#i can only hug her
lemongogo · 10 months
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i just like his long hair ok 🧎
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kotoal1011 · 5 months
Having a plushie of your f/o is amazing, but also, consider: your f/o having a little plushie of you. Even if they're considered to be cold and stoic, they treat the plushie as their most beloved possession– because it is. They take care of it, they keep it near whenever they're watching or playing something, they even give it a goodnight kiss before holding it tight and falling asleep.
Bonus: imagine you and your f/o making the plushies of both of you kiss.
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iridescentoracle · 6 months
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i am so obsessed with how like. taken as read the ot3 are at this point. like on the one hand it feels like they've been building up to this for ages but on the other hand it kind of feels like i blinked and we skipped right past some Major Turning Point where everything got spelled out and we're just already in firmly Established Relationship-land. obviously tarvek is too well-protected for anyone to assassinate openly, look how angry his boyfriend and girlfriend are at the idea of anyone threatening him. at this point i'm half-convinced agatha's just going to refer to her boyfriends in passing to someone else and no one's even going to comment on it until van finds out twenty pages later and immediately starts making everyone pay up
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thedisablednaturalist · 4 months
literally my boyfriend is my painkiller.
Whenever I'm with him my pain goes down so much I can ignore it. Yea sometimes there's days where nothing helps the pain but at least he's there to take care of me. Most times tho his presence has a drastic effect on my pain levels. Maybe it's cause when he's around I feel less stressed and more safe and secure? Or maybe it's cause he's basically a human-shaped heating pad
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mlmarint · 4 months
not me actually thinking eddie was REALLY JUST dreaming
not even for a SECOND i thought kim would could actually change her hair and pretend to be like what??? a ghost of a mans dead wife,????she met him like a week ago??
the level of insanity that this plot is like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK
this is it
this might be the end of my eddie apologist era
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ssaraexposs · 6 months
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The way he wants to prove WRONG to Atsushi. The way he wants to prove that he's not like Dazai. He knows Kyouka deserved better from him and also knows he actually owes her. After everything they've been through, he saw the change in her eyes. He's seen how much she's grown, and how much she worked for become the girl he saw in that right moment.
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fung-fungus · 2 months
the way jack is like “he’s fine” when will, sick as a dog, shot a man outside of alana’s house at ass o’ clock is ASTOUNDING
like ik jack’s always terrible and overworks will but why does it take hannibal urging jack to do something?
why did no one but hannibal notice will was sick and not doing well AND did something about it?
ik it’s an obvious running theme about the ablism in how people besides hannibal treat will (yes even beverly) but god every time i find a new instance of it or a new angle i fly in to rage
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
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.... well this noir Vaggie au edit got waaay out of hand ha ha!
self indulgent au lore under the cut bc WEEEE
Detective Vaggie finally got enough blackmail on Valentino for Charlie and Angel to pin him in a corner, but as Vaggie expected, Angel Dust ends up doing what almost every other Sinner has done after Vaggie hands the evidence over to them, and chooses to just accept Valentino’s renegotiated and seemingly better soul contract rather than break it and make a mortal enemy out of an Overlord
Of course the first thing Val does is force Angel Dust to destroy the evidence they’d used against him, just like every other Overlord Vaggie's worked against always has, leaving Angel at his mercy again
And also leaving Charlie devastated. She'd given Angel her promise of protection as soon to be crowned king of hell-
(long story) (Lucifer wanted to kill Vaggie for scarring Charlie a few years back and Charlie had to beat him up to stop him) (the Overlords, led by Velvette and the Vees, decided to flex their power by saying this invalidated Lucifer as king and made Charlie the new ruler of hell) (she reluctantly accepted because..)
-hoping it would be enough to counter any Overlord threat against Angel once he was free
Ironically though, Angel Dust having come to see her as a friend after all this and not wanting to put her in the line of fire ends up with him sticking with Val instead, who gloats about it, and tells Charlie to her face what he'll do to her friend and her pet P.I. if she (as soon to be king) doesn't back down and let the Vees do all the real running of hell (like they already have been)
Charlie the Pissed let's slip she's had enough of Val as she leaves his studio (both her and the studio being on fire)
No one takes her little threat seriously, except for Vaggie, who sees Charlie picking up and weighing Vaggie's spear in her hands when she thinks she's alone. Vaggie freaks out realizing Charlie is about to go do a murder
So Vaggie decides to break her own no-more-murder vow AGAIN for a girl AGAIN (last time was for Velvette) and she kills Valentino before Charlie can reach him, regaining her wings (kinda), absorbing his demonic energy (yuck), belatedly becoming one of the Vees like Velvette had once wanted (not in the way Velvette had wanted), and accepting all Val's soul contracts including Angel’s, which she breaks
She also breaks the truth of everything to Charlie on coronation day-
(maybe also breaking up with or getting dumped by her, even though they weren’t even dating)
-confessing to the murder and her exorcist past
Now that she’s an Overlord and Charlie’s about to be King of Hell, anything publicly personal between them (like Vaggie staying the basement of Charlie's abandoned hotel instead of sleeping in an alleyway next to a dumpster every night) would throw the other Overlords into a rage over the power imbalance with normal sinners caught in the crossfire or getting used as canon fodder, something neither Vaggie or Charlie can stomach
Besides which Vaggie feels 0% worthy of Charlie anymore after breaking her no-murder vow, and Charlie is feeling more things than she knows how to name about that and the exorcist thing, none of them good
Their last kiss (for now) leaves claw marks on Vaggie’s face to match the scar she gave Charlie all those years ago-
(which Charlie has finally also confessed to her about, to Vaggie's horror, Vaggie having blotted the memory out after binge drinking with Husk the following week)
-the scar from when Vaggie happened to still be holding her spear as Charlie reached out to help her, and ended up lashing out instead of flinching back, unintentionally driving away Charlie and their happy life together
(this shit luck is what pinged Overlord Husk's gambling powers and led him to Vaggie, meanwhile Angel dropped a paying client to go check on the random demon chick- Charlie- soon to be nicknamed Apple Slice by him- holding her bleeding face in her hands as she stumbled down the street in a daze)
Charlie and Vaggie made do with other friends when what they both most needed was each other
They’ve both been miserable and lonely since then, had only just started to build up what they should have had together all along while camping out at the old hotel working on Angel's case together, but the case is done and now…. this
This is NOT a good timeline for them (yet)
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moliathh · 11 months
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child’s play
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writterings · 4 months
i gotta say one of my favorite things from nyc pride was when my mom (who loves to go to pride events) was talking to an older drag queen and the queen was jokingly flirting with her in the way lesbians and gays flirt with each other sometimes and my mom rolled with it but then had to explain she wasn't a lesbian and that she was just there for me and she called me over and i was wearing a bear pride mask so the queen pet my hair and was like "oh what a cute baby bear. you have a great mom." anyways that was cute as hell and i'll remember that drag queen forever.
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esmes · 8 months
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uncriticalbunny · 1 year
sydney and carmy have such a deranged dynamic so it's very funny when people try to put them in a "professional coworkers" box like bffr nothing about their relationship is professional
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whiskeyswifty · 5 months
i think clara bow is my favorite right now. god it's so good, its so smart and so beautifully produced. it SOUNDS fatalist, like it's the lyrics yes but how it's just her voice and a guitar at the beginning, how her start began. the violins coming in and the way it builds and builds it's sound like her career built over time and how she gets closer and closer to making it, bigger and bigger as a star. and then when she's at the top, she has it all, finally what she wanted, the instrumental falls away as it's quiet at the top, lonely but peaceful because she did it. she can rest now, right? well, then she says "thems the breaks they don't come gently" to transition as on the horizon she sees the new her, just starting out and shiny and new. her tower has already begun to crack and crumble. Finally, the song ends with the same instrumental that it started with, that guitar strums up again just as hers did once, as a new girl, the new her, begins her rise. the one who will take her place has already been born.
it's so poignant to hear her depict it this way, so matter of factly and without any pain or any vindictiveness. having broached this topic before many times before, she's feared it for so long. how her star will one day wane and it won't be her fault. It's just the way of things. but this is a glimpse into how she really feels about it now that its finally happening. what it feels like to see her destroyer in her infancy, knowing who she will grow to be. and what is she to do? smother the infant in it's sleep? another will come, and another and another. the song feels mournful but with resignation that she was once that person to usurp own heroes, and those who idolize her will tear her statue down one day to erect their own in it's place, and that's the way of things. should she prepare this girl, or warn this girl? should she tell her everything that is to come? the song really just takes more of a stance of remove like she'll learn, but she will learn when she faces it, and that's the only way to understand it. growing older and losing that sparkle and shine, which she was still chasing for a while but perhaps has realized there's no use. in all the iterations of this confrontation with her fate before, she's beat back against it, wallowed in deep sadness over it in Nothing New, how she white knuckle held onto it in YOYOK because she's different and special, and even how she quite naively assures her predecessor that she understands, or she thinks she does, but she will not give it away so easily, because not now, not yet, maybe the ones who came before her gave it up so easily but not her, she won't, not ever. but here, it's not a "they WILL say" or a "one day", she says "You look like Taylor Swift" presently, now. she's looking her destroyer in the face. or someone is saying it to her destroyer now. Her statement of it feels like a concession and maybe a recognition, finally, without the anger and without the desperation to hold on. a nod maybe from across the room. as if to say "yes, it's you, it'll be you, if you do it right. I know because you are like me, and I was like the one who came before who were like the one who came before, and on and on it went and on and on it will go. i would say congrats, but one day you'll understand why that isn't quite fitting and why i'm not putting up as much of a fight anymore. and i know now it's not mine to give, but it is yours to take." because maybe it's because she see's with a bit more clarity, finally, that her predecessors might not have left it all behind, bowed out, because they wanted to. perhaps they all felt like her, they were all just like her, never wanting to let go. while the first parts of the song feel like what's happening to her is so singular, what are the odds! perhaps she's never been that special in the grand scheme of things, each of them always like someone else that came before her and there will always be someone like them to come. they all only ever left it because they had to, the writing was on the wall, and they knew that the only choice they had was whether or not they'd bow out gracefully. Retain a piece of dignity and take their place among the stars to shine down on the next pretty, sparkly thing.
And i love it as a closing track because it while her romantic life may be in turmoil, while she may have lost herself completely as her life imploded, this is one thing she found surprising clarity about. this has been the way of things for a century plus. she can wave away all that frivolity and finally have a real conversation with herself about something real and true, something only time could tell her. admit to herself that the new sparkle, that dazzle, I'm not chasing it anymore, it's futile and i don't need it as much as i used to. and anyway my destroyer is already here. but when she finally arrives that fateful day to break down my door, i'll be sure to leave it unlocked for her.
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makorragal-312 · 4 months
I think that since Chris is gonna be struggling with forgiving Eddie in the finale and Buck will most definitely be involved, it would be a good opportunity if the show did a call back to the conversation Buck and Chris had back in Season 4 after Chris ran away.
Picture this:
Maybe Eddie tells Buck what happened and he asks him to stay with Chris since he isn't talking to him anymore. So Buck goes to see Chris and tries to check on him, asking how he's feeling about everything. And Chris is silent for a little bit but eventually asks:
"Do you remember when I ran to your place after my dad told me about Ana and you thought it was because I was scared of forgetting about Mom? And I had said that I did wish that I could forget her?"
"Yeah. Why?"
And then Chris looks up at Buck with tears in his eyes and an expression of hurt and anger and Buck knows that he's thinking back to that night. And Chris tells him:
"That was why."
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 month
Aww Lando and his mom 😭😭😭🧡🧡🧡
Lando and his mum today were just so adorable and cute and sweet 🥹🥹
I was talking about this with @f1-birb earlier but it's just so nice to see a man not being embarrassed about being ao openly affectionate with his family.
Lando just seems so comfortable with his parents. He happily accepts hugs and kisses and gives them ones in return. He properly hugs them both, and he's just not embarrassed, doesn't feel the need to hide it or keep it off camera and it's so sweet to see.
Honestly you can just tell by looking at him and his parents that Lando and his siblings just grew up surrounded by so much love and warmth.
It's just really nice to see it 🥹
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 6 months
the way that in mandy’s first ever scene she stands tall and walks and speaks with such confidence, but by her last scene she seems embarrassed and more timid. free my girl she did nothing wrong
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