#i also finally looked up what the japanese title means..cute...
kolomo · 1 month
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@animangacreators challenge 28: winter 2024 ♡ ↳ yubisaki to renren
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sy-on-boy · 9 months
(Potentially) new information from the Spy x Family exhibit book!
Okay, I’ve done some digging around and not gonna lie, some information in there has me excited. I can’t read Japanese so I took photos and put them through translate, so it’s not the most accurate, and please take this post with a grain of salt. Here we go!
Translations are more than welcome! Feel free to use these photos and feel free to DM me for clearer photos. I would also love to know what this all means haha. Japanese “raw” text is taken from Google translate and may be inaccurate to what is actually shown in the photos.
✩ The SxF world apparently has no Christmas!
I’ve heard claims of it, and here’s a picture I took.
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“遠藤達哉先生 コメント
こちらは冬の休載イラスト です。 電飾一個一個を北斗 神拳ばりに連打して描きま した。 クリスマスっぽい雰 囲気を出していますが、 『SPY×FAMILY』の世界に クリスマスはありません。”
Google translate tells me that there’s no Christmas in the SxF world but he tried to create a Christmas-like atmosphere? Not sure but it would align with other people’s claims.
✩ Yuri apparently had a girlfriend in a rough draft!
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This is Endo’s handwriting so the machine can’t recognise the words easily, but I think the woman in the bottom of Yuri’s sheet is his “girlfriend”? And Google translate tells me she’s Yuri’s “weakness” and Twilight might use her against Yuri / take advantage of the girlfriend? This is a very interesting idea that didn’t get used in canon (yet?). I think in canon, Yuri is popular but he’s too devoted to his sister. A new significant other of a prominent character would shake things up. Especially when it comes to Yuri, a member of the SSS.
By the way, Yuri’s potential designs are kind of cool. I like the ponytail.
✩ Apparently “Oscar” was one of Twilight’s potential names! + Early Twilight designs
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I think we know Yor was originally short for Yorlanda (this is in the upper sheet). There’s a whole list of names beside Twilight and the name Oscar オスカー appeared frequently. There are also more names that I can’t decipher.
✩ Designs of some potential WISE agents! (And early Fiona)
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Fiona’s sheet (next to Yuri’s) was titled “WISE spy (female)” and now we have a sheet titled “WISE spy (male)”. Was Fiona a placeholder spy that made it to the main cast? Or will this “male spy” end up having significance too? The two smaller heads at the left are apparently Twilight’s associates. Also, a Melinda sketch. Not gonna lie, the male spy feels kinda cute. Hope he’s not completely scrapped.
✩ Endo’s interview!
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I feel like I should put this earlier but I was distracted with the Christmas / Yuri’s potential girlfriend thing. This is at the very end of the book. Apparently Endo was influenced by the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This interview was apparently taken in March 2023. I think it’s fairly important so I’ll wait for a proper translation before saying anything else.
✩ Comments on Donovan, Melinda, Redacted, and Sylvia!
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These two pages are together and I found it significant because Endo discusses the SxF themes. (My notes are not direct translations.) Apparently:
Sylvia’s scene in Mission 20 is Endo’s favourite scene, and he was looking at materials related to war for a long time and wondered if he could make use of it. [JP below]
とてもお気に入りのシーンです。 「SPY×FAMILY」の連載とは関係無し 昔から戦争に関する資料は色々見て いたので、多少はこの作品にも活かせ ているのかなーと。
Donovan’s statement of “in the end, people will never understand each other” (rough paraphrase) is the theme of the work. And Endo wanted to create a feeling of Donovan being the final boss. He didn’t plan on arranging it from the beginning, but he thinks the Desmonds are a good contrast to the Forgers. (Does this mean the Forgers think people will understand each other?) [JP below]
作品のテーマでもあるセリフ ですね。 少しでもドノバンの ラスボス感を醸し出せればい いなーと思いながら描きまし た。最初から意図して配置し たわけではないですが、デス モンド家はフォージャーと 良い対比になっているのかな と思います
The chapters on Twilight’s past coincided with the anime so Endo thought it was a good idea to explore Twilight’s past. [JP below]
アニメが始まるタイミングな のもあって、黄昏〉という人 物を掘り下げる良い機会かな と思い過去編を入れました。 あまり重たくなりすぎないよ うに、でも伝えたいことは最低限伝えられるように、自分 なりにバランスを取って描い たつもりです。
Melinda is described as “friendly” (?) even though she is dignified. A positive description of Melinda… interesting. What’s also interesting is that after she learns that Yor is the mother of the child who got into a fight with Damian, she “shows interest”. Melinda, what do you want with Anya? [JP below]
ダミアンの母で、東国元首相夫人。気品に溢れつ つも、気さくな性格。 ヨルが息子と喧嘩したアー ニャの母親と知り、興味を示している。
I personally think these two pages contain hints about the mystery of the featured characters and would love to know what it means :D
✩ Early Yor and Bond!
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There’s a lot more Yor but again the image limit is constricting me. I really like the Bond designs, they’re funny and he’s just a chonky little boi :)
✩ Comments on the panel of Twilight’s head in Yor’s lap!
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“珍しいイチャイチャシーンです。 ヨルさん は一年中酔っ払ってればいいのに”
Which apparently means: “a rare flirting (?) scene, I wish Yor was drunk all year long”
?!??! Twiyor?!! Hello!! I cannot resist mentioning this one, this is one of my favourite Twiyor / SxF scenes. Are we gonna get more drunk Yor? More Twiyor? More flirting? I’m excited now.
I’ve reached the image limit, so here’s all for this post for now! Translations are totally welcome and again I would love to know what this all means. I’m sorry if I accidentally said misleading information, so please tell me so I can correct it. Once again, don’t take my words as complete fact. The Yuri girlfriend thing is really surprising to me haha.
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illym · 3 months
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Bridget is so damn cute here. So is Axl.
ID in alt text
Cleaned & original comics under the cut, along with my pains translating.
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Why are they all slanted........ Or maybe I'm just bonkers. I tried fixing this one, but I think it's even worse now. I'm giving up. This one posted itself when I was adding an extra screenshot... What a shockingly painful comic.
Anyway, you see that character there, in the fourth panel?
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This character took me like two weeks to find. Holy crap. I first saw it in a different comics title. No OCR reader could pick it up, none of my friends who know Japanese characters could figure out what it was... I was starting to wonder if it was the author's personal created character [ like when someone in English says 'fantabulous' or something else, where it's only really understood by someone who can pick up context clues ] and would make the comic untranslatable, but then I saw it here AGAIN.
I knew they were different authors, so it was obviously a character that should be commonly known enough to be known by character recognition software. But I tried three different OCRs, all of my friends...
Finally, I went ahead and asked a friend of a friend's grandmother (native born Japanese) to please tell me what the character was. She did (and also translated the sentences I gave to her as examples of its usage which was extremely kind of her). The character is...
[ ロ ]. [ ロ ].
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They look completely different. Man if it wasn't satisfying to finally figure out. Actually, looking at the stroke order on wikipedia, I can see how the version in the comic came to be... But man if it isn't still evil.
As always, if you understand Japanese and want to retranslate this comic, feel free to send me a message with the new translation and I'll update it and credit you.
Also, Axl is saying [ あだだだ ] in the second panel, but I can't figure out what it means.
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commenter2 · 3 months
"Welcome to Heaven" review
Time for a change of scenery and to learn more about Heaven. Spoilers.
Nice to see Vaggie told the truth instead of attempting to lie. I am curious, would that have even worked on Charlie? Does Charlie have a power to tell if people are lying to her, since her father is the “father of lies”?
That was sweet of Vaggie, but there is a lining of “Vaggie sacrifices more for the relationship” idea in my Charlie/Vaggie trailer breakdown here. LUCKILY there hasn’t been much of that as I expected in this season. At least we’ll find out how Vaggie lost her Exorcist title.
CHAGGIE KISS! Wait why’d she kiss her on the eyepatch? Also I’m NOW just wondering if Vaggie DOES still have her left eye, but is covering it up Japanese anime style cause it contains a great Exorcist power?
Here’s Cherri Bomb making an “explosi.. eh I’m not going to finish that lame joke. I do like the new Australian accent they gave her.
I’m not liking where this is going. I feel like this is going to result in a situation like in the pilot where Angel and co. embarrass Charlie’s goal in front of everyone in Heaven. I mean (spoilers based on the HH S1 trailer) something is going to make the next Extermination happen, but I hope it’s something else.
You really should have told the others to behave themselves before leaving Charlie.
A new portrait of Charlie and her parents in the background. It’s hard to make out, so hopefully someone posts a proper version of it soon.
Charlie casually throwing Vaggie through portal XD.
(Pen sees Cherri) knew this was coming here we go. Bet Pen X Cherri shippers are going to enjoy that moment.
Anyone else think the eye symbol at Heaven’s gate is also a reference to the Sheikah Eye from Legend of Zelda?
Saint Peter? With her last name being Morningstar, you think he would realize she is Lucifer’s daughter.
Charlie Morningbreakfast
Cursing is allowed in Heaven. Interesting to know, you think there will be a gag for when someone curses, everyone else covers their ears “Harry Potter Musicals” style?
So angels can take on different forms. Also was it just me or did the old angel’s bird form look like Stella a bit? I did have this theory that touched on the idea of how after fallen angels went to Hell, they would evolve to become different from what those in Heaven look like and create subspecies, and it looks that is true.
The angel finally has a name, Sera. Oh she may sound nice now but wait till we see her evil side! Right there she says, “you are gifted to be here”, life if she wasn’t Lucifer’s daughter she would have been really rude to Charlie.
Even though she says she is the highest of the Seraphim (the highest rank in Heaven’s hierarchy if pic of said topic are any indication) I feel like there is going to be a moral Heaven thing where every angel is treated equal. I thought I bring this up now cause when Sera reveals herself as a villain, I hope later on she becomes an antagonist (replacing Adam) who fights against Charlie’s redemption plan but will have trouble when other Seraphim’s and Archangels side with Charlie.
Sounds like Emily is the Charlie of Heaven XD.
Got some interesting designs like a Hellhound looking creature with hooves and that…thing she is next to. There is also someone that looks a lot like Vaggie but with no mouth, who “COINCIDENLY” has a close eye where Vaggie has an eyepatch.
I think that was a FNAF/Chuck E Cheese mascot band refence there.
MOLLY HOLY CRAP! Looks like we found the motivation to get Angel to redeem himself! I was going to wonder why she was spider looking creature when you think Heaven only has people in human/cute animal like forms, till I saw that crab looking angelic being in the same scene. Also on the bottom right, I think that’s a Sara Bellum from PPG reference.
Again. Sera being rude, though Emily sounds very ally like.
Vaggie being jealous XD
LUTE? Wait does this mean Adam is wearing a mask/helmet/whatever too? I bet he’s fugly under it XD.
Damn the Amazon Prime pause button. It keeps making the video skip ahead instead of doing its job!
OKAY HUGE REVEAL THERE! HOW COME NO ONE ELSE KNOW ABOUT THE EXTERMINATONS? Do the archangels at least know? Either way this could actually be good but I’ll get into that later.
Okay so Sera seems to be one of those “doing bad to do good” kind of characters as she just wants to protect Heaven, explains why she looked so sad in Charlie’s story, but I feel like she will have prejudices too. It also sounds like Adam was the sole person who came up with the Exterminations.
FINALLY confirmation of Vaggie being a former Exorcist! :D… Wait… Oh crap! :(
ADAM GAVE VAGGIE HER NAME! CALLED IT!! https://www.tumblr.com/commenter2/718141081445957632/odd-theory-but-do-you-think-vaggie-got-her-name?source=share
That was a hellborn child! I had suspicions that Exorcist also killed Hellborn demons during the Exterminations (Viv did once say they kill anything that wasn’t indoors) but still its more shocking than knowing it was a correct fact.
I do like that the Extermination scene is a flashback and not taking place in the finale like I predicted.
Also as messed up as what happened to Vaggie, losing her eye and wings (more on that later) at least it led to her instantly meeting Charlie. Hey they are wearing their pilot outfits :D
At least we can look forward to a Vaggie vs. Lute fight in the future.
Since it was shown that Lute was able to wound Vaggie when she was still an angel, my idea from my “Overture” review of the dead Exorcist being killed by one of its own is a little stronger now. I still think someone else like the threat impersonating Lilith did it, but I'm still keeping that as a possibility until we learn more.
If the first human soul to arrive in Heaven doesn’t know what qualifies to get into Heaven, then Charlie redemption plan deserves a chance. It also makes me curious on what the other angels think qualifies. Also again how would Angel be any different than having Adam there.
WAIT WHAT ABOUT ABEL? He was murdered by his brother long before Adam died, what happened to him after he died?
See I told you we’d get another pilot situation, though at least it’s better than last time as Angel did resist for a time. Heck Husk and Sir Pentious should also be considered proof of being able to redeem since Pen was being nice to a degree and Husk was actually trying to help Angel.
Seriously, Adam has been cursing up a storm, yet you react to when Charlie does it? Maybe like us they were just surprised that she can curse, given how good she is.
Looks like I was wrong about the situation leading to pilot vibes. GOOD! Also great to see Angel stand up to Val.
Now that we know that Val’s shirt are his wings, it makes the scene of Niffty ripping a piece off hilarious XD.
This seems enough proof to me that someone can be redeemed, don’t try and change the subject Adam.
So no angelic being in that room properly knows how judging a soul works? While odd, I wonder if this is a result of after what happened to Lucifer, maybe soon after others got sent to Hell for minor things and eventually no one dared to question or go against God’s (or whoever else’s) judgment and now they are at this point where they don’t recall things or fear becoming a fallen angel like Lucifer. I’m (semi) counting this as another one of my ideas coming true, as I did bring the idea of Heaven not knowing how to loosen the restrictions to getting into Heaven.
Though a bit understandable from Charlie’s POV and thankfully she got lucky there, her ranting to Heaven is another time where Charlie should have taken up at least SOME of Vaggie’s words.
So glad to see Adam’s ego and stupidity finally leading to some good for the heroes, as it will be interesting to see how parts of Heaven will react to learning about the Exterminations.
Trailer screen shot. At least I’m glad that Sera isn’t what I thought she was going to be like.
Oh don’t phrase it like that Charlie! You’re making my “Lilith wants to destroy Heaven” theory sound like it could happen :(
Again when looking at that statue of Sera, she looks like Stella. Also if I’m right the other creature is Emily, who I guess can take on the form of a unicorn.
Aww crap Adam revealed Vaggie’s secret. I know I brought up the idea of Charlie and Vaggie’s relationship being tested, but I just meant personality wise not this, mostly cause I though Charlie already knew. Then again Charlie can be an idiot at times. Hopefully Charlie can be mature about this and thinking back to the trailer, the two do loving sing to each other, heck looks like Vaggie gets her wings back. So yeah, I’m guessing that they will be fine and their relationship will be stronger than ever.
Seriously Sera, after what you see your going to still allow Adam to do the Extermination. Then again she might not have a choice here. This is quickly confirmed with Sera expressing the “Angels scared of suffering the same fate as Lucifer” idea I brought up. Also obviously we need something to continue the series.
So Sera and Emily ARE mother and daughter, I was starting to wonder. Actually speaking of family and thinking back to “Queen Bee”, Bee brought up the question of how fallen angels and such are related, I wonder how related Lucifer and Sera are. Could Charlie and Emily be cousins? If they are, then Vaggie won’t have to worry about Charlie leaving her XD.
At least Charlie has her first angelic ally. I wonder if what Sera said and Emily clenching her fist IS foreshadowing her fate? If my idea of her being able to transform into a horse comes true, what if her demon horse form takes on the form of the horse at the end of the Spindlehorse credits.
Aw man we’re not going to see how Charlie feel about this or more importantly,
Whew that was intense near the end. We got to see Heaven and learned some big things about it like the residents such as Molly being there or how angels have NO IDEA how judging a soul works. Then there was a big reveal that no one before the events here even knew about the Exterminations, that was a great twist if not a bit odd.
It was also great to learn more about Vaggie’s now confirmed past and be introduced to Emily and how she agrees with Charlie’s thoughts instead, making the argument less one sided. It was also funny seeing how she and Charlie got along so well which led to Vaggie being jealous at one point. Hopefully for her, Emily and Charlie turn out to be cousins.
It was nice having Cherri be in the episode, even if she almost led to Angel doing bad things and getting Charlie in trouble again. Speaking of which, it was GREAT to see that Angel HAS changed since joining Charlie. Hopefully if he learns that Molly is there, a great cameo BTW, he will amp that up to 11.
I also personally liked how stupid Adam looked in it, and now that people know the truth about Exterminations, I think it could lead to him being demoted (both related to Heaven's hierarchy and as a main antagonist in the series) and my idea of Charlie being the “chosen one” to save everyone from a great threat or the idea I have for what season 2 could be about.
The only downsides were that this was kind of the expected outcome given the episode’s place. Maybe if this was the 2nd to last episode and the finale was an hour long, it could have helped but I’m not complaining.
It was also a bummer that we didn’t see more of how Charlie feels about discovering Vaggie was an angel. At least the S1 trailer makes it clear that thing between them will be fine in the end.
The things about no one knowing about the Exterminations, or what the qualifications to get into Heaven really are, but I’m not complaining. This is actually a perfect excuse for my season finale epilogue idea where after the Extermination, Heaven agrees with Charlie and they need to rework or explore the qualifications required to get into Heaven, and Charlie plans on having a big say in it so that more people can get into Heaven whether it be after they die or through her hotel. Of course some people of Hell and Heaven will be against Charlie’s ideas, so Charlie will have to go through a multi-season storyline where she needs to keep convincing more and more powerful people that this would be a good thing, eventually having to convince God himself. All the while evil forces will try and progress its/their agenda, leading to big fights.
Now we wait for the season finale.
As always let me know your thoughts about the episode.
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cidthesquid · 2 months
My Debut! - MODEL Debut 3 #nicola
Trying a New fashion game today! Also, Happy Valentine's Day! If you don't have someone special to spend it with, try to at least do something fun for yourself! I'm going to be spending my day trying a new fashion game!
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I've seen a few clips of this, And heard it's "the best fashion game on switch!", (Released around the same time as 'Fashion Dreamer') With the only drawback being it's only available in Japanese. So We probably won't be sticking with this too long, but let's get started! ---- Alright, it looks like we just passed our audition, and we're trying to decide what to do next... and wow.. Google Translate is really struggling with this game...
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That's fine, fashion is an international language,
Ok, time to create my usual character...and..oh...
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Is that really the darkest skin tone? I know this game is made for japan, but really? Style Savvy Ds had more options, and so did Fab Style on the DS/3ds They have a million eye designs, and a full RGB slider for hair colors, But for skin, all you get is a very mild tan :-/
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Oh well, hmm this is interesting, they have a dedicated eye size/positioning section.
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Three presets for each, eyebrow height, eye height, eye size, and pupal size. It may feel a little limiting, but that's a bit more control than style savvy/fashion dreamer, without overwelmming the player,.
Here's my final character design: (I hope they let me edit it later)
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Okay outfit time!
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Wow, this game has full layering, bags, and lets you equip multiple accessories! Even though the starting options are limited, the fact that you can (as silly as it sounds) wear a neckless under a scarf. Means you have more freedom than the older style savvy games! (even if I still prefer the outfit designs in SS)
wow there is a lot of dialogue in this game...
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umm, I just wanted to have fun making outfits, what is all of this?
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Ok, so I guess this is the SS 'Photo studio' equant:
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You can't move the camera, but you can adjust the pose, expression and background. (real backgrounds in a game like this look pretty weird. You'll also have added controls for head position and gaze direction:
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Anyways, with our first photo shoot out of the way, we now get to see the world map:
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our only option is to go to the studio, so lets start there: And once we arrive, we're given a few jobs to choose from:
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I really don't know what any of these mean, so we'll go with the 'Cherry blossom viewing coordination' as I think that may just mean "style using pink", maybe?
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Nope, it looks like they want me to dress in a casual top for work, Luckily everything is labeled here, so you can just scroll over an item and check the tags.
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I'm not sure if all items need to match or we just need something that fits the theme, so let's try this:
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This is cute, but apparently dresses don't count for the 'casual top' category, (I should have guessed.)
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Let's Try again...
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Nope, They're still complaining about the "illustration, I'll need to look that up..." ok, I found a fantastic video from the youtuber "HamsterButtocks", and watched the start of her playthrough. Turns out, you need both tags shown to mach the item in question, so, we'll use the search function to find a top that matches both requirements.
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And here we go!
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Next up is posing and framing and we're done!
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Once you complete the job you get points to 'rank up' as a model, and you get little NPC comments on your post.
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And it looks like once we get further in, we'll eventually unlock some fashion show type event:
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So very interesting, I should have guessed from the game's title, But unlike Style Savvy and Fashion Dreamer, this game seems to be exclusively about modeling, and dressing up your own character, rather than helping others find their own sense of style. That's fine, and it's a neat idea, Style Savvy Fashion Forward ad a similar event, but I'm not sure how I'd feel about sticking with a full game based around that. I'm still super early on, and I'm sure tons more options will unlock as I go, but this seems to be the core gameplay loop. I had fun trying it out, and I may go back later, But for now, I have to work on the new fashion dreamer event that just went live, and I still have to finish Style Savvy: trendsetters, so I got plenty of stuff to do! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed another entry in my weird fashion game blog!
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crispys-wishlist · 10 months
Online @ The Perfect Time: A W.I.P. Love Letter to the 2000s
Online @ The Perfect Time (the title is stylized as such), is a semi-forum based visual novel that has the player, a college student in the midst of exam season quickly becoming enamoured with an anime known as Bizarre Galactic (or BIZARRE GALACTIC! as I like to style it!) and goin to an online forum to find out more. As people usually did in the 2000s
It’s got this cute, retro vibe that’s both charming and loveable, and the screenshots from the game’s page caught my eye immediately, and it quickly became the first game on my “Soon-to-play” game list on Itch. It’s a short demo, but upon finishing the game, I’ve already found a need to follow the game and play more. 
I’m writing this like a formatted essay LMAO…..
This game IS REALLY CUTE is what I’m trying to say!! However, it’s an incredibly short demo, and as such its substance is… thinly spread at best. It’s not finished, but the good news about the demo is the fact that its not expected to be a finished game. 
I played this game in my dnd discord server, on call with a friend of mine, when they suggested I stream the game! So I did. Along the way, a bunch more people joined the call and it quickly became a group thing lol. 
Well, anyways, I now introduce to you… The O@TPT Demo.
When the game opens up, you are introduced as a college student, hangin out and spending time doing a whole lot of nothing after a long day of studying. It’s getting late and you’re getting hungry, so you decide to order some food. There goes your first choice of the game, which I’m not quite sure matters other than to flesh out your character a bit more. You get three choices for take-out: Chinese, Pizza, and Japanese food. 
The first person I was on call with was half-Japanese, and I was half-Chinese, so we compromised and chose Pizza. 
As you wait for the food to arrive - 40 whole minutes, in fact - you decide to turn on the tv and flip to a random channel. And that’s when you are introduced to apparently the greatest anime you’ve ever watched via an episode mid-season. And my GOD, you are instantly obsessed.
Since you opened to a random channel at a random time, you actually began watching mid-episode. So begs the question: How are you meant to figure out the name and where to watch it? Well, worry not, you fretting little college student, because there is hope! It’s the 2000s, and that means the INTERNET EXISTS!! So what do you do? You search it up as best as you could.
Aand it brings you to…. *drumroll pleaaaaaaaaaaase* The Bizarre Galactic Fan Forum!! A funny little place where you can talk to all kinds of fans of this show! And guided and all wrapped up in a nice little capybara bow (Who another person in the call voiced like it was a 40 year old chain smoker.).
And here’s where you FINALLY get to choose your name and pronouns. Er. Your username and pronouns.
While trying to come up with a username, the people on call with me suggested we combine all our names into one, which hilariously caused us to end up with “Xxasskrax7xX.”
And YES. I WILL be using this username when I eventually make an mc when the game comes out. It’s the perfect amount of unseriousness for me. Also we chose they/them pronouns. But I’ll actually change that when the full game comes out.
SO! asskrax (SDJFKL;ASF) makes their first post on the server without looking at anything else: Where can I watch this show? They get a very kind reply from user Celesteon (very pretty girl but unfortunately not romancable..) to watch the show on the offbrand crunchyroll, crunchyprawn! So, we open the website, and begin binge watching it (as you do when you are a jobless college student during exam season.)
Truthfully, the section where you watch the episodes is VERY long, and the information is not important for the demo, so I’ll spare you a paragraph explaining the lore for the show. Will it be important for the finished game? Not sure! But my god, is it long. I’ll talk about this later.
After binge watching and definitely losing sleep, you go back to the forum to get to know the rest of the forum. A mod proposes a selfie-posting thread to introduce yourself, and you get to see the other love interests for the first time! Their profiles are already on the game page, so I encourage you to look at them for yourself. Let me tell you, they are…..
[giggling uncontrollably]
This would be a good stopping point for the demo, but there is one more scene. You wake up the next day and log back on to the forum before you go to the library to study with friends. There, the (chain-smoking) capybara gives you a sneak peak of the chatroom, presumably used to talk to the LIs, but there's not much you can do after that. Once you exit the tab, the demo ends.
The game itself is really, REALLY charming, with its aesthetic very, very much a callback to how forums and old desktops used to look back in the day. Each character you see on the forum has a really distinct voice, and they really feel like friendly strangers you’d meet on any online forum in real life. The demo ends at just the right cliffhanger that leaves me excited for the full game.
But… there are some small nitpicks that I had while playing. 
The writing in the narration sections are… not the best. There are many, many run-on sentences that feel sort of off, and you can often find some words used in the wrong tense, or a word or two spelt incorrectly. Nothing too bad, since the real charm is in the forum itself, but just enough that you’d start to notice them.
Also, there’s the section where you watch the anime. It’s long, a little boring, and feels a bit unnecessary. Honestly, it’s really likely that the information will be more important when the game is finished, so I’m not too mad about the length. It was just something that didn’t work in the context of this being a short demo.
So, what’s my final verdict? Should you play Online @ The Perfect Time?
YES. Of course you should! It’s a sweet demo and a game being developed by hardworking people, and you should always give visual novels a chance. These are just my opinions on it, and you really shouldn’t be basing your desire to play games on someone else’s opinions. 
MY GOD i just wrote this whole essay in like 2 hours. am i going to proofread this? god no. 
have a nice life :) 
Online @ The Perfect Time : Completed! ✓
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so i just wanted to write a bit how daigo's hard on himself bc it's a thing i've noticed and it makes me sad
the most noticeable exhibits of this are in kiwami2 and ykz5 -- note that I've barely seen ykz4 so it's not being included here in detail. in kiwami2 the scene in serena tho with kashiwagi ??
the way kashiwagi bursts into the room and is like 'are you okay daigo?! you're not hurt, are you?' and daigo turns his head away/down?? as if he's feeling ashamed?
and what daigo says to him is 'sorry…i couldn't protect chairman goda' to which kashiwagi goes 'i heard. dont worry about it. you're alive, that's all that matters' and then offers him a cigarette&a light, which daigo accepts
its just such a short scene that always gives me a lot of feels and i feel is underappreciated but that’s also because i hyperfocus on daigo
but it's like, kashiwagi bursts in worried about daigo while daigo feels bad for not being able to protect the chairman but kashiwagi doesnt care about that, he's only caring about daigo at the moment and its just asdfghjk
all kashiwagi cares about rn is that daigo's okay!! but daigo's upset he couldn't protect the chairman -- as tho he's let them down, perhaps? 👀
srsly tho kashiwagi's interactions with daigo come off quite paternal, in a different way than kashiwagi's older brother interactions with kiryu and nishiki, which makes sense given context but it's something i always find cute/sweet
its a scene that i think shows that despite daigo being in his sort of 'angst, apathetic' 'phase', there's more to him than that&he actually cares quite a bit about things--his 'disrespectful' interjections at the meeting at omi hq i think are also supposed to be a sign of that, but i digress
and then there's the scene in ykz5. when daigo insists on like a proper duel/shootout with kurosawa to settle things and kiryu's all worried, daigo goes 'maybe i can finally say i lived up to the title of sixth chairman. kiryu-san' and that ???? that's absolutely in part related to the events from ykz4, and aaAH
not to mention what aizawa tells kiryu in the beginning of the game -- albeit aizawa is putting on a show -- "truth be told, all i know about you are the stories, fourth chairman. but it was the chairman who was always telling them. He said it was his duty to protect the Tojo Clan you left to him […] The other execs don't want us having these talks with the Yamagasa Family. say they're not even in the same league as the Tojo. how this equal alliance is anything but. but the chairman took it all in stride because of what he promised you."
not to mention daigo's "it may not always seem it…but i'm trying my best to walk this path" from the beginning ???
this is also sort of a tangent, but also the way daigo tells shinada that he didn't have any dreams of his own bc his path was already decided for him as a yakuza so he was fine with getting expelled to protect the baseball game was really sad, esp juxtaposed with how we're told that shinada remembers dojima-kun as having 'the top marks in the grade' aah
and i looked up the original japanese text to confirm that Shinada does specify 'Dojima-kun' as having first rank in the whole grade. assuming his father's reputation didnt intimidate the teachers' gradings -- and i dont think they did since it seems like daigo wasnt known for any yakuza ties in high school -- that means daigo was bright and could have potentially had a future with opportunities in another life aaah but i digress
and then in ykz6 when kiryu's writing that letter, aAH ;-; talking about children who believed they'd be loved and acknowledged by surpassing their parents/proving themselves ;-; the undertone of kiryu acknowledging he let daigo down by not being present for him despite his parental role and aaH i could go on about their relationship but im already rambling ;-; ;-;
daigo looks up to kiryu so much and it hurts me so much and makes the letter at the end of 6 so cathartic in a sense bc it's a validation of feelings for daigo and the shots of his face in the car during the scenes AAAhH
bc while kiwami2 shows that daigo's hard on himself outside of his relationship with kiryu, ykz5 makes it pretty clear that he feels like he's let kiryu down in a sense, by like failing to live up as chairman and stuff -- just that whole 'maybe i can finally say i lived up to the title of sixth chairman. kiryu-san' && 'it may not always seem it…but i'm trying my best to walk this path' is so !! heartbreaking !! and it's like, kiryu's distance, particularly post ykz3 but also like in general ever since Dojima died which is a whole !! other thing
this has gone offtopic a bit bc there's a lot about daigo that breaks my heart, so i apologize for the tangents
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porcelain-yume · 2 years
君だけがいない世界で In a world without you alone - THE MADNA (English Lyrics Translation 英訳)
Lyrics: Ryota; Music: THE MADNA
Peering into a marble
A flock of birds swim through the open skies
The moon gazes up at the buildings above
Upside down
We meet in a world of reverse
I want to be closer to you than anyone else
To be near you
To feel you
So why is my heart filled with such heartache and hurt
When we’re apart, I know how much you mean to me
And when I get close to you, reality starts to sink in
In the nights all alone
Waiting for a tomorrow that's never promised
No matter how far into the future it may be
So that I won’t get lost down this dark road ahead
The light shines
As I think of you
Hoping that someday we’ll be laughing together again
Hoping for the days we can say "see you soon”
The more the seasons come and go
The more it seems like it was all a dream
But the void in my heart showing no sign of abating
This constant sense of loss surely showed me that
That sparkling moment was more than just a dream
The moment I touched the nostalgic melody and words
What I felt back then
What I was now on the verge of losing
I want to convey these precious thoughts and feelings
To give them shape and form
At least by weaving these words together with thoughts of you
And putting them into a song
The days have gone by
Like sand scooped up in the palms of my hands
Slipping through the cracks of my fingers
Leaving nothing but sorrow behind
I want to be closer to you than anyone else
To be near you
To feel you
So why is my heart filled with such heartache and hurt
When we’re apart, I know how much you mean to me
And when I get close to you, reality starts to sink in
In the nights all alone
And so I’ll hold on tightly to your last words
Keeping them close to my heart
From here on out I will carry on walking
Here in a world without you alone
ビー玉 (a marble): a glass sphere forms a convex lens and inverts the image, turning it upside-down. So if you look at the world through one it will be inverted. If you look up lensball photography you can get a better idea of the imagery.
明日を待っているんだ (待ってたんだ): He writes this sentence in the progressive continuous tense but sings it in the past tense (am waiting for vs was waiting for)
君だけ: it emphasises the fact that this person is the only one not there - the only person not in this world. Since the title of the song was translated on Spotify into English as “In a world without you alone” I thought it would be cute to also use it as the final line.
Japanese, Romaji & Spotify Track:
ビー玉覗き込む 大空泳ぐ鳥の群れ
Biidama nozokikomu oozora oyogu tori no mure
Biru wo miageru tsuki
Sakasama no sekai de bokura wa deau
何故だろう、 胸が痛くて苦しくて
Dare yori mo chikaku de kimi no soba de
Kimi wo kanjiteitai noni
Naze darou mune ga itakute kurushikute
Hanarete wa taisetsusa wo shiri
Chikazuite wa genjitsu wo shiri
Hitori ni naru yoru
暗い道 迷わぬように
光照らす 君を想う
「じゃあ、 またね」 と言える日々を
Yakusoku no sarenai asu wo matteirunda ➞He says mattetanda
Doredake tooi mirai datoshitemo
Kurai michi mayowanu youni
Hikari terasu kimi wo omou
Mata itsuka waraiaemasu youni
Jaa matane to ieru hibi wo
全部 夢なんだと
Kisetsu ga meguri meguru hodo ni
Subete yume nandato
Umaru kehai no nai soushitsukan ga
Tashikani oshiete kuretanda
Ano isshun no kirameki wa yume de wa nakatta to
あの頃に感じた 今、 失いかけていた
大切な感情、 想いを
Natsukashii merodi (melody) to kotoba ni fureta shunkan
Anokoro ni kanjita ima ushinaikaketeita
Taisetsu na kanjou omoi wo
Katachi ni shite tsutaetainda
Kimi wo omoitsumugu kotoba wo
Semete uta ni nosete
Atarimae no hibi ga
Te no hira sukutta suna no youni
Yubi no sukima kara kanashimi dake wo nokoshi
Dare yori mo chikaku de kimi no soba de
Kimi wo kanjiteitai noni
Naze darou mune ga itakute kurushikute
Hanarete wa taisetsusa wo shiri
Chikazuite wa genjitsu wo shiri
Hitori ni naru yoru
Saigo no kimi no kotoba wo
Tsuyoku mune ni dakishimete
Korekara mo aruiteiku yo
Kimi dake ga inai sekai de
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Oh... this is going wrong XD I laugh because I know she will stop him in time, but it really is her own fault for not seeing that coming. I saw it coming miles away and that hasn't anything to do with experience, because I don't have any, that is common sense. Heck, the woman she just spoke about told her he slept with her, she didn't say that just for the fun of seeing her face after that, that was a womanly warning. He is experienced, he might want more than you are ready to give!
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I am a bit disappointed by him. I get that he wants her really badly and like right now and I also understand why. But given how he is supposed to treasure her I would have expected him to get the hint when she stopped him. I mean he did stop and he is once again patiently waiting, but I thought he understood that before he F***** her, she would at least hear from him what kind of feelings he has and what kind of relationship they will be in now. She is not one of his mistresses, after all, she has feelings for him and he just confirmed he knows as much.
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Awwwww. Okay, that's cute.
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Naive. Really naive. She thought about him being an Yakuza, but she never thought about the fact that he was older, more experiences and that he wanted something more from her then she is ready to give just now? We spend a whole Episode with her pondering what it means to be with him but she didn't think of the most obvious part?
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I guess she is still too young...
(By the way... I must have missed the title of the Episode. We have Episode 12 here and I have no idea what its name is XD)
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Oh look! Here it is! It was just really late. (Calling him a scum would be hard tho... he is... just... you know... a man ^^')
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Is this a Japanese thing? Telling your crush your feelings even tho he has a partner that he clearly, dearly loves? I mean, I get the feeling of the thought that it is easier to get over it, if you get rejected and all... but it still feels kinda mean? Its like they are hoping he might change his mind or is willing to have an affair or something.
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I absolutely agree! I mean I somewhat saw that coming but HOW COULD HE?! The girl asked for a kiss before she finally gives up on him (which I think is an awful thing to do by itself already) and he agrees! OKAY now we can call him scum!
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I can not say I am happy with HOW they handle that situation but I DO like it that they actually bring up the problems that come with the gap in age and experience. That isn't just a cute lovestory, there is a painful lot of realism in there about the naivety of young girls and the way mature man with experience are.
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So... at least he got that part eventually ^^'
One Episode left and we ended the Episode with them driving home in silence.
0 notes
tenfoldtranslation · 4 months
On series titles!
In a move ever so characteristic of tumblr, it let me create this blog in a fit of functionality between two outages, so I wrote this over on my 'real' blog (tenfoldtranslation.weebly.com), but I'd like to start sharing more casual thoughts and updates here!
I was recently assigned to a new series (the third title of my professional career) and I'm very excited about it, so I'm hoping to start documenting my thoughts as I go! It hasn't been announced yet, so I'm keeping things vague, but I wanted to get what I was thinking down on paper before it got lost to the mists of time. Here goes!
For [redacted], the main choices were between leaving it as-is in Japanese, and trying to turn it into English. The title itself seems casual, like it's not meant to have much specific meaning to it* (unlike your typical light novel title), and one of the terms it references is not only going to be familiar to many readers who know even a few words in Japanese, but the term itself is series-specific, so it makes sense to preserve that since we'll be preserving the term in Japanese in the English translation (using it as a loan word, if you will).
*From what I can tell at this point in time, it's a play on the word [redacted] which means "to kowtow (to bow from a kneeling position such that the forehead touches the ground); to prostrate oneself; to give a deep, reverent bow​" –I think that's in reference to MC [main character] and reader reactions to the theme of the manga– and also potentially [redacted] meaning "pickles made in brine and fermented rice bran (esp. vegetables, also meat, fish, eggs, etc.)​". In all of these cases, I think what's important isn't necessarily that the meaning and references come across, but that the short, sweet, cuteness resonates with readers.
So anyway, now that we're deciding to leave it in Japanese, there's one more issue: how to romanize づ. "Du", "Dzu", and "Zu" are all correct and acceptable options (in fact, I was wondering about this same choice in あづき for both the manga service (Azuki) and in a prose translation I was reading (Adzuki). The final decision is extremely important for marketing reasons, so it's a tough choice. Mangaupdates.com uses 'du', while MyAnimeList uses 'zu' (though using 'du' still brings it up in search results). Mangadex also uses 'du'. While personally I prefer to romanize words as they sound, so in this case as 'dzu' or 'zu', the second thing that gives me pause in this case is that using 'du' makes it look like 'duke', which is its own word with its own meaning in English. Even so, I think using 'du' is a good final decision. For one, the series seems to be most known under this spelling, which I'd say is of prime importance. Second, 'du', 'dzu', and 'zu' are all technically correct, so it doesn't really matter. And finally, pronouncing 'duke' wrong (as in, the English pronunciation) makes the title as a whole really fun to say~~ Which I think is really important! I think it fits the spirit of the manga. (Even if it means English speakers tend to pronounce it wrong... hey, at least it'll give the readers who know Japanese an excuse to show off their knowledge ;D )
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ambermondy · 3 years
Title: Doki Doki Connection
Pairing: Male!Monika x Fem!Reader
Art by: MisterZei
Doki Doki Connection Masterlist: 🖋
Main Masterlist: 🍫
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Chapter 3
You took a deep breath, and with shaking knees, you slowly walked towards the open clubroom doors.
You froze at the sight of the male version of Yuri, and Natsuki.
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Yuri still has his dark purple hair, and light purple eyes. His aura, just like the original girl version, expresses maturity and sophistication.
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Natsuki still possess his straight pastel pink hair, and pink eyes. His bangs are swept to the right, having two prominent strands of hair beside them. Suprisingly enough, he still retained the accessory the girl version has, that consist of a red Japanese-style crossed hairclip, as well as a red ribbon tying one small ponytail on the upper half of his head at the back— the rest of his hair left down. And his height, he's actually taller than you but still the smallest one on the boys.
You continued to examine the two of them, your cheeks heating up.
They. Are. So. Hot.
"Welcome to the Literature Club. It's a pleasure meeting you," male Yuri suddenly spoke up, bringing you to reality. His voice was deep, and soothing. "Satori always says nice things about you," he added.
The pink-haired guy then said. "Seriously? You brought a girl?" he rolled his eyes. "Way to kill the atmosphere."
As much as you wanted to be offended by his statement, you were too distracted by his cute voice.
You opened your mouth to speak out but then frozed when your realized one thing. "Where's Monika?" You whispered, not realizing the your childhood friend next to you heard your statement.
"Who's Monika?" Satori's jovial voice next to you made you jump in surprise. Then his eyes lightened in realization. "Oh! Do you mean Moniko? I don't know where he went."
"O-oh," you muttered and looked down, your cheeks tinted red in embarrassment.
"Wait. How did you know that he's part of this club? I never mentioned it to you." His eyes widened, a teasing grin forming on his lips. "Do you by any chance like him? Is that why you quickly joined the club?"
You quickly looked up at him with a wide and panicked look. "N-no! I don't even know him!"
You felt a hot breath in your right ear and a unfamiliar smooth and confident voice. "Really? We're classmates last year, aren't we, Y/N?"
In surprise, you jumped to the side, accidentally knocking Satori to the ground.
Your eyes widened in panic. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, Satori!" You offered him a hand.
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"All is good, Y/n!" He laughed and scratched the back of his head before taking your hand.
"I'm so sorry about that, Satori. I didn't know that she'll act that way. Ahahaha," he laughed and turned to you.
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You can't help but froze at the sight of the male version of Monika in front of you. He's gorgeous. Just like the female version, he has coral brown hair, the white ribbon now missing, and his emerald green eyes made you feel that you can stare at it all day long... Ironically speaking, you actually did that at act 3 of the game, and at Monika After Story.
"I apologize for surprising you, Y/N. It really is nice to see you again." He gave you a warm smile.
"I- uh- um-" You panicked inside. Damn it! Why can't you form a coherent sentence?
"What are you looking at? If you want to say something, say it." Natsuki—or atleast what you thought is his name—spoke up.
"I-I'm sorry," you looked down, feeling dejected already. You promised yourself that you would help them, then why are you acting like some weak protagonist of an otome game? You need to keep in mind that the game's main genre was never romance, but horror.
"Naruki..." You heard the male Yuri stated.
"Hmph," Naruki—finally! You know his name—crossed his arms and turned his head to the side. You mentally rolled your eyes.
Typical tsundere.
But at least he's cute.
"You can just ignore him when he's–" you cut Satori off.
"He's the typical tsundere, isn't he?" You whispered back, not knowing how Moniko heard you, and now turned to you with wide eyes.
Satori held back his laugh. "Y-yeah." He then turned back to his club mates. "Anyway! This is Naruki, always full of energy. And this is Yuki, the smartest in the club!"
You smiled and waved at them, then you turned your head to Moniko who was already staring at you with a look in his eyes that you can't discern. It bothered you, knowing that Moniko has full control of the game.
Your confidence came back at the thought of breaking out of this game. With them. You can't act like a fool right now. You need to earn their trust.
"Hey, everyone! I'm Y/n, and it's a pleasure to meet all of you! Thank you for accepting me as a part of your club already," you smiled. Now here comes the part of your strategy that you'll surely manage to get one of the to be friends.
"When it comes to literature, I'm really a wide reader, by that I mean, I read Manhwa, and Mangas..." You saw Naruki's eyes light up—Bingo!—while Yuki frowned a bit. "When it comes to books, I'm a fan of any genres, such as fantasy, mystery, and even horror." This time, Yuki is the one who's eyes lightened up with an expectant look, the frown disappearing from his face.
Your smile grew wider at their reaction. "You really do love literature, don't you?" You turned to Moniko who just spoke up.
You nodded, not lying about what you said earlier. "I also write stories in my spare time, though I'm not good with poems, since I find it hard to understand them." You let out a nervous laugh.
Moniko patted your head and you looked up at him in surprise. "That's fine, you can learn here in the literature club."
"I'm excited for it."
You don't want to follow the script but you'll make an exception just this one for this line.
This club... is full of incredibly hot guys!!
Wait. Script...
Your mind flashed the conversation you had with them... Moniko's appearance...
Did he just deviated from the script in act 1?
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quacka-quacka · 3 years
I mentioned Paul's strong resistance to being recognized as effeminate man or gay (here). Although he can hang out with gay guys, wear rainbow flag in public [yeah I definitely need to write that again in case someone didn't see it], being considered gay or "cute" is beyond endurance. I know someone love to interpret this as "don't want to his sexuality being mislabeled", which indeed looks sensible when it comes to the homosexuality, but this excuse can't be applied to the "cute" thing, right? You can't say being cute or feminine is the same thing as being gay, can you? Well, I can hear Paul's every single cell screaming O!M!G! Feminine! all the time. He doesn't want himself have anything to do with feminine, which, unfortunately can not be simply regarded as personal preference, it's indeed a despising of femininity, and femininity? Of course it's about female. Yes, "phallicism", the worship of masculine are still popular in today's society, but it doesn't mean it's right. I have to say Paul's thought is the product of this society, not to mention that he is an old man who grow up in a working-class family six decades ago, we can't demand him that much. His attitude towards women is the same thing.
PAUL: We were more amazed to see the [Japanese] women leaping up out of the seats for the promoter, because we'd never seen that in the West. The subservience of the women was amazing. They'd say, 'Oh God, I'm sorry - was I in your seat?' I remember us getting back to Britain and saying to our wives and girlfriends, 'I wouldn't want you to do that, but maybe it's a direction worth considering?' Promptly rejected.
— The Beatles Anthology
Although Paul seems to know that it's pretty cool for a woman to pursue her own career, like admitting Jane was famous before he was, allowing Linda to write a cookbook or have a photography exhibition, the androcentrism is too ingrained for him to forsake. He acknowledged Jane's achievements but still wanted her to give up work completely:
'I always wanted to beat Jane down,' says Paul. 'I wanted her to give up work completely.'
'I refused. I've been brought up to be always doing something. And I enjoy acting. I didn't want to give that up.'
— Hunter Davies, The Beatles
He allowed Linda to do her own thing, but they are not entirely hers - all those projects are belong to MPL, and do not forget Paul said this after Linda's death:
She never did anything on her own because we were together so much. 
— Paul McCartney, interview w/ Chrissie Henderson for USA Week-end: Tears and laughter. (October 30, 1998)
That's so sweet to see Paul would support his wife any time, but on the other hand it also shows that Linda never get the chance to do something entirely on her own without Paul's interference after she got married. No wonder so many people from inner circle [including Linda, yeah] described Paul as "typical Northerner":
Linda confided that Paul was a ‘typical Northerner’ who believed women should stay at home while men worked.
— Bonnie Estridge, The Mail on Sunday. (March 20th, 2005)
Paul was raised the old-fashioned way. Men were the breadwinners; women stayed at home, had babies and tea on the table. He's still an old-fashioned guy, very careful with money.
— Ruth McCartney
Like the other Beatles, he [Paul] was essentially an old fashioned Liverpool man, who wanted his woman tucked away at home cooking the dinner and minding the kids.
— Cynthia Lennon, John
Jane was a serious actress and wanted to continue her career, but Paul had other ideas. That’s why Linda was so perfect for Paul; she was just what he wanted, an old-fashioned Liverpool wife who was completely devoted to her husband.
— Marianne Faithfull, Memories, Dreams and Reflections
I'd say Paul was not that old-fashioned, at least he allowed his wife to do other things besides being a full-time nanny, but everything she does must cater his needs. As Jane once mentioned, he always wants his girl to adore him like fans:
The trouble is, he wants the fans’ adulation and mine too. He’s so selfish; it’s his biggest fault. He can’t see that my feelings for him are real and that the fans’ are fantasy.
— Jane Asher, Love Me Do! The Beatles’ Progress by Michael Braun
I know some of the fans can't wait to jump up now and shout "Paul and Jane didn't have a mature relationship!" "He's much mature after he meet Linda!" "Paul and Linda had a very very very healthy relationship!" Ok, if you really did some research, you may know that he's never mature enough to know how to fully respect women, at least before the end of divorce with Heather Mills. I have seen the theory appears too many times that Paul and Linda's marriage is the result of careful consideration: Linda came along with a ready-made child and she's ready to marry again - well, I regret to tell you both Paul and Linda wouldn't agree with you.
I was a great disappointment to my family When I got married [to a geologist] and moved to Arizona, it was crazy. I had been pressured by men all my life. I rather liked being on my own, making my own decisions. I had actually sworn to myself that I would never get married again.
— Linda McCartney, interview for Playgirl: An intimate conversation with pop’s preeminent pair. (February, 1985)
As she says, she's quite enjoy her freedom and had absolutely no interest in marriage. What did Paul do? He "twisted her arm" to make her agree.
I persuaded Linda to come to London for a visit. Then I rang Heather in New York and said, ‘Heather, will you marry me?’ She was five. ‘No, don’t be silly,’ she said. ‘I’m too young.’ ‘Well, I can wait,’ I said. So we went to New York and brought her back to London to live with us, and I twisted Linda’s arm and finally she agreed to marry me.
— Paul McCartney, interview for Playgirl: An intimate conversation with pop’s preeminent pair. (February, 1985)
Linda also said neither of them knew what they were doing when they got married:
LINDA: 'So instead of getting an agent I met Paul instead and got married. Or I was going through a transition then and didn't know quite what I was doing and he obviously didn't know quite what he was doing so we ended up marrying instead.'
— Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now
Again, I'm not saying Paul and Linda never loved each other or their marriage was completely made up for media, but I don't think his marriage with Linda enabled him to prioritize other's feelings [his status as one of the four head monsters doesn't help]. Linda's overmuch unilateral compromises certainty don't make him look mature. Let alone his excessive dependence on her.
Reply to all these who think feminize Paul/men is a bad thing:
You love to say that Paul doesn't want the cute title because people used to mock him by that. I understand it. But do you ever think about why being feminine is not taking him seriously? Do you ever think about this is the discrimination about femininity from the whole society? Why does a man must be despised when he has anything to do with femininity? And Paul's approach is denying his femininity, which is the same with those who mock it, like - a man being feminine is a shame because it means he can't be "respected" like other men. It's the recognition of this concept, which is outdated if you think about it.
P.S. Someone who reblogged my post doesn't seem to like the sentence "there must be many sweet moments between Paul and Linda". Ok, I delete it then.
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invertedgoogle · 3 years
I tried translating the Vol 24 omakes: Schrö and Dinger are back!
Disclaimer: This was done to the best of my (limited) Japanese ability and by looking up every other word on Weblio, so there may be some references I missed, and I definitely know some that I wasn't able to find. I still hope you guys enjoy it though!
Credits for scans: @kanotototori
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A spur of the moment
Box: Mew… mew… mew…
Yukine: … they’re cats!
Yukine: Oh no… who threw you away? Are you alright? You’re not hurt, are you?
Yato: Wait! Don’t touch them!
Yukine: It’s alright, it’s not like I can get sick or anything.
Yato: First, we need to take a video!
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Yukine: They’ll die if we don’t do anything! Can we please take them home?! I’ll be responsible for taking care of them!
Yato: No no, we can’t keep pets!
Yukine: Well, fine then, I’ll ask Hiyori (hand me your phone)
Yato: Hiyori also can't keep any pets in her home, right?
Yato: Can we meet up?
Hiyori: Sorry…
(Flashback end)
Yato: And she did say “Maybe we should stop meeting up for a while since there’s Covid going around”...
Yukine: She said she’s coming over!
(Let’s go home!)
Yato: Wait, what?
With Covid
Hiyori: Yato! Long time no see! Where are the cats?
Yato: … on the second floor…
Yato: And I’d even told him that keeping pets while single means that I’d become totally unmarriable... It’s really messed up my life plans! I’m begging you, Hiyori...
Yato: Get Yukine to change his mind—
Daikoku: So she was using Covid as a reason to avoid you, huh…
Yato: … I hate Covid!!
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Yukine: These are Schrö-kun and Dinger-chan
Hiyori: So cute!!
Hiyori: They’re so tiny… <3! They make me want to come here every day… <3
Yato: We can keep them!!
Yato: Well, that’s fine… if anything I can get some cat adoption videos (in the subsequent text there’s a reference here that I can’t for the life of me look up or understand, so I’m moving on to the next speech bubble)
I can increase my likability... getting married isn’t just a pipe dream anymore!
(Not both of them though)
Yukine: His face says it all… (Thanks) but he’s the one being used here!
Narrator: Just as expected from Yato’s Satori… no, wait, hafuri
* Satori is a kind of mind-reading yokai
Side hustle
Yukine: So the cost of raising a single cat is 2.5 million yen… it’s double if we’re raising two. Just my part-time job isn’t enough to cover that. Should I try making videos?
Hiyori: You can try! I’ll help out!
One month later
Yukine: We’ve finally reached 100 subscribers
Hiyori: So there are people who keep up with our videos from time to time
Yato: Well, but my channel has never been doing better!
Hiyori: Wow! Since when were you a Youtuber?
Yato: Would you like me to take you under my wing? Yukine ku~n?
Yukine: No thank you.
Yukine: But none of this has anything to do with cats!
Yato-possessed Hiyori onscreen: For hitting 1 million subscribers, I’ll be giving out free hugs in Shibuya!
(Video title: SchröDinger’s no-makeup no-filter channel, 1.02 mil subscribers)
Hiyori: Wait… since when was I under divine possession?
Yato: Hey, you made a commitment, didn’t you?
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Business expertise
Yato: This turned out so profitable!
Yukine: Urgh…! K… kinda regret not joining you, but it’s amazing... if only I had that many subs...
Yato: Now time for my start-up!
Yato: I’ve used all the money to buy a whole load of coffee beans (Kyaa!!)
Yukine: … why coffee…?
(Coffee extracted from the feces of Asian palm civets is said to be a delicacy)
Yato: So we feed the cats these coffee beans, right? And after that they’re gonna poop, right? Then we can take the beans from their poop…
Yato: And make locally produced, all-Japanese Kopi Luwak… (Slap!) guh!
SSR Character
(Store: homemade, home-roasted coffee)
Yukine: It’s hot, so please be careful with it!
Hiyori: Thank you for your patronage!
(Sticker: for Schrö and Dinger)
Hiyori: Good work! The coffee business looks like it’s going swimmingly! Good for you, Yukine-kun!
Yukine: Thanks, if we can just keep this up…
Voice: Oh? I smell something nice…
Ebisu: I smell money~
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yurimother · 4 years
LGBTQ Light Novel Review — I'm in Love with the Villainess
A stunningly profound, entertaining, and queer title that eclipses other isekai and Yuri series
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There are few titles the general public seems to be as excited about as Inori and Hanagata's I'm in Love with the Villainess, as it has been sitting at or near the top of Amazon's LGBT Manga list for months and Twitter is consistently abuzz with the latest news on this isekai Yuri series. I was somewhat more skeptical, as I have had relatively poor experiences with isekai and fantasy Yuri. Still, my excitement went through the room, and I eagerly boarded the "hype train" upon the cover reveal for the third volume. Yuri families, where two women raise children together, are one of my greatest desires and something I rarely see portrayed in the genre. However, I still had mostly low expectations for the series going into the first volume. I looked forward to some light meandering comedy and typical boring trope-filled isekai shenanigans. However, I'm in Love with the Villainess more than exceeded my expectations. No, even this statement is far too moderate to describe how utterly stunned and blown away I was by Inori's creation. I'm in Love with the Villainess is completely shattering and easily one of the greatest light novels I have ever read. Thus, I have no choice to award a perfect 10/10 score, my first ever for a light novel.
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After waking up in the world of her favorite otome game, Revolution, protagonist Rae is ecstatic to be faced to face with Claire Francois, the game's villainous rival. However, Rae never played Revolution for the thrill of romancing any of the three attractive young princes. She was always in love with Claire. She attends the academy and studies magic in the fantasy world alongside Claire, the princes, and various other supporting characters. Using her skills from the modern world and her encyclopedic knowledge of Revolution, Rae manipulates the situation to be close to Claire, becoming her maid, and garnering status and money along the way. As an inevitable conflict looms closer, Rea begins to enact plans to protect herself and Claire, many of which are not fully understood or explained until the finale fantastically reveals the reasons for her actions. There is a natural and steady pace to the narrative that awards readers’  predictions and attention to detail.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess has some excellent supporting characters, all of whom have unique personalities, histories, and abilities, some of which are revealed by Rae's exposition and others naturally throughout the novel. However, the stars of the show are the central couple, Rae and Claire. Claire is an elite aristocrat and extremely bratty. She often sneers at commoners and makes her disdain of Rae very clear from early on. On paper, she sounds like the perfect villain and someone all readers would despise. However, Rae's utter devotion and infatuation with Claire is so sincere that we cannot help but be pulled in and adore Claire and all her tantrums. Rae is a delight herself, continually flirting and poking fun at Claire, which gets her verbally berated, much to her masochistic pleasure. However, she is also exceptionally cunning and intelligent, and some of the light novel's greatest joys are listening to her analyze a situation or watching one of her plans fall into place.
“Ah, I’m… Well, it doesn’t matter. I mean, it’s irrelevant to cuteness—because, Miss Claire, you are cute.” “Huh?!” She pulled away. It was perfect—such a pure reaction. “Miss Claire, you hate me, right?” “Of course!” “That’s fine. Please keep teasing me. I love it.”
The beginning of the book does not immediately clue one into its brilliance. Sure, Claire and Rea get some great one-liners as they bully each other, and the scenarios are authentic and fun, but it is nothing shattering. I was feeling pretty relaxed and having a lot of fun with the characters, their relationship, and the various slice-of-life style scenarios they encountered until one section, I remember the exact page, 81, as it stopped me dead in my tracks. I was flabbergasted and briefly frozen before shooting up out of bed, shouting expletives as I ran to my office to immediately record what I had just experienced. It all begins with the line, "Hey, Rae. Are you what they call gay?" What followed was one of the most thoughtful, condensed, informative, and nuanced discussions of gay and queer identity (both terms used in this scene) I have ever seen in Yuri. Everything from representation in media, the perceptions of and prejudices against gay people, and the role gender plays in romance for bisexual and gay people are analyzed. Its commentary is succinct yet so respectful and forthright that it could have only come from genuine experience, thus selling the book and its characters so much more.
"Queer people were still overwhelmingly closeted in this world, which was rife with prejudice and nurtured little understanding. As I noted, the queer people depicted in the story were either the sex fiends Claire imagined or the free-loving sort Lene had in mind. Diversity and acceptance were a long way off.”
Thus, Inori's writing's beauty exposed itself, and the book opened itself up to a delightful cycle. The narrative masterfully integrates isekai slice-of-life hijinks, like running a cross-dressing café or battling a giant slime with nuanced and challenging moments that dissect complicated topics. The latter mainly consists of a growing rift between the aristocracy and common people, mirroring real-world wealth gap issues, but the novel also touch on matters such as unequal prison sentencing and segregation. Every scene helped further the complexity of the characters and their relationships or else built onto the world of Revolution. Speaking of which, I'm in Love with the Villainess has some of the best worldbuilding ever seen in a light novel.
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Initially, brief exposition establishes much of the world, which is adequate if not exciting. I will mark up to a casualty of the light novel's serialized nature, as it must present readers its setting immediately. However, Inori does not stop here. Through the narrative, new elements are established, such as a magic system and the kingdom's politics. Rea notes and describes how the world, while clearly based on medieval Europe, has many modern Japanese attributes, as Japanese game developers created it. Her pointing out the intersection of the two is fascinating. Furthermore, A great deal of time is spent establishing characters and organizations all have their own wants, agendas, and methods, many of which are not even directly involved with the story. Instead, they act as a background and help further contextualize others. For example, the Church publicly appears to lean towards supporting the commoners in their efforts for equality but has its own agenda of superseding the nobility. While they play little role in Rea and Claire’s adventure, they are one of numerous factors contributing to the unrest of the lower class. All these additions are interesting, and it never feels like the story or characters suffer for their inclusion, quite the opposite.
“The Bauer Kingdom had started a step behind other countries when it came to magical research. They dominated the surrounding countries in military strength, and this had made them complacent, leading them to underestimate the value of new magic technology until the best researchers had all been enticed to other countries. Even after the king came up with his magic-focused meritocratic policy, Bauer lagged behind.”
I can only make complaints by scraping the very bottom of the barrel. Hanagata's beautiful art is too infrequent to add much to the light novel, and many scenes crying for illustrations are left to the readers' imagination. However, Inori so wonderful writes the story that one hardly cares and can easily picture every moment with delight. Besides, the manga adaption will nullify this issue. Where I cannot complain at all is the spectacular translation by Jenn Yamazaki and Nibedita Sen, one of Seven Seas best (which is high praise considering the competition). Sure, I was slightly disappointed at first to see the adaptation left off honorifics, but the more I thought about the setting, the more sense it made. I am sure people much smarter than I gave the issue much more consideration, and I am happy with their decisions.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess left me reeling with how pleasurable and powerful it was. The story and characters are such a joy, and I cannot wait to see Rea and Claire bully each other again in the next volume. Astounding worldbuilding and powerful, thought-provoking politics surround their antics and the high stakes plot. Every moment of their journey will enthrall readers as they squeal with glee at its hilarious set pieces or are shocked by its commentary of society's most significant challenges. Inori has created one of the most delightful, heartfelt, complex, profound, and genuinely queer light novel series ever. If you only read one thing I recommend this year, let it be I'm in Love with the Villainess.
Ratings: Story — 9 Characters — 10 Art — 5 LGBTQ — 10 Sexual Content — 2 Final — 10
Review copy provided by Seven Seas Entertainment
Purchase I’m in Love with the Villainess in digitally (9/23) and in print (11/10) today: https://amzn.to/32NEyG1
Supports creators by purchasing official releases.
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adobe-outdesign · 3 years
Reviews of All Scrapped Spaceword Betas
Exactly what it says in the title. This is also for my reference, as I might redesign some of these later for funsies. 
I’m only including Pokemon that were 100% scrapped (we’re not here to argue what might have become what) and aren’t evos/pre-evos of existing Pokemon. Also, I’m using the English fan-translations for the names because I don’t speak Japanese.
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Our original fire starter, and yeah, I can see why this was scrapped. For starters (heh), it looks more like a rodent that evolves into a lion than anything resembling a bear. And secondly... it doesn’t really have a clear focus, nor a memorable design. It’s just kind of a rodent-bear thing with flames tacked onto it. 
The best Pokes usually have a "catch” to them, and these guys lack that. For example, this got replaced by Cyndaquil, which has the concept of flaming spikes that form out of its back. That’s memorable. This, well, isn’t.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Teddiursa and Ursaring are probably the closest in terms of being bears. Something about it also reminds me of Growlithe/Arcanine, probably because it’s a fluffy fire thing that evolves into a bigger fluffy fire thing with a mane and black markings.
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This has the same problem as the Flambear line, just less extreme. It’s okay, being a little plesiosaur that evolves into a bigger plesiosaur, but it also lacks an interesting catch to it. The pearls are maybe something, but they’re not really emphasized, just kind of tacked on. Plus Dragonair kind of has the crystal neck ornaments on lock. And the horn. And the underbelly. And the water theme...
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I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to a plesiosaur water starter in the future, but it would probably have to be completely redesigned.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of focus/interesting design; too similar to Dragonair
Pokes to fill the void: Dragonair, as mentioned above. If you want a plesiosaur, Lapras is always a thing.
Putting the rest under the cut for length.
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This is one of the most chaotic beta evolutions out there, aside from beta Girafarig. I can see the resemblance between Sunmola1 and Anchorage to some extent--counter-shaded blue fish with two fins and a short body--but the anchor part of the evolution comes out of nowhere. Then it sporadically turns into a gulper eel, which has nothing to do with the previous two evolutions at all.
I’ve heard some people suggest that Sunmola1 basically gets dragged into the depths and turns into a deep-sea creature due to its anchor, which is a fantastic idea. However, if that’s what they were going for here it’s not really clear, and I think it could be executed much better.
Individually, Sumola1 is a little plain. Not terrible, but I think they could do something more interesting with the little head thing. Anchorage is memorable, but there’s something very un-Pokemonish about it. I think it’s just the fact that it’s basically cut in half--I keep expecting the backsprite to show its organs or something. Grotess is also a bit too plain.
It’s also worth noting that at some point, this was the evolutionary line, which is more consistent but much less interesting (save for the middle evo’s eyes, which are pretty great).
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Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of evolutionary consistency; some designs plain or not very fitting for Pokemon
Pokes to fill the void: Alomomola is a sunfish Pokemon. Sharpedo is a shark crossed with an object, and Grotess almost certainly became Huntail and Gorebyss.
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These two... are pretty good. They have a simple catch--black cats with bells--and the designs are nicely executed and memorable.
If I had one complaint, it’s that they maybe seems a tad unfocused in the backend of things. They’re dark types, but have a bunch of “cutesy” moves, and it’s not clear why’d they be dark apart from being black cats. They seem to have a magical girl vibe (Bellboyant looks a bit like Luna from Sailor Moon, which is probably not a coincidence), which also has nothing to do with the bells or the dark theme. I do think that the designs themselves are fine though, and that if you just focused on the sound concept a hair more you’d have a pretty great Pokemon.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not entirely sure, these definitely would’ve been popular. Might’ve just been a balancing thing, or it lost the dev popularity contest. 
Pokes to fill the void: Skitty kind of has the same vibe as Rinring. They also remind me a bit of the Meowth line, being cat Pokemon with metal attached to them. The Purrloin line takes over the “dark-type cat” aspect.
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I’m torn on this one. On the one hand, it’s a very plain looking Pokemon. The idea of it balancing a fireball/bomb on its nose instead of a ball is clever and memorable enough... except that it’s dependent on it being on that pose. It can’t balance that 24/7, and once it stops all you’re left with is a plain sea lion with dark points.
However, it’s fire/water. The only fire/water we have right now is a legendary, so it would be sweet to have one that’s just a regular poke. So it’s not that the concept itself is bad, using a water-based animal and adding a fire type; it’s just more that the execution is lackluster. Give this guy a hook not related to the fireball and make the seal itself more interesting and I think you’d have something here.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Lack of interesting design
Pokes to fill the void: Volcanion is our only fire/water Pokemon for now. In terms of seals/sea lions with a circus theme, Popplio is a decent enough match.
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Someone at Gamefreak hates tigerballs, because this line was planned for Gen 1, scrapped, then planned for Gen 2 and scrapped again. Which is strange, because while it’s not the best design it’s not bad either. It’s very very cute, and could definitely find an audience.
However, I’m not really sure what the premise is here. If it’s based on tiger clay bells, then it doesn’t really play into the bell theme much at all. And if it’s not... why is it so round? It’s not that the roundness is bad, but it would usually form the hook for this Pokemon, like it collects static electricity in its fur that makes it puff out or something. Maybe some dex descriptions would’ve made this clearer, who knows.
Also, Electiger is literally the exact same design as Tigrette, just bigger. It would either need a completely new final evolution or would need to show up as a single evo. 
While that sounds harsh, I do really like this design. Fix the evo, figure out/build on the hook of it being round or bell like, and maybe refine the markings a touch and it would be pretty perfect.
Possible reason for being scrapped: Not sure. Might’ve been too similar to Pikachu (both being yellow round electric type Pokemon with zig-zag tails, and og fat Pikachu was also very round). The need to rework the evolution also might’ve turned GameFreak off of it.
Pokes to fill the void: Spheal and Rowlet are both pleasantly round. Pikachu is cute and electric themed in a similar way. In terms of tigers, Raikou is also electric-type. The exact way the stripes are done here is also very similar to Litten.
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GameFreak. GameFreak, you are telling me that we almost had a voodoo-doll Pokemon based off of Ushi-no-Toki-Mairi that evolves into a fucking jiangshi panda?? You are killing me here.
A few interesting things to note here:
Kurstraw evolves at level 1. How? Why? No idea. It could just be a placeholder, but...
The fact that Kurstraw was set to have Curse as its signature move (then called “nail”) and that it only learned this move at level 100 makes it evolving at level 1 seem intentional.
To make things more confusing, it almost seems like (and this is speculation on my part) GameFreak’s intention was to encourage players to not evolve this thing. Stats are comparable, Kurstraw only gets its signature move if you level it up to where it can’t evolve, and Kurstraw has the better moveset (getting frigging destiny bond at lv. 16, while Pangshi gets... splash (which. makes more sense when you consider it’s called “hop” in Japan but it’s still useless). If that was what they were aiming for, then that’s a really unique mechanic that would really make this poke stand out.
Design wise, Kurstraw is... well, it’s a doll with a nail rammed through it. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not very Pokemon-ish. Meanwhile, Pangshi is maybe a little too much like a Jianshi rather than being reminiscent of one, right down to the little hat. The pose, fangs, and panda colors (which resemble Jiangshi mandarin robes) are more than enough to get the hook across.
What I really love about these two are the expressions. They are just like, so dissonantly happy. Kurstraw is literally like
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and Pangshi has the dead-eyed thousand-yard stare of Espurr, except unlike Espurr it looks completely and utter deranged. It looks like if this Pokemon ended up in Mystery Dungeon, it would respond to every question with “my favorite color is blood”. Amazing.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I think these two might’ve been scrapped just because they were too scary. I mean, it’s a voodoo doll impaled on a giant nail that evolves into a literal actual corpse. The implied violence was probably just a bit much for GameFreak.
The reason I think this is, beside the fact that they have fairly solid designs, good hooks, and all of their stats and moves in place, most beta Pokemon have had their premises revisited at some point. But we’ve really never gotten a voodoo doll Pokemon since this, and we definitely haven’t gotten any jiangshi Pokemon either, which suggests the problem lied in the very concept rather than the execution.
Pokes to fill the void: People say that Kurstraw was reworked into Banette, but if anyone Pokemon resembles it to be, it would actually be Mimikyu. They both have cloth bodies with drawn-on smiley faces that resemble something cuter than them and they both want to curse you for existing.
For Pangshi... well, there’s Pancham if you’re looking for tiny pandas. If you’re after a jiangshi though, you’re out of luck.
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This Pokemon has a great hook. I mean, a Pokemon that wears a pelt that transforms it into a werewolf? Hell yeah. Not to mention it might be a reference to an obscure Nordic tale about people donning wolf pelts to turn into wolves for ten days.
Design wise, it... well, Wolfman looks almost exactly like Venonat. I’m not the only one who sees this, right?
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That aside, I think the idea could be played up a little more. Wolfman is fine, save for its Venonat-ishness, but Warwolf doesn’t do much for me, basically just being a larger version with claws and fangs. If the idea is that it turns into a werewolf by wearing the pelt, what if its evolution looked somewhat like a wolf? Or better yet, the actually body of the thing changes to fill the wolf skin more, so it looks like its a part of it? That would really elevate this Pokemon to a new level.
Possible reason for being scrapped: I’d guess that it’s the same problem as Kurstraw and Pangshi--too scary. I mean, that is a dead pelt of some kind, which means that it killed and skinned some kind of Pokemon, and that’s not getting into questions of what Pokemon they got that from.
It’s also worth noting that when we did finally get a werewolf Pokemon via Lycanroc, it was minus the pelt concept.
Pokes to fill the void: Lycanroc as our werewolf Pokemon. In terms of design, Venonat is very similar as noted above. And something about it really reminds me of Snorunt, being little critters with glowing eyes that wear a cloak of some kind and live in the cold (this line was ice-type).
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30secondstoanime · 3 years
The Birthday Present
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pairing: Pro!Hero Midoriya x Fem!Reader
genre/warnings: Reader Insert, Birthday Sex
Kinky Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Gets Out of His Comfort Zone, That's Not How You're Supposed to Use Your Quirk, Porn With Plot, praise kink?, very smutty, Rough Sex, role-playing, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Teasing, Light Bondage, Light Masochism, Light Choking, Doggy Style, Fluff and Smut, after sex cuddles
word count: 7,467
→ summary: Your birthday is around the corner. What better gift than your boyfriend, the #1 Hero Deku, finally giving you what you want the way you want it: rough and kinky. But first plot!
a/n: Sorry about the crap summary and title, I'm working on that lol. So this is my first fic for the bnha fandom and first attempt at writing very explicit sex scenes and venturing into kinks/BDSM, so please be kind, but also I’d love feedback! This was supposed to be a cute four-page oneshot but turned into a sixteen-page, 7k+ word behemoth, hence the self-indulgent tag ‘cause I couldn't stop writing. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor ;)
In a few days, you’ll be turning twenty-four. Your birthday has always been an odd day you think for someone with your quirk because age really was just a number. That’s not to say you weren’t planning to do something fun, at least if you could figure out what you’d like to do. Okay, so that was a lie. You knew exactly what or should you say who you wanted to do and that it involved getting your back blown out. As soon as the thought pops into your head, your epiglottis forgets its job, and you choke on the sip of UCC coffee, you had tried to swallow. You cough to clear your airway, gasping when air finally expands your lungs. You tap your pen nervously against your desk, eyes scanning the other pro heroes’ faces in your agency. It seems your sudden outburst hadn’t disrupted the comfortable silence of the natural lull of the workday. A beep from your hero pager pulls your attention away from people watching in the office. Coordinates flash in five consecutive seconds before the transmission ends. You stand grabbing your toolbelt and strapping it across your hips; you make your way to the front. As you near the exit, you hear your hero name being called. You turn and see Yaomomo briskly walking towards you.
“Hey Creati, you got the page too?”
“I did, sounds like they’ve made a bit of a mess of things.” You scoff good-naturedly.
“When do they ever not. Were they really like this during your time at U.A.?” She giggles and nods her head. You wonder if you’ll ever stop cleaning up after the nation’s top three heroes.
“Better get going then, we both know they share a singular brain cell, so there’s no telling how much time we have to fix things.”
“Atomic!” You laugh at Yaomomo’s weak attempt to scold you — the amusement in her black eyes softens the tone.
“Oh my.”
You blow out a low whistle. Ice and scorch marks are scattered across the street and surrounding buildings. Explosive ash is still gently falling from the sky, and black tendrils are haphazardly keeping electric poles, exposed building foundation, and an abundance of wrecked vehicles from collapsing.
“Creati, check the building foundations. Create new beams and weld them together if necessary. I’ll get started on the pole, we can’t have a live electric wire falling.” She nods, and you split off. The work is slow and arduous, but the orderly nature of reorganizing and coaxing atomic particles back into place helps the time pass quickly. You’ve just finished rearranging the anatomical structure of a car hanging from a, thankfully, undamaged light pole, so that it falls to the ground weightlessly. You touch the damaged side, pull it back together, and return the car to its original density. You give the car a quick tap with the toe of your foot to test the structural integrity, satisfied you step back taking in your handiwork. What had a few hours ago looked like a DEFCON 3 military mission gone awry is now back to looking like an ordinary Japanese street. Well, as normal as you and Yaomomo could reconstruct — you weren’t miracle workers, and Ground Zero’s explosive residue was hard to get rid of. Instead, the way it collected and hung in the atmosphere made it difficult for your quirk to erase without condensing the air. That was out of the question unless you wanted to suffocate Yaomomo. Which you didn’t, so the employees of these buildings would be dealing with the smell for at least a week. Sighing, you tuck your hands in your pockets and make your way over to Creati. Her welding mask obscures her face, but you know it’s in deep concentration. After she cuts the torch and pushes the protective gear up, she gives you a smile.
“All done?”
“Just about.”
“I’ll page H.Q. Might even lodge a formal complaint against those three bird brains while I’m at it.”
“(Y/N), you can’t be serious.” She shoots you an incredulous look.
“They make this huge ass mess and don’t even bother to wait for us to arrive before dipping. Total dick move.”
“Ah-huh.” You don’t like the teasing note in her voice.
“Oh, nothing.” You cross your arms defensively.
“Spit it out, Yaoyorozu.”
“You sure your foul attitude has nothing to do with not seeing Deku?” You roll your eyes.
“I’ll see him at home like I do every day. So no, I’m not upset about not seeing him.”
“If you say so.” She gives you a look, and you let out an exasperated puff of air.
“You cannot still be stuck on that!”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” She bats her eyes at you innocently while creating a duffle bag to transport the welding equipment.
“That God awful theory you and Ashido have about me having a hero kink for Izuku." You begin to walk side by side back to the agency. You hand her an energy bar from your utility belt.
“I mean, you do get very flushed whenever you see him on patrol. Like, if it were a hentai video, you’d definitely be drooling with your tongue lolling out of your mouth.”
“Ugh!” You shove her with your shoulder. “That is so gross.” Both of you laugh, and after a small lapse into silence, you give.
“Okay fine. I might get instahorny whenever I see Izuku in costume, but I can’t help it. He just looks so good, and it’s heightened because I know what he looks like out of costume, and then all I want to do is jump his bones, but of course, I don’t because propriety. So I’m left with all this pent up sexual frustration!”
“So, are you going to ever mention this to him? Your birthday is in a few days and if I may be so bold —”
“It’s never stopped you.” You mumble under your breath with a smile.
“I’d suggest you request it be your birthday present.”
“Pfft. Yaomomo, we’ve been together almost a year and a half, and while our sex life is fucking phenomenal, I’m talking multiple orgasms almost every time, amazing — it’s been very strictly vanilla. Not from any lack of trying on my end, but every time I’ve tried to spice things up, he gets as close as humanly possible to spontaneous combustion. Don’t even get me started on the one time I tried to get him to choke me while I —”
“(Y/N)! Stop, goodness, I do not need the play by play of your and Izuku’s sex life. I just,” she massages her temples, “wanted to make a suggestion. While I’m relieved you feel so secure in our friendship to be so open, please remember I went to high school with him. He’s like a little brother.”
“Oh, Yaomomo, there’s nothing little about him.” Her face pales, and you can’t stifle your cackle. It quickly becomes a full-blown laugh that rattles through your body.
“I went a little too far with that last comment, gomen. On a serious note, though, how would I even go about asking him? ‘Hey babe, it’s my birthday so I want you to fuck me until my knees are jello while in your hero costume because it gets me all hot and bothered oh and since I’m risking it all I’d love it if you tied me up and maybe choked me too.’”
You glance over your shoulder, a look of profound regret is plastered over Yaomomo’s face. You give her an impish grin.
“Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue does it.”
“Oh (Y/N).” Your friend shakes her head. When you finally turn the corner onto the street, your hero agency is housed, you catch sight of a mop of green hair. You pick up your pace, a mischievous grin on your face. Using your quirk, you redistribute your mass, so your footfall’s noise against the pavement is silenced. Izuku is talking with someone, his back turned to you. The goods were on display. When he’s in reach, you stretch out your arms, hands cupping his butt you feel him stiffen as you whisper against his ear.
“You’re under arrest for transporting illegal buns of steel.” You watch the blush creep up from his neck before capturing his entire face. He turns his neck, trying to get a good look at you.
“Wh-what!” You begrudgingly let go of his ass, and he turns his body to face you, his freckles standing out against the pink hue of his flustered expression.
“Sorry hun, I don’t make the rules.” You shrug your shoulders.
“I- I, (Y/N) that’s not even a legal penal code! A-and there’s no way I could transport enough steel on my person to warrant a body search.”
“Ooh Deku,” you loosen up the state of your atoms, allowing them to vibrate in mock arousal, “I love it when you talk legal code at me. Repeat it: penal.”
He flounders for a reply, mouth agape at a total loss for words. You giggle at his expression, a total deer in headlights. The person he’d been talking to finally makes themselves known.
“Atomic, you’re still teasing the living soul out of Deku per usual. Glad to know things haven’t changed ‘round here.” His shark tooth smile pulls an equally toothy smile from you.
“Eijiro! When did you get back? I’ve missed you.” You rush to the redhead, and he reciprocates your hug, holding you tight.
“Man, I’ve missed you too (Y/N). The States were cool, but there’s no manlier place than home sweet home.” You pull back and take him in. He looks the exact same if not a little bit more tanned.
“Damn straight.” Yaoyorozu arrives at the end of your reunion. Her excitement at seeing her old friend is nearly palatable. They catch up enthusiastically, and you saddle up next to your boyfriend, who’s finally gotten his blush under control.
“Hey, babe.” You give his cheek a chaste kiss, and he smiles.
“Hey, love,” Izuku gives your hand a squeeze, “How was your day?”
“It was pretty run of the mill except for the utter shitstorm Yaomomo and I had to clean up in Minato City.” You glance down and watch his feet shuffle from side to side.
“Huh, sounds pretty epic.”
“Not the first, second, or even the third word I’d use, but we’re all entitled to our opinions. And don’t you try acting coy with me, Izuku! That blonde ticking time grenade, the confused weather pattern, and your quirk were all over that place.” Izuku gulps.
“I expended a lot of energy cleaning up after you and your friends baka. As compensation, you’ve gotta cook me curry rice. Deal?”
He kisses your cheek in assent.
“Great!” You beam. “I’m gonna go change, be back in fifteen.” You disappear through the agency’s massive double doors. Yaomomo watches until you’re out of view before she walks over to Midoriya.
“So about (Y/N) ’s birthday . . .”
When you come out, you find a peculiar scene waiting for you. Yaoyorozu has crafted a fan for, you presume, Izuku, who is so red you could almost see the light refraction from his face’s heat and sweating by what looks like the gallon. Eijiro is by his side, trying to calm him down. You heighten the sensitivity of your cochlea to pick up the tail end of their conversation.
“It’ll be super manly, dude!”
“Bu-but I’ve never . . .” Your boyfriend seems tongue-tied.
“You’ve definitely got it in you,” Eijiro slaps Izuku on the back, “Plus Ultra!”
Izuku echoes Eijiro, but you can tell his heart isn’t in it.
You return to your average level of hearing and walk up to the trio.
“Everything good?” They all look at you with expressions that clearly scream, ‘No, everything is not good dumbass.’
“Riiight, foolish question. Izuku, babe, do you need me to help you?” He squeaks, and that stops you dead in your tracks. The last time he had squeaked in your presence was when he’d asked you out on your first date, and you think it was mostly because you had bluntly told him you had every intention of having sex with him if not after your first then for sure after your second date. He didn’t even squawk when you made good on your declaration, and you had been positive he was going to. Your assurance cost you a ¥2,000 bet with Ochako and Shoto. Whatever had transpired while you were changing had him spooked.
You crouch down and gently take his face between your hands. His cheeks are unnaturally warm. Closing your eyes, you reach out with your quirk to scan his vitals. What the actual fuck? Izuku’s pregenual anterior cingulate cortex is enormous. Your boyfriend is next level embarrassed. His heart rate is in the 200bpm range, which should have been impossible because it only ever got that high when he was exercising, and you were quite familiar with getting it there.
You’re honestly shocked his heart hasn’t started to palpitate with the sky-high levels of cortisol in his blood and high heart rate. Taking a deep breath, you begin to gently persuade the firing neurons near his PACC to chill, its size slowly decreases. You travel down to his hypothalamus and rearrange some of its chemical balance, so it stops producing corticotropin-releasing hormone, creating a negative feedback loop that would lead to his body to drop its cortisol production. You vasoconstrict a handful of the blood vessels in his face for good measure, hoping to cool it down. Your eyes flutter open, and the ruddiness is gone, and his cheeks feel cool against your palms. He gives you a weak smile and gosh that smile, these freckles, those lively emerald eyes. You lean your forehead against his, taking a moment to collect yourself. You kiss the tip of his nose before pulling yourself up, stretching once you’re fully upright.
“Well damn, I’m starving now. I know I said you had to cook for me, but I don’t think I’ll last. What do you say, Number 1. Hero, care to take me out to eat?”
Izuku gets to his feet, with a bit of help from Eijiro, who keeps a hand wrapped around his waist to keep him from stumbling.
“Yeah, of course, love. Just tell me where you want to eat.”
You grin in delight. Before making a decision, you turn to your two other companions. You’re not sure when Yaomomo had time to change, but she’s no longer in her hero costume.
“Would y’all like to join us? Izuku’s treat.” Your cinnamon roll’s protest is drowned out by their loud acceptance.
“I mean, if my bro is gonna treat us, then how could I say no?”
“How gracious Izuku, I’d love to share a meal with everyone.”
“Let’s get going then!” You grab Izuku’s hand and turn around, heading in the direction of the train stop. The walk will give you time to decide where you want to eat.
“Hold on one sec, almost got it.” You pace next to Izuku; the pressure on your bladder almost debilitating. At the click of your front door unlocking and seeing Izuku push it open, you rush through over the threshold. You kick the heels off your feet, your slippers abandoned at the entryway as you make a break for the bathroom. You can’t get your underwear off quick enough. The relief is almost pleasurable. You’d forgotten what it felt like to pee while exceedingly inebriated. Typically when you go out drinking, you elevate your liver’s production of alcohol dehydrogenase so you can avoid getting drunk, but tonight was your birthday celebration, and you wanted to get shitfaced, so you dialed it back. Now that you’re home and not interested in a hangover, you make the necessary adjustments to your liver. The night out had been a pleasant surprise. More people had shown up than you’d been led to believe would, most importantly, your younger siblings had stopped by — you hadn’t seen them since moving to Musutafu to pursue your hero career. You finish reminiscing over the night’s events. Quickly wiping, you flush the toilet and wash your hands. When you open the door, you find your slippers are there waiting. He was a total sweetheart.
You slide your sore feet in and sigh at the fluffiness. You make your way to your bedroom, surprised to find it empty. Where had Izuku gone? You take off your earrings, dropping them into your jewelry box. Making your way to the main bathroom connected to your room, you’ve just finished wiping away your makeup when you hear the door open. You walk to the bathroom door to peek and gasp as soon as you spot the figure closing the door behind them. Now you’d be the first to admit you are a horny bitch, but never have you felt your pussy throb with such a deep longing the way it was throbbing now. You stand still dumbfounded at seeing Izuku in his hero costume in your bedroom.
“Babe?” You try to suppress the quiver in your voice.
“Ma’am,” He tilts his head in greeting, “I got reports of a villain in the vicinity. I’m Deku, and I’m here to take care of you.”
Why the fuck did he just introduce himself? And a villain? You reach out with your quirk but don’t feel an unknown presence nearby. You start to walk towards him but stop at the foot of your bed. He meets you there, and you don’t know what to expect, but it definitely was not him pushing you onto your back. You fall with a muffled thud against the comforter. You stare up at him at a complete loss. You then become hyper-aware of what you’re wearing. The sparkling strappy mini dress leaves little to the imagination, and you’re positive that from his angle, Izuku can see your panties and the growing evidence of your arousal.
“Apologies, ma’am, but I’ll be using my quirk to restrain you as a precautionary measure.” Your mouth goes dry as you watch Blackwhip manifest wrapping around your wrists, pulling your arms above your head, and adhering to your shared bed’s headboard. You have to scoot yourself back a few inches to ease the tension in your shoulders. Holy shit. He just tied you up. This whole time he’s been standing at the end of the bed taking you in. You know your face is flushed, and you can feel your nipples brushing against the material of your dress now that you’re so turned on. Izuku’s hands come into view, and that somehow gets your mouth to work again.
“What are you going to do?” You arch an eyebrow and part your lips to let your tongue dart out and wet them. Fuck Yaomomo wasn’t off the mark with her comment.
“I’ll need to do a full-body search to ensure you’re not concealing anything illegal on your person.” You don’t have time to respond before his gloved hands caress down your pinned arms, across where your neck and shoulders meet. Leaving goosebumps in their wake. He cups your breasts, his thumbs brushing over your hardened nipples. You groan as the sensation travels down, pooling between your legs. He moves down your sides, slowly over your exposed thighs sticking strictly to the outside of your legs until he reaches mid-calf. You feel his hands move, and suddenly their inching closer to your aching cunt. Using his right hand Izuku runs a finger teasingly up between your clothed slit and your hips give an involuntary buck. He removes his finger and tuts at you, that pisses you off.
“What the fuck Izu —” You stop yourself when you see another tendril of black materialize near your face.
“Don’t make me gag you. My name is Deku, and you will address me as Deku-sama.” There’s a finality in his tone that leaves no room for argument. You’re torn between being really fucking aroused and very vexed at this role reversal. You’d always been on top, literally and figuratively, and now here he was, your cinnamon roll, threatening to gag you and not even blushing about it. He takes your silence as understanding and begins to hike up the bottom of your dress. With your midriff exposed, he finally settles between your legs, his toned abdomen flush against you. He places an open-mouthed kiss just above your belly button, his tongue flicks out to taste your skin. Izuku’s lips continue to roam over every inch of your exposed abdomen, sucking and biting. He’s going to leave love marks all over your stomach, you’re sure. His hands travel up under your dress, coming to rest just below your breasts. You feel the flat of his tongue working its way towards his hands. When you can feel his breath tickling you already hard nipples, he pulls his face away. You squirm and pull against your restraint — you feel them tighten.
“What is it you want, villain?” Fuuuck. The word falls from his lips wrapped in sinful promise sending another steady pulse of need through your body. Your nervous system was on fire.
“I want you to touch me.” You try to taper down the pleading in your voice, but the mildly amused expression on Izuku’s face says you failed.
“Like this?” His hand runs down your neck, over your dress and through the valley of your cleavage, past your naval stopping at the band of your panties. It dawns on you that he was teasing you.
“Or like this?” You’re not sure when his gloves came off or how he managed it, but one second you’re covered by the flimsy dress material next, the straps keeping it up are torn, and the dress pulled down. You hiss at the shock of the sudden temperature change, but quickly warm up as calloused fingers massage your breasts. A greedy moan is the only answer you can manage as you arch your back into his touch. He leans closer, breath warm against your neck, and moves a hand down to grip your ass,
“Let’s see if these are illegal buns of steel.” Even with how incredibly husky his voice is, you almost laugh at his remark’s absolute absurdity. Still, having maybe foreseen your reaction Izuku wraps one of your nipples between his lips before you can utter a sound.
“Deku-sama.” You inhale sharply coming completely unwound as his tongue flicks and swirls. His mouth sucks and pulls playfully. When his teeth graze your nipple, you contemplate making your hands boneless to escape the restraints just so you could tangle your hands in his hair; even with the undercut, you knew you could make him moan. The idea is quickly dashed as Izuku releases your now overly sensitive bud with a resounding pop that sends the ache in your pussy into a frenzy. Good god , he hasn’t even gotten inside of you yet. He treats your other nipple with much the same attention. However, this time, he lets his teeth give it a gentle nibble, and the shock of the feeling causes your skin to prickle. You feel him grin at your reaction before giving your nipple a farewell lick. He captures your lips, shoving his hips down against your own, as his hands’ ghost over your neck. You hook a leg around his hip, pulling him closer, trying to create as much friction as possible as you roll your hips upward. He lets out a breathy chuckle, as his mouth moves to replace his hands. He kisses up your neck, his breath tickles your ear, and you stutter out a needy whimper.
“Someone’s eager.” You groan in frustration as he pulls back. His hands grab hold of what’s left of your dress, and you help him get you out of it. He runs a finger up your stomach, stopping just below your sternum. The tip of his index finger traces a lazy circle before leaving a trail of goosebumps back down to your hip. The pressure of his finger is replaced by his mouth, biting the flesh of your hip crease hungrily. He kisses his away across to your opposite hip, traces of his kisses wet against your skin. You feel his fingers toying with the lacy hem of your panties before he hooks them in the elastic, pulling them down. You lift your hips as they pass over the curve of your ass, and you wriggle in anticipation. Izuku braces his left forearm against your right thigh, pushing your legs wider. His index finger explores your wet folds, dipping briefly into your slit, before brushing against your swollen clitoris.
“Deku-sama, please .” You don’t care how desperate you sound, the ache in your pussy is becoming unbearable. The slow burn was killing you.
“Since you said, please.” He slips a thick finger inside of you, curling it just so it massages the soft and spongy spot that makes your toes curl and lewd obscenities fall from your parted lips.
“Aah, fuck. Fuck, yes, there, right there. More. Izuku give me more.” A second finger is roughly inserted. You cry out as a jolt of ecstasy consumes every inch of you. He begins to scissor his fingers back and forth, “It’s De-ku sa-ma,” each thrust emphasizing the syllables of his declaration. You rock your hips up, trying to get his fingers deeper because you are close. You can feel the dam getting ready to burst. When his thumb circles your clit, you feel yourself clench around his fingers. He inhales sharply. You bite back a moan as stars begin to dance across your vision. The rhythm of his fingers picks up, and the pressure on your clit begins to be too much.
“You’re about to cum.” It’s not a question, but you manage to pant a yes, and it becomes your undoing. Tongue replaces fingers before you can bemoan feeling empty, hands wrap under your thighs, keeping you exposed when they instinctively try to shut. His fingers dig into soft flesh, and the pain leaves you dizzy for more. He unhooks his left arm from your thigh, again using his forearm to keep your leg down. Two fingers spread you open, and his breath is warm, and you screw your eyes shut because fucking hell, you feel ready to erupt. You feel the warmth of his tongue as it slips inside you and starts to lick around. His nose brushes against your clit as he laps up your wetness. When he takes your clitoris in his mouth, you feel yourself at the edge of a precipice.
“Y-your fin-fingers. Deku-sama.” You frantically tug against your binds as you arch your hips rutting into his face. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You feel yourself drowning in pleasure when his fingers join back in the fray. You’re full, and his tongue is everywhere. Inside you along with his fingers, pressing in all the right places. There’s no room to be embarrassed by your body’s wet sounds as you thrust against his fingers or the sounds he’s eliciting from you — loud, throaty, and gluttonous. He laps up the juices wherever they end up, on your thighs, in your folds, the space between your pussy and ass. At your clit he teases with nibbles, quick flicks of his tongue, and long flat strokes. He was treating you like you were his favorite meal. Coming back for seconds, thirds, fourths. You lose track of time. The air crackles with electricity, Izuku, the electromagnet to your copper coils. It sparks against your skin. Were you doing that? You couldn’t tell, but it didn’t matter because something was building. You feel it in your core, your quirk causing your atoms to buzz in excitement. He lets you hook your legs around his back, locking your ankles. You make a strangled noise when a particularly aggressive thrust combined with the head-splitting euphoria of Izuku’s tongue on your clit brings your Earth stuttering on its axis.
“Oh fuck, oh kami. Shit, Deku-sama!”
You flicker in and out. One second howling Izuku’s name like a prayer to the Gods, hips rolling up to meet his mouth. The next, you find yourself weightless in a void no longer in a corporeal form. What the fuck? It lasts no longer than a second before you return to your body and the sound of him cooing against your aching cunt.
“That’s it, cum villain. Cum for me.” And cum, you do. Waves of fiery ecstasy set your body aflame. You clench your fists and use your legs to pull Izuku’s face further flush against you. When you think you can catch your breath, Izuku surprises you by coaxing you into another smaller orgasm. You don’t know how he did it, but you really can’t complain, you’re feeling blissful as fuck. The bed creaks as he shifts back onto his knees, unwrapping your legs from around him. Blachwip is deactivated, and your arms fall uselessly to your sides. You feel your legs quiver from exertion, and you watch your chest rise in fall sporadically as your breathing levels off. You prop yourself up on your elbow to give Izuku a once over. He’s got a bit of sweat on his forehead, you can see the outline of his erection against the front of his hero costume, and your cum glistens on his nose, mouth, and chin. Not sure how you manage it, with your body feeling so close to putty, but you scoot back, pulling yourself up into a seated position, and rock forward onto your knees so you’re facing him.
You move closer, so your knees brush against his. Now that you’re close enough, you can see how blown his pupils are. They almost wholly eclipse the dark shamrock of his irises. He had it bad for you. You could fix that. You grab his chin between your thumb and forefinger, tilting it down to your lips so you can lick it clean. When your tongue traces the outline of his mouth, a low moan rumbles in the back of his throat. You get his mouth open with a hard nip to his bottom lip. Tasting yourself in his mouth and on his tongue makes you squeeze your thighs together briefly before you let your free hand wander between your legs to stroke your clit and moistening labia. You give the tip of his nose a cutesy peck that almost brings a blush to his freckled face, but he remains in character, so you palm his cock with your damp hand grinning devilishly when he stutters an exhale.
“I want you, hero.”
Izuku’s chuckle is rich, and you can feel it reverberate against where your chests connect. You start to toy with the hair at the nape of his neck, the short buzz of his undercut tickles your fingertips. Sliding your hand up, you finally get to tangle your fist in his hair, your grip tightens, and you pull his head back, exposing his neck. Your tongue darts out to lick a stripe up to just below his earlobe, all the while your hand strokes him into fully hardening.
“I’m not fucking around, Deku.” Your voice is thick and your tone dark, dangerous. He grabs the wrist of the hand that’s between his legs and growls,
“Neither am I villain slut.” You swallow hard at his inflection on the word slut. You’d never been called a slut during sex, and under any other circumstance, you’re sure it wouldn’t have sent a thrill of arousal pulsing from your fingertips down to your toes. He brings the hand up above your head, reaching behind his head to grab your second hand. You give him a feral grin, and his eyes flash before he sends you to your back. You’re about to stretch out your legs when he commands you to flip over onto your hands and knees. You do as you’re told, biting your lip as warmth begins to once again pool between your legs. You wish you could help him out of his costume, but it sounds like your help wasn’t needed. His dick grazes against the back of your thighs. A finger follows the curve of your spine. You arch into the touch and moan when it dips at your hip to tap your clitoris.
“You’re so wet already. You villains really know nothing about bedroom decorum.” He skims a hand over your stomach, stopping to grope and tease your hardened nipples.
“Oh? Keeping a woman in suspense isn’t exactly proper in my book De-ku sa-ma.” You look over your shoulder with a smirk.
“You’re,” he thrust into you without warning, quickly turning the grin on your face into an open-mouthed ‘oh,’ “not,” he pulls out, so the tip of his head just barely touches your cunt, “a woman.” He pushes into you, swearing under his breath as you push your hips back to meet his momentum. A ragged breath escapes your lips as you adjust to him, filling you. Shit, the boy is thick. His nails dig into your hip as he continues to fuck you at a painfully slow pace. Fingers tweak your nipples, and you feel your whole body flush with pleasure. You clutch the bedsheets in two tight fists when he starts to quicken his thrusts. His chest is slick with sweat against your back, his tongue tracing circles into your shoulder. An aggressive stroke sends the head of his cock rubbing up against your G-spot, and you feel your walls squeeze around him.
“Shit, shit, fuck Deku. That’s it. Just keep putting pressure on that spot.” You feel your elbows buckle, and you expect to crash into the bed. Instead, black tendrils wrap around your arms to keep you upright. This is definitely not how Lariat intended Blackwhip’s tendrils to be used. The thought makes you giggle. It seems that this was not a sound Izuku wanted to hear coming from you. He bites down on the spot of your shoulder he’d been suckling, making his displeasure known. You feel him adjust himself behind you, perhaps too quickly, because he slips out of you, and you protest immediately with a loud whine.
“I’ll give you something to whine about.” He thrust back into you, your knees go weak, and your pussy’s stimulation begins to pull the taught rope of your impending orgasm closer to snapping. One of his hands grabs the hair at the base of your neck, tugging with just enough force to tease a guttural mewl from you.
“That’s more like it.” You’re so overstimulated, with the rhythm of his dick coming in and out of you. The attention he’s paying to your clit, you scarcely have the headspace to be shocked by the personality change. Izuku doesn’t release his hold on your hair; instead, he deactivates Blackwhip and uses the grip to guide you, so your back is flush against his chest. You can smell the muskiness of his sweat with him so close. It mingles in the air with the scent of your arousal. Sex, the whole room smelled heavily of your fucking. He brushes a thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down gently. You open your mouth, taking it in, holding it gently between your teeth, your lips acting as a cushion. You suck on Izuku’s thumb, letting your tongue swirl over the tip treating it how you would if you were instead sucking on the head of his cock. You hollow out your cheek and release his thumb with a satisfying pop. Your reward is the sound of Izuku’s heated gasp. The sound tightens the coil in your groin. You feel his right hand lightly trailing up your side. You expect him to stop to cup your breast, but a tingle runs up your spine when he skips it entirely. His thumb rests a few inches under your right ear, the fleshy part of his palm rests against your trachea, the remaining four fingers occupy the same spot under the opposite ear. You can’t hide your excitement as he begins to apply light pressure to your neck. It’s amplified when he whispers in your ear,
“Whose slut are you, villain?”
“I’m yours. All yours.” He squeezes a little tighter, and you squirm, gripping his left hip for stability.
“Yours, Deku-sama. I’m all yours.” You choke over the words while he loosens his grip satisfied with your correction. The brief bout of intoxicating lightheadedness dissipates quickly, but he keeps his hand around your neck.
You feel him, hard and slick, throbbing inside you, and you know he’s close. You prepare to ride out the coming crescendo that you’ll set off with your silver tongue.
“You’re getting close, aren’t you, hero? I can feel your cock pulsing.” He squeezes your neck tighter than he has before reminding you who was in charge. You dig your nails into his hip and bite your lip. Was he turning into a masochist, or were you?
“I want you to cum in me. Make me your bona fide villain bitch — think you’re up for it, big boy?” You were being so bold, goading him. It does the trick. He releases his hold on your neck, you’re a little sad, but are swiftly distracted by a sudden burst of heat and green energy crackling, the telltale sign of Full Cowl being activated. What the hell was he up to? Your answer comes moments later when his hands push your bent legs further apart, hooking his arms under your thighs to lift them up. You feel weightless, free, and so very wanton. Then like being dosed with ice-cold water, you come back to your senses; you’ve always been terrified of being picked up during sex. Your arms flail, searching for anything to grab hold of. They settle awkwardly at Izuku’s neck. Your breathing is a little erratic.
“You’re not scared of heights, are you?” Oh, he was being a total ass.
“Absolutely not.” You bite back.
Sensing your discomfort, he places you back down on your knees, his hand returning to your neck — where it belonged. Shit, it was you, you’re the masochist. You feel him throb inside you, the head of his penis gets a little bigger and his cock harder. His movements become more sporadic. You take his free hand and lead it to your clit, you’d be damned if he cums before you. His groans become music to your ears, loud and ravenous as you roll your hips to meet his thrusts. Soon that’s all you can feel, like tunnel vision nothing else matters, there are no other options, but his cock burying itself deeper and deeper inside you as his fingers dance around your clit. He flicks and pulls, rubs circles, and you savor every second of it. Everything cumulates into a blinding flash of white-hot light as if you’re staring directly at burning magnesium. You hear him crying out your name, and it mixes with your carnal pleas into a cacophonous soundtrack to your mutual climax. He finishes inside you, the thick viscous liquid of his orgasm, filling you with more warmth than you anticipated. As you ride out your orgasm, you don’t stop gyrating your hips until you feel Izuku become soft. You let out a shaky breath as you come to a stop to catch your breath. You’re thankful that he doesn’t seem eager to pull out quite yet while you bask in the quiet exhilaration of having orgasmed three times this night.
“I’m going to pull out now, okay?”
You nod your head slightly, words out of reach with your euphoria’s hum still clouding your mind. Cum trickles down between your thighs, the sensation almost ticklish, but far more erotic. With nothing connecting you to Izuku, your body gives in to its exhaustion, falling forward unceremoniously. He wraps an arm around your waist, setting you gently down on your stomach. Rolling onto your back, you shimmy up onto a pillow to support your head. You glance up at Izuku and sigh in content. Hair stuck to his head, abs contracting as he slows his breathing (his heart rate close to 180bpm), and his left-hand traces the scars on his right arm absently. Even in such a worn-out state, he looked otherworldly. You lock eyes, and you pat his side of the bed next to you.
“Cuddle with me.” At hearing those three words, he sheds his façade, his eyes soften, his jaw loosens, and he eagerly obliges your request. He rests his head on your chest, your fingers playing with his hair as he gently brushes your side. You stay like this for a few minutes until he starts out of your arms like someone’s lit a fire under his ass. He sits up, you follow suit intrigued by what’s got him so worked up. You watch him reach across towards his nightstand. He pulls out a notebook and a pencil. You have to suppress your snort as he begins scribbling furiously. You couldn’t even pretend to be surprised, catching bits and pieces of his muttering.
“. . . dominated . . . choking . . . loud . . . buns of steel. . .” You can’t stifle the laugh that escapes you. He glances up and gives you a sheepish grin, his face like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t.
“You fucked me into another dimension, jot that down in your sex notebook.” A blush erupts across his face.
“I-I what? Seriously?”
“Mhmm, as seriously as my orgasm.” Embarrassment flickers momentarily in his eyes, quickly replaced by intense curiosity. You dare say you see a little triumphant gleam too.
“What happened, tell me everything, love.” You recount what he’d been doing with his tongue and fingers. The feeling leading up to it and what it looked like in this other dimension.
“Sounds like you’ve unlocked another facet of your quirk.”
“Looks like it, but it’s not really useful.” He gives you an inquiring look; you roll your eyes. He could be so dense sometimes.
“I can’t exactly have you eating me out in public every time I want to astral project now, can I?” His blush returns full force.
“Maybe there’s another way.”
“Possibly, but I’m beat. My legs feel like jello, and I’m starting to feel sore.” You massage your neck, glancing at your exposed breasts and the marks that speckle them. Izuku looks at you with worry.
“You can’t fix it with your quirk?”
“I can, but where’s the fun in that? One of my favorite parts of sex is feeling it the next day. I’m definitely going to tomorrow and maybe the day after thanks to you.” You give him a wink and admire as he fumbles with his words.
“Oh! Well, I mean. Yeah. No problem. I think?” He was definitely back to being your cinnamon roll. You giggle quietly.
“Before I go clean up, I’ve gotta know. How did you do that.” You motion with your hand, hoping he picks up what you’re putting down. He does.
“Simple, lots of research.” You squint at him, touching the pulse at his neck. It was slightly elevated.
“Ah-huh, and what else?”
“No-nothing!” The pulse quickens a little more.
“Did you role play with someone?” The idea sounds absolutely preposterous, but when he pushes your hand away from his neck and gets up off the bed, you know you’ve struck a nerve.
“You’re using your quirk, that’s not fair.”
“All’s fair in love and war. So, who was it with? Shoto? Eiji? Or was it Katsuki ?” The light hue of pink that creeps up his neck is all the confirmation you need.
“Ah,” you bob your head sagely, “it makes sense, babe, he gives off a total masochist vibe. I’d have practiced with him too. What was it like? Would he be open to a threesome? Or would it be a foursome since he’s got that not, so secret thing going with Eiji? Could I even handle the three of you?” You wonder out loud.
“(Y/N)!” Izuku rushes into the bathroom, adamantly trying to end this conversation. You weren’t letting this go, oh no siree, so you get out of bed and walk to the bathroom where Izuku’s turned on the shower and is standing under its current.
“Nice try. You’re giving me the details.” He sighs defeatedly.
“Can it wait until we’re in the bath.” You cross your arms in a huff, pouting.
“I guess.” Izuku grabs you, pulling you into the shower with him. You wrap your arms around his waist, resting your cheek against his chest. He gives the top of your head a kiss.
“Happy birthday, (Y/N).”
Happy fucking birthday to me. You smile to yourself.
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