#i also really think he is like…at 50% strength when he fight him after being drained with eileen
gojostan-doodles · 9 months
Your interpretation of Sebastian is my favorite 💖💖💖
Can I have a list of your headcanons for him queen 👑
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Oh my gosh ADGHSGS THANK YOUU!! That means a lot homie! 💗💗 (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) As for headcanons;
🎮 He's very competitive! It doesn't matter if you're good friends, dating, or married. When it comes to games, especially pool, he's cooking you... and NOT feeling bad afterwards!!
🗡️ I've mentioned it recently, but he's familiar with the mines and is pretty decent at combat! He's not doing anything super crazy of course, he does spend a lot of time at his computer after all. But with how often he explores AND how far down he goes, (gifting the farmer void essence and obsidian means he's fighting every variation of shadow brute, and AT LEAST reaching level 81) I have to assume that he can handle himself well! It's probably his only source of exercise tbh.
If you marry him, I imagine that the time he spends helping on the farm would help a ton with his overall endurance and strength! And if you're ever in the mines, and gone later than usual, he'll go in to make sure you're okay. In general he wouldn't hesitate to accompany you in mines, or complete any tasks you have to do in there himself if you don't like going in there.
💜 Over the course of being married to him, he breaks out of his shell. Allowing himself to be comfortable, y'know? He'd start initiating physical affection with his spouse more often. I also feel like he'd be more comfortable with occasionally teasing the farmer, and overall being a little shit to them. Only while you're alone at home though, in public he pretends to be sane.
I still consider him to be introverted, but I imagine that over time he gets better at navigating social situations. (He would still prefer to be at home though.)
I like to imagine that his relationship with Maru improves too. There's a mod that I use, I think it's called Mal's Sebastian Expansion? But in that mod he and Maru interact a lot more. It's really nice seeing their relationship improve. They deserve to be siblings, RAAHH!! I really like the mod overall since it goes into stuff with his biological father as well. I pretty much apply it all to my interpretation of Seb!
ALSO! I feel like he has a very silly laugh, but it's rarely heard because he's so reserved. So while in the comfort of your home (and accidentally around Sam and Abigail occasionally) if something funny happens, he'll burst into laughter. It's SO different from he's normal "heh" that it catches everyone off guard.
🎹 He uses his synthesizer primarily for band practice/ concerts, and for the video game he's developing. When he's not doing that, he makes goofy ass beats for fun.
📍He has a high pain tolerance, so he's totally chill while getting piercings and tattoos!
🐻 And a sillier headcanon, he's beaten 50/20 mode in FNAF Ultimate Custom Night
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malaierba · 4 months
Remember that it was explicitly stated that Toshiro was trained in ninjutsu?
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(the way he has that fucking flashback always sends me btw. I know my man felt the floor sink and everything)
And most of people trained under his family's residence are ninja-coded. Since his dad has those dark, ambiguous links with powerful people, so he's likely the same.
So why is Toshiro's attire and fighting style like a samurai's?
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Strictly speaking, ninjas were essentially historical mercenaries, and samurai were nobles who fought under the shogunate without a fee. They were famously guided by the Bushido Code, while ninjas were expected to be shady and fight dirty.
Essentially opposites. Which makes me think that there's a few likely intentions behind that choice:
Maybe she just wanted to drive home more clearly the culture clash between laishuro. Like Toshiro just so happened he wanted to dress like a samurai in his adventure. Maybe he's trying to avoid being recognised? Could be, but I don't think that's it
Maybe Toshiro's training and general upbringing changed as his dad became more influential. Maybe there was a possibility that he could marry up, or get adopted into noble society, who knows, thing is there was a political reason that justified trying to raise Toshiro so he's more of a diplomat than his dad probably is. But then that'd mean that his dad regretted the switch when he deemed his son "a dull man"? I'm 50/50 here, there's always a possibility that in this fantastic alliteration of Japan has some overlaps between samurai and ninja, and maybe ninjas can be nobles after all. Feels too counterintuitive to be logical though.
Maybe it's meant to highlight how different Toshiro is from his family. So visually, it singles him out and associates a certain set of values with him; And then within the story, it lends itself to some compelling ideas like: Did he do it on purpose, was it somehow decided for him as a weird punishment or something? If he did it on purpose then that'd be the very first big decision he took for himself, to say "I want to embody this". Very bold of him since it sends a clear message to everyone. It'd be kind of cool if he made the switch after his father accused him of being dull. He could feel responsible for inheriting the family and having a lot of people to his charge, but at the same time he has such a negative opinion of the type of leader his father is that the only way to reconcile his conscience would be to become the new head of the family but also lead completely different to his dad. OR maybe it was a silent way to say that he never felt like being in that position of leadership anyway. Quietly quitting, in a way? Or maybe it didn't even happen consciously. Toshiro naturally seeked role models that embodied a type of man that he could actually look up to, and slowly molded himself to that standard, for better and for worse. Strong sense of responsibility and all that.
I guesssss it could be that Toshiro's family really is nobility, but they train their servants in all of those special skills as a private bodyguard force? Hien expected Toshiro to propose to her, would that union be allowed if Toshiro's family was nobility? It's even said in one of the art books that the reason why Toshiro's dad didn't marry Maizuru is because he met her after marrying his wife. Besides, why train Toshiro in ninjutsu too? And then there's those moments when it's hinted that he's familiar with some darker dynamics. I keep thinking about how he knew what Laios group had to do in order to lose the cops fkdkkd. Anyway I can see the logic in the argument, I'm just not sure Toshiro's family isn't hiding something sus. I see it as very mafia coded. Honestly, that might be just it
In any case, it does overlap some interesting elements on Toshiro. There's an expectation on him from his family, the way the household projects an image of strength but also some shadiness, that contrasts with how he presents himself, how he's treated by his charges, how the image he projects is of a mild mannered, stoic, diplomatic man.
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lutawolf · 9 months
The Sign Commentary Review Ep 5
I'm going to link to my episode 3 commentary because I gave a lot of Thailand mythology information. While I will be watching the show for the first time now and giving you my commentary. I've been Ask a question that gave me heads up that a lot of mythology will show up in this episode. So let's go!
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We start the series off with this guy who has a Naga back tat. Then we see the front with him dripping water down himself. I got to hand it to Saint, he really knows how to visually stimulate. Is he the killer?
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Are we really gonna ignore that Tharn sees visions? 2. Phaya has gotten his period. I mean, I get it. Nobody wants the love of their life thinking they're crazy, but this has the hallmark of hormonal rage versus righteous anger. Maybe the lack of sleep is starting to get to him. 3. Where do we stand with the physical assault? Do we label this domestic or everyone else feeling that maybe something is off here? Like when a werewolf gets all testosterone before their first change. I mean, you can literally see the freak-out in his face after he realized he has hit Tharn. Which honestly makes me feel better.
Oh, so we now understand why Tharn saw the female and how she relates. And Yai proves once again just how special he is. He really put on that clown mask. That's just wrong.
There are two! Honestly, didn't see that coming. Ahh, well now it's more understandable why they were getting their ass kicked. It's Wit.
I mean, I'm having a hard time caring that he might be killed. Just go ahead and let him go. Tharn sees him getting hit by a truck. I'm so okay with that.
I mean, I get the logic of no vigilante justice. But... People who sexually assault rarely deal with serious consequences. Only about 6% of Sexual Offenders ever serve a day in jail. If an assault is reported (this is rare due to fear factors), there is a 50% chance of an arrest. If an arrest is made, there is an 80% chance of prosecution. If there is a prosecution, there is only a 58% chance of conviction. If convicted, there is only a 16% chance that they will go to prison.
Well, that was therapeutic. The parental guidance warning made me chuckle.
They found him! Now I'm nervous! Ahhh, don't save him Tharn, go save Phaya. Don't judge me, people. I'm a little blood thirty when it comes to this.
A Naga. Not good. He is using his power for the fight, and it looks like it's overpowering Tharn's. Surprisingly, Phaya is keeping pace though, despite the break out of power. Well, until he gets a rope wrapped around him, that is. I was in full support of you dude until you started hurting Phaya and Tharn. Now ya gotta go.
Shit! A lot happened fast!
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Tharn steps in front of Phaya and gets stabbed. You can tell from home dudes face that he had never meant to actually hurt Tharn. Which means he knows he is a fellow Naga. Then why is he okay with hurting Phaya? Then we see combined powers. Both Phaya's and Tharn, with Tharn's being green, which is Naga colors. Golden red is a distinct color clue.
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Garuda: Is a mythical bird-man creature that is the half sibling to the nage, but they are sworn enemies. The feud started when both he Garuda's mother and Nagas' mother married the same husband. The husband gave each wife one wish. The Nagas' mother asked for a thousand children, while Garuda's mother wished for two children superior to the Naga. The feud grew until Garuda's mother lost a bet ad became the servant of the Nagas' mother. Eventually she was freed, but her children swore vengeance.
The Garuda represents royalty, strength, and divine knowledge. With its fierce loyalty and warrior nature, the Garuda serves a protective function. It adorns shields, swords, and armor as a guardian symbol. The Garuda’s golden wings are believed to shine light on the darkness of evil and ignorance.
Soooo, right now I'm thinking our Phaya is a Garuda. It also explains why in their past life he rejected Tharn for being a Naga. There are some stories of Naga and Garuda that aren't enemy, though. These few stories are about devote Buddhist Nagas and as protectors of the faith, Garudas are unable to kill these particular Nagas.
Poor Phaya is flipping out while Tharn is very calm. You can literally watch Phaya's brain go into a "does not compute point." All because Tharn is glad his is safe and gently wipes his face. It's a stark contrast to the violence that Phaya has been giving him. This whole thing cools him down in the same way that a bucket of cold water would. Despite others showing up, they cling to each other.
Tharn is now cleaned up and very calm. Meanwhile, his other half is losing his shit. Dragging him away to try and get some answers. Finally, some much-needed communication and touchy-feely. I love the way Tharn looks at Phaya when he asks him not to leave him.
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Look, he is all soft and gooey like a chocolate chip cookie. He might be talking about work, but his body language is saying something else. This boy is clearly touched, starved. Ahhh, I'm getting all the feels with this scene.
The nurses pausing and kind of turning back to them and then them breaking apart. Hahahaha!
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This cute little micro smile. It means everything to have cleared things up with Phaya.
Guys... Someone on this show is an actual survivor. Cause this shit is too accurate. Yeah, they could have talked to a survivor but add it with other things, it's there. This is someone's therapeutic art. The writer? The scriptwriter? I haven't read the book, so I don't know.
Ohhhh, we're digging into his parent's case now.
Phaya staying the night with Tharn again. Slumber party! Yes, you absolutely should play a game of Doctor. Silly boy, he is cute though.
Oh! Another dream. Damn it! I want the real deal but... I mean, at least they are feeding us something. At least the dreams tell us that these boys clearly want each other. Oh, a daydream. Damn boy. Keep it together 🤣🤣🤣 He's trying so hard. I'm dead. I love these two. He is planning ahead, telling Yai to bring him lots of clothes. He'll probably have to crash there more in the future.
But nope, it's the stupid doctor. Who is clearly some kind of naga since Phaya's touch bothers him. He gives a strong kickback. So as I mentioned earlier, Garuda can't harm followers of Buddhism, but they can and will harm those that worship the serpent.
Nobody is buying your shit Phaya, but I'm with you on saying what ever you got to. This dude is creepy. He feels like he owns Tharn and I wanna know why. And we're playing doctor again! Which ends in cuddle time. OMG, I love Phaya so much. That is the fastest count to three that I've ever heard. Love it! Touch starved, Tharn is very handsy when he is sleeping. Phaya does not appear to mind.
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Too cute!!!
Apparently, all that love goes out the window when he wakes up. 🤣🤣🤣
Ummm, home dude might be your adoptive dad, but he isn't a cop. Stop talking shop!
The precepts are rules or guidelines to develop mind and character to make progress on the path to enlightenment… The first precept consists of a prohibition of killing, both humans and all animals. The second precept prohibits theft and related activities such as fraud and forgery. The third precept refers to sexual misconduct, and has been defined with terms such as sexual responsibility and long-term commitment. The fourth precept involves falsehood spoken or committed to by action, as well as malicious speech, harsh speech and gossip. The fifth precept prohibits intoxication through alcohol, drugs, or other means.
Damn, Phaya over here tattling. Oh, no! Grandma is sick! Ha, he was tricked.
He is a cop. Of course, it's dangerous. This is why I'm oh so excited that two of my kids want to go into law enforcement. (said in complete sarcasm.) We do a tight focus of the eagle, he has wings on his back. I'm really thinking I'm right here. Damn, he is obsessed.
There is past life Tharn. Water and sky, the places where their other half reside. And there he is. Ahh, I get more and more excited with each one. I can't wait. 💜💜💜
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cheemscakecat · 6 months
Invincible Spoilers
It actually makes a lot of sense that the Viltrumites latched on to family and changed their worldview because of it.
So for thousands of years, the dominant violent faction that killed the peace-loving Viltrumites sat unchallenged because the old peaceful ways were lost. They believed they were superior to the weaker species around them, and saw them as mere animals. Very few weapons could even hurt them, much less kill.
Under those circumstances, the killing of weak Viltrumites children made a twisted kind of sense. After all, there would always be more Viltrumites having children and the strong would live. They didn’t die often, so in their perspective, children were not such a precious resource as they are to humans.
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Someone engineered a virus that could kill them. And it very nearly destroyed the entire species. There were only 50 full-blooded Viltrumites left in the wake of the pandemic.
Like Nolan said, they’re on the brink of extinction.
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Nolan wrote books based on his missions to destroy threats to the dying Viltrumites species. He was the guy they sent to deal with threats and see how dangerous they really were.
So he was probably also the first Viltrumite to be tasked with having a hybrid child.
Before the virus, they wouldn’t have had offspring with “lesser beings”, but they couldn’t afford to be so picky with so few in their ranks. So why not send your danger guy to make sure it won’t give you another life threatening disease or result in a deformed child? To see if the rest can follow suit and repopulate with other species.
That’s why they sent him to live with humans, they’re the most compatible species that they could find.
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Death shouldn’t be a concern under Viltrumite doctrine. And it wasn’t until the virus. But now that the remaining soldiers have watched their Viltrumite friends and family die, death holds new weight.
Nolan wouldn’t use death as a point to convince Mark if he didn’t somewhat understand the weight of it. And it’s also a point against himself, because he’s arguing out loud with himself at the same time. Why would you fight for Earth and let your people go extinct?
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Viltrumite doctrine commands you to kill weak offspring. That’s how things have been done for thousands of years.
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But how can a tactical minded-person see the value in doing that?! When the species is nearly extinct and you’ve gone through all the effort of getting attached and trying to raise that child? Old Viltrumite doctrine and the current situation are not compatible.
Nolan is torn between the two ideologies that are telling him how to show loyalty and care. One is telling him that he needs to kill Mark to uphold the holy doctrines of his people. The other is telling him that killing your child is stupid, wasteful, and a disservice to what he’s trying to achieve.
Mark telling him that even if the humans die, they’ll still be together has put more weight on the second, correct ideology. The whole reason you’re even here is to build your species back up and keep it from fading into myth. You care about other Viltrumites. It’s self-sabotaging to destroy the very offspring that you are having to repopulate. And if being half-Viltrumite is enough to make them valuable, shouldn’t the offspring’s life be preserved?
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Let’s just get Anissa out of the way first. I’m not defending what she did. She didn’t even want to have kids in the first place, which I think is something the show should expand on. We don’t get to know why, but given the fact they’re meant to have hybrid children, I’m assuming part of it is feeling that the child may be a waste.
It would suck to be pregnant for 9 months only to have something wrong with the baby, especially if in their culture that offspring would be killed at some point. I think she decided to target Mark because he’s already part Viltrumite, and her child would get their powers faster so she could start testing the strength of the child. Wastes less time putting effort into the kid if he or she is not going to grow up Viltrumite material.
The show could also expand on the fact that she has an actual relationship with the father of her second child, and had her of her own volition, not because she was commanded to. It’s implied in the comic, but she needs more development this time around. Anyways, at some point she found actual value in her children, beyond their strength.
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Kregg was so down for the cause that he had multiple families at once. And he makes a very good point to Thragg; why shouldn’t we protect our families if we’re repopulating?
He’s got like 10 families, that’s at least 10 Viltrumite kids if everything goes to plan. You really wanna forfeit going from 50 to 60 Viltrumites? Mans just has the natural and sane instinct to protect his loved ones and give his kids the chance to grow up. Thragg doesn’t.
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Lucan is one of 50 remaining Viltrumites, and we don’t know the ratio of men to women. But even if there were 25 of each, both genders are a precious resource for repopulating. Should we really be surprised that a man who has had 25 women to choose from at most is unwilling to soil a relationship?
Yes, there’s billions of Earth women, but you don’t go from starving to finding yourself in a supermarket and magically stop being affected by the time you were starving. Kregg stocked up on as many families as possible: Lucan was so used to rationing that he decided to be the best he could to one family, which is still precious even in a sea of options.
Thragg doesn’t understand that. He’s the embodiment of their flawed purging ideology.
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Everyone else’s natural nurturing instincts were dormant under the surface, and started sprouting up when they had Earth kids. Thragg’s nurturing instincts are in the Nether for the whole series. He seems dumb because the whole Violent Fascist Viltrumite ideology he lives by is dumb.
It goes against nature and it’s a bad survival strategy. We just get to see it spelled out because the virus has already happened and he isn’t adapting like everyone else. And what’s crazy is that his surviving kids adapted even after all his brainwashing. He could have changed, but he refused and stayed embedded in his ideology his entire life.
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I didn’t know where to put Thula, but she’s cool now too. [Cool as in not evil, I mean. She was never lame.]
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joanofexys · 3 months
which one of your gang do you think gets in a fight on court first with Mateo and who wins? 😈
okay we’ve got 3 options. Emiko, Florian, and Mara. Ofc it’s all my Ravens.
Option number one: Emiko. She wins (I’m sorry, Mateo. I don’t think you stand a chance against a 6’0 olympic backliner). If it’s a verbal fight? Em wins. Physical fight? Em also wins. She is trying her best to be a good person but you get her started and she is fucking brutal. Can be the worst combination of both her brothers you’ve ever seen. Like Jude would have to pry her off and force her to walk away.
Option number two: Florian. This one is 50/50. Mateo has a chance in a physical fight. If it’s verbal though there’s no chance. Flor is a downright cunt when he wants to be and he won’t stop until someone’s either crying or takes a swing at him. Obviously he has the advantage of height in a physical fight, since he’s 6’2. But Mateo could play dirty pretty easily by going for his bad leg or prosthetic. Might be a physical fight with no clear winner, both being pried off each other and looking just as bad.
Option number three: Mara. Another toss up BUT Mateo probably wins. She’s really good at screaming at people, similar to Em and Flor she’s fucking vicious. But she has a temper and really struggles with keeping her cool, and seeming pathetic, like them. Physically, Mateo is actually a little taller than her and they’re probably pretty evenly matched in strength with Mateo maybe being stronger than her. She’ll be mean, she goes for the face, she’ll use her nails, if it’s bad enough she’s willing to rip out hair. But I find it doubtful she’d go all in over a fight on the court. Unless Mateo was really coming at her. I think Mara would back off after a minute two, let Mateo win, and get back to what’s more important.
Bonus: Angel would threaten to punch him for sure. Specifically if he said something about either Kevin or Aaron. Probably wouldn’t actually take a swing, but gets pulled off the court for the day after detailing how much he wants to fucking strangle him.
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necroticyuzu · 5 months
BG3 Tav Backstory Bash
This is a challenge to help people flesh out their Tav’s backstory by exploring their past. It is organized into four sections with seven prompts. You can treat this as a monthly challenge or a general project. You can write headcanons, fics, or share art based on the prompts! You can interpret the prompts however you want. If you want to share use the tag #bg3backstorybash original post by @kelandrin's
This seems really fun and wanted to give it a try.
Don't wanna bother others too much but hope you who got tagged will have some fun with this, don't feel forced to join and I wish you a continuing great day. @falcatamandarina, @voloslobotomyservice, @fan-tav-stic, @spiritfaredfox,
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Tamia Geraldottir
Half-Orc ~ Knowledge Cleric of Oghma ~ Neutral Good
- Father Gerald Bendalson: A Half-Dwarf (Technically Quarter-Dwarf) from Blackgate in Baldur's Gate who grew up dreaming about working in the famous Candlekeep and was finally able to fulfill that dream in his 50s when his two daughters became independent. Much like his father, and his father before him, he's attracted to big, strong women. So when he saw Vel showing off her amazing strength in a gladiator show he immediately fell for her. How'd he manage to woo this mighty woman who could easily rip him into pieces? Puns! Even the bad ones.
- Mother Vel: A proud Orc from the Cool Woods up in the Silver Marches who enjoys seeking challenges that put her strength and tactical thinking to the test. The more challenging the better and if she gets to show that off for others then that's a bonus. While participating in a gladiator show out in Rivington she managed to catch the attention of a tall dwarf who after the show wooed her with some absolute bangers of puns. Not one for settling down she'd rather keep on traveling around seeking challenges while her partner looks after their two daughters.
- Hammer 23rd 1463, was the day Tamia was born after taking her sweet time by being both an overdue baby and also taking almost two full days of labor which really annoyed her mother Vel who just wanted it over with.
~First word~
- Dada, which really made Gerald's day for sure while he was feeding her usual porridge about a month after her first birthday.
- An update that he made sure to brag about for everyone to hear whether or not they wanted to hear about it.
~When they first walked~
- Much to Daddy Gerald's worries and Mommy Vel's frustration, Tamia's first steps did not happen until she was about 15 months old.
- She was just so damned adamant about either scooting or crawling to move herself around in her little home.
- The first notable tantrum that Gerald could remember was when he was gonna head out for work which freaked her as she entered her separation anxiety stage at 10 months old.
~First sickness~
- Breaking out in hives and getting very itchy from trying out eating cherries for the first time around 9 months old. Really freaked Daddy Gerald out at the time until Grandmother Siv calmed him down. Turns out Tamia got that trait from said Grandmother.
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- Tamia had a fair bit of friends from the neighborhood but very few strong enough to last up until adulthood.
- Ranvia Bronzegrace: The one notable friend that stayed strong was with a Shield Dwarf called Ranvia whose family runs a repair business of wagons with a mix of smithing and carpentry that's doing great thanks to all the trade traffic through the Black Dragon Gate. Once old enough Ranvia joins her parents in the family business and one day will take it over.
- Sarina Veldottir: Her 2 years younger sister who's a lot more outgoing than Tamia herself and a troublemaker to boot. Always gets herself into trouble one way or another to the point of aging their poor old Dad Gerald at least 10 years. Be it starting fights with older kids (and usually winning while fighting dirty) or trying to steal various random objects or food items from visiting merchants waiting to enter Baldur's Gate through the Black Dragon Gate. Tamia has to often step in to apologize for her antics while their father is off at work. Sarina very much looks up to their Mother Vel and aspires to be as strong and adventurous as she is. Once deemed old enough she went with her after one of her rare yearly visits. Their sibling relationship has gotten a bit better now as adults.
- There may or may not be a half-sibling or two out in the world on her mother's side that they simply do not know about?
~Getting into trouble~
- The most trouble Tamia gets into is when she fails to stop her little sister from getting into trouble. Since she's the older sister she's expected to be more responsible and set an example for Sarina.
- One such instance was when she was supposed to keep an eye on her while the two of them went to purchase some more exotic food from The Wide for the family to celebrate a special occasion around age 9 and Sarina age 7. While in the middle of her purchase, Sarina managed to sneakily getaway to explore on her own and was not found until MANY hours later when the Upper City curfew was about to start.
- A typical birthday growing up was a very simple celebration with a small batch of their favorite cookies and not too expensive a gift to add to it. Tamia's favorite cookies were Apple Oatmeal Cookies with Cinnamon and for gift was mostly whatever book Gerald or his parents could find for a good price or just lying around abandoned.
- The typical games that most kids tended to play in the neighborhood were hide-and-seek, stick fights, and whatever you could come up with using bean-bags that day.
~Learning something new~
- Tamia just like her Dad Gerald had a thirst for learning growing up as a child with a passion for reading books. Growing up she wanted to be a wizard and be able to use magic. Alas, no matter how much she read up on magic, tried to connect to the weave, and prayed to Mystra herself Tamia could never find the connection she oh so badly wanted. And yet despite that, she kept on trying to learn what she could.
- However little did she know that another god would take notice of her love and ambition to learn. That being The Lord of All Knowledge Oghma himself who would later in her teens send her signs to let her know that she is seen by him and encourage her to keep on learning with his support.
- The closest thing to a trauma in her childhood was when she was 11 years old. She went climbing up to the roof of the old family house to reach the small bean-bag she tossed up there during a small competition she had with the neighboring kids in 'Who can toss the highest?' To which she won. As she got her bean-bag she lost her footing and went tumbling down, breaking her right arm, her left wrist and earning a concussion. It was also how she earned the scar on her forehead that she would later try to hide with her hair.
- After that incident, she started to fear heights but started to handle it better in her late teens. Until all that progress got tossed out the window at age 19. Literally!
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~First love~
- Her first love or more accurately crush occurred when she was 14 and it was with her friend Ranvia's cousin who'd temporarily moved in with the Bronzegrace family to learn their trade for 2-3 years. His name was Emdur and like Ranvia was a Shield Dwarf but unlike his cousin he had no interest in their craft.
- The crush lasted for about 3 weeks and ended while she was visiting her friend to ask if she was interested in hanging out. While conversing with Ranvia about possible activities Emdur decided to ask his cousin "Why you hanging out with a Stupid Orc all the time?" To which he then received a mighty punch to the face from his cousin.
- Any and all interest Tamia had for the guy was immediately snuffed out and took some of her self-confidence with it.
- Not much rebelling from Tamia growing up. The only time that she would count herself rebelling was when she let her Dad and Paternal Grandparents know that she refuses to take any form of responsibility for her little sister's behavior and antics. They received it loud and clear.
~Running away~
- Does wanting to run away from her sister count?
- Tamia was never really rebellious so the whole 'Running away from home' thing was never her cup of tea. Her family already had to live with an over-energetic, trouble-making, constantly looking for a fight sister, and Tamia simply did not wanna add to that.
~Reckless behavior~
- Growing up everyone in Baldur's Gate knew about Ramazith's Tower, its mysteriously dead owner, and the rumors about possible treasures he's collected hidden behind magical traps. And more importantly to Tamia, Knowledge.
- At the very end of her teens at age 19 which still technically counts as a teenager the talks about this new and young wizard had managed to claim said tower, Tamia who by then had already received Oghmas blessing quickly made her way to seek this wizard out to ask for his permission to create a catalog record of the mysterious content of Ramazith's Tower.
- It took her a little over a month of begging and pleading to finally convince him to accept her Oghma-blessed service much to her joy. Only for him to then send her into areas of the tower that were still trapped without telling her thinking she'd deal with it for him.
- After somehow managing to escape with either dumb luck or divine intervention through the still-active traps Tamia made her complaints known to this very reckless wizard whom she still knows nothing about. His response was to simply have her tossed out the nearest window faaar up in the tower with an air elemental. How fortunate that she's invested in purchasing a Ring of Feather Falling for her fear of heights.
- Lesson to learn from this? Don't trust random new wizards in town to then immediately ask to see their shiny magical collection.
~Peer pressure~
- Tamia's not really one to fall for peer pressure from other people with the exception of her own family to be a good older sister and keep her younger sister in line when they are not around to do so themselves due to work.
~Growing pains~
- Not really pain but there was plenty of growing in her early teens. Her paternal family was sure that she wasn't gonna grow to be as tall as her taller than your average Orc Mother Vel who was rocking 2.06m (6'9) due to her father's side having those strong Dwarven genes with Dad Gerald 1.52m (5').
- Well, they were all in for a surprise as she kept on getting taller and taller than her Dad.
~Taking responsibility~
- If it's something she has either done or said that caused any form of harm, then Tamia will take responsibility for it and admit to her fault.
- However, if it's related to her sister or the other party took offense for the most ridiculous of reasons and blames it on her, then you lose all her attention and get ignored.
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~Leaving home~
- Not long after the 'Tower Incident' Tamia had a rather hard time looking at the very prominent tower looming over her every single day. So about a month after it happened, she made the decision to apply any form of work at the Font of Knowledge in Waterdeep. She would receive her confirmation after sending them many letters for almost 5 months. As soon as she received this news she packed up everything that she still owed after selling off the rest in order to afford the fee to join a ship heading to Waterdeep at the age of 20.
~Their “first time”~
- Not to long after moving to Waterdeep Tamia started to explore as many new restaurants, bakeries, and taverns. During one of her culinary explorations, she encountered a charming Earth Genasi Cleric of Chauntea who was a regular and took notice that she was a new face. The two got to know each other by random facts the two learned over there years and teaching the other even more random fact. After their 5th outing of food and knowledge sharing they paid for a shared room to get to know each other on a more intimate level.
~Serious relationships~
- Alabaster: The charming Earth Genasi was her first-ever relationship she had and one that she treasures to this day. During their 4 years, he taught her all he knew of nature while she taught him arcana. They had planned to get married and start a family the upcoming spring when sadly tragedy struck. While out to bless the crops for some farmers he unfortunately ran into a group of bandits who were not too happy with how light he traveled with little value and took his life out of frustration.
- After losing her fiance Tamia took her time to mourn by diving into her work more than ever. Didn't give dating another go until 3 years later but was not as lucky with those and they mostly left her feeling uncomfortable afterward to the point that she stopped dating altogether.
- From the moment she started working at the Font of Knowledge in Waterdeep it's been her one form of workplace. Starting out as a simple novice to eventually earned her current and favorite position as a Record Keeper. For 9 years she worked there and was very much content with it.
- As a Half-Orc she should be aging faster than your average human, though it would appear that the Dwarven genes on her paternal side have managed to get a foot in when the more dominant Orc ones took over. So it would appear that she ages slightly slower than humans would and ages almost similar to a certain Tiefling who's about her own age. A fact that the two don't fully realize until her late 30's.
~Finding your place~
- Who knew that while out during one of her lunch breaks she'd get snatched up by a fly by Nautiloid and toss her life upside down. After the whole Neather Brain business is dealt with and Baldur's Gate is safe from the whole Absolute Cult stuff Tamia has to decide if she wishes to return to Waterdeep or stay in the city of her birth to help build it back up.
- But once Baldur's Gate is built back up, what then? Stay longer or Waterdeep? Feeling bold she wishes to take a rematch at Ramazith's Tower she decides to offer Rolan her years of experience in Record Keeping services and her help in finding each and every secret that the tower has to offer.
- A project that would take them years to fully complete in a safe and methodical manner but suits the two of them just fine. It's during this project Tamia finds herself feeling like she's found her place, where she truly belongs. Working alongside Rolan, making sure he's not burning himself out and taking care of himself with him doing the very same for her.
~Staring a family/found family~
- The weird ragtag of individuals that Tamia traveled with while tadpoled has become this big strange little family in which you are close to some more than others. Which also includes the Tieflings that they helped way back in the Grove. Tamia makes the effort to stay in contact with the majority of them all however with how easily absorbed she can get with her work and family could mean long periods of silence.
- While she and Rolan work on their shared project of unpacking the mysteries of the Tower and its content the two enter into a close relationship that ever so slowly develops into a romantic to eventually turn sexual. Neither knowing when the shift truly happened and yet it feels so natural for them.
- 4 years after the Netherbrain the two receive a much unexpected surprise in their lives in the form of a cryptic pregnancy. Tamia jokes how their son is such an extreme introvert that not even his own parents had any idea he even existed until he was forcefully evicted into the world. Though he may have been a surprise, Derrick Rolansson is very much loved and wanted.
- Another 4 years after they had Derrick the two married and lived a very comfortable but far from boring life in the tower when they learned that they were expecting a second child. However this time they learned about them much earlier, giving them time to digest this news and prepare. They welcomed their second son who they named Aiden Rolansson.
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(Edit: Realized someone else already had used the name Nathaniel for their own Child OC of Rolan way before I did, so I'm changing the firstborn's name to Derrick instead.)
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
The EarthSpark Expedition game came out, and since no one is really talking about it, I’ll toss around my two cents. Spoilers naturally.
So first things first, the game’s placement in the story. I think most of us were going to write it off as an adventure in a micro-continuity that didn’t fit with the show. Well that is thrown out the window. The game takes place after S1, with a small recap in the form of a charming RP game by the kids and Terrans.
The story feels like an epilogue, documenting the aftermath of what happened to Mandroid after his Doomsday Project went kaput. Well, he seemingly survived, though we don’t see him in person until the end of the game, and he’s giving the Doomsday Project another crack with the Energon Activator. This time he requires three relics to power the contraption, so naturally Bee is sent on a mission by Optimus to collect them, with Alex as Bee’s wingman.
The twist however is Mandroid has upgraded his mind control chips, having reprogrammed Skullcruncher, Skywarp, Nova Storm and Grimlock again, but also Optimus Prime, meaning Mandroid was playing 4D Chess to get Bee to essentially do his dirty work for him. It is kind of interesting Manny had to reprogram the jets since they willingly served him before, but then again after trying to obliterate (TERMINATE!) all Cybertronic life it makes sense the femjets wouldn’t want to anymore lol. Poor Grim can’t catch a break, but this time he seems to shrug off the experience, mostly calling it unpleasant. To my surprise, Skullcruncher can talk here. I wonder why he’s largely mute in the show (besides what I assume is budget).
Optimus being mind controlled is interesting. I know EarthSpark sorta dabbled previously, but it’s been fairly rare for Prime to be “charged with Evil” ala Attack of the Autobots. The Last Knight did it too, but well we all know how that went down financially. The point being after years of Prime being sort of rigid and untouchable, in what feels like heavy mandates from Hasbro, it’s refreshing to see some experimental stuff with Optimus again. EarthSpark’s strength with Optimus was returning to the well meaning, dorky sweater vest father figure from G1, and going farther with a AotAutobots/Dark Awakening vibe with Expedition is especially fun. Especially since it was a big defining moment for Bumblebee and Rodimus, so it’s fun to see it homaged here.
I also like the designs of the various henchbots Bee fights in the game. They appear to be generic Transformers, but I forget what their context was in game, but could we get toys of them, Hasbro.
As for Mandroid, when he finally appears in person, the truth is revealed. The Mandroid we’ve been following is an AI backup of his personality made before Doomsday MK1. The original officially died. His current body is a giant misshapen Arachnimech with tv screens bolted to its body to show off his original human face. Inevitably, Mandroid looses and finishing him off, Bumblebee blows a hole in his body with a MegaMan style charged shot. Hashtag says Mandroid likely can’t revive again as the ruins of GHOST HQ, now overgrown with plant life curiously and looking like ancient ruins in a shot amount of time, has really cruddy Wi-Fi, so the AI couldn’t escape into another body. Bee nevertheless seems determined in case Manny DOES return, implying we COULD see him again in S2 in some capacity. That being said, the vibe I get also feels like Bertram from Family Guy. How he died in show following a botched attempt at killing Stewie via time manipulation, only to return in a Family Guy video game as the main villain picking up where he left off, only to die again with a nonchalant joke about how we’ll never see Bertram again after this. So 50/50 at Mandroid’s return methinks. For all we know, as of typing, the villains of S2 are COBRA as part of Energon Universe synergy.
Still the story was fun. Definitely very Furman, and kinda nostalgic as a result. The Terrans are all perfectly in character of course. The only thing kinda holding it back is the voice acting, as none of the actors from the show are reprising their roles. Though the actor who played Bee in Netflix WFC reprised the role here, and he’s definitely one of the better actors, when otherwise the acting is a little… subpar. Way better than WFC and Prime Wars, but having that amateurish feeling from Cyberverse… They give it their all though and they still feel like their characters so that’s good.
As said it feels like an epilogue, though while fun to see Mandroid back at it, it DOES feel a tad repetitive using the same Doomsday weapon but slightly different, and using mostly the same Transformers being “Robo-Smashed”. I feel like you could’ve gotten some cool gameplay using Shockwave, Soundwave (& the Cassettes), Bombshell, Starscream and Hardtop. Personally I’d have liked including some new Transformers, like how the TFP game was built around the Decepticons rebuilding the Unicronian Thunderwing, with him as the final boss. Something like that maybe, only Mandroid has unearthed a Combiner, a friend recommended the Masterforce versions of the Seacons, with the final boss being a Mandroid controlled King Poseidon. Ah well maybe for the sequel then.
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Just vermax being confused but supportive when dragon reader and Jace end up smelling like eachother (they steal eachother’s clothes without the other knowing). He thought his master’s mate was the other girl (Baela) but clearly not. Now he’s just wondering when she’s going to start popping out eggs.
Another situation:
“How many children do you want?” Reader asks Jace. “Idk but I’ve always pictured myself with a big family. And you?” He says. Reader thinks for a moment then smiles
“….five..five children..atleast” (ik reader is going to get dicked down so good pls-)
Okay, okay, okay. First, a joke/anecdote. When I was younger, like 12-13 (before I stopped being religious, lol) I wanted at least 4 kids. Two girls two boys, because if I fuck up one I have an extra. Lmao, what a cruel bitch lol. Now I only want as many kids as I can handle, but at least one. I don't know bro, I fucking hate how much I like people and kids, I just want to love on them lol. Thank god I'm not going to have one till I'm 35 or something lol.
But in A Song of Fire and Ice, you GOTTA be popping out babies because lord only knows what will happen to them after they leave your womb (lol, fml). Also dragons lay in clutches. I don't know if the readers of ASOIAF really know about the intricacies of dragons sexual cycles, but I know that we saw the dragon eggs that Daemon got in HOTD. I'm not particularly into egg laying kinks, but in compensation (also just biology), Dragon! Reader would probably gives birth to twins most commonly (50%), triplets second most common (40%), and a single baby very rarely (10%). She is gonna be a fucking brood mother. What a terror lol.
Also yes (sorry lol I addressed the blatantly sexual part first), both Yan! Jace and Dragon! Reader take each others clothes. For Jace, the scent grounds him and reminds him what he's fighting for (also Alicent always comments about how he smells like dragon [your scent is similar but so distinct that nothing else is as intoxicating to him]). For you it calms the power/rage within you and makes you level headed. Both of you always smell & give a kiss to a piece of cloth that has each others scent on it before battle. It's like a promise to return to each other. No matter what.
Finally (lord help me I'm sorry about the structure of this lol, I did it most to least invigorating to write about—so in case you were wondering the method to my madness there it is), I don't really know how Vermax thinks about Dragon! Reader. Could it be in the same vein as Daenerys's dragons, like working in a pack? Probably not unless they were raised together. But I think Vermax would respect the reader as he recognizes your strength and approves of you as the mate of Jacaerys.
Hmmmm.... I still need to think about Dragon! Reader and dragon interactions/relationships lol!
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goldenplaceholder · 6 months
Unhinged sans extra lore part 2 (I guess)
Instead of updating unhinged sans’ lore I’ll just add extra lore to him, since I don’t even know how I’d rework his lore
Also feel free to ask questions about anything and I’ll answer them eventually, usually in an hour or less
-He doesn’t ever get a room and actually just sleeps on a couch
-When sleeping he has the letter z coming from his head (like during the ut sans fight)
-He honestly hates horror the most out of everyone there
-Out of everyone he hates dust the least since he was once dust too
-He enjoys killing royalty and very egotistical people the most
-He doesn’t like any holidays
-If someone tried flirting with him they’d die shortly after if no one stops him
-He genuinely hates aus/timelines that got happy endings
-He is terrified of cats to the point of killing them as fast as he can, and if he can’t he runs away crying like a baby
-The reason he is terrified of cats is because in one au he got surround by like 50 in an alleyway and they attacked him, I mean he won of course but for some reason it scared him too much
-He’d probably acknowledge dust’s papyrus hallucination as existing, though he sees it differently and hears it differently leading to arguments between the 2 about what papyrus said
-He doesn’t respond to being called sans, he just doesn’t know that they’re talking about him
-He actually enjoys vast things like space and oceans
-He actually really wants to fight a leviathan or something of the sort
-He sometimes reads in his spare time when not doing pottery
-He enjoys any kind of book genera
-When he was first added to nightmare’s group he often attacked others out of nowhere often getting stopped by error or nightmare though
-He actually thinks people who have absorbed souls are weak for relying on souls rather then their own strength alone
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disasterbuck · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @jesuiscenseedormir 😘
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
256 😬 but most of those are collabs with my beloved Veronae 💜 works written on my own I think total 23?
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
oh damn how do I find that ah. okay. um. 560,589
3. What fandoms do you write for?
nowadays it's pretty much just 9-1-1
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you are really teaching me how to use the stats page on ao3 lol
The Parent to Contact - Buck gets a call from Christopher's school and learns that he's listed on the boy's forms as 'the parent to contact on Tuesdays'.
that drunk buck chat - Buck gets drunk and texts Eddie something he wasn't meant to read. Text fic!
that first kiss chat - Eddie texts Buck with some news, and it goes on from there. All texting!
Buddie, You're Hot - Buck is helping Eddie get ready for a date when he ends up outing himself as bi – something he thought Eddie already knew. Wasn't it obvious?
that drunk eddie chat - Wherein Eddie is a drunk mess and Buck needs to protec
5. Do you respond to comments?
on my own/solo fics, yes absolutely every time. but comments on the buddie text fics I usually leave for Veronae to reply to, unless it's specifically addressed to me or I just feel like replying
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
knee deep in sinking sand Buck has a nightmare about losing Eddie.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of what I write has a happy ending 😅 um I'm gonna go with You Should've Just Kissed Me Set after the Poker Date Night, Buck overhears Eddie talking about being set up on a date and wonders aloud why Eddie doesn't just explain that he's already in a relationship - with Buck.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
thankfully not much, but there was one person who left hate on the buddie text fics :(( I do my best to ignore it though 😌
9. Do you write smut?
nah I'm not really comfortable with it. sometimes a fic will get a bit steamy but I usually try to fade to black when I can.
10. Craziest crossover?
does lone star count? cause we've done text fics with TK and Carlos:
that matchmaker crossover chat Buck talks to TK. Carlos talks to Eddie. They're in love, but they won't tell each other. TK enlists Carlos' help to try and change that. Text fic!! that anniversary day chat When Eddie cancels plans with Buck to go on a date, they end up in a fight without fully understanding how it happened. Eddie reaches out to Christopher, while Buck reaches out to his good ol' buddy TK for support ... but they can only go so long before facing each other. that bothered and bewildered chat After being kissed by Tommy, Buck reaches out to an old acquaintance for help sorting out his feelings.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! a while back, in a different fandom and under a different name.
13. Have you co-written a fic before?
as you've probably figured out, yes I have. I collab with my bestie Veronae for all out buddie text fics, and we've also written an actual prose fic together as well:
A Jealous Kiss “You’re going out with your mechanic?” Buck asked. Then his face fell into deliberate blankness. “You mean, you’re dating your mechanic?”Eddie was going on a date with someone else. And Buck would be left behind.Again.
14. All time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will
ohhhh good question. hm probably my buddie wip where Chimney dares Buck not to use Eddie's name for a week and so Buck starts using pet names for him. it's cute and I like the idea but I don't think I'm ever gonna have enough motivation to write the whole thing.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hm. I think I'm pretty good at writing fluff? and having a good balance of prose and dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
too many ideas, not enough motivation. I've got easily like 50 wips or something uggghhhhhh
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language
ummm sure? why not? I once wrote a fic for a previous fandom where one character spoke french the whole way through, and I got a french friend to check it over for me so it could be accurate, plus I then added translations at the end for people.
19. First fandom you wrote for
20. Favorite fic you've written
Friends Don't ✨💕
Eddie and Buck have always been closer than most best friends and it's never bothered them, but lately they've been starting to wonder if there might be more than just friendship between them.
After all, it's becoming clear that there are a lot of things they do that 'just friends' don't.
Pressing his face into his pillow, Buck giggled before mumbling, "Whoops."
"Whoops?" Eddie repeated. "We've been on the phone for almost four hours and all you have to say is 'whoops'?"
"It's been a great four hours," Buck said, the words tumbling out before he had time to consider whether he should be admitting them or not.
"Yeah," Eddie confirmed softly, making Buck's heart squeeze affectionately in his chest. "It has."
Tagging: @idealuk @estheticpotaeto @bklynbiguy ✨
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nightvyre · 1 year
Appreciation post for HoTD soundtrack
Sad my man Ramin Djawadi isn’t nominated for Emmy but i know that he will get that nom for later seasons (Gullet *ekhm* God’s Eye *ekhm*) ANYWAY still wanted to make a mini-essay to appreciate his works for HoTD S1, starting with the first piece we hear on the series : The Heirs of the Dragon.
This is the first piece we hear on the series. This theme is definitely a nod to House Targaryen’s theme. It’s slower, but more powerful. More glory. You could feel the magnitude of House Targaryen’s power which, makes sense, because during this scene, Rhaenyra was explaining how House Targaryen stood at the height of its strength.
And then you could hear the GoT main title’s theme in 1:44, which i think is just an easter egg because the first episode has no opening title; this scene serves as one.
And then from 1:58, you could hear the beating drums, but it’s not like the usual beats that signal a triumph. No, these are chilling drumbeats that signify the decline of an empire. Because that is what HoTD is about: The Dance of the Dragons, a Targaryen civil war that resulted in the collapse of the Targaryen Dynasty.
The drums that we hear on The Heirs of the Dragon is also part of Aemond Targaryen’s theme. Which is actually a really cool detail because, in a way, it was Aemond who (accidentally) started the civil war. We hear this beating drums several time during Aemond’s scenes when:
he went to the Dragonpit to see dragons after being mocked for not having one
he claimed Vhagar (Aemond Rides Vhagar, 0:00 - 0:50)
he was ranting to Criston Cole how he should be king instead of Aegon
he chased Lucerys Velaryon and ultimately killed him (Bloodlines Will Burn, 1:17 - 1:28)
So yeah I think it’s a really nice touch because Ramin Djawadi succeeds in telling the premise of the series in 2,5 minutes, as well as setting the tone for the whole show: we’re dealing with something powerful, something huge, something that will alter history. A tragedy that could only be ended the way it started: with fire and blood.
Alicent Hightower’s theme song, which captures her character perfectly. The beginning of it encapsulates Alicent’s sad, manipulated, and lonely childhood. Then it builds up towards 1:25 where the tone changes: Alicent realizes that she is Queen now, that she holds power, and that she is willing to do anything for the survival of her house and her children. Nevertheless, despite the change of tones, we could still hear the tragic melody, foreshadowing that Alicent, despite being queen now, will still have a tragic ending. That tragedy will follow her from childhood until her death.
I also love the chosen title for this piece. It refers to the famous green dress that Alicent wore during Rhaenyra Targaryen’s wedding. When she entered the room in the middle of King Viserys’ speech.
"The king will not be happy. Right in the middle of his speech." "The beacon, on the high tower, do you know what color it glows when Oldtown call its banners to war?" "Green."
With a single entrance, Alicent declared war against Rhaenyra. The color was so important that since then, everyone on the Queen’s side was later known as "the Greens". And thus, this soundtrack officially became the Greens’ theme.
Ramin recylced this theme for another piece of his work later on in the season : Interest of the Realm. The soundtrack of Aegon’s coronation. Unlike the original score, this is the epic version of The Green Dress. No tragic melody, just pure greatness that gives you goosebumps. Alicent’s theme comes at full power (2:10) when her son, Aegon, was walking down that aisle, waiting to be crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms.
The soundtrack during the first dragon fight in the show (not really a fight considering Vhagar is the largest dragon alive and Arrax is … well, not even 1/3 of her size). The showdown between Aemond Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon, the event that started the Dance of the Dragons.
The first half of the soundtrack did a tremendous job in showing how terrifying Vhagar is, and how unhinged Aemond could be. That bit of Aemond’s theme in 1:18 with the repeated strings sound, as if echoing Aemond trying to search/hunt Luke in the middle of the storm. "You owe me a debt, boy!" And it keeps building up until 2:05, falsely luring the audience of Luke's safety, until Vhagar comes out of nowhere and ate Luke. The part from 2:06 - 2:30 felt like it came straight out of a horror movie, as Aemond realised the dire consequences of his actions.
And the second half ,,, now THAT is something that musicians have to take notes. The theme itself transitioned from horror-like music to Rhaenyra’s theme (The Power of Prophecy). Rhaenyra’s theme is hopeful, so we think we may have found relief when it starts playing, but then the theme became distorted and monstrous, because Rhaenyra just learnt that her son died. From 3:28 until 4:00, we could feel Rhaenyra’s devastation, grief, and anguish—all at once. And by 4:01 towards the end, Rhaenyra’s theme was fully corrosive. Rhaenyra wanted to solve the conflict with the Greens with peace. But then they took her son. There is no mercy or peace after this. Only war.
It’s literally a descent to madness. And Ramin Djawadi perfectly captured it.
i think it’s just beautiful that Ramin Djawadi really gives thoughts to all of the details and incorporates them to his works. HoTD sountracks are more than just background noises. Thanks to Ramin Djawadi and his talent, they also serve as a means of storytelling as well. It makes his works more memorable and have more depths.
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formulaocean · 3 months
hi! sorry if it's a bit of a random question but i wanted to ask, what are your thoughts on The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, if you've read it?
Ah okay I have contrasting thoughts because it really is beautiful and has some quotes that I still think about years later, but I read it when I was also reading the Iliad and studying bits of it in Greek and some doesn’t gel for me!
So I like it but it also annoys me if that makes sense?
If you take it as a young adult love story, and one of the first of both the lgbt and retelling genres at that, it’s very very good but you’ve just got to accept it’s not similar from a classics pov. In all fairness it’s not a retelling of the Iliad but a love story with a younger target audience so maybe that’s on me 😅
The whatever our souls are made of quote kills me. The what has hector ever done to me foreshadowing finishes me off. Name one hero who was happy? Dead again. Them meeting in the afterlife after their ashes combine? Revives me just to kill me once more.
Her writing is so lyrical and although I think I prefer Circe in general, she really did write a beautiful book. It’s elegiac and mythological, heartbreaking and putting you right in a historical mindset with all her descriptions that are so vivid. Everyone knew the ending but she brought us along on such a way that we wished we didn’t. I’m quite hyped for her Persephone when it comes out!
This specific retelling so needed to be done because all the signs were there in the Iliad. In Ancient Greek art and texts it almost universally depicted them as lovers and it’s not seeing things- they are written as quite queer in the Iliad with Achilles having this beautiful description as a widow while mourning. The first time I watched Troy (not even going into the ending) I was horrified by them being cousins 😭
By making Patroclus “simpler” and in a role similar to Greek women as a homemaker and healer at the time, you get to gloss over the broader implications of the war and see Achilles with such a lovely fondness. Where so many other descriptions of him are so harsh and brutal that tender love really is the heart of the book and a refreshing take on him- I feel people forget he moodily strums on a lyre as well as fights. I do wish we had more of a richer world building though because there’s so much going on!
At the same time- that’s not Patroclus. Even as a kid he gave Achilles “wiser council” and he was just as tough too, second in fighting to Achilles amongst the Myrmidins and just as hungry for war. He’s described as being powerfully built, modest, wise, and before he’s struck down by Apollo, causing Hector to kill him, his aristeia had him single handedly slaying upwards of 50 people. It’s why Achilles trusts him with his armour.
I kind of wish we had Patroclus at least learn to fight in the book, or had him be tougher. Of course there are different types of strength but I don’t see why we couldn’t have Achilles appear softer through Patroclus’s eyes while keeping him in character, two scary people can still be gentle with each other! And as this is mainly a sports-semi-rpf tiny blog I will say we were robbed of jock for jock energy- give me flashbacks to them fighting together!
There’s also a complete glossing over of the female characters being slaves and here having a “brotherly” relationship where it is…not that. And I do think it’s a little bit of a tired trope that one man in a queer relationship has to take the more effeminate role but it was 2012 and aimed at young adults so I can’t blame it too much for either!
Thetis is brilliantly done though. Completely compelling as a terrifying ancient goddess who knows her son is doomed to die. Really reminds me of her in Catullus 64 which is about her wedding to Peleus and very foreshadowing heavy. And Odysseus too- love to hate that sneaky bastard.
Sorry for rambling anon 😭 I really hope you liked the book ❤️
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yyh4ever · 2 years
Thoughts of Over 50 years
"Yu Yu Hakusho 100% Maji Battle" Genkai Event
This event was first held on June 10th, 2019, and it is very similar to the event about Toguro, "A demon lives in my heart". But, this time, it's Genkai's thoughts and point of view. Yusuke also appears at the end.
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Story: Genkai can't quite agree with Toguro's ideas. As she ponders over his words, a tragedy occurs in the dojo. And then, Toguro has suddenly disappeared from Genkai's sight.
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“Thoughts Over 50 Years”
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Toguro: Both you and I, we are probably at the peak of our strength right now, right?
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Toguro: Lately, I've been thinking that it would be nice if time stopped...
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Genkai: What's this, all of sudden?
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Toguro: Don't you think so?
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Genkai: ...Maybe so.
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Toguro: I'm scared.
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Toguro: It's not that I'm scared of someone stronger than us appearing.
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Toguro: I'm scared to think that when such a person appears, my body will have deteriorated.
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Toguro: It's frustrating...
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Toguro: Being a human is inconvenient.
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Genkai: Really, do you think so? ...
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Toguro: I want to obtain a body that will never deteriorate.
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Toguro: That'd be simply the greatest!
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Genkai: .......
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Genkai: If you get old, I'll get old too.
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Genkai: That's fine, isn't it?
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Toguro: ......
[Genkai ponders over Toguro's words]
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Genkai: I've a feeling I saw him in a rare moment of weakness.
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Genkai: As time goes by, we will get old. As times change, someone stronger than us will surely appears.
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But, that's fine, isn't it?
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Genkai: Good grief, the only thing on his mind is fighting. That's the only thing that won't really change...
[At the Dojo]
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Genkai: It's unusually quiet...
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*slam* (sound of sliding door opening)
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Genkai: Th-, this is…!?
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Genkai: Hey! Hang in there guys! What happened!?
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Genkai: It's useless, they are dead...
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Toguro: ........ 
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Toguro: Genkai, is that you?
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Genkai: You! That wound!
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Toguro: Ka ... it's Kairen's ... work...
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Toguro: He's the one who ... our disciples...!
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Genkai: Kairen...?
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Genkai: What is this guy...!
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After the tragedy at the dojo, Toguro disappeared.
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Genkai was caught unawares, but she believed that Toguro would surely come back.
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And then, the day before the Dark Tournament arrived...
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Genkai: No way ... of course he's coming!
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Genkai: Jeez, I don't even know what he's doing. I can't believe he's gone away without saying a word.
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*tmp* ... *tmp*... (sound of fast steps)
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Genkai: ...You! Where the hell you been?
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Genkai: .....!
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Genkai: He looks different than usual ... As if, his eyes were as sharp as a demon's.
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Toguro: ...Genkai.
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Toguro: The Dark Tournament, it seems if you win, they'll grant you any wish you desire.
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Genkai: When he said that, his eyes became even sharper.
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Genkai: I knew right away that the incident with Kairen was the cause of it.
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Genkai: Hey you, you didn't even write me. What have you been up to for the past three months?
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Toguro: ......
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Genkai: Ah, really?
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Genkai: Is that your answer...?
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Thus, the two headed for the Dark Tournament.
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Toguro killed Kairen in the finals, and won the Tournament.
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Toguro wished to turn into a youkai, and Genkai wished to never participate in the Tournament again.
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Who would have thought that 50 years later, these two would meet in the same venue?
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Furthermore, to think that Genkai would see Toguro go to the Myogokukai with her own eyes...
T/N: The Myogokukai (Underworld Prison Realm) is the worst level of Hell where Toguro chose to go.
[50 years later]
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Yusuke: -san, baa-san!
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Genkai: Huh...
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Yusuke: You all right, baa-san? I thought you had finally gone senile.
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Yusuke:There you are, you came back within 3 minutes!
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Genkai: Idiot, I'm always lucid.
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Genkai: Well, I was just immersed in memories.
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Yusuke: Immersed in memories? Are you feeling sentimental? That doesn't look like baa-san at all.
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Yusuke: Leaving that aside, you're gonna give me a special training today, right?
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Yusuke: Hurry, let's do it!
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Genkai: Toguro, you were afraid of getting old ... You wanted a body that would never deteriorate.
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Genkai: But, when I witness my disciple and lad growing up like this...
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Genkai: Getting old isn't so bad.
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Yusuke: Baa-san, you ignored me again ... You're finally crazy, ain't you?
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Yusuke: Should I ask someone to put you in a nursing home...?
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*PUNCH*! (Genkai hits Yusuke)
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Yusuke: Ouch!
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Yusuke: What the fuck, old hag! That hurts, damn it!
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Genkai: You really think I'll be taken care by other people, idiot!?
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Genkai: Really, I'm impressed. Yusuke's an idiot and ... you're an idiot too.
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Genkai: I bet you won't change even if you die.
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Genkai: Really, you're an idiot...
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I wish we could learn more about Toguro and Genkai’s past, their relationship, who were the two other members of Team Toguro, and more about Elder Toguro as well. He certainly had a thing for Genkai and was probably scared of her power.
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everythingsinred · 1 year
Hi hii!! I hope you're having a nice day 💜💜
Ok I'm gonna be really mean with the 50 questions ask-
Whichever ones you want, with Ruka, Natsume, or Mikan
(i find it mean bc i am tragically indecisive)
i am doing great!
(i think that u sent this again, adding mikan... so i'll answer this one instead of the other one, if that's okay)
ur ask is so tempting so i will do as many as i can for all three, thank u <3
Ruka-pyon <3
1. Canon I outright reject? he would NEVER leave natsume not EVER. i know tsubasa had to basically drag him out of there but i hate that he left i HATE it
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on? i don't think he would ever date mikan after natsume's hypothetical death. i don't think either of them would be able to.
3. Obscure headcanon? his favorite disney movie is fox and the hound.
4. Favorite line? "Meeting you, and coming with you here to the Academy... I never even once regretted it." (chapter 146)
5. Best personality trait? his loyalty. he's very sweet and i love that, but his loyalty is what moves mountains, what fights wars, what transcends the rules of time and space.
6. Worst personality trait? i must have mentioned this at some point but he's perfect. but really i think he shouldn't feel like such a burden when he brings so much to the table.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon? i don't need a headcanon when i have character profiles! 140 cm/4'6 and 35 kg/77 lbs at his debut, 173 cm/5'8 and 66 kg/145 lbs in the last chapter. also i believe he's the youngest of the main four? he turns 11 in march, after natsume, mikan, and hotaru have all had their 11th birthdays.
8. Unpopular opinion about them? i've already said i only like his relationship with mikan platonically, so i'll say something else.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character? "bird meets tori!" where we see him using his alice with piyo. though it's been so long since i first met him that i really can't remember ever NOT loving him.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)? my favorite ruka moment is when he's waiting for natsume in the backseat of the car to go to the academy with him. makes me cry every single time.
12. Crack headcanon? i like thinking of him growing little flowers on his windowsill in his dorm and that he very much likes baking... again "crack" i use loosely.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done? this...?? maybe? i dont think he does many dumb things...
14. Most heroic moment? i just think there's so much strength in ruka's actions in the new year's arc, even if he feels like such a burden the whole time. though i also think this one is very brave.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done? very tough to say because he's a well-meaning child! i don't like to be negative abt the kids. that being said, this might be natsume AND ruka's worst moment lol. ruka was complicit in that.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them? zoe and i do have a ruka playlist, but it's private right now because it's unpolished. that being said, here are some songs from the playlist.
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about? his self-esteem issues, namely his feelings of being a burden and his apparent social anxiety that stems from a lonely, isolated childhood.
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)? lemonade!
22. Best physical feature? his pretty blue eyes! he's so beautiful!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like? YOU ASKED THE RIGHT PERSON. i imagine he would be a lovely, simple floral scent, as well as something a little sweet and refined.
24. Most annoying habit? he's done nothing annoying??? tho for real i think people might get annoyed by his natsume-apologism (especially in story lol)
27. Their guilty pleasure? i think he'd probably like musicals but get very embarrassed abt it. tho i might just be projecting winston bishop on him based off his one musical performance as snow white that he obviously didnt even want to do.
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like? VERY aesthetic, sweet, with lots of photography, poetry quotes, and pictures of animals.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh? when he finally lets himself poke fun at natsume and mikan! they make him laugh a lot, when he puts his walls down <3
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry? when he thinks too hard about his family, because of how much he misses them.
35. Their idea of a perfect day? spending time with his friends and snuggling with an animal... i think he'd be content with simple pleasures.
36. Their favorite season? i associate him with spring! with flowers and baby animals and gentle weather. i think he'd like it too, for lots of the same reasons.
37. What they really think about themselves? he thinks of himself as a burden, obstacle, impediment, that he holds the one person he loves most back when all he wants is to help. as a result, he withdraws and hides himself away bc he doesn't think he's capable of contributing much anyway.
38. Favorite holiday? maybe easter? i'm not familiar with japanese holidays so i cant say for sure but the easter aesthetic suits him.
39. Favorite game? card games!!!
40. Favorite book? i have a predominantly western understanding of literature because i have a degree in english literature, so forgive me. i think he'd like romantic poets, like whitman, wordsworth, byron, and dickinson. he'd like romanticism for it's emphasis on the natural world and on emotion and justice. i think he'd like classic children's books too, like peter pan or alice in wonderland.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be? he'd wanna eat lunch with his parents because he misses them <3
42. 3 comfort items? i had a long and nice answer for this but tumblr ate it (which pisses me off so much u have no idea) so i dont remember what i'd said. the earbud transmitters hotaru left him, but i cant remember the other two. ill reblog again if i remember.
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise? i think ruka would like bread and pastries, lots of desserts. i dont have much of an inkling what he wouldn't like except that i believe he's a vegetarian so he wouldn't eat meat. i just dont understand how he could have such connection and empathy for animals, genuinely love them as friends, and have the animal pheromone alice on top of that, and eat them. i dont think he'd judge anybody for eating meat, but he wouldn't be able to himself.
44. Their happiest memory? meeting natsume <3
46. The person they most admire? natsume, mikan, and his mom. people whose strength he admires and maybe covets.
47. Their dream job? he wants to be a vet!!!!
48. Scariest moment of their life? poor ruka has gone through a lot of scary moments but i think he's managed to be brave each time anyway, which is very admirable. i keep saying natsume for all his answers, but i think natsume's death would be the scariest moment because he genuinely couldn't do anything to stop it. i think not only was it the moment he lost his best friend, but also a moment that made him feel like he really couldn't be of any help or support to natsume after all, that he really was a burden.
49. Favorite toy as a child? rich boy ruu-chan had a lot of toys and while i'm tempted to think he'd like stuffed animals, at the end of the day i think he'd be way more interested in playing with real animals. i think they made him feel accepted and understood and less alone.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out? i think the memories of the time between natsume dying and coming back would be a bit blurry. he wouldnt have been holding on tight to that period of time, to put it lightly.
Natsume <3
1. Canon I outright reject? I will never accept him dying young. sorry higuchi but i just cant listen to you.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on? natsume LOVES chocolate and sweets. why do so many people insist on him hating sweets just because he's "cool" i dont get it???
3. Obscure headcanon? he listens to rap and rap rock. im sorry i just. cant imagine he wouldn't love rap. whatever.
4. Favorite line? i love when one of the kids asks him to tutor him when the whole class is in study mode, saying, "i thought if i went in with a 'do or die' attitude then maybe..." and natsume replies, "then die." (i know it's hard to see but it's at the bottom, where ruka's face is.) ALSO on a more serious note, "can you wait for me?" because it KILLS me.
5. Best personality trait? how sweet he can be!!!! no but seriously natsume acts cool but he's the most hopeless romantic of the bunch and i live by that.
6. Worst personality trait? martyr complex.
7. Age/height/weight headcanon? who needs headcanon when we have canon!! natsume is ten (a couple months away from eleven) when he's introduced and the second youngest (only older than ruka) in the main four (the boys being younger than the girls is so cute). he's sixteen at the epilogue and in kageki <3. he's 140 cm/4'6 and 34.5 kg/76 lbs when we meet him, and 175 cm/5'9 and 72 kg/159 lbs at the epilogue.
8. Unpopular opinion about them? i think the popular opinion is that natsume is a baby boy who deserves peace and love after a childhood of rage and agony but if you disagree, i'll throw u off a cliff myself.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character? im gonna be real with u. he was my fav from the start. i never ever had negative feelings towards him ever from the beginning. is that weird? idk. i dont really care. i saw him with his mask and was determined to watch the whole anime just bc he was in it.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)? it's really hard for me to answer this but i think my favorite natsume moment is when he finally rebels against the ESP and persona... something he'd always wanted to do but couldn't, finally given the chance through the knowledge that he'd rather be dead than allow mikan to live through the same suffering that he does.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done? getting mikan to play the prince. he's so fucking stupid.
14. Most heroic moment? he wishes it was his death scene! i think his most heroic moment was when he decided to go to the academy for his sister. i pick this scene and not any others bc when natsume risks his life later on, part of it is motivated by suicidal ideation so it's kinda hard for me to think of those moments as anything but.
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done? same answer as ruka's. yes i say this even knowing that he might have killed people during DA missions. those other ppl arent real to me; mikan is.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them? again, zoe and i made a killer playlist for the main 4 ga characters. natsume's is the best though, we both agree. since, again, the playlist is still under construction, here are some tracks from it that suit him. (lots of them are triggering, particularly regarding thoughts of suicide, just as a warning.)
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about? everything? trauma, self-image, martyr complex, suicidal ideation, dealing with terminal illness... there's a lot.
19. Vices/bad habits? he has a lot! the worst is his overuse of his alice.
20. Scars? i'm sure he has some. DA missions are not safe and although natsume is canonically immune to his own fire, he's not immune to flying shrapnel and rubble. i like the anime showing us some glimpses into what his missions might look like. we even got to see him get shot, an injury he (presumably) patched up himself instead of going to the hospital for, which is VERY in character. the anime NAILED that episode (chef's kiss, best episode ever, hands down).
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)? cherry dr pepper (this is just a ridiculous joke zoe and i made that is now serious. what a sickening beverage)
22. Best physical feature? his eyes! so pretty. i also love his silky hair. he is SO pretty and has sUCH pretty eyelashes. most beautiful boy ever.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like? he'd be a lovely scent, very woody and foresty. not floral or sweet.
24. Most annoying habit? martyr complex.
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like? it's hard to imagine natsume having a tumblr tbh but i think if he did it would be a little anticlimactic. he'd mainly just reblog stupid self-deprecating jokes and edgy music.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh? jokes with ruka <3 teasing mikan <3 :)
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry? sadly, natsume rarely cries. but he cries when he loses someone, so leaving his father, and i think he must have cried when he woke up after dying just to find out mikan was gone.
35. Their idea of a perfect day? a good day would probably be if he doesn't have to go on a mission. a perfect day would be the two christmases where he got to kiss mikan. i think he went to sleep very happy those nights.
36. Their favorite season? spring <3 though i always associate him with autumn and winter.
37. What they really think about themselves? BAD. not worth the trouble. exists for others. similar nonsense.
38. Favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS
39. Favorite game? playing cards with ruka! also its easy to imagine him being into video games, particularly violent ones.
40. Favorite book? i think he'd prefer manga to books but if he were to read books i think he'd like fucked up shit. maybe horror like stephen king or something.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be? his mom
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise? i base this off of official art (thus, canon), but pasta, chocolate, and strawberries are his favorite foods. i think he wouldnt like coffee (thats why he always drinks it in my fics lmao....) and i like imagining him as being a childishly picky eater. i dont really have any evidence for his dislikes. just vibes.
44. Their happiest memory? meeting ruka and both christmases <3
46. The person they most admire? i think he would admire his mother and yuka a lot. obviously, he also admires ruka and mikan, for being unlike him.
47. Their dream job? he simply does not dream of labor. it's really hard for me to come up with a job he'd love bc of how he's been forced to work as an actual child. he likes manga... maybe something involved with that?
48. Scariest moment of their life? when aoi burned down the village, though i do think he's had lots of scary moments after that too. i just think that was probably the moment he realized how powerless he really was, how much he was at the mercy of others simply bc he was a child.
49. Favorite toy as a child? i think he'd probably be a big fan of matchbox cars? or maybe im saying that bc i liked matchbox cars. (and also cuz theyre called matchbox cars). he seems to like basketball too!
50. A memory they’ve blocked out? natsume is a big ball of trauma so i wouldnt be surprised if there was plenty. i think he's kind of forced to compartmentalize a lot, since his experiences in the DA class are so gruesome and different from his school life, so he'd be forced to pretend like he didn't just go on a terrifying mission last night, which leads to unprocessed trauma and maybe even blurred memories.
Mikan <3
1. Canon I outright reject? if higuchi tachibana doubting that "natsume won" is canon, then i reject it. mikan MADE A CHOICE. in your manga, higuchi!!!! she even says, "these feelings i have only for you", which means the only person she loves romantically is natsume. higuchi YOU WROTE THIS.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on? ^^^ that one. also she's not a masochist.
3. Obscure headcanon? even though natsume can have a potentially atrocious taste in fashion, i think mikan would find his fits cute nonetheless, maybe just bc it's him!
4. Favorite line? I love when she tells natsume to join her team before the sports fest. she NEVER asks for anything from natsume or tells him how she feels but she takes a risk this once and it's wonderful until he rejects her and she takes a long while to recover from that moment where she finally put herself out there only to get turned down.
5. Best personality trait? perseverance, in regards to difficult times and difficult people.
6. Worst personality trait? toxic positivity
7. Age/height/weight headcanon? we have canon!! she is (unbeknownst to her) eleven years old when she first comes to the academy and is turning seventeen when we see her again in the last chapters. she's 138 cm/4'6 and 33 kg/73 lbs at her debut and 158 cm/5'2 and 47 kg/104 lbs at the last chapters.
8. Unpopular opinion about them? it's okay that she's stupid! i dislike when mikan is made so much smarter, or when they significantly alter her personality, in fics. i think she's pretty great the way she is!
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character? HARD TO SAY. regrettably i wasn't always a huge fan of mikan, especially in the anime, bc i thought she was annoying. but i think when i matured just a little, it was hard to keep it up. i think i fully loved her on the second rewatch/reread. i couldnt tell u the specific scene bc it was too long ago.
10. Best moment on screen (or in the book)? i reread just this little moment so often. i'm not saying it's a healthy moment, hiding her feelings until she's alone, but it's so her and it's so heart-crushing and tragic. i love it.
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done? she's frequently stupid, but i really enjoy this moment, just bc of how naive she is, both to natsume's situation and to her own feelings. (mikan, girl, you're in love with him.)
14. Most heroic moment? is there anything more heroic than this?
15. Worst thing they’ve ever done? mikan rarely does things out of ill-will. i could say one of her well-intentioned blunders, but that feels cheap. i'll say this, then, when mikan tells natsume that him worrying about her is a bother. i'll talk about it during my essay, but mikan says that, against her urges to keep him with her, because she remembers the pain of him choosing luna over her and she, in that moment, reacts in a kneejerk way to make him hurt a little too. it's the only moment i can think of where she hurts somebody without at least meaning well. (and YES i know that this is right after luna told her to keep their encounter a secret, but mikan chooses to be cold to natsume in a way that she isnt towards hotaru or her other friends for asking similar questions.)
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves? mikan never admits anything to herself! that she loves natsume sticks out the most though.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them? AGAIN, zoe and i made playlists for the main 4 but they're unsuitable for consumption right now, so here are some mikan flavored tracks!
18. What they’d go to see a therapist about? her little useless complex as well as her toxic positivity and all the trauma she had to endure in a very short time frame.
19. Vices/bad habits? "keep smiling, mikan, no matter what!"
21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic)? orange juice and orange soda
22. Best physical feature? her smile, allegedly! i love the way her eyes are drawn (my answer for everyone is eyes bc i LOVE the way higuchi draws eyes...). i, like natsume, also LOVE when her hair is down.
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like? she'd be like her name, and have a fruity, floral scent! very sweet!
31. If they had a tumblr what would it look like? i think it would be super cute with lots of bright, fun colors, desserts, and positivity quotes.
32. Something guaranteed to make them smile/laugh? she smiles a lot. i like her genuine smiles, when she hears something she likes or spends quality time with people she loves.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry? mikan is sensitive! thus she cries a lot! she cries when people around her are hurt, she cries when she doesn't get what she wants, or when things get hard. i think it's sweet.
35. Their idea of a perfect day? spending time with her class b pals with some light antics and shenanigans, or hanging out with her senpais in the special ability class would make her happy. later, going on dates with natsume, too. <3
36. Their favorite season? summer, but the lovely thing is how happy and awestruck mikan seems to be by every passing season. she loves them all! it's very sweet, how much love she has for life.
37. What they really think about themselves? despite her tendency to see the beauty or value in everything, she doesn't see much in herself. she thinks of herself as ordinary, boring, useless. she knows that people love her smile but she thinks that's all she has to offer so she hides her negative feelings away. ;-;
38. Favorite holiday? new year's!!!
39. Favorite game? she loves all games, but especially sports and high-activity games
40. Favorite book? she'd like high-spirited books with wacky characters, like pippi longstocking, anne of green gables, or matilda.
41. If they could have lunch with anyone in the world (living or dead, from any fictional universe or the real world), who would it be? her parents and jii-chan
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise? obviously she loves oranges and she eats lots of oranges in the manga. i like to think she shares hotaru's love for seafood, bc seafood reminds her of hotaru, but hotaru is so insane abt it that mikan seems to have a tame love in comparison. and HOWALON, obviously. i dont think mikan would dislike much food or be a picky eater bc she loves to eat <3
44. Their happiest memory? i think her school memories with her friends, particularly lighthearted moments, would stick out as happiest. the culture fest or the dodgeball game or swimming class.
46. The person they most admire? hotaru, natsume, ruka, etc. she admires lots of people. she has a tendency to see the good parts of people and to focus on them until that's the main thing she sees.
47. Their dream job? i like to see mikan in people-oriented, caring-based roles, like as a nurse or a teacher, where there's emphasis on helping people. i think she'd really thrive in a career like that. i especially like imagining her as a teacher. (her husband can share some pretty decent benefits from such a career afaik)
48. Scariest moment of their life? probably the whole night of the escape arc. no part of that was easy. the entire night was stressful and scary
49. Favorite toy as a child? she makes her own mikan dolls! mikan is awful at homemade things, like cooking or sewing, but she loves it anyway! i think she liked making her own toys and seeing the beauty in her ugly little creations.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out? i think mikan would try and remember the hard moments so that she can get stronger, just based on the way she talks about such moments, like after pengy dies.
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Disc 8
Another mysterious appearance by a main character looking dude on the inner flap of this volume. He kinda looks like that Ryo guy from the Adventure 02 Ken flashbacks. Guess I'll find out...
Side note: apparently Arkadimon won 3rd place in the Japanese popularity poll? How!? He's literally the most boring digimon ever!
Ch. 46
-How are we on the final battle already if there's a whole other volume after this one? Either this isn't the final battle and they'll pull some "secret final boss" nonsense (it is the Digimon way) OR vol. 9 will just be like epilogue stuff. I'd prefer the latter
-In the scanlation I'm reading Taichi says "attacks won't work on Arkadimon, let's try direct attacks!" I kinda got what they were going for, but it's a bad translation, so I looked at the original Japanese. They use 必殺技 (hissatsuwaza) and 直接 (chokusetsu). So, special attacks don't work, but direct attacks do. Kinda like when you can't use magic on some enemies in games.
Ch. 47
-You see, ripping up Zero's wings and stabbing him through the chest has kind of lost all impact at this point. Not only is this a kid's manga so I know he'll be okay, but also we've already seen him recover from those specific injuries before.
-Gabo and Rei are cute together, I could see them as protagonist/partner in an alternate version of this story.
Ch. 48
-Wow, they're really going hard with this "rock bottom" moment. I know things will turn out okay, but if I was a dumb 8 year old who's never read anything like this before, I might be kinda shook
-Neo continues to be a flat character. You would think adding his sister to the story as a good guy would cause him to have some kind of inner conflict, but he's just evil for the sake of evil and his sister being around has had zero impact. Boooo
Ch. 49
-Not much happened in this chapter, they just explained how the Dot Matrix attack works and prepared to fight Neo's army. Zero is in the ICU and Taichi's basically catatonic. I feel like the level of despair being conveyed by Taichi is a little more than we ever saw in the anime. Manga always tends to be an edgier medium.
Ch. 50
-This whole time I've been calling him "Leomon," but he was actually Panyamon (the white reskin). Also, Dominimon is new...not as badass looking as Seraphimon
-The "all digimon give Zero strength" scene was a good opportunity to bring back some one-off background characters. Cute to see that some of them have digivolved too.
Ch. 51
-Okay, I'm not crazy for thinking it was Leomon because they literally call him "Leo" lol
-Kinda don't like how Zero and Taichi are the "chosen ones" and no one else can even scratch Arkadimon. It would be more interesting if they worked as real team where everyone balances each other out. I guess why they don't do solo MCs in the anime...
Omake - Hot Blooded!
-So I was right, we get a crossover with Ryo due to a Wonderswan promotion. It's nice to see a different MC design for once! He kind of reminds me of Lloyd Irving
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-This was shorter and had a sillier tone than the other crossovers. It was kind of stupid that they defeated Demon's henchman via "hot bloodedness," but it was funny how equally matched Taichi and Ryo were in personality.
-I wish we could have seen more of -checks wiki- Monodramon. I really like his design. Very Spyro the Dragon.
I can't believe there's only one more volume left! I feel like I zoomed through this. As far as I can tell, Digimon really isn't known for its manga, so it's been interesting to see some of the neglected bits of the franchise. It's definitely a kids and super fans only kinda situation because neither the plot or characters are that deep or unique. I guess that makes a nice brain-off read though.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - Rei
Well, Rei gets to be the Fighting addition, so I guess that's a ski-oh.  Oh shit, for real?
General Overview Much like Akari, Rei's strength is in his buddy move.  AoE sure flinch.  That is...really strong.  It can only be used after a sync from anyone on your side, but as a Sprint pair with an easy, natural -2 toward first sync, this is pretty easily achieved.  TM also gives him SEUN and +2 PMUN, so his damage is...very high.  What's insane is the base power of this move.  250-300.  You know.  SS Lysandre's Buddy move.  He hits about as hard, but also has sure flinch AoE attack, and -2 defense, AND does not suffer AoE penalty, AND is reusable.  Holy shit, man.  Triple Arrows is just as good in between, providingdamage a bit above NC Hop and a bit below SC Diantha.  And his sync provides Free Moves Next, and is effectively ensured to crit, given Soften Up and +3 crit on entry.  You don't even worry about gauges because his trainer move is +6 speed too.
Rei's limitations are his sync, and access to full power.  4 sync damage nodes and a 50% multiplier aren't bad, but they're not exceptional either, and the trade of 50% bonus from Tech EX for Sprint has notable detriments too. He doesn't nuke very hard.  His move damage multiplier relying on consistent defense debuffs also hurts when he's not exactly fast-acting with them.  Aggravation being a 4/5 skill hurts is persistent flinch potential, too.  But by and large, Rei is frankly ridiculous.  His skills are exceptional in a fairly rare type to shop for.
EX, Role, and Move Level? Rei's similar to Akari once again, in that this is fairly flexible.  Even 1/5, Rei can supply an initial fast-ramp, and gets benefits from his AoE sure flinch when an ally syncs.  He has good utility.  3/5 is for the damage and full sync, with the same note of sync generally wants Cake for spread damage if possible.  Unlike Akari, I don't find his 5/5 grid meaningful in any way.  Sure, sure, Aggravation, but High Score just gets immunity, so better to aim with the AoE for a complete shutdown.
Team 1: Rei, Aura Cynthia, SC Diantha/SC Hop Okay kids, here you go.  Aura Cynthia has long been criticized for not extending Zone into sync, well now you can.  Rei's fast-acting sync means he gets you to that first shot well within the window of opportunity, while boosting Cynthia's Master Passive.  Though personally I think Rei makes better use of that first sync.  Double fast ramp means very little time is spent outside of Cynthia's Zone, while racking up more sync buffs for the team.  You can always just throw in Hop, really go nuts.
Team 2: Rei, SS Acerola, SC Steven I mean look, are we really going to argue this one?  SEUN from Steven into a burst, then +3 PMUN for the AoE sure flinch, while supplying rebuff and defense debuffs.  Like come on.  We all see it, right?
Team 3: Rei, Maylene, Bruno/Marshal Okay, now we talk business.  Rei's strong enough to carry F2P compositions just fine.  His defense debuffing and sure-flinch make him a great choice for supports that don't really want to get hit, like Maylene.  Maylene is able to recover well off of Drain Punch as well, leading to much better sustain over time.  Bruno is an option for a higher DPS pair, while Marshal is both sustain and a potential extra flinch with Staggering.  Notably, Marshal also has Relentless, which Rei helps set up beautifully through his own sync.
Final Thoughts Rei feels incredibly good, but I think I figured out why I'm not as invested.  Remember SS Lyra?  How she's considered insanely good, because the sure flinch lets her accomplish whatever she wants stress-free, regardless of team?  It reminds me a bit of that.  And between us, I don't like playing SS Lyra.  It's objectively strong, but also subjectively boring.  It's a little too perfectly controlled, and it's hard to determine a good teambuilding approach when you're looking at someone whose strength is so universally beneficial.
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