#i believe in a precious world ( psa. )
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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PSA - Don't Treat JTTW As Modern Fiction
This is a public service announcement reminding JTTW fans to not treat the work as modern fiction. The novel was not the product of a singular author; instead, it's the culmination of a centuries-old story cycle informed by history, folklore, and religious mythology. It's important to remember this when discussing events from the standard 1592 narrative.
Case in point is the battle between Sun Wukong and Erlang. A friend of a friend claims with all their heart that the Monkey King would win in a one-on-one battle. They cite the fact that Erlang requires help from other Buddho-Daoist deities to finish the job. But this ignores the religious history underlying the conflict. I explained the following to my acquaintance:
I hate to break it to you [name of person], but Erlang would win a million times out of a million. This is tied to religious mythology. Erlang was originally a hunting deity in Sichuan during the Han (202 BCE-220 CE), but after receiving royal patronage during the Later Shu (934-965) and Song (960-1279), his cult grew to absorb the mythos of other divine heroes. This included the story of Yang Youji, an ape-sniping archer, leading to Erlang's association with quelling primate demons. See here for a broader discussion. This is exemplified by a 13th-century album leaf painting. The deity (right) oversees spirit-soldiers binding and threatening an ape demon (left).
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Erlang was connected to the JTTW story cycle at some point, leading to a late-Yuan or early-Ming zaju play called The God Erlang Captures the Great Sage Equaling Heaven (二郎神鎖齊天大聖). In addition, The Precious Scroll of Erlang (二郎寳卷, 1562), a holy text that predates the 1592 JTTW by decades, states that the deity defeats Monkey and tosses him under Tai Mountain. So it doesn't matter how equal their battle starts off in JTTW, or that other deities join the fray, Erlang ultimately wins because that is what history and religion expects him to do. And as I previously mentioned, Erlang has royal patronage. This means he was considered an established god in dynastic China. Sun Wukong, on the other hand, never received this badge of legitimacy. This was no doubt because he's famous for rebelling against the Jade Emperor, the highest authority. No human monarch in their right mind would publicly support that. Therefore, you can look at the Erlang-Sun Wukong confrontation as an established deity submitting a demon.
I'm sad to say that my acquaintance immediately ignored everything I said and continued debating the subject based on the standard narrative. That's when I left the conversation. It's clear that they don't respect the novel; it's nothing more than fodder for battleboarding.
I understand their mindset, though. I love Sun Wukong more than just about anyone. I too once believed that he was the toughest, the strongest, and the fastest. But learning more about the novel and its multifaceted influences has opened my eyes. I now have a deeper appreciation for Monkey and his character arc. Sure, he's a badass, but he's not an omnipotent deity in the story. There is a reason that the Buddha so easily defeats him.
In closing, please remember that JTTW did not develop in a vacuum. It may be widely viewed around the world as "fiction," but it's more of a cultural encyclopedia of history, folklore, and religious mythology. Realizing this and learning more about it ultimately helps explain why certain things happen in the tale.
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vamp4kaulitz · 5 days
Bill k. X Reader w/ Thunder thighs? HC pls,or imagine whatever you want really (DO NOT FEEL PRESSURED,YOU NEED SLEEP,YOU NEED TO EAT,AND MAKE SURE YOU READ ENOUGH FANFIC)
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pairing: bill kaulitz x gn! reader
hika🕷️:: TYSMM FOR THE REQUEST MLLL!! I will make sure I’m taking care of myself, I love you smm💞!! sorry i haven’t been posting- i lowk dont know what to write😢. lol it’s 2am rn. psa 6/21; yes i am black and im aware i wrote this on Juneteenth.
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i feel like bill is a thigh guy and he would LOVE your thighs sm. i mean he would always have this hands on your thighs, he would just be the touchy lil guy he is.
he’d definitely help rub coconut oil on them<3 this man loves helping you out, especially because he loves feeling your soft skin.
if you feel insecure about them, he would reassure you and kiss all over them. bill would kiss and nip at your thighs, whispering praises.
if you ever decided to get rid of them by working out, he’d be a bit but he would always be there to support you(such a good boyfriend)
would DEFINITELY use your legs as pillows. bill would stuff his face between your things 24/7. if not, he would rub and kiss them without a care in the world.
if someone points out your thighs in a negative way, best believe this man is THROWING HANDS!! how could someone talk about his precious baby like that? especially in front of him? hes not letting any insult go unheard.
“the fuck did you just say? why don’t you mind your own fucking business and leave them alone!” he shouted at them loudly, not caring who looks.
“say one more fucking thing and i will knock your teeth out.” he spat and grabbed your hand and walked away<33
if you ever ranted on how you hate your thighs, he’d be right by your side, listening to you. he would comfort you no matter what.
“i just hate my things, they are so annoying..!” you sobbed out and bill hugged you tightly.
“im sorry you feel that way baby. your unique, always remember that okay?”
NSFW (skip if uncomfortable)
oh gosh where can I even start? he would leave all types of hickeys all over them.
while eating you out, he would push them apart and squeeze them while he worked his way with you, demanding you to not close your legs.
“keep these beautiful legs spread for me, liebe.”
oh my gosh SIT ON HIS FACE PLSS. he downright begs for it, not caring if he seems desperate, that’s because he is.
“please please please schatz i want you to sit on my face!!” he whined as he begged and begged.
“but my thighs bill- what if they squish you or run out of breath?” you pouted. he didn’t care if he couldn’t breath after.
after some convincing you’d give in. he was like a happy kid who’s parent got them what they wanted from the store.
“fine fine fine! ill sit on your face, you happy?” you groaned and he smiled so widely. “i promsieee it’ll feel so good!” he said excitedly.
you didn’t put your full weight on him because you were scared of squishing him with your thighs. you lowered yourself on him, but not fully.
“i said, put your full weight on me.” he said and gripped your thighs and pushed you down on his face. you moaned loudly as his tongue skillfully moved against you, his tongue piercing feeling so so good.
You came so hard that you could’ve sworn you saw stars. You pulled off his face and he wiped his mouth and smirked.
“told ya you’d like it.” he teased and you rolled your eyes playfully.
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hika🕷️:: i wrote this in one sitting goodbye..also requests are finally open sooo send me your horny stuff you lil goobers!! remember NOT to cross my rules!!
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cabiba · 2 years
Horror of horrors! I am a climate change denier. I don’t believe the bellicose activists who glue themselves to Botticellis. Nor do I believe in the pseudoscience that chooses consensus over fact. What I do believe is that these climate change promoters and activists are becoming more and more unhinged. They would love us all to be living in dark caves like our distant ancestors, but then we’d be eating meat. That would really get the vegans going. Oh, my. Leftists will never be happy.
No, I refuse to believe that human advancement in the 20th and 21st centuries affects hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons…the things even insurance companies call acts of God. I am not God, and my religion is not the climate.
Keep in mind, though, that I have been around a while. Certainly I’ve been around long enough to know that climate change was once called global warming, and these alarm bells have been going on since the 1970s. In school, we learned about doing our part to help the environment. And there were PSAs like Woodsy Owl telling us to “Give a hoot. Don’t pollute.”Yet by 1989, the news wasn’t so cute. The the U.N. gave us the dire prediction that there was only 10 years before we were all doomed. By then global warming lovers had decided to change their moniker because that’s what people do when they feel they are losing support—abortion becomes pro-choice, global warming becomes climate change, and a recession becomes undefinable. Yet even after the precious ten year threshold passed the year 2000, the sky didn’t fall. We were all still here. Gosh! Come to think of it, Y2K didn’t get us either.Then in 2008, Al Gore was at it again giving us only 10 years before there was irreversible damage to the world. Yet we were all still here in 2018. Now Al Gore is suddenly in the news again. And for people like me who live in the real world, we look at these doomsday people like Al Gore and John Kerry and realize that this hoax has made them rich. You stop looking at the weather patterns of a “consensus” of scientists and turn, instead, to the wealth patterns of those in charge.
And to make Al’s point even clearer, when he was interviewed last Sunday, he disgustingly compared climate deniers to Uvalde police officers. So, you need to understand he really means it this time. We must act!
But haven’t we been acting? We were told to do our part by recycling. We have an extra garbage bin that takes our recycled junk be it glass bottles, cans, or plastics. You know the very plastics you use in everyday life created from *gasp* oil. Surely, our efforts to recycle have helped the world. Yet a May 5, 2022 report by Frank Kummer for phys.org states, “Only 5% to 6% of the 46 million tons of plastic waste generated annually in the U.S. gets recycled…” Wait. What? So, what happens to the plastics not recycled? They get incinerated or shipped off to a third world country to deal with. Neither saves the planet. Another myth busted.
Additionally, our fossil fueled cars have high city and highway miles per gallon, yet it’s still not enough. So our government is investing billions of our tax dollars in private car company GM to build electric vehicle battery factories. How is this free market competition?
I could continue in this vein, calling out the hypocrites within the climate activist movement, but you know where I stand. I’m tired of the debate between whether or not there is climate change. Instead, I want to focus on a different, yet connected, idea.Let’s, for argument sake, wave the white flag and say that climate change is real. Who are we saving the planet for?
Duh! It should be about us and our progeny. However what seems to be an idiotic question, suddenly becomes a head scratcher because we see governments doing things antithetical to the betterment of our lives.
Currently countries like the Netherlands and Canada are forcing its citizens to reduce carbon emissions. That’s the stated goal of their edicts. In the Netherlands, the government wants emissions cut in half by 2050. To achieve this objective, livestock must be reduced by 30% and they are omitting a certain amount of fertilizer usage.
So, the government is demanding that farmers kill their livestock because they fart, reduce fertilizer usage by becoming more organic without natural fertilizer, and, in turn, go out of business. But the Netherlands is the second highest exporter of agricultural products in the world. This will have far reaching effects beyond the Netherlands.
Concurrently, in Canada, Justin Trudeau is demanding a nitrous oxide emissions reduction of 30%. He claims he is not singling out fertilizer. Of course this is smoke and mirrors, and Canadian farmers are not stupid. They have been keeping a close eye on the Netherlands.
Concurrently, in Canada, Justin Trudeau is demanding a nitrous oxide emissions reduction of 30%. He claims he is not singling out fertilizer. Of course this is smoke and mirrors, and Canadian farmers are not stupid. They have been keeping a close eye on the Netherlands.
But really, all you have to do is look at Sri Lanka and its omission of fertilizer to see what happened to its citizens and economy. Their president is now in exile. India has had its issues with anti-farming laws, too. In other words, there are enough examples out there for Mark Rutte and Justin Trudeau to know their plans will not work, but they are doing them anyway.
This climate change push is, also, happening here in the U.S., and someone has been giving insider knowledge to China and Bill Gates. For they are buying up farmland at alarming rates just as we are having food distribution plants spontaneously combust and are having issues producing uncontaminated baby food. Mayor Pete likes to tell us this all has something to do with supply chain issues and infrastructure, both of which are on his watch as Transportation Secretary. Yet Pete is more interested in marriage equity than the jobs he was appointed to perform. I wonder why.
If I was a conspiracy theorist, I’d say that what we are seeing around the globe sounds like intentional starvation measures are in place in order to “save the planet.” Empty shelves and high food prices follow these ridiculous quests to change the climate. Thus, this green movement is not about helping people currently living on Earth. Instead, they are trying to kill us off or force us to eat bugs, like in North Korea. So if all these initiatives are not about us now, what about the future?
Our world population growth is declining and is expected to decline for decades (see chart). Instead of worrying about a lack of babies being born who will one day be workers driving our economies, the mantra has been that female bodily autonomy and choice is paramount to living in a free society. Golly! Even Prince Harry, known genius, is on board with abortion and wants to go on record about America’s failings. He must be taken seriously because he trashed his own family for love. Isn’t is obvious that we should all be more like freedom-loving China where their government has its own state run abortion clinics— without women’s consent?
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On top of all this, the West is pushing trans rights and are unable to identify a difference between male and female. Clearly, our globe is not being saved for future generations. There won’t be any.
So if our world population is trending downward, wouldn’t that mean less carbon emissions because less people are driving, heating homes, farming, eating…? If so, why are we pushing these climate initiatives?
Climate change leaders have been serving Kool-Aid to agitators and are trying to get us to drink it also. We are told to make detrimental lifestyle shifts for a utopian future that doesn’t exist. Get rid of all fossil fuels. Go electric. Don’t eat meat. Fertilizers are bad. Get rid of air conditioning. You MUST follow the rules or else. What’s the point? Well, if I was a conspiracy theorist…
Global domination. This is not a science fiction novel or a video game. What is happening is a power grab under the guises of green energy, Covid, CRT, BLM, LGBTQ, and war in Ukraine. It all comes out of the Communist playbook. There is a reason all of these upheavals are happening, and it has nothing to do with our founders or all of Western civilization being racist. It has everything to do with erasing any trace of patriotism, ties to our past, and hope for our future. Despondency breeds insecurity and dependency.If you need an example, review the Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976). Chairman Mao Zedong, fearing he was losing power and concerned about the capitalistic ways of Soviet Communism, closed schools and created a Red Guard in order to rid China of The Four Olds—customs, beliefs, habits and culture. The Red Guard would publicly dishonor the elderly verbally and/or physically and ensure that those supporting anti-Communist or capitalists views would be turned over to authorities and purged. Neighbors turned in neighbors. Children ratted out teachers and parents. What remained was over a million-and-a-half people dead and a country without ties to its history or culture. If you need a first hand account, read Red Scarf Girl.
If you need an example, review the Cultural Revolution in China (1966-1976). Chairman Mao Zedong, fearing he was losing power and concerned about the capitalistic ways of Soviet Communism, closed schools and created a Red Guard in order to rid China of The Four Olds—customs, beliefs, habits and culture. The Red Guard would publicly dishonor the elderly verbally and/or physically and ensure that those supporting anti-Communist or capitalists views would be turned over to authorities and purged. Neighbors turned in neighbors. Children ratted out teachers and parents. What remained was over a million-and-a-half people dead and a country without ties to its history or culture. If you need a first hand account, read Red Scarf Girl.
Even today, for all of its progress economically, China has reeducation camps for those that don’t tow the company line. There are massive human rights violations against the Uyghurs and Christians. And no U.N. in sight.
Think: If you are a maniacal leader(s) looking to bring a democratic republic to its knees, all you need are a few billionaires, the media, and crises—real or fictional—that cause fear.
Covid was a perfect trial run. Everyone around the world shut down. Schools closed. Economies suffered. Governments tracked its citizens. Mandates were…well…mandatory. Those who were Covid deniers—even doctors—were publicly shamed and canceled from social media platforms.
The canceling continues in every area of our culture and society if it counters the elites. Political enemies are interrogated, committee-d, and jailed. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, etc. hit certain stories harder than others. They completely overlooked Hunter Biden’s laptop in order to influence an election and, until recently, have been turning a blind eye toward the mental fitness of President Biden. Regular citizens are being canceled on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for speaking their minds on issues like transgenderism and groomers (a term we are now told is off limits).
Billionaires like George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg did their part by funneling monies to “get out the vote” to ensure their candidates won. Soros has been instrumental in ensuring DAs like Kim Foxx and George Gascón got elected. Working hand in hand with mayors in blue states, they are supportive of lawlessness. Crime is rampant in major blue cities, perps get arrested and released, and those in leadership attempt to justify their inaction as a policing problem (e.g. defund the police) causing even more distrust of government and our institutions.
The closing of our schools during Covid was an eye opener for parents who now have a clue about what their kids have been taught. It also gave leaders a chance to add to or delete things from curricula. Now students must be taught about gender identity. History books are more heavily anti-Founding Fathers and pro-CRT. If a parent raises their voice in opposition at a school board meeting they are labeled a domestic terrorist.
Speaking of history, remember those statues that were toppled during BLM and Antifa riots? If you thought that stopped, the rewriting of history during tours and on placards at Mount Vernon, Monticello and Montpelier are in place. Montpelier’s renovation was done via a generous contribution by billionaire David M. Rubenstein. Some visitors claim that not one American flag was flying at Montpelier, yet the Pride flag was waving at our embassies during Pride Month.
At the same time, our Constitutional rights are under siege. For example, ATF officers can show up at your house to check that legally purchased weapons are in your possession if you dared to purchase multiple on your shopping trip. Our rights to free speech are under daily assault by those who have become word police. Though there are HIPPA laws in place, our right to privacy and our right to make decisions about our health with our doctors has been
removed. The government now mandates health via one man in charge at WHO and another in charge at the CDC. Both are unelected, and we are being tracked.
Follow their rules or you cannot go into a store or take public transportation, which seems ironic since public transportation is supposed to help defeat climate change. Even though Covid panic is over, professional tennis player Novak Djokovic can’t come into the U.S. without complying to mandated vaccination to play a tournament; but, illegals immigrants are transported to various states for free and God knows what diseases they have.
Have you connected the dots yet? Nothing being done is for our benefit, though we are told otherwise.
In this silent coup, those who are most vulnerable are the ones who will be the hardest hit in this seemingly non-violent war. The poor, ill, disabled, and elderly will be the first to go as they always do when there is a Revolution. We will be left with a weakened society led by elites, and those of us left standing will be dependent on them for food, clothing, work, healthcare, transportation, and housing. Their mission is controlling our lives because, of course, they know what’s best. The means to the end is creating chaos, division, and fear.
It was easy for Mao to start his Cultural Revolution. China was already Communist. For our elites, they need to weaponize our culture, education, institutions, and history through a willing media and education system. Each piece of the puzzle is there and being put together by those that want to dominate. That’s who we are saving the planet for. The only thing standing in their way is us.
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lindajenni · 7 months
nov 21
through it all
"although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: yet I will rejoice in the Lord, i will joy in the God of my salvation." hab 3:17-18 kjv
let us break down a beautiful song. (who said the psalms ended with one hundred and fifty? - His praise continues)
i’ve had many tears and sorrows, i’ve had questions for tomorrow, there’s been times i didn’t know right from wrong. but in every situation, God gave me blessed consolation, that my trials come to only make me strong.
who among us cannot say they have suffered tears and sorrows? certainly not me as tears are my daily drink. and oh the questions that fill my mind when it drifts from the Lord. is this the right thing to do or the wrong thing? is it God's will or mine masquerading as His? it is then i feel His everlasting consolation and remember - "when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee." isa 43:2 kjv
i’ve been to lots of places, i’ve seen a lot of faces, there’s been times i felt so all alone. but in my lonely hours, yes, those precious lonely hours, Jesus lets me know that i was His own
yes, the places we have frequented and the faces of those who were obviously walking in confusion and fear. did i think of them before myself? did i delay my plans to help another? in other words, did i stop for the one. it is not the multitude that matters to our Jesus. it is the one. it's always personal and intimate with Him. and yes, i also know those lonely hours but mine are treasures instead of trials. there, hidden in the secret place i hear His voice speaking, "be still, and know that I am God." psa 46:10 kjv and so…
i thank God for the mountains, and i thank Him for the valleys, i thank Him for the storms He brought me through. for if i’d never had a problem, i wouldn’t know God could solve them, i’d never know what faith in God could do.
oh how easy it is and how we love to praise Him when we are high on the mountain tops, when everything is going right in our eyes. but what about when we are brought down low in hard times and difficult struggles; perhaps even through the valley of the shadow of death. can praise and thanks still escape our lips or only questions and complaints? can we still believe that God's got this and with it, me? can we then take the stance that nothing happens apart from His will, and in that state of mind confess - "we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee." 2 chron 20:12 kjv
through it all, through it all, i’ve learned to trust in Jesus, i’ve learned to trust in God.
through it all, through it all, i’ve learned to depend upon His Word.
can we make the "good confession" that pleases our Lord? can faith triumph over fear? are we willing to lay down our life if need be and our will which must be, "saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." luke 22:42 kjv
and with that confession being whispered to God and shouted to the world, have this be our settled state of mind - "for the which cause i also suffer these things: nevertheless i am not ashamed: for i know whom i have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day." 2 tim 1:12 kjv
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god-whispers · 11 months
jul 27
God is waiting on us
"and therefore will the Lord wait, that he may be gracious unto you...blessed are all they that wait for him." isa 30:18
i know many of you are already beginning to think we have once again been disappointed in our expectations.  perhaps that is the way it will turn out, but i would remind everyone - there is still time on the clock.  i would remind everyone that we said to watch the few next succeeding days.  we are still in the "season" and all the signs that pointed to it have not gone away.
if anything, i am seeing an intensifying of some of them and new ones besides.  no.  i will never quit expecting.  when labor has commenced it is too late for anyone to say, "i've changed my mind."  delivery is going to ensue.  maybe just a few more pains and pushes.  (women may need to explain that to men and childless ones.)
we must not only think of our waiting upon God, but also of something more wonderful still - God’s waiting on us.  the vision of Him waiting on us, will give new impulse and inspiration to our waiting on Him.  it will give us unspeakable confidence that our waiting cannot be in vain.
let us seek even now, at this moment (in the spirit of waiting on God), to find out something of what it means.  He has inconceivably glorious purposes concerning every one of His children.  and you ask, “how is it, if He waits to be gracious, that even after i come and wait on Him, He does not give the help i seek, but waits on longer and longer?”
God is a wise husbandman.  "therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.  see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain." james 5:7
He cannot gather the fruit till it is ripe.  He knows when we are spiritually ready to receive the blessing to our profit and His glory.  waiting in the sunshine of His love is what will ripen the soul for His blessing.  waiting under the cloud of trial, that breaks in showers of blessings, is as needful.  be assured that if God waits longer than you could wish, it is only to make the blessing doubly precious.
"God waited four thousand years, till the fullness of time, ere He sent His Son.  our times are in His hands; He will avenge His elect speedily; He will make haste for our help, and not delay one hour too long." — andrew murray
"then believed they his words; they sang his praise.  they soon forgot his works; they waited not for his counsel; but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.  and he gave them their request; but sent leanness into their soul." psa 106:12-15  if our day "seems" postponed, it is only for a time and for a reason.
we read of moses, that “he endured, "as seeing him who is invisible."  exactly the opposite was true of the children of israel in this record.  they endured only when the circumstances were favorable; they were largely governed by the things that appealed to their senses, instead of resting in the invisible and eternal God.
in the present day there are those who live intermittent Christian lives because they have become occupied with the outward, and center in circumstances, instead of centering in God.  God wants us more and more to see Him in everything, and to call nothing small if it bears us His message.
here we read of the children of israel, “then they believed his words.”  they did not believe till after they saw — when they saw Him work, then they believed.  they really doubted God when they came to the red sea; but when God opened the way and led them across and they saw pharaoh and his host drowned — then they believed.
they led an up and down life because of this kind of faith; it was a faith that depended upon circumstances.  this is not the kind of faith God wants us to have.  the world says “seeing is believing,” but God wants us to believe in order to see.  the psalmist said, "i would have lost heart, unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living." psa 27:13
our hope is not dashed,  it is only delayed, and yet, still coming before most think it will.
i do not ask my cross to understand, my way to see — better in darkness just to feel Thy hand, and follow Thee.
we believe on when faith is all we have to hold us up.  "faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe." st. augustine
look upon another day delayed as another day to reach another soul; to restore one who has strayed from the "narrow way."  God's knows the end from the beginning and we must trust He will make it so.  "did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?" john 11:40  so what is our mission?  the same as it's always been.  we watch.  we wait.  we occupy.  we do what we know to do.  we still see the day approaching and today we are closer than yesterday.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
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hello i did not do drafts 2day BUT i did make a nice Notion Site that will be replacing my carrd as it lets me organize my information much, much better. i will also be disabling my selection and muse pages for the time being since tumblr is being dumb and the information i have on Notion is updated...i’ll bring both back once dumblr reenables javascript for me :’D
also!! i updated my rules, so please do take a look when you have the chance! have a good night everyone!
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
House Trained
a collab with @reallyshey 💗
shigaraki x dabi x reader
CW: nsfw duh 🙄 piss 🥰 vaginal sex anal sex unprotected sex, cat hybrid Shigaraki, darker tags under the cut...beware
PSA: I was NOT a part of the shit or vomit, so do NOT request that pls 🥰 it's pretty obvious I didn't write it cause it's so good I could never write that well 🥲, blood, pain anal, spikey dick hehe 😼 punishment (locked in a cage) umm all done? slight dubcon…???Coercion...????
The concept of human and animal mixing themselves wasn’t something new but science made that too close to reality. Now a hybrid was the common pet for many- the perfect balance for those who wanted children but simply weren’t equipped with the time or the money. Those cute angelic human faces, with ears poking out from-
And Tomura had squatted and was pissing on the couch. Y/N couldn’t help but rub her eyebrow in frustration. It was like she had just cleaned that yesterday! At this rate, she may as well throw out the couch. And she loved her little kitty, of course! But it was getting ridiculous.
It was like taking care of a child who'd never been potty trained. She couldn't put him in diapers either. He’d be humiliated and pissed off at her for god knows how long. So she had to take him to the bathroom about once every two hours. Sometimes he’d make a fuss and pee on the bath mat on purpose, but other times, he was compliant. She found that pushing on his bladder a little helped when he was feeling stubborn.
It hadn’t always been so routine, though. At first, he was mortified at the prospects of Y/N watching him pee. It's gross! She wasn’t supposed to see him do that! In hindsight, maybe getting him so comfortable with that was a mistake. He was brave enough to go in front of her no matter where. She should have just locked Tomura in the bathroom and listened to him to make sure he went but no.
Of course, she had to baby him. He would rub up against her leg all day, purring. He’d lay beside her at night and beg for praise, and she couldn't deny him because he's just oh so cute. Things really took a turn when he started calling her mommy. That definitely flipped a switch for her. Y/N was so easily manipulated by him, and neither of them realized. Shigaraki thought he just had the perfect mommy, and Y/N just thought she had the perfect baby boy.
She loved her cute cat hybrid, but he even had some funny habits. For example, he was still a young cat- about twenty-two-ish in human years. But even so, she’d never bothered to get him spayed. It hurt her feelings to even think about it. She tried talking to him about it, but he only cried and cried and cried until she promised him she wouldn’t.
And even then, her little baby wasn’t aggressive. The worst-case scenario was this- his spaying and genuine accidents. He took out his sexual desires on her pillow, humping it, kneading it, and biting down on it. His tail twitched in a specific way Y/N had learned to recognize whenever it was obvious he was getting aroused, whether from her belly rubs or simply the passing of time.
He was strictly an indoor hybrid too- Y/N believed in keeping her hybrid safe from passing cars, especially when he didn’t know any better. I mean, how the fuck was he supposed to protect himself? He’s so codependent on her. Tomura crawls across the floor and clings to her leg more often than not. He tugs on Y/N’s clothes for food and has to have at least twelve good night kisses. He’s pampered and spoiled and so happy he found a good mommy.
Y/N would kill anyone or anything who would dare hurt her precious boy. He was so sweet and defenseless. Only a monster would hurt someone so sweet. But Y/N knew the world was full of monsters. She's not näive. Her parents were a good example. They had unprompted hate towards her boyfriend at the time and his family until it tore their relationship apart.
He was the one keeping her sane, keeping her grounded but their hatred got in the way. They had planned on adopting a hybrid before, they even decided to name him Tomura. Y/N wasn't hung up on him, she had her little kitty to love! But the name was still sentimental. If only he had kept talking to her, they could have had a life together, but he ghosted her completely and their last conversation was something mundane.
She’s brought back to reality by something soft rubbing her leg, she looks down to find Tomura smiling up at her.
“Mommy, you forgot to take me to the bathroom, meow,” he says calmly, as though peeing on the couch was a completely reasonable response to that.
She sighs, “Next time, just remind me, Tomu, just please stop peeing on the couch,”
He nods and rubs against her leg a bit more, “I’ll be a good boy, mommy,” he promises, knowing he’s going to break it, “Pet me please, meow.”
It’s not really a question, and more a demand: his tail swishes when she sits down on the floor with him. He nuzzled into her hand as she scratched behind his ears. Getting the couch cleaned all the time was expensive and embarrassing. What do the neighbors think every time they see it pull into their driveway?
Y/N finally caves, and, opening her phone, calls the first business with “Animal Trainer” next to it. It looked like a serious business and was rated five stars. It didn’t even look that expensive either! Even so, she had to get him to stop acting out like this.
“Hello?” She says once the phone stops ringing.
“Yes, this is Dabi speaking. How can I help you today?” A voice responds on the other side, thick and gruff. He sounded like he’d smoked for quite a few years (that or he had just gotten out of bed).
“Hi, this is Y/N. I’m calling because my cat hybrid is spaying and pissing everywhere. He’s not fixed, and I promised him I wouldn’t do that to him. I need to get him to stop. I can’t keep cleaning but I’m not going to give him up to the shelter either.”
There’s a moment of silence on the other line. “A bad kitty. I can fix that. You’ll need to chip in, of course.”
She hesitates and looks over at Tomura who is starting to rub against her legs, curious about what and who she’s talking to. “Of course. When’s the soonest you can come over?”
“How about right now?”
“Perfect. Here’s my address.”
Dabi walks through the door, and her mouth falls open.
“You,” She says in surprise and in shock.
He grins devilishly, “Me, it's nice to see you, sweetheart.”
She scoffs, “It’s nice to see me? You stopped talking to me after we dated for almost a year!”
“It’s not my fault you changed your number and didn’t tell me,” He snaps back at her, his irritation growing. He grew sick of the disconnected response from the phone too quickly for her to joke about this.
“I never changed my-” She stops, “Oh.”
His face softens too, “It was your parents, huh?”
“Yeah,” she says, looking up at him.
Y/N wraps her arms around Touya hesitantly, and he does the same. Meanwhile, Tomura sits there in shock. Who was this man cuddling with mommy? He’d have to drench the whole house to get this guy’s scent off, and what’s in the bag?
“And this is Tomura,” She introduces. He looks up at the mention of his name, letting out a confused meow.
He grins- Y/N really knows how to pick them. This was the name they promised they’d name their own little hybrid all those years ago when they made plans to marry. So even if she was angry...
“Hey, little guy,” Touya says, trying to be friendly.
That was pretty easy when a cute kitty is staring up at you. But not so easy when he hisses at you and mutters profanities. He frowns. This was gonna be a lot of work.
“Hey,” he says, turning away from the pissed-off kitten, “I’ll give you a discount, how's three hundred sound?”
Her eyes light up, “Three hundred sounds fantastic! Thank you, Touya!”
She hugs him again and Shigaraki wants to yell but...mommy seems so happy with this... this stranger. And he doesn't want to make her sad, so he crawls away and mopes in her room, curling up in her bed and burying his face in her blankets. Does she love him? Is he going to stay? He wouldn't blame Y/N; this Touya person is rather cute but still. She doesn't notice her missing kitty while she continues to work out the details with Touya.
“Y/N, down to business. Why is your hybrid causing you problems? You said something about spaying? Tell me about it.”
“So what happens is that he goes around peeing everywhere! I used to be able to help him go to the bathroom, but now he just goes wherever he wants, whenever he wants! I looked it up and it sounds like spaying, but it’s full-on piss sometimes too.”
Touya is quiet for a moment, thinking, “So he sees you as a mate and he’s trying to mark his territory to ward off another male. Have you invited anybody over recently?” He asks, trying to grasp the situation.
Y/N shakes her head. He saw her as a mate?! “No, I try not to. My house smells like piss thanks to Mister Whiskers.” She huffs.
“He probably sensed another hybrid then from the outside. Possibly a feral. The best way to get him to stop is to make him think he already owns you. I’ll call hybrid control too. It’s not a good place for hybrids on the streets.” He says, pulling out his own phone and sending a text.
“Okay then. How do we do that?”
“It’s quite easy,” he says, “Let's go find Tomura first.”
He heads upstairs to where he assumes Tomura’s hiding. The smell of pee intensifies as he gets closer to what he assumes is your room. He opens the door to see Tomura curled on the bed, frowning.
“See how territorial he is?” Touya points out, “He already sees me as a threat even though I've just walked in the door.”
Y/N nods, but she’s still in disbelief. Tomura sees her as his mate? That's ridiculous. Although, if what Touya’s saying is true, she really wouldn't mind. She’d always had a crush on Tomura, I mean just look at him! He’s cute and so cuddly. The adorable ears and fluffy hair really add onto the whole cute kitty image. He’s so smart too. And kind. Their relationship isn't one-sided at all, he takes care of Y/N and she takes care of him.
Touya nudges her towards the bed, and she sits next to him. They both look at each other for a while, and Touya doesn't interrupt. They need to go at their own paces, for now at least. Y/N finally reaches a hand out to scratch behind his ears, and Tomura starts to purr again. It feels like Y/N is the only one in the room. He doesn't even notice Touya until he sits on the other side of him.
He wants to hiss and scratch at him, but Y/N is scratching his head just the way he likes.
“Hey buddy,” Touya says, reaching out to rub soothing circles on his back, “You love Y/N a whole lot, huh?”
Tomura nods, still suspicious of the man sitting with them.
“She’s your mate, isn't she?” he says, fingers trailing across his neck to scratch the back of his head, “You've got a nice pretty mate Tomura. She’s all yours, sweetie,”
Mate?! How did Touya know how he felt about y/n? They barely said a word to each other.
“Mate,” he nods, grabbing onto Y/N’s thigh.
He worms his hands between the mattress and her soft thighs and squeezes it in his arms, laying his head on it.
“Mate,” he purrs, happy that he’s able to say it out loud, “Mommy’s such a pretty mate.”
Touya nods; this is good. They're making progress.
“Now Y/N, why don't you lie down on the bed,” Touya instructs.
She does as told and lies on her back, trying to relax. She tenses up again when his fingers tug down her pants. She tries to grab his hand and stop him but he bats it away.
“Do you want your house to smell like piss for the rest of your life, or are you gonna let me help you?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
She nods and lets him pull down her pants.
“Are you sure this is necessary?” she asks, not enjoying the cold air on her cunt nor the fact that she was nearly naked in front of both of them.
“Completely necessary,” he assures her.
Next to go is her shirt, then her bra until she’s lying completely naked in front of them. When he starts to strip Tomura down, she gets worried. Why is Tomura suddenly so compliant with Touya? He was ready to flip his shit just minutes ago. Touya guides Tomura to kneel between Y/N’s legs and wiggles his spiked cock out of its little pouch. Tomura mewls softly; he’s never felt someone else touch him there before.
“Now, why don’t you rub mommy’s pussy right,” he guides Tomura’s hand to her clit, “There.”
He looks confused but does as he’s told. Obviously, Tomura doesn't do it well enough. The nerves and inexperienced hands don’t do anything to get Y/N aroused. Too bad so sad, he’s here to fix a problem, not make it pleasurable. He lines up Tomura’s cock, and Y/N finally pieces together what's happening. Her breathing picks up and her eyes widen. Surely he wasn’t really going to have Tomura fuck her, right? That would hurt! Like really really hurt!
But the look of excitement in his eyes made her feel guilty. He wants this so badly and he loves her so much. If this was going to help him she’d just have to take it. So when Touya helps him poke the tip of his cock in, she’s already white-knuckled from gripping the sheets. She whimpers when more of it starts to go in; it felt like the branch of an English hawthorn was forcing itself inside of her. At the same time, the tiny, sharp thorns on his cock were tickling her G-spot.
She wasn't ready when he started to fuck into her, he was over the moon with joy whilst she was crying out in pain. Tomura can’t decide between yowling, meowing, or moaning so he chooses a mixture of all three. All of his little noises are adorable; the whines and whimpers of her name make her try to smile through all of the pain.
“Gotta...breed mommy,” he pants, “Breed mommy!”
Her eyes widened.
“No sweetie,” she says, squeezing her eyes shut and trying not to focus on the pain, “You can’t breed a mommy baby. Please don’t Tomura.”
“Hey,” Touya says, “do you want this to work or not?”
She whines in defeat and lets him keep fucking her.
“Breed, mommy,” he chants, happier than ever.
Everything's “fine” until he decides to bite her tit.
“Ow! Tomura, no!” she cries, trying to push his head away, but Touya holds her hands in place.
“You can’t deny him Y/N. It won't work if you do,” he tuts.
She tries to squirm away, but Touya keeps his grip on her firm, and the cold hands of death couldn't pry Tomura away from her. So she cries and moans and prays that he’ll cum and get this over with. Touya lets go of her hands and climbs behind Tomura. What was he doing back there?
Y/N doesn’t even have a moment to be confused as Touya unbuckles his pants, Tomura grinding at her pussy, his sharp barbs and accurate aims make the pain and the pleasure simply too much for her brain to work. He doesn’t even take off his shirt, or slide them down, just pulls out his cock from his jeans and shoves it into the cute tight, and unsuspecting hole in front of him.
“Meow! Mommy! It hurts! Meow!” Tomura cries, yowling in pain as his virgin hole is penetrated. Touya’s cock is massive- at least twelve inches in length. Despite Tomura’s small size, she can still feel Touya against her own stomach, the way his cock burrowed a hole into Tomura, in through one end and attempting to force its way out the other.
“Look at that cute little pussy. It’s all nice and red for Master''. Tomura was bleeding! He meowed, feeling the trickling down his thighs as Touya pushed himself into Tomura, again and again, forcing Tomura to keep fucking Y/N despite the pain that he was in. As she gets wetter it’s easier for her to talk and think. She cradles Tomura’s head in her arms and lets it fall into the crook of her neck.
“How is this helping?” she asks, still crying from the pain of Tomura’s cock in her.
“Um, it’s keeping him inside of you? Listen, I don't fucking know. I just wanted to fuck him, ” Touya laughs, before pausing, “Or even bitch him if it works.” Leaning down to trail kisses up Tomura’s neck, he coos “Who’s my pretty boy?”
“I am, ” he sobs, “Mommy, please, it hurts. But it feels so good just- just make it stop mommy please.”
“I can't, sweetie. I’m sorry,” she says, kissing the side of his head, “It’ll feel good soon, Tomura, I promise.”
He bites her tit again, not as hard as before, and tries to stifle the sounds of his crying. How could he be a good mate if he was so weak? He doesn't deserve her. He should give her up to Touya; he’s strong and smart, not weak like he is. But then Y/N pulls his face away from her chest and kisses him. It’s rough and passionate and the best thing he’s ever felt, besides her warm wet pussy, of course.
When he cums, he cums hard. His cock was made for breeding so it squirts out more cum than humanly possible. It takes mere seconds for it to start gushing out of her, seeping deep into her womb. There’s no doubt she’s pregnant; Y/N never planned to have sex at this point in her life, so she was on absolutely no form of birth control.
Even if she had used a condom, Tomura’s thorny cock would have poked right through it. His cum would’ve somehow breached her IUD, and it was sure to be one hundred times more potent than human cum and no chemical could’ve stopped it. They're both aching when Touya finally fills Tomura’s tight, no longer virgin, asshole. Thankfully it makes it easier for Touya to slide out of him without either ripping Tomura’s asshole or having Tomura’s asshole pull his cock right off.
Touya is surprisingly good with his aftercare. And it looks like he came prepared as well.
Touya takes his sweet time gently putting hybrid injury cream around his ass. There's nothing of course he could do about the inside besides giving Tomura some anti-inflammatory medicine and blood stoppers. All wrapped inside of a pill pocket, the brat.
And despite his so-called love for Y/N, Tomura still kept up the attitude. When Touya moved onto Y/N, slowly caressing her cunt and making sure she was okay, taking care of her and wiping her clean of cum, Tomura would throw a fit and say he wanted attention.
Don't get him wrong, he was worried for his mommy. He didn't know what the white stuff leaking out of her was or what the white stuff that'd been leaking out of him was- he just knew it felt good. But he recognized bruises from his own hands, his claws digging into her from when he orgasmed.
But he wanted attention too! What about him?! Why did mommy get all the attention? It was like he had completely forgotten the attention that had been on him for a while. He meowed over and over, tugging on Touya’s arm.
“Master,” he whines, “What about me?”
“Shh,” Touya says, “We need to take care of mommy too, Tomura.”
“But-” he starts.
“No buts unless you want me to spank yours,” Touya warns.
Tomura opens and closes his mouth, deciding he’d rather not have his ass beat red. He still whines, though, putting his head on Y/N’s chest, so he never left his master’s line of sight. When Touya pushes his head away, he mewls over and over, crying out for his master. Claiming that “You don’t care about me, Master!”
Touya silences him with a kiss on the forehead and the lips, and that satiates him...for a while until he’s pawing at Touya again, whining and whimpering. However, when Y/N is the one to try and silence him, he shuts up immediately. You never tell him to be quiet; you always tell him how much you love his voice.
So he curls into you and kisses your neck, telling you that you're the best mommy in the world. You can only smile and nod, letting Touya apply ointment to your wounds. Tomura has never felt like this before, not just from his orgasm but being cared for by two people. Of course, Y/N cared for him well, maybe too well. She spoiled him beyond belief. He got away with pissing on the couch for months. He got whatever food he wanted whenever he wanted. You even let him eat at the dinner table though he was NOT supposed to.
Touya fixed all of that. He disciplined Tomura, shoving him in a diaper until he begged and cried to be good, and he was...until Touya went home. Touya also put him on a diet that was healthier for his sensitive stomach. Lastly he made it very clear to her that Tomura will only be eating out of his bowls on the floor, much to Tomura’s disappointment.
Despite it all, they end up together. All of them. Mommy and Master and cute little Tomura at the center. Maybe he would’ve stopped acting up but he didn’t. He just wanted both of them more- and both of them together. So he makes mommy call Touya for no reason or forces her to, pissing and shitting wherever he could, even vomiting.
Even things that didn’t need to be fixed- they called Touya. And of course, Touya always sets Tomura straight. He’d shove Tomura in a kennel for hours, and force Y/N to watch, to discipline him for calling him over, sometimes even himself if he got ahold of the house phone, and Y/N to get her to stop spoiling Tomura.
And of course, Tomura would yowl and cry that nobody loved him, making painful noises that would cause suffering to any normal human’s heart (at least, Y/N would argue that). He would piss himself even more, and even shit on the blankets to try and get the smell to let him out. Touya however, only pissed on Tomura when he pissed in the kennel, and sprayed air freshener when he shit. Maybe it was something that he wanted himself.
Y/N, of course, would always let him out when he let out a particularly miserable noise. She washed the disgusting blankets at night when she was supposed to be asleep and cleaned him up through the bars of his cage. Whenever Touya caught her, he was furious. It took only minutes for her to be squished in the cage besides Tomura, praying he didn't decide to make any messes.
She comforted him, reminding Tomura that Touya would provide wonderful aftercare for the bruises and indents the cage gave them. When Touya fed them through the bars it was especially humiliating, making sure to spill or smear at least some of it on both Y/N and Tomura. But Tomura was happy to clean you up with his cute pink tongue, and that never failed to make her giggle.
Despite the punishments and the spoiling he loves his mommy and master equally! They were so good to him! Dogs can be a man’s best friend, but what best resembles a lover? The cute little kitty cat in the middle of mommy and master.
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tyonfs · 4 years
under the rain.
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❝ it’s hard to believe that you want me too. ❞
PAIRING ▸ boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, some fluff, established relationship
WARNINGS ▸ dirty talk, praise, car sex, orgasm denial, overstimulation, exhibitionism, some aftercare
WORD COUNT ▸ 1912 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ this was an impulse-write i started a few days ago but i basically wrote 75% of it after the nct end of the year party video came out. jaemin is literally sososo pretty and omg seeing the new members and xiaohenyang with the rest of nct was everything ♡ i hope you guys enjoy this !! also psa this is reposted bc tumblr tags hate me
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The two of you were always too busy to see each other during the week. From college classes to football practice, Jaemin could barely squeeze in time for you. Rare moments like today, however, were when you could spend some quality alone time with him, away from friends and college lectures. Jaemin dedicated the entire day to you and only you, only for it to be ruined by the rainfall as you were walking back to Jaemin’s car from the movie theater.
You were drenched by the time you and Jaemin made it to the parking structure where his car was parked. Although the day had been perfect, from Jaemin taking you to your favorite coffee shop and then walking around with you downtown, you couldn’t help but feel somewhat gloomy because of the rain. You weren’t aware that you were visibly showing your exasperation until Jaemin wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling you into his warmth.
“I’m sorry,” Jaemin murmured into your neck, “I didn’t know it was going to rain.”
You shivered a bit at his touch and put your hands over his. “It’s okay. I just wish we could be together for a little longer.”
You knew he was disappointed, too. Jaemin always complained about not having the chance to see you whenever he could, so simple things such as weekend dates were precious to him. On top of that, he absolutely hated not seeing you happy. Na Jaemin didn’t exactly have all the time in the world, but he did everything in his power to not let things end on a sour note.
The rain pattered outside of the empty parking structure, so Jaemin pulled you closer and opened the door to the backseat. You weren’t very sure where this was going to go but, regardless, you let him slide into the seat and pull you onto his lap, closing the door as soon as you were inside.
“Jaemin?” you asked, voice dropping to a whisper.
“Shh.” Jaemin silenced you and slid his long fingers over your clothed clit, rousing a surprised whimper from you. He smirked at your immediate reaction and brought his lips to your ear. “You like that?”
“Fuck,” you breathed out and looked around your surroundings, a sudden spike of anxiety rising at the thought of being seen. Yet, somehow, it got you even more excited. “What if someone sees us?”
“Then let them enjoy the show.”
Jaemin was always so shameless when it came to things like this. When you met up before classes once, he tugged you into a bathroom and took you in one of the stalls; on another occasion, you visited him during football practice and he snuck away to make out with you behind the bleachers. It wasn’t like you were opposed considering you were often just as sexually frustrated as he was.
Now, you both needed this. After barely seeing your boyfriend all week, you had kept everything pent-up, and you knew he felt the same way. Jaemin ran his free hand up and down your body, feeling what he had longed for.
“You’re so gorgeous, Y/N,” Jaemin whispered, blowing air against your ear. “Absolutely fucking beautiful.”
He slipped his hand past your waistband, tracing his fingers along the v-line of your pelvis. You shivered at the feeling of his fingers grazing your skin, traveling down to rub your clit in slow, teasing circles. You rutted back against him, craving more friction, more touch. This only encouraged Jaemin to speed up his pace, fingers rolling around your tiny ball of nerves in a way that made you go crazy.
“Jaemin, we shouldn’t—ah!”
“What was that?” he cooed sickeningly, knowing the effect he had on you.
But this time, you weren’t going to comply. No matter how horny you were, you knew it wasn’t a great idea to go at it in a parking lot. You were ready to—
Jaemin slid two fingers along your soaking slit. “Do you have something to say, Y/N?”
—completely give in.
“P-please,” you begged in a whimper, “more.”
“Such a good girl.” Jaemin slipped a finger inside of you, his free hand sliding up your shirt to feel you up. He slid his finger in and out of you, getting you more wet until he asked, “Want another one?”
You nodded quickly, breath hitching as Jaemin slid another finger in. Your walls tightened around his fingers but Jaemin didn’t slow down his pace. He pumped even faster, rousing a moan from you when his long fingers hit a certain spot that made your head go fuzzy. You felt a tingling sensation all over your body, warmth knotting in your stomach. You just wanted Jaemin to finish you off, but you knew that wasn’t his style.
You let out a moan that sounded about an octave higher, and Jaemin took it as his cue to pull his fingers out. You immediately whined, rolling your hips back against his. Your boyfriend tutted at your impatience and lifted his fingers to your lips.
“Suck,” he ordered, wanting you to taste yourself. You obeyed and held his wrist to suck on his fingers, and Jaemin bit back a groan. “Such a pretty mouth.”
He pulled his fingers away from your mouth once he was satisfied and tugged at your hips. You swiveled around so that you were straddling his lap, sitting on top of Jaemin’s painful erection. He reached up to move your hair out of your face, just admiring your features for a moment. It seemed as if he was frozen in time then, as if the world was just you and him in his car.
“It’s hard to believe,” he murmured, tracing his finger along your collarbone, “that you want me too.”
“Of course I do,” you whispered back, pouting at his statement. You wished he didn’t have to feel so insecure, but you understood that it was hard when you couldn’t see him all the time. “I love you.”
Jaemin smiled at your words, mumbling an “I love you too” as he grabbed the back of your neck to pull you down for a kiss. You kissed him back fervently, allowing him access to every part of you, letting his tongue roam your mouth and his hands roam your body. When you let out a gasp at the feeling of Jaemin’s hands gripping your ass, he seized the opportunity to kiss down to your neck.
“Jaemin, please,” you whined. “I need you.”
He pulled away for a moment, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before unbuttoning his pants for you. You moved off of him to take off your pants, too, and when you came back to him, you were dying for his touch again.
You both were silent for a moment, just heavy breathing and chests rising and falling before he said, “Ride me.”
You hesitated because you had expected him to take charge tonight. Now, you were feeling a bit nervous, but you stepped up to the challenge. Nodding, you tugged down his boxers to let his cock spring out. He was so fucking hard and you were so wet and ready to take him.
“Easy,” he murmured, guiding your hips down on him. A gasp escaped your lips as he entered you, adjusting your position several times before you could take him in fully. “No matter how many times I fuck you, you’re always so tight and perfect for me.”
Jaemin groaned as your walls clenched and unclenched around him. Jaemin tucked his head into your shoulder, holding the small of your back as you moved your hips up and down on him. Your boyfriend greedily groped every possible place he could pleasure you, and when he got to pinching your nipples, you felt like your head was spinning.
You thought Jaemin was getting unsatisfied by your careful movements because he held your hips with a bruising grip and pulled you down. You moaned, curling your fingers into his hair as you bounced on his cock. Jaemin groaned into the crook of your neck, dragging his lips up to whisper words of praise into your ear.
He was rough sometimes, yes, but Jaemin loved to love, and he showed it during sex. Despite how rough he liked to get, it was the simple gestures that really showed how gentle he could be. He would kiss every inch of your skin that if he thought he held you too hard, stroke your hair while he was pounding into you, and hold you close to him because more than the sex, he just wanted you in his arms.
“Might cum—gonna cum, gonna cum,” you moaned out, nails digging into his shoulders as Jaemin fucked up into you.
He held your hips as he angled his hips again to hit that one spot that left you in the clouds. Your arm shot out to the side, attempting to grab anything for leverage, which was when you noticed how the windows started fogging up. Jaemin pressed his thumb against your clit, sending waves of pleasure that dared to make you spill over.
“Hold it for me, pretty girl,” Jaemin ordered in a gentle voice, rubbing your clit in circles as he grinded his hips up into you. “Don’t cum all over my cock just yet. I wanna do it with you.”
You closed your eyes shut, biting your lip and nodding. You let out a loud whimper each time Jaemin thrusted up into you, complete with you bouncing up and down on his cock. Jaemin’s voice was raspy, growling filthy words into your ear that made butterflies flutter in your stomach, edging you even more.
By the time you had tears streaming down your cheeks, Jaemin decided he had overstimulated you enough. He pressed down on your clit a touch harder as he circled the little ball of nerves. Paired with his intense thrusts, you were losing your hold over yourself.
Jaemin looked up at you, desperation over his face. “Go ahead, Y/N. Be a good girl and cum for me.”
You didn’t waste any time and unraveled right in front of him, crumbling into his hold right away. Jaemin groaned, filling you up to your brim, and relief washed over you when you remembered you were on the pill. But Jaemin continued fucking you through your highs, hips stuttering to a stop when you both had grounded yourselves again.
The only sounds in the car were the distant pattering of raindrops and the heavy panting from you and Jaemin. You bit your lip as you got off of him, his cum dripping down your thighs. You frowned slightly at the mess because you knew he had nothing to clean it off with.
Jaemin looked solemn for a moment when you got off his lap. You both knew that once you two got back to your college campus, this dream would end and you would get back to the cold reality of schoolwork and club activities.
He held your hand, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin. “Will you stay the night?” he asked gently. “I want cuddles.”
You smiled at his words. “Of course.”
It was true that you and Jaemin rarely had time to see each other recently, but right now, under the pouring rain, it didn’t matter because you had each other.
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sofijaeger · 3 years
hey, it's my first time doing any request so i'm little embarrassed but i'm excited too!! i love your writing so much<33 i had this in my mind for a while
Eren's s/o kissing his palms/hands or the spots where he usually bites his hand when he's about to transform
it can be anything(like drabble/headcanons etc. i hope you get me😭) once again I LOVE YOUR WRITING SM!!
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that is so frickin adorable STOP I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BRAIN🥺 you can always request things to me, i’m not sure how soon i’ll get onto them but i will try my best and i love hearing from you!
okay i’m actually really proud of this one haha! the drabble will take place during the reclaim of shiganshina arc if that’s alright, and psa i scared myself writing a certain line because i had no clue how i was going to proceed after implying a major death LMAO. i think you’ll know what line i’m taking about but don’t worry nothing happens lol.
warnings: angst... IM SORRY🥲
words: 1.1k
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kissing vow ~ eren x reader
Dawn quickly rose over the well-known territory. The part of land that was whispered upon for years ever since its fall, and a place strangely familiar to all your ears and hearts even if you hadn’t traveled there yourself. After the trip into the midnight wilderness you had arrived for a mission far greater than any other, and it was clear there were no visible signs of doubt from anyone.
Except for of course, the young boy with more pressure on his chest than anyone, one you cared for very dearly who’d call almost every shot with his actions. He was frightened beyond compare, so as the last few squads stood atop Wall Maria, urgently waiting for any signal, Eren was practically pissing himself right then and there. He had returned, devised a plan with all the leading commanders in just a few days, and was now preparing to risk his life for his homeland and people. There was no moment of rest for him or any of you. Besides the constant worry of succeeding the mission this very well may be the last time any of you see each other again.
You shout out his last name, once, twice, as he was too far in his own head to hear your first call and jog to him, gripping your delicate fingers over his shoulders. In the years you’ve spent together as scouts those small releases of tension-touching had become a clear sign you wanted each other’s attention, and you both caught onto the gesture quite quickly. Eren softened his eyes in your presence to notion just how focused he was on you. His subconscious would always allow his gaze to wander to you and what you had to say, he felt calmer that way.
“I already see you getting all inside your head, I thought talking about this on the journey here would be enough for you?” you whisper, leaning your head a little closer in attempt to understand what possibly was rumbling through his mind now.
“What if we lose”
“I can’t bear to see us all lose! If we waited a little longer, a few more days, maybe we could have advised a plan that wouldn’t risk half the corps’ lives!” He tangled his hand in his hair, gripping the shaggy strands already coming loose from the stress he overdrove himself into. Your hands soften against the thick cloth of his cape, frowning at the few tears pricking his eyelids.
“Er, you’re more than welcome to cry to me later, just not now.” you chuckle.
“How are you so sure there’ll be a later y/n.”
You mouth opens before you can process your words, watching his cheek crane over to rest on the back of your hand that still lay against his collar. Here was humanity’s savior more worried than everyone minutes before call, but that you were perfectly fine with. This side to him was all the more proof that he was human, no matter what people labeled his being as.
“How am I sure? Bold of you to question my predictions Jaeger.” you exaggerate, placing your hands on your hips in a sneer. “I’m certain i’ll come back alive, and why? Because your protecting me with ever passionate fiber in your body, just as you will everyone else. You’re fighting for our justice against these monsters, the ones with no mind or cause. You have a cause to fight Eren and you have a heart too, a damn big one if I do say so myself. It’s the reason we support you with in the entireties of our own.”
With that, you intertwine your fingers around his right thumb, softly calloused to the touch he notes time and time again, and place it in front of your mouth to kiss. His body tenses at the feeling, but his eyes widen when he realizes where exactly you’ve placed it, your trust in him, where you’ve unknowingly hinted your years of growing affection for the boy in the heap of a split second.
Over the bitten scars littered down his radial.
He looks at you in confirmation of what he thinks it meant, and smiles into those fierce doe eyes of yours. A genuine emotion he hasn’t felt in months through grieving and loss, but could so easily melt into again with you.
So yes, he held a dangerous power, but it was all his. Something his true self was a part of that no one should ever neglect, and he found all the support he needed within the soldier right before him.
“Knock em dead Ren, do your best for everyone who’s lived and who will continue to. None of us would be standing here without you, so your presence alone is precious to us...
...We all believe in you, I believe in you.”
You guide his palm to your cheek, nuzzling into its claminess. As he engraves the plush feeling of his fingertips to your skin, a green smoke signal is fired.
And even when Eren was positive not everyone could be saved, he was reminded the ones following the biggest goals in the end would persevere and care for each other just as you had for him. He was confident you’d all succeed that way.
Like Armin now does over Commander Erwin,
Or little Gabi rather than Sasha, no matter what unjust brainwashing she believes.
But him or you, who would risk their own life caring for whom they loved most?
That was one thing he never wanted to find out.
Now he slouches in a rotten, stoned cell, contemplating what could’ve changed if only he had tried a little harder, or had this all been fate from the start?
His hand resting in his lap catches his glance, peering down at the bite marks still evident across his thumb. Surely if the marks he made as a teen persisted your kiss would too.
He slowly brings his hand up, cautious of any guards mistaking the move for another transformation, and presses his lips against the same spot you had. He closes his eyes at the warmth, sensing it was still emitting from your own lingering touch years ago. Unfortunately there had been no more little kisses, subtle clues of affection from either of you ever since. He liked those hints he really did, but now he was sure you stood a few floors above him, devising a plan to put an end to his scheme rather than caring over his emotions.
Weren’t you the one who told him to keep going though?
Perhaps if he had told you his motives beforehand rather than keeping them inside. How he appreciated every act of tenderness you gave him, more than anything he’s experienced before, how all this time he’s fought on this battlefield people called the world, for you and everyone else. Maybe then you’d stay out of his way and let him succeed, but his actions had no time for feelings or explanations. The freedom he desperately searched for in the future held no care for the past.
Yet he could never lie to himself and think you didn’t love him still, even after all this time. And Eren couldn’t deny anything about his own feelings for you, it’s what kept him going.
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gallavictorious · 3 years
i very much enjoyed your take about how mickey might have bottomed for other people than ian, because i personally find it very likely and it generally seems like an unpopular opinion. a lot of the time in fandom (not just this one) people seem to expect bottoming to be something super ~special~, and they tend to treat it like an act of indredible trust reserved for the love of your life, instead of a simple preference in bed. for some people it might be, i guess, but i've literally never met a bottom who feels that way. seems weird to me to expect mickey, of "liking what i like don't make me a bitch" fame, to be someone who thinks that. prison is different simply because in there he seems to see sex as a means of establishing dominance/power, not pleasure. idk that's just what makes sense to me
Hiya, nonnie!
I totally agree that the whole top/bottom discourse can get wildly out of hand (Johnlock shippers, I am looking at you), with all sorts of significance tied to who tops and who bottoms. It should be noted, however, that this doesn't just happen in fandom (even if it sometimes happens a lot in fandom) but that these discourses are prevalent in the ”real” world as well: there are all kinds of ideas floating around about what being a top or being a bottom says about you as a person and about your relationships. Rather than being construed as something that you do, it's often seen (primarily but not exclusively by straight people) as something that you are, and while I don't doubt that there are gay men who do identify strongly with being a top or a bottom, in my experience, as in yours, most don't particularly. It's one of many aspects of sex; it's a thing that you do; and one you might have a clear preference about, but you also might not. It isn't necessarily tied to trust, or at least not more so than any other sex act.
Disclaimer: I'm not actually a gay penis haver, I haven't done any extensive research on the topic, and I don't tend to discuss the details of my friends' sex life with them, so I don't know this. Anecdotal evidence, my dears. In general, however, I think it's a good practise to assume that what a person likes in bed doesn't necessarily say a lot about what sort of person they are, the same way having a certain type of food preference doesn't. (We're putting aside, for the moment, the fact that taste is often at least partially shaped by ones culture becuase I feel that will only muddy the waters on this particular topic.)
All that said – and this is where I suspect you'll stop enjoying my take; sorry about that, nonnie! – I think that for Mickey bottoming does have a lot to do about trust, at least initially. Not in the sense that it's something super special and precious that he wants to reserve for his one true love or anything like that, but in the sense that I believe that Mickey, as a result of the enviroment he grew up in, is very, very aware of the assumptions sometimes made about bottoms (usually by straight people). I've actually written halfway extensively about Mickey's relationship to his own sexuality before, so for a longer and even somewhat coherent explanation of my thougths on this, please check that out.
Here, let me just note that Mickey might well know that liking what he likes doesn't make him a bitch, but he's also highly cognizant of the fact that others might thinkit makes him a bitch, and he can't afford that (especially not in prison; I think his main motivation for fucking me there is mostly to just get off - and it's a good opportunity to actually do it with men without revealing himself as gay - rather than to establish dominance, but he exclusively tops because doing anything else would mark him as a bitch). Except with Ian he chooses to risk it, repeatedly, and I think that does signify a rather large amount of easy trust.
The thing is, though, that I think that after having what he had with Ian and living openly as a gay man, I think Mickey has come to a place of self-acceptance (and, significantly, to a place where the worst has already happened and he survived it) that allows him to truly not give a damn about what anybody but the people close to him assumes, which makes bottoming less of a trust thing and thus no longer something he only feels comfortable doing with Ian. (Which doesn't mean he's comfortable doing it with just anybody he's fucking; see Byron.) I have some thoughts about what this means for his stay in Mexico (LGTB+ unfriendly cartels and all), but I'll get back to that in response to another ask I got on this topic.
So yeah, I think that Mickey probably has bottomed for other people (and that this is a somewhat unpopular opinion in the fandom) but only after he had been in a proper and official relationship with Ian – and I do think that trust is a pretty important component of the whole thing in this particular case; not because bottoming is inherently something that requires extra special levels of trust, but because of Mickey's awareness of prevalent discourses surrounding it.
Finally, I want to note that we'll never know what Mickey did or didn't do before he hooked up with Ian, or what he did or didn't do while they were apart. We can argue one way or the other until the cows come home, and I think we can build a pretty strong case either way, but at the end of the day, it comes down to preferences and what we think makes for a more compelling interpreation. This is the one I vaguely favour (at this time, at least; I've been known to change my mind over time or if a more compelling theory is presented to me); if you prefer another, that's perfectly fine and reasonable. I'm very happy to discuss this and as always I'd love to hear other people's thoughts, but I'm not looking to get involved in any messy fights over it. (Not directed at you, btw, nonnie - loved the ask! Just a general PSA for others who might stumble across this!)
Oh, and other sweet nonnie who sent me an ask on this subject: I'll get back to you with a proper response within a few days! I've saved some thoughts especially for it, so while you already know that we don't fully agree on this, I hope you'll find it somewhat worthwhile. :)
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carinyms · 3 years
We're three days from the Loki finale and I’m back to spout more meta and theories about episodes 5 & 6! It’s a long one (again.)
I really enjoyed episode five. People have complained that they felt it didn't do much to move the show forward, but one of the things I've loved most about this show is the time it takes to sit with the characters and learn about their backstory, their feelings. (I'm always a little bugged when critics say that an episode hasn't done enough to move the plot forward, because without adequate character development, why should I care about the plot?) I thought the pacing of it was really well balanced.
….and I have never been so nervous for a finale in my entire life. There’s a lot of reasons.
The first is just the fact that I’ve been waiting for this show for a whole year, and the anticipation and excitement of it literally helped get me through the pandemic--so when those final end credits roll I’m going to be a whole mess no matter what happens. (I really hope the rumors floating around about season two are accurate) I also just feel like it’s somewhat inevitable that this is our final farewell to Tom’s Loki, and like—I’ll never be ready, but especially right now, amidst all the rampant controversy around this show, I’m just not ready to deal with that. I have a *small* modicum of hope that this won't be the case, but it feels unlikely. Anyway, guess I’ll die.
I really want this show to stick the landing, so to say. I loved the last episode, but a lot of the response has been that it felt like a lull in the plot. I want this show to end in a satisfying bang so it can get the credit it deserves.
Also I’m a whole hypocrite eating my words from last week—I’m fully on-board with Loki/Sylvie now (not that I was ever really against it)--I’m not sure why I’m surprised. They’re so adorable and wholesome, and I’m in love with seeing Loki in love. It’s so precious. (Just as a PSA, if you’re not into them that’s chill, and you’re allowed to dislike a ship without trying to justify your opinion by labeling shippers as morally problematic. Selfcest isn’t a real thing, therefore there isn’t a moral high ground to stand on here. Okay? Okay.) Wherever it ultimately leads, their relationship is still a really sweet exploration of them both growing and learning how to love themselves and trust others. Also, them cuddling under a tablecloth is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen with my two eyes.
I love Sylvie so much, SO MUCH — and she is 100% going to stab Loki in the back by the end of the next episode. I don’t think the betrayal is going to stick, and by the end they’ll both be on the same page again, but the conversations on trust have been way too one-sided for my comfort. If nothing else she's going to seriously consider it. Here’s one way I can see that going. Spoiler alert: it hurts.
Sylvie betrays Loki at one point—and we see Loki’s growth and arc come full circle as, even after being betrayed by the person he hinged his entire development around, he still believes in doing the right thing, in saving her regardless. It ends in a heart-wrenching self-sacrifice of some kind, and his actions serve as the catalyst for her full development as well. We keep seeing different versions of Loki die for their ‘glorious purpose’, just like how Classic Loki shouts the phrase as he was consumed by Aloith (RIP King, I love you).
Loki has already called Sylvie his glorious purpose (or inferred it). There’s been backlash around him saying that, but the way I see it, it’s less “I’m obsessed with this girl she’s my purpose now” and more “I believe that she’s the best version of us and I’m going to make it my purpose to help her succeed and be what the rest of us aren’t”. That’s why seeing all the other variant Loki’s at their worst in the Loki clubhouse (? what do I call this lol) only fuels him more to find her. I think about what Mobius told him: “You exist to cause pain and suffering and death, all so others can achieve the best versions of themselves”. I don’t think Loki truly believes he can be the best version of Loki — I think he saw Sylvie and thought, "it's her". He’s decided he’s going to help her achieve the best version of herself, but he'll do it giving her love and trust and devotion, rather than through betrayal, pain and suffering. He’s re-writing his pre-determined role, in his own small way. I’m so proud of him.
So who’s behind it all and what’s truly going on here? (This isn’t really one theory, more like a string of possibilities and I don’t really know how they’d fit together.)
I still think it’s another version of Loki. And if it is, I can’t help but appreciate the connections between his position dictating the end of time in the show in relation to Loki’s role in the Norse myths, where he’s the catalyst for the destruction of all things. It feels relevant, considering the whole idea that ‘the end of time hasn’t been written yet’ has come up twice now. That would be a fascinating tie-in to the mythology. (Also—Alioth looks like a giant dog. And Fenrir’s role in Ragnarok was devouring the world—I realize this is a reach but am I the only person seeing this connection?) The thing I really can’t predict is the motivation. What would cause a Loki to want to prevent Loki’s from changing? Was there something that happened in the sacred timeline this Loki is trying to preserve? (I also like the idea of us maybe seeing another version of Sylvie behind it all, but I’m just going to leave that rabbit hole alone. )
But here’s the theory I can’t stop thinking about. There’s a theory floating around tik tok (by user twelvepercentcredit) saying the ‘castle’ we see beyond Alioth looks like a place called the House of Ideas, something that appeared in a (discontinued?) Loki comic. Here’s the wiki page on it. Just looking at the imagery of this compared to the location we’re seeing in the trailers, it’s too similar to be a coincidence. The huge bookshelves, the towering ceilings.
Here’s a description from the wiki:
“The House of Ideas is also home to a library which archives the exploits of every hero who has ever existed in the form of books, written unconsciously by the collective minds of their believers. This collection is curated by Now and Then, two of the children of Eternity. Now and Then routinely seek out heroes to bring into the House of Ideas to bargain with them and give their collections more pages, therefore more time for adventures and exploits. “
And later on the page on how Loki ties in:
“Heeding the desire in Loki's heart to do more with his life, Now and Then approached Loki and brought him to the House of Ideas,[5] where they struck up with him the deal to give more pages to his collection of exploits, rewriting the Books of Loki with a hero's stories in exchange for an eventual hero's death.”
Are they gonna play with the exact happenings of this? I don't know, but it sounds pretty cool!
It would be gutsy to go this route with the show given how meta it is, but I love the idea of it. Would they put characters that embody the abstract ideas of “Eternity” “Now & Then” into the show in the last episode? I’m not sure. Something I could see as a possibility though is an alternate version of Loki having overthrown whoever was previously guarding the timeline, and Loki and Sylvie will have to take them down in turn, thus ‘releasing’ the multiverse to its default, chaotic state.
What if our Loki’s ultimate destiny, ultimate Glorious Purpose, is to release the timelines--restoring all the variants back to their original timelines--and remain in this place for eternity, guarding the timeline and ensuring the multiverse is allowed to exist in its natural state? It seems a pretty fitting role for the God of Chaos. It would also explain why whoever’s behind the TVA would be so desperate to eliminate all variant Loki, if that was his ultimate destiny.
It would be an effective way to remove Hiddleston’s Loki from the movie-verse without killing him, AND place both Sylvie and any other Loki variants back in the the main timeline for use in future films—which we know has to happen somehow, because Young Avengers is definitely happening, and Kid Loki has got to get out of the void somehow.
And yea, this outcome would hurt like a bitch. Because even though that would truly be a lovely glorious purpose for our Loki, he’d be alone. And the whole point of this show is that he doesn’t have to be alone! It would be a very poetic sacrifice for him to take on the burden of watching over the timelines alone for all eternity so that his other variants could be the best versions of themselves, but I really just want him to be happy. I will be crying my eyes out if this happens. I’ll be proud but I won’t be okay.
And this all is probably speculative nonsense and could go off in an entirely different direction. Who knows. All in all, I just really want to see Loki fully believe in himself and his ability, to truly absorb what he said about being stronger than he realizes, and to take control of his destiny.
Let Hunter B-15 and Mobius team up to burn the place to the ground. She was nerfed in the time-keeper fight, I want to see B-15 kick some ass.
I kind of want Ravonna to escape and be a character that carries over into the films for her tie-ins with Kang? I want to see more of her.
Give Loki a new badass costume. I’m begging. If he’s gonna go down, he deserves to go down in something other than khakis.
And then I want to see him and Sylvie fighting side by side in matching outfits.
I want a Mobius-level hug between them. Or a kiss. Or both. But I want the hug more. And you know what? I want her to initiate the hug or kiss or whatever it is because I want Loki to experience receiving love and affection from others as much as giving it. He deserves it ok??
I expect Mobius on a jet ski in the post credits and if I don’t get it I riot
@marvel these are my demands.
As always, if you've made it this far I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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dailychapel · 3 years
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Lord, thank you for your greatness. Thank you that when I am weak, you are strong. Lord, the Devil is scheming and I know he desires to keep me from spending time with you. Don’t let him win! Give me a measure of your strength so that I might not give into discouragement, deception and doubt! Help me honor you in all my ways. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. ~ Debbie Przybylski
[Psa 35:1-28 ESV] 1 Of David. Contend, O LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me! 2 Take hold of shield and buckler and rise for my help! 3 Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers! Say to my soul, "I am your salvation!" 4 Let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life! Let them be turned back and disappointed who devise evil against me! 5 Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the LORD driving them away! 6 Let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the LORD pursuing them! 7 For without cause they hid their net for me; without cause they dug a pit for my life. 8 Let destruction come upon him when he does not know it! And let the net that he hid ensnare him; let him fall into it--to his destruction! 9 Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD, exulting in his salvation. 10 All my bones shall say, "O LORD, who is like you, delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, the poor and needy from him who robs him?" 11 Malicious witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I do not know. 12 They repay me evil for good; my soul is bereft. 13 But I, when they were sick-- I wore sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting; I prayed with head bowed on my chest. 14 I went about as though I grieved for my friend or my brother; as one who laments his mother, I bowed down in mourning. 15 But at my stumbling they rejoiced and gathered; they gathered together against me; wretches whom I did not know tore at me without ceasing; 16 like profane mockers at a feast, they gnash at me with their teeth. 17 How long, O Lord, will you look on? Rescue me from their destruction, my precious life from the lions! 18 I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng I will praise you. 19 Let not those rejoice over me who are wrongfully my foes, and let not those wink the eye who hate me without cause. 20 For they do not speak peace, but against those who are quiet in the land they devise words of deceit. 21 They open wide their mouths against me; they say, "Aha, Aha! Our eyes have seen it!" 22 You have seen, O LORD; be not silent! O Lord, be not far from me! 23 Awake and rouse yourself for my vindication, for my cause, my God and my Lord! 24 Vindicate me, O LORD, my God, according to your righteousness, and let them not rejoice over me! 25 Let them not say in their hearts, "Aha, our heart's desire!" Let them not say, "We have swallowed him up." 26 Let them be put to shame and disappointed altogether who rejoice at my calamity! Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor who magnify themselves against me! 27 Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!" 28 Then my tongue shall tell of your righteousness and of your praise all the day long.
[Jer 17:1-13 ESV] 1 "The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron; with a point of diamond it is engraved on the tablet of their heart, and on the horns of their altars, 2 while their children remember their altars and their Asherim, beside every green tree and on the high hills, 3 on the mountains in the open country. Your wealth and all your treasures I will give for spoil as the price of your high places for sin throughout all your territory. 4 You shall loosen your hand from your heritage that I gave to you, and I will make you serve your enemies in a land that you do not know, for in my anger a fire is kindled that shall burn forever." 5 Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the LORD. 6 He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. 7 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose trust is the LORD. 8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." 9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? 10 "I the LORD search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds." 11 Like the partridge that gathers a brood that she did not hatch, so is he who gets riches but not by justice; in the midst of his days they will leave him, and at his end he will be a fool. 12 A glorious throne set on high from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary. 13 O LORD, the hope of Israel, all who forsake you shall be put to shame; those who turn away from you shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living water.
[1Co 14:1-25 ESV] 1 Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy. 2 For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men but to God; for no one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the Spirit. 3 On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. 4 The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the church. 5 Now I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. The one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues, unless someone interprets, so that the church may be built up. 6 Now, brothers, if I come to you speaking in tongues, how will I benefit you unless I bring you some revelation or knowledge or prophecy or teaching? 7 If even lifeless instruments, such as the flute or the harp, do not give distinct notes, how will anyone know what is played? 8 And if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle? 9 So with yourselves, if with your tongue you utter speech that is not intelligible, how will anyone know what is said? For you will be speaking into the air. 10 There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning, 11 but if I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be a foreigner to the speaker and the speaker a foreigner to me. 12 So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church. 13 Therefore, one who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may interpret. 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays but my mind is unfruitful. 15 What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also. 16 Otherwise, if you give thanks with your spirit, how can anyone in the position of an outsider say "Amen" to your thanksgiving when he does not know what you are saying? 17 For you may be giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not being built up. 18 I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. 19 Nevertheless, in church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue. 20 Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature. 21 In the Law it is written, "By people of strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will I speak to this people, and even then they will not listen to me, says the Lord." 22 Thus tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers, while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for believers. 23 If, therefore, the whole church comes together and all speak in tongues, and outsiders or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are out of your minds? 24 But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
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lindajenni · 9 months
sep 29
decision making time ending soon
"to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven." eccl 1:10
it's difficult for humans to imagine life without time. it is so critical to every area of our lives, and each have a limited amount of it. animals, precious to be sure, exist without a soul. they have no perception of time - no dread or hope of a tomorrow, only now. but we humans have a soul, a vacuum reserved for God or self. we know dread full well while only the wise have a hope in Christ.
we all have moments in our life, special times; a birth, the death of a loved one, maybe even a marriage - but there always come a deciding moment; a moment that changes everything. abraham had a moment when he offered up his beloved son in pure obedience. esau had a moment when he foolish sold his birthright for a hungry belly. moses had a moment when he decided to check out the fire burning on the mount of God. all of these were life changing. unfortunately, many don't recognize how important a "moment" can be.
all our lives are a ministry of sorts; to God or self. how's yours going so far? i want to read a short passage from one of my favorite authors, o.s. hawkins.
"an effective ministry of God's word will balance teaching doctrine, correcting false path, and instructing in godly living. some believers overemphasize doctrine: they are doctrinally sound, but living without power. others focus much on reproof or correction, apparently thinking it is their calling to reprove and correct everyone else. still others concentrate on "instruction in righteousness" 2 tim 3:26 to the exclusion of teaching doctrine, and thus they have no direction in life. an effective christian life is a balanced life, and God's word helps give balance to Ministry and to a person's life. so when you study the bible, do not judge it; it judges you. God's word has withstood the test of time and will be the Book of all books when all others have passed into obscurity."
we must all spend our time here, holding each second as precious and opportunistic. that's how our Lord lived; each moment - each word purposely spoken because He knew the weight of them and how they would be recorded and read down the centuries. our words do not carry such significance, but their importance remains. "but I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment." matt 12:36
Jesus, being God, had many life defining moments. as when He was tempted. Jesus was "showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time." luke 4:5 His victory in that moment led him on to know other moments, some joyful, some painful - all leading to the ultimate moment, our redemption and reconciliation with the Godhead.
there was a generation that lived in the time of Christ's first coming. like joseph, His identity was hidden from His brothers at the time. these were known as biblical times and we are that chosen generation to live in them once again.
the prophecy: "seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy." dan 9:24
beloved, this is our moment; a moment like no other, a generation like no other. many have made their decision, but know the game isn't over until time's up - then there will be crucial overtime period called the seventieth week. in the game of life one is allowed to switch sides at will if it is genuine. God is so merciful that way. but know this, our choice has consequences. one will lead to a beautiful eternity with our Creator - the other to unimaginable torment and regret. "oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrors." psa 73:19
what will you do with your moment and how will your life reflect it? will it be indicative of the light of life? "true faith involves not just knowing Christ, but also developing and maintaining consistency between what we read and our conduct, our words, and our thoughts. faith and works are not contradictory to each other. in fact, in scripture we find them complimenting each other. may your life reflect your faith. make your moment count!
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god-whispers · 1 year
jun 26
thankful all over again
"Ooh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!  for His mercy endures forever." 1 chron 16:34
i believe we are thankful in direct proportion to how much we realize the holiness of God.  when moses asked to see God's glory, God said, "I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you." exo 33:19
"therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much.  but to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little." luke 7:47  the trouble is, most of us feel we are fairly decent people.  we are not really that bad.  that's only because we have not revelation of how good God is.  His goodness makes Him holy.
God relates His goodness to His glory.  when isaiah entered into the presence of the Lord he proclaimed: "woe is me, for i am undone!  because i am a man of unclean lips, and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." isa 6:5  in other words, as if his sin wasn't bad enough, he was constantly being contaminated by the sin around him.
i don't think any of us have a true revelation of just how far we have actually fallen from God's "goodness."  when man was first created they lived thousands of years.  through the millennia their life has gradually decreased proportionately.  now, the fruit has ripened.  sin has fully matured.  it is time for the fruit to fall to the ground and it's seed to live again.
where that seed will be planted depends entirely upon whether or not we have a revelation of God's goodness.  the closer we draw to God the more of His holiness is revealed.  regrettably, some people have no desire to glimpse His nature.  but to those who do, to them it has been given "exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 pet 1:4
"when You said, 'seek My face,' my heart said to You, 'Your face, Lord, i will seek.'" psa 27:8  we shall not only see Him as He is, we shall "partake" of His divine nature.  His goodness shall flow again in the chosen ones.  right now in this life, we make a feeble attempt to measure up to His nature, but we never can. it is an act of grace and believing in His "great and precious" promises that will one day bring it to pass.
now the fruit has ripened.  where will it's seed be planted?  have you fought the good fight?  have you finished the race?  have you kept the faith?  then finally there is laid up for you a crown of righteousness.  grace shall prevail!
i urge each of us to look again; first at ourselves and then at our God - whoever he may be.  that is our destiny.  like begets like.  i choose to look at Jesus and the life He led, while others look towards satan through self.  do i measure up?  no.  i never will.  but God - but goodness - but grace; it will prevail.  i am thankful all over again, because when i look into the mirror i see Jesus looking back at me.
take a glimpse.  what image do you see looking back at you?  examine yourself.  look hard and deep.  do you love self above God?
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ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
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hey everyone! i know i’ve been slow with im messages these days ( but i will get back to people soon, i promise 😣 ), but i want to let people know activity may be spotty for the rest of this week ( and maybe the next week as well ) as i am in the process of moving and the place doesn’t have internet yet. i’ll be mobile bound and i will be working on ppl’s replies offline though! i will try to get to a place with wifi to post replies when i can, but if not, probably expect a few mass spam replies instead 😅
but in the meanwhile, thank you so much for your patience and pls have a wonderful week(end)!!
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