#i am v v v fuckin pissed rn
torao-chan · 2 years
when your pharmacy manages to loose your entire fucking script file
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
I've been absent from Tumblr for a couple of days and somehow my FYP is full of Sinclair thots??.?? Is this some national holiday?🥶🥶🥶🥶 I have so many that gnawl at my brain at night.
Imagine calling Bo Beauregard for the first time🤐🤐🤐 You're either trying to be serious and have a real conversation with him for the first time since settling in Ambrose (spoiler: this is impossible. He's misogynistic and a firm believer that there's nothing to talk about with girls🩷🩷🩷🩷 he gives off that TikTok vibe "Do girls even have hobbies?" Like bro, drinking bear and crying ain't a hobby either), or you're so exhausted with his neanderthal shenanigans that you just sigh "Beauregard...." while absolutely pissed off and annoyed.
I just KNOW mama Sinclair would call him Beauregard in that no-nonsense tone when he would rip a hole in his dress pants before church , he must have PTSD from hearing his own freaking name. He's so used to being just Bo, that the only times he even acknowledges his full name are when he's either being scolded by his parents or when he's arrested and sees it on the paperwork.
So yeah, long story short I doubt he'd be amused by anyone calling him Beauregard. RIP MC.
*bonus crack thought* I remember talking here with someone about how Fucking Funny™ would it be to call Bo Robert. I'm not a native English speaker and I honestly never heard of the name Beauregard before😭😭😭 I just assumed Bo is like Bob, which is Robert😂😂😂😂 I'd get smacked on the head with a wrench for trying to be cute and calling him Robert. End scene
omg jhdsjhfjd not the fyp being inundated w/my dumbassery 💀
I lowkey felt like I was spamming the dash last night. BUT idk what came over me, I've had a couple days off work and I'm in a chatty mood hjhdsjahjhsdjh like. I just wanna TALK about this goofy ass movie?? **note to all the poor souls that might be following me rn: pls feel free to block the tag "sinclair brainrot hours" if u would like to save urself from my shenanigans**
this ask is killin me dshjhdfsjhj DRINKING BEER AND CRYING AIN'T A HOBBY BOY
I'm unfortunately part of the Anti-Beauregard Sinclair Hater Nation. I am, after all, the graphic designer responsible for THIS abomination:
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context for this can be found here, with poki's galactic big brain take
I also love this take on what his real actual name is 🐔🧊
I just CANNOT buy this guy as a beauregard hdjhdfjh I simply cannot
HOWEVER. I do this thing w/ppl I'm fond of where I'll lengthen their names in ridiculous ways. like just add in entire syllables and letters that just. wholly don't exist. and I could see one of two situations playing out w/bing bong
scenario one: u drop a "beauregard" out of the blue one day. maybe you're trying to be cute. maybe you're trying to piss him off. he looks over @ u. crinkles his brow and gives u the bitchest lil expression. u best be glad u make good pork chops, WOMAN. bc u can't even remember his NAME. who tf u think ur talkin to??? one of ur fancy shmancy city boys?? get outta here!! just grumblin' around the living room abt how if u want some prissy ass boy w/a genteel ass name like that, his brother's right downstairs grumble grumble mutter mutter
scenario two:
he's been slurpin up that good ambrose moonshine (some crazy ass shit that comes in a jug w/x's on it. u know the one. lester labeled it as "ambrosia" and walks around saying it's the "fruit of the gods" and slappin his knee. bo has no fuckin' idea what he's saying.) and despite his high tolerance, boy's a bit sloshed. so are u. u drunkenly crawl into his lap and call him beauregard. he thinks this is v heehaw funny. whatchu think I am girl?? some kinda royalty?? that pretty lil head of urs is all kindsa messed up!! figure I AM like a king here hehehehehe
both equally as annoying😔
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frikinnerd · 2 months
All questions ending in the number eight?!?!?!
Jfc okay here we go (/nm /lh)
8. What are your current goals? I'm stuck in Texas for a while paying off my car, so my current goals are to get a better job (one that I don't have to drive 80-90 minutes round-trip for), pay off my debts, and get better at my musicianship and other media-related skills. That way I can actually go do something I love doing, after I pay off my car.
18. Can you drive? Depends on who you ask lmao (I'm licensed but I'm a very impatient driver)
28. What was your last lie? "No yeah I'm fine, just tired." This is a standard response for me since I'm depressed, but this time I actually said it to a guy who caused hella fuckin drama for my roommate. I don't like him now lmao
38. Is there someone you want to punch in the face right now? The most recent target for those desires is a "friend" (using the term loosely) of my roommate's. He's really fucking annoying (train kid from Polar Express annoying) and there's really no good reason for my roommate to still be friends with him, but he's still around for some reason.
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? Play gigs! For money! I love playing bass and I love getting paid for it!
58. What was the last thing you cried for? Probably the last thing to make me cry was some old Undertale fandom videos. There's a lot about my life that's tied to Undertale and the parts of the fandom I was into back in the day.
68. What are you living for? That's really fucking tough tbh. I'm living for the hope that one day I can "fully" transition and be a "real" woman. I'm living for my roommate whose quality of life is much better with the living arrangement we have rn. I'm living to spite Trump and Abbott. I'm living for the chance to help some trans kids out, be a big sister to them, yk? I'm living for the day I find someone to share a good physical relationship with. I'm living for music. Hm. I didn't think this section would be this long. Damn.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? That was kinda the topic of my Sunday School class this morning lmao. Yes I identify as a Christian, mostly culturally, because frankly in my mind and my life it's the easiest thing for me to go with. My basis for believing in a God is "there's been moments and days that SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE AS WELL AS THEY HAVE, so there's no fucking way there isn't some higher power out there" lmao.
88. What are you scared of? Heights. Pain. Doing something that I think is benign and harmless--or actively beneficial, even--and having it blow up in my face because it was actually really fucking toxic and hurtful and get pulled into a fucking groupchat just to be told "you're a fucking creep" out of the blue with no prior context leaving me a shaking sobbing mess all because I just wanted to try to make people's days a little brighter. The sun.
(Vent warning for the next question, but it's also the last one)
98. Have you ever made your mom cry? What happened? OH BOY. I came out to my parents. And later she read one of my Facebook posts about Michael Knowles and "eradicating transgenderism from the public" which HAPPENED to briefly MENTION Roe v Wade, and she saw it as explicitly pro-choice. Which she decided to respond to with PHYSICAL ASSAULT. SHE TRIED TO BEAT ME UP BECAUSE I POINTED OUT THAT PEOPLE WERE PISSED ABOUT ROE V WADE BEING OVERTURNED, AND SHE THOUGHT IT WAS EXPLICITLY PRO-CHOICE. WHICH I AM, BUT THAT WASN'T WHAT THE FUCKING POST WAS ABOUT. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF AND LEARN THE SKILL YOU BITCHED AT ME ABOUT ALL MY FUCKING LIFE YOU DUMB CHEATING WHORE.
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hornime · 3 years
home workout | bokuto koutarou x gn!reader
“i’d let you do- do anything. anything you wan’ to me. i’m yours. all- all,” his voice raised a few octaves as the inside of your thighs brushed past his cockhead, “yours. all yours.”
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warnings: 18+, sub!bokuto, jealous!reader (i mean who wouldn’t be when bokuto, your goddamn boyfriend, is perceived by other people the fuck), also lowkey possessive!reader, lotsa licking and sucking, nipple play, some praise (from reader) and some begging, brief mention of dacryphilia, kinda soft at the end
w/c: 1.5k sheesh
a/n: bokuto brainrot has me in literal tears. him being completely clueless to people flirting w him cus he doesn’t recognize romance from anyone but you has me so soft. i luv this man w my whole heart !!!!! ALSO THANKS FOR ALL THE LOVE ON THE BAKUGO FIC I JUST ABOUT SHIT MY PANTS WOOWWOWO
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you weren’t an idiot. you knew that your boyfriend was attractive in literally every aspect of the word. he was sweet, patient, and kind, and what he lacked in academic smarts was made up tenfold in his emotional maturity and ability to read people. big and beefy, bokuto was all yours and all you wanted to stay trapped within his arms forever. unfortunately, to maintain the figure you adored so much and stay in shape for the volleyball season, he had to leave the four walls of your shared bedroom far more than you liked, having a daily obligation to spend a few hours at the gym.
once again, you weren’t an idiot. the few times that your work schedule and his training schedule aligned, you’d been able to work out together. and despite your knowledge of just how good-looking bokuto was and the fact that other people could perceive him (much to your chagrin) you were shocked at just how much people shamelessly flirted with him. 
cute girls with matching leggings and sports bras practically clung to his biceps, gushing about how strong he was and how he could probably pick them up with just one hand. their incessant giggling, mesmerizing hair twirling, and teasing touches pissed you off to no end, and you’d tug your boyfriend away before their breasts got too close to him for your liking.
something else you noticed was that, no matter how blatantly obvious the girls seemed to be, the guys were somehow worse, flirting through terms you couldn’t even understand. they compared deadlift weights, bicep curls, hip thrusts; you gritted your teeth thinking about whether they’d ever compared cock sizes in the locker room—you wouldn’t put it past those thirsty gym rats. sneaky bastards.
and bokuto, of course, was oblivious to it all. how could you blame him—he was so used to being adored! you knew that, to him, all of their praises paled in comparison to yours, but you couldn’t help but feel jealous. he was all yours—should be all yours—and you hated sharing him with the world.
you woke up saturday morning with a ringing in your ears, hand smacking the nightstand trying to turn off that god-awful alarm noise, bleary eyes barely able to focus on the text notification from your boyfriend.
[5:33 AM] kou: gm babe!!!! i didnt wanna wake u up cus u looked so peaceful! im heading to the gym rn. text me when ur up! love uu
[5:34 AM] kou: should be home around 9!! gym bud wants to show me something so i might be a little late for breakfast.
just to reiterate, you weren’t an idiot. for all the annoying flirting you noticed when you were with bokuto, there was no doubt in your mind that there must be a lot more when he was at the gym alone, which, unluckily for you, was most of the time since he was a freakin’ pro athlete and all.
you couldn’t prevent the pool of envy from swirling in your gut. gym bud? are you serious? who could that be? the girl with the arm tat or the dude with the dreads? no, maybe its that yoga instructor with the ass—
you shook your head, clearing your brain. you’d be here for hours if you went through everyone at that stupid gym that had ever shown interest in bokuto. the clock read 9:53 AM and the green flame in your body only burned brighter. just as you were about to call him and ask where he was, the front door slammed open.
“babe! i’m home!”
you silently put your phone down, teeth still clenching in jealousy. for some reason, hearing his voice only exacerbated the tension in your shoulders. you needed him. now.
“babe?” his voice creeped closer as he tread through the hallway towards the room. “you up?”
you peeked your head out of the doorframe, cheery voice masking your devilish intentions, “kou!"
his eyes brightened as he made eye contact with you and flashed his trademark smile. “hey! what’s u-” he took in the mischievous glint in your eyes “-p?”
you grabbed his burly forearm, yanking him behind you and walking towards him, forcing him to stumble and fall back on the bed. “wait! i’m all gross and sweaty,” he said, “gym showers were broke-”
“i don’t care. take off your shirt.”
“wow, someone’s eager. missed me that much?”
“watch it,” you glared. “i’m not in the mood, kou.”
he gulped at the dominance radiating from your voice, scrambling to take off the t-shirt that stretched between his pecs perfectly. with the fabric off and throw haphazardly to the side, he looked to you expectantly, the epitome of innocence.
your eyes wandered over his sculpted chest, the remnants of a soft sheen of sweat from his workout making it shine in the sunlight pouring through the blinds. your heart stuttered in your chest—he looked like an angel. coupled with the way with his bottom lip was tucked under his front teeth and the wide, anticipating look in his eyes, fuck. you almost smiled how blessed you felt in that moment, to see him in such a raw, alluring position, before a jarring thought caused your lips to twitch back into a frown.
everyone else can see him, too.
your eyes hardened. maybe they can see him all big and strong, you thought, but they’ll never get to see him like this: submissive.
and so fucking sensitive.
within an instant, your lips were latched on the soft spot above his collarbone, causing him to whimper in pleasure. you continued to travel along his throat, slowly working your way to the other side of his neck and crossing back to nibble at his adam’s apple.
you unexpectedly pulled away, drawing a short whine from him, before repositioning yourself so that you were straddling his outstretched legs. slowly, starting from the hem of his shorts, you dragged your tongue between the ridges of his abs, moving up towards his pecs, tasting the saltiness of his sweat and feeling the muscles tense underneath.
“fuck,” he groaned. as your lips puckered around one of his peaked nipples, he uncontrollably jerked his hips up, inadvertently rubbing his sensitive cock between your legs. overwhelmed by the sensation, he moaned. “fuck.”
“you taste good,” you muttered, grazing your teeth over his other nipple. “just wanna taste you all the time. you’d let me, right?”
thoughts muddled by just how good everything felt, he nodded mindlessly. “i’d let you do- do anything. anything you wan’ to me. i’m yours. all- all,” his voice raised a few octaves as the inside of your thighs brushed past his cockhead, “yours. all yours.”
you paused. raising your head from his chest, you made eye contact with him, so intense he almost closed his eyes to shield himself from the blaze burning in your dilated pupils. “why’d you stop,” he begged, “i want more. feels so good and i wan’ mor-”
“say it again,” you demanded. “tell me that you’re mine.”
his eyes, glossed over and prickled with tears precariously close to falling, squeezed tightly as he spoke, unable to control the growing volume of his voice. “’m all yours. always. all yo- yours.” he gasped as you resumed your movements, pinching the sensitive skin around his v-line while fervently leaving sloppy kisses on his chest. 
“good boy.”
he keened at your praise. another light touch to his cock combined with the passage of your mouth had him trembling, and his breath hitched as he cried out in warning, tears now flowing freely over his flushed cheeks. “m’ gonna cum, ‘m gonna, gonna cum.”
“yeah?” you whispered, lips brushing against his strained abs. “go ahead then.”
“fuck!” he whined, blabbering as you sat back and watched in awe of the beauty before you, a big strong man like him reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess. “fuck, fuck—you always make me feel so, s-so go-od, fuck i love you.”
with soaked shorts and an exhausted sigh, he dropped his head back onto the plush comforter of the bed. you flattened your palms on his quivering body, reeling from the aftershocks of his orgasm. he panted, running his fingers through your hair before nudging your face to look at him, staring at you with an expression of pure bliss and adoration. he studied you for a bit before declaring with a soft smile, “you’re the best. so fuckin’ happy that i’m yours.”
driven by affection, he sat up and reached his arms around your waist, snuggling his chin over your shoulder and mashing your chests, yours clothed and his naked, together. “kou wait!” you shrieked. “you’re all sweaty again! it’s gross!”
he chuckled. as if you hadn’t been spoiling him by licking it up just a few minutes ago. “you’re right. i‘m probably sweating more now than i was after my workout.”
at that, your ears perked up. “well maybe you should do home workouts more often then,” you teased.
“you’re right,” he repeated with a grin, “maybe i should.” if it meant more mornings like these, he’d forego the gym in a heartbeat. 
that night, he canceled his gym membership. after all, he reasoned, it’s offseason anyway.
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
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silentxxsoul · 3 years
it’s the weekly ‘I’m not actually ready for the big man tiny baby trope tonight’ reaction dump for the wee-woo show 🖤
I can’t explain how excited I am for a progression in David and Michaels story line !!!
grant-nash family fun time omg yesss
I’m already teary eyed
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“Fathers days gonna suck” 😂 Harry with the comic relief hits
Fox I swear if y’all fuck this up I will RIOT. By sending a strongly worded email, probably.
I can’t describe how happy I am to see the family effort in this planning 🖤🥺😭
(Ok but really I’m not ready for the hospital fire stuff my hearts bursting from happiness and now it’s gonna get crushed)
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This whole foreshadowing with the couple and him giving his wife his ring is giving me sad vibes
Rupert is making me so sad 😭 someone pls share in the celebration with him
That’s the kaboom? And not a bomb or like a pissed off ex-employee? Honestly kinda refreshing
My bois back together on a rescue 🖤 (and just like that big man tiny baby is over but I still loved all 10 seconds of it lmao)
Rupert looking for the nurse oh no no no no
They’re okay I’m manifesting it now
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Oh god do not kill him he just survived 😭😭😭😭😭
but at what cost ???!!
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Michael waiting for David is killing me I just want them happy
Bobby to the rescue yessssssssss
I swear if something happens to David I’m blaming all you jerks for putting the “911 is over due for a death trope” into the universe 😭😩
Ravis first loss ☹️ at least he has hen at his side for this
“I promised your husband” Bobby you’re playing dirty
“Maybe a watch, I’m not sure” lmao
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The fact that Bobby basically proposed for Michael is keeping me semi sane rn
Inject alllllll the Hale-Grant wedding planning right into my v e i n s
Oh Ravi 🖤 childhood cancer survivor turned firefighter? Oh my sweet lil dude lemme hug you
Fox imma need a Ravi begins ASAP okay
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Oh Michael’s going to Haiti too? I did not see that coming at all. Teaming up to help people? Can I love them any more???? Apparently.
But like, they’re coming back right?
You cant dangle the MichaelDavid wedding in my face and not follow through Fox 😤
Y’all this might have taken the number one slot on my fav of the season. Holy shit this is such a good episode. Back to the basics of 911, where they’re good at.
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dcubtless-blog · 5 years
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𝔰𝔦𝔩𝔞𝔰 𝔞𝔪𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔲𝔰 𝔤𝔯𝔢𝔶𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔫𝔢. ➝ INTRO.
hello there everybody !! i’m emmy !  i have two dogs, am deathly allergic to avocados, and it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been in a supernatural-y rp, so i’m v v excited to be here and write with u all ! enough abt me -- here’s some more info about my werewolf baby SILAS, the youngest greystone ( so far ) and one of the faces of the crimson pack. 
☾ ° ⋆ ( luke hemmings. cismale, he/him, zipper + brockhampton. ) that’s SILAS GREYSTONE hanging in that gang of friends? i heard they’re a part of the CRIMSON pack. rumor has it they’re 19 years old. currently, they’re posing as a STUDENT at NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, and during dark you can always find them going home to THE BRONX by CAR.
silas is a nineteen year old college sophomore at new york university. he’s currently studying jazz composition, and you can bet pretty certainly that you’ll find him performing in nyu’s various jazz combos or playing the occasional gig at a fancy dinner party for money.
since he’s part of the greystone family, he’s sort of ‘privileged’ in that he was born and raised fully aware and proud of being a werewolf. in fact, it’s somewhat ingrained in him that he’s superior to newly-turned werewolves and whatnot, but he’s trying to unlearn that because he knows it’s disrespectful and unfair
his past/background is pretty loose rn bc i’ve yet to plot out his connections w his family, but this will be updated w some family info when it’s established !! 
he’s extremely taciturn to the point where he’s almost difficult to talk to; he’d just much rather spend time by himself than in the company of others
has a tendency to come off a bit rude ?? doesn’t know how to play the polite game is all 
despite that, he’s VERY protective over his pack ( as most wolves are ), especially his family ?? don’t fuck w the greystones is all i’m sayin !
he’s also a much different person around other pack members and his family -- much more talkative, and his sense of humor is quite sprightly instead of his usual dry sarcasm
he comes off sort of airheaded, since he’s not the fondest of school, but get him talking about film or literature and you’ll have him rambling for hours. he loves narrative art almost as much as he loves music
also he’s always tired ?? sleepiest boy on the planet i swear
extremely critical of himself. as one of the youngest members of his family/pack, he constantly feels an internal pressure to be better and to surpass the people around him, considering he’s supposed to sort of ‘climb the ranks’ as he gets older
has a pretty serious case of youngest brother syndrome, in that he’s just got those moments of rash immaturity that he’ll most likely never grow out of
sort of turns his nose up at authority ?? probably isn’t gonna b moved up in the pack hierarchy anytime soon bc he has a thing abt just not following the rules
v reckless, currently has a casual love affair w various drugs; will call u at 3am to ask for a ride home, piss fuckin drunk
has some anger issues he’ll need to hammer out eventually so pls,,,,, somebody piss him off & let’s get this character development bread !
also !! here’s some wanted connections i’d love to have for si:
intra-pack clique ( 0/3 ) ➝ other crimson werewolves that he most likely grew up with, trained with, etc etc. they sit in the back and fuck around during pack meets, pull pranks on the alpha together, u get the gist ( also it would be so cute if this were the other 3 5sos boys let me DREAM ) 
childhood friends ( 0/∞ ) ➝ some people silas has known his whole life and probably have blackmail material from his 7th grade scene phase
party friends ( 0/∞ ) ➝ do they know silas’s favorite color? maybe not, but they absolutely have seen him dislocate his wrist trying to do cartwheels on slippery grass after doing 5 tequila shots.
exes ( 0/2 or 3 ) ➝ silas has definitely had a few serious relationships ( at varying degrees of serious-ness ), most likely through high school or just recently in his first couple years of college. he swings all the ways, so this could literally be anybody ( & listen. i’m such a sucker for exes on bad terms so gimme dat ) 
forbidden friendships ( 0/∞ ) ➝ silas knows he’s supposed to, like, stay away from other species for his own safety, but he can’t bring himself to give a shit ! 
that’s all i got for now, but pls hmu if you’d like to plot something out ! my ims here on tumblr are always open or u can hit me up on d*scord at cermet#4735 !! v excited to write with u all <3
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punkcryptids · 5 years
okay, so throughout the recent life is strange games i have made posts such as this one; I would make a bullet-point list of my ideas and thoughts of the game, certain little lines or details and shit. i did this for the farewell episode, i think before the storm (at least one of the episodes), and captain spirit. i tried to do this for life is strange 2, but Tumblr fucking killed itself when i tried, like i even restarted the fucking episode to redo it. so i don't think ive done these for life is strange 2, but honestly they're a lot of fun to rant out my opinions of the game and the little details and shit so, without further ado, here's this -spoiler full- little list.
also, little sidenote: i had no clue this was supposed to come out, i heard jack shit about it so like, the day after it was released i saw an article, googled it, and fucking died and felt so stupid. so anyways. let's begin.
*spoilers ahead, ill tag the post too but smh once got anon hate over this shit*
ok just to start this off, the little like "last time on life is strange" refresher is really nice and unique and i fucking love it still
the wolf drawings v cute
not game related but this fucking incense im burning is floating across the screen and it's so fucking ominous
why the fuck is Chris a racoon
okay now game points for the a c t u a l fucking game??
ok this fuckin music fuckin kicking
ok i like the choice to start this episode with like a flashback, i really like that choice (also three bullet points in a row i start with "ok" v original)
yo sean wanna give me that weed bag? could use some brother skksks
fuck Daniel his room nice af
honestly the instant thought when Daniel came into Sean's room was that he was stealing his weed? cause I could've sworn that's where it was in the first episode
i love his dad sksksk
i hate that fucking toy okay, it's awful
ok low-key, i hate kids and if i Sean I'd be so annoyed? because like he came into Sean's room when he's been told not to, and like snuck in there, and then lied about Sean hitting him (bc I didn't hit him) and then as soon as Sean goes to apologize he's like "get out" like u little hypocritical shit hhhh. love Daniel but it's fuckin annoying
"and don't touch my stuff" (comes into Sean's room and touches shit)
Sean is a dick to Daniel sometimes but like he still acted like a good brother in the end and i would've been pissed so like good on Sean lmao
*inhales* AAAAAAAA
love the drawing of the deer smoking
wonder why they got kicked off the ranch
i want a fucking joint Jesus Christ Sean fucking share? rude ass
ok so ur shirtless
good doggie
accidentally trapped the dog whoopsies
american grafitti
"fuckin ranch of hell AVOID" what the fuck happened there?
i like penny, he seems cool af
Daniel's fucking hair yikes
also why the hell he being a dick to us for? why the fuck it so hostile?
I like Finn too
"it was my turn" you had been throwing them?? for the entire morning wHY IS HE FUCKIN MAD AT US??
Daniel is pissing me off I s2g
why is asking about the watch a "big choice"
oh okay so finn replaced sean and now daniel is just a little fucking asshole about it
big Joe big angry
he just fuckin hit her head what the fuck hell yeah I'll intervene fuck you??
why does he want to talk to me what the fuck did i do
okay if Daniel loses us this job i will fight him
am i really trimming weed rn i dont think y'all understand how much my stoner ass is jealous
uh? random ass glitch of flying scissors
okay whatever sounds effects are in the background of talking with Finn sound like lis 1 music and im freaked
if we get caught while training I'm murdering someone
new emo daniel
that music is fucking intense
"im not a kid anymore" I'm gonna fucking hit this kid I s2g
pass me the BONG
"how come you can and i can't" YOURE NINE DANIEL GODDAMN WAIT A COUPLE YEARS
ok Sean, you had one like mediocre bong hit and like two hits from that joint like you should not be that high. high screen is cool tho
someone pass me more weed
I have taken 3 drinks of this beer and Sean cannot see anyone but the guy he's focusing on
i wanna stay with these guys ffs I don't want to go to mexico
fuckin daniel, hhh i feel bad that I didn't go with him but i wanna have fun :(
edgy boi now
this song is a bop tf
i feel like they haven't had as much copyrighted music in this season
nice work montage
i wish there was an option to say I'd buy Daniel some food that he wants :/ I get we have to save but fuck :/ trying to win big brother points and game won't let me
thank u Merrill im glad ur not mad at me uwu
don't punch out finn i love him
why is Daniel showing him his powers like i get he threw the thing at big Joe but why this necessary,,,
can we give Daniel a haircut now like im sorry but his fuckin hair
they like took 1 drink of that beer and it was done what
you cannot fucking use daniel if they make me i will feel like shit
gimmie tattoo
ok ik I should probably say "wolf" bc of the symbolism throughout the game but like fuckin surprise me Cassidy
what is with this episode and fuckin nudity
i can literally see her nipple under the water wtf u good
I didn't talk to anyone else, just Finn and then fucked Cassidy so ya know
fucking finn are you fucking serious
shut the fuck up stop trying to convince me shit
fuck you I didn't fucking do this
fuck you finn
and you got him fucking shot you fucking proud? hm? fucking dick.
ok so Cassidy is still here, and Finn, and Merrill, and I swear to God, if fucking Daniel left us I will fucking
okay so uh this episode? not my favorite. at all. especially because the choices didn't fucking matter. the "big" choices are supposed to fucking matter but they didn't and that really kinda pisses me off. and idk. i didn't care for this episode but like :/ time to wait till august
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pinch-and-poke · 5 years
Hi there! Really excited about the kpop/astrology blog!! If you guys have time I’d like a master analysis! Ship me with exo or nct! My info is: December 19, 1991 Norfolk, Virginia 10:41 am. Please take your time, no rush, and thank you!
Master Analysis: lowtieruwu edition
Sasori ships you with
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Yixing! This soft boy will mellow out your fire vibes and also give you the space and freedom you need. He’ll pretty much let you run the show.
has no problems being a sub and letting you take the reigns.
Literally up for anything at least once so whatever you wanna try he’s down for.
Wanna tie him up? Fuckin go for it the boy loves rope play. Tie his ass up.
Sometimes he gets a little fed up though and enough is enough.
Like when you wont stop groping him under the table at dinner.
He’s gonna find a reason to excuse you two from the table
“Are they fucking in the parking lot?”
They’re fucking in the parking lot
Peachy ships you with
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Y'all would constantly be dragging each other, much to everyone’s amusement. And he’d push you to work hard.
Y'all some straight up FREAKS.
There’s a swing and harnesses and overly complicated lingerie (which one of you wears it though?) And 27 varieties of oil by your bedside.
Post-coital showers are mandatory cuz y'all be putting in WORK.
He loves doming you, especially since you dont make it easy, but he’s gotta be a switch sometimes.
You two always walking around bruised and scratched up.
Absolutely fucked in the dance practice room
And probably on another member’s bed when they pissed you off
Hallyu Analysis
Main dancer and lead rapper
Not allowed to write her own tracks after she dropped an EP of exclusively diss tracks
Holds the record for inkigayo sandwiches collected
Like if idols were pokemon, your pokedex would be FULL
Literally just has a cork board of phone numbers pinned to it
v popular, even predebut, has a big fan base
Absolutely decimates her members, on accident
Just constantly dragging them without even realizing it
But they let it slide
Bc scared
But also bc they know you’ll burn a motherfucker down that tries to come for them
Dating and partying scandals
So many in fact that no one cares anymore
Mini Summary
Big flighty hippie energy
Always traveling or experiencing something new
Passionate but short attention span
Naturally draws a lot of attention
Has never once pulled a punch in her life and never will, doesnt matter if it’s a physical or verbal altercation
Get Wrecked
Has this chart ever maintained a job?
Being a shot girl in the club doesn’t really count
Although you do make bank doing it
Doesn’t know the meaning of reliable
Has 2k unread texts
“I literally wouldn’t come near this person with a 50 foot pole. Maybe longer.” -Sasori
God DO NOT call this chart for emotional support, job reference, or a ride ffs.
Despite being the least reliable friend ever on the face of the planet, this chart feels things VERY intensely. MUST INDULGE FEELINGS RN IMMEDIATELY ITS V IMPORTANT
And then theyre gone poof
“Oh my god i think i met the one we’re gonna travel the world together”
*2 weeks later*
“Who? Oh i didn’t even save his number”
Probably has a secret child
Never shuts tf up
But We Still Love You
Just kidding, Sasori hates Sags
But Peachy doesn’t!
I would call you at least once a month to have turn up (but you’re never in town when i call)
Definitely the fun friend
Also the friend you call when you get in a fight
Will have your back (if you’re even around)
Also has lots of experience punching probably
Also v good at finessing men (or women, or whoever youre into today) out of free food
Will absolutely share their free food too
Has a lot of interesting life philosophies, definitely an engaging person to talk to
When you love, you put your whole heart into it (for however long you feel like)
I feel like you literally always look good?
Thanks for being our first request 💗💗💗
-Sasori 🍥& Peachy 🍑
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stevethehairington · 5 years
for yo character headcanons: our bois sam, steve and bucky ILY
thank youuuuu for the ask my dear! this is gonna be a fun one haha. ily tooo
character headcanons
1. sexuality headcanon
i feel like sam could probably fall under the pansexual label; most of my ships for him are with females so it wasn’t until i got into the sam/riley ship that i really gave his sexuality a lot of thought. but yeah i adore sam being with riley and honestly the idea of him being with like steve or bucky too is good too, i could defs see him getting his flirt on with those two dorks. 
2. otp
this is. so hard. bc like. i can see sam with literally so many different people. like i love sam/riley, but i also really love sam/maria, and then sam/natasha is nice too, and really really oddly i thought of sam/becca today and like. at least in the fic i’m considering writing atm, it works really well so yeah. idk if i have a solid otp for sam. i guess i usually stick with either riley or maria though depending on the situation. 
3. brotp
oh man. literally the steve/sam brotp and the sam/bucky brotp and the sam/steve/bucky brotps give me so much life. all three of these losers are so good together they play off of each other so well theyre really the Dream Team.
i also really like sam and natasha’s friendship too, i’ve seen some fics get it really good.
4. notp
uhhh, there aren’t really any sam ships that just out to me as a Major No. i guess i’m not super into the idea of sam and clint being a thing? but like it doesn’t really bother me as a ship in general or anything.
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
okay in any fic i write in which it’s a no powers au (so like most of what i write lmao) i have this hc that sam is dubbed the bird whisperer in anyone’s phone. so he was at the park with steve or bucky or whoever he’s mainly friends with in the fic and while he was there he ended up doing something (not quite sure what, maybe i’ll figure that out and write about it one day who knows) and whatever he did brought all the birds to his yard and they l o v e d him, and some even followed him around a little, thus he was dubbed the bird whisperer. 
6. one way in which i relate to this character
i too would do anything for steve rogers. lmao no for real though, sam has a really good loyalty about him and he’s willing to do anything for his friends (i.e. take them in, fight with/for them, etc. etc.) and i like to think that those are qualities i have as well.
7. things that give me second hand embarrassment about this character
i honestly can’t think of anything rn?? like sam’s a p cool, suave dude, he hasn’t really done anything, at least in canon, that makes me super cringe in embarrassment.
8. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll for sure!
1. sexuality headcanon
BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISEXUAL MY DUDE. listen there is no way n o w a y steve rogers is not a bisexual man. i mean, come on. have yall seen the movies? steve rogers is in love with bucky barnes, peggy carter, sam wilson, natasha romanoff, and the list probably goes on. no but for real, bucky is literally his life partner, the love of his entire fucking life. tws?? a romcom for fuckin sure. but he also really was in love with peggy carter in tfa, i mean who wouldn’t be she’s fuckin badass and hot af and just a kickass woman. i’m in love with her too steve. and then you cannot tell me he isn’t flirting with sam at the beginning of tws because he so is. and i bet while bucky was Gone he probably somehow got his hands on some of thor’s asguardian mead or whatever at some avengers party and he and nat drunkenly kissed a little just to see what it was like (yknow before she got with clint ofc). but seriously this boy is a Bisexual Disaster and we all know it. 
2. otp
is this even a question? obviously its stucky. they’re my reason for breathing tbh. no jk but i love them to death and listen you cannot tell me that they are not fucking soulmates okay? bc they are. they ARE. there is literally not a single heterosexual explanation for a n y t h i n g they do. the “keeping the uniform” bit in tfa? gay! the “shared experience” line? gay! breaking through 70+ years of brainwashing by reciting your wedding vows? gay! they are so in love it hurts!!
3. brotp
i have a lot of steve brotps tbh. i love the steve/natasha friendship so so sooo much. i really love how they did it in tws and i really just love the idea of them being close with each other like that. i also really love the steve/sam friendship ofc too. they play off of each other so well, and their flirty banter gives me lifeeee. i do like a good steve/tony friendship as well, and i like steve/wanda friendship too, i feel like they have a good relationship. 
4. notp
steve/sharon lmao. okay so like. i don’t exactly hate it, as in i don’t have a problem with the ship if it were done right. but bc it was so poorly done in the mcu i Do Not like it and i Do Not support. like the timing was horrible, it was all very no homo, the fact that she’s peggy’s niece and they flirt literally right after her funeral was in such poor taste and it makes me seriously uncomfortable, and also the way the mcu totally made sharon’s character nothing more than a love interest, and a really poorly done one too, just pisses me off bc she couldve been a really badass character if they wanted to make her one. so yeah. there’s just a lot of reasons why i Do Not like this ship. but it doesn’t like squick me or anything and i can tolerate it as like an old ship in fics, like she was steve’s ex before he met bucky or smth like that. 
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
6. one way in which i relate to this character
i too would wbecome a wanted government fugitive and fight anyone who got in the way for bucky barnes
7. things that give me second hand embarrassment about this character
again, i can’t really think of anything that gives me too much second hand embarrassment about steve… i guess maybe just the fact that he’s a disaster when it comes to his feelings for people can make me have to look away and shake my head at his dumbass antics lmao. 
8. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon role fo sho
1. sexuality headcanon
BIIIIIIIIIISEXUAL AS WELL MY DUDEEE. i could see bucky as straight up gay as well, but i like to stick with the bisexual label bc 1. im bisexual and i like to see my faves as bi too lmao and 2. i do think that he genuinely did like going out with girls back in the 40s and taking them dancing and shit. like he was definitely flirty and suave and good with the ladies but i dont think it was all for show. like i think he really did like those girls. ofc he loves steve though, like i said, soulmates! but yeah, my boy is defs bisexual too!
2. otp
again, obviously stucky, see above for my rantings and ramblings about why lmao.
3. brotp
i have a lot of brotps for bucky too lol. i fuckin love the banter between bucky/sam, like the mcu did that right! and i hope that their show can deliver more of this Good Content. they work so well, it’s that love/hate realtionship and i am Here For It. they secretly love each other as best friends despite what it may seem. i also really really really love the bucky/natasha friendship, like sign me the fuck up!! they would be the best of friends and i just. love this friendship so much. i also like the bucky/clint friendship too, i feel like these two dumbasses would get up to some good shit together lol. 
4. notp
hmmm, i guess i could say bucky/tony for this. like. i don’t know much about this ship and i dont read for it or anything so i really just dont like it bc i cant see them together romantically or anything. so like idk if i can call that a notp bc i dont hate it or anything, it’s just not my cup of tea.
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
this one is tried and true but it’s always the first bucky hc that pops into mind. bucky was drafted, he didn’t enlist on his own. he refuses to tell steve that though bc of how fucking scared he is about it and bc he knows how much steve wants it, he doesnt want steve to think hes ungrateful or doesnt care about his country or anything like that. so he hides his letter away somewhere he knows steve will never find it. 
steve only finds out when he finds bucky on the table in azzano reciting his number which evidently, gives up the fact that he was drafted. 
6. one way in which i relate to this character
i too would follow that little guy from brooklyn that was too dumb not to run away from a fight to the jaws of death klgsj. no but really, bucky doesnt like to fight, he doesnt. he never wanted to go to war in the first place, he’s not the one that starts the fights, only finishes steve’s when he can’t, and he’s tired of war and fighting and all that. and i think that that’s something i have in common with bucky, that i dont want to fight unless it’s the last resort. like i’d rather try to civally solve a problem than jump straight to the arguing and fighting bits yknow?
7. things that give me second hand embarrassment about this character
again, i can’t think of much that embarrasses me about bucky. he’s a p chill dude. 
8. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll and you can’t tell me otherwise. 
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heartsflocked · 5 years
like. a year ago vos & i talked about an au where eugene got sent to the isle for being a thief after rachel & remi were born, & the twins got sent over to the isle with him & grew up there and. god what a good AU. here are some highlights from talking about it with vos and with edy lmfao. by “highlights” i mean “everything we ever said bc GOD i love it”
w/ vos
[6:28 PM] V🌻: w/ the eugene one... like don't tell me they don't have routines worked out?? little acts they know where one causes a distraction and the other slides in and steals shit [6:29 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): YES [6:29 PM] V🌻: always trying new ones & trying to pull off the things eugene used to do
[6:48 PM] V🌻: i'm giggling rn because eugene trying to go back to Flynn RiderTM on the isle but the other villains just rip the absolute piss out of him for it like ,,, NO FITZHERBERT [6:48 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): jshgsdg YEAH LMAO [6:48 PM] V🌻: but at the same time remi getting shit because "remi rider" wtf
[6:52 PM] V🌻: ! ! ! eugene would be completely heartbroken because rapunzel was His New Dream and he just KNOWS that she's over there in pieces bc she lost all three of them and HE CAN'T MAKE HER FEEL BETTER [6:52 PM] V🌻: he would still be such an A+ dad to them even on the isle [6:52 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): TBH [6:54 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): i mean honestly he'd?? probably be Isle Dad like literally the best dad on the entire isle to his own kids but he'd also look out for so many other kids on the isle like he was?? an orphan who used to read to the other orphan kids okay he's Fucking Soft and already canonically was the kind of person to take others under his wing and look out for them he would just dad the hell out of any troubled isle kid in proximity [6:55 PM] V🌻: he'd give them everything he was damn capable of ???? and he would try to tell them how much their mother loves them and how much this hurts her but remi is STILL a ball of anger in this scenario esp if they go to auradon because they LEFT eugene on the isle and ??? fUCK FUCK NO ??? he lost the love of his life, and now his kids have been taken from him too ??? and SHIT remi will fight frederic for this himself [6:55 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): ksjhgdjg no listen rachel will too [6:56 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): tbh i think rachel would get told "hey you can come to auradon now" and she'd be like "LIKE HELL AM I FUCKING LEAVING MY DAD HERE?" and eugene would probably have to make the kids go but hhhhhhh rachel would be Furious and Miserable and she would deck her grandfather ON SIGHT bc listen?? if it gets her sent back to the isle?? at least dad's not alone [6:59 PM] V🌻: they would kick up such a fuss about being asked to go to the isle !!!!! SHIt there would just be no way they're going to leave eugene there ?? he has to drag remi by the hood into that limo tbh because he knows rapunzel can give them what they really deserve in life [7:00 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): kajhjsd eugene, w rachel tossed over his shoulder and flailing, dragging a struggling remi: THIS IS A GOOD THING [7:04 PM] V🌻: the driver, shook tO FUCK over the fight being put up here: u know this is an optional thing right [7:10 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): pls sir this is family matters dont stick ur nose in smh the entire problem is that the kids KNOW it's optional lmfao
[1:19 PM] V🌻: ajhfajhf [1:19 PM] V🌻: imagine their rivalry with gothel kids [1:20 PM] V🌻: fighty kids [4:16 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): ksjdhgjs rachel loves ginny gothel for one reason and one reason only and that's that she can ALWAYS count on ginny gothel to drop everything for a good fist fight they are both so small and they both love to throw hands too much [4:17 PM] V🌻: there's no denying gothel would try to kill eugene again [4:17 PM] V🌻: pffft ginny and rem/rachel both have their own little squads who just Fight It Out everyday [4:19 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): gothel: [is An Adult, a legitimate villain, was pretty formidable honestly and was at the very least strong enough to overpower rapunzel] rachel, not caring about any of that: LEMME FUCKIN AT HER I'LL TAKE HER FOR SO MUCH AS LOOKING AT MY DAD [4:35 PM] V🌻: Rem vc: she's all Old n shit let's gang up on her [4:40 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): rach vc: y e s [4:40 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): [4:39 PM] daredoll: Honestly ok but I'm laughing like Rachel at Ginny "wow we're such rivals this is intense" Ginny "we're not rivals I just hate you and would actively be happy if you died" [4:39 PM] Vex: "sounds like something a rival would say" [4:41 PM] V🌻: oh my god [4:42 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): rachel in all verses confirmed for just going to believe whatever the hell she wants [4:42 PM] V🌻: these two were always destined to be loud, opinionated and bratty
w/ edy
[6:26 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): the second au is where frederick refused to pardon eugene and sent him and the twins over to the isle so like....... just...... them growing up with only their dad who like yeah he was a criminal but be real here he's too soft for the isle and he loved rapunzel and she loved him but they're apart and he's got to raise these two disaster twins on hell island but anyways.. u kno rach is always grinning & covered in bruises from getting into fights, and her pockets are always full of other people's shit [6:27 PM] daredoll: Flynn is just the isle dad tbh and like ?? ok the twins would be such grimy fun cretins [6:28 PM] daredoll: God ok but also Flynn telling them about their mom IM EMO [6:28 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): Y E A H [6:28 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): im emo about all situations at all times [6:31 PM] daredoll: God like at least probably not knowing you have a great sunshine family is one thing but like also KNOWING that you have this bright amazing mom who loves you but you aren't allowed to ever see and she can't see you WOW [6:35 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): yeah i want to Die,
[4:39 PM] daredoll: Honestly ok but I'm laughing like Rachel at Ginny "wow we're such rivals this is intense" Ginny "we're not rivals I just hate you and would actively be happy if you died" [4:39 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): "sounds like something a rival would say" [4:45 PM] daredoll: Ok but who's gang are the twins joining [4:47 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): honestly i have no idea like,,, we've established mal would probably Hate rach lmfao she's got some sort of rivalry going on with ginny regardless of ginny's willingness to be involved in this rivalry they don't seem like particularly piratey children and idk if rachel could put up with harry no matter how cute gil is idek what that leaves for them to latch onto lmfao
[8:36 PM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): okay also i just rachel: cmon we're doing something very morally reprehensible sunny: wait isn't that wrong?? rachel: oh is it WRONG? is it BAD and IMMORAL to do a crime, Miss I Crimed-So-Hard-I-Got-Sent-To-Hell-Island? Do you have some moral highground i don't know about? sunny: okay i feel like your tone is getting very rude
[3:44 AM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): ugh god rachel's the kind of person to come out of a fight with a black eye grinning so wide that it's impossible to not notice the blood in her teeth [3:46 AM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): i think she's probably a lot better at fighting than eugene would like her to be but she's also way too wild and reckless about her fighting style for sure bc she just loves the thrill of it bc she's the WORST so no question even being good enough at fighting to probably at least win a fair few, no way she does it without taking some hits, but she just?? is having a blast?? despite that?? i hate her. Obnoxious [3:46 AM] Miss Steal Yo Girl (ft. Yo Girl): this is why she should never have been let onto the isle with the other awful kids
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rosetlntsmyworld · 6 years
rules:: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
Thanks to my good judy @veronicasanders for tagging me! <3
— what was your last…
1. drink:: water
2. phone call:: my boss bc i’m bad at mopping floors and she wanted to yell at me for it
3. text message:: ‘where tf are you xoxo’ to my mother (she forgot to pick me up from my train)
4. song you listened to:: “Papa Don’t Preach” by Madonna
5. time you cried:: like literally yesterday bc I was listening to cute music w my gf and im a bit hormonal and got all mushy about how much i love her
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice:: nah
7. kissed someone and regretted it:: yes
8. been cheated on:: no
9. lost someone special:: yes
10. been depressed:: no
11. gotten drunk and thrown up:: first bit yes, second bit no. i was just drunk from 11pm to 4pm the next day and had to walk around a supermarket with my mum hung over to buggery and pretending everything was fine (supermarkets are the W O R S T places you could realise youre hung over bc screaming children and also very bright light)
— fave colours
12. black
13. grey
14. burgundy
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:: yes
16. fallen out of love:: no
17. laughed until you cried:: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you:: yes
19. met someone who changed you::  yes
20. found out who your friends are:: ya
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list:: yes
— general
22. how many your facebook friends do you know irl:: legit all
23. do you have any pets:: yes, one dog
24. do you want to change your name:: yeah, i wanna get rid of my boy middle name (it was gonna be mary and my parents realised my initials would spell ‘emu’ and didn’t want me to get bullied. So they made my middle name duncan. D U N C A N. How is that an improvement??)
25. what did you do for your last birthday:: went to school during the day which sucked ass and then had the opening night of my first exhibit at a gallery which sucked a lot less ass. And then went and had dinner. And a hedgehog cake. Because im a mature grown up adult.
26. what time did you wake up today:: I went and delivered newspapers at like eight oclock and then went back to bed at like 10. Woke up again at midday, had a slice of toast and watched still game, and then had another nap. I am a garbage person.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night:: sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for:: finding out whether I got accepted to university (stole this answer from v but it’s true)
29. what is your favourite animal:: thats a horrendous question omfg i love tapirs a lot and also pigeons and seals and sharks
30. what are you listening to right now:: i’m watching gordon ramsay’s hotel hell
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom:: yeah i went to primary school with a guy called tom and he was a fucking asshole
32. something that’s getting on your nerves:: the fact that fullyi can’t . breathe through my left nostril rn
33. most visited website:: google
34. hair colour:: dirty blonde
35. long or short hair:: short-ish. Mine is like bob length w a dramatic undercut. Basically i stole dela’s boy hair
36. do you have a crush on someone:: ya
37. what do you like about yourself:: i have a nice bum
38. want any piercings:: ya
39. blood type:: oh fuck knows
40. nicknames:: edna, edina, gay puddle, mitzi, shortshank redemption, eddie, edie mcredie
41. relationship status:: dating a v cool gal
42. sign:: scorpio
43. pronouns:: she/her
44. fave tv show:: rpdr, brooklyn 99, orange is the new black, derry girls, still game, chewin the fat, the great british bake off, bobs burgers, tracey ullman show
45. tattoos:: nada as of yet but i want a good few
46. right or left handed:: right
47. ever had surgery:: nope
48. piercings:: ears x2
49. sport:: i play rugby and i wish i could dance or skate or some shit but alas i am a graceless bulldyke
50. vacation:: im going to australia for like six weeks in june aaaaaaaaa
51. trainers:: never wear em lmao im too goth for that shit
— more general
52. eating:: i went out for dinner earlier and had pizza and sweet potato fries and now im halfway to a food coma yay
53. drinking:: water or cherry coke. I also discovered lemon and mint sanpellegrino the other day and frankly id happily drown in that stuff its amazing
54. i’m about watch:: new ep of drag race
55. waiting for:: news from school
56. want:: to move out bc my room is a shittip and im done with it
57. get married:: i dont believe in marriage so probs no
58. career:: i work in a baby shop but i wanna be a tattoo artist or set designer/stage manager
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:: hugs
60. lips or eyes:: lips
61. taller or shorter:: everyone is taller than me
62. older or younger:: older. Im a bit autistic so im kinda drawn more to people older than me bc i find them easier to talk to
63. nice arms or stomach:: stomach
64. hookups or relationships:: relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant:: troublemaker
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger:: no
67. drank hard liquor:: yes
68. turned someone down:: yes
69. sex on first date:: no
70. broken someone’s heart:: i dont fuckin know
71. had your heart broken:: not really
72. been arrested:: no, lol
73. cried when someone died:: yes
74. fallen for a friend:: nah im fuckin heartless lmao
— do you believe in
75. yourself:: yes
76. miracles:: no
77. love at first sight:: no
78. santa claus:: i’m not fucking five (lol, keeping Wednesday’s answer here) (lol im also keeping V’s answer which she stole from v)
79. angels:: not really
— misc
80. eye colour:: grey
81. best friend’s name:: charlie aka charles aka charlize theron aka streak of piss aka pizzle aka piz (they have a v long series of affectionate nicknames lmao)
82. favourite movie:: priscilla queen of the desert, rocky horror, evita, muriels wedding, silence of the lambs, zootopia, misery
83. favourite actor:: Terence stamp
84. favourite cartoon:: bobs burgers, family guy, star wars: clone wars
85. favourite teacher’s name:: she’s known usually as ms gallagher but ive been on first name terms w her since i was like 14 so i call her sheila lmao
legit everyone I know has already been tagged lmao
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softboyholland · 7 years
mj gets knocked up in her last year of college
she goes to harvard and he's mit
so she barely ever sees him
and on top of that, he picks up the whole spidey thing again
so when they reunite things get rlly heated obvs
but then
she gets pregnant w his CHILD SKJKJK
and she finds out like a month before her finals
she keeps it to herself
although she knows the right thing to do is to tell him
but tbh she couldn't even if she wanted to
that’s how busy he is
so now her hormones are x100
and then the daily bugle's front page is of spider-man kissing some girl
ok so great whatever right
it totally does not matter at all that this
but whatever
he was probably on the spot so he had to do it
it's fiNEEEE
then they schedule a date
and mj decides that enough is enough
and not telling him that she's carrying his OWN CHILD is a lil stupid
but that date is a disaster
bc for the most part of the date, he only talks about some girl called gwen stacy and some grand scheme between the two of them that she wasn't even listening to
and then in the 20 min mark, something happens and he leaves because he's gtg save the world!! wooo
and whatever she's not even surprised
so she goes home
and from simple googling, she realises that gwen stacy is the same person he kissed the other day
well isn't this rich
so now she's afraid
and she's never been this afraid because WHAT THE FUCK
and maybe she should abort her child
(that she's already grown attached to) but she doesn’t know that
so she calls liz and tells her about her plan and her dilemma
and liz tells her to take another pregnancy test
because maybe she's been cutting down on all her caffeine for nothing
and liz does that thing that phoebe does to rachel in friends
(for those of u who have never watched friends, liz tells her that the test came back negative and michelle starts tearing up because she's been attached to this baby already and now it's just gone so she's crying but then liz says that she lied and that the test is actually positive and michelle realises thats she wants to keep the baby)
and they both scream when they realise that there's a tiny smol growing inside of her
and michelle is crying omg
but then, she has a bigger problem
aka the father of this tiny smol
ok so liz tells her to wait until the whole gwen thing blows over
and that if peter doesn't come to his senses, she's going to take this whole gwen thing into her own hands
but somehow she finds herself looking at her reflection in the mirror, two weeks later
her hair is a greasy, knotted mess, at the top of her head, and there's a teeny tiny bump that most ppl mistake as a food belly there are dark circles under her eyes, and her skin looks rlly dull and her eyes are all red and puffy
then she thinks of gwen and her perfect eyes, and her perfect face and wow!
now she feels like shit
but whatever, she decides
because rn she just needs to get thru her finals
which are in two weeks btw
bc she will find a job and she will be able to support her baby
she knows it
so she studies like hell right
but then she takes like a practice test and she F A I L S
and then she finally snaps
because her overbearing parents are going to kill her for getting knocked up by some white boi who doesn't even love her anymore
and now she's never gonna graduate from uni and she'll never be able to support her baby financially
and her parents aren't even going to help her because they'll probably disown her
then peter shows up at her apartment
and she wipes away her tears
but peter isn't stupid
but she goes in for a kiss
and wow! he's missed her so much
then things start getting heated and she pushes him away'
and she decides to break up w him
and then peter gets pissed
because he's stressed too
and don't think he hasn't noticed her distant replies to his snapchats and his texts
and maybe the hinges on her door are a little loose bc of him slamming it so hard
but don't be fooled he never actually L E A V E S ???
like duh
he just stands outside her apartment and listens to the faint sobs coming from inside
and although he wants nothing more than to go back inside and to apologise and hug her, he knows that it's only going to make things worse
so he calls ned
when ned gets there, they spend 10 mins silently arguing outside of her apartment
then finally ned goes in
and well when peter slams the door behind him, mj breaks down
because her life has officially gone to shit
and she calls liz and liz is telling her to calm down and that she'll be there asap
but when the door bursts open and ned comes walking in
she decides that this is probably liz's work??
and when ned hugs her, she doesnt say anything but she subconciously holds her belly
then ned looks down at her and he's like
are u on ur period dood
bc maybe this is just a hormone-induced fight and peter's making a huge deal out of it
but she takes one look at her belly and starts crying again bc she's reminded of her situation
ned, as oblivious as ever, hugs her until she stops crying
so when peter hears mj crying again as he nervously paces outside her apartment
he groans and nearly hits liz
liz toomes allen??
what's she doing here
then he remembers that oh ya right she's close to mj
and the first thing she does is hit peter across the head
"that's for hurting mj"
and then mj caves and tells ned everything
and finally, she gets around to the pregnancy part
but then he subtly texts peter
but no reply because well, he's too busy fuckin having a heart-to-heart w liz
turns out that the whole gwen stacey thing was a scheme
bc gwen stacy was losing her job at the daily bugle and her boss is only interested in spider-man shit
so gwen, his childhood best friend before ned, who knows about his secret identity, offered him a job at the bugle in exchange for some news
and they kissed at some public event and now peter isn't in debt anymore because he has cash
also gwen is gay lol
eventually liz and ned leave
and peter is still contemplating leaving mj alone but he ends up falling asleep on her doorway like a creepy creep-creep
then he's woken up at 12 am bc of his spidey senses
and he bursts thru the door and finds mj on the floor, clutching onto her belly as if her life depended on it and there's a hint of tears in her eyes
now mj doesn't have spidey senses like peter so she has no idea that he's been outside her door for the past 2 hrs
so he helps her up
and then she's like 'sorry, i fell and i landed on my butt and i nearly thought i lost em-'
'you lost what?"
welp here goes
then she leads him to the couch
"pls don't freak out."
"that's what you said when you first kissed me so..."
"ok, well, um, remember that night after the uh the battle in manhattan.."
peter smiles
"right ok, so you know there was a lot of tension, and urgency, i guess we kind of forgot to use uh protection."
she gauges his reaction
but he seems normal
she takes a deep breath because wow she's really saying those words
"peter, i'm pregnant."
and he's still nodding along in understanding
jesus christ
but then his eyes widen and
"holy shit! y-you're um, wow! wait, is it mine?"
she smacks his arm
"yes it is, you fuckin idiot! i wouldn't cheat on u!"
and then silence
"look, i'm keeping them. if you don't want to be involved in this whole...thing, then fine. it's your choice. i'll figure it out on my own, i don't need you any-"
"woah, woah, hold the phone. why are you already taking my child away from me?"
"because, PETER!! i don't think you'd want a baby with me, of all people, after going around and kissing gwen!!! and with your finals coming soon, and with spider-man duties!!!."
"so, that's why you've been so distant! michelle..."
and he explains the whole gwen thing to her and he assures her that he still loves her very much
and that he's been in love w her ever since they were 17 and he still is even when they're 23
"so, you still want to.." and she looks down at her belly
then she starts crying because of her finals and what if she never graduates and she's so glad that he's with her on this
and he kisses her sweetly, her tears on both of their lips, as he tells her that they're going to figure it out together
and that, my friends, is the story of how peter found out about michelle's first pregnancy
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queernuck · 7 years
I have a huge problem with getting out of my house/room. I've only held down one job but lost it when I cursed out management. I had it for a year but if I'm honest interviews is what scare me more than anything. I just feel too dumb to fulfill tasks as well. I also can't fake courtesy. I know I need a job but I keep lazily convincing myself it all doesn't matter. I'm stuck?
yeah, the thing about interviews is that they can often be taxing, they take a lot out of you even if the performative aspect comes from, is based in, honesty; I love books, fuckin love ‘em, manga too, and yet i had a lot of fear or worry or general unease or nervousness in my interviews for the job i have rn. im lucky in that i have a general aptitude for interviews but still, nerves. 
and in a lot of ways, it doesn’t matter so long as like, you have food, have a roof over your head, you can get by. sometimes getting by is all you do and honestly that’s not the worst thing. you’re already articulated within numerous assemblages of structural violence just by like, existing As You Are, and subject of those one way or another you hopefully aint doin too much harm. like, it doesn’t matter, you dont need to think of yourself as incredible or even particularly good at a job to get it done, there really isnt that much wrong with not having ambition that translates easily into a “job” tbh
but that reassurance comes along with the practical, that a job can make other things easier, that money can be good to have, that the way a job “forces” interaction can be helpful. I know that i have at the very least questioned my own identity at different times while “working” and that the type of woman I am has been focused as a result, in part, of working in a lot of stuff where I have to deal with people who come into something ready to like me and people who want someone to be pissed at
being “fake nice” can be tough and i have a lot of practice that comes from being abused and also just being depressed so like im a bad role model but hey like, the performative aspect is all about figuring out what end your actions are toward. I want to be nice to customers so they’ll say nice things and buy things and as a result help me accomplish certain things but also I just encounter people as a cashier and many people are just innocuous or in fact themselves very kind and I want to generate positive experiences with them. other people I fake nice to because I know I need to and like, what’s great is that you can feel like you have a moral high ground lmao. like seriously it’s great to be able to see what sort of people are doing shit like buying the Milo book or like what sort of person actually wears copaganda t-shirts, and knowing someone is a shithead while you smile at them and they can’t do anything about that is vaguely cathartic. it’s not some passive kill them with kindness bullshit, it’s take ‘em for whatever you can given the violent artifice of capitalism. 
but it is tough, it takes practice, and maybe you can find something which isn’t very customer/client facing. fulfilling tasks may be difficult in certain scenarios, like when you don’t know what you’re talking about, but I fulfilled plenty of tasks when working in a college campus bookstore and knowing sweet fuck-all about what was being studied but knowing well the systems by which these things were understood. Same with recommending a lot of books: I’m v v v much in a corner for book recommendations so like, when I can’t just go “Okay so like Kafka, Foucault, or some manga” I harken upon what coworkers have told me!
in interviews, at work, in a lot of places, It’s Okay To Lie. Lying can be in many ways part of an engagement with structures of “truth” that is value-neutral, that is not betraying yourself. it’s bad to lie maliciously but like, making a recommendation that you don’t wholeheartedly agree with but you know someone is relatively likely to be receptive to, one based off of things you get, that you understand? not that bad!
basically what im saying is that my boss hates pumpkin spice but said today that she’ll say she loves it if she thinks she’ll be able to persuade someone to get a PSL. interviews, tasks, completing things, having a job can just be about showing up and being willing to put yourself out there for the right price.
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tophbiefong · 7 years
❤ Shoutout to my hunnis @beliamyblakes& @bellxmyblakes for tagging me ❤
Rules: you must answer these 83 statements and tag 20 people
Under the cut bc its pretty long soz 
Last… 1. drink? lemon lime sparkling water (that sounds so boujee but its actually not) 2. phone call? my mom  3. text message? I sent my bosses a meme lmaoo  4. song you listened to? I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys (I just recently bought a ‘BSB Greatest Hits’ cd and its all I’ve been listening to) 5. time you cried? a couple hrs ago for absolutely no reason Have you ever… 6. dated someone twice? lmao nah 7. kissed someone and regretted it? hells yah 8. been cheated on? nope 9. lost someone special? yes 10. been depressed? 4 sure 11. gotten drunk and thrown up? I’ve got a puking-phobia so I’ve figured out how to get hella fucked up and not puke favourite colors: 12. blue 13. grey 14. pink in the last year, have you… 15. made new friends? so so many, and I’m so happy about it!! 16. fallen out of love? nah 17. laughed until you cried? aw hell yeuh 18. found out someone was talking about you? idk for sure but probably 19. met someone who changed you? oui  20. found out who your friends are? I’ve known that shit since a week after I graduated high school  21. kissed somone on your facebook list? ew yes (~regret~) 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? almost all of them, except distant family members who’ve added me  23. do you have any pets? two dogs  24. do you want to change your name? I will forever wish my first name was my middle name bc Brooke is gross (both the name and the person ayyyeee) 25. what did you do for your last birthday? went to a boujee restaurant wit my fam and had my first legal drink (it was a mojitio and I hated it bc mint is gross) 26. what time did you wake up? 9:21 am bc my ma was calling me askin about oranges 27. what were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping, which literally never happens   28. name something you can’t wait for: moving to van with Danni ( @beliamyblakes​ its gonna happen i s2g) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom? literally 2 seconds ago 30. what are you listening to right now? Supernatural on the tv 31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? ew yes, my mom works with a douchey guy names Tom and I hate him sm  32. something that is getting on your nerves? being an adult 33. most visited website? probably netlfix or youtube 34. hair colour? dirty blonde wit a red streak (I didn’t copy a fictional character wtf r u talkign abt ??) 35. long or short hair? I love my long hair, but I recently cut it all off for the summer 36. do you have a crush on someone? no one irl but bob morley 4ever n always 37. what do you like about yourself? lmao nothing ?? i suck ?? 38. piercings: 6 on my ears and my nose  39. blood type: does anyone actually know this ???? 40. nickname: B, kate calls me Brooketh, my mom calls me Ethel 41. relationship status: single (BUT SOMEONE PLS TAKE ME) 42. zodiac: Leo  43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite tv show: the 100, b99, this is us, the office, parks and rec, bob’s burgers, gravity falls is a new one, teen wolf (even tho it pisses me off so fuckin much) 45. tattoos: the ‘I solemnly swear’ HP quote on my right foot, and I want like 12 more 46. right or left handed: right 47. surgery: I had my appendix taken out when I was 6 48. sport: I used to swim competitively, and I wish I still did  49. vacation: I’ve literally never gone on vacation, but I go up my grandparents cottage a lot in the summer 50. pair of trainers: blue nikes if we’re talking actual running shoes, but I prefer flip flops in the summer and uggs in the winter 51. eating: nothing rn 52. drinking: lemon lime sparkling water still  53. im about to: start working on a special sth 4 my bbs 👀👀👀 54. waiting for?: someone to love me  55. want?: the motivation to actually do the shit I say I’m gonna do  56. get married?: yes, but imma be single forever so it doesn’t matter  57. career?: IDFK 58. hugs or kisses?: both, but kisses more  59. lips or eyes?: eyes (mine are blue, but i love brown eyes so much) 60. shorter or taller?: taller 61. older or younger?: older, bc ppl my age are idiots  62. nice arms or nice stomach?: for me ? stomach  63. hook up or relationship?: relationship 64. troublemaker or hesitant?: hesitant, I worry waaaay too much & am therefore v cautious   65. kissed a stranger: nah 66. drank hard liquor: oui oui  67. lost glasses/contact lenses: nah bc im v cautious 68. turned someone down: yes (and deeply regretted it after) 69. sex on the first date: no thx 70. broken someones heart: i really don’t know 71. had your heart broken: yes  72. been arrested: IM V CAUTIOUS 73. cried when someone died: yes ?? obviously ?? 74. fallen for a friend: yes do you believe in… magic 75. yourself? lmao no  76. miracles? not really  77. love at first sight? maybe  78. santa claus? nah 79. kiss on the first date? If the date was good and I like the person 80. angels? nope 81. current best friend’s name? Alexandra, Danni, and Kate  82. eye colour: blue  83. favourite movie: The Little Mermaid 
tagging: @starboybellamy @clarkegryphus @bellammy @the-princess-and-the-king​ @griffinnblake​ @as-inevitable-as-morning​ and anyone else who feels like it
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bcnjamiin · 7 years
ok fam listen there’s about 300 things i still need to fix on benny’s blog rn including a bunch of glitchy theme stuff + his intro page, but im going for a doctors appt (gonna give like an entire freakiNG GALLON OF BLOOD) so i have to pop out ; here’s some basic information about the Love Of My Life, benjamin aka benny, and pls come and plot with him !! as always i tried to separate it into readable chunks and label triggers; if something is not right lmk!
ok so basic info:
meet summer benjamin my love; benny has literally never gone by summer. when he was born, his mom (who was kind of a hippie tbh) was like “oh i wanna name him summer(:” and his dad was like “WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID YOU NAME MY SON THAT SHIT I WAS GONE TO GET COFFEE FOR FIVE MINUTES AND YOU NAMED MY SON SUMMER??? R U CRAZY?? he’s never going to go by that. i will die before my sons name is summer” so lmao meet benjamin
he prefers benny or benj, but he will suffer thru any nickname: b, ben, benny, benj. benji, shithead, etc
he grew up in maugansville, maryland which is a dinky lil town that’s honestly not so bad. its right near a slightly less dinky town that’s also not so bad named hagerstown 
the only problem with maugansville maryland is their tiny problem w being assholes abt gay shit
so when benny was 10, his mom left; this is bc his dad is a controlling narcissistic asshole and she really just... she was a real free spirit boho chique type who loved silvia plath and adventures and just needed to go for a while. 
she left benny with daddy which was not a good idea but whutev girl do what u need 2 do
basically benny’s dad was super strict and controlling w punishments that did not fit the crime, v much ur typical powerhungry old white guy
when he was 14 he met his best friend forever!!! and his dad was like idk there’s...something off abt this kid i dont like him.... and benny was like lmao ok but im still gonna be his friend
just before turning 16, his best friend came out. bad choice in a dinky town in maryland
benny was going to hang out w him one day during christmas break in a playground + he was running like a half hour late. when he got there, he witnessed his best friend getting the shit kicked out of him ; he was stunned for a few minutes and couldn’t fuckin handle it, just watching this horrible thing happening to his friend only bc he’s gay??
like any decent person, benny tried to help and got taken down for his trouble. his dad immediately forbade him contact For Reals, and eventually best friend just left the town and benny was Alone;(
so then! mommy comes back just after turning 16 w a new baby + new husband and started sayin all this cute shit like how she couldn’t start a new family without all of her babies and how she couldn’t imagine having a family w/o him so he was like wtf? i love her?
she was so good to him for a while. so kind and so loving. she told him stories about travelling europe, about marbella specifically, about hopping trains around the u.s; she woke him up at 3 am on a school night to lay on the trampoline and watch the stars, she built him a tree house and gave him books of poetry and mythology to read
he’s always been a little dreamy and out there and she really encouraged his creativity and his day-dreaming and he loved her for it
he began to be v distant w dad: his dad didn’t think he was what a son was “supposed 2 be” all his life and made horrible snide comments  / talked abt how his friend deserved 2 be hurt, all this shit -- which basically just shoved him so deep in the closet... he couldnt
eventually he got into nyc on scholarship and his dad was like hey since u dont need ur college money anymore, defer for a few months + go to europe and party a bit
so he did and just...never went home. his dad is super fuckin pissed off and he’s actually lowkey afraid of his dad finding out where he is and dragging him back to be the son his dad wants 
so even tho, as boys do, he was starting to figure his sexuality out he never really admitted it to himself in america -- he never enjoyed sex with girls or having girlfriends so he tried messing around w boys and was like oh this isn’t so bad?? 
it’s v hard for him to have anonymous sex w guys bc he just thinks about all the things his dad did and said, and about sitting w his best friend and waiting for the cops to get there, etc. it just fuckin... he can’t fam. he’s so scared and so fuckin small
he’s so gullible!!!!! he does p much anything u tell him to like “okay... if you say so, i guess”
he’s a lil writer so he basically lives in his own fantasy world 25% of the time lmao
he is Sweater Paws Expert he likes to feel wrapped up and covered so he wears sweaters 3x his size
important stats:
20 years old
5′9.6 and grumpy about it
writes fiction mostly, sees the bright and interesting in everything
he’s like that girl from bridge to terabithia he literally just makes everything exciting by being dreamy and excitable 
he works in a lil smoothie stand bc he LOVES FRUIT and every form of fruit. catch him making ice cream out of mashed bananas i hate him
cutie certified 100%
please come plot with him
im late to my appointment 
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caepaecaesurae · 7 years
> Last week sometime...
caepaecaesurae ... I apologize for the #tyrian/ tag, by the by.  My moirail has trouble wvith your alternates, that he is still wvorking through. brackishbarracuda so i noticed i didnt mean to start shit caepaecaesurae You havwen't, and he holds no animosity.  Only memories. brackishbarracuda i cant reely say shit tbh w u i used to have the same problem w certain cronus alts i aint gonna go into it but im betta than i was
caepaecaesurae .. There are so vwery many things wvrong wvith certain Cronus alternates. brackishbarracuda an nearly all a mine are fucked so caepaecaesurae I'm glad you're doing better ..and that the entire Ampora line is not currently completely poisoned for you. brackishbarracuda trust me theres a few i could stand to see w a head on a different end a the room than the rest a them but i got double diamonds and both are v much amporas caepaecaesurae There's some that -I- wvould be inclined to separate from themselvwes. brackishbarracuda aight if im bein honest its one in particular and its an erian so i still count that as improvement caepaecaesurae I'd agree.  WVas he perchance recently invwolvwed in the dashcourse? brackishbarracuda i dont think so i aint been payin attention i dont mind a name drop if ur currious just dont out me aboat it its complicate complicated efin caepaecaesurae Reasonable.  ...  I don't speak wvith many Eridans, I suspect it's not likely to come up, so I'll abstain. brackishbarracuda as in dont tell me or u wont out me caepaecaesurae Don't tell me -- I wvouldn't out you either wvay. brackishbarracuda s fair caepaecaesurae But this wvay, I'm not likely to read his page out of curiosity. Or ask a thousand questions that aren't my business.  I'm afraid I'm as gossipy as Arlequin can be. brackishbarracuda trust me tho if he shows up and starts shit youll kno who it is caepaecaesurae Do let me knowv if you evwer need a hand. brackishbarracuda pike i said its complicated 38/ and f reel tho i aint mind questions from u in particular caepaecaesurae If you're certain, then -- wvho, and dare I ask his specific failings? brackishbarracuda violaceousvanity too many to fuckin count brackishbarracuda most a which is fuckin w my rails pusher an holdin the fact said rail had feelins for him over my damn head when i was low caepaecaesurae .. Ugh. brackishbarracuda im really tryin naut to go on a tirade aboat every fuckin thing hes done wrong bc i wont stop if i get started its platonic af caepaecaesurae I knowv the feeling. Aye, interference in romantic affairs often can be. brackishbarracuda hes still a part a my rails past tho before i knew him and he swears hes his friend so im over here just shruggin violently brackishbarracuda ur ugh in response was afishiated tho its hard to properly disgusted w somebody existence when other ppl aint as pissed as u are
Last Wednesday at 2:44 PM
caepaecaesurae I sympathise.  Interpersonal conflicts of that nature are... Awvkwvard at best. caepaecaesurae Pardon for disappearing on you. brackishbarracuda nah shit happens u aight caepaecaesurae > Caesurae looked at that question, blankly, for over a minute before he could bring himself to quietly facepalm, sigh, and gather his words. Sleep came unexpectedly, that's all. brackishbarracuda count ur blessings i had to watch cats the musical before i could get my wrigs to fall the fuck asleep caepaecaesurae You havwe wvrigglers? I feel like I should havwe knowvn, sorry for the inobservwance. brackishbarracuda i dont talk aboat them much naut publicly anyway brackishbarracuda too much shit can go wrong but yeah i got five a them caepaecaesurae It's easier to protect something no one knowvs about. Gods, that seems daunting. brackishbarracuda i mean they aint mine i kinda inherited them but they mine u feel cept one ones actually mine caepaecaesurae I believwe Arlequin had a fewv sprung on him wvhen it turned out one of his flings came from a timeline wvith interesting biology. He adores havwing a massivwe family for church reasons though. brackishbarracuda yeah caepaecaesurae May I ask about the inheritance? brackishbarracuda bouy seems pike hed b happy just havin em drip off him while he fucks around in the kitchen caepaecaesurae That's fairly accurate, aye. brackishbarracuda dead red caepaecaesurae I'm sorry. brackishbarracuda they didnt really have anybody else me and the rails look after em caepaecaesurae Good that someone or something does. If you havwen't ended up lusus-bonding wvith them yet you might be able to get them lusii in a timeline somewvhere.  I suspect you havwe though, by the sound of it. brackishbarracuda loz would raise from his fuckin ashes and haunt my ass if i ever got rid a them especially now brackishbarracuda theyre mine caepaecaesurae I'm glad you care for them. I'm...familiar wvith the concept from Beforus, and from my moirail's family.  It's not something I'vwe personally evwer wvanted, but I'm glad it suits you. Are they young, still ? brackishbarracuda it aint someifn i ever personally wanted either tbpfh w u little shits grow on u yeah caepaecaesurae Has Arlequin met them yet? brackishbarracuda ach is the oldest and shes under five sweeps and ayas the youngest and shes in a coon rn i think we planned on it but it aint happened yet brackishbarracuda lotta shit goin on rn caepaecaesurae I suspect he'd enjoy it quite a bit.  He adores spoiling wvrigglers. brackishbarracuda yeah i can sea that lmao hes a big cod damn nerd brackishbarracuda hey i got a question caepaecaesurae Aye? Fire at wvill. brackishbarracuda do u no anybody youd trust w a needle pike tattoos do u think arlequin would kno anybody in the church oar caepaecaesurae I knowv Porrim has a studio here, though I'd havwe to gently feel out howv she feels about seadwvellers.  I'm sure Arlequin knowvs howv to apply tattoos in the old wvay, wvith hand-made tools and ointments rather than wvhat one wvould vwisualise in a modern tattoo parlor. I'm sure Nadaya wvould knowv someone, and could ask, if that wvould be of use. brackishbarracuda idk if i trust his evaluation of i trust u naut to kill me while u do this but yeah if u could ask around so i got options id afishiate it tbh isle still probubbly sea what arlequin can do seein as i already trust him caepaecaesurae Arlequin I wvould trust completely to do blackwvork.  If he specifically says he can do brilliant colors and gradients, I'd believwe him on those too. I trust Nadaya not to put other people into stupid situations.  He tries plenty of things himself he wvould not consider for others. brackishbarracuda thats fair caepaecaesurae I'll see if I can put together a list for you -- and I'll mention wvho each recommendation came from, as wvell. I'vwe been somewvhat tempted to look into it myself, I just havwen't been able to think of a design I wvanted. At least anything that wvasn't somewvhat trashy. brackishbarracuda hell let it be trashy caepaecaesurae References to the Kraken brackishbarracuda lMAO caepaecaesurae A tramp stamp, if I could bring myself to it brackishbarracuda PLZ I N-E-ED T)(IS caepaecaesurae Haha Gods.  Maybe. brackishbarracuda oh my shi t absofuckinlutely i am behind this and behind u so i can stare at it caepaecaesurae I appreciate the vwote of confidence. "This side up" brackishbarracuda im la ughign i swear to fuck man embrace that shit caepaecaesurae On the one hand, yes. On the other, if I don't, I can fake being a vwery dignified older man at wvill. And people wvho don't knowv me wvill believwe it. brackishbarracuda i mean thats fair but u can do that w some paint an sealer caepaecaesurae ..Oddly true.  Of course, I could put on a vwariety of different tramp stamps at wvill in the same wvay. brackishbarracuda embrace ur inner trash prince caepaecaesurae You are a terrible influence, but I'm almost intrigued enough to put together a selfie. brackishbarracuda i am tho caepaecaesurae This Side Up is the best one I can think of.  Maybe a reference to the Gunshowv WVhat are some other good ones, vwisible from the front? I am preparing something. brackishbarracuda suns out guns out has alwaves been a personal fav isle ahab ur crosshairs idfk visual pun put ahabs on ur bicep caepaecaesurae Oh, perfect brackishbarracuda i am all for this please dear cod also ur attractive just fyi caepaecaesurae Thank you, I appreciate that.  You as wvell, from the pictures I'vwe seen. brackishbarracuda the reactions ur getting are worth this shit alone caepaecaesurae Oh, aye, I need to do this more often. brackishbarracuda u reely do i almost wanna reblog the dam thing again caepaecaesurae One feature of tumblr that I personally appreciate is the ability to schedule posts to go off at pre-determined times years into the future. brackishbarracuda oh my shit ohhh my shit caepaecaesurae And you look at your dashboard, and you ask yourself "WVhen did I reblog that --  Oh.  Ohhhhhhhhh right." brackishbarracuda i am here for this brackishbarracuda plz at least keep the gun caepaecaesurae Hah.  I don't knowv.  The tiny one? brackishbarracuda yeah i mean its easily hidden w sleeves an its a good ice breaker caepaecaesurae It is at that. If I did, I'd probably ask Arlequin to apply it for real.  Things I imagine into place are easy to imagine awvay again. brackishbarracuda i nearly said id imagine so and stopped myself wtf me caepaecaesurae I can imagine it, and I wvouldn't havwe caught it. brackishbarracuda hes doin aight if ur currious thats my rails caepaecaesurae I'm glad he is. brackishbarracuda i get over excited about the bouys so i apologize in advance caepaecaesurae Hah.  Both vvic and his brother? Enthusiasm is a blessing, enjoy it. brackishbarracuda yeah f reel tho they aint get out much so im over here wavin a lil flag when they talk to ppl on their own caepaecaesurae I havwe a fewv friends like that. Thankfully theyvwe started getting along wvith one another, wvhich is nice. brackishbarracuda tru tf to that
Last Wednesday at 6:44 PM
brackishbarracuda are u sugestin arlequin is a wrong choice caepaecaesurae No, I just knowv Arlequin wvell and don't knowv if he knowvs him. Arlequin making more positivwe social contacts is good. brackishbarracuda (that was a joke ) tru af tho caepaecaesurae I'm not that great at jokes if the punchline is someone being offended, if I'm honest. brackishbarracuda aight fair caepaecaesurae Sorry, chief. brackishbarracuda nah u aint got anyfin to apologize for
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