#i am teena
mygwenchan · 4 months
That's a whole mood right there
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pharawee · 3 months
Oh, don't mind me. I'm just casually rewatching Playboyy (because I already miss it) and realised that when Nont visits the Playboyy lounge for the first time...
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Nant is there too.
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And while Nont is having sex with Prom - and even before that when he was hyping himself up in the bathroom by pretending to talk to Nant...
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Nant was literally one mirror's length away.
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He was so close the whole time.*
*That is unless Zouey immediately realised who Nont was and went to tell Nant but going by his reaction to Nont's revelation at the end of episode 4 I don't believe he's that good of a liar. Maybe he was having his suspicions but I think he truly wanted to believe that Nant for some reason had made it back home.
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itsanidiom · 3 months
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scarefox · 4 months
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Congratulating us immature perverts in the tag who called this. But at what cost? 🤣🙈💀
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scrollll · 4 months
Hi there :) I'm sorry to bother you but this is very important because you are now the chosen Ace who can give me their perspective on Zouey. I have adamantly argued that Zouey can be read as being on the ace spectrum but some of my friends say that's not realistic. My arguments: - He gets aroused by things that are removed from reality (hentai) and in moments where there is no risk of actually having to be sexual with the person (Teena as a model) but he struggles to enjoy the "real" thing -> sounds very aegosexual to me. - He says sex is for everybody but him. Later he changes that to "sex might be for him if it's combined with love" -> that could either hint at him being demi or it could mean that he is willing to have sex out of love for his significant other (as many aces do). - He can give pleasure and touch others but doesn't like to be touched -> this feels ace to me but I can't really explain why - Even when he touches Teena, he often struggles with things that are "more" sexual (like touching genitals) -> could be that he feels strong sensual attraction towards Teena. He also seems to distance himself from the reality of the situation by escaping into the fantasy of hentai, another thing many aces do because the reality of sex actually turns them off. - He thinks he wants to have penetrative sex with Teena but then doesn't enjoy it
Their strongest counter argument is that Zouey gave Teena a bj in episode 1. Now, I see their point. And I don't think Zouey being acespec is the only valid interpretation of his character. I like some of the other interpretations just as much. BUT I hate when people tell me that he can't possibly be on the ace spec. We have so little representation as it is and telling us that a character who speaks to us actually can't be like us feels shitty. I'm ace myself but my experience with sex is quite different from his. From your post it seems that you can relate to Zouey a lot. So if you feel comfortable sharing your perspective, I'm sure that would be valuable not only for me but for other aces as well. Thanks for making that post! (Also that Chinese definition of asexuality is so badass xD)
For starters, my sweet love anon, thank you so much for this ask and a big warm hug through the internet for you if you feel comfortable with it :D
And it's no bother, I like talking and writing XD
And regarding Zouey... welp, you asked, so I will deliver but be prepared for a longer essay XD
Let's start with the basics for those who are not quite familiar with asexuality: asexuality is a broad spectrum with many different nuances, gray areas and so on.
In the asexual community (as well as in some others), a distinction is made between romantic and sexual orientation. It is therefore possible to love a person romantically and still have no or only very limited sexual desires.
So: Asexual people fall in love with others, they want romantic or platonic relationships, but mostly without feeling sexual attraction for them.
Asexuality doesn't always mean that a person doesn't have sex. Yep, it may sound strange at first, but it's true. Many asexual people satisfy themselves or have sex, e.g. because they want to have a child, but nothing more. Some asexuals who are sex-positive or sex-neutral, i.e. who are not repulsed by the idea of sexual activity or are simply indifferent to it, have had sex or participate in sexual acts.
So an asexual who has sex will not suddenly become homosexual or straight, they can still feel like they belong to the ace spectrum. There are a variety of labels that break it all down and all fall under the ace umbrella, like placiosexual, lithosexual, cupiosexual, but to make a long story short, for many of us it's just too complicated :) So many just prefer "Ace-spec" or Ace-spectrum, but that's a personal preference of myself and a few ace friends of mine. It's nice to know the labels, but usually just too complicated for everyday use XD
And I also rank Zouey's blowjob from EP.1 on the ace spectrum. You very aptly mentioned the point that Zouey gets aroused by things that aren't part of reality. I think in EP 1 the blowjob went in exactly that direction.
For Zouey, as we also find out later, Teena is first of all a beautiful work of art himself. In his imagination, he sees him more as a statue that he can touch than as a person. Only when he runs into the bathroom does this bubble burst for the moment.
Zouey seems very overwhelmed to me, which I can understand, because he normally only experiences sexual stimulation from two-dimensional figures. Teena, however, crosses the line. For Zouey, he is at first only a two-dimensional figure on his easel, but at the same time he exists in real life. Zouey, who only knows sexual attraction based on hentai or pictures, is now confused as to whether this means that he finds Teena or only Teena's picture (similar to Jump's) attractive.
At this moment, however, I don't think he really got anything like sexual arousal or desire from Teena himself. It was, as I said, initially only Teena's picture that aroused him, the confusion comes because Teena runs after him and Zouey is undecided whether he should treat him like an aesthetic art object or like a human being and whether he would still find him attractive as a human being at all.
Zouey decides in favor of safety. He wants to return to the art room, back in front of his canvas and the distance he knows and feels comfortable with.
The blowjob is initiated by Teena putting Zouey's hand on his crotch, making it clear that he is not just interested in a conversation and certainly doesn't want to go back to painting.
And Zouey knows that.
In a household like that with Captain and Porsche, it's pretty much impossible to avoid the topic of sex permanently. As an ace, we may not be interested in sex, but especially if you have friends who are very sexually active, you get a lot of information.
And you can't tell me that the baddie bunch hasn't talked about blowjob tactics and the like at least thirty times. Especially because really none of them can shut up and Captain and Porsche are very keen to get Zouey deflowered soon.
So Zouey presumably knows the stories from his friends and knows on a logical level what it means when someone practically hands you their dick on a silver platter. And he has the theoretical knowledge, so why not try it out, especially with an aesthetically pleasing man like Teena, who is a painting come to life for him from an artistic perspective?
What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it was a real sexual attraction at that moment, but rather an action-reaction. Of course, attraction can also play a role, but as I said, it doesn't have to be sexual, it can have an aesthetic origin, especially with Zouey's artistic mind.
Sex-indifferent aces are not repulsed by all sexual acts, so if our partner desires certain types of satisfaction and we feel like doing it, why not?
As the episode progresses, Zouey gives Teena another blowjob, but still dear people, Bj does not equal sex. Zouey still clearly shows his rejection of penetrative sex, or sexual acts that involve him. And that's pretty typical of us aces, or at least the ones I've met on the spectrum so far.
It feels okay to read about or watch sexual acts (mostly for aesthetic reasons rather than masturbation, but I don't want to generalize) because in 3rd perspective you are detached from the action and can look at it objectively.
You're not involved and that's nice.
By satisfying Teena, Zouey can still keep himself uninvolved. A nice term under the Ace umbrella for this is: Placiosexual (meaning a person that is okay and comfortable with performing sexual actions onto others but is uncomfortable having sexual acts performed onto them) This can still have limits and gradations, such as no penetrative sex in general or sexual acts under certain conditions.
As I said, also with the further development in the series and the way he deals with Teena and sexual innuendos, Zouey just feels very ace-coded to me. He moves on the spectrum, again, labels are nothing solid, but the vibes and the whole thing… Yeah, he is a fellow oft he ace for me XD
I wouldn't be surprised if he turns into Demi or Gray-ace, but his general view of sex and the way he's starting to expand his comfort zone bit by bit is very familiar to me from myself and my adventures on the asexual spectrum XD
However you interpret Zouey, for me he's chilling on the ace-spec XD It's my personal interpretation of him and I'll stick with that for now. I don't want to badmouth anyone's idea of Zouey, in the end he's a fictional character that we can interpret differently :)
But it feels very nice to have someone who thinks similarly :D
So, before this gets way too long, I'll make a cut here, but feel free to write me or send an ask if I should clarify anything :)
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figureofdismay · 3 months
not enough people hate me in this fandom yet so to be explicitly clear I do ship Mulder and Scully in the brother-sister incest way! And also in the oedipal subby-mommy-caretaker way, and in the sexually-assigned-father-figure way! And I also believe they should never be forced to take a single break from each other, because all of that is actually fine and works for them!
(instead of hanging around quietly for 2 years and becoming friends with a lot of people who will later call me names and cut me off for being 'gross' i'm taking a proactive, 'advertise early' strategy this time about my icky gothic subtext-and-text loving ways 💀)
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aloysiavirgata · 1 month
(if you are accepting prompts!) what iffffff you wrote a soft gentle little fic in which Scully has a spectacularly unlovely head cold and after some grouching Mulder looks after her? There are so many moments of peril on x files that sometimes it’s nice when the enemy is just a simple rhinovirus, lol.
He doesn’t even attempt to make it himself. Calls ahead to Loeb’s with his order, which he accepts from a stylish young Mexican man whose name tag reads Pierre.
“A sheynem dank,” Mulder says, echoing the grandmother who called Samantha a shaineh maideleh.
Pierre nods. “Bitte, baby,” he says. “De nada.”
Mulder clomps up her stairs with Puritan determination. He feels that since he did not cook the food himself he must exert some other effort for it. His soul is at eternal war with itself.
He doesn’t knock; lets himself in with the Home Depot key Scully had made for him around the time that Tooms wanted into her pants for all the wrong reasons. It sticks a little still, even after so many years. He’s rarely had to use it - when aren’t they together?
A hacking noise from her bedroom, something wet being coughed. Spat.
Mulder helps himself to a bowl, a plate, a spoon.
“I’b arbed,” she rasps from down the hall. “I’b a Federal Agent.”
“Don’t shoot,” Mulder calls back, hunting down a napkin. “I am a poor boy from a poor family.” Her mother wears Revlon and his wears Guerlain.
He tips some soup and two of the matzo balls into a bowl, wedges one of the challah rolls next to it. He puts the leftovers in the fridge.
Mulder carries the plate down the hall, the nearly-full bowl sloshing dangerously atop.
He enters Scully’s bedroom. She’s been upgrading over the past couple of years, replacing her IKEA basics with good secondhand finds in cherry and walnut. The candle she’s lit smells like white flowers with thick, creamy petals.
Scully is tucked into bed like an Austen heroine, all delicate pallor and genteel unhappiness. Her nose is pink-tipped and raw, hair in a ponytail. She’s wearing a gray sweatshirt instead of her usual pajamas.
Mulder sets the food down on her nightstand, next to a vase of dried roses and her Yaqui slide holster. A speed loader. There’s a well-framed Monet print over the bed.
Pat Conroy’s Beach Music is open face down on her lap, surrounded by crumpled tissues. She doesn’t look happy to see him, her purple-shadowed eyes narrowing a bit.
“Go away,” she says. Sneezes.
“Brought you some soup,” he says, unnecessarily. Points at it, also unnecessarily.
“Bulder,” she sniffs. “Go hobe. I don’t like being fussed over. I hab a cold, dot Ebola.”
“Too bad,” he says. “I’m going to. Do you have Vick’s Vapor Rub? You really should have Vick’s Vapor Rub.”
She closes her eyes. Pinches the bridge of her nose, centering herself. “It’s dot your fault I’b sick,” she says, looking back over at him after a moment.
“I dragged you into the woods again. You fell down a hole full of corpses! You’ve been in remission for like…twenty minutes.” He jabs the spoon at her.
She rolls her eyes. “You don’t get a cold frob being in the woods. Or frob being chilly. You get a cold frob a virus.”
He feigns outrage. “Excuse me, but are you contradicting noted excellent mother-slash-world-class-epidemiologist Doctor Teena Mulder MD?”
This sends Scully into a flurry of coughing. She swats at him in annoyance. “Ugh,” she says at last. “You see why I can’t hab you here, you’re a lousy durse.”
Mulder takes her hand, pale as a kid glove. He shoves the spoon into it, squeezes her fingers about the handle. “Eat the soup or I’m calling your mom. I’m calling BILL.”
She narrows her eyes again. “You wouldn’t.”
“I think you’re well aware that I’m capable of being overly dramatic when the wind is southerly and the fancy strikes.” He holds the plate before her like an offering to a goddess.
Scully considers him. “You did get us out ob the teabwork sebidar,” she observes. “Techdically.”
“I did,” he agrees.
“You bade be sing,” she adds. Reproachful.
He grins. “The angels all were singing out of tune, And hoarse with having little else to do, Excepting to wind up the sun and moon, Or curb a runaway young star or two.”
Scully looks at the spoon in her hand for the first time, as though wondering how it got there.
“Byron,” she says, a little smile. She picks up the roll, examines it. Peers at the soup. Sneezes again. “Mad, bad, and dangerous to know.”
“Caroline Lamb,”Mulder replies. He doesn’t point out that Caroline Lamb had been Byron’s lover, that she’d sent him a clipping of her pubic hair in the mail. He certainly doesn’t think of the juncture between Scully’s thighs at all, whether it matches the drapes, whether it tastes like kettle corn and Vineyard whitecaps in July. Lobster rolls and saltwater taffy.
He’d meant it, about the sleeping bag. He wishes there had been a sleeping bag and he is so, so grateful there was no sleeping bag.
Scully sniffles again, defeated. “You got be batzo ball soup?”
He thumbs an escaped tendril of hair back from the sweep of her extraordinary cheekbone.
“I did,” he murmurs back. He sets the plate down between them. He peels the roll open, yeasty and fragrant, and dunks it into the golden broth.
He raises it to her mouth.
Scully sucks at it, draws it past her lips. She bites. Chews, swallows. She holds his eyes with hers. She catches an escaped droplet with her tongue.
“Good,” she mumbles. Watches him dip the dry part back into the bowl. “Thank you.”
He feeds her another bite. Her mouth opens like a snapdragon, like an oyster in the tide. She drops her gaze this time. Her guard.
They complete the entire roll this way, and one matzo ball. Silent, slurpy. Scully’s lids droop, her lashes brushing her cheeks.
“Sleepy,” she mumbles, curling onto her side. Her paperback falls to the floor.
Mulder returns the food to the night table. He strokes her hair until she’s out cold, snoring a little. He curls into the bed as well, his nose to hers. He touches her philtrum with his pointer finger. He traces the tender pink whelk of her ear.
They sleep for hours until she coughs awake, gasping, her thin chest heaving. Mulder rubs circles between her scapulae.
“Go hobe,” she says, knees drawn, leaning against his chest. “You deed to sleep.”
He puts his arms around her, drops a kiss on her tangled head. “Okay,” he agrees.
She’s out again in moments. He holds her upright until he drifts off as well.
They sleep until morning. He feeds her soup for breakfast, calls into work with a case of Ebola.
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lukaherehelp · 6 months
Playboyy EP3 - Sacrificing Yourself
okey had my girl dinner, I'm going in!
Just like I did last week, instead of a full commentary, we are going through some pointers, which are A LOT in this third episode.
Ladies, gentlemen and nonbinary dieties, we can all take the clown makeup off, we can leave the river Denial, it was roleplay!
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I swear motherfuckers I spend the whole week in distressed thinking this was for real, you assholes! You are still the cutest tho
Let's start with them, shall we?
Soong & First
We dodge the bullet of Soong being an actual psyco and jump into "problems in paradise" which FAIR, cause we've barely seen any communication between this two for this first two episodes. Mind you, it could have being off screen, this roleplay adventures had to be talked about at some point... But I feel like that was the extent of their communication.
I want to remind y'all that the Baddie Bunch is a group of young rich kids (all of them are 21), so the Playboyys are bound to have much higher street smarts and wisdom when it comes to life that the twinks. Soong, in specific, is 3 years older than First.
Why am I remarking this? Because First is clearly drunk in love with Soong but his "love" for him is purely based on them being sexually compatible. Is there anything else that they enjoy apart from rough sex? We don't know, fuck I don't even think they know!
And that's were the whole "we can have normal sex for once?!" thing comes from. Soong seems to like First back, to the point of allowing this now broke kid to stay with him even tho he can barely provide for the two of them. That's also the reason why Soong probably is taking more clients than before, even if that means spendid less time with First and paying less attention to him. First calling him a leech when First is now the leech was so ironic...
But First is so drunk on love that he cannot compute Soong not being there with him physically and mentally 24/7. Again, this kid lived in a golden cage for 21 years of his life, he thinks he knows but doesn't know shit about how real life works, even less so when you are at the lower ranks.
If they want to work out, First needs to have a reality check and grow up, learn that a relationship like the one he wants cannot be based soly on roleplay. And learn that life outside his cage is tough and requires "sacrifices".
Staying with them for another second, we need to talk about this:
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Now, we are going wild. Rightfully so, this is the first hint we get that is not attached to Nont's investigation. So I wanna throw my two cents about it:
I don't think this is hinting that Soong was involved in whatever happend to Nant. You see, we have being especulating about Nant doing sex work, obviously, but I don't think he ever actually worked at Playboyy at any point. In any case, I don't think this scene hints at that.
My theory is that he probably was doing sex work in a room in the same apartment building where Soong lives. Could have being during one of the first sessions with Dog Man or maybe another client that went way too far. Either way, my two cents is that Soong probably met Nant after aiding him against a problematic client and that's why First crying in distress triggerd the memory: Nant seems like he's pleading, so maybe he thought Soong would rat him out, not knowing that Soong is also a sex worker.
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He could have also asked Soong to not tell anybody about what happend, scared that his "secret life" would come out. I'm staying in that theory for now.
We don't have much about this two afterwards: Soong missing First and First being angry and heartbroken about the whole ordeal. So yeah, moving on!
Now, to the Lovebirds™
Teena & Zouey
Oh lord this was hard to watch... But let's talk about it.
Everything starts good, everything gucci. Teena is acting like a "top-tier" boyfriend see what I did there to Zouey even in front of the Baddie Bunch.
And then we get them being cute in private. You know, cuddleling, kiking about Zouey's friends where did I hear the "do you care about my friends?" line before /s. You know, boyfie behaviour... although they are not dating. Nothing wrong about that. All good.
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Things start to fall apart as soon as this two sit up and Zouey goes "be my boyfriend! I'm ready to have sex now!". Oh lord.
Zouey clearly likes Teena and wants to be with him. And Teena also seems to like Zouey back. The thing is, due to the Baddie Bunch, Zouey has gotten this unspoken idea (to us) in his mind that to keep Teena, to be his boyfriend, they have to sleep together. But as much as he "thinks" he is ready, Teena and us clearly see that he is not. Teena tells him again that they don't need to have sex, that he doesn't need to "sacrifice himself" for them to be together.
But Zouey pushes through, saying that he "is in the mood", that Teena has "succeeded in making Zouey want him". Baby boy, you have been wanting this man since you first layed eyes on him, you are just cautious, which I applaud you for. But, with a second assertion from Zoueys part, we have Teena taking the lead and being sweet and slowly easing Zouey into what's about to happen:
picking him up to sit him on his lap while he kisses Zouey's temple
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observing how Zouey is still cautiolsy touching him
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the tiny kiss to the nose
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Teena spends the whole time reasuring Zouey that he would not mock him, he knows how inexperienced Zouey is. He's making sure Zouey feels save.
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Now, the downfall starts the moment Teena introduces a safe word. Which is always a good thing to have, but no to relay on solely with a first timer, buddy. also wanna point out how I kept singing red lights by skz everytime teena said red light because I'm that unserious
So, when we are "at the gates" of this taking further, hell breaks loose. Zouey asks Teena to go one step further but quickly regrets it. Now, I'm a girly that firmly believes that anything apart from a yes is a no, so Teena being a little pushy after Zouey shows discomfort already made me go nah uh buddy, but I can see where Teena is coming from...?
Zouey is freaking out, as he has done many times and is trying to make him relax again... but it doesn't work. And that's when the unfortunate phrase comes in:
" If we're going to be a couple, we'll have to do this someday. "
First of all, bullshit. You can have a serious relationship with somebody without the need of getting sexual. HOWEVER, and I can't believe I'm about to say this, I have to side with Teena here for a second.
HEAR ME OUT BEFORE THROWING STONES AT ME! Their relationship has being highly sexual from day one, period. Does that mean that the prospect of taking it all the way someday is there? It doesn't... But Zouey did start this encounter with "be my boyfriend! I'm ready to have sex now!". He's the one that put out there that if they date they will get intimate, not Teena.
Now, it wasn't fortunate from Teena's part to be "we should just do it" as if they were treating this like it was a fear to bungee jumping.
And Zouey, again, uses words that have never came from Teena's mouth (that we know of) to express his discomfort with the situation. Yes, Teena said that they didn't need to have sex if Zouey didn't want to. But Teena never said that they couldn't date because they didn't have sex. That last part, has only happend on Zoueys head. And why? Because that's what he has being hearing from the Baddie Bunch.
The scene ends with Zouey asking Teena to leave and Teena, not wanting to upset Zouey any further, going along with his request.
The last we see on the matter is Zouey and First day drinking at uni (god, I miss sneaking beers into art school lmao) while they compare their heartbreak and talk about abuse and consent. That's a whole post on its own and I still have another two couples to talk about to we closing here.
Keen & Captain
Lord baby jesus, we starting strong with this couple.
That "test" to join the rugby team: fuckin disgusting, I hate men. I don't care if it was for the hahas, nah uh. I'm leaving the gym. Fuck this team. But the team being homophobic... Are we surprised? Maybe is my own experience talking, but I didn't expect less from an sports team of a private university lmao
To light up this post a little, I gotta say: couples that share kinks stay together, so that in my eyes makes KeenCaptain endgame no matter the drama that the future holds for us. I'm going back to Delululand.
They are already giving me Brat Captain and I'm thriving, I signed up for this and I'm getting my moneys worth. Also this:
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This sneaky little bitch is recording it and, again, are we surprised, we already knew that was going to happen. WHAT I DIDN'T EXPECT was Captain already releasing the fuckin think and hilariously backfiring on him a comedy I tell you. I fear that tape might get out of the confitment of the rugby team and get Keen, whoms both the team captain AND coach, in deep shit. However, I cannot wait to see what Captain will do with the wig and makeup he requested from Nont.
ANOTHER THING before I get into the last couple:
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the gasp I gasped, y'all. Kaya, remind me this weekend to make the kiss/fuck count post, I feel like we are going to need another graphic by the end of this series.
Prom & Nont
Nont is slipping, bruh. To a degree and at a speed I'm starting to get stressed.
Almost getting caught by Captain when he's threatening Phop with penknife, asking for the wrong drink at the house, the accidental slap to Zouey and how not in control he is everytime he's with Prom when he clearly doesn't have ANY control on the situation. Honey, you pretty face and cunty ass is not going to work with Master, sorry to break this to you.
That being said, let's focus on the investigation:
Phop had Nant's laptop but is not truly clear to us where he got it since they got interrupted by Captain before Phop could spill the beans.
Nant was obviously doing webcam.
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Now, tell me why Nont is adamant that the person that threw the laptop away was Nant's boyfriend? When did we stablished that Nant had a boyfriend? Nont fits right in into this friend group, another clueless boy that lived in a golden cage and is now seeing the darker side of the world.
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the name here is Nant's btw
Here we are introduced with Nuth whom let me pull my guide real quick is described as:
Nuth dreams of becoming a sucessful film director one day, but with the lost of a family member, he has become introverted, depressed and unmotivated, making him currently unemployed. This has made him dive head first into the world of webcam. [...]
Nont, whom clearly has a modus operandi with his way of investigating, jumps right into creating his own account in the webcam site and getting in contact with Nuth after seeing that Nuth and Nant used to text throw the website.
Now, Nuth points out some of his fantasies to Nont:
" Meeting strangers, having sex with twins in a small room, the twins make out and lick all over my body, I wear a mask and I'll make them moan like a dog with the camera on. "
Sounds exactly like Dog Man, doesn't it? Way too soon to be suspicious of him tho, so I'm also putting this under the category of red herring. Nuth does panick the moment he sees Nont's face and blocks him, but I'm not speaking on that for now. Too many posibilities.
With Captain's help, Nont is able to recover the video of Nant with Dog Man and I guess he indeed gets stabbed in the video. I cannot imagine what that has to be like. Seeing something so horrible happen to someone that looks exactly like you... But I guess is not a deadly wound since Nont keeps assuming that Nant is not dead? He could be in denial, that too.
Nont, however, still in the mood to go see Master Prom and I cannot blame him and my brother keeps sliping in front of this man whom clearly knows that he's being lied too but clearly is having fun seeing Nont trip on his feet.
"You used to hate it here", "I had to convince you to come", "I thought you've changed enough to drink wine"... Prom is us, we are Prom. We sharing a braincell with this man, whom clearly is the only motherfucker holding a braincell.
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god, now I want wine but I don't have any... sad
The "I can have sex in real life, why do I need to join a call?" line? Sir, I'm free anytime you want me too. I don't have any other responsibility than to please you. What can I say, I'm a simple woman.
"I'll make you moan like a dog". Yeah, I would also get triggered after so many dog references pointing at your brother's disappearance, Nont. That being said, Prom catching that Nont has become terrified and keeps making him more scared... He's making his move in this 3D chess they are playing.
This is him pushing Nont to see for how much longer he can keep the façade. But this leads into a really important frame.
I don't know the rest of y'all, but from my friends that are into heavy bdsm stuff I have learned many things and one is that all the toys, props, accessories, ropes, EVERYTHING is stored in the same place. Is more convenient that way and easier to hide from the prying eye.
So unless it got blood on it and had to be thown away, no dog mask for Prom. Neither the harness for what I can see.
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we have a full face mask and I feel like that's the mask he was talking about here and in the foreplay video.
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And with that being said, seems like next week we have more heartbreak but also a lot of mix-and-match and I cannot wait. See y'all next week.
Luka out!
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heretherebedork · 5 months
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Oh, look, it's an actual meaningful version of the attempt at this conflict in Only Friends where I don't feel like the virgin character is constantly judging everyone around him or the experienced character just instantly changed his mind about everything. Fingers crossed.
Honestly, I am enjoying Zouey and Teena because they are this fascinating glimpse into two very different views of sex within in a relationship as well as very different reactions to lust and outlooks on sex and how they relate to each other in this ways and the struggles are there and real.
And First playing a bit of Boston's role makes more sense as does the placement of this because Teena and Zouey are a bit more on the outs and they're trying to solve a bigger thing and First might be betraying Zouey in a way but he's also in his own rough spot with Soong that makes even more sense and Soong's approach at Zouey adds another depth to the mix of friends and lust and love and how to learn to not just be honest but how to actually communicate.
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stylesparker · 2 years
PAIRING: Robin Buckley x Bi!Reader
A/N: I am deceased after writing this, I love Robin with my whole heart. Speaking as a bisexual, she is my dream. Comment and reblog if you love as always <33
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“What’s with you constantly having music blasting in your ears, huh?” Steve strides up beside you, moving the headphones away so you can hear him.
You glare at him, smacking his hand away as he chuckles, “Listening to my music is better than listening to your stupid mouth, Harrington. Besides, isn’t it smart considering the situation we’ve found ourselves in.” You nod towards Max and Lucas in front of you, the girl trying to ignore the boy beside her just as you are.
“I’m just wondering! What are you listening to then.” He asks nonchalantly. You screw your eyebrows up in confusion, debating on whether you want to humor the guy or not.
“What’s with the sudden interest? You finally want to get the scoop on my amazing music taste-”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Y/N, I’m just bored and making conversation.” You laugh, hitting him in the arm. Despite Steve being your best friend, you have a feeling he’s gonna make fun of you for this.
You look away from him, your eyes examining the dirt intently in front of you,  “Lovergirl, Teena Marie.”
It takes a moment, but as soon as it clicks, his eyes widen in excitement, his arms darting out to grab you, but you quickly move away giving him a pointed look.
“Don’t you dare, Steven.”
“Doesn’t Robin call you that?” He whispers in your ear so none of your other friends hear, especially one particular girl behind you. “Ever since she started calling you that, I swear you’ve had this song on repeat-”
“Shut the hell up.”
He nods, his lips forming into a tight line. “Yep, yeah, okay.”
You look back towards Robin and Nancy, trying to look the least suspicious as possible, as you do so. They make no indication they’ve heard your secret conversation in the midst of their own, so you take a breath and keep moving forward. You don’t know why it frightens you so much if she found out of your crush on her, or even the fact you like girls, but for some reason it does. Even though you’re like ninety-nine percent sure she’s into chicks too, you don’t know how she’d feel knowing you’re still into guys too. Most of the time, people expect people to go one way or the other, not both, and if she wasn’t okay with that it would break your heart. Robin is one of the nicest people you’ve ever met and you know she probably wouldn’t, but the fear is still in the back of your mind, haunting you ever since you came to terms with your feelings. The only person who is aware is Steve, and god, is it frustrating that he definitely knows something about her too, which is probably the fact she’s a lesbian.
It’s almost as if the smirking boy beside you can hear you inner turmoil as he nudges his arm against yours, giving you one of your own pointed looks. You huff, getting ready to push him onto the ground and beat the crap out of him, before Dustin, who’s in the front with Eddie, calls for a snack break, smiling and pointing towards the gas station across the street. Robin and Nancy catch up with the rest of the group, standing next to you on your other side.
Robin grins, “Well I don’t got any money, so who’s paying?”
You walk up and down the aisles with your music blaring in your ears, tuning out the rest of the world for the time being while the kids run around picking up a whole bunch of snacks that’ll probably only last them until later tonight. You skip a track that starts playing, and close your eyes as you listen to the female voice vibrate through your brain. Robin is near the door eating her chips that Nancy bought for her. Nancy told the boys that she would only pay for you, Max, and Robin if you guys wanted anything since she didn’t have that much cash, earning her groans in response.
“C’mon, Nance, I just want a soda-”
“Cut it out, Steve, I’m not buying it.” She squints at him with her arms crossed, pushing a pouting Steve in the direction of the kids who were fishing through backpacks and pockets for any loose change. You laugh to yourself quietly, walking towards them near the counter. You stand there watching them as they pay for their various food items when you feel a light tap on your shoulder, making you turn and look up at Robin.
“Wanna’ chip, lovergirl?” She asks coyly, offering her hand forward for you to take a chip from her. You place your headphones around your neck, taking it and thanking her softly. Your heart beats hard against your chest as she continues to feed you small pieces of chips, your mouth curving up in a smile when you realize this is her way of making sure you eat today. Even if it’s small.
“Your total is $20.56.” The cashier says without a hint of emotion in his voice. His eyes look sunken and he looks like he’s the most bored person on the planet. 
Dustin hands him two fives, seven ones, and a bunch of change. The cashier takes it, but looks at him like he’s about to punch him across the face. He sighs tiredly and starts counting the money. 
“I have $19.74 here, not enough.” 
Dustin smacks his lips together, “Shit.” He digs through his pants again, trying to find any more money and he comes up empty. He looks back at Lucas and Max with a hopeful look on his face and they shrug. “God damn it, well looks like you’re not getting your gum then Lucas-” 
“Jesus,” you roll your eyes, digging in your pocket to pull out a couple singles, “here.” Dustin takes it from you, looking at you like you just handed him a million dollars. He gives it to the cashier and immediately grabs their items. Steve pats your shoulder, offering you a drink of his soda, but you decline, shaking your head as you guys make your way out. Robin holds the door open until you walk out, letting the door slam closed. The cool breeze that hits your skin makes you shutter and sends goosebumps across your arms. She glances at you, her eyebrows furrowing. 
“Are you cold?”
“A little,” you shrug, “I”m fine though.” 
“I’d give you my sweatshirt, but I don’t have one with me right now. I would though if I had one.” She rambles, giving you a smile. 
You giggle, “Thanks, Robin.” She hooks an arm through yours, pulling you into her side as you fall into step aside one another. 
“So, which of the kiddos do you think is gonna cave first and ask if we can go home to take a nap?” She inquires. 
You tap your chin, “Hmm, it won’t be Max, because the girl literally runs on like two hours of sleep a day. So that just leaves Dustin and Lucas, and I think Lucas will do whatever Max does, so I think it’ll be Dusty bun.” 
“Hey, I heard that!” Dustin yelled back at the two of you. 
“No you didn’t!” You yelled back, feeling Robin laughing at your side. 
No doubt, not even an hour later is he asking if they can call it a night, not because he’s tired of course, but they need to get some more strength before they face Vecna. 
“Of course, Dusty Bun, why don’t we stop at Nance’s so you can get your beauty sleep, yeah?” Eddie taunts him, making Dustin smack him in the shoulder. You were already pretty close to Nancy’s anyway, so the group makes it’s way there. It got quiet among the group, but Robin still stayed close by you, switching it up and holding your hand. You felt your cheeks heat up, hoping she didn’t notice a change in your anxious breathing pattern. As soon as Nancy unlocked the door to her house, everyone filed inside, taking off their shoes and hanging jackets if they had them. Her mom called out for her from the kitchen so she detoured to talk to her, letting the rest of you know you could just go downstairs and get comfortable. Lucas opens the door to the basement, everyone following him, until Eddie almost trips down the stairs. Steve’s hand juts out, grabbing the back of his jacket before he can face plant into Max’s back. His face blushes when he thanks him, and everyone chuckles before they claim their seats. Robin spots the couch and practically yanks you in that direction, pushing you gently so you sit and claiming her spot right next to you.
“This is ours.” She says proudly. 
“Hey, who says you get the couch!” Dustin complains. 
“We did.” You retort triumphantly. You and Robin high five each other, making Dustin glare at the both of you. 
He turns around, making sure the two of you are out of earshot before he groans at Steve, “Why are they like this?” 
“They’re just perfect for each other.” Steve mumbles under his breath as he flops down on the chair in front of you. 
It wasn’t long before the night had caught up with you and you had, without knowing, fell asleep right on Robin’s shoulder. Robin gazes over at you, her eyes widening in surprise, but also excitement. She almost feels giddy at the fact she’s the one you chose to sleep on. Well, maybe not chose, but you still sat here with her. She moves ever so carefully so she doesn’t wake you up, shifting her arm out from under her so she can wrap it around you and tug you into her side. You shift, make a small noise, and settle back down. But not before you bury your head into her shoulder and get comfortable. She looks at the ceiling to take a deep breath so she doesn’t start physically freaking out. Her hand rubs gently up and down your arm, comforting you in your sleep. The rest are out, everyone having had the same long day as the two of you had. It took her only a couple minutes to pass out right along side you. 
When you woke up a couple hours later, it was still very much dark outside. Your eyes flutter open, adjusting to the darkness around you. Once you realize you’re practically in Robin’s lap, you have to stifle a shriek. What the hell.
Robin, the ever so light sleeper, shifts at the movement in her lap and peeks an eye open to look at you. You stop moving out of her grip once you realize you’ve woken her up. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-” you whisper fearfully. 
“Hey, hey, you’re good. You’re okay.” She tries her best to reassure you. “You fell asleep on my shoulder so I thought this would be more comfortable for you. You don’t have to stay here, not if you don’t want to. I-I’ll move over there-” 
“No, no, you don’t have to do that.” you shake your head. You set your hand against her shoulder, not letting her move. You’re both still for a moment, realizing the placement your in. Your heartbeats are erratic and you’re pretty sure her hands are probably as sweaty as yours. Her eyes quickly glance down at your lips before quickly moving back up again, but you saw it. She knows you saw it. 
You say at the same time, making you smile at each other shyly. 
She breathes deeply, “If this question I’m about to ask makes you super uncomfortable or like, makes you think I’m disgusting you can just ignore it and forget what I said. But, if you so happen to um... not find me disgusting then I would very much like to continue what I ask-” 
“Robin?” You interrupt.
“Ask the damn question.” You laugh. 
“Right, yeah,” she chuckles nervously, “Uh, can I kiss you?” It catches you off guard, sure, but you don’t waste a second. Your hands rest gently on the sides of her face as her arms snake around your waist to pull you against her. Her lips taste like the strawberry chapstick you watched her put on earlier. Her face is so soft as you hold her, but you feel like she’s the one holding you together. If you weren’t in a room full of kids at the moment, you would be a puddle in her hands. They stay gripped on your hips, but start to slowly rub up and down your thighs. You pull away from her, heaving a delighted sigh. 
Resting your forehead against her own, you ask her, “Have you always felt this way about me?” 
She nods, “Ever since I met you.” She smirks, like she just thought of something. Her nose scratches against yours gently, “You’ve always been my lovergirl.” 
Your face heats up furiously, making you groan and shove your head into the crook of neck. She giggles, trying to pull you out to see your face. 
“Yeah, baby?” Your hand comes to the side of her neck, and you look at her lovingly. You shake your head, and all you can think of doing is kissing her again. 
Four hours later, the two of you are fast asleep, you partly on her lap. Steve and Eddie start stirring from their sleep, looking around, and both of them manage to see the sight in front of them at the same time. Eddie rubs his eyes as if he can’t believe what he’s seeing. He looks to Steve and Steve looks at him. 
“You got any clue, man?”
Steve shrugs, leaning back and closing his eyes, “Not a clue.”
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itsanidiom · 5 months
10 BL Boys I [Strongly Believe Someone Should] Want Carnally
tagged by @negrowhat
As an asexual I am not sure what my having strong opinions on this says about me…ANYWAY These are the BL Boys I see and think to myself...yes someone needs to fuck that man because he deserves to have his dick ridden. LET’S GO!
Chan from KinnPorsche - DADDY CHAN...no further comments...moving on...
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Phupha from 1000 Stars - I mean just look at this man, this is more of a Earth Pirapat fan post in general but yeah...
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Jang Jaeyoung from Semantic Error - That is a large man…no further comment...
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Jack from HIStory 3: Trapped - Love me a soft gangster...gentle choking...yes...
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Phaya from The Sign - Another large man...pin him down...that is all...moving on...
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Prapai from Love in the Air - From the special he just seems like he has a massive...no further comment...
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Payu from Love in the Air - I mean father... I mean daddy...I mean...no comment...
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Teena from Playboyy - Dem TIDDIES...moving on...
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Seo Jaewon from The Eighth Sense - Honestly, he just seems like he'd treat you well.
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Xiao Li Cheng from HIStory 4: Close to You - something something jawline...no further comment...
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That is all...tagging anyone who wants to take a good long look at themselves and their carnal desires...
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scarefox · 6 months
Not the yaoi voiceover 😭
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leiascully · 8 months
X-Files OctoberFicFest Day 2: Eat
This year, I'm using the 2022 prompts from @artpromptcal.
Fox Mulder can't remember his mother telling him to eat. Strange, for a Jewish mother. Everyone else showed up to camp with snacks tucked underneath the socks in their trunk. But Mulder's mother didn't pack his things, didn't leave him little treats. Most of them got confiscated anyway, under threat of bears, and redistributed by the dining hall. Still, he had none. He gnawed his way through other mothers' stashes of beef jerky and stale cookies.
Not even after Sam's abduction, when the neighborhood women banded together to bring wave after wave of casseroles and stews, did Teena Mulder heap her son's plate. He can't remember her ever pushing another serving of anything at him. She barely ate. Neither did his father. Dinners at their house were a sad affair. He thinks they scraped more leftovers into the trash in those years than they ever ate. Meanwhile, he hunched over his plate, scraping every morsel into his mouth, unable to satisfy the hurt that gnawed inside him.
"Fox, will you eat something?" Maggie Scully says as he keeps vigil beside Scully's bed. She's all right now, only sleeping, but he sits anyway, in the waning hours that the hospital will tolerate visitors. She fell asleep mid-conversation, and it's strange to be here, but comforting too.
"I am a little hungry," he admits. Maggie produces a sandwich from her purse: peanut butter and grape jelly, squashy but serviceable. "Thank you."
"You need to keep your strength up too," Maggie tells him, smiling gently.
"For her." Mulder nods to the angelic shape in the bed.
"For both of you." Maggie puts a hand on his shoulder.
Somewhere deep inside him, some hunger eases.
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sashkapi · 13 days
Do you have any headcanons about those chaotic siblings? Because Man your headcanons are so awesome
Thmanksks <3
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1. Because of their frequent physical fights Brianna is considered pretty strong when compared to other girls her age.  Buttowski brothers are for equality They'll fight their sister all the same <3
2. Speaking of Brianna: in my au(I guess it's an au atp) she is the reason for the slight wardrobe change of her brothers. They didn't really complain especially because Bri kinda gets their preferred styles. 
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3. All of them were forced to play piano at some point. It stuck the most with Brad.
4. Musically speaking, Brad is the most "musically gifted" out of the three. Not really actually. He just thought girls like music and started learning how to make music until it actually stuck and became his consistent hobby and he improved.  Bri still plays piano for talent shows but not for herself. You have to throw Kick off a cliff with an instrument if you want him to play it. (Almost like there's an episode based on this whoa)
5. If you force them to pick an instrument to play then their picks are: Brad - guitar (chicks like it and he likes playing it) Bri - piano (she can only play it and has no interest in learning any new instrument) Kick - keytar (played both piano and guitar before so he would be curious about this amalgamation)
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6. They all have "bits" of each other talents, mostly because they live together  Brad and Kick actually know how to put on make up (Brad paints his nails sometimes and Kick sometimes masks his scar if needed) Brad and Brianna somewhat good at acrobatics  Kick and Brianna have some knowledge of music making
7. Kick isn't the only one who hides his natural hair color. Brianna does it too. Her natural hair color is brown but girl likes Teena Sometimes so much that she dyes her hair blonde.
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8. While I draw Kick and Brad with eye bags because "Ha ha, funny scissor seven reference" they also both suffer from insomnia. Brad frequently loses track of time and sometimes goes to sleep at 4 am. Kick physically can't fall asleep at a reasonable time. (There is an actual reason why but I'm saving it for another day).
They also learned how to fight quietly because parents are asleep but THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO DECIDE WHO GETS THE LAST BIT OF ICE CREAM IN THE BOTTOM FREEZER AT 3:42 AM.
9. When it comes to each other love lives: Brianna will be all over her brothers to get all the information. It's prime gossip material. Especially with brothers like hers. Of course she would want to know what type of person would date a pathetic pig pen or adrenaline maniac. Kick cares a tid bit below surface level. He would just make sure that his siblings are in a "normal" relationship and intervene only if there's a potential "Kelly situation". Other than that, he doesn't really care. Brad pretends he doesn't care. He does. His sibling better not dare getting partners before he does. 
10. Silly one but if not "dillweed" Brad and Brianna sometimes call Kick "Brick".  Now all the siblings' names start with "Br" :)
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sunshinechay · 5 months
Many others have spoken about this but I want to add to the screaming by saying how much I love the conversation that Playboyy is having about consent so far. Someone asks for it, someone gives it. Consistently every episode, someone talks about how important it is. How important it is to get it, to make sure it’s enthusiastic and how it not being so can be bad. How it can be frustrating when it isn’t given but the important thing is to make sure you stop and reassess with your partner before you continue.
This show has a lot of sex yes, but I think it’s one of the best ways to show that consent for this type of story. It’s about sex, the many ways sex can be had, the many ways sex can influence a person in ways both good and bad. Consent is consistently at the forefront and I am enjoying the hell out of it.
This show is trying to talk about how important being honest with your partner(s) is. How important it is to make sure that they know everything and can consent to it whole heartedly.
First and Soong both clearly have feelings for each other, but they are not being honest with each other. Neither thinks they are can be and they are a prime example of what happens when the truth comes out but not from the person it should.
Teena is not being honest about how frustrated he is that Zouey doesn’t want to have a specific kind of sex with him and I absolutely think he knows it’s because Zouey isn’t telling him something important. So as dumb as he is for believing Zouey actually has had sex before because of Captain’s clip, I get why he thinks that. He thinks it because Zouey is lying by omission. Only he misses that he is also lying by omission. He hasn’t told Zouey the original reason for his pursuit and Zouey is going to out and it’s going to suck.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Prom and Nont’s sexual tension feels more romantic after Prom figures out that Nont isn’t Nant. That Nont admits it. Both are being more honest with each other (though I wouldn’t be surprised if both have one more thing hidden up their sleeve). I think it’s not a coincidence that Prom feels less threatening from a narrative sense. All of his scenes have a softer edge to them this episode, because the two are finally being truthful.
Nuth and Phop’s scenes feels inherently creepy and haunting and it is at least partly because we know Phop doesn’t really want to be doing what he is doing. Still he lies and gives Nuth consent but he doesn’t want to. He lies that he bought Nant’s laptop from a secondhand store (I haven’t never seen a more obvious lie in this show yet).
It’s only when the characters start being honest that the truth can revealed. It’s only when the truth is known that we will know what happened to Nant. That all of the couples will know if their relationships can last or if they will crash and burn under the weight of life, lies and the truth.
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