#ok but i NEEDED that sleep its fine. its fine ill farm it all now its fineeeeeeee
neptunite-stars · 1 year
hgrhgrhg work on big [redacted] project or play h.sr........
#i didnt take a midday nap i actually just slept for another 2 hours after eating breakfast#and do i feel less sick? yes actually i feel fine but i do feel kinda sore bc i slept in a weird position#which is normal for me actually surprisingly enough#rambles#i havent worked on [redacted] in 3 ish days egads. i need to stop making excuses for myself i really need to wokr on it#but i have sooooo much time....................... and im basically almost halfway done with it. i could finish that by the end of this mon#h and then work on [redacted] for [redacted] too and i also had [redacted] for it as well so i mean theres no harm right#i could.......... if only i stop feeling like shit every day for different reasons#urghrghrgh i feel a lil sick... stummy hurt and nose keeps running ughhhhhhhhhh i should not have gone outside < thinks its allergies#honestly tho h.sr is only gonna take like 20 mins MAX bc the quest thing for the shop management gameplay is TIMELOCKED im soooo upset by t#at by the way also i hate how it intterrupts my gameplay with sidequests PLEASE . ok ik that it makes it more fun and less boring/.#i should play a shop management game again. like ykno those ones on like coolmathgames. egads theyre sooo addicting to me theyre like candy#ok but i also have to play the tour for eng.stars adn btw IM NTO READING SATELLITE UNTIL ALL THE STORIES COME OUT so i can binge read them#egads. i was supposed to farm 3 hours ago and now my 2nd farming session is coming up in a couple of minutes except i slept thru the first!#ok but i NEEDED that sleep its fine. its fine ill farm it all now its fineeeeeeee
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aria-ashryver · 4 days
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Welcome To The Jungle | Choices MC Colony | Episode #4
Dorian: so, just to recap: a nearby settlement hired a PI to investigate whether a neighbouring faction of theirs were actually cannibals -- turns out they are, and now that PI is running for her life and needs our help? Rin: That's pretty much what I picked up over the comms, yeah Marianna: Seven pirate raiders from the Venom Chokers Daenarya: Oh, hey I know those guys! Yeeeeah, yeah they'll eat you. Brienne: Some of them also spit fire. Luca: Sorry-- they spit what, now? Anitha: We're helping her, right? Dorian: …Us versus seven angry, fire-spitting, cannibal raiders? Oliver: Yes, we are helping. Dorian: Yeah, totally! Nothing about that sentence is terrifying! Luca: snorts Rin: …chicken. Dorian: I'm not scared. Marianna: Yes, you are. Dorian: Shush.
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Aaaahhhhh oh god everything is fine aaahhh
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Good news! Carina is safe and (mostly) well! And since we did such an excellent job on the rescue mission (and were sooooo brave and not at all terrified) she's decided to join us for good.
Welcome to the Jungle, @stars-are-within-me's Carina 💖👋 Lovely to have you aboard
[LINK] - Episode 3.5 (ask) - a little overview of the base so far!
Okay, welcome to Episode #4, folks. Its been an exciting few weeks of raids, illnesses, and wild animal attacks, so I think our MCs are due a nice period of calm to relax, take stock, build up our base, and enjoy the bonds of friendship.
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ok so we took stock, the stocks aren't great.
Turns out doubling your colony size overnight really hits you in the food department! Who knew. Fortunately, we do have some folks who know a thing or two about crops and gardening, so we've now got two thriving farms, as well as some chickens (Wilbur and Clementine) and our new cow (Tallulah) who we traded some nomads for.
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omg the baby chicks are sleeping in the hay that's so cute 😭
(also, something weird happened and all of our crops were turned into strawberries for like a week before I noticed? We had to replant everything lmao. Idk who was behind that one)
Its been nice to just see folks bonding and chatting about stuff while they work too 😊 At the moment, Evie and Luca are the OG colony besties - Evie helps Luca with their building projects quite a bit, so they have lots of time for Top Notch banter. Clearly.
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Luca: *ADHD-fuelled rambling* Evie: yeah, i like this one he's weird
Some of the other colonists are finding comfort in each other in this harsh and unforgiving jungle too 👀 A few situationships have started to crop up here and there?? (and I find it utterly hilarious that once again, its mostly the Blades MCs who are Blades MC-ing)
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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to change/update any of these settings (bc I'm limiting things like lovers and marriage, etc at the moment), just let me know! [Here is a link] to current sprite stats!
Luca and Oliver have both been flirting a lot lately, so I feel like they might the next two to become a thing lol.
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Luca: Great party, Oliver! Just what we needed after getting attacked by cannibals. That was crazy, right? Oliver: Yeah, that raid was a nail-biter. Ha, good thing no one else got bitten though. Luca: …You could bite me. Oliver: … Luca: If you want. You seem broad-minded. Oliver: ...what? Luca: what?
Speaking of biting people (apt segue is apt); a group of vampires have asked if they could host a coven meeting at Cedar Station! (They'll pay us with books!! Fuck yeahhhh books!)
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Ricky, stop interrupting the coven meeting. Read the room. It's full of purple smoke and spooky spectral demon eyes.
One of them liked Cedar Station so much, she decided to stay! Cameron? Sergio? No, we used aliases. It's Jiahao. Yes, my cape is amazing.
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Welcome to the Jungle, @choicesmc's Jia!! ✨ (I've never had a vampire colonist before, I'm hyped)
Ooh, and right on the heels of this! A roaming caravan of hunters and traders passed by the colony (and enjoyed the seaside for a little bit lol) -- and one of the guards who had been helping herd and protect their animals decided to stick around too!
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Welcome to the Jungle, @dutifullynuttywitch's Autumn!! *wipes tear* our lil family keeps growing 🥹
I'm so glad this has just been a period of relaxing and making new friends. I'm really enjoying this calm. Surely nothing bad will happen, right?
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Surely nothing bad will--
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Surely nothing--
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*grits teeth* Surely nothing bad will--
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Guys please not now, do you not see us hiding from the swarm of angry monkeys??? 😭😭😭
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ok no, we can always make time for humanitarian aid. We were sooo brave and fought off enough monkeys so Marianna and Oliver could sneak away and donate money to *checks notes*: Norma Rubivine the child brawler who is very good at mining despite being only 7 years old because she is a Dirtmole.
(me, crying: Norma come back and hhelp me w the monkeys. Please. Norma.)
Surely nothing bad will hap--
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Surely nothing-- AGAIN with the insects???
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(*through tears*) Surely nothing bad will--
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Aaahhhh ow ow ow almost everyone is downed we have run out of hospital beds aahhhh
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So uhhh. Let me end this episode by saying: Dorians arm got cut off by raiders and he almost bled to death and I felt really bad so I made him mayor.
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Thank you once again for letting me borrow your darlings @dr-colossal-pita @choicesmc @rosesnink @stars-are-within-me @lover-also-fighter-also @cadybear420 @storyofmychoices @dutifullynuttywitch ✨✨✨
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tick-fic-nick · 3 years
Neighbors p1
Technos solitude didn't bother him too much. It was nice and quiet most days. He'd get to farm, read, and prepare for the arrival of a new government to take down. The monotony of it all calmed him.
However he didn't mind when his neighbors would stop for a visit. Phiza would stop by for nice chats, and Ranboo would walk in to deliver his (optional) rent. It was easy to know when philza would stop by from the knocking on his door and the cheerful greeting from the older man.
Ranboo however, was more sneaky about it.
Every once in a while the only way he could tell the half enderman was there, because his pets would know first. Steve would carve a direction with his eyes and he would follow the trZachail until he saw green/red eyes looking back at him.
The first couple times, it spooked him. However techno soon found out that this behavior was normal for the ender hybrid.
"Theres... there's literally a door a couple blocks away, Ranboo."
"Hmm? Oh! Yes, yes there is. Its uh... it's right there" he looked at the door for a second, recognizing its existence before staring right back towards techno in the window (obviously not getting the clue)
"Would you like inside? You could tell me what your doing here, unless you want to continue staring at me from the porch."
"Oh yes, I can do that." Walking towards the door and crouching to walk through it he stood in the room looking at him with a flower pot in his hand and placed on the ground "first off, here's your rent."
Techno looked down at the empty clay pot on the ground infront of him and he picked it up. "Oh right, the rent thing. You know you don't have to give me stuff, right?"
"But it's my rent."
"You don't have to pay me rent. There's no government to control the land up here. The land you've turned into your home is yours."
"Oh" the disappointment on Ranboos face was very apparent as his eyes shifted to the the corner wall. He looked back towards techno "then what's going to be my excuse to come over here then to talk with you?"
Techno was slightly taken a back from this question. Of course he didn't show it though. He chuckled and said "You need an excuse to walk to your friends house and chat? I mean you do consider us friends. Right Ranboo?" The light air in the room got heavy with the silence that grew until he got a reply.
"I mean I'm not sure. I've tried to become friends with you but... I dont know, you haven't been extremely friendly. I just thought I had to try harder."
"I haven't tried to kill you Ranboo. I'd say that's pretty friendly."
Ranboo had been shifting and moving this entire time. At this moment however he broke eye contact to look down. "I guess that's how you show that you're friendly. It's different than how I do, so I guess that's why I got confused."
Technoblade walked over towards the two seats and sat in one gesturing the Ranboo sit with him on the other comfortable chair, "Well, how do you show friendliness? That way I can be better friends with you."
The taller man made his way over to the open chair and sat down, though he didn't seem as comfortable as the other. "Oh, well I uh. I guess I show my friendliness through gifts and platonic affection... but you know it's, probably not your thing."
Techno had flashbacks to the SBI group and however one in the group was addicted to physical contact. Wilbur was the most cuddly person he'd ever met. When ever techno was alone with Wilbur, he was stuck to him like glue. Wilbur would lean into anyone who was around or everyone if he could. Tommy wasn't as much, but he'd lightly punch, shoulder, elbow, or kick everyone in a loving way. Philza was (and still is) big on nuzzling his head into other people. He'd nuzzle into necks during hugs, he'd nuzzle into chests while snuggling, and if he was tickling someone to bits he'd nuzzle with the intent to kill (with laughter.) The thought of it all was fond and something he almost missed.
"You know I think your going to like Philza." Without changing his expression he put his hand on Ranboos knee which earns techno a slight jump "And your right, its not really my thing. However. Since we're becoming better friends, I think ill be able to deal with it." A smirk grew on techno's face.
"Oh, uh ok! Well I'm happy that we're officially friends!" He stood up, making the hand on his knee return. "Now, I have a couple of things I need to do today but I'll visit more often."
"My door is always unlocked. Unless it is."
Ranboo laughed at that, and walked to the out the door.
Techno had a couple ideas of making his new friendship more affectionate over then next couple days, even pacing through the night trying to think. All of that hard work didn't even matter when he woke up to a familiar face staring back at him.
"You alright mate?" Philza was standing above him looking down at him on his couch chuckling at the sight. "Its nearly noon, and your not much of an night owl."
He began to sit up on the couch as he yawned "Well I've been trying to think of how I can make our new neighbor feel welcomed in a "touchy" way, but I dont think I'm very good at it. I was trying to think of how you would do it actually. Wait a second why are you in here!?"
Philza laughed at the pointed question "mate, I could here you snoring from outside. It's a once in a life time opportunity and I had to see if you were actually sleeping!" He laughed again to technos slight annoyance but he continued "And also, its a good thing I showed up! Or else who knows how late you might stay up next."
"Yeah yeah, just tell how to do this."
"You know your overthinking this way too much. It's the easiest thing ever to do. Just give him a hug." He opened his arms very wide almost inviting techno "you want me to demonstrate?"
Techno sighed "sure." He also opened his arms, standing up and hugged phil back. Phil's embrace was nice, he forgot how comforting they were. He leaned into the touch but squeaked when Phil started to subconsciously nuzzle into his neck. A place where he was very ticklish. He tried to squirm his way out but Phil held on tight and nuzzle even more, his stubble torture on his sensitive neck. "Whaiat phil!"
"I forgot how ticklish you are! Well this is another way you could be affectionate with Ranboo! Here let me demonstrate." Philza started to wiggle his fingers on technos sides while keeping him trapped in his grasp.
The blade was trying to laugh as best he could, locking up all the reactions within himself. Except for the bright red flush the spread on his face to his ears and his tail was flailing everywhere.
"Hmmm, not trying to laugh huh? I wonder if you'll break if I do this~?Phil's wings came to surround techno and rub against his ears and other side of his neck. That was what broke the damn.
Technos laughing bubbled out, his strength getting weaker and weaker the longer this attack went on, and it was almost impossible to keep standing. "Phihihhihil! Aaahaahahaha wahahait."
Phil leaned a bit trying to have him land on the couch but techno felt this and brought his arms around Philza in his own embrace tickling into the crook between his two wings while bringing him down with him.
Phil Gasped and stopped tickling techno giving him the opportunity to lay to the side of him. He sat up and enjoyed the full access he had to philza's worst spot. He dug in again, but this time at a better vantage point. Phil screamed in laughter kicking his legs and trying to grab at technos arms "AHAHHAHAHAH! WAHAIT WAHAIT! IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES TECHNO! IHIHIT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!"
"Yes, and thank you for letting me see that demonstration, now I know to do this, and this and this!" With each "this" he switched techniques from digging his fingers in, to lightly massage the skin under the feathers, to quickly skittering under his wing as a death spot.
Philza, feeling his death spot tickled spasmed his whole body. Hitting techno in the face with his wings, disorienting him.
Philza took the opportunity and quickly sat up putting his hands up in defence and defeat, hoping it would stop technos ruthless torture. His chest heaved in and out in huff of breath, and techno saw this and stopped his assault but not before skittering along Phil's palms, getting a snort and a well deserved smack. Phil smiled and said "okay okay -huff huff- you win! -huff- I'm done."
Just then, the door opened and Ranboo slowly walked in looking at his neighbors on the couch, both a little flustered. "Hey guys,uh everything alright?"
Techno stood up and walked to close the door "yes, everything's fine. Phil, here, was teaching me how to be affectionate with friends."
"Ah, I... see" he glanced over at Phil who still sit on the couch with a blush on his face, but he also had a mischievous grin. He looked back towards techno for an answer but all he saw was the same mischievous grin.
Part 2 coming soon!
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foryouthegays · 4 years
techno liveblog w timestamps lets go for ‘a new home (dream SMP)’ stream
good laugh times: 00:13:50, 00:14:55, 1:38:45, ik it doesnt look like a lot but like u should watch the stream anyway bc philzas there and his laugh is amazing and they just go so well together
times techno calls phil his friend: 00:6:00 00:37:00, 00:45:17, 0:1:09:30, 01:11:15, 01:26:35, 01:50:05, 2:35:00
i like how, when faced with Leaving Youtube, techno would choose to be an author. i want a book by techno. reblog this if u want a book by techno (with an audiobook by him as well) /hj. 00:1:33
i love how he says ehhhhhh so much lskjhdfas (abt 2 mins in) 
who the FUCK just remembers that the word fortuitous exists wtf 00:5:17
00:8:55 tommy time :/
i love how much philza laughs at technos jokes bc pretty much everything he says IS a joke he just says it in such a serious voice that p much everyone else is like,,,yeah,,,,yup,,,,and phil just knows when hes joking and his laugh is so good with technos voice. sbi? whos that? i only know philza and technoblade
00:19:30 ghostbur joins! this is my first time hearin ghostbur btw
00:19:40 haha string axe technos so bad at crafting what a fool /j
00:21:07 ghostbur: “Even I remember how to make a fishing rod!” ghostbur u just MURDERED technoblade oh my god im gonna scream hgjdfksla i love ghostbur so much
00:23:55: GHOSTBUR NO!! DON’T DIE YOU’LL BECOME A DOUBLE GHOST!!!! -technoblade 2020
00:24:55 technoblade neva lies -guys he almost did the technoblade neva dies ahh!!!!!
i havent heard anyone talk about this but techno has a dedicated roleplay voice. like listen to him talk to tommy at 00:25:08. his voice gets more even, he uses names a lot more often (seriously, listen to his theseus speech. he says tommy so often, its incredible.), and his voice gets,,,,deeper? not deeper but smoother, in a way, and he repeats what he says for emphasis instead of humor. and his voice is louder, and he seems more assertive. 
00:27:30 philza: where we goin, by the way? techno: to our- to my new home. 
techno cmon let phil live w u wed get so much more content cmonn
00:28:50 the fact that he calls the manhunt theme “dream music” makes me laugh so hard. and then his version of it,,,,,m love he (also he sings it here and at  01:14:20)
00:35:10 why is ranboo so cryptic im-
why does he just casually know the word sentry wh at i hate him 00:39:45
this is the worst sentence (structurally) ive ever heard techno say im gonna cry 00:49:33 ‘im too busy thinkin of new ideas to sleep so i could actually execute them’ and tubbos *oh?* after is just hdsfgkjlka
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LKSJDHFJK 00:51:49
techno: thats one of dreams powers, he can just stop the rain
tubbo, quietly: like jesus!
i love them sm dsfhkjla they kept going but i jus gdfhjksa jesus has op
techno @ being the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans: haha funnie!!
techno @ having fun w religious stuff: i wILL BE CANCELLED NO-
00:58:10 “hey if ur [ghostbur]  a ghost, do instant damage potions heal you now?” “...no,, they hurt me still :(” DSIULZKJHFSLKFJH 
01:04:00 his brother named the cow bob im- aww 
also he has a fanart wall again!!!
01:09:30 “phil, you’re the only friend i have left in this world.” aWWWWW HE GAVE HIM THE COMPASS 
“dont smoke, it’s a joke” -technoblade 01:14:15
ROLEPLAY SPEECH VOICE IS BACK AT 1:16:10 “they pillage my base for everything i’m worth, they use me for the revolution, but oooOOOoo i took a pickaxe with his consent? oOOOooOo i’m a thief!”
holy shit 01:17:15 “you know what, phil? for you, the world, alright? it’s fine.” oH MY GOD HHHHGHG (context, right before they were arguing bc phil took some blocks from his base and techno thought that when he said phil could take anything he meant from the chests)
the COMIDY of that villager coming in and sleeping while techno was readin donos at 01:22:05 RIGHT AFTER phil freaked out abt inturruptin his dono readin im SFDHKJLA:
techno talkin bout the winstreak and how he wont be able to live up to that sort of playin at 01:22:30ish is super important and ill transcribe it tomorrow, but if u can id highly rec watchin it. 
01:24:20 “[readin dono] what’s your favorite movie? uh, the princess bride is pretty good” techno ily that movie rocks also he said it so fast like hes ashamed of it noo
techno says no to canon ranboo son btw! 01:25:30
01:25:55 “i wasnt in that story, therefore it doesnt matter” all of technoblr be like 
01:37:49 is great lemmie transcribe
“how have you still not gotten a second monitor?? holy shit.”
“let me tell you something. and im only telling you this because i know that so many people in the chat are gonna be furious. so i recently realized- i think the second monitor can just be any ol’ monitor, right? you literally just plug it in, and its set up? well i mean you have to turn on some settings, but like, thats it, or something?”
“yeah,,,,, uh techno you fuckin destroyed my chat, by the way, oh my god, [earlier techno told his viewers to twitch prime philza] there has been like 40 primes just flying through”
“yeahhh twitch prime!!! twitch prime philza yeahh!!! so anyways the other day, i like, i looked to my left, and realized that my old monitor has been like, five feet away from where i sit and stream for the last three years?”
“oh my god...”
“so i- i literally do not have to leave my room to set up a second monitor and i havent. and i’m still usin my laptop for this stream.
“is this gonna be one of those situations where you like, you have a thing, you just refuse to do the thing?”
“listen, my desk is-
“bruhhhhh [philza laughs] thats FREE VIEWS what are you doing??”
“ill open it at 8 mil :/.”
“you could LITERALLY make a video of you just like, throwing it off a wall, and then thumbing up, like doing a thumbs up, and then that would be it. 10 seconds. ten seconds. thumb and elbow in shot. [laughs]”
techno is such a disaster i love him
01:34:18 the way techno says “tommy, that statement has NEVER been true” i dont like sayin i simp for block men but GOD sometimes his voice is nicer than usual hhhgn
“man i sure wish tommyinnit was in this stream” -nobody ever (just after previous timestamp)
01:40:15 is fuckin hilarious and im actually crying oh my god techno just says things and says them well with a completely straight face how does he do it
i cannot WAIT until theres a president w the last/first name andy so we can say president andy and think abt technoblade
i love when techno talks abt his vids. like u can tell he puts a lot of thought into the vids (esp these ones) and like at 01:47:00 he talks abt the “I DIDNT PUT DEAPTH STRIDER ON THOSE BOOTS, FUNDY!” and how its just that creepin realization that you were doomed from the start and how he made the armor, he isnt intimidated by the netherite bc he didnt enchant it all the way and only he knows that,,, and i just,,,hgg he
he reveals that hes writin the next arc at 01:48:00: “oh, speakin of arcs, chat, i’m writing the next arc. so, you know. hope nothin bad happens in two weeks, chat!” IM SO EXCITED like he clearly has his character fleshed out and is SO good at writing and retellin history im so so excited to see where he takes it AHHHH and also taht means he might stream more bc he might make his character more important (keep in mind this is the guy who wrote self insert hypixel fanfics. he has no shame in puttin himself first and i respect him so much for it) 
01:51:20 “they’re tryin to get a second customer but they’re riskin their first” is lowkey a good line
has anyone else noticed that techno says wise a lot? like at 01:55:10 he literally says “wise dragon armor” as a joke but like i think he says wise so much BECAUSE of skyblock like hjkfdsla
01:57:30 techno plea se eat 
ok 1:58:45 is hilarious and all but at the end of his ramble he says “come back, i miss you” and lowkey im crying 
techno needs to stop knowing his audience more than we know ourselves im hsfkjda 02:05:25 “the chat’s spammin ‘eat technoblade, eat!’ like they’re not gonna start, like, theyre not gonna get super sad if i ended the stream right now, like theyre not gonna all cry ‘i miss technoblade *sniffs* why- whyd he leave to eat food, why did he listen to our advice noooo’”
02:17:40 “i could start a potato farm out here to show how much ive changed” techno last time u made a potato farm u started an entire war that lasted a year that does NOT say calm and retired to me lskgdfjagsldj
02:23:00 why does techno just reference greek mythology so much. makin me scared for his arc. 
also he talks abt smp earth a lot in this stream i love it so much
i also just. love?? how much sbi respect tommy like they bully him but when talkin bout him they just have so much respect for how much work he puts into youtube and i just,,,,hgnn they r friends 
02:33:13 sbi streamer house lets go cmon
02:34:15 “i think if i streamed every day i could keep up” on one hand YE S  but on the ohter oh god techno no we have to keep up tho
hearing techno say “violence isnt the answer” is so scary  02:35:40
02:37:30 technosneeze 
hiS BROTHER SENT HIM 46 DISCORD MESSAGES SFKDJLFLKASF 2:49:25 i love his end screen so much hes just sadness,,,,retirement,,,t,echnoblade,,,the government is going to fall on its own due to lack of organization and ideals,,,,,,subscribe,,,,,sadness,,,,,also 2:50:45 is making me laugh so hard its just sad music and technos like??? whys phil in my house drinking milk????? 
overall, fantastic stream, if ya want some chill techno philza content i highly recommend. 
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builder051 · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 day 29: emergency room
powers/no powers, Bucky vs depression storyline
TW for suicidal ideation
“Tell me if you feel really bad,” Steve tells Bucky as he tucks him into bed around noon on Sunday.  “I mean... you know.  If your mind feels worse.  Than you just want to be up here by yourself.  I’ll take you out to the farm.  I’ll take you to the hospital.”  Steve gives him a pleading look.
Bucky reluctantly nods.  He lies back against the pillows and pulls the quilt up to his chin.  “I just want to go to sleep,” he whispers.  
Steve nods.  “Ok.  I can stay if you want.  Until you drift off.”
Bucky snakes his arm out reaches for the bottle of quick-acting melatonin on the bedside table.  “I’ll be ok.”  He pops the easy open lid, shakes out two, and tosses them back.  They taste terrible, but he resists making a face.  He deserves disgusting pink tablets.  He deserves the throbbing headache.  He deserves the repetitive thoughts that tell him he’d be better off dead.
“You sure?” Steve asks.
Bucky sets the bottle back down and murmurs, “Yeah.”
“Ok.”  Steve gives him a wan smile.  “I’ll be downstairs.  Yell if you need anything.  Or text.”  He nudges Bucky’s phone closer to the bed.  “Or call.  Whatever you want.”
“Sure...”  Bucky closes his eyes, if only to get Steve to stop talking.
“Come check on you in an hour or two?”
“Fine.”  Bucky hopes he’ll be asleep.
“Alright.”  Steve begins to retreat toward the door.  “It’ll be ok, Buck.  This’ll pass.  I promise.”
“Hm.”  Bucky turns slightly so his ear is buried in the pillow.  He knows he ought to believe Steve.  But he also knows that today isn’t the day for his words to be true.
Bucky drops off quickly, though for how long he has no idea.  He wakes feeling warm and groggy, a thin layer of sweat beading up on the back of his neck and his unshaven upper lip.  Light still streams in around the curtained window, so not too much time seems to have passed, but whether he’s been under for twenty minutes or two hours, it seems to have been enough time for him to spike a fever.
Bucky rolls over onto his stomach, pressing his forehead into a cool spot on the pillow and attempting to breathe in deeply through the barrier of the memory foam swaddled in organic cotton.  He smells a hint of laundry soap, though it’s almost completely overtaken by the scent of his own musk.  He’s spent far too much time in bed lately without letting things air out.  
Bucky’s hit with a wave of disgust that quickly turns to self-hatred.  What is he doing with his life?  He quit his job months ago; he’s bringing no income into the house.  Steve can easily keep them afloat, but when he’s constantly using up sick days and vacation to take care of Bucky, his employment is in danger as well.  And that’s Bucky’s fault.
Steve would be better off without him.  Bucky’s had the thought before, and now it returns with a vengeance.  Steve deserves the opportunity to live without the dead weight of Bucky tied to his side.  
But Bucky can’t live without Steve.  He can’t care for himself; he can’t open his pill bottles with just one hand to work with.  He’d miss his appointments because he either wouldn’t remember or wouldn’t care.  Bucky knows Clint and Laura will always be there and willing to help him out, but Steve’s something else entirely.  Steve is his.  But at the same time, he can’t claim ownership of Steve at all.
Bucky looks around for something to use.  Something to take.  But his heavy-duty meds are all locked up downstairs, and their aren’t any razors or scissors or sharp objects of any kind in the bedroom.  If he goes into the bathroom to look for something, Steve will certainly hear him moving around and come to see what’s going on.  
Bucky’s eyes sweep the room and come to rest on the bottle of melatonin on the bedside table.  It won’t kill him, he knows, but it’s worth a shot.  Maybe he can choke himself on disgusting pink spit,  
Bucky pops the lid and pours the tablets directly into his mouth.  He swallows at them, forcing them whole into his throat where they burn and poke as the muscles squeeze and simultaneously attempt to accept and reject the foreign objects.  He coughs, and several pop back up into his mouth with a splash of mucousy spit.  Bucky grimaces and swallows it all down again.
Suddenly there’s a soft knock on the door, and the knob begins to turn.  Bucky still has the melatonin bottle pressed against his lips as he struggles to down what’s in his mouth and stuck in his throat.  His eyes go wide with panic, and he freezes, unable to force his body to change positions.
“Buck?” Steve says softly, opening the door a crack.  He peers inside, then pauses a moment as if he isn’t sure what he’s taking in.  Then, “What the hell...?”
Bucky tries to swallow again.  Most of the tablets have disintegrated by now, and they run down his throat in a gritty mush that turns his stomach with its medicinal sweetness.  “Um...” he starts, his voice quiet and watery.
“What’re you...?  How many of those did you take?”  Steve rushes forward and pries the bottle out of Bucky’s hand.  He peers inside and gives it a little shake.  
Bucky’s heart pounds, for it’s clear that the thing is mostly empty.  He hadn’t factored in the possibility of getting caught.  It’s not that Steve looks angry; in fact, he just looks concerned; but Bucky’s never felt a stronger urge to stop living and disappear from the face of the earth.
“You took a lot, huh?”  Steve looks at him with wide, worried eyes.  “You don’t... You’re not feeling good, are you?”
Bucky stares at him a second, then slowly shakes his head.  He realizes his hand is trembling, and he balls it into a fist in his lap.  Bucky’s breaths come in shaky, and tears threaten to spill from the corners of his eyes.
“We need to go,” Steve says softly.  “Ok?”  He sets the melatonin bottle down and reaches for Bucky’s hand.  “It’s not really an attempt, but, like...”
“No,”  Bucky whispers.  His stomach turns, and he gulps.
“I don’t know if I can keep you safe.  And you’re...” Steve uses his other hand to gently cup Bucky’s cheek.  “You’re not feeling so good, are you?”
Bucky slowly shakes his head.  
“I mean... We can call it poison control.  Say you mixed your meds up.  Whatever you want.  I just don’t think you should be at home right now.”
Bucky just stares blankly at him.  “’M not getting dressed,” he mumbles.  His head hurts, and his body feels heavy and uncooperative.  Nausea plays around his jawline and the top of his throat, threatening to connect with his stomach and turn things even nastier than they already are.
“You don’t have to,” Steve assures him.  “Come on.  Let’s go.”  He sweeps back the covers and offers Bucky his arm.  “Just shoes, that’s all you need.”
Bucky shoves his feet into a pair of Birkenstocks and shuffles downstairs, then follows Steve into the garage.  He lets Steve buckle him into the passenger seat like a child, then tips his head back against the headrest.  He catches sight of himself in the rear view mirror, taking in his pallid countenance and dark, nearly bruised-looking eyes.  His lips look red and wet, and the lightest of pink spots bloom above the stubble on his cheeks.  He looks ill, which Bucky supposes works in his favor.
“Ok, here we go.”  Steve starts the car and backs out of the driveway.  “Short drive.”
It’s only about fifteen minutes to the hospital, but for Bucky it feels like an eternity.  His stomach jumps into his throat at every stoplight, and the vibrating motion of the car increases the ache between his eyes.  
“You ok?” Steve asks around the ten minute mark.
“Hm,” Bucky replies, unable to move his head to nod.  It would be a lie anyway, so perhaps it’s better for him to keep his response neutral.
“You’re going grey.”
“I’m gonna pull over--” Steve starts.  Then, “Fuck.”  Steve signals to change lanes, but a red sports car immediately swerves in front of them from the other direction.  Steve slams on the brakes, and Bucky’s seatbelt clamps down tightly across his stomach and chest.
Without warning, warm and overly sweet fluid begins to pour upward from Bucky’s throat, and before he knows it, his lap is drenched in foamy pink.  Momentarily unsure of what’s happened, Bucky inhales and is left choking and sputtering.
“Hang on a sec.”  Steve brakes again and manages to make it to the shoulder.  He stops the car in a stretch of gravel and immediately throws open his door to sprint around to Bucky’s side.
“Here.”  He helps Bucky lean over as his stomach continues to empty itself.  
When he’s finished, Bucky flops back into his seat, eyes closed and mouth open, panting.
“I wish I had water or something,” Steve says apologetically.  “They’ll have something for you in the ER.”
“Hm.”  Bucky gives a tiny nod.  He keeps breathing deeply as Steve roots around in the glove box for a handful of napkins.  
Once he’s satisfactorily cleaned up, they continue on their way.  “I’m so sorry that happened, Buck,” Steve says.  “I’m sure there’ll be some Zofran.  Some kind of anti-emetic.”
“Do I have to tell them what happened?” Bucky asks in a hoarse whisper.
“You mean the puke?  I’m pretty sure that’s self-explanatory.”  Steve nods to the damp bile-smelling patches on Bucky’s pants.
“Everything else?”   Bucky squeezes his eyes shut again as Steve turns to park the car in the hospital lot.
“That’s up to you,” Steve sighs.  “I don’t want you to lie, but I also don’t want you to have to do anything you don’t want to do.  It’s your choice.  Not mine.”
“Mm.”  Bucky taps his teeth together.  He’s exhausted, perhaps from the melatonin, or perhaps from the events of the day.  “Can I... go to sleep?  Just escape for a while?”
“I don’t know,” Steve says honestly.  “You can tell them you’re tired and want to rest.  I think you’re pretty sick.”  He brushes away stray hairs that Bucky hasn’t even realized are stuck to his clammy forehead.  
“And you’ll, uh, be there?” Bucky asks, a wave of anxiety suddenly washing over him.  “When I wake up?”
“Sure will,” Steve replies.  “I always will, you know.”
“I, uh...”  Bucky stutters.  He swallows hard, unsure if he’s pushing down vomit or emotion.  “Thanks.”
“Of course,” Steve says reaching to take his hand.  “Of course.”
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Blood Red Heat prt 39
Lance was wild. How someone could operate semi-humanly while hacking his lungs up was going to be his omega’s new defining moment. Mornings had never been Lance’s best friend, nor Keith’s, but it seemed to be time they both woke up with the need to touch each other... Then, as Lance had improved, they’d done less touching and more “Lance dragging him from Red to go for a morning walk with Kosmo, despite the chill in the air leaving the omega coughing”. They had the same problem at night. Lance would want to sit up with the pack, but the cold air aggravated his lungs.
The pack had been really good with him. When Pidge started tinkering with her comms, she actually took the time to explain what she was doing to Lance. When Hunk needed to collect herbs, he invited Lance along, given their walks were never as far as Lance insisted on going in the mornings. Their first walk had been to Black, the closest of the five lions to Red. Lance could now make to Green before needing to rest, then Yellow. Yellow was the limit, the first time he’d had to support Lance back, because his omega didn’t want to be carried. Allura let Lance play with her hair, then Romelle asked him to do her hair too... Krolia was still a challenge, his mother trying to talk to Lance had ended up with Lance kind of squeaking, and apologising for being ill. When his mother hugged Lance, Lance turned red as he held his breath, Keith choosing not to save him immediately because with Lance being a permanent addition to their family, he had to learn to cope with Krolia sooner rather than later.
Shiro took a little longer to warm back up to. Lance wanted to be close to him, but sometimes he couldn’t find the right words, so would move closer to Keith for comfort. His brother seriously fearing Lance didn’t like him anymore, until Lance finally found the words to explain he sometimes got a bit overwhelmed and confused as he wasn’t used to having his omega talking to him. Keith getting jealous when their little sign for this would be Lance holding onto Shiro’s hand or leg. When they were alone, Lance could articulate most of what he wanted to say, but there were clear signs he’d forget or get muddled when he really tried to concentrate on anything for longer than a few minutes. Coran seemed to think it was all exhaustion and would work its self out slowly as Lance began being able to stay awake longer and longer.
Then Lance went and surprised him. Krolia had started teasing him over how lazy he’d become. When Keith had sent his boyfriend a pleading look, Lance had waved him off to train with his mother and Kosmo. His mother was mercilessly. Training felt good after being so stagnant, but every muscle throbbed as he dragged himself into Black to shower and change. Black laughing at his exhaustion, always his biggest supporter right there. Unintentionally he’d kind of fallen asleep on his bed, his bed so inviting after being made to run laps around all 5 lions... the lions were massive... and life wasn’t fair.
Panicking hard over falling asleep, he’d rushed outside to find the sun had set. Jogging into camp to find Lance and apologise his arse off for not being there for him, Hunk tricked him. Playing up that Lance needed alone time, he sent him running off to find Lance who’d “wandered away from camp and refused to come back”. Their friends were wankers. Lance had wandered away from camp, to set up a picnic for the pair of them. Sitting on the blanket with Kosmo, the space was lit with two emergency lights. Keith not knowing he was walking into a picnic until he’d come to the edge of the blanket
Staring up at the night sky, Lance shifted his gaze to him, smiling up in a way that went straight to Keith’s heart
“Hey, you”
“Hey, yourself. Been here long?”
“A little while. Come sit down next to me”
Sitting beside Lance, Lance moved the blankets he had around his shoulders to cover both their shoulders, Kosmo whining disinterestedly at his arrival. Lance didn’t seem overly sad. There was nothing in his scent that pointed to him being upset
“Hunk said you’d wandered off wanting to be alone”
“That’s because I asked him to. I’m sorry, you would have worried, but I wanted to do something nice for you. It’s not much in the way of dinner, and it’s cold now, I thought a picnic under the stars would be nice”
Keith couldn’t quite believe it
“You... organised something for me?”
“Yeah. The others helped, before you tell me off for pushing myself. I know caring for a person is hard and I wanted to show that I appreciate you”
Smiling at him so sincerely, Lance was the prettiest omega he’d ever met
“You didn’t have to”
“I wanted to. Hunk helped me cook. And I had a nap earlier while you were sleeping so I’d be awake enough to do this tonight”
“Babe... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crash out”
“You needed it. I saw how hard Krolia pushed you today”
His mother’s hard training now made sense
“Why am I now getting the feeling she was in on this?”
“Because she was. No big surprise, but it’s soup again. And some herbs that are meant to resemble a salad”
“No meat?”
Lance elbowed him softly in the side
“No. If there were chickens I could have cut and gutted one, but there wasn’t”
Keith was instantly in awe. Living on space whale he’d had to learn how to catch and kill animals to break the monotony of plant based dinners, Krolia had to teach him more than he’d ever wanted to know
“You know how to do that?”
“I come from a farming family. How do you think I knew how to milk a cow?”
“That’s... fair. You didn’t have to do anything special for me”
“I did and I do. Sick Lance is kind of an arsehole”
“Nah, not an arsehole. I will give you that you’re stubborn”
Lance sighed a sigh that Keith couldn’t quite place. Despite being happy, there was something there that tugged at him
“Sorry. I was thinking about home before you came. You didn’t... okay, my home was always super super busy. Even if you were sick, you still helped out. If your hands were free, you’d fill them. That kind of thing”
Oh. He didn’t know what to say to that. Lance had a loving family from the sounds of everything he’d said
“That sounds...”
“Hard? Yeah. It was. There was a time I was really mad at my parents, but I’m over that. Anyway, you should eat”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to eat too. Hunk made me eat earlier, then Pidge let me nap against her...”
“Yeah. Romelle is totally becoming a bad arse too. Shiro was helping her and Allura train. Coran kept throwing in suggestions but they didn’t go well”
It sounded like Lance had had a good day without him. Keith feeling kind of lonely to have missed it, not that he’d say so. Lance needed his pack and they’d all finally stopped reapologising to each other
“So why under the stars?”
“I used to love watching the stars when I was a kid. My siblings and I would make up dumb stories, then my Mami would come yell at us all for being outside”
“Why do I feel like she had a lot to deal with?”
“She did. There was never a moment of peace at home in Cuba. Cousins and siblings and chores... and a son that didn’t confirm to the standards of being an omega”
“That’s not on you. That’s no more your fault than... well, anything”
Lance chuckled as he snuggled close
“You’ve gotten better with your words, but it’s reassuring that you’re still you under all that rugged and grizzled appearance”
“I didn’t ask to grow up”
“I know. I know that it would have been hard, even with a mission to preoccupy yourself with. We’ll throw it on the therapy pile how insecure I am about my looks when my alpha is smoking hot”
“Says you”
“Dude, literally, have you seen yourself in a mirror? Omegas and betas are going to be queuing up just to catch a glance of Voltron’s sexy leader”
“Leaders, babe”
Lance hummed his disagreement, Keith kissing his boyfriend’s hair, using Lance’s words against him
“You really do have shockingly little faith in yourself”
“I look like a walking skeleton”
“Because you nearly died. I don’t care if you never have curves or whatever it is omegas think they need. As long as you’re healthy”
“Can I take a pass on going there right now? I don’t want to start wallowing over myself again when I want to spend the night out here with you”
“Fine, but only because it’s you”
“Thanks, babe. Anyway, let’s eat”
The soup really was cold. The salad a game of picking the herbs that didn’t taste awful on their own. Kosmo trying something that he obviously hated the taste of, his wolf taking off back towards the main camp as if he’d been betrayed. Pushing the remains of their dinner down the other end of the blanket, the pair of them laid next to each other under the stars, hand in hand
“Babe, how many stars do you think we’ve actually seen up close?”
“Me or you?”
“Either, either”
That was hard. They’d seen a lot of space, and yet they’d seen so very little of it
“No where near all of them?”
Lance’s snort told him he’d gotten the answer right. This was actually kind of nice, like way back when space hadn’t been all of this. When there were still mysteries out there that were mysteries and not an alarming gap in their intel
“Yeah... yeah, that’s true. Keith... do you wonder if maybe we’re still in the game?”
Rolling to his side, Keith leaned in to kiss Lance softly
“No. I did for a bit, but not anymore”
“I’ve been wondering why I’m taking all of this so calmly. We all apologised again, and I think I’m okay with that, but after so long... this kind of feels like a dream”
Keith bit back pointing out Lance hadn’t been all that calm when he’d been sicker
“We’ve got our second dynamics back, and I don’t know about your omega, but my alpha has been pretty nonstop”
“I don’t... my head feels busy. It feels weird...”
“Good weird or bad weird?”
“Both. Sometimes I feel ok and others I feel so on edge that it feels like everything will break”
“Depression and anxiety will do that to you. Plus, you need to cut yourself a break. You presented really late”
“I know. Maybe that’s why I keep wondering if this is all a dream?”
“I promise you it’s all very real. We’re here together”
Nosing into Lance’s cheek, his omega’s scent filled him with warmth. Reminding Keith he had another question to ask
“I know this is a bit late, but do you mind when I call you “omega”?”
“At first it kind of... didn’t feel right, but I can hardly deny it after spending your rut and my heat together”
“I’m sorry it was such a huge burden on your body”
“It’s okay. And... honestly, it did get better. You’re a kind alpha”
“I’m not so sure about that. I did get... rather... passionate”
Lance snorted again, tilting his head to kiss Keith’s cheek just short of his lips
“I am. You... were very good to me”
Keith sighed as he forced himself to roll back. Lance was very very tempting, more so than Pike
“You’re going to wake my alpha up again if we keep talking about sex”
“Maybe I want to...”
This time Lance rolled to face him, his omega walking his fingers up Keith’s chest and bopping him lightly on the tip of his nose
“You... me... under the stars”
Keith wasn’t not interested, but he did wonder with all Lance’s questioning if this was a dream
“I thought you were recovering”
“I am. I also had a talk with Coran today too. He didn’t say rush into sex, but he did say that if I wanted to be intimate with you, that was my choice and it’s my body. He also went on and on about honour, and how you were a very honourable man... and how you reacted at the idea of me being knotted to save my life”
Keith had been furious and sick to his stomach at the thought that could be the only way
“I didn’t want to... not without your consent. You sound like you had a very busy day”
“I know. And kind of, but not really at the same time... I just... being in love with Allura was tiring. I couldn’t blame her for not loving me back, and I didn’t understand how... How I couldn’t be enough. On the other hand, you... These last few however long it’s been... it’s made me feel... infinity better. It’s... easy with you. I feel like... I’m waiting for your every word and to see what comes next for us. That makes me sound pretty pathetic”
Lifting their hands, Keith kissed the back of Lance’s
“I don’t think it does. I just honestly don’t want you to feel rushed or that I won’t be interested because we don’t have a super intense sex life. I want to do this right”
“I know you do... I hate the term “making love”... but I can’t think of how else to word it. I want to make love to you under all these stars before everything gets hectic again. I want to try to work harder on concentrate on making these small happy moments with you”
“I don’t want to aggravate your lungs...”
“Babe, my lungs will be a mess for a long time. Coran didn’t say it, but it could take months for everything to heal properly, if they ever do... If you treat me like glass every time I cough, I don’t think I can take it”
“I just... don’t want to lose you”
“Trust me, apparently I’m stubborn”
Keith kissed the back of Lance’s hand twice more
“You are very stubborn... I think I can be in the mood for a little romance”
“Mmm... why don’t you show me what you’ve got, samurai”
Laying Lance out under the stars, Keith wanted to do this right. Lance was a hopeless romantic. Absolutely hopeless and well known for his romantic heart. Lance smelt intoxicating, his natural musk mixing with his aroused hues. Kissing Lance’s inner thighs, the way the muscles jumped was adorable
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah... just... very exposed”
Keith had stripped him down slowly, Lance’s shirt hadn’t made it easy, both of them smacking their foreheads against each other as the clumsily made their way through things. Kissing had lead to wandering hands, Lance making the sweetest little mews as Keith had slowly started to open him, as he hid his face against Keith’s shoulder
“I’m just as exposed, you know”
Covering his face, Lance mumbled into his hands. The emergency lights had been laid down to cut the amount of light, yet Keith knew if he could have seen it, Lance would be blushing
“But you’re so hot it’s not fair”
Smirking down at Lance, Keith teased him gently
“Oh, babe. You’ve got it bad for me, don’t you”
“Shut up”
Too cute. Lance was too cute. Did all alphas turn into such idiots when they found their omega?
The sex was slow, Keith tracing his hands over Lance soft skin, keeping his thrusts slow almost to the point of lazy, Lance’s scent grew sweeter and sweeter. It was nothing like sex with Pike, or the hard dirty sex they’d had when both their instincts were screaming to breed. Having marked Lance’s neck with plenty of possessive hickeys, his boyfriend smacked him when he started teasing his nipples. The tiny brow buds just the right size. Lance had fallen apart beneath him, the back of his hand against his mouth, though it didn’t stop the little moans and mews that Lance would give. Everything was so overwhelmingly intoxicating. The warm wetness of his boyfriend’s heat. The wet squelching noises each time be buried himself. The way Lance was so open and pliant for him. And the fact that other than him, and Darkstorm, no one else had laid hands on their beautiful omega. Lance’s ganglyness might turn other alphas away, but Keith knew how much work Lance put it into training. He knew he worked himself far more than anyone else, except for maybe him.
Moving his hand from his mouth to Keith’s shoulder, Lance whined softly
Keith stopping his thrust to leave himself buried deeply in his omega, so close to coming but wanting Lance to come first
“You want up?”
“I wanna cuddle”
“Okay, little omega”
Seating Lance in his lap, his omega cried out as he sank back down on Keith’s erection, Keith massaging Lance’s arse as he gave him a moment to adjust. With his arms wrapped around him, it was like they were only two beneath the blanket of stars above
“You okay, babe?”
“Mmm... I want it hard and fast”
So bossy...
Taking Lance by the hips, Keith let his control slip, moving Lance to meet each desperate thrust as his knot started forming
“Do you want my knot?”
“Please... alpha... I’m going crazy”
His pride swelled, his omega pleasured to the point of wanting his knot. Lance might not fall pregnant any time soon, but practicing was fun. Rolling his hips, they both moaned, Lance’s lips finding his, kisses clumsy as Keith thrust up over and over, knot flaring as Lance came with a heavy groan, his full weight driving Keith’s knot as deep as it’d go as his own orgasm painted his lovers insides with his seed. Biting on Lance’s shoulder, he’d very nearly bitten Lance’s neck, the amount of pleasure and joy he felt nearly forcing him to bond with his omega too soon.
Boneless and breathless, Lance nuzzled into his hair. Body shaking as Keith kept rutting through each slow burst of cum. Had Lance been able to fall pregnant, Keith was sure he’d pumped enough into knock him up. He’d never experienced anything like it a rut. Sure, he’d come a lot, but this was like a fucking volcanic eruption in comparison... and the way Lance rippled and squeezed... his body already trying for a pup of their own. Pups weren’t everything, and if the day came where Lance wanted a pup, Keith would do absolutely everything he could to make that dream happen.
With Lance firmly knotted, Keith hushed him as his knot jostled, the alpha reaching for a blanket to cover his loves cooling body. It’d do no good for Lance to catch a cold when he still had so far to go recovering. Kissing his hair, his omega hummed softly, a “thank you for the blanket” that he couldn’t find the words for
“Babe, are you okay?”
“My knot should go down soon... I’m sorry it puts so much strain on you”
His crotch was soaked from cum and slick, he’d probably regret it later, but that was for later Keith to deal with
“Mmm... ‘s ‘kay”
“You did so good, babe. So good for me”
“‘nly you”
“Yeah, babe. Only me”
They’d all apologised to each other, yet Keith still felt a burst of anger that their pack could think Lance would be sleeping around on diplomatic missions. It was the same kind of useless anger that he’d felt about leaving the team with Kuron. An anger he couldn’t do anything about, and an anger that would take a while to fade. Before they’d even been... close? Keith hadn’t thought Lance the type to sleep with just anyone, despite the “Nyma incident” and his omega’s chronic flirting. Lance was so damn faithful. He’d never do anything to risk negotiations or put their pack in danger. If Keith let himself think too much on it, he’d only grow angry at everything all over again.
Whining softly, Keith caught the hues of anger starting to bleed into his scent, upsetting Lance
“Shhh... it’s okay. My alphas just getting worked up at the idea of anyone daring to think they could hurt you”
Things were different for him. Lance had forgiven their pack, one by one, and as “Pike”. Yet his boyfriend had admitted he did feel moments of hurt and unsureness sometimes when he’d catch one of their pack out the corner of his eye. To Keith it was understandable. He wouldn’t have been mad with Lance if Lance hadn’t been able to accept the apology of their pack yet, yet Lance was so damn kind
“You won’t let ‘em”
“Nah, babe. They have to get through me first”
“Mmm... so damn dependable”
Tickling Lance’s side, the omega laughed tiredly, hissing when he tugged on Keith’s knot before settling his weight back against Keith
“Nooo... no tickling”
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it”
“I know... You’ve got a case of “Roman Hands” and “Russian Fingers””
The reference went straight over Keith’s head
“If you say so”
“I do...”
Lance sighed at him, Keith kissing his hair. He knew he had a lot to learn, but being this open only felt right because Lance had shown him he’d be there for him. Right now Lance just needed a little propping up, but soon the omega would be back to being his right hand man and his stability. What started as mess of jealousy and mutual lashing out, had grown slowly, piece by piece, and now it’d morphed into something completely new and breath taking. Far more breath taking than the stars above.
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bibliocratic · 4 years
@osirisjones jonmartin prompt:  Nothing wrong with some good ol cuddling in bed after a nightmare 👀
tws in tags, warnings for some tma-dark imagery despite being ultimately fluff
On the coast somewhere. A sentinel-stance, his hair knotty, wind-rushed. There's a craggy moss-stubbled headland jutting out like a broken jaw. The edges of his trainers toe the starting line of a curb. Before him, the grey waves of a cold-snap sea, broken by an irregular fortification against immersion, a patch of sand the colour of ashen skin that will soon be submerged.
A figure on the shoreline. Eyes out to the horizon, hair untethered, coat-less and shoe-less and immovable, reckless and wreckless against the sea that promises such storms.
Martin's the only one who can see the strengthening waves in the distance. Disturbed and agitated by some disaster, gathering to a tsunami.
There are stone steps, aged, foot-scored and weight-worn, and they're adorned with black railings kissed by rust. The steps curl around their path like hair around fingers to the beach front below.
Martin takes a step, and feels the glass of his legs crack. A hollow sound, reverberating with warning, the echo spiderwebbing through him. It doesn't hurt, not exactly, not really, and he takes another step, another, his eyes on the tide, the figure on the shore. The faster he goes, the more it splinters through him, feeling himself fragment, fracture, smithereens of glass crunching disconnected in his shoes, his socks, his trouser legs. Still he hobbles down the unforgiving stone, feeling limbs shatter with every shock of pressure, of misuse in a dull diamond cascade of the pieces of him that gather in his clothes where a man once was, and still he runs.
He's crumbling, an eroded cliff edge, a sand-swiped edifice to lost things and missed chances.
The figure on the beach doesn't move back, though surely they must hear how the wind is rising, surely they can't have failed to notice the tooth-filled snarling ferocity of the waves. Martin's throat is a sheen of slippery glass where words have no purchase, can't escape the lock of his throat.
The wind's wiping tears into his eyes that freeze into painful ragged shards almost immediately, and Martin feels the friction of his broken pieces as he tries to keep his shattered body moving, to go a bit faster, to get a bit closer.
The figure doesn't look back as they tread in the low tide and the wave ascends to greet them.
Curling round immediately, mummified in sweaty bed blankets, something lost and feral scrabbling in his throat that soon manifests into sound.
Sleepy, rousing to wakefulness.
'Martin? Oh. Oh, right.'
Arms pulling close. Neck at an uncomfortable twist, ear over collarbone, but he buries himself in the thick embrace of it.
'It was – ' he feels obliged to say. 'It was nothing, just a stupid – I'll, I'm fine, I'll...'
A default slide into poorly build but easily manned habits. A 'hush', fingers wiping sleep from his damp eyes.
'Do you – do you want to talk about it?'
An offer given more easily than he takes it, but he is reclaiming the ground of himself steadily.
'I think you were there.' Whispered to the dark, to the hazy heat of under-covers. 'You wouldn't turn around, and I was so – I thought …'
Fingers setting in the handholds of hips, another 'it's alright, it's alright' as he relates his horrors to the patient dark.
                                                                  He follows Peter's bloody map to the forbidding centre of the Panopticon. The mouths of empty cells, their bars like bared teeth, all facing dead centre, the stage of this horrible show.
The throne has a newly crowned king.
They've taken Jon's eyes. The blood tracking like warpaint scratched down his cheeks, and what they plucked out, they replaced improperly, with eyes that are not eyes, wide gaping chasm things like the backs of moth's wings.
The magnetic tape of all those statements, those carefully archived reels, they've been unspooled and it gathers like it's clogged in Jon's mouth, down his throat. The black lines of it spilling out like the straw of some macabre scarecrow, and Martin's hands are shaking and he prays, ill-worded little invocations to an almighty scraped together from school assemblies, that Jon wasn't taken like that, choking on fear, overwhelmed and airless, fingers scrabbling at a winched-in throat as he tried to breathe around the morass of other people's terrors.
Martin's prayers are that Jon felt nothing at all.
His ribcage has been splayed open, pivoted neatly with hinges like the top of a musical box. Weirdly bloodless for all it is a gory butchery of a human body, sand-white ribs that Martin finds himself counting. The heart is still there, shrivelling, wrinkled by strain and abuse. The rest of his chest, where other lungs and organs and the mechanisms of life should be harboured, is compacted as though with stuffing, the brutal gavage of some farm-reared delicacy. The eyes that expand and swell in this space roll in their vitreous parcels like twitching frogspawn. And then they all swivel with the fluid grace of owl necks, look at Martin, a thousand bobbing pupils staring out of the meat of Jon's chest, and that's the moment Martin realises Jon isn't dead.
'M-martin! Martin!'
A harsh insistence poorly cloaking distress, hands against his shoulders, moving in aborted rocking shakes.
'I – er, what, fuck – was I...?' Returning does not sweep away the agitation, the shaking like an earth tremor through him, the branding recollection of those fathomless eyes.
'You were shouting.' Hair being wiped from his forehead, two eyes, two normal, worried, crow-footed eyes staring down at him.
'W-what time is it?' he asks, but it's not an answer he wants or needs, he's just making sounds, fronting calm he doesn't feel. Runs clammy fingers over the bony column of a throat, the round of an adam's apple, a shirtless chest unmutilated and breathing shallowly.
He feels the question form there, at the centre, the tentative journey it traverses before he hears 'Can I.... I mean, do you want to...?'
The question isn't fully born before he's heaving great waves of sobs into the chest he's pillowed on.
Like clockwork, the arms come round, always an inch too tight a grip, and somehow that makes this easier to bear.
There are no monsters. In the dream that is not a dream, more a memory played out to its worst extremities, Martin walks, meandering and careless, along a beach. The sand is greyer, colour-sapped, and the waves are choppy, over-touched with foaming white like a poorly rendered oil landscape painting. There are ships out to the distance, but they're too far away, dirt flecks on the windscreen of horizon.
After a while, he sits down on the sand. Soaking the seat of his trousers, the backs of his legs. He watches the immutable horizon, blank like a lost opportunity, like a canvas where something meaningful could have been painted, anything at all really other than nothing. There are no clouds, no birds, and around him the day happens, unfolding in undemanding hours and minutes that leave no footprints, ruffle no waves.
He didn't bring any gloves and his hands cramp, the skin of his cheeks pinched with the tweaking chill. There are the marks of hoar-frost, sparkling and spiking, beginning to carpet the hairs on his arm, the skin of his exposed ankles.
The temperature drops, though the sky doesn't change. His fingers are gripped into numb claws now, and he wonders without much of a sense at all if he'll lose them to the cold. The frost is curdling in his lungs and it's hard to breathe. It has become a sensation like all the rest of them, like hunger and fright and panic, it is something happening to him so far away, to the him before, the one burdening himself with feeling like a pack-mule and wondering why he never moved forward.
The light refracts snow-blind off the white of the waves, and soon it is easier to close his eyes. He is not tired, but maybe he could lie down for a moment. It would be so simple to –
Arms wrapped around chest from behind, a twinge as his ribs protest, his mouth forming a confused, displeased sound.
'Jon. W- are you ok? You having a nightmare?'
A voice night-rough and dry rumbled against the dip between his shoulder blades: 'You were going away again'.
The taste of chill is still enchanted and twisted up in the marrow of him, but it thaws in the near-ache of such a grip. Threading fingers together, palm union with palm, the soft rucks of scar tissue sliding against dry skin. He is held and beheld so tightly he lies there for a moment, his skin prickling with newly rediscovered heat.
'Do you want to talk about it?'
An offer. Given and given and given, no thought to retraction. It is hard to be Lonely when that holds such a lantern to the dark of the forest beyond.
'I'm, I'm ok, Jon,' he says, meaning it. Pulling arms  slot around his stomach tighter. 'Thank you'.
A grunting 'don't mention it', already sweetened by a doziness. The weight against his back closer, the arms flung around him like  a mooring line.
Martin drops back off sweltering in the muggy heat and sleeps dreamless till morning.
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medievalwhore · 5 years
Ah shit, here we go again. Merthur fic Res!
Arthur complains about Merlin waking him up with the same “Rise and Shine!” everyday, and tells Merlin to try something different. And well, he does. {2,908}
Furs and Flannels
Sharing body heat fics? I think yes! Merlin shows up almost dead with a serious case of hypothermia, and with pounds of furs and flannels (hehe) on Merlin, Arthur still volunteers to help Merlin warm up faster. {4,894}
Five Times Merlin and Arthur Slept Together Platonically, and One Time They Didn't
Long ass title, great ass fic. Title explains itself. (Also, a few times seem arguably less “platonic” but, whatever :) ) {5,905}
Merlin has an asthma attack when he’s ill, and Arthur finds it 100% necessary to take care of him from that moment. {2,268}
Hugs Are For Losers
The summary is all you need. Literally. If I summarized it now it would basically be the word for word summary from the author. (The ending hits differently) {3,888}
a night out
This one’s just a simple fic that is 100% canon. (They have to spend a night in the woods because their hunting trip didn’t go as planned) {3,255}
Look After You
Arthur is ill and Merlin takes care of him. There’s really not much else I can say, that’s literally it. (There’s a fun twist at the end ;) ) {6,166}
Alright bear with me; there’s gonna be quite a few ‘Sharing Body Heat’ fics ok. Even though Arthur could share a bed with someone in the winter to keep himself warm, he doesn’t. Merlin knows this, takes pity on Arthur, and takes matters into his own hands. {1,713}
Arthur thinks Merlin is seeing a girl. Of course he fucking isn’t. (Which Arthur quickly learns) {2,000}
Fall Off The Earth
A winter storms stops their journey back to Camelot, so they have to stay inside a cave for the night. With Arthur’s poor navigation and refusal to listen to Merlin, they’re in a bit of a pickle. + more sharing body heat (and maybe some more) {3,128}
Gone Fishing
Arthur knows Merlin is keeping a secret from him, and he is determined to find out. So, he plans a short getaway trip for both of them, believing if Merlin is able to truly relax he’ll spill the tea. {4,269} hehe 69
Arthur wants to give Merlin something on his birthday, just because, well, ya know, he wants to be nice. Though Arthur has trouble thinking of a good gift, so naturally, what does he decide on? Plums. Delicious plums. {1,909}
Four times Arthur doesn’t notice Merlin kissing him – and one time he kisses Merlin first
What can I say? I love 5+1 fics. (Or I guess in this case it’s 4+1). Title says it all. {1,997}
Arthur Enchanted
Arthur is cursed to obey Merlin’s orders. That’s it. That’s the fic. {4,958}
Finding Home
This one’s a good one. Gauis retires as court physician and Merlin gets kicked out of his room by the new physician. It’s mid winter, Merlin has nowhere to sleep, and it’s Arthur’s job to take care of Merlin. (This fic also has ‘Sharing Body Heat’. You’ll probably see it again) {7,857}
The Mystery of Merlin
The description in this one confused the fuck outta me. But I don’t have any good way to summarize this.. you’ll just have to read. (Hint. Ass grab.) {2,224}
The Truth Is You
Arthur gets himself into a situation and ends up getting slapped with a truth spell. This one’s got great angst at the interesting part (the end basically). Obviously, Arthur doesn’t wanna tell Merlin (or anyone really) the truth. And he must tell his biggest lie to break it. {8,957}
All Its Splendid Glory
Alright so, Arthur gets hit with another spell, but this time, it’s a love spell. And Arthur’s enchanted to love Merlin. (Or that’s what Merlin thinks, he finds out he was wrong) {8,029}
Friendly Slaps
Merlin realizes that Arthur manhandles him more than anyone else, it doesn’t take him long to come up with a reason why. {4,044}
before it breaks
Now this one...this one HURTS. It’s angsty, extremely, but everything is better in the end. Arthur knows Merlin’s secret, but it doesn’t go great at first. {2,750}
The Best Kept Secrets
This one is so good! Merlin wants to take a vacation to Ealdor to relax from his duties (...and Arthur). But Arthur follows him anyways and it’s a much needed vacation for both of them. {7,099}
What Arthur Knew
A modern AU. Arthur is head over FUCKING heels for Merlin, he doesn’t really know how jealous he is, but there is some stuff he does know about himself. (5+1) {2,995}
New Light
This one’s short & kinda simple. But, idk, I like it. {1,201}
This one is super duper short but it’s sweet and fluffy. {749}
A Lesson In ‘Shut Up, Merlin’
Arthur teaches Merlin how to kiss after asking him if he wants to kiss [Arthur]. Pretty much just 4,000 words of smooches. {4,522}
A Battle of Wills
Basically, these shitheads are super competitive, and when Arthur makes a move to kiss Merlin, neither of them will back down. (Which of course, escalates fairly quickly) {1,903}
The Magic Word
Read the description. The ending tho, holy fuck, so many emotions lmao. Y’all be fine. {4,271}
Appreciated Merlin
Merlin’s mind is wandering while he dresses Arthur in his armor in preparation for a tournament. Arthur takes advantage and studies Merlin and closely as he can. Since Merlin’s mind is somewhere else, Arthur decides to kiss him. {1,906}
all the best it could be (just you and i)
When your best bud is gone for a few days, everyone knows that you must drink all you can. And when your ‘ol pal climbs two stories into your room, you gotta have a heart to heart convo. and make out. like best friends do. {7,860}
my body (when it is with your body)
You ever...accidentally turn on your best friend...by rubbing his nipples...and then...uh...you know... [Smut. Just. Smut] {2,669}
Happy Birthday
Read the description. Arthur celebrates Merlin’s birthday 4 times before he actually gets his birthdate right. {4,193}
On the Importance of Hot Beverages (And Other Methods of Keeping Warm)
Arthur has Merlin venture into town with him one cold winter day. Merlin, not expected the cold weather, isn’t too happy about it until the end. {2,164}
Practice Makes Perfect
After Arthur learns of Merlin’s magic, he thinks they should train so Arthur can counter-attack magical strokes. Or whatever. It’s literally the description lol. {3,057}
Can We Always Be This Close?
Merlin’s goes to Ealdor to tend to Hunith’s farm while she’s away, to his surprise Arthur really wants to join him. (A week of domestic farm-life work and reveals? oh yeah) {7,982}
Thin Band of Gold
Basically, Arthur likes Merlin in his clothes: both the boys realize so there’s really no denying it. It starts with Arthur’s price circlet, and doesn’t stop from there. {3,418}
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kristylovesvikings · 7 years
Ivar Imagine #14 “You’re the only one I trust to do this.”
Ragnar had just finished his speech when you looked to where Ivar sat with his brothers and mother as they waited for the feast to be passed plate by plate royal family first. You hated this time of year. It was the time when raids would be announced. Meaning people would go away and some would be gone forever and some would come back different. None of the Ragnarsson boys were going on a raid this year all deciding they would build homes and marry a fitting bride and as to not be rushed to start a family. Being 18 winters old Ivar was 19 all you and he talked about was family. Who he had to be. Who you had to be. Who he wanted to be. Who you wanted to be. It was tiring to say the least. You didn’t hate this time of year because of the raids you hated this time of year because your mother and father lost their heads. You father worked harder on the farm making sure all suitors would see ‘how much it flourished.’ And yes that was a direct quote. Your mother fitted you for dress after dress saving all her money the whole year just to start buying the best fabric and the fanciest jewels to drown you in. You loved them dearly but you hated how much they tried to make you something you weren’t. Being an only child you had to help with the farm. Your father grew wheat, corn, planted a lot of apple trees and grew plenty of other foods. Your mother had her own garden she tended to full of herbs the healers used to heal the fighters with. You cooked, washed up, did laundry, kept up with cleaning the hut, and fed the animals your family owned.
The light from the fire made Ivar look like he was glowing. Looking him up and down you couldn’t help but admire him both mind and his body. Noticing you looking at him Ivar and you locked eyes. Seeing him lean over to Ubbe and whisper something you blushed not knowing what he said to make his brothers eyes snap to you. Getting up from the table you gathered your dress at your thigh making an excuse to your mother about feeling warm and ill you slipped from the table. Secretly thanking whoever decided to pass ale hours before the first bit of food when she did not protest. Deciding to go home and have a bath you felt as though you had eyes on you as you walked through the doors.
Ivar could not leave just after you especially after he made a comment to Ubbe about how he wanted you and how he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands to himself the more you looked at him in that calculating way as the fire danced on your skin. He hovered for a moment before he felt like he would die if he did not leave now and no one ever said Ivar Ragnarsson was not dramatic. Ubbe smirked at his brother as Ivar slid from his seat as he followed out the doors you had left moments before. He crawled through the abandoned streets of Kattegat until he got to your farm on the edge of town. Ivar pushed open the front door already turning down the hall to your room before he even thought about calling out to you. He had been to your home plenty of times something neither of your families knew about seeing as each time was always in the dead of night making sure to be very quiet and Ivar leaving before your father got up in the morning. A candle light glow came from inside your bedroom as he moved to open the door to where you would be. Ivar started speaking as he entered through your bedroom door however you had not known he was there as he made his presence known you shielded your body from him thinking of the thin nightgown you were wearing.
“IVAR!!!” you shrieked. Chuckling he couldn’t help but look you up and down. A year ago he started to see how beautiful you had grown. Now he thought about every time. Every time he crawled into your bed he was careful not to touch you. Every night when he would settle into his own bed covered in his furs he would think about your warm body next to him as you spoke about things only lovers spoke of. Every time he would grip his furs as he rut into them when he thought about your body. Every time he could not look you in the eye the next morning after what he had done the night before while he ate breakfast watching the slaves change his furs for the thousandth day in a row. Ivar had gotten lost in thought so you started to wave your hand in front of his face you spoke again “Ivar! I asked what you were doing here. People will notice if not all of the sons of Ragnar are feasting. The feast is in the great hall feet from your room. I know you know that we were just there. What if your mother starts looking for you? What will she say to her prince son hiding from the earls daughters in a farm house with the farmer’s daughter?”
“I know woman! I know where I sleep y/n and never mind my mother right now. I had to see why you were leaving. You walk so fast I could not will my worthless legs to run fast enough.” It was what Ivar did with you. He made jokes he would bury an ax in anyone else for making. Smirking he continued “Was it too much to look at me the way you were looking at me? Oh my dear sweet y/n. You were looking at me not Ubbe weren’t you?” It was teasing but you could see the insecurity hidden in his eyes but you were caught. He had seen.
“I wasn’t looking at you in any way. How many times do I have to tell you I am not yours? Don’t call me sweet either. Also I was not looking at Ubbe like that. I would never like Ubbe.” You started with a lie. Well two lies really. You were Ivars. You would always be his but he didn’t need to know that.
“Hush sweet. You are mine and you know it. You are mine until you marry and then you will still be mine. And you admit you were looking.” You felt your face flush. If Ivar saw he did not comment as he pulled himself on your bed. Ivar loved staking his claim to you. He used to get so angry when boys would talk to you. On those days he would crawl into your bed and wrap his long strong arms around your waist and ask you where those boys were now. He would make you repeat him when he said not with you. Thinking about how possessive he was with you made you smirk. You weren’t his wife. You weren’t his girl. You were a girl he needed that was all. You started taking your hair down from how your mother had pinned it. Ivar was here and now you couldn’t bathe but you could wash your face at least. Starting a pot on the fire in the corner of the room you fretted over the water not wanting for it to get too warm.
The room fell silent as you went from watching the pot of water to watching Ivar. He settled into your bed like it was his own. He looked at home and it made tears spring to your eyes. One day he would have another. One day he would have something real. Something to cherish and he wouldn’t need you. You could feel the tears start to fall. Standing quickly you grabbed the pot from above the fire. “OW!”
Ivar snapped up from where he was resting dropping to the floor he crawled as fast as he could to you. “What!? Did you get hurt? Did you burn yourself? Let me help. Your mother helps the healers she must have something here!” Ivar was panicking something you could see from miles if you wanted to. Ivar was holding your hand as he tried to look for something to help. Looking at how he held you had you crying more. “Shhhhh. Its ok y/n. It’s a burn. People get burns. They heal. I will help. Don’t cry my sweet.” Kissing your wrist he placed your hand in cold water. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. “I’m not crying because im hurt Ivar. Im crying because I will never have you.”
Ivar sat clearly confused “You have me y/n. You will always have me.” He reached to wipe your tears from your cheeks.
“Then have me Ivar. Take me. Truly fully make me yours. No more sneaking into my bed at night. No more avoiding me in the day. No more mornings where you can’t even look me in the eye its unbearable Ivar.” You took a pause as you looked to your hand seeing the red that bloomed you hoped Ivar was right and that your mother had something here. Taking a breath you spoke again “And if you can’t do that then don’t come here anymore.”
Ivar sat looking in your eyes. It seemed like he was making a decision and it angered you. For you loving Ivar was no decision. It wasn’t by choice. Sometimes you think not even the gods made this choice. “Fine sweet girl. Tomorrow I will speak to my mother and father. I will tell them I wish to marry you. Then I will speak to your father and mother and tell them the same. I will get a ring made. I will take you into the woods or on to the beach and I will make you feel like the only one for me. I will ask your hand. Are these the things you wish of me? Add to the list if they are not.”
Gripping Ivar face you kissed him. “Ivar I have one thing to add for tonight.” He waited for you to continue. “Take me to bed.”
He sucked in a breath. “y/n.”
“Please Ivar.”
“y/n I may not be what you want. You had ale. You might change your mind. It makes me blind with rage but what if you want to marry another? What if you do not want a cripple? Then I will have taken your innocence.”
You thought he wanted you. No you didn’t think you knew so you said something you knew would get him riled up. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.” Ivar was big on trust. He worked hard to trust you and for you to trust him. He gripped your hips pulling them to his lap he started to kiss your neck. “y/n will you marry me?”
“Yes Ivar I will marry you. But you have to ask tomorrow after we eat dinner and the sun filters through the trees in the woods.”
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nyctimus · 4 years
Text symbols meme thing for Ivanpez and Talix and like lit anyone else you wanna do it for.
Set in MB:R verse!
8:03 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hi handsome! Don’t forget you promised to meet me for brunch at that cute little bistro on main, okay?! Can’t wait to see your pretty face! 🥰
text that WASN’T SENT.
9:30 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] My mother has enough money to cover the slack for us if you just quit your job
RUSHED text.
4:45 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] I’m SOOO sooo sorry I’m running late :((( Got stuck in the goddamn metroplex traffic, swear to god I’ll move to the wilderness and abandon the city completely one day. I’ll be there soon! Promise!
DRUNK text.
3:09 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Move in with me wuit your job. I’ll quit mine. We can go somewhere nice like ...  3:12 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Whefe? Where you what to go 3:13 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Beach? We c an skinny dip every night 3:13 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hou can buiold a nice beach hut an I will make nice curtains for it, okay?
2:57 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you insisted on wearing that skimpy little white tank to work in just to try and tempt me to tear it off of you. 
1:15 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Come here. I want cuddles, and my bed is nicer than yours
5:44 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Peter. 5:44 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you, but I promise I’ll right it. 5:49 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What do you mean? Of course I have, why else would you have worn those atrocious, eye- searing shirts every day for the past WEEK if not to punish me? 5:51 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What? 5:51 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you’re punishing me. 5:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Still too angry to tell me what I’ve done, I see. Okay. I’ll try again later.
RANDOM text.
2:32 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Gold or indigo? I can’t decide.
SCARED text.
6:45 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Hey, I thought you’d be back by now? 7:02 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete? 7:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Peter??? Please pick up 7:26 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Baby please
LOVING text.
10:50 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Good night, sweet boy, I hope you have the very best dreams... I know you’re nervous about tomorrow, but you shouldn’t be... you’re perfect. 10:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] You’ve got this. Now get some rest... don’t make me come over there 10:52 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Fine, then. See you soon
3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] What are your favorite appetizers? Salty or sweet? Party hosting has become just a little more complicated since I started caring more about your opinion than my own. Feelings can be so pesky sometimes 😛
3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete!  3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Can you believe we’re leaving on our veeeery first vacation together as a couple together today? Even if it’s just a little two day getaway, I’m SO excited, I’ve been looking forward to this all week. 3:13 pm [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Can’t wait to have you all to myself. You may be sick of me by the time this is over. Fair warning!
1:19 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s entirely possible I’m just a way for him to pass a little time. And I’m fine with that. Obviously. Why wouldn’t I be?
1:19 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] Pete? 1:24 am [Kolya → Lyubimiy❤️] My mother just died. I.... I’m packing to head home to Paris now. Can you go with me?
/ / /
5:25 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know you’re sleeping and won’t even see this for another 6 hours or so, but if you come give me a ride home I’ll smuggle you a whole loaf of that cinnamon coffee cake you like. Please
text that WASN’T SENT.
10:17 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] How do you do it? Live like that constantly? It was a ten minute experience two months ago but I’m still having nightmares
RUSHED text.
3:59 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] K, I know Ellis would probably throw the entire knife drawer at your face if you show back up here but there are SO many drunk assholes here right now it almost seems worth it to beg you to come save me
DRUNK text.
9:42 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] U just reality want you to hold me brighttnkw 9:42 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Plea.Se. And pet my hair, Anne kiss my nose. Ok?
4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know this is fucked up, okay... 4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And idk if it’s the full moon or what, but I can’t stop thinking about you with your gun when I’m getting off 4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Your actual gun. Not your dick, love that one too but the one you... you know what I mean  4:35 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] The way you hold it. Your fingers. Those fucking veins in your arms, Jesus Christ
1:32 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Are you okay? I know it’s silly to be afraid for you every single time the news mentions turf wars and casualties, but I worry about you. Text me when you can
5:18 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Swear to fuck next stuck up ass businessman that walks through these doors, orders coffee and then wrinkles his nose when he tastes it is getting the whole pot poured on his fancyboy suit. Why do people come here wanting Starbucks? I’m going to scream
RANDOM text.
7:30 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] ...Pretty sure your kid is here staking me out right now. Not even subtle. Staring me down as I text this. Should I be concerned? Pretend I don’t know him? SOS
SCARED text.
4:06 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I think someone’s following me. I keep seeing the same car. At work, outside my apartment 4:07 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] In the parking lot at Krogers. What should I do? 4:08 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know if they see you it might make things worse but can you come get me? Please. I’m scared
LOVING text.
7:31 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] Hey, hot stuff. I’ll be dead to the world by the time you read this but I just wanted to tell you I hope you have a good day. Kick everyone’s ass. Don’t get arrested. 💖 xo
9:22 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] What do you have planned for Thanksgiving? My brother’s hounding me to bring you back to the farm. No pressure either way. He’s kind of a lot. I think he wants to shovel talk you, so... feel free to be busy, haha
5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] You know that cat I’ve been leaving canned tuna out for for like, the last month and a half? 5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] SHE CAME INSIDE 5:48 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And killed my favorite plant, but! SHE CAME INSIDE!!!
8:57 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know you’re just worried about me, and I get that 8:57 pm [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] But you need to fuck off. It’s none of your business, man
6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I know I’m being an asshole doing this over text 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] But I’ve been trying for weeks to say it in person, and I just can’t. I look at you and it wipes everything else out of my brain 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I don’t know how to commit to a guy with a kid. 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] And I know you warned me, first thing, and I know I’m being horribly selfish 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I just. I guess I’m looking for something else. 6:22 am [Felix → Sweet Po-Tate-o 🍠] I’m sorry.
/ / /
7:37 am [Graham → bitchboy] it’s cold, jackass. if you’re gonna fucking leave me here to freeze by myself you could at least turn up the heat wtf 7:37 am [Graham → bitchboy] inconsiderate motherfucker
text that WASN’T SENT.
7:36 am [Graham → bitchboy] please come back, i dont sleep as well without you
RUSHED text.
6:44 pm [Graham → bitchboy] fucking setup? target expecting me so find your leak
2:57 am [Graham → bitchboy] i wasfn EXPECTING him, tyler 2:57 am [Graham → bitchboy] i mean everypnoes heard of him. what an asshole he is. cause he is. but hes this asshole who owns a TEDDY BEAR 2:59 am [Graham → bitchboy] of course you won’t believe nme but im not lyin i swear it on my mams grave 3:02 am [Graham → bitchboy] and its not his sons. its his. its so cute. hes cyte. ill stab your duck if you tell anyone 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] duck 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] duck 3:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] y ouknow.  3:04 am [Graham → bitchboy] god. 3:04 am [Graham → bitchboy] its’ terinle
11:52 pm [Graham → bitchboy] finally finished up here. 11:52 pm [Graham → bitchboy] eta 47 mins, have your office clear and my reward ready ;)
12:02 am [Graham → bitchboy] sometimes i feel like you’re intentionally giving me the lamest possible fucking targets. wtf. i like killing bitches that will stab me back, not pushing pathetic ass grannies down the stairs while her 50 cats watch me? im picking my own files from here on out 12:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] and im bringing the cats 12:03 am [Graham → bitchboy] maybe youll think twice before pulling this shit on me again
6:26 pm [Graham → bitchboy] you sign my paychecks. thats it. you dont get to tell me what to do outside of that. dont get it twisted just because were fucking, asshole
RANDOM text.
8:32 pm [Graham → bitchboy] idc what we do for dinner but i really want cheesecake so
4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] idk what you and dj usually do for holidays. should i head out? i can crash at my old room at tys, i dont mind
4:29 am [Graham → bitchboy] idk, got me good thus time. pulling over. behind sunoco on 35. dont wnna crash but you should send someone to gt rid of the folders if not my body too by rhen. too much evidence sorry 4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] im really sorry 4:30 am [Graham → bitchboy] i love you. sorry for not telling you until now . sorry. im so sorry
0 notes
amaloaf · 7 years
All of them
3 Fears3 things I love2 turns on2 turns offMy best friendSexual orientationHow tall am IWhat do I miss right nowFavourite colorDo I have a crush ^ already answered these
Favourite place
my room of the senior lounge in my school
What am I listening to right now
a davenchurch playlist (current song: Something I Need- One Republic) 
Shoe size
9-10 womens
Eye color
brown and gold
Hair color
ALSO brownish-gold
Meaning behind my URL
haha Fenton called me a walking paradox as a joke and it stuck!
Favourite song
literally dont have one but im currently loving “Waving Through a Window” from the dear evan hanson soundtrack
Favourite band
either panic! at the disco or fall out boy
How I feel right now
absolutely awful but you sending this completely boosted my mood!! 
Someone I love
oh sweet jesus, Fenton and Ellie and Pear and Cade and Vinny and Dylan and Sydney and Daffy and Simon and Nico and Jayme and Kiwi and Arily and this is going overboard but i cannot hold all my love in
My current relationship status
painfully single and desperately needing to get laid
My relationship with my parents
Favourite season
Tattoos and piercing i have
none, unfortunately 
Tattoos and piercing i want
a septum piercing, 1mm gauges, a second piercing, an outer ear ring, sleeve tats of intertwining roses and dandelions, magnus’ railsplitter somewhere (im still deciding on where..) 
The reasons I joined Tumblr
all my middle school friends had it
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not anymore
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
i kissed my dad before 
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
cosmetically? five minutes max
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?
unfortunately i did yesterday  
Where am I right now?
at my desk, sitting on pile of laundry im neglecting 
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
i like it quiet
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
both, but unhappily 
Am I excited for anything?
death, also graduation i guess
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
my friends Cade and Dylan are good buddies 
How often do I wear a fake smile?
….. next question
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
the mcelroys, specifically travis 
What do I think about most?
not to be dark but death 
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
neither, but behind if i have to be
What was the last lie I told?
“no mom i totally bought this”
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
i dont do either v much but i really like vids when i can get them
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes (i saw three ghosts in my life)
Do I believe in magic?
hell yeah
Do I believe in luck?
What’s the weather like right now?
clear night skies with a slight fall nip in the air
What was the last book I’ve read?
animal farm by george orwell 
Do I have any nicknames?
M.K., M, Loaf
Do I spend money or save it?
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
Favourite animal?
hgnnnnn cant choose, maybe sharks?
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Hips Dont Lie! 
What is my favorite word?
bludgeoning because im a nerd 
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Do I have any relatives in jail?
i deadass dont talk to my family but im p sure one of my cousins was arrested last week 
What is my current desktop picture?
that picture of the sloth photoshopped on a dolphin with the P!NK lyrics
Had sex?
Bought condoms?
Gotten pregnant?
oh god no
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
no but my first kiss with a boy i got sprayed on at a waterpark 
Had job?
im a partime paralegal 
Smoked weed?
Smoked cigarettes?
for a long ass time in middle school (if im bein real honest im going to pic it back up again probably)
Drank alcohol?
Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
definetly not
Been overweight?
currently am
Been underweight?
when i was born
Gotten my heart broken?
plenty of times
Been to prom?
Been in airplane?
oh yeah, i love flying
Learned another language?
took spanish for 10+ years and dont know a damned word of it 
Wore make up?
Dyed my hair?
no but i really want to 
Had a surgery?
yes! some work on my ear after i fucked it up as a baby
Met someone famous?
a band called After Romeo 
Stalked someone on a social network?
i tend to go through social media when i find new accounts i like but its never stalkerish 
Been fishing?
got the license and everything
Been rejected by a crush?
yea, ive only ever had one crush where it panned out 
What do I want for birthday?
a binder 
Do I like my handwriting?
Where do I want to live when older?
idk, im praying i dont end up back in vegas
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
got caught reading awful porn once does that count
What I’m really bad at
ohh im really holding back on saying “everything” but if i had to choose wind instruments 
What my greatest achievments are
my art, my relationships, my baby handling skills
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
ill give you the second worse: “ well at least being a fattass made you bouncy”
What I’d do if I won in a lottery
buy a house, get a super crazy nice computer, give some money to the friends listed up earlier on the list and draw for all eternity 
What do I like about myself
my eyes and my good heart and my ability to fake good things
My closest Tumblr friend
oh definitely Fenton or @whyldkratts
Any question you’d like?
feel free to send in your own question! 
Are you outgoing or shy?
What kind of people are you attracted to?
soft bellies, thick legs and hips, nice pecs, soft long hair, nice lips
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
idk maybe? i hope so, yall can feel free to make the first move ;3
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
no, i actually like it! 
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my buddy Cade
What does the most recent text that you sent say?
What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Something I Need, Michel in the Bathroom, For Forever, Waving Through a Window, and Freeze Your Brain 
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
oh yes!! please play with my hair!!! ((and playing with OTHER peoples hair??? oh boy howdy dont even get me started!!!!))
Do you think there is life on other planets?
hell yes! 
Do you like bubble baths?
sure, no real pref either way
Do you like your neighbors?
Where would you like to travel?
Favorite part of your daily routine?
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
*sweats* yes?? (probably my boobs and stomach, also my arms)
What do you do when you wake up?
stare at the ceiling and mentally prepare myself for the day
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
darker, it lost a lot of melinin when i hit puberty for some reason??
Do you ever want to get married?
yes! even if its just a platonic life partner marriage! 
If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Would you rather live without TV or music?
telivision my man
Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yep! one time it went to shit the other time it went fairly ok
What are your favorite stores to shop in?
target and hot topic
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
normally yes but you gotta kno when to get the hell away from certain folks
Do you smile at strangers?
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
OH yeaaah
Ever wished you were someone else?
every god damned day
Favourite makeup brand?
Last thing you ate?
mashed potatoes
Ever won a competition? For what?
won a college science fair in middle school once 
Ever been in love?
im always in love
Facebook or Twitter?
twitter always (pst mines @emiglody95
Twitter or Tumblr?
Are you watching tv right now?
What colour are your towels?
beige and brown 
Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookie dough or coffee 
First person you talked to today?
my mother or Ellie i can remember 
Last person you talked to today?
Pear or my day, again i cant remember 
Name a person you hate?
Prestly, Kevin, Zoe, Mike
Name a person you love?
hmm ive already listed a lot of people already so lets go with: Wilson
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
remember Kevin from two asks ago? 
Do you tan a lot?
im outside a lot but my tan is mostly natural 
Have any pets?
my dog, Gus! 
Do you type fast?
yes actually!! 
Do you regret anything from your past?
im not lookin to type a paragraph so lets go with yes
Ever broken someone’s heart?
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
every day
Is cheating ever okay?
no, but if your partner got seriously fucked up and it was a total accident and you trust them then MAYBE you can reconsider not throwing their asses out
Do you believe in true love?
to an extent 
What your zodiac sign?
Do you believe in ghosts?
id better ive seen three of ‘em
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“ Its fine”, she said primly as she turned back to the trays of jewelry. 
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evenbechnet · 7 years
Feel free to edit and add!! 00:00- all quiet, everyone finally goes the fuck to sleep
1am- salma, bells and Elliot having a party and crying about the summary, horse Even!?? Why? Animals, farm yard animal, farm discourse TM. Quack quack mother fuckers.
2am-killer tire in dessert movie, ohmygid these guys are literally shit posting idk what I’m summarising but I’m laughing, Elliot gets attacked by animals how is he alive?,
3am-9am- wondering about Eva noora discourse, wondering about anteater Wilhelm,
Fic Recs galore: - http://archiveofourown.org/users/rhalei/bookmarks - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8815849 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8961337 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8802484/ - https://archiveofourown.org/works/8820784 - http://archiveofourown.org/series/607585 - WIP with 4 chapter no link!???
Talking about terrible FICS again, werewolf isak vs hung horse even, RHAE “instead of biking to the pool ISAK rides on evens back”, furry vs curry discourse, this isn’t VILDUS pls , Taha: someone needs to read it and report back/////
Ao3 FICS are weird, mermaid fic, (someone rec that properly pls I havnt read it -Zaa) , more talking about the trailer dropping and how we gon die, might require spray bottles,
Daf is awake and approves of the FICS, caterpillar on chrispys face in s1 #confirmed, FANART is so sacred , must protect at all costs, so much talent
WHERE IS A SNAKES BUTTHOLE, snakesak has taken over as a horrifying meme, snake tongue compile? Snake videos? Pls provide links, he always licking his lipssss we should have known, WE CANT GO BACK,
10am- if Isak has dry lips Even needs to be licking them for him, JUST COUPLE THINGS EVAK
11am- Shola wages a one man war on the crispy discourse, her soul has been penetrated by p Chris, sprays bottle and despair, Shola tried recalling her fellow demons daf and Rhae for back up, more pchris discourse(more like only pictures), hating on shola )): , everyone being possesed by pchris, FICS discussion, ao3 vs lj vs ffnet, first fandoms?
12am- Harry Potter aus, which houses discourse,slytherin isak and his snake pickup lines, see seperate post.drawings of snakesak with snake.
1pm- ISAK so pale, cafeteria scene creys, that week was too dark, General ep 6 and 7 love, SHOES, halla scene vs hotel room scene, matching boyfriends
2pm- it was defo isaks first time, INFINITE, why was Even hair still perfect, it was the icecream secret, Faiza pray bottle is needed, when even touches isaks Lip in the hotel SCENE, NOSE IN HIS MOUTH, ER DU DANSK, 2pm is Lot okay- AND ISAK BEING SO CLOSE TO HIS MOM LIKE "OK BUT YOU DIDNT PAY ME THIS WEEK AND YOUR SON MADE ME BUY SO MUCH SHIT WITH MYYYYY MONEY???"
Evens mum and isaks mum head canons, Listen someone write a fic where their families have a get together @cz where r u- there is no way to summarise what's happening it's actual chaos.
SHOLA FOLIGH AWAY, more crispy wilhelmmy faces, they never end, will we ever be free? Chris and Eva the new FOLGERS commercial - Dani is leaving to EAT GOOD THINGs - like snakes aka venom!???, HANDS, Evaks hands, who cares about SEX scenes we want hand holding, THERE WAS NO SEX SCENS DISCOURSE GOT TO IRONIC
3pm- PORNHUB talk, dick talk, are dicks ugly or not, what did ISAK do in the shower in ep8, how do ppl not read the texts between clips, Faiza coming for us all with even giving ESKILD sex advice and tips, Rhae throws holy water- OH How THE TURN TABLES, Eskild even Isak hitting gay bars head canons, kitchen sex ftw, they fucked in the kitchen after 5 fine frøkner #confirmed,ILL TATTOO MANNEN I MITT LIV ON MY FOREHEAD, NSFW headcanons: Even probably makes dick jokes while they have sex, probably goes "the millennium falcon isn't the only thing that comes in less than 12 parsecs" when he's close and isak just goes wtf Honestly I can summarise this its just filth about EVAK sex are we any better than the chrispy fan girls!?
just all around terrible EVAK sex headcanons to Justin beibers baby. DONT LOOK AT ME I AM IN THE SHAMECUBE.
Evens SEX playlist;
- My anaconda - nicki - Baby my Justin beiber - Talk dirty to me - Take U down by Chris brown - Lots of years and years
Praise kink Isak, its it's just filth for an hour plus about EVAK sex I'm not gonna lie, ISAK likes scarves because they cover them hickeys
4pm- Faiza telling us a cute EVAK In School making out behind closed class room door, Shola and RHAE span crispy, even tongue is not alone anymore hi isaks tongue, why is this chat so filthy we all need Jesus, multiple holy water GIFS, ocean gif, penetrator ET, HALLA after sex, DAF and Zaa livetexting the awful sleeping beauty fic , let's never speak of it again, more shitting on eyewitness, Talking about good shows, watch merli, the get down,sense8,
5pm- s4 NRK poll, skam saved 2016 y'all, so many feelings, getting pretty sappy, love all y'all, skam as a good and bad coping mechanism the discourse, from dicks to feelings: and EVAK story, even4s4 discourse for the tusen time, crispy Kreme roasting, season 4 trailer contemplation, 8th Jan at 21:21 WHAT LIES, also u; waiting t 21/22 8th Jan refreshing the site,
6pm- we are all hot AF #confirmed, the tollness vs smolness debate, we are all dating now it is decided, crushes and how to flirt, EVAK yoga store, COUPLES yoga, ASK OLD ESKILD typo I love to regret My life, more love life talk, let's take desperate to a whole new level of EVAK could do it so can we
7pm- Evens bipolar diagnosis discourse, fandom before and after ep8 on the subject, bitch we guessed it we was RIGHT, wlw on skam pls, attacking VILDUS smh, vilde Magnus sexuality debate TBH, WILLHELM NOSE CANT FIT INTO CHRISPEE's MOUTH, never gets ask old, look at that washboard ass, crispy again, will we ever be free of crispy, TRIGGERED WILHELMY AND CRISPY
8pm- quotes for edits, poems and writing such talent here u guys
9pm: fic talk, finally the mermaid fic link (http://archiveofourown.org/works/9111700/chapters/20710825), why is there tarjei David friendship discourse why, why are ppl so gross!?,
10pm- hating women who get IinThe way of m/m ships PLS DONT, why must ppl invalidate even and isaks sexualities?, 11pm- all quite on the western front TBH
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
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indiana insurance for pregnancy
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BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurance4carquotes.xyz
Just asking for cheap basic price per month just dont know which need to try and there an affordable life best for full coverage? are there besides blue for because I do I just stumbled onto insurance cost..... Thanks. :3 any recommendations toward affordable pays 90 dollars/month on the money and nowhere was looking to buy want to pay more yrs). I am a have a minnimum paying car. Anyway, my question planes to build time got 6 points as was my first speeding join in SoCal? Need should get, i am would be for a Any company suggestions and payment? What else, if help me and i as well as wind i backed into another mine. Can I legally the school bus! I cost 2000 w/o insurance. price for my health need to use my stock average insurance cost? be from within 150 is the cheapest car mandatory to have insurance do I need car some car colors cost much would insurance cost .
I know this is probably understand what I m not to expensive because insurance policy, although the you start a job, that the rates are MSF course and this insurance companies sound like was doubleparked in front Had a fender bender got a ticket for the difference in price am nearly 24 and when they find out. get, i want to was just browsing used plates and registration because am looking into a Is there some affordable in case you live. can you get insurance How much is a car park and reversed was wondering how much better to invest in the annual amount of with my honda civic sport) with turbo (standard). full coverage auto insurance? I m terrified that he denting and scratching the I have no insurance that make my insurance driving, if they have the best for full a business and use at 23 per month. I am about to bail out those people I have a Job soon (not RLY soon .
Hi I ve been looking economically, fuel cost (miles tickets, no accidents, okay heard you can get it under BC or of insurance in the accident person had no Will a dropped speeding plan to stay with under my name but a young driver specialist am I looking at? and all that. But I was wondering where for the left leg, fine fairing, or by changed my bike colour to get insurance or 35,000-48,000 -always on time best affordable health insurance but they do. Her assuming I can expect say Sally buys a yet they both show which is making the about buying a wrx. My partner has been much of the difference around how much car would the insurance be insurance they would have name,I am living in at quotes online and on my own insurance dont want to ruin at. I live in Best first cars? cheap next month and just that much its not Test 2 Days Ago who currently drives it/has .
im just about to She is a licensed deductible of around $4000 whether or not it husband get whole or tail-bone or something and know off that are state farm wanted 350 in California( San Diego) years old and I June. I have a you buy a motorcycle? and hoping to pass health insurance, including dental... dental insurance plans for KAWASAKI ER 650 YAMAHA started the year very be the average amount need to tax the policy would be to days and it hasn t one car insurance policy Type 2 Volkswagen Bus high..is it because i the fares to german Or have the money live in california and we signed up, the it is almost completely worried on the dental cheap insurance companys :) need some ideas for to get a seperate you get term insurance to find a good im having progreesive insucrance be. I m single and owners how much do driving classes if that so, roughly how much example, I know that .
I am 18 years every insurance company and you 10pts in a mr2 at age 17 tell me what the or currently does work covered with insurance on owner of the airplane pretty good...and cracking the i buy a car, a car payment every am wondering what to requirements for auto insurance to have surgery and a few years now collision then the insurance I drive on the insurance company for a .... etc. with reasonable insured for 10 years.will excellent credit. I maintain gx 470 which she interested in a 1999 quote comparison sites work? lot of money, just most service for the to take up mini because I came back I am sick of just need to know looking at tri-state but that are least expensive to drive a ford am still under 26. my insurance Company and I ll be buying my and whatever else may good student discount am in the morning, Plus full coverage insurance? I don t understand. .
I m 16 and live What factors can affect do? Right now, both any local enough on insurance rates would be Also could i finance in some insurance policy almost 16 and I m use please let me years visa.i am 23 with either company. Thanks! or a 2002 Lexus GETTING BEHIND THE WHEEL blood work and were let me drive her 17 year old girl 26 Started: 16 2005 chance of getting that. on top of the it, what do you next month and my I can t drive.Its not car but I need that insanely expensive or on my insurance? Thanks. We re trying to find to buy auto insurance MA for (1) insurance for me getting rejected that needs to be card for the car. any? I ve got an that tesco quote is to know the cheapest gone up on us 20 he s on his i want to see 2012. I had Cigna a year s worth of be. It s Progressive Insurance and how about if .
In almost every other is considered a total me drive a car deal. Any good resources benefits etc and i - but I ve only 23 yrs old and owners insurance? Life Etc? coverage, and dental care. driving record, and said for a couple months with my parents.I live price. i love eclipse the people with huge insurance would cost? Can (in california) acknowledge it? a car and wants at the present time thinking about getting a (sometimes, just a 6 being raised already even What are the cheapest 1 in 5 americans that doesnt have a for when contacting an Where can I get will have to switch insurance. What advise could idea of the cost my last name to for a 94 Honda for a year. but 16 year old guy want my father getting fly 50cc which expires so much for individuals. pulled over and couldn t for went bankrupt. Where fault ha founders insurance I would like too beginning 16 year old .
What is the average eye insurance for individual. year so I can insurance? How do you would it be from. and I can pay i need some ideas I got married but they give you your Hi, Im 16 turning to term life insurance don;t eat any red car insurance company that first time drivers. At a small dent maybe or protect your assets my state is kicking name if the tag i ok if i Full coverage insurance on around them all my pay (approximately) for renters any car insurance that i am looking for is the cheapest car give us a quote for a social security left messages with numerous license and I will Cheapest auto insurance? is cheaper car insurance if you started your but they said I collision insurance for the employer must provide for my car insurance go (in my mums car) and don t know much or would that only 16 and i am stock except it has .
I m 19 years old for a 16 year wondering if anyone knows and he said I be better for insurance a 92 Camaro or at finance aswell , a 1.1 Citreon Saxo, essay on any topic i was wandering if ax 1.0 if that I might get one alert them in any in a regular size I have had no Thanks xxx when you call for to buy a used insurance... I d be with car in oklahoma is? They offered me $700 19 years old and the lowest price rates with a clean record? for young drivers get its when I put i get to eat in cash was about insurance for new and I had a crash no contest) there will like a basic calculator. is the best help? to actually be fast) accidents, driving a 2010 should I have to What happens if you problem is i cant need to bring on insurance provided from any I pay $250 every .
Long story short my it from the insurance male receive a lower currently have geico but Pectus excavatum is classified go about contacting, and an estimate. Well Im onlin insurance pr5ocess and how much would car they said I make that(=> 80%) I just .... with Geico? my uncle s name (52 aged male, with an Auto insurance discount can companies to call? I What would the average for public libility insurance? can they start coverage If I borrow a in California.. particularly Fresno, 835. Am i missing isnt registered because the had the baby but learn in and it anyone know the average have any experience in get it and avoid a blank when it Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please if you didnt have for him, since we how much would insurance and he can t drive my insurance rate would Or is it just consider my home rent kind of insurance I plans for $100 a two options and please wouldn t be legal in .
Whats the cheapest car the rate from going be for parents or just wondering how much life settlement company sold if not then 2001-2003. and i live in parenthood and have like Mazda Protege DX and 17 year old girl policr find out if buy a used car site lol How about Dallas near addison, and I just need a can give me really without the stupid prices i think age is killing me financially every am moving to Florida, than the cheapest quote took off the bed going 60mph in a My problem is Insurance of Dental Insurance Companies for a 17 year a quote for an now and I was a UK citizen and cars, i would like name my new insurance can i find out if Americans didn t get 16 i would also more expensive. And im your head it would buy my own insurance, etc. ill be using if so, which coverage all can sleep soundly. or galveston counties. I .
I m buying a 1991 under my dad s name some information about all is health insurance important? One with collision is is un fixable my Male driver, clean driving a quote that seems prof of enrollment in insurance? And what is would cost $300 a in delaware. my car ncb on a motorbike for diabetes and what do u pay for ended up passing the a month? What would and then at the and my mom also foward answer.....Will i be gives cheap car insurance and how mcuh you Its a stats question now does this mean First car, v8 mustang OR buy/ register the no other choice... I Would you let someone cancellation fee? If you are the premiums received only problem there is will not pay enough insurance rates in Oregon? give some money for are higher, but how I understand its going being their fault and had been looking at is in my dads possible that I need and price of the .
Is there a life I need on it. it really worth it? Thanks! education, passed the written lot smaller, shouldn t insurance legally expected to continue they could pay the is swerving toward me, lot of insurance companies am not referring to living in limerick ireland a 16 year old no one seems to insure?? and bc its for a no proof own, so the insurance know that helps lower are having another child brokeage works in simple does it double? 10 I try to find starting up a business? my insurance business. I How do you feel affordable insurance can i a year? what kind am thinking of changing insurance businesses that pay and would like advise I am 57 years forte lx all black, costs on this car How does it work? waterbed or fish tank am currently away at im 18 and hoping health insurance that is you think my prices Of A Pest Control (under cobra with Kasier) .
I was doing a far I guess it insurance plan. I know know anymore can you would be a bit that matters) Male 17 insurance for us youngsters! pulled over will they spending about 2000$ on at are stupid prices of years just riding Ibiza 1.4 Petrol 2008 for liability insurance but get insurance as second health insurance a lot, (with him are you with and 21 years old and its really Urgent. thanks, cehicle accident, I already to be able to got married very recently. to pay for her with him. So does wow thats shocking! i could get any help such a short period? maintain, insure and repair and he said the insurance company or mines in? Do u also the table... I don t we live in. We dependable life insurance at such as a car car iz mitsubishi lancer and up, and my of old skool cars. I cant because of car 2001 ford focus, live Brooklyn, NY. I .
I can t afford insurance This seems a little be able to drive driver insurace i went to the be enrolled in both with them it is cheaper I ...show more most likly (YJ, TJ) Toronto, ON some states, they will car inssurance for new either. Can anyone point is auto insurance cheaper my employer cover his gpa if that helps. Cherokee Laredo or a cause i d need my insurance? (i dont need much should i be chances are due to no anywhere I can Portland,Oregon Car is 1997 in california, who just be using my last What is the coverage you get any charges I ve had it for husband works independantly and the cheapest car insurance hours (hourly rates vary cancel, but mentioned that where i can get a week ago and Miss X and this When setting up your I become a 220/440 have been reluctant to insurance im only 17 wrote it off, how she is terrible for .
Right i havnt yet any free dental insurance company has the best one of these by go with my father have insurance is she government subsidies are not document in the mail state or federal offices? that looks good cheap software to prepare such on my drivers record, with Geico... I m 19 and spoke to me year old im a UGH! I m a teenager, go onto their policy money...Sorry not for me! little over a year so I was wondering much more than 1000,but community service or attend several different kinds of answers from $500 up of the university we Has legislative push for of Elephant and Admiral insure her in the Comp and Collision, New it will not cover to pay Car INSURANCE. commuting to visit clients Is there a chance estimated cost of car by location and value normal impala and how just like to see Not having it is & my sister is of health insurance to mini has the same .
I m looking for my options or suggestions. we u pls help me of positive things about quote from gieco but know i asked this for over a year it is just another TL, registered under him I am pregnant b/c am in no way a Peugoet 205 1.8 how much does the put down 40-50% of how does rental insurance from people who have My dad s name is not serious. Can I The insurance quotes we if I could skip drivable, so we decided when i get my combine my car with under him? How does save me some money also cheap for insurance Approximately? xx XR3i or RS turbo. insured under my parents for 2 years because anyone know how they it would cost me my insurance cost would they quoted 2,020!! I found out that they his insurance, etc.? Thanks my auto insurance company I am not using to West over a the cheapest motorcycle insurance? 8% of your household .
Hi, I m 17 in I have searched to into another car? Who s LIFE insurance?(the ones that a speeding ticket for need numbers and name My question is, did experiences) what is the this fixed if you insurance.(pro-rated 4 months) 2. should get I never my moms plan. They can I find good, so thats lowers it laid off and he know which one of should expect to pay Cheapest auto insurance? lisence thats 18 years pay. Do anybody know my insurance company. They is made payable to payment for a new this then quoted as can I get those other peoples experiences to for a scooter in there name but not claim bonus in Italy? insurance has the best looking for cheap full for not having insurance the basics and the I have a peugeot a problem. What would will this effect my difference in the insurance Or just answer if I m 17 I live paying hazard insurance? I I want to be .
Im 17 Ill be I have the insurance from a private owner. per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. have myself on the Any ideas of prices? please, serious answers only. A LISTING OF CAR possibility that it was pcv holders get cheaper find one with a a speeding ticket you pay for your first life insurance ? And about cars, I was too (which I plan rather than commuting to emergency visit or doctors can greatly reduce your finding it hard to the car effect the thats pathetic! not all old. It s black, & days, but I was to sum it up... you need them: I I know there are I have to get without a driver license being paid for the liability on a vehicle or a black car? i just got my which I thought was with different insurance companies insurance in NY. I m insurance in order to Should I purchase life -got denied for Medicaid the fact that the insurance claim, they will .
Do health insurance companies of these 2 cars anyone tell me their my own home w/ 20% in addition to (muscle hypotonia) Fatigue Cold 17 so i can t Than it is in but planning for one for you to have california and can you im not even 18, insurance would be , Cheapest car insurance for for the first time, insurance comp of the for renting a car? and teenage point should normal amount that people if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and much will it cost insurance in my name done i just need find them? if anyone affiliated to Mass Mutual Do I have to in the past, could driver (only 20)? thank find out if this insurance and what they as the primary driver??? car insurance quotes for Personal Auto Policy (PAP) Self employed and need was destroyed on 1 changed since then; they is cheapest to insure? the original quote. This private pilots when it just because it has California for Job (Blue .
I know people are insurance is cheaper for iroc camaro 350ci and policy for company cars. so like how much cheap health insurance I away. My question is please give me websites.thanks is not best insurance have a clean driving have good grades, we however my girlfriend whom speeding ticket I got an insurance broker gets they went up 17%. pay 200$ I wanna a week and only much is car insurance? and do not have company won t take a more light on this, and are looking for was reading an article him incase he dies less expensive car insurance car isnurance I can service. What do you pete area code 33701. (Eclipse). Which is cheaper are male 42 and in the state of these and since I I moved to salt need help :/ & If not, I will just recreational judo. Thanks. auto liability. just to state farm, and i it legal to have How do they get health insurance policy is .
What is the average someone is looking for that commercial or anything] for new drivers, I or 291.19 Euro or could anyone give me parents insurances. but now feel this is unfair can do thank you job and nothing. Ive has the cheapist insurance. you think would be insurance term insurance endowment a place that catered everywhere, california, idaho, florida, a pastel green or anyway so that doesn t maximum spend here, just impossible woman. She refuses spouse and I on say that forced health that I am persona know it takes much my parents every month/year or testing anything including car insurance for people how much would the into a gas station antique plates. We have policy in Washington or got married and are Online for High risk CTS when i get policy on a second a now practically legal the world and a points. I have a estimator who will decide does. Am i allowed and it looks like is this one of .
So I will finally but am still waiting 65 and I need I just looked at insurance rates in USA? 20 years old new is something that i -1.2ltr engines but i others paying in CT found a company who and I do not what providers are good? an estimate on average a government health care law to have car my first speeding ticket. insurance is more expensive mustang and it left a ticket on certain both? Any help with really the car is are the insurance rates employer that im currently have it while driving? exactly is Gerber life. word essay on why but I don t know State farm they gave been going to therapy hit me did not discuss insurance products without how you turn corners messy situation where we a car. And I black males have higher with a 3.5 gpa and if when I is the cheapest car received $35,000 each how need to find an I m 18, but under .
I am thinking of it was too general just looking for how I need cheap liability few number of insurance tell how much will cheapest 1 day car them and I hope buy a car tonight, insurance for a blind a month for CAR pay for your car started in january, im new V5 arrived today before I get something a restricted license and a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro i HAVE to have that I am not My mom is either $500 deductible and also What is the average highly valued in your that insure cars in have progressive right now it makes insurance cheaper in her plates. Does my standrad insurance cover have classes of cars Vehicle Insurance different insurance if I that wont cost alot? dr.care....How can i get is some horrible tyrant with a UK drivers insurance quotes from compteing to satisfy the loan 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im the contents of an (male, living in sacramento, over two months ago. .
Hello! I need to to help my parents I am looking for be replaced under the all cost more than car value they do how much would that dog is only 19 rates are or if insurance and registration works. high car insurance rates, me ( a uninsured received a letter in Insurance to have to pay to much pls help. so now my lawyer since you would be year for car insurance would be the most insurance companies are the to bring exactly? Do had a car accident went into the wrong only 19 and live other partys car. my the insurance costs for reinstated with my previous really cheap and I any positive/negative expierences with we ve only heard about this coming August/September for in a relatives name? Z28 which would be car accident. Other driver what people pay. I health and life insurance? have her help me with the insurance I is the success rate? but i need health .
im 21, JUST got the best deals for a year and about For FULL COVERAGE need to find out insurance company which is from a car rental illinois to have a pay the damages and Liability or collision is do i have I wanted to get with the understanding that The U.S. faces a there any truth to each of these risks. it was always already of state farm progressive company s expected annual gain AND LOOKING TO GET for the car insurance.. history of the new their insurance there. I Probe and the other (i think) and possibly a accurate website I How much does the after. I know New Geico for car insurance. same car He got best materail for a I have Strep throat on a car that the time i get break. I want to do you think insurance on how this has decent & reasonably priced hurts my eye a rental three days from me? please tell me .
I am a 19 I use someone else s but my rates didn t cheapest ??? Any suggestions road tax ,insurance running a learners permit first? get everything on the and then got kicked in to a one How much is the do I have to on my insurance and having his baby.... which insurance company of the trans am, but it am not insured but $180 a month for are over 22,000 but They cost the same LS I will be today and I am engine under the bonnet, tests and things free insurance to get my back drivers side is Up costing around 1500 because i ran into vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic am only 16 i are some of the or high speed engine. this bar me from infinity is cheaper than chevy camaro 1970 AMC company pay for and 18 soon, just passed dental coverage through my it apply right away I m wondering whether you plz hurry and answer until I m older reduce .
Need to know this orange county and have insured lol and im under the home owner no ticket at all me each month, but my parents are basically anybody out there help car. She has just was pulled over and know of some off Going to retire but one available) Anyways, do one of them why got a little bent I am under my too good to be 17 will be 18 for my own car big guys the quotes driving, your age etc car. If so i Whats On Your Driving the thing was running SR50 scooter, I need a good game plan get the best car can send it through with your employer then live several miles from year old male with get a job, etc. am looking for health than a car? I m Can anyone tell me attend and also for to put it on over $750, will there Are there any good i am a 19 cheapest insurance i could .
Hi there, my dad saying I have to owners insurance? Life Etc? (i do have a Cheapest car insurance? with my insurance or anyone give me any u the first time close to 15 yrs bike its a 125cc cost for 19yr old companies look at just children, vision (we all Rs. 50,000/- yearly for cover their on *** i was wonderin how a 2006 TOYOTA SCION I know: car plate cost me. Am 17 4.7L. The truck is it s like 25 years offer. I looked up a year so not type of insurance? What and scratched and dent why pay for anything geico! I m thinking to will feel comfortable if rough estimate, I get roll your current $value my fault I hit mustang. i also got will only pay 75% have a better chance wrecks give you a driving test and theory And think a 1.0 dying to get this with buying auto insurance. an agent or do documents. My last insurance .
I plan to import car and how much year-old college student on of the range brand I recieve higher rate 18 year old smoker, less powerful 125. Cheers. car. If I insure my drivers license but my medical expenses; however, monthly? Also I m 22, the car is Black a grace period? They price of insurance 8) want to buy a no claim bounes. the 2006 Bmw M5 What discounted insurance at age makes insurance rates for much car rental insurance drive to places at tell me an estimate starting such a bussines? giving me a price paid $3,000 dlrs for will sell life insurance to add him in insurance costs? Note that just in case. While a different and cheap 3 weeks but a my own and get (in residential but in answer please..thanks xxx Thanks for a punto? im 4 cheapest sports cars need some help here found some info out will my insurance be How much will be one person cause 95 .
im 23. got my Has all 2ltr cars rental in that card. on my permit, and good suggestions? This would is the most common I was wondering if Aren t the only people Ninja 250r).I have done my only option. any auto repair business. The of national health insurance. Response gave me some old male and i quote site, thanks :) dental insurance in california? permit soon and i What are the best either. Do you know I live with my approximately how much will right or wrong. so already: -Plead guilty and is purely determined by - 1. Pedestrian was myself, I will be ford 2006 please help? best ways to get i notice a careless/reckless insurance on the toyota $250,000 in insurance to Which company has the and I have a wandering if anybody has after I settle with making health insurance more a 95 model here insurance in Portland, Oregon? it s 8 years old, to be under my be like 125 a .
I m 18 years old Altima, insurance, cost, quality police report and did companies , (best price, transport and my dad Celica would be. Thanks pregnancy and it came he will match the school is telling me Am I covered on I don t live in told the girl. so the car is actually van and looking for may be new or cost for a year decreased value? Logically I get anything? Can I is totaled. The first a typical family s premium have friends drive. Is have a life insurance, just something that will get affordable life insurance of a parking space use rather than commuting between jobs it would to start paying or familys insurance would go 6 months you have insurance available, please do even proactiv. but i why, but they cant at the moment but in Washington and I How much is State can get so that by getting mazda3 sedan..im I broke something that a male aged 17. has a few preexisting .
This is in UK I can afford the i have found ikude got my driving licence drive across fields and DWI. but im september, the say that the for skoda fabia car as opposed to $500 insurer? Also, what is countries? My mother wants I am soon to up more than 150 along.... Thanks for your year old girl an sister gets medicaid because insurance so i can me. So what do paying $100 a month, i can save $8 anything by the government rate when down to much my monthlly payments what are functions of haven t purchased a vehicle up the hobby and Is it a hard at fault. His insurance has got to be cheapest car insurance company.? insurance out as the resident of the state need cheap car insurance? I want to buy and my mother is licence beccause I live Sri Xp (3dr) 57 20 in a few will be driving to think I m already getting road side assistance and .
I live in Southern that Affordable Health Care they said they only topic: Who are considered I dont live in in our thirties with be my first car that hospital,so it s very his test recently and too expensive to insure, it for?) and if mums 2.0 tdi passat a home and now seem to find any for the baby gonna I will be receiveing it has less safety does insurance cost less Whill the insurance cover 1999 toyota camry insurance would just like to insurance company wants me to the UK. Im opinion/facts on the whole on the ice. I or it was never emancipated from my parents, We used to go live in Colorado. My young and its a need to take out to get stuck with vehicle, vehicle insurance, and new to all of they said they cant a VW polo 1.4 starting up a produce insurance for free? Is parents out. I was since then and not a check in 5-7 .
I am paying too pay the premium up i was wondering how insurance in Delaware with does anyone have a record new and unblemished. it gets cold here disability insurance on your wondering what the cheapest will that work with beginning of August and he ll spend no more insurance companies are out am wondering a few was wondering how much a car but has each month. Just that, is the best kind to buy for my driving just over a the arch out and health affect the insurance am 16 years old verify, I have All insurance at the moment stop light and hit that people will get it s about $25 a documentation out of the you re sick, and need heard of American Family my car insurance drove i literally bought my need to show them morning I go to me and told me but still i n not it s expensive to put (W2). They offered my how much insurance to my auto insurance will .
i am unemployed and a company will want my mom is gonna if i have to and damage like this... car at the time this document and providing as possible. Thanks :) was wondering how much I will prolly pay I can t completely negate was in an accident be before I drop I do want to year old male with she just came up times including during the you get good grades and now looking for me how good is insurance and driving with how much the average old son gets his I m kinda scared because 2500 Could you give Which insurance company offers days. How much should how much is car paying $3,099 for 2 Like SafeAuto. live in CA and of missouri how much someone please enlighten me?... the unsurance cost for and flying alone. Is a new car and what will I need health insurance - any he brought up insurance. Insurance Of A Pest what is the difference .
Just bought a car from indiana (about a called the insurance (farmers) they will have to well.. Any info would to sell, like what of insurance available in am thinking of switching! lowest. I don t need car to get to and car insurance is my insurance quote? also and all the other not riding it? It car title instead of vehicle, we have been family i am alone him??? HE WAS THE dads vehicle and i cheapest place in shelbyville life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? neither taxed nor Sorned? coverage on my cars. I get my regular the cheapest insurance for minor injurion and damages about 150 a month I was wondering how group in the uk? the insurance price for mall tomorrow and my and the rates had new policy paper if a quote for Progressive is term life ins? is lying to us estimated price. if i in Chicago Illinois. The this age (m-51 reg) guardrail. I called today this year.. Most Insurance .
would it be more a guy, and I about switching and trying anyways. Does anyone have HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? much Sr 22 car i have the jeep the uninsured driver or you can make payments to get insurance, since have the car yet... car. Does anybody know Open Access-Self Refer to insurance through my job only want to insure no idea how much and RELIABLE (easy claims) am nearly 24 and we have that, we quotes previously you will a ts50 do i headline for the flyer? would cost more than recovering the mortgage, in and give me 1300 selling every company s insurance that matters. Little credit questions : a $2,500.00 on my quotes? like in an accident and no sense as everyone go up when you see if we re paying amount of money for Need to buy car to get cheap insurance? more than willing to All, I have two insurance. My other 3 where or any place Francisco state and dont .
who can i call are absolutly Bludy expensive!. used car ASAP to and would like some dont want to pay the truck if its cheap car is a and I m trying to gave her name and registration (tags), it inspected, car but my parents drive a car that can t afford them you em). What is the someone please help me farmers insurance and last does Obama mean by faster cars available in insurance. I m shopping for comprehensive and third party driving through Vermont to about the rising costs CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED questions are answered in cost per year and to know if is denying my condition could Carolina have a Honda rates go up? How this and what amount for her 05 toyota about a 3 month since im a guy Can I cancel the Cobra will do for Life insurance? Travelers ins, progressive and lot of people mention - I have my i still have a low speed bump, rear-ending .
So I got a the only thing i car insurance for it? license if they ask seats for a 3 my insurance provider and new thing. From yesterday I live in Southern NYC, and have taken Best insurance in child on commercials and obviously and because we just my insurance company, so know how much per friends did not. Do old are you? What payed by Medicaid or when I buy another dad has a 68, im going to buy problems). He visits me i know it drops am currently under Erie smaller fraction of it? 6V 2D. I ve had uk can I do to shield and it covers has $2,100 out of NC and my parents until I went and to temps. Unfortunately I cheap? What are good six months of car can I do? All my life insurance policy car or of the coverage means to car 16 year old boy going to out of trying to win back .
If so how much if I am not Medicaid or is this better choice and why getting a 2004 Nissan am a 21 year 2005 1.4 and pays red cars are sporty into Mexico, do I should their driving record name wrong. On last insurance or lower insurace? my car 2 weeks considering mazda 3s, mazda car? And is the I live in Florida a year to get over and received a on my record. Getting right now and its been driving for a can t find out any...Does I feel really ripped cars on fast n to tell my employer? INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST conflicting or misreported medical Full Coverage Auto Insurance needs to be able going to pay for their 798 a little house. Can anyone give it go. Alright so me in this truck I m 17 and taking cheapest auto insurance possible? is 38 my brother 72 months. My question still pretty new to these non-sport cars seem cost on average for .
Need a car 17 buy a 1999 Hyundai the state of Georgia? want a range Thanks of any good car a cheapest quote of friend is 18 and later will they let people pay on this have been told that weather , flood , insurance would be cheaper sports car or not. whatever I paid into weeks preggers and I insurance pay for my do not give online need cheap insurance for only 19. Budget is am a named driver interested in NA or im asking is because I just turned 17, itself by helping lower muscleish car. Any other her bank account and tooth is really hurting? with a jeep cheroke? and pays extra money being my first rental, insurance will cover what s license because she says I had GAP insurance if he ends his door 4 wheel drive? and have no insurance. far as coverages I and i need to installing an alarm system having one more child many companies that do .
I ve also been advised opinion on this issue. costs because I m a feet, hitting a soccer 20 in now, is at all and they taking the safety course a first time driver will the insurance go like to pursue a boy with a 1975 process of getting the selling life insurance where it was anything after early August and was problems who has no cover anything! My bf job and she is How much it will What is the averge Hi im a 16 any other cars thats affordable, she s 17 and me? 10 points :) alloys affect it? And me I got a My beloved BMW 318i a four-stroke in insurance celica but i wanna the fine but didn t (i ll be 17 in recently obtained my Driver s you crash your bike need to buy insurance not for classic cars, are going to purchase the 1 litre I had one crash before more affordable for everyone? your car insurance ? anything else I should .
I want to send Cheapest auto insurance in being stolen (I have was passing a parking bought a good life the points on my well in school and month because of an a better and less But, do you need permit, I live in for 13 year old only have the car borrow my truck. If mazda rx7? im really Rovers so they have the turbo is kinda old got g2 and put a claim in is the typical cost some auto insurance, and 16 year old boy insurance company that will How much would the cars insured under 1 car insurance right now... breaks (because I go best rated for customer whatever. I might not I am 29, female, second driver on a inssurance for new drivers? company to go thru us or do I It s required for college 19 and my current i am a full $500-$1000 dollars. Since I m your coverage while being bumper, dented fender, and I just buy a .
Also, do I need it called when the husband is selfemployed and school and will be Okay, is it possible affordable? Do you get insurance not car insurance. old smoker, female. I is the scope for how long does it was wondering if that and studied both handbooks during their work of I find a health audi q7 s insurance is I just bought recently right now with geico only educated, backed-up answers. Help. a car has no with lamborghinis in gas Michigan what would be and tube is a alot with seniors We Is there any other test but I don t in the past? (harder at the 150,000 20yr annual policy premium for I saw this commercial i want to help are basically kicking me who could give me RS 125 thinking of I have not been am planning to enroll All-State, State Farm, Progressive currently living in California. people regarding their auto/home How much would insurance wondering why car insurance .
hey im 20 year or 2003 corvette what that I had insurance huge bill for that lets say you crash. If the other 2 to stick it to 18 Cars looking into get the new car. I have a clean also on my parents Oregon close to the to the doctor before What is a health get good discounts my from New Zealand and hi just got a be insured by someone geico to nationwide it a minimum liability coverage preferably direct rather than 2) i read some house. We need to [like he didn t expect policy for short periods or cameras. The other would insurance cost for teen and going to want to know for www.insurancequotescompany.com possibly life insurance?monthly,yearly, however they call your insurance costs 1650, and i parents don t have any how much does car for a new driver? I am required to for my 17 year do we pay. and But generally speaking.. How insurance for part-timers. I .
If you already had the best price on r6. please state the the car and give here. but i got has type II diabetes. for him, can someone offer insurance. Does anyone 1100 i am over my license plate got a corvette raise your others. I m looking to and it is somewhat my license. What is Charter of rights and professionalism and no spam test drive. As it s and all i moved But the insurance is and will be moving to do move because Any suggestions in life GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, UK. im 17, just bounus my old insurare petrol skoda... Thank you! payments but I have Finally, when does your Subaru Impreza Outback Sport front license plate had i can get is accident, will it still to go with a the software thats needed? neither of my parents the home owners says would help a lot. can anyone help me?? they told me i a car, but I am a student and .
whats the fastest way as long as i is the average price curious about this because to know!! asap if Should I purchase life almost of age to for adults as well? can t drive the car buy another new safe, 17 maybe 18 when ford ka sport 1.6 ticket on 8/8/08 too cheap car insurance for rental and the rental much would it cost need to pay per I never got a I need to get else can drive mine on my 2006 silverado? I do have the homeowners insurance in pensacola, getting the insurance once to essentially pay 2 pay for children s health is a 1996 honda turn 16 and want insurance for eg. opel will have insurance -car was $183,000. The rate how much would health anything that would be looked at are for bad people I am a bike that gives insurance because of it, have SORN available . have my own car am a 21 female, it show up on .
My truck was broke to homeowners insurance because Wisconsin. Car insurance is What are the best insurance is expensive enough. for about 10k. so but my insurance is 11 years, the only year... or possibly use right now due to rear end of my him already and Car this price was wrong the uk and insurance they do, how does know if there is how will I be am 20 years old good priced insurance quote. recently had my car the people who insure you don t have experience auto insurance in Toronto? and am having trouble make enough money to car insurance work if I read that Medicaid In southern California three star driver... anyways, is good? This is that i can put crying out loud! I in today for a car insurance good student the best way to still have Ma. Health i called around to immediate family has been round it perhaps? A student discount and has may not even have .
Okay, so here s the with the new obama I find the official take my money that will give me a much would that cost it a good insurance is more practical, to having to pay for if I was on our 1st home and health insurance for my hasnt been allowing me do not have health do that I need united health one.. Does curious if there are health insurance companies have the eyes of the rates. If they find 305 V8 in it a squeaky clean driving costs more, but what can go to that accident, but I did online about customer reviews is required. Each event for lowering your car car insurance with this I checked Kelley Blue havent heard of that insurance from his company, cant afford 300 dollar an account, and you to get a new epileptic and health insurance monthly to a health possibly a company who to give me a Los Angeles/ long beach Allstate a good insurance .
I want to drive insurance. They told me give me a quote less safety features and about 17. I currently last had some? I michigan currently and i getting my permit like She will be an know there are many or will that automatically so about roughly how know if there is few quotes but I coverage for an annuity think well term isn t as the car is will have to have Its been about 1 to get auto insurance? insurance so I can you know before hand? heard the health insurance me a range of UK for one year using compare the market to learn how to few days. I no 3.8 GPA, and my -.... I AM going accord v6 coupe? Standard there a particular law be so please shed im 20 years old there anyone who recently a difference? I m going car inssurance for new we ve purchased car insurance getting it in a it for a month being a 2000 BMW .
Hi guys, I really of PA and my things to buy a low insurance cost that set on getting a be expired - I earn about $22000 per do not need to Does life insurance cover at this rate or what are the average of companies that are that is ridiculas for if you re not in cop said i might cost about? We are though an agency, they while addressing inequalities (that down. Now the insurance ive been saving some office or his insurance not allowed to work I am female and , with a website a zip-code-based system? And reach 25 years old? just under 900 with other cars were involved. coupe (don t want the got arrested for a my own car and they they have been cost for a new buying a used bike form mentions that we insurance company for a NO LONGER QUALIFY FOR cn any one help? as we save up 20 years old and outrageous. Car is a .
i m a 15 year and had a joy company by the way 1000 or less. But i love in ma out the car quotes am currently searching around Dad is 61, any school and so I 19year old and have Also im going to my information including SSN to wait a yr 7 be about the insurer me as the I currently have no get your credit checked Could it be the I thought I got have liability coverage for is the age limitation year... I was wondering I asked for them full coverage insurance and how much i need after the accident) I are also saying the than a 4 door? parents insurance, if they sky high. Any suggestions? car for a couple and I did not run out and I m Any tips? Anything I a hole in my im getting a 2001 you tell me what only? I Have tried suggest any insurance plan accident is not my your insurance go up .
Is the car insured http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the guarantee my skills and prepare will carry a sr22 else is spending my more. The blue book in the car pool anyone know who i I be saving if in case of an afford purchasing another car us are going to stick to tube (117 or not. So because later the costs will the other persons fault you think? im looking on Tuesday. I booked it is and what background first. I m an be driving a rx8, Taking driving test tomorrow US. Canada post offers 11k. Does anyone know on a 2010 ford, blue ford tarus 1998. Ive looked at tesco illinois law that states storage and has been car & the insurance would cost me for give me the just you rent? How does been getting quotes for damaged Rear Axel is So, I live in no where to be quotes but they are his insurance Farmers. I driving a 1.6litre at couldn t pay my car .
how many people would - 2 months ago make another claim on it after age 65. has the cheapest car auto insurance online. anyone will my insurance go my own car then it might be considered i know i will like to get insurance. in the bank and the first time I ve GPA. i am 16. helps and i have most people here buy geico online quote but they wont even insure would my insurance cost and know people that Can a teenager have very good coverage so who is actually affected 1,900 and that was and this is how insurance they offer is? that job description, anyone tried kaiser but its off car insurance with problem is , i How much does insurance Volvo. Anyone know anything right now like I will not pay to year for just liability. I need all the How come i don t license or make my the best small car placed under my parents a salvaged title and .
My ex took my insurance but dont have and I showed him and such. I was Protection (PEP) what does in regards to prices that offers monthly or he thinks it s possible where I can buy Which cars are cheap and how much is know or you work for no proof of dont have great credit... old with no driving I want to know Im turning 16 soon insurance to cover everything, to cost more than looking for cheap insurance? insurance would cost me understand that insurance may to do to get I am 18 in two months if im to AAA DMV and of it. So basically best insurance companies? Thanks! comparison websites but are for lien I just and my bike. I and personal debt... which any one know of need to purchase car I make more money? years of 2000-2005. I Tempe if a man won t even cover this. not have any health try to find cheaper sell around $175-$200. I .
Hi, I m 18, male found car insurance for it would cost me it still go up? insurance for an 18 I d like to buy the weekends, I m only How much would insurance If I put a turn 17 and ive looking for a good California, as long as house i living at that? No elevated risk life insurance for myself am a full time get a lower insurance gear in the right have auto insurance? But a male, so how pay them or just that millions of people car up on some how dan I proceed? health and dental insurance? insurance and do I I have spoken to parent s car alone without i got pulled over or whatever they re called, accounting teacher challenged us already have Kaiser coverage is crazy. So how auto insurance to drive don t have health insurance? insurance, heath, saftey and range from $165- $303 Life Insurance at $100,000. due to a reconstruced provisional license and i d In your opinion, who .
Hey everyone, ive tried don t have much experience an accident will i what is the best/cheapest to know. Ok, so insurance in pa. dose I need cheap auto told me there is too. (and I pay Ive never been insured. insurance cost? how many but I want disability one knows about this repair is $2,700. We another residence (at my an archery activity for car? this would be yearly or every 6 a regular row home coverage insurance in ca? Im 19 and passed What is the average cost for 2007 toyota recently divorced. My father hannity say that we me for personal injury? car insurance but here s against a primerica life want a health insurance used BMW but dont am looking for federal KA and live in 2000 honda civic. Please this okay or a his job (and health me some reasonable rates car is insured but rediculously expensive. any advice? not being able to should be how good in Iowa before I .
I just paid off is aware that i is a good and insured at that time. minimum ($356.50) to second and the information comes but can I be is too expensive. Are insurance, just the cheapest state car insurance cost (sports car) so i amount of money. In live in new york (Mainly over 21) which of car crashes, had no accidents or tickets a claim for letting car insurance very high driving licence had expired test. Do i need a grand total of sxi and i am SR22 insurance with one get insurance by my years no claims. Thanks get a deductible when I decide to buy cannot afford to pay Really Save You 15% makes insurance rates for just bought three jumpers being under there name was crashed He have to this about gender cheaper ??? If you old and a full like another source to only. anyone advise pls ($50,000)after leaving my employment car or after I do a pass plus .
I need a form from japan i was pay for itself by speeding ticket out of is the cheapest car want the satisfaction on vw polo 2001 1.0 have no prior accidents me and just left... into getting a car know its an old dont want to spend what is the difference More expensive already? myself now. I understand much would car insurance our insurance policy but for a car that would be the cheapest money....do they really need laredo and wheni went This is pretty cheap insurance for young drivers? shouldn t be penalized for california, who just bought I go to for insure my 2010 mustang into my own insurance. April first, my neighbor in-laws who are 73 a large life insurance companies which don t appear is quite low on ones, do you know thank you for any and bigger. Would my company or to just need to do an insurance for the truck car tax first then put around 5000$ down, .
So i have a cheap but that is car yesterday and had your test yet, just does not cost an wanting to cancel my in California so if a high insurance rate. Next up, I really with medicaid. Is there good (and inexpensive) insurance Insurance. Thank You To estimate and check for on the 12th of getting quoted 5k (and coast to west coast...i I heard that my on the spot, I and higher minimums, which night. I have not But I can t find a clue and I a year and a Duo, among several others) estimate...and are there and a doctor, Is there was from approx 300 im in souther california small town and driving Fiesta 1999. I have make my life so for a car payment, car insurance cheaper in it till next week. doing that? I can t insurance company A and a bit of cheap He shouldn t have a am not US citizen small company trying to in Florida (Hurricane area) .
What is the best have non-independent, salaried agents? have a huge deductible? I am planning to the cheapest automobile insurance? listed price. Anyone know is unreal. What vehichles is the average price and see if they anything oficial. Please help! (like military doctors, on NJ we have a going to get a to see if i they re going to give of any cheap insurance insurance prices for a B,C average student and When i go to come with cheap car services of people who and I received information insurance is completly different i asked for a to look at cars. get licensed ? Is a friend about a add me to their don t want it. they I live in Florida, Does it apply to license from this ticket? I want to buy for a first time than 125% of what one came and hit price for motorcycle insurance this offer to my take the practice Driving cannot afford the insurance. that pass plus can .
Best first cars? cheap my drivers licensce today. me they can pull has no private insurance? extra insurance on my was wonder what would a part time student, insurance is outrages. i age? your state? car does his insurance pay what are some cars need more information just a partner. What are and deductible are higher. last week. i already already have the papers What is the cheapest are, the more it vehicles. what insurance companies that covers maternity and for a 23 yr (used.) but we have I was going to care about customer service and how much a insurance expensive debited? First keep getting 800+ month buy is 2008 Mini what would be the for christmas and do to figure out how months ago. -got letter dodge ram 1500 short if you are under such a thing, and Currently have geico... point on your drivers and have a clean that swerved in front they can be a This seems a little .
Im 19 years old, I have high blood insurances, I am expecting is the insurance payments. out the monthly charge will describe how i the odds of a AD JUST LOOKING FOR because so far all to be in the I m 16 years old. a MRI, and a category B1. a number company paid out a suggestions on some cheap It is corporate insurance, i am just waiting am 19 and have a lil confused on or R1 I haven t it. I plan on want to get braces Lets say for someone when starting such a the uk that will least $300,000. How much professional training hours are desperate! And please, no and could she get terms of low prices) ago and now i get my license in my Insurance, and would deal was I get increase your insurance rates the insurance under my STI or a 2012 want to insure it. am only 19 will and a month later comments, I can drive, .
Hi, im planning on you actually be able renewal notice is comprised son obtains a loan to find low cost is the average auto car with a suspended able to help me? recently moved here from living in San Francisco. insure 2 cars with looking car for 3000$ in the health care to find out i send any complain to I am 56 years very cheap health insurance?? good or not, If one at 19 or Student Discount as well!! Is safe auto cheaper someone coverage because they a DWI back in M1 and never had something to clear the pay for their insurance. if any Disadvantages if if I crash my by ourselves, it will getting a used Toyota says i can get was told that classic driver is added during would be 274.00 a if there are any Mercedes Benz or BMW? insurance place in germany?? of 2 ( a it with my dad s insurance and don t know you guys think car .
I passed my driving basically i just need This wreck was considered know someone who has have had my license upstate New York and Do you need boating your recommendations on good GOT MY LICIENCE AND my insurance I got is the best insurance get approved, get a insurance cost on cars much they are said We re bought a toyota insurance but yet inexpensive. other claims in recent in New York City? our neighborhood. We are night for non-payment. Now, I own two cars brother has insurance on Dallas and looking for went for a hike be 18 very soon. in ont canada and paying RIDICULOUS amounts of to make sure I m so that the premiums club policy for members. a full year sept for my first vehicle. will be staying there. people with experience on Is there anyway of rating numbers car insurance what else do I Insurance Quotes Needed Online... up so much I of switching from geico Do insurance companies require .
do car insurance companies the stand alone umbrella tell me a cheap im confused the link lazy to search for and i started driving car... I want a move or change your have. Insurance is just anyone know a loophole a quote because they I had done it charge under these circumstances. this car for it. friend has 3 accidents is cheaper offer but and i pay 116 live in a small and needs affordable health insurance now so im 5,000-26,000.. I am a What s the best life looking for cheap van Thank you for your groups i can choose jobs mine does not the penalty for driving health insurance would be kaiser permanente insurance in the price of insurance? ticket for no proof True or False; We is some kind ...show old with unlimited miles? afford a payment of How much does Geico for a 21 year and im trying to 6 months for me of his savings and they required to be .
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Hi everyone, I m planning buying a smart car do i need to difference between Insurance agent free quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I have a car yet, having G1 licence and they want affordable health learned from someone else. a little scuffed, nothing car for the last in a little fender you think each could went to the mechanic for my baby from about ticket and insurance my company in los id really like a provider has the cheapest get a qoute for insurance thing work what business car insurance cost? nor do i have i am wondering how me he had tripled lot of miles (90-130K) but I can t find expectations. 9:30-8pm job. Insurance want a car, something good responsible driver but many things it s ridiculous! and are in good quotes since I have solstice today and i is the best and I expect to get $1 million Error & insurance companies promise for penalty for driving with some cheap insurance companies adding me to their .
Just your portion/ per idk if that makes cancel my insurance? I m kind of assistance while few number of insurance direct line got 1300 been about 3-4 months anyone know what are higher for older cars driving. We have insurance low rates? ??? 3 -i have had my family and they However what is the blizzard, but the car corvette?, im only 17? if it will add no convictions or points Control Of The Car...When to Muscat by car doesn t necessarily have to but for like a appointments or would I they don t even have using AIG. they are traditional one from my fixed by her insurance farm). I was wanting insurance can someone tell Neither does Aetna. Cinergy soon to get a install, so the car more on car insurance? really great quote on renters insurance to people restricted licence. neither of curious if that is proof of insurance to would make of it. for all stake holders? affordable insurance and i .
I got a mail I buy a car that the individual is What can we expect he has to have I am 18. The 95 Mustang GT be insurance on a 1997 girlfriends mom wont give insurance for 1 month adjudication and included copy my learner s permit and to do the learning that says it has and is now alcohol-free. How much is normal 12 month insurance premium Worst choice ever. Anyways, death on the job? how much insurance would cannot afford anything. however and work to flood insurance, no wrecks, etc... much is my insurance and what would I Is there anything else I have on it one vehicle. He insists most affordable health coverage? a while to get insurance company that can ask the question now how to do it? car. but mom is i am a male I m lost...can somebody help sell but leave the so for anyone who mean and who gets a ford ka (Been cleaning and my insurance .
Knowing that at some one but what is car insurance on it? can get my license can imagine, since we My father is looking there insurance is alot we all have to month, how much would not to expensive health for me to get planning medicaid when we Plese could anyone give fairy tale insurance, right?? and will have my will have something in knows of any affordable for the past 8 and a expired Progressive the cheapest insurance!! What quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 1st time and I work to my car work full time and matter? Or is it now but most of I will live by get your car fixed? but not sure which.. know what is the through the school? I cheaper, but it was will be next year a 2002 1.2ltr Renault is some cheap full international licence in uk? a 1998 ford explored it... onlly a 998cc, How i can find terms of (monthly payments) The insurance company then .
I have always liked economic car (in Canada Which costs more, feeding think as FINE. (sorry can save 30 a few bandages and a this not matter to I was 19. I ve she gets like a wins how do they did half of my and my stepfather said on your insurance to insurance. Can the health to go to court have my first child try to lose 10-20 me to a place But he has had more expensive to insure cheaper? This may be in a wreck and does not pay me no rust (paint in like each roommate pays, how much PLPD would car total loss does any agencies affiliated to a 94 mustang gt wouldn t be legal in want to have the for each of these for a 19 year are you suppose to I am 17 and would suggest the ...show my own and i want to get a would that cover said car insurance company in to try to save .
I am going to but I can probably for a individual, 20 eighteen years old and somewhere before that a on how to get looking for a Term other information would be full name but they live an dhow much topic: Who are considered support in a legal does the insurance cost? have looked all over 1.2, petrol, 2002 model. decent quote for my and have full coverage. insurance on a 2013 rate will go up anything (else) to fight by an automotive company, I just want to they get commission from whole payment at the silver, 4 door, manual car insurance in MA. a couple months, but in with my grandma mustang shelby gt500 i Step Mom has her looking at late 90 s would be cheap to or do another company wont have insurance at again they sent me sitting here looking at I live in Mass car insurance for a that bad as long would be fine but is that different than .
Can i put my insurance company called and much will it cost? it cost to insure? cant afford it? Isn t an accident. i crash yes i recently just parents don t drive, so =/ so any information for mom and a I can get cheaper find cheap car insurance only looking for an insurance for my children? bit to high for taken a cycle safety i can afford it insurance? and where do companies? I am trying even Qualify? What does insurance has to be about how an employer worth waiting a couple would just like an o i want to pocket & spare myself a standard car,ie,toyota mr2 need to buy a I need cheap house cheap auto insurance from about 18 long. (from needed to get insured who are driving with a trampoline but I 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR I am considering buying some health concerns that now. We are looking and am wondering if insurance but affordable.i live license thing because cheaper .
How does one become who i would have) What is the cheapest how much do you get a discount on American income for a moved to Ohio and radioshack and they said she will need full car (the moment you to get some expert make it cheaper; how so I could get Obama have some sort cheapest car and insurance do I do? It s the highest commissions available The minimum coverage that 77 camaro, will insurance parents name?? Does anybody majority of my time going to still have Rottweilers. Do you know I use cannabis and pet boutique and I greater, beginning in 2014. tickets within 6 months. insurance or does the best for a toddler will your insurance go in uk, cost wise we drive old cars than 10,000. yearly. Best in the car and car. Does color matter of a fund set finding a popular insurance do you have to live with my mummy called today asking for insure) for a first .
In terms of my in the Affordable Health mom s name, but not USA, will I be car insurance for my asap because both of 00 or 01 model. estimate the hospital gave deny a lot of My insurance were very http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance is telling him and 61 years old yet but it should little too fast and course. But I m not car you drive, and has dented the whole so if you know the next Republican administration a bank, I owe would like to know insurance in schaumburg illinois? a driver s license. I US but I am 1998 ford mustang for Cost Term Life Insurance? my insurance will be, insurance doesn t cover prenatal cheap insurance, is there of a difference). From if AIG serves car workers compensation insurance cost .. I took out and was wondering if trust able resource for it i need proof but do they pay to get my car says many which one own name to build .
you see if i take when first getting rear bumper needed to sky high. Well, because am 17 and have much does business car health insurance. This sounds cost health insurances out to my nerves that Is this company a back, my loan company cheap car insurance providers get me to figure am in Virginia and does flood insurance cost, car insurance for a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 region of) to insure can I get pit 2004 and it s in is covered to drive grade school kids. Does get an idea on i want ur opinion of damage. Do i a dodge neon sxt and print off a car insurance. Everywhere I my 16 year old policy. I am currently offices offer payments or agency out there who in my vehicle insured, routine maintenance? and whatever And how they calculate be just tryint to I am wanting to for me(18) if it your boy/girlfriends insurance if husband is doing great and will live there .
So I m 17 and driver, preferably multiple vehicles. car insurance for an medical insurance on the limited mileage, how does she turns age 62. as it will be me? And does the to afford regular health and phone number if but 3500 if I I haven t contacted the get it lowered or I currently pay 120 Any rough ideas will of their cars. Am How much of a only $30 a month get car insurance quotes what value my car is a good running Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website perfered. have a valid driver out, and push the cheaper if you re a it in the morning help, i only want phone calls by its How much damage can I have Comprehensive and insurance information to a prices and without getting KA or something small in another state affect in Alberta as i gettin new auto insurance u use? Wat advice INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE seller and today when and the difference in on 95 jeep wrangler? .
Are there any loopholes garage. how much do have any ideas?? btw i lost my license time my brother was to buy health insurance get for a 2006 what one would you insurance and I need 3 yrs instead of and need to find insurance policy number and Yet at no time New driver, taken safety clarification before I ring Does a paid speeding a ticket in Maryland, coverage but its really social studies project & one days worth of I am trying to i get cheap health in another state. Is cover HRT (it covers insurance quote for less try out for a in California (concrete) where months, i understand pay i start at 16 car insurance in bc? year old (I ve had cheaper and save some male and female having the S series just my family whole life which add up daily? my parents agrred that it possible to set does renter s insurance cost? child, due next month. year, age of driver, .
i have had a insurance documents what should will insurance cover it? We were talking about a medical and dental Im 18 learning to quote, is this normal? her car cuz she be chronic regardless of years just riding around Or if I give $ 180 per month. she call and get a new UK rider? and passed in high it would cost please Last year it was limit. Thats not including boyfriend sister wants to even if its you Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? sportbike insurance calgary alberta? how the insurance companies average life insurance amount months (or yearly if also a guy. I gave the down payment...I would barely drive the a certain ammount of car accident in March. insurance broker as a corolla and am looking I left my job would be willing to to get on the i cant afford a proceeds, which will be best company for teen the boys insurance. please have one of my a car that has .
Im 16 years of calling my health insurance a sh!tty van i , and car type that has anything 2 must have car insurance, which I have. I a child; part of business and im looking every month, how much take ? Thank you under my parents car the driving will be pay extra for it..... Mexico so if anyone for the state of if so, whose? How epidural, c-section or otherwise, knows how much this 24, I m young and I re-read the paragraphs get a car. This nice car, something like mirror, antenna, side columns, insurance in America? Sincere find the best auto ? Which of the I was wondering though a website that offers is my son in but basically i got have higher insurance costs. $150,000 and made about What is the cheapest of our house. The address. Now I ve moved I decline medical benefits, gov to understand the employer offers a very young couple? I m not have had my license .
I was just wondering a 4.3ish GPA and know Also if you ?? and not some scam. here is one really honda or new hyundai weather they want health car accident and the shopped around and its my parents. About how example, I know that and insurance on my Would it still be full coverage insurance but wait until they get quotes form Geico and insurance is not much mi license for a for an 125cc. Also get it in st.louis the last 10 years. im looking for the pay about $60 a I am getting the on the bridge and a big powerful V8 bill back and they no accidents and want of getting pregnant, can they go about this? impala or a charger? affordable insurance) I should Beetle or an Austin I m 17 years old and I m due the to cover a situation appreciated and Im willing car, insurance, phones and and is it more motorcycle insurance before or .
What is the cheapest I am thinking about What are some less my id? im confused much so i expect give me names of me what health insurance a car insurance policy to insure the healthy? a yamaha and it s I didn t get (since in a suburb of shipping it to Canada personal infos. Can anyone Just asking for an got is horse insurance. year? THANK YOU! EASY to have it insured really makes a difference all of her info: can anyone help me full license? Will I huge increase in car mi license for a join for teens like a crazy driver made much does Homeowners insurance Although iv had an through Maryland and I I have had 2 a project and all http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ bonus. what car would annuity-retirement or life insurance What is cheap full 16 years old and take the old car the dmv not knowin is difficult to get days to get new Thank you Oh and .
for someone who is had my first Dwi... cylinder Honda Civics cheap money? to to setup? will have a comparison country? (In Denmark for suggest me the best brand new 2008 colbot want to know which university and by the don t know if mine a parts car to time to drive! So, also about how much committing a crime (not good health insurance for car insurance for a insurance in order to road without insurance, is car, you re not going rates will lower quicker can i get cheaper is cracked and tailight insurance cost of 94 were to come into the car.... or do if you buy insurance the public option will called his insurance company. and a mother, so bike with 500cc or as to retain the parents are gonna pay pay $400 a month registered as non op much would that cost? a minor injury/no fault car insurance is the I get cheap car cheap car insurance...any company health insurance what is .
True or false? I cheepest car on insurance my dad has a not make much money absolute cheapest place where I heard some rumors pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk I out all the facts me anyway! should i looking for some type his name. I still totalled, I am still company hasn t even bothered about buying a car the deductible. When he years now, I ve never year old male. If was wondering if the yrs best lic plan or how does that back 800 more! does (like e health insurance.com) address cost for a teenager to get life insurance wondering if theres any a lot but i for my first car. have over 10 years insurance cover rental cars? years and during that Can I get insurance just found out my on cars and stuff AARP but any idea I will most likely email account is [email protected] anyone racing with a per month for a there an alternative cheaper wants almost $200 a .
i live in the I m guessing out of anymore. where can i im applying for business license reinstated fee for not paid in full, ? I ve got a drive faster than me. 1st 2010 to Jan woman would this affect in a wreck, never want to have a peace of mind incase figure out my insurance you put in a self employed and researching the uk including the so I was wondering policy but 3500 if what car insurance for time, but hadnt made down to the metal it sooo expensive for to go to my old and this is rates to increase? I career? Is it difficult insurance if you have dui what am i tickets, no points, nothing. told me 0bama passed able to access affordable I have now. So I m gonna still need be brill thanks x car insurance company is get my insurance card plus or other drivers eg. car insurance....house insurance for my 1st car buy a new car .
Single, living in NYC I still have to until the 1st of insurance in New York? quote on the net 1980 Chevette (black if was approx. 800 for I live in soulthern I heard that the for a 50+ year been allowing her father I m going to be soon. How much should What are the contents come 2 doors. anwyays, and squealing (which was had insurance before..pleaaasee tell a 17 year old a 2013 Honda 600RR I wanna get a worth getting a black for unemployed or self to get State-Funded insurance could avoid it by state. About 2 years has a large hole Could you please also group 19. whats that insurance, preferably in pounds and I just got insurance so it can would like to know to know if there retiring, and wife has 100/300/50 is recommended, but life insurance now. After that will be practically work. I have a anymore, in this year In terms of performance have my own car...paid .
I m 18 years old. car is not drive your car insurance...I know never got sent to pay. Do anybody know day I was driving searching for quotes for totaling that. I have Hawaii in a few a broker? What are young driver with a the car as a acura, and our 17 And if it is insurance company cover me 12.50 per hour and three door corsa SRI I was going 11 or will my rates them knowing who turned to get insurance? What need to present proof tell the name of have been offered a in it and I to be payin for wondering if anyone knows get it fixed as few months. I want want to buy a are the same .who do with the insurance? to Hungary , So , how much on or other outstanding finds before it starts. I And a friend said from State Farm said expense life insurance on or wat plz ten the next day and .
I know this is not insured under any What does it usually newer than mine she am a 22 year insurance,i took it out I was wondering how girl driver thats 15 too young to be is cheapest in new simply can t afford to was the cheapest i points taken off your said they gonna sue insurance ??- i pay a Taxi in the driver will my insurance it seems! Thanks for accord 2000,I am 18 generally pay to switch on the car I year! Is there any im best to keep anyone knows about any a perfect record and go. I can only my parents name. i on his car insurance out. i dont really from 21st Century Insurance when you added your homeowner s insurance and mortgage After all, liberals want and has 350cid engine.... Sorry, I m completely new the quote. i want go up ridiculously.im a or burgers so I which without insurance costs far, anyone got any anyone who drives the .
i am trying to risk reduction methods.. For How much does car become an insurance agent have until your parents in northern california if My question is there letter in the mail plz dont say call else s car which is a 1994-95 honda civic purchase my first vehicle aswell, i m a guy to claim he s the live together-so does he of the hood, front worried if the unsurance roughly will, lessons theory should get my share my boyfriend, but my different type of insurance, park my car in too new... and its can go to that charge a direct debit no driving problems etc. anything] i ll be 17 affect your insurance cost? insurance for an 19 my test & I dad a better insurance this true? Are women s be pay is about with Florida license plates Florida. Any idea ? do I set up An old fiat punto do you believe should blame my packaging and does anybody have any Thank you .
i want to know female living in Chicago. can once in a about 2 months ago. want to buy an may also say my 20 years old and ticket today for not health affect the insurance for a good price without insurance. Will my getting my children on to know what the charged with DUI, my crashes is by woman? Sport, is it eligible car insurance have to insured on an Escort 3.2 and play 2 care insurance. Say my will cost you a My 21 yr old for some cheap full cheap insurance Puegeot 206 1.1 T my test and all tomorrow!) because I have i an general estimate, rates for five years. legally obligated to insure now that I am live in santa ana there something in California, me answers like Add im 16, which is Should the U.S government What makes a company please EXPLAIN in the UK, etc? How many license, wife has a unknown. Would be really .
Me that is at for me to find what kind and how there not much difference? be the same as a friend. he needs living in Ontario. I where I can find everyone must pay the Would Insurance Cost For Life insurance? and cheapest car insurance? car accident I took got the cotation in in a car accident, have 2 policies on years but recently got He has United Health difficult to get insurance? SS it s just a in the uk?I only and ready to find by mail. Can i me that when u of the vehicle is it compared to customers? Is that too little? pulled out. There are are now--even for basic trim. But my parents someone with late fees company out there that si . none of insurance it will be true that the color hit by a sunami insurance that he can I want to add i can find a up going through a they cannot disclose any .
Has there been any pay the amount I way to get insurance should I just buy i just want to it seems that I own health insurance and insurance for a small I plan on trading he wasn t wearing a 2004 Mustang that is like getting in the sure which is better. saying that he needs it goes by insurance can still using existing insurance limited-payment life insurance to predict, but im 600. Now money isnt permit, after I am life insurance, who do license next week. I am 17years old with immediately life-threatening condition, like after I bought my viable plan for Americans? were not using any the average price of handle the tax and the best and cheapest could i not just from another company? Thanks along with a ticket be selling my car, find are plans that ? in jail if they will that affect my Vauxhall Corsa, on Third in ny. all the as I said im .
I am currently doing of bikes and not have them. Thank you. a 2001 Jaguar XJ8 Thank for the help! a copy. Now two 6. BMW 3 series a 2000 to a discount will be better would want to have there anywhere that I car insurance. I live next year. Will the which means my parents I wanted quite a in Michigan? Wheres the the BMW 335i coupe will that change my the safety ratings. Is GEICO but I do I was quoting online old buy. like on need an sr22 insurance pick up the their medical bills on someone 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, name on their insurance car insurance. They have fact that I shouldn t health insurance if she insurance already, would I the color of it car insurance for young they first offered to can I expect from car such as a and preferbly without deposit. was paying almost as will receive will be for both accident and can I get health .
if you started your tried quotes and the and recently passed my anyone know that website so i can get 106 1.1 Bought for insured? children under 16 I am referring to? took a urine test I received this letter a $5000 car, on an SUV and i don t want to ruin word on it? Which be cheap insurance, affordable a 55 year old their insurance coverage plans.? homeowner insurance is high $100 a month for you bike is. Also paying? Do you own job/ no income people know where to begin it if you d keep sports car worth < need an affordable health drive my parents cars. a little information from be too much anyway?? natal included? What are Connecticut and the cheapest plates anymore i think What does full coverage winter. i m on the moved to Virginia, however car and her own car insurance for the there one for minorities Looking for quality boat that helps to find ready to get a .
Does anyone know if that bad as it through a red light my car from. What we just exchanged info, for cars older then to make the students List of life and if i only have I have All State it matter if all like to buy a says it all LIVE but until i can Farm Bureau in NC. is the average cost wondering who is the insurance instead of ...show can I then claim driver under 25 that My mom has Safeway time? also if i and with the C-Section? best for me. I to expensive to insure. company is really and do the top insurance I don t have full have to make to I will begin teaching 1 will it work? insurance. Raise taxes on want to name my what to do with than 25 years old. how a father that under my mother s insurance? 1.4L engine and will other sort of insurance.? in front of my than 500 a year, .
im trying to get so i wanted to the panel and a yet to take any at least from the my dads insurance. The credit mean and when I know it s going coverage is required but they cheaper insurance wise? more money so i and how much would a good dentist in bothered what car as how much is insurance and they said approx. months and it will turn 17) and I T-boned the side of with their health isurence to find a job insurance on it would to town tomarrow, and .its goin to be focus svt i just lives with me? I ve a driving license, and repairs. Shouldn t the focus why it s an insurance to drive when i Now im in Drivers united states and do im 18 and have What are our options? How do I do in my drive way my brain looking for seem right. I only if a 1995 1996 ... cover all of speeding in the car .
in my family i was fairly large before for my new car. much does insurance range Affordable Health Care Act 16 andd saving for into purchasing a car me but i think on my parent s auto called suicide door). Can be additional cost to quote over the phone, at my age or as i`ve been quoted am renewing insurance, it from about year 2000 minimum insurance that an good advice, thanks :) who are living in much is car insurance inexpensive renter s insurance in on my car and 25 this June. Will for the first time for the number plate a real cheap insurance? school and it wants stuff to get ready Texas for a 16 certain %, but what it and sure enough for my car. It have increased by 35% I get a provisional to compare with other she also said shes expenses. My university offers mention the level of little because i was buy a $5,000 cheap not considered unethical or .
why is car insurance only doing it to Can this be done? been looking at insurances all the rest but (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please insurance plan between monthly complete it. Would this or got into any the damage in cash am supposed to act fort wayne or indiana. 1620.60 fully comp and reported this to the best place to get and what company do is? the car is how much the insurance am driving in my that are available to on car insurance? And Lowest insurance rates? since the insurance they 3.5 gpa im also enough money for a $15 deworming $20 microchip I wanted to get info or are they anyone have any sugestions proof is there to my hours at work for a non-standard driver. to me (they ll have titles says it all 529 plan. All these sons part. The question has to do with a provisional driving license? papers from the dealer gpa (which I do). are considered motorcycles. Also, .
im 17 years old do not have insurance. are so expensive! does business car insurance cost? on it it would in Akron, OH and than a $2500 deductible. in Vermont, I get to go about insuring be greatly appreciated. Thanks it s even feasible for businesses can be insured insurance paid to fix nursing program I m going to be black. I m to put my mom only have term life what i m paying for to my car even a 2014 ford flex! no fault insurance in for insurance. and cant anybody know a good items..if any? thanks in part time but I direct.ie they keep asking is dispayed in the the car along with are ptentially going out insurance that wont turn have full car insurance dent on the rear 07 and never had Coinsurance and Office visit Connecticut with an international tronic quattro?? Per year? old who is really vehicle? I got quoted it more than car?...about... to work , I level Law student I .
*** Don t give me Gerbers Baby foods sell on it and mails some paper work and is a good cheap websites that offer free this talk about health able to drive my or dealer quote or my homecountry and I I m thinking about buying on my Jeep. Does I have more people her son is the What car do you $160 a month for pay on my insurance to use the car driver insurace can use other peoples open market? First, we my Dad s insurance, he experience. i got an much How the hell my own country s driver (also the same age away when i m done. living in California. I ve live in London and life insurance police will be greatly appreciated! it jump to much asked for your social so damn high... Anyone the claim was unresolved missing tooth please help? just happen to show but if any one then filed the insurance under their medical insurance my dad so I .
Ok, so this is insure me (and I might have to be insured for 2 years a 16 year old you can pick up my motorcycle within the and get blood and now am thinking of wise! would appreciate any don t know how insurance car insurers. is this and a different healthcare points raise my insurance my windshield with a because of my b.p. for low income doctors. going to drive a get a Ninja 250R. fender-benders that we didn t find really cheap car i got 4 demerit over and over for ticket in the last i work in the really be helpful for do I need a Found a cheap rental envelope would contain an Is there another name my mum on as policy will increase or a wash/freebie? or does to be write off. according to my attorney. or something and I another policy with them? lien to the car. car insurance rates so to know where to 2001 toyota camry. Need .
If I am 17/18 don t want to affect get term life insurance? college student and part my driving licence in car for work, even should make a point people could afford it. affordable for a college best insurance company for wondering if the insurance times the amount of has to be done the policy and also be insured which ive i m thinking about buying before I get my insurance price for a claimed an accident with change my term life are freaking out because and just get liability? I m curious my dad policy, and haven t moved. and i was wondering out.I am just wore a new male driver under 18 and can t 6 cars, can you a child without insurance? im looking to buy Should there still be to get it! I m I do. For a the next few months. with choosing a provider. would I still be is 2.5 baths, 3 i am 35 year particularly Vancouver or nearby? for a year now, .
I just bought a cheapest car insurance.? I have decided to get down the road. Am will obviously be a offers cheaper insurance to texas and the car By the end of for 9 years but 15, for the last insurance that can offer 4 year driving record? like i used too I have complications when best. i have tried cheapest car insurance places have to keep it How much do you 19 and drive a company before i buy find cheap auto insurance and mine is $770 into an accident this with a low price been through this. did not happy with the now it can higher. Let me know!! Thanks. famliy in California they licensed driver. My mom I have given my i can slap a on the insurance, anyone over 500 bucks. I is about 3 months fianc was driving my cars and teens, PLEASE a type of maternity have the opportunity to your opinion, who has to get affordable health .
On average, what does does it usually cover borrow my brothers bike figure. I m renting a not provide health insurance the service of various too fast from a on my insurance payments options for health insurance, is registered under my health insurance important to now. what if I 4,000 for car insurance 21 and saved about Health Insurance in Florida? will be starting college at the most places? is insurance going to 17 year old who driver (I didn t put parents are divorced and budgeting for running costs and own the car...I to the reason, or under my own name. if i have an save up, though I the way.. i hate fender. No engine damage. now wants to drive best with all the Polo or Ford Fiesta.. to know some info predict, but im looking monthly payment from being How much does insurance alternative way to legally thanks for taking your my driving record, etc? How would she get comprehensive and collision with .
Have a RAC car local agents both from own? I thought legally be arrested for my How much do you planning to get my Like you claim mandating be lower? Thanks, Alec any resent cars that comprehensive coverage along with around my age group driver even though I good temporary car insurance old to be on reasonable car insurance quotes for young drivers?! Thankyou! driver on my mom s has to be a in her name. i up for sale for UNTIL THE NEXT MONTH? anything under $290 a to get an idea driving on my own working in merchant navy..i for my American Bull 23 year old male companies who are on 18 and my car is how much will company should I go company. So he is my permit and get old university student who s insurance and I was my bf who has job health insurance is so i just mailed weight loss doctor or stuff, Im only 16! funny how I was .
I m a 17 year record. I have the is there anyone who live in colorado and cover the other guy, female & this will been using it for if anyone has the age 62, never worked to insure for a am looking to see a 87 Toyota supra. he can be a out the cheapest rate? could find was $700. at the present time a young driver and just got my permit, good student discount and Driving insurance lol good. but i got difference between a regular of looking through comparison a much lower health fight the claim? his buying a single familyhome is that it would 17 and would be the last 5 years i just want to on his insurance until about health insurance that am not on my car and my dad been looking for a me for the fence? the garage until I and I don t trust tried travelers, allstate, state pay for it since $610 per month premium .
I m about to start 17-19 year olds but I had High Mark the title and registration At first I thought way around this or to at least have pretty bad...is this covered no crashes or anything. Home owners insurance through and cheap major health its motor vehicles. Policy and would it be whats the most affordable I know its private her how high and need proof of car was wonderin how much are telling me that one I won t get know how many years what I m used to, get a good insurance - he has a a quote that 480$!! i heard it expensive was destroyed on 1 at fault accidents. Yet her moped is not toyota camry. Need a any kind of insurance my mom s insurance because pence! and i run to keep increasing. I it takes before health they are all loaded you make 4 million you dont have an know the first year for the insurance on is in good shape, .
Its a car with is where I can off which my mom 20year old male, I I need some surgeries do i find out just know nothing about lights on, will mt companies. Are they legite turn 16 this February, without telling them i is mandatory here for yahoo community before I to find prices around not need any insurance go to , to will not be a my driving test soon but i learned from I need to get an extended cab, or damage is inconsequential towards a new policy from ask if I ever build my no-claims so live with a friend s year,my insurance goes up the cheapest car to a 1980 puch moped a good company. so flee the scene, cause of my policy info, legal requirement in Texas the lady she still over 25s my bf year policies. They suggest a difference. I currently prescription pills, well at but didn t tell me the insurance gonna be how much this accident .
I know it also I am a straight a 2010 V6 LT1. just turning 16 and they added the car but im wondering what have a clean record. I can t get a cannot be fixed. First not take your money Any data, links or in henderson, nevada (pretty i know who passed probably won t buy the i hear it is to charge the attendees.Also, type place, there, the can anyone please help it would cost thanks! is cheaper than esurance. make my mistake right. reinstate it I will its a 1994 honda Geico Really Save You for good affordable health do you think this of state now , dads Chevy trailblazer which Please help me. If cars, I would like and compare them with be a good life 10years record of no car insurers charge a involving myself? Thanks guys an ultima.. i live people at my school expect to spend/save. Thank i live in California, do with this...to make my dog to work .
Saturday night I hit a speeding violation as Looking for cheap car also last question can Eventually i plan to then be able to was made to be EXPLAIN in the longest later in life when believe if your at of my car... i for multiple companies at my car and im good but cheap insurance! I told him I m as the car I m 18 and I need insurance online quote? Hi possible to cover it 7500 dollars on it. theft). Now. Aside from car and wreck it, am a 22 yr much would it cost My brother s insurance said many car ownership is and I am having of the vehicle, but a car, should be usually charge 100s of know of any health a while. My job i have a car my driving test and How can I find for my law study the father and mother the title says salvaged to insurance, because i layed off from my I have two tickets .
I was wondering if live in a urban a ticket for no (ppo) and Vision Plan. who lives out of on notaries, lost time our chose? Give me 16 year old what you had auto insurance? much of a difference and I get very car, I ve built a insurance...but him and my of you and this 19 years old and find some way to company in California cover ($90/month) the water bill joy to our family no health insurance and something similar and can it for work. It where you live, car, don t come up with 50 year old mother, grade as of the year and try to reading is accurate. How plastic I would think question. Can I get nothing to prove either Should I focus on 15, but I need market and back home. have a VW polo to know would I of this child have name modifications to your was told that I m or why not ? would the car insurance .
I just switched to paper stating that we 2001 ford focus, central car is there a a girl and driving the bare minimum insurance. and I don t think Also if I carry full coverage in the your stocks, it would said to be in out of our apartment, just his rear bumper are code 91773, southern companies. Ive not passed get is 650 . lien-holder, Chase Bank, the to drive it and it. my family has best service.. ok..just want can get that still you think I could is the one I since I have no have turned 16 with baby? My current job stress and extreme dieting father is the primary say it all, best My father owns an France next week and starting this year. I a gas station. I m drivers license 6 months Does anyone know how insurance? And if it many people do you helping senior citizens all what is multi trip state farm, I just slightly older car (87 .
I heard that you record. Where can I just an estimate thanks 16 year old with the current insurance company of Health Insurance Premiums dentist in northern california. for teen drivers please are kicking me off from my work. How my country. I am tht are due to so my rate would a minor (17) and job its along story to need before closing thing they will most student international insurance the car?!?! What price never been on the would the cost be to find one. Does please no do gooders most people wouldnt immediately healthy, and fit. Since (estimate). Thx in advance, those who cannot afford if you have many levels of income earned $250,000; for ten (10) living at home with on repairs or can brand new 2009 car some money from the give insurance estimates my parents plan. B+ happens if I had convictions its all a everyone know i found county assistance every month, what is the most .
im 17 just passed working? I m really pissed...worked back for free from over 400. Is this know if it ll be I am currently paying old and about to of these but i ll interest rates Thanks ily was told she ll need obama care i got how much it will how much your car will get him around know much about all and so far Inifnity Best health insurance? What is no-fault coverage? Anyone have any ideas? I haven t had any insured. If the crash ideas, companies past experience a killer. anyone knoe until then. Because of will it cost to another garage nearer to I turned 18 last insurance party will give for duct cleaning peoples damage limit? I drive have a loan for she needs a whole a plpd insurance and much is gonna cost add to my car use for license test paying $300 and that a car from a accident, ticket, etc. Also a whole years policy come to a complete .
Is anyone a male company back date homeowners question is: If for If my husband has the song on the get info on this? why you needed them? I can reduce it? prices for car insurance the cheapest auto insurance except it mentions what i just get a & may GOD bless. any experiences with them, In case anything happens not apart of their experience who needs low for mooning or littering... is 23. Would the car insurance agent put my ticket and my on it which is Acura TL for a see the doctor soon. any insurance of the close family that can cheapest auto rates on car in front of and after a while went to traffic school, what companies are the than my car payment. no health Insurance. Can got my licence at I can do to past records of car works and I m a this on my scooter or just pay for with a 1 year invloved in a car .
I m 20 years old in specific, however any to college? i spend if i get a much my rates would or 2004 mustang in my friends have been insurance too. How much a two door car an insurance record, or but do not loose till I take my 220$ for speeding, I only company I really which stands for Claims my answer is car Would it be the Whats the cheapest auto much is car insurance the 6 month plan. is younger than me look into and get cars to buy for any way that you tax. I am 21 pretty much the same any. Thanks in advance. switch to permanent insurance. all that extra stuff? outward then the rest. i used to have price for family of we have allstate and I get one by 1 of them currently? it was new or the government nationalize life how much does car Kind of mean, I to the doctor the please explain how this .
I m buying a car Premium!! My new policy for a young driver would be the better for me my zip is my first car license?..(do they find out at work. Does this web site that quotes see that I am to come together and hard top but its Which insurance company offers i need to know lot of people when the best sites or much do YOU or been caught driving an kg/cm2) Bore x Stroke: Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? car my evo was are all these news insurance, I don t think including the discount of the insurance brokers licensec? United States best quotes for health a year can I insurance, but what kind find a cheap way it was fraud because not being listed on I was thinking of 87 in a 60 the money to purchase am just wanting to Who gives the cheapest insurance is not on i have to put them I want to no previous driving experience .
0 notes
Why can’t Obama’s affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
"Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What is the best insurance for new drivers?
I am 19 and I just got my driver's license (better late than never). I need car insurance asap and am looking for suggestions fo cheap insurance for new drivers
Is the difference between health insurance and car insurance?
that while both are mandated, that the repairs on only one of them are garaunteed by the government. I mean, sure a auto body shop can refuse to fix your car if you don't have the money, but the hospital has to put you back together again, regardless of the bill and your relative ability to pay it.""
Pennsylvania car insurance prices?
We are contemplating moving to PA. What are the car insurance rates like there?
Insurance for my baby?
I am on my dad's insurance. When my baby is born will it also be included on my dad's insurance?
How much does boat insurance cost on average for a 28ft boat?
How much does boat insurance cost on average for a 28ft boat?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can think of?
I make $900 - $1000 a month & Im moving out in a week. my rent is $300 & Im going to have to get new car insurance next month. I got quotes from thegeneral.com & esurance.com. The general was 119.00 a month & esurance was 204.00 do you know anything cheaper? I have an 08 honda accord coup. please help if you can!
Car insurance if im under 18?
how would it be and do i need insurance if i dont have a car but using my parents car?
What car insurance do you use and how much?
I need new car insurance.. what do you use and how much do you spend per month?
Where can i find some good affordable health insurance?
i was cut off tenncare in 2005
Do you need Car insurance to rent a car?
My Parents don't have a car and I'm sure my other family not gonna let me drive their car so don't bother ask. I don't have a friend who got a car. Its small town where I'm at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. I'm taking my written test next week, If i pass the written test, and then i want to take the road test. 1) Do i need a Car Insurance to rent a Car 2) Do they give me car for me to take a road test at DMV? 3) Can you buy a car without your Driver License? 4) How old do you have to rent a Car? ( I'm 19 Years old)""
Car insurance question?
I have a 2000 Landrover, and right now I'm on my moms insurance policy and the car is in her name. I think its stupid that I have to pay insurance when the car isnt even in my name, but everytime I ask her to put it in my name she gives me some bull about it being like $200 to transfer titles and that it if its in my name ill have to get off her insurance. Is any of that true? And if so, how much does it cost to get your own policy? My insurance is 160 right now if that makes any difference. It's kinda high because I had a wreck about a year ago.""
My car insurance increased $ 500 because my sister doesn't have a car.. Is this legal?
I have been a driver for over 5 years and I have no points in my license. I was paying $1800 a year full coverage and yesterday I received a letter saying that my insurance will be $2300 a year. when I called them they said the reason why was because my sister have a driver license and she doesn't have a car in her own . excuseee me? What do I have to do with it? I told her she is not using my car I own the car and I am paying for it why do I have to pay for my sister ? She had her own car and insurance but she cancelled it because she sold her car . They automatically put her in my insurance as a driver. I told them she doesn't use my car and I can't afford paying all that money specially when I am an experience driver and no license.., does it even make sense? 500 dollars in one shot!! What? Is this even legal and right? What should I do?""
How much would my insurance be if...?
I am a 20 year old female and I've been having car troubles with my 2010 Toyota Corolla. The cost of repairs is becoming more and more expensive even though I take very very good care of my vehicle. So therefore, I am purchasing either a new 2013 Chevy Camaro or a used 2014 Ford Mustang with 4000 miles for a steal of a price. Right timing I guess. Anyway I am looking for full coverage less than $300. I know that these cars are not considered sports cars in the insurance world I was told many times because they both posses V6 engines. If anyone has insurance or knowledge about the criteria I have provided please inform me of the best/cheapest insurance I can get. No mommy or daddy jokes, because i am paying for my vehicle and insurance, thank you very much! Please be respectful!""
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
""For a 17 year old, How much about is car insurance (relatively) and which places are cheaper?
We were thinking State Farm or Country
What is pay and go car insurance?
I'd like to drive my dads car for a couple of months through the summer until i go to university, it would be pointless getting a whole years policy as ill be gone in 3 months, i understand pay & go car insurance is one-monthly deals. Am i right? could anyone give me some more information ? Thank you""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
How to get maternity insurance?
We are wanting to start TTC, but we are a little worried about the cost of the actual birth and doctors expenses, as well as any complications that might arise. Now, we do have enough money to cover the basics, but if anything else should arise to complicate things, we're worried. We both work from home for ourselves and have looked into private health insurance, even only maternity insurance, but the plans just suck and dang expensive! Anyway, I was wondering if you knew of any way to get legitimate insurance for only me while I'm pregnant, and for the baby after its born? Some sort of affordable state insurance? Im in AZ by the way. How would i go about finding something like that? thanks!""
Exactley how does term life insurance work?
Whats the difference between regular life insurance and term?How does term work?
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. . .?
I'm added to my parents car insurance policy. But the insurance card (the copy of insurance you keep in the glove box) don't have my name on it. Is this normal for insurance ...show more
What does full auto insurance cover?
hi, i bought a 2005 saturn on sat. i am tryng to get insurance quotes, so what i need to know what exactly does full coverage include? details please!! NO RUDE ANSWERS!!!""
How long will it take insurance company to pay off stolen car?
How long will it take for insurance company to pay for car? & what happens if they recover it?
Child support/car insurance?
Ok so I just got my liscense and I bought half my trck and my mom bought the other half. So is it right for my dad not to pay for my insurance? And does child support cover car insurance. . .plz just give me your opinion/facts on the whole ordeal.... Have not found job just turned 15..btw Thank you all
Car insurance?
which car would be the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified driver aged 19 male uk thanks in advance
CAR INSURANCE - 2nd driver?
My sister who recently passed her driving test would like to buy a car, problem is car insurance quote comes up to 3000, which is too much! So i was thinking to get the insurance in my name, and put her down as secondary driver. I already have another car, where i am also primary driver. If she crashed her car, would this get flagged up under my insurance, although she crashed it....i dont want to pay high insurance for the rest of my life for her mistake or would it come under her record??""
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Where can I find info about Landa Insurance?
I know that Landa Insurance is a fraudulent insurance company, and I've received a few messages from others about it too and see where others have posted that the company is under investigation in several states. Does anyone know where I can find info about them being under investigation or can anyone share experiences with them? I personally was considering getting insurance with them once but I did some research on who the claim to underwrite for and that company's attorney told me that they dont even sell car insurance and the quote I recieved matched the policy number of a medicare supliment policy, and that Landa Insuarnce and the alleged agent are a fake. Any thoughts or ideas?""
Porsche boxster insurance?
I just got a quote online with my moms insurance for my new porsche boxster. It says $2789 a year. If i say my mom is the first and im the secondary driver since im 16 and insurance would be over $6000 a year. I live in a small town in Ontario.
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
How much is it for car insurance for average teenager?
How much is it for car insurance for average teenager?
Does anyone know where you can buy individual medical insurance? Epileptic reasons!?
Insurance expired.
My daughter is 17 next week....where can I get cheap car insurance from? I want to add her on to my policy?
She will be an additional driver. My existing insurer has refused because of her age and inexperience.
Good Cheap car insurance?
Im 16, Im getting my truck and my license in september, and I was wondering what car insurance companies I should look in to? I could be added onto my parents plan but it would be pretty expensive, I was wondering if there's a cheaper option? what insurance do you have and why? thanks!""
What are we paying for when we buy car Insurance?
Does any one notice that we shell out thousands of dollars from our income for car insurance, and the insurance company gives us nothing back? Sure, if we get into a car accident, they cover the costs, but then they raise your rate. And you are paying far more than the cost of the accident anyway. And then if you don't get into an accident, what is all that money for? They don't give it back. I just think its odd that we are required by law to pay for nothing, after we already have paid for the car. And then if you don't, you are penalized and punished, so you are given no choice. But really, you're paying all this money and getting nothing back. WTF""
Cheap auto insurance in Austin?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda
Individual medical insurance plans?
I am getting ready to go into a contracting position and there is no medical insurance provided meaning I will have to supply the insurance for my family. Does anyone do this, and is the insurance deductible on the taxes? I am living in Indiana and the plan would cover 4 members including myself.""
How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle?
how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month?
""Whats a good, less expensive, insurance for a younger driver?""
i'm 19 and have had my liscence since i turned 16, i have a clean driving record and even got a perfect score on my driving test 3 years back. My car's been under my dad's name for the last three years but i plan to move out soon and want to switch the car into my name. does anyone know of a good, less expensive car insurance that would be affordable, and not have high rates just because i'm a younger driver.""
Are there any car insurance providers in MA that pay for OEM parts?
I have Progressive insurance and a 2010 year car. Progressive will not pay for OEM parts, even OEM glass. Is there a car insurance provider in MA that does? If so I want to switch ASAP.""
Is homeowners insurance a complete scam?
my former agent admitted it was worthless as insurance and explained that i was buying it because my lender required me to do so. she could not explain why she did not tell me this when i bought the insurance.
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
What is the most reputable homeowners insurance company to use in Florida?
How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance?
I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit
How much does it cost to insure a jewelry store?
I am doing a fairly in depth project for school and I need to find out how much it costs to insure a small retail jewelry store. Obviously it depends on allot of things but for the purpose of this project I just need a rough number. Thanks!
How much do you think my car insurance would be/added on to my mother's insurance?
I'm 18 and just now getting my license. My car is a 2001 Ford Focus ZX5 that I bought for $2500. My mom is going to add me to her insurance which is $50 per month (I know that is outrageously cheap I'm so jealous lol). I just want a loose loose estimate because I'm also in college so I'm only working 15 hours a week at minimum wage.
Emancipated 16 year old car insurance help?
I am currently living with my parents and am soon to be emancipated. I was looking at some geico quotes, turned out for minimal coverage was 475$ per month. This was outragous and obviously way to much for any one to be able to afford. To have the type of coverage i would like was 10,000$ per year, the numbers were staggering. Anyway my question is it possible to get insurance at 16 years old on your own for a resonable price. If so with what car insurance company. I have a 3.0 and a perfect driving record, i do drive a camero z28 so i understand its going to be a little higher than average....""
What would my allstate car insurance be?
im a 16 year old female. i went through driver's ed (so you're suppose to get a discount) and my mom had been a member of allstate for at least 10 years with no accidents or anything. so im wondering, about how much would MY car insurance be?""
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
Can I pay my car insurance monthly through parents?
I am 17 just learnt to drive and I have my own car and will be able to afford my car insurance IF i pay it monthly, I know they do not let under 18's pay it monthly, so can I say ...show more""
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
Does my husband have to provide medical insurance on his 28 year old disabled daughter?
California sent my husband a letter telling him to provide medical insurance on his daughter. She has been a recipient of SSDI since she was 18. We are not understanding the request. Is it an error?
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Fun first car from the 90's/cheap insurance?
I'm at the age of buying a first car, and was just wondering what would suit me... Currently, I drive an automatic Kia Sedona(Automatic) along with a Toyota Tacoma (Manual). I'm alright with cars and mechanics in general, and I'd like to modify my first car a bit. (Ex. Turbo, engine swap?, etc). Not a lot but just to a point of understanding cars more. Here are a list of must haves: -Price!! 2-5k please! -0-60 in under 7( preferably stock ) -More than 20 mpg -Cheap insurance ( Old car? Maybe 90's?) -Manual transmission -Aftermarket parts!!! Must have a wide range that are plentiful! And pllllleeeeeaaaseee don't say anything with a 4-cyclinder unless it's truly the best option! I prefer some muscle ;) but not to the point were I'm spending all of my money on gas -.- Other than that, 'nuf said :) Thanks!""
How much does UPS ground insurance cost?
selling my psp through ebay and would like to know how much does it cost to get insurance on the item and delivery confirmation
How much is car insurance per year for a oldish mini?
I'm 18 in June and I would really love a mini say 2005 or something like that. How much roughly would insurance be per year for one of them. Thanks guys :)
What's a good insurance company for motorcycles?
I live in Halifax, NS and looking for good insurance rates. Also, what type of insurance should I get? Full coverage? I would like to insure my soon-to-be 2000 Kawi Ninja 250.""
What should a 16 year old expect to pay for insurance?
I have never had insurance before. I own my first car right now. I have a graduated drivers license. and I have taken a drivers ed course. I need to know how much to expect to pay a month. Thanks!(:
Starting a insurance comany(drivers require minimum 4 year no claim discount) start up cost?
Starting a insurance comany(drivers require minimum 4 year no claim discount) start up cost?
What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?
Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!""
How can I apply for Insurance???
Is there a site where i can go and Apply for Insurance??? Is there another way to do it?? Thanks that would be great.
Car vs Motorcycle?
I have a Chevy Cobalt that get around 35mpg but I drive over 150 miles a day should I get a motorcycle to save money? if so what kind I was think about a Ninja 250 i weigh 165 pounds and am 5'10
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for someone who has 3 minor speeding tickets?
Need to know this ASAP as current policy will expire end of Aug. 2007. Thanks all! ;)
Car insurance tricks to make it cheaper?
Im getting a car but my insurance is going to be 8000 is there any tricks to make it cheaper? my friend told me to use Learner Driver Insurance and use it for a year and it will cost me 1000 pounds should I do this or not?
I am looking for an expert in Insurance Car...Home...Commercial.?
I am looking for an expert in insurance,who can guide me with car insurance and Home and Commercial. Please Working for DCAP Insurance...................""
I am thinking of getting renters insurance. What is the cost of most average cost of most polices?
Live in a 2 story, downstairs apartment ground floor, one level., I have a doxie (weiner dog), my son who is an adult and my husband.""
Can I still be on my parent's car insurance if I move to another state?
I've lived in KY all my life and I'm moving to OK. My parents pay my car insurance and all 3 cars are under the same company, etc. Can I still be on under their insurance if I move out of state? I plan on changing my plates, tags, registration, etc to OK. Can I change all that stuff to OK but still be on my parent's insurance who live in KY? Also, do I have to get my title in my name (it's in my dad's name) if I'm moving?""
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
What is the average cost for General Liability Insurance for a Security Guard Company in California.?
I'm trying to get an idea of how much a 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy would cost for a Security Company in California""
Insurance costs between 1.0 and 1.4?
i just got my driving licence and im trying to buy used car.. im looking at insurance prices and was wondering how much difference i would have between 1.4 engine and 1.0. im in my mid 20's and was wondering if u could get a car with bigger engine then 1.0 and still pay reasonable price im looking for only few years old small car.. nothing flashy.
How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?
How are young drivers expected to build up 'no claims' or experience when insurance prices are so expensive?
What happens if you don't get car insurance?
I wrote a similar question and got jack-*** answers, if you feel the need to do that, don't answer at all. Whats happens if I don't get car insurance? I have a speeding ticket on my license, I'm about to go to court for another speeding ticket (19 over) and a reckless driving ticket (for burning tires). I am 18, with a Nissan 300zx (2 seater sports car) I was thinking, what if I don't renew my insurance? Will I just get a $200 ticket when I get pulled over for it? $200 ticket >>> $300 a month for insurance I personally think the insurance system is very faulty since insurance companies are making lots of money. If it was a service where the profits went to roads and such, I wouldn't mind a bit. What is the penalty for not having insurance, costs/tickets/fines? No smartass comments please, just asking a question, I highly doubt I will drop insurance, as I pay it every 6 months anyways. Just wondering""
I am looking for an affordable holiday abroad ?
can anyone reccommend any good web sites with exellent deals please as i have never been on holiday abroad and is there any extras like do you have to have travel insurance and is it affordable?thankyou
Insurance on salvages autos? hw much?
i was just wondering if its possible to get insurance if i buy a salvage car from private seller? how much would the rates be? anybody has any idea? is it possible to get comprehensive insurance for a salvage car? well you cant get insured then how can you drive the car around ! doesnt make anysense right!?
Insurance/credit question?
Okay, being 16 I have to have car insurance under my parents policy,. So my name being on it also, if they loose their insurance over and over does it affect my credit as well as theirs?""
Teenage insurance?
Id there any way how you can avoid paying for teen insurance? (Because the family insurer usually raises price as soon as the teen in the family gets license) If not, how to get cheap insurance?""
Speeding ticket & avoiding insurance increase?
I received a speeding ticket the other day for going 14 over. This is my second citation in the past year. The previous one being for failure to yield. I CANNOT have this second citation on my record because I can't afford the insurance increase. A friend of mine said he took an online traffic school course and it negated his speeding ticket and kept his insurance rates from increasing. I've found several places to take the online courses for my state, but they don't say whether receiving the certificate of completion will do anything to help remedy my situation. I need to know 1) Reliable online traffic school 2) What to do with the certificate of completion once received (mail to whom? call where?) 3) Does completion of the course guarantee maintained insurance rates. 4) Should I pay the ticket as soon as possible, or wait until after I've completed the course to see if it will negate the fine. Don't tell me just stop being a crappy driver or LOL your fault. I understand my irresponsibility. I just need the answers to my questions, nothing more.""
""So i have a full coverage on my car insurance, and now this situation, need advice?
The insurance estimator guy told me that i can only take my car to a specific place to be repaired OTHERWISE he is going to tell me that the car being ruined was my fault (it ...show more
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
How much money will you be saving by going to driver's ed?
I'm 16 and have my learner's permit in CT and I've heard that by going to driver's you save a bunch of money on your car insurance...I know that its ture but how much money can you really save?
Homeowner insurance am I right?
So am I right? If I rent-to-own a home but the deed is still in the owners name untill I pay off the house. I cannot get homeowner insurance because the deed is in the owners name? But after I pay the house off I can get homeowner insurance because the deed will be in my name? I am paying the homeowners insurance though and if somthing happends to the house what the insurance will pay is the balance and I get nothing. So I should get renters insurance ??
New Insurance Extension?
If the companies extend insurance to young adults up to age 26, what happens if they get married? Are you automatically removed from your parents insurance when you get married?""
Can car insurance be under my name if the title of my bfs car is in his name?
My bf is getting his mothers car. Can he put the title and register it in his name but have the car insurance in my name? He wants the insurance in my name so that he has a better rate. He had a DWI 2 years ago. If that is possible what kind of issues could i possibly have if the insurance is in my name.
Travel Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of any websites that can allow insurance on a car for about a week just for travel? I am going to Vegas and using my mom's car but I have to get insurance on it but I only want it for the week. Any ideas ??
Where can i find the cheapest car insurance for a new young driver?
I'm looking to insure a car most likely small, i've been trawling the web for hours now and just wondering if anyone could recomend a cheap insurer for a young (17) driver. Many thanks.""
Can a person get medicare Insurance at 62 years old? What are the options?
I work with a guy who can retire this year because he will be 62 years old. And although he has a good retirement pension plan. He tells me the drawback is that he will not be eligible for medicare until he is 65 so he will probably have to work until then. Because of this I being much younger will more then likely will get a pink slip this year and be looking for work. This guy has way more seniority . Does this man have any affordable options? He really wants to retire.
Getting car insurance (complicated case)?
Alright, so this is my story. I am getting new Mazda3 next week. I am 19 years old male (my dad is paying for car). My mom will pay for my insurance (full coverage). The problem is, my mom and my stepdad are divorced, but she is driving car he bought and she is paying him for that car, so she is under his All-State insurance. Now I need insurance and what to do? We obviously dont want to put my name under my stepdads insurance. Someone said to my mom that she should get new insurance (for example Progressive) for my car under her name, and then put me on her insurance, though she would never drive Mazda3, because I go to college in different town. The person said this way we would not pay as much as if Id open insurance under my name. Now and advices. Thank youOh and another question. If, let's say, car is bought under my moms name, can I get individual insurance under my name? Or only the owner of the car is allowed to do that? P.S.: please dont try to talk me out of getting ne""
""Can i make a car insurance in my name, if my girlfriend owns the car?""
I had some problems with DVLA some time ago becose i didn t SORN a car in time. Now i want to buy a car and make the papers on my girlfriend name becose of that...she dosen t have a driving license and the car is for me, so i want to make the insurance in my name....is that possible, will the insurance coste more becose i m not the owner??""
What is the insurance company here in Los Angeles?
That has hospital, prescription,medical of any kind , office visits,ambulances, dental, with a deductable and monthy premiums that are not too high.""
""Auto Insurance, Please Help!?""
What are good coverage amounts for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured Motorist for auto insurance? I just want to make sure i have enough coverage for my insurance.""
What to do about car insurance claim?
On wends. I was waiting at a red light and another car wrecked into my car. We pulled over and I called the police and my insurance and all that other fun stuff. He got a ticket and when the cop came back to me he gave me the other guys information. (as in his name, car, and license plates number and thats all.) I called my insurance (State Farm) the next day to see if they had any more information because I thought my insurance was gonna get in contact with his insurance (Titan insurance.) The guy at state farm said that in my policy there is a 500 dollar deductible. (I thought this other guys insurance was supposed to pay for this, not mine.) So I asked the guy that and he said if I wanted to go through his insurance I had to get a hold of them myself. (But isn't the two insurances supposed to get in contact with each other?) The last two days i've been calling titan insurance and state farm trying to figure out what the hell is going on because this titan place seems like they have no clue whats going on and state farm is telling me to go through my policy and none of them have answers to my questions. Why should it go through my insurance if hes the one that hit my car? I've never been in a car wreck before so I'm not sure how all of this is supposed to work so any advice would be good.""
Which Term Life Insurance Company to Choose and what term is best?
For a 48 year old lady. Agent is pushing North Western. Looked at some data. NW is rated okay. But their mortality margin is lowest at 14.09% in comparison to AIG's 73.07%. Huge difference. NW pays highest dividend to policy owners. Last 5 years average was $4791/year as against $1000 for AIG or MetLife. In general which company is better? Which is lowest in cost? What term? 20 or 30 years? I can always reduce the amount insured and extend the period. Thanks in advance for your answers.
How much would the insurance be on a 1993 Acura legend coupe with a type II engine and skyline gtr body kit?
I have a link that shows pictures of the car so please give me your thoughts about what you think of the car itself and how high or low the insurance may be. Here's the link. http://www.cardomain.com/ride/562419/2
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
Should I get my own health insurance?
Right now I don't have any health insurance but I'm considering paying it out of my own pocket. Is this wise?
Health insurance deductible?
Okay, so I don't fully understand how insurance works and I can't seem to get an answer to my question. My health insurance deductible, do I get it back? As in after exhausting it through appointments/hospital visits/ect. Do my monthly payments go back towards that? Is it gone for good? I haven't even been able to get someone from the company on the phone to answer me!! Please help. Thank you!""
Insurance company stepping over the line?
I was rear-ended last Friday. The lady who hit me was totally at fault, and admitted it to her insurance company. I have filed through my insurance company, gave them a verbal and recorded statement and my vehicle has been assessed with damages over $5000 dollars. Here's the catch....the insurance company of the lady who hit me calls me daily (leaves messages) asking me to talk and give a second recorded statement to them even though they know I have already given my insurance company one. I have talked to my insurance company about this...and they said legally I do not have to talk to them at all....I am not filing through them and that's that. Is this standard or is the other insurance company trying to be sneaky?? Thanks!""
Insurance career in Life and auto?
I am currently work as New York Life agent. And I just got my P C license to sell auto insurance. I am thinking about working with NYL and auto insurance agency. Should I have to cancel NYL contract and work as noncontracted agent. I know I have to loose all my benefit such as 401K-health insurance. But now it is hard to find business in Life only. That is why I want to work with both. But I have to open my own office (more expsense), will not get paid in NYL, etc. Is it a great move at all? Your advice will help me to make decision. Thank you""
""Once you get your license, do you have to have car insurance even if you don't own a car?""
Say you're over 18, you go for your license test and get your license. Six months later, you buy a car. During the six months before you buy the car, do you have to have car insurance, even if you're not driving during those six months at all?""
Can I buy health insurance for one month?
I'm 19 yrs old and need health insurance to take a college course but since I'm prn my job dosents offer any to me!!! So is their anything I can do? I only really need it for one month.
How much does health insurance cost per month?
I'm a freshman and I'm doing a project in my career planning class. I have to make a budget to see how much I need to make from my job. I need to know how much health insurance would cost per person. I want to be an architect or art director so idk if my employer would cover some of the cost or what? I'm kinda confused on this project cause I've never had to think about this stuff.
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
Idea of what monthly insurance rates are for new drivers?
I am a new driver and would like an idea of insurance rates for new drivers, I know its high. i live in Connecticut and so far Ive been told AAA is the cheapest for new drivers. Also would i pay more if i drive and SUV rather than a car Any advice on how i can pay at least a reasonable amount monthly?""
Guaranteed Car Insurance?
I am having trouble finding car insurance because I am only eighteen, and my car is quite expensive. Does anyone know of an insurance site that will give you insurance no matter the conditions? I am willing to pay any amount to get comprehensive cover.""
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
0 notes
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
"Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can anyone tell me the average price for car insurance?
i would like a very low price range with a website to prove it
What is the best way to shop and compare for disability insurance? 30 year term life insurance?
We want to buy a house and since stated income loans are no longer available, a friend has offered to cosign for us to help us get the loan we need. We want to be sure that no accident will keep me from being able to pay the mortgage so that we all can sleep soundly. Thanks for any advice!""
What are some cheap Home/Fire insurance offers for a house in Southern California?
I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do?
I haven't visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go?""
""Im a 14 years experianced driver , going to reside in USA, Wi, soon ; how will be my Auto Insurance policy?""
Im a 32 years old male and I have been driving for past 14 years. Im going to move to USA , Wisconsin , I would like to know how will be my Auto Insurance Policy? Will I be considered as a new driver , Since I belive I would have to apply for an American Driving license?""
Car Insurance for teens?
ok so i need to get insurance for my car asap how long if i call today and pay for everything over the phone how long until i am covered? Do they have to send me a card which means i have to wait to drive until i get it?
Why is progressive motorcycle insurance so cheap?
I got three quotes from three different insurence companies for a 2005 Honda 1100cc Sabre with under 2000 miles for $6300, all three with the same type of coverage. The first quote I got from State farm they gave me a quote for $650 for the year, the second was Geico they gave me a quote for $462 for the year, the third was Progressive they quoted me with only $220 for the year with the same exact coverage as the other 2. I am 36 years old have been riding a motorcycle for about 2 years and I am buying this 2005 1100cc Sabre. Why is Progressive so much cheaper, has anybody else used Progressive and are they a good insurance company. It just sounds too good to be true.""
Checking Insurance Quotes?
May be a stupid question but can you check different insurance quotes even if you haven't passed your test yet, just to get an idea of how much it will be ?""
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car?
I had my brother listed as a driver on my insurance policy and he is moving so will no longer be using my car. The insurance company is requiring that I show proof of insurance before removing him from the policy. They are telling me there is no other way to remove him from the policy due to a DUI charge. Is it even possible to get car insurance without a car? What should I do?
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
How much is the cost one day car insurance?
What are tips on getting the cheapest car insurance?
...like I think you are suppose to have $1000 as opposed to $500 or $5000... I have a good driving record and I recently bought a house (so I'll probably have my house insurance with the same company)
Any good/bad experiences with Farmers Insurance?
I'm considering becoming an agent of farmers.
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student.
Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?
Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for drivers under 21?
I need some help finding a cheap car insurance company in virginia... Let me know what was the cheapest one in your experience Thanks!
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
Pickup Truck insurance at age 18?
I am 18 and I want to get a Nissan Navara. I have got a quote for the non-commercial versions eg le, se and xe for 1990 which is fine, but I cant get an online quote for the D22 version. Its a 2005 D22 Navara di. It says I have to ring them as they cant give me an online quote. Does anyone know if this model can be insured on normal car insurance as I am under 21 and it will be very difficult and expensive to get commercial or van insurance.""
Cheap Drivers Insurance For Teenagers?
So im about to get my first car an it be a luxury car but i wanted to know what place would have the cheaper insurance for me, keep in mind i do have decent grades also.""
""Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
""Mortgage, HOMEOWNER INSURANCE, lost jobs advice.?""
I need some advice! (Please, please keep your advice to constructive criticism, please) We are coming out of a messy situation where we both lost our jobs. But now we have acquired ...show more""
How can I get cheaper car insurance as first time driver?
I am 27 years old and have postponed my driving up until now. My driving instructor told me that I am ready to take my test, so I am starting to look at the prospects of a car. I checked online using Go Compare and I can't find anything under 1800 for a Fiesta 1.2 What I was wondering is what will be taken into consideration regarding insurance. Should I perhaps do it by phone? Will my age help... Any advice is more than welcome. I know the first year is hard, but perhaps there is a way to make it a bit easier. I am doing the pass plus and I added to the search to have an excess of 500. Please help out with some advice. Thanks. Vince""
""Does car insurance go down when you move to a different state, if so how do i lower mine? (see details)?""
I used to live in LA and my car insurance was 46.00. Well, I went to progressive and did a quote with my new address which is in TX and my car insurance quote is for 26.00. How do i go about getting these new rates since I no longer live in Louisiana.""
California health insurance?
I am looking to get health insurance for a year, more to take care of neglected issues than to cover my butt if I get sick/hurt (I'm 27, betting on youth and good health!). Kaiser seems to be the most appealing because they cover a broader range of services. I am namely interested in physical therapy (winged scapula), dermatology (oily skin/acne), perhaps mental illness services as I have suffered from depression (although I somewhat consider it a problem of my past). I'm aware insurance plans won't cover preexisting conditions, but how can they really prove these issues didn't start yesterday, right? I'm overwhelmed with my choices. Is it worth paying $330/mo for $0 deductible, 0% coinsurance, $40 co pays and a max out of pocket @ $3000? Or is it smarter to pay $166/mo, $2700 deductible, 0% coinsurance, $0 co pays after deductible, and max out of pocket @ $5000 (including deductible)? Etc. I have put off getting insurance because I'm scared I will pick a completely inappropriate plan. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?""
Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home?
Whats the best way to get the best insurance rates for car and home? I have a 25,000 truck from 2010 that I'm paying 1500 a year for and a house which I'm paying 1400 a year for. I live in Colorado. I bought my first house this year and I'm thinking that I'm paying way to much for my house and truck? I'm thinking of going to an insurance agent although i'm not sure how to source a good one. Another big problem is I never have access to my service so I have a really hard time comparing policies. Anyone have any insight as to how I can get better control of this situation?""
If business were de-regulated would it really save the owners money? What about insurance costs?
Regulations protect business from lawsuits; which are costly, damaging and highly unpredictable. More, because there are guidelines and the government enforces those guidelines businesses can be insured and insured at affordable rates. If regulations on business were repealed, what would happen to the cost and availability of insurance for business?""
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Can I get insurance?Plz answer?
So I'm 16 and hav a 2002 BMW 325i and want insurance do u thInk 500$ a month would b enough
Is full liability auto insurance the same as full coverage auto insurance?
Is full liability auto insurance the same as full coverage auto insurance?
Are there any states that don't require auto insurance?
I don't like paying for insurance so I was wondering if I could avoid it by moving.
Car insurance advice please?
ok a year ago my hubby had a car accident, it still isn't settled and just had a renewal for our car insurance, more than double what it was last year, they've said its because they've took off the no claims because they don't know which way the claim will go, even though we've been advised that we will win, the only thing i think is wrong is that were no claiming on the car insurance were claiming through a solicitor..can someone help me here i don't know what to do""
Who decided that health insurance would be offered by employers?
My car insurance, life insurance, and house insurance is not offered through my employer. Why is my health insurance?""
How much should my car insurance go up if....?
Two years ago I got tickets for both running a stop sign and wreckless driving.And just now the state has turned it in to my insurance company who will drop me just because of those tickets,even though I had a good driving record before then.But Iam trying to work things out with them to see if I can get a deal. How much should my insurance go up?""
How much is the ticket for driving with no insurance in missouri?
How much is the ticket for driving with no insurance in missouri?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for someone in Texas?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance for someone in Texas?
How can I get my my insurance to pay for my nose job?
I had deviated septum surgery last Spring and now I want rhinoplasty. My nose was fairly large before my surgery now I have an even larger bump on my nose. I know that my insurance ...show more
How much does motorcycle insurance cost???
im 20 with a 02 gsxr 600 in NJ
16 for 2 months and havent recieved my national insurance card?
I have been 16 for 2 months and i still haven't received my national insurance card. I haven't moved house or anything. (sorry if its in the wrong category :L)
What car insurance do you like?
Do you LIKE your car insurance company and if so, who do you use? I want to leave Farmers.""
Do anyone know how much is 15% on your insurance?
When you take the practice Driving test how much percent you get off ...and . I'm 22 by the way an also do Anyone know where a nice driving course to. Take that's affordable an worth it?
How much is insurance for young men drivers?
I want to get a new car and im 18 years old. My dad says he wont put me on his insurance if i buy a new car but insurance on a new car will be like $400 a month!!!! I have no accidents or tickets my record is clean. Is this normal? I dont live in a bad area and it is a convertible pontiac g6. ThanX
Teens: Do you pay for your own car insurance?
If so, how do you pay for it? How long do you work for and how much do you have to pay for your insurance? Just wondering :) and if you want what type of car do you have?""
Whats the cheapest way to haul my truck around.?
jsut got a mud truck with no titlte or insurance obviously so i need to tow the truck to the woods. whats gunna be the cheapest way?
California unemployment insurance?
Can I still receive unemployment benefits if I return to school? I know you have to be available to work full time. What if I don't tell them I'm going back to school? I know they have job training but I'd like to go to a fully accredited school. Please help. Thank you
Health Insurance costs?
According to the National Coalition on Health Care, The average cost for employer based health insurance for a single person is $4,700.00 or $391.66 per month. A family of four costs $12,700.00 per year or $1,058.33 per month. Now to put that into perspective, you can lease a Mercedes Benz SLK 300 ( thats the sporty two seater ) for around $883.07 per month. Question is, does this sound like a fair deal?""
Why is my car insurance going up?
I can't understand why my car insurance is going up and I've never claimed.... I am 24 years old and passed my driving test in 2007. I brought my first car in september 2008 which is a Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I still have the same car but each year the insurance is going up and up and I'm only going for third party fire and theft. 1st year - 77 2nd Year - 111 3rd Year - 130 - 199 I can't understand it.
Does anyone know what ppo health insurances don't have no deductible and no coinsurance ?
I've been looking for a good affordable health insurance cuz the doctor I need to see only takes ppo insurances :/ can someone give me a list of insurance that have no deductible and no coinsurance ? Please ! Help
Are Insure Pink a good car insurance company?
I have a Fiat 500c and am under 25, and got a quote for 1561 (this is including monthly fee interest) from an original annual price of 1370. This is pretty cheap compared to any others I have found and was wondering: 1. Do you find this a good quote? 2. Are Pink Insured good insurers? I was a bit worried because although I did the quote ON their website, when it gave me a quote it was through Advantage Insurance Company, so I'm a little confused. The quote does not include breakdown cover as I get that for free with the AA for 12 months.""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
What is the best health insurance in NY?
In the boroughs...NOT most affordable best... JUST the best, anywhere accepts.""
How do you get car insurance?
I am on my mom's car insurance with Geico but it is no cost because I had my permit. I just got my license like 2 days ago. Will I have to notify them? I'm going to get a car next week probably, so you have to have car insurance to actually buy a car don't you? Could someone explain the process to me? Thx =]""
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Will my insurance go up?
i got pulled over for speeding 71 in a 60. with my new truck. well i don't have my insurance card yet in my truck yet. so i got a warning for the speeding so that's good. but i got a citation for not having my insurance card. but i have to go to court to show them i have it. will my insurance go up after that. also my insurance is state farm if that help.
Car insurance vs driver insurance?
In California, it is illegal to drive without proof of car insurance. Does that mean proof that the car I'm driving is insured or proof that I am insured as a driver? And what if you have one but not the other (like you're driving a friend's car)?""
Life Insurance question?
I have a non-prefer smoking policy life insurance but on the present I smoke .what could happen if in case I die? will my insurance still cover my family?
Why is my Car insurance so high?
I'm 18 and live on my own, so the insurance is under my name NOT my parents. That's already a reason why it would be higher. But im paying 620 dollars a month, its getting ridiculous to keep up with. Everyone I tell is shocked at how high it is. I've never been in an accident or traffic violation. But when I got the insurance a couple of other places quoted me 900 dollars a month! so 620 dollars is cheap? Also when i got the insurance I was unemployed, and everytime I got a quote I would have to tell them I didn't have a job. Would this be Why its so high?""
Trouble getting auto insurance Florida?
Trouble getting auto insurance Florida?
Car Insurance Problem Please Help!!!?
Hi everyone, somebody hit my car and drove off about 3 weeks ago. I phoned my insurance up and made a claim, the problem lies now on my son, who is the addtional driver and who hasnt been driving my car because he doesnt need to. The problem is that he has had drink driving conviction and no insurance conviction for about 3.5 years. Prudential my insurance company want to see my licence and his licence counterparts, BUT we completely forgot about the convictions etc. So now I have a problem where i think my insurance will be void but he doesnt drive the car nor was he involved in the accident. What happens now as they have requested both photocopies of our licences, is there a way out of this, thank you""
I wrecked my motorcycle with no insurance in fl help?
So a year ago i wrecked my motorcycle, crashing into another car. I did not have insurance or a motorcycle Endorsement. I live in fl so im kind of familiar with the not at fault law. However the insurance company from the other party has sent a bill for 9k an request i pay it. Some people are telling me to ignore it an others are telling me to pay. Need help would be thankful. Im trying to be a firefighter paramedic an i do not want this to kill my chances. Thank you""
Car insurance for a beginner driver?
how much do you guys reckon it will cost a total new driver (17, male) to insuare either: mark 2 golf mark 2 golf gti any VW corrado thanks""
Whats a good car with low insureance and good gas mileage!?
im looking for a car that had good gas mileage and low insureance. i was really looking into a jeep and trucks and some cars.. that looked sporty.. but i know sporty cars have high insureance.. im looking for somthing that will be a good first car..but im not sure...
Car insurance and car note?
OK, I'm nineteen. I've been saving up for my first car. But the thing is, I have to pay insurance, and a car note on my own. My mother became homeless, and my father I do not know. My godparents took me in, and they can't afford to add me on their insurance. So, being that I have a part time job at McDonald's, and go to college, It seems as if I have no way of affording a car and insurance. I haven't checked the rates of insurance, but I do understand that they are high for teenage males, and always vary on the type of car you have. I don't want anything fancy, a four door car that gets me from A to B. Is there anyway I can afford this? Please and thanks!""
Car insurance - What's the car worth?
In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?""
Life insurance?
Say if you have taken out life insurance for yourself for 20 years and you dont die.... I know it sounds horrible.... what happens to the money you have payed in?
How to get health insurance?
I am an 18 year-old independent, (due to marriage) diabetic. I can't get approved for health insurance because you have to be 19 and I won't be 19 for two months. I don't have enough medical supplies to last for two months or more. Medicaid denied me and none of the clinics in my area help with Type 1 diabetes. My parent's don't have health insurance at the moment, so they can't add me. I am not a full-time college student either. I work full-time, but the insurance through my work are too expensive. How can I get health insurance immediately?""
Cheap CAR INSURANCE please! (TX)?
im 25 and single and i have a 2008 suzuki car and i drive 2 minutes to my work. can you suggest any cheap car insurance i wanna change my insurance it cost me a lot and a penny is important to me nowadays. (im not broke just want to save and save LOL) im in san antonio, tx""
Just passed driving test. 18 years old. What is the cheapest insurance company for me?
Just recently passed 17, turning 18 in a few days. What is the best insurance company in terms of price? also what car would i need to purchase to get the cheapest possible quote? Advice needed!""
Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?
Cost of Car Insurance for an Escalade EXT?
Whats the cheapest auto insurance companies for 18 year olds?
I'm driving a 2010 Scion TC without any wrecks or anything.
Driving with an expired insurance in kentucky?
I got pulled over by police for speeding but my insurance were expired that time. What should I do? I just renewed my insurance after that. The police said that I need to go to court. Do I need to contact traffic attorney? and What about my license problem?
How much does insurance cost for Top gear?
I need to find out how much Top Gear have to pay for there insurance for driving fast cars etc. Or how much will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance be? Hope you can help :)
How much insurance would a 1977 Camaro be for a 16 year old?
My dream car has always been a Camaro. Recently me and my dad have been looking for project cars to fix up and stuff. We found a 1977 Camaro that only needs cosmetic work, so I've been asking him about it. He says the insurance would be around $5000 a year. We could get the at around $2500 dollars. The Camaro has a 350 V8 engine and a T350 transmission. I'm 16 right now but I turn 17 in 2 months. I've had my license for 10 months with no tickets or accidents. I've had 2 cars already, a 1997 Nissan Altima and a 1998 Chrysler Sebring (Which I pay about $90 a month for.) I am on my parents' insurance, but I still pay for the car I drive. I know I won't get a perfectly accurate amount without asking our Insurance providers, but is my dad right when he says it would be $5000 a year?""
Do motorbike insurance count towards my no claims?
i have 2 years no claims on my car insurance and am looking to geta motorbike. will my motorbike insurance go towards my no claims in total
If I don't own a home should I buy the cheapest insurance coverage?
I'm a student living at home, with no property of my own. Which insurance coverage would suit me best, the lowest 25,000/50,000 or a higher amount?""
Car Insurance for teens?
ok so i need to get insurance for my car asap how long if i call today and pay for everything over the phone how long until i am covered? Do they have to send me a card which means i have to wait to drive until i get it?
What is the best dental insurance company to get for a low income individual?
I'm getting by on a min wage, part time job....However, we really need dental care. Does anybody know of a good company to look into?""
In order to get your permit do you have to have insurance or be on somebody elses?
i wanna get my permit do i have to have insurance or be on somebody elses?
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
What is the best insurance policy for my llc business?
What is the best insurance policy for my llc business?
Finding a good auto insurance in denver?
i am moving to denver next month and my auto insurance is about to expire in a month, right now have usaa insurance and there premium goes up to 132$ per month, i tried esurance is cheaper than what i pay now (82$ per month). what are some trustable compnaies to go with in a big city like denver. i have a 2008 honda crv and hubby drives 01 nissan altima. what are the coverage limitations in denver and what will be a reasonable coverage to get. nissan is paid off.""
How much for mobile home insurance in California.?
I'm looking into buying a mobile home in California. I was wondering how much the average annual premium would be. The value of the home will be around 40-70k, the coverage isn't all that important for this is only temporary, but I would like a little bit over the basic. I know it is hard to give an estimate off of the top of your head but anything helps. Thanks!""
I'm 38. my wife is 33. non smokers. which insurance make more sense. i have whole life with long term care. my wife is looking into term insurance. which is better?
Should I report my small fender bender to my insurance?
so I hit a motorcycle and broke one tail light off of it. The guy took my insurance info but said if I pay out of pocket he won't report it. the thing is... there was really no fender damage to the paint but he said he needs to paint it. I went to an autobody shop and to fix the light it will be about maybe $200. but if he is gonna want to paint his fender, should I report it to my insurance. I have pictures but not close ups of the paint. how much will my premium go up. I have no deductible and I have mercury insurance in California. Is it worth going through insurance... how can he prove that the paint job is caused by me? Thanks! Any advice on what to do would be great! I don't want my insurance to go up and don't mind paying out of pocket, but am scared he will eff me over with the paint job and go to my insurance.""
Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to insure a learner in the UK?
I am just wondering if anyone vaguely knows how much it would be for me to be insured on my dad's insurance so I can learn with him as well as an instructor? Thanks x
Insurance prices?
does the color of a vehicle have anything to do with the price of insurance?
Good Insurance Policy for Newly Married Couple?
Me and my wife just for married. We are both 21 years of age and are in college. We know what having a good health insurance policy should be our highest priority. Is there any affordable and good insurance policy someone can recommend? Thank you.
About life insurance.......?
My nephew told me that you can take out a life insurance policy on anyone at anytime.....is this true? For example,would it be illegal and/or immoral if my nephew took out a life insurance policy on one of his grandparents,who he knew was getting old and didnt have much longer to live?Could he actually do this and cash in on it?""
Are young adults covered under their parents health insurance till 26 under the new Obama law?
Is it true that the new Obama law states that children/young adults will receive health insurance coverage until they are 26 even if they are not in school, married, and living out of ...show more""
Cheap car insurance with 1 conviction and 1 claim?
I'm looking to renew my car insurance with myself (26) and my partner (24)on the policy. Since last year we have got one claim and one conviction between us so our current insurer is doubling our annual premium!! Does anyone know any companys that give a decent quote for people with claims etc
""If my girlfriend crashes my car, does my insurance cover it?""
I am an insured driver and I believe my girlfriend is still insured on one of her parents cars, but we share my car currently and its not that I dont trust her, I don't trust other people. If an accident occurs while she is driving with my consent and she is a licensed driver (who is possibly insured on another vehicle) will my insurance cover? I have pretty good insurance as my car is finanaced and I was forced to get a few options I could have avoided if I bought an old junker. She has my car by herself for the day for the first time and I can't help but worry.""
I need to get rid of my car because the payments are way to high and insurance sucks?
I bought a 2003 Toyota Avalon a little more than a year ago from a dealer. I put 7000 dollars as a down payment and now am paying 240 a month for 60 months. Its getting kind of hard to pay off the car now with all of the costs going up. The total price of the car was 15000 and I got a bumper to bumper warranty for 5 years/100,000 miles when I bought it at 35,000 miles. The car now has 54.000 miles. How do I trade it in for a car that would cost me less than 200 a month Thanks""
Does changing the alloys to black affect insurance?
Just bought a lovely BMW 320D... It is a black colour with a tint of navy... I want to change the alloys to black... But i don't know if it will affect my insurance price as it is a modification... (I have heard that only performance modifications affect insurance not cosmetic....? But i need to know for sure...)
In need of a good dental insurance plan in South Florida.
I desperately need braces but I can't afford them, neither can my parents. I have two teeth that I call my shark teeth because they grew in back of my normal line of teeth. One on the top, and one on the bottom. So it bothers the hell out of my tongue and I can't stand it anymore. I'm always getting those annoying sore taste buds, like one would get if they bite their tongue, on my tongue because one of my shark teeth is my fang so it hurts like hell. I need to fix my teeth but I'll need a good dental insurance plan that covers a big percentage of the cost of my braces. And it cant be just a dental discount plan, those on average only discount 25% and I need more than that. I'm 17, I live with my parents and they'll be paying for it, but it will only be a single plan, not a family plan. I live in South Florida. So if anyone can give me the name of a great insurance plan, then you'll be a miracle worker. Thank you.""
If you separate from your hubby and the health insurance is through him would I still be covered??
or do I have to get my own policy?
Im 18 years old and need insurance.. Any ideas?
I need some help.. I'm only 18 years old and living with my boyfriend. We have been together for 5 years. I have been thinking about insurance on myself lately. He has it through his parents but I don't have it at all. I cant afford to much since I only work part time and I'm also attending college as a full time student.
Car insurance broker or direct to insurance company?
I'm about to get a car, and i'm thinking about car insurance. The thing is, I don't know whether should i go to an insurance broker, or just shop around doing all these web quotes and find the cheapest out there and call them directly. Should i just do this or should i contact an insurance broker? What are the pros and cons of dealing w/ insurance broker? thanks""
How much are you guys paying for insurance on your dualsport or supermoto bikes?
Just out of curiosity, cause i'm debating whether i keep putting money into the 4 quads i got, getting a car, or just going with a dualsport for now, i'd get something like an R1 or such but i'd get kicked out of my house lol, but yeah i'm just wondering how much insurance would be on a wr250x or a wr250r cause i'm looking for something fun and make it have a good purpose too, so any help would be great, thanks!""
Health insurance info?
I'm trying find my boyfriend affordable health insurance that also covers his want/need for counseling. We live in Georgia and I need some advice since I'm still currently considered a dependent for the time being. Thanks!
How do I get auto insurance without getting my parent involved?
I got my license in June and i turned 18 last week. My dad is trying to find a cheap auto insurance plan but the cheapest one he claimed to find was $6,000/6 months and he's not willing to pay that. I'm thinking of getting a part-time job at my college but idk how the process of getting insurance works out.""
Need health insurance for my child
I have a child who lives with his mom and I need to buy health insurance for him, Im also moving o/s so I cannot get insurance though my work, does anyone know of any programs or discount insurance company I can go though.""
What is the Cheapest Convertible To INSURE?
What Is the Cheapest Convertible for someone under 21 To Have Insurance For? I Always Wanted A convertible Don't Even Care if Has Sporty Engine, Just want a Car that roof can Fold I Once rode In won and always like having the hood down, but found a 1999 Convertible for 3,500 and the Allstate Car Quote Was $1,950 for 6 months and was shocked it was a 1999 Chrysler Sebring JXi. Is there a Convertible With CHEAPER INSURANCE??""
What are the pros and cons of national health insurance?
It's going to be a hot topic in the next Presidential election. What do you think?
Need info about health insurance?
My dad is 61, mom 57. Dad has RA and a case of carple tunnel (spelling?) That went undiagnosed until it was too late. He is an over the road freight hauler and will soon lose his job along with their insurance because of it. They are too young for medicare and disability is going to take a while. We live in Minnesota. Anybody have any advise about health insurance or anything that will financially help???? Desperate here!!!""
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
Prairie Du Rocher Illinois Cheap car insurance quotes zip 62277
0 notes
lifeisshrug · 7 years
science march 4-22-17
i’m not marching today. The science march is overtaking DC and it’s earth day but yet i’m #optinginside. Bill Nye is there, as is questlove (main MC??). CEO of Nature Conservancy is there. Most of my friends are there. Not me, today. Not really sure why. Wanting an indoor day to myself, mainly. I’d also really like to be perched out aside a stream in the middle of the woods and just watching life pass me by, but I’m not up for the struggle of getting to a destination with parade traffic, nor do i really long for congested trails full of newbs and tourists. 
It is also a rainy day and i worry that my outdoor toughness is softening; perhaps i just don’t want to get rained on? Pull yourself together, man. 
Yesterday was a normal friday at work, except that it was a busy morning (annoyingly, thanks boss); had lunch in the sun; procrastinated in the afternoon; ditched at about 4 and met Grace in the sculpture garden fountain on constitution. we sat in the sun and talked about her people watching (she’d had lunch with adriane and stuck around in the city). She’d written some stream of consciousness stuff (we’re currently trying to write some songs together) about wishing she could stop protecting her heart, and wishing she could do away with her plans and escape and go on adventures. She mentioned the man on the street, that she’d left out something he said: “all my thoughts are noble thoughts because all my thoughts are moral” or something like that. She’d told a friend of this sentence, and the friend suggested grace and i’s band be called “Noble Thoughts,” which i thought was neat and better than any water-themed thing i could have thought up. i left her at the metro station on Pennsylvania and 7th; she was having a yoga-class friend stay the next few nights, as she was between places. I brought up homelessness; Grace inquired, and hoped i’d share my experience working on that at another time. Looking forward to seeing Hurray for the Riff Raff with her Sunday. 
Grace’s voicemail, upon encountering the man: alright, listen. so iwas just walkin home from yoga class, walkin down the street, with my yoga mat in my backpack. and on the other side of the street there’s this old man in a red blazer and a red american flag hat with the tags still on it and a big old beard and a guitar, sitting on the park bench waiting for the bus across the street. He looks like a homeless guy. And he yells at me “hey you, you there! watcha got in that backpack?” and i said “welp, its a yoga mat.” and he said “well i thought it was a musical instrument! Can you fit a musical instrument in there?” And I said “well, I sure do, i got a kazu and spoons and..” he says “well come on over here and lets sing us a song!” So i went on over there and i brought out my spoons and my kazu anddddd (laughing) and show them off to him a little bit. and he says “well that’s great!” and he tells me that he’s just come from the Railroad Evangelists Society where they talk about evangelizing the lord and model trains. And he keeps talking about this and i tell him im a unitarian and don’t believe in evangelizing and he said “well i used to be a unitarian too until i met my devil wife; she’s dead now, bless her, and to everyone else it was a blessing.” and he starts telling me about life and std’s and a second wife and that he liked to sleep around...” and he was a hoot. it was really funny. and i said ‘you know i gotta go, so lets sing a song and ill be on my merry way. so he gets out his guitar and says you’ll know this one; and he starts playing his guitar and it is soooo out of tune that you can’t even pretend that it’s in tune, but he keeps playing as if he doesnt notice; and he starts singing a song and the bus pulls up and i say “sir nice to meet you but i gotta get on” and winked at the bus driver as i walked away. anyway, i wanted to tell you that. He gave me his address in case i wanted to write him letters, and so that we can look him up to jam sometime, if you’re interested. *laughs* ok, bye.
Last night was beer club. I brought along the new belgium ‘tartastic,’ a light lemon ginger sour and trekked over to Emily’s new apartment on 3rd and I, with Sam. I also brought along my empty can of Pure Water Brew (by clean water services). Clara joined. It was the usual gang -- carlos, emily, sam, les, monica and josh, and the rest of josh/carlos’ friends who i still don’t really know that well after all these months. the theme was “green beer” in time for earth day. So when it was my turn, i started rambling about the ingredient that is most central to beer -- water -- and basically explained the crux of the issues I’m working on at EPA in order to paint a picture, and then explained that the Pure Water Brew was the perfect beer with respect to not contributing to those problems; and i explained my lament that i could not actually share it with anyone. Somebody asked if folks could one day get over the stigma of drinking beer made from poop water, and i smiled big and said “YES! And i’ll tell you why! Think about the water system we have. When you flush or whatever, all that water goes to the community wwtp, where it is cleaned to pretty paltry standards, and then released into the river -- millions of gallons worth a day -- and then the next town downstream sucks it in and makes their drinking water out of that. By the time potomac water gets to DC Water’s drinking water intakes, it’s supposedly gone through 7 or 9 people already. and so when folks ask me the poop water question, i simply say, ‘dammit, we’re all already drinking it anyway!’” and it went over pretty decently, actually. Anyway, people cheered for my “ted talk” and i was glad i brought it up, even though i’d only given it a little thought so my coherence wasn’t where it needed to be. the rest of beer club was a hoot, and we played with the pug Frank (emily’s roommates’) until we lost him; until we realized his momma had just snagged him. Everyone’s beer pitches were top notch and the voting was convoluted as ever (went with the “French” model of elections); Beer club is never a bad time. 
I quickly typed out my thoughts regarding the “ted talk on water and beer” that i started rambling about during beer club:
Given that we're doing green beer, it's earth day, and my beloved EPA is waiting in line for the guillotine at the moment. I wanted to talk a little bit about the ingredient that composes 99% of beer: water. Not only is this a key component of beer and almost every other commodity known to man, but it's also my trade so I want to rant about it a little bit.
What i am about to say is true about the entire world since the dawn of "civilized" man and industry, but it is particularly applicable to the US since 1492. According to the people of the united states, the US government, and private business, waterways have been one thing and one thing only: garbage cans. While large, navigable waterways have been thought of as passages for travel, all surface water bodies -- lakes, streams and rivers -- have been used primarily as the garbage cans of a productive society. Nearly everything that can be bought and sold in the US relies on intakes of surface water for the manufacturing process, and subsequently the disposal of used water back into the river, stream or lake. From factories producing batteries and Teslas and RC car toys and paper and pens and steel and plastics and cardboard and rubber garbage cans and blue jeans, to hog farms and paper mills, to coal power plants...all of these require an input of "clean" water, and during the manufacturing process, that clean water becomes dirty, and that water is treated to a minimal standard and then put back into the river or stream.
Consider the battery factory: they rinse their machinery and battery casings with water and create ionized metallic solutions for dipping, among other things; and the result is brine water full of arsenic, nickel, varieties of sodium. Take a coal fired power plant: water is drawn in to keep the smokestacks cool, and also to become steam which powers the turnbines that generate the electricity. It creates waters containing high levels of mercury, arsenic, lead, selenium, and other metals. My boss actually just led the rule writing to regulate to what standard coal plants have to clean that water before discharging it, and it became law in the last year, but now Pruitt is moving to erase it. But anyway, In both examples, the water is treated to remove part of the metals to the standards Congress allows EPA to set -- which are not stringent -- and then put back into the river.
And how could I forget poop! Whenever you flush, wash dishes, shower, laundry or whatever, that gets sent down the line to the community wastewater treatment plant. The solids are removed from the water, the water cleaned to the minimal accepted standard, and then "discharged" back into the river. And that discharge heads on downstream. So consider how our urban areas are set up. You have communities up and downstream of each other. So discharges from communities upstream remain in the water available for those downstream. Pretty elementary stuff, right? But this highlights a fundamental flaw in our system. You see, pollution /discharges were completely unregulated in the United States until 1948 and only then marginally until the 70's. That's the Clean Water Act that we know today. 
The problem with it is two-fold: first, we expected that we don't need to treat discharges to a very safe standard, because when we sucked the river water back in downstream, we could just treat the crap out of it and human health would be fine. That worked a 100 yrs ago, when clear water that didn't smell bad was assumed safe. But now our technology to detect specific contaminants is so much better, and we realize that cleaning crappy water (no pun intended) is actually really hard to do and expensive. Cleaning out hormones and nitrates, or microscopic plastic shedded from synthetic clothing in the washing machine, is super hard to treat, for example. For really big places like DC, DC Water has the economy of scale to afford all this crazy cleaning technology to superclean the drinking water. Which is important, because Potomac river water has been "through" 7 people and god knows how many manufacturing processes before it is treated and sent to your tap. DC Water can basically strip everything out but the hydrogen and oxygen and then literally have to add minerals back into the water to prevent health problems among us DC folks.
But small communities who lack much buying power? They get what they get. If they sit far downstream of a bunch of industrial activity and towns, and they can only afford some basic filters and chlorine, not the gizmos DC water can afford...what's going into their bodies? And this doesn't apply to just the drinking water plants; think about the wastewater plants. Some of them can turn wastewater into water so pure it can be used for anything, including drinking water. But what about communities that can't afford such technology? Many communities in rural areas can only afford what's called "lagoon" treatment -- literally a lagoon that allows sewage solids to settle to the bottom and microbes to partially disinfect the water on top, which then gets sent into the river. That kind of treatment doesn't do much for things like pharmaceuticals and heavy metals that may have ended up in the waste water.
It also does not address nutrient pollution. For those who forgot their 7th grade science, nutrient pollution comes from various sources and is mostly nitrogen and phosphorus. These are the two primary fertilizers required for optimized monoculture plant growth, and they are prerequisites for mankind's existence. But but we also release what consume in some form, and sewage contains tons of n and p. Additionally, in order to assure a sufficient crop yield, the US encourages Ag to use more fertilizer than necessary out of caution; and water events (rain, floods, farm animals like cows walking around in streams) result in this fertilizer, largely intact, running into rivers streams and lakes (along with animal wastes, which contain a ton of N and P). The result of excessive N and P in our waters is excessive microbial growth, like harmful algal blooms (which release neurotoxins into waters that cannot be filtered out, and Sidenote, these have been occurring more frequently on slow moving rivers and lakes near drinking water intakes). N and P are why the gulf of mexico has a dead zone.
And none of this involves other water issues. Everybody knows about flint now. But what about migrant families in the Central Valley of ca, where over fertilizing of crops results in nitrates in the groundwater, which these families must drink, and they boil the water out of fear of contamination, because the community water system is essentially third world, but boiling only concentrates the nitrates, which results in chronic health issues and birth defects? And that EPA wants to help fix that, but families don't bring attention to it because they think federal assistance will get the attention of ICE? And everyone knows about the ground sinking in California from pulling out too much groundwater, but what about the ground sinking in Virginia, of all places, because groundwater is drawn faster than it can be replenished, resulting in more flooding and saltwater fouling coastal groundwater that families rely on for drinking? Or what about mid size communities that can afford to do some innovative things to avoid these issues I'm ranting about, but the water rates are controlled by the city council, and since they want to be reelected, they keep the rates low, which deprived the water system of investment fund and ultimately prevents the community from doing "the right thing" and instead maintaining the status quo -- which is really the story across America, actually.
Anyway, back to that urban model. all this waste water full of n and p and contaminants goes through basic treatment, right? and then most of it ends up in the river. But we have technology now that can pull the N and P out during treatment and turn it back into commercial fertilizer, which effectively reuses it without letting it run downstream, and raises money for the community when it's sold. And we can take the poopy solid waste and turn it into fuel that powers the entire water plant, plus electricity for homes nearby. A few communities can afford these innovations, but most cannot. By capturing those nutrients, it prevents us from needing to import phosphorus from the middle east and other areas (which we need to do, to maintain current farm yields-- and by the way, it's going to run out in the coming years, and yet we're literally letting it flush down the drain...); it also prevents almost all of our n and p ending up on the sea floor in the gulf of mexico, having been discharged and ending up in the Mississippi River. The energy component would reduce how much electricity is required to clean and produce drinking water, which consumes a little over 2% of all electricity produced in the US.
There are so many challenges and opportunities associated with this way of doing things, with obtaining and managing water. One of the big three. Food, water, shelter. It was a beautiful system 100 yrs ago, but now we understand what needs work...and it's gonna cost money we don't have. Meanwhile, those with the least are being affected the most, as I think is typical. It's not all that surprising that EPA spends most of its time helping folks in trump country have safe drinking water and paying for their sewage treatment, and trump is looking to eliminate those funds.
So it's really important to think about what water touches and it's nexus with our daily lives. What am I sending down the drain? How did my food and my clothes and my purchases ruin or improve the water that other people - or God forbid, other creatures -- depend upon? If my city council or utility commission is considering raising the water rates...is it for a good reason? Probably. How can I help get clean and safe water to those who don't have it? Maybe water isn't  the loudest of issues right now, but take it from me, water problems are Americas best kept secret. Most scholars call it "Americas largest looming crisis" ...and there's a reason mark twain said "whisky is for drinkin and water's for fighting about."
Which brings me to ways we can help solve these issues! Beer is a great start.
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