#i appreciate this fam
18, 21, and 22?
Heyo~ thank you for the kind ask, such fun questions~ 🧁💜
Of course this is all WIP and is subject to change bUT- in my defense, all my works are crack treated seriously s O- 💀
What is the last sentence you wrote for this WIP?
I’ve got tOns of WIPs. but so far the last sentence I’ve written is-
“Holy fuck, he just smacked the shit of Time—the fucking landlord.”
What is a line that makes no sense and/or is funny out of context?
“Fondly, Champion remembered thinking: what a bunch of fucking idiots.”
(I’ll let you imagine what this one’s about lmAO-)
What is a spoiler you can give us for something incredibly insignificant in your WIP?
*Holds HSH War’s like a bottle of salty cucumber Gatorade*
ˢʰᵃʷᵗʸ ᵇᵃᵈ. ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵐᵒʳᵃˡˡʸ
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shima-draws · 1 month
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Commission for @swamp-tastic of their OCs Princess and Knight!! I had sooo much fun with this one, getting to do such cool lighting and background elements was a treat 💕
(Regular commissions are currently closed but I've got emergency comms open here!)
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eff-plays · 9 months
Also it's so so so fucking funny that nobody's getting Astarion's face right. Like not even Larian got his face right on the cover. He really is just a handsome little guy who looks ever so slightly fucked up in subtle ways that are so hard to get right without either a) making him look entirely fucked up and losing the pretty/elegance, or b) making him look like some other hot guy who is very much not him.
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sakasakiii · 1 year
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ohhHHHh brother,,, is this another sketch dump after an undisclosed number of weeks of absence and online inactivity? yessir it sure is but i sure hope it won't stay that way 🤞 apologies again for disappearing, but im on break for the next couple of months for the summer so i have a lot planned and im hoping to catch up with... everything!
i put a little status update under the cut but feel free to skip that cuz its just me explaining some things ive had on my mind hoho 😙😙 happy 1st of june everyone!!!
a lot of things have been happening irl that im still getting used to, but thank you for always being very patient 🙇‍♀️ i apologise for disappearing again after i promised id start being more active again in... januARY??? man oh man the year is passing by tooooo fast holy smokes
i havent had much time to be on social media since then, but ive gotten some email notifs from ppl sending in such kind messages via inbox, and its really made me go AUGHHHHH in the midst of whatever im doing cuz it means the world to me 🥺❤️ if youre someone who's sent in something over the past year since i started hiatus in march 2023, IM REALLY SORRY AGAIN 😭😭 i always try to keep up with my policy of one-art-piece-per-ask, but because of that sometimes i just procrastinate a lot or get stuck on finding relevant things to draw as thanks. ive been brainstorming some ideas, though, and its my goal to get through a hefty sum of em before things get real busy again in a few months 😤
im really sorry again for being so inconsistent this past year, but im gonna do my best! i hope everyone on here's been doing good and im raring to see everything new with silm tumblr ❤️❤️ also if anyone has any recs for any new content pls feed me for i am starvedddd
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slytherin-syon · 6 months
i made the mistake of listening to the pjo musical while also being on a spy x family kick and came to the horrifying realization that Damian is so Annabeth-coded, particularly combining their ambitions with the trauma of being seen as invisible and their determination to prove themselves....
so, here is a damian-centric amv to the song "My Grand Plan"
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arkiwii · 7 months
There's a lot of really mixed reactions running around Arknights tumblr rn so I just wanna say how nice it is to have your posts about Lonetrail running around, they are a breath of fresh air since this is like my favorite Arknights thing everrrr
yea, its pretty sad to see especially that a lot (me included) have been waiting for this event! its fine if people give criticism, even tho most things i have seen are mostly about "too long", "not related to rhine lab", "this passage with the doctor was wtf", etc... so it's mostly not very constructive. i can get not everyone likes it, and im not going to force anyone to, but posting complains and negative stuff is eh, i think, to people who enjoyed the event it's sad to see
so im glad you enjoy my posts! im just a little silly and i enjoy stuff, i don't really like being negative, even if there's flaws in arknights, im not blind, i just enjoy seeing my favorite guys! and i hope everyone can enjoy it too!!
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I would like to focus on this, thank you for your time
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gradelstuff · 1 year
Holiday Story - Himiko Toga's Day Off
Here is Toga's trust story from MHUI! I'll be uploading Twice's story next (and it's the last).
Best Moment:
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hellishgayliath · 2 months
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I hope you're not too down on your luck & that all things work out for you.
(not sure about you, but I am not really ne that likes to be hugged when feeling negative & wanted to be sure for you to! So head pats)
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Thank you Moon head pats will do just nicely ;; <3
This whole week has just felt iffy and off to me, the latter half of today felt worse. Idk if its depression(cuz it sure has been a while since i felt that) or my trouble with sleeping or if I'm just dissociating again but i do feel like im having some sort of emotional disconnect with a lot of stuff lately. It's just been all so blehhhhh \(;´□`)/
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ace-and-ranty · 8 months
I saw a couple comments that the scenes with Alanna's family felt like filler until you realize they were investigating Lan, and I 100% went.
Must things "happen" in a show? Is it not enough for there to be beautiful people?
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Encanto siblings icons because they're so precious
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Hi. How ya doin?
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I'm bored. Get bothered, chump.
pfft-nice image! doin okay, thanks for asking! trying my hand at crocheting again (just some bluebells-was gonna work on the autism creature, but i ran out of stuffing :/) and i have an event to be at in a few hours-a lil back pain but otherwise goin great! how bout you?
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danmeiljie · 1 year
😍 Commissioned Artist Appreciation Post 🙏
I just wanted to take a moment and thank my friends who accepted my requests for them to share their talents and bring some beloved characters to life! ❤️
I love each of these and looking at them makes me smile 😊
...in no particular order...
Kidnap Fam Sees the Silmaril: @noldorinpainter
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Gwaeron and Curufin: @noldorinpainter
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Wangxian Being Unbound: @busymagpie
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Wenzhou Being Soft: evugh-draws
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The Sons Of Feanor Last Family Portrait: @nailsinmywall
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I have a couple more commissions in the works or being planned and I'm very excited about them!
Celebrating fandom art is what got me creating this tumblr in the first place and brave enough to write fic.
Thank you!
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randomnameless · 6 months
okay thanks for bringing up that thing about laguz/beorc having kids and laguz losing their “laguzness” because I’ll be honest that was one of the few little details I had heard about regarding the tellius games before playing it recently and I thought “that…..sounds like a super shitty detail to put in a game that is supposed to be criticizing racism???” but I wasn’t seeing much people talk about it then so I always wondered if I was just overthinking it.
This is basically part of the greater plot, aka part of why Lehran/Sephiran became so depressed, to the point of wanting to reset the world and kill everyone living in it.
But we also have Almedha - who suffered from a similar ordeal, and while she's a NPC who keeps on antagonising everyone save for Pelleas, we later learn more about her and her reasons for behaving like she does (like mother like son?).
tbh I'm not surprised it's not talked about that often - because it runs contrary to what Tellius is often depicted as a story of a fight against "racism" and learning how to accept and live with others who are different from you.
Basically, anon, Tellius' story telling regarding the Branded is very wonky and, sadly or hopefully, cannot be resumed with "X BaD thus Y GoOd" - Laguz losing their powers when the procreate with Beorcs isn't an issue that can be solved with this universe's mechanics. It just exists, and there is nothing that can be done.
So yeah... Because of this, I don't think Tellius is supposed to be THE game criticising racism.
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This isn’t your Midwest mothers Mac and cheese. 🦃
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bonsai-babies · 2 years
Ah yeah, the Samtory fandom
All three of us under a queer flag blanket, holding a flashlight on, giggling about the Karate girl rivals
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