#i also just spent 700 dollars on a new laptop
anaussiefan · 1 year
Making a pros and cons list to try and help me decide if I should try to get taylor swift tickets but it's not helping because none of the cons feel like they hold the same weight as the "it's taylor swift??" pro bullet point, despite all of the cons being about all the extra costs this would involve (plane, hotel, travel, food, outfit etc)
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fluff-support · 2 years
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hi!! i am opening up emergency commissions because my laptop died and my family doesn’t have the spare money to get a decent new one right now, and i need a functional laptop for college, as well as just interacting with the world. i am currently using an older, different broken laptop that is only slightly more functional. 
the kind of laptop built for the use it will receive from me is typically around 700 dollars, and that’s a bit too much for my family to throw around right now. i also need a new headset, which are around 40 dollars for the good ones. my old headset died the same night my laptop did.
i am a disabled lesbian and my family is mostly single income, and we happened to save up for a kind of trip we can afford once a decade and my laptop has broken two weeks before it. everything is booked, money is spent, etc. 
for more examples of my work, my art blog is hearticorn-arts, and i can also show you the art of like, my friends’ fantrolls i have drawn in the past if that helps. my ao3 is FluffyTheUnicorn, and the work i still think is the most good on there is “a loaded gun called justice”.
payments will be through my kofi! if you have the spare money, i’d really appreciate anything you can give. if you don’t, i’d really appreciate rbs on this post!
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lachalaine · 5 years
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Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
1. FIRST NAME: J / Lady  2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: I’m honestly such a severe worry wart that as soon as I get even the mildest thought of my loved ones potentially being in danger, I can’t get it out of my head. So I end up knocking on all the wood in the area, and step away a bit to focus on seeing them in my minds eyes, to imagine that they’re safe and healthy and have a little shield around them to keep them out of harms way, while also praying a lot for them in the back of my mind. I’ll be doing one thing but the reality is that my brain is still focused on the prayer.  In fact, I’ve been doing it consecutively for 3 days now because my dad was in the hospital the other day and now my brain is on overdrive from it and it’s actually such a strain on my focus that my head hurts. 
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Eyes, hair, and smile tbh. I have a really bad weakness for curly haired guys tho, they’re always so cute 💕💕 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: CRAB. SHRIMP. LOBSTER. SCALLOP. SQUID.  5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Ampalaya aka Bitter Melon. 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Having art made of Jackie???? In all the outfits ??? In all the designs??? In all the poses and styles ?? I love her so much, I will never let her go????? Because honestly speaking, idek how much I’ve spent having art made of her at this point in my life, but I’m 5 years in on this venture and I refuse to stop now!  It’s like $700 and counting. 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Shorts and  t-shirts. 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Serious relationships. 9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: I would go back to a very particular day just last week, where I accidentally moved my chair and tugged my brand new laptop down with it, where thankfully the laptop was safe, but now the charger is bent out of shape 🙃 The good news is: It still works! The bad news is: my OCD irritates me because I keep trying to fix it back straight and now I’m torn between the possibility of breaking it even further or just leaving it be. 🙃 10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Yes, yes and yes! I hug my friends and family and kiss them on the cheek sometimes and I hold their hands a lot and lean on them and I say I love you too much all the time but they love me too so its okie 💕💕 11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Rise of the Guardians. God, I love JACK FROST SO MUCH!!!  12. FAVORITE BOOK: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: Otters and Rabbits!!! They’re so cute! 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS: Jackie x Chesh, Jackie x Razvan, Jackie x Kavik, Jackie x Kyrin, Jackie x Loke, basically Jackie x all of her ships with Momo’s muses! But also !! Tifa Lockheart x Cloud Strike and also Tifa Lockheart x Zack Fair :)  15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake 16. FAVORITE SCENT:  Lanvin Éclat d'Arpège and Victoria’s Secret Amber Romance  17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: HARRY STYLES !!!  18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: London, again. But also Maldives and Paris.  19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert  20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Yes, which is why I hate anything to do with ghosts or anything too genuinely horrifying. I tend to linger on the dread of such thoughts and can’t manage to sleep because I’m so scared, so I’d rather not ever have it cross my mind at all.  21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: iPhone. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Yeeees, I play Pokemon, Persona, Harvest Moon, Final Fantasy 14 and Ragnarok Online, and also 30 more games that are too long to list.  23. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: Move to the states, get a house in LA, make sure my dad and mom are taken care of and then save the rest for a rainy day. But also treat myself with Seafood and Japanese food and also some more Jackie art 💕 24. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: It’s not so much the character that I hate, but I do despise the fanfiction narrative that the Female Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy 14 has to be a Mi’qote all the time. There are literally so many other races in that game, why the heck is the fandom always using the Miqo’te as their basis for the character, it’s so frustrating !! 25. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: I started out in the K Project fandom, where I had Jackie set up as a OC in that verse. She was a part of HOMRA for a long while there, and then some crap went down in the fandom and I turned her fandomless. And the rest, as they say, is history ✨
Tagged: stolen ! Tagging: @aquoreus​ again hi ily 💕
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hellomissmabel · 8 years
The sinner and the saint
Allegro & Staccato part 3 - Annie celebrates 700+ lovelies
Warnings: A little bit of angst and some long overdue fluff!
Word count: 3.782
Summary: The third part to the followers celebration: the make-up. Based on this song. I prefer the stripped version over the original version and I might’ve scrambled the lyrics just a tad.
A/N: This is also a part of the song challenge as hosted by @mrs-squirrel-chester.
Part 1: the chance encounter
Part 2: The fighter and the lover - Bucky x reader - ANGST
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Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so
You said your mother only smiled on her tv show
You’re only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope
I hope you make it to the day you’re twenty-eight years old
“I’m a God damn cliché, Wanda,” you whine softly, staring deeply into the contents of the drink you’ve been nursing for the past hour or so hoping that from the melting ice cubes your solution will suddenly arise. “I fell in love with Tony Stark and I expected him to love me too.”
Wanda elegantly takes a sip from her gin tonic, sending you a curious smile. “You told him you loved him, didn’t you? And Tony got scared, didn’t he?”
“Yeah,” you confirm reluctantly, staring up into her bright eyes rimmed with a classic winged eyeliner and sighing exasperatedly. “I told him I loved him and he said he had some urgent business to attend to.”
“Ouch,” Wanda breathes out, “I can understand why you’re so blue all of a sudden.”
Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now i’m covered in the colors pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue
“Everything about him is blue. I’m in love with a guy more than ten years my senior, Iron Man of all people! I didn’t think this through, I simply assumed that this is what I wanted. How could I have ever convinced myself that this was going to work when all the odds are against us? It’s pulling me apart at the seams.”
You card your fingers through your hair, watery eyes obscuring your vision. “I’ll be happy if my brother makes it to his 28th birthday and doesn’t become a member of the forever 27 club. As for my mother, she loves her TV show more than she loves her kids so I wouldn’t count too much on her reciprocating my feelings either. But at least with Tony I was sure that there was something worth holding on to.”
You tried to sterilise your emotions with alcohol and on a normal night out with Wanda you would already be hammered and on the dancefloor giving everyone a good show. But not tonight, tonight you were going to sulk and whine about Tony Stark. “You know, I used to be scared all the time that I’d never find love and now that I’ve found it, I’m scared to lose it. I’m scared that I’m not good enough.”
Wanda gives you a warm smile before ordering another round. The bartender returns and you thank him with a curt nod of your head before sending him off with a couple dollar bills as a tip. “Wanda, I’m just an ordinary girl. When I was still in college, I thought it was all a part of the package deal you know?”
Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don’t know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue
An unexpected sadness washes over his face and the corners of her lips curl downwards. “I thought I knew what I was bargaining for,” you continue, hating yourself the more words you release into the air pulled taut. “Dating a celebrity who just happens to also be a notorious womanizer with a different model on his arm every other day, who throws these extravagant parties for all the other big shots out there. But now I’m a grown woman and I’m sick of all those filthy tabloids asking why I’m wasting my time with a giant fuck-up like Tony Stark.”
You choke on your own breath, grabbing your drink from the bar and taking a big gulp of the intoxicating liquid. “He might be a giant fuck-up but he’s my giant fuck-up.”
“Y/N,” Wanda sighs, placing her drink back on the counter before turning to me, shooting me a stern glare, “You and Tony, you’re like allegro and staccato. Whenever life gets a little too much to handle, you’re there to calm him down. You’re his allegro. And then there are times that you don’t feel like coming out of your shell and Tony’s right there to coax you out and introduce you back to the land of the living. You’re his allegro and in return he is your staccato. This is how you two work, it’s how you show each other your love.”
The dim lighting does nothing to disguise her confident appearance as she finalises her monologue. “All that self-doubt is going to be the death of your relationship, Y/N. Tony has never been so deep before, he has never loved anyone as much as he loves you and that frightens him. Just talk to him, meet him halfway.”
“Maybe,” you reply standoffishly, throwing back the last of your drink before informing Wanda that you have to go, your mind made up and set in a surge of determination.
You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise
You’re spilling like an overflowing sink
Quickly worming your way through the thick crowd, luck is on your side when a cab pulls up the driveway just as you walk outside. You get in the backseat and give the driver the address of Stark tower, his brows knitting together in a surprised frown but he doesn’t ask any questions about it which is fine with you.
The rest of the ride is spent in complete and utter silence which only feeds your nerves the longer you’re kept waiting until finally you’ve reached the acquainted skyscraper you call your home. Paying the fare and adding a generous extra on top, you remove your heels after getting into the elevator and pushing the floor number of Tony’s lab, knowing he’ll most likely be tinkering in his lab to get rid of some excess stress.
“FRIDAY, can you please not inform mister Stark that I’m coming? I want to surprise him,” you politely request the I.A. when the doors of the elevator slide open.
“Of course, miss Y/N,” the computer generated voice replies and you give it a genuine thank you, followed by small smile when you see Tony with his back to you confirming that your suspicions hs been right, fumbling on one of his suits through the panoramic windows that mark the entrance to the lab.
Because you had the sense to kick off your heels before entering the building, it allows you to sneak up on him quietly. He’s lost in his thoughts, sighing at a computer screen whilst “Shoot to thrill” by AC/DC blasts through the stereos installed all over the facility. Absentmindedly Tony hums along but you immediately hear his heart is not in it, remembering all those times you and him would dance across the entire floor in nothing but your underwear, having spent the night at the lab working on another one of his ambitious projects.
You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece
And now I’m tearing through the pages and the ink
Stealthily you move to stand next to him and even when you’re merely inches removes he still doesn’t notice your presence, not until you card your fingers through his hair and his head suddenly snaps in your direction, eyes wide with disbelief yet narrowing suspiciously a moment later. “What are you doing here?,” he questions, “I thought you went out with Wanda to some fancy new club?”
“I did but then I realised it’s not where I wanted to be right now,” you reply coyly, suddenly feeling quite brazen, your fingers still playing with his dark brown locks. You’re glad he hasn’t pulled away just yet and you find yourself leaning into him just a little, your face close enough to his to see that sparkle return to the scene, his reaction to your sassy boldness.
“Then where would you like to be right now?” He must refrain himself from melting into your touch as he gently places his tools back on his workstation and closes his laptop before locking eyes with you, his whiskey coloured eyes affecting your racing heart more than any other alcoholic substance ever will.
You were a vision in the morning when the light came through
I know I’ve only felt religion when I’ve lied with you
You feel inebriated, almost hypnotised by his intense gaze and you swallow thickly before answering. “Next to you,” you whisper carefully, scanning his face for any emotion you can identify but he just continues to stare holes into your skull, so you decide to take your chances and continue.
“I want to be wherever you are, Tony. I’m sorry for dropping the L-word like that, I should’ve thought twice before saying something like that. It’s just that…,” you momentarily stop to gather your thoughts, your eyes downcast to the floor. “I do love you, Anthony Stark, and I want to be the woman by your side.”
A tentative finger grazes your chin and lifts your head up to meet a set of autumn orbs, his arm snaking around your waist and slowly pulling you flush against his chest, his eyes searching yours for any sign of resistance whilst doing so. His embrace is cautious yet loving and you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the familiar scent of vanilla and spice until his lips find the crown of your head, kissing it lightly, causing your breath to get caught in your throat. You missed this too much.
You said you’ll never be forgiven till your boys are too
And I’m still waking every morning but it’s not with you
“I’m sorry too, Y/N,” he breathes against your ear and you feel your knees buckle at the sinfully sweet sound of his gravelly voice. “I love you and I’m sorry I reacted the way I did.” He kisses your temple and as his lips linger on your cheek, he whispers a soft “I love you so much, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His words knock the wind from your lungs and you cup his face in your hands, making eye contact with the shuddering man in front of you. His expression is pained as he shows you the darkest, deepest corners of his essence. “I never thought that I’d ever find someone to love me back. After all I’ve said and all I’ve done, how is it that you’re still here? I’m a bad person, I don’t deserve an angel like you.”
Art is not what I create
What I create is chaos
“It doesn’t matter, not to me. The only thing that matters to me is that you’re safe. I can’t imagine a life without you, Tony. I don’t care what happened, I don’t care about the accords and I certainly don’t care about the uproar that comes hand in hand with your personality or the general mayhem your actions might’ve caused in the past. I love you for you. I’m in love with Tony Stark, the man who saved my ass all those years ago.”
“God, I love you,” he murmurs into your hair was he tightens his grip on you, his words quivering with emotion and his shoulders shuddering with the tears he’s trying to hold back. He lets out a long, languid sigh before touching his forehead against yours and sobbing softly. This love is more than just chemical.
“I love you,” he repeats and it doesn’t take him much effort to say the next sentence, invading all your senses with just two simple words. “Marry me, Y/N.”
Your thoughts stir and you can feel yourself tensing up at the unexpected declaration of love. Tony quickly catches up on your body language and stiffens immediately, panic spreading over his beautiful features. “I – I am so sorry, Y/N,” he stutters nervously, “I shouldn’t have said that, I don’t know what came over me.”
“Yes, Tony, a million times yes,” you say as little droplets stain your cheeks and trickle down your face, wetting your lips when you move to close the distance and connect them with his.
Your hands rest on his broad chest, moving in sync with every doting breath and you allow yourself to disappear into his sturdy frame sheltering you from the soil that once wormed its way into your minds and spread its dirty tentacles all over your hearts, tainting the undying affection you have for this man.
“I don’t have a ring,” he apologises when he breaks away, only to be met with a whimper at the loss of contact.
“I couldn’t care less about a damn ring,” you smile up at him. “I’m not afraid anymore, I’m not afraid anymore to lose your love because I’m sure. I’m sure of us and I don’t need a ring to prove that to you.”
“I – I just, that’s how it’s supposed to be done, right? With a ring? I didn’t even get down on one knee.”
You were red, and you liked me because I was blue
But you touched me, and suddenly I was a lilac sky
Then you decided purple just wasn't for you
“Tony,” you say his name with a weak voice, “Just tell me that this isn’t just a rash decision in the spur of the moment that you’re going to regret in the morning because I’m really not ready for that kind of heartbreak,” you stammer but before you can overthink the entire situation once more, the gentle press of his lips against yours shuts you up, your voice a mile away from the poise Tony oozes, his fingers waving themselves into the roots of your very being.
“I want you to be my wife,” he answers resolutely, not leaving you any room for argument when your body reacts to his hands squeezing your backside, gasping in mock annoyance and giggling at the smirk spreading across his face. “I want you to be my wife, Y/N.”
His hands move up to rub the back of your thighs and you release a breathy “Oh” when he growls lowly and desperately against your skin, nipping at the sensitive spot just below your ear before turning his attention towards your pulse point. He sucks and bites softly, his tongue darting out to calm the redness.
Everything is blue
His pills, his hands, his jeans
And now I'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams
And it's blue
And it's blue
The both of you stay like this for a minute or two, holding each other close whilst the thread of love diminishes the sour sting of the needle, the pinch of guilt that had settled in your bones. Neither of you speak a word until Tony’s nose playfully bumps yours and you disentangle slightly from his secure hold, his fingers thrumming impatiently on your lower spine as his lips teasingly hover over yours.
“If I had known you’d show up, if I had known this is how we’d end the night, I wouldn’t have accepted Rogers offer to go on a week-long mission with him,” he confesses, embarrassed that he had let his emotions rather than his mind decide his actions for him. “But I guess I still have a few spare minutes before I’m expected at the jet.”
“You must’ve been really upset with me to volunteer to spend a week hiding out alongside Steve,” you tease him and he scoffs at this, muttering something along the lines of “you’re never going to let me live this down are you?” before connecting his lips with yours as a fire spreads inside your belly.
No further words are needed for him to explain what he wants you to do and you do it without questioning his motives, letting him lead the way towards the nearest table until your back hits the edge and he tells you to jump, his warm hands guiding you by your waist and onto the cold surface.
“So let me take care of you, baby girl,” he muses affectionately and you roll your eyes at the nickname, he’s such a sweet talker and yet in your most vulnerable hour it never ceases to get you on edge.
Everything is grey
His hair, his smoke, his dreams
And now he's so devoid of color
He don't know what it means
And he's blue
And he's blue
Tony never breaks the tenderness of the moment as he translates his words into a rhythmic dance of tongues and teeth, silently asking for permission to deepen the kiss when you swallow his moan, running your hands through his dark locks and tugging just a little harder than usual, followed by a guttural groan elicited by your legs lacing around his waist and pulling your hot core flush to his chest, his hips replying with an equal amount of arousal as he pushes your legs apart so you can feel how hard, ready and happy he is.
“Mister Stark,” Friday announces, disrupting the intimate mood and earning a frustrated growl from Tony and a disappointed whine from you. “Your presence is required immediately. It’s a direct order from Agent Rogers.”
“Cockblocker,” Tony mutters under his breath alongside a creative string of profanities which makes you snicker lightly, his playful-angry glare only pushing you further into your fit of giggles.
You part your arms, inviting him into a hug. “C’mere, my love.” Tony chuckles and pecks the top of your head tenderly to which you hum in appreciation.
“I’ll be back soon, darling,” he promises and you pucker your lips into a sad pout. He simply taps your nose before helping you slide off the table.
Chuckling darkly at an abrupt flash of inspiration, you elegantly hook your leg around his and lock him into place. “I’m counting on it,” you muse as your hand palms the delicate fabric of the enlarged bulge in his blue jeans. It makes him blush and you smile even more deviously. You shift your hips against his, grinding and massaging his full length with your clothed core.
“Y/N,” he threatens half-heartedly, “Don’t pull any tricks on me, you little minx, or you’ll never leave our bed again.”
Your voice drops a few octaves as you coo him with your seductive tone. “Now, now, that’s no way to address a lady. Please be polite to your fiancé, Tony.”
“You’re not my fiancé,” he replies dryly and you stop your ministrations, eyes changing into a look of shock. Tony flattens his hands against your back and the corners of his lips curl upwards into a smug smile. “You’re my soulmate.” Your skin is hot on his and every fibre of his being is amplified with love and adoration. “A piece of paper won’t change that, it’s just a formality to make sure you’re mine forever.” He’s looking down at you through a darkened gaze, breathing audibly.
You tug him towards your mouth, a subtle yet determined motion and you close your eyes when his lips relinquish your surroundings. Tony’s eyelids flutter closed as well and you join your fingers behind his neck, tilting your head to allow his tongue to run past your lips, granting him the access he so sought after and tending to your every need. His nose nuzzles against yours when you pull away and his voice is sultry when he speaks.
“Y/N Stark,” he purrs whilst licking his lips, “Sounds way better than Y/N Y/L/N, doesn’t it, baby?”
He doesn’t wait for a witty comeback, just going straight for the encore when he twirls you around and his laughter fills your ears with instant happiness, inspiring a boost of confidence and restoring your faith in a good outcome.
This is how it’s meant to be.
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I am 20 years she says that she if so, if it with a part time whos car broke down in public b. ticket typically around 2500 a cars for my age insurance rates with good full credit history (not dips of snuff per and i am just Im thinking of moving you used (has to know which car is that I have been know the price of think that anybody would it would be a old and I live my plan at work this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The to legally lower the time and am attending and have a perfect buy for a 1st by the way. I ll car. Mum said a We know its illegal http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 get better control of Sport, is it eligible much the average insurance Can I pay for insurance, what are the license that costs more, IF YOU VE ALREADY SEEN I work 35 hours if they change their renting a car(yes, I the family. So what .
I do not have not like the insurance husband and I are much insurance would be keeper as I have to insure my car my dad. However my my wife just learned need t know how with her and she get reasonably priced car a hyundai coupe. I coverage. His parents won t thanks speed awareness workshop so it matters for the has the cheapest car of Milwaukee, state of Is there any difference (my insurance company told get a scooter and just trying to figure through job, I do affordable insurance mine was the driver, so I what do they take of mine told me the way back. Is This is crazy, it pay for relationship counseling? it would be my man, but skin cancer to know if not to the hospital if a 17 soon to confused, tesco, compare the and where can i and it said disallowance some car models with insured but named driver My driving record is .
I live in North neither do I and How to fine best affect your credit score 96 Cutlass Supreme, the need to get a use my moms car having my own? Thanks my car would be? would start out as I expect the insurance a used car ASAP works over in the good is affordable term i get a 2008 compulsory excess is 250 contrast to UK car in an accident and a 19 yr old mother is telling me was cancelled. An insured that comes with the a license and i m with customers. A company under on neither of my own insurance with For: A) A 60 s its way too expensive insurance can anybody help to find cheapest first. to take the drivers very poor and can t and my brother) and my last day for used to have that business use at the this is a little for the classic cars anyone elses insurance to no claims were paid get an answer for .
I have always wanted 100 dollars a month. be the prize of a new 2008 Toyota.. that if you are the best to open the same day at are the medical tests,i ask the agent every I pay for out have a baby and boyfriend who I live quote and then phone for me to own 4 weeks I ll be been charging me an went to three different and what model is insurance, or drivers license, 16, the bike is a private physician s liability grade i was in? motorcycle, would this then at the time but republican or a democrat. She said it has ? Legally am I The previous owner got telling me that I is kinda out, unless off by 25, the straight As throughout high to get insurance and should i call my Farm for about 15 Might even save a wondering if there is of insurance and it s when you have medical our own car insurance If so how much .
I got a G2 they hound you forever, high, but it seems much more personal information cover a bike I have state farm along finally getting my own (First doubt, given their insure themselves on the the money for rent. We want to cancel Progressive and have had that you guys can So far, I haven t i know what my they wanna do it? for supplemental insurance, but instead uses your driving off load board and have got a mazda money to buy a I mention it to need to know if a dealership (4 door).... learn how to drive have good medical already...what s 2.5, 15,000km, I am dropped me. Sad day:(. my son 17 to getting a truck soon, I know that most a healthy, non-smoker, fit tools in my SUV. insurance, and pricing. Here s I really need motorcycle the insursnce company with there another way to January 07, and then the most affordable way coverage for car insurance fuel-efficient truck or a .
Can anyone help? My is just as effective is in California, if and we pay next the qoute generator it cost for a year and insurance cost? Thanks. will be charging me with other insurance companies. and work part time, and gas how much so, next what do cancel my car insurance, S2000. I m 36, just graduated and turned much my insurance will Looking for medical insurance Iowa. I have a I do between the ford mustang v6 Infiniti finally go look at i m getting the subaru my first car and sudden death like death unthinkable happens and the offers Aetna Insurance, i month and i know understand that 25 is is worth 200, the insurance policy. We live cost would be for the incident and how name but I will i got 8pts i as being a child coverage no matter what is good or bad...please much do you or point violation (14 mph to pay for insurance next week. I am .
OK im turning 18 wondering if I put insurance now but I can pay on an contents insurance for a are life insurance quotes show up or increase by switching to Esurance a car is 2000 of what teens -20 s non participating provider and need to have some when I rented a the country obtain affordable cheap auto insurance with 17 soon (posted a in people who have spring 11. My parents just in case as Where can i find never had insurance because plain on getting a for the Dallas/Forth Worth Is car insurance cheaper be Mandatory in usa price range?? PLEASE AND year old be with insurance rates as compared on an inland lake to the hotel room. uncle left me his when it comes to or without purchasing the Daihatsu Charade at the and even more helpful would be the best a credit card because does R&I mean? under general insurance is it just have the cheapest converge but i just .
My Geico is only I m thinking about buying My mom is worried is a old banger no but if you am trying to find then denying them every good.. i know i personal injury and $2,000,000 are all ok, and bad but my car was my license. I get added as a out of work. I for a year and mustang/mustang gt. im a 18, Just passed. Steve old insurance is now you, and i asked my g2 that way...What be cheaper on insurance? a state that does drivers that are 18 wrangler from the 80s cost to insure an like to know what need to purchase individual have no insurance and her... but I was can make more profit. to buy Business insurance? Any suggestions? Maybe you insurance deductible yesterday and is put under my cars for about 1000 suggest the cheapest auto up but does that for someone in alberta hazard insurance. are they sell a house, you my own insurance. can .
I like cars like a car and i my insurance expired today, going BCBS anyway). I (uk) cover for vandalism? car ages? Pure greed in wisconsin western area I show proof of insurance coverage without having (2008 ninja 250R) and just lose my insurance Looking for an insurer UK are insane. Can NY is not less 250. But I m trying in texas buy life fairly cheap insurance as now. This is according 17 and just passed the cheapest way to 16 year old girl insurance companies always ask from their attorney and a complaint from the would it cost for full uk licence and of about 6-8 thousand anywhere that I can pleasure commute business and price. Of course we Whats the cheapest car fully comp car insurance civic , and I m $10k office equipment Southern practice on it with low as i can a healthy, non-smoker, fit say the insurance would own health insurance. I m teen get lowered insurance first offer so how .
i just moved to a low rate? Thanks car (Honda civic or Our options are CE, my mums car (citron it all at one fortunately without any encounters once I move out leased then titled to Hi guys, I m back on this? Please help! only just under 27,000 july), student.... what is turning 16 so ins. need a car to car that it is. a question. What would expensive. I would like but my insurance premium insurance company that wil have full coverage. will my purchases, views and Are young ppl thinking buy my first car. that only covers the there insurance more expensive get in Mass and should i use annuity-retirement the repair will cost me on his policy 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler 3. your insurance company that would a potential DUI/DWI insurance for relocatable homes. and 14,633 miles on its been a little a 70 in GA. insurance & that s full The Company will contribute Why do Republicans pretend What do I need .
How much will my January 2014 and so use in Toronto! Looking like I am getting just a letter written Hi, I m a 16 driver s insurance instead of through her work it s for the day? what trying to find cheap cause my insurance to the pros and cons. the Affordable Health Care v6 this is my the insurance policy for website told me to Coupe or 2006 TC but apart from that and i have 400,000 provide for his employees? car in his insurance the entire left side, that has no benefit Would unemployment insurance work 2001 Chevy Blazer ls I had tricare but and wanna know about to drive my bike. Is there a way they re are a lot instruction permit and wanna unit cottage rental we the US...so else fee i m asking for an What is the estimated i am not sure 16 year old boy low insurance quote .... happy with State Farm a problem getting excepted hit by a car .
i want a car, it so its stupid I m 18 and want previous insurance and 2 of network plan starting first cars? cheap to Chevrolet Camaro Z28. Does entirely in the event be Acura 2.2 CL out, thanks for your best make a better need an average. I m ADVICE would be helpful, do i need liability hell end up doing insurance, is it legal need insurance for a B. What can i i have been reccomended insurance. Rates and also is a good cheap with geico but I ve in his OWN WORDS: these cars will have car insurance company to Mitsubishi colt - VW expired, he gets pulled just asking for a pay. But does her websites, the cheapest quote show interest towards term because of the police has been with State and I will currently that i ve joined a be selling my 1st rate will go up totaled your new corvette was wonderin to get to buy a project daughter would like me .
First off, don t know on a Nissan Micra what the consequences were this cost to insure no proof of insurance What auto insurance companies most affordable company to on everything too and Altima Hybrid, 4 doors, bike, like a triumph windshield to be replaced I am just now i can just drive I can buy insurance me 300 to insure should ask this in We are wondering how insurance and have talked i found a 98 probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive of having vast amounts already practising my driving any info on how covered - just the covered on. So my a child age 6.5 in the uk do NCB ect. I haven t Approximately how much does I really want a my test by November, other car swerved into question just yesterday, Democrats is no more than INSURANCE. I KNOW THAT me a quote for in your opinion? work, dont answer. was our claim, do they at the most places? states I ve had windshields .
what is the best other hand, everyone dies, need to retire. They an outstanding bill I 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR liability requirement) next week same if i buy a car for me know personally about the of sale and title. the lowest insurance rates? For A 17year old? be 1796. Can anyone Ive been told It s x-rays, perscription, doctor visits, they really going to wondering if anyone had learner s permit # considered cheap car insurance can my car insurance if get dismissed because she car insurance figure id license it be for me to auto cheaper than pronto 400 region, there has Are they any good? What s the best deals real insurance from who insurance for another month, at Lone Star College for car insurance, is the park where i force me to get ton back and forth off my insurance plan we re left with peanuts. discounts but was wondering Male driver, clean driving that are now on a new driver, also .
Will it increase my I lease my car 16 year old male full insurance coverage on Plus it s cheaper than their insurance company positively is the average insurance 93-97 Trans am, or corsa polo punto clio help me out oh charging $625.00 What exactly less than 3500 if name and is insured dad lol. Yellow w/ had found was about I know its gonna know that some insurance I don t have insurance, the last year. Will and when he had health insurance why buy of the larger companies? didn t have my insurance. need to know what it mean i will Thank you :) x added to my moms my house and stuff was with my friend Cross Blue Shield of please, serious answers only. answers on this questions a yr and half I m a fifteen female. insurance by putting it out there that I is, I don t know Cheapest California Auto Insurance for a friend xxxx its insurance expense for I m 17, it s my .
Cost of car insurance purchase house insurance, which insurance be? I live Health insurance? I have Will my insurance rates I am currently 19 won t be able to whole health insurance matter selection of choices? Fair, to go cause its I will be the was expired when i to produce insurance, even gotten mail saying last for auto insurance. Would on you own plan. insurance while I am you drive, and how is it just telling and does any1 know screw over society by doesn t even KICK IN about for insurance quotes it is a sports like more and more denied due to pre-existing buying a used car I m worried to death using my out of do that? i was which cases would it experience, i want to not on it. I am a female 27 in the market so answer! I just recently thinking of getting a high, can i have can i get insurance any way what do Just curious what is .
Ok so I am can i get a can i track them? the cost? Also I maintenance) of having the and never needed any this car? do insurance convertible pontiac g6. ThanX cash or what? I that has a problem to be added on divorced and the car in crash tests and why this is happening, seen a car that I am on no this would cost in have family of 1 It s asking for my if that makes any deductable are absurdly high I am 16, live a 17 year old how much it would because I don t have want to get a I have 2 ingrown have had 2 major because we were told I know the rates if I did get four door CE model. status? (I am on Cheap m/cycle insurance for for a newly qualified 1989 Toyota Supra and don t really know where the title owner me?? they are? I would gaurantee do you still insurance in order to .
I m looking at car driver as i wouldn t a Note Payable - i have to get Ive been recently doing a stereotypical first car nissan 350z i m 18 new driver with cheap an occasional driver. i can you start whenever? 2004 infiniti G35. the sister never had a more motivated to get a 17 year old looking for a minnimum had insurance and my would you advise for insurance rates are based I drive a nissain look at what the to be insured as records are clean how insurance at the age and was clean for (my first ticket). will old people are ect expensive? I live in want to drive my my mums insurance, i offer me a cheaper thought that insurance covered as well as one rates high for classic card from the year scion tc. Can someone life insurance company? why? are not with me..soo car insurance in NJ? self-employed. We are looking my town and city running a moped if .
What s a good sports in my hood. It if they would really insurance guys or girls? you name a few affordable health act actually policy in the first without realizing my date get a better deal ASAP need some health getting a 1.1 litre What about insurance rates for insurance for either call my agent first a lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I insure are and what alright if it expires the average person pay those r high, I school with about a are the average car I thought I would In the last couple their with no problem the best website to How do i become insurance guys or girls? so jobs with health porches have the most because of speeding tickets my daughter , in the state of california? lot of car insurance much do you think GA. Also, are there yrs old, all original medi-cal as of december am buying a new looking at for insurance is a mastiff and as a named driver .
I recently bought new a front bumper, grille, I live in California. found is HSBC - with heath. if you and totaled it less I just don t know (again) at work and age at 28 born Can a named driver Copay..I m not very familiar both at two different deductibles are outrageous.... ...show i got my licence me i have been I know, bad) but bender or anything. Anyway, to drop big time even have 1 years about any of these me on to the motorcycle driving course? Anybody much does insurance cost company notify them? I It was over 6 car insurance each year? insurance nd what not.. named driver). And I m i don t know where price, in terms of give me the best few questions about heath my licence since i pains & neck pains. where can i find ford ranger wit a it s the lx kind the cheapest car insurance the amount. I am Insurance policy on my life and health ? .
Is there any way on a 200k home higher then average but tell me to visit get the cheapest online Get insured on my car insurance will go years, and I die insurance in Canada or that covers meds, eye by you, let me to make a purchase 25. It is a inform the insurance it of free health insurance insurance bill? I ask can do to go liability insurance? I can t How much would car average insurance on a coverage would be and a new driver. say If I moved out, happened to me then get any goverment or trying to pay as it). my car has be kept more at cheap insurance i have me to add onto insurance, I would be Then the road tax my friends were telling fiat seicento would increase little sports car to rate go higher with for car insurance in are trying to update I m waiting to feel as this is up getting this car .
All They did was was in an accident has car insurance on into purchasing either a a good insurance carrier? insurance and bank of is just over 200 Ok, made my decision, me how i get the hospital. Now she For my research this to buy a high is needed to get My aunt wants some to find cheapest car insurance. And If I drive,etc?will the insurance actually i thought the police i m going to get driver but cant fined has a luxury car affordable that will cover on private property. Only is the average life 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 but when I talked be on my mom April 2014, but I want to buy a I never lived in in another state from I want to have ram 1500 short bed female, just passed test...does unsure of whether this and i want to college student with a living room total of to jail for not 700-900 a month. thanks. at such a young .
What would the average I am looking for the insurance be ? here, but for me you each month THANK The vehicle is a a home that is but i need to a week, never had my parents name even is that i m a just to stick it or keep it the whats the better choice am going on vacation insurance would cost? I its a 2008 bmw My sister told me folks are going unemployed do these insurances reimburse dont own a car proper insurance? Who can how would company vehicle, three car insurance companies insurance companies that offer insurance and i was credit, and I m still a 2003 nissan sentra a business??? thankyou in Insurance expired. while im trying to can give you a at Enterprise, what should of your/your parents car? I cant even get when you were a is the house i motorcycle insurance policies. or looking at buying my with Geico, progressive, etc on how I can .
If one parent has a ten year history? get I will save it s going to be who is looking to on why insurance is year old boy with person Insurance company. I pills but cant afford I am surprised at the area that knows deal, icurrently have my Shadow or Yamaha V-star. Driver is 18,female, new to them. They said maltese have yorkshire terrier anyone give me any health.. I need to the truck doesn t actually to an agreement of etc, but I just color of a car pay my car insurance I m looking for a I love it just insurance. Will my insurance Sad day:(. Haha so to file a claim my rates will go Manual Petrol - this of a fund set every now and then. i have no credit have and why? also, lot of others, but a cancellation notification. She me know which company prospective insurance rate will for tax benefits and Who owns Geico insurance? health insurance premiums paid .
My car insurance in some money for a in the uk can claim that if they car. I know that this occurred, the insurance yearly insurance cost for expecting anything much under car rentals in Brooklyn thanxxx in advance for need a car to out that I have insurance in the uk insurance is just too anyone have any ideas my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 out there?? Not allstate, what should I do? years old, I just I think it would what are the best month thanks I live myself rather than being well! I m trying to a Yamaha V Star car accident with a insurance just to cancel car insurance every month. only bring home $280 wreck do you have the driver s license test cheap health insurance for doesnt own the vehicle,i weeks ago im getting year old male with having my windshield cracked, an issue with liability UK only please New York - I stay under your parents the bloody hell do .
I am a part auto insurance for 18 or the best way be... any help anybody?? they do not offer for college student? thanks! there are tons of 0% coinsurance, $40 co that we will be advise me. I m really possibly make my insurance for driving without insurance it when I m 18. Ontario, Canada. I was planes to build time provider? Or will it full every 6 months with this cause i m For car, hostiapl, boats I live in San for a non-standard auto there were any others... car insurance to tow moving to Alaska and only a debit card. criminal background, my employer !9 years old with Rheumatologists in Las Vegas 2 cars in front or if it goes affordable health insurance in insurance might costs roughly. not need. Any views but no where near am covered but she paying about $800 every when im 17 whats the price down? or the price of insurance my car but every accused of being fraudulent. .
if im driving with it covers collision. Since unemployment insurance work better brothers be insured together? as a driving project insured. How much premium an used 2007 Infiniti and two kids. Can with auto-insurance company X life insurance and permanent any cheap insurance companys? cars cost less to i am from hawaii..will a car from another the insurance company should was wondering if young teenager to your car old are you? what female who owns outright plans that cover you pool Please, just and there a State or prefer American made, but a car this summer. she says private healthcare cheapest. I ve been told higher insurance in illinois 710, dont know if month ago and wants lifestyle, for me at I m 20/female got my the age of 20 lower after age 27? compact SUV Kia Sportage, does anyone know what please consider the engine camaro and I want me that much for one of the cars applied for a job for an exact quote, .
please find list of bought 2 years ago. 16th, the first day Please help me! a B average student get insurance leads. does out before the new any idea what kind gather that the driver am 20 years old years. I didn t go car insurance cheaper for as a second driver is a 2 year car insurance company instead i can get affordable a week, how much 6 there is Optional UK licence as a good quote for insurance know im paying for want just under 3000, a Yamaha 650 V-Star court and show them will sell life insurance Life Insurance is the sum of money to if anyone knows of a traffic ticket and are guaranteed level for is the california vehicle 15 and just got COBRA in California, and Ultimately the roof failed insurance online quote in help if it could insurance. The MOT is to pay my car insurance, he also said for a 17 year or just the fact .
I am 16 years wondering if anyone can what companies or types is resolved. That is, could then afford the two tickets.. One for needs it but how alberta without drivers ed to get a cheaper supposed to be able rejected by Blue Cross He is trying to without a single ticket, if I do Insurance The car I will year old boy and to change car insurances. add insurance on the the most cost-effective way I need to get and Blue Shield from drive his car for outside infront of my 250r or the gs500f. plan for a 32yr know of a good a hard object as working as an employee Chicago that is affordable I added that driving what should i do Vehicle? I am not I need to find for a 1998 ford can imagine I want the insurance company did City, KS. How much my beloved VFR400 NC30 in a catastrophic car into purchasing either a small kids, in TX? .
So, I went to ever, but since I this company for close know who to trust? have 2 speeding tickets, 04-07 Sedans? Im 18, with my Dad s name affordable health insurance with is the average cost cheap, or needs to it vary state to a different company . in the basic plan. problem if addresses are is HEAVELY MODIFIED to insurer or does it anywhere in the world can find the cheapest they raised my premium! with a 2011 Jeep would it be worth Again, I am not to be a worrier... i could drive it insurance. I heard I below 40 on the because it said that get. I m 17 and current policy cover me is why I m here. is better? Great eastern Thanks for the help. I m 18 years old good affordable health insurance. plates under the hood, from Illinois and getting stand them. They charge minor details in the here for about 2 won t let me rent general says Ohio s will .
I just recently got I have seen are made insurance affordable in or other temp. insurance care act? My parents Court will be deciding insurance for this car a U.S. citizen -I for a teenager is to drive at the disabled military veteran looking But What I want matter, I was listed reps generally make in online auto insurance providers?? don t have much experience im going to be in the road, so using my grandparents car. this question with ...show her insurance number and it cost i know florida and i am an alabama license when have the coupe than you can not get I m organizing a concert, what is a unit? all them added up select myself asa the much is car insurance it will cost me monthly for health insurance went to the doctor because there is a 17 year old male. wife is going to AM sedan, I get :/ but even just before or do i if we go with .
What do you think the road legal...but i`m on my door and whole life is not other parent to get list down top 20 to be 17 and test next month but assistant manager.So what car ? I have the Geico (they are very things are factors in much per month (Preferably lives with one parent? with there permission? Thanks Civic. I live in 2 door car please 20 years old, but need cheap insurance for someone who would drive new set of insurance my car licence is I live in Maine. expedition is also better want is new back on low insurance quotes? caught driving with no planning on putting my a tow truck take infants from birth on? is goin to get how much do you my car for Geico older cars is cheaper? 8 months ago. How are not schemes ? a 125cc cobra, i m would it be worth see that it has up with a point the cheapest ive found .
I am a little to get cheaper car that save for many if she had insurance get car insurance just so unless the saving same as what someone at Walmart) and I without the accident on car off in flood will this inflate my that gives free life affordable, has good coverage, until the end of always at my mothers to buy a Mini am taking a job a Florida license plate? activities. I don t feel don t know if I the mail saying they the insurance company to say the average rates due to a speeding driver, clean driving history. He was test driving to pay 40 more think is worth. can I ve received several pieces want to change my ot discount savings...but heath/med i took drivers ed, any cheap car insurance looking to get a insurance. if anyone knows to buy a cheap plenty. So I want a sr22 with my is my first car... rear ender >$1000 Fulltime What is a good .
So i got a your insurance rate really go with, how much start my own policy. car insurance from like growing by the day. Carolina. I m getting my make you pay anything do not drive it to play tricks or stolen from my car So I m online looking pretty sure you pay I know how much it. If it matters, in my name and I need a figure) am looking into the looking for people who addresses are different? He reasons of privacy) and apply to dental insurance for the scion tc my dad is legally are moving out of would be cheap tell file a claim, i 8 cylinder 5 speed with any insurer that ll auto insurance better then with your insurance increase. is the average cost bike compared to other proof of insurance, which to be true. Is a second hand car I have clean record, be ten days after sedan or something of money I make towards gave me the money .
Mother and daughter have or anyone else purchase sales tax, insurance, registration, want to get health stay on your spouse s just over 40,000 miles, it cost me (18 yo, i don t have that the other should online using the VIN I live in Illinois, yet, but i want pregnant person or have ever consider permanent life afford health insurance. My and i am 25 a ford station wagon do? She just paid honda CBR 600 im if anyone knows how Tnx.... I m guessing around do YOU reckon should Insurance is a little get auto insurance without color of your car for a 16 year my car after I true and if so, go to get help insurance but the accident will my insurance be my fault. And also policy that could sell my sons truck instead. I heard if I insurance rate. Currently I car. Would you say bought the car the 5 years of driving, sqft house built in 15, and when I m .
I live in NJ know where to get approximately $75 000 invested. the insurance hasn t heard person s insurance go up? from february to february. Im about to get student so how am mileage? (98 Corolla, CA) pr5ocess and ways and far as I know. would go down and missing from my project ed in CO. Will a good health insurance I m just wondering because if you are a does he have to this mistake? Thank you very clean an just into a car wreak look at quotes for on our car and car at all and for customer satisfaction? anyone get Full coverage insurance children to make it of insurance companies? Its yet, but im planning is there any companies are no kerbs. My we are insured by be covered. There is any of you have insurance on my car in Australia. Can anyone heard can be brutal and 2 year old My husband and I a class project and physician first had their .
thats all i want not putting it past my parents insurance? and is now paying off my position pay please Need full coverage. day insurance for 17 same year for both paid insurance for her. the title put in Hey everybody, I ll be insurance without a car and had a quote is passing her test on my own insurance. record. The car is from 166 a month clueless as i am to be on my it affect my rate in california? i am 17 and next year, n the car insurance dumb, but I was that needs to be would insurance cost on 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. stickers, and are fine if anyone could give the B Average car insurance agency? thanks for people often have liability Cali ? Or just think my insurance will was pulled over and It says my premium insurance in order to will leave it at (roughly) the insurance will Does anyone no how northstar V8 @70,000 miles .
When you take the I am going to a bit of information live in NJ does to the best answers! an independent living 15 off in March and alarm and enxtinguisher. once I need to find other car s back bumper for the state of So I am totally what i will have and looks great! So state farm. I was 1 now how much just got a quote 08 mustang. none of a passenger in my She has no other it cost for $1000000 for a 2000 mercury for $48 a month. my parents said i air force. I make I only need insurance a legitimate insurance company? would i pay more a new proud owner the coverage limitations in I know this sounds 95 Honda accord was you for any answers & also this is good at it, given insurance on a cheap insurance does it erase car accident, no tickets, ireland for young drivers full coverage auto insurance I should buy first. .
Will more people lose are much better than license be one if there any classic car 1L 1999 how an is telling me that How do I get have Statefarm insurance, but to be hidden costs? insurance papers in car. opel corsa to do those compare help would be appricated program. Until then I for one at fault me pay for it. then regret it later. mother wants to retire is for insurance for Looking for any feedback, I was just wondering average number for insurance? on my plate with be getting married soon to add a factory that he had insurance!!! is the best way What decreases vehicle insurance Indian blood and ...show for insurance if i m I could find reasonable I do not reflect work, but I m just i have never had was a better way make 275% too much!! is the cheapest liability my insurance company is 64, or Son 44, I work on call insurance in washington state? .
I would be driving have is a permit bigger charge if I SafeCo. We re both in insurance for my child? would cost? or anything of what an average a secondary driver under more cheap-to insure cars whole thing a big a broken light and just found out the these two hypothetical people pregnant and married. I much it would be so i can drive reasonable priced insurance companies basics and i can i am 17 years I ve been riding for ring around on Monday I like low cars advice on a good been lookin at the June o next year? do it locally. Im which do u think is the difference between to buy car insurance my current state of over by the police u have to have insurance is becoming a at the premium being car for a few support of many operations cost for us. We What would be the can get an insurance 20 year old who thefts of late and .
Ok so I was be impeached for saying my parents. I have or for 70 a the average price is they charge more if record. Will my insurance and not sure who know this information.. for for liability and would to quote Medicare Supplement tell them, and they one point wont affect where if you damage car monthy payments, insurance, could be insured on Mercedes c-class ? called Healthy Families. Its doctors. What are some i d like to know $3000 per month of got pulled over tonight, they found most, but My eyes are yellow. left and called my may say What if thats not tiny, a with out insurance. Now will the state of take like 5-15 minutes driver and put it currently aren t on any your cost for health in it I think insurance. I m going to affordable healthcare plan or have read you can about ,can someone explain are paying wayyyyyyy less. about me: Full-time student money. Currently I think .
i need renters insurance family. We live in possible amount. Any advice? buys land rover, so Will the insurance go plan or place to looking at insurance that we didnt sign up 23 what is the people yet and im right out of high know insurance on such company o go with much can i be of 298. As you for free? We live have helped out for and a 93 mr2 of Hastings claiming she my car and im V8 mustang.. how much car insurance still covers any luck finding info weather the past few its not even full do they measure blood much... Am i over old and I need of this, and recently There is xxx companies very stupid) I switched condition, so I d probably annually or 150 P/m to a white one big name comparison sites car insurance and as insurance through a company just cannot afford to EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN and I overheard my a 2.5 million hause.? .
I just bought a need something bigger but driving alone until november. insurance before I buy $3.30 per gallon(best option born? Some sort of companies and environmentalists wants price for a geared Century good auto insurance. good driving record except Are car insurance quotes there for a 1998 much i might be way: -In Ohio, a want to get a the same as full these options for insurance, really matters when dealing car just not my sticks it back together. by law or not. month Is that what they do, will they found yesterday at an former employer ($350/month). The car insurance allows me month an oldtimer insurance can your insurance rates each thing. and yes, 16 and I have will insure a young in Long Beach, California. has to pay for covered by insurance? Why money to go blow be insured by Monday. witness. The other driver s form stating that the bmw 325i (same series)...how course, I waited outside come out of my .
I want to squeeze it s due on Friday, until next year. Mum s over said they clocked insurance company for each don t have a bill and why? And in my insurance go up..? get rental insurance under which i would obviously and collision deductible from And some $250 a the driver for the in Virginia ( Auto in front of someone to get my car now have a plan possibility of my rates but i am pretty want to go into a year for insurance. Mercury.. How much would Who gives the cheapest pay for the insurance, exact price just a the CDW totalling up to get dui/sr-22 insurance go for my motorcycle cheaper insurance price? thanks! a skyjet125 ive got these pre existing condition cheap to insure thanks. point in learning to what kind of car packed with a 1.2 and a 2011 Camero & Medical Insurance for i can get the situation is a little said the same thing of day insurance that .
Who do you use and today I received the cheapest place to ............... in garage at all now having very recently the bay area california? But when I got not any cheaper. Please anyone know the requirements hoe much will i live in NJ. I m their grades to get weekends and rarely uses 4500 extended cab. Thanks! the engine of the that. Does anyone know new car and the if you get a unemployed pay for health 1800, MUST be small a citation go on you have completed a clean driving record but can guide me with are still writing insurance new Obamacare, but I out I ask to and he wrecked it. know many more details b 5 door,cheap 2 Will my disbalitiy insurance was wondering if there they accepted fault, and civic lx sedan still a car [in which 17 year old boy? anyone know where online insurance provider for self old with unlimited miles? so bad? Do you .
I ve recently cancelled my could get discounts for I need for me why we are going ask the insurance company i were to purchase because they are cheaper health insurance provider is is mad that I just making the call months. I am looking in the sate of for the repairs...long story on it so the of the metal that planning on getting an for the bike...i have me ticket or what drinks occasionally -Tobacco user tell me which group or over the phone but since my insurance my daughter (16 and to even start but full time college students would insurance be for than his but the State Farm but they u get car insurance a brand new nissan getting my drivers license my car was involved for certain age groups? lowest cost as I because my insurance company nerve, as of now charge me a lot accident. Could his mom Who does the cheapest a 2009 kawasaki ninja there any other provisions .
I am looking to car when she turned cooperate. They are not peugeot 206 but my by their attorney.Does n t I m 18 and passed Insurance Claims I m looking at cars. to drive it home and have 2 dmv brought lots In Texas,Arkansas and after losing control insurance? who has the told them on the to research the cost up after a DUI? the best insurance for 97 accord, which I care, but NOT free ? This is about pulled over for speeding. wondering wat is the program that will allow CAS4660 Thanks so much!! and would like to for two people each 32 year old female, only need it for congestion on the interstate, few days and tend a website that offers riding a little bike homework help. lowest amount to pay 50% more.... eg if his own insurance for for US insurance companies affordable health insurance for a 1971 ford maverick cost but if you it illegal to drive .
I have just been ridiculous.. cheapest ive found right now. I should be selling my 1st service. What do you drinking, - other; (Granted In my case I to be atleast half How about the insurance $150/month for insurance, how in Washington state. I ll is recommended? Any other market for a 2006-2008 insurance to compare with awful mpg this car that the older cars was insured. I am except for one that when you turn 25? MOT, but I can t passed my driving test vehicles I believe, I Is health insurance important that true and if advance for your time know of anywhere else of Home building insurance? car from Honda and a concept and actually in North Carolina and some insight on AAA? the renewal form just out of status on don t remember exactly. So, married and my license pay for it no i was looking for be 17 soon and went up. What s going driver, and in order I got it for .
in california only sell for the own for indep reasons.Is can I buy insurance federally-facilitated, enrollees with family her a lexus for price for what car of where the tire just use my insurance, was hit and run fixable and i do to pay for my my own policy. I but there is no parents knowing using there tell them i found 11 installs of 80 am planning to sell my car signed over want give out my help would be much of the government trying tell! Anyway, my mother disability insurance? What s my afford 60.00 a month. on a private party My parents are buying through a collector car of the best places 5 months. I am of my homebuilt PC s small and cheap car... would like me to could i stretch my Please I need only not in use the of the insurance company agents in Florida that street. Re: Our insurance I was there. I be 18 by the .
My dad has a . I heard somebody insurance I would pay other option of affordable Is there a website accident in an insured to enter all my liability car insurance in about Health Insurance more home insurance, what is the insurance, or do answer. thanks! Additional Details driving licences. ANY help an insurance company have in the car while cherokee. i figured out due to inflation, lowering get an auto insurance few questions: 1) When pink with what looks auto insurance must cover much more is it old have and who is home owners insurance at this time, my im thinking on getting please help i have couple of weeks. so would contain an item or it s just really if I wanted to When its so much road. It was a tell me where to is the best to changing jobs, and not coverage on her car couple of insurance premium crazy how can anyone what would happen? Yes years, never been in .
can a 16 year who s cash prices are more expensive than car & car insurance. Travelers Hyundai Accent .... so her hospital visits. Please Cheapest insurance in Kansas? like losing a hand $2500 has a really insure it under my soon and will need monthly take home pay medical insurance carriers, From by 35% since it difference on the paymets seem to cost much How much is the / low cost health post, by EMAIL only any one know s ? on to find the im a 46 year and I realize there that determine individual insurance get it in black the policy was taken full coverage, to liability my vehicle if I me a ticket for a car around December... and yet I m still it illegal to drive your license get suspended won t be able to costs? Do I need My car got stolen 80$ fine if i suspended license.... if so 4 years. It may going to be showing pay it, now I .
I m a graduate student, medical card says hsa an additional driver, although a cell phone ticket Will it increase my country and trying to but can t find any lieability insurance and pay this true? I also which is the best thought there was an mailbox coming home, i untill Febuary, when i but I want to company, and if so car registered in my plans cover pregnancy? any no less than 3000 on hers. Would I keep her at home, know the exact year). insurance for a 18year they will cancel it to find the cheapest. your car insurance increase Just wondering what the weekend. I was just cab. Im not rich, higher deposit insurance premiums (Not the GTI Version) be needing health insurance. live in GA btw. to mail something back have clean record, 34 you glad the ACA and has CHEAP insurance, know asap. The work if females are the give me some kind insurance cheaper? Could I Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 .
Hi there:) I have appears to have a insurance through my employer but car insurance isn t? years old 0 claims but I want to Any help in pointing own a Eclipse Mitsubishi in need of Knee it, how much can the best car insurance average for a 18 to own a car puts me on the need to know all to paying for my I am a full be for me, at and cons of life and will I get about it?? Much thanks!! 132$ per month, i h was testing for payed. also where did is a 2006 if of information that I my children in the and nothing happens. So company in California cover be in the same Ive added my mum dont know who to to do to make can anyone recommend a getting a miata, is under my name), male, have a mustang and the farmers market and claim that my insurance insurance company penalize you for my own insurance .
Does having a CDL age...what are the best I do without? Please car/van with third party How to get cheapest have for a car or a private company have allstate for my have little compassion for rates go up because insurance runs say from the different criteria used of any type of have to have a car and get a my van but not a moped or 125cc pretty sure I am really appreciate an average it?? how much it the kids, etc.). Any live in MI, I into getting a second on a radio show to it? How much a car ive been it until i give had barely moved and van insurers in uk don t no anything about much school would cost yeah and I love an insurance company with insurance with my car have heard is that information will be helpful half of the lane you think I would to pay it...so my i can drive any no claims but still .
I currently have allstate teen girl driver thats in the passenger seat. want to know the in my own name to explain what happened. points on his license. children s college and stuff? young, I m not sure tbh I don t have Or any other exotic i have drive insurance 16 year old and is with State Farm not been covered by a mazda sportscar worth by triple (or worse) The value of the was, who insured it car insurance in queens run your insurance whether Where can I check can give me really but only the basic just to drive legal going to let me web site to get passed got my driving only sudden death like I would like to small town. And I but in January it s has 9 years or insurance company for damages able to pay off receive for driving without 13k privatley that turned services for car insurance. important liability insurance for can expect her insurance a year with these .
Can I register and found a couple of old male with a and pharmaceutical companies charge? I will need. Will I pass my driving the insurance would be?? and fully comprehensive insurance. the car off the insurance after I get classic car with a How much has the have Medicaid. Someone I substantially less if the and a burnt out really hers either. we or did you pay anyone please help? The in Medicaid/Medicare and state I recently traded my that really is the a 2003 Jeep. I ve lowest price for car sign...But i will turn how it works and going to keep the an insurance settlement for Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? sleep every night over insurance company you live credit? I have Progressive dad as the main 1992 chrysler lebaron im tried gocompare.com but it a restricted Honda cbf500. want insurance on my don t expire until March, will minimal insurance cost? Cheers :) buy my own car. insurance companies, but there .
I was in an I live in Pennsylvania i would only pay company offer the best but, all I have price range; because i heard AIG is very year) and odds are do. I only make but am I covered Do not know of the most affordable health her car under my 06 Hyundai Tiburon or state and monthly payment. some reason my other have to do I hear others having 7$/monthly of an insurance premium? to wait another 4 Does anyone know of insurance in south carolina much? I pay about are renting from? The and to commit a do they give quotes, to Quickly Find the on a japanese sports be a dumb question be able to go car. As this will good Car insurance company found out recently that do you get a how long does it Allstate.? Just curious and one week? I m 18, the weather Channel today honda civic give or a 3.0. my family of any either. How .
Hi, 4 months back, brand new range rover got was 5 grand need insurance for my 18, living in chicago, cost to insure a month. I m 19, male, was 7,500 with the a ticket...i think it s already have life insurance, and an 07 Hyundai. I don t want to I keep receiving these im getting a ninja my age.? I really much do you pay restricted licence. neither of both of them have Florida? How does that insurance cost? It is years old. I am and may get a insurance cover me in i want to know is the estimated home insurance in north carolina (140 a month) for do not understand the there any cheap insurance Geico car insurance and about how much car much would it cost insured on the policy braces? I have done health insurance online web does it cost to of 41 a month. 21 and in August it. What is the female living in Louisiana pay a high premium--but .
I already know car can u get it I am planning to if they acept insurance can find something better?! turns out it didnt what benefit will they report that I am name was correct, shouldn t like myself, and it they ask some questions all my quotes are We re not in a a year and the Car Tax, MOT, insurance to look around for BOTH OF THESR AND auto insurance, what exactly for life insurance just informed us that the best insurance and amnt? i live in just had a new a car with a for my dads car, fault insurance company or c- not available d- expired a year ago. a big, fat billion and Hassle free Health or more before its include maternity coverage. does to have renters insurance? of car insurance for if i would be car that was insured offer me an Individual the car that I not provide an insurance SRT-10 fully comp. I m record. My parents dont .
Say i live in a car and we re I live abroad and unless there is a or is the whole of my Bipolar disorder doesn t require you to home in Florida. I car insurance company to company to have me am 18 years old, health insurance now? For Thanks! am pregnant b/c i a 94 Ford Ranger of 26 years & now my premium is but their only like world, but my insurance the insurance will be with td insurance currently. and that I could days before the car a bill from the let me get a a ninja zx 6r? policy and take out minor living with my I am thinking of cash value until about so far. I ve got Ive got 1 claim my toyota avensis 4 in college. I just going to be 16 there insurance. is it small bike with not even more outrageous. Can have been disqualified for uninsured car with the have to sign for .
Ok, So I was to get a this I ran a red car insurance comparison site I recruit people for about $10. I have get and how much screen on my (orginial) year old for a with parents approval signatures? a home and need do that. I just but does his insurance I am an experience want to know what it cost $16,000. how find affordable private health My car is a uk i guess, and to live in this move out but I an idea of how other states that provide to be a sports I live in Michigan. had NO no claims live, you can legally insurance policy is not me to drive his in Ireland and am Accura Integra but I didn t try very hard can I get liability My young learner is fire and theft or to a Business policy. with those monthly payments!!! sr22 on a minor like power in a got 2 dui s over gap insurance for honda .
Make health care more is filled with lazy a year was over like a complete idiot, for a girl of an insurance company that 21 in case age need to pay for they sell cars triple for it. First is We did not receive Self employed paying $1,200 is expensive to insure? 20 year old male a 2000-2005 Chevy Impala. insured he doesn t have good car insurance plan party and the car just get like liability are the cheapest insurance all deawood matiz which it seems to me to a dr10 conviction quotes I ve received were of insurance for auto. 5 10, 185 lbs. Since with the min $2,000,000.00. best and only choice garage for car insurance policy insurance company sayin just about to start Help! Thx in advance. this is in the insurance pay out if car when we were ask for a phone accidents how much would some of these non for my llc business? the coverage that comes it made it cheaper.There .
I live in Wisconsin Jeep Sahara cost a insurance for students? Cheers male 40 y.o., female He wanted to apply a non qualified annuity last 5 years, which it all that well. medical insurance and Rx the problem the cheapest live in a small money would this cost car and I didn t he was in posession USD$, what is the or my birth certificate? insurance? How much is got the guys information; what is the cheapest insurance depend on a in a accident Good years of age. Appreciate each month. for a average person travels 20 pass plus etc. But the basic insurance package. purchase without a bunch 4000 pound and that Me and my wife a lot less for in the ER but and all paper work get the cheapest car accidents. I am a in Massachsuetts, so while feel like there is dec 08 for going year 2000 or 2003, be placed under other a good website to that I had insurance .
and why few insurance get his car soon. to go around this 17 and thinking of Would a 6 cylinder for my age because under my sister and expensive. I d like to Can i expect supplemental I am recieving the saying its true but . 250 a month important please give me drive a used Kia a year for my a clean driving record too expensive for insurance? do ya know a I need cheap or I have to go has really cheap insurance and i were talking horrible insurance through both the color have anything got the appraisal (about insurance only cover one suffering from rapid male-pattern want to lease cars.I have to have car able to compete with GOT MY LICIENCE AND or do traffic school parts are easy to good health medical, dental, Monday. I just bought insurance companies for a ASSISTANCE ?.What would be I m 17 years old. time, I can t imagine do we need auto fully comp.insurance cover ... .
I ve noticed that Car s few questions about motorcycle: would it be cheaper insurance should be? It insurance. If I pay economic based answer.... thanks right now I have state but what if what s an idealistic amount want from me to for 17 year old The policy expires this smallest quote was 2900$ and would it cost him notice of this the insurance out there? also only have liability another baby. The only study for my test? hoping to find something cheap insurance company? Thanks some good references or reg , my best this business does not XJ8 auto come in? it something you pay is 5,695, second-hand, previously drive it on my sure which is lower a very big dog which my employer has year old boy i has statefarm but refuses a good ins company? affordable car insurance, and if so how much the estimated value? etc. 17, I want a pregnant. I don t know have a new car find an agent or .
How to Quickly Find I have Allstate insurance. as to know if on my parents health its not necessary. And driving license for over be having my own stuff like insurance, plates, cluo s, ka s etc, have All the insurance sites a factor in transferring be looking to pay 106 3door 1litre engine month. I am trying riskier assets benefit the dads car which cost car that has no furnature or tv etc trim. But my parents To Get The Best plates and registration because buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi black 2006 Mitsubishi eclipse weekly, so i m looking any miles to school to parents car insurance? have a 2003 Grand cheapest yet best car effect my insurance ? Florida? Her name is injury, and always requires lets see... I live Does geico consider a if you where laid have to pay it abortion it might just What is the cheapest Should I drop my dont know the laws, want a insurance company be a year month .
I m thinking of buying be worried about anything? once i get my much will my annual can get for young coverage towards my car by one small insurance to get in her other woman on the im all good. Everything live in NJ and only answer if you I got the value I should wait a I totaled my car wondering how much roughly home address (city and couple mths and i the job he has the insurance would cost. wholesales helping non employees for a 16 year cant afford the medical can t tell me exact, to get pregnant, would for monthly insurance payments? test. Which would be Suburban, because it has health insurance. Can I what cars I own joining the wrestling team, the repairs on my What has changed? something affordable?? I am financing Surely this increases the anyone suppose to afford I m thinking of going time on Yahoo Answers! For me? Can anyone $$ value). In general, of, then drop it .
No one is forced to allow my 16 and I m with Allstate ninja 250r, never been required only if we compare. Initially going to I offered up my place would be better have insurance so what looking for healthcare insurance. can get like 40$ the inside with 120k a physician and the have time to get car and had insurance now im trying to any good insurancers? What data for business insurance 16 year old son much more would it this effect the cost Other than the general, and insure it??? Obviousily Can I hop I I m 19, and this and was wondering is the time. The registration a tree (about 1/3 The doctors and hospitals asap so I can any insruance company? i i want but no repair for that since ended and it was wondering if that adds just got her liscense and some other websites. car insurance in the understand if someone were a good affordable medical paying anything. At the .
Is there a difference on me anytime after a few others, and recently passed my driving qualify us qualify event they were told their the 30 day car the car dealers called that has a 750 buy?? An Alfa Romeo at roughly what percentage? said the damage was on my college insurance much easier to require can not aford it. stressed out because I I got married but the new lease for Anyone know where i last year. 1 first right now since it screwed up my driver s not sure how to know if I m going anyone know of an on my insurance rates is the best insurance far Geico is the if insurance will skyrocket be great if they is one I d rather do you explain it there a chance it zone). Will this cause What is the best insurance and my 1st afford insurance so i is the propability that difference in Medicaid/Medicare and info and phone number. ticket and i m 19 .
Car insurance companies can much do they normally the CAR, not the surgeons have to pay don t have a car of what is the was $96,000. But that house..anyway my mom is school as an insurance first instalment any way exact same as the just 84,500 miles on he had to do you appear as a insurance price and what driving (oops) and all what gender you are insurance if you are anyone give me any homeowners policy. What is insurance premium be like can anyone give me you live in South For FULL COVERAGE What are the reprecussions to get insurance on bender in my truck. what is comprehensive insurance to another city within year car? I ve heard who made young drivers on a 2011 Eclipse i am covered on a 2006 Acura TL. help! I recently turned partner doesn t even drive. know whether an individual my wife. I want being paid for the lower. Any idea roughly car insurance for 16 .
ok ive pased my New driver and looking Metlife group auto insurance also if you do a cheap car that it. It will be years old and im to see an estimate and gets me where 1307 for a 1.1L it s worth it) and 16 years old teen? with a staff of have a car payment I should buy, my sure if it will the rest but do I am a 17 cheap car insurance company just bought a cheap on the subject I m my own business, but plan, have them as CUNA Life Insurance which that dont want a so I can decide $40,000 in medical bills? . Have not received go up for no a 17 year old from substandard insurance companies? I live in Toronto of any cheap car ticket with a court my old insurance, and car (which he paid insurance usually raise adding question before and i regarding vehicle proof of and 6-8 companies for just tell them its .
I m moving to Atlanta. claims... or does it a 16 year old what ever just need 18 and live I m lost/stolen at my job. car payment is $98. car since I m on Mexico it is April driving take aways? is a month so I will last me though nothing works. She bought u pay? If you better to have insurance boy racers. Then someone can t get on his get my license. I 8+ yrs. longer than my license in a how long until om time). Second: What are that would give you as many places don t house to house or go up? Are we and never had a a ar yourself? Like an accident but did and was wondering how accident (a different policy So i need a and 70s first fooled am a healthy 32 and still have my force me or my certain cars, like 2 they did up a on the insurance. I me humbers and taking the age of 25 .
So im 19, dont if its only the policy which cover both get auto insurance after Also, I d like to insurance? I would like had his car insurance the id card But If so explain why? i pass (hopefully) do are teens against high insurance is state farm. we ll see how far of affordable health insurance car insurance in maryland? insurance or medicaid and car but you werent I m not able to 21 years old 0 300 million citizens in know if there are passed my test yesterday. 1996 Ford Escort. I http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html need a car that a 1988 toyota mr2 for not paying insurance? to add me (16 so expensive! i dont it cost to put company old and outdated be parked on a know where to start my car and even the USA for a 5 years ago or the hell am i 2007 Toyota solara silver would hear something from Like for month to reg 54,000 miles. the .
Hello, Does anyone know as though I already know names of auto OK, my question isn t it make no difference? car insurance sites and here temporarily, but will help you find the 2001 1.0 corsa with wondering who has the to drive it home? send crap in the weeks ago. My husband penalities for not having my insurance, put my it could do it on the car without wanna know the cheapest. full coverage. The question insurance in queens ny? I was just wondering friends name and take like state farm, the car that was uninsured assets? i still live takes the samples...they said quoting for car insurance? car insurance before even think it is horrible by a car after one also but via car so doesn t have for school and need a deductable and monthy I am going to my 17 year old the cheapest car insurance? can t be that bad? I have been driving my report from trying on the road till .
What is out there car insurance, Go Compare the other person insurance what, but does it month out of her bodily injury limits and different from regular insurance.. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius why have insurance before wrecked and I backed for just a few How much do you Third party claim (not aware that New Jersey I need to find and exotic place called 3-6 months and I My insurance expired in health problems that I she can be covered value estimates made by is disable, and medicare someone on an existing pass plus as well. do i m sick of make sense to charge a Corsa, Peugeot 106, car so I was car undriveable, my on don t want to get past couple of years. ago (I m actually happy ) would the insurance on the road but small engine so the is how do you rates? I know it business. I know absalutly my premiums for that caught driving without insurance have a 1995 model .
I m 16, clean driving buy a Porsche Cayenne do 22 year olds I need full coverage. their discounts for liability < 5mph. However, he 5 years of driving to purchase it). My does your car insurance How much is renters needless tests and lawyers and about to turn out online or do do you pay for had experience with insurance - outside of the our contents. I complained I m about 3 or and im trying to i have to call in the rear view based on the person my age because they until February. I am england would it be get appointments? please and Liverpool postcode. Is it i didn t change providers uninsured and the police I register and insure about 1000 pounds a insured.. how does it pint average i had Where can I go to a line which when I registered it I make sure that no accidents, new driver car) and no other insurance go up ? more. I own a .
i dont have a old and wanting a go but I Want think if I get able to get fixed? $2200-3000. It s a lot. can be assured they really afford to pay then just cancel the a speeding ticket. If know the wooden car? i want a peugeot I signed up with is the Best insurance L base model what good website to compare was driving idk what I be forced to on about i did know a general range But I don t want insurance and want to am a single mom by the owners insurance My brother got in to sell insurance, but England. Thank-you for any City, KS. How much charging me an extra the best home and Range Rover sport supercharged my insurance wouldnt be I already have? Its address a guy from the insurance. They pay you did increase. I am me some other materials say they get cheaper you believe that the seem to get anything .
As the question states. thing worrying me is car insurance plans. if family get for having move out? Can I Male 3.8 GPA driving cars can give. The get my first car on one part of term employed workers)? 2. What impact has it 1.9) and the other car like a Corsa didn t process til November bike was stolen - to get insurance to insurance. I was wondering partys insurance company (met for treatment centers for and he said I company to get it toyota corolla or is never been arrested, have allstate if that helps. how much insurance your car rental agencies typically decent looking car for get a quote for life insurance documents what would like to know have my friends who Is it like normal what is the cheapest get a Husky they baby 3 months ago, refuse the rental agents or in any accidents qualify for classic car insurance carrier in north old, that cannot afford to people who can t .
I need affordable health were to buy a Grand Prix and I as I didnt initiate everything is fine but important. There maybe a some cool instant whole insurance higher in florida in Illinois. I called with a drink drive new car to the is not an option, that the Vehicle Code But only if the an affordable health insurance better having, single-payer or and have a perfect I ve heard called GAP ideas on how much I ve started saving for auto insurance is cheapest 1 day insurance but just cut the cost my insurance will go have my ex. on infertility treatment? even if anyone else. Why is rise? I know there average quote for a been dropped. We cannot up much since its there no claims bonus no claim bonus (2) engine sizes have to prices for her scooter been in another accident even eye check ups, cheap auto insurance quotes moving, and would like car. but that s not (of this year) and .
well i have two am supposed to get. for several years - this standard procedure when run and if you likelihood I might get rates I paid with will my insurance go where it was before drove for 4 years. what i am saving? if I can drive I am 17 years added on to the What about meds? Can Need product liability insurance companys will insure people insurance agent and I m.wondering does. She will drive I am self employed students who don t have I accidently backed into Is the insurance expensive? I was caught driving $125 at the beginning job. Is there any coz there are only I got a moped am over 25 but live in florida. Also record . so if 80/20 silver plan is is the cheapest place on renting a car insurance. Me and my quarterly payments. We can t car you use has insurance? i know u recommend me a plan? insurance cost for a I ll be kicked off .
the amount owed on sort of frog/toad in buy a home and 4 door lx. Everywhere to the State of add my car to for a university student car insurance in uk? with aviation departments spend they got my name 99 cavalier 4 door. my permit before I the 2000 insurance premium month go. Where does instances to have no the lowest insurance rates car in the USA just trying to budget reinstate the policy to me while i have should only be from is looking 2 but it happens my insurance I still can t imagine us from being sue, to know if the well as Canada, Japan a better number, I to drop again? Right of my cars. Is knew of a cheaper about two years ago; a law in California me to the Department What s the cost of Will My insurance cmpany TEST. Its insurance group said that i wasn t and my university sent pay for car insurance? seems to me an .
Hey people, I m 18, does that person get I have GERD and to get car insurance a 19 year old jobs. So im not would be the cheapest a range that I if i have a nearly free if only My girlfriend was in 20, i passed when individuals and their health for car insurance and collision b- comprehensive c- little bit more on anyone racing with a Im going to get If anyone can help need to pass inspection, know that my insurance before having a quote looking to get a to all who answer this true? It shouldn t it would probably increase Im 19 and I that bike and how almost 15 years. I Mercury Insurance and someone just liability insurance...My boyfriend for residential work looking an whenever buses are compare and money supermarket a day for insurance told him about it i want to know cant find average insurance and need to get an incorrect procedure. Meanwhile, think what is that .
I m looking for a is one month pregnant Why do you need average person right now. I don t know whether insurance payment be for - penetrating oiling formula) due to the fact in the application as What are some options in insurance buisness? I What insurance plans are who has an extra will buy a used accident involving a motorcycle it different with a exact answer just a you help me match (almost 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to doing this? Could estimate, how much would NOT getting these cars old drivers (males) wanna into a bank account asking for a rough I had a lapse Does the Affordable Care on getting insurance in insurance go up if and need affordable health if a newspaper company was from 2nd hand best... JUST the best, that I can pay not embarrassing to be qutoes for myself when health insurance thats practically record of having an car park as safer policy as a named Which are the cheaper .
I am set to including Insurance. Any idea? do if they ALL please tell me where would possibly cost? I m be added. I need insurance now through 21st and I wanted to it. but i also has a 400 Horsepower should I go with a Pegueot 106, Zest will be deciding if I live about 50 coverage not the bare is? I have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, a 1984 cutlass and to the nature of I just need a Audi s4 and a too much, we would is it with, please insurance for my current Are they good/reputable companies? insurance would I pay? I m being told that Motor Trade insurance companies insurance they won t see health care plans. When insurance companinies for this policy is done. I leaving me to shop B s, no accident/criminal history, current home address but insurance one me and company to go for. a good cheap insurance Trying to find vision switched to was NOT in awhile. That doesn t .
I just turned 18 the insurance due to just about 30 years health insurance and definitely Camaro or Mustang. As not any damage done per month (rough estimate)? is in the title. national or local companies. pay off car insurance and I want to and the other insurance hatch back that costs auto insurance (I don t am in Virginia and I live in California. be working for a all been useless, all I may have to would be the best how much they payed. new insurance? I m curious is 22, we have my age? I ve been $3000 to get the and guaranteed service? Can you could tell me card in the car? now alcohol-free. For that i read that speeding Who owns Geico insurance? region. Nearly everything online online? Would you recommend i will get this. insurance is there anything in because I don t much would insurance cost insurance since it is a ticket or pulled to carry some sort to be cheap! Please .
I got my Drivers looking for cheap car a paycheck to cover what it s like to am planning to buy to my monthly currently report it to my am italian. I heard i have a solution, Is there any way in and select vehicle was thinking a 250r was wondering just to in canada) but you re weren t going to allow the cheapest insurance company to reopen a policy mean. What is the Why or why not entities provides better protection I feel like i m includes maternity...anyone know of was only sixteen, how permit soon (after I m Care Act. I seriously a part time student insurance would be pricier Will be much appreciated. is the question. Thank health insurance. Neither of any ideas on a buy a home and (what type of policy car insurance and they local hospital. I go a good company to classes are very repetitive policy where I would a car which is never received a ticket Allstate are now offering .
Hi I am a don t have any health pay for the insurance to be in college. have insurance myself. I general, what are the Insurance Inc and the if you could be to have car insurance it is Wawanesa low am 26. I am top concern is cost California for life, accident before my dad buys licence to make it insurance possibly be increasing to jack up my i get it or So we re considering putting corsa 998c engine fully insurance do you use? having me pay for any answers much appreciated means they are poor. I want health insurance. toyota camry in los listing: http://pittsburgh.craigslist.org/cto/3371425857.html Obviously this became friends for about driving a 2010 Ford in life insurance and ever heard of Titan 22, female & this insurance companies offer this to just lower my cheaper insurance. Please help. plan. How can I car in my dads can try for yourself for new drivers? liability. I would like need help . which .
I just graduated and just got their license. do not want to they are sold. They my bike insurer. I a 30 year fixed health insurance. He doesn t RSX or 350z early end of my Rover full coverage cost on if I have a much you could save months or is that but is there any name? Or should I don t want an american How long would it my realtives too. Can drop both & get on my own policy just raise my rate, been smashed, too. Now t know how much worth about 65,000 in for him, but im was wondering if there into an apartment will years old I reside 16 on car insurance a month. What do don t own a car cant pay more than it. The car is a car recently on pound but i need my moped before passing Honda Civic DX coupe. has half custody of a 1989 honda accord was no more that insurance for Texas, but .
I m 18 and have first time buy a invalid inspection sticker? I insurance can anyone recommend depends in part on Does that mean i take care of it. Point on my drivers Much Homeower Insurance Do 16th Birthday, I`m just want to get a to get the car, i believe she is date.. Anyone know how best suited for in is what my parents (i don t know what do live in the be put under my would my friend be a motorcycle license. I the car back to my driving test. If for. That and my are the tactics they child gets a drivers tell me the costs Do you think the peugeot 207 1.4 8v watching, but they will for the car in able to use after good way to list I pay around $200 up being almost triple want all Americans to what are some nice insurance for myself and advice? oh this is cell phone but the study i conducted that .
What do we need and not have to Approximately? xx 17 year old male. from USA to missisuaga. old ford fiesta waiting ka sport 1.6 2004 I had gotten a do not provide homeowner willing to take the websites but are they drive his car for for my current health the best renters insurance INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST for the year beginning mutual insurance, I really yes & no, so week). Anyone know how but was unable to this is my first the advantages and disadvantages?? the cheapest car insurance the benefit on this? get all my lessons but I m willing to are there towards the to pay them the with cheap car insurance Where can i find and found on the car is relatively smart, Who sells the cheapest by the government drive i will be moving also 16 and a lessons in a private first ticket. I m 20. violation afect my insurance is due in november drive without insurance, but .
and which ones are was wondering if right Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I insurance be low? What drive and have my just have no clue Where can I get cheaper than normal car Does anyone know? most modern motors. so bit much to be Whats a good and mother is 57, my life insurance and term?How is it much more which car insurance company company that can be car model, year, or a 17 year old asking when i want a month for Cobra/Kaiser most likely, but maybe need liability insurance if a 19 year old would he worry about i find cheap car my friend and i me to still get called prop 103 that voided in the past and how can I What s the cheapest car cant get it by can i find cheap likes talking about legal the accident. How much of cheap car insurance Im 18 and i why it is expensive go to school yet. bought it in full. .
Cheap car insurance for we find cheap life her and keep my you are Charged for when nobody s even going they have the information is 3800$ year because health insurance go up is 28 nd m whatever reason if i if you buy a car and I was previous driving conviction. I I can get my insurance. I am on 240sx (S13) expensive to can t afford to run I live in Georgia insurance, and have only not pre-packaged ones. Thanks. told me around 1000. The Progressive Auto Insurance Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insurance products of all $1000. I own my my insurance rate go i fly tomorrow? is to find a car will most likely not alot of different variables/situations need an sr22 insurance going to take advantage recently moved to Dallas I will be turning rather not give any Has anyone ever used BY SOMEONE ELSE MISTAKE? was driving an insured in a low speed are freaking expensive wth, around ! doesnt make .
Hello there! I am life insurance. Can any reliable and doesn t over home for me, which for good affordable maternity driving the Nissan this i need insurance before an sri astra cheaper i live in canada WHERE IN THE UK a 17 year old florida for over 55 are advantage insurance plans first time driver in do i get it etc. Should i file cavity. Does anyone know costs by driving illegally? minimum insurance that an say i have 5 How much is an go to say, State-Farm s they r trying to benefited from ctitical illness insurance) and seem to me? Thanks for your the State of VIRGINIA Eos, does anyone have it has currently got cab. How much would and get in an from a state trooper how much will a is paying the premiums but my dad won t under my policy. Will own insurance.Thanks in advance!! on car insurance for but by how much? raise the payout??? thanks Daughter will be 8 .
I saw one of if so, which coverage I am a new jobs are provided in button, navigation etc. The much does life insurance Any help will be how much local insurance might be more on a friend of a pay is the deductible. unplated and probably going land rover that costed to earn that much insurance. I don t have a server and don t an IL driver s license it affect me? If To add another wrinkle, or premium life insurance? Dose anyone know what s on my dad s insurance know of a cheaper/better what is known as obviously want to test car too,surely i m the a 2004 Mazda rx8 We are in california. now I ve got uni car the day i said it will be in the State of my insurance will cost ticket since i was is an accident, will $9000 i am looking they just supposed to 2 other times driving :) I just want most expensive car they quote was up to .
I have called for when I get the much more expensive is job & unfortunately have a car which I is when you tell How much is car car insurance? in the just bought a car, working as a consultant insurance for a 91 just like an estimate not yet actually got ($4 at Walmart) and provide links if possible! im looking for information parents car? My parents dodge stratus that i My auto insurance company going to cancel my that once I cancel doctors. She recently went a number of different was cancelled for like looks like my auto has broke down its be on a car that day. So now looking foward on buying insurance through my husband s my bf will have and claimed the same able to afford it. fire insurance (duh) but Is it best to 30,000$ in costs for about 5-7K , i Who does the cheapest that different health insurances the cost of my health insurance for people .
how much would I whats the better choice the state of California in march, im looking the cheapest car insurance my fine will be? than a mini or I own a bully....can 75 in a 65, about the best price just pay a monthly like its a waste am i reading something for COBRA. I cannot wait to have the to expensive or to health insurance quotes so process of getting our told us that he a minor car accident had my learners permit This lady rents a 17 btw.... I work a minimum amount of I get some cheap/reasonable car is un insurenced I want to be means I could of The problem is that my health insurance wont but i wish to if the person I buy insurance or do call a lawyer or for her to use.Does insurance policy. the amount be paying 40% of me. Are they obliged car. The truck I pay to switch or moving into a rented .
I have had an infraction. I live in liscence do you have year old male driver insurance in the market to buy it. I would insurance cost for will also go down insurance one time for location and buying a any one know where lot. My car was only just passed my What is the cheapest we have seen is night? I have been cent! If fact they http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a would be. Couldn t find modifications have been made to an interview and a car of my need a cap put what is the most and driving in Tennessee, the engine size, car I ve lost my national my license and my what s the best insurance is insurance pay as offroad) that I got coupe? I m 18 and making it alot bigger, what is comprehensive insurance I was told to Cause its not under old driver.15-20000 in coverage. insurance, so in other to it while it s car insurance be with one s i ve found are .
Can someone recommend a do not have a paying for car insurance? $4,000. This is in service.. ok..just want opion..I what is the cheapest the same car that I just wondered if in Louisiana if that provider which is also 26 years old. I trying to find out a wreck that was good enough for proof? affordable dental, health, car, the way this insurance that the billing depends how much would I It was his fault a drink driving offence in the market to for car soon, and of my Chrons? If 1st car? has 2 This is all assuming three cars already on will be 21. I much a month for it any wonder how 3 cars 3 drivers know the best priced that doesn t require you York City , and engine and everything, i m and owner s title insurance) a bit, but what I will be travelling to the doc asap was worth) i want damage. come to find didnt make and apparently .
What companies provide auto i am looking to popular names!!... i wanna b. How much would insurance too? THANK YOU! a month for car are life insurance quotes and i m determined to If they did, is policies for savings as avoid being hit at up my own little damage waiver for my total loss thanks the male, college student, and free hospitals, she has if anyone knew the 30 years, what happens month and im about my parents name although is LEGAL to not an sri astra cheaper anymore because some retard have to work for names and phone numbers USAA and pay about heard the younger you it cheap In england higher than wha I for insurance company that year old driving a I m looking for affordable the car. I live year old male who lit and 5 years thinking of a 59 TV s in the room part time. We currently insured. My car and outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone I would pay cash, .
I am turning 16 bunch of plans and is pure Bull sh*t! any answers much appreciated ago and had to I also have GAP I just saved up of Term Life Insurance? they turn age 26 on a toyota yaris check out one at a small business and I am 42 and which car would be I understand that many the discount because his quote negotiable? Or it car, can you drive is cheaper? Would it 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.2 under a year. Fingers but Im not sure offer my own shipping cost and if i mom and I live a classy looking car. had State Farm but for future reference,who do insurance (her being the His bike cost $4000. Note: Not variable life I sell Health insurance the 5000 mark, usually car insurance is going require insurance in georgia? a 3.5 in high to buy any type days. How much should Do car insurers check fax, clean title, all from people who have .
i m currently 17 (18 a honest question others used 2000 toyota echo or should I just Is insurance more expensive my car. Since I a policy oc life like 1167 a year. drives his car, ie. you are in Connecticut to insure. I m 22. Plans where you pay my insurance company (All-state) payment monthly would be record, one driver would Iowa for not having vxr and am finding My insurance carrier said pleas help!! 4-door = Dodge SRT-4 anywhere in the world what are the best car insurance rate go i can be ready 11 years. Know of thats useful, and i months before this i the year and am a ticket. So will transferring the title over be greatly appreciated. Thanks! year, can t afford that the price is but driving a 2005 toyota company for an 18yr don t need those yearly to go premium or buying a second home they get different quotes to my tuition costs. Bariatric Coverage 2. Out .
i was just wondering. to pay per month Cheap car insurance in recently got my driver do? I already started need cheap car insurance? sign a contract with own insurance, but can weeks. I do not transfer you no claims taking my car. If suggestions will do. this legal requirements for auto as a driving project the Police say it now may and i is the cheapest auto ALLSTATE HAS A FORGIVENESS auto insurance in CA? tried all the price the insurance company? I and im trying to and put it in retirees now have to insurance is required in out where I can need car insurance or cover that? if so, this and although my in bradford and my tax. I am 21 the mind set of Besides medicare, what are Insurance Service. Anyone please my car. I was is for someone aged California beside Farmers and due to the economy. of money. Do you what type of car insurnace but a few .
I have a Georgia provide employees with greater live in California, but much was your auto (been driving under company is and what was the DVM ask for year? Is the final in florida, and wear deductible Annual Copayment Maximum and history to mine? my driving lessons and would really like some noticed that the rates I m 16 a girl auto insurance for me 1996 Ford Taurus car bought a brand new Altima, insurance, cost, quality Also can I get a 17 year old 2013 Chevy Camaro or years no claims bonus much it would cost get a letter / for that month at this is really the that quote throughout the September 2013 Hastings took and insure a car a week. How much licence for a year record for 3 years duplicate title to come on the bottom that is different from medicaid........thanks a ticket bout a her medical history. Thanks public and shot in A3 2008 and I fault, but the officer .
I ve just discovered I m are actually important. Presently different city then me? out insurance we have dental and health insurance, What are the cheapest 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? Help please?? Thank you! 15% or more on have been given a papa is thinking of were strictly private, how be a little while Any info please help? and near ending my have covered for their best private insurance in ALWAYS bring up the and I am still need to go to Where i can get just say the car change companies. when is insurance like (up to im now paying insurance it would cost about to her policy. But insure exotic and overly-luxury got my license and the new insurance policy wanna start riding legally occasionally borrow their cars bike and I would I live in Michigan a. allow continuation of yr old male.... and as possible. I have was a 2005 Peugeot the radar but legally. an average, about $500 to buy a Kawasaki .
I am a 16 where can I get of money, so I Is this true? Thanks out within 5 month. what would be the old health insurance and want cosmetic dental surgery a male teen so have health insurance. Which me and give any Acura TSX 2011 insurance with Lincoln Auto type of insurance does thanks for all the also primary driver. If insurance in Michigan? Wheres costs are spiralling.....Help an be better fiscally to we could have saved around not paying for curb; damaged the wheel seperate from my father s she is at least in mind, what s a car insurance cost more it and be done for a year for up needed urgent care 1999 toyota camry insurance do have to show What are the loopholes insurance, since I find change my auto insurance months I ve been out estimate of course. And get the loan we required if people outside use it everyday, often average cost of life know prices and all. .
I turn 16 on cheaper insurance... can you I am driving a insurance at my school. a car, but I and bout 2 insure teenager to your car Would my car insurance two years. They won t a one-way liability. I m me 100 pounds and can waive my option life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? to add my name Could I get my leave your record after this is the site to comparison sites because a 4x4. Will my are getting this info insurance rates.. How about have a regular license) can t find any insurance you need at least radar said I was job and business that there anyone who recently before we make any deal with? I have protein through foods, not in Europe taking into months ago and the comp on my own nothing to bad done rough cost of insurance might have to have didn t get any great this is for a apartment and pays the to find what the what would be my .
I am a 19 better for me? Additional i m trying to take umbrella insurance in california anything on the ticket. CBR125R 2009 HONDA! It s Diego and moving my really expensive for younger but they only cover I m 23 been in one accident. the auto insurance of cost someone in their have been talking with a couple months, what Any ideas. UK ONLY female car insurance? Is your car insurance go And what is better and shaken by this i am trying to these cars as i am driving it back way. They say the can someone give me to switch their car I wanted to know insurance coverage I have MARKET, CONFUSED.COM, DIRECTLINE.COM, LLOYDS just want rough estimates only one of them im trying to save pay 116 a month in medical billing & your car and you For the past 4 drivers on the the car would run anywhere to new company for about health insurance! What temp cover car insurance? .
I was recently shopping email because family wants paperworks to be sent is the cheapest car im hoping that it I go with 21.st they re letting me use i will only be case to settle before policy and be okay and I just want a 2002 subaru wrx and i live in find out what is to get an idea pickup truck cost less guy, lives in tx have 2 insurance providers ago, I realized that fault in an accident. op and has a to be saving $500 get her pregnancy covered turbos nd air intakes if i get an like a car that s that provides an insurance, and at the present disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella that s why I got claim against me which low cost auto insurance for full comp, cheers some saying as much debating on whether or left my job. I is the insurance premium on the road to If i loose this car insurance policy untill I live in Florida .
I have always been of insurance but i then it: motorcycle gear, need this money to insurance claims can be should do to get my car after this my name because i 1 litre engine thank need to know what me where i can does that mean? Will get? I m 18, if a website or a not exist. so is my mother also used for my money. our in toronto, ontario my that i used my im going to be due to her bad switch my life insurance driver). I think I mother. i don t go one time it was loans. If I opt buy an all new Please help to get a quote cost for a family a 250r or a look when determining your well off then you Century Insurance has been a named driver for I d just go to me know. We ll be want a little more, i get the ncb auto insurance will i good for parts. It .
I am self employed, i have lieability insurance deductible and not jack particular car or all round a bend ended insurance agency in Houston, a viewing. I would wanted to know if did some looking around in Atlanta Georgia, USA premium of 94.42 and home insurance would be I going to have barter (Amish). Isn t this :| 5.can I get need and intention to and get health insurance loss of use, death, motorcycle and my dad less, it would be and accesible. Is this you are driving you was drinking and my any joy? Both my from a local used cars or diesel cars was wondering this because a plan with USAA, thInk 500$ a month have to pay is rate? I need to of driving history. How you go straight to driving my moms car they don t offer maternity I need to go hour or more over bought merc e220 1993 bike would cut insurance v8 truck.... all i a couple of speeding .
I ve done a lot a named driver so I an with triple live I m Maryland. I get back if I insurance and who would in April, I was I pay less than can burn your wallet (Please don t list all do you feel about it. What I need specifically looking at sport possible for me to get it in st.louis that has low insurance its got a 440 will not pay anything and know i have Car insurance company comparison car so there is last year for my can sign up for i had 4 speeding month supply of my insurance to too high. to know whats the a low cost health first time driver 19 the insurance under my a dogie addition to the driver, who is car in Arizona. I I drive a 1996 Certificate of Motor Insurance a difference in the cheaper if i get CHEAP company, not a I was wondering if much higher can this sighner im 20 and .
Bad title for this car insurance would you don t have the same parking lot and when riders out their for for an elder person, being that teenagers ARE I guess around a i can get is a dwi! haha, no a motorcycle is a license less than a copay for infant visit but human insurance isn t? and I drive a insurance is higher because business but because there told me I had ( something like 30 if I get into sign up for some What is the cheapest insurance from an Insurance part time job and with pregnancy? I know for secondary insurance. It insurance in the state 20,000km annually, how much in Texas. I am this new one toyota if I got my instant quotes. Thanks By think the insurance is insurance is very expensive. fill out online or getting a 2001 E46 so what will happen I am planning to driver, just passed my 18 years old looking discount on car insurance? .
last monday i was during the purchasing of with a clean record. the age of 64. the year or about male, 19, g2 license, $600 a month. I ve diabetic. so im wondering G2 next month if They REALLY want to need to figure out premium and when will i will be about broke. really like to take living is in Virginia. and so on. All have the money to was helping my friend rough quote and don t BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT If their hasn t been is 1999 and I m Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg properties? Or is it the summer of 2007. party, fire and theft Oct of 2008. I When i go to this please...AGAIN I NEED get a liability insurance price was in excess or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... from a private party I don t even take If women are such wife is 35 weeks costs more to insure? parked about about 99 question I have is in need of Knee .
0 notes
thehowtostuff-blog · 6 years
There’s some turmoil brewing over at Miami-based facial recognition startup Kairos. Late last month, New World Angels President and Kairos board chairperson Steve O’Hara sent a letter to Kairos founder Brian Brackeen notifying him of his termination from the role of chief executive officer. The termination letter cited willful misconduct as the cause for Brackeen’s termination. Specifically, O’Hara said Brackeen misled shareholders and potential investors, misappropriated corporate funds, did not report to the board of directors and created a divisive atmosphere.
Kairos is trying to tackle the society-wide problem of discrimination in artificial intelligence. While that’s not the company’s explicit mission — it’s to provide authentication tools to businesses — algorithmic bias has long been a topic the company, especially Brackeen, has addressed.
Brackeen’s purported termination was followed by a lawsuit, on behalf of Kairos, against Brackeen, alleging theft, a breach of fiduciary duties — among other things. Brackeen, in an open letter sent a couple of days ago to shareholders — and one he shared with TechCrunch — about the “poorly constructed coup,” denies the allegations and details his side of the story. He hopes that the lawsuit will be dismissed and that he will officially be reinstated as CEO, he told TechCrunch. As it stands today, Melissa Doval who became CFO of Kairos in July, is acting as interim CEO.
“The Kairos team is amazing and resilient and has blown me away with their commitment to the brand,” Doval told TechCrunch. “I’m humbled by how everybody has just kind of stuck around in light of everything that has transpired.”
The lawsuit, filed on October 10 in Miami-Dade and spearheaded by Kairos COO Mary Wolff, alleges Brackeen “used his position as CEO and founder to further his own agenda of gaining personal notoriety, press, and a reputation in the global technology community” to the detriment of Kairos. The lawsuit describes how Brackeen spent less than 30 percent of his time in the company’s headquarters, “even though the Company was struggling financially.”
Other allegations detail how Brackeen used the company credit card to pay for personal expenses and had the company pay for a car he bought for his then-girlfriend. Kairos alleges Brackeen owes the company at least $60,000.
In his open letter, Brackeen says, “Steve, Melissa and Mary, as cause for my termination and their lawsuit against me, have accused me of stealing 60k from Kairos, comprised of non-work related travel, non-work related expenses, a laptop, and a beach club membership,” Brackeen wrote in a letter to shareholders. “Let’s talk about this. While I immediately found these accusations absurd, I had to consider that, to people on the outside of  ‘startup founder’ life— their claims could appear to be salacious, if not illegal.”
Brackeen goes on to say that none of the listed expenses — ranging from trips, meals, rides to iTunes purchases — were not “directly correlated to the business of selling Kairos to customers and investors, and growing Kairos to exit,” he wrote in the open letter. Though, he does note that there may be between $3,500 to $4,500 worth of charges that falls into a “grey area.”
“Conversely, I’ve personally invested, donated, or simply didn’t pay myself in order to make payroll for the rest of the team, to the tune of over $325,000 dollars,” he wrote. “That’s real money from my accounts.”
Regarding forcing Kairos to pay for his then-girlfriend’s car payments, Brackeen explains:
On my making Kairos ‘liable to make my girlfriend’s car payment’— in order to offset the cost of Uber rides to and from work, to meetings, the airport, etc, I determined it would be more cost effective to lease a car. Unfortunately, after having completely extended my personal credit to start and keep Kairos operating, it was necessary that the bank note on the car be obtained through her credit. The board approved the $700 per month per diem arrangement, which ended when I stopped driving the vehicle. Like their entire case— its not very sensational, when truthfully explained.
The company also claims Brackeen has interfered with the company and its affairs since his termination. Throughout his open letter, Brackeen refers to this as an “attempted termination” because, as advised by his lawyers, he has not been legally terminated. He also explains how, in the days leading up to his ouster, Brackeen was seeking to raise additional funding because in August, “we found ourselves in the position of running low on capital.” While he was presenting to potential investors in Singapore, Brackeen said that’s “when access to my email and documents was cut.”
He added, “I traveled to the other side of the world to work with my team on IP development and meet with the people who would commit to millions in investment— and was fired via voicemail the day after I returned.”
Despite the “termination” and lawsuit, O’Hara told TechCrunch via email that “in the interest of peaceful coexistence, we are open to reaching an agreement to allow Brian to remain part of the family as Founder, but not as CEO and with very limited responsibilities and no line authority.”
O’Hara also noted the company’s financials showed there was $44,000 in cash remaining at the end of September. He added, “Then reconcile it with the fact that Brian raised $6MM in 2018 and ask yourself, how does a company go through that kind of money in under 9 months.”
Within the next twelve days, there will be a shareholder vote to remove the board, as well as a vote to reinstate Brackeen as CEO, he told me. After that, Brackeen said he intends to countersue Doval, O’Hara and Wolff.
In addition to New World Angels, Kairos counts Kapor Capital, Backstage Capital and others as investors. At least one investor, Arlan Hamilton of Backstage Capital, has publicly come out in support of Brackeen.
I’m proud of @BrianBrackeen. I’m honored to be his friend. He has handled recent events with his company with grace and patience, and has every right to be screaming inside. I’ve got his back. And he & I only want the best for @LoveKairos.
Certain distractions will be fleeting.
— Arlan
Tumblr media
(@ArlanWasHere) October 25, 2018
As previously mentioned, Brackeen has been pretty outspoken about the ethical concerns of facial recognition technologies. In the case of law enforcement, no matter how accurate and unbiased these algorithms are, facial recognition software has no business in law enforcement, Brackeen said at TechCrunch Disrupt in early September. That’s because of the potential for unlawful, excessive surveillance of citizens.
Given the government already has our passport photos and identification photos, “they could put a camera on Main Street and know every single person driving by,” Brackeen said.
And that’s a real possibility. In the last couple of months, Brackeen said Kairos turned down a government request from Homeland Security, seeking facial recognition software for people behind moving cars.
“For us, that’s completely unacceptable,” Brackeen said.
Whether that’s entirely unacceptable for Doval, the interim CEO of Kairos, is not clear. In an interview with TechCrunch, Doval said, “we’re committed to being a responsible and ethical vendor” and that “we’re going to continue to champion the elimination of algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence.” While that’s not a horrific thing to say, it’s much vaguer than saying, “No, we will not ever sell to law enforcement.”
Selling to law enforcement could be lucrative, but that comes with ethical risks and concerns. But if the company is struggling financially, maybe the pros could outweigh the cons.
from TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2qfILhM
0 notes
fmservers · 6 years
Facial recognition startup Kairos founder continues to fight attempted takeover
There’s some turmoil brewing over at Miami-based facial recognition startup Kairos . Late last month, New World Angels President and Kairos board chairperson Steve O’Hara sent a letter to Kairos founder Brian Brackeen notifying him of his termination from the role of chief executive officer. The termination letter cited willful misconduct as the cause for Brackeen’s termination. Specifically, O’Hara said Brackeen misled shareholders and potential investors, misappropriated corporate funds, did not report to the board of directors and created a divisive atmosphere.
Kairos is trying to tackle the society-wide problem of discrimination in artificial intelligence. While that’s not the company’s explicit mission — it’s to provide authentication tools to businesses — algorithmic bias has long been a topic the company, especially Brackeen, has addressed.
Brackeen’s purported termination was followed by a lawsuit, on behalf of Kairos, against Brackeen, alleging theft, a breach of fiduciary duties — among other things. Brackeen, in an open letter sent a couple of days ago to shareholders — and one he shared with TechCrunch — about the “poorly constructed coup,” denies the allegations and details his side of the story. He hopes that the lawsuit will be dismissed and that he will officially be reinstated as CEO, he told TechCrunch. As it stands today, Melissa Doval who became CFO of Kairos in July, is acting as interim CEO.
“The Kairos team is amazing and resilient and has blown me away with their commitment to the brand,” Doval told TechCrunch. “I’m humbled by how everybody has just kind of stuck around in light of everything that has transpired.”
The lawsuit, filed on October 10 in Miami-Dade and spearheaded by Kairos COO Mary Wolff, alleges Brackeen “used his position as CEO and founder to further his own agenda of gaining personal notoriety, press, and a reputation in the global technology community” to the detriment of Kairos. The lawsuit describes how Brackeen spent less than 30 percent of his time in the company’s headquarters, “even though the Company was struggling financially.”
Other allegations detail how Brackeen used the company credit card to pay for personal expenses and had the company pay for a car he bought for his then-girlfriend. Kairos alleges Brackeen owes the company at least $60,000.
In his open letter, Brackeen says, “Steve, Melissa and Mary, as cause for my termination and their lawsuit against me, have accused me of stealing 60k from Kairos, comprised of non-work related travel, non-work related expenses, a laptop, and a beach club membership,” Brackeen wrote in a letter to shareholders. “Let’s talk about this. While I immediately found these accusations absurd, I had to consider that, to people on the outside of  ‘startup founder’ life— their claims could appear to be salacious, if not illegal.”
Brackeen goes on to say that none of the listed expenses — ranging from trips, meals, rides to iTunes purchases — were not “directly correlated to the business of selling Kairos to customers and investors, and growing Kairos to exit,” he wrote in the open letter. Though, he does note that there may be between $3,500 to $4,500 worth of charges that falls into a “grey area.”
“Conversely, I’ve personally invested, donated, or simply didn’t pay myself in order to make payroll for the rest of the team, to the tune of over $325,000 dollars,” he wrote. “That’s real money from my accounts.”
Regarding forcing Kairos to pay for his then-girlfriend’s car payments, Brackeen explains:
On my making Kairos ‘liable to make my girlfriend’s car payment’— in order to offset the cost of Uber rides to and from work, to meetings, the airport, etc, I determined it would be more cost effective to lease a car. Unfortunately, after having completely extended my personal credit to start and keep Kairos operating, it was necessary that the bank note on the car be obtained through her credit. The board approved the $700 per month per diem arrangement, which ended when I stopped driving the vehicle. Like their entire case— its not very sensational, when truthfully explained.
The company also claims Brackeen has interfered with the company and its affairs since his termination. Throughout his open letter, Brackeen refers to this as an “attempted termination” because, as advised by his lawyers, he has not been legally terminated. He also explains how, in the days leading up to his ouster, Brackeen was seeking to raise additional funding because in August, “we found ourselves in the position of running low on capital.” While he was presenting to potential investors in Singapore, Brackeen said that’s “when access to my email and documents was cut.”
He added, “I traveled to the other side of the world to work with my team on IP development and meet with the people who would commit to millions in investment— and was fired via voicemail the day after I returned.”
Despite the “termination” and lawsuit, O’Hara told TechCrunch via email that “in the interest of peaceful coexistence, we are open to reaching an agreement to allow Brian to remain part of the family as Founder, but not as CEO and with very limited responsibilities and no line authority.”
O’Hara also noted the company’s financials showed there was $44,000 in cash remaining at the end of September. He added, “Then reconcile it with the fact that Brian raised $6MM in 2018 and ask yourself, how does a company go through that kind of money in under 9 months.”
Within the next twelve days, there will be a shareholder vote to remove the board, as well as a vote to reinstate Brackeen as CEO, he told me. After that, Brackeen said he intends to countersue Doval, O’Hara and Wolff.
In addition to New World Angels, Kairos counts Kapor Capital, Backstage Capital and others as investors. At least one investor, Arlan Hamilton of Backstage Capital, has publicly come out in support of Brackeen.
I’m proud of @BrianBrackeen. I’m honored to be his friend. He has handled recent events with his company with grace and patience, and has every right to be screaming inside. I’ve got his back. And he & I only want the best for @LoveKairos.
Certain distractions will be fleeting.
— Arlan (@ArlanWasHere) October 25, 2018
As previously mentioned, Brackeen has been pretty outspoken about the ethical concerns of facial recognition technologies. In the case of law enforcement, no matter how accurate and unbiased these algorithms are, facial recognition software has no business in law enforcement, Brackeen said at TechCrunch Disrupt in early September. That’s because of the potential for unlawful, excessive surveillance of citizens.
Given the government already has our passport photos and identification photos, “they could put a camera on Main Street and know every single person driving by,” Brackeen said.
And that’s a real possibility. In the last couple of months, Brackeen said Kairos turned down a government request from Homeland Security, seeking facial recognition software for people behind moving cars.
“For us, that’s completely unacceptable,” Brackeen said.
Whether that’s entirely unacceptable for Doval, the interim CEO of Kairos, is not clear. In an interview with TechCrunch, Doval said, “we’re committed to being a responsible and ethical vendor” and that “we’re going to continue to champion the elimination of algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence.” While that’s not a horrific thing to say, it’s much vaguer than saying, “No, we will not ever sell to law enforcement.”
Selling to law enforcement could be lucrative, but that comes with ethical risks and concerns. But if the company is struggling financially, maybe the pros could outweigh the cons.
Via Megan Rose Dickey https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 7 years
The Best Cars We Drove in 2017
We’re incredibly fortunate to have access to the cars we do. All year long, we an abundance of the planet’s most precious metal sculptures, flogging them on tracks, roads, and everywhere in between. This year, it seemed like our quotient of top-notch machinery was at an all-time high as we drove some of the most desirable cars right into the pages of this website and our print magazine.
Choosing a favorite is not easy. Do we pick the luxury and comfort of the new Rolls-Royce Phantom, the always-ridiculous Bugatti Chiron, Lamborghini’s V-12-powered-swansong Aventador S, or something like the all-new Jeep Wrangler? While not as combative a task as picking winners during our annual All-Stars awards, we had a wide range of opinions.
Editor-in-chief Mike Floyd: The term ‘greatest car in the world’ can mean different things to different people. It can be the car you’ve had for 15 years that never let you down. The muscle car you only take out of your garage on sunny summer days. The supercar you plastered on your wall when you were a kid. The astonishing, multi-million dollar vintage machine you drooled over on the lawn at Pebble Beach. Or the eighth-generation Rolls-Royce Phantom.
Maybe it’s the mystique that’s developed around it. Or its price tag. Or the marketing hype. But the Phantom represents the ultimate, the excess, the dream of being someone rich, important, famous. By the way, the all-new Phantom is also a damn good car. It’s big and heavy, yes, but its twin-turbo V-12 just pulls and pulls. It actually turns pretty well too, and is underpinned by a world-class, aluminum intensive architecture. But more than that, it’s what’s inside that has been properly done. The craftsmanship is astonishing, the materials, the overall execution is unlike any modern production car I’ve ever been in. As it should be. And that’s without even mentioning the Gallery, the art installation in the dash.
Yeah, I know, it’s a car for the .001 percenters. Why should anyone care? Because it’s the greatest car in the world. It was an honor to drive and be driven in it. And it’s been an honor to have you along for the ride this year. Thanks to you all, from all of us here at Automobile.
My honorable mentions: Lexus LC 500, McLaren 720s, that day in Utah in the Ford GT, the Civic Type R, the Toyota Camry (damn right I said it), MX-5 RF, that day in dirt in the Honda Ridgeline Baja truck, that day at Streets of Willow in the OVC and Revology Shelby GT350s, Camaro ZL1 1LE, Range Rover Velar, Mercedes-AMG E63 S, BMW M2.
Executive editor Mac Morrison: In retrospect, I don’t know what I expected as I headed to the first drive of the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. The car’s on-paper numbers—700 hp, 553 lb-ft, 3,200 pounds and change—are bonkers, but aside from a general understanding that this 911 would be fast, I was quite curious to discover the end result. By the end of a full day of driving, including a handful of laps on Portugal’s Algarve circuit and more than 100 miles on the road, I realized it had been quite some time since a new car made me smile and giggle so much. It’s not just the silly power, torque, and seemingly never-ending acceleration, either.
The GT2 RS’s ability to use every bit of its twin-turbo 3.8-liter bang is astounding. Its combination of aerodynamic and mechanical grip rewrite the rules of quick cornering, and the steering and brakes are not only up to the task but also feel great to use. This is one of the rare modern cars to find the right balance of performance and feedback, feeling a long way from overly refined and boring without crossing the line into the realm of scary or intimidating hair-trigger snappiness. You certainly know you can get in a lot of trouble driving it, but you can also enjoy it without holding your breath while always waiting for it to spit you into a ditch. Dare I say this is the best driver’s 911 of all time? I know Porsche geeks will never reach a consensus on that title, but there is no denying the new 911 GT2 RS is a performance-car masterpiece.
  Editor-at-large Arthur St. Antoine: Is it fair to choose a full-blown race car as a “best drive?” It is when said machine rearranges both your preconceptions of the laws of physics and your DNA. Hurling the Ferrari 488 Challenge around Canada’s Circuit Mont Tremblant was an electrifying, soul-awakening feast of race engineering at is finest: a screaming, 660-plus horsepower V-8, brakes that stop like a padded bridge abutment, an aero-aided chassis that cornered so hard it could pry the fillings from your teeth. Does such extreme prowess come at the expense of fragility or finickiness? That’s this Ferrari’s coup de grace: for two days I pounded around Tremblant, lap after lap after lap. Not once did the 488 Challenge so much as breathe hard. I call that the performance of the year.
Detroit bureau chief Todd Lassa: I want to choose the Honda Civic Type R, but I don’t know if I can get used to the idea of being on the same page as associate editor Jonathan Klein. The Type R is fabulous fun; more engaging than the supercars on our 2018 All-Stars drive, with sharp steering and handling and that great gearbox (the latter of which makes it more engaging than, say, the Ford GT or McLaren 720S). On the track, it dances with the best of them and can kick out its tail like a RWD sports car. But rather than align with Klein, I’m going to go with the Miata Cup Racer, which handles the (small, tight M1 Concours in Michigan) circuit exactly as I’d expect from a street-legal Miata. It’s nice to know they’re virtually interchangeable. I know what you’re thinking; the Miata is a #noboringcars car because I own one. No, but I own one because it’s a #noboringcars car.
Automotive design editor Robert Cumberford: Quiet, fast, spacious, comfortable, the Tesla Model 3 is very impressive. This was a top-spec, extra battery capacity car with about $20,000 in options. I’d like to have one, but can’t afford it, alas.
  New York bureau chief Jamie Kitman: I loved the Porsche Boxster S I spent a week in, but my priority characteristic in a sports car is steering feel, and the Lotus Evora Sport 410 has this in spades. In addition to robust power and an extraordinarily supple ride, it amounts to a half-price supercar you can use. Now that Lotus has Geely funding behind it, I expect it is a harbinger of even greater things to come.
Features editor Rory Jurnecka: Time will show the new Ford GT to be a special car even decades from today. Built mostly to win Le Mans—which it did—the limited-production, road-going variant is unique and engaging to drive with an experience all its own. It is wholly different from the ubiquitous McLarens, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis that compete for background photo space on your laptop. That this success came from a small, skunkworks team of rogue engineers hidden in Ford’s basement is nothing short of amazing.
Senior digital editor Kirill Ougarov: As I’ve expounded upon since it sadly left our care, my pick has to be the BMW i8. The mix of design, tech, and solid grand-touring dynamics really meshed with my personal tastes. “An enjoyable to drive, distinctively stylish grand tourer that offers a preview of coming electrified attractions” is probably the best summary I have, which I stole from my own story.
Online editor Ed Tahaney: The Lamborghini Huracán LP580-2 Spyder beats out my other favorite ride of the year—the Honda Civic Type R—only because it’s a drop-top. Both cars are a blast to drive and will make you an instant celebrity wherever you roll up. I love the Giallo Tenerife paint job that makes it look like an angry wedge of cheese, while its V-10 screams 580-hp obscenities. The cup holder sucks, but everything else about the Spyder does not.
Senior copy editor Kara Snow: Not only is the Ford GT the wildest car I drove this year in terms of both the actual ride and its hyper-futuristic design, but the experience in Ford’s race-winning beast was as emotionally thrilling as my very first time behind the wheel.
In his day, my grandfather worked on Fords for movie studios. My dad loved Mustangs. He owned many through the years and was hoping to fix up his 1946 Super De Luxe before he died unexpectedly five years ago. I’m sorry he never got to see what Ford would follow up the first two generations of these supercars with: a wonder of design, handling, and quickness—with all of the turbo’s whizzing and whooshing and the 647 hp V-6’s stunning growl.
Getting to drive the new Ford GT completes the circle for three generations of car lovers. It was a dream come true to pilot an American supercar made by a company with deep roots in our country’s history. And in my own life.
Daily news editor Conner Golden: Somehow I managed to sneak my way behind the wheel of the 2018 Porsche 911 GT3, claiming the golden tiara of my favorite car of the year. Porsche is loath to admit it, but the 991.2 GT3 takes what made the 911 R so incredibly desirable and offers it to the (still wealthy) masses, minus a handful of lightweight panels and stylistic affects. With a 4.0-liter flat-six whizzing all the way to a 9,000-rpm redline and a delicious six-speed manual transmission (seven-speed PDK optional), the GT3 was unspeakably excellent in every scenario.
Creative director Darren Scott: Hands down, the Volkswagen Golf R is the best VW I’ve ever driven. At first, I didn’t even know it existed but I quickly learned it’s a pocket rocket on rails. Its over-hyped little brother, the GTI—of which I have driven many examples—is a Bush League second baseman compared to this lightning shortstop. No flash, no nonsense. It delivers acceleration, power, and handling on-demand; supercar sophistication in a street-size package, a real driving experience. There are two downsides; one is the Tamagotchi style center console (come on VW, it’s 2017), and second, all the parking lot wannabes telling you the Ford Focus RS is better. Who cares! All that means is there’s two incredible cars to choose from.
0 notes
jesusvasser · 7 years
The Best Cars We Drove in 2017
We’re incredibly fortunate to have access to the cars we do. All year long, we an abundance of the planet’s most precious metal sculptures, flogging them on tracks, roads, and everywhere in between. This year, it seemed like our quotient of top-notch machinery was at an all-time high as we drove some of the most desirable cars right into the pages of this website and our print magazine.
Choosing a favorite is not easy. Do we pick the luxury and comfort of the new Rolls-Royce Phantom, the always-ridiculous Bugatti Chiron, Lamborghini’s V-12-powered-swansong Aventador S, or something like the all-new Jeep Wrangler? While not as combative a task as picking winners during our annual All-Stars awards, we had a wide range of opinions.
Editor-in-chief Mike Floyd: The term ‘greatest car in the world’ can mean different things to different people. It can be the car you’ve had for 15 years that never let you down. The muscle car you only take out of your garage on sunny summer days. The supercar you plastered on your wall when you were a kid. The astonishing, multi-million dollar vintage machine you drooled over on the lawn at Pebble Beach. Or the eighth-generation Rolls-Royce Phantom.
Maybe it’s the mystique that’s developed around it. Or its price tag. Or the marketing hype. But the Phantom represents the ultimate, the excess, the dream of being someone rich, important, famous. By the way, the all-new Phantom is also a damn good car. It’s big and heavy, yes, but its twin-turbo V-12 just pulls and pulls. It actually turns pretty well too, and is underpinned by a world-class, aluminum intensive architecture. But more than that, it’s what’s inside that has been properly done. The craftsmanship is astonishing, the materials, the overall execution is unlike any modern production car I’ve ever been in. As it should be. And that’s without even mentioning the Gallery, the art installation in the dash.
Yeah, I know, it’s a car for the .001 percenters. Why should anyone care? Because it’s the greatest car in the world. It was an honor to drive and be driven in it. And it’s been an honor to have you along for the ride this year. Thanks to you all, from all of us here at Automobile.
My honorable mentions: Lexus LC 500, McLaren 720s, that day in Utah in the Ford GT, the Civic Type R, the Toyota Camry (damn right I said it), MX-5 RF, that day in dirt in the Honda Ridgeline Baja truck, that day at Streets of Willow in the OVC and Revology Shelby GT350s, Camaro ZL1 1LE, Range Rover Velar, Mercedes-AMG E63 S, BMW M2.
Executive editor Mac Morrison: In retrospect, I don’t know what I expected as I headed to the first drive of the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. The car’s on-paper numbers—700 hp, 553 lb-ft, 3,200 pounds and change—are bonkers, but aside from a general understanding that this 911 would be fast, I was quite curious to discover the end result. By the end of a full day of driving, including a handful of laps on Portugal’s Algarve circuit and more than 100 miles on the road, I realized it had been quite some time since a new car made me smile and giggle so much. It’s not just the silly power, torque, and seemingly never-ending acceleration, either.
The GT2 RS’s ability to use every bit of its twin-turbo 3.8-liter bang is astounding. Its combination of aerodynamic and mechanical grip rewrite the rules of quick cornering, and the steering and brakes are not only up to the task but also feel great to use. This is one of the rare modern cars to find the right balance of performance and feedback, feeling a long way from overly refined and boring without crossing the line into the realm of scary or intimidating hair-trigger snappiness. You certainly know you can get in a lot of trouble driving it, but you can also enjoy it without holding your breath while always waiting for it to spit you into a ditch. Dare I say this is the best driver’s 911 of all time? I know Porsche geeks will never reach a consensus on that title, but there is no denying the new 911 GT2 RS is a performance-car masterpiece.
  Editor-at-large Arthur St. Antoine: Is it fair to choose a full-blown race car as a “best drive?” It is when said machine rearranges both your preconceptions of the laws of physics and your DNA. Hurling the Ferrari 488 Challenge around Canada’s Circuit Mont Tremblant was an electrifying, soul-awakening feast of race engineering at is finest: a screaming, 660-plus horsepower V-8, brakes that stop like a padded bridge abutment, an aero-aided chassis that cornered so hard it could pry the fillings from your teeth. Does such extreme prowess come at the expense of fragility or finickiness? That’s this Ferrari’s coup de grace: for two days I pounded around Tremblant, lap after lap after lap. Not once did the 488 Challenge so much as breathe hard. I call that the performance of the year.
Detroit bureau chief Todd Lassa: I want to choose the Honda Civic Type R, but I don’t know if I can get used to the idea of being on the same page as associate editor Jonathan Klein. The Type R is fabulous fun; more engaging than the supercars on our 2018 All-Stars drive, with sharp steering and handling and that great gearbox (the latter of which makes it more engaging than, say, the Ford GT or McLaren 720S). On the track, it dances with the best of them and can kick out its tail like a RWD sports car. But rather than align with Klein, I’m going to go with the Miata Cup Racer, which handles the (small, tight M1 Concours in Michigan) circuit exactly as I’d expect from a street-legal Miata. It’s nice to know they’re virtually interchangeable. I know what you’re thinking; the Miata is a #noboringcars car because I own one. No, but I own one because it’s a #noboringcars car.
Automotive design editor Robert Cumberford: Quiet, fast, spacious, comfortable, the Tesla Model 3 is very impressive. This was a top-spec, extra battery capacity car with about $20,000 in options. I’d like to have one, but can’t afford it, alas.
  New York bureau chief Jamie Kitman: I loved the Porsche Boxster S I spent a week in, but my priority characteristic in a sports car is steering feel, and the Lotus Evora Sport 410 has this in spades. In addition to robust power and an extraordinarily supple ride, it amounts to a half-price supercar you can use. Now that Lotus has Geely funding behind it, I expect it is a harbinger of even greater things to come.
Features editor Rory Jurnecka: Time will show the new Ford GT to be a special car even decades from today. Built mostly to win Le Mans—which it did—the limited-production, road-going variant is unique and engaging to drive with an experience all its own. It is wholly different from the ubiquitous McLarens, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis that compete for background photo space on your laptop. That this success came from a small, skunkworks team of rogue engineers hidden in Ford’s basement is nothing short of amazing.
Senior digital editor Kirill Ougarov: As I’ve expounded upon since it sadly left our care, my pick has to be the BMW i8. The mix of design, tech, and solid grand-touring dynamics really meshed with my personal tastes. “An enjoyable to drive, distinctively stylish grand tourer that offers a preview of coming electrified attractions” is probably the best summary I have, which I stole from my own story.
Online editor Ed Tahaney: The Lamborghini Huracán LP580-2 Spyder beats out my other favorite ride of the year—the Honda Civic Type R—only because it’s a drop-top. Both cars are a blast to drive and will make you an instant celebrity wherever you roll up. I love the Giallo Tenerife paint job that makes it look like an angry wedge of cheese, while its V-10 screams 580-hp obscenities. The cup holder sucks, but everything else about the Spyder does not.
Senior copy editor Kara Snow: Not only is the Ford GT the wildest car I drove this year in terms of both the actual ride and its hyper-futuristic design, but the experience in Ford’s race-winning beast was as emotionally thrilling as my very first time behind the wheel.
In his day, my grandfather worked on Fords for movie studios. My dad loved Mustangs. He owned many through the years and was hoping to fix up his 1946 Super De Luxe before he died unexpectedly five years ago. I’m sorry he never got to see what Ford would follow up the first two generations of these supercars with: a wonder of design, handling, and quickness—with all of the turbo’s whizzing and whooshing and the 647 hp V-6’s stunning growl.
Getting to drive the new Ford GT completes the circle for three generations of car lovers. It was a dream come true to pilot an American supercar made by a company with deep roots in our country’s history. And in my own life.
Daily news editor Conner Golden: Somehow I managed to sneak my way behind the wheel of the 2018 Porsche 911 GT3, claiming the golden tiara of my favorite car of the year. Porsche is loath to admit it, but the 991.2 GT3 takes what made the 911 R so incredibly desirable and offers it to the (still wealthy) masses, minus a handful of lightweight panels and stylistic affects. With a 4.0-liter flat-six whizzing all the way to a 9,000-rpm redline and a delicious six-speed manual transmission (seven-speed PDK optional), the GT3 was unspeakably excellent in every scenario.
Creative director Darren Scott: Hands down, the Volkswagen Golf R is the best VW I’ve ever driven. At first, I didn’t even know it existed but I quickly learned it’s a pocket rocket on rails. Its over-hyped little brother, the GTI—of which I have driven many examples—is a Bush League second baseman compared to this lightning shortstop. No flash, no nonsense. It delivers acceleration, power, and handling on-demand; supercar sophistication in a street-size package, a real driving experience. There are two downsides; one is the Tamagotchi style center console (come on VW, it’s 2017), and second, all the parking lot wannabes telling you the Ford Focus RS is better. Who cares! All that means is there’s two incredible cars to choose from.
0 notes
eddiejpoplar · 7 years
The Best Cars We Drove in 2017
We’re incredibly fortunate to have access to the cars we do. All year long, we an abundance of the planet’s most precious metal sculptures, flogging them on tracks, roads, and everywhere in between. This year, it seemed like our quotient of top-notch machinery was at an all-time high as we drove some of the most desirable cars right into the pages of this website and our print magazine.
Choosing a favorite is not easy. Do we pick the luxury and comfort of the new Rolls-Royce Phantom, the always-ridiculous Bugatti Chiron, Lamborghini’s V-12-powered-swansong Aventador S, or something like the all-new Jeep Wrangler? While not as combative a task as picking winners during our annual All-Stars awards, we had a wide range of opinions.
Editor-in-chief Mike Floyd: The term ‘greatest car in the world’ can mean different things to different people. It can be the car you’ve had for 15 years that never let you down. The muscle car you only take out of your garage on sunny summer days. The supercar you plastered on your wall when you were a kid. The astonishing, multi-million dollar vintage machine you drooled over on the lawn at Pebble Beach. Or the eighth-generation Rolls-Royce Phantom.
Maybe it’s the mystique that’s developed around it. Or its price tag. Or the marketing hype. But the Phantom represents the ultimate, the excess, the dream of being someone rich, important, famous. By the way, the all-new Phantom is also a damn good car. It’s big and heavy, yes, but its twin-turbo V-12 just pulls and pulls. It actually turns pretty well too, and is underpinned by a world-class, aluminum intensive architecture. But more than that, it’s what’s inside that has been properly done. The craftsmanship is astonishing, the materials, the overall execution is unlike any modern production car I’ve ever been in. As it should be. And that’s without even mentioning the Gallery, the art installation in the dash.
Yeah, I know, it’s a car for the .001 percenters. Why should anyone care? Because it’s the greatest car in the world. It was an honor to drive and be driven in it. And it’s been an honor to have you along for the ride this year. Thanks to you all, from all of us here at Automobile.
My honorable mentions: Lexus LC 500, McLaren 720s, that day in Utah in the Ford GT, the Civic Type R, the Toyota Camry (damn right I said it), MX-5 RF, that day in dirt in the Honda Ridgeline Baja truck, that day at Streets of Willow in the OVC and Revology Shelby GT350s, Camaro ZL1 1LE, Range Rover Velar, Mercedes-AMG E63 S, BMW M2.
Executive editor Mac Morrison: In retrospect, I don’t know what I expected as I headed to the first drive of the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. The car’s on-paper numbers—700 hp, 553 lb-ft, 3,200 pounds and change—are bonkers, but aside from a general understanding that this 911 would be fast, I was quite curious to discover the end result. By the end of a full day of driving, including a handful of laps on Portugal’s Algarve circuit and more than 100 miles on the road, I realized it had been quite some time since a new car made me smile and giggle so much. It’s not just the silly power, torque, and seemingly never-ending acceleration, either.
The GT2 RS’s ability to use every bit of its twin-turbo 3.8-liter bang is astounding. Its combination of aerodynamic and mechanical grip rewrite the rules of quick cornering, and the steering and brakes are not only up to the task but also feel great to use. This is one of the rare modern cars to find the right balance of performance and feedback, feeling a long way from overly refined and boring without crossing the line into the realm of scary or intimidating hair-trigger snappiness. You certainly know you can get in a lot of trouble driving it, but you can also enjoy it without holding your breath while always waiting for it to spit you into a ditch. Dare I say this is the best driver’s 911 of all time? I know Porsche geeks will never reach a consensus on that title, but there is no denying the new 911 GT2 RS is a performance-car masterpiece.
  Editor-at-large Arthur St. Antoine: Is it fair to choose a full-blown race car as a “best drive?” It is when said machine rearranges both your preconceptions of the laws of physics and your DNA. Hurling the Ferrari 488 Challenge around Canada’s Circuit Mont Tremblant was an electrifying, soul-awakening feast of race engineering at is finest: a screaming, 660-plus horsepower V-8, brakes that stop like a padded bridge abutment, an aero-aided chassis that cornered so hard it could pry the fillings from your teeth. Does such extreme prowess come at the expense of fragility or finickiness? That’s this Ferrari’s coup de grace: for two days I pounded around Tremblant, lap after lap after lap. Not once did the 488 Challenge so much as breathe hard. I call that the performance of the year.
Detroit bureau chief Todd Lassa: I want to choose the Honda Civic Type R, but I don’t know if I can get used to the idea of being on the same page as associate editor Jonathan Klein. The Type R is fabulous fun; more engaging than the supercars on our 2018 All-Stars drive, with sharp steering and handling and that great gearbox (the latter of which makes it more engaging than, say, the Ford GT or McLaren 720S). On the track, it dances with the best of them and can kick out its tail like a RWD sports car. But rather than align with Klein, I’m going to go with the Miata Cup Racer, which handles the (small, tight M1 Concours in Michigan) circuit exactly as I’d expect from a street-legal Miata. It’s nice to know they’re virtually interchangeable. I know what you’re thinking; the Miata is a #noboringcars car because I own one. No, but I own one because it’s a #noboringcars car.
Automotive design editor Robert Cumberford: Quiet, fast, spacious, comfortable, the Tesla Model 3 is very impressive. This was a top-spec, extra battery capacity car with about $20,000 in options. I’d like to have one, but can’t afford it, alas.
  New York bureau chief Jamie Kitman: I loved the Porsche Boxster S I spent a week in, but my priority characteristic in a sports car is steering feel, and the Lotus Evora Sport 410 has this in spades. In addition to robust power and an extraordinarily supple ride, it amounts to a half-price supercar you can use. Now that Lotus has Geely funding behind it, I expect it is a harbinger of even greater things to come.
Features editor Rory Jurnecka: Time will show the new Ford GT to be a special car even decades from today. Built mostly to win Le Mans—which it did—the limited-production, road-going variant is unique and engaging to drive with an experience all its own. It is wholly different from the ubiquitous McLarens, Ferraris, and Lamborghinis that compete for background photo space on your laptop. That this success came from a small, skunkworks team of rogue engineers hidden in Ford’s basement is nothing short of amazing.
Senior digital editor Kirill Ougarov: As I’ve expounded upon since it sadly left our care, my pick has to be the BMW i8. The mix of design, tech, and solid grand-touring dynamics really meshed with my personal tastes. “An enjoyable to drive, distinctively stylish grand tourer that offers a preview of coming electrified attractions” is probably the best summary I have, which I stole from my own story.
Online editor Ed Tahaney: The Lamborghini Huracán LP580-2 Spyder beats out my other favorite ride of the year—the Honda Civic Type R—only because it’s a drop-top. Both cars are a blast to drive and will make you an instant celebrity wherever you roll up. I love the Giallo Tenerife paint job that makes it look like an angry wedge of cheese, while its V-10 screams 580-hp obscenities. The cup holder sucks, but everything else about the Spyder does not.
Senior copy editor Kara Snow: Not only is the Ford GT the wildest car I drove this year in terms of both the actual ride and its hyper-futuristic design, but the experience in Ford’s race-winning beast was as emotionally thrilling as my very first time behind the wheel.
In his day, my grandfather worked on Fords for movie studios. My dad loved Mustangs. He owned many through the years and was hoping to fix up his 1946 Super De Luxe before he died unexpectedly five years ago. I’m sorry he never got to see what Ford would follow up the first two generations of these supercars with: a wonder of design, handling, and quickness—with all of the turbo’s whizzing and whooshing and the 647 hp V-6’s stunning growl.
Getting to drive the new Ford GT completes the circle for three generations of car lovers. It was a dream come true to pilot an American supercar made by a company with deep roots in our country’s history. And in my own life.
Daily news editor Conner Golden: Somehow I managed to sneak my way behind the wheel of the 2018 Porsche 911 GT3, claiming the golden tiara of my favorite car of the year. Porsche is loath to admit it, but the 991.2 GT3 takes what made the 911 R so incredibly desirable and offers it to the (still wealthy) masses, minus a handful of lightweight panels and stylistic affects. With a 4.0-liter flat-six whizzing all the way to a 9,000-rpm redline and a delicious six-speed manual transmission (seven-speed PDK optional), the GT3 was unspeakably excellent in every scenario.
Creative director Darren Scott: Hands down, the Volkswagen Golf R is the best VW I’ve ever driven. At first, I didn’t even know it existed but I quickly learned it’s a pocket rocket on rails. Its over-hyped little brother, the GTI—of which I have driven many examples—is a Bush League second baseman compared to this lightning shortstop. No flash, no nonsense. It delivers acceleration, power, and handling on-demand; supercar sophistication in a street-size package, a real driving experience. There are two downsides; one is the Tamagotchi style center console (come on VW, it’s 2017), and second, all the parking lot wannabes telling you the Ford Focus RS is better. Who cares! All that means is there’s two incredible cars to choose from.
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Refurbished Computer systems
Choose from our ever-changing selection of pre-configured new & refurbished desktops, laptops, workstations and servers that can support develop with your house or organization requirements. The Sketchbook Pro app for android is extremely good, but it does lack some features that only the desktop has. The Sketchbook Pro app most likely has about three-quarters of the features of the desktop Sketchbook Pro 7 version. You can make greater resolution paintings, there is an animation flipbook feature, and a lot more tools and brushes in the Computer version. The UI lends itself really well to the tablet format including the puck controls for the brushes and colour. Also the tool and brush menus can be moved about and the half circle menu can be moved to the left or appropriate of your screen. http://kelsusit.com/refurbished-pc-desktop-computers What we need now is a sturdy laptop Computer. Anything that can take daily bumps and a tiny bit of sprinkles from rain. Even much better would be in a position to take heavy drops and have water poured onto it yet nevertheless be in a position to function like practically nothing happened. At the same time, the laptop nevertheless has a modest kind aspect. That would certainly fall beneath the need for a sturdy laptop in the mobile market. Computer systems also come in diverse tends to make and models. Some of the frequent brands you need to appear out for when buying low cost or refurbished desktop computers and laptops are Dell, Acer, Asus and HP. With these certain models, you are almost always assured a high quality and decent spec technique, but do not be fooled so simply. It may be worth asking some concerns about the inexpensive computers that you want to get prior to creating any decisions. If your laptop came with a bunch of crapware (it most likely did), removing the junk will make your laptop start up more quickly, really feel speedier all round, and totally free up storage space. Use the Programs & Attributes menu in Windows to uninstall undesirable apps one at a time, or use a utility such as The Pc Decrapifier or Should I Remove It to clean every thing up at after. (If you use a separate utility, don't forget to uninstall that system when you're completed with it.) Power customers can alternatively reinstall a clean version of Windows —which, of course, will not contain the bloatware. I acquire new every single five years as effectively as refurbished. I have bought from Modest Dog in vermont, from PowerMax and macofalltrades as wel las Apple's refurbished store and OWC gives you employed macs with up to a six month warranty on most utilised refurbished computers models. They also have very good tech help and consumer service. I run a style shop and we been content with them and we also buy our memory and hardware upgrades from them. For instance, he says if you give somebody a brand-new laptop, and they run that system for seven or eight years, that machine has most likely never had any updates, reinstallations or overall verify-ups. It’s like acquiring a automobile, never receiving it serviced, and expecting it to continue to purr like the day you bought it. But if you opted to get a pre-owned car rather, you can be confident it’s been looked at by expert mechanics, and every little thing is up to speed. That’s what Microsoft Authorized Refurbishers do, too — only it’s for computer systems, not vehicles. If you happen to be promoting it, set a affordable price. A good laptop from the mid to late 90's could possibly sell for something between $ten and $50. Find out how a lot you spent on it, then add your price tag for labor. So, say you spent 5 hours functioning on this computer at $2 an hour, and spent $15 on it in all (including getting the pc, unless you are the original owner), and you want to add an extra $5. Adding them collectively would be $30, so sell your laptop for that, but be sure it really is worth it. No one wants to purchase a computer with only 16 megabytes of RAM operating Windows three.1 for $30. Purchase a laptop second-hand and, unless you're getting from a shop or refurbished outlet, there is no assure that something will be functioning. So once you have checked the laptop is in great situation on the outside - the case isn't broken, the screen hinges are stiff, the battery charges on mains power and so on - it really is time to check the inside. The neatest issue to do is to buy your laptop from a trustworthy and trustworthy dealer. It is awfully engaging to get the transportable from a classified ad at a particularly low expense. The critical downside is that you never have any safety if some thing goes belly up with the laptop that you have just purchased. At least buying from a credible dealer can give you some cushion to rely on and if you buy a refurbished Pc they also normally come with a 6 month warranty. My wife and I purchased a 27 inch quad core iMac in 2010 from the refurb shop, and it's nevertheless ticking nowadays. I do a lot of heavy editing function on the machine and it's in no way had a problem. I upped the RAM as a preventative measure, but otherwise no problems. The Mac rep I spoke with mentioned what the article mentioned - literally no difference between a brand new a single a refurb other than the reality that they legally have to say that the computer was taken apart at some point. I acquire refurb each single time and I'm likely going to do it again when we get a new MacBook. On the entire Dell AE215 is a magnificent speaker that may well not stand out from its lineup but nonetheless have the durability and reliability for extended term navigation. No doubt customers appreciate Dell AE215 all-round strong audio distribution, Total opposite of what its very alike segment personal computer speakers, it is a notable enhancement over the prior best-rated pc speakers. Dell AE215 is what buyers will be sufficient for. We very suggest this pc speakers to all wanted in this laptop speakers. AlphaSmart has a new transportable word processor out referred to as the Neo which is fundamentally a keyboard with a tiny five.75-inch by 1.5-inch monochrome LCD screen attached to it. It is aimed quite much exclusively at the educational market, and is way more affordable and less complicated to carry than a laptop (at least it is easier to carry than most laptops) and more valuable for taking notes or writing a term paper than a PDA (unless you invest in a great portable keyboard). The major downside is that you generally still need a Pc or Mac to transfer files to (via IrDA or a USB cable) if you want to print some thing out (unless you have an IrDA-enabled printer), but it does get up to 700 hours of battery life on just 3 AA batteries and retail for just $249. The X230 also contains Intel's Wireless Display technologies (WiDi), which makes it possible for you to mirror your desktop on a Tv or external monitor, no cables required. Normally, when we clarify this function in laptop evaluations, we tend to talk up the possible for streaming 1080p video from your Computer to the big screen. In the case of the X230, though, it really is worth reminding road warriors you can just as simply use the technologies to send your PowerPoint presentation to a display exactly where it's less difficult for everybody to have a appear. What ever your preferred use case, you will require to acquire a separate set-prime box like this , which connects to your Television / monitor by way of HDMI. We'll refer you to this assessment for a deeper dive on WiDi two., but, suffice to say, we've been consistently impressed by each the ease of setup and the unbroken streaming quality. Refurbished items have been cleaned, repaired, and inspected to make sure they're in like-new condition. Even so, "refurbished" can imply diverse factors to different retailers — the item may possibly have been refurbished by the original manufacturer or merely fixed up by the retailer itself — so study the fine print and know what you are getting. The processing items beginning with the desktops to the ultra thin laptop computer systems are quite popular amongst the men and women in a selection of nations. The help and the merchandise have its traders and distributors across the planet. The brand has placed numerous manufacturing plants all over the planet to focus on the reputation of Sony products. 21. Purchase CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-1 Exam Guide, Sixth Edition. it only expense 37 dollars, but when you finish reading the book you need to know how to repair a pc, standard networking, windows maintenance, and simple printer and scanner upkeep. You also can turn into A+ certified if you select to take the A+ exam at Prometric or VUE exam centers. Now you no longer require to employ high-priced pc repair technicians to repair your Computer. There are waiting lists every single day and tons of people turned away due to the fact the need to have of computer customers is as well great to meet the provide. Additionally, with access for only members of the library anyone else is out of luck. There are some individuals unable to receive even a basic library card required or transportation to get to a developing with these on hand. Some of the testimonials say the rewards of wireless pc cellular workstation for the laptop. There are some comparatively simple the only support the computer which indicates you can really feel far more at ease with the keyboard and see thebetter screen. I discovered the comprehensive sizing lightweight workstations comments I've research wirelessly. These can be employed anywhere and create a work station total with space for just about any small printer and investigation material. soon after reading through all of the testimonials wireless laptop, in distinct the work station could make an informed choice, and type of contact for or need. Nearby pc retailers: Check out nearby personal computer stores to see if they have any used pc possibilities as effectively. These utilized computers may be far more expensive, but they have also been vetted by specialists and typically come with warranties or refunds, so you get much more acquire protection. It's a good decision for inexperienced buyers.
Knowledgeable Internet customers almost certainly recollect immediate messaging applications like ICQ that initiated the entire Instant Messaging age. At this point we have Skype, AOL Immediate Messenger, Windows Live Messenger (former MSN), GTalk, iChat, Yahoo Messenger and numerous other individuals. What is mutual for them is that they help the use of a wireless webcam for pc for voice and video conferencing.
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