#i always love a good ask about the general world map :3
creaturefeaster · 17 days
Any tropical islands on theia??
Yes!! There's many across Theia, and maybe one day I'll have a full world map to elaborate on, but for now I can tell you about the ones localized around Stolla.
Also I hope you're ready for lore beyond their climates heehee.
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There's a lot of islands littered around Stolla but the ones with tropical-like climates hang out on the south-eastern half of Stolla, which harbors the warmest and most humid climate out of the 5 vertices of the continent.
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This cluster of eyots by the mouth of the Splitriver are the truest of tropical islands within Stolla. A couple are accessible via a local port, which mainly host small, low-denisty villages. Many of these eyots however are nautically inaccessible due to sheer cliff faces, or are too thick with growth & inhospitable to most humanoids of the region.
During cooler times of the year these islands are nearly always shrouded in a dense and humid fog kept in place by the cooler ocean waters below.
The sands surrounding the lower and more accessible islands are a glittery cyan color, a noteable feature almost exclusively seen along the coasts of the Irrandiant Gulf, so they're quite the spectacle for western & mid Stolla inhabitants!
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Speaking of the Irradiant Gulf, all other tropical like islands sit in this gulf's surrounding waters. These very large islands are more sub-tropic, a little further away from the equator. They are still just as humid, and despite how I lazily colored in the vegetation on this map, much of the jungle within these islands actually glow and glitter vibrantly in a range of cool colors from sea-green to indigo.
The two largest islands are populated heavily along their coasts, but very few people live far inland. The largest of the islands exports many unique and unusual magical goods and ingredients to the rest of Stolla.
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And finally these two small islands in the outer center of the gulf have a somewhat sub-tropical climate, but are notably less rainy and have colder winters. Any island more northern than these in this area begins to reach more temperate climates.
These islands are home to chiefdoms of Payans and Garbeators that reject trade and much contact with the rest of Stolla. Though nobody knows how they exist, these islands happen to be right on top of an ancient meteor impact site, the same one that created the gulf, and caused the great flooding of it's surrounding provinces. Also the one that brought all that glittery magic to the world in the first place ^_^.
The islands sport several sheer rock formations of varying heights laced with colorful crystals that influence the growth and behaviors of all life within their surrounding area. Many living things from these islands beyond Payans and Garbeators have more than two eyes, for reasons yet to be understood.
As I mentioned previously, there are many more tropical and sub-tropical islands in the world of Theia, these are just the more relevant ones to the story-focused part of the world.
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kingthunder · 2 months
I saw a few of those "bg3 characters driving a car" headcanons and decided to do one myself for fun.
Lae'zel: She learned how to drive on the opposite side of the road from everyone else and her instincts are all wrong for her current location, but back home she's an excellent driver with a spotless driving record. She actually follows the service schedule in the car manual. She gets incensed at people who don't maintain their vehicle properly or who disobey road rules. Her car is immaculately clean. She would love to speed a motorcycle down one of those desert highways with no speed limit, but she's never gotten the opportunity and knows it's too reckless besides. But she wants to.
Karlach: She's had a motorcycle for ages and is a skilled if aggressive driver. However, she only recently learned how to drive a car. She is very enthusiastic about it and always volunteers to drive even though she's not very good yet. She's one of those people that do driving "pranks" like swerving back and forth to make people shriek/laugh, or doing "3, 2, 1 BLASTOFF" and gunning it. Could easily be provoked into an impromptu street race. Drives way too far on empty or with the check engine light on.
Shadowheart: Drives stick so that no one else can drive her car. It's a beat up old station wagon with a busted tail light and looks like shit on the outside, but inside she turned it into a goth mobile with like black velvet seat covers and stuff. She named the car but she won't tell you what. She has an air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror that smells like night orchids. She's a perfectly good boring driver with nothing to note about it UNTIL one day a cop tries to pull her over for her busted tail light and she hits the gas and pulls out all these street racing moves that you had no idea she was capable of and shakes the cop. She'll let you pick the music but if she doesn't like it her silent disapproval is so withering that you voluntarily change it to something she does like.
Astarion: Never got a driver's license and isn't about to get one now. Passenger princess who likes to control the radio but his taste in music sucks. He makes funny mean comments about other drivers and pedestrians. He'll complain if you ask him to fill the gas tank but he'll do it; you're paying for it, though. Actually pretty fun to go on a road trip with because he doesn't care about stuff like "making good time" and he's up for stopping anywhere that looks like it might be entertaining.
Gale: Never got a driver's license because he was always too busy with his studies to care and his mom drove him around and/or did all his errands for him anyway. He's real good at maps though and likes to be helpful by being the navigator. He's the smartest man in the world but he's completely stymied by a gas pump; you're better off pumping the gas yourself and sending him into the gas station for snacks. He always manages to conjure a full meal out of convenience food, somehow, and he's really good at feeding you while you drive.
Wyll: He saved up and bought his own fixer-upper car after getting kicked out of the house as a teenager. Good driver in general. People always think he would make a good designated driver, but actually he likes drinking socially and will politely decline requests to be the DD unless there's no one else available. Sometimes when he's having a bad day he blasts music really loud and finds a deserted area to just fuckin tear ass down as fast as he can go (he'll only do this alone and doesn't tell anyone about it). Never lets you pay for gas even if you offer. Will pick up hitchhikers.
Halsin: Has been driving the same car since 1973. Drives that specific car really well. If you gave him a modern car he would have no idea what anything on the dashboard does. Honestly, he prefers to walk or bike anyway.
Jaheira: Has a fuck-off huge SUV full of empty cans and wrappers from her kids. Absolute maniac of a driver who tailgates and speeds with no regard for road signs or lane markings. She is going to GET where she is GOING and gods help you if you get in the way.
Minsc: Failed the driving test three times and just gets rides from Jaheira. This does not bother him in the slightest. He tells you that Boo can drive vehicles you've never even heard of.
Minthara: Has run someone over on purpose.
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souperluminal · 2 months
Hello!! I'm a huge fan of your art and I thought I would ask about your colorwork, because it's genuinely super impressive to me how all your pieces have amazing palettes and they add so so so much to the general atmosphere. Do you have any process to pick colors for pieces? Like using picture references, gradient maps, etc or do you genuinely just eyeball them? I'm super curious :]
But yea I really love what you do and love seeing every new piece!! Have a nice day! Ty for reading <3
Thanks! I very much use references, though I don't use the color picker on them, gotta train the eye. I have an ever-expanding reference folder of photos and paintings with colors that I like so that when I start a new painting and I have an idea of the color scheme I want in mind, I'll already have some reference on hand. Good reference really makes a world of difference!
I also like to bias colors a little bit away from their standard versions:
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The more blue green and the more yellow green are both more interesting to me than the "just green" green. Nothing wrong with that average green though, sometimes that's exactly what you need. It's always situational.
Lastly, a fantastic color tip for digital art specifically that I got from Mike Hernandez: Use the RGB sliders instead of the HSB color selection!
By default, Photoshop gives you the HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) color picking setup which looks like this:
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It's perfectly functional and has its uses, but it doesn't really feel like mixing color. On the other hand, if you use the RGB sliders:
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Now you can add a little more blue if you think that's what the color needs, or you can take away red, add some green, etc. It gets you actually mixing color and thinking more about how the colors relate to each other. It can take some getting used to if you've only used the HSB setup before, but it's worth it!
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luffyvace · 5 months
Heyooo :D
Robin's anon back (ngjfnjff this is so funny to type I hope you don't mind 😭😭), could I request Robin with a male s/o who always take care of the crew ? (He's either like a big bro or a father for some of them) For example : He always makes sure Zoro sleeps in a comfortable position whenever he suddenly takes a nap after training, he always brings to Nami new inks, maps, pens..., candies for Chopper (just like Robin hehehehe), food for Luffy... but in process he kinda neglects himself because he prioritizes the crew above all.
Thank you again for your kindness and I wish you an amazing day/night. ❤️😊
OH HIII ROBIN’S ANON!! i don’t mind you addressing yourself as that at all it’s how i remember you:) 😭!
AWW male s/o sounds so sweet! of course i’ll do this request!!
anytime anyday anon💗💗 you have a wonderful day/night as well <3
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your so helpful!!
“SNACKS! oh gee thanks m/n!”
”mmmm…huh? PUT ME DOWN?! oh..hmm…zzzz”
”come in! oh m/n, what’s up? is that for me?! thanksss m/n!! your the best! i was running out of paper actually!!….just for the record i don’t owe you any beri for this you know..😗”
”ahh! m/n! actually i need your help with something…i had usopp to build this shelf for my books only to realize it’s too high..could you get that red one down and..maybe make it lower? hahah 😅”
”ohhh! m/n! look! it’s my latest invention!! the only problem is..i’m missing a key piece…see here? it needs something to generate it! could you go back to the island and find something for me?? thanks a lot! i knew i could count on you!”
”m/n! i’m trying to cook dinner but luffy keeps pestering me! think you could wrestle luffy to go play outside or something?!”
”oi! m/n just in time! i need you to go help me test out this SUUUUUUPERRRRR new upgrade i’m making to the sunny! go unfurl the sails!”
”oh! whoops! i asked m/n to unfurl the sails so i could-“
💥💥 😓 😬 😡✊
(yes this sequence again)
”m/n!! how very good to see you! i’ve come up with a new song! would you like to hear it? very well—i shall play!”
you ran to the library as soon as you could and flopped into one of the chairs
a hand touched your shoulder and you wanted to just completely melt away from how tired you were
and yet you were gonna have to help another person
just robin:)
i mean you didn’t mind helping but…today’s been a long day
robin sits next to you
you air your complaints and get a lot of much needed stress off your shoulders
she sprouts two hands from your back to massage your shoulders and it felt really good
she gives you advice to start saying ‘no’ a little more and that it’s okay to take some time for yourself
she scolds you only a bit when you do this but only because she cares
and especially because she loves you
robin had a hand in the bathroom preparing you a hot bath while you vented to her
after you were done she told you about the shower
and boy it was a real steamy one
just what you needed
robin always knows just what to do when your exhausted
but would prefer if you’d simply solve the problem at hand
she lectures you about this and man does it drag on
oh well you’d much rather hear her soothing voice than overexert yourself
she recommends you things like meditation and reading
and maybe even to go to chopper about it
especially if things get physical like your back or arms hurt
zoros’ heavy ok?
spawns a bunch of arms to chop your back if that’s what you need
shes the best really
brings you drinks and honestly just caters to you until your feeling better
by then your ready for a hot meal and some sleep
which is exactly what happens thankfully
you two holds hands in your sleep and cuddle a little closer that night
these were shorter than my norm
it’s ok bc quality over quantity right?? you can always request more i’m just sleepy rn 😋
also this was in a slightly different writing style than usual so i hope you like!! it’s not permanent tho
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elmhat · 6 months
Dreblr Survey Results Pt.2 - Sharing the Joy!
Here are the results for the longer questions! These are some of the lore moments, AUs and headcanons that we love.
I haven't included every response, only the ones that seemed the most unique and non-repetitive. There were a lot to sift through. Everything here has been directly pasted from the form.
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Lore moments we love...
Punz & Dream's reunion
The staged finale reveal were c!Punz meets c!Dream again
“Long time no see Buddy!”
"long time no see buddy!" NEED I EXPLAIN ANSJSJDJENSNSKSKS
Moment staged duo got confirmed they were still working together I predicted that shit ages ago and I won't shut up about the fact i was RIGHT
I think there are two moments that are far too important for me. The first one being the moment that Punz and Dream met up after Dream got out of prison. It was so so magical, after A YEAR of waiting and clinging to the idea of stages finale, after it had been so long and people that just didnt believe saying no, it's not stages because it doesnt make sense or that it got retconned, They Were Wrong. And they couldnt take that win from me, even if they tried. It was even funnier when I saw people a day later finding the clip of Punz and Dream talking about Drem's "betrayal", long before he had been imprisoned, and they called it "a lost clip". But it wasnt lost, not to me. I had always known and I Had Been There when it had happened. Unbelievable, I really felt like I Won.
Technonblade & Dream being besties
c!dream admitting to c!techno he can't read a map
Anything with c!drunz or c!rivals but especially the moment on the mountain with c!rivals
Prison Podcast, it was so fucking funny
The Techno and Dream prison podcast will always be important to me
Prison break. Dream being surprised at returning for him
prison break, largely for the mass dreblr hysteria
...I'll have to say the jailbreak; I was hoping for one since before I saw any of the streams - back when all I really knew about the prison arc came from the title of a DSMP playlist that YouTube's algorithm recommended to me on my second day in the fandom (true story) - and seeing it play out honestly made my entire year.
The finale streams
i think about the discduo finale every day of my goddamn life
Tommy realizing the truth about Dream
The moment in the finale where c!Tommy asks c!Dream to take off his helmet and he does it. I shed real tears.
The moment where cdream metaphorically lost his mask and was just someone, all of a sudden
The disc finale, which can be read on so many levels with the infos you're given it's actually incredible.
The DSMP finale doesn't just hit hard, but I also enjoy the conclusion it gave to the conflict between Dream, Tommy, and the prison era, especially looking it at from a literary view.
The 2nd moment is more really the entire actual finale between Dream, Punz, Tommy and Tubbo - Staged duo got revealed to the wider world and my friends and I were celebrating for having been proven right again, it was just so amazing. And it really continued on and ended better than any of us could have hoped for and anyone arguing that it's bad that Dream got redeemed And Then The Nuke Happened, in my opinion, fundamentally didnt understand what Dream and Tommy's whole Feud was about - yes I said that Tommy is my least favorite character, but that's a good thing for a lot of instances, especially the finale, so when He Finally Understood His Enemy, I was downright in tears Sorry for the rant, I had to get all of that out qwq
when dream and tommy realize that it was too late
"Do you want to be friends?"
Sam & Dream being generally insane
the sam "when it was just me and him" moment <3
Sam and dteam’s conversation after techno escapes the prison
"Unless you're saying I'm not a person" lives rent-free in my head forever.
Can I put the entirely of Daedalus arc in here? Probably when Dream said Sam was going to be a shining example not to fuck with him!
c!Dream killing c!Sam once in prison (post escape, when c!Sam was locked up) after days of letting him live. It's special because for the crimes that had been committed against c!Dream in that cell, he was rather merciful. Particularly for his reputation as a heartless killer.
Sam talking about fucking dream up real horny like
Just say you hate me<—- millions died
george looking at the prison every time hes is close to it WHY DID KE KEEP DOING THAT
The Karlnapity breakup hurts so good
When Sam was about to kill Ranboo and Techno cried out "you've got the wrong person! Dream doesn't care! I care-" then Ranboo died that fucked me up
So many moments. I had heard of and seen things and knew a bit about DSMP before. But I believe the first stream I watched live was the disc finale. So I'm gonna say "what am I without you? Yourself."
dream's 'sir' moment
Not really a specific moment but Dream going back to pandora afterwards everything. Him *dying* there? Ouchie ouchie ouchie
And more!
Initial disc war/conflicts, <3. The banter and jokes are so dear to me, and that was how I found the DSMP in the first place, so they have a very special place in my heart.
Destruction of Las Nevadas when c!Q was completely destroyed lmao. It feel like serenity to me. Justice, y'know.
vassal scene just everything about it when wilbur asked to be dream's vassal what it meant for their character arcs it was a turning point no going back and it meant so. much. for their characters.
The 'Daddy Dream!!' moment. The funny overshadow The turning point for c!Dream. He's chill with L'manberg at that point(whaaa??) Wilbur pushed him into a role with Threats (will be so Ambitious) it's just Very interesting in general
Ranboo giving Techno the new axe ☹️🤧
Idk if it counts as lore but Dream following Puffy around the server
ranboo trading foolish ownership of the shulker for a favor. and then forgetting he did this. an insight into enderwalking ranboo
Bro EVRRYTHING involving c!dream even in the background for 0,01 sec
C!George blowing up the whole dsmp and killing everyone and reaching godhood in his dreams, C!George standing in front of the prison longingly during a c!q lore stream, C!Dream's spirit speech 🥰🥰, the whole final minutes of the c!discduo finale with the nuke and the softness and vulnerability in dream's voice, every time dreamXD appeared 💖💖
Theyre not one of my favorites, but I did watch all of aimseys dsmp streams. Their thing was "Never waste a pretty sunset," and if I think about that on the way home from work, sometimes I'll take the longer scenic route to get a really good view of the sunset, just because of that phrase.
that bit when c!tom uno reverses put your armor in the hole
George destroying the dream smp, doomsday (techno pov) Dream prison escape confrontation with Tommy. Nicheal
“i don’t give a fuck about spirit!” it was such a distinct turning point from “bad guy” to villain. i love dream as a villain bc he was so goofy and awkward and then bam angst.
"It's just a stupid egg Skeppy!"
When wilbur lost the election. It was my first lore stream and after that it only improved in my eyes
The entirety of fundy's arc with wilbur, im still insane over that. Also when sapnap said he was born in fire that was swag
"I'm his friend, Tommy", "If my best friend is a necromancer-", literally any moments where someone is acknowledging themselves as Dreams friend or that they care about him.
I really like Dream and Sapnap’s confrontation after Dream escaped from prison, and also the staged finale reveal with Dream meeting up with Punz. They’re such good character and plot moments!! (Also there’s the entire prison arc but this thing would be 12 paragraphs long)
Quackity eating Schlatt’s heart on stage
I'm a BIG BIG BIG fan of c!q getting the message to go back to schlatt by being called sugar pumpkin. Something about it is so fawking sleazy
Tubbo pulling an axe on Quackity when he threatened to execute Ranboo
Schlatts death, everyone banning together and him thinking it was his birthday
i'm bizarrely fascinated by punz (attempting to?) convince purpled to join forces with him & dream. idk man it mesmerized me
dream beating Tommy the fuck to death DESERVED
AUs and headcanons we love...
White enderman dream
cKarl and cDream being bunnies 🐰
Dragon!Dream where XD suppressed his hybrid traits so he’d possessive but doesn’t know why
Goat-hybrid c!Dream and obvs puffy as his mother
wolf!Punz!!!! I don't see enough of it but it fits so well!!
Shapeshifter dream
Cdream is just a pair of empty clothes.
Dream being just a human is really cool
c!dnf being canon after all
c!DNF were secretly engaged before shit hit the fan. Nobody knew but them.
i love xdnf i think its just so funky, XD as a whole is such and underrated character and i loved his interactions with bad, george, and foolish a lot.
Soulmates but they're aware of it and time spent without the other one knowing slowly kills them (madduo ofc (": )
I know it ain't most peoples cup of tea but I love the family dynamic headcannon between puffy dream and foolish
Dream isn't Puffys bio son and she didn't adopt him when he was little, she just found this grown ass man following her around the server and decided that's her baby now
awesamity forced dream into a relationship during prison i think thats neat and fun to experiment with
Sad Dream
that after prison dream is more animalistic in his movement
Anything related to scars or injuries that c!Dream got from the prison
His hair turning white from revival and stress Or runes from revival on his skin
White haired streaks, scars staying after the dsmp finale, Dream suffering temporary or permanent hearing and vision loss, Dream being created by or otherwise connected to XD somehow, Karl or Wilbur coming back after the dsmp finale with all their memories intact to see everyone getting along happily and being like “what???”
Syndicate Dream
Syndicate Dream is the beloved AU. Let my man heal and have friends and healthy relationships and pets.
syndicate dream! also love the winged dream aus :3
I love post-prison Syndicate healing AUs and the $100,000 duel scar
Former gladiator c!Techno and post prison syndicate healing aus with c!Dream
any dream with the syndicate au tbh.. the soft healing is so perfect <3
cDream peacefully recovering at the Arctic Commune is something very soft and fluff and close to my heart.
I still love Syndicate!Dream AUs (or really any AU that sets him in a place where he can actually try and heal from everything that's happened to him)
The Syndicate AU is just so sweet. It's literally the only "good" ending, I'm sorry. I just love it very, very much.
I love the dreamon stuff
Anything involving Dreamons/Dreamon hunters, esp. that focuses on expanding the worldbuilding and not just “generic demon possession plot.”
We glossed over the "Why does god look like you?" and the whole Dreamon mini arc Far Too Quickly, Like YOU GUYS, WE COULD HAVE HAD MONSTER HUNTERS AND MORE WORLDBUILDING-
Birdhouse? I think?
kat and angela's coparent au
jmah nifty
idk what jmah/mayfair is but i keep on seeing posta about it that seem epic :D
is awesamdream in gay love even a headcanon anymore /j . scrapped lore canon. uhhh. prison drugs??? uhhh. schlatt initiated revive book deal. all ive got boss. lots of fav AUs but jmah + birdhouse + 7y are the ones that spin around in my head rent free that are my own. and coparent makes me SAD
Butterfly chat
dream's butterfly chat headcanon
The butterflies
physical manifestations of chats!! especially with dream's as butterflies or other bugs that typically symbolize things like peace and light
And more!
Dream, George, and/or Sapnap getting involved in Eggpire
My friend and i made a percy jackson au that was really good
Its more of a fanfic where everyone are small bloobs and the reader takes care of them
And Tubbo and Fundy like modded stuff, I bet they could have convinced Dream that they could like a new mini mc project, like idk, smth vaguely based on stranger things but also magic and paranormal and just ughhhhhh, I miss it so much
C!Dream Autistic
Dream is blind in one eye Don't know why but I love that
c!quackitys fucked up eye is magic now that trope just SLAPS. I like the c!Tommy "came back wrong" stuff too.
The Cornelius and C!Dream headcanon.
Syndicate Dream aus are always so comfy, I enjoy reading those a lot. Protégé Tommy aus can be fun to read (I love a good discduo dynamic). I also love reading superhero aus, as long as they don’t depict Dream as a cardboard cutout of evil. I like to read a lot of aus, but those ones stuck out to me especially.
Ranboo's enderwalk isn't actually taller he's just more confident and stands up straighter
Love manhunt AUs, they are the best. also love when Dteam focussed superheroAU. for canon compliet love cDNF or George just going of his rockers. George going insane after canon also great.
I had a headcanon that gods can't fit entirely in the world of the server: Callahan left his voice out, Drista and Kristin left their bodies and possessed players, and DreamXD left his real face so he made a new one from Dream's
Ranboo, Punz and Dream held a disney movie night marathon before staged finale in order to get inspiration
I adore the convict childcare au so much
Ran and Tubbo's son Michael is mute and they use sign with him sometimes
Techno helping dream in prison after quakty would come by letting him have techno’s cape
Everything is the same except everyone is a sock puppet
Pandora's Vault as a living entity
my self indulgent splatoon crossover
Does Eret's finale stream idea count
Modern AU is rotting my brain and sparing none of my braincells
The idea that the revive book as ‘threads’ of life that just take someone out of death by dragging them out of their limbo or weaving their bodies kinda like crocheting
Minecraft worlds are servers +admin + XD was the failsave for the server but got corrupted and gained sentience
I'm attached to the c!q being a trans dude trope . Like yeah little loud poly bi shortguy with something to prove is transgender BIG shocker
Dream comforts Punz after the Egg and frequently checks his eyes for him
Also Guard Dog AU by sunny and all its variations because I love that angst and everyone's take on it REALLY GOOD
Love black dog au so far. Favorite headcanon is that dream has a lot of inhuman traits and is very very expressive!
C!DNF roleswap au by me because it's very self indulgent and brought many demons and my friends have helped on it <3.
C!dream living in Kinoko, with what it implies for c!dteam, c!dream & XD, the c!fiances (because Q will still be around) and c!Techno's interractions with the kingdom
Dream is homeless from techno, its just really funny to me
c!dream eggs monday. does that count?
Okay so theres this AU that only got like two posts on tumblr I think its called Stoplight? Where Dream is an eldrich abomination that thought he was just playing with his friends and that none of the wars were real, hell he doesn't even know what war is! He thought all of DSMP was just one big game of Manhunt where he pretended to play and had a safe word system which Ranboo triggered on accident and revealed to everyone that Dream could stop all of this at any time.
My own canon-divergent AU featuring enemies-to-friend pre-finale Dream and Tommy, 👍. Tommy stalks Dream to a house he made, tries to kill him, fails and gets captured, Dream experiments revival on him and ends up making him immortal, Tommy decides to drag Dream down with him and also make him immortal, and they somehow kind of become “friends” along the way. They are very dear to me, <3. As for a headcanon, the first thing that comes to mind is the idea that Dream’s first limbo was the prison. Another one, tho, is the idea that the revival book is binary, and that when it gets burnt it worms its way into the code, bringing the specified player back to life.
Sorry to the people whose responses were cut. There were just so many. Finally, there will be another results post soon for all the crazy things that were said!
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ganondoodle · 10 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well. I have been following your concepts on [cursed bird app] for a while now and find your stance on the totk rewrite intruiging. Since twitter ofc is never a good place to elaborate on anything lmao, I figured I would ask on here after finding out about your tumblr.
You are welcome to take as much time as you need for this, but I was very curious to hear more about why you feel totk 'fails as a sequel' in terms of writing. I can agree that the whole zonai thing did come out of left field a little, and I never did like the whole "zelda is once again separated from you for 90% of the game," bit (bc c'mon Nintendo again? Really??) but I was curious about what else you found dissatisfaction in and sought to redo
If your plan though is to do so gradually as you go with the new rewrite concepts you piece together and post, that is fine too. I just get more curious about your opinion bc you always seem to have a *lot* you want to say outside of just tag ramblings xD
Thank you for your time, ik this is a rather long ask, but your view is very vast and different, and I wish to understand the development of it more as I find it on my timeline
Thank you for this ask!
i have talked alot about the things i dislike about totk, all my general talking (not just about totk tho) is tagged with "ganondoodles talks" and all my longer rants should be tagged with "ganondoodles rants" (tho that tag is new idk if i remembered to put it everywhere) so i think it might be easier if you searched for these on my blog bc thats were all my ramblings go and, with no ill intent, have talked about it so much already i kinda dont want to spend hours writing out something that just ends up repeating myself really
somethign i can say that the main thing on why it fails as a sequel to me is .. bc its not .. a sequel really, it reuses map and models but doesnt elaborate on anything from botw (the zonau were barely even a thing in botw and now in totk their stuff looks way different and they have been here all along actually(tm) ) the shiekah stuff is basically erased despite it having been so build into the world of botw (and you could have just .. explored them more bc theres lots of cool stuff to do with them still), characters act weirdly off, stuff that was seemingly build up and was a perfect slide into a sequel either gets ignored or just straight up erased, themes dont match up at all and more
it just feels like they tested the glue mechanic for 3 years and everything else was an afterthought, i felt empty at the end, in a bad way, it felt like the game was actively mocking me for caring so much about botw at times and totk actively hurts botw too imo (with some reveals etc)
they should have just called it an alternative dimension thing like majora and half my complaints could be dismissed, but its not so im super frustrated bc i love botw a ton
if there are more specific questions you are free to ask about it again of course! this is not meant to sound dismissive but me typing out stuff can take a long time and im behind on so much work already qnq
also all development both visual and writing concepts for my rewrite are tagged with "ganondoodles rewrites totk" so you can find everything with that too :D
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kittzuxp · 10 months
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Intro post!!!
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About me
Hi hello, you can call me kittzu/kittz/dream/drem or dremzyzz. I use They/she/it/he or autoí/auth/autó/autós prounouns!! Also i am greek🇬🇷🇬🇷
I am a minor‼️‼️ DONT BE WEIRD.
My fav colors are black, red and lavender :3
My fav animals are cats, frogs and bats :33
Yk what. I. Am. Done with gender. Genderfluid, lesbian and aspec (probably aceflux, aegosexual and demiromantic) . If u don’t like it FUCK OFF WHAT R U DOING HERE
I can be pretty shy sometimes but always open to making new friends!! (・・;)
4 more info click here
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Fandoms & interests
I like reading (warriors) and drawing, but also browsing the tube.
I am in a loooot of fandoms but not really active in them cuz… most of them are dead..
BUT!! I have a couple of things that are currently rotting my brain (fandoms I'm hyperfixating on + active fandoms)
Brain rot real
Stardew Valley [foams at the mouth my brain is rotting]
Twomp/ the world of mr plant
Clan gen (warriors fan game by @officialclangen )
TGCF(??? How did that happen???)
Sally face
Ghost eyes
Diary of a wimpy kid [doawk fanfics: Dysfunctional perspective, Rodrick's secret on the loader diper subreddit]
Unfamiliar (comic by lavendertowne pls go read it)
Webtoons(/tapas) [Jackson's diary, Castle swimmer, Your wings and mine <- go read these they're awesome]
Ramshackle [The webtoon & yt series]
Salad fingers
Minecraft (the game)
Helluva boss
South park
Deltarune & undertale
The amazing digital circus‼️
Fionna and cake
Stranger things
Sonic prime
Stardew valley
Sr pelo’s content in general [spooky month and the mokey series]
Saiki k
Good omens
YuB (a youtuber, please go sub to him he’a so silly)
Love, Sam (indie horror game)
Former yandere simulator fan. After the shit with yandev happen i don’t support any of his content anymore.
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Socials & tags
My discord is: forknifeistrash#1419
My wattpad: apersonyoudontknow7
My Ao3: Kittzuxp_the_pidgeon
Sideblogs: @lovrclan-gen @ask-lovechild-au-twomp
I don’t use it very often, but i’m also on the twompcord and clan gen server. I’m not active on the servers tho..
Dnis/ do not interacts: z00s,p3d0s, homophobes, transphobes, n3cr0s, TERFS, MAPS racists etc and any hate groups in general.
Tags i’ll use:
Kittzu's headcannons = pretty self explaintory, headcanon I made
Kittzu's Mr plant plushie = he's here!!!!
kittzuxp = reblogs and posts (fast reblogs do not count)
Kittzu’s enderman plush (i have an enderman plush, if you want any related content, i’m sorry for advertising i just love ‘em so much)
Kittzu's creeper plush (i also have a creeper plush!!!)
Kittzu doodles = any of my art
Kittzu answers asks = do I need to explain?
And then just general tags of any fandom i want the post to be abt
(I might tag your username if i don’t mention you in a post, so beware)
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foxymoxynoona · 11 days
hi foxy! it’s been a while, i’m just here to ask for your opinion, really. but do you think a person is bad for having a crush on fictional characters who are teenagers? i am 24 and i happen to have a crush on a haikyu!! character who’s in high school, and a lot of people on tiktok said that’s weird and disgusting. what’s your take on this?
thanks! ❤️ hope you have a good day! i haven’t visited your profile in so long, i hope you’re ok with your family ❤️❤️
Oooh this is a spicy space to wander into 😂 There's so much nuance that folks try to simplify into grand sweeping generalizations but i don't want to write a novel here about it either haha but I guess here's my 2 cents.
Fictional characters are fictional. They are not being hurt by anyone of any age having a crush on them, and having a crush on teenage anime or manga characters does not mean you have inappropriate tendancies towards underage people IRL.
In fact many characters in manga/anime are created with the intention of not really being "coded" as a teenager. That's where the whole joke about "how old is this anime character" really comes from, because ages are so amorpheus. You have a 12-year-old who looks and acts 45 and a 52-year-old who looks 19 and the high schoolers rarely act like teenagers but the 20-somethings sure do! Fiction gives us pretend scenarios and people to love or loathe and freedom to play out plots we might not approve of or reflect in our real life relationships, moral boundaries, or desires.
I you're wanting to really dig into your own feelings to be reassured that liking an anime character doesn't make you a predator, consider what it is that draws you towards this specific character. Is being 16 really the defining characteristic for this character for you or are you connecting with things that are ageless? Are there ways in which connecting with them allows you to re-do or re-live what might have been a wonderful or terrible phase of your own adolescence? Is the age gap part of the fun for you or are ages ambiguous? But the only truly important question: What's the real life "action" of your feelings --are you transferring your feelings into any kind of real life harm to others? I suspect the answer to that is no :)
Are there people who sexualize underage characters in a way that does cause real world harm by fixating on age "age/innocence/powerlessness" and carrying those fantasies into inappropriate spaces or mapping them to real people or real world behaviors? Yes! Are there some things that live in a hazier space around the line where folks will continue to debate whether they are problematic or a part of safe fictional fantasies? Also yes! (Are some of those sexualized underage characters in manga or anime coming from a creator or culture that has an arguably oversexualized view of women in particular and worthy of criticital discussion? Also yes but that is a whole other conversation haha)
It doesn't sound like you are describing either of these scenarios. These conversations are of course always great to have as society evolves and our relationship to fictional works does as well! We should totally discuss social and political and psychological and emotional and narrative ethics and also not jump immediately to purity culture, poor understanding of fantasy as an improtant part of higher-brain development, poor media literacy hot takes that seem to be rolling through online spaces as well, so don't let tiktok drag you down <3
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Chapter 13
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Title: Those Evil Ways
Pairing: OT7 x Y/N (female reader)
Genre: supernatural au, slow-burn, medical, fluff, angst, smut, war
Word count: ~6 700
Characters: (Demons!BTS) Namjoon/Corson, Jin/Agares, Yoongi/Baal, Hoseok/Alastor, Jimin/Aamon, Jungkook/Mammon, Taehyung/Gaap, human reader (with special abilities later in the story)
Warnings: description of Y/N's phobia - some tension, Y/N transforms/ritual, a bit of planning for the upcoming battles, Y/N gets out of her "low", supportive and lovely Jungkook, kiss-kiss – if I have missed something please send a pigeon 😅❤️
Summary: Y/N is a third-year medical student going through life like others do. On one unfortunate night she gets in unexpected contact with otherworldly beings who drag her into their world of violence, war and fight for power.
Author’s notes: TAGLIST OPEN.
After the poll we have a winner! The majority decided that Y/N is turning... *drum and roll*... ah not telling you here 😅 You have to read and see. I'm so excited about the new possibilities that the shift will give me.
Please, enjoy! <3
“I haven’t seen you in a while” Jimin smiled when Jungkook entered the meeting room. His hair was longer than the last time that they saw each other but the silver color was still there.
“Been busy” Mammon replied without trying to explain why. All of them knew.
At the other side of the room Noir, Alastor and Gaap were discussing something over an enormous map that was laid out on the table. When the General saw the other King he approached and the two shared a brotherly hug. “I hope things are going well” his tone was just as calm as always.
The tattooed man only nodded.
“A man of few words” Namjoon spoke without lifting his eyes from the map. “Just on time. We have to make a decision but it’s a tie so your input would be more than appreciated.”
“That’s why I came - to help.”
Taehyung felt how tense Mammon was and wondered if this combined with what he was about to hear next is going to be the perfect recipe for disaster. Gaap liked to be prepared for all kinds of situations so he got closer to Jungkook in order to stop him from pouncing on someone if that ever happened. Let's just include a short note here and say that King Mammon was not aggressive without a good reason but now considering what had happened with Y/N not so long ago the other four wondered if he could have become irrational.
Hoseok was fidgety by the table at this point and wasn't paying any attention to what Namjoon was so eager to explain. He had to keep his head high but explain the struggles he had to deal with the previous weeks.
"Can I talk to you before we start?" He asked, meeting Jungkook's sharp eyes. At this point there was no wrong or right way to say whatever - everything has gone to shit so the only option was to be as transparent as possible and hope for the best.
"Let's hear it" Mammon's smug and mocking expression was enough to put off anyone. His side smirk was laced with disgust and bitterness. "Please note that nothing you say now will be able to make up for what you've done."
Hoseok sighed softly, nodding once before he gathered the courage to begin. "Look I hate this. I don't like apologies and won't give you one but I know I've caused you pain. And… Y/N too." It was still hard to say her name. "There's nothing more I desire than to fix what my jealousy and pettiness managed to destroy."
Jungkook laughed and on the side it sounded like a whole-hearted genuine laugh but it wasn't. The other three demons were standing quietly on the side, pretending to mind their business. Taehyung could see King Alastor becoming anxious.
"You know this tale about the bear and the bad word? In one of the nations in the human world, old people use it a lot to teach the kids to mind their way of speech." There was a note of sadism in Jungkook's behavior, the man was enjoying this and wanted it to last for as long as possible. He wished for Hoseok to crawl and suffer in Y/N's place. "It goes like this - the boy saw a bear cub in the woods one day. It was struggling, stuck in a thorn bush so the boy decided that it was best to help. The mama bear somehow saw it and offered the guy a friendship and he accepted. They became close and talked for a while. One time as a goodbye the boy kissed the bear's snout. It smelled so bad and without even thinking he expressed the disgust he felt when the stench hit him. The mama bear didn't say much, just asked him to hit her with his ax on the head, as hard as he could. Even though he tried talking the bear out of it, in the end the animal threatened to eat him if the guy didn't comply with her wish. He did it and felt extremely guilty for it. For a few years after that they didn't see each other in the woods. At some point their paths crossed once again in a different place in the forest. Before he left the bear asked him to look for the wound but no matter how hard he tried nothing could be seen on the animal's skin - there wasn't even a scar. The boy was amazed by this but the bear said then that a bad wound can be healed and forgotten but a bad word can never be forgotten. It would stay with the bear until the day it died." Jungkook walked closer to the King and stared at him with cold eyes. "Do you get it now? It doesn't matter what you will say to me or to Y/N. She is in a bad place now but things are looking up. What you did to her mind is another topic though, the terrors you've put her through will never be forgotten even if she decides to forgive you."
Long silence followed after Jungkook stopped talking. No one dared to move and Alastor was trying to decide if there's a point to continue. Jimin was surprised, mildly said, to see this side of his friend. To be honest he didn't even remember if there was a time when Mammon was ever like that… "Jungkook, I hate this. This is my promise to you now - I may have been biased and quick to judge Y/N but this is in the past now. I will do everything in my power to support and keep this girl safe since she's so important to everyone. In reality she has never done anything bad to me or anyone else for that matter. Everything after a certain point was my wrongdoing and it will change in the future if she lets me… and you too."
"We will see about that. It's all up to her." There was nothing more to be said. King Mammon turned around and approached the table where the other three demons had gathered.
"Monica?" Y/N whined squeezing the pillow in her hands. She needed someone to hold her so badly and the feeling of being alone was simply unbearable. "When i-is Koo coming?"
"In a while m'lady" the maid rushed to the bed placing her hands over the girl's in an attempt to calm her down. "He promised a few hours right?"
"Mmh." Feeling completely worn out the young woman plopped down on her side facing Monica. "You 'ave pretty hair" she whispered. Y/N was becoming drowsy once more and a few minutes were keeping her away from the oncoming nap.
"Sleep m'lady. You will feel better when you wake up…"
“What?!” Jungkook spat out, his voice bubbling with anger. “How did you even reach this… this… I don't even know what to call it?”
“Decision?” Namjoon raised an eyebrow.
“Don’t get cheeky with me.”
“But it’s the best we can do” Jimin slammed his hand on the table, feeling like he had reached his limit. “If we leave the frontline unsupervised, who knows what might happen!”
Taehyung sighed and opened his mouth to speak but at the same time King Mammon began shouting, throwing his hands in the air. “Why the fuck did Taehyung trained all those sergeants if they're gonna stay here and scratch their balls?" The fact was that the military personnel was enough to cover the Northern and Eastern borders without any problem but Jimin and Hoseok doubted it would be enough. Taehyung of course trusted his men with his head and Namjoon had faith in the General's judgment. "Only two borders need protection at this point. The other two nations have nothing to do with this war so they won't interfere." Jungkook was fuming.
"Are you sure?" Alastor asked with a low voice. He knew from the beginning that the King of the North would be against this proposition so now he wondered why they were even trying to persuade him.
"A thousand percent sure" the tattooed demon gritted his teeth in the end.
"I know for a fact that Agares will join the troops no matter what our decision tonight is." This was a simple fact but Jimin felt the need to say it. The silver-haired man also knew that…
"I don't care about Agares or Baal or whoever else." Ah… so predictable. "My vote goes for us to stay here." At this point his signature involuntary action made an appearance again - when he was annoyed or angry Jungkook was poking the inside of his cheek with tongue.
This was turning out to be a disaster like their previous talk. A new idea struck Noir while he was folding the map. "Listen to me, I think I found middle ground just now. What if we take turns going to the borders?" The King smiled widely, extending his hands to the sides. The strong presence he had always came in handy especially if he needed to persuade someone. Now after all he had heard the demon saw it as convenient to have one of them with the low-class demons at all times.
"Take turns?" It was Taehyung who spoke up now, intrigued by the new suggestion. "You mean as in someone stays here and someone goes there?" This could be interesting. King Corson nodded, seeing his first supporter in the face of Gaap.
"Precisely." He clicked his fingers engulfed by excitement. Maybe this time the conversation wouldn't go to shit and everyone would be happy. "You see to some extent I agree with Jungkook and Taehyung that the soldiers are trained for a reason but also…" Namjoon smiled. "I prefer to take part and overlook the battle. It's our duty as Kings. The new abilities we got with the Sins we possess now…"
King Alastor's eyes began shining with excitement "It will be just epic. The victory can be ours if things play out nicely."
At this point this sounded like the best option for everyone - Agares would stay with the troops probably the whole time, Baal too, as for General Gaap it was a hundred percent sure. The other four - they could take turns because it wasn't a good decision to leave Doordale in the hands of the Ministry. Jungkook was still deep in thought. He couldn't stand the fact that he should leave Y/N alone for certain periods of time, the demon felt responsible for her and wanted to be there but at the same time he knew his duties very well. Also let's keep in mind that all of them were demons, higher ones at that and warfare and depravities were part of their nature.
As much as some of them wanted to run away from all that - it could never happen - you can never change those primal roots of origin.
"Fine. Let's split the "shifts"" Mammon looked tired and drained. He just wanted this to be over already. He checked his watch - he still had around an hour and a half. Even though he would be back on time the man was considering actually going to the goldsmith and getting a golden bouquet for Y/N.
"Me and Alastor will go first then" it was Jimin who took the initiative. The two Kings worked together like a well oiled machine and what one was lacking the other - was compensating. Such a nice duo.
"I will join you too" Taehyung stepped forward too. "My suggestion is that we switch every five days. No need to travel by horse - it will be most convenient to use the Wishing Well."
Jungkook frowned upon hearing those words. "That's not enough."
"In a normal battle - maybe - but now imagine that: they will start to think at some point that we've shown all there is." The General began gesturing with his beautifully sculpted hands. "At some point when the new party arrives - boom! New tactics, new leaders, new formations."
"Does this mean that whenever we switch places new soldiers will be joining us?" It hasn't occurred to Namjoon and it definitely didn't sound very practical, hearing it now.
Taehyung waved his hands in frustration. "No, no. This is very impractical. How are they gonna travel?" The demon clicked his tongue, to him all of this sounded so simple and easy to think of but apparently to the rest - not so much. The main reason Gaap had this position was because it all came naturally to him - the demon wasn't stressing out or struggling to come up with different plans and no efforts were required. "Listen now - a lot of transparent potions will be prepared. The troops responsible for carrying weapons and food will be also transporting the vials. When they reach this place" the General placed his gloved finger over the map "there's literally nothing here. Only greenery and many animal holes. The vegetation is so abundant here that it will be perfectly fine for the soldiers to hide the stash." His eyes were burning while explaining every little detail. The other four were listening patiently, memorizing each word. "Some of the troops will stay behind and begin drinking the potions. You know the effects - they will lose shape and color for five hours. The groups will be scattered around a three kilometer perimeter so if something happens they would be close enough." Jungkook was impressed - if he didn't know the General he would definitely think that the plan took weeks to be developed. "Everything clear?"
"Certainly" it was a question for all but Namjoon answered instead, as he was the core of their bond.
"Very well. We depart in three days."
When Jungkook entered the palace everything was just the same as when he had left earlier today. No commotion, nothing out of the ordinary, only the guards and the staff at their respective places.
"Good evening, Your Majesty" the butler bowed and reached out to get the cloak off the King's bread shoulders.
"Is everything okay with Y/N?" He asked flatly.
"Of course Sir. The maid stayed by m'lady's side the whole time, now she's asleep." The butler followed Mammon through the corridor informing him of the events that took place around the residence while he was gone. "Is there anything you would like Sir?" It was a simple question asked as per usual with a tone devoid of any emotion, just part of the protocol.
Usually Jungkook either waved a dismissive hand or immediately said what he wanted to be done but this time the demon stopped in his tracks and turned to the man. The King looked at the butler - his face was still blank, there was a scar that began from his left ear and ended in the middle of the chin. Long time ago this demon was part of Leviathan's army but after the coup he joined Mammon's household. Siwan was his name and he was the one to join the palace's staff first becoming the head of it, recruiting and taking care of the other members. "You see I need you to do something for me, it's important to be done as fast as possible because Y/N's wellbeing could depend on it."
"Certainly My Lord. Just say the word."
When the King entered the bedroom Monica was sitting on the chair next to the window, reading a book. The second he opened the door she jumped to her feet and bowed to him.
"I believe things were fine?" he asked, whispering.
"Of course! Lady Y/N was anxious in the beginning but after a while she fell asleep." The maid seemed happy that the girl was recovering, even though it was a slow process.
Jungkook turned to look at the young woman - she was resting and no sign of distress could be seen on her face. Not like last time… the demon winced, feeling physically sick while thinking about the agonizing terrors Y/N had to deal with. "You're free to go now, Monica."
He removed the leather vest and his shoes, then got closer to the bed. On the nightstand there was a glass of water and another one filled with milk. Mammon left the golden bouquet there too for later when Y/N woke up. Climbing in the bed he carefully wrapped his arms around her figure, taking a deep breath - she felt so fragile and small. How could this body hold such great powers he wondered. Y/N's hair smelled like almonds probably because of the hair soap. The warmth emitting from her was enough to calm the demon down and put him to sleep. He felt dizzy and lightheaded so Jungkook closed his eyes, drifting in and out of consciousness.
"You got the letter right?!" Jin almost busted down the door to Yoongi's office because of the excitement. Another day gone and he was still the same old exhilarated self.
Baal turned around in his chair, swirling the liquor in his glass. He nodded with a smirk. "Sure did."
"We're leaving in three days! It's been so long!" The Master was ecstatic which was something that hasn't happened in so long, ever since the problems with Y/N started. Now he was in his element.
"Just don't break anything," his advisor laughed lightly. Both of them were dressed casually with silk shirts and black pants but Jin wanted to have a celebratory dinner and dress up for the occasion.
"Let's spoil ourselves tonight Yoongi! Let's have a drink and… no more like lots of drinks and party!" He spread his jewelry-cladded arms and the metals produced a nice jingling sound.
The other demon just continued smiling then nodded once, feeling the excitement too. But then his joy faded away just as fast as it came. "Hey, Yoongi, what's wrong? I thought you wanted this to happen?" worry surfaced on the Master's face.
"I just wish Y/N was here so we can share it with her too, you know?"
It felt like daggers were stabbing Baal's heart after saying each word. "I know…" Jin sighed and his glee also died down a bit. "But you know she will be here for the next one - we will have many other occasions to celebrate with her. Even the victory-"
"We don't know if it will be a victory" the mint-haired demon cut him off mid sentence. "Don't jinx it."
"Okay, whatever. Let's just go change and do our thing. You will feel better."
"Fine…" now what Yoongi needed was a way to pass the time until Y/N had recovered and the oncoming battles were just the right thing. Then and there the advisor made up his mind to give it his all and win.
Baal got distracted with imaginary situations - in his mind a picture appeared of how the seven of them are returning from the war victorious. Yoongi's armor - covered in blood, as well as his face and hands but when Y/N sees the demon she runs up to him and they kiss like there's no tomorrow. It was nice to dream…
"Hey Earth to Yoongi!" Jin was snapping his fingers in the other man's face. "Get it together! We have three days ahead of us to down each bottle in the residence!" The laughter that followed almost made the windows shake.
At one point Jungkook felt hot breath on the curve of his neck and his eyes flew open and the pupils shrunk to small dots. Without moving an inch the demon began "mapping" the parts of his body and Y/N's. He was flat on his back with one arm still wrapped around her waist and the other - supporting the demon's head. The girl was sleeping peacefully partially draped over Jungkook's body - head slightly tilted upwards and back on his shoulder while hugging the King with a knee between the man's legs.
Oh, the desire to turn around and kiss her was real. So real.
"Y/N…" Mammon gritted his teeth and closed his eyes in an attempt to center himself.
"Hnhg…" she began stirring. The demon froze immediately. What would he do when she wakes up? How to behave? "Kookie?" Y/N rasped, taking a deep breath. To her he smelled clean, like freshly cut wood and grass.
"Hey princess. I'm here" the first thing he wanted to do was give the girl her present. Carefully Jungkook tried getting up but she squeezed him and produced a whiny sound of protest. "Shh. I just want to give you something pretty" reaching out he felt for the metal and then presented the bouquet to Y/N. "I kept my promise to be back in time but still decided to give you this because you're my special one."
When the young woman saw the shiny object her eyes widened and turned glossy. She felt confusion setting in and then realization hit her - he promised to be back and did it but still wanted to surprise her. That's what responsible grown up people do. And also they thank each other - Y/N’s mind was slowly guiding her back to normality, trying to reassure and lead in the right direction. “Thank… you” she whispered, taking the gift with trembling hands. “It’s beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you” Jungkook smiled, the lip rings hitting his teeth.
The compliment made Y/N’s face turn hot and red. It was so adorable in Jungkook’s eyes but she felt embarrassed and annoyed. “D-don’t say such things if you’re going to leave me alone again” the woman huffed and squeezed the metallic flowers to her chest.
“I will not.” Lie. Of course it was a lie but Mammon had six more days to help his precious girl recover and by then maybe it wouldn’t be necessary to leave her at all…
The next day preparations for the upcoming battle began in the capital. The armory was turned upside down, each item carefully counted and written down in the book, the swords were polished and sharpened, some of the shields - sent to the blacksmiths in order to get reinforced and so on…
Warlocks gathered in the Academy around noon so they could begin working on the potion stash. Taehyung was leading the operations, shouting orders here and there if it was needed, also giving final instructions to the soldiers and revising their strategy. Jimin and Hoseok were back to the West and South so they could take care of the local affairs before departing, while Noir stayed in the capital, having coutnless meetings with the people from the Ministry.
What everyone hoped for was for a possible comeback from Y/N so she could lend a hand if needed. Of course they all knew it was a last resort considering what she'd been through and that was the reason why they didn't even try asking Jungkook about it.
The King of the North was giving his best to reassure and help Y/N on her journey to recovery. The progress was slow but the conversations were getting better, she was becoming more confident in expressing herself and getting bolder. The key was to not pressure the girl in any way so she doesn't revert and have another breakdown. The same day while the two of them were dining a male servant knocked over a silver jug full of water. The loud sound terrified Y/N and she screamed in horror, then knocked back her chair and ran to Jungkook who hugged her and began whispering soothing words in the girl's ear. In the process the demon had thrown a cold hateful stare at the man, then tilted his head to the door signaling for him to leave the dining hall.
It was a rough period but with patience and diligence Mammon believed that everything was fixable.
On the second day Y/N woke up earlier than usual and got out of bed to look at herself in the big mirror hanging on the wall.
“My hair…” she whispered. It was a total mess, tangled and fuzzy. On a regular day the young woman would never let this pass but now was an unusual occasion. Memories of the past flooded her mind, making Y/N wince and scrunch her nose in disgust. She took a few strands between two fingers and lifted them up looking at the state of the hair. Long ago, when those episodes were happening regularly the regression period was ending usually in a few hours to a day. She was giving it to the fact that Mrs. Y/L/N was helping her, the sessions at the psychiatrist and also - the poor thing’s brain hadn’t had taken such a massive hit.
Going to the door she took a few deep breaths and pressed the handle. Going out in the hallway barefoot didn’t bother Y/N much at the moment. You know how kids walk around in the morning when they wake up - in their pajamas and no socks or slippers to speak of, then their parents would scold them that they would eventually get sick. Y/N was the same now. “Monica?” she said quietly but no one answered. Two guards stood at the end of the corridor, facing each other and heard the girl. One of them immediately vanished, heading somewhere. “Monica I need a comb…” she went on while walking on the cold marble.
“Can I help you m’lady?” It was the demon who was left standing in his place who asked.
“Where’s Monica?” the curious tilt of her head made Y/N seem like a little girl.
“In the kitchen. Should I call-“
“Y/N!” Jungkook’s voice came from the further side of the hallway. Immediately recognising the sweet comforting voice of the King she spun around on her heels and ran towards him.
“Kookie!” The girl jumped in the demon’s open arms and he lifted her up. “Let’s do something today,” the tone was joyful and his muscles relaxed. Nothing bad had happened.
“Why are you out of bed barefoot?” Looking down the King asked calmly.
“I wanted to find a comb.” Y/N explained with a pout. “My hair is terrible.”
“Your hair is fine,” he replied with a smile. “Just… oh look!” With a shocked expression Mammon pointed a finger at her. “There’s a nest with small birds inside! That’s amazing!” He ruffled the girl's hair and she began laughing.
“I don’t!”
The guards and the servants passing around heard the two of them laughing and were shocked and surprised to see and hear all of this. No one in the whole Kingdom would believe that the King of the North who was usually so cold and quiet could behave in such a way. He was notorious for acting haughty and harshly but now… there wasn’t anyone who would believe the stories of the servants telling how their King was playing and laughing with a woman.
Jungkook lifted Y/N up in the air and began walking back to her room. “Come I will brush your hair.”
“Put me down! Don’t carry me around like that! I’m not some fragile princess!” The protests fell on deaf ears.
“Oh but you are!” He closed the door behind them and the guards were left speechless in the corridor, looking at each other with wide eyes.
On the third day everything began looking almost as it was before. Y/N was serious most of the time, quieter. There were only two outbursts of laughter during the day - once when Jungkook made a disgusted face while looking at an ugly handwriting of one of the officials in a document and the second time - during lunch when he choked while swallowing a vegetable.
"It just sounded funny," Y/N said with a wide grin. The King didn't mind one bit.
Later the two were taking a stroll in the back garden and she paused in front of one big crooked tree. The girl appeared deep in thought so he didn't bother her by asking why she had decided to stop exactly at that spot.
It was a difficult time for her - she understood perfectly well this state of mind was not normal for Y/N and yet it was comfortable. Her brain was not straining or running laps like a while ago but now it was all coming together. The young woman felt ready to talk to Jungkook. "I need to tell you something."
"Sure. Tell me Y/N" he put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
"First of all I want to thank you for the efforts and enormous patience you've had with me."
"But that's not needed, I did it because I care about you." Those words made Y/N blush and turn shy but she tried pushing forward despite the need to regress once more.
"Uhm… sorry, it's… you almost made me revert back." With an awkward smile she turned to look at him. From what the psychiatrist had said certain words and behavior could trigger shifts in her state of mind and it was best if the girl warned those around her about those. "I feel so much better now, almost as before. Just…" she took a deep breath trying to sound confident. "What I think is that from this certain point on you can behave like you did in the past. Of course keep in mind you have to be careful not to trigger me for a while, but I think I'm in the safe now."
Jungkook's chest began rising up rapidly, oh this thrill, the buzz of hearing this was making him want to fly. "Whatever you want Y/N" his voice rose a few octaves and with trembling hands Mammon cupped Y/N's face. The urge to envelope the young woman in a tight hug was almost unbearable and also…
"You can kiss me," she smiled kindly. "I see you want to."
Without waiting to be told twice he dived in. It was so long since the demon had felt this whole. Jungkook moved one hand to her waist and the other places behind Y/N's neck, pulling her closer. The feelings this action stirred were mutual - she was content and thankful for all the demon had done and proud because the struggles to overcome that low-point led to a happy ending in this "chapter" of her book. After a few seconds they separated and Y/N rested her forehead on the King's collarbone. "You think we can call Trophonius here so he can help me fully recover and guide me further into choosing a side?"
"We can do it now" Jungkook grabbed the girl's hand and the two ran back to the palace.
A few hours later the Oracle was there and they were escorted to one of the training rooms. Jungkook promised not to bother the two so he returned to his office to look at some war diagrams.
The sun was setting already but the white-haired man and Y/N were still talking, sitting cross-legged facing each other.
“Are you sure you want to choose the darker side? Your parents wouldn’t want you to, they were striving for the Light their whole lives.” It was irritating to listen to this but Y/N was giving her best to be rational and reasonable and listen to all the Oracle had to say.
“It’s so tiring to think of what someone would want from me or for me. It’s my choice in the end, isn’t it?” So much for the attempts not to sound like a brat… Trophonius’ lips widened ever so slightly in a small smile. This was a sign that Y/N has not given up on her free will and wanted to be in control of what was coming her way. Satisfactory enough.
“Very well child” Trophonius praised and put his hands together. The girl appeared confused for a few seconds but quickly understood that his words were just a test so she nodded with a straight face. “So how you want to go about it? There’s a way to get those abilities faster or you want to wait and help me guide you naturally to them?”
A question for a million dollars. How to do it…? She remembered that time when Mammon had explained how the demons were getting their powers and the process usually was taking decades.Y/N couldn’t wait that long. “I want the shorter way” was what she told the Oracle.
“As exprected.”
“General!” one of the soldiers saluted when he entered the meeting hall. “I have terrible news.”
“What?” Taehyung placed the pen calmly in the holder and casted his eyes up at the lower demon. “Pilwon came forty minutes ago to tell me that the check was going well.”
“We have seventeen long swords missing.”
Gaap’s ears began ringing. “How is that possible?”
“I decided to do a double check before sealing the armory and this is what I came up with” he presented a sheet of paper with the newly counted weapons. The swords that were gone were made of draconic steel and were causing severe burns if someone was cut with it.
“This is bad. Very bad… there’s still a spy among us. Fuck!” The General shouted and kicked and desk, it toppled over and sheets of paper and ink began flying everywhere. “Impossible! That’s just impossible! We checked every unit in the legions!”
The other demon stood quietly on the side, looking at the raging man. “What should we do?” He asked quietly.
“We can’t do shit now! We’re leaving in a few hours…”
Later Trophonius was ready to do his thing. He was standing straight, facing Y/N and holding hands with her. Their energies were intertwining and doing an invisible dance. “Now be ready to let go of all barriers in your head. We’re going back to the time when you first saw the markings on your face. Don’t be scared. You must let them spread all over your body and soul.”
“Is it going to hurt?” she asked the white-haired man sheepishly. The small child in her was still surfacing from time to time.
“Don’t worry to much, I will be as gentle as possible. Of course those things are not pleasant but the key is to not give up. Can you do that for me?”
Taking a deep breath there was one final request from Y/N before starting the ritual. “Can we call Jungkook too? I need him to be here…” there was shyness in her voice but Trophonius seemed unbothered. Letting go of the the young woman’s hands he nodded.
“Let’s call the King.”
Minutes later the demon appeared at the doorway, his gaze falling immediately on Y/N. “You sent for me? Is there something wrong?”
“No. Y/N wanted you to be here for the initiation.”
“Oh” King Mammon looked surprised. Closing the door he stepped closer to the two. “You’ve chosen a side then, princess?” Wide smile softened his sharp features and the man’s nose scrunched at the base. His happiness was not fake, not anymore. The demon was ready to accept whatever Y/N had chosen.
Y/N answered him with a confident smile.
“Then you should take a seat somewhere and wait patiently. Don’t interfere because our bond might be severed and I don’t know what might happen.” Jungkook turned around and slowly approached one of the chairs that were further from them.
“Now then. Take my hands” Trophonius instructed the girl. “I will tap in your memories once again and find the one we need. It will play just the way it had happened in the beginning but you need to find the precise trigger moment and change it yourself. I told you” the Oracle’s long slim fingers were wrapped around Y/N’s tightly and she could feel the soft electric surges going through her. He was already doing it. “Let it play, don’t fight it, don’t be scared. You must let the change wash over you.”
And it began…
Y/N was back in the bathroom of the room she was using then. She was lazily washing her face and teeth, not paying any attention to anything. Then the girl bent over to rinse her mouth of the toothpaste and when she got up there were the markings. Her eyes widened in horror at the sight of the reflection. Scream was ready to escape Y/N’s lips but she took a deep breath in an attempt to ground herself, then her facial features haredened and the eyes got colder.
Raising her voice she called for King Mammon specifically this time. “Jungkook! I need you now!” The sound echoed loudly in the bathroom and seconds later the demon was standing at the door.
“What…” when he saw the scene his eyes widened. “What is going on?”
“I need your help with this.” Y/N informed him flatly and turned to the pierced demon. She placed her hands on his muscular chest and stared straight into Mammon’s eyes. “Do you know what are those weird stains?” He couldn’t take his eyes off the inky black substance sliding down the girl’s chin and neck.
“You’re a demon Y/N” the King gritted his teeth still in shock. “Those are the markings of the transformation.”
“What is their purpose?”
“To show what kind of power you will possess once you’re fully turned.”
She closed her eyes and leaned forward a bit, still touching the demon. He didn’t move one bit and even placed his hands over hers. The young woman’s throat was burning and it felt like her whole chest was on fire. Mammon looked down and saw how the black substance was spreading in thin lines through the girl’s veins. “Let it pass through you, don’t fight it love” he encouraged her and turned Y/N towards the mirror. She slowly opened her eyes and they looked muddy and unfocused.
The King lifted his hand and as if he was in trance with a single motion he smudged the mark on Y/N’s lips even more, pressing himself harder to her back. The vision was so captivating that the demon couldn’t stop.
Tears were glistening in the corners of the girl’s eyes, threatening to spill out any moment. “I feel like…” she chocked on air. “Like I’m dying. What is going on? How much longer is it going to take?”
Back in the real world Trophonius was kneeling in front of Y/N who was breathing heavily, sweat was covering every inch of skin and the hair was sticking to her face. King Mammon was on the verge of losing his mind yet again but then the marking began appearing and he realized - she’s turning into one of them.
Oh the joy…
With trembling hands Y/N leaned on the counter. The black liquid was reaching the tip of her fingers now, it was scary to look at it. On top of that shiny transparent scales began appearing on her cheeks and coming down her neck. The girl’s eyes turned transparent too, the blood vessels were visible under her new “skin”. This was the form she was going to take when shifting. The King found the new Y/N extremely beautiful and unique - he has never seen a demon with a transparent alternative form. The raw excitement triggered his change too…
After one whole agonizing hour the whole ordeal was over and the young woman collapsed on the ground completely drained and breathless.
“Congratulations Y/N” the Oracle spoke quietly “Weclome to your new life.”
Mammon was hovering over her, holding a glass of water in hand. “Hey princess, you did well” the velvet-like voice caressed the girl’s ears and she lowered her eyelids, basking in the pleasant sound. The blurry vision and vertigo were messing with her head but the demon was her anchor and Y/N was thankful for that. “Let’s take you to lie down comfortably. You should rest.”
Once in the bedroom, Jungkook continued talking to the young woman who was already drifting in and out of consciousness. “This was the most beautiful transformation I have ever seen. You will be great.” She only smiled weakly. “Now I can make you my queen for real…”
Chapter 12 / Chapter 14
@princess-sunshyn @thedarkwinterrose
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aria-ashryver · 11 months
I have never actually asked, but maybe you could share something about your original work? 👀 Not necessarily all the details, but a brief overview or your favourite part of it so far?
Oh. Oh what a can of worms you just opened lmao. Thank you my love, so very much, for asking.
Look gang, I’m writing a book series!
⚔️🌩️The Stormsinger Chronicles🌩️⚔️
Growing up, I always wanted to escape into fantasy novels. I wanted to be the knight, and the princess, and the dragon. But I wanted to read something that wasn’t Ye Olde Medieval England or Gritty America But With Magic. I wanted to find a place closer to home, you know?
Cue the Stormsinger Chronicles.
In a world where magic has been strictly prohibited, and the cycle of life and death has grown stagnant, two sisters must overcome a decade-long rift to set things to rights. If they don’t murder each other first. Which is hard to do when people can't die, but Kyrie and Petrah are nothing if not stubborn.
In short: it’s a longform, speculative fiction trilogy set in a landscape inspired by the people, flora, and fauna of New Zealand!
In (slightly less) short: its a queer fantasy novel, yo. Every one of these characters is a delightful mess. There is not one “chosen one” among them — it's just a bunch of gays, doing their best (struggling. failing. bickering. falling in love. punching each other in the face). The story hinges on the relationships between characters — familial, platonic, romantic, antagonistic — and through this, and the wider world, I’m writing with the aim that ANYONE can pick up this fantasy land and know that there is a place for them here. We can leave the straight, white, male heroes in the fantasy books of old. (Except for Callum, who I wrote to be a straight, white male hero on purpose to subvert everything that trope is hehe. He's very sweet.)
Here's some characters!
Kyrie: Grumpy, foul-mouthed OG Fuck Up. Probably covered in mud.
Petrah: Done with your shit, wants to read and drink tea.
Meredith: Looks sweet, will kill you. Social schemer.
Callum: Looks like he'll kill you, is very sweet (but can also kill you. He won't, but he can.)
Jin: Annoying people into doing crimes with you is flirting, right?
Zamir: That Classy Bitch, excellent eyebrows (with which to judge you)
Niamh: Possesses all the brain cells the rest collectively lack.
Alistair: Literally can't NOT insult you, really needs a nap. He's trying.
[Image Removed - see note!]
There’s roaming bands of nomads! (Un)Natural disasters! Elven politics! Murder plots! Undead! General fuckery! Found family! Gods who are very bad at their job! Runecrafting! Enemies to begrudging besties! Worldbuilding for days! Diverse characters! Yearning! Trauma! An uncharacteristic lack of exclamation marks!
Here's a (WIP) map! [Image Removed - see note!]
My favourite part is... all of it hehe. But currently, I’m enjoying sinking back into the landscapes of the various regions and the creatures we can find there. Did you know NZ used to have a predatory bird called a Haast Eagle? Which —with a wingspan of 2-3 metres and claws the size of a tiger’s— was the largest eagle in the world, ever?
…Guess what I’m foisting on my characters 😈
It’s so much fun to write a world where (lacking predatory mammals like wolves and bears, etc, like NZ’s landscape is) the dangers lurking in the wild come in the form of dread weta, giant spiders, horned barklizards, Haast eagles, and dragons that look remarkably like Tuatara.
Oh, and there's the three Harpy Dens. Yeah, they’ll fuckin’ kill ya too. If the Deathless don’t catch you first. Good luck!
I’m gonna delete this in a hot second! Two reasons;
1) I’m sharing an image that includes inspiration art for characters that I intend to have my own art commissioned for — none of this art belongs to me, this is just a glimspe into behind the scenes vibes (and I had this screenshot on hand from when a friend asked about my character’s relationships)
2) On the map, any and all names in Te Reo Maori are placeholders, including (and especially) Ao Marama; when the manuscript is complete, I want to work with Tangata Whenua to have their input on choosing appropriate names for my towns and landmarks — I don’t have the whakapapa to speak to this myself, being Ngati Paheka, so it would be pretty tone-deaf of me do write without input from Maori voices. (Fortunately all five of my step-siblings are Maori, so they can be some of my first betas lol, but I’m still gonna reach out to like the Pacifica Students association at my uni and then onward form there to sensitivity readers and such)
Draft is at 120k and counting! If you've read this far, (why are you reading this far? i love you 😭😆) I'll leave you with the current opening line!
It was nearing dinnertime in Westwatch, and Kyrie was seriously contemplating shooting a man in the eye...
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
Follower for a while, don’t know anything about warrior cats.
So instead of me asking what it is or is about how about instead:
Why do you love warrior cats? :)
OMG, this is such a fantastic question! You'll forgive me taking forever and a day to answer it, I hope, because while honestly Warriors is terribly written and objectively despicable... I still can't help but love a lot of aspects of it, so I had a lot to say :3
I LOVE melodrama, I love tragedy, I love super high-stakes family drama, I love stories that deal with prophecy and fate, and Warriors has all of these things in droves. At some point, the drama is honestly a little addictive - like a soap opera! Because, ultimately, that's what Warriors is. And I mean that in a complimentary way - I love soaps, people trash on them far too much.
Plus the character concepts in Warriors are great, even if the character writing is generally abysmal. There's a blorbo for everyone in those books. And if you don't like any of the mainstream blorbos, don't worry, there are over 2000 named characters most of whom have little to no personality or screentime, making them perfect to flesh out into a custom blorbo ;D
Which is another fun thing about Warriors: the truly massive quantity of characters and lore really activates the Autism Collection Brain. I can name several hundred of those 2000+ off the top of my head, which is... something to be proud of, I suppose? XD
But most of all, it's honestly just really fun to play with. Like, as a world and a setting, it has some really good bones that make it easy to mix in your own ideas and create something entirely new (hence the relative popularity of OC stories in this fandom as opposed to many others). Or if you don't want to come up with OCs, the story has a fuckton of holes and blank spaces that make it perfect for writing fic. On the other hand, there's also plenty of material to sift through and analyze if that's your preference. And I've spent hours and hours of my life trying to meticulously sew up the timeline and patch over continuity errors, mostly just... cause it's fun. From a fandom perspective, Warriors is like a really big and interesting puzzle. And since it's such a huge, sprawling story, if you get bored with one thing you can always move over to focus on something else. It's like the gift that keeps on giving.
And this fertile ground means that the fandom itself is incredibly creative. Like, I complain about it a lot - and there's a lot to be complained about - but the reason I keep coming back is that Warriors fans are truly some of the most dedicated people on the planet. There's the Youtube MAP community, which is kind of famous at this point for its skill and ambition, but also a lot of truly phenomenal fiction, art, games, and music out there being actively created by fans - and 20 years' worth or fanworks before that. It's a pretty extraordinary community.
Plus? Kitties!
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frogcraftingg · 2 years
Hello I have an account on tumbler but I can’t log in lol so for now I’m just asking anonymously but I’m a very big Minecrafter I love Minecraft and the endless adventures that you can do in game I also just started watching your channel and your honestly pretty amazing your let’s plays are super cozy and I was wondering if you can give me some tips on starting out in survival Ive played it but I have never really played survival through without getting bored so can you please give me some tips
A few questions to ask yourself before you start a new world: Why do you want to make this world? What are you hoping to accomplish? Are there any challenges you want to take on (hardcore, progress in 100 days, all the achievements, etc.,)?
Then decide if you want to do a random seed or search for a seed. I've done both in the past and I'll be honest, when I search for a seed that has a spawn/biomes nearby that I really like, I feel way way way more passionate about my projects directly from the get-go. I don't mind a grind at all for resources or traveling for other blocks, but having a cool area nearby spawn to build in just really has made me happy!
Some good resources: Minecraft Seeds Subreddit, Seed Map Website (where you can generate random seeds quickly!), Minecraft & Chill on YouTube - lots of really incredible seed videos if you're a really visual person (and all of the seeds are in the description so you can copy and paste!)
I feel like I also really struggled with this when I first started getting into survival gameplay so here are some things that I did at the beginning that really helped me out: 1) Taking inspiration from other Let's Plays : Now I don't mean copying the build style or anything, but actually seeing how they progressed and what they prioritized, because I'll be honest, before I started making Minecraft content I'd only ever defeated the Ender Dragon once and I was carried by my boyfriend, lol. Before that, all I really did was try and build cool houses (most notably for some reason lots of sand castles or underwater glass bases). But building up farms, learning how to do trading with villagers, trying out different building styles and covering up my farms with builds all really inspired me and kept me focused!
2) Keep a 'to-do' list : This one can be really personal and you can do it in game (in a book, signs on a project board, etc.,) or you can keep one out of the game in google docs, notion, on paper, however you really want to do it! This can help you keep track of everything you want to do: goals, farms, builds, and give you a sense of satisfaction towards 'checking things off your to-do list'!
3) Try and work on one thing at a time : In the early game, don't overstress by looking at the entire to do list after you make it. Focus on one thing at a time, even if it means you'll be moving a cow farm or something later, get yourself set up with the resources you need and focus on them one at a time. Usually some early game projects for me are: getting a bed!, water bucket/shield, all wood types, diamond gear, renewable food source, finding a village, getting a house set up, making a farm, enchanting, etc., and those can be your projects if you like them to be as well, but work on them one at a time! Unless you're doing a 100 days challenge for yourself you're in absolutely no rush to get anything done that you don't want to do!
4) Later, when you get stuck : Work on something else or play something else for a while. This will help you *so much* in the long run as you won't be burning out on projects that are giving you problems or taking longer than anticipated to complete. I play Minecraft for content and for fun, but I also always make sure when I'm not recording or with friends I play some other games too to keep Minecraft not getting stale for me. And if and when I get stuck, I will simply move on to another project and leave a project partially finished. I've done this on my hardcore streams on Twitch, I'm rebuilding a village for my villagers and I'm a slow builder while I'm chatting up with everyone. In between houses, I work on building up farms for resources, go on silly adventures to find allays or all of the cat varieties, or simply shift my focus to another project in the village like pathways, streetlights, ponds, gardens, etc., to keep myself from burning out on building.
I know those last two points are a bit contradictory but I guess it sort of feels to me like writing, painting, or anything else. Don't force yourself if you're feeling burnt out. Minecraft for most of us is a way to have fun, so remember to keep it fun for yourself and not like work.
Remember it's a sandbox game-you can add mods, texture packs, play on any difficulty (including peaceful), and just really experience the game how you want to. Once I started to worry about what I enjoyed more in my world, and how I wanted to play, what I wanted to do, etc., I felt so much more inspired to start and stick with a world!
Hope that helps!
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187days · 1 year
Day Ninety-Four
Well, folks, it’s official: I’m no longer cool. 
Tumblr media
There’s a dance next weekend, and I didn’t get asked to chaperon. Probably because I didn’t let the seniors throw the freshmen into the air and stuff at the last one. 
My students still generally like me, though. I was jamming to The Rose’s “Cure” between blocks (I always play music during bell changes), and a bunch of them told me that was a good choice. I also got lots of compliments on my outfit today: jeans, boots, flannel, puffy vest. It’s basic Millennial style, but apparently that works on me. So yay.
And, academically, we’ve had a good opening week. Today I taught my World students how to do annotations (highlighting an article, asking questions about it, defining new vocabulary, summarizing the main ideas in the margins). We read and annotated an article about world geography together, then I showed some slides to add visual detail to what they’d read (ie- one part of the article was about climate zones, so one of my slides was a map of those). The last few slides showed areas of high poverty and areas of conflict on the map, and students were quick to notice that they tended to overlap, and that they clustered in particular parts of the world. One of my Block 3 students correctly guessed that the environment in those parts of the world played a role in that. I confirmed her guess, and added that changes to the environment- namely climate change- had an even bigger role, in many cases. Then I assigned an article for them to annotate on their own about that: practicing a skill, gaining more knowledge! 
I wanted them to have enough time to finish the annotation in class, but some of them ended up having to take it home, so I’ve made a mental note to tweak my future lessons and get my usually impeccable sense of timing back. I did do better Block 3 than Block 2 today, and it’s not like anyone left with a ton of work undone- maybe a couple paragraphs of reading and annotating, tops- but longtime readers know I love it when my lesson fit perfectly into the block.
My GOV lesson did, in fact, fit perfectly today. I lectured about the failures of the Articles of Confederation and the drafting of the Constitution. Then I had students get into groups and look at the original seven articles Constitution to identify the ways in which it establishes an elite, pluralist, or participatory model democracy (after explaining what those terms mean, of course). Both groups decided to tackle the assignment by dividing up the articles, then sharing what they’d found in whichever article(s) they’d read. It’s a good strategy, and I was pleased both by the fact that they were willing to ask me for clarification as needed (sometimes AP students are reluctant to admit they need help) and that they found more evidence- particularly for the pluralist and participatory models- than I’d had on my own notes. It’s a tough assignment, they did a great job, and we wrapped up with just enough time to put my room in order (since they’d moved the tables and chairs around to work in groups) before the bell. 
The other thing I did today was send emails introducing myself to all of my students’ parents. I’ve already gotten a few positive and informative replies to that, and a few that just thanked me for the introduction. In my opinion, it’s key to reach out to parents early on and establish that communication, so I’m happy to do it. 
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deartouya · 2 years
blowing sum 🫧 in ur direction . . hweheheh :3:3
moot ask game: send me a “🫧” and i’ll answer these for you !!
you’re my __ moot: tobio moot!! no one could ever be as associated with him as you are,, you're soulmates actually--two sides of the same coin
why i follow you: because you're the sweetest and prettiest and most talented person in the world <3 asjak i was trying to remember who followed first but ik :/ ik i saw that you liked dabi !! and that you were the sweetest and i couldn't not after i read some of your work !! just super duper talented!! i'm always so excited to read your new works you write so genuinely and intimately :((
an au i think fits you: oh oh a fantasy princess/knight au for sure!! complete devotion and such tender love :((
something you remind me of: the ocean!! not the beach but the swirling blues of waves and the depths of unknown but also,, everything beautiful about it!! otherworldly pods of whales and the myths of mermaids!! alsoalso coral reefs! so full of color and life and echoing with the sound of whales!
song/book/movie that reminds me of you: ohoh okay,, you remind me of!! the lotr world in general,, books and movies and maps,, just everything about it! but also,, studio ghibli movies !! bright landscapes and tender love <3
your blog is: oh i can't even describe it but,, it's just so good. your themes and your self-ship posts and your writing/layouts and your check in posts!! everything is so cute and so you it's just <3 yeah <3
your url is: cuteeee,, every url i've seen you have has been soso cute and smart!! you're so good at thinking of them i'm a lil jealous :3
your icon is: soso pretty!! winter time is truly such a coco season !! it makes so much sense and your winter tobio theme is so ethereal and pretty everytime i see it i am just <3_<3
overall opinion: genuinely you're such a comforting and refreshing presence on here! you spread so much happiness and light everyday !! everytime i see that you active i get !! like a dog when their person comes home !! and anytime you rb one of my works to read i'm so nervy but excited !
a random thought: my friend bought me a lil bear stuffed!! it's soso cute and soft and when they gave it to me it made me think of you bc that !! a bear is such a coco animal !!
character i ship you with the most: tobio obviously,, you're my otp--the power couple, cutest married couple in the whole world <;3 even if i have a slight bias to still very much associate you with touya
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fatesdeepdive · 2 years
Entry 93: Amiibo Amiile
Four Fire Emblem characters appeared in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Each was given an amiibo. Using these amiibos on one of the later 3DSs lets you unlock a special chapter where you fight these characters. All of these fights take place in the field from Chapter 6, instead of a hero related map, which is disappointing. 
Hero Battle 1: Hero-King Marth
Marth visits the Castle three times, challenging Corrin to a battle on the third one. In his visits Marth talks about the wars in Archanea and the joy of battle and growing stronger. Marth is apparently the Excelblem version. Like seriously man your friends died. Also Marth shills Corrin's sword skills.
In his battle, Marth is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Jagen, Caeda, Cain, Abel, Draug, and Gordin.
Hero Battle 2: Radiant Hero Ike
Ike says the world is filled with worthy opponents. Also bandits. He talks about his desire for a good brawl, hahaha he debuted in Brawl get it? Also he says he misses battle, continuing the trend of these beloved characters being bloodthirsty.
In his battle, Ike is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Mist, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Gatrie, and Shinon.
Hero Battle 3: Princess Lucina
Why the hell is Lucina just called princess? Everyone else gets cool titles. How about Future Hero, or Awakened Exalt? Lucina is too cool of a character for this disrespect.
Lucina isn't surprised by being teleported because she's been through this before. She says her father told her that bonds are stronger than destiny, and fuck yeah they are. Remember how Awakening was about something? That was nice.
Lucina has unique dialogue if she fights her friends from Awakening. They all ask her not to use their real names. Lucina's cousin Odin notices that she isn't the Lucina he knows, which is interesting; perhaps he can tell she's the version from the AU where Grima is Captain Falcon. Laslow hits on her. Selena also notices she isn't the real Lucina and, in a dark line, says she's used to fighting fiends that looked like friends. Is she referring to Morgan or Robin? Whatever. It's nice there's unique dialogue, but I'm disappointed there isn't more emotion. These three should be overjoyed or sobbing to see an old friend!
In her battle, Lucina is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Gerome, Inigo, Owain, Morgan, and Cynthia. So I guess Selena was right about fighting friends.
Hero Battle 4: Grandmaster Robin
Robin initially has amnesia, just like in Awakening, but gets over it quickly. Robin is troubled by the endless war Corrin faces, while noting he's experienced it before. And yes I know they're talking about Smash and Ike and Marth aren't actually evil, but still they don't say Smash so I'm assuming it's normal Marth but sadistic.
Like Lucina, he has dialogue with the Awakening trio. None with Rhajat, Caeldori, or Asugi, though. All three of the Awakening trio recognize Robin, but he doesn't recognize them. Selena and Odin again note Robin isn't the real Robin, with Selena angrily calling him an imposter. Amongus. Laslow doesn't notice he isn't the real Robin because he is stupid.
In his battle, Robin is accompanied by generic units meant to represent Chrom, Lissa, and Fredrick. Why did he get less units? That isn’t fair.
Support: Charlotte/Xander
C: Xander has a serious meeting with Charlotte to discuss reports of her causing disruptions in the army. He tells her her behavior isn't appropriate and warns her to not embarrass Nohr again. B: Charlotte tries her normal lunch trick. Xander doesn't fall from it, having heard of her doing it before. Again, he demands she stop.
A: Charlotte saves Xander from some faceless with her bare hands. She explains her poor sad backstory. Xander says she doesn't have to change her behavior now for some reason.
S: Xander says he's always loved Charlotte. I don't buy it.
Review: First two are great, with Xander being the only character to see through Charlotte’s bullshit. Then he decides it's fine, which ruins the Support line.
Support: Niles/Selena
C: Niles distrusts Selena because of the whole popped up from another universe with no explanation thing.
B: Niles spies on Selena while she's shopping and criticizes her shopping choices.
A: Niles explains that Selena is selfish, impatient, and a sore loser. Also she's loyal I guess. Niles declares them to be friends.
S: Niles decides to keep spying on Selena because he likes her.
Review: Fairly average.
Support: Elise/Silas
C: Silas feeds a starving family on Elise's request. She asks what he wants as a reward and he asks for her to act like his sister for a day, because she and Corrin seem so happy together.
B: Elise asks what they should do and Silas suggests they argue, because that's what siblings do. Elise suggests sparring, but Silas refuses because he doesn't want to hurt her.
A: They have a tea party.
S: Silas proposes, because this game is so incest horny that even play siblings get together. Review: Fine, but not astounding in any way.
Support: Beruka/Jakob
C: Jakob, knowing Beruka’s assassin past, hires her to clear out bugs in the pantry. Beruka is not amused.
B: Jakob asks again and Beruka says she doesn't know how to kill bugs, only people, because of tragic backstory.
A: Beruka feels she is changing, starting to care about other people. This scares her. Jakob asks how much she values her old lonely self and that, if she dislikes it, she should rejoice in the change.
S: Jakob says he loves Beruka. She assumes it's a joke. He explains that he too has changed. Review: An incredibly good A-Rank surrounded by average quality Supports.
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riverdamien · 5 months
Epiphany, 2024#
Epiphany, 2024
January 7, 2024
Matthew, 2:1-12 New Jerusalem Bible
1. After Jesus had been born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, suddenly some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east
2. asking, 'Where is the infant king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.'
3. When King Herod heard this he was perturbed, and so was the whole of Jerusalem.
4. He called together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, and inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
5. They told him, 'At Bethlehem in Judea, for this is what the prophet wrote:
6. And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, you are by no means the least among the leaders of Judah, for from you will come a leader who will shepherd my people Israel.'
7. Then Herod summoned the wise men to see him privately. He asked them the exact date on which the star had appeared
8. and sent them on to Bethlehem with the words, 'Go and find out all about the child, and when you have found him, let me know, so that I too may go and do him homage.'
9. Having listened to what the king had to say, they set out. And suddenly the star they had seen rising went forward and halted over the place where the child was.
10. The sight of the star filled them with delight,
11. and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.
12. But they were given a warning in a dream not to go back to Herod, and returned to their own country by a different way.
Epiphany is a season in which we celebrate the revelation of Christ to the world, it is a joyous time!
The photo that leads off our article expresses the feeling of many about the institutional Church, and Jesus of Nazareth, bent, broken, and used as a tool of oppression. In many ways I often feel personally the same way!
I remember many years ago Hilary Clinton spoke:, "It takes a village to raise a child," And in reality it takes a village for each one of us to survive.
Today we are not surviving very well: drug use is rampant, divisions over race, politics, and economics, tear us a part. We see homeless and the deeply poor as the enemy.
Yet even through our societies connected by technology, the rule of law, and a global economy, our relationships are very much rooted in social media, and the internet, leaving us personally alone.
On Facebook  we are always have individuals look back at the fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties as times of connectedness. None of those eras were very romantic, but we did not have people centering their friendships, and for many all relationships on social media. One young woman recently posted: "All my friends and relationships are online, I do not feel like I belong in the outside world."
Often I feel very much alone, I try to relate to every person as unique, not belonging to any villages, but being open to every individual.
Our lifelong efforts to map our uniqueness do not defeat our collective connections. I am connected to different villages and they all reflect our social, cultural, national, spiritual, and generational identifications. I am out spoken about people being hurt, and I respect all of our political persuasions.
I believe with all of my heart that our call from Jesus is to love our neighbors, to house, feed, and care for each other, with out any thought of political persuasion, race, sexual orientation, or ethical stance--for each one of us is a child of God.
True love is counter-cultural because it is the conscious choice to love and to will the good of those who are deemed unlovable.
True love is cross-cultural because no one of any race, creed, color, sexual orientation, ability or disability can be excluded from it. True love is having the wide, embracing, redeeming, merciful love of Jesus!
Let us raise the Cross of the Cosmic Christ, the Universal One who is inclusive of all spiritual expressions of love!
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
Fr. C. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T.
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
Snap Chat: "riodamien2"
pay pal can be found on www.temenos.org
If you are writing checks predate them for today!
"Our life of grace and our life of the body goes on beautifully intermingled and harmonious. "All is grace," as the dying priest whispered to his friend in 'The Diary of a Country Priest." The Little Flower also said, "All is grace" (Dorothy Day).
Let Love Ache
Father, give me the courage to keep on loving.
when others keep on hurting.
help me to live an achy love, a gritty,
persistent and emptying love;
a love that’s not afraid to flow toward the other
who has little left to offer in return.
And may I tread faithfully with heaven
through the unfinished work that surrounds me.
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