#i am back at uni soon though so we shall see
vxctorx · 10 months
(For our letter thread. Perhaps this is sometime before they confessed their feelings for one another?)
Dear Vic, How are you? I hope you're not finding this winter to be too cold. Also, I hope you don't mind me sending you this letter out of the blue. I suppose I've been finding my days more restless than usual. At first I thought it was me getting re-used to the cold of the winters here now that I'm back home, but I realized it's more than that... It's funny, while back on campus I could not wait for the winter vac, and now that it's here, being home with my father made me realize how foolish I was for ever wishing to come back home. That and the bone-chilling cold certainly does not help. Perhaps, I should have just shut myself back in the dorms instead of coming back home, eh?
Not only this, but, more importantly, I've realized how unnatural it is to not be able to see you and talk to you everyday. I suppose this makes sense, considering how much time we've been spending together back in uni.-- In other words, I guess you can say I've missed you. Is that too forward of me to say? Anyways, I hope you're having more luck in finding both happiness and warmth this winter vac. I hate the idea of you freezing. I don't suppose you're planning on going anywhere with sun all-year-round anytime soon. If so, I don't suppose you would have room for the likes of me on your trip, would you?
Anyways, I hope this letter gets to you soon. Like I said, I've been finding myself desperately missing your company, and riling you up with my own company. Haha! (If only my past-self who didn't know you could hear me say that now. He probably wouldn't believe the words I'm saying.)
I don't want this letter to drag on, but I had a dream about you recently. Once again, is that too forward of me? Also, what would you like for Christmas?
My dear Richard,
My afternoon was made all the better by receiving your letter, for I had caught myself in particularly low spirits and, as Anna would so lovingly say, mouldering next to the fireplace. I have come to realise that without you to light my days, the gloomy skies of the Highlands are quite unbearable to gaze upon. I do wish you would be kind and gracious enough to visit me, if I were to ask you; which, I suppose is what I am doing right now.
There are, sadly, no sunny destinations on my calendar this year, as my father has yet again flown to Tezpur on his own for work and my mother, I hear, has made off for Greece, no doubt to spite my father. Not quite the holiday atmosphere I had hoped for, but Anna and I get to have the manor all to ourselves, which I imagine is an acceptable compromise. Hence, my request of you to come and see me at your soonest convenience.
You mentioned in your letter that you have dreamt of me, and I cannot help my curiosity as to the contents of your dream. Although sadly I have not yet managed to conjure you in my own dreams, I do find myself drawn into lengthy musings about you time and again, and have been accused of 'brooding' in the process. To think of a time when you could hardly stand my very presence, though still somewhat heartbreaking, does leave me with some sense of amusement and delight, given where we are now.
As for my Christmas present, I shall want no more than your intimacy and companionship, if you would be so generous as to spare me both.
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the trope is impeccable
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bookstantrash · 3 years
A/N: I am so very sorry for not updating for so long. I know I said I’d try to update more frequently while I was on uni break but life happened lmao. Classes are back, but I’ll try not left y’all hanging for so long.
You can check here Pemberley’s Lake, Hooked on You, Smells like petrichor and paper, The Sound of Music and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, part one, two, three, four and five of my Nessian Pride and Prejudice AU.
That being said, I hope y’all enjoy this chapter! We got a little bit of fluff, sprinkles of angst and a lovely plot twist ✨
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Bloody Day and Ominous letters
Nesta woke up with the worst headache she had ever had in her entire life. She really should not have drunk as much as she had last night but as she saw her friends and Morrigan having fun that little voice inside her head — usually her mother’s or grandmother's saying Do better, Stop being such a disappointment or Your only purpose is to marry well so forget about love — got louder and louder, judging her company and trying to make her feel ashamed.
But she had had enough. Her grandmother and mother had both passed away already. It was time to bury them for good. So Nesta took the wine bottle from Morrigan and drank half of it in one go, her friends cheering around her. And she had so much fun. Nesta would never have guessed that drinking could be so enjoyable, nothing like those uptight parties where the ladies sipped a lonely glass all night long while the gentleman lost count of theirs. The only downside was her killing headache and the fact that she had overslept, a fact she took notice of once she glanced at the wall clock.
She had just sat up on her bed —  massaging her temple to ease the tension on her head — when an insistent knocking on her door made her mumble a curse. No doubt it was either Emerie or Gwyn — maybe both of them — waking her up. Those two were quite used to drinking, so it was no surprise to Nesta that they would be up and about very early.
“Would you two stop it?” she said loudly, opening the door wearing only her chemise, probably having ditched her dress during the night while she slept “I have a killer headache and your banging is not helping at all—”
She stopped mid sentence when she came face to face with Georgianam, the young lady’s hand still raised to knock on her door, Cassian right behind her.
“Oh, I apologise Lady Nesta” Georgiana said “We had agreed that we would go on a nice early morning walk today, but when I did not spot Miss Archeron at the breakfast table I got worried.”
“Please do forgive me, Miss Georgiana. I had a bit too much to drink yesterday and ended up oversleeping.” Nesta quickly said, mentally kicking herself for her rudeness “I will be ready for our walk in a minute.”
“Lovely! I will be waiting at the parlor then!”
Nesta closed the door with a sigh. Her morning had not begun the best.
However, it was only while she was brushing her hair that her sleep fogged mind caught up to the fact that Cassian had seen her half asleep wearing nothing but her chemise and with early morning messy bed hair.
She definitely could not be allowed to drink more than two glasses of alcohol if that was how she was going to behave whenever she drank more than deemed proper.
When she arrived at the parlor ten minutes later, she could not help but avoid looking at Cassian.
“Mrs. Potts brought you a little something to eat” Georgiana informed, pouring Nesta tea “And also some headache medicine”
“Please thank her in my instead later, she is too kind to me”
“Oh, it was all my brother’s doing” Georgiana smiled in Cassian's direction, serving herself some cookies “He was the one who asked her to provide not only the medicine but also the food.”
“I appreciate the gesture, my lord.” Nesta hid her blush behind the teacup.
“It was nothing, my lady” was all he answered, refusing to look at her.
That made Nesta’s heart strangely hurt. She could not help but think he had been disgusted by her earlier appearance. Her hair was such a mess and her chemise was all wrinkled from sleep—
Wait. Why did she care so much of what he thought of her? Nesta Archeron was not one to give much attention to others opinion of herself, so why was she getting so worked up when it came to Cassian? Of course, one could not help but notice how he always looked so presentable, with his spotless clothes, hair combed to perfection every single time. She had never seen a gentleman’s hair be so… perfect. She could bet her first edition of her favourite romance that he had awfully handsome bed hair. And that he had a mint breath even when woke up. And that he probably slept shirtless, if the last time she saw him at midnight at his library was any indication of his sleeping attire.
Oh Mother, why was she now thinking about all of that? She waved an imaginary hand to disperse her not so proper thoughts, focusing on the small talk Georgiana was making.
Both Nesta and Cassian kept avoiding each other during their walk, which did not pass by Georgiana without notice, especially given how her brother had made sure to stay two steps behind them, giving the excuse he wanted to give both ladies “privacy to talk comfortably”, something he had never done. Their walk, however, was cut short when Nesta showed signs of being tired and admitted that her headache had not disappeared.
“I assure you it is nothing to fret over” Nesta told a worried Mrs. Potts when they came back “It must be from yesterday’s drinking. There is no need to call a doctor.”
“Nonetheless, I will ask Chef Ramsay to prepare some light food and my special hangover drink” the old headmaid said with a motherly expression.
Thanking Mrs. Potts again, Nesta went to her room to splash some water on her face in hopes of refreshing herself. But a painful jab low on her stomach made her freeze and the blood drain from her face.
“Just knock on the door, my Lord” Lumière said as he watched Cassian drop his hand once again. The maître d’ had been watching his lord pace in front of the parlor door for what must have been twenty minutes.
“I do not want to bother her. Maybe I should call Mrs. Potts or wait until the other ladies come back” Cassian ran his hand through his hair in distress. Emerie and Balthazar had gone out with Morrigan to visit some possible new business partners — her big circle of connections proving itself to be very useful in helping expand their business — while Azriel and Gwyn had gone to the town, which was helding a small music festival. Georgiana, on the other hand, had received a telegram from a friend who had returned early from their trip abroad, and she had promptly gone to meet them.
“This, dear brother, is your chance to speak to Miss Nesta” she had said before leaving “I do not know what happened to make you both so distant, but you better make amends. I already asked Emerie to design the gown I shall wear at your wedding.”
Cassian had told Georgie to mind her own business and stop being such a busybody, proceeding to stand guard outside the parlor.
“Leave the lord alone” Cogsworth hissed, elbowing Lumiére “Her ladyship has not asked for help so it must mean she is fine and does not wish to be bothered.”
“Nonsense, old friend!! The lady is simply too shy to ask for it and the lord too polite to risk disturbing her” taking a step forward, Lumière knocked on the door.
“What do you think you are doing?!” the major-domo whisper yelled, and Cassian was sure he would have throttled Lumière were it not for the faint voice coming from the other side.
“Please, do come in” Nesta said.
Taking a deep breath, Cassian opened the door, leaving behind Cogsworth and Lumière, who were trying very hard not to start a duel right there.
The first thing he looked for was Nesta.
Nesta, who was rather pale and was clutching a pillow very hard against her stomach.
“Are you alright?” he asked, not knowing whether to sit beside her or just stay standing a few feet away.
“I am” she said, although the deep breath she took had him thinking it was not true “Where are Gwyn and Emerie?”
“Gwyn went to the town festival with Azriel. An Emerie went with Mor and Balthazar to meet prospective business partners.”
“Are you really alright Nesta?” he asked again “You do not seem fine at all if I may say.”
“I assure you I am perfectly fine” Nesta insisted through clenched teeth “Where is Georgiana?”
“At a friend’s house. They returned early from a trip.” Cassian said, a bit annoyed she was asking for his sister when he was right there. It was a stupid jealous feeling, and he was not even more annoyed because he felt glad they got on so well.
“Do you know when any of them will be back?”
“I am afraid I do not know” daring to approach her, Cassian sat beside her on the sofa “But I am here. If there is anything I could do…”
“There is no need to bother yourself. I truly am—”
And that was when Nesta whimpered and clutched her pillow even tighter, doubling over a little bit.
“You are definitely far from fine sweetheart” Cassian said, rubbing her back in hopes of helping her, nevermind proper etiquette.
“It is really nothing. Just—”
“Just what?”
“Lady stuff!!” Nesta finally said, her whole face heating up like a fireplace.
“Oh. Oh! I see. I— I understand” he said, also a little bit flustered “Not that I actually get it but I have also experienced pain and—”
Nesta wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She was used to getting her period, it was a monthly occurrence. Nothing out of the ordinary. However, this time it seemed her body had decided to punish her more than usual. Not only had she gotten a killer headache — made worse by her hangover —  but she was cramping very badly, and they usually were not that bad. That was why she had gone to that walk with Georgiana, even though she was getting mildly uncomfortable soon after they arrived at the garden.
Not that she did not want to miss any Cassian time.
Him going with them had been a bonus.
A surprise, but not a pleasant one.
Maybe just a bit pleasant if she was being honest. Just a tiny tiny bit.
“I will stop talking now” Cassian mumbled, interrupting not for the first time her errant thoughts.
She wanted to die. To tell Cassian — even indirectly —  that she had gotten her period was the most mortifying she had ever experienced.
“I can get Mrs. Potts for you” he tentatively said, restarting the back rubs “She can get you some tea for pain. Or a bag of warm water. You can tell her anything, do not worry.”
Nesta managed to nod her head in agreement, despite her stubborn side that refused to ask for help from the maids or other servants at Pemberley.
Cassian himself went looking for the head maid instead of just ringing for her, assuring her he would be back in less than ten minutes. And he did come back in record time with Mrs. Potts, who gave her tea and pain tonic that she assured Nesta made wonders for stopping cramps. All the while Cassian hovered over Mrs. Potts, unsure of what to do.
“Do you require anything else? Maybe another blanket?” he asked after Mrs. Potts had left. He had made sure to bring back a blanket too and had even tucked her in with extra care “Or more tea? I can ask someone to come and bring fresh hot tea”
Nesta would never have imagined Cassian to be such an overbearing mother hen. He was being extra careful around her and it annoyed her beyond reason.
“Cassian, this happens every month. Has been happening since I was thirteen, alright? Can you please stop?” she snapped.
She regretted her words as soon as she realised how rude she had been and what exactly she had said. However, he was being so overweening. As if she was made of glass or was on her deathbed.
Yet all Cassian did was crack a smile and nudge a chocolate muffin towards her. Nesta had been in such pain and so quiet he had been concerned if Mrs. Potts’ pain tonic would really work. But there she was.
There was the feisty, sharp tongued and quick-witted Nesta he knew.
There was the Nesta he fell in love with.
He barely held his tongue back and risked blutering his feelings right in front of her. Again.
“May I get you a book then? It is a good way to pass the time until your friends are back.”
“Thank you. That would be lovely” Nesta gave him a soft smile, her previous embarrassment having died down a little.
He was gone and back in a record time, and Nesta delusioned herself into thinking he had raced to the library because he did not want to leave her for too long.
“I got the book you were not able to finish last night” Cassian said, handing her Sellyn Drake’s latest romance “And I also took the liberty of getting one of my favourites too. In case you finish this one quickly.”
She thanked him again, curious as to what book was his favourite, what made her even eager to finish her current read.
Turns out Cassian was a fan of epic poems, a fact that — combined with his admission of having read Sellyn Drake’s romances — once again made Nesta view him with new eyes. She had thought he would be more of a war strategy person, all business and serious matters. Yet it seemed that Cassian had a dreamer inside of him.
“How many times have you read this book?” Nesta asked as she turned a yellowed page. The book was old, but she could see it was very loved given its good condition.
“A lot of times. It was my favourite book as a child, and I could not part with it once I moved out of my childhood home” he gave her a smile “It was also my dear companion during long expeditions. I have most of it memorized.”
“I bet you charmed every single lady during your travels with your knowledge, wooing them with beautiful words” she teased, despite the small pang of jealousy in her heart.
You refused his hand and humiliated him, she thought, you have no place to feel jealous. Cassian is a wonderful gentleman, it is expected to have women falling left and right for him, not to say him pursuing them.
“You are actually the first person apart from my family who knows that I read poetry” Cassian admitted “And I also have never met someone that made me want to declare a poem to”
Nesta did not know what to say to that. They were bordering dangerous territory, something that seemed to happen more and more frequently.
And Cassian, seated right beside her, was thinking the same thing. He had allowed himself to get closer to him again, something that yesterday he had vowed to avoid, had tried to do that morning. But to see her in pain, uncomfortable and not talking to him hurt more than those moments in which he could see a life with her. Those moments with Nesta were a double edged sword: he craved and loathed them with the same urgency.
He would kill to have even a single moment with her.
He would die if he had even a single moment with her.
Nesta made him want to be selfish.
Made him want to declare poems to her, maybe even attempt to write her one.
At the moment, he could not help but recall a certain verse of the Epic of Gilgamesh:
What could I offer
the queen of love in return, who lacks nothing at all?
Balm for the body? The food and drink of the gods?
I have nothing to give to her who lacks nothing at all.
You are the door through which the cold gets in.
You are the fire that goes out. You are the pitch
that sticks to the hands of the one who carries the bucket.
You are the house that falls down. You are the shoe
that pinches the foot of the wearer. The ill-made wall
that buckles when time has gone by. The leaky
water skin soaking the water skin carrier.
To Cassian, Nesta was the goddess of love. And he was the one who could not offer her a single thing for she lacked nothing.
“Well, I will not disturb your reading any longer” clearing his throat to break the new tense silence between them, Cassian gestured to the book in her hand “But do feel free to make comments while you read, I would very much like to hear your opinions about it.”
And she did just that. Every passage she found interesting, each line that caught her eye and interpretation she had about a certain phrase, she shared them all with Cassian. Somewhere during their conversation that awkward tension between them disappeared completely, with Cassian letting his arm rest on the back of the couch, getting closer to Nesta. And Nesta somehow ended up getting closer to him too, almost leaning on his side.
It was all very improper. Cassian staying alone with Nesta, so close to each other and acting as a married couple.
But Cassian would let himself be selfish one last time.
One last time before they had to go their separate ways.
The day would have ended perfectly were it not for the letter that Gwyn brought once she and Azriel had come back.
While Emerie, Balthazar and Mor had arrived late in the evening — with good news of new partnerships being agreed on —  Gwyn and Azriel had come back much later, just when everyone had finished dinner. Nesta had not been too worried, she trusted Azriel to take care of Gwyn and her friend was not bound by the stifling high society etiquette, but she breathed a little easier when they finally arrived.
“Oh Nesta, we passed by the inn we were staying at before and the landlady gave me a letter addressed to you. It seems she had forgotten to send it to us yesterday when our things were brought here.” Gwyn gave her the letter once they had moved to the game room “She apologised deeply for it.”
“I understand, it is a busy season for them.”
“It is a letter from Feyre” Nesta furrowed her brows in confusion as she broke the letter’ seal, which she recognized as being the one representing Feyre’ status as Duchess “She sent one barely a week ago, I wonder what could have happened.”
Nesta had guessed it would be another letter from Feyre asking about how their trip was going, if she had seen beautiful scenarios and bought any souvenir for her youngest sister. Or even a curious inquiry about what she thought of Cassian. Feyre had been quite interested to know if they got along — she had always been a busybody and matchmaker, and since marrying Rhysand had tried time and time again to nonchalantly push her to Cassin. If she ever discovered that Nesta had already been proposed by Cassian — and that she had refused his hand — chaos would befall upon Nesta.
However, as her eyes scanned the lines, Nesta’s assumptions of its contents proved to be far away from reality. She felt her blood run cold, her heart stop beating and fear. So much fear.
“Excuse me” she managed to say, getting up “I need a moment.”
“Nesta, are you alright? What did Feyre say? You are very pale” Gwyn said, her voice full of worry.
“I am fine. Just cramps” she brushed off her friend’s worries. She did not want to make the others notice that something was off with her, she did not want to alarm Gwyn..
Yet as she exited the room she failed to perceive that Cassian had been paying attention to her ever since Gwyn gave her the letter. He was always paying attention to his surroundings, especially when she was around.
He left the room a few moments after her, trying not to raise suspicion to his attitude. He did not know where she had gone — Pemberley was vast and her room was too far away for him to not have caught her faster — but something led him to the small outdoor patio just left from the small gallery he had at Pemberley.
As he got closer and closer there, he heard the sound of someone crying, which made his heart beat faster and a deep fear grow inside him.
He arrived outside to find an unimaginable scene: Nesta crying. Crying as if her heart had been ripped out of her chest.
She was a mess, her careful braided hair coming undone, as if she had ran her hands through it in desperation.
“Nesta… Nes dear, what happened? Is Feyre alright?” Cassian did not care that she most probably left the room to cry in private. He was worried, he needed to be beside her, he needed to help her somehow.
“I— Feyre she—” she was sobbing so hard she could barely breathe, let alone talk, making Cassian’s heart break in a thousand pieces.
“Shh it’s okay sweetheart. I am here Nes” he gently cupped her face, making her look at him “Take deep breaths with me.”
He took a deep breath, holding it in for three seconds before letting it go. He kept doing it until Nesta did the same, slowly calming down.
“Can you talk now? Do you want me to fetch you some water?” Cassian asked, tenderly brushing off her remaining tears.
“No, I— I can talk now” Nesta took another breath “Feyre is alright. It is Elain.”
“Elain? Is she sick? Talk to me Nes, help me understand”
Elain was the picture of the perfect lady in high society. With her numerous suitors, lovely and delicate behaviour — not to mention her singular beauty — it was hard to find someone who did not like her. Given that her hobbies — cooking and gardening — did not pose a threat to her health and well being, Cassian could not understand what would have made Nesta react so strongly. Perhaps Elain had fallen ill, something that rarely happened.
“No. She is not sick” Nesta shook her head “Cauldron, I almost wished she was sick.”
“Elain was…. Elain was kidnapped” she added, her eyes filling with tears again.
“Kidnapped? How?”
That made no sense, who would kidnap Elain? And why?
“She was going to visit Feyre. And when she didn't show up Rhysand went to search for her and—” Nesta started to cry, desperation filling her voice “They found her carriage turned over and hidden near the outskirts of the city. No sign of her at all.”
Cassian was speechless. He could only imagine how Feyre must be feeling after she got the news and hoped Rhysand was doing his everything to help find Elain.
“The coachman was killed and her lady in waiting was rushed to the hospital.” she cried even harder “This is all my fault. I should never have left her. We have no male relatives and Feyre is living too far from our childhood home. I was supposed to take care of her.”
“Nesta, it is not your fault. You could never have guessed something like this could happen.” he looked deep in her eyes, the blue in them even brighter because of her tears “Is there anything I could do to help?”
“I am afraid there isn’t, '' she whispered “I have to go back home. Try to hire an investigator, talk to Feyre and hope Elain is not disgraced by society rumors. Hope she is alive”
Cassian could only nod in agreement and wait for Nesta to recompose herself before they went back inside. Their friends were as horrified and worried about the situation as he and Nesta, and decided to go back right that moment. The staff noticed something was amiss and made sure to ready the carriage in record time.
“Thank you for welcoming you at your home” Nesta said, her complexion a bit better “I can assure you we all had a wonderful time here.”
“It was my pleasure. Have a safe travel and remember that Pemberey is open to you and your friends whenever you want to visit” Cassian helped Nesta get on her carriage one last time, letting go of her hand begrudgingly.
And as Nesta and her friends got farther and farther from Pemberley, as Nesta got farther and farther away from him and took his heart with her, Cassian felt a calm fury settle inside him.
He had some letters to write to some old friends.
Tag list: @sayosdreams @thewayshedreamed @sjm-things @perseusannabeth @arinbelle @caotica-e-quieta @vidalinav @swankii-art-teacher @ireallyshouldsleeprn @duskandstarlight @d0riansgray @thegoddessaltenia @dayanna-hatter @verypaleninja @awesomelena555 @courtofjurdan @valkyriewarriors @moe8 @illyrianwitchling13 @silvernesta @bri-loves-sunflowers @queenestarcheron @imwritingthesewords @vasudharaghavan @rainbowcheetah512 @darkshadowqueensrule @letstakethedawn @starlightorstarfire @city-of-fae @thalia-2-rose @nestaarcher0n @rowaelinismyotp @julemmaes @dontgetsalmonella @cardansgreenbriars @lysandra-tiara @inardour @hikari274 @fatimafares123 @angelina-figjam @castielspelvis @lanyjoy-13 @18moneytoad @booksstorm @terrible-and-proud @illyrianundercover​ @ladygabrielli1997 @loosingdreams @live-the-fangirl-life @moodymelanist
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ficsandgiggles · 3 years
Difficult Day, Giggly Night
I am dedicating this fic to my big sister @pegasusflight77 because she’s had a rough day and she deserves all the love and positive vibes. I hope you enjoy, and thank you for being such a ray of sunshine in my life! 💗
(Please excuse the mess of this fic, it’s not edited or proof read bc I’m kinda still going through things myself, but I wanted to write something!)
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“Ugh.” You groaned as you stormed through the door and slammed it shut, throwing your bags down and storming straight up to your room, grunting at Wanda who tried to greet you softly.
Wanda looked over at Nat, concerned as she heard you slam your door shut. “I’m guessing it was another rough day at work…” Nat told Wanda quietly, looking over at your bag which was dumped on the floor. She reached in and grabbed your phone, looking at Wanda. “Shall we go and check on them?” She asked quietly, hearing your wardrobe slam shut whilst you were changing out of your work uniform.
Wanda nodded and headed up to your room, giving Nat a look before knocking on your door, hearing a grunt in response, but Wanda took that as a sign to open the door, heading inside as Nat followed, handing you your phone.
“Hey, tough day?” Nat asked gently as she sat down on your bed, handing you your phone as she put a hand on your arm gently as Wanda sat on the floor next to your bed.
You nodded silently in response, curling up on the bed as you took your phone from Nat, relaxing a little as you felt Nat’s hand on your arm, it was a simple yet comforting gesture.
“Anything you want to talk about?” Wanda offered gently as she tried to turn your head so you could face her, but you buried your face into the pillow, shaking your head in response.
The three of you remained there in a comfortable silence, but the silence was quick to take over you, and you tensed up whilst pretty much let your thoughts drown you. However, Nat could tell that something was up, and began spidering her fingers up and down your back in an attempt to relax you. “We’re here for you, Y/N, no matter what.” Wanda whispered gently, joining in and running her fingers through your hair, feeling you sink into the pillow slightly.
Another silence brushed across you, but you weren’t sure if you liked it or not, but there was no way you were going to talk about the day you had because you knew they’d go and find the people who bullied you at work and go on a killing spree, and as much as you hated being picked on, you didn’t want anyone to get hurt.
The uncomfortable silence didn’t last for long as you felt Nat’s nails lightly brush against your side, you didn’t expect the motion, so you flinched a little and bit back a tiny gasp. You turned your head to see Wanda look up at Nat with a small smile on her face, as if she was exchanging a silent conversation with her.
“I think we know what to do to cheer you up…” Wanda murmured quietly as she crawled her fingers towards your ribs. “Are you ticklish, Y/N?” She asked quietly, but didn’t give you time to answer as she gently scribbled her fingers into your ribs. Nat smirked and Wanda’s eagerness to attack you and joined in by gently skittering her nails up and down your sides, looking down at you as you broke into hysterical giggles.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes.” Nat smirked fondly, giggling and watching as you buried your face into your pillow. You shook your head in response as you tried to slam your arms down to against your sides in an attempt to bat their hands away.
“No? But you’re giggling!” Wanda smirked a little, as she tried to gently scribble under your arms. “And it’s sooooo cute!” She added, smiling as she watched you giggle hysterically, which was a change compared to how you were earlier, and it made her and Nat feel relieved.
The two kept gently attacking your ribs and sides, and didn’t notice that Yelena was peering through the doorway to watch what was going on, she had heard you slam the door and was going to check on you.
As Nat kept scribbling in, she caught her sister in the corner of her eye. She paused her attack for a second and looked over at Yelena. “Hey, is everything okay?” She asked, smiling as she still heard your giggles since Wanda was squeezing rapidly into your sides.
“I heard Y/N’s door slam and I got concerned. But I can see that everything is okay.” Yelena replied as she stepped back for a moment, but Nat smirked and put a hand on her shoulder. “Come join us, we’re just cheering Y/N up.” She replied casually.
Soon enough, Wanda, Nat and Yelena were sat on your bed, Wanda had turned you over and dragged you gently onto her lap, holding your hands gently away from you before giving Nat and Yelena a smirk.
“Wait, nonono-“ you gasp, looking over between Nat and Yelena nervously as they slowly moved their fingers towards you, Nat was heading towards your upper body and Yelena was moving towards your legs and feet.
There was a short pause before you quickly burst into hysterical giggles. Nat’s fingers quickly skittered up your top and into your belly whilst Yelena squeezed into your knees, making you squeal and arch your back away from Wanda’s lap. “NOHOHOHO!” You yelp out, trying to twist away as the spy sisters attack you gently, smiling at your giggling self. You heard Wanda coo fondly blow a tiny raspberry into your neck.
“Aw, but you’re so cute!” Wanda smiled fondly as you saw Nat giggle along with you, scribbling into the middle of your belly to really make you giggle. “Yeah Y/N, how else would we cheer you up?” She asked casually.
You shrugged, squealing with laughter as you felt Yelena squeeze just above your knee. “It seems that this is the only solution.” She told you casually, holding your leg down gently as she kept squeezing, making sure you couldn’t move.
“NOHOHOHO IT REHEHEHEALLY ISNT!” You protest, trying to pout, but you couldn’t help but continue to squeal with laughter, you were way too ticklish to not react to this torture. You would never admit it, but this was taking your mind off today’s events, and you were actually having fun. Nat and Wanda had tickled you before, to distract you from doing some uni work, but never as full on as this. You remembered thinking that you wouldn’t hate it if they done this again, and thankfully, your secret wish came true, and you are loving it.
“Y/N, you’re so cute but you’re so ticklish it’s ridiculous.” Wanda smirked fondly as she nuzzled her face into your neck, all the while Yelena made herself at home near your feet, scratching up and down your soles gently as Nat gently scribbled up and down your sides.
You were in ticklish heaven, you had basically slid off Wanda’s lap at this point, and you didn’t even notice that she had let your hands go, you felt pinned anyway, as if your own laughter was holding you down.
Soon enough though, the three of them exchanged looks and let you go, smiling as you collapsed into a fit of giggles, you curled up and took in deep breaths in an attempt to recover.
“Feel better?” Nat asked as she rested her hand on your arm, you nodded in response and relaxed into the gentle comforting motion once again after being convinced that Nat wasn’t going to attack you again. You loved it, but you needed a break for now.
“Yeah… thanks guys…” you reply, sitting up after you recovered and leaning your head on Wanda’s shoulder. Nat pulled Yelena close and cuddled into you and Wanda.
“You’re welcome, Y/N. The four of us have each other’s backs, always.” Yelena reassured you. Despite not being a part of the team for long, she was quickly welcomed as a member of the family, and was determined to share the same love to you as she got from the others.
“Now, I think we need a movie night.” Nat suggested, and the three of you nodded eagerly, and got up to head towards the lounge.
So for the rest of the night, the four of you were snuggled up together, watching all of your favourite films. You noticed that you got the occasional side squeeze whenever you were physically or mentally drifting away, but you didn’t complain. You felt comfortable with these women, and for that, you were forever grateful.
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hongnanglen-arina · 4 years
The Ulzzang Project - Part 4 | Jeon Wonwoo
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Read part 3 Read part 5
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Genre: fluff, a little suggestive here and there
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x female reader
Warnings: alcohol, jealousy, heated moments? just two confused people plus jeonghan haha
Words: 3.6k
A/N: Hi! Here’s part 4. Wow... never thought I would write this much.. I wanted it to be a mini series but seems like it’s getting longer and longer.. anyways, hope you’ll like it ♡
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“Seungkwan doesn’t have as many followers as us but they do have a lot and considering they only post sweet and lovely photos… maybe we don’t need sexy photos at all?”
“But wasn’t it about seeing how many followers we can get within a month? Where is your fighting spirit, y/n?” Wonwoo removed his pajama pants and sat down beside you on the couch, looking at you. You agreed to take the photos Wonwoo once suggested. His hand on your bare thigh. His opinion was that it would attract people even more when his legs beside yours were bare too. Seeing no problem in this, you just said yes. Giving him a mischievous grin, you closed the app, locked your phone, set it aside and took another big gulp from your beer. When you wanted to lower your can, you felt your best friend’s hand on top of yours, grabbing the can and moving it in front of his own lips to drink. In your drunken state, you could only giggle but watched him swallow and groan in satisfaction when it tickled down his throat. 
He noticed your stare and smirked. “What’s wrong?” His rather innocent question didn’t fit the way he was looking at you. Feeling his warm hand on your thigh, you didn’t lower your gaze, instead your eyes fixated on his lips when he opened it a little to lick the corner. Jeon Wonwoo really wanted to test your patience.
Quickly, you cleared your throat and pulled your beer off his hand with a a flustered “That’s mine.”
Wonwoo chuckled but let it slide, squeezing your thigh. “Shall we start then?”
As you felt his eyes on you, you decided to tease him too, moving his hand higher so that his little finger was slightly grazing your dark panties. He stopped in his tracks and waited for you, for any sign and it seemed as if he stopped breathing. What was he expecting you wondered but chose to continue with your previous plan.
“Thought you were going to take photos? Not interested anymore?”
His eyes switched between your face and his hand on you and it amused you how his glasses slowly slid down the bridge of his nose in the process. Leaning closer and using your hand to push up his glasses, you made sure to graze his skin with your fingers. He was hypnotized, letting you do as you pleased. You two didn’t say anything for a while, heads clouded because of the alcohol you already had, cheeks flushed because of the closeness. 
You noticed his jaw clench, his chest rise, his adam’s apple bob while you looked at each other.
That was when you started to snicker and soon Wonwoo joined you.
Maybe if it wasn’t for the laughter, it could have ended differently. There was still some kind of tension between you but it was comfortable enough to make jokes and exchange playful glares here and there. Just like always.
After a bunch of photos later, you were in your last pose for today. You suggested to straddle him so you could take photos to hint at something even less innocent. It was more a joke but Wonwoo agreed to it without any sign of hesitation. Sitting down on his lap, you automatically bit your lip as your panties met his boxer briefs, the fabrics so thin you could swore you felt him as if you two weren’t wearing anything. Feeling him below you was different. You could see it in his eyes, he felt the same.
“M-maybe it would be more ‘impactful’ if… this here is off.”
He pointed at your oversized shirt that belonged to your friend and you nodded. He was right. Without saying anything, you pulled it over your head and threw it behind him and the couch, looking into his eyes and trying to suppress a grin when his gaze dropped to your chest for a split second. But it was long enough for you to notice and when your eyes locked again, you couldn’t help but to wiggle your brow at him, causing him to snort.
“What, I’m a man with needs you know?” He retorted as he was unlocking his phone to start taking the last photos.
“Needs? What kind of needs? Need a girlfriend?”
“Thought your hand was enough?”
“Wow, it’s not the same though?”
“Tell me what’s different then.”
Wonwoo lowered his phone and let his eyes wander through the room.
“My hand can’t replace a whole body, a whole person. It’s so much better when you feel soft hands on your body, the heat that radiates the other against yours. You know, only hearing mewls and whines are a huge turn on. But alone here, I have to imagine it. If I use my hand or a toy, I can’t finish without imagining someone doing it or being in front of me. God, what I would do for someone scratching over my skin or biting down on it. It’s been too long.” He opened his eyes and searched for yours, shrugging as he continued. “See? My hand can’t make me happy for the long run. It can’t fulfill all the needs.”
Apparently the alcohol in his system helped him talk about this topic almost in detail. You sometimes talked about it when you weren’t tipsy or drunk but it was always a normal talk or with teasing and jokes. But right now he seemed serious, sad even. Although his confession made you flustered, it made you curious a well. “Do you like someone?”
His eyes widened at your question. “What?”
“You said you would imagine someone while jerking off. Is it someone I know?”
“Uhm…. you… could say so.”
Wiggling on his lap, you giggled. “Little Wonwoo is in love hehehe… does she know?”
You didn’t notice how his body stiffened at your motions, sweat forming on his forehead as he tried to concentrate on something else than your hips and soft skin. “U-uhm… don’t think so.”
“Tell me who it is and I will be your matchmaker. Let me tell you, I’m very good at this. And because you’re my bestie, I don’t want anything in return. Just stay my bestie and make time for me once in a while.” Smiling at him you see sweat on his temples and innocently touch it with your fingertips. Absentmindedly wiping them off while you waited for his reply, Wonwoo opened his mouth.
You stopped and gave him your full attention but when he was about to speak, your phone chimed. When you didn’t budge, he cocked his head in the direction of your phone and you took it. 
It was a message from Jeonghan.
[Jeonghan] Is my princess already asleep?
“Princess?” The annoyed sound in Wonwoo’s voice made you look up from your phone. “He calls you princess?”
You quickly locked your phone and threw it away, making a grimace. “He just reminded me of the presentation. God I hate uni.” Holding onto your best friend’s shoulders, you wanted to get up but his hands were faster, holding your hips down on him. “I asked you something.”
Suddenly he wasn’t slurring the words anymore and you could hear your heartbeat. The way Wonwoo looked at you was different. He seemed serious and a little angry.
“I… don’t know why, Wonwoo. It’s the first time he did.”
He studied your face for a couple of seconds before nodding. You were telling the truth. Feeling his hands loosening their grip on your, you finally got up from his lap, stretching your limbs in front of him in just your underwear. You had your photos so you could call it a day, plus you felt sleepy.
“Maybe he likes me?” You winked at the boy on the couch and noticed his jaw clench. “Oh, is little Wonwoo envious two people might have found their significant other? Or is little Wonwoo jealous?”
Wonwoo’s brows furrow and before he could reach up to you, you laughed and ran off to the bathroom, him following you, calling your name.
Breathing heavily, Wonwoo and you were lying in his bed. After being chased around his apartment and being tickled to death, you told him he won and swore you would never tease him like this again. You didn’t mean it but otherwise he would have never stopped, you were sure.
Being in his arms again under the blanket, you inhaled his scent. It was always so soothing. It relaxed your mind whenever you were like this. That was the reason you loved to sleep at his place. Your mind was at peace and you weren’t able to recharge like this at any other place. Even at your own home.
“So. When you jerk off, what are you thinking about? What is the girl you like doing in your imagination? Just watching you or telling you what to do?”
He groaned. “Thought you’re sleepy?”
“I am! But I’m also curious!”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow or so. Now sleep.”
“I won’t sleep if you won’t tell me! Say, or are you imagining her hand touching you instead?Watching how you come undone? Maybe even telling you some dirty stuff? Naughty stuff you like?”
Your head was resting against his chest and you noticed how his heartbeat quickened at your words. “Ohhh I am right??”
Wonwoo shifted and got up. “Yah, where are you going??”
“I need to pee,” he answered and left you alone in the bedroom, his warmth gone. In the dim moonlight you couldn’t see much but enough to watch him leave the room and you lowered your head again, pouting on his pillow.
While waiting for him to come back, you didn’t know that your best friend washed his face with cold water.
It took him around 10 minutes until he walked back into the bedroom, just to find your sleeping form on his bed. Sighing relieved, he carefully joined you, trying not to wake you up. When you were back on his chest, he watched your relaxed facial expression. The moonlight was shining on your face so perfectly he could see you very clearly. 
For him you were more than beautiful. 
For him you were more than a best friend.
The realization hit him over the last couple of days. The last push he needed was today. He felt comfortable with you and only you. Comfortable enough to show his true form, his weaknesses but also his nerdy side. The conversations, the way you were seated on his lap, everything was perfect. Also the way his mood changed when Jeonghan texted you. It made everything clear to him. He needed only one thing. The last answer to be 100 percent sure about it.
You had a little smile on your lips, your small hands on his stomach as he leaned in closer, stopping right in front of your face. “I’m sorry y/n but I have to do this.” His voice was a whisper, still careful not to interrupt your sleep. Wonwoo tilted your head a bit and closed the gap, connecting his lips to yours. 
It was a soft kiss. Not too much pressure. He just had the urge to be closer to you and also to get his answer.
And he did.
Scratching your head, you slowly walked back to Wonwoo who was still in bed, covering his face with his arms because it was too bright. It was a sunny day. You stopped and got a better look on your best friend. The blanket loosely wrapped around his lower half, his chest bare and moving up and down steadily. 
Smiling, you got your phone and opened the photo app, sneakily adjusting and taking a photo but the shutter sound was too loud that it woke Wonwoo up. You had covered your mouth and when Wonwoo removed one arm from his head, he groaned, his eyes meeting yours.
“What are you doing y/n?”
His voice was low and raspy and made you forget everything for a split second. As you found your voice again, you stepped closer to him and pulled the blanket off his body. “Wake up! Uni is calling!”
“Oh god…” Wonwoo groaned again, cursing under his breath and turned away from you, trying to get some more sleep. And he thought he won when you didn’t complain. It was quiet in the room so he fell into a slumber again. The thought of you in his arms as he was deepening the kiss.
“GET UP WONUUU!!” Suddenly he felt your body jump on top of his, causing him to violently being pulled out of his dream with you. 
“I’m gonna skip the whole day. I want to stay here.” His voice had an annoyed undertone.
You looked at his face, his eyes squeezed shut while his hands were searching for the blanket which was on the floor. That was when an idea popped up in your head.
“So you want Jeonghan to pick me up?”
Wonwoo opened one eye. “He would greet me with ‘Hey princess! How did you sleep?’”
Wonwoo opened the other eye too, letting you hear his raspy voice again. “What are you hinting at?”
You inched closer and propped yourself up with one arm beside his head. The way he was blinking at you was cute. Showing him your phone, you waited for his reaction.
You had posted the photo that you just took of him in bed. Also edited a bit to match the overall color palette and style of your shared account. You weren’t as good as him at this but you thought it was good enough to post.
His eyes moved lower to see the text you had added to it.
I liked everything about last night. Love you, baby.
All of a sudden, Wonwoo was wide awake.
Locking your phone, you smiled at him, hiding your shyness with a change of topic. “So, get up before I’ll call Jeonghan.”
He whispered your name again, tried to stop you and get an explanation of what it was all about when you got up and quickly left the bedroom. A little confused, he grabbed his phone. It was almost 11.
Maybe he would get some answers out of you when he followed you. Stretching his limbs a bit, he slowly got up and ruffled his hair, putting on his glasses. Somehow he had a feeling today was going to be different and he wasn’t sure if it was a good or bad thing.
When you two got ready for the day and made your way to uni, both of you were quieter than usual. Maybe it was the fact that you were sleep deprived or the alcohol was still in your system. Maybe both. But every time you looked at Wonwoo, you became nervous and shy. This morning you thought it would be fun to tease him back after his posts. That you could write something similar as well. Just as a joke because that was what he did. But right now, almost 2 hours later, you had the urge to delete the post or just change the text but that would be suspicious, or not?
Chewing on your lower lip, you sat with your friends on campus. 
Peeking over to Wonwoo who was watching Hoshi play a game on his phone, you sucked at your strawberry lollipop, pushing it from side to side. Actually you thought he was sleepy but comparing to him with Hoshi now, he was only quiet with you. Maybe you needed some kind of talk with your best friend to clear the air. A faint voice in your head had an idea what the reason was. 
“I can’t believe you two skipped the first lectures for a good drink and forgot about inviting me. You know, speaking of pros and cons of living alone. I’m disappointed y/n!”
“Dokyeom, you should blame that guy over there! It’s his apartment after all!”
“I have a name.” Wonwoo looked up from Hoshi’s phone and your breath hitched when your eyes locked.
“Wonwoo, why didn’t you invite me? You hate me that much?”
Seungkwan was laughing when Dokyeom rushed to Wonwoo, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him back and forth. “Beware, he might kill you, Dokyeom,” he warned.
“Yah it was a very spontaneous meet-up and it was late already. Next time I’ll invite you. Cool?”
Dokyeom stopped the shaking and thought for a second before hugging him from behind with a wide smile. “Cool!”
You grinned more to yourself when you noticed the soft smile on Wonwoo’s lips. Suddenly there were screams and cheers and you and your friends looked in the direction of the source just to see the infamous most wanted man on campus making his way to your little group.
“He’s coming to us?”
“What does he want?”
“He’s y/n’s presentation partner.” Wonwoo answered shortly.
“Oh..” Seungkwan and Hoshi reacted almost in unison.
When Jeonghan stood in front of your friends and you, he bowed slightly. “Hi, mind if I have a little talk with this pretty princess here?”
Automatically your eyes flew over to your best friend’s face and you could see how he was trying to keep his composure. Even Dokyeom who was still hugging him noticed it and looked at Wonwoo with a questioning expression.
To make the situation less worse, you quickly got up and waved Jeonghan over to an empty bench on the other side of the sidewalk, away from your friends. Ignoring the fanclub that was following you.  
“Uhm.. so what do you want to talk about, Jeonghan? We are going to meet up later anyways. You don’t have time then?” You sat down and waited as he took the seat next to you.
“Oh I have time for you always, don’t worry. I wanted to talk about something else. Maybe you already know that I’m quite popular on social media…”
“Also on campus I guess,” you added and he nodded happily.
“Yeah, but after posting a photo of you, people keep pestering me who it is and what our relationship status is. So I wanted to talk to you.” The smile was still on his lips while he looked at you and you wished you could escape this conversation. Especially because you could feel your friend’s gazes on you. 
“Uhm.. we are working on a presentation together. Nothing serious.”
“Are you sure?” Jeonghan’s question had no undertone, yet his smirk told you otherwise.
“What do you mean?” This guy was strange. When Jeonghan didn’t answer your question but started to open his bag instead, you looked around, meeting the gazes of his fanclub, nearly everyone glaring at you.
“Here, this is for you. Don’t want my princess to lose weight.” He pulled out two Onigiri’s and handed them to you, causing two girls to squeal loudly.
“Oh my god! I deserve his attention more than this ugly girl. I thought he has high standards?”
Okay that hurt.
You wanted to get up but Jeonghan’s hand on your arm stopped you. With a soft but slightly angry tone, he said, “Baby, don’t say that to y/n, she’s one of my precious candidates. And you know what happens to people mistreating the people I like, hm?”
“B-but oppa! Look at her! Look at me!”
He made a tsk-sound and shook his head, making her stop with his index finger held high. “Uh uh, leave y/n alone. This conversation is over.”
Looking down at the food Jeonghan gave you, you weren’t sure what to say or if you should just keep quiet. But Jeonghan helped you decide when he got up with an apologetic expression on his face. “It’s better if I leave now. Meet me later at the cafe, okay princess?”
Not sure what to say, you nodded and watched him leave with his fanclub. You still had to process what just happened. One of all the things was stuck in your head. How Jeonghan called that girl ‘baby’.
Baby. The nickname Wonwoo used to call you ever since you started your shared Instagram. Strangely he hadn’t for a while and you wondered why. Somehow you liked this word on his tongue more than you wanted to admit to yourself. You thought by writing ‘baby’ under your latest post, you would lessen the tension between you and your best friend but you were wrong. It was still the same.
Sighing, you got up and walked over to your friends, noticing that Dokyeom and Wonwoo weren’t there anymore. Seeing your expression, Seungkwan explained, “Dino’s in trouble again. Those two went rescuing him again. This boy won’t ever learn.”
You nodded. Seemed like this was the only way you could interact today. You were too confused. Just the thought of meeting Jeonghan later again for your project made you sick.
Suddenly, Seungkwan gasped loudly and shoved his phone in your face and your mouth opened without saying anything when you saw the reason of his behavior. 
“It took me a while to put the pieces together but… isn’t this you and Wonwoo?”
On his phone, your shared account was open, showing you the photo Wonwoo took when you were seated in his lap last night. Your shoulder bare since the angle he chose didn’t reveal your strapless bra. He wasn’t wearing anything as well. His face pressed against your collarbone, only showing his sharp but hooded eyes which were half covered with his bangs, teasing the camera.
“She tastes so good.” Hoshi read the text of the post.
Your face was burning. You never intended your friends to find out. Where the hell was Jeon Wonwoo when shit was going down?!
“Uh…. uhm… I…”
“No chance to deny it, y/n. You are wearing the exact same earrings today and those are Wonwoo’s eyes for sure. Mind to explain?”
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dumblydork · 3 years
Dying Embers
Her hair swished wildly in the wind, as if it were leaves swaying from the onset of a cyclone- flowing down to her waist, head thrown back. Fiery red, just like the dying embers of what was formerly a warming furnace. He could hear her laughter, slow and melodic, almost as if it were empyrean. She was the love of Harry's entire being. The soul to his body, the mind to his brain. She turned around, and all Harry could glimpse was her mouth- full, and pulled into a large smile. Her eyes were a bright hazel, shining with happiness, as she ran towards Harry, fitting easily in his arms.
They had met at the ball thrown by his parents that summer, exactly so that their son could meet a suitable young woman to marry. Harry had been extremely bored with the festivities, instead wishing he were out practicing archery with his friend, Neville.
His eyes flew around the room, passing from and then returning to a young woman who had just entered the gala. She didn't seem familiar, and was chaperoned by who seemed to her brother, judging from their hair. Harry was mesmerised- her yellow dress floated around her as if it were made of the finest, lightest silk to exist, and her hair was pulled back elegantly, exposing the milky column of her neck. He walked towards the pair.
"Forgive my intrusion, but will the lovely lady here consider dancing the next waltz with me?" Harry bowed slightly, his hand pulled tightly at his back.
The girl eyed him shyly as his brother did a more open appraisal. "We would like to first make your acquaintance, sir." He finally spoke.
"Of course, forgive me. I am Lord Harry Potter, Viscount of Little Whinging." He said, an automatic confidence seeping into his voice, one which only came from being the son of a duke.
"Forgive me, my Lord, I did not know. I am Ronald Weasley, and this is my younger sister, Ginevra Weasley. Our father is the Baron Weasley of Burrows." The pair bowed deeply, something which made Harry slightly uncomfortable.
"Please, I take no offense. It is my pleasure to make an acquaintance of Lord Weasley's children. He is my father's close friend. My question, however, to Lady Ginevra here remains unanswered." Harry steered the topic back to more important things from mere formalities.
"Of course, my lord." Ginevra said softly, placing her hand in Harry's outstretched one. As they walked towards the center of the floor, Harry's eyes met the identical ones of his mother, who stood to the side, flashing her son a soft smile.
"I adore you. And so does every thread of my existence, until my breath ceases." Harry spoke, bringing himself back from the night at the ball.
"I simply reciprocate, my Lord. And shall do so until death pull us part." She spoke softly, meeting Harry's lips with her own.
At the brink of twilight, a day before their wedding, the two of them wove their lives together, sealed by golden vows.
"Harry? Get on up, it's time to go!" His mother, Lily's voice flitted through the room, and sunlight poured inside as well, casting a bright glow all over. Harry sat up in bed, stretching excessively, getting rid of the multitude of pulls and pains he seemed to acquire over the night.
His parents swore he did not sleepwalk and fall down the stairs.
"Harry, honey, come on. You'll be late for uni otherwise." His mother peeked inside, her reddish brown hair pulled into a knot at the top of her head, green eyes shining with motherly affection. Seeing his mother's hair, Harry was reminded of his dream- recurring dream, he should say. Even though it was simply a few minutes old, seeing the 'girl' in his dream, he felt as if it were quite some lifetimes ago.
He had been dreaming of a girl quite frequently lately, and not in the lewd way his best friend Ron seemed intent on. Harry would always simply spot her hair, the curve of her waist and as soon as she turned around, he would be jolted awake.
When he was a child, his mother used to tell him tales in which princesses would dream of faceless men, a golden bond tying the two people together. The faceless person you dreamt about was whom you shared your golden thread of life with. But those were just fantasy- woven to make a dull reality exciting. At least now, at the age of 19, was what Harry believed. He hopped out of bed, and walked off into the bathroom, getting started on his morning routine. It was half past eight when he went downstairs, his first class of the morning at 9:15. His father, James, was stood in front of the kettle, pouring himself a cup of his morning Earl Grey, and his mother was setting down the plate of pancakes on the table.
"Breakfast?" She asked, sitting down, his dad joining her to the left. "Morning Haz." His father grinned lopsidedly, a grin much like Harry's own, glasses steaming up from the hot mug. Harry recited a greeting in return and was about to refuse breakfast on the account of well, running late, when the smell of butter floated up to him and he found himself seated in front of his parents.
"Did you get sore again?" Lily asked, concern lacing her low voice.
"Yeah. I just don't seem to know how." Harry noted, voice muffled from a mouth full of pancakes.
"Slow down, you'll choke." She admonished lightly, shooting James an exasperated look when he snickered a low 'That's what she said' into his morning Daily Prophet.
"He probably needs a new mattress. Let's get one on the weekend." His mother said, earning an affirmative hum from James who was busy with his newspaper.
"I'll get going now. Bye mum, bye dad. See you in the evening." He spoke after having had his share of pancakes and a chat with his mum. He bent down for the customary top-of-the-head kiss from his mother, something she had been doing since Harry started school. And although he wouldn't admit it, he adored this little sentiment. His dad shot him another grin as he walked out of the door, putting in his earphones.
Fortunately for him, the university campus was quite a short bus ride away. However, he still found himself running across the campus from the bus stop to his lecture theatre- he forgot to factor in the fact that the hall today was all on the opposite end of campus.
"Shit," He glanced at his phone, currently glowing 9:21. It was Professor Binns' lecture, and he wasn't too fond of latecomers. Harry counted on his excellent grade in the module, hoping that would pull him through. As he ran across, his peripheral vision noted a mane of red momentarily, but before Harry could turn around and see, he was already in front of the class, digging through the bag for his ID card.
"How is it that Binns' lectures keep getting worse through the term?" Ron, the aforementioned best friend groaned.
"Because your attention dwindles further as term moves on." Hermione, the other best friend noted. Harry grinned between the two of them. They were so in love, those oblivious idiots.
Binns' was the only class the three of them took together, and Ron departed for his Victorian Literature module. Harry and Hermione walked to the open amphitheatre, choosing to spend their free half hour which coincided together.
"Oh right. My friend from school is joining today, I was supposed to go show her around. Fancy coming?" Hermione spoke, eyes focused on her text messages. "Sure, I have the rest of the morning free." Harry pursed his lips. Hermione simply nodded and they set off across the campus again after the brief interlude at the theatre.
"Your friend is from school?" Harry asked.
"Yeah- she's a year younger but we were quite close when I was in year 12." She replied, eyes scanning the crowd at in front of the Lifesciences Lab, which was one of the main buildings on campus. "Who are we looking for again?" He imitated the search.
"Redhead, shorter than you." Hermione did not look up from the hoard of people, before her mouth set into a wide grin.
"Ginny! Here!" Hermione waved her arms around, jumping up and down in tandem. Harry couldn't see who Hermione was waving to, but the crowd was being roughly pushed aside as someone made their way towards the pair.
"Hermione! So good to see you!" The woman said, grabbing the older girl into a tight hug and letting go, placing the three of them in a triangular formation.
"Oh my god, I almost forgot to come see you." Hermione said somewhat sheepishly, but Harry wasn't listening. He was staring- no, gaping at the newcomer. Her hair was the exact shade of red as the girl in Harry's dream, and it cascaded down her back in a half up half down style. Her waist was encased in a light yellow sundress, complimenting her red hair. All in all, she was beautiful. Not because of her hair or slender figure, but also because of how her eyes shone as she spoke to Hermione.
"Have I seen you before?" Tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop (or reason), and a pair of bright hazel eyes bore into his own moss green, before glittering again. Ginny simply smiled.
And here it is, another AU! I definitely did not plan for this to be a multiple lifetime AU, but Regency!Hinny seemed too good to pass up on. I apologise for what is probably a very poorly written Regency era conversation, my knowledge of it is simply from Bridgerton and Google haha. I decided to keep the end open, just so that you guys can envision your own romance for them! Also, can I just say how I loved writing Lily and James?? It's their little debut in my one-shots yay!
Also, you can find my Ao3 here, where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one-shots, if that's your thing!
I hope you enjoyed this as usual! Please interact with my pinned TAGLIST post on my account if you wish to be notified of whenever I post Hinny one-shots! Thank you for reading, and big hugs to everyone who loves what I write! Please keep going, it truly makes my day (or week??) xxxx
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos //
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vergilthelibrarian · 4 years
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Yandere!Jaemin x Male!Reader
In this story, popular It Boy Jaemin has a god complex but doesn’t know it
Enjoy ^^
Being the most popular guy at Uni came with it’s perks.
Everyone automatically trusted and respected you. Everyone loved and looked up to you.
But what happens when someone doesn’t even give you the time of day?
When someone isn’t as starstruck about you as everyone else?
Let’s find out shall we? ~~
A smile grew on Jaemin lips as he came up to you.
“You wanna be partners?” he asked and you looked up from the book you were reading.
You shrugged.
“Sure.” you said, your attention going back to the book.
Jaemin’s smile faltered a bit.
Why weren’t you flustered from him just talking to you? Everyone became flustered whenever he talked to them, he was the University’s resident ‘It Boy’ after all.
Taking a seat next to you, his eyes studied you as you read.
“What are you reading?” he asked, smiling slightly.
“A book.” was your answer.
“What’s the book about?”
Jaemin frowned slightly.
The reason why he asked to be your partner was because he felt bad that no one was talking to you. You were a loner to begin with, only having 3 friends max but Jaemin wanted to change that for some reason. Why did he want to do that? Because he was a kind man.
You put a bus card in your book, using it as a book marker, and closed the book.
You yawned a bit, turning your attention onto Jaemin who was lost in his own thoughts.
“So… what do you want to do partner?” you asked him.
You were in a theater class together as a minor, you taking it because it seemed interesting and Jaemin taking it because his friends were there.
Your professor had gave the class an easy assignment to start the semester.
Perform a scene from any play or musical of your choice.
“How about something romantic? Oh! Like Romeo and Juliet!” he said excitedly and you shook your head.
“Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. Not a romance.” you told him. “But if that’s what you want to do then I  guess we can do it.”
“Okay… What scene should we do?”
“Let’s do the scene where they die.” you suggested and Jaemin shrugged.
He got up and told the professor what scene you 2 were going to reenact and the professor approved.
As you sat, eating your lunch, you looked up to see Jaemin and another guy sit opposite of you.
“Hey Y/n!” he said smiling at you and you only nodded at him.
“This is my friend, Jeno.” he said motioning towards the young man.
“Hi.” you said, feeling you cheeks warm slightly when Jeno smiled at you.
He was very handsome, you thought to yourself, looking away from him shyly.
“We didn’t discuss where we’re going to practice at in class so I was wondering where you wanted to practice at?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I always hangout at the garden so maybe we can practice there?” you suggested, turning your attention onto Jaemin who smiled.
“Alright, that sounds like a plan. Do you want to practice after school today?”
“Is it alright if Jeno tags along?” he asked and you nodded.
“I don’t see why he can’t.”
Jaemin smiled brightly at you before saying goodbye and walking off, Jeno following behind him.
“How oft when men are at the point of death
Have they been merry, which their keepers call
A lightning before death! O how may I
Call this a lightning? O my love, my wife,
Death, that hath suck’d the honey of thy breath” Jaemin said as you laid on the grass, your eyes closed. This is the 3rd time you were practicing this scene and Jaemin wanted to get it right. He messed up a bit but was determined to perfect the scene even though you told him that you had a whole week to get the scene right.
Jeno watched as his friend read from the phone screen.
“Hath had no power yet upon they beauty:
Thou art not conquer’d, beauty’s ensign yet
Is crimson in they lips and in they cheeks,
And death’s pale flag is not advanced there.” as he read from the screen, trying to become use to the words, he walked around, pretending like as if he was talking to someone.
Then he dropped to his knees as he said,
“Forgive me, cousin! Ah, dear Juliet,
Why art thou yet so fair?” the back of his hand caressed your cheek.
“Shall I believe
That unsubstantial Death is amorous,
And that the lean abhorred monster keeps
Thee here in dark to be his paramour?”
He sighs.
“For fear of that, I still will stay with thee,
And never from this palace of dim night
Depart again. Here, here will I remain
With worms that are thy chambermaids; O,
Will I set up my everlasting rest,
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
From this world-wearied flesh, Eyes, look your
last!” his brown eyes glanced at your body.
“Arms, take your last embrace!” he picked up your limp body, hugging you, leaning back as he said:
“And lips, O you
The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to engrossing death!” he leaned close for a kiss and you immediately opened your eyes, pushing him away, falling back to the ground as a result.
Jaemin looked at you confused and you looked away
“I uh… I never had my first kiss before okay?” you told him which caused him to laugh.
“Really? Why didn’t you tell me that?” he laughed at you and you slightly pouted.
“I don’t know? Mostly because I’m embarrassed that at my big age, I still haven’t had my first kiss...” you said, folding your arms.
Jaemin came up to you, a smirk on his lips as he said:
“Maybe I can change that?” and your cheeks warmed up as your eyes widen at him then quickly turning your head away.
Jaemin felt a rush at your flustered attitude.
This was what he wanted when he asked you to be his partner.
Getting up, Jaemin lend out a hand and helped you up from the ground.
“You look cute all shy like that.” he commented causing you to frown slightly.
“Well if we’re done, I’ll be going home.” you said, getting your bag and walking away.
“See you tomorrow!” Jaemin yelled and you didn’t respond back.
He looked at Jeno.
“He’s a cutie right?” and Jeno just laughed.
As the days went by and you 2 practiced, Jaemin grew more and more interested in you and wanted to get to know you better, so he tried talking to you whenever he saw and though you would talk to him, your talks were usually short.
He would compliment you on your looks but you’d wouldn’t become as flustered as you did when he almost kissed you.
Though you were cold to him, he took this as a challenge and ended up asking your friends about you and they excitedly told him everything and anything about you.
He found out you were down to earth and rather sensitive at heart, a contrast from the coldness you showed him.
He sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror.
Why couldn’t he stop thinking about you?
What did he want from you exactly?
The way how your friends described you was honestly want he wanted in a partner but the way how you acted towards him was just… he just hated how cold you were towards him.
Maybe he was just being irrational with being upset at how you treated him.
He was so use to everyone throwing themselves at him that you not doing it threw him in for a loop.
It made him utterly confused.
Jaemin knew for sure though that he liked you.
I mean, he felt hurt whenever you didn’t reciprocate his advances towards you which was all the time.
You were driving him crazy these past few days and honestly, he didn’t want the project to end.
He jumped slightly when he heard knocking on the bathroom door.
“Yo… you okay?” asked Jeno and Jaemin replied: “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Okay...” Jeno walked away
Jaemin looked back into the mirror.
Honestly, for you to be his biggest fan was all he wanted most.
For you to follow him like a puppy was what he wanted.
He sighed once more, unlocking the bathroom door and leaving.
It was the night before the assignment and Jaemin thought that maybe inviting you out to a party would  open you up a bit.
As you stood awkwardly with a cup in your hand, leaning against the wall you sighed to yourself.
This was such a bad idea.
You saw Jaemin who’s eyes caught yours and he came up to you.
“Y/n! I was looking for you! Are you having fun?” he asked, a smile on his lips.
“No, I’m not actually.” you told him over the music. “I kinda want to go home.”
“Aww, don’t leave! Come on, come with me.” he said holding out his hand and you grabbed it, walking behind him as he led you upstairs. He opened a door to a room and you walked in.
He went and sat on the bed, patting the side next to him.
“Take a seat.” he smiled and you walked over, sitting down next to him.
His eyes watched you and you glanced at him, looking away quickly as you soon realized he was drunk.
“You know, we’ve been doing this project for a week and I still haven’t seen you’ve smile or laugh.” he said. “I bet your smile is beautiful...”
You scratched your head, becoming uncomfortable.
You glanced back at him.
“What do you want?” you asked and one of his hands gently grabbed your face, turning it to look him.
“I just want to see you smile is all.” he said and you moved his hand from your face.
“You know what? I’m gonna go.” you said getting up only to be pulled back down onto the bed.
Your eyes widen as Jaemin looked at you with a look in his eyes that you couldn’t decipher, a blank expression on his face.
“Why don’t you like me Y/n? I like you. In fact, I may even be in love with you yet you treat me so coldly.” you bit your lip
“Jaemin, that’s just the way I am. It takes time for me to open up to people.”
“I’m special than most people though. You should be worshiping me.”
You looked at him confused.
It was quiet for a moment and then Jaemin chuckled, letting you go and you got up, rubbing your wrist as you left the room, blaming the interaction on his drunkness.
He leaned back in the bed, a wicked smile on his face.
He knew now.
He knew why he talked to you on that fateful day, why he asked your friends about you, why he would even follow you around sometimes without you knowing.
He wanted you to praise him.
To hear your genuine words of praise… god, it would make him so happy.
Jaemin closed his eyes.
He couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
The class clapped, some cheering, as the 2 people bowed before sitting back down.
“Okay class quiet down.” the professor said.
“And next we have, Y/n and Jaemin performing a scene from Romeo and Juliet.” everyone clapped as you 2 got up from your chairs and went to the front of the class.
As you laid down on the floor and Jaemin recited his lines, your mind went to what happened last night.
What did he mean by ‘You should be worshiping me’?
You didn’t know and honestly, you didn’t want to find out.
“Here, here will I remain
With worms that are they chambermaids; O,
Will I set up my everlasting rest,
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
From the world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your
Arms, take your last embrace!” he picked you up, hugging you tightly.
“And, lips, O you
The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss
A dateless bargain to engrossing death!”
He placed his lips onto yours. Pulling away, he gently placed you back on the ground.
“Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavory guide!” he takes a small bottle out of his pocket.
“Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on
The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark!” he said, looking at the bottle, eyes conveying the pain of Romeo rather convincingly.
“Here’s to my love!” and he took off the top and drunk from the bottle.
“O true apothecary!
Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.”
He kisses you one more time before pretending to die, falling a bit of ways from you.
You rise up.
Since it was only a 2 partner project, there was no one to play Friar Lawrence but still you looked around then looked up, pretending to talk to someone saying:
“O comfortable friar! Where is my lord?
I do remember well where I should be,
And there I am. Where is my Romeo?”
You got up, and went to Jaemin’s body.
“Go get thee hence, for I will not away.
What’s here? A bottle clos’d in my true love’s
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
O churl, drunk all, and left no friendly drop
To help me after? I will kiss thy lips,
Haply some poison yet doth hang on them,
To make me die with a restorative.” you kissed his lips.
“They lips are warm.” you looked behind you.
“Yea, noise? Then I’ll be brief.” you looked back in front of you and went through one of Jaemin’s pockets taking out a plastic knife.
“O happy dagger,
This is they sheath;” you stab yourself.
“there rust and let me die.” you fall onto Jaemin’s body.
The class clapped, some cheered and you got up from Jaemin, smiling a small smile, you bowed along with him.
You 2 went back to your seats and watched the rest of the class perform their projects.
As you placed your books into your bag, you yawned, feeling tired from the day.
You got a A on your project with Jaemin and was happy that you passed.
You were also happy that maybe he’d leave you alone now but that wasn’t the case as he came into your classroom.
“Y/n. I wanted to talk to you.” he said, closing the door behind him.
You 2 were the only ones in the class.
You looked up at him as he came close to you.
“Okay. What do you want to talk to me about?” you asked once he stopped in front of you.
He smiled at you as he pushed you against the wall that your desk was conveniently next to, his smile dropping and that blank expression and unexplainable look from the party coming back to his eyes.
His arms caged you in and you looked up at him, honestly feeling scared.
“Don’t look at me with those eyes…” he said, his hand caressing your cheek.
“Where’s that cute smile you had from earlier, huh? Why can’t you smile for me?” he asked and you shook your head.
“Hmph… Don’t worry. After I’m done breaking you, I’ll build you into the perfect little pet.” he smiled at you, soon placing a kiss on your lips.
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ao3gingerswag · 3 years
I feel like it has been too long since I have sent a too-long ask praising your writing genius so HERE WE GO MS SWAG BUCKLE IN!!
I LOVE learning its so sweeeett especially the letter when sam is like 'sorry for the stains Im crying' but he's still so happy that's so SWEET I LOVE HIM. he deserves everything I really hope at some point we get another one shot of him when he's older and maybe he's working as an assistent/intern of pastor Murphy and we see his day in the life-ish (kinda like a medieval version of a uni student even though they did have universities in medieval times kinda but you know what I mean). maybe with this new development Eileen can be brought into the story more naturally, being a whitecreek citizen and them meeting there. I can imagine grown up Sam travelling around with/for Murphy bc I know we had a conversation about his future earlier, and Sam fills out his dreams of learning but is still close enough to willow Inn (love the name btw!!) to see his family and travel back when he can. and of course dean and cas would be so proud bc he's like learned and working with the smart ppl and then he brings Eileen home anyways im on a tangent now I shall move on from this before I plan out his entire life until the medieval equivalent to retirement (.... death? that's morbid)
the outside!! AH!! poor casssss you're wrenching at my heartstrings here poor sammm I know I say this every time but OH GOD I CANT WAIT FOR THE RESOLUTION AND THE COMFORT WE'RE SO CLOSE I can't wait to see deans reaction when he finds out cas has come for him ;~;
I feel for you on the metaphors 😭😭 feel free to bother us with them I'm sure we can help you with the process.... have you exhausted all pastural avenues....?
anyways that's all my ramblings for now I shall probably thought vomit again on you very soon but really it's youre fault for WRITING SO GOOD!!
thank u so much!!! yes sam is so sweet ;~; i really liked writing Learning and I really liked getting to show Sam’s sweeter and more earnest side, bc he’s being quite a bastard rn in the main fic. But he’s really fucked up and is in such an awful situation ;~; i was happy I got to write about how sweet he is when he’s not in such an awful environment. I do think I’ll probably expand on the fic at some point and write about Sam’s further education and possible attendance at the college. However I am 100% set on Sam living at the inn with Dean and Cas forever. Like one day he’ll meet Eileen and she’ll move in with them too. So he might go to college and travel around for a little? But he’s living at the inn with Dean and Cas. It’s my party and I’ll project my asexual fantasy of living with all my friends and loved ones forever under the same roof if I want to right? 
Yes poor Cas :( he’s having a hard time of it rn. And poor Sam he is too :( i cant wait for resolution either ;~; thank u so much im so glad ur enjoying the story!!! :D
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luvdsc · 3 years
Hey Cat!! I hope you're doing well as always ! 💖 AHHHH huhu I closed the form last Sunday since I've collected enough responses dy! (NOOOOOOOO ToT) I got a total of 221 responses at the end of the week, which is 3x the amount I initially needed! :o I'm beyond grateful and appreciative ToT I've cleaned the data and have proceeded to run some data analysis, but I ran into an issue whereby the scores on the subscales are equal (it has never been reported in past studies! :O) so I'm waiting for my supervisor's feedback on how to proceed. Hopefully it's nothing too serious ToT
Hehe finance is interesting indeed! I just started reading a book on finance for young adults (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and I look forward to learning more from the author's tips! The Coursera introductory course has also made financial terms a lil more familiar, even though it's just the basics and it's really helped w my financial literacy 🥺 I can push myself to study but it's also the numbers and calculations I'm worried of cuz I am rly a nong (idiot) when it comes to numbers * - * it runs in the genes I guess AHAHAHAHA my mom and sister aren't good at numbers either keke
Aww I'm glad yr professor made financial accounting enjoyable and a fruitful experience for you! Some lecturers / professors rly just have that spark in them to inspire ppl and I'm blessed to be surrounded by a bunch of em in the psych department!🥺😭 it truly makes a difference and I'm sure we both are living proofs of that!
After debating for a while, I've decided not to take a minor mainly because I'm so tired HAHAHAHAHAHA and I'll just do my own self-studying and exploration whilst working! Go out and explore the world, live life! Whilst ironically still staying in my room because of the COVID-19 situation in our country (cases are abt 20+k every day :') ) My proposal has been finalized and it's been accepted! It's just that some elements of my proposal is also part of my actual report, so I have some guidance to refer to in terms of structure! :3 and yes don't worry! I got plenty (sometimes a lil too much) rest during the sem break whilst remaining productive! Plus, I got to catch up w some friends and had game nights (maybe too much of game nights hehe) and movie nights w my friends which was truly refreshing! Also cuz I might not see a lot of them again after we graduate so we gotta cherish every moment 🥺😭
I'm a freelance graphic designer for my uni's newsletter! Occasionally, they'd ask us to create both the content and design! I'll place the link to my recent work below if you wanna check it out! UwU I'm trying to incorporate the same practices during sem break in my last sem (current sem) too! cuz yes mental health is so so important and I'm just tired of being academically tired you get me? :(
What makes me most trilled abt learning abt psychology is how to apply it in daily life too! I find it so fascinating and awestruck at how relatable and within reach these things are like wow we can be influenced in such ways?? :o can be both good and bad but imma stick w seeing it as the development and evolution of us humans UwU
Also, the vaccine has fixed my sleep schedule HEHE (another perk of getting vaccination :3) I got some rly good rest and managed to reset my usual sleeping time, thank you science ToT oooo I see I see, we've had cases of nurses injecting empty syringes hence the recording :( but GHIOGHWEOGIOHW I could never do that, I can feel the liquid entering me as it is so that's good enough ToT (* plays Love Talk * I can feel it coming)
OMG YOUR ART PIECES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, ADORABLE AND ELEGANT! 💖🥺🥰 it must've required a lot of hard-work and effort AHHH thankiew for showing me yr work!! it's truly unique in its own manner despite it's simplicity UwU is there a reason or backstory to yr chosen theme and objects? :3
I just Googled Somi Somi and omg that's such an UwU ice cream AHHHH 💖🥺😭 ice cream is my fav food of all time and it looks like an ice cream haven omg imagine eating it after a loooong hard day's of work ToT and OMG THE SATISFACTION OF EATING THAI MILK TEA ICE CREAM ON A HOT DAY YASSS 😋🤤 hehe if you get the chance to try milk & biscoff, do try it! It's amazing !😍 and ooo i haven't tried alcoholic ice cream before but I will one day!! :3 my alcohol tolerance is rly low though, will I get tipsy over alcoholic ice cream? We shall see UwU (i can only drink half a bottle of apple cider before my face gets red and I start getting a lil tipsy + headache)
and lovie....knowing yr school schedule now...OURS IS DEFINTELY BRUTAL OMG a 3 month long sem break huhu that's only the total amount of sem breaks we get in a year ToT i thought uni was hard but not that hard ToT
Always glad and honored to have you onboard! and AHAHAHAH the contractions about to start soon 👀 I enjoy talking to you huhu you're such a sweet and supportive person 💖🥺🥰😙 huhu for my period cramps, I've been having them since I was 12 ToT my doctor prescribed me some panadols but sometimes I can't even swallow them cuz I'd puke them out ToT I've settled w heatpacks to reduce my reliance on medicine, but I finally got some upgraded and safe to eat medicine from my gynae! She said it's fine to take it every month to keep my womb healthy and apparently my ms. lil uterus is suffering from inflammation, hence the super crazy bedridden cramps :( the upgraded medicine worked for a while, but after time it kinda didn't help either :/ but I realised that exercise rly does wonders to reduce the cramp too (gynae also recommended exercising) so i take walks and do my back stretches more frequently now! my period in the previous months (2 months ago) have been almost painless and bearable, it's so weird not seeing my bedridden ._. when I was in high school, there would always be a day in every month in which I don't attend classes, and that's solely because of my cramps. It just isn't worth suffering in school, plus we don't have a sick room :/ I hope the pain continues to subside! ToT
And ayy internship is also working experience, yr advice would be of great help to me regardless! 🥺 oh yes, I always remind myself that interviews are similar to the speaking test I took for my Cambridge English exams! That kinda help calm my nerves down a lil, but w nerves comes bigger smiles, so I guess it takes on a rather practical form of coping mechanism (sublimation) AHAHAHAHA
WAAAA WHAT A QUEEN you got an offer from every interview?? I aspire to be like you! 💖🥺🥰 huhu skill wise I believe I have lots to prepare esp in terms of case studies, and I perform rly poorly on certain assessments (*ehem * esp those concerning numbers) so I took the chance to study a lil during sem break too ToT but noted on that! I will work on that too and try to maintain that me element in interviews and overall just be myself keke
That's all from me for now! Imma wait for my supervisor's feedback and journey on w my last semester. Bon voyage! Link to my recent work: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBqGzjr6sN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Other works: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPpv-IyM7Gi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CL55EG-MbL2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
hi hello honey bee !!! 💓 omg i'm so sorry for the belated response, i finally got on my laptop 😭 i'm gonna put my response under the cut since it got a little long 🤧
omg 221 responses !!!!! that's so many 🙀 congratulations aaaaa it's amazing that you were able to get 3x the data you needed !!! was it difficult to run data analysis? were you able to solve the issue with the equal scores on the subscales? i hope it didn't create too much additional work for you ):
omg yes finance is really interesting! i enjoyed the classes i took for it :') how is rich dad poor dad? did you learn a lot from it? i know it was a book my prof recommended, but i never got around to reading it 😶 did you learn any helpful tips? and ooo i'll have to look into coursera! yeah, there's quite a lot of terms for finance, and it can be a little intimidating paired with all the math formulas and such, but it's pretty useful imo! how are your financial studies going so far? 💕 omg nong is such a cute word?? i would never think it meant idiot asdkfhlkajsdf omg my whole family is good at numbers and really like math, but i didn't like it 😭 my mom made me study it a lot everyday though rip are the financial calculations getting easier for you as you practice more hopefully?
yessss omg i absolutely agree with this!!!! like you can just feel when a professor loves to teach and is genuinely so excited to talk about their subject, and it just makes the most boring horrible subject into something you learn to enjoy and hate less :') and i'm really happy to hear you have tons of professors like that in the psych department 🥺💗
that's great to hear!!!! 🌷🌷 i'm glad that you're prioritizing yourself and your health, which is so much more important than taking on a minor. what fun subjects have you decided to explore and self study so far? 💞 oh my gosh, the rising cases are so high?? i hope it's gotten better there for you ): are you able to go outside yet?
big congratulations on your proposal being finalized and accepted, lovebug !!!! 🥳🥳 i'm very proud of you and hoping one day i can read your published studies in a scientific journal :') aaaa i'm so glad to hear that you got to rest and enjoy your time with your friends!! i definitely feel that omg i regret all the times i skipped out on movie nights or game nights with my friends because now we're all scattered across the country and the only way we can have them again is over zoom calls 🤧
I SAW YOUR DESIGNS AND THEY'RE GORGEOUS OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH !!!! 💖 I'M IN AWE AAAA IF PSYCH DOESN'T WORK OUT, I HOPE YOU BECOME A GRAPHIC DESIGNER 🤩🤩💖 and yes i totally get it ): i really felt the academic burn out when i was in college and it was really difficult at times 🤧 but i hope it's going better for you nowadays, sweetpea 💝💝
omg yeah i absolutely agree !!!! whenever i read about psychology, i keep it in the back of my mind and then when i see something irl that relates to it, i'm like :O amazing. it's so cool to learn about different psych tricks too and see how it works when you test them out yourself and whatnot. and it's really crazy to see how the human brain is so easily influenced at times ??? it truly is an amazing subject !!!
ah what a great side benefit of the vaccine - a better sleep schedule 🤩 i'm happy to hear that your schedule has been fixed 💘 and omg what ??? they're injecting empty syringes wth ????? 😭 that's absolutely horrible, are they getting sued?? lmaooooo that love talk reference askdfhlaksjd
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR KIND COMPLIMENTS 😭😭💗💗 there were many late hours spent in the art studio to finish them, but i'm really happy with the end products :') i thought light bulbs are an interesting subject to do, and my prof said that cutting out circular objects or sculpting them is the most difficult since they're made up curves and not straight lines and i was like ok bet i'm gonna do it aND I'M SO GLAD I DID BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THEM 🥺 and i love honey bees !!! that's why i decided to paint them and we were supposed to paint them in a combined style of two artists so i tried monet's impressionist style with the short brush strokes and pop art triptych style like marjorie strider 💕
somi somi is sooo good and i just had it again a couple weeks ago :') omg ice cream is your favorite food? :o and YES ice cream is so satisfying after a long day of hard work, like it's such a nice reward to look forward to at the end of day ✨ aaaaa i have to try thai milk tea ice cream one day now !!!!! it sounds amazing 🤩 and YES i must look for places that sell milk & biscoff ice cream !! i have milk ice cream from somi somi, but i need to try to combined flavors 💘 i don't think you'll get tipsy over it !!! it's a really faint taste of alcohol, like i didn't even notice it at first, and i don't think they put very much of it in there! aksljdfhals omg you're a lightweight :o at least that means you save money on alcohol LOL i need like nine shots to get drunk 🤧
your school is too hard 😭 you need more than just 3 months of break !!! 😡 we get a week off for thanksgiving in fall semester and a week off for spring break in spring semester too and then the month long winter break and three month summer break. and we have the one day holidays off too like labor day, memorial day, etc. i can't believe they give you so little time off after working so hard???
asdfhlkajshdlksja loool are the contractions over yet? has it been born? what's the current status, doctor? 👀 i really enjoy talking to you too !!! i'm very sorry for the late responses, work is really taking over all of my time, and i never have enough time to get on my laptop to reply to my asks 😭 and thank you for saying such kind things about me 🥺🥺💝 oh my gosh, i'm so sorry to hear that you have such terrible cramps 😭 i can't even imagine going through that - mine are nowhere near as horrible 😖 do the heatpads help a lot? i'm relieved to hear that you were prescribed better medication though! but yeah, your body does eventually get used to the medication and you have to continue taking stronger meds for it to work, but that's not a very healthy solution /: but i'm really glad to hear that exercise has been helping out a lot!! 💖 hurray for almost painless and bearable periods 🥳 i'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that in high school ): that sounds absolutely horrible 😭 periods are just awful, but it's like i'm grateful that i have my period because that means i'm not pregnant, but also please go away aslkhdfaklsj
omg what was the speaking test for the cambridge english exams like? :o it sounds so formal and a lil intimidating askdjfhalsd do you know of any psych tricks that can possibly help calm your nerves? :')
aaaa yes i did !! i was really surprised that i got an offer from them all because at the time, i was not in the right major and i think i was one of the most underqualified applicants 🤧 one person who interviewed me asked why i withdrew from my engr physics class and i explained it in a kinda funny way but in my head, i was like "oof i'm not gonna get this offer anymore" but then he laughed at my response and told me about how his prof told him he should drop a guitar class he was taking because he was doing very poorly and we bonded over that aklsjdhfkals omg how do interviews for psych jobs go? do you have to discuss a lot of case studies? do they give you a list of possible case studies they'll ask about? :o what sort of assessments do you have to do? good luck on all of your interviews, honey bee 💛 i'm rooting for you, you're gonna do amazing !!!! 💘
omg what did your supervisor say about your case study? and how is your last semester going? are you almost done now? 🌸 (also how have you been? what have you been up to? thank you for taking the time to leave such detailed messages for me, i'm really excited to see all the fun updates in your life, lovebug 🌷🌷)
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: +3Ghosts Episode 3 Translation
Due to the things he heard at Masumi and Madoka’s campus, Misumi is not doing great during rehearsal. Meanwhile, Kumon...
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Kumon: "I wanted to participate as well."
National competition, huh…
*phone rings*
Kumon: Hello.
Yamaguchi: "Hello? Kumon, we won today's match!"
Kumon: What!? For real!?
Yamaguchi: "Our next opponent is a team that has never lost a game before. I feel like we could finally see the national!"
Kumon: That's awesome!
Yamaguchi: "I know, right!?"
Kumon: Don't let your guard down.
Yamaguchi: "I got it, man."
Kumon: Because I'll definitely go see the finals of the district competition.
Yamaguchi: "OK! How about you?"
Kumon: We've started preparing for our next play.
It's a story where the characters are aiming for the national dance competition. I'll be the co-lead.
Yamaguchi: "You're doing your best in acting as ever, huh. Let's work hard to aim for our own 'national,' kay?"
Kumon: Yep. See ya.
Kumon: ...How nice.
(No! What are you being jealous for, Kumon!)
(I'll be aiming for the national dance competition as Sora Natsukawa on the stage, along with the Summer Troupe members.)
(What I'm aiming for is different from Yamaguchi and the baseball club members.)
(My Koshien dream has come true during our First Crush Baseball play, so why am I concerned over this?)
(I should have gotten over it… I'm so pathetic to end up thinking about it even for a moment.)
(Get a grip, me! I've gotta do my best for everyone's sake, since they have entrusted this role to me!)
*door opens*
Muku: Kyu-chan?
Kumon: !?
Muku: The rehearsal is about to start. Are you okay?
Kumon: Y-Yep! I was just spacing out while reading the script!
Muku: Is that so?
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Kumon: "Ah, hold on, hold on! S-Say, can you teach me dancing!?"
Misumi: "Why me… Do you not have any dance clubs in your school?"
Kumon: "I can't go to school right now. Besides, I can only practice from evening to night. That's why…"
Misumi: "...I have physical therapy tomorrow."
Kumon: "I see…"
Misumi: "But I can come since I have quite free time."
Kumon: "For real!? Say, can I bring my friends too!? I'm sure they'll be happy! They've also been practicing dancing, after all."
Misumi: "Sure."
Kumon: "My name is Sora Natsukawa!"
Misumi: "I'm Kousei Kizu. Just call me Kousei."
Kumon: "Nice to meet you, Kousei!"
Izumi: …
(For some reason, both of them are not doing great.)
(Misumi-kun is spacing out, and I can't feel the enthusiasm Kumon-kun had when he asked me to let him play Sora…)
Okay. Let's end our rehearsal today.
There are still some parts that don't feel right to me, but I guess it's because today is still our first rehearsal--Not to mention that it's been a while since we last delivered a Summer Troupe play.
Let's get back on track little by little. Good work for today.
Misumi: Nice work~.
Kumon: Good work.
Izumi: Oh right, Misumi-kun, when will Madoka-kun come to watch? I'll secure a ticket for him.
Misumi: Oh, umm…
Tenma: You invited him, right?
Misumi: Umm~... Looks like he won't be able to make it since he's busy helping Father.
Izumi: Oh, really?
Muku: It's such a shame…
Misumi: I'm hungry, so I'll go eat some onigiris~!
Yuki: ...Don't you think he's acting kind of weird?
Kazunari: Makes me wonder if something happened with Madochin.
Tenma: He went to Masumi's uni, right?
Izumi: Shall we ask Masumi-kun?
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Masumi: He said he'd come, but he didn't in the end.
Izumi: What!? Is that so?
Kazunari: What happened, then…
Tenma: He said Madoka can't come since he's busy helping his father out.
Masumi: Busy helping his father--.
Ah, don't tell me…
Izumi: ?
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Izumi: I see…
Tenma: So that's what happened…
Izumi: Facing such a family now will be asking too much, huh…
While I don't know Madoka-kun that well, I'm not sure whether those words were directed towards Misumi-kun…
Kazunari: It's kinda different from his image~.
Muku: He looked like he wanted to get along with Misumi-san.
Yuki: Even so, those two have been estranged for a long time. It's not like they can get along right away.
Tenma: At any rate, they need time.
Izumi: It'd be nice if there's something that can help them get along…
Muku: Speaking of, you've brought some fireworks home, right, Kyu-chan?
Kumon: Ah--.
Kazunari: Fireworks! Sounds nice!
Tenma: When it comes to Summer Troupe, of course it's gotta be fireworks.
Kumon: But they may be dampened…
Izumi: (Something to do in summer…)
Ah! That reminds me! There'll be a summer festival taking place soon.
Kazunari: Sounds great! I have an idea, then… *whispers*
Muku: Okay, okay.
Tenma: I see.
Yuki: I'll end up sacrificing my costume-making time, though.
Tenma: Costumes should be the last thing you could think of when our lead actor is being like that, you know.
Yuki: Well, you have a point.
Kazunari: It's settled, then!
Tenma: You too, Kumon. Let us know if you need anything.
Kumon: ...Sure, thanks!
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Staff: Let's take a break!
Tenma: …
...1, 2, 3, 4.
Hiro: Hey, are you going to make your idol debut after this?
Tenma: No, our next play will be about a high school students' dance team.
Hiro: That's certainly a story that's unique to the young newborn troupe.
Back during our time, we barely performed sparkling stories about youth like that.
Tenma: What was your most favorite play, Hiro-san?
Hiro: …
There's a lot, I can't choose.
Tenma: Hakkaku-san loved the pirate play, right?
Hiro: --How did you know that?
Tenma: I heard it from the manager. He said it was a popular play.
Hiro: ...Yeah.
Tenma: We also did a pirate play with Misumi as the lead.
We found Hakkaku-san's treasure map at that time. We ran around to search for the treasure.
Hiro: Hakkaku-san's treasure map? Did you find that treasure in the end?
Tenma: It was in Ikaruga's residence. We had a little bit of a hard time getting that.
Hiro: What's the treasure?
Tenma: …
"Would you like to make a deal?"
Hiro: ...How cheeky. What do you want?
Tenma: We're currently looking for the video footage of the first gen's pirate play. Do you know something about it?
Hiro: ...Who knows. I don't have it.
Tenma: What a letdown…
Hiro: Show me what Hakkaku-san's treasure is the next time I stop by at the dorm.
Tenma: Got it.
< Episode 2 | Masterlist | Episode 4 >
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Dear Diary prt. 6
A/N sorry I’m a idiot, who doesn’t post things properly, here is the second go at the next part of Dear Diary. 
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Word Count: 6,000
September 29th, 2011
Dear Diary, 
Sorry I haven’t had the chance to write much over the last few days, Classes have just started and things are crazy, but to quickly update you. 
Living with two boys is easier than I thought it would be. They’re both respectful, and I haven’t seen any stray penis’ yet. Which is a good thing I suppose, 
Harry is still seeing that girl, Elle. She’s actually really nice… Even if she is over far too much for my liking… Sometimes a girl just wants to come home from class, have a red wine and sit on her settee without having to engage in small talks with her roommate’s booty calls. 
Henry and I have gotten to be good friends. We walk to class together nearly every morning. Talking mostly about boys… Mostly George, and how pathetic I am. 
Well, mostly it’s me complaining about how pathetic I am, and Henry telling me to shut up.
Speaking of George, after lunch the other day I came home and had a solid cry before pretending my heart hadn’t been ripped out of my chest and trodden all over ONLY to go out into the living room to find George, Dean, Harry, Elle and Henry starting the first Harry Potter movie. 
Let me tell you, sitting between a guy who you nearly… well, you remember, and a guy you want to kiss is not a comfortable experience. 
It’s going to be a great year, I can tell already. 
October 13th, 2011
Dear Diary,
So it’s been fourteen days since I last updated you. That is fourteen days since I had to sit between George and Harry for 159 whole minutes. Shoulders bumping against one and other as either of us shuffled. 
Don’t even get me started on how uncomfortable it was to see Harry whisper in Elle’s ear as she hung over her lap when not even a week prior he and I were curled up with one and other about to make out on some random’s bed. 
George and I are okay. As far as he know’s we’re just friends. I don’t have a crush on him. 
Did you read that? 
I do not have a crush on him. 
I do not have a crush on him. 
School’s pretty good, going okay. A lot of course work, but what else should I have expected when I decided to study medicine? 
Not sure if I really want to keep doing it, but for now. It’s all I’ve got going for me. 
The big event that everyone is looking forward to this month is Halloween. That guy who threw the party, you know the one where ‘the incident’ happened is throwing another huge bash. 
Harry, Dean, Henry, George, Elle, Jordan and I have decided to go as comic book characters, and right now I’m tossing up between Scarlett Witch, Black Widow, Poison Ivy or Batgirl. Still not sure though.
Do I be a villain or a hero?
October 18th, 2011
Dear Diary, 
We finally decided on our costumes, or rather Elle did. She’s studying costuming at Uni and has decided she’ll make both mine and her costumes for the party. 
I’ll be Poison Ivy, she’ll be Bat Girl, George is going to be the Joker, Harry is going as Batman, Henry is going as Robin, Dean is going as Superman and Jordan is going as the Riddler. 
Not my choice to be Poison Ivy, but I really don’t have it in me to argue with them especially with how insane classes have been. 
Talk to you soon. 
October 23rd, 2011
Dear Diary, 
This costume…. Christ on a bike…
I know the saying goes ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ but I can’t not judge this. Elle is pretty much demanding I have either my boobs or my arse out. She’d rather both, I’d rather none. I’m not sure how exactly to say no without it sounding like ‘No, sorry Elle I have self-respect, even though Halloween is the time you’re not meant to,’ without her taking offence to it. 
Speaking of Elle, she’s still being nice enough. She and Harry are still seeing one and other. They’ve toned their PDA down to a minimum, which is good because Dean and I have had to stop each other, and ourselves from throwing a bucket of cold water over them once or twice.
Harry’s started speaking to me again, which is good. We’re almost past that awkward, ‘We nearly made out, but we didn’t, but we would have if we’d had the chance’ stage, which is good. 
We’ve got two days until the Halloween party, and that means two days until I need to wear this ridiculous costume. 
Save me,
October 26th, 2011
Dear future Y/N, 
You’re a fucking idiot. 
The biggest idiot, If all the idiots of the world, moved into a community together, created a nation. You’d be their fucking Queen… 
Perhaps in your years of maturing, you’ve become less of an idiot, though with how we behaved last night I’d doubt it.
Let’s recap shall we? 
           October 25th, 2011
Its Halloween, and I’m sweating like a pig. Absolutely sweating,
I don’t know how else to put it.  
The costume Elle had designed and made me fit like a glove. Perhaps too much like a glove. The green bodysuit was embellished with ivy leaves and gold glitter, a garland of flowers wrapped around my waist.
“Y/N? Are you ready?” Elle’s voice called through the door. “Do you need help with a hook or something?” 
“No, I’m fine… I just… Can you send… Can you send Henry in? Just need to talk to him for a second.” I called still looking at myself in the mirror. My breath hitched again as I pictured myself walking out into the living room where everyone was waiting.
“You right babe?” Henry smiled as he peeked around the door. I looked away from the mirror, turning my head over my shoulder. “What’s the matter?” He stepped around the door, shutting it behind him.
“How do you know if you’re having an anxiety attack?” I moved my hands up and down, shaking my head. “Because I think I’m having one.”
“God, I’m stupid.” I shook my head. “How stupid was I to think I could walk out those doors and pretend this was me? That I would ever be comfortable showing this much skin, I haven’t shown this much skin since I was born.” I leant forward, stomach suddenly turning “Everyone is going to laugh at me.”  
“What was that?” 
“I can’t do this Henry.” I motioned down to the costume. “I can’t go out there in this, I look horrible.” 
“Are you mental?” He grabbed onto my shoulders and put me in front of the mirrors. “You look fantastic Y/N.” 
“Are you mental?” I shot back at him. “How am I supposed to walk out there and face everyone? I’ve seen how Elle looks, how all you boys look… How am I supposed to stand next to her, next to any of you.” I whispered trying to keep my voice down. 
“Firstly, you look ten times better than she does. Secondly, I don’t think anyone will be looking at any of us with you there.” He ran a hand comfortingly down my arm. “Come ere’.” He pulled me into his chest, arms wrapping around me. “You’re going to walk out of this room, and every set of eyes are going to be on you, no matter their sexual preference.” He pushed me back so he could look down at me. “You look amazing, I promise you Y/N.” 
“Just trust me Y/N.” He smiled. “You ready?” 
“I think so,” I nodded my head. “Thanks.” 
“We’ll do it together.” He pulled me towards the door. “You really do look fantastic Y/N.”
“You’re just saying that so we can leave.” He cracked a smile and shook his head.
“I bloody am not.” 
“Let’s go in there, the parties started.” Jordan’s voice boomed through the door. “What are you guy’s doing in there, fucking?” 
“Shut the fuck up Jordan.” I heard Dean yell. “Show some damn respect.” 
“I’m ready,” I called back taking a deep breath through my nose watching as Henry pulled open the door. The fluorescent light from the kitchen hurt my eyes as I stepped out. “Sorry, I just needed him for a minute.” I looked over Dean and Jordan. “Nice costume boys.” I smiled at Jordan’s question mark suit and Dean’s fake muscles. 
“Fuck me…Y/N,” Jordan shook his head. 
“Is it too much?” I looked to Elle who was smiling her head off. “Elle said it was what she wore in the comics?”
“It is.” She piped up, her black cape swaying around her body. “It’s made off multiple illustrations I saw when I was researching.” 
“Y/N,” I turned to George whose eyes were on my chest… “You look.” He cleared his throat shrugging off his velvet purple dress coat. “You might need this.” He stumbled over his words. “Cold out,” I stepped forward and took the jacket. “Do you need help.” He moved behind me and helped me slip the jacket on. “You look…” He started again, words cutting off. 
“Let’s go, shall we? MacKay is officially lost for words.” I turned to Harry, his eyes were on my face. I couldn’t help myself but give him what I’m sure was a pathetic half-smile as George finished helping me with his jacket. 
“You all look great.” I looked over the group. Elle looked gorgeous in her Bat Girl outfit standing beside Harry with his black batman costume. “I’m sure you guys will get all the girls tonight.” I smiled at Dean and Jordan in their Superman and Riddler outfits. 
“What about me?” George whispered in my ear, I turned around and looked at him. Even in his own version of Heath Ledger’s Joker costume, he looked unbelievably hot. 
“We got two cars this time,” Harry called again. “C’mon Elle,” I turned in time to see him pulling Elle towards the door as he spoke, nearly running down the hallway. 
“Guess he can’t wait to get a drink.” Henry chuckled holding the door open for the rest of us as we filed out. 
“Never seen him run so bloody fast,” Dean added. “Not even on the field,” He chuckled.
“We should hurry. The cabs are probably waiting.” I smiled at Henry linking our arms together. “Ride with me?” I looked up at him, waiting for his answer.
“I’ll ride with you Y/N,” Henry and I both turned to look at Jordan as he levelled up beside us. “You look hot tonight Y/N.”
“Don’t even try it, Jordan.” Dean’s hand grabbed onto his shoulder pulling him backwards. “For that comment, you’re with Harry and Elle.”
“Don’t do that to me, I don’t want to be with the PDA King and Queen.”
“Shouldn’t have been a prick then.” He chuckled throwing an arm around his shoulder. “Enjoy the kiss, kiss, kissing.” He chuckled pulling the shorter guy in closer.
“C’mon let’s go party,” I called sarcastically to the group as I pulled Henry even faster down the hallway, to what I’m sure was a night of pure misery and horrible mistakes. 
Stale piss and old tennis shoes. 
From the minute we walked in the door’s it’s all I could smell, and no matter how much this place was scrubbed from top to bottom, I was sure the scent was never going to leave. No matter how much bleach was poured on the floor, scrubbed over the surfaces it would forever smell like stale piss and sweaty tennis shoes. 
At least to me, Maybe it doesn’t to other people. Maybe to others, it’s still a place of joy, and happiness no matter the smell, but to me, it was the same mundane, piss scented house I’d almost kissed Harry in. I know people come here to find love at the bottom of a whiskey filled glass, hoping for a night of meaningless passionless, lust-driven sex. Maybe sometimes they find it, maybe they don’t, but for me, this was not the place I wanted to spend my evening. 
The living room had been stripped of all its furniture, people stood on the empty floor and danced their way to the current pop hits. Couples smashed up against the wall hooking up with each other as shitty Christmas lights created a ‘mood’ I could only describe as a third class strip club you saw in those b-grade movies. 
“Come on Y/N, at least pretend to have fun.” Henry pulled at my hand, “This could be your promise land, any of these boys could be yours for the night.” He motioned around us as guys in costumes looked girls up and down as if they were some sort of meat on display at a butcher. “Maybe more, if you’re lucky.” He winked at me. 
“I feel naked. This is not a promised land, where I can meet new and interesting people, hold intelligent conversations with people. All it is a place for twenty-something-year-olds to come in the chance of getting a quick lay.” I bit back stomping my hell on the toes of some passerby who decided to grab my ass. “I’m going to get a drink,” I yelled over the loud obnoxious music. “I need to be wasted to be here.” 
“I’ll come,” George called over the music, grabbing onto my elbow as he began to lead me away. 
“As long as it ends up with me drinking alcohol that’s fine with me,” I called to him, watching as a girl shamelessly looked George up and down as we passed by her. “You looking for a girl tonight?”
“Are you offering?” He smirked over his shoulder. 
“Not me, the mouse back by the stairwell would be interested though, if you’re looking for someone I’m sure of it.” He stopped looking behind me to where the girl dressed as a mouse was pouting. 
“Not for me,”
“No,” He grabbed onto my hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “I’m with you all night.”
“I’ve heard that before,” I muttered pushing past George and into the kitchen. I stopped midway through and examined the safest, less intrusive way to get to the counter where all the drinks were set up.
“You playing the games tonight?” George called into my ear, his breath hitting my lower neck as his hands fell onto my waist.  
“What are the games?”  
“Usual ones I think.” He tapped his hand against my hip and used his strength to drive me forward towards where two guys were handing out bottles of drink. “Cider?”
“MacKay.” The guy smiled and clapped their hands together. “How ya doing man?” I began to fiddle with my costume, pulling at some of the garlands of ivy. “You two want a drink?”
“Cider.” George nodded. “This is Y/N.” George pulled me forward, under his arm. “Y/N, this is Dylan, and Kane they’re in a class with Harry and me.” He pulled me in tighter, like a proud mother showing off their golden child. “Y/N and I are from the same town.”
“Nice to meet you both.” I smiled awkwardly reaching out to take one of the offered bottles from Kane. 
“Nice costume Y/N, big fan of Ivy.” Kane smiled, his face hidden behind half of a Jason mask, “You might just have the best costume in the bag.”
“Oh no, I don’t want that.” I shook my head. “Like, at all.” 
“Really?” He raised his mask off his face, pushing it up to his head. “Most girls are looking to win.”
“Not this one,” I grimaced. “Literally the last thing I want.”
“Y/N, there you are.” Dean walked by and grabbed my shoulder pulling me to him “Need to borrow her for a second.” He looked at George. “Roommate stuff.” 
“What’s wrong?” I grabbed his hand pulling him to a stop. “You okay?” 
“You gotta come with me.” He shook his head trying to walk again. I waved at George, Kane and Jason as I let Dean pull me away. 
“Where are we going, Dean?”
“You gotta see this.” He shook his head, pulling me towards the stairs. “Knew I didn’t like her for a reason.” 
“Like who?”
“Elle,” He shouted stopping us at the bottom. He pointed upwards towards where people climbed up and down. “See the couple making out? Halfway up the stairs.” I squinted, trying to find who he was talking about. “Costume look familiar?” My eyes caught it, Elle’s batgirl costume, wrapped around someone who definitely wasn’t batman… Someone who definitely wasn’t Harry. 
“No fucking way,” 
“What are you two staring at?” 
“No one,” I shouted. “I mean, nothing.” I grabbed onto Harry and pulled him into me, his back to the stairwell. 
“Y/N, what are you doing?” 
“I just need a hug.” I held Harry’s head to my chest, watching as Elle continues to make out with the stranger. “How you doing?” I asked pulling him tighter. 
“Mefh hefd if in four fits.”
“Mefh hefd if in four fits.”
“He said, My head, is in your tits,” Dean cleared his throat. “I’m pretty sure.”
“Oh.” I pushed him away, head moving out of my cleavage. “Sorry.” I dropped my arms and held them behind my back. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, you know parties, aren’t really my thing.” 
“Right.” He nodded his head, biting his lips. “You seen Elle?”
“No, not me… Dean, have you seen them?”
“Not them, her,” I shouted, correcting. 
“You okay?” He raised his eyebrow. 
“Peachy… Dean.” 
“No, haven’t… Sorry mate.”
“Why don’t we swipe a bottle of vodka and go have a smoke,” I suggested looking up the stairs anxiously.
“You don’t smoke…” George popped up over my shoulder shaking a bottle of vodka.
“No better time to start.” I smiled at George picking the vodka out of his hand. “Oh look at that, I’m double parked.” I brought the bottle of Cider to my lips downing the contents quickly. 
“You sure you’re okay?” I nodded as Harry looked into my eyes. Don’t crack Y/N, do not crack. 
“Roof?” George suggested taking the vodka back from me.
“Yeah, maybe we’ll see Elle on the way.” Harry piped up. 
“Last I saw her, she was at the bar talking to one of the girls from her class, Laura I think.” Dean rattled on as I peaked up the staircase to see Elle’s disappearing figure bounce up the top step. 
“Maybe I should look for her.” 
“No come on, let’s have a drink together… C’mon Harry you’ve been ignoring me for ages, surely I deserve some quality roommate time.” I pouted pulling on his cape. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” 
“Just enjoying the party,” I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the staircase if this were any other time I would have been caught up with how it feels holding onto Harry’s hand, but this was another time, and I was trying to stop him from being hurt. “Up we go.”
Sweat. Smoke. Alcohol. Body Odour. 
That’s all that I could smell wherever I went, wherever I turned. Around me bodies moved pushing themselves up against any surface they could, grabbing onto other people as their bodies gyrated against another person. Even as we made our way up the stairs towards the roof. I could see the door it was so close. 
“There she is.” Harry’s resistance pulled me to a sudden stop. “Elle,” He waved his arms above his head. “Roof.” He called to her pointing upwards. “Five minutes,” I watched as she nodded her head, smiling sweetly.
Smiling as if the bitch hadn’t just had her tongue down some other guys throat. 
“What’s going on?” George whispered in my ear, hand resting on my hip.
“Elle and some guy,” I was cut off by Harry who drew back to me. “She coming?”
“Yeah,” He nodded his head, a ridiculous smile coming to his lips. 
“Great,” I gifted my teeth grabbing the bottle of George, twisting the cap off. “Let’s go then.” 
“Y/N, don’t drink all of it, you know what happens.” George chided as I pushed myself faster up the stairs, the bottle still to my lips as the liquid burnt my throat a little dribbled down my chin and down my chest. 
“What happens?” Dean asked George as I stepped out onto the roof. I looked around to him as the three of them stepped out behind me. George smiled at me, heartwarming… No, Y/N that’s just the vodka talking. 
“She tries to burn down settees.” George chuckled. 
“Only floral ones who belong to mothers.” I corrected passing the bottle to Harry. “George, do you have any smokes?”
“Going all out tonight Y/N.” He raised an eyebrow, pulling his packet from the top pocket of his dress shirt, passing it to me. 
“Call it self destruction,” I began to sway from side to side, feeling the vodka take over my body as my hips began to move to the loud Nelly song that played downstairs. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dance Y/N.” Dean laughed as he drank from his beer bottle, taking the bottle of vodka Harry offered him as he lent against the side of the house. 
“Dance with me?” I called out to him.
“Don’t dance.” He laughed shaking his head. “Unless I’m planning on sleeping with the girl.”
“No matter what I do, All I think about is you.” I began singing swaying my hips, playing with the ends of George’s jacket. “I haven’t heard this song in years.” I laughed at myself grabbing onto the jacket and pulling it off my shoulders. “Even when I’m with my boo all I think about is you.” I threw the jacket towards Dean and smiled over at Harry who’d taken the bottle back off Dean. “Sing it with me, Harry.”
“I’d rather enjoy the show.” He smiled looking me up and down as my hips continued to move.  
“Spoilsport.” I pouted swaying my hips regardless. “George?” 
“I don’t really dance, or sing.” 
“I can teach you.” He beamed at me as he walked towards me before grabbing my hand pulling me to him. 
“Didn’t know you liked Nelly?” 
“I don’t usually.” I shrugged and started to sway side to side, “But I’m pretty much half-naked, so I may as well make more of a spectacle of myself than usual.“ 
“You look the best out of anyone here,” George whispered in my ear before grabbing my hands and started to pull them above my head and make me move more freely.
“Shake it, baby.” Dean catcalled to George and me. 
“There you guy’s are.” George and I pulled apart looking over to Elle who burst out onto the roof, a guy, the guy she was making out with trailing behind her. “This is my friend Oliver.” Oliver was dressed as Al Capone, the complete opposite to sweet, sweet Harry. 
“You right mate.” Harry reached out and shook his hand. 
“Fucker,” I whispered, hands falling to George’s chest. 
“What was that?” George chuckled. 
“Huh,” I looked away from Oliver and up to George. “Oh, nothing. I’ll tell you later.”
“Or you could tell me now.” He whispered back. 
“You two alright? Whispering like mothers over there.” Oliver laughed as he walked towards us he extended his hand out towards George. “Oliver,”
“George.” George grabbed his hand and shot up and down in quick succession before turning his head to me.
“I’m Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you Y/N.” 
“I wish I could say the same.” 
“Excuse me?” Olivers face shrivelled in confusion. 
“Y/N.” George chastised me. 
“I think what she meant was, it’s more than nice to meet you…” Dean pushed off the wall and walked over to us. “She’s always looking to make friends.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Isn’t that right, Y/N.” I pushed my lips together, holding my tongue between my teeth before nodding. 
“Lovely to meet you even.” I managed to mutter out after an awkward beat passed between us. “You know what, I heard the games are starting soon, and dancing.” I looked across to George. “Should we dance? We should dance.” I nodded my head. “Dean?” 
“Yeah, we should dance.” 
“Thought you said you didn’t dance,” Harry called out to Dean. 
“Gotta find a girl somehow, mate.” 
“They’re having a competition actually,” Oliver started. “You get a number, whoever gets the same number as you, is your partner, and whoever is best wins like 200 quid or something like that.” 
“Great, shall we.” Dean looked over at Elle and Harry. “You two love birds coming?” 
“You want too?”
“Yeah,” Elle smiled wrapping a hand around Harry’s waist. 
“You three go down, just need to talk to these two for a minute.” George blocked Dean and I. “Won’t be a tick.” 
“No worries, make it quick yeah? Don’t want to miss the games.” Called Oliver as he opened the door for Harry and Elle. As soon as it shut George spun to us.
“What the fuck is going on?”
“Don’t worry mate, just leave it.”
“Don’t tell him Y/N, it’ll only make it worse.”
“Make what worse?” 
“Y/N.” Dean spurned. “We can tell him another time.” I nodded my head. 
“Another time, George.” 
“Are you serious?” George’s jaw was pretty much hanging open. “Y/N, you can trust me.”
“I know, I know, but trust me when I saw this is for the greater good.” I grabbed onto his hand. “I promise, tomorrow we will tell you everything.” George was quiet for a second, I could tell he was deliberating between continuing the argument or succumbing to finding out the next day. 
“Fine.” He cleared his throat, throwing the burnt-out cigarette on the ground. “Let’s go find a drink, then play this game.” 
“Or we could just chug the rest of the vodka between us and then go find them?” Dean suggested. 
And that is exactly how we ended up squished into the living room while a slightly overweight Darth Vader read out the rules of the dance competition. 
“The name of the game is ‘Sex on the dance floor’ with that name in mind you and your partner must be touching at all times, but you are not permitted to have sex. You and your partner stop touching, you’re out.” He stopped reading and pointed around the room. “Anyone dressed in a Clone costume.” A guy in a white suit waved. “Is a judge, you get tapped, you leave. Simple.” 
“So he says,” Dean whispered in between mine and George’s head. “He’s clearly never tried to dirty dance with a stiff before.” 
“A stiff what?” I hissed back, eyes keeping on Vader. 
“Y/N.” Dean chuckled. “You’re too cute.” 
“When you all walked in, you were given a slip of paper, open them up.” Dean, George and I opened our papers. “Find your partner, we start in five.”
“Number fourteen.” I read aloud. Peaking over to Deans. “Number thirty-two… How many people are in this completion.” 
“A lot.” He looked at George’s. “Number fifteen.” So close. 
“There you guy’s are.” I looked up from my paper to see Harry, Oliver and Elle pushing their way through the crowd. 
“What numbers did you get?” Elle held the crisp white paper in front of her. “Oliver and I got number six.” 
“Thirty-two.” George, Dean and I chorused. “Any match up?” He grabbed Harry’s. “Twenty-eight… Damn… Imagine if you have to grind and bump with a guy, who wasn’t me.”
“It’d break my heart,” Harry chuckled pulling Dean into a headlock. 
“Sorry.” A guy pushed his torso into our group. “Did someone here say they had Fourteen?” I nodded my head. “My girlfriend is fourteen,”
“Oh. That’s cool.” 
“Y/N, babe.” George laughed. “I think he wants to swap,”
“Oh, yeah. Shit of course.” I gave him the slip and took the one he held out in return. “Twenty-one.” 
“How are we going to find these numbers?” 
And so it went, Dean played the matchmaker right until it was just George and I left. 
“Still no one.” 
“Sorry Y/N, at least you can be with George.” I saw a devilish smirk as he turned and dragged the blonde bombshell he was with away from us. 
“What do you say?” George held out his hand as the music began. “Partner?”
“Sure, but first I need a drink, all the numbers ruined my buzz.” He shook his head, grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him.
“Shut up and dance.” George had my breath hitching with the way that he pressed against me. His hands came to a rest on my hips, fingertips ticking my lower back. I ran my hands over his chest, feeling his six-pack as they tensed under his tight shirt. 
Turn around Y/N, don’t let him see what he’s doing to you.
I spun around, pressing my back to his front, smiling when his hands wrapped themselves tighter around me. With more alcohol than blood running through my veins, the things that came to mind were anything but G rated, even for a virgin. 
“Didn’t know you could move like this Y/N,” George whispered in my ear. I ignored it and continued to swap my hips, George and I’s conjoined hand hanging over my shoulder. 
“Neither did I.” It was true, I’d never danced like this before. The next song blurred into the last and we didn’t stop, George kept his arms wrapped firmly around my waist. My eyes closed as I leaned my head onto his shoulder. My free hand holding onto his forearm as we swayed together in time to the beat. George’s hands left my waist and ran up my ribs, pushing my hair off my neck, before running back down my ribs once more resting back on my hips. I felt his breath on my neck, heavy and warm. It made goosebumps rise in its wake, then when I felt his lips my legs shook a little. 
“George, what are you doing?” I felt his tongue touching the skin on my neck. I pulled away turning to him. He chuckled, looking surprised. 
“What?” My hands run up his chest again, touching his cheek. “Y/N,” He whispered, just loud enough to be heard over the music. He leaned in, my eyes closed automatically. I felt his hot breath on my lips and then felt his lips brush gently over mine. 
“We can’t,” I whispered just as our lips were about to touch again. His forehead rested on mine. Eyes opening to meet mine. “I want to.” 
“Then why not?” 
“We’re friends, remember George.” His hand ran up to the back of my neck, holding onto it. “Let’s just be friends.” 
“Friends kiss all the time, Y/N.” I spun around so my back was pressed to his front, “It’s just a kiss,”
“Is that all they are to you?” George spun me back around, his hands pulling my waist closer to him. 
“What else should they be?” Don’t do this Y/N. It’s not worth it. 
“You’re right,” I whispered, lips running along his jaw. “It’s just a kiss, nothing else.” 
“Nothing else,” George nodded. “Just a kiss,” He leant his forehead against mine, “Cure my curiosity Y/N,”
I could do this, just a kiss. One perfect kiss with George… 
Without thinking I lent forward and pressed my lips to his. They were soft, but hard from the pressure he used to countermine. I opened my lips to bite onto his bottom lip. George groaned and pulled my body closer, keeping us swaying to the music. One of his hands moved down and wrapped around my waist the other wound into my hair. I pulled away, my mind running on a high from him, from the kiss. George’s lips moved from my lips to my cheeks kissing everywhere they touched before they reached my neck, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck moving the trail of ivy vines from my costume aside, before coming back to my lips. If someone told me that one of the best first kisses I would ever have would be with George MacKay, a boy every girl in my home town wanted, I would have laughed in their face, but here I was on some dark, grimy dance floor, dressed in a costume I thought I’d never wear, with his hips pushing into mine, kissing him like it was my dying wish. My hands were pushing up George’s shirt, allowing me access to the skin underneath as I pulled his lips back to mine. He licked and nibbled on my bottom lip, begging for me to open my lips, when I didn’t he pulled away and kissed over to my ear. 
“Ivy, Joker… You’re out.” Overweight Darth Vader screamed from the podium. George didn’t pull away, his hands pushing my hips towards the nearby wall, stepping us backwards until my back pushed into it, his lips going back to mine. 
“Sorry we lost the contest,” I whispered, George, pulled away, his hands lingering on my chin, 
“Fuck the contest.”
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janeofcakes · 4 years
KYFC..: Chapter 13
Hello, my friends! I hope you are all having/had a lovely Sunday. I apologize for being late with this chapter. I decided to try out a beta and it is definitely a learning process. I hadn’t anticipated the extra time editing would take, or wanting so many “final” read-throughs. Mind you, I truly believe the chapter is better for it. However....for whatever reason, I’m more freaked out about putting this chapter out there than any other so far. Haha. Whatever the case with me, I hope you all enjoy it.
My heart burns with feeling, but whoa my mind, it’s cold and reeling. Is this love, baby, or is it just confusion?                                                                        --Jimi Hendrix, Love or Confusion
John stares up at the red roof of the Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum in the late morning sun. It is a fairly small and assuming home, but he cannot help wondering at what secrets it holds. He has bubbled with anticipation since he read the words “..walking into Poe’s Baltimore home is both disturbing and ethereal” on its website at breakfast. He had invited the skaters along, but they all had other plans already. So, here he is, standing before it alone.
He is about to walk up the small wooden staircase at its entrance when he becomes aware of a presence to his right. He turns quickly and comes face to face with a hesitant Sherlock Holmes, shifting his feet and looking at John with a face full of uncertainty.
“Hi,” John grins and Sherlock looks surprised. “I didn’t see you at breakfast. You did eat?”
“I put together something in my room,” Sherlock answers, his expression shifting. “I often request that the kitchenette be stocked with some of the basics.”
“That is a great idea. I’ll have to remember that,” John nods, making a mental note.
There is a moment of silence while he considers the coach’s demeanor curiously. 
“Are you going in or just passing by?” he gestures to the house.
“Oh, going in,” Sherlock clears his throat. “Poe is a favorite author of mine.”
“Mine too,” John remarks. “Want to go through together? We could go for lunch when we’re done.”
John tilts his head and furrows his brow as he watches Sherlock. The taller man looks utterly flummoxed and John has no idea why.
“Erm…well, I rather thought after this morning…after what I did...and said...” he pauses awkwardly, waving his hand in a rather general way as if hoping it will somehow clarify his meaning. John raises his brows in question and Sherlock sighs in frustration. “I know when I’ve been dismissed.”
“What?” John huffs a startled laugh. “No. That isn’t what I meant at all. Look, I know I left abruptly.”
“Quite,” the coach replies curtly.
“Okay, okay,” John responds, his tone growing defensive, “and I didn’t say much.”
“You would have avoided speaking entirely if it were possible,” Sherlock huffed, aggravation pulsing off of him in waves.
“Okay, Sherlock, I get it. I’m sorry,” John murmured. “I was...disappointed.”
Sherlock gives him a pointed look, but one that cannot hide the hurt in his eyes.
“With myself,” John rushes to say and continues in a decisive tone. “Not with you. I didn’t mean to give the impression that I wanted to disassociate myself from you.”
Sherlock’s face adopts an expression that screams ‘Really, John? Really?’. He lowers his narrowed eyes a moment and then gives John a sardonic smile.
“What impression did you think it would give?” Sherlock’s voice drips with annoyance, his whole body radiating anger. 
They stare at one another, their words hanging between them, like a thick smog that leaves no room to breathe. John is no idiot. He gets what Sherlock is saying, but his past was the last thing he had wanted to talk about, especially after such a fucking spectacular night. Still there was no way around it. John had been angry while telling the story, but it had soon faded, leaving him exposed and frustrated. He had wanted only to leave as fast as he could before Sherlock had a chance to properly judge his actions and throw him out. He hadn’t meant to cast any sort of judgment upon Sherlock or make him feel he was being rejected. Christ, he is such a dick.
“I’m sorry,” he says again, hoping his tone conveys the depth of his feeling. He does not want to lose this friendship. He cannot lose it. He watches Sherlock for any sign of forgiveness and, to his relief, he sees the coach’s grey eyes soften and his annoyance fading.
“I should be the one apologizing, John. I am seldom able to deduce you so fully and when I finally could, I got carried away. It was stupid and an obviously very painful part of your past. I’m sorry,” Sherlock says in a rush, his voice flustered. He bites his lower lip and looks at John with nervous eyes.
“You,” John pauses, his mind processing all Sherlock just said. He takes a step forward with a playful and mischievous smirk, “can’t always deduce me? Like you do everyone else?”
“Haven’t I mentioned it before? I’m quite sure I have. You guard your secrets with great care, John,” Sherlock nods his head; half annoyed, half in awe.
“Yeah, but hiding something from you,” John puffs out a breath.
“Is nothing short of miraculous,” Sherlock ventures when John simply pauses. It sounds pompous, but it is exactly what John is thinking. 
The two gaze at each as the taller man takes a small step closer and looks at John with an open, honest expression. John’s heart skips a beat while Sherlock’s next words give him a heart attack:
“You are the most intriguing man I have ever met.”
John is speechless for a full ten seconds. Any longer than that and Sherlock would have thought he had done something wrong. John takes another step closer to buy himself some time while he searches his mind for a reply worthy of Sherlock’s declaration. It is still so hard to believe this wondrous man would ever be interested in John the way he so clearly is.
“But I’m so...ordinary,” John finally laughs, unable to think of anything more articulate. For all his intelligence, Sherlock completely disarms him.
“No, John,” Sherlock is shaking his head before the words are even out, “you are extraordinary.”
John looks at him with nothing less than adoration and gives him a radiant smile. He believes he knows Sherlock better than most, maybe even more than Victor Trevor had, the wanker, but he wants to know more. He wants to know every detail of this man and his life. Every thought and memory, every feeling, every inch of his body. God, his body. John saw so much of him last night and it wasn’t enough. He longs to explore Sherlock’s body again, worship it with his hands and his mouth.
John bites his lower lip and shakes away those thoughts. This is no time to get distracted by desire, especially when John is this confused. What he feels, what he wants is so much more than the physical. John wants Sherlock’s mind and soul. He wants to know everything, feel everything. He wants to share Sherlock’s life. John can already feel Sherlock with him, even when he is nowhere near, like he is a part of him. John feels him down into his bones. It’s like nothing he has ever felt before and it is breath-taking. 
What he has told Sherlock about his romantic life is true. He has devoted no time to dating during his time in the States. He put little effort into it in the UK, to be honest, but had dated off and on in uni and medical school. He really only felt anything for two or three of them and none of those feelings came close to what he feels for Sherlock. It is… What is it? John is so confused, his head spinning. What does it mean when you don’t just want to spend the night with someone, but every day too? To talk to him and learn about him more than you want to sleep with him? 
John looks at Sherlock and is damned if the coach doesn’t look like he knows every thought in John’s head. Sherlock could probably see it all plain as day as it flickered over his features. John huffs to himself in fond exasperation before making a small bow, befitting of Poe himself.
“Shall we?” John gestures toward the brick house before them. 
“Please,” Sherlock replies with a dazzling smile and his own stately bow. 
With the air between them cleared, they enter the house and pay admission. Soon their guide is leading them through a most fascinating tour. Though it is no longer furnished, it is not difficult to imagine what it looked like when Poe lived in it, between their guide’s descriptions and Sherlock’s additions. Not surprisingly, he knows a good many things the guide does not. To her credit, she smiles each time he begins speaking and waits patiently for him to finish. He is courteous as well, not interrupting her canned stories before jumping in. John appreciates it all until he begins to notice how her eyes stray from Sherlock’s face to glide down his body approvingly. Clearly impressed with more than just his knowledge of Poe, she begins flirting with Sherlock in more and more obvious ways as the tour goes on. 
When they stop to view Poe’s portable writing desk and chair, Sherlock moves closer to marvel at it. After the guide is finished with her speech, the coach begins mumbling about Poe’s writing habits and his works. It is truly fascinating how much Sherlock knows and John is more than happy to listen. He would gladly listen to Sherlock for days on end and never tire of it. The man’s voice caresses John’s very soul. Each sound is rich, smooth dark chocolate coating John’s ears with warmth.
Unfortunately, John does not have time to savor Sherlock’s voice or his words. A few sentences in and he notices their guide slowly moving in on Sherlock. Irritation wells up within him and John immediately has the impulse to touch Sherlock. Stake some sort of claim with a touch that is just intimate enough to say ‘Back off. He’s mine.’. Something that will definitely tell her to get the fuck away from Sherlock.
But he doesn’t. Sherlock is not his.
John just presses his lips together into a thin line and grumbles nearly inaudibly. He has no business being jealous. No place warding others away from Sherlock as though he were his. Sure, they spent the night together, that annoying voice in the back of his mind reminds him. They had sex, but that does not mean they are together. It does not mean Sherlock wants to do it again. They are able to step back into their lives and friendship seamlessly. This little jaunt proves it. There is no awkwardness between them, just some initial misunderstanding and then back to their kind of normal. If John is honest with himself, he has never felt so comfortable with anyone in his life. Not even Bill, and that realization strikes him with the force of a bullet.
“John?” Sherlock’s voice finally breaks through his thoughts.
“What?” John shakes himself back to the here and now, only to see both Sherlock and the guide looking at him curiously. He blinks once or twice, trying to devise from Sherlock’s face what might have been said.
“Are you ready to move on?” he asks him, obviously repeating himself.
“What? Oh, yes, yes. Move along,” John marches on with a vigor he doesn’t feel.
The three continue with what remains of the tour and soon the duo bids the guide farewell. None too soon for John, who notices her pressing a bit of paper into Sherlock’s hand under the guise of a friendly handshake. Her number, no doubt. Christ. John huffs and rolls his eyes before he can stop himself. He has largely kept his jealousy to himself. At least, he hopes Sherlock has not picked up on it. He has given no indication, but the git probably noticed the moment the woman began talking.
Sherlock and John step down the small staircase at the front of the house and head for a row of shops and restaurants a few blocks away. They walk in a comfortable silence, each left to his own thoughts. John’s mind wanders to the night before, this morning, the tour, the guide. He had been such a fool to leave Sherlock’s room the way he had. Hurrying from the bedroom and refusing coffee like he was ashamed or angry. Well, truth be told, he was angry about Sherlock’s deductions. He had not wanted him to know about Claire or the supposed baby. But why? John had done nothing wrong. Claire had lied, made up the baby and tried to trap him. He has nothing to be ashamed of, right?
Wrong. John was wrong. He was always wrong in a relationship. He kept himself closed off and his partner at arm’s length every time. Never letting anyone in and never actually giving himself fully to another person. Relationships can only last so long when one half isn’t all in. Claire had simply been the most persistent, but it had not worked either. She could not crack his shell. No one ever had and that was ultimately what John did not want Sherlock to know. If Sherlock saw that there was no hope of John ever loving him, if he saw that John was incapable of it, he would go. That is the truth of it. John really should not try to hide it, even in the interest of prolonging a relationship with Sherlock. It is dishonest and despicable. No better than the lies Claire tried to use to keep John. He will not be that person.
John shakes his head, trying to clear it. Lunch was meant to be a pleasant respite with a friend when he had originally suggested it. There would be plenty of time later, after the bout when John is trying to sleep in his own hotel room to think about his stunted emotions. John huffs. Not emotions plural, just one. John has absolutely no problem getting angry or feeling jovial, sarcasm, friendship - all within easy reach, but love. He loved his parents, of course. Everyone does. He had loved Bill, but not that way. 
Could he have saved him? Would it have made any difference or is Sherlock right? Would he be dead too?
John blinks and pushes away the thoughts more forcefully this time. Now is not the time for nightmarish questions that will drive his mind into darkness. If John is going to think about Bill at all and how he fits into who John is today, he has to remain objective. If John had to guess, he would say losing Bill contributed, but he was already doing it before Bill. In fact, Bill seemed to have been the only exception and now Sherlock is too.
He seems to be the exception to every rule, and he seems to encourage change in John with every passing day. Today’s is more obvious than any John has noticed to date. He simply does not get jealous as a rule. He probably hadn’t cared enough about any partner in the past to get jealous. Yes, he expects loyalty when he and a lover agree to be exclusive, which he and Sherlock have not done. John left Sherlock’s room before they had a chance to even consider it.
Why had he left like that? People say John is brilliant and Sherlock is very much his intellectual equal, if not more so. His ability to strategize and calculate is amazing, and John still wants to learn more about his mind palace. Surely he deduced John’s inability to love as soon as he learned of Claire. John had told him. He told him he didn’t love her, couldn’t love her. Couple that with the stories of his other relationships and Sherlock would know that a relationship with John is the worst mistake he could ever make. John’s breath leaves him in a rush. He simply cannot bear the thought. He wants to be with Sherlock. He needs to be with him, but...
“Stop it,” the words hit him like a freight train.
John nearly stumbles on the pavement when Sherlock’s deep baritone cuts through his spiraling thoughts. He looks up at his friend, not failing to notice how the wind blows his dark curls into an unruly frame around his face. John narrows his eyes marginally.
“What?” he asks, confusion clear on his face.
“Stop,” Sherlock repeats. “I can hear you thinking. Isn’t that what you said to me? Just stop before you come to some erroneous conclusion.”
“Erroneous conclusion?” John repeats incredulously. “I can reason things out just fine, thank you very much.”
“I was not suggesting that you couldn’t,” Sherlock looks at him evenly. He narrows his eyes. “But you do not have all of the data.”
John resists the urge to snap at him in favor of looking away and straight ahead instead. After a few moments of silence, John sighs and looks down at his feet.
“I should have stayed this morning,” he says quietly, still not turning his head to face the taller man. “We should’ve talked and that’s my fault.”
“Well, we could talk now,” Sherlock suggests, the smile evident in his voice and John finally turns to look at him, still expecting to be mocked somehow. Sherlock does look amused, but John should have known better than to think Sherlock would ridicule him. 
John gives him a small nod as Sherlock gestures to a nearby cafe simply called ‘A Taste of India’. What the name lacks, the air drifting from inside makes up for with warm spices and the scent of freshly baked naan. They are soon seated and indulging in some of the best Indian food John has ever tasted. 
Halfway into the meal, John wets his lips and leans forward in his chair. He glances down at his plate and then meets Sherlock’s eyes.
“Uh, we should,” he clears his throat and shifts in his seat. “We should talk.”
The corner of Sherlock’s mouth quirks up. John watches him, trying not to look nervous and probably failing miserably, judging by Sherlock’s expression. There is nothing John would like more than to change the subject and brush this off as he has done so many times in the past. He has run full-steam in the opposite direction, but Sherlock is so different. John is different too and he just doesn’t understand what any of it means. He has been allowed into this man’s life and knows what a gift it is, he treasures it with everything he has. Sherlock makes John feel  calm and free, whereas he has felt undeniably trapped with every other person he has dated.
John eyes the incredible man across the table as he elegantly slides a fork from between his plush lips and chews. John wonders at the feeling that blooms in his chest, all warmth and comfort.
Then he blinks and shakes his head a little.
“You said I didn’t have all the data?” John clears his throat, trying to get back on track.
“You didn’t,” Sherlock says simply. John huffs a quiet, disbelieving laugh as Sherlock leans in. “You are concerned about your past, about what I have learned of it, especially this morning.”
John swallows. Sherlock does not break eye contact or miss a beat.
“You’ve no reason to fear, John. No reason to hide. That is all behind you and has no bearing on us now,” he explains in a very serious tone. “It will not write our future or cloud my view of you. No relationship is exactly like another.”
If John’s brain was functioning properly, he would point out that all of his past relationships have been exactly the same for him. However, his brain has seized because Sherlock used the word relationship. He said it like it is something he wants, like it is already a thing, a real thing. He says it like last night was not a one-off as John had feared. Still with his track record, Sherlock cannot possibly mean that. Maybe he actually hasn’t put everything together yet, in which case it is John’s duty to tell him.
“Sherlock,” he finally says when his mind gets itself together, and it still is not firing on all cylinders, “there’s something you have to know about me.”
“Is there?” he tilts his head. “Please enlighten me.”
“When Claire, her name was Claire. When she told me she was pregnant it was because she wanted me to marry her,” John licks his lips and stares at his water glass like it holds all the answers.
“Yes…” Sherlock prompts him softly.
“I didn’t love her,” John stumbles on, sounding more ridiculous by the minute.
“Right,” an affirmation to continue, not a judgment.
“Sherlock, listen. I…” John stops to wrestle with the panic threatening to burst from his chest. “I didn’t love anyone. I have never loved anyone I’ve been in a relationship with. I can’t guarantee it will be any different if we...if we agreed…”
“To date?” Sherlock ventures. 
“Uh…” John is astounded by his bluntness. His mouth is suddenly dry and he clears his throat again. “Um, yeah, if you’d be interested. Are...are you interested?”
There is a sliver of hope in the words and hangs in the air between them. Sherlock opens his beautiful mouth to respond as the ringtone they both know to be Greg’s sounds. He had insisted on his own specific tone after Sherlock ignored one too many calls, which was not long after the lanky git was hired. John has caught shit on occasion for not forcing him to pick up.
“Damn it,” Sherlock mutters as he produces the offending device. “Greg, hello. Your timing, as always, is impeccable.”
“As long as you’re not having a quickie, I’d say I agree,” Greg laughs. Sherlock closes his eyes in resignation and, as if he can see him, Greg’s chortling ceases. “Oh, shit. You’re not on speaker?”
“No, I’m not on speaker,” Sherlock snaps his eyes open, “but for god sake, Greg.”
“Well, put me on,” Greg ignores his admonishment. “I want to go over the plan for tonight. I assume John is with you.”
“We have already done that,” Sherlock rolls his eyes. “What do you think we did last night?”
“I don’t know. What did you do last night?” Greg jokes. Sherlock’s eyes go wide and he does not answer. Greg’s voice comes over the line again, his tone suspicious. “Sherlock…”
Of course John hears none of Greg’s side of the conversation and can only guess at what he said to elicit Sherlock’s expression of shock. He is about to whisper an inquiry when the coach lays his mobile on the table.
“You’re on speaker now, Greg. You said you want to review the plan,” Sherlock prompts, impatience clear in his voice.
The remainder of lunch is spent talking through everything they spoke of the night before in the hotel bar. Their former conversation pushed aside in favor of discussing the bout plan with Greg, much to John’s chagrin. As much as he likes the GM and knows hashing out the plan with him is the right thing to do, John wants to know what Sherlock was going to say. Hen cannot get it off his mind. 
As they talk with Greg, John holds on to the hope that he and Sherlock can resume their conversation, but it is all in vain. By the time they are finished, John and Sherlock have just enough time to rush back to the hotel for a change of clothes, to collect the ladies and their gear, and hop the bus for the night’s venue. The ladies are scheduled for an extended warm-up before they take the track and Sherlock insists on keeping a schedule once he has made it. For his part, John tries to stay focused, but cannot get Sherlock’s last two words out of his mind.
“To date?”
Had his tone been hopeful, curious, dismayed? John can hear the words exactly, but cannot put an emotion to them. He tries not to talk himself into anything, recalling Sherlock’s assertion that he does not have all the data, but really only succeeds in talking himself out of things. He sighs as he watches warm-ups. It is going to be a long night.
Oh, just the idea that you’ll have all read it when you get to this is a relief. What did you think? Quite a different ending from the last two chapters, eh? Haha. Dear Jane took pity and didn’t leave you in the lurch this time. However, y’all need to brace yourselves. John was right when he said it’s going to be a long night. What? Is that foreshadowing, Jane? Da da DAAAAA! Damn you.
I hope this chapter finds you all well and provides a little respite, in spite of my not being able to provide Indian food with it. Mmm. I definitely recommend it though. Love, Jane
@zentris @221b-carefulwhatyouwishfor @tooolforthissh--stuff @shana-movershaker @melmey-fanfics @louise175dk @technicallywiseoncns @underestimatemethatwillbefun @jhamishw @weirdlittlegoofball @superwholockpotterincamelot @superwholocklmt @ladidragonuniverse @kittenmadnessandtea @srebrnafh @welcometomyharddrive @annecumberbatch @kingdomofbrokenhearts @philliphooper @whodwantmeasaflatmate @gloriascott93 @vvaticancameoss @cow-mow @echosilverwolf @spazzz32 @absentmindedstuff @swissmissing @shuukichan @maeliandmyself @wtgilsa @thetranslucentwallaby @red-pen-revolution @britishaccentfan @dischorde @plasticstrawsmuggler @youknowyougrow @francj96
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salmonrainy · 4 years
I am so curious about all your wips tell us about the one you're most excited about!!
AAAAAAHHHHH okokokok so i’m gonna put in a couple that i’m most excited about and pull out some bits from it. because. idk. maybe people would Like It
the first one is the ‘pls stop smoking by my flat’ thing!! it’s a modern au where they’re all in uni Trying They’re Best, and i’ve really been enjoying writing it !! it’s literally just about davey’s growing crush on this one cute jackass who keeps smoking by his flat (hint: it’s jack) ! here’s a Draft-y Bit from it:
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the one called ‘the curious case of the boy with flower lungs’ is a hanahaki thing! bc we love angst in this household :’’’)) davey starts coughing up flowers and Oh No! Will Jack Love Him Back In Time? here’s a Bit from That:
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n those 2 r rather long. or i plan for them to be kinda long. idk. we Shall See where my Inspiration Takes me.
here’s one i kinda wanna punch out real quick. i hope i’ll finish it soon (no promises though bc i write Real Slow sdoifhsdo)
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aziraamane · 5 years
Human AU - Part 4
(Previous) - (First)
"Anthony Jophiel "AJ" Crowley (born 12 October 1979) is an English physicist, socialite, and philanthropist, formerly serving as a professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester. He is the youngest of media mogul Beatrice "Bee" Crowley's five children…"
Ezra didn't mean to snoop, but, well, the information was right there on the Internet, and surely it was the done thing to know a bit about the person whose home you were visiting, yes? Or that was what he kept telling himself, as he skipped to the bottom of the page to the section entitled "Personal Life."
"Crowley seldom interacts directly with the media and has confessed that he can be shy. He identifies as humanist and denies claims of atheism, stating that he would rather “listen and analyse.” In a rare television appearance on the American late-night talk show Conan in 2013, Crowley admitted to foiling the media’s attempts to take newsworthy photos of him, by wearing similar clothing every day and never taking off his sunglasses, a stunt later emulated by actor Daniel Radcliffe in 2017. 
Crowley has no children of his own and has never married. He adopted his nephew, Adam, in 2018. They currently live in Mayfair.”
"Dad! Are you ready?"
Ezra clicked off the tab open on his computer screen before shutting the machine down. "Yes, darling, I'm ready," he called back into the flat at large, getting to his feet with the slight groan and creak of a body beginning to feel its age. 
Well, well. It seemed that Ezra had vastly underestimated his schoolyard acquaintance. Not just a pretty face, as the saying went. There was a clever brain and a big heart behind the black clothes and dark glasses. 
Ezra and Warlock lived above an old bookshop in Soho, neighbouring Mayfair, so it was a simple case of one bus and then a short walk to the address sitting in Ezra's message inbox. He had to get Warlock to help with the whole GPS navigation thingy on his phone, but without too much trouble, they soon found themselves standing in front of a high-rise block of flats that Ezra knew, just from the exterior, had to be wildly expensive. He held Warlock's hand firmly, and pressed the intercom button beside the door with his free hand. 
The speaker crackled a moment. "Hello?" came a young voice. 
Ezra's cheeks plumped in an affectionate smile. "Hello, Adam, dear boy. I've brought Warlock to see you."
"I'll be down in a minute! Hang on!" A burst of static, and then silence.
Barely thirty seconds later, Adam came flying down the hallway and almost slammed head first into the glass doors. "Whoops," he laughed as he opened the doors. "That was a bit silly. Hello!"
"Adam!" Warlock crowed, jumping up and down. 
"Are you our guide, dear?" asked Ezra.
"I think so. Come on, but the lift is broken, so we have to take the stairs, but it isn't very high up! Come with me!”
“Not very high up” meant the sixth floor in Adam's language, by which time Ezra was wheezing slightly, thighs and ankles aching. Not for the first time, he wondered if he ought to lose some weight. 
But then Adam opened the front door, and Ezra lost his breath for an entirely different reason.
Crowley's flat was magnificent, all carved marble and polished granite, very minimalist and yet utterly stylish. There was a hint of nature in the air, rich soil and woody sap, alongside the freshness of cleaning products and notes of smoky cologne. From somewhere in the flat, Freddie Mercury's soulful warble sang Let me Live.
"Uncle AJ!" Adam yelled. 
The music dropped in volume, followed by a series of dull and then metallic taps. And then there was Crowley, dressed down in a loose vest and ripped jeans, dirt under his fingernails, a smudge on his cheek...
And no glasses.
"Hello, Anthony!"
Crowley blinked once, twice, then went pale. "Shit - um, just a sec." He disappeared a moment, returning with sunglasses back in place. 
There had been something there, something not quite normal...Ezra couldn’t put his finger on it, and decided it was best to say nothing. Crowley scratched the back of his head, sheepish. "Sorry. Knew you were coming, just lost track of time - should I change? I should probably change. Um-"
Ezra shook his head, laughing. "Anthony, dear chap, this is your home, you needn't dress up just so the boys can have a playdate."
Warlock waved from beside Ezra. "Hi, Mr Crowley."
"Hey, kid. Find the place alright?"
"Think we did."
"Great, good stuff. Adam, why don't you take Warlock to your room, show him your toys and such?"
"Alright." Adam took Warlock's hand and they ambled off into the flat. 
"Take your shoes off, Warlock!" Ezra called after them.
Crowley shook his head. "S'alright, I'm not fussy about that sort of stuff. Here, just...chuck your coat anywhere, I'll wash my hands and get us a drink."
Ezra frowned. "Am I staying?"
"Ngk - er - I mean, if you want?" Crowley practically squirmed on the spot. "Or I can drop Warlock off later. S'up to you."
"I don't want to intrude-"
"You're not. Honestly."
"In that case, yes, I shall stay." Ezra began unbuttoning his tan overcoat. There were a few empty pegs by the door; he hung it on the nearest one.
Crowley grinned. "That's my man. Alright, follow me."
The entryway led to a kitchen on the right hand side, plus an adjoining dining room and lounge. Crowley strolled over to the sink to rinse the dirt from his hands while Ezra primly seated himself at the island in the centre of the room. "You look as though you've been gardening," he remarked, tracing a finger absently over the polished granite counter top. 
"Er, yeah. Something like that." Crowley turned to face him, picking out the last of the dirt from under his nails. "Got a few plants in the back, 's a hobby of mine."
Ezra blinked in surprise. Of all the things he expected of Crowley, gardening wasn't on the list. "You're quite the decorated gentleman, Anthony.”
“Oh, yes. Botanist, scientist, philanthropist - is there anything you can't do?"
Crowley paused with his hand halfway to the kettle. "Ezra," he said in a low voice, "have you been reading my fucking Wikipedia page?"
Oh, bugger. 
After a moment, Crowley burst out laughing, and what a sweet, merry laugh it was. "I'm just messing with you," he said as he filled the kettle. "S human instinct, isn't it, to hunger for knowledge, want answers. Can't say I blame you for looking. I'd have done the same, if it were my kid going to some fancy schmuck's house. Tea or coffee?"
"Tea, please." Ezra found himself relaxing infinitely. That laugh had done wonders for his nerves.
"Just milk will be fine."
"Gotcha." Crowley brought two cups over, setting one in front of Ezra. "So…" He sat on a vacant stool, drawing up one long leg to rest his heel on the edge. "Librarian, right? Which uni?"
"Chancery Lane?" 
"Yes, as a matter of fact." Ezra wrapped his hands around the steaming mug and sighed at the heat seeping into his palms. "I suppose I just live to be surrounded by books. Tried my hand in the bookshop below me when I was younger, you see, but it hurt me so much to sell the poor things, I just couldn't do it."
"And now you lend them out to students. Late fees, tea rings, dog-eared pages, drunken frat boys, the lot." Crowley laughed again. "Couldn't sell a book...that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I love it!"
Ezra smiled politely, a blush on his cheeks. It sounded like a compliment, but he couldn't quite be sure. "You're looking better today," he said quietly. 
"Practically overdosed on Benadryl last night. Reckon I was high as a kite using that bloody headset."
"Was that wise?"
"Still alive, aren't I?"
Ezra tittered as he sipped his tea. "You high-fliers, always living in the fast lane."
"Is that admonishment I hear, angel?"
Blue eyes blinked rapidly over the top of the mug obscuring the lower half of Ezra's face. Angel? 
He shook the thought from his mind quickly. It wasn't too different from his usual affectionate “dears” and “darlings.” "I'm hardly in a position to scold you, dear fellow," he replied, and Crowley chuckled as he sipped from his own mug.
"Staying for lunch, Ezra? You a fussy eater at all?"
"Do I look like a fussy eater, dear?" Ezra patted his plump belly. The movement prompted Crowley’s eyes, jewel-bright behind his sunglasses, to follow, a gentle smile tugging at his lips, possibly the first true, relaxed smile that Ezra had seen.
"Oh, I think you and I are gonna get along just fine, angel."
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keziamelody · 4 years
Things self-quarantine has taught me
I never thought that I could be in this situation. I hated when coronavirus started to spread all over the world, including my home country, Indonesia, and where I am currently living now, England. Who isn’t annoyed, right?
Back in September 2019, I was very excited to study abroad in the UK to pursue my master’s degree. Besides the study, my purpose in studying abroad is also exploring new things as many as I could. I wanted to see new places, new people, new environment, new cultures, new perspectives, and experience new things. Unfortunately, my study period is only about one year. I don’t have much time. Thus, I want to make the most of it. 
I planned many things in my mind, but this procrastination and anxiety of mine impeded my plans. I was too scared to explore in my first semester in England. I made excuses. I always told myself back then: “Kez, I think for now we just need to learn, observe and adapt to your new surroundings. Then, we can explore and travel in the second semester. I bet you will be much ready at that time.”But I was saying that out of fear and anxiety, not because I can’t. As usual, we tend to assume we have plenty of time, and "later" becomes our favorite word.
Yes, indeed, the time is going nowhere. But now? I am the one who can’t go anywhere. I have to stay at home. My classes had finished earlier before it supposed to be. I am not allowed to go to my uni or the library. I am not allowed to hang out with my friends. I am not allowed to explore.
At first, I was mad at this pandemic situation. But after I reflected on myself during my first week of quarantine, I turned out angry with myself. Why I wasted my six months here by not doing things that I wanted to do? Why don’t I value time? 
Day after day passed, and I am writing this in my fourth week of quarantine. During my time alone, I have been thinking about many things related to this situation and trying to find what’s good behind all this because i believe that difficult times will bring goodness. 
Then I came up with these reflections : 
1. Don’t procrastinate. Value your time. 
I learned that procrastination only led me to regret, and nothing good from procrastination. I remember whenever my friends and i talked about places that we were interested in going, we always said : 
“Let’s go there later”
“Let’s go there next week”
“Let’s go there when the time is perfect”
“Let’s talk about that later” 
And in fact, we didn’t go to those places until today, even though the location is reachable, and to be honest; we were not busy at that time. We just too confident that there will always be another time. 
These days, we are not allowed to go anywhere. In the UK, we are only allowed to go for groceries, health treatment, exercise, and go to work for people who can’t work from home. From this, I realised that we should appreciate the time. We should not waste our time by procrastinating the things we want to do. We have to value our time. So, just go for it. 
2. Gratitude in everyday life
Seeing the news about covid-19 cases, families and friends who lost their loved ones because of the virus, people who lost their jobs, people who lost their income, and living in this challenging situation have taught me a lot about gratitude. 
As simple as waking up in the morning and find myself healthy and being able to breathe without any difficulties, make me feel so grateful. I am blessed that I can still catch up with my family and friends via the online platform, I am grateful for my food, I am grateful that I can have my ‘me-time’ during this pandemic. Even now, just going to the grocery store has been a very exciting thing to do! I am grateful that I can still see blue skies and sunset. 
There are many things that we can be grateful for each day, even in this unpleasant moment. But sometimes, when we were in our normal days before the pandemic, we often forgot to be grateful. So, be grateful, friends! This too shall pass.
3. Be kind to our mother nature
We often forget that the earth is also our responsibility, it is our home. We often ignorant and do not take good care of the environment around us, such as throwing our trash in a place we shouldn’t and excessive use of plastic. We have mistreated our nature. 
I noticed that three weeks after we started the self-quarantine, the skies look clearer and brighter. 
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Then, I realised, maybe this is what the mother nature needs for now, which are to heal, rest, and to have its ‘me-time’. Be free from humans for a while. 
After this pandemic is over, let’s treat our nature better and be mindful of our actions, which could affect the environment. 
4. Being more considerate of others
We human beings are social beings. We love interacting with others, meeting and hanging out with our friends and family. But this pandemic situation forces us to stay at home and do physical distancing with other people to prevent virus transmission and keep each other safe. Even though it is hard, but still we have to lower our ego to protect other people and our loved ones. From this situation, I learned to be more considerate of people around me and to control  my ego. 
5. Learn something new and improve my skills
Thanks to the internet and digital platforms, I could learn new things and level up my skills through online learning during the quarantine. Since I have plenty of time at home, besides doing my assignments from uni, I can catch up on things that I wanted to learn before. I have been learning some courses from LinkedIn Learning and Skill Academy, which help me so much to keep my brain awake and to develop myself. I also started to learn to cook, which is super exciting!
6. Get to know myself
These days, most of us are not as busy as the days before the pandemic. Therefore, I think it is a good time for us to take a moment to get to know ourselves better. Say thanks to yourself, to your body, and to your mind that has been working hard for you all this time. Let’s self-reflect and evaluate ourselves so that we can be a better version of ourselves in the days ahead. 
Lastly, let’s keep support and cheers each other up. Being not fine about this condition is totally okay, take your time. But then, let’s not lose hope. We are stronger together, and I believe this pandemic will end soon. 
Stay strong, everyone! you all are awesome :) 
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misseviejones · 4 years
cellophane - evie & matt
Evie Jones first saw Matt Banks when they were just children at the playground, they had stared each other down with similar levels of interest, but it felt like they would continue on separate paths. They would never interact again and she would never think of him again.
Matt Banks and destiny had other plans though.
In her final year of college and in his first year, he approached her with the confidence of someone who knew they would end up with each other. She stared him down with the same level of curiosity as when she was a small child, but he didn’t say anything, just stared as if he was in awe. This was something she couldn’t get her head around – in awe of her? How could that be?
“Did you have something to say?”
He shook his head as if woken from a dream.
“I’m sorry, I just… I’ve always wanted an excuse to talk to you and I can’t think of a single fucking thing to say.”
She had to fight to stop herself from smiling. She wasn’t going to be the girl who swooned for a line like that.
“Well, let me know when you think of something.”
She walked around him, as if she was desperate to get to her next class. She turned back around though and he was staring at her leave just as she hoped he would. She allowed herself a small smile at him and he reacted with a wider grin, because he knew he had won her over then.
She swooned.
“Matt, what the fuck are you doing?” She growled, leaning out of her small bedroom window. Matt laughed loudly into the night sky and threw his arms into the air.
“I’m trying to be romantic and you’re ruining it… just a bit.”
She snorted and propped her head up with her hands, leaning fully on her window sill.
“Go on then. Romance me.”
He looked flustered. Her favourite reaction of his to the things she did. He cleared his throat and waved his arms dramatically, before pausing.
“Well, yeah, this was kind of it… Romanced?”
“Beyond belief.”
They smiled at each other for longer than a moment and she realised then that she could stay in moments like this forever, but it still didn’t stop her saying what she said next.
“You should go home now.”
He groaned loudly, so if her parents weren’t awake before then they were now.
“When are you going to admit you like me and let me take you out? You know this is going to happen -,”
“Stop this, Matt.” She pleaded. “You’re going to uni, you’re going to meet hundreds of girls and you won’t care about me anymore and I’ll be okay. I won’t be okay though if you try to make me fall in love with you before you go.”
He shook his head adamantly, but Evie was shutting her window now. She turned out her bedside lamp and sat on her bed with the feeling that she wanted to cry. She heard the sound of her name still being called outside.
The neighbours hated Matt and Evie.
They walked side by side. She enjoyed him walking her to work. It was a small joy out of her bad decision-making to let herself get close to him every time he came back home from uni. She had promised herself that she wouldn’t do this, but then he charmed her like she was a little snake in a basket. The truth was she was in a basket – there was no way of knowing what he got up to at uni. All she knew was the life he lived here and that’s the one she wanted. They never spoke about what they were though and so she could pretend he lived in the basket with her.
They moved to cross the road when a car turned the corner when it definitely shouldn’t have. Matt pulled on Evie’s hand, out of the way, and the car beeped aggressively at her. She let out a high laugh.
“WHAT THE FUCK, DON’T YOU DARE BEEP AT ME, YOU BASTARD!” She flipped her finger up at the driver and it began to pull off. “KEEP DRIVING, ASSHOLE!”
“What a fucking cunt, huh?” She commented, turning to Matt. He was staring at her with an open mouth of shock. He soon began laughing manically.
“What the fuck are you laughing at?” She hit him on the arm and it just caused Matt to laugh even more.
“You’re just one-of-a-kind, Evie.” He was still laughing and she stopped hitting him. Her face softened and it seemed like he caught on, because he began to calm his laughter. He exhaled. “There aren’t hundreds of girls like you. I love you, you know, I really do.”
She inhaled so deeply that it was like she was taking in all the air around her.
“For fuckssake, Matt.”
She pulled him down to her lips and kissed him in the middle of the road, like it was the first time they had ever touched lips. It was full of love. She pulled away slightly.
“But… you’re not –,”
“I’m almost done. I’ll move back in the Summer. I’ll be here.”
There was something so special to her in the fact that it was decided he would come right back here rather than him even trying to persuade her to leave here. It was like he knew and understood that she wouldn’t leave and so he was coming here. It was that simple. And so she said the words and never went back on it.
“I love you too.”
They stood in their new, little flat, staring at their new puppy, Frank, the bulldog.
“He’s going to, he’s going to-,”
“He’s not, he’s not -,”
A groan came from Matt.
“And yes, he has just done a huge shit on the floor.” She playfully hit Matt in the chest. “I think I’ll take over toilet training duties, as soon as you finish cleaning that up.”
Matt let out a sarcastic laugh and Evie mimicked him, turning to finish doing the washing up. She felt his arms wrap around her tummy and she couldn’t help but smile at the warm feeling.
“Is this what you’re going to be like when we have kids too?” He kissed her neck and at this question, she turned around slowly to meet his eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling in wonder.
“And you think we’re going to have multiple kids?”
He smiled stupidly down at her.
“Oh, Evie Jones, I’m going to marry you and then we’re getting a huge house with the biggest fucking garden, so Frank can do all his shits out there, right? And then we’ll have two children. Minimum.”
That was all she wanted. She believed in long and simple love, like her parents, her grandparents. She just wanted to be in love like this forever and Matt was promising that.
“That doesn’t sound too bad.”
She finally heard the key in the door and she hated that it brought her both relief and more anger. He stumbled through the door and Evie threw the nearest thing she could find at his head. Luckily it was just a paperback book.
“What the -,”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” She ran at him and hit his chest, before running out of steam. She was crying and yelling. “You’re fucked.”
The neighbours hated Matt and Evie.
He fell against the door a little and Frank was barking at him. They had to speak louder in order to be heard over that loud bark.
“I’m just a little… a little drunk.”
“It’s five am. The other night it was four, then before that it was three. One night are you just not going to come home at all? Are you going to be dead or with someone else or just fucked off and leaving me here, stupidly worrying about you?”
She fell on the sofa, sobbing now and unable to say anything else. She felt Matt’s hands on her shoulders just as Frank finally stopped barking. She refused to look up.
“I’m sorry, okay? I won’t do it again, I don’t want you… you like this, yeah?” She shook her head, finally looking up, but he was now crouched in front of her.
“I just… I can’t do this -,”
She was cut off by Matt falling on his side and passing out. She believed in long and simple love and she believed in fighting for the love you thought you would have all your life, so she wrapped him in a blanket and put a pillow under his head. Then she went to sleep soundly knowing her love was back where he belonged – with her.
“Are you smoking?”
It was a rule they both made that when they weren’t quitting smoking that they would make sure they smoked outside the window, but Evie was sat at the kitchen table, boldly smoking with no regard for that rule.
Matt snorted, walking closer to put the alcohol he had just bought on to the table, but as he got closer, he saw that Evie wasn’t even using an ashtray; she was using a blue cardigan to carry her ashes.
“I couldn’t find an ashtray, but I found this on the floor next to our bed.” She raised her eyes to Matt to see that he was flustered – her favourite reaction to the things she did. She put the cigarette out hard on the cardigan. “Who owns this?”
“I don’t know… Isn’t it yours? I saw it there a few days ago and thought it must be yours.”
Evie stood up slowly, remaining perfectly controlled as she shook her head.
“It isn’t mine.”
Matt shrugged, turning more casual, as he held up the cardigan and shook off the ashes.
“Well, it must be Alice’s and you know how she’ll feel about cigarette marks on it.” He shook his head, still attempting a laugh.
“How could you do this?” The venom that left her mouth really showed that she was a little snake, ready to bite. She shoved him hard against his chest.
“What the fuck, Evie? What have I done?”
“You’ve fucked everything up, Matt! You’ve done the worst thing and now you’re going to lie to me and tell me it’s Alice’s cardigan? Cool, cool, cool… I’ll just believe that and we can pretend you’re not sleeping with anyone else, shall we? That you can’t even do a fucking good job of hiding your little secret.”
She spat out every word with hatred. She couldn’t picture her love for him right then although she knew it still existed.
She threw everything off the table just so she could hear a satisfying crash of glass against the floor.
“Evie, Evie, I would never do that to you. I’m telling you the truth.”
“I love you and you just piss all over it. Do you want this to be over? Is that what you want?”
“No, no… I love you too. I – I,”
He held her face in his hands and she tried to shake her head out of it.
“Don’t make me look at you right now. I just – I fucking hate that you’ve done this. And who? Who was so good that you would risk me for them?”
Matt let go of her face and walked out the kitchen.
“Alice must have just left her cardigan… Maybe she left it on the sofa and I found it and thought it was yours -,”
“It’s not just the fucking cardigan, Matt!” She screeched, throwing another breakable at the wall. “You’ve been weird for weeks and this is just the proof I needed.”
The silence remained in the room as they stared each down with different reasons this time around. It would never be the same as when they first met. This was the end.
“I just… I wished you could trust me when I say I didn’t do anything.”
Evie continued to stare with red cheeks and tears down her face as she watched Matt walk out the door then.
She felt like she was finally out of the basket and she hated it.
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