#i am just Sitting Here
why-its-kai · 4 months
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cheyisvibing · 8 months
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mm rock
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bonefall · 1 year
random question but as someone who's considering trying to do my own rewrite esque thing... is it weird that i want to like. Fix bramble and squirrel's relationship instead of having him continue to be an abuser? Maybe it's just the fact that I liked them as a kid (or that i havent read SqH/past OOTS) but there's this weird disconnect where the bramble in my head is apparently a lot different than other people read in the text lol. figured id ask you since you're The wc rewrite person
You can sort through my tags on Bramblestar if you'd like ideas. I am the king of "Bramble why can't you be GOOD." I talk a lot about how he is abusive, what I enjoy and what I don't enjoy about the idea of an abuse plotline, so on.
I personally won't recommend fixing Bramblesquirrel as a ship though. I think it would be a lot better to rewrite them as adopted siblings... tbh I've never seen a romantic BrambleSquirrel rewrite that didn't keep blaming Squilf as "just as bad" and "pushing each other's buttons" which I think is a really, really uncomfortable implication considering canon
Like... unfortunately, fanfic is inherently a commentative medium. We can fix, we can prune, we can rewrite, but we can't break free of the implications of canon.
I personally feel like the line is so fine that's impossibly razor thin.
So if you are committed to fixing BrambleSquirrel, please try to make sure to treat Squilf as valid. Bramble is constantly downplaying and ignoring her because she's loud and assertive, even though she's nearly always right.
She couldn't trust him with that secret; the second he found out he abandoned his family and acted passive aggressive for an entire year. He trained in the Dark Forest and let Leafpool take the fall for secrets he leaked to Hawkfrost. He throws Firestar's legacy at Squilf while getting pissed off that anyone throws Tiger's legacy back at him, even when they're not.
He holds the fact she wants a new baby over Squilf's head to invalidate her concerns all Squilf's Hope long, screams at her for caring about endangering kittens, and then leads a battle patrol against pregnant women.
Please please keep these in mind. Please either eliminate these, or for fuck's sake, don't "Bothsides" these issues
I think if you're going to fix Bramblesquirrel, you cannot give Bramble power. You'll have to completely change these situations so that he is not the deputy or leader, as these conflicts drive the plot. I can recommend Brackenstar or Thornstar instead, have Squilf lose a deputy position over the secret, Bramble is upset but supportive.
(Especially tap into how ThunderClan treats the three differently after this reveal, "i was angry you didn't trust me, but i see why you did it <:/")
Keep the internal arguments between the two of them harmless. Model something like Honeymooners, where in spite of their arguments being loud and blustering, Squilf is clearly never ACTUALLY afraid of him and NONE of these fights end in Big Summer Blowouts.
(And a side note; if your relationships look like that, you deserve better. It is actually not normal to have huge fights every month. I was Shocked but it is true.)
Remember, remember, remember; you have to SHOW me them being a healthy couple in spite of any arguing they do. Imagine that you CANT tell me "they love each other." You can never say that word-- can I still tell they are a loving couple?
If the answer is ever no, reevaluate.
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cosmictiddies · 2 years
what. is gender. im a girl but im not a woman. im a guy but im not at all. but most importantly, i am a dyke. hello.
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noviablast · 2 years
I just opened Netflix to look up Sonic Prime and add it to my list so I can watch it when it drops and
Netflix proceeds to call me out with the search results
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The fact that it's Kade and Heatwave in the picture, can't have shit in this household without getting bullied /lh /j
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mango-fizz · 10 months
i think you’ve invented a new genre of blog
this seems like pretty regular blog activities i think
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muirneach · 2 months
why my tummy hurt⁉️
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bunnymedley · 3 months
pov ur in a booking a whole week of annual leave and doing absolutely nothing with it competition and your opponent is bunnymedley
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
the way i have to sit here and watch as dusk explicitly asks imahara joe to keep the calloways' location a secret to keep the other evil people off their trail and fearne explains it away as a safety thing because fearne believes that her parents are trying to save the world
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svblimes · 4 months
me when anyone finds me intimidating
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enslaughts · 1 year
something about nat wounding herself to fake javi's death for travis's sake something something javi leaving travis in the cabin and crossing a frozen lake to try and save her
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aroace-poly-show · 5 months
the way these fucking clowns have bewitched me heart and soul holy fuckng shit
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butchfaith · 1 year
girl help im meant to be learning my lines for my Big Dramatic Scene rehearsal tomorrow but i cant start........
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vurelly · 2 years
im so behind on artfightbhfdbahfbajhfbejhs
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midnightcowboy1969 · 1 year
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❄️ Chilly Scenes of Winter ☃️
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godseeker-yharim · 8 months
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Dragons...truly beings of immense power...
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