#MoS Icons Arc
minecraftbookshelf · 7 months
In the Age of Icons: Mistakes Are Made
Chapter One: The Day Of
A Marriage of State AU Fic
[AU Masterpost (includes the AO3 link)]
Characters: Jimmy Solidarity, Xornoth, Katherine Elizabeth, Mythical J Sausage
Relationships (for the AU as a whole): Eventual (very slow burn) Flower Husbands, (established) Shadowbeans/Jizzie, (obnoxiously new) Jornoth, Eventual (very far future) Nature Wives
Wordcount: 4214
Rating On AO3: This particular fic is rated T, future installments in the AU may go all the way up to E for graphic violence but most will be between T & M
Chapter POV: Jimmy Solidarity & Xornoth
The Codfather weaves his fingertips together so that the slight webbing between his fingers touches. It's the first time in a while he's had both hands away from his shoulder, where at least one has been hovering near his sword hilt almost the entire time, despite Katherine's glares. "It's a marriage treaty, between the royalty of the oppositions, bound in blood and salt, for peace and mutual gain." His voice has gained a slight sing-song cadence to it, even through what is clearly a slightly stumbling translation, that Xornoth recognizes from their own anytime they are reciting something from their childhood lessons, even to this day.
Warnings: A sort of general reminder of the narrative tool "Unreliable Narrators"
This AU features multiple arranged marriages across the spectrum of platonic-romantic and the complicated nuances of chosen and arranged.
Any section from Xornoth's POV does have parts that read like very violent and occasionally graphic intrusive thoughts due to the whole "there is a demon living in their head" thing. If that's something you think you might have issues with, please proceed with caution if you choose to proceed at all.
Jimmy spends the majority of his flight to the Overgrown fuming and imagining the many different ways he could kill Sausage. It's cathartic indulgence and if he's busy imagining swarms of axolotls and pufferfish descend on the Mythlandic king in his minds' eye than he isn't worrying about the actual situation and what it could potentially mean for him and the Swamp.
Much. He isn't worrying about it much.
The fact that Sausage had made it past the Swamp border and all the way to Jimmy's house without being seen or stopped is...fine. It's fine.
The wind catches Jimmy's elytra at an odd angle and he dips alarmingly low for a heart-jolting moment; his tail flailing out on instinct in an attempt to steady him in a non-existent current. He catches himself before he actually crashes into the treetops, though he does have to bank hard to the left in a way that pulls the harness sharp against his shoulder. The joint twinges at the strain and he grimaces. He'll probably feel that tomorrow. He's been skipping out on his stretches, in all the chaos of the escalating tensions, and his bad side has been worse than usual. He can feel the tension of the old scar tissue at his elbow and the tightness of the muscle down his neck and shoulder.
Joel will yell at him for that.
On the bright side, maybe he'll go to war with the Mythlands and then he'll be too busy to get yelled at. He thinks Pix would call that 'silver linings.'
The trees thin out and give way to green grass fields dotted with sheep and flowers and Jimmy angles his trajectory downwards. The magic saturating the Border of the Overgrown brushes his scales as he enters and he shudders. It doesn't matter how many times he comes to visit Katherine, every time is just as unsettling. It feels like the time he bit an electric eel as a fry. A tingle and a buzzing that leaves the webbing between his fingers numb and his teeth hurting.
Katherine's house materializes on the horizon, the layers of glamour falling away and Jimmy banks into a spiral to land. He's been airborne for so long that he's barely even damp and, last minute, he decides to land in the water feature instead of on the grass surrounding it. He lands in the fountain with a splash and a sigh, the water closing over his head and offering blessed relief. His gills flare, water flowing freely through his right side and even managing a pass on his left. He allows himself a moment to settle beneath the surface and let the itchy dry feeling of his scales fade, away from the biting cold and thin air of the skyways.
He rolls over and stares at the sky, taking a minute to just exist. It's uncomfortable; his elytra, his trident, and his sword all pressing into his spine, but at least it is calm and quiet.
His view is almost immediately obstructed by a far, far too familiar silhouette tinted red and gold.
Jimmy bolts upright and almost slams his forehead into Sausage's.
He scrambles back and to his feet where he stands, dripping, in the fountain to the backdrop of the displeased gazes of Katherine's door guards and the giggles of the King of Mythland.
How did this go so wrong so fast?
"Hello, Jimmy!"
He manages to clamber out of the fountain without tripping and falling flat on his face at least. He splashes Katherine in the process, where she is hovering off to the side but he can't really be bothered to worry about that. All he can manage to do is stare at Sausage's smirking face.
"Hello, Jimmy!"
Katherine's greeting is much less mocking and Jimmy looks back down to acknowledge it. Way down. Katherine is the shortest emperor and the white tips of her ears barely clear his elbow. She is smiling up at him as if she hasn't invited him to her house only to ambush him with one of his greatest enemies. As if he hadn't trusted that her home was safe. As if he hadn't trusted that she would stand with him.
"What is he doing here?" He jerks his chin at Sausage, who is still giggling like a child. He sees Jimmy looking and grins at him, all teeth.
Behind the mask, Jimmy bares his own teeth and takes some comfort in the knowledge that he has more of them; and they are sharper. He straightens his spine and does his best to stand at his full height instead of curling slightly to the left. His sword and trident clank softly together over his shoulder.
Katherine looks briefly unsure before she sets her expression and gestures at her door. "We should all go inside and talk there. I would like to help negotiate peace between The Swamp and Mythland."
She's using her official voice. Sausage keeps giggling and Jimmy can barely hear it beneath the roar in his ears. He leans down to try and whisper into the faerie queen's ear.
"I really need your alliance right now, Katherine." He hopes his desperation doesn't show in his voice.
She gives him a reproving look that throws him right back to his brief time spent in a classroom. "I'm allied with everyone, Jimmy. You know that."
"He invaded the Swamp," Jimmy hisses, his ear-fins flaring, ignoring the shudder down his spine from her use of his Name, even in part. "He crossed our borders. Again. He's threatened war." He's no longer whispering by the end, standing to his full height, shoulders back, sword hand by his shoulder.
"And according to him, you've threatened it right back!"
It's almost a physical blow, the way the betrayal hits him. He manages to keep from physically staggering back only because Sausage appears beside him and throws an arm over his shoulder. Something the Mythlandic king has to stand on tiptoe to accomplish. It yanks Jimmy uncomfortably sideways and down and his trident almost slips from his back.
"Come on, Jimmy! Let's talk!" Sausage smiles, all teeth like an alligator, lurking on the surface of the water. "We can make peace!"
Jimmy knocks his arm away and straightens, doing his best to loom over the other ruler. His extra foot of height should be more of an advantage than if feels like. He grabs for the hilt of his sword and is only stopped by Katherine, who flies right up into his face to frown at him.
"No weapons!" She shakes her finger right in front of his mask and Jimmy clamps down on the instinctive urge to yank up the Codfather head and bite it. That would be no help to anyone, especially himself. No one takes him seriously as it is. Except maybe Pix. Maybe.
Instead he focuses on glaring at Sausage over Katherine's shoulder. The king of Mythland beams back at him, hands clasped innocently in front of himself (well away from the hilt of his own greatsword), head cocked to the side. The picture of harmless amiability were it not for the malicious sparkle in his eyes. Ohhhhhh how Jimmy would love to feed his organs to Lizzie's axolotls. He flexes his claws before Katherine grabs his arm and tugs him towards her front door, six tiny fingertips digging into his scales above his vambraces. (The embossed leather the only armor he'd worn, he hadn't realized he'd wish for more.)
Sausage trails behind them and as much as Jimmy reminds himself that not even Sausage would have the audacity to attack him in Katherine's house (probably) he can't quite shake the prickling tension from having an enemy at his back. It feels like the first time Lizzie and Joel took him to clear an ancient monument and he'd stalked through the twisty corridors and boxy rooms with the creeping feeling of being stalked in turn.
Sausage slips and almost falls on some of the tacky slime he'd accidentally tracked in and that does help. Even if he does feel bad for messing up Katherine's floor. He can feel the impassively judgmental stare from Katherine's guards, who's features do not change but still somehow radiate disapproval. He knows he probably shouldn't take it personally, most fae don't think highly of outsiders but it still feels personal.
Sausage recovers quickly and shakes out the fur lining of his coat. "Is it just me or does it smell fishy in here, now?"
"Sausage," Katherine looks disapprovingly back over her shoulder. "That's rude."
"Oh," Sausage blinks at them both, "I'm sorry, Jimmy, I didn't realize."
Jimmy wants to stab him so badly, he sets his shoulders and refrains. He can do this. He's technically trained for this, even if the skills are rusty, fallen aside before the more hands on duties that rebuilding the Swamp has required.
"Oh, this one is new!" Sausage immediately changes the subject, pointing at one of the skulls hanging on the wall of the hall. It's some kind of middling-sized land animal...a sheep maybe? with poppies filling the eye sockets and woven in a crown, there are delicate lines of gold painted across the surface of the bleached bone.
Katherine beams, her irritation at the rudeness forgotten (or at least set aside, fae never truly forget breaches of etiquette) "It is! It's a gift from a childhood friend," she looks fondly upon the skull for a moment. "We've been reconnecting lately."
Sausage nods sagely, "It is always good to spend time with your friends."
"It is," Katherine's ears twitch and her wings flutter briefly before she resumes walking. "Which is why we are going to fix this."
She leads them down the hall towards her library, a room so thoroughly warded that Jimmy can feel the magic against his scales when he passes through the door in an echo of the fae-realm boundaries.
It is a cozy room, despite the elegance and delicacy. It makes Jimmy feel out of place and reminds him a little bit of Lizzie's war room, if a better lit and less damp version. Every corner is full of plants and flowers and books and crystals, and blessedly free of guards and staff and other judging eyes. It's just Jimmy and Katherine and Sausage and the Elvenking sitting in the corner.
Jimmy may or may not do a full and proper double take.
Huge white and black wings, glittering obsidian antlers, an incongruous cup of tea on the side table. Apparently this meeting has interrupted the...reading time? of the King of Rivendell. Jimmy grits his teeth at the presence of one more ally for Sausage and turns his attention to the other two rulers instead. He'll worry about the Elvenking if they decide to become a problem.
In retrospect, Xornoth probably should have left as soon as Katherine escorted Sausage and The Codfather into her library, her expression tense and serious despite the cheerful tone to her chatter but in all honesty they were so startled at first that they froze. Now its been just long enough it would be too awkward to get up and leave. And the others are in-between them and the door, which just makes it worse. So they sit in the corner, tome in hand, trying their hardest to pretend they aren't getting a front row seat to the latest incarnation of the Mythland-Swamp dispute, featuring The Codfather's tangible rage and frustration over Katherine's stubborn neutrality.
(Which is understandable, but arguing a fae over their nature is a futile task and The Codfather seems too much a fool to realize it.)
The palpable hostility in the room has Xornoth's feathers fluffing against their will. Katherine is doing her best to mediate but she might as well try to climb a cliff-face in a blizzard. Sausage seems more interested in taunting The Codfather than coming to any kind of agreement and The Codfather himself stubbornly refuses to even consider any kind of negotiations until...a disc is returned?
Meaningless frivolity.
Xornoth isn't quite sure of the intricacies of the Mythland-Swamp conflict, since most of it happened during Rivendell's seclusion and so they don't even have any accounts of it other than what has been acquired in the past few decades. Accounts that are, somewhat understandably, for the most part slanted towards the Mythlandic perspective. (It is Mythland that Xornoth is allied with and it is Mythland that writes things down while The Swamp seems to lean heavily towards oral histories.) They don't think they've heard anything about a disc before, that might be new.
Both Sausage and The Codfather are known for their chaotic natures. If this does escalate to war (as both have threatened multiple times in the past hour) they will both involve their allies. As much fun as it would be to go toe-to-toe with the King of Mezalea in the arena, if Xornoth has to deal with wartime logistics because of these two acting like elflings not yet out of the home, they will just walk off into the mountains and wait for the winter to take them.
Do not pretend such reluctance. I see the truth.
Xornoth turns a page.
"At this point," The Codfather snarls, leaning on the back of the sofa he is standing by, looking inches away from leaping across the library to strangle Sausage (or try to at least) regardless of Katherine's policy on unapproved violence, his speech has been steadily growing more formal as the debate raged on, but also with a lot more insults in a multitude of languages. (Which Sausage had been more than happy to return.) "I don't think I'd trust even a-" he makes a series of humming, clicking syllables that Xornoth recognizes as Oceanic, but does not understand "-from you lot!"
That, of all things, is what grinds the entire conversation to a halt. Even Sausage stops his mocking dance around the edge of the room to look at The Codfather in confusion. "A who now?"
Katherine is frowning in concentration, mouthing words to herself while she tries to translate. "An...in-law treaty?"
"You know," The Codfather waves a hand dismissively. "A Binding Agreement."
At least he's speaking Mythlandic again, a language Xornoth supposedly understands.
"No, we don't know," Katherine still looks confused by also speculative. "Please explain. What kind of binding exactly is this?"
The Codfather weaves his fingertips together so that the slight webbing between his fingers touches. It's the first time in a while he's had both hands away from his shoulder, where at least one has been hovering near his sword hilt almost the entire time, despite Katherine's glares. "It's a marriage treaty, between the royalty of the oppositions, bound in blood and salt, for peace and mutual gain."
His voice has gained a slight sing-song cadence to it, even through what is clearly a slightly stumbling translation, that Xornoth recognizes from their own anytime they are reciting something from their childhood lessons, even to this day. They've never been able to quite shake the "student voice."
You are still only a student. And you will be so long as you refuse to take what is rightfully ours.
"Oh!" Katherine's face lights up with recognition and she bounces on her toes, wings aflutter. "I read about that! It's an Oceanic thing!"
Oceanic, not Swamp. Interesting.
The Codfather tilts his head to the side, radiating bewilderment despite the mask completely obscuring his features. "Um...yeah? Wait, do land-folk not do those? At all?"
Both Sausage and Katherine shake their head and Katherine expands verbally, talking right over the Codfather's hushed 'oh.'
"Not between empires, not since the Worldspawn Treaty. It's not uncommon for different families within an empire to form alliance through marriage though."
Xornoth wisely stays silent, though they can't quite help but touch the enchanted jewel fastening their cape at the shoulder. Only Katherine notices, but she's the only one of present company who knows what it means anyway.
"Oh," The Codfather seems a bit taken aback. "I thought it was just that it hadn't happened recently, not that you didn't at all."
"No," Sausage looks intrigued. "We don't."
"We could though," Katherine says suddenly, looking ecstatic. "The treaty just rendered those kinds of alliances of limited use, it didn't forbid them. What about a marriage truce between The Wither Rose Alliance and The Swamp!"
All three of them stare at the faerie queen like she's crazy. (At least, Xornoth is assuming that's what The Codfather's emotions are.) Sausage's eyebrows alone are conveying enough skepticism for the whole room. The Codfather's tail swishes uneasily.
Like a fish on a hook.
Sausage latches onto the movement with a smirk. "Aw! Do you not want to marry me, Jimmy?"
"I would rather move to the desert," The Codfather says without hesitation. "Or the Nether."
"Maybe not the two of you," Katherine says, even her spiteful optimism clearly powerless against the reality of what the outcome of that would be. Wise of her. Xornoth doesn't trust them to not kill each other before they make it to the wedding night. If they even made it to the wedding itself. "We are trying to make peace, not break it irreparably. But the Wither Rose Alliance is the largest alliance. Surely something can be arranged. For a...Binding Agreement the two parties have to be of equal or near-equal standing, right?"
"Well yes, but-"
"So," she says triumphantly, cutting The Codfather off before he can even get started. "One of the other emperors?"
There is a moment of silence as they all contemplate, even Sausage looking more focused than usual.
They are going to hurt themselves, trying that hard to utilize what little intelligence they have.
"Fwhip?" Sausage eventually offers, somewhat unsure, but also clearly just trying for a reaction.
And he gets one; a loud, rattly, snarling hiss that, despite usually considering The Codfather's threat level somewhere between "negligible" and "non-existent", Xornoth find themself sitting up straighter and even has Sausage taking a step back, visibly startled. Deep in the corner of their mind that Xornoth does their best to ignore, a shudder of disquiet resonates for a moment before being cut off.
Katherine's eyes are wide and, seemingly without realizing it, she takes to the air slightly, hovering over the floor, set to evade any attacks. Xornoth realizes that their hand is on the hilt of their sword and slowly, so as not to draw attention, they withdraw it back to their book. Their wings stay mantled, primaries brushing against he walls of their alcove.
"Okay, not Fwhip," Katherine says hurriedly, slowly dropping back down to the floor and smoothing her skirt out in a nervous gesture she's had since she was small. Usually she does better at controlling herself. She'd had the unphased exterior trained into her well before Xornoth ever met her and, however amiable and relaxed she likes to appear, they know its always there beneath.
If we pinned her wings to the wall like a butterfly and made her watch, that would phase her.
Xornoth contemplates smashing the side of their head into the wall. Unconsciousness has about a 50/50 chance of bringing peace and quiet with it. Unfortunately, the hangings in this library nook are imported from Rivendell, several layers of thick woolen brocade. It probably wouldn't be a very effective attempt. And would have them looking crazy in front of two allies and a...not quite enemy. (Though if they don't sort this out that will probably be changing very soon.)
Let there be war, one step closer to our full power.
Katherine has moved on. "What about Gem?"
Sausage snorts a laugh but also looks a little terrified at the idea of even suggesting such a thing. Perhaps the wisest he's been all day, based off what Xornoth has gathered about what seems to amount to a neighbors' spat between him and The Codfather. (Albeit a neighbors spat with centuries of animosity behind it and that is now threatening war.)
The Codfather shakes his head a little frantically, the copper-beaded tassels on the side of the mask clinking against the trident slung across his back. "She's scary."
He seems to realize that he said that out loud and quickly scrambles like a fish suffocating on a rock to cover for it. "And, uh, Great Wizard isn't a title with a lot of..." He flounders a bit. "There could be a new Great Wizard tomorrow, if someone beat her. It has to be a more permanent title."
Personally, Xornoth finds the likelihood of anyone replacing Gemini Tay at any point during a mortal lifetime (and possibly longer) very, very unlikely. It takes a lot to outshine bringing the dragons back. But The Codfather is right. And not only is Gem scary, she's also mean. Which most people don't realize because she spends so much time keeping Fwhip and Sausage from getting themselves killed. Xornoth has been to enough Wither Rose meetings to fear her though. She would eat The Codfather alive.
They do also find themself a little bit impressed, they hadn't thought he had that level of awareness of the internal workings o the other kingdoms.
If we gutted him like a fish he'd squeal so nicely.
It's been a while since Xornoth turned a page. They turn a page.
"Pearl can't be that closely tied to any other ruler," Katherine keeps going. "Too many people across the Empires rely on their trade with her and it isn't fair to your people to risk their well-being that way."
Honestly, if it came to war, Xornoth is fairly certain that Pearl would fight to remain neutral. It would destroy her, being unable to help her friends. Rip that golden heart of hers right out of her chest and shred it in the dust, but so many people from all the lands depend on Helianthia's crops and herds to remain fed. And her sense of duty, to her own people and all the others would take precedence over her loyalty to her friends, and that would kill her swifter than any blade.
If the war did not destroy her lands, and her with them, first.
The page in their white-knuckled grip begins to tear on the edge.
Rip them all to pieces, give the farmer the fight she wants.
Rivendell would follow Helianthia, Xornoth acknowledges. They are not as selfless as Pearl. And even if they were, they could not condemn Rivendell to another harsh winter of starvation and death. They would stand to defend her against all comers (and there would be many who came, lured by the resources she guarded) both as a friend and as a political alliance. Rivendell is not back to the point of being able to sustain themselves, not if the winters continue to worsen the way they have been. Loathe as they are to admit it, even inside their own head where no one can hear.
Well, no one but-
Wheat fields burn so easily, all it would take is a single spark in the right place and all of Mythland would be in flames.
Carefully, carefully, Xornoth sets their book down on the table beside them and places their hands in their lap. Katherine will stop allowing them to borrow her books if they start spontaneously combusting them. Hopefully she doesn't notice the slightly singed cover.
"Joey?" Now it is Katherine who's skepticism is betrayed in her voice and Sausage actually snorts a laugh. All three of them look over at Xornoth, though The Codfather quickly looks away again.
Free us of the silly bird.
"Good luck with that," Sausage says, giggling, and waggles his eyebrows at Xornoth. They pretend to not see, giving their full attention to the tapestry on the wall beside them in a vain attempt at pretending that their painfully un-subtle affair is not the most gossiped about topic among the emperors at present.
This is an old one, probably gifted by their grandparents to the House Blossom Lady of the time. The knot-work symbol in the corner is one they are unfamiliar with, not the signature of any artisan from their lifetime.
"And Xornoth is already married," Katherine doesn't acknowledge Sausage's behavior, beyond an annoyed look, which is probably for the best.
The Codfather jerks his head sharply to the side, "and that's all the royals in your alliance." He sounds almost smug. "None of them work."
And that is when Xornoth makes what they will refer to for centuries to come as "The Mistake." They pick their book back up and affect disinterest as they impulsively decide to wipe the smug grin they are imagining off The Codfather's face. "There is my brother."
There is a long moment of silence. Xornoth eventually looks up and gets their first inkling of how badly they might have just messed up when they see the astonished expression on Sausage's face, and the slowly dawning delight on Katherine's. They stubbornly ignore the blank cod-face staring directly at them.
Why do you consistently choose to prove your incompetence.
"Your brother is alive?" Sausage says but is cut off by Katherine.
"Oh!" she says, bouncing on her toes, hands clasped under her chin. "That's perfect!"
Chapter Two [TBA]
Chapter Three [TBA]
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Mordern au! wei wuxian would be a fashion icon, I just know it.
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sherylhooper · 8 months
I had an epiphany last night and, listen...
The reason is why I love Nie Huaisang the most and why he is my absulute favorite is because he is an Endmond Dantes of MDZS.
He had his Count of Monte-Christosque revenge and I love him for that, my mastermind genius.
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
Happy Solstice, Shana! more Lady Mo or something else genderbendy?
Tony's spent her whole life proving she was good enough to make it in a man's world. Her own father had written her off as a debutante, but he'd let her spend time in his workshop and look over the papers spread over his desk, on his lap or a safe distance away from all the sparks. He probably thought she liked the pictures and the lights.
She builds an engine when she's six years old, her dress torn and stained with grease and and burning with pride as she grins up at her father.
It's the first time Howard ever sees her and, she thinks, when he stops loving her.
Existing in a man's world is different than being a man. She's not allowed to forget, to indulge, she can't ever be anything else any other way than a performance.
Her whole life is a performance, so maybe there's no real difference.
She can wear broad silhouettes and make sure no one calls her Antonia and keep her hair in it's iconic pixie cut have her employees call her sir - ma'am was her mother, she says with a laugh, and god knows she took more after daddy dearest - and she spends so much of her time having dick measuring contests with generals and business rivals and every man that thinks he can put his hands on her that sometimes it's a shock to remember she doesn't have one of her own.
It's not that she doesn't like being a girl, that she doesn't get a thrill out of outrageous dresses and all her soft curves, that she doesn't like at least seeing something of her mother in her mouth and her nose.
It's just that she thinks that she could be something more. That she is something more.
But that sort of things belong to someone who doesn't have her life, her job and her responsibilities and the eyes of the world watching her every move.
She doesn't even think about the fact that the armor is a man, narrow hips and broad shoulders and nothing feminine about his cold curves of metal, until Pepper sees it.
Pepper is quiet after, pressing ice to her bruises as she sits by Tony's hips. Her eyes stray to the arc reactor, a diamond of light glowing between her breasts. A circle would have been a more solid matrix but would have required her to get a mastectomy to make it fit.
She's thought about having a smooth chest before, but in the moment when it was an option that she could reasonably provide to the public - a medical device, for her health - she'd balked, and lost a day to redesign to make it something less, something that would fit and not require her to change to too much.
It had felt like a metaphor, or a sermon, as she'd beat sheets of metal until she bled.
Pepper asks, "Is it to protect your identity? So they don't think it's you?"
Tony stares, caught off guard, her mouth open in answer that she hesitates to give because she knows it's a lie. She doesn't like lying to Pepper.
She softens. "Or is it the opposite?"
Tony is sore and exhausted and Obie is acting strangely and Rhodey isn't talking to her (he calls her and he'll call again and again until she picks up, but he won't say a word, will just listen to her breathe to make sure she still is and then hang up like a fucking a coward) and she just killed sort of a lot of people and her weapons are where they shouldn't be and every defense she's built up around this question feels like it's crumbling around her.
"Pepper," she says, then can't bring herself to say anything else.
She doesn't want to lie to her.
"I like the paint job," Pepper says, hand soft where it's gripping her shoulder. Tony hasn't had soft hands since her father loved her.
"I like red," Tony says and Pepper's cheeks turn the same color as her hair.
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket two
For Kiku:
She is almost 10 feet/3 meters tall and is a gorgeous trans woman and samurai, who is very loyal to her allies. She gets recognized as strong by the main character multiple times and proves it by being one of the most resilient badasses in the entire series. Helps break said main character out of the enemy's prison and takes part in a rebellion against the corrupt prison staff. She stands up to a tyrant who enslaved her country, said tyrant can also turn into a giant dragon. When the highest ranked sumo in the area is abusing class privilege and harassing both the townsfolks and her, she cuts his top knot off in public, effectively ending his career. Then after cutting the sumo's not knot, she uses her great acting skills to win the crowd to her side by playing the innocent maiden and being all "oh, no, what have I done?" (She knew exactly what she did >:) After her country is free, she also gets to enjoy being girly and mellow once everyone is able to relax, and everyone respects that side of her too. All of this at just 22 years of age, what a cool lady
She's a samurai who's great with a sword and she's also trans.
She is cannonically trans and is a very cool swordswoman!
Trans samurai!! Kenshi is gender neutral, but this is a swordsWOMAN
One of the most powerful samurai in her country, also a trans icon.
She’s canonically trans and awesome and pretty and she’s so tall! 🏳️‍⚧️
For Luo Binghe:
This boy not just studied the blade, he learned the blade FROM HIS CRUSH. And not only that but he actually has tons of symbolism around BOTH of the swords he wields over the course of the novel. His childhood sword gets broken when he's about to be thrown into his corruption arc, but the pieces are carefully preserved by his crush, and later he rebuilds the sword in question. Once he is fully freed from corrupting influence of his other sword, he uses this one again! It represents his inner goodness that gets broken, but is never really gone. The other is a cursed sword representing toxic masculinity that corrupts his mind and pushes him to harm himself and others. It gets destroyed in the end thru the power of gay love!
His sword is first broken symbolizing his trauma and loss of innocence when he is kicked into hell. Then his other sword, Xin Mo, which he finds in hell, represents toxic masculinity and he breaks it at the climax of the novel. It can also dimension travel and is evil.
Binghe has two different songs in this book and a complicated relationship with both of them. First there is Zhen Yang which breaks at a dramatic moment and is mourned over by his teacher/love interest "like a grieving widow". And then there's Xin Mo! His "golden finger". The most ridiculously overpowered sword in the world, it can even cut rifts in the fabric of the world. It also runs on sex and violence and drives him to madness which can only be cured by the aforementioned love interest sacrificing himself... or by sex!
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lucyfloyenworkshop · 7 months
Awakening the Dragon : Malleus Draconia Overblot Theme
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It's been now one year since Diasomnia Arc, “Ruler of the Abyss“ began...
There so many things, too many topics that I wish to talk and write about. About the tribute to Eyvind Earle's art in the esthetics and ambiance of Briar Valley. About the connections between the Arc narrative and its inspirations. About Night Faeries folk and Silver Owl Knights. About Silver, Malleus, Lilia and all the others characters... For tonight I will write down about Malleus Draconia's Overblot Theme.
When the Diasomnia Arc pre-trailer was released, some notes of Overblot Malleus's theme can be heard. The complet musictrack had been finaly revealed during the first fight against Malleus. Even with the few notes in the pre-trailer, this music really give goosebumps. It is dark, eerie, dangerous and yet graceful and noble.
Diasomnia’s Chapter is an intense turmoil of emotions and, after all that happened in the Main Story so far, I realized that Malleus Overblot's theme not just represent the Arc's climax like it had being the case for the six previous Chapter. Not just only about an epic battle music, but also about a character.
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[Beware : the following post content some spoilers for Chapter 7 : Ruler of the Abyss]
Featuring song and music
There is something about Malleus and music.
In his personal data, it's say that his “talent“ is stringed instruments's practice (ref. Twisted Wonderland : Magical Archives and in game data). According to his close relatives, such as Sebek during “Harveston's Kelkkarotu“ event, Malleus appear to be a really talented musician. And yet that aspect of Malleus wasn't fully explored in the Main, Events and Personals Stories. That was just a fun fact about Malleus's hobbies outside school or his daily royal duties.
Then came the performance of Malleus longside Idia and Azul during the Symphorium in the Halloween event Glorious Mascarade : Crimson Flowers and Bell of Salvation.
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It's could be logical since Diasomnia Arc and Mascrade's events released their preview trailers around the same time. But nothing could make us suspected how much deep of that aspect of Malleus's character design is important. Not just as for characterization but also a tribute from Sleeping Beauty.
But to go with Chapter 7 and the Overblot's theme, let's return to the Symphorium, during its preparation as presented in Malleus's Mascaquerade Dress Personal Story [link]. Glorious Mascarade's iconic song Let My Wish Resound ( Twst wiki's traduction [link] ), is the gift of Night Raven College's students to the invitation for Night Bell College's Symphonium and its three main singer featuring Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud and of course Malleus Draconia. In Malleus's Personnal Story, the trio are gather in Diasomnia Lounge for practicing. Both Idia and Azul (and even Lilia), are amaze about Malleus's singing skills. Not just because of his tense practicing, even outside his royal education as confirm Lilia to Idia. If Let My Wish Resound had a special signification for Malleus and his character (his desire and fear about connect with the Outside World and meeting other peoples), the fact that such song, and by extension the music, resound deep within Malleus.
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In Chapter 7, that particular bond between Malleus and music/song is once again up under the lightspot, and even become an major element of the narrative. Just after he took his Overblot's form and cast [Fea of Maleficent] on everyone, Malleus start to humming a lullaby. The medley is the one of Once upon a Dream, Sleeping Beauty's famous and iconic song. There is many things that need to be discussed about that familiar medley and Malleus's story and personal journey and I will in the futur write a proper and complet review about. For now, we can notice that reference make not only as a tribute to the original animated pictures movie but also to Malleus's paradoxe as a character in that very sequence, and, even if it is more subtle, in the rest of the story. Indeed he is now a Dark Fea Lord, becoming in a way Maleficient just like Riddle with the Queen of Heart or Vil with the Beautiful Queen. And yet there is that lullaby medley, that medley which took after Princess Aurora's song. Malleus is depicted as both Light and Darkness, an impression that can be found in his Overblot theme.
The Choir and the Cello, picturing a story
There is two main musical elements in Overblot Malleus' track. The Choir and the Cello.
If is true that in the previous Overblot’s theme, a kinda choir is used in the medley, but its seems to have for fonction to put some extra more tension in the music like we can see in many soundtrack from cinema or video-game, but in the others Overbolt's theme, the choirs doesn't lead the medley. The instrumental instruments does.
But that was before Vil's Overblot and Mascarade Event’s theme, where the chorus and choir became the main leading of the music. In a kinda latin language with Dies Irea's leitmotif, choir become the medley's core and identity.
In popular culture, the choir is generally used as reference to Medieval Age’s music and its esthetics, real or dreamed . From Historical productions such as in Kingdom of Heaven (a Historical Movie setting during the early years of the Crusades) to Fantasy realms Lord of the Rings’s trilogy, we can tell that kinda of music had a special power to increase emotions and ambiance in a song.
In Overblot Malleus's theme, the choir became an extension of the Dragon-Fea’s power and personality. Giving to his character so much strength and presence, just like with Davy Jones's organ and it make a tribute to Sleeping Beauty’s soundtrack. One of the particularity of this Classic Disney Animation Picture, it's one of the very few movie from Disney's Silver Age, than doesn't have song like we see it in Cinderella or in Alice in Wonderland. As explained by cinema historian, Charles Solomo, in the documentary Picture Perfect: The Making of Sleeping Beauty [link], those kind of “Broadway like song“ doesn't fit to that world made of the gorgeous detailed background designed by Eyvind Earl or the music score inspired by Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Ballet. Only songs in the movie are Once upon a Dream and choirs. Theses ones can be found in several track in the score. One of them, “Aurora's Return/Maleficent's Evil Spell“, is in my opinion, one of most powerful and representative of that directive for Sleeping Beauty's music. At one point of track a eerie and dark voice can be heard and as its materialize Maleficent's presence when Aurora is hypnotize by the curse.
Those choir segments supporting the narrative and characterizing each protagonists. Just like it's happen with Malleus's Overblot theme !
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In Malleus's Overblot theme, alongside the choir, the second main leading instrument is the cello. The using of that particular string instruments in the track make a easter egg to both Malleus’s personal talents as to Diasomnia Dorm's music theme.
Cello, as other stringed instruments, are very often used in movie, video-game or musical composition because of a rich palette of tones and sounds that those musicals instruments can create and so increase emotions. Notes created by cellos are know to be rich and deep, and how depending how it played, it can express joy and light ambiance as epic, nostalgic world, mysteries or tension and terror.
The slight presence electric guitar (recurring in the Overblot music track) give an extra sensation of danger and tension in the medley, but without shadowing the leading of the chorus and the cello. It sound like lightings bolts, and each time the electric guitar is heard it increase choir's powers in the narrative of the medley with attacking notes. Giving the feeling that we are caught into a storm.
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Conjuring the Dragon
As we start listening Malleus Overblot's theme, we fall into some dark or gothic fey world, more that Diasomnia Dorm's. Despite the presence of a electric guitar sound, the music had the same feels as Maleficent's themes from Sleeping Beauty. In fact the very first notes are very similars or at least sharing the same tones than some of Maleficent's leitmotif in “Aurora's Return/Maleficent's Evil Spell“ or in her music entrance.
The musictrack is divise in five segments. First, it start with a very aery voice sound, as we can found in mysterious or dark music track and then the storms began, leading by the choir. With the cello and the electric guitar, its give at that moment (and is reinforce in game by the image of Malleus in his Overblot form), that we are facing some kind of powerful Lord or a Dark Dragon. Malleus had a very complex personality and as far we know, at his core, ins't a evil character. But he is a Dragon-Fea and he had dark powers. If someone put in danger the persons he will care about (friends, family...), he will riposte with all his might and once of thoses times where Malleus's powers are show as dangerous and dark because its are beyond mortal understanding and standard, not as evil. It's true that consequences of some Malleus's actions are terrifying because of his non-human nature and can show him as the Dragon, the most dangerous foe of tales and legends, as the storm parts of the Overblot music despict it.
And at the middle of the music track, just between the two storms part, for a brief moment a calm, noble music segment is played. Its the same medley than the rest of the track but the tone is completely different as tone and ambience from what had been previously heard, even if there is still a certain tension in it. In fact Malleus Overblot's theme where there is a such calm. Yes it's true that in Leona Overblot's theme there is a kinda of “pause“ in the music but the same amount of epic tension. It's sound like if the character taking a short break, checking if everyone is is okay before return to battle. In Malleus's if we got same general medley but the music tale an other aspect of that character, of that Dragon, at the opposite of the Dark Dragon previously depicted. In that segment, the cello leading the music instead of the choir which became calm like lamentation, giving a powerful, melancholic and noble ambiance to the music before the storm restart and end once again on the eerie voice and notes.
That melancholic noble music caught in the storm show all the balance between light and dark that Malleus carries with him during his personal journey. Give him an aura of nobility and danger as we can found it in the Malzeno's theme or Elder Dragons ( Amatsu, Alatreon or Shagaru Magala) from Monster Hunter for exemple.
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Right at the beginning and at the end of the track we got some slight but clear notes of piano. Like cello, that chordophone instrument (musical instrument that use both stringed and percussion (ref, Britanica)), can create intense and emotional ambience. It's true that I wished to heard some organ note in that music track, which could fit to the medieval gothic leitmotif of Diasmonia Dorm but I think it would change the characterization of Malleus in the music track. Organs are, in popular cultures and soundtracks very very bond to the figure of the Evil Lords such as Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time or Dracula in his many adaptations from movies to video-games or it played by shady antagonists like Davy Jones or Erik, the Phantom of the Opera. Even there it's cannon that Malleus know to play organs (Endless Halloween event), it's a piano. To listen those cold and sad notes, featuring a eerie voice, as opening and ending of Malleus Overblot's music theme, give us the ton of the music but also of the character it depicts. In plus to reinforce the feeling of melancholy, its contrast with the storms that reign in most of the track. Like the calm noble leitmotif, the piano show the “softer“, tragic and lonely side of Malleus beyond his dangerous and scaring first apparence and nature as a Dragon and a Dark Fea.
As I was writing that post, I discover that during the battle between the Knight of Dawn and Maleonora, Malleus's Mother, the Overblot can be heard and that discovery make more deeper to Malleus. Making it more personal to Malleus than it's already etablished in the music itself. Far more than I originally suspected.
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During the last showdown between the Knight and Maleonora ant their tragic ending, the use of the Overblot's theme don't make that scene feels like one of Maleficient in the original picture or only reflecting the way the Humans sees Maleonora. As a dark witch, a monster.
The Overblot's theme show her as royal princess, a Crown-Heir and a mother that will do everything in her power to protect her people, the persons she love and her child. Between him and his mother there is big similarities, and not just physical. Malleus had indeed inherited some of Maleonora's traits, but in his heart and his general personality, Malleus is more close to his father Lord Revan, as it's confirmed by Lilia.
"Just like his father, he is a kind person who ins't able to be ruthless“ "(Episode 7 Ruler of the Abbys Part 6, chapter 99)
At the end, that Overblot's theme not just a dungeon's final boss theme or a musical representation of the Arc's aesthetic.
Even more than Diasomnia bgm, this is Malleus Draconia's Theme. Not just his Overblot. His theme, as character, like we discover in both Diasomnia's trailer and Twisted Wonderland's Story. That music score give us more clues about who Malleus really is.
That music can be seen as the refection of Malleus's complex personality. Noble and benevolent, fierce and powerful ..
Both the Greatest Foe than the Devoted Protector.
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Thank you for reading this review/analysis about Malleus. I hope you enjoyed it :-)
Lucy Floyen
Musictrack link : [Twisted Wonderland BGM - Overblot Malleus] (Soundcloud)
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xiaolanhua · 1 year
ok, so here are my thoughts about Till the End of the Moon:
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First of all, i really enjoyed watching the drama, there were some things that i didn't like but it doesn't determine if is a good drama or not, just my personal preference.
Among all the xianxias i've watched, they really brought one of the best visuals and cgi. The photography and cinematography were also on point. One of the best things about the drama!
I'm so glad i got to meet Tantai Jin, he is a complex and intriguing character played VERY WELL by Luo Yunxi, he definitely was the star of the show. The man really gave us the most unhinged, sad, pretty and mad human (or devil) being while using the most thin and neat eyeline and he's so iconic for that (he and dongfang qingcang would be besties, i feel it!)
Li Susu/Ye Xiwu are kind the kind of character that you love or hate or both, and honestly, i'm going with both. Really felt mixed emotions about her but i understand her character and why she behaved like that, Bai Lu once again did a great job <3
Also, shoutout to my favorite secondary characters Pian Ran (my beloved fox, i miss you so much), Qing yu (a cutie), Bai Yu (a puppy who loves his master so much) and my bad b*tch Si Ying (r.i.p baby you were mean but slayed).
The couples:
The main couple were not a "healthy" one and i acknowledge that but Bai Lu and Yunxi's chemistry is off chart, i'm glad we had another drama with them giving us all kinds of feels because they are really great with that. Also, if you want to watch them being one of the most funny and healthy couples of dramaland, i highly recommend Love is Sweet, it has "corporate" plot but they make it worth it.
Pian Ran and Qing Yu deserve the title of "second couple", they were fun, cute and had great chemistry (the writers did they dirty 🤬)
On the other hand, unfortunately, this drama has one of the worst "second lead" characters/couple (bingchan/mo nv and xiao lin/ji wu). I didn't like them for a bit and could erase them in any timeline/plot, very weak and with nonexistent chemistry :(
You can really tell that they spend efforts with the costumes and i appreciate it so much because the dresses and accessories (specially Ye Xiwu's head pieces) were stunning!! The team responsible for the costumes deserve a raise.
Yes, it's a xianxia, and yes, i knew what kind of drama i was getting into and i'm not a "sad ending" hater or whatever, but i feel like the mass cutting and re-editing for the drama to be broadcasted really downgraded the overall quality of the drama.
Who directed also made a mistake choosing to release too much scenes that weren't really needed and then fast forward scenes that were important to the plot, you guys know what i'm talking about? yep, the dream arc/bo're life.
The dream arc indeed was important, specially for character development and to understand about the ancient gods and the battle against the former devil god, but how they prolonged when it could be done without taking almost 9 episodes is really frustrating.
There's a tiny detail that really bothered me while i was watching that how they used the same location/wardrobe for multiple scenes. Like, they put the actors on a place and made them record different kind of scenes that were put on the drama and you CAN tell they did that because the editing didn't help. I don't know if they did that to cut expenses but is just a thing that throws me off.
Now, about the last episode: i was meh... the ending was more bitter then sad. And, yes, i'm totally angry because Tantai Jin did not deserve the ending he got 😭🤬 like, would it kill to explain better if he was gone for good ??? because that last scene was confusing
I admit that i only heard the OST when i was watching, it was great but not memorable :(
well, i think this is the larger post i've made about a drama and i'm sorry if something sounds confusing or is written poorly, english is not my first language (i know, is such a latino thing to say sorry about having a "bad" english 😬)
rating: overall: 8.2/10 acting: 9.5/10 visuals 9.5/10 plot: 8/10 editing: 6/10
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minsarasarahair · 2 months
Final thoughts about Dashing Youth 1-4 episodes
Its not perfect but I like it. Its decent. I like that it gave me different watching experience than donghua. I like the addition and some changes. I still highly recommend to watch the donghua tho because its good. Especially if you're interested in the story and characters.
Summary of what I remember that was different (Donghua & cdrama): Su Muyu is wearing his mask in the donghua before he introduced himself, the big snake was controlled by a little girl who follow BDJ in the donghua not BDJ, Yue Yao became acquianted with BDJ's group earlier in the donghua and already crossdressing as a man during the "wedding", BDJ is younger as in he's a child when he first met Yue Yao and fall in love at first sight in the donghua, Luo Xuan and Lei Mengsha have more shipable moments in the donghua that make will you laugh, the young masters arrival to help Gu Jianmen is more comical in the donghua thanks to Lei Mengsha, Ye Dingzhi was introduced earlier in the cdrama while he didn't yet appear in donghua's season 1, Disguised Mo Qixuan is the one who want the lotus sword that will be owned by BDJ in the donghua, I think the donghua explore more Gu Jianmen sadness about his brother's death and the bride's revenge against her own brother as in he has flashback more about his brother, I think they sent SCF earlier to the genius medicine king in the donghua without that bathtub scene in the cdrama, Xiao Ruofeng and the scholar young master were seen together talking earlier in the donghua, Xiao Ruofeng also has a scene talking with the emperor in the donghua earlier similar to Xiao Se's scene before he got exiled, BDJ's uncle is portrayed as crazy fun uncle he love to hang out with in cdrama but in the donghua he's actually a younger stern uncle who's protective over his nephew, The uncle is the one who protected BDJ not Ye Dingzhi in the donghua
I especially love Sikong Changfeng, and Lei Mengsha portrayal. SCF has this yearning to belonged with a family/friends circle that made soft for me. Lei Mengsha is too iconic to be forgotten. SCF is a fave of mine in the donghua and he's just a simple character that's easy to love so of course, I love him.
Baili Dongjun is also fine. I really love the reference cdrama added to make you realize his strong connection with Tang Lian. The drunk martial arts style that involved drinking liquors. He's still naive for now but I know it will hurt once he became jaded and lose important people in his life.
Su Muyu is decent. At least he has more notable scenes in Dashing Youth which is improvement compare to TBOY. Yes, Su Muyu is not downright evil especially in prequel. He's still young here. I wish his umbrella or costume might be better tho. The Blood of Youth is his tragic villain arc with Su Changhe.
Its funny to me that Su Changhe have different look in donghua and in cdrama lol while Su Muyu is easy to identify because he always carry an umbrella.
I think I want to ship Wuxin's uncles together... the purple one with the white haired one. I just check TBOY and realized the purple one didn't make an appearance? He appeared in the donghua version.
I'm looking forward meeting Sikong Changfeng's love interest. I want to meet Qianluo's mom!
Idk if its just me but the first arc happened too fast in cdrama version?
Anyway, I really love the Bromance aspect in this show as expected. That's definitely their selling point. Its like I'm watching a shounen adventure/sports anime and I find myself shipping characters lol
The women characters were cooler in the donghua tho. As in more female characters and more screentime. They are more involved in the story unlike the cdrama. Cdrama once again failing at Het ships but excelled in Bromance lol
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moondal514 · 1 year
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 People
Thanks for the tag @jaywalkers <3. I love your list of characters, you’ve got great taste : )
Rules: name 10 of your favourite characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people to do the same
1) Andrew Minyard from All For the Game
My blorbo of all time probably. No character has given me brainrot and writing inspiration the way he does and likely no character ever will. This post sums up his appeal perfectly
2) Lan Wangji from Mo Dao Zu Shi
My newest blorbo from my most recently joined fandom. What can I say, I’m a sucker for incredibly queer competent stoic prob neurodivergent men that are absolutely insane about one person. When I watch the MDZS donghua, I literally have to pause every time he comes on the screen just so I can stare at him a bit, so you could say I’m a bit obsessed
3) Kim Theerapanyakul from KinnPorsche
He’s this weird little guy that is simultaneously the most competent character in the show and the biggest cringe-fail loser. He looks so suave and cool on the surface with his whole Taylor Swift by day mafia prince detective by night thing but then you realize he’s actually a complete nerd with a whole ass literal murder conspiracy board hidden behind a giant selfie portrait of himself and I love him so much (also he’s played by Jeff Satur, who makes my aesthetic attraction senses go haywire, but that’s neither here nor there)
4) Kyuzo from Samurai 7
My 1st fictional crush and prob my earliest blorbo. My type in favorite fictional male character (hypercompetent stoic character that doesn’t talk much with bonus points for iconic hair) can 100% be attributed to him. His story was the earliest villain redemption arc I can remember encountering in media (this was the 1st anime I ever watched so I was like 4 or 5 when I 1st saw this guy) and so for me I always think of him when I see people talking about iconic redemption arcs (sorry Zuko)
5) Midorima Shintarou from Kuroko no Basket
At the peak of my high school sports anime phase, this guy was my favorite. He’s tall, he’s green, he’s an anime glasses character™️, he’s tsundere, he’s prissy, he’s weird af, he’s got one of the most bonkers basketball skills ever, and he’s even an astrology girlie. What’s not to love
6) Merlin from BBC Merlin
BBC Merlin is the fandom that sucked me in at a time where I thought I was growing out of fandom and fanfic (spoiler alert: I very much was not) and it’s responsible for completely changing my relationship with fandom into something much more intense than it was previously. And it’s all thanks to this funky skinny wizard man who for whatever reason captivated me enough that I read hundreds of thousands of fan-created words about him for nearly a year and a half
7) Jasnah Kholin from The Stormlight Archive
She’s one of the rare canonically asexual female characters, and she’s even from a major fantasy book series too! I fixated on this character long before I knew I was ace (though perhaps that should’ve been a clue lol), mostly because I just thought she was so cool and I found her whole “why would I want a relationship when I’m busy with all this shit to study” attitude so relatable
8) Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender
I wanted to be her so badly when I was a kid y’all have no idea. She just made such an impression on me because she’s so cool and so strong but also unapologetically and obviously feminine and that really struck a chord with young me and is prob the reason why I didn’t really have a “not like the other girls” phase cuz she was revolutionary for little me’s idea of how a “girl” can be. To this day she is the character that to me has the coolest powers ever
9) Cassandra of Troy from Greek Mythology
It’s prob weird to include her but I was a real greek mythology girlie (in that I was into it before Percy Jackson came out) and Cassandra has always my favorite. The tragedy of her story has always been very appealing to me and upsettingly relatable in a lot of ways
10) Kym Ladell from Purple Hyacinth
Ms. Kym one of those characters that’s ostensibly the comedic relief except nope she’s hiding oceans of pain under her smile. She’s got trauma and a tragic backstory that she hides from the rest of the main characters in one of the strongest “this is fine” performances you’ve ever seen
Tagging: @stabbyfoxandrew @alcego @paradoxolotl @halfpintpeach @justadreamfox @wulfrann @quensty @ittyybittybaker @seasy33 @nanatsuyu
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cometcrystal · 1 year
Surname changes upon marriage for my favs
Cleuce - deuce takes cleos name. Self explanatory. if you need an explanation then dont ask me
Canderemy - candace takes jeremys name 1000%. She has dreamt of being Candace Johnson for way too long to accept anything else and jeremy is fine with whatever she wants to do
Fluttercord - no surnames to begin with so no name changes. Raises the question of how that usually works in this universe if you have just one name. Cause i think ajs mom took her dads name right? But then you have names like Rarity
Fraphne - depends on the timeline but in sdmi fred DEF takes daphnes name. Half bc he just wants to and half because of the jones/chiles trauma
Schrucy - they both keep their names. Neither of them want to change because neither lucy felton nor schroeder van pelt sound good
Viony - anyone who marries into the parr family, not just tony, will have to change their name to parr. Sorry its the rules bc that name is too iconic.
Joanfk - i think joan just goes with kennedy bc Of Arc is not an easy surname to have. Makes legal documents annoying
Zeddison - addison takes zed's name as a political statement but they only reach that conclusion after arguing over who gets to take whos name
Sorikai - they don't have canon surnames but kairi and riku would take whatever sora's is.
Miyumo - yuko and mo become marconis by default bc theyre nolastname
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lunarnoire · 7 months
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an independent roleplay blog for BLACK LADY / WICKED LADY from BISHOUJO SENSHI SAILOR MOON. low activity / mun is 21+ .
🌑 i prefer the manga so that is the one i will be pulling from the most ! 🌑
@gaianoire || queen beryl ; @mintones || minto aizawa
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i. this is a independent roleplay blog for black lady / wicked lady from bishoujo senshi sailor moon. 
ii. This blog is low activity because of my personal life (work/life). This blog is also mutuals only. i run a queen beryl rp side blog , @gaianoire , so all follows for her will come from here!
iii. no god-modding and/or meta-gaming! black lady is a villain so obviously she does villain things… basically gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss ™. i don’t want to step on anyone’s toes especially given black lady's nature. any questions or concerns, please message me!
iv. i tend to match my partners in terms of length but sometimes my replies may be on the longer side in which case it takes me longer to get to.
v. nsfw content like smut will not be present here! 
vi. in regards to ships, the same thing from vii. applies here. if you’d like to plot something out between characters that isn’t pre-determined in bssm (at least the black moon arc where black lady appears) such as family bonds or platonic, please message me so we can plot things out beforehand and then work our way through threads and development! 
vii. Regarding Mains/Exclusives… i do not practise exclusivity. i’m still iffy on mains, so for right now mains are reserved for friends only. i tend to get to my threads depending on the order i draft them in so oldest first then newest which is another reason why i’m unsure on the status of mains here.
viii. Regarding OCs and Multimuses, you are welcome here! I typically do not follow if I cannot easily find your about page, rules, and muses page via mobile as I tend to be on mobile more than desktop. this applies for regular muses too.
ix. In closing, you are always welcome to message me if you have plot ideas or if you wish to thread, etc! If I miss any threads, replies, asks…, please let me know! If you have questions, please let me know, too! You can call me felicity or lissy for short if we're friends. I’m over 21 and Sailor Moon has been with me all my life. 🥺❤ I’ve read the manga, watched both Crystal and the 90s animes as well as all the recorded musicals, and I’m even a member of the official fan club! 
x. This blog is not affiliated with Toei Animation, Naoko Takeuchi / P.N.P.. My headcanons and writing are my own. Sources are from various official sources provided by Toei and/or P.N.P. or they are from missdream or mintymoondrops. My graphics (so icon border, page break image and stuff like that) / psd are made my me.other page break banners are from cafekitsune.
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AGE: 900 - 903.
DOB: June 30th.
GENDER: Female.
OCCUPATION: Queen of Darkness.
HEIGHT: 156cm , 158cm, 165cm. (these are the heights of her myu actresses in order that they played her so mao -> shion -> yui.)
HAIR: Sugar Pink.
EYES: Red (look like Glass Beads).
FACECLAIM: mao kawasaki, shion nakamaru, yui ito.
Born as the only child to Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion, she was given the name "Usagi Small Lady Serenity" or "Chibiusa" for short. Due to her stagnated growth, Chibiusa was often bullied and ridiculed for still being a "child". This caused the people of the 30th century to believe that Chibiusa was not really the king and queen's daughter and was a "fake". She also never showed any signs of having powers like her mother which worried her parents.
To try and assuage his daughter's fears, King Endymion tells the young princess of the 30th century that she is much the same as her mother in that regard. He also tells her that 'Sailor Moon' is invincible. This falls flat as it makes Chibiusa feel that more distant from her mother and makes her believe even more that she will never be a wonderful lady like her mother and that her mother did not care about her at all.
This causes her to wander through the Crystal Palace where she finds the Door of Time and meets the solitary guardian, Sailor Pluto. The two would become good friends and Sailor Pluto would be instrumental in Chibiusa's awakening as both a Sailor Guardian and becoming free from Wiseman's control and delusions. Chibiusa falls to peer pressure from her young peers and steals her mother's Silver Crystal and shortly after this, the Black Moon Clan attacked the Earth. Chibiusa being racked with guilt at seeing her mother encased in crystal as well as the other Sailor Guardians, her father, and even Luna and Artemis being rendered immobile, she believed this to be the result of her own actions. Feeling alone, afraid, and desperate, Chibiusa uses the powers of her Luna-P ball to steal a Space-Time Key from her friend, Sailor Pluto, to seek the aid of the Sailor Guardians of the past to save her mother and the future.
Chibiusa escapes to the future where she meets the past versions of her mother and father and the inner Sailor Guardians and seeks their help. The Black Moon Clan follows the young princess to the past and tries to both abduct Chibiusa and stop the Guardians from foiling their plans. They take each of the Inner Sailor Guardians hostage except for Sailor Venus and her, Chibiusa, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon travel to the future to rescue them. They are stopped by Sailor Pluto until Chibiusa is able to explain the situation and Sailor Pluto informs the trio of the misfortunes that have come to befall them. They make their way to the castle where King Endymion greets them and explains the origins of Chibiusa - that she is the sole daughter of Usagi and Mamoru and is the heir to both the legacy of Sailor Moon and kingdom of Crystal Tokyo.
While the Guardians and Mamoru are preoccupied with the Black Moon Clan, Chibiusa wanders alone - struggling with coming to terms over how her actions have affected everyone she loves and holds dear and even the lives of innocent people. Her feelings of loneliness and confusion are ripe enough for her to fall into Wiseman's hands and her beautiful dream of being of a beautiful lady and leader and having a beautiful romance like her parents is twisted into something awful and she is transformed into Black Lady, Queen of Darkness.
From this point on Black Lady is under the total control of Wiseman. She is responsible for summoning forth the true form of Wiseman and the planet of Nemesis. She helps Wiseman kill Rubeus and helps him give the Malefic Black Crystal Earrings to Saphir and Demande so they fall under his control. She puts Tuxedo Mask under her control and uses to him attack Sailor Moon and steal her Silver Crystal as well as summoning more Black Crystals to Crystal Tokyo in an attempt to destroy the Earth.
When Sailor Pluto freezes time and sacrifices herself so that the two Silver Crystals do not touch, Chibiusa is freed from Wiseman's control and Black Lady ceases to be.
In the 90s anime, Sailor Moon makes multiple attempts to restore Chibiusa to herself but ultimately fails until the final battle against Black Lady and Wiseman where both Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask as their future selves break through Wiseman's spell and free Chibiusa from his clutches.
Black Lady is mentioned again during the Dream Arc when Palla Palla puts a spell on Chibiusa and Usagi switching the growths so that Chibiusa appears older than she is and takes on a similar appearance to Black Lady, but not entirely as her appearance is much softer than the harshness of her dark form.
for my doublemoon and triplemoon au verses, her name is yotsuyu tsukino or tsuyu tsukino for short!
chibiusa is NOT in love with her father. much like her mother, she has a dream of a falling in love with a cool guy who will come to her rescue and save her and be there to support her through numerous hardships. obviously mamoru is a very cool guy and chibiusa latches onto this idea and with no other positive male figure in her life (outside of artemis), she associates this dream with mamoru. this dream boy of her's would later change from her father to helios.
in the 90s anime, it is said the ice skating was a recreational activity in the silver millennium of the past and that princess serenity (usagi) was exceptionally well at it. this tradition continued with the silver millennium of the 30th century and just like her mother, usagi, chibiusa was very good at this activity. naturally this would apply to her time as black lady as well.
in the 90s anime, black lady is seen using luna-p to transform into a badminton racket and birdie. she is shown to be quite skilled with it and this is due to another recreational activity of the silver millennium of the future being badminton as it is a favorite past time of small lady.
Chibs has deep seated feelings of loneliness and regret that were ultimately preyed upon to turn her into Black Lady. These feelings are not something that will easily be washed away. Yes, ultimately Pluto's sacrifice (and Usagi and Mamoro in the 90s anime) helped her come to terms with the fact that she was never truly alone and that she was loved, but as Black Lady these feelings are magnified two-fold. They will not disappear so easily and she is quite content to stay as she is - in the darkness with awesome powers of darkness and as the Queen of Nemesis. since in the 90s anime chibs is good at chess, im gonna hc that she is as black lady too and in my 90s verse she can summon comically large chess pieces to beat up the sailor senshi. (also because i think it would be kinda funny if she just summoned giant chess pieces out of nowhere. 💀)
in the original anime it is said that chibiusa's favorite snack is hotcakes and then it briefly gets brought up in crystal. i can't remember if it is the same in the manga, too, but i'm just gonna have this here for myself, but also don't be surprised if she tries to tempt you to the dark side with hotcakes! (y'know that old internet meme "come to the darkness we have cookies. LOL)
ohmigod but what if!!! she had a pink moon mark? 🤔 🤔
since each of the black moon clan have specific gemstones attributed to them, i think black lady's would either be onyx or obsidian?
in my usual perusing of sailor moon merchandise, i came across a luna p stress ball. black lady totally owns one of these. i also came across luna and artemis thumb grips. black lady owns luna p ones as well as that one hot topic luna p crossbody bag, but obviously she owns the flocked variant version with the black moon clan symbol.
BLACKMOON. Feeling lonely and afraid, she wanders through space-time after losing her precious time key. Wiseman finds her and preys on her feelings of loneliness - promising that which she desires most. He twists her beautiful dream into something dark and the small lady becomes black lady - queen of darkness. With her newfound powers, she takes on the Sailor Guardians and calls forth not only Death Phantom but the planet, Nemesis as her and Death Phantom seek to end the reign of the White Moon.
BLACKROSE. The princess of the 30th century returns to the future with the Sailor Guardians and learns from her father that the Silver Crystal disappeared before the Black Moon Clan attacked. She believes the events after the attack and the damage her mother sustained in power were her fault and she runs away, leaving the protection of the Crystal Palace. Wiseman finds her and distorts her memories into something tragic and after taking advantage of her weakness, he uses his powers to transform into black lady - princess of darkness. The Princess of the White Moon (Sailor Moon) almost succeeds in restoring the once young [future] princess of the 30th century with the mysterious powers of the Silver Crystal but is saved by Wiseman.
BLACKRABBIT. This is the same as BLACKMOON as Sailor Moon Crystal follows the manga - albeit with a few differences to my chagrin in the beginning.
BIRTH. The Summer 2001 and Winter 2002 Musical follows the events of the Black Moon arc in the manga. Its revision introduces the Outer Senshi.
PETITE. The Summer 2014 Musical follows the events of the Black Moon arc in the manga.
ANOTHERSTORY. Confronting the Sailor Guardians in Silver Millennium, she tells them that destiny has changed and that the one they know as "Chibiusa" will cease to exist.
ECLIPSED.  This is a verse set during the Black Moon arc of Sailor Moon however in regards to Chibiusa becoming Black Lady, she sees herself as the Black Lady we all known appearance wise. Everyone else sees Chibiusa but with longer twintails and a Black Moon clan mark on her forehead.
DOUBLEMOON. On her wedding day, Princess Serenity is not carrying one baby, but two. Once ascending the throne and another Silver Millennium graces the world, newly crowned Neo Queen Serenity gives birth to twin girls - Chibiusa and Yotsuyu. Tsuyu always feels vastly inferior to her older sister. She feels like Chibiusa always receives all the attention from their parents - attention that is already far and few between as it is. This causes Tsuyu to feel spurned, forgotten, and unloved. While her older sister travels to the 20th century to seek the aid of Sailor Moon, Tsuyu turns to the Black Moon Clan for what she desires most - love, attention, and having her beautiful dream to be a lady like her mother fulfilled. She becomes Black Lady , Queen of Darkness , and under Wiseman begins to plot the further downfall and total annihilation of her former kingdom.
INFINITY. With body snatched and silver crystal taken, Chibiusa's true self remains protected inside Mistress 9 by Hotaru Tomoe. A mysterious daimon entity from the Tau Star System has taken residence in Chibiusa's body. Sensing the darkness that once plagued Chibiusa's heart, this daimon uses it to fashion Chibiusa's appearance into that of Black Lady once more. 'Black Lady' walks the stage besides Mistress 9 to bring about the destruction of the Sailor Guardians and to make the planet Earth their own.
DREAM. Chibiusa gives herself over to Queen Nehelania , offering her her beautiful dream in exchange for Helios's freedom and the safety of the people of Tokyo. What the young guardian doesn't know is that Nehelania has no intention of honoring her promise. The young princess's dream becomes tainted - her beautiful dream of being a beautiful lady and strong leader like her mother and finding a love as wonderful as her parents wilts. Black Lady once again rises as a member of the Dead Moon Circus and is a formidable opponent for the Sailor Guardians.
DREAMREDUX. Chibiusa gives herself over to Queen Nehelania , offering her her beautiful dream in exchange for Helios's freedom and the safety of the people of Tokyo. What the young guardian doesn't know is that Nehelania has no intention of honoring her promise. The young princess's dream becomes tainted - her beautiful dream of being a beautiful lady and strong leader like her mother and finding a love as wonderful as her parents wilts. Black Lady once again rises as a member of the Dead Moon Circus and is a formidable opponent for the Sailor Guardians. Helios has continued to seek refuge in her beautiful dream in the hopes that he had can reach her through the darkness, but all Black Lady wants is to bring him into the darkness with her. SHARED WITH @.MAIDENKISSED.
DARKDREAMS. With Helios giving himself over to Nehelania to protect the king, queen, and princess of the White Moon, Chibiusa is distraught. The only thing on her mind is saving Helios - the one whom she had fallen for. Seeking out the Dead Moon Circus, she is taken prisoner by the Amazon Trio where Chibiusa strikes a bargain with Nehelania - her beautiful dream to set Helios free. Nehelania agrees (or so Chibiusa thinks) and the Princess of the 30th Century has her dream taken and tainted and Black Lady is reborn once again. However Nehelania never honors her end of the bargain with Black Lady and Helios's dreams become tainted as well as he turns into Black Pegasus. The pair become known as 'The Lady and the Pegasus' in the circus.
STARS. Upon her return to the 20th century to aid Sailor Moon, Chibiusa is greeted by the Sailor Quartet - her team of Sailor Guardians - and they travel to the Galaxy Cauldron with the Starlights, Princess Kakyuu, and Sailor Chibi-Chibi. After crossing the river Styx and being confronted by formidable Sailor Guardians controlled by Sailor Galaxia, they reach Galaxia's castle. It is here they are greeted by their allies, now under Galaxia's command. Sensing a new player from the future, Galaxia does not hesitate in trying to steal Chibiusa's Star Seed. However she senses what was once a great darkness in the tiny princess's heart and once her Pink Silver Crystal is stolen, Chibiusa is granted new powers and rises once more as Black Lady.
TRIPLEMOON. Parallel Sailor Moon verse, but instead of having two kids, Usagi had three daughters - Chibiusa, Yotsuyu, and Kousagi. Chibiusa and Tsuyu are twins and Kousagi is the youngest. While Chibiusa takes after her father, Tsuyu takes after their mother. However the bonds between sisters cannot be severed and growing up, anyone that bullied Chibiusa had to face Tsuyu and she was a force to be reckoned with. Even now with the pair heading into high school, Tsuyu does not tolerate anyone bullying her sisters. She has earned the nickname 'Black Lady' from her schoolmates because of how terrifying she can become when angered or slighted. Tsuyu and her older sister also have the same taste in men which brings a lot of friction between the two while Kousagi is left wondering why it matters who likes who more.
HELIOS / @.maidenkissed.
HELIOS / @.maidenkissed.
cafekitsune / Toei / Naoko Takeuchi / P.N.P. / Marco Albiero / missdream / mintymoondrops / spriters-resource.
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minecraftbookshelf · 2 years
Marriage of State AU: Masterpost
My WIP Empires S1 AU featuring a completely different timeline, some canon problems are not issues but we've given them all new ones to make up for it.
At this point the arranged marriages are more of a minor plot point because I have gotten lost in the worldbuilding of fantasy geopolitics, religion, and agricultural commerce, but the name stuck long enough that we're just rolling with it.
Standard Disclaimer that this is about the Minecraft DnD Characters, not the creators who play them.
This series is also on my AO3
You can find all the posts for this au in the #marriage of state au tag, which is the first one on this post, for your convenience.
Index of links below the cut
Xornoth's POV Trigger Warning
In the Hall of the Ocean Queen Arc:
In the Age of Icons Arc:
Mistakes Are Made [AO3] [Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3]
Into Ash Arc:
Character Oneshots:
The Ocean Queen The Codfather: Version One // Version Two The Mad King of Mezalea The Elven King of Rivendell The Copper King Shrub Berry the Gnome The Prince of Rivendell The Lost Emperor The Farmer Queen The King of Mythland The Great Wizard The Count of the Grimlands The Faerie Queen
Joel Takes A Nap
This Amazing Joel Detail by @heliostheperson
Important Posts
Where It All Started
Character Design Posts: Lizzie || Jimmy || Joel || Xornoth || Pixlriffs || Shrub Berry || Scott || Joey || Pearl || Mythical J Sausage || GeminiTay || Fwhip || Katherine
Marriage of State AU (new to old) // Marriage of State AU (old to new)
Character Tags: Fwhip || GeminiTay || Joey || Katherine || Lizzie || Sausage || Pearl || Pixlriffs || Shrub Berry || Scott || Joel || Jimmy || Xornoth
Empire Tags: The Grimlands || The Crystal Cliffs || The Lost Empire || The Overgrown || The Ocean Empire || Mythland || Gilded Helianthia || Pixandria || The Undergrove || Rivendell || Mezalea || The Cod Swamp || Mangrovia
Grouping Tags: Seablings || Rivendell Siblings || Roseblings || Ocean Alliance || WRA || ShadowBeans (I refuse) || Flower Husbands || Jornoth || Nature Wives || Ensemble || Gods & Monsters || Hermits & Friends || OCs (all two of them with their .05 seconds of screen-time)
MoS AU Fic
MoS AU Asks
MoS AU Fic Snippets and Previews
MoS AU World-building
MoS AU Art
I also tag all asks with the url of the asker and HERE is a cheat code to search for posts filtering for more than one tag (only usable on a browser)
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rancidmice · 2 years
ok so i made a playlist for wonderland
Listen to the whole thing on youtube here
Song list and some notes on specific tracks below. I wanted to tie in the themes of video gamey music, pop, hyperpop, and metalcore to create the vibe of wonderland while also moving through the journey of the arc and telling the story through the songs! It’s been a fun little project and I’m really happy with the result.
Wonderland: Round One- The Suffering Game OST
Death By Glamour- Undertale OST
-this one is basically the alternate title for this arc. also how could we not open with this to accomany our vogue elves?
Kill V. Maim- Grimes
-if you don’t like grimes because of the way she is (valid) you get a multifaceted approach to suffering in this playlist
FIGHT! Flyday Chinatown- Aests
-a neat summarization of the game space dynamic
Unite Synchronization- Homestuck OST
-i couldn’t not put some homestuck music in here because it fits so well with the video game electronic sound. also, this one is very teamwork oriented. they’re in the monster factory working together :)
Doritos & Fritos- 100 gecs
Scream (feat. ARISTOPHANES)- Grimes
-its the suffering game! here we start sonically heading toward the darker aspects of wonderland 
KILL ALL PREDATORS (feat. Zand)- Banshee
-“messed up? oh you wanna see messed up?” ... washing machine (and the rest of it all)
Wonderland: Round Two- The Suffering Game OST
Immaterial- Sophie
-“without my legs or my hair, without my genes or my blood, with no name and with no type of story, where do i live? tell me where do i exist?” the sacrifice wheel...
Mos Thoser- food house, Gupi & Fraxiom
-“POV: you’re an icon cause you’re me. think about how many people know they’re gay because of me” in the heart attack game. he’s taako? from TV?
Tobira wo Akete- ANZA
-by contrast to the first round this round is significantly less draining, we have the bonus round and the easy version of heart attack. things reset to not quite zero but a comfortable level of stability. 
Money- That Poppy
-again, if you don’t like poppy because of the way she is, you get extra suffering for free
Sburban Reversal- Homestuck OST
-we start to see the glitches!! things are not what they seem...
Bite Your Teeth- Poppy
-did you forget this was the suffering game? it’s been a nice respite. 
Wonderland: Round Three- The Suffering Game OST
Megalovania- Undertale OST
-boss rush! also, also this playlist would be NOTHING without megalovania.
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich- Lady Gaga
Phonky Town- Playaphonk
-this ones depression phonk
Pink Whitney- Scene Queen
Haunted- Laura Les
-POV: you’re Lup inside the umbrella
Death of a Predator- Banshee
-from the first note of this song you can tell that we’re in the endgame. it hurts now.
-”I now know what it feels like to have my soul ripped out from my body”... self explanatory
Black Hole - Green Sun- Homestuck OST
-arms outstretched through the destruction of wonderland exists here as one slow motion battle. everything happens at once. the guitar is mournful as the boys fight like theyve never fought before. everything hurts.
Waking Up In Vegas- Katy Perry
-wonderland is gone. the contestants emerge in a daze, blinking in the sunlight. it’s overcast in the clearing of the felicity wilds, but still so bright. how long were they playing? how long were they trapped? no one seems to remember.
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lucy-mors · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Marvel Avengers Iron Man Arc Reactor Baby Boy Graphic Print Body Suit (9 mos.).
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filmcellbizltd · 1 year
🌟✨ May the Force be with you, Tumblr fam! ✨🌟
Just had an epic movie night rewatching "Star Wars: A New Hope" and I'm overflowing with galactic nostalgia! 🚀✨ Let's journey back to the beginning of an iconic saga that has captured the hearts of fans across the universe. Here are my thoughts on this timeless space adventure:
1️⃣ A Universe Like No Other: From the opening crawl to the grand finale, "A New Hope" transports us to a galaxy far, far away with such vividness and imagination. George Lucas's visionary world-building is truly unparalleled. Who could forget the vastness of Tatooine, the bustling cantina in Mos Eisley, or the imposing Death Star? It's a rich tapestry of planets, species, and cultures that continues to awe and inspire.
2️⃣ Iconic Characters That Last Forever: Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and, of course, the wise and enigmatic Obi-Wan Kenobi. These characters are the epitome of legendary. Each one has their unique quirks, motivations, and story arcs that keep us invested throughout the movie. The sheer chemistry between the cast is a testament to the magic that happens when talent and storytelling align.
3️⃣ The Force Is Strong: The Force is not just a plot device; it's the heartbeat of "Star Wars." The mystical energy that binds the galaxy together, the duality of light and dark, and the path of the Jedi. Obi-Wan's teachings, the iconic lightsaber battles, and that unforgettable duel between Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker on the Death Star – it all adds up to an epic battle between good and evil.
4️⃣ A Hero's Journey: Luke Skywalker's hero's journey is the stuff of legends. From a simple farm boy on Tatooine to a galactic hero, his transformation is both relatable and aspirational. We see ourselves in Luke as he discovers his destiny, learns the ways of the Force, and confronts the darkness within himself. It's a timeless tale that resonates with audiences of all ages.
5️⃣ The Power of Hope: "A New Hope" is not just a title; it's a theme that resonates throughout the film. Against all odds, a small band of rebels fights for freedom and against the tyranny of the Empire. This movie teaches us that hope is a powerful force that can ignite change and unite even the most unlikely of allies. It's a message that continues to inspire generations.
So, Tumblr fam, if you haven't watched "Star Wars: A New Hope," I highly recommend diving into this intergalactic masterpiece. It's a cinematic journey that will leave you breathless and forever a part of the Force.
May the Force be with you, always! ✨💫
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mdzspring · 3 years
— yi city arc
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cr: weiyingsz
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