for a minute.
Rick looked back into your eyes, Lovingly brushing the hair from your face “We’ll take it slow okay?” You giggled and put your hand back in his. “Okay slow it is Mr Grimes” He smiled back at you and led you back to the porch back to this incredible family who had accepted you fully flaws and all.
You continued like this in your happy bubble trying to ignore that strange niggling feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
One night after you had put both of the kids to bed you decided it was time to break the cycle of sweet kisses and cuddles in the night, You needed to feel something more, You needed to know if it was just Daryl that could make you feel like you did or if Rick could do too.
Coming down the stairs you spotted him in his usual spot on the couch, Head back, Eyes closed with a glass of whiskey in hand. 
You took a deep breath, this was your time to try. You headed over to him swiftly straddling him and took the whiskey from his hand, Draining it in one and placing the glass on the table behind you.
Rick looked up at you curiously, Carpe Diem, Seize the day You thought to yourself pushing your lips to his urgently. He met your urgency with his, Wrapping his arms around your hips and pulling your core closer to his. 
You reached down to the buttons on his shirt, Fumbling slightly as you opened his buttons. Once you had finished with the top button he pulled his arms away from you letting you remove it fully. 
Your hands happily roaming his chest now. Rick put his hands to your hips grabbing the sides of your shirt and pulling it over your head, his hands now reaching to the clasp of your bra and his lips moving to your neck kissing and sucking with need.  
“Wait! The curtains!” You moved off his lap, Your hands covering your almost naked chest, You looked out briefly across the street to see if anyone had seen Rick came up behind you wrapping his hands around you, Kissing your neck. You giggled, grabbing the curtains and slamming them shut. 
Turning around you let your lips meet his again, stumbling back to the couch you let him lay you down and remove your jeans, You watched as he stood and kicked his off too. With you both now only in your underwear he lay on top of you grinding his erection into your core, his hands and lips now roaming around your chest. 
You let out a stifled moan covering your mouth with your hand, The last thing you needed was the kids walking in on this, Rick wandered your body for a few minutes kissing every inch of your bare chest and stomach. 
He made his way back up to your lips kissing you sweetly before asking “You’re sure about this Y/N?” 
Rick’s Pov
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He had been unsure how to feel about this new closeness with Y/N, His kids sure seemed to love her. He was starting to think it may be possible that he did too. 
Once Judith had started calling Y/N Mama it had settled it for him, Watching them day after day together, Watching her teach Carl about medicine. She had brightened up a once somber home.
Hell she was brightening him up, After losing Abe and Glen to Negan he didn’t think it would be possible to laugh and have a carefree day again, Between all the commotion with Y/N and Negan’s threat still looming she was the most incredible distraction. 
He was happy to move at her pace, After everything she had been through she deserved to take things slowly for once and for the first time in a long time they had a home that gave them time. 
As a man he couldn’t say he didn’t want her, In fact he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, Every time her body brushed against his he felt all the heat from his body move to his groin, Desperate for more but unwilling to push her before she was ready. 
He couldn’t believe it when she had come down and jumped on him, He thought it was one of his dreams at first, When he saw her beautiful body undressing in front of him he thought he could have exploded right there. 
Groaning when she moved off of him to close the curtains, He couldn’t take anymore and followed her putting his hands all over her body enjoying the glorious heat coming from her body, How sweet her neck tasted. It was so overwhelming.
He got her back to the couch knowing they would never make it upstairs. It was like the fever had taken hold and his body was burning for her. Hearing the sweet moans coming from her nearly pushed him over the edge again.  He had to last longer than this, She deserved it.
Trying to stem his emotions, Needing to make sure he hadn’t pushed her too far.
“You sure about this Y/N?”
He could see the fire in her eyes as she nodded “Yes, I’m sure” Bringing her lips to his again urgently pushing her tongue inside his mouth, He me it swirling and dancing their tongues together. 
Annnnnd just like every other time he had tried to enjoy himself, Someone just had to ruin it. 
There was banging at the door “RICK, RICK we need ya naw!” 
Shit! Daryl! 
He saw the panic in Y/N’s eyes too as you both jumped up and hurriedly dressed, “JUST A MINUTE!” He checked himself and you over making sure you were both clothed and opened the door to him “What? Where’s the fire?” 
“It’s Negan, He’s early” 
He locked eyes with “Y/N, You got the kids?” 
“Yeah i’ve got them don’t worry just go!” 
Rick ran after Daryl down the street towards the gate when he came across them, As always trying to instil fear in his people. He felt the rage replace the previous burning lust. He knew he had to keep this down or he could risk someone being hurt. 
“Well well Good old Ricky boy” He nodded at him “Negan, You’re not due for another 3 days! We aint ready for you yet” 
Negan laughed “What do i care if you’re ready? You’re ready when I say you are! You should have learnt this already or should I have lucille teach your guys another lesson?” 
“NO! We’ll get ready, Just give me some time”
“I’ll give you some time Ricky boy, I could sure use a drink! Keepin you asshole’s in check is thirsty work”
“I’ll have someone bring you something”
“You call that hospitality? I came here to your town to do business and you don’t even invite me into your home for a drink? Now that won’t do. Besides I don't see Carl and that badass is much better company than you pussy’s” 
Negan brushed past Rick Lucille resting on his shoulder and walked cockily up to Rick’s home, Acting as if he lived there he just wandered straight into the house. 
“Well aint this a surprise! Rick the prick has been keeping you hidden! What’s your name sweetheart?”
Y/N pov
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You looked at Negan hate filling your eyes, You stayed silent trying to convey all the hate and anger you could in that one glare when suddenly a noise on the stairs broke your concentration, Head whipping around there was Carl rubbing his eyes still in his Pyjamas. “Carl go back to bed sweetie, Don’t come down here” 
“Now now girly. I’ll have you know he’s the one i’m here for! Get your ass down here Carl”
You looked at him desperately now “Please he’s just a child, He’s tired let him go back to bed” You pleaded with him. 
He smirked back at you. “Well i can’t say no to a pretty face. I’ll tell you what you mosey on and get me a drink and tell me your name honey and carl here can go back to his sweet dreams” 
You jumped up and grabbed the Whisky from the side board and a glass slamming them on the coffee table and rushing towards Carl “It’s Y/N” You muttered before ushering Carl back to his room.
“Stay here Carl, Lock this door and don’t come down no matter what you hear” 
“I’m not a kid Y/N i can handle myself” 
“I know you can Carl you could probably do better than me, but we need you to stay here with Judith and keep her safe. Can you do that for me?” 
He looked thoughtfully for a minute and nodded “Yeah i can do that” You kissed his brow “Thank you, Thank you. I’ll come and get you when he’s gone” 
You descended the stairs slowly, eyes flicking between the men in the living room, Negan was sitting in the same place you and Rick had been earlier and Rick & Daryl were standing by the window being guarded by two men each. You stood by the door eyeing him warily. 
“Well come on down Y/N Come sit by me, Have a drink, I promise i won't bite…. Well not unless you ask me to” Winking as he said this.
You poured yourself a glass and sat as far away on the two seater couch as you could. 
“I think you guys need a lesson in manners! When i said sit by me i wasn’t kiddin!” He grabbed your arm pulling you to his side and wrapping his arm around your shoulder pinning you too him, He raised his other hand and ran his fingers across your face to your mouth. 
“God, Aint she a pretty thing! That mouth looks damn great” He looked at Rick now “Now if you were a polite host you’d let me have a go at the pretty little mouth, I bet it can do some dirty, Dirty things. Am i right Rick?” 
You whimpered trying to escape his grasp, Feeling the tears of anger threatening to fall. 
A few seconds later both Rick and Daryl were forced to the floor as they both tried to get to you. Daryl yelled “Get ya no good mitts off her!” While Rick yelled something similar. 
“Shit, They double teaming you sweetheart” You glared at him still not speaking. “Well? Cat got your tongue? I come here in good faith just wanting a drink with a pretty girl and you just look at me like that? I can make you talk Y/N. I’ll show that one Lucille's thirsty side if you want?” Starting towards Daryl
“No!” You screamed, Negan Laughed in response. “You gonna do as you're told now sweetheart?” You nodded letting the tears fall now. 
Pour me another drink and come and sit right here, He patted his lap for emphasis. You felt the revulsion coming up your throat as you did as he asked, Your face sheet white not daring to meet the eyes of Rick or Daryl as you sat in his lap. You thrust the drink into his empty waiting hand. 
“You wanted to talk so talk” You spat at him mustering all the venom you could. 
He laughed “What no foreplay? Bet you could be real dirty” He used his free hand running it up your thigh. “And what makes you say that?” You said Glaring at him “Well for one, Your shirts on inside out darlin” He said pulling at your shirt enough to see down it.
 They couldn’t fully restrain Daryl now. “Get ya dirty fuckin paws off of her, Don’t ya touch her.” The two guarding Daryl had forced him back to his knees now. 
“Now now” Negan tutted, “This won’t do. I’m sorry to ruin such a lovely date darlin but that one’s got to be taught” He released you now pushing you onto the couch before rising and nodding to his men who dragged Daryl from the living room whilst the others released Rick, Rick ran straight to you pulling you in arms, “You ok Y/N” “I’m fine, Daryl, Daryl needs you” 
You both made for the door to see Daryl on the floor being repeatedly kicked in the stomach Rick tried to restrain you and talk Negan down at the same time. You fought past him and flung yourself over Daryl protecting his body “Stop this! I’ll do whatever you want Negan just leave him alone” 
“Now that’s more like it!” Negan whistled at his men to stop and grabbed your arm again pulling you tightly against his chest and his core. Holding you there for a moment smiling at your squirms. “Thought this was your woman, Not his. Guess your anyones aren’t you honey”
Daryl tried to stand back to his feet stumbling back to his knees as he tried to make it to you again. 
Negan laughed again “Looks like you’ve got a lot on your hands, The sanctuary’s doors are always open for a sexy ass like you, So come find me when you want a real man” He grabbed your ass as he said this kissing your cheek and then releasing you. 
You rushed back to Daryl kneeling in front of him again protectively. “C’mon Sheriff lets go check on my goodies” Rick looked at you worried, You nodded back at him and he left with Negan. 
Carol and Sasha were there in a flash. You looked at Carol desperately “It’s ok Y/N i'll stay with the kids you take care of him” Without a second thought you turned back to Daryl putting his arm around your shoulders and lifting him. Sasha rushed forward and grabbed the other side helping you carry him to infirmary.
When you had made it Sasha hurried back out the door to check how the situation was going with Negan. 
You started cleaning Daryl’s face softly watching his eyes flutter open as you did.
“Y/N?” He tried to stand “Where is he? I’ll fuckin kill him!” 
“Shhh, Daryl Shh it’s ok. You're ok.  Rick’s with him” He lay back down his eyes trying to hide the pain as you said Rick’s name. 
“What ya even doin here Y/N Aint cha gotta get back to your boyfriend”
Hearing him say boyfriend like that boiled your blood “I’m here because your stupid ass got yourself beat up and I had to jump in to stop them killing you! What did you do that for! Why did you even care?”
“Ya boyfriend sure as shit weren’t gonna do it, Ya expect me to watch that piece of shit Negan run his hands all over ya too?” He spat at you before continuing.  “He were lookin where he shouldn’t, He was lookin at what was mine” 
“Fuck you Daryl, I’ve managed to take care of myself pretty fucking well with out you and yours? You gave up the right to call me yours when you pussied out.”
“Don’t call me that! Ya call what you've been doin well? You let him put your hands all over ya Y/N You let Spencer - “
Yelling now “Don’t even fucking go there! How fucking dare you. You have no idea, Yeah you said you heard me tell Carol but you have no idea what it was like being there. You have no idea what he did to me! He was relentless! He made me wish I was out there with the dead, I’d have rather been torn apart by walkers over and over again” 
Anger flared in you again when you felt the burning tears on your face. Wiping them away furiously you refused to let him see you cry. Not now.
His eyes had softened now “Y/N i didn’ mean too I’m sor-” 
“I don’t want your sorry’s Daryl, I want you to lie down, shut up and let me take care of your wounds so we can go back to pretending the other doesn’t exist” 
He tried to speak again, You shoved his shoulder down on to the bed “I said don’t, I don’t wanna hear it”
He cast his eyes downwards and let you continue with your work. You checked him over, pulling his shirt off nonchalantly as you could manage trying to keep your breathing steady when you saw his rippling muscles. You were pissed that after everything your body still craved him. You felt yourself blush as your mind wandered for a few moments remembering all the kisses you had laid over that incredible chest all the times your nails had dragged down his skin in ecstasy. 
Shit, He had noticed your blush, You turned away clearing your throat. “All done, You can leave now” 
There was silence for a few minutes neither of you moving, The tension building by the second. 
“Why was your shirt on backwards Y/N?” he breathed clearly not really wanting to know. 
“Don’t be Naive Daryl. You know why” 
“So you….You….With him?” 
You took a breath sighing you couldn’t lie to him “No I didn’t, We didn’t get that far. I don’t know if we would have done” 
“I disturb ya?” You nodded feeling oddly ashamed. 
Surprisingly he grinned “So in all that time, Ya never did?” 
“So what? Rick gave a shit about me! He gave me time to heal and be ready!” 
“Nah he didn’t he just knew ya wern’ his” 
You rolled your eyes, Not this again. 
“I’m my own Daryl, You need to stop thinking you have a claim on me” 
He rushed up to meet you amusement in his eyes “If i had no claim on you, Then ya’d of let him do it and you didn’ “ 
He pulled you close to him now, Your body betraying you and instantly melting into his. 
“Ya mine and ya know ya are!” 
He didn’t give you a chance to argue as he pressed his lips to yours, You unwittingly moaned into his mouth opening for his tongue naturally letting him in and letting him take charge. 
Daryl gripped your hips pushing you backwards and then up onto the bed. He pulled his lips away letting his forehead rest on yours, Both of you taking a moment to catch your breath.
“I’m yours Y/N just like ya mine Y/N we belong to each other always have.” He said confidently, You looked in his eyes seeing only the truth. He continued “An i won’ hear ya deny it again”
“I’ll show ya every minute how serious i am, I’ll make ya believe me when i say i love ya. I love ya so fuckin much.” He looked awkward before blurting out “I’ll show ya if you marry me.”
Holy shit! Did he just say what you think he did? He pushed his lips to yours again murmuring “marry me” between every sweet kiss. Not allowing you to think he was fully on you again, You could no longer tell your body from his with the rush of lust burning in you. His hands were like fire pushing their way up the back on your shirt pulling you closer. 
You were ripping his shirt open now, Buttons flying in your desperation to get back to his chest, He followed your lead now pulling your shirt roughly over your head and bringing his lips to your neck sucking and biting. 
You pushed his vest and the remains of the shirt off his shoulders hearing it hit the ground you hurriedly moved your hands to his belt undoing it, Then his button and zip. Hearing his jeans hit the ground you smiled into his lips, Grasping his huge member with your hand and pumping it. “God Y/N slow down your going to rip it off before we get to the good part!” 
You slowed slightly earning a grateful moan from him, He fumbled with your button moaning into your neck. Tugging at it again he lifted your hips and ripped the jeans from your legs. 
He looked down at your writhing against him, “Damn girl those pantie’s again?” He played with the lace in his fingers for a moment before pushing his finger through the fabric creating a hole. 
He looked at you mischievously “oops, Guess these are no good now huh?” 
Your mouth dropped open as you watched him grab your panties with both hands ripping the fabric from you. Scraps of fabric falling from his hands, He wasted no time cupping your heat and pressing on finger to your opening, Swirling it slightly. He Moaned into your mouth again “Always so wet for me Y/N” he brought his finger to his lips sucking it. “Mmmhm so sweet”
Your eyes fixed on each other as he slowly knelt between your legs bringing his face between your legs and licking you slowly, Running his fingers tips softly down the inside of your thighs making you shudder. 
As much as you hated to admit this to yourself after everything that had happened, You knew nothing and no one could make you feel like Daryl did, It was like your body was attuned to him. Desperately craving more, Needing more of him. 
He ran his tongue down from your clit to your opening, Darting it inside you. “Oh shit! Mm Daryl” You moaned. 
His thumb moved to your clit swirling around it urgently while lapping up your juices as they came. 
“Aahhh babe i'm gonna cum, Get up here please!” 
He smirked up at you “Tell me who’s ya are Y/N”
He swapped his hand and mouth around driving two fingers up to the hilt in you, nibbling on your nub softly and attacking it with his tongue. 
The dam holding back your pressure burst suddenly, Crying out you held his head into you and rode out your release on his hand. He moved his mouth back to your opening drinking every drop that leaked from you. 
Gasping you felt the pressure retreat from your body, You saw Daryl's mouth still working on you and felt the heat returning so suddenly. 
He left a sweet kiss on your nub running his hands up your body and standing between your legs again, You saw he must have removed his boxers during as you could see his amazing length propped up against his stomach. 
You licked your lips staring hungrily at it. He pumped himself a few times before bringing the tip to your folds. You pushed your hips further towards him dying to feel him inside you again. 
He held your hips in place stopping you. Holding his lips close to your ear. “Who’s are ya Y/N Tell me or i walk” 
“For fuck sake Daryl! You know! I’m yours now take me!” You growled. 
“Tha’s better girl” He nipped your ear still holding your hips tightly and drove himself into you hard. You whimpered when you felt him fill you to the brink, You would never get used to his size. 
“FUCK” You screamed as he held himself still inside you waiting for your body to open up further for him. 
“God, I’d almost forgotten how big you are!” You exclaimed, Resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Trust me Y/N, I aint ever gonna let ya forget again” He growled into your ear pulling almost all of the way out before thrusting deep into you again
“I’ll never forget how tight ya are, how ya get so fucking wet fer me.” 
All of him was sending your senses into overload seeing his incredible body, His hands touching you everywhere, Muscles rippling under your fingers, The words he spoke taking over your every thought, His scent masking yours now and his sweet taste lingering in your mouth. 
It was too much to take with his rhythmic pounding. You felt your walls tightening while your nails dragged down his skin, “Tha’s it girl cum for this cock”
You tried to hold on waiting for his release. “Y/N i can’t hold on much longer, Let go for me baby”
His words sent shivers down your spine and you felt yourself explode around him, Crying out and falling backwards on the bed. He leant over you gripping the bed at the side of you pounding harder into you, Taking your nipple in your mouth he moaned onto it.
Your walls were clenching now with the remnants of your release driving him over the edge. He moved his mouth to your shoulder biting down hard trying to control his loud moans.
With a few last pushes into you he pushed himself to the hilt inside you crying out your walls draining every last drop of him. His arms faltered and he collapsed onto your chest. 
You were both gasping for air then, Your head still blissfully foggy. Holding him in your arms grateful for this moment, This was where you belonged. In this moment he was starting to feel like your Sun again. 
He pushed up and out of you now lying down fully on the bed and pulling you on top of him. 
“Round two?” He grinned. “I think we had best go see what’s going on outside, Negan’s still here and I need to talk to Rick.” You sighed looking away from him “This isn’t fair on him” 
Regretfully you got up from Daryl and handed him his boxers, You both got dressed slowly not wanting the moment to end. 
Once you had dressed making sure your top was on the right way round this time, Daryl left his shirt there as it was useless now. You turned to him “You ready?” 
He held your face in his bringing you to him and giving you a long loving kiss. He sighed contentedly “I am now” 
You placed another kiss on his lips. “Ok, Time to get back to real life!” 
As you walked through the door Daryl went to hold your hand, You pulled away looking at him apologetically. “Not yet Daryl, I still need to talk to Rick. I don’t want to hurt him” He nodded at you “Ok but talk soon?” You nodded back and left the infirmary. 
Heading towards the group at the gates you noticed even with the limp he now had from the beating he took earlier he seemed to be walking a little taller, You smiled wiping it quickly and putting a serious face on. 
“Y/N! Came to take me up on my offer of a real man eh?” Negan said cockily striding over to you. You stayed silent glaring over at Daryl hoping he got your meaning and didn’t try anything again. He balled his fists but stayed in place. Rick made his way over to you now looking between you and Daryl curiously before putting his body in front of yours. 
“You got what you came for Negan, I think it's time you let us be” 
“Oh hoho! Rick the Prick getting jealous!” He turned to you winking “I’ll be back to see you again Real soon Y/N Make sure you’ve got a glass waiting for me and i'll have a lap waiting for you” 
Leaning forward he kissed you cheek and whispered in your ear “Nice to see you got your top back on the right way” You blushed furiously and noticed Daryl had come to your other side fists still balled up close enough to strike if he tried to touch you again. 
Negan put his hands up in defense “All righ guys and gals, Pack it up and let's get rolling”
Turning back to you “Awh hell and one for luck” He pointed at you with Lucille and pointed to his cheek. You swallowed your revulsion and pecked him quickly on the cheek before darting back to Rick and Daryl. Rick and Daryl both went to put their arms around you protectively and you brushed them off. “Oooh you do have the boys in a tizzy!” 
With that he jumped into the van patting the door and left Alexandria. The group as a whole let out a collective sigh when the last of the cars drove out and the gate had been slammed shut behind them. 
Rick put his arm around you nodding at Daryl “We need to go make sure the kids are alright. Goodnight Daryl” You nodded at him too and allowed Rick to pull you home knowing this was going to be difficult. 
You think a part of you did love Rick but it wasn’t fair to him to continue this when you knew how you and Daryl felt about each other. 
When he closed the door behind you, You headed straight up to Carl’s bedroom to check on him and Judith. Judith was sleeping peacefully and Carl was by the door waiting for you, You guessed he had been at the window for a while watching out for danger, Your little ranger. 
Carl let out a big yawn when you told him all was fine, You saw him back in bed tucking him in and kissing his forehead goodnight before heading down to Rick. 
“Whiskey?” You asked walking into the kitchen. “Please” You grabbed two glasses and poured a hefty amount into each. Knowing it would definitely be needed. 
“Porch?” He nodded in agreement and you both made your way to the swing instead of taking your usual place curled into him you sat on the other side of the bench looking at the glass in your hands. 
“Soooo -” You started awkwardly. “It’s ok Y/N, I know.” You looked into his eyes “You do?” 
“I do, I think I always knew you were jus passin through, On your way back to him. Jus promise me one thing?”
You nodded still in shock at how easy this conversation had gone, You took a big gulp of your whiskey. “Anything”
“Promise me you’ll still be around for the kids, I know we didn’ intend it but with Judith now seein you as her mum, I just can’t bear to see her lose another one.” 
You leant forward now putting your hand in his “Rick i love those kids, Like they were my own. If they want me I will always be here for them whether its like a mum or whatever they want me for, I’m here.” 
His turn now to take a big sip of his drink, He pulled you into him, You let him curling into his chest like always. “I don’t want anything to change with you either Rick, I still love you. It’s just a different kind of love” You looked up at him and allowed him to press a loving kiss to your lips. 
The kiss was a goodbye to what could have been. Breaking the kiss and nuzzling back into his chest, You laughed “I’ll still be here to cook the kids dinner can’t let their dad poison them!” He chuckled back at you, “The doors always open Darlin an your rooms always waitin for you if you ever need it again”
Daryl had made his way over to you both nervously, Rick nudged you. “Evenin Daryl” “Rick” He said curtly staring at you. You kissed Rick on the cheek and stood up out of his arms making your way to Daryl putting your hand in his you smiled at him. 
Rick chuckled again “No need to look so nervous man, Y/N and i had a chat about it. Were cool, Wouldn’t be right if i stood in the way” 
Daryl looked visibly relieved moving from you to Rick giving him a swift hug. You headed into the house and up to Rick’s room packing your small bag of things. On your way back down you popped your head in on Carl and Judith smiling happily as you saw they were both asleep. 
Heading back to the porch Daryl had your glass in his hand now empty. 
“Kids are asleep, I’ll be by at breakfast to talk to Carl. I think he needs to hear it from me” 
Rick nodded at you looking nervous all of a sudden. “I’m gonna be leavin on a run to gather more supplies for Negan’s next visit. Can you watch the kids for a few days? I’ll let you know when?” 
You smiled “Happy too. See you at breakfast!” 
You and Daryl left the porch, He took the bag from you lugging it over his shoulder, You walked past the house he shared with Carol and aimlessly walked around the town. Daryl was the first to break the silence. 
“That was too easy righ?” “Yeah, But he’s a great guy just wanted us to be happy” 
He looked uncomfortable brushing the hair in front of his eyes “Why’d ya kiss him Y/N?” 
“Don’t worry love, That was just goodbye” 
He nodded thoughtfully. You stopped near the fence “Don’t be jealous Daryl, Rick will always be a huge part of our lives, Especially now… They became my family… Don’t make me choose” 
“I wouldn’t dream o’ it sunflower” “Good because you’re basically a step dad now, Sure you don’t wanna run Dixon?” 
He laughed awkwardly “I’ll take it as long as it comes with ya. Jus don’t make me wait too long. I’ll be wantin my own” 
Your eyes went wide. “Really?” He pulled you to him, “Yah really. And I want to start the fun bit right now.” 
You knew it was coming this time but it still made you gasp when he bent down and threw you over his shoulder heading home with urgency. You laughed smacking his ass as he walked. “Always with the caveman routine Mr Dixon” 
He smacked your ass back grunting “Man know how fire work” Eliciting a full laugh from you, You loved silly Daryl, Who were you kidding you loved every mood of the frustrating Daryl Fucking Dixon. 
You waved to Carol in the living room still over Daryl’s shoulder, She grinned back at you as he kicked the door open to the basement and carried you down. Throwing you on the bed you moved to pull him too you. He pushed you back. 
“Naw wait a minute lil lady!” He rushed across the room searching in a draw, He was holding something in his hand now coming back to you. 
You sat up curiously “Daryl what’s -” He cut you off “If you’d shh for one damn minute i’ll tell ya..” He looked at you amused. 
You pressed your finger to your lips cheekily. He looked nervous again now. 
“I got this on the run just before...Well before all that. I knew then I had to have ya be mine” 
He unfurled his fingers holding a beautiful silver and diamond ring out to you. 
“I were serious, I want ya to marry me. Naw Gabe has set up the church we can do it all official like if ya wan’” 
“If you want to do it all official Mr Dixon you’ll be needing to get down on that knee for me!” 
He chuckled at you instantly following orders. 
“Will ya be mine….For Always” 
You paused making him squirm for a minute before smiling “Yes Daryl, I absolutely will.” Happy tears springing to your eyes.
He gave you that beautiful megawatt smile you loved trying to put the ring on the wrong finger fumbling with nerves, You laughed and helped him put it on the right one before moving onto his lap sweetly kissing him. 
Pulling you up to him he kissed you gently moving his lips from yours down to your chest. You moaned his name, The loving kisses driving you wild already. 
You stripped each other slowly savouring the moment. Lying back on the bed bathed in the moonlight he pulled away staring into your eyes, before slowly moving his fingers up your inner thigh around your core, Making sure to not touch too close to your core. 
His fingers traced a bath over your stomach to the other thigh and down he bent his head kissing you from where he started and followed the same path his fingers had run, Following his kiss with his fingers again.
Not once did you break eye contact. He moved from your legs repeating the same movements over your arms across your collarbone down the other arm kissing your ring finger before moving to your lips. 
You wanted to remember the way the moonlight glistened on his skin forever, You closed your eyes letting him kiss you deeply, Moving over you and shadowing your body with his, He nudged your legs apart slightly breaking away from the kiss. 
He stared into your eyes again filled with love before he moved his eyes to your lips slowly pushing inside you. Watching your lips form an ‘o’ gasping as you felt him slowly enter you. 
It was too much to take you pushed your lips to him deeply again letting him make love to you slowly. 
Like every time before it you didn’t think He was capable of out doing himself again. But he did! 
It was heaven, every hair on your body standing on edge, He rested his forehead on yours not breaking eye contact again as you both quickly became undone under each other's gaze. 
Moaning each other’s names, His slow rocks into your body becoming more urgent as he approached his limit, Seeing the effect the slow love making had had on him sent you over the edge, Moaning his name louder now your body shook, grinding down needing to feel all of him. He exploded into you watching your rolling orgasm. The pulsing of his cock making the rolls of pleasure last longer. “Oh god, Oh god Daryl Mmmm Baby, I love you”
“Fuck Y/N I love ya so much” His body twitched as the last of his seed emptied deep inside you. He rolled to the side thoroughly spent gasping for air. 
All you could see was stars now. Panting to calm yourself down you rolled onto his chest. Curling into him. 
Your eyes struggling to stay open after that earth shattering orgasm. 
You whispered, “For Always, my sun”
He kissed your head “For Always Sunflower” 
You fell into a blissful sleep, There was not a single person who could of been happier than you ever again not with Daryl Fucking Dixon by your side. 
<---- Previous Chapter
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sauntervaguelydown · 2 years
Commentary meme: what on earth is going on with Impactor in "Aint No High Toned Woman Make Me Walk the Line"? Especially the paragraph leading up to the “Now hold on, I’m not done, don’t count me out yet" line. 👀
haha, MAN I love that one. from the nsfw rung/impactor/megatron oneshot in Liquid Flux
In generally, what's going on with him is, mm, Impactor is actually pretty uncomfortable talking about his and Megatron's history as lovers, there's a lot of emotional baggage attached to that that he hasn't sorted out at all. So of course as soon as someone asks him about it point blank, he doubles down with crude bravado to prove that he's definitely not conflicted or sentimental about this, nope. And then he doubles down.
(the other thing is that I've gotten some ribbing about how everyone in Banners is hopelessly attracted to Rung so I was actively trying to think about what Impactor's tastes would actually be, given his history) (I think he would like more powerful bodies that can keep up with him and not require him to hold back, but I think he's also attracted to people who have some thing in their personality that he feels like he lacks)
So yes anyway what's going on around the *coughs* somewhat premature Event *coughs* is that Impactor has been hooking up with teammates and commanders throughout the war, but he doesn't tend to tell them what he likes and he doesn't tend to be all that aroused by the situation. And I think, when he is really into it, he gets kind of nervous about being too vulnerable and switches focus onto trying to make the other person a bigger mess than he is. So being in this situation with someone he has all this baggage--both emotionally and also a little horny--with, doing this kink that he's never thought about before, ahhh, it catches him before he realizes what's going on. I don't think Impactor is all that used to physically being underneath partners, and I don't think he's used to other people setting the pace, and I really don't think he's used to being the center of attention in this specific sort of way, like a bug under a lens. He wasn't expecting this to happen, because he has this machismo-colored view of topping & bottoming in which you can't be vulnerable if YOU top, and the fun of this whole encounter for me is watching Rung's utter lack of that paradigm dismantle Impactor like an IKEA coffee table.
And then of course he's doubling down again haha, this man only knows how to double down.
I think the only thing he's done that was at all like this was probably hatefucking Prowl at some point, because I do get topping from the bottom vibes off Prowl, but it's also not the same because [gestures at everything]. Also, when you strap in to fuck Prowl, you KNOW ahead of time it's going to be a power struggle. You're definitely not wearing your heart on your sleeve for that one.
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
I have caught up with cutie pie, it's the exactly the fluff of my taste. But it's also a dynamic that is kind of my pet peeve.
It's the "ah, it's mutual pinning but they don't have the communication part down yet."
Unless i am wrong and misunderstood something, these two never spent much time together except their friday dates, and from that first one (the one where the annoying lady character comes in) and the continues doll mask of Kuea, those can't be classified as "quality time together". So there is a semi relationship there but i am willing to overlook the fact that those two love eachother with practically no interaction. But lovely writer is also one of my fav bls so we ain't new to the concept of childhood family friends being in love from distant memories.
But the thing that is shocking to me is,i am excited for angst between these two. And i ain't that kind of gay, I ain't thirsting for angst. But i see the way Lian is acting and doing things behind Kuea's back and i want Kuea and Diao to start screaming. I want the fantasy Kuea had on ep.1 of telling off that woman but ten fold and directed on Lian and Yi respectively.
I want Lian to be afraid and chastised the way Kuea has felt. Cause there's an imbalance in the power dynamics here and i want it leveled.
hi anon!
I got another ask which I'm assuming is the second part to this one(?) 
I agree with most of what you said in the ask above (especially the part about Kuea and Diao snapping because yes that’s long overdue haha) however I have already answered a bunch of similar asks in the last few days (also it’s quite long) so I’m just gonna leave it here and under the cut. I hope that’s okay :-) Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 💜 
Hi, my tumblr glitched and i probably didn't send my long ask but what i wanted to say was:
Cutie pie is a series that i love and is very cute but it has done the impossible and made me excited for angst and tears.
Because I don't like the power imbalance it has, in these pairs, whoever has the knowledge and the information has the balance and i hate how the older halfs of both pairs don't seem to get that just because you love someone, it's no excuse to treat them like a child and like someone with dementia that is in need of constant attention.
I don't mind needy ukes and caretaking semes but this dynamic works when both parties are in the know and understand exactly their feelings towards eachother. (It's ironic that BounPrem have a cameo on this because they have exactly that dynamic as WinTeam)
Yi is the more annoying out of the two, because Diao has no memories basically, (and i swear to god if the puppy becomes the "I'm sorry i r-word you, here's some snacks from our sponsors" of Fucking Kengkla, instead of communication i will murder someone).
But Lian the chad over there has actively had people follow Kuea around, has kidnapped him basically, has bought the Gemini off, had Kuea's mother's consent, has made the world his daycare to babysit Kuea basically.
I would feel bad for Lian because he basically can't hold a conversation with the real Kuea and Kuea doesn't communicate either, but him butting in on every aspect of Kuea's life forcefully like a website cookie that has taken your data to investors and keeps following you to report back, has rubbed off all the "gentleman" appeal for me.
And every time Lian and Yi talk to each other is hilarious to me, cause it's them seeing exactly what is wrong in the other's relationship but when get called out on it they deflect it towards one another "your communication with your nong is shit" "WELL THE ONE IN YOURS AINT BETTER" they wanna be the bigger man but act like children. They act like fathers and uncles towards their adopted 10year old sons, not like boyfriends.
So that's why i am excited with the potential of a fight between our main couple in the next episode. I am hoping for a screaming match that will make Lian as scared as Kuea has felt but i am probably shooting for the stars here.
Otherwise i love the series 7/10
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Are you bored yet?
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x reader
Warning(s): painful fluff lmao
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You and Izuku have been dating for over 5 months, however.. He's been "busy" for the past few days, and everytime you tried to get him to spend time with you he simply refuses and always comes up with an excuse
"Oh i'm sorry, i would love to come over but i have to study the whole day for the upcoming test"
"Uh no.. i can't come with you to the carnival, i'm sorry.. I'll make it up to you i promise!"
"Spending time with you would make my day better but i'm sorry.. I have loads of assignment to do today"
His excuses just won't run out.
What's wrong?
You've been asking but i don't have an answer
How come, i'm still thinkin'
Let's pretend to fall asleep now
When we get old, will we regret this?
Too young to think about all that shit
And stalling only goes so far when you've got a head start
"Hey.. Izu.." you said in a low voice, walking towards him "Oh hey Y/n! I haven't seen you in a while. And you don't look too good.." Midoriya said "Haha, i'm just a little tired.. Say, wanna come over to watch the sunset?" you asked even though you already know he'll have another excuse to use. "Oh sure!" Midoriya replied, making you look at him "Really?" you had to make sure. "Of course! I don't have anything else to do today." "I guess you're right.."
'Cause we can stay at home and watch the sunset
But i can't help from asking "Are you bored yet?"
And if you're feelin' lonely you should tell me
Before this ends up as another memory
You sighed, he was finally with you. He was admiring the view as the sun slowly set, you didn't care about the sunset though. You just stared directly at his green orbs, wondering if he's bored with you or if you've done something wrong. Yes he already said that he's busy with school work and all that stuff but.. something just tells you that you aren't enough for him. "Izu.. Are you bored with me yet?" you asked, making him flinch and look at you "No no! Of course not! Why would you think that?"
Will you tell the truth so i don't have to lie
Will you tell the truth so i don't have to lie..
"I know you said that you're busy with school and all but i can't help but think that another reason why you wouldn't spend time with me is that.. You're bored with me. And i'm not enough for-" You couldn't finish your sentence as Midoriya hugged you tightly "Don't ever think that you're not enough for me, you mean everything to me and you're the reason why i do my best with every challenge that comes my way.. I'm really sorry i couldn't spend time with you like before. You always sound like you're fine without me and it made me worry a lot.. I even thought you would break up with me today." his words made you cry on his shoulder as you held him tighter, feeling glad that you were enough for him. "There there Y/n, let it all out. I'm sorry i made you feel this way.." Midoriya said as he patted your back
You let go of him, wiping your tears "I love you Izu.." you whispered "I love you too Y/n." he said as he cups your cheeks and kisses your forehead gently
(a/n: so uh, do y'all want an angst version of this or nah, if y'all don't answer i aint writing anything else related to this scenario)
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doiedreams · 3 years
State of Lucidity // l.ty
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◈⇢ Synopsis: apparition!Taeyong’s appearances at night is what you think keeps you sane, but what was once a healing escape is becoming an addictive attachment Taeyong doesn’t want you to fall victim to.
◈⇢ Pairing: apparition!Taeyong x reader
◈⇢ Genre: fluff ద, angst ᱬ
◈⇢ Listen to: What Dreams Are Made of (by Evan McIntosh) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
◈⇢ Warnings/Content: lucid dreaming, small mention of addiction, hints toward dream reality confusion
◈⇢ WC: 1.6k words
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A view of your drab ceiling shifts into the focus of a hazy atmosphere as your eyelids flutter open. The sound of a vague, lulling white noise begins to fill your ears, as it feels like you’ve been transported to another realm. In a way, you have.
You feel a presence becoming more palpable next to you, and the mattress you lay on lightly begins to sink at your side.
Turning your head towards it, you sigh as your eyes meet the dark, and yet so bright, eyes of Taeyong. With the way his eyes gleam, you’d be able to find his gaze if the room was pitch-black. The corners of his perfectly shaped lips turn upwards and he lets out a soft giggle. You join him, feeling a euphoric feeling course through your body upon seeing him once again in all his angelic glory.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” you whisper.
“I tell you every time. It won't be the last time we meet.” His fingers brush against your hand beside you, and you allow them to intertwine at your side. “I have something for you.”
“And what might that be?” you ask.
Laying in bed on your backs, Taeyong taps his finger against your hand, bringing your attention to the space between your bodies. You feel a cool, smooth surface touch your fingers and you sit up, looking over to find a plate next to your legs. On the plate sits a pile of bright red, crownless strawberries, and a cloudy white substance next to them.
You turn towards Taeyong, who's still laying on his back in your bed looking at you with twinkling eyes, and ask, “Is this-?”
“Strawberries and whipped cream,” he finishes. “Your favorite.”
He reaches for the plate and balances it on his belly as he lays on his back.
“Come eat.”
You shoot him a quizzical glance before laying your head back on the pillow. You pluck a strawberry from the plate, scoop up some of the cool cream with the bottom, and plop it into your mouth. A burst of juice surges in your mouth as you chew, and you can’t help but feel like you’re sitting in a strawberry field, facing the sun with Taeyong’s smile shining just as bright next to you. This feeling of freedom, like you can be anywhere and everywhere on earth without moving an inch, is what makes you love being with Taeyong; you couldn’t feel this way with anybody else. You proceed to crush the juicy goodness between your teeth, savoring both the vibrant tang of the red fruit and the sugary coolness of the whipped cream.
The hint of mouthwash that once resided on your tastebuds when getting into bed is no longer there. It’s as if you've been bound to your lucid dream with Taeyong forever, not once partaking in the materialistic everyday routine involving brushing your teeth, making food, and going to work. Instead, it seems like the only lifestyle you've ever known is the one in which you bask in his presence in your soft bed, having conversation after conversation about pleasant memories that you somehow don't remember by the time you awaken.
“Mm, I love midnight snacks,” you hum, as you continue to take strawberries from the plate.
“I know. That's why I brought these.”
“Don’t you want some?”
“Nope. I'm only here for you,” he says as his eyes twinkle even in the room’s dimness. Catching sight of his smile once again brings butterflies to your stomach. His smile. Such a healing sight makes it so hard to part ways with it. And those lips. To feel them on yours just once would fulfill you with everlasting bliss.
“Your smile is so pretty,” Taeyong said in a hushed tone, his face hovering over yours, fingers lightly stroking your cheeks as you lay against your polyester sheets.
Your hands rested upon his shoulders and felt their way up his neck until they reached the sides of his face. “Yours is perfect.”
You yearned to close the space between your faces, but before you could, Taeyong said, “I’m sorry. I should go,” and shifted over to his previous spot on the bed, letting go of you.
“I don't want you to get hurt,” he cut you off. Your perplexed stare sparked guilt in his chest as soon as he spoke. He could practically hear the questions darting in your head at the moment, and in response, all he said was, “Please, trust me.”
You decided to say nothing more upon seeing his soft smile that constantly told you that everything is okay.
Since that moment, you’ve wondered, what does he mean? How could I possibly get hurt? He wouldn’t hurt me. Yet, you never dared to ask him. The reassuring smile that never seemed to leave his face was the only answer you ever needed.
“All done?” Taeyong asks, pointing at the last strawberry before offering it to you.
You take it from his hand and eat it, nodding to let him know you’ve been satisfied. He sets the plate aside, and with a deep sigh, shuts his eyes and reaches for your hand once again. You allow him to hold your hand, but keep your eyes open just to be sure he's still with you.
The blurred haze hovering over you slowly begins to slip away as you start to feel reality force itself into your space.
“I think it’s best for me to go now,” Taeyong whispers softly, his breath leaving a phantom kiss on your skin.
You shake your head, rumpling the fabric of the pillowcase beneath your head, as you begin to object. “Just a li-”
“I can't stay any longer. I'm sorry.” The glint in Taeyong’s eyes slowly begins to dim down along with the atmosphere of the room, but his soothing smile doesn’t diminish one bit.
Recently, it seems as though you spend less and less time together. You can’t be upset with him, as you know he tries to make the departure as bearable as possible for you. Plus, he keeps his word: he’ll be back. He always comes back. He’s never given a reason as to why he needs to leave so early, but you're sure it must be the same reason he told you he didn't want to hurt you that night. He couldn't possibly hurt you. He's healing. He's therapy.
Yet, he's an obsession. A medicine that you manifested for your survival. He’s the embodiment of your pain turned to healing, and his addictive nature is getting the best of you. You're losing your grip on reality and Taeyong knows it. The stronger your attachment to him becomes, the easier it is to slip away from your real life. Every single morning, you leave more and more of yourself with him when you get out of bed. Every night, the desire to be with him gets stronger. He doesn't want to be responsible for the damage you'll do to your real-life relationships. Nor does he want to be at fault for the crushing guilt you feel when you have to leave your room and face reality every day. If he’s not careful, you’ll become more and more dependent on his presence to heal the legitimate wounds this obsession brings.
He loves you. He wants you too. Just not at the expense of your lucidity. He wants you to be able to live without him. It’s for your own good.
You don’t know of the damage this attachment could bring. Maybe it’s best you do, but the only desire you have is to spend eternity laying next to him in a bundle of linen. If your mattress could swallow you whole and transport you to a place where it's just the two of you, you’d let it.
Your head begins to swim and the white noise that once occupied the space around you starts to fade out. A tugging force on your hand rouses you from your thoughts, and you turn your head to meet Taeyong’s eyes.
“I promise, you’ll see me again.” He gives you a reassuring nod, accompanied by his pretty smile. A sigh leaves your lips, but in response to his consolidating words, you nod back and squeeze on his hand.
“Thank you for the strawberries and cream. It’s always nice having you here.”
His smile becomes one with a glint of sadness. I was never even here. “You’ll always have me.” His gaze darts away from your eyes and a pit begins to form in his stomach knowing he’s feeding your attachment to him. When will the line between dream and reality become completely blurred? It won’t be much longer, but he can’t just leave you forever. You need him. “Enjoy the rest of your sleep.”
With that, you can no longer feel a hand in yours and the only sound you hear is the slight hum of your AC. You run your hand along the cold bedsheets of the empty space next to you and feel an immediate longing for warmth. The bright red light illuminating from your alarm clock indicates you should be asleep for at least another hour before it goes off with its annoying wake-up call. You pull the covers over your body, and with a tart taste at the back of your mouth, you shut your eyes and rest, waiting to be awakened into your clouded reality.
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a/n: I highly recommend listening to the song listed in the description. The vibes are just right and the fic correlates with some of the lyrics. It was supposed to be fully fluff but then I’m like damn,,, it’s a shame Taeyong aint even really there lmao and it just developed from there. as most of you know, I’m mainly a fluff writer. Anything that it isn’t purely soft fluffy content is new territory for me haha. With that being said, I hope you enjoyed it ♡
proofread by: @give-seconds @meraki-mark @byunbaekby @orange-nimon-cross @pastelsicheng @heartyyjeno @drydrops891 thank u! ♡
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi. i only got to play in inazuma today so here's me live reacting to the archon quest. it's a lil out of context tho so have fun trying to figure out which parts im talking abt. also, this is the only time i'm going to be talking abt spoilers for at least one week so... 🤷‍♀️
swordfish ii? cute.
Jesus Christ. and here i thought it was my lowest settings that made his hair grey… this poor kid. teppei i admire your determination but no… just no...
you know.... scaramouche could stand still and the air would get electrified. and yknow,,, that's p... that's p attractive
ugh im disgusting myself. and here i thought i still had an inch of sanity left in me.
of all people it had to be this little jerk
scaramouche is so fucking evil. i’d like ten of him, please.
man,, they expect me to dodge this shit? that’s the biggest l i’ve heard today. none of that shit. i’m bringing out my zhong and my sweet madames skrrt
sayu is adorable… i remember when i had hopes of growing up too… alas, it has come to this.
THOMA OH MY GOD MY MALEWIFE. HOW HAVE YOU BEEN? also, sayu’s sleeping again. this girl’s got talent. is her circadian rhythm okay?
pains me to be the bearer of all bad news and no good news…
oh nvm he’s still in the background.
i… i don’t like where this is going… i refuse to be the bait. i’m too hot for that. so spicy they’ll spit me right out
oh thank god… wait... they… they wouldn’t ask me to be the one to set off the fireworks right?
oh crap… i’m… i’m in deep.
HE’S BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING US AGAIN EVERY DAY SINCE HE GOT THERE ANFLaglvbajlfblabvljabefva;bfalLJBLJDABVBAALSNADL tumblr user @tartagliaxx is broken. she is now irreparable. she has no regrets. goodbye.
ehem… what if… you and i… and hotsprings… together?? JUST KIDDING. PG-13 OVER HERE. NOTHING INDECENT WHATSOEVER MOVE ALONG NOW
poor thoma,,,
oh come on ayaka… cut us some slack… i just watched lumine wheeze bc of evil purple mist only to be dragged into 2 timeskips and an entire training arc. dont let her be yet another traumatized shounen manga protagonist… altho, it might be uh… too late for that…
oh dear… is thoma going to get another round of diarrhea?
hello yoimiya… still looking as bomb as ever i see……… mhm… gonna see myself out rn…
oh god… are we dying because of fireworks? forget getting caught by the patrol… we’re about to light up an untested firework that was made to be a billion times more explosive….
man… these patrol guards aint shit… i literally walked an inch behind their backs and they did nothing… its a surprise the rebellion still hasn’t won when they place guards like this in their ranks………. ok that was kinda mean i’ll apologize in a bit.
no, paimon. it’s not but we’re doing it anyway 🤡
oh no….. she’s worn herself out…. man,,, this is why you dont make convicts out of kids….
god, don’t remind me. as hot as the shogun trying to kill us w her blade was, i don’t appreciate almost getting murdered on screen (even if we most certainly have plot armor)
awwww is thoma worried about me uwu owo? dw i have like… a lumine w 6% crit rate by my side
sigh… i dont want to leave yet… cant i just stay by thoma’s side and not go to war for a change?
it was at this moment that tumblr user lei saw the wonders of being a housewife.
oh sara… my stars… i’m so sorry. i feel so bad for you but at the same time… this oddly makes me want to write a song for you ABJFJKABJABCABVABVKA I KNOW JACK SHIT ABT SONGWRITING WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THIS
well… there she goes…
oh…. oh….. yae is stealing my heart. WHAT DO I DO WHAT DO I DO (i have an alt for a reason heehee)
these guys got guts to say ‘i’m sorry ma’am’ to THE kujou sara.
oh old man… you’re dead. you’re so dead.
man… this old man is a simp? sheesh.
oh my god… is that dude dead? i probably should’ve uh apologized b4 he flopped down to the ground ig…
MAN,, SARA’S DOWN FOR THE COUNT?? tbf i didnt expect much but…. also, AYE SIGNORA’S SO ICY.
she’s calling me out for being a simp ;-; heart been broke so many times or smth
oh… i love this part of the vow… im suddenly inspired to write… how about a wedding au? an angsty wedding au?
goddamn… it’s been nice knowing you all…. i dont think i’ll come out of this alive if signora went out like that…
oh… oh it’s time for round two? haha… time to… say my goodbyes….
yo… there are actual tears in my eyes… like… idk why… but that cutscene? shit man… that hit me…
hm… i feel bad for the shogun… ultimately, there is reason behind every act no matter how horrid. no matter how unreasonable, the reason one thinks of is always justified on their end. whatever everyone else thinks pay little effect on whether the act is fulfilled or not. also, her little laugh? i’m extra deceased.
the animation's fire as always wtf
oh but my kokoro... oof... my kokoro... ugh...
I’M SO FUCKING DONE AJKFHAKJBVAK- WE BEAT A HARBINGER AND FOR WHAT? she should’ve just tossed that gnosis into the ocean or smth...
HAH OMG SCARAMOUCHE. WHAT A MAN. I’M- I WAS RIGHT OMG. I HAD A LIL THEORY AND ITS JUST SMTH I HAD IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. I NEVER THOUGHT IT’LL ACTUALLY COME TRUE DEAR LORD. so now ig i have to admit i think abt him a lot and he has a soft spot in my heart 🥺 he’s evil you see and you know what my type is? evil men or at the very least, men with the potential to be evil. ugh so annoying.
scaramouche banner when
bc i sold everything worthy of money in me (read as my organs) for albedo, i'll sell my soul for him how about that?
EYE- makoto huh… well… fuck…
it’s day 400 of being ayato less even if he’s like… teased a million of times (jk it’s like… a grand total of seven but thats still p high)
im so… sigh…
i wonder if i’m still alive by the time sumeru releases… at the very least, i know my brain wouldn’t be.
....we were literally a captain for like... one second. that is so sad.
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actualbird · 3 years
Why can't I give more than one kudos in AO3 I'm in pain pls LET ME GIBE YOU MORE FJEIEJ (≧ヘ≦)
Also Marius reaction to artem is just so funny to watch omg, you're not slick Marius
AND LUKE TOO- why are you so precious I'm just cryin here you're just so kind and gentle and- I'm just so happy someone other than ria try to stop him for being too cautious and just accept someone being kind for once hhhhh
hello!!! wahhh, thank you for the kind words!!!! getting this ask from you made me really happy bc i remembered that u were excited for me to learn more about vyn's story (which, i still havent done yet kJBSKF i had to consult my friend who DOES know a lot about vyn's story to set me on the right track with her interpretations leading the trajectory of my own theories).
but yeah, i assumed u were a vyn lover and im glad u liked it!! i was rlly worried about vyn lovers breaking my door down for getting vyn wrong KJBSDKJFS but so far i seem to have pleased you, and that makes me smile :DDD
SDKJFDSJF PLS i am having way too much fun making marius flustered at every single moment. in canon lost gold event, marius does not get a single break. and so it is only logical that in my derivative work of the lost gold event that i do not give him a single break either. MARIUS AINT SLICK!!!
i feel they all want to be kind (and they all will be) it's just that ria is farthest down the sliding scale chart of Is Ur Kindness Going To Be Blatant, Honest, And Open? while luke is a little bit behind her. i have this chart in my brain vividly but i will not make this chart because if i do, i will have gone well and truly nuts for these characters HAHA.
anyway thank u for the wonderful ask :')
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lee-etc · 4 years
ive been having some really weird dreams lately i mean yeah my dreams are always wack but like in a good way?? so yeah there was this garden but like those rich people greenhouses and its all just green and for some reason, daisuke’s fuckin dead like no nope not alive the last time you see him is when he’s sitting on a bench close to the entrance of the arboretum no dammit greenhouse i dont know and then i wake up and im like ???? obviously there was more but this is all i can remember but then my DUMBASS BRAIN starts WHIRLING and like any ordinary person i procrastinate getting out of bed by thoroughly constructing a plot that goes something like 
Kato’s an ace detective for the 1st division who’s slowly becoming less and less interested in his job as he gets older and decides to take on his last job at a recent murder scene - but this was no ordinary murder scene, this was the murder of the infamous Daisuke Kambe and okay i think you know where im going with this one
as the investigation continues however, and Kato learns more about the life of Daisuke Kambe, he becomes more and more entranced as his interest with the late unlimited-ionaire spirals into obsession because of the questionable decisions he made and... interesting path that his life took. 
and i dont know. its got like a noir vibe. suzue’s in it. ryo’s there too i was actually thinking about a hoshiharu subplot because i dont know thats the good stuff but all of this seemed SO damn familiar like i was thinking about it all day today which i mean hello id like to think about other things thanks haha but then it freakin hit me just now that this isnt just something my brain suddenly just spun into existence no no no i had (unknowingly) adapted the plot of fucking VERTIGO (YES THE HITCHCOCK FILM) INTO A FANFIC OF FKBUL WITH TWO ANIME BISHOUNENS AND I AM SO UPSET RN 
of course it aint just like the movie because daisuke’s dead as hell lmao but i mean even the green theme thing carried on??? what is wrong with me why do i keep stealing like this -
i mean i wasnt gonna talk about it yet because ive done literally nothing about it but one fic idea i had that im still very keen about is actually a lot like O Brother Where Art Thou?? and then i was like who cares ill just make it a OBWAT au but the thing is that my plot is actually kinda different to OBWAT and honestly im just stealing the vibes of it. also to give some more info into my fic it actually explores haru’s relationship with his family and stuff?? especially his mother, but like that’s just one thing about the fic most of the fic is the journey that haru takes to find his family again (Like in OBWAT) also poorsuke tags along much to the annoyance of haru but yeah he’s also got like. a subplot and all that
and this kinda turned into me talking about future fics so i hope its suitable to post lmao. thanks for reading if you got this far lol.                   
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Discord pt 99
[Date: 20/03, 06:01 AM GMT - 20/03, 07:15 AM GMT]
[CW for minor/background character death, transphobia mention]
[Read Fetch's recent asks for context]
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Little-K1ng: “hey guys im home!! is fetch here yet?? how did everything go??
...haha are you guys even still awake :)”
Maxwell: “yeah
god/dreaming crying: “im awake”
Maxwell: “shit went down....again....”
Little-K1ng: “oh of course, hope it wasnt too bad
are you guys at least okay?”
Maxwell: “so...fetch isnt coming tonight...”
Little-K1ng: “...oh
uh!! well!!! just another day to make sure... make sure everythings right for him coming back”
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Maxwell: “his headache got worse”
Little-K1ng: “oh no poor thing :(”
Maxwell: “and i think he got really bad sensory overload”
Little-K1ng: “oh no !!!!!
did you have him do his anxiety exercise?”
Maxwell: “so he hid in the bathroom when....knight starting talking through the blog to us”
Little-K1ng: “oh dear”
Maxwell: “he was upset that fetch kept "barking"
cause he was upset and in pain”
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Little-K1ng: “huh... internal arguing? thats interesting
"upset and in pain" wonder how that happened knight”
Maxwell: “we all tried to help him but he just kept getting madder and madder until...
he got pissed at knight”
Little-K1ng: “did he yell at you?”
Maxwell: “and wanted to scare him somehow to get him to be quiet i guess”
Little-K1ng: “oh? thats weird”
Maxwell: “we thought maybe he'd say something but then someone knocked on the bathroom door apparentally”
Little-K1ng: “you're shaking, max, do you want a hug?”
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Maxwell: “ah....maybe in a bit”
Little-K1ng: “im sure it was scary watching fetch get angry like that :(”
Maxwell: “he....he said the person opened the door and there wasnt anything on the blog from fetch or knight for a couple minutes”
Little-K1ng: “.....”
Maxwell: “till fetch answered an ask asking if they were alright....he said it was warm
he...said there was a lot of red”
Little-K1ng: “..........uh.... i...
....i ....... dont follow”
Maxwell: “lawerence is gone now”
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Little-K1ng: “what.?
Maxwell: “one of the gas station employees
it wasnt crown”
Little-K1ng: “it....
??? im”
Maxwell: “fetch....he...ripped his throat out (gore warning)”
Little-K1ng: “..............................................................................................i....................
i dont........
............i dont know..................... what to say.. to that”
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Maxwell: “he didnt realize what he was doing”
Little-K1ng: “i dont think he did”
Maxwell: “when he did he panicked and started crying
its why he didnt come home
he...thought I was scared of him...”
Little-K1ng: “thats...
Maxwell: “i wasnt...but he didnt believe me”
Little-K1ng: “of course he wouldnt, max
do you know where he is now?”
Maxwell: “knight was still there and he was being kind of condescending”
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Little-K1ng: “i have to go get him whether he likes it or not, he must be terrified”
Maxwell: “i dont know...im assuming he left the gas station but I dont know where”
Little-K1ng: “fuckkkk”
Maxwell: “last i heard from him
i...called him my brother....and he said he wanted to come back but knight wouldnt let him”
Little-K1ng: “oh max....
....thats........ thats really sweet”
Maxwell: “.....i wasnt lying....”
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Little-K1ng: “i dont think you were, max
i know he wants to come back. im gonna go get him first chance i see where he is
i wont hurt him, i wont force him, but knowing he wants to come home is the only confirmation i need
i just-..... fuck, dude........
he really.... fucking killed someone”
Maxwell: “yeah...I guess none of us really expected that to happen”
Little-K1ng: “just like that....”
Maxwell: “he hasnt been in the best state of mind though
I know I haven't....”
Little-K1ng: “not to cool motive still murder at him but, running around drenched in blood as a hybrid in this type of neighborhood isnt. exactly a good look. and not too many folks are gonna take "i was upset" as an answer”
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Maxwell: “yeah...i wish i knew where he was...”
Little-K1ng: “i should- i should wake up marcus-... does marcus know?”
Maxwell: “no though im surprised marcus didnt wake up when i started crying
i...cried a lot when he said he was scared to come home”
Little-K1ng: “oh max..... that hug is still on the table?”
Maxwell: “yes please”
Little-K1ng: “uwu;;”
Maxwell: “thanks mona...”
Little-K1ng: “anytime
!! and i mean that”
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Maxwell: “i know you do, ha
now how to we wake the shithead....”
Little-K1ng: “ah, cold water
maybe sit on him
dip his hand in warm water prank?”
Maxwell: “jump on his stomach”
Little-K1ng: “something light hearted
and sibling-like ;)))”
Maxwell: “we could slap em”
Little-K1ng: “forgive me if im in like, way too good a mood. just coping with shock i guess”
Maxwell: “nah its fair...”
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Little-K1ng: “hard to believe its real, ill try to contact his blog again
damn, that ask i sent without actually checking mustve been uh, Not The Vibe”
Maxwell: “....im gonna hit marcus with a pillow”
Little-K1ng: “yes please”
Maxwell: “not really he answered it saying he was sorry
Marcus: “ow”
Maxwell: “we need to talk”
Marcus: “dude
what the fuuuck”
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Maxwell: “important talk time
wake up”
Marcus: “Is fetch here?”
Maxwell: “so, fetch aint coming home tonight...”
Marcus: “What’s going on?”
Little-K1ng: “hey marcus...
im.... home....”
Marcus: “.....hi
..whats going on?”
Maxwell: “he left the gas station after knight started trying to take control with as we know suffocates him and he got bad sensory overload and then he--”
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Little-K1ng: “max, do you want to keep going?”
Marcus: “Why do I feel like I’m in trouble you both look....off”
Little-K1ng: “you dont have to”
Maxwell: “no no im good just one second please....”
Little-K1ng: “take a few breaths, its alright”
Marcus: “.........”
Little-K1ng: “ive got you, ill hold you dont worry”
Maxwell: “Okay....fetch...killed one of the employees...Lawrence”
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Marcus: “.....he...
Little-K1ng: “im so sorry marcus...”
Maxwell: “he wasnt himself...he was talking through his blog to us as himself but knight was too....”
Little-K1ng: “ill give you a bit to process... the shock hasnt actually worn off for me yet..”
Marcus: “....fetch
Maxwell: “he kept switching back and forth between the too and lawrence came into the bathroom when he was pissed and fetch wanted to get knight to shut up...
so he tried to scare knight....not realizing hed gone too far...”
Marcus: “........”
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Maxwell: “when he snapped out of it he had no memory of what hed just done and he was panicking and...crying....”
Marcus: “...I don’t... I don’t like this
Please tell me this is a joke”
Maxwell: “he said he didnt wanna come back home because he thought I was scared of him...”
Marcus: “Please pleasepleasepleaseplease”
Little-K1ng: “im checking his blog right now...... and uh.....
yeah no.. its not a joke
its a fucking horrorshow”
Marcus: “no no nonononononononono”
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Little-K1ng: “marcus, do you want a hug also? or do you not want touched”
Marcus: “stop please stop stopstop”
Little-K1ng: “its a lot to take in...”
Maxwell: “i tried to get him to come home....i called him my brother....”
Little-K1ng: “im having so much trouble convincing myself its real”
Maxwell: “but...knight wouldnt let him”
Marcus: “no it’s not it’s not it’s not it didn’t happen nonononono”
Little-K1ng: “i havent even. caught up to the part where im supposed to be upset or angry. i just. i just want him home and safe and warm where i can see him i just..”
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Maxwell: “he had control over the two of them...but fetch got control bacck and left but I dont know where im sorry”
Marcus: “it didn’t no nonono”
Little-K1ng: “i-..im going to sit down next to you marcus, but dont worry, i wont invade your space im just worried i might faint”
Marcus: “nothing happened everything’s okayokayokay it’s okay it’s fine everything’s fine”
Little-K1ng: “thats alright marcus, its okay. denial is okay for a while”
Maxwell: “putain
mona look”
Little-K1ng: “it helps it set in better as a gentle present
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Maxwell: “flowers....”
Marcus: “everythings fine it’s fine it’s fine finefinefine”
Little-K1ng: “o-oh...
oh marcus.....”
Marcus: “its fine
everything’s okay”
Little-K1ng: “marcus... loosen the grip on your hair, okay? you're gonna pull too hard
you might yank some of the flowers-”
Marcus: “no nononono
Maxwell: “Ah putain putain putain!”
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Little-K1ng: “marcus, please-
please give me your hands, if you can, i dont want you to hurt yourself,”
Marcus: “everything’s fine everything’s going to be okay it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay”
Little-K1ng: “exactly”
Maxwell: “marcus please”
Little-K1ng: “shhh sh sh sh just stop pulling your hair, just calm down, deep breaths”
Marcus: “its..it’s okay it’s fine
nothing happened it’s fine”
Little-K1ng: “marcus-
its okay to say nothing happened but... you have to come to terms with it at some point. i just want to know you're okay”
Marcus: “im fineimfine”
Little-K1ng: “you're fine, marcus
you're fine, i promise”
Marcus: “im..fine
...im fine”
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Maxwell: “you aint”
Marcus: “..I’m.....im fine
I’m fine :)”
Maxwell: “youre not”
Marcus: “I’m ⎎⟟⋏⟒”
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Maxwell: “NO”
Marcus: “-!
Little-K1ng: “WHAT
let me not
let me not yell
nnnnnoooooOO okay okay”
Marcus: “....”
Little-K1ng: “vwoop vwoop dont do that”
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marcus...?: “...”
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Maxwell: “No....”
marcus...?: “..I..”
Maxwell: “please no....”
Little-K1ng: “marcus...?”
marcus...?: “.....
Little-K1ng: “are you...... is that like... "you"?
are you sure you're still marcus? i wont be mad
you tend to just kind of.... accept it”
marcus...?: “I’m...
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Little-K1ng: “you can think about it if you want
ill call you by whoever you are”
marcus...?: “....”
Little-K1ng: “your flowers are blooming and i dont know if that....... blurred the lines? or if "you" have bloomed”
marcus...?: “...I don’t know
I hate not knowing”
Maxwell: “that's okay...i didnt know for the longest time...
not like my family tried to help....”
marcus...?: “...what are they?”
Maxwell: “the flowers...?”
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Little-K1ng: “they're pretty... they suit you.. at a glance, i think they're hyacinths? and... rhododendrons? huh”
Maxwell: “theyre Purple hyacinths and rhododendrons”
Little-K1ng: “yeah
do you want a mirror?”
marcus...?: “...heh
...that’d be nice”
Little-K1ng: “here you go”
marcus...?: “....oh
Little-K1ng: “yeah! purple and gold is a good look”
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marcus...?: “Red too”
Little-K1ng: “im........... sorry about the other night. i realized while i was at work today what i had actually said
i didnt mean it”
marcus...?: “....”
Little-K1ng: “i didnt mean to make you feel like viscount was less you than you are”
marcus...?: “......
...I don’t...want to be sad anymore
...I forgive you Mona
......sorry about this whole mess”
Little-K1ng: “that..... i dont deserve that, but ill take it
dont be...”
Maxwell: “anyone else still having slight headaches?”
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marcus...?: “It’s..kind of my fault that we’re here”
Maxwell: “its not man..”
marcus...?: “...it is
I was...
I wanted to stay”
Little-K1ng: “it wasnt your fault. i left the doors open, maxwell gave himself up, fetch uh. we'll skip that one”
marcus...?: “But I got scared when...page..took off his circlet”
Little-K1ng: “when we're all to blame theres enough to go around, dont hurt yourself carrying it all”
marcus...?: “I didn’t want to leave”
Maxwell: “you helped me get away and im thankful for that”
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[Maxwell: “anyone else still having slight headaches?”]
Little-K1ng: “i mean always”
marcus...?: “but you were so unhappy
And...and crown said that if you ever wanted to leave, you could
He said that
But he didn’t want to let page max leave”
Little-K1ng: “he said you could leave? he might be banking on no one wanting to, which is..... surprisingly childish”
Maxwell: “thats why im confused why not just let me go...”
Little-K1ng: “almost adorable, frankly”
Maxwell: “im just a kid
not really”
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marcus...?: “........he”
Maxwell: “im not a kid but im young”
marcus...?: “None of us
Before Max and fetch...
None of us...wanted to leave
We all went...for reasons
...I don’t like being marcus”
Maxwell: “.....”
Little-K1ng: “...you dont have to be”
marcus...?: “......”
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Little-K1ng: “you can be viscount and still stay here, i wont hurt you”
marcus...?: “..........”
Maxwell: “yeah”
marcus...?: “...what about...knight fetch”
Little-K1ng: “i... they need to figure out what actually makes them happy. for that, they're gonna need time to work that out if crown wants anything lasting. but either way, neither one is gonna hold it against you”
marcus...?: “......”
Maxwell: “yeah
i know i would prefer to stay as max because....
page reminds me of who I was before I was myself....who I truly was
when i was kid who didnt know anything”
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Little-K1ng: “so... page makes you feel... helpless?
Maxwell: “yeah
hes who i was before
who i am to my family
accept my family sees me as a 'she' even if I've told them im not....”
Little-K1ng: “oh ew
have no fear max, you're you. no matter what they say
same goes to you”
Maxwell: “...i....
you know how im part rat?
but dont fully look like one?”
Little-K1ng: “yeah?
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Maxwell: “like fetch kids loved the make fun of me for how i looked....my grandmother gave me a necklace when I was about 10 then helped hide those features....
made my ears more human like, pointy but easier to hide
and....got rid of the other stuff
im not supposed to wear it for more than 2 weeks but i've been wearing it ever since crown took me”
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Little-K1ng: “oh no is that.... like.... unhealthy??
i dont usually have to do anything to h-.... well
yknow, like i wouldnt know”
Maxwell: “.....
i hadnt taken it off cause i got so used to wearing it
and uh....didnt know what you would do”
Little-K1ng: “....do you want to take it off?”
Maxwell: “kids used to pull on my ears and yell in em
Little-K1ng: “honestly”
Maxwell: “yeah....my ears have been hurting because in order to hide em it squishes em”
Little-K1ng: “do you........ want us to turn around first?”
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marcus...?: “We don’t have to look if you don’t want us to”
Maxwell: “perhaps it takes a second to set in and it might be helpful if you do...”
Little-K1ng: “i can chat with marcus while it... wears off i guess?
wait, marcus uh? viscount?
marcus...?: “...I don’t know”
Little-K1ng: “ill wait for confirmation on that
but uh
are you...... feeling okay?
better, at least?
i can get you some water”
marcus...?: “...I’m..yeah
....I’m alright”
[The rest of the conversation is speculation about whether Mona truly is “the fourth” member, as well as what kind of personality her court version would have. There’s only one day left before Spring is supposed to arrive, and the court members return “home”, so there’s still a possibility that Fetch might return before then]
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Third Year!Chubby!Reader x Kageyama Tobio
Wee woo I wrote the thiiiiiiiiing. it’s 4 am and I’m big sleepy so forgive any bad thiiiiiiings. Also there aint no smut smut in this but it is definitely crude sooooooooooooooo >:)
    Y/n was a casual friend of Daichi Sawamura's. They never really hung out, but they were friendly during school hours and often sitting in the same group during lunch. Once highschool kicked in and Daichi took into the boys volleyball team, what friendship they had had drifted. It didn't bother y/n, but what did bother her was that in this year, her final year of highschool, she was standing in front of the tall senior, asking for her to join as Karasuno's volleyball manager- almost half way through the school year.
   “Umm.. Y/n...” Daichi was hesitant, a little confused and almost concerned as to why now someone- this someone, was asking to be a manager for the team. “You can apply, talk to Takeda-Sensei, I guess... But why now? I-If you don't mind me asking! It's just.. We already have Shizumi, and she's training a first year to take over after we all graduate.”
   “Yeah, well. I... Want to do something.” Y/n swallowed hard, tapping the tips of her pointer fingers together. “This is hard to admit, okay? But I just haven't done like.. Anything.. Throughout highschool. I know it'll only be for less than a year, but I'm tired of being... Bored.” A deep breath made it's way out of Y/n's lips, her body relaxing ever so slightly. “That, and, all the other clubs rejected my late entry. For literally every position.”
   “Oh, oh.” Daichi rubbed the back of his neck, not really surprised that her late entry applications weren't accepted. He understood, and was mildly concerned, by what Y/n's motive was. Boredom can drive someone mad and extreme cases, can make someone feel completely empty. It was a sorrowful thought, that Y/n might be feeling that way when in only a couple months she'd be graduating and life would open up with so many new things to experience. But still, Daichi could understand the need for something in the now, rather than later.
   Y/n looked up at the captain, suddenly feeling flushed with shame.
   “I'm sorry if that's like... Not a good reason to want to join- or if it's wrong or, offensive.. Or something.”
   “No, no! It's fine. It's not usual, but I guess on a technicality, we're all just doing things to fight boredom, right?”
    While not exactly true, Y/n appreciated the effort her old friend had made to ease her discomfort.
    “I can take you to Takeda-Sensei, like I said, but I really can't promise anything, okay?”
    A bright, hopeful smile spread on the young girl's face, one Daichi recognized all too well.
    It was a miracle, and nothing less. Y/n was as aware of this fact as she was grateful that Daichi had managed to convince the volleyball team's Senseis to give her a shot. It was like new life was breathed into the girl, no more of that awkward, isolated unknown, but the girl Daichi had known before highschool had blossomed back larger than life itself.
   Y/n had settled into Karasuno's pack with ease. She was full of an uplifting spirit and cheerful demeanor, along with a mind full of snarky comments, that the underclassmen seemed to just eat up. Sugawara had never met Y/n personally, neither had Asahi, but both took to her almost as quickly as the second and first years.
   Now, Y/n was refilling the first year boy's water bottles, taking note on whose is whose. The first years, outside of Tsukishima Kei, had the same casual yet not durable style. Hinata's was orange, much like his hair, with it's brands logo on the front. It was plastic- as was Yamaguchi's, while Tsukishima and Kageyama had stainless steel ones. Yamaguchi's was simply green and black, Kageyama's was dark blue with a black stripe down it's front, and Tsukishima's was the odd one out- It had a whole ass dinosaur head on it's cap. Completely decorative, and totally out of left field in Y/n's mind.
   It was hard not to giggle when she was handling the tall middle blocker's cup, but she managed not to make a mess of the others and carry them all back in one piece. Now, she thought, comes her favorite time of the day. The boys were all taking a break, toweling of the sweat and grime from practice, the boys who had their water were already downing it, the first years awaiting their own.
   “Alright sugar-honeys, here's one round of water.” Passing around the bottles, Y/n was giving each of the youngest boys playful, loving winks, flustering up three of the four.
   “Here's one for you, Yamaguchi.” She fluttered around the freckled boy, who blushed and thanked the girl with a soft stutter. Yamaguchi was the easiest boy to truly fluster up. Part of Y/n knew it was because he wasn't used to female attention. Let alone having a third year be so sweet and touchy with him.
   “And here's yours, Hinata baby~” Ruffling the orangette's hair, Y/n dropped the bottle down beside him, which he snatched up instantly and began sucking it down, his face bright red from the chosen pet name the upperclassman gave him.
   With a swift movement from Tsukishima, who muttered a stoic “thanks” quicker than she could drop any lovey-dovey comments, Y/n's final bottle to give was to the raven haired setter who had stolen her heart.
   “Here we are, Kageyama.” Y/n leaned down, allowing her school uniform's top to show off her breasts. Her fuller frame complimented her uniform, from showing her plush cleavage to her ass peaking out ever so slightly from her skirt whenever she bends over. Knowing full well what was happening, she squished her arms together ever-so-slightly, pushing her breasts further out. She saw, immediately, Kageyama's eyes were bouncing from her chest to the bottle, back and forth, quick and panicky movements that gave Y/n all the information she needed.
   Kageyama's hand shakily moved to get his water bottle, when his whole body went frozen stiff. A sly smirk traveled Y/n's lips, and she looked down knowing full well what she'd see.
   “You okay, baby?” Y/n whispered softly, not moving from her position in front of the sitting boy.
   “I-, you- my-” Unable to form a sentence, Kageyama gulped, shutting his eyes tight and crossing his legs ever so slightly, pulling his volleyball bag onto his lap.
   “It's okay, I wont tell~” The setter's head jumped up, a blush spreading on his cheeks and along with it, a bead of sweat. Thankfully, the other boys were deep into a conversation- planning their next moves to practice, who'd be having what for dinner, and other things that Kageyama's head couldn't fit in his mind, when his body was laser-focused on the girl in front of him. Kageyama tried to fumble out an apology, embarrassed and ashamed at his body's reaction to his upperclassman manager, but the girl shushed him with a gentle coo.
   “You don't have to apologize to me honey, you're alright~ Besides.” The girl stood up, relief flooding over Kageyama instantly. “I think you're cute like this!~”
   Kageyama cringed, her comment brought attention from some of the others.
   “Huh??? Kageyama?? Cute?!!” Hinata jumped up into the space between the girl and boy. “Since when?!!?!” He demanded, puffing out his cheeks almost in a manor of jealousy. Kageyama wanted to kick the boy, shove and shout at him for insulting him, but found that he was still glued to his chair, afraid to move a muscle and have someone noticed his little problem trying to force its way up.
   “Since, like, ever! But don't worry, you're cute too pookie-pie~” Y/n brought out the worst of her attacks, the comment embarrasses anyone it reaches just from the sheer force of how aunty-at-a-family-reunion it is. From behind her, Tsukishima snickered. Hinata shrunk away from Y/n, smiling very shakily.
   “O-Oh..” Was all he could manage.
   Finally, Kageyama stood up, his problem tamed for the moment. He took the opportunity and bowed to his upperclassman crush.
   “Thank you for the compliments Y-Y/n-san.” With that, he excused himself and staggered off, making awkwardly cautious strides to the bathrooms. He didn't know until it was too late, but Y/n was following him.
   At the doors of the bathroom, he finally noticed the girl shadowing his footsteps. Kageyama looked at her like a deer in the headlights, and gulped.
   “U-Um, I'll be back in a minute Y/n, I just have to pee.”
   Y/n cracked an amused grin, this boy really doesn't know how to talk to girls.
   “One sec, Kageyama. I wanted to talk to you privately.”
   “I-if this is about-”
   “It's not, well it is, but not completely.” Y/n rested her back against the brick wall of the hallway, looking at Kageyama with an air of cool confidence, despite internally very anxious for what she was going to say next. “Listen, if... If I make you like, super uncomfortable, I'm sorry. I just think you, all you first years, are really cute and stuff..” Y/n palmed the back of her neck, feeling the heat off her own body. “Especially you. I like you a lot, Tobio. Haha.”
   When Y/n looked up at the first year, she wasn't expecting the deadpanned expression he was giving her. It gave her a moment of panic, but soon relaxed her body, knowing this was just... How he tended to look.
   “You like me?” Kageyama whispered, testing out the sentence quizzically.
   “Well, yeah. And trust me-” Y/n's arms went up in the air defensively. “I know you're super busy and focused on volleyball. I get that you aren't exactly super available for dating and stuff, and I'm okay with that. But like, I dunno... If you wanna... Maybe we could give it a shot-”
   A stark, sudden answer. Y/n needed only a few seconds to register the blunt honesty in his reply.
   “Wait, really?” She laughed, pleased but also amused by his sudden energy.
   “Yes. I'd like to date you, Y-Y/n-san.” Kageyama nodded his head quickly, blush covering his face to his ears.
   “Well, then.. I hope your gym shorts are ready, cause if we're gonna start dating, there's gonna be a looooot more action going on in there~!” Too casual. Kageyama thought, watching his now date skip swiftly back to the gym, leaving him there flustered up and processing everything that had just happened.
   When Y/n reached the gym doors, she placed her hands on them and gave one last glance at Kageyama, only to fight the urge to crack up laughing.
   He was staring down at his dick in absolute pure wonder.
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glassviolets · 4 years
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page 4 is almost done uwu i been working on this for like. an...hour? aaaaa
yvonn has been doodled; she too is 13
theres ilian on the right but i aint done with him yet, hes 14
my current goal atm is to at least finish page 4 before i leave on my trip and thats most likely possible. i might post ilian today too maybe?
making a webcomic is infinitely harder than i thought, i have a majority of it written down but drawing it yourself too? holy shit fuck me aaaaaa
fr this is only chapter 1 too skaljjfkajhfakfh im gonna upload like a chapter a month haha
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falloutglow · 4 years
If you haven't done them yet, Friday, September, and Today!
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
Oh gosh hmmmm
.......Counterbalance. Its for a webcomic i don’t read anymore but its with my two faves from said webcomic, its spooky as hell, and its a fuckin choose your own adventure fic. Like SHIT someday I wanna do that again...
Ngl that series its from (Gasoline Believers) is indulgent as hell haha I...wanted more of those two teaming up and yea! Def uh older fic (wrote it in 2017) but I still love that fic :3
maybe someday i’ll write another choose your own adventure fic...somefuckinday...
september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?
heck...I don’t wanna dig in my old fics honestly (the walking dead vid game one is like all anguished screams anyways XD) but like ;w; HECK I’m still new-ish to this fandom (fallout i mean lol)
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and like shit I’m glad I can write a canon character well! I def flailed my arms and uh....saved this comment when I got home and saw it aslfhsdfsd which was like sometime in april XD So ignore the 12hrs thing haha time aint real anyways
today: have you made any progress in any wips today?
NOPE! Work kicked my butt lol Had a resident looking for maintenance but was on the wrong side of the building, so I figured I’d walk him there... Dude was fast and waited for no one sadfdsfsd I got caught trying to explain something for another resident but he was like already down another hallway and very unsteady on his feet so I kinda booked it to him. Everything’s fine he just like needed help getting his car started and such, but goddamn I pretty much ran all over the building today and I was super winded afterwards...damn longass halls lol
People who say elders slow down when you get older...I CALL BULLSHIT XD
Also like, coworker and I basically brainstormed during our lunch breaks instead of just chilling... I usually squeeze in like 10-15 mins of writing around that time and haha nah not today oops~
I may try something here tonight tho! Tape #0 is calling to me (i forgot nick fuckin gives you the first tape asfhsdf)
[fanfic questions]
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