#i also edited the eyes in my pfp even though no one can see it
roseworth · 8 months
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i just think we should give this outfit another chance
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09lover · 5 months
@mulberriesandtea vs @burstvoid
propagandas under the cut!!
Do you want to see somrjing beautiful? Do you want to rest your eyes a bit after scrolling throufh this dull tumblr dash filled with all sorts of unhinged things. Or mayhaps you jsut opened your tumvlr app after a long day of seeing enough in the real world. I got you.
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Look at this pretty blog. Warm, welcoming, soothing color palette. They have a very aeathetically pleasant tagging system on top of that. Okay but this is only the mobile version.
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Look at this SICK desktop version. It can be warm and tender but it can be absolutely FUNKY. The decoration of this blog perfectly captures the personality of this multifaceted individual. As you see their blog is also surrounded with muu which may influence your decision in different ways however it's undoubted that their dedication is truly impressive and inspiring for the whole fandom. Stare at it for long enough snd you can feel the growing urge to decorate your entire blog around your fsvorite character.
They also have CAT(!) and can send us cat pixtures. A splendid example that will render you speechless:
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their other talents include, but are not limited to:
📍 MAKING THE PHONEGRAM DRAWING THAT LED TO THE MILGRAM SMART FRIDGE MEME. Can you imagine? If not for Kris' art achievements we might jave never had that ezxtrmeely impoetant part of the milgramblr daily life. Their input to our culture is inseparable and incomparable.
Takr this all in mind and vote for kris mulberriesandtea 04dissection ONLY TOMORROW! (or today i guess depending on when this will be posyed)
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+ https://youtu.be/WhtpH3BciDY?si=7y1m7EZxt0s4Vxqw
Now you might see the moots battle and feel torn on how to vote. there are so many options, so many marvelous talents to consider. Puzzled, you nevertheless want to commit your voting duty as a proper eslover followers citizen.
May I perhaps interest you in this limited edition PATHETIC CREATURE?
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they're a jirai kei patheticgirl. they're an ouji loserboy. They once cried in my dms brcause they didnt want to accepr they relate to fuuta even though they had fuuta pfp the first time we met. They're the jackalope pfp star on milgramblr christmas tree. they're a cat with four (!) beauitufl strong women cats living in their house and one gay ass male cat coming to their house unprompted. They might be kind enough to show you photos of all of these beautiful strong women (!!!).
their size is PERFECT to be put in a blender (80x60 cm). Their texture is suitable to get soaked in milk and only becomes better with it if applied in moderste amoubts (recommended to soak rhem 1 liter of milk per day). they make a splendid thump sound once thrown at a wall.
Their other hideen talents include DRAWING, WRITING, OC CREATION, SINGING and INFODUMPING PEOPLE ON POLITICS. An astonishingly versatile individial.
this is what they look like ↓
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don't these big wet eyes captivate you?
this LIMITED EDITION PATHETIC CREATURE can bring a lot of coziness and fun to your house. Be sure to be online and vote for them available only TOMORROW!
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and that is all, enjoy your voting for round 1.
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alpimerealmsystem · 10 months
Another interview (Lycanthrope edition)
First, credit to my friend, @living-in-a-veil for answering these questions and helping me out, I hope someone else can learn from this too, let's get into it
So you've told me what it's like for you physically during your "shifts" of sorts, but what's it like for you mentally? Do you get more instinctual thoughts? is everything in your mind replaced with thoughts of a wolf? Or do you stay the same mentally?
Vivian's reply: (do to their request, I'm rewriting this to keep certain details out) When they have their transformations they do get those more feral and uncontrolable wolf-like thoughts, and they're more aware of their surroundings, etc. Another thing they talked about is how they can't speak during these transformation, and when they try their throat starts to hurt.
What was sorta your awakening moment like, like the moment you realized you were a lycanthrope
Vivian's reply: If you mean when I saw other people like me and felt the term lycanthrope felt right, then about July 2023 :') If you mean the first moment when I realized my transformations were odd and that no other kid had them, well then about 1st grade is when I realized I was different in a physical and mental sense :') (I think I started having them [the transformations] in kindergarten though, I remember wagging my tail in the middle of class :'3 it was so fun then because people thought i was 'just being a kid' but no, little did they know that I'm a therian/lycanthrope>:3 hehe)
Do your "shifts" have any sorta triggers, such as a traumatic experience or even just intense emotion or do they come and go?
Vivian's reply: Usually music can trigger it but it mainly can just happen, I could be in a store and then all of sudden my limbs start shaking and I feel my head hurt :( [I try to suppress it until I get home or into a private place] I've also found out recently that talking about it can also trigger it apparently lol xd (not that I mind talking about it though! I absolutely don't mind talking about my werewolf experiences:3) intense emotions due tend to be the cause of it sometimes, like I just get this heavy pride-like lump in my chest and i just feel this surge of every emotion and then oops- wolf time lol
How long do they last, and when they're done is it like you slowly fade back to your human self or is it just instant?
Vivian's reply: They can last up to 10 mins to 3 hrs (is my longest one that I can remember) It varies from both, fading and instant. Sometimes it's just this sort of snap out of it kinda thing, but most of the time it takes me a bit to calm down and get back to 'normal'
I know what it feels like physically, but does it also feel like maybe even your DNA was completely redone to be a wolf?
Vivian's reply: Eh, yes but no? I just feel.. complete when it happens :') like I'm turning into the missing part of me.
What's your image of yourself during these shifts, fur color, eye color, etc. And if you were to look into the mirror, what would you see?
Vivian's reply: You know my pfp? Yup, that thing :3 I have a few drawings of myself as I t so I may send those to give you a better idea of what it looks like to me, my eyes vary from my pfp's eyes to completely glowing white. If it helps I can just send images that kinda look like me if when I'm transformed
Here are some photos as an example (I did get permission to use these)
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Welcome to...
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Rad's enormous pile of abandoned MetaWare WIPs/things that ARE finished but I didn't like them/WIPs that I might come back to/other stuff!
Below the "keep reading" button will be a detailing of all of these images! Please be aware that this WILL be an extremely long post, so... Just a warning. There'll be a second post after this that will also contain the rest of the art that I wasn't able to squeeze in here. (Even 30 pics per Tumblr post isn't enough for this...)
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Let's start off with the most recently abandoned WIP!
I started drawing this about two weeks after Chris' birthday (her bday is January 4th) and I was really happy with it, but then I had NO idea how to pose Izzy. It's a bummer since I liked how Chris' hair came out, but alas! (Happy belated birthday, Chris!)
Possibility of finishing?: Yeah, maybe. Prob will have to change Izzy's pose if I really want to finish it though.
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Oh hey, I posted this a few months ago on my other blog!
Really wish I finished it, but now that I'm looking back on it, there's definitely some improvement to be had here. I don't like whatever's going on with her face. You can tell that I gave up while trying to make the background as well. Poor Hope!
Possibility of finishing?: I'll have to completely redraw this if I plan on finishing it, but I've definitely got a feeling that I'll come back to this someday.
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This one's actually pretty finished, I've just never posted it anywhere before because it's such a small little doodle. I like it though! Nari in a Gir tassel hat is always welcome.
Possibility of finishing?: It's already done. Don't plan on editing it!
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(This happens on the rude route!)
It's basically just a proof of concept, and a VERY minimal one at that, but I think it's got some merit! Not enough people talk about that Chris Vs Aspen scene, honestly.
Possibility of finishing?: Sometime this year maybe...??? I don't plan on abandoning this forever, I just don't really know when I'll get around to it.
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Hey, remember that art I had pinned on my other blog for a while? I was planning on redrawing it, but I only ever managed to complete one part of it until I forgot about it... It's definitely an upgrade from the original version, though I can do better than this nowadays.
Possibility of finishing?: I'm DEFINITELY going to redraw this someday. I need a new pinned post, damn it!
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Thx ^]
Okay, here's some context for these two. I got an anonymous ask on my other account saying that they liked my MetaWare PFP and I thought that it would be a great idea if I responded to it with some art and also turn that same post into an announcement for my MetaWare sideblog (this one!), but that of course did not actually happen.
Possibility of finishing?: NO.
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Nari looks so... "off" in this picture.
I like how I drew Hope, but ergh... that is NOT Nari. I don't know how I managed to make her look like a completely different character in this one, but I do NOT like it.
Possibility of finishing?: Nah, I think I'm done with this pic.
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Woah, scary!
I actually touched this one up a bit before sending it here. It used to look MUCH more incomplete, but it's basically done now besides from the hair being missing 'n all.
Possibility of finishing?: I might draw more MetaWare stuff with drastic lighting in the future, but I don't plan on revisiting this specifically.
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Le miaow miaows.
I worked on Hope before sending this because she looked kinda off, but I think she looks OK now. You can see that this isn't really what my usual art style looks like. I was trying to mix together the original MetaWare sprite art style and the style SparkBag used in the polaroid anniversary art he made, and I think I did just fine.
Possibility of finishing?: It's basically already done! Coloring it would probably make it cooler, but I don't think I'll ever do that.
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This won't be the last time I try to use eyes symbolically.
I still REALLY want to revisit this again. It's great! It's magnificent! I just did NOT have the ability to execute it properly back when I made it a ton of months ago, so I just didn't do it. Still don't know if I do now, but it's worth a shot. (This was basically just another proof of concept, by the way.)
Possibility of finishing?: Absolutely! I'll try to get to this sometime soon this year.
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Yep, this was based off of Papyrus' "Dating Start!" minigame! Just another proof of concept or... Okay I don't know what else to call these. Like, they're definitely NOT finished nor are they actual fleshed out sketches, what else am I supposed to call them???? I think it's cool though.
Possibility of finishing?: Don't think I'll be ditching this idea anytime soon. Seems kinda simple to draw too, I'll get to it sometime.
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Lookin' pretty cute!!
Context for this one: It was gonna be a 3 part comic or something with Hope drawing Nari's bear fursona. Never actually made the comic though, but I DID make her fursona!!! It's the one right below this one, actually.
Possibility of finishing?: Nope.
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Personally, I think this is adorable. When drawing people's fursonas I always kinda make them more animal than anthropomorphic, but I think it leads to pretty cute art!
Possibility of finishing?: It's already done!
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I was just testing out a brush with this one, I think.
It's a cute little doodle, don't have much to say about it though! I WILL say that the bear plushie was a bit inspired by my own plush I have at home, though this one is much smaller than mine.
Possibility of finishing?: Nah, it's just a little doodle.
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Ingo Nari... Ingri... Angry!?!
iiii really think I made the hat too big. Like... WAY too big. Don't really like how her face came out, but the body itself is pretty OK. I based it too much on Ingo's original pose though, kinda looks like I just put Nari's head on his head LMAO
Possibility of finishing?: This is basically already finished, though I might draw Nari cosplaying as Ingo again. Why not?
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(Bonus Ingri!)
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Nari in a hoodie!
Don't exactly remember what this was for. Either it was for an AU of mine or someone else's AU. Her front hair's kinda too far down though, I had a bit of a habit making her face REALLY small compared to her hair in my old art.
Possibility of finishing?: Nay!
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Wow, Nari with an eye AND eyebrows! Who woulda thunk it.
Her hair is much puffier than previous versions in this one. Why? Dunno. She looks pretty cool AND cute in this though!
Possibility of finishing?: It's already complete.
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My polar bear plush makes a cameo in this one! Say hi!
I had to edit this one a SHIT ton before sending this final picture. I wish I had a pin that said "I HATE DRAWING METAWARE STYLE NOSES" because I loathe them. There were other reasons why I didn't like the original version, but I was annoyed with the nose the most. Really happy how this came out though!
Possibility of finishing?: I just finished it right now. (I'll probably be posting this on its own sometime soon)
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Some original characters...!? Unthinkable!
This features Lumi (Metolefrul-indus' fan character) and an old version of Rowan (my fan character)! I changed Rowan's design and personality soon after this, so I don't think this interaction with Lumi and Rowan will actually ever happen... Sorry Lumi! 'Twas just a little doodle.
Possibility of finishing?: NEVER.
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Last but not least (for this post, anyway), is this Chris and Izzy sketch!
Some pals requested this during a stream and this was all I managed to make of it... I'm so sorry!!!!!!! They were good prompts!!! I'll finish it one day I swear!!!!
Possibility of finishing?: Soon!
PHEW WE'RE DONE FOR THIS POST. We have 20 more to go in the next one! Might post it next week because this is tiring holy hell. Glad to show these WIPs off to the world though!
P.S. I'm going to skip a few images seen in the huge pic at the beginning! Some were already completed and I'll just post those on their own orrrr I just don't want to review 'em.
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writerfae · 1 year
Ok 👉🏼👈🏼
I have a question ??
How do you make your mood boards? I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, so I don’t really draw my characters. Pfp isn’t my art, just my ocs haha.
Anyway some of it is a time/laziness issue. But like, I feel like I could do a mood board.
And I was wondering how you make them, because they’re so pretty ??? Every time I see one of your mood boards—instant dopamine. The colors and 🥺
Sorry for just popping in your ask box, but I was wondering like where do you find pictures, what program you use, stuff like that.
(Also sorry if this is a basic question. I literally have zero experience with any sort of art that’s not writing)
Hi! Don’t apologize, I’m always open for questions like this ^^ (also thanks for the compliment!)
So, making moodboards is pretty easy actually! The secret is finding fitting pictures and a good app to make a collage out of it
Let’s start with the pictures.
I gotta (shamefully) admit that for my latest moodboards I took most of the pictures off of Pinterest (which is always my last choice, but I ran out of good pics and tbh? Everyone else does it and I’m not using it to make money or whatever so I guess I’m fine)
But usually I use sites with free to use pictures like unsplash and pexels. There all you have to do is look for and download the pictures you need. Just type in search words that fit to the character/world you aim for.
I don’t know if you need it, but here’s some things I look for when I make OC moodboards:
a face claim / prominent feature of my character (hair, eyes, whatever)
their favorite color or just one you associate with them
maybe also a texture, like wood or leaves or clouds
the character’s hobby or things they adore (yes this includes food)
everything you associate with them tbh: animals and plants, maybe even an element
symbolism, so things that are important to them or make out a part of their personality (see: a crown as symbol for an OC who’s a queen)
jewelry or clothes they would wear
I personally don’t use this one too often but many people also use fitting quotes
(For me it’s also important to stick to a color scheme and make it all fit together aesthetically, but that’s probably a weird quirk of mine and honestly everyone should do what they prefer. If you rather have it colorful or just want to go with the vibes, go for it!)
Choose as many pictures as you like. Personally I use between five and nine (nine only if I make a “classy” moodboard), but like I said, that’s up to you.
By the way, moodboards aren’t just great for characters but also for character groups, story locations and just story vibes in general (I know you know that already, I just felt like mentioning it ^^)
Okay so now you have all your pictures, but how to turn them into a moodboard?
I do all my moodboards on my phone/tablet, so I use apps to put them together. There’s plenty of collage apps you can use, or just any picture editing app with a collage option (I think most have them).
Just search for “collage”or “photo collage” in your app store and you’ll find many apps you can download for free.
Now to find a good app that fits your needs is up to you and probably requires you to try out different apps to find the one that is best for you.
Some only let you do before mentioned “classic” collages (you know those 3x3 pics that are simply next to each other, like a grid), but there’s also ones with more unique layouts you can use.
I recommend the latter because it gives you more options and makes the moodboard more interesting, but again, just a personal opinion.
I don’t know if it’s available for you, but I use an app called InCollage (it’s only for android though, I think). If you don’t want to use apps I’m sure there’s online programs for these kind of things as well.
And when you found the right pictures and your preferred collage app to use, all that’s left to do is create the moodboard!
Throw all the pictures in a collage and rearrange them however you like. Choose a layout of your liking and a fitting background. I usually go with a color/texture that matches the pictures or my OC’s color. And that’s it!
It can take quite some time to find the right pictures and arrangement (my personal record is spending three hours on a moodboard xD) but it’s really quite simple! And so much fun too!
So that was my (admittedly way too long - sorry for that) guide. I hope I was able to help and wish you lots of fun creating your own moodboards! :)
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risingroseart · 1 year
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I posted 37 times in 2022
24 posts created (65%)
13 posts reblogged (35%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 29 of my posts in 2022
Only 22% of my posts had no tags
#my art - 14 posts
#doodle - 12 posts
#digital art - 11 posts
#fanart - 10 posts
#risingroseart - 9 posts
#mcyt - 9 posts
#sketch - 8 posts
#critical role - 7 posts
#cr fanart - 6 posts
#critical role fanart - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#i know its a common choice bc tangos colors are warm so colder colorscheme is obv a good opposite to use but
My Top Posts in 2022:
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You know when you have these jokes and shitposts that only you and one other person on the planet really understand?
Well I thought I would share this anyway! even though only @galaxy-minecart has the full context to this jfhgkfhg
So here's the first one. Some more Wither-Watcher Deity!Grian stuff (you can find a proper drawing of him here, since I gave up drawing him properly after my 5th redraw on this fucking meme shitpost) but he's been thrown into empires smp.
More context under the cut
[do not repost, edit, use or claim as your own] [Reblogs help the artist]
So its basically from a deity grian crossover with empires (i made this before he canonically visited the server LOL) coupled with the imo absolutely hysterical concept of Joel just refusing to believe in deities and demons and the like. I mean when Xornoth showed up, mans deadass went ''i do not see. i am looking away. Xornoth? never heard of them.'', so its probably the same with gods.
Anyway so deity!grian shows up on the server and bumps into joel and makes him his 'listener' (which does NOT mean the same thing as it does in canon watcher lore in the absolute slightest. listeners in my lore are basically followers of the watchers, and as far as i know canon listeners are against the watchers so kgkfhghg v different) but joel the small king refuses to believe (or at least admit to believe) that grian is a god so he acts like they're just ''allies''. nevermind the dread of feeling the very gaze of the universe itself befalling Joel whenever he does something Grian dislikes, no supernatural powers to be seen here, no gods in this town,,,
235 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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[Please don’t repost, use, edit, NFT, claim as your own or otherwise steal.]
Hello!! I’m alive and well. 
I haven’t had much to post as most of my art has been unfinished and/or private worldbuilding stuff or figuring out people’s designs. However I have fallen into a deep critical role hyperfixation on campaign 3, Ashton’s design and Campaign 1 Percival (etc etc) de Rolo and his whitestone arc, so I’ve been doing a few doodles of some designs here and there - specifically for c3 since I’m still new to c1. This is the first proper colored one however, so yay! It’s Ashton in pretty much the same outfit Taliesin wore during Ashton’s introduction bc I haven’t been able to get that visual out of my head :] I love their laugh, whenever I hear it is when I can best visualize them in my head, it’s so distinctly their sound. Might be my now pfp, maybe! love them a lot. Also hi critters! I’m new in this corner of the internet! any fellow newbies out there? :> 
[Reblogs help the artist! Comments and tags are very much appreciated as well!]
249 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
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hi im rusty and not supposed to draw bc it has been a month and my hand has continuously hurt the whole time (which is also why there hasnt been any posts in a bit) but I had to do at least ONE doodle during the restream. I hope to make a "there's strength, but there's pain; There's pain, but there's strength." painting once im able but that might be a while
276 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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[Please don’t repost, trace, use, edit, steal, NFT, claim as your own, or any of that stuff.]
hi fcg’s eyes are a struggle and im still working on his design but uhhh decided to draw my beloved he/they player character duo. also yes im aware ashton’s outfit looks different in their character art but i felt like playing around with it some more :v he’s so much fun to draw.
Reblogs help the artist! Tags and comments also keep me motivated
546 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Team Rancher has my whole entire heart
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Hi, hello, I'm alive and I'm Totally Normal about these two.
Wanted to post this before I get so swept up in Empires Season 2 that I forget to put this here- I saw the scene where Tango was raging and Jimmy did his best to calm him down and stop him from doing something stupid and he said that quote and this. came to me in a vision, i immediately grabbed my tablet lol. Team Rancher brainrot is real, i love that these two got put together as soulmates. cant wait for next season when theyll probably burn down desert duo's incredibly flammable base [Reblogs and Comments help the artist and are very much appreciated!]
! Do not repost, edit, steal, NFT, claim as your own, and so on and so fourth !
1,228 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wntersfire · 3 years
Before I start I would just like to say (tw alcohol for now and question 19) sorry for any spelling mistakes or if I ramble a little. To cut a long fuckin story short I mis read the measurements of my shot glasses and so instead of having two cocktails I’ve had the equivalent of four in the space of an hour and a half. Being british, im not gonna let a good drink go to waste either so im onto my third/sixth now.
Tagged by @clints-lucky-arrow (an actual goddess among us mortals)
1. Why did you choose your URL?
So this reason is two-fold. One, I didn’t watch star wars growing up because I was dumb and didn’t understand the politics (it wasn’t until my boyfriend sat me down and explained it literally in January of this year that I actually got it) but I loved Sci-fi and space so the next best thing was Treasure Planet (2003 film, Available on didney+) My favourite scene is the ending when Long John Silver (spoilers) is about leave before he can be arrested and Jim confronts him. Seeing how much his character has grown, Silver says to Jim, “Look at you, glowing like a silver fire. You’re something special, Jim. You’re gonna rattle the stars, you are.” It literally makes me tear up every single time I watch it and its one of my favourite lines of all time. Second, this was actually quoted in one of my favourite book series ‘Throne of glass’ by Sarah J Maas. I adore the character of Celeana and again one of my favourite quotes from TOG is when Queen Elena says to Celeana“ You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if only you dared.” Every time I read that line I literally get chills and I actually have plans to get this tattooed on me lmao
2. Any side blogs?
Yes my fanfic blog @second-stars-totheright (I like puns and I used to love peter pan)
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I joined when I was 13 for the fanfiction and lurked for a very long time, just reblogging and liking things until I deleted it when I was 17. Re downloaded the app and got my account back back around February of this year (when I was 19, now 20) and since then I’ve found it much friendlier and actually interacted with people this time around, and actually started posting my work on here!
4. Do you have a queueue tag?
No. This is my general postings blog so I just kind of stick anything funny or worth keeping here, but I probably should make one!
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
As I said to read fanfiction (anyone wondering it was 5 seconds of summer fanfiction. Anyone who judges me in the comments its fair game 🥺) but I re-downloaded it this year because I noticed with my work on Wattpad, while I had some do really well (one has gotten 130k+ views) its very difficult to actually interact with readers and get feedback. I’ve only accumulated that high of a number after 5 years of it being on there, and so tumblr is just so much more personal!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I did it this morning as I was getting tagged in this lmao. I wanted a cartoon girl who looked like me but because I had a specific colouring (ie my hair is black with a blonde streak at the front & my eyes have both blue and green segments because I have heterochromia) I couldn’t find any that looked like me so I recoloured a cartoon girl I found on pinterest.
7. Why did you choose you header?
The white clouds fit the stars theme and it looks pretty with the purple. ✨💜
8. Whats your post with the most notes?
“That girl is a problem | Javier Pena x Agent!Reader part 1” with 105 notes on my fanfic blog.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I am still a little tumblr idiot when it comes to this so if someone could tell me how to find out I'll edit this
10. How many followers do you have?
72 on here, 107 on my fanfic blog (AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU ACROSS BOTH OF THEM MWAH, MWAH KISSES FOR YOU ALL 💜💜💜)
11. How many people do you follow?
165 (it was 700+ but the other day I unfollowed a bunch of accounts that haven’t been active since I followed them when I was 13. There were LOTS)
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I mean all you have to do is look at the Nomad memes I make (UNAPOLOGETICALLY I might add 😤) for @clints-lucky-arrow to know I absolutely have. That series has a hold over me im telling you. I black out when I start reading and I awake with a bunch of meme editing apps open and my feelings tugged at from her amazing writing.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
If I’m with my boyfriend which is like two days a week, rarely, but now I’ve finished uni, I’m on here all the god damn time. I feel so comfy and safe interacting with you all, not to mention some of you guys are funny as hell.
14. Did you have a fight with a blog once?
Not really on here, I haven’t received any hate luckily but I prefer not to spoil how comfy I am here with arguing.
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to re-blog this’ posts?
I’m a little confused by this I dunno whether I’ve just never come across any like this or if Stars is being a bimbo on the tl again. However, I only reblog things I’d like to keep for future reference or if something deserves to be shared to everyone else like a fic rec or a piece of art. (As Mack said, I’ve re-blogged so many in the past promising me money or luck and I am still broke as shit so what does that tell you).
16. Do you like tag games?
Yes!! I love reading everyone elses and getting to know my mutals better!
17. Do you like ask games?
Again yesss because it means I get to send love to my mutuals and get to know them better! I tend to not participate though just read their responses because I sometimes feel like I’m bugging people clogging their inboxes even though I know that’s the point idk I’m a hell of an over thinker sometimes 🥳
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
It’s been said before but @clints-lucky-arrow (wow you rlly owning this post bby girl) but I just remember lurking on Nomad early February and liking and reblogging her chapters so I could keep them to re-read cause that’s how much I instantly loved it and when she followed me I realised who she was and lowkey had a starstruck moment bcus id been ciaght up in her work for weeks and too nervous to make contact. Also @arduadastra, I saw her work all over the pedro tags for so long and now I’ve gotten to know her she is the sweetest girl!! We usually fan over Javier Pena gifs together, she’s solely responsible for ‘That girl is a problem’ bcus of her gif sending at 1am giving me Javi thots and now it’s my most successful one on my blog. And most recently @pedrosgirlx followed me this morning and her work is genuinely some of the best I've seen on here, as I said this morning it is the Sistine Chapel ceiling of Mando art it is actually jaw dropping!! I cant believe all these creators are rlly giving us this content for free and yet being so talented AND the nicest people I’ve ever met!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, although I hold a lot of them dearly as friends. 15/10 would treat you lovelies to a drink of your choice if we ever met (any of you from the uk who drink I’d get you a pitcher from Whetherspoons)
20. Absolutely no pressure tags:
anyone who wants to join! a lot of people I would have tagged have already posted theirs so go for it if you like the look of it!
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causticsunshine · 3 years
twenty questions
tagged by @are-you-quite-finished-giovanna thank you babe!! 🥰
1. why did you choose your url?
simply put i adore louis and i like purple and it just rolled off the tongue lol, but i also had a list of possible urls i also liked and i had to snatch this one up while i could!
2. any side blogs?
yes i have four....i'm not one of those 'everything goes on main and you can deal with it' type people.... but i have an inspiration blog @prickelndauge (art insp, lots of fashion, cool photography), an art-only blog @swmpwxtch, one just for spooky/creepy content because i'm really into horror manga and scary movies and that kind of stuff but i keep it off of main because i know a lot of it can often be triggering to others! (i also don't post much there but @bonepickng) and one for art references, life tips, random resources, and more donation sharing @am-ref!
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
soooo long i thought i'd be gone by now tbh. i know i signed up in 2011 after just browsing the site through random blogs and tags for ages, but i didn't start actively using my own account until early 2012!
4. do you have a queue tag?
when i actually remember to tag things i have queued i'll use 'i'm sleep queue' because all my early morning posts everyday are queued....i am an insomniac rip
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
keeping up with my interests better! i was like 15/16 at the time so it made sense. back in Ye Olde Days much like now—i really have come full circle lmao—it was mostly just for 1d and then some random tv shows/franchises i just to see content of semi-often, as well as finding cool art!
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
rn it's just a regular pic of louis! as much as i like using my collages or little edits as my icons, you can't see much of anything and it looks too busy sometimes (but also the photo i have rn....i am always thinking thoughts about it soooo)
7. why did you choose your header?
it's pretty! i wanted everything to follow a color scheme + i love embroidery and fancy gowns!
8. what's your post with the most notes?
ok i thought it was gonna be one of my old larry chibi doodles because i know a few of them hit 1k+ notes, but i deleted those in 2017 and apparently now it's this 6 year old like....funky photo study i did of dan howell from 2015 when i still watched him and amazingphil a lot?? i mean at least it's something i was once proud of lmao....there's a few art posts i have with semi decent notes that i pretend i Do Not See
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i think rn 40 something so not very many, although i unfollowed a lot of people i was moots with when i left my last fanbase so that's probably why 😬 i've been meaning to check out more HL/ot5 people though!! i love mutual interaction but i'm afraid of being annoying if i'm any degree of attentive
10. how many followers do you have?
overall i have almost 2.4k rn, but there's a decent amount that are totally inactive or at least don't interact with me so it feels like....a lot less lmao but since re-joining 1d i've already made up like all the people i lost when i left my other fanbase of almost three and more so thank you for actually liking my work and maybe me as well 🥺💗
11. how many ppl do you follow?
around 370 rn!
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
half of the stuff that comes out of my mouth is a shitpost fdngjkdf like my tags are bad enough lmao, no one needs to properly share the bs i have to say
13. how often do you use tumblr?
pretty regularly rn but there are times i'll go completely MIA depending on what i'm into/how busy i am!
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog?
in the past i have had some....issues with other people i've met on here but never directly had confrontation with them? most of the time that's happened i figure it's been one-sided though because i can get irritated with certain behavior really quickly—like i always say my heart is big and open but my bullshit tolerance is dangerously low—but when that's the case i'll just unfollow or block without saying anything?
although back in the day there was one instance (and seriously if anyone remembers this you deserve a medal because this shit was Ridiculous) where i kinda but not really called out another 1d fanartist who posted untagged noncon fanart they'd done of at least two of the boys, and then acted like it was no big deal (like. 1. those are irl people my dude and 2. untagged noncon art?? in front of my salad??) and their friends kept defending them for it and tried to come for me claiming i was a proponent of Purity Culture when i'm not and literally all i said in my post on it was that in my own opinion it was kinda fucked up to draw noncon art of real life people—not characters played by actors! but actual real people as themselves—in the first place, but if you felt the need to post highly triggering content like that the least you could do was tag it accordingly
but i think that was the last time properly so i guess times within this fanbase are still chaotic as ever just in a different way?
15. how do you feel about "you need to rb this" posts?
Annoyed™️ like don't guilt trip me over a post lmao i do what i want !!
16. do you like tag games?
YES i love to talk about myself after years of trying not to show any personality online out of fear of judgement dfjkngdf
17. do you like ask games?
yes! i want to do them more but i'm always afraid of reblogging one and then getting nothing and looking like a Fool :'(
18. which one of your mutuals is tumblr famous?
i guess i have a few moots that are kinda well-known or at least get good interaction within the community we're a part of? also isn't that phrase kind of an oxymoron at this point adfjkdf
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
not past platonic friendly affection lmao but honestly what is it like to have a realistic crush on an actual tangible person versus someone in the public eye who doesn't even know i exist.....it's been so long and i am so lonely please send help
20. tags?
@niallnailme @bolitodequeso @milkcurls @exzouis @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @got-my-devotion @aliensyndrome uhhh anyone who'd like to please consider yourself tagged by me! literally if there was an 'all my moots' button i'd just pick that lmao and as always no pressure/sorry if you've already done this and i haven't seen!
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vyvesvi · 4 years
752 👀
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it’s a jinsoul! this was my pfp for song lmao...rip trust issues though :(
i know you stan loona but im gonna gush about them anyways for the sake of gaining new orbits lol! :p
my personal favorite songs:
day and night 
oh yes i am 
love letter 
everyday i love you
loona truly has songs for everyone though. me and an irl are the hugest loona stans and curiosity is literally the only overlap in our respective top tens like,,,that’s how you know a discography is diverse, and more importantly, good as hell.
eclipse and butterfly (and girl front to some extent), two (three) of their other top tier songs, seem to be the biggest gateway drugs to becoming an orbit lol.
i feel like orbits make stanning loona out to be more difficult than it actually is...like i really enjoy the lore and find it fun but all of the complicated stuff is pretty much just fan theories and you can enjoy them thoroughly without it. that being said, i think if someone is new and invested in stanning loona, watching the solo mvs in order is really worth it...what i wouldn’t give to experience all of them like that for the first time again :’)
checking out the three subunits it also important for orbit culture imo,,,1/3, odd eye circle, and yyxy are so musically rich and diverse i think it’s really fun to see their progression, plus it helps to understand group dynamics!
why you should stan:
the girls themselves. somehow the members of loona only give off the polished idol aura onstage. offstage, they basically seem like your neighborhood pals, burning chicken nuggets, drawing ugly pictures of each other and cheating at board games. they’re all very casual sort of people, and you can tell that their friendship is genuine.
beyond their personalities, their music...like i said, they’ve pulled off so many concepts it’s just so cool to see where they go next. idk if any other orbits get this feeling but when i see loona, even if i don’t like something that they put out, i still feel like they’re on the cusp of something great. i love my underrated flop* groups but loona is definitely not one of them. it honestly feels like current orbits have arrived early to the party, and now we’re just waiting anxiously for the other shoe to drop. i’m legitimately excited and happy to see where the future takes them.
i don’t want to go into detail about the lore because it’s kinda a lot, even though they reeled it in a bit for their last two comebacks but lemme just say. if lore with an actual point and story to tell rather than some vague artsy bullshit is something you’re into, you’ll like them a lot. 
watch loonatv! it’s not essential to watch *all* of it, but you meet the girls one by one which eliminates confusion about names, personalities, subunits, and stuff. they also are doing a new series called loona logs, which are just vlogs filmed and edited by the members! i really like them, as they’re more substantial than other content and allow the members to just be themselves :)
thank you sm for the ask!!! i love gushing about loona ;;
send me a #! <3 ♡♡♡
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening caro mio, it's very lovely to see you~!! 💞🌹💫 oh my, i was gone for a little bit wasn't i? i apologize if i made any of you worry/wasn't there to help brighten your days like you say i do!! i was taking a little bit of a mental health break, and i feel a lot better now!!! i'm so happy to be back here, i missed you all so much!! (especially you morgy! ❤) (1/???)
"i hope your first day of school went alright,, i know how much it sucks, but i'm here alongside you to get through it all!! hopefully this school year can be at least a teensy bit easier on everyone,, but we do have to take it one day at a time, or as i say, baby steps 🌠 i should probably address this now so i can get the serious bits out of the way, but i assure you all that i'm alright!! that incident was just unfortunate, and my family made me take a rest from working because of it,, (2/?)
plus, that kind of situation is common for me unfortunately, so i'm used to sudden panics like that,, but i feel quite better now!! and i'm happier more than ever to be back again 💖💖💖 (3/?)
i do truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your patience, kind words, and support!! i'm honestly extremely surprised at how sweet everyone was about this,, it's such a nice change from daily life,, i have no idea how to put my utter gratefulness into words, but please know that i love you all so so so much!! i wouldn't trade any of you for the world, you matter so much to me 💌 (4/?)
it seems that so much has happened while i was gone,, all of these picrews (which i absolutely adore!) and quinn getting into my account?? ahhhhh oh gosh,, that's a lot!! i'm gonna have to scold her! i can't believe she would submit such candid pics of me and other stuff,, quite embarrassing! but i wasn't expecting such a positive response to me and my one cat,,, who knew that all you anons find me sleeping cute??? it's confusing to me, but i find it quite funny hehe 😖❤ (5/?)
luckily i was able to be a little more productive lately, even if i have been exausted!! i've been cooking, cleaning, modeling, sewing, dancing, and editing videos for people,, so much work! i do think it's worth it though, it helps distract me from the bad things in life, and other people end up happy,, i'd consider it a win-win for me!!! my dad also taught me how to fix up an angelo azzuro,, which is a cocktail i didn't learn yet! (6/?)
it took two days of hard work and practice, but according to him, i "nailed it right on the head" my papa is always my go-to for mixology, he taught me most of what i know, and he's always the first person to try my drinks! apparently it's a very interesting concept to my other friends, since they have so limited access to spirits,, it does make sense though! (7/?)
we italians just don't care about drinking ages hehehe, as long as we're responsible and cautious with age, it adds to our lifespan ;) during that short break, i suppose my narcolepsy flared up a lot since i was falling asleep left and right! it was awful having to constantly wake up with either a migraine, extra tiredness, or even a bruise or two,, thankfully though i had my family to watch over me,, at least i was finally able to make up for lost sleep hehe 💫 (8/?)
i also got to play a lot of minecraft hehe,, my friend and i actually spent a full day doing a speedrun world, and we killed the ender dragon and wither within only 2 1/2 hours!! it was crazy,, i guess me and him just make a dynamic duo (but i dare to say,, not quite as dynamic as you and me 😉) speaking of minecraft, over the weekend i decided that i'm going to start streaming on twitch soon as a hobby!! i'm very excited for this, it's something i've wanted to do for a very long time now (9/?)
all of my friends and my siblings are very supportive of it, which i'm super glad about!! i've always found little bits of joy in my favorite streamers, so why not give back to that community? an artist friend of mine even drew me a pfp as a gift, it's so cute! all i have to do is figure out a balance between school, personal life, and streaming, then i'll be set,, i'm always happy to get a new hobby 😊✨ (10/?)
oh my, it's almost 23:45 now!! sadly, unlike today, tomorrow is full of classes and work,, so i should probably get going to bed! i'll hopefully see you tomorrow then, darling! goodnight, and as always, sweet dreams,, make sure to rest extra when you can 💗- much much love and extra hugs, waifu anon xoxo 💗❤💖💞💓💕💘💌 ps: you say that you'd come all the way to america just to say such kind things to me?? it looks like i'll just have to return the favor then darling 💘 (11/11)"
This do b kinda late ngl since im assuming i literally leave for school just as u send those in💀💀💀 things r kinda hard w school here but today was actually one of the few decent days i had in what y e a r s??? Me n my friends went out after classes and spent the entire afternoon sipping boba tea (it was my first time having it since boba places r rare here and we had to travel in the opposite part of the city and holy shit my third eye opened bruh i A S C E N D E D) and talking abt anime and simping and basically clowned eachother constantly jahahhdkf
B u t enough of that bc i see u had some nice days goin on as well😳😳 as i said many times before i'd kill a man to taste the cocktails that u do and one day we finna do that on g o d 😩✌️ and STREAMING? DROP THE LINK WILL YA DARLIN ME N THE CLOWN ARMY WILL BE THERE IN A H E A R T B E A T HDJDJSJ honestly streamer waifu is such a nice concept....i myself dream of streaming but sadly i dont have the time, space, money and overall neccesary equipments for it which is lowkey depressing ngl💀
Either way im glad to hear u been balancing things out and taking breaks dear, i myself am t r y i n g to make time for other stuff too since i really wanna write and watch anime (u know what series i just finished and had a 🅱️REAKDOWN 🅱️ REAKDOWN over one hour ago🤡🔪) but the schedule do b wacky ngl....
And as always i say: of c o r p s e everyone had positive reactions?? W h y w o u l d n t t h e y-
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shayberri789 · 4 years
Okay Here's my 'About'
I edited an old dead post to add my 'about' here because Tumblr recently did something (July 2023) so that the way I had this set up before didn't work on mobile.
Without further ado:
Hi, welcome. Call me Shay or Regal, both are my names. Pronouns she/her and I'm aroace. I'm friendly and nice feel free to interact with me, I'm always happy to receive asks. Just don't be a jackass and we can be friends :)
If you found me because of a post I made, don’t expect them with any frequency or consistency.
Most posts are general reblogs but occasionally I’ll go through the tag of one of my fandom and spam my followers - you’ve been warned. I do tag for them, though - see below for my tag system; browse or filter at your leisure.
UPDATE! I'm on Cohost!
NEW USERS! Please make yourself not look like a bot! You will be blocked and reported by me otherwise! Pfp, bio, header, reblog some stuff, that’s all you need! If you’d like, I have  a master post filled with links to help you settle into tumblr, which you can find here or in my bio.
Every now and then I like to send a boop to my mutuals/more active (or favourite) followers. New followers who interact with my posts within a couple hours of following me get a boop as well as a welcome :D
Fandom Tags:
cosmere - for anything to do with the Cosmere
stormlight - The Stormlight Archive related (cosmere)
mistborn - Mistborn related (cosmere)
elantris - Elantris related (cosmere)
warbreaker - Warbreaker related (cosmere)
Tress of the Emerald Sea / ssp1 - Tress of the Emerald Sea related (cosmere, secret project 1)
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter / ssp3 - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter related (cosmere, secret project 3)
atla - Avatar the Last Airbender related (Including LoK)
bnha - My Hero Academia
sab - Shadow and Bone related
soc - Six of Crows
trc - The Raven Cycle
gansey my blorbo - since the boy has recently fully achieved blorbo status for me, I will tag things that inspire brainrot, my thoughts and other things relating to him here.
trc brainrot - my specifically trc original posts
aftg - All For The Game 
tlt - The Locked Tomb
tlt art - what it says on the tin: tlt fan art
Posts not about the locked tomb series that are about the locked tomb series - a joke subtag of tlt, for posts that have nothing to do with tlt but remind me of it anyway
tloz - Legend of Zelda related
linkeduniverse - Linked Universe related (tloz subfandom)
fma - Full Metal Alchemist
Cradle (occasionally cradle series) - the Cradle series by Will Wight
murderbot - The Murderbot Diaries
undertale - relating to undertale
deltarune - relating to deltarune
dctf - things related to DC. It stands for “DC the fuck?” because I know nothing about dc, everything ik comes from the like 3 movies I watched and tumblr interaction. I casually enjoy it, so I reblog it but don’t mistake me for a real fan or anything
swtf - same as above pretty much. pun for star wars and wtf bc I’m a know nothing (though my friend is doing their best to fix that). For any and all star wars stuff I end up reblogging from my mutuals n stuff!
dtph- Know nothing Danny Phantom Tag bc my friend teaching me about SW is also obsessed w DP and I get some enjoyment from it, despite knowing even less about it than SW. There is a convoluted pun behind the tag im not going to explain
I also tag for specific au’s/fics, so keep an eye out for those
other of my more rare fandoms are tagged
 us politics - because its impossible to escape us politics here, and because I care for my american friends, i reblog posts with us politics. This is that tag
usa things - for things that generally relate to america, mostly, and to the best of my knowledge
usa things (sad) - heavier american topics, issues, etc. Will often show up with #us politics
HOSH tag - For heartbreaking or Serious/Heavy topics/posts
liwi good tag - Opposite of the HOSH tag; light hearted and good things that remind me that Life is worth it sometimes. 
shay posts - original posts
shay writes - my original writing
Regal Creativity - (previously Favourite Creativity) - my original writing that I’m particularly proud of
shay’s asks - ask tags
writing ref - writing references (when I remember to tag for it)
tumblr storybook - Cool bits of creative writing and stories I find. includes comics
tumblr poetry collection - new tag for pieces of poetry I come across that I like
Flash tw or tw eyestrain- the tags I use for warn for flashing images, or images that can be straining toblook at. I'm not always consistent but I try
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christophersymes · 4 years
Celebrity Status
Celebrity Status, an ongoing L(G)B(T)+ story also on Wattpad and Quotev.
<-- Previous (Prologue) / Next -->
TW: Brief mention of r*pe
Chapter One
Jules, grinning mischievously, set the game discs down in a row on the hardwood in front of the TV stand. Rosa's heels clicked on the floor as he did and she moved in anticipation of what she was about to do. He set the last disc down gently after kissing it, then stood up to admire the line. His gaze turned to Rosa, who looked down at them, then back up at him.
"Yes, princess, you can go ahead," he said with a flourish and bow, tossing the cases on the floor.
The discs cracked under Rosa's heels as she jumped on them, stomped on them, ground them into the floor. She leaned down and picked up the pieces afterward, too, snapping them and tossing them on the bed. After she'd done that to every single one, she stomped all of the cases, tossing them on the bed as well.
She was fucking ruthless, and Jules loved it. He loved his sister, and that was exactly why he was doing this shit. He stomped the last one before her, his combat boot snapping the plastic case's edge, then kicked it over to her. She did the same, then set it in front of the TV, smiling sweetly.
"Hope you enjoy your gameless existence, you dick," she murmured, already unplugging the Playstation from the TV. "This is what you get for trying to rape me."
Jules felt his stomach fall at her words, but knew it was true. A week ago, he and his friend Sam had walked in on Rosa and Dickwad Josh at a party. Rosa had been trying to push Josh off her, and it took both Jules and Sam to get him away.
As usual, they'd both guaranteed they'd exact their revenge, and make it ten times worse than what they usually did because the guy had almost succeeded.
They showed up at his house when they were sure he was gone, and went inside to speak to his parents. They'd listened as Rosa described what happened, and Jules told them he'd witnessed it and that their son was a dick in the first place too, who would sometimes grope Rosa in front of everyone.
They'd all agreed he needed to learn a very, very severe lesson.
So, naturally, they showed them both up to his room and told them what they could destroy. They both took the opportunity to kill his games, and were now dismantling his Playstation and controllers.
Once they had everything gathered in their arms, they went downstairs and outside. Jules waved a controller affectionately at his parents, who grinned back at him. They'd hated how much Josh played games, anyway, and they were really nice people in a not so good neighborhood. There was a kid down the street who would kill for the console, so Jules and Rosa knocked on the door happily.
"Hi," Rosa said, grinning. "We're from the house down there, the Pinnows. Uh— Well, Josh, their son, he knew that your kid really wanted a Playstation and that you guys couldn't get one, so we come bearing a gift."
They both lifted the console and cords. "It's a little worn, but Josh wanted you guys to have it."
The dad took it thankfully, a little shocked as he laughed. "Holy shit. Thank you."
After a little bit of awkward conversation, they left again, grinning at the good deed they did in the middle of revenge. Jules shoved at Rosa. "You feeling better?"
"Fuck yes. He deserves all this shit. Dick." Rosa laughed, clapping her hands together. She rubbed them greedily. "What can we destroy now?"
"How about slashing his tires? Make him pay, sis," Jules said, passing her his pocket knife. He took her hand and set it in her palm, then kissed her forehead. "Careful, though. We don't need you slashing your hand open."
Mason Hill moved his head along to the music blasting into his eardrums as he fucked around on his laptop. He was in the mood for going incognito online, wanting to interact with fans without them knowing it was him. He had been hearing about this awesome Nosam forum for a while but hadn't made an account yet. He figured it was time for that to change. He cracked his knuckles in front of his chest and stuck out his tongue, grinning as he saw the first empty text box to fill beside the word Username.
"Easy," he murmured to himself, immediately typing masonfucker1000 into the box.
He frowned at the next prompt. Name? Huh. He drummed his fingers against his leg, glancing at Austin, sitting nearby him on the tour bus. "Dude, what was your middle name again?"
Mason knew his middle name. He just liked hearing Austin say it in his neat little accent.
And wanted to freak him out a little.
Austin gave him a curious look as he stopped playing his guitar, pushing his glasses up. "Elías? Why do you ask?"
Mason clicked his tongue at him, winking. "Nothing important. Nice name, handsome."
Austin opted not to respond, shaking his head and watching him suspiciously before going back to his guitar.
Mason typed Elías into the box. He figured a shit ton of people were 23 and it would be harmless to put that in, so he did that too. He put in a fanart edit of himself as the image— him wearing a flower crown, one of his favorites— and hit Create Account, smiling in satisfaction. He went to the welcome thread to make his first post.
masonfucker1000: hey!! im maybe older than most fans but I just wanted you all 2 know that even though im straight, i would let mason hill do anything he wanted to me
Austin kept glancing up at him, effectively distracted by Mason wanting his middle name for what was probably a horrible reason.
"Seriously, what are you doing?"
"Joining a Nosam forum, obviously," Mason scooted closer to him, moving the laptop close to his face with a flourish.
Austin stared at the screen, looking from the glittery website's title, to the header with their faces, and then to Mason's post. "Why are you always so disturbingly narcissistic to the point where I'm almost certain you'd actually fuck yourself if given the opportunity?"
Mason tilted his head, nodding as he spoke. "Because I would, Ozzie," he pecked his neck and then, mouth at his ear, repeated in a whisper. "Because I would."
Jules, alone in his bedroom after the revenge-destroying, was fucking around on the Nosam forum. As usual. He was one of the top members, had helped design the site as a school project, was friends with about half the people on the site, and loved them all. They were really his only friends, so it was easy to love them all.
He refreshed the page just in time to see a new comment in the welcome thread. No one had joined in a while, so it was interesting. It wasn't exactly the most popular website, so... Oh, their name was Elias... That was Austin's middle name. Maybe he'd finally have another Austin stan.
And of course, they loved Mason. God damn it, everyone did. He sighed but hit reply anyway. A new friend was a new friend.
familyjules: hey elias! welcome to the nosam fanbase!!! also: ew but go off i guess ;)
Mason gasped loudly, falling back against the small sofa. "Ew? Ew?"
He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he immediately replied.
masonfucker1000: jules! hi! thanks! also! what the hell! how can you resist the unique and godly allure that only mason joshua hill possesses?
Jules snorted, rolling his eyes. He leaned on his wall as he typed, laughing a little to himself.
familyjules: i'm too entranced by the unique and godly allure that only austin possesses, ....masonfucker1000. i just realized this point is totally moot but i'm still gonna fight it to my dying breath: austin elías salinas vicente is better than mason hill in so many ways but i respect your opinion my dear masonfucker
Mason sighed loudly and took off his snapback, throwing it at Austin, who yelped in surprise.
"What the hell?"
Mason glared at him. "That's for having a godly allure, Salinas."
Austin sputtered, confused.
masonfucker1000: you say you respect my opinion, familyjules? really? u might as well have spat in my face. austin. better than mason. my god. i will try to coexist peacefully with radical beliefs such as urs.
also: is ur profile pic u?
Jules laughed at the dramatics. He hadn't had this much fun meeting someone in a while. They were actually taking his jokes as jokes.
familyjules: thank you for your precious coexistence, fellow radical believer. and yeah dat me
Mason didn't know why the Nosam fanbase just happened to be super attractive, but he always appreciated nonetheless.
masonfucker1000: my dude, fellow believer, may i just say that ur face is v nice to look at. one might even say it radiates a certain godly allure
Jules blushed a little. People had called him attractive before, but not like that. Damn.
familyjules: thank you!! i guess ur pfp is kinda okay to look at... ;)
Mason huffed, pouting. That was just not at all fair. He couldn't even defend his own good looks.
masonfucker1000: ha. ha. so how long have u been into nosam? sorry, i meant: how long have u been brainwashed into thinking nosam was called nitsua?
Jules laughed at that one. It was good. Elias was funny.
familyjules: i actually laughed at that one! nitsua just sounds like a ninja name or something. and i've been into them since their first ep came out! found them on youtube and felllllllll. how about you?
Mason grinned. Hardcore fan. Hell, yeah. Call him a narcissist. Nosam was awesome and superbly talented, and Mason appreciated when other people knew it.
masonfucker1000: me too! nosam sorta changed my life. listen to them way more than a sane person should.
Someone else on the thread pointed out that that page was for welcoming and not conversation. Mason stuck out his tongue at his laptop screen.
masonfucker1000: whoops. heading to gen, familyjules?
Jules sighed a little at the comment, rolling his eyes. He'd made the website. It was his rule. And he'd broken it.
familyjules: whoops. yeah. i'll tag u in a thread
familyjules: @masonfucker1000 here we are. what yt video did you see first?
masonfucker1000: teenage dirtbag cover! iconic as hell. have u ever seen them live? its the most fun i've ever had.
familyjules: hell yes! i love that one! and no ): but i've got tickets to a show this tour and im hype. gonna scream my ass off
Mason's eyes widened. Oh, yes. Mason befriending a fan and that fan attending a Nosam concert? That would be beautiful.
masonfucker1000: really?? where? what day? on the off chance im going to the same 1
familyjules: Traverse City, MI. gonna glitter my face off too i'm gonna look great
masonfucker1000: oh nah not going there! glitter! nosam hype! fuck yeah, i believe u, u already look great as is. michigan, huh? the hell do u do for fun there?
familyjules: hockey, mostly. play bass too. try to run away from my family while blasting pop punk since no one gets me. freeze to death in snow
masonfucker1000: hockey?? ur tiny! i think! bass is rad, how long have you been playing? pop punk is the shit, i get u, bro
Jules smiled a bit. At least he didn't say he was a girl.
familyjules: bet i can whoop your ass even if i am tiny! and ive been playing for 5 years now. lots of nosam covers in the media thread if u wanna check it out! we gots a talented group here
masonfucker1000: i bet u can i can barely hold a stick.
a future seluj! charmed to meet u pre-fame. will def check out.
Mason headed to the media thread and clicked on one of the audio files Jules had uploaded. His eyes widened, and he turned up the volume.
Andrew, who had sat down in the far corner like the fucking loner he was, looked up at Mason as basslines filled the small space. "Hey, who's that? Not Chris, is it?"
Mason shook his head, mumbling, "Fan cover."
Andrew snorted, "Shit. That's good. You should show that to Chris when he gets back."
Mason played a few more covers, very impressed and a little doubtful.
masonfucker1000: c'mon. c'mon, jules. no way that's u.
familyjules: oh hell yeah that's me. ask anyone on here i love playing so much. covered a few starlight songs too but i'm not as good at those yet. are u into them too?
masonfucker1000: sure, sure. u stripped from chris, admit it, jules.
fuck yeah! love those badass ladiesss!
familyjules: whoa, dude, i'd never. if anything i'd strip for austin. if stella wouldn't kill me
masonfucker1000: pipe dream, jules. stella would 100% kill you. and then strip for austin herself.
Jules sighed wistfully at that image. They were both ridiculously hot, and Stella stripping was just a mental image to frame and make lifesize on the mantel above the fireplace.
familyjules: can't even join them? damn. my dreams are gone. can i share mason w/you then, masonfucker? he's the only single one of all of them... wait. does your username mean you're his hand then? shouldn't you have his hand as your pfp?
Mason's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck. I've never felt so roasted in my entire fucking life. Holy shit. Fucking— familyjules," he breathed a laugh, already typing out a response eagerly. Andrew rose an eyebrow at him, an action that Mason didn't even notice.
masonfucker1000: shit! how could u do him like that? he gets plenty of attention other than his hand! lots of it! mason hill gets around! its basic info!
familyjules: ha! uses the other hand sometimes? ;)
Mason lifted his arms behind his head. "This fucker!" he laughed again, rubbing his hands down his face. This Jules girl was ridiculous. If only she knew who she was talking to but... no, not a good idea. He stared at the screen, frowning as he realized he really wanted to keep talking to her, forgetting to respond and tapping his fingers against the laptop. He flipped Andrew off when he kept staring at him, taking the laptop and laying in his bunk instead. He could easily just not respond, like, ever. It wouldn't matter at all. Jules was just some random fan he'd stumbled onto online, who had no idea who Mason was, with whom Mason had only had half a conversation with. Hell, he usually didn't even have more than a conversation with people anyway, always having so many he wanted to talk to. But it wasn't ever like this. And it was stupid, really, how drawn he felt from just a couple hundred words on a screen, from a stranger. It wasn't even a good font.
Mason pursed his lips, sighing quietly as he stared at the forum page, at the slight curve of Jules' mouth in her profile picture. He abruptly switched tabs, checking his Twitter and replying to some fans. He Googled other fansites, ones he already had accounts on, and sifted through the threads, trying to find something else to do.
It was a bit before Elias responded again. Jules fucked around with other things on the site while he waited, scrolled through Tumblr, and then went back. He private messaged Elias, frowning a little.
familyjules: hey dude. just so you know i fuck with all the mason superfans like that. it's way too easy to roast mason
Mason was startled when he heard a ping as he had finally distracted himself from familyjules. He hesitated barely a second before switching back, smiling as he read the message.
masonfucker1000: yeah its cool! got distracted. ur wrong tho. completely wrong. masons a regular manwhore
familyjules: cool all good. just wanted to make sure you weren't actually mad! and trust me i know far too many girls on here have talked about seeing his dick
masonfucker1000: mad? over that? dont worry, bro, not at all
gh! and they all say his dick is huge. which is false. have u seen him in skinny jeans? he's got an average dick, ladies. an average dick with an above average heart
familyjules: damn dude. at least you're honest unlike them. also sometimes it looks big so i wonder who's right👀
masonfucker1000: average dick.
fuck im starving. what do i have to do to get some pizza up in hereeeee
familyjules: be mason hill?
familyjules: kidding! i'll send you some
masonfucker1000: you be careful or ill end up taking your word for it!! i swear my stomach is going to start eating itself
They ended up talking for a bit longer, but then Jules had to sleep, which made Mason pouty. It was rare for him to enjoy talking to someone this much, but Jules had a late shift the next day and classes all day, so he said goodbye and logged off, promising to be back same time the next day.
It kept like that for a week. Jules talked to Elias whenever he could, along with his other friends. He felt drawn to Elias for some reason, compelled to let the mysterious user eat up all his time.
familyjules: so. mr. masonfucker. you've only got two things on your profile and it's been a week. not even a small introduction to tell us about yourself other than you'd let mason have his way with you? i'm curious ;)
During the week, Mason had become gradually more excited every time he had the chance to be online when Jules was, which had thankfully been coinciding with after Nosam sets. He bit his lip as he read the newest message from her.
masonfucker1000: oh, youre curious? maybe i like the suspense ;) what about u, miss familyjules? im very curious about u. ur short bio is frankly not enough
Jules winced at the response. So Elias did think he was a girl. He could set him straight... but he knew nothing about this person except that he was cis and straight. He seemed cool, but Jules really didn't want to deal with a huge messy fight on the site right now.
familyjules: hey, you know i live in michigan. and what i look like. and that i play bass and play hockey. i don't even know what you do for fun, aside from stan mason. c'mon, dude
Mason groaned. God, he could just disappear right now, not talk to her ever again. But he'd be fucking bummed. Was he just lonely? I mean, tours got like that sometimes. Maybe he just needed stress relief, although that was off the table at the moment. Shit. This wasn't a... thing. Was it?
masonfucker1000: alright, alright! well, i do not live in michigan. i look like a burnt chicken nugget but i still love myself! i like singing and i've seen Real Steel abt a thousand times. how about that?
familyjules: real steel is awesome! and singing! maybe you should be in seluj with me one day. we'd take over the world, displace nosam
masonfucker1000: hell yeah! I'll let hugh jackman have at all this too 🥒🍆
displace nosam? ur blocked
masonfucker1000: kidding! totally up for it, let's go. altho it should be called saile, then
familyjules: hey, you're the one who named it seluj in the first place! maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves tho. havent even heard u sing. for all i know you could suck
masonfucker1000: thats where you're wrong, jules! that's where you're wrong! hold on
Mason paced the tour bus, considering his options. He had to show her he could sing. If he sang a song nobody had ever heard him do, maybe it would be alright?
masonfucker1000: uploaded suckonthisjules.mp3
masonfucker1000: go the distance! Hercules is my favorite disney movie. see? proof of my awesome talent and a fact abt me
Jules blinked in shock at the file, clicking play and leaning back. He listened, transfixed, picking at his lip.
familyjules: holy shit elias you sound a lot like mason. did you train your voice or what? there were a few places where you were off key but god damn. also hercules is so underrated
"Oh, fuck," Mason said as he read the response. "Wait— off key?" he glared at his laptop.
Andrew snorted. "A few minutes ago? Yeah."
Mason turned his glare towards Andrew. "I was not off key."
Andrew just laughed and shook his head, stuffing his face with chicken.
Mason frowned. It's not his fault his voice was a little strained after the show. No way he was gonna admit it, though.
He deleted the file he sent.
masonfucker1000: ah yeah, a bit.
and go to hell. off key, my ass! i told you I can sing. hercules is def underrated! yo where do u go all day?
Jules frowned when the messages shifted. He scrolled back up to find the file gone. "Oh, come on," he muttered. How paranoid could this guy be? It was a fansite. Who cared?
familyjules: def off key a bit. you deleted the file because of it, i see you, devil 👀
familyjules: oh also i'm a working college student! class by day, waiting tables by night
masonfucker1000: i did not!
oh shit, nice! well, horrible, but nice. i bet you get good tips ;) what are u studying?
familyjules: you'd be surprised how bad the tips are. studying music and psych, but the psych is a minor
masonfucker1000: jules ill go over there and tip you, you'll be set for life. so ur serious abt music huh? what do u wanna do?
familyjules: so youre rich. another thing i know now. and hell yeah i am! i want to work w/ a recording company if i can, fill in bass. more freelance than i'd like but it's something
masonfucker1000: 🤑
masonfucker1000: woah woah wait. ur settling! what would you like?
familyjules: settling? i don't call getting to play bass for a living settling
familyjules: what i really want tho is to play in a band but that's unlikely
masonfucker1000: uh huh
masonfucker1000: i knew it! c'mon, unlikely? you're as good as chris if you're not lying abt not stripping his bass 👀 maybe even better
familyjules: WHOA dude dont disrespect christo like that he's a huge role model!! i wish i could be as good as him
Mason smiled, getting up to bother Chris. "Yo, hey, dude?"
Chris looked up from his laptop, rubbing his forehead. "Huh?"
"You know that girl I've been talking to that plays bass. She says you're her role model and got offended when I said she probably plays better than you."
Chris smiled warmly. "That's sweet."
"No, but, listen," Mason showed him an audio clip of Jules covering bass for one of their songs. Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he listened, running his fingers through his hair as his jaw went slack. "Shit. What? Geez— don't even tell the guys, they'll replace me."
Mason laughed loudly, ruffling Chris's hair.
masonfucker1000: no disrespect to christo, i think you're incredibly good. u could definitely be better than him! u should try the band thing, bro, if thats what u really want
familyjules: maybe. i have some stage fright too but been working on that. what do you do all day, mr. masonfucker?
Aw, fuck. This was going to get frustrating for the both of them real quick. Mason didn't want to lie, but he couldn't tell her what he actually did all day. He could maybe explain that he was going to have to keep some (a lot of) personal information to himself? That would sound weird. Mason stared at the message, unsure what to do. He could be a bit of a dick and reply with a joke. Or something really vague. He'd only known Jules for a little over a week but he had a feeling he might not get away with that.
masonfucker1000: how've you been working on it?
masonfucker1000: and i think the more appropriate question is who don't i do all day
Oh, God, that was bad. He regretted sending that one. Mason found himself not wanting her to actually think he slept around all day. Or at all. Fucking hell.
Jules frowned at the reply. This was... interesting, he guessed. Or something like it.
familyjules: so you're a prostitute? that's how you have so much money?
Mason couldn't help but laugh at the response.
masonfucker1000: what! no no
Mason grumbled to himself, rubbing his hands down in face.
masonfucker1000: that was a stupid thing for me to say, sorry
masonfucker1000: i have a job that requires a lot of travel
familyjules: okay that makes more sense. a traveling prostitute. sounds fun! what places have u seen?
Mason rolled his eyes, smiling.
masonfucker1000: oh, aaaall oooover the world. in the US rn, tho! i could put on a show for u ;)
familyjules: maybe i'll take you up on that offer ;)
familyjules: hey im about to upload a new cover btw! it just finished uploading
masonfucker1000: oh, another masterful christo strip!
0 notes
nosamlight · 5 years
chapter one
Jules, grinning mischievously, set the game discs down in a row on the hardwood in front of the TV stand. Rosa’s heels clicked on the floor as he did and she moved in anticipation of what she was about to do. He set the last disc down gently after kissing it, then stood up to admire the line. His gaze turned to Rosa, who looked down at them, then back up at him.
“Yes, princess, you can go ahead,” he said with a flourish and bow, tossing the cases on the floor.
The discs cracked under Rosa’s heels as she jumped on them, stomped on them, ground them into the floor. She leaned down and picked up the pieces afterward, too, snapping them and tossing them on the bed. After she’d done that to every single one, she stomped all of the cases, tossing them on the bed as well.
She was fucking ruthless, and Jules loved it. He loved his sister, and that was exactly why he was doing this shit. He stomped the last one before her, his combat boot snapping the plastic case’s edge, then kicked it over to her. She did the same, then set it in front of the TV, smiling sweetly.
“Hope you enjoy your gameless existence, you dick,” she murmured, already unplugging the Playstation from the TV. “This is what you get for trying to rape me.”
Jules felt his stomach fall at her words, but knew it was true. A week ago, he and his friend Sam had walked in on Rosa and Dickwad Josh at a party. Rosa had been trying to push Josh off her, and it took both Jules and Sam to get him away.
As usual, they’d both guaranteed they’d exact their revenge, and make it ten times worse than what they usually did because the guy had almost succeeded.
They showed up at his house when they were sure he was gone, and went inside to speak to his parents. They’d listened as Rosa described what happened, and Jules told them he’d witnessed it and that their son was a dick in the first place too, who would sometimes grope Rosa in front of everyone.
They’d all agreed he needed to learn a very, very severe lesson.
So, naturally, they showed them both up to his room and told them what they could destroy. They both took the opportunity to kill his games, and were now dismantling his Playstation and controllers.
Once they had everything gathered in their arms, they went downstairs and outside. Jules waved a controller affectionately at his parents, who grinned back at him. They’d hated how much Josh played games, anyway, and they were really nice people in a not so good neighborhood. There was a kid down the street who would kill for the console, so Jules and Rosa knocked on the door happily.
“Hi,” Rosa said, grinning. “We’re from the house down there, the Pinnows. Uh— Well, Josh, their son, he knew that your kid really wanted a Playstation and that you guys couldn’t get one, so we come bearing a gift.”
They both lifted the console and cords. “It’s a little worn, but Josh wanted you guys to have it.”
The dad took it thankfully, a little shocked as he laughed. “Holy shit. Thank you.”
After a little bit of awkward conversation, they left again, grinning at the good deed they did in the middle of revenge. Jules shoved at Rosa. “You feeling better?”
“Fuck yes. He deserves all this shit. Dick.” Rosa laughed, clapping her hands together. She rubbed them greedily. “What can we destroy now?”
“How about slashing his tires? Make him pay, sis,” Jules said, passing her his pocket knife. He took her hand and set it in her palm, then kissed her forehead. “Careful, though. We don’t need you slashing your hand open.”
Mason Hill moved his head along to the music blasting into his eardrums as he fucked around on his laptop. He was in the mood for going incognito online, wanting to interact with fans without them knowing it was him. He had been hearing about this awesome Nosam forum for a while but hadn't made an account yet. He figured it was time for that to change. He cracked his knuckles in front of his chest and stuck out his tongue, grinning as he saw the first empty text box to fill beside the word Username.
"Easy," he murmured to himself, immediately typing masonfucker1000 into the box.
He frowned at the next prompt. Name? Huh. He drummed his fingers against his leg, glancing at Austin, sitting nearby him on the tour bus. "Dude, what was your middle name again?"
Austin gave him a curious look as he stopped playing his guitar, pushing his glasses up. "Elías? Why do you ask?"
Mason clicked his tongue at him, winking. "Nothing important. Nice name, handsome."
Austin opted not to respond, shaking his head and watching him suspiciously before going back to his guitar.
Mason typed Elías into the box. He figured a shit ton of people were 23 and it would be harmless to put that in, so he did that too. He put in a fanart edit of himself as the image— him wearing a flower crown, one of his favorites— and hit Create Account, smiling in satisfaction. He went to the welcome thread to make his first post.
masonfucker1000: hey!! im maybe older than most fans but I just wanted you all 2 know that even though im straight, i would let mason hill do anything he wanted to me
Austin kept glancing up at him, effectively distracted by Mason wanting his middle name for what was probably a horrible reason.
“Seriously, what are you doing?”
“Joining a Nosam forum, obviously,” Mason scooted closer to him, moving the laptop close to his face with a flourish.
Austin stared at the screen, looking from the glittery website’s title, to the header with their faces, and then to Mason’s post. “Why are you always so disturbingly narcissistic to the point where I’m almost certain you’d actually fuck yourself if given the opportunity?”
Mason tilted his head, nodding as he spoke. “Because I would, Ozzie,” he pecked his neck and then, mouth at his ear, repeated in a whisper. “Because I would.”  
Jules, alone in his bedroom after the revenge-destroying, was fucking around on the Nosam forum. As usual. He was one of the top members, had helped design the site as a school project, was friends with about half the people on the site, and loved them all. They were really his only friends, so it was easy to love them all.
He refreshed the page just in time to see a new comment in the welcome thread. No one had joined in a while, so it was interesting. It wasn’t exactly the most popular website, so… Oh, their name was Elias… That was Austin’s middle name. Maybe he’d finally have another Austin stan.
And of course, they loved Mason. God damn it, everyone did. He sighed but hit reply anyway. A new friend was a new friend.
familyjules: hey elias! welcome to the nosam fanbase!!! also: ew but go off i guess ;)
Mason gasped loudly, falling back against the small sofa. "Ew? Ew?"
He furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he immediately replied.
masonfucker1000: jules! hi! thanks! also! what the hell! how can you resist the unique and godly allure that only mason joshua hill possesses?
Jules snorted, rolling his eyes. He leaned on his wall as he typed, laughing a little to himself.
familyjules: i’m too entranced by the unique and godly allure that only austin possesses, ....masonfucker1000. i just realized this point is totally moot but i’m still gonna fight it to my dying breath: austin elías salinas vicente is better than mason hill in so many ways but i respect your opinion my dear masonfucker
Mason sighed loudly and took off his snapback, throwing it at Austin, who yelped in surprise.
"What the hell?"
Mason glared at him. "That's for having a godly allure, Salinas."
Austin sputtered, confused.
masonfucker1000: you say you respect my opinion, familyjules? really? u might as well have spat in my face. austin. better than mason. my god. i will try to coexist peacefully with radical beliefs such as urs.
also: is ur profile pic u?
Jules laughed at the dramatics. He hadn’t had this much fun meeting someone in a while. They were actually taking his jokes as jokes.
familyjules: thank you for your precious coexistence, fellow radical believer. and yeah dat me
Mason didn't know why the Nosam fanbase just happened to be super attractive, but he always appreciated nonetheless.
masonfucker1000: my dude, fellow believer, may i just say that ur face is v nice to look at. one might even say it radiates a certain godly allure
Jules blushed a little. People had called him attractive before, but not like that. Damn.
familyjules: thank you!! i guess ur pfp is kinda okay to look at... ;)
Mason huffed, pouting. That was just not at all fair. He couldn’t even defend his own good looks.
masonfucker1000: ha. ha. so how long have u been into nosam? sorry, i meant: how long have u been brainwashed into thinking nosam was called nitsua?
Jules laughed at that one. It was good. Elias was funny.
familyjules: i actually laughed at that one! nitsua just sounds like a ninja name or something. and i’ve been into them since their first ep came out! found them on youtube and felllllllll. how about you?
Mason grinned. Hardcore fan. Hell, yeah. Call him a narcissist. Nosam was awesome and superbly talented, and Mason appreciated when other people knew it.
masonfucker1000: me too! nosam sorta changed my life. listen to them way more than a sane person should.
Someone else on the thread pointed out that that page was for welcoming and not conversation. Mason stuck out his tongue at his laptop screen.
masonfucker1000: whoops. heading to gen, familyjules?
Jules sighed a little at the comment, rolling his eyes. He’d made the website. It was his rule. And he’d broken it.
familyjules: whoops. yeah. i’ll tag u in a thread
familyjules: @masonfucker1000 here we are. what yt video did you see first?
masonfucker1000: teenage dirtbag cover! iconic as hell. have u ever seen them live? its the most fun i've ever had.
familyjules: hell yes! i love that one! and no ): but i’ve got tickets to a show this tour and im hype. gonna scream my ass off
Mason's eyes widened. Oh, yes. Mason befriending a fan and that fan attending a Nosam concert? That would be beautiful.
masonfucker1000: really?? where? what day? on the off chance im going to the same 1
familyjules: Traverse City, MI. gonna glitter my face off too i’m gonna look great
masonfucker1000: oh nah not going there! glitter! nosam hype! fuck yeah, i believe u, u already look great as is. michigan, huh? the hell do u do for fun there?
familyjules: hockey, mostly. play bass too. try to run away from my family while blasting pop punk since no one gets me. freeze to death in snow
masonfucker1000: hockey?? ur tiny! i think! bass is rad, how long have you been playing? pop punk is the shit, i get u, bro
Jules smiled a bit. At least he didn’t say he was a girl.
familyjules: bet i can whoop your ass even if i am tiny! and ive been playing for 5 years now. lots of nosam covers in the media thread if u wanna check it out! we gots a talented group here
masonfucker1000: i bet u can i can barely hold a stick.
a future seluj! charmed to meet u pre-fame. will def check out.
Mason headed to the media thread and clicked on one of the audio files Jules had uploaded. His eyes widened, and he turned up the volume.
Andrew, who had sat down in the far corner like the fucking loner he was, looked up at Mason as basslines filled the small space. "Hey, who's that? Not Chris, is it?"
Mason shook his head, mumbling, "Fan cover."
Andrew snorted, "Shit. That's good. You should show that to Chris when he gets back."
Mason played a few more covers, very impressed and a little doubtful.
masonfucker1000: c'mon. c'mon, jules. no way that's u.
familyjules: oh hell yeah that’s me. ask anyone on here i love playing so much. covered a few starlight songs too but i’m not as good at those yet. are u into them too?
masonfucker1000: sure, sure. u stripped from chris, admit it, jules.
fuck yeah! love those badass ladiesss!
familyjules: whoa, dude, i’d never. if anything i’d strip for austin. if stella wouldn’t kill me
masonfucker1000: pipe dream, jules. stella would 100% kill you. and then strip for austin herself.
Jules sighed wistfully at that image. They were both ridiculously hot, and Stella stripping was just a mental image to frame and make lifesize on the mantel above the fireplace.
familyjules: can’t even join them? damn. my dreams are gone. can i share mason w/you then, masonfucker? he’s the only single one of all of them... wait. does your username mean you’re his hand then? shouldn’t you have his hand as your pfp?
Mason's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck. I've never felt so roasted in my entire fucking life. Holy shit. Fucking— familyjules," he breathed a laugh, already typing out a response eagerly. Andrew rose an eyebrow at him, an action that Mason didn’t even notice.
masonfucker1000: shit! how could u do him like that? he gets plenty of attention other than his hand! lots of it! mason hill gets around! its basic info!
familyjules: ha! uses the other hand sometimes? ;)
Mason lifted his arms behind his head. "This fucker!" he laughed again, rubbing his hands down his face. This Jules girl was ridiculous. If only she knew who she was talking to but... no, not a good idea. He stared at the screen, frowning as he realized he really wanted to keep talking to her, forgetting to respond and tapping his fingers against the laptop. He flipped Andrew off when he kept staring at him, taking the laptop and laying in his bunk instead. He could easily just not respond, like, ever. It wouldn’t matter at all. Jules was just some random fan he’d stumbled onto online, who had no idea who Mason was, with whom Mason had only had half a conversation with. Hell, he usually didn’t even have more than a conversation with people anyway, always having so many he wanted to talk to. But it wasn’t ever like this. And it was stupid, really, how drawn he felt from just a couple hundred words on a screen, from a stranger. It wasn’t even a good font.
Mason pursed his lips, sighing quietly as he stared at the forum page, at the slight curve of Jules’ mouth in her profile picture. He abruptly switched tabs, checking his Twitter and replying to some fans. He Googled other fansites, ones he already had accounts on, and sifted through the threads, trying to find something else to do.
It was a bit before Elias responded again. Jules fucked around with other things on the site while he waited, scrolled through Tumblr, and then went back. He private messaged Elias, frowning a little.
familyjules: hey dude. just so you know i fuck with all the mason superfans like that. it’s way too easy to roast mason
Mason was startled when he heard a ping as he had finally distracted himself from familyjules. He hesitated barely a second before switching back, smiling as he read the message.
masonfucker1000: yeah its cool! got distracted. ur wrong tho. completely wrong. masons a regular manwhore
familyjules: cool all good. just wanted to make sure you weren’t actually mad! and trust me i know far too many girls on here have talked about seeing his dick
masonfucker1000: mad? over that? dont worry, bro, not at all
gh! and they all say his dick is huge. which is false. have u seen him in skinny jeans? he's got an average dick, ladies. an average dick with an above average heart
familyjules: damn dude. at least you’re honest unlike them. also sometimes it looks big so i wonder who’s right👀
masonfucker1000: average dick.
fuck im starving. what do i have to do to get some pizza up in hereeeee
familyjules: be mason hill?
familyjules: kidding! i’ll send you some
masonfucker1000: you be careful or ill end up taking your word for it!! i swear my stomach is going to start eating itself
They ended up talking for a bit longer, but then Jules had to sleep, which made Mason pouty. It was rare for him to enjoy talking to someone this much, but Jules had a late shift the next day and classes all day, so he said goodbye and logged off, promising to be back same time the next day.
It kept like that for a week. Jules talked to Elias whenever he could, along with his other friends. He felt drawn to Elias for some reason, compelled to let the mysterious user eat up all his time.
familyjules: so. mr. masonfucker. you’ve only got two things on your profile and it’s been a week. not even a small introduction to tell us about yourself other than you’d let mason have his way with you? i’m curious ;)
During the week, Mason had become gradually more excited every time he had the chance to be online when Jules was, which had thankfully been coinciding with after Nosam sets. He bit his lip as he read the newest message from her.
masonfucker1000: oh, youre curious? maybe i like the suspense ;) what about u, miss familyjules? im very curious about u. ur short bio is frankly not enough
Jules winced at the response. So Elias did think he was a girl. He could set him straight... but he knew nothing about this person except that he was cis and straight. He seemed cool, but Jules really didn’t want to deal with a huge messy fight on the site right now.
familyjules: hey, you know i live in michigan. and what i look like. and that i play bass and play hockey. i don’t even know what you do for fun, aside from stan mason. c’mon, dude
Mason groaned. God, he could just disappear right now, not talk to her ever again. But he'd be fucking bummed. Was he just lonely? I mean, tours got like that sometimes. Maybe he just needed stress relief, although that was off the table at the moment. Shit. This wasn't a... thing. Was it?
masonfucker1000: alright, alright! well, i do not live in michigan. i look like a burnt chicken nugget but i still love myself! i like singing and i've seen Real Steel abt a thousand times. how about that?
familyjules: real steel is awesome! and singing! maybe you should be in seluj with me one day. we’d take over the world, displace nosam
masonfucker1000: hell yeah! I'll let hugh jackman have at all this too 🥒🍆
displace nosam? ur blocked
masonfucker1000: kidding! totally up for it, let's go. altho it should be called saile, then
familyjules: hey, you’re the one who named it seluj in the first place! maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves tho. havent even heard u sing. for all i know you could suck
masonfucker1000: thats where you're wrong, jules! that's where you're wrong! hold on
Mason paced the tour bus, considering his options. He had to show her he could sing. If he sang a song nobody had ever heard him do, maybe it would be alright?
masonfucker1000: uploaded suckonthisjules.mp3
masonfucker1000: go the distance! Hercules is my favorite disney movie. see? proof of my awesome talent and a fact abt me
Jules blinked in shock at the file, clicking play and leaning back. He listened, transfixed, picking at his lip.
familyjules: holy shit elias you sound a lot like mason. did you train your voice or what? there were a few places where you were off key but god damn. also hercules is so underrated
"Oh, fuck," Mason said as he read the response. "Wait— off key?" he glared at his laptop.
Andrew snorted. "A few minutes ago? Yeah."
Mason turned his glare towards Andrew. "I was not off key."
Andrew just laughed and shook his head, stuffing his face with chicken.
Mason frowned. It's not his fault his voice was a little strained after the show. No way he was gonna admit it, though.
He deleted the file he sent.
masonfucker1000: ah yeah, a bit.
and go to hell. off key, my ass! i told you I can sing. hercules is def underrated! yo where do u go all day?
Jules frowned when the messages shifted. He scrolled back up to find the file gone. “Oh, come on,” he muttered. How paranoid could this guy be? It was a fansite. Who cared?
familyjules: def off key a bit. you deleted the file because of it, i see you, devil 👀
familyjules: oh also i’m a working college student! class by day, waiting tables by night
masonfucker1000: i did not!
oh shit, nice! well, horrible, but nice. i bet you get good tips ;) what are u studying?
familyjules: you’d be surprised how bad the tips are. studying music and psych, but the psych is a minor
masonfucker1000: jules ill go over there and tip you, you'll be set for life. so ur serious abt music huh? what do u wanna do?
familyjules: so youre rich. another thing i know now. and hell yeah i am! i want to work w/ a recording company if i can, fill in bass. more freelance than i’d like but it’s something
masonfucker1000: 🤑
masonfucker1000: woah woah wait. ur settling! what would you like?
familyjules: settling? i don't call getting to play bass for a living settling
familyjules: what i really want tho is to play in a band but that's unlikely
masonfucker1000: uh huh
masonfucker1000: i knew it! c'mon, unlikely? you're as good as chris if you're not lying abt not stripping his bass 👀 maybe even better
familyjules: WHOA dude dont disrespect christo like that he's a huge role model!! i wish i could be as good as him
Mason smiled, getting up to bother Chris. "Yo, hey, dude?"
Chris looked up from his laptop, rubbing his forehead. "Huh?"
"You know that girl I've been talking to that plays bass. She says you're her role model and got offended when I said she probably plays better than you."
Chris smiled warmly. "That's sweet."
"No, but, listen," Mason showed him an audio clip of Jules covering bass for one of their songs. Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he listened, running his fingers through his hair as his jaw went slack. "Shit. What? Geez— don't even tell the guys, they'll replace me."
Mason laughed loudly, ruffling Chris's hair.
masonfucker1000: no disrespect to christo, i think you're incredibly good. u could definitely be better than him! u should try the band thing, bro, if thats what u really want
familyjules: maybe. i have some stage fright too but been working on that. what do you do all day, mr. masonfucker?
Aw, fuck. This was going to get frustrating for the both of them real quick. Mason didn't want to lie, but he couldn't tell her what he actually did all day. He could maybe explain that he was going to have to keep some (a lot of) personal information to himself? That would sound weird. Mason stared at the message, unsure what to do. He could be a bit of a dick and reply with a joke. Or something really vague. He'd only known Jules for a little over a week but he had a feeling he might not get away with that.
masonfucker1000: how've you been working on it?
masonfucker1000: and i think the more appropriate question is who don't i do all day
Oh, God, that was bad. He regretted sending that one. Mason found himself not wanting her to actually think he slept around all day. Or at all. Fucking hell.
Jules frowned at the reply. This was... interesting, he guessed. Or something like it.
familyjules: so you're a prostitute? that's how you have so much money?
Mason couldn't help but laugh at the response.
masonfucker1000: what! no no
Mason grumbled to himself, rubbing his hands down in face.
masonfucker1000: that was a stupid thing for me to say, sorry
masonfucker1000: i have a job that requires a lot of travel
familyjules: okay that makes more sense. a traveling prostitute. sounds fun! what places have u seen?
Mason rolled his eyes, smiling.
masonfucker1000: oh, aaaall oooover the world. in the US rn, tho! i could put on a show for u ;)
familyjules: maybe i'll take you up on that offer ;)
familyjules: hey im about to upload a new cover btw! it just finished uploading
masonfucker1000: oh, another masterful christo strip!
prologue | chapter two (coming soon!)
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