#i am ready to come back to the world of the living ! hopefully a bit better now that that I'm no longer stressed out of my mind
rogue-of-light · 1 year
hi everyone !!!! so good news i am alive (: !!!!
sorry for just vanishing (again) january and febuary were. A lot for me! just one bad thing after another but!
i've quit my job so i should be much better about things!
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maxsimagination · 10 days
Can you do smutty Kim little maybe
𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣 - 𝙠.𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚
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warnings: light smut. 18+ under the cut.
a/n: i am so sorry this took so long
“kyra, she said to get there at 7. it’s now 7:30 and we still haven’t left.”
“i swear i’m ready, just gimme a sec!”
the aussie shouted from wherever she was in our apartment. i quickly sent a text to kim saying we’d be more than a little late because the midfielder that i lived with had no sense of time management.
kim was understanding, she always was, and told me that the girls had only just decided on a movie.
“kyra if you don’t get down here now, the girls will start the movie without you!”
hopefully that got her moving.
“i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming!!”
she came barrelling down the hallway and raced to the front door ready to go.
it only took her an hour.
i drove us to kim’s place, which wasn’t too far away thank god. i could already hear the raucousness from inside the house, which made sense considering katie was in there with vic and lessi. finally we had made it to the team bonding night.
katie was the first to come and greet us, as usual, however her focus was on kyra and dragging her into whatever chaos her and vic had created.
kim walked over to me as i placed my things down on the kitchen counter.
“i’m sorry we’re late, kyra was looking for god knows what for an hour.”
“it’s kyra, we don’t expect anything else.”
she laughed along with me before we walked to the lounge room with the rest of the team. almost everyone was there; leah, frida, katie, caitlin, steph, kyra, stina, vic, lessi and of course kim. we piled onto the various couches and chairs and started watching the movie.
once it was finished, kyra had the bright idea to play truth or dare.
“oh oh oh! katie, truth or dare?”
kyra volunteered to go first, and it was no surprise who she picked.
“dare, kyra.”
“kiss your girlfriend.”
kyra didn’t miss a beat, and katie had to have known it was coming. this was kyra we were talking about. but she leaned over and pressed a quick peck on caitlin’s lips anyways, turning back to grin at kyra.
then it was katie’s turn, and she turned to kim.
“truth or dare, kimmy.”
what i didn’t expect was for kim to then choose dare.
“i dare you to do seven minutes in heaven, with yn.”
my jaw dropped, just a little bit. but katie was insistent, she pushed both me and kim towards the other room and closed the door.
“i’m starting the timer you two!”
i stood frozen like a stick once we were in the room alone. i wanted nothing more than to kiss kim for the seven minutes straight, but i would rather die than admit that to anyone.
“we don’t have to do anything if you’re not comfortable.”
kim’s voice was soft, her scottish accent peeking through. i smiled,
“i’m comfortable kim, but only if you are too.”
the captain blushed a little at my words, but leaned closer to my anyways.
her hands naturally found mine, as we just started at each other for a bit. it was almost like a scene out of a romance movie, we both leaned closer and closer until our lips found each other’s.
her kiss was soft, sweet, and she tasted like strawberries. when we separated to breathe, i was the first to lean back in.
“i could stay here with you forever.”
my arms went around her neck this time, while kim’s hands trailed around my hips. her fingertips danced around the edges of my shirt, playing the the hem and tracing tiny patterns on the exposed skin.
what started out as a gentle kiss turned into a heated make out session as we quickly lost track of time and the rest of the team was banging on the door.
“times up lovebirds! come back to the real world now.”
that was katie, and then suddenly the door was opening. kim didn’t was time and zipped over to the doorway.
“i’m not done yet. give us another seven hours maybe.”
she shut the door and came back to me with a cheeky grin.
“desperate are we, captain?”
“don’t get me started. come here.”
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simp4wom3n · 1 year
Celebrity Crush Pt.2
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Reader
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: Still in disbelief that Jenna asked them on a date, Y/n tries to make the most of living her dream, including going on a date with her dream girl. (y/f/o = your favourite outfit) ~ Word Count: 1.859k ~ Warnings: pure fluffff
A/N: Hi!! It’s here everybodyyyyy! I tried to make it as good as possible seeing how much you guys loved pt1 and begged for pt2. Hopefully I did it justice and you enjoy this one just as much or more than the first <3
Part 1 ~ Part 2
The day had arrived. Tonight you were going on a date with THE Jenna Ortega. Your celebrity crush, whom you had been swooning over for years, had asked you out on a date. Despite having days for it to sink in, you don’t think it ever will.
'What is my life?' you wondered as you awoke, lying flat on your back, staring at the ceiling, still in complete disbelief that this is happening to you. Shaking yourself awake, you roll over to your bedside table to check your phone, where you immediately notice another message from Jenna.
“Morning sleepyhead”
“Still up for tonight I’m hoping?”
Since she first messaged you a few days ago, you and her have been talking nonstop. The two of you had an irrefutable connection. You had talked about almost everything under the sun and yet the conversation never got dry or ceased. There was obviously a bit of teasing from Jenna about your tweets, however it just opened up the opportunity for you to flirt - which you certainly weren’t complaining about.
“Morning cutieee”
“Of course I am I wouldn’t miss it for the world”
“I’ll see you at 6 then <3”
Before you knew it the clock struck 5, and it was time to get ready. You hop into the shower, your playlist playing over your speakers, to freshen up and hopefully relieve some of your nerves. As the warm water cascades your body and down the drain, you insecurities are drowned with it.
You walked to your closet after exiting the shower, quickly drying your hair and wrapping yourself in a towel. You've never felt so much pressure whilst choosing an outfit. You needed an outfit that was perfect for a first impression, but as you looked through your closet, you weren't overwhelmed by options. “Ok so… effort but not too much effort, colour but no too much colour, casual yet fancy, masculine yet feminine… easy” you sighed as you began pulling out various items of clothing and laying them out on your bed.
You eventually settled on y/f/o, with some light makeup and your hair out and styled like you do day-to-day, not wanting to appear desperate to impress - although you definitely were. With one final look in the mirror, you grabbed your keys and headphones, threw on a jacket, and walked out the door. Checking your phone as you made you way onto the street for the brisk 10 minute walk to the restaurant, the time read 5:50. ‘Perfect’ you thought, not wanting to arrive too early or too late. Everything had to be perfect.
With your on-repeat playlist playing softly in your ears as you walk along the illuminated streets, despite your first date nerves, you can’t help but smile giddily as each step carries you closer and closer to finally meeting the girl of your dreams. As the restaurant comes into view, you slow down your pace as you once again pull out your phone. ‘5:59’. With a deep breath, you cross the road, putting away your headphones as you approach the glass door. Opening the door, you exchange pleasantries with the staff at the door as you scan the restaurant in search of a particular brunette. When your e/c eyes finally land on her figure, she was wearing this outfit, and you have to stop your jaw from dropping to the floor as your eyes widened at her beauty.
Originally looking at her phone, she must have noticed the time as her head picks up and her eyes travel towards the entrance, towards you. Her eyes light up as they meet yours, butterflies erupting in your stomach as her lips curve into a smile. Your smile matches hers as you walk towards the table, as you do so, she places her phone in her blazer pocket and stands up.
“Hi!” you smile brightly, embracing her in a long awaited hug despite your mixture of excitement and nerves, a hug she instantly reciprocates. “Hi! How are you?!? You look amazing by the way” she returns as she pulls out of the embrace, both of you taking your seats. “Oh stop it have you looked in a mirror recently?” your compliment causing her cheeks to brighten slightly, “I’ve never been better. I still feel like I’m dreaming. Both about this” you gesture between the two of you, “and all the press and attention, its insane” you chuckle as you just admire her for a moment, the corners of your lips gently upturned. “How about you?” “I’m good. I mean it’s been a stressful week. I had some long and tiring days on set, but I have to say this is definitely a highlight. You are definitely the highlight of my week” she gently smiles at you, warmth spreading across your cheeks as she flatters you.
Thankfully your embarrassment was saved by the waiter coming to your table, giving you the opportunity to compose yourself whilst Jenna was distracted. If she was going to keep flustering you this easily you were going to need a few drinks. You both ordered and the conversation flowed. As cheesy as it sounds to say, it feels like you have known Jenna for ages. Was that possibly due to the fact that you have been one of her biggest fans for the past few years… maybe, but the connection between the two of you was still undeniable.
Throughout dinner, you find yourself drifting between states of pure joy, and of pure disbelief. Your eyes were essentially glued to Jenna, captivated by her beauty and how, despite being in the spotlight for so many years, she has managed to maintain her humanity, and is just as sweet, and as caring as she appears on screen. Never in your life did you picture yourself here, essentially living your dream. You had your dream job, which allowed you to meet incredible people and travel to incredible places, and you were on a date with your dream girlfriend. You have no idea what you did to deserve this, but there is nothing you wouldn’t do to preserve it.
Which is why, after dinner, you refused to let your night end there. “I’m going to be completely honest with you, I don’t want tonight to end yet. Like I refuse.” her eyes softened at your statement, “What do you say to going on a walk? I know a cute park not too far from here?” Her eyes seem to study you for a moment, almost admiring you - again how is this happening? you have no idea. “I’d love to.” she replied softly. “Perfect”.
After paying the bill, the two of you got up from your seats and headed to the door, thanking the staff along the way. You made sure to walk ahead to hold the door open for her as she exited, receiving an adoring smile for your efforts. “M’lady” you joked, bowing as she walked out laughing with you following swiftly on her tail. Walking out together, you are met with the bitter cold of the night air, the gentle gusts of wind rustling the trees that line the streets. “This way. It’s not too far” you explain, gesturing in the direction of the park, one you often went to when you needed a moment of solitude.
The night had mellowed out as you walked to the park, entertained by relaxed chatter and simply basking in each others presence. Somewhere along the way, Jenna had slipped her hand into yours, your fingers interlocking intimately. The moment you felt her touch, a warmth spread throughout your chest as your lips broke into a giddy smile. Once again you found yourself in a state of pure disbelief. You would think that at this point it would have sunk in, yet how anyone could ever get used to living their dream you would never understand. How Jenna Ortega picked you, of all people, to ask out on a date, you would never understand.
As you approach the park, your thumb brushing over her knuckles, you guide her towards your favourite spot. Walking through the quiet park, although almost eerie, brings you an incredible sense of calmness as you walk through the all too familiar paths. You eventually lead Jenna towards a large tree that overlooks a quiet lake. It was on a bench under said tree that you often spent your afternoons, sat listening to music and trying to escape from the world.
You give Jenna’s hand a reassuring squeeze as you lead her over to said bench, hoping it would also offer her the feeling of tranquility it so often offered you. As you sit on the bench, looking out onto the dimly lit lake, the wind and leaves playing a sweet melody above your heads, you feel calm. Noticing Jennas slight shivering next to you, you are quick to take off your jacket and wrap it around her shoulders, earning an appreciative smile from the girl. “It’s beautiful” she whispers, her attention directed to the lake in-front of her, the reflection of the dim park lights reflecting off of it’s calm surface. “Yeah it is” you reply just as faintly.
Except you weren’t talking about the lake. Or the park. The only thing you could focus on, was her. Sat next to you with your jacket wrapped around her shoulders, the faint lights reflecting off her features perfectly, looking ethereal against the dull glow. Eventually noticing your gaze, she turns her head to look at you, her brown eyes meeting your e/c ones. Your admiration for her must have been obvious as her face softens, her eyes even glancing towards your lips. “Did you mean it?” she asks in a faint whisper. “Did I mean what?” “The tweets. Did you mean them?” your lips twitch into a slight smile at the mention of your tweets, the very things that brought you to this moment. “Every single word” you confess.
Now it was your turn to glance at her lips, watching as she subtly catches her bottom lip between her teeth. Even in the faint light, her face still glowed as you admired it, adjusting yourself as you slowly begun to close the distance. With one last hesitant look at her eyes, which were still locked on your lips, you brought your hands up, resting them on her cheeks, and leaned in, connecting your lips in a slow, gentle kiss. Jenna sighs softly as her hands wrap delicately around your neck. At first tentative, you begin to move your lips against hers. As she reciprocates, it feels like the world has stopped. You forget everything. You experience real peace. You feel nothing but her. You just want the time to stop. In that moment, you feel almost certain that you must be dreaming.
As you part, breathless, your lips, which already ache at the lack of her warmth, crack into a smile as your eyes meet hers once again. “Come back to mine?” you question hesitantly with a chuckle, watching as her smile grows as she grabs ahold of your hands. “I’d like that”
@nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805
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plump-lips-imagine · 1 year
Could I please request a fix where Bowser hires a “Human Expert” aka the reader to help him understand humans better thus understanding Peach and her wants and needs, even help a bit with practice proposal and practice dates. The reader going along with it as not only does Bowser pay good money, but it gives them a chance to learn and write about Darklands and its inhabitants. They become close from their frequent interactions and perhaps maybe even closer…
Hmmm. Nice! Let's see if I can make something with this. I hope you Like it! I tried!
The Cupid and The Dragon
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You Were currently in a cage a bit scared and a bit agitated. Yes. In a cage in Bowser's Castle in the Throne room currently waiting for Bowser's arrival while Koopas stand guard.
How did you get here? Well, about 40 minutes ago-
Earlier that day.
You Were traveling across the mushroom kingdom to learn about the people with your backpack in tow, excited to see new people. You are a bit new to the Kingdom to know a lot about it, but here enough to make a name for yourself. You see, you're an expert when it comes to the subject of love. You give excellent advice to those who ask for it, you give readings to see compatibility, and give an in-depth reading into the person's love language.
You are known as 'The Cupid'.
But what's a love expert doing out here. Well, you Were making your way to the dark lands. You came to study the habitants and the kingdom, maybe hopefully making some discoveries and new friends along the way.
But whenever you would ask anybody in Toad Town about the Dark Lands, they would shiver in fright and say it was too Dangerous to go there.
But Curiosity kills the Cat, as they say.
You step over the line that connects the Mushroom Kingdom and Dark lands together. It was hard and hot. The air was dry, and the heat was intense as magma littered the lands along with the soot.
‘The weather here is harsh. I’m surprised anyone lives here.’ You thought to yourself, covering your face from the climate and soot. ‘But…It’s kinda cool.’
You stared in awe at the magma that flow on the land, as a perfect blanket to the surface. It was pretty if you looked from a different perspective. It made your eyes shine in delight at the sights in front of you.
'It's a hazard to be here, but it seems fine if you were into lava and a darker theme. I wouldn't mind staying here for a bit. I wonder where the locals are at?' You ponder as you see no sign of life anywhere. But your sight-seeing came to a halt when a blur behind you whooshes past you as they came to a stop in front of you, making you stop as well. It was... A turtle. A Turtle with a red shell and wings, with a helmet as its only piece of armor with a spear at the ready pointing at you.
"Halt! You have trespassed on the Dark Lands under the All-Mighty Bowser Rule!... Are you human?" "The Turtle asks, his spear still close to your face. You take a small step back at this as you nervously glanced back at them. "Um, yes? Yes, I am! I didn't mean to trespass, I was just exploring new areas as I'm still new to this world, and I was curious about what the dark lands were. I can leave immediately."
"Likely Story." Two more of them came swooping down, spears at hand also. "Humans are rare here. King Bowser is going to need to see you before you go anywhere. You are under arrest." Three Spears pointed at you in a menacing manner as you raise your hands in the air for surrender.
Oh dear.
And That's why you're here now. Waiting for your 'meeting' with "King Bowser'. You heard about him; the toads would tell you stories about him. His massive claws, the spikes so sharp that they could kill at the touch. Sharps teeth, Large Menacing build that can send the Kingdom into Chaos!
Safe to say you weren't excited to meet him face to face. It didn't help that the rumbling of footsteps was coming closer. The doors open with a boom, making you stand up in your cage. He's Here.
And he's HUGE!
Bowser stands Giant compared to you, his presence made the room shudder in fear by his intimidating glare, and it was directly aimed at you.
A smaller Koopa in a Blue robe and glasses follows behind him. "Here They are, your Grouchiness."
"Well, Well, Well. What do we have here? You must be the trespasser my koopa troops were telling me about." He bought a his claw finger to your torso and pointed at you harshly, making you move backward by accident. "What Business do you have here human.?
"P-Please believe me when I say I mean no harm or ill will. I'm just a wondering traveler learning about the land from experience. I just wanted to learn about the kingdom, and the locals is all. Honest" You put your hand above your heart in swear to being truthful. Bowser smirks, but his eyes tell a different story. He's not buying it and he was disinterested in your attempt at being honest.
"Likely Story, Human. No one dares to walk in my land if they wish to make it out in one piece. Only Those that wish to get burned come here!" Smoke comes out of his mouth in repressed annoyance as his finger is at your face. You shake in fear.
gulping, you bring your hands to your head and remove your hoodie. You reveal your face in an attempt to show that you can be trusted. you felt vulnerable. Bowser's eyes widen as he removes his claw away from your face.
"You're....The Cupid"
"O-oh, you've heard of me, your majesty." this is news to you.
he huffs. "'Heard of ya?', You're practically the talk of this Kingdom. Your abilities make my minions desperate from reading from you. You are all they can talk about." He glares at you, but it wasn't the same as before. It was more of a 'minor inconvenience' than a threatening glare.
But now that you're here. he could use you to his advantage. With your love expertise, you can tell him the secret of him making Peach his. This will be a piece of cake with you as his secret weapon.
"Human." You look up at him. "Be thankful. You're going to be helping me get Peach to fall in love with me!"
"Did I stutter? You going to help me when Peach Over! Aren't you the expert in that Category?!"
You look at him dumbstruck. "Your Highness, I don't make anyone fall in love with anybody. I'm just a matchmaker that gives good advice."
His Hold hand suddenly grabs your cage in his hand, threatening to Crush it. You yelp in surprise.
"ARE YOU DISOBEYING MY ORDER? YOU DARE SAY NO TO ME!?" His hand closes around the cage a bit, making a dent in it.
"You dare disobey the King?" Kamek Butted in.
He stops crushing the cage, giving you a chance to breathe. He looks at you confused.
"What do you mean by that? Explain."
"Well... I can read compatibility and the chances for you to get with your loved one, depending on the percentage and what I see, I could help you. That's my expertise. I find True Love for You. I don't make it Happen."
He stares at you for a minute contemplating what you just told him.
"Kamek, Lower the cage." Kamek looks at him in Surprise but used his magic to lower the cage to the ground and opened the door.
You step out and looked behind you at the barely put together cage and gulp but turn back to Bowser.
"Well, how do you do it?" He asked lowly.
"This Reading. How do you do it?" He asks again in an annoyed gruff.
You look away for a second and then speak. "I'll need your palm of hand to start."
"It helps create a connection with you and only you, so It becomes clear to me to tell you the answers you need."
"I've never heard of such a thing. What type of trick are you pulling human?" Kamek didn't believe you for a second. He was waiting for you to try and make a run for it.
"It's not a trick I swear. It's how my Powers work. Honest!"
Bowser doesn't say anything else, but he did get on one knee to attempt to get to your height. He still overpowered you, but it was for him to show you his hand, giving permission to read him like a book.
He was even more, intimated even outside the cage, but you shallowed your fear and gently brought your hands to two of his fingers as that's all you can hold in your hand. You softly rubbed them to get a feel for him. His hands were rough, and they held incredible strength, but also control when he need to be gentle.
as you continued to rub, you felt him shift his hand away. It made you look up at him. "Are you alright, Your highness?"
"I'm fine! Just do what you need to do."
if you didn't know any better. He looked...Shy?
You shake your head as you read his palm. "I want you to imagines your loved one. I need you to create the perfect image of them in your head."
He closes his eyes as he did what you said. His aura was that of a strong fire, intense rage, and Passion. The Aura he was imagining was that of a soft but firm sweetness, a loving and strong sprit. It was an attractive pink aura.
The compatibility of them together.....Yeesh. You gulped at the numbers. This is not good.
"Well, What do you see? Are Me and Peach destined to be? A match Made in Heaven?"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN '6 PERCENT!!?" He roars loudly as fire spews out his mouth, making you duck for cover.
he didn't take the news well.
"That's the number I saw, Your highness!! Please, don't burn me!!!"
"You better read again. You must have made a mistake! There no way!"
"Your Highness, there is no mistake! I made sure to check before I told you!-
"THAT"S NOT TRUE AT ALL!! DON"T SAY THAT!" you yell at the top of your lungs. He growls at you, flames at the ready.
"How dare you raise your voice at-"
"I AM NO FAKE! That's why I told you the results. I knew you wouldn't like the numbers, but I still told you anyway. I take pride in my work, and I won't lie just to make you happy. I attend to be accurate. I don't care if you don't like the results and it makes you furious, but you deserve to know the truth. So don't call me a fake.... please" You stare at him as you stand your ground, shaking but firm.
you dealt with too many people criticizing your work because it was something they didn't want to hear, and you'll be damn if you'll let someone that is getting your reading for practically free disrespect you like that.
He glares at you at your arrogance, but...he felt a bit of respect for you hearing you say that. It was refreshing that someone was going to be straight with him. Still, he was angry. He stomps the ground in a mini tantrum.
"So what, are you saying I have no shot with her!?"
"No, I'm saying there's a low chance. It's low but you still got a chance."
"Yeah, that helps." He says in a sarcastic tone.
"I can help still."
"Oh really, how?"
"Well, it's Princess Peach right. She a human like me. I can provide some great love advice and coach you what she most likely sees in a Man- errr....Turtle?"
'Koopa. because you're not loveless and you obviously love her, but she doesn't see that side of you. we just to figure out how to make it show.'
"I don't need a coach. I am perfectly capable of showing her what I have to offer." he states in a cocky way.
"And has your approach to her worked in the past?"
"Look, I just want to help. Everyone deserves Love, and I'm sure you will find it once you at least hear me out. I promise I know what I'm talking about." You look up at him with pleading eyes.
He contemplates this and sighs... "Fine. but don't think you're the boss of me. You will stay here until i don't need you anymore. don't even think about running away."
You stare at him, and think. 'Sweet! A place to stay. But I gotta stand my ground.' You take a deep breath.
"I agree to help you win Peach Over. However,......My services are not free. Each session cost 30.....35 coins. And I request a tour of the Dark Lands and to learn more about your Kingdom...Please."
He stares at you in amusement at your demands. Your pathetic attempt at confidence can be called cute if he didn't find you annoying.
"Very Well. You got a deal." he reaches his hand to you and you grab his finger to shake.
Let the coaching begin.
"I guess Love makes a guy come out of his shell. Let's rule the world, together. Will you Marry Me?" he held out his hand to you with a bouquet of piranha plants. His eyes shine with a soft gaze in them. it was different from how he usually acted.
you stood there in a pink dress and pink lipstick on, staring at him.
"Not Bad. It was Cute." You admitted bluntly.
"Only 'Not Bad'? I worked months on that proposal!"
"Well, you're coming off a little too strong. I'm saying not to use pick-up lines, but you might not want to start with that one. I would say it after you hear her accept the proposal.The cornyness of won't be as strong. And probably skip the carnivorous plants as the bouquet, it can make her a little jumpy if they decide to bite. Eep!" The plants try to bite at you all at once, just an inch away as Bowser quickly stomped on the flowers to put you at ease. You sigh in relief and Bowser looked a little sheepish.
"Besides, Why the proposal? I think a date would be the first course of action. aren't we moving a little too fast?"
"What's the point of beating around the bush if I intend to marry her?" He asked as it was an obvious question. You contemplate how to break it down for him.
"Well, she might want to take it slow. Humans usually like to get to know their partners before they can even think about marriage. They want to get to know you. "
Bowser rolls his eyes at this. "Please, what do you know? I already know everything I need to know about My Peaches."
".....Alright. Tell me about her. Tell me everything you love about her. Why do you want to Marry her?" You sit down on the ground as he did the same.
"Well, What's not to love about her. Her beauty is like no other, Her golden hair, Her beautiful blue eyes, and the crown that stays forever in place. Her sweetness is almost too addicting-."
You sat at him as his eyes shone at just Talking about her. He had this lovesick expression on his face. He went on and on, but you don't mind.
"So... What type of king are you?" You and Bowser were in the dining hall as y'all took a break from coaching. Servants quickly place food on both sides of the table and went back to their positions before they could say thank you.
Bowser looks at you weirdly. "You don't know?"
"Nope. I'm afraid only know your name. When I try to ask The Toads at the Mushroom Kingdom, they would be too scared to tell me."
he chuckles to himself as he smirks proudly at himself. "Well, My presence does intimidate most. I am a King of the Koopas. I rule with an Iron in this Kingdom. Soon the Whole World. Don't you forget it." he Exclaims proudly, eyeing your reaction. You look at him awestruck, interested in what he had to say. it was...kinda cute.
"What about the small brown mushroom guys. There not koopas, are they?"
"What? Oh, you mean the Goombas. No, but I rule over them too."
"Really? And what about Kamek?"
"He's a Magikoopa, also a type of Koopa." Bowser doesn't know why, but he didn't mind answering your questions. He would've thought he would be more annoyed but the way your eyes looked at him with curiosity made him want to talk with you more.
"Have you been a ruler your whole life or did it happen suddenly?"
"My whole life. Kamek is the one that raised me to become a Strong leader when I was a koopaling."
"And he must've done a good job considering that you're still ruling to this day." Kamek sneezes in the distance somewhere. " It can't be easy Ruiling at such a young age, so you must be an excellent king if you are still ruling to this day."
Bowser chokes on his food a bit at your sudden compliment. A light blush coats with face as he stares at you wide eyed.
You look at him confused. 'Did I say something wrong?'
bowser coughs before continuing to eat. "How's your food, is it to your liking." He asks changing the subject.
"It's delicious. I've never had anything like it. My compliments to the chef." You say with a smile.
Both of you are unaware of the minions looking with shock across their faces. Did their king just get flustered?
"Absolutely not!"
"What Why?!" "Because no sane human would want sacrifices of literal people to show them love!!
"But how do I show my undying love her!?"
"You make figurative sacrifices for her, not literal!
Kamek looks between the two of you boredly as both You and Bowser get into a debate of loving gifts for Peach. He shakes his head at his son. Well, at least his anger seemed to go down.
"Woah.." You look out the outside view of the Dark Lands from from the Castle. You can see Peach's Castle over yonder if you squint. the Lava mixed in with the Sunset made it beautiful to see. You could See the Goomba Patrol training outside.
"Nice, isn't it"
"It's amazing. i din't know lava could look so beautiful."
"...You're a werid human."
You look up at him. "Werid how?"
"You are as calm as ever in the dark lands, in frint of me of all people, and You actually like it here."
"well...It's not so bad. at least to me. I wouldn't mind living here. You're not that bad either. It's nice to seeing you in love. "
"Oh really?" He looks at you with this look that said, "I don't believe you."
"Yes, it's true. I Love 'Love'! And if you're willing to hire a coach to help you with the woman you love, then how bad can he possibly be." You smile brightly at him.
'Too bright" Bowser thinks to himself as he brings his hand to your heads, giving you a light noogie.
"Now whose being corny. Stars,that was cheesy."
"Ow, hey. Sorry! Quit messing with my hair."
Kamek watches this display in the background. he looks at both of you in wonder. Bowser is never this calm. What was even more shocking was that Bowser had a genuine smile on his face.
"Okay. what is something that Humans crave in a relationship?"
"NO!! Human beings crave affection and safety!"
"I can provide that!"
"Bowser, what was the first thing you said when I asked, "what is she's says no?"
"I said I would attack and destroy the Mushroom Kingdom along with those toads if she tried!"
"That's a problem! That is not safety! That is coercion! If you have to make her love you,THAT'S.NOT.LOVE."
"But She's so stubborn. I tried so many times and she won't say yes! What other way can I make her mine?!"
"You can't!"
"THEN WHAT'S THE POINT IN ALL THESE LESSONS!!" He voice booms in the room as he stomps loudly at you, his eyes glowing red with rage.
You're breath gets caught in your throat and you can't speak as you shiver in place and flinch, waiting for something to happen.
He sees this and his gaze softened. he didn't like the look on your face. the thought that you expect him to hurt you made him feel...guilty. he lets out a breath to release anger and steps away from you to let out the steam in his chest. You look at him in surprise.
"...I'm never going to get Peaches to like me, aren't I?" He solemnly asks, more in a rhetorical tone.
You slowly walk up to him, careful with every step you take. this is the most vulnerable you have ever seen him. You reach your hand to his claw, grabbing it in your hands. You pause for a minute.
".... I wouldn't say that. Your compatibility increased gradually. It's now 32%. It's still low I won't lie, but Your chances have increased. It might take some time, but real love is worth waiting for. And I see you're really trying. Most People wouldn't change for a loved one, but I see you trying so hard. It would be crazy not to fall in love with you."
Bowser stills says nothing, still not looking at you.
"For what it's worth. I think you would make a nice husband." You admit quietly. you used this as your que to leave the throne room, as you felt you've overstayed your welcome and made him uncomfortable.
But Bowser wished you stay in the room a little longer. He found himself missing your presence as soon as you left. this felt...weird.
He would have to make a note to tell Kamek to double your pay when he had the chance.
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margowritesthings · 1 year
The Greatest Gift A Cowgirl Could Ask For
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a @rdrevents Valentines gift exchange for @cowboydisaster
pairing: Arthur Morgan x f!reader word count: 4,400 words warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, explicit language, sexual themes, vaginal sex, mentions of death, unprotected sex, throwing up (TW EMETOPHOBIA), very brief mention of SA in the past, unexpected pregnancy, mentions of Micah Bell a/n: am I britney spears in her 2000 grammy award winning song??? because oops, i did it again. i don't know how I managed to get Bea as my recipient for a SECOND time, but it only felt right to carry on building this universe I've made for her and lying to her about it all week. Whoops.
Bea, my beloved, Happy Valentines Day. You deserve the world and Im so glad I could dedicate this fic to you. Honestly I probably couldn't have gotten the motivation to get back on my feet and write again if it wasn't for you. Thanks for everything you do bby and I hope this lives up to your 'if by some miracle you get me for your gift exchange disregard my prompts and write a TGG prequel' (yes she actually said that) idea. Love you lots xxx
taglist: @cowboydisaster @inkandbloodbound @counteveryfreckle @elifsukirdaghehe @reaveries @delilah-grimes @luvliewriting @mrsarthurmorgan7 @photo1030 @snobbybastard
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My Darling Wife,
I’m writing to you from up near Tempest Rim. I’ve tracked this bounty all over the goddamn Grizzlies and I’m ready to come home to you. I miss you so much and I’m real sorry I can’t be home in time for St. Valentines. Hopefully I can catch this bastard soon and make it up to ya. We’ll go to the theatre and sit right at the back, how’s that sound? I’ll move heaven and Earth to be beside you soon, you know I will.
I can’t wait to see you, sweetheart. I’ll be there as fast as I can be with enough money to take you out on the town. Won’t be long, I promise. 
All my love, Arthur
All my love, Arthur
All my love, Arthur
Your finger runs over his looped script, over and over as if it will somehow will your husband out of the crumpled paper and into your bed. It’s been 2 months since the letter arrived, 2 months of the agony of not knowing if he’s dead or alive robbing you of sleep each and every night. You miss him, more than you could ever imagine one person could miss another and you honestly don’t know what you’ll do if he doesn’t come home. 
It’s a 600 dollar bounty, it’s sure to be a tough job you constantly reassure yourself, unable to focus on anything but the absence of half of your very soul in every waking moment. 
The day he comes home starts like any other. Time's arrow marches on, the sun rises and sets over your makeshift family as they work and plan and rob and hunt. You busy yourself planning a job with Karen, cushioned into your schedule between menial tasks so that it’s just that bit easier to not think about him. As usual, your efforts are in vain, but at least the chores are done, your steed Diesel is happy, and, all being well, you and Karen will have about 30 dollars to split between you when the week is out. 
An hour before he comes home, everyone retires to bed, save for John (who’s on watch tonight) and you’re left alone by the campfire. It crackles and pops, embers swirling the air around you. It feels like you stare at the twisting flames until your eyes blur and burn and you can’t tell which are tears of irritation to your senses and which are your heart breaking once more.
Moments before you’re reunited with the second half of your heart, you hear John yelling. It’s instinct that drives your hand into your holster, still resting against your hip despite the late hour, and you perk up like a startled deer, straining to decipher Marston’s words.
“Who is it?!” “Arthur, you dumbass!”
“Arthur?!” It’s a breathless shout, barely heard over the rushing blood in your ears as your feet take you to your husband before your mind can even fathom that he’s here. 
But sure enough, when you reach the edge of camp, heart racing, you see Arthur Morgan riding his chestnut mare straight towards you, spurring her into a gallop as soon as he lays his eye on his waiting wife. Marston probably makes some remark about who ‘decided to show up’, but to you, there is nothing but you and Arthur, two magnets parted by an unnatural force finally reaching each other again with a deafening crash. 
And it is. A crash, that is, when Arthur all but throws himself off his saddle and your bodies collide, great big arms wrapping around your frame. It is then that the tears fall down your cheek, soaking into Arthur’s coat that smells so much like him it truly feels like a dream.
You thought he was dead.
Only when you’re safely in his arms, when he’s pressing frantic kisses to your head, whispering your name over and over into your hair do you allow yourself to admit that fact. You thought he was never coming back, and yet here he is. Words fail you, the overwhelming emotion settling right in your throat.
“Oh, god… oh, darlin’ I-I missed you so much…” 
You feel two large hands cup your cheeks, pulling you in for a kiss that holds everything and anything the past 3 months could have been had you not spent it apart. But everything fits back into place, the world starts spinning again and you’re whole the second Arthur Morgan’s lips meet yours. It lasts a lifetime, it lasts a fraction of a second. You want to stop time, keep Arthur in your arms forever and never again have to go through the torture of being away from each other. The two of you only part to throw near identical scowls at John, who is amusing himself by telling you to get a room.
Unfortunately, as Ms. Grimshaw so often reminds you all, the Van der Linde Camp is not a hotel, so tonight you will not be afforded the luxury of a private suite as John so kindly suggested. There is only your tent, hitched against the gang’s weapons wagon, the old canvas pulled around to offer a little privacy when you and Arthur first started… well, needing the seclusion.
Calloused fingers intertwine with your own digits, Arthur’s other hand flipping John off before his weight pulls you towards your little corner of camp. There's so much purpose in his stride, the need to have you all to himself, not even share you with the lord above or wildlife below, driving him forward. Driving him home. 
When you’re finally, truly alone, the tears welling in your eyes glistening in the candlelight, no words are needed. Soon enough, you’ll talk for hours on end, catching each other up on every little detail of the last few months. But for now, all that there is and all that could matter is right this very second, when Arthur reaches for you, brushing a thumb over the tear tracks on your left cheek. His eyes, looking almost emerald in the dark of night, roam over each and every detail of you with such an intensity in him that you think he’s trying to remember this moment for the rest of time. You’re sure it’s one you could never possibly forget. 
Arthur snakes both arms around your waist, guiding you backwards until the backs of your knees gently hit the cot and you lay back onto it. He covers the full length of you and then some, making you feel so fragile and small. It’s nice to feel breakable for once, to let go of the need to be the strongest in the room, lest you be ridiculed for being too sensitive or too weak or too womanly. Arthur knows just how strong you are, you need to prove nothing to him, so you can submit to his embrace, allow yourself to just breathe for once knowing you can break and there’s re will always be somebody to put you back together.
He lowers himself to your lips, pressing a kiss to them that doesn’t last nearly long enough. Arthur then kisses your nose, then your cheeks and chin, before trailing down to the crook of your neck. Your skin feels as though it’s on fire, so starved for the man you cannot live without that now he’s finally here everything feels that much more intense. The tiniest scrape of Arthur’s teeth against your flesh shoots through every single nerve in your body and you moan right into his ear. You can actually feel him harden against your thigh at the sweet melody of your pleasure. 
Pushing Arthur’s hat off to the side, your fingers rake through his hair, nails scratching at his scalp encouragingly as he nibbles at your skin.
“Oh, Arthur… Oh, I missed you so much…” You breathlessly whisper, feeling your heart skip a beat when he pauses his movements to glance at you from under impossibly long eyelashes, jade green eyes glistening up at you.
“I missed you too, sweetheart. So so much.” His voice is soft, as if he’s handling the peacefulness around you so delicately and it causes the overwhelming emotion to well in your chest and choke up your throat. Arthur sees this, trying not to be too taken with his own surprising amount of emotion himself, and relieves you of your job of a response by directing his attention to the buttons of your shirt. You don’t remember him pushing your jacket off your shoulders, but there it lies on the floor beside the entrance to your tent, so he must have.
Despite the juxtaposition of such dainty buttonholes and such large fingers, Arthur expertly undresses your top half until you’re bare to him. He takes no time at all to take one of your nipples into his mouth, kissing and sucking at it with a hunger you feel right in your toes. You moan loudly, unable to stop yourself after yearning for this very feeling for so long. 
Arthur coos and shushes you and it vibrates across your skin, not helping you stay quiet in the slightest. The hand not tugging on his dirty blonde locks reaches between your two longing bodies to begin to unbuckle his belt. You can feel your own heartbeat throbbing between your legs, your coil growing tighter and tighter by the second. It’s been almost 3 months since your bodies have joined like this, and yet you’re not sure you can wait another minute. 
You’re purring for Arthur, twitching and grinding as your hand fumbles desperately at the belt. His absence from your skin is agony the second he pulls his hips back to sit up straight. Spotting your downright bratty expression, bottom lip protruding in a pout, Arthur chuckles lowly, “Patience, baby… I gotta get these damn clothes off us.” He gestures to his belt, still very much buckled around his waist. Definitely not your fault. He was being far too distracting.
He’s quick, you’ll give him that, shedding his clothes without taking his eyes off you. You burn under his stare, even more so when he crawls back on top of you to slide your boots off one by one and peel your pants and undergarments down your legs.
The heat radiates off his huge body, his cock pulsing with need. The way he’s putting his weight into his arms to stop from crushing you with his weight adds a definition to his already beautifully sculpted body. Reaching down, you brush the tip of your finger oh so gently over his rosy head, finding a bead of cum already leaking, and you snap. You can’t wait a second longer, scratching and gripping at him like he’s the air you need to breathe.
“Please, Arthur, please I need you. S-So long, it’s been so long-” “Shh, I know, princess, I know. I’m gonna take care of you, okay? Gonna take care of your pretty little cunt, I promise.” He soothes you, though his own voice is shaky from the very effort of restraining himself, maintaining his control to not drive into you and ruin you. While he whispers to you, he lines himself up at your entrance and you quiver in anticipation.
In all your years before you met Arthur, you never really saw sex as anything but something to give, or worse, something to be taken from you. You never truly understood, not until you met Arthur, who taught you it’s something to share, to experience. With Arthur, it’s different. It is connection and pleasure and it’s wonderful and god damn it, it’s addictive. So when Arthur slides into you, letting out a visceral, guttural groan as he does, everything is right in the world.
You feel so full, especially when Arthur pushes all the way to the hilt, connecting you completely at the pelvis. The moan that escapes your lips is downright obscene and Arthur crashes down into your mouth to swallow it. 
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s been so long, or the emotion of it all, but you swear you can feel everything. Every vein and ridge, every twitch and movement of his perfect cock as Arthur slowly starts to move in and out of you. 
“Fuck… s-so good, darlin. So tight- y’feel so fucking good, princess…”
You’ve never hurtled so close towards a climax so quickly in your life. His torturously slow, deep thrusts drag into your sweet spot every fucking time and trying to hold back brings a blur into your vision. Your own hips grind against his, Arthur gripping into your flesh to guide you perfectly in time with him.
“I-I’m so close already, Arthur… fuck…” You breathe out, your breath tickling Arthur’s ear and sending a visible shudder down his spine. He looks proud at your admission.
“You missed me that much, huh? Gonna cum for me already, darlin’?” 
He gives you no time to respond, pressing a thumb to your clit and rubbing in time with everything else. You implode, pulling Arthur down to catch the scream you’re about to wake everybody up with. It has never felt so intense, and with every thrust Arthur fucks into you it only grows and grows, shattering you to pieces for Arthur to fix back together again. 
When you return, a rhythmic thudding in your ears, the first thing you see is Arthur, of course. His jaw is fluttering madly, a bead of sweat clinging to his forehead but the candlelight makes him look ethereal. You still can’t believe he’s here, alive.
Tears start to glisten in your eyes. You’ve never cried during sex before, not for anything positive, at least, but somehow this doesn’t feel wrong. Arthur slows again, watching you, and you spot an extra shine to his own jade orbs. He knows. He feels it too. 
He’s right there with you. As he always is.
He brushes a piece of hair stuck to your forehead away, and the gesture is enough to send the tears falling down the same worn path on your cheeks as before.
“I love you, Mr. Morgan…” “I love you, Mrs. Morgan…” 
It seems to become too much for Arthur to stay still, and you’re glad for it. You’re desperate for the friction, already flying towards another orgasm. He’s really fucking into you this time, pulling almost all the way out before driving back in. He’s groaning and growling and you decide in that moment that it’s your favourite sound in all the world. 
“I… I ain’t gonna last much longer, baby…”
“C-Cum in me…” “Huh?” He slows, shuddering at the exertion required to control his movements, “I-”
But you’re not listening to his protests, your nails digging into the skin of his back and ass and anywhere else you can reach to urge him forwards again.
“Please Arthur, I-I need you… I need you to cum with me, I need you with me…” you plead with him, not truly understanding your need but honouring it. You’ve been without him for so long, you deserve him with you now.
He appears to consider you for just a moment, before diving down to lock your lips with his. His tongue delves into your mouth, tasting every bit of you and he starts to pump into you unreservedly. His body grinds against yours and the friction is perfect and you’re so fucking full and before you can even try to hold back, you’re cumming again, stars scattering your vision, heart pounding out of your chest to find release from it’s mortal, physical cage. Your inner walls twitch around Arthur’s length and this time, he doesn’t hold back either. 
His eyes fly open and lock onto yours as you both climax together. It’s vulnerable and strange, but perhaps more connected than you ever thought possible for two people to be. 
Arthur’s cock twitches inside you, pumping out his spend as he groans viscerally, completely losing control of his rhythm as he thrusts into you one last time, harsh and deep. You’ve never experienced this before, with Arthur or any other man, normally erring on the side of caution when it came to such matters, but even as you come down you can’t bring yourself to regret it. Whatever you and Arthur just experienced together felt spiritual, and worth much more than a little risk.
Arthur collapses, even as depleted as he is still considerate enough to collapse onto his elbows and not crush you. He slides out of you, earning a little wince, and rolls to the side so you can rest your head on his chest. It’s like a locket that’s been ripped apart, finally fixed together with the most satisfying click. 
Two months later, life has returned to its equilibrium. You and Arthur are perhaps clingier, still in a sort of second honeymoon phase where you just can’t seem to keep your hands off each other, more so than usual. It’s a side effect of prolonged solitude, you’re sure.
The first time it happens, you blame Pearson and think nothing of it. It’s pretty early in the morning and you’re sitting with Tilly and Abigail, peeling potatoes for the stew tonight. Abigail is venting her frustrations about when John did this and John said that, and everything feels so normal. Pearson arrives, throwing a rather large, rather dead fish onto the table you’re leaning against and you feel the thud from the weight of it vibrate against your back. 
It isn’t until the smell invades your senses that everything starts to feel off. It smells exactly like all the other fish Pearson has ever slammed onto that poor table, which doesn’t explain why you immediately lurch forwards, grabbing an empty bucket and throwing up your breakfast. The fish stench is suffocating and all you can do is get the hell away from it, not noticing when Abigail’s brows knit together almost… knowingly?
You skip the stew that night. 
The second time it happens, you try not to think about it. You’re riding Diesel and almost don’t make it off him in time. There is nothing to set you off, no horse shit or rotting animal at the side of the road, and yet in an instant your stomach feels like it has been flipped upside down. 
The sheer volume of your retching catches Arthur’s attention and he tugs on the leather reins in his hands to steady his mare. 
“Darlin’? Y’alright?” 
His concern is evident in his tone and in the tight line between his brows, which deepens when he finds you unable to respond in anything but a frantic nod. He dismounts, spurs clicking against the dusty ground when he approaches you. 
“Oh, sweetheart… that’s it, easy, easy… you’re okay…”
You feel gentle circles rubbed into the tense muscles of your back as you try to get through this again. It’s not lost on you that Arthur is speaking to you like a spooked horse, but it actually really does help. (You decide to prioritise peace of mind and not psychoanalyse why that is). Eventually, it relents and you regain your composure, albeit somewhat less gracefully than you’d have liked. 
“Sorry… I don’t know what’s gotten into me, maybe I ate somethin’.”
Your apology for something you can’t help earns you a sad smile from your husband, who places a loving kiss on the top of your head before reaching for your discarded hat and putting it back on for you.
“Y’don’t gotta apologise. I gotcha, darlin’.”
You know he does.
He always does.
The third time it happens, the luxury of denial is stolen from you. It’s early enough that your view while you sit with Abigail drinking coffee involves glorious hues of orange and pink scattered around the rising sun. It’s peaceful, tranquil. The warmth of the little metal mug in your hands and Arthur’s jacket around your shoulders is enough to ward off the fresh morning chill in the air.
There is absolutely no warning when it hits, when it happens again. You’re so goddamn sick (no pun intended) of hurling. Your eyes water and your throat hurts a little and you curse under your breath when it’s over. Abi is beside you, rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you. She waits until it’s over before speaking hesitantly.
“Uh, can I ask you somethin’?” 
You nod, eyes still red and glistening as you swirl coffee around your mouth to take away from the awful, acidic taste lingering. 
“When did you last bleed?”
“What, like an injury? Uh, I cut my hand couple days back, but I don’t see what-“
… Oh fuck. 
The anxiety bounces around your body and you decide that you’ve become far too acquainted with the concept of nausea. You can actually tell the difference between nerves  twisting your stomach and… well, let’s say it as it is:  morning sickness. This is the former, you deduce, spinning both your engagement and wedding ring around your finger to give your hands something better to do than carve fingernail-shaped moons into your palm. He should be home any minute now. Any minute now and it will all change forever.
It’s quite late, but the poker game Arthur was scoping out for potential jobs is known to last a while. You’re the only one still awake, poking the embers of the campfire to keep yourself as comfortable as possible. 
You hear hooves hitting dry dirt first, and it seems to trigger your fight or flight response. God, you’d love to run away from this, but that is pretty much impossible, so fight it is. It’ll be the greatest fight of your life, you’ll soon learn, one you’re privileged to be a part of. But right now, it feels like an all-consuming unknown. 
Arthur can tell something is wrong the second he sees you. You’re terrible at hiding things, especially from him. He always reads you as though you have a poster advertising your feelings printed on your forehead. Arthur dismounts, kissing you tenderly on the temple and wrapping his arms around you.
“What’re you still doin’ up, darlin’? Is everything alright?” You can feel his worry vibrating in his chest as you nuzzle into his embrace. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine, I just… Can we talk? I kept the fire goin’.” You say it into his shirt, reluctant to move from this hold.
“Of course…” there’s something in his voice, a tense apprehension that really doesn’t help the knot contorting itself in your gut. 
While you’re more than capable of keeping a fire going, Arthur is an expert, and has it healthily burning within seconds of you sitting down on the overturned log the gang has fashioned into a bench. You’re back to spinning your beautiful gold bands around your finger, trying to remember to breathe in and out every so often.
“What’s goin’ on, sweetheart?” His voice is so soft, so kind that it makes you want to cry. But you promised yourself you wouldn’t until you’d told him, because this might just be the most important conversation you’ve ever had, and you definitely won’t get through it if you’re a blubbering mess.
“I, uh… I… somethin’s happened.”
You hear his breath hitch in his throat and Arthur leans towards you, completely enveloping your hands in his. They’re sandwiched in now and you can’t fiddle with your rings anymore.
“What? What happened? Was it Micah? If he’s said somethin’ to you, I’ll kill him, the rat bastard-”
“No, no, it’s… as much as I’d love to see that, it’s not him.” 
The tension releases. Just a little bit.
“I’m pregnant.” 
Oh wait, there it is. 
The silence is deafening, even though you’re almost certain it isn’t actually silent out here right now. There's a fire going and crickets are just metres away, you’re just shutting down with nerves. 
The normally so often tense, fluttering jaw of Arthur Morgan is slack, his eyes wide and gaping at you, occasionally flicking down to your so far bump-less belly. (You should know- you’ve been obsessively looking in a mirror any chance you get for some sort of sign that this is really happening). 
Say something. Please say something. Please don’t be angry. Oh, God please don’t hate me. 
“I-I… You’re pregnant?” He repeats, reassuring you that you haven’t actually gone deaf, though his tone holds no indication of anything but shock. That’s probably fair…
You nod, hands instinctively reaching over your belly. It feels… weird. Holding your hands over your baby. Yours and Arthur’s baby. 
“It happened a couple months back, when you got back from The Grizzlies, I think… I-I’m sorry, Arthur. I shoulda’ been more careful and-and…” You’re rambling, filling a silence that probably should just be allowed to be a silence.
“There… There’s gonna be a baby?”
There. Right there, adorning Arthur’s beautiful features, is the pull of a smile. It chokes you up instantly, so far deep in nightmares of arguments and unhappiness that you hadn’t even considered the good. You start to nod, a little bit of your fringe falling in your face.
“Yeah… There’s gonna be a baby. Our baby…”
“Our baby…” He repeats, his arm raising to brush the hair away from your eyes in such a natural manner it feels like it’s just his instinct to care for you. It is his instinct to care for you, Arthur has shown you that in every minute of every day of your marriage, and suddenly you’re not sure why you’ve been so scared. 
“I’m gonna be a dad?” He still seems in disbelief, but that’s normal. It’s taken you a few days to come to terms with it, and even then the fingernail marks in your palms are still red raw. 
“You’re gonna be a dad.”
It hits him. Really hits him and he all but throws himself into you, scooping you up and spinning you around as he laughs unreservedly.
“Well goddamn, I’m gonna be a Daddy!” 
You laugh with him, worries and anxiety a distant memory as your feet swing around in the air. You’re probably waking the camp up, but you don’t care all that much. Right now, you’re the happiest girl in the world.
A baby. There’s gonna be a baby. Arthur’s baby.
Really, it’s the greatest gift a cowgirl could ask for.
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jamminvroomvroom · 1 year
you bring blue lights. part 3
ln x fem!reader
read part 1: a golf swing and a trampoline
read part 2: karma rules!
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FINAL PART! i hate it! what else is new? hopefully this wraps things up nicely. thank u for the luv on the other two parts, biiiiiig hugs from me to you MWAH xoxox note: heads up, the max in this series is max fewtrell lmao.
song: little freak by harry styles
in which lando goes back to work and takes you along for the ride. and max is there too. because why wouldn’t he be?
warnings: 18+ pls!! nothing major tbh, smut (mostly implied), bit of angst, bit of fluff, language, anxiety, the worlds most minor f1 incident, max being a snarky little bitch (affectionate)
4.8k words
the colour blue can symbolise many things: bravery and healing. the calm. wisdom and depth. sadness and serenity. permanence.
you weren’t sure what to make of the weather in bahrain. it wasn’t too hot, nor was it cold, but lando was still wearing a hoodie nonetheless. you sat in the passenger seat of the rented volvo, the mild temperature unable to reach you here, especially not with the quadrant hoodie draped over your shoulders. you wanted to shrug it off, the material that once symbolised an unbreakable friendship now resting uncomfortably, a weight, a reminder, but you were there to support your boyfriend, in his every endeavour.
your eyes could have watered, but you blinked, uncontrollably almost, refocusing your gaze onto the centre console, where lando’s large hand held yours. he squeezed once, twice, drawing your eyes from your laced fingers onto his.
you realised then that he’d been murmuring your name, his eyebrows furrowed, concerned. the last thing he needed to worry about today was you. it was quali day in bahrain, the first of the season, and you were sat next to a man on a mission. pull yourself together, woman. you smiled, your lips stretching unconvincingly, the corner of your mouth twitching. this couldn’t be classed as anxiety anymore, it went far beyond that. he sighed, deflated already.
“listen, if you’re not ready to do this…”
“i am. i am!” your voice was abnormally high pitched, and lando wondered where his cool as a cucumber girlfriend had gone. you hated the worry that clouded his sky-grey eyes.
it was your first time in the paddock, and naturally, you were a wreck. a picturesque mess. you’d picked out a nice outfit, something that made you look put together without trying too hard, classy without looking like you were leeching off of lando. you knew what they’d say about you, otherwise. they were already saying it. he’d tried his hardest to keep you hidden but the internet was ablaze with theories and questions and lies and judgement, so he’d suggested that you come to bahrain, viewing it as a perfect opportunity to break the ice with the media and the fans.
it had been finalised and you’d been mentally preparing yourself since the moment you’d decided to attend. but when he turned up to your apartment one day after a meeting, an anxious, babbling mess, you wondered if you’d made a mistake.
it turned out that the bahrain grand prix was a team quadrant event.
with your ticket booked, you’d chosen to suck it up, business as usual, but the idea of a weekend caught between two men that hated each other was not your idea of a good time, especially not when you were the problem. the morning that max had caught you, bare legged and lovesick in lando’s kitchen, would probably haunt you as long as you lived.
lando was angry and max? max was furious. now, they’d both just gone cold.
there was a stillness in the kitchen, ice cold all of the sudden, all of the warmth of you and him gone. you felt like a child caught in the act, nowhere to run. lando looked pale, afraid, utterly distraught. your eyes flicked between him and max, waiting for the dam to break; who would crack first? you couldn’t bare it, lips parting in a whisper.
“max-“ you barely heard yourself but max heard you perfectly, melancholic disgust in his eyes as they flitted to you. you felt small. you felt sick.
“don’t.” he barked. you sunk into yourself, shaking slightly. lando didn’t like that, stepping forward.
“listen to me, we-“ lando started.
“don’t you fucking dare.” max took a deep breath, shaking his head as if to compose himself. it wasn’t working. his eyes glazed over. “you’re not even sorry, are you?” he was looking straight at lando now, as if you weren’t even there.
lando’s lack of response spoke volumes. max cracked, a mixture of disbelief and disappointment shining through the rage. you held your breath. max turned to you, searching for solace, remorse, anything. you looked away.
“you two deserve each other.” max spat.
the slamming of the door made you wince.
lando felt selfish the second you touched down in bahrain. he watched your leg bounce on the plane, in the car, sat on the edge of the hotel bed, and wondered if this was all too much too soon. he needed you, but did you need this? the media, the fans? him? he ached watching you stare at your intertwined fingers sat on the centre console, your eyes glistening.
he was so, so selfish, a point proven over and over, and you were everything but. you were here, living proof of the fact.
the quadrant hoodie you wore, the bright blue contrasting with how you’d paled the second he’d parked the car, reminded lando of his crimes. you were blue, too, his calm amongst the chaos, an ocean that he thanked every god he could think of that he got to explore. you were a serenity, a serendipity, his bright blue light that kept him grounded.
if he’d ever doubted it before, he knew he loved you, completely and utterly, when you took a deep breath and got out of that car.
you let lando lead the way, a few steps ahead. you wondered if he could feel you shaking. you let go of him briefly, to scan your pass and slide through the gate, but he was reaching for you instantly. his thumb rubbed the soft skin of your hand, soothing you as the flashes of the cameras began to creep in the further you made it in to the paddock. you stared ahead, keeping your face as neutral as possible, letting him tow you along.
you stumbled when he stopped to take a picture with a fan, signing another’s hat, taking the moment to gather yourself. you became all too aware of your surroundings, the sheer amount of cameras pointed in your direction making you nauseous. as your hard exterior began to crumble, you felt his arm hook over your shoulder, a firm kiss planted on your forehead as you fell into step beside him once more.
“you got this, baby.” he murmured. you couldn’t help but smile up at him, finally feeling a small sense of ease. lando smiled back at you, and suddenly you wanted to frame every single stupid pictures they were taking of you both.
“so do you.” you grinned. he smiled bashfully. you knew how much this weekend meant to him.
you made your way into the mclaren hospitality, keeping close to lando. you sighed, relieved to be away from the cameras, and he introduced you to some members of his team, letting you make small talk while he spoke to his engineers.
you were intrigued watching him fall into the zone, calm, at ease, immersed into his world. you didn’t miss the way he kept an eye on you as he made his rounds. he ushered you over, pulling you deeper into the building, greeting people along the way. soon, you found yourself being led into his drivers room.
lando placed his bag on the table, small smile on his face as he moved around the room. you hoisted yourself up onto the massage table, swinging your legs, content in just watching him in his natural habitat.
“what are you smiling about, hmm?” you asked, eyebrow quirked.
“just you, being here. it’s nice.” he crossed the room and closed the gap, hands smoothing over your thighs as he parted them to stand between your legs.
“i like seeing you like this, you know. like watching you.” you placed your hands over his.
“oh, i know, love. always catch you staring.” he smirked.
“in that case, maybe i’ll just go back to the hotel.” you turned your head dramatically, leaning away from him.
“don’t be like that, you’d be lonely in that big bed without me.” he teased.
“i’m sure i could find a way to entertain myself.” you smirked at him, a frustrated groan emitting from the back of his throat as he grinned down at you.
“you’re cruel.” he murmured, giving into his desire and closing the gap.
you smiled against his lips, gripping hard at the material of his hoodie to pull him closer. his hands moved over the crease in your thighs, pulling at your hips as he kissed you harder. you threaded your fingers through his curls, tongue brushing his bottom lip. you enjoyed the noises he made, the low hum that vibrated against your mouth. your flushed body ran cold at the sudden rattling of the door handle.
you had no time to react when the door swung open, jon nonchalantly walking in, talking over his shoulder to a tired looking max and niran. your blood ran cold, hit by a sickening sense of deja vu that had you burying your face in lando’s chest. you felt lando vibrate as he cleared his throat, jon stopping in his tracks.
“shit.” jon grimaced, realising. “sorry, i- we didn’t know you were in here, someone said you were in the garage, didn’t mean to walk in on you like, uh, this.” he rambled awkwardly. a scoff from somewhere behind him made lando tense up, your eyes squeezing shut in discomfort.
“not like it’s the first time.” max muttered.
“i just came to pick up your schedule, sorry mate.” jon quickly cut in. you dared to look, peeking out from lando’s hoodie. niran was staring at the ceiling, quite clearly wishing he was somewhere else. you wished you were there too. max had his arms crossed, looking around the room. you couldn’t work out why he’d come in here.
max caught you staring, eyes hardening immediately as he took in the way your fingers curled into the material of lando’s hoodie, of lando’s hands on your hips. you could visualise the flashbacks he must have been having. he turned on his heel, leaving without another word, and you sighed. niran threw you a sympathetic smile, awkwardly waiting for jon who’d finally found the paper he was looking for, and then you and lando were alone again.
you looked up at him, noticing the way his jaw was tensed, the way his eyes had darkened, cold all of the sudden. he didn’t need this kind of stress, not when he was hours away from getting in the car. this season had no room for error, not when his new teammate was tipped to perform well, not when he was the new leader. you wondered if your being there was right.
“hey, its okay. maybe i should just go back to the hotel today, hm?” you suggested softly. his dark expression switched to one of vulnerability.
“no, no. you shouldn’t have to leave because he can’t be a grown up.” lando shook his head, frustration evident in his tone.
“you’ve got an important day ahead, babe. last thing we need is you being surrounded by all this,” you gestured around the room. “negativity.” you reasoned. his face fell further, hands moving to cup your cheeks.
“none of this is your fault, okay? you’re the only one i want here. let him sulk. i tried to fix it and he wouldn’t have it.”
“we hurt him, lando. it is my fault.” you averted eye contact as you spoke.
“hey, look at me. look at me.” you met his eyes again, which had warmed up significantly as he gazed at you. “i want you here. i need you here. don’t let him get to you. he’ll be doing work stuff anyway, you’ll hardly see him. i want you to be a part of his, okay? try and have some fun.”
you sighed, realising that your desire to be near lando, to support him, outweighed the guilt you felt towards max. after all, as cruel as it may have been, that’s why you’d chosen lando. that’s why you were here, every discomfort that you felt pushed aside. you nodded your head, wrapping your arms around him in a hug. he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“now, i need to get changed. try not to stare too much, darling.” he pecked your lips, tension melting away as the smirk returned.
you pushed him away playfully, choosing to scroll through your phone as he started to prepare himself, letting your eyes wander occasionally. he’d wink every time he caught you looking.
despite the blush on your cheeks and the smile you couldn’t contain, you couldn’t help the bad feeling that crept in, lurking at the corner of your happiness. this would be a long weekend.
lando busied himself with his race suit, changing quickly. every time he looked up, throwing you a wink, he pretended that he wasn’t spiralling. he could see you thinking too hard, worrying, acting like you weren’t. all he wanted was for you to have a nice time with him, experience something so important to him, and already that idea, that visual of you becoming a bigger part of his world, it was crumbling all around him.
he let himself be angry at max sometimes, framing him as the source of your anxiety, but that was just a pitstop he made before he placed the blame back where it belonged; this was all lando’s fault. but this mess, this chaos, this love? he was willing to pay for his mistakes forever if it meant that every race weekend started and ended in your arms.
and so, lando did what lando did best. he kissed his girlfriend, got in his car, and made his way into Q3.
lando had qualified well, better than what had been expected, hugging you right when he’d bounded into the garage. you’d been surprised at how nervous it made you, watching him drive out of the garage and onto the track. you found yourself unable to take your eyes off him on the screen ahead of you, nails chewed down anxiously for the entire session. you clung to him, letting out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. you allowed yourself to kiss him, just a quick peck, settling.
you let him leave once more, comforted by the fact that his biggest danger now was the media that awaited him, and navigated yourself out of the garage. you couldn’t pretend you weren’t a little bit lost in the winding corridors, but finally you stumbled out of the tunnel, the one your boyfriend always tapped the top of, a superstition, and into the sunlight. you hovered in the entrance, staring out at the bustle of the paddock.
it felt so surreal, overwhelming to be here for lando. with him, at last. you just couldn’t seem to shake the fear you felt watching him get in the car. the thought of the impending race made you nauseous.
as you stood there blocking the entrance, lost in your thoughts and the complexities of your relationship, you were reminded of the only hurdle it faced, at the unimpressed clearing of someone’s throat.
you turned quickly on your heel at the noise, snapped out of your thoughts. you gulped.
“can i get past, please?” max asked, refusing the eye contact that you were desperately trying to make. you didn’t miss the way his eyes rolled at the sight of the blue quadrant hoodie covering your frame.
“i should probably let you, shouldn’t i?” you smiled, weakly, a feeble attempt at breaking the ice.
all max did was nod ever so slightly.
“will you talk to me?” you took note of just how pathetic you sounded.
“i can’t, i have somewhere to be.” he said, quiet with emotion, careful with his tone.
“just a minute, please max.” he flinched at his name falling from your traitorous tongue.
“i can’t do this right now.” he tried to side step you, but you blocked him.
“i’m sorry. i’m so, so sorry. if you believe anything, believe that.” you begged.
“i don’t know what to believe anymore.”
you didn’t fight him again, defeated as you watched him walk away.
you seemed different when lando found you later after the media rush, in the quiet of the paddock. you seemed sad, although you kept it carefully concealed. he noticed the way you held his hand tighter, kissed him softer. he wanted to get you out of the paddock, away from it all, take you back to the hotel where he could touch you and hold you and take away this dull pain.
he prayed that you weren’t getting too blue, that you wouldn’t go cold in his presence, the more you adapted to the bittersweet realities of his lifestyle.
he wondered if his anxieties were misplaced when you kissed him with everything you had and tumbled into the white bed linen with him, burning for one another.
lando reminded himself that you were still here. he knew all too well that you didn’t stay for just anyone.
lando looked beautiful when he was asleep. he was always so busy, always on the go, so you cherished these mornings dearly. a stream of sunlight made its way over the sheets, creeping up his body, bathing him in warmth. you hadn’t shut the curtains properly, urgently falling into bed with him, but you were thankful for it now as he stirred. the only thing better than watching the soft rise and fall of his chest was watching him wake up.
his eyes fluttered open, his arm stretching out and over your waist. you gazed at the blue-green of his eyes, rolling over and into his side. you pressed a kiss to his shoulder, engulfed by the heat of his bare skin pressed against yours. you stayed there quietly, letting him wake up.
suddenly, he let out a groan, rolling on top of you, curls falling in his eyes. you’d told him one night in dubai, after a cocktail too many, that he should grow his hair out. you’d whispered something seductive in his ear about having more to pull on. he’d quickly taken you back to your suite, and happily obliged with your request ever since.
you’d spent last night in a similar situation, pouncing on him immediately when you’d gotten back from the track. a day spent watching him drive had riled you up, and paired with your neediness, you were gagging for it by the time you got him alone. lando pulled you out of your daydream with a kiss, his body melting into yours.
“what’s on your mind?” his voice was low, gravelly from where he’d just woken up.
“nothing, just thinking.” you mused. he leaned in closer, lips brushing yours.
“about what? because i��m still thinking about last night.” lando murmured. you smiled coyly up at him.
“why? what happened last night?” you faked confusion, eyebrow raised.
“this beautiful woman could not keep her hands to herself.” lando feigned shock.
“that must have been so difficult for you.” your voice oozed sarcasm.
“it was very hard.” he grinned, devilish, leaning down to kiss you again.
you could feel the press of his body, every inch of his warm skin against yours. your hand slid softly across his face, brushing his curls back, tugging gently at the strands as his lips left yours and trailed down your jaw.
the air got hotter, charged, when he nipped at your neck, your collarbone, and dug his fingers into your hip, kneading your soft edges. your mouth hung open, panting slightly in anticipation, skin alight as his hand worked across the crease of your thigh. lando gripped your inner thigh, spreading you open, letting his fingers run rampant.
he continued to mouth at your shoulder, biting down gently as he found your clit, the medley of pleasure and pain making your eyes roll back. the rest of your morning was a blur.
lips on yours, fingers working you open. his name, a prayer. your legs, wrapped around him, numb. sweat and bliss, you and him. your legs shook, vision bleary.
lando was all yours, belonged to you, your name tearing sweetly from the depths of him as he let himself get lost.
you stared up at him, breathless and grinning.
lando had one singular thought when he managed to pull himself from the crook of your neck, languid and tingling. between the chaos and the quiet, you found a way to bring him back to earth, gleaming blue.
i love you.
“are you looking forward to the race?” you’d heard him ask.
it had been quiet for a while, your unrelenting bout of morning sex leaving you a tangled, sleepy mess.
“i don’t know.” brutal honestly seemed to be your forte.
“ouch.” he teased.
“i don’t know how to be okay with watching you.” it was the realest thing you’d said to lando all weekend, mumbled into his collarbone where you hid your face.
“you’ve seen me race.” he shifted, as if he was trying to find your face, your eyes, voice laced with confusion.
“yeah, but that was before.”
“before what?”
before i knew what you meant to me.
before i broke your best friends heart.
before i fell in love with you.
you spent the duration of the formation lap looking for the nearest exit, telling yourself that you were being ridiculous, and wondering how every other loved one coped every race weekend. to your surprise, max was stood on the other side of the garage. you figured he would have chosen to be anywhere else, but his fingers drumming against the countertop, in an identical fashion to yours, made you wonder if he shared the pit in your stomach.
your eyes flitted around nervously, taking short breaths as the cars lined up on the grid. five lights went on, and then out, and you held your breath.
lando made it through turn one, turn two. through lap one, lap 17, lap 34. he was having a good race, a great one even, the byproduct of a strong start, his race craft and a calculated strategy. you made the mistake of starting to relax.
you gasped when an alpine tagged his car. one hand flew to your mouth, the other gripping the wire of your headphones in sheer, gut-twisting panic. your eyes fixed on the screen, watching him spin, spin, spin across the track. you were frozen, utterly unmoving, time stopping around you until his car suddenly did out on track.
he was fine.
he skidded to a halt, making his way safely back onto the track, carrying on as normal. he was completely, totally fine.
you burst into tears.
you heard the headphones clatter gently against the surface top, a blur through your tears, and quickly left the garage. you blindly made your way through the stupid, little corridors and back into that tunnel that led to the paddock. you slumped against the metal wall, sobbing, no use in wiping your free flowing tears. how were you supposed to do it, to live this life, holding your breath every time lando went to work?
you heard footsteps approaching, a pang of embarrassment flashing in the pit of your stomach that made you want to disappear. you took a shaky breath, wondering how you could possibly escape, when you heard the footsteps coming to a halt, the mystery person stopping. you looked up shyly, blinking away tears. you were shocked to see max was stood opposite you, leant against the wall behind him. he sighed.
“stuff like that happens. he’s fine, you know?” max reassured you. you couldn’t quite believe that he was here, let alone offering you some shred of comfort. the tears made a comeback.
“how do people do this? i barely made it through turn one.” you sniffled, voice cracking.
“you just learn to live with it. that fear that you’re feeling, it never quite goes away. but watching him succeed? it becomes worth it.” max spoke with a quiet admiration, one that made your heart ache. you were reminded of just how human he was.
“what if i can’t do it? the idea of something happening to him…” you trailed off, shaking your head.
“i can’t believe i’m about to say this but,” max sighed once more, reluctant to admit what he’d come to realise. “he needs you here. and i know you, you wouldn’t be doing any of this with him if you didn’t want to. if i believe anything, it’s that.”
you looked down at his words, the echo of yesterdays run-in ringing in your ears. he knew all too well that you wouldn’t be in a relationship that you didn’t want to be in. the guilt crept back in.
“i didn’t mean for any of this to happen the way it did.” your voice wavered.
“well, you can’t help who you fall in love with.” max shrugged.
“what?” your head snapped up to look at him, blindsided by his words. was it so obvious?
“what? you do love him, don’t you?” max asked, confused.
“i, well, we haven’t- i mean, i haven’t-“ you rambled.
“don’t tell me you guys fucked me over for nothing.” max teased. you looked up at him like a rabbit in headlights. he laughed at your expression, and you felt a weight lift off your shoulders. you joined in, laughing with him as the tears finally dried up.
“you should tell him.”
“if i do that, are you gonna hate me even more than you already do?”
“i don’t- i could never hate you.” max’s gaze softened. “and as much as i’d love to right now, i could never hate him, either.” he rolled his eyes.
“talk to him?” you suggested, cautious. max smiled.
“don’t push your luck this weekend.” he grinned. “you ready to go back in there? the race is pretty much over.”
you nodded, smiled, walking alongside him in comfortable silence back into the garage. the team were elated, a decent recovery made after the shambles of last season, but all you could focus on was how desperate you were to see lando. max walked back to the desk where he’d been watching the race, throwing you a reassuring wink. you smiled softly.
max was the first person that lando really saw when he entered the garage. the air seemed to have thinned out, lighter, somehow. he’d ask questions later.
max smiled, small. lando could barely contain the grin he returned the olive branch with.
something clicked, somewhere deep in his chest, and the healing process began. in progress, finally, slowly but surely.
lando inhaled, and for the first time in forever, it felt easy. he almost couldn’t remember what that felt like.
then, lando saw you, a bright blue light, starlike, his beacon, waiting for him in the corner of the garage. he weaved his way through the sea of people until he was secure in your arms.
oscar walked in first, the team cheering him on after his first race. lando followed soon after, getting his own celebration. you watched on, a warmth filling your chest; you knew max was right. you watched lando walk through the garage, met with slaps on the back, ruffles of his messy curls. he smiled wide, wider somehow when his eyes landed on max. it was a welcome surprise, one that drenched you in relief.
lando’s eyes darted around until he found you, catching you staring from the back of the room. he made a beeline to you, engulfing you in a hug. his eyebrows furrowed, confused, perhaps, at your puffy cheeks and red eyes, but your hands flew to his cheeks, lips meeting his. he kissed you back, smiling against your lips. you pulled back, grinning up at him.
“are you okay, sweetheart?” he whispered.
“i’m just so proud of you.” you murmured.
“i’m so glad that you’re here.” he gently squeezed your waist, nose bumping yours.
“i need to tell you something.” your stomach twisted, this time in excitement; butterflies.
“i love you, lando.” his whole face changed, his smile bigger than you’d ever seen it.
“i love you.” he replied, cupping your face. his thumbs grazed your cheekbones. “god, you have no idea how much i…” he trailed off, searching your eyes for a moment before he kissed you again, deep and slow. the tears that hit your cheeks weren’t your own, and you held him even tighter.
you broke apart, his head falling into the crook of your neck, hot kisses pressed to the exposed skin. your fingers ran though his hair, toying with the curls at the nape of his neck.
over lando’s shoulder, you could see max, hint of a smile on his face. your eyes watered again, meeting his across the garage, and he smiled, properly.
all the pieces fell, messily, into place.
max watched on, aching at the way you clung to lando, your hands in his hair, lando’s lips pressed so intimately to the delicate skin of your neck. max felt a dull sense of happiness sneak in; you and lando were the picture of what love was supposed to look like. you’d never looked at him the way he’d always caught you looking at lando.
it didn’t hurt any less yet, but he was starting to realise that it would.
thank fuck that’s over
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evan4ever · 10 months
Vegas, Baby
Part 11
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Warnings: negative perception of Emma Roberts so if that bothers you, you may want to steer clear of this one 😅
a/n: I’m so shocked by the amount of love this series is getting 😭 I honestly didn’t expect to make more than 3 parts and here I am making part ELEVEN LIKE WHAT?!!! You guys are amazing 🙈😩 JUST AN FYI I know Emma would never be this way, I literally love her sm but it fits the storyline and narrative so just go with it okkk😅
Part 10 here
The week was awkward. It was full of tension and discomfort on both ends after having sex the week before. Neither of you knew what you honestly felt or didn’t feel and neither of you were ready to dive into that conversation yet. Hormones? Maybe. Stubbornness? Absolutely.
You still spent the week looking at the different jobs that LA had, as well as apartments. You weren’t sure what the sex meant or if it meant anything at all. At this point, you knew you had feelings for him, and it scared you because this was never supposed to happen — you both made that clear in Vegas. It shouldn’t change just because you brought a life into the world together, right? It didn’t make sense. It just didn’t seem right.
And Evan gave no other hints that he was feeling the same. Besides the one kiss you shared and the sex last week, he was hot and cold. One minute he’d always be attempting to touch you whether it be a hand grab, a hug, forehead kiss, even times where he’d hold your waist whenever he was next to you or moving behind you. He’d always be feeling you somehow. Then other times, he’d seem cold and distant, like he didn’t want to be around you. He was careful not to start another fight, quick to apologize if he’d snap at all or say something that wasn’t the nicest.
You didn’t understand and you didn’t know how to go about it. Do you just come forth with your honest feelings? Or do you find a job and move out so he can have his space back without telling him a single thing? Nothing felt right.
“Do you want to join me?” You blinked a few times looking up at Evan who stood at the door zipping his light jacket up. Your mind was elsewhere that you completely missed what he had said, being so tired from the sleepless nights you’d been getting and almost not even seeing him enter the living room, where you were sat rocking Joey. He raised his eyebrows slightly in wonder.
“Sorry I didn’t even hear what you said..” You cleared your throat shooting him an apologetic smile. He let out a light chuckle and walked into the living room, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you, resting his arms on his thighs to hold him up while facing you.
“I said that I was going to head down to the studio and talk about an upcoming project I’ll be in, get a head start before being thrown back in next week. Was wondering if you’d like to come. You know, maybe get out of the house? We’ve been pretty cooped up.” He let out another small short laugh, you nodding in response.
“I honestly would love that” you sighed lightly at the thought of getting out and about. “But I’m not sure if we should take Joey out yet, you know with Covid and all the other viruses?” You questioned, furrowing your brows.
“Most still wear masks here. You don’t have to but that hopefully might put your mind at some ease? I’d really like to take you out and show you around a bit, let you meet some people. Sarah will be there, you know she’ll be all over Joey” you both giggled lightly, “might give you a small break?”
You knew he was right and that you would have to take short out of the house at some point, it just made you nervous. Finally you sucked in a deep breath and gave him another nod to which he replied with a wide grin and carefully took Joey from your arms.
“I’ll get him changed while you get yourself ready.” He insisted and you smile gratefully, turning and making your way to your room to change. You internally thanked yourself for deciding to shower today since lately showers were nonexistent. You just needed to put on some presentable clothes and do a quick makeup look.
You chose a simple outfit, slipping on some Jean shorts and throwing your sweatshirt over a cropped tank top and some sandals. It felt weird to be wearing shorts in December, but that’s LA living. It was a bit chilly for the area today, so a sweatshirt sufficed just fine. You threw on some light makeup, foundation contour concealer and some mascara. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, you felt like a human again. Your hair fell naturally down your back, your few freckles stood out, and it was like a breath of fresh air.
You quickly grabbed your bag and made your way to the car where Evan already had himself and Joey buckled in, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling your own seatbelt. You glanced at Evan feeling his eyes on you and shot him a quick half smile to which he sent you a wide one in return.
“You’re glowing” he stated, looking back to the window and backing out of the driveway and onto the road. You pressed your lips together at his statement, feeling butterflies erupt within your tummy, but couldn’t bring yourself to say anything more than a quick and quiet “thanks”.
The drive felt long, realizing how big LA really was and his current studio he would be at for his next project all the way across town. Though the ride was full of Evan explaining to you what every nearly every place and building you passed was. It was second nature to him, but as soon as he told you what things were, you forgot. It would take awhile to learn your way around this large city. Though you enjoyed the lightheartedness during the drive, full of light laughter and terrible jokes that you both would make. It felt good, normal even. For a moment you forgot all your previous stresses and you savored the time it would last.
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Once you arrived, Evan parked in a garage and shut the car off getting out and undoing the car seat to stick it into the convenient stroller that it could attach to, so you wouldn’t have to disturb your sleeping baby. You swung your bag over your shoulder while Evan put the diaper backpack on, you smiling wide at the site of him.
“You look like a total dad” you joked, him laughing in response.
“Good thing I am one now, suits me well don’t you think?” He asked as you followed beside him, nodding dramatically.
“Oh yeah, it’s definitely your style. Own it” you giggled, him shoulder bumping you gently as you teased him. You took in your surrounding, never seeing a parking garage this big or nice. It was shocking, really. And Evan quickly took note of your amazement.
“Some are even nicer. And others not nearly.” You looked at him when he spoke, your eyebrows raising high. He glanced at you and smiled again before looking back at where he was going, leading you to an elevator that took you down to the sidewalks of the outside, busy world. You walked about half a block before entering a large red building that looked like it could be brand new, following him closely down a few halls before entering through a door that led to a large open space.
You looked around in awe, noticing quick that they’re recording studios where many movies are shot, specifically action packed movies with lots of stunts. You were amazed, having only ever seen them on the videos you’d watch here and there when you came across them. You never expected to enter one firsthand.
“Evan!!” Your attention shifted when you heard a familiar woman, looking ahead of you both as Sarah herself came jogging over, immediately taking Evan into her arms, him hugging her back tightly. “I’m so glad you could make it!” She grinned, pulling back from the hug before turning her attention to you. “Oh y/n, you look fantastic! I’m so happy you decided to join us!” She then pulled you to her tightly, taking you by surprise. You giggled lightly, returning the warm hug, happy that this experience was much brighter than the last. When she pulled back from you, her eyes flickered down to Joey and she let out a small gasp, grinning at you again. “And you brought the little one! Oh my” she gasped again as she bent down so she could see him, careful not to wake him, “he’s just beautiful.”
You gleamed at her words, your heart feeling full of joy. “I think so too” Evan said, your eyes meeting his that were already on you, a proud smile on his face which you quickly returned. It made you happy that he was so proud of being a dad and proud of his son. You felt the same, but you couldn’t explain how it made you feel seeing it in your baby’s father. It was exhilarating.
“Please come join us!! We’re going over and getting our scripts now. I’m so excited for you to see what this industry is all about.” Sarah gleamed at you.
“I’m excited to get to.” You nodded in complete honesty. You always wondered what being an actor was all about and now you’d get to witness for yourself.
“Evan! Nice to see you!” An older man greeted Evan with a handshake and the man hug thing that guys did. You recognized the man but couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Happy to be here. Uh, Ryan, this is y/n. Y/n this is Ryan Murphy, he’s the writer, director and producer of American Horror Story, Dahmer, and many other great films.” Evan nodded, your eyes widening in realization. You were a fan, sure, but you never really got to know the faces behind the shows you watched. You usually only knew their names and Ryan Murphy was one of them.
“It’s great to meet you, y/n. Evans told me quite a bit about you.” Ryan nodded, shaking your hand.
“Wow it’s… really great to meet you too. I’m a fan of your work.” You admitted, your cheeks lighting up as a typical fans would. He gleamed down at you and gave you a firm nod of appreciation before looking back at Evan.
“Well how is fatherhood treating you? You look great!” You stood next to the two men as they caught up, your eyes wandering around the large open room and skimming over the many faces that filled it. You didn’t recognize many people, any really, but you loved the idea of being in a room full of actors and getting to see what they do.
“Do you act at all?” Your attention was brought back to Ryan who was looking at you again, your mouth falling open at his question and eyes widening.
“Oh no” you shook your head, “no I’ve never acted before. Well unless you count theatre arts in high school. I took a few years of that but that was a long time ago. It was fun but where I’m from there’s no opportunities so it never crossed my mind again after graduating and..” you cleared your throat realizing you were rambling and pressed your lips into a tight, embarrassed smile. “No, I don’t.”
“Ah theatre arts is where it all starts!” He rhymes, your eyebrows shooting up and nodding along with him, eyes flickering to Evan who stood with a pleased smile on his face. “Would love to see what you got sometime. Everyone can act, just a matter of finding the right people.”
You were awestruck at his request, clearing your throat again and simply nodding in agreement, at a loss of words.
“Great! We’ll set that up sometime. Anyways, Evan, your script is being held by Damien back there you are free to grab it and take home with you today. Until then, feel out the set and talk to your peers. Get to know each other!” Ryan called back as he walked away leaving you with Evan alone. You blinked a few times, unbelieving that all of this is even real.
“He loves discovering new talent.” You looked at Evan as he pressed his own lips into a smile. “Found me and helped me get to where I am. I owe him a lot.”
You smiled lightly at his honesty, admiring him in this moment.
“It could be fun.” You tilted your head in confusion, your eyebrows narrowing a bit encouraging him to elaborate. “If you got yourself a career in acting with his help. It might be fun. Endless opportunities here. Maybe consider it?”
“I don’t know if I could get past the stage fright” you laughed nervously, biting ahold of your bottom lip. You were honest, you never considered acting considering where you lived. In high school, theatre was a favorite class of yours. You dreamed of being an actor one day, but that dream faded after you graduated and were hit with reality. And, you were incredibly awkward and nervous around large crowds.
“You get used to it. Believe me. I’m still awkward to this day” he chuckled, resting his hand on the small of your back as he moved you along with him. You allowed him to lead you considering you had no idea what to do or where to go, leading you to a man who held a large pile of papers in his hand. Damien, you presumed.
“Hey man. Nice to see you” the man greeted Evan before shuffling through the papers and pulling out a paper clipped group of multiple pages and handing it over to him, Evan taking it with a thank you before turning back to you.
“What’s this movie, or series, about?” You asked curiously. Evan just shrugged.
“I didn’t get much info on it yet. Just one scene that I read through and decided to take. I’ll let you know once I go through these” he held up his stack with a quick raise of eyebrows. You chuckled and nodded.
“Do you apply for parts anymore? Or usually get offered them?”
“They’re mostly offered to me at this point. Perks of playing multiple roles over the years, I guess” he shrugs, giving you a small goofy smile that made your heart melt. You opened your mouth to reply, but quickly was cut off by a new female voice.
“Well hey stranger, or I suppose we can call you daddy now.” Both you and Evan turn to face the new voice, your eyebrows raising when you recognized the woman immediately.
Emma Roberts.
You were a fan of her work. You grew up watching her on movies and TV shows. You stood completely shocked as you faced her now. Evan, on the other hand, gave her a tight smile and a nod of the head. She walked up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, one of his arms giving her a quick hug back.
“Um well, my son can definitely call me that but anyone else calling me it would be weird.” He chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as his eyes flicker over to you before back to her. She took a small step back while the smile never leaving her lips. You only stood, feeling more awkward as each second passed by.
“Come on, it’s not like I hadn’t called you it before silly” Emma giggles, nudging his shoulder with her hand. He clears his throat and looks at you again.
“Uh Emma, this is y/n. Y/n… Emma Roberts.” He nods. You gaze at him a moment before looking at Emma. Her eyes were on him not meeting yours, not even acknowledging you.
“It’s nice to meet you Emma, I’ve been a fan for a long time—
“So you’re a dad now!!” She cuts you off talking to Evan enthusiastically. Your eyebrows furrow together feeling a bit disrespected, but your head quickly recollected the memory of the few pictures you had seen on them together a few years back. You had forgotten they dated. For awhile, if you remembered correctly. But obviously you didn’t give any time of your day to a celebrity couple; you never did. “How does that feel? Isn’t it just an amazing feeling? I remember the day my baby was born. Really, there’s no feeling like it.”
Evan glanced at you again apologetically at her cutting you off before looking back to her. “Yeah. Yeah it’s really great. And y/n is just an amazing mother. It came so naturally to her.”
Your cheeks heated up at his words feeling like he was trying to bring you into the conversation all while you silently begged him not to. You didn’t want to be forced into a conversation with someone who had no interest in talking to you.
“Mm. That’s great.” Emma’s own lips pressed together tightly as she now glanced your way before back at Evan. “I love being a mama. It was like my calling. Ugh! We should catch up. Let our little ones meet? What do you say?”
Your eyebrows shot up. This was definitely something that needed, or should, be talked about together — just you and Evan. You only stared at him waiting for his reply while silently hoping he’d respectfully decline until further notice.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah sure, I suppose. That would be nice, right y/n?” His eyes glanced back at you waiting for your own reply. Your lips pressed together tightly in a newfound annoyance, before forcing them into a smile and giving him a quick, aggravated nod.
He once again smiled apologetically, before Emma grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into her for a hug. You took another step back and crossed your arms over your chest.
He had every right to take Joey where he wanted and to let him meet whoever he wanted him to, but it would’ve been nice to have it discussed with you a little first. Especially with Joey only being weeks old, you weren’t too comfortable with it.
“Well, perfect!! I’ll text you where to meet and when. I know this perfect spot! It’ll be a great place for us to catch up. It’s small, so smaller the party better.” You catch her side eye at you before quickly looking back to Evan. At this point, you were over this conversation.
You grabbed ahold of the stroller and turned away from them, walking out of the large room and into a hallway. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you felt like you needed some air so you were going to find some.
You followed a few signs that eventually let you to an exit, walking out of the large but crowded building and instantly taking in a deep breath of the fresh, hot, air. You didn’t realize the way you’d been holding your breath in their, or the way that Evan’s interaction with Emma had made you feel. Claustrophobic? Uncomfortable? You weren’t sure and couldn’t pinpoint the right word but you knew it was an ill-intended feeling that you didn’t like.
You had no right to be territorial of Evan. He wasn’t your boyfriend. A friend who you happened to have a kid with that was letting you stay at his place. And occasionally had sex. That was all. Whatever that is.
You finally found your way to Evan’s vehicle, after what felt like hours. You leaned against it and checked on Joey, smiling at his sleeping self. He was such an easy baby, you thanked the heavens for it. So… laid back.
You covered him back up just as you heard Evan’s rather panicky voice call out to you. You looked up and watched him jog his way to you, stopping before you and resting his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. Your eyes narrowed slightly, confused.
He glanced at you with an unreadable expression. “What? Serious? You just took off! You don’t do that here! Not… not in Cali. This isn’t your small town anymore y/n, there’s a lot of bad people and bad situations that could happen and you’re a woman by yourself with a small child! You can’t.. you just..” he shook his head as he went over words in his head. “Just wait for me. Let me come with you.”
You blinked a few times, unsure whether to feel flattered or annoyed.
“I was tired of listening to Emma completely bypass me every way she possibly could, so I came to the car.” You shrugged nonchalantly, his head rolling with his eyes.
“Come on she wasn’t..” he shook his head, trailing off. He knew she was, but obviously wanted to make the situation better.
“You should definitely meet up with her.” You gave him a tight smile. He just looked at you confused, now.
“Well yeah, I told her we would—“
“Just you. You and Joey.” You smiled down at the covered seat before back to him. He was still utterly confused, not picking up your interior meaning. “She wants to reconnect, Evan. She doesn’t want me there. So if you’re interested in mending…things… with her. Go. I’m not gonna stop you?” You shrugged again.
You definitely weren’t being honest, you hated the thought of it. A but passive aggressive, but you weren’t going to stand in the way if it’s what he wanted it. It would give you a push to get yourself together and leave. It might be what you needed.
Evans mouth opened to say something but closed quickly. He was speechless, and that only confirmed your questions. You gave him another nod before opening the back door and placing the car seat back in. Evan slowly took the stroller and folded it, placing it in the back before glancing at you, watching you finish with Joey before meeting his eyes. You both stood on opposite sides of the vehicle, silent, staring.
You gave him a small smile before getting into the passenger seat, your eyes immediately beginning to water. You quickly placed your sunglasses on and buckled yourself in, turning your head towards the window to avoid Evan noticing the silent tears.
It felt like your chest was closing in. Evan wanted to mend things with Emma, his ex, whom he was with for years. You couldn’t blame him but damn, it fucking hurt. You wanted to think that maybe you were jumping the gun, putting words or thoughts into Evans mouth and head for him, that he didn’t actually feel this way and you were just assuming. But assuming the worst keeps you from getting too disappointed. And, if it wasn’t how he felt, he wouldn’t denied it or fought against it; encouraged you to come. That he wanted you to be there. But he didn’t say anything, didn’t object. Only stated as he put two and two together, obviously fond of the idea.
It hurt.
You could see Evan glance at you occasionally on the ride home; but never saying anything. You weren’t sure if he noticed the tears or change in demeanor. And you weren’t going to ask.
So you sat in silence next to him, quickly getting yourself and Joey out when he parked in his garage and making your way to your room, stopping at the fridge for the bottle and closing your door behind you.
You laid on your bed silently, admiring your baby as you fed him. His every little detail; small button nose, fuzzy dark hair, wide dark eyes like Evan’s. He was your proudest part of life. You barely got to enjoy him yet and he was everything you needed already.
But your mind kept wandering to the life you could have with Evan, as a family. A real, complete family, with another kid or two. Somewhere in the suburbs, riding skateboards and drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. It was the perfect picture, and that made everything hurt even more. It was fake, unreal, delusional. Evan didn’t want that? You weren’t sure if he ever wanted to settle down. Maybe he liked the new feeling every few months, and you made him have to tie down a bit. Could he resent you?
He helped. This was a two way street, he had just as much to do with making a baby as you did. So he could blame himself if he needed someone to blame. You just wished he’d tell you whether he wanted to have this life, be a dad, or not, so you could walk away easier than what he’s been making it.
Tags: @demxnicprxncess @quicksilversg1rl l @evanpetersfav @kylespencersvocalcords @evanpetersmood @totta69 @ava1262 @1109oo @laynna-mcknight @jjamesstar @yes-divine-ruler @littledreamybeth @bxbyalixo @mraes @prettywhenwedie @officially-em @liltimmytimx @a-s-h-t-o-n
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Not Enough (Tighnari)
..... I wrote something??? I WROTE SOMETHING?? It's a bit different from my other Not Enough fics, but I thought it'd fit too!
I've never talked about it here. I've been living with chronic pain for nine years now, mostly in my knees, but it affect a lot of my joints. I can't get a diagnosis, doctors don't know what is wrong with me and I am tired of being in pain. So what do you do in these cases? You write something to vent (yes, it is kind of a little vent)! Anyway, I might make one with Kaeya later just because .3.
I'm off to take painkillers and try to sleep now!
The Sun was already high in the sky, entering your bedroom through the window’s opened curtains.  Yet, there you were, still lying in bed. You were in bed, but you were far from asleep. In fact. you had woken up during the middle of the night, because of the pain, and you couldn’t fall back asleep. But you couldn’t bring yourself to get out of bed, or even sit up on the soft mattress; everything hurt so much. So there you were, eyes closed, trying to focus on something else.   Soon enough, you heard a knock at the door of your room. Tighnari’s voice was heard, calling out for you: 
“Y/N, we’re leaving soon for today’s patrol! Don’t be late!”
“I’m almost ready Tighnari, don’t worry!” you answered, finally opening your eyes. 
 You slowly sat up, every single muscle and joint in your body protesting. By this point, you were almost late, there was no time for you to eat. It wasn’t as if you were hungry anyway, the pain made it so your appetite was greatly reduced. You threw on your uniform and went outside. Tighnari had already started giving out the instructions for the day, so you joined the group, who was listening to him. By now, he was almost done assigning the route and partners. Hopefully, you didn’t miss your name… 
“And Y/N, you’ll be with me today. We’ll simply check the emergency food supplies around the trails.” 
 Working with Tighnari gave you mixed feelings. On one hand, you knew him well and knew how to act around him so he wouldn’t suspect a thing. On the other hand… He is extremely observant. If you did so much as moving your pinkie finger the wrong way, he’d notice immediately. Thus, hiding your pain from him would require you to play your role perfectly. Well, you weren’t too stressed about it. After all, this is what you had been doing for quite a while now, and no one noticed. You weren’t about to let others know today. And so, the other rangers left to their tasks, and you started following Tighnari to the first emergency food hideout. 
“Are you feeling okay? I didn’t see you come out for breakfast today.” Tighnari asked. 
 You were looking at your feet, but quickly looked up to look at him in the eyes, forcing a small smile on your face. 
“Yes, I’m fine! There’s no need to worry about me, master Tighnari. I just went to bed rather late last night, I slept in.” 
 Tighnari simply nodded at your words. He focused his attention on the trail, careful to avoid roots coming out of the ground. You followed his steps. 
“You know you can always come to me if you’re feeling unwell, right? After all, it is my duty to make sure you are safe.” 
“I know…” 
 You had overestimated your energy, and used it really quickly. Usually, you could go through your tasks without any problems. But today was different. The pain was too much, you had no energy and you felt horribly sick. The world was spinning and you felt lightheaded. As Tighnari was adding food in the hideout, you focused your attention on a bright, blue flower. Breathing in, breathing out. In, out. In, out. In, out… 
 You jumped back as you felt a hand squeezing your shoulder lightly. You turned around quickly. Your eyes met Tighnari’s, he seemed to look at you with a worried expression. 
“Are you okay? I’ve called your name a few times, but you didn’t answer.”
“O-Oh yeah, I’m fine! Don’t worry about me!” you answered with a forced smile.
 You always forced smiles, but this one was painful. The world was spinning faster and faster around you, making you feel sick. The pain was becoming unbearable, you swallowed back tears. Tighnari’s lips moved to say something, yet you heard nothing. None of the words reached your ears, as the ringing became too much. You tried to tell him, once again, that you were fine. But before you could say anything, you felt your legs giving up and everything became black.
You didn’t dream about anything. You were just there floating in a dark sea. But even unconscious, you could feel the pain radiating in your entire body. You wished passing out would have at least stopped the pain for a while… Soon enough, you started to hear faint voices. Someone asking someone else to get them as soon as you’d wake up. The door closing softly as someone left. And a cold cloth being put down gently on your forehead. You didn’t even notice you had a fever. A few more minutes passed, and you were finally able to open your eyes. 
“Ah, Y/N! You’re awake! I’ll go get master Tighnari, he’s super worried about you…!” 
 Before you could protest or anything, the young girl got up and left quickly. A few minutes later, the door opened again, but only Tighnari entered the room. You tried to sit up in bed, but he stopped you quickly, with a hand on your shoulder. 
 “It’d be better if you stayed laying down. You hit your head pretty hard when you went down.” 
“Ah… I’m sorry about that, it won’t happen again…” 
You didn’t dare to look at him. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/N?”
 But his question surprised you. So much so, you snapped your head up to look at him. 
“Tell you what?” you denied. 
“About your pain.” 
“Pain? What pain?” 
“Y/N.” his tone was serious. “You’ve been acting weird for a few weeks now. You don’t have to deny it” 
Some tears started to fall from your eyes as you managed to answer something. 
“Because I’m not weak…” 
Tighnari took a few seconds, simply looking at you. Finally, he sighed and sat down, on the chair next to your bed. 
 “I know you’re not weak Y/N. But you can’t possibly win this battle alone. You know I care about you, right? And I want you to be okay. You can’t keep on going on like that. You’ll only hurt yourself more. Now, let me help you.”
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Adolescent Antichrist (Book 5) Chapter One
Father Figure! Lucifer x Teen! Reader
Chapter One: Is That So Much to Ask on My Birthday?
Summary: (Y/N) has to deal with their birthday without Lucifer.
Mouse Note: Welcome back to Adolescent Antichrist! Book 5 is here! And, yes, we're starting out unhappy. Sorry not sorry, it's necessary. But, anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! Please remember to comment, I love interacting with you guys. I'm so excited to share everything I have planned with you all. I have the next two books planned, and I am just so so excited to start this book and continue this series. Seriously. So, here we go! (Also, me posting a birthday chapter on my birthday??? Wow)
            (Y/N) ignored the knock at the bedroom door as they slept.
            “(Y/N),” called Chloe.
            They groaned and pulled a pillow over their head.
            “(Y/N), come on, everyone’s here,” said Chloe.
            No, they’re not, thought (Y/N).
            “Just come out for a little bit,” said Chloe.
            “Leave me alone,” said (Y/N) finally.
            “(Y/N), all your friends are here,” said Chloe.
            “I don’t care.”
            “It’s your birthday. They want to support you.”
            “It’s my birthday. I just want to be left alone,” snapped (Y/N).
            “Go away, Chloe. Please.”
            “…Alright. But I’m right outside if you need anything,” said Chloe.
            She didn’t get another response.
            (Y/N) just curled up more and tried to ignore the outside world. The ache in their heart from Lucifer’s absence hadn’t abated, and they were left feeling empty every day without their dead. They went about their days like a robot, trying to remember how to feel but unable to trust themself to get close to anyone after the person (Y/N) decided to trust first betrayed them and abandoned them.
            Now (Y/N)’s birthday had arrived. They were turning sixteen.
            And their dad still hadn’t come back. They were still alone and broken and empty and tired of everything. Nothing anyone could do could fix the whole Lucifer’s departure had torn in them.
            (Y/N) just wanted him back. They wanted Lucifer to come home. They wanted their dad to come back to them.
            Instead, (Y/N) was forced to confront the fact that he wasn’t coming. Once again, they had to understand that not even important moments of their life would bring Lucifer back. He was gone—forever.
            And (Y/N) would be broken forever.
            “Are they coming out?” asked Olive hopefully as Chloe walked back into the living room.
            Chloe sighed and shook her head. “They’re staying in. I’m sorry that you all came out here for this.”
            “(Y/N)’s our friend. Of course we came to support them,” said Noa.
            “Even if they’re not ready to celebrate,” said Leon.
            “But they haven’t felt alright for months,” said Marcel, worried.
            “Is there nothing we can do to help them?” asked Amenadiel, looking at Linda.
            The therapist sighed. “I don’t think so. Only time can really heal this. Lucifer leaving…It’s a big change for them.”
            “And Birdie has enough trauma surrounding abandonment that this really hurt them,” said Em, casting their eyes down.
            “We should leave them alone,” said Chloe. “That’s what they said they wanted.”
            “We’ll leave their gifts here,” said Linda, smiling. “If they need anything, just let us know.”
            “Yes. We’re here to help,” said Amenadiel.
            “Yeah! And we all sent (Y/N) messages to say, ‘Happy Birthday,’ ” said Marcel.
            “They’ll appreciate that,” said Chloe, smiling.
            “Do you mind if I stay here?” said Em. “Just for a little bit. Just…in case.” They couldn’t just stand by. She wanted to help (Y/N) in some way, even if it was just sitting beside them.
            Chloe nodded. “I think that would be good. I have to check in at work, so having someone near with (Y/N) right now would be good for them.”
            “Let us know if we can help at all,” said Noa.
            “Yeah,” said Olive.
            “We’re here for them, as well,” said Leon.
            “I will,” said Em, smiling.
            (Y/N) heard the familiar voice, and their heart ached. “What? I thought I told everyone to go away.”
            “They did,” said Em. “But I can’t just leave you.”
            “Whatever,” muttered (Y/N).
            “I’m not letting you break down like this,” said Em resolutely. “I can’t let you just sit there alone and push everyone away.”
            “Fuck off,” snapped (Y/N).
            Em kicked open the door, and (Y/N) yelped, sitting up. “What the hell?!”
            “I said I wasn’t letting you sit in here alone,” said Em, walking in.
            “Go away!” said (Y/N), standing up and glaring. “I want to be left alone to my own misery! Is that so much to ask on my birthday?!”
            Em hugged (Y/N) tightly. (Y/N) froze up and stiffened, not having expected that from Em, who was barely that affectionate.
            “It’s going to be okay, Birdie,” said Em softly, holding (Y/N) tightly.
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and they burned as tears collected. “I-I…”
            “I know,” said Em. “I know.”
            (Y/N) sobbed and hugged Em back as the tears began to fall. “He left me, Em. He left me…”
            “It’s going to be okay,” whispered Em, guiding (Y/N) to the floor as their knees buckled and they collapsed. “I swear, it’s going to be okay.” She let (Y/N) sob into their shoulder and held them tight.
            “How could he leave me?” said (Y/N), clutching onto Em’s shirt.
            “I don’t know,” said Em. “But you’re going to survive.”
            “…I just want him back,” whispered (Y/N).
            “I know. I know.”
            This wasn’t going to heal. There would always be a hole in (Y/N)’s heart without Lucifer.
            But Em hoped that they’d find a way to keep going. That was what she wanted for them.
            Lucifer stared at his phone, eyes empty of emotion. All he could look at was the picture displayed in front of him. (Y/N)’s face smiled out at him, and it broke Lucifer’s heart.
            He’d never see that smile again. He’d never hug them again. He’d never see his kid again.
            And Lucifer’s heart would never be whole because of it.
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tracybirds · 4 months
Been sitting on this bit of fic for a couple of months :) Think I'm ready to put it out in the world
Hunger Games!AU - initially inspired by @tanushakyrano who I believe is knee deep in their own hg au <3 and also thanks to @gumnut-logic whom I inflicted this on when I first wrote it and played cheerleader :D
Hopefully more to come (I have ideas.....)
The clang of metal on metal pulled Gordon from his sleep, the grey light of a new day greeting him. For a moment, he didn’t move. If he stayed still, curled between Alan and Virgil, he could stave off the day and ignore the jolt of fear that clamoured for attention in his belly.
Another clanging pulled Scott upright, muttering as he rubbed a hand across his eyes. He reached out and placed a hand on Virgil’s shoulder and shook him roughly.
“C’mon Virg, dawn bell’s ringing.”
Virgil groaned, mumbling for five more minutes, but the day had begun and no-one in the district cared if one of their citizens would rather have a lie in.
Scott glanced across at Gordon as he hauled Virgil upright. “Don’t you have chores waiting? Harvest doesn’t stop just because it’s Reaping Day. You and John better get gone.”
Gordon didn’t say anything, the sick feeling in his stomach intensifying at the word. John was up already, pulling on a threadbare shirt. He didn’t look at any of them.
Alan yawned. “What am I doing today?”
Scott crouched down, smile fixed firmly in place. “You’re going to help Grandma with the meals – try barter with the Jones-es down the way for some grain – and we’ll see you in the afternoon.”
“Can’t I help with harvest? Pol’s been helping since his birthday.”
Scott swallowed thickly. “No, Allie. Not ‘til your first reaping’s done, you remember what Dad said. We’ll talk next summer.”
Alan nodded. “Okay,” he said easily. “Next year then.”
He scurried away without further protest, and Scott slumped forward with a sigh.
“It’ll be over soon,” said John quietly.
No-one said anything, not wanting to speak their fears aloud and invite them into reality.
“I want to apply for extra,” said Gordon, suddenly. “It’s John’s last year, and we need the tesserae.”
All three older brothers spoke as one.
Gordon met their horrified gaze steadily, his jaw set and face grim.
“You know I’m right. We nearly didn’t make this year without Virgil’s share. If we lose John’s too and there’s no way to make up the shortfall, what do you think will happen come winter?”
“It’s not worth the risk,” spat Scott, his fists shaking.
Gordon snorted. “It’s no less than what you did for us, or Virgil, or John. I’m fifteen now. John’s put his name in, what, eighteen times this year?”
“Twenty-four,” corrected John. He shrank back from Scott and Virgil’s twin looks of horror.
“I knew it,” said Gordon triumphantly. “Every year since he was fourteen, I’m older than that.”
“This isn’t a game, Gordon,” snapped Virgil. “You don’t win for getting your name in the most times, you just get dead.”
“We need that tesserae,” argued Gordon. “Look, I get it, we’ve been that low before, I can do the math as well as you, but last time that happened we had Dad.”
At once, the light diminished, as though the mere mention of the man who’d towered over their family extinguished all oxygen from the room, taking the candle flame with it.
Scott looked like he wanted to hit something, fists clenching and unclenching at his side.
“We can manage,” said Virgil. “There’ll be three of us working for the adult wage next year, we won’t need the extras.”
“Yes, we will,” interjected John.
The admission fell from gritted teeth. Living was a numbers game in the districts, and no-one kept track of the numbers better than John. Gordon exhaled slowly, hope and dread flickering internally with equal measure.
“He’s right,” said John, his voice louder. “Maybe we’ll survive without it, but that’s no guarantee if the crops fail like they did in ’56. Or if a new craze sweeps the Capitol and they need more grain than usual to make whatever extravagant waste-of-space meal is the hot menu item of the season. There’s too many uncertainties, and we can’t base our food supply on a best-case scenario.”
Virgil chewed at his bottom lip, still staring at Scott worriedly. “We might need to trade for medicine or fuel come winter, too,” he admitted reluctantly. “It was only luck we didn’t lose Gordon right alongside Dad that year. And Coney, she says this winter’s going to be a hard one.”
“What does Coney know?” scoffed Scott. “You’d risk Gordon’s life on a maybe?”
“It’s my choice,” snapped Gordon. “Besides, I’d be six slips out of what, a thousand? We need those supplies and you know it.”
Scott opened his mouth to argue, but a second clanging toll rung out and interrupted him.
“That’s the assembly bell,” said Virgil, eyes darting between Scott and the door. “We need to go.”
Scott hesitated, lips pursed as he levelled Gordon with a solemn look in his eyes. “Your choice. You’re right, I can’t stop you. But please, Gordon, think it through. You don’t know what it’s like to watch your little brothers…” His breath heaved in his chest, and he turned away. “Let’s go,” he said to Virgil, leaving John and Gordon behind.
The tension remained, shooting sizzling static through the air as Gordon tried to catch his thoughts and reorder them.
“You’re going to do it, aren’t you?” said John quietly.
“Next year we’ll need more than seven allotments.”
There wasn’t much else to say. Unless they brought in a fourth wage next year, by manner of marriage which only meant another mouth to feed, they wouldn’t last the winter.
The wages in District 11 were just enough to keep the population meagrely fed when the weather was fair and the farming a success. But there was no margin for error. Consequently, the poorest members of the district were reliant on the reaping for extra resources.
Gordon wasn’t stupid.
The least valuable were always more likely to be selected.
It was simple math.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
You Were the One, Part 15
Summary:  Lloyd cannot wait
Pairings:  Lloyd Hansen X Reader
Rating:  🥺🥺
Warnings:  mild language, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  1.2K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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Your fingers run through his hair without even opening your eyes. He was always waking you up with his sweet little conversations with his daughter. Leaning over your body, while his face hovers over your bump. You don’t have to open your eyes to know he had the biggest grin planted on his face.
Had things been under different circumstances, Lloyd would have been shouting out to the world that he was having a daughter. But you liked it this way. This house was literally your bubble away from the world. Secluded enough from a small sleepy town, but with complete privacy.
“My little Pixie Dust, are you about ready to make your big debut? I am waiting patiently, but honestly, my patience is running thin. You and your mother are the only ones I wait for. I’m sure there will be a brother or two, hopefully some sisters that I’ll wait on, but this is new to me, and I don’t like it. Just come on out.”
He leans back far enough to see your belly stretch and roll around with her. He brings up his forefinger to trace her movements, “Now just keep it moving, and pop on out. I’m ready to meet you.”
You press your hand up against Lloyd’s cheek, and he leans into it. Giving you a dopey smile, still refusing to open your eyes. You felt like you were living in a dream. “Ferryn Lilibeth Hansen, I demand that you come out and meet your daddy.”
“Oh,” you cup your belly when she gives you a hard kick. She was always so responsive to his voice.
“Any contractions?”
“No, babe,” finally opening your eyes, you give Lloyd a sleepy smile, and he leans over you, peppering kisses against your lips.
“Our daughter is bullying me.”
“She’s being stubborn like her father.”
“You take that back. I am not stubborn,” Lloyd gives you a dramatic pout, puckering out his lower lip, and you giggle. Things still felt like a dream with him. You knew that he might not always get to be with you, but these moments, you cherished above all else.
“No, he’s just a spoiled brat.”
“Why you little,” his fingers move over your body, giving you little tickles. Before blowing a big raspberry on your belly. Grabbing at your stomach you wince slightly, and Lloyd smiles up at you. “She’s getting into position. Ferryn, you come out there right this instant. Ferryn?” his mouth presses right up against your belly, and you laugh at him. “Ferryn Hansen, come out right now.”
“She’ll come out when she’s ready.”
“Do not be like your mother and arrive late everywhere. Just come on out, I’m ready for you.”
“Lloyd,” you whisper, and he looks up at you. His blue eyes shining in the morning light. It was hard to believe that this was your life. There was a calmness here. A completion. “I love you.”
“I love you, Honey. But I’ll admit, I’m a bit upset with this little girl. I want to hold her.”
“When she’s ready.”
“And I hold her first. You’ve held her in your stomach all this time. I get first dibs. Besides we know I’m going to be the favorite,” you give him a playful smack shaking your head, “Yes, yes. She is going to be the biggest daddy’s girl you ever did see. You just wait. Aren’t you my girl? See!” he smiles when she kicks under his hand. “She agreed with me.”
“Are you scared?”
Lloyd calmly shakes his head coming up closer to you. “No, because you’re her mother. We’ve got this.”
“And after a year, you’ve gotta go back?”
“If you really don’t want me to go back, I won’t. I just would like to secure our future.”
“And you’ll keep Six off your radar?” he takes a calming exhale looking at you. There was no jealousy, but he always questioned you whenever Six was brought up. “He has a hatred for you now. Even Nat said it. I don’t need to know that a Sierra agent was hunting my husband. You always come back to me, and her. Do you understand? If I hear about you doing stupid shit…”
“Hey, you stop with that vulgar language. And I promise, I won’t do stupid shit, and I’ll stay out of Six’s radar. I won’t say his name. No jobs that involve a Sierra agent. Promise.”
“Good, Ferryn, your daddy made us promises, and he always keeps them.”
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“Lloyd,” you gasp, waking up from a deep sleep, “Lloyd!”
“Shh, you’re fine, breathe.”
“Don’t tell me to breathe, your daughter is, ugh,” stopping your speech when a contraction tightens your body up. Baring down your teeth until the pain subsides, and Lloyd understands.
“Okay, let’s go. We’ll grab the bag on the way out. We’re okay, you’re okay. You wanted this baby just as much as me, so we’re good. But, Honey,” everything in the house stops as he takes you in during this moment. His eyes looking you up down with the softest smile on his face. Not even caring that his hair isn’t fixed, or that he’s wearing lounge clothes, but having this moment of just looking at you. “I love you.”
“Yep, I love you, but I’m in pain. Let’s go.”
“Here I was trying to have a sweet tender moment, and you were…it’s rude. That’s what it is.”
“Lloyd! Lloyd go. You don’t want me to have your daughter in the car.”
“Okay, let’s go. Sweet moments later.”
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“Shh, Pixie Dust,” Lloyd coos down at his daughter, while she makes squeaky noises in his arms. Struggling to keep her eyes open to look up at him, and her hand twists around in search of something to hold.
“I know, but mama is asleep. You let her rest. No, I know, I know. Sometimes you want her to hold you, but while she’s sleeping and you’re not hungry, let me hold you. Don’t make that face,” his voice darkens as he looks over Ferryn’s disgruntled face. “No no no. I have only got to hold you for an hour. Sweetheart, don’t you do it,” she lets out a few strangled whines, before starting to cry. “This isn’t fair. You quit that. She’s sleeping.”
“Lloyd, give me the baby,” giggling as you sit up, and that pouting man walks her over to you. “Is daddy being mean to his Ferry girl?”
“Hey, don’t you turn her against me. And it’s Pixie Dust,” the moment he hands her to you, he’s crawling into the bed beside his family. “You just wait, when you’re not her only source of food, she won’t ever go to you. Never never.”
When Ferryn latches on, you lean over onto Lloyd’s shoulder, closing your eyes yet again, but he stays looking at her. Random glances at you, and it is just the perfect warm and comfy place to be. “When she falls asleep do I get to hold her?”
“Of course,” you sleepily answer him. “Maybe don’t talk so much, and she won’t wake up.”
“Pfft, our baby is going to have the best vocabulary, because I’m going to talk to her all the time,” you just hum in answer. Snuggling more into him, “Honey, when do we get to do this again?”
“Lloyd, she’s a month old. You better hush your mouth.”
“Okay, so like in another year or two?”
“Fine, but if I have to wait longer than three years, we’re gonna have a problem,” you remove your now sleeping baby off of you, handing Ferryn to her daddy who just can’t get enough of her.
“And what exactly are you gonna do to me? Spank me?”
“Oh,” he chuckles, his lips going to press a hard kiss on her forehead, “Believe me, I’ll be doing so much worse than that. I’ll have you begging me to breed you. You just watch.”
“Can you make the next one a boy?”
“If I don’t, we’ll just have to try again. And again. And again.”
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Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @peaches1958​ @bookwormchick91​ @whimsyplaty92​ @bambamwolf87​ @curlycarley​ @infatuatedjanes​ @randomagnes0210​  @8oopsiedaisy8 @spider-thot0115​ @tryingtosurvivestuff​ @sstan-hoe​ @xcaptain-winterx​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @sgtjaamesbaarnes​ @writing-for-marvel​ @alwaysclassyeagle​ @mrsharringtonmunson​  @jlc3276 @elrw24​ @kattreffic​ @lettersandsodas​ @saucy-sassy-sparkly​ @crazyunsexycool​ @pigwidgeonxo​ @dontbescaredtosingalong​ @royalwritersoftheuniverses​ @bigphattygyal @seitmai​
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I can breathe a sigh of relief now. JK looks happy, healthy and thriving. I too was worried about him. And if you think about it, when JK started going live and was down in the dumps, drinking live after live, This was right when things ramped up with JM being probably more busy then he's been in a while. We had Jan starting off with Dior in Paris, then Vibe in Feb and JK came live and sang Vibe and promoted JM & it escalated from there. JM being more busy, cause Face promotions and JK coming live more often obviously emotional, but still lighting up seeing JM, still asking JM over and Still promoting JM. Promoting set me free & face and spoiling songs and compare that look to JK during when he played Letter. It was like a weight lifted. His smirk. It was out. He knew JM would be more available, still not to his liking, but enough to where they seem to be spending a lot more time together behind closed doors cause JK walking around with that post sex glow. People said we were crazy when we said that I Miss you was for JK and his Me too was for JM. So either both were cocky and assumed the I Miss You and Me Too were for the other, since they both replied to these or they were in fact meant for each other. You can still be in a relationship and still miss the hell out of your partner. I still ain't getting over JM telling JK he missed him, after seeing 10 minutes earlier. Damn stage 5 clingers. Both of them. Now JK is probably feeling the world lifted off his shoulders cause Taennie out and it frees him. He can just hang out normally with his friend now without romantic rumors. There is no turning back. Shippers may still ship, but they look even more insane, esp now that celebs and westerners have picked up on it. Like at this point, you are embrassing the hell out of yourselves still shipping TK.
I do know this is gonna be short lived and JK's promotions are coming up which is gonna take him away JM time again, then they are gonna be separated for 2 years and I feel so sorry for them, because its gonna hit them hard. If JK is missing JM just being in Seoul, but at the office. Oh man, its gonna kill him. I just hope Hybe doesn't make JM go before JK's album drops. I hope he's around to show support like JK has & be here, until and they both go around the same time. Fuck Hybe if they make JM go before JK's album. So yeah, we might be in for round 2 of sad lives from either or, once JK's promotions kick in. Just get ready.
Oh man. Why end this beautiful ask on such a sad note anon? 😔 I believe they're going to be fine. For reals. JK has already had the unfortunate experience of how it feels like to be without Jimin. So this was some kind of practice if you will.
And if they enlist at the same time like I suspect, that means they will get their breaks at the same time. Hopefully. Idk how this shit works. But this is even more reason for them to enlist together.
SK continues to relax little by little on some of their homophobic laws which I am side eyeing; wondering if it ain't BTS related 🤔 Jin and Jhope getting high rank roles also makes me wonder and gives me hope that BTS will indeed be treated differently in there. Love to see it.
I'm off topic anon, but this is your fault. I'm just trying to think how this all benefits Jikook, u know? Which is why I feel Jimin will wait for JK's album not just to support him like he always has, but also going in at the same time just works out perfectly for them. No one is inside longer than the other. U know?
Anyhu, anon, if JK changes up things, then he changes up things. And I kind of wish he would a little bit coz I wanna see his face so bad
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And if he brings his boyfriend with him I will not complain. Not one bit.
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heartlandians · 3 months
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 224
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
The deck at the back of Leah's house continued the homely feel the house had had. When Mitch stepped out first to keep the door open for her, he could tell from the way that it had been maintained and set up that this was a spot the couple living in the house liked to spend a lot of their time at and maybe entertain some guests too.
Even though the rectangle shape was simple, Leah and Brett had divided the space wisely by having the two ends serve different needs.
They had a couch with big cushions and two folding chairs in the other end around a small table, further from the door, where various big plants in their earthy-colored pots helped divide the space but also provided some privacy for conversations you could have way pass your bed time.
On the other end, closer to where he was now standing, Mitch could see a heavy looking table made out of wood and one long patio bench on each side, allowing six people to dine out, if needed.
Next to them, they had a grill.
"Do you use that a lot?" Mitch asked out of a personal curiosity, nodding toward the grill, when Leah walked over to the dining table and set the tray on it.
She glanced at the thing and nodded. "When Brett's home, yeah. He loves having people over for barbecue. I try to take it a little lighter with meat these days."
"Sounds like my kind of guy", Mitch said with a smile and sat down while Leah served them the lemonade.
"Oh yeah?" she asked, her head tilted toward him.
"Well, I actually have a beef business with this other, local cowboy", he explained. "A rodeo legend, actually."
Leah's lips curved into a smile. "So, wait... Am I understanding this right... You never left Hudson?" she checked, surprised.
From what she could remember, Mitch had always talked about doing a bit of traveling after school, before he would be ready to settle down anywhere. He had been a small town boy at heart, but Leah had always thought maybe the world would change his mind.
"Well, I left", Mitch corrected her, "but I came back."
"Your dad must be happy", Leah said, gesturing Mitch to take his glass when the lemonade had been poured. "The Saddle Road Ranch's story continues."
Mitch hummed. "Oh, he probably would have been, if that had been what had happened", he agreed. "But... it's more complicated than that."
Leah sat down when she had poured herself the drink as well. She cradled the glass and enjoyed its faint cold feel against her palms while she examined Mitch's face.
"Complicated, how?" she was curious.
"I was away, overseas, when my dad had to make the big decision to sell the ranch", Mitch shared. "I guess he was always hoping that I would be the one to take over, even though he never really vocalized it, but even though I was a little lost after high school, he knew that ranching wasn't my plan, hence why I pursued other things."
Leah nodded. "I see..."
"Of course when I came back to help him with the downsizing, I felt... sad. But not because I had not taken that chance, more like because... that was my childhood home. My roots", Mitch recapped.
Leah nodded, looking down. "I get that. -- Yet, here you are, living the cowboy life again?" she continued the conversation, eyeing Mitch's look that clearly gave away his lifestyle.
Mitch let out a laugh, spreading his arms a little bit, as if to promote it too.
"Yeah, here I am. Funny how life works. You spend years and years thinking the ranching life isn't for you and then you live a little, but end up coming back and loving every second of it...."
"I guess you have to know what you'd be missing out before you can decide you aren't actually missing out much?" she offered.
Mitch shrugged. "Guess so."
"So, you have your own ranch now then?" Leah checked.
"No. I have a house, but I lease the land. I have a horse, though. Well, two horses, but the other one is keeping my horse company", Mitch explained. "He's not an active working horse."
"Gosh, this takes me back..." Leah said, shaking her head as she reminisced those days of their teenage years and the ranching lifestyle of Hudson. "Riding and all that. I haven't done that in ages... I remember liking it, but... I guess the horse girl life just wasn't for me overall."
Mitch looked around. "Well, you never know. You have a lot of grassland here; horse would fit right in", he added with a wink.
"Oh no, I think we're happy with just having a dog", Leah insisted, the smile never leaving her face, "and with the baby on the way, it's about to get busy."
Mitch nodded. "Yeah, for sure."
"What about you? Any kids?" Leah asked.
"Oh, no", Mitch shook his head and taking a sip of the drink.
"Anyone special, at least?" she teased him.
Mitch couldn't bury his smile, so it wasn't hard for Leah to read him.
"That's a yes", she concluded, but figured since he had not said anything, maybe he wanted to keep that under wraps. "How are your parents then?"
Mitch inhaled deeply, thinking about what to say.
Her mom and dad had always liked Leah, so the question wasn't just out of politeness, he knew, as Leah had spent a lot of time at the ranch, getting familiar with their way of life and simultaneously pretty much becoming part of the family.
"They're good now. Living in a condo in Calgary", Mitch summarized. "My mom... she, uh, she had a stroke few years ago."
"Oh, no..." Worry colored Leah's face. "Is she-- is she okay?"
"Yeah, she is now", he assured. "That was the reason why they had to sell the ranch and why I came back and... well, it was just a messy stage in my life overall", he added before he would get into any type of long-winded explanation, "but... she uses a wheelchair now. She's not as active as she used to be, but still pretty sharp."
"I'm glad she survived", Leah said. She fiddled her glass, feeling like it was an appropriate time to update Mitch about her parents too. "I lost my dad to cancer six years ago. So it's just me and mom now."
"Oh... I'm sorry for your loss", Mitch extended his condolences.
Leah nodded. "Thanks. It all happened so suddenly; he got the diagnosis and within months... he was gone. Still hard to believe it sometimes."
"Yeah, I bet", he said, feeling like he knew something about that too.
Almost like reading his mind, Leah decided to change the subject, but still keeping it in the family. Unfortunately she was unknowingly keeping it in the passed on family members.
"You and Zach still up to no good?" Leah guessed as it almost sounded like nothing had really changed in Mitch's life, even though he had apparently taken few side steps to try things out.
Mitch felt like the air from his lungs suddenly got clogged.
His face turned stony, and he cleared his throat.
"Uh, actually, no..." Mitch said, feeling the catch-up taking a turn, but maybe Leah deserved to know, seeing she and Zach had once been friends too. "He... He actually died few years ago."
Leah placed down the glass with a slow movement, as if she was scared to break the moment. Her expression was shocked, but she was trying to hold it back a little bit.
"Oh... I'm-- I had no idea. I'm really sorry to hear that, Mitch. I know how close you were."
Mitch nodded. "Thanks."
A pregnant pause fell between them, and Leah knew that response all too well as it was something she often came across with whenever she told people about her dad's passing.
She knew from her own experience that she didn't really like dwelling in the sad, the suffering or the loss - the last moments - but instead loved whenever people told her memories about her father she had not heard before.
She even loved the stories that she had heard million times in the past but that helped keep him alive in her memories - and also in other people's minds.
Those comforting thoughts.
The worst part about losing someone you had loved was the fear of forgetting them.
So, she decided a similar approach with this as well.
"Whenever I thought of you, I thought of Zach too", Leah hummed softly, thinking back warmly to Mitch's cousin who had always felt more like his brother. "Every time it snows, I think about that time we tied fastening straps at the back of a truck and sat down on a that... slippery kind of rubber tire that made skiing behind the truck easy..." she tried to describe the situation and it instantly sparked a reaction in Mitch as well.
"Oh yeah, and that one time the engine cut off abruptly, and Zach just kept going", Mitch recalled, letting out a laugh, but then crinkled his brows. "We really thought he was a goner..."
"Oh my god, yes!" Leah remembered and almost gasped, still remembering watching if Zach was going to make it through the rearview mirror. "I don't know how we survived from some of the things we did..."
"Yeah, we could have seriously gotten hurt so many times", Mitch agreed.
"And it was always you two boneheads that came up with the ideas. You were inseparable...'' Leah hummed.
"That's how I always thought of us too", Mitch admitted, looking down at the lemonade. "Or... in most cases, where Zach went, I'd follow. And yeah, maybe there were few times that it was me who came up with some stupid idea and I didn't have to convince him too much to join... But turns out there's one thing that can separate us..."
Leah nodded, studying Mitch's expression.
"How are you handling that?" she asked with concern.
Mitch put down the glass and opened his palms a little bit, almost like gesturing that he didn't really have words.
"It depends. It's a strange feeling... Like this hole in me, always, with everything I do, but then... life has been built around it. It never went away, but things just... kept moving forward. I didn't think they would, but they did. In a way it's sad."
Leah nodded, understanding that.
"Like my first birthday after his passing", Mitch recalled, "it was like I refused to age, because... then we wouldn't be doing that together. I'd become older, but he never would. -- Like I said, we always did everything together - and suddenly we didn't. He stayed back-- no matter what, I never let that happen when he was alive; if he got in trouble, I was willing to get in trouble too, just so he wouldn't have to do that alone. But now... there is a division; almost like life in two acts."
Leah nodded.
"Did you get any support in the grieving process?" she wondered.
"I mean, yeah... I had Melanie, but then sometimes I just wanted that grief to be... private and sort of isolated myself with it. Everyone's grief is personal because he meant such different things for us all. Besides, she had enough to deal with that as it was", Mitch shared, sighing.
"You still keep in touch with Mel?"
Mitch nodded. "Oh yeah, we're still close. If I want to talk about him, that's who I talk to. I think - besides Zach's parents - he was the closest to us two, so... it's like a shared cut we try to mend together."
"That's good", Leah stated. "I'm glad you're not alone with that."
"Yeah", Mitch agreed. "Anyway, I didn't mean to make this meeting so grim..."
"No, it's fine", Leah assured, "I've learned that grief and loss is part of life just as much as happiness and every other experience is too. The call line I work for deals with a similar thing, so I'm sort of... used to it - if I can say that. It's better to talk about it than not."
"Oh?" Mitch welcomed the slight shift in the conversation and took his glass to have a sip. The sparkly taste of the lemon burned his lips.
Leah nodded, thinking about what to say before she continued.
"Well, I can't tell the details, because it's confidental, but after I got help myself, I wanted to pay that forward and help others", Leah explained. "Sometimes it's easiest to tell about your experience to someone who doesn't even know who you are."
Without meaning it, the conversation had arrived to a place that gave Mitch an opening to bring up the reason why he had thought about seeing Leah again in the first place.
No matter how much he would have prepped himself for this, he didn't think he would ever know the right thing to say.
"When you say you got help yourself... are you talking about the loss of your dad, or...?" Mitch asked carefully.
Leah's eyes focused on his.
"I mean I got help long before that", she explained. "Due to... what happened to me in high school."
The atmosphere changed slightly, but neither of them seemed like they were in a hurry to back down, even though the state of this unresolved situation lingered between them.
It was as if they were both trying to have a faith in each other in this moment, hoping they would proceed with the empathy the situation called for.
Mitch was glad it had been Leah who had brought it up, because then it would be on her terms, and he didn't have to risk triggering her.
"Actually... I've thought about that a lot. Over the years, but... lately again", Mitch confessed. "I don't like how things ended between us. I feel like... I let you down."
Leah tilted her head a little to the left. "What makes you say that?"
Her voice was calm, sympathetic even.
"I didn't know how to support you the way you probably needed me to", he sighed. "I know it's been years now and it's too little, too late, but..."
A hum pushed through Leah's mouth. "To be honest, I didn't even know what kind of support I needed at the time, so I couldn't have told you that even if I had tried. And I don't think you would have been able to guess that because... it took me a long time to get my voice back again."
"I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry what you had to go through", Mitch finally said, not knowing what else there was to say.
Leah was moved by it, even though for the most part she was able to speak about it in a calm manner these days.
"Thank you for saying that. I know you wanted to help, because I know how you are like, but... I wasn't in a state of mind to accept any help at that point. It's strange how our minds work", Leah shared her thoughts. "I wanted it, I needed it, but... I didn't allow myself to have it."
She looked around, trying to find a metaphor to explain it.
"It's almost like you get struck by lightning; you never think about that happening to you, but when it does, it's all you can ever think about. You lose that illusion of safety, and I don't know if you can ever really get it back. Every loud noise suddenly sends your body in a full panic mode. I didn't let anyone get close to me for a long time. My mind and body held onto that memory very strongly."
"I get that", Mitch said. "Did they ever find out who... did it?"
Leah shook her head. "No. Back then the resources were limited with that kind of stuff and, well, things of that nature were usually pinned on the victim. Besides, I feel like even if they had tracked them down, the damage had already been done; I couldn't trust anyone because my mind thought that now I knew anyone could be capable of that kind of... evil."
Listening to it made Mitch feel sad. How lonely that must have been.
Thankfully it was evident that something had changed since then.
"But now you have Brett", he brought up, almost like throwing her a life vest as she was going through the rapids of these memories.
Mitch didn't want her to drown even though he was limited in helping her.
Leah's lips curled into a warm smile. The fondness she was feeling toward her husband was beautiful to witness; even the simple mention of his name was enough to change her whole demeanor.
"Yeah. I didn't think it was possible to ever experience anything like that again, but he was so patient with me. It's been hard work, for both of us, but... I wouldn't trade any of that away", Leah summed.
Mitch nodded, but it was clear he still had questions.
"I know this is probably going to sound a little bit ignorant, but... do you feel like you've... healed?" Mitch wondered. "Because - not to compare the two, because I know they are nothing alike, but - I feel like I'm still aching from losing Zach."
Leah set the drink she had picked up while Mitch was talking back on the table and smacked her lips a little bit, thinking of what to say.
She had a theory and she wanted to test it.
"I think maybe you might confuse healing as a synonym for "feeling good" - or "feeling better"", Leah offered her take.
Mitch looked puzzled. "But... isn't it...?"
"It can be", Leah shrugged, "but... from my own experience, it's not - not always. Sometimes the process of healing is extremely painful. You might never feel good - or better."
Shaking his head, Mitch expressed the feeling of being lost. "I don't get it. Why do it then if not to feel good or better?"
"Because you have no other choice. If you want to keep living your life, you have to change things, become sound, make peace with it - call it whatever you will. Most people call it healing."
"Huh..." Mitch let out, acknowledging this was something he needed to think about more as it was hard to wrap his head around it.
"In my experience, healing is like... molting", Leah said. "And that's what I did. The process, the memories, what happened for me to get here, it didn't feel good, but... life can still be good. Other things can feel good."
Mitch watched her, seeing some kind of illuminated light behind her eyes.
"I don't know that I can ever get back that illusion of safety or escape the thought of people wanting to do bad things to other people, but... I can still live with that at the back of my mind. If I want to have the good things that I have, I have to", Leah continued. "We don't always have good options to choose, so... when I do have them, I don't take them for granted."
"So... do you think that things happen to us for a reason? Or... what doesn't kill us makes us stronger?" Mitch wondered Leah's overall view on life.
"Hell no", Leah was quick to say, shaking her head. "What doesn't kill us hurts like hell. I understand some can have those views, but... not me. I don't think I needed to go through all that in order to understand the worth of things that are good in life. I don't think suffering is valuable or the best teacher."
Mitch nodded, feeling like he had never expected this visit to take this type of turn.
"Well, you've just given me a lot to think about", he admitted, feeling a bit overwhelmed, if he was being honest.
Leah let out a laugh, understanding that this had probably been a little bit intense for Mitch all of a sudden, as it was all something she had personally grown into over the years.
"Well, you did ask..." she reminded in a jest.
Mitch joined her laugh, admitting that if he wasn't ready to have his world rocked, he shouldn't have asked.
"That's true; I did ask..."
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pixeldistractions · 7 months
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Gameplay notes on a broken, stinky camper:
They haven’t set off on their adventure quite yet, by the way. There’s a bit more story to go still. But this is a glimpse into their future to show off the camper, since I need an entire empty lot to park this thing on, and the camper shown in the previous story scenes is just deco.
Here is the camper build that they’ll actually live in. It’s a decent sized class-C motorhome. As Jordan said, it’s not really one of those cute little renovated #vanlife campers that Ingrid has her heart set on. (Like this one <- I am a total geek over this woman’s van life channel, lol!)
But maybe Ingrid will get hers someday.
This camper is old and run down, definitely in need of some renovation. Jordan is a handy guy, so I have no doubt he’ll keep it running. But creative or stylish, he is not. So he’s probably quite happy to make it smell better and just leave it be.
It’s off-grid, and doesn’t currently have any power or water capabilities, but he is welcome to upgrade those systems when he’s ready.
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It’s off-grid, and a micro home on 32 squares. (33, actually, being 3x11, and I cheated out a block from the bathroom so it could remain in the smallest tier. 😉 )
I haven’t played with either of these lot types in gameplay before, and I’m super excited to try them! I’m also looking forward to the gameplay of bringing this camper to different locations and playing in some towns that I don’t normally play. But it’s a bummer that, more often than not, I’ll have to bulldoze an entire building to place it somewhere.
(OMG give us world editing tools!!!)
The lot challenges are filthy, gremlins, and creepy-crawlies. And because it was said to be very stinky in the story, I placed a few of these apartment problem stink clouds around to pop up and give them a bad surprise from time to time.
The whole camper, not counting the lot value of wherever it’s placed, is around $7000. Neither of them paid that much for it, or even have that much money to their names. I keep my sims broke, lol! But I do have a kind of personal gameplay rule that my sims can get a bonus “kaching” for each apartment problem or lot challenge they add, to help out with the purchase price. Because in game, lot challenges don’t make the lot any cheaper, even though they kind of should, in my opinion.
Then they would have to pay $1000 in “repairs” to get rid of the lot challenge or apartment problem, if they ever decide to.
(Sadly, I suspect my apartment problems are about to totally break with the new For Rent pack we’re getting, and I’m not sure I have the brain space or ability to fix them this time. Oh well, we had a good run with them, didn’t we? Hopefully someone with more skills and time can pick up the torch.)
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Jordan imagines renovating this back room with a couple of bunk beds for his boys, for the hopeful occasion that Colette lets them come out to visit.
So, they’ll take this thing to a few locations on their way out to California, and then in a couple weeks, Jordan will end up in Sierra Nova to meet up with Maya for the climbing club she hosts through Tyler’s adventure park. The plan is that they’ll train for a season in Sierra Nova, then travel to Komorebi to train further and then attempt to summit, which is another bit of gameplay I haven’t tried before.
I am not going to attempt to wrangle any sort of road trip driving shots with this thing, or the deco object, either. We will use our imaginations!
(Oh, but how cool would a cars/road trip pack be, where we could own a camper and drive it from place to place? But I bet even if they made a pack like that, the campers would be rabbit holes like the tents are.)
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marmiteprinter · 8 months
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Later, in the middle of the night, Iris went into labour. Derrick, who was just about to go to bed, stopped what he was doing and watched helplessly as she screamed. Nimue, who was already asleep, was woken up by the noise.
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Soon, little Thorn Phillips was born! Welcome to the world little one!
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Derrick didn't even come to meet the nooboo, just flopped straight into bed. That bodes well... Nimue, meanwhile, was excited to meet her new half-brother.
"Hello nooboo! I'm your big sister! Yes I am! I'm going to help feed you and change you and I'm going to be your best friend!"
"That's very sweet, darling. Now I'm exhausted and I know you are too so go back to bed while I try and get him to sleep," Iris said.
And that's the end of the round! Iris and Derrick are now 37, Frost is 18 and ready to move out, Nimue is 15 and Thorn is a newborn. We'll find out when he's a teen if he has inherited his mum's witchiness or his dad's lycanthropy (or both).
With only one Grimsbane and three Phillipses living in the house going forward, this household will be called the Phillips household from now on.
Iris didn't have time to head into her store this round with everything else going on, so it's still Rank 4. Hopefully she can build it a bit more next round.
The next household is Derrick's old home, the Phillips family (which I guess will be the Phillips II household next round)! Let's go!
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Review: Nona the Ninth
read from 11 June to 18 June
Okay, so first, damn me for reading an unfinished series. Alecto the Ninth will (hopefully) come out this October and I can barely wait for that.
Second: what the actual hell was that fever dream of a book? Did I love Nona? Of course. Did I know what was going on 99% of the time? No. Did I still enjoy this book? Absolutely!
Basic facts
Title: Nona the Ninth (#3 of the Locked Tomb series)
Author: Tamsyn Muir
Pages: 496
Synopsis: Her city is under siege. The zombies are coming back. And all Nona wants is a birthday party. In many ways, Nona is like other people. She lives with her family, has a job at her local school, and loves walks on the beach and meeting new dogs. But Nona's not like other people. Six months ago she woke up in a stranger's body, and she's afraid she might have to give it back. The whole city is falling to pieces. A monstrous blue sphere hangs on the horizon, ready to tear the planet apart. Blood of Eden forces have surrounded the last Cohort facility and wait for the Emperor Undying to come calling. Their leaders want Nona to be the weapon that will save them from the Nine Houses. Nona would prefer to live an ordinary life with the people she loves, with Pyrrha and Camilla and Palamedes, but she also knows that nothing lasts forever. And each night, Nona dreams of a woman with a skull-painted face...
Review / Rambling (maybe kinda spoilery)
After the fever dream that was Harrow the Ninth, I really did not know what to expect - I certainly did not expect Nona.
In the beginning, I was so confused, who Nona actually was and what was happening. But the worldbuilding and setting were as intriguing as in GtN and HtN - I especially loved the spin of the zombie trope as well as the urban setting. I am not well versed in Science Fiction so I cannot comment on whether the setting was derivative but it certainly was fun to read. Also, necromancers in space. And Noodle. 5 stars for worldbuilding/setting.
The plot was more clearcut than in HtN and it actually made sense. I loved the headings of the parts (5 days until the Tomb opens etc.) because it set up the ending so well. Tamsyn Muir is definitely a fan of "spoiling" the ending but who am I to complain (I am a sucker for this plot structure). Also NtN had one of my favourite tropes of all time: domestic living in a SFF-world/city. I cannot get enough of that trope! I did not particularly like the John-focused chapters - it gave some context to the whole story but the whole climate crisis felt a little too real haha. 4 stars for the plot.
As for characters, I loved, loved, loved Nona. You usually do not have a "child" protagonist in SFF, so it was really refreshing looking through the eyes of one. I loved how she told the story and how she did not really have a clue what was going on 99% of the time (very relatable hehe). I also adore Camilla and Palamedes, so I was happy to see more of them, although not together of course. I liked the family dynamic between Nona, Camilla/Palamedes and Pyrrha. As I have already said, I am a big fan of domestic living in SFF-cities, so that ties in perfectly. Also - Gideon is back (kind of, maybe, idk) and she is as funny as ever (also a bit creepy). Only downside of the book regarding characters: often, I had no idea who these people were because the names were so confusing. Also, Harrow was not there for the most part. 4 stars for characters.
I have seen some people critiquing Tamsyn Muir for not having a consistent tone throughout the series. I actually really loved world. In my opinion, there were a lot of cringey jokes in the first book and although I like Gideon, I am glad that we see different people as narrators. I loved the second book for its mysterious "vibey" writing style. I loved the third book for the child-like writing. The new perspective really helped me with immersing myself more in the book. 4 stars for writing style.
The overall vibes of the book were definitely there and I really enjoyed reading the book. +1 star for overall vibes.
final rating: 5 stars
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