#i basically havent slept excuse me
sr-sam-bodypillow · 7 months
does stan have weirdly big hands or am I just tired
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kaguya-muneuji · 1 year
hgrhgrhg work on big [redacted] project or play h.sr........
#i didnt take a midday nap i actually just slept for another 2 hours after eating breakfast#and do i feel less sick? yes actually i feel fine but i do feel kinda sore bc i slept in a weird position#which is normal for me actually surprisingly enough#i havent worked on [redacted] in 3 ish days egads. i need to stop making excuses for myself i really need to wokr on it#but i have sooooo much time....................... and im basically almost halfway done with it. i could finish that by the end of this mon#h and then work on [redacted] for [redacted] too and i also had [redacted] for it as well so i mean theres no harm right#i could.......... if only i stop feeling like shit every day for different reasons#urghrghrgh i feel a lil sick... stummy hurt and nose keeps running ughhhhhhhhhh i should not have gone outside < thinks its allergies#honestly tho h.sr is only gonna take like 20 mins MAX bc the quest thing for the shop management gameplay is TIMELOCKED im soooo upset by t#at by the way also i hate how it intterrupts my gameplay with sidequests PLEASE . ok ik that it makes it more fun and less boring/.#i should play a shop management game again. like ykno those ones on like coolmathgames. egads theyre sooo addicting to me theyre like candy#ok but i also have to play the tour for eng.stars adn btw IM NTO READING SATELLITE UNTIL ALL THE STORIES COME OUT so i can binge read them#egads. i was supposed to farm 3 hours ago and now my 2nd farming session is coming up in a couple of minutes except i slept thru the first!#ok but i NEEDED that sleep its fine. its fine ill farm it all now its fineeeeeeee#nova.txt
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lnane · 4 years
I just remembered one of many moments i realized how seperwte and different and ibcredibly much cooler and funner than my family i am
My brother n mother were talking about a person in the village just under my brothers age who we used to go to the same school as and talked bout how hes changed his style now (and is trans) and yadayada and then what company he keeps. And like they talked about it and i was passively participating in the conversation cuz i know some of those people from instagram n ahit. Then mother mine says smth along the lines of "so not a very good crowd [to hang out with]" s if they have a bad influence on him n shit and my gut reaction was like nah they seem like awesome people love for him to hang out with those people.
Only to realise a second later mother meant "not a good crowd for a polite young girl to hang around eith" while i see it like "heck yes queer people with cool fashion you go dude"
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I’d disagree with the anon that Paul was “incapable” of love, but I do agree he was very distanced, and pretty cruel (to women) when he was younger. (It was unfortunate they bought into the love at first sight myth, but he was also a charmer, and dropped affection and got colder after fucking them.)
But I just can’t see romantic interest on Paul’s end. I’m sure he loved John, but a lot of the “sexual/Romantic evidence” really can just be as construed as platonic love. I feel there may be some confirmation bias looking for “clues”. (Not an attack on anyone, but some of the analysises seem to try too hard, really).
He does make references, with the whole “calling him babe during concerts”, and “in bed” but that could just mean he’s not uncomfortable with coming off “gay”. He has a quote about it somewhere I think. He’s supportive of the community at any rate.
This is kind of my own bias, but at times I think he…plays it up a little during the present day? Again, I’m positive he did love John a lot, but with how he is, a charmer, good at manipulating his image, he knows there is a benefit to building up the “magical” Lennon McCartney dynamic. John’s dead, and the old conflicts have faded, so he has no reason not to. I don’t think he’s anti-social, or a psycho or anything, but he certainly does put a lot of thought into his image, especially now, with how he wants to leave his legacy.
I’m less knowledgeable about John, and the speculation about his mental illnesses, but on his end, I can certainly see it. Maybe he’s just blind, but the looks are very much…yeah. He does seem to rely Paul a lot, and hold him in very high regard (REGARDLESS of what those old male biographers might make of him). You just know he was suffering over Paul, poor bastard.
Not sure if anything happened. I think Paul knew though, and either ignored it, or was kind, knowing John wouldn’t act on it. OR he didn’t notice! With the whole “we shared beds A LOT. you would think he’d make a pass at me, darling~”
I guess that’s how I see it. I don’t really have strong feelings on the nature of their relationship, or want them to be “confirmed”, so I try to be as objective as possible! Not a shipper, but not a male biographer. In fact, I was very put off learning the ship was a thing at first! With every fan base “having to” ship the main male leads, that’s what I thought this was. But after three years, reading actual books, primary stuff, I’ve began to change my mind on its legitimacy, and this was my conclusion. But new information can always change!
(Sorry for the long long analysis, god! I just took my adderall and I should go eat! Feel free to block me for spam/harassment.)
Yeah, this is basically my big mclennon dilemma: did Paul love John?
Of course he loved him, but I mean did he harbour any homosexual feelings towards John - and I just go back and fourth on that a lot.
In my last response to an anon I wasn’t necessarily trying to argue that Paul was romantically/sexually attached to John, because all in all, I don’t believe he did - but it probably came off that way because I didn’t particularly like the way the anon had phrased some stuff (like calling him “a master manipulator” and “incapable of love”) and so I just sort of wanted to show that the relationship was more nuanced then just “john was simping for paul”. My overall point with that response was more so that whilst I think Paul struggles in showing real affection and emotions, I don’t think he was incapable of love prior to Linda. I think he did really love John (in whichever form of love you want to take it: romantically, platonically etc.)
And so my point I guess wasnt so much that Paul was always capable of love (because I think he did at least love his family, his close-friends, probably Jane etc.), but maybe more so that he was always capable of intimacy with another person, though he struggled with it.
But yeah, he was quite cruel to a lot of the girls he slept with in the 60s, but I wouldn’t say that suggests he was incapable of love (i know thats not what you’re saying but other people might interpret it through that lens) I would just say he was young, dumb, ridiculously rich and famous and not emotionally mature enough yet to really empathise with most of those girls. Not trying to completely excuse him, but like, i dunno, i always just try to view people from the most human perspective. Everyones an twat sometimes yknow
I also really struggle to see romance on Pauls behalf towards John - the only times I think “wait but maybe he did fancy john back” is when I read some of his lyrics (like in ‘Coming Up’, ‘Yvonne’s The One’, and to some extent ‘Here Today’ - though I think interpreting Here Today as strictly platonic love is still a valid interpretation). I mentioned this in a different post though, that analysing his lyrics just isnt particularly convincing for me, because it feels more like speculation - and also as someone who does write songs, I know that a lot of lyrics just arent as deep as we wish they were. It is really difficult to be truly introspective and honest in a song, without exaggerating or hyperbolising or fictionalising any autobiographical aspects.
I do see your point with Paul possibly playing up the “Lennon/McCartney m a g i c” - im not entirely sure how much I agree, but I do agree to some extent. I think he’s always been very image conscious, and being in what is probably the all-time most famous pop band definitely wouldve heightened that. Even as a teenager I think he’s always just had this natural charm about him, and that tends to stem I guess from a need to be liked; I think you can see it in every interview he’s ever done to be honest. Its not necessarily a bad thing, (because id take a charmer over a rude knobhead any day) but I guess it sort of just shows that Paul is flawed like everybody else. Also, just read @mothernatures-sons tags and I agree with her - Paul just knows when to be a nice person! Nothing wrong with that! It isnt manipulative like the last anon suggested, its just how most people are: polite :) Ive heard a lot of anecdotes from people who have worked with or met Paul and the majority of them say he was a just a nice guy. Not saying he was never an arsehole (cause yeah he was pretty cruel to those girls in the 60s) but I think overall, hes a pretty good guy 👍
On the other hand though, you could also say that superficial journalists are looking for superficial answers - and Paul knows what the people want to hear. But occasionally ill hear an interview that does seem more intimate then most - I havent listened to it in awhile, but the interview he did with Sean I remember felt more honest to me then most. And when he said he’d like to spend the day “in bed” with John, to me that felt like a genuine and fitting response. Because, whilst it has sexual connotations, it also just feels like he’s saying he’d just like to sit around, chat, dont chat, just whatever with John for a day. Like he would just like another moment of intimacy with him.
I think we are pretty much in agreement on most of this though! At first I was also like “nah, mclennon isnt real, teenage girls just love shipping guys!” (I am a teenaged girl and I can confirm this lol) but then it just sort of became apparent to me through reading more and more about their relationship that there probably was something more on Johns behalf. If John wasnt in love with Paul, then it feels as though a lot of things he said and did just dont add up (the big one for me is him marrying Yoko so soon after Paul married Linda - like I really cannot come up with a heterosexual explanation for that!)
But when it comes to Paul, though ill have moments of doubt, I dont think he was in love with John (homosexually) and I do think a lot of the evidence on Pauls behalf seems like a stretch (but like you, im not having a go at anyone, because I understand that it is easy to carried away, plus its fun - but realistically, most of Pauls evidence just is not convincing to me). He’s comfortable with his sexuality, and I really do try to respect that and not force a gay interpretation of quotes or songs from him, unless it is genuinely making me question his sexuality and mclennon.
PS dont worry, I didn’t take this is spam at all!! And also, I would never block someone just for disagreeing with me! I enjoy discussion and I think its good to engage with people who disagree with you! To be honest, id only block someone if they were purposely being a real arsehole <3
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yugocar · 3 years
bad mental health truly just impacts so much of your life, even small things i thought i’d always get to keep. i’m not somebody who usually makes excuses for why i can’t do something; but lately i have to keep coming up with bullshit because there is no appropriate way to say: “i havent slept or been pain free in months and it has seriously affected me memory and my ability to do even the most basic task without mistakes and/or on time.” the tax office people called me the other day to ask some questions about a document that I requested and when they introduced themselves and with ‘per your request’ my response was straight up ‘per my request???? what?’ like....
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"How are you today"?
"I'm fine Angel, what can I do for you"? You asked the annoying yet handsome biker that kept popping up at your work everyday or every other day just to say hi or buy a pack of smokes.
"Give me three menthols and a pack of regulars and a pack of papers". He said pulling out his wallet.
"Switching it up"? You handed him the boxes of cigarettes.
"Nah, some of my friends told me to pick some up for them".
"Ah, so they gave you an excuse to see me"? Angel blushed and looked away. You chuckled and rung him up.
"Is that against the law"?
"No but it's maybe against my bosses rules. He sees you coming in here often he'll start to think I'm with you".
"That a bad thing"?
"Yeah if it gets me in trouble. My boss is a asshole so if I can avoid trouble the better for me". You sighed leaning on the counter.
"Listen if he gives you anymore trouble just call me, I'll be here". He sent a wink to you and walked out.
The night went on and soon daytime came. You were still working. Thats twenty-four hours you havent slept, your boss called and said the next shift called in sick so you had to work.
Closing for a hour lunch you walked next door to the local butcher shop. You had been craving a big juicy steak and he was the best in town.
"Hello, Mr. Reyes". You smiled as you walked in.
"Hello Y/N, what can I get you today"?
"How about two of the juicys steaks you got. Big ones. I'm treating myself".
"I have the good ones in the back. One moment". He excused himself and you went on to looking. The door bell rang as another person came in. Surprisingly is was Angel.
"Hey, what are you doing here"?
"Picking up steaks. What are you doing here"?
"Seeing my dad".
"Mr. Reyes is your dad"?
"Yeah. I'm Angel Reyes". He laughed as you stood there stunned. Mr. Reyes was a nice and quiet man and Angel was loud and wild. Totally different.
"I didn't know".
"It's okay. Not alot of people do".
"So steaks huh? Celebrating"?
"If you call working twenty-four plus still on the clock celebrating then yeah I am".
"You're still working? Where's your boss? Why can't he come fill in"?
"Oh he's fucking the person that called in sick. She's a kiss ass and she'll do anything to not have to work but still get paid".
"What a dirt bag".
"Yeah, so I'm getting steaks so when I do get to go home I can relax and grill".
"You wanna join"? You asked shyly bitting your lip.
"Sure, yeah. I'd like that". "Do you need me to bring anything"?
"Just bring yourself and that big juicy dick of yours".
"I can do that". He growled but straightened up as he dad came back in.
"Hello son".
"Hi dad".
"Here you are Y/N". He handed you the steaks.
"Thank you". "I'll see you later". You told Angel and walked out. Leaving Angel smiling like a fool and Mr. Reyes shaking his head.
Getting back to work your boss finally showed up after six more hours. You were draining and exhausted but didn't show him. He would have enjoyed the look of defeat on your face.
"Is what I'm hearing true"? He asked prancing around the store with his hands on his hips and a terrible sun bun on his face. The only white part about his face was where the sunglasses go everything else was red.
"What are you hearing besides the fake moans of a whore"?
"Watch it". He pointed his finger at you. "There's talk going around that a Mayan member is frequently coming here. Is that true"?
"Do you know how many people I see coming in and out of here on a daily basis? More than you will ever know. I can't look at their clothes to see if they're Mayan or not. Plus they're a paying customer".
"Ha, so it is true".
"Oh god, you caught him". You acted shocked.
"When he comes by again tell him he's not allowed back in. It's bad for business".
You were getting so fed up with him and his annoying presence that you threw your arms in the air and called it quits.
"I'm going home and you take over. Shut down I don't care. I'm done".
"If you leave now, you're fired".
"Fuck fired I quit and fuck you and fuck this place. I hope it burns down with you inside it". You scoffed slamming the door.
Angel was stopping by to see if you needed a ride home but when he got there, there was a ugly pig sitting in your seat.
"You got to go". The guy snapped his fingers at Angel before he even stepped into the building.
"Fuck you, where's Y/N"?
"She's fired".
"You fired her? What for"?
"For letting a scumbag like you into my business. People like you should be tied in front of a firering squad".
"People like me? Listen here you burnt ass motherfucker. I will skin you alive. I will tie you to that chair and light your ass on fire. Dont test me bitch. And for Y/N your customers are lucky to have someone as nice as her working for a prick like you". Angel got up in his face. The boss man looked as if he was going to shit himself.
"You're going to hire her back, give her every weekend off. Stop messing with her and if I find out that you as so much lay one of your fucking fingers on her I'll will come here and make you regret the day you were born". "You better fucking fear me, cause I will bring hell on you. Don't talk about my club, don't talk about me and don't talk about my girl. If you do, you won't see me coming". "Do you understand"?
"Yes". He stuttered out trembling in his flip flops.
"Good". Angel softly slapped his face, he flinched each time.
"Now get back to work and find someone to fuck your own age. Scratch that stop fucking cause no one wants that".
Angel laughed as he walked to his bike, taking off and driving to your house. He was surprised when he saw how happy you were when he got there. You basically jumped him and thanked him for sticking up for you. He was happy to do it as long as he got to spend time with you. He made sure of that, boss man didn't know what hit him.
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fisherfurbearer · 5 years
fuck sam walmarts
and fuck management
I’ve had it. Left the store in tears tonight.
as some peoople probably/hopefully know. walmart closes at 6 pm on christmas eve. no one actually gets to leave at 6 becuase of shitty last minute customers. but it is what it is.
this. is really personal but im honestly SO close to just. killing myself? so who cares
basically. had a really really bad last few days. spent a lovely time with family (jessies family, his oma and opa and sister and parents and it was just a great time. theyre more family to me than most of my blood family) but it did make me Sad in Deep ways as we dont know if this is going to be our last christmas with his oma who isnt doing so good. and it just twisted me up a little but was othewrsiwse a great day. but then sunday i just...had a huge breakdown in the morning and decided to use my accomodation (i get 2 excused absenses a month) to cool down and gte myself together. slept a lot. woke up adn got a lot done, felt great, then i CRASHED really really bad, got really angry, lashed otu, took like...8-10 sleeping pills...theyre horrific things and im never doing that again...had to sleep for two days after that...felt horrifically sick, in pain, just awful. had repeating nightmares over and over. which has also been wearing me down recently. wasnt able to work monday either because i still couldnt stand and between the pills and the depression/anxiety and really just. felt like the world was ending.
decided sometime last night id just...try my best to make it in today, work my shift (really long 9-6, knowing i wouldnt leave on time nad htisis my first time working in 5 days now...which is rough...) and if i can get through this, i have another couple days off in a row after that (schedules fault, not mine...do feel awful i missed 3 days before that though...) and we can just. get back on track
today i DID go to work, jessie drove me in
i worked. a long time. im supposed to get a break every 2 hours and a 1 hour lunch
i gott my first break on timeish.
then i got my lunch 6 hours after i got in. at which time i got “locked out” for not taking my lunch and coudlnt do anything on the registers. i was supposed to get it 4 hours in. its christmas eve and excruciating and im still in pain and tired from my previous days breakdowns, but otherwise?? i did really good. i didnt mind at all that my lunch was so late. i was a little miffed, but its ok. i dont care, so long as i get it eventually. anyway they FINALLY noticed i was locked out and got me coverage and i ended my lunch at 4. things continued ok. worked on self checkout, met a lot of regulars i really like, prevented $200 of theft (HAHA WOW that was really really funny i love preventing petty theft. i prevent so much theft every week its my pride and joy) just did okay. then they had us close self checkout that took a little while. then at 5:00-5:10 or so i went to my Manager/Supervisor/”““People LEad” as walmart is now trying to call them, lets call her manager Y, and i told her i still need my break and will i get it before i leave. she said go to register 4. i asked again hey will i get my break though and she said yeah and i thought to mysel HAHA thats not going to happen but ok
really stupid that after bieng locked out the first time she couldnt give me my break before i openned a register with a line i cant get rid of
anywayy i did ok otherwise for a while
but at 5:25 or so i reminded a CSM “hey i need my break still can i get that?” and she just ssaid yeah well try to get someone and then more time passed so much time. i put through an ask on the register “assistance needed”. waited another 10 minutes. “assistance needed” again. starting to get anxious. its past 5:40. the line is so long. theres so MUCH NOISE. Its SO LOUD. the intercom keeps going off, no one is responding to me, i dont have a mat to stand on so my knees HURT,, im not doing okk
i switch my light to flashing/need assistance and start looking for someone to ask for help. its 5:45, i need my break NOW, i DESERVE IT for workng this long ass shift and they already missed several of my last breaks a week ago AND got me locked out today and im STARTING TO GET ANXIOUS PELASE I JUST WANT MY BREAK SO BAD
nnthgen a csm is passing by im about to lose it, so i tell her CSM J, please i really need my break now PLEASE and im starting to ccry and i try to tell her whats going on but she shushes me and goes and gets sometone
im full on tears at this point, im so strreesed out,,
manager Y and some other snooty manager come over andd. ffkcing. ask me whats wrong. im crying and i try to explain im really really stressed out, i havent had my last break, ive been trying to get someone for so long now, i just really need to leave im so sorry
and theyy just. fckkng
ffcking manager Y jjst ssays ok “ill give you your break” and “this is your last break” and i ssaid?? yeah i knoww?? andd she saidd “next time youre like this, just dont come in”
i quote that completeltyyy....i really lost it then...i cried som muchh
this isnt the first itme she said something like this to meee...
she asked me “why are you CRYING” When i had an anxiety attacki n the store once, when ic cloked in and couldnt get myself together,, she didnt give me time to calm down, she didnt listen as to why, she just said “why are you crying. this is a BUSINESS. you cant be CRYING Here.” and i just said ok ill go home bye and leftt
andd when i tried to get my availability changed from 7-9 to 7-6/7-7 because the random late shifts with 7 am shifts was messing me up really really bad and my doctor thinks i need to hcange it too, she just said “i cant do that. thisi sa BUSINESS.” and she wouldnt listen when i said i might have to quit because of this, this is for my health, im literally scheduled 7-2 every sunday in december, busiest day of the busiest month and you cant even chop TWO HOURS off my weekend availability????
andd i jjst
ive HAD IT with her
ive had ittt
im so ashamed and angry and anxious and i still havent stopped cryingg. she called me over to her again as i was leaving and she blamed me for it. she ssaid a customer was upset that i “Screamed” (ues i raised my voice a little but i wasnt screaming??? also the two customers i was attending to when this was going on and i cried were VERY KIND nad jjst said i was doing a good job and thanked me for being there) and called a manager over (but...csm J got them?? not a customer...??) and i cant be acitng like this, i cant do customer service when im stressed,, and d i should just STAY HOME If im going to be like that
then shee fufkcing toold me i DID IT WRONG, that i “shouldve called someone over” I TOLD HER I DID!!!!! I DID!!!!!!!!!! YOU NAIL INTO MY HEAD IM NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE REGISTER SO I DIDNT, I DID EVERYTHING ELSE I COULD THOUGH!!! I REQUESTED HELP TWICE!! I TURNED MY LIGHT TO FLASHING!!! I TRIED TO CATCH A MANAGER WALKING BY TO HELP ME!!! N OONE LISTENED UNTIL IT WAS TOO LATE, I DID EVERYHTING I COULD!! yet she seriously told me to my face that “you didnt call anyone”, “you couldve turned your light to flashing” WHICH I DID and sshee jjst said that i made customers uncomfortable and i cant work like thatt and just stay hhome
ii stayed home sunday because i was having a mjor mental emergencyy.
i came in today because i was feeling better and i took it eaasy and ended up doing a wonderful job and mad eso many people smilea nd fixed so many problems that wouldve otherwise upset a lot of folks and i met my regulars and made old folks smile andd i prevented a lot of theft that no one else wouldve caughtt and i jjstt broke down after 9 hours and not getting a last break and all the chaos of register (WHICH BY THE WAY THEY KNOW I DONT LIKE REGISTER!!! I THRIVE ON SLE FCHECOUT!!! THATS MY JOB TITLE!! THATS WHAT I DO!!!! THEY KNOW THISS!!!!) and HER AVOIDING GIVING ME MY FUCKING BREAK and NOT RESPECTING MY FFUCKING METNAL DISABILITIES LJNASDKAJHDBASJSDNAJSNDKANSD
i really want to die and i really want to never go back but i really loved my job i loved helpting people ii jjst hate her so muchhh and i feel GENUINE DREAD/SEVERE ANXIETY jjst SEEING her nnow
she doesnt CARE about anyone but herself shes a horrible peson i cant tell the store manager though cause she wont care either and manager Y has more clout than me so shell just twist my words and make me out as the bad guy as hte “CRAZY ONE” who cries and gets stressed (FOR COMPLETELY VALID REASONS AFTER BEING PUSHED OVER THE EDGE) even tthough i work SO FFRIKCING HARD and do SUCH A GOOD JOB and asdjanjsdhajshdas
i d ont know what to doo
i cant work another job because no where else pays as much or will let me do self checkout only, because being a cashier stresses me so muchh
ii...really wanntted to grow stuff and make preserves and sell bee products and work with folks raising heritage sheep and make more fiber art andd open a little stall at a local market and sell all that,, and offer more online and do customs andd stuff
i know i could mkae money that wa ybut i ccantt start it so sudenly and im too Broken to do it seriouslyy and i dont even want to HAVE to quit because of ONE PERSON But shes done this so many times now and this is the nfinfal streaww
i jjst dont know what to doo...
i cantt stop cryingg
i cant even enjoy christmas nnow. wanted to see my stepdad and give him his presernt and maybe be ok.
last christmas we had to move because our house was condemned after a fire. now im going to have to lose my job because of a horrible manager who doenst respect my metnal health or anything about me reallyy. and unfortunately im such a failure that i cant. do anything else and if i lose this job ill lse my animla sand i wotnt be able to do anyhtingg andd im jjust fucking trash
goddammit i dont know what to do. i really dont. hhahaaa. i just really want to end it. ive come so far and none of it fucking matters because of thiss fucking horrible manager.
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jessg73 · 5 years
One thing after another...
So today I am 3 days sober. It is about the millionth time I have tried to quit drinking, but this time I have realized I have to quit much more than that. I have to quit using my body to get what I want. I have to quit being coded. I have to quit...as my mom would say...being a hoe. I have to quit making excuses. I have to quit seeking comfort in other people because I'm afraid to be alone. I have to quit dwelling on the past and defining myself by it. I have to quit drinking...of course. And I have to quit saying I am going to quit all this these things and going right back into them because I'm uncomfortable being uncomfortable. Day 1: finally not a drop of booze in my system. I am able to eat. I got out of bed and showered. Felt like I had a decent grasp on the day. I was focused...kind of. I go walk my dog in the alley way...her usual spot. Same couple of homeless people ate back there and they ask me if I drink. Oh fuck...ugh. "I'm trying not to man. Just spent the last few days detoxing." Shaking my head. They wanted to sell me the rest of their booze for a few bucks so they had some cash. I resisted and went inside. I was so proud of myself. In my head I was like, "Passed that test mofo! Phew!" Then a couple hours later I found out a really good man, a friend of mine in my last rehab, had passed away. I was sad, but you hear this news so often that you kind of get a little numb to it. Then, a girlfriend of mine texts me to check on me. I said I was, "eh". She said she was going to call me soon. I was a little confused and got teary eyed. This had been happening all day because now I feel my emotions and someone I liked had passed away. I said text is better because I didn't want to cry again. Then she tells me someone else had passed away. Now, the someone she said had died was my best friend in rehab. I loved him. He was my snack buddy. My music buddy. In all the same groups. Had the same therapist. When he wasn't there I felt lost because he was...to me...the shit. So I said, "No. The other person died." Then I went back into a group message where this kind of news is spread and felt confused. She says, "No Jess, HE died." So, not only is this number 2 in one day, but it was the person I had gotten the closest with in my time with us both in rehab. I lost my shit. I couldn't help it. I almost threw up I was so hysterical. I had never reacted to anyone's death in such a way. I was so fucking confused and hurting so bad. I wanted to drink. It's all I wanted to do. I had enough in change to go get a bottle. I wrestled with the idea for a got minute and decided to eat myself into a coma so I can make it to day 2. I survived the night. Also day 2. I slept mostly, but I did not drink. Got pissed off at a friend and an ex because they both basically said the same dumb shit to me. "You can change for the people you love." I'm sorry...but anyone who knows about addiction knows my frustration with this one. To sum it up...don't give your opinion about my truth because I am the only one who knows it. So today, I havent slept since the day before, I go get an oil change and find out there is all this ahit going on with my car that I can't afford. I'm losing my shit again. Anxiety through the roof. "How am I going to do this?! Mom and dad have helped me out the past 2 months because I'm a wreck. I cant ask them for more." A friend with whom I was texting calmed me down and helped me figure out cheaper solutions and I felt better. Then I was finally able to go to sleep. So now I am trying to figure out to go about the rest of my day...that's where I am at. Thanks for letting me vent.
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cakethegreatxx · 7 years
The Reason
I didn't breakup with you because I don't love you anymore. I broke up with you because we grew toxic for eachother. We crippled eachother, we lost ourselves in our love and drug use, we needed to find ourselves again. We needed to learn how to take care of ourselves. We needed our families back, and i did everything i could to get mine back. That ment losing you in the process and vice virsa. How can someone choose between family and your bestfriend you've loved for almost 4 years? I hear everyday how proud they are for me ending it. I broke my own heart trying to make other people happy. We had our fights, but I could never stay mad at you. When I say toxic, I don't mean that we abused eachother physically.. emotionally though it was on purpose. There was a time we forgot about the whole world, put eachother before everything. You've turned down jobs, disconnected with your family, stole from your family for me. Just to support me. I couldn't let me, stop you from becoming the best you, you could be
I wanted you to feel happy, I needed you to see there was more to life then just me. I went at it the wrong way. I was harsh because it was just to hard letting you go. I haven't let go, and I don't think I will. When I said I'd marry you, I ment it. I still mean it. I tried to get over you, many times. Do you know how much pain and agony ive put myself through trying to grasp the thought that we don't need eachother to be happy? I held it together, though I was dead inside, no one had a clue. 4 months later, when i found out you were in the hospital, i cried and panicked. I paced for hours trying to convince myself that it was all a dream. I want to take it back, you taught me to love. You showed me what love was. You made me feel like i was the only girl on the earth. You showed me there's more to life, that everyone has a chance at happieness. That I create my own happieness. That life was worth living. That we were fighters. Thats when i lost it. Thats when i realized im stuck in a relationship that was basically an excuse and coverup of my emotions. The last couple of weeks, my breathes have been shallow, my heart is mangled and my brain is an active war zone. The day you almost died snapped me into reality. I am stuck and dont know what to do or say. Everyone thinks I'm over you. I really thought i convinced myself that i was in fact over you, but im not, I never was. My life is a lie. All I do is think about is you, I try to imagine your voice saying its going to be okay, we'll get through this together. Writing all this out makes me realize, there's no amount of apologies I could give to you my love. Just a reason, and my feelings. I miss your warmth your hugs gave me, it was a different type of warmth. A sense of comfort. Love isnt just an mental attachment, love is a feeling you can't mistake for others
Love can be the best feeling in the world but it can also rip your soul apart. Love can be a feeling of pure happieness and joy but only with you Tanner, i don't want us to be a disant memory or just a dream. How much time does it take to get over a true love? Is it possible to hate someone who was once your love, your smile, your reason to be, your everything? Someone you spent every waking moment with. Someone who you had created the absolute best and worst times of your life? I hate that in your point of view, i just broke so many promises and lied to you. I never lied to you, i never talked bad about you. I still stick up for you. Why do you refuse to say my name? Why do you act like nothing ever happend? Yell at me, scream at me, talk to me please, show me because im still in love with you. I'll always love you. And if it's ment to be, we'll find eachother again like the books say. I will search for you. I will fight til you're back in my damn life. It may take months, fuck, even years. But you are my soulmate... it's the smallest things that make me miss you. Your laugh, Your sleepy voice, the way you get my attention when you want something.. I miss being comforted by you, you've taken my sadness away before... it's just a matter of when it will happen again. I miss the teenage us, I miss the careless nights with you, I miss our crazy camping adventures. I miss just cuddling you. I miss the trust we had. We were strong, just going through really rough times. You are my home, You are my human and I know I'm yours too. Just let me in... I'd rather be dead or alone than without you forever. I was so desperate to get over you, I didn't know how to do it, I fucked up. I jumped into a relationship, it was sort of fun at first I guess. But, now its gone to far. I cant get out of this relationship without bloodshed and tears. He lives with me and my family now. My parents love him, are like best friends with him. Theyre closer to him then me and him are. Literally. I havent slept in my own bed in weeks. God, i dont even remember the last time i kissed him or even look at his face. I cry alone at night just wishing he was you. Nobody compares to you. I'm drowning and no one knows. I don't feel comfortable at home anymore. Do you know how hard it is to avoid someone without having anyone notice? I hate how I can't even say your name without ridicule. It wasn't all dark times. I loved you before I knew how to love myself which is probably why I'm so torn. I didn't know what real love was until I met you. You taught me to be myself, you showed me what good feelings were. I loved you before drugs, before we altered our brains, I fell in love with the real you, and you brought me to life. You stuck up for me, loved me at my worst, you delt with my moods wings and emotional breakdowns. I'm not saying I just love you for the good times but for all of it. Bad and good. We fucked up and did some pretty horrible things to eachother.. but at the end of the night, we were in eachother's arms whispering "I love you, forevers and evers baby" "you promise?" "I promise baby" ...what we had was real, and it's only a matter of time. I will wait for you for the rest of my life. Please look past everything that happened between us and remember how you felt with me, how you talked to me, how you love..(d?) me. Remember us. Remember our loyalty and trust for one another. Let go of the past and tell me you feel the same way like I know you do. Look past incidents and reflect on us just through emotions. Don't feel with your words or memories. How you feel when youre in my arms is all that matters, does your heart race? Do your ears get hot or do you get crazy goosebumps? Is your body like magnets or your insides like putty? Or is there nothing? I need to know.
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hcourageous · 6 years
Okay! Vent part 1: So we met 2 stepping and exchanged numbers. The next day, he texted and asked if we could hang at the dog park, I was with with friends and let him know maybe later. And then that night, we went out for drinks and food. We hit it off talking about anything and everything. We eventually talked a little politics and I mentioned my rape (as I always do) he said that he wanted to kill those guys. And he wouldn't try anything tonight. I said he could if he wanted.
Anonymous said:Part 2: I stayed at his house til like 3am and then the next night, he came over and helped changed the oil in my car and ate dinner and we talked and then sex and a sleepover. And I felt so so safe. I had work monday and the ballet but we texted and snapped on and off. He is slow but that's okay. I sent him back that I like him and I would be down for monogamy. Tuesday, I went to his house and we sorta talked and agreed to take it slow.Anonymous said:Part 3: He told me that his ex wife (30 and recently divorced, like 2 years ago) cheated on him and he could get jealous. And I said, we could talk more later and sex and a sleep over. Weds I was at the ballet again. We texted and snapped and same Thursday then he stopped talking to me for the night. That morning he sent me "awe 😔" and then nothing for hours. Then he told me that he slept with another girl and thought he ruined things between us.Anonymous said:Part 4: He called me Saturday and we talked for a bit then he came over Saturday. I had written down where I was at. And we talked and cuddled and kissed. And it was really hard for him to leave and all this stuff. He texted me later and said it was hard to disconnect from me, that he really liked me, that he was sorry he was being difficult and that he liked me way more than the other girl. And then snapped me a bit on Monday. But I havent texted since Sunday. And no snap since Monday  Part 5: so basically where I'm at is... I haven't felt emotions in 2 years, esp not for a guy. He is the first one to make me feel safe in years. I like him a lot. But actions kinds speak louder than words right? That being said, it's only been 2 weeks. He asked for time and I'm willing to give it... but I'm also tempted to reach out to his twin (cuz I'm crazy af) and want to message him Saturday basically saying one last time where I'm at and if he stays silent, I have my answer
here’s the thing
i am... 100% familiar with the problem of producing emotions on the side of the other person. so, please believe i’m speaking from my own experience.
it sounds to me like he’s making excuses. if he liked you, and only you, why does he have a reason to sleep with this other girl?
why is he trying to sling you along?
why is he trying to make you prove your worth while he messes around?
i get that he’s been hurt, but that’s no excuse to treat you this way. like you’re disposable, like you’ve done something, like he can just use you and use someone else(you may not know this girl, but consider: he was willing to sleep with her when he supposedly liked you better, putting you in a difficult position and possibly hurting her).
idk babe, you deserve better.
i get not having feelings, and i for sure get having feelings and not wanting to give them up because its been so fucking long and for the first time you feel wanted and safe despite any red flags
but think of the circumstances
at minimum he owes you a long conversation about how you guys feel and how you want to proceed and how you want to be treated. if he’s communicative and caring and tries to move forward that’s one thing
but it seems like there’s been more than one red flag
be safe. not just with your body but your heart. don’t let someone be selfish with your heart or your body. i’m encouraging you from my own mistakes.
you should be loved and cherished and cared for.
if someone is selfish with your time, heart, body, life, you need to correct them. if they cannot be, refuse to be, or rage against, you know they don’t care about your well being. move on, (as hard as it is), and heal.
you deserve the world
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chikotos · 7 years
speaking of That my mom is finally recognizing that when I say “i dont feel good” it doesnt mean i have a cold or sth its that Uh, im probably experiencing suicidal thoughts and cant express it well (or at least smth along those lines) and my house has been dirty cuz i havent cleaned in a while or i cant keep it clean and she n my sister cleaned an area and i repeatedly told her not to bc shes always using my sister to do things im not adequate enough to do on time and its rlly not fair to her even if she doesnt realize it cuz like shes only 12 & we dont ever even talk so she shouldnt have to take care of someone 5 years older than her.. and i was gonna clean but I basically slept all day so i could just clean alone at night when I feel safe to walk around the house . i wasnt even tired idk why i slept but now im eerily awake and maybe will be umless i force myself to sleep
its so lonely here and thats only hit me like this year cuz all the time before I would go through periods of hanging out after school maybe.. twice a year? and only hanging out with one person whod have many friends but theyd b my only friend which is a problem i tend to have. but it jst got to the point where im realizing, i think cuz i was in my schools drama program n exposed to lots of friendships, that im jst like ,really fucking lonely. Which is unfortunate because ive always been such an internal person at home and have been able to work creatively but thats all like leaving me? art doesnt make me happy anymore because i dislike my art so much and havent had a platform to share it in so long and i guess I thrive on other ppls opinions of it? and I definitely cant write anymore. I havent been able to zone in on an interest in MONTHS and thats left me creatively drained, a lot. 
I think im starting to rlly, RLLY redirect my complete attention from interests to ppl (which always ends well am i right lads) and it isnt fair to ppl who like, have others and need space and time etc or Uh, dont even know me. but its like a switch like , I can either be creative or i can feel loved and Boy Howdy, do i need both,
its just weird cuz im the only one in my family thats emoitonal like this and I think thats why i feel so isolated. like im not exxagerating when I say my dad has 0 friends tht arent family. my mom has work friends she will hang out with maybe 4 times a year not for work, but shes always complaining abt social situations which I can understand. maybe my siblings r like that too but my sisters young n focuses on minecraft n stuff n hangs out w friends more than me n we barely know each other so its not like id know, maybe my half brother is but whens the last time hes wanted to talk to me right. like i cry all the time and all it does is make my dad angry at memfor being incompetent and make my mom think its her fault and my sister confused and jst takes up everyones time
and its jst all v strange. like i was kinda raised 2 not have friends, inadvertantly i guess. i can remember my mom trying to make me feel better about something along the lines of u can b okay w/out friends if u have family but she jst told me friends dont matter and im never gonna talk to ppl i meet at my age as an adult, so it stuck w/ me and i started to make moral judgements on ppl on small things we could talk out like say, they use homophobic language sometimes but im sure theyd respect me enough to stop, but id make those judgements before we could befriend each other n take a chance, kinda to protect myself from attachments? but later in life ive found ppl who dont do stuff like that, and thats when i focus in on them im an unfair way to them and they r the only person/group of ppl in my life, etc etc and idk how to stop because im so scared of hanging out w/ most ppl alone i guess? but ill still be here, thinking about like example (namedrop bc he doesnt have me tumblr anyways) my friend jacob tht never hung out w/ me outside of school but i fuccin loved that kid n he just stopped talking to me over the summer n ignored my text i send first day of summer and now we see each other and talk briefly but its like he wont let us be friends anymore and smth like this always happens and its So
and tbh how can i expect it to not happen when i limit myself so much n they will have plenty of other close close friends when i dont? and i think ive gotten better but idk anymore. 
and uh, unrelated. I think my dog ive had for 12 years may have to end up being put down this year. hes got cataracts in both eyes and skin diseases and back problems and teeth problems (hes inbred) and hes losing his hearing too and for the past two weeks hes been peeing everywhere and we can let him out but he cant climb stairs anymore n he has to walk them to get to our yard and im the only one w/ the patience to pick him up (hes only 8 pounds) n put him in the yard bc my parents will jst scream at him n my sister doesnt like dogs and hes got seperation issues w me and whines when he cant be in my room which is the farthest from the door out n stuff. and its like rlly stressful my mom will scream at him in front of my sister n brother n me and the other day she said my dad grabbed him by the neck and threw him out on the concrete cuz he peed inside and hes so tiny that thats just gonna make everyting worse and its notmlike i can stop them bc why would anyone listen to me and hed prob b fine for s few more years if he lived in a patient house with ppl who would take him to the vet but theyre prob gonna put him down early snd its gonna b so weird w/out him
when i showered earlier i took s razor with me w/ the intent to cut my thighs, and i did a little, but i never ever draw blood wnd its strange. why am i given these urges when im so fucking terrified of blood. itll still leave marks n stuff but it makes me feel weak ? n ill bruise myself up instead but its never the same. and im such an advocate for help w self harm but i cant for myself. its like i subconsciously want 2 get caught ? idk. i did throw my razor away though and the others i have r rusty and im not THAT much of a dumbass so i dont have options to self harm anymore unless i get new ones. lifehack
and uh lol, having no schedule n it being summer my eating habits r SHIT. it always hurts to eat p much, its at different times n most of the time i just snck only or i dont eat for hours n see black spots n stuff. and when i dont eat its not a body image thing (im nt rlly happy w my nody but its not sth not eating will help with) its cuz i dknt wanna go upstairs for food where my dad is n the snacks r downstairs so its easier, or cuz i forget or cuz i like, want to punish myself? but im too lazy to self harm. its weird
n since ive stopped id’ing as ace officially my internalized lesbophobia has gotten so much worse . im so repressed and lost ans sad, nothinng rly makes sense? I either fall in love w/ anyone who flirts with me or i focus on someone who ill never fucking talk to or see again and imagine countless scenarios n set myself up to b sad. i seek validation from ppl on it but nothhing comes out right or i just cant say it, because other than when i make myself the butt of gay jokes i just cant sven get the words out of my throat that im gay cuz im jst so ashamed and disgusted with myself. ive been looking at pictures of guys lately cuz ive been trying to force myself to like them. back when i thought i was pan it always felt safer bc i could always just love a cis guy or whatever and everything would b okay for my family ykno. and its such a shameful thing for me bc my irl friends who im out to, most see me as v confident abt it at least a little bc im loud abt it u kno, and make all sorts of jokes, and i jst know so many would b surprised or like sad abt that
i want to stop liking girls so much. like holy shit. i have so many straight girl friends and i hate it when they flirt with me because lik, none r my type so i feel nothing but then i feel like i shiuld then feel like No i shouldnt then feel like i shouldnt even be around them bc im a gross disgusting creepo dyke predator. n they always use the excuse of me having a gf so its fine id never hit on them well like, now im single so i have to be DOUBLE careful not to b affectionate w them as im w all my friends and itsssssssssssssmjshfjhdjfhsjdhjshdjshdjhsjdhsjhdjshdk
and i like, think abt this girl alot n yea its romantic even thomwe never fucking talked n rlly i do that w lots of girls and its making me lose out on friendships bc i wanna b their friends somehow bc i think theyre very cool n stuff but i cant stop hodling on to stupid daydreams n idealizations i get to distract me when im sad n its jst stupid like i know its dumb but guess whos boutta keeeeeeppppp doin it??!!!!! boy!!!
and i try so damn hard to talk feeling out, n talk abt who im attracted to n stuff w ppl, n i try so hard to gush but i cant cuz smth comes outta my mouth and then i cant speak past that and no one ends up rlly knowing how i feel, bc ANY time i talk abt anytingngay related abt me its what happens. and i listen to others talking abt tht stuff and i jsut get so god damn JEALOUS bc idk how to express myself 
all these inadequacies n shit is making it rlly hard to see how,im gonna b on my own n its always been like this. at TWELVE YEARS OLD i came to fhe fucking conclusion that i was just gonna kill myself when i turned 18 so i didnt have to deal with all this and i was OKAY WITH IT and i just went through life knowing that and hiding it and so rarely questioning my inevitable suicide as a childc so instead of dealing with all that n my problems n getting better i let myself get worse cuz uh, fuck it right
idk its all just occured to me how im not a fully functioning human being, in seberal if not all aspects of my life, its weird. now that I actively want to live and realize i uh Kinda have to simce ill b the legal guardian of my brother its all very scary
sorr i was all over the place and all the typos i didnt mean anyof them n im not crytyping like, i cried a bit but i jst hate typing kn thsi shitty tablet keyboard, n dont wanna spellcheck. if u read through comgratulations also please dont message me abt like the self harm junk n my dog n stuff like, whatever ur abt to say. I Know my guy 
time to go uhhhhhhhhhhh daydream about impossible gay shit with guilt in the back of my mind
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skiasurveys · 7 years
tell me about your crush!!!!!!! - Hes my boyfriend. I love him a lot, he’s funny, he loves gaming. He likes anime ( lmaooo), he is white but hes part turkish and german. but born in canada haha. He’s 7 years older than me (or 6.5) , we went to the same high school except he graduated WAYYYY BEFORE ME. He knows a lot of weird stuff. He loves MMOs and is on the leader boards for ESO which i find hilarious. We met on OKcupid which is a dating app. He says hes serious about me lol.
tell me about your ex-  well my most recent ex, i dated for only 3 months. we dated from Nov 2015- feb 2016. He broke up with me on Valentines day last year, which is funny tbh because he spent lots of money on me and then broke up wtih me. apparently i was too invested which makes no sense. I didn’t really connect well with him. we were more like close friends than boyfriend/girlfriend. He was slightly autisic or whatever so he didn’t really understand sarcasm sometimes which was really fucking annoying. I would make jokes and he took them way too serious or hard and would get mad at me -.-. He wasnt a bad boyfriend but he was just not my type. I said i loved him even though i didn’t. i was in love with the idea. I knew i didn’t want to spend my life with him. we never connected super great either, like we had nothing in common except the fact that we liked video games but he played shit games like (League of Legends). After we broke up, we met a week later to clear shit up i guess and it was super awkward and i was acually over him within a day so i was like this sucks and is weird. Then a month after we broke up he wanted to hang out but then he stated he wanted to have a hook up.. we never had sex when we dated either so that was weird -.-  Then he started dating other people and if i messaged him asking how he was, he would get all pissed off and said we couldnt talk any ore and i was like whatevr thats fine but then his relationships never worked out and he would break up within a week LOL and then tried to date me again. THEN when I started dating Connor ( my current bf) he got really jealous and mad, and tried to tell me to get out. Then later in my relationship like 6 months he asked if we could fuck (three some) and i was like i rather kill myself, then he would randomly text me asking if connor and i broke up, and then would claim he missed me but all he wanted was a booty call. He got super mad when he found out i fucked connor lol. anyways, i told him to fuck off and respect me and connor and he finally stopped being weird. But i recently deleted him off Facebook because I was so tired of seeing him on fb, so yeah. we dont really talk anymore. thank god.
tell me about your day It was okay. I slept til 2 Pm ( yikes..) and picked up Pills and played video games. nothing to do.
tell me about your dreams  I cant remember my dreams actually.
tell me about your drama  I have really no drama in my life.
tell me about yourself :-)  I am 20 years old, I like cats, mcdonalds fries. I am a art student in college. I am dating someone, its our one year today. I live in Canada..i like taking surveys too much
tell me about something awkward/embarrassing  I once had sex and then got my period during it and that was super awkward and embarrassing, and i was so embarrassing that i hid in the bathroom for 20 minutes and he was like “yo its okay jen” and its still awkward when i think about it.
tell me about a funny story or something  Lol, okay. this story is like 4 years old but whatever. so i was in grade 10 at the time and I went to this Youth Conference with my youth group from church. So my best friend was with me and we were at the concerts and stuff, and she had to use the washroom but she didn’t want to go alone so i went with her. So I use the stall next to hers but I come out way before she does. I am washing my hands and she comes up to me and washes her hands super quick turns to me and says we need to get the hell out of here, and before we run out this girl comes out of the stall that i was in and my friend turns to her and says “ Im so sorry i thought you were my friend” and im like what....so we leave quickly and she tells me. so basically This girl was wearing the same shoes as me and same colour pants as me, and my friend thought it was me so she grabbed the girls leg from under the stall and the girl was like “wtf???!” and so she thought that girl was me, and i honestly can’t stop laughing whenever i think of this because its just something that she would do. I never let her forget.
tell me your favourite band/artist/album/song  My fav band is Of Monsters and Men. They are from Iceland, and they sing different songs. They have a unique sound too. I love every song they produce.
tell me about your favourite meme  I can’t just pick one..
tell me about your favourite fic  I dont read fanfiction really.
tell me a secret ;)  um. when i was 18 i almost banged some 34 year old because I was stupid and actually thought he liked me LOL. Thank god i got rid of him. LOL i still laugh at my stupidity 
tell me a lame joke/bad pick-up line are you a astronaut cus your ass is out of this world.
tell me about your favourite tumblr user(s)  I don’t really have a FAV..i love all my mutuals.. 
tell me about your least favourite tumblr user(s)  I only dislike people who are super self righteous..who think they are always right.. who give out false info..especially people who use their followers for money..etc
tell me what you’re thinking about  just life.
confess your sins  I sometimes lie a lot but thats usually just to get out of shit LOL rant about stuff!!!  Not really a rant. But i super duper hate it when people leave you on “read” idk its super annoying. Like if you cant talk just say youll talk to me when youre off work/etc but i hate it when they have no excuse. Im fine if its a few minutes or whatever but when they just dont reply especially if im asking a question it just gets so fucking annoying. If i know youre busy its differen’t. But idk i just wish people would just tell me they wouldnt be texting that much a certain day or at leas jjust reply something quick. it takes 2 seconds..
let’s talk about the sex because sex ed isn’t talked about enough  dont have sex until you know you could handle a child. 
talk to me about astrology stuff!!!  I dont know anything about that stuff.  talk to me about aliens!!!  why havent the aliens taken me..yet..
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tumblunni · 8 years
Bunni’s Rune Factory Sequel Thoughts/Wishes/OCs N Stuff!
Just my misc ideas for stuff I’d love to see in the series, and maybe some ocs hmm hmm~!
* Maybe have a town that’s more upgradeable or changeable as the story progresses? I expected something like that with the princess points in RF4, that you could support the various businesses and see the shops get new fancier sprites and stuff! And maybe have characters who start off just being unemployed npcs and then can start new businesses as the game goes on? Like if dylas could have been the fish salesman instead of it being a nameless npc. And maybe even after big events in the story the town could have stuff get destroyed, to show how dangerous the villains are? And then you could rebuild but it wouldnt be the same as it once was. * More activities for your pets to do! I like that they can help with farming but maybe they could unlock more tasks to automate as the game goes on? or maybe just have more customization for their farming, like you can choose what seeds they automatically plant, or set a rota for them to rest and swap fields. Maybe give them stats so certain ones could specialize in watering/planting/smashing rocks/etc? * Maybe have more random farm events like rune rain and typhoons? possible idea: period bandit raids or attacks by monsters. You set monsters as guards and if they win then they can farm dungeon items from the enemies, giving you a good way to gain them without having to revisit the same place ad nauseum. Or maybe have a random inspector event where you have a chance of winning a best farm award or something? And maybe when characters randomly visit your house they could actually do something instead of just standing there. Maybe they could comment on your crops? like, say yay if you have something they like, or give random tips, or small bonuses like casting a gigantifier effect on a random crop or restoring some health. Or depending on the character and their relationship with you, maybe they could do negative effects? Also i wish one of the endgame bonus awards could be the ability to turn these random events off entirely if you want, instead of just delaying it. * The possibility of maybe having a negative relationship bar as well as a positive one! So characters could maybe become rivals instead of just friends or indifferent, with nothing else. And maybe you could even have some points in both and have a friendly rivalry? * Characters having more potential interactions with each other outside of just you. I think it’d be nice if when you marry someone then the batchelor/ettes you dont pick could have random event chances where they marry each other. And maybe the player could influence who they end up with, depending on how you interact with the two of them? Play matchmaker! Help them find their happy ending even though you rejected them. Consolation for guilt! * Also can we maybe start having friendship options for each character’s main plot? Let me be able to resolve their sad backstory even if I dont date them, the only difference when I date them should be that I date them. Not that arthur never reconciles with his estranged mother unless we just happen to bump uglies :P * Adding LGBTQ marriage options would be hella amazing in every way, jesus christ please can we have this. Or like.. if we cant, then can we have like... less gay?? I dunno, i just feel like I’m sadder about not having gay marriage when the characters are CONSTANTLY teasing that some of them MIGHT have same sex romances yet nobody is allowed to ever do it. Stop rubbing it in. Its somehow more painful than not having any LGBTQ representation at all, just having this sort of ‘its not representation and it never will be but we’re gonna make it look like it just to torment you’. * i dunno, I feel like probably knowing the company we’re more likely to get a gay npc couple or something in the next game and still have to wait ages for an actual romanceable candidate. Theyre not exactly ahead of the times on the subject. BUT WE CAN HOPE!!! * I want Porcoline to cameo in the next game, or us to hear about how the porco restaurant family is doing. I got the most attatched to them! And I hope the De Saint Coquille family continues to cameo in every main rune factory game, though I think it’d be hard to top this incarnation of them! OH, it’d be amazingly awesome if the next De Saint Coquilles could be the direct descendants of Porco’s family and he cameos as a grandpa?? It could work if the sequel gives a canon love interest to lest/frey, like how raven cameo’d in rf4 and her dialogue heavily implies she ended up with micah. So if frey ended up with arthur or dylas or lest ended up with margaret, then they could be a new part of the de saint coquille family in this sequel cameo. or just be ambiguously referenced so that the player can decide which of the three marriages happened. Oh, or another idea is maybe you meet a branch of the de saint coquilles that’re all elves, if maybe the next game could be set in the elven kingdom? And they could reference being descended from porcoline who did a lot of work on human-elven diplomacy back in the day. Also maybe we could get another female character filling the usual role of the food-loving head of the family with the silly art style? I’ve heard that there was one female de saint coquille in one of the spinoff wii games i havent played but it’d be cool to see another. * Can we have two-seater monsters to ride? So you could go on dates atop an elephant! * Maybe be able to select one monster as your official pet? And it can live inside the house and have a lil food bowl and do more interactions with it, and have friends talk about it when they visit and maybe they can feed it snacks? And it could help raise friendship with different people depending on their preferences for different monsters. I just really like the monsters and I want to make them feel like a part of the family! * A possible very unlikely idea- maybe that monster could become human in a secret postgame quest, and be like your second child? I miss being able to have multiple children like in rf3, but I didnt like how children all looked identical and had basically zero personality in that game. This could be a good way to have two distinct kids! It’d be too tricky to give each monster a unique gijinka form like RF4′s guardians though, so just make it that they become a 100% human character with one set appearance and maybe a couple different colourschemes. maybe it could be that your close monster friend dies sacrificing itself to save you from like... an evil homunculus experimental weapon or something. And then they’re revived using the same magic that created that creature, their soul possesses it and they get to be this artificial human, and they get to have one preset appearance with a good excuse for why! And it could just be super cute and awesome to have them be so excited to finally talk to you and tell you how much they love you! And they could have funny sweet interactions getting used to human things, and their big sibling could help them. And they could be really good at helping with chores in the monster barn, just imagine them hugging all their old monster friends and they trust them completely and they can lead them off in a line like baby ducklings~! And maybe they can have random dialogue saying like ‘hey this monster wanted me to tell you they love you, mama!’ * It would be really cool if we could get a game with a customiseable protagonist, or even just the ability to choose between a few preset options for different races. or just a protagonist of the different races in general, like we’ve had a bazillion humans so cant we have an elf or dwarf? Micah being a were-monster was the entire appeal of that game, I think having another unusual protagonist would recapture that hype! But I really like the idea of having a customizeable protag who could be any of the main three races. I mean not much would have to change depending on who you pick, it’d be relatively less trouble to add in. Maybe just some occasional slightly different scenes to show the different perspectives? or they start with some boosts to different initial stats, or maybe have different aesthetics for the house you get? oooh, or maybe different aesthetics for all the outfits they can get! Like how theyre different for the genders in rf4, but they could have like a human/dwarf/elf cultural flair to each thing. I’d also love if there were more outfits than just pyjamas/bathing suit/8 different colours for default outfit. * I think I’ve mentioned this before but I had a cool idea for if a RF game had a ghost protagonist, now we know ghosts exist in this universe. You could play as both the male and female characters simultaneously, and just select which is the ghost and which is human! So there’d still be two routes with incentive to replay the game, but whichever character you dont pick gets to be the sidekick character with their own different personality and you can get them married to various sub-batchelors maybe? like, the assistant charrie’s romances are different from the ones you can get if you picked them as protagonist. Anyway. the setup would be that the ghost has to haunt a human in order to affect the real world, so thats why you have two characters. The more normal idea would be that protagonist is the human who’s haunted by an assistant/butler type ghost, but I also like the idea that you play as the ghost and you boss around this human to do all the heavy lifting. Like, instead of starting off and getting amnesia somehow, you start off alive and then die and have to possess someone in order to fullfill your unfinished business of raising this farm. You’re the ghost of the person who owned this farm, and you were sleeping here underground waiting for the chosen one you could bond with so you could get back to farming, but you slept too long and the place has got all overgrown and you start again from zero. And then the protagonist could be clueless about everything cos a century has passed, not just cos theyre amnesiac again. * Other excuses that aren’t just amnesia again: protagonist has moved here from another country, protagonist was some sort of sheltered princess who’s never worked a day in their life, protagonist is simply someone who’s never run a farm before and honestly who cares if you start off as someone who already lived here for years? Just have it like youre a loner who’s made a resolution to start being more social now, or some other reason. * A possible idea for a backstory- you are formerly a swashbuckling pirate who just decided to settle down. I dunno why but I think that’d make for a nice unique protagonist perspective! * Also maybe if we do amnesia again we can do something with it? Can we actually have an event eventually about regaining our memories? I was expecting in RF4 there’d be a reveal that before your amnesia you used to be a sechs empire soldier, since all we know about you is that you’re the one who had the rune stones in the beginning of the game. Only other explanation I can think of for that is that there’s some sort of earthmate country somewhere that creates these stones, or you were a merchant who somehow was selling such a rare artifact? I dunno, I still think that the ‘oh god i used to be evil’ twist would have been really really good! * Maybe it could be possible to have other ways to ‘choose’ a character, and get them to become an npc in your house and wander around? I dunno about you guys but I really loved all the themes of ‘found family’ in RF4 and wished there was an equivelant of the marriage routes where I could adopt volkanon as my grandpa or something. Or maybe have a bunch of orphan npcs you can adopt, as an option for if you have a same sex marriage? I just wished I could have made some sort of symbolic gesture to them to say ‘hey, you are my favourite of the non-dateable npcs, thank you’. * Also I’d really like to see a romanceable ghost! I just really think that now they revealed that ghosts are a thing that can exist, I wanna see more about ghosts. Some sort of bigger role to a ghost! * Also yes series please continue having adorkable monster people to marry, that was the entire reason i picked RF4 as my first game to play, lol! I am a bit sad though that all the girls in RF4 arent very monstery at all and all the boys are more monstery. Its a shame cos in RF3 there’s two super monstery girls with the best designs and personalities! I wanna play that game next, I wanna go backwards in order XD
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worthlesswordss · 7 years
Getting Better Help
May 3, 2017
I’ve been struggling with my mental health (more than the norm) for the past few months and it surprised me how good I was at lying and hiding it from everybody (even though I’m trying to not do that so that people will know what the hell is going on with me - bad habit, I guess). There was this day when I was about to talk to my mom about how I was feeling and to be honest to her about the other stuff that I was intentionally hiding. I kept giving her hints but she’s not picking them up. So I finally bulked up the courage to tell her and I didn’t. I was about to tell her when she sidetracked me about being a responsible adult. I felt frustrated and just gave up on my motives of telling her, thinking she won’t believe me anyway because she’s stuck on her traditional ways.
Anyway, it’s not a secret that my parents are hard to talk to. I basically rant and cry about it almost every single damn day of my life. And I’m pretty sure I wrote a lot about that here in my worthless little blog. The harder part is actually talking to someone about it. When I was regularly going to therapy, everything felt lighter in a way and I think its because I had someone to talk to about it without biases or without taking it personally. Someone who just listened and gave her best objective advice or support or help because it’s her job to help me get better. But since I stopped going to that - and my parents approve of me not needing it anymore (they’re seriously damaging my mental health and emotional well-being) - it’s been hell for me these past months.
Yes. Months. The last time I went to therapy was last December 2016 before we left for our trip to San Francisco / Los Angeles. I actually thought I was getting better and now I understand how people rely and become dependent on the pills their psychiatrist gives. I haven’t slept a good night’s sleep in 4 months. My under eyes (eyebags) are sagging more and more everyday and I just feel more and more tired and sad and helpless when I go to work. It’s depressing! What has become of me?!
I’ve tried to contact my therapist so many times already and I can’t seem to get a hold of her... or her busy schedule. I haven’t seen my psychiatrist either. The last time I saw her, she said I had depression but she doesn’t know the severity. She said it’s getting worse - that’s what she’s sure of. And she also said I had mild social anxiety. And I might have depersonalization or something much worse than that. That’s the reason why she got me have my brain scanned and blood drawn - which she hasn’t seen the results of and neither have I.
I don’t mean to yell or rant. I’m just tired and I’m trying to release all these things in my last resort - this blog. I know no one reads this except for me and a couple of strangers from the internet who just loves to read or maybe looking for comfort for their own problems or the haters who just want to bring people down until they actually commit suicide and say “I didn’t do anything. He/she killed themselves.” or “He/she shouldn’t have read the comments then.” or whatever stupid excuse they have. Yeah, I’m talking to you, you murderous bully. Deny it all you want but you’ve killed people. You kill people everyday.
Where am I going with this? What was the point of this post? Well, yesterday, I saw this ad on Facebook and clicked the link and researched about it. I read the whole entire site and reviews about it in other sites. It’s called BetterHelp. And if you’re anything like me or in just dire need of someone to talk to; you’ve probs seen this somewhere. It’s an online counseling service where you chat or video call some professional counselor/therapist and help you with your problems. It’s like 7 Cups of Tea or  Blah Therapy, both I’ve tried before and disappointed me - one of the two made me suicidal so I don’t recommend.
So in BetterHelp, you have to register first - which I didn’t mind because it was free and it has this quick evaluation test or whatever to match you with a counselor (which I thought was really cool). After doing that, I had to wait 24 hours or less to get verified or matched with a counselor. So when I opened my email today, I was excited to finally talk to someone about all this baggage I’m carrying around.
But I got this message instead:
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I’m so angry and frustrated and I wanna cry but also want to smash my head on a glass window and cut myself with the shards stuck to my head all over my body so that they will see how much I need their services.
What now, you may ask. Well... there you go. 👇🏻
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0 notes
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Where do you get the material to study for state insurance test?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
""Where can I find an AFFORDABLE health insurance in Dallas, TX?""
to cover my family; me, wife, 3 kids. without too much deductions. I only know Unicare and BlueCross offers lower rates, but wanted to see if you guys can find something lower than Unicare and BlueCross. Can I apply health insurance internationally like Canada or should I wait until Democrat president to setup an special health insurance plan (I forgot what its called)? Thanks!""
Question about full coverage insurance on car?
If you're car is worth about 7,000 dollars and it gets totaled how does the insurance company know it was worth about 7,000?""
Affordable Student Health Insurance if I can't be on my parent's plan?
My parents are Japanese citizens in living in Japan and the insurance I currently am in with them obviously won't cover me in the U.S. I am going to be a college freshman and wonder if anyone knows any affordable student health insurance plans/companies. The plan provided at my school is a bit pricey and needs me to pay it all at once in the beginning which I can't do. Any affordable and numerous-payment-planned insurances?
""If I had a company, and I had to pay for car insurance out of the capital...?""
Would the car insurance be counted as an 'expense', 'liability', or an 'overhead'? Also, if possible, could you provide an explanation as to what each term means exactly? Many thanks! :-)""
What are my options to get my car back from the insurance company?
I got into an accident about a week ago. the front passenger side was damaged. the insurance company told me today that it was a write off. they wouldn't be able to fix it, which is complete bull. It is a 98 Honda Civic with 200,00 km on it, and they are giving me $2800. What can i possibly do? Can I get my car back and repair it myself (by myself i mean a bodyshop i will take it too out of my own pocket)? What happens in that case? Will they give me any money or would i have to pay them?""
""What can I, as a 19 year old guy, do to get cheap car insurance?""
Right now I'm just looking for cars with small engines and constantly checking on comparison sites to get a good quote... So for I got 1900 for a 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which is still far too expensive, but what else can I do? I know about Pass Plus and other things, but any help/advice/links would really, really help...""
Best first car to get with cheap insurance ?
I have just recently passed my driving test and I am unsure about which car to get. I need one which would be cheap for an 18 year old to insure
I live in Florida. Can I get renters insurance to protect my things if I live with my parents?
I should add that I'm not a student and 24 years old.
Insurance agents in Chennai?
if you know any insurance agents in Chennai help me?
How come my name isn't listed on the auto insurance card even though i AM insured?
My parents have bought auto insurance but whenever they send the insurance card (proof of insurance), only their names are on there. However, if you look up our policy number, I AM an insured driver. Why is that? How am I suppose to carry an insurance card? Is it because I'm under 18?""
Does Michigan have extra cheap auto insurance?
I keep seeing all these advertisements for Michigan (obviously this only would apply if you live/have lived in Michigan) regarding certain loopholes for cheaper auto insurance.. ??
Good renters insurance/ car insurance?
i'm looking into getting a car before i move to tampa, fl in the winter. i'm on the waiting list for an apartment but i'm going to need renters insurance as well. it's my first time living on my own so i'm not exactly gonna be over flowing with cash. i'm looking for a cheep company that can cover my car insurance and renters insurance, is cheep, and will cover my 83lb dog (a non-vicious breed).""
Will Caresource health insurance from ohio cover braces?
My sisters teeth are awful. Will her health insurance cover the cost of braces??
Can someone explain somethings about Car Insurance to me?
Okay, long story short. Last week I got in a car accident with some friends. My back is messed up and I went to the doctor Monday. He told me that my lower back muscles, tendons, and my lumbar are all swollen and sprained. My parents want my friend's family's insurance to pay for the doctor bills, plus they want to get me something (I think it's called compensation or something, I can't remember) basically, the insurance company will pay me money. I guess my questions are just these: If you were my friend's parents in this situation, would you be mad? Is my family technically suing my friend's family? Does her family find out about this or is it all confiential between me, my parents, and the insurance? We live in Washington state and got in an accident on the Interstate, heading down to Seattle for the afternoon, if it changes anything""
What is mortgage insurance?
When having somebody co-sign for a morgage with no $$$ down, how does mortgage insurance work? 1) Is it required? 2) Is it permanent? 3) Is it like a car insurance policy - where the money is paid, and if the insurance is never 'claimed' then the money is gone? 3.5) Does a mortgage insurance payment go towards the principle price of the house?""
Am I getting a bad deal from the Car insurance Company?
Back in October of 2010I was involved in a Hit and Run Accident. The Guy that hit us was found a few days later and we filed against his insurance. Me and my Fiance both went through Physical therapy for our backs. Medical bills totalled about 5K for me and about 8K for her. There were times when she was in tears because her back was hurting so bad. She Couldnt work some days either and she is self employed and works from home as a graphic Designer. I missed some days of work too but my pain was not near as much as hers. State Farm Called and offered a settlement with me to pay the 5k to the Doctor and then a $1000 check to me for my pain and suffering. They called my Fiance to settle but she did not answer. My guess is they will probably offer her the same. Is Paid medical bills plus $1,000 fair? We missed work from it. Delt with stress and Physical therapy for about 3 months and not to mention all of the inconveniences associated with getting the car fixed and also dealing with insurance stuff. The guy that hit us was found a few days later but never offered a good excuse as to why he hit us and then ran. He originally filed a false claim with State Farm and said that he hit a tree and not another vehicle. It was all overturned against him once Geico called them and submitted the police report. Should I get a lawyer? I honestly feel like we should be getting more. Especially my Fiance but if it's fair It's fair. Can anyone help?""
What is the best insurance company to work for?
I'm 19 and i have also thought getting into sales would be exciting. there is other reason but doesn't really matter. Anyway I'm hoping that there is a good Insurance company that has a good training program and allows entry level people to work hard and succeed. A company that wants people to succeed. So far every agent i have talked to has said their business is the one to be in so i just want some not so bias opinions. seems like all the insurance companies just want to get UN knowing teens ( like myself ) in and work them for 6 months to a year and suck them dry of all the money they have. i understand that you have to work and its not just six figures in the first year.
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
How long does a traffic violation affect car insurance quotes?
Two years ago, Feb in 2011, I was caught driving with a suspended license. Since then, car insurance has been through the roofs. How long until my quotes are no longer affected by my violation?""
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Never had a bike, have a clean record, what does insurance usually cost on a bike??""
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Whats the average cost a month for car insurance in california for an 18 year old?
Insurance Nissan 350z?
I was wondering how much it is for insurance for a nissan 350z i'm 18 and haven't driven yet! Maybe somebody can help me
Best Economical Insurance Company?
Hi, I live in New Jersey and wondered if anyone might know of a dependable insurance company -- car and home -- that also offers better rates? Thanks!""
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multi van insurance quotes
Would it be cheaper to insure a van (SWB transit size) or a Car (fiesta/Clio size)On 08 Plates.?
Ive tried insurance companies buy they wont tell me anything unless i give reg no's and stuff, and i havent got it yet so i cant :s so just a basic geuss would be good, i assumed a van would be cheaper as their arnt as many luxuries and such in them?""
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Which is the best insurance company in Kenya?
""Typically for a healthy young 27 year old male, how much is health insurance monthly?
how much would health insurance cost?
What are the insurance laws for cars in storage in Oregon?
I do not want to drive my car. I will just have it sitting in a garage at a relative's house. I've read from numerous people, that you don't need insurance if the car is ...show more""
Does filing a claim raise auto insurance rate?
My car was vandalized while I slept. Luckily my car shut itself off when it did not recognize the key. I filed a claim with the insurance. I had comprehensive coverage. When it was time to renew, my rates increased. What is the point of having insurance if you are discouraged from filing a claim? I thought if it was not my fault, my rates do not increase?""
What type of car insurance is the best for first time drivers?
About to buy a car for the first time just wanna kno wat car insurance would be the best for a 16 year old
Insurance for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V?
I've been wondering how much insurance would cost for a 2007 Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec V for a 16 year old as the main driver, but I don't want to send my information to an insurer for a quote and possibly get unwanted solicitaions from them. Does anyone have any idea? Oh, and would it be different for a 17 year old?""
Do I need to add my name under car insurance?
Hi I just got California driving license.My dad has liability insurance.We have old car so we are paying 300-400$ per year for it.I will not regularly driving that car then what should I need to do? Do I have to add my name under current insurance policy and is it illegal to drive without adding my name? People with 2 or more cars have which type of insurance? seriously we are new here and don't know much about this rules and what people do? I'll be highly thankful to you guys.
Motorcycle insurance quote?
can you get a quote without entering a social security number? i dont want to give it out
Do I need a valid driver's license to have auto insurance?
I got pulled over by a cop the other day, and he asked for DL and insurance. I lost my DL along with my wallet months ago and I haven't had the time to go to DMV and re-take the test. Anyway, I showed my Texas ID and insurance and he said without a DL your insurance is not valid. They're pretty much just eating your money. So he gave me 3 citations: No DL, speeding, and no insurance. The ticket said if I had insurance at the time I got pulled over to show it to the payment window and it will be dismissed. I wanna know if I should do that or is the cop right and I'm completely done?!! Any good answers would help. BTW this was in LaPorte, Texas.""
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
Health insurance for baby only?
I'm under my moms insurance , and I just recently applied for Medicaid and got accepted . Once I got my card my name was on it . I don't need the insurance but my unborn baby does . How does this process work if unborn baby needs insurance but I don't ?""
""In Florida, if I let my car insurance expire, will my drivers License get suspended?""
I am not in debt with the insurance company, but I just cannot afford to continue paying for the insurance right now. So what exactly would happen if I just let the insurance expire? Would I be fined, license suspended/revoked or what? I don't plan on driving the car without insurance, but I do need to be able to drive a car.""
Help about choosing car insurance?
I'm 18 and I need to start paying for my own car insurance. Any suggestions for lowering the cost? I live in New York which means my parents are finacially responsible for me until I'm 21. I know that everyone says to try and stick it out but that is not an option. I'm going to be living with a close friend and we need to keep our expenses to a minimum. Any tips concerning car insurance, OR health insurance too would be great.""
""Im looking for affordable whole life insurance for myself and my husband, we are on a fixed income.?
our ages are male 42 and female 41
What auto insurance does aarp offer?
the name of the insurance (auto) offered to aarp subscribers
Insurance for a motorcycle 125cc in ireland?
I am 19 and I would like to find out how much insurance would be for a motorcycle 125cc. What about a Honda CBR 125 insurance. I would be a beginner. From dublin ireland If anyone could recommend a 125cc that would have cheap insurance? Thanks
State farm car insurance question?
My bf was in an accident recently where he was rear ended at a stop light. The other driver was ticketed and no one is contesting the fact that the other driver is at fault. My bf decided to go through the other driver's insurance (state farm) rather than his own so that he wouldn't have to pay a deductible. He needs about $600 worth of body work done. After going through all the hoops, he was told to take the car to a local body shop & that he would be approved for a rental car while it was being repaired. Today, he took the car to the shop, but they told him they won't take it until March 21st (about 3 weeks from now). Until then, they expect him to drive his DAMAGED car. He drives long distances pretty frequently (usually visits me an hour and a half away every week or two) and neither of us are comfortable with the idea of him getting on the interstate in a damaged car. What recourse does he have in this situation? It seems pretty unfair that the accident was someone else's fault entirely and he is going to be stuck waiting almost a month to be put whole again :( I suggested that he call state farm and let them know that he's not satisfied with their solution, but he doesn't think it will get him anywhere. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? Thoughts in general?""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
How much would full coverage auto insurance be?
I plan on getting a 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T Classic and was wondering about how much would full coverage be in Northern Virginia,I would ask the insurance company but I'm not the one with the policy and if you're wondering what insurance we have its Farmers.""
Cheap car insurance?
I've just decided to restart my lessons after 4 months of being away from them - last failed my test by one minor at the very end of the test was absolutely gutted. I am just about to turn 18 years old and am looking for insurance on my dads Suzuki Baleno. The cheapest I have found so far is 446.60 for fully comp per year with CIS Insurance which I know would be considered cheap, but is there any cheaper?""
""Conservatives, what is your overall opinion on insurance companies?""
Particularly: a.) Insurance companies that practice rescission in which a person who has paid into the insurance fund is subsquently denied what he has paid for because the insurance company comes up with an arbitrary reason for denying the needed coverage. b.) Rationing. How do you feel about insurance companies who decide if a procedure is in their best interest and deny to someone a life-saving procedure because it isn't profitable to them in the long run? c.) Denials. Someone who works and wants health insurance and does not qualify for state aid because he actually works for a living and pulls his own weight, but can't find a job with benefits (increasingly common, and why are employers expected to foot the bill for insurance as they don't pay for your car insurance or renter's insurance and this limits job mobility and the ability to start small businesses), and is either outright denied or charged more than his monthly salary? d.) Do you think that if rent, clothing and food cost as much as monthly premiums for people with pre-existing conditions, that we would be in serious trouble? e.) How do you feel about people who had the misfortune to be born with a genetic pre-disposition to an illness, i.e., breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Crohn's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, MS, Alzheimer's, haemophilia, etc. f.) Do you think that an emergency room qualifies as part of preventive, ongoing treatment or that it's not cost effective for sick people to wait until they are at the worst stage to get necessary treatment? g.) Can you explain how several nations, in fact the overwhelming majority, that have universal health care have still remained free, capitalist, prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Norway, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn't go communist, and the people do not live in gulag states.""
Why no free health or low cost insurance ?
Do you suppose one of the reasons why we have no Free insurance in the USA is so society keep people working ?
How much is an average ttuck insurance quote? ?
I'm planing on geting a 1999 Chevy silverado 1500 and I'm wondering how much insurance is
Car insurance? Who is covered? Who is responsible?
Okay I had a question about car insurance... I am on my grandfather's car insurance plan- I live with my boyfriend. I believe I am the only one insured to drive the car....My boyfriend's mother and step-father don't have a car right now and often times ask to borrow my car- I've been letting them until it was brought to my attention that they may not be covered in that car? Does this mean I would be responsible for anything that happened? Or would they? If another car was at fault for the accident what would happen? Anyone know how this works?
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multi van insurance quotes
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
""How much do you think will be the house insurance with 11,000 sqf land and 1,700 sq ft 3 bed 2b in California?
I need answer with resource. Thanks
Can i use my car insurance to pay for damage to my car?
Some idiot decided not to own up to denting my car at the weekend, so now i am left to foot the bill which judging by the damage is not going ot be cheap. The moron whoever he/she is has dented both passenger side doors. As i have never been in this situation i am not sure if i can use my car insurance to pay for the damage, especially as i dont know who damaged my car in tyhe first place. I am fully comp with Tesco.""
""2012, 17 Year Old Insurance?""
Looking to pass my test in Feb. (3rd) And all threads and posts I have looked at are from 2010 or something. Just wondering what the best sort of car is for my age and insurance provider and any tips to lower my premium as the lowest I have come out with was with elephant.co.uk at 2900, third party fire and theft on a citroen ax. Which is above my budget... Any Clues Anyone ? Thanks""
How can I get my insurance cheaper?
21 years old 0 claims bonus first bike : 1998 r1 (already got it) what are some ways to get my insurance down? thanks
What is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?
what is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?
Who is covered with car insurance?
if I let my friend use my car is she covered under my car insurance? I've heard that it is the car that is covered, not the specific person... is that true?""
""Auto Insurance, Please Help!?""
What are good coverage amounts for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured Motorist for auto insurance? I just want to make sure i have enough coverage for my insurance.""
""Need cheap car insurance, already looked into geico and progressive?""
what's a good, AFFORDABLE company i can go to for auto insurance? i'm a 19 yr old female, living in dallas, tx marital status: separated""
The best insurance for a student?
I was thinking of getting home contents insurance or something- could anyone recommend me anything?
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
About Insurance Rates on 06 Ford Expedition?
Gieco just went up on my rates. WTF? No tickets, No wrecks, No claims. I'm 64, good driving record, Wife 64, or Son 44, may drive occasionally. Retired and drive less than 10,000. yearly. Best rates with Reliable Company???""
Car Insurance?
How does the car insurance work here in NYC, I don't fully understand, if you have AIG how much does insurance go up for your parents if you are 17. I've heard 1500-2000, (Is this true?)""
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Is there a way to get cheaper car insurance in the uk?
im 17 and male im making good progress with driving lessons and have passed the theory i have always been interested in cars and then i decided to have a look at them to buy and insure. so i checked the insurance for a 1.0 polo...3400 any 17 year old will NEVER be able to pay this. ive tried 3rd party ive tried doing it through my parents ive tried getting insurance quote for my parents car 1.6 astra. so is there any companys that will do anything to help young people out? like special deals etc also is insurance this bad in usa for younger people?
Ideas for Cheap car insurance?
17 getting a Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP endurance Anyone know?
How much would my usaa insurance be?
I was pulled over for 3 violations (no license, insurance, and running a red light) and next year it will be 3 years. The court said they gave me 1 point on my license (I paid off my ticket because I couldn't go to traffic school). I read that insurance companies could see up to 5 years of your driving history. I plan on completing an online course to be certified. I've had my license for over a year. I'm a female in california, currently 19. I was wondering how much my insurance would be (I'll be under my parents usaa insurance) if I complete the course and wait until the 3 years are up. Serious answers only please. Thanks!""
""I am looking to get an 80' s mustang, v8, and possibly with a superchager on it. What would the insurance cost
be? what would be the difference between with a super and without one? I am 17 and it would be with my parents insurance. Thanks!
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Monthly car insurance?
I need to find the cheapest car insurance for one month of coverage. I am working to get my car re-registered after being salvaged, so I don't have a lot of money to spend on car insurance this month. Since I live in CA and need to drive the car to get inspected, it needs insurance. All of the places I've checked have monthly rates, but I have to put a lot down and I can't afford it. Please advise.""
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
How much would my car insurance be if i am a 16 year old female driver?
i live in indianapolis indiana and i own a 1998 caviler
Where can i get visitor health insurance at affordable rate?
is there any good co where i can get affordable visitor health insurance thanx for suggestions
How much will my car insurance cover damages to the other car?
I backed into a parked car and apparently broke the tail light and a small dent on the bumper; my car didn't have a scratch. I freaked out and left with out leaving a note. About an hour later I get a phone call from police saying I need to come back to the scene. I came back and told them the story of what happened. The guy I hit agreed not to press charges and the officer agreed not to arrest me for hit and run as long as I provided my info. So I cooperative and provided my insurance info. I'm fully covered. Will my insurance company pay for all the damages to the guy's car or only a portion? So far I've only received a phone call from my insurance company that I have $500 deductible. And I have yet to hear from the guy for repair estimates.
Where is the best (and affordable) place to get Adult Braces in Chicago?
I need adult braces or something. I literally have fangs and a chipped tooth (yea its bad). I need to find a good dentist or orthodontist. Where is the best place in Chicago that is affordable or work with you for financing/payment plans?
multi van insurance quotes
multi van insurance quotes
""Got caught speeding 36 in a 20, not listed on insurance, driving alone with a learned license?
My driving test is the day before my court hearing and I was wondering how much all this will cost and also if I'm gonna be able to take my test still
How much is one months car insurance on average?
Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
How much get you get if you were in a car accident and it wasn't you fault in PA? Full tort insurance.?
How much get you get if you were in a car accident and it wasn't you fault in PA? Full tort insurance.?
What is a good and cheap insurance company for young drivers ?
What is a good and cheap insurance company for young drivers ?
Im looking for car insurance?
coverage for individuals who are less able to afford auto insurance
Car accident/Insurance options?
a friend was trying to pull around a city bus that was idling for several minutes to catch a left turn on a green light ...when the bus went in closer to the curb, its backside jut out and her car swiped it she is a new driver and new to the country and she continued where she was going without stopping. pretty shook up. She claims she didn't think it was too bad, a swipe, the mirror was gone and she just took it as a loss. But when she got out, she realized there is damage all along the side, from front to back, including the mirror missing and a serious dent on the front passenger (the front is peeled back, exposing the hinge mechanism. Rain now gets in through the top as the seal is broken as well. She is insured and believes she has coverage but she's scared cause she left the scene. This was 3 weeks ago - there has been no follow up. She hasn't called the police but kept an eye out for whether or not it was reported and she needed to come forward. It was in a pretty run down part of town. Anyway - I don't know what to tell her so i'm coming here - can she report this to insurance and admit that she swiped a bus and didn't stop? Will they fix it, up her insurance, and move on or will they investigate into the bus - making her pay for the bus and having the legal issue of leaving the scene. - not sure what to tell her??? She's also considering just putting a new skin/shell on the door was affected - not seeing if this is possible though - replacing the entire door is expensive and seems unnecessary. Any insight is greatly appreciated.""
Do I need to add my name under car insurance?
Hi I just got California driving license.My dad has liability insurance.We have old car so we are paying 300-400$ per year for it.I will not regularly driving that car then what should I need to do? Do I have to add my name under current insurance policy and is it illegal to drive without adding my name? People with 2 or more cars have which type of insurance? seriously we are new here and don't know much about this rules and what people do? I'll be highly thankful to you guys.
Taken out insurance?
I am 63 years old own my house with a mortgage, I'm disabled and on benefits which I don't like. I can't get lower than that but I can afford insurance on my contents so why should the goverment bail out those people that haven't got contents insurance what do they want from the goverment new furniture what a cheek I say. If they do get that it is not fair for the people that pay for insurance's. After all they have to get it on there cars and when they travel abroad.""
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
How much did you pay for your first car insurance? !?
Hey im gettin a first car soon, i only passed last week! and i understand that insurance for first time buyers is VERY expensive! If anyone could quote me some of the prices they payed on insurance for there first and the car they had that would be great!!! (IN ENGLAND  BY THE WAY)""
How much for Health Insurance?
I am turning 18 in 4 months. I am most likely going to be moving back with my father. I am currently under my mother's health insurance but it's only for certain doctors and I will be living in a different state as her, so I will need to get my own health insurance. How much would it be for Health Insurance for me. I have diabetes so I need to get it. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.""
I'm looking for the lowest car insurance I can find?
nationwide offered me 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month esurance 89/month Any idea if I can find the next lower one?
When will my car insurance rates go down?
I pay 135 dollars a month for car insurance, because of a multitude of reasons. I am 22, got a speeding ticket when I was 19 along with a ticket for no insurance (I had it but couldn't find it). I have had my license suspended twice due to unpaid fix it tickets. I have progressive, if that helps. I was wondering when I can expect my monthly rates to decrease. This is a lot of money for 6-month coverage.""
50cc moped scooter insurance?
I live in PA. I am thinking about geting a moped scooter 50cc. About how much does insurance cost?
How can an 18 year old get dental insurance in the state of texas?
I just turned 18 and i want to get all my insurance started. so in the state of texas, how can i get dental insurance.. i really need to fix my teeth without burning a hole in my pocket.""
Insurance for a mustang?
All the insurance sites I have seen require me to register, and add my personal details before get a quote, and i do not want to do that. so i will ask for your opinion. I am 25, just got my drivers license, and have a 1997 mustang. I am in Louisiana. How much would the basic insurance be? I have never been in an accident, and the mustang is just the basic model. I need the cheapest coverage, and do not plan to use full coverage, because the car is not worth that much.""
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
Parents to buy car or insurance?
How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?""
What is the best insurance for a 16 year old?
Got limited money
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for drivers under 21?
I need some help finding a cheap car insurance company in virginia... Let me know what was the cheapest one in your experience Thanks!
When you buy a used car how many days do u get to put insurance?
How many days can u drive around whit it whitout insurance ? how much time do u get to go the DMV and stuff ?
How many of you own a Life Insurance Policy and for what amount.?
Are young ppl thinking about life insurance?
Can I be forced to pay insurance for stepchild?
Here's the situation. My husband makes very little money. I have him covered under my insurance policy. Until recently, my stepdaughter was covered under Child Health Care Plus. Coverage stopped when she turned 15. Her real mother is being a real witch and demanding we buy her insurance. Hubby can't afford it. I can't enroll her under my employer's plan because there's only open enrollment one month per year. I really don't WANT to put her on my policy, as she seems determined to get pregnant ASAP, and also she hates me and steals from me. Can I be FORCED to get her insurance? Oh, and did I mention her real mother doesn't work? HELP!!!!""
How do i set up a car insurance company?
im looking to set up a car insurance company in the uk. I am quite business minded but am not in a position to be spending thousands of pounds to set it up. would be greatful of any info on how I go about things thanks
What are some good dental insurance carriers with affordable premiums and copayments?
I live in Southern California ( High Desert area ) and I am looking for a good dental plan and dental carrier with affordable premiums and copayments. I need mostly restorative dental work, like replace too llings, bridges, crowns, root canal and braces.... I currently have Kaiser medical insurance and would like to try Kaiser dental and I am also considering Aflac or Delta Dental.... anyone have experience with any of these carriers or have any good advice for me? Thanks in advance!!""
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multi van insurance quotes
0 notes
skpeacelove · 7 years
Oct 5 2017
Today Im more unhappy with myself than I am proud (but i did do my proud journal). Okay so i fell asleep around 1 am ish and decided to get up in two hours to start studying for the exam at 8 am. So i get up at 4:30am (slept over my alarm) (still havent started my prayer or meditation this semester). Anyway so I study study study...and then around 7 am i just lie down ....and i fall asleep!!! BUT luckily my alarm for 7:30 woke me up and I got ready to go class. Dont even brush my teeth just throw on sweats and a hoodie and walk out the door. So i get to class and everyone is still preparing and im just getting in the zone. We get the exam and luckily out of the 12 possible q’s 6 of which i was hoping would be on the exam were on there. So I start writing the answer to all q’s and i get done around 8:30... I look up ppl still on the first or second q....So i sit there for 45 min waiting for someone to finish and get up...I also start self-doubting that maybe ppl posted the gist of their answer on the class study guide google doc..and maybe i did something wrong because ppl were writing so much more than me....So i got worried but i saw another girl pack up so i packed up and got up and turned in my exam and left. What’s done is done, and i should get some points so better than a zero. So i go to bed immediately...and im so pooped that i miss yoga (3rd miss not good) but i get up around 11:45am to get ready for my internship and start packing my big suitcase so i can switch my summer clothes with winter. And i also do my make up and wear a dress with leggings because it was cold. Anyway once i get to my car i realize instead of wearing nice footwear with my dress that i wore my bathroom pink flip flops, open toed shoes r not allowed at my internship AND im meeting with the department boss so we can catch up on how my internship is going (she’s the one who hired me) Internship goes by (mind this i havent eaten anything since ive been awake so like 4am). I get to my apartment and I decide no to clean the bathrooms rn because i dont have the right cleaning supplies or paper towels but we have some in the apartment but I made an excuse and got out of it (not proud for lying). I talked to mom and dad and then told mom I want to fast this Sunday for Karva Chauth , and she was telling me all the rituals and stuff and I was like its gonna be a challenge but I wanna do it, my mom’s been doing it since she was a little girl. And she stopped last year due to health issues so Im picking it up. And its a day were women fast for their husbands wellbeing and long life and unmarried women do it for their fiance or desired husband. Im doing for my wellbeing and my good future, my parents long and healhty life, and for my bestie and for all my celebrity baes (joke but still), and the only husband thing im praying for is that whoever he is, he as good common sense and basic human decency and treats me right. And my mom in law doesnt be to much of a bitch. but she will be thats inevitable. lol! Then i go get food and have a bollywood night. I didn’t finish it becuase it got late and i had to still pack everything and needed sleep because i have work at 6:45am so i have an hour left of the movie which ill finish next week. Supernatural is starting next Thursday!! YES! Not too excited for the storyline but i just wanna see my boys! Already behind on This Is us but ill catch up soon. After work tomorrow i got a extra credit psych thing so ill do that and then head home. Friday Oct 6 is fall break so no classes, so i have the morning shift and then home!!!  Chapter was canceled today too so that was good, i got time for myself. I did my skin care routine again hope i can keep doing it and not get lazy about it lol. Night Lovelies got a long weekend coming up. 
0 notes