#i am your friend ( savathun. )
fiirecracker · 1 year
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hands spread across the desk, staring first down at the readouts before her, then out, to neomuna's horizon, the queen of lies can only draw a trembling breath. the witness has won the battle. it has taken the traveler. but they still have the light, and guardians still have hope. and so—
"i must no longer accept," says the sister of shape, "being a stranger to you."
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lepiidopterophobia · 1 year
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vlassk · 3 months
False God
A/N lots of dialog. I was very tired writing this and keeping to with timelines after most of them were deleted it only small Strikes is hard. The tabs i have open oml. But i hope you like this one!! Its a small slow burn as i do want to acknowledge Amanda and her inpact on the story as a whole. 
Pairing- Uldren/Crow sov x Guardian
You eventually get some time off. After having an alliance with Caitles forces, fixing the endless night, finding out Osiris was involved with the endless night. Savathun is taking Osiris as a form...
A deep sigh leaves your lips. Your helmet is set on the war table. Osiris was released from Savathuns hold. He was forever asleep.
   You had walked in on Crows Meeting with Savathun right before. Their argument was heated. The words twist his mind, and he leans forward in their conversation.  Before you realized what was happening, he touched her statue. You leap forward, landing incorrectly and falling down. Crow groans
"Dont!.... Don't come any closer." You slowly get up on your knees
"What did you show him!?" Ghost pulls himself out. Yelling at Savathun.
"Y/n get up...please" crow pleads. Remember how Cayde looked...what he did...
He runs off as glint pleads 
"You hurt him!"
"Someone had to.. better for it to come from a friend... you know how it is Guardian" 
You snap back to reality. Getting up and walking towards crow. He just leans against the door.
"Uldren Sov...Awoken Prince, brother to a Queen...murderer"
"Now i know the man i was... and you... you... im so sorry... you did what you had to do.i don't think i would have told me either." He takes a big sigh. 
"Savathuns' visions were like a waking dream. I could feel the heat of the flames, taste of blood in my mouth..."
"I saw everything he did... through his eyes"  
"Crow, please let me jus -" You try to explain. 
"You're afraid of who i used to be. That he'll come back... I am too... so I've asked ikora to put me on another assignment...tell mara... tell mara... tell her whatever you want. I'll see you again when I'm ready. " Crow begins to walk away. You grab his arm, making him turn around 
"Let's just talk. Have a conversation, birdie?"
"How can you even look at me the way you do?!"
"I know.. i know crow ive been there!"
"How!? How have YOU, Vanguards most Prized Guardian, been there? How do you understand whats going on with me!" Crow yells back. He stops pausing for a second and looking away. 
  "I feel... like him, " he sighs. Leaning back against the wall
"Cmon...lets talk crow please" You grab a hold of his hands. 
"Please," you squeeze his hands slightly. He looks at you and nods. 
  You both head to a small spot in the helm. You sitting down and him hesitantly following after you. 
Silence sits between you two. The awkwardness almost hurts 
"You aren't like him, crow." You sigh. Leaning back in your seat
"How do you know y/n" Crow looks at you. Concerned. 
"Because i have to...if you can't change, then what does that make of me?" Looking down at your hands. 
"But you're perfect, you are Vanguards Finest..i don't understand you." Crow leans down, trying to look at you. 
" When i found out who i was, i felt the same as you... My past self wasn't ever something to be proud of Crow." You look at him. The blue man is going from Curious to Sad again.
"Who...were you?" 
"I... i was a False God, a face for a misguided church..."
"I don't understand how that's so horrible. I'm sure you did well... Gave Faith?"
"I did not. I sent my followers to Burn small towns that were left after the collapse. I listened so blindly like an idiot child even though i should have known better. " You shake your head, getting up and walking in front of Crow. You sigh and lean to look at him. Both hands rested on his shoulders.
"Do not believe that you are him! Dont let that Old part of you mess up what you have now!" You shake him off a bit and stand up completely. 
"Y/n, i didn't know..." Crow mumbles. Not having an idea on what to say. 
"Thank you for trusting me.. thanks for listening, too... i think i should still go.. I need space from others. " Crow stands up as well, looking at your slightly disappointed face. He grabs your hands in his
"Please visit me? If that's something you're okay doing?" 
  You smile and squeeze his hands 
"Of course I will, ikora can set you on a new path. Of course Ghost will miss Glint but we are going to get busy here soon..."
"Your ghost? Glint?" Crow chuckles a bit at the thought. Folding his arms. 
"Oh please... you haven't noticed? Why do you think i visit you so often? " You poke his chest, pushing him back slightly.
"You only visit me because our ghosts have interest in eachother?" He hides his smile, pouting his lips. 
"Well... no, maybe not the only reason, i mean its nice they talk in person, you kno-"You panic thinking you made the already sad man even more distraught.
"I'm kidding y/n... gosh seeing you panic like that was honestly humoring" crows smile only grows. He watches as you roll your eyes. 
"Yeah, whatever, bird boy... I'm getting my helmet... then I'll fly you to the Tower?"
"Maybe i can fly us?" Crow raises an eyebrow. Hoping its a yes.
"Fine, but we take Your ship." You agree walking off to receive your helmet. 
You know you started gaining feelings for crow a while ago. You also knew he had started liking Amanda Holliday. It hurt, seeing Caydes killer walk as a new man. It hurt when you realized you liked him.  It hurt knowing he liked someone else.
 You finally retrieved your helmet. Heading to Crows ship and sitting down.
"When will you tell him about your feelings?" Your ghost floats by.
"Shh Ghost...he might hear you." You push away your ghost.
"Oh please, you know glint, and i talk about you both." Ghost only floats closer, around your face.
"And im sure glint brings up Amanda" You push them back again. 
"Glint talks about you more though," the ghost stays beside you happily.
You roll your eyes leaning back in the chair.
Crow finally shows up. There was small talk but you both were too exhausted from everything. Glint and Ghost going back to talking behind you both.  During a break Crow goes into the back of the ship.  You hear his pleads with Ikora. Until he comes back to you and sits down at the pilots seat. 
   "Did she agree to reassign you?" You turn to look at Crow.
"Yeah, I'll be working with Caital..." he begins to fly again. Heading to the tower. You two finally get off the ship. Heading towards Ikora. You both pass by Amanda. He turns away when he sees her look at you both. He quickly grabs your hand and pulls you with him. You turn to see Amanda's face. There is slight disappointment on her face. As you get pulled from out of her sight. 
 You walk up the stairs and slants. Crow speed is getting quicker as you try keeping up. You see all the faces in the tower staring at you both. Before going down the stairs to get to Ikora, you stop. Getting tugged slightly as crow keeps going. He stops, too.
   You look at him. His hood up to hide from the faces in the Tower. You dont say anything. You don't even know what to say. 
Crow takes a deep sigh. Making sure no ones around before pulling his hood down. He looks at your face. You look at him the same as you always do, no resentment, no hate, not even pity. And he just stares at you.
    He opens his mouth about to say something. But you shut him up.  You simply pull him into a tight hug.  He slowly rises his arms, Hugging you back. 
Another silent moment between you both.  Another moment that makes crow think of you in a romantic way. You both let each other go. Crow silently walks down the stairs as you lean against the railing watching him.  As he gets to the bottom about to leave the area, he turns to look at you. Both waving a small goodbye. Not forever, but for now.
You leave to do your own thing. Knowing Crow is in good hands. Also, knowing you have to defeat the Witch Queen.. a fight you're not ready to do.  
"What was that about?" You turn to see Amanda behind you. Folded arms and a questioning look. 
"What was what about?" You ask
"The running away from me... i wanted to say hello but didn't get the chance you both Just ran off" Amanda looks around trying to find Crow.
"Oh yes, sorry. I wanted to stop, but Crow kinda just dragged me off..."
"For what?" 
"Oh, uhm. He's just going through it.  I thought i could help him out. I think he just needs to be alone. " You let your ghost roam around needing some backup if needed.
"He could have gone to me... no offense to you, but i thought we were getting closer. " Amanda leans against the door. Sighing to herself.
"No, i get it.  I think me and him just have some things in common" You point to ghost who was floating by some flowers. She nods her head. She begins to walk back to her stationed area.
 Months pass. You defeated the witch queen, Lord Saladin, convinced Caital to Spare Crows life. You sat at the Helm quietly, sitting on a couple of boxes quietly. 
  You hear someone stumbling around. Knocking over some things. You sit up quickly and look around, pulling out your gun and keeping an eye out. You see Crow stumble in tripping on a box and falling. Quickly, you put away your weapon and stumble to him as well. The randomness of the whole situation makes you unstable. 
  "Are you alright?!" 
"Birdie, are you alright?!" You sit on the floor next to him.  Hugging him close, glint popping out. 
"Amanda found out..."Glint hovers over crow. You look down at the blue man. He's still recovering from his fall. You can tell he's drank and cried. He slowly gets up to sit on his knees. His head hanging low. 
" she said she never wants to see me again... i thought i could fix things, and then she comforted me. Held a gun to my head... said that im a murderer, said I'm the same as Uldr-"
"She's wrong. You are not the same as him. Cayde was my Fiance, i knew him, she saw me trust you every day and to do that to you?!" You stand up quickly. going for your helmet and weapons on a box. 
  Crow grabs at the cloth on your clothes. Still on his knees
"Dont leave me..." he looks up at you. You sigh and begin to drag him up. You pull him towards where you were sitting as he slumped down. You sit next to him, looking at Glint and Ghost. 
He's hurt. But not in a way i can fix. " Glint sighs. You shoo them both away. Looking at Crow. You lift your arm up behind him. He slowly falls onto your lap. Passing out into a deep slumber. You sit in silence, stroking his hair. As the hours go by, you also fall asleep.
"Guardian...wake up" You hear your ghost speak. But you keep your eyes closed.
"Ghost leave her be... she's tired, let her sleep. " You can hear crow. You fall back asleep  leaning to one side.
"Okay, but she's falling down, and im not strong enough to catch her.." 
Crow rushes to catch you,  you wake up finally and look around. Seeing Crow hold you.  
   "Wakey wakey Guardian" crow smiles as he lifts you up.  
"Ew don't call me that..." you sit up again rubbing your tiredness away. 
"I'm sorry...y/n"
Crow laughs and sits next to you. He looks sober, thankfully.
"I'm sorry for just walking in on you yesterday. I had drank at the bar Amanda, and i used to go to... and... well, i glint took me to you."
It's fine, I'm glad you could come to me. How are you?" 
"I'm okay. I just disappointed her so bad. I should have told her when i found out. Maybe we could have figured it out together" crow sighs and looks at you. You were already looking at him.  
"But i am happy that im here with you. She could have had the same reaction, too. "
Crow looks at your weapons on the table. You see that hes looking at them, and you move them down to the floor.
"Id never do something like that to you... even when i first saw you, i never thought of pulling my weapon on you" 
Crow looks away. Recounting his conversation with Amanda. Thinking of her anger and hatred. He then recounts you.  Your face when you saw him,  how it changed from that moment on. How you had always been there. Sure, Amanda had more free time. It's time to go out to a bar to have fun. But he remembers how you were always there when it mattered. Even when it didn't. He looks towards you slowly. You turn your head to see him. He raises his arms to grab your face. Like you did once before. 
   "Crow?" You look into his eyes once more. 
He says nothing, just looking at you. Taking in all your features. Crows face starts to blush as he pulls himself closer to you. 
"What about manda..." You whisper as he gets closer. He stops for a moment. Looking at your lips, then back to your eyes. He closes his eyes and brings you closer. Finally kissing you. You kiss back as he pulls you closer. His cheeks blushed more and more. His heart sparks. His stomach feels like moths flying around.
 He pulls his legs onto the boxes you both are on. You sit on top of him. A small is heard from the side. Crow stops and looks back, seeing Glint and Ghost floating behind. 
  "Please stop.." Crow begs watching as Glint stays still.
"We have been waiting for this moment for years!" Ghost flies closer, scanning both of our faces. You sigh and get up, crow reaching out for you. 
"Yeah, no moment ruined."You turn back to look at crow, who's still lying down. 
"Cmon, don't let them ruin it," he pleads with you
"Crow...i-i like you a lot. But you're vulnerable right now. I can't do this, Amanda will come around. "  You sigh. I'm going to grab your gear. Crows eyes widen at your confession. He turns to the ghost. As they slowly float away to give you space.
"Amanda has hurt me. Her friendship meant a lot and i didn't like how it happened... but just now, y/n ive never felt a spark like that ever! Even in Uldrens life i feel it!" Crow gets up. Following after you. Tugging at your arm. 
You try to walk away still, He pulls you back, turning you around and into his chest.
"What about Amanda, i know she started feeling a way towards you... i know it'll return. I can't do that to her..." You let your limbs go weak. Your head aches from all the emotions.
" she doesn't even want to see me... but i understand you have your hesitations.. I'll give you time, but i won't forget about today, though. " Crow lets you go. You hesitate to walk away. Getting your things slowly. 
"Ill see you crow..." you put Ghost away, walking away. 
Crow watches you. Sitting back down.
"Did we ruin it?" Glint flys by
"Yes, yes glint you did," crow sighs, facepalming.
"Shes got a point... you were so focused on Amanda you didnt see Guardians feelings for you"  glint flys around crows head.
"She doesn't like being called Guardian...and  why would she have liked me after what i did?"
"Well, you stayed after she told you who she was. She stayed throught it all for you though.  It's a mutual respect.." glint goes on.
"It's different.  I took away her Lover...why would she like me?"
"Only she knows that, im sure she's confused. It was wrong of you to make a move on her, especially when last night you were too drunk to fly here yourself" 
"You're right, Glint. I'll give her the space she needs... she's just so perfect,i won't let her go. " Crow grabs his things, heading out of the helm as well.
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Sometimes I open my Discord DMs and find the most delightful notes from friends. It was the fantastic and awesome @exhaling-dust who sent me:
"moon!!!!!! moooooonnnnn!!!! i have a drifteris fic idea for you!!!"
"growing old with eris. except that drifter doesn't ever grow old"
This poem at the end of @d2artevents #SolarEmbraceVOL5 was the result.
I'm especially pleased with how the formatting of the last lines turned out. I find the framing with the background image beautiful. Thank you @scribonia-art for making the layout so beautiful and making my plain text submission so lovely.
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Full text below (but also go read it in the zine itself and look at the beautiful art and all the other cool writing!!!):
link to ao3 for those who prefer reading it there
it has been a thousand years and you are still beautiful Three-Eyes
when we first understood that without their ghosts Guardians can and do age just slower than everybody else I was scared so scared
I didn't wanna lose you
but now you are old and your wrinkles have wrinkles
your eye goo gets stuck in 'em and it gives ya cool freaky dark lines in your face
your three Hive eyes have laugh lines laugh lines round your Hive eyes! who'd ever have thought Hive eyes could laugh?
but yours do and they're not evil Savathun laugh lines neither they're kind
you still stare into nothin' talk to ghosts and call me insufferable your voice so rich and warm has a tremor in it now and sometimes it creaks like an old floor
you never used to like to let me carry you but now ya let me wrap you in soft blankets and carry you all over
gonna make us a backpack with holes for yer arms and legs so you can tell me how insufferable I am all the time everywhere we go
your skin all soft and wrinkly your voice all soft and wrinkly too
at sunset I'll climb up to the tallest spot on the tower with you on my back and we can watch the Solstice bonfires lickin' the night sky like bright hungry mouths
we can wave at the Moon that pit you crawled out of that we now call home moon dust still gettin' in everything everywhere all the damn time
we'll eat sticky rice cakes with red bean paste and you'll tell me about that one Solstice where Ikora fell into a slug pit on Venus and you and Asher just sat there drinking wine and laughing at her for the hundredth thousandth time
we'll toast old long dead friends those we lost, those we killed those we watched be killed, powerless to save 'em those we did save, who loved us until the end those who love us still
we'll watch the Guardians all tiny because we're so high up fightin' in the arena to light the bonfire fire higher we'll applaud the ones that win and the ones that don't equally because what matters is not what they do what matters is that they are doin' it
and you my shriveled witch with your soulfire orb and your beads your glowin' eyeballs still sharp so sharp you'll tell me that you love me for the hundredth thousandth time an' I'll say the same right back at ya and the warm Summer air will caress our faces and the stars will twinkle down on us whisperin' my name
an' you'll fall asleep with your head against my chest as I hold you for that very last time when the last rays of the Summer sunset reach out their gold-red fingertips to linger warm an' gentle on my beam of moonlight
each breath precious each moment held tight
an' as you slip away safe and happy your fingers relaxin' your Ahamkara bone fallin' rollin' away from us on the stones like a marble leakin' soulfire as your magic fades
the last thing you feel will be love
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thefirstknife · 1 year
2 things i loved about this weeks story:
1) I love love the thing to break Xivus hold on Sloane was Zavala calming her down. Time and again it seems that as long as your not in direct conflict with Xivu herself the way to survive is by being passive and letting emotions flow down the river.
2) Idk why but i really enjoyed Saladin's line about Immaru. Maybe its the voiced confirmation of Immaru being in charge of Lucent Hive forces post WQ, or that like its Saladin speaking about him as one fneral to another. idk we see Ghosts as friends and advisors but never in a position of authority so its fun and interesting not only seeing that but others treating them eith the due level of respect and apprehension. as opposed to just some funny lil guy
(Also I NEEEEDnto see on screen banter between Immaru & Savathun. i neednit sombad)
MOOD. It was so good. Really good stuff this season overall and I loved everything pretty much. The conclusion was such a banger. Zavala calming Sloane down CHEF'S KISS.
And yeah! Immaru confirmed as being in charge and Immaru being an active issue as well. I also really loved Zavala's suggestion to approach Immaru as an equal instead of baiting him, because at the end of the day, he should want Sav back and we can give him that, but they have to help us. Which is also something that they should both want. So really, they should be allies.
Immaru and Savathun banter is a must when she comes back! I am also equally into getting Savathun banter with all other characters, but also I am very afraid of any lines where Savathun talks to Saint or Osiris.
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a-driftamongopenstars · 3 months
too much to ask; cayde & guardian
exploring some personal thoughts about Cayde through my Guardian :) been really looking forward to writing this ficlet! also on ao3
An equal measure of grief and accord settles around the small camp. A few empty bottles of wine sit by a folding chair, the Ghosts are quietly huddling together, giving space to their Guardians. Crow, after giving the Guardian and Cayde a small drowsy smile, has walked away to join Zavala and Ikora as they overlook the endless valley of the Pale Heart, contemplating. 
Cherish finds herself alone with Cayde. He comes to sit on the ground next to her, plucking a grass stem and fixing it in his mouth. 
“They are not very subtle, are they,” Cayde says. “Really want us to talk, huh.”
“Maybe we should.”
“Not to be all Crow-like, but I agree. We do need to talk, something important.”
Cherish looks at him, a curious sideways glance. 
It's been ages since they have shared a moment like this together. Never been good friends, not even as a mentor and mentee. A friction that neither could express or smooth out. But something companionable always tried to bloom between them. Maybe back then, she wasn't ready yet. And he didn’t want to push.
“You've changed,” Cayde says, and her spine crawls with a shiver. He notices and adds, “Hey, that's not a bad thing. If we all stay the same, what kinda world would that be? Change is beautiful. Painful, uncomfortable, but beautiful. And you turned it around. Look at you.”
Pride swells in her chest, tightening. At what cost is a question that hangs in the air. 
“It… wasn't easy. When you died.”
“Straight to the point, I see. Always liked that about you.”
“I mean it, Cayde,” she turns to look at him, meeting eye to eye. “You died, and I was meant to pick up the pieces. Go on a murder spree, stray from everything I've ever known, and when it was all done, I watched a man die - with a part of myself.”
Cayde's bright glowing eyes focus on her. She wants him to feel her desperate pain that still echoes from that time. Her confusion that muddled the thoughts, her headstrong intentions as she scoured the Reef for Uldren and for answers.
“It's a lot to ask of you, I understand.”
“It was expected as it was questioned. If I could become a vigilante overnight, then why couldn't others. And if I didn’t go and become one, then that would have sent the wrong message.”
Cayde sighs and moves a little closer. To her own surprise, she does the same, until their arms touch. And as another surprise, she finds her fingers encrusted with a layer of Stasis ice, crumbling at her notice. 
It's been too long since those thoughts surfaced quite so physically, and she suddenly feels drained. 
“I'm not gonna apologise,” Cayde prefaces, “but I get it. Maybe even more than you think. And I wish you weren't put in that position. And for that, I am sorry. The Vanguard always asks a lot of you.”
For a moment, they are quiet. 
“So… How did that happen?”
Cayde glances over to Crow whose back is still turned, his cape softly flowing with the wind. 
Cherish huffs, rolling her eyes, but her lips are already smiling. 
“No, no, I'm not judging. Just curious. You keep giving each other those eyes and I keep wanting to push y’all into a tent and let you get on with it. Still, wonder how that came ‘round. Can't imagine it being all sunshine and rainbows after… Well.”
“Yeah... We did have some monster hunting, some Ascendant Plane racing, having the Traveler’s premonitions, being babysat by Savathun in disguise…”
As she numbers it off on her fingers, Cayde laughs.
“Well hold on there, tiger, not so fast. A who in disguise?”
“Don't tell me Crow didn't update you on that particular situation. He's efficient with his reports.”
“I'm well aware,” Cayde hums. “But I'd like to hear that from you. If you wanna share. Penny for your thoughts?”
Their eyes meet, and for a moment Cherish feels that maybe that camaraderie, long time in the making, can finally happen. She is different, she did change. So did Cayde.
He offers her an empty hand, and she squeezes it, holding on. But somehow, that handshake is worth a hundred thousand pennies - and a small pile of glimmer. 
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night-dark-woods · 5 months
15, 21, 23, 24!!
THANK U ECHO this got so long oops.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
hmmm not destiny-specific (i dont have any d2 specific gripes i dont think) & i mostly follow cool gay & trans ppl so this is much less of an issue than in the wider fandom (every so often some Main Fandom Art makes its way to me and i do a full double take) but like. i knowww they are almost all the same character model in-game but can we please get some characters who arent super skinny supermodels in here. please.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
not to sound like an edgelord but. the traveler. if we can acknowledge that the Darkness isnt ontologically Evil, i think we can (PLEASE) acknowledge that the Light isnt inherently good. and im not talking about the superpowers we get, they've (narrative team) made it quite clear that individuals choose to do what they will with based on their own morals. but the traveler is, imo, positioned as a Morally Good Agent Of The Light far more than the witness is Of The Darkness, and i think we need to talk more about the traveler's agenda!!! again, this complexity isnt completely absent from the narrative, but it doesnt feel like those interpretations are... metatextually supported igss? like zavala's frustration with the traveler leaving feels more like a very christian (as someone who was not raised religious) test of faith that zavala (and the canonical YW) have Passed and will be Rewarded.
where's tevis my best friend tevis. we need more characters with that pov. god is real god resurrected you god gave you a second chance at life with no memories of your past and a guardian angel (a "chattering oversoul," to quote toland) to tell you where to go and who deserves to die and raise you every time you fail just to throw you back into the divine crusade. like. lets talk about that a little more!!!
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
this is hard bc i am in general very willing to "yes-and" ANYTHING with a hint of chemistry or a fun dynamic. it may not compell me but if you can point out a narrative similarity btwn characters i will almost always be down. unless its one i hate ("hate" being a strong word. really its just the strongest possible apathy) bc i contain multiudes :thumbsup:.
i can't think of a pairing i started out disliking and then changed my mind about due to fandom unfortunately. the closest would be igss that i hate crow/amanda as its written in the text BUT my perhaps controversial opinion is i think transitioning could fix crow specifically the version of crow i have in my head who did not get uldren's memories back. SotL was so good for the overarching plot of d2 but so so so bad for the type of awoken-enjoyer i am & imo the like... thesis statement of what a guardian is lol!
so unfortunately i dont have an answer for this one (i dont think "i like the pretend version i made up in my head" counts as coming around on a ship lmfao), bc you can pair any two destiny women and ill be like yeah for sure! and i have curated my online space well enough that i rarely see any other kind of ship, and when i do its gay men (o14, uldren/jolyon, someone i follow is cooking something with saladin/drifter which is inspired. i love whatever is happening there) which is like cheering absently for a sports team idc about but support on principle.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
mara. its always fucking mara. literally spent an hour and a half last night rehashing d1 mara-course in a server with someone who has not read any lore. which is fine! thats a fine way to engage with the game! its a valuable perspective! but use i-statements and accept that you are coming to the table with 10% of the facts about the character.
honorable mention goes to anything about redemption arcs (and savathun specifically)- most recently that fuuucking saint killing sav repeatedly lore tab. and if you (general) cant be assed to care about evil women (skill issue, but whatever), thats also backsliding YEARS on saints characterization and i dont even care about saint!!!
so really the answer is misogyny lmfao.
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spacesapphic770 · 2 years
This is a slight re-writing and continuation of a story I did about a Hive Lightbearer waking up. This story stems from "What if there were Hive Risen who did not wish to follow Savathun's way?" I hope you enjoy!
It is bright as I wake. I can see it through my closed eyes. As I open them the light dissipates like vapor and all I see is a green sky and a creature of bone and glass staring at me.
“Eyes up friend” it says, its singular eye pulsating with a dull glow as it speaks.
I rise, floating gently from my recumbent position. I look down at my body, flowing robe of a style I am unfamiliar with trailing beneath me. I raise my hands to view them. Waking up like this is a hard sensation to describe. It feels like I am wearing my body. It feels like I am controlling a vessel from a long distance away. It feels like the link between soul and form is tenuous. I click my claws together. The sound they make resonates through me, as though it is a calibration for my senses.
In time, this feeling retreats. When I feel more possessed of myself I try to think of questions to ask the viridian, ocular construct. All I can muster is “…what is this?”
“Well, there aren’t many easy answers to that. You were dead, but I brought you back to life. If you die again, I can bring you back again. But hopefully we can avoid that happening too much.” It laughs uneasily. Its words flow without restrain, as though the act of talking breaks the damn which holds them back.
This is a lot to take in. I have many questions. How did I die? Who am I? Why would you resurrect me? Countless more. The question that comes out is “What is your name?”
“Oh, me? I’m… well I’m a ghost” the construct says.
I look to the construct with visible confusion at its term of address.
“It’s… complicated. We ghosts resurrect the dead with a power called the Light. I saw something in you and chose you-
“So, a ghost is what you are, not who you are. I am interested in who you are small friend.”
The construct is silent for a time. “I’ve… I’ve never really thought of a name for myself. Some ghosts put a lot of thought into it, but I’ve always focused on finding my g-… risen… before focusing on names.”
The construct emanates a powerful anxiety. Its stream of words act as a barrier between it and its nerves. While it can float and does not need supporting, but I feel the compulsion to cup my hands around it. I did not wake alone, and it has regarded me with kindness since my consciousness ignited. There is a warmth that fills me when I think of being chosen by this construct. A warmth that come from its companionship as I alight. The warmth is bright and gentle and soothing. I feel the pain of longing, though for what I do not know. The words rush out before I consider them.
“May I call you Sister?” I ask the construct.
Sister’s boney outcrops begin to spin and she vocalises in what I can only interpret in excitement. For the first time since we began conversing he words are slow and do not mask unease.
“I would like that” Sister says.
I have been acquainted with my people, the “Hive”, and now I learn of their history. Many listen with rapturous intensity. They seem to almost vibrate with intensity as they hear about the rise of the three siblings. The countless worlds obliterated in their wake. In unison they chant “Aiat! Aiat!” with the proclamations of Oryx.
My voice is silent. All I feel is sorrow. Sorrow for the universe that inflicted such tragedy upon the siblings. Sorrow for the loss of the worlds now gone. Sorrow imagining a different path.
Sister senses this well of despair within me. With a hushed tone she asks “Are you okay sister?”
I do not respond. She knows this to mean no.
“Hey, it’ll be okay alright? Let’s go-“
“You. Deathsinger. Ir Addisu. Come to me.” The ascendant interrupts her. The ascendants seem to command great power, both social and physical. I do not wish to test the limits of my immortality with a refusal of their order.
Wordlessly I float to the ascendant’s location.
“It is time to test whether you still retain the power of the deathsong. Meet with Ir Zala. She shall assess whether you qualify as a chorister.”
Silently make a sign of deference to the ascendant and go to meet my mentor to be.
Sister notes my silence and hums with anxiety
Three songs for three siblings. A song of deceit, to warp perceptions and walk unnoticed in hostile lands. A song of war, to enrapture all with violence and ensure they tithe to war itself. A song of death, of unmaking, anti-life. Though its full verses are lost, it still retains the ability to make life synonymous with death for those not of its choir.
Ir Zala instructs me in its verse. It is familiar, and old home I vaguely recall. This was my calling once, I think.
I try to sing it. I try to want to unweave creation. I cannot make myself want this. The words reverberate through my hollow husk and I am sick with the world they would make.
Ir Zala sings louder, if I do not join her intensity I will be torn asunder. I try to match her, but I can only summon sorrow, not death. I do not weep, though it is my deepest need right now. I fear for Sister if I showed weakness here.
I cannot-
Please, it’s too much-
It is bright as I wake. I can see it through my closed eyes. As I open them the light dissipates like vapor and all I see is the roof of the annex and a creature of bone and glass staring at me, and over her a towering Hive with long flowing robes and a face which embodies disappointment.
“The Light robs us once again. It has stolen the verse from you. Leave, find somewhere else to disappoint. Take the Sky with you find some new way to weave death.”
Ir Zala looks Sister in her eye and sneers.
“You should have chosen the other as I instructed you to. Her verse would never have been robbed by the Sky.”
With this, the deathsinger leaves. Her words are more pain than the death at the hands of the verse was. Again the pain of longing and loss. I tremble with its weight.
Sister and I find a quiet, lonely corner of the Throne World. There, I weep until it is all I am. Sister says nothing, but she presses against me so I know she is there. It is small, but it is what I need.
Time passes as I try to find my place in this brood. I cannot. I have not spoken in days, even to Sister. I don’t think I have the strength to. Sister understands, and I love her for this.
I patrol the throne world where I can, to make myself look useful as the one I am indentured to schemes in her shimmering palace.
I follow this empty routine until one day something new tears its way through the throne world. It is of the Sky like me, but it is no Hive. It is a walking armoury, an embodiment of death Ir Zala can only dream of. It sings no verse, but unmakes my kin with ease.
I hide, hoping to be passed over by this storm. But another is on a path to meet it. My ascendant sees me and calls for my aid in this battle against death. I ignite lightning over myself like I was taught, and try to match its intensity. But this small, blue skinned creature. It pulls our some kind of metal rod and it ignites with intensity I’ve never seen. Once again my verse is a whisper in the face of an aria.
A Lightbearer Acolyte joins the fray, maybe together we can turn this tide. Maybe we can-
It is bright as I wake. I can see it through my closed eyes. As I open them the light dissipates like vapor and all I see is a green sky and a creature of bone and glass staring at me.
I look around, and all else is cinders. I see the crumbled remains of a Hive ghost next to me. The Acolyte. Must have been.
“Sister,” I say, tears forming once more. “How did you escape with your life?” I embrace her tightly.
“I- When the Guardian ripped through here, she went for the Acolytes ghost instead of me… I- I could have tried to help but I was so so scared Sister… I transmatted away a split second after the other ghost was- I didn’t know if I would make it, I just-“
I embrace her more. “You are safe, that is all that is important.”
We both sit in sorrowful silence. Eventually, we look around. All are dead.
“You know,” says Sister. “The Lucent Brood would believe you dead, just like the Acolyte. This could be our chance to leave.”
This is not the exit I imagined, but it is one I will take. This has never been a home, and the threat of violence no longer contains us.
I nod to sister, and we follow the Guardian’s trail of destruction back to a portal, and to a ship. We manage to find another portal which takes us to a planet with red soil and nest of concrete and metal buildings. It is empty. No one, guardian or Hive, saw us come here.
We are free.
“What… what do we do now? We’ve wanted to be out for so long, I never really thought… I got focused on the leaving bit and now I don’t know what to do.”
Neither did I, but I cupped Sister gently to reassure her that we would figure it out together.
We rested somewhere empty for about half a planetary cycle. I let the sorrow and fear flow from my bones for the first time since I awoke with Sister. In its idleness my thoughts raced.
Three songs for three siblings. A song of deceit, to warp perceptions and walk unnoticed in hostile lands. A song of war, to enrapture all with violence and ensure they tithe to war itself. A song of death, of unmaking, anti-life.
In another life, I sung the song of death with people who mattered to me. I believe we took pride in our choir.
It is said that the deathsong was a corruption of the song of creation that weaved together all things.
I ruminate on light and darkness, life and death, creation and unweaving.
When I am once again ready to speak, I speak to Sister. She is confused as to the lack of context, but the words make her chitter with excitement despite it.
“Sister. I wish to be a Lightsinger.”
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jellidile · 2 years
Mithrax and Crow
So since I already wrote Variks and Crow seeing each other what better to follow it up with Mithrax and Crow! This is also set when Savathun-Osiris was walking around so keep that in mind when Saint talks lmao
Mithrax is quiet as he looks at the Guardian standing only a feet meters away. There’s a deafening silence as Ikora and Saint stand beside him,
“I…” He begins, unsure of how to word his current thought, “often wondered who that Ghost that plays with the hatchlings belongs to.” He can’t quite figure out how he wants to feel. Ikora has already made up her mind, 
“If you don’t want to speak to him again after this, just say so.” She sounds conflicted and Mithrax can feel a wavering in her Light. But he understands perfectly why this is so; he has heard what Uldren did. Mithrax sees the ripples of his crimes, and the ensuing hurt everyday in the faces of many hunters, and especially Ikora. He can almost see it in-
“He goes by Crow now. Has very little to do with his… Past. He is a good bird, young and reckless… But good.” Saint has no anger towards the New Light and it eases Ikora and Mithrax’s tension, 
“He is little changed then, between lives. Though… he is no longer so devoted.” Mithrax notes, to which Ikora takes a deep breath. Mithrax places a hand on her shoulder, it offers little comfort to the Warlock. Still, some is better than none, 
“I’m trying to separate them but-” 
“It is hard for something so important to change… Ever since Osiris lost Sagira… Sometimes I still ask for him to do his little light tricks. It comes from a place of habit, but I think it stings all the same. People change Ikora.” Saint sounds sad, ever so slightly bitter. Ikora looks to him. Mithrax sees a shared pain he knows only from his own people’s eyes. The Kell sighs deeply, he has sworn to live in the present. No use dwelling on the past, 
“Crow, I take it?” The man turns and Mithrax holds back the urge to bow. It has been long since he’s seen an awoken he recognizes. Crow still holds Uldren’s face, the same glowing eyes that were both teasing and ferocious. But there is an exhaustion, and innocence marking his features. Crow smiles weakly, 
“Whatever you know about me- I’m… I don’t know that guy -er- me… Past me? Dead me…?” Mithrax nods, and stretches his arms, 
“As long as you keep protecting my people, we will have no issues.” Mithrax has heard of the way the new Light chased away some humans from the district who had less than good intentions. Crow smiles again, wider this time. There’s a genuine warmth in his expression and Mithrax nods. He can see the prince in Crow’s stare, and old memories begin to resurface. He shakes his head. Holding a hand to his chest Mithrax recites an old poem to himself, it acts as much like a prayer now and clears his throat, 
“Well. I must go. Be… Cautious of who you show your face to. Some of my people remember your face from many places.” Again Mithrax stops himself from bowing and nods in Crow’s direction. Ikora has seemingly already left as Saint is the only one standing a few feet behind. Mithrax begins to pass him by when Saint grabs his shoulder with a surprising gentleness, 
“Small steps my friend.” Mithrax grumbles holding his head, 
“Perhaps one day I will see him anew. Reborn under the will of the Light. But not today.” 
“Take your time, Mithrax. He is at the center of a nest he cannot remember weaving.” Saint seems to see something in Uldren- Crow. Mithrax doesn’t quite know what but he is in no mood to figure out as more memories surface in his head, 
“I am going to see my daughter.” He takes a last look at Crow. The guardian looks so small. Standing alone with only his ghost beside him, Crow is nothing like Uldren. Mithrax knows that and then- CRASH!! There’s a clatter of plates and Mithrax can hear Fikkis lamenting the uneven ground. But A jolt of fear or maybe recognition spikes up Mithrax’s back as Crow’s head turns toward the sound. His eyes narrow as he fixes his gaze towards the noise, and Mithrax can see Uldren in front of him ready to attack. Mithrax twitches, and Crow looks back, eyes wide and unsure, there’s no trace of Uldren’s piercing gaze. He waves awkwardly.
Mithrax leaves without another word.
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xivu-arath · 2 years
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I posted 9,729 times in 2022
508 posts created (5%)
9,221 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,252 of my posts in 2022
Only 36% of my posts had no tags
#destiny - 1,982 posts
#queue - 1,695 posts
#gif - 593 posts
#the hive - 391 posts
#destiny ocs - 257 posts
#osmium sorrows - 232 posts
#swtor - 217 posts
#pokemon - 195 posts
#hollow knight - 161 posts
#the witch queen - 139 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#mostly i have a lot of friends who play on one server and i'd like to go back at some point to get to play with them at least once in my li
My Top Posts in 2022:
a collection of hive headcanons
physical touch and presence are very significant for the hive. it starts from thrallhood, when the world is defined by what you can fit between your teeth and what is under your claws. later it becomes more complex and potent. proximity can be a challenge or a threat, true affection or the lure for a trap. yet all of these can still mean love
thralls hatch in large broods and stick together, both when hunting and at rest. numbers mean safety, and a greater chance to escape danger in the crowd. hive overseeing thrall often get tired of herding them from place to place (and often more than a few stray or get lost or start fights) and will transport them in a great wriggling tangle like a thrall katamari
thrall will bite anything and everything, but it isn’t always from hunger. often a bite can be curious and investigative, or even reassuring - sometimes you gnaw on part of your brood to know that they’re still there
becoming a knight is a fairly simple thing - just a matter of gathering enough strength for a period of rushed growth. becoming a wizard is more complicated. wizards guard the method closely, encouraging acolytes to have to seek it out through threats, leverage or digging in secret places. it is a known chokepoint and often a problem in more isolated broods, where a lone wizard will try to ensure no rivals can arise. wizard-heavy courts such as the high coven operate on a complex and esoteric web of favours, sponsorship and tithe chains to get around this
performances are a big deal. ascendant hive will often go all out with showcases of specialized spells or group rituals, or performing shared stories and notable history - complete with dying if your role demands it. bad or merely boring shows also tend to end in death, from an unamused audience
the deathsong is always a hit, but by necessity debuts prior to or during battles. only wizards with a great deal of power and influence can get away with killing off a chunk of their armies for a show
art shows up in other ways too - in the evolution and adaptation of runes and sigils, the eternal and very lethal debates about individualized spells versus brutally optimized ones. there is expertise and pride in the making of shriekers and ships, and the design of war moons. it is all drowned in a singular purpose, and so unrecognizable to any outside the hive
79 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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80 notes - Posted February 15, 2022
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my charr necromancer ossath bonesire, by the lovely (and impressively fast) @spindlewit!
I love so much about this, but the little minion is so unfathomably cute that I can’t look at it for long. yes ossath might look ragged and menacing and tends to carry an extra skull around just in case but he’s got a little baby on his shoulder!!!
82 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
I’m Really Feeling Something about that statue of oryx fighting akka enshrined in what savathun proclaims is tantamount to her mind
she really doesn’t refer to oryx much on-screen, apart from lightly hinting towards him and ghaul in the same breath in one of this season’s friendly conversations. she’s much more comfortable discussing xivu. how could she not, when her sister is, for all intents and purposes, gunning for her? (I am still holding out hope they’re working together in secret but! who knows!) but oryx is... a layered absence, I think the closest we have in her private lore is the yearning and loss she expresses in the hawkmoon lore tab
the statue is also quite likely a commentary on her feelings about worms, so it can serve a lot of purposes at once. very efficient of her
106 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
things I appreciate about gw2:
- silly quests where you’re transformed into or disguised as various things. I just spent some time running around as a pig yesterday, it reminds me of the quests in lotro where you’re a chicken
- all the map completion
- progressing events on the map that temporarily affect it, like bridges being torn down
- sometimes an event has a whole little chain depending on if you succeed or fail. fighting off an attack might lead to repairing an outpost and then assembling a team to take out an important enemy or structure. or failing to defend a bridge means protecting the engineers that come along to fix it
- just the general richness of each area with npcs and ambient dialogue, many moving around and doing their own things
338 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hyakunana · 2 years
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Thanks for the memories, Guardian.
A throwback to my Season of the Lost’s comics
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fiirecracker · 1 year
savathun tag drop //
ain't no grave can hold my body down ( savathun ic. ) / hold the hand of the godchild as she falls from the sky ( verse ii.) / give my back my heart you wingless thing ( savathun & the witness.) / she is holy ( savathun visage. ) / giving into hidden rhythms written with the heartbeat of conspiracy ( savathun musings. ) / must be the season of the witch ( savathun headcanons. ) / i am your friend ( savathun. ) / you were born of my body and baptized in the blood of your siblings; no mother will know you as i have ( savathun & theo. )
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starsidexiv · 3 years
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hustlemeanokay · 3 years
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But you can't argue with results...
Season of the Lost | Savathun's Reveal | Destiny 2
I am your friend. I am your enemy.
I tried to protect you from the black fleet. I led them to you.
You called it interference. It was direction.
Don't worry, I was not offended. For it was part of my plan.
Instead, I found a form more pleasing to your eyes. It came to me so willingly.
Osiris was lost, lightless. Serendipitous, don't you think?
I saved him from Xivu Arath, and assumed his shape. After luring him into the darkness, breeding obsession and doubt.
So I could guide your victory against her. And secure my own safety.
I ferried the reborn prince to your city, so he could be redeemed. And keep him further from Mara Sov.
I protected Zavala from Caiatl's ambitions, ending a war before it could even begin. Removing any chance of an alliance with the cabal forces and allowing doubt to spread like weeds in a garden. Do you still trust him to lead the Vanguard, oh Guardian mine?
I delivered the House of Light on its knees to Ikora, pitting the Vanguard against the city and playing on ancient fears.
I unmasked the enemies lurking inside your city's walls and destroyed them, building the precious Saint up, filling him with renewed purpose to make the revelation of this deceit all the more sweet.
You may disagree with my methods. But you can't argue with results.
I am no villain and you are no hero. We are paracausal.
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thefirstknife · 2 years
Rasputin is now on comms in Heists and I am... sobbing.
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The Bray sisters reunited. Pride is an inadequate expression, but it is the first to come to mind.
This one got to me, folks. He's proud of them.
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Charlemagne. Hello, old friend. Soon, you will wake from your slumber and be home again.
He misses his friends....
And one that's HIGHLY interesting:
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Working theory proposal: the Witness did not begin widescale assaults until Savathun's death. It is possible her presence acted as a deterrent, and her death facilitate necessary developments for an invasion.
Elsie also adds that she has seen similar things in other timelines, but in this case it makes sense. We know Savathun did something in the Collapse to "deceive" the Witness and trick it. So whatever she did, it may have been stopping the Witness from coming back. And with her death... well.
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xazz · 2 years
you know what my fave thing to do with Destiny lore is?
Read just enough that I’d have a similar understanding of a situation as the character would and going from there unless I actually am like... interested in the material. And sometimes that’s for the worse bc then I know Too Much and my character is stupid about this. Or sometimes its better bc I read Mara lore and oh boy now I have quantifiable reasons to hate her other than she’s just a Mean Bitch in game :)))))
Especially bc The Guardian is, basically, an idiot. They don’t know shit. We’re lucky if they read the mission brief lets be real or listen to the convos the NPCs have while we do a mission (as is greatly demonstrated when I’m playing with someone and they talk all over the dialogue going on). So they knew even less about the world than we probably do. Court of Oryx? Who the fuck those guys? Oh well just figure out how to kill them as fast as possible. Rhulk? Unless you do specific mechanics in the raid or find the extra parts in the end of the pinnacle mission you know jack shit about him other than vaguely you know he’s controlling the Scorn now and Savathun and him have beef/she locked him in his own Pyramid in her Throne World for a few millennia. Who the fuck’s Rhulk? No idea lets go kill him, he’s probably bad! What the fuck is up with Drifter? Something something dark planet and he killed all his friends. The (canon) Guardian doesn’t care. He’s the funny guy who talks about eating aliens and runs Gambit. Neat!
Destiny lore is dumb, don’t worry if you don’t know it all. Your character(s) sure as shit don’t. And ‘wrong’ interpretations of things your characters don’t and can’t know about are also good interpretations.
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