#i also have two sessions with hot stones and i already have burnt hands and a fever
cauilflower · 2 years
I'm in agony I'm sick I have no energy I've lost so much weight that my boxers are falling off INSIDE my pants and even though I told my job I'm sick I still have four hours of massaging
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commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
Like Summer
I honestly don’t know why I do this to myself. This was meant to be a freeform few hundred words of Mike and Nanaba being tender and making love. It ended up being much longer and I made myself sad. This is also written slightly differently than a lot of my fics, towards the middle/end during the smutty part it goes a bit experimental/poetic. But I like it? This starts with reflections on Nanaba and Mike’s relationship and then goes into their final afternoon alone together (18+ due to smut) before heading beyond the wall for the last time *I’m not crying* 
Word Count: 2,052   Pairing: Nanaba x Mike 
A daisy chain made from exactly twenty-five of the small, white flowers. That had been Mike’s gift to her, she had worn it like a crown the first time they made love. 
When Nanaba looked at him and searched his eyes all she found was love and loyalty. This wasn’t some quick fuck that he was desperate for, no, he cared for her, had longed for her and moment alone against the unrelenting darkness outside. He needed to escape and there was no one he would rather escape with than her.
“You smell like summer,” he had told her and before she could answer he would add, “You look like summer too - a goddess.” 
And in that fashion Mike worshiped the ground she walked on, there was nothing that was too much for his Summer Queen. He respected her beyond anything and in return expected nothing, she happily was his accomplice and the partner for whom she’d chosen to ride the storm. 
Every time they went beyond the walls Mike would pick up a present for her, a stone in the shape of a heart, feathers, wild flowers. Nanaba in return would recount tales to him regarding her and the young cadets exploits that Mike would hang on every word. 
When she was with him she was at peace, the sun seemed to shine eternally. He smelt of honey to her, his warmth was that of a sunny day, the first after weeks of grey and rain. Then one fine day you wake to see the clouds have melted away and parted to bring peace and life. He would tease her relentlessly about her hay fever when Spring begun, but by the middle of the year they were able to roll and kiss and taste one another in fields of sunflowers and swim naked in streams.
As a couple they could sometimes be a little reckless, heading beyond the walls in search of true peace. They had little fantasies they acted out, where, for a few hours they pretended the Titans didn’t exist. They picked flowers and shared food and walked holding hands as if they had a normal life. A life they knew they’d never know, but both hoped that with Erwin’s guidance at least the future of humanity would get to taste that freedom. For now these daydreams would do. 
Sex. That was when they truly escaped, in the scent of one another’s arousal, the moans that started in the pit of their bellies and grew until they expelled them, rapturous and unashamed. It was in the kisses that told the other I belong to you and the rolling of hips, two souls in tangent moving as one. 
There was nothing Mike enjoyed more than seeing her in ecstasy as he fucked her, both in full uniform, her blades sharp incase of an attack. And Nanaba lived for the looks Mike gave her, to feel and know she was everything he needed. 
The last afternoon they had before Utguard Castle was the same as any other before an expedition. They spent it together, it didn’t matter what they were doing. Nanaba stared out of the window at the position of the sun in the sky and knew it would soon be time for them to leave. She wished for just a brief moment that it didn’t have to be like that, that her and Mike could have a normal life. She tricked herself into believing that one day it would be over and that her and Mike, Erwin, Levi, Hange, Moblit, Gelgar…that they could all look back and recount tales and the things that made them forever joined. 
She knew that by now Levi would be getting tetchy as he always did when someone wasn’t on time. Mike knew that Erwin would be far more relaxed about the situation, which was why he had decided to take his time to get ready. 
As Nanaba walked past where Mike was sat, to gather up her gear and get ready to leave, she felt Mike brush her hand. She stopped and turned to look down at him, oh there was that look in his eyes the wicked one she knew too well. Her heart skipped a beat, they didn’t have time for this did they? 
As if reading her mind, Mike pulled Nanaba onto his lap, “I can be quick,” He murmured as he nuzzled into her neck. 
She let out a sigh, not out of annoyance or irritability. Rather she wanted nothing more than to spend the afternoon in bed, but their duties as soldiers meant she was conflicted,“Mike…We need to go.”
Mike sniffed her hair, several long inhales capturing her cherry scent, causing her to blush like she did the first time he smelt her. 
“Please, I need you, you’re my good luck charm you know that,” he begged, his voice was raw and needy. 
But there was something else in his expression, something that terrified Nanaba. It took her a moment to realise what it was and when it hit her it hurt worse than she could image. Fear, the strong veteran Mike was afraid. This was not something she had ever witnessed before.
The way he said, ‘Please,’ that was new. But then the nature of this expedition was new territory for all of them, should she have been feeling more afraid than she was. 
He was still looking up at her, waiting for an answer. He would never presume to make a move without her consent. In the moment that passed between them she made up her mind, a small small and slight nod, “Okay.”
Mike stood up, his arms wrapped round Nanaba to keep her held to him. She wrapped her legs round his waist as he walked her to his bed, kissing her hungrily as he walked. 
Mike knelt on the bed, Nanaba still in his arms and slowly he leant forward, laid Nanaba against the sheets so he could admire her beauty, “You’re perfect you know?”
Nanaba brushed hair from his face, “So are you.”
“I know it the moment I first sniffed you.” Mike added with a grin. 
Nanaba rolled her eyes, “Can you be serious for a moment.”
“I can,” he replied before he puffed his cheeks out like a puffer fish, “Doesn’t mean I’m going to.”
Nanaba laughed and pulled him down on top of her, they kissed for a moment before she playfully pushed him back, “So, we gonna fuck or what?”
Mike let out an involuntary moan, he loved it when Nanaba talked dirty.
Their clothes were disposed of almost instantly, their fingers working nimbly at the buttons of shirts and trousers, hands caressing the skin of the other as they undressed. Nanaba kissed at Mike’s neck, finding the sweet spot where she could feel his pulse as one of his hands roughly grabbed at her breast, squeezing it lovingly and rubbing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. 
She let out a gasp, her hands freely roaming the coutures of his body, squeezing muscles and tracing the scars he bore from previous battles. Nanaba knew them all, had them mapped out in her mind each one burnt into her memory. Her hands traveled lower until she reached his cock, already so hot and heavy in her hand, he hissed when she first squeezed his length and started to gentle pump him as he rocked into her hand. 
Her mouth left his neck to find the security and warmth of his mouth once again, his kisses now more erratic due to her touching him. Their tongues danced and swirled, tasting everything the other had to give. Mike’s right hand moved from her breast and down between her legs. There was little time for small advances or teasing, he squeezed her thigh and cupped her sex, wanting to give her as much pleasure as she gave him. 
He broke the kiss for a moment, “You’re so wet my sunflower,” he observed as he trailed a finger down her slick folds and pumped into her slowly. 
She just hummed back into his mouth as her lips pressed against his once agin. He shifted his weight and positioned himself at her entrance, the hand she’d had on his cock now wrapping round him. Nanaba knew she’d need to hold on tight, once Mike was inside her there was no way of knowing how the sex would pan out or who would finish on top. 
So they rolled on the bed, cotton sheets barricading them from the world outside. Her hands lost in his hair pulling him closer, his on her hips holding her steady, tight enough yes to leave bruises. How she adored the bruises. His lips on hers, greedy and needy and so much love. His mouth made love to her sex, back arching and drawing circles.  Fists balled and belly tight, cursing and anger and love and energy transferred.  
Pant. Faster. Fighting for dominance. 
His calloused hands, their eyes tired, faint bruises from previous sessions and training and fighting. 
And every day is exactly the same. Every day is exactly the same. Apart from you. 
Change every day into something worth fighting for, worth living for.
As the two animals roll in the sheets, their rhythm a steady patching pace as if made for one another, their moans of pleasure indistinguishable from one another, there is in that moment a universal truth. 
This is not fucking, this is love. 
“Nana I’m gonna,” Mike said as he went to pull out from her.
“Inside me please,” she practically cried out.
Mike could see in her expression she was serious, he smiled as eyes filled with tears, bending down to capture her mouth with his own, her arms round him pulling as tight as she could as he thrust into her. Harder. Deeper. 
Once they had been so cautious so that she didn’t fall pregnant, recklessness had never been there aim but somehow the world was dimmer everyday. Nothing else mattered anymore. 
Nanaba needed to fill full, Mike needed to fill her. 
When he came deep inside her, shuddering through the orgasm as her thighs squeezed round his waist. Fingertips that so lightly traced his skin now dug into his back as she cringed to him. The hand that reached between her legs and gently rubbed her clit, making the most of her wetness pressed hard against her. She bucked her hips, though Mike was spent and overly sensitive he remained inside her slowly going soft as she came. 
Coming down from both their orgasms, they lay still listening to one another’s breathing which slowly returned to normal. Neither one of them wanting to move or clean up, let alone get dressed and head out beyond the wall. 
“If Levi saw us like this he’d go spare,” Nanaba mused as she sat up running her fingers through her hair and ruffling it. 
Mike wrapped his arms round her and pulled her back into his chest, he tickled her tummy causing her to laugh and squirm in his arms. 
“Mike come on we need to hurry!” Nanaba begged even though she was still laughing.
Before they had a chance to get up and get dressed they heard a familiar voice shouting, “Nana! Mike! Where the hell are you two?” They heard Levi’s footsteps getting quickly closer. 
Nanaba turned over her shoulder her expression equal parts horrified and like a naughty school girl, “We’ll be there in a  minute!” She shouted before she begun to giggle.
Mike sat up and looked thoughtful, “Hey Nana, do you think Erwin has been starving him of Sex?”
Nanaba playfully punched him, “Mike!” 
But she couldn’t help but laugh. Later, alone at Utgard Castle and without Mike by her side, it was the memory of that laughter and the scent of honey that kept her going. The belief that Mike was alive, the belief that they would both live to see the dawn and another Summer to continue fighting for humanity for another day. 
As the Titans surrounded the castle and she cried a great war-cry, anything to protect the cadets she had thought for a moment she saw Mike watching over her, a faint outline, a memory of summer long ago. 
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lolainslackss · 6 years
For the prompts... Andriel for 17?
17 // “I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
Neil knew exhaustion.
He’d been on the run with an empty belly, sneaking short naps here and there that never really felt like sleeping but more like submerging himself under water before abruptly surfacing again. He’d been tucked up under a threadbare blanket next to his mother on a hard wooden floor, finding it impossible to fall asleep not only because of the relentless discomfort, but out of fear of getting caught, of his life being extinguished as he slept. A candle flame pinched between two cruel fingers. Nothing left but smoke. The thought kept him up even when he was dizzy and delirious with tiredness. That’s why, whenever he’d had a particularly gruelling practice followed by an intense study session, he was loath to say he was exhausted. He was tired, sure, but he could keep going. He could get up the next day and go for a run and get to his classes on time. He could.
“You’re burnt out,” Andrew said, picking up Neil’s mug, which was empty but for the sludgy remnants of his coffee, and taking it over to the sink to rinse out.
Neil sighed and ran a hand through his hair. The coffee had done little to perk him up. The inside of his head felt dry and fuzzy. Then, it felt less like TV static and more like a TV gone dead. A sudden power cut.
“I have class in an hour,” he managed to say, looking down at his undone shoelaces and willing himself to tie them.
“And what?” Andrew asked. “You’re going for a run beforehand?”
Neil hummed affirmatively before catching a yawn in his fist.
“Your leggings are inside out,” Andrew pointed out.
Neil looked down and sighed.
“Maybe I am,” he started unsurely, “burnt out.”
“Ding ding ding,” Andrew muttered. “He finally gets it.”
“Fine,” Neil replied. “I’ll skip running today.”
“Better skip class too,” Andrew said. “Catch up on sleep. You’re probably so tired because you haven’t recovered from yesterday’s practice.”
“Yesterday’s practice was fine,” Neil protested.
“You went too hard for too long,” Andrew argued, but there was no bite to his tone.
Neil looked over at him. He was leaning against the sink with his arms tucked into the front pocket of his oversized hoodie. Spring morning sunshine dribbled in through the open window behind him, turning the dust swirling in the light to dandelion fluff. Neil gave in and nodded.
“I’ll play hooky,” he agreed, stretching his arms above his head.
“Good,” Andrew replied, jerking his head toward their bedroom door. “Go to bed.”
Neil was too tired to bristle at the dismissal. He made his way into the bedroom, his hands clumsily stumbling over his clothes as he tugged them off. His limbs were syrupy with sleepiness; his eyelids felt unbearably heavy. He really was worn out, he thought, as he curled up on his side and folded the blanket over himself. It was a good sort of worn out though. Like running a marathon or staying up all night kissing Andrew. It was an earned sort of worn out.
That said, sleep didn’t come.
He turned onto his back and then onto his front. He slung an arm around his pillow and scrunched his eyes shut tight. He felt weird. Tired down to his bones yet twitchy with restlessness at the same time. He’d kick his legs out of the blanket and feel too cold, burrow inside of it and feel too hot. Finally, he gave up and padded through to the lounge again.
Andrew was on the couch with his feet resting on the coffee table. He had his reading glasses on and both his laptop and a cup of coffee precariously balanced on his lap. Neil flopped onto the couch and peered up at him, eventually clearing his throat after being pointedly ignored for several minutes.
“I can’t sleep,” Neil murmured. “Can I stay here?”
Andrew took a big sip of coffee before tapping out a few sentences of the paper he was writing. Neil narrowed his eyes at the laptop, wishing he was the one pillowed in Andrew’s lap instead. He knew he wouldn’t have any trouble falling asleep that way, ideally with Andrew’s fingers treading soft, meandering paths through his hair. But that wasn’t fair. He knew Andrew’s paper was due that evening and that he couldn’t afford to be disturbed so close to the deadline. Neil started to move with the intention of going back to bed but Andrew caught him by hooking a finger in the collar of his t-shirt.
“You can stay,” Andrew said, rubbing his thumb across the clothes tag. “But sleep. Don’t bother me.”
Neil hummed and settled down. Across the few hours that followed, he drifted in and out of sleep, somehow managing to inch onto Andrew’s thigh anyway. Andrew didn’t complain but instead nudged his laptop to the side. He’d occasionally type with one hand so that he could drape his other arm across Neil. And, well, it was nice. The weight of it, which Neil was so used to by now, was comforting. Andrew’s familiar smell even moreso. It was cheap shampoo, sun cream and cigarette smoke. It was home.
The next time Neil woke up, the clock told him another couple of hours had passed. He felt slightly groggy and disoriented but a little bit more alert. His stomach, too, had apparently woken up as it gurgled to life with a loud rumble.
“Food?” Andrew asked, taking off his glasses and snapping his laptop shut.
“Food,” Neil agreed, rubbing his eyes and forcing himself to sit upright.
“I’ll order,” Andrew said, taking out his phone and pulling up some food delivery app.
As they waited for the food to arrive, Neil made some tea. He felt like his energy levels had soared and crashed too much in one day for any more caffeine, so he made a pot of an orange-and-pistachio herbal blend that Renee had bought Andrew. They watched an episode of some sitcom Andrew liked on Netflix as they drank and then the buzzer rang out.
“Rock, paper, scissors,” Andrew suggested, already turning to Neil with his fist clenched.
Whenever they ordered food to fox tower, one of them had to go down to get it. This was often decided on by a round of rock, paper, scissors or a quick staring contest.
Neil bounced his hand three times before laying it out flat. Andrew flashed him two spread fingers and then smirked coldly as he made a cutting motion with them.
“Ugh,” Neil said, getting up. “Fine.”
“You know what,” Andrew said, also getting up. “Never mind. I’ll go down and spare you the embarrassment.”
“What do you mean?”
Andrew raised his eyebrows and then looked at Neil’s pyjama pants which were covered in cartoonish woodland creatures riding bicycles.
Neil laughed huffily as Andrew left the dorm.
They watched a few more episodes as they ate their food and then Andrew went back to working on his paper and Neil looked up what he’d missed in class that day so he could catch up. They worked until the sun went down, painting the sky outside their dorm room window in the colours of bruised stone fruits: shades of darkened nectarine and overripe plum. Andrew submitted his paper and immediately put his laptop under the couch. Now, he was the one who looked exhausted. He yawned, his eyes crinkling as he did so, and then massaged his temples.
“Tired?” Neil asked cheekily.
“Like I ran twelve marathons,” Andrew replied drily. “You?”
“Somehow, yes,” Neil said. He’d never really recovered from dipping in and out of sleep all day. He needed to go to bed, sleep for real, reset. He could already tell he’d be refreshed and energised the next day. Tomorrow he would run, make it to all his classes and have a great practice. He was sure of it.
“Just don’t burn yourself out again,” Andrew said, as if reading his mind.
“I’ll try,” Neil promised. “Shall we?”
Andrew nodded and they made their way into the bedroom.
Once they’d finished their respective night-time routines and climbed into bed, Andrew was asleep within minutes. Neil, on the other hand, had enough time to think about how perfectly he fit underneath Andrew’s arm, how pleasantly warm and comfy he felt with his head pillowed on Andrew’s chest, and how accidentally perfect the entire day had been, before he eventually drifted off down the slow, dark current of sleep.
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ladyluck678 · 5 years
Steven Universe: A Training Session
The sun was out, and the skies were a vibrant azure blue. White, puffy clouds floated by lazily. It was the end of Earth’s summer season, and it seemed as if it was reluctant to go. It clung to the hot air desperately and hazily as insects hummed in the air.
Yellow Diamond supposed that maybe, just maybe, Earth wasn’t as miserable as she had initially thought. It certainly had its charms; Blue Diamond had said as much. Blue was the one who encouraged the golden matriarch to go to Earth to visit in the first place.
Blue’s encouragement and Steven himself was more than enough to motivate her, but then there was Steven’s burgeoning abilities. The potential he had was staggering to the imagination. That, and he was a hybrid, half organic and half gem. It was a statistical impossibility; Yellow was dumbfounded when she finally realized who (and what) Steven was.
His abilities were what brought Yellow to Earth on this very trip. A few weeks ago, Blue had visited Earth at Steven’s request, to help contain a dangerous artifact. In her report, she detailed some of the boy’s abilities and concerns about his lack of knowledge and skill. The Crystal Gems had done their best, but even they didn’t know he was a Diamond until somewhat recently. (Most of them didn’t realize…)
So, a trip to Earth was in order. Yellow wanted to see what the boy gem could do firsthand in a controlled environment. She’d seen him fight briefly against various gems, but was unable to dedicate her full attention to him.
Their battle against each other on the beach was one such occasion. It was also a painfully one-sided fight; Steven was an unwilling participant. Yellow winced at the memory, had she known that Steven was Pink Diamond’s offspring… She shook her head; it wasn’t a pleasant memory. (She had almost crushed poor Steven.)
So, here she stood in the Ancient Sky Arena. Regrettably, she had to shift her form to get to the arena; only the smaller warp pad worked. The central warp pad has long since been destroyed. However, proper Gem decorum was almost non-existent on Earth. It’s one of the few times Yellow Diamond felt somewhat comfortable shifting her form to something more compact.
Yellow stood about eight feet tall with a saffron-colored data screen hovering in front of her. Flaxen hair perfectly in place, her golden armor glinting sharply in the sunlight as her hip cape swayed with the breeze.
“Are you ready Yellow?” Steven hollered over to her. She was a few dozen paces away from the boy.
“Patience, young man,” She called back to him sternly. She actually had medical information and biometric scans running on the half-gem. Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG had supplied the programs via the “internet.” The technology was archaic, but it was impressive that the humans had come so far in such a short amount of time. (It was certainly worth noting…) She’d have her engineers back on Homeworld come up with a much more comprehensive program for future sparing sessions now that she had a base program to work from.
Yellow was comprehensive; she didn’t want to damage the boy, she wanted to spar with him. She had to be careful.
“Com’on already! Get this party started!” An impatient scratchy voice pierced the air from the stony bleachers surrounding the arena.
“I don’t require sleep, but I may try if something doesn’t happen soon!” Another voice that was all too familiar floated over to Yellow. (The soft lilt was unmistakable.)
The general’s ire rose as she snapped her head in the direction of the harassing comments. An amethyst and the peridot were sitting in the benches a few feet from the arena floor with Steven’s pearl and the perma-fusion “Garnet.” Just in front, sitting on the court at ground level was Blue Diamond, who waved enthusiastically and winked seductively when Yellow looked over.
Yellow blushed a burnt sienna color, she found it infuriating how little control she had over her emotions when in Blue’s presence. She collapsed the data screen and turned her attention back to Steven.
“Are you ready?” The general’s tone was grave but tempered with patience.
“I’m ready, Yellow!” Steven grinned as he summoned his rose-colored shield and bounced on the balls of his feet.
A brief memory flashed through the golden matriarch’s mind, of a young gem with hibiscus colored eyes and curly pink hair saying the same exact words. The corner of Yellow’s mouth quirked up just a little as her gaze softened almost imperceptibly.
“Alright,” Yellow Diamond widened her stance as the golden gem on her chest began to glow. A gleaming pommel and hilt appeared as the general summoned her sword. She hefted the weapon thoughtfully and performed a test swing before she brought the blade into a high guard.
“Give me everything you have, Steven. Don’t hold back!” The young gem seemed hesitant, uncertain. Yellow watched as he swallowed hard.
Just as she opened her mouth to say something the boy charged. He ran forward faster than Yellow thought he was capable of, and instead of running headlong into her, he jumped up and flung his shield.
She deflected the aegis easily with her blade, not paying attention to the rose-colored spiky construct that Steven had summoned around himself. He continued to use the forward momentum to his advantage.
Yellow deftly dodged out of Steven’s range as he bounced, and the construct around him collapsed. It was an impressive attack; she wasn’t expecting it at all. (The Crystal Gems have trained him well.) The general wanted to push him though, how far could she go?
Cheering and clapping echoed through the stony battleground. Yellow rested her sword on the ground, the tip biting and chipping into the smooth granite.
“Steven, I have a single condition for victory; you must tag me one time. If you can do that, you’ve won.” Yellow said in a challenging tone. Usually, she would set the terms for winning before the sparring had begun. Still, the general wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. (That and she didn’t want to push him so hard as for him to injure himself.)
“Got it, Yellow!” The boy said amicably. He then summoned two shields, one on each arm. This was different…
He charged again and leaped up, throwing one shield at Yellow. The Diamond deflected it quickly; it was meant to distract her like the first time. Were Steven an actual opponent, Yellow might have just taken the hit to strike down her aggressor.
The movement only took a few seconds, but Yellow Diamond was created for battle. She was made for war and conquest, and conflict was as natural to her as breathing was for organic life. She broke down the boy’s moves systematically in her mind, analyzing every minute detail.
The boy gem kept barreling towards her, his bulwark placed in front intent on ramming into her. Speed, velocity, angle of attack; Yellow had them all figured out mathematically in her mind before he even reached the apex of his assault.
A split-second before Steven made contact Yellow simply stepped aside. The boy smashed into the ground where the Diamond was just moments before. Pulverized stone and dust coming up like a geyser. The failed attack jarred the boy, shattering his aegis, and stunning him.
Yellow tutted and gave him a gentle swat on the bottom with the flat of her golden blade. “Switch tactics, young man! Distractions will only go so far.”
“Boooo! C’mon Steve-O, knock her block off!” The amethyst shouted from the bleachers.
“It’s alright, Steven, you can do this!” The boy’s pearl called out, encouraging him to fight on. The perma-fusion simply held up her thumb… The general hadn’t the slightest idea what that meant.
Yellow’s brow canted up, an unspoken question asked; Steven nodded and summoned his shield. The golden matriarch didn’t hesitate; she brought up her sword with blinding speed and swung for the boy. Steven held fast, grunting with effort. Remarkably strong with exceptional speed, the boy was impressive. Very few gems could withstand the blow that Yellow had just dealt.
“What now, young man!? You’re in quite the predicament!” The general barked at Steven; she watched as beads of sweat rolled down the sides of his face. His expression pure determination.
“I’m going to follow your advice, I’m going to change tactics!” Steven pushed forward with incredible strength and shoved Yellow backward.
She stumbled back and barely missed another rose-colored shield that was flung right at her head. Yellow sneered as she brought her sword up facing Steven, “You miss-”
Crumbling stone could be heard behind the golden matriarch, she turned just in time to see half of a pillar falling on top of her. When the dust finally cleared, Yellow found herself pinned underneath half of a marble column from the waist down. She sighed; she had underestimated Steven again.
The boy walked over and knelt down next to Yellow’s head. He ceremoniously lifted a finger and placed it directly in the center of the sun-colored gem in her chest, “Tag, you’re it!”
“I suppose I am, young man.” The golden matriarch gave a great sigh as she pursed her lips.
Cheering could be heard from the pair’s audience, “Way to beat up Yellow clod, Steven!”
“Um, sorry, I’ll talk to Peridot about that.” Steven got up and rubbed his hands together as he ambled over to the broken column. He lifted the end with a grunt, and Yellow slipped out from underneath. She stood and cracked her neck.
“Everything good, Yellow?” The Diamond looked down at the boy and gave a gentle smile. It was paradoxical how he could be so much like Pink and so different at the same time.
It caused her gem to ache, but it wasn’t entirely wrong. The feeling didn’t have a name, but it was beginning to heal a wound that Yellow didn’t think she would ever recover from. Pride and love, rage, and regret; it was all of these things. It was beautiful. It was painful.
“Yes, you did very well. That will teach me to underestimate you.” She knelt and ruffled Steven’s hair. The boy laughed and held her hand on top of his head as he beamed back at Yellow.
“We’re having a bonfire on the beach, can you stay?”
“Ah-I,” Yellow hesitated; there was work to be done, and she was hardly friends with the Crystal Gems.
“Please? Blue’s staying.” Steven slipped out from underneath Yellow’s gloved hand but didn’t stop holding her fingers.
“Well then I’ll have to stay, Blue and I traveled on the same ship together.” The general huffed, she knew Blue wouldn’t deny Steven her company, especially when invited. (Secretly Yellow was pleased to no end, Steven asking her to stay and visit his home. Though she’d dissipate her form before she admitted it to anyone.)
“Alright! Com’on Yellow, we’re gonna have fun!” He squeezed her hand before letting go and ran ahead of her.
She watched as he was welcomed by the other gems. The amethyst grabbing and giving him a rough hug around the neck while the perma-fusion clapped his back. Blue had walked over and bent down to say something in his ear. (Undoubtedly, her congratulations and encouragement.)
When Yellow had finally caught up, Steven and the gems had already made their way to the top of the arena steps towards the warp pad. The boy waved down at Yellow, “Don’t take too long!” He then disappeared down the opposite side.
Blue had stayed behind to wait for Yellow. She sauntered up and wrapped her arms around the general’s neck.
“Well?” Blue said, arching an eyebrow questioningly at Yellow.
“Well what? He’s very powerful, you didn’t need me to tell you that.”
“No, but I wanted you to see for yourself. I believe he needs further instruction.” The cerulean gem carded her hand through stiff flaxen locks. Yellow hummed in agreement and leaned into the embrace, placing her hands on Blue’s curved hips.
Blue gazed into amber eyes for a long moment. They had been a pair for so long Blue could instantly sense when something was bothering Yellow. “What’s troubling you, love?”
“I’m not entirely sure that I’m worthy of Steven’s affections, after everything that’s happened…” Yellow looked away, a heavy sigh that she seemed to have been holding for millennia was released.
“Yellow, look at me,” Gilt eyes locked on to arctic blue ones. “We must earn this love, this trust. It was given freely before, and we shattered it and threw it away carelessly, not knowing what we had until it was gone. Now we must work to make things whole again. It is not an easy task, but I would happily bear that burden for one more chance. I strongly believe we’re on the right path.”
Yellow could only nod, emotions thick and sticking within her throat. She gathered Blue into her arms and tangled her hands in her long silvery locks. The pair held each other for a long moment before either one of them dared speak.
“So, we’re staying for a bonfire?” Yellow’s voice was muffled in Blue’s shoulder.
“Perhaps I wanted to stay, and it’s sometimes easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” The pair finally separated, Blue had a sheepish look on her face as she bit her lip.
“What would you have said if I had asked, hmm?” The cerulean matriarch stepped closer, her forehead resting on Yellow’s.
“No, there’s work-”
“-to be done. There’s always work, there will always be work! What’s a few more short hours?”
“I suppose you’re right, it would make little difference at this point.” The general relented, her shoulders slumping.
Blue stepped in even closer, their bodies completely flush with one another’s, their gems almost touching. Yellow felt her cheeks go flush, Blue could do that so easily to her, it drove her mad.
“You know, I feel guilty. I should have asked to stay beforehand.” Blue said in a low timbre that was only ever meant for Yellow’s ears.
“Do you?” Yellow nuzzled the side of Blue’s jaw.
“Hmn, when we’re done visiting, I feel that I should make it up to you. Perhaps on our way back to Homeworld?”
Blue cupped Yellow’s cheek and kissed her deeply. The pair staying that way for a long while, both reluctant to end the stolen moment of intimacy. Their gems pulsed, filling the small spaces between them with a brilliant viridian light. It was Yellow who ended the kiss finally, gently biting Blue’s bottom lip as she pulled away.
The general was infinitely satisfied to see Blue’s cheeks were three shades darker than they usually were. (Always making her blush… she showed Blue who could make who blush.)
“Come, we shouldn’t keep Steven waiting.” Yellow pulled away with a smug smile, lacing her fingers with Blue’s as the pair made their way towards the warp.
I always say I’m going to post some of my writing here... then I never do... but here’s some writing and the AO3 link. Cheers!
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
Slow Ride
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Reader [#TeamErikDon’tDateWhiteChicks]
Prompt: @eriknutinthispoosy would not leave me alooonneeeeeeee (love u girl lmfaooo)
Warnings: I wanna try something new with my fics where I put the warnings at the bottom so that if you wanna read the story and be surprised with the outcome you can. I’ll never put dubcon/rapeplay or any other fics of that nature with warnings at the bottom just because I want to be very upfront about that should I ever start writing those type of fics. But if you wid it wid it, peep the warnings at the bottom if you wanna know, or wait until after if you don’t.
A/N: This is...???? Idrfk what this is 😂😂 but its not good, just a quick little shit I put together last night and part of today. I dunno thats all I got, enjoy I hope?
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy.
“Daddyyyyyyyy,” Ashleigh whined from her spot on the counter top, swinging her short legs back and forth while she watched Erik cook breakfast over the stove. He looked so fucking good in his black wife beater and grey basketball shorts, the keloid scars peppering his arms and back out on display. His dreads were up in a messy pineapple on top of his head, the only accessory other than the Diamond Cuban Link chain that hugged his thick neck being those damned gold rimmed glasses perched on top of his nose.
Wasn’t no damn reason for him to be wearing them in the house like that on this Sunday afternoon, but he loved being extra for no reason, and dammit she couldn’t deny how fine they looked on his ass.
And they weren’t even prescription! Which made her even more mad considering the fact that her blind ass owned two pair, one for night driving and one for reading, and she didn’t look nearly as good as that whenever she had to wear them 🙄.
Erik whisked away at the eggs in the bowl, adding in garlic and onion powder before pouring it into the hot skillet, adding a pinch of salt and pepper while he let it cook. It was hypnotic watching him work, the muscles in his back rolling and glistening under the soft sunlight that peeked through the balcony window into the kitchen.  
The sound of the bacon grease popping away at the egg mixture filled the room, and Erik turned the fire down low before placing the bowl and whisk into the sink and turning to finally give his baby girl some attention.
They’d both enjoyed a lazy morning, sleeping in til 11 and lounging around in bed for an hour or so while they smoked a couple blunts, letting the Pineapple Express and Hindu Kush cloud up their bedroom to create a comfy haze.
It wasn’t until Ashe’s stomach started growling that Erik decided to finally get up and make breakfast, hoping to fiend off the hangry monster that would no doubt rear its ugly head soon if he left her stoned and starving any longer than necessary. She was usually a sweet little princess, well, mostly, but hell hath no fury like a ravenous little brat like Ashleigh.
He thought making her favorite breakfast might help to keep the demoness at bay, but unfortunately for Erik, she had other plans.
“What you want on your omelette baby,” he asks her, nodding over to the bowls filled with various meats and vegetables for her to choose from.
She ignored his question, going straight in for the kill.
“When you gonna let me ride your face Daddy?” she gnaws at her lip, batting her eyelashes innocently while she scans over his face. “Your beard would look so sexy covered in my cum, don’t you think?”
Erik opens his mouth to respond, but drops his head with a smile and just laughs when nothing comes out, not at all expecting her outburst. Surprisingly, of all the kinky fuckery they’d both engaged in in their last 6 months together, face riding had not been one of them.
Now, he never needed an excuse to eat her like Sunday Dinner, but he also never heard her talk or act this filthy before. And on the Lords day of all days?
He wanted more. Had he known this was the kind of fiend that could be unleashed with a little Sativa and Indica, he’d have been blowing her back out during smoke sessions a long time ago.
“Unless you want burnt egg, I suggest you tell me what you want inside your omelette lil girl.” He crosses his arms over his chest in a faux show of seriousness, an eyebrow cocked while he stares her down. If she wanted to suffocate him between those big juicy thighs of hers, a beautiful way to go by the way, she was gonna have to work that mouth a little bit harder for him.
Again, Ashleigh steamrolls right over his words, not realizing he’d already peeped her game and was playing with her. That was the one thing she always forgot about when she was high as shit; she was unaware as fuck and it always took her a second to figure it out.
“Can I get you inside of me instead? Or, more specifically, your tongue inside this pussy?” She smiles devilishly, fingering the hem of his overlarge muscle tee she was wearing before spreading her legs wide to expose herself.
She wasn’t wearing any panties, which was typical considering she never slept in any, but what he wasn’t expecting was for her to already be so wet for him.
“Damn girl, how long you been like this?” Erik asks her, hissing at they way her pretty pussy glistened on top of the counter top, putting him in a trance. He absentmindedly reached down to his shorts to pad himself through the material, forgetting about the game as he zeroed in on his breakfast.
“All morning, Daddy.” She purred, snapping her legs closed as soon as she saw him getting too interested.  She finally caught up.
“But… you look busy. So I’ll let you finish.” Hopping down off the counter with a sigh, she saunters away from him, heading into the living room toward the couch.
“All veggies and no sausage for mine.” she tosses her order over her shoulder at him, voice laced with boredom now that the chase seemed to be over.
Erik kissed his teeth, flipping off the stove before following her and looming over her splayed out form on the loveseat.
“So you just gon dangle my meal right in front of me and then leave?” He asks her, reaching one hand behind his back to whip his shirt over his head, already getting ready.
“Whatchu mean? Your meal is in there on the stove, you better go get it.” She half heartedly points back in the direction he came from with the remote in her hand before aiming it at the TV to turn it on.
“Come on and quit playin. You wanted your pussy ate and here I am, now get up off this couch ma.” He moves to grip her legs but she takes one and places her foot on his hard chest, holding him back from her.
“Nah,” she dismisses him, a realization starting to form somewhere under the curly mess atop her head.
“I shouldn’t have to beg you to let me ride your face Erik,” she states, her words riddled with attitude. She was faking it, but the cute little pout plastered on her face made it sound damn convincing.
“Matter fact,” she removes her leg, her boldness coming back full force. “You should be begging me.”
The next few moments are tense as the two stare each other down, neither willing to give in to the others demands. Pussy was on the menu, and pussy was definitely going to be eaten, but the question of who would be begging who for it remained unanswered.
Erik steps forward, bending low to get eye level with his baby girl before snatching up her jaw in one quick motion.
“You gon keep runnin that nasty ass mouth of yours?” He baits her, already knowing what she’s going to say.
“Always.” Her lips spread wide, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
He returns the smile with equal enthusiasm, dropping his hand around her throat to sit down on the floor.  “Then come ride Daddy’s face babygirl.”
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Dirty Talk, Face Riding, Bratty!sub, Pre-Smut
Tags: @kxnfuzed @sweet-epiphany85 @blackpantherismyish @huuniii   @wawakanda-btch @ljstraightnochaser@bearhuggingbaby @drsunshine97@hearteyes-for-killmonger@maliadestiny @lucidaquarian @theunsweetenedtruth@sicksadgen@louisdimuccis @blackchunkyqueen @ash-moneyy@blowmymbackout @buttercup812 @minkyomom  @softnani @curls-and-crosses @lunaerly @lovemekaycee @uhlxis @blackgirloneshots @thecaptainofamerica @wakandas-vibranium @teheeboo@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@whorderofthepheonix @youreadthatright @killmongerdispussy@cawifornia @tchallamakesmeh0lla @siriuslycollins @panthergoddessbast  @blue-ishx@shesfromwakanda @amethyst1993 @bartierbakarimobisson @whoramilaje @muse-of-mbaku@eriknutinthispoosy @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @thickoreo@allhailnjadaka @wifeyofnjadaka @hidden-treasures21 @killmvnger@tgigoldie @killmongersgurl @princessstevens @beautifulqueenflaws @cocooned-butterfly @chaneajoyyy @ange-sensuel@laketaj24 @chasingsunlight @vikkidc@shadowkissedprincessofheart @wakanda-inspired
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The Other Day at Hot Topic: Xigbar
There’s nothing Xigbar wouldn’t do for his cousin, Saïx, and his punk, pretty boy boyfriend, but sometimes they test his limits.
Thursday, and Axel texts him at five o’clock in the morning with a ‘pick me up and take me to work.’ No explanation. No please. No heart emojis. Nada.
And it’s Thursday, so there’re no appointments booked, so it’s not even like it’s work that’ll help Xigbar keep the lights on. It’s Axel’s stupid side gig at the mall that he got so Xigbar’s cousin and Axel could keep tabs on each other. Which come to think had probably set Saïx’s therapy sessions back several years. Yeah, better not to think about that at all.
Pulling up to their place, Xigbar dials—speed dial, and Axel must just be loafing in the AC waiting for him, because he picks up damn near instantly.
“Get your tail out here,” Xigbar barks, heat prickling under his collar, and he must sound as grumpy and half asleep as he feels because laughter answers him. Maybe this is why Axel and Saïx call him “Gramps” when Xigbar’s only got a few years on them. Xigbar clicks off the phone before the snarky retorts come in and rolls down his window.
After a few flicks of the butt of Xigbar’s cigarette against the ashtray, Saïx and Axel step onto the porch of their modest condo and into the warm morning air and aren’t they a pretty picture? Towers of muscle, crowned with take no prisoner attitudes, the light settling in their hair to highlight sky blue and sunset red, clutching at each other’s arms in damning insecurity.   
With a final salute of his water bottle to Saïx, Axel sets off down the stone path of their condo, past a pair of paopu trees, out to the curb.
Axel’s metallic gold jeans catch the light and about near blind half the cul-de-sac.
Jesus. As if the guy doesn’t stand out enough already. Saïx must have done something to really tick him off this morning, for him to put on something so attention grabbing.
But hey, Xigbar can help with that. Leaning an arm out the window, he smirks, wolf whistles, growls out, “There’s my sexy future brother-in-law.”
Axel beams back, smug, and tries hard not to look over his shoulder. Is not successful.
Xigbar doesn’t bother. He knows his cousin, practically his brother, and of course Saïx is glaring daggers, fists clenched, jaw stiff. Nobody particularly wants to see a brawny biker/tattoo artist hitting on their boyfriend. That’s pretty much the point.  
Xigbar curls a finger toward Axel before he can climb in the passenger seat. “Travel tax.”
Axel rolls his eyes as saunters up, but he leans in, letting Xigbar kiss his cheek, his fingertips brushing lightly against the redhead’s sharp jaw.
“Missed you too, boss,” Axel teases, meeting his eye, and then straightening up.
It’s been less than twenty-four hours since they’ve last seen each other.  
“Don’t gimme that ‘boss’ crap,” Xigbar counters, knuckles colliding with Axel’s bony shoulder, “it’s supposed to be my day off, and here I am carting you around like we’re friends or something.”
Boy’s damn lucky I’ve got a soft spot for him.
Axel grins. He knows he’s Xigbar’s closest friend by a mile. Even if Demyx insists otherwise. There are more fun words for what he’s got going on with Demyx.
“Yeah, well, car’s in the shop again, and his highness over there has a meeting with the sexiest man alive.” Axel waves off over his shoulder.
“I heard that,” Saïx teases, probably from the porch swing, probably pausing to appease his phone.
Xigbar freezes, processing this, rubbing at his forehead with a palm. “Axel, for God’s sake buy a new fugging…”
Xigbar cuts himself off, wonders if Axel can even afford it. Definitely could if he worked at Never, their boardwalk tattoo and piercing parlor, full time. But, of course, he isn’t allowed. Saïx doesn’t want him to spend all his time with Xigbar, and Axel doesn’t want Saïx to have to go all week without him.
Totally normal. Obviously.
Saïx has probably spontaneously combusted by this point. Xigbar likes to remind him what he’s got to lose. If he doesn’t start treating Axel right, somebody else is gonna do it. Hell, if Saïx weren’t his cousin, maybe Xigbar would do it.
See, Saïx’s discomfort is not altogether unprecedented.
Once upon a time, Xigbar didn’t think anyone could look at a man who’d had his face carved up like a Friday the Thirteenth movie and see anything but the scar—the threat.
Once upon a time, a motorcycle accident left Xigbar with three casts, seven stitches across his cheek, and an eyepatch to boot, and he’d said the hell good bye to the idea of a relationship.
His cousin had flown in to help get him back on his feet. The pair of them had always been close, grew up on the same street, dealing with bastard fathers and empty fridges. When it had gone south with Saïx’s father, he moved in to Xigbar’s house. The young men bonded over a mutual love of kickboxing in high school and, after graduation, when the secrets started spilling, a mutual love of men.
They began to go their separate ways when Xigbar dropped out of his art program and Saïx started getting serious about his classes and counseling. Then Saïx had stayed in Hollow Bastion for work and Xigbar had moved to get away from “work.”
Ridiculous that it was a motorcycle accident that got him and not his previous occupation—security at a bar where everything got shadier with every passing day. Xigbar’s boyfriend hadn’t even believed him when he messaged him what happened. That had been it for them, really.
The accident brought Saïx and Xigbar back together. Somehow, between helping Xigbar deal with torn muscles in his legs that left him with a permanent swagger, and stitches in his face that made it hard to chew, Saïx found time to let the island sun soak into his skin and mellow his thoughts and moods. He called his boyfriend often and, hearing the smile in his voice, the guy agreed that a move to the islands might be exactly the fresh start they needed.  
Then Saïx had brought home Axel. Axel, their childhood friend, who not only accepted Saïx’s scars (and the hefty stick up his rear), but saw the beauty and good humor beyond them. And at a time when everyone else backed up two steps at the sight of Xigbar, Ax’d run at him with open arms, a cocky smile, and a Chicks dig scars, y’know.  
So, horrible human being that he was, after Saïx had gone to all the trouble of nursing him back to health, Xigbar had fallen for his cousin’s boyfriend hard.
Cheesy as hell, yeah, but Axel had given Xigbar hope. He hadn’t thought it was possible for either of ‘em to find somebody, scarred as they were, inside, outside. Let alone someone stunning, strong, intelligent…
‘Course, it had also made him jealous. Because he and Axel got on like fire and paper, and if Xigbar had met him first… 
Well, Xigbar had his vices, but he wouldn’t flip every time Axel smiled at a waiter the wrong way. Hell, if Demyx hadn’t stumbled his way into the picture, Xigbar’s not sure what he’d’ve done.
Presently, Xigbar unlocks the passenger side of his ancient convertible, and as Axel makes his way over, Xigbar salutes his cousin, who, miraculously, remains in one piece.
“Mornin’, Sai.”
But Saïx is blood, his cousin and his friend, and losing Axel would wreck him, pure and simple. And after the hell that was their childhood, Saïx deserves to be happy now. Just, not at Axel’s expense, right.
So Xigbar flirts relentlessly. Treats Axel like a fricking princess. And Saïx is perfectly aware of his crush, less convinced than Axel is that it ended when Demyx came into the picture. (Though it more or less had, except in off moments like these when Axel shines like a goddamn sun.)
But thanks to Demyx, Saïx has no grounds to gripe at him for it. And thanks to the tattoo parlor, Saïx can’t fire him for it. So Xigbar takes a certain pride in getting away with everything, horrible human being that he is.
“Morning.” Saïx’s response is cold, brief, detached. Narrowed blue eyes command him to keep his hands to himself. Not ideal, but better than explosive, Xigbar supposes.
Realizing this is all the conversation he’ll get from the man at this point, Xigbar rolls up his window and pulls lazily away from the curb.
“He let you leave the house in that, huh?” Xigbar’s eye skims the golden denim hugging at Axel’s muscles a final time as they roll out and a knowing smirk lights his lips. “That’s progress.”
“Oh?” Axel sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Is it?”
Xigbar cringes at the unexpected dose of bitterness. He glances over, seeing the man has strapped himself in, crossed his arms, and dedicated himself to staring out the opposite side window, probably watching Saïx climbing into his sensible, sleek black sedan, off to metaphorically solicit himself out to corporate executives.
“No,” Xigbar sobers, reaching across the narrow space to squeeze Axel’s shoulder. “Sorry, snookums. Guess not.”
“One of these days, though,” fingers comb through burnt red hair, jade eyes painfully hopeful, “right?”
Xigbar can’t meet Axel’s gaze for longer than a second. “He loves you, kid.”
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Yoongi Imagine [3]
type : series !
genre : angst !
AU : royal + magic !
word count : 1751 !
summary : Min Yoongi, the Blood Prince. (L/N) (Y/N), a Shadow servant with a secret. When you’re exiled to the Blood Lands, the cruel prince takes an undying interest in you.
pt. 1 / ??
You pulled the baggy black dress you wore up and over your shoulders, replacing it with a red one of the like. Fixing the corset that was positioned under said clothing, you padded over to the large wooden door and opened it slightly, revealing two dark knights. Saying nothing, they interlocked your wrists with chains and roughly dragged you down the dark stone halls of the Shadow Palace. You said nothing, keeping your head low as you glared at the ground, black bandages covering half your face. From the bridge of your nose all the way down your neck, midnight coloured cloth covered you, overlapped like you’d been mauled by a bear. Your biceps were also covered in the dark bandages, unlike your shoulders, which were covered by the thin cloth of your servant’s dress. They dragged you along until you reached a large, open room, accommodated by a black and plum throne. Atop the royal throne sat the one and only Kim Namjoon, the Shadow Prince himself.
Ever since you were a child, you were a servant for the Prince in the Palace. Your hair had been burned in the servant’s ritual, leaving it a charcoal black, singed and matted. All servants were this way; it was the way of the Shadow. Little did the nobles know, you were more important than you lead on. Now the Shadow Council themselves were aware of your power, they were determined to banish you. Throw you out, give you to another kingdom.
You knelt in front of Namjoon, your piercing gaze interlocking with his.
“(L/N) (Y/N),” His voice boomed, “You’ve committed a horrible crime here in the Dark Lands. You realize what you have done?”
The Prince was a fair man, cool and masculine. His Council were the malicious and devious ones behind the scenes, as to be expected from the Dark Lands. They were second most cruel, only the Blood Lands to compare.
You said nothing, not like you could speak, anyway, and stared into his cold, black eyes. Almost like a challenge: I dare you to tell me what I did was wrong.
“You kept your undying power from me and my council, thus refusing to aid us in any way you possibly could. This is a legal offense, as you were aware we have been at war with the Wet Lands before and yet you continued to hide your power. You could’ve killed Park Jimin any day to end the grievance, but you kept to yourself, instead. This is seen as a betrayal to the Dark Lands.”
“You are to be exiled to the Blood Lands. Min will do what he likes with you, and you will accept that. You will serve him.”
You grit your teeth under the wraps. Min? Min Yoongi? The cruel Blood Prince, whom you will have to serve? You’d rather die.
“Take her away,” He waved you off, “And do not let her near the drakes. You will deliver her by horseback.”
You felt his eyes following you as you were lead out of his kingdom.
“Wonderful,” Min Yoongi said with a smirk, sitting atop his own throne, dressed in red royal silk with his sword by his side, “Take her to the East Wing and clean her up. I shall see her shortly.”
The Blood Knights gave their prince a curt nod before dragging you down the halls of the Blood Palace. It was very different from your home. You could hear the screams of past servants and people who died here, no doubt their blood inside the walls. You could almost feel their anguish.
You hated this place already.
The knights tossed you into some room before slamming the door in your face. You scoffed, your eyes wandering around the small space. The walls were a dark beige, the stone was cold underneath your bare feet. There was a dresser and a mannequin, also another door that probably lead to a bathroom.
The door opened again, causing you to whip your head around to look at the person. It was two maids, their eyes shining and kind. They wore dark red servant’s dresses with lace near the collar; it was a normal outfit for a maid.
“Hello,” One of them said softly, shutting the door, “We are here to clean you up so that you may be presented to the Prince.”
You gave them a slow, hesitant nod. What the hell was Min planning?
One of the women immediately went to work removing your wraps, while the other went into the bathroom, probably to boil water for you to bathe.
You kept your lips in a thin line as the kind servant removed all of the dark cloth covering your skin, as well as the dress you wore. Her eyes widened in the slightest upon seeing the golden marks that covered your biceps. She looked up into your eyes, giving you a questioning gaze as you offered a sheepish smile in response.
“We are aware that you have some sort of power, but we were never told what that power is. But those markings.. The way they seem to almost glow.. You are strong. I do not know what those represent, but it’s obviously very powerful. You have earned my respect.”
You smile became soft and kind as you gave her a nod in response, and with that she went to work on your corset, removing it as well. She then lead you into the restroom, where the other maid sat on the edge of the bathtub, waiting for you.
“I’m going to make an attempt at your hair, then I shall leave you to have your privacy,” She said simply as the previous woman shut the door.
Giving another nod, you sat on the ground and leaned your head back, allowing the woman to use her remedies to healthen your hair.
You could tell she was an alchemist, which meant that it was a possibility for her hard work to pay off in the situation. With the right combination of herbs, you could do almost anything.
It took about fifteen of scrubbing and various remedies until the older woman sat back with a small exhale and a smile.
“Finished,” She said, “Your hair seems all natural and healthy. I traveled all the way to Macridor to get some of the herbs I used. But it seems it payed off. You may have the rest of the time to yourself, we will be waiting.”
She left without another words, leaving you to drain the tub and refill it with the boiled water already prepared. You sat in the hot water and exhaled, glad to be able to relax.
You didn’t like any of this.
You were in the Blood Lands, the cruelest nation, and you’re getting all pampered? Something had to be going on.
Something sinister.
Once you felt relaxed and clean, you stood and stepped out of the tub, draining the water. The women had provided you with some linen to dry yourself with, which you appreciated. There was a glass mirror you couldn’t help but notice, looking into it you smiled upon seeing your hair back to its normal state. It was shiny and soft, unlike when it was charred from being burnt once a year.
Wrapping the linen around you, you opened the door and nearly shrieked when the maids grabbed your arms and yanked you into a chair, fitting you into a corset.
“You’ll look stunning after we’re finished!” One of them exclaimed, yanking on the corset, making you choke quietly.
Afterwards, they gave you underwear and a long-sleeved red and gold silk dress. It looked royal. It didn’t puff out, no, it hugged your body and the skirt was free-flowing, almost dragging the ground.
You slipped the clothing on as the women patted it down, one of them began to style your wet hair. The other gave you a pair of gold shoes to go with the dress you wore, and you slipped into them without a word. The maid working on your hair grinned as she stepped back, both of them looking over their work.
Your hair was left down, framing your face perfectly. You glanced around awkwardly, unsure of how you felt about all this.
“You’re ready to see the Prince. This way.”
With that, you were lead to your internal demise.
Min Yoongi sat on a leather chair in his royal library, scanning you over. It was only the two of you in the room, not another soul to be found. You looked away from him, over at a nearby shelf. You didn’t want to look at him.
Because you found him attractive.
The immortal human chuckled deeply before swiftly standing, taking long strides towards your stiff figure. He set a hand under your chin and made you look at him as he spoke, “You don’t talk much, do you?”
You only glared in response.
“I’m sure you’re confused about the little spa session, no? It’s simple,” He smirked, “Aid us with your power, and you’ll live as royalty.”
You gaze remained unwavering, glaring at the Prince with your entire soul. There was no way in hell you were aiding the Blood Lands with anything.
“Stubborn?” He chuckled yet again, “I’m sure I can convince you. You’ll be sleeping in the royal quarters with me, then maybe you’ll get a taste of what the Blood Lands is really like. Never judge a book by its cover, Aspect.”
Your eyes widened in the slightest; not only did he know what your were, but he knew you were an Aspect?
Something dark flashed in his arms as his thumb ran over your jaw softly, “I know a lot about you, (Y/N). I’ve been Blood Prince for longer than any other current Prince has had their throne.”
Staring into his deep red eyes, you began to see images of people dying, Yoongi crying as he shoved a sword through a man’s heart. You saw Yoongi at his lowest, and at his highest, when he was appointed Prince and became a fearless warrior.
“You are not as you portray yourself,” You mumbled.
Yoongi looked at you for a second, exhaling softly. For a split second, his gaze seemed warm and twinkling.. He gazed at you fondly, before it hardened yet again into a stone cold stare.
“Neither are you,” He said simply, making you crack a small smirk.
Maybe, just maybe, this would be better than you anticipated.
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Day 10 - Merida
Today was our last day of fieldwork and we visited an elderly adult center as well as a home for the elderly. We first toured the adult activity center with the center's coordinator. We saw that they offered several dance classes for the adults. They also had two classrooms where the offer other activities and clubs. We were able to visit one classroom that was being used for occupational therapy through painting. The instructor told us they also hold classes for recycling, using kitchen tools, etc., to practice manual and thinking skills for the elderly. The classes are run by a skills facilitator who teaches them diverse activities. The teacher also explained that they want the adults to know they can still create things and that they have the means to sell things they make. The next activity we went to was an aerobics class and we were able to participate in the class with the adults. Almost all of them were in better shape than me and I was surprised to see how energetic and healthy they were. They seemed extremely young spirited and active. After the aerobics class, we participated in another dance class, where the teacher taught a combination of Brazilian and African dances. We also had a small music class with same teacher, who explained he teaches this exercise to facilitate positive energy. In the last part of the class, he demonstrated capoeira dance, which is a fighting dance started by Africans in Brazil. The African slaves in Brazil had to hide their martial arts components with dance or else they'd be physically beaten by the Brazilians. After this exercise, we continued on to the center for attention and services of the elderly, which is like a shelter for those over the age of 60 who do not have any family. The idea of not having any family was quite saddening. It’s easy to forget that many people do not have children or have children who have already passed, leaving them with no one to care for them in their old age. The center is also home to the elderly whose only remaining family cannot take care of them or have been reported as having no means of a home. The staff is made up of various professionals, such as nutritionists, social workers, psychologists, maintenance staff, administrators, and nurses. We began our visit with a tour of this facility. First, we visited the kitchen, and the center's director informed us that the seniors get three meals a day. This was by far the cleanest kitchen I've seen in any facility here and I was impressed by the cleanliness and sanitation measures. The next part of the facility we visited was the dorm for female residents. It was a very large room with areas sectioned off for each resident. Their areas had a bed, a small table, and shelves and storage for their belongings and personal items. There was also a nurse’s station located within the dorm area. While the doctors are only there between Monday and Friday, there are nurses present 24/7.  In the female dorm room, we had the pleasure of meeting a 100 year old woman who has lived here for the past six years. She explained to us that they love interacting with visitors and seeing new faces, since they usually see the same people every day and they have no family to come visit them. She also told us wisdom and knowledge are very valuable and advised us to enjoy our youth. The last part of the tour was to a general area where the elderly were participating in physical therapy and dancing. We had the opportunity to assist them with their physical therapy and even dance with them! Liesa found two new husbands who loved dancing with her, which was hilarious! After this activity, we gathered near the facility entrance and had a brief question and answer session with the staff while we enjoyed some amazing rice pudding they had made for us. We learned that the facility holds field trips to the beach, theatre, and other forms of entertainment to keep the residents active and involved. The facility has a maximum capacity of 38 and currently has 30 senior citizens between the ages of 60 and 100. I found the eligibility process of this facility to be interesting. The facility conducts social investigations to determine eligibility for the shelter. They also follow up on reports of elderly people who try to live in abandoned buildings. In cases such as these, they send social workers to go and investigate the situation. Like other facilities, this facility is also funded by the municipality of Merida. The facility does not have many restrictions, except having to be in need and of eligible age, but they also can't home those with schizophrenia because of the large communal dorm rooms. While the high spirits of the elderly lead us to believe they were quite healthy for their age, we learned that many are afflicted by high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, pacemakers, and cataracts affecting the majority. Similar to the United States, Merida is seeing an increase in the elderly population. In order to prevent being over-tired and burnt out from this mentally and emotionally exhaustive job, the personnel here have taken courses to prevent this from happening. However, the staff did mention how heartbreaking it is when one of the elderly passes away, and they even related it to the death of a family member. They explained that when someone passes away here, their friends take it upon themselves to take responsibility for the funeral and burial services. If the resident has no friends within the facility or outside of the facility, they go into a common burial space. Employees take workshops on grieving and loss of life, and have sessions with psychologists to cope with the their loss.They also try not to dwell, but to remember the positive aspects of the individual’s life. While the facility is pretty strict with the minimum age of acceptance being 60 years old, there is a special case of a 47 year old with special needs who lives here. This individual has no parents and was “taken care of” by neglectful uncles. As a result, DIF became involved to protect his welfare and they terminated the uncles’ parental rights. He has lived here since those rights were terminated because he fit right in and it was easier to keep him in this facility than to put him through the stress and aggravation of transferring him to another facility, but the staff has made it pretty clear that he is the only exception. This concluded our last fieldwork visit and we returned to the hotel in Merida for the rest of the day. A group of us went over to Cafe Royal for lunch and enjoyed some of the best tortas I’ve had here. After lunch, Liesa and I went back to the Boho Spa to make an appointment for mani-pedis later that night. We decided to splurge and get the most luxurious option, which only ended up being $40 USD. This package included manicures, pedicures, facials, a scalp massage, hot stone treatment, hot wax therapy, aromatherapy and even wine! I felt like I was in the Princess Diaries! I had one person working on my feet, while another worked on my hands, all while drinking white wine. I have never been so pampered! We winded down the evening with a group dinner after our spa night. We met a group of the girls at the hotel and went to an amazing restaurant called Amaro that had some of the best maragaritas I’ve had during the past two weeks. We did a bit of shopping on the way home from dinner and called it a night. 
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