#i also wanna finally read little women at some point. hmm...
munamania · 10 months
hii ok i was tagged by @vulpinedyke to take the statistical which character are you quiz and list my top results (thank uuu kisses sorry this took me like a week)
marie kreutz (the bourne identity) - 90% (ok...)
nymphadora tonks (h*rry p*tter) - 89%
riley blue (sense8) - 89%
sam button (perks of being a wallflower) - 88%
amanita caplan (sense8) - 88%
joyce byers (ur aware) - 88%
robin buckley - 88%
claire colburn (elizabethtown) (PLAYED BY KIRSTEN DUNST!! SLAY!) - 88%
ally maine (a star is born) - 88% ive been telling u all that i need to be in an insane mutual muse situation
elisa esposito (the shape of water) - 88% alright
special mentions that didnt make in the top ten: jo march 87% (which is just so funny bc trust and believe i was having a moment the other night). donna sheridan 86% <3 TONI TOPAZ 84% LOL
i'll tag @livvyofthelake @munadyke @sariphis @jerrydevine @jovalencia @laurapalmergraduates ummm and anybody else who wants to share w the class <3
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Day in the Life of a Single Dad with a 2 Yr Old
This was requested by this anon.
AN: let me know if you guys like fluff fics & i'll try to write them as frequent as my smut & sicfics. also couldn't come up with a better title so... yeah the title is a lil iffy.
Things to help you understand this story better:
(Harry is a single parent/Harry is 25/Harry is a healthy eater/Loves his daughter so much)
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Harry is peacefully sleeping in his bed alone. Covers to his chin, curled up on his side. That is until his beautiful two year old daughter comes barging in there to wake her daddy up. He shouldn't be asleep she thinks. It's too late. In reality its only 7 am on a Saturday, but to an early riser like her, he should be awake and playing with her. Or making her breakfast.
Her little feet pad over to her daddy's side of the bed. She can barley reach him due to the height of his bed, but manages to stretch her little arms up and taps on Harrys face. "Daddy, wake up." she speaks in her little British accent. Harry slowly opens his eyes and immediately squeezes them shut because of the sunlight coming from the window blinding him. "Daddy!!" his daughter says a little louder.
If his daughter was any older, Harry might tell her to wait a few minutes or go back to bed because it's too early, but he knows she's only 2. So he forces his eyes open again and reaches down to hook his hands in her tiny arm pits to lift her on the bed. "Why are you awake so early babe." he asks in a gravely voice, while placing her on his bare chest.
"I hungry." her tiny voice replies.
"Mhmm what would you like?" Harry mumbles sleepily.
"Sweets." she says innocently.
"I don't think so love. We don't eat sweets for breakfast. It will give you a tummy ache. What about a healthy fruit salad. We have some Watermelon and Strawberries in the fridge." he replies to his daughter who's straddling his chest.
"NO, I WANT SWEETS! I WANT SWEETS!" she yells back with angry tears threatening to escape.
"D/n, we do not yell!" her father speaks firmly. "We can't have sweets but we can have something other than a fruit salad if you want. Lets go down and see what we have." With a tight grip on his upset daughter, Harry gets out of bed and makes his way down the spiral staircase and into the kitchen.
This wasn't something new to him. Ever since his daughter turned 2 in August, she's been acting up a lot more than previously. You could say it was the terrible twos everyone talks about. Harry tries his hardest to teach her the proper ways to behave but it's been proven to be a lot more difficult than anticipated. Especially hard when he's busy all the time and isn't with her 24/7 like stay-at-home mums are or stay-at-home dads were. He's a musician. Not a so called musician that gets excited to book a Friday night at the local pub. No, Harry is a international pop star.
When he ended up getting a one-night stand pregnant, he told them they could do what they wanted as far keeping the baby or not. Harry has always been one to agree that its a women's choice. But his one-night stand wanted to have the baby. Honestly, you'd think Harry would get angry that she decided to keep it, but he wasn't. Maybe it wasn't the ideal situation to have a baby from a one-night stand that he had on tour, but he being the loving Harry everyone seems to know and love, of course tried to look at it as a positive thing. But when his daughter was born, his one-night stand got her minute of fame by saying she had Harry Styles baby and left. Abandoned her own blood. Harry had to get full custody of his daughter and ever since then she's been living with her daddy.
It was really hard the first few months of her life. A baby needs their mothers comfort and warmth and she had none of that. She never got the opportunity to breast feed or feel the love of her mother, and Harry feels sick just thinking about it. So Harry put his career on hold for a few months to take care of his daughter and show her that someone cares for her. He never wanted her to feel unloved. It was his biggest fear. That's why every day since the day she was born, he tells her how much he loves her. Shows her how much he loves her.
He did all her nightly feedings with warmed up formula in bottles. He changed her diapers at all hours of the day. He gave her baths every day to make sure she smelled nice and clean. And when she turned 1 years old and was getting more active, he took her to the studio with him and let her play her toys.
Just because Harry is a single parent doesn't mean he doesn't have help or support. He has a lot of help when it comes to taking care of his daughter. His sister Gemma babysits all the time for him when he's got something very important to do at the studio where he'd prefer if his daughter wasn't there. Harry's mum watches his daughter frequently when he has a interview he needs to attend. Even some of Harry's friends watch or take care of her when needed. Especially some of his ex bandmates that have kids of their own now. Harry's daughter has playdates with Bear, Liam's son about once a month. They're about the same age and their dads are friends so it works out great. His daughter has even played with Freddie, Louis's son. Not as much because Freddie lives in America but when he comes to England to spend time with his father they hang out. Freddie and Harry's daughter are quite similar. They were both created due to a one-night stand. The only difference is Freddie's mum wanted him. Didn't abandon him. So he has a relationship with both parents. Needless to say, besides all the things a mother can give to their child, his daughter has a good life. People love her, and once again that's all Harry could ask for. People and himself to love his daughter.
After fighting with his daughter about what to eat for breakfast, she finally settles for some Strawberry pancakes as long as they have chocolate syrup on top. Harry gives in and allows a little chocolate for her to have with breakfast. She sits in her high chair munching on the pancakes while Harry cleans the mess from cooking. Like washing the pan and wiping the stove off. When he's finished cleaning, he notices his daughter has stopped eating and is just making a mess with her food at this point.
Walking up to her high chair, Harry bends down and lifts her sticky body up and says, "Alright, time to give you a bath little one."
"No bath daddy! Me no want a bath!" she yells and attempts to kick her fathers legs but Harry grabs ahold of them in his big hand and stops her movements which makes her small body more angry. She screams very loud in his ear and pounds her baby fist in his shoulders, expressing her anger. Harry really wants to get upset. But what he's read in parenting books is that if you ignore their behavior and act like you don't see their tantrums, it will make it better and they'll give up on trying so hard to show their anger.  Because most toddlers have tantrums to try and get attention from their parent(s). By ignoring it, you're not feeding into it.
"I'm sorry but you have chocolate all over you love. Need to get you clean because I need to take you to the studio for a few hours with me today. How does that sound?" trying to make bath time and going to the studio sound fun.
After fighting with Darcy to get in the bath, Harry finally got her in the tub. He struggled to wash her curly hair due to the fact she wouldn't sit still, even after he gave her a rubber ducky to play with. Once he's washed her hair and chocolate covered body, Harry picks her up and wraps her in a big fluffy towel, then takes her to her room to get changed. He manages to get a pull up on her, (still trying to potty train), and puts a lovely red track suit on her with some Gucci shoes. Then he carries her in front of the bathroom mirror to brush her hair.
"Be good for daddy and let me brush your hair." Harry tells his daughter in a gentle manner.
As soon as he passes the brush in her hair, his daughter screams, "Owww, it hurts daddy!"
10 minutes later, Harry has brushed her locks and put her hair into some cute pigtails. With his 2 year old crying in the process. He's pretty good at doing hair because he used to have longer hair himself. Then he picks her up off the counter and places her on the ground, walking her to his bedroom.
"Can you lay in my bed while I get ready? I'll put on your favorite show." he questions calmly.
"Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig, Peppa Pig!" is daughter chants.
"Alright, alright." He picks up his baby girl and sets her in the middle of his bed. Then he grabs the remote to turn his wall mounted tv on. He scrolls on Netflix and finds Peppa Pig to keep her occupied. Then goes to his bathroom to get dressed and ready to head to the studio.
When he exits his bathroom fully dressed and ready to leave, he finds a sleeping toddler on his bed, snuggled into his pillow. Her perfectly outlined lips slightly parted. Harry can't help but smile. He loves his baby girl with his entirety and seeing her peaceful like this makes him so happy. He turns the tv off and carefully picks her up into his arms and heads down the stairs to his car in the garage. But not before stopping by her room to pick up her mini backpack that holds extra pullups and a sippy cup full of juice, with some of her toys as well. Her tiny face is stuffed into her daddy's neck and Harry can feel light puffs of air hitting his skin. He puts his daughter in her car seat and buckles her up properly. Then gets in himself to drive to the studio.
About 5 minutes away from the studio, Darcy wakes up from her late morning nap and whines out, "Me wanna go home and play with you!"
"I'm sorry but I have to work for a little bit. I'll play with you when we get home later. How does that sound Hmm?" She was not satisfied with her fathers answer and starts wailing. Hot salty tears run down her little cheeks and she makes exaggerated sounds to emphasize her crying. She kicks at the seat in front of her and balls her fist up as if she's going to hit something but unfortunately to her, she can't reach a single thing due to her seat belt. Once again, Harry just ignores her cries of anger and turns the radio on loud to block it out.
By the time they arrive at the studio, Harry's daughter has calmed down. She's still upset but at least she isn't crying and that's progress in Harry's eyes. He parks his car in a secluded area to hide from potential paparazzi and unbuckles her. Then shields her face form potential cameras and make their way into the music studio. Harry has to record some audio for his newest album so that's why he needed to come in today. They enter the studio where the rest of his solo band is. He prefers to record the instruments live instead of manufactured drums and guitars.
At some point when he was getting ready in his home bathroom, Harry had called his assistant and told her he needed to bring his daughter in to the studio with him so she could watch her while he's busy. She agreed but being Harry Styles assistant, it wasn't really an option. Not that Harry would force her but she's an assistant for a reason. To do jobs Harry assigns her. In this case babysit his toddler while he records a song. He doesn't have anyone else today and unfortunately can't leave her at home with a mummy like many other fathers can. He's just happy his job allows his daughter to be somewhat a part of it. Not in the spotlight because he keeps his daughters identity a secret from the public for her protection, but as far as her going to the studio with him or when she gets older, she can come on tour with him.
Harry's assistant takes his toddler and her mini backpack full of her essentials. They hang out in the open area, out of the way from his band and he himself so he can get what he needs to get done so they can wrap everything up for the album. Harry's daughter actually loves his assistant. They have grown quite close over the 2 years of her life. But because she's going through her terrible twos, the toddler didn't want to behave for anyone today.
About an hour into Harry's work, he's interrupted with a frantic assistant that has a screaming toddler in her arms. "I'm sorry Harry but she's been crying for about 30 minutes and I've done everything I know to do to get her to calm down." Harry isn't upset his assistant came to him for help with his baby. That's not the type of guy he is.
Harry takes off his headphones and walks over to them. He picks his little girl up into his tattooed arms and questions, "Love, why are you upset for? If you keep crying, you'll end up with a tummy ache."
She just hugs around her fathers neck with her little arms and says, "Want you daddy." Those words almost breaks his heart. Harry doesn't know where this sudden want for him has came from.
"You can have me all you want when I'm finished working, alright. I'll be done shortly." He struggles to pass her back over to his assistant, but finally manages. "Maybe she's hungry. I'll give you a few pounds to take her through drive thru at McDonalds. Would you like McDonalds d/n?" She just nods her pigtailed head. He would suggest for them to go inside, but the public knows what his assistant looks like so they'd know that was his daughter. The daughter that has her identity secret for now. His assistant takes the toddler to the McDonalds drive thru and orders her some chicken nuggets. Even through Harrys pescatarian, he still allows his daughter to eat meats. Then Harry goes back to work in the studio.
Around 2 in the afternoon, Harry and the two year old make it back home. The rest of the evening was a little hectic with a few tantrums here and there. Harry cooked them a nice meal for dinner at about 6 and played dolls with her in the short period of time she wasn't upset. Then comes the dreaded bedtime.
Harry changes her into some pjs and helps her brush her teeth. Then when he went to put her in bed, she started crying for the 100th time today. "Me sleep with you daddy." she cries out. There's a part of him that wants to say yes and cave in, but the parent part of him is saying no. She needs to learn to be a big girl. Harry really doesn't understand why she wants to sleep with him all the sudden. She normally has no problem sleeping by herself.
"No baby. You need to be a big girl and sleep in your bed sweetheart. I'm right next door if you need me though okay." His daughter clings to his body and cries fat tears. Harry decides to stay in her room until she falls asleep. So that's what he does. When she subsumes to sleep, he lays her down in her bed and pulls the covers up over her frail body. Then exits her room quietly.
Harry changes into some comfier clothes himself and goes down stairs to get himself a glass of wine. Then he sits on the sofa and turns a series on to watch before bed. Times like now is when  he wishes he had a wife. He'd even take a girlfriend. Just someone to hold him late at night and cuddle with him. Even have some type of intimacy. Ever since he found out about his daughter, Harrys game of sleeping around stopped. He didn't want to keep sleeping with random girls when he was becoming a dad. He was raised better than that. So needless to say he was lonely. In every way possible. Mentally, and physically.
Whilst in the middle of the show he's watching, Harry is brought back to reality when he hears a blood-curdling scream from up the stairs. He rushes to set his wine down on the coffee table and runs to his daughters room. When he walks in there, his heart sinks. The toddler is crying so hard she's gasping for air. It's a different cry that he's seen through-out the day. Unlike her terrible twos tantrums, this cry sounds like she's scared. Harry runs to her and picks her up. "Hey what's wrong my love? Tell daddy what's wrong." he asks of his child, soothing her to his chest.
As her tears slow down in the comfort of her daddy's arms, she mumbles, "You left me." Once again Harrys confused because she never acts like this.
Harry walks out her bedroom and goes to sit with her on the sofa downstairs. Then he turns her around on his lap to look at her face more clearly. "Baby, you need to tell daddy why you got scared or why you want me all the sudden."
The little 2 year old takes a deep breath and speaks in her little accent, "On Peppa Pig, they...they said kids like me are supposed to have a mummy AND a daddy. They said daddies can't love their babies like mummy's can. Me was scared you don't love me anymore." Her voice cracked saying the last bit with fresh tears running down her face and Harry has glossy eyes looking down at his distressed but beautiful mini twin. That's right. They look almost exactly alike. He thanks God every day for that because he doesn't want to look at his daughter and be reminded of a one-night stand that's a piece of shit of a mother.
"Look at me d/n. I love you so so so much. I will NEVER stop loving you." at this point he has to take a deep breath so compose his emotions, "And not all kids have mummies. There are a lot of kids who just have a daddy or some just have a mummy. But it doesn't mean I love you any less. Okay?! Don't listen to what they said in Peppa Pig. They were wrong." Finishing his speech, Harry pulls her tiny body forward and hugs her to his warm chest. He has silent tears running down his face. Both hands spread over her boney back. He thinks tonight is appropriate enough to allow her to sleep with him. She needs comfort. "Would you still like to sleep with me?" he asks in a whisper.
"Pleaseee." she responds while crying. Harry stands form the couch, turning the television off and abandoning his barley touched wine glass, and goes to his bedroom. The turns the overhead light off and walks over to the bed. Peeling the covers back, Harry and his daughter, whose on his chest, slide under the warm blankets together. Now she has just about stopped crying. Just little whimpers leaving her body, along with a few hiccups. Harry reaches over to turn the lamp off, leaving the room completely dark. He shushes his baby until her eyes slowly close and she falls asleep with her face burred in his neck and arms around his neck. Her short legs lay limp over his stomach.
Harry has a difficult time falling asleep that night. He feels sorry for his baby girl because he worries that movies and shows with two parents will make her sad and left out because she doesn't have a mummy. He just prays she will see all she'll ever need is her daddy to protect her and love her for the rest of eternity.
MASTERLIST & My Favorite Harry Styles Fics MASTERLIST
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davidlikesguys02 · 3 years
On A Very Special Episode...
M/n= Male name
word count= 2,847
GIF not mine also just Imagine that's you and Vision.
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You're pacing around the living room rocking Tommy “Sweet, sweet Tommy, don't you wanna sleep? Daddy wants to sleep.” you sigh “if you go to sleep, I promise you will be my favorite twin.” behind you Vision is coming down the stairs “oh, come on now, darling. You know we love them both equally.” “Well, don't tell him that” Vision chuckles. “No luck with Billy”
“Tried reading to him, but for some reason, Charles Darwin’s the descent of man made him crying even harder. Oh. care to dance, darling?” “oh” you both chuckle. “It's almost like we're on a date.” “mm! Keep it down, lads, I was about to get my leg over.” you chuckle. “Vis?” “Hmm” “would you mind grabbing their binkies?” “Oh of course not. Binkies all round, I think” you and Vision set the twins down in their cribs.
Vision walks towards the kitchen “Now, I know parents aren't supposed to take shortcuts, but I think this situation calls for one, don't you?” the babies continue crying “so, go to sleep, my babies.” you move your hand but nothing happens “and go to sleep” you try again. The twins begin giggling “well, I don't think its very funny. Why won't you do what I want?”
“What's that, dear?” the babies start to cry again, you turn to see Vision has the binkies in his ears “that is not where those go” you grab the binkies and clean them “noise cancellation is not their primary function?” you put the binkies on the babies mouth and they stop crying “look, I think it's..” the twins shoot them out and start crying again.
“Vis?” “Mm” “what are we doing wrong?” “Oh don't worry dear.” Vision kisses your forehead “well figure it out. Perhaps we all need more time to get to know one another.” “maybe. Or maybe we just need some help.” the doorbell rings. “Oh” Vision walks over to the sofa and grabs a pillow to cover himself. “Hiya, kids” Agnes entered through the door.
“Oh, Agnes!” “Agnes, I was just fluffing this pillow. With my face” “oh, I was on my way to Jazzercise when i heard your new little bundles of joy were on a sleep strike.” “oh? Who told you that?” Vision asked, “uh, my ears.” Agnes chuckles, “Anyway, Auntie Agnes is here and I've got a couple of tricks up my sleeve?” “oh Agnes you're a lifesaver.” “aw”
“Very well. But be careful of their belly buttons and remember to support their heads, and when was the last time you washed... Actually, you know what? It would be... Just... Maybe we better not.” the babies continue to cry, Agnes turns to you “um...uh… Do you want me to take that again?” you turn to look at Vision and turn back to look at Agnes “uh… I'm sorry?” “You want me to hold the babies. Should we just take it from the top?”
Vision chuckles awkwardly “what?” you chuckle “oh don't be silly. Vision, lets… let's let Agnes give it a try.” you chuckle nervously “fussy babies, meet buns of steel. We dare you to stay awake” Agnes and you both chuckle. “M/n” Vision motions for you to follow him “what was that about?” “what was what?” “what was what? That, that with Agnes just now.” you turn to look at Agnes and see that she's rocking the twins
“Well, I think she just got confused for a moment. She seems fine now.” you turn back to look at Vision “but what she said, the way she looked at you?” “how did she look at me?” “well, I dint… oh.” you turn back to look at Agnes she was spraying something over the twins “Lavender. It's supposed to have a calming effect. Ralph sprays it on me every night. But there's no taming this tiger..” she chuckles “it's so strange”
You start to whisper “that's not fair. It's not Agnes fault that she has an unusually high libido” “M/n did you really not see what I saw?” there's a thud behind you two “oh. Don't mind me. I'm just looking for your dark liquor.” “what?” “not for me. For the twins. What kind of babysitter do you think I am? I'm just gonna go and check in there”
You turn to Vision “Vision, the boys haven't slept in days. You and I both need a break and Agnes is just being neighborly, that's all.” the twin’s stopped crying “do you hear that?” “hear that?” “absolutely nothing” you gasp, Vision takes your hand and you two walk over to the cribs, “they finally fell asleep” “they're empty” “then where are the twins” “dad?, daddy?” you gasp “huh”
Agnes sighs “kids” she chuckles “you can't control em. No matter how hard you try” “well, hi” “hi” both you and Vision say “how are you doing, baby?” “aw”
You wander the world with a vision Of what life could be But then the years come and teach you To just wait and see Forces may try to pull us apart But nothing can phase me If you're in my heart Crossing our fingers, singing a song We're making it up as we go along Through the highs and the lows We'll be right, we'll be wrong We're making it up as we go along And there will be days We won't know which way to go But we'll take it higher You're all I desire When the going gets tough When push comes to shove We're making it up 'Cause we got love We got love We got love We got love Baby, we got... M/nVision
You walk around your house looking for Tommy and Billy. “Tommy, Billy?” you walk through the door and see Tommy and Billy standing in the kitchen “you know, I don't miss the crying, but jeez Louise, did you have to learn to walk? You two never stay put. Unless you're innocently forming a human wall in front of the kitchen sink.” someone sneezes “bless you” “Thank you” both Tommy and Billy say.
There's a soft bark “now tell me which one of you just barked? Scoot'' you gasp “oh, boy. waiter , what's this canine doing in my kitchen sink?” you turn to look at the twins “the doggy paddle?” “Can we keep him, daddy?” “Well, I'm sure his owners miss him very much. Come on.” you grab a towel and grab the dog and start to dry them “huh. There really is no collar?” “Can we keep him?”
“He was outside. Crying, alone.” “Now, boys, taking care of a living thing is a big responsibility. Dogs need food, exercise, training, belly rubs, and cuddles. And kisses between their little ears.” “morning, M/n. morning, boys.” you show Vision the dog “Good morning, unfamiliar wet animal.” you chuckle “who is this?” “we're not quite sure. Why so formal, honey?”
“Oh, it's just a precaution really. I had a hunch someone might pop over.” the back door opens and Agnes walks through “hi, kiddos” “with exactly the item we require” “my kitchen window told me someone got a new pooch.” the dog starts barking “did you name him yet?” the dog starts sniffing an outlet “how about sniffy” “oh” Agnes chuckles. Sparks start to come from the outlet causing the dog to yelp and run away. “How about sparky?”
You chuckle and hold out your hand “well, should we make it official?” you move your hand and a dog collar appears tommy takes the collar from you. “M/n” “hmm” “Agnes was right there!” “Well, she didn't notice. She didn't even notice when the boys went from babies to five-year-old's” “that's not what we agreed upon. You made no effort to conceal your abilities.”
“Well, I'm tired of hiding, Vis. and maybe you don't have to either.” you take your hand and start to crease his cheek “M/n, we are usually so much of the same mind. But right now… what aren't you telling me?” “so, is sparky our dog, daddy?” Tommy asks Vision “what?” Sparky starts to whimper.
“Boys, your father and I don't think you're ready to properly care for an animal until you're at least…” you turn to Vision “Ten” he coughs “Ten” “ten years old” you show them 10 fingers. The twins look at each other and smile “wait, now hang on there a minute…” “wait, no, no, no.” “...you young whippersnappers.” “no, no, no” you gasp as the twins age up. “Lets just hope this dog stays the same size.” Agnes chuckles “woof, woof”
You're in the living room with Tommy sitting next to you on the sofa “sit, Sparky. Now spin. Good boy” “oh bravo, Billy you weren't so bad either, Sparky” you and Tommy both clap “that's was radical. Where's dad? We gotta go show dad!” Tommy got up and walked towards the kitchen Billy followed behind him. “Oh, hes… hes at work” “huh?” “It's Saturday” the twins turn to look at you “no, it's not. It's Monday” “this morning was Saturday.”
“There was an emergency at the office and your father had to go in. end of story. look , he just… he needed a distraction.” “from what?” “from us?” “no! No way! No” you get up from the sofa and walk over to them “sometimes” you start to walk them over to the sofa so you can sit “your dad and I aren't on the same page, but that's just temporary. Like the two of you, you might fight over toys, but he's always going to be your brother. And he is always going to be yours. Because family is forever.”
“Do you have a brother dad?” “I do. Yeah he's far away from here. And it makes me sad sometimes.” Sparky begins to bark and he runs toward the door. “Hey , sparky, what's up boy?” sparky begins to growl “something scaring him” “stay here” you tell the twins and walk outside. You see a drone and you can hear a voice “M/n this is captain Monica Rambeau. Can you hear me? I just want to talk. That's it.” you look up at the drone and your eyes begin to glow red.
You use your powers to take the drone down and you grab it and start walking towards the outskirts of Westview. You can see the force field you put around the town and start to walk through it. You come out on the other side to see a camp of some sorts. “Is this yours?” you throw the drone at Haywards feet, you can still see your powers covering the drone. They have men and women armed around pointing their guns at you.
“The missile was just a precaution. You can hardly blame us. M/n” “oh, I think I can. This will be your only warning. Stay out of my home.” “I wish it could be that simple. You've taken an entire town hostage.” “Well, I'm not the one with the guns, Director.” “but you are the one in control.” “you're still here?” you start to see the red ball of energy around your hand.
“M/n, I didn't know the drones were armed. But you know that, don't you?” she begins to walk towards you “A town full of civilians. And you, a telepath, brought a S.W.O.R.D. Agent into your home. You trusted me to help deliver your babies. On some level, M/n, you know I am an ally. I wanna help you.” “how? What could you possibly have to offer me?”
“What do you want?” “I have what I want and no one” you look at Hayward “will ever take it from me again” you raise your arm and see the familiar red glow around the armed men. They all turn their guns at Hayward and you start to walk away. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa stand down!” “M/n” “Stand down”
you use your powers to change the force field you put around making it glow red you turn around one last time and walk through again.
“Sparky! Come on boy!” “sparky, sparky” you're walking around with the twins looking for sparky. “hey , what's the trouble little dudes?” “we can't find our dog” “ah, don't worry. He's sure to turn up. Your dad wont let him get far. Sir.” “I don't know where he could've gone” you tell the twins “here, boy, Sparky! Sparky!” you hear some rustling near some bushes “Sparky”
Agnes pops up holding something that appears to be wrapped “sparky”. Agnes sighs “I… I didn't wanna come until id wrapped him up.” “What happened to him?” you ask “found him in my azalea bushes. Don't know how many leaves he ate. I didn’t find him until it was too late. Oh…. Tommy. Billy, I'm so sorry.” you turn to look at the twins and see them looking at each other and nodding.
“Wait. Don't. Don’t” they look at you “don't what?” “don't age yourselves up. The urge to run from this feeling is powerful. I know.” “It's too sad” “you can fix anything, Dad. fix the dead.” “what? no” “you can do that?” you turn to look at Agnes and turn back to the twins “I am trying to tell you that there are rules in life, okay? We can't rush aging just because it's convenient.” you chuckle “And we can't reverse death. No matter how sad it makes us. Okay? Some things are forever.”
You can hear Agnes sigh behind you “you said family is forever.” “He is family. Bring him back, dad” “bring who back?” Vision looks over at Agnes “oh, boys. Come here” the twins walk over and hug Vision. Later you are picking up some toys and you turn to see Vision walk through the back door. “How are the boys?”
“A little heartbroken, but they'll be alright” “well, it's not often you get a dog and bury them the same day.” “Well, life moves pretty fast out in the suburbs.” you grab the basket of toys and take it over to the counter “I spoke with Norm” “Oh?” you look over at him confused. “I unearthed the man's suppressed personality and spoke to him free of your oversight. He was in pain, M/n”
“Vision…” you chuckle softly “listen, can we just…” “what? Watch tv? Turn in for the night so you can change everything over again? No, M/n. you can't control me the way you do to them” you look at him “Can’t I? I'm going to bed” “no! We're not done here. What is the Maximoff Anomaly?”
“The what?” “I have to believe that this, whatever this is, was subconsciousness at first and you only recently became aware of it.” “aware of what?” you walk out of the kitchen “Norm has a family, M/n” “he has a family, and he can't reach them because you won't let him reach them!” “I don't know what you're talking about” you turn to look at him. “Stop lying to me!” Vision begins to float.
The familiar red glow around your hand appears and you begin to float in front of him “This, all of this is for us. So let me handle it.” “What is outside of Westview?” “you don't wanna know, i promise you.” “you don't get to make that choice for me M/n” he points at you “you've never talked to me like this before” you start to slowly fall back to the ground.
“Before what?” Vision raises his Voice “before what? I can't remember my life before Westview. I don't know who I am! I'm scared!” you look up at him “you are my husband, you are Tommy and Billy’s father. Isn't that enough.” Vision slowly comes down “M/n, why are there no other children in Westview.” you walk over to the sofa and sit down “oh, god. There are just stop it.”
“No. no. the playground stands empty every morning I walk to work. Why? Tell me why?” “ Do you really think that I am controlling everything? That I am somehow in charge of everybody in Westview? I'm walking their dogs, mowing their lawns, getting them to dentist appointments on time? I mean, I…” you chuckle dryly ”I don't know how any of this started in the first place.”
“M/n, what you're doing here, it's wrong” he walks around and kneels in front of you “I…” “It's wrong” the doorbell rings, getting the attention of you and Vision “I didn't do that. I… you don't believe me.” “M/n, i want to, but at this point, I'm ignoring statistics entirely.” the doorbell rings a second time you get up and walk over to the door. You open the door, and are shocked “M/n who is this?”
“Long lost bro gets to squeeze his stinking brother to death or what?” “Pietro?” he nods, he opens his arms and you and hug him “who's the popsicle?” he points and Vision.
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 1: Boredom
Words: 2130
Boredom, Sure most people hated the feeling of fear the worst, or some people even hated the feeling of love. But you hated the feeling of boredom, so why you chose to take this excruciating lackluster lecture for your class was beyond you. You were tapping your nails against the desk scribbling down a few notes here and there, stuff you already knew. Why this college made you take classes that were so painfully basic was beyond your understanding, oh wait a second, money that's why.
“Hey (Name)?” your seatmate said to you
“Hmm?” you said
“Can I please see your notes? You always know the right stuff to write down,” she said
“Sure,” you said pushing your notes over a bit so she could get a better look at them
“Thank you.” She said, you nodded your head and kept listening to the drone of a lecture. Once it was finally done and over with you packed up your bags and were going to head to the courtyard.
“Man, that was boring. I don't know how you pay attention to this so well.” Your seatmate said
“I can’t really.” you said putting away your pencil case “Hope the notes help.”
“They will, hey you want to eat lunch together?” She asked
“Sorry but I like to eat alone,” you said
“Ohhh, okay we'll see you in class tomorrow (name).” she said and left, you followed suit and went to the vending machine, got a quick snack, and headed back to your dorm, the next class was in an hour and might as well relax a bit for the time being. You pulled out your phone to read the latest news.
Villain dubbed the Name NightHawk strikes again, police are looking for any leads.
“This guy again huh, he must be stalking this area.” you thought “Wonder how long he is planning to stay around this boring area.”
After looking at one too many cat videos you headed off to your next class, Mutation quirk and medication. With the wide range of quirks, there were many issues that could harm the quality of life. Studying to become a doctor sure did take a lot of work, even more work now that humans could have any range of growths, bumps, dry spots. Could that be a part of their quirk or is it a tumor that needs to be removed? This was one of the classes that interested you, the hands-on approach, if you didn't have a strong stomach you shouldn't take this class, takes you back to high school when you had to dissect a frog, then a squid, and who could forget the pig fetus. The teachers were not too thrilled that you used your quirk to open up the animals though and sent you to the counselor afterward.
Oh well
Drawing down the diagrams, your seatmate who you seem to have a lot of classes with looked over
“Man you are really good at drawing, can I take a photo?” she asked
“Sure,” you said
“You are a woman of few words huh.” she said, “but you are really nice (name).” “Thanks,” you said, trying to pay attention to the lecture, she must have gotten the hint and went back to her note-taking. Still with this being the last class of the day you were finally ready to take a nice hot bath and relax.
“So (name).” she said, “I was wondering if you want to come with me and a couple of friends tonight, we are getting some drinks.”
“Hm I don't know, I don't like getting drunk on a school night,” you said
“You have classes tomorrow?” She asked, sounding let down by that news, well not like you had anything else to do and maybe a couple of drinks with some people would curb your boredom a bit.
“Oh wait, today is Friday, I have tomorrow off.” you said “I don’t like to stay out too late, I'll still go just won't be there the whole time.”
“That's fine, I've been wanting to hang out with you, I'll pay as thanks for helping me with the notes.”
“Sounds good, which palace are we meeting up at?” you asked
“Oh, it's called cherry steam.” She said, “You know I just realized I never told you my name, it's Fumiko. Also, we are meeting there at six so in two hours
“Okay I'll meet you there,” you said and left, it had been a while since you went out so finally an excuse to wear that new dress you bought months ago, you didn’t get invited out often because most of your classmates thought of you as aloof so this was a nice treat.
So when you arrived outside Cherry Steam and it only hit you then that this was a mixer, and they were short a girl for this group of five men, just great. You sat at the end sipping away at your, you lost count, fruity drink as the guy across from you tried to make conversation.
“So uhm what are you in school for?” he asked
“Doctor, what about you?” you asked taking another sip
“Business major,” he said
“Is that so,” you said swirling the drink around your glass, god could this be any more painful, this guy was incredibly duel.
“So what's your quirk, not to brag but mine is really cool.” he said “I'm able to see behind my head with a third eye.”
“Huh that's neat, guess it must be hard for people to get the drop on you.” you said “My quirk has a habit to scare people off, so not sure if you can handle it.”
“OH come on you can show me,” he said, finally something interesting, so you held out your hand
“You sure you wanna know.” you teased
“Well now I can’t, not see it,” he said, as you flexed your fingers and your five-inch talons came shooting out of your nail beds, he jolted back. “Holy…”
“Told you.” you said taking another sip, this got the attention of the others “I'm able to flex my fingers and these talons come out.”
“Wow you could become a hero with those.” the other guy said as they looked over “can I touch them.”
“Only if you want to get cut,” you said putting your talons back in under your nail beds.
“Does it hurt when they pop out like that?” another guy asked
“Not really.'' You said, as you continued to have the conversation with these guys, you didn't notice the other girls getting a little pissed off by the lack of attention they were getting. Till Fumiko tapped your shoulder
“Hey, I need to go to the restroom. Can you come with me?” she asked
“Sure, I don't mind,” you said getting up and walking out of the booth and following her, only for her to stop outside
“(name) I'm glad you are having fun but the other girls came here as well, can you dial it down a bit?” she asked, you were now confused
“Dial what down?” you asked
“You are flirting with all of them.”She said, “So can you just, you know tone down the flirting a bit.”
“...I think I should leave,” you said
“(name) wait that's not what I meant.” She said
“Look it's getting late anyway I wasn't planning on staying out past ten.” you said “I want to make a scene I’ll just leave so you can all have fun.”
You walked back to the booth and grabbed your purse slinging it over your shoulder.
“Heyy where are you going?” the guy asked
“It's gotten late.” you said “I need to head back, thanks for the drinks.”
“Awwww, what lame.” Another guy said
“Maybe another time, bye-bye.” you said and left the booth, Fumiko came back
“Fumiii your friend left, I didn't even get her number.”
“Hey who said you would be the one getting her number?”
“Hey who said, who said you would be getting her number!” his other friend yelled at him, they started fighting amongst themselves they didn't see their other guy friend leave, till Fumi looked
“Hey didn't we have an extra guy just now?” she asked
“Hey, where is Akio?” His friend said, “That lousy bastard ditched us.”
Well, at least now we have a perfect amount of people.” One of the girls Fumiko brought said
“Greta another round then!”
You were walking down the street rather pissed off, first, she tells you it was just a couple of drinks, not the fact it was a mixer, and that they needed another woman to come. Secondly, the second that they start paying attention to you, they get all pissed off. You never understood people as you kept walking down the street in a huff letting people know to stay out of your way.
“Hey (name).” you hear a males voice oh it is one of the guys
“Huh what are you doing here?” you asked, man you felt drunk this is why you didn't drink you can't handle your booze.
“You just left all of a sudden, you okay?” He asked
“I'm fine, I'm fine, you can go back to your friends now,” you said your words were a bit slurred but you could make it home by yourself
“It's no fun when there isn't the same amount of men and women, here let me walk you home.” He said, and oh no you knew what that meant with these guys
“NO need, I can take care of myself,” you said and kept walking, he must have not gotten the hint because he kept walking behind you, before putting his arm over your shoulder
“You are stumbling let me help,” he said
“I told you I am fine,” you said slinging his arm off and kept walking, you just wanted to get away from this guy, there was a shortcut you thought not thinking correctly as you tried to lose him.
“Hey (Name), can you just listen to me, I'm just trying to be nice,” Akio said grabbing your wrist
“I don't want you to be nice, I want you to let me go before I cut you.” You said as he grabbed your other wrist.
“You won't be able to cut me if you can't move your hands.” he said, his tone shifting yup he was getting violent “You do have such an amazing quirk you know.” “Let me go already.” You said struggling before you flexed your fingers and pointed them down to stab him in the arms
“AGH YOU BITCH.” He yelled pulling back his arm and you booked it down the alley shortcut, you could hear him chasing after you. When he grabbed the back of your dress and yanked you into his chest.
“What's this, a lovers quarrel?” you heard someone else's voice, having no idea where it was coming from “You know women don't like pushy guys.” “Who the fuck said that?” Akio said not letting go of you
“I did up here.” the voice said with a whistle, and you looked up to see a man who looked around your age on fire escape legs dangling down as he was eating take out.
“This doesn't concern you,” Akio said, as you kept trying to crack loose, Akio was freaking out and now this strange man was just watching on.
“It kinda does, because here I am trying to enjoy some take out after a long day and now I see some brute manhandling someone who isn't interested.” He said as a can of coffee hit Akio on the head, not even in front of the direction the man was in. Akio must have thought it was not worth it and shoved you down and ran for it.
“Yeesh what a load of work.” The man said, “You good down there.”
“I'm… fine,” you said trying to gather your thoughts as you got up, great you skinned your knee, the man got up on his feet and looked down.
“I saw that you have a pretty neat quirk.” He said, “ Reminds me of bird talons.”
“Most people say cat paws.” you said getting up, was this guy trying to lift your spirits or something “I really wasn't thinking while coming down here, do you know the way out?”
“Yup, strength down that way to the left, wouldn't recommend going that way,” he said pointing the direction Akio booked it at.
“Thank you,” you said grabbing your purse and walking down, As the man looked in the direction Akio came to. Before an arrangement of red feathers came out from hiding in the alleyway and attached to his back, he had one more thing to do.
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zaikaglow · 3 years
Pairing: Erwin x Reader (eventually Reader x Eren, Reader x Levi, Reader x Hange maybe more)
Summary: Your mom has married the ever handsome Erwin Smith but the two of you have started an illicit affair under her nose. As you become more jealous of being the other women you start to engage in office affairs to try and force Erwin’s hand.
Content Warnings: Step dad! Erwin, alcoholism, size kink, cheating, pseudoincest, unprotected sex
Part 1   Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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“So I basically make copies, paginate those copies, go on coffee runs. I’m the office bitch basically” Eren says rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, the other resting on the table on the stack of copies he was previously holding now resting on the table. While the office area where clients would come was nicely furnished and brightly light with floor to ceiling windows this backroom filled with equipment was dimly light with no windows and a disgustingly 70’s style wall color. “They also stuck you back in the worst part of the building, I kinda figured the whole building would have been nice” you say. “Oh well out front where Mr.Smith and Mr.Ackerman have their offices are nice for the clients but back where the paralegals and interns are it's pretty groody huh?” he gives a slight chuckle looking up just enough to meet your eyes. “So Eren what are you up to tonight” you say, cocking your head to the side and biting your bottom lip. You wanted to make sure he got the hint loud and clear, it seemed like a great form of revenge, you fucking Erwin’s little intern. It would be an utterly appropriate relationship that would raise red flags if he dared object to it and the best part was that he’d have to see this boy everyday knowing he violated his little princess. Would it make Eren’s life harder? Probably but you really didn’t care that much, you could only think about how smug you’d feel seeing Erwin ticked off at the boy. The boy's eyes widened and you could tell he was trying to suppress a smile “uh I uh, you know I wasn't actually doing anything” he breaks eye contact to look at the ceiling “but if you want maybe you and me, we could do something. Together” he looks back to meet your eyes looking nervous as hell. He’s desperately hoping that's what you wanted to hear, that you weren't just trying to make polite small talk. You stand up from the doorway you had been leaning on to and grab a piece of paper out of the recycling pile and pluck the pen that had been sitting behind Erens ear and begin to scrawl. “Here’s my address, pick me up at 7” you flash him a smile before leaving making sure to not give him the chance to ask for your number. That was intentional just giving him the address so that way he’d have to come to the door, no ‘i'm outside texts', you wanted to rub it in Erwin's face.
Later that night you were sitting at your vanity putting the final touches on your makeup for the night when there was a knock at the door “come in”. You already knew who it was by the heavy footsteps as he was coming up the stairs, but you still couldn't help but to smirk when Erwin opened the door, meeting his eyes in the mirror. He came up behind you and placed his large hands on your bare shoulders feeling the warmth radiating down. “Who are you getting all dolled up for” comes out in a cold monotone voice, his eyes never leaving yours in the mirror. You finish wiping the sticky pink lipgloss on and reply in a condescending tone “Oh didn't I tell you”? A devious smile spreads across your face “that handsome intern asked me on a date”. Erwin clenches his jaw, grip on your shoulders tightening “ y/n I know you're mad at me about today” he exhales “but this is just childish”. “Aww daddy don't tell me you're jealous of the little Jager boy”. “I'm not jealous of a child like him, and put a jacket or something on that's barely a shirt” he removes his hands from your shoulders and briskly walks out the door.
Erwin is sitting down in the living room with your mom reading the paper when the doorbell rings. He puts down the paper and goes to open the door, “Mr.Smith, kinda weird to see you outside of work i'm here to pick up y/n”. Without breaking eye contact with Eren, Erwin shouts up the stairs “y/n, the Jager boy is here”. As you start to come down the stairs your mom gets up to go check out the new visitor “oh y/n he is handsome, good choice” Eren blushes “uh thanks Mrs.Smith”. You practically skip down the stairs and give Eren a hug at the door, Erwin can see you listened when he told you to put on a jacket over that black halter crop top but you also went ahead and changed out your jeans for a skirt. He knows that he can't say anything right now, not with your mom standing beside him, but he’s jealous. The way you have your arm wrapped around the Jager boy’s waist knowing that he’ll put his filthy hands on his little princess putting his cock where it doesn't belong. The only thing he can think to say is “have her back by 10”.
Eren’s car isn't anywhere as nice as Erwin’s but it's not like you expected it to be. Erwin is a wealthy big shot lawyer and Eren is a college intern but it feels almost weird to be so low to the ground in a car. You're parked at a scenic pull out overlooking the city. There are some picnic tables in the nearby trees but it's not the right season so you two are utterly alone in this small dirt parking lot. Eren is tapping the steering wheel nervously and stealing the occasional glance in your direction “so y/n are you sure you don't want to go and do something? We could go bowling or there's some 24 hour diners nearby”. You prop up one of your feet on the seat below you causing your skirt to ride up your thigh, Eren steals another glance this time lingering on your exposed thigh “I’m perfectly happy right here Eren” you say tilting your head in his direction. “Y/n..I dont want you to feel like i'm trying to take advantage of you” comes out in a low husky voice. You get up, placing your knees underneath you on the seat and place your hand on Eren’s arm as you slowly start to move up towards his face till your fingers grasp his jaw and turn his face towards yours “you're not taking advantage of me Eren”. You pull him into a kiss, it's different from how Erwin’s is. With Erwin it's firm and there's this sense of urgency of “don't get caught” of “this is wrong, we shouldnt do this” but Eren is gentle and warm and kisses you like it's right. His fingers nervously brush against your jaw like he’s afraid you'll break if he touches you too hard “Why don't we move to the back seat” you whisper brushing your fingers into his hair causing him to lean into your touch and eyelids shut “okay” he replies.
Eren’s shirt is off and he’s leaning over your fingers in your hair, and things feel nice of course you can feel the arousal pooling in your panties but this is no way to make a point. You move one of your hands up to his jaw pushing his head up and tilting his jaw down to look at you while the other goes to palm him through his jeans. He’s so beautiful the way the loose tendrils of hair fall against his forehead, his green eyes lids heavy with lust. Maybe you could be happy with him, you could stop fucking your stepdad and be happy having a normal relationship with an age approrait boy. But unfortunately you're a little too twisted to give up on Erwin, you know fucking someone like Eren would amount to the thrill of fucking the one man you were never supposed to touch. Your mind was made up “Eren, I want you to be rough with me” his eyes go wide “o-okay I can do that” he says. His lips meet yours again though this time rougher, he places a peck on the corner of your mouth before starting to trail down to your neck, finally about to give you what you really want “I want you to mark me Eren” you can feel his cock twitch in his pants at the words as he latches on tighter to your neck leaving wet spots that begin to darken. His hands lift off your top, breasts bouncing after being freed from the tight shirt’s confines. He gives them a squeeze before placing his mouth on the right nipple and his delicate fingers roll the left. “If you only do my neck my tits are going to feel left out Eren” he glances up before moving his mouth higher on your breast to start leaving more hickies. Your thighs are squeezing together and you can't take it anymore going to unbutton his jeans and slipping your thumbs into the waistband of his boxers pulling both down freeing his cock to slap against his stomach. His cock was much smaller than Erwin's, not tiny by any means, just not as massive, but it was pretty and veiny and the head was starting to leak. Eren’s hands move down first pulling off your skirt but then pauses to look at your grey panties and how he can see how soaked they are from your arousal. He runs his middle finger over your chlothed slit “hmm is that all for me”. “Of course who else would it be for?” you hook your thumbs under the waistband before Eren’s places his hands over yours “I wanna be the one to do it” he starts to drag them down going slowly so he can see how your arousal sticks to the undergarments before breaking. You take your hard and use your thumb to rub a bead of precum over the head. “Y/n i'm sorry I honestly didn't expect this tonight I don't have any condoms”   
“Hmm its okay im on birth control” you say as you guide him by his cock to your entrance. When he makes contact he puts his arms under yours hands gripping your shoulders and burying his face in your neck as he bottoms out. His hips start to move in and out and you can feel the way the head of his dick brushes up against your sweet spot. Eren starts to pull out a little only fucking you with the first few inches stimulating your enough but leaving you begging for him to fill you up and then when you least expect it he pushes in with his full length repeating this process a few more times before you finally feel his warm cum painting your insides. Eren brings his head up and gives your cheek a wet kiss “you didnt cum did you”? “No but that's okay I still enjoyed it”. He rubs his nose against your check and whispers “nuh uh I want to make you cum too, come here”. He pulls out and sits back against the door of the car and gestures for you to come sit in between his legs. You comply leaning your head back in the crook of his neck as he places one hand on your breast and the other starts to circle your clit fingers dipping into the mess from earlier to lube up his finger “how does that feel” he whispers “i-its good” you whimper back. He has two fingers gently pumping in and out and his thumb circling around your swollen bud and your grip his thighs as you feel the tension in your stomach start to reach its breaking point before you release on his fingers adding to the wetness between your thighs. Eren wraps his arms around you and whispers “that a good girl”
It’s 10:15pm when Eren drops you back off making jokes about Erwin firing him every minute it passed 10pm and nervously glancing at the hickeys littering your neck. Before you got out he had said “I hope that wasn't just a one time thing y/n, I think I actually really like you” and you had assured him that this wasn't a one night stand and that you'd see him again. When you finally walk in Erwin was sitting in his reading chair by the door, you walk in and head right up the stairs pretending he wasn't even there. In your room you start to undress when the door opens no knocking. “What the hell did he do to you?” Erwin says grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer. He places his fingers over the dark hickies, a look that's a mix of hurt and disgust coming over his face. “Oh come on daddy you know it would be weirder if I didn't go out with your handsome little intern, and I know how you like keeping up your appearances” you smile sweetly at him. You're thinking you finally did it, you got under his skin and you were about to get what you wanted, him all to yourself when suddenly his face goes back to an almost blank expression. “You know what y/n you're right it would be strange if a girl as pretty as you were to remain single the whole time, I think this is actually a good idea”. Erwin takes his hands and brushes your hair back behind your ears and gives you a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room “goodnight princess”. You're so angry he was okay with this, with another man marking you up? It would apparently take a lot more to get under Erwin Smith's skin, you think slamming your hands down on the vanity in frustration.
Two weeks later you're with Eren in his room, him laying his head on your lap talking away while you play with his hair. “Your dad must be pretty protective of you because I swear he’s been crazy rough on me ever since I took you out that first night. I mean I thought he liked me enough since Mr.Ackerman gave me his recommendation and you know how those guys are like best buds” you start to listen more intensely than you had before “Really? My dad doesn't like to talk about work stuff that much around me I haven't heard about Mr.Ackerman”. Eren shifts up a little bit seemingly more curious “Seriously he never mentioned him? Those guys are like crazy close there was even a rumor that they were in a secret relationship but then he married your mom and Mr.Smith just really doesnt seem like the guy to fuck around on his wife” he continues “I actully really like Mr.Ackerman too he’s my sisters cousin, shes adopted so he’s not my cousin but Ive known him a while and I owe him a lot I used to make some bad choices but he kinda kicked my ass into gear and got me on the path I am now, thats why im pre-law and he even helped me get this internship”. The way Eren is looking up at you is just so sweet and filled with love and the way he’s so comfortable just telling you all this makes you feel really bad. Because while Eren’s a nice guy and all it seems like the best way to finally truly get under Erwin’s skin, enough to get what you want is to fuck this Mr.Ackerman.
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Warnings: Fluff
Characters: Y/n, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Part 3
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After the date Bucky had brought me back to my hotel. It was such an amazing night and I had so much fun. More fun than I’ve had in a very long time. I felt at ease with Bucky, I felt like I didn’t have to worry about anything when I was with him. It was ridiculous, I had only seen him three times now but yet I still felt like that. I laid down on my bed and turned to my side. On the nightstand I had a picture of me and my friend Vera. She used to live in Kattegat, but left when she turned 25. The day she left we had a picture taken together in Borgheim in Norway. The picture was made seventeen years ago already. She’s in her forties now, married and has one child, Else. Over the years Vera had sent me pictures and I could see Else looked exactly like her mom. I missed Vera, she was such a good friend, still is a good friend. Even Loki likes her, which never happens cause he dislikes everyone. Anyway, hopefully I get to see Vera soon again. I’ll write her. 
“I found a place in Brooklyn! We can finally leave this awful hotel now. We’ll just get some gold from Asgard and we’ll take it.” Loki said, exhausted from living in a hotel. “You know, you can’t just show up with random gold. They’re not gonna take it. We need money.” I explained to a already irritated Loki. “Well how are we going to get money?” He asked crossing his arms. “Traditionally, you work for it, but seeing I have been alive for over a thousand years and lived almost that entire time here.. I already got the money. But I wanna see the house first before buying anything. So can we drop by there?”
And Loki happily took me to the house he had seen. It was big. To be honest it was too big. I wanna be under the radar, but with a house like that, that would be impossible. The house looked fairly new, it had three floors, six bedrooms, 5,5 bathrooms, two kitchens, soooo many sitting spaces, an office, an enormous garage, a gigantic backyard. “No way Loki. There is no way I’m getting a house like that.” I was walking away from Loki already. “What? Why not? You have the money. It’s better to live luxurious than anything else, right? Love?” He said in a mocking tone. We had to pretend we were husband and wife otherwise it would raise a lot of questions why a woman and a man where looking at houses. “Well, yes I do have the money, but I also wanna keep the money.. Darlin’.” I mocked back. 
Still I was not growing any older and only until I know when I grow older I’ll be saving my money. “I was more thinking of an apartment.. In the city and not over an hour away from it.” I told him. “You can see the city from that house.” He told me. “That’s not what I mean or want.” Loki made me stop and stand in front of me. “Y/n, you’re basically a God, you deserve everything. You deserve a house that is made from gold, you deserve to bathe in it. You will never get that by staying on Midgard. You are attached to something that you had a long time ago. And you will not get that life back for at least eighty years. You know whatever is going to happen over the next eighty years you will not be able to change. So why stay at all? These people don’t deserve you.” Loki always had the same speech. These people do not deserve me. But... “I am these people. I am one of them Loki. I understand it is different for you, you are Asgardian, they are your people. Not mine. So if these people don’t deserve me and I’m not Asgardian.. Where do I belong then?” 
He was silent at that. Thinking of his next words carefully. “There are more worlds out there. You know this, you’ve been to different worlds before. We’ll go together.. Find a better one.” I gave him a sad smile. “What about Kattegat?” It is my home, I swore to protect it and it’s people for as long as I shall live.” “Kattegat is holding you back y/n. It is making you live in a time that no longer exists. What if you broke the barrier spell and let it be part of this world again? Would it honestly be so bad?” I shook my head no. “Loki I promised Bjorn. I can’t ju-...” Loki grabbed both my arms. “He has been dead for over a thousand years y/n. I know how you feel about your promises, but sometimes they need to be broken or it will break you.” He interrupted. “Whatever. I’m not buying that ugly house and I’m not gonna leave Kattegat for dead, because yes, I do take my promises seriously.” I shook him off and I walked off. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I was for sure going away from Loki.
I think I had been walking for over an hour. I was in the busier part of Brooklyn, but it was still relatively quiet. It was a little after noon on a Sunday, so a lot of people were probably going out for lunch now or just got done having lunch. Some cars where passing by, people where chatting. When I passed an alley I heard some rumbling. Usually I would ignore it and keep walking, but this time I decided differently. Not like I couldn’t take whatever or whoever was out there. As I came closer, I saw a tall man fighting a much smaller man. He was skinny and had blonde hair. Oh my God. Steve. “HEY!” I yelled. The tall guy was holding Steve in a choke hold. Steve looked at me with shocked eyes. His right eye looked like it was gonna bruise. It had a small cut right under his eye that looked like it was going to swell. “None of your concern lady. Keep walking.” He ordered. “Let him go!” I said as I came closer. “It’s ok y/n. I started it.” Steve said pulling on the arm that was around his neck. “And I’m gonna finish it pal.” The bigger guy said as he pushed Steve back. He made a start to try and kick Steve, but I quickly kicked him and he fell to the ground. “Wow!” Steve said. “Next time pick someone your own size.” I told him as I pulled Steve with me out of the alley.
“I have never seen an dame with such strength.” Steve said with wonder. “You’ll be amazed by how powerful women are.” I told him. We ran a block and rounded a corner in hope of losing the idiot. “Is there somewhere we can go? To maybe take care of your eye. It doesn’t look too good.” His eye was bleeding and it was starting to swell badly. “I’ll be ok. real-.” “Nonsense. Where do you live? Lets go there and have a better look.” Steve looked down. “I don’t think that is an good idea. What will people say?” I laughed at that. “Right now, Steve, I’m worried about your eye. Come on, you lead the way.” I said as I gave him a little push to start walking. 
After about five minutes we got to his apartment. It all looked rundown and it wasn’t the best neighborhood. Steve opened the door of his apartment and let me in. “Well, it isn’t much, but it’s our home.” As I walked in there was a couch to the left of me pointed to a radio. Behind the couch there was a door, I don’t know where that led, maybe a bedroom. Then at the back on the right there was a kitchen and on the left of the kitchen there were two doors, maybe more bedrooms. And lastly in the light corner by the entrance there was a book closet. It actually had quiet a few books in it. It was small. “Uhm, your eye. Do you have clean cloth? And something to sterilize the cut under your eye with?” I asked. Steve nodded and got the supplies I asked for. “Ok if you can sit down here I’ll have a look.” I said as I pointed towards the couch. We both sat down and I took a look at him. His eye was almost swollen shut and it would stay like that for a while. I had an idea to help him. Over the years I have been alive I learned a few tricks. And specifically this one trick I think is coming from the Life stone I protect. It restores or heals wounds. And with small ones like these it wouldn’t be as noticeable. I will heal it just enough that it will be slightly bruised, but it won’t be annoying. “Alright I’m going to clean your cut under your eye. You might wanna close your eyes.” I told him and he did what I asked. I put some alcohol on a cloth and lightly pressed on the cut. Steve hissed from the sting. Now was the chance. My right hand started to slightly glow with white and gold energy. I slowly brushed over Steve’s cut and it healed. The swelling went away as well. Now it only was red. At least for now it was red. He will still definitely get a black eye. The glowing energy went away from my hands. “You can open your eyes. It doesn’t look too bad anymore. You should cool it down with something and you should be fine.” Steve nodded. “Thank you.” He said as he walked over the the fridge and put some peas on his eye. I stood up and walked over to the books. 
There were quite a few books in there. “Which book is your favorite?” I asked Steve as I was reading the titles of some of the books. “Oh, most of the ones in there are Bucky’s. Mine are in my room over there.” I turned around and saw Steve point to the door behind the couch. Alright that’s Steve’s room. So one of the other two doors leads to Bucky’s room. I was curious what he kept in there. I read some more titles. ‘The Hobbit.’ Hmm, Bucky likes fantasy books. Good to know. Then there was some rattling at the door and it swung open. “Word on the street is you got into another fight, Steve! Why this time?” Bucky said upset. “Steve?” Bucky asked again. This was my time to clear my throat. Bucky turned his head towards me with big eyes. “Uh.. What- What are you doing here?” He stammered. “I got him out of that fight and took him home.” I told him as I folded my arms over my chest. “You should’ve seen her Buck!” Steve said still impressed with the situation. I’ll note that if something like that ever happens again I might not want to use all my force. “Steve, your not helping your case.” Bucky turned towards Steve. “Well why did you do it?” Bucky asked again. “This guy was treating a dame unfairly and I had ta say somethin’ about it.” Bucky dropped his head and sighed. “Then go to the police. Steve your a small kid. This time you were lucky, but next time.. Who knows.” Bucky said. “I’ll stop when there are no bullies in the street.” 
Bucky sighed again shaking his head and looked at me. “Thank you for helping him.” He said sincerely. “Really, it was no problem. Lucky I was there.” I said smiling. I was happy Steve was ok now after some help and from the looks of it Steve didn’t know what I did exactly, which is good. “Didn’t think Steve would be the one to show you our apartment.” Bucky laughed. “Oh, so you have thought about bringing me here then?” I asked in a joking tone. I could basically hear him gulp. I laughed at that. “How else was I supposed to find out what kinda books you have here?” I said as I showed him the Hobbit. “Didn’t think you were a Hobbit kinda guy.” I said smiling. “Oh these are Steve’s books.” Bucky tried to explain. I narrowed my eyes at that. “Is that so?” I asked and I heard Steve laugh. “Sorry Buck. I already told her those are yours.” Both Steve and I were laughing. And Bucky narrowed his eyes at Steve and he immediately stopped laughing. “Welp, this is my que to leave.” He said as he quickly made way out of their apartment. 
“I like the Hobbit. It’s been a while since I’ve read it though.” Almost a thousand years to be exact, but couldn’t exactly tell him that. “You have?” I nodded my head at Bucky and put the book back. “Uh, would you like something to drink? Or do you have to be somewhere?” Bucky asked hopeful of the latter. “I can have something to drink. Water please.” I asked. Bucky motioned for me to sit down on the couch and got me some water. He got something for himself too and sat down next to me. “I like your apartment.” I told him. I tried to nonchalantly scooch closer to Bucky as I got my water. Being close to him felt nice, warm and safe. “You do? It’s not much.” He tried to brush off. “I like it.” I said again, followed with an awkward silence.
It was tense for both of us. I couldn’t stop staring at his chest. His breathing was heavy. He cleared his throat and went for some water himself that was on the coffee table in front of us. He took a big gulp and some water drippled down on the side of his mouth. I reached for his face without a thought and went to wipe the drop away. I lingered my right hand on his face for a moment before I put my hand back in my lap. “Sorry.” I said quietly. “Don’t-, don’t be sorry.” He said the last part quietly as well. I looked him in his eyes. In that moment we both moved closer. It was almost like something was pulling us together. He put his right hand on my hands and his left over the back of the couch. I looked at his hands, they were a little dirty. “Did you work at the fabric today?” I asked him. That made him move away from me. “Sorry. I should’ve showered.” He said noting that his clothes and hands were dirty. “You didn’t know I was here Buck. I don’t mind.” I pulled on his left hand holding it. “With a pretty dame like yourself? You’re probably used to everybody being dressed to impress.” I rolled my eyes playfully. “You don’t have to do anything to impress me, Bucky. I- I like you.” I stammered the last part. I couldn’t look him in his eyes for that. I was too embarrassed. What if he didn’t feel the same. “Hey.” He said softly. Putting his right hand on my chin. “I like you too. A lot actually. A LOT!” He said to make sure I actually heard it. I laughed at that. Slowly I inched closer to him looking in his steel blue eyes and he did the same. We were touching noses his breath was fanning over my skin. Bucky slowly rested his head on mine. Both waiting on what the next move would be. I waited for a moment before I moved closer and locked lips with him. It felt like fireworks went off, like sparks were flying, like, like love. I moved my head to the left to deepen the kiss. Bucky moved his right hand behind my neck to pull me closer. I shifted more towards him, my leg almost in his lap. He switched his hands and put his left hand on my neck and his right on my leg. I felt lightheaded. I wanted him. My heart was racing from excitement. From the movement my skirt was slowly riding up, exposing my leg more and more. I felt Bucky’s hand slowly move up on my bare leg. I put my hands on his chest to pull him closer to give him the ok to do so. I put my leg all the way over his lap riding up my skirt even more. Bucky came closer to my upper thigh. I felt myself get aroused by this moment.
Then the door swung open and Steve walked in. I couldn’t move away faster from Bucky and he from me. I quickly fixed my skirt to cover myself again. My heart was still racing from the moment. Steve looked at us, but I don’t think he noticed what just went on. “Oh, hey, I didn’t think you’d still be here.” Steve said with an awkward smile.
One month later
I had basically been seeing Bucky everyday since our first date. Some make out sessions here and there. We both couldn’t get enough from each other. We were becoming inseparable. Which Loki didn’t really appreciate. Loki had tried to distract me with other things, he even mentioned going back to Europe to fight. Which was very out of character for him. But nothing worked. I wanted to be with Bucky. And today I had something to give him.
“Hey Buck! I got you something.” I said as I walked in Steve and Bucky’s apartment. I gave him a quick kiss and continued walking towards Steve’s door knocking on it. “What is it?” Bucky asked a bit confused, cause I never went over to Steve’s room. “It’s a surprise for both of you.” I told him. Steve came out of his room and greeted me and asked what was going on. “Well, you have both talked about this certain game.. Where there were no tickets left for.” I put my hand in my purse and pulled three tickets out. It was for the Phillies and Dodgers. “NO WAY!” Bucky said running over to me. I gave him the ticket and he gave them one quick look. “No way!” He said again before lifting me up and spinning me around. “It’s ticket to the Phillies and Dodgers!” Bucky exclaimed. Steve looked on with big eyes. “Really?” He asked. “Yup and we gotta go now, cause the game starts in a couple of hours.” I told them.” Bucky was already getting his shoes. “How did you get them doll?” He asked. “I have my connections.” I told him. I had some connection with the guy that owned the stadium.
“This was amazing y/n! Thank you!” Steve told me as we walked away from the stadium. It was a good game and both Bucky and Steve were really enjoying the whole game. It was fun to see the be so passionate about something. “Thank you sweetheart.” Bucky said as he kissed the top of my head. “I’m happy you guys enjoyed it!” I told them as Bucky put his arm around me and we headed on back towards their apartment.
We had a few drinks until Steve excused himself to go to his room. “This was such a amazing day. I cannot thank you enough, doll.” He told me again. “I’m glad you liked it. I’ve been trying to get the tickets for a while.” I leaned closer and rested my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me to pull me closer. After a moment of silence Bucky spoke. “Shoot. It’s late. Do you want me to take you back to your hotel?” He asked my hurriedly. “What if I stayed?”
Let me know what you think :)
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symphonicdream · 3 years
Call to Arms
Note: This drabble contains one instance of racism. In no way do I condone racism. So, here’s your warning against it. Read at your own risk.
For those involved, you are allowed to write your version of events that happen in this drabble.
There was no tear of paper to alert anyone of the portal’s presence. An alleyway was what greeted them as they exited through the portal. Kamijou Touma, Maira Espoir, Bowen Chuuno, Megumi Aino, the Hunter, Violent Violet and Melanie Sinclair all stood in the alleyway. The noise of people was considerably dampened, and she knew that they would probably be overwhelmed with the amount of people walking the streets at this time of day.
It was at least 8AM, Friday morning.
Melanie took the lead, taking them out of the alleyways and to the sidewalks. This was the shopping area of her town, and it was definitely something. Populated by various men, women and children of different sizes, colours and fashion tastes, some stopped to see watch the seven of them walk by. Touma’s misfortune manifested as him tripping over a cat and falling into a teenage girl. Said teenage girl punched him with the force of a scorned woman, causing him to shout aloud and draw more attention than they needed.
Of course, Melanie had to diffuse the situation and tell them that he was a foreign exchange student here to study English while ushering him away to the group. The remark the teenager said, though, had been something along the lines of a racist remark towards both her and Touma. She’d told them “You ching-chongs should just go back to China!” and stormed off.
Melanie ignored it and got Touma back to the group and continued their trek to the City Hall. It was where she’d been first summoned, and she would go back. To deny that spot entirely, and to face him down. It was quiet, save for some idle chatter from Megumi and Touma as well as Maira chiming in every so often. Bowen, the Hunter and Violet were quiet, which seemed different from what she knew of Bowen and Violet. The Hunter, though? She expected that from him.
But she didn’t expect that from everyone.
The trek to City Hall was waylaid by stoplights and crosswalks. Melanie had to drag Touma back onto the sidewalk before he got hit by a car, and then had to deal with the Hunter just crossing the street and holding up traffic. People angry honked while they crossed, and some cussed them out. All the Hunter had to do was look in their direction and they suddenly quieted down. The third time, the light somehow was green when it shouldn’t have been. Melanie pressed the light changing button but no sound emitted.
It was broken.
So, yet again, the Hunter crossed the street and held up traffic. There was even a Police Car. Melanie had to explain the situation and gesture to the light while traffic was stalled. It turned into the officer getting someone on the situation and letting them off scot-free.
However, the fourth time of street crossing got a bit dicey.
The light was green and it was okay for them to cross. Unfortunately, one of the cars almost hit Touma, screeching to a stop before they hit him and honking the horn.
“Get out of the road, asshole!” Came the voice of the driver.
“Right of way!” Melanie shouted back. “You’re running a red light!”
The driver got out of the car. A burly 6′0″ man with a shaved head and who looked like he got a chip on his shoulder. Immediately, he walked up to Melanie and shoved her, causing the group’s hackles to rise as they prepared for a fight. “You wanna go, you little whore?! Huh?!”
Melanie stumbled back from the shove, before gripping her fist tight and shouting, punching towards him but the fist never connected. In a near instant, the man’s body was blown backwards by the sheer force of the punch. Standing straight, she dusted her hands off and started walking again.
“Are you alright, Melanie?” Maira asked, concerned. Melanie nodded.
“That guy was a jerk.” Megumi commented.
“He nearly hit me with his car!” Touma was still a little shaken up by that.
At least the rest of the way there, which took an hour, was uneventful besides that. When they started to approach the City Hall, Melanie stopped walking for a few minutes. Staring at the building, looking at what it looked like. As if she’d never seen it before, but she had.
“This is it. This is where he resides. Let’s go... and stay close to me.”
They walked up the staircase leading to the automatic doors, with them sliding open and allowing them to walk inside. But Melanie knew where she was going, heading to the Administration Office. As requested, her friends did stay near her and watched as she opened the door.
The world around them faded away, replaced by the corridor she’d walked down not even a few days ago. She walked down it, and so did they. It was quiet, the sound of their footsteps the only thing they heard. The corridor seemed to stretch on, but Melanie gestured at Touma.
He reached out, touching the air in front of them with his right hand. Shattering it completely and forming the door only a few feet away. She walked forward, shoving it open and being greeted with the same greenery and waterfall that had been there when she last came here.
“I thought I’d cut off all avenues to this world. It seems I underestimated your pocket dimension.” Out of nowhere, a man clad in black appeared. His long pink hair was tied back in a ponytail and he seemed almost infuriated. “What is the meaning of this?”
“I’m here to reject your offer.” Melanie said.
“Nonsense. You’ll do as you’re told and take the seat. Become my bride as I have made you to be!” The man shouted.
“I’m not becoming anyone’s bride, shitface!” Melanie shouted back. “I’m not some doll you can pull around! I’m a human being, and I’m going to be free to choose what I want to do!”
“Melanie is not your toy!” Maira said, irritated.
“She’s our friend!” Megumi pulled out her PreChanMirror and Card.
The Hunter pulled out the red gun he usually wielded, training it on the man. As soon as he fired, the man vanished and appeared behind Melanie, kicking her in the back and sending her flying into the nearby clifface. She fell backwards onto her back, and turned over to get up but was covered by rocks except for her arms and head.
The battle began at that exact moment.
“Precure Rolling Mirror Change!” Megumi was surrounded by a pink light and changed into Cure Lovely. Immediately after, she called an attack, only to be grabbed in the face and tossed aside into the river nearby. Touma, too, was quickly taken out with a knee to the gut. The Hunter started to shoot at him again, firing with precision, but the man would disappear before any shot connected. Maira summoned a bright, glaring light, which stunned him for a few moments while Bowen also began to fire on the man.
It was clear, even with the help, they were outmatched. Violet went in to attack but he avoided it cleanly. “Hmm, even bringing a God Hunter...” The man seemed to already know about her, and that was shocking. “No matter, I am not a God, so your tricks will not work.”
The Hunter moved, sheathing the red gun and holding the golden, cylindrical casing to his chest. Melanie, who was struggling to get up from under the rocks on top of her, recognized what he was going to do. The familiar magic was starting up again.
“Soil is my power!” A circular part of the casing withdrew, extending out what seemed to be a drill. Long, black blades appeared shortly after and started to turn, creating a torrent of black wind. The Magun formed from the casing, from the blackened wind, and the man turned to face the Hunter. Unlike with the others, this was new. Noting his shocked expression, Melanie realized something.
Unlike the others, he couldn’t see to Wonderland. He knew nothing about the Hunter, nothing about what he could do. And that was their advantage. After the Magun had thawed, with the Hunter saying as such, he extended out a hand, pointing in the man’s direction. She remembered this clearly. He’d used it before during her tenure in Wonderland... The Magun.
“The Soil Charge Triad to use on you has been decided!” He reached into his belt, plucking a familiar Soil from its place.
“A bladestorm of bonds, Sword Viridian.” The bullet held a teal-ish green hue in its casing, and it was easily inserted into the Magun with a resounding Click.
Maira looked over, hazel eyes widened. “That magic-”
“The squall of fortitude, Kingdom Blue.” This bullet was a shining blue, as if torn from a kingom itself. It, too, was inserted into the Magun. Click.
“And finally... A prideful gale, Warrior Platinum.” The final bullet was a silvery-white colour, shining brightly as it was placed into the Magun. The final click resounded as the Hunter aimed at the man.
Melanie reached out a hand, finding a thread and gripping it tight. A tearing sound was heard and the man’s appearance faded away to show... a demon. With spiky, long horns and a muzzle for a mouth. It was as if the man was the Devil himself. A hellish roar echoed throughout the area, causing the ground to shake.
It was nothing short of horrific.
Cure Lovely pulled herself out of the river, getting to her feet. Despite being drenched, she yet again called forth an attack. The hellish monster opened its muzzle and shot out a stream of fire at her. It was quickly intercepted by Kamijou Touma, who blocked it with his right hand. The fire dispersed after a few seconds.
“Slaughter! I summon you, Knights of the Round!” With a bang, three colours flew from the barrels of the Magun, twirling and twisting as they flew. The Knights of the Round Summon the Hunter called forth seemed to materialize from the colours, and started their assault upon the hellish being.
Melanie finally got up, the rocks falling away as she did so. The being was avoiding the attacks everyone was trying to attempt on him. Even the summon’s attacks were being avoided. It was like a strange scenario in which the only winner would be the hellish being. She shuddered to think of what would’ve happened had she taken the offer.
But her friends were in trouble.
Melanie started to run towards the hellish being. There was no hesitation as she did so. Her skin started to glow.
“BALWYSIALL NESCELL GUNGNIR TRON!!!!!” She screamed, seemingly tearing her clothes off. But no, they only just vanished to be replaced by a quick transformation with Gungnir forming. She went to punch the hellish being but he avoided her as well. And then appeared in front of her, grabbing her by the throat and starting to choke her as he raised her up into the air.
Melanie couldn’t breathe, which meant she couldn’t sing.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The sound of a clock ticking filled their ears. The world around them grayed out, and even the hellish being was surprised enough to drop her. Footsteps echoed throughout the area, and Cure Lovely was the first to speak up.
“How did you escape my timelock?” A voice asked. It belonged to a young woman, who looked to be about twenty-two years old. She had short black hair tied back in a half-ponytail and teal eyes, wearing a long dark blue dress and black boots. But the odd thing was, she looked almost like an older version of Melanie. The hellish being roared, but soon turned gray himself. The young woman walked up to the group, and looked at all of them.
“They call me Azem, the Traveler.” She said. “Time magic is... somewhat of a pain to use, but I’m getting used to it. Anyways, it looks like you need more help. Fellow Traveler, who are the friends you hold close to your heart?” Azem looked to Melanie, who lowered her head and closed her eyes.
“Why are you here?” Touma asked.
“I’m here to help my counterpart, of course.” Azem said. “The one born from the orchestrations of a deluded demon. She and I are cut of the same cloth. I can see a shard of my own soul within her.” A chuckle came from her, and she inclined her head. “So, Traveler. Tell me who are your friends you hold close to your heart.”
“......” Melanie nodded. “Yukine Chris, Kazanari Tsubasa, Kohinata Miku, Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel, Regal Bryant, Meteor Survivor and G’raha Tia.”
Azem laughed a little, before holding out an orange stone. “Here, Traveler. Use this and summon them forth to your side.”
Melanie took the stone, staring at it. She’d seen Meteor with this same stone once before. Hythlodaeus had given it to him, and he’d called them both New old friends. Was this because she, too, was a shard of Azem? The woman who called herself Azem smiled a bit.
“Call forth those you hold close and dear to your heart. Your allies of other worlds.”
Melanie closed her fist around the stone, holding it close to her. From where she stood, golden areas started to form. A glyph surrounded her, with eight circles that soon emitted light from them. Azem kicked the hellish being away, sending it sliding across the grayed floor. She stood straight again, looking at it before pulling out a claymore from what seemed to be thin air and assuming a fighting stance.
The lights dispersed one by one, revealing each person whose name Melanie had said before. But there was no time for introductions, as the world soon faded back to normal and the hellish being roared. Melanie handed the stone back to Azem, who pocketed it. The hellish being summoned forth demons of its own kind. There seemed to be many.
The song originating from Melanie’s Symphogear faded out, to be replaced with a different one. Chris, Tsubasa and Miku’s Symphogears did the same, once they summoned their Gears from the pendants they wore. A Unison.
One brings shadow, one brings the light Two toned echoes, tumbling through time Three score wasted, ten cast aside Fourfold knowing, no end in sight
“Let’s end this!” Melanie shouted.
The music gave way to the girls singing the song together. The hellish being roared and charged Melanie, who moved out of the way as fast as she could. Azem made a taunting gesture, causing the hellish being’s focus to be turned onto her instead. Provoking him to her. She pulled something dark out of her chest, letting it rise. A shadowy figure.
As the battle began, the sixteen of them split off into groups of four each, which meant each group had at least one Symphogear user with them. Swords swung, guns fired, magic was cast and punches thrown. Weapons were used without end, and the battle raged on without a seeming end. The Knights of the Round moved independently of the groups, helping decimate the demonic hoarde attacking them.
Melanie could feel power swelling up inside of her. She remembered this once before. Everyone could feel it. A swell of power from within them, from origins unknown. The groups fell back.
As if in the back of their minds, they all heard a shing sound. It was time to pull forth all their respective power and finish this off. Destroy this monster before it got any worse. It was like four Limit Break bars had filled up, and it was time to use them all.
A song resounded out, as if sung by all of them in their hearts. The Swan Song of the Valkyries, a song of Finé’s thoughts of causing the Curse of Babel. It resounded loud, though none of them were singing. The four Symphogear Users’ gears transformed into a different form of X-Drive. Their hair brightened with a gradient to it, and flared out. Wings made of fire expanded out, and they lost some of the clunkiness of the Gear.
Burning X-Drive. The one they’d used before, against Shem-Ha.
Glowing runes surrounded the group, and it was time.
The group rushed the hellish being, each one attacking with various weapons and spells. It was like a charge attack, with each person going after another. Each attack pushed the hellish being more and more towards the clifface that he’d thrown Melanie into. The Knights of the Round proceeded to pin him to it, and Melanie stepped forward.
She put both hands together, connecting the gauntlets and letting the spear form from it. She then pointed it towards the hellish being, in a form reminiscent of Elidibus during the fight at the Crystal Tower on the First. Her friends stood behind her, readying themselves for another attack.
“We are salvation given form!” Melanie shouted, and two ghostly hands placed themselves on hers. She knew who they were. Elidibus and Kanade, lending her a hand. How odd was it that an Ascian was helping her.
“Mankind’s heroes, and their final hope!” The words were foreign, coming out of her mouth, but this was true. The sixteen of them were the hope of this world. Even though they were from different worlds, they had all come together for this. Melanie delivered the final blow, empowered by her friends.
Piercing the hellish being with the cursed spear, Gungnir.
As if crumbling to dust, the hellish being lost form. Crumbled from his head to his feet, and was blown away by the wind. Melanie stood there after all was said and done, still holding the spear out. The ground rumbled and started to shake. The ceiling seemed to start to fall.
“We need to leave now!” Azem shouted. They all booked it to the door, leaving behind the battlefield they had fought on. Once outside and on the sidewalk away from City Hall, they watched as it crumbled to the ground. No one ever went there, but the people of the city stopped to watch the empty building crumble.
It was as if something changed. The world seemed to brighten up, and Melanie felt... lighter.
This was the beginning of a life orchestrated by herself alone.
Saying goodbye had never been her strong suit.
Melanie had opened fifteen portals, each pointing to different destinations. The worlds she’d brought them from.
One by one, they left. Each given a “see you later” by Melanie, who hoped to actually see them again. Once all fifteen portals closed after the respective person walked through it, Melanie was left with Azem. She looked to the Traveler and tilted her head to the left some.
“Do you need me to-”
“No. But before I go...” She held out the stone Melanie had given back. “I’ve learned all I can from the memories held in this stone. It’s time I passed it on to my counterpart, my fellow Traveler of the Stars.”
Melanie took the stone and put it in her pocket. “....Thank you, Azem.”
“See you again.” Azem turned away and walked off before seemingly vanishing into nothingness. Melanie was left alone, standing there on the sidewalk. She walked back towards the now-crumbled City Hall and felt no magic. It truly was over.
“So the imposter has been vanquished. Quite a feat.” The voice of the Overseer had Melanie on edge, immediately turning around to see-- a young man with long black hair and eyes that looked like they contained galaxies. Wearing just a plain graphic tee that had the Disney logo on it, slacks and velcro shoes. Nothing like the Overseer she’d seen before.
“I am the Overseer, Ryan.” The young man bowed. “The true Overseer. I assume this form is capable of being seen by you, as you addressed me.”
“Yeah, it is-- but why-- who--?”
“I am here to offer you the seat of God of this World. This will not change anything, though I will require you to come back every now and again. No staying away for years on end anymore.” He offered a smile. “And no, I will not be attempting to take you as my bride. You’ll find someone in your eternal lifetime, Melanie Sinclair.”
“....So, this means...” She didn’t know what it meant.
“If you take it, you will become a God. An immortal being, with powers unimaginable. And I would like you to take it, as you are the only mortal who can. The others ended up like...” He could only glance at the City Hall behind him. So, the false Overseer was a man who was once given said position? Melanie could barely believe it.
“What if I don’t?”
“Then I will wait until another few centuries. But I would like you to take it. You are compassionate, kind and do not kill without cause or reason. I did not orchestrate your birth like he did, but I have been watching. And you are currently the only one who can do this. I implore you-”
Melanie shrugged.
“At this point, I think it’s obvious if we leave it for someone else... That’ll happen. So yes. I’ll take it.”
Ryan chuckled just a bit and held out a hand. A pulse of energy emitted from it and went into her. For a few moments, nothing happened until Melanie suddenly clutched at her chest and groaned. It hurt. But she endured, and soon stood back upright. The Overseer smiled.
“Welcome to Godhood, Melanie Sinclair.”
Melanie gave a small smile. Nothing would change from here, she was just an ordinary girl with God powers now. It was just another Tuesday.
And things would remain as they were for her.
For the rest of her immortal life.
@project-rebirth @tetsuwan-atom @rosecoloredmuses @kazeofthemagun @lunar-mage-mare @xbloodsoakedx
Thank you for allowing me to use your characters for this drabble!
Final Word Count: 3,701 words
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 20
post directory
obsetress: ok but when they first meet
obsetress: at that bar on whatever night or whatever
obsetress: when dani and viola are talking
obsetress: viola's waving her hand around as she says something and dani's staring and then totally out of nowhere:
obsetress: "wanna compare hands?"
obsetress: "what?"
obsetress: "lemme see your hand"
obsetress: and dani is grabbing one of vi's with both of hers and pulling it towards her "like this"
obsetress: and then dani's pressing their palms together and viola's raising an eyebrow and dani just GRINS and then even once they lower their hands back to the bar, neither of them move away
em: dani is SO bold i would die for her
obsetress: god same
obsetress: dani keeps glancing down at them as they're talking and she is NOT subtle
obsetress: viola catches her every time
em: maybe dani gets a smidge of smthn on the corner of her mouth and viola...
obsetress: viola pulls her hand away and dani blinks and her brows do that lil thing but then viola's murmuring "here" and grazing her thumb along the corner of dani's mouth
obsetress: dani squeaks
em: love when dani gets out dani’d
obsetress: viola's like "sorry, was that... was that okay?" and dani just swallows and nods with big shining eyes and then vi kinda hesitates and (they've been talking for a couple hours at this point, touchin hands and obv v into each other) lets her thumb graze across dani's bottom lip and she murmurs "what about that?" and dani's eyes flutter shut
obsetress: cut to: them making out in the bathroom
obsetress: no um
obsetress: thinking about vi and dani's first kiss and like
obsetress: maybe like right after that up there vi's leaning in closer and i think she. asks dani "can i kiss you?" and dani's whispering "please" and then they're kissing all soft and THEN cut to: them making out in the bathroom and one of them slamming back against the door and kissing hard
em: dani whispering please…
em: also the smash cut between um nervous anticipation and SLAMMING against a door is so funny to me
em: sums them up
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: it's so good i love them
obsetress: i cant decide like
obsetress: because i don't think vi would be so rough with dani at first as to shove her hard against a door and i DO think dani would be shoving her against the door and her tongue down her throat first chance she gets
obsetress: but i think vi prob flips them p quick
em: i am. creasing thinking abt dani having to rename all of violas contacts like STOP FUCKING UR EX
obsetress: STOP FUCKING UR EX lskfjakdlsfjsd even BETTER
obsetress: edit the tumblr post coward
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em: obsetress: no um dani definitely calls the landline once and viola's like "HELLO?" and dani's like "hi?" and viola's so glad to hear her dumb voice but she's still like "dani, why are you..." and dani's like "well... i, uh... i... i was... and then i..."
obsetress: anyway they have phone sex on the landline
em: danis blocked all of vis numbers except the landline shes down Bad
obsetress: yeah,
obsetress: (dani still comes over after)
em: unstoppable force (danis thirst) meet immovable object (violas stubbornness)
obsetress: just imagining like
obsetress: i mean either after this or at literally any other time
obsetress: dani and viola laying side by side in vi's bed catching their breath immediately after and viola's just like
obsetress: "you have the libido of a teenage boy"
obsetress: and dani's head just flops to the side to look at her and she just GRINS
em: dani makes some quip abt um
em: danis like i read somewhere women don’t hit their sexual peak until their 40s or something and violas like (extremely tersely) i’m 35
obsetress: SCREECH
obsetress: dani "no, i... i know, i wasn't–– i was just––"
obsetress: viola can't stay pressed w her
em: dani tryna explain her way outta that one i’m
em: dani has never once seen violas drivers license nor ID
obsetress: "i was just... saying, because, you know, i mean... for me, i'm... you know, i'm only ever getting more..." (flush, head duck, grin up through her lashes) "you know. and i'm getting older, so i was just... thinking. for me, i mean. thinking for me"
em: dani; also i give WAY better head than a teenage boy
obsetress: viola biting her lip, grinning, melting because how could you not? and then dani kinda stops in her tracks and her brows pinch together and she tilts her head at viola "i'm... a lot better at going down on you than a teenage boy though, right? i think i am" (long pause) "i hope i am"
obsetress: anyway viola laughs and tugs dani over n on top of her "i wouldn't know" and dani does her lil nervous laugh and is like "yeah, you're right, i guess not" "but" and dani's face lights up and viola continues "i think you probably are. and you're definitely up there" and dani just GRINS
obsetress: her head is back between vi's legs not three minutes later
em: dani talks big game n then like immediately double checks for validation
em: it’s an important part of her character growth!!!
em: ok more ‘viola has been doing this lesbian thing for longer than jamie realises’ content but like
em: perhaps she has a whole lot of ear piercings that she just never wears
em: and then one day she’s like gosh gotta make sure these don’t heal over and jamies like
em: hey what the fuck
obsetress: um suddenly had a thought
obsetress: viola tattoos
em: oh
obsetress: yeah, like um
obsetress: vi wouldn't have heaps and they'd be hidden bc Propriety but
em: hidden tattoos my beloved
em: all tattoos my beloved
em: i mean defs has like. the date and coordinates of isabels birth somewhere
em: but um! hmm
em: haha violets
obsetress: violets are very vi tho like
obsetress: shade plant yk
em: under the tit
obsetress: GET OUTTA MY HEAD
obsetress: ok it has to be canon then if we both thought it
em: it’s canon!!
em: hmm what else
em: i think viola and dani have belly button piercings but like they got them separately
obsetress: omg when did they each get theirs
em: hmmmmmm
em: i mean wild child rich heiress viola (untapped potential here won’t lie)
obsetress: wild child rich heiress viola/boarding school wild child dani au
em: oh my god
em: viola defs went to a boarding school and dani n her commiserate over it
em: viola gets it done while she’s in highschool
em: dani post eddie break up
em: like symbolically reclaiming herself deal
em: doing things for Her
obsetress: YES
obsetress: i was gonna say vi highschool dani college
em: YES
em: idk what tattoos dani would get but am thinking abt viola holding her hand while she’s getting a tattoo or piercing done bc she’s braver than ppl think but Also
obsetress: vi holding dani's hand and telling her how good a job she's doing
obsetress: dani kissing vi's tattoos
obsetress: super fascinated even though shes seen them a hundred times
em: danis like haha and what’s this one mean (plants a big old smooch)
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani putting on 4 inch heels and being so content that she's finally her girlfriend's height and then viola kisses her before putting on 6 inch heels with a smug little grin
obsetress: i––
em: oh my god shannon
obsetress: oh shes on one
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani starts keeping things on a high shelf in her place just so she can ask viola to reach up to get them down for her
obsetress: i was talking to shan abt the shelf thing
obsetress: and i played myself i think
obsetress: because now i literally cannot stop thinking
obsetress: dani putting the strap on the top shelf in her closet "baby 🥺 can you get it 🥺"
[em note: once again it is the time honored timezone tradition of either sending ur friend something really good or really fucked up b4 they go to sleep]
em: what about
em: jamie and dani laying in bed after brunch w violas excessive amount of ear jewellery and jamies like ‘those were cool. i want some’ and danis like ‘with ur tiny lil ears??’ and jamies like ‘well. yeah…’ and danis like well. if u wanna. i think one would be cute here (mwah) and here (mwah) or maybe here (mwah)
em: ticklish jamie. that is my lil idea
obsetress: im Soft
em: thankyou
em: em softsbians
em: what was ur lil idea
obsetress: oh
obsetress: not obsoftress
obsetress: but um
em: look i was really hoping i could make it hornier but alas sometimes the idea is soft
em: can’t force the horny
obsetress: i will do my job n delivery the horny for u i suppose
obsetress: it's a hard job but somebody's gotta do it!
em: it’s a thankless job!
obsetress: dani, sneaking up behind viola to wrap her arms around her waist and bury her face between her shoulder blades: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, laying on the bed, staring up at her, panting: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, pulling away mid-heated makeout, half naked, still grinding into vi even tho they're not kissing anymore without even realizing it: baby baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, catching her breath after her first orgasm, letting her head flop to the side to look over at vi: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
em: insatiable dani clayton my beloved
obsetress: thank you i agree
obsetress: something about dani calling vi baby also........................
em: oh i love dani calling vi baby SO MUCH
em: fucked up that dani clayton is potentially just the right height to motorboat vi pretty much whenever
em: sappho may u plant ur self face first into the breast of ur tender gf or whatever
em: dani: haha i’m so short i can’t reach it. can u lift me
obsetress: vi sees thru all of dani's little tricks but entertains them anyway
obsetress: because she knows shes gonna get to rail her at the end of them
em: dani being a little shit is foreplay actually clayton
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shewritestheblues · 4 years
The Elevator Bae x Chapter 6
Chapter SIX
Erik x Black OC (Phoenix)
Camren stood in the center of everyone as they crowded around her singing Happy Birthday to her. She was all smiles with her Birthday Girl tiara on, holding up her glass of champagne. She swayed her hips back and forth until they finished.
“Thank you guys! This dinner was amazing. I love every single one of yall, but.. Ya’ girl is ready to turn up,” She points to Mica and Phoenix. “I know there’s more.”
“There’s always more.” Mica says.
Camren says good-bye to her family. Phoenix and Ava thanked everyone for coming out while Mica headed to the parking lot to get Ava’s truck.
Camren, Phoenix, Tiana and Ave piled themselves in Ava’s truck and Mica drove them to the club. As they approached the door, one of the security guards noticed Phoenix.
“Big Blue! What’s up lil mama?”
“Hey Jimmy.” she hugs him.
“They with you?” he motions to the women behind her.
“Of course. It’s Cam’s bday.”
Jimmy nods his head in Camren’s direction, “Happy Birthday. Blue got you the best section in this bitch.”
Camren can’t control herself, bouncing on her feet. “She was always my favorite.”
All of the women look at Camren. “Anything for you, Cam.” Phoenix says, grabbing Camren’s hand is leading them inside. Mica was the last in the small line of women and Jimmy stopped her.
“What’s your name lil mama?”
Mica looked him up and down, checking out his tatted, chiseled arms. He stands 6’4 with the prettiest teeth she had seen on a man. “Mica.” she finally responded.
“Come see me before y’all leave, alright?”
“Yeah, I got you.”
He winks at her and she turns to continue into the club where she found her friends watching her from inside the door.
“I see you, Mica. He fine as hell.” Tiana says.
The ladies follow Phoenix as she leads them to through the club. They traveled across the dance floor, around a huge bar and up a flight of stairs and glowed as they stepped on each step. They continued walking until they reached a huge section, with four bottles of Hennessy already waiting on ice. Coby was already there with a few other friends. He greeted each woman with a huge until her got to Ava. He wrapped his arms around her, grabbing her ass and kissing her. Phoenix proceeded to line up shot glasses and fill them with Hennessy. Each of her friends grabbed their glass, raising it in the air.
“Happy Birthday Camren. We love your crazy ass to the moon and back.” Phoenix says.
Everyone shouts, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAM!”
Tossing their shot glasses back, the women have begun their turn up. A few more shots and they were all twerking on each other and talking their shit, rapping along to every song that came on.
“We need a group picture.” Camren yells into Mica’s ear. Mica passes the message on, gathering all the women up near the balcony. Coby patiently waiting, and laughing, as they tried to map out their drunk poses.
“Can y’all c’mon?”
Coby takes their pictures, getting every angle just in case somebody doesn’t like their face in the last pic. Because someone WILL decide on one that they don’t like.
“Send those to me.” Each of them yelled at Coby.
They continued to drink and dance. Drinking always gave Phoenix a bit more courage (and weed calms her nerves enough for her to be bold). She was also an I love you drunk and the feeling were starting to come out. She sat on Ava’s lap, hugging her. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Philly.” Ava smiles.
Mica, Camren and Tiana stood in front of them, “You don’t love us?” Camren yelled.
“Of course I love you. I love all of you so much.”
“We love you too.”
Camren pulls all of them into a group hug. “Thank You for my birthday.”
As the night progressed, Phoenix found herself just sitting on the couch, babysitting her fourth drink, watching everyone around her. Mica joins her on the couch.
“You good?” she asked.
“Yeah. I’m just chilling.”
“Did you text your man, yet?”
“My what!” Phoenix acts surprised.
Phoenix playfully rolls her eyes, “No.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t-- I don’t wanna be all clingy. He just gave me his number a couple hours ago.”
Camren squeezes herself between them. “What are yall over here talking about?”
Mica looks at Phoenix, expecting her to spill it. She looks away, avoiding eye contact.
“Ugh. I’m trying to tell her to text her man.” Mica finally speaks up.
Camren pinches Phoenix, making her look back to them. “You have a man? Philly! Is he cute?”
“He’s not my man.”
“You want him to be. I seen how y’all was looking at each other.” Mica intervenes.
“We’re building a friendship.” Phoenix says trying to convince herself more than her friends.
“Those are the best kinds. But you never told me if he’s cute or not.”
Mica interrupts, shaking her head. “The nigga is fine, Cam. He thick too. He just screams big dick energy.”
Camren looks impressed. “Girl, text him.”
Phoenix sighs, processing her friends words. The two of them leave her be on the couch once again. She downs the rest of her drink because fuck it. Erik is about to get this text. She picks up her phone from the table in front of her, typing her message.
Phoenix: Wassup Stevens. Guess who?
Erik had just laid down in his bed. Tired was an understatement. He had worked out hard, earlier that day. After his exchange with Phoenix in the garage, he stopped by his friend, TJ’s place. Catching up and playing 2k. He had cancelled plans with TJ to go to the studio with Phoenix. After a few hours of that and eating a pound of wings, he was home, showered and ready to sleep. That is, until his phone vibrated on his nightstand. He reached for it not really expecting it to be anything. A random number texted him with the message, Wassup Stevens. Guess who?
He knew better. Of course it was Phoenix, but Erik being Erik, he had to have fun with this. His sleep could wait. His thumbs moved around the small keyboard, creating a response.
Phoenix watched as the text bubbles popped up. She bit her lip to stop her smile from forming and waiting to see what he is going to say.
Erik😛: hmm, 🤔this Tiffany?
Phoenix: Boy, you got me fucked up.
Erik😛: lmao. Relax, Im just messing with you. I know this you baby girl.
Phoenix: You’re an asshole.🙄
Erik😛: You dont mind it though.
Phoenix: anyways. Wyd?
Erik had completely sat up in his bed now. He wasted no time on saving her number as ‘Babygirl’.
Erik: Been laying here, waiting on you to hit me up. You still out?
Babygirl: Yeah and my bad.🙈 Didn't mean to keep you waiting.
Erik: I don't mind waiting on you.
Babygirl: Don’t make me blush Stevens.
Erik pictured just how she looks blushing and that made him blush. His cheeks were becoming sore from how big he was smiling. Little did he know, she was looking like a complete dork, smiling at her phone in the middle of the club as well.
Phoenix sat in the corner of the club couch texting Erik until her friends were ready to go. They had all decided they would stay at Coby’s house for the night. His place was their usual ‘after the club’ crashing spot. He had plenty of space for all of them. Tonight would be no different. The women piled into Ava’s Jeep. Camren laid out on the laps of those who sat in the back seat and Ava sat up front with her man. One of Coby’s friends took charge of his car and followed him home.
Phoenix couldn’t wait to make it to Coby’s house to continue texting Erik. She kept her phone in her clutch. She didn’t want to risk one of friends seeing her texting him and trying to be all up in her business even more than they already were.
“Let’s get some wings.” Camren shouted from the backseat.
“Where in the hell are we gonna get some wings from at 2:30 in the morning Cam?”
“I don’t know. I’m hungry.”
“I’m hungry too.” Mica and Tiana said at the same time.
“You hungry too, Philly?” Coby asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror.
“When am I not hungry?”
“Y’all gotta be shitting me,” Coby drags his hands over his face. He looks over to see Ava passed out against the window. “Listen. There nowhere that’s open right now that has wings. I can take y’all to McDonalds.”
“YES! I want some nuggets.” Camren sat up, almost hitting her head on the top of the truck.
“Anything else?” Coby asked.
The women started shouting out orders.
“Large fry.” “Nuggets!” “McChicken with cheese.” “Nuggets.”
Coby headed to McDonalds to get their food and take them to his house. He knew they would regret this decision in the morning but he’d rather that than to hear a bunch of drunk women cuss him out over some damn Nuggets if he told them No.
It took forever for McDonald’s to fill his large order. The women whined in protest to how long they were waiting. They finally got the food and dug in without a second thought.
“And y’all better not spill shit in her truck. I’m not trynna hear Ava’s mouth about nothing tomorrow.”
With that being said, Coby got them in the house safely and full. Each woman crashed in different areas of the house. By the time they made it to their destination, Phoenix had forgotten about her text conversation with Erik and passed out in one of Coby’s guest rooms.
Waking up was rough. Phoenix could feel her heart beating in her head. She rolled around the bed, feeling through the sheets for her phone. The sun was shining bright through the window, she her task was tough when her head was buried under the covers. Not having any luck, she finally got up, still in her dress, to look for her clutch. Somehow, it made its way to the floor at the foot of the bed. She took out her phone to see that it's just past noon and she had two unread text from Erik. She grinned big, swiping her screen to open the messages. She scrolled a bit to read her last response to see what exactly he was responding to because in all honesty, she only remembered a few bits of last night after her third shot.
Phoenix: So are you gonna tell me your reasons for picking the tongue out emoji?
Erik😛: You’re not ready to find that out yet.
Erik😛: lol, you must be KO. Hope you had fun baby girl. Text me when you get up.
Phoenix couldn’t contain her excitement that they were actually texting each other now. No more waiting to just see him on the elevators. Her excitement took a turn when her head started spinning. She felt a knot in her throat. She tried to swallow it back down but there was no stopping it. She had to find a toilet, NOW! She ran into the guest bathroom, throwing up last nights drunk food. She leaned over the toilet, chastising herself. Finally sure that she got it all out, she got up to slowly walk her body out into the hallway. Since Coby’s house is their go to after the club, Coby started keeping a change of clothes for them. She made her way to the hall closet where he kept, t-shirts, leggings, etc along with towels. She picked out a fresh set of clothes and towels and went back into the guest bathroom and showered.
Phoenix got dressed and put her hair up into a top knot bun and went downstairs to find everyone else. She found Coby and Ava in the kitchen. Mica was still asleep in the living room, on the couch. The birthday girl and Tiana were somewhere, probably still asleep.
“Morning.” Coby said. His voice sounded like he was speaking in a megaphone.
“Morning.” she whined.
“C’mon over here,” He motioned to the car seat next to Ava, who was leaning over her arm. “I’ll make you some coffee too.”
Phoenix joined them, laying her head down over her hands. Coby started making her some coffee. He placed the creamer and sugar in front of her.
“My face hurt.” Ava finally spoke.
Coby slid a fresh cup of coffee to Phoenix. She added her creamer and more than enough sugar and sipped it slow.
“It’s almost one. I doubt we make it to brunch.” Phoenix says between sips.
They sat there in silence for awhile before they heard someone dragging their feet into the kitchen. “Morning.” They heard from a yawning voice. It was Camren.
“Morning, birthday girl.” Coby said.
“Stop yelling.” Camren said, leaning over the counter.
“I’m not yelling.”
“I want coffee.”
“Me too.” Mica says, joining them in the kitchen with Tiana right behind her. Coby went ahead and made all three of them some coffee. “Y’all need to eat.” He said filling their mugs.
“I want Roscoe’s.” Camren says.
“Tell me what y’all want and I’ll get it. I know yall asses aint trying to leave no time soon.”
Ava typed up their orders on her phone and sent it in a text to Coby. He left to get their food. While they waited, Camren, Mica and Tiana took showers. Ava and Phoenix waited for them to finish in the backyard, on the patio. They sat out there, both wearing a pair of Coby’s sunglasses in an attempt to block out the sun.
Phoenix remembered that she hadn’t yet texted Erik back. Her thumbs hovered over the phone until she could figure out what to say.
Phoenix: Hey, sorry. I was slumped last night. Good afternoon though.
The text bubbles popped up immediately.
Erik😛: It’s all good baby girl. You have fun?
Phoenix: Yeah. Feels like Im dying now though.
Erik😛: You eat something yet?
Phoenix: Coby’s getting us food. He should be here soon. Wyd?
Erik😛: Tell that nigga hurry up and feed my girl.
Erik😛: Im running some errands.
His girl? Phoenix didn’t mind being called his girl.
Phoenix: Im ya’ girl now?
Before Erik could text back, the rest of her friends joined her and Ava outside and they all started talking about the night before. Reminiscing on the fun times they had. Camren thanked them again for making sure her birthday was special.
“We have one more gift for you, Cam Bam.” Mica says.
“Yall have done enough. Stop it.”
“Girl bye. It’s your birthday.” Ava says walking back into the house.
“What y'all get me?” Camren looks at Phoenix and Mica. Neither of them respond. “Stop playing. What is it?”
Ava joins them again with an envelope in hand, giving it to Camren. “Open it.”
She opens it and pulls out a packet that pictures a villa and things to do on an island.
“What is this?” she yells out in excitement.
Tiana snatches the papers from her hands, “Girl, a vacation.”
“Are yall serious?”
“Mhmm,” Phoenix nods her head. “Five nights and six days in Turks and Caicos. Next month. All five of us.”
Camren started to cry. They hugged her and made fun of her for always crying. Coby comes back in with the food. He brings it outside to them.
“Damn, Cam. You always crying, bro.” he says, sitting the food on the table.
“Shut up. They got me a vacation.”
Phoenix walks through her door, exhausted. She threw her body on her couch. What a day. Camren loved her birthday and her gift. Phoenix enjoyed her friends but let's be honest… people, including her friends, were tiring. Her social battery died hours ago. The relief to be home, alone in her own space. She laid there with her eyes closed, taking in the silence of her living room. Her phone goes off, taking Phoenix from her mind. She gets up to find it. She dropped all of her belongings on the floor when she came in and searched through her bag for it. Finally finding it, she has a text from Erik.
Erik😛: You made it in?
Suddenly, Phoenix had energy. She sat on the floor, bringing her knees to her chest. Smiling down at her phone, she responds.
Phoenix: yeah. Just got in.
Erik😛: wow, smh. Thanks for letting me know.
Phoenix: lol im sorry.
Biting her lip, she wants to do something. Her thumbs hover her keyboard. Erik hadn’t texted back yet so she still had time. Fuck it! What’s the worst that could happen?
Phoenix: Are you home?
The three minutes it took for him to respond felt like three years. Her palms were sweaty as she watched the bubbles pop up on the screen.
Erik😛: yeah. Whats up?
Phoenix: wanna come hang out with me?
Phoenix drops her phone on the floor. Her nerves taking over. “What the fuck am I doing? Am I doing this right now?” Her phone dings. She couldn’t open the message. What if he doesn’t want to? She picks up her phone, taking in a shaky breath as she swipes his message open.
Erik😛: 👀 yeah.
Erik😛: I got something for you too.
Phoenix: for me? What is it?
Erik😛: I’ll be down there in a minute. You’ll see.
Phoenix jumps up and picking up her bag and clothes from the night before, tossing them in her room and closing her bedroom door. She rushes back into the living room, turning on the tv. She checks her snack cabinet. She has plenty. “Okay...okay,” she says to herself. “We’re all good. This is gonna be cool. Just two friends--” her words are cut off by a knock at the door. She wipes her sweaty palms on her leggings and makes her way to the door. She opens the door and the site before her, snatched her breath. Erik stood there with his bare, muscled arms on full display as he sported a crisp, white fitted tank, paired with heather grey joggers that hung low. His dreads hung wildly over his face. She took in his seemingly flawless appearance piece by piece. Phoenix hadn’t realized that she was standing there, just staring at him until her waved his hand in her face, breaking her trance.
“Phoenix!” his voice boomed through her ears, flowing down into her chest. She squeezes eyes shut to regroup. She opens her eyes, pushing a small smile.
“Sorry.” she steps back to welcome him in.
He chuckles to himself. “You good, baby girl. You like what you see. I understand.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Stevens.”
He follows her to the couch. He digs into his pocket, pulling out a blunt. “This is for you.”
“Aw, thanks Stevens. We can smoke this right now, actually.”
He gives her a lighter and she lights the blunt taking a hit. Then another. She passes it to him. He takes a drag.
“So Stevens, I figured you could watch Steven Universe with me and eat Oreos.”
“Steven Universe? What the fuck is that?” he passes her the blunt.
“Only my favorite cartoon ever. It’s really good. You’re gonna like it.”
She gives him back the blunt and starts the show from episode one. She grabs a few snacks from the kitchen. “Look what I got.” She holds up two Martinelli Apple Juice. Erik holds his heart with a smile.
“You remembered.”
She joins him again on the couch, sitting so close, their thighs were touching. As the first episode begins, Phoenix sings along with the theme song. Erik watches her with a smile at how excited she was to be singing along. Erik reached down, grabbing her ankles and sliding her legs over his lap. She watched him, not taking her eyes from his hands as his fingertips trailed up her leg until he reached her thigh. He gripped her thigh and massaged it. The entire time his eyes never left the tv screen. Phoenix’s breath hitched as he continued rubbing the spot where his hand rested on her. She looked up at him. He was sitting there like he was just unaware of what he was doing. Something happened on the show that made him laugh and she watched as his body bounced with laughter. To distract herself, she stuffed an Oreo in her mouth and did her best to pay attention to the tv.
“Damn girl, you hogging the cookies.”
Phoenix had been cradling the pack of cookies, eating one right after the other. “Sorry. You want one?”
“Yeah. Feed me one.”
“Feed you one?”
“Yeah, c’mon girl.” He opened his mouth.
She slowly swallowed the remaining pieces she was holding in her mouth. She held the Oreo between her fingers, “You want me to break it for you?”
He cuts his eye at her. “Phoenix, I’m a grown ass man. Put the cookie in my mouth.”
She looked at him with a smirk. She would gladly put the cookie in his mouth. She giggled as she fed him the cookie. He caught on to why she was tickled and laughed himself. “You’re childish baby girl.”
“You said it.”
They continued watching the show and eventually ate the entire pack of Oreos. They were seven episodes deep when Phoenix found herself leaning on Erik’s shoulder. Her fingers were absentmindedly tracing his scars. When she noticed what she was doing, she looked at him, wondering if he knew what she was doing. Was he secretly enjoying it? He could feel her staring at the side of his face. He peeks over at her.
“What?” he asked.
She rubs her thumbs over her scars in thought. “Can I ask you something?”
Looking at his arm, “What’s the meaning behind these?”
He watches as her thumbs move softly over his scars. He clenches his jaw and unclenches. Their eyes meet.
“Can I trust you?” he asked.
“I’m pretty sure if you couldn’t trust me, you wouldn’t be sitting here with me right now.”
“True. If I tell you, you have to promise me that you won’t look at me any differently.”
“I promise.”
He sits there for a moment, gathering the right words. Phoenix was patient with him. She knew there was a deeper story to him. She was willing to sit there as long as she needed for him to feel comfortable. She continued to rub her thumb over her scars in the hopes that it would settle his thoughts.
“Remember when I told you my parents died when I was young and I had to take care of myself?” he started. Phoenix nodded, remembering their conversation in the studio. “That shit changed me. It was nothing that I could do. I was ready to give it to any and everybody. But I was smart about it. I went to the Navy. I trained. I worked hard. I was the best nigga they had. When it was time to get my boots on the ground, I made sure I always hit my target and anything that tried to get in my way. Each kill became a mark.”
Phoenix’s eyes trailed down in arm. There were so many scars. That meant so many bodies.
“I was top ranked. I was given the name Killmonger because I had so many kills.” he continued. “The scars were my way of making sure everybody knew how powerful I was. I wasn’t somebody to be fucked with. I’m not that helpless little boy on missions.”
Phoenix’s thumb motions stopped but she still held his arm in her hand. He looked over at her, searching her face for any sign of disgust or hate. Nothing. Her eyes met his.
“So you still do those missions?” she asked.
“Yeah. They’re a little different now.”
Phoenix seemed interested in what he meant. So he continued telling her how he is chosen for the top missions because of his skill. She asked about his parents and for the first time ever, Erik explained the truth about them. His mother dying in prison. His father being a prince of Wakanda and being killed by his own brother. The more he talked about Wakanda, Phoenix became confused.
“Wait… I thought Wakanada was like a third world country.” she said.
“That’s what they tell the world, but it’s far from a third world country.”
Phoenix sat there quietly, looking off at nothing. She pulled herself away from him in thought. He took that as her hating him.
“I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you Phoenix.”
Her head snapped toward him. “It never crossed my mind that you would. I don’t think you’re a big, bad, scary person, E. Like you said, you did what you had to do.”
“Then why did you move over there?”
“Just thinking. I couldn’t imagine having to go through any of that. Here I am thinking my life was so shitty back in Detroit. Sure, it was bad but things could’ve been worse. You’re strong as fuck and honestly, I wish I had balls like you.”
A cheesy smile crept up on Erik’s face. “Nobody got balls like me.”
Phoenix looks at him with a straight face. “Wow. Here I am thinking we’re having a moment and you wanna talk about your balls.”
“You brought up my balls baby girl. I’ll gladly share them with you.”
“You know what I meant.” She said, hitting him in the chest.
“C’mere you little angry bird.” Erik pulls Phoenix back over to him. This time, he pulled her onto his lap. Sitting on him, she could feel his dick under his thin shorts. This man was blessed. He moved his body up, adjusting himself. He had to know exactly what he was doing. Staying up there would be dangerous. She needed to move herself. So she slid her body down to where she is now pinned between him and the arm of the chair. He legs are sitting on top of his. He gripped her thighs again. “You made me miss what happened so we have to start this episode over.” He picked up the remote, restarting the episode. Phoenix didn’t say anything. She couldn’t. The two of them continue watching Steven Universe like nothing ever happened. He wrapped his hand around her and she rested her head on his shoulder.
Phoenix had drifted off to sleep. Erik softly shook her awake.
“Philly. Wake up baby girl.”
Phoenix slowly wakes up, stretching. “How long was I sleep?”
“Not long. But it’s getting late. I’m gonna get out of her and let you rest.”
Phoenix lays back on his shoulder. “You’re really comfortable.”
Erik scoops Phoenix up in his arms. He picks her up, as he stands and setting her down carefully on her feet. They share a smile. She follows him to the door to let him out. When they approach the door, Erik turns around and snakes his hand around Phoenix’s waist, pulling her into a hug. She automatically wrapped both of her arms around his neck. She took in his presence, one last time. He pulled back, grabbing her chin. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. Her body melted into his as laid her head against his chest. “Don’t forget to text me about your show tomorrow.” he spoke lowly in her ear. All Phoenix would do was nod her head. He opened the door, stepping out.
“Goodnight baby girl.”
“Night, E.”
Closing the door and locking it. Phoenix leaned back on the door. She wanted so bad to turn her head and catch his lips with hers. She fought against it. Her brain now ringing with the ‘what if’s’ if she did. She couldn’t do this to herself. She was going to bed.
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with-love-anu · 5 years
Desiderata: Little Things
PAIRING: Sirius Black x Reader
SUMMARY:  You had been best friends with James, Remus, Sirius and Peter. Read your journey of love, friendship and jealousy through your wonderful years at Hogwarts. Enjoy!
The following month went in a blur. You worked with the marauders every free time you could put together to plan the club. James had got the permission form from McGonagall and you were currently arguing over the club name.
“Gryffindors are the best”
“Brave Hearts”
“Anti Slytherin”
“Guys stop it!” you shouted. You knew they weren’t doing it intentionally. There was always a bit of house rivalry in the boys but you always managed to tune it down. Right now it really wasn’t helping that Sirius and James were suggesting names which shouted “Gryffindor and Proud”, when you were aspiring for high goals like unity and strong bonds between people of all kind.
James and Sirius glared at you. You glared back.
“Why what is so wrong with these” James asked.
“After all it will always be Gryffindors in the end who would be brave enough to stand up against what is wrong” Sirius said staring at you.
“I want house unity. That is final. If houses don’t stay together I am not going to be a part of this.” You told them, your tone sharp daring them to say anything. This shut them up.
“Fine. You suggest something then.” James huffed.
You looked around and saw Remus rubbing his head, clearly frustrated. You thought about it. You wanted it to be catchy and meaningful.
“The Sheild.” You said out of the blue. (A/n: Avengers fan? Totally!)
“The Sheild?”
“Yes, I mean think about it. We are doing this to build a shield around the people we love.”
“Makes sense” Sirius said scratching his head.
The others pondered over it for a while then gave in their consents. You packed up your things and left with the marauders to submit the form to the very formidable head of house.
“Come in.” McGonagall’s voice came as you knocked the door.
“Professor, we wanted to submit the form for a new club.”
McGonagall looked up through her glasses and studied you all briefly. She laid out her hand and Remus gave her the form. She studied it for a while and then looked up, a small smile playing on her lips.
“Are you all serious about this?”
“Very much professor.”
“Well then! I hope to see your group succeed. I don’t want any kind of disruptions or fights. Keep that in mind.”
You smile widely and saw your boys having similar broad grins.
“Thank you so much Minnie. I knew you love me much to deny anything to me.” Sirius said winking at her giving her his famous flirt expression.
You mentally face-palmed. Did he have to do this? You looked at your deputy headmaster guessing her expression praying she wouldn’t change her mind.
“We are very very sorry Professor. You know how Sirius is. We won’t take much of your time and will be leaving now.” James said saving the situation.
As you all rushed out, you yanked Sirius’s ear (who gave a series of- “ow ow ow ow”) and pulled him to the next corridor. The others followed.
“Damn it woman! My ears hurt and they would probably be red” Sirius pouted.
“Really?” You glared at him. “I know you love me Minnie” you said mimicking his voice.
“I DO NOT talk like that”
“Yes. Yes you do.” You told him. “Oh darling!” you added with a fake drawl. “What is a pretty bird like you doing here? Girl, you’re sweet as honey. Your eyes are so beautiful, I get lost in them.”
The boys sniggered.
“Hey don’t forget the famous- ‘You’re more beautiful than the moon and the stars’ “ James said with a dreamy expression on his face.
“You’re the prettiest creature on the face of earth.” Remus said exaggerating with his hand gestures.
Sirius glared at you all and placed his hands over the right side of his chest.
“Hurt! Right to the heart! How dare you call yourselves friends?” Sirius feigned hurt.
You snorted and moved his hands to the mid of his chest.
“Your heart is in the middle, dumbass! Although I am not sure whether it exists.” You said rolling your eyes.
Sirius narrowed his eyes and puffed his cheeks. Pointing his finger at you he said, “You young lady are a mean… a mean… “ Sirius clenched his fists hunting for the right word. “A mean young lady.” He huffed out.
You rolled out laughing and no one could contain any longer. They all barked out and bent over in laughter.
“A pretty young lady who is cute when she is mean.” Remus said in a flirty tone wriggling his eyebrows. Sirius’s smile faded.
“Aww Remus… such a gentleman” you said with a fake posh accent. You cooed at him and placed a hand on his cheek flirtatiously. You missed the big scowl that formed on Sirius’s face. He interrupted loudly,
“Y/n don’t you have to meet Lily?”
“Right! I completely forgot” you said leaving.
“Ask her whether she would go out with me anytime soon.” James called after you.
“No. Bye.”
Sirius and Peter started going towards the grounds with James and Remus a little behind.
“Do you think he bought it?” Remus asked quietly.
“He looked like someone puked all over him” James whispered back.
“I just hope he realizes it before Y/n loses all hope.” Remus sighed.
You met Lily in the common room. She smiled on seeing you.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“Just some extra credit work for charms. You know I suck on those” Lily replied. “So, I wanted to ask you; what do I have to bring to the study group today?”
“Just notes from class and personal write ups if you have done any.”
You spent the next hour telling her about the different people from your study group. She might as well catch up; you thought.
“Isn’t Sebastian the hot boy of the Ravenclaw house? The one girls swoon over?”
You giggled. You very well were aware of the fact that Sebastian was good looking and also knew that he hated it. Hated that out of all his qualities, the one people always referred to be his looks. 
“The very same.” You told Lily.
“Well, he’s handsome. Is he dating someone?”
“Not that I know of”
“You know,” Lily said quietly “I always thought you two were a thing.”
“How so?” you asked raising your eyebrows. If it was anyone else you would probably have denied it as soon it was mentioned to wade of any kind of rumors that might be building. But, it was Lily and the two of you were quiet frank with one another. Lily had become a very close friend.
“Well, just the two of you always seemed… I don’t know… close?! Like whenever I see you both you guys are giggling and whispering and doing you know! Coupley things? And I have even seen you two flirt a lot.”
You laughed. “Well, we joke-flirt. Nothing’s ever happened… Okay… so we both kind of have the same sense of humor sometimes even Sirius and the boys don’t get. We also tend to agree on a whole lot of things. He teases me and is affront about his opinions and I happily return the favor. We don’t take offence on one another; which I am certain most people would; if we say things like that to them. That’s just how we’ve always been. I don’t even know what to call this, a weird flirty rude relationship?”
Lily giggled. “I think you two would look cute together.”
“Really? Are you going to play matchmaker?”
“Well look at it my way. It would be a simple relationship. From what you tell me, I think the two of you already know what the other wants in a relationship.” You nodded and Lily continued. “So, it would be nice you know, lesser fights over stupid issues.”
You sighed. “I just don’t think I am ready to see him that way and if it doesn’t work out I don’t wanna lose the friendship.” That was only part of the question why. The main reason was that Sirius had made it difficult for you to like anyone else. You always ended up comparing them with him. It was like he would do things people do when they love loved the person. He would bring you chocolates and trinkets just because he saw them at a shop and thought of you. He would always have an arm around you during classes, breaks, quidditch matches; of course when he wasn’t flirting. He would call you his best girl every now and then; even in front of his girlfriends. It confused you. Not that you didn’t like it but you always ended up wanting more.
You both picked up your things and moved towards the library. Most of them were present and you settled down as Lily introduced herself.
“Am I late?” Sebastian said as he settled down on the chair beside you.
“No. you’re not”
You all talked discussing and completing the week’s essays one by one. This was the benefit of the group. You learnt magic throughout the week and took care of homework on Sundays. It helped you stay free minded and love what you learnt.
“I really can’t do this spell” Sebastian said pouting.
“Yes you can” you said giggling taking in his despaired form.
“I have tried everything and this just doesn’t work” he huffed.
“Lemme…” you took his hand in yours performing the spell on the cup infront of him.
Sebastian’s eyes widened as he saw it transform into a perfect little turtle.
“Oh!” Sebastian said as he noticed the wand movement he missed before.
“Y/n” he called out.
“Seb.” You smiled at his game.
“When did you become so good at transfiguration?”
“James taught me.”
“So basically, you come back to school having this completely new and trendy look; which I love and by the way has caused all the boys have a crush on you; and you better yourself in the one subject you weren’t *perfect* before?”
You raised your eyebrows not sure how to reply. “Not all boys!” you said shaking your head.
“Okay; well a huge portion.”
“And you’re implying that…?”
“It’s only time before you become one of those…” Sebastian said narrowing his eyes putting on a conspiracy face.
“One of what?”
“You know… one of *those*” he said wriggling his eyebrows.
“Ahh…” you drawled. “Strong independent women who no need no man?”
“Exactly!” he said with a sad expression. He was too good an actor. “and then you will not see me, the sweet boy who loves you with all his little heart?”
You stifled a snigger wanting to play along.
“Aww… I will always love my old man!” you cooed.
“Hey! Who are you calling old?”
“Did I say old? I meant a mature wise man who happens to be very handsome and…”
“And?” Sebastian asked raising an eyebrow.
“hot” you said with a low voice.
“There are children here!!!” Alex said loudly earning a shush from the librarian. You all laughed.
“Guys!” you said remembering about the shield. “Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!” you said until you had everyone’s attention. You told them about the club crossing your fingers that they’ll join. There was silence for a while.
“Count me in!” Ruuhaan spoke out.
“Yeah me too!” Lily said enthusiastically.
Soon enough everyone agreed.
“So, we would really appreciate it if you could bring others too who may be interested. Remember, next week, Friday at 4.” Remus said.
You couldn’t stop smiling when you went to bed that night.
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Downtown Detectives || Morgan & Marley
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @detectivedreameater & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Marley meets another detective.
CONTAINS: Proof Morgan should stick to her day job.
If you’re looking for a sketchy witch, you go to the sketchy witch place in town. Morgan loitered around Amity Row for hours, hoping to spot one of the faces she and Winston had pulled from Coraline’s social media feed. She hadn’t been settled in White Crest very long, just a few months like Morgan, and there were only so many people who were old enough to have the kind of experience to alchemize iron in a body where there should be none. Maybe the parents of one of her college friends, maybe someone from her new D&D group, or-- Morgan’s brow quirked as she saw someone walk out of Stone’s Philosophy. She wasn’t close to the man, but she recognized him from enough faculty meetings to recognize him as Dr. Fridlund from the Chemistry department. He was the kind of guy that gave kids extra credit just for wearing a school shirt on Friday, the kind of guy you would think to trust. The kind of guy who you might meet in some sketchy secondary location because just in time to flex his secret alchemy skills.
Morgan saw him making his way to Eye of Newt, which had started seeing a sudden uptick in business after Vera figured out she’d been slipped a Monkey’s Paw. Morgan made a beeline for the door, power walking faster than any suburban mom ever had, and cutting him off at the door. “Hey! Doctor Fridlund, right? Or, Eric, can I call you Eric? It’s just so weird and great to see you around this part of town! I kinda miss the old Chem Crew a little.”
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Eric Fridlund adjusted his polo and leaned back on his heels to put some distance between them.
“Morgan Beck? I took on some of the intro classes last semester, because of the TA shortage? We were at a faculty lunch together? You were really excited to talk to me because your mom and I are from the same city!” Excited was a bit of a stretch, but she was going to make him feel as bad as possible for not remembering her. “It’s such a shame we don’t get to see each other more, but you’re busy taking on extra undergrad tutoring sessions, right? I feel like I heard that from one of my summer kids. Coraline Adams?”
Eric Fridlund pretended to understand exactly what the strange woman was saying and tried to ease his way around her. “Of course! So great to run into you. Anyways, gotta--oh.”
Morgan shifted, blocking his way once again. “Actually, I had a weird question for you!”
This part of town was, ironically, where Marley felt the most at home. And the most powerful. Walking around Amity with a badge on her hip and sunglasses firmly shielding her eyes, people shrunk out of her way, or gave her strange looks. That was fine with her, she liked it that way. No one got too close. This was how it was supposed to be, after all. And checking into a lead (even though she was technically still on leave, but sneaking into the precinct late at night to nab some files had been so easy) made everything feel even more normal. Apparently there was some suspicious activity that needed to be looked into down here, likely some sort of drug territory dispute, but of the...supernatural variety. It was right up her alley, literally. The lead told them that the last known sighting of one of the suspects was near Stone’s Philosophy, a cheesy name for a stupid magic jewelery shop if Marley had ever heard one. But the name didn’t matter, because she was here now, and as she went to head into the shop, something else caught her eye. Two people near the entrance to the shop next door, Eye of Newt, and one of them clearly looked uncomfortable. Interesting.
Marley turned and paused, watching them for a moment. The shorter, curly haired woman seemed to be cutting off the man’s route. She had that pinchy, determined look on her face, and Marley recognized it. It would be easy enough to walk away and let them go about their business, but Marley was the curious sort. And so she crossed over and came up behind the two of them, hands on her hips. “Everything okay over here?” she asked, quirking a brow.
There was a tone of voice cops had when they were getting ready to throw their weight into a situation. Morgan knew what the woman across from her was before she clocked the badge at her hip. She went rigid, smiling stiff as she said, “Yes, of course! Just catching up with a friend, right?”
Eric Fridlund considered his options. He had too many shoplifted items in his bag to want to invite too much scrutiny, but he sure wanted to get out of this interaction and get back to his wife and dog. “Sorry if we’re blocking the entrance, we’re just wrapping up here, though, right?”
“Yeah, you were gonna tell me about the last time you saw Coraline. She was in your summer seminar, right? It’s just, you know, so weird that she hasn’t been in class so close to finals, you know?” Morgan touched his arm and steered them away from the door, barely concealing her irritation at the officer. Eric brushed her off with a more pleading look the officer’s way, but obliged nonetheless.
The situation was already strange to Marley but when the name ‘Coraline’ came up, her entire body stiffened. She remembered reading that name on a recent missing person’s report. And while it could be coincidence, Marley’s years as a detective in a small town like this told her it wasn’t. “Did you say Coraline?” she asked, stepping over towards the two, leaving all air of intervening behind. “That wouldn’t be Coraline Adams, would it?” The nervous look on the man’s face didn’t escape her, either. He knew something. Her eyes sharpened and she could feel the want trickling into her bones, the need to feed. It was all she could get these days, was little snacks like this. But the other woman presented a small problem. And so she’d play along for now. “Why don’t you answer the question, buddy, huh? Make this easier on all of us.”
Of course someone had called the flipping cops. Morgan didn’t even know how long Coraline had been missing for, but her body had been stashed at Erin’s for well over a week. Her friends would have noticed eventually. And, what with the whole playing your cards close game supernaturals always had to play, someone had involved the cops without realizing it was the last thing anyone needed. Especially Coraline. But Eric was getting a little wormy under the officer’s attention. Morgan couldn’t rule him out as a real lead. Morgan set her jaw against her irritation and rolled with it. “Uh...yeah. It is, actually.”
“I don’t know. I’ve already emailed the dean of the science college, letting him know that Coraline’s failing my seminar because she refuses to come to class or communicate with me,” Eric said irritably.
Yes, Morgan thought, because she was murdered. “That’s it? You just went straight to her dean?”
Eric shrugged. “I’m a busy guy, and University protocol doesn’t require me to do anything else. Now, uh, speaking of busy--” He gestured with his shopping bag before he realized his mistake in drawing attention to it, flushed, and started to extricate himself from the two women.
Marley could sniff out guilt in almost anyone. Eric looked ready to bolt, his body stiffening at just the mention of Coraline, and the way his eyes averted the conversation when he admitted to having contacted the Dean and only the Dean about her absence. Marley put a hand up, blocking his path, and leaned against the building so he couldn’t escape by her. “Actually,” she said, “you’ve become suddenly not busy, right? Because...you wanna stay here and have a nice chat with us outside of this store, instead of, say...down at the station.” Her eyes sharpened and her stare could be felt, even from behind her glasses. “Right?” When he stopped moving, Marley dropped her arm. “So, why don’t you start from the beginning, hmm? When did you last hear from her?”
Morgan couldn’t help but side-eye the officer. She’d never had one on her side before, not that she knew it was her side. It was more of a coincidence than the law giving a shit for dead, lost fae or knowing how to handle them. She tried to subtly shift her body to pen Doctor Fridlund closer against the shop and peek around his shirt sleeves and collar. Her parents had always worn their transmutation circles on their person, and she knew enough from photos and stories that tattoos were a common practice for serious witches since they couldn’t be lost. There was one of those ‘edgy’ leather bracelets that had ridden up his arm. She couldn’t tell if there was a charm or not, but without being able to tell for sure…
“What? No, I’m...my wife is expecting me and it’s my turn to walk the dog, and I don’t see any, you know, official warrants or anything. I’m positive I don’t actually have to talk to either one of you. You--” Eric pointed to Morgan. “Are you with her? Is this some ridiculous undercover set up?” He tugged on his polo again. “You know what, it doesn’t matter, and I don’t care. I don’t know when she stopped coming to class, at least two weeks ago, if the cops really wanna come take a look at my attendance sheets, they’re welcome to it. I’m sure the tutoring logs are still around somewhere too. We were meeting one on one for help for a few weeks, and then nothing. It’s not pretty, but it happens all the time. Now, if you’ll excuse me?”
Marley narrowed her eyes. People often didn’t cooperate under stress, but it was also a symptom of guilt. He was giving excuses that didn’t make one-hundred percent sense. The other woman was getting squirmy, too, glancing around at the man as if looking for something. Marley followed her gaze only for a bit before turning her attention back to the man. “You know, I think I’d love to pay the school a visit on your behalf. Should I just come directly to your office? Or let the front desk know who I am and what I’m there for? Cause I’m good either way,” she stated firmly, standing between him and his quick exit. She wasn’t entirely convinced this man actually knew anything, but if he did, she was going to get it out of him. And if he didn’t, there was still another thing he could give her. “If she stopped coming to class two weeks ago why did it take you a full week to report her missing to the Dean?”
Eric Fridlund went still. “Christ, she’s missing? Did you know about this?” He whirled his attention on Morgan.
Morgan made no reply.
“Look, the memo to the dean was just a standard form, University Protocol. I put in her ID number, checked why I was technically concerned, she had missed over a week of class and needed to do something or else take a failing grade, and I said something about how we had after class meetings. These idiots realize they’re in too deep all the time, and they’re too busy whining into their cell phones to remember to drop or leave notice. It’s unfortunate, but it happens. My job is to get the real grown ups looped in and hope for the best.”
“But you didn’t say why,” Morgan said.
“I don’t know!” Eric snapped. “Obviously if I knew she was missing, I would have acted more accordingly. If she’s in serious trouble...Christ, I don’t know. What do you think, Beck, another round of grief and crisis inservices?”
“I don’t know, Doctor Fridlund. I’m still wondering why you’re either dangerously negligent or hiding something besides your stupid shopping bag.” She reached for his arm and pulled, dragging down his bracelet as she upset the contents.
“Hey! She can’t do that! Officer, she can’t do that, right?”
Whoever this woman was, Beck, it seemed, she was just as fed up with this boring professor as Marley was. He wasn’t giving her any answers she wanted, and she could feel the anger rising inside of her. “So glad the university has a professor like you who seems to care so much about his students. Waiting whole weeks before reporting them missing while thinking they’re just drop-outs or lazy and not, I don’t know, in need of help? Possibly even using this as a cry for help? Just...delighted,” she growled. It was apparent this situation was more than just a case to Marley, but she glowered into the man’s eyes from behind her shades and restrained herself, just barely, from peering into his fears.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she answered slowly, turning her head away as the other woman yanked on him. “I don’t see her doing anything.”
Eric puffed, indignant at this treatment. These bleeding hearts were always after him. He stooped to pick up his knick knacks with what dignity he had left (Christ, he needed to see someone about this. He’d stolen a golf hat from one of the shops and he didn’t even like golf). But before he could get that far, he felt the officer’s eyes on him and looked up. More than anything he wanted to tear his eyes away, to be anywhere but this godforsaken street. “No,” he whispered. “You can’t...this isn’t happening…” He backed away from them both and let the bag fall from his hands. He ran, stumbled to his knees in the street, got back up, and kept running.
Morgan reached out for him again, “Get back here--!” But whatever had come over him was too strong to listen. He left without picking up anything from the ground, and even leaving his bracelet behind. Morgan stooped to pick it up. She recognized the transmutation circle at once and grimaced, burning to have the power to make the ground swallow him up. “Well, that was interesting,” she grumbled. And not exactly illuminating for her peace of mind. She’d passed off her own spellcraft as pure aesthetic to know not everyone with a circle knew the first thing about equivalent exchange.
Coward. Marley flicked her eyes away from him and let the fears fall away. He didn’t actually know anything, she could tell just by the taste-- his fear was darker, different. He didn’t care about Coraline or what happened to her. But she was definitely going to be paying him a visit at the school, and that time, she’d come for him full blast. Whatever he was hiding, he held power somewhere, and she could use that to her advantage. Turning back to the other woman, Marley sized her up. “So...what’s your connection to Coraline?” she asked, raising a brow. “A worried friend? Interested party? Wannabe detective striking out on her own?”
All of Morgan’s rising warm feelings for the officer flatlined. “Oh, I’m just…concerned.” That much was true. “And the guy, you know, he gave me these weird vibes, you know. I just happen to think, you know, it’s a shit show out there and more people should care. Crazy, I know.” Morgan shrugged and looked down at the stolen things on the floor. There was an athame with its price sticker still on in the mix, but most of it was mundane garbage. Morgan grimaced. Completely useless. “Thank you, for whatever you did over there. But I guess I should be going too…”
Marley watched the woman fumble in her words. She was lying about something, but hiding it behind small tidbits of truth. Frowning, Marley moved to pick up the bag. She supposed she should return it to the store it was stolen from. Turning to look back at her, Marley gave her best attempt at a smile. She had a hunch, and it was time to test it out. “Of course,” she said, coming back over to her. She stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out one of her cards. “If you think of anything else, feel free to contact me. After all, people like us,” she leaned in a little closer, “we gotta stick together, right?”
Morgan went stiff. What did she mean? Could she smell the death on her? Hear her lack of heartbeat? She was remembering to breathe, right? Or maybe the officer meant something else. Maybe it was people like them as in women, or queer women. All lady officers looked butch, and this one carried no small amount of swagger. Morgan offered her a smile and ran a hand through her hair. “I’m not sure what you mean exactly, but I appreciate the sentiment. I don’t generally find police officers to be very sympathetic when it comes to my side of the tracks.” She offered her a wave and started to edge away.
Marley noted the woman’s stiffness at the question, watching her work out exactly what Marley meant. Whatever she said next, Marley already had her answer. Body language was so telling after all. “Well, not all officers have blindfolds on,” she said in return after a moment, “just know there’s someone looking out for you on the squad.” Or watching them closely, in her case. A tip of her head, a crooked smile. She wanted to stay longer, to figure out what exactly this woman was-- but it wouldn’t do to push such a twitchy looking person. “Hey, wait,” she called out, not moving from her spot, “I never  got your name. I’m Marley.”
Morgan nodded, her smile curving up in a friendly way. Something sounded familiar about that name, she just couldn’t figure out how. She almost wanted to ask if she knew Jane Wu, but she didn’t want to put the reckless not-zombie into any more trouble than she already got into by herself. “I’ll try and remember that,” she said. “Maybe I’ll look you up sometime to say hey. If you hear from a gal named Morgan, you know it’s probably me.” Keeping the bracelet clenched tight in her fist, Morgan backed herself out of the street and high tailed it for home.
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zoequeenz · 4 years
Plain Sight (Part 1)
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3rd Person POV at Brenda Samms’s Home
The powerful vocals of Aretha Franklin are all Brenda Samms could hear as she danced her way through her workout of the day. While the woman was distracted she didn't hear the arrival of an unknown man coming through her downstairs window. He stalked the kitchen, observing the china and decor of his victims house. As he ascended the stairs the sound of the music and workout video grew louder. Brenda continued to dance as the man opened her bedroom door. She turned right into the hands of her attacker. Hours later she was found by her children. The police were quick to the scene. There was a mess of silverware on the floor and a message on the mirror. This person wanted to be known.
“Get a good shot of her face.” the lead detective said.
The photographer did. Brenda’s eyes were glued open.
Persephone Chase’s POV
Today was a very exciting day. It is Spency’s birthday. Yes, my best friend is 24. I couldn’t wait. I actually was itching to go to work. I had his gift for months now and I knew he would love it. It was a box set of Star Trek. Sure, we could just watch reruns but every Friday Spency and I would have movie nights and he always likes to focus on the facts. I loved whenever he added some little detail and I knew that he wanted to do it with Star Trek. I excitedly walked into work. JJ and I had a little surprise planned. I had the trick candles and a stupid hat while she brought in a cake. As soon as I got out of the elevator I bolted to her office.
“Okay, Spencer should be here in about three minutes, do you have everything?” I ask not even greeting the blonde.
“Well hello to you to P. Yes, I have everything. Breathe, he’s going to love this.” JJ tells me putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
I let out a sigh.
“I hope so. What kind of best friend would I be if he didn’t.” I say.
I check my watch again and see that the three minutes had passed and Spencer would be here now.
“Okay, it’s go time.” I say walking out of JJ’s office.
I make my way to the bullpen and just like I said, there he was. I sneak around so he won’t see me. I am right behind his desk now and I walk up behind him and cover his eyes.
“Guess who?” I say teasingly.
“Hmm...Hotch?” he replies jokingly.
I laugh and lean over his shoulder.
“Happy Birthday Spency.”
“Thanks Percy.” he says with a small smile.
“I got a surprise for you.” I say putting the hat on his head.
“Oh wow, thanks.” he shyly replies.
“I meant this.” I say handing him the small bag.
He digs out the present and looks at it for a bit. I grow nervous, maybe I was wrong.
“I love it.” Spency says getting up to hug me.
“Yay! But there’s more.” I tell him as Derek, JJ, and Elle walk towards us with the cake.
I put the candles on and light them.
“Make a wish!” JJ says.
Spency begins to blow at the candles. But once they go out they come back on.
“Come on, man. Blow, baby! Blow!” Derek encourages.
Spencer keeps trying.
“I thought you were full of hot air, Reid.” Elle jokes.
‘Come on, Reid.” Morgan says.
“They’re trick candles, Spence. OK? They’re gonna come back on every time.” JJ finally tells him.
I giggle as he turns to give me a fake glare.
“Oh. Mommy to the rescue.” Morgan teases.
“Mommy?” Spencer asks.
I walk up to him and hug him around the shoulders.
“Happy birthday Spency.” I tell him again planting a kiss on his cheek.
He blushes, what a cutie.
JJ then begins cutting the cake.
“Hope you like chocolate.” she says.
I grew kinda uncomfortable with their flirty nature but know that JJ would never do that to me. We all crowded around the cake as Spencer got up to talk to Gideon. Derek nudged me.
“Happy birthday Spency.” he mocks dramatically scooping me into a hug.
“Stop, it’s not like that.” I brush him off. It was exactly like that.
“Whatever you say, Percy.” Derek replies.
“Hey, Spence, first piece for the birthday boy.” JJ tells him holding out a plate.
Morgan then calls him over and he accepts the plate. We all stood around eating.
“So, not that I don’t love the gift but why the Star Trek box set?” Spencer asks me.
“Well, on movie nights you like to give little facts or corrections. You mentioned one night that you wanted to do it with Star Trek so I got you the box set instead of just reruns.” I explained.
“Aww you actually listen to me.” he says pulling me into his side.
I nod. If I try to say words I will only fail.
“Sorry, guys, the party’s over.” Hotch announces hanging up the phone.
Shoot we had a case.
“Sorry Spency.” I say.
“It’s okay.” he smiles as we walk to the board room.
“We’re going to San Diego.” Hotch says entering the room with JJ.
“Not for surfing, huh?” Derek asks, already knowing the answer.
“They’re calling him the Tommy Killer.” JJ says as she sets down the files.
“Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks.” Hotch adds.
“Six in three weeks?” Elle asks.
“Seems Tommy moves quick.” I say.
“That’s a short fuse.” Gideon puts out there.
“And getting shorter. The first two were eight days apart, then the next four in two weeks.” Hotch explains.
“Rapid escalation. Do you think he’s regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?” Spencer asks.
“No, he’s too controlled for that.” Hotch answers.
“See you on the plane.”
“Why the Tommy Killer?” Derek asks.
“You know the rock opera?” Hotch asks turning from leaving.
“Well, this unsub glues his victims’ eyes wide open.”
We all looked down in disgust. These unsubs just keep getting weirder and weirder. The photos are haunting. The women’s faces are pale and expressionless but their eyes give off a frozen state of fear.
“He wants them to see him.” Spencer says.
“And feel him.” Gideon adds.
I cringe. That is vile. Unsubs like this deserve to rot.
I quietly get up and collect my go bag. I needed a minute. This case was gonna be difficult. These poor women. I know how they feel. It may sound bad but I’m glad they won’t have to live the rest of their lives scarred. As I get on the plane I sit across from Spencer. I smile at him as I get situated. We lift off and once it was safe enough Hotch began debriefing us.
“Brenda Samms was found yesterday by her children when they got home from school. She had been strangled with a thin ligature, possibly a wire.” he explains.
“No weapon left at the scene?” Elle asks.
“Residue on the wrist and mouth indicate that duct tape was used and then removed.” Spencer adds.
“Also not found at the scene.” Hotch says.
“So he’s smart enough to not leave anything behind.” I say.
“Brought it with him, took it with him.” Elle says.
“He also started leaving messages at the fourth scene. This was on the mirror.” Hotch says showing a photo of the message to everyone. He then begins to read it. Spencer, of course, finishes it.
“It’s a ballad from the late 1600s. A dialogue betwixt death and a lady.” he explains.
“A 17th century ballad.” Elle states.
“Yeah, essentially, a woman begging death to live.” Spencer adds.
“What kind of person knows this ballad? Are we looking for a literature professor?” she asks.
“Anyone with an internet connection, actually. You should see what comes in when you type the word “death” into a search engine.” he geeks out.
“Reid, no wonder you can’t get a date.” Derek says. I glare at him. Sure, it’s only a joke but Spencer didn’t take it that way. The poor boy is so socially awkward but there is no reason he can’t get a date. Women practically throw themselves at him whenever we got to lunch or something. I rub his arm to comfort him in a way. He gives me a fake smile. His pride was hurt.
“Reid, you stay on the messages. See if there’s a deeper meaning.” Gideon tells the genius.
“Well, it definitely looks like he ransacked the crime scene pretty well.” Derek points out showing us a photo.
“A lot of damage, nothing taken.” Hotch adds.
“Maybe he still had some rage he needed to blow off, these things might remind him of a life he once had or one he could never have.” I suggest.
“The eyes are the thing, the signature. The behavior that isn’t necessary for the murder, but necessary for the emotional release. That’s what he’s there for.” Gideon says.
“There used to be a widely held belief that the eyes record a snapshot of the last thing a person sees before they die.” Spencer says.
“Yeah, that’s right. People used to write poems about talking to death.” Derek adds on.
“Ballads.” Spencer interjects.
“Whatever.” Derek replies.
“You think they’ll ever run out of new things to do to their victims?” Elle solemnly asks.
“Well, finding new ways to hurt each other is what we’re good at.” Gideon answers.
Persephone Chase’s POV
We had arrived at the police station in San Diego. We all went our separate ways ready to work. I guess Hotch and JJ met with the Chief because I walked in straight to the boards with all the victims and scenes on it. The photos are chilling, some of the women, others of the messages, and even photos of their families.I was looking to see if I could see any mistakes or evidence he may have left behind when Derek started speaking.
“He strikes during the day in upper middle class neighborhoods. Extremely high risk victims at high risk times.” Gideon adds.
“He’s confident in his ability.”
“Looks to be about a five square mile radius.” Derek informs.
“So he probably has a vehicle.” Gideon says.
“And one that isn’t too out of the ordinary in these neighborhoods.” I say.
“You wanna see that crime scene?” Detective Martin asks us. “It’s still taped off. The husband won’t go back inside.”
Derek looks back towards Gideon and I.
“Let’s go.” Gideon says.
3rd Person POV at San Diego Police Headquarters
After Agents Gideon, Morgan, and Chase left. Hotch and Elle discuss what they need to figure out.
“Alright, so we need answers to these questions.” Hotch begins.
“What does the evidence tell you about the sexual aspect? What kind of rapist is he independent of the homicides?”
“I’m on it.” Elle replies.
“It looks like what he’s written at the scenes are most of the first three verses of the same ballad.” Spencer starts as he walks over to the pair. “Most of?” Hotch asks.
“Yeah, it’s only one part of the conversation. There’s no “betwixt.”” Spencer answers. Both Hotch and Elle look at him confused.
“Uh, death speaks, but the lady never answers.” Spencer clarifies.
“Maybe he feels like their bodies are answer enough.” Elle suggests.
A/N: AHHH the second part of June!! I really like this two parts a month thing. Maybe it will be a forever thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it!! A reader gave me some constructive criticism saying she wanted more of Percy and her own lines and thoughts. I tried my best to do my girl some justice and also make the story as how I usually write them. I have been waiting for this episode because this is a big Spencer episode because of his birthday!!! It's also my birthday so yay all around!! Love, Zoe!!
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santoteez · 4 years
Inferno - An Ateez Seven Deadly Sins Series
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Idol(S): Ateez
Genre: Demon!Ateez, Smut(eventually)
Parts to this series: 8 (Maybe an Epilogue? Hmm) (Also! It’s 8 NOT including this. This is an Introduction)
Word Count: 1,067
Also, for my followers that are reading my Jongho story, It WILL be finished. I have been in somewhat of a funk since Covid has stuck my state, and honestly speaking my family. But i feel like I’m back and better!
It seems as though men just can’t stay alive, considering the Inferno has a surplus of the motherfuckers. Dante, or Hongjoong as he’s known amongst his people, is in need of new residents for the boiling locus. Alas, he’s physically bound to his world. His departure, no matter how temporary would cause hell to fold into itself and evaporate into nothing. So, he solicits the help of his seven brothers to acquire every female candidate on his list.
Hongjoong sighed as he watched the same thing from his window as he did every morning. Men hounding women, following them as they try helplessly to get away. Going as far as to fight each other for a chance with the woman in question. Don’t get him wrong, he may be a demon, but he wasn’t interested in observing harassment.
He walked back to his desk at the center of his office, picking up his glass, the contents far too strong for the time of morning it was.
“There’s an imbalance.” He muttered to himself. “No, that won’t do.”
He dialed his assistant on the phone. “Wilson!”
“Yes, my lord?” Wilson answered almost instantly.
“Gather up the council. Tell them I want them in my office immediately. Leave no room for rejection.”
“Right away, my lord.” The phone clicked.
The Council consisted of Hongjoong’s seven brothers: Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, and Greed. Each of whom possess- you guessed it- one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Pretty fitting for the rulers of Inferno, huh?
Ten minutes passed by, and just as Hongjoong was going to call Wilson back, the doors swung open.
“Keep your panties in a bunch, we’re here. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your deadly sin was impatience.” Wrath said, sitting right on the desk, which Hongjoong despised. But after all, that’s what Wrath loved most. Anger.
“I still don’t get why you’re the only one who gets an office. There’s plenty of space in the netherworld for more offices. Why do you get one?” Envy asked. Typical Envy.
“Your room is the size of two NYC condos. WHY are you going on and on about an office full of boring paperwork and a rundown desk?” Hongjoong sighed.
Envy shrugged. “I’m just saying.”
“You’re lucky I’m even here,” Lust chimed in. “I was talking to this pretty little thing down by the diner. She would’ve come back with me, too. Had I not gotten the text from Wilson.”
“Actually, Lust,” Hongjoong slammed the desk drawer closed, “You’re lucky you’re here. You know better than to defy me, don’t you? It’s why you’re here.” Hongjoong smirked when Lust didn’t answer.
“Now, if you’re all done with show and tell, I can discuss what you’re actually here for- Gluttony, stop chewing so loud. Do you see why none of you are in charge here?” Hongjoong rolled his eyes.
“Unlike Envy, I don’t wanna be in charge. Not enough time to eat.” Gluttony said, chuckling as Envy glared.
“When you look out into the streets, what do you see?” Hongjoong asked, eager to get on with it.
“Asphalt, some concrete.” Envy said.
“Places to eat.” Gluttony said.
“Opportunities to make a quick buck?” Greed asked, focused mostly on his gaming console.
“Greed, where did you get that?” Hongjoong asked.
Greed shrugged. “I found it.”
“Anyways, no. You’re all wrong. Look closer.”
“People?” Pride asked.
“Closer.” Hongjoong pressed.
“Too many men.” Lust muttered.
“Wait, really?” Lust asked.
“Look at that, Lust. You used your other head this time.” Envy mused.
“Jealous?” Lust remarked, finding pleasure in seeing Envy’s face drop.
“Too many men. Not nearly enough women. It’s causing excessive harassment, unwanted advances, fights. I understand we’re demons, and we didn’t end up here for no reason, but there’s gotta be a yin to our yang. So, I’ve conjured up a plan. And I need your help.”
“Why not just do it yourself?” Sloth asked, lounging in a chair.
“Because it requires leaving the Inferno.” Hongjoong said, opening a folder full of documents.
“Oh right, I forgot you have an eternal curfew.” Wrath teased.
“Moving on, in this file, I have collected the information of several women over the course of three months. I have studied their personalities, their likes and dislikes, careers, places they frequent, relationship status and kinks.”
“You went all out, brother.” Lust raised an eyebrow.
“I seek to be thorough.” Hongjoong said, pulling out several papers. “Your job is to get to know your target and bring her back to me. One by one, you will be released into the human world, using your names from your past lives. No worrying you’ll bump into someone you knew; their memories have been thoroughly erased. The most they will get is an inkling. Each of you will have one week from the time you land to acquire your target. What tactics you use is up to you. Just get them here.”
“Why not just grab them when they’re not looking and drag them?” Wrath asked. “Why a week?”
“That’s where there’s a catch. You need consent. The target must unequivocally accept being brought back. No abductions.”
“So, you’re asking a bunch of demons to say pretty please?” Lust asked.
“No, of course not,” Hongjoong shook his head. “I’m telling you.”
“What if we don’t get consent?” Gluttony asked, finally finishing his meal, only to pull out a granola bar.
“You don’t bring her back and suffer the consequences. Or, you bring her back unlawfully and suffer harsher consequences. Your choice.”
“That sounds like a lose-lose situation.” Envy pointed out.
“Only to those that don’t follow the rules. I’m giving you everything you need to wow her, along with a bottomless income. Just for the week. Don’t get any ideas, Greed.”
Greed rolled his eyes. “What about stuff I acquire while I’m out there? Can I keep that?”
“Successfully complete the mission and I’ll consider it. This mission is effective immediately.”
“Ouu, who’s first? Is it me?” Envy asked.
“Calm down, green one. This is a mission right up my alley, I’m sure it’s me.” Lust said.
“Incorrect, both of you. I currently don’t trust either of you, so I am sending someone else first to show you how it’s done.” Hongjoong said, walking across the room, taking a peek at the file. “Sarina Thomas. Pride, you’re up.” Hongjoong winked, handing him the folder. 
“Good Luck.”
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cannibaldatingsite · 4 years
thank you @hanniba1​ and @fairytalegay​ for tagging me!!!!!!!!!!!
rules: tag people you wanna get to know better! this is like SO long so im putting it under a read more thing
your name and then what you would have named yourself: my name is sara but i also use bille which means beetle in danish i just Dont wanna b called billy in english lmao
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): leo
when did you join tumblr and why?: uhhhh i joined wayy back in like 2011 i really dont remember why specifically but this account i made like ?2 ?months ago?? cus of the hannibal reunion stream and i wanted to like join the community again🥺🥺🥺
top 5 fandoms: in my experience every fandom is awful if ure in it long enough
top 5 favourite films: omg idk but 5 movies i really LIKE are mother (2009), monos (2017), oldboy (2003), zappa (1983), ginger snaps (2000)
go to song when you wanna Feel something: george michael - you have been loved
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: im not faithful but the religion i feel closest to is probably norse paganism?
a song that makes you feel seen: caramelldansen
if you could have any career: i think it would be very fun to be a full-time taxidermist but i would only wanna do animals that had died of natural causes or like car accidents and whatevr
do you have a type?: uhhhhh women
what does your heart/soul yearn for: feeling useful?
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: excitable, opinionated, observant, flamboyant, pragmatic
favourite subjects in school: i mean obvsly arts but i also like chemistry now that im literally having it for the first time at age 20
where does your soul feel most at home: surrounded by quiet and nature and rain
top 5 fictional characters: MY HEAD IS EMPTYYY IDONT KNOW UHHH SPOCK? from star trek? VARRIC FROM DRAGON AGE!!!! hoban washburne from firefly...........hannibal.....ME
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: season 2 finale of buffy, ending of star trek II twok, uhhhhhh idk i dont ugly cry a lot i guess ive cried to mizumono at some point?
the earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the earth
favourite kind of weather: i LOOOOVE a good thunderstorm i love rain i love misty weather i HATE like really warm sunny weather it makes me feel ill i think my preferred weather for being outside in would be like kinda cold but ure not shivering in a t-shirt and then like light rain? i really like rain
top 3 characters you kin with: data from star trek, bones from bones, uhh jimmy price from hannibalDFKSYUYFKY
favourite medium of art: to do? digital art
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: introvert??? i guess??
a favourite literary quote: idk man im not like a quotes type person at all
some of your favourite books: best served cold by joe abercrombie, a bright red scream by marilee strong, and like idk i really like the hobbit by tolkien lol
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: hmm maybe sme place with more nature cus i live in the city but still denmark
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: take away the fact that im a lesbian ive always thought id make a really good monk like just spend my time transcribing books and making funky margins and keeping a strict routine
if you could play any instrument masterfully it would be: boring answer is drums but i think itd b real funky to master like the harp or smtg
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to: bro i have no idea i feel way more connected to fucked up little monsters and trolls than i do gods and goddesses
and lastly, favourite recent selfie in your camera roll: i like dont take a lot of selfies this is the best recent one i got where im not like mid-breakdown 😭😭😭😭😭IDONT KNOW WHY ITS SO CLOSE I HAD LIKE 3 AND THEY WERE ALL THAT CLOSE
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if u wanna do this just say i tagged u 😭👊
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badsteamystories · 4 years
The Brothel Study. Chapter 1
Warning: look at my URL before deciding whether you wanna read this. It is naughty in ways I like, but others probably don't.
Synopsis: Lucie Herondale decides she needs some inside knowledge of how a brothel works for a novel she's working on. At least, that's what she tells herself as she stands on the front step asking for employment.
Lucie couldn't believe she was doing this. It was crazy, crass, and the farthest thing from what a young lady should ever do. But that didn't matter. Not really. Not when the she needed the experience to be able to better write about it when one of her heroines was forced to do this ghastly deed to survive.
At least, that's what she told herself as she hurried down the street, heading towards a new adventure. The knotting of her stomach and the heat between her legs told a different story however, and she had to swallow heavily as she reached the front steps of her destination.
She took one deep breath before knocking three times in rapid succession. A second later the door opened to reveal a woman dressed in a scantalizingly suggestive dress, her black hair done up ever so elegantly, but also mussed, as if she had fallen asleep with it and had a fitful nightmare. In her perfectly manicured hand was a cigarette, which she now took a drag of as she registered Lucie with narrowed eyes.
"What do you want?" The lady snapped, obviously not expecting business from the girl stood before her. Lucie steeled her nerves before she answered.
"I wish to work at this brothel for a week," she answered, trying her best to leave no room for discussion by her tone.
Across from her the woman's face split into a slow smile, "Hmm, I never thought we'd get a Shadowhunter whore here. What a twist indeed," she took another dragge of her cigarette before stepping aside, "please do come in."
Lucie took one glance behind her before following the lady in, and the door shut with a resounding click behind her.
The trek to the office was a short one. It was the first door inside, and Lucie barely got a look around at her surroundings before being ushered in.
The office itself was pretty standard, though there we're a few notable things about it. The door at the other end, the abundance of plants, and, most notable, the half naked woman, who Lucie thought to be vampire, lying across the office. She perked up as they entered.
"My, my, my, Catherine, what have you brought me today?" The vampire asked, eyeing Lucie with a look of hunger in her eyes. Lucie straightened up under her gaze.
"Lady Evelyn," the woman, Catherine, bowed as she spoke, "This Shadowhunter girl has come to us in hopes of employment here."
"Really," the vampire drawled out, looking Lucie up and down in such a way that made her face heat up, "What is your name girl?"
"Lucie Herondale," she answered, and felt herself flush even deeper as the vampire's eyes sparked. She knew she was sullying the Herondale name, but she had to do this for research.
"Well Miss Herondale," Lady Evelyn replied, "we'll have to get you different clothes, but I believe we can find a place for you here. It has been a long while since a Shadowhunter has been under my employment after all."
An hour later Lucie was already set up. She now wore a silk nightgown so skimpy she didn't know if it even counted as clothing, and was adorned in a beautiful glittery necklace. Her hair was let down, and fell around her shoulders. She sat perched on the edge of a large bed as she awaited her first customer nervously. Her heart beating so fast she was sure it would jump right out of her chest.
It was decided for the first few days at least she'd have her own private room, as a Shadowhunter whore would be quite exciting at first. After she'd be thrown into the same dark room as the majority of the other women, to be ogled by multiple people, and maybe be pulled out by a few. The thought both frightened and excited her in a way she didn't expect. Her thighs rubbed together a bit and she bit her lip.
It was at that moment the door rattled, and Lucie started, slowly it opened, and she could see who stood before her. A werewolf boy, no man, definitely a man, who had dark hair slightly greying at the edges, and wore a confident smirk on his face.
Lucie felt her pussy tighten just a bit as she took him in, her face flushing.
"So you're the Shadow'uner, eh?" The werewolf striding over to her.
Lucie raised her chin, "That I am," she responded as confidently as she could, his smile grew.
"I can already tell we're gunna ave lots of fun."
And suddenly he was on her, his mouth pressing harshly against hers, and she gasped. His tongue slipped in when she did and explored the inside of her mouth, his arms rapped around her lower back and pulled her in tightly to him, and Lucie moaned slightly at the motion, letting herself fall into the kiss.
He turned them, mouth still attacking hers, making her straddle his lap as they made out. Her hands went around his neck and up into his curly hair, feeling the softness of it as his hands began to trace patterns on her body, already pulling off the straps of her nightgown.
His mouth broke from hers then, as he started kissing and sucking her neck, causing her breath to hitch a little. As he did that he also kept tugging away on Lucie's nightgown, until her bossom was free, and a shiver of pleasure went through her body.
He paused then, just for a second, but it gave Lucie the opportunity to notice he had transformed a little, his teeth sharpened to fangs and claws out. She also noticed then of pressure against her legs, and swallowed lightly as she realized what it was.
She couldn't help but grind on him just a little bit at the thought. This in turn produced a growl from his throat that ordinarily should have made Lucie prepare for a fight, but in this case only turned her on more. He sprang then, and had her pinned down to floor, starting to attack her breasts viciously. Suckling and rolling the nipples with his tongue and grazing them with his teeth. Lucie couldn't hold into the moans of pleasure even if wanted to, which at this point she really didn't.
"Yes yes yes," she chanted as he ravaged her chest, which seemed to be do something to him, as in that moment he looked up at her, eyes darkening.
He sat back, "you seem to be aving fun aren you lil Shadow'uner?" He asked, and Lucie sat up a bit nodding. She couldn't help the bit of disappointment she felt as she did though. Why did he stop?
"Tha's good. Very good," he stood up and walked back a little and Lucie followed him with her eyes the whole time. He turned back to her and locked eyes, and then slowly began to undress.
Yesterday, or even earlier today, she would have looked away, but now she just stared at him hungrily, her pussy feeling wetter, and more tingly then it ever had before. The werewolf wore his smirk again, but Lucie didn't care, all she could focus on was his pants as he dropped them.
She gasped as his cock sprung free, it was bigger then she had anticipated, and though she had never seen a Dick before in her life, she had to assume it was bigger then most. She moaned as she thought of it sliding into her in only a couple of minutes.
He started his way back to her, and she forced herself to look back at his face as he crouched before her, his finger coming under her chin as he did.
"Lil Shadow'uner, I see you like wha' y'see," his smile was still in place, and still so confident, but Lucie figured then that he definitely had a reason for it, "Don' worry lil girl, I know i's you're firs time, so I won' make you suck it yet. Tha'll come, but for now we can skip it. How's tha sound?"
Lucie found her mouth too dry to talk then, so she nodded instead. He looked pleased at least.
"Good girl" he said, then pushed her shoulders down, forcing her back to lying. He quickly made his way down her body, and she gasped as his claws ripped away the last of her nightgown. Then, with no hesitation he spread her legs apart and jammed himself inside her.
The pleasure that overtook her in that moment was astounding. It was like a wave crashing over her, and she couldn't hold back the scream of pleasure she released in that instance as her back arched to him.
She heard him chuckle at the sound, "you are a slutty lil Shado'uner, aren ya?" He said, but she didn't respond. Nor did she care. The only thing that mattered then was him inside of her. As his hips rolled in and out she again found herself chanting "Yes yes yes" as wave after wave of pleasure overtook her again and again.
Finally the werewolf climaxed, and pulled out of her. Lucie just later there as he got up, feeling too drained and overcome to move in that moment. He took a look at her laying there and laughed. Shaking his head as he headed towards the door.
Before he left though he turned back and said, "Not bad for a firs time girl," then she heard the door shut beind him.
It was then that Lucie slowly got to her feet, her legs a bit shaky as she did. The door opened again, and she looked at it half hoping the werewolf was back, and was disappointed to find it was the nymphs who had helped her get ready earlier. Probably here to clean her up again.
She perked at that thought. That meant that someone else would be coming, and she suddenly couldn't wait for that.
Note: I'm tagging this right now, but if people would rather I didn't please let me know.
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miracloud · 5 years
always been with you
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han seungwoo x reader (ft. hypeman byungchan)
friends to lovers
fluff with slight angst
There he is again. Laughing in front of you while holding another woman’s hand. Of course, you laugh with them without knowing what was the joke. 
This has been the third woman he had introduced to you.
“y/n, this is h/n, my girlfriend. h/n, this is y/n, my bestfriend.”
He claimed that since you are his bestfriend, you have to approve of his girlfriend. Seriously, it is a ridiculuos idea to you. He’s introducing them as girlfriend already and that means you don’t have a say on it.
Seungwoo has been with you for years and at that time, you did not worry about other women. Soon, whenever you walked with him on the corridors of your school, you have noticed the stares coming from women.
You know that you have fallen for him long before but you did not rush in confessing. You have seen him as a charming goof ball and you thought, no one will fall for him.
After realizing those stares, you have observed Seungwoo secretly. He has a handsome face, a perfect physique, and a sweet smile. You mentally facepalmed. Of course, women will fall for him.
 After the date where you have participated as the third-wheel, you have received a message from him.
hey, how did you find her? she’s pretty and nice right?
* yup. she is. you have chosen well but you could have chosen me
i knew it. thanks for coming with us. good night ~
The next morning, you met with Byungchan, a friend you have met through Seungwoo. You arrived earlier than him and ordered breakfast first. While waiting for your order, he came in while jokingly stomping his feet. You laughed.
“That hyung got a new girlfriend, right? We were supposed to play this game but he ditched me ‘cause his new girlfriend doesn’t like shooting games. By the way, where were you yesterday?”
“I was with them and ate dinner. He needs an audience.”
“Argh~ how come he is so dense? I would support you being his girlfriend, you know? And you would definitely play online games with us.”
“Okay, quit rambling and order your food. I will not wait for you once mine will be served.”
He called the waitress and ordered. After a while, your order came and a few more minutes, his order also arrived. You have enjoyed the breakfast while sharing funny stories.
You later spent time to play online games with him so he can rambling about it. You are not the best player and he knew it but he simply wants a company.
 When you went back home, you have posted pictures from the cafe and his house on instagram. A few seconds passed and you have received a dm from Seungwoo.
you traitors!
hahaha. seem like you are busy so we went ahead and had some fun without you.
i will scold byungchan once i see him.
well, you should also get ready. he was rambling because you ditched him yesterday.
oh right. wait, h/n is here. talk to you later.
And there he goes again. Leaving you hanging.
You were walking along the corridors with Byungchan when you heard his voice. He went running to you after letting go of h/n’s hand. I hate it when he does that. It makes me feel more important. He placed his arm on your shoulders. You knew how it looks like to his girlfriend so you pushed his arm away and pulled Byungchan’s arm. Byungchan just shook his head. He knew what was on your mind so he just let you be.
At some point, you knew you were partly responsible for his previous breakups. Of course, you did not do anything outside of your boundaries but his previous two girlfriends had been looking at you with such despise whenever you meet them. You don’t want to happen it again.
Seungwoo was left standing there when his girlfriend also left him. It was the first of their many fights. When they have a misunderstanding, he would share it to your GC. Byungchan and you learned to ignore his messages later on. 
Their relationship did not last long, just like his previous relationships. Both you and Byungchan received a message from him one night. You visited him in his apartment and you were welcomed with the strong smell of alcohol. You looked at Byungchan. Here we go again~
He was a mess that night. There were no third parties. They realized their differences and decided to separate since there were no solutions.
Before the night ended, he promised that he will not jump to a relationship without fully knowing the person and you and Byungchan nodded.
Seungwoo exactly did that. It has already been a year and he is still single. Byungchan is definitely happy since his hyung is spending more time with him. That also applies to you. You finally feel like everything’s fine and normal again but ...there was this one time when he was staring at you for no reason. You asked him a couple of times that night if he wanted to say something but he just gently shook his head.
You didn’t mind it much since it only happened that night.
wanna hang out?
You looked at the notification on your phone. It’s from Seungwoo.
sure. byungchan has new games btw. i’ll tell him we’ll hang out in his house.
i only want to hang out with you.
You stared at your phone for some time. Is there something wrong?
is something wrong?
nothing. just come 
He opened the door the moment you knocked. It almost seem like he’s waiting for you by the door. He greeted you with a smile. He led you to the living room and you saw that it was set up for your usual movie night. Oh god. Why did he have to sound so serious when he just wanted to watch a movie?
You turned your feet to face him but he was too close, too close that you felt his breath. You immediately moved backwards.
“W-why are you so close? And you should have just told me that it’s movie night. I thought something happened to you.”
“Why? Are you worried?”, he replied with a smirk.
“O-obviously. I’m always worried”, you replied without looking at him. You sat at your usual spot and he followed and sat beside you.
He played the movie and you noticed that he was closer to you than usual. You scooted a little to your side.
“Why is Byungchan not invited?”, you asked not looking away from the screen.
“He’s on a date.” You looked at him immediately.
“What?! And I was not informed?!”
“I’m going to tease that guy once I see him”, you added.
“How about you? When will you start dating?”, he asked. You were taken aback. It’s the first time that he showed interest on your love life.
“Probably never”, you replied blandly.  He laughed. 
“Because I’m not looking at you?”
“Hah? W-w-where the hell did you get that confidence, Han Seungwoo?!”, you responded while internally wishing that you are not blushing.
He brought out his phone while seemingly looking for something. He stopped scrolling and momentarily smiled. He gently placed his phone on your hand. He placed his head on his hand and gestured you to look at the phone. You did.
You panicked upon seeing the screenshot. It’s a picture of your conversation with Byungchan.
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“T-that’s edited”, and you faked a laugh. You pushed the phone back to him and stood up. You grabbed your bag and walked away. Before you can get far, he held your wrist, turned you around, and gently placed his lips on yours. Everything moved slowly and all you can think about is the kiss. He looked at you for a moment and he find your shocked face cute. He smiled before kissing you again. This time, he moved and led you to do the same. You relaxed and brought your hands to his shoulders while he did the same to your lower end of your back. 
“When did you know?”, you asked.
“Hmm.. last month? Byungchan is getting impatient that nothing’s happening so he showed me that conversation.”
“Why did you not mention it to me earlier?”
“I don’t want to make the same mistake again. I don’t want to jump into a relationship with you if I’m not fully sure. And I don’t want that to be the cause of a broken friendship.”
“So I’m formally asking you if you want me to be your boyfriend?”, he asked. He confidently said it but you can see the nervousness in his eyes.
You giggled and gave him a nod.
He hugged you tightly.
“I’m so stupid for not looking at you earlier. This.. feels right with you”, he whispered. 
Later that night, you shared the news to Byungchan and both of you laughed with his reply.
a/n: this is my first story for produce x 101 trainees/ victon. expect to read more stories in the future :) hope you liked it.
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