#i assumed main verse for the genshin!
fatedevour · 6 months
♢  —    @sungracd ​asked:  " i'm not frightened. "
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" No? How FASCINATING. It would seem that would make you part of the minority here. " Dottore remarks, his deep voice carrying through the near empty walls of the church as he stands in the doorway of a holy space that his mere presence DESECRATES. " Mondstadt and its people have no love for the Fatui after all. "
Although Dottore's reputation was a rather COMPLICATED one. After all, he was the one who slayed Ursa and granted peace to the lands of Mondstadt. For that, he is both hero and monster. Hundreds of men had tried to slay Ursa with no success. What kind of monster was Dottore that he could single-handedly slay the beast? There was admiration as much as there was FEAR in the same way that people could admire and fear the apex predators of the world. Dottore was like the monster that feasted upon those predators who had no inkling to what being PREY was like.
There was also that matter of him being a Fatui Harbinger; the second one if he is precise. ( Or rather, many hims as the second, but PRIME carried the main title. ) That alone brought a lot of conflict. Rage, fear, distrust.
So how do people make peace with the conflict of hero and enemy? The same way an animal does — that is to say, whatever promotes survival. In this case, as in many cases, it is fear that reigns supreme. After all, humans, despite their proclamations otherwise, were just animals themselves at their cores. Nature dictates that creatures do what will facilitate survival.
" That is not necessarily a BAD thing. Merely unusual. " It's also worth noting that she might be a thorn in his side. " I assure you, my intentions were nothing so childlike as to invoke fear. It's been quite a LONG time since I've been in Mondstadt. I was curious to see its changes in the years while I'm here for diplomatic reasons. " It was a true statement, though the REASON for such curiosity was anything but innocent or benevolent.
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causalitylinked · 7 months
"So... uhm... It's not what it looks like." An elf, practically about five foot tall with orange hair, is standing there with a squirrel-like creature in her hands. Earlier, it looked like she was in a HEAVY debate with the little rodent, but since now Aria got noticed, she smiled sheepishly and placed the animal down on the ground. "I was just, uh... I didn't agree with his politics." What is she TALKING about?? (For Herja, from Aria)
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            unprompted asks. » always accepting!
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    "Er... so in other words, I was merely envisioning you arguing with a chipmunk?" Herja soon questions, allowing utter bewilderment to seep through her tone. Honestly, considering her captain had managed to learn how to talk to animals after fighting off a bear of all things, it wasn't as if she would have a hard time believing this girl might have also been proficient at communicating with other critters. The moment she tries to explain herself further, however, Herja couldn't help but sweat-drop, for her words only left more questions than answers.
    "M-My apologies, milady, but I truly have no idea what you're talking about," she then admits, because she wasn't aware chipmunks could even get into politics the same way everyone else could, let alone have intricate conversations about them with what appeared to be a female goblin. "Nevertheless, I'm glad your squabble remains of little importance?"
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sinfulstar · 1 month
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Main blog: @stelliferousduo
I) Adults muns and muses only! Minors will be blocked on sight!
II) Lumine is NOT a minor. I know there were some discussions about this in the fandom at one point or another but the game has made it very clear that the Traveler is not a normal human and is much older than their youthful appearance leads to assume.
That being said, Paimon will obviously not be present on this blog as she uses the child model.
III) Anons can send in asks to ask nsfw-centric questions, but I will not do any lewd/nsfw RP with anonymous accounts as it would give me no way to verify their age.
IV) Even though this is a NSFW side blog, I usually will not jump straight into smut. I'd prefer there to be some build up and for us to have written together on my main blog.
V) While I portray Lumine as demisexual with a strong male lean on my main, when it comes to NSFW content, I really only feel comfortable writing mxf ships. Please be respectful of this.
VI) Lumine is a sub-leaning switch but I'd be willing to portray her as a soft dom as well.
Vll) No heavy kinks or any of the icky stuff please. I also do not enjoy anything related to foot fetishes. In general I'm just very vanilla and prefer soft smut.
Basically standard Genshin universe. Lumine is the Traveler looking for her brother, you know the rest! She soon comes to the realization that Teyvat is filled very handsome men and cute boys for her to simp over. And guess what? No big brother to keep an eye on her.
Inspired by the artist nomi_owo on Twitter who has a bunny!Lumine x fox!Childe ABO AU which lives rent-free in my head.
Of course, this verse can be applied to any ship! Lumine is still generally the same person. She may be half-rabbit and an omega but she still likes to kick ass on the battlefield.
She is frustrated by her own omega nature and will often try to hide it. Unfortunately, her hearts make it difficult because the strong scent of pheromones give it away...
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frostwnd · 1 year
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              MUSELIST | RULES | ASK | MAIN BLOG
     indie multimuse ft. Genshin Impact, Star Rail, original characters, and more
                      penned by ASH
Just a few of the usual rules you see around! Thank you for taking your time to read this!
1) As per usual, no god moding please! I’m here to write my character, don’t do it for me.
2) Please don’t reblog threads if you aren’t part of the roleplay.
3) If you want to continue a thread from an ask, please make it a separate post!! Please. I cannot stress this enough.
4) NSFW may be present, including smut. Smut is reserved for mutuals only! Sorry, I’m really only comfortable with it with people I know.
5) I ship chemistry. Please don’t pressure or assume any ships!
6) Please don’t pressure me for replies! Kind reminders are okay, but I do ask for you to not be pushy or demanding.
7) I am non-exclusive, so don’t worry if I’m already roleplaying with another blog with the same muse!
8) I am somewhat selective- I’m more comfortable roleplaying with those I’ve talked to and follow.
9) I don’t send in passwords! I always read rules before following, don’t worry.
10) I do not roleplay with personal blogs.
11) I am multi-verse and multi-ship!
12) My sense of time can be…. abysmal. Sometimes it can take me up to a week to check out your blog if you follow me, and I’ll think it was only day before yesterday. Sorry about that!
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defountaine · 9 months
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independent + private roleplay blog for FURINA DE FONTAINE, of mhy's GENSHIN IMPACT as judged by SINCLAIR ( 21 ). crossover + oc friendly. low activity due to college ( junior yr ) + old laptop.
rules under cut.
not spoiler or leak free
i tag triggers as “ trigger // “ 
for the main verse ( gi ), i'm almost entirely caught up on the main story.
hc heavy.
i use she/he/they for furina. she looks like both a woman and a twink and it's giving me gender envy, okay. genderfluid furina is so real to me.
generally novella because i love writing a lot!!
scarce activity bc my laptop is fucked up ( most of the keys are stiff lol ) + full time college student. i am literally doing a research proposal this semester.
aforementioned keyboard thing may lead to typos
i tag a lot of my ooc posts ( since a majority of the time they’re useless ) as “ irrelevant // ” as to not clog up peoples dash 
sometimes tumblr doesn’t send my asks so if you’ve liked for an inbox call and you don’t receive it, thats why 
mutuals can ask for discord<3 i encourage it actually since im active there more often but im very anxious and tend not to initiate conversation unless i feel like we’re very close 
if i ever bother you lmk<3 i’ve been told i can get a little spammy at times and i’ll admit i do get easily excited so if i need to tone it down just let me know!
if i’m following you i’ve read your rules !! i’ll assume you’ve done the same if you decide to follow back!
i only have access to the beta editor, sadly. i can try and pull some bullshit but i don't know if it'll work. my apologies.
those who are of age and have characters of age can smut with me. that said, furina is probably not gonna be very easy to fuck. trauma and all that. unless we have pre-established stuff. that's always fun. that said, don't follow just to fuck him, please. gore is also welcomed.
i love shipping, so lets do it! platonic, romantic, rivals, familial etc.. love ‘em all! planned or entirely natural, either is fine! if you wanna ship with me just ask! i have no preferences, not really, and i can say the same about furina. both she and i are down to clown with just about anyone. it doesn't even have to be healthy! ( to the tune of tmnt ) codependent toxic yuri/yaoi !
full time college student with very limited time to do rp nowadays. i really enjoy writing and all but being rushed to reply makes me lose motivation. however, if i do miss a starter/don’t reply to a thread for a while you can tell me about that!
despite me saying this, all in all i probably follow almost everyone back as long as they have a rules + abt page i can find! i don’t follow personals but if you’re a hub or your rp blog is a sideblog, lmk so i can follow you there!  if you have a rules + abt page and i don’t follow back LET ME KNOW. sometimes tumblr doesn’t give me notifications and i don’t pay attention to follower count for the most part. i’m really not picky and im not trying to be mean or ignore you ! 
any sort of hate will not be tolerated. if i see you picking on anyone or you pick on me , i will block you. that’s not the way i roll.
this is pretty standard , but please don’t control my muse or anything of the sort. 
 i am not a meme archive blog , so if you do rt them please consider sending them!!
just please turn them into separate text posts, please!!
y'know. no racism, homophobia, transphobia or pedophilia, incest, and all that gross stuff. instant block. literally just be normal.
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foliarlight · 10 months
After a lot of thinking, I'll be putting Alhaitham on an indefinite hiatus. I have not been active here in a long time and my muse for him just isn't really there anymore, unfortunately. I'll keep the blog since I assume my muse might return at some point, but for now, he'll get a little break. In the meantime, you can find me @lianlong ( my main, Dan Heng from HSR who has a Genshin verse. I'm most active there ) or my new Genshin muse, @secoris ( Il Dottore, be aware that he has triggering themes ) I may also be on @hydracos, but he will be a low activity secondary muse.
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gelusbane · 2 years
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ABOUT || promo tba
MUN INFORMATION: tora | 25+ | they/them | cst timezone | discord available for mutuals only
(gently batting my eyelashes at @senetaf for letting me copy his homework directly.)
This is an independent dash-only roleplay blog for my Miqo'te Original Character for the setting Final Fantasy XIV and related expansions. I write this character as an NPC and have no interest in writing him as the Warrior of Light, if he was the WoL we'd be fucked. #endwalker spoilers will be tagged! If you’d like for me to tag spoilers for older expansions, please let me know.
I am a private blog. Which means that I will only interact with you if we follow each other. If I don’t follow you back within a week, you’re welcome to unfollow as it means I do not see our writing meshing or you are simply not a roleplay blog.
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These are just mun preferences that I’d like people to check out in case they have questions for me or with the character I write as. They aren’t rules, but more of a reference to make roleplaying with me easier.
This is a roleplay blog. The character in question is my Original Character for SQUARE ENIX’s critically acclaimed MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XIV: ONLINE. His name is ANGELUS DESDEMONA.
Open to criticisms and such. The game has a wide lore and I’m not above missing information. I would like to be corrected if there are errors in my portrayal that I do not know of.
I’m all caught up with MAIN SCENARIO quests and SIDE QUESTS, so this profile will not be spoiler free. I’ll do my best to tag nevertheless.
This blog is NSFW. Sexual themes, violence, illegal substance, black market themes will be present here to name a few and will not be limited to such.
I have no interest in shipping.
I won't be writing NSFW themes (sexual or violent) with minors, likewise, I'd much prefer if my mutuals are adults.
I will softblock you if you are a minor, sorry.
Tracking the tag #VOXMORTIIS. Feel free to also mention me via @VOXMORTIIS. If you see that I haven’t liked your thing for me within three days, please let me know! I might have missed the notification.
Discord is available upon request.
Please don’t rush me to do replies.
Just let me know if you want to interact with Angelus.
Please don’t hesitate to shorten your reply to me. I don’t care about matching lengths, but I do try to match my partner as best as I can.
All ask responses are welcome to be continued just be sure to tag me in a new post!
I am very accepting of other Original and Multi Characters. My only limit is real life people such as celebrities, politicians, youtubers, etc.
I like aesthetic and GPOSE blogs, but I am a roleplay blog and therefore would only really follow other roleplay blogs. I prefer it if you have a proper tagging system in place as well.
I’d appreciate it if you won’t steal any writing I do on this blog. Be creative, don't be THAT guy.
Icons or pretty graphics are not required to interact with me.
Will probably remain dash only.
I only write Angelus within the Final Fantasy verse. Doesn’t matter if it’s from other titles within the series. I’d love to interact!
I could give writing him with other fandoms a shot provided I’m familiar with the source material or you’d be willing to inform me about it. Some fandoms I know: Dislyte, Genshin Impact, Fate Series, Persona Series, Fire Emblem, etc.
Open to pre-established relationships.
This muse would be the closest thing one could consider a villain but with that being said, Angelus is not here for you to constantly instigate him and assume his role of being a potential villain. His business is still unnoticed for a reason.
All kinds of relationships are welcome in this blog.
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delusionaid · 5 months
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#PINNED. Welcome to my GENSHIN IMPACT MULTIMUSE BLOG. This blog is private and selective. High enthusiasm, low activity, therefore writing will happen with mutuals only. Duplicate friendly! Check below for more rules! written by min!
Featuring: Wriothesley, Diluc, Alhaitham, Tighnari and more! ❤️ Blogroll: vidyadawn | dianoetikon | inconcordia
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At present the following muses are featured on this blog:
FONTAINE: Wriothesley, Freminet
MONDSTADT: Diluc (on request: Venti, Kaeya)
LIYUE: Baizhu, Zhongli
INAZUMA: Ayato, (on request: Thoma)
SUMERU: Tighnari, Alhaitham, Sethos (Test Muse)
Muse List with shipping info is here :)
Currently archived muses (not available for plots atm, but might return at a later point): Wagner, Bosacius, Childe [active threads will be finished]
mobile rules under the cut!
Code of Conduct
If you follow me, I will assume that you have read my rules.
Mun is over 30 and only writing with roleplayers over 21.
I am slow with replies.
This blog is private, highly selective and partly exclusive. I don’t roleplay with non-mutuals.
I prefer using icons in my threads and I format, but not heavily. I don’t mind if you don’t do either!
I write longer replies; 3+ paragraphs to novella, depending on my partners. Not a big fan of one liner conversations, unless it’s crack (which I don’t do often).
I don’t believe in reblog karma, you can reblog whatever you like from me. I don’t mind at all.
If you have a problem with something I write, just unfollow or block me. I am not interested in fighting with anyone or arguing about fictional people. I will not engage with callouts and cancel culture and I don’t support it. The only time I might support callout posts is if someone steals art or commissions (e.g. commissions art but then doesn’t pay, or in turn artist takes money but then doesn’t deliver).
When there’s a conflict about lore, names or relationships, I will always choose the CHINESE original over the EN (or any other) localization of this game. Please acknowledge the fact that localization changes content to varying degrees and that while you are free to choose your canon you should not expect players all over the world to adhere to your choice. If you refuse to accept that not everyone all over the world in every language and localization has the same game experience as you, then our views clash. I can live with that, but it sounds like you might not, so I'll leave it up to you whether you want to follow or not.
Due to various reasons I’m hesitant to the concept of exclusivity and will, in most cases, only go into it with long-term/main writing partners or close friends. In order to be(come) my exclusive writing partner, I need communication on a somewhat regular basis. As slow as I am with ic writing, I normally am online on discord most days and happy to chat with my writing partners! My mains are the people I plot, write and engage with the most (ic and ooc). They're my go-to portrayals of a muse but I’m not exclusive with them, therefore they’re not listed separately.
Exclusivity means that I will only write with this portrayal and no duplicates of it. I differ between exclusive in general (no duplicate interactions) and ship exclusive (in which case I will not ship with a duplicate but I am open to platonic interactions with duplicates of that muse).
At present I am exclusive for the characters Guizhong (written by yuelun/iniziare) and Yelan (written by orchideae/iniziare).
If you are unsure about any of this, don’t hesitate to ask!
I love shippy threads/verses. But just like anything else we write, I like to discuss it first to see if we click as writers and want the same things for the characters :)
If you want to talk about ships, just pop into my DMs :) I don’t bite and I don’t judge. I don’t care what you ship as long as it is fictional and you understand (writer) consent (= accept that not everyone likes the same things as you and don’t force content on those who dislike it). It’s okay to ask as long as you can accept “No” as a possible answer :) I don’t expect anyone to like all ships, but avoiding content you don’t like is your own responsibility - don’t make it someone else’s problem. And harassment is never acceptable.
I will not write any romantic ships with child characters, or characters that look like children (Qiqi, Sayu, Diona, Nahida, etc.) regardless of their age. If your character is a minor and has a crush on my muse I’ll give that a pass, but he won’t requite it. I don’t consider Xiao, Venti or the traveler to be teenagers. They are obviously not human and hardly underage.
Smut is an option for writing partners I’ve known for a while, but I prefer writing it on discord.
If I lose muse for a thread, I will inform you about it and not just drop it. I would ask you to return this courtesy. It’s no problem if you lose interest in our thread, it happens!
I expect my partners to follow general RP etiquette such as no godmodding, no ship forcing, no anon hate.
Please don’t ask me for non-con/rape threads, ships with minors/children, or anything involving extreme homophobia, transphobia or xenophobia. It’s okay if any of these are part of your character’s backstory, but I don’t want to actively rp these topics.
I don’t roleplay through asks, but we can continue meme replies in threads if we’re mutuals!
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aconfusedkitten · 2 years
ok ok ok ok ok
*sits down with a thermos of tea as an offering* here have my question spam and plz don't feel obligated to answer them all hehe
what's your favorite thing about writing for genshin? least favorite thing? what're your headcanons about khaenri'ah? headcanons about paimon? for that one xiaoven oneshot you wrote--how did they get together in that 'verse? in the soulmate chiluc au, will they ever kiss or will they pine for eternity (or will one of them die before a confession happens)? which of the numerous times you've whumped childe is your favorite? what's your current "jesus christ this is a childe song" song? what fic are you currently dying to write but haven't yet? thoughts on beidou/itto as a ship? what fic is currently languishing on the backburner of your wips folder? what fic do you hate with a burning passion and wish you never wrote? whadaya think of kamisato ayato's new trailer, and do you have any fic ideas/headcanons about him?
*sits down with you*
*takes a deep breath*
okay, let's do this.
what's your favorite thing about writing for genshin? least favorite thing?
the lore. for both questions. there's so much of it and at the same time, it's not about the things that interest me.
what're your headcanons about khaenri'ah? about paimon?
well i've got nothing for paimon, but the main khaenri'ah headcanon is about them having a very close connection to the stars. each region has their Thing (freedom, contracts, eternity), so khaenri'ah gets a star motif.
for that one xiaoven oneshot you wrote--how did they get together in that 'verse?
i'm assuming you mean the modern one? i don't know, to be honest! i was picturing them about college age, so maybe venti is a music major and xiao is an art major (he has tattoos in canon, so i'm saying he cam draw), and they met through a project.
in the soulmate chiluc au, will they ever kiss or will they pine for eternity (or will one of them die before a confession happens)?
they'll get together eventually!! i've been thinking of doing a sequel where they actually get together, and i promise you that even if they pine for a while, they will get soft kisses and romantic fluff.
definitely no death!! or, not in this fic, at least. ;3
which of the numerous times you've whumped childe is your favorite?
damned if i do ya, because of the sheer amount of yearning instead of being helpful, or the break of dawn, solely because of childe going "fancy seeing you here" while dying on dilucs doorstep.
what's your current "jesus christ this is a childe song" song?
fighter by the score! i mean just, look at this.
Give me the lights, give me the hate, give me the pressure
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, pain is pleasure
I hear the wolves calling my name, no surrender
Here only the strong survive
Don't need to sign, nothing divine's gonna save me
I'm a machine, building a dream is what shaped me
Breaking the door, waging a war, no escaping
Watch me as I touch the sky
The blood I taste is the price I pay
All my scars will fade
The monsters in my head will become the pain
what fic are you currently dying to write but haven't yet?
rebellion fic, rebellion fic, rebellion fic!!!
you don't understand, i have so much brainrot for this au but it requires plot and i am Struggling. i've got the tsaritsa taking over mondstadt instead of stealing venti's gnosis, signora and childe left in charge there (rip childe and dilucs established dynamic), the characters split into groups because there's no way everyone's in the city when it happens, kaeya and diluc running intelligence, and that's about it.
if you want more i can ramble about the specifics on another post. :3
thoughts on beidou/itto as a ship?
it's a thing?? i didn't know it was a thing.
what fic is currently languishing on the backburner of your wips folder?
several, too many to name off the top of my head, and i'm not too ashamed to admit that most of them are childe whump things that you and nori have talked about.
what fic do you hate with a burning passion and wish you never wrote?
can i say my atla series? the writing itself isn't bad, and i don't 100% hate it but? i'm always going to end up comparing everything to the stats on that series.
whadaya think of kamisato ayato's new trailer, and do you have any fic ideas/headcanons about him?
yesssss, i loved his trailer so much. the colors in it had a lot of contrasts and his dialogue is so nice, and yeah, can you tell i'm pulling for him yet?
no headcanons yet, but i do wanna write a soft fic about him, ayaka, and thoma!
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heartthrummed-a · 3 years
i am once again full of muse for genshin verse things so here’s a quick rundown of the idol muses’ genshin verses. this is an incomplete list, as many are still in the works, but! it’s still a good handful! also under a cut bc it got long oops
tsumugi aoba: 19, dendro catalyst, inazuma. isn’t actively involved in the resistance, but isn’t super shy about his support for them either. simply trying to live life and right the wrongs of the past after assisting one eichi tenshouin in causing trouble for many unfortunate souls. still possesses his vision, though since he does not have a fake, he often leaves it hidden.
kohaku oukawa: 16, electro sword, inazuma. hails from a family of assassins that serve the main suou family, who in turn serve baal as prominent members of the bakufu. kohaku decided to make his escape from his family after his cousin and the sole heir to the suou family, tsukasa, did the same and left for mondstadt. however, kohaku remains in inazuma and still works as an assassin, though on his own rather than for the family. eventually met madara mikejima and formed double face, vigilante pair working in the udnerworld, with him. also an active member of the resistance against baal. still possesses his vision and wears it openly.
adonis otogari: 18, pyro sword, natlan. a wanderer traveling all across teyvat, for he found no love in the warrior lifestyle of his home in natlan. at present, he is staying in mondstadt, but he never stays in one place for more than a few days, wishing to explore everything each nation has to offer.
mika kagehira: 18, cryo catalyst, fontaine. a performer in fontaine’s traveling circus, known for their mismatched eyes, their skills lie in dance, acrobatics, and contortion, and they are known to employ their cryo skills in performance as well. nicknamed “the marionette”  for their peculiar aesthetics and their style of movement in their contortion acts.
kuro kiryu: 19, pyro claymore, inazuma. once a delinquent and a rebel leading a ragtag group of anti-baal delinquents long before the vision hunt decree began, kuro and his friends were caught and brought in by the bakufu, originally to be executed. however, keito, another friend of kuro’s, persuaded baal that kuro would be an asset to them in order to bargain for his life. in return for kuro’s power and skill serving the bakufu as one of their own, the lives of him and his friends would be spared. to this day he serves as a member of the bakufu, though he has secretly supported the resistance behind the scenes since the vision hunt decree began. still possesses his vision and is able to wear it openly as part of the bakufu.
shinobu sengoku: 17, electro bow, inazuma. also hailing from a family that has served baal for generations, shinobu has recently begun to be deployed on the field as a member of the bakufu. however, he has no love for the tyrant their archon has become, and secretly (but desperately) searches for an escape from the bakufu, hoping to support and fight for the resistance instead. still possesses his vision and is able to wear it openly as part of the bakufu.
ritsu sakuma: 19, cryo catalyst, mondstadt. originally from khaenri’ah, but while they weren’t cursed, they were put into a deep and long sleep when the gods attacked and destroyed the nation 500 years ago. they recently awoke from their slumber and set off on a search for their older sibling, rei, who they figure must have also survived. they ended up caught by a band of treasure hoarders who sought to kill the vampire, but one of their members betrayed the group to save them, and together they took off to mondstadt. after much convincing fron arashi, ritsu joined her in becoming a knight of favonius, still keeping up their search for their sibling all the while.
sora harukawa: 17, anemo catalyst, inazuma. an active member of the resistance who is often sent traveling across inazuma for its sake despite his young age. lives a ‘on the run’ kind of life, but thoroughly enjoys it and all he does for the resistance in hopes that he will get to see the vision hunt decree finally fall. still possesses his vision and wears it openly, but often hides tsumugi’s on his person as tsumugi entrusted him with it.
arashi narukami: 18, geo polearm, mondstadt. originally a treasure hoarder, she is the one who betrayed her group to protect and save ritsu from being executed when the rest of the group feared the vampiric creature. when the two escaped her former group, arashi brought up the idea of going to the city of mondstadt, and later the idea of joining the knights of favonius to begin anew. telling ritsu that it might help them find their sibling, the pair passed the trials together, and remain members of the knights to this day.
tatsumi kazehaya: 19, anemo sword, mondstadt. a priest in the church of favonius who was previously a fatui agent. he was a rather notorious one, recruited out of inazuma years ago, and he was known for being rather jaded and cruel in all that he did. however, it was his eventual work partner kaname that persuaded him to see that the fatui ultimately was no good and that there was more to life than dominion and control. so the two fled, and thought kaname suffered a terrible accident in the resulting fight, tatsumi was able to take them to the church of favonius where both were given refuge. he eventually became a priest there after devoting himself to the anemo archon, and remains such to this day.
mayoi ayase: 18, a fatui skirmisher, specifically a pyroslinger bracer. their family originally came from inazuma, but moved to mondstadt years ago as their parents sought to chase dreams of freedom and song and begrudgingly took their child, who they never treated well, along with them. mayoi was later one of the many children taken from mondstadt by the fatui, but unlike their comrades, mayoi survived all they went through. namely experimentation by dottore that turned them into the skirmisher they are now. to this day they serve him, though their fear of him is immense and they dream of escape back into the freedom their home stood for. alas, knowing they are barely human anymore, fear of not finding a place for them in this world (and a fear of retaliation in the event they’re caught) keep them rooted in place. also, unlike other skirmishers, mayoi does possess an electro delusion, even if as part of dottore’s recent experiment to see if skirmishers could handle additional elemental power.
kaname toujou: 18, hydro polearm, mondstadt. they were originally nothing more than a traveling bard under the name himeru, prominent and well-known in mondstadt and even, to a lesser extent, in neighboring nations. however, when finances grew tight, kaname ended up turning to the fatui for business aid, and in turn was forced to work for them in secret. they ended up partnered with tatsumi, a cruel and jaded man, but kaname eventually got through to him and made him see the fatui was hardly worth it. eventually the pair executed an escape plan, though kaname was severely injured in the process. while the rest of the world wrote them off as dead, tatsumi brought them with him to the church of favonius, where the pair was given refuge and kaname was eventually healed. kaname goes on to become a knight of favonius after their recovery, where they remain to this day.
tsukasa suou: 17, pyro sword, mondstadt. as mentioned, he came from a prominent noble family in inazuma known to support baal, with many of its members joining the bakufu. as the sole heir, it was expected that tsukasa would do the same. however, he grew furstrated with this way of life and the vision hunt decree, and thus fled inazuma as a whole. ending up in inazuma, he decided he would join the knights of favonius so he might protect people rather than oppress them as the bakufu would have expected him to do, and later successfully passed their trials to become a knight. after learning of his cousin kohaku’s move to do something similar and suspecting his involvement in the resistance brewing back home, tsukasa began landing financial support to him and the rest of the resistance as much as he could.
yoshiko tsushima: 16, cryo catalyst, inazuma. the daughter of a pair of traveling bards, yoshiko spent most of her childhood alone while her parents performed in other nations. however, when the vision hunt decree began, it was decided all three would flee to find refuge in mondstadt. unfortunately, they were caught by the bakufu, and a scuffle ensued that killed both of her parents when they tried to take back all three visions. yoshiko fled at her mother’s behest, but ended up not only losing part of her memories with her vision, but so traumatized that she assumed the identity of “yohane”, a fallen angel from another world cast from her home into teyvat as punishment for rising up against her god. yohane, seeing baal as just the same as the god she was defeated by, decided she would stay in teyvat to take her down as both a redemption for herself and a proving ground so that she might go home and try again on her god again someday. now she’s a prominent leader of the resistance, though she desperately hides from her peers the truth of her identity and circumstances. obviously, she no longer possesses her vision, but trains with a sword to remain a fighter.
umi sonoda: 17, hydro bow, inazuma. daughter of the noble sonoda family and the sole heir to the sonoda trade association (basically the inazuma equivalent of the feiyun commerce guild), umi grew discontent with her family’s support and aid in the vision hunt decree, as well as that state of inazuma overall. however, since she had not yet assumed the power over the trade association, umi had to seek other means to help the people. to do so, she began to set out at night in a mask and change of clothes, tracking the bakufu’s movements and preventing their acquisition of visions where possible. she also guided fleeing citizens to the crux after striking a deal with its captain, beidou, to take refugees across teyvat for their protection. all of this earned her the title of a “hero”, who was dubbed “aoi” simply for her blue color scheme. umi, however, vehemently denied the title of a hero and tried to prevent any attention begin drawn to her, but to no avail. she was eventually caught and captured, but was saved by members of the resistances before her vision could be taken and she herself executed. from then on, because her family officially disowned her when she was revealed as aoi, umi began to work as an active member of the resistance. still possesses her vision due to the interference of resistance members, but keeps it hidden on her person at all costs.
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snowy-butterfly · 3 years
I wish there were more people who thought of unique crossovers for fandoms that don't usually interact with each other like I want to see these characters interact with each other. For example:
Yugioh x Okami: yugi and the gang either time travel to the past during amaterasu's journey or amaterasu comes back into the modern times of Yugioh and helps the gang fight each villian up till the final season where she helps atem with zorc.
Any Mtmx work where they crossover with each other and bond because shenanigans: My personal headcanon is where all the main characters find out about each other's trauma and are willing to throw hands at the culprits responsible because they are friends now and friends help friends beat the shit out of gods/ghosts/demons/wen or jin cultivators who hurt them.
Aot and demon slayer: Mostly because the plots are kind of similar and I want the aot cast to be issekaied into a world where a happy ending is possible. Plus I want tanjiro and nezuko to bond with them and form more friendships.
Bleach x demon slayer: Again kinda of similar plots, but I really want to see a fic where either demons come back into existence and somehow gain spiritual powers and become more of a threat than either Aiden or the quinceys. Or Muzan retains his demon powers after his death gets sent to soul society and creates demon hollow hybrids that fed on both souls and living people and again become the biggest threat possible.
Bleach x Okami: There are a few fics of this crossover that exist but I would like to see a fic where Amaterasu helps in the fight against Aizen and helps Orihime become more powerful because surprise Orihime is a descendant of Amaterasu and can wield both divine instruments and celestial brush techniques. Plus Orihime would be adorable as a wolf and I don't want to hear any arguments against that.
Demon slayer x Okami: Amaterasu helps the demon slayer corps against Muzan and she helps Tanjiro grow more powerful. She is also the reason why yoriichi was so powerful because she blessed him. Maybe other okami villains make an appearance like orochi and ninetales.
Any Corpse party crossover: I love corpse party's setting, atmosphere, and characters and what better way to show that love with crossovers with characters from a different series suffering with our group of high school students. Bungou stray dogs x corpse party is excellent because atsushi is perfect for possessions, dazai could turn out to have some spiritual powers, chuuya could get severely injured, mori being killed by sachiko, etc. A bleach x corpse party fic could have the shimigamis powerless and vulnerable and that's always heart racing in a horror setting. Same with quincey and arrancars/espadas. Think of the possibilities.
Ori and the blind forest/will of the wisps x mxtx works: ori either gets reborn again or a descendant of ori gets sent into the mxtx verse and helps bring balance or purifies any threat in any mxtx world you want. Plus ori is adorable and needs more love.
Ori and the blind forest/ will of the wisps x ff7: Ori's homeland is called Nibelheim and ori and his family could easily become materia or spirits that help cloud and his gang out. Also the possibility of ori curing genesis, angeal, and sephiroth of jenova corruption because that's ori's main purpose, to purify and fight decay/corruption. This can lead to a lot of fix-it fics guys.
Ori and the blind forest/ will of the wisps x genshin impact: already made a post about this but I feel like people need to be reminded.
Star wars x demon slayer: Honestly I want to see the jedi react to demons and I want tanjiro and nezuko to be honorary skywalkers with Anakin bonding and learning with Tanjiro. Also the clones and demon slayer corps get along well because both organizations are willing to die for the cause they believe in. Also muzan and Palpatine teaming up only to be destroyed in the end.
That's all I can think of for now, but please spread this post because it might inspire creative crossovers people might not think of. Plus I love discussing crossover fanfiction with people because its interesting to think about how certain characters would interact with each other.
Feel free to take my ideas because I am not capable of writing fanfiction of my own, but if this does spread be sure to credit the people who came up with crossover prompts. Assuming this post gains enough traction.
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elytrafemme · 3 years
IT DOES SUCK BLEH!! but it’s alright. yeah it’s the same here, i was talking to one of my online friends but like we live in the same region so i assumed our breaks wud be in sync and i was v confused when it wasn’t. christmas break is usually 2 or 3 weeks i think? so feels like enough time :D tests come after break tho bleh
YEAHH ZIE LECTURE!!!1! yeah no yeah that’s fair me too, i have these bouts where i’m silent for like 6 hours and then i enter a call and everything just. spills. and i’m like constantly going “blah blah blah– are u listening?” “yes” “r u lying?” “no” “okay, blah blah blah—“
i also sometimes do this thing where i go “blah blah blah– wait. i don’t want to talk anymore” and i just stop and it’s a little funny. also sobs i have no idea how writing styles work holy fuck
i like psychology but sometimes it feels too smart for me to understand so i play it in the background and go “wow i totally understand their motive (lies)”. holy fuck i had to a fur trade presentation and it was a PARTNER PROJECT TOO rrrr it was annoying but it was last year so i’m over it smile
IDK HOW SHE KNEW IT LIKE. SHAKES HER SHOULDERS. WHY DO U KNOW AO3. she's in her genshin kick now so she's probably been on the site semi recently but that's strictly some theorizing.
my friend from turkey seemed very confused at the prospect that i had a fall break yesterday which reminds me i should probably text him and ask what his questions were about it. it's also been just complete hell trying to coordinate with my sibling in another state right now at college HAHA
for the record i'm not really that knowledgeable in writing styles either, i just have put some thought independently (as in i haven't thoroughly researched into it but have put a pin in that topic for later, though i have picked up some knowledge from the writing camp i went to last summer) in how different mediums and approaches to writing can really aid the story. like i think you can grasp a lot out of a character just by how the prose of them is written-- even the small technical pieces can draw the perspective closer or further from the protagonist (and in some cases it is definitely better to be further from the main POV for narrative reasoning but you get what i mean). and also like some stories use certain formatting (such as letters, entries, strictly dialogue, no dialogue, etc.) which can ALSO do wonders so like. things like that. i think there are a lot of things in stories that are purposeful even if they don't even occur to the author initially but they later look more into it. i just think it's a really neat thing in like any overall medium, be it like a story or a video game (GOD video games do this SO WELL) or even movies, though admittedly i'm a little less well versed in actual film analysis and with films i'm moreso just interested in like lighting/shots/music and how things like that play into the actual theme itself? like i was really obsessed with that when i was learning about macbeth and watching scenes from the movie because the differences in lighting could convey SO MUCH even if it was just 'done for aesthetics' like it really tied into different things, but all in all i'm not super great with films.
in hindsight it appears we've unlocked a topic that i could do a presentation on. Oops.
anyway NO THATS FAIR i say that i know a lot about psychology but i. Really Don't. and im glad that this was last year i was a little worried this was a current presentaion u had i was gonna feel. so incredibly sorry for u JHFDHJDF
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goldenorder · 3 years
genshin spoilers // thoughts on the new archon quest below!
OSIAL OSIAL OSIAL OSIAL –  he’s absolutely the FIRST THING I have to talk about, because this leads to many implications !! Assuming that Abyss does successfully carry out their plan of reviving Osial and granting him a vessel, will we get to see him take a human form? Will he eventually be playable? Will we get lore on him and Morax? And considering Childe’s connections with the abyss, was it intentional that he unleashed Osial? Just how far do his connections go with the Abyss? I’m left with many questions that I hope will eventually be answered, I mean !! You can’t just name drop Osial like that and not expect us to want more!!
But !  that’s enough of him (for now) because I have many other thoughts. I’m not that well versed in what little Khaenri'ah lore we have as of this quest, but I’m interested at the involvement of the gods and what their intentions were in the destruction of Khaenri'ah. Khaenri'ah thrived as a godless civilization. We can assume ( from what we know ) that this must have made the gods feel threatened and their positions of power questioned. 
But we also know that Zhongli and Venti aren’t the gods who wish for dominion and power over people. Zhongli willingly gave up his gnosis and stepped down so his people can live for themselves, while Venti has never once ruled over Mondstadt. And if they’re involved in this, then there has to be more behind the decision in carrying out the destruction of Khaenri'ah. Then again, there is still a lot we don’t know about either of them, just we should take what we know about Khaenri'ah with a grain of salt. Especially since we only have Dainsleif’s and Lumine’s account of the events. And what about the Tsaritsa? Do her goals align with the Abyss  – does she also desire to overthrow Celestia? Is THAT why she’s collecting the gnosis? 
This all brings about the question – who are the real antagonists? Theories say that it could be the archons, but I honestly don’t think it’s a simple as that. The narrative is possibly building a gray line in that either side isn’t inherently bad or good, especially if it’s true that  Khaenri'ah was harnessing power that could have been deemed as dangerous. I don’t think that justifies their destruction, but it’s something to consider. Though if I would have to pick a main antagonistic force, I would say that it’s Celestia itself. Just what IS Celestia? The fact that we don’t even know THAT much is frightening. 
That is to say, I have no doubt that the archons are more than they let on. Do they know that the creatures of the Abyss were once the people of Khaenri'ah? And what about characters like Kaeya and Dainsleif, where do they align? Are they capable of turning into creatures of the Abyss too? Just how much does Kaeya – and even Childe, know? 
And of course, there’s also the twins. How much does Lumine (or Aether, though she is the default antagonist) know compared to say, Dainsleif and the archons? Why does she put so much of the blame on Dainsleif? This really emphasizes just how much of the narrative depends on the perspective of the characters. We have Lumine and Aether, the outsiders. Dainsleif and Kaeya, people of Khaenri'ah. The Archons – rulers of the seven nations, tied to Celestia. Things won’t really start piecing together until we get each part of the story from all sides involved. 
Because much like Aether, we’re left in the dark. We’re still only scraping the surface, I’m sure of it. I’m curious to see how he will react once everything is revealed to him, how differently ( or perhaps similar!) will he take it as opposed to Lumine. And does the truth of what happened justify eliminating the seven nations  – involving millions who aren’t even connected or aware of what had happened all those years ago?
This quest has left A LOT to think about, and it’s honestly difficult to judge just who is in the wrong here when we don’t have the full picture just yet.
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beizhuo · 3 years
✔ :right_point: :left_point:
❥ ;  quick & easy plotting guide │ always accepting !
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
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My muse(s): baizhu !  - ( also  this  may  be  common  knowledge  for  most  of  my  mutuals  here  ,  but  this  is  not  my  main  blog  .  what  isn’t  common  knowledge  is  that  i  do  ,  in  fact  ,  have  a  genshin  oc  located  on  my  main  blog  -  a  multi  .  i  may  bring  him  up  every  now  and  then  ,  but  i  will  always  be  happy  to  talk  about  him  to  others  and  will  always  be  happy  to  discuss  my  other  muses   as  well  ,  one  need  only  ask  ,  &  sometimes  i  may  offer  /  suggest  my  other  muses  .  i  only  bring  it  up  now  for  you  &  others  to  see  but  if  you  or  anybody  else  wants  me  to  ,  just  ask  if  you  want  me  to  list  what  other  muses  that  i  may  think  will  work  with  you  &  your  muse  ,  since  this  is  a  baizhu  blog  ,  i  won’t  answer  this  in  detail  again  unless  prompted )
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse - i  think  this  goes  without  saying  ,  but  i  do  interact  with  a  duplicate  childe  .  however  ,  much  like  how  i  believe  each  interpretation  of  dupes  are  different  ,  i  know  very  little  about  your  childe  &  childe  in general  .  i  am  only  lvl  33  in  genshin  ,  so  i  dont  have  him  unlocked  for  a  boss  (  though  i  have  him  as  a  playable  character  cause  my  rng  is  blessed  to  be  forever  good  )  .  so  i  really  &  genuinely  do  not  know  much  about  childe  in general  .  aside  from  my  friend  ,  who  as  cried  to  me  about  him  ,  i  don’t  know  him  as  a  character  ,  and  as  said  previously  ,  each  interpretation   is  different  .  from  what  i  have  noticed  ,  you  have  a  very  specific  take  on  childe  ,  it  interests  me  cause  it’s  a  different  take  than  from  what  i  have  seen  .  so  please  ,  feel  free  to  come  &  talk  to  me  about  your  muse  .  i  promise  i  do  not  mind  .  despite  my  warning  label  that  i  will  bite  people  ,  i  really  don’t  .  i  love  it  when  people  come  to  me  to  cry  about  their  muses  .  you  are  more  than  welcome  to  go  off  about  childe  or  anything  else  to  me  .
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other seeing  as  we  are  both  rping  canon  genshin  characters  ,  i  will  automaically  assume  the  genshin  universe  .  but  i  dont  mind  alt.  verses  or  other  verses  in  general  .  i  prefer  practice  in  the  genshin  verse  though  since  i  just  started  writing  him  .
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship - i  am  a  plot  driven  writer  .  i  like  to  discuss  my  pre - est  relations  before  writing  them  as  i  am  more  comfortable  with  that  .  that  being  said  ,  my  ‘ on  the  fly ‘  interactions  are  normally  set  to  be  quite  random  and  generally  assumed  that  people  do  not  know  baizhu  ( or  my  characters  in  general )  i  am  lenient  otherwise  with  obvious  interactions  at  times  .  but  it  just  helps  to  discuss  before  hand  so  i  can  have  a  better  grip  on  my  muse  you  know  ?  
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other - aside  from  the  generic  stuff  ,  i  really  don’t  know  much  about  your  muse  so  i  don’t  know  what  to  go  off  of  .  baizhu  is  a  really  finicky  muse  as  he  doesn’t  have  friends  to  begin  with  .  childe  is  a  bit  on  the  younger  side  too  so  he  wouldn’t  see  him  as  an  interest  ?  however  ,  i  do  see  that  they  could  have  a  more  unhealthy  relationship  with  each  other  .  baizhu  is  not  a  nice  guy  okay  ?  he  can  be  quite  manipulative  .  and  perhaps  i  feel  like  childe  can  be  as  well  ?  so  ah  . . .  2  manipulators  in  the  same  room  ig  ??  and  that  can  be  kinda  funny  .  jokes  aside  though  ,  i  really  would  want  to  learn  more  about  your  interpretation  of  childe  because  it  helps  me  have  a  better  gauge  on  what  kind  of  relationship  these  two  could  have  .  what  i  have  bolded  is  simply  stuff  that  i  see  could  possibly  work  on  a  more  generic  setting  .
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other - see  above  responses  .
Feel free to: message me ooc !! | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests! - i really need people to come and approach me because otherwise i will not know if you want to interact nor will i know what you want to do .  please  read  this  again  ,  because  i  know  everybody  says  this  but  i  really  mean  it  .  i  really  don’t  stick  my  head  out  unless  you  do  or  you  grab  my  attention  .  i  know  that  i  can  be  intimidating  at  times  ,  but  i  promise  you  that  if  i  follow  you  i  do  want  to  interact  with  you  !  you  seem  like  a  very  excitable  person  and  thats  really  great  !  i  love  your  excitement  .  please  don’t  ever  hesitate  to  come  speak  to  me  about  anything  okay  ?  i  really  do  not  get  annoyed  with  the  bombardment  of  messages  .  nobody  will  ever  annoy  me  with  a  message  &  i  normally  respond  with  the  same  amount  (  if  not  more  )  of  enthusiasm  .  i  promise  you  that  i  do  actually  communicate  &  voice  things  .
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