#i am so fucking here for tmp
edensbackyard · 8 months
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I am going insane over tmagp
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its-your-mind · 8 months
alright fuck this I’m making a TIMELINE. and a FACT SHEET. it will not be in order. Nor will it actually track dates really. Mostly it’s going to contain the seeds of my theories. I’m red stringing this Shit via tumblr post on mobile.
Magnus Institute fire: 1999
Windows NT 4.0 (the Windows NT that was the commercial predecessor to Windows 95) was released to retail in 1996 (with the final version released in 2001) so Freddy has been creeping around the web since around the time the Institute burned down
Jon, Martin, and probable Jonah Norris, Chester, and Augustus started actively reading roughly 1/30 statements entries out loud ~a year ago, according to Alice
Statements Entries so far are dated to May 2022, and it’s implied that Freddy collects them more or less as they appear, so as far as rough estimates for when tmp is set, it’s nowish, or just a bit earlier than now (similar to how tma was)
My kingdom for an ARG player who can hook me up with the founding date of the OIAR and the dates on those Magnus Institute records, just cuz I’m curious
Jonah Magnus exist(s/ed) in SOME form in this world, and built an institution designed to research the paranormal. That institution burned down and cleared of all records. Unclear exactly when the clearing happened.
The voices in the computer are the same as Martin Blackwood’s and Jonathan Sims’s
The OIAR has a department (this one) dedicated entirely to sorting weird shit scraped from online with an obsessive specificity
Everyone who works in this department wasn’t forced to be here and isn’t forced to stay, but all of them do have something that guided them to this position and is keeping them here
There is supernatural shit happening here in this world right now
Annabelle Cane said that the rift under Hilltop Road was a rift in reality - time, space, dimensions
She also said that the Fears would be following the voices that were woven into the web made of the tapes
In the TMA-verse, the Fears had a penchant for spreading themselves around via books (and then someone stupid idiot motherfucking dusty ass book collecting rat old bastard avatar of the whore biggest clown in the circus cowboy— starting slapping a label on em
Did the fears exist in this world for an extended period of time, or have they only recently appeared? All the dates we have for statements entries are recent, but there was at the very least some FUCKED UP SHIT happening before the jmart+Jimmy Magma squad popped up
Did Robert Smirk build batshit crazy buildings and also a panopticon under London?
Was Magnus fear-aligned? Was the Institute? Or was it just a place for fucked up research?
Are there alternate-reality versions of any beloved TMA recurring cast members running about?
Was the og TMA world the place where the Fears started? Or had they already spread?
How far have they made it at this point? Is this the first new world post-archives-crew? Or are we several down the chain?
The Fears have been Updated for the Twentieth (not twenty-first, rip to Colin) Century and now they have infused themselves into computer systems via Jon’s tapes letting them encode themselves in a new and fun way (I am not 100% sure how tapes work besides magnets somehow, but I DO know that early computers used them for data tracking, which makes enough dream-logic sense for me) and are thus able to hack themselves into forum posts and also spy on the whole world via one (1) government computer system
Panopticon screenshot happened in March 2021. First two statements are May 2022. Alice said the voices started showing up about a year ago. So even if the Fears were already here, JMart are here now once more to lend their voices to the verbal record of Fear
Speaking of the Fears already being here. If the Rift was also for Time, I’m sure the Web could have figured out a way to drag the Squad back along the timeline while somehow leaving jmart behind
OIAR is EITHER. The Fears (Web specifically) preparing a perfect funnel-spider web trap for JMart when they did show up (oh voices? tapes? telling fear stories? here you go motherfuckers) or someone’s Leitner/Smirk/Magnus-ass attempt to wrangle all the trauma under one roof. Either way I’m p sure it is Web-ish-aligned, if the Fears even exist in this world in the way we’re used to seeing them
If we’ve got two grown up paranormal guinea pigs, AND a bouchard running around, and all of them are here because of Some Sort Of Reason, and are Still Here Even Though They Could Leave, I assume everyone else is too. I wonder if they all have some tie to this world’s Institute, or if they’ve all had encounters, or were selected based on their compatibility with the OIAR’s aims
Speaking of which
WHAT IS THE OIAR? Cuz this part of it is clearly kinda similar to the Archives in terms of collecting and sorting statements. Is there more of it? What do those people do? Do they use these sorted entries somehow? Also why tf do they have do work overnight????
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 4 months
TMAGP 15 Thoughts: Seasoned Hunters
What a fucking episode. No complaints at all. It's just solid gold all the way through and just like gold it's a dense so there is lots to dig in to, and not much point in a preamble.
Spoilers for episode 15, and all of TMA, below the cut.
I really like the introductory office drama portion of today's episode. It's not particularly enlightening, and there isn't anything new in it, but it sets the stage well. Yes, that was a pun. Alice reacted to the news as I knew she would, because she can't help herself. But other than that I really like the mention of Luke playing at The Glad. Magnus stuff always does a really good job of peppering in real places.
This incident was also incredibly short. However unlike last week's episode I think it utilised that time so much better. All of it was a slow build up to one event and was really just three scenes. Set up, hunt, conclusion. Simple and to the point but incredibly effective. Last week's episode felt like too big of an idea bent to fit too short of a time, while this weeks felt like a good story that was given the time it needed and no more or less. Really big fan of the whole thing.
The incident didn't have too much to really get into here. If I were live blogging you would've seen me say "Lady Mowbray?!?!" when the Caterer said "the really high-end stuff". I have been waiting for something aristocratic. The set up is a little cliché but I really like the subversion of Battle Royale instead of The Most Dangerous Game. It's not only an effective twist when the story is from the Caterer's PoV it's a much better insight into the characters were being introduced to. It also highlights something fairly interesting about TMP vs TMA. This incident is one of the most singular in terms of its representation of a TMA Entity but that expectation is somewhat subverted by having these characters hunt each other for another rather than all be hunted down. It wouldn't be out of place in TMA but it is taking a bit of a different approach.
Speaking of the characters though. Fuck Yeah. Lady Mowbray. Finally. I, and probably all of Statement Remains, have been waiting for her appearance since last October when some lucky folks got to meet her bodyguards as part of the ARG. I didn't have her pegged for a badass cannibal but here we are. She really surpassed my expectations. I love aristocratic monster people so I had high hopes and I am still pleasantly surprised.
Celia and Lady M's interaction is really great. I love that we're getting more and more evidence that Celia is clearly more than she's letting everyone else in on. I, obviously at this point, think she's from TMA's universe for a lot of reasons. Lady M not being able to place why she smells so wrong but picking up on her being out of place is just more evidence of that. Celia holding her ground and not taking any shit from Lady M is also incredible. She just listened to how she eats people, gets jumped scared by her, and then instantly tells her to fuck off by way of not giving her a name. She's really living up to the Ripley namesake and I love every second of it.
I will not soon forget that tiny little tease about Bouchard lore either. Actually cruel.
Luke and Alice at the bar wasn't a big moment but it's nice to see her interact with more than just her co-workers. Meeting Luke and he being seemingly normal was also nice, be a shame when he dies.
The final section was phenomenal. I really love it when these shows break format and what a format break it was. So first things first this was recorded on a tape recorder. Significant for likely obvious reasons but unlike the last time these showed up this one isn't an incidental placement like the Institute's one. It was being carried by the woman. We know Alice feels like she's been followed since that incident and this is likely related to it but I don't think it's related in the most obvious sense. There is a very obvious conclusion to draw from TMA knowledge but I feel like that might be folly here. It seems a little too obvious and a little too strained at the same time. The Institute and [Error] being so related to that and in this fashion I think would feel a bit forced, and so this feels more like a red herring to me. Something is going on with them but I don't think it's going to be that.
So Drowning Victim, as she is credited, is super intriguing for a million reasons. Continuing on from that prior thought it's quite possible that the tape recorder and Alice being in the same place is entirely coincidental. It's one of those things that feels like a scheme from TMA context but everything being linked feels too TMA to me for right now. But what she's saying is really interesting. Because with those tape recorders it sounds like a statement. It's not just random mumbling but a fairly coherent narrative. Or a recalling of prior events. Whether the Drowning Victim is the original PoV for that potential statement is hard to say. I doubt it but it would be possible. Another strong idea here is that it is linked to [Error] and her deal might be another archive. Instead of just collection and storage she could be able to force others to relive them through the statements. That's a TMA parallel I think would be a much stronger use of TMA's theme.
Outside of that Alice's interaction with her is so so well done. I think it's really important to show that Alice both has a heart and is able to stop with her attitude when it's really important. Getting to see that when push comes to shove she can step up is going to be something that'll come back around. We all know that everyone at the OIAR is in for a world of hurt and I think Alice is the person the fanbase has the biggest issue with in that sort of context so far. And her singing Nellie the Elephant for compression rate is sort of heart breaking to listen to. Just a really fantastic performance from Billie and people better be nicer to Alice after this. I better not hear her getting any shit for running away either. She gave CPR to a woman who basically attacked her, drowned in the middle of London, died, and then kept talking.
Also, quite note, this episode had five new voice actors in it.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet
Klaus Watch: Wasn't expecting this to return so soon but here we are. This incident doesn't appear on Klaus but what does is this, CAT1RB2373-10072023-########. This has the accompanying note "Dame M" and a location "London, England".
DPHW Theory: 6451 is a pretty reasonable rating for this. Hunting mostly focused on the killing part of it. Some mental compulsion, seclusion, and obviously the predator/prey dynamic. The 1 in Weird is more evidence that 1 is the lowest rating with 0 being the highest. Nothing Weird in this one really.
CAT# Theory: CAT1 has a person in it.
I'm still debating whether to do a post on that theory because part of me does feel like it'd ruin other people's fun. Another part of me thinks that theories as prolific as that deserve to be scrutinised as intently as possible. Although there is a problem with that idea because my DPHW theory that has become the default does seem to be mine and I've not seen any cases of parallel thought on that one. The CAT theory has 10+ individuals all coming to roughly the same conclusion though and I'm not sure if that makes it more fair game or not. I, personally, welcome any challenges to my theories and I know some people who have posted the CAT theory do but that's not the same as them all holding that stance. It's not really possible to single anyone out either as it's not about any single person but the idea itself. IDK, give your thoughts on it.
This one does solidly fit into that theory though.
R# Theory: B sounds good to me. Although it's worth mentioning that there is a hyphen in this header between the rank and the DPHW.
Header talk: Hunt (Aristocratic) -/- Compulsion is interesting for two reasons. First off it being Hunt sort of precludes, secondly Compulsion is a strange filing for this IMO. There was an element of it but it was fairly minor and didn't seem like the thrust of the episode. The Caterer was compelled to be quiet but wasn't forced to hunt the rest of the brigade. He chose that when he realised what Lady M. was getting at.
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sebbiesolace · 20 days
*Tmp. Tmp. Tmp.*
“Am I even human… excellent question! My friend, I assure you, I’m as human now as I was before I entered here.”
*You hear Parker before you see him. The distinctive thud of his leg echoes. As he rounds the corner, his hollow gaze bores into you.*
“So. You’ve murdered HQ, and deprived me of future fun. What happens from here? Do you set up a little kingdom? Delve into the depths? What happens next?”
*He leans against the wall, tapping his chin thoughtfully.*
“If I was in your position, I’d see if I could get this televised! Find an airwave to hijack, find a bunch of unlucky fucks who’re still caught here, ‘n force them to self-immolate on camera. It’d be a show they’d never forget!”
*His laugh is mirthful, but his grin is soulless.*
“How could people ignore that? How could they ignore you?”
*Parker takes a moment to compose himself.*
“Ah, it’d be great. But also… not my call.”
[.....Making Expendables light themselves on fire..]
[The PA crackled to life yet again, Sebastians voice nothing more then a low hiss.]
"That would be a vain and pointless endeavor. It wouldn't do ANYTHING."
[He was shutting the entire site down, water rushing in as airlocks lost power, the conduits for the Crystal slamming shut, one by one. He wasn't just aiming for anyone in this FACILITY now- He was aiming for Urbanshade. He was making everything down here collapse... Without the energy from the Crystal, there was nothing holding it together.]
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randomly making this intro ::::9
illegal name is callisto, my legal name is a secret that nobody will ever know
pronouns are any but they are kinda changey so idk
eye am a minor !1!+++!1+!!!!!
currently listening to wtnv (on episode 76) so no more spoilers than eye already have lol
i dont even like skittles that much but its too late now. that also doesnt stop me from eating them when i can
flash warninge deep below, after all my babbling :3
you could also call me skittles/roxy/nepeta/dave/neproxy/davepeta/michael/cipher/aj get creative as long as i can tell ur talkin 2 me
genderfluid nonbinary ect im THE gender man. refer to me as whatever is fu niest in the situation. also demiaro and ace and ... bi maybe?
i like space and numbers and cosmic horror.
my music taste is better than yours uhh. here
chonny jash
will wood
dazey and the scouts
mommy long legs
toby fox
vocaloid (vflower is my fav)
cat crash
gum disease
ect. eye dont care
every interest (or just media i witnessed and enjoyed), in an order of some sort:
tma/tmp (hyperfix)
inanimate insanity
animatic battle
its time for the
madoka magica
wings of fire
the amazing didgital circus
doki doki literature club
ride the cyclone
the owl house
my little pony
gravity falls (hyperfix)
i have hyperfixated on a lot and will hyperfixate on much more, i am unstoppable. if you hear about my List is is an organized list of things i might consume so i can keep track of them instead of forgetting about them. if ypu have recommendations eye can add them 👍
i have never been normal about a fictional character. i capture them and put them.in boxes and shake them
probably autistic? maybe adhd? perhaps more? who fucking knows.
if i think of anythin ill add it lmao
i like these recyangular flashy things and inhave some soo
flash warning lolse
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eye got the eye/i thing from an old tiktok mutual. idk if they got banned or eye got banned. mostly wont use it tho
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the-watching-spiral · 2 months
Begining my second litsen through of The Magnus Archives today - I fucking love this show. I've been listening to TMP, and it makes me want to listen to TMA all over. I've been putting that off bc it's a large commitment, but I'm on a car ride, and there's no better time to litsen than on a car ride
Episode 1: Anglerfish
I've litsened to it SO many times. Bc I've litsen to this specific episode so many times, it was part of my reluctance to start again. And yet here I am, enjoying every damn second of it. The first time I litsened to it, I was sitting in the dark of my giant Radio/TV classroom slash studio. It was forna dual credit career specific class I was taking my junior + senior year. It must have been first semester of junior year, since I have nastolgia of litsening to this podcast in the cold of fall and winter. There was a sub that day, so I was able to be alone in the dark classroom section. I was drawing, and I knew NOTHING abt the podcast. Now, I Know too much. I prefer it that way, it's a brilliant story.
Oh, Sara Baldwin. I remember when I heard the name the second time, I did NOT remember it 💀
And the joyous Season One Jon "el oh el" it made me laugh out loud the first time - checks out.
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itchyeye · 7 months
@apocalypticsinn replied to your post “ok. i'm giving the first episode a shot.”:
Oh noooOOOO welcome to hell :,) Alice remains like this the entire series btw and it just. It doesn’t get better. The newest episode I wanted to strangle her- I’m VERY interested in hearing your full thoughts on even just this first episode-!
​whgau first thing's first i am touched to hear you're interested in my thoughts
ok so overall it was very bad. @socvinc is correct that the sound mixing is fantastic, especially contrasted against s1 of tma which was shoestring budget dogshit. but then again this new show was funded by a seemingly boundless supply of patreon dollars so it fucking better sound expensive!!
alice is absolutely insufferable. you could stick a classroom full of twelve year old bronies (and i mean the og 2010s bronies not the gen z post ironic queer reclamation kind) in front of a hundred typewriters for all of time and they would eventually produce every single thing that has ever come out of alice's mouth. sure, it seems like gwen and most other people are annoyed with her, so at least she isn't being treated as funny and charming in-universe!! but absolutely fucking impossible to listen to. will not be putting myself through more of that.
also, the general animosity and malaise is unearned. sure, we have all been at jobs where everyone is burnt out and nobody cares anymore. but there's a sort of creeping realization that comes with that. even if things are bad right off the bat, they still get worse as you familiarize yourself with your new surroundings.
to have your exposition be alice telling sam that nothing matters and there is no point to his job and everything is stupid and he shouldn't even be here just makes me hate her. it doesn't matter that she's doing it to give gwen a moment to shine and prove her diligence and dedication. it immediately makes alice a deeply unlikeable character. she is relentlessly negative and cynical and lazy and we have been given ZERO justification for why she would be so abbrasive to someone just starting a new career!! plus she's fucking annoying so the cards are REALLY stacked against her.
and the relentless gloomy bleakness of the Archives was so. so. so. earned. all of s1 had this slow slow sloooooow build up of tension and horror and false leads and red herrings and SUDDENLY WORMS. SASHA'S DEAD. TIDAL WAVE OF WORLD-ENDING WORMS. THREE DREAD POWERS AT ONCE. AND EVERYONE HAS PTSD AFTERWARDS AND STILL HAS TO COME IN TO WORK. JON'S GONE OFF THE FUCKING DEEP END. THEN S2. NO ONE CAN LEAVE. WE'RE ALL TRAPPED HERE LIKE RATS IN A SINKING SHIP.
the gloom and malaise and desperation is real and tangible and you are there with the characters as it builds. it's rewarding and dynamic. opening episode 1 with "everyone hates it here bc it's very spooky and bureucratic" is just a pale and unsuccessful immitation of the slowburn that MADE the archives what they were.
also the very first little mini statement was so lame??? no build up. no atmosphere. no character development. not even a short story, just a tumblr uquiz option. "i saw my husband but he was Shaped Wrong and also dead" jesus christ...
i might listen to episode 2 just because i have time to kill but being dropped into the middle of an office party gave me traumatic tma s5e1 flashbacks and i can't live through that again. one of my tmp anons who mentioned it was very office-banter based was SOOOO right. the majority of the episode felt like those incorrect-quotes accounts that clog up tumblr search results. just people i don't know and voices i don't recognize having weird try-hard conversations.
oh that's another glaring difference: the dialogue and voice acting in tma feels incredibly natural. the way conversations are written and the way they are performed feels believable, like listening to recordings of people who do not know they're being recorded. the conversations in tmp feel like watching f.r.i.e.n.d.s in that every line feels really rigidly scripted. no one talks over one another. no sounds overlap. there are no natural sounding pauses or stutters. just bad sitcom dialogue. BUT as i said to anon.... that's what the people want.
overall feels like an ogfic "inspired by" tma that i would have no interest in reading. a pale immitation of lightning in a bottle.
can't say i blame them. we all have bills to pay. but i can say i resent them.
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jjcattt · 8 months
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ok first of all @saltwater-martinis i am happy to announce that tmp is NOT a scam and it is in fact available right now on any podcast service. just scroll to the bottom of tma and you can find the first 2 episodes.
SECOND OF ALL THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO INFODUMP ABOUT MY TMP THEORIES. spoilers and one million paragraphs below the cut btw
ok so the aforementioned gay people in computer. tmp follows the ending of tma, where tldl jmart doomed yaoi, martin has to kill jon to essentially reset the timeline and make it so that the apocalypse didn't happen. tmp takes place in said timeline, a reality where the magnus institute burned down in the 90s.
tmp primarily follows a new cast of characters, but references to tma are dotted all around the two episodes. In episode 1 we are introduced to the OIAR, essentially our surrogate archives for the series.
the OIAR uses a proprietary computer system to comb the internet for supernatural encounters, which are looked over by humans and categorized.
This is the important part: occasionally the system 'glitches' and the text is read aloud instead of simply displayed. And the text to speech voices the system uses sound very familiar.
According to the character Alice, there are three tts voices the system uses. She has named them Chester, Norris, and Augustus. So far we've only heard Chester and Norris, but it's pretty obvious who'll play Augustus.
Here's the gist of the theory: Chester and Norris are, respectively, Jon and Martin.
How do we know this? Well, obviously, they're played by the same VAs doing the same voices, but that's not the only connection. So far Chester and Norris have only read one 'statement' (they aren't called that in tmp but whatevs) each. What exactly were these statements?
'Chester' (Jon) reads a statement about the magnus institute.
'Norris' (Martin) reads a statement about the loss of a loved one.
in addition, anyone who knows anything about text to speech knows the way they talk is. definitely too human to come from any computer, let alone one running fucking windows NT.
I theorize that jmart's 'souls', if you will, somehow survived the timeline reset. With their significant connections to the institute, and especially to the archives and statements, their 'souls' inhabited the closest thing to an archive. another database of supernatural incidents. the OIAR's database of supernatural incidents.
and voice 3, Augustus? well, Augustus was the name of a roman emperor, most notable for being the son of Julius Caesar. Who is the most important character in tma with a position of significant power? Jonah fucking Magnus.
also note that Augustus was the son of the most famous roman emperor. The tts voice could very easily have been named Julius, or even something less obvious but still related to historical political power, like Charles, Mark, or Alexander. But Augustus? This name makes more sense when you check the credits of TMP. The character Gwen is credited as Gwen Bouchard. As in Elias Bouchard. The person who Jonah Magnus hijacked the body of in the 90s.
I believe Gwen is likely the daughter, or perhaps younger sister (if you, understandably, dislike the idea of jonah magnus reproducing), of Elias, as hinted by the name of the tts being someone related to an emperor, and her relation to him likely fuels her stated drive to climb the ranks in the OIAR.
In Conclusion:
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rainbowr0ses · 4 months
Okay part 2 of the protocol journey, idk why I’ve decided to do this, but I’m continuing until I reach the end or run out of motivation. 
This is what I do instead of sleeping (silly… for the most part) if any of this sounds like- off-? Or more unhinged than I usually am? Blame it on my time zone 
(This is after-watching Roses, this episode does talk about serious topics, so I recommend checking the content warnings before listening!)
oh hi Jonny! You’re starting the episode this time? 
Oh hi Alex! Jonny usually does this part, doesn’t he?
Spooky intro! 
Oh that’s a spooky title, knowing the tma/tmp series that is
The SFX my beloved <3 
Dracula-? Hi-?
This categorizing system is so silly to me-
Hahahah she got it wrong!
I love the sounds- it’s so different from the tape recorders
This is gwen right? Cause Alice’s voice is deeper.
I was right! The voices so far are easy to differentiate 
Or maybe I’m just better at it
Damn Gwen 
Alice is so real for that. I say that on a daily basis-
Oh- new scene! 
Oh that’s funky
I- that voice- I recognize this voice
Oh I know that tone from therapists. Mmmm
Whoever you are kinda mystery lady, you are right
Okay, that’s a good way to speak
I should not have laughed at the “deep trauma that your itching to unpack”as much as I did-
We love our artists. All forms of artists, but in this case we’re talking about a visual artist
I’m sorry- is #makeupfree An actual hashtag-? (I don’t use a majority of social media, because you know (:  )
Good for you? Feeling more comfy in your own skin?
That’s not a good silence, I know that silence. That’s the thinking silence that means your brain is producing thoughts that aren’t good. Those thoughts are treated respectfully, and those that have them are welcomed in the household, but not the thoughts themself. (Guys I promise I’ve studied psychology-) I paused the episode for this
Daria! Such a pretty name
Ah, makeover is a good term
Oh? Tattoo time?
A generic witchy-alchemist character-? I wanna know who cause that’s so silly. Oh wait it’s generic, would it even be a specific character?
Ah so this is the ink5oul thing
I swear I saw ink5oul x bonzo somewhere. Or maybe it was needle?
I can see this tbh (I’ve never watched ink5oul-)
Oh-? I love tattoos like that 
Does ink5oul actually exist-? 
I love when people are so spooky and use they/them pronouns
Diversity wins! The tattoo artist who is also an influencer that is causing you excruciating pain is referred to with they/them pronouns!
I unpaused the episode at wasp stings- flash backs to the Jane prentiss statement (🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱)
Heartbeat noise!
Oh passing out from pain is such a trope
Not the mediocre dubstep-
Oh that’s so aesthetic!!
Tbh I wouldn’t complain if that was my tattoo
yeah go get your eeps Daria!
I have no idea how you spell Daria’s name-
Oh yay!! She’s having a good time! I can’t wait for it to be ruined
Oh here It goes
I see where this is going
I- oh dear- 
oh goodness not “perfect”
I’m speechless
Oh fucking dear
I. The wording of this is- AAAAAAAAAAAA
This is going to go so so so so so so wrong
Oh? Valid? 
You see, this is what a therapist should do. 
Valid point, valid point, from the lady who tried to remake herself into something perfect by carving it out on a painting. 
That’s a normal painter people thing probably-
oh clicking buttons
Alice. Okay Alice and Tim share the same vocal slot in my brain now
That’s so fair actually Alice-
“Paid to not care” I can make so many Political jokes rn-
Camera time!
Alice and Gwen interaction!!
What kind of question?
Oh government stuff
Fucking Alice- I love you so much 
Gwen is my favorite 
I think I like Bouchard characters-
Elias, and not Gwen-
I love one sided conversations, but only when I can understand what’s being said though, but I can get the gist from Alice
Oh she went silent-
Click click click
I love band names-
I mean. 👀
The computer must be so disappointed
The aggressive beat after its so- quiet? Always jumpscared me (I’ve heard it twice)
Woooo credits!! We love crediting people!! 
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xp-generic · 4 months
Uh... Hi, so I'm... a person on tumblr. I'll be honest if you're on my profile reading this then you're stalking it and I am flattered about that.
So I think I'll make this post quick and wrap it all with a bow for you.
Xp | Generic | Cosmic | Whatever nickname you hand me
They/Them, She/Her, He/Him (But like in the way a ladybug is a him yk?)
19 (I'm not giving you my birthday)
Audio Dramas (TMA/TMP, Midnight Burger, Midst, Welcome to Nightvale), Animated TV shows, Video Games, TTRPGs, Voice Acting, Art.
So if you're still reading this then you've just finished my stupid little introduction post, and for that you must be rewarded! Here's a really bad photo of my son Quackzimodo.
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televised-dreams · 2 years
hopes and dreams for tmp
here are some things i would absolutely LOVE to see in the magnus protocol. these are based on things that i either liked/thought tma could improve on. this is a bit of a humorous post so take everything i say with a bit of a chuckle okay? also i’ll totally rb anyone else’s valid additions.
- trans (preferably nonbinary, actually) main character.
As a nonbinary person myself, I would absolutely love to have a trans or nonbinary main character. There’s no specific reason why I think this WILL happen (tbh I doubt it) but I’d love to see this. It’s not impossible: Jonny’s work with the mechanisms combined with the trans guy that he wrote in one of his novels - Thirteen Storeys - means that he fully is willing to write & include trans characters in the media he collaborates on. I just don’t know if it will happen lmao because that might be a level of specificity that his characters don’t usually reach & also the way that the fandom HAS acted in the past about him writing about things that aren’t exactly his personal experiences might stop this character from being a thing. But yeah. I would love a nonbinary main character sooooo much.
im fucking bonkers about that man. please. more gerry. im BEGGING you. im so in love with him i am him he is my little meow meow. my halloween costume, my beloved.
- if not more gerry, more chaotic goths/punks please.
- at least a few female/femme leaning mains and supporting characters?
i think self-explanatory, i love men (i love men) but i would like a more consistent female main. georgie + melanie + basira + daisy are WONDERFUL characters & I love them very much and I just wished I could see a little more of them? just like a bit. so yeah.
- following on that previous note: more unhinged women/femmes. or just feral characters in general but ESPECIALLY women. or a unhinged nonbinary character that would be delicious as well.
please im begging you there is literally nothing more brainwormsy than weird women!! just women that do unhinged things and are weird and flawed and awkward. such good food. also unhinged nonbinary people because that’s just literally me and i love them.
- more lgbtq+ romance
does not NEED to be two mains like last time but i am an ABSOLUTE sucker for queer main romances soooo if it did happen between the two mains i would be very pleased :)
-aro/ace character :3
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frogayyyy · 2 years
tmp time let’s go (it’s on tv i’m contractually obliged to watch it)
- star trek theme my beloved <3 i do love the original one but this just slaps so much harder tbh
- whoever designed the uniforms… just. why?
- he’s like hold on can we pause the ritual for a sec my ex is calling me across space “it stirs your human blood” YOU BET IT DOES
- “your path is not with us” GO TO HIM
- i can’t believe he got a vulcan science officer replacement. be more obvious jim
- scotty i love you so much you’ve never done anything wrong ever
- ok we get it jim wants to fuck the enterprise why is this scene so long
- admiral 🤢
- NYOTA SULU CHEKOV this crew is the best i’m so soft for all of them
- poor decker this is awkward
- this is tragic but can we acknowledge that jim’s ex wife just died and he moved on in like 20 seconds?? emotionally stable people would at least take the day off
- BONES <3 with the breakup beard
- “are we about to kiss rn?”
- deforest kelly just got it man idk :( he played the hell out of that role
- i try to care about will and ilia but i just don’t i’m sorry
- um
- okay but spock is like i have urgent business that could save earth and the galaxy, but let me get a haircut first. and honestly? as he should he deserves it
- spock and chekov underrated duo
- spock SPOCK 🥰 jim being subtle as always
- “what it had cost me to turn away from that welcome” i think about that every time and it hurts so much
- god this is so awkward the reunion of the ex lovers “will you PLEASE sit down”
- “i need him” and then spock rejects him <3
- also jim changing to the white shirt after spock shows up
- i got distracted and missed some. i think spock’s about to go space walking
- christine is so underrated i wish we saw more of her
- “no wait, i’m going to go after him myself and risk my life so we can have a near death Moment”
- “jim” oh my god… screaming crying throwing up etc “no beauty.. no-… i should’ve known” IT’S SO- bro idc it’s canon to me
- “is this all that i am? is there nothing more?” HHNGNNGNNHHH
- “it knows only that it needs, but like so many of us it does not know what” *stares into my best bros eyes while everyone around us goes silent*
- my phone is about to die so i guess that’s all for today
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gayspock · 3 years
Gonna be cheeky and hit you with: all the TOS movies for the ask game
I. TMP never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece i understand why the girlies hate tmp... i truly do. like- the pacing is bloody horrific, lacklustre dialogue, with bland introductions to ne wcharacters, and soooo many of its key elements ARE recycled elements from TOS. nonetheless, my love: whereas many LOATHE the long, drawn out exposition shots, i find the fucking visuals positively p*rnographic.... its ghorgeous.... bjeautiful<3. and dont get me STARTED on the love story, woven so tenderly into the narrative.. oh sniff sniff. its SO romantic, and i darent care what the girlies say for im oh so gooey... i truly am.
II. TWOK never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece i think generally speaking, of the tos movies i have seen twok definitely DESERVES its rep as probably... the best written one? i think thats what i hear the general consensus as, yah<333 its very good it truly is.<3 like its sooo solid- and I FEEL GOOFY NOT SAYING MORE ON IT, its just a good fucking movie baby!! genuinely iconic. and tyou kknow that scene fucking made me cry sniff sniff cry. you know it did....
III. SFS never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece NO SHUT UP BC SFS is one of my favourites ok sniff sniff... like- heavens above.... like- im going to speak my truth, here, yknow. i love the TOS crew- but in the actual series proper, a lot of them dont really get their dues, you know? and its a little hard to always click with them because of that- which is a shame bc like i do LOVE them theyre lovely little guys but yah... however between this and TVH literally i fell totally stupid in love with them all as a unit. is it a little artifical - oh so totally - but when they all just give up everything to just (as far as they know) let bestie spock Rest In Peace.... im going to kms. </3 like- the whole scene where theyre breaking bones out- im INSANEEEE FOR IT. PEAK OF CINEMA OF ALL TIME. and later on, like, gosh... ive considered getting a tat of the enterprise burning up in space, it sent me so beserk bananas. however this movie is also the fucking worst for everything that happens on that godforsaken planet. hi....... hellaur..... NO, bc literally i will gut whoever made those choices. demented in the head. saavik, baby girl, i am so so fucking sorry they did this to you. also rip david, i fucking guess? i keep forgetting he exists. christ.
IV. TVH never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece THEY WERE FUCKING INSANE FOR THIS ONE. THE MOVIE OF ALL TIME. YOU ARE FUCKING INSANE FOR THIS ONE MISTER NIMOY.
V. TFF and VI. TUC never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite | masterpiece I ACTUALLY still havent had the chance to see V and VI, funnily enough. i was going to watch them on my birthday- but thats been and gone, and i just kinda didnt... i wanted to save them for a special occasion (i got them downloaded and everything) but i really cant think when. some day. <3 im rlly excited for TUC lol
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amythecinnabunny · 3 years
I have decided. For 300 followers, here are 30 prompts that are just lines from my WIPs. Send me a prompt number + a character(s)/ship/platonic pairing and I’ll do a little drabble based off it. Alternatively, send me a number + “explain”/”context” and I’ll tell you a bit about the WIP and put the line in context. (Ignore the names, I copied these directly from various WIPs)
Also feel free to turn this into a prompt list ask game i’ll be genuinely curious to see anything else that comes of this.
I’ll write for the following fandoms:
Julie and the Phantoms
BBC Merlin
Harry Potter
Miraculous Ladybug
The Order
Emma’s absence was tangible. It was a hole in Adrien’s heart that he could feel. He had never loved anyone like he’d loved Emma.
“If you bite me, will I turn into a vampire?” // “If I bite you, I promise it won’t be about letting you live further.”
“If I don’t make it back -- no listen to me. If I don’t make it out, you have to promise to stay alive. For me. You have to live if I can’t. I made my choice. If I have to pay a price like this for it, then that’s something I have to do.”
“I want one.” // “One what?” Sam asked stupidly, patting his pockets for the phone he’d left in the kitchen. Then he paused. “Oh,” he whispered, “a baby.”
Ani didn’t fancy explaining the difference between being the spirit of a dead person and being someone with ghost physiology so she generally just pretended to be a fifteenth century queen hellbent on haunting the organisation’s property. It was fun.
“I want you to stay so desperately. I wish I could find the strength to persuade you to stay. But I know you have to go and I know you’ll find me again. You always do, right?”
Myles was a soldier. Not because she wanted to be or needed to be. She was because that’s all she knew.
“Don’t worry. We haven’t added my blood -- or anyone’s for that matter -- to the potion so any large scale and or dangerous magic spells won’t come to fruition like time portals or. . .” Merlin trailed off at the look on Gwen’s face, His shoulders dropped. “I already did it, didn’t I?”
“Wh- Daisy?! No. No, no, no, no. You can’t have a crush on Daisy Louise. Reg, she will break you.”
Being a professional assassin was only fun when she actually got jobs. Otherwise she was stuck listening to Luke whining.
“It’s only been two hundred years. Angela Darling, we would never forget the promise of a saviour.” // “YOU TOLD THEM I’M A SAVIOUR?????”
Phoenix crashed through the window with a loud curse. Did she know she’d crashed into the house of the only superhero who could fight her? She stood up and brushed glass off her gray leotard. “Sorry. I thought the window was open.”
Dell stared at Kai like he’d grown a second head. “We are not throwing the king overboard.”
“If you ever touch him again,” Anna hissed, her dagger flush against the knight’s throat, “I don’t care if I bring war upon Camelot herself, I will slit your throat and leave you to bleed in the dungeons. Do you understand?”
Dealing with other people’s nightmares was easier than dealing with her own.
“This can’t be happening. I must be dreaming. There’s no way my favourite character in the whole world is standing here.” // “Why, River Farley! What a coincidence! You just happen to be my favourite character in the whole world!”
Clearly magic was an ineffective weapon when faced with Eddie and a tree branch in her hands.
“Call me a bloodsucker one more time--” // “Am I wrong, though?”
Amy stared at the chaotic mess that was her team. “Okay, so I’ve just decided that I’m your parental unit while Peter’s missing, whatever I say goes.”
Being dead was fun. Watching people slowly skew the story of your life, the greatest romance of all centuries, was decidedly not fun. 
“So I just have to pretend to date you for a month and I get to piss my cousin off? Okay!”
Given the equipment, Rae would have probably tried to become a vigilante at thirteen instead of eighteen.
“Trying to forget you has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.”
Launet was the kind of person who, upon being handed a baby, either wanted to kidnap it for herself to raise or chuck it out the window. There was no in inbetween.
“Breaking into the Hollywood Ghost Club was admittedly not my best moment but look me in the eye and tell me it doesn’t make you fall a little bit in love with me.” 
“Daisy, my love, I adore you. But I genuinely would rather walk into traffic than sit on your bike with you.”
Being dead wouldn’t have been such a problem for Aleksei if he didn’t have to go about his afterlife watching the love of his life making the world’s stupidest decisions.
“I ate a peanut.” // “Aren’t you deathly allergic to nuts?” // “Yeah.” // “Je- FUCK! Did it have to be now while I’m bleeding out?”
Romeo always thought that he’d cross over when Bella eventually died. He didn’t expect her to figure out a way to bring him back to life. It was annoying. This was the seventh door he’d walked into.
Promise me that when I die, you’ll get Buzzfeed Unsolved involved. -- seen @ 8.15pm
@endless-navigator @random-nerd-3 @fairylightsandrainydays @mercer-miller-baudelaire @sunsetphantom @futurearchaeologyprof @tmp-jatp @thesunsetcurvephantom @thedeathdeelers @authorpendragging
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The Tropes:
Time Loop AU
Camp Counselors
Prank Wars
Okay, Campers, Rise and Shine! (Rated T) [Julie x Luke] by nik_knows_nothing
Summary: When Reggie launches a particularly ill-advised prank war at HGC Ranch, Luke’s fully prepared to take it in stride.
When the days start looping, though, he begins to suspect that this might all be a little bit above his head.
In other words, he’s at least 78% sure that the time loop isn’t a direct result of Reggie’s pranks.
Maybe 77%.
Oh, well.
At least he’s not in it alone.
(The Groundhog Day meets Gravity Falls meets Summer Camp meets The Author’s Own Distaste For Prank Wars AU that no one asked for. Ever. At all.)
Starting To Forget (Just What Summer Ever Meant To You) (Not Rated) [Flynn x Carrie] by bi_magic
Summary: Last summer didn’t end on a positive note for Carrie Wilson - she and her girlfriend broke up on the last night of camp, and she’s been miserable since. But it seems that the universe is intent on having her fix that this summer. Even if that means she has to live through the same day over and over and over again until she does.
Creative B.S. Was No More, Was No Less (Look Around, You're Gonna Miss What You Found) (Rated T) [Alex x Luke, Flynn x Reggie] by @americanhoney913
Summary: The midnight men move again
Don’t know when
Best friends forever
In trouble again
Here’s to you, here’s to me
Over the rafters and we’re free
— Over the Rafters, Rick Schiffman
Alex and Luke go undercover on a mission to a summer camp in order to find a talisman that could endanger the camp and all the kids. While there, they bond with the kids and make peace with the fact that they broke up.
While Alex and Luke are away, Flynn accidentally fucks with time.
bitch but like romantically (Rated T) [Flynn x Carrie] by @screamin-amuseum
Summary: The dining hall’s exactly the same as it has been for two mornings now, and Flynn doesn’t hesitate to poke Willie twice on the nose and whisper “pancake” on her way past their seat.
His eyes widen and he whips his head around to follow them, excitement glimmering in their eyes.
“Really?” they blurt. Flynn rolls her eyes and nods.
or: flynn gets stuck in a time loop. {for troped jatp round 2}
down by the bay (Rated T) [Alex x Willie] by @sunsetcurbed
Summary: Over time, Camp Phantom has simply become known as a selective summer camp: one that took only the kids that Caleb saw promise in. And Caleb wasn’t exactly lying. He really did take only the ones he saw promise in, he simply looked for different traits than others might.
For example, say, hypothetically, a boy who could see the future. Or, hypothetically, a girl who could interact with ghosts. Or, hypothetically, a boy who could summon objects to him with a simple thought. Or, and this is completely hypothetical mind you, a boy who could manipulate time.
Those might be some traits that Caleb saw promise in. Just, like, as examples.
Time will tell (But only if you do it right) (Rated T) [Flynn x Carrie] by @malecacidd
Summary: Carrie had been acting a little off for a week or so, but Flynn was pretty much known for seeing something in nothing, and that was probably what they were doing then. If something was going on, Carrie would tell her eventually.
Who knew all it took was a little bit of miscommunication to mess up time itself?
and so it begins (Rated T) [Bobby x Reggie] by @comeonpeters
Summary: It’s the first day of their second week at Camp Carolling (they’re spending an entire month, and they’re getting paid to be there!) when Reggie gets a little lost in the woods. During this misadventure into the woods, he finds an egg shaped rock, an inhabited cabin that may or may not be riddled with signs, and something that might be magic. He probably doesn’t get paid enough to discover magic.
or, when they were thirteen years old, four boys met at camp carolling and eventually became a band that almost became something legendary. now, all four boys are coming back as counselors, three boys in one band and one boy in his own solo act.
so begins the reunion, though it doesn’t go how any of them imagine.
Porcupine Day (Rated T) [Bobby x Ray x Rose] by @wr0temyway0ut
Summary: It’s been fifteen years since Trevor broke up with Ray and Rose and they’re… not fine, but managing. But when Trevor to adds insult to injury and buys the camp across the lake from the one they once owned together, the two camps become locked in a bitter rivalry. With neither side willing to set aside their pride and work out their issues, the universe decides to settle their fates itself.
Day After Day (After Day After Day) (Rated T) [Alex x Willie] by hufflebibin
Summary: When Alex met Willie just after their senior year of high school, they spent a wonderful three months dating before their relationship ended in a blaze of glory. Now, four years later, they meet again as counselors at a summer camp. The only problem? Alex keeps reliving their first day together. The day that Luke had declared “Prank Day.”
This is not how Alex pictured his summer going.
clocks move faster (it's all we're after) (Rated G) [Julie x Luke] by @willexxmercer
Summary: Julie likes it when her friends are happy, so when she realizes she’s stuck in a time loop, she uses her knowledge to make sure everything works out for everyone… except she conveniently forgets to factor herself (and Luke) into the mix.
Touch of Magic (Not Rated) [Alex x Luke] by @williexmercer
Summary: When everything stands in Luke and Alex’s way of getting to be with the people they love, they have to repeat the day over and over until they can get the happily ever after that they want.
the play's the thing (that goes wrong) (Rated T) [Alex x Willie] by @madeline-kahn
Summary: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day for Macbeth, but not so for Alex and the production of Hamlet that he is directing and starring in. And while he’s stuck repeating the day of the performance over and over, mishaps of all kinds befall the cast.
anything, anything (for another run with you) (Rated T) [Alex x Willie] by @aroacethetic-shitpost
Summary: The moment Alex steps foot in Camp Greenwood, he knows that this summer is a bad idea.
He knows it as soon as he sees tan skin, long hair, and a tie-dyed crop top at the check-in table.
the camp counselor/exes/prank war/time loop fic of your dreams (unless you read all of the other troped round 2 fics lmao)
there’s a glorious sunrise, dappled with the flickers of light (Rated T) [Julie x Luke] by @tonightthestarsalign
Summary: What comes next happens in slow motion. Luke’s foot catches on the last rung of the ladder. Julie watches as he stumbles a step forward, barely catching himself before falling on his face. The ladder clatters to the floor below. The trapdoor, no longer propped open by it, falls closed with a loud thunk, the lock clicking into place. They’re stuck.
“Luke!” she exclaims loudly. “Look what you did!” Julie drops to her knees in front of the trap door, desperately trying to fit her fingers between the wood and the stone to pry it open again. Of course it doesn’t work.
“What?” he snaps back. “I wouldn’t be up here in the first place if it weren’t for you trying to fuck us over.”
or: ex-best friends Luke and Julie, working as camp counselors at rivaling camps, find themselves stuck in a time loop
the daughter of apollo (Rated T) [Julie x Luke] by @the-most-beautiful-broom
Summary: (the JATP x Camp Half Blood AU that nobody asked for)
maybe the world isn't ending (maybe it's been postponed) (Rated G) [Julie x Luke] by @tmp-jatp
Summary: Alex runs his fingers through Willie’s hair. “I think it’s best to just leave them to their own prank war at this point. Let’s not forget that time Julie put hot sauce in the coffee pot and my mouth was on fire for an entire hour.”
“You’re exaggerating, Alex-”
“I most certainly am not,” Alex cuts Reggie off.
“Or how about the time Luke tried to put glitter in Julie’s bed,” Carrie joins in, “but got my bed instead? I can appreciate some glitter, but even I know when enough is enough.”
“Suffice it to say,” Willie finishes after they’ve passed around a dozen or so more memories of pranks from the summer, “we’re all done being your collateral damage. Whatever Julie has planned for you tomorrow, Luke, you’re on your own.”
It’s the last day of camp and Julie has one more prank planned for Luke. He just doesn’t know what it is.
Here We Go Again (Rated T) [Julie x Luke] by @kybee1497
Summary: Julie blinked as she stared at the place Euterpe had disappeared. What did that even mean? What journey? Old places and lost faces? What was she talking about? But before she could dwell on the questions swirling around in her mind, the sky full of stars began to move, shifting in place and descending until they were all around her. Julie felt her feet leave the ground as she rose up and up. One star in particular was burning brighter than the others, growing bigger in front of her.
It grew and grew, until the light was blinding and Julie had to throw a hand up against the harsh light. She closed her eyes as the light surrounded her and then she was falling. Falling down, down, down.
All the Winners can be found here.
We hope you enjoy these fics from our fabulous Fantoms! Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show them some love! And don’t forget, if you missed the initial writing deadline you can still submit your fics to our Non-Anon Collection at any time! Thank you all so much for participating this round! Now that winners and authors have been revealed feel free to post about your fics, create artwork for it, if you like, and don’t forget to tag us!
We hope you all will join us for Round 3! The prompt drops at Midnight tonight!
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itchyeye · 7 months
Heard this was where we went to bitch about protocol lmao, so here I am giving my two cents.
I know people talk about the characters and how it expects you to already care, which I agree with, but the thing that suffers the most to me are the statements, is the horror, like, some ideas are good, but it's just not scary, especially with how the episodes are structured, how there is no reaction to the statement besides an occasional "oh that was fucked" wait why are they not even trying to categorise them like we have not heard of the system in a while oh well...
The lack of follow ups is fuckin this up, it makes it less interesting, we don't know if we will even see anyone from them again (considering how many guest writers there are and the prompt system in place I doubt it), nobody cares and we are missing out on the juicy reveals of, oh I don't know A HAND BECKONING? THE HAHA MAN SCARED OF A SPIDER OH SHIT HE DIED HOOOOW? THE AUDIO FROM LOST JOHN'S CAVE???!
The one I actually like is, unsurprisingly in ep4, because that one actually takes its time to immerse us into its world and it is not scary per se, but it is interesting and it has themes (that the fandom immediately misunderstood, as usual). Unfortunately I doubt that guest writer will show up ever again and I feel like that's the current peak of this all. Like the statements we have now are shocking, but they don't linger, and they usually don't make up for that lack of horror.
The format of the internet ones has you doing all the heavy lifting trying to piece together what the fuck is supposed to be so scary
Don't even get me started on the tma bs. It's like making a tma ref and pointing to it like "you know this right? Go make your theory" and I feel like and I sort of hope it's a red herring, but at the same time there was TOO much of this so it'd be kind of a dick move, TOO much for it to not mean anything, but if it means anything then it's stupid as hell so like...lose lose scenario rn
i totally agree with you about everything re: statements and yes ep4 was my fav as well!! i love the tma historical statements both because i love old timey gothic storytelling and because jonah magnus is my left hand arm man. my silly rabbit. so augustus' statement was great because it reminded me of those letters. except unlike those letters it had no beginning, middle, nor end and no three dimensional fully realized narrator. harrumph.
also the tma tie-ins are just so.......... ham fisted. i know that for a lot of people tma was TOO slow with its build up but i think honestly the snail's pace at which the metaplot reveals itself is one of the series' greatest strengths. you SHOULD feel bored and annoyed and confused for two full seasons before things really start happening. the characters also feel this way. they are lost and scared and in the dark. so are you, the audience. it's perfect. it's poetry.
and just dumping a random s5 character in the middle of protocol to give the CORNIEST most SHIT BRICK-HOUSE ASS CLUES about who she is and what she's referencing is....
well it's what someone very young would put on wattpad
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