#i am so excited to finally start posting this au
minecraftbookshelf · 7 months
In the Age of Icons: Mistakes Are Made
Chapter One: The Day Of
A Marriage of State AU Fic
[AU Masterpost (includes the AO3 link)]
Characters: Jimmy Solidarity, Xornoth, Katherine Elizabeth, Mythical J Sausage
Relationships (for the AU as a whole): Eventual (very slow burn) Flower Husbands, (established) Shadowbeans/Jizzie, (obnoxiously new) Jornoth, Eventual (very far future) Nature Wives
Wordcount: 4214
Rating On AO3: This particular fic is rated T, future installments in the AU may go all the way up to E for graphic violence but most will be between T & M
Chapter POV: Jimmy Solidarity & Xornoth
The Codfather weaves his fingertips together so that the slight webbing between his fingers touches. It's the first time in a while he's had both hands away from his shoulder, where at least one has been hovering near his sword hilt almost the entire time, despite Katherine's glares. "It's a marriage treaty, between the royalty of the oppositions, bound in blood and salt, for peace and mutual gain." His voice has gained a slight sing-song cadence to it, even through what is clearly a slightly stumbling translation, that Xornoth recognizes from their own anytime they are reciting something from their childhood lessons, even to this day.
Warnings: A sort of general reminder of the narrative tool "Unreliable Narrators"
This AU features multiple arranged marriages across the spectrum of platonic-romantic and the complicated nuances of chosen and arranged.
Any section from Xornoth's POV does have parts that read like very violent and occasionally graphic intrusive thoughts due to the whole "there is a demon living in their head" thing. If that's something you think you might have issues with, please proceed with caution if you choose to proceed at all.
Jimmy spends the majority of his flight to the Overgrown fuming and imagining the many different ways he could kill Sausage. It's cathartic indulgence and if he's busy imagining swarms of axolotls and pufferfish descend on the Mythlandic king in his minds' eye than he isn't worrying about the actual situation and what it could potentially mean for him and the Swamp.
Much. He isn't worrying about it much.
The fact that Sausage had made it past the Swamp border and all the way to Jimmy's house without being seen or stopped is...fine. It's fine.
The wind catches Jimmy's elytra at an odd angle and he dips alarmingly low for a heart-jolting moment; his tail flailing out on instinct in an attempt to steady him in a non-existent current. He catches himself before he actually crashes into the treetops, though he does have to bank hard to the left in a way that pulls the harness sharp against his shoulder. The joint twinges at the strain and he grimaces. He'll probably feel that tomorrow. He's been skipping out on his stretches, in all the chaos of the escalating tensions, and his bad side has been worse than usual. He can feel the tension of the old scar tissue at his elbow and the tightness of the muscle down his neck and shoulder.
Joel will yell at him for that.
On the bright side, maybe he'll go to war with the Mythlands and then he'll be too busy to get yelled at. He thinks Pix would call that 'silver linings.'
The trees thin out and give way to green grass fields dotted with sheep and flowers and Jimmy angles his trajectory downwards. The magic saturating the Border of the Overgrown brushes his scales as he enters and he shudders. It doesn't matter how many times he comes to visit Katherine, every time is just as unsettling. It feels like the time he bit an electric eel as a fry. A tingle and a buzzing that leaves the webbing between his fingers numb and his teeth hurting.
Katherine's house materializes on the horizon, the layers of glamour falling away and Jimmy banks into a spiral to land. He's been airborne for so long that he's barely even damp and, last minute, he decides to land in the water feature instead of on the grass surrounding it. He lands in the fountain with a splash and a sigh, the water closing over his head and offering blessed relief. His gills flare, water flowing freely through his right side and even managing a pass on his left. He allows himself a moment to settle beneath the surface and let the itchy dry feeling of his scales fade, away from the biting cold and thin air of the skyways.
He rolls over and stares at the sky, taking a minute to just exist. It's uncomfortable; his elytra, his trident, and his sword all pressing into his spine, but at least it is calm and quiet.
His view is almost immediately obstructed by a far, far too familiar silhouette tinted red and gold.
Jimmy bolts upright and almost slams his forehead into Sausage's.
He scrambles back and to his feet where he stands, dripping, in the fountain to the backdrop of the displeased gazes of Katherine's door guards and the giggles of the King of Mythland.
How did this go so wrong so fast?
"Hello, Jimmy!"
He manages to clamber out of the fountain without tripping and falling flat on his face at least. He splashes Katherine in the process, where she is hovering off to the side but he can't really be bothered to worry about that. All he can manage to do is stare at Sausage's smirking face.
"Hello, Jimmy!"
Katherine's greeting is much less mocking and Jimmy looks back down to acknowledge it. Way down. Katherine is the shortest emperor and the white tips of her ears barely clear his elbow. She is smiling up at him as if she hasn't invited him to her house only to ambush him with one of his greatest enemies. As if he hadn't trusted that her home was safe. As if he hadn't trusted that she would stand with him.
"What is he doing here?" He jerks his chin at Sausage, who is still giggling like a child. He sees Jimmy looking and grins at him, all teeth.
Behind the mask, Jimmy bares his own teeth and takes some comfort in the knowledge that he has more of them; and they are sharper. He straightens his spine and does his best to stand at his full height instead of curling slightly to the left. His sword and trident clank softly together over his shoulder.
Katherine looks briefly unsure before she sets her expression and gestures at her door. "We should all go inside and talk there. I would like to help negotiate peace between The Swamp and Mythland."
She's using her official voice. Sausage keeps giggling and Jimmy can barely hear it beneath the roar in his ears. He leans down to try and whisper into the faerie queen's ear.
"I really need your alliance right now, Katherine." He hopes his desperation doesn't show in his voice.
She gives him a reproving look that throws him right back to his brief time spent in a classroom. "I'm allied with everyone, Jimmy. You know that."
"He invaded the Swamp," Jimmy hisses, his ear-fins flaring, ignoring the shudder down his spine from her use of his Name, even in part. "He crossed our borders. Again. He's threatened war." He's no longer whispering by the end, standing to his full height, shoulders back, sword hand by his shoulder.
"And according to him, you've threatened it right back!"
It's almost a physical blow, the way the betrayal hits him. He manages to keep from physically staggering back only because Sausage appears beside him and throws an arm over his shoulder. Something the Mythlandic king has to stand on tiptoe to accomplish. It yanks Jimmy uncomfortably sideways and down and his trident almost slips from his back.
"Come on, Jimmy! Let's talk!" Sausage smiles, all teeth like an alligator, lurking on the surface of the water. "We can make peace!"
Jimmy knocks his arm away and straightens, doing his best to loom over the other ruler. His extra foot of height should be more of an advantage than if feels like. He grabs for the hilt of his sword and is only stopped by Katherine, who flies right up into his face to frown at him.
"No weapons!" She shakes her finger right in front of his mask and Jimmy clamps down on the instinctive urge to yank up the Codfather head and bite it. That would be no help to anyone, especially himself. No one takes him seriously as it is. Except maybe Pix. Maybe.
Instead he focuses on glaring at Sausage over Katherine's shoulder. The king of Mythland beams back at him, hands clasped innocently in front of himself (well away from the hilt of his own greatsword), head cocked to the side. The picture of harmless amiability were it not for the malicious sparkle in his eyes. Ohhhhhh how Jimmy would love to feed his organs to Lizzie's axolotls. He flexes his claws before Katherine grabs his arm and tugs him towards her front door, six tiny fingertips digging into his scales above his vambraces. (The embossed leather the only armor he'd worn, he hadn't realized he'd wish for more.)
Sausage trails behind them and as much as Jimmy reminds himself that not even Sausage would have the audacity to attack him in Katherine's house (probably) he can't quite shake the prickling tension from having an enemy at his back. It feels like the first time Lizzie and Joel took him to clear an ancient monument and he'd stalked through the twisty corridors and boxy rooms with the creeping feeling of being stalked in turn.
Sausage slips and almost falls on some of the tacky slime he'd accidentally tracked in and that does help. Even if he does feel bad for messing up Katherine's floor. He can feel the impassively judgmental stare from Katherine's guards, who's features do not change but still somehow radiate disapproval. He knows he probably shouldn't take it personally, most fae don't think highly of outsiders but it still feels personal.
Sausage recovers quickly and shakes out the fur lining of his coat. "Is it just me or does it smell fishy in here, now?"
"Sausage," Katherine looks disapprovingly back over her shoulder. "That's rude."
"Oh," Sausage blinks at them both, "I'm sorry, Jimmy, I didn't realize."
Jimmy wants to stab him so badly, he sets his shoulders and refrains. He can do this. He's technically trained for this, even if the skills are rusty, fallen aside before the more hands on duties that rebuilding the Swamp has required.
"Oh, this one is new!" Sausage immediately changes the subject, pointing at one of the skulls hanging on the wall of the hall. It's some kind of middling-sized land animal...a sheep maybe? with poppies filling the eye sockets and woven in a crown, there are delicate lines of gold painted across the surface of the bleached bone.
Katherine beams, her irritation at the rudeness forgotten (or at least set aside, fae never truly forget breaches of etiquette) "It is! It's a gift from a childhood friend," she looks fondly upon the skull for a moment. "We've been reconnecting lately."
Sausage nods sagely, "It is always good to spend time with your friends."
"It is," Katherine's ears twitch and her wings flutter briefly before she resumes walking. "Which is why we are going to fix this."
She leads them down the hall towards her library, a room so thoroughly warded that Jimmy can feel the magic against his scales when he passes through the door in an echo of the fae-realm boundaries.
It is a cozy room, despite the elegance and delicacy. It makes Jimmy feel out of place and reminds him a little bit of Lizzie's war room, if a better lit and less damp version. Every corner is full of plants and flowers and books and crystals, and blessedly free of guards and staff and other judging eyes. It's just Jimmy and Katherine and Sausage and the Elvenking sitting in the corner.
Jimmy may or may not do a full and proper double take.
Huge white and black wings, glittering obsidian antlers, an incongruous cup of tea on the side table. Apparently this meeting has interrupted the...reading time? of the King of Rivendell. Jimmy grits his teeth at the presence of one more ally for Sausage and turns his attention to the other two rulers instead. He'll worry about the Elvenking if they decide to become a problem.
In retrospect, Xornoth probably should have left as soon as Katherine escorted Sausage and The Codfather into her library, her expression tense and serious despite the cheerful tone to her chatter but in all honesty they were so startled at first that they froze. Now its been just long enough it would be too awkward to get up and leave. And the others are in-between them and the door, which just makes it worse. So they sit in the corner, tome in hand, trying their hardest to pretend they aren't getting a front row seat to the latest incarnation of the Mythland-Swamp dispute, featuring The Codfather's tangible rage and frustration over Katherine's stubborn neutrality.
(Which is understandable, but arguing a fae over their nature is a futile task and The Codfather seems too much a fool to realize it.)
The palpable hostility in the room has Xornoth's feathers fluffing against their will. Katherine is doing her best to mediate but she might as well try to climb a cliff-face in a blizzard. Sausage seems more interested in taunting The Codfather than coming to any kind of agreement and The Codfather himself stubbornly refuses to even consider any kind of negotiations until...a disc is returned?
Meaningless frivolity.
Xornoth isn't quite sure of the intricacies of the Mythland-Swamp conflict, since most of it happened during Rivendell's seclusion and so they don't even have any accounts of it other than what has been acquired in the past few decades. Accounts that are, somewhat understandably, for the most part slanted towards the Mythlandic perspective. (It is Mythland that Xornoth is allied with and it is Mythland that writes things down while The Swamp seems to lean heavily towards oral histories.) They don't think they've heard anything about a disc before, that might be new.
Both Sausage and The Codfather are known for their chaotic natures. If this does escalate to war (as both have threatened multiple times in the past hour) they will both involve their allies. As much fun as it would be to go toe-to-toe with the King of Mezalea in the arena, if Xornoth has to deal with wartime logistics because of these two acting like elflings not yet out of the home, they will just walk off into the mountains and wait for the winter to take them.
Do not pretend such reluctance. I see the truth.
Xornoth turns a page.
"At this point," The Codfather snarls, leaning on the back of the sofa he is standing by, looking inches away from leaping across the library to strangle Sausage (or try to at least) regardless of Katherine's policy on unapproved violence, his speech has been steadily growing more formal as the debate raged on, but also with a lot more insults in a multitude of languages. (Which Sausage had been more than happy to return.) "I don't think I'd trust even a-" he makes a series of humming, clicking syllables that Xornoth recognizes as Oceanic, but does not understand "-from you lot!"
That, of all things, is what grinds the entire conversation to a halt. Even Sausage stops his mocking dance around the edge of the room to look at The Codfather in confusion. "A who now?"
Katherine is frowning in concentration, mouthing words to herself while she tries to translate. "An...in-law treaty?"
"You know," The Codfather waves a hand dismissively. "A Binding Agreement."
At least he's speaking Mythlandic again, a language Xornoth supposedly understands.
"No, we don't know," Katherine still looks confused by also speculative. "Please explain. What kind of binding exactly is this?"
The Codfather weaves his fingertips together so that the slight webbing between his fingers touches. It's the first time in a while he's had both hands away from his shoulder, where at least one has been hovering near his sword hilt almost the entire time, despite Katherine's glares. "It's a marriage treaty, between the royalty of the oppositions, bound in blood and salt, for peace and mutual gain."
His voice has gained a slight sing-song cadence to it, even through what is clearly a slightly stumbling translation, that Xornoth recognizes from their own anytime they are reciting something from their childhood lessons, even to this day. They've never been able to quite shake the "student voice."
You are still only a student. And you will be so long as you refuse to take what is rightfully ours.
"Oh!" Katherine's face lights up with recognition and she bounces on her toes, wings aflutter. "I read about that! It's an Oceanic thing!"
Oceanic, not Swamp. Interesting.
The Codfather tilts his head to the side, radiating bewilderment despite the mask completely obscuring his features. "Um...yeah? Wait, do land-folk not do those? At all?"
Both Sausage and Katherine shake their head and Katherine expands verbally, talking right over the Codfather's hushed 'oh.'
"Not between empires, not since the Worldspawn Treaty. It's not uncommon for different families within an empire to form alliance through marriage though."
Xornoth wisely stays silent, though they can't quite help but touch the enchanted jewel fastening their cape at the shoulder. Only Katherine notices, but she's the only one of present company who knows what it means anyway.
"Oh," The Codfather seems a bit taken aback. "I thought it was just that it hadn't happened recently, not that you didn't at all."
"No," Sausage looks intrigued. "We don't."
"We could though," Katherine says suddenly, looking ecstatic. "The treaty just rendered those kinds of alliances of limited use, it didn't forbid them. What about a marriage truce between The Wither Rose Alliance and The Swamp!"
All three of them stare at the faerie queen like she's crazy. (At least, Xornoth is assuming that's what The Codfather's emotions are.) Sausage's eyebrows alone are conveying enough skepticism for the whole room. The Codfather's tail swishes uneasily.
Like a fish on a hook.
Sausage latches onto the movement with a smirk. "Aw! Do you not want to marry me, Jimmy?"
"I would rather move to the desert," The Codfather says without hesitation. "Or the Nether."
"Maybe not the two of you," Katherine says, even her spiteful optimism clearly powerless against the reality of what the outcome of that would be. Wise of her. Xornoth doesn't trust them to not kill each other before they make it to the wedding night. If they even made it to the wedding itself. "We are trying to make peace, not break it irreparably. But the Wither Rose Alliance is the largest alliance. Surely something can be arranged. For a...Binding Agreement the two parties have to be of equal or near-equal standing, right?"
"Well yes, but-"
"So," she says triumphantly, cutting The Codfather off before he can even get started. "One of the other emperors?"
There is a moment of silence as they all contemplate, even Sausage looking more focused than usual.
They are going to hurt themselves, trying that hard to utilize what little intelligence they have.
"Fwhip?" Sausage eventually offers, somewhat unsure, but also clearly just trying for a reaction.
And he gets one; a loud, rattly, snarling hiss that, despite usually considering The Codfather's threat level somewhere between "negligible" and "non-existent", Xornoth find themself sitting up straighter and even has Sausage taking a step back, visibly startled. Deep in the corner of their mind that Xornoth does their best to ignore, a shudder of disquiet resonates for a moment before being cut off.
Katherine's eyes are wide and, seemingly without realizing it, she takes to the air slightly, hovering over the floor, set to evade any attacks. Xornoth realizes that their hand is on the hilt of their sword and slowly, so as not to draw attention, they withdraw it back to their book. Their wings stay mantled, primaries brushing against he walls of their alcove.
"Okay, not Fwhip," Katherine says hurriedly, slowly dropping back down to the floor and smoothing her skirt out in a nervous gesture she's had since she was small. Usually she does better at controlling herself. She'd had the unphased exterior trained into her well before Xornoth ever met her and, however amiable and relaxed she likes to appear, they know its always there beneath.
If we pinned her wings to the wall like a butterfly and made her watch, that would phase her.
Xornoth contemplates smashing the side of their head into the wall. Unconsciousness has about a 50/50 chance of bringing peace and quiet with it. Unfortunately, the hangings in this library nook are imported from Rivendell, several layers of thick woolen brocade. It probably wouldn't be a very effective attempt. And would have them looking crazy in front of two allies and a...not quite enemy. (Though if they don't sort this out that will probably be changing very soon.)
Let there be war, one step closer to our full power.
Katherine has moved on. "What about Gem?"
Sausage snorts a laugh but also looks a little terrified at the idea of even suggesting such a thing. Perhaps the wisest he's been all day, based off what Xornoth has gathered about what seems to amount to a neighbors' spat between him and The Codfather. (Albeit a neighbors spat with centuries of animosity behind it and that is now threatening war.)
The Codfather shakes his head a little frantically, the copper-beaded tassels on the side of the mask clinking against the trident slung across his back. "She's scary."
He seems to realize that he said that out loud and quickly scrambles like a fish suffocating on a rock to cover for it. "And, uh, Great Wizard isn't a title with a lot of..." He flounders a bit. "There could be a new Great Wizard tomorrow, if someone beat her. It has to be a more permanent title."
Personally, Xornoth finds the likelihood of anyone replacing Gemini Tay at any point during a mortal lifetime (and possibly longer) very, very unlikely. It takes a lot to outshine bringing the dragons back. But The Codfather is right. And not only is Gem scary, she's also mean. Which most people don't realize because she spends so much time keeping Fwhip and Sausage from getting themselves killed. Xornoth has been to enough Wither Rose meetings to fear her though. She would eat The Codfather alive.
They do also find themself a little bit impressed, they hadn't thought he had that level of awareness of the internal workings o the other kingdoms.
If we gutted him like a fish he'd squeal so nicely.
It's been a while since Xornoth turned a page. They turn a page.
"Pearl can't be that closely tied to any other ruler," Katherine keeps going. "Too many people across the Empires rely on their trade with her and it isn't fair to your people to risk their well-being that way."
Honestly, if it came to war, Xornoth is fairly certain that Pearl would fight to remain neutral. It would destroy her, being unable to help her friends. Rip that golden heart of hers right out of her chest and shred it in the dust, but so many people from all the lands depend on Helianthia's crops and herds to remain fed. And her sense of duty, to her own people and all the others would take precedence over her loyalty to her friends, and that would kill her swifter than any blade.
If the war did not destroy her lands, and her with them, first.
The page in their white-knuckled grip begins to tear on the edge.
Rip them all to pieces, give the farmer the fight she wants.
Rivendell would follow Helianthia, Xornoth acknowledges. They are not as selfless as Pearl. And even if they were, they could not condemn Rivendell to another harsh winter of starvation and death. They would stand to defend her against all comers (and there would be many who came, lured by the resources she guarded) both as a friend and as a political alliance. Rivendell is not back to the point of being able to sustain themselves, not if the winters continue to worsen the way they have been. Loathe as they are to admit it, even inside their own head where no one can hear.
Well, no one but-
Wheat fields burn so easily, all it would take is a single spark in the right place and all of Mythland would be in flames.
Carefully, carefully, Xornoth sets their book down on the table beside them and places their hands in their lap. Katherine will stop allowing them to borrow her books if they start spontaneously combusting them. Hopefully she doesn't notice the slightly singed cover.
"Joey?" Now it is Katherine who's skepticism is betrayed in her voice and Sausage actually snorts a laugh. All three of them look over at Xornoth, though The Codfather quickly looks away again.
Free us of the silly bird.
"Good luck with that," Sausage says, giggling, and waggles his eyebrows at Xornoth. They pretend to not see, giving their full attention to the tapestry on the wall beside them in a vain attempt at pretending that their painfully un-subtle affair is not the most gossiped about topic among the emperors at present.
This is an old one, probably gifted by their grandparents to the House Blossom Lady of the time. The knot-work symbol in the corner is one they are unfamiliar with, not the signature of any artisan from their lifetime.
"And Xornoth is already married," Katherine doesn't acknowledge Sausage's behavior, beyond an annoyed look, which is probably for the best.
The Codfather jerks his head sharply to the side, "and that's all the royals in your alliance." He sounds almost smug. "None of them work."
And that is when Xornoth makes what they will refer to for centuries to come as "The Mistake." They pick their book back up and affect disinterest as they impulsively decide to wipe the smug grin they are imagining off The Codfather's face. "There is my brother."
There is a long moment of silence. Xornoth eventually looks up and gets their first inkling of how badly they might have just messed up when they see the astonished expression on Sausage's face, and the slowly dawning delight on Katherine's. They stubbornly ignore the blank cod-face staring directly at them.
Why do you consistently choose to prove your incompetence.
"Your brother is alive?" Sausage says but is cut off by Katherine.
"Oh!" she says, bouncing on her toes, hands clasped under her chin. "That's perfect!"
Chapter Two [TBA]
Chapter Three [TBA]
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
you know what's fucking insane though???
it's only been 3 days in the mafia front fic. THREE DAYS= ~34k. (so far, we're still on day three rn)
wow i'm truly insane. three days... mein gott
(potential spoilers for this fic in tags???)
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maplesyrupsainz · 7 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙everyone knows | CS55˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: carlos sainz x ferrari admin!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, established relationship
warnings: none just fluff as usual!
summary: in which your boyfriend moves teams but that doesn't stop you from simping in the comments
a/n: i jus put carlos in red bull!!! & used random pics from old era tbh so kind of disregard tht lolz
request!!!: after Carlos moves to a new team , reader who still works for Ferrari now simps over Carlos in the comments in Carlos' new team post's (like.. the one on the left is a hottie) with Ferraris account too lol
fc: various brunette girls from pinterest
my masterlist
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twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername 📍 abu dhabi
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, and 481,263 others
yourusername his last race in ferrari ❤️
view all 13,092 comments
user4 dont remind me
user5 our fav couple forced to work apart how could they do this 💔💔💔
liked by yourusername
carlossainz55 had the best season with you ❤️
yourusername love you
carlossainz55 i love you forever
user7 some of u acting like they breaking up LOL
user8 tbh im excited to see carlos at red bull next season 🤷‍♀️
user9 me too!!!
user10 forza ferrari 💔💔
scuderiaferrari 📍 bahrain
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, and 883,137 others
scuderiaferrari finally here for the start of the 2025 season how are we all feeling? 👀
tagged: charles_leclerc, lewishamilton
view all 17,162 comments
user11 lewis in red 🫨
user12 still not used to seeing carlos NOT in ferrari red
user13 we miss him.....
user14 everyone shutup and appreciate lewis lol
user15 how are WE feeling??! how are YOU feeling girl!!!
user16 ferrari admin found crying
carlossainz55 📍 bahrain
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liked by scuderiaferrari, yourusername, and 780,124 others
carlossainz55 life in navy blue
view all 12,341 comments
user17 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
user18 so proud of u carlos
user19 i luv him and y/n sm
scuderiaferrari woof woof woof
carlossainz55 hi ferrari.
scuderiaferrari heyyy hahahhh soo.....u single?
carlossainz55 😀 urm.
user20 she is so weird im obsessed with it
maxverstappen1 glad to have you back 🙂
carlossainz55 glad to be back!!
redbullracing 💙💙
liked by carlossainz55
redbullracing 📍 jeddah
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername, and 834,988 others
redbullracing race weekend!!
tagged: maxverstappen1, carlossainz55
view all 9,136 comments
user21 love seeing them back racing together
user22 💙💙💙💙💙💙
user23 waiting for a y/n comment tbh
user24 my fav duo
maxverstappen1 💙
kellypiquet 💙
scuderiaferrari omg who is that in the second pic???? sooo hot is he single??
user25 😂😂😂😂😂
redbullracing our new rookie driver🥹
scuderiaferrari no way...he looks familiar though?
carlossainz55 it's me, hi
charles_leclerc ferrari admin please refrain from simping for other team's drivers
scuderiaferrari ferrari admin plz stop simping😂😂😂 shut up nerd
user26 omg i just screamed my head off hahaha
twitter ->
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messages ->
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twitter ->
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instagram ->
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liked by carlossainz55, maxverstappen1, and 532,711 others
yourusername little race dump
view all 7,293 comments
user30 is that her & carlos omg 😭
user31 realest girl ever
user32 my fav simpee
user33 does she ever go in the rb garage for carlos or wear their merch 🤔
kellypiquet 💙💙
liked by yourusername
user34 they're friends?
user35 she's so normal on this account
user36 she lets her feral side out on ferrari account 😭
carlossainz55 gorgeous girl
yourusername no u
carlossainz55 true i am a gorgeous girl
redbullracing 📍 australia
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liked by scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55, and 891,367 others
redbullracing another great weekend!
tagged: carlossainz55, maxverstappen1
view all 10,718 comments
user37 my fav team
user38 oh hi charles in the back
user39 y/n using charles as an excuse to comment when?
user40 legendaryyy
scuderiaferrari so proud of our boy!!! 🫶
redbullracing we're looking after him dont worry
scuderiaferrari 🥹🥹🥹
user41 omg this is surprisingly wholesome
user42 i love ferrari admin she just wants carlos to be happy wherever he is
user43 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
carlossainz55 posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, and 423,728 others
user45 omg i just screamed
user46 i LOVE her
charles_leclerc she's a real one
pierregasly everyone's fav red bull fan in red clothing
landonorris awww look at everyone's fav f1 team social media admin xx
yourusername .......ur lucky i love you
2K notes · View notes
onlyangel4 · 1 month
should've said no. ln4. ls2. smau.
cheater lando norris x actress!reader. logan sargeant x actress!reader.
synopsis: lando should have always known that cheating on you in a workplace of people that adore you was a terrible idea.
author's note: welcome to the first installment of the taylor swift inspired series. i hope you enjoy this one! for context reader and lando had been dating for six months. reader is australian.
faceclaim: mia healey
taylor swift series masterlist.
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: having a self care day to distract myself from not being at the australian grand prix (my home race) because i am so incredibly ill and can hardly move. good luck my love.
y/ninsta posted a story tagging landonorris
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written: p3 baby !!!!
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y/ninsta posted a story
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written: i'm sick and sad but at least i have this shirt
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y/ninsta posted a story
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written: i just got sent a "i'm sorry you're sick and i'm sorry your boyfriend cheated on you" care package. not how i imagined my day was gonna go.
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y/ninsta posted a story tagging lilyzneimer
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written: i'm finally over the flu and able to go out with lily while she is in aus !
logansargeant replied to your story: are you at all free to hangout before i go to japan, missed you !
y/ninsta: tomorrow good?
logansargeant: tomorrow's perfect i'll pick you up
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: finally back on the waves
logansargeant posted a story
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written: when in aus
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liked by eranajames, lilynziemer, sarahpidgeon and 986,784 others
y/ninsta: i highly suggest going away to new zeleand for four months to film the best show ever as soon as you get cheated on. in all seriousness we just finished filming my new project the wilds and i am so excited for you guys to get to see me in my favourite project of my career. i had the best time on set even if i did have to be in freezing water for hours at a time. it was all fun and games. see you guys in december for when it releases.
view all 15,476 comments
eranajames: had the best time filming with you my love
y/ninsta: it was the best
lilynziemer: so glad you are back in aus for summer break
y/ninsta: can't wait to see you when you and osc visit
user1: so sad i have to wait until december to watch mother
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liked by oscarpiastri, y/ninsta, danielricciardo and 543,859 others
logansargeant: the best summer break ever
view all 8,379 comments
oscarpiastri: you spending summer break in australia was not what i expected
logansargeant: what can i say, i just can't keep away
user2: so logan spent his summer break in australia with a blonde. we all know what australian blonde i think it is
user3: lando really fucking fumbled if that is who i think it is
user4: if that is y/n you are now officially the hottest couple in f1
y/ninsta posted a story
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written: he has a plane to catch but he won't put me down
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y/nupdates posted a story
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written: y/n and logan have arrived to the wilds premiere and they are officially a couple !!!
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liked by y/ninsta, oscarpiastri, lilyzniemer and 537,899 others
tagged: y/ninsta
logansargeant: the past five months with you have been the best five months ever. i love you so much and i am in awe of your talent. everyone go stream the wilds!
view all 15,473 comments
y/ninsta: i love you so much, i can't wait to move america with you and start this indycar journey with you
logansargeant: so excited for our new chapter
oscarpiastri: me and lily should get points for getting you to both realise you liked each other
logansargeant: well thank you mate
user5: the funniest thing about all this is y/n is so happy in a new relationship and new chapter of her life and lando is still single after that model turned out to just be a fuck, everything worked out in y/n's favour
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
taglist: @formulaal @formulaonebuff @danielshoe @noooway555 @dilflover44
363 notes · View notes
mavsstar · 1 year
𝑀𝑦 𝑆𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑒𝑎
Summary ︱Mr. Levinson lives right next door to you, the sweet, innocent college girl. Little do you know that you're Mr. Levinson's favorite neighbor. He's there every chance you need the slightest of help, maybe a little too much.
Pairings︱Mechanic!Ari Levinson x Innocent!Fem!Reader, Robert Pronge x Innocent!Fem!Reader
Warnings︱18+ MINORS DNI, Trailer Park AU, it's pretty tame for right now, pet names (Sweet Pea),cursing, reader is scared of Pronge, masturbation (m!) and I think that is all the warnings. Let me know if I missed any!
Author's note︱I am very excited for this series :) This is set around the 90s just because I feel like it fits better with the idea I have going on in my head. It has been awhile since I've written anything so I'm hoping it's not too terrible. I hope you will enjoy this! Feedback is appreciated! Follow my side blog and turn on post notifications :D
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“Did you see Mr. Levinson today?” your Mother’s friend, Valerie, asked while wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Nope,” you instantly responded. “Have you?” 
“Already got my dose of that sexy man.” She smirked while winking at you. 
Ari Levinson towered everyone he’s ever met. He stood at a proud 6'6. It was hard to miss the luscious brown locks that fell over his face and the cerulean blue eyes that you could never find your way out of. His beard adorned his jaw and hid the pump rose colored lips he held.
Even when he was doused in motor oil and dirt he was still a beautiful man. He was your neighbor and very well known at the trailer park. Ari was a woman’s walking wet dream come to life. 
“He’s already up?” you asked as your eyes bulged out of your head. “It’s like 6 in the morning.” 
“Of course he’s up, he’s having his morning coffee.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully. “Only you would know that stalker.”
“It’s not stalking Y/N, it's called being an astute observer,” she retorted. “That’s besides the point, shouldn’t you be heading out by now?” 
“I should be but…” you started to answer, looking out the window cautiously, “I have a feeling you know who is outside.”
“If you don’t leave now you’ll be late for work which by the way is in 20 minutes,” she reminded you, pointing towards the clock. 
“Please don’t remind me.” You internally groaned as you threw your head back and rubbed your eyes. 
After a few moments you finally decided to lift yourself from the couch and head your way out. Goosebumps arose on your arms as you opened the front door. You hated this kind of weather, you couldn’t be without a sweater in the morning but by 3pm you’d be sweating like a dog. You shrugged on your brother's jacket, not bothering to zip it up and closed the front door.
Just as you predicted, the person you dreaded seeing most was standing right outside, Mr. Pronge. 
Robert Pronge was your neighbor and lived right across from you. Ever since you moved in he formed the bad habit of staring at you and hitting on you like there’s no tomorrow. From what you heard he was a sick sadistic bastard who liked to torture girls with pleasure. He’s had many lovers enter the trailer but seemingly none of them come back.  
You didn’t like the way he makes you feel. It felt like a hungry lion stalking its predator, ready to pounce at any moment’s notice. At the same time you couldn’t help but feel hot. Everytime he was near you, your heart raced from the fear and you felt a pulse in between your legs. 
“Morning Princess!” Mr. Pronge called out from his front lawn.
“Good morning Mr. Pronge!” You greeted back but only to be polite. You tried to avoid looking too much at him and instead looked towards the ground. 
You heard shoes beating against the ground and you prayed with all your heart that it was someone else running. Luck was not on your side that morning. When you looked up it was the one and only Mr. Pronge. 
“Where are you going Princess?” he asked. His breath was minty fresh even though his appearance would say otherwise. 
“To work,” you bluntly replied, trying to open your car door. 
“Aw Princess, don’t be like that,” he cooed. Once you did get your car door open, he immediately slammed it closed, almost smashing your finger in the process. “I’ll give you a ride. Come on, let's go.” 
“I appreciate the offer Mr. Pronge but I can take myself,” you insisted while attempting to reopen your car door. 
“Princess…” he warningly said.
Mr. Pronge didn’t like it when people told him no. The word no did not exist in his world. 
“I said I’ll give you a ride.” 
“Leave her alone Robert!” Ari yelled from his porch, causing the both of you to turn around. “She’s probably late for work!” 
Mr. Pronge sighed as he stepped back in defeat. “I’ll take you next time Princess.” 
You internally groaned at his comment. He could never leave you alone. Every morning he would play this game with you. On the bright side, you were one of the very few people allowed to tell him no and get away with it. 
“Thank you Mr. Levinson!” you yelled as you got in the car. 
“Anytime!” Ari walked over to Robert after you drove off. Though his eyes never peeled off from you the entire time. 
“You’re always in my way,” Robert playfully commented. 
Ari chuckled at the jab. Ari always had to save you from him every morning without fail. “Rob, how many times have I told you to leave the poor girl alone?” He asked as he brought his cup of coffee to his lips. 
“I will never leave her alone,” he answered with a proud smirk. “Not until I make her mine.” 
“Oh please! You’re old!” Ari jabbed at him. “She’s going to want a hot 20 year old guy not some 40 year old.” 
“Her father was not present in her life.” 
“What does that have to do with anything?!” Ari asked, confused at Robert’s statement.
“The girl has major daddy issues, Ari,” Robert said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “All I gotta do is caress her a bit, say sweet nothings in her ear and bam! She will fall in love with me.”
“Do that and she will call the cops on you.” 
“I’d like to see her try,” Robert remarked as he crossed his arms across his chest. “Besides, why do you care?” 
“Because her mother is really starting to get concerned and-” 
“Oh that's why you’re concerned!” Robert hooted. “You want to fuck the mom!” 
“I do not want to have sex with her mom,” Ari declared with a serious tone. “The woman is stressed enough and I feel bad for her and I feel bad for the girl. I see her peek her head out of the door every morning to avoid you.” 
“Yes Rob?” 
“Mind your business.” 
The following morning was the same dreadful routine. You were trying to stall, not wanting to face Mr. Pronge though you knew he would be there. He always was. Even when you would try to leave at an earlier time. It’s like he would sleep there and wait for you. 
 Your mother shoved your car keys in your hand. “Sweetie, you need to go now before you’re late.”
“But what if he’s out there?” you asked with a slight hint of fear. 
“Is he still bothering you?!” she questioned, her overprotectiveness coming out. “I’ve had enough, I’m going out there.” 
“No! No! No!” you instantly said, jolting your hands out to stop her from taking another step. “Please don’t say anything. Mom please!” 
Your pleads were granted. She stayed still as she squinted at the window, sending a silent threat to Mr. Pronge.
“Fine,” she said. “But If I hear or even get the feeling, I’m going to rip his nutsack and his stupid smirk off of him.” 
“Wow,” you said with your eyes bulging out in shock.
“Sweetie, you’re too nice and a little bit–how can I put this?” she sarcastically questioned herself as she tilted her head to the side. “Oh yeah, you’re naive.” 
“I am not naive,” you muttered under your breath, offended. 
“Yes you are,” she said as she was walking out of the living room. “Now go to work!” 
You grabbed your bag from the couch and swung it over your shoulder. Your hand went on the doorknob, turning it to open the door. You peek your head out to see if you’re one and only was out there waiting for you. 
“He’s not there Sweet Pea!” Ari exclaimed. “You’re safe, you can come out!” 
“Thanks!” you yelled from the door, fully stepping out. You confidently walked over to your car, happy Mr. Pronge wasn’t outside to terrorize you. Your happiness was soon cut off when you saw a complete flat tire. 
“Dang it!” you cursed to yourself. You peered down at your watch, it was 6:41 A.M. You were trying to calculate how much time it would take to go on the bus and you heard the dreadful sound of boots hitting the road. 
“Oh no,” you internally whined. 
“Got a flat, Princess?” Mr. Pronge sarcastically asked. “I’ll give you a ride.”
Ari quickly stepped in. “Robert no.” You didn’t even hear him walk over to you. You looked at Ari in shock and sent a cry for help at the same time. “Leave her alone.” 
“She needs a ride, I’m giving her a ride. What is the problem?” he challenged, taking a step closer to him. 
“You’re not taking her.” 
Robert straightened his back and puffed his chest out. “And why not?” 
“Because I’m taking her. She was just getting something from her car.” Ari grabbed your bag from your hand and placed his hand on your lower back. “Lets go Sweet Pea,” he said as he guided you to his car, opening the door for you and handing you back your bag. 
Robert stood in shock. Ari was taking you. And you let him. Though he couldn’t say he wasn’t impressed, he was just wondering how he did it. That lucky bastard. 
The inside of his truck was bigger than you ever imagined. It was dirty and there were oil stains everywhere you looked. Wrenches were scattered across the floor along with bolts and lug nuts. The only thing that was almost impeccable was the air freshener hanging off the rearview mirror but there were five oil stained fingerprints on it.
“Thank you for the ride Mr. Levinson, you didn’t have to take me. I could've taken the bus.” 
“Don’t even mention it Sweet Pea,” Ari said. “Plus I don’t think you wanted to ride with Rob now did you?” 
“No,” you answered as you shook your head. “He scares me.” 
“He scares you?” Ari repeated, barely shocked. 
“Mhm,” you confirmed with a small hum. “He’s really big and mean. Everyone says he’s the nicest to me and if that’s true I don’t want to see him when he’s mad.” 
“It’s true, he’s the nicest to you.” Ari found it weird when Robert wouldn’t constantly yell at you like he did with other people but he can see why. You’re the sweetest thing ever.
“Is that all?” 
“Mr. Pronge used to bring women and–and they would come out screaming and crying. It frightened me.” 
Robert used to bring women over all the time. They wouldn’t last for too long. They would run out of the house screaming all kinds of profanities after 3 weeks. You’ll never forget the moment a woman came to your house and asked if you had anything sharp. You gave her one of the knives from the kitchen. 5 minutes later the word asshole was embedded on the side of his car in big, bold letters. 
You’ll also never forget the time another woman came to your trailer. She screamed while she banged on the door like a madman. When you opened the door she had red hand prints on her body and a barely carved ‘R’ on her exposed hip. She asked you to hide her because he was coming. Sure enough a minute later Mr. Pronge came, demanding you to show him where she was hiding. Luckily your brother was there to kick him out.
He could see why you were scared. Hell even that scared him a couple of times. For some reason Ari didn’t like the thought of you being scared. Hell, he could barely deal with the fact how uncomfortable Mr. Pronge made you. 
When you approached the building Ari parked the car and exited out, lightly jogging over to your side and opening your door for you. He held out his hand to you to help you out of the truck, your hand delicately gripped his and he could feel the rush of dopamine releasing in his body. 
“Thank you again Mr. Levinson!” you beamed with a bright smile. You raised yourself on your tippy toes and slightly bounced to place a thank you kiss on his cheek. 
An unexplainable warmth rushed through him. The action was short and sweet but it made him feel weak in the knees. He would get cheek kisses from women quite a lot but it never felt like this. 
“Anytime Sweet Pea.” He felt himself staring at your eyes for a little bit too long. He forced himself to look anywhere else for a brief second, making sure you didn’t grow uncomfortable. “What time do you want me to pick you up?” 
“Oh it’s okay Mr. Levinson, I can take the bus or have my brother pick me up.” 
“Are you sure?” he asked you again. 
You nodded your head. “Thank you again! You’re a lifesaver.” 
“Don’t even mention it,” he waves off. 
You muttered a small goodbye to Mr. Levinson before taking off into the diner. He watched you go in with a small smile on his face.
 Even though this was your first real interaction, he knew he wasn’t going to get enough of you. You were the most adorable thing he’s ever seen. The whole way back he thought of you. You were like a deadly plague in his mind. A beautiful, rose scented, warm plague. 
Luckily your brother was able to pick you up after he got off of work. The next bus was going to come within another hour. When your brother picked you up, he was agitated. 
“What happened to your tire?” your older brother asked, not amused at all.
“I don’t know.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I went outside this morning and it had a flat.” 
“I helped Mr. Levinson changed the tire, it had 4 nails,” he said in a matter of fact one. “4.” he repeated as he held four fingers in the air. 
“I’m sorry,” you weakly apologized. 
“You need to pay more attention where you’re driving.”  
“I didn’t mean to drive over the nails. There weren’t even any when I drove yesterday!” you protested. “I only drove to the library which is 2 minutes away.” 
“So they magically appeared?” he sarcastically asked. “Just pay attention please.” 
“I will.” 
“You left your bus pass on the table this morning. How did you get to work? ” he questioned you. “Mr. Pronge didn’t take you, did he?” He turned to glance at you with a worried look. 
“No, Mr. Levinson did,” you told your brother.
“Did you make it on time?” He quickly glanced at you again, “because you are horrible at giving directions.” 
“Hey!” you barked at him. “I am not horrible at giving directions.” 
“Yes you are.” 
“Well lucky for me I didn’t even have to tell him, he already knew where to go,” you responded, “sure did save me the hassle.” 
“Did you thank him?” 
“Of course I did, I’m not rude,” you responded, half hurt he would think that of you. 
The rest of the ride was short but your brother took the remaining 4 minute drive to lecture you once again to pay attention. You tried to zone him out but he would snap at you, telling you to listen. You knew he did it to annoy you, it was simply too easy to annoy you. 
When you arrived at home, you jumped out of the car to look at the tire. Sure you had no idea what you were even looking at but it never hurt. You bent down to look at it and you noticed one thing. It wasn’t patched up like before. It was brand new. 
“Are you coming in?” your brother asked you. 
You turned to look at him. “Yeah, I just have to do something really quick.” 
“Don’t take too long, I’ll be done cooking in 10 minutes.” 
“I promise,” you told him before he went inside. 
You took out a sticky note, a pen and 50 dollars that took you 4 days to earn. You used the hood of your car as a desk and wrote a sweet but short thank you on the sticky note. Afterwards you walked over to his house and placed it under the surprisingly alive flower pot he had on his front porch. 
The both of you didn’t see each other for almost 2 days. You got overwhelmed with work that you barely were in the house. It wasn’t until Ari caught you late at the laundromat. 
“Sweet Pea?”
You turned around at the sound of your name. “Oh hi Mr. Levinson,” you greeted him with a huge smile. 
“What are you doing here so late?” he asked you though he could barely pay any attention to you at the moment. You wore a thin pastel pink cardigan with a pearly white nightgown that had a bow at the valley of your breasts.
“I forgot to do my laundry this morning and I didn’t have time so I came here after work,” you told him. 
“Isn’t it a little late to be working?” he questioned you. 
“I’ve been picking up other shifts at work,” you said, “it doesn’t help having the extra money.” 
“Speaking of money,” he began to say as he took out the fifty you gave him from his front pocket of his flannel, “you left this on my porch.” 
“Yeah it’s for you,” you innocently said, “I noticed the tire is brand new and I’m 90% sure my brother forgot to pay you.” 
“It’s your money, I’m not taking it. Here.” He passed the money back to you but you refused. 
“Keep it, you changed my tire and I’m paying you for your service.” 
“I really can’t—” 
“Please,” you begged him with puppy eyes. 
You pulled at his heartstrings. It agonized him, he didn’t want to take your money but he also didn’t want to make you sad. But he kept it anyway and stuffed it back into the front pocket of his flannel. 
“What are you doing here so late?” you asked him as you bent down and took out your now dry clothes. 
His eyes peered down for a quick second and he saw the nightgown riding up, revealing your baby blue panties. His throat went dry and he fought hard to keep his gaze up but it found itself looking back down. 
“I–I realized I forgot to wash my work clothes.” 
“I hate when that happens.” You came back up after you pulled out the last piece of clothing. “Then I’m stuck getting yelled at by the manager when I come in with the wrong clothes.” 
Ari chuckled to avoid an awkward silence. Really it was to refrain himself from stuttering or making a fool out of himself. In his head he wanted to compliment you and how pretty your nightgown was but the words wouldn’t leave the tip of his tongue. 
He took a deep breath before he spoke. “You look pretty in your nightgown,” he quickly muttered out. 
Your eyes lit up at his compliment. “Thank you Mr. Levinson. It’s pretty but I don’t think I’ll keep it.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“It always rides up and by morning it’s all the way up here,” you pointed to your upper stomach.
Oh what he would give to be a fly in the room in the morning. He quickly changed the conversation, it was obvious you were too oblivious to what you were doing to him. Your sweet voice and innocence were driving him insane but he loved it, he secretly wanted more. 
The both of you left the laundromat 40 minutes later. He insisted on carrying your basket for you. You both walked side by side. You were busy trying to keep up with him while he was busy looking down at your breasts. 
“Thank you for carrying my basket Mr. Levinson,” you thanked him as you took your basket from him when you got to your front porch.
“Anytime Sweet Pea.”
You kissed his cheek once again to seal your thank you. “Sweet dreams Mr. Levinson.”
“Sweet dreams honey,” he repeated to you. 
Ari was in a rush to get back to his trailer but a dear beloved friend was waiting for him. 
“Well would you look at that?” Robert sarcastically asked him. “She gave you a kiss on the cheek.” 
“Not now Robert,” Ari pleaded, dying to get back into his place. 
“What’s the big rush to get back home?” Robert crossed his arms as he smirked, “I see you’re sporting a hard on. Surely it can’t be because of her. Right?” 
“Oh shut your trap.” 
“It is, isn't it?!” he gawked. 
“No it’s not!” Ari protested. 
“Oh really?” Robert Challenged as he squinted his eyes.
“I was about to get lucky with Kim before she came into the laundromat and interrupted us,” Ari quickly lied. 
“So you waited for her to be done then walked her back?” Robert questioned Ari. 
“Of course I did,” he scoffed, “otherwise she would’ve ran into you. Not to mention she’s terrified of you, fuckin’ creep.” 
“Whatever. She wants me, I know it,” Robert boasted. 
“Yeah in jail.” 
Robert rolled his eyes and walked back to his trailer while Ari walked back into his. He immediately locked the door behind him and dropped the basket on the floor. 
“Oh thank god,” Ari hissed as he unzipped his painfully tight pants. 
His cock was rock hard and had been for the past 20 minutes. The pants barely gave him any friction and if anything, made it worse. He palmed himself through his boxers and moaned in relief. 
All he can think about is you in the short nightgown and how he’s never been this hard before. Sure he’s been turned on but it was nothing compared to this. It was like he was a horny spazzy teenager all over again. 
He freed his cock from his boxers and sharply inhaled at the impact of the cold air. The tip of his cock was bright red and oozing with precum. He used his thumb to spread his precum and use it as lube.  
His eyes screwed shut in bliss when he began pumping up and down. He tried to think of the porn he watched three days ago but instead you kept popping up. He imagined you being here with him, helping him out. 
“Does that hurt?” you ask him as you point to his angry, leaking cock. 
“It does Sweet Pea,” he rasped out. 
“Was it because of me?” you innocently ask him as you bat your lashes. 
“Yes,” he admits. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you apologize to him. “Let me help you,” you tell him as you take his cock into your tiny, warm hand. 
“Oh Sweet Pea,” he moans out. 
“You’re s-so bi-big,” you sputter out, slowly pumping him up and down. “Does that feel better?”
He doesn’t have the strength to talk so instead he nods eagerly. “G-Go a little bit faster.”
You obey him and start pumping faster. His moans fill the room as he gets lost in the pleasure you’re giving him. Your hand is cramping but you don’t care, anything to make him feel good. 
“Sweet Pea, I-I’m about to cum,” he warns you. 
You get down on your knees while you still pump him. “Let it all go,” you seductively say as you open your mouth. 
Ari was brought back to reality when his high overtook him and he orgasmed. It was so intense his thighs started to shake. He continued pumping and pumping until he got too sensitive he had to stop.
He stood there with his cum dripping down his hand and secretly wishing you were there to help clean it all up. The realization had hit him hard, he needed you.
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osarina · 7 months
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FEATURING: dazai osamu {canon; beast}
SUMMARY: infinite universes, infinite possibilities. across them all, only one thing remains constant: you and your fateful meeting with dazai osamu, a whirlwind of love and romance that seems to always end in tragedy.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: i am SO excited for this guys. i've been working on this since early december when i first started seeing the day i picked up dazai leaks trying to get it all ready to post. it's inspired by the whole side a/side b of it. i finally got past the 1/2 point in side b, so i decided to start! it's literally the reason why i decided to make a blog for writing so i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i enjoyed writing it! \(^0^)/this is my last attempt with dividers :’) reblogs appreciated!!
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SUMMARY: the chronicles of a chance meeting between a certain suicidal detective and a stressed grad student. {fem!reader, canon compliant, romance}
waterloo, i was defeated, you won the war! waterloo, promise to love you forevermore!
SUMMARY: the chronicles of a chance meeting between a suffering mafia boss and a vivacious (almost) grad student. {fem!reader, beast au compliant, romance & tragedy}
waterloo, couldn't escape if i wanted to! waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you!
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harrysgal · 3 months
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, lookitsnyoh, mollyjane_x and 74,215 others 
yourinstagram sorry guys, had to visit my parents really quick to meet the new addition to the family. i also went over to my best friend just so she could tell me ‘i told you so’, did some thinking while staring through the window, and had some quality time catching up with my niblings. everything went great and it got me all excited for what’s coming next :D i honestly cant believe how lucky i am to have all these great people around me. 
now im back to duty and ready to spread all my love around, so… who wants some? 
view all 11,401 comments 
user7 YESSSSSSS HIIIIII THERE YOU ARE!!! user13 omg did your parents get a puppy??? 🥹 harryfan3 when i got to the end of the caption tho !!!!! 
↳ harryfan11 right?! so SASSY omg i love this woman
anthonypham 🙋‍♂️
↳ lookitsnyoh 🙋🏼‍♀️ ↳ paulithepsm 🙋🏿‍♂️ ↳ pillowpersonpp 🙋‍♀️ ↳ mitchrowland 🙋‍♂️ ↳ _basselin 🙋‍♀️ ↳ glenne_azoff 🙋‍♀️ ↳ jefezoff 🙋‍♂️ ↳ harryfan5 STOP THEY’RE ALL HERE TO SUPPORT HER 😭 ↳ harryfan64 Harry isnt tho ↳ user9 they alllllll want some love lmao i love it ↳ harryfan64 not Harry tho. bc he didn’t comment  ↳ harryfan27  @harryfan64 for the love of God just stop you’re embarrassing our fandom 
user1 im glad to see you here. hope you’re feeling our support 🥰❤️ harryfan YOU’RE SOOOOOO  loveynrry this is why we haven’t seen her around with harry then :’) bc she took some days off 
↳ user13 no bc the fact that he probably gave her some days off after what happened is so sweet :’) ↳ harryfan80 or maybe he just didn’t want to be linked to her anymore so he sent her away ↳ loveynrry @harryfan80 fuck off from my comment 
user5 yn really said “fuck you for posting that shit” and that’s why she’s so awesome  bestfriend miss you already <3 bestfriend we’re the lucky ones btw  bestfriend also ily 
↳ user4 you two are the coolest i want to be friends with you too ↳ harryfan17 okay but what were you right about tho 👀
harryfan18 This is so childish 🙄 you could just address the rumors instead of adding more to them yknow 
↳ harryfan25 how is she adding more to the rumors? just curious ↳ harryfan18 When she makes jokes about it but doesn’t say things aren’t true she’s allowing them to keep the narrative going  ↳ harryfan25 she never allowed them to “start” with this narrative, tho ↳ harryfan18 Maybe not. But now she’s clearly aware of what’s happening and what they’re saying so she could put a stop to it instead of making jokes about it ↳ harryfan25 honestly I don’t think she would be able to stop them but ok  ↳ harryfan74 She clearly wants the attention so of course she won’t stop the rumors 
harryfan26 very funny but do you have a bf or not????   user15 WE LOVE YOU ❤️ 
Sep 15, 2021. • 
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liked by harryfan18, harryfan22 and 217 others
harryupdates Harry out in Philadelphia with some friends! 
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harryfan31 awwww he’s so happy  harryfan35 yasssss my love <3 can’t wait to see you tomorrow!!! harryfan18 no yn around FINALLY 
↳ harryfan56 good. she should stay with that bf of hers and away from him ↳ harryfan48 I knew Harry would put a stop to that whole fiasco after the truth came out  ↳ harryfan52 yep. and I’m pretty sure we’ll slowly fully stop hearing about her 
harryfan15 can people leave yn out of their mouths pls 🙄 
Sep 16, 2021. •
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liked by annetwist, bestfriend, sisterinlaw and 61,917 others 
yourinstagram what a crazy crazy busy day! didnt think i’d have time to walk around the city this time but turns out i did and omg!! im glad i was wrong bc philly you’re truly GORGEOUS <3 
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loveynrry can’t believe yn went to a museum and harry wasn’t there lol harryfan5 omg i’m going to the show in DC and I’M SO EXCITED harryfan5 would it be okay if I approached to say hello?? dont want to make you uncomfortable I just love your videos so much Id love to talk to you about it
↳ yourinstagram omg yesss that’d be totally okay! you’re so sweet for asking <3 see you at the show! ↳ harryfan5 omg???? STOPSJFNAK  ↳ harryfan3 GIRL SHE REPLIED ↳ harryfan5 I know stop I’m losing my mind I DIDN’T EVEN THINK SHE’D SEE IT OMG
harryfan49 WHERE’S HARRY?!!
↳ harryfan66 living his own life bc he finally realized what a shitshow she is
user1 😍 so pretty! it must be amazing to get to know all these places
↳ yourinstagram it is! its been one of my favorite parts of this job for sure :)))
harryfan54 You’re not fooling anyone we all know Harry wasn’t with you 
↳ user3 ??? she never said Harry was with her?? ↳ harryfan54 C’mon she keeps posting all these vague things just so people wonder about it ↳ user5 you should see a doctor. istg this can’t be healthy 
harryfan72 isn’t it funny how after those headlines came out we didn’t see harry and yn together anymore ☠️ user5 can harrys fans leave this comment section? WE DON’T WANT YOU HERE SO GTFO
↳ harryfan3 i swear not all of us are like this :( ↳ user5 no omg i know that :( i’m sorry it’s just annoying to see these comments taking over her posts thats all ↳ user17 also the fact that she replied to some people shows she’s reading things :( ↳ user9 istg if yn stops interacting with us because of them… 😠 ↳ harryfan3 yeah i get it guys :( i wish there was a way to stop them  ↳ harryfan19 I hope she at least knows how many of us really like her 
Sep 16, 2021. •
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liked by harryfan18, harryfan22 and 357 others
harryupdates Harry and Yn out in DC this morning!
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harryfan5 stopppppp user9 oh i love this! harryfan9 MY BABIES 😍 harryfan78 you can’t even see their faces so how do you know it’s really him? 
↳ harryfan68 it’s not them lol ↳ harryupdates It’s 100% him. The fan who saw them also took a picture with Harry but asked us not to post it.  ↳ harryfan78 right 👍 how convenient lmao
Sep 18, 2021. •
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liked by annetwist, bestfriend, jefezoff and 92,127 others 
yourinstagram im supposed to fall asleep but im too excited so here’s a post with some glimpses of this long and marvelous day
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iloveyn respectfully, those are legs for days 🫡 harryfan the way i just GASPED!!   loveynrry i LIVE for the concept of pictures 1 and 3 being on the same photodump  harryfan3 MOTHER bestfriend 🔥 bestfriend 👀 lookitsnyoh pls step on my face
↳ anthonypham pls step on my face  ↳ bestfriend pls step on my face ↳ user3 pls step on my face ↳ harryfan19 pls step on my face  ↳ user2 pls step on my face 
harryfan29 idk why buy harry’s mom liking her posts is so funny to me lol harryfan62 This is so inappropriate  harryfan80 ??? I can’t believe you just posted a picture of your legs along with pictures of your job
↳ harryfan25 wait, what? no offense but how old are you? lol ↳ harryfan80 old enough to know that’s highly unprofessional? ↳ harryfan25 unprofessional to whom? lmao she’s barely showing her legs whilst harry is fully naked on his cover album so i doubt he cares  ↳ harryfan13 hahahahaha that’s so true omg ily @harryfan25
user15 ohhhh 😍 i love bold and confident yn  harryfan91 so are you dating harry or not????
↳ harryfan76 she’s not. She’s just desperate for attention ↳ harryfan84 also, she has a boyfriend! 
↳ harryfan5 THANK YOU AGAIN I MEAN IT YOU’RE THE BEST ↳ yourinstagram emmaaaa ❤️ thank YOU! you’re the sweetest and I loved talking to you :))) hope you had a great show!
Sep 18, 2021. •
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— — — — — 
PART 7 (soon)
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Tag list: @toldyouitwasamelodrama @gem1712 @metanoiablxxm @awatt31 @namelesssreaderrr @ameerakane20 @yessswhale89 @idkkkkkkk123lgb — PLEASE READ: I’ll only add to the next tag list those who interact with this post. I hope you understand, thank you for your excitement.
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honeyboylovee · 8 months
Pairing: Idol!Mingyu x gn!reader
Word count: 1.1k
Genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, implied friends to lovers
Warnings: mentions of overthinking
A/N: Long time no see… I am finally done with my end semester exams and I can now post this one which has been in my drafts for agessss. But here you go besties, a cute and fluffy Mingyu blurb.
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To say that there were a few instances where you were endeared by Mingyu would be an understatement.
Mingyu always had this effect on you. No matter what he’d be doing, you’d always find it cute and oh so lovely!
It started when you were still friends and you were at a party thrown by a mutual friend. Other than them, you only knew Mingyu at the party. And so you stayed next to him…You stayed from when you saw him at the makeshift bar sipping his drink, till the time he walked you to your car. He said it wasn’t safe to enter a parking lot alone, late at night.
That day, you drove home with a lingering feeling of guilt inside yourself. Sure, you liked Mingyu’s company but you didn’t want to hold him back from socialising just ‘cause you weren’t the best at talking to new people.
Months later, you shared this concern of yours to him. His reply was instant and short but it did wonders in calming you down.
‘That’s something I wanted to do for you, lovie. And if I’m doing it for you, it won’t hold me back.’
That’s when you realised that Mingyu always had a way with his words. And the way he would comfort you with just a few sentences was so endearing to you.
Another instance was on one of your initial dates. He suggested you both visit the street food market in your city.
While you stopped at various stalls to try the delicacies, you couldn’t resist looking at Mingyu’s face. He looked so content with all the dishes you both tried, the ones that you loved, and even the ones that you didn’t like so much.
‘Hmff! I don’t think I can eat anything more.’, he exclaimed as you relaxed on a bench. The cool breeze left behind a soothing effect on your face.
‘Oh…I thought we’d go have some ice cream at your favourite dessert store.’
‘Ofcourse we will.’, he said eagerly.
‘Didn’t you just say you won’t be eating anything else?’
‘Ice cream is always an exception, baby.’, he said immediately, winking at you.
You couldn’t argue with that.
That was when you realised…again. You found Mingyu’s habit of always being so content while eating so endearing. And maybe this is weird. But who are you kidding, you always think that he’s so adorable.
Your boyfriend had recently been to Italy with his group members. They had been ‘kidnapped’ by the staff of their own company along with Na PD. And while they were in Italy, your schedules didn’t match at all due to the different time zones.
And so you found a different way to stay in contact. Mingyu started sending voice notes summarising the occurrences of his entire day, to you. And while narrating these, he spoke oh so fast… He spoke as if he had a time limit to finish these voice messages. You’d always ask him to speak slowly in order for you to understand them.
And his response was, ‘This is how I always speak, isn’t it?…or maybe I got too excited’, he chucked and continued, ‘I’ll try to speak slowly next time, yeah? Don’t want you to miss on any of the details, lovie.’
So when you get a notification of the next voice message, you rush to listen to it. And you have two reasons to do so. One was obviously because you wanted to know about his day. And the second was to see whether he remembered his promise of speaking slowly.
After listening to the first few seconds, you were assured that he didn’t remember at all. And now you didn’t mind him speaking fast, maybe ‘cause you know that he speaks fast only when he’s very excited.
And you loved that. His habit of speaking fast when he was excited was endearing to you.
It was Sunday afternoon. You ordered burgers and fried chicken for lunch. The said lunch was done and the plates, washed. So Mingyu and you decided to watch a movie, the one that you had watched several times but never got bored of. It was your favourite ‘cause it had a happy ending(and because the male lead gave off strong Mingyu vibes). But you’d never tell him that.
You were sitting on the couch with your boyfriend’s head on your lap when you noticed that he was falling asleep.
‘Mingyu, you can go take a nap in the bedroom. That’ll be more comfortable, baby.’
‘Hmmm…no, let’s finish this movie.’
‘We know the ending, right. If you’re tired you should sleep for a while.’
‘I’m not tired, lovie. I get sleepy around you ‘cause I’m very comfortable with you.’, he said in a low voice, ‘You know, I read this somewhere that if you always feel sleepy around someone, that’s probably because you feel safe around them. And I realised that I’ve slept several times in your lap and while cuddling with you.’
You were speechless when he said that. Finally after a good minute of taking his words in, you couldn’t help but peck him on the forehead. That kiss was your response to his revelation. He simply took your hand in his and placed it on his cheek while he dozed off again.
His ability to say the most heartwarming things so casually was so endearing to you.
You were on a trip to the beach with Mingyu. Both of you loved the beach. It was your favourite place to go to even with a slight rise in the temperature. It was almost an hour later of being in the water and swimming when you caught sight of Mingyu standing at a distance where his feet would easily touch the land and he was facing the other side. You swam closer to him to see what he was up to. As you reached behind him, you could hear him chuckling softly. ‘What’re you laughing at?’, you asked him.
‘Oh baby, I’ll show you something, okay? Just do as I say.’
You nodded and looked up at him in anticipation after his instruction.
‘Okay, put your palms under the water and do a ‘thumbs up’ sign but only your thumbs should be seen outside the water.’
‘Umm, I don’t know what it’s gonna do, baby. I don’t get it.’, you said, confused.
‘Just do it for me, lovie.’
You did as he said, only keeping your thumbs out of the water. Looking at your thumbs that were now wrinkly from being in the water for too long, Mingyu burst into giggles. You watched him as he let out his cute, high-pitched giggles but you were still so confused. How was this funny to him?
Clearly he read the confused look on your face and spoke up, ‘I find silly things like this funny.’, as he continued to giggle while looking at your thumbs.
Maybe you’ll never understand the fun part in your wrinkly thumbs. And you don’t want to, as long as you can make Mingyu giggle. Even if it means doing several such silly tricks. Because Mingyu’s laughter was always so endearing.
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mint-yooxgi · 17 days
Dreamer - Yandere!Vampire!Yeosang
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Yandere AU & Vampire AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Yeosang X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 1,771
Warnings: Hunter/Prey dynamics, Invasion of dreams mentioned multiple times, Possessive and sexual thoughts, violence and blood mentioned. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: It's been a while... sorry for the delay in posting things, like I said, life has been crazy! I hope you all enjoy this one, something short and sweet for you all. Dedicating this one to @anyamaris hehehe... As always, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
The Sixteenth and Final of The Feral Drabbles
The loud chiming of the clock tower rings through my ears, nearly drowning out all other sounds. Golden light filters in through the widows, filling the stone walls with the last rays of the setting sun. If I listen closely, I can still make out the faint sounds of your heavy breaths. You cannot escape me, Starling. No matter where you hide, no matter how far you run, I will always find you.
I don’t know how many times I have told you how futile it is to try and get away from me, but you never seen to want to listen. I’m starting to think you rather enjoy the chase. Something about the imminent danger I pose simply gets your blood thrumming with excitement. I can just tell.
Of course, I could end this all in an instant. I could appear beside you at any given moment. My speed and tracking abilities are unmatched, especially when I have what I want in my sights. Yet, where would the fun be in that? I love listening to your heart race because of me. I love knowing I can make your scent spike suddenly with the slightest of sounds. You can sense me getting closer, can’t you? You know that I always get what I want, and what I want is you.
You smell amazing… Have I said that already? That pungent aroma of fear, permeated with the slightest thrill of excitement. Don’t think I haven’t noticed. After all, I know you better than you know yourself. In time, I’ll show you just how perfect I am for you, just as I know how perfect you are for me.
For months I’ve been studying you. The shadows have always been my friends, but when it comes to you, I am the shadows. All those dark and lonely nights I watched you, longing to be beside you, and finally be able to hold you in my arms. I longed to be able to brush my fingertips over your face, tracing loving patterns into your skin that only I can see. I wish to be there for you, and I so badly want you to be there for me.
Your soul called to me. The scent of your blood intoxicates me. Your laugh enchants me, and your smile sets my long dead heart aflutter. Just the sight of you has brought me back to life in ways I never thought possible, and I will cling to that essence of vitality for as long as we both shall live.
There is no me if there is no you.
Now, if only you could see that.
I’ll admit, knocking you out and bringing you to an unknown location was probably not the best way to properly introduce myself. In my defence though, I did overhear you talking to that one friend of yours about certain particular fantasies you’ve always had. You’ll have to excuse me for jumping the gun. I got too excited, and besides, it’s not like you don’t know me.
For months I’ve been appearing in your dreams. It started out small, just in passing at first. A glance of my face here. A hint of my voice there. You seemed to be reacting positively to me, too! I noticed a few times you seemed to be looking forward to my slight visits. Sometimes, you’d even go so far as to continue searching for me in your mind when I passed by. A fact of which made me happy beyond doubt.
Then came the nightmares.
You’re prone to them, aren’t you? The darkest recesses of your mind which you hide away in the light come creeping out of the shadows to torture you while in your most vulnerable state. They’re relentless, and unforgiving. A hindrance to your livelihood which dulls your shine, and petrifies your strength.
You can see why I couldn’t have that. I vowed to keep you safe, and that will always include keeping you safe from yourself.
Which is why I had to step in. I couldn’t leave you to suffer all alone. Not only could I prove to you how valuable I could be to you in your dreams, but it let me interact with you. Even on a subconscious level, I could tell it was going to benefit me greatly. I could talk to you, protect you, keep you interested…
And interested you were! I can still recall the way your eyes felt raking over my full visage for the first time. I could tell that you liked me, and that only made me know stepping into your subconscious mind was the right thing to do. 
We were finally making progress! You could see me for who I was, and I could finally see you without hiding myself away. I could interact with you on a more personal level, even within a dream. 
Everything I said, everything I did, was real. There’s no question about it. I would never deceive you like that, anyways. You deserve my truth, for it will soon become yours as well.
Those nightmares, though recurring, also let me understand you better. Those monsters stalking your dreams will never be able to hurt you again. I made sure of it. I showed them what a true beast looked like. Though, I will say, feeling their blood drip from my hands after rendering them limb from limb is immensely more satisfying in real life than within any dream your mind can conjure. I only wish I could have inflicted more damage on them while they were still alive…
They didn’t suffer enough. Not after what they all did to you. Nobody hurts you, cheats you, lies to you and gets away with it. No one.
I’ll tear them all to shreds. I’ll rip their pathetic flesh from their bones and feed their mangled corpses to the sea. Hell is a blessing compared to what I have prepared for anyone that crosses you. After all, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for you…
Oh, look at me… getting so caught up in my thoughts of you again that I nearly missed the sound of you changing your hiding place. It’s adorable how you think you can get away from me. As if you really want to. Why else would you have ran up the clocktower rather than out into the streets the first chance you got?
What will I get once I finally catch my prize? I’ll finally be able to properly feel your skin beneath my touch. Will you hold onto me as tightly as I’ll be holding onto you? Will you whisper my name so sweetly, granting me a long since desired wish? Or maybe, just maybe…a kiss? 
Oh, how I’ve longed to feel your lips pressed against my own, My Sweet Starling. Ever since that one fateful night, that glorious dream we shared, I’ve been longing to know what you taste like in real life. You’ve already let me touch you once before, now all there’s left to do is make your whole body shake in ecstasy in real life.
I know it was simply a dream, but fuck- I can still hear the way you cried out for me. The way your thighs wrapped around my head as I worshipped you between your legs… as I buried myself deep inside of you… I want to feel it again. This time, I want it to be real.
I want to hear those sinful lips of yours crying out my name. I want to hear you gasp as I sink my fangs into your flesh, and drink my fill of you. I want to feel your nails cutting into my back and pulling me closer because you cannot get enough of me. You already know that I can never get enough of you, and I will always prove that my love for you is true.
Oh, Starling… you’re going to make me moan if you keep smelling like that…
Delectable. Sinful.
Already I can feel my mouth salivating at the thought of catching you. My fangs are nearly pricking my lips. Starling, I don’t know if I can hold myself back for much longer…
I can hear your heart racing nearly in time with mine.
Tell me… are you as excited as I am right now? There’s something about the thrill of the chase, isn’t there? Knowing that I’m hunting you, wanting to catch you and finally make you mine. I swore to you that I meant you no harm, and that fact will always hold true. I will never hurt you. You are mine, and I am yours. That’s how it should be. That’s how it shall always be.
See! I knew you wouldn’t be able to deny me! We’re meant to be!
Look at you trying to be quiet after purposely giving away your location. It’s extremely endearing, you know. Try to hide all you want, but you can never escape the inevitable.
You may be able to lie to yourself, My Glorious Starling, but you cannot lie to me. Like I said before, I know you better than you know yourself. I can smell the excitement pouring off of you. You want me to catch you. I knew you wouldn’t be able to forget all that I’ve done for you in your dreams so easily. After all, my actions have always been, and will always be, as real as I am.
Come out, come out, wherever you are.
The longer I let this go on, the more excited you seem to get. Just listen to your heart racing for me! It’s getting louder with each step, and this time, there’s nowhere you can run. This will be the last place you can ever hide from me. Or rather, should I say, the last place I’ll let you hide from me.
From now on, you’re mine.
Fuck- I haven’t felt this excited in centuries. Do you realize how special you are? My blood feels like it’s lighting a fire within my veins, and my hands are shaking. Do you see the effect you have on me?
And, oh, when I finally get my hands on you…
There will be no part of you untouched - unloved - by me. I plan to spend however long it takes worshipping you and showing you just how loved you are by me. Mentally, physically, spiritually… Nothing is too much for you. You deserve nothing but my best, and my best is what you’ve always deserved. Nothing less.
Tick tock, My Glorious Starling… Your time is up.
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myysaints · 1 year
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LANDO NORRIS x f!reader
⌗︙・ summary — in which lando starts flirting with a (not-so-)random girl on the internet.
genre — social media au, fc hannah kae
notes — kinda disappointing finish to yesterday's gp :( but to make up for that here's something simple & cute !!! churned this one out in one day bc by god i love that little frog man with my whole heart. tbh this is just a shameless self insert ..... also rewrote history a tad bit by making lando finish on the podium at monaco because why not LOL hope u enjoyyyy xx
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Liked by bambiyn, pierregasly, danielricciardo, and 1,724,882 others
lando.jpg  Monaco, I’m ready for ya.
view all 884,281 comments
bambiyn  and i’m ready for u !!!!!!!
bambiyn  talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular…
bambiyn  why am i sweating rn
bambiyn  goddamn
bambiyn  my fav driver everyone !!!!!!
bambiyn  my dms (and legs) r open btw 😁😁
       Liked by lando.jpg yourbestfriend  Y/N OH MY GOD…. THERE ARE CHILDREN ON THIS APP… bambiyn  …ok… and? user  yo wtf lando liked????
danielricciardo  Lando I love you but not as much as that girl in the comments
bambiyn  ok i feel called out danielricciardo  Oh, hey there! bambiyn HIIII!!!!!
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bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by landonorris, yourbestfriend, danielricciardo, and 72,001 others
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Liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, and 34,129 others
bambiyn  yeah ok so monaco’s kinda cool
view all 2,914 comments
user  marry me
user  didn’t know angels existed until i saw you 😩
user  mother is in monaco!!!!
yourbestfriend  “kinda cool” … says the girl who freaked out literally every 5 steps we took because “oh my god look at that car”
bambiyn  the cars here are sick okay idk what u want from me !
landonorris  only kinda?
bambiyn  maybe if u finish on the podium on sunday… then it’d be cooler user  LMFAOOOOO y/n never misses
landonorris  But welcome to Monaco 🙃
bambiyn  thank uuuuu!!! user  girlie hit him with the five u’s GET UP Y/N
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bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by yourbestfriend, landonorris, pierregasly, and 101,368 others
landonorris reacted with ❤️
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Liked by bambiyn, yourbestfriend, and 4,973 others
f1wagupdates  Submitted by Anon ❤️ Looks like things are heating up in Monaco for Lando Norris! He was spotted last night on a dinner date with a mystery woman. A source close to the McLaren driver tells us that he is “very very content” in his new relationship, and is “excited to take on this weekend with her by his side”. As for who Lando’s secret lover is, we have it on good authority that, though she is a public figure, she is nowhere near her beau’s status of fame. Follow for more updates on all things wag-related 🏎
view all 1,584 comments
user  arms…. hand placement…. RAHGRFGAHFRH
user  god i wish that were me 😩
user  someone check up on bambiyn… ik shes heartbroken rn
bambiyn  my world is literally collapsing as i type this
bambiyn  damn 💔
bambiyn  so that’s how it be then 😭😭
yourbestfriend  heartbreak. betrayal.
bambiyn  like damn i really thought i was the one 😔 user  LMFAOOO girl ur hilarious
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bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by yourbestfriend, mclaren, francisca.cgomes, and 114,819 others
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, yourbestfriend, and 2,284,119 others
🏷  landonorris, lando.jpg
bambiyn  thanks people magazine for finally letting me post my man. happy 5 months to my prince charming!! ♡ ૮꒰•༝  •。꒱ა xx
view all 1,138,004 comments
landonorris  Best 5 months of my life
landonorris  You make my heart hurt silly
landonorris  my forever girl
danielricciardo  You’re too good for him Y/N!!!
bambiyn  ikr… user  get off your high horse smh youre nothing special he’ll dump u in a week landonorris  Yk I can read your comments right? Don’t be a fucking prick in my girl’s comment section. user  “my girl’s comment section” im gonna go feral
user  hey god it’s me again…
georgerussell63   Great meeting you Y/N! You two make a great couple 👍
landonorris  Mate what is with you and typing like youre 50 years old
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Liked by bambiyn, carlossainz55, danielricciardo, and 5,216,802 others
🏷  bambiyn
landonorris   5 marvellous months with the missus ❤️ To my sweetheart, I love you dummy. I love you and your weird little keyboard face things. i love the little hop you do whenever you see something you like. The way you always smell like cotton candy and clouds and vanilla and cookies. How you laugh at all my jokes even when theyre kinda shit. The fact you still don’t know how to drive stick shift (drives me crazy but anyways). Thank you for being mine baby, here’s to a million more 5 months with you 🥂
view all 2,475,900 comments
danielricciardo   aww thanks babe
landonorris  💀💀 danielricciardo  But on a serious note, I’m so happy for you guys. You got a good thing going bro 👊 landonorris  Sure do mate
bambiyn  a million kisses for u when u get home (´꒳`)♡
landonorris  eagerly looking forward landonorris  (❤ω❤) landonorris  Did i do it right bambiyn  YESSSS !!!! proud of u baby hehe ur so cute landonorris  >:)
user  we still don’t know what that crazy night was abt lol
bambiyn  omg yeah thank u for reminding me !
bambiyn added to their story!
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Seen by landonorris, yourbestfriend, danielricciardo, and 1,994,012 others
landonorris reacted with 😳
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[4:21 PM] vroom vroom baby: I saw your recent insta story.... 😉😉
[4:22 PM] dummy ❤️: mmhmmmmm
[4:22 PM] dummy ❤️: and what about it…?
[4:24 PM] vroom vroom baby: nothing it was
[4:24 PM] vroom vroom baby: It was perfect
[4:25 PM] vroom vroom baby: Just…
[4:25 PM] dummy ❤️: justttt?
[4:27 PM] vroom vroom baby: Just that I was thinking
[4:27 PM] vroom vroom baby: Maybe
[4:27 PM] vroom vroom baby: If u wanted ofc
[4:28 PM] vroom vroom baby: We could
[4:28 PM] vroom vroom baby: Maybe
[4:29 PM] vroom vroom baby: recreate it…
[4:29 PM] vroom vroom baby: ?
[4:31 PM] dummy ❤️: is this ur way of asking me to come over
[4:25 PM] dummy ❤️: 🥺
[4:31 PM] vroom vroom baby: no….
[4:33 PM] vroom vroom baby: ok yes
[4:36 PM] dummy ❤️: i’ll be over in 5 !!!
[4:33 PM] vroom vroom baby: See you soon gorgeous
[4:36 PM] dummy ❤️: tsch
[4:36 PM] dummy ❤️: you spoil me
[4:38 PM] vroom vroom baby: Just speaking the facts 💯
© myysaints
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minisugakoobies · 8 months
Paradise | JJK - Fifteen
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: smut, neighbors to lovers (not quite friends but not quite strangers), slow burn, love triangle, Stripper!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: we finally get a JinKook showdown in the most ridiculous way possible, the tiniest bit of angst, CONFESSIONS!!, followed by post-confession sex, JK hits it raw, OC in lingerie, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), lots of talking about feelings, I'm sorry but this gets a little soft because I love these two
Word Count: 6.3k
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?!
A/N: We're back and we're nearing the end! Thank you to everyone who has been waiting patiently for the next chapter - I didn't mean for it to take so long, but, well, life 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, I'm very excited to share this chapter with you finally - I hope you enjoy!
Unbeta’d as usual. Please don’t be a silent reader, I’d love to hear from you!  💕
Previous Chapter ♦️ Paradise Masterlist ♦️ Next Chapter
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Despite his words earlier, Jungkook is in fact one of the first people on the dance floor when it opens. And of course, you’re right there with him. How could you say no when he holds his hand out and smiles at you like that - like nothing else would make him happier right now than you in his arms?
After all the time you’ve spent admiring Jungkook’s moves when he dances for you, it’s a whole new perspective to get to experience them when you’re dancing with him. Part of that difference is due to the deejay keeping it wholesome with the song selections, since Jennie and Yoongi’s family members are the majority of the revelers surrounding you. So there’s a lot less grinding and a lot more distance between the two of you.
You don’t really try to keep up with him - it’s not that you’re a terrible dancer, it’s just that he’s so fucking good. His every movement is so natural, like he’s not even trying. He does show off just a little bit, when Jisoo eggs him on, slipping into a freakishly accurate robot that has a small ring of guests gathering around to cheer him on. The giant grin on his face tells you he’s enjoying the attention just as much as the faint blush on the tips of his ears tells you he’s just a little bashful about it. 
After a few songs, the music finally slows a little, the crowd thinning as only couples are left. Jungkook draws you close, one arm sliding around your back as the other clasps your hand, holding it to his chest. The room around you falls away as he takes the lead, swaying with you around the floor.
“Are you having a good time, jagi?” he murmurs after a moment. 
“I am, Kookie.” Lifting your head from his shoulder, you gaze into his eyes, feeling that familiar warmth overtake you when he returns your smile. “Thanks for coming with me today.”
“Like I’d turn down the chance for free food and drinks,” he teases, laughing when you huff and try to pull away, tightening his grip to keep you locked in place. “What? I’m just being honest.” 
“Ass,” you mutter, but you can’t stop smiling, and neither can he. He lifts his arm, hand pressing lightly on your back to guide you in a spin, then brings you back into his embrace. You spot Rosé across the room, watching you and Jungkook dance, and she politely claps as you shake your head, grinning. 
The beat picks up again, and your friends surround you and Jungkook. Rosé, Jisoo, and Jin all dance together as Lisa introduces Yi-Jeong to the group. Even Jennie and Yoongi join in, and it’s true what Jennie told you yesterday - her man definitely has moves. Everyone’s happy and laughing, and you’re so full of joy you could just burst.
Jin suddenly twirls, facing Jungkook with an intense look on his face. The younger man takes a step back in surprise as Jin starts to rock his body back and forth, like he’s about to bust out a breakdance move. Is he seriously about to - 
“Ooh, dance battle!” Jisoo cups her hands around her mouth, yelling. Your other friends start whooping, forming a circle around Jungkook and Jin. Jisoo pulls you next to her from where you’ve been standing, so you’re not between them anymore. “Get it, Bambi!” 
While the others around you are shouting encouragement, you just gaze silently between the two men, unsure if you should be joining in. Unsure if this is a friendly competition or if the tense vibes you feel radiating between them is something more. From the expressions on their faces, it’s clear that they’re going to do this, so you just sigh, bobbing along to the beat, waiting for the show. 
Jungkook stops gawking at Jin and begins bedrocking, swinging his hands as he faces Jin with a fierce look. Jin glares back, sticking his arms out as he undulates in a rather impressive wave, rolling his long limbs from left to right. 
It’s not until you hear clapping behind you that you realize that more people have joined the circle, crowding in behind you, shouting Jin’s name. Jungkook hears it too, his brow furrowing slightly. It’s clear his competitive nature’s kicked in when he peels his suit jacket off. You hold your hand out for it automatically, feeling a swoop of heat in your stomach as he gives it to you with a wink. 
The tip of his tongue slips out as Jungkook suddenly throws himself towards the ground, landing on one hand like he’s doing a handstand, and then kicks his legs out in a cartwheel kick. He’s so smooth with it, inverting himself like it’s nothing, that you actually gasp.
It’s like he cranked the volume up on the crowd, and someone - Rosé, maybe? - starts chanting Jungkook’s name. You can’t help but add your voice to the mix. 
Jungkook lands back on his feet and motions for Jin to go. Jin also takes his jacket off, jaw clenching firmly. He rolls his body a few times before bouncing into the Roger Rabbit, feet stepping quickly, arms flapping at his side like wings. It’s surprisingly loose and funky, two words you don’t typically associate with Jin. 
Lisa yells, “Go chef!” and the crowd divides itself into two chants. Jin ends his turn with a little flourish, dusting imaginary dirt from his broad shoulders. But you know from Jungkook’s smirk that he’s undaunted, and without a second’s hesitation, he swiftly dives to the floor, launching himself into a windmill.
Your friends explode into cheers, watching Jungkook roll round and round the floor. As he picks up speed, he tucks his arms up onto his stomach, doing the trick with no hands. Then he comes to a stop with a freeze, legs hanging in the air. 
The crowd chants Jungkook’s name only as he rises to his feet. He straightens his tie, then gestures to Jin. Jin rocks for a few beats, a strange look in his eye. 
Then he throws his hands out in front of him, holding one steady while the other mimics winding a reel. 
“Is he - is he fishing for Jungkook?” 
You don’t answer Rosé as there’s no need to. Jin’s clearly doing the fishing pole move. One by one, the voices around you grow quieter. Jungkook blinks at Jin for a few seconds, obviously thrown by this decision.
Then he grins, flapping his hands by his face like fins.
“Oh, wow, they share a brain cell,” Lisa says. “Did not see that coming.” 
Jisoo groans. “Well, this is anticlimactic. I was promised bloodshed.” 
“Who promised you that?” you ask, laughing. Feeling a tiny bit relieved. 
The crowd departs, but the two men keep dancing. Jungkook pretends he’s been hooked, thrashing from side-to-side before dropping to the ground in his signature dolphin kick. Always a performer to the end, you think, as he hops back to his feet, and he and Jin take turns bowing to one another. 
The smile on his face gets wider when Jungkook sees you clapping for him. He reaches for his jacket, and you impulsively press a kiss to his cheek, biting back a laugh as his eyes widen slightly.
“If those are the moves you pull out for a dance-off, I can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for later,” you whisper. Jungkook’s arm grips your side as he tilts his head to look at you. His touch is warm, but it can’t match the heat in his eyes. 
“Careful what you ask for, jagiya,” he replies, gaze dropping to your mouth so briefly that you almost miss it. “I need some water. Do you want anything?” 
You shake your head, and he disappears towards the tables. As soon as he’s gone, you feel someone brush your arm. 
“Okay, I’ll give it to the kid - he’s got moves,” Jin declares, holding his hand out in an offer to dance. You silently take it, letting him pull you close as the deejay cues up a ballad. 
Jin’s quiet for a few beats, leading you in small circles around the dance floor. It strikes you that this is the first time the two of you have really been face-to-face since yesterday, that weird standoff in the hallway earlier notwithstanding. You haven’t had a chance to talk to him alone since - 
“So what’s up with your boy?” 
You meet Jin’s gaze with a raised eyebrow. “Jungkook? What do you mean?”
Jin shrugs, the movement jostling your hand where it rests on his shoulder. “I mean, he looked like he was ready to throw hands when he introduced himself earlier. Like he was just itching for a fight.” 
“And you’re not?” You snort when he blinks in exaggerated confusion. “Oh, come on, all those snide little comments you were making at the table? Arguing with him about who has it worse? What was that all about?” 
Jin maintains his affronted expression for half a minute longer before he starts to laugh. “Okay, fine, I admit I was just pushing his buttons at dinner. In my defense, he made it too easy!” He laughs harder when you roll your eyes and start to pull away. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. But I had to do something to cheer myself up. It wasn’t easy for me to sit there and watch the two of you together, to see the way you look at him.” 
Your curiosity tampers down your annoyance for a moment. “How do I look at him?” 
Jin smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Like there’s no one else in the world.” 
You glance away, unsure what to say to that. Your gaze flits around the room until it lands on Jungkook, finding him at one of the tables, chatting with Lisa and Yi-jeong. His nose crinkles as he laughs with your friend, tattooed hand coming up to swipe away the hair that falls into his face, and you hear Jin sigh. 
“Yeah, that’s the look,” he says, shaking his head. He shifts his arm from your back, leading you into a gentle spin. “I was honestly surprised at how easy it was to antagonize him. Figured nothing I could do or say would bother him, knowing he won your heart.”
When you don’t respond to that, staring at Jin’s bowtie instead of meeting his eye, he hums. 
“Oh, I see. You haven’t told him yet.” 
Without warning, Jin dips you. You gasp, clutching his bicep to steady yourself.
“Are you having second thoughts?” he murmurs. His hand grips yours tightly, arm cradles your back, keeping you in place while his face hovers a mere breath above yours. 
It’s an intimate pose, the way he holds you now, yet just like yesterday, you feel nothing.
“No. No second thoughts.” You’ve recovered from your momentary shock, voice steady as you reply. “I’m sorry, Jin, but like I told you yesterday, it’s Jungkook I want.” 
Immediately, you’re back on your feet. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think so.” Jin grins a crooked grin. “Had to ask, though.” 
You roll your eyes. “I’m starting to regret this whole ‘let’s be friends’ idea.” 
He ignores your jibe. “Can I ask you a serious question?” 
You take a moment to study his face before answering. All traces of humor have vanished as he waits for your response. Slowly, you nod. 
“What are you waiting for?” 
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The rooftop garden glows softly in the night air, lit by tiny lights strung along the trees and flowering plants. Hidden speakers strewn around the open space bring the music from the reception outside, providing a gentle soundtrack for a beautiful summer evening. 
“Where are we going?” Jungkook asks, hand clasped firmly in yours as you lead him out of the reception and across the garden. 
In the corner of the roof, there’s a small nook carved out between two potted cherry blossoms, their branches obscuring the two of you from any of the other guests milling about. Right now, you need a little privacy.
You also need a moment to gather your thoughts. Your stomach’s jumped into your throat at the thought of what you’re about to do, and your anxiousness makes it hard to think straight. It doesn’t help that you’re slightly distracted by the sight in front of you. 
Although the sun’s long since set, the air is still warm. Jungkook’s shed his jacket, has his tie loosened, sleeves rolled to his elbows, hand still in yours as he looks at you expectantly, patiently waiting for you to speak. You can see the moon reflecting in his bright eyes, and for a moment, you’re back in the elevator at your apartment, staring at your handsome neighbor, that shy man with the sweet smile.
It wasn’t that long ago that he was a total stranger. Someone you saw occasionally at the mailboxes, someone who regularly ran away when you tried to talk to him. You didn’t know anything about him back then - what he did, what he liked, what made him laugh. What his kisses felt like. 
It wasn’t that long ago, yet it already feels like a distant memory. One that you never want to return to. Knowing everything you know about him now, feeling everything you feel - you can’t go back. There’s only one thing you need to do now - tell him. 
No reason to wait a second longer. 
Taking a deep breath, you squeeze his hand. “Jungkook, I brought you out here because I wanted to tell you something. I’m… ah, I’m not very good at this kind of thing, but I’m gonna try because I don’t want to drag this out when I don’t need to.” 
Jungkook’s eyebrows twitch slightly, but he doesn’t say anything, so you go on. 
“You know how I went to Jennie’s yesterday? Um, Jin was also there, with Yoongi. He pulled me aside and told me that the job Wendy asked me to interview for is actually his show for Nosh. And then he started talking about the two of us working together and traveling and -”
“Choose me, jagiya.” 
His interruption throws you off from the rambly mess you were attempting to say. Jungkook reaches for your other hand, holding both against his chest, and gives you a shaky smile. 
“Choose me, jagi. I know I don’t have a career like Seokjin does, or his money, or - or even a guarantee that I’ll ever have either of those things. I probably can’t promise you most of the things he can.” He pauses to draw a long breath, like he’s trying to slow himself down and not rush over his words, and oh, you want to kiss him so much right now. Even if this isn’t how it’s supposed to go. “But I can promise y-”
“No no!” It’s his turn to look surprised as you raise your hands to his mouth, muffling his speech. “Jungkook, stop! I was trying to tell you that I ended things with Jin yesterday. You don’t have to say another word because it’s over.” 
“Mmt’s omer?” he mumbles against your fingers, eyes widening. 
“Yes, it’s over,” you giggle, uncovering his mouth, and suddenly all of your nervousness floats away on the evening breeze. “Come on, Kookie. Don’t you know? I’ve already chosen. It’s you. It’s always been you.” 
Jungkook continues to stare at you with those big doe eyes as your words slowly sink in, and you can’t help but smile, fondly, so, so fondly, that familiar sensation of warmth surging up from your chest, and you know now that it has a name, that buzz, that elation, that euphoria, and it’s on the tip of your tongue, just waiting for you to breathe it to life. 
So you exhale. 
“I think I’m falling in love with you.” 
For just the slightest of moments - a fraction of a second, a single heartbeat - when he doesn’t do anything, doesn’t so much as blink or breathe, you’re scared you’ve said too much. It’s too soon, too fast, too everything. 
But then he wraps his arms around you, holding you close enough that you can feel his own heart thumping wildly within his chest, and puts your fears to rest with four simple words, whispered softly against your lips.  
“Jagi, I’ve already fallen.” 
He kisses you, soft and slow, every touch so full of tenderness that you could cry. You tangle your fingers in his hair, desperately seeking something to hold onto, to keep you from floating right off the roof. He’s fallen for you. Jungkook’s fallen for you. 
You never knew your heart could hold so much. 
All your nervousness from before has dissipated. Now the only reason your pulse races is the nearness of him.
“Are you in any hurry to get back in there?” he asks, tipping his head towards the party.
You shake your head. 
He smiles. “Good.” 
He takes your hand again, locking his other arm around your back. You lay your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, listening to him sing along lightly with the music drifting across the rooftop. Even when the song changes to something more uptempo, he doesn’t let go, just laces his fingers through yours and continues to sway with you beneath the stars. 
Many songs later, when the two of you finally return to the party, you find that it’s already winding down. Jennie and Yoongi are making their rounds to say goodbye, needing to go home  and pack for their trip to Jeju Island in the morning. 
Jennie grabs your arm and pulls you away from Jungkook, waving the other bridesmaids over. “I’m gonna do it tonight!” 
Jisoo pinches her cheek. “Babe, you’ve already done it. That’s why you’re late, remember?” 
“Ha, ha.” Jennie smacks her hand away. “I mean I’m gonna tell Yoongi I’m pregnant, smartass.” 
“Ah, I’m so excited for you!” Lisa gives her a hug, and then you’re all hugging. 
“Have you all had a good time tonight?” Jennie asks, not waiting for an answer. “This has been the most amazing day! Thank you for everything, I couldn’t have done this without you.” 
“Yes, you could have,” you grin. 
“Okay, true, I could have. But it wouldn’t have been as much fun without you all. I love you so much!” 
“We love you too. Now go celebrate with your husband!” Rosé giggles, emphasizing the last word with an energetic wiggle of her eyebrows. 
“Yeah, get out of here. Some of us have plans tonight but we can’t leave until you do.” Jisoo declares. 
“She makes a good point,” Lisa chimes in, glancing over her shoulder at where Yi-jeong sits alone, clearly waiting. 
“Wow, okay,” Jennie laughs, but she’s flying too high to really be mad. “I’ll see you all in a week!” 
It’s as you turn to walk back to Jungkook that you remember. 
“Oh! Lisa!” 
Your friend glances at you as you back away with a giant grin. 
“Pay Rosé her fifty bucks.” 
“Why are your friends screaming like that?” Jungkook asks when you rejoin him. 
You just smile and press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Ready to get out of here?” 
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Riding Jungkook’s motorcycle is a much more pleasant experience tonight than it was on your way home from your first date. The sky is clear above you as Jungkook expertly weaves through traffic, and you’re warm and dry sitting behind him, wearing his suit jacket, arms tight around his waist. You spend most of the ride hugging more than holding on to him. 
Every few blocks, he releases the hand grip to let his palm rest on your thigh for a moment, squeezing gently. You think he means it as a reassuring touch, knowing how shaky you are with the entire concept of motorcycles to begin with, how just the thought of riding one still makes you nervous, but the actual effect he's having on you is far from comforting. It’s driving you insane.
By the time you reach your apartment door, you’re feral with need. You toss Jungkook’s jacket onto the floor and Jungkook lets out a surprised yelp when you tug on his arm as he’s closing the door. He barely has a chance to turn the lock before you’re pulling him down, passionately kissing away his confused noise. 
“B-baby,” he finally manages to stammer out after a few minutes of intense making out, “baby, do you wanna move to the couch?” 
You shake your head. “Need you now.” 
“Yeah?” His eyes are so dark that it makes you shudder when he catches your gaze. “Always so needy for me, huh? Just like the first time?” 
You remember that night, the way he’d fucked you against the hallway wall, both of you too desperate to even make it another ten feet to your bed. That same greedy desire burns through you now. 
Thank god for the slit in your dress. Hitching your leg up, you wrap it around his back, guiding him back down on top of you. 
“Just like that,” your voice trembles, back arching as Junghook’s hand snakes between you, rubbing at you through your dress. “Ahh, fuck, just like that!” 
You grasp at the side zipper on the dress, fingers fumbling too much to yank it down as quickly as you want. Jungkook has to do it for you, helping you sit up long enough to shed the entire gown. 
He sucks in a sharp breath. “Jagi.” 
If you weren’t already dying for him, the expression on his face when he sees you in the lingerie you’re wearing beneath your dress would do it. 
“Does it look better in person?” you ask, running your fingers over your chest, thumbs pressing in slow circles to wake your nipples, feeling them swell beneath the lace. 
With a pained groan, Jungkook starts hurriedly tearing at his suit, throwing the items nearly halfway across the open space of your living room in his urgency, not stopping until he’s completely naked, cock already hardening between his legs. 
“Yeah,” he grunts, biting his lip to let his hands do the talking. They travel over your torso, up across your breasts, squeezing your hands so you grip yourself harder. He laughs at your little gasp, and then he’s swallowing your sounds with his eager mouth, knocking your legs apart with his knee so he can press his body to yours. 
Your own impatience has you hooking your calves the backs of his thighs, bending your knees to urge him nearer. But no matter how close he is to you, it’s not enough, an itch you can’t scratch no matter how much you try. 
“I think this is going to have to come off now,” you frown, tugging at your bodice. You need to feel him, skin-to-skin. 
“Oh, not yet,” Jungkook says, voice near enough to be a growl. “Please, jagi, keep it on a little longer. For me.” He looks at you with such a lustful gaze that you find yourself nodding, immediately caving to his wish. If he wants to fuck you in your lingerie, fine. There will be more time to feel him later. 
There will be more time for everything you want with Jungkook. 
His mouth reconnects with yours. You sigh into him as his fingers find the snaps at the crotch of the teddy. He’s not gentle with them, practically ripping them open, but he’s more delicate as he slides his finger into you, finding you just as wet as always. He plunges two fingers in, and you know he’s trying to take his time and make sure you’re ready, but you’re too impatient for his consideration right now. 
“Come on, Kookie,” you plead, cupping his chin to draw his gaze away from his work, “I’m ready. I need you now.” 
“Shit,” he mutters, clearly reading your frustration. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I wanna feel you.” 
He reaches for his pants, which have been flung over the back of the couch, and you stop him.
“No, I mean, I want to feel you.”
Jungkook swallows hard, his Adam’s apple visibly bobbing. “Jesus Christ, jagiya, you’re going to kill me.” He kisses you again, before his expression turns serious. “Can we? I mean, are you on something -” 
Laughing, you grab his face again, pulling him back to you for another kiss. 
“I have an implant. And I haven’t been with anyone since you and I have been…” you trail off, unsure what to call it. Dating? “Not since the last time I was tested.” 
“No one?” He doesn’t say the name, but you know what he’s asking. 
“No one.” You and Seokjin never got that far.
“I haven’t been with anyone either.” Jungkook strokes his thumb along your cheek. “It’s just been you. You’re the only one I want.” 
“Then have me.” With another sigh, you lift your hips, rolling against him. 
Jungkook groans, and you barely have a second to breathe before his lips take yours again. There’s some shifting, you spreading your legs while he’s propping himself up on one elbow and lining himself up with his other hand, and then he’s sinking in, slowly, filling you up hot inch by hot inch, until he’s completely sheathed. 
You got your wish. You can feel all of him. It’s a new sensation, and it’s intense, but you can tell it’s even more so for him. 
“Oh, goddamn, jagi.” Jungkook presses his forehead to yours. His chest heaves as he holds himself completely still. “You’re so - fuck.” 
“Yeah? Is it that good?” 
He nods a little, eyes squeezing shut, and you run your fingers through his hair, trying to impart some comfort. As much as you want him to rail you through the floor right now, you don’t want to rush him anymore. 
“Does it really feel that different?”
Jungkook shakes his head. “It’s not that. That’s part of it - you feel so fucking good, baby - but it’s - it’s…” He huffs out a short breath, shaking his head again. “I don’t know how to say it. It’s everything.” 
And you understand exactly what he means, not by whatever he’s trying and failing to say, but by the look in his eyes. 
“Oh,” is all you can say, feeling your own words slipping away from you, as he starts to move. 
His cock drags slowly, so slowly at first, his head bowing as he concentrates on the feeling of you, the way your cunt seems to suck him back in eagerly, walls clenching when he snaps his hips experimentally. He observes every breath that escapes you, every mewl and whimper, and adjusts his pace, the strength of his thrusts, all the while drowning in his own perception, the tight heat and wetness of your core making his eyes roll back in his head with each pump. 
Neither of you speak after that, but you don’t need to. Your bodies communicate everything you’re feeling, punctuated by the unrestrained noises you both make. Your nails rake down Jungkook’s back as he fucks into you, drawing whine after whine from him, broken cries of desire, of wanting you to hold him, claim him, just as he’s claiming you. Mine, your fingernails declare, inscribing his skin with scratches. Yours, his hips answer in return, powerfully driving into yours, connecting you again and again, faster and faster. 
His hand clutches at the thigh you’ve wrapped around his waist, fingers twisting around the garter straps, and you can tell from his unsteady panting that he’s close. Your own pleasure is nearing the precipice, but you know he’s going to reach his first. Which he confirms with a strangled whimper.
“Jagi, I’m - I’m gonna come,” he grits through his teeth, brow furrowed, like he’s focusing all his energy on not coming right then and there. “‘M sorry, I can’t stop, I can’t - “
“Don’t stop, Kookie, don’t stop!” You don’t care if he finishes first. This isn’t about just sex anymore. All you want is for him to feel as good as he makes you feel, all the time. “Come on, cum inside me. Give me everything, fill me up!” 
“Fuck!” he grunts, moaning your name, and with only a few more thrusts, he follows your command. His hips jerk wildly as he gives in to the burning need beneath his skin and fills you with his hot release. It seems to go on and on, until he’s gasping, sagging against you weakly, too wrung out to hold himself up any longer. “Holy shit.”
You just hum, stroking his sweat-soaked hair, until he finally lifts his head. 
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I got caught up in the moment. Too much going on in my head and - and, fuck, you felt too good.” He gives you a sheepish smile.
You shush his apologies with a laugh, wrapping your arms around him again, urging him to lay down, so his head rests on your chest. “You don’t have to explain. It’s been… it’s been a long time since I’ve felt anything like this.” 
He sighs, moving slightly so he can leave light kisses over your covered chest. “Me too.” His hand trails lazily down your torso, following the swirls in the lace’s pattern. “I’m glad you said what you did. On the roof. I wanted to tell you before how I felt, but I was afraid you’d think I was rushing things.” His voice gets quieter. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” 
There’s a sadness in his tone, a naked vulnerability that makes your heart ache, so you squeeze him a little tighter. You know exactly what he means. 
He raises his head a little, starts kissing his way down your stomach. “Are you still…”
“Am I still what?” You bite your lip as he reaches the apex of your thighs, gently nudging them further apart so he can lie in between. 
Jungkook presses soft kisses to your inner thighs, one side, then the other, before he looks up at you. “Was that enough for you or are you still wanting more? You were so needy earlier, jagiya.” 
Of course you still want more. You don’t think you’ll ever get enough of him. 
“Yeah,” you say, your fingers combing his hair out of his face so there’s nothing hiding him from you, just as there’s nothing hiding you from him, “I want more. Please, Kookie.” 
The smirk that spreads across his lovestruck face sends your heart racing. Your back arches off the floor when he coaxes the first orgasm from you with his tongue, feels like it might snap in half by the time he pulls the second one with his fingers. 
You melt into his embrace afterward, so thoroughly satiated, so utterly content, that you nearly fall asleep. But Jungkook coaxes you off the floor and into the bathroom, to wash his back in the shower before he tenderly scrubs yours, and then into bed, where the last thing you see before closing your eyes is the smile on his face as he whispers good night. 
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“What does this one mean?” 
It’s late. Very late, sometime between midnight and early morning, when you should be asleep. You’d awoken in need of some water, slipping out carefully, trying not to wake Jungkook, only to come back to find him up and waiting for you to return to bed. He wasn’t just awake but up up, and you couldn’t resist, climbing directly into his lap for a slow, lazy ride. 
Now, you’re lying together, back pressed to Jungkook’s chest, with his arm draped beneath your breasts, as he gives you a tour of his tattoos. He tells you that most are symbolic, but a few have stories behind them, and you listen raptly to each one. Even though he’s probably tired, he’s indulging you, answering all your questions without so much as a single yawn.
He tilts his head to look at where you’re tapping on a striped snake. “That one? That’s supposed to represent growth. You know, shedding my skin, like a snake.” He flexes his forearm and the snake moves as if undulating on its own. “Do you like snakes?” 
“I like them a lot more than spiders, I can tell you that,” you reply, giggling. 
He laughs, watching silently as your fingers roam over his skin. There’s so much ink covering him, and you’re dying to know about all of it, filled with a buzzing curiosity despite the late hour. 
“What about this one?” Gingerly, you trace over the orange tiger lily etched onto the inside of his forearm, as if afraid that pressing too harshly will cause the petals to crumple. It’s gorgeously vibrant, the glowing color popping vividly against his skin. 
“Ah, that’s my birth flower.” Jungkook laughs a quick laugh. “That one was actually Taehyung’s suggestion. Do you know what the flower is supposed to represent?” 
“Self-confidence.” He laughs again, shaking you a little as his chest vibrates. “He said it’d be a good reminder when he’s not around, that I still need to be confident.”
“Taehyung’s a good friend,” you remark, and Jungkook hums in assent. He rubs mindlessly at the flower with his other hand, fingertips bumping against yours. 
“You know, there’s another reason I got this one. A hidden meaning that tiger lilies are meant to express.” 
“Ooh, a hidden meaning?” You tilt your head to peer at him. “And what’s that?” 
Even in the dim light from your bedside lamp, you can see the tips of Jungkook’s ears turning red as he smiles bashfully, his eyes crinkling when he answers. “Please love me.” 
It’s impossible to resist kissing him, kissing that shy bunny smile that you’ve adored all this time, so you don’t even try, cupping his cheeks gently while you brush his lips with yours. When you pull away, his face is flushed, and he laughs, dipping his head in embarrassment even as he whispers, “Keep going.” 
You giggle, and kiss him again, and then stop. “Oh! Wait a minute.” 
Jungkook lets out a small grunt of displeasure when you leave his embrace, but you return quickly, handing him a small frame from your desk. 
“Jagi, you framed this?” He stares through the glass at the tiger lily sketch he’d drawn for you, back when he asked you out on your first date.
“Well, yeah. It was too pretty not to.” 
You take your place between his legs again, his arm automatically sliding around your waist while he gazes at the picture. “But it was just a quick little drawing. It’s not my best work.” 
“So? I think it’s beautiful. And… it’s from you.” You can feel your neck warming as you speak. “I like to keep it on my desk when I’m working. Every time I get annoyed by something, I look at it, and it calms me down.” Your lips quirk in a little smile. “So you can imagine that I look at it a lot,” you say, half-joking, half-not. Because it’s true, you do stare at it a lot. The drawing always brings you peace. Because it reminds you of Jungkook. So fiery and bright, but also so lovely and delicate. 
“Jagi,” Jungkook says again, swallowing thickly. His arm squeezes you closer.
You take the frame from his hand, placing it on the nightstand, before shifting to face him, legs straddling his as you loop your arms around his neck. “Be honest - were you sending me a hidden message with this?” 
His ears are burning red again. “Maybe. Guess it worked.” 
You surge forward, kissing the cheeky smile right off his face. His hands settle on your hips, holding you tightly, as if right now there’s any danger of you leaving. There’s nowhere else you’d rather be, with no one else. 
But you’re also wondering something you’ve been wondering for a while now, and since he’s been so obliging so far, you decide to ask him one more question. “Can I ask you something?”
“Jagi, all you’ve been doing is asking me questions,” Jungkook grins. 
You roll your eyes at his teasing tone. “Yeah, okay, I just mean, can I ask about something that doesn’t have anything to do with your tattoos?” 
He nods. 
“If I hadn’t come to Paradise with my friends that night, would you ever have made a move?”
He clearly wasn’t expecting that question, judging by the look on his face. His eyes fall out of focus as they stare unseeing at you, and you know he’s lost in thought. You give him the time to find his way to an answer, running your fingers through his hair soothingly while you wait.
“I don’t know,” he finally admits. “I’d like to think that yes, I would’ve gotten up the nerve to talk to you. But it might’ve taken a while. Seeing you at Paradise kind of gave me an opening.”
“I think this still would’ve happened,” you tell him, suddenly filled with an unusual amount of confidence, bolstered by his hands on your waist, his eyes locked on yours, “all of this. I think we would’ve ended up just like this.” 
“How do you know that?”
“I would’ve worn you down at the mailboxes,” you grin. “At the rate we were going, it probably would’ve taken a decade, but we’d get there eventually.” 
He laughs, hands locking behind your back as he holds you close. “Or maybe I would’ve shown up at your door one night and danced for you. Maybe that’s what I did in another universe.” 
“I’m sure it worked,” you murmur, leaning closer to his lips. “I think in any universe, we end up like this. We’re just lucky that we got here so fast.” 
“The luckiest,” he agrees, closing the space between you. 
When you finally fall asleep again, you dream of falling through other universes, following the same dark eyes and wicked smirk through each.
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© 2021-22-23-24 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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sssilverstoned · 9 months
spinback season ꩜ ln4
type: instagram/twitter au
It's your birthday, Lando would never miss it.
lily said: final part of this! i've got some drafts going on full length fics so i am excited to finish those up soon. thank you all for the warm welcome :)
part 1 part 2
yoursister posted a story 28 seconds ago...
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yourusername posted a story 1 minute ago...
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yourbestfriend posted a story 4 minutes ago...
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Liked by alpinegoss, paddocktea, and 53,805 others
f1gossipcentral submission from a fan today in dubai:
y/n and lando in the club in dubai tonight!!!!! based on her post at a meal with a guy i thought she was with someone new, but it was 1000000% lando. they're still so in love, everything seemed so back to normal!!!! her best friend, sister, and other friends were in the section with them, it was so lovely to see!
user2 Oh I just know I missed a damn chapter
user5 broke up just to be right back together...they just like us
user6: get back with your ex when the opportunity presents itself? yeah those my twins fr
user7 ok but in all seriousness, i hope everything's alright with them now
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Liked by landonorris, yourmom, and 36,938 others
yourbestfriend My heart outside my body is 25! So much to celebrate, so let's do it forever. To so many more y/n/n!
yourmom Pretty girls!!! Keep having all of the fun
yourusername Where would I be without you :')
yoursister not hungover, more stable financially, with much more closet space yourbestfriend fair enough across the board
user1 She's such a good friend to her
user2 lando in the likes...don't start
user3 they're childhood friends, no? she played matchmaker for them user4 this gives me hope user5 commoners talking amongst themselves booooring
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Liked by lilymhe, kyliejenner, and 2,166,968 others
tagged: lando.jpg
yourusername Quarter of a century on this planet and a lot of joy to show for it! Grateful for the people who make me, me. Here's to getting a bit older, wiser, and lotssssss of martinis
emmachamberlain happy birthday y/n! see you soon!
user1 LANDO.JPG?
matildadjerf Mwah! The prettiest bday girl
user2 This is crazy how are they all this pretty
user3 minding your business, being a girl's girl, and loving your man user4 her man is the photo cred on this photo so you might be right
user5 "the people who make me, me" babygirl you don't even gotta name names just let us know when he takes your last name
danielricciardo Dawww they grow up so fast
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Liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and 1,682,938 others
landonorris The day you were born is my favorite holiday. I love everything about you, from the way you scrunch your nose when you eat something sour, to the way you wake up extra early on saturday's to get your favorite flowers from the farmer's market. You've been there for all my best memories, my hardest times, and through it all, I'm most thankful to be loved by you, y/n. 25 looks perfect on you.
user1 so mom and dad made up? lets mf go
user2 jaw on the floor knees on the pavement eyes bugged out my head at this you two are insane especially you
yourusername Thank you for dancing with me even when I step on your nice shoes
carlossainz55 be honest he cannot dance alex_albon at all
user3: I prayed on this btw yall are welcome
user4: Okay spin back! lemme text my ex real quick
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bestiesenpai · 3 months
sukuna bridgerton au pt2
Writing this immediately after posting the first one because this brings me so much joy. The dress I had in mind for the wedding was the one worn by Princess Charlotte in 1816 so if you’d like a visual please refer to that
part one — part three -- part four
Link to the ring i mention here
You managed to push the appointment with the modiste to a further date, reminding your mother that Sukuna hadn’t even proposed yet.
“Oh but he will!” She countered, giddy as could be. “At the coming ball he will.”
“Did he tell you himself?” Crossing your arms in resignation, it felt like you were the mother and she the child with you trying to quell her excitement over something that hasn’t yet happened.
“He did! Asked your father for permission to propose the day after your first meeting!” That made your jaw drop and any further words you had to say were quelled, the fire inside you dampened for a moment.
On the night of this fateful ball, it was forced upon you to wear Sukuna’s family color, Prussian blue. To have gloves or a purse of the color would have been fine with you but a whole dress was too obvious and put you at risk of embarrassment should he decide not to propose after all. But with your parents too blindsided by this burgeoning royal connection there was no hope of talking them out of it.
“(Y/N)!” Walking into the party, you immediately sought out your friends. A few of them had actually been proposed to already and you marveled at their rings decorated with beauties such as emeralds and rubies.
“You’ll get yours soon enough!” They teased, making butterflies erupt inside you despite your best efforts. A fit of giggles took over you as you thought about what the ring might look like.
“We shall see, girls!” Wiggling your bodies, you made your way to the refreshments table, eager to fill your stomachs before descending upon the dance floor. A few men filled your dance card as you ate and you danced with them gleefully. This felt like your last night of freedom before Sukuna caught you within his grasp.
The party was just about in full swing when the Queen and Sukuna made their entrance, causing everyone to pause for a moment to greet them properly. You were just in the throws of a spirited dance with an older male acquaintance when it all stopped. Out of breath and with a ditzy smile on your face, you curtseyed just as every other woman did, barely paying any attention to Sukuna’s long look in your direction. Once the music started up again, instead of coming to him like he assumed you would, you returned to dancing.
“Jealous?” The Queen quipped with a teasing smirk on her face.
“No. Never.” Quickly fixing his gaze to what was ahead of him, Sukuna shook his head. “Come, let's find our seats.” He ignored the chuckle behind him as he led the way and he staunchly ignored the sick feeling in the pit of his stomach - that was something he would rather die over than confront.
After finally finishing every dance with the men on your card, you were able to slink away and find respite. You were admittedly a little tipsy from the Italian ratafia, the cherries in it slightly addicting and adding to the flavor of the pastries you were becoming so fond of.
“Miss (Y/N), His Highness wishes to see you.” A footman interrupted your period of indulgence and motioned to the perch at the head of the room where Sukuna was standing and waiting.
“Please inform His Highness that I am preoccupied at the moment and shall see him when I’m ready.” Giving the footman a curt smile, you snagged another pastry and drink and walked off into another area of the party where some games were being played.
“What is my wife thinking, denying me an audience?” Not even five minutes later Sukuna had appeared behind you and you could feel his annoyance.
“Wife? Who is that?” Looking down at your empty ring finger, you chuckled to yourself. “It seems I am unfamiliar with her, Your Highness.” You laughed again, this time made louder at someone's display in charades. Sukuna laughed as well so as not to arouse suspicion of any ill will.
“Miss (Y/N), I wish for you to accompany me to the main hall.” He said, coming to properly stand next to you.
“I decline that offer, Your Highness.” You didn’t even turn to look at him, instead keeping your eyes on the game and shouting when another person guessed the right answer.
“I- you cannot be serious.” Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sukuna sighed shortly. “Please, you know what has to happen right now.”
“It can wait until this game is over.” You pushed back, finally sparing him a glance. “After all, a gentleman listens to a lady when she says no, does he not?” Your question stopped all further argument from Sukuna and he relented, allowing you to finish your refreshments and watch the game.
“There, it is over now.” Huffing, Sukuna let his hand hover near the crook of your elbow. “Now will you please follow me?”
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Giving him a big cheeky grin you walked off ahead and once in the main hall, you stood where he wanted you to, just a few feet in front of the Queen. Clearing his throat, Sukuna motioned for the orchestra to stop playing as he drew everyone's attention to the two of you.
“Thank you for your attention everyone.” He started off, giving the room a once over. “I will not keep you long as I know we are all eager to enjoy the night, but I ask that you bear witness to what I am about to do.”
Taking a deep breath, as if on cue a footman stepped forward and handed him a small velvet box. Sukunas eyes were staring straight at you as he bent down to one knee, making everyone in the room hold their breath.
“Miss (Y/N),” he started, making sure he was loud enough for the room to hear, “even though we have only known each other a short time, I feel the chemistry between us. I do not want to waste time and have you possibly stolen from me by another…” You could tell he was faking being nervous by the way he paused and looked around the room. Always one for a show, he is.
“Will you please marry me?” As the words left his lips you heard your mother gasp and out of the corner of your eye you could see her clutch your fathers sleeve. It felt like time stood still as you looked at Sukuna, then the Queen, then the crowd before you. The scale had tipped in your favor, the power was in your hands; you could say no.
“Yes.” The crowd erupted into applause, launching Sukuna to stand and grab your hand.
“I knew you’d say yes.” He teased, slipping the very large ring onto your finger. It was a gorgeous sapphire, the same Prussian blue as his house colors, with a twisted pavé of sparkling diamonds around it and going down the band. “That's a 7 carat sapphire.” Sukuna boasted, turning your hand so it shined in the light.
“Beautiful indeed.” Seeing the ring and feeling the weight on your finger made what was happening all real and coupled with Sukuna holding your hand so gingerly, it made your heart flutter.
Turning to the Queen, you both bowed to her, earning a nod of the head in return. Turning to the crowd, it was only moments before your friends and family crowded around to congratulate you and see the ring. So many were in awe of the size and their jealousy was hardly contained, some looking down to their own rings in disappointment.
It took a while for the party to return to normal but you eventually found yourself being surrounded by your friends again at a table in the other room, sipping on far too many cocktails in the name of celebration.
“To (Y/N)!” They all cried, equally if not more intoxicated than you were. “May Her Highness not forget about us when she resides in the palace!”
“Please!” You laughed at the new title. “As if I could ever forget my dearest friends!” At that, you raised your glasses and polished them off, trying and failing to gently place them on the table.
You all stayed until the end of the party, stumbling out of your seats and finding your respective chaperones once it was time to leave. Unable to find your mother or father, you wandered around the garden and admired the topiary.
“Aren’t you cold out here?” A familiar voice sounded and you didn’t need to turn to see who it was.
“Not at all, Your Highness. I rather enjoy the evening breeze.” In truth you were but the alcohol was dulling your senses.
“Do not call me that anymore, we’re engaged. Call me by my given name.”
“I will do no such thing.” Turning to him, you shook your head a little too hard. “That should be reserved for people in love and we are not in love.” He groaned in annoyance and followed behind you as you walked in the garden. Sukuna felt the urge to demand you call him by his name, force you to bend to his will but he couldn’t find it in him. So instead he walked quietly and said nothing.
“I do like the ring.” You broke the silence, turning to face him once you decided you’d seen enough.
“You do? It's a family heirloom. Belonged to a grandpa's cousin's aunt or something like that.”
“Hm.” You didn’t laugh at his attempt at a joke even if it did amuse you slightly. Swaying on your feet, you held your hand up at eye level, the gold of the ring contrasting with the black velvet gloves you were wearing.
“It’s quite late and everyone is leaving. We should do the same.” The two of you were close enough to the house that no one would be scandalized by your being unchaperoned but Sukuna knew that if you were in your right mind you would be worried.
“Find my mother then.” Your eyes were still fixed on the ring. Sukuna scoffed at you and brought his hand to yours, attempting to grab onto it. “Do not!” You drew back, clutching your hand to your chest.
“Miss, please.” Sukuna was trying to be a gentleman and ensure your safety though truth be told he wasn’t sure why it mattered so much to him. He could have easily just walked off and gotten a footman to keep watch on you as he gathered your parents.
“I thought you wanted to use given names.” Tilting your head to the side, you looked at him curiously.
“I- be quiet.” A light flush rested over his cheeks and that irritated Sukuna. “Just come inside with me at the very least.” He was feeling the cold and he knew it was worse for you in your dress especially since your shawl had been discarded somewhere.
You stared back at him wordlessly as if seeing him for the first time. Squinting your eyes, you took in his attire, his Prussian blue tailcoat with metallic gold thread embroidered throughout and his crisp white waistcoat peeking out from underneath. The cravat he had on was tied intricately like when you had first met him and the ribbon to his pocket watch was also blue, dangling with an ornate cross and the seal of the kingdom. Gone were the boots he had worn previously, opting instead to adopt the shoes other men wore. His hair had been styled, trimmed and slicked back to showcase more of his face.
“Handsome.” You mumbled, taking a step toward Sukuna.
“What?” Your response surprised him but he didn’t move as you came forward and lifted a hand to graze his cheek.
“This is the first time I’m truly looking at you, Your Highness.”
“H-had you not seen me before?” He cursed himself for the stutter in his words but when the back of your hand brushed his cheek it made his tongue heavy. This softness from you was unexpected and he didn’t know how to handle it.
“I suppose not, hm?” It was like you were entranced by him, mesmerized by his beauty. Sukuna couldn’t tell if you were even really looking at him since your eyes had a faraway look to them. Raising his hand, he cupped yours as it dropped to run along his jaw and he could smell the faint perfume you had sprayed on your gloves. Something delicate and subtle, floral perhaps, just like a lady to use.
“Shall we…” Sukuna was going to ask to take you inside once more but you surprised him again by taking another step forward and resting your hand at the base of his throat. Your thumb ran along his Adam's apple, causing him to swallow quite loudly.
“Yes, let's.” You answered his unspoken question, dropping your hand from him entirely and sidestepping him to go inside. Sukuna remained glued to his spot however, his heart beating so hard he worried he was going to die.
“What is going on with me?” He wondered aloud, flexing his hands in front of him and begging his body to settle. Sure he had women flirt with him before but nothing as tender as this and he was positive you had no idea you were even flirting in the first place. You just…saw him, just observed how he looked and made no effort to do anything about it, hardly even complimented him excessively like he was used to.
By the time Sukuna made it back inside you had left with your parents and he was alone, the Queen having left already as well. Riding back to the palace by himself, Sukuna retraced where your hand had been on his face and sighed, recounting the velvet of your glove and the faintness of your perfume. It unsettled him that as he lay down to sleep he still thought of you and even in his dreams you appeared.
The next few weeks were a blur of wedding preparations. The Queen decided you’d be married at the end of the month, putting a time crunch on everything. You now went to a royal tailor instead of your usual modiste, there were what felt like a dozen ladies maids helping making decisions for you and you hardly had time to sleep.
So much happened in that month that you hardly even saw Sukuna at all. The only times you were together were to tour one of the Queens villas where the wedding was to be hosted and when there was a portrait painted of the two of you together to commemorate the wedding and to serve as a gift from the Queen. And both times you were chaperoned and you were too tired to truly make conversation.
The morning of your wedding came much too fast and you were up at dawn being bathed, fed a light meal and taken to the villa to be dressed in the most expensive outfit you would most likely ever wear. There were more layers being put on than you were used to and your corset was tied just a bit tighter.
“(Y/N).” Your parents stood at the doorway as your wedding dress was settled onto you. Looking at them through a mirror, you could only smile at the way they were getting teary; you’d been instructed not to move by the head maid and she was very serious in her request. You were spritzed with perfume and white gloves were slid onto your hands at the same time you were donned with jewelry. The weight of such pieces, on loan from the royal family for such an occasion, made you nervous beyond compare.
“Final touch, Miss.” Looking back at yourself, you watched as a tiara was taken from a velvet box and put atop your head, secured by pins before a beautiful lacy veil was put on top to complete the look.
“Oh, my daughter.” Your mother couldn’t contain herself and turned away, dabbing at her lashline with her handkerchief. Collecting herself quickly, she stepped into the room and let her hand ghost over the veil. “You are…magnificent.” She whispered, finally grasping your hand tightly.
“Thank you.” You couldn’t look away from yourself, everything was done so precisely. Your dress had more jewels and pearls than you’d seen in your life and you were afraid to touch it or even breathe too much in it; it felt as if you were a living work of art, one that must not be disturbed in any manner for any thing.
“Here Miss, to calm your nerves.” The head maid handed you a dainty glass cup filled with a dark liquid and the scent made your nose burn slightly.
“W-what is this?”
“Spiced brandy.”
“But I’m not nervous!”
“Oh trust me Miss, you will be.” She motioned for you to drink and you looked back down at the cup. It was small enough that you could drink it quickly and be done with it, so you steeled yourself and shot it back, almost retching before the maid slapped a hand over your mouth and got you to swallow it.
“O-oh my god.” You coughed, almost dropping the cup. “That was awful.”
“You’ll thank me later, promise.” She said, patting you on the back and then fixing your makeup. The alcohol worked quickly, making your body warm and a bit looser.
“They’re ready, ma’am.” Another maid announced from the doorway, signaling it was time to get going.
“Right this way.” Led out of the dressing room and down the hallway, the further you went the louder the chatter from all the guests became and the piano playing as background music was nearly drowned out by the buzz of excitement. Coming upon the grand hall, a maid rushed out of one of the doors and for a brief moment you saw just how many people - how many royal people - had attended.
“Thank you for that drink.” You swiftly turned to the head maid who nodded knowingly at you.
“Miss (Y/N) is ready.” She spoke to a footman instead who knocked on the large wooden doors in front of you three times, and through them you heard another gather the attention of the crowd.
As the doors opened, your mother and eldest brother went first and your hand gripped the arm your father had hooked into yours. Your whole life has led up to this moment, this exact time. This was what everyone wanted from you and you were providing as you should, but you couldn’t stop shaking.
“Father.” You turned to him before you stepped into the light from the doorway. “I-I’m nervous, what if I mess up?”
“My love.” He spoke kindly to you, softer than he ever had before. “You could fail a thousand times in a thousand ways and you would still be perfect.” Brushing over your veil, he took a deep breath himself. “Besides, you are not the only one that’s nervous.”
You chuckled breathlessly as he said that and then it was time to walk forward into the light of the venue, into what was fast becoming your new life. Swallowing thickly, you followed him as your father led you to stand in the doorway.
Walking down the aisle was something you’d spoken about, hell even practiced with your siblings and friends as a joke throughout the years, but doing the actual deed was much different. Your eyes roamed over all the guests standing at attention and drinking you in. There was no way to miss all their eyes on you and the way they followed as you walked down. No one said a word, no one dared even breathe too loud as you moved closer and closer to Sukuna.
Sukuna, who was dressed in the most formal attire you’d ever seen him in: a full dress royal military uniform complete with silky white gloves, an Order of the Garter sash, gold aiguillettes and a few medals you didn’t know the meaning of. His military hat was being held by a groomsman behind him and you dared to briefly look down and see his shoes were shined to perfection and he had a full dress sword with a golden tassel hanging from it.
The walk was over before you knew it and soon your father was unwinding his arm from yours to shake Sukunas hand. Giving you a brief kiss on the cheek, you heard him sniffle before he turned away and took his seat with your family.
Standing for a moment, Sukuna looked awestruck as he stared at you. His eyes were a tad wider than they usually were and for a second you thought you saw his eyes get glassy. Holding out his hand, Sukuna helped you up the three small steps onto the altar before letting go and standing at attention before the archbishop.
He wanted desperately to say something to you before the vows started, wanted to say how stunning you were and how happy he was to see you walk down the aisle. But none of that came to him; you had quite truly taken his breath away. So instead, he hyper-focused on the archbishop's words and made sure he said the right things at the right times.
After the last ‘I do’, Sukuna turned to you and lifted your veil almost too slowly, too carefully, as if he was afraid that with any wrong move you would shatter into thousands of pieces. Once he had lifted the veil and folded it away, he stared at you for what felt like ages before he forced air into his chest and leaned forward.
To your relief the kiss didn’t last too long, you weren’t sure how much longer you could take being stared at like this. Both of yours’ lips trembled upon touching and while he did put a little force behind it, Sukuna still made sure to be gentle.
“Shall we?” He whispered once he pulled away, offering his hand and motioning back down the aisle. You couldn’t find the words, so you just nodded your head and allowed him to lead you down. The sound of the guests cheering surprised you and you looked around at all who attended. There were royals from different countries that were here in their traditional dress, all of whom you’d only read about and never thought you’d ever see. All of your friends were there and half the ton, something that brought you great comfort. There was still a sense of familiarity in all of this.
Once the two of you had left the room, it was a mad dash with the servants to fix your makeup and get the two of you into the next room to start receiving guests. Going to the reception hall, you smiled at the inclusion of your favorite flowers and colors along with Sukunas Prussian blue.
Sitting down on an ornate chaise lounge, you thanked the servants that fluffed out your dress and settled your veil over the rest of the seat, letting the full length of it be on display. You weren’t sitting side by side with Sukuna, moreover he sat straight on whereas you were at a slight angle facing him with your dress brushing his knee every so often.
“You look…” He finally spoke, fixing his hat and gloves nervously.
“Yes?” You urged, trying to meet his eyes. It was unlike him to be coy like this.
“Absolutely breathtaking.” The words were a whisper on his lips and he glanced at you as he said them, eager to look back down at his gloved fingers.
“You’re serious?”
“Of course I am. You’re my wife.” Clearing his throat, Sukuna grabbed your hand and held it on his thigh. “Let them in!” He called to the footman and the doors were opened, with the first people ushered in being the Queen, followed by your family. Following Sukuna’s lead, you did not stand when she entered which had you twitching anxiously.
“To the happy new couple.” She said, giving a small clap. “I hope you enjoy the honeymoon I’ll provide to you.”
“Th-thank you, Your Majesty!” Your mouth dropped in shock, you forgot about the honeymoon. And with a honeymoon came consummating the marriage and you could feel your face begin to burn at the idea.
“(Y/N)!” All your siblings cried, rushing in once the Queen had made her exit. The younger ones leapt onto you while a sister right behind you in age ran her fingers over your veil. There was so much they were saying, how beautiful you looked and how ready they were for cake and it had you tearing up.
“Why are you crying?” Your mother asked, immediately grabbing a handkerchief to stem your tears.
“I-I’m going to miss you all, so so much!” Releasing Sukuna’s hand, you allowed your mother to clutch both of them.
“Listen to me, (Y/N)! You’ll see us again! It’s not as if you’re going on some great journey for five years, it’s just to the neighboring kingdom! Why, we can even come visit you if you’d like!” With your mother comforting you like a child, it was up to Sukuna to entertain your siblings and he was not prepared for the ordeal.
“Be careful with that sword!” Somehow two younger brothers managed to begin to unsheathe his sword with the intention of playing with it.
“Your Highness, since you’re our new brother can I ask you something?”
“Why is your hair pink?”
“Everyone, please!” The look of exasperation quickly growing on Sukuna’s face pulled you out of your misery and a light laugh came out. “Let him rest, we have other guests to greet.”
“Yes, say goodbye to your sister and let us go out to the garden.”
“Bye!” Nearly smothered in a thousand hugs, they all eventually left. Before the next guests were brought in, a maid touched up your makeup at your mothers request.
“You’ll see them again, I promise.” Sukuna said, fixing his coat and a medal that had gone askew. “After our honeymoon we can bring them to the country estate.” Looking at Sukuna’s face you could tell he meant it and that made you smile.
“Thank you.”
As guest after guest came through, your knowledge of politics was put to the test. There was the Emperor Satoru Gojo who you knew Sukuna had a sometimes-not-so-friendly rivalry with. Archduke Nanami Kento whose people were renowned for their knowledge of cooking. King Getou Suguru hailed from a mountainous region with a high monkey population. All of them were kind to you, wishing you well and offering to host you in their country should you ever want to visit.
“Stay still.” Sukuna said abruptly as the next guests came in. The mood immediately shifted upon their entrance and you felt the air leave the room as a group of three filed in. They were clearly aristocrats or royalty Sukuna knew with the way he jumped up out of his seat.
“Your Highness!” There was one in the front who was clearly the leader, his yellow blonde hair contrasted with its dark tips. He had a few black metal piercings on each ear and the way he spoke made you bristle. “What a beautiful wedding!” Walking further into the room, the man locked eyes with you. “And an even more gorgeous wife.”
“Do not speak to her.” Sukuna stepped into his line of sight, effectively cutting you off. Looking at the rest of the group, there was a horrendously scarred woman staring at the floor and a man with inky black hair and a scar at the edge of his mouth. “What business do you have here?”
“Relax, we’re just here to pay our respects!” The blonde man began to waltz around the room with his arms open. “Why, a wedding truly has a way of bringing people together, does it not?” Returning to his previous position in the room, the man motioned to you. “Now, will you introduce us or do we have to do it ourselves?”
“You will not speak to her, you will not look at her.” Sukuna was irate, you could see it in the way his body had puffed up and his hand hovered near the hilt of his sword.
“Nonsense!” The man dared to take a step further and Sukuna gripped his sword, causing the woman to go into motion and move the cape she’d been wearing to the side, revealing a jagged looking blade tucked against her. You heard a few maids stifle terrified noises and you moved without thinking.
“M-my name is (Y/N)!” You shot up out of your seat, making everyone turn to you. The look in Sukuna’s eyes as he turned was white hot and scalding, forcing you to look away. “Her Highness, Crown Princess Ryomen (Y/N).” It was hard to say the entirety of your new title without stuttering but somehow you managed.
“What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman!” Sidestepping Sukuna, the blonde man held out his hand for you and you followed suit, playing whatever game he wanted and resting your hand in his, letting him kiss the back of it. “I am Tsar Zenin, Naoya Zenin.”
Your brow furrowed as you thought back to your schooling. There had been no mention of a Naoya Zenin anywhere in your books or in the newspapers and bulletins your father read. The Zenin family name was vague to you at best; but there was no time to dwell on it further as Naoya flicked his head and the man with the scarred lip came forward and pulled out a wooden box.
“Your Highness, allow me to give you a gift!” The top of the wooden box was removed with flair and inside was a thick suede headband, adorned with large circular diamonds forming a floral pattern with a few other colored gems dotting the empty spaces. There was also a pair of matching earrings that looked much too big for your ears.
“What do you think?” Naoya asked quietly.
“It’s- they’re very beautiful, thank you.” His expression was making you uncomfortable and you glanced at Sukuna. He had gone completely still as he watched the scene unfold before him.
“I hope to see you wearing them when you visit my country. Many women wear this style and I think it would suit you.”
“She will do no such thing.” Sukunas voice broke the buzzing tension in the air, ripping Naoya away from you and scoffing at the gift he gave. “I would never have my wife go anywhere near a country where a prince kills his whole family just to be in power.”
You gasped, nearly stumbling back at the news. Naoya’s eyes flicked to you and his smile faltered; he didn’t want you to know that part about him and moreover if you did come to know, he wanted to be the one to tell you and control the narrative you heard.
“Princess, don-”
“Do not speak to her!” Sukuna grabbed Naoya roughly by the collar and they locked eyes. Naoyas lackeys stood poised and ready should a fight break out but Naoya seemed perfectly content with the situation.
“I see the groom has had enough of us. We shall take our leave.” Raising his hands in surrender, Naoya slowly backed away with a cocky grin on his face. Turning to you, he put a hand on his chest and bowed. “Princess, I hope we meet again soon. I wish to bask in your beauty even longer next time.” With no other words, Naoya and his group left the way they came, making sure to leave the wooden box on a credenza by the door.
As soon as they left, Sukuna was in front of you, inspecting you with his eyes. His body was still painfully tense and you could see the way his teeth ground together every so often.
“Are you mad at me?” You were afraid he would start yelling at you at any moment, reprimand you for speaking to Naoya and not letting him handle the situation. Sukuna didn’t react to your question, instead picking up the hand that Naoya touched and wiping it off on his jacket.
“How are you?” He asked instead.
“I’m fine. I apologize for-”
“No. Stop.” Shaking his head, Sukuna bit back a sigh. “I am not mad at you. I am mad at myself for not expecting that a potential enemy to the kingdom would use this day as an opportunity to try and do something. I…I’m mad that I failed to protect you.” Sukuna shook his head again and looked down at the medals on his jacket. “I’m a godforsaken general afterall.”
After taking a moment to collect yourselves, you received the rest of your guests in quick succession. Seeing your friends helped push your shaken nerves away and so was seeing the rest of the ton. With the reception over, you moved into the main hall to continue the festivities.
“Excuse me.” Once inside, Sukuna made a beeline for a table occupied by a few of the royalty you had met with. They were sharing a few bottles of champagne and Sukuna popped one open and wasted no time drinking almost half of it.
As the wedding went on you were able to forget about Naoya and the seriousness of the situation. You danced with friends and family and even some members of the ton that had been jealous or disapproving of you getting to marry the prince. Everyone was in high spirits and it made you happy to be able to bring everyone together.
With the evening coming to a close, you realized you and Sukuna had hardly seen each other. You saw him dance with a few people, even the Queen, but for the most part he was drinking with his friends and playing yard games. Whenever you caught his eye he would wave, each time getting drunker and drunker.
“Your Highness, I know you’re to start your honeymoon right away as Prince Sukuna requested but he’s in no shape to travel tonight.” A footman gave you the information with a sorry look on his face and you understood why; Sukuna had drank so much he had to retreat from the party early to throw up. Emperor Gojo and King Getou were in no better shape passed out on the lawn and Archduke Nanami was nursing his last drink with a bright flush on his cheeks.
“I understand. Please, see to it that he cleans up and rests for tonight and I will see our guests off.” You pitied the valet’s that would have to wrestle Sukuna into a bathtub. Turning back to the party, it wouldn’t be so bad to finish it alone as a few guests had already taken their leave.
“A shame about your new husband, my dear.” The Queen came to stand at your side, making your back immediately straighten.
“Yes, it is.”
“He told me what happened. With the Tsar.” She spoke quietly, bringing her fan to the front of her face. “Tell me, what do you think of the whole matter?”
“I…” Truth be told, you tried not to think about it. “I do not think we should rush into responding to this…intrusion. I feel as though Naoya is just playing, he wanted to test the Prince's patience; see how far he could go.”
“I agree. The Zenin family has had a bloody climb to power but I know they wouldn’t be stupid enough to rush into any conflict just yet. Their country is on shaky ground as it is, Naoya must secure his right to the throne before he looks elsewhere.” The Queen's words were reassuring and enough to give you peace of mind. She always knew what to say, so confident in her words and actions; you hoped to emulate her one day when Sukuna took the throne.
“My diamond, let’s give your guests a proper farewell. Your honeymoon awaits you.” Putting her fan away, the Queen gently grabbed your hand and squeezed.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
173 notes · View notes
maplesyrupsainz · 7 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙loyal!! | CL16˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: charles leclerc x sports commentator!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au
warnings: none just fluff
summary: in which a certain someone tries his hardest to convert you to his team !!!
a/n: i barely know what a commentator does Tbh srry if thts problematic anyways enjoy 😃
request!!!: charles leclerc x sports commentator reader
fc: jules leblanc
my masterlist
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instagram ->
yourusername📍 bahrain
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liked by yoursister, yourbff, and 118,273 others
yourusername gp weekend!!! my first time covering f1 & had sm fun can't wait for the rest of the season :)))!!
view all 3,183 comments
user1 who is she
user2 a sports commentator
user3 ur so cool y/n what's ur favourite team in f1!!
yourusername 🫶🫶 im a mercedes girl :))
user4 SO REAL
user5 love to see more girlies on the paddock
yourbff go offffffff!! so proud
liked by yourusername
mercedesamgf1 🫶
yourusername 🙈🙈🙈
yourusername posted a story
Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, mercedesamgf1, and 77,018 others
user6 ahhhhh cant wait to see u this weekend
user7 new favvv
charles_leclerc sorry i missed you last week y/n, hope to meet you this weekend
yourusername oh for sure this time!!
yourusername 📍 jeddah
Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, and 204,321 others
yourusername my life is so fun!!
tagged: mercedesamgf1, charles_leclerc
view all 8,274 comments
user9 omg hi charles???
user10 merc girlieeee
charles_leclerc so nice to finally meet you y/n!
yourusername you too!!! had a great weekend!
user11 omg cuteee
user12 love seeing her become friends with drivers lol
user13 she's so beautiful omg
mercedesamgf1 thanks for visiting us!
yourusername omg thank you so much for the invite and the merch too im starstruck fr
user14 she's just like us
user15 charles is so yum
liked by yourusername
user16 not y/n liking this comment 💀💀💀
charles_leclerc posted a story
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liked by yourbff, maxverstappen1, and 398,614 others
mercedesamgf1 back off leclerc she's ours
charles_leclerc we'll see about that
mercedesamgf1 😡😡
user17 OMG HELLO??
user18 looks suspiciously like a date
user19 yoohoooo
user20 what's going on here
messages ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, and 131,839 others
mercedesamgf1 🫶🫶
liked by yourusername
user21 obsessed
charles_leclerc boooooo 🍅🍅🍅🍅
yourusername im not sorry mr ferrari
charles_leclerc does our friendship mean nothing to you 💔
yourusername sooo dramatic!
charles_leclerc 📍 suzuka
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, and 883,417 others
charles_leclerc some non race related adventures in japan 🇯🇵
tagged: pierregasly, yourusername
view all 14,273 comments
user23 omg y/n hellooo???
user24 posting each other on the grid how sus
user25 are they dating LOL
user26 surely not just hard launching immediately they met like a month ago ...
user27 she's everywhere
pierregasly glad to make it on the grid post 🫡
charles_leclerc because i look good in the picture
pierregasly oh.
user28 LOLLL
yourusername so fun!!! 😝
liked by charles_leclerc
user29 she calls everything fun
user30 she's rizzless 😔
yourusername 📍 shanghai
Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff, and 294,617 others
yourusername your fav merc girlies
tagged: yourbff
view all 12,193 comments
user31 she's so hot
user32 i'd do anything for her
user33 she's literally iconic
yourbff HOT HOT HOT 🥵
yourusername ur influence tbh i need to take u everywhere with me from now on
yourbff real. i am free everyday from now on
mercedesamgf1 we are here once again 🙏
yourusername WE LOVE UUU
yourbff fr we do
mercedesamgf1 blushing right now... 🥰
charles_leclerc take that hat off
yourusername never
charles_leclerc i sent you something much better
yourusername im not going to wear ferrari merch charles we've been over this!!
twitter ->
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instagram ->
f1wagupdates 📍 miami
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liked by yourbff, user34, user3, and 89,174 others
f1wagupdates starting off the grand prix weekend in miami with a sighting of charles leclerc with a mystery brunette 👀 thoughts?
view all 8,266 comments
user40 IT HAS TO BE Y/N
user41 y/bff/n liked omg
user42 who is that
user41 y/n's best friend!!
user43 omg charles and y/n this is NOT A DRILL
user44 NO WAY
user45 that is y/n. i've never been so sure of anything in my life
user46 our ferrari convert 😛
f1gossip 📍 emilia-romagna
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liked by user40, user12, yourbff, and 104,418 others
f1gossip charles leclerc once again spotted looking cosy with a brunette girl, this time in italy. could this be y/n y/l/n?
view all 11,061 comments
user47 AGAIN
user48 why has it been crickets since miami 😭😭😭😭😭
user49 i need confirmation
user50 obsessed with y/bff/n liking all the posts about them
user51 they're doing all this in public but wont even post on instagram
user52 waiting for y/n to post selfies in ferrari merch
user53 no way that girl is mercedes thru & thru!!
user54 real
yourusername posted a story
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liked by mercedesamgf1, georgerussell63, and 301,283 others
user55 that's our merc girl
mercedesamgf1 we knew you would always find your way back to us
yourusername i never left 😘
user56 loyal queen
charles_leclerc & here i was, thinking i made a ferrari fan out of you
yourusername maybe you should move to mercedes
charles_leclerc why would you joke about such things?!
lewishamilton our girl
liked by yourusername
georgerussell63 i bet charles is so jealous right now
yourusername he's mad because i told him to switch teams
georgerussell63 🫣🫣🫣
charles_leclerc posted a story
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 683,912 others
user57 this is a confirmation in my eyes
user58 this is not a "just friends" type of post
user59 in monaco with her🥹🥹🥹
user60 she doesn't even know she's mrs ferrari now
yourbff wtf she's beautiful
charles_leclerc you're telling me
yourusername 📍 monaco
Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, georgerussell63, and 532,718 others
yourusername 🌹
tagged: yourbff, charles_leclerc
view all 12,328 comments
user62 THE ROSE
user63 omg she even drives a mercedes
user64 a regular ass commentator friends w drivers or not would NOT be posting this type of thing unless she was DATING CHARLES LECLERC!!!
yourbff beautiful
yourusername ❤️
charles_leclerc ferrari red 🏎️❤️
yourusername 🤔 i'll let you have this one
charles_leclerc i won!!!
yourbff mercedes 1238 - 1 ferrari
mercedesamgf1 😛😛😛
user65 i think it's obvious guys
yourbff posted a story
Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, and 55,203 others
charles_leclerc that's my girl 😂
yourbff expose her
charles_leclerc 👀
yourbff you expose yourself!!!
mercedesamgf1 oh???
yourbff dont worry about it!
user66 is that our merc girlie y/n ?!?!!
Tumblr media
liked by yourbff, scuderiaferrari, and 891,374 others
charles_leclerc my favourite ferrari fan ❤️
tagged: yourusername
view all 18,294 comments
user67 LOL no way
user68 she's just a girl ok she couldn't resist forever !!!
mercedesamgf1 no way...
yourusername i still love you guys i swear
georgerussell63 i gasped out loud
yourusername NO PLEASE LOOK AWAY
lewishamilton wow
yourusername IM SORRY
user69 poor y/n fighting for her life in the comments
scuderiaferrari she looks good in red 🌹
liked by charles_leclerc, yourusername
yourusername you're finished!!!!!
charles_leclerc yea yea sure, see you at home
user70 HOME!? 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
2K notes · View notes
yourmomxx · 10 months
➵ angels talking - social media au | ln4 (2)
❥ pairing - lando norris x fem!singer!reader
❥ plot - the aftermath of you announcing your new relationship
❥ warnings - none
❥ a/n: as always, the pictures are taken off pinterest and therefore do not have any consisency regarding the reader’s looks (as it is a self-insert and the photographs merely are for visualization)
part i | part ii - the number four
masterlist | requests
⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
♔꙳⋆ instagram ꙳⋆
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liked by maxverstappen, parishilton and others
landonorris golden days with my golden girl
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bella.ltn screaming crying throwing up they’re so cute
paddockgirl not lando being a simp on main
↳ landonorris1 @/paddockgirl he’s just like us fr
carlossainz finally official🙏
↳ f1updates @/carlossainz oh hi carlos
kellypiquet tu ferais mieux de la garder @/landonorris
sebastianvettel real happy for you mate
↳ 33maxverstappen @/sebastianvettel we miss you on the grid
realobama her confused face in the second picture she’s just like me fr
hotchswife at first i didn’t know what to think of this but now i just think it’s amazing
suziesalmon new WAG alert
mollym the internet is going to eat this up
coconutananas NOOOO LANDOO
ynforreal guys we lost yn in the world of single ladies😔✊
↳ lanadelslay @/ynforreal i don’t know how to stay strong in this time of grief
↳ alexalbon @/lilymhe ???
alexalbon you just had to start dating my girlfriend’s favorite singer mate didn’t you?
lilyzneimer wishing you guys all the best
alexandrasaintmleux ♥️♥️
↳ lanadelslay @/alexandrasaintmleux ALEX HIII
ao3chick love how all the driver’s girlfriends are commenting like moms signing cards in the name of their kids
danielricciardo congrats!!!
↳ landonorris @/danielricciardo i saw your comment on her post
↳ danielricciardo @/landonorris what comment on whose post? i don’t even speak english🦡
lastlaplando not them being cute
julie.ss highway looking real cozy right now🤭
f1n1fan seb being the proud mom i love him🫶
♔꙳⋆ twitter ꙳⋆
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♔꙳⋆ instagram ꙳⋆
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liked by landonorris, oliviarodrigo and others
yourusername excited to tell you that my new song ‘444’ is available to listen to now on all music streaming platforms! oh, and also that my new album will be released november 22nd😘save the date
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itsbrutalouthere not her telling us about a new album TWO WEEKS before it comes out
sabrinacarpenter song is so amazing babe
papayagirl someone please call taylor swift and get that girl some marketing help😭
lukehemmings 🔥🔥
oliviarodrigo LOVE IT
iknewyouweretrouble I just listened to the song and i am deceased
ynisbabe 444? EXCUSE ME THE MATH
hannahmountana this song is so hot i can’t -
jessicag you did so well with this!!
amslerin please come to la on the next tour i wanna see you live so bad😩😩
ynlnn the background music? the vocals?? i can’t anymore
tswizzle 444 the math is so beautiful on this one
kellykiwi the mv awakened something in me
urnamehere i love this song so much
hamiltonh 444? a fourth album? lando the number four?? BESTIE
therealyn queen of manifesting fr
ferrarisupreme “444 you saved my life i really got these angels by my side” lando norris the man👏 that👏you👏 are👏
tangledinu NEW ALBUM YES
midnightprentiss already presaved i’m so excited
ameliadahlia why is everyone talking about math here?? someone explain i’m so lost😭
↳ sabrinajenga @/ameliadahlia @/girlsplainingcelebrities made a post explaining it all, i’ll tag you🫶
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liked by papayagirl, sarahprg and others
girlsplainingcelebrities another day, another girlsplain! today, what the number four means to our favorite popstar girly, yn yln!!🩷
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boxnexx not to mention that the new album she’s releasing will be her fourth!!! so excited what she has planned for us
zeeema the whole thing with her and lando is so cute
emilyx i always look forward to your posts☺️🙏
sabrinajenga @/amiadahlia
herbsherm whoever runs this account, you have saved my ass so many times, hope your pillow is cold on both sides
leaglb whether you believe in angel numbers or not, these would be a whole of a lot coincidences
formeformulas when i heard "every time i see 444 it means no more i know for sure" i was FREAKING
cheesestrings ALSO not to mention her album comes out on november 22ND - 2+2=?
tswizzle she’s so smart i love her
ynisbabe when my teachers told me i would need maths outside of school they actually meant this
carlaarcher can we please all agree that 444 is about her relationship with arthur and that it was basically lando who made her realize he wasn’t good enough?
↳ paddockgirl @/carlaarcher GURL FR no way those two didn’t have something going on
↳ leclercsgirl @/paddockgirl besides, the media didn’t see her with any other guy during that time the song is probably set, so it CAN only be arthur
↳ itsellie @/leclersgirl would explain their radio silence with each other as well
↳ bella.ltn @/itsellie tbh if my boyfriend practically stopped posting me on his social media or acknowledging my existence the moment we got more serious i would dump that man too
vanityfair and yourusername
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liked by tswizzle, papayagirl and others
vanityfair Singer-Songwriter YN YLN talks Split from Rumoured Childhood Romance Arthur Leclerc, Release of New Song and Announcement of Fourth Album, and Relationship with Formula 1-Driver Lando Norris
Click on the Link in the Bio to watch the entire Interview
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coconutananas that caption is longer than my life span😭
mollym girl was busy the past few weeks
ylnwife i am so in love with everything this woman has been doing for the past few months, this is amazing
factorfic just watched it and it is so amazing!! love how her and lando have the same sass, they fit perfectly tbh
charthurleclerc the day we find out what really happened between her and arthur leclerc will be the day i can finally rest
itsbrutalouthere "I'm a ferrari girl" -YN YLN, girlfriend of MCLAREN DRIVER Lando Norris, 2023
↳ landonorris1 @/itsbrutalouthere loved her for this
↳ bimess @/itsbrutalouthere PLS the way she was like "I love my boyfriend but everytime a ferrari is on pole I risk a breakup" she's so real
ynisbabe she looks so good here hello???
emilyzkn can’t wait for the albummmmm oh my god
jilledits i swear to god if she spills more tea about arthur i will be FERAL
wanderwall now all we need is someone interviewing lando about her and my life will be complete
jawdropforkpop i’m already so excited for her new album, i can’t even
peppyi her new song was so good, can’t wait for the album!!
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staytiny-dreams · 4 months
dating streamer! beomgyu (c.bg x reader)
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pairing: choi beomgyu x gn! reader
genre: streamer! au, fluff, tiny bit of angst but not really
warnings: some parts focus on covid-19 pandemic if that's a trigger for you, i think that's all but lemme know if you think i missed anything
wc: 3.4k
note: so tired at 3am i accidentally hit the post button when it wasn't ready so if you've already seen this, no you haven't. i'm unsure how it turned out so let me know, i've also never formatted it like this before so any feedback on that lemme know too, and... look forward to the other members versions <33
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squeals leave beomgyu as the tension rises, the anticipation of the jumpscare he knows is coming getting the better of him
the chat speeds by
“i thought you were supposed to be good at horror games”
“what happened to beomgyu has no fear”
“we told you you should play fnaf beomie!”
“took you this long to play fnaf?”
beomgyu whines at all the ‘i told you so’ comments
“come on guyssss im so late to this how am i supposed to know you’d be interest-” he cuts himself off with a guttural scream as freddy finally makes his long awaited appearance
seeing the bamtoris laughing at him in the comments he pouts at them
“chat you distracted me okay, i let my guard down because of you!”
his pc pings with a notification and the text to speech reads out “themarcotoyourpolo says ‘HAH you are such a liar beom you would’ve screamed either way’”
when beomgyu was seventeen, he spent his time like every other teenage boy did
playing video games
but sometimes his best friend would come over and he’d pull himself away for a few hours
only to sit with you and watch streamers play other games
honestly you didn't mind when beomgyu played games when you were over
he was entertaining to watch
really entertaining actually
“hey gyu, don't you think you’d be a good streamer?” you suggested one day jokingly.
you both giggled at the little game of ‘yes and’ that followed, planning out an entire future together where beomgyu was rich and famous, and you lived in a mansion together that was just a haven for video games and your friends, but after your little tangent, the thought was dismissed as quickly as it came.
or so you had thought.
a week later, sitting across from each other at the cheapest your favourite restaurant in town, beomgyu brought it back up again.
“do you really think i’d make a good streamer?”
“why are you actually thinking about it?” you snorted, taking a sip of your water thinking he was joking again, but when beomgyu didn't say anything you tilted your head up at him.
“oh shit are you actually thinking about it?” beomgyu gave a noncommittal shrug and picked at his food, staring down at his plate. he refused to look at you until you knocked the table in front of his plate lightly.
“beomie,” you started as he stared at you with wide eyes, “i could watch you play for hours.” you don't think you could ever forget the way his smile took over his face at your words.
and that led to the next few months spent with you and beomgyu on call for hours a day
playing mostly minecraft together although occasionally he’d branch out to other games
you hit all his milestones together
he still remembers the day you first got a double digit view count
excitement flooded through the both of you as the kind soul who raided you spams your comment section
the same day, beomgyu also hit ten followers, prompting you two to make his discord server
whenever you were too busy to join him on stream beomgyu would whine and complain like his life depended on it
more often than not he’d actually end up cancelling the stream for that day
one day you didn't feel well but you decided to sit on call with beomgyu while he streams so that he wouldn't cancel
beomgyu chattered on as he normally does, yelling about how, “beomgyu never dies,” but he noticed that today you were not reciprocating that same energy.
in fact you had been so quiet that he wasn't even sure you were still alive on the other side.
“(y/n)ie are you alive over there? (y/n)? marco?” he asked and ever so faintly he heard a weak ‘polo’ sound throughout his headphones.
“one moment, chat,” he said to his 20 something viewers before deafening on discord and muting his mic.
he wriggled his phone out from where it hid in his pocket, opened your contact and called you. it dialled almost four times before you picked up.
“i’m so sorry, beomie i fell asleep. i really didn't mean to but i-” he cut you off before you could go on.
“are you okay (y/n)ie?”
“to be honest beom, i don't feel very well i-” cutting you off again, beomgyu announced that he would be coming over to cure you before promptly hanging up and ending stream leaving both you and his chatters confused.
turns out, curing you meant bringing you his mothers soup and watching youtube in bed with you until you fell asleep. your burning forehead left patches of sweat on his chest, but he couldn't find it in him to care.
from then on you had a system in place where you would check if the other was still there by calling out “marco”
and if the other person was okay they’d call back “polo”
sometimes you regretted this system on days beomgyu decided you were too quiet and abused the marco-polo system by continually calling out marco like a broken record
a little while after beomgyu turned eighteen, the pandemic started and so followed lockdown
it was a really hard time for beomgyu
you were supposed to be starting college together that year, along with your close friends from high school soobin and taehyun
but now all classes were online and he wasn't allowed to see any of his friends
going from seeing you everyday to never took a toll on beomgyu that he didn't expect
he just hated knowing you were only a few streets away and he couldn't just walk over to you whenever he felt like it
beomie :>: are you looking at the moon rn and wondering if i’m also looking at the moon rn?
ynnie <3: beom we called for six hours today
beomie :>: i know right, i miss you too :((
ynnie <3: omg fine get back on disc lets watch a movie
but with his ray of sunshine by his side, he eventually found his footing in this apocalypse
a lot of his time was spent on call with you
working on your respective assignments
watching your online lectures on 2x speed
any other free time was spent streaming
since everyone was stuck at home, due to his frequent streaming schedule
and infectious energy
beomgyu’s audience quickly grew
going from 1000 followers when lockdown had started to hitting 3000 followers within a few months
taking your advice, he also became more active on his other social medias
even posting clips of his streams on tiktok
a few of which went viral causing his channel to grow substantially again
he also started a youtube channel for those shorter games
or ideas that required more editing to execute than a stream would allow
one day, while checking his twitter dms his eyes almost fell out of his skull
he dialled you immediately
“(y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n) (y/n)!”
you took a deep breath in, prepared to repeat his name back to him in the same tone, but you didn't get the chance.
“do not copy me, we do not have time for that, this is a code blue, (y/n), code blue!”
“what on earth is a code blue?”
“big creator dmed me (y/n), come on, we’ve discussed this!”
“we’ve never discussed a code system in our entire life.”
“what that is such a lie, you just never listen to a word i say!”
“well sorry beomgyu if you talk so much nonsense that it's hard to keep up,”
“nonsense? you take that back!” he screeched, but you could only giggle at him.
“i will literally never do that. come on gyu, what’s the code blue?”
“oh, yeah! j-hope messaged me (y/n). he asked if i wanted to join his friends' discord and play among us with them.” you squealed for him, excitement rushing through you.
“oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! beomgyu, what did you say?” suddenly beomgyu felt sheepish, realising he’d just been sitting there with the message open, too busy bickering with you to have responded.
“oh um… well, nothing yet i called you first…” now this time you screeched.
“you left 20 million youtube subscribers, 1.5 million twitch followers jung ho-seok on seen? beomgyu!” you scolded. beomgyu didn't know whether to be afraid or laugh, but his endearment got the better of him and he burst into giggles at your tone.
“don't laugh at me mister, text him back right now and tell him you’d be honoured to play with them!” and as he began to type out a reply to his senior, all beomgyu could think about was how he couldn't wait to have you in his arms again.
joining such big creators in playing among us put beomgyu in contact with even more big creators and had his channel blowing up
he met many new friends including someone who would become one of his closest friends
huening kai
as covid restrictions were eased and tightened again, beomgyu made sure to see you any time he could
but due to social distancing laws, he wasn't able to tackle you in his affection the way he wished
at the end of 2020 the second wave of covid set in
your anxious mother decided that you were not allowed to leave the house until the pandemic was over
beomgyu struggled with this news
his weekly outings walking six feet away from you - but still with you - were helping him hold on to his ray of sunshine
but with your assurance that you'd spend even more time on call with him and watch all his streams, he was able to keep his mood-maker demeanour in front of his fans
“so what are your plans for valentine’s day, (y/n)?” beomgyu asked, already knowing your answer.
with february 14th approaching, beomgyu was kicking himself for not having said anything sooner because your mother still wasn't letting you out of the house and beomgyu wanted to say what he had to say in person
“what do you mean gyu? you know i’ll still be stuck at home.”
“hm… well, maybe we could do a minecraft date, like a valentine's day special.” he suggested tentatively.
“like for your stream?” you asked and he shrugged.
“we don't have to stream.”
“but beom, aren't our friends all having dinner at soobin’s that day? don't you want to join them?” you reminded him and he simply shrugged again.
“don’t want to leave you all alone on valentines day (y/n)ie.” your face felt hot. you loved your mother to pieces, but sometimes her self imposed covid restrictions really got on your nerves.
and then march came, and for the first time in twelve years you feared you wouldn't be able to spend beomgyu’s birthday with him
“mum please, i’ll do anything,” you begged, “legally four people are allowed at an indoor private gathering.”
“and what if someone there has covid (y/n)? you have asthma it could really affect you!”
“it’s only going to be gyu, soobin and taehyun. you know all of them, you trust them! plus we’re all going to test before we go!”
“and what about transport, (y/n), what if you catch it on the bus?”
“i’ll take a taxi.”
“and what if the taxi driver has it? or what if you get in the car with a bad driver or a kidnapper?”
“mum! where is all this coming from? please. it’s beomgyu’s birthday, i can't miss beomgyu’s birthday. i swear i will never ask to go out again. just please let me go see him tomorrow.” tears welled up in your eyes. you hated fighting with your mother, but you couldn't let beomgyu down like that.
but the fight was all worth it when you knocked on soobin’s door the next night and beomgyu opened it.
he pulled you inside and slammed the door shut before squeezing you tight to his chest.
“you're here?” he asked, voice muffled as it was buried in your shoulder.
“happy birthday beom,” you smiled, arms tight around his stomach.
he pulled away from your hug and before you could joke about how your mother would never let you see the light of day again, beomgyu pulled down your mask and pressed his lips to yours.
two seconds passed where you stood still, wide eyed in shock before you registered what was happening and jumped into action.
one of his hands still held your mask, and the other came down to your cheek which you’re sure must’ve been burning him from how hot your face felt. you followed his lead, grabbing his shoulder with one hand and pushing your other through the hair at the bottom of his neck.
too soon, beomgyu pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
“i’m sorry (y/n). i wanted to wait, until after lockdown, i wanted to talk to you first but i saw you and i just-”
“i love you beomgyu.” you cut off his rambling and he let out a flustered laugh.
“i love you too (y/n), i love you so much.”
due to covid still ongoing and your mother’s strict rules, you and beomgyu decided to take things slow after that night
there were no more meetings in person as you kept your promise to your mother
nothing much in your relationship with beomgyu changed due to your agreement to take things slow
he flirted a little here and there but there were no new pet names or anything of the sort
beomgyu continued to focus his energy on streaming and you continued to focus on your studies
beomgyu’s streams always providing the perfect background noise
but don't tell him that you don't devote a thousand percent of your attention to him at all times
luckily as 2022 approached, your mother began to let beomgyu visit your home provided he wore a mask in common places and if he had any symptoms he did not come over
and in april 2022 most legal restrictions were lifted
with your second booster vaccination, your mother lifted your house arrest
it had been over a year since you confessed your feelings to each other and your 20th birthday approached
you both had a big discussion about giving your relationship a real try
beomgyu now had almost half a million followers on twitch
after grinding for two years, he now had a rather large fan base
you expressed that you were a bit worried about having your relationship public to them
beomgyu didn't quite understand your concern as you had been participating in his streams and been a prevalent figure on his social media since the beginning
however, respecting your wishes, you both worked to keep the romantic nature of your relationship between yourselves and your close friends.
while beomgyu seemed to have found his schtick after 3 years of streaming
playing horror games on stream and co-op games with you for his youtube channel
and the occasional vlog
the friends he had made playing among us, huening kai, ho-seok and jungkook had begged him to join a minecraft server and stream with them
so with your encouragement
and his conditions that his partner and best friends also join the server
beomgyu joined the bighit smp started by kim namjoon
it was only a few months after you officially started dating
just before his 21st birthday and both of your fourth and final years in college
when beomgyu came to you with his proposition
“move in together?”
“is it too soon? i know we've only technically been dating a few months, but-” you cut beomgyu off with a hand on his mouth.
he stared at you wide eyed for a split second before his expression changed. luckily, you recognised the suspicious sparkle in his eye and removed your hand from his face before he could lick it, leaving him pouting at you.
“don’t look at me like that,” you giggled but his pout only deepened and he reached over to grab the hand that was previously on his face.
“so? what do you think? you wanna live with me?”
“hmm… i think…”
“(y/n)…” he whined, dragging out your name.
“i think we’ll need to find a place with an extra bedroom, so you can stream in there and not in our room.”
living with a horror streamer
most days of the week it's fun
a substantial income
your boyfriend’s always home
your boyfriend is practically fearless… in theory
okay maybe he’s only fearless when it’s fictional media
even a little bit of clout, not that it matters to you
as you always have, you tend to join beomgyu and your other friends when they play minecraft in the bighit smp
as well as being in all of beomgyu’s vlogs
since you moved in together, you decided it was best to come clean to bamtoris (his fans) about your relationship
they were very supportive
due to your presence in his channel from the beginning, there were some long time shippers who were more than pleased to hear this news
and maybe a little cocky, plastering ‘i told you’ so posts all over their socials
yes, the beomy/n truthers were very pleased
of course there were those who were convinced he was dating other streamers
or those who shipped him with his other friends, soobin and taehyun
and just general psychos who simply hated you because he wasn't dating them
nevertheless you both saw the relationship reveal as a success
so sometimes you go and sit with beomgyu while he streams, just as you used to sit on call with him
but this particular wednesday night was a tough one
you’d been up late the night before working on your final project for college
then worked from 7 to 5 even though you were originally rostered for only 7 to 12
your head was pounding
and tonight, despite the soundproofing you had installed on the walls of the office
his shouts still reached your tired ears and made your head ache
you tossed and turned for a while, not wanting to ask beomgyu to quiet down as he was clearly having fun
but, after an hour of not being able to sleep you decided you were being stupid
beomgyu would never be upset with you for not feeling well
so you rolled out of bed, padded over to his door and knocked lightly, then cracked the door open
the light from the hall spilled into the room and caused beomgyu to look over at you with a smile
his hair was fluffy and his face was lit up by his screen and his purple leds and he just looked so soft
and before you could say anything, your face crumpled
and a few tears slipped down your cheeks
immediately muting his mic, beomgyu threw his headphones off and ran over to you at the door.
“baby, what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling you into his arms and you laughed at yourself.
“sorry, this is so stupid, i dont even know why im crying.” you mumble into his chest.
that night beomgyu ended his stream early and laid in bed with his arms wrapped tightly around you, whispering how much he loves you
and how whenever you wanted him to be quiet or even end stream he’d do it in a heartbeat
but, if you're not sick, busy or streaming with beomgyu, you're still watching his streams
and sending silly comments
you are simultaneously his favourite and least favourite chatter
your comments always make him laugh but are often at his expense
“themarcotoyourpolo says ‘poor baby, so scared of a big teddy bear’”
“you know what (y/n), get your ass in here, we'll put the headphones on you and see how confident you are then!”
but knowing you're in his chat has always given him comfort
and made him a smidge happier to be there
if beomgyu ever had zero viewers it'd be because you died and he knew that
even then if you ever wanted him to turn his computer off and hang out with you, he’d come running
at the end of the day, whether beomgyu’s screaming at his computer screen or peacefully cooking dinner with you, he is the love of your life and you wouldnt change a thing
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