#i am literally on my LAST LEG
orange-sunshines · 1 year
me a week ago at my job: hey daytime manager no one knew there was a whole bdc truck outside, dayside needs to start working on communication and put in a bit more effort esp now we don't have a closer.
daytime manager lying through his teeth: oh ofc! i'll pass the message along but dayside is doing everything they can :)
EVERY SINGLE PERSON I PASS today including the same dayside manager: oh el!! there is a drywall truck outside, but i'm saying it in a slightly condescending way like you don't know what you're doing.
me, gritting my teeth bc this is what i asked for but not what i wanted: yes. thank you. i saw the giant semi parked out front when i pulled in. i appreciate it.
me down at my department looking at random shit all over the place: hey, do you know what dayside wants me to do with this?
everyone i ask: uh. no. no clue.
me on the verge of burning this place to the ground: perfect. lovely. this this the exact communication i wanted. thank you. :)
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alvojake · 2 months
it's safe to say im losing my mind pretty promptly.... I have been watching edits and clips of this all DAMN DAY 🤧😮‍💨
this man is so fucking fine and HIS ARMS??????? I JUST WANNA BITE. LIKE GEMME A NIBBLE. PLEASE. I BEG.
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baeshijima · 1 month
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To all US citizens who see this: please fucking vote.
I get it, in so many ways the Biden administration sucks, and yes that’s an understatement. However, the alternative is infinitely worse.
Do you really think that racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, convicted felon is going to be better?
Because those are, unfortunately, the only two options for now. No, not voting is not some grand gesture or revolutionary thing. It is voluntarily giving up your voice in the democratic process and handing the reigns over to the opposition on a silver fucking platter so they can ruin millions of lives.
If you are really upset about voting for Biden then get involved in politics at a local level (AND STILL FUCKING VOTE.) You should be doing that anyway, but that’s the way you actually can enact sustainable systemic change. It’s hard. It’s slow. It takes a lot of fucking work.
I get that it’s tempting to ‘burn down the system’ but the very people you are claiming to want to protect would likely be those who suffer most if things were to suddenly collapse. Dismantle, don’t burn.
Anyway, today’s rant brought to you by ‘please don’t make us all collectively live through a nuclear fucking war’
#am I furious with the current US government for supplying weapons to enable a genocide?#you fucking bet I am#do I think things would be infinitely fucking worse if Trump were to be in charge?#YES I FUCKING DO#especially with international tensions at one of their highest points since the fucking cold war#that man winning again would be a death sentence to so so many people#anyway all this to say#please fucking vote#if you say you’re not voting because you morally object to supporting Biden#but aren’t literally in the streets protesting and participating in local politics as a regular thing in your life#then you don’t have a leg to stand on#grit your teeth and do the thing that will cause LESS suffering so we have MORE time to enact REAL change#yes I know some people will be upset with me for this and I believe there are a lot of shared values I likely have with those people#but this is a hard line for me#personal#US Election#Donald Trump#Joe Biden#Vote#politics#can you tell I’m stressed and low key spiraling?#and yes I know the election is months away#but there is a hell of a lot going on politically in the world rn#tumblr is usually my least political platform bc I need my little escape#and yes I recognize I should be doing more#but my efforts and limited energy are going to where it’s best used:#educating myself and people in my life and donating what little bits I’m able to financially#I’ve been off work for the last two months bc of my health#that’s not an excuse but it is why I’m strategic with my activism
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stillcominback · 2 months
rick grimes is never beating the lover boy allegations 😌💖
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sysig · 2 years
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Haven’t seen you around these parts (Patreon)
#Doodles#Deltarune#Rouxls Kaard#Pink Addison#Blue Addison#I feel like it might be a bit out there to say that Rouxls Kaard and the Addisons are equivalents to their respective chapters but like#Hear me out for like half a second lol#Handsome masc salespeople with an interesting relationship to the Secret Boss - yes I fully admit to being No Suit trash lol#I know you can't buy from the Addisons in the same way - like they don't get the vendor close up but they're Super trying to sell you stuff#I'm just saying there are enough similarities to justify mushing my previous fave with my current - faves I guess lol#They're all very Design y'know how it is - I think I still love Rouxls more but he's more difficult to draw so it's getting harder to tell!#It's all Blue's fault anyway lol as soon as I started drawing Rouxls again I had to have them meet somehow - he's literally in Chapter 2!#Why not wandering around lost lol#Me? Projecting onto my current fixations?? Psh no - they think he's handsome totally irrespective of me definitely lol#He is handsome ♥ If they happen to notice well what's the harm in that lol#The pirate hat is very goofy but I forgot about the eye patch :( It's also quite a handsome accessory!#You'll never get any sales if you get flustered by handsome customers! Very unprofessional!#Pink recovers but poor Blue lol - gotta be aggressive in today's fast paced market!#I do love the idea of the Premium Travel Package just being a map lol - ''You can find your way there'' thanks Pink#I am very pleased with that last panel haha they all turned out so cute! Poses and legs and expressions ah! Fun!#Maybe once he turns them down they can talk shop lol - literally
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rt-lots · 11 months
hiii um i wrote a hypnospace outlaw thingy... ive never shared my writing before so i am VERY nervous and i dont know how common this'll be 4 me but ya 👍
au where zane n corey paul r in the same school and also friends... in a mildly gay way
just fyi this isnt my usual writing style. unless you like it then actually i write like this exclusively and also all the time
word count is 1275 hope u likey 🙏
Zane has never heard of a tuba cover before. To him, it sounds pretty freaking stupid.
The tuba is not an instrument Zane has ever had any conscious thought about. To him, it's solely a background instrument for nerds in band to play at school assemblies. It's not really music- not like sick-as-crap electric guitar, bass or drums. It's the instrument you take out for marches, raising school spirit, and looking really lame.
Corey Paul, of course, feels differently.
The tuba is a beautiful instrument, both in sound and aesthetic. He likes how the gold tube wraps in on and around itself, almost making art with its function. It looks purposeful, because it is, and that air of maturity makes for good art. Corey also likes the sound of the tuba. He'd never really been an outgoing kid. His voice cracks under pressure or when he laughs too much and he's never had anything important enough to say with confidence. The tuba, though, is loud by default. Its sound is rich and deep, filling the room and demanding your attention. Corey likes that; he likes that the tuba knows what it wants, and both looks and sounds good doing it.
Zane's never really had much of a reason to give a crap what Corey thinks, though. They're friends, sure, but they both know where their interests lie. Corey had once tried bridging the gap by asking Zane if he could tuba him a song for his game, but quickly shut that down after being laughed at in his face.
Point is- it was fine. Corey could be a class clown comedian with an ugly instrument and Zane could be the X-Slayer game developer with all around superior tastes. Neither needed to change the other's mind.
…Which is why Corey's next move confuses him.
Corey stops Zane after his last class, doing that thing he does where he bounces on his heels in excitement. Corey and Zane have a schedule of hanging out every Thursday after school, and it's Monday, so he's not expecting him to come barreling into Mrs. Patterson's classroom, wheezing with excess energy, like he was rushing to see him. He doesn't expect Corey, someone usually so uptight about his personal space, to eagerly grab his shoulder, either, but he does that too, and it isn't terrible.
Through the breaths of an unathletic teenager who just ran down two flights of stairs and through a hall, Corey explains he has a surprise for Zane, something he's been working really hard on, and he just finished it so he has to come see it right now. Although confused, Zane doesn't have any gripes with this, and he tells Corey to just wait a minute for him to pack his things and he'll come see. Corey's hand retreats from his shoulder like a wounded animal, but he's still smiling as he says OK.
Zane thinks it's gross Corey's taking him to the Band Hall, otherwise known in his mind as Nerdface Central, but he reminds himself that Corey apparently worked hard on something for him, so he should hold back on any unsavory comments- just for a little bit.
Corey leads him to the center of the hall, up an elevated stage platform and to a white soor on the left. Zane feels some apprehension going in, like Corey's just asked him to walk straight into a teacher's lounge, but Corey opens the door and holds it for him, and the gesture is so homey that it'd feel wrong to do anything other than walk straight in.
The room past the door is significantly smaller, and seems to be some kind of closet. The room is entirely cleared out save for a small speaker, Corey's tuba case on the ground, and two chairs around it. Given that the chair furthest from him is right behind the tuba case, Zane assumes the other chair is for him, and slides his backpack off his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground before he sits in his seat.
The door shuts behind him and Corey hurries over to the speaker. Zane asks him what's the surprise but Corey unsurprisingly tells him to be patient. There's a small MP3 player attached to the speaker, and Corey fiddles with it some before pressing play. No sound comes out, but Corey doesn't seem alarmed, instead simply reaching down to his case and setting up his Tuba. He gently hauls it up into his lap and adjusts it accordingly, ready to be played. Zane feels a weird sort of antsy about it, and asks Corey again why exactly he's here. This time, Corey just smiles, and answers: "I found a Nothing Left For Me instrumental online."
Suddenly, the music starts.
Zane would recognize that intro anywhere, even when scraped to just its fundamentals. The realization is sudden, but interrupted by the deep tone of Corey's tuba. Zane almost can't hear the music over the tuba at first, but he's quick to notice how the instrumental and Corey's playing interact with eachother; they're meant to be the same song
Corey is playing him a tuba cover of Nothing Left For Me.
That sentence is about the lamest string of words Zane can possibly think of, but it really doesn't feel that way in the moment. Zane knows about Seepage- everything about Seepage- and he knows they don't post tutorials on how to play tuba covers of their music. For Corey to be playing a cover of Zane's favorite song, for him, on the freaking tuba, he'd have to have come up with the composition himself.
Usually, when receiving a gift, Zane doesn't feel much beyond a vague sense of hype and excitement. But imagining Corey listening to Nothing Left For Me for hours, reimagining it in a medium he could replicate, just to play it for Zane? He feels… flattered, which isn't a feeling he's used to.
A part of the back of Zane's mind is still arguing whether or not he likes this gift. Throwing Seepage's electric metal awesomeness into the ringer only for it to come out the end of a tuba should be a disgrace to Seepage itself, it says, and Zane agrees… just only in theory. Because maybe Corey didn't just listen to the song, maybe he had an understanding of what made it so awesome to Zane in the first place. And maybe that's why it manages to sound pretty good- even with a tuba.
Zane honestly didn't realize Corey liked him that much. As much as his cool punk persona was totally based in reality, he'd never had all that many friends. Not close ones, anyway. He hung out with dudes, they hung out with him, and that was about the end of it. None of his other buddies would make him a gift, nevertheless perform it for him. Does this mean something, then? Had Corey put nearly as much thought into this as Zane is thinking he did? The confrontation of this sudden fondness is confusing, and Zane doesn't know much of what to do with it.
Conveniently, of course, the music stops then, leaving a small bit of silence where Zane isn't totally snapped out of whatever train of thought Corey's sent him on. Corey either doesn't notice or doesn't care, and simply moves the interaction along with a "So? Did you like it?"
Zane looks Corey in the eye, past his square wire frame glasses and dorky grin. He smiles, all teeth, and a quick laugh escapes him, entirely gratitude and nerves as his ears burn a little behind him.
"Dude, you're really good!"
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tanjir0se · 7 days
Why oh why did bnha have to suddenly get good right when all the spoilers and leaks are coming out sisters when I say I’m in hysterics—
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daisychainsandbowties · 9 months
you and spiders is something else. i don't even know what to say. i wish you were joking yet i know you're not. it literally horrifies me. i feel my stomach turn. i just can't process it. jail for you. illegal thoughts about evil creatures.
i mean i am over here drooling about evil and morally dubious and homoerotically covered-in-blood women all day long OF COURSE i love spiders. they’re the evil women of arachnids.
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orcelito · 2 months
Omfg I never actually posted about this but just like 2 days ago I realized that no it is Not normal to experience lightheadedness near daily when I've gone just a little too long without eating
I looked it up and apparently lightheadedness/dizziness CAN be a part of fibromyalgia (which I think I have for a number of different reasons), so like. It all makes sense.
Fuckin fibromyalgia. It's the source of like 95% of my physical problems, I swear. Every Damn Thing can be traced back to it. What a pain.
#speculation nation#'what a pain' haha get it bc chronic pain#frankly speaking the chronic pain part of it isn't the Worst. it's only a few times a month that i get my arm and leg aches#(though sometimes ill have bouts that last longer. like in january i think when i had arm aches for over a Week)#then again my rib cartilage inflammation is a permanent thing. my ribs Always are fucked up.#and i dont know 100% that it's bc of fibro but this condition has been linked to fibro and it didnt go away with anti-inflammatories So#in the end the pain isnt my biggest concern for treating my fibro. aside from the frequent headaches. i Would like to counter those.#what i really need is help with my chronic fatigue and weakness spells#i hate how fragile i feel so much of the time. bc im NOT weak. for my size im actually surprisingly strong.#but im quick to tire and if i push myself too hard then im practically bedridden#i will literally get symptoms of sickness if im too fatigued. including nausea and coughing and headaches#all fixed after ive gotten some rest. so im not Actually sick.#im tired and fed up with how finicky my body is and how i have to eat on time always or i'll be threatened with passing out.#havent passed out Yet but ive had some times where i end up Having to sit bc i get tunnel vision and my scalp is prickling#and it feels like my brain is squeezing and i know i Have to sit down Right Now#idk. there are many things like this. and i am sooooo tired of it.#i want a fibro diagnosis so i can actually get some help for the things that make life so hard to live.#im not depressed im just chronically fatigued. and so very tired.#give me some Energizing Meds or smth. help me please 😭😭😭 i hate living like this 😭😭😭😭😭#i wanna be able to do things without being bedridden for the rest of the day 😭😭😭😭 please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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arcaneyouth · 6 months
whats the nicest way i can explain the concept of rationing to my family without calling them stupid cunts and whores and reminding them about that one time i was literally starving because of them
#they ate all the fucking cookies from my aunts which you would think is not a big deal but ohoho!#i have literally said out loud to them many times this week that they never leave food for me and its exhausting#i thought they got the message#and what do i find going downstairs excited to eat the special treat my aunts give us once a year?#nothing.#they didnt even leave the shitty ass baby candy canes for me.#i had 1 cookie. out of 15. in a house with 6 people in it.#because they cant give enough of a shit about me to remember i exist#***after i explained this to them MULTIPLE. MULTIPLE TIMES THIS WEEK***#BECAUSE IT WAS THANKSGIVING AND THEY NEVER LEAVE LEFTOVERS AND I WAS AFRAID#AFRAID BECAUSE THAT COULD BE SOME MEALS FOR A WEEK OR TWO AND MY RATIONS WOULD LAST LONGER#AFRAID THAT THEY WOULD EAT EVERYTHING AND I WOULD STARVE AGAIN#the only reason the Thanksgiving food isnt gone is because im the only one with the patience to crack open crab legs with a butter knife#like . do they not fucking understand the reason i own a minifridge is because i am so terrified of running out of food#so i need a place to hide it away before they can take it from me#they clearly fucking don't.#i know its just some cookies i know i know i know but oh my God they're going to kill me some day#just like they nearly did a year ago#and the worst part is its not actively malicious.#they just dont care to remember i exist.#vent post#negative#anyways advice on how to confront them without stabbing them to death would be awesome
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heavyedit · 5 months
need to get out of this state and move somewhere winter doesn’t exist so badly it’s not even funny anymore
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cextra-loz · 1 year
Today I was able to stand for a new limit of 50 minutes when my physical symptoms are at their most minimal in a controlled environment. So we know 50 is the max now we're trying to reach 1 hour. I feel like I could've reached an hour with how I was feeling but the muscle endurance in my legs wouldn't have let me. I'm reaching a weird stage in my progress where its been so long since my body has had to support my weight for that long the blood pooling in my soles irritates and hurts like hell the days afterwards so now i'm rubbing the my feet like i've worked a hard day to prevent the inflammation from impeding my progress. I feel tho if I can reach that 1 hour limit I can reach longer times with practice. Its been years since i've stood for so long i'm really excited to keep practicing and hopefully keep improving. Last year around this time I was barely reaching 35 maybe 40 if I really really pushed- during my least symptomatic hours. Those extra 10 minutes might not mean much but since the beginning of my illness I never imagined i'd be able to make it to 30 let alone 50. I felt pretty good this session too which is the most important part, I feel like its the lack of muscular stamina that held me back rather than cardiac endurance. Anyway update is over, if I reach that 1 hour time it'll be a happy day I cannot tell how long it'll take me to reach that time but with some more practice I think a few weeks or months at least i'd imagine maybe even sooner. I'm so happy lets go! Dreams do come true at least 4 me ehehe!
#pots#dysautonomia#progress#the best thing about longer uptime means more endurance - the longer i'm able to stay up the more my legs should begin to adapt#if I can push the amount of time when i'm not as symptomatic maybe it'll help increase my endurance when i'm most symptomatic#when i'm at my most symptomatic I cannot stand for the life of me more than a minute#i will collapse#but increasing my minimal symptomatic time to higher numbers means I feel less physical pain and exhaustion when I am at my most#symptomatic which is honestly all i want#if I can withstand the exhaustion of when i'm most physically ill for more than a minute or two at a time then I can endure it#when i'm compeltely still and laying down which is rlly hard and it hurts like hell and i'm exhausted when it happens#theres nothing in this world like trying to catch your breath while your body is writhing in pain and youre trying not to pass out#i'm just glad on a good day and lots of monitoring i can manage a few hours without any of those#when it was happening once an hour for like hours at a time for months i was in literal hell#the scariest bit is i'm forgetting how it felt to be like normal-ish#like there were days where the most I worried about was like regular stuff like homework#now i'm worried about things like making sure i have a glass of water with me or else i'll die#which sounds absurd but its now my reality its strange how that just becomes real#ive been typing for so long but i don't feel fatigued it really shows how far ive gotten these last few years#last time i wrote this much on a tumblr text post about my illness i was trying to catch my breath the entire time#im kinda happy#ehehe!
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steviescrystals · 23 days
SO fucking sick of my nose piercing being infected for no reason literally what am i doing wrong!!!
#first of all it’s not a new piercing i’ve had it since 2021#and it healed PERFECTLY like zero swelling zero blood nothing besides the tiniest bit of redness for like 2 days#so i had a stud in for 2 years with absolutely no issues and then like 6 months ago i switched it out for a ring#didn’t have any issues with that either for the first couple months then i got lazy with cleaning it and it got lowkey swollen and gross#so i went to my piercer for a check in and he said it was totally fine i just needed to be better about cleaning it regularly#and he was right it was back to normal within a few days so i’ve kept up with the cleaning ever since#(and i know cleaning it TOO much can also cause problems but i don’t think i am i’m just following his instructions)#anyway it randomly got way more swollen and disgusting like 2 weeks ago out of nowhere#tmi but it started leaking pus 🤢 so i was like okay this shits infected#but my piercing place is like 30 minutes away and i didn’t want to drive all the way there over potentially nothing like last time#so i’ve been putting neosporin on it a couple times a day which helped a ton for the first few days#and now it’s suddenly just all over the place like one day it’ll almost look back to normal and the next it’s swelled way up again#ALSO i got the other side of my nose pierced the same day i got the ring and i have a stud on that side and it’s been completely fine#just like this one was when i had a stud in it so it’s literally the ring but WHY#i bought both studs and the ring at my piercing place and they’re all the same kind of metal#i can’t remember if it’s steel or titanium but it’s surgical grade aka the same kind as when you get a screw in your leg for example#so it’s high quality and it’s designed to be in the body so it’s less likely to get rejected#SO WHAT IS THE PROBLEM SOMEBODY PLEASE TELL ME#lj.txt
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enamouredless · 1 year
food.... water...... sims 4 infant update....
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roylustang · 1 year
I always go to the grocery store on Friday bc I’m not as busy as I am on the weekend but inevitably by Sunday after doing more than half my weekly mileage in two days I am overcome by The Hunger and I must return
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