#i believe them play boyfriends would be a very full circle moment
you-me-we-04 · 2 years
Here’s my (very dumb) pitch for Mamma Mia 3, it's Harry's wedding there is just one small very very tiny issue no one can work out who Harry’s marrying and at this point, they just feel weird asking. So much like the first film, three men are running around a greek island while Sophie, Sky, Cher, Tanya, Rosie, Bill, and Sam try to work out their connection to the plot, I mean their relationship with Harry. So let us meet the potential Grooms: 
First up we have Elijah Thatcher played by Taron Egerton, at first, he seems the most likely to be the groom despite the age gap since he seems very close and connected to the wedding and is really stressed out about the wedding. However, we later find out the reason he is so stressed about this wedding is that he is the stressed-out wedding planner, and let's just say Harry’s Groom is a bit of a bridezilla
Then we have Peter Beckett played by Hugh Laurie an American lawyer who is very close to Harry, he also knows a lot about the other dads and Sophie, and he also has the habit of flirting with Harry, in truth while he and Harry did have a fling back in the day, they are now simply best friends and he’s the best man. The reason he flirts with Harry is that he enjoys getting a reaction out of Harry's actual partner. 
This actual partner is Nathaniel Hawthorn played by Hugh Grant a music professor at Cornell, they push each other buttons but at the end of the day, they still love each other. At the start of the film, they think he is the wedding planner since he seemed a bit too into the table setting. But he actually just enjoys getting a rise out of Elijah, who at this point is considering a career change.  Hijinks, misunderstandings, and ABBA take place before the reveal but in the end, the reveal is simple with Nathanial asking if Sophie would walk down the aisle with him, since he's kinda either step-dad 1 or dad 4 plus he knows it will mean the world to Harry, she agrees they hug and she welcomes her new dad to the family.
We end the film with their wedding it's big, it’s fun, and it goes perfectly much to the joy of Elijah's mental health, Peter gets a killer best man speech that ends in him and Nathaniel hugging it out. Just as the night is coming to an end, all seems to be going well Bill finds his boat has been stolen by none other than newlyweds. Harry yells something about being spontaneous, while Nathaniel yells about going on the honeymoon of their dreams. As they sail off into the sunset.
We close with Elijah and Bill sharing a drink and rethinking the life choices that got them here. We then find out Cher knew who the groom was the whole time and just found the whole thing very funny hence why she told no one.
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goldsbitch · 3 months
In a world where people get born with the first sentence their soulmate shares with them tattooed on their wrist, Y/N and Oscar are probably not the ones with the easiest story to tell.
note: first Oscar fic! this is prep for a longer 1k followers celebration...i'm a little too excited for that one
warning: pure fluff
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Not everyone got to meet their soulmate, and that was totally fine. Her parents weren't soulmates and they still managed to have an amazing life. Why waste time waiting around and looking for a guy who's first word he'd ever say to her was suppose to be "Ah."
"Ah."...? What was that about anyway? Stupid wrist tattoo, marking her forever with a word so unimpressive.
During her teenage years, it became an inside joke between her and her best friend. A word to overuse so much it could truly mean anything. Ah.
Her boyfriend was definitely not her soulmate. He was blessed with having a full sentence on his wrist - but in French, a language she did not speak. The hot, dark haired boy was too obsessed with studying physics to take the whole concept of soulmates seriously, so when they met in university, it was a no brainer to follow the path set by hormones rather than fate and date together.
Only after they graduated she realized just how soul-crushing it was to spend time with him. When the social circles broke down and they were left alone, it was more than clear they were not a good match. But it's hard to see the tornado when you're standing inside of it.
The vacation was suppose save the relationship. Instead, their fights were laced with her running away and him having his eyes wonder around any girl walking by.
Only two more days, she said as she walked hastily around a garden adjacent to the villa they were staying at, once again. It was like a dance - they'd fight, she'd run away, he'd search for her and they'd go back to their room for a night of silence. On repeat for the whole vacation organized by the devil himself. The plan was to turn her life upside down once she arrived back home. Start fresh. At that moment, she had no idea just how fresh that would be.
She stood in the middle of a pathway leading to dimly lit swimming pool, tired and impatient. By this time her boyfriend would usually be on his way to get her back.
Finally, grass cracking sound that followed any footstep in this garden. She closed her eyes, unable to do this dance anymore.
"I want to break up," she whispered and turned around.
Oscar did not plan on speaking with this woman standing in the middle of the way back to his hotel room. He was just coming back from his late evening swim session.
When she uttered those words, it was like each of the syllable burned on his skin. Hundred questions answered and thousand new on the table.
Absolutely baffled, yet in his typical stoic style of keeping it together on the outside, while exploding internally, he couldn't bring himself to a more than..."Ah."
Oscar fully believed in the concept of soulmates and had no doubt that he would meet his, that's why he refrained from dating anyone who did not have the specific, very strange, words on their wrist.
"I want to break up"...? Why would this be the first thing you ever say to someone?
Over the time, he figured it would just be him overhearing the words. Or that he was one of the lucky ones, having a soulmate who has a special catch phrase they use when introducing to anyone new. He imagined his soulmate to be clever and cunning. And like the dreamer he was, he already had several versions of their meet up in his head, usually followed by their whole life together playing out. Oh, what a bliss when the moment would finally come.
But when it came, it took him totally of guard. Somehow, in all the scenarios he thought about his whole life, he missed probably the most realistic one. He was only trying to get back to his room and this girl was standing in the middle of the only clear pathway, as if it was nothing. She spoke with her back turned to him.
"I want to break up."
And when she turned around, after mistaking him for someone else, he saw a beautiful face, all puffy with smudged make up. And obviously in a really bad mood. He was, as they say, too stunned to speak.
"Ah." He said bluntly, too quickly for him to even notice it, processing the fact he just heard that one specific sentence, the one that should define the rest of his life.
She stared at him, as if he just offended her entire family. "What?!"
He felt..nothing. She couldn't be his soulmate. No way. Most likely because he had his response to "I want to break up" rehearsed his whole life. It was supposed to be "Worry not, now I am here." A lovely sentence to walk around with, right? He wanted his soulmate to wear the tattoo proudly, not with - what was it he even said? Did he even say something? He didn't, did he?
"Worry not, now I am here," he tried, feeling like he had nothing to loose. The words came out clumsily, as if they tripped over one another.
He was sure her face was already the most confused one could make, but she proved him wrong, quickly.
"Sorry, I'll leave you to it. This was obviously a misunderstanding," he said, trying to be polite and took few steps ahead to get going. She reacted and stepped right into his way.
This surely couldn't be it. But, emotions were running high, she thought she was addressing her boyfriend and was somehow trying to comprehend the fact she nearly broke up with him. And then she hears an "Ah." "What did you say?" she shot at him, no filter whatsoever, watching him with fascination and some flavor of anger.
Oscar was beginning to regret ever engaging in this conversation. "Worry not, now I am here...There, now, is that tattooed on your wrist? I imagine not, so, apologies and I'll leave you to whatever you're doing," he said, without giving her much space to respond. He felt slightly guilty about leaving an obviously distressed woman alone there, but his social awkwardness won this round and he just wanted this to be over.
"No, you didn't," she said, not intent on moving anywhere. Determined look replaced her sorrow.
"I'm pretty sure I did."
"And I am sure you didn't," she said, raising her wrist all the way to his eyeline. "You said this, didn't you?!"
It was not a tone of playful or even hopeful realization. Her delivery was spiced with unresolved anger that grew inside. He squeezed his eyes, having hard time seeing the small letters in the light of the nearing night. "What's that?"
She put her hand down, having a really hard time believing this was actually happening. It took him by surprise the speed with which she reached for his own hand, but his racer reflexes kicked in and he managed to avoid her.
Annoyed sigh left her mouth. "Will you show me your hand? I've already had a pretty shit day without you making obstructions."
He looked deeply in her eyes. This was a lot of emotion battling each others, little too much for Oscar.
"I'm pretty sure we're not soulmates," he said dryly.
"Tell me what's on your hand and I'll let you fuck off from when you came from."
"I'd actually like to go the other way-"
"Show me your hand!"
Visibly taken back, almost offended by her shouting, he reveled his wrist.
Time stopped for Y/N for few seconds. She was staring at the words she uttered just a minute ago. Decided to take a deep breath before she looked in his eyes once again. "Sorry for...screaming. We're almost definitely soulmates...You said "Ah." It felt good to finally know what kind of tone this sound was spoken with. End to the endless possibilities.
The irony of the fact that Oscar had a hard time remembering if he had actually said something so stupid dwelled on him. Did he? Knowing himself, he probably did.
"Ah," he repeated with a much heavier, slightly bitter, undertone.
They just stood there, staring at each other. Was this suppose to be it? The moment he longed for and the one she already mourned? Just now she noticed that he was a gorgeous guy. Heavenly actually. Such a kind smile. Innocent look with a hint of spice. But she believed in love, not necessarily soulmates. Even if she did, this was the worst moment to do this. Little, almost invisible, tears started rolling from her eyes.
"Can I take a photo of you?" she asked, with defeated smile, wanting to walk away with a tangible evidence for her lonely evenings in the future.
Oscar was still processing. "Sure," he replied to a sentence he heard thousand times each month. Very automatically his body moved for a classic hug with a fan - which she rejected and just snapped a photo of his face.
"Nice to meet you. But I have my shit to deal with. I'm not good for you anyway," she said and sprinted back to he hotel room, to her current boyfriend and a deadend life. He just stood there, unable to comprehend. When he finally did, she was gone.
"Mr. Piastri, you understand that I can't just give you a room number to someone who you don't even know by name," the receptionist said, not backing down to his urgency.
"But she is my soulmate! She just passed by, surely you would know which one of the guests she is," he said, both hand on the counter, towering the poor reception lady.
"I'm going to have to ask you to stop this request or we might be forced to cancel your stay and remove you from the premise."
He rolled his fingers into his first, mad at himself the most out of all the people. "Yeah. Great. Understood."
Y/N didn't sleep for a minute that night. When she returned back without a word, her boyfriend didn't even look up. She didn't really care.
"Let's just get through these few days," he said and she just nodded.
Mind racing around new set of eyes she memorized from the photo she had, not having a clue that he in fact was a racer.
Breakfast. Oscar's chance to take destiny into his own hands. He was the first one to arrive and planned on being the last one to leave. And should she miss her breakfast, he'd move into the lobby. Determined to talk to her at least one more time. Sat there, drinking his juice and bouncing his leg up to the point it annoyed even him.
He'd probably be at the breakfast, she realized as her sleep deprived body walked towards the elevator. A stolen glance at her partner. They hadn't said a word to each other the whole morning. To think she once thought one of them would bury the other after a nice full-filled life. Coffee and croissant was her only hope now. And of course the guy from yesterday was there. Sitting at a table, alone, very obviously finished with his breakfast. Arms crossed and eyeing all the entrances. She couldn't help but smile and light up when she saw him. He sat there. Waiting. Was there even a possibility he'd be waiting for her? Like a soulless ghost, she followed her current partner and sat down to the table he picked.
Oscar was a secret over-thinker. He spent every minute going through every possibility of what could happen. So of course he was ready, in theory, for her entering with another guy or a girl. However, the whole nature of her first sentence to him was about breaking up. And you don't say that in a healthy relationship.
It was now or never for him. He watched the pair grab a seat few tables away from him. God, she was gorgeous. Seeing her walk in, summer dress proving the internet was right once again, made him weak in his knees and unable to look away. She paused upon noticing him, eyes shyly flashing back and forth, absolutely no plan or idea what to do. Awkwardly put her things down the at the table, fumbled around aimlessly and proceeded to walk over the breakfast bar. As she walked, she could almost feel his eyes piercing through her back. For some reason, it felt as if he knew something she didn't. she had to actively convince herself to act normal, as if this was her first time having breakfast at a hotel. Copy others. Oscar did indeed stare at her as if there was no tomorrow. Eyes glued to her back, cosplaying as the worst private detective this planet ever produced. He found himself getting up and approaching the bar she was standing by, the guy she came in long gone from her close proximity.
Oscar gulped before speaking, standing right beside her, pretending to be interested in a stack of apples. Her eyes flashed to her left, but she already knew who was standing next to her. It was as if she could hear his energy, something divine, intoxicating and most importantly - inevitable.
"Morning....I hope you've had better night than when you left yesterday," he opened with, desperately trying to break the ice. He was absolutely hopeless with small talk. His tone created a small smile on her face. This sort strange and unique tonality, which was exceptionally hard to decipher, mixed with his Australian accent. Again, so many questions popping up in her head - her body wanted her to find out everything about this guy.
"I'm not sure that's the case. But thank you for asking I guess," she said and leaned over his hand to reach for a fresh peach. It was not her conscious decision to brush his hand, but it definitely could have been avoided. Neither party mattered. Two shy smiles were created at that moment.
"Would you mind sharing your name with me?" he asked, as she glanced over to his wrist, to look at his tattoo once again.
She answered, slightly hesitantly. "Y/N."
"Are interjections the only language you speak?" she whispered, still not over the whole "Ah." thing and finally stopped pretending to be interested in the breakfast bar. She did the best she could to meet his eye while not turning around and becoming too obvious.
Oscar was having trouble processing his body's reaction to this girl being so close now. "No, but I am happy you seem interested to know that."
It was impossible to fight of the smile. "I'm not, you're the reason I'm walking with this my whole life," she said, lifting her wrist once again.
He fiddled with some apples, trying to keep his hands busy. "I'd like to object that in this pair I'm the one who lost"
"Don't say the word pair," she said in a tone so unserious even she couldn't pretend to believe it.
"Why, does that idea make you nervous?" he clicked his tongue, feeling more confident with every second she stayed there with him.
"I have a boyfriend," she stated, lying to herself anyway.
He smirked. "Apologies, must have misread my own hand."
"I can't break up with someone on a holiday," she responded, reaching for straws, not even knowing why. She took two steps to the coffee line and to no surprise, he followed.
"You didnt seem to think as such yesterday," he said in more serious tone. "Look, I don't know you-"
"No, you don't," she jumped in before he continued.
"-But...let me present my hypotheses, so that we can test the whole soulmate thing. Does that not make you at least a bit excited?" he said, trying to hide his own excitement, which was something he did not have to do often, so he was not really good at it.
She found his confidence mixed with clumsiness so intoxicating. "It's overrated," she argued, perhaps trying to see how much he's willing to defend it.
"I'm so much looking forward to proving that theory wrong." There is was. The point of no return.
"Well before you do," she bit her smile, accidentally leaving a pause for him to fill.
"Ah, so you believe that I will," he said sith his signature "I won" smile.
"Again, with the interjections, you gotta unlearn that," she said, happy he couldn't see directly into her face, as she felt the blush spreading.
"Teach me."
"Stop it...." she froze, searching in memory a moment when he'd introduce himself.
She finally paused and dared to look at him, or more specifically stopped resisting her wondering eyes. Her mind rushed through all the Oscar's she had the pleasure to meet and absolutely none of them did justice to the name. His kind eyes, while somewhat giving shy guy vibes, pierced through her fearlessly. So sure of himself, et somehow humble. An impossible enigma she could see herself deciphering for the rest of her life.
"Nice name," she said, in a completely new tone, one he hadn't heard yet. Calm, kind and intrigued.
"Thank you." They stared at each other for few more moment, utterly inappropriately for two strangers in a coffee line. Taking in the little intricacies about the other, as if memorizing for a test.
"You said you had a hypotheses?" she broke silence, not quite sure they were at the same planet as their surroundings anymore. All around them sort of blended together into an unclear, totally unimportant mush.
"I do. Hope I don't overstep."
"I think that does not matter now," she said, walls crumbling down one by one.
"Good. I think you don't want to break up with your current boyfriend now that you'd met me," he said boldly.
"Astonishingly obnoxious," she teased, unable to believe he caught her.
"Fair. But, yesterday you wanted to. Now, it serves like a perfect excuse why run away from this," he said and stepped just a little bit closer to her.
"I don't want to be a slave of some destiny bullshit," she said, while absolutely agreeing with destiny this time.
There was no way back for Oscar. Looking into her eyes was making him drown in lands never explored before. "Yes, but why reject it before we even get the chance to discover if we like each other."
"I don't even know you."
"Your parents didn't know each other at one point," he said matter-o-factly.
The reality was creeping into her mind. "I hardly know anything about you! Like where you live, what you do..."
He was not letting her go. "All over the globe, I am a racing driver. You?"
How come it seemed so easy and obvious for him? "Oscar, I'm..I'm scared." Intimidated was the word she wanted to use, but it felt a little bit too much.
"Of what?"
"I dunno...? Of this working out?"
"Do you realize that sounds quite ridiculous."
"Well, I believe this is going to be great fun. Listen, it's not socially acceptable for me to bother you for longer. But I desperately hope this is not the last conversation we share," he lowered his voice, parting ways with her being the last thing he actually wanted to do, but his intuition told him, that he had to give her some space to come forward to his, her decision.
Y/N's head was a mess, truth slipping through, passing all the filters that seemed to have stopped working. "I am afraid it's not."
He smiled. "Good. Now, I'll leave you to your life - do whichever you think is right. But please give me your number."
"No, you give me yours so that I can call you when i want to. You know, boundaries," she ordered, trying to keep some control in her hands.
He trusted his gut. "Fair."
"Lady, I can't tell you where's Oscar's room." It was a different receptionist that Oscar had dealt with, but probably with the same training.
"But it's a suprise! Look, I have his number an everything."
"Why don't you call him?"
"You're familiar with the concept of a surprise?"
Unlike Oscar, she managed to convince the reception into giving her Oscar's room number. It was all the way up at the last floor. Fancy, she thought. It's impossible to convey the energy and adrenaline cocktail that Y/N was on when she was on the way to knock on his room and announce that she actually went though with the break up and the guy was on his way home, cutting the vacation early. It was unhinged, reckless, addictive. She had to stop herself several times, as the excitement mixed with fear was making her put on faces very strange to anyone who should pass by. If music was on, she'd dance for hours. Hell, she had no idea what was suppose to happen now. And that had never felt so exhilarating before.
With one last breath before her life changed for good, she knocked on the door.
After the longest few seconds ever experienced on this planet, he finally opened the door.
She physically couldn't hold it anymore. "I broke up with him," she blurted out the moment their eyes met.
Oscar tried to take in the image of his soulmate, standing there in front of him, flustered and ready to take the leap with him, once again, having trouble holding his smile in.
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01zfan · 1 month
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handsy | l. at
boyfriend!anton x fem!reader | 2.2k words
contains: fingering, body worship (??)
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Anton’s hands were made to do everything. Long before his hands learned any talent they did everyday mundane tasks. But even before Anton became an adult and learned the importance of self-maintenance, he knew he had pretty hands. He took pride in his slender fingers and his soft palms and the gentle creases and folds. He was no stranger to comparing hand sizes or the look of surprise on people’s faces when they grazed his soft palm. Anton was humble though, every compliment he received he took in with a smile and a bashful shake of his head.
Anton knew that you took a liking to his hands very early on. Before your relationship started and you were too shy to be too specific with your compliments, Anton could tell there was something you wanted to say, and that his hands seemed to make you nervous. He knew you had an affinity for grabbing at his wrist and stare at at his fingers whenever he’d point or prod at you playfully. Anton even started speaking more with his hands just for you, finding enjoyment in the way your eyes flitted down before focusing back on his face. 
He still remembers the first time you gave yourself the chance to really look at them. His hands were also made for you to mindlessly play with as you two focused on other things. Quality time and physical touch rolled into one, you two sat on the couch side by side while your hands played with his and the other scrolled on your phone. Anton was focused on something of his own, his laptop opened as he felt his hand be touched by yours. With his eyes still focused on his laptop he felt the way you were holding him change. Suddenly, his fully extended hand was pressed flat against yours, palm to palm as you compared the sizes. Then Anton felt you form his hand into a fist before you pulled out each finger, rubbing your thumb over each nail bed and perfectly trimmed cuticle until his palm was fully extended again. He was malleable against your touch, not fighting back when you your full focus on him. Anton felt his hand twist and turn during your inspection, and when he finally turned his head again he saw you try your best to say your compliment nonchalantly.
“I really like your hands.”
That was all it took. Anton pinched your warm cheek afterwards and did the bashful thank you like he always did, but after that moment something changed. You didn’t hide your liking for Anton’s hands and he didn’t hide his belief that his hands were made for you. They were meant to open doors for you and hold your hand, they were meant to press against the small of your back when walking through all crowds and helping you open up jars or hold your purse. They were meant to pick you up and slide underneath your shirt or slip past your waistband. 
They were made to do what he was doing now, gently playing with your clit while the other kneaded your chest. Anton’s hands fully believed their purpose, rubbing slow circles until you let a tiny whine out right next to his ear.
“I’m watching the movie.” Anton said before pulling you into his side.
Anton felt your eyes trained on the side of his face, he could see in his peripheral that you bit your lip to try and hold back sounds he would mockingly shush you for making. When you realized he wasn’t budging you looked down, and a whimper slipped past your teeth at the view of Anton’s hand disappearing past your waistband. When Anton saw the view for himself he scooted closer on his side and brought your leg between his so you could feel his clothed dick jump against your leg. He slowly dragged his dick against your thigh before sliding his fingers further into your pants. 
You never meant to end up with Anton’s hand underneath your shirt and the other in your pants. One moment you were on your back while Anton was on his side, the two of you getting ready to watch the movie. One thing led to another like it always did, Anton pulled you closer to his body as his hand traced shapes on whatever part of you he could reach. He always pretended that his teasing were mindless actions, that the tiny shapes on your stomach or the pinches on your arms was just a habit. Your habit was always getting strung up on the feeling of him touching you, and the side of his face that was just so pretty. The moment Anton noticed you were responding to him it was over. He started getting more grabby, moving his pinches to the fleshy parts of your waist and pressing deeper into your skin. He still kept his eyes on the movie as his hand traced shapes all the way to your waistband. He stayed there like the tease he was, folding and pawing at the elastic as it pressed into your skin. Anton always waited for when you would have enough and gently push his hand lower. Each time he would get a smirk on his face before turning to you, like he was fulfilling a purpose. 
“You really do like my hands, huh?” He said teasingly.
He feigned indifference while his other hand was already working underneath your bra. Sometimes he didn’t even waste the time to push your shirt and bra up to your neck to reveal your chest. Something about the covertness of it all, seeing the movement underneath your layers of clothes. Anton liked feeling your bra press against the back of his hand and the waistband of your shorts on his wrist. The sight further solidified the notion that his hands were always meant to be on you in some capacity.
He was meant to pull noises out of you and cause you to arch your back and close your eyes in bliss. He was meant to kiss your cheek and watch you try and give him a distracted kiss back even though he had already pulled away. The movie was long forgotten, instead Anton tuned into the way you gripped his forearm and was so close to begging for more.
“Does it feel that good?” He asked with a smile still on his face.
“God. So good.” You mumbled.
Blessed are the hands that serve. Or was it Blessed hands serve? Whichever it was, Anton truly believed it. Anytime he had the opportunity to have you like this purely because of his fingertips he realized he was blessed. God himself shined down on Anton each time he was able to cause a twitch in your body or coax a hushed sound from your throat. He was blessed to have someone so receptive to his touch and respond to his ever word. 
Sometimes it felt like you clung to every syllable, letting it hang in the air a few moments as your foggy mind thought of a response. Anton never meant to be a tease, but he developed the nasty habit of reveling in your reaction to his mockery and the way you clung to him so desperately. 
He bent down until his nose was touching the side of your head and took his time bringing in a big inhale of you. He smelled the product you put in your hair that morning, the faint smell of your body soap that still clung to your skin and something else. Anton could only describe the scent as you, it permeated the air and stuck to his fingers and travelled all the way up to his nose. Anton wanted to bathe in it, he wanted to become it. He let out a shaky exhale into your hair, his warm breath absorbed by your already clammy skin. You let out a shaky breath yourself when Anton reached his hand further into your pants and pressed the pad of his finger to your slit.
“So wet.” He tsked. 
You tried to turn your head to look at Anton, but he kept his face pressed to the side of yours. It forced you to look at the lump his hand created underneath the fabric of your shorts. He was baring witness too, smiling to himself when he watched your stomach twitch and jump in anticipation.
“Please don’t tease me.” You begged.
Anton’s smile only got wider, he was sure you could feel the curve in his lips against your skull and the smile in his voice as he spoke.
“Who said I was teasing you?” Anton pressed the pads of his fingers deeper into your slit, so close to actually being inside of you. “I’m just saying you’re really wet.” He reasoned.
You still shook your head, your hand that gripped his waist moved to hold the covers you sat on top of. When Anton would press particularly hard you would arch your back and try and preen your hips towards his fingers. The third time you let your hips flick upwards and a shaky breathy moan Anton laughed and kissed the side of your head.
“Want me to use my fingers?” He asked honestly.
The small amount of pride you had left a long time ago. You unabashedly nodded your head at Anton’s question, you even moved further to Anton’s body when he opened up his arm to you.
“Come here.” He cooed.
Anton put his arm behind your head and pulled you close to him. He pressed his fingers deeper and deeper into your slit, and finally you felt the relief of Anton’s two fingers pushing into your heat. When you parted your lips to moan and finally let out the sounds you kept muffled Anton pushed two fingers into your mouth.
He watched in satisfaction as the initial surprised waned to acceptance and in an instant Anton felt your tongue swirl over his digits. He felt the flat part of your tongue run over his smooth nail beds, and the tip of your tongue pry between the cracks in his fingers. Your tongue moving frantically pushed Anton to speed up his fingers inside of you, and he pulled away slightly to see your eyes closed in bliss. He took the time to gaze down at your own hands, one of them fisting the covers while the other clutched at his clothed thigh. He went back to the sight of his hand underneath your shorts, doing what they did best. When your teeth grazed his fingers Anton quickened the pace of his fingers and worked in a third when you stopped sucking on his fingers completely. Your hand that was playing with the duvet cover grabbed his wrist to push it deeper into your pants.
“Anton.” Your words came out muffled from his fingers that pressed into your tongue. “I’m close.”
His hum of acknowledgment was becoming whiny, he started feeling himself pulse at the sight of you becoming undone. Intense fulfillment flooded over Anton seeing you screw your eyes shut and whimper around his fingers. He placed a kiss to the side of your cheek and sped up his hand fighting against the resistance of your shorts and underwear.
“Your fingers are so nice.” You whimpered.
When Anton bent his fingers at the knuckle inside of you, your entire body seized up. He started grinding the butt of his palm against your clit and used the figners that weren’t in your mouth to turn your head completely towards him. He kiss your occupied lips, he flicked his tongue against yours and his fingers that were still wedged into your mouth. Anton continued kissing your through your open-mouthed pants and moans, making up for your delayed kisses tenfold. He continued kissing you when your whimpers turned to labored moans and your nails dug into his wrist. He just continued licking and kissing your mouth and his fingers while pumping in and out of your spasming heat.
When your body stopped twitching and you started shaking your head from the overstimulation, Anton finally stopped. He pulled his hand from your mouth and fixed your disheveled shirt. He preserved the tiny string of spit that connected your parted lips to his fingers until he got to the bottom of your shirt. He pulled down the pinched end of your bra to make sure it covered your chest the same way it did before. After that when your body went limp, Anton finally drew his fingers from inside of you. He pulled his hand from your pants, following the lump he caused and the sound the elastic waistband hitting your skin. His eyes went to his fingers, sticky and glistening while he held it up to both of your faces. Anton felt your flushed cheek burn against his as he slowly pressed his fingers together and pulled them apart, watching the slimy strings of your cum web between the digits. 
Anton watched with a fascination that ended with a breathy laugh when you covered your face. He stuck his fingers into his mouth, licking up everything until he no longer tasted you. When he was done he used his wet fingers to tilt your chin towards him, and he pressed his lips to yours in one last sweet kiss. Anton smiled when he noticed you taste yourself on his lips, and he pulled away to gently rub your cheek. When you uncovered your face and opened your eyes Anton laughed at your blown out pupils that were only just starting to return back to normal.
“Let’s get back to the movie.” 
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
okay I’ve refrained from posting my thoughts on the ted lasso finale until now in the interest of making sure they’re expressed properly so that people understand how correct my opinions actually are. but I’m here and I’m queer and LET’S DO IT FOLKS:
Nate!! Nate was a timid, sweet note in this episode. It was such a gentle little reintegration of his character back into the team and seeing him get a secure happy ending after all that time of insecurity was the part of the episode that provided the MOST payoff. Seeing Nick Mohammed’s post about Nate and his family life and understanding how much he put into that character was so beautiful to see too. I adore actors who very publicly (and in a nerdy way) love their craft!
His conversation with Ted also made me cry like I have never cried before.
COLIN KISSED HIS FELLA AFTER A WIN!! Ugh such a beautiful payoff and full circle moment for him, I was truly squealing with joy <3
The team’s rendition of So Long, Farewell had me GIGGLINGGG oh my god, I’m a die hard Sound of Music fan so I loved it! I would have maybe liked a little more emotion from Ted, I felt like his reaction was kind of… meh? meek? but other than that the song itself was FANTASTIC.
Obviously I love that they won the game, duh
They also had a lot of really amazing and thoughtful callbacks in this episode, like Keeley’s parallel to her entrance in the pilot was great, Ted’s bbq sauce mantra, Nate leaping into Ted’s arms, the ussie guy, the winning play being the play from season 1. All of those little moments showed a strong attention to detail I truly loved.
I love that Rupert made HIMSELF unlikeable in the end. Rebecca didn’t need to ruin his life; she stopped caring and soon saw he was doing a perfectly fine job of doing it himself. Karma truly is Rebecca Welton’s boyfriend!! Or is it?
Jake the motherfucking client seducer over here turning out to be a total dud like yesss!! I don’t want Ted and Michele back together by any means but fuck that guy lol, glad to see she and Henry were getting sick of him
Which leads me to…
I know you all know I ship Tedbecca, but this is truly not coming from a shipper standpoint when I say that that first scene of them was absolute BAIT. It was pretty disappointing because I know Ted Lasso’s been prone to red herrings and fakeouts every now and then but I didn’t take it as a show that would truly bait their fans with something like that??
I don’t care if I’m biased, I don’t care if the writers were trying to be avant-garde with their ending for rebecca, I’ll say what I’m about to say a million times: writing off 1 of your 2 most main characters into a happy ending with a man whose name the audience doesn’t even know is literally never a good writing decision. I think this should be obvious.
I have no hate to Boat Guy, Rebecca’s whole thing with him was basically the plot of Before Sunrise + Before Sunset (all hail Richard Lanklater) if someone watched those movies and then tried condensing them into fifteen accumulated minutes of television
Keeley, Roy, Jamie… they did you three so fucking dirty my babes. Keeley you especially. I’m beyond disappointed, bordering on genuinely hurt, by how much they screwed up Keeley and all of her adjacent storylines this season.
I loved RoyKeeley so much in seasons 1 and 2, they had such a sweetness and a magic to them. There were so many elements like that to season 1 and 2 that I feel the writers gave up on in the name of growth or… honestly, at this point, I don’t know why they did this. Roy was a little insecure in seasons 1 and 2, but I never felt like he was needy. It felt so cruel to have shown us RoyKeeley in all of these moments of such stability, such healthiness, and such genuine love for so long and then rip it away for some version of Roy Kent that felt hollow, twisted, and who just Did Not Get It. It makes me so sad.
It makes me sad for Jamie too. Him falling for Keeley again was like the last thing I needed to see from his character. There’s so much else they could have done with him, and instead they took that beautiful moment of him being accountable and respectful with Keeley and the tape, and they turned it into something ugly: they had him weaponize it as a bargaining chip against Roy.
I don’t understand why they thought having our favs engaged in this very sexist outdated convo with such possessive language in the name of comedy was a good idea. I get it was poking fun at them but it was the kind of fun that shouldn’t have to be poked at by now. They’re not these men, I don’t recognize this version of them. It’s such a regression.
speaking of weird and uncomfortable shit being played off for laughs… beard and jane got married! ted wasn’t even there! she shredded his passport to keep him in captivity! how creepy! (see the joke is that they’re crazy and do toxic things to each other. you’re supposed to laugh.)
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imaginecolby · 2 years
leaving and growing up || c.b.
summary: you have a moment of realization that home is wherever you feel the safest, surrounded by all the people you love.
inspired by “matilda” by harry styles. requested by anonymous. (pretend this is set around may 2022, of course, when the album came out.)
you don't have to be sorry  for leaving and growing up
“okay, no one bother me for the next hour.” you called as you walked up the stairs. the new harry styles album had just come out, and you needed to be left alone to fully submerge yourself in the music.
“have fun.” colby called from the couch, blowing you a kiss as you walked upstairs. sam and katrina were laughing next to him. you waved at them, closing the door behind you. you opened spotify and connected your laptop to your bluetooth speaker. 
as the songs began, you felt yourself bopping along to the beats of each one. the first few songs were very vibey, and you felt yourself swaying back and forth in the spot you were sitting in on the floor. as you reached track six, little freak, things started to slow down. the song brought a small tear to your eyes as the words allowed you to reflect on the past relationships that were you were no longer apart of.
you rolled the nostalgia off your shoulders as you paused the song to ready yourself for the next one. you took a deep breath before pressing play again. what you weren’t ready for was the huge wave of emotions that hit you once matilda started playing. 
you can let it go you can throw a party full of everyone you know and not invite your family, ‘cause they never showed you love you don’t have to be sorry for leavin’ and growin’ up
that string of lyrics hit you harder than you ever could have expected. in short, your family was very unsupportive of your choice to move out to LA and pursue a career as a youtuber. and they were especially unsupportive of your choice to move in with your boyfriend when he decided to move to las vegas. everything about your life, from the work you did, the people you dated, the place you lived, even the clothes you wore. 
hearing it in words, even though not immediately directed to you, you knew that it wasn’t your fault. you knew that living your best life, doing what you wanted to do, was the best thing you could have ever done for yourself. you met some of your best friends, and created such a wonderful social circle. you’d met the love your life, and you and him were both seriously talking about spending the rest of your lives together. you created your own family, full of so many people who truly love you.
as you thought about the life you had, and the people you surrounded yourself with, you couldn’t help but feel sad for the people who were no longer a part of it. you continuously told yourself it was their loss, and that anyone would be lucky to be in your life. however, some days, that was harder to believe than others. 
after the song ended, you needed to pause and collect yourself before moving forward with the rest of the album. you took some time to cry (sob, really), and get your feelings out. you must have taken a longer time than you thought, because after a while, you heard the bedroom door open. you lifted your head and watched as colby walked over to you, a small frown on his face.
“baby? what’s wrong? the music’s been stopped for a while.” he asked, sitting on the floor next to you. you shook your head and wiped your face.
“nothing. it’s stupid.” you sighed, avoiding his gaze. you knew that would only make you cry harder..
“it’s not stupid. talk to me.” he said softly. he moved your face towards his so he could meet your gaze. “what’s wrong?” 
“i am just so grateful for you, and everything you’ve given me. i know i tell you all the time, but you have changed my life in so many ways, and i feel so lucky that i get to be on this journey with you.” you said. you went on and on, thanking him profusely for everything that he’s done for you, and introducing you to all the wonderful people you’re friends and get to work with. he knew your history with your parents and other family members, and you explained that that was the main reason for your emotions. he sat there quietly, listening intently as you spoke, watching as the tears fell harder. he pulled you into his chest and hugged you tight.
“i love you so much.” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you continued to sob. he pulled away and squeezed your arms, smiling at you. “you don’t have to thank me, or feel sorry for choosing the life you have. you are so deserving of love, and everyone who has met you knows that.” he said. he continued to talk you down, and after a while, you were finally able to stop your tears. you were both leaning against the wall, your head on colby’s shoulders. your fingers were intertwined, and you’d been sitting in silence, just soaking up each other’s presence.  
“i love you so much.” you said softly.
“i love you so much.” colby repeated. you looked up at him and smiled, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek. colby ended up sitting with you as you made it through the rest of the album. the rest of the songs were so good, and you ended up loving the entire album more than you could even put into words.
“god, he does it again. i love him so much.” you said as you closed out of spotify.
“not more, than me, i hope.” colby teased.
“maybe just a little bit.” you joked. you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to lips.
“but you settled for me. and that’s really all that matters.” he laughed and you shook your head, kissing him again.
you and him made your way back down stairs and joined sam and katrina on the couch, watching whatever movie they were watching. you took in your surroundings, and eased into the back of your couch, letting go all the negative feelings that came about just moments ago.
you loved your life, and the people you had in it. you knew now that you would never be sorry for leaving and making it on your own.
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shibaraki · 3 years
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tags: GN reader, suggestive, implications of puppy play, established relationship, praise kink, tsumu is a good boy
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Miya Atsumu. Hand picked for the olympic team and well known all over Japan, the man is volleyball royalty in his own right. You'd known him for years, loved him for longer, and during that time you'd noticed a fair few things about him. It could be easy to miss if you weren't paying attention, but Atsumu is the man you love, so you're with him more often than you're not.
Atsumu enjoys attention and responds very well to praise, he's loyal to a fault and loves in extremes. Calculated and nimble on the court but a mess of limbs at home, ungraceful and boyish, he's clingy and handsy and playful.
You'd made a joke once, as he was clambering onto the sofa to lay his entire body on top of you, that he was like a Great Dane that thought it was a lap dog.
Since then it had all been threading together in your mind, the bits and pieces you'd noticed. That was exactly it - he reminded you of a puppy.
Something within you stirs excitedly at the idea of it, a part of you undiscovered before now. Your gaze falls to where he sits by your feet, back against your shins and relaxed as he watches the recording of his match playing loudly on the TV. It's all background noise to you, though, as you slip your hand into his soft hair and scratch lightly at his scalp. He shudders under your ministrations, tilting his head back into the touch and melting like butter, the weight of his body growing heavy against your legs.
"That feel nice?" You laugh as he hums appreciatively, and he leans his head all the way back so he can look at you, grinning with a lovesick expression on his face.
"Yer hands are like magic," he sighs.
His attention is drawn again to the TV, and he begins to squirm with excitement, his hand shooting up to circle your wrist and pull you upright.
"Baby, m'about to serve, watch!"
His enthusiasm is contagious, so endearing to you that it leaves your heart aching, your attention turning to the screen. It was their most recent match, you couldn't attend in person so you recorded it to watch with him again later on. You remember that he and the team had synced well in this match, ending in a huge success. They’d all huddled around him and swaddled him tightly in celebration. He was their setter — of course he’d had the position for a while, but now he well and truly was their game master. Their composer. They believed in his skills completely and he soaked up their trust like a sponge, bathing in it unabashedly. He had always been weak to praise, you knew.
“I played well, didn’t I?” he grins, saying it like it’s a fact yet the lilt in his voice is begging you to reiterate the sentiment. Tell me I did good, please reward me, that’s what he was really saying. Like a puppy begging for a treat, the back of your mind whispers.
“You were amazing, ‘Tsumu,” you concede, the compliments coming easily because it’s the truth. “You’re never boring on the court”.
His back straightens with your encouragement, turning his body to face you, a noticeable pink stripe blooming it’s way across his cheeks and his eyes brightening in delight. Such a good boy.
“Winners deserve rewards, right?” you murmur, leaning closer to him so you can cradle his face in both of your hands. He presses readily into the touch, turning his nose into your palm, closing his eyes for a moment to savour your affections.
“A reward?” he breathes, words heavy like his tongue can’t wrap around them, if he had a tail it’d surely be wagging.
You hum an affirmative, tenderly stroking the pads of your thumbs along his cheekbones.
“What would you like?”
You observe him in the few moments he takes to think it over. Your sweet, sweet boyfriend. So handsome, magnetic and charming, he’s so full of love that it spills over into everything he does. He’s emotional and honest about it, heart sitting precariously on his sleeve for all to see. And he’s all yours.
“A kiss or two might be nice,” he says, voice a little rough and suggestive, tilting his chin upwards so you can reach him. You lean over him to press your smiling lips to his, slow and chaste, a soft wet sound accompanied by a quiet complaint from him as you pull back.
“S’not much of a reward, I kiss you all the time,” you point out, moving out of his reach when he chases your mouth. He pouts.
“Wrong,” he mutters, “could never get tired of kissing ya”.
You laugh warmly, completely taken by him. Such a sweet talker, and what made it worse was it was entirely unintentional, he was simply being honest. Atsumu had no qualms about being romantic with you, if he felt something he would verbalise it. Unlike any of your other relationships, he left no room for doubt.
He turns his body fully away from the screen, now kneeling between your thighs, his hands resting above your knees. Without needing to be asked you cup his face between your palms and tilt his chin up, leaning forward to meet him again. This one is heated and encompassing, his tongue rolling into your mouth and circling your own.
His hands climb until they are shaping around your hips, his grip is bruising in the best way, you feel his fingers twitch against you when you sigh wantonly into the kiss. As you move away a string of saliva follows you, stretching and bowing as it thins. Atsumu opens his mouth and follows it with his tongue, licking a stripe along your lower lip.
"You really are like a puppy," you murmur with an amused shake of your head. He stills, blinking owlishly at you, still knelt on the floor infront of you. And then he grins, a little glimmer of smugness there.
“That mean I’m a good boy?”
“You’re such a good boy, ‘Tsumu,” you reply in earnest, your voice low and smooth. He shudders, thighs quivering where he kneels tense and enchanted, far more effected by the words than he anticipated.
“You like when I call you that?” you ask, mystified, it’s like a dream come true — you’re close to pinching yourself just to make sure. His expression is twisted with embarrassment, a lovely shade of pink crawling along his cheekbones to his ears. He turns into the palm of your hand in an attempt to hide and you feel the press of his wet lips to your skin.
“Nothing wrong with likin’ it, ‘Tsumu,” you quickly reassure, realising your bewilderment could be easily misinterpreted. His eyes flicker to yours, pupils dilated and clouded with uncertainty.
“Not just saying it to make you feel better,” you add. He huffs and you know you’ve read his thoughts right.
“Ya don’t think less of me?” He asks, lips moving against your skin. “Never,” you press your forehead to his.
“Feel like being a good boy for me right now?”
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after-witch · 2 years
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27 horror movie and book quote prompts 
“Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore.” (Saw)
“I’m scared to close my eyes; I’m scared to open them." (The Blair Witch Project)
"Even if you were to die your connection to your boyfriend would still remain. Even if you were to die your link to the world would remain. So why are you living?" (Suicide Circle)
“What an excellent day for an exorcism.” (The Exorcist)
“I believe death should be repulsive, so we don’t grow too fond of it.” (FearDotCom)
“Never look back. The past is a wilderness of horrors.” (The Wolfman)
"We've traced the call...it's coming from inside the house." (When a Stranger Calls)
"It was the Boogeyman." (Halloween)
"I told you, I feed erratically, and often enormously." (Shadow of the Vampire)
"The things we do for love like this are ugly, mad, full of sweat and regret. This love burns you and maims you and twists you inside out." (Crimson Peak)
"There's evil in the wood."  (The Witch)
“Am I walking toward something I should be running away from?” (The Haunting of Hill House)
"Because you were home." (The Strangers)
"We eat the year away. We eat the spring and the summer and the fall. We wait for something to grow and then we eat it." (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
"Wouldst thou like the taste of butter? A pretty dress? Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?" (The Witch)
"You weren't supposed to help her." (The Ring)
"In the sudden, brief silence, she heard something within her turn over. Perhaps only her soul." (Carrie)
"I hear it playing while one of you is screaming. Screaming down in the dark somewhere. Screaming the last scream you'll ever--" (Jeepers Creepers)
"The walls speak to me. They tell me secrets. Don’t listen to them, press your hands against your ears..." (Mexican Gothic)
"The flesh is weak... Only the soul is immortal and yours belongs to me." (Angel Heart)
"I take back every bit of energy I gave you. You're nothing. You're shit." (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
"You know, there are rules, you should be more careful. You might upset someone." (Trick 'r Treat)
"Home is the place where when you go there, you have to finally face the thing in the dark." (IT)
"Careful. This is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life, for one last scare." (Scream)
"The blood is the life... and it shall be mine." (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
"There was a cold, musty smell coming through the open doorway: it smelled like something very old and very slow." (Coraline)
"We're only as sick as our secrets." (Doctor Sleep)
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nyuksw · 3 years
need you, sunwoo smut
warnings/content: use of pet names, praising, begging, unprotected sex, overstimulation, oral (fem) gosh i hope this is good enough for my writing comeback fehdjek
You heard some rustling behind the door before it opened, revealing a happy Sunwoo smiling widely at you, his smile soon dropping the second his eyes landed on your face with tears running down your cheeks.
You rushed into his arms, his arms instantly wrapping around you comfortingly.
“What happened?” he asked in a soft yet concerned voice.
“My boyfriend and I - we broke up.” you manage to speak between tears.
“Why? Did something happen?” his voice sounded more concerned.
You sighed and pulled away, too embarrassed to say it. “The sex was bad and that was affecting our relationship…”
Sunwoo raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean the sex was bad?”
“It was him, he would only focus on his own pleasure. I… I never came with him.” you said, lowering your voice at the end as if that would make it any less embarrassing to you.
“So you’ve never had an orgasm?” Sunwoo asked, his voice too loud for your liking making you turn red.
“Sunwoo!” you whined, hitting his arm lightly.
“What? He never knew how to pleasure you properly, what an asshole.” he scoffed, knowing very well he was one of the many guys who put his needs first every single time.
“I have something to ask you.” you pulled him out of his thoughts.
He looked at you, scanning your body language. A habit he developed from being your friend. You were fidgeting with your fingers, you were nervous about something.
“What is it?” he asked, extending a hand to wrap it around your wrist, making you stop your fidgeting and looking up at him.
“I need your help…” you spoke softly, your voice fading without you even noticing, your nerves eating you alive but you were still determined to say it.
“For what?” he asked, raising his eyebrows and nodding slightly forward to encourage you to speak and say it all at once.
You took a deep breath, “Will you have sex with me?”
Sunwoo’s eyes widened, he just stood there for a few seconds. Unsure if he heard right or if his own mind was playing games on him. Were you, his best friend, really asking him that?
A smile started to creep at the corner from his mouth, you knew he probably didn’t believe you. “I’m being serious, I want to have sex with you. I need it…”
Something clicked inside Sunwoo’s mind, feeling slightly hurt. But why? Was it because you only wanted to have sex and have an orgasm and only that, or was it because he was hoping you were asking him because you liked him the same way he has liked you for some time secretly.
“So you only want to use me to ogasm?” He didn’t mean for his tone to come out so bitter but it did.
“It’s not like that!” you quickly reassured him, “Look, we’ve been friends for so long and I trust you the most. Losing my virginity wasn’t as special as I would’ve wanted, so I would like for this to be special, to be with someone that’s important to me. That person being you, Sunwoo.”
Sunwoo’s eyes softened upon hearing that, a gentle smile forming on his lips. He stared into your eyes, already caught in the feelings. He was going to take good care of you and make you feel the way no one else has done before. Even if it was only for one time.
He wrapped his hand around your wrist and pulled you towards him, his other hand cupping your face as you stumbled towards him, lips crashing into a heated kiss. His hands slid down your body, creeping up your shirt. His cold fingers making you shiver as his thumb massages your skin in circles. He started to take steps back, dragging you along with him without breaking the kiss until he felt the couch behind his knees and he pulled you down with him.
You placed your knees at each side of him, wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself. Gasping when he squeezed your ass, taking the chance to slip his tongue in. You started to slowly grind against him, making him groan and pull away.
Unsteady breathing and messy clothes and hair already, he looked up at you. Eyes filled with lust matching yours.
“What’s wrong?” You asked.
Sunwoo smirked and gripped your hips, pulling you down and making you moan the moment you felt his erection nudging your clit through the thin materials of your clothes. He started to move you back and forth, grinding against him again but this time harder and closer.
“Feel that? My dick is already so hard for you and I haven’t even seen anything yet.” he said, his voice coming out in a low husky tone. “Do you like how it feels?” he asked and you nodded.
He swiftly removed your shirt, leaving you only in your bra.
“So fucking hot, you look so beautiful.” he murmured, hands exploring your body.
He unbuttoned your pants and slid his hand down your core, his fingers coming into contact with your wet folds.
“Fuck you’re dripping wet.” he said under his breath.
He started to move his fingers, rubbing your clit in circles. “Come on baby, let me hear you.” He said trailing kisses all over your chest, fingers moving faster. “Don’t be shy.”
You stopped holding back, moaning and squirming under his touch. You have never been this aroused before, you were in pure ecstasy and you haven’t even done too much with him yet.
Sunwoo inhaled sharply, looking up at you with almost dark eyes. “Beg for it, I want to hear you beg. Beg me to make you come.”
“Please make me come.” you managed to say breathlessly.
“I’ll make you come so hard, baby. But I need to hear you beg for it.”
“Sunwoo… p-please.” you whimpered, feeling closer to your orgasm.
“Please what, angel?” he smirked, adding more pressure and speed to his movements.
“Faster -- fuck, please do it faster!”
“Like this?”
His movements became rougher, you felt it building up. Dropping your head to his shoulder, hearing your moans so close to his ear turned him on even more. “I can’t wait to fill you up with my dick.” he groaned and you felt yourself clenching around nothing as he kept his pace with his fingers against your clit.
The tension inside of you bursted, making you throw your head back. Having your first orgasm caused by someone else in so long, it felt so good. His fingers stopped his movements, taking out his hand ghosting over your sensitive clit and making you jolt over the slight overstimulation from the contact.
You came back to your senses, opening your eyes only to see Sunwoo looking at you. His gaze became tender, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear leaning in to peck your lips.
“You look so beautiful.” He whispered.
“I’m probably a mess.” you chuckled.
He shook his head, leaning in back again, capturing your lips into a kiss. He lifted you up carefully, placing you down into the couch. He pulled away to remove his shirt before leaning down to kiss your body all the way from your chest towards your stomach, his fingers pulling down your pants and panties at once as you moved your hands behind your back to unhook your bra and remove it.
Sunwoo looked at you completely naked, eyes once again filled with lust and licking his lips as he got a full view of your exposed core. “I can’t wait to be inside you.”
“Then do it, what are you waiting for?” you asked, biting your lip.
“I’m on something else first,” he smirked and kissed you one more time before he kissed his way down to your core.
He got his arms under your legs and reached for your boobs, massaging them just as he gave your folds a long lick. You gasped with your hips bucking up against him, still a little sensitive from your previous orgasm. You let your eyes flutter shut when Sunwoo continued licking your pussy, teasing your clit with his tongue and placing kisses on it before wrapping his pretty plump lips around it and sucking on it lightly. Sliding two fingers up your slit and pushing them inside you, earning a hot moan from you.
You ran your fingers through his hair and pulled on it lightly as he ate you out, his nose gently rubbing into your sensitive clit.
“Sunwoo, I-I..” you gasped when he curled his fingers inside you, touching your spot and fastened his tongue licks.
“Hmm?” The vibrations of his deep voice made it feel like electricity running all over your body, and just as you were about to speak again, he took your hard nipples between his fingers again, rolling them.
His eyes looking up to you, a proud smirk forming on his lips. “Yeah? Did you say something?”
“I need you…” you breathed, whimpering when he swirled his tongue around your bud and continuing with slow, teasing licks. His fingers kept rolling your nipples, and it all together was adding just too much pleasure.
With a gentle suck on your clit once again, Sunwoo sent you over the edge one more time. You squirmed, your hips bucking up as he hungrily licked all your juices.
Once you calmed down and came back to your senses, cupping Sunwoo’s face with your hand. “Please make love to me.” you whispered.
Sunwoo looked up at you immediately, his eyes almost melting into yours with so much love. He smiled and nodded, quickly pulling down his sweatpants and underwear, moving up towards you and kissing you while getting on his knees between your legs, pumping himself a few times before aligning at your entrance. Looking up at you one more time, you nodded giving him permission.
Sensitive from your previous orgasms, you wrapped your arms around him, whimpering quietly. He noticed and pressed his lips against yours, sharing a gentle kiss as he thrusted into you. Nails digging into his back when you felt him hit your spot, and he grunted at the way your pussy clenched around him, making his thrusts become deeper.
You tightened your legs around his torso, trying to pull him deeper and closer with the heels of your feet pressed against his lower back. He moved his hips against yours, thrusting deeper making you gasp every time he hit your spot. Sunwoo’s breathing was getting more unsteady and his kisses got hungrier as the orgasm he had been holding back started approaching.
“I love you y/n,” he murmured against your lips, sneaking his hand between your bodies so that he could rub your already sensitive clit. You screamed when he increased the speed of his thrusts and angled his lower body so he could hit your spot with each one.
“Sunwoo!” you screamed his name when you finally reached your third orgasm.
Sunwoo buried his head in your neck, groaning and his hips stuttering when he filled your pussy with his warm cum. Quickly pulling out just to see the way it leaked out of you, using two fingers to push it back carefully not to touch your overstimulated bud while doing so.
He stayed in the same position, bringing a hand up towards your face to wipe off some of the sweat in your face and move the hair out of your face. His eyes bore into yours, his stare was soft and staring at you lovingly.
“That was beyond amazing, I’ve never experienced or felt anything like that before. Thank you Sunwo.” you said, thinking if you should lean in to kiss him or if it wasn’t allowed anymore after the sex was done, but his voice pulled you out of your thoughts.
“I meant what I said earlier… I do love you but not as friends.” he confessed, his deep voice from a while ago now soft, sounding even scared.
“Sunwoo I --” you started to speak but he wouldn’t even give you a chance.
“I know! I know… we’re just friends and you don’t want to ruin this friendship. I just -- I thought that perhaps you asked me to have sex because you may have feelings for me too but --”
You cupped his face and pulled him down, stopping his rambling by pressing your lips against his. You felt him relax under your touch, your thumbs softly caressing his jawline, making him smile against your lips.
You pulled away, smiling up at him. “Sunwoo you idiot, of course I also have feelings for you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked you to be intimate with me. I’ve loved you, as more than friends for a while now. Why do you think I even dated that asshole? I thought that way I would forget about you.”
“There’s no point in going back to the past, what matters now is that now we know how we feel. And now I don’t plan on letting you go again.”
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yuta-senpai · 3 years
Our Angel | WayV
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- Genre: Smut
- Warnings: Pure filth, remote controlled vibrator, 8some, degradation, subspace, multiple penetration, breeding kink, squirting, oral (male & female receiving), unprotected sex, spit, and choking. (I’m honestly probably missing some stuff)  Just know this full 12.1k of words is basically all smut.
- Word Count: 12.1k
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Ten stared into your eyes, “Baby, come on just wear it.”
You scoffed, “No fucking way.”
He pouted, “Please, it will be so much fucking fun.”
You were speechless, this man was a fucking kinky shit. You shook your head 'no’ again. He furrowed his eyebrows, “Are you saying no to your daddy when it's a punishment?”
A sigh escaped your lips, there was no way you were gonna win. 
He held the vibrator in his hand, “Put it in now or I will put it in for you. Either way, you are wearing it.”
You bit your lip, “Daddy, put it in for me.”
He smirked, “You are naughty Baby girl.” 
You laid back as he lifted your large shirt, and slid your panties to the side. Exposing your wet core to the cold air. You shivered and he licked his lips.
“I want to taste you, but you would enjoy that too much.”
He slowly slid the toy inside of you and kissed your clit before backing away. You whimpered and he smirked, “Okay, get dressed, be sure to wear a skirt. It’s time to hang out with the boys.”
You slid on your black skirt, put on a black lace bra, then a tight red crop top, and finally your boots.  You smiled as you eyed your outfit. 
Ten walked up behind you and smacked your ass. The vibrator inside of you made it hard to walk because you didn't want it to slide out, so you had to keep your legs together as much as possible. On the car ride over you felt a slight vibration ring through your body and you shivered. You didn't want to give Ten the pride of seeing you turned on by it. 
Ten held the remote in his hand and he turned the speed up more, causing a slight whimper to leave your lips.
He chuckled lowly, “You aren't gonna survive. That's not even close to the medium setting.”
Tightly gripping the car a loud choked moan left your lips as your body shook.  You bit your lips, your knuckles turning white from the tightness of your grip.  “Agh, Ten stop.  It-it’s too much.”  Your eyes rolled back as you felt an orgasm growing, your breathing rapidly increased, your chest rising up and down quickly, you were right at your breaking point.  The vibrations stopped suddenly and you whimpered, “Ahh daddy.  If you are gonna use it at least let me cum.”
An evil smirk spread across his face, “Oh don’t worry baby. You will get to cum very soon.” You didn’t know what he meant but you were excited, maybe you were gonna have quick sex in Kun’s bathroom again. 
He pulled up to the building, and you fidgeted making the vibrator poke against your g-spot. A soft gasp left your lips but the music playing covered it.  Ten turned towards you, “Babygirl when we go in there I will eventually turn that vibrator on, and if you are about to cum you need to say Paint”.  
You giggled slightly, “You are joking right?” He raised his eyebrow, “When do I joke about stuff like this?”
You nervously gulped, as you two stepped outside the car.  The large vibrator made it hard to walk, but you had to act normal.
Lucas opened the door and smirked at you which caught you off guard. He eyed you up and down, “You look good today baby.”
You stared at him for a moment, and then laughed, walking past him quickly.  Looking back around you see Ten whisper something to Lucas, causing Lucas to lick his lips seductively.  Walking into the living room you see all of the boys scattered around, and each one eyes you like a piece of candy. You cautiously walk into the room, “Uhh, hey guys.”
Kun winks, “Hey doll” he pats his lap, “Wanna sit here?”
You are taken aback, “Okay what the fuck is going on with all of you today, and where the fuck are your girlfriends?”
It wasn’t unusual for YangYang and Hendery to be clingy and offer up their lap as they were like your brothers. Xiaojun laughs, “We are all single, didn’t Ten tell you? He is officially the only one with a girl.”  It’s kind of shocking that Kun, Xiaojun, and Lucas all broke up with their girlfriends and you hadn’t heard.
Your mouth opens in shock at the news you hear, but at least their flirting makes some sense now. 
Kun smirked at you again "So are you going to take up my offer to sit here. Most comfortable seat in the house."
You chuckled "Actually I think Hendery's lap would be the most comfortable."
Hendery's eyes widened in shock and a blush spread across his face, that wasn’t usual.
Ten's arm wrapped around your waist protectively "How about she sits on her boyfriend's lap."
Xiaojun pouted "We just wanted to have a little fun." 
Ten kissed your ear and then whispered "Why don't you go sit on Hendery's lap.  You usually go sit on him instead of me anyways."  A hint of jealousy present in his voice. 
Your eyes widened "Ah bu-"
He stopped you "No but’s now go do it."
You bit your lip and sauntered over to Hendery, eyeing him. 
You sat down next to him and placed your legs over his, "Sorry I embarrassed you prince."
He smiled, “Who said you embarrassed me.  Just wasn’t expecting you to suddenly say that.”  He placed his hands on your calves and lightly caressed them, his left hand rubbing up to your thigh.  You were loyal to Ten, I mean he was your boyfriend, but something about Hendery made you want to be unloyal.  Even though he was like a brother at times, you couldn’t deny that he was attractive.
You bit your lip as you watched Hendery’s hands rub circles on your legs, but froze when you felt a slight vibration start inside you.  Ten was sitting across from you with an evil smirk.  You loved him but right now you wanted to kill him.
Hendery raised his eyebrow at you, “Something wrong princess?” 
Your face heated up because Hendery was intensely staring at you now, and he just called you princess.  “Uh yeah, I am fine.”
He patted your hip, “Come on, move onto my lap, princess.”
You hesitated, what if he felt the vibration, but if you didn’t he would know something was up.  Plus he probably was just worried about you since you had frozen up.  The vibrator suddenly stopped inside you, Ten must have realized Hendery might be able to feel it.  You moved yourself up onto Hendery’s lap, your ass resting on his left thigh, and your legs draped over his right thigh.  It was not unusual for you to drape yourself over Hendery, but with the vibrator pushing into you extra hard it felt different.  He wrapped his arms around your waist and you put your arm around his neck.  Lucas who had been leaning against the door frame took the opportunity to sit where you had just been sitting.  So you were now sitting on Hendery with Lucas to your left and Xiaojun to your right.  Everybody seemed less chatty today and more fixated on you, and it was intimidating.  
Had Ten told them about your punishment, were they just waiting to watch you fight off an orgasm, no Ten wouldn’t do that to you, would he.  I mean he did currently have you sitting on Hendery’s lap with a vibrator inside you, so honestly, nothing would surprise you at this point.
Ten cleared his throat and started up a conversation with the others bringing the attention off you, but Hendery seemed to focus his attention solely on you.  You shifted slightly on Hendery, the vibrator pushing against your most sensitive spot, almost causing a moan to escape your lips.  Your arm around Hendery’s neck tightens and he licks his lips.  A slight flush covers your face.  The toy inside of you suddenly starts, and not a slow pace but a very fast one.  With the angle of the toy and the sudden start of the vibrations, a loud gasping moan leaves your lips and you shudder in Hendery’s arms.  You quickly compose yourself but it was too late for that, the toy inside you stopped.
The room is silent and all eyes are on you, hungry and lust-filled eyes.  Your face heated up, “Umm sorry Hendery just pinched my side and it caught me off guard.” Xiaojun arched his eyebrow at you then looked up at Hendery to confirm his suspicions.  You looked at Hendery with pleading eyes, Hendery laughed “Sorry she kept fidgeting so I pinched her.” The others didn’t look like they believed it but didn’t protest and start back up with their conversation.
Hendery pulled you against his chest, his mouth right next to your ear.  “Princess, does Ten have you all filled up with a vibrator?  Is he controlling it?  You know I felt the vibration on my leg, he really turned that on high.” You froze, he knew about the vibrator now.
You sighed, “Yes, he does.  Let me move so it’s not so awkward.” Moving to get up he held you close, “Now I didn’t say I minded Princess.” One of his hands slipped down to your hip massaging lightly, his hands making your core clench around the toy. 
Hendery’s eyes moved from yours to look up at Ten, whose eyes were intensely focused on the two of you, a smirk forming on both their faces.
Ten smiled at you, licked his lips then pressed the button on the controller, a slow vibration running through your core.  Your toes curled but you made no noise.
Hendery tightened his grip on your hips, and your gaze moved from Tens to Hendery’s.  
Hendery placed his hand on your inner thigh way too high up, causing your skirt to slightly ride up, almost exposing your black lacy panties.
Ten turned the vibration up, and your legs trembled in Hendery’s grip.
You were having to fight not to orgasm, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the other members.  
Looking up you see Xiaojun’s eyes fixed onto yours, and the look in his eyes alone could send you over the edge.  
You couldn’t hold it off anymore, you gasped out “PAINT.” Expecting the vibrations to stop they suddenly increased, making you moan loudly.  A hand gripped your hair and tilted your head back roughly, Lucas looked into your eyes “Cum for us baby.”
A wave of pleasure washed over you, a high-pitched whiny moan leaving your lips, your whole body shaking as Hendery held you against him. 
After coming down from your high, the vibrations stopped, and you looked around embarrassed about to apologize but Hendery quickly kissed you.  The hand that had been on your thigh moving up to your cheek as he kissed you like you were the air he needed to breathe. 
He moved you to straddle him, his lips never leaving yours. 
You pulled away gasping for air and confused as to what was happening.
You felt hands on your shoulders so you looked up to see your boyfriend Ten.  A smirk covering his face "So perfect my baby girl.  Now, why don't you be a good girl for Hendery now."
You looked at him confused and he kissed you "Everybody wants a turn with you and I am giving them this opportunity once as long as you agree."
Your eyes widened “Ah, all of you? Really?” A chorus of “Yes” could be heard throughout the room.  Hendery squeezed your hips, “So what do you think princess?  Think you can handle all of us?” Your face heated up as you looked around the room, all of their eyes were hungry and needy. 
Biting your lip you nodded, “Yes I can try.” Ten kissed the top of your head, “If you need to stop or take a break just let me know, and I will stop it.” You looked up at Ten and the two of you kissed for a moment, he backed away and let the others have their fun.  Within a moment you felt two more hands on your body,  Xiaojun was gripping your left breast and Lucas your right, and Hendery’s hand slipped around from your hips to your ass.
Lucas pulled your red crop top over your head, and a chorus of groans could be heard at the sight of your black lace bra.  You felt vulnerable and overwhelmed. 
Hendery pushed the others back for a moment, they protested but he shushed them, then gripped your chin and made you look him in the eye, “Eyes on me princess.” He leaned forward and kissed your cheek, “Pretend like it’s just me, and only me.” You nodded and focused your attention on him, and he rolled you down against his hardened cock, making you moan and roll your head back.  He kissed your jawline then neck, alternating between sucking and kissing.  Leaving your neck and shoulder littered with his marks.
Hendery kept rolling you down against him as he did this, your hands gripped his shoulders.
He stopped and bunched your skirt up at your waist and slid his hand down over the front of your panties.  Your panties soaking, when he felt that he groaned, “So wet for me princess.” Lucas groaned, “You are taking too fucking long Hendery.”
Hendery raised his eyebrow at Lucas and frowned. 
Lucas unclipped your bra, exposing your breasts.  He took both of your breasts into his hand and massaged them, admiring the way they felt. 
He moved his hands down to your waist and gripped onto your skirt.  “I suggest you let her stand up and take this off or I will rip it off her.”
Hendery rolled his eyes “So impatient.  We are all about to take her, we need to make sure she is ready so she doesn’t get hurt.”
Lucas gripped the skirt ready to rip it when you stopped him and slowly stood up from Hendery’s lap, you let the skirt hit the floor, leaving you almost fully exposed to seven hungry eyes.
Lucas gripped your waist and pulled you towards him, he ran his hand over the front of your panties “You really are wet baby.” He lightly kissed against the outside of your panties, your right hand gripping his hair.  He pushed the material to the side and licked from your core to your clit.  He pulled the vibrator out of you and groaned when he saw how wet it was.
A soft moan left your lips and your grip tightened on his hair. 
Lucas smirked, “You taste so good, baby.” You looked to your left and noticed Hendery and Xiaojun had moved around.  Hendery was laying down on the sofa and Xiaojun was standing at the end of the sofa.  Lucas pulled your panties the rest of the way down then pulled you down to quickly kiss him.  You pulled away from the kiss and looked to see Hendery beckoning you over.  Lucas slapped your ass causing you to jump, several people in the room chuckled. 
You looked to see YangYang with his hand down his pants, and WinWin had fully removed his dick from his pants stroking himself as he intently watched you.
Kun and Ten were watching you closely, both with obvious bulges in their pants but they didn't touch themselves.  
You walked next to Hendery and he licked his lips as his eyes looked down to your core.  
“I have the best seat in the house, princess.  Why don’t you come sit on it.” You blushed, but he pulled you down and had you straddle his chest.
His right hand dipped down to your core, his middle finger sliding into you with ease.  You moaned and braced yourself against him.  He pulled his fingers out and up to his mouth licking them “You taste amazing princess.  Why don’t you move up here and let me taste you more.” You moved forward hovering over his face, your knees beside his head.  He wrapped his arms underneath your thighs and around to the top, before pulling you down against his face leaving just enough room to breathe.  He kissed your clit, then sucked it into his mouth you shuddered and braced onto the edge of the sofa.  Xiaojun stood in front of you palming himself in his jeans.  You reached up and unbuttoned his jeans, and slowly removed his dick from his pants. 
Taking it in your hand you stroked his length a few times and licked up the bead of precum that escaped. 
A moan escaped your lips when Hendery moved his tongue a certain way, Xiaojun took the opportunity and gripped your hair in his hand and pushed his cock into your mouth.  You made eye contact with him as you ran your tongue along the underside of his shaft making him moan.  
You ran your tongue along the vein that ran across the bottom of his shaft.  He gritted his teeth and gripped your jaw holding your mouth open, “Quit teasing and suck it already.” He thrust into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat causing you to choke.  One of your hands gripped Xiaojun’s thigh and the other gripped onto Hendery’s hair.  Xiaojun had taken control of the situation and was fucking your mouth.  
Lucas cleared his throat beside you, his very large cock free, moving your hand from Xiaojun’s thigh, you wrapped your hand around Lucas’ cock.  You slowly stroked up and down his length.  It was hard to focus on him with Xiaojun abusing your mouth and Hendery abusing your clit.
Xiaojun pulled away making you gasp for air, saliva running from your mouth.  He held your mouth open as he stroked his dick.  “Tongue out”
You stuck your tongue out, as he groaned and came in your mouth focusing on making it land on your tongue.  It dripped from your tongue onto the edge of the couch.  He smirked, “Swallow it.” You pulled your tongue back in and he released his grip on your mouth.  You swallowed then opened your mouth to show it was all gone.  
“Such a good girl.”
You smiled softly, Xiaojun wiped some cum from your chin and held it to your mouth, you sucked his finger into your mouth cleaning it. 
Somebody in the room said, “Fuck that was hot”.
A moan suddenly escaped your lips, Hendery had found a certain spot that made your thighs shake against him, and he abused that spot when he felt your thighs tighten around his head. 
Your toes curled, your thighs tightly clamped around Hendery’s head as you came harder than you ever had before, your whole body shaking.
Xiaojun cursed in front of you, Lucas cursed beside you, and your face heated up.  What had you done that made them react like that.  Hendery pushed you back to rest on his lap, nearly his entire face wet with your release. 
Hendery licked his lips, “Did you know you could squirt?” Ten gasped, “Did she actually squirt?”
Hendery chuckled “Well how do you explain my face being soaked.” You covered your face embarrassed.  Your hands were ripped from your face and Ten stood beside you both anger and amazement in his eyes, “You can squirt?" Nibbling your lip you nodded, Ten huffed “ You never have squirted for me.” You felt guilty but it wasn’t your fault, “I’m sorry.  It just only happens sometimes.” Hendery chuckled beneath you “I guess I can please your girlfriend better than you can, should probably just let her date me.” “Shut the fuck up Guanheng.” Ten growled.  “I will find what makes you squirt baby girl.” Ten leaned down and kissed you, then looked at Hendery amused as Hendery wiped his face with a towel that Kun had brought him.
Hendery smiled at you, then patted your leg, “Let me up so I can finally feel that tight little pussy of yours.” “Why do you think you get to have sex with her first?” Lucas protested.
Hendery smirked “Because I made her squirt I deserve it.  You can have your turn after.”
You stood up beside the couch and Hendery stood up beside you sliding his shirt over his head, then slid his pants and boxers to the floor.  You noticed that nobody else but you two were naked, they were either still fully clothed or just had their dicks free.
You giggled “It’s so embarrassing that all of you are still clothed except Hendery and me.” Lucas laughed and removed his shirt, exposing his toned abs.  Lucas held your face in his large hands then leaned down and kissed you.  Hendery stood behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck.  Lucas massaged your breasts and Hendery grabbed your right leg, putting it up on the sofa.  You felt the tip of Hendery’s cock brush against your core.  He lined himself up and slowly pushed up into you making you moan into Lucas’ mouth.  Your eyes clamped shut and you reached behind to grab at Hendery’s hair.  Lucas pulled back and chuckled, “You didn’t waste any time did you Hendery.”
Hendery moaned at your tightness, “So fucking tight.” Lucas pinched your right nipple and smirked when you moaned. “Hendery at least do her doggy style so she can suck me.” Lucas tilted your head up to look at him, and you opened your eyes.  He ran his thumb across your bottom lip, “I’d love these pretty little lips wrapped around my big cock.  She’ll probably choke on it.  Would you like that baby, want to choke on my big cock?” You nodded, then he gripped your throat in his large hands.  
“Use your words baby.”
“Yes, daddy.  Please let me choke on your big cock.”
Lucas smirked, “Ten how does it feel knowing your precious baby girl is calling another man ‘daddy’ and wanting his cock so much?”
Ten laughed but it sounded more like a moan, “Y’all really are assholes.  I’m letting you fuck my girlfriend and you are gonna tease me about every little thing.”
Lucas gripped your throat tighter and chuckled “You are the one who said little not me.  Also because we know you can’t love her or fuck her as well as us.  I can tell she likes it rough, likes being told what to do, likes being controlled by a man who is so much bigger than her.  Don’t you baby?” “Yes, daddy.”
Lucas released the grip on your throat. Hendery scoffed, “So rough with her.  She is a princess and should be treated like it.”  Hendery pulled out of you and groaned, you whined at the loss of him.
You hated that they were fighting over you but you would deal with that later.
Hendery tapped your thigh, “Get on your hands and knees on the couch, leave enough room for Lucas to sit down.” You got on the couch, your knees and hands sinking into the cushions.  Hendery climbed behind you and ran his hands from your ass up to your back, you arched wanting to give him the best angle.
“So perfect my princess.”
You looked back to see Hendery positioning himself to slide into you.
“No condom?” Hendery raised his right eyebrow and smiled, “We are all clean, and Ten said that there was a certain something you and him would both enjoy if we decide to say it.  Ten told us a lot about what you would enjoy, and what he would enjoy.” Your face heated up, you knew exactly what he was talking about now.
Hendery slid into you again and groaned, gripping your hips tightly.  You moaned and held onto the couch.  Hendery slid all the way in then halted to let Lucas get in place. Lucas sat down in front of you, his pants now fully removed.
He gathered your hair up with his right hand, holding it back for you, then with his left hand tapped the head of his cock against your lips, smearing his precum on them.
“Tongue out.” You opened your mouth and held your tongue out for him.  
He slapped the head of his cock against your tongue then thrust up into your mouth making you choke.
A deep chuckle left his lips, “I told you that you would choke on my big cock with how small you are.”
He gripped your hair tightly then nodded to Hendery.  Hendery pulled out to the tip then thrust back in rough and hard, making you lurch forward taking Lucas’ cock further into your mouth. 
Tears welled in your eyes as Lucas held your hair, holding your mouth on his cock, letting Hendery’s pace guide your movements.  He watched you intently, his gaze overwhelming to you, so you closed your eyes. 
He tightened the grip on your hair. “Eyes on me baby.”
You opened your tear-filled eyes and stared at him.  His eyes were dark, and you could tell he was really enjoying himself, this urged you on.
You started moving your head along with Hendery’s thrusts, trying to focus on the head of Lucas’s dick.  He pushed your head down “Baby, I prefer if you try to take it deep, I wanna hear you choke on me.”
You took him deeper into your mouth letting Hendery’s steady pace control your movements, Lucas basically fucking your throat.  Saliva dripped from your mouth pooling onto Lucas’ pelvis, getting caught in the small amount of pubic hair he had.
Hendery tightened his grip on your hips and changed his position, thrusting deeper and faster into you, causing a strangled moan to leave your lips. 
His right hand moved from your hip around to your clit, his fingers lightly rubbing against the sensitive nerves.  His fingers delicately playing against your clit, his movement perfectly hitting the most sensitive part making your knees shake.  Hendery pushed down on your back with his left hand making you arch your back again, then he grabbed onto your waist and leaned over you.  He thrust into your roughly which contrasted with the soft touches on your clit and the delicate kisses he placed along your back.  You felt euphoric with all the contrasting touches, Hendery both gentle and rough, while Lucas was abusing your mouth.
Lucas started thrusting up into your mouth, he had a look of determination on his face, his hair sticking to his forehead from sweating due to the pleasure.  “I’m about to cum baby.”
His grip on your hair tightened, a burning feeling running over your scalp.  A deep guttural moan left his lips, his thighs shook, his whole body tensed, and his face contorted into one of pure pleasure as he came into your mouth. 
Hendery had slowed his thrusts to let Lucas ride out his high, then he halted completely. 
Lucas stroked himself a few times making sure all the cum was out, then pulled your hair up forcing you off his dick and making you sit up as much as you could, practically sitting on Hendery’s lap, who had sat back. “Let me see that cum in your mouth.” You opened your mouth, a few drops of cum spilling from the sides. 
He let it drip down your chin, neck, and down to your breasts.
Lucas held your jaw and leaned over you, he stopped for a moment as if deciding what to do, but then he spit down into your mouth, then smirked. 
He moved his hand from your jaw, “Swallow.” You swallowed his cum and spit.  Lucas leaned down and licked the cum from your breast, cleaning all the way up to your lips where he kissed you, his tongue running against yours.
He backed away and smirked as you looked at him with want and need, “I’ll fill that pussy with my cum later.”
He leaned back on the couch to watch you.
You felt Hendery’s dick twitch inside you and he groaned.  “That was fucking hot.”
You had forgotten Hendery was even there, forgot he was inside you, having him there just felt so natural. 
Hendery wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder. 
“How about we change positions, you lay down princess.” You slowly got off of him but whimpered when he no longer was inside you.  You laid down, your head in between Lucas’s thighs, closer to his knees.
Hendery hovered over you admiring you before he slowly slid into you.  Once all the way in you placed your left leg around his waist and your right on his shoulder, he held on to your right leg as he rolled his hips into you. 
He held his lip between his teeth, his sweat-covered hair sticking to his forehead, and covering his eyes, he was watching himself slide in and out of your core. 
You gripped his arm and looked at him with pleading eyes, “Please kiss me.” He smiled and leaned over you, connecting his lips with yours.  His thrusts slow and passionate.  You moved the hair from his forehead and looked into his eyes.  Hendery buried his face against your upper chest and shoulder, his lips kissing the skin there.  He would bite and nip then suck the skin into his mouth leaving marks all along your neck and shoulder.  Hendery turned his head to your ear and let out a breathy moan, then kissed the edge of your ear, he whispered “I marked you as mine.  You know that you are mine, right princess?”
You nodded, “I know I am, my prince.”
Hendery propped himself up, his right hand next to your head, and his left hand on your waist.  He started thrusting faster, wanting to make you cum again.  A moan left your lips as he hit a certain sensitive spot. 
“Ahh, Hendery.”  Your back arched up off the sofa and you reached out to hold onto something coming into contact with Lucas’ thigh.  Your nails dug into the soft flesh of Lucas’s thigh, he winced.  “Shit baby don’t hurt me.” Hendery moved his hand from your waist down to your clit, pushing you closer to the edge, you felt bad for gripping Lucas’s thigh so tight but you were so overwhelmed with pleasure you couldn’t stop yourself.
Your grip on Lucas’s thighs tightened, and he jerked his thigh away then grabbed your left hand, holding it so you could squeeze it.  Soft whimpers and moans left your lips every couple of seconds. Seeing you so close to your breaking point urged Hendery on, his pace quickened as he fought off his own release. 
Hendery gave up on holding himself up, he leaned forward onto his elbow and kissed you, his left hand in between your bodies still rubbing your swollen clit. Your right hand went around his back, your nails digging into him leaving large red scratch marks.  Lucas still held your left hand.  Hendery leaned back down by your ear, “Gonna fill you up with my cum, do you want that princess?  Want me to cum in the pretty pussy of yours?  What if I get you pregnant, make you all mine.” Hendery’s words pushed you over the edge, your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth fell open, your legs wrapped tight around Hendery’s waist.  You loudly moaned “Hendery” as you came, your walls pulsating around Hendery.
Hendery moaned lowly, burying his face in your neck,  and groaning “Fuck” as he came.  He filled you with his cum, his thrusts sloppy as he rode out his high.
As soon as you both came down from your highs, Hendery moved his hand from your clit, and kissed you softly.  He pulled out and groaned, and you whimpered.  Hendery smiled and rubbed your leg, Lucas rubbed your hand.
You leaned up and finally looked back at Lucas, he was staring at you with so much admiration, love, and dominance. 
He laughed “I should have moved.  You already made my dick hard again.  But I’ll let the others get their turn.” Lucas let go of your hand and moved from the couch with Hendery.
YangYang and WinWin stood up and walked over to you, and Hendery and Lucas took their spots.
WinWin smirked down at you laying on the couch staring at them with big eyes, he stroked his dick and bit his lip.  YangYang and WinWin both were not as girthy or long as Hendery and Lucas, they definitely were more average in size.
WinWin helped you sit up.  “We have an idea sweetheart.  How do you feel about having both of us in your pussy?  Think you can handle that?” Your eyes widened “Both of you?”
YangYang nodded, “I have always wanted to try it.  So what do you think?” WinWin sat down to your right, placed his left hand on your inner thigh, and then kissed across your shoulder.
YangYang sat down to your left side, his left hand cupping your breast.  He pinched your nipple making you shudder.
You bit your lip, “Yes.” WinWin raised his eyebrow, “Are you positive?” “Yes, let’s try it.” The two boys gave each other a look and backed away from you quickly stripping down to nothing.  You giggled, “Wow you two are eager.” YangYang smiled “Of course we fucking are.” You smiled back at him, enjoying the way YangYang could always make you smile, even in serious situations like this.
The two sat back down where they had just been, YangYang immediately moved to your breast while WinWin grabbed your chin and turned your head so he could kiss you.
His lips moved against yours, his tongue sliding along your bottom lip, you opened your mouth letting his tongue into your mouth.  He ran his tongue along yours, then pulled back letting your tongue into his mouth, he sucked on it slightly.
WinWin pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
He stared into your eyes then kissed you one last time. 
“YangYang let me slide in first then you can slide in after.” YangYang pulled back from where he was sucking on your breast right above your nipple making a prominent hickey form there.
YangYang nods “Okay, sounds like a plan.” You bite your lip “So how are we going to do this? WinWin leaned back on the arm of the couch, his legs spread, and beckoned you over “Come sit in my lap sweetheart.”
You moved up into his lap and sat down, his dick pressed against his stomach.  He looked up and down your body, and held onto your waist. 
“I can’t wait to be in that pretty pussy of yours.” He gripped his dick in his right hand and guided himself into you.  Your forehead falling onto his, a moan left your lips, and a deep groan left his lips.
He held you still as he thrust up into you slowly.
YangYang kissed your right shoulder from the back, and you felt fingers down by your core.  YangYang slid two fingers in next to WinWin’s dick inside you, and scissored them, trying to prepare you. 
You winced but could handle the stretch.  WinWin stayed still inside you as YangYang fingered you.  You looked to see somebody standing right next to you, Ten was standing there holding a bottle of lube. “If you are going to do this, be sure to use lube YangYang, I don’t want her to get hurt.”
YangYang took the lube and thanked Ten.  You looked up at Ten, and he kissed you.  “If you need them to stop, just say the safe word and they will stop or I will make them stop, okay?”
You nodded, “Of course, I know daddy.” He smiled, “You are just too fucking perfect baby girl.” He walked back over and sat down next to Kun.
YangYang worked another finger into you stretching you out enough to be able to fit him inside.  He pulled his fingers out and you heard the lube opening behind you, then you felt the head of his dick at your entrance.
WinWin held your waist, “Relax sweetheart.” YangYang kissed along your shoulder as he positioned himself behind you and slowly pushed the head of his dick inside you.  The stretch making you dig your nails into WinWin’s arms.  You whimpered, and WinWin massaged your waist, “You really need to relax sweetheart.  Focus on me.” You stared into WinWin’s eyes and took a deep breath, letting yourself relax.  YangYang took the opportunity and slid all the way into you.
You felt so full with both of them inside you.  You held onto WinWin’s shoulders and they both stayed still.
YangYang buried his face into your neck, “I think you are gonna have to move for us, angel.  It’s a tight fit.”
You pushed yourself up a bit then slid back down on them, all three of you moaned.  It was very overwhelming, and you could only move so much otherwise you risked them sliding out.  You set a steady pace moving up and down on the two of them.  YangYang kissed and sucked all along your shoulder, the sensations sending shivers down your spine.
YangYang groaned “I am not gonna last long at all angel.” WinWin threw his head back “Me either.  God, you are so fucking, sexy sweetheart.  Taking the two of us so well.” YangYang started thrusting up lightly, chasing his orgasm.  WinWin leaned up sandwiching you tightly between their bodies.  Sweat rolled down your neck and WinWin licked up the bead of sweat.
They both thrust up into you at the same slow but deep pace, both desperate for their release.  YangYang leaned his head against your back, his heavy and hot breath fanned out across your bare skin.  You were so close to your release and your legs shook as you tried to move with them.
YangYang's breathing got more ragged and his hands gripped your waist, “I-I I’m gonna cum angel.  Gonna fill you up.” He bit down on your shoulder and grunted as the hands-on your hips shook and he came inside you.  You whimpered, now feeling extra full. 
WinWin chuckled, "That was kind of gross feeling you cum YangYang."
You giggled and YangYang just laughed against your back. 
His breathing was warm and slow, as he tried to catch his breath. 
YangYang slowly pulled out and laid down behind you.  His cum along with Hendery's dripping down from your core.
WinWin looked down to see his dick coated in cum and groaned.  "That's fucking hot, look at you leaking cum.  I can't wait to fill you up too.  You are gonna be so full when we are all done."
He moved his hands to your waist and thrust up into you, a wet sound came from your core.  You bounced on him and he groaned.  He started thrusting up into you faster, and you still slowly moved up and down on him, which greatly contrasted WinWin's fast movements.
You moaned loudly and whimpered, you buried your face into his neck and wrapped your arms around him.  The pleasure was too overwhelming, so you gave up on trying to move.  Just letting him fuck up into you.  Your teeth grazed his collarbone, making him suck in a deep breath.  You kissed the skin softly and bit down, likely leaving a mark against his beautiful skin.  He wrapped one hand in your hair and the other still dug into your hips.  "Gonna cum for me sweetheart?"
You nodded and panted out, "I'm so close Sicheng."
He grunted close to your ear, "I know, I can feel you tightening.  You feel so good around me, so good.  You deserve to cum, sweetheart you can do it.  Cum for me."
You whimpered loudly and dug your nails into his back.  
You moaned out "Ahh Sicheng." As you came around him.  He grunted at the tightness, and you calling him by his real name again.  His breathing shook and his hand that was against your hip tightened.  You felt his legs shaking underneath you, and his arms holding you shook as he was about to cum.  He thrust up hard and came, you pressed all the way against him, so you could feel him cumming deep within you, painting your walls.  A loud almost whiny moan escaped his lips as he came.  He continued to move his hips helping you both through your orgasms.  You fell against his chest, both of your breaths ragged.  He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.
He was being so caring and gentle.  You stayed leaned against him as you tried to gain back control of your breathing and surroundings.  You heard movement next to you but were still out of it, the orgasm having been so overwhelming you felt light-headed.
WinWin patted your butt and whispered in your ear, “My time is up baby, you have to let me up.” You whimpered and curled down further against him.  
He chuckled lightly, “I would love to just lay here and hold you but I have to move now baby, I’m sorry.”
You looked up at him and pouted, tears in your eyes, you had slipped into a fully submissive headspace.  WinWin softly kissed you then helped lift you up off of him and sat you down on the couch.  You whined as he pulled out, and he sighed.  “I know baby, I’m sorry.”
He looked over at somebody, “Ten I think she slipped into a different headspace.”
When he had pulled out the release of all three men spilled from you down your thighs.  You shuddered at the feeling.  
Ten grabbed your chin and had you look up at him, he noticed the tears in your eyes.  “You doing okay baby?”
You nodded, “I just don't like being empty.” Ten chuckled, “You really did slip into a submissive headspace, how cute.  Don’t worry baby you will be filled again soon.”
He ran his middle and pointer fingers between your legs collecting the release of all three men, then slid his thumb across your lower lip and you opened your mouth.  He smirked as he laid his pointer and middle fingers in your mouth.  You closed your mouth around them and sucked, closing your eyes.  Loving the taste of the mixture of your release and their release, the salty mixture overwhelming your taste buds.  He pushed down against your tongue, and you whimpered around his fingers.  You were so focused on his fingers that you didn’t notice somebody sit down behind you until cold hands touched your waist.  You flinched at the contact and he chuckled lowly, “Sorry doll, did I startle you?” You recognized the voice as Kun’s and nodded, then mumbled out around Ten’s fingers, “Cold.”
Kun kissed your shoulder, “Want to help me warm up?”
“Yes, please.”
Ten held your tongue in between his fingers making a small amount of saliva spill from around his fingers, “Aw look at you drooling, so messy baby.”
You opened your mouth wide and looked at him, his fingers still holding your tongue.  He groaned lowly, “Holy fuck.  Look at you.”
More saliva spilled from your open mouth.
Ten pulled his fingers from your mouth and you whimpered.  He gripped your chin and leaned in kissing you then he pulled away to stand up and undress.  Kun continued to kiss along your shoulder. He let his right hand slide between you, pressing his finger against your clit making you whimper. He leaned up to your ear and kissed softly before whispering, “Maybe Ten will let me join you again so I can taste that pretty pussy of yours.”
“Why not taste it now?” He chuckled, “Because I don’t want to taste their cum.” You smiled and giggled, Ten raised his eyebrow and sat back down in front of you “What are you two whispering about?” Kun rested his chin on your shoulder, “Oh nothing.  Just telling her how much I want to fill her up.” “Uh-huh, if you say so.”
Ten leaned against the armrest of the couch and looked you up and down, he stroked himself as he looked at you,  “God, you are so perfect.  Dripping with cum, drooling, and looking so fucked out.  So beautiful.  My perfect, beautiful girl.” Your face heated up and he smiled at you, he always knew what to say to get you flustered.  Kun kissed your neck and moved his arms from around your waist.  The couch shifted behind you as he got up.  You looked behind you to watch Kun undress, his muscles flexing as he moved.  He pulled his shirt over his head then smirked at you, “Like what you see?” You bit your lip and nodded causing him to chuckle, “So cute.” You smiled at him, then your eyes widened as he pushed his pants and boxers down.  You had noticed his bulge was quite large but you weren't expecting that.  It was not super long but it had a lot of girth. 
He raised his eyebrow and stroked himself a few times as he watched you.
“Looks like it's gonna stretch me out good.”
He chuckled “You just had two dicks in you, I don’t think I’m gonna stretch you much more than that.” He sat back down behind you, his hands rubbing from your lower back up to your shoulders. 
“Ten, how do you think we should do this?” Ten stroked your cheek, “I think her legs are probably tired, so how about she lays down on her stomach.  Sound good baby?” “I- I want to watch Kun.”
“Yeah, I want to watch her.” “How about we start on your stomach and then move onto your back.” You nodded and moved to lay down, your legs spreading around Kun’s body behind you and your head resting on Ten’s thigh.
He stroked your hair and moved it out of your face, then held it to keep your hair out of the way.  Kun ran his hands from behind your knee up to your ass, then he landed a firm slap onto your right cheek making you flinch. 
He kneaded the spot he slapped then you felt a soft kiss against where he had hit.  He moved up closer to you, and you felt his dick rub across your ass.  A shiver ran up your spine as he spread your ass cheeks apart and the head of his dick ran up against you.  Ten stroked himself slowly and still held onto your hair, you knew he wanted you to suck him but he wasn’t rushing it.  Kun pushed against you not quite sliding in, making you push back against him.  He chuckled, “Patience doll.”
You stared at Ten’s face, his eyes were fixed on what Kun was doing.  You felt Kun spit down against your core and you flinched, “Oh fuck, it was already wet enough but I wanted to do that.”
Kun used his hands to spread you again, he rubbed the head of his dick across your clit, then slapped the head against your clit making you flinch.  He pulled back and suddenly slid the head of his dick in, making you dig your nails into Ten’s thighs.  Kun slowly rocked back and forth only using the head of his cock.  “Please, all the way in Kun.”
Kun gripped your hips and readjusted himself so he was leaning more forward.  You watched Ten raise an eyebrow at Kun, then Ten leaned forward just a bit, making sure to not push your head from his thigh.  You felt Kun move a hand from your hip.  
You pushed back against Kun wanting to feel him all the way in.  The hand that had moved from your hip was brought down on your ass cheek, “I told you to be patient doll, don’t test my patience, or I won’t let you cum.”
Kun moved his hand away again, and you saw it on Ten’s cheek.  You moved just a bit to get a better look but laying on your stomach you could only see so much.  Kun suddenly thrust all the way into you then leaned forward and connected his lips with Ten’s.  One of your hands gripped onto Ten the other onto the couch.
Ten whimpered and melted into Kun’s touch, which just urged Kun on.  He pulled out of you, almost to the tip then thrust back in forcefully making a whiny moan leave your lips.  You listened to the noises they made as the two kissed passionately.  Kun’s hand moved to grip Ten’s hair, he pulled it roughly pulling Ten’s head back.  Kun started thrusting into you at a steady pace as he kissed down Ten’s neck.
Ten whined, “Holy fuck Kun.”
Kun chuckled lowly then licked from Ten’s collar bone up to his jawline.  Kun made eye contact with you and winked.  
Both of his hands moved to your hips as he changed his pace.  He started to thrust in deep and slow then rotate his hips around before pulling almost all the way out.  This made you bury your head in Ten’s thigh, your eyes closed tightly.  He repeated this several times then groaned, “Your pussy feels so damn good.”
Ten gripped your chin and turned your face to look up at him, “Suck.”
He was stroking himself, beads of precum leaking from the tip, the head very red from lack of attention.  You pushed your upper body up and Ten gripped onto your hair.  You looked at him with big eyes and stuck your tongue out, “Please fuck my mouth daddy.”
Ten groaned, “So hot for me baby.”
Kun gripped your hips tighter and moaned, “Such a dirty girl for us aren’t you doll?”
You nodded the best you could, and Ten slapped the head of his dick against your tongue.  He then rubbed his precum over your tongue making you taste him. 
You took the head into your mouth, sucking it as hard as you could.  Ten’s thighs shook, “Oh-oh fuck.”
You pulled away with a smirk and he rolled his eyes, he knew you liked teasing him.  You wrapped your lips back around him, and let him take control as he slowly thrust up into your mouth.  He was being careful not to be rough.  Kun kissed against your shoulder blade and you shivered, his hands wrapped around your stomach as he continued to kiss along your back.  His thrusts slowed back down as he focused on kissing your back, and leaving small love marks along your shoulder blades. 
“What if I gave your angel wings in love marks since you are our little angel.” You tightened around him at the idea, and at the possessive name.  He chuckled against your shoulder, “I think you liked that doll.” You couldn’t nod or say anything as Ten was still rolling his hips up into your mouth.  Drool dripped out around his dick, down your face, and down onto him.
Ten chuckled, “You really are messy baby.”
Kun’s hands dug into your waist as he started thrusting into you faster, your body moving with each rough thrust up into you.  You reached behind you and gripped his arm, digging your nails into it.  He hissed at the pain, “Ow damn doll.”  He didn’t push you away he let you hold onto him.  Your other hand dug into Ten’s thigh, as your breathing got more rapid.  
“Aww baby, gonna cum already?”
You couldn’t respond as your body shook and you moaned out around Ten’s dick.  Kun slowed his thrusts, and groaned “Fuck, I don’t want to cum yet.”  He pulled out for a moment and then slid back in, landing a slap on your ass.  “ Now who said you could cum already doll.”
Ten pulled away so you could speak, “I’m sorry Kun.  It’s just so overwhelming.” 
He slowly rolled in and out of you as he listened.  He leaned down and kissed your shoulder blade, “Since you have been so good tonight I won’t do anything to punish you, maybe another time.”  You turned to smile at him, and he smiled back then suddenly thrust in deep making a loud moan leave your lips.  He chuckled, “How cute”.  
Ten was stroking himself as he watched you.  He slid his dick back into your mouth, rolling his hips at a quicker pace trying to finish.  Kun started thrusting faster and you felt his sweat drip down onto your lower back.  You wanted to see his face, you were sure his jaw was locked and his dimples were showing, as sweat dripped down his body.  You whimpered around Ten’s dick and he pulled away, “What’s wrong baby?”
“I want to see Kun.”
Ten rolled his eyes, “Can’t even let me finish here.”
You pouted up at him and he sighed.  
Kun chuckled from behind you, “Want to flip around and look at me, doll?”
You nodded, “Yes, please.”
Kun pulled out of you and sat back as Ten helped you move onto your back.  You got on your knees, and Kun landed a firm slap against your ass.  
“Ahhh Kun”
He chuckled, “Sorry, couldn’t resist.”
You finally flipped over so you were laying on your back, your head against Ten’s thigh.  You could finally fully admire Kun.  He was leaned back staring at you closely, his hair wet with sweat, a few drops dripping down his chest.  His thighs were flexed the way he was leaned back, and his cock stood tall, twitching when you looked at it, making a drop of precum drip out.  You looked back up at his eyes and they were dark as he stared at you then a smirk spread across his face.  
He moved forward hovering over you, “Hi.”  
You smiled, “Hi.”
One of his hands was on the back of the couch the other close to your head.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and he reached between the two of you, guiding himself into you.  Your back arched as he slid in, your head pushing into Ten’s leg.  Kun groaned and leaned down, kissing along your chest.  He started rolling in and out of you slowly as his lips attached to your right nipple.  He carefully sucked it between his lips then ran his teeth along it making you shudder, “Ahh Kun.”
Ten was slowly stroking himself as he watched you, quiet moans leaving his pretty lips.  You moved one hand to Kun’s hair and your other wrapped around Ten’s leg.  Your eyes drifted up to Ten’s face, watching him with love in your eyes.  He looked down at you smiled and silently mouthed “I love you.”  You did the same back and smiled.
Kun backed away from your chest and grabbed your chin turning your face towards him “Eyes only on me doll.”
He held onto your chin as he continued to thrust into you, forcing you to look at him.  You stared into his eyes and pushed his hair out of his face.  He bit his lip and his eyes rolled back as his pace quickened.  He leaned back and grabbed your legs, placing them on his shoulders.  He held your thighs close together.
The pleasure became overwhelming and the stretch started to hurt as he continued to thrust fast.  He turned his head and kissed the inside of your leg near your ankle as he continued to thrust into you slowly.
“Please move faster Kun.”
His grip around your thighs tightened as he started to thrust into you quickly finally chasing his high.  
Low groans leaving his lips with each thrust, and his eyebrows scrunched up.
“Right there, just like that Kun.”
You felt the pleasure building deep within you, your legs shaking in his hold as you started to see stars.  The pleasure becoming overwhelming as you finally were pushed over the edge, your mouth open, but moans unable to leave your lips. Your whole body tensed up and your body shook as you came.  
He moaned loudly “Oh fuck, doll.”
His thrusts became erratic as he was pushed over the edge.  You could feel each pulse of dick as he came.  His breathing was ragged and he looked spent when he finally made eye contact.  
He chuckled. “I came a lot.  I really wanted to fill you up good, doll.”
He carefully moved your legs down from his shoulders, they were still shaking.  He leaned down and kissed you one more time before laying his head on your chest for a moment.  The sweat on his hair feeling wet against your breast.  “God I don’t want to pull out, you feel too good.”
“You feel so good Kun.”  You kissed the top of his head.
Xiaojun groaned, “Move, I still need a turn.”
Kun chuckled and backed away, slowly pulling out of you.  He hissed as the cum started dripping out of you.  “So hot, full of me.”
He used his finger to collect it and push it back into you.
Your face heated up, and he smiled as he backed away from you and got off the couch, collecting his clothes from the floor.
Xiaojun quickly moved into the spot Kun had been.  Ten was slowly stroking himself.  Xiaojun seemed to be thinking, “I guess we can do doggy style so Ten can finish.”
He sighed after saying that, “I wanted you to ride me though.”
Ten groaned “I want to cum, dammit.”
You chuckled, “Fine doggy it is until Ten finishes, then if you still haven’t come then I will ride you, Xiaojun”
“Okay, fine.”
You whimpered as you tried to roll around onto your legs, your whole body sore.  Ten chuckled “Sore baby girl?”
You nodded, “I don’t think I can get up.”
Ten seemed to think for a moment, “I have an idea.”
He lifted your head from his leg and stood up from the couch, he walked behind the arm of it.
“Scoot back over here”
You pushed yourself up and over to the edge of the couch, your head resting on the arm.  
“Hang your head back more.”
You scooted up more and let your head hang over the side of the couch backward.
“Open for me.”
You opened your mouth and Ten easily slid himself into it.  The angle allowing him to easily slide down your throat if he wanted to you. 
Once Ten was situated Xiaojun quickly moved up close to you.  Ten backed away to let Xiaojun get situated.  
He chuckled “You basically are riding me in this position since you are sitting up a bit.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist and he held you up as he got underneath you more.  His thighs under your ass.  
You nodded and he pushed into you.  Moans leaving both of your lips.  He wrapped his hands around your hips and slowly pulled out and thrust back in.  You grabbed his arms and dug your nails into them.  Ten placed his hand on your chin and tilted your head back, “Stop forgetting about me, baby girl.”
“I’m sorry.”
He leaned down and kissed you as he still held onto your chin, then he hovered over you.  “Open for me.”
You opened your mouth and he slid into your mouth again, being careful to not push too far back.  He moved his hand down to your throat, not putting pressure but instead just resting it there.  He started to roll his hip so he was going deeper into your mouth, “I can feel myself in your throat.”
You sucked a deep breath in through your nose when Xiaojun licked across your nipple.  You couldn’t see him so it had come as a surprise.  He was still thrusting in at a slow but steady pace, you could tell he was trying not to cum yet, wanting to have you all to himself.  You started to move your head a bit trying to push Ten over the edge.  Ten suddenly put pressure against your throat “No, I have control here.”
You looked up at him with pleading eyes and he smirked.
Xiaojun started to thrust a bit faster, you could tell he was getting a bit desperate to cum.  His lips still working on your nipple, and one hand moved down your stomach to rub against your clit.  Your back arched as much as you could.  Xiaojun breathed out, “Go ahead and cum for me, baby.”
You wanted to tell him he needed to move faster but with Tens hips rolling into your mouth you couldn’t.
When your body wasn’t reacting the way he wanted he realized and started thrusting faster.  His fingers still working quick circles on your clit.
“Come on baby, cum for me.  Let go.”
You focused on the pleasure, letting it wash over you.  You choked out a moan around Ten’s dick.  Ten groaned at the feeling and Xiaojun bit your shoulder moaning out around it from the sensation of you cumming.
Ten started to whine and moan.  He started rolling his hips into your mouth faster.  He pulled out and stroked himself quickly, his other hand bracing onto the side of the couch, he groaned.  “Oh fuck”
He slid himself into your mouth again, cumming as he groaned and breathed heavily.  You swallowed his cum as he came then pulled away from him with a pop.  Opening your mouth to show him you swallowed.  
He stroked your cheek, “Such a good girl.”
He leaned down and kissed your forehead before walking away to leave you with Xiaojun.  Xiaojun slowed his thrusts and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you more against him.  You leaned to get a kiss and he turned his head away. “Yeah no, you just swallowed his cum.” You rolled your eyes then wrapped your arms around his neck and he held your waist as he thrust in and out of you slowly.  He buried his face in your neck, his warm breath spreading across your neck, and soft moans left his lips. You ran your nails softly over his back, “Go ahead and cum Xiaojun. No need to fight it off anymore.”
His breath was shaky as he held you close, placing kisses along your neck.  You started to move your hips trying to help him, but he held you still, just rolling himself in and out of you then stopping to rotate his hips every couple of thrusts.  His nails dug into your waist as he whimpered then moaned loudly.  “Ahhh fuck.  So good baby.”
His hips thrusting up against you erratically as he came, his thighs shaking underneath you.  His arms tightened around your waist, holding you close, his whole body tensing.
He sighed and relaxed as soon as the high wore off.  Your sweaty bodies sticking together, he chuckled as he pulled away.
He kissed your forehead then pulled out and laid back on the couch, slightly out of breath.  “Damn.”
The stickiness between your thighs started to feel a bit gross.  Lucas tapped Xiaojun’s arm, “My turn.”
Lucas winked at you.
You looked up at him, “Damn, Lucas. I don’t know if I can.”
He pouted, “Ahhh what.  Really baby?”
Xiaojun chuckled as he got up and Lucas smacked his back.  “Don’t laugh, this sucks.”
Xiaojun raised his eyebrow then started to walk over to another chair, “Sad you don’t get to feel how amazing her pussy is?  Yeah, I am gonna laugh because the rest of us know what it feels like.”
The others in the room chuckled.  You had honestly forgotten you had an audience, you looked and the others had all left excluding Ten and Hendery.
You made eye contact with Hendery who smiled at you.
Lucas pouted again then turned towards you as if begging you.  You chuckled and opened your arms to him.  
He smiled and got on the couch, immediately moving to hover over you.  He touched his nose against yours “Hi”.
You smiled, “Damn what happened to the dominant Lucas from earlier.”
He raised his eyebrow, “I was gonna go easy since you have been filled up so much, but since you are such a dirty girl who likes being dominated I guess I won’t do that.”
He grabbed your legs pulling you down to lay on your back, making a gasp escape your lips.  The way his facial expressions had gone from cute to sexy in seconds was almost startling.  You reached out to him, and he grabbed your hands, pinning them above your head.  He kissed and sucked all along your neck, littering your neck with even more marks.  You probably had an alarming amount at this point.
He licked your nipple then blew cold air against it making you fidget.  He chuckled lowly, “Cute.  Still so responsive to touches.”  
He did that a few more times, making you fidget each time.
He grabbed under your thigh with his other hand and placed it on his hip, so you wrapped both legs around him.
“Good girl.”
He reached down and slowly guided himself into you.  You dug your nails into your own hand, biting your lip to hide a moan.
His thrusts were deep and slow.  He was hitting so deep within you, it was making your mind hazy.  You held your lip between your teeth, suddenly shy about moaning.  He leaned down and bite your lip pulling it from between your teeth.  “Don’t get shy about moaning now baby, let me hear those pretty moans.”
You immediately moaned at that and arched your body up against his.  
His thrusts got faster but he was still holding your hands so he could only move so fast at this angle.
He let go of your wrists, “Hands off and keep them up there.”
You nodded “Yes Daddy.”
He smirked at you that then leaned back so he was sitting fully up.  He grabbed your legs, unwrapping them from his waist.  Rubbing up your thigh he let his hands rest against the underside of your knee, bending your knees down.  He used you to support himself as he started thrusting faster and harder.  
His thrusts were almost painful he was hitting so deep within you.  You dug your nails into the couch above your head.  Your eyes rolled back as an orgasm suddenly ran over your body, your mouth open and your body arched as you shook under him.
You came down and started gasping, not having breathed during the orgasm
He chuckled lowly, “Already came for me baby, now who said you could do that?”
“I’m sorry it just suddenly happened.”
He removed a hand from under your leg and smacked down by your ass.  He slowed his thrusts, pushing in deep and rotating his hips.
He looked down at your stomach for a moment and groaned.  “Holy fuck look at that.”
You tried to look but couldn’t see what he was looking at.  
He pushed his hand against your lower stomach and slowed his thrusts even more.
“What is it?”
You started feeling self-conscious, thinking something was wrong.
“Give me your hand.”
You moved a hand from above your head and he stopped thrusting.  He placed your hand on your lower stomach, and placed his over the top then thrust forward.  You could feel him and you looked up at him, “Holy shit.”
He smirked, “That’s so fucking hot baby.  I fill you up so good I can see myself in you.”
Your face heated up and he continued to roll in slowly.  You moved your hand to let him watch himself move in and out.
You ran your hand up his arm and he raised an eyebrow,  “I said no touching.  Hand back up above your head.”
You rolled your eyes but did as he said. 
He looked back to watch himself sink in and out of your core, “Such a pretty pussy even when it’s been used.  Still so tight and warm just for me.”
“Ahh daddy, you gonna cum?”
He thrust in hard and groaned, rotating his hips as he did.
You gasped at the feeling, it was overwhelming.  “Think you can cum for me again baby?  Then I will fill you up with my cum, I know you want that.  You love being so full of cum don’t you?”
You whimpered and nodded.  He thrust in hard again, “Words baby.”
“Yes I do, Daddy.”
“Good girl.  Now let’s get you to cum one last time. Do you prefer it deep or fast?”
“A bit of both but not super deep, you are big, and it kind of hurts.”
He softened for a moment and rubbed your thigh, “I’m sorry baby.”
He switched back to his dominant side immediately though and started thrusting faster, not focusing on going super deep like he was before.  It felt amazing. 
“Ahhh just like that.”
He kept the pace exactly how you needed him to be, and your orgasm quickly grew.  You gasped out, a loud moan escaping your lips as your legs shook in Lucas’s hands. 
“G-gonna cum.”
“Cum for me baby.”
You gripped onto the couch tightly and you arched up against your own legs that Lucas still held.  
“Ahh fuck, you are clenching so tight.”
A deep moan left his lips.  As soon as your body relaxed and you looked into his eyes he started thrusting faster, wanting to finally cum.
Soft, quiet moans left his lips.  He dropped your legs and leaned forward, placing his hands on both sides of your body.  
He rolled his head back and bit his lip as he thrust in hard, finally cumming.  He rotated his hips, then thrust forward again, trying to prolong his orgasm as long as he could.
He softly laughed and his head lulled forward, “Holy fuck that felt good.”
You moved your hands from above your head and rubbed his arm.
“Felt amazing Lucas.”
He looked at you and leaned down to kiss you one more time.
After that he pulled out and backed away, sitting at your feet.  You still laid there, sore and exhausted.
Kun walked over to you a few moments later and crouched down to your level.
“Please drink this.”
He handed you a cold bottle of water and helped you prop yourself up to drink it.  You took a sip, your throat so raw it hurt to drink.  You winced and Kun was stroking your hair.  “Does it hurt?”
You laughed, “Yeah my throat is so raw it hurts.”
“I will make you some tea in a moment.”
WinWin walked back in and smiled at you, “The bath is ready.”
Kun reached to help you up, “Want to get cleaned up?”
You nodded, “Yes please.”
As you went to stand you winced, “Oww”
Lucas patted your leg, “I’ll carry you.  Maybe I can even take a bath with you.”
He winked and Ten groaned, “You are all getting too domestic with my girlfriend now.”
WinWin chuckled, “Well we are just making sure she is okay.  Plus we did just all cum inside her, what if she gets pregnant.”
The room went silent for a moment but Lucas stood up and reached down to pick you up.  Wrapping his arm underneath your legs and his other behind your back, you threw an arm over his shoulder.  He picked you up and carried you, still naked.
Hendery looked away, “Put some clothes on first, damn.”
“We all just fucked the same girl, I think you can handle seeing my cock for a few moments.”
Lucas carried you to the bathroom, Kun and Ten followed the two of you.  Lucas went to place you down in the tub but Kun stopped him. 
“Want me to clean up between your legs first?”
“Uhm yeah, you probably should.”
Lucas placed you down on the countertop and kissed your forehead.
“You can get her into the bathtub right?”
Kun laughed, “Yeah we will be fine.”
Kun ran a hand towel under the water then went to clean you up, being careful not the hurt you.
Then they helped you into the tub, but Ten stripped and got in with you.
Kun scratched the back of his head, “Well I guess I will go now, I will make some tea in a bit so you can drink it, and I will have some food ready for you.”
“Thank you, Kun.”  Ten smiled up at him.
You leaned back against Ten and sighed “Holy shit that was crazy.”
He laughed, “It really was, hot but crazy.”
You stopped to think for a moment about something that WinWin had said, “So Sicheng mentioned about ‘what if I got pregnant,’ I mean yeah I am on birth control but things could happen.”
Ten kissed your shoulder, “Welp we figure that out if it happens.”
One Month Later
You walked out of the bathroom and looked at Ten, his eyes wide as he waited to hear the results.  
“I’m pregnant.”
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superstition13 · 3 years
So I have a University assignment due at midnight, which I have absolutely zero motivation to do, but it did inspire this little piece.
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//AKA Dabi Distracts You From Your Work 💙
Dabi x Female Reader (NSFW)
Genre: smut, porn with very little plot involved, fluff
Includes: biting, unprotected sex, hair pulling, cock warming, teasing, pet names, fingering, crying (pleasure), after care, Dabi’s piercings
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You can’t tell me that Dabi isn’t the type of guy who would gladly use sex as a means of distracting you from your work
Especially if he feels as though you’re paying too much attention to it and not him
And if you’re a university student, he would definitely fuck your brains out instead of letting you finish an assignment that he knew you had due
Maybe you make the mistake of letting him sit in your desk chair while you sit on his lap, so at least you can be close to him
He’d start off with his chin resting on his shoulder and his arms wrapped loosely around your waist, but it wouldn’t take long for his hands to begin to wander
One hand would drift down to your inner thigh, and begin tracing feather light patterns along the exposed skin he found there with the tips of his fingers, teasingly close to where you really want him to touch you
Meanwhile, his other hand has slipped under your shirt and is now toying with your nipples
And while all this is going on, you’re still desperately trying your best to concentrate, but it’s becoming increasingly harder for you to focus on typing out an essay when your boyfriend’s hands are doing sinful things to your body
It’s when he starts trailing his lips along your neck, nipping, sucking, and leaving tiny bruises behind that you give in to his touches
Dabi’s hand leaves its place on your thigh and his thumb hooks around the waist band of the skimpy pair of gym shorts you’d decided to wear around the house that day
You raise your hips, just enough for him to slide them down to your knees, where they fall and drop to the floor
He pops open the button on his jeans, and you swear you can feel yourself getting just that little bit wetter at the loud sound his zipper makes in the otherwise quiet apartment
His hands go to your hips, and he lowers you onto his achingly hard cock
A small gasp escapes your lips, you’d been careful not to brush up against his dick while you were working, not wanting to encourage Dabi’s teasing
You’d known he was horny, obviously, but you hadn’t realised how hard he truly was
The two of you moan when he’s fully sheathed inside your heat
You expect him to start bouncing you up and down on his cock, but when he doesn’t you figure he wants you to be the one taking charge
Instead, his hands tighten around you warningly, and he keeps you seated firmly in his lap
“Don’t you have something to do, princess?”
“But I thought-”
“You thought wrong angel.”
You can practically hear the smirk in his voice, knowing full well that if you turn your head to look at him, you’ll see one on his face
“Consider this your punishment for ignoring me.”
Part of you can’t believe Dabi is making you finish your assignment instead of fucking you, especially when his cock is buried inside you
Another part of you can totally believe it, knowing all too well what a tease your boyfriend can be
He sits back and begins drawing lazy circles around your throbbing clit
Somehow, you manage to type out a paragraph, and you think that maybe you can do this
Until Dabi decides to flex beneath you, the seemingly innocent movement making his dick twitch inside of you, driving you crazy from the stimulation
You could have tears rolling down your cheeks as you beg him to bend you over your desk and just fuck you already
Instead, he’d have the audacity to coo softly in your ear:
“Come on baby girl, I thought you needed to concentrate?”
But the moment you finish that assignment and submit it to your Professor, he’s pulling out of you and standing up so fast that the chair he’d been sitting on falls over backwards
He quickly manages to get rid of the few articles of clothing the two of you have left between you
Before you know it, Dabi has you bent over the desk, one hand tangled in your hair and the other at your hip in a grip so tight that it's bound to leave bruises. He thrusts into you rapidly, setting a brutal pace. The sounds of skin on skin slapping together, and the obscene noise your cunt makes as he fucks into you fills the air of the studio apartment you share with him.
It takes an embarrassingly short amount of time for you to cum around Dabi’s cock, already pent up and overflowing from almost an hour's worth of Dabi teasing you. Your thighs are glistening as you let go, screaming his name so loudly that your neighbours are sure to file another noise complaint against the two of you come the evening. He releases his grip on your hair, trailing his fingers down your body until they rest between your thighs, and begin to draw circles around your clit once more. Gone are the slow, teasing touches from earlier his only focus is on making you scream out his name out for a second time before he cums. Dabi leans forward, his chest pressing flush against yours back, practically laying on top of you as he rails you without mercy. You realise that you can feel the cold metal of his nipple piercings pressing into your back, and the mental image it conjures makes you clench around him. Dabi lets out a soft groan, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.
“Fuck sweetheart, you have no idea how good you feel wrapped around me,” he pants, his voice breathy as it caresses your neck. “So good and tight for me, fuck. Come again angel, one more time, I wanna hear you scream my name.”
“God Dabi, yes! Yes! Yes!” You whine, trailing off into a hiss at one particularly hard thrust. “Right there baby, I’m so close, fuck!”
Without missing a beat, he shifts himself slightly, angling his cock in a way that Dabi knew would have you seeing stars and hurtling over that precipice you were dangling from. You were convinced you could feel the tip of him pounding against your cervix, dragging deliciously against your walls in all his pierced glory as he brushed past that sweet spot hidden inside of you with each and every punishing thrust. This new angle, abusing your g-spot while his fingers danced over clit, your nipples being teased as they were dragged and pushed across the surface of your desk; All of it was proving to be too much for you. That coil deep inside of you winding tighter and tighter, rendering you all but incoherent. Your tipping point however, was when your boyfriend sunk his teeth into the junction of your shoulder and neck. It wasn't quite hard enough to break the skin, but you knew without a doubt that he would leave one hell of a mark. The pain from his teeth sends pleasure arcing through your body like waves of electricity, going straight to your pussy, causing that tightly wound coil to snap as you threw yourself from the edge you had been hanging onto for dear life.
"Fuck Dabi, I'm coming, FUCK!" You sobbed, cheeks feeling suspiciously wet. The way your pussy fluttered around him was exactly what Dabi needed to find his own release, his pace becoming more and more erratic as he continued to thrust into you, working you both through the shared orgasm. Your name left Dabi’s mouth in a loud moan that was practically pornographic. He came inside of you, painting your walls with his seed, your combined release already beginning to seep out of you from the sheer amount of cum he was pumping into your cunt.
Eventually, his thrusts come to a halt. Your face was pressed uncomfortably against your desk, and you were pretty sure there was a pen trapped beneath you, but at that moment you didn't quite have it in yourself to care. Your mind was pleasantly fogged over from the post orgasm haze, and had someone asked for your name in that given moment, it probably would have taken you a few minutes to recall.
The first thing you became aware of, was Dabi pressing a series of gentle kisses to your neck, paying particular attention to the large bite mark he had left in the heat of the moment. It throbbed slightly, but not unpleasantly so, soothed by the delicate pressure of his lips. Slowly, he pulled out, a small noise of displeasure escaping you at the sudden emptiness you felt with the absence of his cock. He pulled you up, and guided you gently over to the bed where the two of you collapsed together. His arms encircled your waist, gathering you up against his chest. Fingers began to play with your hair as your awareness slowly began to return, Dabi's lips now pressed gently to the top of your head.
"That was..." you trailed off, still slightly breathless.
"Yeah." He agreed, tracing patterns along your skin.
"I'm going to need a shower," you winced, feeling his cum already beginning to dry on you. You already dreaded the idea of getting up to leave the bed, knowing that by the time you did, your limbs would be feeling like jelly and there would surely be an ache settled between your thighs.
"Not yet," your boyfriend breathed. "I'll get up and get us a towel in a minute. Just, lie here with me for now, okay?"
"Okay," you murmured against him, not needing too much convincing.
"Maybe I should help you with your work more often, princess," he suggested, but was met with no reply. Dabi craned his neck to look down at you, only to realise that you had managed to fall asleep in his embrace.
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Here’s that tag you asked for lovely, hope you enjoyed my first attempt at writing smut.
@simpforsadbois 💜
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jenomark · 3 years
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➔Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: -.- ➔Genre: Smut ➔Warnings: Oral (F+M) + Penetration (F) + Cursing ➔Word count: 3,659
➔Summary: Two realtors who play together, stay together. Whenever you and Jaehyun work together, you make a little bit of a mess in the homes you're trying to sell for your clients. After all, no one ever said you couldn't have a little fun on the job.
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“Your boyfriend is so charming.”
You were showing a married couple around a brand new house, built in a neighborhood they most likely could not afford. While the husband was checking out how the door handles jiggled on every door in the place, his wife leaned in close to your ear, her voice deeper than the fake customer service voice she had in the beginning of the tour.
You could hear the accusatory tone, her words felt through every layer of your reserve, “How did you get a man like that?”
If she could have circled around you, like a huntress ready to take her prey out, she would have taken the chance. You held your ground, so used to the way women acted around Jaehyun. But there was a certain amount of fun to be had when you were bored and waiting, your day's work blemished by couples who believed they were hot shit.
“Just between me and you,” you purred, leaning in closer to her and stroking her arm with your finger. “He’s not my boyfriend. We just like to fuck each other at work."
You never blamed any of the women for looking at Jaehyun like he was a prized hog in a show. He was handsome on the outside, his face so valentine sweet, his smile disarming even the most hardened of ladies. He wore a tailored suit nicely, too, which made the effect that much cavity-inducing. On the inside, though, he was a filthy, filthy man, and he would never go for someone like the wife, as much as she wanted him to.
No, Jaehyun wasn’t your boyfriend. Jaehyun wasn’t even your partner. He came to the house dressed up in the part of a wholesome realtor, his eyes following the wife across the room, forcing eye contact that would make her feel warm underneath her collared blouse. He did it because it was fun for him. He did it because he could.
It was a game. Jaehyun eye-fucked the wife to tease you. He liked when you wore jealousy like a proud bib. He waited for you to take possession of him, which you always did in the subtlest of ways. Watching the wife back away from you after claiming that you and Jaehyun fucked- a tale met with disbelief- was a way to piss all over your territory.
That's mine.
Of course, you could have pushed Jaehyun harder. In doing so, the husband of the pair was a viable conquest. He looked at you with his dumb look when you ran your hand up your stockinged thigh, his jaw slack as you hiked up your skirt inappropriately and unprofessionally high.
However, it wasn’t very fun for you. You could tell the husband was too in love with his wife to ever flirt with you. You gave up quickly, your annoyance waving like a red flag whenever the wife breathed in your direction.
“Are you almost done, sweetie?” you called out to Jaehyun.
“Yes, sweetheart.” Jaehyun said, sticking his head out of a doorway.
You shot a look at the wife, her full attention on Jaehyun as he walked towards you both. She might as well have started taking off her clothes where she stood. She was fanning herself with her hand and wiping sweat from between her cleavage, the telling signs of someone who really wanted to know Jaehyun's cock felt like.
“Your husband is insisting on checking every nook and cranny of this place.” Jaehyun said, a brilliant smile stretched across his face. “I keep telling him there is no need. You won't find a place like this in the city.”
“I’m sorry for his behavior.” the wife said. “He does this all of the time. Nothing is ever good enough for him.”
“I can’t blame him.” Jaehyun said, his eyes roaming down the legs of the wife. “We men love being thorough.”
You slapped a hand against Jaehyun’s chest and tugged on his tie, hoping it would tighten against his throat. “We should get going soon, don’t you think, Jaehyun?”
“Oh, I think we can spare a few minutes, baby.”
The wife was completely ignoring the fact that you were in the room. She took a step towards Jaehyun, batting her eyelashes and pushing out her sweaty breasts. Jaehyun ate up the attention, his eyes practically fucking her right in front of you.
“You are absolutely shameless.” you said, walking away.
You walked through the fully furnished and staged home, finding the husband in the downstairs bathroom (one of three in the house). He wasn’t ugly, but he wasn’t really your type. Still, he gave you the attention that made it easy for you to ignore all of that. It wasn't much, but it was enough.
“Like what you see?” you asked, moving one leg out in front of you so that your skirt rode up. “With the house, I mean.”
“Yeah.” he said. “Might be out of our price range. I'll have to check.”
You walked further into the bathroom, your heels click-clacking on the tile. It took only a few seconds for Jaehyun to find you, like it was a mating call, appearing in the bathroom doorway looking relaxed and ready to fuck. You knew the wife was soon to follow, a look of disappointment on her face that Jaehyun didn’t stick around to flirt with her.
You often wondered what women were thinking when caught with alone time involving Jaehyun. Were they imagining him bending them over the kitchen sink and fucking them? Did they think they were special, that he would sneak away from his dull job for an illicit affair with them? You could be sure that they were mentally undressing him, that they were not at all in tune to the fact that Jaehyun, in the end, only had eyes for you.
“If my girl here hasn’t sold you on the house, we would be delighted to show you to others on another date and time.” Jaehyun suggested.
Jaehyun’s words were final. He wanted them to leave immediately, to take their shit and go. You could hear the sour puss in his voice, the slight quiver in sound. He threw his arm around the wife and brought her closer to him. He let a smile consume him, one that made you grit your teeth. The four of you walked out of the bathroom quarters together, back to the open plan living room to discuss things further.
“You smell wonderful.” Jaehyun murmured to the wife of the pair. He let her go. “Anyway, the price isn't negotiable, but we’ll see what we can do if it’s what you really want. You may have to extend your budget further. If not, there are always others, like I said.”
The wife and husband agreed that the house would never be in their budget before leaving. The husband checked out your tits, and the wife cast one last longing look at Jaehyun over her shoulder, her pink tongue sensually gliding along her lower lip. With a serene smile, Jaehyun shut the door behind them, shutting the world out from you and him.
“You could have charmed the panties off of her.” you said, crossing your arms against your chest.” Pretty sure she would have blown you in front of the fridge if you had stood in the kitchen any longer.”
“Is that why you walked away?” Jaehyun said. “Scared of the competition?”
“Please.” you said. “I just really wanted to get fingerbanged by the husband over the toilet.”
“I can make that a reality.” Jaehyun smirked.
You walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool, smiling to yourself when Jaehyun followed you like a dog. “It’s not fair what you do to them.”
Jaehyun held on to either side of the stool and kept his face inches from yours. “You’re just angry because I win every time.”
“The husband always loves his wife too much.”
“And the wife is always ready to get fucked raw.” Jaehyun said. "By yours truly, of course."
“Maybe I should just start fucking the wife.” you said, peeling Jaehyun’s fingers from the stool.
“I would very much like that.”
“I know you would.” you said, pushing him away.
Jaehyun was pushed back feet from you. He yanked at his tie until it was loosely hanging around his neck. He ran a hand through his sandy brown hair, the ends sticking straight up in some places. You watched him, knowing it was what he wanted. You could see his chest hair peeking out from between the now unbuttoned portion of his dress shirt. The heat began to cover your body like a warm blanket of sin, as you thought about tangling your tongue up in those hairs.
“I can feel you on my skin, even though you haven’t touched me yet.” he whispered.
Jaehyun rolled his neck around, cracking it in some places. When his eyes met yours, the shade of brown appeared somewhat darker. You could feel that look rolling all the way down your stomach until it settled in its depths, curling up in itself. Your nerves felt shot, your confidence gone.
“Doesn’t it just feel so good to give in to me?” Jaehyun asked, his voice a little rough. “Don’t you want to play with me in this big, bad house?”
He came to you, only stopping by the length of your knees. He tucked his fingers underneath your chin and brought your eyesight up to his. He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. He let his palm run smoothly down your throat, giving it a little squeeze. Your body was unmoving underneath his touch. Sometimes, you would absolutely vibrate with pleasure when Jaehyun touched you. Other times, you would become still like a steel fortress in the wind, wanting him to work a little for your affection, to open up your doors to him like an open house.
The house was empty, but so full at the same time. Jaehyun got down on his knees in a moment of submission, his head down like he was praying. He hugged you, his arms resting on your thighs, his whole being in your lap. It lasted less than a minute until he was back on his feet, a rare sweetness in his eyes as the rest of his body became unfamiliar and rigid.
“Stand up.” he said, his voice cold, the sound of it rattling through the bones of the house. Though there was a faint grin on his lips and a playful eyebrow raised, Jaehyun wasn’t allowing himself to be played with anymore.
You were not quick enough. He took you by the sides of your shoulders and pulled you from the stool. Your knees buckled but Jaehyun caught you in time, the move making your nipples harden. He could see the reaction through your work shirt, your two little buds staring him in the face. All you wanted was for him to touch you, but he wouldn't.
It was fun playing the game with him, since you two were so alike. There were times when you dominated Jaehyun, making him eat you out and cum before the new couples would arrive at the house. If he failed, he would be punished and have to do something embarrassing for him. If he passed, you would both be in a great mood and would usually get a house sold. Then, like now, there were times when Jaehyun took control, which would usually be followed by a lack of sales disappointment. You could always feel those times coming, the excitement unable to be contained.
Jaehyun took your hand and whisked you off through parts of the house where he knew prying eyes wouldn’t find you. He ran up the stairs eagerly, tugging you along behind him, not bothering to see if you were tripping up.
“The master suite.” Jaehyun said, stopping in front of a door. “Wait here.”
He left you standing in front of the closed door for over five minutes. You kept checking the time on your phone, your eyes roaming up and down every detail of the white, wooden door. If he was trying to tantalize you, it was working. You were very impatient, trying your best not to bust through the door and hop right on his dick.
“Come in.” Jaehyun said.
You held onto the handle, the image of the husband jiggling that very handle less than an hour ago fresh on your mind.
“I won’t tell you twice.” Jaehyun said.
You opened the door and saw Jaehyun sitting on the edge of a model bed. He had stripped it of the crisp sheets and fluffy pillows that were adorning it. He was shirtless and his dress pants were unbuttoned, his brown leather belt hanging by his sides.You drank him in like that, the impatience waning away.
“Come closer.” he said.
“So bossy.” you smiled.
You walked closer. Since you knew that you affected him as much as he affected you, every step felt delicious. You stood in front of him, ready to rip your business skirt off if he just said the magic words.
“Good girl.” he said, standing up.
He was looming over you, the heat from his body making you hot. You wanted to press your hands to his sweaty chest and push him down onto the bed. You wanted to bite his shoulder so hard that it made him cry out. You wanted to sit on that strong jaw, rocking your body over him until he was suffocating.
“Look me in the eyes,” he said. “Don’t look at my body, like I’m a piece of meat.”
“A little bit of disobedience never hurt anyone.” you said, meeting his eyes.
It was difficult to keep your eyes trained on his when you could hear him unzipping his pants. Each click of the teeth made your clit throb, like his tongue was already gliding over it. You could hear his pants falling down to his ankles, and from the corner of your eye, could see him shift slightly to step out of them until he was naked. With your imagination, you thought of him stroking his cock, pumping his fist up and down his shaft.
“Are you with me?” Jaehyun breathed. “Be with me right now.”
You nodded as the sounds of him masturbating heightened. Jaehyun moaned and let his eyes disconnect from yours. Though he was looking down at his cock, you were looking at the top of his pretty head. There were thousands of hairs you could tug and pull to get him to comply, to have him give you his cock. You could feel the tip of him and his fist rubbing against you as he made it upwards, each stroke nearly punching you, because he was so close.
You looked down, the top of your head skimming his. He was going at it slowly, moving his body like he was fucking his own fist. It was so sexy that you could feel all the nerves in your body tingling. Though his pleasure didn't happen to you, you could feel every grain of it. You breathed heavily with him, your body going through the build up with Jaehyun.
Your eyes met him again. Yours were, no doubt, asking him why he was being so cruel. It took a minute for him to stop, for Jaehyun to set his mouth in a grim line, and to cock his head and look lost in thought.
“This isn’t about you.” he said. “This isn’t about your pleasure. On your knees and put my cock in your mouth. Don’t stop sucking until I say.”
As you got slowly to your knees, your lips slid down his stomach, your kisses rushed before he could decline them. You grabbed hold of his cock, the tip of him resting on your bottom lip before you looked up at him. He held your side of the neck before moving to the back of your head and forcing his cock down your throat until your eyes watered.
Fucking in a place that didn’t belong to you was thrilling. The owners could come back any second and catch you in the act. There could be cameras installed, or nosy neighbors coming to check up on the people who owned the lone car that sat in the driveway.
“Is it good?” Jaehyun asked, his voice velvety smooth. "How do I taste?"
You sucked his cock without stopping, testing him with both lips, tongue, and fingers. You brought him back so far into your throat that you choked and took him out with a string of saliva. You swallowed that, too, so grateful to have him in any of your holes.
Jaehyun pulled his cock out and teased himself back inside of your mouth slowly. You let your jaw hang open and laid your tongue flat while he fucked your face. You gripped his thighs and let your fingernails dig into him before he came on your tongue, grabbing a handful of your hair at release.
When he ordered you to stand up, he was still leaking. He wasn’t stopping for anyone, not even when you made a show of wiping his cum off of your chin with your finger and slipping it into your mouth.
"It tastes yummy." you said.
“Clothes off,” Jaehyun said, ignoring you. “Kneel on the bed.”
He wasn’t losing his erection. He treated his cock like it was delicate, holding it in his hands and stroking it gently. You watched him as you stripped, taking a little too long with the stockings. Jaehyun ended up ripping them from your legs and tossing them aside. Without saying another word, he grabbed your ankles and pulled you down to the edge of the bed, nearly making you faceplant on the mattress.
“Fuck.” you whispered, your body jerking in surprise as Jaehyun started eating you out from behind.
He wasn’t shy about it either. He was licking you, moving his head side to side and up and down, just to get every bit of you. His lips were so warm and you were so wet, that you had to sink your upper half onto the bed and place your forehead against your arm. Jaehyun squeezed your ass cheeks and pushed you forward, his tongue lapping up all of your wetness.
You didn’t want to break, to crumble. You wanted to be strong and not moan or give in completely. You didn’t want to let him know that he could bring you down with just a lick, but it was hard not to.
“Beg me.” Jaehyun said, coming up for air.
He smacked your ass and you turned around until you were on your back. It was rough and forceful, and it turned you on. Jaehyun kissed your ankle before moving his lips down your thigh.
“Beg me.” he repeated. “Fucking do it now.”
The hotness on your inner thigh as his mouth got higher was enough to make you call his name. “Please, Jaehyun.” you said. “Don’t stop.”
Jaehyun ate you out, slipping his fingers inside of you. He would occasionally stop and kiss his way up your body to leave hickeys on your neck, and catch glimpses of your face to see if you were enjoying it.
“Not about my pleasure, huh?” you asked, nearly laughing.
Jaehyun groaned. “Don’t ruin it.”
“Too late.” you said, moaning as he fingered you. “You smell like her.”
You kissed his neck and got the bite you wanted from his shoulder. You held him against you, making sure your scent was all over him. His mouth tasted like you, though. You kept kissing him and grabbing at his hands to make sure they didn’t stop fucking you. You were a tangle of bare limbs, holding him against you, and fighting for dominance.
Jaehyun lifted his fingers from your pussy and held himself up over you. He looked you in your eyes, his gaze falling to your lips before he kissed them. He moved his body and slipped his cock inside of you, knocking the air from your mouth.
Missionary position was not your favorite. It was too romantic, not as wild. You wanted him to break your back, to bend you into positions that made your legs wobble the next day. You wanted risk. You wanted it rough. But having Jaehyun’s weight on top of you in that way felt different. You let him move over you, holding your hips as he drilled himself inside of you.
It didn’t last long until you were wanting to flip him over, until you could be on top and ride him. Jaehyun smirked when he realized what you were doing and said, “I don’t think so.”
He leaned up until his sweaty body wasn’t clinging to yours anymore. He spread your thighs apart after pulling you closer to him. He let you get a good view of his cock disappearing inside of you.
“This pussy is mine.” he said, touching his fingers to your clit. “Say it’s mine.”
“It’s mine.” you said.
Jaehyun fucked you faster, his cock hitting your cervix a little rougher. You winced at the discomfort you quite liked, immediately wanting him to keep fucking you deeper.
“Say it.” he said, moaning with each thrust.
“Or what?” you challenged, breathlessly trying to hold yourself together.
Jaehyun gripped your wrists and brought them above your head. He got close to you again, his body smothering yours, and his cock fucking you in a way that was too good to stop.
“I’m yours.” you said. “It’s yours. All of it is yours.”
He smiled when he got what he wanted, the same charming smile that seemed to have most women on tenterhooks, wondering if they would give them something else of his. Jaehyun never would, though, because everything of his was also yours.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Mob!Bucky x Reader AU 
Run-through: You have an argument with your boyfriend and you call him out on all of his shit. You’re sassy and rude, and the mob boss can only tolerate so much disobedience. So when you turn around to leave, he doesn’t take it very well. And given you’ve been running your mouth all this time, he shuts you up and shows that sassy little mouth its true purpose... 
Themes: FILTH, smut, daddy kink, dirty talk, oral sex
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You and Bucky have been bickering all day. 
Even at the party; anything he would say or do would simply annoy you. This all started this morning due to his grumpy mood which then rubbed off on you and now, by the time you both made it home - you were straight up arguing over random stuff
“You’re being all crazy. I don’t even know what we’re arguing about.” 
“Shut up.”
And it would simmer down for a few minutes, but then you’d be at it again. Arguing over useless stuff for no reason; both of you frustrated and running low on patience. 
“Baby, calm down.” 
“Don’t ask me to calm down, you started this with your shitty mood.” 
You walked into the living room, pissed off and wanting to get away from Bucky but he had been following you around the house ever since you two got home.
“Will you at least tell me what I can do to make it better? Even though I don’t know what I did and you refuse to tell me?” 
“Leave me alone, Bucky.” You went over to the mini bar and tried pouring yourself a drink but Bucky interrupted you even then. 
“No.” His voice was firm and deep. “What the hell is going on right now-,” 
You cut him off by rolling your eyes and moving away from him to grab a glass. You heard him sigh and swear under his breath. Something along the lines of ‘bitch’. And that set you off. 
“What the fuck did you just call me?” 
He sighed again, “Nothing.” He tried walking away but you called out after him. 
“You wanna know who’s a bitch? You. Because you couldn’t take your eyes off someone else’s girl tonight.” You didn’t mean to say that, but your anger got the best of you. You had gone over this earlier and he had made it clear that no, he wasn’t staring at another woman all night long. 
He narrowed his eyes at you, sending you a glare which should’ve shut you up but didn’t. “Watch your words, and your tone.” 
You let out a dry chuckle. “Why? So you can just be a manwhore but I can’t raise my voice? Screw you!” You turned around to leave the living room, the drink you were making yourself long forgotten. 
You heard him call out for you. “Don’t you dare walk away from me! Come back here and we’ll fix this. Right now!” He sounded irritated. But you didn’t stop. 
You walked upstairs and packed yourself an overnight bag. Tonight, it seems you’d be spending back at your apartment instead of at your boyfriend’s lavish mansion. You didn’t care, you needed to be away from him. His very presence was pissing you off. 
You grabbed your bag and made it downstairs in the span of a few minutes. He was by the bar, finishing off the drink you started making earlier. He turned his head sharply once he saw you. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
You kept walking, ignoring him; knowing he hated it so much when you did that. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked, louder. 
You stopped for a brief moment, turned to send him a dirty look. “Away from you.” 
He clenched his jaw and crossed the living room to get to you but you had already begun walking towards the front door by the time he reached you. He ran to you and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you into his strong chest. You got a whiff of his perfume and tried your hardest not to give in. His cologne had always been a weakness of yours. 
“You’ve been running your mouth all day, and all evening. And now you think you can just leave?” He sounded pissed too, his patience running low. 
You managed to get your arm out of his grip, he let you, thinking you would apologize or walk back inside so you two could fix this but instead you glared at him and turned around to walk away again. 
“Oh you think you can just-,” he couldn’t believe the audacity you suddenly had. “Come back here!” He grabbed you by your hand again, snatched the travel bag out of it and threw the bag somewhere before dragging you back to the living room. 
He had to carry you for the last few steps because you were screaming right at his face. 
“Enough!” he grabbed you gently by the jaw and stared into your eyes with his deep blue eyes making you shiver. “You’ve been such a brat, I can’t believe I’ve been able to tolerate your behavior for so long.” He pulled your face closer to his, and you immediately stopped resisting. “Get on your knees.” 
You didn’t do so immediately, which made him raise an eyebrow at you; intrigued by your unusual disobedience. “Oh? So you’re gonna resist me now?” He leaned in, trailing the tip of his cold nose across your cheek. You shivered again, closing your eyes instinctively. “You’ve been such a bad girl today.” He whispered in your ear. “Been running that sassy little mouth…” he spoke as his thumb traced the outline of your lips, definitely smudging your lipstick. 
You swallowed audibly, anticipating what would follow. 
He pulled away and smirked. “That’s all you need right now I believe. You just need daddy to help you out of that sour mood, don’t you babygirl?” His voice was already calming you down, but you refused to give in just yet. Even though you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist him for long. 
He chuckled. “Think you can just be mad at daddy for no reason? How cute…” he tightened his grip on your jaw. “Get on your knees, now. That sassy mouth of yours has been getting me on my nerves all day. Think it’s about time I teach you a little about it’s true purpose, huh?” 
You didn’t say anything. He smirked. “On your knees, now.” 
You quickly sank down to your knees in front of him. You were grateful for the fluffy carpet you knelt on, because who knows how long he’s gonna keep you on your knees. He spoke up again. “Now come on, we both know what else that pretty little mouth is good at other than being sassy. Show me.” 
Your hands hurried to undo his belt, unzip his pants and lower his underwear to free his erected cock. The mere sight of his thick cock had you whining with need, but this wasn’t about you. This was about proving him right. 
You wrapped your hands around his cock and placed your mouth on his tip; your tongue slowly circling his tip. Bucky slid his hand into your hair and grabbed a fistful of it; tugging on it gently and slowly pushed himself deeper into your mouth. “There we go, take it. Take all of me. This is all you’re good for, isn’t it baby?” he threw his head back and let out a strained moan. “All you’re good for is sucking daddy’s cock…” 
You bobbed your head around his tip; taking him in inch by inch until he hit the back of your throat. You kept your eyes on his face as you sucked on his cock. He closed his eyes momentarily, lips parted and gasping as he tilted his head back. He looked majestic. He moaned as he pushed himself deeper into your mouth, fucking it like he owned it. 
“This is all you needed, isn’t it you little brat?” He taunted, grunting and tugging on your hair. He bucked his hips forward into your mouth, and loved the sight of your spit coating his cock as you gagged just a little. You looked so pretty on your knees, he thought, taking him perfectly.
You repeated your actions again and again, hollowing your cheeks. The growls and moans which escaped his lips made you squirm and it only added to the dampness which was forming in your underwear. And his dirty, dirty mouth… 
“Keep going babygirl, come on… show me what that mouth is good for.” He quickened the pace at which he moved in and out of you; eager to chase his orgasm.
“That’s right, it’s only good for sucking daddy’s big cock, isn’t it?” He twitched against your tongue and you tasted some of his pre cum.
“You’re such a good little slut for daddy, aren’t you? See how easy it is when you shut up and behave, and do as I say?” He swore under his breath as you dragged your tongue over the slit on this tip very lazily.
The moment you slowed down a little, you earned yourself a gentle smack on your cheek. It made you squeal in surprise. “Did I ask you to slow down, kitten? No I didn’t, keep going.” He growled when you sped up again. 
“Look at you squirming,” he chuckled darkly. “You just need daddy to fill you up, don’t you? You’re desperate for daddy to just fuck you, aren’t you baby?” 
His words made you whine, and you discreetly tried to slide your hand down through the slit of your dress and touch yourself but before you could, he caught you. “Put your hands where I can fucking see them!” he hissed and tugged on your hair, making your moan with your mouth full of his cock. You immediately removed your hand from under your dress and placed them on your lap instead. “Don’t you dare touch yourself. Bad kittens don’t get to play with themselves while sucking daddy’s cock, you understand me?”
You nodded. Well then… 
You knew you were walking on thin ice here, but you couldn’t resist teasing him. He was already ‘punishing’ you, what else would he do? 
He caught the mischief in your eyes as you took him out of your mouth, licking his cock from bottom to top while your hands toyed with his balls. He looked down at you with a warning in his eyes. 
“Don’t tease me, kitten,” he growled, looking down at you with his intense blue eyes. 
 Those words were all it took for you to take him back into your mouth. You felt the veins of his firm cock ramming in and out of your mouth. You felt his muscles tightened under your touch, and you knew he wouldn’t last much longer. So you quickened your pace, and he moaned over and over again as he reached his high.
With one final, rough push into your mouth, you felt him come undone. His cum trickled down your throat and you swallowed him obediently. Slowly, he pulled himself out of your mouth and bent down to look at you from up close. Your lips were swollen, and spit ran down your chin along with his cum. You were panting; an overall mess. 
You were much calmer than before, he could tell by the look in your eyes. “Not so bratty anymore, are you?” He asked, standing up straight and held his hand out for you to take. “Up. Come on.” 
You took his hand and stood up, your knees felt weak but luckily he held you tight against him. “I don’t like punishing you, babygirl. You know that, right?” 
You nodded at his words. 
He stroked your cheek with his thumb, softly. “But do you agree that you’ve been bratty for no reason today?” 
You nodded again. 
He smirked. “Well then, you deserve a proper lesson, don’t you kitten? Go wait for me upstairs,” he leaned in just enough to make your heart race, but not kissing you yet. “I want you naked on the bed when I get there, you hear me?” 
You nodded. “Yes, daddy.” 
He smiled, kissing you on the side of your mouth; making you whine in need.
“Good girl.”
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chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 01  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Word Count : 4.3k
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
The winter’s coldness is hardly enough for you to bear. Even though it’s just the beginning, Seoul is known to just go from season to season without a fucking warning. Not only that, but the first snowfall is going to come soon. The weatherman has been talking about it non-stop for the past few days. It’s going to be a brutal one he says but he says that every year so why believe?
Turning off your alarm, you take a few minutes to collect yourself and stretch. Barely any sleep once again but that’s an everyday thing now.. without Jimin. It’s been some rough months not having his body wrapped snugly onto yours. These days you long for his touch, but completely dread at the same time for very good reasons.
Your kitten greets you with small licks on your thigh in which in return you pet her head softly with a smile.
‘‘ At least I still have you babygirl. You keep me company. “ You coo softly while grabbing your phone off the charger. Texts from your best-friend just spamming you with love and apparently she’s coming over. Great. That’s normal.  But one text catches your eye. Jeon Jungkook.
You furrow your eyebrows as your finger slides to open it after typing in your password. In relief, he’s just checking up on you as always. Rolling your eyes, you muster enough strength to actually pull yourself out of bed. The cold tiles hit your feet like icicles. You jump from from foot to foot cursing yourself for not turning on the floor heaters as you walk out the room. Clara, your kitten, follows you out purring nonchalantly with a few meows here and there.
‘’ Alright Clara I hear you. Im getting your food now.’’ You chuckle, grabbing her food from the bottom kitchen cabinet right under the sink and pour her half a cup of cat food and a whole bowl of water.
After snacking on your morning granola bar you prepare yourself for your morning routine. Shower, brush teeth, skin care, get dressed, clean. Your phone dings once more just before stripping yourself of your clothes. You don’t bother to look it’s probably just a social media notification.
Drying your hair with a towel as you get out the steaming hot shower, you head straight for the mirror. Dark circles remain under your eyes from months of barely any sleep. You sigh, and gently rub under them. Jimin is the cause of this. Why would he do this to you. Surely enough he would not like to see you like this at all. The worriedness he would have over you is huge. But he has moved on and you just have to accept it no matter how in-love you still are with him.
As you clean up around the living room, another ding from your phone occurs. A groan escapes your lips as you place the pillows back as they should be. In hopes of it just being your manager giving you some good news, you let out a sigh and plop yourself down on the grey suede couch. Three new messages. Jeon Jungkook, who has text you twice, and Ryan your bestfriend. 
‘‘ Damn it Ryan why must you consistently text me twenty four sev- “
“ Beause I need to know if you’re okay.”
You jump and drop your phone onto the hardwood floor from the voice that comes from around you.
“ Holy fucking shit you scared me! “  You whine, turning around to face your best-friend. She smiles and holds out her arms for a hug. You roll your eyes and open yours waiting for her embrace.
“ Oh i’ve missed you so so so so so so so-”
“ You just seen me yesterday..” Your voice sarcastic and bland as you let go of her. You sit on the couch first followed by Ryan sitting right next to you.
She looks good today, the navy blue coat she has on suits her very well. Although, you cannot figure out why she decided to wear leggings today. It’s going to rain a bit later but you disregard that seeing as though she’s the fashion deisgner and not you.
You. The model and seemingly ex girlfriend of one of the biggest solo idol in the world right now. Thats what they call you in the news, headlines in magazines, and real life as if you don’t have a real name and just was his acessory. Your modeling career had taken off way before dating him. The world, or Seoul to say the most, didn’t acklowledge you to that point yet. 
“ Okay but still. You know we should be roomates. It’ll be easier for me to watch over you. “
Your head turns towards her quickly shaking no, “ I don’t need to be looked over im 20 years old.”
Silence takes place for the next few seconds. You know what she’s going to say next but pray she doesn’t. Those words will just make you even more upset. It’s already enough you have that constant reminder in your head. 
You watch her fiddle with the rings on her index and pinky fingers. “ But you know… you haven’t been the same since you and Jimi-”
“ Don’t fucking say it. I don’t want to hear it.”
She sighs harshly and stands up, “ Im just worried about you Yn”
“ Don’t be. Im fine. “ That lie escaped your tongue way too easily. 
Truthfully you haven’t and won’t be fine. Everyday there is something new about that girl and Jimin on twitter. Gossip pages, twitter fanpages, and online entertainment pages just always talking about them. They did this, they did that today. Oh we caught them going to this and that restaurant. That used to be you and him.. but now everyone has forgotten about you and focused on them.
Ever since you’ve told reporters and paparazzi repeatedly that you will not be holding or going to any interview they just stopped. A few calls here and there to your manager about scheduling one but she knew you didn’t want to do them so every request is denied. Although its been a year and some change, they still seem to want your side and your opinion to weigh in on. I guess that’s what happens when you date an Idol.
“ The door.. Y/N the door somebody is at the door.” Ryan says, tapping you over and over. You shake your head interrupting your thoughts for the time being. A few more knocks come through.
Finally up onto your feet you harshly walk to the door with each step making noise. It’s to early in the morning for someone to actually be knocking at the door right now. Whoever it is better be dropping off some sort of package, or they’ll surely get a piece of your mind.
Your frail hands grab onto the doorknob and swing it open. Your eyes almost pop through your sockets. How? How did he know you were here? You certainly did not tell him your knew address.
There he stands, his tall frame looking down on you. Lips formed into a tiny pout along with his eyebrows scrunched slightly. His brown eyes forming an ungodly stare into yours with his specs on.
“ Yn! Do you know how worried I was about you? Why did you not answer my messa-”
“Jungkook how do you know where I live?” You pace your hands on your hips, raising an eyebrow at him. To your knowledge, you never gave Jungkook your new apartment address.
Jungkook swallows slowly and puts on his best innocent face on. Oh please like that would work in this moment right now. The only person who has this address is Ryan because she’s the one who helped you move. Even if you had the choice of not giving it out to Ryan you would of but you couldn’t do that to her. She would of been so upset.
Ryan’s voice blares in the background full of excitement. Here we fucking go. “Jungkook! Come in Come in.”
“ Ryan says I could come in.” He says quickly, brushing past you and removing his shoes.
You heavily sigh and slam the door shut. What is this a family reunion? On your way back to the couch you notice them laughing and giggling like two five year old children. They don’t even notice you when you sit right across from them.
You study their expressions. Their chemistry is something so strong. The way their eyes light up when they meet, the way that Jungkook smiles and scrunches his nose more often when she’s around. You miss that. You miss doing that.
“ So are you both coming along this afternoon?”
Your attention focuses back on them. Of course you weren’t paying attention once again.
Your eyes slowly meet with theirs, “ Huh? Where are we going?”
“ Kookie finally bought a house! He wants us to come tonight for chicken and beer. You’re coming right?”
A sharp pain goes through your heart. If the both you you guys go then theirs a possibility that Jimin was invited too. After all, that is his brother. If Jimin comes then he’s most likely going to bring Isabel. A recipe for disaster. Your poor heart, that most likely could not bare the sight of them infront of you, would shatter into a million pieces.
Jungkook’s expression is ready to burst into happiness or to turn into a pout awaiting for your answer. If you let him down he’ll surely be mad at you. But putting yourself before him this time would be the right thing to do right?
“ Listen Jungkook I.. don’t think I can go.” You start off, playing with your hair with your head down.
“ I’ll space you two apart.”
Your face automatically lifts itself up in shock. Somehow, that little confirmation of Jimin being there, gave you some hope. Hope for what though?
 “ Wha-what do you mean?”
Jungkook sighs heavily with his hand going up to his brown hair running it through lightly. “ I’ll make sure you two are distanced apart. You don’t want to come because of Jimin but I’ll make sure I’ll invite more people to keep you company and away from him. Okay?”
“ Please Yn. I’ll be there too.” Ryan begs, laying her head on Jungkook’s shoulder. Jungkook smiles a little, caressing her cheek with his other hand upon waiting your response.
Weird. When did they get so close?
The first thing you want to say is that you really could not go. But they already know the excuse now. You might as well just give in.
‘‘ Fine. What time tonight? “
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Skincare and makeup products are scattered everywhere on your vanity. You needed the perfect look for tonight that says ‘Yes im doing fine without you’, but in reality you’re doing worse. This is the night where you’ll actually see him. Damn it’s been a while.
After you apply your highlight you step back and take a look at yourself. Not bad at all. You smile to yourself and start cleaning up the mess of products you had  distributed across the vanity. A new text appears on you phone as soon as you gather everything up and put it back in it’s place. Grabbing your phone, it’s Ryan giving you the address to Jungkook’s new house.
You sigh and mentally prepare yourself, ‘‘ Okay Yn. You can do this. It’s just one night of conversing among people. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone new.”
Before heading out you grab your coat and scarf. Clara follows you all the way to the door letting out her little meows once again. You bend down to pet her head lightly with a smile. “ Clara im coming back. I’ve put food in your bowl babygirl.”
She purrs under your touch then walks away to settle herself in her bed. You take one last final look at your decent sized apartment before heading out.
The subway ride was agonizing pain for you due to it being 30 minutes long. Well, at-least you can ride the subway now. Your mind wouldn’t even of thought of that when you were with him. Everybody would have noticed you and bombard you with questions.
The outskirts of Seoul is peaceful and quite. Not many people live over here. Mostly famous actors and idols. The taxi takes a few minutes to get to the fairly clean subway station. Once you’re inside you take a good look at the driver who seems to be eyeing you in suspicion. You pull out your phone and read the words to the address exactly to him. The taxi man pulls of into the empty streets of god knows where.
All it took was a ten minute ride and then you’re there. The taxi man pulls up to a security guard booth. Just beyond the gates is more street but  by squinting your eyes you can make out just a few newly built houses.
‘‘ Who are you here to see?” The taxi driver says.
“ Jeon Jungkook.?
The driver talks to the man for a few seconds before you see the security guard pick up a phone and start dialing. The security is extremely uptight, thats good. After a few moments of speaking the security guard finally opens the gates to be let through.
As you pull up to the house you’re automatically mesmerized on how big and beautiful it is. There’s fresh bushes and some white roses growing in the front of it complementing the white modern style home. The roundabout is full of luxurious cars, in which might be all the other guests.
‘‘ 10 dollars’‘ He says. You give him the ten, thank him, and grab your purse, closing the door behind you.
Your eyes meet face to face with the expensive house. Behind you is the tire wheels backing up and running off back down the roundabout. The time on your watch reads 8:15. Only fifteen minutes late, not bad right?
With each step you take fear quivers inside of you. What if he opens the door? What if that girl opens it instead? The wind blows harsh-fully hitting your cheeks making them turn slightly colored. You raise a small, shaky fist to knock on the door. Your blood turning cold, and face turning pale already. Your anxiety already taking its place inside of your body.
The door swings open revealing Ryan smiling from ear to ear. She pulls you inside without even a greeting. You kick your shoes off in a hurry as she pulls you more and more inside. Scanning the area around you, its a nice huge place. First the both of you pass the entrance, then the chef sized kitchen, which then leads you to the spacious living room where everybody seems to be sitting.
All eyes are on you now with some familiar faces and some not. They smile and greet you one by one and you slightly bow your head with a fake smile.
‘‘ Ah Yn, nice to see you again huh.’‘ Hoseok, the smiley one says, getting up from his seat to greet you once more.
‘‘ Nice to see you to Hoseok. Is Chae-Yeon here? I’ve baked the cookies she likes.’’  You say, holding up the big tuba-wear of freshly baked cookies. Nobody can resist those.
‘‘ No she had to work sadly, but I will enjoy them for her.’‘ He chuckles, bringing the tuba-wear out of your dainty, cold hands.
A very familiar voice booms from behind you causing you to turn around. “ Yn! You actually did come!’’ Jungkook, the owner of the voice exclaims. He wipes his hands with a napkin just before pulling you into a hug.You pat his back just before letting go.
Ryan smiles and shakes her head, “ I told you she would come.’’
Only one hour and 30 minutes into the festivities and half of the people here are drunk or nearly there. You on the other hand do not drink at all. Staying sober throughout this whole party is a must. Who knows what would happen if you start drinking and saying things.Ryan seems to be doing good with Jungkook who’s laying on the floor laughing and cracking jokes with her head laying on his stomach giggling along with him. The others have casually invited themselves into the guest game-room to play some pool.
You just sit there on the couch, munching on a cookie and smiling and laughing here and there at one of Seokjin and Jungkook’s back-to-back jokes that seem to never leave the air.
Only for a knock on the door to interrupt  their flow of jokes.
‘‘ I got it I got it.” Seokjin stammers, placing a beer bottle down and stumbling towards the door. You freeze, face turning pale once more. It’s them. It could be them. Your teeth find their way to your lips and you begin to chew on it excessively.
Ryan notices it and automatically gets up from Jungkook, ‘‘ Come Yn, lets go see if the game of pool is interesting.’‘
You nod your head slightly as you get up from the couch. What are you worrying for? You look extravagant tonight. No need to worry yourself.
Just before taking your first few steps you stop, that voice. That oh so familiar voice begins to inch closer and closer. The famous laugh that he always tries to stifle by putting his hand over his mouth, that you’ve always thought was so fucking cute, fills the air.
You don’t know what got over you, but you sit back down dragging Ryan down with you. “ Yn? What are you doing I thought you wanted to avoid him.’’
‘’ No it’s okay. Im going to be fine.’‘ You say, awaiting upon his arrival into the room.
The footsteps are haunting you with each step they take.
‘‘ Everyone, Isabel and Jimin are here.’‘ Seokjin stammers, smiling wide clearly drunk from all the beer consumed.
Your eyes go directly towards his. The pit of your stomach flutters with nervousness as you hold the long stare with him. His facial expression shocked but not showing it at all. His partner, who’s arm is linked with his, smiles brightly at everyone bowing her head slightly to them including you.
‘‘ Sorry we are late. Jimin didn’t want to come out of his home studio but I’ve made him come along with me.’‘ Her voice gentle and soft.
‘‘ Yn I forgot let me show you my new painting i have received.” Jungkook says quickly, trying to escape you from the awkwardness.You can bare it though its not as bad as you thought.
‘‘ Maybe later Kookie. I’m going to grab some juice.”  You say, getting up from your spot. You brush past Jimin lightly with Ryan tailing along with you.
The spacious kitchen was perfect for you to escape for just a moment. Silence is golden. Ryan sighs, pouring you and her a glass of juice. Nothing is to be said yet. But you know she really wants to have her input.
Raising the glass to your lips, you take a sip letting the tanginess run across your tongue and down your throat. ‘’ Say it Ryan.’’
She puts her cup down and looks at you with your eyebrows furrowed, ‘’ You aren’t fine. Please just avoid them for the night.’’
You knew it was coming but you have to face the fact that they area couple anyways so why avoid it? Maybe your mind will finally accept it to see it in person.
‘‘ I have to face it one way or another so why not now?’‘
She shakes her head in disapproval, finishing the rest of her juice. “ No you don’t. You’re making yourself suffer and I don’t like it.’’
‘‘ Yn.. did you make these cookies?’‘ A voice says behind you. Ryan’s eyes go wide and then looks at you signaling for you to not turn around. But you do it anyways.
Isabel. How dare she call you by a pet name? You don’t even know her like that and she’s doing this. Anger wants to get the best of you but you remain humble and calm.
‘‘ Yes. Is there a problem though? Are they not good?’‘ You say, putting on your best innocent act.
She smiles as she moves a piece of hair of her perfectly framed face, ‘’ No they are great! I was wondering if i can have the recipe.. for Jimin’s purpose of course.’’
You breathe through your nostrils with your eyes closed. She knows what she’s doing. She likes seeing you suffer huh? ‘’ You can follow any recipe online. I just add almond extract and substitute white sugar for brown.’’
Ryan shakes her head slightly while sticking her cup into the sink. ‘’ I’m going to be back I have to use the restroom.’’
Once she leaves Isabel’s smile drops.’’ Almond? Im- Im allergic!” She says, semi yelling at you. You’re shocked more or so at the sudden outburst that you can’t speak. You had zero knowledge of her being allergic, it’s an accident for sure.
 “You did this on purpose!’’ She says, tears filling her eyes as she goes into a coughing fit.
Shit. You didn’t know if anyone was allergic to nuts here but you had put it in anyways because that was the secret ingredient
‘’ I- I didn’t know im sorry is there anything I can do?’’ You say, guilt taking over you while you rush to her side patting her back. 
‘‘ Get off of me! You did this on purpose! You never liked me anyways. Jimin! Jimin!‘ She scream’s, coughing and wheezing making her face red.
Multiple footsteps rush into the kitchen. You don’t know what to do at this point so you just back away and let whoever take over. All the commotion going on and yelling is starting to give you a slight headache. All of the boys surround her, bombarding with questions and asking each other what to do. 
‘‘ What’s all the yelling about? What happened! “ Jungkook exclaims rushing towards her hunched over body.
‘‘ What’s going on? “ That voice that haunts you everynight finally comes inside the kitchen. When he see’s Isabel he automatically rushes towards her side. It pains you to see him rush to another woman’s body. But that figure is no longer yours so he has every right to do that.
‘‘ She-She put almond in the cookies on purpose! She’s trying to–to-’‘ She manages to wheeze out before another coughing fit.
Jimin’s eyes meet yours full of rage but then taken over by concern. He knows your hurt. Still hurt from the past and from this very situation now. You don’t manage to keep eye contact, so the floor is your eyes’ bestfriend right now.
‘‘ Yn. is this true? Why would you do that?”  He says, eyes never leaving yours and voice soft.
You shake your head quickly, “ I didn’t know she was allergic. I always put almond extract an-’’
“ You knew better than to put any type or form of nut in a dish when bringing it to ones house. You never know if someone has an allergy to it.’‘ Jungkook scolds you, eyes furrowed in shame.
‘‘ Don’t blame her. She didn’t fucking know.” Ryan’s voice enters the room in madness. She comes to your side with her arms crossed. Your own personal savior. Without her, you’d still be feeling guilty and taking the blame.
‘‘ Besides, you knew better than to invite him if you knew he was going to bring the girl he cheated on her with.. right?’‘ She says, cocking her head to the side as her attitude takes over.
The room is silent again. Good girl Ryan. 
Isabel lifts her head in disbelief along with Jimin. “ Listen that’s beside the point. Just don’t do it again.” Jimin says, focusing his attention back on Isabel. He reaches into her purse to grab her Epi-pen.
His scolding is enough to send your eyes into tears. You shouldn’t of agreed to come. This is a disaster. You take the tuba-wear of cookies from the counter on your way out of the kitchen and dispose of them. Your vision is blurry and you don’t know where your going but you just need some air. You make lefts and rights down long and short hallways till you reach a room that has a balcony.
You slip on who-ever’s house slippers and open the sliding door revealing the winter’s cold harsh air. You lean on the railing and close your eyes breathe in and out heavily.
Wiping the tears away, You open our eyes and look straight ahead. The whole city is lit up such a beautiful view for a sad moment. The sad moment is cut short by the sliding door opening and closing. You don’t bother to turn around it’s probably just Ryan checking on you again. When are people going to stop doing that?
“ Yn.”
Thats the last voice you wanted to hear.
‘‘ Are you happy? Happy for scolding me infront of everybody.”  You sniffle, wiping away your leaking nose.
You hear some rustling before something is placed on your shoulders. You look down at the material and shrug it off of you.
‘‘ Give it to your girlfriend.”
‘‘ I can’t let you be cold. Put it back on.’‘ He sighs, picking it back up and coming closer to you. You both stand side by side. Jimin puts his jacket around you once more and before you could re-do your action just before, he speaks.
‘‘ Shrug it off again and I’ll scold you. Do you understand?’‘ He says firmly.
You don’t bother to speak. Silence is golden.
‘‘ Listen.. i know you still aren’t over the fact that we are through but-”
‘‘ Shut up. I don’t want to hear it. Please go tend to your dying girlfriend.’‘ You say, sarcastically.
He huffs, “ She’s resting right now. She wouldn’t have to be if you wouldn’t of put-’’
You turn towards him slowly and meet his eyes daring for him to finish the rest of his sentence. ‘’ Don’t you fucking dare Park Jimin.’’
‘‘ Honorifics.’‘ He says, slightly looking down at you due to the height difference.
‘‘ You’re right Jimin-ssi.’‘
Jimin’s expression is taken a-back. You knew that one honorific word would hurt him.
‘‘ If we are done speaking I will take my leave now.” You say, eyes never leaving his as you take off his jacket and toss it to him, leaving him outside in the cold
This night was one of your worst mistakes. You thought you could handle it, but couldn’t. So maybe Ryan and Jungkook were right. Maybe you can’t handle it at all..
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theringers · 3 years
hard work - mick schumacher
summary: you spent your entire day studying and you need some help winding down at the end of the day
a/n: hi, hope y’all enjoy this. i woke up thinking about it and couldn’t stop so i wrote it down. as always feedback is very much appreciated :)
also this is unedited will fix later thx besties
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warnings: 18+, NSFW, smut, fingering, unprotected sex
Mick was propped up on the bed, casually scrolling through Netflix to figure out what to watch next.
Lucky him, you thought as you dropped your head into your textbook for the millionth time that day. It was almost 6pm and you hadn’t left your office. Only to use the bathroom and to get a little bit of food.
Finals were brutal and this year was no different. You had four cumulative exams coming up in the next week and your boyfriend decided that this weekend would be good to visit. “I’ll help you study,” “We can work together” yeah right.
He was watching tv and minding his own business, which you appreciated. No distractions.
He was very distracting as is, so you were glad he was making an active effort to stay out of your way.
You read over the formulas again and your temples strained, having trouble even remembering the easiest of formulas. You were overworking yourself. Sometimes you can hit a point where more studying just won’t help, it’ll only hurt and frustrate you.
Mick had been asking you to take a break all day but you refused, needing to stay in the right headspace to focus.
A smirk was plastered on his face when you walked into the room, excited that you were finally settling down. You plopped on the end of the bed. “I’m exhausted. Everything hurts. Fuck this,” you said. It was your typical reaction to studying. You loved what you were studying but reviewing anything this much could make you hate it.
“Oh, darling.” He said, smiling at you and holding his arms out. He looked so sweet, cuddled up under your fuzzy blankets with a big sweatshirt on. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, trying to hide your appreciation. You slowly made your way to Mick and sat next to him, legs hanging off the bed. You patted your hand on his blanket covered thigh, groaning.
“You look stressed,” he said. “Come here.” He pulled the blanket off and patted the space between his legs. Being in his arms sounded like a dream right now. You scooted towards him, sitting between his legs with your back flat against his chest. He squeezed his arms around you in a hug. “You’ve done so much work today and I’m so proud of you.” You smiled at his words even though he couldn’t see your face. “You deserve to take a break.” He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, exposing your neck to him where he placed a soft kiss. You leaned your body into his, feeling a sense of relief and relaxation. It was crazy how fast he could change your mood. “I’m so lucky to have such a beautiful, intelligent woman,” he whispered in your ear.
You wanted to mess with him and crack a few jokes but you had no energy left to fake fight with him. His fingers drew a trail down your arm leaving goosebumps in its path. A chill ran through your body.
You could feel his hot breath still against your neck making your head fall onto one of his shoulders. His finger followed the trail it just made back up your body and the muscles in your stomach tightened when it grazed your collarbone. It was one of your most sensitive spots.
He moved his finger at an agonizingly slow pace, driving you insane.
He dipped his finger in the valley of your breasts and you looked down to see him take one in his hand. Lucky for him, studying all day means no bra needed.
You let out a soft moan as he kneaded your chest, getting rougher by the moment.
His other hand snaked it’s way around your body and dipped into your sweatpants, teasing your cloth covered entrance. “Oh, Mick,” you said, shifting your body when he placed the slightest touch on your center.
“You need to relax, darling.” His soft voice said into your ear. You knew he was right. He wanted to make you feel good but he was teasing you. Your desire for him was winding you up more than it was settling you down.
You inhaled in and let Mick have complete control. Your body settled comfortably into his and you were putty in his hands, literally. He held you securely with one hand groping your tits and the other down your sweatpants. “Focus on the TV, pretend I’m not here.” He said. “I want to make you feel good. You worked hard.”
You rested your body onto his as he played with your clit. His fingers went in circles, sometimes venturing off course to explore the rest of you. If he felt you tense up, he would give your clit a light smack to remind you to calm down.
Your body felt ice cold and on fire at the same time.
He nudged your thighs apart and you let your knees fall to the sides opening you up for him. He continued to leave kisses all over your neck and shoulder while his finger slid between your folds.
You were dripping wet and he was surprised. He knew how to turn you on but it had only been a few moments. “Were you thinking about me today?” He asked in your ear.
“Yes,” you said, keeping your voice low.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked as he let one finger slide inside your core.
Your hips bucked at the full sensation but his other hand held your body down.
What didn’t you think about today? Any time you couldn’t focus your mind wandered to your boyfriend. His body. His hands. His mouth, his tongue. All of it all over you and you wanted it so desperately.
“You fucking me. Hard.” You wanted to keep it vague. You wanted to be surprised to see what he has up his sleeve and not give him any ideas. He groaned in your ear.
You lifted the blanket and watched as his finger pumped in and out of you, the muscles and veins in his wrist and forearm prominent. Your focus was on his middle finger as you patiently waited for him to push it inside of you. He knew what he was doing so you were going to let him be in control, but god did you want to feel him so bad.
“You look so hot like this, darling. Completely under my control. Just let go,” he said.
You took your eyes off of his hands and looked up at the TV. Your mind focused on the pleasure he was bringing you. He took this as the perfect opportunity to let his second finger inside of you, catching you off guard. You twitched once again and moaned, wanting to be filled up all the way with him. It felt amazing but it wasn’t enough.
“Baby, I need you to fuck me,” you whispered.
His fingers began to pump harder. “What was that?” He asked seductively, his mouth lingering near your ear longer than you would have liked. “I didn’t hear you. I’m going to need you to say it again.”
You huffed out of annoyance. You needed relief and he was just having fun. “I need you to fuck me. Right now.” You felt his thumb inch closer to your clit and start rubbing in sync with the movement of his other fingers.
“I’m going to need you to say that one more time.” You felt him begin to get hard against your back and you knew that he would give in soon.
You rolled your eyes and you knew he was smirking behind you. “I need you so badly. I need you to fuck me senseless.” You raised your voice this time. He removed his fingers and slid down your sweatpants. You kicked them off and repositioned yourself so you were on his lap, facing him with your knees on either side of him. You looked at his eyes and smiled. He returned the grin and you looked at each other for just a brief moment. He lifted you up and pulled his own sweatpants off, giving you the opportunity to grind into his hard cock. A soft whimper escaped his lips and you knew he was ready. No more teasing.
He gripped your ass, lifted you up, and lined his cock up with your entrance. He teased you, pushing his tip into your clit before you inched down on him, feeling him fill you completely. The feeling you had been chasing this whole time.
You rocked your hips back and forth with your arms around his neck for support. He guided your hips back and forth and let his hands run all over your sides.
Your head fell back and your eyes were met with the white ceiling. Your back was arched and your hair fell all the way down to the bed.
“Holy shit, you look so incredibly beautiful right now.” He watched you lose yourself in the moment, in the feeling, in the motion of your hips, the collision with his. He reveled in your beauty and still couldn’t believe what you were doing right now.
He continued to bounce your hips, hitting the perfect spot to have you crying out in pleasure. Your pussy tightened around him, letting him know you were about to cum. He pulled you in closer to him and held you as you rode out your high in his arms. His arms held your back tightly as he kissed your bouncing tits. The only sounds that could be heard were moans and expletives as you both finished.
“I love you so much, darling.” He said, kissing your lips.
“I love you too,” you said, rolling off of him and onto the other side of the bed. He stood up to clean himself off and returned with a towel for you and a glass of water. He was met with you, passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow.
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jiminrings · 3 years
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last name, jeon.
drabble week: day two
drabble week masterlist
pairing: badboy!jungkook x shy!reader
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: "can't you tell that i really don't want you to be here?"
notes: a tiny change on the plot!! also: frat boy!jimin from day four makes an appearance :D
feedback + support mean the world to me!!
“do you wanna form-“
... yes
you DO have an alliance with jungkook
it's a very fair trade honestly
he pretends to be your boyfriend!! there's no specific boundaries to it, but he springs into action as soon as you're put into an inconvenience
in exchange, you whore him out to your friends!!! :D
no but literally that's how he called it
the whole reason this came to be in the first place is because you hATE confrontation with a burning passion
especially when it comes to those "i have a crush on you" moments that people spring on you all of a sudden
you don't like them back!!! that's the truth!!! but the problem is that you aLWAYS feel guilty letting people down
you obviously don't have the obligation to like someone back just because you sit next to them in class :// IT'S JUST IN YOUR NATURE TO FEEL THAT WAY
you wouldn't get into a relationship with said confessor to ease your guilt, clearly
do you plan on denying their advances? yes
but hOW????
you always take the passive-aggressive approach
you get jungkook to carry your bag and hold your hand, walk in front of said person and pretend not to see them, jungkook makes sURE to put some snide eye contact in there aaaaand the whole ordeal is finished :D
you've managed to let someone down slowly without having to speak to them in-person!!!
jungkook comes more handy than that too
you take him when you want to eat out because you're too anxious to eat alone
you take him when you want to go somewhere in which lining up is essential and you're also too anxious to stand by yourself
you take him when you want to go shopping when there's a sale but you're almost always intimidated by the barrage of people and salespeople so he asks and answers the questions for you
jungkook, in hindsight, is the perfect fake boyfriend for you <3
ALSO jungkook wants something from you
"whore me out to the girls from the families your family's friends with, and it's a deal :D"
that alliance and exchange is going pretty well so far
you mAY be on the more-reserved side but that doesn't mean you're self-aware!!!
you know that your parents are loaded and your shy nature could be somehow chalked to that since you didn't really have anyone that wasn't as non-superficial as you'd like, since they were the overprotective helicopter two-rotor seven-blade parents :(((
jungkook, however, is the only constant you have in your formula
you've known him since childhood and have been friends ever since
his mom's your mom's personal assistant, and one day when mrs. jeon couldn't find a babysitter for jungkook, your mom didn't hesitate to let four-year old jungkook come with her to work
jungkook's your fIRST actual friend that hates gold spoons with you because of how tacky they look :-) he's your emotional support person basically
your emotional support person who was sO close to running late from picking you up during his free day >:( you were about to break into a sprint if he arrived a second later, because you managed to spot a jock coming to you from the corner of your eye awhile ago
You Do Not Like Him <3
"and i even changed into a short-sleeved shirt to ward off your suitors. how romantic of me, don't you think?"
now that he mentions it, it's only now when you can drink him in in full-display
... wow
his right arm's the only one with his tattoos while his left's completely blank, but something about the balance just makes you !!!!!!!! even more
his arm's not completely covered but it was coming to be, something about the blank spaces of skin that are yet to be inked being a nice touch
"very romantic, kook."
now tHAT'S the answer he wanted to hear
he forcibly on your helmet for you to showcase, your grunts of annoyance being drowned out by whistling
(he's even looking left and right and making eye contact with anyone who has their eyes landing on you!!!!)
your cheeks smushed is a look he'll never be tired being in awe of, but he'll never tell you that, of course
"do you ever wonder if your parents would kill me if i misplace even a single hair on you?" jungkook thinks out loud and you don't even flinch with how sudden his thoughts could be, sitting on his seat first so it'd already be balanced when you do, "you sure you’re okay riding with me?? on a motorcycle????"
he usually uses yOUR family's vehicles (they let him and insisted he just takes one at this point) but when you called him, he was en route to kim kradle (it's a one-stop vehicle shop apparently) to get new rims for his motorcycle, bUT NOT ANYMORE HE GUESSES????
you come first compared to the booking he's waited on for three weeks
"i have insurance, i think."
no that's the wrong answer
why did you even bother.,,.,
jungkook flicks your nose because your forehead's protected by the helmet, his face contorted in half faux frustration
"you were supposed to be mad at me for asking that — not logical!! don't even joke about that."
"... my life insurance? like, in the instance that i-"
he flicked even harder this time!!!
you roll your eyes at him and it doesn't go unnoticed, a hand outstretching instead of his fingers flexing
“wallet, please.”
jungkook's surprised that you even look confused, this time rolling his eyes at you
“you rolled your eyes at me. you need to bribe me so i won’t rat you out.”
he has a never-ending knack for the you're rich jokes
you also know that he likes the cold and would turn the fan on even if it's too hot for a blanket, just because he wants to feel cocooned
you also know that he picks from the fourth row of drinks from the front because it's always been a habit
("the germs cling on to the first row!!!")
you also know that maybe, just maybe, you can't stand it tonight when he's putting himself out there instead of being your faux boyfriend
you keep on zoning out and hoseok, perhaps the only tolerable fellow rich kid you can tolerate within your circle, finally connects the dots in his head and snickers
he's been talking about finding the vintage sneakers he's always wanted on depop and how he almost got scammed for like tWENTY minutes already
in reality, all your nods and scowls aren't towards his story
it's to jungkook and... who's that? jihye whose dad is so colossally shitty, that this one rapper wrote a diss song for him? oh yeah, that jihye
"you like him. like actually 'lose your virginity to him' love him."
there's no way
"how did you-"
"you blush like one."
alright that answer was too quick
hoseok should've ATLEAST tried to wait for a few seconds before answering
"a-and the love part?"
"babe, jungkook may not be the richest one here and that should say a lot," you peer up at him nervously and he actually chuckles, peering to everyone at this function, "dude's humble — he could also just be dense to not see you love him."
okay very true
hobi's making a dig rn at how jungkook coinicidentaally happens to be blonde and maybe this is your cue to leave
hobi does not realize that his hair is aLSO dyed blonde while talking shit about jungkook and his hari
okay this is it
once again, you are NOT listening to hoseok and he's figured out what you're doing by now
you're psyching yourself up with a couple of shots and your heels are digging on the carpeted ballroom
"pretend to wobble. it doesn't help that nothing can sink you."
oh okay makes sense
if you're gonna try and charm jungkook while trying to play it off as just being tipsy playfulness, atleast make it believable
hoseok snickers because this is just A+ content with the things that you choose to do in your way
shy girl with high alcohol tolerance mannn coming of age film writers would LOVE you ://
you're about to cross the distance between you and jungkook, but something knocks you on your shoulder with a gentle force that seemed intentional
is that-
hold on a second
"what a coincidence :O"
as in, wholesome yet slightly fuckboy-ish frat guy jimin???
he looks dashing and composed, meeting your eyes perfectly and he doesn't let your confusion startle him
"i know that look. what am i doing here?"
he says it eloquently as if he's practiced it
you must've looked so shocked that you immediately apologized, shaking your head no
"i-i didn’t mean-..."
you're confused, sure, but that doesn't mean you're immediately judging
it's just that you never saw jimin here or any function of the like, but you wouldn't put it past him if he does go to these things!!! he looks like a million dollars anyways
"relax, doll. you’re so far the only other person i know that i've seen in these type of things."
he looks calm and collected, but maybe that's just because he spent the last five minutes waiting for you to stand so he could bump into you
this place is just sO suffocating and a familiar face is gonna be his relief from something so fancy that it became mundane
"have we been in the same event before this?"
"not that i recall, no. i get invited but this is only the first time after awhile that i went."
jimin drinks from his champagne flute, wiggling his eyebrows playfully, "wanna know why i'm here?"
you're curious!!! what can you say!!!!
you never really interacted with jimin at all before this, but a familiar face like his is comforting
because hoseok's already engaged in another conversation and jungkook's,,,, being jungkook and is fawning all over jihye
jimin chuckles at your insistent nodding, leaning closer to whisper to your ear
"my stepdad’s loaded as fuck."
oh so that's why
he tugs you down to sit at the nearest possible empty chairs, all its occupants gone anyways because they're in the dancefloor busting tRULY horrendous moves
maybe it's because jimin feels lonely too like you are, and it's him feeling comfortable because he's pulled you like ten seconds ago and not once asked him anything out of bounds
maybe that's why he fell into conversation with you easily because you're always intently listening
"might love me as a real son too. maybe that’s a bonus? you don’t really expect that shit in the things you see."
this situation is actually pretty cute
you snort because maybe you’re nOT that shy when you drink,, that’s the only thing that changes in you probably
this whole conversation that sprung from boredom was unknowingly the subject of many stares, including jungkook who you were initially supposed to go to
“you’re worthy of love, jimin.”
jimin sPITS his drink because where the fuck did THAT come from???
why did you say that and why does he feel that he needed to hear that
“i-i think — i think you need more,” he raises his own glass to your lips hurriedly, caught in surprise but you still gulp nonetheless
“you’re-“ you keep sputtering as he keeps making you drink, but he rubs circles on your back at the same time and it's when you realize that jimin the frat guy may not be that bad, “what??? don’t think you’re not the only one with daddy issues! shouldn’t we have like, a radar for each other?”
jimin snorts at your counter and his eyes crinkle to the point where he can't see anything, not being able to see how you're still trying to recover with all that fizz down your throat
wow ur really enjoyable to talk to
“you’re insane and i think-“
you're not really big on feeling beyond a sense and all that stuff, but you feel as if the aura around you just got dark all of a sudden
"who are you calling insane?"
jungkook appears at your side in an instant, hands wrapped around your shoulders while you remain seated
you've honestly forgotten that you were supposed to go to jungkook, but you're reminded of that vERY clearly now
"go away, jimin," he mutters through his teeth, looking at him dead in the eye
hold on
okay now he's confused
sometimes jungkook's mouth just moves on its own without loading the thought process
"why are YOU here?"
jimin furrows his brows, shocked that he'd even see jungkook here out of all people
the guy barely even attends classes!!! and that's coming from him!!
"why’s he here?"
he crouches to your ear, eyes still furrowed at the younger guy
"long story."
jungkook scowls bitterly because jesus fuck
he left for one second, and the moment he comes back, that's when this fucking frat guy approaches you?? was he waiting on him to leave??
you and jungkook only act as a couple when the need arises, and even if you don't feel it, hE feels that this is the need!!! this is the need and it is arising!!!
"get back to uh, alpha bravo charlie or something, park. beat it."
why’s he reciting the nato phonetic alphabet???
jungkook sounds half-angry and half-sad at the same time, and you don't know which side should you focus on
“move,” he repeats this time again but more sternly, making jimin much more confused since jungkook's trying to pull him away from his seat
jimin doesn't budge and it makes the frown even more evident in jungkook's face
what is he FEELING
“can’t you tell that i really don’t want you to be here?”
“i’m not here for you, though. i’m here for y/n.”
he answers honestly, shis gut telling him that there's definitely something going on between the two of you
“y/n doesn’t want you here," kook argues back surely, only noticing your bitten lips now that makes him realize that you're not exactly sober; just a happy kind of rush
he sees you raise your hand timidly, an equally cheeky smile on your face that's only directed to jungkook like it's meant for him
"i-i actually don’t mind."
you don't,,,
you don't mind?
why aren't you signaling him to commence the faux boyfriend act!!
"y/n has a boyfriend."
“... i’m not hitting on her.”
alright this is more than the entertainment that jimin wished for lol
“yeah, well she has a boyfriend still so beat it.”
you do??
the last time you checked, jihye's gonna have jungkook as her boyfriend within the night!!
“i don-“
jimin decides to indulge jungkook, knocking his knee with yours as he winks slyly, urging you silently to watch on, turning to look at you and ask
“what’s your boyfriend’s name?”
you don't answer.
that gives him all the more reason to do so.
“last name, jeon.”
jungkook looks the most determined you've ever seen him, eyes characteristically angry with his arms across his chest that his suit tightens, “first name, me.”
the three of you know that’s not the truth
jimin takes it in, sighing when he sense that something else is about to be unfold and he does noT want to be a part of it
not before whispering to your ear again for the last time, of course
“pretty weird name if you ask me,” you laugh automatically, momentarily forgetting that jungkook's standing by you on just your opposite side and could hear you
he leaves and that only leaves you with jungkook, looking up at him as he's too frantic to even sit
“what are you doing?”
“being a social butterfly," you quip just as fast, drinking your water afterwards
jungkook only clenches his jaw by then, being taken-aback when you speak again
“who are you doing?”
“i’m busy being mad at- wait a minute, WHO???”
who instead of what??
the short-lived enthusiasm you had with jimin left with him, crashing just as hard when you're reminded of jungkook's presence
“jihye’s a pretty nice girl. you should go home early tonight.”
his brows furrow, trying to get you to look at him but you avoid his gaze insistently, “what? what are you talking about?”
“she’s not my girlfriend though.”
you're not at all satisfied with the answer because it sounds so wrong, knowing that jungkook's a handsome guy and everyone wants to be with him!!!
and he probably wants to be with everyone else besides you.
“then who-...”
“don’t know yourself anymore? jimin must’ve really swept you off your feet, huh?”
jungkook huffs as he qualifies for a rebutt, your internal wallowing being cut short
“he’s not my boyfriend.”
“well would you look at that,” jungkook snickers, sighing through his nose as your eyes finally meet his, directly stubborn yet soft around the edges
“she’s not my girlfriend, and he’s not your boyfriend. what a coincidence.”
god did he feel so threatened the moment his eyes couldn't find you besides hobi and instead next to jimin, eyes crinkled in laughter without hesitation
have you been chasing after one another this whole time?
jungkook silently grabs you by the hand and you wave no opposition to it
maybe it's your liquor-influenced vision or maybe it's you hyperfixating on such a warm moment, but your eyes immediately lock to see the matching red thread bracelet he wore like yours
you're dressed in next year's spring collection line, and the structured silk black gown that has a train behind it doesn't exactly scream to have a simple red thread bracelet as its accessory according to your mom's designer and everyone else —
but you don't have the heart to take it off
there's no need to take it off
jungkook drives your car and no one says a single thing about anything
his hand’s on your thigh and you don’t question it, eyes locking into the way his hand looks perfect and the way the bracelet looks meant to be wrapped in his wrist in the first place
you're sure this time that it's not the newfound courage you have, but rather the need to do it
you kiss jungkook's cheek on a red light.
it's on a red light that jungkook realizes he could fit the visage of his world within one hand, finally kissing you like he's always wanted to
“yeah. what a coincidence.”
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lacheri · 3 years
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pairing: boyfriend!Levi & fem bodied reader
content: modern au, established relationship, over stimulation, penetrative sex, oral (f receiving), body worshipping, a sprinkle of somnophilia and dacryphilia, Levi really loves his pet names, very minor OCD portrayals, minors DNI
wc: 5.7k
notes: not me creating an entire tumblr so i can post my smut lmfao. this is my first time writing smut like this, so i hope ya’ll enjoy (:
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Levi couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, even if he wanted or tried to. You were just so beautiful to him, long eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks as you tried to drift off to sleep. He insisted that you faced towards him every night, his eyes tearing up from pushing away blinks because he genuinely couldn’t bring himself to miss even a second of you. It was borderline obsessive, definitely the craziest ritual he had, but Levi just couldn’t help it. This was the only time he fully and unabashedly got to admire you, and it wasn’t like you didn’t mind the attention. In fact you’d lay there fully conscious, steadying your breathing and squinting just barely to watch him watch you. Your boyfriend wasn’t an overly affectionate person, but God did he love to spend hours memorizing every curve and line of your pretty face. 
Levi’s fingers reached out, tracing your cheekbone with his knuckles, breathing a hair above a whisper, “So gorgeous.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from blowing your cover, a wide grin erupting from your lips. Eyes still closed, you heard Levi chuckle, “Seems like my brats’ still awake.”
Instead of answering in fear of ruining the moment, you snuggled closer to your boyfriend, burrowing your head into the space between his neck and shoulder. You placed an innocent kiss there as you brought your left hand up to rub tiny circles on his bicep. His shirtless body was warm and soft from his earlier shower, and he had just decided on sliding into your freshly washed bed sheets with you in just his boxers. You couldn’t help but take notice of his hardened length pressed against your stomach.
“So sweet for me tonight,” he rasped, fingers edging under the fabric of your silk shorts. 
“I’m always sweet for you,” you moved your head back to look up at him, batting your eyelashes and pouting. 
Levi took your bottom lip in between his index finger and thumb, gaze locked in on how it rolled in between them. He groaned softly to himself letting go, leaning in to indulge himself in a kiss. You eagerly matched his slow, sensual pace. His hand wandered back to your shorts, slipping underneath the bottoms to caress the back of your thigh. He molded the soft flesh between his fingers, biting softly at your lips for permission to taste you. Your tongue licked in response against his bottom lip, Levi taking it upon himself to push his tongue forward to dominate yours. His taste buds slid sinfully against yours, twisting and turning around the muscle. You tasted divine. All mine, Levi thought to himself.
The tips of his fingers traveled upwards to the fullness of your lower cheek, not being able to stop himself pulling the handful towards him. He softened his grip, feeling your ass jiggle back into its original place. His mind ran wild, images of your naked body flooding his head. You couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh, feeling a familiar burn rumble in your lower stomach. Unlike your boyfriend who could play and get you wound up for however long he saw fit, as soon as you got started all you wanted was him inside you. Patience was not in your personality, and as he continued to paw at your lower half, you had one goal set in mind.
“Wanna’ get on top,” you demanded, breathless and feeling needy as you pulled away from your kiss.
Levi’s kiss traveled to your cheek, down your jaw and neck as he responded, “No, not done with you yet.”
“But Levi,” you whined, shifting an octave higher as he sucked the side of the column of your throat. His tongue drew delicious circles before going back to peppering kisses.
“Patience, brat. You’re being so good, don’t want to ruin that by being whiny, do we?” He ended his question with a light smack on your ass, removing his hand all together after to lean his torso up to hover over you. You gulped, the burning feeling intensifying as he stared at you with predatory eyes. You nodded slowly, feeling accomplished as he murmured, “That’s my good girl.”
Levi easily guided you to lay flat on your back on the bed, fully encasing you in between his strong arms. You eyed his biceps as he balanced over you. The full moon that looked just outside your bedroom window was a blessing in disguise as it illuminated the room, casting flattering light on all it saw. Your favorite thing about Levi’s body was his arms, toned and strong, and always so in control. You practically drooled watching them flex as he leaned in back to your neck, this time trailing kisses upwards. His lips met you in a kiss again, this one a bit heavier and needy than the last. 
His right hand strayed up to your face again, Levi always needed to touch you, and his thumb ran along the edge of your jaw, a grip solidified under your chin when he pulled his face away from yours. He titled your head up, his stone colored eyes locked in on yours. His jaw was slacked open as his eyes kept traveling your face. Every time he saw your face it was like a spell, he was completely devoid of ever being able to gaze at another’s after being graced with yours. In a flash, images of you looking angelic in a white dress came to mind, and with a pretty diamond ring burning a hole in his sock drawer he had yet to show you, his cock throbbed. Levi’s lips attached aggressively to the spot where his fingers accompanied, sucking fiercely down. You bit back a moan as heat pooled instantly between your legs, oblivious to his thoughts.
“Levi,” you moaned, both of your hands shooting up to his waist leering above you. 
“Yes?” he moved downwards again, this time taking the buttons of your silk shirt in between the pads of his fingers, popping them open slowly. 
“I love you,” your eyes fluttered closed, heart race increasing. His did as well, flickering to your bra-less chest and back up to the soft smile that lit up your face.
“As do I, brat.”
Levi pushed your unbuttoned silk sleeping shirt open, gazing down in awe at your exposed chest. Your nipples were pert and standing to attention, and you felt like your heart was going to slam out of its confines. Levi always did this to you, every time you made love felt like the first. You wondered if this effect would ever go away, but as he leaned down and flicked one of your hardened nubs with his tongue, you wholeheartedly believed it never would. 
His lips encircled around your nipple, his hand began toying with your other breast. His licks and sucks were slow, so agonizingly slow, but did Levi just love to work you up and tease you. On the nights you were an extra good girl for him, he’d let you take charge and tell him what you wanted and give it to you. Unsurprisingly, there was absolutely no time wasted in foreplay. Of course this power change wouldn’t last very long, Levi would find it too amusing how quickly being in control went to your head. He needed to remind you on those nights that he was only allowing you to act that way, and Levi was always the one in charge. 
You could feel the throbbing of want from your core, not being able to hold back a whine as Levi continued his assault. His hand stayed kneading your breast as his lips moved south once more, tongue lolled out on your skin to leave a saliva trail. He had to feel every square inch of you, lapping against the soft skin of your torso. He bit playfully at the underside of your boob, and you let out a tiny yelp in response. His lips smoothed over the light impressions of his teeth, kissing languidly to earn back the soft moans and sighs he was eliciting from you. 
Deciding then that your clothes were an offensive insult to his existence, Levi huffed and abruptly yanked down the waistband of your shorts, taking your lace panties with it. This had caught you off guard, but before you could react, Levi had slipped one of his hands under you on the small of your back to lift your hips while the other tugged down your shorts and panties to your knees. You lifted your knees up on your own to your chest and he pulled the garments off the rest of the way, throwing them off to a forgotten corner of the room. His hands returned back to you quickly, landing on the back of your heels, and he leaned up onto his knees to gaze down at you from hazy eyes. Wherever his fingers trailed, his eyes followed. Feather light scratches traveled the underside of your feet, his palms facing towards you. You shivered involuntarily, your body was on fire and he hadn’t even touched you where you needed him the most yet. His digits finally met the tips of your toes, and his knuckles wrapped around the tops of your feet, massaging them in the process. Levi’s eyes flickered up then, expression completely stoic, but you saw every emotion swirl in his cloudy grey eyes. The want, the need, the complete and utter adoration, it was all there.
“You’re so fucking stunning,” Levi spat as if he had spoken an insult. “All fucking mine, I want to hear you say it.”
“Levi, please, touch me,” you begged, fed up with him toying with you. 
“Tell me, now.”
“I’m yours,” you pleaded, nearly in tears as your frustration built. “I’ll always be yours. Please, baby.”
“Such a good girl,” Levi praised, face softening after getting what he wanted. He pressed his lips to the top of your right toe then, never breaking eye contact. He didn’t spend much time on your feet, only peppering closed mouth kisses until he reached your ankle. His fingers followed shortly behind his lips, eliciting goosebumps in the trail of his light touch. You were a whiny mess, he was just getting you so worked up. You knew he didn’t reward bratty behavior like this, and you really did try to control it and keep it in, but you were just getting so frustrated that Levi wasn’t giving into what you wanted, no, what you needed. And every kiss closer to your aching center moved slower and slower, stopping completely once he reached the insides of your thighs.
Taking your knees in a tight grasp, he spread you completely open in front of him. You clenched around nothing in anticipation, a silly grin on your face. You bit softly on your bottom lip, watching him devour you with his eyes. It was just so much to take in, Levi was groaning to himself, burning the image into his memory. There just weren't words to describe it, having you like this felt almost holy. His eyes struggled to fit you all into one simple picture, wanting to focus on every single detail; The way your pussy glistened and the muscles contracted, the darkened skin in the inner creases where your center met your thighs, the skin bunched together on your stomach from having your legs spread so wide and up, the tiny bumps of your areolas, the way you sucked on your bottom lip, eyes so wide and pure, hair a fucking halo around you. He placed his hands on the sides of your center, spreading you open with the pads of his thumbs resting on your outer lips. Levi wasn’t a religious man in the slightest, but God did he want to put your body on an altar and goddamn pray to you, worship you, die for you, kill for you.
Levi finally leaned forward, his lips placing an open mouth kiss to the bare skin above your folds. It was all way too much teasing, and you couldn’t stop yourself from squirming, trying to push yourself closer to his mouth. He shot a warning glare up, daring you to continue disturbing him. 
“Bad girls don’t get what they want, brat,” the vibrations of his grovel were so close to your aching clit, and you let out a choked moan in response. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” your head became clouded, feeling like you were going to explode. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
“This is the second time I’ve had to remind you,” Levi took his index finger and finally stroked it against you, a shaky intake of breath elicited from you. “Don’t let there be a third.”
The tip of his finger circled gently on your clit, exposing the pearl in the center. Every time his soft touch brushed against it, you wanted to sob. Your loving boyfriend, so gentle and caring, taking his ever loving time with you. He watched you as if he had never seen another woman in his entire life, it would always be just you. Even the mere thought of someone aside from you had him growling. Whilst you were all his, he belonged to no one else but you, and he felt every urge to prove that to you.
The assault of his tongue was a shock to your system, nerves sizzling deliciously. Levi was a man on a mission, and he knew exactly how to get you to come undone under him with the rhythm of his mouth. There was a pattern to be appreciated, a ritual even, and Levi was a man who found reason in a routine, because routine always worked. You knew this well even outside the bedroom, Levi ate the same foods every day to stay as fit as possible, he color coded every single thing in your home to stay as organized as he could, losing his mind if he even suspected a hint of dust on any of his furniture. He told you once before that you were the one compulsion that didn’t drive him utterly insane, and in Levi’s world he pretty much declared his eternal love for you. And you definitely didn’t mind this attention in the slightest, because although the thoroughness of his touches and kisses made you want to ignite into ball of flames with desire and frustration, there would never be another man on the planet who could make you feel as beautiful and as loved as Levi did, or who would be worthy of receiving of your own love and adoration.
Levi’s took his free hand to your opening, circling the area with pressure. His tongue still licked and sucked faithfully on your clit, you whimpering and mewling at his worship. His index finger pressed in, your walls instantly sucking him in as far as you could take him. You shuttered, eyes rolling into the back of your head as his finger began to move inside of you. He was grazing the ridges, pumping the digit as the knuckles of his fingers made a ‘come here’ motion over and over. And when he added a second one to add to his pattern, the coil in your lower stomach was about to burst. Of course Levi could feel the change of the pulses of your walls, holding a squeeze for longer seconds than the last ones, and he knew you were close. He angled his fingers then so the tips rubbed against the spongy part of your cunt, pumping his fingers even faster, creating friction at your entrance as well. 
Between his expert fingers and the suction of his lips, you came fast and violently, not being able to voice a wanting, white light flooding your vision as you arched your back and your eyebrows knitted together, your mouth hanging agape in a breathless scream. Levi watched all of this before him, and couldn’t help but rut against the bed in his boxers. You were simply heavenly, and had he humped the bed the entire time he was eating you out, he would’ve came in his boxers without hesitation. 
The contractions slowed but Levi did not, knowing he could get at least one more out of you before he moved on to the main event. The stimulation was too much, too overwhelming coming immediately off of your high. Your muscles were still so tight, not completely relaxed and your clit was just so sensitive. It didn’t take more than a few strokes of his fingers yet again to have a quick orgasm. 
You moaned louder the second time, although the first one was stronger. It just felt so good, not nearly as satisfying as the first, but the waves washing over you were unbelievably strong.
Levi removed his mouth, and watched his fingers slip out of you, skin pruned from your cum. He placed a kiss on your thigh, bringing his gaze to your weary expression, “Such a good girl for me, I think I’m going to reward you.”
Your ears perked and you lifted your head from the pillow, “Reward?”
“Yeah, why not?” he sucked where he was placing kisses, eyes locked in on yours. “I’m going to let you pick how you want me to take you.”
Your eyes widened, an excited smile gracing your features. Now this was rare, and you realized that Levi must’ve been in an exceptional mood to let you have even a fraction of control right now. Or, on the flip side, he was setting you up to lose control so he could find a reason to punish you. Either way, you couldn’t wait to find out.
“On top,” you begged yet again, sitting up on your elbows and sliding out of your opened shirt. “I want to watch you.”
“So needy,” he scoffed, grabbing the backs of your thighs and pulling you further down the bed so you were eye level. His chin was covered in your arousal as he leant in for a passionate kiss, lips mashing together. He easily flipped you over so you laid on top of his muscular form. You sat up, knees bent on either side of his hips. You placed your hands on his lower stomach to steady yourself, thumbs brushing against the elastic of his black boxers. Levi had strategically rolled you so you sat pressed bare against his erection, and he could feel how wet your pussy was through the fabric. He audibly groaned when you pressed further down, rubbing yourself on his clothed cock. 
Your hips rocked back and forth in a lazy rhythm, and Levi was having absolutely none of it. Although he could deal out plenty of teasing, what he wasn’t going to allow was for you to give it right back to him. Really, it wasn’t on purpose, you promise. It was just there was no time to waste, and you would find any kind of satisfaction any way you possibly could. 
His hands gripped hard at your hips, stopping your motions entirely, “Oi, brat, you trying to get a strike three?”
“I’m sorry,” you apologized once again. “Feel so good, I can’t stop.”
“How could you?” his expression softened, bringing his thumb to trace your lips in mock empathy. “You’re so spoiled.”
Levi then took matters, literally, into his own hands. He patted your thighs so you could lift your hips as he grabbed his thick cock out of the confines of his boxers. It slapped against his stomach, and you saw the glisten of precum on his slit. Your mouth watered, eyes drinking up every second as he pulled the clothing down his legs, kicking them off his ankles. You sunk your hips down again, letting out a whimper as your clit made direct contact with the head of his dick. Levi pulled his bottom lip in with teeth, face scrunched as he let out a low hiss. You slid against him a couple of times, lubing his shaft with your arousal. Grabbing the base, you angled him at your entrance, eyes glued to the spot between you. His eyes stayed trained on your angelic face though, not trusting himself to bust on the spot as you began to slide yourself down on his length.
“Fuck,” Levi cursed, nearly drawing blood as he bit down. Your mouth hung agape, eyebrows furrowed and tears pricking the edges of your lash line. “So fucking tight.”
Fully impaled on top of him now, a fat teardrop rolled down your face, landing on his lower abdomen, and Levi was instantly regretting letting you take control like this. All he wanted to do was to feel your pelvic bones wrapped around his fingers on your hips as he unforgivingly plowed into you. He hated seeing you cry, but in the bedroom, he didn’t mind it one bit. It was an arousing reminder that no matter how many times he made you cum before hand, no matter how drenched your core was, you would still struggle to fit all of him inside of you. He would even go as far to call it a sick fascination, a warranted deal as lovers to see you sob and hiccup on his length. His ego was fragile, as are most men, but as you opened your teary eyes and met his lustful glare, he felt as if he could take down the entire fucking world for you.
“Oh my god,” you cried softly, angling your hips upwards to bounce back down swiftly. You both let out a groan as you met his pelvis once again, feeling the tickle of neatly kept pubic hair tickle your clit. As much as you wanted to grind yourself down on his base to get yourself off yet again, the furrow of Levi’s brows and the sight of his lip tucked between his teeth gave you motivation to continue on. 
Raising yourself up again quickly, now feeling your cunt adjust more to keep taking him, you used all the power you could muster in your knees and thighs to lower yourself down, then up again, into a steady rhythm. A bit slow for both of your preferences, but you fully knew that his patience would wear thin soon and Levi would just haul you onto your back again, having his way with you.
His thick tip continuously brushed against your ridges, every time you would purposefully clench yourself as you met his base. Whimpers escaped your lips, the sounds of you and your cunt gripping him for all its worth filling the room. You would’ve been embarrassed had this been anyone else, but truthfully, Levi was the only man who could ever get your beautiful pussy to this state of unending flow. You were soaking him, and the both of you knew that after all this was said and done, the sheets that were just pulled out of the dryer not even an hour ago would go right back into the wash, all because of you. No, you weren’t going to take the blame. It was all because of Levi, and what he was doing to you.
His hand smacking your ass brought you out of your thoughts as he grumbled, “You fucking brat, you’re fucking yourself on my cock to wind me up, huh? You’re really wanting that strike three?”
“No,” you managed to moan out as your pussy clenched from his words. “I’m really trying my best, Levi.”
Levi’s hands grasped your hips as your cunt was trapped at the top of his fat tip, stopping your motion entirely there as you hovered, “I don’t fucking believe you.”
With one swift motion, he thrusted upwards, hard, burying himself right up against your cervix. You yelped in response, tears resurfacing as the pain mixed with the pleasure. This was exactly what you had wanted, and Levi knew this, but you would refuse to admit it.
“Wanted me to get fed up, didn’t you?” he grit his teeth, plunging himself into you once again, unbelievably even harder this time, your moans turned desperate. 
“Please,” is all you could whimper, his harsh thrusts increasing in pace as he fucked himself into you. Not once relinquishing his tight grip on you. All you could do is hover above him, grabbing onto whatever you could to steady yourself. 
Another loud smack was heard as you felt a sting against your ass, and now you were really sobbing, “Please, please!”
“Please, what?” Levi venomously spat out, eyes darkened in lust and in mild anger. You knew it wasn’t legitimate anger, and all his look did was feed the flame growing in your core.
“My legs can’t hold up anymore,” you cried, fat tears rolling down your face. Your knees were buckling, a tender ache in your thighs had your body wanting to go limp. 
His hold on you eased up, maneuvering his hips so his cock slid out of you with a squelch. You fell into his lap, trying to catch your breath as fast as you could before he locked you in another grip, rolling around so your stomach was flat on the bed. His cock, now soaked in your juices, was grinding into the seam of your ass, and he was groaning at the contact. Truthfully, you’d let him fuck himself anywhere he wanted. And God, did Levi want to use that to his advantage. Not tonight though, he had one goal, one place in mind, and that was your beautiful, angelic cunt.
He slid himself back in between your folds with no resistance, his knees locked in between your legs to prevent you from closing them in a reaction. His fingers tangled themselves in the back of your head, pulling it up by your hair so he could hear every single mewl and whimper from your beautiful mouth. 
From this new angle, Levi was buried so deep within your body that every nerve was singeing, lit aflame by the wondrous pleasure. Pulling his hips back slowly, he could feel every ridge and muscle in your plush cunt, and he let out a subtle growl. He pressed back in at the same pace, almost torturous. He eyed the handprints on your ass, and felt his ego soar. Every mark, every bruise, every touch, your body was entirely his, and his alone. 
His fingers unwound in your hair, grasping both of your full ass cheeks in his hands as he plunged in, flicking his hips faster. You heard and felt the smack of his balls as he bottomed out inside of you, and all you could do was gasp and hiccup at the impact. He repeated it, again and again, increasing his speed every time. He angled himself then to brush his engorged tip to that sweet spongey spot inside of you, fucking right up into it with every thrust. He really had you moaning then, your hands reaching forward to grasp the pillow in front of you, knuckles white in your grip. While the sight was erotic, seeing the back of your head as you stuffed your face into mattress, body completely limp under him, Levi wanted to see that beautiful face of yours as he brought you to a climax. He could feel your cunt squeezing him, ready to cum, but knew how your clit needed the extra attention to bring you there.
When he pulled out of you suddenly, you let out a frustrated cry. He silenced it very quickly, flipping your body once again to lay on your back. Strands of your hair were stuck in sweat against your forehead, mouth agape and he couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of your moistened lips, unable to stop the drool as your mouth hung open. Your legs still parted, bent at the knees, he grabbed your thighs and pulled you even closer, aligning himself with your vulva once again. His hands stayed there, his cock standing to full attention, needing no guidance, as he filled your tight hole, and continued fucking you.
Your breasts bounced from the impact as you tried, so very hard, to match his pace with your hips. You did well at the beginning, feeling the skin to skin contact against your clit as your bodies met full on. Your legs were shaking though, unable to hold a rhythm long enough to get off, and you gave in, allowing him to take full control.
“You’re so close again, aren’t you?” he chuckled darkly, his right hand leaving the smooth skin on your thigh to travel in between your legs. 
“‘Wanna cum, please, Levi,” you pleaded, your eyes screwing shut, hands attaching themselves to his looming biceps.
“You haven’t been very good, though, brat,” he chided, almost mockingly. “I don’t know if you deserve it.”
“I’ll be good!” you begged, hips shakily trying to match his pace once again. “Please!”
“You’re gonna’ be a good girl?” he asked, gaze dark and hungry as he drank in your desperate form.
“Yes, yes!” you nodded furiously, eyes opened now, watching his own flicker up to yours.
Without answering you, or teasing you any further, his thumb met your clit, and you moaned so fucking loud that Levi almost came from the sight of you. He pulled his thoughts together, focusing on getting you off first. His thrusts fastened, your pussy squelching as the sound of slapping skin echoed in your bedroom. Levi’s thumb worked in quick circles, no intent of letting up. No, you wanted to come, so he was going to make you fucking come.
The coil was never unwound in the first place, and his attention had you seeing stars. The pressure in your abdomen kept building, and you could feel every single slide and inch of his dick everywhere inside of you. At your sweet spot, in your entrance, the encouragement of his thumb on your most sensitive area. It was all too much.
“I’m gonna’ cum,” you panted as you threw your ankles around his waist, wanting to pull him in deeper.
“Cum for me, beautiful, cum on my cock,” Levi begged, feeling his own release impending.
That’s all it took, your jaw dropping and knees shaking as your pussy pulled in him so deep, and squeezed him painfully tight. Your head was empty, and Levi watched you completely fall apart below him. Seeing pure white, eyes locked in on his, his face screwed together in his own pleasure. That’s all it took to finally push you over the edge. Your cunt gripped him harshly, and feeling the first contraction, Levi couldn’t hold back anymore, his thrusting desperate and thumb moving so fast his wrist was aching. He flicked his hips as you pulsed around him, shooting his load deep inside your velvet center.
As you screamed his name, he moaned out yours, both of you stilling completely aside from his thumb working you down. Even as he came down from his height, your cunt was still milking him, albeit at a slower pace now. His thumb slowed movement, your contractions winding down as your chests heaved.
Levi quite literally had to force himself out of you, your pussy that tight on his dick. He watched in adoration as some of his seed spilled out of your hole, and using the same thumb he brought you to your climax with, he pushed the fluid back inside of you.
Thank God for birth control, you thought, breathing heavily as you watched him from below.
Levi threw himself out of the bed, taking shaky strides over to your on suite bathroom. He spent a couple minutes there, and you stayed in the same position, trying to find any energy to move. Not much to his surprise, he looked on in adoration to see you still sprawled out, your eyes closed peacefully as you enjoyed your post orgasmic bliss. Now this was a face worth studying tonight. 
You jumped when you felt the cool contact of a wet rag meet your folds, and your eyes opened and followed Levi’s hands as he diligently cleaned you, his focus intent on your womanhood. You cringed when you finally looked down at yourself, inner thighs glistening under the pale moonlight. So much for laundry day.
“Normally this is the part where I tell you how good you were,” Levi’s eyes flickered up as a small smirk set in on his lips. “But I’m beginning to think you’re a bit too spoiled, brat.”
You laughed breathily, “I’m sorry, you just make it so hard to control myself.”
“Maybe I should start dealing out real punishments,” he mused, finishing up wiping you down. 
“Oh?” you managed to tilt your head lazily, interest peaked. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, maybe make you start calling me captain, or something?” Levi inquired. His expression was completely serious.
“Captain?” you snorted. “Captain Levi? What kind of fantasies do you got swirling around in your head? Do you want to buy a boat or something?”
“You could be my little cadet,” he smirked, ignoring your teasing, returning the rag to your pussy with mischievous intentions, a bit too sensual. “My little bratty cadet.”
You closed your legs as much as you could with him in between them, a pout settled in on your face, “Why can’t I be a captain too? Better yet, what about your commander?”
“In your wildest dreams, brat.”
Levi stopped teasing you then, deciding your lower half was as clean as he could possibly get it without tossing you into the shower. Making another quick trip to the bathroom and back, he adjusted the pillows behind you, until they sat perfectly on the bed frame, and worked out the wrinkles in the duvet that had been half haphazardly thrown down and off the mattress to make way for your love making. Deeming everything perfect, Levi finally crawled into the bed beside you, where your eyelids were drooping heavily as you fought off legitimate sleep this time.
“I love you, Levi,” you murmured, burrowing your face into the crook of his neck to pepper a sweet, innocent kiss.
His hands gently cupped the back of your head, pulling you back and you pouted sleepily, “Oi, you know what you’re supposed to do. I’ll cuddle you when I’m done.”
You only nodded in a response, sleep catching up to your exhausted body. You only stirred when you felt the length of his fingers intertwined with yours, a small smile creeping up as you finally drifted off. Levi gazed at your expression in adoration, pushing back your hair from your face as your breathing softened. He would fight his own need for sleep for an hour, memorizing every crinkle of your beautiful face. 
“I love you, so much,” Levi whispered, barely able to hear himself. “My beautiful angel.”
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LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations. this is my only account.
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