#i already have so much on my plate
salvadorbonaparte · 1 year
I watched a video about a traditional Albanian instrument yesterday and now I'm looking at Albanian like 👀
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simplyjaneee · 2 months
ugh... I absolutely despise being in my feelings yet here I am😒like what even is the freaking issue?!
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 month
Trans masc Sirius and his dirty stoner boyfriend Remus who keeps giving him UTIs from fingering him after hand rolling his joints.
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rainofthetwilight · 7 months
what people dont understand is that the way arin is special is bc he's. just a guy. just a kid who's a ninja fan, that somehow managed to learn spinjitzu entirely by himself. no official training, no nothing bro, just watching his idols do their things and he just. copies them. and he somehow succeeded. he doesn't need any powers, he doesn't need to be a reincarnation of the fsm, he's special just like that
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waytooinvested · 19 days
How it feels diving into the vast Supercorp tag on AO3 trying to decide what to read next. You're all just too good.
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zu-is-here · 9 months
✧ Ongoing Comics ✧
In progress:
Post Dark Cream
Next in line:
Rock band
Every weekend: Studio
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bugsnbites · 11 months
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I was watching that clip of Scar and Grian putting on creeper costumes to scare Cleo and couldn't help myself. Scar and Gri scare Cleo by disguising themselves as Homeworld Gems, probably regret it immediately
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devilat-thedoor · 9 months
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like why do i wanna write Sweet to Taste 3???
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kayleerowena · 1 year
hey y’all, i’ve been having a very bad time money-wise and mental health-wise — paying taxes cleared out my entire savings, and my remaining money is pretty much all going to paying rent this month, so i'm a little stressed.
i have a big trip next month to seattle/alaska for comics camp that i would love to not be completely entirely broke for. i also found out yesterday that i was accepted to thoughtbubble comics fest, and i would love to attend, but i don't have the money for airfare/hotels right now.
so! if you like the things i create and want to help me be able to keep making things, here are some links where you can do that. anything helps! i hate asking for money on the internet, but things are rough right now, so i'd really appreciate anything y'all can toss my way.
(reblogs are also appreciated!)
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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skin | surprise | "You want me and you know it." • 794 words • Smurch fill list
tags: human AU, coffeeshop AU, storage room blowjobs, right in front of the scones, the pining is mutual they're just idiots
“A crop top, Hob? Really?”
“It’s called fashion, sweetie. Look it up.”
Morpheus dumped a bag of beans into the industrial grinder and hit the button, wincing at the noise. He hated opening. He was emphatically not a morning person.
His coworker Hob, on the other hand, was both a morning person and a seemingly incurable optimist. He loved his job, loved their customers, loved trying new things. Including, apparently, very fashion-forward clothing choices for six o’clock in the morning on a cloudy Tuesday.
Morpheus did not like customers, or small talk, or new things, or much of anything about his job aside from dialing in the espresso machine and baking scones. Coffee and baking were predictable. Reliable. There were rules, and if you followed the rules, good things resulted. He appreciated that.
And he appreciated Hob. He appreciated his coworker quite a lot, in fact; perhaps more than was reasonable for a professional setting. He especially appreciated the extra skin on display as Hob stood on tiptoe, his colorful cropped T-shirt riding up as he stretched high to write the special of the day on the chalkboard.
“I am merely pointing out,” Morpheus said, shutting off the grinder, “that it may not be the most appropriate choice for work.”
“Uh huh. And I am merely pointing out,” said Hob over his shoulder, “that you want me and you know it.”
“I think you – what?” Morpheus’s mouth snapped shut as Hob’s actual words registered.
“You want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid.”
He turned to face Morpheus and leaned against the counter. The space they were inhabiting, between the espresso machine and the cash register, suddenly felt very small.
Morpheus opened his mouth to protest. Nothing came out. He closed it again.
“And… if I said…” he licked his lips nervously and Hob’s eyes darted down to catch the movement. “If I said you… weren’t wrong?”
Hob pushed himself off the counter and took a step toward him.
“Then I’d probably say…” His voice was low and teasing and sent a thrill down Morpheus’s back. “I’d say there’s a big, mostly empty storage room downstairs. And I’d say that the front door is still locked and we don’t actually open for another twenty five minutes.” He took another step, until they were standing practically toe to toe. “And then I’d ask if I could kiss you.”
Morpheus answered by leaning forward, grabbing a handful of the shirt that had apparently started all this, and pressing his mouth to Hob’s. The kiss was fierce and messy and weeks of longing and not-so-thoroughly tamped-down arousal bubbled under his skin like hot coffee.
Five minutes later they were in the downstairs storage room, and Morpheus’s cock was so deep down Hob’s throat that he thought he might die.
“Why – didn’t you say something – sooner?” he gasped, then immediately regretted the question when Hob pulled off him to answer. His eyes were a little glassy and a thin strand of drool connected his bottom lip to the tip of Morpheus’s prick, which a distant semi-functional part of Morpheus’s brain filed away as the hottest thing he’d ever seen.
“Why didn’t you?” asked Hob hoarsely. “I know you’ve been staring at my arse since Easter at least. I thought I was being pretty damn flirty.”
“I…” Morpheus didn’t know what to say. I’m shy and awkward and everything makes me uncomfortable while you seem to swim through life with the grace of an otter was probably too much. I didn’t think you were flirting with me because you kind of flirt with everybody, likewise. How am I supposed to have a conversation or open the shop in eighteen minutes when all I can think about is the sight of your lips around my cock and all I want to do is come in your mouth and drag you down with me and smell of you for days was a serious contender. “I don’t know.”
His hips twitched forward of their own accord and Hob smiled with those glossy, spit-wet lips.
“Well,” he said, and leaned back in, dragging a deliberate tongue slowly along the hard, needy length of Morpheus’s prick, a wide swipe from root to tip that drew a surprised and whimpering fuck from his mouth. “Why don’t you think about that for a minute while I’m down here?”
Then he sucked him all the way back down and Morpheus couldn’t think about anything for quite a long while.
There was an angry comment on the shop’s Facebook page later that day, all about how they’d been half an hour late to open that morning, with no note left on the door or anything. But neither Morpheus nor Hob could bring themselves to care.
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pochapal · 2 months
pochapal last sighted entering the yuri labs with the express intent of cooking up something as noxious as possible
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thegreatdivide · 1 month
This is going to be a really rough month...
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handsmotif · 3 months
ummm btw are there any princess tutu discord servers floating around anywhere.. i need more people to go insane with at 1:30 in the morning...
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mamamittens · 3 months
Bad news bears guys, my Pokemon phase has risen from the dead after almost 6 years of peace unprompted.
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How did this happen?????? (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)
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coridallasmultipass · 3 months
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Got my Dirk shirt all remade now, over a decade later, lol. The first one (from either 2011 or 2012, I don't remember) was on a thrifted shirt (bad idea, because it was already thinning, and costs the same, and it's RARE to find plain white shirts in a thrift store, so you don't get to choose the size - I had to alter the old one). I also accidentally bought shimmer paint because I thought "Pearl" meant the paint was matte. (Pearls are matte, they're not shimmer glittery!!) And I only had one size of good quality paint brush to use.
Now, I have new materials (still the wrong paint, because the store only had the 3D/textured paint in orange, but I made it work), and more brush sizes I can use. I still traced the shape and placement from the old shirt, both to save time, and also because it's like, using something from the old one to make the new one, like handing down the torch, or whatever sentimental reason. (The old one was traced off my old laptop screen, I think.)
I already made a mistake when I tried scraping off a microscopic paint fleck off the sleeve and accidentally held the black brush in my other hand and painted all over the shoulder and it wouldn't wash out, but I've decided that, that will be a grease spot from patching up Squarewave, so if you see the splotch in my future cosplay, 'it was intentional.' \></
So yeah. Here's to many more years of Homestuck cosplay, lmao.
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Right that's it. Dropping everything else this week to spend some time learning how to cook things I can actually stomach.
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