#i bet they dont even put that shitty paper on you
unsavedfile · 11 months
do you think rich people have bougie pap smears
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corruptiioned · 2 years
A hand written letter in,, readable handwriting found it’s way to Dream. It had no envelope and was simply wrapped in string, a couple dried flowers taped to the top of the paper.
“i hope your fathers day sucks, honestly. like not to be rude or anything but i hope its a shitty day for you specifically. not because i hate you i just hate fathers day as a whole tbh. i think this shit is lame. its like christmas but even less inclusive. what if you were a woman? i bet people dont think about that. anyways because im not the worst guy in the world i got flowers because im better than just not getting anything. this is supposed to come off as salty btw, im not doing this cuz i want to. just making sure you know that haha. pls dont write back.”
{ @c-connor-shennagains }
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➳ The letter somehow did get to the prison. Whoever or whatever delivered it, bailed faster than a rabbit. Unraveling the strange note, Dream's acidic hues lingered over the words. He knew this handwriting...
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➳ There was a small chuckle, thinking of 'Mother's Day' if he were a woman. Connor's... not the smartest, but he has the spirit. Unknowingly to the masked man, he did have a small smile on his lips. Was there guilt? He's genuinely surprised he got anything about this from the kiddo. Oh well. He's not going to write anything back, due to the request not to.
➳ However, those dried flowers? They were put into a frame beside his bed, the letter placed behind it.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Trophy Chapter Eight
You become confused and start to question your feelings whilst Henry tries to be romantic but Stephan manages to fuck things up.
Warnings: Obsessive Behaviour, Implied Smut, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Rape, Mentions of Torture, Dark themes, Yandere, Swearing, Daddy kink, Spanking threats, Angst?, Violence, Dark fluff(even I don't bloody know)
A/n: its quater past 11....I should be sleeping...my cat is littarily meowing at me to got to sleep but im not so here have chapter eight!!! so this chapter is mostly plot no smut unfortunately but the next one will be 1000٪. I have finally finally got the entire plot to this fic finished and written, I actually have some scenes for the next three chapters done to! But as I said mainly plot I intendedthis to be a little confusing from y/n perspective I want you to get a sense of what y/n is going through juggling her feelings and all that apart from that I really hope you enjoy this one xx
Taglist: @havenoffandoms​ @aphrodites-punch​ @charlieferret​ @thatgirly81​ @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @fitnees-motivation-2020​ @viking-raider​ @iloveyouyen​ @black-ninja-blade​
Gif not mine but the divider is xxx
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Stephan was at a loss, sitting in the cheap b and b room he rented, papers strewn across the floral bed spread he had been going through his contacts agents. Friends. Investigative journalists. Anyone and everyone he could think of hoping someone somewhere would give him a break, a lead something anything! A way for him to distract Henry enough so he could slip you away from him. Fuck sake at this point he'd pull him in for a fucking parking violation just to get this barstard alone in a room for five minutes!! But no one was willing to help they were all in until the name Cavill was mentioned. He couldnt really blame them Cavill did two things to people who investigated him ruined them or off'd them.
Just last week another agent who'd been working undercover as one of the handlers of his prostitutes was found by the bay death by necklacing. A grusome death something he hadn't seen used in America before, usually it was a shooting or stabbing, necklacing was a brutal ,loud and mostly used in places like Africa and Brazil. Execution and torture all in one. It may be one of the cruelest ways to kill someone but it was in all honesty simple to do, hell anyone could do it which is why they couldn't pin it on Henry specifically, hands bound to your chest; in this case with wire and a tire full of petrol placed over you holding them still trapping them, doused in more petrol and set alight. Its a slow agonizing death that takes around twenty minutes, her screams would have been loud but no one in the area had heard or see a thing he bet they had and were just to frightened. He couldn't blame them he saw the girl before she'd been taken off to autopsy, agents; professional, trained to deal with anything agents,onscene were being physically sick from the sight and smell unused to this type of violence. The poor agent had suffered even before that. Autopsy showed she had been raped beforehand she was described as cut and torn up in the report, but they must have used condoms of some description as there wasn't any dna evidence. Or if there was it had been burned away like her charred skin, her body had been in such a bad way that there was nothing to go on. Without evidence they can't charge or formally question a suspect.
Safe to say everyone was shaken up, some left completley requested reassignment and all the ones who came before him were either dead of terrified of the man. Not only that word of Stephans fuck up had got out and he was now a laughing stock. Stephan was supposed to be a honey trap, go undercover seduce a woman of intrest to do one of two things one, prob for information, if she had some great! Stay and use it and If she didnt dump her move on to the next job simple Or two, find a woman to maintain a close connection to the target in this case that was you. It was believed that there was a connection between you and Cavill.
The mobster out of the blue was trying to buy a block of flats in a shitty area. Now Cavill owned property,  lots of property but never flats and never on that type of estate. He owned fancy restaurants and night clubs stupidly high class bars that had dress codes and the residential properties were allways four beroom three bathroom houses worth millions with fucking suanas and shit. Bottom line it was out of character and the man was trying to rush through the sale. The higher ups had hoped with the way he was acting; so out of character and flustered, that he would fuck up. He a mobster kingpin with litteraly billions to his name was trying to buy a building that was falling apart, in a run down poor area, wasn't for sale and was willing to skip negotiations and overpay... 
The only possible connection to it all was you. They knew Fletcher had dealings with Henry and knew Henry used the cafe for his smaller business meetings. That was the most infuriating thing they knew so much but they just couldn't prove it!. So Stephan was called in to see if you was privvy to Henry and his empire and if you was willing to be an informant. Simple. Until it wasn't and feelings got involved. He wasn't supposed to fall for you but he had and that had cost him the assignment. He was supposed to drop it but he wont, so he had to sniff around himself he knew Henry kidnapped you, he knew Fletcher set it up and he knew he was going to save you. With that in mind he decided to do something he never even dreamed. Stephan was going to go rouge.
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Henry was content albeit impatient,  he waited at the bottom of the stairs waited for you his wonderful little princess. He had arranged a night out in one of his top restaurants, he figured now that you were here willingly he could begin to spoil you, lavish you with the luxury you deserved and you had been good these past days you deserved a treat. Tonight was about showing you just what it means to be his, the respect, the glitz and glamour. He was hoping that he could begin to sway you more, he knew you were questioning youself and him, his intentions and as you were questioning he saw a change you were more compliant. He paced slowly his head of security Luke was there beside him stiff as a board, Luke thought it was a mistake flaunting you around so early. But Luke could go fuck himself, Luke was not in charge and Luke should keep his opinions to himself.
Henry was begining to get tired of the mans bitching it was clear that his head of security had something against his sweet pet. It may have been the fact that Henry; seeing the bruises on your wrists after your escape that was definitely not made from handcuffs, had investigated and watched the security footage seeing the way the gruff man had manhandled you dragged you through the house after taunting you, thrown you into your day room on the day you'd escaped. Yes Henry ha found out and promised the man a grizzley end if it ever happened again. The only man to leave marks on your soft skin was him. Luke was bitter over the fact you'd escaped further then the garden on his watch, well thats what Henry put it down to.
"If you sigh again I will stop you breathing altogether!" He finally snapped over his shoulder to the man. 
"Sorry sir I just think-" Henry spun on his heel pointing at him.
"I dont pay you to think! I pay you to do as your fucking told! To protect our investments and you didnt! Incase you haven't noticed your on thin ice as it is, theres a line of others who would take your place in a heartbeat Luke so I suggest you start pulling your shit together unless you want an early retirement." The words were hissed a snarl he couldn't help the thrill that came from Luke's shocked fearfull look. Luke knew poeple didnt retire from his position, not the in the masive pay out and a sipping pinacolada on a sandy beach sense. The only retirement he would see is two foot wide and six foot deep if he was lucky. Henry watched steely eyes burning into the man before him, the guard finally looked away gulping nodding slowly.
"Y-yes sir..I will go make sure the car is ready" Henry smirked crossing his arms 
"You do that! Be the most usefull thing you've done all day." Luke cringed at that but could say nothing he simply left the house out towards the drive shuting the door with a quiet click. Henry shook his head as he watched Luke descend the few step of the porch. He was going to have to do something about him soon.
He pulled his thoughts away from the dark path they had traveled and glanced at the stairs again then began his pacing from side to side once again looking at his the rolex upon his wrist. You were taking your time. Sighing he turned again looking expectantly at the stairs. Its not like you had to decide what to wear he had laid it out! He had done the hard bit all you had to do was hair and make up. He grunted making another lap of his choosen pace route. You better not be up there pouting, if you were he was going to be very annoyed. Five more minutes. He decided five minutes then he would go check and if you was being a little madam and pouting he would blister you ass with the belt at his waist and drag you out anyway dressed or not. He moved finally standing at the stairs hand gripping the banister in a white knuckle grip hissing through his teeth. 
Then he heard it heels tapping on the marble floor slow and unsteady, you were coming. He held his breath waiting for you to turn the corner at the top of the landing. When you did he had to swallow dryly, you were a vision, stunning you were made to be on his arm there was no doubt about it. You made your way down the stairs trying not to topple over in the high heels, which you suspected he had put you in so you couldnt run. Well you could try but you have to unbuckle them first which would be a dead give away. 
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You'll admit the dress was beautiful and comfortable considering how figure hugging it was. A deep royal blue velvet ,thin spaghetti straps and a low open back stopping just at the swell of your bottom, the front had a soft swooping neckline showing a hint of the very top of your breasts. It was a fine choice, henry definitely had an eye for these things. Every outfit he put you in since being here was always well thought out and this was no exception. You had to be careful tonight, he had provided a dress, stockings garterbelt even jewellery and some new lipsticks! but no panties. It made you nervous, it was one thing to always be around the house in skirts with no undies but to go out? You had to be wary, the small mercy was that it was a knee length dress so hopefully no accidents. However that being said with how form fitting it was and the way it pushed up your boobs there was more chance of a nip slip then a lip slip.
There was a complete set of expensive looking Jewellery that each had been packed in blank leather jewellery boxes and was presented on purple velvet. The necklace was three long strings of diamonds one a choker then longer to your collar bone then the final resting just below your dress' neckline the middle string holding one single large diamond in the center, the weighty rock made you dread to think of the cost and matching small dangling earrings and a bracelet...And anklet he had insisted you to be head to toe in diamonds. 
For your hair you had styled it up and away from your face in a sleek sophisticated look,your make up was light, you didnt want to go all out and make him think you were trying to impress him, although in some respects you did want to impress him but for now you would ignor that. You had settled for a light face of make up and one of your new lipsticks a dark nude shade between a peach and beige the last thing you wanted was for him to get angry about not putting in effort which was a real possibility with how the slightest things could trigger a mood swing.
You'd found the past week since you had....Assisted him in the livingroom something had changed, a subtle change at first. You found youself stealing quick glances and smiles at him, he had caught you staring a few times and winked making you flush and stutter. He still had his moments but it seemed your 'admission' of not wanting to leave and wanting to try to stay and fall in love with him had calmed him down significantly. Sure you'd been given a few punishments when he got insecure here and there. You had been finding yourself participating in all of the intimate moments he was forcing onto you, when you did things with him you could barely speak let alone think the throws of passion was an escape. To your own confusion and shame you now admitted to yourself you enjoyed him lathering you with attention it was becoming to easy to melt into his embrace, to tempting to kiss the man back and cuddle up to him as he soothed the burning prints he left across your skin. You were frightened at just how much you began to crave him and need him, you still tried resisting but it was few and far between. In reality you were giving in to him and you didnt exactly hate the change. despite everything it sill felt a little wrong to let him get his way but that bad feeling was becoming easier to ignore.
But don't get things wrong, you had no desire to stay here permanently you had just resigned yourself to it for the time being...You think things i  your...Relationship were confusing at the moment you liked the man but hated how this had all come about. You tried reasoning that your feelings were changing in some sort of survival technique or something. That subconsciously you had to pacify him, make him believe you was slowly falling for him so he wouldn't hurt you or the ones you loved. But at this point you wasn't entirely sure. I mean if that were true and you did this all for Stephans life shouldnt you feel somthing for the agent. But in reality all you felt was abandoned and betrayed by him, but it didn't hurt not like the loos of a friend or lover as you thought it would have. Maybe you was just weird? or maybe you didn't really love him? What ever it was you was thankfull for it as you could concentrate more on yourself and what you had to do to get out of this alive, sane and single. You were not falling in love with this mad man no matter what he did and said you shouldnt fall for it you shouldnt fall for him. But you were slowly realising that just because  you shouldn't didn't mean you wouldn't.
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Henry's face lit up as you slowly made your way down the steps on wobbly feet unused to the heels that brought the top of your head up to his eye line. Seeing you struggling he smirked meeting you half way up the stairs linking his arm with yours. You flinched almost pulling back knowing you should but his grip was firm and you needed help. His voice was low and playful when he spoke.
"It seems you will need my help with walking tonight before you've even touched a drop of wine my love. Thats no matter, more of a reason for you to cling to me and I do enjoy you wrapped around me pet." You gave a quick glance, so you was in these ridiculous heels for a reason. You forced a smile letting go of the banister as he walked you down the stairs over to the door.
"You look stunning! I have the best table in the place reserved just for us but first" he moved spinning around you and just like a magic trick his hand appeared from behind him with a small ring box, he moved pulling up your left hand kissing the back of it. You shivered as he maintained eye contact feeling him smirk. You cursed yourself wanting to contorl your reactions but couldnt seem to. He spoke a cheeky grin his voice was playfull. 
"Here something to complete the outfit I wont have my little girls hands bare~" You gulped as he pulled back the lid of the small box revealing an obnoxiously huge rock sat embedded in what looked like a silver but was most likely white gold band. You tugged at your hand and winced when he dug his thumb in your palm tugging your hand out hashly.
"Daddy! That's to much-I'm not one for rings please everything else is enough. " He blinked his face dropping.
"You don't like it? Whats wrong with it?" You eyed him carefully and shrugged.
"No-nothing I just..." he interrupted you growling at you scowling
"You don't want it? I had it made for you and now you don't even fucking want it? I just wanted to treat you baby? You've been so good and now your going to start acting up? When I'm trying to reward you for being so good. Just trying to have a quiet night out with you, I dont have to take you out, I could fucking keep you here day in day out" You could hear it, that of hectic insanity. Frantic undertones. You quickly shook your head.
"No no I want it! I do want it I'm just worried...It looks...Ive never had anything that looks that expensive" you moved forward to him placing a hand on his chest rubbing slightly, youd learned fast that initiating intimate gestures help calm him a little.
"I-i'm frightened that I'd upset you if I loose it especially if we dance..We are going to have our first slowdance tonight aren't we? I was hopeing we could..Tho people will laugh I've never danced like that before." It did the trick he calmed blinking slowly then beamed at you.
"Oh little one thats sweet of you to worry about daddys feelings like that..But baby I wont be upset if you lost it Id just get you another one pet... Now come here and keep still like a good girl" you sighed in relief as he calmed down you cringed and twisted your hand as he tried to place it on your ring finger, his eyes flicked up to you in warning.
"Its...thats bad luck I'd rather not.." he grunted and took your right hand placing it on your ring finger. You shuddered as you realised it fit perfectly. He moved back placing one parting kiss.
"That is your first warning tonight, daddy doesn't want any games...You ruin tonight and I will be very displeased and you will not like the outcome" you nodded takig a breath.
"Y-yes daddy I understand...I'll be good" he gave a quick look.
"You better now lets go" you released a breath tho calmer he wasn't happy youd argued, disagreed you wasnt supposed to do that.
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Henry playing the part of a gentleman opened the door to the car for you. Once inside he set off out of the gate, you shivered a little trying not to glance at him. He moved his hand to your leg patting it softly rubbing the soft nylon of the stockings he groaned subtly to himself as he continued down the road, you cringed a little moving to pull the hem of the dress down not wanting him to take advantage of the rising skirt and your bare pussy merely inches above. He squeezed lightly feeling you tug the fabric down under his palm cutting off the contact. He rolled his eyes biting his lip to stop the comments on the tip of his tongue. No he wont ruin this night before its begun, anything that happens he can rectify later when you were restrained and withering one your final treat. He licked his lips as he thought about the nights festivities and hopefully what the outcome will be. He was pulled from his devious thoughts when you wriggled uncomfortably still trying to get used to wearing half a set of underwear... And lets face it stockings and garter belts aren't exactly the norm any way. It was after ten minutes of sighing, huffing and squirming that he spoke pulling you out of your thoughts.
"Whats the matter little one?" you snapped you head to him and smiled going to brush him off he removed his hand from your leg wagging a finger.
"Ah ah come on no lying that will be your second warning and we aren't even there yet~" you closed your mouth giving him a heavy pout he rose an eyebrow letting his hand land back in your lap.
"Its...Well I've never...I'm getting used to the stockings...Never worn them before and its strange under the dress...especially not having any panties on....I'm covered but not " he through his head back and laughed as he pulled up to a red light.
"Oh love! you should have said baby...I thought you were having a paddy! I was getting ready to take you back home and tann your naughty backside with my belt." you snapped your head in his direction gulping knowing full well he would have.
"Oh little one don't be so tense..I promise tonight I'm going to spoil you this is a treat baby girl a night of fine food,  fine wine and even finer company" you smiled forgetting your underwear situation for a moment twiddling your new bracelet wanting to take your mind off things. You were going to try and enjoy the night try and forget everything just for one night. You smiled up at him shyly.
"I'm looking forward to it..But I get the feeling your taking me somwhere fancy and I've neve done fancy... think the fanciest place I've been is your house"he chuckled looking forward to the road cheking the lights then moved to face you.
"Our...Its our house pet you live there to now remember.. and don't worry I own the place so no one will say anything if you make a little slip up...Okay little one and if anyone does upset you ,you tell me straight away..I wont have my babygirls night ruined by anyone" you didn't want his words to effect you but they did, the idea of him caring enough to make sure you enjoy the night was sweet.
"Y-you mean it?" he nodded giving the lights another quick glance then focused back on you
"Of course! tonight is all about spoiling my number one! you can have anything you want and that includes a doggy bag of deserts to bring home" you smiled at him hopefully giggling.
"Deserts sound good! I'm excited now do they have cheesecake?" he pursed his lips thinking for a second wanting to prolong your cheerful mood.
"Yes, three kinds and I assume you'll be having a slice of each?" you nodded at him with a cheeky grin, Henry smirked at you leaning in playfully tucking his hand by your knee tickling the back making you giggle and squirm pushing at him. 
"Well my love three slices..Now that is a big ask and deserves a pre-payment I think...Three kisses should suffice" you grinned shaking your head at him and squealed as he leaned over playfully growling stealing three sweet kisses then leaned back in his seat , he was gobsmacked when youd followed him placing a peck against his cheek. You froze realizing what you did and jumped back holding your lips in surprize. What the fuck was that? He smirked moving the car into drive as the light changed. You righted yourself in the seat leaning back choosing to forget that little slip up. But still felt optimistic maybe tonight would be a fun night out even if it was with Henry.
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YES! it had paid off, a few days he had spent watching waiting but finally there was movement. he had been waiting here at the main road leading to the mobsters house. Parked next to a motel mainly used by truckers who stayed overnight, Stephan quickly climbed to the front seat of the car watching as the Aston martin drove past him, not just any Aston martin Henry's Aston martin, the only custom db11 in the city. He quickly pulled his binoculars out to see...Fuck yes!...He couldn't believe his luck! you were in the passenger seat and dolled up... He took a breath you looked incredible and to his utter despair and confusion you looked happy?.
Henry stopped at the intersection Stephan fumed as Henry laughed at something you said then moved his hand out of sight making you roll your eyes and press him away playfully laughing he didn't pull back instead he quickly leaned over kissing you, and the thing that cut Stephan most was that you let him, you seemed to enjoy his attention. Stephan's heart clenched seeing you like that, you were supposed to hate him...You were a captive. You couldn't possibly like the man could you?. He shook his head of course you didn't a mad man like henry? you were playing a part, hopefully a part that you could retire from tonight. He flicked on the ignition throwing down his binoculars if he could follow you both...If he could get in he had a chance, could give you a chance to escape! he could save you.
He took a second watching again as you moved you were smiling giving him a quick peck, he couldn't bare to watch anymore he closed his eyes gripping the steering wheel tight swearing. Could he be to late? He loathed to think of just what he had put in your head what he could have convinced you to do. The light turned green and car pulled away, he waited a few seconds then pulled out making sure not to be to close or be caught by the lights. It only took the disgraced agent around fifteen minuets to realize where you were being taken. It would seem Henry was taking you on a date? trying to romance you, wine and dine you but then what? there had to be a reason, and ulterior motive. Stephan held back watching as the Aston martin pulled around the front of the hotel, Henry exited the car and walked around holding your door for you. He felt a rush of anger as Henry helped you out of the car then tossed the keys across the car to the valet. Stephan stared gulping, you really did look amazing even if you were struggling to stand in shoes he knew you wouldn't have been caught dead in if you had a say. He must have forced you in to them, so he could have you wrapped around him, leaning and clutching at him as you wobbled about unsteady. His blood boiled as Henry moved offering you his arm when you took it he felt..betrayed almost asking himself if you were worth it now, it looked like Henry had got to you. He seethed watching you climb the few stairs to the hotel entrance linking arms with your captor ,you looked up at the mad man smiling nodding as he spoke completely at ease.
Something was very wrong with this image, a kidnapped woman going out on the town with her kidnapper? on what looked like a romantic date?. You hadn't seemed like one of those shallow golddiggers who'd do anything for a bit of bling or money, but Stephan couldn't help but wonder to himself at that point. You looked happy if not a little nervous? shy? you looked like a love struck teenager. But Stephan couldn't help himself he couldn't doubt you, you needed him to get you out, to save you. You needed him to try. He moved pulling the car around the back, thankfully as this was a hotel people were coming and going all the time so it'd be easy enough to get in, he was coming for you. Tonight he will save you and it will look like nothing more then a lovers spat! a perfectly realistic situation that would have no repercusions. Once he had you, you could testify against the mobster and this would all be over. Henry would finally be behind bars where he belongs.
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You took a breath seeing the long line of people waiting to get in the restaurant each in expensive looking glad rags,you tucked your head down akwardly as Henry strode past the long line of people each making a fuss at the two of you. Some did not knowing just who the man on your arm was. Henry cut to the front interrupting the guest at the front.
"Is everthing ready?" His voice was bored as a woman quickly scampered over ready to let the owner in much to the anger of the other guest. The two at the front tried capturing his attention to give him a piece of their mind but Henry ignored them.
It wasn't long before you were in the high end restaurant in one of the towns two five star hotels that he owned. It was nice the restaurant was about fifteen stories up a dark blue almost black marble looking floor,  tables all coverd with pure white table clothes that felt like some stupid 800 thread count material ,high back black leather chairs ,single white roses and candles on each table dotted around. The focal point was a huge wall with intergrated tropical fishtank that seperated the regular tables and vip area which was raised slightly. The set up was split in two, one half all centred around useing the veiw courtesy of the floor to ceiling windows looking over the town the other half had the fish tank to look at..It was clever really the fishtank gave you a faux sense of privacy a perfect divider that let light flow to the other half of the seating area.
Henry walked you straight past the fish tank to a high private table in the corner of the vip area a huge bouquet of roses sat on the table. 
"For you babygirl" you couldn't help but smile brightly as he slid them to you. You leaned in smelling the roses slowly running your finger across the curve of the soft petals your heart warmed and for a moment you truley felt... Special? Cherished?.
You cast a sweeping gaze across the seating area admiring it whilst empty knowing it wont be for long, it was the most expensive place you'd ever been to eat. As you looked around you noticed that the other geusts were slowly trickling in being seated by smartly dressed servers. You looked slower taking in the decor more carfully. Henry wasnt lying when he said the table was the best in the place  it had a uninterrupted veiw of the city and the restaurant.
"You like it?" You nodded looking around the decor was black and gold giving a art decor gatsby vibe. He moved pulling out your chair letting sit then sat himself across from you smileing as you pulled the roses across the table placing then on the corner out of the way blushing. 
"Yes I was right it is a fancy place...A little daunting but exciting...And I can't wait for my cheesecake its my favourit and I haven't had it in sooo long!"
"Any thing for you my little one...But only good little girls who eat all their dinner get a desert you know that...ah ah no pouting!"
"But tonight's supposed to be a treat daddy" he gave you a stern look across the table at your pouting 
"Yes and if your a good girl and ask nicely we would eat out like this everyday, but you were naughty to begin with and daddy has to be strict and have lots of rules...And one of those rules is no desert before dinner now enough pouting don't be ungrateful" you blushed stupidly enough you agreed with him in a way you'd come to enjoy some of his rules, they made you feel...accomplished in a way youd never experienced before, you had something to work to and when you did as he asked he praised you which always made a warmth in your chest blossom. You tucked your nose in a rose you'd plucked from your bouquet grinning softly.
"Im sorry Daddy...Thank you for the roses they are very beautiful" he smiled holding his arms out in a exasperated gesture tilting his head for emphasis
"Well at least you will accept flowers with out a fuss little one...Thats one thing I can now be sure of" You looked down still feeling scolded even if his tone was light you cursed the feeling in your chest. Like rocks had been stuffed in your ribcage making your chest heavy, he was obviously still bitter about the ring you could tellfrom how pissy he was being. You fidgeted worrying just what that would mean for you during the night.
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Almost immediately after you sat down you were served a sweet smelling dark wine by a fairly handsome man who popped the cork with ease handing it to Henry whilst giving you a nervous smile you smiled back to him unaware of Henry's face turning sour he nodded and gave the young man a gruff grunt to proceed, the wine was acceptable apparently you watched as the server moved pouring you out a half glass with shaking hands well aware of Henry who was glaring daggers at him ,you smiled to thanking him. Henry must have taken it wrong as he snarled a 'fuck off' at the man who quickly placed the bottle on the table and practically ran out of sight.
"Hen- da I...what was?...I was just being polite please can we just enjoy ourselves...Please." he sat back regarding you one elbow on the arm of his chair twiddling his fingers, his gaze was unerving. He paid no mind to a waitress placing a bottle of bourbon and a glass finally he clicked his tongue smirking enjoying makeing you squirm. He smiled quickly leaning over pouring his own drink casually.
"I'd be carefull pet, you've got one warning left tonight it'd be a shame to have to reprimand you here and trust me daddy has no qualms of upending you on this table and giving you a sound thrashing" you jolted opening your mouth unable to find any words you settled on nodding quietly sipping at you drink meekly he rolled his fingers in a smooth motion until it was a loose fist.
"Answer me pet you know I hate you ignoring me unless you want to be made an example of here? want everyone to see your cute little bottom turned pink over daddy's lap as you kick and squirm like a naughty little girl" you squinted your eyes cheeks tniging pink at his words, deciding it was best not to test him you quickly slapped the drink down a few drops jumped from the glass staining the crisp white table cloth. You froze watching the dark liquid seep across the fibers.
"I-I'm sor-ry please I didn't mean-" you panicked and began begging looked up and could have cried for some reason he was keeping you on edge tonight more so than usual. He was smiling playfully into the rim of his glass, he had been toying with you...had he? you had hoped you knew his mind games but he was in an unpredictable mood tonight.
He moved slowly plucking the menu curling a finger calling a waitress over and ordered for the both of you. You sat twiddling your fingers unsure of what to do, he had seemed happy in the car but in here...It was like he wanted to keep you on a short leash, make you understand although you were out having a treat you were not free to do as you pleased. You settled on people watching moving to get a view of the other couples, they smiled and curled around one another so happy in love. Free.
You looked down blinking away tears, was this worse? Being out and seeing what you'd never have? In the house you could ignore it but here watching them be so genuine. No matter how much you fell at this mans feet you'd never have that freedom to feel, to be so careless in your love. You'd always be controlled be pressed into what ever made him happy...
Your purpose was to make this beautiful monster happy. But you'd agreed, was it wrong to let yourself go under? To fully succumb to his dominance and try to enjoy him. To find comfort in him and accept him as the beautiful yet cruel man he was?you would have to eventually so why wait? It'd save you heat ache in the end. And as the days blurred into weeks and months you knew that it would be easy. He was vindictive and spite full. He was ruthless and cunning yet to you he was almost kind, it would be easier if you swallowed your pride and let yourself fall for him. Life would be easier and you was slowly accepting that it was the obvious choice, you moved casting a glance at the couples around you. Could that be you? Could you have that happiness in the end with him? the frightening thig was. Yes. you could already feel that your feelings were changing slowly but surely, were you in love with him? no did you care for him? Yes.
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You hadn't realised he moved until he had made his way arohnd the table holding ut a hand palm up below your down turned face. You jumped snapping your head up confused he furrowed his brows slightly pressing a hand to your cheek wiping away a few stray tears.
"Dont cry pet...Not here no one should see your tears but me, no one should put them there but me. Here come on take my hand" you quickly moved wiping them away once your face was free of tears he grasped your hand. Pulling you up slowly, you followed docile as he pulled you towards a large dancefloor at the back of you space just behinde the bar. You saw there were a few couples were already slow dancing you tensed.
He spun round to face you as the song changed to one you recognized, No peace by Sam Smith played loud yet soft through the speakers it was one of our favourite's but this time the words had a much deeper meaning. He held your back his palm hot against the bare skin he stepped forward pulling your hand up near his shoulder you held him softly. Swaying slowly you'r eyes darted around eyes were on you from those who knew Henry, guests and staff alike.
"Look at me...Forget them little one they are just curious its rare for them to see such elegance up close, and I must say you look divine...More of a little lady then a little girl" you flushed at the compliment trying to follow his skilled movements as he placed his feet expertly without a thought to it as he spun you around in smooth steps across the floor, you swore looking at your feet as you stepped wrong capturing his toes. He chuckled and lifted you effortlessly off his foot  an inch or so and placed you back to the floor
"Sorry..I don't mean to..I've never danced like this before...Not very good on a normal dance floor and I'm ten times worse at this, these heels aren't helping...I must look like fucking bambi on ice" he chuckled smoothing his thumb across the skin of your back. Enjoying the backless dress pressing his hands into you feeling your shivers the ripples across your back as he smothered you in his huge frame, letting you feel small in his embrace. He quickly and subtly lifted you up once again as you nearly stood on him again.
"Bambi is a very fitting name I may steal that one" you gave a shy smile smirked spinning you aubruptly then pulled you back skillfully tugging you a little closer. He tilted his head down talking in a hushed baritone voice. 
"Your doing fine...Just let daddy lead, daddy will look after you I promise" you gulped and nodded he spun you again this time making sure your bodys touched, slipping his feet between yours using them to move yours guiding your steps.
He settled you to him as he moved prompting you to lay your head on his shoulder he spun you both slowly bringing you near the center of the floor to make sue no one bumped into you. You sighed humming along quietly whispering the lyrics suddenly there was a lump in your throat you swallowed hard pressing your head into his neck. It looked intimate. It was intimate. You listened as he picked up where you left off humming he lyrice into your ear low and relaxing. You whined moving your hands holding him around the neck breathing a shaky breath into his neck. He moved pressing a sweet kiss to your head song changed and you was thankful, pulling your head up to see his eyes staring at you there was a fondness he gave a lopsided grin.
"Are you okay my love? Your very tearful tonight." You blinked shaking your head at him.
"I'm..C-Can I speak truthfully....without?.." he tensed as you trailed off, you wanted to speak freely without consequences. He mulled over the idea unsure if he should shoot you down, he decided against it if he halted you now you may never be honest with him again. He nodded to you giving you his undivided attention as he slowdance with you in the crowd. You took a deep breath unsure if it was the right time to have this conversation. He had given you permision but you will still be careful with your words.
"I'm confused... You confuse me Henry...Being here like this I..."You looked to the other couples wistfully then back to him.
"I want that...I want that love that freedom and...And I...We feel like a couple ,like we could be a normal couple like them ,but you frighten me, the things you say and do and I...I'm unsure of whats right and wrong now...Normal couples don't do what we do they dont threaten spanking's on dates!" he hummed in response mulling over your words for a few breaths, could everythinghave been his fault? You didnt understand the type of relationship he had with you therefor you dont know what he wants from you or what to expect, is that confusion why you were fighting so hard?
"I'd hoped you were finally accepting things now. I'm glad you were honest with me about being confused love and I'm proud of you. We feel like a couple because we are.... But normal? No we are not we are a bdsm couple, we live a bdsm lifestyle which suits both of us. Your mine and I am yours we are soulmates. You are just finally catching up to that and soon we will feel like this all the time, this happiness this relaxed and playful. I know its all still quite new now but soon you will be used to me being your lover, your daddy, your dominant ,your one and only and in time I will be your husband and father to your children. We will be like this for the rest of our lives. I apologize that I'm only just explaining this now and I can see why you were so reluctant and scared going form a normal vanilla and quite innocent relationship to being in this...very strict and quite demanding, sexually fueled one can be daunting. I was just so caught up wishing you would ajust quicker but matters of the heart can't be rushed and now I see that is what I was trying to do. I am content for now. Soon this will be normal, the jewellery the luxury anything you desire will be yours when you finally admit to loveing me back, when you succumb to your true feelings." He moved looking to the others around you then back to you smiling.
"You will be just as happy as them..If not more you will be the most treasured and spoilt woman in the city, the world even I promise and when that day comes you will make me the happiest man on the planet" he moved solidifying his statment with a kiss, a promise he words sounded like vows in itself. You sighed and pulled back he took a deep breath as you did.
"I'm trying I...Its a lot to take in and I'm glad I spoke to you...I think I understand a little more now...Your You dont mean to frighten me you just...Get excited? okay I can live with that...I've never been in love before its frightening" he smiled twisting you around pulling your back to his front holding you close placing a kiss to your shoulder.
"I know you are trying love, what do you think this is tonight? This is your reward for your week of good behaviour. I am patient I will wait for you neither of us are going anywhere. And in the end everything will be worth it you'll see" 
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You stood stock still freezing as you looked out into the now full restaurant.You spoke as you cast your eyes to the male in the crowd. He was glaring at you making your chest go cold.No. What did he see? What will he think? You dropped you hands from henry's arms your breath was a whisper.
"Stephan?" Henry brought his head up abruptly going rigid he hands wrapping around your waist tighter almost painfull as if you was going to run to the other male. He looked around growling low and dangerous searching for him finally he honed in on him. Was hair dye all someone needed to bypass his men? He seethed as you trembled in his arms he held his breath. Moving closer to your ear.
"You want him? you want to run to him? Do you? You can I will let you but he will be dead before you touch him!" His words were a hot hiss in  your ear.
"No...I-I want him gone" the words were out befor you could catch them he hissed in your ear.
"Y-You what?" he turned you abruptly trying to sniff out a lie but you just held his gaze firm he swallowed his mouth going dry he covered his shock well then glared
"We will see...Come lets go see our dear Stephan shall we?" You tried struggled to keep up but he continued storming across the floor toward him. Henry half dragged half marched you through the dancing couples as you staggered in the stupid fucking shoes!. He turned to you slowly as you gained on Stephan who either bravely or stupidly stood his ground. Your heart beat faster tho you was unsure why you were worried but for who you couldn't say.
"Just remember our arrangement and he will leave here alive" you took a deep breath humming in response before hissing out an answer.
"I'm not leaving Henry" After what felt like an eternity to stood face to face with him, the one you could have seen yourself with on the arm of the man you were forced to be with.
"Y/n..." you looked to him blinking slowly 
"Leave" you had to do it, to send him away Henry would hurt him. You wasn't sure if you were just saying that or not, maybe you wanted to stay with Henry. But that was a thought for another day.You swallowed standing tall looking straight at him, you will not have this mans blood on your hands and you will not be used by him again you had enough sorting out your own shit and trying to figure out Henry at this point Stephan could go fuck himself you will forget him. 
Stephan, Fletcher and Henry all three were the cause of this. It was a mans game and youd somehow become a pawn for all three. You had to choose a side.
"Yes I think you should leave, this is reservation only I'm afraid." Henrys words had a bite to them anyone watching would assume Henry was just dealing with a gate crasher, no one other then the three of you would know how truley volatile the situation was.
"You? No..y/n I'm here for you! To take you back! Please I'm sorry give me one last chance? I love you baby I can't live with out you please?" You froze everything stopped what was he doing? What the fuck was he doing? Making a scene people watched as Stephan made a wild plea for you to take him back. He made a perfect storm, a brilliant and well thought out display.
Henry tensed holding you. You could feel it he wasn't prepared for this. Had Stephan just out witted the king himself in his own building. You held your breath unsure of what to do If he had was there a chance?. Could this be it? Your escape even if you didnt love stephan could you use this ruse to get away? To go into some form of witness protection?
"Ha! Honestly Stephan you think she hasn't heard?" You took a step back to Henry holding his wrist. No you wont take that chance not now. You have to settle, to just accept your lot with Henry for your own sanity. You had only moments ago realised where you stood and now had some understanding of what this was!. And if you was honest with your self you wasn't willing to trust Stephan he was to little to late.
"You've lost your job, your home everything! What could you possibly offer her? Safety? Please" you faltered at Henry's words were all but laughed out mocking. He lost his job? If so it wasn't safe you picked up on the hidden meaning to his words. You would not be safe. Stephan would not be safe. Not if you took this chance.
You placed a hand to Henry's chest and swallowed your throat closed up as tears sprang to your eyes. You looked stephan dead in the eye his face dropped. He knew. Before he could speak another word you gave your answer through trembling lips.
"I-I said leave! Your a liar! You played me I was a job Stephan and I will not be used again...Leave and don't ever come back. I-I'm with Henry now, we are happy and planning a future and I don't need you around trying to ruin what we have." You shuddered tears rolling down your face. Henry pulled you closer, you just hoped Stephan realized that you did this of our own accord, that henry was giving you a choice and the fact of the matter is you chose this beautiful dastardly man.You had to turn away from him tucking yourself into Henry's side.
"You heard the lady, she chose me now leave" 'while you can' those three words went without saying, hanging in the air. Stephan stood his ground trying to plead with you that he had somewhere to take you, somewhere safe but you just shook your head. 
"No! I dont want you! I dont need you! Im happy with how things are and I can't believe youxd do this after all this time?!" You were trying to get through that he was to late the damage was done and youd already made up your mind, your reasons were unclear even to you but he doesnt need to know that all he needed to know was that you were staying exactly where you were.
"But baby you don't understand I was trying-" you shook your head at him desperately wanting hi  to stop youd made your decision.
"Enough! Stephan...Ive moved on its to late now go! And dont ever look for me again!" You moved wanting those to be your final words. You turned your back on stephan and looked up to Henry and leaned in to him whispered below your breath.
"Make him leave, please daddy" Henry felt a warmth spread through him as you made the request. You wanted him to intervene to make this boy leave. He would definatly help, protect his babygirl. He acted quickly.
"Security! See to stephan here escort him out" you tore your head up watching as three men apprehended him dragging him through the space to the entrance whre he was destined after that you didn't know. You took a deep breath looking around slowly  everyones eyes were on you. Henry growled and snapped at them making the restaurant begin the nights festivities. You stood hugging him a few seconds more then pulled you back slowly.
"Good girl...Such a good girl you did the right thing. My little love. The right thing." He pulled you in pressing his lips against yours slowly not forcing anything just happy to let you remain there in his arms. He moved slowly escorting ou back to yur table where a waitress brought out your meal after a few moments.
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After the incident you found it hard to relax and only did so once back home. The rest of the night was overshadowed by it dread rolled in your stomach Henry was tense. And that normally meant bad things for you. If henry was angry with you he hid it well through dinner and you both tried salvaging the evening in your own ways. But even hree slices of cheesecake couldnt lift your spirits completely.
Once in the house he slammed the front door it echoed down the halls. You flinched and turned to him But he bypassed you and shouted loudly into the house standing tall shoulders back he was itching for a fight ou could tell he wanted to break somehing. Someone.
"LUKE GET YOUR FUCKING ASS OUT HERE!" Within a few short moments Luke came running stuttering.
"Hen-Sir I didn't know but we have him in-" he was knocked clean off his feet as Henry swung for him. No warning nothing just one fast powerfull fist connecting with his jaw. You screamed jumping back, the commotion got kals attention as the huge dog came barreling in to the foyer barking and growling on the defensive. You ignored the usually sweet now frightening canine watching the scene before you unfold shaking head to toe. Youd never seen henry hit someone before...not like that, he meant that he wanted to cause real damage then.Once his victim was on the floor he crouched wagging a finger at him.
"Hair dye...Thats all he needed to avoid you....your really loosing your touch about as quickly as I'm loosing fucking patience....This fuck up, your fuck up ruined my night! What was supposed to be our first date down the fucking drain because you let it slip A-FUCKING-GAIN! I don't care where he is, infact I don't want you to tell me but you get the info out of him and release him...Do not kill him" Henry stood at his full height hissing looking to you then clenched his jaw. Brilliant! Fucking brilliant you were shaking in terror just how he wanted the fucking night to end! Not! He sighed running a hand acros his face then looked to the man still on the floor.
"Tell me that you've atleast set the room up for us and this night isn't a complete waste" the man on the floor nodded cupping his jaw that was hanging at a funny angle it looked broken. You tensed Henry was powerful muh more powerull then he looked.Henry sighed he didnt move he didnt want you to bolt.
"Love... I'm sorry I just...i know its scary but you know daddy would never ever hurt you...Not truley, please love stop looking at me like that... Could you come here please?....That's it good girl I'm sorry little one good girl just like that" you moved slowly past the man withering on the floor. And stood before Henry it took everything not to flinch from him as he moved to hold your waist and made his way to the stairs pulling you with him. You didn't fight him, you were scared stiff you doubted that even kal would protect you from his master. He walked you right up stairs to the bed room you winced seeing that things were out...Toys. He moved past you huffing and swearing leaving you to just stand and wait. He made his way into the bathroom tense he was angry, furious even. You shook unsure how to tread it had been a while since he was this angry and you wasn't sure who he was angry at. You, stephan or luke...You hoped it wasnt you.
You leaned on the dresser undoing the buckles on your shoes sighing once the sore soles of your feet hit the cool floor. You looked to the bed the sheets were changed. A dark purple satin with matching pillow cases a single black rose on your side of the bed and petals scattered about the place. It was romantic. Well until you saw the contraptions attached to the chair facing the bed which was intended for you to be placed upon. A large purple cilindrycal arch placed on the seat and..Well there was a very satisfying looking dildo sticking right up in the center and a small bobble textured silicone mat just in front of it, there were cuffs attached to the two back legs of the chair that would make the 'toy' take your weight you shivered unsure if you wanted to do this is he was in a mood. You shook your head best get to work calming him down.
You moved slowly to the bathroom he was hunched over the sink he looked up meeting your gaze in the mirror. you blinked moving behinde him hugging him from behind he froze in your arms hands still braced on the marble.
"Thank you daddy...tonight was fun even if he tried to ruin it" you pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He turned abruptly grasping your chin making you look in his eyes.
"You..you had fun..I thought you was upset?" you shook your head at him he sounded angry but you'd thought it was at you aparently not.
"Of course it was our first date...and we had our first dance I just...I wanted you to know that I'm greatfull" he blinked shaking you 
"LIES! How could you possibly? you wanted to go with him! to leave me! I LOVE YOU I FUCKING ADORE YOU AND YOU STILL WANT TO LEAVE ME! WHY? WHY DO YOU FUCK AROUND LIKE THIS? WHY DO YOU TRY TO MANIPULATE ME? MAKE A FOOL OUT OF ME IM YOUR LOVER YOUR SOULMATE! IS THAT NOT ENOUGH?!" you screamed struggling as his nails broke the skin of your arms."NO!-NO PLEASE I DIDN'T- I WASN'T PLEASE DADDY DON'T!" you cried out loud trying to grab him as he spun you around slamming you to the door making it close with a slam the sound ringing in your ear
"ADMIT IT! ADMIT TO ME WHAT YOU REALLY WANTED! YOU WANTED HIM YOU WANT HIM!" you shuddered as his eyes searched yours but found only tears you shook your head trying to pull back from him.
"P-ple-ease your hurting me..Daddy I'm here with you-I chose you. I-I want you daddy, pl-please let go" your crying seemed to get more out of control as you now struggled to speak breathing was difficult. He blinked your painfull whimpers cuting him deep as he realized he was the cause. It snapped him out of it as he saw that he had infact hurt you he let go taking heaving breaths. 
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He expected you to run but all you did was stay still sobbing your heart out before him clutching your bleeding arms. he moved a hand to you you managed not to flinch but he could see it you wanted to. You wanted to run from him. He swore and quickly wrapped you in his arms.
"Oh my god my love, my heart I'm sorry..I'm so sorry love please shush its okay your okay...shh shh I'm sorry daddy is here, come here my baby..My sweet sweet girl" he pulled you close and just like that he was soothing you again rubbing your back. you trembled and clutched onto him sobbing he took a deep breath.
"I-I'm s-sorry But I didn't I didn't want to go...I wanted to stay with you...He lied he used me im here..I decided to stay with you" he closed his eyes he knew you were coming around. He was just so angry. At Luke at Stephan and at himself. He had fucked up from word one he knew that. This wasn't the plan. He had so desperatly wanted to make tonight THE night. The meal and danceing having fun then bring you back to a romantic room and make love to you. To get your consent, to toy with you untill you were dripping begging for him and finally. finally spend himself inside you. And wake up tomorrow morning with you wrapped around him happy. tonight was supposed to be the first night of the rest of your lives. the introduction to your new life.but now that seemed the last thing that was going to happen, after manhandeling you like that he was sure you were now going to try and reject him completely. that this whole shit show was going to set the relationship back a good few weeks. you looked up cutely blushing.
"The..The bedroom is sweet...I like the sheets and...And the roses its romantic" he smiled down at you seeing that you was trying to overcome the little spat. He hummed grinning rubbing his hands across your back slowly feeling you unwind.
"You did ,did you? well I shall remember that" you opened you mouth then closed it slowly
"What is it? you looked like you was going to ask something very important then little one" you shuddered squirming under his gaze he noted you rubbing your thighs together.
"W-what is that thing? I-in there on the chair?" he smiled at your innocence and began ushering you to move so he could open the door guiding you out.
"That my love is a gift..For you mostly but I will also get some enjoyment out of it..It is called a sybian...Just think of it as my little babygirls very own rocking horse." he chuckled noticing you froze on the spot, he pressed you forward making you take step towards it.
"It rocks?" Henry laughed moving you closer.
"No my little love it does not rock, I have no doubt however that you will be once your on it...Not tonight tho I've my outburst has ruined our night already" you blinked you couldn't help being curious of the thing you blinked tilting your head, you might aswell start enjoying yourself afterall tonight youd made it clear you was going to stay of your own accord maybe its time to just take a leap of faith.
"No I want a go...And you did say its mine and that youd spoil me tonight...I want to play on it" his jaw dropped. What? Were you seriously initiating sex? It was the first time you'd started anything or even showed any real interest. He gulped looking from you to the expensive vibrator then you again. Could him clarifying your relationship have caused this change? Or was there something more at work, were their feelings involved. He wasn't sure but not one to kick a gift horse in the mouth he smiled nodding making you blush brightly and move forward running the tips of your fingers over the slim dildo inspecting it naively. Oh yes the night was back on track and Henry couldn't be more thrilled.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Close Friends - pt. 5
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A/N: I got a great idea rn for this serie but i dont think yall would like it haha...Yeah....maybe I should take that into a consideration. ehehe
Sirius couldn’t help himself to pour his frustrations to his friends. He was laying on his bed all night and all morning, thinking out loud and James found his japping quite more annoying than an actual alarm clock. 
“Maybe it was her dad’s cologne. I don’t know, Pads- I’m tired, can you shut up? Please!”  he groaned into the pillow, watching the time close to his alarm. 
“I don’t think her dad would wear such an expensive cologne- maybe if he was bloody rich but he’s just (y/n)’s dad.” his eyes widened and he sat up with them bulging out of his skull. “WHAT IF IT’S HER BEST FRIEND’S BROTHER?!” he continued to stare but his mind was not paying any attention- neither to the sight in front, nor the pillow that flew from James’ bed and into Sirius head. Sirius didn’t pay any mind to the pillow either. He wrapped his arms around it and with eyes wide and awake, he laid on his side and squeezed it. “What if it’s my brother?! The cologne was quite similar to Regulus’.” 
“God. Universe. The Light. Whatever there is, please shut him up.” James prayed into the ceiling then realizing something he hadn’t all night. “Wait- isn’t this annoying Remus and Peter as well?” he sat up and looked at their bed where they peacfully slept. He stood up, put his slippers on and slid, not walked, slid with them to their bed. He poked Remus’ shoulder a few times. “Psst! Remus!” he whisper-yelled, poking him again with his wand as Remus only turned into the other side.
“Silenc-ching -arm.” he mumbled under his breath, covering his head with the pillow an falling back into some deep sleep.
James’ eyebrow twitched as he continued to stare at the sleeping, Sirius as well, boys in his room. “All I could have done is cast a shut-up charm?” he asked himself in the now-peacful night, his eyebrow twitching on beat. “Today is just going to be shitty.” he said before Remus’ alarm clock went off, making both his eyebrow twitch and the vein on the side of his head pop out, beating with his heart. 
When you saw Sirius walking into the classroom with swollen eyes and dark circles, you immediately started chuckling. It was a natural reaction with you and him. “Shut it.” he said as he threw the bag and himself on the seat next to you. 
“What kept you awake at night? Another Ravenclaw?” you poked his ribs but he didn’t budge, only digging his head into the bag in front of him. 
James stomped into the class, swollen eyes and dark circles, glaring as he scanned the room. Quirking one of your eyebrows you wondered what could have happened last night to the two of them. Did Sirius do something reckless again- nope. Appereantly you did because his glare only narrowed when his eyes landed on you. 
“I didn’t do anything.” you said as he stomped to you, placing his pams on the desk and leaning forward. 
“Do you have a boyfriend?!” he commanded rather than asked. 
Shocked by his sudden question, you furrowed your eyebrows and turned to your defense. “Excuse me?!” your tone raised and lowered as you said that, placing your own palms against the desk and standing up until the two of you were close. “You don’t get to walk in here with an attitude, come at me and require me to tell you something personal?!”
“He smelled the cologne-” 
“No.” Remus intertwined, putting his hands on your shoulders and gently squeezing them. “She does not. The cologne was mine.” he said and gently pushed you down on your seat as you continued to stare at him. 
“I-” you were about to start again until you felt a paper under your fingertips and played along the game. “Yes. It was his cologne.” you said, fidgeting the paper in your fingers but still keeping your eyes locked on James’, whose glare was now directed at the snoring boy beside you. He slapped his head and jerked him awake. 
“Wha-?” he started looking around, finding your eyes and smiling almost immdiately. “Mornin.” he drawled and you gave him a smile.
“Cologne was Remus’.” James said and started walking to his seat as you continued to look at nervous Sirius in front of you. 
“Why do you care whose cologne I wear?” you smirked and Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Don’t flatter yourself, (y/n): Just been a bit suspicious who wanted to steal you away from me.” 
“You smelled another man’s cologne on me?” 
“I can’t help what my nose smells.” he flipped his hair back and sent you a grin. “Just been wondering. That’s all.” 
“All night?” you asked and saw him tense for a moment, bringing you a great amount of suspicion.
“No, not really.” he lied, than turned to you. “Been thinking of a girl really.” he said and by the look on his face you saw he was telling you the truth. 
“A new interest?” you asked curiously. 
“Not really. I fancied her for a while now and she just doesn’t get out of my head-”
“What’s she like?” you started smiling, putting your chin on your palms as you saw him smile wider. 
“She’s- well, she’s...” he continued to avoid your eyes for a while before locking them in and taking a breath. “She’s amazing and the word amazing doesn’t come even close to describe her.” you started to notice the shimmering in his eyes and it caught your full attention. 
“You’re serious?” you sat up-right and let your giddy expression falter. “You’re actually in love with her?” you let a smile rise back again as he chuckled. 
“I am actually. I am so desperately in love with her-”
“Who is she?!” you charged right after, curious to find out a name. “No- wait don’t tell me.” You changed your mind and put your hand up. “Or do- no don’t- no do- no, no, no... If I know who she is I won’t act normal around her and you know how obvious I can get.”
“Protective?” he chuckled.
“After Judy, you bet your arse I am.” you took his hands and smiled. “I want you to find your perfect person, Sirius. That’s all.”
“I did.” he said, his eyes shimmering again and that made you so excited to hear from the boy who was always so far-reaching. “It’s her.”
“Does she know?” you asked and he shook his head.
“She’s extremely smart and intelligent but she is too dense to notice me.”
“Hard to notice Sirius Black?” you laughed as he continued to watch. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” you brushed your hand and turned forward as he continued to watch you. 
“Extremely- so bloody dense.” he muttered to himself, looking at you. 
When he came back to his dorm, he couldn’t help himself but throw his body into his bed- groaning. 
“Still haven’t told her?” Peter asked as he followed inside. 
“It’s like- I can talk to millions of girls and ask them out but to tell her how I feel feels the most horrifying thing in the world because I FEEL she doesn’t feel the same.” 
“You don’t know that.” said James as he sat on his bed, followed by Remus. 
“Maybe try and woo her over.”
“Oi- Moony, why did you come at her save like that?” James narrowed his eyes at his mate but Remus only chuckled. “Why didn’t you say it yesterday?” 
“I wanted to see you suffer a bit- babysit the melowdramatic Sirius and you attacked her James. You almost told her what Sirius should two years ago.”
“Third year in counting.” added Peter and every body turned to him, Remus nodding.
“Third in counting.”
“So- somebody has to tell her if he won’t.”
“Trust me. Sirius has to be the one to say it.”
“She doesn’t take me serious!” he burried his head into the pillow and groaned, lifting up his finger. “And don’t you dare start with name jokes, Prongs!” he shouted into the cushion, making James’ smile drop. 
“Well, maybe if you weren’t flirting with her before you cought feelings, you wouldn’t be in this situation.” Remus mocked, ruffling Sirius hair and walking away. “I’m heading to the library.”
“He’s got a point.” James agreed, laying on his bed with his arms behind his head and closing his eyes to take a nap. 
“Karma is such a bitch.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
I bet you probably got this ask before but what about a scenario where kin brings her boyfriend to meet her parents and brother for the first time?
Im gonna make Kai suffer. Is Kin's destiny to be with someone just as equal as Kai 🤣 (poor baby)
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"Birdy?" You called, snickering at his eye twitch whiel he let go of his papers.
"I thought this nickname was dead woman." He sighed in irritation while standing up with a huff.
"Sorry. Never gets old seing that expression of yours" you giggled before whinjng at his pinch on both of your cheeks "Fine fine! I take it back! I take it back!"
He scoffed while letting go of your cheeks, smirking a bit at the way you whined and rubbed then with a pout.
"Spill it out. You cane here for something, right?" He asked sarcastically while crossing his arms and staring you down.
"Yeah, I did." You stopped rubbing on your cheek and looked up at him "Forst you have to promise that you're not going to freak out okay?"
"Who do you take me for?" He asked in irritation while lifting one of his eyebrows up.
"Just promise. Please." You pleaded and he only rolled his eyes at your qords, but still hesitantly followed them. "Ok. Kai, our daughter is with 15..."
"No shit. I thought she had one year." You deadpanned at his monotonous sarcastic comment before you frowned and piked your tongue out at him.
"Anyway smartass." He pinched your waist for that, makimg you yelp but shortly after continue the topic "She was... interested on someone lasy year and he sounds like a good bo-"
You already let out a hopeless sign at seing his muscles tensed and his glove was already gone while his eyes narrowed dangerously.
"Anyway, she has a boyfriend now sweety."
Silence. You absolutely hated it when he got silent. It showed you the absolute storm that was passing through his brain, and you could see the hints of it by seing the hives appearing on his face and the way his eyes seemed to emit flames of rage.
"Kai.. you promised you were not-"
"Who and where is that kid?" He growled, making even you shiver a bit.
"Kai what the hell you're planning to do?" You asked a biit hesitantly, already praying for the poor soul and your daughter when you heard his answer.
"I just want to talk."
"Sure! He even accepted it!" Your daughter answered while showing her phone, the boy had simply writed a 'K, will be here in a couple of minutes'
You made a worried face while your daughter laughed a bit.
"Geez mom relax! Is not like dad is going to kill him!"
"... do you even know your father?" Kin just simply snickered and got up from her caahir to walk along sides you.
"Mom, chill! Trust me, I got a lot of tastes from you, besides... I thinki it will be fun if dad tasted his own venom for once?" You arched a eyebrow at the way ger golden eyes shined a bit but the devilish smirk was still there.
"What do you mean by that missy?" She merely looked at you and shrugged her shoulders with a smile, greeting with a sweet wave at Mimic passing through.
Oh god, if mimic discovered this you were having TWO killing machines.
For your luck at least your older son was with his girlfriend on somewhere else...
Although when you saw Kin getting smiley and giddly at seing at THAT boy getting out of the car, you looked at her in astonishment and let out a laugh along with her.
The boy had raven hair with the undercut style, had one blue eye while the other was brow as the wood of a tree and by god that stoic face he carried was equivalent to your husband and your sons!. He was wearing the typical black jacket and some boots with jeans as he got out of the the passenger seat, smilling for a fraction of seconds at seing Kin greeting him.
"Ya are the girl's mom miss?" The man ridding the car asked with a cigarate on his mouth, the boy already glared daggers at him.
"Sure am." You giggled while getting closer "Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"No one in special, just that midget's older brother. Wanted to see that cutie of his. Got a good fabric huh?"
"Shut your damn mouth pig." The boy spoked blantly while Kin hushed him a bit.
Oh fuck that was so nostalgic and gave you so many memories of you and Kai your heart did flips.
"I take it ya from the yakusa? Badass as hell since you don't look like the type, but i respect your husband." The man took the cigarette out of his mouth to threw in a nearby trash can "Im going to pick that shrimp later, if he does something wrong I will beat him up."
"P-Please dont do that." You smiled in worry while the man let out a laughter and got out without any words left.
"Mom, this is Naoko. The one I've been gushing about it!" She smiled while the boy scoffed, his skin dusting with the pink blush.
"Apologies for that fucker Daisou. He has no fucking manners." He stoicly said after without a care, widening a bit his eyes when you let out a laugh at his boldness.
Oh god this was going to be so fun.
"Is a pleasure meeting the boy that has got my daughter's attention and love sweety." You bowed before holding his hand, which btw were covered in bruised what the hell child? And gave hin one of your warmest smiles.
"Ny name is Chisaki (Y/n). Call me whatever you feel confortable okay? Welcome to the Shie Hassaikai."
Kin stiffled her giggle at the way Naoko's eyes widened in surprise before he muffled a cough behing one of his bandages fists, muttering a 'thanks' in return.
You were walking a bit until you giggled at the boy's gruff whisper to his girlfriend.
"So is from her that you got all that lovey dovey shit type?"
Yep. This was going to be fun.
Kai and Naoko immediately changed threating glares at each other the moment the boy placed his boots at side and looked at the older man face.
"My dad, Chisaki Kai. Dad, Naoko." Kin got between the two, showing with her hand at both of them.
Both only nodded and continued their glares exchange... until you just interrupted with a offer of tea for the guest.
Naoko's gasp got stucked on his throat before he brought a hand to rub the back of his head.
"Is not necessary mrs. But th-"
"Normally is considered rudeness refusing such a offer." Chisaki's eyes narrowed at the raven haired boy "Got no manners?"
"More less." He sighed in irritation before placing his hand on his pocket before glaring uo at him again "Guess we are on the same boat."
Kai's eye twitched a bit at that and his glove was already gone while he tried to not lose his temper.
Luckily for that midget his wife carresed a bit his back doscretly making him calm down. Pure fucking luck.
"I heard you are quite a troublesome young man Naoko." You cooed while handing him a cup "My daughter said you beated up someone just last week."
"Quite a example for you Kin. Im shocked that your choices were so poorly." Kjn glared at her father while Naoko merely scoffed and stared back at you, a hint of gratitude on his stoic different color eyes.
"Sure. Little shits wouldn't stop bitching about Kin not having a fucking quirk so I beated their asses." He said nonchantly before sipping on his cup.
Chisaki's eyebrow lifted up a bit, both disgust at his poor vocabulary but soon interested on why exactly he beated those kids.
"Kin, I thiught that whenever thise things happened you need to come talk with me and your mother or even Chrono and Mimic." Jai muttered at her while she shrugged.
"I didn't told anyone. Wasn't going to waste mh or others time with a bunch of filth." Naoko znickered at that, still with his lips touching the cup.
Chisaki merely sighed and thanked you through his gaze for giving him a cup of tea and for sitting next to him.
"Your actions remind me of someone I know very well Naoko." You said sweetly, giggling a bit at the way Chisaki glared at you.
Dont compare him with a brat.
"Sure." The boy replied while putting his cup on the coffe table "But I gotta tell. Kin still can kick some ass."
"Vocabulary is quite poor of yours." Chisaki spoked with a eyebrow lifted up while Naoko did the exact same thing.
"My way of speaking. Is just like that, not going to change either." He sighed before looking at Kin with a glare "Little shit beated me up on a match when I met her."
Kin laughed while Kai's jaw tighten in hate at the way Naoko called his daughter.
"Match? Does the school still does that?" You asked, remembering at all teh times you got called to "control your son" because whenever those happened your Kaito always sended one or three to the infirmary.
"Shitty teachers say is because we have to improve our quirks, and told me to go easy on her... although I wasn't going to go easy, this brat knocked me out." He stated simply, smirling at Kin's laugh.
"You were distracted! Is not my fault." She sayed in protest.
"I see that thise training were worth it for something." Kai sighed before glaring at Naoko "So you do have a quirk?" He asked, disgust completely visible on his voice.
"A shitty one, but yeah." He smirked at Kin, more love showed in his eyes "But at least is useful for something."
"He can summon whatever weapon he wants in just one snap of fingers! Kin sayed in enthusiasm "It last for at least fifteen minutes, but is so cool!"
"Is not much, stop gushing about me in front of your parents idiot." She smirked at him before he messed with her dark brow hair affectionately.
You and Kin were just gone for a few minutes, she went to talk to you and gush even more about her boyfriend; leaving both man staring at each other.
Chisaki had to admit that this brat was a brave soul, because he didn't even once flinched at his glares or even got scared or sad from his comments.
"Spill it out. What do you think of daughter?" He growled threateningly, Naoko simply stared at him for a few minutes before the kid closed his hands together with a sigh, laying his elbows on his legs as he lowered his head for the first time that day.
"She is just too good for this world." He sighed a bit as he glared at the coofe table "She gets so fucking teased and bullied for being from here, yet she doesn't mistreat anyone on that cursed place..."
He arched one of his eyebrows... Kin indeed was a oure soul that it was even difficult to believe that she was his daughter...
"Not only that but I came from a shitty family as well. Yet she didn't even looked down at me once, despite her status and all of that shit. Kindness... is something rare in this god for saken world."
He was having fucking chills of his own past and didn't liked that one bit. But he still kept his posture and continued with his judgmental stare at the boy.
"She is just..." he let out a bitter chuckle "Too fucking pure for this world..." he looked up at Chisaki with narrowing blue and brow eyes "I want to protect her and make her happy, and honestly I could give two rat ass about you not accepting me or whatever shit. But I want to make your daughter happy and safe... and I have a feeling that you did the same with your wife somehow."
He made a amusement face before sogji g and crossing his arms, looking at the direction of where his daughter went along with his wife.
"My wife is the purest thing in this world. She is not sick like many I came to know of..." he looked at Naoko "If you wish to protect and make my daughter happy, then I womt stop you... But-" his eyes went murderous as his voice lowered "Dare. Even dare to make one single tear fall from her eyes, that i will give you a punishment equivalent to what we do here with traitors of the yakusa."
"Trust me, if I ever make her cry I will come here asking for you to beat me up."
Chisaki couldn't help but smirk underneath his mask after that.
"I still dont trust you. But my daughter seems to enjoy your presence, so I will tolerate. But change your vocabulary, is disgusting."
"Only by my fucking dead cold body."
Ok this kid is surely going to get on his nerves a lot.
Kin made a happy squeal as she looked at the scene discretly with you.
"He let it mom! My Naoko is the best!"
"Sure. You passed the big boss my bee. But now you got to have lucky with both of your brothers and Iri aka remember?"
Her face fell into a stoic one before looking at you with a face equivalent to her father
"Way to ruin the moment mom." You snickered before she chuckled along.
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 4 Part 1
And here we go !
This is the last chapter of Liam’s 1st year at the university. It’s a long one, so be ready ;)
A new pov will replace Barbara starting now, I hope you’ll like it.
Damian-Nicholas Smith Carrey Friday March 8, in France
When people said him that he could write a book about his life, he never imagined what kind of book it would be. But now, he had quite an accurate idea. He would call it : 'How to change from the most famous hunter to a stupid and naive man in love'. He had gone through step one for a long time now : have a fucking ridiculous teenage crush. And now, he started step two : be in a relationship with your so-called crush. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey wasn't someone easily flustered. At least on paper. But when it come to the baboon, it was a true disaster. He must have left his pride back in the US.
"What do you think ? Isn't this one better ?" asked Liam.
The junior looked at him, his brows furrowed. They were doing shopping for souvenir. Well, the baboon searched little things for his siblings and Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey tagged along.
"I dunno. There are the same to me."
One was a key chain with the eiffel tower, the other with the Arc de Triomphe. Both were low quality products anyway. But the baboon finally picked one, and they went out of the store.
"Where are we going next ?" asked the blond lad. "There is plenty of time before our departure..."
"I bought everything I wanted." replied his boyfriend. "So I thought we could hum... take some time for us ?"
He blushed when he said the last word, which made Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey blush too, and then they both blushed even more. This is an endless circle of  pathetic shyness. I mean, I eat ass every other day, so why am I so prude right now ?
"Fine." he agreed anyway. "Lead the way."
They honestly had a good time. It was fucking weird to enjoy this at much as sex. Maybe even more. They went for walk the length of the Seine. Liam ate a box of pastries along the way and they talked about this and that. This is the end of my damned life. I'm having a silly conversation with someone. It must be the first time since... I don't even fucking remember. They were on their way back when Liam sighed.
"I'm happy to have you Dami." he whispered.
All this romantic bullshit was so embarrassing. Do I like it or not ? Just get a grip dude ! Not only he was having a damn date with his boyfriend, but he also looked like the flustered one here ! No one must ever know it happened. The baboon took his hand.
"I'm serious you know ?" he continued. "I mean, I'm still very worried about a lot of stuff... Nate is my main concern, but I'm also still preoccupied by my father. And I can't deny my story with Kilian is giving me an headache. But I'm really happy to know you're here."
"First of all baboon, it doesn't suit you to be so serious." replied Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey while trying to regain composure. "Secondly, there is nothing in what you said that can't wait tomorrow. You've the right to enjoy a little time for yourself with someone you love."
Liam blushed. He kissed his boyfriend to thank him. Holy crap. I'm getting good at the cheesy stuff too. Well, it wasn't surprising : Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey was good at everything.
This evening on the plane, the junior felt a weird dread through his whole body. Suddenly, he stressed about his relationship. But there is nothing new... I mean, we already were a couple before. So what is different ? He quickly put his finger on it. I said to the baboon I loved him. I confessed my weakness. The hunters shall never know. Nobody in the university, for that matter. There are already too many fucking people aware of our relationship. I don't trust anyone about this.
"Hey dude."
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey glared at the sophomore who hailed him. It was the dipshit called Matthew, Theo's heir.
"What the hell are you doing here ?" he asked. "Want to suck my prick ?"
The cocky lad (it was obvious this guy was an arrogant bastard) smiled.
"Maybe another time. I just wanted to say D.R sent me the contract regarding Barbara. She has to stay away from Colton and all his friends starting now. So you won't see her again much."
"Don't give me that crap, idiot. I don't care about the roach. You can fuck her, so go on. Isn't it what you wanted since the beginning ?"
Matthew's smile grew larger. I can definitely see the ressemblance with this shitty Theophile now.
"Just go away, moron." he concluded.
Liam Sunday March 10 back in the US
"This trip has done some damage..."
The young lad bite his lips. I knew I had indulged a lot but that's quite a change...
"Do you dislike it ?" asked Nate, while slumping on his bed.
"Not really..."
He had been ages since the last time Liam had looked properly at his reflection. He was pleased with his general body shape. His face was finely chiseled. He had strong biceps and triceps. His legs were robust but thick just like his chest. His pecs were nicely standing out. Even his back was kind of burly. But where three month ago he had a blossoming six pack, he had now a modest amount of squishy flab. His bulging waistline was easily noticeable since he was only in briefs. But he wasn't dissatisfied.
"I think I like myself." Liam whispered.
"And that's a good thing." mumbled his bestfriend, his eyes closed. "You have nothing to be ashamed about, trust me."
The chesnut lad outlined a smile. I'm glad to see Nate is talking more and more. He was also pretty sure Dami won't judge him for a little bulk.
"I mean..." resumed the other lad. "You're even well-endowed."
It made Liam blush like hell. (Not that he didn't take the compliment.) (Who could blame him ?).
The freshman expected things to improve since they came back from France. After all, Nate was getting better, Nick was actually making some progress at swimming and Dami literally confessed his feelings. It looked like the unicorns were finally powerful enough to repel the forces of evil. (After all, he had been feeding them with his dreams for months now !). So when a girl went to talk to him during his training this afternoon, he completely ignored her. (Not on purpose of course !). He was just so happy that he couldn't focus on anything. He went throught weight lifting and then legs exercises without noticing the many people who accosted him. He left campus without taking note of the lustful looks around him. I think I'm happy. The talk with Kilian had freed him. He was so glad to know the force of evils failed to take his ex-boyfriend. Anyhow, he finally went to work. As soon as he arrived, Judy came to him.
"Oh god Liam here you are ! I was so worried !" she shouted.
He blinked, not sure to have heard right. (Not that he often didn't heard people or anything...). What was she worried about ? Did he forget something important ? Something life-saving ? Maybe the aliens were gonna attack soon ?
"Liam focus ! I'm trying to have a conversation here !"
Judy clicked her fingers right under his eyes, breaking his thoughts.
"Are you alright ? Did someone do something to you ?"
"What ? No." he replied, surprised. "Why ?"
She frowned.
"Are you and Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey still a couple ?" she eventually asked.
Liam blushed. I think I'm supposed to keep it a secret but... He could trust Judy, right ?
"We are." he replied. "But what is your point ?"
"Be prudent when you're not with him okay ? I never thought I would say that one day, but I think you're safer with him around. Even if I still bet he'll hurt you in the end, like he did with everyone else."
Liam nodded. Their boss was calling them. I'm not sure I understand what she meant... However, he was certain Dami wouldn't said "I love you" so lightly. I'm special to him, I'm at least sure of that.
When he arrived at their flat tonight, Nick announced Nate wasn't there. Apparently, he had left for a talk with Archibald. It reminded Liam there were still things he wanted to improve in his life. My bestfriend and my poor family situation should be my priorities. He had no doubt the unicorns would agree on this. Besides, everything was linked to the forces of evil anyway. He grabbed a slice of pie in the fridge and joined his roommate. (Of course a pie made by Dami. Now that he had tasted his boyfriend's pastries, it was very hard to eat anything else to be honest.). (Once you visited heaven, you wouldn't come back, right ?).
"I can tell he's doing better." said Nick while staring at the screen of his console. "But I also can tell he went through something very disturbing. What do you think they're talking about so often ?"
"I don't know." admitted Liam. "But Dami assured me Archibald was a good guy so I trust him."
Of course, the chestnut lad wanted to help. And yes, I want to know what happened. (Curiosity is not a sin). (Glutonny is, but Liam didn't think much about it).
"Yeah well, until now we can say whatever he's doing is working." agreed Nick. "You should go to sleep... Wait, are you snacking ?"
Liam took a mouthful of his pie and chewed happily.
"This is just too good." he explained.
"You were sooooo against food at the beginning of the year." laughed his roommate. "I never imagined you were such a foodie."
Well... Seems like I changed my mind.
Nicolas Monday March 11 – Tuesday March 12
< Imagenius : yo what's up ? >
< TheSavior : long story short it sucked. I m better looking at my screen and playin'. Wht abut you pal ? >
< Imagenius : long story short my roommate is fuckin' loud while talkin' with her new friends. I hate people with actual life you know ? They remind me I'm a loser >
< TheSavior : won't say I know the feeling cuz I dont. >
< Imagenius : lol becuz right youre so popular >
< TheSavior : at least i hav friends outside a lame chat bruh >
< Imagenius : bruh >
< Abeautifulwomen : guys I do to. >
< Imagenius : as if a man who claims to be a girl could. Anyway Sav can you send us another pic of  this cute roommate of yours ? Pretty please ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : Same. But hey Ima are ya gay ? >
< Imagenius : Joker ? >
< TheSavior : need 2g. I'll turn the chat off. I don't hav any another pic >
* Abeautifulwoman is offline *
* Imagenius is offline *
* TheSavior is offline *
Nick sighed and looked at the clock. Almost midnight. Nice. I can still play. He slowly stood up and headed to the kitchen. First of all, he needed supplies. The raven-haired boy opened the fridge and grabbed a slice of pie and a beer. Two beers. He knew Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey had cooked it for Liam but whatever. His friend wouldn't mind. Nick came back to his room and turned his console on. A sligh whine came from his roommate's bedroom. Nate was having a nightmare again, he guessed. It was happening every other day. Not like if I could just ask what's wrong. If he doesn't talk to Liam, he won't talk to me. The lad drank his beer and started to play. He was good at it at least. He finished the level rather quickly, only to notice he had already ate the pie and emptied the beers. Again, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. Not that he was hungry, but he liked to play while chewing something. This time, he opted for ice cream. And beer of course. Then, he took his playing up again. One hour later, he was done with two more level. And he had devoured the ice cream. So once more, he stood up and headed to the kitchen. No wonder I'm fat. He put his snacks on the counter and patted his belly. When he had entered college he had been a twig. But the sudden freedom allowed him to indulge without his parents constant nagging. Maybe he had enjoyed it a bit too much. When he had come back at home for the christmas holidays they weren't very happy about his changes. Himself had been surprised to discover he had already hit the freshman 15. Now this limit was beyond him. I checked when we came back from France. I weight 89 kg (196 pounds) now. Almost 200. Nick shrugged. He didn't really care. He took his snack and continued to play.
The next morning, he got ready quickly. Unlike Liam, he wasn't dozy on the morning. Well, Liam was dozy all the time so bad comparison. They left together for the first lecture. When they arrived, the first thing Nick noticed was Barbara. The girl hated him for some absurd reason. She was so obnoxious. Then, he glimpsed Rebecca. Another one he couldn't understand at all.
"And to think I've been interested in her..." he mumbled.
Liam didn't hear him. That was the good thing with this dude. I could've been screaming, he wouldn't notice. They joined Colton who greeted them warmly. Nick turned on his gameboy but he wasn't paying attention to the screen. He knew the game by heart since middleschool anyway. Instead, he looked at his friends. He often did that without them noticing. Everyone assumed he was just another nerd but he was an observant nerd. Their trip in France had took a toll on Liam waistline aswell. If I'm looking closely enough, I'm sure even Colton's ever slim frame must've softened a bit. Nick was pretty sure this one would lost it in one day or two. As for his dreamy roommate... I think he will keep it on purpose. He seems to like it. Well, both of them were handsome anyway. The raven-haired boy didn't have this luck. He heard someone laugh behind him. The person whispered something about pokemon being a lame game. Another talked about his little bathing in the Seine. Not a day I want to remember. Seriously, classes were so boring...
Noon eventually came. Nick hit the buffet of the cafeteria like a ravenous beast. He needed his daily amount of junkfood to functiun properly.
"What do you think about the math assignment ?" asked Colton. "Shall we work on it tonight ?"
"I finished it already." he revealed. "But I'm sure Liam would be glad to do it with you."
Of course, his roommate wasn't listening. He was looking away while munching on home-made cookies. And new thing, he was crooning. I know some very weird people but they can't hold a candle to him. Nick discreetly kicked him under the table.
"Uh... What ?"
"Welcome back to earth." he said. "Colton wanted to ask you something."
Nick didn't listen to their conservation. He had glimpsed Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey in the crowd. Another strange dude. Since I came here, I met too many real character. He looks pissed. I mean, more than usual. He was talking to a girl. Well, probably insulting the girl to be fair.
"... Swimming tonight ?"
The raven-haired lad turned his attention towards Colton.
"No thanks." he replied when he had guessed the question. "I'm not very... at ease when there are so many people watching me."
His friend smiled.
"Of course."
* TheSavior is online *
* Abeautifulwomen is online *
* Imagenius is online *
< Imagenius : yo ! Day was booooring. How was yours ? >
< TheSavior : Same as usual. Couldn't wait to be back in my flat >
< Abeautifulwomen : Mine was fine. I don't actually leav my flat. Lucky me ! >
< Imagenius : Btw guys there is something up in my college. I heard ppl sayin a big hunt started. Don't know what that meant but they were very excited. Apparently, the prey is one of a kind ! >
< Abeautifulwomen : Funny. Do you think they hunt human ? >
< TheSavior : I'm sure they're talkin abut a treasure hunt or smthg. We shuld play. >
< Imagenius : Nah Sav it was about a real person. They want him but idk why. Maybe he did something wrong. Beauty yu didnt hear anythg from your boss friend ? >
< Abeautifulwomen : He doesnt control every college in the country duh. Last time he called he was very very very very very angry :3 I got a dick pick thanks to that ! >
< Imagenius : You really are gay. >
< Abeautifulwomen : I told yu im a girl >
< TheSavior : Come play and stop the chichat. Wdc abut a fke hunt nor ur fke dick pick >
< Imagenius : Aye sir >
< Abeautifulwomen : Aye sir >
To be continued
Tadaa. Something is going on in the community, but what could it be ?! I can only tell you Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey will have a lot of work to do. Liam is in a happy bubble, but you know me, it won’t last long.
And welcome Nick. He has been a steady presence in the background since the beginning, so he earned his own pov. He’s on a group chat with two other people... Maybe you’ll be able to guess who they are ;) 
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fredheads · 6 years
excerpts from the same party
predictably, my free choice for day 8 is fred’s life falling apart 
“so she broke up with you to date hiram,” says fp in the black-and-white marble bathroom, bigger than fred’s kitchen - “and now she’s here with hiram, and you want to leave.”
“um… yeah.” fred replies, his response slowed somewhat by the marijuana in his lungs, the stretched-out feeling of being high. fp takes the blunt from his fingers and inhales long - he’s in the bathtub, dry, clothed, reclined like a queen or an emperor.
“the thing is, this is hiram’s house. so i’m thinking you could have forseen this.”
fred just stares at him. fp’s hair is glittering, like someone’s threaded fairy lights through it - the bathroom lights make a halo on his head, glowing through his curls like a supernova crown of thorns. his eyes are two shiny pools of black. it feels like they’re both naked.
“dude, you’re done,” says fp, and puts the roll back between his lips, doesn’t pass it back. fred’s on the counter, feet dangling. “no more for you.”
“i want to go home,” fred repeats uncertainly, suddenly hyper-focused on his red converse shoes, the laces loose on the left one, threatening to plummet off. the counter feels very high, and the black marble floor is easily mistaken for the endless void of outer space. he wonders how he’s breathing.
“we’re not going home when we just got here.” rhythm is a dancer is on the stereo outside, beating through the party like a heart. the heavy walls shiver. “it’s a big fucking house, you don’t have to see them.”
fred keeps staring at fp, fixated on every part of his face in turn. “do you think they’ve slept together?”
fp groans and lets his head fall back, hitting the tap. “dude, don’t do this.”
“do what?” asks fred and wiggles his ankle imperceptibly, lets his loose shoe fall and plummet to hit with a slap on the marble floor.
“do you love me?” she asks, face bathed in purple light, and she looks like pictures of goddesses, roller-rink disco ball glow and purple cotton candy. fred wants to touch her, run the pads of his fingers along her velvet skin and wrap her glossy hair around his wrist, lick the sparkly lip gloss off her mouth. they’re in a corner of the dance floor and the music is louder than the blood in his head. the only part of his body that exists is his hands. he puts them on her hips, counts the teeth in the crescent-moon uptick of her smile. hiram’s hands have been there. his hands are not allowed there anymore but the smile says keep them and he does.
“yes,” he says reverently, her face is like a candle, pure and glowing with light. he touches her dark hair and her lips and feels dizzy, drinks from the smell of her, sugar and peach and mint. his stomach jumps.
“i bet you don’t even miss me,” hermione says nastily. “i bet you don’t even miss me a little.”
for some reason he can’t think of the right answer. his mouth tastes like vodka soda and his heart is beating in his wrists. her face is shimmering like a mirage in front of his eyes, far away from him and close up at the same time. he stares at her lips.
“do you love me more than you love him?” she asks.
fred’s mouth is very dry. “who?”
“him,” she says intensely, her shifting, pearlescent aura settling in a glow around her face and body.
“yes,” says fred, only because she hasn’t specified, which makes it easier to lie. then they’re kissing on the dance floor, his hands in her hair and her tongue on his teeth, just like it used to be. 
“you don’t have to hold my hair,” he says as he’s heaving, penelope’s short nails raking it back from his scalp (she’s doing a shitty job anyway, there are long strands of hair hanging down at his ears into the toilet bowl, damp with sweat and vomit) - “you have a lot of it,” penelope replies dubiously and fred can’t think of an argument before he’s puking again, hot vodka mixed with old pizza, everything in his stomach.
he resurfaces into what seems like the brightest bathroom on earth - white walls, white floors, white porcelain, shining so brightly that he hides his eyes, ducks his head and stares at his jeans, the dark blotch of his body on the white landscape, counts the flecks of vomit on the white rim of the toilet. he squints to look at penelope who’s skin is washed out by the white, all except her puffy eyelids and nose, which are as red as her hair.
“hal and alice?” he asks, ears buzzing as his eyes adjust, the back of his neck slick with a quarter-inch layer of damp sweat. She juts her chin at him, looking too the worse for wear, her hair in disarray and the lipstick cracked on her raw lips. fresh tears threaten to spill over her eyes, the tear tracks on her cheeks black with mascara. he’s sure he looks no better.
“you saw hiram and hermione, i guess” she shoots back cooly, and then, kinder: “your nose is bleeding.”
he looks down at the white floor and a tiny drop of brilliant red hits the hem of his jeans. he groans and pinches it closed. “i puked too hard.” his voice is cartoonish with his nostrils sealed, his thumb and forefinger wet with blood.
penelope is putting hand sanitizer on her hands. he wonders about her missing glasses, if she has contacts in or has only been squinting. they’re both friendless in this bathroom, which makes them friends, which means he could ask. “i see you throw up at school,” she says.
“my stomach’s fucked up.”
“it’s called an eating disorder.”
“that’s not what it is,” he says, although he’s not sure.
his nose has stopped bleeding, he releases his fingers and she dumps hand sanitizer into his palm, holding the bottle from afar so that it doesn’t touch his skin. the alcohol burns in any little cuts on his skin, mixes with the fresh blood and turns it pink before it evaporates. “gum?” she asks, and he takes some gratefully, though he has a blister pack in his own jeans, flat from kneeling - penelope has the kind that comes in sticks, he pushes it soft around his sore mouth with his tongue.
“do you want to do shots with me and then dance?” he asks.
penelope thinks about it and seems to surprise herself more than anyone when she says yes.
“you have to put ice on that,” tom says after hiram hits him, guiding fred quickly into the kitchen, the two of them leaving a trail of blood drops on the cashmere-soft carpet. “soon, or you’ll regret it tomorrow.” he busies himself at the massive freezer, rummaging for frozen vegetables, fred expects, which of course the lodges don’t buy. fred’s gaze lands on the remnants of drinks on the counter.
“pass me that bottle.”
“i’m not passing you that bottle.” tom replies, pulling a thick frozen steak in a wax-paper wrapper from the depths of the freezer and handing it to him. it oozes gluey blood onto fred’s wrist. “put this on your eye.”
their fingers brush when he hands it over, and fred thinks of yanking tom’s wrist toward him, biting it like a vampire, drawing blood. if fp wanted to be jealous he’d make him jealous.
“hiram’s a psycho,” he says, just to keep tom looking at him. “he boxes and hits people for fun.”
“it’s none of my business, but you were making out with his girlfriend.” tom’s avoiding his gaze, and fred’s heart sinks like a dark stone. “that’s why he hit you.”
“who told hiram?” fred asks, peeling the steak away from his eyes. tom grips his wrist and places it back. “it was fp, wasn’t it? go ahead, tell me. it was fp. i already know.”
tom looks away and up at the ceiling. “sixty days till graduation,” he says to himself. “that’s all.”
he stole a two-six of expensive vodka from hiram lodge’s kitchen and he empties half of it into sierra samuels’ red slushie, more than half to be nice, then dumps the rest into his green one. vodka all tastes the same mixed with icee but its smooth going down. they smash plastic cups together on the wet picnic table in the park and toast to graduation. he watches her lips wrap around the straw and thinks about roller rink dates, popcorn mixed with m&ms at the movies, the last time he kissed her. it’s past his curfew and the bugs are out. drunk food turned into convenience store food somewhere on their walk and there’s an empty bag of beef jerky between them that he doesn’t remember eating, only he must have, because sierra’s a vegetarian and she’s been talking so much he doesn’t think she’d have had time to chew.
“everyone thinks i have it all together but i dont,” is what she says now, and fred says he has nothing together too. sierra stares at the horizon and shakes in her blouse and he puts fps jacket around her to keep her warm. “it’s not fair we can’t love who we love,” she says and starts to cry, weeps on his shoulder with her hair in his mouth and he pats her head like a mother, his mouth too sweet and his lips stained green.
“it’s not fair for us,” she says, “it’s not fair, you and fp, me and tommy, that we can’t be together,” and fred says nothing because maybe if he doesn’t say anything she’ll think she made a mistake, that there was never anything between him and fp at all.
“do you have a ride home?” mary asks after almost running him over, and of course he doesn’t, he’s wandering the street outside the party with his lip bleeding and one shoe missing, blood and snot streaming from his nose into his teeth. maybe she only asked as a courtesy because she doesn’t wait for him to answer, hauls him across the street and into her mother’s car, closes the door on him before he breaks down sobbing in her passenger seat.
“who’d you come with?” mary asks, watching him cry. there’s a pair of fluffy dice dangling from the rearview mirror.
“fp” he manages, through his tears and snot. mary stares at his black eye.
“and who hit you?”
mary swears under her breath. “asshole,” she says. they roll slowly down the street at ten miles an hour, avoiding potholes. fred can’t look at her. it’s like trying to look at the sun. “fp just left you? i don’t believe that.”
“everyone left me.” the self pity tastes good, he rolls it around in his mouth, presses his tongue to the torn flap of it. he draws back into the seat when he recognizes the turn, panicked. “don’t take me home.” he’s too far past curfew for that, too far past wasted, half-covered in blood. “take me to gladys’. it’s okay,” he insists when mary hesitates. “i crash with her a lot.”
“okay,” says mary, “but i’m waking her up. i’m not just dropping you off somewhere if i don’t know you’re safe.”
it occurs to him later that it’s the nicest thing she’s ever said to him, and wholly undeserved.
“i made you another mixtape,” he says in the morning, lips sticky with hangover, eyes crusted shut. gladys is awake beside him, eating a bag of chips, the duvet curled around them. he breathes in the familiar smell of sweat and cigarettes and feels safe.
“is it full of your pretty boy rock shit?” gladys asks.
“okay, i’ll listen.” fred rolls over and she pulls him in against her, mashes his face to her stomach and lower boob. her voice is more smirk than sympathy. “how are you feeling?”
“eat shit,” says fred, whose bruised eye still stings. she’s wearing fp’s metallica shirt, the ME pressed to his cheek. his mouth and stomach are sour and hollow, his joints stiff and his neck screaming in pain. 
“i only ask because mary tossed you out of her car into my yard because you were throwing up bright green.”
“vodka slushies,” he explains weakly, though it feels like a different night entirely that they’d been on that picnic table, feels like the wrong answer. gladys runs her hands through his hair and scratches his scalp. he tries to be cheerful. “you should have come.”
“hiram lodge’s party? i’d rather put a pencil through my eye.”
fred remembers his shiner and lifts his head from her chest. “do i look like a badass?”
“no. you look like a pathetic loser who made out with his ex-girlfriend and had an awful night.” .
“your room is messy,” says fred. there’s a stack of laundry that looks like the leaning tower of pisa in front of his unbruised eye when he finally cracks it open - the duvet they’re sleeping in is covered in clothes and album sleeves.
“i’m gonna clean it. i went to the hardware store yesterday-”
“how butch of you.”
“shut up.” he can tell from her voice she’s smiling. “i’m going to paint it all black. you want to help?”
“your mom lets you?”
“okay.” gladys curls a lock of his long hair around her finger and smooths it out.
“gladys, what are we going to do?” fred asks.
“you and me?”
“all of us.”
“we’re going to be fine,” says gladys, lying through her teeth. “we’re going to be just fine.”
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lexilikesthings · 6 years
Heritage: Part 2
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
It was the Emprise du Lion. Bull stared down a Behemoth. The group of red templars had surprised them around a corner of the trail, but it didn’t take long for the group to dispatch the soldiers. All that was left was this monster. The Iron Bull let out a roar and charged the beast with his ax, as he was known to do. The Behemoth roared in return, taking the impact from Bull’s hit. Bull smirked, already rearing back for another swing. He wasn’t expecting the Behemoth to be so quick. It swung its hammer-like arm before he could react and nailed him in the side, sending him flying as though he were a wad of paper.
“BULL!” He heard the shout an instant before he made contact with the rocky ground and his vision with dark.
“Is he alright? I didn’t think he could get knocked out with a head that thick.”
“Well he’s gotta be, right? It takes more than a shitty rock to kill a qunari, dunnit?”
“He’s not dead, Sera, he’s still breathing!”
Bull suddenly became aware of a pressure on his left arm. “Ugh... my ears work too, you know,” He opened his eyes, blinking through the migraine inducing sunlight, to see the Inquisitor grasping his arm, face inches away from his. Her face seemed to light up.
“Maker, Bull, don’t scare us like that!” She immediately let go of his arm and sat back to create some distance between them. Bull noticed.
“What, I was barely out for a minute!”
“Um, try fifteen minutes, actually, give or take.” Dorian raised a smug eyebrow. “We had to take down the great red brute without you.”
"Ah." If Bull could get embarrassed, now would be the time. He started to sit up.
"Careful," said Adaar, "you're bleeding a lot." She repositioned herself behind him to take a look.
"Can’t you do somethin' about it?" Sera said to Dorian, backhanding his arm.
"Do I look like a healer to you?"
"What's the shitting point of magic if you cant use it to help people?"
"I help people all the time. With barriers. And fire. Not so much with healing."
"Well it cant be that hard, can it? You should just-"
"You guys can go back to camp," Adaar suddenly said. "I'll finish dressing this and I'd rather not work with arguing in the background. We'll be right behind you."
The mage and rogue exchanged glances.
"Fine then. See you back at camp." Dorian said, leading Sera by the shoulder. "I think you're about to owe me ten sovereigns," he muttered.
Sera made a strangled squawking sound in protest but said nothing else as they walked back the way they came.
"Hows it looking back there?" Bull asked. "See any bone? Those scars always look the best, like dented armor almost."
Adaar chuckled. "No such luck, I'm afraid. It's not actually that deep, heads just bleed a lot." He could feel her dabbing something at the base of his skull. "Just need to stop the bleeding and you'll be fine."
"Damn. I like scars."
"I'm shocked."
Now she was applying pressure. If Bull didn’t know any better, he'd almost think it was Stitches back there. "You know a lot about healing?" He asked.
"Grew up on the run remember? I know all sorts of little tricks for this stuff. Mud for nettle rashes, clay for bee stings. Even know which weeds are good to eat in a pinch."
That made Bull chuckle. "Sounds like Stitches better watch out."
She snorted. "Hardly. I know a bunch of home remedies, but nothing about actual diseases or serious injuries. Although," she said, pausing to grab something, "I bet I do have something Stitches doesn't."
"Ah!" Bull felt a sudden chill on his wound.
"Oh relax, that didn't hurt."
"Damn cold, though! Could have warned me!"
"Dont be a baby. I forget the real name of the plant this stuff comes from. My mother always called it Wyvern Spit."
"And you're rubbing it into my open wound."
"It'll stop it from itching, keep it clean, and help it heal faster. It's pretty rare, we took some cuttings in Antiva and started growing it at home. I've got a couple pots of it in my quarters back at skyhold. So stop being a baby and let  me put this on here.”
Bull gave a dramatic sigh and grumble, crossing his arms as he waited. The Inquisitor added a bandage and slapped him on his shoulder. “Good as new. Let’s get back to camp.”
She stood up offering Bull her hand. Cute that she thought she could actually lift him like that, but Bull obliged, taking the hand she offered and standing mostly on his own.
“Let me know if you start feeling woozy or light headed.”
“Sure. And you let me know how I can pay you back.”
“I’m sure you’ll think of something,” she smirked. Adaar took the lead, adjusting her belt to show off her rear just a little bit.
Bull noticed.
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mo-ondial · 6 years
i just. ah. AHH.!!..,??? !!! !!!! !!!!! czthgjbctigfyhxfuvchgxdyibgyub
i was eight when the first movie came out and i watched it so many fucking times, like. remember the guy that watched shrek in his head? I DID THAT. I KNEW EVERY LINE. I WOULD BE BORED SOMETIME AND JYST BE LIKE. where’d i press pause last time? oh RIGHT it was here, and i would continue. i had a piece of paper that had an order of which scenes went where and with that i could pull every scene out of my memory to watch. it was like a party trick, one time my father was like “hey come here” and he asked me to recite httyd and you fucking bet im like this. is berk. its twelve days north of hopeless and a few degrees south of freezing to death… another time hes just like “skip to scene 3” and fuck yea my eight year old ass goes ugh, the gods hate me. some people lose their knife in the mud... i drew shitty fanart. made up wild fanfiction in my head about elemental dragons. my FRIENDS were a part of my dragon stories i made up. i worked for WEEKS hand-sewing a stuffed toothless, with toothpick bones and attention to detail and i had an invisible pen with the light at the end that i put into it so that it would glow like he was shooting fire. i was fucking wild.
and then the series??? was amazing. i watched it every week. i NEVER let my parents delete it off the dvr. im not much of a tv person but i watched every episode so many times. the writing wasnt nearly as good but there was no stopping me i will stand behind the show with my life. remember heather?? heather was SO GOOD. 
now is when im really filling sketchbooks with dragons. i made and astrid cosplay, i made the bird skulls out of salt dough and accessories out of tin foil and took the time to crochet and wig that looked like a hat. 
and dont forget those specials... they were even worse i loved them.  and then??? the second movie and i was dying. there were so many episodes about stoic and he just.. i .. im .. no. not allowed. remember thornado??? gold. i was NOT ready. and his mom is?? wow. and?? hes OLD like, what???
small side track the second movie was when i got a toothless buildabear. now. i REALLY fucking wanted this thing for my ninth birthday when the first movie came out. and my sister told me that i was going to to get it!! wow!! so excited!! she said that they already got it and it was waiting in the basement for my birthday. turns out that wasnt true and i was sad that i didnt get one. they went out of stock and i didnt get my toothless because i dont like... say anything. really. so im telling this to my mom and she had no idea so you know what fucking happens when the second movie comes out and buildabear toothless is back? im fucking driving across town and accross ANOTHER town (our buildabear closed since) and marched into that shop full of children and i got myself the toothless that i wanted for seven years. he is bEAUTIFUL and VERY HUGGABLE. anyways
and then my sister and i are in my grandma’s guest bed over christmas and were going to watch netflix together and she’s just like “oh look theres a dragon thing?” oh word they got riders of berk on netflix? WAIT WHAT IS THIS
and then there was RACE TO THE EDGE and it was FANTASTIC! whenever a new season came out, always by total fucking surprise to me because the timing was kinda random and i never figured out where they announce releases, i spend a weekend watching everything and have a little dragon phase all over again because. theyre just. so good. starts out with hiccup... he’s gotta explore. its just his nature to explore and invent and do it all with his friends. and now he CAN and its just... wow. fuck. AND HEATHER CAME BACK I LOVE HEATHER!!! SHE WAS A MAIN CHARACTER FOR LIKE PRACTICALLY A WHOLE SEASON!!!! but she had to be alone again... what a girl. and that was a lot yall. six seasons is. a lot. so much more to explore and everyone changed so much and then just... the ending. the ENDING!!! you see alvin, ah, yes, remember alvin??? and POOR STOIC!!! the mourning we were missing from the second movie before it even happened... hiccups realizing his loyalty to berk is versus his need to explore. hes like his awesome hermit mom but hes also like his stubborn loyal dad. and i just CANT BELEIVE they. burned the dragon eye. that was it, that was the start to it all... how do you burn all of that amazing INFORMATION. all of it gone, because their enemies cant get their shit together. that was the end of exploring. the kids were growing up. they left the edge and thats just... its the edge. thats their home. how can you do this. fuck, it really is over. i cant get over it. 
and. now. the. THIRD MOVIE????? i went in fucking hiccup clothes, buildabear toothless in hand, and wow. okay so at first i was like “why u gotta give toothless a girlfriend? unnecesary” but it was actually perfect... she was wild. she represented toothless’ wild roots and that he had to return to it, he had a responsibility as the new alpha. next to eachother you really see how much toothless is just... domestic. with the narrowed eyes like first movie toothless, like... wow. WOW. yall remember the gift of the night fury and the isle of night and all of that about toothless having no one like him, but hiccup had no one like him so they were together. but hiccup did have people that were like him, people there for him, and toothless found people like him too...
and they referenced the show !!!! fishlegs made a dragon trading card the fucking nerd... you see all the dragons from drob and rtte!! smothering smokebreath was in one! we saw fireworm dragons! the glowing algae from the flightmare episode! and did you see hiccup’s toy!!! hiccup had his stuffed dragon in the flashback!!!! the one from his mother, the one that he was afraid of that years later trader (read:traitor) johan found in a fishing net! tuffnut said he’d been to two weddings. guys. he has. that one he mentioned where he got officiated and then when he officiated fishlegs and ruffnut’s accidental wedding. not to mention. RUFFNUT! holy fuck i loved that monolougue. i hate when ruffnut is treated as just an accesory to tuffnut and i was so happy to see this perfect scene, so perfectly ruffnut and totally herself and not to mention HILAIRIOUS. 
im just. fuck. FUCKKK!!!!! FUCK!! theyve been through so much... toothless was a part of his LIFE! without toothless hiccup wouldn’t be hiccup. without hiccup toothless wouldn’t be toothless. but people have to grow up. and that’s really the saddest part. toothless is now immortalized as a childhood dragon. it was a perfect, incredible, amazing childhood and absolutely everything became a piece of what hiccup became. he isn’t a kid anymore. hiccup is someone else. hiccup is someone who has a history, a past he might mention once of twice... of a different boy. someone who was a kid. a kid who loved his dragon and loved all dragons and all he wanted was to invent and to learn and to know and to connect people and make peace and save everyone and make a utopia. 
but now its over and im crying 
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mafiabosstsuna · 6 years
This blog's notification was the only thing that made me happy in the mornings...Thanks for the amazing fics and stuff. They helped me a lot during hard times! Hibari, Giotto and Hayato supporting their s/o in their project/university course. But of course, in a mafioso way~ Ps: i love this blog with my all being plx dont leave :c
[ I hope we can still make you happy, even though the old admins aren’t writing with us anymore. I’m sure they would be honored than this blog and their writing was able to help you. Having such loyal readers is a gift and I sincerely hope that moving forward, we can uphold their standards. Nevertheless, thank you for writing in, and here’s to better times ahead!
                                                                         –Admin Giotto ]
[ Additional Notes: The grading system mentioned in Hibari’s portion is the American system where an A represents 90th percentile of a grade, a B the 80th, and so on. An F is anything below the 50th percentile, and the lowest you can receive in most schools, meaning that you’ve failed the class (or assignment).
The economics course only allowing the top 10% of students to receive an A and only half of the students to pass the class altogether is actually based on a real economics teacher I had in high school. He was a dick, and this was therapeutic to write. ]
“What a useless grading scheme,” Hibari turned over the syllabus in his long fingers, frowning at the percentages listed in bold. “It’s not even curved.”
“It’s an economics class,” You explain, and run a frustrated hand through your hair. “The professor is using the scarcity principle to game our grades. It’s stupid and completely rigged to justify favoritism. It’s been that way all semester.”
The heavy sigh that blew out of you pulled Hibari’s attention from the syllabus, and his dark eyes focused on the defeated slump of your shoulders.
“Half the class will actually fail? Only ten percent will achieve top marks?” He set the syllabus back with your things, considering the system’s merit.
“Yeah. My GPA shouldn’t take a blow just because someone else scored an A, too.”
“I see.” The answer seemed obvious to Hibari. If the goal of the class was to reflect the resource scarcity of real life, then the answer was to ensure your control of resources.
You gave an exhausted laugh, and let your head fall onto the pages of your textbook. “Yeah, me too.”
“Hibari,” You called, wandering into the house. He looked up from his book, and you held your final grades transcript for the semester up in confusion. “I…. I got an A.”
“Don’t you usually?” The answer was casual, almost bored.
“Not in this class. Not my economics class.”
“You received an A because you have ties to the mafia.”
It took you a moment to process that. Hibari was never so…. so blasé about mafia business. Or using it to interfere in your life.
“I… I’m sorry, what? What about mafia ties?”
“The only solution to acquiring a scarce resource is to seize the control of that resource.” Hibari turned the page of his book, seeming to have lost interest.
“Hibari, what did you do? Did you rig my grades?!”
“Your professor wanted to simulate reality. Reality is that your ties to the mafia give you a means that other students don’t have. Those means secured your grade.” He raised an eyebrow, as if this were obvious.
“I worked so hard,” Your voice shook. “I studied for hours, and whatever grade I would’ve gotten, I would have deserved! Because it would have been me that earned it, not the mafia! Not my boyfriend! Not my professor being threatened!”
“Why are you upset about succeeding?” Hibari’s brow furrowed, his attention no longer on the book in his lap. “Is it so upsetting that you received an A you would have deserved, if it weren’t for his justifications for favoritism?” He threw your words back at you, like they justified what he had done.
“I wasn’t successful! You were!” You all but screamed, shaking the paper at him. “I worked hard, Hibari! I wanted to do this myself!”
“Success isn’t about hard work,” His tone was clipped. “It’s about strategy. It’s about playing the game, and using the means at your disposal. And you won this round, _____. That’s what success is.”
“I’m never gonna finish this paper before the deadline!” Stress radiated from every tense line of your body as you frantically poured over research, hands flying over each keystroke like your fingers were on fire.
“Ah, don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll have enough time!” Giotto laid a soothing hand between your shoulder blades, and kissed the top of your head.
Within an hour, your professor issued a class-wide extension of the deadline. You breathed a sigh of relief, and went to get a cup of coffee.
“Oh, this class looks interesting. It even counts towards my prerequisites!” You tapped the title in your course book excitedly, showing the man poised over your shoulder. It was so rare to find enjoyable classes that counted towards your core curriculum. Skimming through the information listed, your good mood fell abruptly. Only worth three credits. Silently, you put an X through it and turned the page, continuing your search before the registration deadline hit.
His hand stopped yours, smoothing the page back down.
“You’re not going to take it?”
“No,” You sighed. “It’s only three credits. I’d have to take another class to get all my credits in under the prerequisites, and that’s too expensive and way too much time. I’ll have to find something else.”
You tried to keep the disappointed tone out of your voice, but Giotto’s thoughtful hum meant you had failed miserably. He took your pen and scribbled down the course number.
“Just in case,” He told you. “Keep looking. I’ll be back later.” The apologetic look usually meant he had mafia business. Brushing it off, you went back to your search.
A week later, students were issued an updated course catalog just in time for the semester registration. Of the notable changes made, there as just one that interested you- the credits for the course you had so badly wanted to take had changed.
Four credits. Just enough to fill the requirement.
You eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“I think the university made a mistake.” You kept your tone casual, not ready to show your hand. Instead, you focused on the screen in front of you, wearing a face of light confusion.
“A mistake?” Giotto’s brow furrowed in concern, and he peered over your shoulder. “How so?”
“It says my tuition has been paid.” You narrowed your eyes, and looked up at him. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Giotto?”
His face pinched, and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “Of course not–  ”
“  –So if I ask your secretary, she’s not gonna show me a bank statement that has a withdrawal to my university in it?” You interrupted, crossing your arms. Giotto was a terrible liar, at least when it came to you.
He paused and took a breath, seeming to carefully consider his next words.
“…..I only want you to be able to focus on your studies without worrying about the money.”
“I have a job and I can pay my own tuition.”
“You shouldn’t need to work your way through school.” He frowned, mirroring your frustration.
“I can do this myself! I don’t need you to pay my way, especially without my permission.”
“You don’t have to do this yourself.” Although it hadn’t been cross to begin with, his tone gentled. “I know you can. But you don’t have to.”
Your arms fell apart, anger draining out of you at his words.
“There’s nothing you can’t do yourself. But I’ll always be here to support you. Always.”
“Don’t you think you’re spending a little too much time with those shitty textbooks?”
You poke your head up from the stack of homework you’ve accumulated.
“Are you jealous of my assignments, Gokudera?” There’s a coy smile you’re fighting to keep off your of your lips, as you peer at him in amusement.
“I’m not fucking jealous, I just think you’re neglecting your duties to the Famiglia.” He fixes you with a glare, but you’ve learned to read Hayato’s moods like the back of your hand.
He’s not mad. He isn’t even worried about mafia business. He’s jealous.
“I just have to get through midterms and I’ll be back to normal, okay?” You give him a reassuring smile, turning the pen in your fingers. As cute as it is that he wants your attention, you really need to get this assignment done.
“No,” He snaps. “You’re spending too much fucking time studying and you’re always gone at classes when you’re needed here. This isn’t working, ____.”
The agreement had been that, even while taking classes, your first priority would the Famiglia. And in your eyes, you had upheld that bargain beautifully. Anger finally getting the best of you, you dropped the pen and stood, planting the hands on the pages in front of you.
“I never miss a training session! I never miss a mission! There’s not a day I haven’t sacrificed going to class if I was needed for something, and you know it! You want to talk about always being gone? Where are you, half the time anyways, huh?”
“I’m off taking extra missions to keep work off you back, idiot!” Hayato unfolds himself from the doorway, standing to his full height as his own anger flares to life. “I make sure you have time to go to class! I take other partners so you can write your shitty term papers! And it’s not gonna keep working like that!”
You blinked, staring at him open-mouthed. You’d had no idea he was working so hard to give you time for school. Hadn’t known there were missions he took behind your back so you could focus on assignments.
“I’m sorry,” The words spilled out of your mouth. “I’m sorry, Gokudera. I…. I didn’t realize.”
He scoffs. “Yeah, I bet you didn’t.”
“I’ll cut down to part time. I won’t make you cover for me, anymore.”
Hayato eyes you skeptically, but nods. The small gesture speaks volumes about his support. If he didn’t want you in university, he wouldn’t demanded you pull out altogether. If he thought your degree was a waste of time, he wouldn’t have cut down your mafia duties behind your back.
“And…..Gokudera?” He throws a glance over his shoulder, having turned to leave.
“Whatever. You’d better not fuckin’ fail those classes.”
You smile.
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 episode 11
Notes by me
- unnecessary close up of a man smoking
- Russians???
- this would a whole lot better if I knew what they were saying!! Subtitles would be gr8
- gonna put in my own dialogue
Russian guy #1: my god fellow Russian you are looking ravishing today
Russian guy #2: why thank you other Russian guy! As much I appreciate the flattery I still cannot let u and ur shitty truck pass my gate for....reasons
Russian guy #1: ah shit that sucks. What if I said please?
Russian #2: no dice. Heres a piece of paper. Enjoy
Russian #1: gee man ive always wanted a piece of paper thank u :)
*russian #1 goes back to shitty truck to put piece of paper in glove box for safe keeping <3*
Russian #2 randomly for some reason:
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- violence never solved anything lads
- oh they wanted the jaffa
- Sam in civilian clothes I mean shes sexy and hot and I'm gonna faint
- ok!!!!! Free candy van just kidnapped my stargate babe
- "ninjas!!"
- jack being so concerned I'm gonna snap
- "I was in Nam!"
"Oh yeah?? What company?"
Super helpful mister homeless man thank you for your contribution
- hes been telling the cops about ninjas for years and they still wont listen?? The gall, the audacity
- We're asking MAYBOURNE for help now??? Sunk real low in this ep huh
- Sam fighting the drugs and shit like a champ. Boss ass bitch
- "dont turn around" why the fuck not. Its not like he doesnt know what you look like
- ur a bastard and I hate u
- "I could always find anyone anywhere but they could never find me"
"Because they didnt WANT to"
Savage. Went for the jugular. Cut his legs right out from under him. Jack 1 maybourne 0
- ah! The NID is resorting to hiring ninjas now
- "we're talking about carter here"
"I know. I'm sorry jack"
Oh???? Jack is so obvious even maybourne can see it
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- kinsey: how could u possibly mistrust me I am perfect god bless america
Jack: it would bring me so much pleasure to watch you die
- maybourne gave carter up for money?? Disowned. For shame. No longer the weird uncle
- fiber optic host channel adapters FOHCA it says fucka lmfao
- why would maybourne be investigating her kidnapping if he was the one that was a part of it?
- hes not threatening at all lmao
- when Jack comes up behind him and grabs him 👀 aloha cowboy
- "I just want to say how much of a thrill this is for me" oh totally shes having the time of her life too cant u tell by her face
- Deep Space Radar Telemetry™
- Diana you liar!!!! Ur in charge of this whole thing!!! Alexa play diana by one direction
- A WORM!!!!!!!!!!
- zeditron like the robot?
- "that overwhelming desire to shoot you is coming back"
- fraiser where the FUCK have u been. I'm disappointed in u young lady
- Sam escaping like a badass shes wife
- oh just shoot him. They never shoot the guy when they need to
- I cant believe she got that far that was great
- why are cismen so fucking dumb. Especially ones with money. "Great men in history got where we are today by breaking the rules!!" Or the rules were put into place bc those men did some stupid fucked up stuff
- "can I have my gun back"
" NO "
- when she says the doctors can go ahead and kill Sam and they get so excited. U deserve to die
- Daniel faking electrocution is actually something that is so personal-
- jack really just cruising thru life at this point like whatever about everything
- adrian: let me go I prommy I wont strangle you and chop you up into bits and pieces :)
- diana I thought you were smart. One direction did not write a whole song about you for you to be this stupid
- "you alright?"
"Yeah. Very dramatic thank you"
"You bet"
I ahte them I hate them I love them I hate them
- surprise! The goauld is evil which literally everyone saw coming
- bets on who finds him. Moneys on Jack
- maybourne decided to bail at a CONVENIENT time
- FUCK YOU KINSEY. his mouth bugs the shit out of me
- altho I must thank him for giving me some Jack whump *tips my hat*
- well now theres a random goauld on earth. Loose!! Like rats from a lab
Jack oniell whump: Jack shot in shoulder, passed out, blood, hospital scene
Sam carter whump: kidnapped, restrained to bed, forced drugs, gunpoint, manhandled
Listening to 🎶Diana by One Direction🎶 bc obviously
Listening to 🎶Not Over You by Gavin DeGraw🎶 bc Jack is so not over sam!!!! He was so worried!!!! He was distraught and sunk so low to ask maybourne for help. Hes in love
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
Cheeseburger in Paradise: Three.
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Her first four days in Aruba were spent lounging around the beach and drinking alcohol from carved out fruit.
To say it had already been a successful vacation would be an understatement.
After her breakup with Marcus, Georgina Ferguson had become a stereotypical workaholic. She spent too much time at the office. She put in too much effort into her work. And worst of all, she was paid too little for it all.
When she moved to LA, it just got worse.
Georgina was on the verge of wearing herself thin and only two people took notice.
One lived across the pond and the other was currently sat across from her sloppily eating a bowl of oatmeal.
“Horan, you know your bowl isn’t going anywhere.” She said dryly.
His baby blue eyes flicked up at her. His lips turned up into a mischievous grin. He reached over and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. She rolled her eyes in disgust making him laugh.
“Thought they would’ve taught ya manners in Popstar 101.” Georgina teased.
Niall shook his head. “That’s not until the 300 level course.”
Georgina laughed before handing over a paper napkin. Niall took it graciously before cleaning up the mess he had made.
It was barely eight o'clock in the morning. Various types of breakfast were being consumed as the group decided what their plans were for the day.
The group consensus was swimming with sharks and Georgina was not having it.
“Fergie, why don’t you want to come?” Maggie asked grabbing a spoon from the drawer.
“Because I don’t want to die.” Georgina replied as if the answer was obvious.
“You’re more likely to get killed by a cow than a shark Fergs.” Keith mentioned between bites of his egg dish.
“I bet she’s probably on her lady business or summat.” David joked from the fridge.
“Can’t be attracting those beasts towards us then.” Jamie cackled causing all the women to roll their eyes.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come G?” Brittany asked sitting down beside her.
“Positive.” Georgina said. “Sorry”
“She doesn’t do live animals.” Niall spat mimicking her accent perfectly.
“Oh fuck off you.” She grumbled feeling her skin grow warm.
“What are you gonna do then?” Brittany asked putting pepper on her eggs.
“Stay around here. Maybe lounge by the pool. Read.” Georgina shrugged. “Nap.”
“Got me suncream and a novel. Alls I need is a pineapple of rum and m'set.” Niall said pretending to be her once more.
“Will you quit it!” She glared at him playfully.
“Or what?” He asked flirtatiously.
Before she could respond, Georgina was hit upside the head by her best friend. This only sent the boy in front of her into a fit of laughter.
She hated how much the sound of his laugh made her stomach flip.
She usually was good about hiding those types of things. She could push down her feelings and act like they didn’t exist. She could focus on other things, like work or finding the probability of a team winning the Champions League final. She could detach – especially when it came to Niall. However, after finding out how much effort he had put into getting her to Aruba, something inside her changed. Being mean seemed cruel.
Within the past few days, a switch was flipped. She was finding it more difficult to detach herself from the thought of him. He still was a pain the ass but there was something about him that was almost endearing.
Before she could get lost deeper in her own mind, Maggie’s voice rang in her ears.  She looked up to find everyone looking at her. A slight blush crept across her face.
“What’s up?” Georgina asked sheepishly.
“Just want to confirm, you’re a no to the shark adventure?” Maggie asked.
“Correct.” Georgina nodded.
“Okay. We’ll be even then.” Maggie said grabbing her phone to see if she could book a reservation on the boat.
“What are we gonna do after?” Georgina asked looking around. “Like tonight?”
“Cook dinner and go out to the bars?” Jamie suggested.
“They’ve got a cool water show at the animal reserve near by.” Keith suggested next.
“We can stay here and drink again.” David said with a smile on his face.
“I’m sick of doing that.” Jamie sighed. “We need to experience the nightlife here.”
“I’m in.” Maggie said glancing up from her phone.
A few of the other couples agreed to join.
“I don’t want to spend a lot though.” David whined.
“We can pregame before and you’ll be fine.” Brittany said looking at her boyfriend.
“Ni?” Jamie asked.
“I’m in.” He said crossing his arms over his chest.
“Fergie?” Jamie asked turning towards her.
Georgina shrugged. “Me too I guess.”
“It’s settled then.” Jamie said getting up from the table. “I say we try to leave here in an hour, yeah?”
Most of the others started to clean up their messes before heading up to their room. Georgina sat quietly and finished up the food she had made. She looked up to find Niall still sitting across from her.
“Shouldn’t you be getting ready?” She asked taking a bite of her toast.
“You’re not done yet.” Niall shrugged.
“So?” Georgina asked confused.
“It’s rude to leave if someone’s still eating Fergie.” He sighed playfully.
Her skin grew warm as she tried to fight the way he made her feel.
“I didn’t think you’d want to come with us today. When Jamie brought it up last night, I knew you’d say no.” He said trying to change the subject.
“Wanna look at the flamingos at the beach? I’m in. Wanna see the dolphin show at that aquarium thing we saw? I’ll  be there. Want to get into a tiny cage in the middle of the ocean and have man eating monsters come swim by you? That’s where I draw the line!” She exclaimed.
Niall laughed softly making her smile.
“I’m surprised you’re going.” Georgina said.
He furrowed his brow perplexed. “Why?”
“Don’t you hate confined spaces?” Georgina asked mid chew.
“Well yeah that’s true.” He said with a nod.
“Then why are you doing it?” She asked.
“For Davey. He said he’d buy me a pint if I went.” Niall said. He saw the confused look on his face so he continued to explain. “Britt’s scared of confined spaces too so we thought if she saw me go that it would help her do it.”
“Good luck with that one. You two can’t even get on the ferris wheel at California Adventure.” Georgina said.
“Hey! That shit is tiny.” Niall said defending their reason to avoid that ride. “I’m hoping this cage thing is a lot bigger.”
“Niall! That’s what’s you’re worried about?!” She asked in shock. “A fucking shark is going to be swimming at you!”
“I’ve dealt with worse.” He shrugged.
Georgina rolled her eyes. “Teenage girls don’t count.”
“When they come out in masses they do!” He shot back.
“I’ll be saying a prayer for you all.” Georgina said. “You lot are idiots.”
“Means a lot Fergie.” He joked throwing his used napkin at her.
She finished up her food and stood up to head to the sink. Niall grabbed her plate and stacked it beneath his own before heading to the fridge. She scanned the table and cleaned up the little messes everyone else left.
Once they were done, the pair headed down the hallway towards their rooms. When they reached her door, Niall stopped  and cautiously placed an arm on her shoulder to get her attention. Georgina looked up at him.
“If I die today, you can have the chair that you always fall asleep in when you drink too much wine at my place.” Niall said with a smile.
Her eyes lit up at the lightheartedness in his voice.
“You can also have the shitty wine bottle opener you always leave behind because you don’t want it at your house.” He teased.
“It’s not shitty.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You just don’t know how to use it.”
“I don’t drink wine so I don’t need one.” Niall said defending himself.
“Yeah but I do. And so does Britt. You should have one just for us.” She said with an innocent smile.
He shook his head trying to convince his body that it didn’t need to show how he was truly feeling.
“I’ll buy you a better one when we get back. I’ve had my eyes on a really sick electric one so you can have the nice one at my house.” She said making him laugh.
“I can get one if ya want.” Niall offered.
She reached out and poked him in the chest. “No. You aren’t the only one who makes money around here Horan.”
“You’re right.” He blushed.
“How long are you going to be shark bait for?” She asked changing the subject for him.
“Dunno. I imagine it’ll be a few hours.” He shrugged.
“Unless something goes wrong.” She joked.
Georgina nudged him playfully before grinning. “Then I’ll be one chair richer.”
Niall’s infectious laugh filled the hallway as they both retreated to their rooms to get ready for the day.
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jamalam · 7 years
Hi, yes my shitty writing and I are here for the 500 celebration spinner thingamajig. Doctor who fanfic, away!
I had been at work for twelve hours. I was supposed to go home at four but it was six and Jimmy Stone still hadn’t shown up for his shift. My boss had made it clear that the shop was never to be unsupervised nor close early so I was stuck waiting for either Jimmy to get here or for the store to close. I would bet the four dollars and thirty two cents in my wallet that the latter would arrive first. I honestly just wanted to go home. I was making one of my regulars, Keisha, a small frappe when I heard a commotion from the ordering area. Putting the lid on the frappe, I walked over to see what was going on and were immediately yelled at by a tall man in a grey suit. “What the fuck? You the barista who made this shit?” I startled at the screaming, this man reminding me too much of him for comfort. “Yes, sir. I was the one who made your drink. What seems to be the problem with it?” I tried to keep my voice calm but I’m sure that the man heard it shaking. “ What’s the problem? I ordered a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter nonfat, extra hot, split quad shots, no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon. How hard is that to make, you useless bitch? I demand to speak to your manager!” He rattled off the order so quickly that my head spun. “Um. Sir, my manager isn’t here right now but I’d be glad to make your order again, if you’d like?” And that’s when a scalding hot cup of coffee was thrown full force at my chest, burning my skin and splattering everywhere. I shrieked as I felt my skin start to blister as the hot liquid splattered against my flesh and stained my white dress, turning it transparent to the point of people seeing my bra and my face turned redder than my burnt skin in anger and shame. I felt my eyes start burning with unshed tears and I reached for my phone, which was safely stored in my back pocket to call my manager and tell him I was quitting when a man in line behind him stepped forward. You recognised him from the Acting class you take on Sundays, Spotlight. The one you should have been at right now. You couldn’t quite remember his name- Dennis? Devin?David?- but he played the Doctor and he was normally your acting partner. Why he was at Cafe Diem and not at Spotlight you didn’t know, but you were glad he was all the same. “Oi! Buddy, what was that? Why did you just throw a drink at my Rose?” His Rose? I thought. But, who was I to interrupt someone standing up for me. The Doctor turned to me, handed me his absurdly long trench coat and says softly, “Hey, you alright?” When I nodded that I was okay, he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders in an attempt to cover up my see through dress. “Uh, I’m alright. Thanks,” He turned back to the man whose coffee was on my clothes as I pulled his jacket on and lifted the collar up to my face, breathing in his calming scent. “What’s your name, man?” His eyes darkened and I could see why my friend had called him the oncoming storm when he was angry. He was tall and intimidating. I should’ve been terrified. But I wasn’t. His presence, even in anger, was soothing. “Mickey Smith. And who the hell are you? I dont remember anyone asking for your help. So get back in the fucking line.” He asks “ Ah, Mickey the Idiot. Now, I dont know how much you know about the law, but I think, and i might be wrong here but I rarely am, that throwing coffee at someone and yelling vulgar things counts as Assault and battery. And, Rose here is the worst possible target you could have chosen. Because I’m here.” At this he pulled out a billfold and shows Mickey the paper inside. “And so’s my partner. Officer Barrowman?” Jack, also from Spotlight stepped forward and was handcuffing Mickey and reading him his rights. I was trying to remember how to breathe correctly. He reminded me of him so much. I had been holding it together, but now I broke down. Tears ran down my face as I failed to hold back sobs and I stumble back into the wall behind me and slide down it. The Doctor and Jack turned to me and Mickey broke into loud cackling at seeing me in such a state and I flinched violently back into the wall. I pulled my knees as close to my chest as I could and buried my face in my arms. I realized that I was shaking and you can’t stop. There was someone talking to me, but everything sounded as if I was underwater. I forgot to breathe until someone touched my shoulder and I gasped and flinched again, slamming my head into the wall hard enough to see black spots dance across my vision. The pain helped ground me, keep me focused. I heard a man shout and, surprisingly, it didn’t frighten me. I lowered my arms slightly and saw the Doctor staring at me in concern. I saw his lips moving but all the sound is garbled. My breath came in quick gasps as he sat back on his heels and ran his hand nervously through his hair. He sat there for a few seconds before lighting up,and turning to address the group. When he turned back, he had paper and a pencil and he wrote out Can I touch you? When I nodded, he wasted no time in scooping me into his arms and I curled up against his chest, tears slowing but panic not subsiding. He gently rocked back and forth as I started to calm down. As I started to rejoin reality, I heard him whispering to me. It’s in a language that i didn’t understand, but the musical aspect to it calmed me down to the point that i could move again. I looked up to his face and he smiled down at me. “There are those eyes.” He must have seen the apology in my face because before i could even open my mouth, “Hey, don’t even think about apologizing. Jack has a t shirt for you, do you think he could come give it to you?” I nodded and Jack detached from the crowd and hands me the black shirt. I grabbed it and my purse and ran to the bathroom to change. I was lucky that the black leggings I wore underneath had been relatively unharmed. I threw the black t shirt on and pulled my hair from its braids and took off the Doctors coat, pulled on my leather jacket. I washed my face and reapplied my makeup so it didn’t look as if I had been crying. Taking a steadying breath, I stepped back out into the lobby and held my head high as I walked over to my boss, looked him dead in his eyes and said “I quit.” I then turned on my heel and stormed out, handing the doctor his jacket as I passed, not stopping. I heard someone shout my name as I ditched my former place of employment to go back to that empty, one bedroom apartment. On the street, people looked genuinely afraid of me. It was a strange feeling but I couldn’t say I minded not answering questions. Someone grabbed my elbow and spun me around. I was stuck looking into the eyes of the doctor. “Do you trust me?” he said “Yes.” I answered with complete certainty He smiled, reached down and grabbed my hand. “Rose?” he asked “Yeah?” His grin got even wider. “Run”
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i-read-good-books · 8 years
So I’ve just read all of the webcomic Countdown to Countdown , and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Every word the characters speak seems to have meaning, and it’s very easy to realize the author has been planning the story for a long time. I urge everyone to check it out!
Because I’m trash, I’ve written some fanfiction. Because of course I have. It’s awful, please dont’ judge the webcomic on it!
@velocesmells I hope it’s not too terrible? It’s supposed to be an AU so I’m justifying how OOC they are in this with that O.O
There’s never anyone that eats with Lillium, but he makes a second plate anyways. You know, just in case.
Lillium’s place is dark.
Iris glances at it as he walks down the city streets, his bag slung over his shoulder, and furrows his brow slightly, biting his lower lip. Usually, the guy’s up and running by this time of the day, no matter how late it may be, the kitchen lights turned on until Iris can barely guess if it’s night or day. He doesn’t even have his obnoxious hipster music blasting from the house, which would be a welcome relief, if it weren’t so utterly bizarre.
Iris hesitates. He should be getting to centre soon, there’s a curfew he’s supposed to make on weekdays, regardless of how much he complains about it. It’s just… Lillium doesn’t do quiet evenings in the house. He spends the whole day working his arse off, switching from shitty job to shittier job, so he can come back to the house and cook the whole night, bragging about his omelette magic. Iris has scolded him about it enough times not to know that.
With the hollow, dull feeling in his chest from being perfectly aware that he’s going to regret this, Iris turns and marches up to the battered old house in the worst part of the neighbourhood, his footsteps echoing in the narrow alley. He makes a face at the stench, but powers on through.
There’s not much to Lillium’s that constitutes as a proper house; he’s being nice by not calling it a shack. It’s only one storey, of course (as if the guy could afford anything more than that), and it’s been sitting there, in between two tall apartment buildings, since the beginning of time, dwarfed by the growing urbanization of the landscape around it. Iris has told Lillium a thousand times that it seems more like an abandoned  cabin in a horror movie than anything, given the way the wooden walls are slowly rotting, the random spurts of paint on the walls without any order to them.
Iris fumbles to open the door with his key, swearing when he accidentally pokes his finger, and pushes it open without much trouble. He steps into the kitchen, glancing around for any sign of Lillium.
The place only has three rooms: the bathroom, a bedroom, and the kitchen. The bathroom is pretty terrible, which explains why Iris makes sure he’s done his business back at the centre before coming here, and the bedroom has been offered to him so many times (eyes twinkling, a smirk curling Lillium’s lips) that it’s become unthinkable to even go in. It’s not surprising that it’s the kitchen that’s the heart of the house (Lillium lives here), but he has to admit that it’s gotten pretty nice over the years, as more money has come in. Most of the appliances are decent, and it’s always kept pristine when Lillium’s not cooking, although all bets are off the moment he cracks some eggs. He’s also got all of his pictures and stuff there; his books cluttering the shaky shelves, dozens of volumes filled with recipes, his stupid teddy bear reclined against the wall. It makes it seem extremely more personal than his own room, much more intimate.
“Iris?” the familiar voice startles him, and he turns around towards where it’s coming from, tightening his grip on his bag. Lillium’s standing in the kitchen doorway, arms crossed over his chest in a way that screams ‘unsure’ rather than ‘defensive’, slightly hunched over. He’s frowning. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a curfew?”
“I…,” Iris swallows, before lifting his chin, determined, “Oh, shush, White, leave it alone. Why aren’t you cooking? Did you finally realize everything you make tastes like ash sprinkled with ketchup?”
Lillium doesn’t laugh.
Iris’s heartbeat is faster than it should be. They’re just talking, after all. It’s just… Lillium isn’t smiling, joking around, or teasing him. He’s not even even offering him food, for Christ’s sake. Iris bites his lip again, lowering his gaze.
“You should go back to the centre,” Lillium murmurs, facing away from him. His bleached roots are starting to show amidst all the pink. His voice sounds forcibly light when he adds, “I know you want to be a bad boy and all, but don’t be stupid.”
Something’s wrong.
Iris looks down at the kitchen table. There’s some papers piled up on top of it, smudges of dirt on the corners of them from carrying them around with greasy fingers; besides that, his #1 Chef cup is resting on the table, half-empty. He narrows his eyes…
His apron is missing. In fact, it wasn’t at the rusty hanger Lillium uses to put all his coats up in the corridor. Where’s his apron from the café?
“You got fired,” he realizes, feeling a bit dumb for not noticing earlier, and watches his friend’s shoulders go down. “The café place you liked.”
“10 points for Gryffindor,” Lillium sighs, finally meeting his eyes again, a self-deprecating smile  on his lips. “Guess it wasn’t just meant to be, eh? Alas, they probably knew that, deep in my heart, I belong to you.”
Lillium used to tell him about the café. He was so excited when he got the job, prancing around the house and making Iris stand up to have a ‘happy dance’ in celebration of the first time he actually worked at a place near food. “Just you wait,” he told him, in a sing-song. “Soon I’ll be in the kitchens instead of wiping tables.”
Iris isn’t good at comforting people. Hell, he’s not even good at being around people, the centre’s made sure of that. Mostly he just broods around Lillium and the guy feeds him, takes him out to the park and puts flowers in his hair, snapping pictures of an old Nokia that smells like cat piss. They’re friends because Lillium likes him, not because he’s actually made any effort to keep in touch.
It’s… it’s strange, that his heart shrinks when he thinks of how Lillium’s incandescent smile must have faded today, in front of his boss. It pulls at his insides, the thought of him very quietly leaving through the back instead of spending the day at work.
Iris swallows hard, fidgeting, and chokes out, “Could I get an omelette?”
Lillium raises his eyebrows, “You’re actually asking me for an omelette? Have I died and gone to Heaven?” His eyes twinkle, “Are you my angel?”
Please never die, he thinks, with a terrifying sense of alarm, please.
He’s bad with people, yeah, but Lillium always makes it so that he never has to try. He’s rude and pushes him around, gives him stuff he’s too embarrassed to ask for, and doesn’t care at all that he’s dating both of the twins at the centre at the same time. Lillium’s kind of an older brother, in that way, except he’s constantly offering sex.
“It’s just not right, seeing you mope around like this,” Iris mutters, pursing his lips, “You’re supposed to be cooking or something, you weirdo. And don’t make any angel jokes, those are just old.”
Lillium pouts, taking a step closer to him, “Oh, honeybun.”
“Honeybun,” Iris repeats, faintly amused despite himself. “You do know there are knives in the kitchen, right?”
It takes a little while, but Lillium gives in, pushes Iris aside (“This omelette is supposed to taste good, Iris, shoo.”), and turns on the lights before starting to cook. The smell of bacon slowly being fried  fills the room, and Iris sits down on the chair, letting his bag fall to the floor with a soft thump. He takes his sketchbook out, shoving the papers on the table away and starting to draw absently, wrinkling his nose at his sloppy sketch. Meh, it’s late, anyway.
After some time, the sound of a plate being set on the table startle him, making him look up. The omelette smells heavenly, and it’s a rich, warm colour; between gold and a murky brown from the mushrooms.
“Here you go, my lord,” Lillium sighs, sitting across from him and holding his head up with his bandaged hands, smiling softly. “Enjoy.”
Wordlessly, Iris glares, fuming, and divides the omelette in two.
Lillium raises his eyebrows.
“We’re supposed to share, idiot,” Iris mumbles, feeling his cheeks heat. “I won’t be the only one eating here.”
“Ooh,” he smirks, “Is this a date, perhaps?”
“I’m leaving - “
“Aw, c’mon, c’mon, stay,” Lillium whines, holding out one of his hands to grab his wrist as he tries to rise from his seat, flushing furiously.
He sits back down, breath coming out in small huffs, “...You’ll get another job, Lillium, okay? Soon you can be the #1 Chef and Begonia will throw a party or something.”
Lillium sticks a forkful of omelette in his mouth, chewing for a moment before answering, “It’s not kind to lie to people who care about you.”
Iris looks at him, slightly annoyed, “I’m not a liar. You won’t be winning any beauty competitions, Mr. White, but you can cook, alright? Stop being all emo, it’s creeping me out.”
“Says the ultimate emo,” Lillium bites back, but his smile seems a little more honest.
“Have you seen your clothes?”
“Have you seen your hair?”
Lillium snorts, “Rude, my hair is fabulous.”
It’s getting late; so much that he’s guaranteed a scolding from the people at the centre, if not being grounded for this weekend. He should really, really go, before they get truly mad and take his sketchbook away. Living alone is much lonelier without his sketchbook.
But, after a short while, when there’s only small bites of the omelette on the plate and Iris has already given up trying to finish it, Lillium’s hand settles over his hesitantly, trembling a little. He says, “Thank you.”
Iris stays.
They end up in the bedroom; and it’s one of the few times Iris has ever been inside the place. Despite the fact that Lillium’s lived alone ever since he met him, he’s still got a double bed “for overnight visitors”, or that’s what he claims.
Lillium rests his back against the headboard, and Iris lies down next to him, leaning his head on his shoulder and looking up at the ceiling. He doesn’t protest when Lillium links their hands together, or when he gently nudges closer to him, in a move so terribly unsubtle and telling that it’s almost cute that he seems so nervous.
It’s weird, knowing that Lillium wants him there. Iris can barely manage to cover up his scars with his clothes, he’s a mess in school in almost every subject, he’s dry and sarcastic with people he doesn’t know very well and he’s a guy who likes other guys, possibly at the same time. At first, he thought maybe Lillium wanted to have hook up with him, but, even though the guy can’t have five minutes without an innuendo, he’s never made any move to touch him in a way that’s not reassuring or affectionate, instead of sexual.
“You’re going to regret this so much tomorrow,” Lillium whispers into his hair, his voice giddy. “But I’m milking it.”
Iris sighs dramatically, mock-offended, and moves his head up to kiss his cheek, so quickly he’s not quite sure he’s actually done it. Next to him, Lillium freezes.
“Now, I’m dead,”  he murmurs, and the touch of his lips against his scalp makes him shiver.
“Shut up,” Iris pokes him in the shoulder. “I’m the one who’s going to die when I get back to the fostering centre. If I’m not out in three days, you’ll know I’m not coming back.”
“I’ll have an omelette made in honour of your death,” Lillium teases, and Iris shuts his eyes.
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When Suicidal Ideation is the norm
All the help in the world becomes a muddy puddle of shitty affirmations, thorned gaslighting, and useless guilt. If one more person tells me "have you tried yoga/deepbreaths/vitamin B..." Ugh. Who am i kidding? This is tumblr, where you can always find somone who says exactly what you are thinking ( #omgmetho #datme #meirl ). Weve all heard the "stop giving advice and atart taking it " speech, we're all likely to have read some post about the "evils" and " abuses" of therapy and inpatient treatment, and I'll bet a paper hat, some vending machine doodad, or some shitty-yet-adorably-hipsterly prize that within 100 reblogs someone links to some news article about "Queer Youth Completes Suicide And We Think You Will Pay Us to Feel Bad About It, Don't Forget To Like, Share, and Subscribe to Trevor Project, Your Reblog Will Save A Life (And Keep Us Relevant For Our Advertisers)." Tomorrow(well, next daylight hours) my 26-year-old depressed college freshman self is going to walk into my schools coubseling office and tell them i never recieved the location for the therapist they reffered me to (true story--Honestly not avoiding treatmwnt, even if it is useless) and request a second referral. Ill sit through some lecture about self-advocacy veiled in "concerned questions" and once again be misgendered, deadnamed, and criticized for giving a fuck (note: commenters looking to describe me with the word "cuck," i see you there, good for you, let me know how that white kkknight holier than thou red pill rage fest dopamine addiction is filling the gaping void of existential dread within you). After that, there is always a small chance they'll see just how depressed i am, and faster than you can say "looney is a word based in misogynistic beliefs of womens mental health and menstrual cycles being unhealthily and unscientifically connected to the moon," ill be fielding questions which boil down to "do you want to kill yourself" and "do you have a plan." By this time in my life, i've gotten pretty used to BSing my way around psychology. All it really takes is knowing that all they can take you on is your word, and nothing else. "Do you want to kill yourself?" they ask, and i reply "*short pause, heavy, short exhale denoting weight and truth* Well, yeah. But quite frankly, suicidal ideation is a part of my everyday life- nothing i do isn't plagued with some form of "i should wrap this mouse cord aroubd my neck and die" or " i wonder if that branch is strong enough to support my weight" or "man, my head hurts, but i bet a bottle or two of ibuprofen could make it stop." For me, its not a question of wanting to die, its a matter of what do i have to live for, and ive been through enough inpatient DBT and group therapy to help me cope, using breathing techniques and self-care tips to push me through the worst of it." This is usually if not always all they need to hear. Sure, im depressed, but anything they could tell me is something i know and am already doing-i sound to them more like a patient leaving inpatient than one entering it. Our hospitals are overfilled, understaffed, prqctucally unfunded; if im "stable" im staying out of their ledger book. Occasionally, they still worry, having one of those "consciences" their peers claim to have lost when a schizophrenic patient tried to bite their ear off, and ask a follow up "but are you sure? You seem distressed, and if you need some help, we are here for you," to which all i have to do is look at them through sad, but strong eyes and say "Thank you, but i have a great support network of friends and of course, my boyfriend. He's fantastic, and one of the most important things to have happened to me. He keeps me on this side of the dirt." A small tired chuckle, and their focus diverts towards affirmations of how good it is to have support, their therapy brains running on autopilot. Then all it needs is some "active" listening, uh-huhs, and compliant assurance that ill keep working on myself to assuage them of any guilt or corncern. Maybe, though, ill tell them the truth, and let them take me in. Three hots and a cot, after all. I'll fight through my dysphoria as they ogle every nook and cranny of my malformed body trying to see if im hiding a weapon or some drugs; I'll continue to insist on a private room and remind them calmly yet firmly that no, i will *not* room with a male, and their lack of knowledge on how to treat a transgender non-binary patient is well behind on proper treatment according to WPATH, the APA, and our state govt. When i get a room, theyll say that i should take as much time as i need to get acclimated, and not worry about what the rwat of group is qorking on, and then contradict themselves within 5 minutes and say i need to go to group, theyre waiting on me. In my fresh new scrubs, ill walk in and within seconds, ill identify how th staff monitors who came in when (usually different colored scrubs based on different halves of the week, and of course, anyone likely to leave within 48 hours wearing "normal" clothes), and see the therapist or doctor talking about emotional management techniques. When i sit down, eeyes will be on me, some with looks of angey jusgemwnt, some with awe and wonder: what could THEY be in for? The group leader will ask me my name, ill state it and my pronouns (to several uncomfortable shifts in the room), and theyll let me know what they were talking about. Ill make a good effort to participate, play along, etc. Someone in the group will be desperate to control the conversation, talking more and more as if this entire experience is just for them- another person will be too dissociated to say anyrhing, despite the doctors attebpts to get them to open up. Already, the cliques will become apparent; humans are aocial creatures, after all. When we leave for the next scheduled activity (either rec or lunch, depending on the time) the docs will be watching me- im on suicide watch, and they expe t me to jump out a window or try and slit my wrists with a paperclip or something. Im not a danger in this regard; ive been threatened with solitary and ECT if i dont comply before- i am their prisoner and i must comply. Within an hour or two of being there, ill be able to notice how well funded they are (or more likely, arent.) The quality of their reading materials; the availability of puzzles abd how well taken care of they appear. Recreation will be the most bare of kindergarden activities; coloring books, maybe a tv with basic cable. A daycare for adults, abd not the cool buzzfeed articles. Someone, probably an addict, will be trying to fanangle their attendee into giving them special treatement- a snack, or an extra smoke break. I'll be sitting in a corner, smirking- the staff arent even an eigth as dumb as this person thinks, and they've seen this type before. They might get something, but itll cost them sour looks from staff and less accommodating treatment with the doctors. After the second hour, we'll have another activity (second group, rec, or maybe "outside time" if its a particularly fancy facility; while the sun will certainly be shining, our feelings of freedom will be dampened by the high fances and walls keeping us from getting away). This is usually wheb the realization sets in that im stuck here for 72 hours plus, and ill be counting them down to stave off boredom. 15-30 minutes in to this third hour, ill be called in to meet tye psychiatrist, fisrt meeting with an attendee to fill out the generic details, then 30-45 minutes of diagnosis before im told ill be put on ab antidepressant, an anxiolytic, and tramodol, a sedative marketed as "something to help me sleep" and "another antidepressant" which makes me laugh every time. Tramodol is the auppressant, the "slow down" drug which helps keep everyobe on a nice, calm level thats safer for the orderlies. Were i violent, id concur; instead, i begin to wonder how long it will take before i no longer feel persistently asleep once i leave. A couple weeks, likely. Hopefully, the food will be good, but not likely 5 star- one place ive stayed had been cooking for us in the break room, sometimes PB&J, sometimes microwaved quesadillas. Maybe theyll have more drink options than coffee, water, and sugar-free koolaid- maybe not. Likely not. Some of us will complain; most of us will know it is a fruitless endeavor. After another group or two, it will be dinner, then wrap up group. We will discuss what progress we think we made today, and be sent to bed after meds are distributed in little paper ketchup cups. Most places wont do the "cuckoos nest" tongue check, but some will, particularly the ones with kleptos and pill ODers. Lights oyt will be around 10 pm, the beds will be plasticky and the blankets thin, and sleep will only cone rhanks to our sedatives. Day two, we'll be woken early, around 6-7, by an orderly checking our blood pressure and body temp. Well all gather in the hallway, rubbing sleep out of our eyes and head to the eating area for breakfast- which loooking back will likely be the best meal of the day, not the least be ause we have access to augar and caffiene. By now, i will likely have made a friend, probably with an older woman or two, and we will enjoy surreptitiously smirking at each other when the teoublemaker patwnt tries to get an omlette or something silly. Someone will start telling fanciful stories dreamed up in the night; talk will eventually turn to who is leaving today. The orderlies will be trying to not look too interested in what we reveal to each other instead of them. They will not succeed in this. Ths first morning they will use as a test of how i deal with frustration. An older nurse will act exasperated, as though taking care of me is a curse she was tasked with. She will try to cut theough any response i give her, and rudely discount anything i try to say, as if accuaing me of lying. Knowing it is coming doesnt help it hurt less. If it overwhelms me, ill be labeled as dramatic- if not, as detached. Sluggish from the new medications, i will be treated as though i ahould not be here, and will be led aroubd more quickly than i am rady to be. I will notice that part of it is that i am beginning to realize how broken down i feel i am. Reaching out will result in canned answers and "the doctor is busy's". After all, this iant about me, and theyve seen my type before. At lunch, i will be upset by the bland meal, abd ask if they have any hot sauce, or maybethey will be out of a preferred tea, or the food will not be enough to feed me. The newcomer who arrived at morning group will share a look with the quiet patient. I will try not to notice the parallels. A therapist will ask to talk to me today. It may be a nice session, but will essebtially boil down to "let me give you ideas for solving your problems, so that your depression seems more managed." By the end of the day, they will already begin my release plan. Theyve fixed me, they are sure. I will also get my clothes back. The aurvey will be slightly different today; instead of asking on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being best abd 10 being worst how was my day, it will be the opposite: scale of 1-10 with 1 being worst and 10 being best. This way, they can track how much is me being honest, and how much is me remembering numbers to fake it. (Once, a nurse messed up so often that it was a sentence by sentence change). Later, if there is any improvement, it will be used by the hospital as signs that treatment is helping; if it gets worse, that i had a rough day and shouldnt think much of it. Bedtime will come, and i will relish it- being sedated takes a lot out of a person. When morning comes, the eggs will feel soggy and cereal with be a much better choice. A bagel will be carried into morning group and more DBT will be discussed. I will mostly be checked out; they are pulling most of their material from a 12 step program, and the leader is a student of psychology learning how to help people, but ive heard it all before, and that sense of guilt just pushes me towards suicide harder. At this point, ill feel just how desperate they are to get me out; nurses eill hint at things being the "wrong" answer with " you dont REALLY mean that, do you sweetie?" and " well, you cant keep thinking THAT way, or we'll have to keep you here longer." Boredom and longing for home will encourage me to pretend to be better, and not tell them how last night before falling asleep i stared at the vedfrane wondering if i could take it apart and form a springwire noose, or tear the blankets to make a rope. When they ask if im feeling better, it will actually mean "are you done with your timeout from reality? Have you learned how to fit in properly yet?" The meds wont really begin having a noticable effect for months- they know im lying. What they hope for is a glimmer of hope and a mountain of guilt for wanting to hurt others by hurting myself. Ill fake those, too. Still, ill be misgendered. Still, theyll blame hormones and buzzfeed rather than neurology and chemistry. After all, im well-adjusted, not at all like the Caitlyn Jenners and Wachowskis they read about on their facebooks. Its just a phase, and im just confused. I didnt try to hurt myself- nothing is *really* wrong with me. What can i do? Try and strangle myaelf, or others? That just means im lashing out, and ill get a new med regime and another 3 days, this time strapped down. Being strapped to a bed and left alone is mind-numbingly boring. If i tell them i still want to kill myaelf, theyll just nod their head and tell me it will go away soon; if i say i have a plan, rheyll keep me playing chess and reading AA papers until i apologize. Their job is not to fix me, their job is to stabilize me and make sure i dont break myself more. The fixing is my responsibility. Day four is release day. They will claim i have made improvements and have me fill out an action plan for when i feel depressed again. It will include people i can call, and ways i can push through bad feelings. It is my exit exam.when i pass, ill be set up with a therapist outside the hospital later in the week, and told how to connect with various resources. They will think i didnt know there were trans support groups. I will think that if it was just a support group i needed, i wouldnt dream of death. Neither of us will admit these things. And so, ill come back to school. Late on homework, i will have to prostrate myaelf with dictors note beggibg for forgiveness. I will get it, more due to policy than empathy, and at the end of the day, i will lay in bed, stare up at the ceiling, and contemplate which of my top three anchor spots would be the best ending to my story. Other than medical bills, nothing will have changed. Life drones on. I think i understand why death seems,so much better. In death, i can pretend there is a solution. In death, i can imagine a cure. In death, i can envision a caretaker and easier existence. It doesnt matter that death is the end of it all- i can pretend it willl be more, and my imagination can create many comforts in that void. But even death is a lie, and nothing will ever stop hurting.
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lizziebennet · 8 years
Order of favorite to least favorite Harry Potter movies and why? :)
i love getting questions like this!!! 
this movie is the Official™ best harry potter movie. director alfonso cuaron (who would later go on to win a best director oscar for gravity) completely elevated the series from chris columbus’ movies that were obviously aimed towards children. cuaron took the source material seriously and gave us a well-crafted, well-directed, and pretty faithful harry potter movie. PoA isnt my fave book – not even close to my fave actually but this is both the best movie cinematically and the adaptation that is most enjoyable to watch over and over and over again. there are some sticky moments tho: dan’s acting in the infamous “HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!!!!” scene, the opening scene not making any sense .. at all…,  the character of dumbledore just… in general, the introduction of ron as a vehicle solely for comic relief, and the dropping of wizarding robes at hogwarts. listen, i can complain ab small things from every hp movie for HOURS but overall this movie is just FANTASTIC!! the score!!!!!!!!!! the only movie where they got harrys hair right!!!!! and definetly has the best ending of any harry potter movie. if u wanna know more ab why this movie is awesome check out this video essay which goes in depth about cuaron’s directoral style in this movie.
i feel like this is such an underrated hp movie tbh. goblet of fire is such an important book because it sets up the conflict for the rest of the series w voldemort’s return. and thats the main reason this movie gets my #2 spot tbh: the graveyard scene at the end of the movie. this movie isn’t perfect always, but the graveyard scene is a pivotal moment in the series and imo they hit it out of the park in this movie. they didn’t edit the scene to shorten it for time – they have harry and voldemorts first interaction be as tense and lengthy as it is in the books. the scene where voldemort comes out of the cauldron and rubs his head… it gives me chills every time. i think the dark parts of this movie is where it really shines – the opening with frank for example. it makes me SO happy that they opened the movie the same way they do in the book. they do a pretty good job w the character of moody and with showing harrys feelings of isolation and general angst. and yes, everyone has shitty hair in this movie but what can u do. i also take offense w the treatment of fleur in this movie… in fact whose idea was it to make beauxbatons an all female school? and durmstrang all male?? because that was a fucking dumb idea noah fence. another thing that i hate about this movie is the “conversation” between dumbledore and harry at the end of the movie – if you can even call it that. the talk they have in his office in the books is integral to the plot going forward and it is so shitty that they just had like a .2 second scene instead. actually, dumbledore is just horrible throughout this whole movie. another infamous moment w the “DIDYA PUT UR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE!?!??!?!” i remember that michael gambon (dumbledore) just refused to read the books ever and they completely missed the mark on dumbledore. i actually know of a lot of hp fans who hate this movie but i
i know this is a lot of people’s fave or second fave harry potter movie, but i just couldnt give it that #2 spot. its tough because hbp is my 2nd favorite book behind ootp and it means so much to me and there are just some things the movie royally fucks up that i cannot give it so much praise even though, overall it is a good movie. simply put: if i hadn’t read the books this might be my #1 or #2 movie. but alas i have so i get to judge it harshly. lets start out with what the movie does well: this movie does a gREAT job of being a coming-of-age film. we really get a sense of the characters growing up and being teens in this movie and its great and hilarious at some points. this movie also does the best job with the harry/dumbledore relationship. michael gambon stretches himself to be closer to the soft and omniscient dumbledore from the books. he doesnt exactly get there for me but its closer than in any other film with him. they do a good job with the pensive stuff and the introduction of horcruxes, and with the climax of dumledore’s death. the reemergence of quidditch is lovely. HOWEVER, this biggest most irksome thing that i just cannot get over in this movie is the fucking MESS that is harry and ginnys relationship. one of my absolute favorite parts of the book is their relationship – the way harry pines for her and the way they get together (”several sunlit days”!) and they just completely throw all of that in the trash along with ginny’s character. i also dont love how hermione is portrayed in this movie. the way they did her and ron’s relationship is just… not great. in the books its so obvious that they belong together but in the movies its like theyre both just stupid. this movie does a fantastic job of balancing comedy – giving us some of the funniest scenes in an y harry potter movie – with the darkness and threat of voldemort. the way the did the whole sequence in the cave is great. the scene where the death eaters attack the burrow is stupid and unnecessary however. and while i think they do a great job like telling the story in this movie, they dont really go deeper into harrys psyche which is one of my favorite parts of the book – harry realizing and accepting his role as the savior of the wizarding world. the prophecy is kind of ignored in the movies which is … lame but we also miss out of some of my favorite book moments: harry understanding why his parents died and vowing to fight voldemort w his last breath, harry flipping out when he learns that snape is the one who overheard the prophecy, harry fighting scrimgeour. overall, this is a fun movie to watch and it isn’t half bad, but it couldve been so much more in my opinion. 
the original!!!!!!!!!! i rewatched this recently and this is ?? such a solid movie?? most of the credit for this being a good movie goes to jkr for writing a great book, but still they coudlve easily fucked up this movie and then there wouldn’t be a franchise!!!!! so i have to give it a lot of credit. it does a wonderful job of introducing us to the wizarding world, giving us our main characters, and giving us hOGWARTS. the pacing of the movie is great, the kids are soo soosososo cute in it i cant even stand it!!!!! the comedic beats hit, the emotional beats hit. the one beef i have with this movie is that they cast like 40 yr olds to be james and lily in the mirror of erised and they are not!!!!! that old !!!!!!! also they do a great job w effects considering when it was made. watching this movie is like being held by a warm blanket of childhood memories and i love it so much. 
im sure some of you are surprised to see this movie so far down on my list but guess what this movie fucking infuriates me!!!!! let me just start by saying that the majority of this film is actually really good. but the small percentage of the movie that isnt good RUINS THE WHOLE THING FOR ME!!!!!! ill start with the good tho: the gringots sequences. badass. the cinematography in this movie is just like 5x better than most of the series so well done them. snape’s memories sequence is just like really fucking good okay ill give them that like the moment harry looks up after emerging from the pensive knowing he has to die GIVES ME CHILLS. voldemort killing harry in the forest. this is well shot and executed scene. harry being dead and talking w dumbledore is good too one of the only times michael gambon like acts so. the courtyard apocalypse scene. hermione’s “ill go with you”. while i object to this scene being in the movie that line is [gets choked up and cant continue]. like i said the majority of the movie is good, great even. BUT THEY FUCK UP SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT PARTS OF THE ENTIRE SERIES!!!!!!!!!! lets start slow: ariana dumbledore. bet u forgot she was in this movie. dont worry the writers did too. why did they make harry some kind of horcrux gps???? no???? WHY DOES HOGWARTS RANDOMLY HAVE A BOATHOUSE THAT WE’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE?? AND WHY DID SNAPE DIE THERE?? ron and hermiones kiss in the chamber of secrets was stupid and doesnt compare to the moment in the books. dont even get me stARTED on harry and ginny. THEM NOT MENTIONING THAT REMUS AND TONKS ARE MARRIED/HAVE A KID UNTIL LUPIN IS DEAD RIP. those things bother me but nothing compares to the fucking mess that is everything after harry comes back to life. good god its the fucking most important act in the entire series… and it is a complete disaster in my opinion. just so many?? horrible?? decisions?? starting with voldemorts speech after harry is “dead”.. why did he hug draco. why. also i dont get nevilles speech at all that was stupid. the reveal that harry was alive is stupid. the fact that they dont kill the snake and have it be like this ooo will they kill the snake in time thing is STUPID. voldemort wrapping harry up in his robes?????? why???? voldemort and harry jumping off a building together???? WHY???? voldemort and harry melding faces????? WHY?????!?!?!?!?!??!?! it just doesnt make any sort of logical sense and its not so exciting to watch. why wouldnt voldemort just KILL HARRY ANY OF THOSE TIMES??? iT DOESNT MAKE SENSE?? i fukcinNNGNNG hate it im sorry. and the final like showdown between them is just not as good as it is in the books??? like them circling each other in the great hall with everyone watching as dawn breaks >> them crawling through rubble outside on a bridge. also it REALLY FUCKING IRKS ME THAT VOLDEMORT LIKE DISINTEGRATES INTO PAPER WHEN HE DIES LIKE. that completely undoes a lot of what the books are saying and like lessens the impact of his death imo. the whole point is that he was trying to be like this immortal god but in the end he died just like everyone else he was HUMAN. they also do that w bellatrix like when molly kills her she like ?? explodes?? it just lessens their deaths i think. and the lack of closure with the elder wand like harry just fucking throwing it into the distance is DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugg ugg ugg. i know my expectations were high and i know its a tough task to finish the series buT they really let me down with the FUCKING CLIMAX OF THE SERIES. like guys it was epic enough in the books u dont need to add this nonsense!!! jfc!!!!
noah fence this movie is just really unenjoyable to watch. its a tough movie to make bc its like 95% just setting up for what happens in part two, but i think they def couldve done a wayyy better job in some areas. one of the great things ab deathly hallows the book is harrys psyche and how angry he is with dumbledore, how he is trying to figure out these clues, his desperation, his fascination with the hallows etc. they really underplayed harrys anger with dumbledore imo giving it just one or two scenes and a handful of moments when i think it couldve been such an interesting emotional core of the movie. they do a good job showing the war and having it be like war movie and being isolated. but they struggle with pace in this one a LOT. however two sequences really stand out to me as Good: 1. bathilda bagshot’s house. in the theater the snake was TERRIFYING waiting for it to jump out that was a good action sequence. 2. the tale of the three brothers. beautiful animation. the ron/hermione conflict with couldve been another emotional center of the movie is glossed over in my opinion (maybe this has something to do w the fact that emma watson can not act like she is enraged???). overall meh tho. i dont go to rewatch this one very often. 
this movie is………….. not great. again it relies totally and completely on jkrs work for any of the good parts of this movie and considering that this may be my least favorite book well…. the camera work in this movie is just bad honestly like they just plop the camera in one spot and film the scene???? gilderoy lockhart is HILARIOUS in this movie however a real gem. there are some good sequences and i love this movie but there are also lots and lots of cringey moments. 
i debated whether i hate this movie or CoS more but ultimately decided on this one because this movie makes me so angry and CoS is just like moderately not great. [deep breath] ok guys heres the thing: OOTP is my favorite harry potter book. and this movie takes exactly zero (0) of my favorite things about the book and does them in the film. the tone of this movie is angst and suffering but not even in a good way. i love LOVE the angst in the book because it is justified it is raw it is harry working through his feelings and being attacked from every side. the movie just communicates…. sad. theyre just like “oh lets uh have this be blue toned… nice.” they do not go deeper than the plot of OOTP, just the events that happen. they dont get into the story, the message, the POINT OF THE BOOK!!!!!!!!! were they afraid to have people yell in this movie??? like ??? they have mrs figg be soft spoken and just like murmur to harry and uncle vernon and aunt petunia dont really go in at harry like its all very tame?? and then THEY MISS OUT ON HARRY DRAGGING RON AND HERMIONE SO HARD WHEN HE GETS TO THE BURROW!!!!! an iconique scene that instead harry just like says some stuff passive aggressively and then fred and george come and are like “we thought we heard u yelling harry” like how??? he was just speaking at a normal voice??? the movie skips out on the fascinating moments with the order at grimmold place and with ginny and the weasleys to instead give us sirius naked in some weird room at the train station and harry dreaming about voldemort in a suit??? why????????? generally they do a good job with the umbridge stuff but again fail to communicate the deeper meaning of what the fuck is happening like the mINISTRY OF MAGIC IS DENYING THIS!! and what does that do to harry?? and his angst?? some of the stuff with the DA is good but some of it is… not. this movie really fails when they try to incorporate comic relief. it doesnt land great and it just makes me think about how much time we are wasting on this when we could be doing other things. FOR EXAMPLE GRAWP????? GRAWP.  i hate the dumbledore stuff in this movie. like. their relationship isnt set up enough in the previous movies to understand how hurt harry is by dumbledore. instead we get like half-assed scenes like when harry just like calls “sir” to dumbledore but he walks away fast like. really?? THE WAY THEY DID SNAPES’ WORST MEMORY [SCREAMS FOR 1200 YEARS]. LAZY! AS! SHIT! GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD GOD WHAT A NIGHTMARE WHAT A TOTAL DISASTER MY GOODDDddddddd AND THEN ITS LIKE NEVER EVEN ADDRESSED AGAIN???? JESUS CHRIST I SWEAR TO GOD THIS MOVIE IS A MESS. the break into the ministry is okay… its starts the david yates trend of like not saying spells while ur dueling and just having like bright lights come from ur wand which i HATE and also the stupid trend of death eaters apparating with black smoke which i HATE. i have mixed feelings about “nice one james.” sirius’s death is GOOD like the way they have it silent with harry like screaming i like that they did a good job a+. however dumledore and voldemorts fight is……….. strange and just not as good as in the books. also when voldemort possesses harry and harry like has a chat w him?? DUMB. and that leads me to the greatest sin of all…… the reason this movie gets the last ranking… THE LACK OF HARRY AND DUMBLEDORE’S TALK AFTER SIRIUS’S DEATH. my absolute favorite moment in the books. unparalleled. some of the best writing i have ever seen in my life. JUST COMPLETELY GONE. IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY MENTION LIKE THE PROPHECY IN THE MOST FUCKING LAZY WAY EVER IN LIKE HALF OF A SCENE THAT LASTS 1 MINUTE. AND JUST SHOW SOME LAME ASS NEWSPAPER MONTAGE WHICH IS SOOOOOO LAZYYY OH MY GOOOOOODDDDDDDDD. we get NO emotional resolution for harry and dumbledore. we get NO resolution for harry and sirius. its like these events that happen have ZERO consequences. THE PROPHECY!!!! THAT IS THE CENTRAL PART OF THE STORY MY GOD!!! harry finds out he is THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST CUT OUT OF THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT NO WE NEED A SCENE WHERE FILCH GETS BOILS!!!!!!!!! like harry after sirius’s death is so critical like him asking nick if sirius can come back…. harry smashing the mirror… you get none of that emotional depth, that grieving. the ending of the movie is also stupid. also why tf is harry wearing a BLAZER????? god i hate this movie. 
i swear i did not mean for this to get so long but once i start talking about harry potter i CANNOT shut up im so sorry and thanks for asking babe
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